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J. H. Kulakofsky R e e f e d Federation Head Marer Gets Drive Award
Dr. Abe Greenberf Second Vlee-Presldent
Jack W. Marer . Flnrt Vice-President
Yesbiva U. Aid
Tel Aviv V. Opens
Kew York (JTA) — Yeshlva University will spend $490,294 during the academic yeor 1953-54 the largest amount In the Institution'* history, to provide scholarship and maintenance aid for 1,(29 students or 83 per cent of iU enrollment Dr. Samuel Belkln, president, announced this week.
Tel Aviv (JTA)—The first school of "Tel Aviv .University opened here recently in temporary buildings provided by the city. At, this stage in Its develop ment the University will offer only a three-yoar course leading to a baccalaureate; in science. The course of students at the new university will bo coordinated with those of the Hebrew University In Jerusalem. Eventually, Tel Aviv University will bo housed In a group of buildings which will be erected on the north bank of the Yarkon River.
Pilgrimages London (WNS)—About 20,000 British Jews have made visits and pilarimages to-itracl since its establishment. Most of them, 17,000 were tourists, and the rest Immigrants and seasonal workers.
Bond Purchases Top $87,500; Mrs. Kulakofsky Gets Award More than f84,00O of State of Israel bonds were purchased at tho Israel Bond Dinner held lost Sunday evening, Morton Rlchordi, Chairman of the bond drlvo announced. "The wholehearted support of the community Is proof that Israel bonds are accepted a* o sound investment and that we have confidence in the State of Israel to grow and prosper. Because of this public acceptance. Wo have set our goal of $100,000 to be raised by January 1. Our bond committee has pledged the community to reach those whe have not as yet had the opportunity to participate," Mr. Richardr srtated.
The citation reads: ''Honor Scroll awarded to Mrs, J. H. Kulakofsky —Who has contributed distinguished service and inspired leadership to the State of Israel Independence Bond drive—whose work has aided Israel immeasurably in her efforts to achieve economic independence." Mrs. Kulakofsky said that she was honored and touched' byl the award and that she accepted citation not only for herself but for the community. Bond dollar* are the sinews that are; building the state of Israel, she emphasized •'.. Guest speaker, Julius Gintburg Chicago industrialist said; the: Israeli people consider it a privilege to work and build a system The total amount of purchases of society that Is good and will be passed $87,300 Wednesday, it was everlasting.. They are stubborn announced. The Independence Is- pcqple, he continued, who arc sue of Israel Bonds will continue working for the day Jews will live, until May 1, and $100,000 'goal IK in peace and dignity throughout •et for the nuxt two weeks ending the world. , .• on the first of the year. « Entertainment Was provided for Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky received by Hazel Scott, whd flow In from • "Honor Scroll" from the na- New York City to play for the tional office of the State of Israel dinner guests. The Charioteers, apBonds. David Blacker, chairman pearing here at the Seven Seas of the first bond drive, made the also participated in the entertainpresentation at the bond dinner ment.
Dr. Philip Sher Honorary President
J. Harry Kulakofskr President
Harry Trustln Secretary
Robert II. Kooper Treasurer
UJA Sets 1954 Goal at Meet
New York (WNS)—A 1854 goal of $119,921,000 was set here by the United Jewish Appeal at Us threeday. Annual Conference which concluded with /the unanimous election of Edward M. M. Warburg to a fourth successive term as general chairman of- the VIA. The goal' represents the budgetary sums required as a minimum in 1854 by the constituent agencies of the UJA and was adopted to provide $91,620,000 for the "United Israel Appeal, $20,186,000 for the Joint Distribution Committee, and $2,115,150 for the United Service ^for New Americans and New York Association for New Americans. Mr. Warburg said the goal Was less than the minimum needed by the UJA constituencies. He asserted that "the year 1094 must bring strengthened and intensified support for the United Jewish Appeal to assure that the people and the State of Israel do not stand alone as they strive for the peaceful development of their democratic way of life." , Highlighting the conference war an address by Lcvl Eshkol, Israeli Minister of Finance, who told the more than 1,500 guests and delegates attending the banquet plenary session that the new state wua half way on the road to economic freedom and that the country will not bo deterred by Arab efforts to destroy Israel's economy. Only the failure of American Jews to support Israel can deter it." drive for full economic sufficiency, Mr. Eshkol cautioned. He told the session that if American Jews make available a m i n i m u m of $123,000,00(1 in 1054 uhrought increased support of the United JewJulio* Glnsburr. left, tuest speaker at Israel Bond Dinner, and ish Appeal and Israel Bonsd, the Morton Blchards, rlfht, bond drive chairman, look on as David new State would be ablo to make Blacker, chairman-of the first bond.drive, presents Mrs, J. H. a dramatic Start toward maintainKulakofskr with a "Honor SenlT on behalf of the national Israel ing a population of at least 2,000,Bond offltt. 000 by the end of 1960.
Deadline Moved Up Copy for next week's Issue must be in our hands by Monday, :Dec. 21. Tho deadline has been advanced duo to print shop closing for the Christmas holiday.
bicycle Thief Sunday at J The Center's Foreign Film Series gets underway Sunday evening, Dec. 20, at 8:30 p. m. with the Italian film masterpiece "The Bicycle Thief." Tho film was directed by Vittoda De Slca from p story and screenplay by Ccsarc Zovottinl. This tale of a man, his son, and their quest through the streets of Rome for his bicycle, stolen just when he needs it for a long sought job, is widely acclaimed one of the great motion pictures of all time. It is a simple story, but so creatively-written and directed by the leaders in the new Italian realist school, that the personal experience of the man and boy which are directly interlocked with the life of the city reveal, not only the poignant and bitter irony of the little fellow buffeted by an Indifferent worWi, but as well, a penetrating and compassionate picture of the post-war European world. Other films in the current scrlcr IncludJ "TlRht Llttlo Island," (English) "Torment" (Swedish) "Open City" (Italian), "Crime i.nd Punishment" (French) and "Alexander Nevnky" (Russian). Scries tickets arc $2.00 and individual tickets 50c. Reservation? may bo phoned in to JA 1360. Mrs. Edward Zorlnsky and Mr Jack Sandier arc co-chairmen of the Jewish Community Center Foreign .Film Committee.
J. Harry Kulakofsky was unanimously re-elected president of the Federation for Jewish Service at the annual meeting Thursday, Dec, 10. Re-elected as first vice-president was Jack W. Marer; as second vice-president, Dr. Abe Greenberg. Robert H. Kooper was again chosen treasurer and Harry Trustin, secretary,' Dr. Philip Sher was re-elected honorary president. Marer Cited A Certificate of Merit was presented to JaclLW. Marer on behalf of his efforts as general chairman of the 1953 Philanthropies Campaign, Mr. Marer upon receiving the award said that he accepted it in a representative capacity for the hundreds of workers who-served in the drive. Paul Vcret, executive directive, outlined briefly the scope of federation activity. He noted that this year marks the fiftieth anniversary of tho Omaha federation, which ' was founded in 1903 as the Asso- dated Jewish Charities. Plans for celebration of the 'fifty years of federation service are underway. Chairman Named Mrs. Harold P. Farber, president of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs, announced that Mrs. Esther Rips has been chosen as the chairman of the Women's Division for the 1054 Philanthropies Campaign. Tho minutes were read by Robert H, Kooper, and the Nomination Report was submitted by Morton Richards, chairman of the Nominating committee. Joe Rice introduced the guest speaker Colonel Chaim Herzog, Military, Naval and Air; Attache to the Embassy of Israel In the United' States. Col. Herzog spoke of the historic partnership between Israel and American Jewry.
Sen, Lehman Receives Education Award New York (JTA)—Sen. Herbert H. Lehman was awarded the first Mark Eisner Education Award from the American Association for Jewish Education at a dinner here attended, by more than 500 educational and Jewish community leaders. Accepting the award, Sen. Lehman warned a g a i n s t the threat of the book burners." The gold medal was presented to the Senator by Samuel I. Rosenman, former advisor to Presidents Roosevelt and Truman. The award was established in honor of Mr. Eisner, who was a founder and fonrier president of the AAJE. Messages were received at the dinner from President Elsenhower, Adlal Stevenson and Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt.
On Radio and TV Sunday from 11:30 a. m. to noon over WOW-Radlo,. the E t e r n a l Light will present "Face to face With Gabriel," written by Marc Siegcl, based on ah article of samo name by Rabbi Morris Kertzer in Guidepost Magazine, it was announced by the Jewish Theoiogicnl Seminary of America. -"Face to Face With Gabriel" is the true story of the courage and heroism of Rabbi George Liberman. In a disastcrous train wreck Rabbi Llebcrman was trapped for six hours in an excruciatingly painful position, but during this tragedy lie comforted hfr fellow passengers with advice and prayer. Although crippled for several years Rabbi Lieborman never lost his faith and courage und was able to ascend his pupllt again.
b) the Jtwisk rafcfatlKd (•very v r y r*U» b» t c Oman* d •SUM* M MMOMSM amiut u daua*. N akma NknuU u * f Urn I M f l HMUQUIIM. M.O0L A«»ltM«s fUUt tm S
Friday, December II, 185S
Egyptian Blockade
f edernlw m Si Hid> ».
(Editor's note.)—Reprinted from the editorial pace of the Dayton Dally News. Tlio firing by Egyptian shor* .... .Society Editor batteries on an American freighter loaded with wheat for Polestlne refugees in Jordan oughttodramatize something more than an At the thirty-ninth annual meeting of the Joint Distribution offense against the American flag. Committee last week, American Jewish-leaders were asked to inIt ought to dramatize also the crease the budget of this agency by more than $4,000,000 in order illegality at the blackadc which to carry out adequately its overseas programs for relief, resettlemen Egypt has '.brown up against and rehabilitation. Israel. In 1953, Moses A. Lcavitt, JDC Executive Vlee-Chalrman, reThe Egyptian gunners fired on ported, the agency will have spent more than f3,O00,000 to ease the s shipload of wheat destine lor lot of tome 160,000 Jews in twenty countries o# Europe, North Africa one of their Arab allies under the and the Middle East, including Israel. evident misapprehension that it About half of this amount was needed to supply the wherewas bound, not for the Jordanian withal for the 100 institutions maintained by Malben, JDC* proport of Aquaba at the head of the gram in Israel, which cares tor the aged, the maimed and the helpRed Sea, but for the near-by Isless who came with the vast flood of immigration after the emerraeli port of Elath. The governgence of the Jewish state, JDC has thus undertaken to lighten the ment of President Nutfulb will find onerous burden of the young and struggling state, which 1* conIt easy, therefore, to render the fronted by the vast problem of integrating, both socially and ecoproper apologies. Since the aim nomically, approximately 800,000 newcomers. of the arUlelrymen was bad, there Mr. Leavitt's report also called nttentlon to the fact that some will probably be no question of of the areas of need in Europe are beginning to show signs 'of clearindemnities. ing up and that perhaps before long some of the Jewish communiBut an attacker's offhand' apolties in Western Europe may be able to cope with their local needs ogy: "Sorry, I wa» shooting at the without further aid from American Jewry. wrong *juyv" doe* not excuse that But even in Europe there are still acute spot* requiring JDCs kind of gunplay. Since the Egypwatchful eye and helping hand- Camp Foehrenwald, with its 3,000 tian blockade has no standing in inhabitants, is still not closed, and the situation there is being further, international law, the offense complicated by the swelling number of Israeli returnees. The soluwould have been Jurt a* great had tion of the "hard care" problem* will require much patience and — the American freighter actually - slderable resources. ' been bound for Elath. Also, the effectiveness pf JDC work in North Africa and Iran By Nathan Zlprin velopment on the American JewThe fact is. not only was tho makes it necessary to expand these programs so as to reduce-the iih scene. shooting an unfriendly act, but it suffering caused by centuries-old poverty and ignorance, by thoMiami 1* Npt Alone, B a t . . . was performed In an unlawful enblighting sickness and- festering anti-Semitism which afflicts Jews Although the undertone of Sho- Ben Ourion Whatever the motive behind Ben deavor to strangle the economy of in Moslem countries. lem Ascb's recent assertion that For 195* JDC plans also call for a greater effort to explore the Miami Is not America was not ex- Gurion'* decision to remove him- a neighboring nation. Two year* possibilities of emigration and to intensify rehabilitation measures. actly the language of a would-be self from the political leadership ago tho United Nations, by resoluSweden and Norway have accepted small groups of isck Jewiih DFs pietist, this corner is nevertheless of the country, there is no gain- tion, declared Egypt's Red Seaas immigrants and negotiations are now going on with the United inclined to be charitable to Asch saying; tho fact that tha imprint Suez blockade of shipments desKingdom and several Latin American countries to do likewise. Un- on this score. I have reacted often of his personality upon the coun- tined for Urael to be a violation try will be felt for eternity. Not of International law. The violation der the Refugee Relief Act and other measures, some 3,700 Jewish and at times bitterly to Asch'i alone he was of the found- has continued and the U. N. has refugees in Europe are expected to need aid to come to this country Christological novels and to his ers ofbecause g the Jewish State, but be- done nothing further about it. In during the coming year. attempt to create cause of quite appaarent the and vision contrast to the harshness of tha on the basi* of accept- he showed on courage JDC's 1054 budget will exceed $26,000,000 and will have to come synthesis o founding it against resolution tho General Assembly Christianity. But that the protestation* from contributions by American Jews to the United Jewiih Appeal. ance of C of the Innocent American Jews, however, have these 39 years shown complete con- cannot and must not be the basis abd naive who did not think tho has just pasted in condemnation fidence in JDC and Its effort to lighten the burden of poverty and for either personal animosity or limo was propitious for tho great of Israel's raid on the Jordan borto reconstruct the lives or needy Jews overseas, Without a doubt literary intolerance. Even if it historic moment Those who have der town of Kibya, the rebuke to were assumed, as so many In the known Ben Gurion over the years Egypt two years ago apparently they will do so again. Jewish world believe, that Asch recognized him as an impetuour was little more than a slap on the strayed or altered he is only man and as one who was always wrist. sounded a warning to the Arab has The incident in the Bed Sea yesof pity and not abuse. in crisis impervious to dangers and states when he declared that "11 deserving I have heard stories of personal difficulties. Heights never fright- terday presents an occasion for the is Important for the Arab world attacks on Asch in Miami, but I ened him. His reward and seeking U. N. to move in on the illegal to realize that, as far as we arejust can't imagine adults using was the achievement, always. It lr blockade as it has failed to do concerned, we are prepared- tc stick or vituperation against sin- p r e m a t u r e to evaluate Ben forcefully up to now. It would be Jerusalem (JTA)—In his first hold out indefinitely, but, on thener. Miami Jewry is not alone Gurlon's position in the great act wholly proper for the U. S. delepress conference as Acting Pre- other band, one can only hop< in condemning Asch's position, of redemption lie himself gation, in defense of American mier, of Israel who is seeking tc that they will soon realize that but I should think it is alone if it intends writing since next chapter shipping as well as in defense of set up a new Cabinet. Mosh< everyone is losing through the ab- really displayed the type of in- in his retreat atthe S'dei Bokcr. It larger principle Involved, to, Sharett pointed out that whatever sence of peace, they no less than tolerance Asch has been com- was fortuitous for the Israeli cause the raise the question 1 nthe General government emerges from the we and, in »mc respects, per- plaining about to his close friends. to have Ben Gurion at the helm Assembly before it recesses for the present negotiations, it will have haps more." during its stormy days. The shep- Christmas holidays. to continue and develop further herd of S'del Bokcr, we are sure, On the subject of American- Not To* Late . . . "the great work achieved under will be ever ready to hearken to One of Israel's best known the call of his flock. the inspired leadership of David Israeli relations, Mr. Sharett de- characters Yeshiva U. Honors is Cbone the Famous JewUh Nobel Frlie Winners clared that they "are based on r Ben Gurion." Me said the two mahe was known in the days jor task* facing the new govern- firm friendship to which man; as Adlai Stevenson when he moved in Poale Zionist factors contribute. The two govOf the nineteen Nobel Prize ment would be the fullest possible circle* in the United States. When winners in medicine since 1944, New York (JTA)—Adlai E. development and utilization of the ernments, be.said, did not alwayr Chone heard that Ben Gurion was country's potential resources and see eye to eye on a number of resigning he cornered the Pre-about seven were Jews or of Jew- Stevenson,received the honorary the economic, social and spiritual specific problems concerning or mier with a personal plea. "If you iih extraction. When It is con-degree of-Doctor of Laws from integration of • the hundreds of affecting Israel, but "we try tc resign,'' he threatened the Pre-ildcred that in the period between Yeshiva University at a .special solve these divergencies in thr 1001 and 1943 there were also convocation at the Hotel Waldorfthousands of newcomers. friendliest ip'rit." Difference* of mier with pounding cane, "I will seven Jewish winners in that field Astoria. Tho affair marked the become an orphan." Quickly Ben out of a total of 42, it becomer ,25th anniversary year of the esopinion which may arise, hr A major problem to be inherited replied to the 70-year-old "need not at all effect oar Gurion that the Jewish contribu- tablishment of the University's. by the> new government, he pointed added, bachelor, "get yourself a wife and evident tion to medicine In the most re- College of Arts and Science. In out, was Israel's relations with thr basic relationship and solidarity." you won't be lonesome." cent decades has been'phenome- conferring the honorary degree Arab state* surrounding it. He denal. This development is also in- upon: Mr. Stevenson, Dr. Samuel clared that "the conclusion of t Synagogue Links Variation On a Theme . . . teresting slnco the general, aver- BcDtin, president of the Univerpermanent peace between us deWhen asked at Bermuda why ,gc of Jewish Nobel Prize win- sity, cited him a* "an eminent pends on 'them alone. We, for our Miami Beach (WNS)—Only tho lie did not attend Sunday serv- ners has been tomewaht closer tc statesman, man of, great intellecpart, are always ready for it and synagogue- can serve a* a positive ices, Winston Churchill allegedly 11 percent. Of. the 48 winners of I can only expren the hope tha' bond between Jewish communities replied that he will coon enough the Nobel Prize in Literature twr tual ability and moral integrity." the counsel* of peace will sooner in various parts of the world and >e with his Maker. 1 have no have been Jews or of Jewish oriDr. Belkin announced that the or later prevail against the hatred can't transform a community of intention of roursc of questioning gin, und only two Jews were hon- $125,000 raised at the dinner, toand prejudice of the ruling classer Jews into n Jewish community, Churchill's piety. But my fore- ored with the award for peace as night will be applied, to the Uni. of the neighboring Arab lands tc this" week decjared Rabbi Simon bear, the croat Levi Itzhak Berdi- nguinst a total of 40 winners. It versity's Scholarship Fund. He said the benefit of us all in the Middle Grccnbcrg, vice-chancellor of the :hever, would in a similar situa- is estimated that about 31 Nobc' Ycshiva ' University will spend East and as a contribution tr Jewish Theological Seminary of lon have fjiven another reply. Prize winners in all fields were $455,294 during the academic year world-wide peace and stability." America, at the convention of«thc 'Ribono shel-olem," he w o u l d Jews or of Jewish descent. But 1953-54, to provide scholarship have most likely w h I s p c r c d, only about 10 percent could be- imd maintenance aid for 1,623 stuThe Israeli Government head United Snyagogue here. "though I shall noon cnoup.li be f;,id to have been Jews cither In dents, or 85 percent of its enrollin thy eternal presence,, yet thall <t rclitflou.'i or communal sense. ment. I not relinquish for one moment Two of the latest Jewish winners the Interim association with you I'rofcrior Ham Adolph Krebs and in the Dwellings of Israel." Professor Albert Llpmann, ore suddenly developed n yen for findFriday, Dec 18 definitely not in the category of ing out how services were conPre-Kindergarten School—9:00 a. m.. Center. One Man's Opinion . . . the- 10 percent. Prof Upmann, was ducted on Hie other side of the Saturday. Dec. IB Minimum Jewishners and Jcw- recently quoted to have eaid while fence. When he was through with . Debka Debs Dance—8:00 p. m.. Center. interviewed by a Forward report- hi-i Sabbath cervices, the rabbi ; ish education may be a palliative Sunday, Dec. 29 , but certainly not a cure for ourer that although of Jewish origin leisurly perambulated to the temChildren's Program—2:00 p. m., Center. ailments. The sooner our Jewi.-.h en both Bides of the family, he did ple. On entering the house of worForeign Films Series—8:15 p. m. Center. communities recognize tho need rot belong to any Jewish organiza- ship he naturally did not remove Young Adult Lounge Ni;:h'—8:00 p. m.,,Ccnter. for maximum Jewish education tions and was not particularly in- his hat. An usher at the door Monday, Dee. 21 the sooner will we be on the way terested in his Jcwishness. Krebr gently reminded the would-bePre-Klndergnrtcn School—9:00 a. m., Center. to finding the key to survival. visited Israel in 193S at the in-worshipper to remove his hat. The Workman's Loin—7:20 p.. m.. Center. • Jewish education that, is meted vlUitlon of the late Dr. Welzmann visitor declined, declaring he was Beth Israel Adult InMitute—0:00 p. m., Center. , out on a teaspoon bails is at be:;t He is married to a Christian wom- en Orthodox Jew. The first usher Only a bitter herb. This knowl- an, but he and hi? three children yielded. As tho rabbi proceeded Tuesday, Dec. 22 along the aisle, he was again edge has come to me the hard consider themselves Jews. Beth Israel Sisterhood Board Meeting—1:00 p. m., Beth Israel. stopped by an usher who again way. One of my children received Bon Mot Bridge Class—•—1:30 p. m., Center. reminded him about removing the a yeshiva education and the other Wednesday, Dec. 23 a teasooon education. That is why This is an authentic story. It hat By this time the visitor was Pre-Kindergarten School—0:00 a. m., Center. I can't resist registering personal wan related to rnc only this.week beginning to lose his patience and Mizrachl Women—1:00 p. m., Center. gratification over the recent re- at the JDC dinner by a prominent ho somewhat bluntly told the man Center Orchestra Rehearsal—8:00 p. m., Center. "" port by Torah Umesorah that ten rabbi whose name is cynonimous that the first usher had given him Thursday, Dec 24 new Hebrew Day Schools wero with authenticity. A prominent (ho green light 'That gentleman Youth Council Ballroom Dancing Class—3:45 p. m., Center. opened this year throughout the Orthodox rabbi of recent arrival may have given you the authority Bridge Class—8:00 p. m., Center. country.. In my opinion, the rapid in the United States who lived in not to remove your hat," replied growth .of the day, school move- the neighborhood of one of the the second usher," but he1 knew Chess Class—8:00 p. m., Center. -. ment is a most significant dc- cading Reform temples in the city no better—he fa not a Jew, ' Kadimah Regular Meeting—8:30 p, m., Private home. MUMM) on**-«pj K* torn atmt. oum, NM fnw warn tttm— I M sa B U au—%. • HAHBV BALPERTLOUIS PAUL..
JDC's Increased Budget
Off the Record
Israel Is Ready For Peace Meet
Community Calendar
tfridsy, December I t . 1853
Klufznick Asks for Positive Measures
B'nai B'rith Children's Home in Israel
Washington, D. C. — Development of itositivc measures to protect human rlr.hln, Including international nction programs by the United Nations, was urged in a statement Issued by Philip M. Klutr.nick on the occasion ot Human lilglits Day 1953. Mr. Klutznick is president of B'nai B'rith, world's oldest and largest Jewish service organization, which is o m e m b e r ol the Co-ordinating Board of Jewish Organisations, enjoying consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council.. . Hailing the fifth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on Dec. 10, 1048, Mr. KluUnlck pointed out that the Construction Is progressing rapidly on the new B'nal H'rlin Mrs, Either Rlpi means which -we have to defend Children's Home in Israel, which Is scheduled for completion by individual rights throughout the ; the summer of 1951. The Home, a project or B'nal B'rith Women, must be strengthened and is located in the Judran hills In the town of Bait V'tan, near JeruWomen's Div. Head world Increased. "In our day the world salem. Already completed are two of the fleldstone cottages, seen has grown too small to permit the on the left. The Home Is directed by Dr. Yehuda Dux and will Mrs. Either Rips was named violation of the rights ot one have facilities for treating more than 104 emotionally disturbed chairman of the Women's Division without endangering the freedom children who will be under the constent supervision of psychlauista. of the 19M Philanthropies Cam- of all," he said. and psychologists. Mrs. M, A. Temerson, vioe.presldent of the Text of Mr. Klutznick's state- B'nai B'rith Women's Supreme Council, brought back this phote* palgn. Mrs. Harold P. Farber follows: graph on her returnd from Israel, which she tonred recently as a president of the Federation of ment "Among the memorable docu Jewish Women's Clubs made the ments of human freedom, the member of the B'nal B'rith Israel Committee. announcement at the annual meet- Universal Declaration of Human ing of the FedertUoo In the Jewish Rights occupies tho highest place. this Human Rights Cay 1953, Community Center. Mrs. Rips has On when we celebrate the fifth anMen an active worker In previous niversary ot the adoption of tho By Boris Snwfar' they are reported to be many— who have- a definitely negative campaigns and served as vice- Declaration by the United NaCopyright,1J53, JTA.) rapport with the rabbi . . . They president of the Omaha Chapter tions General Assembly, we also Food-Ealslng Trends remember the generations of men claim that the rabbis "are too of Hadassah and as a member of who through the ages have fought Jewish fund-raising campaigns domineering,"; ''do pot perform the board ot ran Beth XI Syna- for freedom and liberty. We must declined about three, percent In their duties as they should;" "have teach the lessons of their strug- 1933, the Council of Jewish Fed- a penchant for financial self-aggogue Women's Auxiliary. gle in all the places of the world. erations and Welfare. Funds es grandizement," or "act aloof . . "Recognition of the sacred dig- Hmates now, as the year reaches Others go as far as to state that nity of the individual, of human Its end . , . The decline has been their rabbis "do not pitch in when lights, began with the dawn of sharpest in the "big gifts" brack- needed;" "socialize with the afhistory, but each generation has ets, which Include contributors of fluent;" are not giving sufficient had to learn lor itself the bitter $5,000 or m o r e . . . These gifts, al- spiritual guidance," and "are not consequences that result from the though small in number, continue disregard of these fights. In our to provide oen-thlrd of the total genuinely interested in the furLelahd Ferer. the Center's day the world has grown too small funds . . . In recent years, the thering ot the cause of religion" bridge Instructor, Is leaving us to permit the violation of the number of givers to Jewish wel- . . . Some replied that their rabbis this week to t&kx up a post as o rights of one without endanger- fare funds also declined . . . How- "do not practice what they teacher at the Charles Gorcn the freedom of all. By defending ever, the decline In the number of preach;" are "opionated;" are too Scohol of Bridge In Mlnml. the lowliest, we protect our own Elvers has been more gradual than preoccupied with many affalrr the decline In tho amounts raised "on the outside;" have not enough At the Winter Nationals In Dal- rights. las earlier in the montti Mr. Fcrcr "We must recognize that we ore . .. Since 1948, the number of con' time for their won work, and "are along with Gerald Mlchaud of encaged on many fronts In de- trlbutors has decreased approx- not considerate of their staff . . "Wichita, Kansas, finished second fense of those rights. Regrettably, imately 15 percent . . . An analysi: The poll was aimed at 443 ConIn tho Life Master—Senior Master the weapons which we have to of reports from 85 welfare fund: servative congregations, but only Pairs, an event restricted to the promote human rights throunhou shows that about 32 percent of al 35 percent of them replied. were contributed by three, country"! top ranking brldgo play- the world are Inadequate and too receipts tenths of one percent of the "big cr.i. He sat down with n partner few for the great tasks before us. Kitt" Rivers . . . These gifts de- Soviet Reflections with whom he liad never previous- We must develoo international nc- clined last year by 50 percent from ly plnycd and together they led tlon programs for the promotion the omount contributed Jews are not popular in Soviet 1048 by the entire field until the lust ses- and protection of human rights. the same bracket... A in decline oi Russia now, Vice Admiral Leslie We must grapple resolutely with sion when John Crawford and C. Stevens, former naval attache about 35 percent Is also established Sidney Sllldor finally overtook the problem of ways and means In the bracket of *100-$5,000 ... at the U. S. Embassy in Moscow, to deal fairly With complaints of them. The crucial importance of gifts in says in his "Russian Assignment" violence. the above categories is emphasized just published by little, Brown & 'Only by constant vigilance, by when we note that lost year, about Co. . . . This, he emphasizes, de* objective presentation of the facts, 90 percent of all monies raised spite the fact that the Soviet Govcan we speed up our progress to- were from gifts of $100 or more, ernment prides itself on its equitward tho goal of universal hu- from 19 percent of the givers . . able treatment of national miThe Sunday at the Center Pro- man rights. Because God created Study ot the fact revealed above norities . . . The author, who spent each man, .however humble, in gram for children 0 to 12 yean poses serious problems for the several years in the USSR and old will recess for a winter vaca- His : image, each man's dignity communities as they begin their who had an opportunity to visit must be precious to us in deed as planning for 1954 campaigns . . some sections of the country outtion December 20. The second semester will beglr well at in spirit if the gains of One of these problems Is: What side Moscow, presents: this fact Sundoy, Jan. 1, at 2 p. m. It was centuries of .effort are not to be can be done to reverte the declin- without going into details , . . He announced by Mrs. Mike Freeman1 lost. Through the United Nations ing trends in the 'tig gifts" cate- also reveals that the Crimea program chairman of the Center ! and with ill the means at our gory, since this category. Is the where Jewish colonies flourished Children's Activities Committee. command we must continue the heart of every: campaign? . . until the Nazi invasion of that part the firm resolve to community leaders feel tha' of USSR, Is now a.region which Registration will have to- br struggle in positive measures that Some there should be fewer moss meet- even Soviet citizens are rarely kept to a maximum of SO and par- establish protect these rights through- ings and more concentration on permitted to Visit, not to speak of ents ore «skcd to register their will out tho world." smaller groups and on personal foreigners . . .Incidentally, no Inchildren, as soon as possible. solicitation . . . A l s o that there formation whatsoever is yet availFifty - children wero enrolled should be elss reliance on glamor- able on what has happened to the during the first semester. Tuition ous speakers and more attention Jewish colonies in Crimea—which payment is required in order tr to local leaders who can tell tho were established with the aid of re-register. Children who were no1 campaign story effectively . . the Agrojolnt of America—after previously registered will have tr Nazis were forced to retreat be accompanied by a parent in "The key. to the entire problem Some also recommended that hus- the bands and wives be invited to spe- from the peninsula . . . it Is known order to register. of Tuberculosis control in Nebrasthat many of the Jewish colonists The semester will extend from ka and tha "Nation is early detec- cial gifts dinners rather than hold- were massacred by the Nazis and January 3 to February 28 at a fee tion," Dr. Herbert Kennedy of ing separate functions for them. that some succeeded In escaping Omaha, president of the Nebraska of 17,50 for tho nine weeks. into the interior prior to the Nazi Emphasis of activities during thr Trudcau Society, the medical secoccupation of Crimea . . . Howwinter semester will be on Indoor tion of the Nebraska Tuberculosis Communal Tempers ever, whether those who escaped programing especially arts, crafts Association, said this week. have returned to their homes, or What do the leaders of our syDr. Kennedy said it is entirely ceramics, model building and think of their rabbis? whether there ore still any Jewish possible for tuberculosis, the na- .nagogues painting. . . A poll conducted by the Unit- colonies in existence, Is not known A child may be registered by tion's number one preventable ed Synagogue of America gives an . . . Vico Admiral Stevens does no' killer, to be eradicated, But, to appointment through the Youth extraordinary picture of the rela- add anything new to what has Activities Office anytime up tc reach this goal, he said, the thou- tionship between tho synagogue been written about life in Russia December 31. Call JA 1300 for fur- sands of unknown cases must first leadership and the rabbi . . . In In post-war books by other Amerbe.located and treated. ther information, their comments, the leaders speak ican!! . . . His "Russian AssignThrough Research, Chest X- trjeir minds In n way which Is very ment" simply registers facts which Ttays, and Education, It Is possible revealing . . . There arc some who he observed and conversions which to dctact the disease in its early consider the rabbi "a symbol of he had, most of which confirm the non-infectious stage, when treat- Godliness" and look up to him well-known fact that the average ment Is most effective and recov- with a sense of Tcvcrencc . . . Oth- Russian would like to talk to forery more certain. Dr. Kennedy ers speak of the rabbi as "a very eigners—especially to American" laid the big three weapons in the friend" and one who Is deep- —but Is afraid to do so . . . Some Joe Radlnowiikl announced to- fight: Education, Rccscarch, and close interested in their personal wel- Russians listen to the "Voice of day the second program of the Chest X-Ilays, have made steady ly fare . . . Still others consider him America" broadcasts whenever 1053-54 Yiddish Cultural Sorter and effective inroads on the ilisthey feel that they are not being Will take place In (he Center Au- •ase. counsellor to whom they can watched, the author found . . . He ditorium Sunday, Dec. 27 at 1130 "Every year, John Q. Citizen turn for [,'uidancc and advice, es- also found religion still strong p. m. It will bo a Yiddish Film has the opportunity to finance pecially in limes of personal up- among peoplo over the age of 50, -entitled "The Matchmaker." Till? these known weapons of proven heaval . . . On the other hand, despite the Kremlin's anti-rcllglou£ film is the great comedy of Sholcm effectiveness," he said. Throujjh there arc some who feel that rab- campaign. Alclchcm's brought to life on the the purcliaso of Christmas Seals, bis take little personal Interest In screen. Individual tickets may be he is simply paying for his own most of the members of their conpurchased for 90 cents and a scries protection and that of his family. gregations . . . Some claim that tickets for the six events sell for It is strictly up to him. His the rabbis maintain a "strictly Pauletto Goddard: "A lot of $2.00. Christmas Seal dollars and the business-like attitude" in their women here in Hollywood are trydealings with the leadership . . efforts of volunteers throughout For further information call Ing to see who can get the most he state are getting the job done: And finally there are those—and out of an evening gown,"—(JTA) JA 1300.
Between Yoa And Me
Bridge Instructor Leaves for Miami •
Winter Recess for Sunday Program
Christmas Seals Help TB Battle
Yiddish Film at Center Dec. 27
Page Three
'Crux of Israel's Problems Is Peace* The crux of Israel's problems today is peace with her Arab neighbors, Chalm Herzog, Attache of the Israel Embassy told his audience at the annual meeting of the Federation for Jewish Service in tho Jewish Community. Center last Thursday evening. Once peace is established Israel can proceed with her industrialization and stabilize her economy, he stated. The outpouring of funds by the free Jewry of the world is unmatched in scope, vision and sweep of horizon, Herzog pointed out. This saga of achievement brought on by a conscious awaking of Jews throughout the world foretell of a new rise in Jewish dignity through the support of the state of Israel, be continued. We may not have fully grasped the significance of this act which opened a great new epoch in our history, Herzog added. Touching on the border situation, Herzog explained that the need there is to remove the refugees from the border and have troops moved up to prevent further incidents. Referring to the Kibya incident, the attache said that ten consecutive nights of raids preceded the reprisal, Tha main source of trouble is a fiftymile area on the Jordan border, h e . close off this spot if they want to. stressed, and the Jordanians can Peace has become a taboo word in the United Nations, he declared, and the basic problem of sitting down at the peace table has not .been tackled. Another problem is the Jordan river scheme, the key to the, future of Israel's, economic self-sufficiency. The hydro-electric plant and the irrigation project can give Israel a much increased food supply, he pointed out. Syria opposes the scheme not because she wants to use the river herself, but lwcause she does not want Israel to use it, Herzog stated. We are fighting not a military battle but a economic one, he said. With the support of United Jewish Appeal and the determined solidarity of world Jewry; we can show the Arab world the hopelessness of economic strangulation Of the new little democracy, he stressed. Economic development Is showIng a gradual 'expansion and vast markets in Asia and Africa are waiting for Israel products, the attache declared. Some visitors are critical that the new state is not complete and that some comforts are lacking, he said. But, Herzog went on to say, we know our shortcomings and are aware of our deficiencies. Israel Is making progress under incredible difficulties and we must look to the horizon of the future and work to fulfill the dream, he sumed up.
Ticket Deadline For Beth Israel's New Year's Dance The response to the Beth, Israel Men's Club New Year's Eve Dance has been excellent, according to Harry Slrotf, chairman of dance committee. A very limited number of reservations remain. We wish to remind all those who received tickets through the mail; that these tickets are not valid and will not be accepted for admission if payment has not been turned In with the ticket numbers by December 24. Reservations will positively :lose December 24, and no unpaid ickets will be accepted. Plans are being formulated lor the forthcoming Dance of the Month Club and more details will be announced soon. Three new men have been added o the Men's Club board in keep* ing with the full schedule of activities planned. Milt Bclzer will latidlc conservation, Barney Drevlch will work on membership, and Dick Speigal will serve as member at large.
'iano Pupil Rene Asch, a piano pupil of rofessor Hans Boer, participated in a musical program at Technical High School. His solo piece was the adagio from Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata." Rene is th« son of Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Asch. Groucho Marx: "Parents who icver strike their children In anger p r o b a b l y can't run. fast enough."—(JTA)
. December II, 195J
Campus News Zeta Beta Tau ZBT placed three men In the Upper 15 per cent of their respective colleges. Doran Jacobs, Busi n e s s Administration, M i k e Greenberg and Arley Bondarin, Arts and Sciences Collect1, are among the top men in their respective classes. Nell Miller has been appointed a board member In AUF. He will be In charge of the booth committee for next year's diive. Doran Jacobs served as a boaid member in this year's drive. Ben Belmont is entered in th freshmen-sophomore tr.-ick rm e this week. Ben's specialty is Die broad Jump, but he may also sc-e action in the hurdles. Dick F"ellman ranked third out of thirty-five participants in a debate tournament held in Winfield,Kans., last week-end. Dick also was awarded a Certificate of Excellance in discus«ion.
On the ZBT sports scene, the bowlen remained in second place by taking two out of three games. Arley Bondarin continued to pace the keijlers with a 540 Ecries. Mary Steinberg was pressing Arley with a 536 series. Other members of the team are Jerry Krupinsky, Ted Steinberg, and Arnie Btern,
Len Singer made the third team Of :the AU-Vnlversity f o o t b a l l teani. Marshall Kushner received honorable mention. Other members of the second place league IV team are Ben Belmont, Jerry Krupinsky, Shell Green, Maynard Small,'"Dude" Dandy, Howard Vann, Bruce Hollander, Sol RosinIky, and Ron Mlnkin. Bruce Hollander, Mnrsh Kushnet, lien Singer, and Arley Dondarin won their first round handball matches. Len is defending all the university singles handball Champ. Singer nnd Eondarin won their first doubles match in first round competition. The basketball team, after losing their opening tilt of the reason to-last year's league champs, bounced back to win their next two contests over Pioneer House 29-2f and over Delta Sij;. 40-29 The high scorers In the three gnmes were Arnie Sfern, Marsh Kushner, and Doran Jacob:;. Others who have contributed to the scoring are Arlcy Bondarin, Howard Vann, Ben Belmont a n d "Dude" Dandy.
Sigma Alpha Mu Marvin Friedman was the winner of a scholarship awarded by the International Ei|»ma Alpha Mr fraternity. The award valued at $150, Is award"'] to top ranVIn" Junior among all chapters. Basis of the award are scholar: hip campus activities, religious endeavor and participation In house affairs. '.'•• On the scholastic scene, four members of the fraternity were honored for ranking in the upper 15 percent of their individual college. Arlen Kuklin, Sol Silas am" Norman Veitzer received the honors In the college of Business' Administration. Gerald Wtinberg received a slmiliar award in the' college of Arts and Sciences. Sol Stirs received a gold key at the college Of Business Administration's an. nual banquet. The awards were , presented to the 10 top ranking freshman of last year's class. Norman Shyken was revealed as a member of Pi Tau Sigm.-i,.nation mechanical sngineering honorary and Sigma Tau. national enpineerlng scholastic. Sii>ma Tau is comparable to Phi Kappa in the Art" and. Sciences. - The University Student Council has jnitiatcd an annual recognition night for outstanding contributions to the quality of spirit, loyalty and morale. The awards, presented for the first time at the N e b r a ska-Minnesota basketball game, went to cheer-leader Norman Veitzer and assistant Yell King Danny Fogcl. The chapter Is the winner of the All University Intramural Tennis award. Team members are Marshall Becker, Norman Vcitzer, Forrest I'oska, Bernard Wishnow and Stanley Schricr. They sucessfully fended off 138 other competitors for the campus award. Marshall placed second in the individual race. The handball title went to Sol Stiiyj and Jerry Colnic. Leonard Rosen, returning numeral winner in football and track reached second place in qualifying trials for the totra-rnural shotput crown. Taking part in the University
Theatre production of "The Male Animal" are Morse Wcisgurt am' Allan Kcnyon. By virtue of a third round win in Law Schools Moot Court Competition, Eu£;.nc Wohlner entered the semi-final competition. Competition i:i conducted on an elimination ba:i:i, with only each semesters winner:; eligible to continue. Starting with u\ti Jo *< tn Kunene still remain .i t m in bvr of one of the four team Finals of the competition an arcued Iji'/cre the I\ilr 1 i Suplurne Court Delicti I n ihoo' fro::liin;in, Allan CYoun \ i! ! ucre."::ful. The r/;i!.t weekend nj.nkid Ui< beginnini; of Die cb.iptc 1 "II u u on the Nebraska ( in pu Ih events was marked \ ith . dim < i at the hour.e honoring ctiapter founders and returninj: alumni Mrs. flyman Ferrr o v e r a hundred alumni were, present. Joseph (linsberj;, Lincoln attorney, rpuke for the founder:: and Donald Stem, president of tin Omaha Alumni Club rpokc on behalf of the alumni. President JerAt the svmi-nnnual meeting of ry Spitzer responded for the chapter. Several members of the fresh- the Omaha chapter of National Women's Committee of Brandels man class also Epokc. University the following officers were elected: president, Mrs. Hyman Ferer; first vice-president Mrs. Joe Zweiback; cccond vicepresident, Mrs. Morris Jacobs third vice-president, Mrs. Robert Kooper; financial secretary, Mrs Herman'Goldstein; treasurer, Mrs. Ernest NOCK; tecrelary, Mrs. Harry B. Cohen; honorary president Mrs. Dave Ulalae, and corresponding secretary, Mrs. Herman1 Cohen and parliamentarian, Mr. :. Louis Kulakofsky. Other board members are: By-laws, Mrs. Maurice Pepper publicity, Mrs. Edward E. lirodkey; hospitality, Mrs. Harry Peri-1 meter and Mrs. Jay Malashuck speakers committee, Mrs. Huber' Mon: ky; prinlini;, Mrs. Dave FranV and Mrs. Lazier Kavich; telephone Mrs. Alfred Mayer; life membership, Mrs. Morris Jacobs and Mrs Milton Livingston; annual membership, Mrs. Henry Newman Mrs. Jack Shrager and Mrs. Reuben Brown; book-fund, Mrc, Robert Kooper and Mrs. M. A. Veni;cr and budi;et chairman, Mrs Dave Bialac. Brandels University, located a' Waltham, Mars., Is Die only Jewish endowed, non-sectarian university in the United States Mrs. Eugene S. Jacobs Though it la only cix yearn old it Mr. and Mrs. Roy P. Johnston has rapidly attained national recof Garden City, Kans., announce ofmition because of it's hiRh scholthe marriage of their daufihtcr astic standards and outstanding Phylis Alma, to Mr. Eunene S. faculty. Jacobs, ;.on ol i.i.-s. Juua M The Women's Committee of tin Jacobs. The couple were married university maintains the library Friday, Nov. 27 at a noon cere- and c o n s i s t s of BO chapter: mony in Garden City, Kans. throughout the country, with I Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs arc Jiving membership of 40,000 annual am' life members. in Omaha. Part of the Women's Commlttc program is the book-fund, which Telegraph Poles (IIP)—A new method has been perfected by an contributions may be made in Israeli scientist, Dr. S. Ncumark. honor or in memory of a loved whereby the time necessary for one. i'-ir'V'n.'itinf! the wood used for A board meeting was held Montelegraph poles with special chem- day, Dec. 14, at the Highland Town ical:; ;i;-;.iin'.l rotwn;; lias been cut Club. At this time plans were from .seven-r'nd-a-half hours tc made for an intensive memberonc-and-a-haif. chip drive to be held in January.
Brcmdeis Ladies Elect Officers
Omahan Wed In Garden Cify
"Talk of Many Things"] Home From School
Hits Sandra J. Fisher, a .'Indent nt the University of Iowa, will arrive Friday for a two-wi el: vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. n n a r d Fi.'hcr. iimiie fii-m the Univi tiity of Coloi.ida I.- Miss Joey Margolin. She will :i>eiid two v.iih:, v.ilti her paient:, Dr. and Mr::. Morris Mareolin.
Births A dmi!!lil':r, CharH-rtc Sue, was b'irn November IB to A/2e nnd Mr:;. Joseph Schneider i,l Rapid City, S, D. Mateinal grandparents arc: Mr. and Mrs. Syd E. Simon:: of Chicago, LI., and the paternal grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schneider of Omaha. Maternal great-grandfather Is Mr. A. Simons of Omaha. Mr. nnd Mrs. Snm Mlhkin announce, the birth of their daughter, Shervl Etta, born December 10. The ocuple hove three other children, Lynne Ronay, Rhea Lcslyfl and Adrian Monroe. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Max Edel of Los Angeles, Calif. M t and Mrs. Leonard Potash of Milwaukee, formerly of Omaha, are parents of a ton, Bruce Steven, born December 5. The couplo also have a daughter, Deborah Kay, Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, Abo Brookstein of Lo« Angeles, Calif. Paternal grandparents arc Mrs. Sarah W. Potash and Mr. Morris Potash. Great-grandparents are Mrs. Harry Wclner of Omaha and Mrs. Sam Nitz of Los Angeles. Former Omahans, Mr. and Mrs. Nathnn S. Mandcll of Park Forest, 111, announce the birth of a daughter, Marcy Sue, born Dec. 15. The couple have another child, Terry Lynn. Maternal grandmother is Mrs. Louis Mandcll. Paternal grand-. mother is Mrs. Helen Goldstein.1 :
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Saks will celebrate their oglden wedding anniversary Sunday. Dec. 27. They will bo honored at a reception to he held in Beth El Synagogue from 4 to 6 p. m. by their children, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kelbcrj. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Soshnlk, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mulnick, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harold Sale* and Ml*., Ma* Grecnbcrg. No invitations have been Issued.
Perry London and his fiance, Vivian Jacobsori of New York City. will arrive for a two-week visit with Mr. London'* parents, Mr. an* Mrs. Max London, 2732 N. 60th Ave. » The Londons will hold an open house for their guests Sunday, Dec. 27, from 3 to 9 p. m. , Eugene Nesai-lson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Neaelson, will graduate this month from the University of Wisconsin with a Ph. D. in Sanitary Engineering. He has accepted a position with the research department of Standard Oil Co. In Whiting, Ind. Mr. Nessclson will assume his duties after a short visit with his parents.
Honors Frank Goodman, r.on of Mr. and Mrs. Shrolly F. Goodman, former Omahans, now living in Snn Antonio, Tex., received a Rhodes Scholarship. Mr. Goodman is a senior at Harvard University, and a member of Phi Beta Kappa fraternity. The scholarship entitles him to study for two years at Oxford University Law School. ! Mr. Goodman is the grandson of Mrs. J. Adlcr of Omaha.
Bowling W. ng Bros 20 Smith Pontiac 18 Millie Wine 17 Edwards 14 Brandels Easy Washer .... 14 Brandels Klcerchromc .... 13 Mctz Beer 12
L. 10 I? 13 10 10 17 18
RCA Victor 12 16 High Games and Serin Diane Rubin, 487, 188; Adeline Snclder, 482; Ruth Sokolof, 446, 208; Liberty Falcr, 434: Min Frank, 41S; Audrey Klrschenbnum, 411; Rose Wcitz, 410, and Roso Garrop, 402. Patronize Our Advertisers.
Best wishes for a happy holiday season from ,m j the men and women of V. t 1 your telephone company *"° h e 'P y° u share holiday happiness with friends and family away from home, your telephone operators will be on duty throughout the holidays including Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Vou can depend on their usual helpfulness in putting through your Long Distance calls—tha same friendly spirit of service that is a tradition with telephone people on every day of the year. Northwestern Bell Telephone Company.
How to help speed your holiday calls: Please pve (he long distance operator the number of the out-of-town telephone you're calling, if you know it. Tliat way your Call normally will £0 through much fatter—often twice as fast.
Long distance lines—particularly those to faraway points-will be busiest on Christmas Lve and Christmas Day. Placing your calls btjore and ajlir these "rush periods" will help you avoid delay.
, Dceeaber II, I95J
Chairmen of Beth El's Jubilee Ball
•Pittsburg's Portia' '! Answers to Judge A. Alpern
fices of four of Pittsburgh's established attorneys. It didn't take long before Miss Alpern's ability became apparent, where-upon she moved to bigger cases and a more Important role in the company. In 1D34 her legal reputation had become firmly e: tablithed and site was made assistant ciiy oslicitor Within four months the war jumped over 2!i other lawyers ti the position of fir.'.l assistant eilj Bollctor. It was in 1012 that Mlsr Alpern broke tradition by becoming City Solicitor, and it was heir that the used her high legal and forensic skill to win decent housjruiL i if ing, fair taxes, lower gas rales and Actu illy, it was Mi.1;:: Alpern'.' oilier social objectives. Miss Alfather who is primarily responpern's fame became no wide spread 1 Mrs. Mervin Lc in merman ible foi her acclaimed career that the became President of the After era Iuating from college Pictured above from left to ver Jubilee Ball to be held Sat- Anne was preparing to tench threr National Institute of Municipal right ore Mmca. Wm. Iiaduziner urday, Dec. 20, at 9 p. m. In the years outside at Pittsburgh to moo' Lawyers, an esteemed honor. 4! Although Anne X. Alpern Is on< Mrs. Lemmerman Arthur Adler nnd David Mvrn- Iielh El social hall. the requirements as a "regular" of the busiest people in twon, she etcln, chairmen of the Iicth El SilJudaea Director teacher, and her father, wanting still finds time to take part in the to keep her at home, suggested Speaker's Bureau of the United Mrs. Mervin Lemmerman Is the that she &o to Pitt Law School Jewish Fund and to take an active new director of Junior and Senior . . which she did. role as a Board Member of the Young Judaea work for the ZionAfter being admitted to the bar Federation of Jewish Philan- ist Youth Commission of Omaha. Mrs. Lemmerman is formerly of Miss Alpern was given a small thropies. N. J., and was closely desk in n email corner in the ofShe was also on the advisory Newark, associated with Young Judaea acboard of the American Jewish tivities there. She Is experienced Outlook when the magazine was In Youth activities and has studied Moshe Dayan Named in its Infancy. Asybil, Betty Ilabinowilz, Nate at the Jewish Theological SemMizrachi Women An avid reader, Miss AlpernV inary School of Adult Head of Israel Army tastes Marcus and Aaron Epstein. Sho run tho whole gamut of also attended Upsala Studies. The regular meeting «f the Mlz- Any member wishing to help a< College at Jerusalem (JTA)—A young i;a- fiction. She also enjoys art ex- East Orange, N. J. She Is at presrachl Women will be held Wed- the hospital over the holiday seaconcerts, theater-going, fignesday, Dec. 23 In the- Jcwlsl" son, please contact Mrs. Kaplan bra who distinguished himself as hibits, taking a University of Neure skating, horseback riding anc' ent Extension Division course Community Center. A dessert WA 0202. Help Is needed for vari- n scout for British forces in World gardening. is natural, too, that braska in Social Group Work Skill. luncheon at 1 p. in. will prcceed ous duties such as entertaining the War ll's Syrian'campaign, was she is in Itgreat demand as c named ns Chief of Staff of Israel's the mcetlnt!. Mrs. M. M. Polla- patients. Mr. Lemmerman Is the Educaspeaker. Army of Defense. koff Is program chalunan. Volunteers are also needed to The wife of Irwin Swiss, well tional Director of Temple Israel. The Cabinet approved designaTrees were recently purchased bake cookies for the winter party The Young Judaea work in attorney, and mother of for planting in Israel by the fol- at the hospital. All Interested ore tion of Brig. Moslio Dayan, to suc- known is sponsored by Hadassab ceed Gen. Mordecal Mnkleff, who Marsha Ellen, age 13, Anne X Omaha lowing: Rabbi niul Mrs. M. M asked to contact Mm. Kaplan. and ZOA. Alpern Is an inspiration to al' resigned the post capping a career Follakoff, in honor of the recovery that began when ns a lad in his young women interested in law. of Mrs. Hnrry Lewis nnd of Mm teens Dayan served in the defense In addition to Anne X. Alpern JWVtoHold Annual S. Shykrn of Council Muffs; Mrr. Hadassah of hin settlement as a member of several other Pittsburgh leaden Sophie Kolhkiip, in honor of the The chapter .board meeting of the underground Haganah. He was were elected to high offices. At- Party at Vets Hospital Bar Mitzvuh of Saul Aaron Krlp- Omaha lladassiih will be held at of n group of young Jews cap- torney A. L. Wolk was re-elected The annual party by the EpKc, Mr. find Mm. Yule Duhnow, the home of Mrs. A. D. Frank, 120 one while on secret maneuvers lo the City Council of Pittsburg jtein-Morgan Post 200, of the Mr. nnd Mrs. Morris J. Franklin, South 54lh St., Monday, Dec. 21, tured and imprisoned by the British for for a fifth term. Judge Benjamin Jewish War Veterans will be held Mrs. J. Goodbindcr nnd Harr?- at a 12:30 p. in. coffee and dessert possession of arms and ammuni- Lencher, President, County Cour? at 7:30 p. m. Thursday, Dec. 24, Goodbindcr, Rabbi and Mrs. M luncheon. Mrs. Paul Vcret and tion in an illegal organization of Allegheny County, was re- at the Veterans Hospital. M. Poliakoff, Mrs. J. J. Frolden Mrs. Maurice Newman will assist (Haganah). Ho was released from elected for a third ten-year term Wilbur Theatrical Agency will In memory of Louis Epstein; Mr the hostesses. prison after the start of World Mayor Abe Daniels of Connells- supply the entertainment and t h t nnd Mrs. Morris J. Franklin, in Reports will be given on the War II to serve as a scout for tho ville was re-elected once again Greater Omaha Bnal B'rith Assomemory of Esther Hoffman; Mr Israeli Fashion Show and HMOBritish forces in the campaign to nnd Attorney David H. Wciner of ciation furnish the refresh" nnd Mrs. A. L. Cohen, Itabbl and Donor 'Affair by the chairman evict tho pro-Nazi Vichy forces Washington, Pa., was elector' ments. will Max Kannar is chairman Mrs. M. M. Poliakoff, In memory Mrs. Paul Vcret Education Chair- from Syria. Judge of Common Pleas Court of and Mel Topper is co-chairman of Joseph Tretiak; Mr. nnd Mrs man and Mrs. Julius Stein, Youth for the affair. Dayan wan wounded and lost an Washington County. Elnnr Abramson, In memory of Allyah chairman will give their in an engagement in this camthe mother of Rnbbt Sydney K. resumes of their committee, work eye when his small band held Mossman; the chapter, In memory Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky will re- paign a vital bridge against heavy odds of Harry Lehman. port on the national convention and saved a British force from The chapter lias Inscribed the nf Zionist Council held in New smashing defeat. name of the late Joseph Trctlnk York last week. She was a repHe returned to action In the in the Golden Book of the Chil- resentative from Hadassah for thl? Israel War of Liberation as the dren') Village in Rannann, Israel. region. head of commando forces which The following chapter membcrr Mrs. Mervin Lemmerman, the captured Lyddn airfield and operhave purchased trees to be planted new director of Junior and Sen- ated extensively in the Ncgcv. In It's a biousr by the Omnhn Jewish National ior Young Judaea will 6pcak on 1040 he was appointed military Fund Council affiliates In the Car- Young Judaea activities. commander of the Jerusalem disden of Trees in memory of Joseph The three Hadassah group board trict. Trctlak: Mmes. Clara Tretink meetings will be held Thursday, 'Max Arbltman. Cella Brnunntcln Dec. 24. Dcscert and coffee will be Wm. Epstein, Ben Elsenbcrg, J. served at 12:30 p. m. Ransomed Jews Fcllman, Rose Fogol, H. Frankllr Group Meetings Haifa (WNS)—A group of 107, and Kalah, J. Goodbindcr, Ben The Chalm Weizman group will Handler, Sol Nogg, Julia Novak, meet at the home of Mrs. Norman last of the 3,000 Hungarian Jews Julius Shcman, William Wciner Whitman, 2517 North 52nd with who were ransomed at $1,000 a by American Jewish organand Louis Wolk. Mrs. Sidney Goldberg and Mlsr head izations, arrived in Israel from Fanny Grodlnsky as co-hoslesscs Naples, Italy, where they had Reports on Education ,Youlh AllKadimah Women ship. The group included 63 yali nnd Zionist Public Relation:- taken men, all more than 60 years old; Kadimah Chapter of Pioneer will be given by the chairmen women nnd 41 children. The Women will hold its regular meet- Special tribute will be paid tr 03 Hungarian authorities r ing 8:30 p. m., Wednesday, Dec. Henrietta Szold the founder o have made Communist plain that no more 23, at the home of Mrs. Nathar Hadassah, whose birthday is cele- Jews will beitallowed to leave the Kaplan, 5115 Grant St. Member:' brated in December, country. nre requested to brlnit cards, The Henrietta Szold Board wil! The group left Budapest by train MaJ-Jong nnd Scrabble seta. meet at the home of Mrs. Morris' 15, accompanied by one Fellman. Mrs. Max Grossman wll! November official. At the Austroserve as co-hostess. Reports or Communist H u n g a r i a n frontier all were B.I. Sisterhood Donor Affair nnd Israeli Fashion The Board Members of the Bel) Revue will bo given by the HMO stripped and their luggage and Israel Sisterhood will meet Tues- chairmen, Mrs. Max Greenberr clothes were thoroughly searched. day, Dec. 22, at 12:45 p. m. In the and Mrs. Arthur Grossman. Mrs The Communist customs guards relieved them even of such things synagogue club room. Mrs. Isadorc Joseph Soshnik, Education chair- as fountain pens, pencils, family Elcwltz, president of trio sister- man, will talk on tho promotion portraits nnd prayer books. hood, will conduct the meeting. of the Honors Book course and Study Grouo3. The Thcodor Hcrzl Group Peretz Hershbein The Peretz Ilershbcln reading Board will meet at the home of group held n meeting December B. Mrs. Sidney Hollls, 307 South 501h Hostess wan Mrs. J. Kaplan and with Mrs. Erwin Simon and Mrs Mrs. Den Gerelick was the chair- Homer Farber as cn-hostc^scs. Reman of the meeting. A rcadlnr ports of Youth Allyah Education wan given by Mr. J. Cohen. Mrs. i,nil Zionist Public Relations wil! Anna ICllbern tent a gift from Cal- bo highlighted by chairmen o.' committees. The HMO Chairman ifornia to the group. The next meeting of the reading will give their reports of the donor group will be December 22 at the affair nnd the Israeli Fashion Specialty of tho house: the SHIP'N SHORE home of Mrs. J. Cohen, 1124 N. Revue which was held Decemtoft-touch shirt in luxury-sheen combed cotton 40th St. Lunch will be served at ber 10. 1 p. m. broadcloth with piquant junior-cuff sleeves... Fair (HP)—Israel will participate for the first time In the Jolinked to match the fino pearl buttons! Pointeo) THE PERFECT CRACKER Epstein-Morgan Post hnnnesburg Fair to be held in collar clips high, opens low. White, watcrcolor Fanf. .ocii!, vwi o» luotijcofl —t _ Mrs. Meyer Kaplan, hospitaliza- April. This will be the first public tion chairrnon for the Ladle3 Aux- exhibition of Israel products In \ pastels, bold-tones... lovely after every h'f ibt t o M , HkltltM tt'Htvi I tnuV ***t laA iliary of the Jewish War Veterans South Africa. It is hoped that re\ laundering! ~ Sizes 32 to 38 wishes to thank the following cent trade links established with raVoiu boe»|«, l«i<o «nd ifmM members who donated their timr East Africa will be a sizeable exMany mort ntw Ship'n Short iryltt In stockl In wrapping Riffs for patients n* pansion to other parts of the conthe Veterans Hospital: Mmes. Dan tinent through the publicity gained MoiMtf—Main Hoot ' Goodman, Mike Nlsker, Lewis at the Fair, By Bhlrloy Levlne Judge Anne X. Alpern Pittsburgh h justifiably proud of its own "Portia," newly-elected Judge of Common Picas Court Anno X. Alpern, who, although nominated by both Democrats and Republican:;, :;hiod away from early congratulation.'; until after r.ho had been u f f i c I a 1 I y declarer! elected. A;; City Solicitor, P4i:,<; AI pern lr known and revered by virtually every Pi ttii burgher chic-fly because of her constant one-woman cru«ude .ij'un t the Pittsburgh Hailv ay i f t u iinii other public utility
BRANDEIS Ship'n Shore
Friday, December M, 19JS
Youth Council Doings^ By Joan Kra&ne
At the executive meeting of December 13, the boys of AZA No. 1 picked their committee cfiairir.au of the next semester. They arc conservation, Mike Mogil; pled;:< master, Steve Brookstein; publicity, Stanley Fellmun; athletic Alan Passer; religious, Lee Martin; social, Tom Bromberg and Mike Meyer; cultural, Dave Belier; notifications, Morrie Shrago and calling, Nonnan Plotkin.
!AZA No. 100 Century Chapter held a stag last Saturday night at the home ol Nell Steinberg, Convention plans were discussed, and new alephs were
volleyball eam which i; now in first place The club will atleni services ei mai^e lit Both Is turii;;Kt.
Debka f)eb$ Don't fdijhet t<> atti nd thr nnnua Di.bka De|> vice, the Top Hat tomorrow ||ii<_'ht at 9 p. m. in thr Jay Auditorium. Tickets may be purchased iiom any Deb mcmbei or at the qpor. Come anil vote for "Sir Topper.' The candidates arc: Eddie Bolter Harold Friedman. Henry Pollack and Larry,Schwartz. —ii
The Rnyim Fraternity, is planning to held their formal initiation of the pledges at the Initiation and Election Stag tonight. The •tag will follow services al the Beth Israel Synagogue. The initiation will climax three mouths of diligent service to the fraternity. Also they must get r passing grade on the difficu!' pledge test. Following the initiation, new officers will be elected for the coming semester. •
Tikvas Ami
I The T. A.'s have been far from Idle these past few weeks. The subject of TEEN-AGE INDEPENDENCE is still being discussed at the various meetings. £t thr last meeting, the subject of VICES was discussed by Matlec Katlcman. A date has been announced for T. A.'s annual fund raising event It will be a "This Is Your Life" program to which the public ir. cordially invited. It will be heir.1 At the Beth El Synagogue JanUary 9. Tickets will be on sole toon and may be obtained from any club member. . T. A. is really proud of their
Want Ads ' PboM A? H.V* U: insert ruui Wcr.l A to Tb« Je»i«i t»rm Current rate u rw) n n i i roi rscri m»n tloa. Tb* Pff«t rrurvei ttic rirlji ic llmr . tfll* oa eacb «av«rtlr«nnit
Diabetics Class At Center Thurs. The wes( Central Diabetes Association will hold a clars of Instruction f|l>r diabetics Thursday Dec. 17, at 7:30 p. m. at the Jew-1 ish Community Center, 20th anr Dodge strcitts. The material u:ed for Snstruc ion i:; composed of rccordingi; w th film strip lllustralions prep red by the America! Diabetes A ;sociation. A dieiitk n and nurse will be Ir attendance to answer any question.;.
There is [no charge for this Instruction a id further information may be hati by calling cither Mrs Ethel Hunfenger at JA 5930, or Mrs. Betty flloberts at KE 01UO. New diabetics arc especially welcome to come and take ndvantigo of thid! opportunity of leaning how to live with diabetes.
Nobel Winner Finds High Spirit in Israel . Professor Nick Bohr of Denmark, a pioltiecr in atomic research and a Ndbcl Prize winner in physic:;, found a "spirit of venture nil hope" ,on his recent visit to Israel as a jjuest of the Wcixmami Institute oil Science at Rehovoth and lie hailil'd Israel as "a community bound together by high aspirations arid an indomitable courage to overcome every difficulty." Prof. Boli|r was among a group of scientist^ of high iiucrnationa' rank who received honorary fellowships ai| the Weizmann Institute recently at ceremonies in which l.';ia|j.-l commemorated the firr.l anniversary of the death of :)r. Chaim; Weizmann, beloved first President In a lcttey to an institute official Prof. Bohnpaid: "In the whole of Israel we rjiet this spirit of venlure and ljppe, and realized flic lappy visicJh of Chaim Weizmann in making scientific research an inherent p rt of the endeavours of promoti g the welfare of the people and its participation In a great comn on human enterprise."
BAH and ba& Mitzvah congratulations: also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions Meyers New* Stand 1502 Dodge Coal Taken by Mistake A gray, wool gabardine lop coa» was taken by mistake and another loft in its place at the AnSeek ye he Lord, all ye meek nual Federation meeting. Please >f the eartl , which have wrought call AT C593 or contact Wm this judgm nt; seek righteousness, Wciner at 110 Park av. seek meeki .—(Zcph. 2:3.)
Center Piano Studio at the Jewish Community Ce
guests at a dinner held here by tho American Technlon Society at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in honor of the American .'ick-ntist nd Ills wife-. Dr. Lowderrnilk, who returned from a two-and-a-half year assignment in Israel as consultant in soil conservation and land reclamation for the Food nnd Agriculture Organization of tho United Nations, said that agricultural engineering Is a prime need, since soil erosion is one of the young country's most pressing problems "The people of Israel are doing a remarkably outstanding job, as matters £tand now," Dr. Ijowd milk said, "IJut no less than ten times more could be accomplished if the country had sufficient engineers and trained field men."
gram for children of five years of s will recess for a winter vacation from December IB until January 4. Children who will roach the one of five by June of 195? are now eligible to register in thi: program. Ttie school meets on Monday Wednesday nnd Friday morninjjr from 0 a. m. to noon in room 25 of the Jewish Community Center Children arc tran'.tHit led to the Center by means of taxi cab pools. Call the Activities Office, JA 13Gf for further information.
of the children during the winter vacation at the public schools. Beginning Monday, Dec. 21, until Monday, Jan. 4, all cluster which ordinarily meet from 4 to 5:30 o'clock ill the afternoon will be held from 9:30 to 11 o'clock, on the same days; all classes which usually meet from 5:30 to 7 p. m., will meet from 11 a. in. to 12:30 p. m. on the same days, There wil' be no change in the Sunday classci Parents arc asked to cce that their children maintain a full attendance durin;; Jhi.'i period.
On 1st Year in College
United Synagogue Youth to Meet November ?.O, twenty-five USV member.-, left for the Regional Convention, which was held in Kansas City. The Convention included religious, cultural, ond social programs. All of the members returned with a new and more spirited outlook on USY. Sunday evening, Dec. 13, USY held a meeting, followed by a Chanukah party. There was Israeli dancing, a gift exchange, and » Chanukah skit. At the next mfclini:, there will be a dcfini'.o agenda for the rest of the year and for next year.
Grade Schoolers
Temple Youth to See Foreign Film at J
Council-Littles At the last meeting of CouncilIJttlcs the girls decided to hold their Chanukah party December 23 at the homo of one of their advisors at 3112 Lafayette. A contest being held in the next four weeks to choose a club song. / prize will be awarded. Their senior group, the Councilctles wil' serve as judges.
The hiot} Govnnmenr Approved Ration Free CHI Ctrtlflttit*
Redeemable for food, elc. at all 10 convcnlenlly located Scrip la Israel Sforci.
FOREIGN FILM SERIES Presents Irs First Attraction
This talo of a man, his ton, ond fhoir quest through the sfrcots of Romo for his bicycle, stolen just when he noeds it for a long-sought job, is widely acclaimed one of tho groat motion pictures of all timo. l i is a simpto story, but to croafively wriifon and directed by tho loaders in tho new Italian realist school, that tho personal oxporionco of tho man and boy which aro directly interlocked.with tho life of tho city reveal, not only tho poignant and bitter irony of tho litilo fellow buffeted by en indiffcront world, but as well, a penetrating and compaisionato picturo of tho post-war European world "Abjolufo Triumph"—Now York Times. "Bost Film in 30 Years"—Timo Magazino. "A masforpioco! Nono Bettor! A drama at onco funny, appoaling, exciting and sad. Do Sica is tho poor of any movie-maker in the world"—Tho Now Yorkor Magazino.
jio_j!*_m-iio ANO ur
Under the direction of Prof. Ha is 0AER
RtMgireltti • Wadilng MochlMf Rolory frentu • JtodlM • Mlxtrs Sliara Irons, Alit Tb* Stmallaaa] P<m>AmarIcBn Ptrlabl* Sewing Muhln*
Enrollment for foil and whiter season 195 -1954 has started
ieth E9 School Vacation Period
On Friday, Dec. 25, nt 2:30 ti. m. an informal conference will be Samuel Goldwyn: "Keep in mind held by members of the Youth that the man who wrik-3 the bank Council in Hoom 25 of the Jewish advertising I; n't the one who Community Center. At this time makes the loans."—(JTA) a general discussion will take place which will relate to the important problems that face the high school senior during his first year in college. Some of the discus.sion topics nre: The differences . between high school and college life-— Play at the Jay The selection of specialization and elective subjects— The problem of concentration on Your Winter Recess and how to rstudy— The realities of out-of-town living. The Temple Youth Group wil' Many of our vacationing college Magic and Pet Shows meet this Sunday evening at 7:3r reshmen and local high school i'clock in the Jewish Communit; senior:; are expected to attend. Cartoons Center. Following a short buslnes? meeting, members of the grour Swimming Parties will attend the showing of "The Sragenighr Chairman Bicycle Thief" in the Center auPresident, Larry Schwartz, has ditorium. Delegates of the group are plan- announced that applications arc Watch for Aimowicemtiits ning to attend the regional Tcmplr now being accepted for tho Stagela MM Mail Youth ConcHve in St. Louis which night Committee. Applicants may will be held from December 2." obtain blanks for the committee rom the Y. C. office. to 27.
Call JAckson 1366 or WEwter 8681
Religious School Schedule During the two weeks of vacation from public school all Beth Israel Talmud Torah classes will meet in tin; morningPrimary A .".Ion. and Wt-'U- —10:45-12:30. Primary 1! •J'ii<.':i. and -.—10M5-12:S0. l'rim.M'y C Tu..t. unil Thurs.—10:45-12:30. Secondary Turs. and Tlmi:;.—10:45-12:30. Intermerllatf A .'.Inn. and Wed.—10:45-12:30. InUTmt-dintc? B .'.Ion. and Wed.—10:45-12:30. Juniur Mnn. ami Wi-d— 9-10:15. Senior Mon., Tura. ami Wed.—9-10:45. Junior High School Tuc-s. and Thurs.—9-10:45. Post Graduate Tue-s. and Thurs.—9-10:45. . Convention I)rlrj;»tr« On Wednesday evening a "Tsais Chem L'sliolnrn party was held for licth Israel club representative! who fire now in Minneapolis. The delegites arc attending the Synagogue y o u t h Organisation Convention in Minneapolis and St. Heth El .Synagogue Talmud Paul. They arc expected to return Torah will have a special tched- on Monday, December 21. ulc of daises for the convenience
Pre'Schoolers to Have Winter Vacation Y. C. Discussion Group The Center's Pro-School pro-
101 No. 20tfi Street Modern Techniques Are V ed PopU'B EccJtaU to Be Prese ted
Happy Birthday Beth Israel News
Friday, Dee. 18 Howard Meyers, ton of Mrs Sally Meyer:;, will celebrate his Ilerta Turner. Bar Mitzvah this cvt-iiin;; and Sat(Saturday, Dec. 10 urday morning iti the Beth El .SyStephen Jay Brown, Ellen Iio:,e nagogue. Friend:; ami n. b t i v c ; a n Davis, Wendy Hairiet Nirwin.-.n invited to attend the rcci ptioni, and Lance Jeffrey Hip::. following both c(-[fTno:ii(:;. No inSunday, Dfr. 20 vitation.; have hr-m irr.ued. Kdv.-.-.rd Altmali, Philip liaily . .•.uiii.f; Jerome (Jcriy) Fr.it;!: Allan Stewart Noddle, ron Michao] Alan Givant, Frances Mr. nmi Mrs. ll'.bt-rt Kuddrl, will .Shrier, Juii'Ji Lynn Sloan, Catocelebrate his liar Mitzvah thi. ]jn Sttrii, and Laurtti W.i^: vi IH.JII evening and Saturday morning Monday, Dcr. 21 in the Beth El Syn.'igo^ue. rFien Donald Harrh Kraft. and relative:; are invited to attend Tucstlay, Drr. Z'l the reception:: following both cerCati,l Uo:.!-r;b:iurn and F.l';an<jr emonies. No invitation:; have b iiae Yar.er. issued. WfihirtcUy, Dec. 23 Paul .Mailin Giventer, Johl 1 William l/jhiman, and Joe \A-.W\aid Silver. Thursday, Dec. 24 New York (WNS)—The "monHoward llruco UolRoff, i'hyllir, key wrench in the gears of Israel's T p g i e : ^ " is the tcrious lad: of Ann Fedrnan, Hunna Lynn r* epornengineers, Dr. Walter C. Lowder- niclc, Hence Carol Himrnermun milk, noted soil expert, told 500 and Elliott Craif: Wohlncr.
Phi Eps and Young Engineers Needed Adult to Hold Fete
briefed on convention activities The PhrEpsilom Fraternity of and events.Omaha University in cooperation The chapter's bowline team who with the Jewish Community CenWill compete at the convention ter's YouiJE Adult Group wil' has been reorganized. Bob Epstein sponsor a', "College Round Up' Howard Hooper, Nell Steinberg dance Saturday evening, Dec. 2f Raj Klrke, and Al Forman arc at the Ccnfcr. the team members. This cvek will be part of the AZA 100 is very proud of Bob Young AJIult Club3 exchanne Pprteln, who was chosen Bowler weekend, win;: Adult1; from Kanof the Month for his fine bowling sas City and Lincoln are expected i n the Youth Council League. Bot to attend a three-day weekend in has a 164 average, and this 'week Omaha as jjhc guests of our Younp he had a 573 series, which is the Adult CIiUJ. league's high series. Admission to the dance will be rather unique. Instead of charglnp a formal admission price, the group will measure the waist llnr A meeting will be held this of those attending and charge al ' Sunday at 2 p. in. in the JCC. Aft- the rate of 1 cent an inch. er the meeting there will be film.' Ernie Piliesman and his bunr* of the previous dances shown to will play lit the dance. the Youth Council. The Chanukah party will also be held Sunday at the home of Shirley Raznlck. As admission each member is to bring a toy for the Shlp-a-Box. Don't forget the Roller Skating Party at the West Famam Rink which will be held December 24 Everyone is cordially invited to attend.
Bar & Bets Mitzvah
Jewish Community Canter
THIS SUNDAY Performance Starts 8:15 PM. FOR RESERVATIONS—JA 1366 Series $2.00 (Six Rims)
Single 50 Cents
101 H. JOtkSf. JA7364
Friday, December 18, 1953
Religious News 4:40 li. in. Candle liclitiii!: time.
Economic A n d Politica Problems Key to Progres.
Page Seven
Temple Israel to Honor At Services Dec. 25
Gems of
At the Temple Israel Sabbath. Services next Friday evening, December 25, tbe College Youth of the Congregation will be honored. By DR. I'lriLIP SIIEB The members of the group will participate in the (eiviccs and llabbi Sidney II. Uiool.s will preUlbic The wiie rhall inherit honor; :x'nt a me^.suge of welcome and but a:, for tin,- foolj they carry challenge, Following t h e MTVIC.CS, Uie uway ihamo. The Ji|>s of the righteous feer Temple Sisterhood will act us host many; but the foolish die for to the congregation at an Oneg Shabbat, In honor of the students. want at umkT.';tnrirling, Jle (hat i.(; greedy of gain troubIeth hi.*; own hou:-e; but he.that hatetli evf n nlfl:i rhall live cheer- ADL Regional Board fully. To Hear Greenberg Dr. Abe Greenberg will report Talmud on the <10lh anniversary celebra1 Three thing. : help to develop tion:; of the A n t i - Defamation the spirit of man—A fine home, League of IJ'nai D'rith at t h e a beautiful wife, and elegant fur- meeting of the Omaha ADL Advl'iory committee, Monday, Dec, niture. Rnbbi Judah said: "Hospitality 21, at the Jewish Community Is a greater virtue th.'in receiving Center, Milton Abrahams, chairman of the committee, announced. the .Schechlna." 11,'ibbi P a p p n said: "At the Dr. Circenberg is chairman of height of success you have many the league's Plain States Regional friends; but at the gates of dis-Advkory Hoard. The unniversary grace all your friends are cone." celebrations were climaxed by a aimual' Habbi Abba paid: "To loan mon- presentation of ADL's 1 ey Is more worthy than to give a w a r d . "America :! Democratic charily; and lo guarantee tor a legacy," to President Dwight D. poor man is the greatest philan- Elsenhower. Prominent Americans in many thropy." fields of endeavor participated In Frecdouj Forum panels.
Bible and Talmud
by Dr. William Haber 1 cation among its people, it (President of the American OUT pealed to OUT for guidance. TEMPLE ISKAIX Federation) Whether the new craftsmen, wl; At .the regular Sabbath Serv- (Copyrlcht, 1053. Jewish Tele- emerge in ineicasinj; numbers eac ices this evening at I) o'clock, liiibgraphic Afrenry, Inc.) >e:ir the schools, renui bi Sidney II. ISrooIss will discu: ,:; One cannot visit the cenUrs of where from they <:re or <mi/;iale "Needs Not Fe;iiT," the religious Jewish life abroad without being Israel, ;ts will in time, 11 implications of Pre:. ident Eisen- impressed by the overwhelming investmentmany in vocational schoolil hower':; tidrlre::;. preoccupation with political prob- will pay larj'.e and palpable div. Mrs. IJoyd FJ ieclmnn will rotite lem:;. Tiiis h true in North Africa 'iends in term:; of economic scl the blessing over the Kabbnlh where- post-war nationalist jnovc- suppoi t, individual adjustment lights, Col. A. J. ISeck will recite rnent:; have achieved j;ieat vigor higher standards of living. an the Kitldush and Harry 11. Cohen and political turmoil is almost Uconciic I'jnpliasis und Edward D. Broclkoy will assist continuous. It is present in nearly In Israel, wh<:i •; 1 saw a/jain il Rabbi Drool:;; with the Torali all west European countries where OUT institutions .his summer, a K,v;t-Wc.;t tension and the resultService. on economic answers Regular Shabbo:; inorning serv- ing political turmoil have lead to emphasis the problems of the community i ices will be held Saturday at 11:40 unstable government:;. It is noticecvcrywhci e. It can b o'clock, Kabbl Brooks will officale able in Israel where the process of noticeable the line:; of ever, with student; of the Hebrew De- State building and constitution- read between pronouncement of til partment of the Religious School. lnakinj; moves on in the midst of significant Government. Uaise more food; re Insecurity growing out of Arab Kiddush for all present will follow (luce the unfavorable balance threats. the services. trade; increase workers' produc l'olitcal • Ferment improve nKin.'ijiement am BETH EL Thi.'J polltcal ferment is natural livity; supervision. This, is sound ndvio Services tills evening will begin and quite unavoidable. It would, and only through reaching thesi at ft!5 o'clock. Habbi Mycr S. however, bo naive indeed to over- economic objectives will viahilil; Krlpkc will deliver the .sermon. look the economic basis for the be assuied. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and themajor solutions to the basic ecoproblems, important though In the quest for this goal, OR' Beth El Choir will rentier tiic mus- nomic these political Issues may be at has a vital part. How closely OKI ical portions of the service. the present moment. Is molded to the needs of the youni Sabbath morning services will 1 Low production levels cannot be ration can be illustrated by I' begin at 0:45 o'clock. Junior Congregation services arc at 10:30overcome by political resolution; ferring to but two of the school:> Monument Dedication a. m. Mlncha-Maariv cervices will nor can raw manpower be con-the refrigeration school in Giva The family of Mrs. Esther Wiltverted to skilled and rcml-skillcd tayim and the anricultural-mc son will dedicate a gravestone in begin at 4:30 p. m. A memorial gift of two hunDaily .Minyan is held on each workmen by seeming political vic- chanlcs school at Ben Shcmcn. her memory 11a. in. this Sunday dred dollars was sent from tbe week day at 7 a. m. and 7 p. in tories. The underlying course of Israel must raise its own food— at Fishers Farm Cemetery. Rabbi estate of the late Mr. Abraham Sunday inorning service is at 9 present nud future troubles in or most of it. It can do r.o only by Benjamin Groner and pantor Ell Hirsch to the Jewish National these land:;, especially in Israel scientific agriculture, and that inv Kagan will offlcate. a. m. fund in New York CHy. and North Africa, is to be found plice extensive mechanization. T< in poor cconomlu resources and the handle machines and to rcpai BETH ISRAEL vast poverty in technical and manRabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor agerial rklll-i. Thnt Is why It is them when they break down reEll Kagan, und the Beth Israel encouraging to find among the quires skilled craftsmen. Grad from the agro-mechanic: Synagogue choir will conduct late more M-nsilive political leaders an uates school are filling this basic reFriday evening service's tonight nl understanding of the; need to give quirement 8 p. m. Sabbath inorning services high priority to the search for eco- program. of the State agrlcultura at Beth Israel at 0:30 a. m. and 1 nomic solutions'. Vocational trainOth and Biirt. Junior I nomic solutions', vocational uamHot Country 0. m. at 10th '"Us In this category, and In Israel la a hot country. Mechnnl services at 10 a. m. In the chapel.' t'"K <! Habbi Grconer will conduct the | 'i'- ORT with its broadly ramified cal refrigeration Is not In wideSaturday afternoon Talmud cla:::. program of training in Industrial spread use In the Middle East. Tin at 4 p. m. and Saturday Minch.i skills, plays a vital and often dc- higher standard of living which prevails In Israel, and which ra{ic: will i;tart at 1:30 p. m., which will clr.Ive role. New Outlook it above its neighbors, calls foi be followed by Sholosh S'eudo: In North Africa, n new outlook even wider use of refrigeration in and Maarlv. Is piercing the overcast which has food processing, food preservation^ Daily morning services bef',!n at smothered Jewish economic life office, public buildings, nnd man7 n. m. at Beth Israel and at fi:.'!0for centuries. An escape hatch out ufacturing plants. The Givataylm a. m. at 19th ami IJtirt. Daily aftthe- economic ghetto has been school is training young men as ernoon services begin at 4:45 p. m. of Hundreds of boys and mechanics to build, install and reand Friday afternoon at 4:30 p. m opened. girls and young men and women pair cuch equipment. Sunday morning breakfast mln- are learning tbe skills which will yun meets at 8:45 a. m. and is fol- give them a valuable economic Their fellow students at more lowed by Tlabbl Groncr's Biblr passport out of tho ghettos onto a than 35 other OUT installations discussion class. The younestcrf new plane of life. The significance are learning the techniques reof the Tails and Teffllin Club be- of what the ORT schools are doing quired by every major branch of gin their services at 8:30 n. m. In Casablanca, Algiers, Tunis nnd Israeli Industry—carpentry, loolBreakfast It served'at the con-Teheran, for example, extends far maldng, radio, electricity, machine clusion of their services. beyond the mere numbers In- shop, tailoring and a score of othvolved, For these youth an OUT er occupations. diploma Is an exit visa from the With International trade increasclass of economic DP's, that form ingly more competitive, Israel's 50 large a segment of the Jewish export position depends more and more on tho quality of its prodMrs. Herman Mirowitz population. Services were held Thursday. For the rest of the Jewish com- ucts. Thia in turn requires larger of highly skilled workDec. 10, for Mrs. Herman Miro- munity the presence of the vigor- numbers Tho OUT school administrawitz with interment at the Beth El ous vocntlonal training program is men. tion ha3 grasped the Importance an assurancethat their children Cemetery. Mrs. Mirowitz died emphasizing proficiency and Wednesday, Dec. 10, in n local hos- can achieve a dignity and eco-of competence these qualities pltal after an illness of six weeks. nomic Independence long denied have become and the keynotes of all Sho had lived in Omaha for their parents. And this realization training. twenty years, coming here from constitutes a morale factor for Sioux City. She formerly lived Jewish life in general, the value which Is incalculable. One canin S t Paul, Minn. Mrs. Mirovitz of Patronize Our Advertisers. comprehend the significance wa« active In the Farband branch not and vitality of this unless he1 has of the Zionist organisation. Surviving arc her husband, Her- been there and seen for himself. Orowlnc Appreciation man; a son, Jack of Dallas, Tex.; There Is growing appreciation two daughter;.-, Mrs. Mclvin Brown Omaha's Favorite of Omaha, and Mis, Kidney Feln- beyond the bounds of the Jewish community proper that a healthier Way to Dine on tcch of DCJI Moincs. economic level for Jews brings Sunday positive benefits to the whole peo' Room K ple. G o v e r n m e n t authorities throughout North Africa, nnd indeed in almost every country of OIIT operation, have granted formal recognition and a measure of VISIT YOU* DEALER support to the schools. mol» your MUdtent When an Arab group In MorocPowir To«li co decided to institute trade edu-
/ ' • • • •
In Memoriam
You'll find
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Yiddish Cultural Series PRESENTS
Served Buffet Stylo 1 All You Core to Eot
Noon to 3 p. m.
The Matchmaker' Rug & Upholstery Cleaners nDGS—CAltrETTNG LAMP SHADES FURNITURE Cleaned In Your Hornet Blndlnj, - Laying • Repairing OON BEnNBTKIN UA MO*
'-'ft ><tfc«v«r!ngi
Tho Groat Comedy by Sholem Aloichom Brought to Life on tho Screen
8:30 P.M. Sunday, Dee. 27
JCC Auditorium •
, Dweaber If. 1»»
ra IKWUB nucsa
Grillers and Hires Squads
B'naiB'rith Bowling
By I.lndy Paul
Unbeaten in Midget League
Two teams of the Midget Bas- It was one of the finest games of ketball league came through the the early senson ittitl botli squads pre-season session unbeaten after Wardrobe 27 Vi 17 '.li three n a m e . They are 11-Woith 20 Pioneer Uniform 25 flrill and Hires Root Beer. Next 21 Franklin Dlstr 24 Sunday the youngsters will start 22 Nogg Bros. .„ 23 their regular season play and Edl Kalman Ins. ...22'// 22 tt lmtirations point to <i cln:;e n\\<' A tough Indcpendvnt basketball Kullv with eight, Speedy Zwei- spirited league. Wnlon Freight 20*4 24% team, improving with every game, back Scored ^even, Tom Uern26 "UGo Van . ~... 19 A sjiirited team iepie.:entinf1 Impep 18V4 2614 defeated the previously unbeaten .'.tein four, I'erliie Feldman and 11-Worth Grill won their thin A. Z. A. 1 team by the score of Len Gaer two each. Mother chapstraight game by inlliclinc u 20-ir 40-29. The win enables the ln-|ter a:; eolii in their :.hootinj; nnd (iefi-.'it (»n Mo;:<'U-IJ;ivid iqii.ifl. I^-d dependents to share first plnee were with A. Z, A. 1. It was a <Ic- Stan WiiiiiKin topped his ti'.-mi1; by p'rank Goklben: and Justin I!,ii), e-jieh v/ith <;i',:hl pointr:, tlit point pioiluiiion. chuck Wise Best Appliance serving win for the Unafilliates as II: with 10 poinlr., Al Passer GriHeis pliyed a fine came. Cunmade eicht points, Jeff Svvurlz Wayne Auto it was a team victory. Sharing trjljutiru: poiiit-i for the first time .Hid Howard WeinberR seven ond H? Vending . in the point production were I>erJerry Sherman scored five. Venger & Son •re Mike Markovitz who m.'irl' nic Turkel with nine points, fol- prut-iitly on Uu: 'rctiourifi, after two Smith Fontlac his first field rord and 5th nrarier lowed by Tiny Itoscn and Bob lo: :<•:; l"r. A. Z. A. 1 i.nd Iiulir;>cnParamount Mkt Don l-'iedler scored a frrr. llirow di.-nti, rode hard on A. Z. A. 100 Tops for the V.'inos wero llov.'art! Cllquot . with a (!0-2!) win. The Hnyim Slolcr and Walter Wi::i;, with Forbes .—„ iloy;; hn: tuning up for tlicir c.'ilne ei;;tit and four points lerjH'ctively With an 8-0 record the Bowling next v.eik .•u'iiinM A. Z. A. 1. Ray 1'owerful I'.sritic Fish, with five A Dlv. . SiiFiibfri;, hitlini: his :.hort 'Jiotj:, lads : Iiarinf. \i\ the i.iojin;; rompe:! Hums lead the Junior Sport* Howling Members of tho W 1 fini:.hcd hirh with '.'.'.I iioitits, whileover I'.ii'Iies's 20-10. Captain Dan- unbeaten league. squad arc Chuck Wi Burkhard Gerelkk .. 38 i Bob Epstein, freshman bowler every liK-mbcr 1 \ii tlic (:ij;iit - man iy Hollis (iro]»ped in 13 i>oints to Mike Sabcs and Mike M k Nebr. Furn. 27 ia from AZA 100 shattered the Y. C s<lliLid hit til-, scoririf; column. pace the attack while his supportCrosstown TV 25 2» record tills year with a 573 series John Goldut-r and Dick Frank in,',' cast included Dick Zaehari.i Bowling Hums , '. 8 Grace-Mayer _ _ . _ . . . 23 22 It broke his own previous high of made 12 each. Hob Kprtein wa: with five, Lauren Warserman four Alloy Sluggers 6 11-Worth Grill 23 2! 554. His high game was 200. Mean- the brii;hl : pot for the Century- and Bill liowich and Dick Kaslow Alley Cats 8 Greenberg burur. ........ 23 22 Hi:; improving play ac- hit a ba:ket apiece. The Rieker while the AZA No. 1 Boosers tor mcn. Touch Turkeys .,.„.,.,„..„..... 8 Belmont Jewelry . :-22 • 23 the National division by one and counted for 13 point;; as his hard team offense included Alan Ko- Strikes & Spares „,..„,„.„„ 8 Lyn's Florist ; „ ...... 20 2S a half games, while the Independ- drivini; play kept his team's spirit neek and Bruce Goldstein, each Alley Cats; ..i.......;.... * Hlnky-Dinky 19 2« ents lead the American division up. Next week's bl/; i;amc will with eli:ht points. Gutter Boys „..„... ...,.,. 5 feature a battle between A. Z. A. Feosl-Co)a .... „ „ 19 26 by two games. In the senior division of tin High Hitters ....... ..;.....;.... 4 1 and Rayim. A Itayim win will Milder Oil 19 26 National Division leaijui-, Hires Root Beer Lucky Duckys ,....„....„....„.... 4. place them in n tie for second Mid/:ct Morris Paints 14 31 won their second camo in a row Lucky Ladles ........„....._»..... 3 W. L place, A. Z. A. 1 mir.t win to re- by two points as they Inflicted JI All entries for the Kansas City AZA 1 Booscr. .............. 25 8 ...3 main In a tie for first place as 2U-27 Ions on IHirkhard-Orrclick Gutter Gerties ,.._....... trip must be in by December 22, AZA 1 GUuis „.„...„...... 23V4 Bowling Babes .................... 3 the Independents are cxpeckd to Teams will be made up (hen and AZA 100 Centuryrrum 20% 2fe Nifty Hitters 2. have little trouble- with the lads »ent In. ftayim SOS ^...,...u......_. 20 13 Hep Cats ;. 1 from A. Z. A. 100. Rayim Saps ...:..,.:...;.. 17 10 Howling Dolls .„..„_,,....,. 0 Parkway Dlv. AZA 1 Bluffers 16 J7 Eager Beavers «....»..., ;....,..... .0 8 Jnde.- Sleepers :„..„....„ 16 17 100 Bowlers Wc-UsomGerber .-:-.. 2814 ' 16 Rayim "H". ....,......>..„. 15 18 Clark Swarlz, 144; Stuart KutPrucka Transp.' .„,...... 27 18 AZA 1 No Names „../... 7 28 Sophomore John Goldncr wll' lcr, 141; Nancy Richards, 129; Mike National Tire . 27 18 Rayim Screwballs .' 5 28 fi-iul his title in the Youth Plait, 120; John Riekcs, 124; PhO Ranks Army ., ..27 18 Dlfb Garnet and Series Council Boy:; Badminton tourna- Gorellck, 120; Tom Pliitt, 119; Dale Rosen-Novak ._ 25 20 nent which is now underway Kasin, 118; Larry Ilobcrman, 118; Hownrd Koopcr, 200—518; DaPlayland Park ._ 2* 21 WWman, 190—511; Stan WldA rpirilod Rayim C team trail- There will be a postponement dm Judy Plattner, 113; Jeanne Silver, RIteway TV 2H4 23V4 vid vacation and competition will 1« 113; Joy Frlcdcn, 112; Mar'tlrUJpp, man, 180—473; Morrlc 'ShraRo ing at halflime by a 15-12 : core Richman-Gordman .... 21 24 169—473 and Art Schwartz, 181 cau;:ht fire in the M-i.ond half and resumed when school starts Jan- 112: Larry Gillnsky, 110 and JerLiberty Gas 20'i 24'.4 —Ififi. uary 4. Some 43 boys rcpresciitinf ry Schwartz. 101. beat Itio A. Z. A. II! ;quad 31-22 • Phileo-Brandels lfl'.i ?<1V» American Division in last Thursday ninht's IJ lea;;ue. AZA 1, AZA 100. Independent.' Sol Lewis Co 17 28 W. I. Thrr-e playerH tiefl for reorinn nd Rayim will vie for the title Boriheim _... 10 29 honors for nayim. They are Marv which Goldner won as a freshmen Itideprrldent F.BG 20 7 Lincoln. Hen Rubin and Mike- ast year, l'laycrs who are expectRayim M''si Sev.' ttrezi 24 !) Women's Dlv, Ban. Tliry i-ach made cii:ht points. ed to j;ivo the champ some troun.->ymi X's 20 1.1 W. L. AI: o contributing the win wan Hill jle are Done Colin, lust year's Debs Nebs AZA 100 A 19 11 • W. I.. Ill 4 Cooper, Sam S h u k c r t . Jerry unntr-up, Kenny Fri^d, Stan Mileroma AZA 1 Gutter OO'JJI:; .... 17 1« Philips Ticpi. Store .... 2G 19 14Vi IVt Kobll, Dave llerzoc and J a c k Widman, Fred Simon, and Larry Starlets AZA 100 Gutter Ganc;; 10 17 National Tire arid 14 8 Baker. Jack Oruch and St;in Kpstein. Tv/o out of thren games Slick Chicks Supply 25 20 Rayim M Jabs 12 21 13 » Kaiman scored nine points to lead decided the match which is a sin- Gutter Gals Hamilton Pharmacy . . 2 4 21 Rayirn "K" 11 22 12',4 fl',4 AZA We Gooft-d 10'i 22'.-:• the attick for A. Z. A. IH. Moth- j'Je elimination tournament. The Scoreless Fourless . C o u n t r y Club Grocery 24 21 12 10 AZA 1 Zorriis ._„... 9'i 23 '.[•er chapter started off fast but in doubles tourney will be held fol- Three Strikes and a 11-Worth Grill ..„ 23 22 the second half lost their scoring lowinc the singles. HUh Games ami Kcrics K i s h Furs 22 'i 11 "•£ Sparc 11 11 Bob Epstein, 200—573; Fred Si- punch as nayim benan to control Wolf Bros. _... 22'.; 22V4 11 Lucky Strikes II mon, lB8--.ri20: Jerry Zienmnn tho rebounds and score freely. Art Colony Club 22 23 12 Allcv Cats 10 1«7—r>00; Hob Meyer, 218—4fl0 Schwartz's B team Is improving Lyn's Florist _ 22 23 12 La Fa Mn Rl 10 with every (tame but the lads still Tom Hcrnsteln. 171—474; Jlnrlar Shukcrt's 22 ?3 13 All Strikes 10 Rosen, 108—408'and Harry Sil- lack aniresslveness in their piny. Omaha Jobbing 21 24 14 Lucky Losers 8 Midget Basketball ver, 171—15). Angie's B e a u t v Salon.. 21 21 IS Lane Lassies 7 Doueiar J e w e l r y 21 21 19 Bowline Belles 3 Justin nan Mystic B e a u t y Shop .. in •><; rush to tie II. A. Wolf InsurWeb Five flimo Frank GoJducrt Smith Pontiac 19 20 ncc for recond place by blankF.iynn Mnnvltz, Ln Fa Ma Rl, These Oth graders were the main Hlth Games and Scries Ing Watr.on Urt'H. with hifih team reason that 11-Worth Grill went 17(1; Tcveo Bernstein, 3 Strike* Gertie Zcvitz 187-495, R c v a series of the eevnin^ with 2,150. through the pre-season league un- end a Snare, 145; Barbara Ruback, Alexander led the winners witl Singer 171-488, Rae Wintroub 4C0. beaten. They each scored clcht Debs Nebs, 143: Marda Znlkln, Hiah Point Makers a 105-188. Losing three dropped points to beat Mocon-David. 20-15 All Strikes. 138; Dody Shapiro, AU Jean Abramson 459, Helen ShuGoIdberK plays j.'uard while Bun Strikes, 137. kert 191-452. Rose parrop 170- Watson Hros. from third to sixth In First Three Games place. Two wins over Simon: Illeh Five HcrlH is the forward nnd each latl 451"and Evelyn Tcmin 172-451. Jewelry by Hennc-tt p'urniture Fayna Manvitz, La F.i Ma IU, showed tin? way Hint will moke Junior Srctlon makes it a two way tie for third Dan Hollis (Pacific Fish) their team touch to beat through- 72; Tfveo Hcrristeln, 3 Strikes Kelleys "B" Div. for your scribe's team with Loui i Alan Konccky (Iiiekcs) out the reason. For their fine play nnd a Spare. 258: Marcla Zalkln, ~ League Standimrii Market hanj;in;j on. desperately Justin Han (11-Worth Grill).... and timely scoring Frank Gold- All Strikes. 2M; H.-irb.-ira Ruback, W. L. bent and Justin Ban share the Debs Nebs. 211; Dixly Shapiro, All after dropping two to South Oma- Bruce Goldstein (Itlekes) Robinson Iron & Midtjct Award of Star of the Week Strikes, 242. ha Sun. Howard Stoler (Mopen-Davld) Metal 25',i 19',-i Both boys played last year as 5th "Clears" Meyerson with 190- Don Forman (Mo^cn-David) .. H. A. Wolf ' 25 20 graders and there is no doubt tin 495 led Bennett Furniture's scor- Frank Goldberg (11-Wortli Slosburu Realty 25 20 Crill) 17 experience has paid off. ing and was nood enough lo cop Bennett Furniture 24 21 hiKh individual series for the eve- Walter Wire (Mo«en-David).,.. 10 Louis Market 24 21 Jack Lleb wan hlijh in tho icaKuo Senior Section ning. It took Jack Cohen, back Watson Bros. Van YC Basketball v/ith games of 172 and 150 for a 20 after a .sfx week layoff, teamed Irvln Belzer (Hires) Lines 23 22 terrific series- of 37.8. with Kevec Kirshenbaum to pull Jeff Swaiiz (BurkhardBab Epstein Maei-Colnr Paint Vlcki C'olick, aunln (his week, Oerclick) 25 .South Omaha Sun out of tlieir (Brandeis) 21 24 This freshman, beside belnfi one led the girls with her gnme of 25 slump. However, Louis Market Stuart Kutler (Hires) South Omaha Sun ...... 21 24 2-1 of the top Youth Council bowleri 152 and series of 241. Vlcki nlso v/ith a 785 g»mc was hifih team F.d Schneider (I-Go Van) S i m o n Jewelry 19 2G Is rapidly becoming a top basket- converted the. very difficult 5-0-10 fame for the evening; and Larry Howard Wcinbcrg (BurkhardMid Plains Insurance 17 % 27',i "Salad Dressing' Alberts rolled Gerellck) 2.1 ball player. Though his team lost split. First off, an orchid to all of you the hlnh individual flnme with a Tom Kully (I-Go Van) 21 to Rayim, 00-29, his driving play Mike Platt picked up the 5-8-10 nnd 13-point production were out- split. charitable and warm hearted fel- 205-473. We've been wonderlnr; standing for AZA 100. The Hnyim lows for the fine support you cave why Bob Feist linn been rolling glandlhgi players were unanimous in their the WorlH-Herald Good Fellows over his average lately; ond last W. h praise of his agRressivc play which Bowling Tournament. Participa- ni.iht the reason camo to lli;ht — O. P. Skaggs , 10 ,4 in future years will bear watch- Nebr. Fur. Mart tion was almost 100 per cent. Top he's RettlniT married. Mazeltovl . 13 7 ing. If some of Cob's teammates Indus. Chetn. Co 'o the heap, of course, was "Smil. 13 7 Next week's bowling will comr net a little tougher, the Century- G-B Fruit Co fn'" Joe Linton, head and shoulJunior Section plete the first half of the sea«)n; men will be hard to handle. For Wolfson-Gerbcr Auto ders above the rest, with 13G pins W. 9'A 10 V, and it's a pretty close race nrnonft Il-Worlh Grill his aggressiveness wh[ch sent him Mnypcrs over his average. .. 3 tho first six teams. Sorry, but I Pacific Fish to the free throw line 10 times Amer. Lbr. & Sup. Co. !> 11 .. 2 9 11 Bob is selected as the YC BasketH. A. Wolf Insurance fell from won't be on hnnd for the excilinrj Mocen-David Wine ... 1 Morris Paint 8 12 ball Star of the Week. grace, dropping to second place, finish; but I hope Aciinu Secre- S, Rlekes .ind Sons .. 0 11-Worth Grill 7 13 by losing two to Mid Plains In- tary Max "Gunny" Sacks will Senior Section Playland Park 0 114" surance. Hirschinger and Scglin find the'timo to keep all of you w. Well Games anil Kerlrj view for top honors for the win- rabid fans posted. Y.C. Basketball Hlrcs^Root Beer 3 Jack Licb 172-150—328 ners twlth I87-48G and 1C6-472 Sample Fur 1 2 Tom Piatt M9-140—297 respectively. Robinson Iron & w. I-Go Van 1 ? Bernie Grossman ..„ 155-125—280 Metal took two over Maj»l-Color 3 Burkhard-Gcrellck 1 1 AZA IA Howard Welnbern ..„ 1 •10-125^277 Attention BB Bowlers and are in first place by virtue Independents „'.. 3 Sunday, Dec. 20 Stuart Kutler 140-120—276 rt their half game lead over H. Rayim A _ ;.„...„ 2 2 p. m., S. Hiekes & Sons vs. Bowllna copy /or the Presr Jerry Sherman ...™ 129-127—258 A. Wolf. "Curly" Ban's -201-458 AZA 100A .._; 0 should be turned typewritten 11-Worth Grill. John Riekes 135-113—248 and Wolpa's 184-455 looked good 2:30 p. m., Mogen-David Wine on n unlined sheet of paper. I' Vickl Collck 152- B9—241 for tho losers while Sabes and you don't have o typewriter Harry Rlchman: "It Is better to Mike Canar vs. Pacific Fish. _ 130- 96—235 Upton paced the winners with 3 p. m., I-Go Van vs. Burkhard- give than to receive . . . because Florence Shrano .... 117-112 229 print the scores plainly and in 174-400 ifnd 104-421 respectively. when you receive you feel you Edlo Singer . ' the form It i» to appear in the Gerellck. „ 118-108—220 A. Tip of the hat to the Slpsburg 3:30 p. m., Hlrct Boot Beer vs. must'give something better In re- Steve Friedman paper. 152- 69—221 Realty Boys who have closed with turn."— (JTA) Sample Fur, Chuck Wise 118-104—220 Major Classic
Independents Drop AZA1 From YC Unbeaten Ranks
Jr. Sports Bowling
Epstein Shatters YC Bowling Series
Rayim C Wins Over AZA IB
GoSdner to Defend isdminfon Title
Y. C. Girls Bowling
Stars of Week
MscSoef g Scoring Record
Jr. B. B. Bowling
League's Pre-Seesson Finals