January 1, 1954

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V o L XXXII*—No. 17 Knttrcd &• Uenund-Cj&xt Matter at Pott* office, Omaha, ffebninkn, under Act of 167U.


Future of Zionist Movement Discussed by Actions Group Jerusalem (WNS)— The relationship between Israel and the Zionist movement abroad and the functions and character of the movement now that Jewish statehood has been achieved camu under wide discussion hero at the opening sessions of the Zionist Action;: Committee, supreme Zionist body during the Interim between Zionist Congrcssesses. Dr. Nahum Cioldmann, chairman of the Jewish Agency, un;cd Zionist leadership to open the doors of the movement to all who wish to help Israel whether they belong or do not beloni; to uny particular Zionist i;roup. "Let the Zionist parties show more understanding, let them be more flexible, let them not fear competition of those not belonging to them," Dr. Galdmann asserted. A:; proof that the Zionist movement V/as ripe for a reorganization, lie cited the recent American Zionist Assembly in New York. At the eamo time ho called for closer cooperation between the Israel Government and the Jewish Aficney •nd. between Israel and world Jewry. Ben Gurion States Views Former Premier David Ben Gurion, in a letter to the Artlom Committee, said he personally ha? no doubt fo the need for u Zionist Organization whose task, he said Ehoulil be to educate Its member:! . into fulfillinn their personal obligations to Israel. Without such On orientation, he declared, the Zionist Organization will ftice the dancer of becoming a mere instrument for the transfer of mon-

JDC and ORT Plan Program for 1954 New York (WNS)--The Joint Distribution Committee will provide $1,230,000 during 1854 for the work of OUT Organization for Rehabilitation Through Training, principal agency offering vocational tralninc to Jcw.1 overseas, tinder an agreement reached here by the two organizations. Vocational activities In Europe, Israel. North Africa and Iran, which arc covered In the agreement, will cost $2,030,000 durini! the coming year. The OUT will ruisu the difference between the amount granted by JDC and the total sum required. Under terms of the pact, the largest single amount for any one country among the nineteen nations in which OUT programs arc conducted Is designated for the ORT schools in Israel. OUT currently conducts eighteen training centers und vocational schools In the Jewish slate, with an annual enrollment of 3,200 students, constituting the largest system of vocational schools in Israel. SubItantlal allocations have been assigned to ORT vocational training centers in Moslem areas and in Europe.

Arab Infiltrators Face Stiff Penalties

Jerusalem (WNS)—A bill proTiding glitter punishment for Arab infiltrators and people convicted cf aiding and abetting the marauders received its first reading »nd approval in Parliament this week amidst a plea by Acting Defenso Minister I'lnchas Lavon that passage of the bill was Imperative B5 a deterrent. Declaring that passage of the new law might work1 hardships, ond possibly on innocent people, in the affected border areas, Mr. Lavan said there was 'no other alternative because "as long as thero is no peace we arc Buffering and with us will suffer those Who infiltrate und those, who aid them."


trade The ogrecment mutual $1,500,000 credit between Israel and Turkey will probably be enlarged to $5,000,000 if negotiations between the two countries prove successful. The increase Is made necessary by a considerable cxpanfilon of trade In recent months,

ey, It .13 doubtful, he declared whether cuch an organization could long survive and whether it would be of any use to the Jews in the Diaspora or to Israel. Outstanding Problems Berl Locker, chairman of the Jewish Agency executive in Jerusak-m, reported that Israel nncl the Jewish Agency marked great achievement?; (luring the year, but that despite those accomplishments some of the most outstanding pioblcms are still unsolved. Disclosing that an estimated 40,01)0 to 50,000 people had left Israel in the past five years, Mr. Locker said there wa;i need for measures to stoj) that trc-nd. He urged creation of special facilities for those who have not been nble to adjust themselves or find their place in the state.

evtry Friday, 101 N. auui.Blntf* Copy 10 Centi Nelitaeka, Phone AT MMI Annual Rat* 4 OtUlf

Education Imperiled B Teat7i°5i 5^ba'ndon Profession •"H\' '«

Blueprint for Water

Refugees Warned About Illegal Erjtry New York (WNS)—A warning to refugees and migrants not to attempt to enter Germany without proper authorization was issued by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid .Society through its president Den Tousler. In a statement, Mr. Toustcr declared: "Because of the declared policy of the Bonn Government to arrest all persons who enter Germany without proper authorizations and documents, I! I A S warns all Refugees and migrants seeking to enter Germany to firr.t obtain proper visas, us it will bo virtually Impossible for our Society to help persons who disregard t h e German Immigration laws. "Many transmigrants have entered Germany with the hopes of obtaining visas to overseas countries, and are facing utter disappointment. HIAS warns all persons seeking to immigrate to countrle.i overseas to first obtain bona fide visas to the countries of immigration b e f o r e leaving their countries of residence." The statement v/as released In Western Europe and Israel.

Israel needs water to expand her agricultural and Industrial programs. These projects will help place the new little state on a sound economic footing;. The Jordan Itlver plan plays an important part In Implementing these programs which are vital to the economic health of Israel.

Global Report

New York (JTA)—"The entiri program of Jewish religious education in the United States is being imperiled by the headlong abandonment of the teaching profession by its members seeking greater security of working conditions and salary standards,"- Dr. Pinkhos Churgin, dean of t h e • Teachers Institute of Yeshiva University, declared. Progress Addressing the Annual Assem« bly of the Mizrachi National Education Committee at Yeshiva Uni- ) verslty, Dr. Churgin Bald" that "Substantial progress has been recorded In the last decade in Jew* ish education at the day elemeh- ; tary and day secondary levels." However, the noted Jewish educator, who is president-designate of Bar-IIan University in Israel, told the 100 delegates that "the record of progress was darkened by several shortcomings." Dr. Churgin warned that "the fact that some 50 per cent of all Jewish children receiving somo kind of a Jewish education are to be found in Sunday school classes marks a dangerous decline in the sense of Jewish re^ sponslbillty of their parents. The Sunday School program has been clearly demonstrated to be totally inadequate even by the ^iost.eager standards of what basic information the child needs to discharge his religious obligations as a Jewish adult. Danger Signals "Similar danger signals appear in any examination of the status of the Jewish teacher," he said. "On the one hand, notable progress has been recorded in the training of religious school teachers and the number of such teachers annually being graduated from the various teachers institutes has been increasing steadily. Nevertheless, there is a growing shorU nge of Jewish teachers, not alone b e c a u s e of the expansion in schools and enrollment but also because of an unprecedented professlonal mortality of* J e w i s h teachers," he declnred. Rabbi Joseph Lookstcln, retiring president of the Mizrachi National Education Committee, told the delegates that Jewish education In the United States "should . be of ns much concern to Zionists today as the establishment of a Jewish State was yesterday. The Zionists of America will have to realize, if they have not already done so, that the political phase of Zionism cannot any longqr constitute the major part of Zionist activity," he added. Isldor Margolls, executive director of the education agency, reported that there are at present In the United States and Canada at least 100 Jewish day schools, from the kindergarten through the high school level. Mr. Margolls added that registration In elementary day schools has been Increasing steadily during tho past five years and that during "this school year to date thero has been an II per cent increase in registration in such schools over the corresponding period in the previous school year."

III a I f a Institute of Technology EGYIT CONFISCATES forced the Institution to temporCLOTHING Jcru.ialem (JTA)-Isracl's For- arlly close its doors when they eign Office indicated thnt it may •efused to meet higher tuition take steps against Egypt follow- fee3 recently instituted by t h e ing a report that Egyptian author- school. ities confiscated not only a trans- The Institute was compelled to port of, meat destined for Israel make the move when it found itwhen tho Italian chip Franca self unable to meet its budget beMaria passed the Suez Canal, but cause of insufficient private contributions and government subsiulso 2,000 tons of clothing. The report docs not indicate the dies. Tlie problem is to be considered this week by Knesset. origin of the clothing, but It is assumed that the transport was sent os a gift to Israel from South EAST GERMANY REJECTS AltAIJ LEAGUE The Israel Government Washington (JTA)—The State L o n d o n (JTA) — The Arab Africa. has already protested a g a i n s t Department reported that ComLeague Political Committee, meet- Egypt to the U. N. Security Coun- munist East G e r m a n y opposes ing in Beirut, Instructed Jordan cil, as well as to the United States, Jewish reparations claims. The to reject Israel's bid for direct ond France, regarding diplomat said that Albert Nortalks between the two countries. England the confiscation of the meat. IsThe meeting was called after rael now nwalts the reply of the den, former deputy Soviet zone the United Nations had notified three powers before deciding on press chief, speaking for the Soviet Zone Government told press Jordan of Israel's invocation of further steps. conference that East Germany A r t i c l e XII of the Armistice does not recognize Israel's right Agreement calling for compulsory to reparations. direct negotiations between Israel HAIFA TECIINION CLOSES and Jordan. Haifa (WNS)—Students of the IBtlAEL-BELGKAN AIR AGREEMENT Brussels (JTA)—An exchange of instruments of ratification of a new air services agreement between Belgium and Israel took place here at a ceremony in the Cologne, (JTA)—Israel has so dally irrigated area of the Jewish Belgian Foreign Office. Belgian Foreign Minister Paul Van Zeefar committed about $00,000,000 State. out of the 595,000,000 accruing to A third category Is shipping for lnnd represented the Belgian Govwhich $21,000,000 has tx.cn asher by next March under the Ger- slRned for a large freighter, two ernment, while Israel's Minister man-Israel reparations agreement, citrus transports, a 10,000-ton to Belgium, Joseph Ariel, reprethe Israel purchasing mission dis- combined passenger and fruit sented the Jewish State. Following the formal part of closed, here. transport for the Haifa-New York ceremony, the Foreign MinisIn the six months since the mis- run, and a 7,500-ton floating dry- the ter and the Israel envoy exsion was set up here, goods to the dock for Haifa harbor. value of $29,800,000 liave been or- German Industrial goods for the changed toasts, both expressing dered from German supplies while mechanization of agriculture and satisfaction with tho conclusion of $2!),500,000 has been spent for equipment for commercial fisher- the agreement and emphasizing crude oil and petroleum products men will require $8,G0O,0OO and that the pact will reinforce the purchased from countries of the 55,700,000 has been assigned for friendly relations existing between British Commonwealth and paid railroad equipment, especially roll- Israel and Belgium. for with German-owned sterling Ing Btock, special switching engines and signal equipment. Other balances. "Message of Israel" will be In line with the Israeli develop- allocutions cover needs In road DUTCH DEFEND STAND broadcasted over KOIL this ment plan for the year* 3953-57, transport, harbor equipment comThe Hague (JTA)—Defense of Sunday from 10:35 a. m. to 11 munications and general machin- Israel's position on the Arab ref- a. m. Ilabbi Sanford E. Saperfloods amounting.. to $105,000,000 . . have cither already been pur- ery. ugees was voiced In the Netherchased or will be ordered In the The mixed German-Israel com- lands Parliament ns the Foreign epein of Temple Beth Jacob, n e a r future. Of thnt amount, mission which must settle the Minister replied to questions dur- Pontlac, Mich., will speak on "This Business of Living." $14,000,000 has been, eannnrked amount of reparation funds that ing n foreign policy debate. for electric'generating equipment will be available In the fiscal year The Minister, Dr. Josef Luns, Sunday from 11:30 a. m, to and will be used to cxpnna Israel's 1D54-55 and approve Iho detailed electric power output from l.'10,000 purchasing program, will meet In said that Israel is loo small a noon over WOW-Hndlo, t h « to more than 370,000 hilowattn. January. Dr. I*. Shinnar, head of state to readmit the Palestine ref- Eternal Light will present Us re. He also stated that Holland weekly program. The broadMore than 512,000,000 will be the Israeli mission, has been pressused to buy irrigation pipes and Ing for speedy agreement so that could do nothing about this situa- cast Is sponsored by the Jewequipment for the Negev suflicient orders can be placed In a sys- tion and that "time nlono will ish Theological Seminary. bring a solution." to Increase threefold the nrtlfl tematic, continuous fnshlon.

Purchase Mission Reports on German Reparation Goods

On Radio and TV




ITrid»7, January 1, 1»5»

Our U. N. Newsletter


What New Year Holds for Israel

Published Ever; Friday ty the Omaha Jewlth Federation

ftnttrcd u **<onrf-<l4is3 inattt^ lit Omaha, Nitiaeka r Bhder the act cl March d. 18HJUutnlf SuDactiptlou, I4.(KJ. AtlYtnieinf, I'.alea on Application. CdUarftl Ottk*— lill tia. soUi direct, Omtdia., Near., ATlaaUc liSO. PflOl SHOP *lWrf«»—4608 bo. £sib tmeL

By Arthur . United. Nations. (JTA)—What docs the New Year hold for Israel? As far as a peace settlement in concerned', a Jo( will depend on the outcome of Israel's action In invoking Article 12 of the Armistice Agreement with Jordan, tho article which makes s meeting of Although world conditions (ire by no means reassuring, we both aides compulsory. Economcan't resist beginning the first editorial of the new year with ically, the prospects arc. brighter a hopeful tune. The vear 1903 was a critical one, but its closthan they have been wilh the long range plans bringing results, paring page was one of optimism and faith in the future:, with the ticularly in food production. Cer•pectre of war receding and the rale, of rationalism showing tain events are fixed in 1054, like signs of gaining dominance. in a calendar, and one of these Is a ilcbalc on Palestine Hef• Abatement of \v«r in Korea tva.vhut one of the mnnit'estaugees at the Ninth General Astions of the possible end to the madness which has been upon mbly which is due to open here us these tortuous years. Throughout the world there is a feel;ornetirne next fall. ing that, a major war having been averted over Korea, we are GHs.t Tower headed for a major settlement which will nt Icitst bring peace That's the year in brief; all of and transquility to a generation that has known no peace. which can mean a great deal or very little. From the vantage point On the domestic scrne, the year saw a new Administration ot the United Nations' glass towin Washington after twenty years of uninterrupted Democratic er, It would 1seem as If any changes rule. The transition, like in all democracies, was an orderly in the future would be gradual, so one, despite the strains find the Lifter residues of a political gradual Uiat they may not be notlccd. A personal factor is incampaign which Rcems still unended. The country during the volved in the New Year ns far as year was also disturbed by a school of thinking which has nubIsrael is concerned, a new leader verted, democratic values while fighting Kuhersion. On tho will be making his authority felt. other band, however, there has been o growing awareness in However, it is believed here that though Prime Minister Moshe the.country that our heritage of freedom, and personal liberty, Sharett's methods may be differand the right to think cannot survive onee we banisli the demoent from those of his predecessor, cratic tenets which arc not only at the basis of our ConslituPrime Minister David IHm Gurion, tion bat of our very life and existence. The pendulum is rapthe direction of Uis policy By Milton Friedman I victim of "Uie attack by the over- will general be the same. idlymoving away from reaction and fascist and red invtliod- Washington (JTA)—Austria has powering occupying forces." ObOf course, there will be ecoptyryv The preachers of fear are beginning at last to feel the revived Hitler's technique of jective historians feel a better de- .jomic difficulties for Israel in the blaming Jews for "discriminating scription of what happened to breath of wrath. against Aryans." In expressions Austria was Uiat it submitted to future, but Uie lung range plans of Uie Austrian paper- powerful internal and external lave resulted in such an increase • .This year 1953 has been also one of proud achievements by reminiscent hanger, Austrian authorities have Nazi pressure DIUI invited Hitler .n farming, Uiat the state will be* th« Jewish community of America. While attending our own accused Jewish organizations of to nnnex It as part of (he Greater come self-sufficient in certain vineyard, we responded to Israel'.-; iieds and to the needs of dlscriminaUon against non-Jews Heidi. When Nazis mtered 1'aris 'ood products during the comfnff of efforts to salvage for ear. Israel will be able to supply overseas Jewry with a generosity challenging description. Per- becauso Uie benefit of Jewish victims some the French turned their backs in own needs as far as potatoes haps humility bars (saying it, but without our aid and succor small consideration for tho prop- contempt. But when the Nazis ,ts entered Vienna a majority ot the ind come other staples arc conIsrael's and overseas Jewry's path might still be strewn with erties confiscated by Nazis. Austrinns joined enthusiastically ..jrned. Although it will never be insurmountable obstacles to survival. The policy of Austria today fa- in hciling Hitler nnd singing the nble to raise enough meat, cattle vors former Nazis over Jews in Horst Wessel Lied. .'arming has increased. There has . .There wasn't too much rejoicing for the world in )%~>3. settling claims arising from the been a remarkable growth of in•Let us pray we will not he denied rejoicing in ]!)/>(. Hitler era. The situation is such Post-Anschluss records indicat- iustry and new paper and tire that one Jewish authority who ed a larger Nazi Party member- 'actorlcs, Jurt to mention a few, participated in the reparations ne- ship in Austria than iri certain be in production during the Your.. . Ancient Synagogue gotiations with West Germany areas of Germany. Austrian vol- fear. feels there is a greater danger of unteers furnished more than a These rcsulti of the l'liitf r&r.ge Of Venice Restored a Nazi revival in Austria tbnn in per capita representation in the .lanr, will mean a great saving Germany. He is Dr. Noah N. I!a- SS and SA. dollars, "•'" and the dollar g»» is ftome (JTA) —A 533-year-old rou, of England, a leader of the Haab has nsked Uie Allied Coun- I ' n" """•"••• •••-"•,""''< '<'<,„„ To the Editor: synagogue, the oldest in the ghet- Worid Jewish Congress. Dr. Na- cil to approve a number of.meas-j n EfcaU-r P ™ ^ ^ ' 0 ^ . ? , ^ ' , . ^ " For some lime now I have bcei to of Venice, was rededieated af- hum Goldmann, speaking for the urcs designed to do away wiUi Uie the Arab 'blockade. There Is no reading this newspaper with ter extensive restoration carried i Joint Executive Board for Jewish denazification program in Austria. doubt that United Nations technicertain misgiving. It seems to me with funds made available by j Claims on Austria, said "the dead- He requested approval of bills cal assistance experts helped Israel that any paper that reflects the out Joint Distribution Committee. lock in Uie present negotiations wliich would close down the Peo- to make this progress; the present life of a minority such as our theThe known as "t-t seems to indicate that the Aus- ple's Courts in Lower Austria and technical assistance program runs own, should have and encourage a Ecuola synagogue, G r a n d e Tcdcsca" (The trian Government docs not chare Vienna, where Nazi criminals are till the middle of the year. "Letter to Uie Editor Dcp't." Thi; Great German the universal view Uiat measure: tried; amnesty for Nazis implicat- Whether it will lw continued, or School), was built for you will agree, has been lacking the benefit of the victims of ed in various crimes; lifting of the Increased, or decreased, will dcin our Jewish Press tit late. There in 14)5 in the ghetto of Venice Nazism must precede action in on the promotion ot civil [X-nd upon financial circumstances, inhabited then by Jewish bank- vor ot incriminated Nazis.1' Sa- ban was such a column in the p; servants who were N a z i s , and on loans which will make possible • er;;, mo; I of whom h.id come from however. halting of Uie program of seizing the continued expansion of the Proposals UcjeclrtI Germany, hence its name. Four Austria has rejected, in effect, property confiscated by Nazis. An state's economy. There are many topics of in- oilier historic synagogues in the c.'iWier report from Vienna disterest that the good Jews of our ghetto have been restored this joint proposals by 22 major Jew- closed Question ot Iteluztt* the"" Austrian Governcity could cernment on or cxprccs year. All five structures were la organizations and the Federa- ment isthat sabotaging efforts by the The Question of the Palestine an opinion about. For example, ! found in 194D to be in danger of tion of Austrian Jewish Communi- Ullstein family to recover a large refugees is a hinly pcrcnnl&l here, , have felt for a long time every- imminent collapse and the small ties. The Jews sought for tome printing plant in Uie Austrian cap- but the debate at the Ninth Gentime to aid victims by reclaiming • time I look at the excellent Jew- Jewish community of V e n i c e , the ital confiscated by the Nazis. Dc- eral Assembly will be a crucial value of o small fraction of ish Calendar hanging on my kitch- numbering 1,100 persons, was un- the loot stolen by Austrian Nazis. rpite the fact that the Allied au- one for the Uirec-year resettleen wall that someone should writeThere were painful months of ne- liorities and an Austrian court ment plnn will have come to an in to the I'ress and publicly ac- able to pay for their repairs. gotiation. At first Austria con- nave upheld he Ullttcins, the gov- end. There will have to be a full knowledge a vote of thanks to the At the ceremony, Viftorio Fnno, ceded in principle. It. appealed 'rnment refused to take any ac- report it, and it wJJJ be a re- \ Nogg Brothers for this splendid president of the Jewish commu- only a case of working out tech- tion to return the plant to its port of on a complete failure. Due to contribution to Jewish living in nity of Venice, expressed his grat- nical details. Then Secretary of Jewish owners. The Ullstcin fam- the opposition Arab govitude to the Jews of the United ily has recovered all its publish- ernments, only ofa the . Omaha, few thousand States and especially to the JDC. State Dulles announced the temOf course, she ran.ie of subject. "For many years," he said, "the porary £ujpcn;;ion of aid to lr— inil properties in Germany. refugees have been resettled, not is really unlimited. We could dis- JDC was instrumental in preserv- racL A move which, in. the opinenough to keep up with the birUi Austrian Partiality cuss on the i::te of irracl and of ing the health and physical well- ion of some, encouraged the Aus- Austrian partiality to Uie Nu?.is rale in the camps. The United trian to feel the United Slates . Jewisfa Life 'n this country, with- being of our children, our aged was Jess concerned about Jewish was ruch in 1852 Unit United Stater, Nations will have to decide what oilt end, I know most of us read and otir needy. Restoration of the it lr> going to do about these in other parts of the occupation author/tics were forced wretched Jewish periodicals of one sort or centers of our spiritual and re- interests pcopie; it will probably to intervene to veto amnesty laws world. decide to carry on In the fame old ; another. I feel certain we find an ligious life is an equally great which would have served to make Chancellor Julius Haab abruptly official the confiscating of Jewish way, to continue Uie rc'cttlement article occasionally that is most contribution to the welfare of our stimulating. Such an article I community." The JDC was rep- made known that further discus- property hy Nazis. Former Amer- program in the hope that it will found in the American Zionist, resented at the ceremonies by sion of hcirlcss Jewish property ican High Commissioner Waller somehow work in the future where would not take place until six December 5 written by Harold Trobe, its director for months after the signing of an Donnelly f i r m l y insisted that It has not in the pact, Charles Anyatt—entitled "Trou- Italy. "Nazi victims should bo given con- Just BS no change is expected Austrian peace treaty. The Jewish sideration bled Intellectuals." I would like to prior to Nazis." Rep. in the problem of the Palestine took strong excep- Jacob K. Javits liear comments, from others, The other rebuilt synagogues organizations said: "Actions of to this attempt to link the so tho pessimists here, whether layman or rabbi, on what include Scuola Canton, probably tion the Austrian Government and refugees, Jewish settlement wilh a theoretand Ujey are In the majority, benamed after t h e family that Angoff has to say. Austrian Parliament respecting ical peace treaty which may never lieve that Uiere will no eJumge as founded it in 1532; Scuola Ito]iMaybe this "Idler to the edi- ania, built in IS75 on a portico be signed. East-West tencion in- Uie ii.'uiea of indemnification and tar as a peace retllcment in Palesrestitution ot properties ot Nazi dicates little chance for such n tor" will s'.nrt the ball rolling, supported by pillars; Scuola Epag- treaty. The Western Powers have victims as well as treatment of tine Is concerned during the year. the optimists here pin Joe Fellman. nola, founded by Spanish Jews in notified of their support former Nazi3 give cause for grave However, their hopes on the meeting be1580 and enlarged by the famous for the Austria Condonation of the Editors ncte: Letters to the Tress B concern objective of a mutually a r o q u e architect Baldnssare satisfactory settlement. Principles most chocking cruelty, injustice tween Israeli and Jordan repre«re certainly welcome. The content Longhena which has to take nfacc 1035; and Scuola Immorality of Nazi activities sentatives, will not be distorted. Please heep Lcvantina, in under the armistice agreements; founded by Levantine on which J e w i s h claims were and letters as brief as possible as we Jews at least based were recognized even by and allowing those who benefited Uiey believe that something will 300 years ago and are limited by the amount of endowed with an important col- come ex-Nazis in the Bonn Gov- to continue to profit from them is come out of it to change the adaernment and arc embodied in in- deeply offensive to all free peo- mant refusal of the Arabs to ne'oction of ceremonial objects. ples." ternational agreements. gotiate. Thoy put a lot of store in The Jewish organizations took Finance Minister ICamltz, as this meeting becauso it will be the strongest exception to AusPencils part of his argument against setTrees Uie first tlmo that Israeli nnd s Iran Finance Minister ftclnhardf tlement, pointed out that the Arab Arab will tit down allegation of Nazi perse- slates had protested. He main- at therepresent(irer The Jerusalem Pencil factory More than 4,500,000 trees will Knmilz' came conference table. txported more than ? 145,000 worth? be planted !n Israel during the cution. Jews who negotiated with tained Uiat some other groups "by Theirs Is a minority view, but it of pencils during 1953. The fac- next year at a cost of IL 1,400,000. Bonn urged arrangement'; for the no means considered themselves Is an optimistic one nnd It Is tory is located in the growing in- They will be planted on 201 se- benefit of non-Jewish victims. The represented by Uie representatives much better to end on thai note dustrial zone pi the Holy City lected sites and along highways came position was taken wilh re- ot foreign Jcwfeji organizations In in considering Uie prospects of a Vienna, and that Uiey p r o t e s t Vcw Year. whose expansion is being aided and riverbeds to utilize rainwa- gard to Austria. against this monopoly of repreNo Special Consideration through Israel Bond investments. ter, as well as round orchards and sentation. "The Catholic Church," Jews ore not entitled to "speDuring the first fen months of 1853 fields in the Negev, newly rehe said, "has repeatedly expressed the young state exported more claimed from the desert with the cial consideration," in the Aus- Itself in Uie same way." Kamilz Here me, O Lord, hear me, that trian view, because it is alleged than $17,300,000 worth of prod- aid of Stale of Israel Bond apAustrians in general suffered failed to mention that one-third of •his people may know that Thou ucts. The Kaiser-Frazer plant propriations as a protection against that the pre-war Jewish population of has turned their heart back again; equally under Siller. Raab char* headed u » lirfmndstorms. acterized AuslHa as the helpless Austria was cutcrmlnaied, —(I Kings XX, 37.) HABHY HALPERT WHS. LOUIS PAUL

, ..., .,„..,.,.„ ,,, ,

Editor Society Editor

A Happy New Year

Capital Spotlight

Sounding Board

FrUUr, Jtmmttj 1, MM

Tin JEWISH n n i

NCRAC Groups Confirm Employment Discrimination

braeK Peek Make TastySquashes

Forecasting 1954

By David Schwartz (Copyright, 1054, JTA) Abo put his paperd own. "You Now Yoik (JTA) —Discrimina- dortakon only during periods of know, I have been reading these tion against Jews in employment unemployment or increased instories in the newspapers making in the United Stale.-, i:; more wide- cidence of complaints." predictions for 1954. I would like spread than is generally recognizt'd The objective of employment to start a Society for the Abolieven in periods of full employ- r!i.';minlnatiun work, the conferees tion of Predictions." ment, it was reported ut a three- agreed is to afford "all individuals "What's the matter?" asked Sam. dny conference of reprerx-ntativc'; an equal uppoitunity to be hired "You just can't predict, said of Jewish organisations affiliated and to advance in occupations of Abe. "You can't unscrew the Inwith the National Community Re- their own ch-jicc to the full measscrutable." lations Advisory Council. uio of their ability," and "the of tlii:; objective rep"Do y^u mean to say?" said The conference came to the con- achievement a ta.sk for every Jewish Sam, "that tilings don't follow clusion that the problem merits rcicnt*" community—a task that ha:; not cause and effect and you can't greater attention than it is receiv- as yet received adequate attenlogically reason from one thing to ing from Jewish community re- tion." another. Do you hold with the lations agencies and Jcwi:;h vogreat Abraham Ibn Ezra that it's Represented at the conference cational services. A full report on ill in the stars. You know Ibn were the American Jewish Conthe recommendation!; adopted at Ezra said that if he started selling the conference will be issued at a rires, Jewish Labor Committee, shrouds, people would slop dying Jewish War Veterans of the U. S., later date, it was announced. and if he went into the business, of American Hebrew ConIn a statement unanimously Union gri'gations. United Synagogue of of making candles, darkness would adopted aa a "frame of reference," America, Union of Orthodox Jewbe extinguished. Ho was desperthe conference observed that man- ish Congregations, local Jewish ately poor all of his life nnd b e - . ifestations and areas of discrlmiu- councils afiliated with the Nf'HAC. lieved it was due to the fact that :• ntlort vary with local conditions he was born under the wrong*'...' and with fluctuations in the eco- Al.'-n the Conference on Jewish Zodiac sign. . '• '. nomic cycle, but that discrimina- Relations, Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, Jew"No, I don't say it's in the , tion Is not confined to period:; of ish Occupational Council, Nationtarts," replied Abe, "but I say!; unemployment. Council of Youni; Israel, New that r,o many things can happen,, Complaint;) by individual'; that al York Asboclatloii for New Anirrlthat it is Impossible to make any they have been discriminated c.-m!i, United .Service for New predictions. Joseph Is sold into against is not a full or re-liable In- Americans, OUT, Federation EmJavcry, and one development fol- • dex of the extent or the serious-1 ployment .Service of New York lows another until all the, chilness of the problem, the conferee. ! and Jewish vocational service dren of Israel aro enslaved In ; agreed. To accept it a:; such "in to arencles of Iloston, Chicago, CinEgypt. Think how different Jewish view the problem far too narrow- cinnati, Cleveland. Newark, Philiiistory would have been without ly, which nil too often result'; in adelphia and Montreal. the little episode with Joseph. on acceptance of occupational There might be no Jewish history ghettoi/.ation." • it all. Everything Is the same way.: The conference declared further David is sent by his father to that it considered the problem of bring some lunch to his brethren employment discrimination "« fighting under Saul's banner, vol-, challenge to American Jewish uritccrs to fight Goliath and b e communities at all times, rather comes a national hero. Again one New York (WNS)—By atlenvptthan an interim activity to be unlftcrnoon, David for a breath of ini; to loosen the ritraichljncket of fresh air goes on the roof top and uniformity Imposed by Moscow or sees the beautiful Bathsheba. If Russia's 150 subject nationalities, he hadn't gone on the roof at thl» Lavrenti P. Deria, former Soviet particular time, there would have 1 Compressors extracting oils from citrus peel Russia'. ! No. 2 official who was been no King Solomon. Again, executed last week for treason, Saul goes looking for his asses. jams and numorouu other EAMAT GAK, Iiraol (IIP). — Economic achievements in Israel, had helped speed his downfall, it The prophet Samuel sees him and One of Iirael's growing ex- food products. problems facing Israel in Its strug- was revealed here this week by anoints him King of Israel. With tho aid of a IL.240.000 porU, oUa extracted from gle towards self-r.ufficicncy, the the World Jewish Congress In a appropriation from State of citruj pools, xaceivod a boost study released by Its Institute of role of American Jewry in assist"All throuph history it's the lhl« week With the arrival of Icraol Bond investments tho ing I-:rael through philanthropy, Jewish Affnlro. new compressing machinery. young ropublic Is expanding jatne way," Abe continued. "Sup-; assistance by the United States Entitled "The Soviet Attitude pose the Germans had not given Al the Israel Bond-aided ASBIS its citri-culluro to fill both its end other governments, will be Toward Territorial Minorities nnd plant the oil U extracted from increasing export orders and Lenin permission to return to analyzed by Professor Gardner the Jews," the survey notes the Russia at the end of the first the peel after the juleo has supply Its expanding citrus Patterson at the forthcoming Went significance of the fact that "HID induitry with the nccesinry World War. It happens in private been romoTed from the fruit. charges against licria's national Central Regional Conference of life. A friend of mine was acciThe oil forms tho basis of fruit. the Council of Jewish Federations policy occupied the most impordentally thrown against a young squashes, puddingi, sweolf. and Welfare Funds, to bo held tant place among the accusations woman in the subway. She is now included In the original indlcein St. Louis, January 22-24. his wife. .The world is full of acProfessor Patterson will be guest ment." The report called Moscow's cidents. How can you chart a fUr speaker at the Saturday cvenlnu protestations of "equality and Young Adults to See turc with such building blocks?" sovereignty" for all minorities n dinner session on Israel. He Is a mere "It's a pretty chaotic state of myth, declaring that "Stalin's Film Forum on Israel nationally known economist and policies things, that you outline," said Sam. always aimed at Director of the International Fi- ultimatelywere "I would say it is a sort of hopeeliminating differences Robert It. Nathan, famed econnance Section of Princeton Uni; forcing assimilation upon the omist, and Jame3 M. Ansara, ex- Beth El Synagogue and its Sis- less picture." versity. He has represented the and "On the contrary," said Abe, 150 large and small na- ecutive secretary of Syrian-Leoa- terhood were hosts to the second United SUitC3 government in two nation's annual Kalian (Rabbinic Study 'It Is this unpredictability that U recent surveys of Israel's economic tionalities and groups." ncso American Federation, will of the Midwest Re- Its greatest charm. Who knows, status nnd problems. Professor Apropos tho Soviet attitude to- debate the Arab-Israel question Conference) gion of the Rabbinical Assembly but as you go out of here you may Patterson spoke at the recent ward its Jcwlfh minority, the surAmerica, Tuesday and Wednes- find yourself riding in the subCJFWF General Assembly In vey notes that It differed some- on the Young Adults American of way with a beautiful woman. In Dec. 20 and 30. Cleveland. His address was ac- what from Its policy toward oth- Film Forum Program this Sunday day, Louis Ginsberg, Profes- the war In Israel the Arabs were clulmed os one of the finest fac- er minority (troups In that the evening at 0 p. m. in tho Center. sorDr.of H. at the Jewish Theo- predicting their victory so surely tual analyses of Israel'.-, problems Jews did not possess their own This will be the third in the film logical Bible Seminary of America, led that they "folded their tents like ./ tver presented to the American territory and did not nil use a forums which are designed to In- three study cessions on "Tho Book the Arabs," as Longfellow put It, public and resulted in many re- common language The. Soviets Koheleth." Other speakers were and voluntarily departed from quest!! for his appearance at this embarked upon the persecution of troduce current political discussion of Jewish religious schools, banned, through the medium of film. A Rabbi David Aronson of Minne- Israel. The Jews who were not by regional conference. teaching of Hebrew, and ruth- discussion will follow the film. apolis on "The National Beth Din" any means so sure, held their The Council of Jewish Federa- the . •'. began to suppress all exof the Conservative movement; ground and were victorious. tions ar.d Welfare Funds Is the lessly "There is a story about the pressions of ' Zionist aspirations, All Young Adults arc Invited to Rabbi Hyman Rablnowitz of Sioux service arm for the organized Jew- particularly saintly Bcrditchlycr Rebbe -who after the establish- attend. City on "The Basic Ideas of the ish communities of the United ment of Israel in 1918. As eviSiddur;" Rabbi Sells S. Auerbach one day went out collecting for States and Canada. Its member- dence of the conclusion that Jewof Superior, Wise, on "New Uses charity and wus turned down, ship i n c l u d e s communities In ish life In the Soviet Union today Rabbi Groner to Speak for Old Customs;" Itabbi Harold everywhere. He became so deswhich 05 percent of the Jews in is considered "dead," the survey I. Stern of Lincoln "On Jewish pondent that he resolved^ never the United States and Canada re- cites "the impossibility of pub- At K. C. Synagogue again to go soliciting aid for the Theology and Existentialism." side The West Central region lishing books and newspapers In Just as he had mentally. Itabbi Benjamin Groner h a s The Midwest Region of t h e poor comprises thirty-eight m e m b e r Yiddish, the absence of Jewish made this resolve, he saw a pocommunities throughout the West schools and colleges for Instruc- been invited by Rabbi Maurice Rabbinical A s s e m b l y includes liceman catch a thief. The BerSolomon to be guest speaker at North and South Dakota, MinneCentral states. tion In Jewish history and theol- D. Interceded for the thief the annual membership meeting sota, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Iowa, dltchiver ogy, the-limitation on the use of of and paid his fine. 'I am sure now.J . Kehilath Israel Synagogue, of Kansas and Missouri. the Yiddish language and th the rabbi to the thief, 'that Kansas City, Mo., Tuesday cve- Rabbi and Mrs. Myer S. Kripkc said proscription of Hebrew." will never steal again.' entertained tho rabbis at dinner you Ining, Jan. 5. "On the contrary," replica the and a social evening at their home "I may have better luck Tuesday night. A committee of thief, The regularly scheduled Beth next time." Beth El Sisterhood members was tad Men's Club nicotine will be taught the Berdltchiver in charge of luncheons Tuesday ;, "That held at the Beth Israel social hall lesson. 'The thief is right,' h e and Wednesday at the synagogue. nald Friday, Jan. 1 Thursday, Jan. 21. All members 'Maybe apply the Rabbi Hyman Rnbinowitz of same thinkingI should New Year's Day—Center closed. . v/ill be notified through the ma 1 to collecting for Sioux City, la., was elected chair- charily. Sunday, Jan. 3 ' (o make their reservations. All I will have better man of the Midwest Region, suc- luck theMaybe Children's Program—2 p. m.—Center. meetings ara open to the Beth next time.' ;•. ceeding Rabbi Kripkc. Karbind— 7;3<J p. m.—Center. Israel family and nil men not af"You see what I mean." conYoung Adult Ixningc Nii;lit—8 p. m.—Center. • . filiated with the Men's Club are tinued Abe, "the view that the Monday, Jan, 4 invited to join the club nl any of future is unforeseeable makes it • Pro-School—0 n. m.—Center their meetings. Reservations can infinitely more Interesting." Temple Israel .Sisterhood Luncheon—1 p. m.—Highland town, be made by contacllni! any mem"I guess you are right," said Workmen's l»ati—7 :.')<> p. m.—Center,-. ber of the club. Sam. Beth Israel Adult Institute—0 p. m.—Beth Israel. ' Tucsdiiy, Jnn. 5 Bridge Instruction at the .1. C. "Sure,'I am right," said Abe, Beth Israel .Sisterhood Luncheon Meeting—1 p. tn.—Beth Israel. C. will begin again January 5 and reaching for his hat. Farband Labor Group Bridge Class—1:15 p. m.—Center. "Where are you going?" asked January 7. There will be both Junior HaiLviinh—7:30 p. m.—Center. Will Elect Officers * afternoon and evening classes for Sam. Pioneer Women—S p. m.—Center. Farband Labor Zionist Order "I've been thinking of buying the beginner nnd lntcrmcdiatu Widni'siluy, Jnn. 0 Branch 51 and Poali Zlon will players. Mre. Hurry Ferer will 50 more shares of that new oil Pre-School—fl a.m.—Center elect their officers this comlni! ins'ruet t h e afternoon classes stock. I think they should rise In Beth El .Sisterhood Board Meeting—1 p. m.—Beth El, Bunday in the Jewish Community which will be held Tuesdays at 1054." Oil Painting Class—1 p. m.—Center. Center. Dinner will be served at "But you Ju3t said you don't be1:15 p. m. David Sheffer will InJewish War Veterans and Ladies Auxiliary Board Meeting— 7-30 p. m., and reservation.1! will 8 p. m.—Homes. struct tho evening classes begin- lieve In predicting the future." be accepted until 0 p. m,, Friday "Sure, but can you predict that ning Thursday, January 7, at 0 Center Orchestra—8 p. m.—Center. by calling Mrs. J, Feldman at RE these shares will not rise In 1954?" Beth Israel Board Meeting—8 p. m.—Beth Israel. P. m. 0S38. • Tbunday, Jan. 7 Both classes will include ten Milton Berle: "The trouble with In charge of arrangements arc Council Supper Dance Committee Meeting—1 p. m,—Homo. lessons at a fee. of $5.00. Classes marriages is too much Inter* Mrs. J. Feldman, Mrs. R. Cohen; Bridge Clsss—8- p. m.—Center. are limited. Phone in reservations, moat ference . . , relatively speaking." Beth Iwael PTA Meeting—8:.*5O p. m.—Beth Israel. •Del Mrs. Sam Hifkln. ., Xh 1300, Ext. 32.

To Hear Economist

IS Hosts to Study Conclave

Beth Israel Men

Will Meet Jean. 21

Commanity Calendar

Bridge Classes To Resyme Jaw. 5

Music Notes

Mirrachi Ladies To Discuss Israel

Mi* DavUDnMn

Dubin-Kolnick Marriage The wedding of Miss Esther Kolnick, daughter of Mrs. Bessie Xolnlck, to Mr. David Dubln, son of Mr. and Mrs; Louis' Dubln of Manhattan, N.< Y., took place in the" Beth Israel Synagogue. Rabbi Benjamin Groner and Cantor Eli Kagan officiated at the 7 p. m. ceremony. The bride's gown of Chantllly lace over satin, was styled with a scalloped i l l u s i o n neckline. A crown of sequins and seed pearl* held the fingertip veil and she car* ricjd a lace-covered Bible with /white carnations. The bride's attendants were Miss Reva Kolnick, moid of honor,and Mrs. H. S. Sussman. Both are sisters of the bride: They were gowned In dresses of net and lace featuring a fitted bodice, bouffan' skirt and matching lace stole. A bead piece and carnations completed the ensembleAttendants for the groom were Rabbi Mathow Poliakoff, Dr. Phillip Kolnick-of Bayard, Neb., and Larry Kolnick, brothers of the bride. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Kolnick chose a blue lace gown and a corsage ol white carnations. Mrs. Dubln wore a navy crepe dress and white carnations After a reception in the synagogue social,hall, the couple left on a wedding trip to Kansas. Mr. and Mrs/ Dubln are living In Omaha,

30,000 Immigrants Register With HIAS New York (JTA)—There arc some 30,000 prospective immigrants currently registered with "Ihe Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society in various parts of the world an increase of about 8,000 over last year, It was reported here by Dr. Arthur T. Jacobs, executive director of HIAS, who has just returned from a one-month, tour of HIAS Installations in Europe anr* Israel. He added that HIAS expects to be able to move about 8,000 of these people during 19541 ', Dr. Jacobs reported that HIAS program for housing single men and women among the recent immigrants to Israel Is operating successfully with some 3,000 persons living in about 100 shelters operated , jointly - with varlour Israeli institutions. He said that the 300 credit unions operated jointly by HIAS and the Jewish Agency are of "enormous benefit" in th< assimilation of recent immigrant' in Israel.

Friday, January 1. 1054



ISy Mrs. Itutli Relss, Center Music Director

New York—Mrs. Dvorah Rabl nowibv honorary national vice president of the Mizrachi Worn en's Organization of America, will deliver a first-hand report on conditions in Israel as more than 300 delegates from 11 mldwcstern states gather at a Midwest lie gionol Conference of the organi ration in Chicago January 12. Representatives of 40 chapters of the women's rellglous-Zionkl organization in 11 mid-west state will hear Mrs. nabinowitz in an all-day meeting which will consider campaign plans for the coming year towards meeting Mizrachi Women's national budget of. $1,065,000 for child-care, social services, educational and Youth Aliyah work in Israel. Mrs. Rablnowitz returned to the tt.S. recently after a sojourn of more than four years In the Holy Land where she aided In the overall direction of the network of institutions maintained by the Mizrachi Women's Organization of America in behalf of Israel's newcomers and youth. A past national president of Mizrachi Women, veteran delegate at World Zionist Congresses and other international conclaves, she is a dynamic orator who has addressed thousands of meetings in the U. S., Canada, Great Britain and Europe, rallying sentiment for the religious-Zionist movement.

The next meeting of the Music At Home Club will tak« place Tuesday, Jan. 19, at 8 p. m. at the home of Prof, and Mrs. Hans Bacr, 1145 Park Ave. The program will feature, besides recorded music, a concert of vocal and piano muaic. This promises to be a very interesting program, no plan to be there, There Is nu ndmi 'ion charge. Refreshments wil be served. Orchestra On January 0, the J. C. C. orchestra will resume rehearsals. If you play an instrument but have not yet joined, do £o as i;oon as possible. We meet every Wednesday eevnlng, 8 to 10 p. m., in room 30 at the- Center. Folk Dance Group to Start Miss Renee PloUln Attention nil dance enthusiasts! Under the leadership of Karl Edlcr, of the City Park and Recreation B u r e a u and a Folk and Square Dance expert, the Center is Inaugurating a Folk D a n c e Group, which will devote its time to the learning of various dances Mrs. Julian Orensteln of different countries, The group The engagement of Rence PIot« Is open to all Young Adults and kin to Morris Handlcman has been Adults who ore interested. The announced by her parents, Mr, first session will take place Jan- and Mrs. Isadoro Plotkin. uary 18 at 8:30 p. m. For further Miss Plotkin attended the Uniinformation call the Center, JA versity of Nebraska where the 136(1. was affiliated with Sigma Delta Tau Sorority. Her fiance attended the University of Omaha. Under a white canopy of jnums The public is invited to attend and fern greenery, Miss Scherry The couple h planning an early an open session of the conference, I'asser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. New York (JTA)—A number of spring wedding. starting at 2 p. m., January 12. Louis Passer became the bride of Jewish communities in the United There Is no admission charge to Julian Orenstein, son of Mrs. Fan- States are now writing their histhe public session, which will be nie Orenslein, and the late Mr. tories, it was revealed here by Dr. addressed by Mrs. Rabinowitz. Edward Orensteln of St. Louis, Louis Flnkelstcln, chancellor of Mrs. Abraham M. Danzig of Mo. The wedding ceremony for the Jewish Theological Seminary. Kansas City, Mo., serves as chair- immediate members of the family Dr. Finkclsteln reported that such man of the midwest region of was held in the Jewish Commu- histories are already under prepJewish Community" Center Mizrachi Women. States to be nity Center of Council Bluffs at aration in Miami, Los Angeles and s The once again offering another represented at the meetinE include 1 p. m., Sunday, Dec. 27. The cere- Hartford, Conn. session in art. This is the second • Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, mony was officiated by Rabbi DaOther Jewish communities will session of the class which will beMichigan, Minnesota, Missouri, vid Korb. be stimulated to write such his- gin Wednesday, Jan. 8, at 1 p. m. Nebraska, Ohio, Tennessee and The bride wore nn afternoon tories by the American Jewish in the Center. Wisconsin. ballerina length gown of Ivory History Center which will be The class will consist of 10 lesFrench imported Chantilly lace. opened recently at the Seminary, sons and will include oil, pastel Dr. Flnjcclstcln said. The Center :ind water color instruction. The bodice was form fitting and Young Judaea Group the bouffant skirt was accordion will be devoted to research on Mrs. Sylvia Curtls3 will direct pleated. A matching jacket with history of the Jews in this country the class. She elated that this class Elects New Officers softly shirred elbow length sleeves and will be headed by Allan Ncv- !s for beginners as well as adin, Professor of American History vanced students. A newly formed Young Judaea covered the halter neck lino. at Columbia University. Prof. group met and elected the folA Queen Anne crown of iridesFor further information call tho lowing officers: Phyllis Abrahams, cent seed pearls and bead trim Moshe Davis of the Jewish Theo- activities office at the Center, logical Seminary will be co-dipresident; Gail Trctlack, vice-presheld the shoulder length circular rector. ident; Betty E r m a n, secretary; Jeanne Silver, corresponding sec- veil of French silk illusion. She The Center, which is being firetary; Nancy Richards, treasur- carried a lace covered white Bible nanced by Louis M. Rablnowitz, with white orchids and streamers noted Jewish philanthropist, will er, and Joy Frledcn, reporter. Other members in the group in- of stcphanollsi also prepare a scries of biogMrs. Victor Mashbcln was ma- raphies based on the lives and clude: Barbara Adlcr, Dorothy The newly renovated Ceramics Corey; Judy Erookstein, Gayle tron of honor for her sister. She letters of outstanding American Feldman, Ton] Fcllman, Sandra wore a cocktail dress of (late blue Jews. For both the local projects Workshop at the Center will be F r e e d m a n , Dale Kasin, Toni antique satin with inserts of bro- and the biographies, tho Semi- opened on Wednesday, Jan. 13, Kaplan, Joyce Room, Judy Lazer, caded blue velvet, fashioned with nary's library, one of the largest Philip Roggcn will instruct classes Barbara Greenbcrg, Judy Platt- a fitted bodice and semi bouffant collections of Judalca In the world, for beginners and advanced stuner, Cherna Schrager, and Nancy s k i r t - ••.;• . • • : ; : . V v : . . v ; . ;• •" : : . will be made available. . ' dents. A new workshop, will be V e n g e r . • *" •:'••• •..- •: • > • . : • •: :ori tho ground floor level, and will Mls» Linda Ann Passer was Tier The club's first project Is knit- sister's other: attendent. She wore feature many new pieces of equipting baby sweaters for Israel. The a white and yellow antique taffeta Jewish Cookery ment There will be both after' girls also plan to fill a scrapbook noon and evening classes—both with holiday greeting cards and cocktail gown of n e t Matching ac- Classes Will Stprt will be held Wednesday at 1 and present the bookv to the Cbildrens cessories and colonial bouquet of 8 p. m. A series of ten lessons carnations and stephanotis comHospitaL y } :'. :•.'.::::;,). • -y., A class in Jewish Cookery will pleted both attetidents ensembles be given by Mrs. Jake Wine, The will be offered at a cost of $7.50 Loulj Orenstein, of St. Louis, course will consist of ten lessons plus cost'of materials.-Classes Mo., gave his brother in marriage. and will begin Wednesday, Jan. will be limited in size and interMontreal (WNS)—Nine leaden Best man was Morrlc Boltzman of 13, at 8 o. m. in the Jewish Com- ested persons arc requested to phone in their reservations—JA of the Canadian Mizrachi move- 5t. Louis. munity Center. 300, Ext. 32. ment have been appointed to the This class is designed for young Ushers were Allen Passer, Board of Trustees of Bar-Han Uni- jrolher ol bride, and Victor Mash- single and married women who versity In Israel, according to a wish to preserve the traditional report received here from Dr. beln. For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Jewish dishes as "mom used to Pinkhos Churgin of New York A four-month plan has been unCity, president of the new univer- •asser chose a dress of steel blue make them." A fee of $7.50 will aw silk, she wore matching accts- be charged which will include all dertaken by settlements In the sity. necessary foods and supplies. Jerusalem Corridor for land clcarBar-Ilan University, the first orles and a lavender orchid. For additional information and ng and terracing. The project will American-sponsored and AmeriMrs. Orensteln's choice was a reservations call JA 1300, Eoct. 32. need more than 200 workers. can-patterned university in Israel, .iavy blue lace gown with matchjrnel's soil conservation program Is being'established near Tel Aviv ing accessories and a lavender orAnd ye my flock, the flock of Is belnc boosted by large approunder auspices of the Mizrachi :hid. My pasture, are men, nnd I nm priations from State of Israel Bond Organization of America and is A reception and cocktail hour r investments. clicdulcd to be opened for student followed the ceremony in the Ccn- your God.—(Ezek. 34:31.) admission In the fall of 1054, ac- er parlor. The Center wan deccording to Dr. Churgln, who also iratcd with Cathedral candles, r rves as Dean of the Teachers ilums, Woodwardia and fern nstltute of Yeshiva University of ;reencry. New York. A dinner for the family wan The nine new trustees will or- icld at the Fontenelle Hotel. The janize a program to enroll all ouple left on a trip to Chicago. 10,000 Canadian Mizrachi mem- 'or traveling the bride wore u jc rs as Friends of E.ir-Ilan Unl" ilack broadcloth wool suit with .•( rsity and will assist In establish- 'hitc fur trim. The couple will ing local Friends of the Univer- ..lake their home in Council chapters throughout Canada. Bluffs, la.

Plans to Wed Are Revealed

Miss Passer Nuptials Held

Community Histories

New Art Class at J Will Begin Jan. 6

Ceramics Shop To Open Jan. 13



Canadians Named


iliiiiii wmmmmm

Th« ttro«l Cevtrnmtnt Approv*d Rollc>n Frti Gift CrllRcalt

Center Piano Studio v THE PERFECT CRACKER Ttrtj. *x<il, uuck or tusuJioMi — T«n T»rn'» Imfi fot cruwlij muivliin'I fc*« the fttvtu, fitlutu friend a WIKU rrct hid ...it** th< faita witmtic to Jll your

at the Jewish Community Center

lorg. ihtpmtflli of Koth.r foodl or. now on ihelvtl of lift {10} convtntcnlty locatfd Scrip lo Urotl Stoffi In Jirwloltffl, T«l-Av!r, Haifa, .re Bitlcr, foil«r, mor. cowl.ovl icryli. . . , ond, btll ol oil REDUCED PtlCESI

101 No. 20th Street

tcur m i u u i IN UMITI or jio-$uiJ!»53 «»<> <,, — toon rot IKl SIGNAIVII Or lAIIlir C. ClUM, ritllDINT, OH IVIir CIHtiriCATi

Under the direction of Prof. Hans BAER Modem Techniques Are C»c<! Pupil's Recitals to Be Presented

t«frfgtratori • WeiMng Mochfnflf • Rotary frofurt • Radio I • Mlxtr* tttam Irons. Atio Tho Siniolional PaivAmt/kan potlab!* Jrwlng Mothlni.

Call JAcItson 1366 or WEbster 8681 Enrollment for fall and winter season 1953-1954 has started






/rld»y, Jaagary I, 1954

"Talk of Many Things"


Home From School Max Dear, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bear, is home for tho winter vacation. Mr, Hear is a freshman at the University at Illinois.

Pioneer Women The Pioneer Women will hold heir annual dinner for the Child Rescue Fund Sunday, Jan. 10, at 0:30 p. m. in the Jewish Community Center. Belle n. Safer will be the guest jpcakcr. She is an officer of the Milwaukee Zionist Council, past ;ecrclary of the Federation committee, Milwakce Labor Zionist organizations and was the first president of the Milwakce CounII. She Is also chairman of the Widweit North Region. Mrs. J. Feldman is the chairman of the affair. Entertainment will bo furnished by Mrs. Milton Mcarenbcrg. Reservations are being taken by Mrs. J. Feldman, RE 0938; Mrs. J. Kaplan, WE 5<U4 and M n . H. Rlchlin, WE 1562.

-Visitors MlM Sarah Kraft, from Kansas City, Mo., is visiting here over the winter vacation. Miss Kraft is a guest of Miss Feme Katlemnn. Also as a guest of Miss Katleman is Miss Gerl Cohen of Fond du Lee, Wise.

Birth* Mr. and Mr*. Harvey Aronson are the parents of a daughter, Fatti Jane, born December 22 at the Methodist Hospital. The Arontons have two other children, Nancy Claire and Bobert Gary. • The maternal grandmother 1B Mrs. Nathan Simon. Paternal grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Aronson, Dallas, Texas. A son, Frank Donald, was bom to Mr. and Mrs, Donald Brodkoy December 25. The couple have two other children, Bruce Harrison and Amy Catherine. Maternal grandfather Is Mr. Harry Rothkop and the paternal grandmother Is Mrs. Harry Brodkey. Loren Stuart is the name chosen for the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wine. Lorcn was bom December 24. The couple have a daughter, Karen Helcne. Paternal grandparents ars Mr. and Mrs. Jake Wine and the maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ben Glbbel of Los Angeles, Calif. •

Mrs. Armon Hameur

Women in Israel By Orace Jan Waldmaa Washington (JTA)—In Israel, woman's work is a mnn-siwd Job. This was learned from Glvanali Golteln, lovely dnunhtcr of the Minister Plenipotentiary of the bfacl Embassy In Washington. Givanah is one of n colony of 30 Israel Embassy Indies who civc us insight Into the differences existing between Israel und American women. The Minister's daughter listed the rlclito and responsibilities of the Israel woman, Including her legal and social equality, her nrmy responsibilities, her pride in having shared equally in Israel's achievements, her masculine duties, her Intensive physical and Intellectual tasks. These factors may have removed the Inclination to keep up with beauty care—"although I think it's very important," Givanah added. Glvnnah said that the Israel woman cannot afford to take proper care of her face ond Havre, because nf the scarcity of proteins and abundance of starches. Cosmetics arc a rare commodity in Israel, while in America countless advertisements stress femininity that can be bought in a bottle or achieved by scientific dieting. Aside from her career, which is generally of equal intensiy as that of her husband's, housework for the Israel woman Is a man-sized woman'! job. This entails standing in tedious lines for rationed food and running a home without American-type gadgets. Israel husbands do not share the responsibility of "mothering" their children, or watching after them while mother Is still at work, as many American men do. Instead, highly developed nurseries have as their function to care for the child/en of Israel women during working hours. Equal Conscription Duties The social, legal and political status of the Israel woman is on a par with her responsibilities, in contrast to the situation in other Eastern countries.-A woman is cligiblo to cast her vote and to be elected to all offices. She is on integral member of the defense forces and shares equal conscription duties with men. For years men and women served a minimum of two years in the army Now men must servo for two and one-half yearn, but, Glvanali Golteln reminds us, "they moved men up, not women down." The basic training program for men and women la essentially the came. and even msurrlccl women are called to serve in the reserve forces, A controversy arose some time ago between the orthodoxy and the government of Israel concerning the- conscription of traditionbound orthodox Jewish women. The drafting of women was opposed on the grounds that it defied ancient Rabbinical laws. A compromise WO3 made in this area. The army now. assigns special lighter duties to orthodox women and offers them protection, realizing their problems in adjusting to modern Israel customs. Other legal and social right have been adjusted to the position of women. A woman now calls her husband "ion" (man) instead of "baal" (master). A woman's property may be bequeathed to her heirs; It docs not necessarily become the property of her hus-

band. Some time ago, the father, or in case of his death, the grandfather was responsible for the offspring of a marriage; the bother has since become the natural fiuardian of her child. Elsewhere in the East, women have tho status of property. ImmlRrnnts in Israel from Eastern countries find It difficult to adjust their primitive customs to the democratic ways of. Israel. When bigamy was recently outlawed, Yemenites had to be made to understand that they can retain only their first wives—tho others had to go. I.css Discrimination Givanah Goitein feels that there Is less social and professional discrimination against women In Israel thao In America. Women serve In the administration, occupy leading positions In the professions, and are judges, lawyers, doctor.1!, Journalists. One woman, Golda Mcycrson, has been a minister in the foreign service and now cervc3 ns Minister of Labor and Social Insurance. Women are equally prepared with men for all fields and tho Important educational Institutions are co-ed. There arc 12 women out of 120 memberr of the Knesset. The majority of women, however, are in the fields of social work, nursing and teaching. This Is probably duo less to traditional reasons than to Israel's intense needs for technological skills. For this reason, the arts have lagged behind In Israel's development, hence there Ore few women artists, and on the whole, few great artists in Israel, 7.7 An organized active force ior social betterment of women Is the Moctzot : Hapoalct, or Working Women's Council. This is headed by Beba Idelsonk who is also* a member of the Knesset, It Is composed of 140,000 women engaged in promoting trade unionism and vocational training among women. This organization and another known as WIZO promote integration of immigrants In the framework bf Israel living, provide training courses and housing for career women, and attempt projects In education and public service.

Imports Over Exports

Blacker Rites In Chicago Miss B a r b a r a Lee Blacker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Blacker, and Armon Kamesar of Milwaukee, Wise, son pf Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kamesar, also of Milwaukee, Were married Dec. 19, In Chicago, 111. Rabbi Welnsteln performed the double ring ceremony at 7 n. m., in the French' room of the Drake Hotel. Irving Kelm of Chicago was best man; Martin Blacker, brother of the bride, and Stanford Lipscy, both of Omaha, ushered. Ankle Length Gown Tho bride wore a white ankle length gown which featured a lace V-neckcd top with cap sleeves, a pleated satin cummerbund, and a full skirt of silk tulle over taffeta. A shell cap of pleated illusion embroidered with pearls held a fingertip veil. She carried a white BiDlo with white orchids and stephanolls. Mrs. Stanford Lipsey of Omaha was her sister's only attendant. Her dress was white nylon over taffeta with scrollwork in the bodice and skirt of powder blue metallic thread. She carried three large white, mums tied with a blue ribbon. A powder blue half veil completed her ensemble. The mother of tho bride wore a cocktail dress of honey silk taffeta with matching accessories. The groom's mother wore a blue cocktail dress with block accessories. Both .wore corsages of purple orchids. ! To Reside In Chicago The couple, will reside In r cago following .a wedding trip to New Orleans and Jamaica. Attending from Omaha: were Mr. and Mrs. Moe Llnsman and their daughter, Lois; Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Vcngor and.son Jerry; Mr. and Mrs. Wm.Racusln; Mrs. Nathan Horwlch; Mrs. Ben Abranamson and her daughter, Mrs. Jack Epstein; Mrs. Leonard Chcrnlss; and Miss Shirley White. Other out-of-town guests' included Mrs. Earl Katz, Norfolk, Ncbr.; Mr. and Mrs. I. Roslnsky andfamily of Los Angeles, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kamesar, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lee nnd family, Dr. and Mrs. Ed Scldman and ton Richard, all of Milwaukee, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. Sum Guttcrman of Norfolk, Va.

Jerusalem (JTA)—Israel Imported goods worth 211,000,000 p o u n d s during the last nine months, Moshe Iiarfur, director of Ihc Foreign Trade Division of the Foreign Ministry, told a press conference here. Exports for the same period amounted to 45,000,000 pounds. Israel will' r.ell 0,000,000 case; of citrus fruits to nine European nations this year, an Increase of 1,000,000 cases over last year, Yehuda Chorln, member of the Citrus Marketing B o a r d , announced here. Mr. Chorin said that despite a ten per cent drop In the price of citrus fruit on the European market—chiefly due to a heavy, 30,000,000 case crop from Spain — this yenr's crop would bring Israel nn income of $20,000,000 over and above packinr and shipping costs. Ho also revealed that nn nijrccment has been reached with West Germany for the sale of 500,000 caeca of fruits, but that it still awaits formal action by the two I governments. Some 20,000 tons «f citrus products will be cold to the Soviet Union, he said.

Insurance Program Jerusalem (WNS)—Tho first phase of a sweeping social insurance program was adopted by the Knesset, Israel's Parliament. The program provides for compulsory Insurance to cover the aged, survivors, maternity cases und victims of Industrial, accidents. The plan will embrace about half a million gainfully occupied person.'; and premiums will aggregate 3.3 per cent of the natioira" payroll. Accident insurance wil cover ull industrial worker.'] am premiums will rnngc from 14 to 3 percent, depending on the de/irec of risk Involved. Old-at:o pensions, payable to men of (15 year; and women of 00 after a minimum qualifying period of five years, wil be the equivalent of $0.80 a month, plus cost-of-I i v I n g allowances Pensions for widows and orphan:1 are on scales similar to old-age payments.

Mont Icy Chapter Mn. Barney Hoberman, B'nal B'rith Henry Monsky Chapter chairman for the Leo N. Lev) Memorial Hospital, has announced that plans are In the making for the Leo N. Levi Hospital coin shower which will be the highlight of the' January meeting. Leo N. Levi Hospital, located in Hot Springs, Ark., was founded in 1014 and named for a past president of the Supreme Lodge. It is the only hospital in the United States that specialties In the treatment of arthritis, rhumatism and allied diseases. The hospital maintains advance -research facilities for clinical Investigation in these areas. A kosher kitchen has been expanded for thme requiring dietary observance. National in scope, Leo N. Levi Hospital docs not quota any region of our country as to admission. On record for tho year 1052, District No. 0 sent patients from seven states ond Canada, who were admitted. Service days care amounted to 0,488. The 1053 figures have not been compiled. The hospital Is solely dependent upon America to carry out its five-fold program of healing, teaching, retraining and rehabilitation. Proceds from the annual coin shower will be used to purchase bath towels, hand towels, face towel, sheets, pillow cases and pillows which are dircly needed at the hospital.

1 1 Sisterhood,

Mrs. Flora Sears Nelson who provided the music. The regular board meeting of the Auxiliary will be held January 6 at 8 p. m. Hostesses will be Mrs. Sarah Feltman and Mrs, Betty Rabinowltz. .

Miirachi Women The following w o m e n have lolned the Donor Luncheon circle: Wmes. Max Arbitman, M. Brodey, J. Goodblnder, and Louis 'aperny, i' A luncheon and party will be leld at the Jewish Community Jentcr at 1 p. m. Monday, Jan. 4. The proceeds will go to the Children's Village In Raanana, Israel. The affair is open to the public.

B I Sisterhood* At the first meeting of tho new 'ear the Beth Israel Sisterhood •111 welcome its new members. Mrs. Norman Hahn, membership chairman, assisted by Mrs. Harold linsky, announced that after a ihort business meeting the aftertoon will be a social one, Mrs. Henry Appcl Is in charge of'the "uncheon to take place in the Synagogue social hall at 1 p. m., Tuesday, Jan. 8. Mrs. Sol Ash will irrange the table decorations. A, partial list of now members s as follows: Mmes. Jake Simon, Nathan Stienberg, Bette Milder, 'hit Mulnick, Jacob ShapirorStaney Diamond, Sam Glventer, Abe Greenberg, Sam Hahn, Abe Hermanson, Harry Wohlner, Rubin Ratner, Barney Gray, Ed Lincoln, Harold Zellnsky, Edward Gerber, Max Frank, Edward Fredericks, Henry Tutzer, Jacob Friedman, Harry Smith, Ezra Beldner, Walter Levi, Morris Jacobs, Bernard Weiss, Nathan Marcus, William Diamond, Nate Berg, Mandel Simon, I. J. Kraft, Sheldon Coren nd Samuel Shiff. Mrs. Robert Smith has arranged for baby sitting service. Members are asked to bring iheir own cards, Scrabble or Man, Jongg sets. Door prizes will be a w a r d e d to the lucky ticket holders. 7 _• Mrs. Wm. Bloom and Mrs. Jack Joseph will bo at the Gift Shop. Mrs. Morris Ruderrnan and Mrs. Sol Mann are handling reserve-. Jons.


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BE Sisterhoods A regular luncheon board'meeting of the Beth El Sisterhood, wlU ; be held Wednesday, Jan. 6, at 12:30 p. m, In the social hall of _ the synagogue. • 77' Hostesses will, be Mines. Iryin Levin, Louis Levinq, Meyer. Linda, Jack Luttberg, David Manvitz, Max Moskovltz,' Sam • fNewman, Ernest Nogg, Ralph jfogS, N- I* Nogg, Sol Parsow and Ben PereW

Temple Israel Sisterhood will hold a social and luncheon meeting this coming Monday at 1 p. m., in the Highland Town Club, A board meeting will be held at; 11:30 a. m., preceding the luncheon. Mrs. Leo Ungat Is program chairman and luncheon chairmen are Mrs. Leo Eistcnstatt and Mrs. Herman Goldstein. Mrs. Clarence m a n , ' :'•••:'•.;-•.•.• '7-' - 7 ^ 7 / ' 7 7 7 y 7 Bergman will offer: the opening prayer.

Jt)G Maces Orders JfotpassoyetSupplies •

7 7 ' . * : . - : • • • ' 7 ' ••.':•,.. ' - ) 7 :

Mrs, Sidney Brooks \ announced a new sisterhood Bible S t u d y group to meet the second : and fourth Monday of each month beginning In January. • RPbbi Brooks will conduct study on The Book of Ruth. : Tho Sisterhood circle, headed by Mrs. Leo Elsenstat and Mrs. Herman Goldstein, is again sponsoring a book review series. Mr;. Alex McKio will open the series with a review to be held at the home of Mrs. John Father,. This session will be January 21. Rabbi Brooks will give the sec-* ond review March 0 at the home of Mrs. Alfred Mayer, and Mrs. Clark Murdock will, review on May 4 at tho home of Mrs. Hubcrf Monsky. Tickets for tho scries can be purchased from members of the sponsoring circle.

EWein-Morqan Post The Ladies Auxiliary of the Ep dcin-Morgan Post, Jewish Wa Veterans, entertained patients ii the Veterans Hospital Deccmbo 25. Coffee and cookies w c r served nnd Individual gifts wen distributed to the patients. Mrs. Meyer Knplnn, hospital! zation chairman, wishes to than! the following women for thel help: Mmcs. Ezra neldner, Miltoi Marrjolin, Abe Miller, Wm. Abra hams, Abe Kaplan, Aaron Epstein Meyer Kaplan and Lewis Asbyl" The Auxiliary appreciated th help given by Julius Nathan nn

Paris (JTA)—The Joint Distribution Committee has placed vast order, for Passover, supplies needr • •.. ed by thousands of member*: of Jewish communities in nine coun* tries of Europe and supplying funds for the purchase of holiday. supplies locally in such countries as Israel and In North Africa and Iran, the European office of the JDC: announced here. : 7-'..••'' The agency has placed orders for '; 105,000 pounds of matzoh, 37,000 pounds of matzoh meal and. 0,000 gallons of sacramental wind in Holland for delivery to JDC aid programs In Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Yugoslavia and Albania. Orders have been placed more than four months in advance of the first seder April 17, so as to insure the arrival of supplies well in ndvanco of tho need for them. JDC budgeting for this purpose has dropped because the agency Is no longer permitted to operate In Hunfinry, where it previously supplied Passover foods for many Jews. It also has ceased shipping matzoh products to Greece where the Greek customs duties on grain products have risen to such an extent ns to make the shipment of matzohs Into the country prohibitive. I have broken tho bands on their yoke, and . . . .they shall dwell safely, nnd none shall shake thctn afraid.—(Ezck.-34:27, 28.)

SrMay, Jkniurr 1, 1»51


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Sara Pepper Gets MOVFTY Post

Council Doings

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zofc .Bob Joseph, Bob Oberman, Maynard Botcn. Larry Zacharia, The Temple Youth Group o; Dick BaskK Milt Moskovitz, and Temple Israel was represented by six delegates at the Missouri ValB e n Rubin, Jr. •• \ \ .••. ley Federation of Temple Youth The B a y t m fraternity held (MOVFTY) Winter Conclove in their December Skatinc Party last Tikvas Ami St. Louis last week. Delegates Monday night The member* and •their dates enjoyed the skating The glris ' of Tikvas Ami will Joan Abrahams, Jane Brodkey, period. Everyone entered Into the meet at It p. m. January 3 for Ellen Grecnberg, Silvia Greene tun from the expert skaters to their election of officers. Karen Krigsfcld, and Sara Pepper the teftaneti. A f t e r this the were accompanied by Mcrvin N. group removed their skatea, and DebkaDebs Lemmerman, Temple's Director of a socks dance was held. The hi** Education and Youth Activities, light of the evening was the an< The Debka Deb freshtnen have and advisor to the youth group. -By Uncle Davidnouncement of the incoming of- completed three projects over vacation. On December 24 they filled The theme of the conference ficers and the new members. a large decorated basket with a was "Freedom, Faith, and Forti- Uncle David's Stories The new officers are: Ramon complete turkey dinner and delivrelating to the early JewSomberg. president; Jerry Marer, ered it to a needy family, wjrose tude," ish colonization of America, as a Dear Boys and Girls: vice-president; Gene DuBoff, sec- name they had received from the preliminary We can, and we should, learn from all peoples. Therefore, It of t h e retary; Bob Goldstein, treasurer; World-Herald. Each member of Tercentenary celebration (300th Anniversary) I quote a parable from another group, you will understand that th» Hurray N e w m a n , sergeant ai the family of five also received of Jewish settlement in America wisdom of all nations always teaches humanity an important lesson. arms; Gene Kohn, Youth Council t s . . ' ; • - • : • .;;..:•• . • ; • • • - : ' - . : which will be observed tills year. ,- Today I wish to quote a Chinese proverb: "One picture Is worth r e p r e s e n t a t i v e , and Sheldon g i f That tame day seven freshmen Speakers at the conference in- a thousand words." Taking this as my lesson for this week, I share Krantz, Y. C. alternate. went to a settlement houto and Irving Levitas of Kansas with you this photograph: The new members are: George helped put on a carnival for the cluded a d v i s o r to the regional Blalac, Martin Greene, Mike Her- young children. The Joke scrap- City, group, and Director of Education books they made were delivered at Temple B'nai Emunuh of Kanto the University hospital last sas City; Rabbi Louis Sallow of Yourti Council Letter Springfield, Illinois; and Dr. SamWednesday the Debs presented uel Roscnkrantz, Director of EduBy Joan Kraaae a skit. The Mad Hatter, tot the cation of Temple Israel in St. Theodore Herd group of Hadas- Louis. WresUInc to Start Boo* The skit was originally preBoys' wrestling classes will be- sah. at the Vice,The Top Bat Sara Pepper was appointed cogin January 7 at 4 p. m. They sented Another group of girls entertained editor of the MOVFTY bi-monthwill be instructed by Jerry Walpa the Henrietta group with ly newspaper. Jerry Slegcl of St. who is a two-time all-state cham- Israeli songs andStold dances. Louis Is editor in chief. pion. The tournament starts FebA Deb meeting wUl be held at Delegates participated in a four ruary 28. 1 p . m . S u n d a y i n t h e Jar a u d i - day program of cultural, religious, Community Service Clubman , t o r i u m . . •.;. ^'••'y • • • ' . • . : . • • . • . ' and social activities. Joan AbraThe appointments committee has hams and Sara Pepper participatc h o s e n Carole Frank to head ed in a Problem Clinic, discussthe Community Service committee ing problems of youth groups In which has recently been instituted, developing better programs. Ellen Carole will work with thn ComFriday, Jan. 1 Grecnberg was one of the leaders munity Service chairmen of all Norman Bleicher, Gary Alan of the Shabbos Morning Service, the dub*. Projects wlU include Gust, and Ignatz Max Richtman. and Mr, Lemmerman served as a helping Phil Roggen and David discussion leader In the cultural Satarday, Jan. 2 FogelatthcJCC. Gary Gabriel Kinstilnger, Ray- program. mond Lipstsln, David Kenneth Tho Temple Youth, Group will SUcenlflit Committee Open President, Larry Schwartz has LIU, Douglas Rice, Steven Jay meet Sunday evening at 7:30 p. m. announced that applications for Wigodsky, Laurence Stuart Win- at the home of Silvia Greene, 552 South 58th Street, the delegates the Y. C. Stagenlght committee troub and Allen Wolfson. Sunday, Jan. 3 will report to the group on this •re-now being accepted. No special qualifications are needed. Ap- Shari Ellen Adler. Carl David important conference, which was Cohen, Lynette Rac Forbes, Henattended by 136 delegates from plications for chairmanship of the %ig Night" may be obtained in ry Grossman and Rochellc Fay six mid-western states, Including Nebraska. Joseph. the Y. C. office. Monday. Jan. 4 It is a familiar scene to you and The noblest of offering*, t h » j u s Music Club Wolf Bieda, Annette Marilyn a me. We see it every Friday Eweclest of incense— Anyone Interested in joining a Charney, Ronald Michael Ciller, jazz music club can contact Tom- Freda Jeanne Hyton and Susan and on all hrjlulay.i In our homes. A Sabbath of rest. NAYIM CLUB my Bernstein. The club will be Carol Joseph. t IJ Mother lighting the Sabbath This doy is for Israel light an* The next meeting of Beth Israel c*mdlcs. co-sponsored by the Music Union. rejoicing, Tuesday, Jan. S Club Nayim will take place SatA Sabbath of rest. Do you agree with me when I Ian Barry Cohn, Gary Scott urday cveninjf, Jan. 2, at 7 o'clock. Chess Club Belne Organized Ann Gould, Steven The club will meet in the rccrea- say that this Is one of the finest This Is only one of the many Calling all chess players! Rabbi Gerber.Marsha Kort, Rochelle Rciss, Gitla ion room of the Talmud Torah. :cremonies In our homes? Benjamin Groner of Beth Israel Avrum beautiful lines written about tb* The Ten Commandments serve Sabbath. Synagogue has offered to sponsor Wakschlag and Hadassah V/ak- Refreshments will be served o* I chare it with you, sehlag. he conclusion of the meeting, and as a guide for all humanity. knowing a Chess Club. Jerry Gordman may that you, too, will be Wednesday, Jan. 6 Stewart Kutler will be awarded They were handed down to our be contacted for membership. happier in its observance when incestors by Moses, who received Richard Louis Epstein, Harold he club's bowling torphy. h e m on Mount Sinai. T h e you know the beauty of its William Forbes, Bruce Lee HobcrYouth Council Meeting 'ourth Commandment is: meaning and Its value for all manThe regular meeting of the Jew- man, Susan Meg Lcvine, Scott Jay NEW CLUB A new club for young boys has ish Youth Council will be held Richards and Mike Silver. "Remember the Sabbath day kind. been started at Beth Israel. Boys January 6, at 7 p. rru, in the Jay. Thursday, Jan. 7 to keep it holy." One of our people's greatest Following the meeting there will Ronald Jay Babendurc, Martin in the Primary and Secondary Sabbath denotes rest. On Ihi3 gifts to humanity Is the Sabbe a - discussion on the subject, Harold Shukert, Rochelle Swift grades of the Talmud Toroh are lay we attend synagogue scrv- bath. With 11113 gift began true Organized Labor. nvlted to Join. The group will ccs, we read Holy Scriptures, Rest. When many peoples la? and Edward Alan Zelinsky. meet in the Arts and drafts room ve rejoice In the glories 67 our bored and slaved seven days, a CaatrstuUtUas of the Talmud Torah. The first icrltage as Jews. A n d it is week, the Jew« rested one day. Congratulation* to Ramon Som- Bar & Bas Mitzvati project will be constructed of rlother who starts the day — by Tlie world learned uboiit a rest berg, Jerry Marer, Gene DuBotf, model airplanes, ships and trains. lighting the candles on the pre- day from us. Let us cherish this ' Bob Goldstein,. Murray Newman, Philip Barron, son of Mr. and The first project will be under the •ious evening. The Jewish Snb- day. Gene Kohn, and Sheldon Krantz, Mrs. Julius Barron, will celebrate supervision of Norman Rosen- ath and all the Jewish festivals Good Shabhog to nil of you. new Rayira officers. lls Bar Mitzvah Friday evening, zweig. All boys who arc interested ilways begin at sundown of the Ian. 8 and Saturday morning, Jan. should come down to the Arts and Tcvious day. Ray Bolger: "Wncn Columbus Happy New Year! I, at Beth El Synagogue. Friends Crafts room tomorrow nicht, at An able Jewish writer, Nina sailed, he took on a dejected The Youth Council officers and jnd relatives are invited to attend :30 p. m. ialaman, ha:i translated f r o m crew. He only got two smllcj to Phil Roggen, Youth Activities dihe Hebrew a song written 400 the galleon." following both servrector, wish, to take this oppor- the receptions ears ago by Isaac Luria, entitled No invitations have been is- Sundays at Center' • tunity to wish everyone In the ices. 'A Sabbath Table Song." One Youth Council a Happy and Suc- sued. f the ctanzas reads: To Start 2nd Session cessful New Year. Next week, January 8 and 0, the Registration for the cecond ses- If I keep Thy command ,1 InBar Mitzvah of Sydney Pcssen, son iion of "Sundays at the Center" Omaha's Favorite herit a kingdom, Tikvas Ami to Hold *f Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Pesien, will be held until 1 p. m. Sunday, If I treasure the Sabbath I bring 9 will be celebrated at the Beth Way to Dine on 3. The first meeting is Thee the beat— This Is Your Life srael Synagogue. All friends and Jan. diedulcd for 2 p. m. of the same Sunday . elatives are invited to attend. A The girls of Tikvas Ami will be erpption following the services lay. If a child was not In nlhostesses at a mystery "This Is vill ^endonce during the first semeslcr IK; held in the Social Hall. Your Life*" program January 9. ie must be accompanied by a parThe piogram will be held at 8 :nt in order to register. Victor Borge: "Tilings are toufih p. rn. in the J. C. C. auditorium. A mixer will follow the !)ro(;rani. j vith Kome people, A friend of Tickets may be obtained for 35 line shaved off hir. moustache so 2otincil'hittles cents from any member of the i*. cf/tild smoke his cigarettes At the last meeting of the CounClub. i barter."—(JTA) :il-Lltllcs they discussed giving a il'.it for the Jewish Home for the Aged. Their song contest is proressing nicely. Served Buffet Stylo! For Fine Tailoring All You Care to Eat Mr JMM Know


w e e k ;







• . ' • • • • • ; . : • • •

Happy Birthday

Beth Israel News

Sanday Branch

3 00

. Norman Marsh

Starts Jan. 13, Wednesday, Weekly Classes 1 and 7:30 P.M. Create decorative and useful potfery, book-ends, candlesticks, s i c , fo add artistic touches to your home. Kiln for firing in the Center's new Ceramics Workshop.


Roggen, Instructor. Ten lessons $7.50 plus cost of materials.

Member Master Tailors and Cutters Association, I/ondon, EnRlimd C'untom Tailor to Ladle* & Men AI-TKItATIONS 210 So. KDlli JA 2422

Want Ads ('hoot AT 1420 to l&xrrt roar Warn A< o Tbt Jewlift I'm*. . Current jrats t» 00 ceoU tor eaxh taitrdon. TIM Prwa nservei tot rlx&t to limJi Ct» OD tub a d U a n t

BAR and fcaa Mitzvah congratulations; aUo lor oil Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers New*.Stand, 1SG2. Podge

Noon to 3 p. m.

Rug & Upholstery Cleaners RDGS—CARPETING LAMP SHADES FUKNITPUB Cleaned la Your Home! Binding • laying • Ecpalrtnj DON BERNSTEIN HA 5354


TMUy, Jamury 1, 1(54


Experts Say Water The Jewish Project Will Dovetail Quiz Box

Religious News *:<B p. m. Candle Iightlus time. BKTO EL Services this evening will begin at 8.-IS o'clock. Rabbi Myer K. Krlpkc will speak on "Anniversaries and Remembrances." c.'intor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth Kl Choir will render the musical portions of the service. Sabbath morning services will begin at 8:45 o'clock. Junior Congregalion cervices arc at 10:45 a. m, Mincha-Maarlv services will begin ot 4:45 p.m. Dally Mlnyan is held each weekday at 7 a. m. and 7 p. in. Sunday morning service is at 0 n. rn. The service of dedication for the furnishings of the new Chapel, originally scheduled for this Sabbath evening, linn been postponed. •.A new date will be announced shortly. BETH ISRAEL Perry London, son of Mr. and Mrs, Max London, will be guest speaker at the Friday evening services tonight; his topic will be "The Impact of Jewish Education," Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Eli Kagan and the Beth Israel Synagogue choir will lead the services which begin tonight at D o'clock. Sabbath morning service.1: -it 10 a. m. in the chapel. ' Rabbi Groncr will conduct the Saturday afternoon Talmud class at 4:15 p. m. and Saturday Mincha will start at 4:45 p. m., which will bo followed by Sholosh E'eudos and Maariv. Daily morning service:) begin nt 7 a. m. at Beth Israel and at 0:30 a. m. at 10th and Hurt. Daily afternoon servlceu begin at 5 p. m. and Friday afternoon at 4:45 p. m. Sunday morning breakfast mlnyan meets at 0:45 a. m. and is followed by Rabbi Groncr'a Hible discussion class. The youngsters of the Tails and Tcffllin Club begin their cervices at 0:30 a. rn. Breakfast is served at the conclusion of their cervices. TEMPLE ISRAEL At the regular Sabbalh Service.1! Friday evening at 8 o'clock Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks will discus;; "How Many New Years?" Mrs. Jack E. Cohen will recite the blessing over the Sabbath lights, Edwin E. Brodkey will recite the Kldduih and WilllamKalman and Mr. J. E. Cohen will assist llabbl

United Nations, N. Y. (JTA) — Three internationally known water engineers declared this week that the Israeli hydroelectric development nt Iinot Yaacov would fit "admirably" into Hie so-called TVA project for the Jordan River, The engineers arc II. G. Ilashore, J. L. Savage and Abel Wolman. They made their survey at the request of the Israeli flovernrnent The engineers declared that the present projects to canalize the waters of the Jordan for transmission to Lake Tiberias "are not only in conflict with the proposals in the report but fit into them admirably. They conflict in no way with the TVA project or any other scheme for using Lake Tiberias for a main reservoir for the distribution of irrigation water for the Jordan Valley." Mr. Hashore has been associated with major irrigation and water projects in the United States since 1000 when ho Joined the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation. Mr. Savage has served as consultant to a number of foreign countries inc l u d i n g Switzerland, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Spealn and Puerto Illco. Mr. Wolman is a consultant for the TVA, the U. S. Army and the U. S. Public Health Service.

50 Million Reparation Tel Aviv (JTA)—Israel purchased 225,000 marks (approximately $50,00».,000) worth of goods with German reparations funds in the last five months, Dr. Fe. Shinnar, director of the purchasing program In Germany, reported here to a meeting of the public advisory board of the agency, formed in Israel to handle th* reparations program. Dr. Shinnar said that 115,000,000 marks had been used to purchase fuel, while 110,000,000 marks had been used for various other goods including irrigation pipes, chemicals, building materials and fertilizers. Also included In the latter purchases were leather and hides, wheat and rubber purchased abroad with funds provided by Germany. Brooks with the Torah Service. Regular Shabbos Morning Scrvces will be held Saturday nt 11:40 a. m. Rabbi Brooks will officiate with students of the Hebrew Department of the Religious School. Klddush for all present will follow he services.

]ly Rabbi Samuel J. Fox Question: What is a "Hesped?" (NH—New York, N. Y.) Answer: A "hesped" Is the colloqual ex urcssion for a "eulogy." It is interesting to note that this word came from a Hebrew root moaning 'to strike" or "to smite." It originally may have referred to a custom of "smiling lhe breast" as a gesture of mourning. Just as this ;y have been an outward display of mourning so may a eulogy have been an outward display of grief. It could also be th.'tt a eulogy \va;; delivered by striking your briar.1, a:; you spoke. It is to be remembered that striking the breast Is a traditional act when offering prayers of confession either during the year or at Yorn Kippur, The event of death might have been combined with a feeling of repentance amongst the mourners. The exact connection of smiting the breast with mourning, is still a matter of some speculation, however. Question: How did the custom of delivering a eulogy originate? Answer: * This seems to be among the oldest of customs. In the Bible Abraham Is recorded as having eulogized his wife Sarah. Jacob was eulogized by his children. Samuel the Prophet was eulogized. It can thus be seen that the practice of delivering eulogies was quite popular in Biblical times. The Talmud mentions different customs pertaining to eulogies, but generally seems to consider it an obligation to provide a eulogy for the deceased. There are imHances mentioned of hiring persons to eulogize the dead. The purpose of the eulogy seems to have been two-fold. Basically it was meant to move the audience to a state of remorse and grief for the deceased. This was perhaps to indicate publicly, the regret of the community over the loss of this ndividual. Also, it i» said that the purpose of the eulogy, was to proclaim tho good points of the deceased. In a way, the original manner of the eulogy seems to be somewhat different than our modern ways. The Talmud Indicates that the person who speaks untruth In the course of a eulogy is worthy of punishment.

'Never Before' Crops Spark New Israel Industries



Toot-hie" of the 'Ne-K-Bcttnf Family of crops being crown In Israel is «Ual hemp, a material that foe* Into making nturtly rope and airing. Iirael manufacturers wtlcomn the crop which like all other nmvly developed crop*, Is part of a blueprint devlud to experiment with those plant* inoit uteful to Industry.

A promising new member of laraela* agricultural arlstrocracy — the Citrus Household xroop — I* the I)anuna. Inside the fruit's golden peel are tho dollar* Israel require* and which this now crop, now bring exported. In bringing. New banana plantation* financed with I«rncl HoJld Investment* dot the ClaJllrc.

PEANUTS Oils «o has valuable In Uiela. own right than their namc«ako being sought so eagerly below Israel's surface, are extracted from peanut*, a new health-firing crop now being frown a* part of Israel Bondflnanoed afrlcnltnral bloxprlnt* f o r tho Bute's development.



"Impossible 1" said skeptic*. "NonUMer replied equity emphatic Israel agricultural scientist* who, convinced the country could grow coffee, took to experimenting.They act to work a year ago — and succeeded. The crop will *oon be Introduced on a largtr nettle.

FLAX' Aa almMt 'navtrbefore' In Israel'* growing list of new crept, la flax: "almost" became the Blhlo •peak* of the valuable fibre aa having' been grown by the ancient Phlilatlnea. - n r e i t ments from Htate ot Israel Bonds have enabled this "new-old" crop's fibre* to be proeeMed near Deer Tuvla In the South.




Textile mills, who«e growth ha* been made pofltlble with thn aid of loan* from Htate of Israel Bond*, will noon get first locally-grown cotton for tho mnnufacturo of clothing to meet local need* and export to foreign market*. VJf. experts expreaaed enthusiastic •atlnfactlon with profit**.

First a dream, then a hope — and now, a reality, the growing of Juncous, a nource for the manufacture of choice paper, has succeeded In Iirael. Once fully developed, the crop will be used In Israel'* new mills for production of its own paper—a key saving in precious Import dollar*.

Big and healthfully bulky choice augar beetn are today grown •uceeiMfully In I urn* I, to be extracted for their sugar and nlcoliollo content at a Itamat Can plant expanded with tho old of Israel Bond loans In order to handle the Important assignment The beet* will help cot sugar Import*.

MAa Isnul Industrial Press j"<*lur*)>

Obituary Max Veret


Mr. Max Veret, 75, a retiree Word was received here of the Jewish educator, died at bis hom< death of Mr. Lou Adler, 61, -forin Philadelphia, Tuesday, Dec. 20 He is survived by his wife, Bertha; two sons, Edward of New York City and Paul of Omaha; and two daughters, Mrs. Martin Shestack and Mrs. Edward Taylor, both of Philadelphia.

Mrs. Felix David Services were held Monday Dec. 21, for Mrs. Felix David witli interment at the Golden IU11 Cemetery. Mrs. David died Sunday Dee. 20 in a local hospital. She is survived by her daugher, Mrs. Henry Stem, and two [randchildren.

Albert Simon

mer deputy sheriff, in C o r a l Gables, Fla., Saturday, Dec, 19. Services and interment were held in Miami, Fla. Born in Burlington, la., he had worked for his father Jacob Adler, who founded the Adler Com* mission Company in Omaha almost 50 years ago. He started working for Douglas. County 18 years ago. Mr. -Adler moved to Florida two years ago. Survivcrs include his wife, Lottie of Coral Cables; two sons,. Stanley of Miami Beach, Fla., and Milton of Phoenix, Ariz.; h i « ' mother, Mrs. Lizzie Adler; seven sisters, Mrs. Mayme Block, Mm. Sylvia Brodkey, Mrs. Evelyn Zysman and Mrs. Harry Trustin, all of Omaha, Mrs. Marie Binder of Owinge Mills, Md., and Mrs. Sara Mae Rips and Mrs. Alice Goodman, both of San Antonio, Texas.

Services were held Sunday, Dec. 27, for Albert Simon with interment at Fisher's Farm Cemetery Mr. Simon died Saturday, Dec. 26 Survivors arc his. wife, Rose two sons, Leo and Mandel, both of Omaha; two daughters, Mrs. ZeevShind David Hollander of Rapid City Zeev Sblnd, a managing direcS. D., and Mrs, Benjamin Rcitzer tor of the Zim Israel Navigation of Chicago, and nine grandchil- Co., Ltd., of Israel, president of dren. the American-Israeli Shipping Co. Inc., of New York, and former Director-General of Israel's MinMrs. Anna Hesch istry of Communications and MlnServices were held Wednesday, istry of Defense, died in Haifa Dec. 23, for Mrs. Anna Flesh with on Sunday, Dee. 20, at the age interment at Pleasant HiU Cem- of 44. He is survived by his, wife, etery. Mrs. Flcsch, 67, died Wed- Chavah, and a 13-year-old daughnesday, Dec. 23. ter, Chaiit. Survivors include her husband, One of the organizers and prinArnold; two daughters, Mrs. Sam- cipal figures in Israel's immigrauel Kaplan and Mrs. Marvin Tcp- tion during the British Mandate, pcr, both of Omaha; two brothers, he was responsible for the merger Max Gross of Los Angeles, and in 1948 of the immigrant fleet Harry Gross of Omaha; two sis- with the ZIm-Israel Line, to form ters, Mrs. Samuel Berman and the present Zlm-Israel NavigaMrs. Edward Frohm, both of Oma- tion Co., Ltd., and Its various ha, and four grandchildren. maritime subsidiaries, serving as Zlm-Israel's Director-General and as first Director of Israel's MariJoseph Gross time Administration during the Services were held Thursday years Immediately following the Dec. 24, for Joseph M. Gross with establishment of the Jewish State. Interment at Pleasant Hill CemA brief memorial service for etery. Mr. Gros3 died Wednesday Mr. Shind, attended by Israel govDec. 23, at Veterans Hospital. He is survived by two sisters ernment representatives, associates Mrs. Samuel Herman and Mrs. Ed- at the American-Israeli Shipping ward Frohm, both of Omaha, and Company and numerous friends, two brothers, Harry Gross of Oma- was held Monday, Dec. 21 at the ha, and Max Gross of Los An- Israel Consulate, 11 East 70th Street, New York City. gclcs.

Alexander Marx U. S. Ambassador Dr. New York (JTA)—Dr. Afcxander Marx, director of libraries and Dies in Israel Jacob H. Schiff-Professor of His-

Tel Aviv (JTA)—Israel President Itzhak Ben Zvl cabled a message of condolence to President Elsenhower in connection with the death hero of the U. S. Ambassador Monnet Davis who died Saturday, Dec. 26. Mr. Davis, who was 60 years old, returned to Israel five weeks ago from sick leave in the United States. , , • . During his service in Israel, since 1951, Ambassador Davis used his influence in an effort to aid the Jewish State. He played a leading role in negotiations which led to the granting of $85,000,000 byJhe United States to Israel. He was also active hi arranging Point Four aid for American technical assistance in Israel's economic development. Acting Premier Moshe Sharett issued a statement emphasizing that in the death of Ambassador Davis, Israel has lost a "deeply understanding" friend. "His per;onality was a remarkabto blend )f keen mind and Bensltivc_conclcnce, of firmness of character /ith gentleness of soul," Mr. iharett pointed out. "To all who knew him, and In particular to those familiar with his habits of work, he was always an example of a high sense of duty, an exraordinary capacity for sustained iffort and deep human feeling. His nemory will be cherished in his iwn country and In ours, where' le leaves GO many friends to nourn his untimely passing." In Washington, Secretary of itatc Dulles raid that in the leath of Ambassador Davis the Jnited States and its Foreign Service had suffered a "great loss." Israel's Ambassador Abba, Eban emphasized in a statement lat the cause of friendship be.i/ccn Israel and the United States" has lost n warm and deroted protagonist."

tory at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, died Saturday, Dec. 26, after a brief illness at the age ot 75. Born in Elberfeld, Germany, he received his doctorate from the University of Kocnlgsberg In 1*03and in the same year was invited to assume a professorship of history at the Jewish Theological Seminary. Under his direction, the Seminary library grew from 5,000 volumes and three manuscripts to 144,000 books and 8,000 manuscripts. Dr. Marx was the author of numerous historical books and bibliographies. His published works included "Seder Olam," "A His- , Lory of the J c w 1 s h P e o p l e , " "Studies in Jewish History and ' Booklore," "Moses ^Malmonidcs" and "The Life and Work.of Hashl." Ho had received honorary doctorate degrees from the Jewish Institute of Religion, the Hebrew Union College and Dropsle College of Philadelphia.

Lee Shubert

New York (JTA) — Funeral services for Lee Shubert, presiJent of the vast Shubert Thcafri:al Enterprises and owner of 18 theatres in New York, who died ast week at the Mount Sinai Hospital here, was held Sundnv, Dec. :7, in Temole Emanuol. He was 0 years old. The son of a Jewish peddler in lyracusc, where he vfns born, Shubert was regarded as the empire builder of theatre chains. To- ' icthcr with his t w o brothers, acob and Sam, he started with a rhaln of theatres in Syracuse, Jtlca and Rochester nnd Inter 'invaded" New York. By 1929, hey controlled a theatrical cm•>lre worth $400,000,000. During he depression, this empire colapsed. However, Lee Shubert jought back many of his interest* For the first time In years pop- for $400,000 and rebuilt them o n * ilar housing schemes boosted by smaller but less vulnerable scale. loarly IL 5,000,000 from State of Israel Bond Investments have ccrSavid O. Selznick: "Hunger to jted a shortage of skilled laborers nn instinct placed in man to make n Jerusalem. erlaln he will work."


Frftay, January 1,


Jr. B. B. Bowling Somberg and Corey Pace By Llady Taut

Pacific Fish Drop Grillers From Unbeaten Midget Ranks

Maureen Zevjtz was high In til league with gnnu>.> of 142 and 12B for a series of 2CS). Eddie Wintroub was high for the boys with his 207 scries. Eddie compiled games of 114 and 123. Mike Platt fired the high game of the day which was u 158. Larry Hob'jrinan picked up the 5-7 split. Florence Shrago, an 87 nvcrage bowler, rolled games of 131 and 100 for a scries of 231. Ulfh G»mes »nd Series Maureen Zevitz 142-12D—2G8 Eddie Wintroub 144-123—267 Vlcld Colick 135-122—257 Mike Platt 158- 96—254 Tom Platt... 147-102—249 Stuart Kutler J26-112—238 Steve Friedman 124-114—238 131-100—231 Florence Shrago 133- 88—231 Bob Shapiro 229 Edle Singer 115-114—229 Edl Si MUceFeldman...121-103-224 141- 82—223 Chuck Wise .,.-. BDly Katzman 119-102—221 Bruce Bloom ............ 124- 98-220 W. 0. P. Skaggs ... .20 Neb. Fur. Mart JJ Indus. Chero. Co, ,.....-.. 13 10 Maypers —— >3 im

After two weeks of regular sca- scoring was made in overtime. •on play only two teams are un- Ravitz added a free throw In the beaten in Midget play. In tbe sudden death, but successive baskets by Howard Welnberg and Junior section, a tough Pacific Jeff -won the game. Welnteam put the sldds on pne- berg Swartz hit for 13 points, while Vious unbeaten 11-Worth Grffl Swartz added ten. Al Noddle made with a 17-9 loss, Dan Bollls was •even points to aid the cause. the big gun with eight points but Justin Ravitz led his team with Bobbr Oinsburg ignited the spark 11 points. that tent his team on to victory. Sandajr, Jaa. 3, Schedule The much improved sixth grader 2 p. m . Pacific Fish vs. S. dropped in three field goals for Rlekes tc Sons. six points for his finest effort of 2:30 P. m, Mogen-Davld Wine lite young career to date. His fine v». 11-Worth (MIL ' showing earned him a place on 3 p. m., Sample Fur vs. I-Go the Midget All-Star team that Van, wenfto Fremont ll-Worth Grill 3:30 p. m., Hires Root Beer vi. had an off day, Justin Ban was Burkhard-Gerelick. held to five points to top his team's scoring. The gallant team of S. Rlekes won their first game ol the * Midget Basketball son with an. 18-16 upset win over Mogen-Davld. B r u c e Goldstein Wolfson-Gcrber Auto,... 12 V4 13V4 Dick Zscluu-b and Alan Konecky were the whole Gamble-Robinson Co..... 10W Tom FUtt offensive show for their team with The smallest in the Ainer. Lbr. A Sup. Co. 9 15 ten and eight points respectively. Midget Basketballplayer league U Dick Morris Paint ................. B» 18 16 Trailing throughout t h e whole Zacharla. Yet, his bustle and abil- Playland Park • game the Rlckes boys put on a ity make up for his ihortgocing fast finish to win their first game. In height This fifth grader played Howard Stoler topped his' team's the stellar role in his Pacific Fish scoring with'ten points, squad victory over Mogen-Davld In the senior section, I-Co Van Wine. He topped his team's-scorwon its second game by rolling ing with nine points. Mogen-Davld over Hires Root Beer, 32-16. Flay- managed to hold Dan \Hollls to New York (JTA)—Conflict be-' ing without their center Irvin Bel- four points but forgot about Dick iween the AUIance Tire & Rub^ zer, the Hires squad lacked the who was the player of the week. ier Co of Israel, a "collective" rebounding strength. Center Ed Tommy Platt with three field tire factory of which HUtadrut Is Schneider led the "Movers" with goals and two t e e throws played 50 per cent owner, and the Gen11 points, while Tom Kully added the starring roje In Sample Fur's eral Tire & Rubber Co. of Israel, seven and Nels Gordmaa and upset over Hires Root Beer. Be- a "capitalist" tire factory of which Mike Canar gained six more. Stu- side accounting for eight points. the Palestine Economic Corpora, art Kutlcr-hit for ten points to Tom held Hires center Irvin Bel- tion is majority stock owner, lead his Hires team. zer to seven points and harassed "proves that orderly development throughout the game. For his of foreign investment carl get In the feature game of the day, him fine play in leading his squad to badly balled up — even in a naBurkhard-Gcrelick, with Howard an upset win, Tom shares the tion that welcomes outside capital Weinbcrg and Jeff Swartz con- award of Player tributing baskets in the sudden Dick Zacharia. of the Week with with open arms," the current Is;ue of Business Week, prominent death period beat a tough Sample ominers organ, reports. Fur team 32-29. Sample Fur was Tho article declares that the two trailing throughout most of the Youth Council >ntcrj)rl::es hnve been struggling game nnd wore two points behind Al Corey for years in a eountry whose m»rwith five seconds to play when This Rayim import from New tnt can support only one. It dc~ Justin Ravltz was fouled. The York came back in the later stager, scrappy eighth grader calmly tied of the AZA 1-Rayim game with •larf-s that fur the pnst few week-;, it up with two free throws that four fouls against him and led his Histadrut has been putting mounting pressure on the Israel GovcrnBent the game into overtime. No team to a hard fought victory over •ncnt to wipe out controls on tire Mother chapter. Corey is a fine ind tube sales. Behind this, it anrebounder, one of the best in the ;erts, is tho fact that Histadrut Iron Ore Deposits Youth Council. His timely baskets iwns half the nation's vehicles and combined with Sombcrg's shoot- rontrols 75 per cent of all Israeli Discovered in Israel ing gave Rayim a deserving win. oad transport. For his rebounding under both "It's officials say," the- maga. Tel Aviv (JTA)—New Iron ore baskets, Al Corey is selected a.« .no report adds, "that if tire enn• deposits have been discovered in Player of the Week. rols ore lifted, Histadrut vehicles ...... Upper Galilee Dr.' Dov Joseph, will use Alliance tires only — Minister in charge of development, which they term the production of stated recently at the Industrial Midget Basketball 3 'collective' as opposed to 'cnpland Commercial Club of Tel Aviv. allst' General. Histadrut people Dr. Joseph revealed that an iron Bob Glnjbarj ioroetimes fail to mention that Al*and steel Industry,, using Ncgey Jeff Sehwaxt* iance Is 50 per cent owned by C00 ores as raw materials, will soon Including the Dayton bt started and will be in opera- Tills sixth grader earned him- Americans, Co.. capitalists all." tion within two or three years.. He self a berth on the All-Star team ubbcr Business Week said the trouble Said that one of the purposes of which wont to Fremont last Wed- itarted in 1949 when Histadrut nesday. He hit for six poinH as this industry wfll be the manufacteam, Pacific Fish, upset 11- ound it could not purchase a mature of defense materials. He es- his Worth Grill. Bob is a hard workorlty interest in Genera). It thcictimated that when iron and steel er nnd justifies the thory that production is fully under way practice will pay off. He spent upon joined with rome other U. S investors n n d formed Alliance. Israel will save some, $2,500,000 a good deal of his time on shoot'The government gave a reluctant annually in foreign exchange. ing arid his scoring paid off. K. to the second tire plant — Mr. Joseph reported that equip- Little Jeff S w a r 17. was the 3. hough the market didn't warrant ment needed for Iron, copper and clutch player for the Burkhard- mother," tho article reports, bromide manufacturing plants had Gerelick team as they squeezed It poin's out that General had already been ordered. Some of past Sample Fur' in a sudden government promise of exclusive this plant and machinery will come death cession, 32-29. His basket ight-i the market and Alliance from Germany under the terms after natjbing a rebound was the aid Ittowould concentrate nn cxOf the Luxemburg reparations lincher and Jeff was e q u a l l y wrts. The arrangements not pact. He strewed the importance1 iroud to have done it for his vork out and both havedidbofn of Israel's rapidly developin: dad, Al Swartz, who witnessed the crumbling for scarce foreign ex- | phosphate-producing industry and Came. For their fine playing la^t finance raw material -.-""•poke hopefully of the expanding week Bob G i n s b u r g and Jeff lange toNeither plant Is work. •: ' . * production of poteh and other Swartz are selected Players of the- Imports. ing nt anything near capacity, nc. .••'.: products at the Dead Sea plant. Week. cordingvto the article, nr.d sales arc determined by government purchase pcrmifs which split the available market. Tho only hope, if both arc to remain in business, the magazine reports, Is to expand tire exports, which is hard.to do because Israel prices ore high. "Meanwhile, A strong Collegian basketball second name of the season with a the government Is nursing a glantteam, with strong rc-enforeement 49-30 win over Lusty«. Stern, hit rlzed headache — hating to annoy from the Armed Forces defeated for,13 points, while Dave Fogel the prolent Histadrut and fearing the Star Auto team, 55-37. Ed Bel- added 11 to the Kuller scoring. that General will some day throw grade, home on lewe from the Air Mj7er Halpcrrt found his scoring in the sponge," Business Week Force led hie squad with 17 points. eye as he added three field goal? concludes. a free throw. Dan Epstein and Jack Sties added 15, Leroy Katz arid with 12 and 11 points respectively 10 and Joe Kirshenbaum 8. Wayne Sonny led the Lusty squad Flour Siegel, ecrvihg with the Army in Game Eelman Schedule Thursday, Jan. 7 A large six-fitory flour mill being Texns added five point1;. Stan 7 p. m.—Collegians vs, Lustys. constructed in Beertheba, Israel's Widman topped the Star Auto 8 p. m.—Kutlcrs vs. Star Auto. desert capital, with the aid of a tcoring with nine point:;, and refinancial appropriation from State Standings ceived six-point scoring from W. V. of Isr'acl Bond Investments is Sherm Poslo, Sol Stiss and Ray Kutlers scheduled to be completed within 2 Somberg. 18 months. It will enable local Colleniann 'I milling of the expanded grain culKutlcrs Klowns, borrowing Ar- Star Auto , 1 tivation In this area. nie Storn. a 6'5" center \von their Lustys 1

Players of Week

Tire Factories Clash in Israel

Collegians, Kutlers Win to Share Varsity League Lead

Rayim Past A Z A I A, 47-37 Hay Somberg and Al Corey, dis playing a terrific fourth quartui fait break, avenged a uuddcr death loss to A/CA 1 by walloping them 47-37. Tiailing at the half, 25-19, the Kayim lads went to work. Somberg topped the scoring with 17 points while Corey added 12. Gene Kohn and Mike Solzman were valuable men for Uayim under the hoards. For Mother chapter, it was Stan Widrnan with 14 points. Both squads foijled heavily in their eagerness to net tho ball. The Rayim win gives them a second place tic: with AZA 1. The Independent tall men were too big for the lads from AZA 100. Tiny Rosen and Bcrnie Turkey with 17 and 10 points respectively led their Independent team to a 42-22 win over the younger Cenlurymen. Loading at the quarter, 9-7, the AZA team was unable to cope with the rebounding and scoring of Itosen and Turkel. Howie Kaslow and

YC Boy's Bowling The Independents EDG and AZA 1 Booscrs led their respective leagues. The Independents hold a 1 game edge on Rayim Mesl Sew Grczl while the Boosers maintain m game lead over AZA l Glams.. National Division : • - :
















Ken Freed made seven points each for the Ctnturyrnen. The Independent victory gives them sole possession of first place. The hoys will take a week off as the AZA boyi; head for Des MolneJ and tho annual AZA winter convention. Y. C. Standing! Independents Itayim A AZA 1A AZA 100 A

W. J^.

4 S S 0


1 1 1 5

Modern Paper Mill Opens in Israel Hadepa (WNS)—The first modern paper mill erected in the Middle East was officially opened here recently by Acting Prime Minister Mosho Sharctt. Constructed at a cost of $4,000,000, the American-Israeli Paper Mills, Ltd, plant Is located on a 22-acre site midway between Tel Aviv and Haifa and can meet all of Israel's paper requirements. The mill was put up by Joseph M. Mazer, Treasurer of the Hudson Pulp and Paper Corporation, New York; the Palestine Economic Corporation, New York, largest American development company. In Israel; and other American, foreign and Israeli investors. Seven hundred Israeli business leaders, an well as top officials ot the Israel Government, Including Labor Minister Golda Myerson and MlnUter of Trade Pcreu Bernstein, Inspected the plant. The mill will produce approximately 15,000 tons annually of newsprint, writing and kraft papers. A number of expert papermakers from the United States, Scotland and Switzerland ore working in the mill, training Israelis who will carry on their duties. The mill Is expected to save Israel $1,000,000 annunlly in foreign currency.

AZA 1 Boosert ...,......*.. 27 8 AZA 1 Glams .............. 25V4 101-i Rayim SOS .,.................. 23 13 AZA 100 Ccnturymcn 2i Hi WA Rayim S AP'S 20 16 AZA 1 Bluffots 17 19 Hayim II .....17 19 Ind. Sleepers 18 20 AZA 1 Nonames 8 28 Rayim Screwballs 5 31 Hljh Games and Series John Goldner, 1G7—460; Maynard Rosen, 1B3—4S0, and Dave Widman, 1G7—446. American Division W. L. Ind. EDG 28 8 Film Shorts Ilayim MSG 27 9 One of our best known movie Iiayim X's 21 15 AZA 1 Gutter Goons.... 18 18 stars had a spare $2j000 to spcil'd and was undecided whether to put AZA 100 Gutter Gangs 17 19 the money into a coat for his wife Rayim M Jabs 13 23 AZA 1 Zorchcs 12% 23»/4 or buy a piece of a new play. He finally decided to invest in tho iayim K 11 25 AZA 1 We Goofed 10'A 25>4 chow, but promised hln wife if tha play clicked she could have t w o ' Hlgli Games and Scries Fred Simon, 187—541; Jerry coats. The other day he said to legman, 182—528; Bob Meyer, his wife: "I've got bad news for 173—486; Tom Bernstein, 175V you, dear. Your coat closed In Philadelphia lnnt night." 405.

feel tip top The Center Health Club Has the Key to Your Relaxation See Frank Agee Matie'ur for 27

Massages • Steam Baths Sun Lamp Treatments Weekdays U Noon-8 r.M. — Sunday 8:30 A.M.-8 r.JL • Jewish Community Center l01 N, 20th St. JA 1300 No Appointment Nrerasary :;»:' -«£<

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