Vol. XXXII—No. 16 "'•"« oSuufr^iJlHii. " " ' " A " oi'Tan
Protest Presented to Austrian Leader on Claims Deadlock
'0 ' I;/O'W;T /
t-yery Friday, l o i W. aotft. Bfncle Copy 10 C«atC Ucbtnplia, J'ijone AT MMJ Annual Kate 4 Dollftrt
Compromise Resolution On Jordan Threatened
Vienna (JTA) — A letter out- iitiile treaty !-•; not shared by other IJnilcd Nntions, N. Y. (WNS)—A compromise resolution lining the stutid of the world Jew- governments, Dr. CSoldmnnn's let- GKANU'-IN-AID ish organizations toward the Aus-ter :,tales. It points out that the Washington (JTA)—Tlie United on the Jordan lih-v.r conflict, Hjionsored by the United States, States Government this week-end trian Government's breaking off Allied Council in Austria, inform- turned over to Israel a $9,000,000 (Jrcat ISritain nnd J'Yimco, iii expected to be acted on by the negotiations /or payment of com- ed of the pro/jrc:ri of the Austro- cheek for the purchase of food 11. N. .Security Council when it reconvenes iiflor tlie Christmas pensation for heirless property of Jewisli talks, had posed no obli- and raw materials, Tho money is Jewish families annihilated by the gations. Dr. (loldmann ali:o notes part of the Foreign Operations recess. The udvoualf.s of the resolution hud sought to push the that the Austrian treaty is not yet issue to a vote last Friday by iusisti/ip on morning aud after-_ Nazis in Austria, was presented completed and may never bo com- Administration graut-in-ald to Is- rioo/i BessioiiB, but their plan wns thwarted when the Arab bloo, to Chancellor Dr. Juliu:> Haat) last pleted. rael for 1953-54. The State Deweek-end by Fred Fcdcr, direc- The Jewish groups, the letter partment has authorized the allo- .supported l»y flu: Kovict delegation, demanded more time for tor of the Joint Distribution Com- concludes, have reduced the claims cation of $20,000,000 In aid to Is* instructions from their governmittee in Austria. against Austria to the "limit of rael for the period ending Decemments. ber 31, 1D53. our conscience." But, It says, the Acrwial In view of this development, it Jews ore still prepared to discuss appeared certain that no vote The letter, wlilch was signed by methods of liquidating any agreed UN GROUP TO EASE would be taken until after ChristDr. N'ahum Goldmnnn, chairman mas. Home (JTA)—The United Naof the Joint Executive Board for amount in a manner which would Impose little burden on the Austions Food nnd Agriculture OrJewish Claims on Austria, pracUnder the resolution, the distically accuses the Austrian Gov- trian economy. Dr. Goldmann ganization will make every atpute between Israel and Syria ernment of breaking its promises WrltC3 of the Jewish groups' will- tempt to overcome difficulties Tel Aviv (JTA)—Leaders of the would be referred for settlement and demands that a .settlement of ingness to reopen discussions on which may arise for Israel as a Mapal Party Indicated that If the to Major General Vagn Bennlke, Jewish claims should precede the both a legislative program for sur- result of its having been placed General Zionists continue to put U. N. Chief of Staff In Palestine, enactment of measures bcnefittlng viving persecutces and on settle- in the European region, for ad- obstacles in the path of the for- who would have to report back former Nazis. The letter declares ment of the helrless property ministrative purposes, rather than mation of a new Cabinet by Act- on his achievements within ninety In tho Middle East region of the inff Premier Moshe Sharett, the days. lie would have to "explore that the Austrian Government's problem. FAO where It belongs because of Mapal will approach the smaller possibilities of reconciling the inannouncement that it was ImposIts geographical location, it wns parties to form a coalition govern- terests involved in tills dispute sible to make a lump r.um settlement without the General Zionists. including rights In the demiliIndicated here. ment of helrlcrs Jewish property claims came na n "surprise" nml Should tho latter move not tarized zone and full satisfaction , In a statement Issued liere, the caused "consternation." Israel delegation said that t h e prove successful, the Mapal will of existing irrigation rights at all Interpretation "disturbing factor" in FAO- call for general elections, the seasons, and to take such steps as Vienna (JTA)—The Government only Israel relations wa3 this adminis- leaders of the parly declared. They he may deem appropriate to effect The Austrian interpretation that of, Austria Issued a communique trative change which meant In ef- expressed the hope that the situa- a reconciliation, having in view Settlement depends on a case-by- stating that it Is unable at this fect, that FAO services for Israel tion would not come to that point the development of the natural case study to be made six months time to settle Jewish claims aris- would emanate from the Home and that tho parties concerned resources affected In a just (ahd after ratification of an Austrian ing from the Nazi regime because headquarters of the would not force the country into orderly manner for the general ot tho stale treaty drafted by the bypassing the Cairo organization, East new parliamentary elections at welfare." four occupying powers. The leng- rcgoln headquarters. Middle tho present time. It is generally When t h e communique was described as change was voted, Israel delegates believed that an underslandinr; Though not fully satisfactory to Revision of McCarran thy a reply to charges made by Dr. charged in some of It's details, the the FAO had sur- will be reached by the middle of Israel Act Will Not Be Asked Nalium Goldmann, head of the rendered that resolution was nevertheless deto Arab political pros-' this week. Conference on Jewish Claims on cure. fended on the whole by Israeli Meanwhile, the smaller partler, Washington (JTA) —President Austria, In London last week in Abba S. Eban, who have indicated a willingness to Ambassador Eisenhower will avoid aslcinir for which he virtually accused the told the Security Council that enter a coalition with the Mapai while revision of the McC.-irran-Woltcr Austrian Government of breaking GEN. DOOMTTU: HONORED Israel had undertaken to alone, but nt a price. The ProgAct when he presents his State of Its promises to settle the restituNew York (JTA)—Lt. General erssives nnd the Labor Mizrachi keep Its armed forces out of the the Union message to Congress tion question with the Jewish J a m e s H. Doollttle haj hecn groups demand scrapping of the demilitarized zone, It did not unearly in January, according to groups. awarded the Gold Medal of Merit proposed election law which would dertake to renounce the legitimate Sin. Arthur V. Wn'.lrm chairman The communique added, howof the Jewish War Veterans of restrict Parliamentary represen- development projects essential to of a joLii Conj.'re: r-'if.nal coirrnhteo stunt !;ig operu'!<vi cf the Ac! ever, that various Austrian gov- the United States of America, It tation to parties which receive at its very being and future. Had ernment officials concerned with was announced by Harry T. Mndl- least 10 percent of the total vote It ever been suggested or hinted and olhcrj r.<nron:i I wilh Immigration nud natu-.iM.atlon ma<- the problem were currently study- son, the organization's National In a national election. The Miz- In 1049, when the armistice was ing Dr. Goldmann's five-page let- Commander. Tho veterans group rachi and the Labor Mizrachi signed, that an agreement to detlTS. ter on this Eubjcct to Austrian will present its award to Gen. would demand prohibition of the militarixc the area meant in fact Son. Wiiv^lns nude known that Chancellor Julius Raab. Doolittlo .at a dinner In Ihe Wal- sale of pork in Israel, as one of renunciation of power and Irrigalie rc<Mi,\-<ended to the V/hite the conditions for entering a co- tion projects dependent on that The announcement said that unJbToucc ;n.H no action Uncn to meet der the treaty drafted by the Al- dorf-Astoria on January 13, 1054.alition with the Mapai but with- area, Israel would under no cirrequests lo:' revisiin if Uie Act lied powers, the deadline for claimout the General Zionists. cumstances have agreed to the which ii.ivo come trim outstand- Ing property seized by tho Nazis terms of the pact. Declaring that ing groups concerr.f.'i v.lth human was six months after rallflcalion the Jordan niver did not flow in rluht.i j..d civil !lhc,-.ils. of the treaty, and all attempts by Syria and that hence that coun• President Eisenhower met this the Austrian Government to get try had no right to interject the « « l t wilh Congressional leaders the deadline advanced have been Jerusalem (JTA)—Israel will be claim, Mr. Elian charged that but fln onnouncenicnt from the turned down by the Allies. able to supply tho food requireSyria was in effect asking the White House failed to indicate tiny ments of a population of 2,000,000 firm intention to revise the Mc- (The New Yitrk Times, In an when its agricultural development "The Matchmaker," tlie second United Nations to become a party Carran-Walter measure, revision editorial analyzing Austria's ar- program Is completed, Dr. Arthur program in tho Yiddish Cultural to "blockade practices of the Arab guments against the payment of •fjeague." lie said the Arab states of which the President asked in G. niack, chief of mission of the Scries will be presented Sunday, hln Stale of the Union message last Indemnification for hclrlcss Jew- UN Food and Agriculture Organ- Dec. 27 at 0:15 p. in., In the Cen- denied Israel power and fuel In ish properly, cays today: "WhatJanuary. An announcement mereter auditorium, Joe Radlnowskl, violation of two Security Council ization in Israel, declared here. resolution.') and that they were ly promised a "forward-looking ever the validity of these arguat a press conference, chairman of the group announced. now asking the Council "to close progressive program" of general ments, there la one point point Dr.Speaking This great comedy by Sholem Illnck suggested that Israel inthat would seem to take precethe gap in their siege" by denylegislation In nil fields. It said, the size of its farm units Alelchem will be brought to life ing to Israel the water rights to a .. "this will be in furtherance of the dence over all others, and this is crease the current average of seven on the screen. program we started last year." that the issue is not primarily a from Scries tickets for the fira re- rlvrr within her own territorial per family In a settlement This program among other thine.': legal one, nnd in view of the .-.urn acres units of 1,000 and 1,500 acres maining programs sell for $2 and orbit. enacted tncrgency J'-cl.' Intion pcr- involved not even one of eco- to Syria's representative, Dr. Farid be operated ns a village unit individual tickets are 50 cents. rnittin/t additional Immigration in nomics, but first and foremost a to Zeinoddine, denounced the .resomoral one. Since the anti-Jewish under the direction of a manager. urgent situations. • lution ns a three-power attempt '.•' At least in the beginning, Dr, atrocities were perpetrated nut to foist on the Council an "Isonly by German but also by Aus- Black said, such units would have raeli point of view." trian Nazis, it would seem that the to be worked with hired labor. Austrian Government would act The basic pattern of Israel set- Tel Aviv (JTA)—Former Prein Us own brat Interest If it did tlement agriculture Is that of In- mier David Hen Gurion will perits utmost to i;eltlc the Issue in Sunday from 11:30 n. m. to conformity with the conscience of dividual smail holder operation or form four hours of field work peration by collective settlement:; daily, including plowing with a noon over WGVV-Itadio, the the Western World, to which it whose labor is provided by mem- team of mules, as hla share of the Eternal Light v/ill pacr.cnt "Try beloni:.1;.") 1 ber. :, not hired workei'3. London (WNS)—Clement AttNot To Love Such A Country," work at the settlement of Sdeh lee, former British Prime Minwritten by Sylvia Uercer, bared Bokcr to which he has rcllrcd, the ister and now leader of the Opon "Tho Adventures of Moltcl. newspaper Ilndor reported here. position, declared in the House the Cantor's Son" by Sliolom The rest of the day the former of Commons' that Israel would b» Aleiehem, it was announced head of tho Israel Government menaced If Great Britain were to by "the Jewish Theological will devote to reading and writ- withdraw her military forces from Seminary of America. ing the newspaper said. It re- the Suez Canal and leave the wa'Try Not to Love Such a ported that Mrs. Ben Gurion, who ter area under Egyptian control. Country" Is a humorous folk was a nurse In New York when It said the United Nallon3 censure Washington (JTA) — A State Declaring it was "monstrous" story about o mother and her met and married Mr. Ben official said on behalf resolution supported by the Unit- she Egypt to have the power to two cons who live in a central Department Gurion has been appointed camp for ed States against Israel, was jusof Secretary John Foster Dulles close the canal at will, Mr. Attlee European village. All their at- that the Department hopes Is- tified by "the facts put before 4h nurse. said Great Britain Is "vitally contempts to moke enough money rael's action invoking Ihe Israel- Council by the chief of staff of cerned" with pence in the entire with which to live fail miser- Jordan armistice agreement to the United States truce superviMiddle East and that it would be ably but humorously. Tho only force sion organization." dangerous -it Britain's departure fneo-to-fnee conference oslutlon to their prob'em la to with ..a Jordan "will bring about With-reference to tho Israel ac- Jerusalem (WNS)—Disclosure of from tlie Suez were "to lead to immigrate to America, and positive results." tion of November 24 Invoking the a rc-emlEratlon rate in Israel of undue accession to strength" of with tho iamo optimism nnd "We will contribute to this end Israel-Jordan armistice to force about five percent as compared one state In the Middle East. He humor they embark upon this talks, Mr. Sandlfer said this was with a'normal re-emlgratlon rate said he appreciated the anxiety In as best we can,*' Duiward V. Sanjourney to the "Land of OpIsrael over the British-Cairo talks difer, Deputy Assistant Secretary Israels right. In making known of ten to twelve percent for other on portunity." the Suez, while simultaneously of Stale for United Nations Af- that the Department would "con- countries, wa3 made here recently declaring that it would be a good tribute to this end as best we by n spokesman for tho Foreign "Message of Israel" will be fairs, said in a letter to Ilep. Sam- can," thing If England, the United Statet Mr. Sandlfer added: "We Ministry who revealed that out of nnd France broadcasted over KO1C this uel N. Frcidcl. Maryland, written earnestly reaffirmed their trl» hope that tensions will tho 750,000 Jews who entered partite declaration Sunday from 10:45 a. m. to 11 on behalf of Mr. Dulles, guaranteeing Rep. Fricdcl made, public the bo reduced and both Israel and Israel since its inception in 1048 the territorial integrity of the MM a. m. Hobbl Albert L. Friedwill demonstrate a readi- only about 38,000 left the country. die Eastern countries and if they man of Congregation Shnaroy Sandifcr letter which defended Jordan to establish a political atmos- The bulk of the people who left were also to make it clear "what Zedak In Lansing, Mich., will tho recent U. S. action censuring ness which will make possible Israel, the spokesman said, came would be done in tho went of. a i cpealc on "Rising Above Do- Israel.' Tho letter characterized phere progress toward a lasting settle- to tho country to obtain Israeli Cresslon." I s r a e l as having prejudiced .'."...'.. feat." ' .. , i passports for other countries. chances -for Near Eastern peace, ment."
Zionists Jam Attempts to Form Cabinet
Treaty Blamed In Cldims Talks
UN Expert Predicts More Food in Israel
At Center Sunday
Ben Gurion to Share In Settlement Work
On Radio and TV ,
Suez Control by i f f Is Threat
U. S. Favors Direct Talks Between Israel and Jordan
Fife Percent
Our Foreign Newsletter f M d
Krcry Prk)aj bj UM Omaha Jewish Fc
l « a Mcoud-clMa ICAHC? i t oimsli*. Nttirault*, undei t&f «c« u
I auMerilitlOB, S4.OO. AdverUslnx K&tt* on Api>iU*uon. •Utunu Otnc*—101 No. 80th s u » t . Oui«ha. l.'clir.. ATIJLKI* m o . f?lst 6bop Addma—!8(rS Bo. 2Mb 6uetL
Adenauer's Triumph And German Jewry
Friday, December 25, 185!
McCarthyism Now a Symbol
Ily Milton Friedman \Whinglun (JTA)—Tin- question of whether the -Anti-DefamaHARRY HAUERT— Edi'.o tion League of ll'nai B'rith views MBS. LOOIS PAUL... ...Socitty Edito; Hy Arthur Miller I about $2 million to the State of Ken. Joseph H. McCarthy as an in(Copyright, 1953, Jewirh Israel. Jewish circles applauded fluence h.'jimful U> Ameilcan Jewthe sentiment, but con:;idered the ry h;is now been ruuiwered. Henry Ttlegrajihic Agency, Inc.) Uonn (JTA)—lu the history of offer too gro:>sly inadequate fur K. Schultz, ADI., national chairserious conridoration. They point- irjfin, has provide*! the answer in fj <•<; parliamentary ek-ctiom; on the When the history of these times is written it .••hall be rccordei Kurnpean Continent, no one in liv- edly referred to the need for ac- the current kr.ue of "The ADL that American Jews proved to be a powerful force for human free- hif; rncriiory lias adiicved a clean tion rather tlian words. Bulletin." . dom. The historians •will not in particular the record of America! iiv«p comparable to that of Dr. Clouded Prestige Mr. Schultz t xprcsstd the opinJewry's support of the United Jewish Appeal, arid the enduring goo Konrad Adenauer. A few year;; Over the next few years, for. ion that, to souse degree, Congresthat came of this. They will write first of all that American Jew after hi;; country's utter collapse, Adenauer realized wtih dimiay sional investigating committees bad an overwhelming sense, of responsibility for the rustenance o he has emerged as the nio:,t in- that German prcitlj,:e remained disregard the meaning rind potenhumanity and'freedom, and that they were able to act, and act vie- fluential stateunan between the under a cloud in Influential and tialities of our great democratic •nasty, to uphold and advance this cause Iron Curtain and the ICnj;li.Ui morally sensitive circles Ihrounh- institutions, we can only wonder; .: It is with such a tense of historic responsibility that the 1,20 Channel. out the Western world because as they now operate, are they of Continue to Rule there was no gitture of atone- more harm than help?". He re' communal representatives of American Jewry acted two weeks s£< Adenauer will continue to rule ment for Nazi Getmuny'.-a crimes ported thnt "throughout (he coun• t the three-day annual National Conference of the UJA. They hi.: against the Jev,'i:;h people. Jewhh try, there are countless groups tin only a deep awareness of hi.'.tory, but also a great capacity fo We.it Germany with the aid uf a writing It. And thij is what they eet down for all American Jew Kovuimjerital coalition that in- antagonism towards Germany -wan which make much noise about clude:, in addition to hi:, own CDU, itill hampering her r.tiiving for &inii Communism—without any tobeed, and to fulfill, in the coming year. duality in foreign affairs. Jewish definition of their aims. These con» / .. They allied themselves firmly with the 475,000 men. women an. the many-hur-fi "Free Democratic organization's r o u g h o u t the ttltutc the extreme wing of th« 'children in more than 21 countries who must be helped in 1054 hj l'ai-ty" (KDI',) t.nd the far-right world swayedt hpublic opinion by gnr-t,' thu iueiu.ru to prejudice • the UJA's constituent agencies—the United Itrael Appeal, Joint Di.'.- "Cermijn Party" (DP). Only tivo pointing the finder of r.u^picion at and even violence." p are n-preitnted in tributlon Committee antl United Service'for New American.",. German move::. Israel insisted on the Ilunde.;Uii;, and thi-he AdeThey allied themselves Mrongly and unswervingly with 0. 1 carting its vote ;;;;ain.':t the Fed"Thu name McCarthy has not iiim.'i to iiitch to hi ; chariot • People of Israel, and called upon American Jew:; for a. supreme ef- nauer Republic's admitiion to in- been mentioned here at all," said well, fo as to attain the two- eral fort In 1954 to hasten Israel's march to economic freedom in the thirds ternational bodies—ILO, UNESCO. Mr. Sclniltz. The man has becomo majority he needs for COMISCO, face of Arab efforts to destroy Israel's sovereignty. even rports a.'.'-.ocia- (he symbol of these tendencies -.--. \ They -wrote a goal for the United Jewish Apptal of $11<J,021,150. at will.ng the constitution almost tloiiS. He was warned, that, if he and frequently I um asked, 'Is Mcviritc<l thn United .States, hortilc Carthy au anU-Semltc?' Certainly and called for its fulfillment through intensified nnd strt-n|;thcned Although ho I:; the Ilunde:.taj;'5 is not an anti-Semite In th« support of local community campaigns. •l'lcfit rrt'rnbf-r, he is still ranlrod- demon:.trations could be expected. he sense that Gerald L. K. Smith is. ... .They declared with one voice, nnd with determination and pas- fiff and tough as nailr. at "7. If Dr. Adenauer determined to c:> Senator McCarthy has often ersion, that in 1854 the homeless, the opprcm-d, the sick and the his health iio«.-s not fail, pnd bar- rny n grand torture—one bold pic:;r:ctl his good feelings toward broken must not stand alone, and that jn the face of a grim r,ici:< ring a major upr>ct of the inter- Viiour:h to mutrahze Israel's op- 'people of the Jewish faith.' H» . bordering on open warcfare—ISRAEL MUST NOT STANli ALONE national situation, h<; is therefore po.'ition at in(crn:)li<tnnt erjnffr- hnr, made conrpicuous use of his -They asked again that Edward M. M. Warburg eontinuo as Gcn- jkrly to have his ov.-n v;ay until <nce table:: and to placate at the •:laff members who arc Jewish. time world public opinion eral Chairman of tbe United Jcwuh Appeal, and in one of thorp ]057. Policy in matters both for"But I believe the security ot and domestic will be ret by and the Germans' own uneasy ..great tributes to a man who«* qualities of leadership ;,nd dcdieatioi eign What manner of man is he, conscience. A con--ciou.i:nc.f:; of ac- mir minority r.roups is largely dchave inspired a whole generation—returned him by .ircbmation tr him. l.cndcnt on (be strength of our and what can Jew:; expect countability for Nazi /-.enocidedoc:. - Ms fourth successive year ns leader of American Jc-.vry';; ( . r r a tc;t then, from his second term of office? dwell in German r.oul:;, unac- democratic institutions. It is devoluntary agency In the f.ervice of humanity and freedom. And in He had to retire from politics upon krKiwlcdjjed and reprt.^::ed though pendent on good education for all v Mother tribute to Mr. Warburg, they cave him the i.-ime team Hitler's advent in 1033. He was it usually ir, and to ::ome extent r.o that we have emotionally and •••: dedicated national chairmen who have i.Sood with him wlce arrested by the- Ge.'itapo, but it tinderlied hl:i political calcula- culturally healthy citizens. It is •••:•"-'.American Jews in 1954 must rally ns never before behind theie lhvays released in j.hort order be- tion?:. dependent on the extension of civil historic calls to action snd generosity and sacrifice. If we hold the cause-' it could not be shown that rights and liberties. I believe that On Kept. 27, 1951, the German .Senator had agitated or o/hspircd Chancellor McCarthy's methods have line, if we raise our sights, if we ir.U-nj.ify our < ffortr, and ttrenrthen rose in the Bundestag. just Nazism. For 12 years he He pointed out—no longer half- injured many of our democratic .;, «ur sopport, if we make supreme the effort that human need'' am chore to quietly cultivate lib rotes. institutions." historic events demand—they shall not stand alone, and Israel anr L heartedly—that the "unrpeakablc One-Vole Majority "I have listened," raid Mr. an who depend on it shall win their freedom and achieve at h ' t a crimes" perpetrated in the name true measure of peace. of the Germnn people called for Schultz, "to Senator McCarthy disv Only in the wake of Germany's cus:; the Ihlnns he Is ngainst. I uicouditlunal surrender did he re- moral and material nmends. "So personally ajktd him what t Mer public life. After tome ups as to smooth the way for the have liu believes in, what positive ideals and downs peculiar to the tur- spiritual erasing of Infinite suf- he has for America. I have «ugbulent postwar period, he was fering," he concluded resounding that he rtatc them. I would elected—with n one-vote majority ly, "the Federal Government is Gciied Members of the Epstein-Morgan i Dear Mrs. Heldner to bring about a solution really like to know what they are." Udies Auxiliary No. 2C0. Jewish I want to take this opportunity —West Germany's first Federal prepared Describing advances against anthe material reparations probWar Veterans of U. S. Kent Cha- ! to thank -,-ou /or the rift I re Chancellor'in 1049. The following of lem jointly representative:! ti-Semitism in the United States nukaii packager. toOmahans in the ] ccive.1. I want to thank you for ear the chairmanship of his par- of Jewry andwith as "still In their infancy." Mr. the State of Israel." ly, the Christian Democratic UnJirmea Forces. La-Tlcd bc-lnw are ' your kind thought. Schultz .-.aid "they can easily sucon, was also handed to him. When Guarded Welcome some of the acknowledgements j unless I'ney ore properly fed rcrely, Foreicn Ministry was established The Irracl Government extended cumb and cherished." Arrayed against Harold Lincoln. received. n 1951, he took over that post in a guarded welcome to this dec- them, said, were a number of addition to his duties as the Fcd- laration. Adenauer then expressed factors.heOne Dear Mrs. Ecldner, of these factors he ral republic's chief cvccutlvc. to Prime Minister Ben Gurion his said was constituted by "those for ; I want to thank you and the Towards Jews, Adenauer has no willingness to negotiate on the Congressional committee which— , auxiliary for the Chanu*cah pack— trong feelings one way or an- basis of Israel's demand for one in the process of capturing headft very much. aj.;c. It was most thoughtful of you ithcr. In o public career spanning billion dollars in reparations. Thc- lines—spread fear and enfusion My best regards U< every, i and I certainly appreciated i t It lmost half a century, he has never major Jewish organizations formed Nathan M. Cohn. always makes me feel good when idopted a discriminatory altitude a "Conference on Jewish Material nationally." 1 get letters and packages frorc >r given evidence of anti-Semitic Claims against Germany," In "A show-care example of the Dear Mrs. Beldnex, canines. On the other hand he March, 1B5Z, representatives from use of prejudice to net ahead in a : horne. I would like to express my sin- J -.as not shown tlie keen interest the Federal Republic, from Israel confured world," said Mr. SchulU, Sincerely, cerest thanks for the very "irwe-11 n Jewish, problems that dlstin- and from the Conference fore- "was the burning of the Reichstag Lamar Garon. sulshcs Professor Heus:;, the West gathered at The Hague. package I received from you ami I building in the early years of the Jerman President. Nor have Jews tbe rest of the ladies. Nazi climb In Germany. It was Dear Mrs. Heldncr, Once this was accomplished, the proved,1 in n widely publicized The job which you ladles have I received your Chanukah pres- oomed large In his personal en- Chancellor evinced Uttlc personal vironment. For him, It may be undertaken is a very worthy one ent. All the fellows here and I trial, that 'Communists' had deand to say the least, greatly appre- r.ure appreciate it. Thanks again presumed, Geranm Jews arc a Interest. Ills subordinates und col- stoyed the building. Public opin;roup of citizens who have a right leagues in the Bonn Government, ion was inflamed against the eneciated. I hope that you will cx- from all of us. while anxious to chalk up n po- my.' Soon after, the Nazh turned i be treated equitably. I«css my Eratilude to all the memJerry Berraan. litico-moral score at bargain rates, these carefully nurtured hatreds bers of your line organization. that they did not take the against the Jews." Detoted Persecutions Very' sincerely, And Abram said unto Lot, Let whole question very seriously and The persecutions of the IljUcr Paul Alpersxn. there be no strife. I pray thec, be- xxiod he dctesltd as an abomiuaCiting extensive difference* benot prepared, to rnect minitween me and thee . . . for we be ion against human dignity and mum .Jewish demands. Exasper- tween the United States and GerDear Mrs. Beldnex, brethren.—(Gtn. 13:G.) many, Mr, Schultz stressed th« H'ainit the word of God. He felt ated, Ilio Irjracl representatives T wiA to thatil; you ;ui3 the Ep. t jre in hU heart about his own called for a recess. Still AdcnnuCT rtrcngth of American Comrtitntfon;il principles and devotion to In•Wo-Morfian Auxiliary for your i Ar. I -wos with Mosc*. r.o I will ilamclcssners, and liencc refused vaa (lot heard from. dividual rights. 'Taut," he warned, ';: , Wrathful Protest Chanukah gift j not fail thce. nor forsake th«-. Be become emotionally involved, At that point, the deputy head "as we arc frightened and unsure, Sincerely yours, J strong and of a fiood courage.— 'rom the end of the war on, at « Harold Siporin. i (Josh. 1:5. C.) Ime when the issue of German of the German delegation to the we become lax about presepring uilt and responsibility was one Hague, Dr. Otto ICueclcr, wrath- Uiese traditions. We let prcjudico ways. Wo become hat preoccupied most German of fully protected In broadcasts arid cavern our 1 lote, he played a very prominent articles that "the present Fcdenx) •againsls. " lublic role. Yet there is no record Government" was not in earnest The analojy tbu* drawn by Mr. f his speaking out about It for about making substantial pay- Schultz between the rise ot Nazism Friday, Dec. 25 •ore than four crucial years, when ments, having been "concerned and dangers now confronting Pre- Kindergarten School—9:00 fl. m., Center. with nothing but the securing of a American Jewry would have c»eo rose to the Chancellorship. Saturday, Dee. 2G Then ho observed that many good name for West Germany in ated a sensation had it been inHadassah Youth Commission Sabbath—12:30 p. m the eyes of the world." • oreign observers considered the cluded in the nationally-televised, Yoong Adult Club Dance—8:00 p. m., Center. '.ierman altitude towards the Jews dinner and thow tendered, by the, Snntlar, Dec. 27 Shocked by Dr. Kucslcr's rev- ADL :<;, In the words of then U. S. Milto President Elsenhower; ApChildren's Program—2:00 p. m., Center. elations, democratic papers nnd parently, itary Governor John J. MeCloy, ADL leaders did not B & V Hadassah—2:00 p. ra.. Center. "the best criterion for the extent organizations called for Chaiircllor consider such a theme appropriate. Yiddish Film—8:00 p. m . Center. A d e n a u e r ' s intervention. Tbe It might have been construed in a c Young Adult Lounge Night—8:00 p. m . Center. which democracy has taken Chancellor could no longer Ignore political light arid offended lomo the fire thai Dr. Kucster had hullt of the honored guests. Monday, Dec. 28 hold." Pre-Kinderpartcn School—9:00 a. m., Center. Jn his first Governmental State- under him. Failure of the negotiaGolden ARC Club—1:00 p. m.. Center. ment of Policy, Dr. Adenauer tions, he realized, would injure the therefore broke his silence by in- new Germany's moral and diplo- up his mind, is not easily deflected. Workman's Loan—7:30 p. nx. Center. cluding, at the last minute, a pas- matic standing, would set hack her When the Bundestag did give it* Beth Israel Adultslnslitutc—9:00 p. m., Beth Israel. sage about condemning . "anti- bid for equality in foreign affairs. approval pbi months later, a very Eayira Holler Skating Party—9:00 p. m., Boiler Bowl, Semitic trends that seem to have Ho brought up the matter in the considerable share of the credit Tuesday, Dee. 29 arisen In a few cases." The off- Cabinet and laid down the law t» was due to his pereerverance. Bridge Class—1^0 p. ra.. Center. hand and weak-kneed manner of his Ministers, some of whom had Thus It will remain, a study Wednesday, Dee. 38 his remark and the absence of any been noticeably dragging their of Konrad Adenauer's record tends Pre-Kindergarten School—0:00 a. m., Center. feet- The negotiations were reexpression of sympathy for Nazi tugcest, as long as be believes Badassah-Herzi Group—12:30 p. m^ Center. victims gave rise to spirited pro- sumed awl soori led to agreement. to Hadsssah-Wcismann Group—12:30 p. m.t Y. M. C. A. Again there was much tem- that this course will be In Gertesta. many*!! best intercuts. This belief Hadassah-Srold Group—12:30 p. m., V. "W. C. A. porizing on the German side. An When he learned of the uneasi- Arab blackmailing campaign was he is likely to adhere to during Center Orchestra Rehearsal—8:00 p. nr. Center. ness about his stand. Dr. Adenauer organized B'nai BVith Monsky Lodge^—8^K> p. ro-. Center. -Ciermany. More his second term of office, since he made a Gesture that was, for a than once, within parliamentary rati- Is one of the we Germans whoca Thnrtday, Dee. SI short time, headline news. He told fication of tbe seemed in Judgment on Jewish izmics is unYouth Council Ballroom Dancing Class—3:45 p. m . Center. a Jewish interviewer'that, as a Jeopardy. Butthethepact old man in the clouded by fear or favor, by emoCrcot Books Course—730 p. ra. Center. token of good will. West Germany tional involvement In one direct ion Beth Iiraei Men's Club New Year's Eve Tarty—Beth Israel. planned to give goods valued at I premier's chair, once he ba» made | or another.
The March to Freedom
Letters from Servicemen
Community Calendar
D««alMr ««, U U
Council ofFederations To Hold Regional Conference
m jrinmnsM
fact lain
Serkin's Recife. A Masterpiece of Interpretation
Harold A. Goldman o£ I)cr. j eriLC v/i1,! concern itself with man; Moincs, President of tin1 Wist Cvii- facts of Jewish community tral.IU'gion ol the Council of Jew- iilt of which nrc the. concern o ish Federations anil Welfare Fund.; Hit' tliirty-ei^lit organized Jcwh; lias announced that Hie 19th A n -federation:;, welfare funds an nual Regional Conference will IJU community .-ovmcjl.'; existing in a held at The Cha.'.t- Hntul in St of the entnniunitie:; in this region. Louis, January il--l!l. The. pru/jram for the conferene* • . I n announcing t h i ; Ilt-iiionn] lias been developed by u Piograr Conference Mr. Goldman rtnU'd, Committee consisting of repre . "This will not he jiia (inntlii'i ; entritive;; of the conimtinitle: conference. It v.'iil IK* a v:ovVAuy, themselves. A r t h u r Goldsteir conference fnr .Ifwi:h community ehaiiiiKin of Jewish Coinmunit; leaders who will take compel vvilii Center Committee, i:; a member o, one another and exchange, experi- the program fctaff. ences nnd ru:v.' idi-as. The confer-
liy Ilans Bier Iludolph Serkin, who gave a p !•• ano recital at the Tuesday Mus|* cal Club is a monumental personality among the pianists of ou^ day. His playing demonstrate|l anew the perfection of an achieva^ ment which alone is able to cvoklp interest and success. . :! For decades it has betn known . that technique and a certain degree of expression are not sufit ficient to make a success. Everif pianist who gives public concert^ 1 lias to have tlif necessary basi ' Omaha members of the We;; implements to be considered a Central Kenion'n Executive Com all. Interpretations, h o w e v e 1 mlttec arc J. Harry Kulaltofsky, which widely exceed the commoi Young Acfolfs Will I'rc.ident of the Federation In frame of expression, make th< Jewish Service; Morris 10. Jiicob; renditions not only valuable bu Hold Donee of Jay a past regional president, arid I'au fascinating. It is the specifi Veret, Executive Director of ,thi character of tlie artist's tempera : Omahztns will be coming from Federation lor Jewish Service. ment and the gift to build up I California to New York and from The Council of Jewish FederaFormer I'reiiclenl Harry S. Truman lolil «n overflow audience of more lT mi composition in such a way thai! , Minnesota to New Mexico to thetions and Welfare Funds is the 22,000 periom attending an Israel Bond drive celebration of the 3,(30 lie iti! reproduction rises over the in^i "College Round-up" Dance being national association of Jewish fedof Jenuolem at the Chicago Stadium rerenlly tint the United terpretations of other virtuosos, f . staged by the Phi F.psilom Fra- e r a t i o n 3 and welfare funds Anniveriary State! ihould "mpporl the deilre of [«r«et to sit down and negotiate with ihc ternity of Omaha University and throughout the United States and It seems that just this fact tojj Arab States." During the ebiervanrt, a «ilver menonli, made In Iiroel. va> the Young Adult Club of the Jew- Canada. It is the instrumen prmnlcd to Mr. Truman by Colonel Jacob M. Arvey <Iefl>, Chairman of the day is still more developed thaitj ish Community Center. through which the communities Chicago Committee for tlie Celeliratlon of Jeruealem'a J.OOOth Anniversjry. it was during the time of grea|l The dance will take place in the chare common services, exchange Wilneuing the ptetclUitlon were Judfe Henry L Burmon (««cond from left >, pianists of the past, at leant as fat Center** auditorium on Saturday, experience:* and take joint action Ouirman of the Greater Chicago Committee for Israel ISondj, and Henry as it concerns artists with a brflJi '. DecJtiB, at 8:30 p. in. Ernie Pries- on matters of common concern. Montor ('iglill, Vlre-E'reaidcnl of the Iirael Bond Organization. The mtnorah Iiant reputation. Rudolph Scrkil The communities which tire ' afbeara tho Uililkal initription, in Hebrew, from the propliel Zeclmrlnh; "Not man and bis band will provide the Rudolf Firkusny, who during filiated with the Council comprise by mljlit, nor by power, but by My »pirit." It ia further inicribed; "With warm and music. previous years were heard in contribute to Harry S. Truman for carrying aloft the torch of freedom." All young adults ;ire invited at least 05 percent of the Jcwith certs here, have enormously inand there win be no admission population of the United States tensified this ability of interpret nnd 00 percent of the Jewish popCharge. tation. V 1 The planning committee for the ulation of Canada. The West CenConsequently, t h e Waldsteiij! two clubs Include Miss Cella Fell- tral Region includes Colorado, sonata, opus 53, by Beethoveni man, Joanne Wiseman, Ketto Ann Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, was heard in rare magnitude anqj Po&ka, Joanne Klrnon, Marilyn Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, North Israel Exports Show Sharp Rise, Farm Products Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin wonderful tenderness in the per} Myers, Maynanl Tatleman, Alvln formance by Mr. Serkin. Accents Vastly Increased, Controls Lifted as Israel Follman and Martin Nearcnbc-rg. nnd Central Canada. and contrasts occurred W h i c h Records Biggest Economic Step Forward in '53 occurred which thrilled and con-J Jack Webb's television show, vinced. "Dragnet," will be filmed lor the- Mrs. Roosevelt Gets Jerusalem (Israel I n d u s t r t a New industries made their debut The Italian concerto by Bach atrical screening early next year, Histadntt Award Press)—The greatest strides for- in Israel during 1953. The Impact with Jack os producer and his TV ward on the road to economic in- on the balance ledger of these new was completely adapted to thai sounding characteristics of ouif production crew doing the filming New York <JTA)—Mrs. Eleanor dependence of any single year . . . Spcokins of Cecil I). DcMlHc, Roosevelt van the recipient re- slnco its re-cstabltshment were undertaking will not show until modern piano without trying t<J! this famed producer - d i r e c t o r cently of the Histadrut Humani- taken by Israel during 1053 andthe close of 1934. But millions of simulate the sound of Uie harp-jl scoffs at pessimists who cry that tarian Award presented annually as the curtain descends on an old dollars previously required of sichord of the eighteen century} television h killing the motion to a prominent American leader year tho young republic is ablo to Israel for purchases of paper, ce- Tills way of interpretation, probpictures. "Remember," cays C. B.,for services to Israel. Tho pre-take a bow on a performance ment and other necessities will be ably is best as it frees the artist1 "when the movies were young sentation was made at a luncheon which Included usbstantiol in- eliminated during the next 12 from tlie task of trying to imitate ! they were a novelty, too. TVat the Commodore Hotel. The creases in the field of export, pro- months with the start of opera- the sound of the harpsichord on] a piano of tlie twentieth century! hasn't bothered any of ray pro-award is a bronze plaque bearing duction and agricultural output. tions at recently-completed plants whose construction differs basiductions. My "Samson and De-a citation. Increased Production cally from the inslruments of past which now produce these comlilah" — which, incidentally the The award was given to Mrs. Increased production of tlrC3 centuries. crlllco didn't like—crossed more Roosevelt in appreciation for her nutos, cement and clothing ex- modities. These and other advances on the Compositions by Chopin, whose than any other picture I have ever outstanding efforts in fostering ported abroad furthered by a full made. I f a l l o w e d With "The sympathetic understanding betwen 20 per cent the amount of hard Industrial front will make their Polonaise in F Sharp minor and Greatest Show on Earth," and the people of the United States and currency In dollars and sterling contribution to what is expected five etudes from opus 25 that that was an even bigger grosser!.. the State ot Israel and her warm earned on foreign markets for to be a balanced budget for Israel were played completed the procncouraccment of the cause of Israel. A huge 150 per cent in- this year—a budget around Uie gram together with three caprices by Mendelssohn. The concert, F win heal their backsliding, ) Histaudrut." Previous recipients of crease over last year, this time In IL 210,000,000 mark. w h i c h disclosed outstanding Agriculture will love them freely . . . I will the Histadrut award were Presi- trade agreements ond barter arbe as the dew unto Israel: lie shall dent Truman, Vice-President Al- rangements with foreign countries On the agricultural front in achievements of a very great pigrow Ma the lily, and cast forth hi; hen Barklcy, and Supreme Court for Israel products, also is re- 1053, long years ofhard planning anist evoked tho admiration of corded us 11)53 draws to a close. roots as I/sbanon (Ho.i. 14:4, 5.) Justice William O. Douglas. and the development of an Irrlga- the deeply impressed audience. Aided by such constructive cf- tlonal system constructed with the r ort3 as Stale of Israel Bond ln- aid of $5,000,000 in Israel Bond •cstments, the country's agrlcul- loans show substantial results. In- CIO Delegation for CHILEAN HOSPITAL HEAD VISITS JNHAC ural 'planning began to pay-off in cerased quantities and superior No> 'Penalizing Israel1 < ho closing months of 1053. Potash quality produce was available cposlL-; reactivated by the coun- throughout the country. By the Washington (JTA)—"There is try with the aid of Bond invest- spring of 1954 a i r the country's no excuse for democratic America ments were already traveling Uie milk needs are expected to be mqt. to penalize the democratic Statei newly-completed Sdom road to I n c r e a s e d agricultural output of Israel, or to serve as an object ilaifa and waiting world markets. shortened the country's list of ra- of blackmail by reactionary Arab Nearby, at the Fertilizers and tioned items and heralded an end leaders who have contempt tat-' Chemicals, Limited, largest single to many heretofore necessary con- the people they govern and hatred ndustrial enterprise In Israel, pro- trols. for the modern ideas and progresluction of fertilizers for home Development Projects sive society of IsraeJ," a C. I, O. lonsumpllon waa reaching the Development projects advanced delegation which Visited Israel re3,500 tori-a-month figure which considerably, too, during the past ported here today. when attained In the' near future year. Notable was the completion The American labor delegation AiU meet the country's needs thus of the Sdom Road, the beginning ;aving substantial sums ht^j^to- of oil drilling in a half-dozen areas pointed out in its report that t h e orc allocated for purchase of fcr- of the Negtv, the discovery ol "appeasement of Arab rulers In ilizcrs aboard. The upwards to new iron deposits In the Galilee their hate of progressive Israel ;2 000,000 in loans from Israel and aided by a more than $2,000,- should not bo permitted, for to do tonds was credited with enabling 000 loan from State of Israel so would be to defeat both our 'crtillzera and Chemicals to ex- Bonds, the continued exploitation long-range national interests and jand its operations. of copper, phosphates, mancanese the democratic ideals which this country honors." The people of and other minerals. Export Front Israel are working for "economic Significant on the export front Israel, in its quest for economic and social improvement in an atere a variety of new products self-sufficiency iii 1D54, continues mosphere of peace and goodwill," nnele in substantial quantities In to look to the State of Israel Bond the delegation said. srael for tho first time during drive, which preparing for a new report recommended that ID53. Foromo'.t among these were issue in the Spring of the coming theThe C. I. O. urge the U. S. Govirc3, drugs, and stoves. Israel's year, has already made available ernment extend "full moral and wo new tire-nroduclnt! firms, In an estimated $150,000,000. Equip- financial to support" to Israel; conwith these monlc.1 incrution little more than a. year, ment purchased 7 tinue and expand Point Four proere already cxp'.sruni; to more and more than 350,000,000 marlci Krams for nil the Middle East, from German separation funds i.m a dozen lands. and take Initiative In bringing Still a bin money-earner for ..ill assist in the stabilization and Arab governments together with rael and looked to in 1054 toeconomic development of the Israel In working out a peaceful ireak all records is citrus. Where; country in this coming year, 1954 future. Americans, said the trade) xtended plantations and new unionists,-would be "unrealistic" jroves planted with Government if they lost sight of the fact that loans made possible through Israel "Israel is the one advanced out3ond Investment enabled the counpost of 20th century democracy ry to export 5,300,000 cases of in the Middle East, particularly ;holce oranges ond grapefruits last In view of the threat to world rear, a 15 per cent to 20 per cent The Golden Age Club will meet peace by the Soviet Union and crease this season should boost it the Center on Monday, Dec. 20, Its satellites." Dr. Rafael Pilicoff, left, director of Chile's newest hospital the figure past the 0,000,030 cane ,'or its monthly program meeting. The labor u n i o n delegation, constructed in Santiago, was stnt to tha United Statei by the mark. Israeli rcpresentatiyea for The members will enjoy an un-which visited Israel In July, WM Kellogg Four., r.tion to study tho latest medical advance) In this itrus growers mcanwliilc devcl- usually good Yiddish Film entitled composed of Secretary-Treasurer country. One of his first visits was at the Jewish National Home >ped new markets in Europe for "Tlie Mntclunaker." This film is a James B. Carey, President Mlch> for Asthmatic Children, when he itadied the latest techniques in he nourishing fruit, which sold plcturizatlon of Sholem Aleichems' ocl Quill of the Transport Workthe treatment ol children suffering from chronic intractable asthma. sufficient quantities, will conwonderful story of Menachcti ers Union and Arthur J. GoldShown with him Is Dr. Jack Horowltr, head of Denver General berg, general counsel of the C. I, Hospital. Upon his return to Chile, Dr. PUscoff will t>» placed Li -ribute considerably in helping Mendel. rtel attain economic health and The meeting begins at 12:30 O. and of the United Steel-workcharge of • number of hospitals in Santiago, ilf-sufficiciicy. p. m. In the Center's Auditorium. ers of America.
Report- on Israel's Development in 'S3
GoBden Age Club Will Meel Monday
.:;.;• 3 ir.:~';
, December 15, ltSS
Organizations Bl Sisterhood
Beth Israel Sisterhood will honor its new members at the January meeting to be held in the synagogue social hall Tuesday, Jan. 6, 1654, at 1 p. m. Members are asked to brine a new member to this meeting UF they will be trie sisterhood's luncheon guest of the day. Following lunch end a business meeting guests may play cards, mah Jong and other games. Those playing should bring their own cards and mah jong sets. Door prizes will be given to .. lucky ticket holders.
B and P Hadassah A meeting of the B and P Half donah will be held Sunday, Dec. 27 at 3 p" m. In the Jewish Community Center. Movlei of the banquet scenes of r e g i o n a l conventions will be ihbvm. All members and friends are asked to attend this meeting.
Pioneer Women
The Pioneer Women will hold -their monthly Oneg Shabbat Dec. 26 at 1:30 p. m. in the home of Mrs. Wm. Gimplc, 2003 N. 51st. The program will include a reading given by Mr. Sam Rifkin and an original poem given by Mr. •Abe Schneider. Mrs. H. Richlm ; will read several news flashes from Israel. • Mrs. Sam Novak is chairman of the affair. The organization is collecting old clothes for Israel and is asking that if you have old clothing to donate call Mrs. b. It. Binder, RE 5394. Mrs. Sam Novak has been elected as publicity chairman.
Beth'EI Sisterhood Arrangements have been .completed for the Beth El Silver Jubilee Ball, to be held Saturday, Jan. 3. a 0 p. in. in the- syuagu;: social hall. A capacity attendance is expected by chairmen, Mmes. David Bernstein, Wm. Itaduzincr, Arthur Adler and their committee. A festive evening has been planned. A snack bar will be open all evening and buffet supper will be served at 11 p. m. Bobby Graves' OP-h"";!™ '."ill n:-jvidu u:c mu:;ir This Is the first of a series of social events commemorating the Silver Jubilee year celebrated by Beth El Synagogue during 195354. Other highlights will be a silver revue and card party, silver : Jubilee luncheon, sliver jubilee concert with a guest artist and a 'reception honoring Cantor Edgar and the Beth Kl choir, and a silver Jubilee banquot. All of , these events are under the- supervision of^Mrs. Joe Guss, sisterhood project chairman, and Mrs.OAIbert Himmerman, ways and m e a n s vice-president.
Shirley Goodman, Dena and Hose Logman, Paula Block, Host-lie Cohen, Laurie Orch. Youth Activities will highlight the meeting. The Henrietta S»ld Group will meet at the Y. W. C. A. for » luncheon meeting. Mrs. J. J. Friedman, president of the Szold Group, will preside. Youth Aliyah, a Hadassah project, will he highlighted. Miss Marcia Waxcnbern, a regional president of Senior Young Judaea, will speak on the work of Youth Aliyah. The Debka Debs, a Young Judaea group, will present a program of Israeli songs and dances. Mrs. David Epstein will be in charge of the luncheon. Reservations are being taken by Mmes. Wm. Finkle, PL 5B30, and Sidney Taren, HE 07-IG. The Thcodor Herzl group will meet at the Jewish Community Center for a 12:30 luncheon. Mrs. Meyer Rubin is the president. Mrs. Sidney Brooks will speak of her observations of Youth Aliyah in Isracl. Mrs. Brooks together with Robbl Brooks were visitors at the Youth Aliyah Camps v and other Hadassah projects on their trip to Isracl. The Dcbka- Debs, a Senior Young Judaea group, will present n skit entitled the "High Hatter," written by Jane Fellman and Donnic Hcylxn. Those taking part in this performance, are the Misses J.-ine Fellman, Helen Vann, Bunnlo Havjtn, Bonnie Rayken, Jane Hrodkcy, Susie Richards, Barbara Kubeck, Judy Bosen, Fran Davidson, Dodie Shapiro nnd Judy Lewis. Henrietta .Szold Since December is the Birthday of Henrietta .Szold, the founder of Hndass.ih, -,-iH groups will celebrate her birthday, tind Youth Aliyah. Miss Szold was especially interested in children in Israel. Hadassah was organized in 1D12 by the late Henrietta Szold, who was a scholar, social worker and teacher. She visited Palestine in 1012. and was shocked by the substandard health conditions there and 1 o u n d e d Hndassah to do something about it. Hadarsah has helped resettle1 and rehabilitate more than 60,000 Jewish youth refugees from 72 countries who are now residents in Israel. In recent years Youth Aliyah's rescue work has beer: focur"d on the ghettos of the middle East, North Africa, and the Iron Curtain countries of Europe.
New Art Ctass af J Will Begin Jean. 6
Wedding Announced The wedding of Miss Janet Rita Freeman, daughter of Mrs. Julian Freeman. Indianapolis, Ind., to Mr. Benjamin Wiesman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wiesman, took place Nov. 2!) at the Beth El-Zedeek Temple. Ilabbi William P. Greenfeld and Cantor Myro Gloss officiated in a double ring ceremony. The. brlde':j attendants were Mrs. William Wollron, matron of honor; Mrs. Samuel Alloy, bridesmaid; Mi.-s Lynn Hcgenslreif, junior bridesmaid. Miss Carole Leve, junior bridesmaid, and Miss IXbra Greenfeld, flower girl. Attendants for the groom were Martin Lahr, best man. and the ushers included Irving Hudermau, William Wolfson nnil Samuel Alloy, all of Omaha. The bride wore a go'.vn of Ivory fatin. The princess bodice accented with lace, had a sheer yoke. The formal skirt was gathered on to the bodice nnd ended in a cathedral train. The twotier fingertip veil of English illusion cascaded from a larc half hat, hound with satin and accented pearls. The bride carried two orchids with lilies of the valley and a white prayer book. After the reception at the Temple, the couple took a motor trip to Florida and New York. 1
Saks to Celebrate Golden Anniversary
A reception will be held Sunday, Dec. 27, in honor of the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. nnd Mrs. I'hil Saks. The affair will take place in the Kelh El Synagogue from 4 to 0 p. in. The celebration will be given by Mr. and Mrs. Saks' children, Messrs. and Mmes. Frank Kclberg, Harry Mulnick, J. Harold Sal::; of Great Neck. N. Y., Dr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Soshnil:, and Mrs. Max C-recnberg. No Invitations have been Issued and friends and relatives ore invited. Out of town guests include: Mr. and Mrs. J. Harold Salts and daughters Marjorio a n d Ruth; Rabbi and Mrs. Herman Cohen nnd Dr. and Mrs. Ellis Cohen, St. Paul, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kay, Berkley, Calif.; Mrs. Ethelyn Kaplan nnd daughter Saranne, Oakland, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Swnrtz and daughter Rose Helene, Mr. nnd Mrs. Hoy Bclzer and Mr. MMinol K»i-<ki>'-kv. Chicago, III.; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith, Knnsns City, Mo.; Mr. nnd Mrs. Joe Glassrnan, Iowa City, la.; Mrs. Esther Sknlovjky, Sioux Cily, la.; Mr:;. Morris Kelberg and Mr3. Sarah Kay, Los Angeles, Calif.; and Mrs. Lou Eirenberg, Sioux Falls, S. D.
The Jewish Community Center is once again offering another session jn-.-irt. This Is the second session of the- class which will begin Wednesday, Jan. 0 at 1 p. m. Jn the Center. Thou hast also given me the The class will consist of 10 les- shield of Thy salvation; and Thy sons and will include oil, pastel gentleness hath made me great.— (II Sam. 22:36.) and watqr, color instruction. Mrs. Sylvia Curtis:! will direct the class. She stated that this class Hadossoh Ic for beginners as well as adAll Omariri Hadassah Chapter vanced students. Groups will meet Wednesday, Dec. For further information call the 30, for 12:30 luncheons at the fol- activities office at the Center. lowing places: The Chaim Weizmann Groun will meet at the Y. In the day of my trouble I M. C. A. with Mrs. Maurice New- sought the Lord; my sore ran in man, president, presiding. Mrs. the night and ceased not; my soul Samuel Nahson, who until a few refused to he comforted.—(Psalm years ago lived, in Israel, will 1-XXVII, 2.) speak on Youth Activities in Israel. Mrs. Nahson is a graduate •Hear the causes between your of the Hebrew Teachers College brethren and judge righteously in Israel. She taught in Israel between every man and his broth. for several yearr, and i:i a Hebrew er, and the stranger that is with Instruc'or at the Beth El Syna- him.—(Dtut. 1:10.) gogue Talmud Toruh. Mr. NahSon is the principle of the Beth El Talmud Torah. A group of girls from Tikvas Ami, a Senior Judaea group, will sing Israeli songs and present a selection of Israeli dances. Those who will take part are Misses Teresa Kahn.
Yiddish Series
A Good Meal... Quick! A Quick Meal...Good!
-WAY Rug it, Upholstery Cleaners nCGS—CARI'ETINO LAMP SHADES FURNITURE Cleaned In Your Home! Blndlnj, - Laying - Repairing • •>ON BERNSTEIN HA 1554
turn The Groat Comedy by Sholem Aloichcm Brought to Life on the Screen
.8:30 P.M. Sunday, Dec. 27 JCC Auditorium
"Talk of Many Things" Home From School Miss Lillian' Bittner is home Rochester, N. Y. She is spending and Mrs. EH Bittner. Home from the University of Ml':.-. Katleman is nt liome with Katleman.
from Eastman School of Music in her vacation with her parents, Mr. Wisconsin is Miss Feme Katleman. her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Sidney
Miss Judi Lcvine, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Hyman Lcvlnc, ha« returned from Welle: ley College to spend a three-week vacation at home.
Bach Home Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry L. Summer have returned from Qakland, Calif., where they attended the marriage of their daughter, Mi» Pearl Kommer, to Mr. lien Jacobson of Sacramento, Calif. ' . ' . ; • ' : . While the Sommcrs were visiting in California a granddaughter, Judith Deborah, was horn, Judith is the daughter of Dr. and; Mrs.: Mclvin Lipsclt of Berkley, Calif. : ',. .-.
Home From Service
B&PHadassah To Operation Reindeer New York (WNS)—The United Government and Hfldas»ah, Hold Country Fair States the Women's Zionist Organization
The Hu:ine~s and Professional of America, have Joined forces to Women of Hndnrsah will hold bring "Operation Reindeer" to the of Israel, it was announced their annual card party and ba- people v zaar January 13, 1954, at 0 p. m. here by Mrc. Herman Shulman, national president of Hadassah. In the Blackstone Hotel. The »fMrs. Shuhnnn reported that in fair has ljuen entitled Country accordance w i t h arrangements Fair. worked out by Mrs, Raphael Tou« Several of the attractions will rover, Washington renrcsenlativ* feature a rural free doll very where of Hadassah, the U. S. Governpackages of unknown content:; will ment, through the Foreign Opcr* be sold. A book nook will also be ation:; Administration, hnd made featured in which books can be available to Hadassah for free purchased for a boy overseas or a distribution In Israel 1,109,000 friend in the hospital. pounds of surplus food. This is the only fund raising event sponsored by the B and P Hadassah Bowling women. Mrs. Sylvia Ross Is fund raising chairman. Acting as hostw. u esses will be Miss Evelyn Levy, Nog/; Rr«C 20 13 president. Julia Jacobs, Lil Bern- Millie Wine „ 10 18 stein, Elizabeth Hart and Eve Ko- Smith Pontinc „ IB 15 nccky, who arc past' presidents Edward Jewelry 17 15 will assist the chairman. I Hrandcis Klct-rchromo 10 17 The following will assist at tin- Hrandels Easy Washer .... 10 17 party: Miss Dorothy Rosenthnl and iMctj; Beer 13 20 Jean Kaplan, book nook; Myrtle RCA Victor 13 20 Freeman, Reva Gross, Roselle High GamrK and Scrlex Handler ond Tee Frank, decora- Pearl Gross 441, Diane Rubin tions; Fan Sherman, Sally Meyers 439, Flora Bloom -122, Rose Garrop and Lil Bernstein, gift sales; Ida 411, Ruth Sokolof 407, Churlotto Spring, Julia Matz and Julia Blurnberg 404, and Ann SchulZuker, ticket:;; Lena Greenberg. Flo IJrookstein, Molley Weiner, Lottie Bograd, Ahuvah Gushater nnd Rose Sack.:;, rural1 free delivery sector. In charge of finance Omaha's Favorite nre Jennie Rosenblatt, Anne* Schwartz ond Ilinr ie Freeman Way to Dine on
Sunday Brunch
Served Buffet Style! All You Care t$ Eat Th» liro«l Gov»fnmtnt Approved Ballon Fre« Cifl CtillficoU
Noon to 3 p. m.
Redeemable for food, etc. ot all 10 conveniently located Scrip lo Israel Storei. SCtIP AVAIlAItt 1H OMITS OP |10— JIS— SIJ— J56 AND UP
GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES NOW AVAIIAHEI fttfrfgtrolori " Wothing Mothlnti lolary treniri • Rodlei • Mlxtrs Sttorn front. Atio i h i Sematlenol Pon>Am«rtcon Fertabl* Sowing Machine
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ManlschewiU Muituotm £ Birlejr Soup. Miniichewltt Chictia Soups.
Under the direction of Prof. Hans BAER Modern Techniques Arc Used Pupil's ICcdtnls to Be Presented
Call JAckson 1366 or WEbster 8681 Enrollment for fall and winter season 1953-1954 has started
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Oar Film Folk
Recipe of The Week
Non-Jew's Picture of Arab Refugees Upholds 'Prejudiced' Jewish Claims
By I*on Guttcrman "I give yourayheart; I give yo my harpsichord; but I'do not give "I went to Jordan seeped In spirit among them," said Mrs. you my little hand," says Wanda pity for the poor Arab exiled from Canno, Landowska, a finger arised deli Ills native Palestine by u cornbin Mrs. Cannon said Americans calely in mid-air. "The more peontion of fate nnd his own action* certainly would not sit idle as the war and flight," wrote Mrs. Cor-Arabs are when t h e r e is land ple love me, the more the; nelia James Cannon of Hadcliffs available thai needs only hard squeeze." class of 1089 in the Ilndeliffi work to restore it to productivity. Kuch 1:; Mine. Lnndowska' Quarterly. "Hut a visit to the "One recalls the miracle the Mop» greeting to you when you journey refugee camps in Jericho was a moiis performed on the rocks and to her home to make u visit with shock," continued Mrs. Cannon barren waste of Utah and becomes this very talented woman who ha the widow of a Harvard professor. impatient of the Arabs and their been called a high priestess of tin "Esoteric emotion was replaced by complaints," Mrs. Cannon said. • . Instrument for which Bach wrote. a revulsion of feeling if not JustiThe Arabs' handicap is not cirShe has been called sometimes, n fying their exile at least freshly cumstance but character, Mrs. contemporary "legend." Had the understanding it," she said. Cannon pointed out. "They-lack: not discovered the true HarpsiMrs. Cannon, who is not Jew- the energy and determination to . chord which the piano had supish, writes of seeing thousands of tackle u hard task and master it," planted in the lOtli century? Had Arab men, in camps created to she said. Instead of telling the not her d e d i c a t e d leadership shelter them in Jericho, who sat Arabs to "Work or starve," the brought about Its modern-dny resmoking and talking and lounging United Nations practically say vival? in tilth, which a "little work on "nest and eat," and the Arabs ac"It Is true thai people say, very their part would have eliminated." quiesce, said Mrs. Cannon. often, 'she Is legend, she Is a marThe men would make no move to 'Should the world, because* vel,' " Mme. Landowska aays. "But better their condition.and what these people seem unable to help after all, I am a very s i m p l e little work had to be done, such themselves, force Israel to take woman." as bringing water and fuel to the them back and give them the care camp, was done by women, com- and opportunity which thir own She in, at any rate, the first plained Mrs. Cannon. woman who will bo seen on NBC's kin refuse them? Would we be SO One of the most popular sponge wide and 4 layers high, spreading continuing series of filmed visit; "They have refused any of- stupid as to ask the Jews to buron which distinguished figures of cake mixes—and certainly one of frosting between strips nnd lay- fered solution of their problem den the magnificent work they are) the most attractive to serve;—is a ers. Frost top and sides of entire save a return to Palestine where, doing for the Jewish refugees pt our lime have appeared. "It is more than my television tempting checkerboard cake, wit! load and allow to "set" for about under the hated Jews, they were the centuries in order to provide its delightful combination of goldbetter off than they had ever been for dependent Arabs whom their debut," MmeT Landowckl explains en and chocolate squares. The rec- an hour before slicing. under their fellow Arab adminis- won brothers reject?" asks Mr. "I have never even seen televi- ipe given below was created and Cannon. tration," suid Mrs. Cannon. Chocolate Fudge Frosting sion." tested in the B. Manlschewltz The displaced Arabs won't cul'liven the most sentimental at 3 cups sifted confectioners' At 74, Mm-1, I.aiulow: ka is small, Company's own scientific home tivate unusued land, repair roads, the defenders of the Arab refugees slender, queenly in bearing. For kitchens; it Is quick and easy to sugar rrifiuto or plant. They are unmust recognized the magnitude of, 14 teaspoon salt this TV ilebut she nan had a new prepare in just • matter of minwilling to move to underpopu- the righting of the great wrong t o 5 tablespoons cocoa dress made . . . a long white down, utes. This reclpa is just one of lated Arabian lands and work to the Jews through the centuries 1 largo e/!B yolk suitably regal, over which she many developed by the Manischemake them fruitful. They wait which Is taking place on that nar— 'A cup soft shortening wears a purple jacket. The TV wltz firm, which will be happy to About 7 tablespoons hot passively for the world to offer row strip of land along the eastfilm was made In the living room send you additional idca3 and sugthem something better while be- ern Mediterranean. If only the water of her house, a large giecn-and- gestions for n great many other ing fed and cared for where they Mohammedan leaders, devotees of cromo frame structure overlook- cakes made with Munisclicwitz Sift together the cugnr, salt and are, Mr3. Cannon continued. a religious fatilism, would help ; Sponge Cake Mix, if you write cocoa. Blend in the egg yolk, Dig a lake. She compared the "indolence, their followers to turn from r e Since 1047, thin has hern home to: Manischowltz, Box 200, Jersey shortening, and lastly the hot wa- sloth at what is past (the esand inactivity of the dister. Beat until smooth, and of the placed Arabs in Jordan" with the bellion to Mme. L;m<low:.ka. Seven tears City, N. J. tablishment of the state of Israel) • right consistency to spread. earlier she had (led the Nazis, ;o a determination to build a good energy displayed by the Jews 1 package Mnnlschcwllz Sponge who looted her suburban Paris across the border In Israel." In life in the present, how mu^h hapCake Mix home of nil her possessions. She pier they would all be!" exclaimed srael, Mrs. Cannon saw trees be0 eggs, separated escaped to the south of France, Over Might ing planted,'swamps being drained Mrs. Cannon. 4 tablespoons, cold water nnd came to the United States in and cultivated, hillsides being ter3 tablespoons cocoa Mrs. Cannon suspects that the' 1,042. She shares her home with raced and cultivated, roads being Arab attack on Israel was inMillionaire two. women cumpanions. Her hus- Separate mix into tv/o equal built nnd repaired, everywhere by the Mohammedan priestband, an amateur musician, died parts. Using one part with 3 eggs Denver (WNS)—Lawrence Ka- there v/as sanitation, progress and spired ly hierarchy as a preliminary to and 2 tablespoons cold water, and in 1010. a Holy War. She does not think following directionr. on back of llsh of this city, who retired Eome Industry. How Mme. Landowtkn rarely box, bake a plain sponge cake in tv/o years ago ns a traveling sales"The same things need to be a resumption of war between appears In public. Most of her time an ungreascd 0x9x2" square cake man, was projected this week ns done in Jordan, yet no Arabn Israel and the Arab nations likely is given to making what she calls pan. Thoroughly mix cocoa into a potential major benefactor to seized the opportunity. The Arabs for Israel is too well armed and her "last will iiii>j testament," her second part. Use with remainder the community when it was re- do nothing but complain to a sym- too alert to the threat of danger recordings of Bach's "wcll-tern- of eggs and water to bake a cho- ported that uranium oxide ore.-, pathetic world," said Mrs. Can--o make it safe to attack her, and pcrcd clavier" for KCA Victor. she herself is too busy developing colate sponge cake in an ungreascd worth potentially over $100,000,- >n. 000 had been discovered on his Mme. Landowr-ka enjoys talking 0xflx2" square cake pan. Mrs. Cannon saw Arabs who re- her country to attack. 20-year-old gold mining l a n d about her life and her philosophy. Mrs. Cannon went to Jordan full Cut each cake, when cool, Into nbout a mile above- the famed mained in Israel during the IsIt is nbout music that she Is most 0 equal Place a plain strip Central City Opera, it was re- raeli-Arab conflict living con- of sympathy for the Arabs but eloquent. Music elves "relief In between strips. entedly in their ancient villages. returned to America and wrote 2 chocolate strips nnd ported here thin week in the Inour grief, gives us the blessed spread n thin 'Many of thcrri me employed by her article impatient of the Arabi of chocolate lermountain Jewish News. feeling of happiness even when fudge frostingcoating he Jews at a good wage, and all and their complaints and full of between each to we have sorrow. People who have make them stick together. Spiead Kallsh told Robert S. Gnnuay, ire accepted as equal citizens of admiration for the Israelis and nothing in their Insldes, in their frosting over top of this lnyer. Us- editor of the paper, that when he he country. It is easy t o see that their achievements. souls, are poor, but a womnn who ing the colors alternately as In n came to Denver tome thirty year:; he relation between individual has ft conviction thut something is checker board, build a lonf 3 strips ago doctors despaired of his re- cws and Arabs is one of friendAnd on the first day of the fifth beautiful and something in procovery from a sinus condition. He incssiV Mr.s Cannon said. month came he to Jerusalem, acfound has an aid In very sad was stricken with the ailment Mrs. Cannon pointed out that cording to the good hand of his hours. We have them plenty in UNIVEHSITV HEAD NAMED within six months of receiving hln hus far none of the Arab coun- :.od upon him. For Ezra hpd preour life," slu says. Berlin (WNS)—The "Free Uni- M. D. degree at the University of tries has made a move to help ihc pared his heart to seek the law of Do you want to make your life versity," celebrating its founding Pennsylvania Medical School, Af- Arabs In refugee camps. In order he Lord, and to do It.—(Ezra, a blessing? Then follow after 'ive years ago by student) nnd ter years of enforced Idleness, to resettle the Arabs on land, the :9, 10.) things which make for peace teachcra ' w h o revolted against Kallsh b e e n mo n gold miner and offered them would have to Think, feel, and do what attracts, Communist perversion pf teach- through n chance meeting with a O very rich and productive. I'robCome now, and let us reason challenges, and enriches others. ing nnd research at the Univer- mine operator. Although he went ibly the refugees would have to together, said the Lord; though Through humility, sympathy and sity of Berlin, this week Installed broke, he managed to hold to the )O taken to it by force, so unwill- four sins be as scarlet, they shall love, lead people Into wholesome. i Jew, Professor Ernst E. Hirsch, Innd which twenty yeara later ng are they to give up the idea of )e as white as snow; though they proved to be a uranium bonanza. iltimately returning to Palestine. red like crimson, they shall be M zeslful living. This adds to the s president of the Institution. Kallsh, who Is a leader of the mm of happiness." Born 51 years ago in the ancient Beth Israel Hospital nnd Home There Is none of the pioneer wool.—(Isaiah I, 18.) Mme. Landowska believes sin- o m m u n 11 y of I'ricdberg, Dr. Society, told the Intermountnln cerely that such living enriches Ilrsch was appointed In 1020 as Jewish Nawn that he Intends to the world. She adds: "Peace edi- eclurer by the Frankfurt Unlversome of the money to charity 1 fies . . . builds. It makes possible ly. He escaped to Holland when give every kind of progress. Ideals be- litler came to power, and thence and "do some Rood with M.' . come realities when men provoke o Turkey; where he taught law to peaceful living. Life responds it the universities of Ankora nnd by doing what expectancy and stanbul. confidence begets in It. ATHfcO to tnaert ruut WtDI A( "We are poor and needy no Ye shall know that I am the Dt*hon« Thr Jtwun ITtsi. matter how rich in worldly goods Currtnt ™te it no cent* for eacB Inter your God, which bringcth .Ion. wo arc. We have every reason to jord Thi Preiri reserve! th» Ttjtbt to Uraloo each advertisement bo humble before God. We are •ou out from under the burden lacking In strength, goodness and, f the Egyptians.—(Eex. C'7.) BAR and UIIS Mltzvali congratumost Important, wisdom. Th best lations: also for all Jewish holiFenr not . . . be glad and rewo can do Is stretch out our empdays arid special occasions. iolce: for the Lord will do great ty hands toward heaven." hlngs.—(Joel 2:21.) Movers News Stand. 1502 Dodge
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Every Day Except Friday
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eta nwuaruu
Council Doings
Beth Israel News
Glrb Arts And Crafts Julius Newman meeting social The next meeting of the Girls By JjMa Krasne Services were held Sunday lor Arts and Crafts club will take held. Julius Newman with interment at Our forma this year will be plnce Sunday evening, Dec. 27 beAZA No. 1 V.tZ p. m. Candle Uslituie Umr. Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Mr. New- • held at the Lesion Club, January tween 0 and 7.30 p. m. in the arts man, 02, a real estate broker und Mother Chapter will tend a rec- 30. The chairmen are: Pat Uogil and crafts room of tlie Talmud insurance a:;i.nt died Saturday ord number ot 37 representatives and Carole Frunk. The committee Torah. The club is working on a BETH ISRAEL morning m a local hospital. paper maclie project. Girls ill the to the Aleph Zadik Ali-ph Winter chairmen ;*re: decorations, Hiti primrjry Itabbi Benjamin Groner, Canand :;ecoridary grades of He was head of the Travelers Convention to be beld in Dcs 1'cHz; invitatir.nr, Klaine Jangej; the Talmud Torah and girls in the tor Eli Kagan, and the Belli Israe Protective Association here, titid Koines. The boys will board a dating, Pat IiJuitil and C a r o l e third grade ot the Sunday School choir v/ill conduct latf bus at fl a. m. Sunday morning Frank; and it -Ire • humid •;, T o b y are invited to attend, litfre.h- Friday evening cervices tonight nl a resident of Omaha for more than fifty years. and leave tot a whirlwind rsng'-' Okunt and Vi< ky Coiick. 0 p. m. Sabbath morning services of exciting and varied activities. 'i'lit? mirie v/ill bo provided by rnenu; will be rcrved at the em! t Ilcth Israel at 8:30 a. in. and » Survivors include hi-; wife, Sadii-; daughter, Mrs. Harriet the :.e:.:;ion. Phil Kneinl's Melody King:;. Tit'.: a. in. at lBth and Burt, Junior Lip';ldna of Representing A. Z. A. No. 1 in Omaha; :.lx sisters, rkating party which was to services at 0:30 a. m. "convention basketball will be: roller Mr: Abe finmberg, Mr?. Sam DCI-CT.IIKT L'4 wts can- Junior Youtti Club Tom Brombcrg, Larry Rctuvart?, be he!dTin? Itabbi Groner will conduct the Swarlz, Mrs. Charles Stein, all of The Beth Isr Ch.'inukah party wa Junior Youth Marsh Denenbcrg. Mike Dcnc-nd it was a Club will meet Sunday, Dec. 27 Saturday Talmud ekiM, 4:15 p. in Onir.ha. Mrs. Sam Herkowitz of berg, Larry Epstein. Jerry Simon. held DecPinlAT "I. r.r.d .succc'.s. The Councilettcr from 0 to 7:.'!() p. in., in the rec- and Saturday Mincha will :;tait Lo:i Angeles, Mrs. Morrl.i IJpp of Frankk Berg, g, Jerry Margolin, and jhu,':e was given out by Sandra lirizel- reation room of the Talmud Torah. at 4:« p. m., which will bo fol- Sacramento, Calif., and Mrs. Abu Stan Widman. The girl:; v.-il! attend serv- There will be u reception in honor owed by SholuUt S'eiulos 'and Greenspan of Minneapolis, Minn , The following boys will com- riu.n. ;,nd tv-o grandsons. o[ the club delegates returning I Mnariv. pete for the chapter in forensic:: ices at Bc-th El Svnagogue. h from tl«> Youth convention in Daily inoinin;; rcrvicr:; begin ut Stan Fellman and Steve IJr&o!:Minne.ipoli;. A iej>ort of the con- 7 a. in. at lleth Icniel unil ut 6:30 , stein. Debate, Art Schwartz, and Dchha Debs ventien will lie made. a. rn. at lQtli mid Burt. Dally Mrs. Matfie Alperson oratory. Jack Orucb. The 1Mb Israel delegates will icrvicos fit 4:45 p."in., ftosenbhim Bowline for the club will be The Debka Deb:, wish to thank ; the fiucb of honor at this afternoon Morric Shrago, George Sax, Art all the member;; of the Youth week's sabbath tervices. They are: mid Friday afternoon at 4:45 p. m- Services were held Tuesday for Sunday morning breakfast min- Mrs. Mattie Alperson Itosenblum. Schwartz, and Stan Widman. Council for making their dance, Stanley Greenfield, Jerry Stone, Mike, Marsh, and Larry will "The Top Hal," the groat success Felicia Friedman, Diane Gioncr. yan meets at B:i5 a. in. and is fol- Mr:;. Itosenblum, 02, died Sunday, lowed by Rabbi GronerV. Bible Dec. 20. also swing ping-pong paddles In that It was. Beverly Boolm, Uogcr Smith, and discussion class. The Youngsters behalt ot A. Z. A. No. I. arc her husband, Eddie Bclzer, a Ilayim tcnior, Ilruce Goldstein. of the Tails and Teffilln Club be- S a Surviving Art S c h w a r t z , president of was elected Sir Topper by til of DCS m ; a s o n , nHuowwu ai rv d* v >» *-— gin their tervices at B:30 a. mMoines; Bother Chapter, reports tlie over attending the vice. Ho wfl3 a daughter, Mrs. Fk Frank Breakfast Is served at the conclu80 boys and girls from the Ne- lected from a field of four candi Mitcli of Auchland, New Zealand; Fion of their service?. braska area will attend the big dates who represented each grou two Bisters, Mrs. Harry White of Iowa event. •Friday, Ucc. 23 of the Y. C. Following his crown Beverly Hills, Calif., and Mrs. Es. Latt meeting suw the installn- ing, he wa3 serenaded with a son Marc Ucimett Kaplan and Mari- TEMPLE ISRAEL ther Moskovitz of Los Angeles; ! Uon of A. Z. A.'s new officers, written by Bonnie Haykiii, v/h lyn Novak. At the regular Sabbath Services two borlhers, Sam Alperson of with advisor, Sam Epstein, con- also wrote the rkit, "The Ma Saturday, Dec. 2G Friday evening at 8 o'clock, tlie Omaha and Edward Alperson of ducting the ceremony. Mr. Ep- Hatter." Gail Barbara Goldstein. homecoming College Youtli of our Beverly Hills, Calif., and one stein is1the successful coach of the Sunday, Dec. 27 Sari Shukert was g e n e r a Congregation w i l l be honored. grandson. chapter ! first place basketball chairman of the dance with Lor Sharon Rcnce Colui, Paul Eric Rabbi Brooks will deliver n mesteam and the father of Larry Ep- Franklin and Linda Veret os h Gillnsky, Howard Neal Gould and sage of special Interest to collene stein, past president of the club. assistants. Phil Kneifl and II Bruce Howard Schneider. youtli. Miss Elaine Ehrcnrelch Mrs. Seroh Konterwiht Monday, Dec. 28 Melody Kings provided the musi «ervlce3 were held last Friday will recite the ulessin/; over the Arthur Samuel Raznick. Sabbath candles; Arnold Kaiinan, for Mrs. Sarah Konterwitz with AZA No. 100 Tuesday, Dfc. 29 n first year student ot the He- interment at the Pleasant Hill Paula Jane Bcrcutt, Judith Rae brew Union College, will cliant Cemetery. Mrs. Kontcrwilz, 85, Century Chapter is rvally buzz- Youth Council Letter Dolgoff, Judith Lcc Grossman, El- the Kidilush. died" Thursday, Dec. 17, In a local ing with prc-convention activities. By Joan Krasne len Sue Kaufman, Matthew David All athletic participants excludBlinder of Boston, Mass.. liospltal. Schloff and Edward Roy Sinner, a Robert She is survived by a con, Dr. ing the basketball team members HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS second year rabbinic student, Wednesday, Dec. 30 : have been selected. Basketball TO HOLD MEETING will read the •weekly Sedar from Harry Konter of Long Island, Linda Sue Eif-etulatt. Frederick tryouts arc being held. Thus far, the Torah. Franklin Popper nnd sj Y • three daughters, Mrs. GerAll high school juniors * Kennv Freed has been chosen as meet at the Jewish Communit; Maurice Cuss, Penny Anne Perl- Gerald Brodkcy will recite the tie Borowikl of Long Island, N. Y., the debater. Other Alephs are Center at 2:30 p. m. Friday after meter, Joseph Schik and Mary Torah Blessings. Immediately fol- Mrs Lena Jacobson and Miss competing to represent tlte chap- noon. The-hoys and girls wil Barbara Schwartz. lowing the cervices, the Temple Mary, both of Omaha, and five Thursday, Dec. 31 ter in discussion and oratory. Sisterhood will act M hosts to the jandchlldren nnd two ereatmeet to discuss college problem Neil Morris Bloom, Marcia Kay Congregation et on Oncrj Shnbbat grandchildren. 100's B t e a m in the Youth witti college freshman who hav Miller nnd Frances Frieda SteinCouncil Basketball League, won returned from rcbool. in honor of the college sroup. man. their first game after many loses. Regular Shabbos Morning Serv- Max Nirz The boys were led liv M a r t y Gl'.OUP ices v/ill be held Saturday mornServices were held Tuesday for Sophir, who scored ten point' HOLDS M1XTING Y. C. Discussion Group ing at 11:30 o'clock. Rabbi Brooks Max Nitz in U* Angeles. Mr. Nitz, The CenturymMi are very proud The Youth Council Forum dh will tell a.ctory, "The City That a former Omahan, died there Sunof the fine sportsmanrhio a n d eu.';:iiin group;; will :«on begin t On 1 sf Year in College Wouldn't Die," and Kiddush will determination displayed by the [lay. This afternoon at 2:30 p. m. an follow thr- service.';. meet to discuss club programs te3m. lie is :airvived by three sisters, Officers nnd committee chairmar nformal conference will be held After being chosen Youtli Coun- will I>e notified of the meetings. by members of the Youth Council BETH EL Wrs. B. Garrop of Omaha, Mm. cil Bowler of the Month, Bob Epin Koom 25 of the Jewish ComCharles Spencer and Mrs. M I<eaf. will begin this evening stein, A. Z. A. 100's star athlete, O^IAJIA YOimi munity Center. At' Uii3 time a at Services 0:15 o'clock. Cantor Aaron I. l»th of LOT Angeles. was awarded the You'll Council BHOTHEIiHOOD general discussion will take place COUNCIL Basketball player of the Month whiuh will relate to tlie Important Edgar and the 1Mb. El Choir will Omaha Y o u t h Brotherhooc: problems that face tlie high cchool render the musical portions of the citation. The talented freshman is the only player who has re- Couril meeLi on the first and thin! senior during his first year in service. Sabbath morning services will ceived both awards. The chapter Tuesday of each month. The coun college. Some of the discussion begin at 0:45 a. m. Mincha-Maarlv takes pride in tlie way the inex- cil consists of representatives frorr topics are: Bible end Talmud will begin nt 4:30 p. m. nnd races. Anyon perienced aleohs have br-en show- all religions 1 The differences between high Services Dally Minyjin Is held en each ing winhint* form in close romnc- who v.'ishe. ; to becomr n membci school end college life— week day nt 7 n. m. and 7 p. m. mat' do ro by contacting Sari Oy DR. PIIILIP SIIEB tltlon with members of other Tlie selection of specialization Sunday morning service is nt 0 dub? regardless of age difference. Shukert. and elective subjects— The problem of concentration n. m. Bible ROSTER TO I1E PRINTED nd how to study— ' Ravim Marvha Waxenbcrn h a s an The realities of out-of-town liv- Beth El to Dedicate fit-move not the undent land* nounced that the new Y o u t h mark which thy fathers liave set. The Itaylm Fraternity held their Council roster will be mailed ou ng. Weary not thycelf to be rich; Many of our vacationing college Chapel Furnishings annual Election nnd Pledee Initia- by the beninnlnr; of next week. ccar-e from thine own wisdom. freshmen and local high school tion Stac last Friday night at tlie Wealth certainly has winrjr. and The January service will be -.eniors arc expected to attend. home of Murray Newman. Prior JA7Z MUSIC CLim held in the Ctuipcl at the usual flies like an eagle. to the star; the members attended Calling all jazz lovers! Torn time—0:15 p. in. At this rervice, All the wayn of a man are clean services nt the Beth Israel Syna- TVrnrtein is organizing a jazz Temple Religions the new Aron Hakode;.h and in hi.'i own eyes; but the Lord goguet The first' Ihini! on the .';tndv group. Anyone inlcrcstet Amud will be. dedicated. The weighelh the spirit. School Vacation agenda at the stag was the very Aron Hakodcsh, executed in walsolemn ceremony of the initiation 'hould contact Torn. The Temple Israel Religious nut, in modem design. Is the gift Talmud of the pledr.es. Thrn the. presiichool will have its Winter nceess of Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry KulaCLASSES way,a heathen who (In dent and vice-president of the Wrertlini; classes will befjin or omorrow nnd 'Sunday mornings. koff.ky, in memory of her mnth- theThere nuke of an Israelite) would coming semester were elected. The January 7. Classes will resume next week- er, Mary Hwnberj;. The Amud, remainint; officers were elected end, Saturday and Sunday, Jan- which includes nlso a small read- come to Jerusalem every Passlast Sunday at the home of Gene VOI'TII COUNCIL lary 2 and 3. ing lecture, designed as n match- over and partake of the I'aschal Kohn. The new officers will be MTTTLVG AND TALK Shabbos Morning Services will ing piece for the Aron Hakode.ih, Lamb. Once he came before Rabbi ben Bathyra and said to announced nt the Holler Skating The next Youth Council mcel- e held ;is usual tomorrow morn- is the gift of Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel Judah him: "It is written In your Torah party. m at 11:30 a. m. S. Steinberg, inr; will be held Jpnuary 0. Pro(F.x. 12:43) 'No stranger shall eat .Tlie Tioller Skatinr; Party will Classes of the Hebrew Departyl for f 'the 'th meetinr; ti Th? sermon, to be- delivered by thereof.*' Nevertheless, I cat of be held next Monday night, Dec. pram of the Temple's school are ftabbl on Unions. will be a ncnt Mycr S. Kripke nt this the very best." "Have they given 28. The members and their date:; d i i ccessed until January 4. rorvlce will be "Anniversaries and you .-i piece of the fat of the tail?" will fint meet at a local roller Remembrances," risked the linbbi. "Nay," answered rink. Then as the nin;ht rolls on, CONSTITUTIONTO Tikvas Ami to Hold the heathen. So ftnbbl Judah said they will remove their skates and Prnr>o-cd amendment to the Y. to him: "Tlie next time you no. enjoy the rest of the evening Be!* El Will Hold Constitution rules out t h e'ttnd Raising Affair risk them to give you a piece ol dancintf. Party Chairman Ben C. Saturday night. January 0, the Homecoming Service nccer.sitv f o r Independents to thr; fat of the tall." The followRubin nnd Arthur Novak promise hivtf 'ikvas Ami Girls are having a renrerentafives nt e v e r y ing year when he came to JeruO good time to be had by all. Youth Council me?tinrc. Indepen- fund-raising affair which is a This Friday evening. Dec. 25, is salem he asked for a niece of the television pro- the Annual student's Homecom- fat of. the tail. "What?" exclaimed dents claim that this is only fair akc-offttTionTthe v r i# M VT.I " .minium.:; ji'jinircuiiiTl 1 L f< as no club i.q reotiirrd to attend i Service; S i at Beth El Synagogue. they, "is not the fat of the tail ' "m ? ,"",', .' V /""Ml"!! K M w will be held'' -at the Jeweverv meeting. Tiie present con- rogrnm " ' " " " "'"' " '' ' " ' " Services start at 15:15 p. m. A sacrificed upon the altar? Did After their meeting Sunday, tlie stitution states that Unaffiliated ih Community Center. Follow- discussion, in which college slu- anoync ndvisc you to ask for T. A.'s held their bi-monthly members low all Y. C. Privileges lg the program there will be a denUj will participate, pticipate, will follow this?" they questioned him. And birthday party for the members If they don't have representatives lixcr for the Youth Council boys the service. Participating be the heathen answered: "Itabbi celebrating their birthdays during .it all meetings. nd girls. Tickets may be ob-Lava Edgar, daughter ofwill Judah advised me thus." "What •November nnd December. inod from any member of T. A. and Mrs. Aaron I. Edgar; Cantor a n does this mean?" said they to Friday night, Dec. 18, the slrls •ALL TP'-:NAGERS ARE JERKS" r thirty-five ciinls. Tlie whole Sokolof, daughter of Mr. andJ oMrs. themselves, nnd they, thereupon, attended services at the Beth IsAt a Youth CountMT discussion immunity Is invited. Isadoro Sokolof; Danny Fogel, con investigated and learned how they rael Synagogue. In the way of which was labeled, "All TeenagMr. nnd Mrs. Lou Foccl; Hnr- hncl been imposed upon by t h e community service activities, the ers Are Jerks," Dr. It. H. Dickin- !cklnson stated. O n e is theof ley Eeber, con of Mr. and Mrs. heathen. Then they sent n mesmembers aided in the sales of son took up the croblem of Teen- roblem a to Ilabbl J u d n h raying, of independence, nnd the Sam Bcber; Jole Margolin, daughtickets for the coming Centennial ace Juvenile Delinquency. Dr. thcr, the one of the youngster ter of Dr. and Mrs. Morris Mar- "Peace unto thce. Rabbi Judah, celebration. DidHnson started by describing cfng dependent upon grownups, golin; and n o s e n e Manvitz, who r e s i d e s in Netzibcn, yet personality development He des- liological nnd social growth were daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David .whose net of wisdom is cast in C o u n c i l e t t e s . . . . cribe* ih«' stage of' development Iso discussed. ' • .• . '' Manvlte. The subject of the panel Jerusalem." known as adolescence. The teen- Advisors will try to continue will be: "Can Our Freedoms Bo We arc taught—A man should y t i d i i d l P r e s e r v e d ? " Rabbi Myer S. A meeting was held Sunday at ager has the problem of ad Just- •esc ddiscussions i i train hlmjeUr to speak calmly, we Jay at 2 p. m. and after the ing himself to many thingt, Dr. icetuigs, at individual I Kripke v/ill serve as moderator. without anger.
Happy Birthday
Tikvas Ami
l t
of the
l u u l
7 ' f
Frid»x. December « . MM
*tn nffini run
fag* Seioi
Activities for the Adult January to June. 1954 at Jewish Community Center Informal Classes
Jan. 18, Alternate Mondays—8:30 P.M.
GREAT BOOKS DISCUSSION GROUP Jon 14, Alternate Thursdays—7:30 P.M. An adult frroup which IIUCUWH'S and intei'prcls tin* world's great classics with special nnphnsls on their meaning for everyday current living;. (No fee.) In cooperation with tho Omaha I'UIJHC Library.
PAINTING CLASSES Jan. 6, Wednesdays, Weekly—1:00 P.M. This group lrnrns the basic principles of art thcoufjh the media ojt oils, wntci' colors and pastclx. Students' painting?; arc exhibited In a Bpeclnl show at the end of each course. T<?n classes—fee $7.50. Mrs, Sylvia Curiiss tenches this course.
This new group will meet in nn informal friendly ntmosphorn learning nnd enjoying international and Jewiiih folk (Inners. Carl Kdlnr of the City of Omaha Parks nnd nccreation. Department will teach the eourso. $1.00 registration fr<\
Jan. 5, Tuesdays, Weekly—1:15 P.M. Jon 7, Thursdays Weekly—8:00 P.M. These courses are designed for Uiu needs of the beguv-' ncr and Intermediate .bridge player. Students learn correct bidding and sharpen their techniques of play. Ten lessons J5.00. Mrs. Harry Ferer Instructs tho afternoon class. Mr. David Sheffcr Instructs the evening class.
JCC LITTLE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Jon ^Wednesdays, Weekly—8:00 P.M.
A five session course on how to plan a trip to Europe -what to see -where to buy it. Slides and other audio-visual materials. Wallace I.n\vson, Laurence YounKtnnn, George Dinsdule, J. W. Shttrpe, and Miss Verdelln Elkjer of the Travel anil Transport, Inc. Agency will conduct the course. $1.00 registration fee.
. Joa. 25, Fourth Mort&ay—12:30 P.M.
I u 4—Monday and Friday Mornings 10 AJW, to Neon Instructional and recreational swimming classes for women. Jan. S-ffuewlay and Thursday, 7:80 P J t to t Mfc, • • ' Swimming Sessions tan. 6—Wednesday and Thursday, Noon to 1VM.
Beginners Class in Volleyball
Varsity League BasketbaB
Jon. 13, Wednesdays, Weekly—1 and • P.M. Create decorative nnd useful pottery, book-ends, candlesticks, etc., to odd artistic touches to your home. Klin for firing In the Center's new Ceramics Workshop. Philip Itocfien. Instructor. Ten lessons $7.50 plus cost of mntcrinls. \
Special* Programs
Jan 3, Smdayi, Weekly—8:00 P.M.
A eourso for the novice gardener. Included will be flower srnuiginjr, planting and display technique*. Registration fee $1.
fan. 8—Tuesday and Thursday, 1Z:SO VM. to t P.M.
An informal group of Omaha musicians who enjoy playing; together, for the musician who is seeking to gain an orchestral experience. Mrs. Ruth HtitM directs this activity. (No fee.)
An established congenial program which takes'place monthly at the homes of different music lovers. Topi* eal recorded programs with a guest who delivers program notes and Ieada discussion. 'No fee.)
Outstanding speakers and concert artists -on American and Israeli themes. Hal Lehrman, noted writer, will speak February 24. "A Night in Israel" featuring three Israeli artists will be performed March 24. Series Tickets $2.00. Individual admissions $1.00.
Swimming Sessions for Mtn A social and recreational croup for "youngsters" over 60. Monthly pronrmn meetings. Sponsored by the National Council of Jewish Women.
Feb. 10, Wednesday—10 A.M.
Jon I f . Tuesdays, Monthly—8:00 P.M.
Mar. 24, Wednesday—8:30 P.M.
Feb. 2, Alternate Tuesdays—8:00 P.M.
Feb. 24, Wednesday—8:30 P.M.
Jan. 7—Thursday, 7 P.M. to > PJMT.
Handball Play Jan. 3—Sunday, 10 A.M. weekly,
Health Club Program for Men Mosday through Friday—NOM to • P.M. Sunday 8:30 A.M. to 5 P.M.
Health Club Program for Women •y Appointment
Register Now . . .
* For the 1954 Program
J M 24, Sundays. Monthly—8:30 P.M.
A scries of six of the "greatest" foreign films ever produced accompanied by a 20-minutc film on the documentary history of America from 1896 to present day entitled "The living Past" Scries ticket 5Z0O— Individual Performances 50c.
Jan. 24th—"Tight Little Island" (BritWil
Feb. Mth—"Torment" (Swedish) Each Sunday the Jewish Community Center Is made available to the young adults of Omaha. This lounge evening features recreational, social and educational programming. (No fee.) Age range 18 to 35.
Men-. 14th—"Open City" (Italian) Apr. llrti—"Crime and Punishment" (French) May 2nd—"Alexander Nevsfcy" (Russia*)
JEWISH COOKERY Joa. 13, Weekly—8:00 P.M. A. course designed for young single or married women who wish to preserve the traditional Jewish dishes as "Mom used to make them." Mrs. Jake Wino teaches this class, Fee $7.50 for 10 classes all materials supplied.
CHILD DEVELOPMENT DISCUSSION GROUP Monthly Wednesday—8:00 P.M. Prc-School parents set together every month with an expert in a related field of child development to discuss problems of prc-0chool child rearing. (No fee,)
Ad«lt Education Department Jewish Community Ceattr 101 N. 20th Street
. , ->
YIDDISH CULTURAL SERIES Jan 26, Monthly—8:30 A scries of Yiddish Films, concerts and lectures of a primarily Yiddish language nature presented in cooperation with the Workmen's Circle and The FarbondLabor Zionist Order. Scries ticket $2.00. Concert admission 75c.
Kt»dty r e g l i t w m e b t k *
course, meeting . . . , . . . . , . . . . . ' . . Fee, If any enclosed. Name Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phone YOH May Also Register by Phone — JA 1366. Atk for Miss less Blank — Extension 30
Joa 3, Sundays, Monthly—9:00 P.M. A novel method of Introducing current political discussion topics. A twenty-minute film Is shown with two famous people in debate and' moderated by Marquis Child. A discussion by the viewers follows. (Nofec.) •
s Community Center Committee—Arllnr B. Goldstein, chairman. Adnlt Education Committee—Dr. JostpSi Seshalk, chairman; Mrs. Sidney IIolll*, Dr. Lewis Xag*r. Al Suearman, EabH Kidney H. Brooks, Rabbi Hjer Krlpbe and Babbi Besjunln Qrontn.
Friday, December IS, IMS
Unbeaten in Midget League Play
Film Shorts Ity Leon Gutterman
Ily I.lmly I'uiil
(Copyright, 1053, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)
Sample Fur Upsefs Hires 11 Worth Grill Rolls on 21-13 Vndefcaled 11-Worth Grill wuii their fourth straight gam« and first of regular season with a 21-13 win over S. Rick.es & Sons. Captaixi Justin Ban, showing the value Of speed and drive to his team with 12 points. Lariy Kolm, Grill center added four points. For Riches, it Was Al Konecky with nine points. The game was close for three quarters -when Ban and Kohn led the second half a;.:ault to clinch the win. Pick Zacharla led Pacific Fish to an 18-11 win over Mogen-David Wine. The scrappy fifth grader poured in nine points and received fcoring aid from Dan Hullis with four points and Bill Hoi with with three. Walt Wise and Huward Stoler led the Winers v.itli five and four points respectively. Next week unbeaten 11-Worth Grill will tackle Pacific Fish in the battle for first place. Mogen-David takes on S. Riekes Sc Sons, who will be looking lor their first win. In the senior division of the Midget leaguo. Sample Fur gave Hires Root Beer their first loss by
Jr. Sport Bowling The youngsters will recess during their school vacation from league bowling and will resume play Friday, Jan, 8. League Standing!
a .-cole of 22-10. Tommy Plat and JuMin Itavilz led 111 * - : corill( with eight ^joints each. They stopped hi|;h .-.cniing Irv Hulzer and Ktuail Kutler with a tuui.'l 7.'>u<: drti n-'e ami went on to gaii ::m important victory. Other membeii of the winning i.quad came up with important baskets. They were Jerry Schwartz, Hob Shapiro and Arnold Jinn. .Stuart Kutler made el;;ht point;; to top his team's :.corini;. Tin: win was a special one for Captain Justin Kavitz who had a bad day at the free throw line. The (.crappy y o u n g s t e r missed II straight chances but his team won the Game. I-Go Van found Burkhard-Gerelick in an off day and went on to defeat them e a s i l y , 25-!). Ed Schneider, 1-Go center led the attack with ten points, while Bob Kully added seven. The "Ford" lads were unable to find the ranee and with Schneider, Kully and Gordman doing the rebounding, the "Movers" had little trouble gaining their initial win. Next Sunday is dads day. We hope every player will brini; their days with them to next Sunday's game.
Jr. B.B. Bowling
Stuart Kutler was high in <hc league with names of 106 and 152 Bowling Bums 8 1 for a sparkling series of 310. Alley Sluggerg .,„.„.. 7 2 Tom Platl ran a clor.e second ' Tough Turkeys *..^».W..;H..».» 6 3 with games of 155 and 151 for a Strikes arid Spares . ,. 6 3 beautiful 300 series. Leonora Fall: was hij'.h for the Alley Hats ........................ 6 3 Gutter Boys .................. 6 3 girls with games of 133 and 125 Alley Cats ... ,...„. ...5 4 for an enviable 258 series. We would be remiss not to menLucky Duckyj — 5 4 Lucky Ladles ; 4 5 tion the accomplishments of HarGutter Gerties „.... 4 5 riet Schloff. Harriet, who carries High Hitters „ 4 5 an average A C5, fired (lames of Bowling Babes 4 5 131 and 101 for an elegant 235 ries. Nifty Hitters 2 7 Hep Cats 1 8j Watching these kids bowl week Bowling Dolls 0 U |after week lias been quite a reveEager Beavers 0 U lation. The ability of the.se youngsters only indicates that the future "100" Games Stuart Kutler 130, Mike Shrier B'nai D'rith bowlers will be hard This war, proven by the 124, J(5hn Riekes 121, Chuck Wise to beat. P. Skuggs team and serves as 112, \Larry Gilinsky 111, Miko O. a challenge to our Senior B'nal Platt 111, Jeanne Silver 109, IJilI IJ'rith bowlers. This team fired Kalzman 107, Clark Swartz 101!, games of C91 and 552 for a new Bill Horwich 100, Tom Platt 108, league high of 1,243. This team Judy Planner 104. and Larry Ho- :;ericv. is for two games only! berman 101 Standings W. IO. P. Skagi;:; IB 4 Indus. Chern. Co 14 8 Neb. Fur. Mart 14 8 Mayjicrs 11 »' (iamble-Iiobinson Fruit HHi 11M; This coming Sunday, the Wolf: on-Ccrber Auto.... 10'.-; 11 Vi 11-Worth Grill 9 13 JCC Midget Basketball league will hold a dad's day for the Amcr. Lbr. ti Sup. Co. 9 13 Morris Paint 8 14 fathers of the boys playing in Playland Park C 1C the leacu". The boys in thr High Games and Series league will be hard at tlieii Stuart Ku'Jer 1GG-152—318 weekly ta:-k coinpctiii': on thTom Plait 155-151—300 b r " - ' < n ' h n l ! " o o r •-,•] . . . . • • > . • • -.>•• Hob Epstein 149-130—288 dad.s to cheer them on. they Marty Sophir 1(50-111—277 will be out to gain an im 155-117—272 por ant vi-l'iry. Program;; wil' Jack I,iob ...: Churl; Wise 149-113-262 be distributed to all in at'end133-125—253 ance a'; a souvenir for th<- , Lconar Falk I John Itk-kc:; 123-121)—213 playtri: ami Ih-ir da'K David Wintroub 120-119—23'J Sunday, I)?c. 27 Harriet Scblotf 131-101—235 2 p. ;»., Pacific Ki.'-h v.. Mickey Sacks 129-105—234 MO"en-David Win.1. Billy Katzmau 150B3—233 2:30 p. in., S. liickes & Son Hi-rnii' Grossman .... 114-110—221 v<i. Jl-V/-.rth Grill. Eddie V/introub 117-100—223 3 p. m., Sample Fur vs. BurkHarold Kaiman 130- 01—221 hard-Oerriifk. .Mike Shrier 124D7—221 3:30 p. m.. Hires Hoot Bee, Arnold Joffe '121- 93—220 vs. I-Go Vnn. Herbie Kaiman 115-105—220 •:•••
[;.' ; • :
• • • • • •
HOLLYWOOD. "The Robe." directed by Henry Koster, has become the greatest boxoffice :;ma:h in the hiutory of the motion pieture business , . . Hulher than concentrate on any single photographic process, Paramount .-.tudlo will utilise a number of i.v.'tems, including 2-D, 3-D, large-screen extra - 1 a r g i' screen and patented len.e.i in its future production:;, according to Adolph Zukor, Paramount':: boaid chairman. Adds 80-year-old Zul;or: "If the story does juslire to the medium, then the producer can't go wrong. I have no prejudice against Cinema Scope. However, the situation at 20th-Fox, where all film:) nrc made In this process now, reminds me of the old days when the boys were busy buying up patents Instead of making films. 20th can't follow up •The Kobe" with a "nobc" after "Robe" and "Kobe." . . .
Midgets fo Mold Dad's Doy Sun.
Members of the 11-Worth Grill squad, the only unbeaten team in the Midget League. From left to right, top row—Gene Bandy, Larry Kohn, captain Justin Han,
Frank Goldberg and Don Fiedler —bottom—Mike Markovitz, Martin Sneider, Edwin Kidman, Mike Sadofsky and Howard Chudacoff.
Lustys Edge Out Star Auto; Collegians Defeat Clowns Morrlc Handleman, hitting for 15 points led Lucy's basketball squad to a 47-13 victory over Star Auto parts. Handleman received plenty of support from teammates Joe Belmont with nine points-, Ira Trachtenberg contributed eight points, while .Steve JjUslgartcn and Keevee ICIrrJienbaum added' :iix The game was close all the way with Lusty's holding a 22-21 halflime lead. Al dayman led his team with 15 pointo. Little Joe Kirshenbaum, now a member of the Armed Forces played with his old teammates, the
Bowler of Month For November In Junior Sports Jeanne Silver This pretty 12-yfcar-old seventh Trader has really sparkled in her bowling performances. She has "aised her average from 84 to 105 tnd is continually showing imjrovement. Her biggest thrill was winning the Thanksgiving Tournancnt with games of 150 and 130. Jeanne was a member of the Junor Sports Howling league last year md i3 rapidly showing the way for the girls. For her terrific bowing achievement Jeanne will receive the November Award as Bowler of the Month.
Collegians and helped them gain n 62-35 win over Kutlers Klowns Featuring a fancy Army haircut, and a new purple uniform, Joe claims that Army life aided his style of play. He made seven field goals for 14 points. Jack .Stirs was high for his team with 19 points. Irv Yaffe topped the Kutlers squad with 18 point:.'.
Y.C. Girls Volleyball
w. i..
Councilette No. 1 11 1 TA 10 2 Deb No. 1 7 Deb No. 4 7 Councilette No. 3 5 Councilette No. 2 3 Deb No. 3 i 2 10 There was only one game playcx Friday, Dec. IB, and thnt was between Deb No. 1 rind TA. TA won one 15-13 and Debs won the other 15-13. Without the help of Muriel Green and Theresa Kahi the winning of both games woulc have been difficult. The Deb. No. 3 team forfeited their game U 'ouncllette No. 3 and Councilette No. 2 forfeited to Councilctti. No. 1. Friday, Jan. 8 3:30 p. m., Deb No. 1 vs. Deb No. 3. 4 p. m., Councilette No. vs. TA. 4:30 p. in., Deb No. 4 vs, Councilette No. 2.
Junior B'nai B'rith Bowling Officers
Sophir Paces AZA100B; "Rayim B Drops C Squad An _ inspired AZA 100 I! team, fifth str.'il'iht game by defeating ptaywr; the role of underdog their Ray'im C team 25-18. Holdfought their way to an exciting ing a 13-11 halftime lead, the B 24-19'victory over AZA i n ' and loam-was never ceripusly threaavenged an earlier loss. Trailing tened in the second half. Art No10-7 at halftime, the Junior Cen- vak led his team by getting 12 turymen outshot and outplayed points Jamie Shapiro was the bultheir opponents to gain their first wark under both baskets as his rebounding played the maWin. Marty Sophir topped his strong jor factor in the B team win. Sha•quad's s c o r i n g by netting 10 piro added five points, while Jack points. Marv Frecdmnn pitched in Baker, Ben Rubin and Mike Ban with seven. Alert rebounding by made four points for the C team. Allan Slegel, Pete Brodkey and YCB League Standings " Arnold Jottce contributed to the W. L. win. Dave Wldman and Jerry Rayim B 3 0 Jterer led the AZA IB team with Rnyim C „ _.2 . 1 •even and «ix points respectively. AZA 100 B „ _.l 2
,B 'won their i AZA I B .
Pictured above are the newly ,-elecleH officer! of Uie Junior B'nal D'rith Bowling League. In the group are, from left to right: Stuart Kuller, president, and Mickey Racks, vice-president, Maureen Zevltz, sergeant-at-armx, Tom FJatt, trrasurcr, and Beverly Bloom, secretary. Titis League, now In lb second year. In one of the hlchIlllils in the youtb projrram of the Greater Omaha B'nal B'rith Association which consists of the Henry Monsky Lodge,'-Nebraska Lodge, Cornhusker Lodge, Nebraska Chapter and IXcnry Monsky Chapter. The League consists of ten teams this year. Plans are being made for a banquet at the conclusion of the League season during which time trophies will be awarded the leading feain and outstanding players. The Counselors of the league are: lUrry Collck, Harold Bloom and Ida Sack*.
Comedian Sam Levcnson has negotiated a deal whereby he'll appear a3 n regular, on a oncc-nmonth basis, on the Ed Sullivan show. Sam is nlso a regular on the CI1S-TV program "This Ir. Show Business" . . . Sol Hurok, Impresario of the-current sensational Sadler's Wells Ballet tour of the U. S., says he intends to maintain himself as a kingpin of dance attractions in America. He's . signed the Festival Ballet of Lon:Ion for a long tour next season. In the troupe's first U. R. vhit. This will be Hiirwk'.i big bullet project for '54-'.r>5, :.In<e Sadler's Weils won't be back. It will vio with another huge Hurok Britkh inport, the Old Vic Co., with Molra ("Red .Shoes") Shearer and iioberl Hi'Ipimmn, in "Mid.'.umner Night's Dream." . . , Ava Gardner tells me she's prelaring a try at the ponular rerrd market via J1GM records. She'll :dng with the Grorge Shearing Ouintet. Ava previously was lcard in a singing role on wax In MGM's t-'ound'rark album release of ".Show Boat" . , . The irifsprcsiblo Grnucho Marx whr-n asked if hp would make any more pictures, replied: "No, I can't afford to make pictures. The Federal Government takes all tha money. I.may even ret married to beat the tax rap." (He wouldn't say to whom) . . . Snencer Tracy tnd Kalherine Hepburn are set to co-star on Broadway next soring in a new piny by fiar/ion ("Born Yesterday")' Kunln and his wife Iiiith Gordon. The KnnIns have been in Paris for inmo months and are due back In tho U S. next January. They also wrote Judv Hollldav's new smash hit film, "It Should Happen To You," soon to be released. . .
Although Iliblical stories are '>n the high priority list In Hollywood, largely hecaiisc of the boxoffice vuccrr.r, of religious films in the past and because those with sweep lend themselves to the new widescroen treatments, Paramount Is not in the market '..,• >(,cvi. The r«>-vvi j s that »t Paramount only Cecil 11. DeMIHc •TH •••n-l'-c •tnric.'. from the Hiblc. DcMilli! Is now readying "The. Ten Commandments" for filming next year . . , Comedian J a c k P.onnv will toastmaster tho Gcorff.j Jessel Testimonial Dinner to IK! given by the Friars at the Waldorf-Astoria .Hotel in New York February 21. It's a icciprocal turn, a:i much as Jcs-,el presided over tho Jack Benny dinner given by the Friars about a year ago . , . Louis n. Mayer apparently .Is abandoning any Ideas-he had about going Into production, at least for the time being. The former production chief at MGM Is nngllnij to cell his three story properties and has put an $800,000 asking price on his "package," which comprises "Joseph and His lirethren," "Paint Your Wagon," and 'Dlossom Time."
Milwaukee Vet Bonn (JTA) — A Jewish war veterans group In Milwaukee has contributed to tho co:it of making 27,000 pounds of milk powder available free of charge to disabled German soldiers of tho last war. It was announced here by tho CARE mission to Germany, which distributed the gift to on association of disabled veterans and aged pensioners. •