VoLXXXn—No. 14
Kntcrrrl *• Srrond-CUuw MftUr office. Om&ria, Nebraaka, under Act 01;f
Council Calls for 'Common Table' London (JTA)Tlie Council of Christians arid Jews, at its annual meeting here, called for •'new comprehensive and constructive remedies" to bring about a solution of the Arab-Israel conflict ond urged the United Nations to accept responsibility for "mediation ond for bringing the two parties to a common table." , These sentiments were incorporated in n resolution adopted Without dissent ufter Or. Cyril Garbctt, Archbishop of York and Crcttc of Israel, declared that this was a matter loaded with "political dynamite." He warned that Comments on cthe resolution, referred to the ouncil by its executive, should be made cautiously. No comments were made. The report from the executive referred to the "tragic massacre" at Klbya which It viewed with "grace anxiety." It welcomed the UN Security Council's appeal—In Its resolution on Kibyn—to both •Ides to act to prevent. further violence. It also declared that the lnter-rclated problems between Israel and the Arab states could not be solved In "piecemeal" fashion.
Zionist Leaders Appeal for Peace New York (JTA)—The Western Power*, especially t h e United States, were called upon to bring about ponce between Israel and the Arab states in addresses delivered by Dr. Nahum Goldmann, Chairman of the Jewish Agency executive, a n d Louis Llpsky, chairman of the American Zionist Council, nt the opening srs«lor» Friday of the first American Zionist Assembly. The Assembly, w h I o h closed Monday, was attended by 500 delegates elected by the eight lending Zionist parties In this country which have n total membership of 738,000. rtnbbl Abba Hillol Silver, who was scheduled to be one of the principal speak' ers at the opening session, sent a mcn>ac.e regretting bi3 Inability to attend tho Assembly because of rabbinical duties in Cleveland. He outlined his vlcwn in writlni: on subjects which the Assembly was discussing. Avraham ltarman, Israel Consul Clcrieral, greeted the delegates on behalf of the Israel Government. At Its session, the Assembly adopted a resolution recording "with profound gratification the tnstoric a n d invaluable aid" which the United States has rendered In bringing about the creation of Israel, an well ns the aid given to Israel Bince Its es'nbllshment. At the same time, the resolution calls attention to the fact that "of late certain policies of our State Department, with reipect to Israel, have contained the worst features" of pro-Arab appeasement.
Hazel So ;; Bond Dinner
^Sl«.mflr«b2J£Lr' pSSJ*-A*%5£I51IIISI*IUU «
Spotlight Israel lie Held Sunday Eve
Israel Bonds Build Roads
A dirt track in the Neccv, used by Bedouin i for countless rears, becomes a part of the new which connects Israel's potash works on the Dead Sea with Haifa. The road was built with Israel Bond fund*. On the left Is the original dirt track and on the right U the newly constructed road, both photos taken from the same spot.
Global Report NEW SHIPS Cologne (JTA) — The Israeli purchasing mission here made p bi details i on the first two vespublic sels to be supplied Israel under the terms of the reparations pact. One vessel will be a 7,000-ton freighter built especially to handle cltru3 exports while the second, o 10H)00-ton vessel, will bo able to transport 7,000 tons of citrus fruit i.nd 300 passengers. Both will be built in Hamburg for the Zlm Navigation Company of Haifa and both will be ready late in 1054. The passenger-cargo ship will be placed in service on the HaifaNew York run. BIO THREE United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— British, French and American representatives at the United Nations met to consider three possible resolutions dealing with the Syrian complaint to the Security Council against Israel's building a hydroelectric plant at Bnot Yaacov on the Jordan River. The resolutions which the representatives of the Big Three are considering, It was oald, are: 1. To
'U.S. Has Responsibility of Promoting Mid East Peace1 New York <WNS) — Former President Hurry S. Truman, addressing the decennial cclcbratto of the Amcrlcnn Committee tor the Wclzmann Institute of Science at a dinner at the Waldorf Astoria In memory of Dr. Chalm Weizmann, Israel's first President, declared that the United States has the responsibility of promoting peace between Israel and the Arab states and that unless the parties concerned "clt down and negotiate (heir differences, the present condition of smoldering violence will lead to graver dangers and new disasters." .Going back to early American history, Mr. Truman recalled that It was John Adams who was the first American President to approve tbo Idea of an independent Jewish state in Palestine nnd that it was an American Secretary of State, John Hay, who gave encouragement to the early Jewish settlers in Palestine in the 18th century. The former President pointed out that American support Of the establishment of Israel was
jqa N
not "an act of favoritism" but •was part and parcel of a bl-partlsan foreign policy In the Middle East which, he said, had been Instrumental in helping Syria nnd Lebanon achieve their independence, He noted that the first bill for aid to Israel had bl-partisan support and that "American support for Israel's independence today Li the support of our whole people, and not the Bupport of one or the other of our great political parties." Highlighting the dinner was the presentation to Mr. Truman of a bronze bust of Dr. Weizmann by tho noted American sculptor Robert 'Berks. The bust will have permanent placement in the projected Truman Library in Independence, Missouri. Abraham Felnlwrg, president of tho American Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science announced that over $300,000 had been raised at the dinner for the Wclzman Institute of Science, Israel's center of scientific research,
Bond Dinner No minimum purchase is required. Reservations may be made at the Israel Bond office, 713 City National Bank building, or calling AT 1177.
Reparation Talks Off in Austria
Vienna (WNS)—Dr. Reinhardt Kamitz, Minister of Finance, told Parliament that Austria does not consider itself responsible for the d a m a g e 3 suffered by Austrian during the Nazi regime and refer the matter back to Maj. Gen. Jewry that the Austrian Government's Vagn Bennike, UN truce superentry into reparation talks with visor In Palestine, with the suggestion that he look into the mat- representatives of world Jewish organizations was not motivated ter further; 2. To approve Gen. Bennike's original report that by any "obligation" to make resIsrael's project is detrimental to titution. Syrian Interests; or, 3. To declare Earlier, Chancellor Julius Raab the project a violation of the arm- tolcj Parliament that the negotiaistice and call for an investigation tions with Jewish groups had to determine what measures been entered into for the purpose should bo taken to protect Arab of ascertaining the claims and claims. whether they were justified. He said the negotiators for the world Jewish organizations had been TOKEN MEMORIAL GIFT ' Paris (JTA)—The British Em- advised that victims of Nazism bassy hero today presented 245,- other than Jews were claiming 000 francs to the World Memorial compensation and that any law for Jewish Martyrs as a token gift providing restitution to J e w s of the British Government "in ap- would in effect create a special preciation of the symbolic im- status for one group of Nazi vicportance of the project" to os; tims and thus constitute a violatablish a memorial for the 6,000,- tion of the equal treatment prin000 Jews annihilated by the Nazis. ciple of the Austrian constitution. In the meantime Jewish comAt a meeting in Cleveland addressed by Habbl Abba Hlllcl Sil- munity leaders hero voiced conver and Isaac Schneeroohn, pres- cern over the Government'* sevident of the executive committee erance of talks with the represenof the World Memorial for Jewish tatives of world Jewish organizaMartyrs in Paris, who is now In tions, and the community's newsthis country, the sum of $15,000 paper, Ncue Welt, noted editorialwas pledged for the project. Dr. ly that the Bonn Government had Silver donated the first $1,000 at displayed a "much kindlier" atthe meeting. titude toward the Jews than the Raab regime. HEFUGKES FROM CHINA Geneva (JTA)—A plane bearing 40 refugees from Communist China to Turkey and Israel left Hong Kong, the Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration announced here. The plane Jersualem (JTA)—David Ben was chartered by the ICEM. Gurlon, first Premier of the State of Israel, Monday handed his resignation to President Isaac Ben On Radio and TV Zvl, after five and one-half years of service. The Premier walked Sunday from 11:30 a. m. to to the Presidents office, accomnoon over WOW-Radlo, the panied by his military aide and Eternal Light will present "The hl3 secretary. Tower," written by Joseph Mindcl, It has been announced President Ben Indicated by the Jewish Theological later to the Jcwlfih Telegraphic Seminary of America. Agency that he will summon the "The Tower" 13 the Biblical leaders of the various parties and story of the tyrant King Nlmbegin this task of forming a new rod, who tried to defy God by government. He said he would establishing himself as the the formation of a new supremo ruler of all mankind, Cabinet to the leader of the largnnd the victory achieved by est party—Mapal. Abraham who proved to NimThe retiring Premier pointed out rod and his people Uiat no man Hint this was the first time in the can put himself in the place of hlstroy of "our renewed state" God. that a Premier was leaving the government and that it was of su-
As the date for the Israel Bond Dinner approaches, the cash r e ceipts for tola year's Israel Bond Campaign are well ahead of last year's total, Morton Richards, general chairman of the bond drive, announced. Hazel Scott, noted Broadway, motion picture, recording star and concert pianist, will present an outstanding musical program this Sunday evening at the gala Israel Bond Dinner to be held in the Blackstona Hotel, Julius GInsburg, a Chicago industrialist, who has recently returned from a trip to Israel, will be guest speaker. Miss Scott, _who is just back from her first European concert tour, will offer, a program of classical (elections and modern popular works. Miss Scott made her first public appearance at the age of 12 with a girls' band. After four years of study at the Julllard School of Music In New York' City, she achieved success on radio, In cafe society and leading New York night clubs. On her first tours as a piano recltullst, she won approval for her unusual programs which combined t h o classics with her own lnventlvo compositions, such works as "A Tale of Four, Cities," and "Caribbean Fete," as s wcll as boogie woogle. Mr. Ginsburg has gained a national reputation not only or organizer and administrator, but also as sparkling and powerful orator. His background of practical experience in both labor and business, coupled with a firsthand review of Israel's economic development, has m a d e him uniquely qualified to assess the potential of Israel's growth and to survey the extent of the young nation's achievements. (See story on Page 3).
Israel Minister To Talk With UJA New York (JTA)—Lev! Eskhol, Minister of Finance of the State of Israel, arrived here today to:; confer In tho next 10 days with leaders of the United Jewish. Appeal and to help the UJA map Its' 1954 nationwide campaign. He will take part this coming week-end in the UJA's annual national conference opening Friday at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. ..The conference, with more than 1,200 Jewish leaders in attendance from all parts of the country, to set the stage for the Appeal's 16th . successive nationwide campaign, will give special consideration' to Mr. Eshkol's presentation v of Israel's continuing problems and; n e e d s .
••• •
The Israel Finance Minister Is expected to present the new State's needs in the light of cbntiuntng pressures and tension! in the Middle East. • ; •".': V
Ben Gurion, First Premier Of Israel Resigns His Post pe Importance—from both the domestic and foreign point of view—that tho parties which in tho past have carried trie burden of government shall continue to do so and that the Cabinet shall remain until the end of the term of Parliament. "A Premier comes, a Premier goes," Mr. Ben Gurion'fl letter said, "but the government exl.fts in law. I feel that such behaviour by my comrades In the Cabinet will be n bluuslng to the country and will increase its honor and prestige outside (the country) and will increase confidence inside." He described such an action ns one of political maturity. "To my regret such a Cabinet has not yet been formed, but" I trust it will soon be -established, awl my leaving will not calls* ; nny shocks," he added. .. :}:.
Friday, December 1J, 1953
Jewish S. African Mayor Steps Down Anna) —•I mum. H«l. MMenuliif lulaa oo AppSeulta,'
uuona orn»—in No. xsm I I M , onute. Ncbto *n«at MM. n i i u A i a t u i s tub a i HARRY HALPERT_
Society Editor
Israel Must Not Stand Alone When the marc than 1,200 delegates to ibe United Jewish Appeal's Annual National Coafereftc* father at the WaldttfAstoria Hotel in New York this weekend, they will be faced with problemR and the need for dceisipns tic urgency of whieh ha* sot been equalled since the darkest days of 1M8. With Israel facing eeonomie cram from wttMn and diplomatic crisis from without, with thousands still living under •he yoke of fear and continuing needs in European and Moslem landa, and still other thousands facing readjustment problcmi in the United States, the delegates will have their work eut out for them. ,• Firstly, they most determine the amount pf aid which American Jew* will ht ealled upon to make available to Uie United Jewish Appeal in 1954, based upon aa evaluation of the financial needs of its three constituent agencies-iht Unrt>d Jsrael Appoal. the Joint Distribution Committee and the United Senriee for Nrw Americans. Secondly, they must set tie stage not only for an lhlenwfied campaijrn but for a supreme effort—an effort called for at the recent economic meeting in .Terusalem between the leaders of Israel, and American and overseas Jewry. For only -with wch an effort can Israel in any degree hasten the settlement »nd eeonomie absorption of its immigrant*, and speed the expansion of irrigation, ho^ins and agricultural production. .Thirdly, the IMA »-odfere« must establish the signposts by which "American Jewry can Rnidc itself in the coming months in understanding Israel's crucial position—a position based as intich on peril as on progress. We believe tne TJJA ponferoes will thus affirm the axiom that Israel shall not and mtn>t not stand alone. Today, as the IMA prepares to rnter iu ICth year,"nothing is more important ttt«u that it commands the full and unswervinc support of nil American Jews. AW in this community— who have done our share to help tb« UJA nave more than 2,000,000 lives in the past 15 yrars—must focus on tln> UJA as it meets tliia weekend nml be prepared again for the fulfillment of urgent and historic tasks. For what is at stake is the peace and safety of the State of Jfiracl, and the lives of millions of Jews who look to it ami to us for hope and eventual redemption.
Off the Record -By Naflaa Zferfei UKUpm AND FACT The late Dr. Louis Ginzbcrg was not only a man ot great erudition but a sparkling personality with a keen sense of humor and a profound interest In the artistic pursuits. In fact during his Berlin student days young Ginxberx gave promising evidence of becoming an outstanding art and drama critic. In those days he wrote lyric poetry,ta German and he taught sufficiently of his verse to have ttptiUfehed m book;-form. My fiieud Mofshc SijAjnan, noted scholar and publicist, relates that Ginsberg's dose friends often called Mm IKinj of the Ijegends," an appelation which came to him not alone by virtue ot having au*lnuved that great TTTH^t11? i'f*''ii TheLegends ot the Jews" but by reason of the fart Ibat he was » descendant of tbe legendary Jew* ttb King, Saul Word, who is said to have reigned over Poland for one day. Incidentally, The Legends of the Jews'? was written in German and translated into English from the original manuscript Oddly enough tbc work has not been translated into Hebrew and Yiddish, the two languages utilizing the Aleph Beth. The story is told of an instructor In the Jewish Theological Seminary who was in the habit of boasting to his students th:it he knew the Talmud hy hc.irt—and in fact he did. When this remarkable faculty was brouyht to Dr. Glnzberc'-S attention he remarked: "It's not enough to tow the Talmud by heart—.you've got *lo know it" This story has been told by my good friend Br. Samuel Marguslie-, himself a graduate of , the Jewish Theological Seminary, who recalls Dr. Ginzbcrg once bavins said that "the LJlvak" in him never permitted him to- become a "full-fledged Yahudi." THE MENORAH Jewish litcratute is replete with various theories about the symbolism of the Menorah. To many, the tree-like shape of the menorah is suggestive of the tree of We. Josephus interprets-- the seven lamps of the menorah as the seven planets. Another would have it that the menorah represents
the creation of the universe is seven days, with the center light symbolizing the Sabbath. SUH another interpretation is that the seven branches are the seven continents of the earth and the seven heaven* guided by tht< light of God. The Zohar says: "These lamps. lHu the planets above, receive their light from the sun." It was pettiapa only tutors! mat Tbeodor Herd should have been intrigued by the Menorah. Head WM a roaster of thefeuilkrtoe,and potass none ot Us sketches in this direction quite equals the moving power at one which lie wrote about the menonh. In it be pictures a man not unlike trfwHw^f, an artist, who at first (eels himself foreign to all things Jewish, withdrawing and even recalling from mem. But the ubiquitous anti-Semitism begins to awaken him and to draw him to reconsider his attitude. The tree of life figure of Ibe Menorah begins to brood on his mind. He wonders if the -tree of lite" of the Jew may not be "watered" up again to flower again. An artist, he sketches a new menorah with its seven branches terminating in buds in which the lamps ore placed. First one candle is lit and it is dim, but as more arc .'.tided the combined li£ht hrciiks forth into effulgence. and the loneliness of his soul ir. Hone. He Is reclaimed-^^t home with his people. EXFEBTS IN LIQUIDATION W;is it a cue from Mor>co\v or was it a belated step in the direction of tho parly line? This question is bcinj; asked in connection with the inLer-Communkt fight over tho all-god decree to liquidate Yiddish iis an instrument of "Jewish'' education among the young of "progressive" homes. For years the Yiddish leftists have been holding themselves out as the bastion of Yiddish culture in America while of course remaining completely adamant to the liquidation of Yiddish culture and literature in the Soviet Union. The double bookkeeping experts have now seemingly reached the end of the path or have been bluntly advised that what is "tref" for Moscow cannot be kosher for America. In any event, a rabbi who has since disrobed himself
Capital Spotlight •
Communists Raid American Installations in Arab World **T HHWo Friedman Washington (JTA)—ft director Theodore C. Streibcrt of the United State Information Agency is correct, Israel is threatened by Arab "Communist mobs" which, according to Mr, Streibcrt, arc attacking Americans and U. S. installations in the Arab WOTM. Mr. Slrelbert h a-s described Arab C o m m u n i s t violence against Americans with specific reference to Jordan, Syria, nnd Iraq. Meanwhile, the ' State Department asked the United Nations Security Council to censure Israel in the "strongest" terms for the Kibya raid which was actually a counter-action by Israelis brought about by the Arab terrorism .Mr. Streibcrt is so unset about. C r n i u M Mobs . In a speech at Boston, Mr. Strdbert described what he said were Arab Communist attacks on O. S. overseas library centers. Describing the activities of "Communist mobs," Mr. Sfrrtbert ssld: "It hardly seems to be news any more. The stoning of a library center on October 21st, by a mob in Amman. Jordan, was barely mentioned in the press. In the last five years the information center at Baghdad has suffered from three violent mob attacks. The most recent one, last year. ruined the library center." T h e Communists," said Mr. Streibcrt. "do not limit their attacks to our library installations —they attack our people as well . . . they have killed a local employee in Damascus." Arab Leacne Cemnmnlsto leportinK on the strength of "T h c International Communist jind now "davans" In the direction of Moscow rather than of Jerusalem, has allegedly passed word Jiround that education for Jewish young "progressives" in Yiddish musl come to a halL The tbemo-ronit is that Yiddish is a dying if not dead toncue. Uut the opponents of this Euddcn decree, themselves cither Communists or fellow-travelers, v/ere quick to point out in anonymous letters to the anti-Communist press that the ardent American Muscovites were committing a heinous cultural crime tince the maw demand for Yiddish in the "progressive" Jewish schools is still great. Interestingly enough, these very cc-ntlemen who now weep over the fate of Yiddish in America have never displayed the least anxiety or emotional disturbance over the liquidation of the Jewish pattern and Its builders in Russia. No lover of Yiddish will weep over the elimination of that language from the "progressive" Jewish schools, since the employment of Yiddish for the dissemination of evil purpose is only a desecration of that sacred tongue.
Movement," a special Subcommittee on Security Affairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee has published statistics showing an estimated 30,000 active Communists In the Arab League states surrounding Israel. This number is larger than the present membership; figure given for known membefs ot the Communist Party of the United States. The attacks on Israel, which resulted in the Kibya raid, originated from West Jordan, It is exactly this area which is mentioned by the Senate report on Arab Communists in J o r d a n : Communist activity has noticeably increased and is larnely confined to West Jordan." When Israel sought to defend itself on this very frontier, Mr. Dulles took steps to invoke world opinion against the Jewish State. • Sources of Strength Sneaking of the current situation In the Near East, the Senate committee warned of "murces of Communist strength." It revealed that in Jordan "there are a few Communists and many sympathizers among t h e Palestine (Arab) refugees." Yet when Israel refused demands for the wholesale rc-admission of soch refugees the state was violently criticized behind the closed doors of the State Department. Citing the 8,000 Communists it said were In Lebanon, the Senate report said "the Lebanese Communist Party has considerable influence among certain labor organizations, youth groups, minorities, and intellectual circles. Beirut is tho center of Communist "propnnnnda activity in the Near East." • It is noted that Uie small Communist Party in Israel already includes 900 Arab members and is recruiting n e w members from vtnonn the Arabs. Did the temporary cuttini; off of American aid to Israel help the State combat the anti-American propaganda of Israel's few but hiRhlyvocal Communist;;? This is 0 question which time may answer. Severe Blows One of the most severe blows suffered by the Communist cause in Israel resulted from the arousal of public opinion over the jailinn byj Czechoslovakia of two Israel citizens for long terms after secret trials. Both sentenced men, held incommunicado tinco their arrest, were extreme left-wing leaders. Both had been made to testify at the Prague trial of 1052 against Rudolf Slansky, the former secretary n e n c r a l of the Czech leaders who were sentenced to death. Cement (IIP)—Continuing Its exports of cement, Israel cent a shipment of more than 3,000 tons to Turkey in the last week of Ncvember. Test exports of grapefruit to Switzerland wore also sent.
By Edgar Bernstein Johannesburg (JTA) — When burly, 40-ycar-old, Pennsylvaniaborn Hyman Miller placed Johannesburg's mayoral chain upon the shoulders of his successor, Mr. C. J. IL I'utmort!, in Uu traditional civic ceremony last month, there was regret among all sections Uut he should be stepping down from the office of First CMsen of South Africa's First City, So mayor in Johannesburg's 47 years of eventful growth from mining cstmp to African metropolis hsa woo wider popularity than tUs blitbe-spbiled traditional Jew, -who is chairman of the City's Central Orthodox Hebrew Congregation ,BS well M a leading figure in a s m « of public organisations. Wfambf fladle A Sunday paper described b i n as "the tomti who sold a smile"* and that Ideally typifies the nature of Hyman Miller's achievement. Plain "Hvmie" to all and sundry, he has won bis w«y even to tb* hearts of his political opponents with bis hearty manner and Infectious smile, I was at Ibe farewell party he gave to the .Press, to 4hank reiHuhas tor the consideration they bad shown during hia year ot office, and the representatives of Nationalist newspaper* were as warm in Iheir fenuiuc regard for him as WOK of papers supporting the United Party to which Hyman Miller belongs. His father was a Latvian Jew who served as a sergeant In the Czar's army during the JlustoJapaneso War. His parents tcUied In the U n i t e d States in IBM, where Hymie was bam in the town of Altoona, Pennsylvania,'in 1*07. The family came to South Africa and settled in Cape Town, where Hymle received bis education and qualified as an attorney. Of his school days, be speaks with great pride of the fact that, storting Cbedcr at the a*e of four-and-ahalf, be attended Hebrew classes for ten years with only one day's absence. T» Fnetiee Law lie settled in Johannesburg to practice law in 1828, and married Miss Tthcl Levy, daughter ol Rand pioneer Leopold Levy, and a sister of Sydney Levy, the famous Springbok tennis player, lie saw service In Abysshita in World War II, and rose to the rank of Lieutenant in the South African Air Force. Demobbed at the end ot 1944, he returned to Johannesburg and flung himself into ex-scrvicetncn's work and communal activities. He became chairman ot the BritiMi Empire Service League Housing Committee; chairman of the South African Jewish ExService League, nnd:chairman of the Soldiers' Assistance Commit* tec of the South African Jewish Board of Deputies; he also served on the Council of the GovernorGeneral's National War Fund. He was elected to the Johannesburg. City Council in 1W0. and for three years was 'Whip ot the United Party group In the Council. Ho was chairman of i number of Council committees before being elected Deputy Mayor in 1951, and Mayor a year ago. EveaUal Year The year of his mayoralty proved an eventful one lie was no sooner elected than a tornado disaster occurred at Albcrtynivillc, a native village near Johannes-, burg and Hymlc Miller rushed out " in the night to sec what he could do to help. He organized the Mayor's Emergency Committee to bring relief to the victims. Overseas, catastrophic f l o o d s struck Ensland, Holland and BelCium. Hymic tiEller, immediately ornanized lha Mayor's Flood Relief Fund, which was responuble for raidnfl larce sums to aid people in the affected areas. During hia year of office, he undertook Irto coodwill tours abroad —the first, Norway, Sweden and Denmark at the invitation «t Ihe Scandinavian Airlines, and the second, to Holland, at the invitation of K. L. M. Helpmate In all theso activities, the Mayoress was his indefatigable helpmate, and won friends everywhere through her tact and grace. A devoted couple, their warmklndilncss won them friends whcr» ever iiicy went. In the midst of all his civic responsibilities, Hymic Miller found time to continue his JcwLh coni•fnunal activities. In addition to his. chairmanship of Johanmaburg's Central Orthodox Hebrew Congregation, .
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Israel Bond Dinner Workers
Omahans in Armed Forces Receive Chanukah Gifts Forty packages of special gift* were gift wrapped and mailed to Omaha boys serving In the armed forces oversew Bid In the states in thne to reach them for Hanuktb. This it a project ot the Federation of Jewbh Women's Clubs directed by Mrs. Bobert Baker. Chairman. M a Jade Cohen, chairman of the wrapping and shipping committee, was assisted br Mrs. Ronald Conn and Mrs. Richard Wintroub. AekJMwfedicmeata To the Federation ot Jewish Women's Clubs: Sunday, Nov. 29. I want to thank you and the rest ot the' Omaha Jewish Community tor your Chanukah package. Not only is It greatly appreciated, but it served to show me we have not . been forgotten at home. I am not isolated like some of (be boys overseas as I am stationed on the outskirts ot London However, letters and packager from home are .greatly appreciated Thank you again and a Happy Chaaukah to you all. Sincerely, LAMAR GARON. To: Federation o< Jewish Women's Ctufaa Nov. 26, 1933 1 want to thank you very much tor your lovely packago that you •eat in* ior Chanukah. I enjoyed 11 very roach. My best regards to an ot you and many (banks. Sec yon home In about ten more months, as a civilian. As always and thanks, NATHAN M. COHK My Dear Friends: F t Wlcy, Kansas Please allow me to express my sincere thanks to you nil for remembering me and all the Jewish service men of our community daring the CbanukAh season. Your thoaghtfulneas te so wry much appreciated—«a it is always nice to receive "something from home" May I take this moans of wishing ymi nil a very Happy Chanukuh. Hoping to see you very soun a: a civilian, Sincerely, -, CAPT. SAM L. TUKKKL.
Tuesday Musicale To Hear Serkin Budolt Scrkin, the eminent pianist who win appear before the Tuesday Musical Concert Scries Wednesday evening. Dec. IS, at 8:30 p. m. In the Central High School auditorium. He was born in 1003 In what Is now Czechoslovakia, but received most ot his musical training, in Vienna. He l» married to tb« daughter of the late violinist. Adolpb Busch, with whom he often appeared in concerts. Ho made bis American debut In 1936 with Toacanini and the New Y o r k Philharmonic. He has ployed with the Philadelphia Orchestra. It lit not unusual for Mr. Serkin to practice six or seven hours before a concert.
Dear Ladles: Nov. 23 Thank you very much for the Chanukah package. Received it List night down in main communications and it tasted just like a bit of home . . . this fact was also attested to by the men on my watch . . . we all enjoyed It. This was a very nice gesture on yqur part and greatly appreciated by us. Am sending along a couple of snaps taken in Sasebo, Japan, last month. Thank you again and a happy Chanukah to you all. Best regards, JERRY KATLEMAN. To: Federation of Jewish Women' Here Me some of the twenty-five captains contacting the enClubs of Omaha Dec. 3 tire Jewish community by telephone ts remind them of the gat* 1 want to take this time to thank Bond dinner Sunday night at the BUckstone Hotel. Left to rigkt you people for remerberlng me at are Miss Evelyn Levy, reservations chairman; Mrs. Bejsaoar XaaChanukah time. Your thoughtful- laa. Mrs. Leo Wells and Mrs. Norman A. Bally. Those who were, ness in ever remerberlng a fel- •naltle to be present for the ph«te«raph are listed e 1st where. low in service Is really something that cannot be expressed in a few words, but 1 want you to know that the gift was really appre- Israel loud Dinner ciated. Mrs. Seymour Kaplan, reservaYours truly, tions chairman tot the Israel Bflnrt Pfc. LOU GOLDBERG. Walter Greenberg, co-chairman dinner. Sunday night at the Blackstone Hotel, has a crew of "cap- of the Special Events Committee of Comhmker Lodge, B'nai B'riih, tains* working long hours as a that plans are well unflying telephone squad reminding announced derway for the annual New the entire community of the gala Year's eve party. The Amber Bond affair. Room of the FontCTieWe has-been These reservations captains in- reserved for this event. clude Mmes. Peter Greenbexg, This year's party is open to Morris Grossman, Charles Cuss, members as well as non-members Joe Horwich, Jjadore Levbiaon of Cornbusker lodge. The $16.00 Al lUmmmnnn, Max Hoses, 0. charge being made to cover the Hojcnbaum, Leo Weitz, Edward Zorinsky, Norman Bailey, Abe cost to provide music, a steak dinHear, Herman Bondarln, Edward ner, favors, and an the bevcrago Drodkcy, Goodman Cohen, Sam that can be consnmed. Gcifman, Nate Gitnick, E. A. Nogg Enervations may be made to the following co-chairmen, either nnd Evelyn Levy. by phone or mail: Gerald Bern431 Poppleton SU GL 0904, Milton. Uerlc: "My brother at- sieln, Walter Greenberg, 2753 North tributes his success to a most un- or 47th, St., WA 3591. usual field ot endeavor. For many years he kept his nose to the Edward G. Robinson: "The dolgrindstone, and it finally paid off. lar doesn't need to be made to go Today, he Is the only man in the farther half so much aa It needs world who can slice bread with his to be made to come quicker,"— nose."—(JTA) (JTA) Hurh McDonald
New Year's Fete By Cornhuskers
Haganah Vef Bond Speaker Hugh McDonald, economist. Air Force veteran and volunteer lincanah fighter will speak to community leaders this weekend r e s i d ing the current Israel Bond drive. Hd studied nt Stanford, Harvard and the University of Chlcnco. Mr McDonald volunteered (or llar.anah service in 1047, following his service In World War 2. He ran the British blockade aboard the "illegal" refugee ship Hatikvah which carried 1,500 European Jewi to Israel. Captured by the Briti-sh on two operations, McDonald spent time in the ill-famed Xylotimbu prison camp at Cyprus and the Athlit prison near Haifa. He escaped with Haganah aid on both occasions and served as a demolltionist with Haganah forces. A close student ot Middle Eastern affairs, Mr. McDonald's book, "Journal for Gentiles," will be ready for publication soon.
"All Teen Aficrs Are Jerks!" is the provocative titl<; of a dlscusnion which will be led by Dr. R, Hu!;h Dickinson Sunday, Dec. 13 at 3 p. in. in the Jewish Community Center auditorium. Dr. DickL'on, tthe well known Omaha p.iyciuarist, will be the RUest of the Jewish Youth Council which is fiponsoriiiR this program. All U'.cn agcrs nre bcinR asked to participate. L;irry Schwartz, provident of the Youth Council, will preside and introduce Dr. Dickinson.
Cows (IIP)—With the- old of sizeable appropriations from State of Israel liond investments, Israel was enabled to increase its liyertock considerably during this year. There was a six per cent rise in the number of milk cows while heifers and calves rose by George Bums: "Life is like that. 12 percent. You i"uaUy hear about the man George Jesiel: "Tolerance is the who hMs the jackpot, but the fellows w)<o built up the pot are un- patience shown by a wise man when he listens to un ignoramus." konwn.11—(JTA)
The Center's Foreign Film Series gets underway Sunday evening; Dec. 20, at 8:30 p. m. with tb* Italian film masterpiece "The Bicycle Thief." The film was directed by Vlttoria De Sica from a story and screenplay by Cesare Zovottini. This tale of a man, his son, and their quest through the streets of Rome for his bicycle, stolen just. when :be needs it for a longsought job, is widely accailmed one of the great'motion pictures of all time. It is a simple story, but so creatively-written and directed by the leaders In the new Italian realist school, that the personal experience of the man andboy which are directly interlocked with the lifo of the city reveal, not only the poignant and bitter irony of the little fellow buffeted by an indifferent world, but as well, a penetrating and compassionate picture of the post-war European world. Other fflms in the current series inctnde "Tight Little Island," (English) "Torment" (Swedish) 'Open City" (Italian), "Crime and Punishment' (French) and "Alexander Nevsky" (Russian). Series tickets ore $3.00 and in- '' divldaul tickets SOc Reservations may be phoned in to JA 1366. Mrs. Edward Zorinsky and Mr. Jack Sandier are co-chairmen of the Jewish Community Center Foregin Film Committee. ' ,
CBS President Oford, Ohio (JTA)—Frank Stan, ton, president of the Columbia Broadcasting System, has quit his college fraternity after 35 years because of the fraternity's ban on the admission of Jews. His resignation from Phi Delta Theta was disclosed recently in letters received by fraternity headquarters and to his college newspaper, the Ohio Weslcyan Tran-. script, at Deleware. The centuryold social groups' constitution limV its membership to those o t the Aryan race. „
s^Nr»AY.D^ Henri Scott
Gl's in Germany Give Gifts to DPs Dr. ft. Dickenson Munich (JTA) — Jewish CVi To Discuss Teens •tolioned with American unit.1 in the Munich area made it a hnppy Chanuknh for some 30 children of PP's arrested ami 'Jailed several weeks ago for "lllenal" entry into Germany. The children of the familier, which had come here from Israel, Without proper entry documents, iti thp hopes of immigrating elnr> Where, were surprised witii canilv and toys b o u g h t in armv PX •lore", The'children »re living in an Orthodox synagogue toj'cther with those members of their families who were not arrested or Who have already hern released. Channk'h celebrations w e r e also h<lId on army post:!, hospitals and in local communities near army Installations for Jewish soldlrri stationed in Germany nnd Framrr. Holiday supplies were furnished by the National Jcwbli Welfare Board.
Film Series Opens Dec. 20
BroadvrNayr Motion Picture and Recording Star in a Most Unusual Concert .
• ••. • • • • • ' . ' • • , ' . ' . : . • • •
• • ' •
: - - ' .
Distinauished Industrialist
Bond Office, AT 1177 $3.00 Per Plate This Space Donated by Friends of Israel
tf'i**, nrf-»-
PcctaOer I I , ltSi
Halff-Messe.r Nuptials Held
CAMPUS NEWS Sigma Delta Tau
Helen Kay
Former Omahan To Wed in Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Seaman Kay have announced the engagement of their daughter, Helen, to Herbert Marchick, son of Joseph Marchlck. The couple will plight their trot)) on January 30 of next year. The bride-elect was graduated from Abraham Lincoln High School and attended the University of California whore she was affiliated with Alpha Epsilon Phi Sorority. Mr. Marchlck has just been released from the Air Force afetr completing a tour of duty in Germany. He is an alumnus of the University of Colorado where ho was a member ot Phi Sigma Delta Fraternity. Miss Kay is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Kulakofsky of Omaha.
Center Art Class To Hold Exhibition Mrs. Sylvia Curtiss has announced that paintings produced by the Center art class will be on exhibition Sunday afternoon, Dec 20 in the Jewish Community Center lobby. Mmes. Lucy Lipp, D. Waxcnberg, Marcla Burroughs, Ruth Reiis and Florence Banks will have pieces of work on display Mrs. Sylvia Curtiss, instructor, will also exhibit her work.
Attention Women We have secured the services of Mrs. Mary Volcck, one of the finest swimming instructors in the state, to teach our women'' class every Monday and Friday at 10 a. m. Swimming is r fine snort It Is.very relaxing and will provide you with some good recreation. For further information coll JA 1306.
The Sig Delta won their f" ball gainu 30-16 over Alpha Xi Delta sorority, Wednesday night, Dec. 8, the mixed Sl&na Dcltu Tau and Sigma Alpha Mu voile)ball team will get into action Sunday, Dec. 6, the house acted as hosts at the annual Parents' Day at the chapter house. The pledget presented a skit, "S.D.T. Dragnet," which highlighted the afternoon Shirley Rosenberg and Connie Cordon were elected to represent Theta chapter in the Typical Nebraska Coed contest Girls are chosen as representatives on the basis of school activities, personality and poise. One girl but of all other representatives will be chosen as the Typical Nebraska Coed. Phyllis Turchin was chosen to represent Sigma Delta Tau as a model for the -Coed Counselor Friendship Banquet to be held
Monsky Chapter To Meet Monday The board meeting of B'na B'rith Henry Monsky chapter 470 wiU be held Monday, Dec. 14 at 8 p. m. in the Jewish'Community Center. Plans, for the annual January coin shower commentating Leo N. Lev! Month which le the culminating affair of the city wide B'nai B'rith fund raising campaign will be on the agenda.
Music Notes By Mrs. Ruth Beta, Center Music Director Tuesday, Dec. 8, the Music At Home Club met at the home of Mr. Eugene Blazer to a program of classic music. Parts from Handel's - "Judas Maccabeus" and Beethoven "12 Variations on a Theme" from the same oratorio was heard, also Verdi's overture to the opera "Nebucco," was played. Program notes preceded each composition, explaining the piece and noting something of i t background. Orchestra, T h e JCC Little Symphony is now the owner of two new orchestral pieces, "The Syncopated Clock,", and "Fiddle-Faddle," both written by Lcroy Anderson. Among the other selections that the orchestra is working on is "Three Dances for the Bartered Bride" by Emetana, "Hansel and Gretel 'Suite" from the opera by Humperdinck and others. If you play an instrument, I am sure you'll enjoy playing these compositions with us every Wednesday evening 8 to 10 p. m.
Mrs. M. J, Sliver
Mrs. B. C. Bolotin
Monsky Women to Hear Mmes. Silver and Bolotin B'nai B'rilh Henry Monsky Chapter 470 will hold a luncheon meeting Thursday, D e c 17, at 12:3C lr. the Jewish Community Center This meeting la for all paid up members. New members and bowlers of the chapter will be honored at this time. Mrs. Harry Friedman, membership chairman will be assisted by Mmes. Harry Sldman, Seymour Kaplan, Stanley Shapiro. Sol Miroff, Harry Smith, MAX Krlzelman Carl Legman, Ben Blatt, Chas Stern, D. Rosenbaul and A. Kaplan in nuking the necessary arrangements for the affair. Mrs. M. J. Silver and Mrs. B C. Bolotin of Chicago, III., president and executive secretary, respectively, of Women's Dlstric' Grand Lodge 6, will be guest speakers. Mrs. Silver is a past president of West Rogers Park chapter and has held offices in the district1 during her thirteen years of B'na B'rith work. She It honorary president of the Nathan Goldblatt Institute for Cancer Research and on active P-TA worker in her community. Mrs. Bolotin, who has held the office of executive secretary of W. D. G. L. 0 for 22 years, is the honorary president and foundci ot Austin B'nai B'rith chapter. She Is also a member of many community groups and sisterhood Mrs. Bolotin Is on the executive board of Leo N Levi Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Silver and Mrs. Bolotin
will arrive here after a visit to the Jewish National Hospital in Denver, Colo, Their report of the trip will highlight the meeting. Reservations may be obtained by returning reservation cards or by calling Mrs. Harry Friedman. JA 7443; Mrs. Harry Smith, WA 2896; Mrs. Milton Mintz, OH 0878: Mn. Aaron Epstein, PL, 4190; Mrs. Stanley Shapiro, WA 7676; Mrs Wm. Abrahams, CL 1395 or Mrs Ben Blatt, PL ?263.
Chanukah in Israel Jerusalem (JTA)—The traditional Chanukah torch was lighted last week at Modlin, starling place of the Macabbi revolt against the pracco-Syrians some 2,000 years ago, and was borne by cross country runners to Jerusalem where President Isaac Ben Zvi accepted the symbol of freedom. At the tame moment the President received the torch, a huge menorah was lighted here while a beacon was Jf;nilccl atop Mt Scopus to .symbolize the lies between the Hebrew University nnd Uie llachrsali Hospital on the height, cut off by Jordan troopi, and the rest of the Jewish Slate Tlie Israel guards atop Mt. Scopus, cut off behind the Arab LcBion lines tent Chanukah gifts last week to friends and relatives In Jerusalem and other parts of Israel. The gifts were sent dawn with the forthnlghtly supply convoy which traveled to the Hebrew Univcrslty-Hadassah Hospital center on the height
Miss Sally Ann Mcsser became the bride of Ensign Alexander Hart Halff, 2nd, In a noon ceremony nt the Naval Base Chapel, Mure Island, Vallejo, Cal. Habbl Morris Goldstein of Temple Sherith Israel, San Francisco, officiated. The altar was banked with while chrysanthemum!. Mrs. Hesse Farbcr Messer is the mother of the bride; the bridenroom is the son ot Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Halff ot San Antonio, Tex. The bride wore a waltz-length gown of ice pink cotton lace over net and taffeta. A jacket styled with Jewel neckline .and short slcevef'compicted her gown. Her lace bat with peart .embroidery held the bride's short pink velL She carried a white orchid on a white Bible. Howard Haiti of Fort Worth, Tex., was best mad tor his broth- • er, and another brother, Thomas HaUf of PtarsaU, Tex., ushered. The bride was attended by her mother who wore • street-length •heath dress ot silver lame with matching accessories. The groom's mother was gowned in a powder blue street-length drees of peau d'ango with mink trim and brown accessories: The Officer's Club at Mare to- • land, the scene of the breakfast wedding, was decorated with pink toses. ' The couple took a wedding trip to San Francisco, For traveling, the bride chose • rust-colored chiffon tweed suit with a «hort jacket and navy blue accessories. Ensign and Mrs. Halff will live In Vallojo,
Adult Activities Group to Meet
The Adult Activities Commute* of the Jewish Community Center will meet Monday, Dec. 14, to evaluate and plan the Center's Adult Education Program. Dr. Joseph H. Soshnlk ot Crcighlon University, is chairman of t h e committee, other members of th« committee include Mrs. Sidney Hollis nnd Al Sugarman. Dr. Lewis Yacgcr will also consult with the committee. This committee will Issue a bulletin next monlh'whlch will explain the center's philosophy, goals and coming program in the field of i n formal adult education. Inquiries; jhould be addressed to the Center's Activities Office—JA 1308. Jack 'Warner: ''Never Is a reward offered for a lost temper."— (JTA)
Israeli Fashions at Hadassah Affair
Sophie Tucker. "When it comes to sermonizing, a rabbi should tell the folks how to get on, not where to get off."—(JTA) Jack Benny: "1 have the kind of doctor who diagnoses your-ailment by feeling your purse."
Community Calendar Friday, Dec. 11 Pre-Kihdcrgartcn School—9:00 a. m., Center. Saturday. Dec. 12 Hadassah Oneg Shabbat-Amcrican Altairs - Education — 12:30 p. m.f. Private home. ' Junior Hadassah Paid-Up Membership Square Dance—8:30, p. rrt, Camp Brewstcr. Sunday, Dec. IS . . Children's Program—2:00 p. m., Center. ' Bonds for Israel Dinner—7:00 p. m., Blackstone Hotel. Youth Adult Lounge Nieht—8:00 p. m . Center. Monday, Dec. 11 Pre-KIndcrr.arten School—0:00 a m.; Center. Blkur Cholim—1:00 p. m., Center. Brahdeis University Board Mvcling—1:00 p. m., Highland Town. Workman's Loan—7:30 p. m., Center. , B'nai B'rith Monsky Chapter No. 470 Board Meeting—8:00 P, m., Center. Beth Israel Adult Institute—0:00 p. m., Beth Israel. Tuesday. Dec. 15 National Council of Jewir.h Women Luncheon Meeting — 1:00 p. m.. Center. Bridge Clr.SE—1:30 p. m., Center. Beth Israel PTA Board Meeting—8:30 p. m., Private home. Wednesday, Dec. IS Pre-Kinderijarlcn School—0:00 a. m., Center. Mlzrnchi Women—1:00 p. m., Center. Center Orchestra Rehearsal—8:00 p. m., Center. Hadassah HMO-Donor Affair—8:00 p. m. Tuesday Musical—8:30 n. m , Central High. Thursday, Dec. 17 B'nai B'rith Monsky Chapter Luncheon—1:00 p. m.. Center. Youth Council Ballroom Dancing Class—3:45 p. m., Center. Beth Israel Men's Club Dinner—7:00 p. m., Beth Israel, Great Books Course—7:30 p. m.. Center. Bridge Class—8:00 p. m., Center. • Chess Class—8:00 p.m., Center. , Xadimah Board Meeting—8:30 p. m., Private home.
Heading the forthcoming Israeli Fashion Review of the Annual Donor Affair arc Mrs. Robert Bernstein (left) and Mrs. Philip 'cldman (right). They ore picLured with Mrs. Samuel Wolf who is fund raising coordinator. Mrs. David Fcrtil is assisting the chairmen and Mrs, Harold Garbcr is chairman of childrens' models. Omaha Chapter Hadassah HMO and Vocational Education chairman and captains are busy this week sending more than GOO invitations to Hadassah Medical Or-
ganization and Vocational Education Donors, to the affair which will be held in the Pax ton Hotel, Wednesday, Dec. 10, at 8 p. m. Mrs. Morris M. Franklin, chapter president, will welcome the guest, II. M. O. Donors and their husbands. Mrs. Phil Ccrclick, M. O. chairman will Rive' a brief resume of the work that Is being done In H. M. O. Mrs, Sam Wolf will preside as chairman and will introduce the speakers. She will nlso present Elaine Jnbcnls, radio and TV personality, who will be
the style revue narrator. Among tho exquisitely styled fashions that will be shown, made in the Alice L. Scllgsbcrg High School In Israel, a Vocational Education project of Hadassab, will bo hand embroidered, jewelled and appllqucd costumes of lovely materials and exquisite colors. Refreshments, a dance and cards will follow the show. Mrs. Jack Kaufman is assisting the Social Committee with Mrs." Julius Stein and Mrs. Morris Katlcman as chairmen.
Friday, December 11, U S *
fEWISB PEE88 iioti uttttttsittiiRtiitttmiiiimni t T
"Talk o/Maivy Things"
Organizations flujraiiiiiiiiltiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiraiiiiaiiiiii,,
Hadassah An Ones Shabol, one of an educational series for all Hadassah presidents, group and chapter chairmen of the Zionist Public Relations, American Affairs and Educational chairman, will bo held at the homo of Mrs. Sidney HoiUs, SOT S. 50th S t , Saturday, Dec 19, at 12:30 p. m. An interesting afternoon is promised, Dessert and coffeo will bo served.
Council of Jewish Women Tha December luncheon meeting of the Omaha Section, National Council of Jewish Women will be held Tuesday, Dec. IS at ] p. m. In the Jewish Community Center. Dr. Jay B. MacGregor. Sean of Students at the University of Omaha will speak on 'The Historical vs. Hysterical Approach in Education." Mrt. Louis Alberts and Mrs. Joseph Freeman are luncheon? cochairmen with Mrs. A: S. Wohlner, Mrs. Robert Merer and Mrs. Irving Forbes assisting.
les Three and Eight, headed by !mcs. Robert Hlmmermun, Julius teln and George Cohn, Bobby iraves orchestra will provide the lUslc. A door prize will be warded. The ticket In the Beth El Silver ubileo Highlights book will admit ne person. Additional single tick* ts may be purchased for $2 from ny member of the dance c'ommit«c. A capacity attendance is e x acted. Kescrvations may be shoned to the synagogue office, L 3221.
Phi Ep Mothers' Club The annual winter party Of the 'hi Epsilon Pi Mothers' elub and he active chapter of Phi Epsilon •1 Fraternity ha* been postponed mtil December 20.
Left for Service Norman Block*, formerly of Omaha, has left for a tour of duty with the United States Arriiy. Mr. Block is a graduate of °relghton Law school where he r e ceived his degree in June Of 'IMS. . He is stationed at Fort Orti, Calif,
B'nai Jacob Yeshuron Sisterhood to Meet B'nai Jacob Adas Yeshuron Sisterhood will hold its regular monthly meeting and dessert luncheon, 1 p. m., Tuesday, Dec. IS, In the social hall of the synagogue, 3028 Cumlng St. All members arc urged to attend as a business session will follow the luncheon and plans tor the coming year will be discussed
Honors Manny Goldberg, son of Mr and Mrs. Morris Goldberg, Wai recently elected to the position of National Commander of Phalanx, professional and military fraternity. / Local chapters are at Crelghton
potligh lousel Mar of
?Brown' ' •Melon
Beth El Sisterhood Mrt, Joe Gum, Beth El Sisterhood project chairman, announced that Saturday night, Dec. 20, will be the date of Beth El's tint major social event of the saoson the SILVER JUBILEE BALL. Under the chairmanship o: Mmcs. David Bernstdn, Arthur Adlcr and William Raduzincr, tin following committee Is arranging a festive cocktail supper dunce Mmcs. IrvliiK Schnclderman, Phil Kntimnn, Abe Vcnger, Henry ItlekCB, Leon Alexander, Barton Grecnbcrir, IrvliiR Herzoe, Norman Bordy, Lou Shrlcr, William Wolfe, Sidney Snciilcr, Leo Weitz, Sam Stclnberi;, Dave Broiikey, Abe nnffman, Sam Cohn, Jim Llpsey, Irvine Forbes, Dave Kntzman Louis HurwiU, Lou Singer, Lou Canar, Iz Tretlak, Arthur Green Ben Wlntroub, Harry Smith, Abe Slusky ami Yale Ginsberg. A sumptuous buffet supper ai 11 p. m. will be prepared anc served by Mrs. Sam Ban and Mrs Harry Fcrvnstcin assisted by Clr
ThankYou Mrs. David Friedman, chairman of the Beth Israel P-TA Chanukali Party, w l - s h o i to thank all the committee chairmen and their members for all their help which helped to make the affair a success.
THE PERFECT CRACKER University and the University of Nebraska, Phil Silvers: "Some girls are torn between love and booty."— (JTA)
Bikur Cholftn Blkur ChoUm Society will hold its r e g u l a r monthly luncheon meeting 1 p. m. Monday at the Jewish Community Center. Games and cards will follow thrbuslness ' meeting. The monthly birthday party sponsored by the society at the Dr. Philip Bhcr Home for the Aged was held Tuesday evening, Dec. 8. Gifts of fruit and candy were presented to the residents.
Mr. and to*. Nate Cooper have announced the birth of a daughter, Mallnda Hae, born November 27. The couple has another son, Jeffrey Mark. Maternal grandparents are Mr, and Mrs. Hymle Richards, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Cooper are the paternal grandparents.
Epstein-Morgan Post The Ladies Auxiliary of Epstein Morgan P u t held their regular monthly party at the Omaha Veterans Hospital December1 3. Canteen coupons and cigars were given as prizes. Hottesses for the affair were Mines. Meyer Kaplan, J. Milton Margolin and Abe Kaplan. The Auxiliary gave packages of goodie* to service men stationed at Offutt Air Base. Mrs. Lewis NAsybil was in charge of distribution. Mrs. Meyer Kaplan, hospltallzatlon chairman, Is asking for volunteers for Christmas work at the hospital. Members wishing to parMrt. ticipate arc asked to call I*— Kaplan, WA 6202.
Ed Wynn: "A raffle is a deal where you buy ten tickets and the man who bought one wins the prize."—(JTA)
most beautiful colleclol bldi/sos in the city of eso are by Lee, <SI ^California, all hand! Uf, In fabulous 15' lerghd 40 denier nylon, S;qro Peter Pan collars, $V necklines, tucked col'4 o l o e v o s , push-up , ahort sleeves, styles lora to pleaso every ino hoart. They are cut t beautifully, in sizes 32and with a minimum of e, they will keepihelx sh beauty for ages. Moll <md Phon* Ordkn
Piny, a x i i l , uiKfc or luncheon — Tun Tim'* t»H for cnuxhv riuncfiin*! I l l dw finest, flilucM friend a M K I I cvtr M • 1 ! (h* pfr/cci uKMiui* to t i l your frvortu bmragM, Juite* mi lpr**4*t
race Us
Council Doings AZANo. 1 Mother Chapter held their semiannual election stag Saturday, Dec S.atCanigHas Steak House after which-the forty-five Alephs attended a movie and stag. The evening brought to a close the administration of the " past six months. Sunday, Dec. t, the chapter elected Its new o f f i c e r s . Art Schwartz was unanimously elected president; Stan Widman, vicepresident; Marshall Denenberg secretary; Jack Oruch, treasurer David Widman and Gary Gltnkk sgts-at-arms; Jerry Fercr, editor; Lurry Epstein, chaplain. Larry Epstein and Art Schwartz are the Cornbclt regional delegates-, Marsh Denenberg is alternate. The following are Youth C o u n c i l representatives: Art Schwartz, Jack Oruch, Stan Widman, alternate. Installation of the new officers Is planned for December1 20.
be held December 12 at Neil Stein berg's home. '
A meeting was held' Sunday, Dec. 6, at tbe Jay. After the meeting Cbanukah records were played The Chanukah party date has been changed to December 20. It will be held at the home of Shirley Bamipi^ and each member is to bring a toy for Shlp-A-Box,' The Youth Council roller "skating party sponsored by Councilettos will be held at West Farnam Rink, Thursday, Dec. 23. Movies of previous Youth Council dances will be shown by Mr. Chudacotf at the next Coon* cilettc meeting, and will be open to all Youth Council members. Several of the pledges stuffed envelopes for the March of Dimes at the City Hall. Also, they will go to the Blood Bank in the future. The date for the Winter Formal has been set for January 30. The Rayim chairmen are Pat Mogil and CarThe Raylm Fraternity, last Sun- ole Frank. day, had its bi-monthly meeting at the home of ArJ Novak. The religious report consisted of a sit- Y.C. Girls Bowling uation play given by the pledge*. After the play the club discussed the prejudice problem in the play. Debs Nebs. s 17 Cultural chairman Gene DuBoff Starlets jr. .....13 presented one of the most out- SlickChlcks 7 ^.-; 13 standing reports in the club's his- Mileroma .._ ......12ft tory. The report was a talk given Gutter Gals „.„ ....11 Mr by Jack Marer on "Why Be a Scoreless Fourless U Lawyer." After Mr. Mam's speech Three Strikes and a the croup was allowed to ask Sparc _ _._ 10 10 questions about the profession. Lucky Strikes 9 11 Rayim has set aside December Alley'Cats . ._.-. - 8 11 28 for another one of their social La Fa Ma Rl 9 11 functions. This one is the Roller AU Strikes 9 11 Skating Party. The members and Lane Lassies ..._ 7 13 their dates will first meet at a Lucky Losers G 14 local roller rink, and spend the Bowling Belles . 3. 17 first part of the evening skating HlfhS Averages Then as the night rolls on, they Phyllis Rosen, Debs Nebs . ....152 will .remove their skates, and en- Barbara Joffe, Starlets ...135 joy the remainder of the evening Laurie Oruch, La Fa Ma Ri ....130 dancing. Party chairmen Ben Ru- Tevee Bernstein, bin and Arthur Novak promise o 3 Strikes & a Sparc 130 good lime to be bad by all. Toby Okrent, Starlets 12G
AZA 100
Beth Israel News Beth Israel News The next meeting of the Hell Israel Youth club will take place Sunday evening, Dec. 13. Dave Rubin, photography instructor will meet with the photography group at 6 p. m. The photography group will leave the building and take flash pictures outdoors. They will return later and develop their photographs. The business meeting will start at 7 p. m. The club will discuss plans for a bowlIng party and a farewell potty for the delegates who wlU attend the convention in Minneapolis, and St. Paul. The meeting will take plae« in the recreation room of the Talmud Torah, and will last until 8 p. m. Girls Arts snd Crafts Club
The girls Arts and Crafts Club will meet Sunday evening, Dec 13, 1953 between 6 and 7:30 p. m. in the Arts and Crafts room of the Talmud Torah; The dub will (tart working on a new project All girls in the third grade of Sunday School and the Plrmary and Secondary grades of the Talmud Torah are invited to attend.. Refreshments will be served at the dose of the session. JsmiT Ccagregallaa dall Pollakoff, of the Junior Youth Club ha* been etwaea as this month's chairman of the Junctor congregation religious committee. Edwin Sldman, Marvin Ruhack, Saul Klll'»>»"i Bruce Coldstein, and Hadelyn Dolgotf, wfll assist Gail with the work of the religious committee. Raphael Groner has been chosen as this month's Gabal Kbhon, The Junior congregation meets every Saturday morning at 10 a. m. except when a Bar Mitzvah is celebrated in which case it meets at 9:30 a. m. A shabbos luncheon is served to the children at the close of the services. Junior Congregation Awards Special awards were given to children of the Beth Israel religiBlchS Games ous. School System at the annual Carole Frank. Starlet* 163 Chanukah dinner last Sunday eveTevee Bernstein, ning. The awards were presented 3 Strikes & a Sparc 197 Phyllis Rosen, Debs «ebs 150, 151 Jean Cutler, Starlets _ 146 Bonnie Raykin, Lucky Losers....l46 UighS Series Phyllis Rosen, Debs Nebs 301 Tcvcc Bernstein,
Century Chapter held a ping pong tournament to choose the player who will be the singles representative at the -regional convention. Howard Kooper was the winner and will play the winner ''from the college members to chose . the final champion. 3 Strikes & a Spare .'..298 Arnold Joffe, athletic chairman Carole Frank, Satrlcts,., 265 organized a pool tournament, that Barbara Ruback, Debs Nebs 260 was held Dec. 3. Jerry Rosen won Laurie Oruch, La Fa Ma Rl ._260 and Marty Sophlr was runner-up A pro-convention stag is betas' planned by the social committee, Laborites Ask for headed by Allan Forman. It will IsraeVArab Accord
Bar & Bas Mitzvah Larry G. Herman, con of Mr and Mrs. Leonard D. Herman, will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah in Beth Israel Synagogue this Friday eve, ninjf, and Saturday ' morning. 'Friends and relatives are invited to attend and no invitations have been issued. Jeffrey Swstrfa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al Swartz. will celebrate hi* Bar Mitzvah at'Beth El Synagogue this Friday evening and Saturday morning. Friends and relatives are invited to attend the reception in bis honor following both services Howard Meyer*, son of Mrs Sally Meyers, will celebrate hit • Bar Mitzvah Friday evening and Saturday morning, Dec. 18 and 19. at Beth Israel Synagogue Friends and relatives are invited to attend the ceremonies. •
. London (JTA)—The National Executive Committee of the British Labor Party adopted a resolution ; on Israel submitted by the Poale Zion Party of Britain calling on the British Government to intervene with Jordan to achieve better understanding b e t w e e n Israel and the Arab state. The resolution welcomes • tbr stand of the Parliamentary Labor Party opposing the supply of Jet aircraft to the Middle-East states unil a peace sctlement is achieved between Israel and the Arab states; declares the arms race In the Middle East a danger to peace and economic development In the region and deplores the incidents along Israel's borders. It also expresses; "deep satisfaction" with the progress of Israel—"the stronghold of Social Democracy in the MiddTe East."
Want Ads
Allan Stewart Noddle, son of Al 115U u umn rooi w«w ». Mr, and Mrs. Robert Noddcl, wilt nt Jcwub ynm. mt« ii M Mnfj for e*ch IDMt eclebra'e his Bar Mitzvah Friday MCfcnrat Pra» ttmmw u» rldtt to umli evening and Saturday morning tiu . «oTIM Meta mrtrtlMrmm Dec. 18 and 19 in the Beth El BAR and bas Mitzvah congratuSynagogue. Friends and rclativcr lations: also for all Jewish holiare invited to attend the recepdays and special occasions. tions following both ceremonies No invitations have been Issued. Meyrr? News Stand. 1502
/rifey, December 11, WSJ
Happy Birthday
through the I. Goldstein Scholarthip fund. Convention Delegates Delegates representing the youtl clubs of the Beth Israel Synagogue will leave Omaha on Thursday, Dec. 17, to attend the Synagogue Youth Organization convention in Minneapolis, Minn. The children will spend four days there during which they will attend services at the various Orthodox synagogues, enjoy a special Sabbath luncheon, and a parly Saturday night On Sunday morning they will attend a special breakfast and a basketball game. The closing banfluct will take place Sunday evening at which time convention officers will be Installed. Special buses bave been hired for sightseeing trips in Minneapolis and S t Paul. The following delegates have been chosen to representOmaha at the convention: Stanley Greenfield, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Greenfield; Beverly Bloom, daughther of Mr, and Mrs. Harold Bloom: Diane Groner, daughter of Rabbi and Mrs. Benjamin Groner; Felicia Friedman, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Dave Friedman; Bruce Goldstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Goldstein; Jerry Stone, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Stone. Irving Stern, Youth Activities Director will accompany the. children.
US.-lsrael Relations Are Deep Rooted New York (WNS)—John S Fine of Pennsylvania declared here following a. visit to Israel that "relations between Israel and the United States are based on ideals held in common and arc too deep-rooted to be strained by temporary tensions.1* The Governor expressed particular satisfaction with the way American granU-in-oid and funds of the United Jewish Appeal arc being expended in Israel, assorting that "I can testify that American money is being well spent and well invested In the practical work of reconstruction and rehabilitation."
Friday, Dec. II liurb.'ira Itje Belzor, Sanfoid Ix?o Vriedninii, J,iitc-t Lynn Humlleman, ;md Lind;i Gny Sdimidniaii. Saturday, IJcc. 12 Marilyn Jean KoienUcrg. Sunday, Dot. 13 Crihn, .Sandra Gail GrcenL»rj;, Gury A. ll;iykiii, Joel Mark Ix.-wis, Jeffrey HrUce Perimeter, Lynn Deborah Saunders, Arnold Tiiub, und Sharon Zlegman. Monday, Dec. 14 Merry Carole Cooper, Marcia Ann Forman, Sheldon Perelman, Cherna Lee Schrager, and Karen Dec Teppcr. Tuesday, Dee, 15 Mark Jeffrey Brodkey, Barry Cordon Kalman,' Steven Charles Bice, Judy Ann Sherman, Edwin Sldman, and - Richard Barrett Wetner. /Wednesday, Dee. U Howard Allen Katzman, Jerome Robert Waldbaum, and Rooald Bruce Wolpa. Thordsay, Dec IT Scrrl Lynn Berger, Uoda Helen Kahn, Robert Gary Lohxrotn, Stephen Lawrence Mulnlclf, and Michael Sadotsky.
Dancing Classes The ffrHp] A^nrlng class that meets on Thursday, met last Thursday tor the first time. Miss Longville, a student at OU, is theInstructor for the d a n . Included is the dancing program will be rumba, fox trot, sumba. jitterbug; * and any other steps desired by the pupils. Those interested are welcome to join the dancing classe. Cary Grant: "What people know about themselves U so little that it isn't worth bragging about But that doesn't stop them from doing it"— (JTA)
FEB8 Other Soilingi: March 29 • June 9 8 • Nov. 15
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Friday, Dcrcmbtr n , 1953
Religious News
Obituary Herbert Robinson Word was received here of thu death, Saturday, Dec. 5, of Herbert Robinson, 49, of Los Angeles Calif., formerly of Omaha. He was the son of the lato Sam and liattic Itobinson, pioneer Omahans. He died in Kansas City, Mo., of a heart attack. He had gone there to attend a family reunion. He if survived by his wife, Miriam and two children of Los Angeles; a sister, Mm. Minnie Achtenberg, Kansas City, Mo.; brothers, Arthur, Kansas City, Mo. Morris, New Bedford, Mass., and Nathan, Los Angeles.
Gems of the Bible and Talmud
With the Folks Af Home
Beth El P-TA To Meet Thurs.
Ammal Chanukah Partyi The Dr. Joseph Soshnick, P-TA Sisterhood of Temple Israel gave chairman of the Beth El Talmud a Chanukah Party' at the Dr. Torah, announced that the parPhilip Shcr Jewish Home for Aged ents of pupils in classes Hey, Vov Thursday evening, Dec. 3. Miss and Zayin will meet this Thurs* By »r. Philip Shcr ' Beth El • ; •:••; -, ' •• / • , • . •. Faye Edcl, a favorite -with our day at 7:30 p. m., in the school'* Service* will begin this evening folks, entertained with original classrooms. The teachers will reBible at 8:15 o'clock. Rabbi Myer 3 Jewish and Hebrew songs while ceive the parents in the classrooms A fool's mouth is his ruin, and , Kripko will deliver the sermon, his lips are the snare of hi* soul playing her accordion. ,Esch resi- and a general meeting of the par* Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the dent received a Chanukah* gift enti: will follow. A coffee hour Belter is a dry morsel and quietBeth E Choir will render the mu ness therewith, than a bouse ful' The refreshments were served by will tajto place after the session. skal portions of the service.••'•• the following member* of the of feasting with strife. Sabbath morning services will Israel Sisterhood Mrs. Moke no friendship with a man Temple begin at 9:45 a. m. Children's Julius1 Newman, Mrs. Alfred So- Monument Dedication that is given to anger, and with a services at 10:30 B. m. Mlnchaphlr, Mrs. Jack Marcr, Mrs. 4 wrathful man thou shall not go. George family of Mr. Max David, Haariv Services ..will begin jai Spitzer and Mrs. Charles sonThe Talmud will dedicate a monument in Stern, his memory 2:30 p. m., this Sun/ Dally Mlnyan Is held on each Jacob Abramson Rabbi Judah said: "Children Cnollm gave the Decem- day at the Pleasant Hill Cemetery, week day at 7 a. m. and 7 p, m not be kept from school berPlkar Birthday Party Tuesday, Dec. Services were held Wednesday should Sunday morning service is at ' even by reason of the building of Dee. 2 for Jacob Abramson with the Temple. (The Torah -it essen- 8, at 7 p. m. There was quite a crowd, with many persons staying interment at the Pleasant Hill tial to the existence of Israel, while to see the color films of previous : T Cemetery. • ' '»tTa-iBtUmF^~ •'.::' :•.-•' •• the Temple Is of secondary im- parties. Refreshments were served Mr, Abramson, 80, resident of portance.)" Rabbi Benjamin Croner, Can• by members of the Bikur Chollm > tor Ell Kagan, and the Beta Israel Omaha sipce 1901, died at his said: "Jerusalem woulc1 Sociey under the chairmanship Synagogue choir will conduct late home'Tuesday, Dec. 1, after an notRaba of Mrs. Allen Zalkln and Mrs. have been destroyed were It Friday evening iervlce« tonight extended illness. not because faith ceased to exits Lewis Ncvelcff. Dancing followed at 8 p. m. Sabbath morning servHe was a past president of B'nai as it is said (Jer. 5:1): 'Roam the refreshments. and to deliriously smooth! ices at Beth Israel at 8:30 a. m. and Jacob Synagogue. through the streets of Jeru- ....Record Library: Our record li0 a. m, at 19th and Burt. Junior Survivors Include his wife, Min- about brary at the Home has recently salem and sec now, and notice, and service* at 8:30 a. m. in the chapel. nie; three sons, Isadore, Louis and search In Its broad places, and if received some very nice Hebrew Rabbi Groncr will conduct the Leo; a daughter, Mrs. Maurice you can find one man who exe- and Jewish records from Mr. MMTif Saturday afternoon Talmud class Sachs; twelve grandchildren and euleth justice, who scarcheth fov M. K. Fanger and Mr. George MullChtwiU Pick-Patrick. »t 4 p. m. and Saturday Mincba two great-grandchildren. truth, then I shall pardon It'" will start at 4:30 p. m., which will KnkiSws. We are taught that Rabbi-Jose be followed by Sholosh S'cudos MaaisckniU said: "If thou sccst a generation Bias Friedman arid Maarlv, Clkkll Services were held in Phoenix, In which many troubles come, MUTUAL AID Daily morning services begin Stupt. Washington (JTA)—The For•t 7 a. m. at Beth Israel and ot Ariz., for Ellas Friedman. Mr. examine into the judges of Israel." (It is due to lack of judgment eign Operations Administration «J0 at 19th and Burt/Dally Friedman, 84, died Sunday, Dec. announced an authorization of afternoon' cervices begin at 4:80 6. lit Phoenix, He moved there and leadership,) Rabbi Assl said: "The reason $1,200,000 worth of crude oil, lub- USMI p. m. and Friday nftcmodn at front Omaha four years ago. M O P .m . ; ' - . - • • v •..':•• • ••;.••••::':••. He was a life-long member of why the Babylonian scholars are ricants, and kerosene for Israel. so extraordinarily well-dressed Is It was specified that the source of Sunday morning brtakfait mta- Beth El Synagogue. • yan mecU at 8:45 a. >ri. and is His. survivor* include, a daugh- that they are not so well versed in these products would be the UnitPalestinian ed States and its possessions. followd by Rabbi Orpncr** Bible ter, Mrs. Albert Wild of Phoenix: the Torah as are the 1 DUcussion Class. . The youngsters four sons, Philip of Los Angeles. .scholars." (They try to compensate in their dress for their inorthc Tails and Teffillh CluF be- I, H. and Jacob of Omaha, and gin their services at 8:80 a. m. Sam of Phoenix; seven grand- feriority.) Breakfast is served at the con- children and two great-grandOur Rabbis taught—Whoever clusion of their »ervlccs. depends upon U10 earnings of bis children. wlfo, or upon tho proceeds of a hand-mill, will never perceive the "TKMPl,B:'l8itAEt:-':'-;V:-'.'<.<:'• Benjamin Shafton sign of blessing.,. At the regular Sabbnth aerv'• ices Friday evening at 8 o'clock Services were held Monday, Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks will dis- Dec, 7, for Benjamin Shafton with cuss "Jerusalem. An Eternal Peo- interment at Pleasant Ilill Ceme- Needlework ple in an Eternal City." Mm; Ben- tery. Mr. Shafton, 74, a clothing jamin Boasberg will, recite tthe merchant in Omaha for over 50 Contributions blessing over the Sabbath liKhts. years died Sunday, Dec. fl, in a Harold Kasin will recite the Kid- local hospital, following a lingerAdditional contributors to the dush; J. Slosburc and Paul Blotcky ing lllnes.i. Needlework Guild: Mmes. Sam will assist Rabbi Brooks with tthe Mr. Shnfton was 11 pact presi- Epstein, Sidney L. Kpslein, Alfred Torah Srcvicc. dent of the B'nai Jacob RynngOKue Frank, Stuart E. Fried, Edward H. Regular Shabbos Mornlnc Serv- nnd a member of the Federation Grocnbcrg, Sam M. GreenbcrK, Ives will be held Saturday morn- for Jewish Service. Hen Hcrshorn, Louis Katz, Sam Inp at 11:40 oclock. Rabbi Ilrwilcs He Is survived by his daughters, Katzmnn, Hyman Kraft, Jerome will officiate with students of Mrs. Hose Frankcl, Mrs. Morris Milder, Samuel Newman David C. the Hebrew Department of tthc Arkin of Omaha; sons, Louis, of Platt, Donald A. Rice Hubert I. Religious School and Klddush for Sioux Falls, S. D., Abe Oakland Roscnblum, Morris Stalmastcr, all present will follow the scrv- bf Calif., Ellis of Los Angeles, ,and and Sam H. Stern. Edward of Omaha. Fish (IIP)—While fishermen reWine (HP)—More than 20,000 ported record catches off Israel's cases of wine will be sent by Israel coastline, the inland fishing in1 W.ffl. l.l.r to the' United States during Jan- dustry with the' aid of State of uary. Most of it will go to New Israel Bond investments, is planYork, New Jersey and Pennsyl- ning an expansion of pools in Hadcra. They will be increased in this Jerusalem (JTA)— Announce- vania, region alone to nearly 400 acres. ment was made here of the signJoe E. Lewis: "I know a woman ing in Moscow of a Soviet-Israeli for everyone trade agreement under which the who has every other tooth in the Danny Kaye: "So I heard this Soviet Government will purchase top of her mouth mining. Her hut- husband consoling his wife at their bind has everytooth in the bottom Citrus fruit from Israel to the value daughter's wedding by saying, of $2,700,000 and bananas to the of his mouth missing. When they "Don't think of it as losing a value of $200,000 while Israel buys kiss they sound like two freight daughter; think of it as gaining list at stores where 100,000 tons of crude oil from the car* coupling up."—(JTA) a bathroom/"—(JTA) Soviet Union. Electric Appliances The announcement was mode here as the new Soviet Minister, 5l««m are sold. Alexander Abramov, Journeyed to Iron this city from Tel Aviv to present hit credentials to President ItxhakBcnZvi. Considerable ilgPresents Its First Attraction . nlflcance was attributed to the fad that the Soviet diplomat thus recognized Jerusalem as the capi. tal of tthe Jewish Sate although Rom IU4* the Western Powers, including the United States, refuse to acknowThis talo of a man, his ion, and their quest through the ledge Israel's right to have its itreetf of Rome for hit bicycle., stolen just whon he needs capital here. it for a long-sought job, is widely acclaimod one of the In acknowediftment Mr. AbramVISIT YOUR DEALER groat motion pictures of all time. It is a simple story, but ov'* pledge to -'assist in the devel'*• moke yew selections so croativoly writton and diroctod by the leaders in the new opment of- economic and cultural fntr Teoli ties between the Soviet Union and Italian realist school, that tho personal experience of the NOWI Israel for the benefit of both counman and boy which are dirocily interlocked with tho life of tries," Mr. Ben Zvi noted that the tho city rovoal, not only tho poignant and bittor irony of the Soviet Union had supported the little follow buffeted by an indifferent world, but at well, United Nations resolution rcco/:a ponotrating and compassionate picture of tho post-war nlzlnfi the rlnhls of the Jewish people for independent status nr. European world a state, within its homeland and El.ctrk IlKtrkWaihu expressed the hope tlint "the "Absolufo Triumph"—Now York Times. "Best Film in 30 BxJcovtrlngi ««dDry*r Soviet Union will alr.o !:tiov/ n Yean"—Timo Magazine " A mastorpieco! Nono Bettor! A friendly understanding; for our efdrama at onco funny, appealing, exciting and sad. De Sica forts to build up this Inml and is tho peor of any movio-makcr in tho world"—Tho New bring In the scattered remnantn of the Jewish proplc won aspire Yorker Magaiino. IlKlric to settlement" 4:38 p. m. Ctndle UghUng time
' ; v i > . . ; m y ^ . v - . : • ; ' ,
Thick... Rich... Satisfying...
Soviet-Israel Trade Pact
You'll find the perfect gift
on your Christmas
Jerusalem (WJS)—The Israeli bid for high level peace trilks, in conformity with Arlicle XII of the armistice nnroemcnt, was turned down this week by the Jordanian Cabinet nflcr a long session. The rejection won based on the contention that nil differences can be adjusted within the framework of Die Mixed Armistice Commlssion.
Give an Electric . Gift-Beautiful.. Useful.. Wanted!
J.C.C. AUDITORIUM Performance Starts 8:15 P.M. FOR RESERVATIONS—JA 1366 Series $2.00 (Six Films)
Single 50 Cents
B'nai B'rith Bowling A Division All Bowlers arc invited to the Comhusker Lodge New Year's Eve Party at the Fontenelle Hot e l $16.50 per couple includes everything. Make reservations with Yale Richards. Burkhard-Gerelick -24 8 Nebr. Tarn. Mart 24 18 Crosstown TV ~... 22 20 Belmont Jewelry . 22 20 Grace-Meyer Ins — - 21 21 Lynn's Florist 20 22 11-Worth Grill 20 22 Greenberg Ins. ....... .—. 20 22 Pepsi-Cola 10 28 Hlnky-Dlnky IB 23 Milder Oil Co 18 24 Morris Paint ..„ IS 26 High. Games and Series Jack Belmont 200-573, S a m Diamond 538. Norm Abrahamson 213-548, Jerry Milder 229. D a n Cohen 203, Leonard -Goldstein 508, Jerry Cohn 217-526, S t a n Ljpsey 520, and Al Temin 536. All entry fees for the B'nal B'rith Tournament in K. C. must be in by Dec. 22. All B'nai B'rith bowler*, men and women will bowl for the Goodfellows f u n d next week. Since its inception our association has participated 100 per cent in this worthy project. faraway W. IRank's Army Store... 26 16 Wolfson-Gerbcr _.....2S>4 16 % National Tire 25 17 Rosen-Novak 24 IB Prucka Trans 24 18 Playland Park 22 20 Rlchman-Gordman .... 21 21 Riteway TV 18«i 23V, LibertyMGas „ IBM, 23H Phllco-Brandeis 16 Vi 25% Sol Lewis 16 26 Borsheim Jewelry 15 27 nigh Games and Series S. Pollack 106, L. L. Bernstein, 184, S.-Mayper 161. W. Eos'eln 183. A. Sluskv 178-470. J. Prlcsman 163. W.JCaiman 163. L. Katz 167, D. Hobefman 169-174-477, A Bear 182, M. JUpp 175, B. Webman 166, D. Diamond 168, B. Raz.nlck 180. H. Wolfson 170, A. Salkin 478, and J. Asbyll 1-5-7-8 split. Ladies League W. I. PhUins DeoL Store ..... 24 IB Hamilton Pharmacy 24 18 Country Club Grocery 24 IB National Tire & Sup 21 19 R & S Shoes _ 23 19 11-Worth GriU 22 20 lynsTlorist 21 21 Shukerts f — 21 21 Wolf Brot 2n>4 ?"' Colony CTbb 20 22 Omaha Jobbing 20 22 Angles Beauty Salon .... 20 22 KI*h Fur» I*% 9WMystic Beauty Shop .... 18 24 Smith Ponttac -. 18 24 '• Douglas Jewelry 18 24 • High Series »ay Bdel 50* Ruth Klein .47," Hlgb Game* Tay Mel JJ" Ruth Klein . ^ = . . 187 Kerfeys "IV-D1". W. LH. A. Wolf In'—ance.. 24 IB Robinson Iron & Metal -". - MV4 18U. Watson Brwi. Van L. 23 19 Louis Mflrke* ....- M 19 Bennett Fiirp'ture .... n 20 Slosbu'-" Rea'*vv ?.S 20 Mad-Color P^'it 90 Y>. South Omaha Sun 1« 23 Simons -•'ewelrv IB 24 MM 1«ln« In«ijran"e.. 1*Vi 26% Leooue l-uteri. Louis' Market. lost th~» ">lo»« on?i to Robinson Iron ft Metil to ^rm into a tip for th'-'l r.\r— f,i»i, Watson Bro-!., who b'-nVini M'-i Pl-iins <o advanoe f"-om I"'! week's •'« for fifth "'ace with P»nnott Furniture. P» viHii» or ihpi,- win ov c r I/>ul« Mirkct. Rnbin-nn Iron & JJle*a\ Briv»n<vl to 2nd place, a half rnrp" b»M"i tim new l e a w ]ea(i<M-« TT. A Wntf v b o tnok two
from 1 South OmMii S'in to n'nnt thprn "1^'0*1 'T tbo 'on nosltlon with Bi" Frio-I r-»ln<» hU team With a 172-M?. There r.eem'! to be a prcfV.'Tifnan^e of emoty Blntz Beer bottle-! n'nnn'1 c'nee t h e Ieafiur learned thnt Irv Sabef; has • healths Interest in the local distrftmtorshin. It m»** I" not""* •tuff, 'cauw I caw Bob Feist roll • 177 after wrannlni! himse'f around a bottl<- of the stuff. Al AHman'n lone fare can definitely fee traced to a bud evening which halted t<"> sfeadv advance he's been making In his average dur-
Friday, December II, 1151
Ily Undy Paul
Belzer's Basket Beats I-Go, 11 -Worth Edges Out Pacific
Independents Drop Rayim; AZA IA Rolls Over AZA 100 A strong Independent basket ball team, featuring a tight zone defense and some terrific put shooting by Speedy Zwetback and Bob Kully defeated Rayim A 39-26. The Rayim boys were unable to penetrate the Independents strong zone defense and with Bernie Turkel and Tiny Rosen working the boards, Rayim was unable to control the game. Leading 15-13 at halftlme, due to (hooting of Speedy Zweiback, the UnaifUates came back strong in the second half as little Bob Kully hit for 10 point*. Zweiback. finished high with 13 points, while Kully made ten. Ray Somberg topped the Rayim scoring with ten poiaui. AZA 1A went on a (coring rampage as they rolled over AZA 100 69-24. Stan Widman and Larry Schwartz scored 21 and -16 points respectively to lead the attack. Mother chapter had too much height and experience for their opponents. The driving play of Bob Epstein and Jerry Rosen, both freshmen were encouraging to the Cenlurymen. These boys are gaining experience which In future years will make them hard to beat. Jerry Rosen finished with nine
Hadassah Bowling W, L. Nogg Bros 18 0 Millie Wine 16 11 'Smith Pontiac _ 15 12 Brandeis Easy Washer .... 14 13 Edwards Jewelry „.. 13 14 Brandous Kleerchrome .-.., 12 IS Mctz Deer „ 11 16 RCA Victor 10 17 High Games and Series Charlotte BlumbcrR, 500—199nose Carrop, 491; Ann Scbulman 440; Kathcrino Ash, 420; Evelyn Hobcrman, 422; Ruth Sokolof, 418 and Esther Marcus, 408. ing the last couple ot weeks. Leon Alexander, Slosburg Itcalty, hit his stride in the second game; and came up with the evening** high game 189-458: but it took MUt Loss* 175-473 to cop high series. Bennett Furniture's 2,025 was the evening's high tc-yn series, and Meycrson's 1G3-4H was followed by H. Abramson, my trusty pen pal. with a 183440. We all fell flat on. our face in the last game. "Gunny" Sack's curve wasn't working. Ostrow'S 166-435 looked good for Watson Bros.; but what happened to "Iron Man" Elkon? Freshman'* 175-458 was good enough to tie Alexander for the evening's second high; and little Stanley Wnlpa, Mod-Color, looks like a comer with 179-439. The World-Herald Goodfellow Bowling Tournament Is being held next week. The entry fee is only fifty cents per man and all are urced to participate. The nrizes are worthwhile; and if nothing else, you will have the satisfaction of knowing you've helped make .some '111 kid happy. Major Cbatle W I* Wardrobo _25 >4 16Vi Pioneer Unif. 23 10 Nog* Bro«. 22 20 Kaimnn Ins. ..._ 21 21 ranklln Diit 21 21 ITnlon Freight 19V4 22'/I-Go-Van 19 23 I e Game* and Strlrs Morrv Knfrman 208-540. Halph o«>? S<7. Phil Kntzmnn 222-574, Hen Blatt 201, nnd Joe Isnck 550. Minor Classic W. I,. Appliance ...;«.... 27',A 14 !4 W.-.vnc Auto 27" 15 11-7. VondiiiK „.... IVk 18'4 Vcn-cr *'Son 22(4 Wh Smith Potitl.-ic \W- 23'.i Pnrdrnount Market .... 18'4 ?3'.i rilouot Club ..._ 17 2:1 Forbfo Bikrry 14 28 Iff I'll Games and Series Bob Hiram Silver 20H-541, Moo Grossman 200. Al Flclschman 200531. .Norm'Gnndler 201, and Kd Beldner 200-545. Sid Caesar: "This friend of mlno hns misspelled and uni?rammatica1 signs In his window. People think he is stupid and figure thev can cheat him. My friend tell* me business was never " better!"— fJTAV
points, while Bob Epstein made five. Tuesday, Dec. It 6:50 p. m.—AZA No. 1A vs. Independents. 7:40 p. m,—naylm A vs. AZA 100. Learne Standings W. L AZA 1A » _..—. S < Independents „.„.._,.„._..„„ 2 Rayim A *....«»...£•••..«,•• M*^. 1 AZA 100 .,.....„....„.....„.,„..„... 0
Star Auto, Kutiers Capture Openers Star Auto Parts, trailing 25-20 at halilime fought their way tttck in the final half of the game and defeated the Collegians, 51-42. Center Al dayman, hitting his pet short jump shot led the assault with 25 points. Ray Sombcrg and SUOt Widman each pitched in with •eight and seven points respectively. Leroy Katz sparked his team scoring 13 points. In their opening contest, Irv Yaffe scored 21 points for Kutlen Klowhs as they beat a tough Lusly's team, 43-32, This is the second time in three games that Yaffe has hit for more than 20 points. The first four points of the gome were made by Norm Zevltz, ns he celebrated his new title of being a father. The Lusty team was led by captain Steve Lustgartcn, who hit some terrific long shots as he scored 15 points. , Thursday. Dec. 17 7:15 p. m., Star" Auto vs. Lusty's 8:15 p. m., Kutlcrs Klowns vs Collegians.
Jr. Sports Bowling
Last bund.iy's Ijj'.ki tb.ill panics iit the J a y "were typical oi tlic clo'.onc^s and /Iclitini; ^jili it c>f the midget athletes. I-'mu :,hc;olini: and passing spaikeil tlic IIMIMS ui muny parents thrilled to the youngsters' ability and determination. In lite senior division of the league it took sudden death bucket by center Irvin Bcizcr to beat a touidi I-Go Van squad, 24-22. This is the second win for the Hires Hoot llrcr Team coached by Bob Epstein I-Go Van trailing 12-4, at halftime (ought miraculously to Kuin a 22-22 tie at the end of regulation time. The first overtime period went scoreless. In the sudden death period, Bcizcr grubbed a rebound and with a fine jump thot scored the winning basket. Stuart Kutler led the Hires team in scoring with 11 points, while Alan Cutler pitched in with six and Belzer made five. Tom Kully led for I-Go with 11 points. A scrappy Burkhard-Gcrclick team, displaying some nifty ball handling and pasting defeated a cold Sample Fur team, 27-16. Howard Wclnberg, "Ford" center led the scoring with 12 points, while Jeff SwarU chipped In with
Y.C. Boys Bowling Forging ahead in the American Division Is the Independent EBG team with Torn Bernstein, Bob Kully, Lenny Gacr Harlan Rosen. They lead Rayim Mesl Sew Grez) by one came. Bob Epstein was the top bowler last week with a 213—553. National Division W, L. AZA No. 1 Boosers 22 8 AZA No. 1 Glams 20% 9% Rayim SOS „„...,; 20 ' 10 AZA 100 Cenlurymen 10tt 11W Independent Sleepers.... 16 ' 14 Rayim S, a P.'i 15 15 , AZA No. 1 Bluffers ... 15 15 Rayim "11" 15 16 Rayim Scrcwbowls 5 25 AZA No. 1 No Names.... 4 26 American Division W. L. Independent EDG 23 7 Rayim Mesl Sew Grczi 22 B AZA No. 100 "A" 17 13 Rayim X's 17 13 AZA 100 Gutter Gangs 16 14 AZA 1 Gutter Goons 16 14 Rayim M-Jabs 12 IB AZA No. 1 We Goofed 0% 20tt Rayim "K" 9 21 AZA No, 1 Zorchcs 8% 21V4 Wins For League Bob Epstein 213—553 Fred Simon _ 183—526 Jamie Shapiro 209—510 Jerry Zicgman 178—517 Lenny Gaer -..-. 1B0—506 Wlllard Plotkin _ . . 74—485 Bob Meyer 161—485 Tanny Horwlch 218—463 Bob Kully ~ 160—486
Tbc Bowling Bums arc leading the Junior Sports Bowling league with a record of 7 wins, 0 defeats Members of that team are Chuck Wise, captain, Mike MarkoviU and Mike Salx-J. KUndlnri W. L. Bowling Bums 7 0 Alley Sluggers 6 1 Touch Turkeys 5 ? Strike & Spares 5 2 Alley Cats ...; „...,..... 5 J llitjh Hitlers ..._ 4 Gutter Boys „ 4 3 Alley Rats ,..'.......... 4 J Lucky Ladies ..._...,_..„.... 3 4 Gutter Gerties „.„,....„,.......... 3 4 Lucky Duckies 3 4 Bowling Babes 2 5 Nifty Hitters _ 2 5 Hep Cats .._ 2 Eager Beavers .»..„.._ 0 7 Bowling DolU 0 7 100 Bowlers Tom Platt, 139; Jerry Schwartz, 125; Stuart Kutlcr, 117: Judy Brooksteln. 114; Dale Kasin, 110 Snndar, Dee IS Howard Wcinbcrg, 109; Doutf 2 p. m. Pacific Fish vs. Riekes Platt, 107; Chuck Wise, 100; Bill v At Sons. Kfitzmnn, 103; John Rickes, 1022:30 p. m. Mogcn David Wine vs. Hill Harwich, 102: Louis Rich, 101 11-Worth Grill. and Clark-Swartz, 100. 3 p. m. Sample Fur vs. Igo Van. 3:30 p. m. Hires Root Beer vs. nurkhard-Gcrelick. Pre-seas«n Learne SUodlnf s Junior Section Jack I.ich WHS ldi;h in last SunW. L. day's competition at the MUM' Il-Worth Grill 2 0 Ilox with hlr. 204 rcrles. Wine 1 > Stuart Kutkr rolled the hlRr Mogi-n-David Pacific Fifth 1 1 I'jimo of the day with hlr. 140. S. Rlekc, & Sons _ 0 ? Virki Collck v.-.-is hiKh In tbr Senior Section Klrls' divi.ion with her gfiuic o' Ilir.'i Root Boer 2 0 147. I Co Van 1 1 burkhard-Cierelick 1 1 W. IJ Sample.Fur 0 2 O. P. Shares 14 4 Neb. Furniture Mnrt .... 12 B Industrial Chora. Co 11 7 Gamble Rob. Fruit Co. B'A 9VWolfson-Gerbc-r A. S. 8'4 9'.1/ Laurie Oruch Morris Paint 8 10 It reems the freshman are domMaypere B 10 inating the bowling selections for Amcr. Lbr, A; Sup. Co. 8 10 Bowlers of tho Month, The Youth 11-Worth Grill 7 11 Council Girls Bdwllng league has Playland Park 5 13 picked freshman Laurie Oruch, Illeh Games and Series a mMnbcr of T. A. for the NoJack Lclb 147-147—29' vember honor, On Nov. 10, the Etunrt Kutlcr 149-143—297 bowled a 199 Rome nnd coupled John Ricke.1 138-125—261 it with n 149 to hold the Y. C. Hcrblc Kaiman 143-112—25? T.rk' record of 34B. In every EcrHoward Weinbcrg .... 12H-12C—25' icn. 15 year old Laurie has had David Wlntroub 127-121—248 one name over 150. She won honJudy Cohen 130-113—24? ors last year in the Junior Sports Vlckl Collck 147- 00—237 Bowline league nnd holds the InJorry Sherman 124-112—230 dividual high game record which Eddie Wlntroub 120-110—23f is 183. For her outstanding ImStuart Fogel ... 132-102—23' provement and bowling achieveClnrk SwarU ............ 130-103—233 ment, Laurie Oruch will receive Mike Sbrier 139- 92—231 the Y, C. girls award for HovemTom Platt 133- 90—22? ber Bowler of the Month.
Midget League
Jr. B. B. Bowling
Bowler of Month
9. Justin HaviU put 1on some terrific fahootiiiG for llu S.'impii.' i'ur team an he hit on 5 mir. hiuiil push rhots to croro 10 point, — in tho junior division of the Midget lciiRiio Gene D.uidy ^jved the day for 11-Worth Grill. The .crappy !,ixth [JJIKIIT touk » reIj'jund o/f tlie baciiijo.iwi v.itli «ev*-n iiccond^ to play and ,in.hrri the ball hij'li in the uir. 'J'he ball caronied off tho board ynd went in •o (;ive the Grill squad :i 13-12 win. Justin Ban led his lenm with seven points. Hlgn for I'.iLific Fish was Dun Ilollia uitli tin points. Mogcn-David Win<j won their first game with a close 16-14 win over S. Itlekes Ic Sons. Center Don Kornian led his team with eight points, while Howard Sloler aided with six. Bruce Goldstein was high for Riekcs with seven.
Rayim B Scores In League Opener The AZA IB team, holding a 17-16 halftlme lead was unable to stop the Rayim B team in the third and fourth quarters and dropped their league opener, 40-27. Jamie Shapiro and Howard Goldstein were the s c o r i n g leaders for Rayim, each hitting for 12 point*. Seven of the Rayim 8 players -were Ir. the scoring column as Art Novak, Larry Lincoln, Tanny Harwich, Matty -Greene and Larry Zacharia shared in the point productlon. The lads from Mother chapter were led by David "Swish"! Widman. who was the top scorer of the day with 14 points. Stan Kaiman and Jack Oruch had slif olid five points respectively.
Stars of Week Y. G. Basketball Speedy Zwelback Last Tuesday night, un unpredictable Independent basketball team rose to great heights in beating Hayim A, 39-28. The principal reason for the win was the great play of Speedy Zweiback, This Central hieh junior stcidicd his ball club, and hit for 13 Important points to insure his team's victory. This was an important win us the Independents were not playing up (o par. The win shows that they will be tough and with Speedy Zweiback, they have an excellent floor leader. For his fine performance in beating a tough Rayim team, he is named the star ot the week.
Midget League Gene Dandy IrTln Belier Last year a* a fifth grader, Gene Dandy played on the championship Rosen-Novak team and never made a point The first basket in his basketball career will never be more timely. With his team trailing, 12-11, and with seconds to play. Gene scored his first basket In midget play to give his 11-Worth Grill team a 13-12 win. Center Irvin Belzer saved Hires Root Beer with a fine shot In the sudden death period to defeat a stubborn I-Gs Van team, 24-22, His work under the boards was a big factor in his team's win. For their timely baskets Gene Dandy and Irvin Holier share the Midget Basketball star of the week award.
Bowler of Month, for November . Bob EpiUIn November's bowler of the month in the Youth Council Boys' league is Bob Epstein of AZA 100. The freshman othloto has been consistent and is carrying a terrific 104 average. Bob started with an avcraRe of 140 and has built It up steadily. Bob also holds tho high scries of tho year, a nifty 554. Ho ranks behind Jerry Zicffman and Fred Simon in high individual average but offers a consistent challenge to win top honors. For his sparkling performances and consistent bowline, Bob will receive the Bowler of the Month Award for November. Jack Benny: "After reading the latest cost of living index, I have concluded that the outcome of the income depends on the outgo of the upkeep,"—(JTA