January 8, 1954

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V t L X X X I I — N o . 18 Knlertd »« Berona-CrtM Milter at 1'o.iolliic. Omolia. Nelirulti, uodtr Act o( 1B7U.


Secretary of; State Dulles Favors Israel-Jordan Meet Washington (JTA)—Secretary State John Foster Dulles Indicate at a press conference that he favo: the move Instituted by Israel at tl United Notions invoking Sectii XH oj the Israel-Jordan Armlsti' Agreement to force direct tall between Jordan and Israel. Mr; Dulles pointed out that th Armistice Agreement provid

U.S. Considers Military Aid to Arab States Washington (JTA)—The Unite States Government is inclined t five military aid to Saudi Arab and Iraq which are consldere potential targets of Soviet attack: but has no Immediate plans to pro Vide such aid for Israel, Lcbano: or Syria since these countries nr not In danger of a sudden Sovie Invasion, it was indicated here to (Jay by a State Department spoke's


Hint such talks are obligatory an said he hoped this fact will be recognized. Through this approacl and by good faith on both sides, he said, there may be the mean; to eliminate causes of friction be twee n Israel and Jordan. The Sec rctary gave these views in respond to questions by a JTA corre spondent. The Times of I*ondon rcportei from Beirut that Prime Minlsti: Fowzi el Mulki of Jordan, speak Ing after a meeting of the Aral League's political committee, ha' asserted that Jordan would rcjec the call to direct talks with Israel Meanwhile, a conference "fo: the defense of the rights of tin peoples of tile Near and Mlddli East," held in Beirut, voiced threats against Israel and con demncd the American Point Fou program. In Cairo, after receiving Briti.il: MP Aneurin Bcvan who advocated Arab-Israel peace, President Mohammed -Naguib issued a statement declaring he had assurer the British parliamentarian tha. ~ ypt harbors "no aggressive designs" against anyone, but polnlei out that "Israel must Implement tho United Nations resolutions on repatriation and compensation of Palestine refugees, so that peace and stability can prevail In the area." Until this Is done, Egypt "is content with the tight Arab economic black.idc" ngalnst Israel General Naguib emphasized.

Global U{03(lf1


Brandeis U. ^ Tobej3uest Speaker

London (JTA)—The elevation o Leslie Hore-Belisha to the peeragi In the Queen's New Year's Honor: brings to 13 the number of Jew: in the House of Lords. This is tin1 largest number of Jews to sit a one time in the Upper House ir the history of that Institution Baron Leslie was Secretary of Wa: in the prc-World War II Cabinet Also honored were: Jacob Ep stein, the New York-born famou. sculptor, who was named a knight Kenneth Cohen of the Foreign Of. fice, who was appointed a Com. mandcr of the Bath; Dennis Herbert Gcffen, London health official, who wait named an officer o;~ the Order of the British Empire Abraham Lightman, chief executive officer of the Food Ministry, who was named an officer of thi OBE; Charles Edward ScbagMonteflore, who was named an officer of the OBE; and P. Goldberg, Assistant Secretary of thi Labor Ministry, who was named Commander of the British Empire.

Dr. Abram L. Sachar

Zionist Group Asks For Exit of Jews From Soviet Union

STEPHEN WISE AWARD Jerusalem (WNS)—Josef Sprinzak, Speaker of Knesset, was pre;ented with tho American Jewish Congress Stephen S. Wise award for "his creative role In the development of parliamentary govJerusalem (WNS)—A resolution ernment and practices In the Jewcalling on the Soviet Union and ish State." The award, which carries a prize the satellite countries to permit of $1,000 was presented to Mr, emigration of their Jewish naSprinzak by Dr. Israel Goldstein, tionals to Israel was adopted here president of the American Jewish Congress, at a special ceremony at at the concluding session of the the King David Hotel that was at- week-long meeting of the Zionist tended by President Itzhak Bcn- Actions Committee, Bupreme ZionUnited Nations (WNS)—The Zvi, Acting Premier Moshe Shar- ist body during the Interim be'agreement around the corner" ctt, Dr. Nahum Goldmann and othtween World Zionist Congresses, held out by Arab bloc in the Se- er notables. Another resolution, voicing concurity Council a week ago failed cern over the arrests, persecution to materialize, because none ex- COLLEGE PAYS TRIBUTE San Francisco (JTA)—St. Mary'f and imprisonment of Zionists in isted, and tho Council this week, after tharp debate, voted to post- College, n Catholic institution, ha« the satellite -countries, expressed pono action on a resolution on the established a lasting tribute to the "anxiety and concern over the Syrian-Israel dispute to a date to late Sam Levy, a devout Jew tendency of a great number of bo fixed by the incoming Council whose support of the Catholic col powers to win tho good will of the president somewhere between Jan- lego continued over many years. Arab slates, who persist in their uary 7 and 25. Tho St. Mary's Alumni Associa- war against Israel by all means at Highlighting the debate was a tion has established the Sam Levy their disposal, apart from open vitriolic attack by tho Soviet Un- Memorial Scholarship In memory large-scale wpr." ion's representative, Andrei Y Apropos the proposed structural Vishlnsky, on tho U. S. and the Df the Berkeley haberdasher who changes In the Zionist movement, compromise resolution previously /or mpriy years helped many stu- the Zionist Actions Committee offered by the Western powers. dents at St. Mary's and other colVishlnsky charged the resolution leges in the area to continue their called for the establishment of territorial organizations In counwas an American device to secure tries outside Israel, with the local control over the water power rc- rollego careersZionist executives having the right iourccs of the Jordan, and heJnv to make a final decision where Ilcated he would exercise the veto local Zionist groups feel there is lo kill the resolution. He took the A class In Jewish Cookery will position, as claimed by the Arabs be given by Mrs. Jake Wine. The no need for such an organization. 'The Actions Committee aUo hat Israel cannot proceed with ourse will consist of ten lessons :he hydroelectric project without nd will begin Wednesday, Jan. made a n u m b e r of personnel djanges In the Jewish Agency exSyria's consent. 3, at 8 p. m. in the Jewish Comecutive, Louis Segal, prominent The postponement, In the opln- munity Center. on of informed sources, may This class is designed for young A m e r i c a n Labor Zionist, was work to the advantage of the Ingle and married women who lamed head of the Agency's cul"sraell position since Greece, Chile wish to preserve the traditional ural and education department as ind especially Pakistan arc to be owlsh dishes as "mom used to l u c e e s s o r to the late Kay 1m eplaced in the Council by Tur- nake them." A fee of $7.50 will Grecnberg. Dr. Emmanuel NeuMENU1I1N CANCELS ;ey, New Zealand and Brazil, X) charged which will include all mann was named to the American London (WNS)—Vehucll Menu- 'his shift could mean wider sup- eccssary foods and supplies. jranch of the Jewish Agency. He hln, famous violin virtuoso, de- lort for tho compromise resoluFor additional information and 'Cplaces Benjamin Browdy, forclared in a letter to the London lon. eservations call JA 1308, Ext. 32. mer ZOA president. Meier GrossTimes that he canceled a concert man, Revisionist l e a d e r , was tour of 'Israel because ho fearc lamed head of the economic demaking the trip by plane. artment of the Jerusalem execuMenuhln said in his letter that ive, a post previously held by Dr. three of his dear friends hud perNeumann. S. Z. Shragai replaces ished in recent plane accidents ami tzhak napahel, who resigned as that ho felt as a result that artists icad of the Agency's Immigration must not risk their Jives unnec'epartment. essarily. I i Washington (WNS)—D c p u t y out that, while resisting settlement ndersecretary of State Hobert of heirless Jewish property claims, ilurphy, on receiving a delegation the Austrian Government has reepresentlng the Committee for peatedly attempted to restore propcwlsh Claims on Ausria, declared erty and lei;al status to avowed liat the U. S. Government was Nazis. In addition, the representaSunday, from 11:30 a. m. to leeply concerned over the dcad- tion also stressed the fact that noon over WOW-TV, the Eterick In the negotiations between tens of thousands of people who The newly renovated Ceramics nal Light will present "Prophet ustrla and the Jewish organlza- suffered losses through Nazi dom- Workshop at the Center will be in Dungarees," written by Virlnatlun of Austria nre now resid- iperied Wednesday, Jan. 13. Philip lons. ginia Mazer, it was announced The delegation, consisting of ing in the United States and ioggen will instruct classes for by the Jewish Theological Semacob Blauslein, president of the vitally concerned In the outcome icglnners and advanced students. inary of America. m i: r I c a n Jewish Committee, of the negotiations. The new workshop will be on "Prophet in Dungarees" is a 'rnnk Goldman, honorary presiMr. Murphy assured the dele- he ground floor level and will feadramatization of the life story ent of B'nai B'rith and Adolph gation that the State Department ure many new pieces of cquipof Doctor Walter Lowdermilk, 'eld, president of tho Jewish will continue its efforts to effect nent. There will be both aftercoll conservationist from Caliabor Committee, called to the a satisfactory solution of the oon and evening classes and both fornia, who has spent t h e tendon of the State Department present difficulties. lll be held Wednesday at 1 p. m. greater part of his life teaching Others In tho delegation Were: ind 8 p. m. A series of ten lessons ic refusal of, Austria to continue the impoverished peoples of thecgotlatlora with respect to claims Dr. Nchemiah Robinson of the vlll be offered at a cost of $7.50 r helrless property nlthough that World Jewish Congress, Mr. Saul ilus cost of materials. Classes will w o r l d how to work out "a luntry agreed to discuss a settle- Kagan of the Committee for M limited in size and interested, righteous relationship to t h e en of that Issue when the nogo- Jewish Claims on Austria, and icrsons are requested to phone In earth and Its n a t u r a l rcatlons began last June. At the Seymour Rubin of the American heir reservatlonf, JA 1300. Ext. . ime time, the delegation pointed. Jewish Committee, The question of supplying frc munitions to Individual Ara' •tales outside of the framewor! of a Near Eastern Defense Com mand Is "under active consldcra tlon," the spokesman, raid. How ever, he emphasized that no fin; decision has yet been readied. The State Department officlc pointed out that there is availabl for munitions for the Near Eas the sum of $30,000,000 from Mu tual Seturity Administration leg Illation for the current fiscal year hut none of this has yet been al located. While It la known that a mil Itary aid agreement may be con eluded by the State Departmen very shortly with Saudi Arab! •nd later with Iraq, it was re ported today that Stale Depart ment officials Indicated that thej are not considering any arms ai to Israel at this time because they believe "the Israeli armed force: •re fairly well supplied." The Stale Department was re ported as being close to an agree ment with Egypt on arms ship, ments, but it was indicated tha this project has been temporaril} delayed owing to violent protests from Britain. The British wan Egypt to first conclude its negotiations on the precurlou.1 AngloEgypllan Suez Canal issue involving British evacuation of the Canal Zone. In the British view the Egyptiar position would be strengthened by any shipment of arms from the United States at present. In order to arrive at a solution favorable to British interests, it is felt in London that Washington should delay arms, aid to Egypt.

Council Defer Jordan Action

Jewish Cookery Classes Will Start

U.S. Concerned Over Impasse n Austrian Reparations Talks

On Radio and TV

K& 4*

Ceramics Shop Will Open Jan. 13













Dr. Abranv L. Sachar, president of Brandeis University, will be guest speaker at a dinner meeting of community leaders at the Blackstone Hotel, 7 p. tn,, Wednesday, Jan. 20. Dr. Sachar will talk O* behalf of the university. :. He Is a former chairman of the Hillel Foundation in the United States and taught history for many : years at the University of Illinois. Now in its sixth academic year, Brandeis University numbers a student body of 867 young men and women from 30 states and 11 foreign nations, The university was opened in the fall of 1948 as tho first nonsectorian institution of higher learning to be founded by the American Jewish Community. Half Million GUt Dr. Sachar recently announced that the Board of Trustees of. the Charles Hayden Foundation -will , make a contribution of one half million dollars to Brandeis University, to match the amount raised from other sources. This sum will cover the cost of a hew science building and equipment and "to assist you in carrying out the wonderful work that you are doing," J/ Willard Hayden, president of the foundation stated in his letter to Dr. Sachar. Mr. Hay-; den continued, "Bringing to fruition the dream you had for the development of Brandeis University and realizing the growth that Brandeis University has made In the past few years, I felt that the Charles Hayden Foundation should come forward and give some assistance in tho development et this project, that through you* wonderful work, would eventually enable Brandeis University to take its place with the great colleges of our country." Higher Education Upon receiving the letter Dr. Sachar said: "The future of higher education in America is secure s o long as instances like this are poe-' sible. Here In Boston, within • week, Tufts <College), founded ta ; the Universally Christian tradition fecelves a tremendous gift from * Jewish source and Brandela receives this princely benefaction from a non-Jewish source. Dr. Sachar was referring to » one-million-dollar gift Which was give* to Tufts College by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Posner of Medford, Mas*. Dr. Sachar went on to say: "This truly represents the essence of Amcricaalsm, with the gifts of on* faith fortifying the philanthropic ventures of other faiths to the benefit of all." • •• > • ; . , Dr. Abe Grecnberg was named chairman of the dinner meeting committee. •

Congressional Report On Arab Refugees Washington (PTA)—The chairman of a House Foreign Affair* subcommittee reurncd to WashingIon from the Near East with a report stating that the Arabs want "assurances that Israel will not cxpandits borders." The chairman, Rcb. Lawrence Smith, Wisconsin Republican, headed a five-week study of the Arab refugee problem and plans to make a formal report ,o Congress later this week. Representative Smith stated he found 750,000 displaced Arabs, who, ho Bald, "want: 1. The right o go back into Israel to resettle .here if they wish; 2. Adequate compensation for tho property seized, including bank accounts! and, 3. Assurances that Israel will not exand its borders," The Congressman declared it was a "must" that problems creating the Arab refugee tension be solved and called on the United States and Britain to work towar* .hat end. Israel-Arab tension represented "a potential lor w r , " he stated. Rep. Smith Is known * • have inserted anti-Zionist Bitter in he Congressional Record In pe«t years and has collaborated in • * •

Uvlties of anti-Israel grout*,


Friday, January I, 1854



Our U. N. Newsletter


Soviet Sfand On Jordan

I trerj frlday by Uw Oi Oraaiu l e w s * rederattoD

•ctu* mulct u Oauna, Nabni • n w WII—UUIW.* M.M. Almtwai RftUi «• uueriai OUM—in Ko. SDUI aunt, Om«b«, M«

««it MM «tl at Musk 3. ItTk

Ily Arthur

..Editor .Society Editor


Replete With Drama The Associated Press recently carried an item to the ef fec^ that the last ship to enter the harbor of Montreal before the closing of the port for winter v u a vessel from Israel carrying a cargo of cement lor Canada. Jt was but a paragraph, and it is probable that not many people attached great mgaificanee to it. Yet in its way, especially for those familiar with the background of Israel, it is replete with drama. The young state of Israel involved in much construction has great need for cement for itself, yet it fe producing sufficient surplus to sell abroad. It was only a few years back when Zionists boasting of the achievements of .the Jewish Homeland in exports told abont;ihe false teeth that were going abroad from Israel. Many experiments in industry .bad been ventured, and same had found markets within Palestine itself, but when H came to exports it seemed that the list began and ended with false teeth. To be sure, the export of citrus fruit was very considerable, but in the industrial field there seemed nothing bat these molars. Some devoted Zionists with an oral complex and genius had sensed a market for artificial molars Once the law had gone forth from Zion, and the new Zionists had hope that the new law might again go forth from there and also along with the spiritual exports, exports of a more tangible sort, but it teemed that Jewish genius could not transcend the dental realm. ' . But consider what has taken plaee in the space of a.few yean. Canada gets eement Sweden gets motor tires and g l Ari h from f J l Th iis motorcycles. America gets shoes Jerusalem. There , a wide range of export articles. American assistance has of course been very important in expanding Israel's exports. That Israel is able to sell Canada cement ia due in no small measure to the expansion of Israel cement making facilitien brought about with the aid of Israel bonds.

Letters from Servicemen Fort Hi lev, Kansas Ladies: YoUr Chanukah gilt arrived, air 1 was enjoyed by my family, as well as myself. Thank you for your thouehUuIness. Sincerely, LT. RALPH TURKEL To Whom It Hay Concern. I received your package sod I want t o thank you very much, I'm very glad (hat you back borne are thinking of us felolws aver here in Korea. We all have the game wish and that's to get back to the place we all love, the United States. For most of us being away from home and in a foreign land has really made us understand, and appreciate our frceduni that were given to us. Being away from

home also has made us realize how fortunate we Americans arcIn having what we have and wantIng to fight for our right*. Thanks again for thinking of me across the miles. Fondest affections to you all, JAY ASBVXL Forty packages of special gifts were gift wrapped and mailed to Omaha boys serving in the armed forces overseas and in the states in time to reach them for Hanukah. This Is a project of the Federation of Jewish Women's Club.tUrected by Mrs. Robert Baker chairman. Mrs. Jade Cohen, chairman of the wrapping and shipping committee, was assisted by Mrs. Ronald Cohn and Mrs. Richard Win troub.

Community'Calendar VrUay, Jaa. « ,. Pre-School—9 a, m<—Center. Saterdar, Jaa. t Tlkvas Amt—"This Is Your Ufe" Affair—8 p. m^-Center» Sunday, Jan. I I ChiUren's Program—2 p. m.—Center. Young Judaea—2:30 p. m.—Center. Pioneer Women Child Rescue Fund Dinner—6 J p. m.—Center. Young Adult Lounge Night—8 p. m.—Center. ; ' Monday, Jan. 11 ^ Pre-School—9 a. m.—Center. ' " Blkur Chollm Luncheon—1 p. m,—Center. Temple Israel Bible Study—1:30 p. m.—Home. Workmen's Loan—7:30 p. m.—Center. B'nai JB'rith Monsky Chapter No. 470—8 p. nu—Center. Omaha Symphony Orchestra—8:30 p. m.—-Jojlyn Memorial. Beth Israel Adult Institute—9 p. m.—Beth Israel. Tuesday, Jan. 12 Woneer Women—1 p. m.—Center. Feretz-Hirschbcln—1 p. m.—Home. / Council Study Group—1 p. m.—Homes. Omaha Symphony Orchestra—8:30 p. m,—Joslyn Memorial. Wednesday, Jan. 13 Pre-School—9 a. m.—Center. Beth El Sisterhood Luncheon Meeting—1 p. m.—Beth El. Oil Painting Clas-;—1 p. m.—Center. Ceramics—1p.m.—Center. Ceramics—7:30 p. m.—Center. Zionist Council—3 p. m.—Center. Center Orchestra—8 p. m.—Center. Jewish Cookery Class—8 p. m.—Center. B & P Hadassah Card Party—8 p. m.—Elackctone Hotel. B'nai B'rith Monsky Chapter No. 470—Adult Education—8 p.


Thursday, Jan. 14 Council Women—Board—-1 p . m.—Home. Great Books Course—7:30 p. m.—Center. Bridge Class—8 p . m , — C e n t e r , . , . , , - .



Capital Spotlight By Milton Friedman Washington (JTA)—Sen. Joscpl R. McCarthy has made known that he is beginning to look into th "infiltration" by refugees froir Hitler Germany into American Military Government employment including Jobs for his informant described as "on the investigation and prosecution stnf/s of the Nui cmbcrg War Crimes trials which at that lime were Ixjng conducted under the direction of Brit;. Gen. Telford Taylor." . Since a majority of those who fled Germany did so to escape religious persecution, organizations concerned with anti-Semitism are carefully observing this new undertaking by McCarthy. The Senator tald that he hits been supplied with the names of 125 nlleged Communists who he caid entered the "United States as refugees from Nuzism, obtained American citizenship, and then were placed in Jobs by "McCoy, Telford Taylor and others." The list was given to McCarthy by Earl J. Carroll, an American attorney practicing in Germany who flew to Washington to protest against tiir State Department's dismissal of Judge William Clark of the United States Occupation Court.

McCarthy announced that he will subpoena Gen. Taylor to appear before his committee. The Senator's approach to this question has been applauded in West .Germany where he is known,for hi: l l t t efforts to discredit UK> prosecution of members of the Fin;t SS Panzer Regiment accused of mur dering American prlsoners-of-war at Malmcdy, Belgium. Despite tin fact that most Nazis sentenced for crimes against humanity have been granted amnesty, agitation has Increased for the mass release of the few hundred Gestapo and SS leaders still held. For years neo-Nazi publications have sought to characterize the Nuremberg trials as u Communist plot and rencctionr have been directed nt Gen. Taylor because of his service ns chief of cousel fqr the prosecution of war criminals. McCarthy Criticized Gen. Taylor recently criticized "McCarthyism" in on address nt the U. S. Military Academy at West Point. He later raid McCarthy's Fort Monmouth investigation wns n "fiasco" that produced no evidence of espionage but damaged military "efficiency and morale." Recalling McCarthy's argument that you can't uso "a top ha! and silk handkerchief' in o "skunk hunt" for Communists, Gen. Taylor said there Is no value in a "drunk hunt In which the hunter absorbs the odor of the animal" He said "McCarthy operates under the cuice of hunting Communists but the etfect of hir actions is hostile to respect for law and cherished values." Secretary of State John Foster Dulles Is pressing France to agree to the remilitarization of Germany through the arming of twelve German divisions for the European Defense Community. France entertains serious doubts,' based on

past experiences, as to-whether a re-armed Germany will obedient ly serve the free world, en. Taylor, who made an extensive study of the German military caste shares the fears of Froncc. He wrote in "Sword and Swastika that "the alliance of German military leaders with those of Nazi totalitarianism scaled the fate o Germany, cast the die for war, ant'. turned tho course of history. It war the direct cause of the desolation and devitalizatlon of Europe, am a major determinant of the international crisis we face today . there was n deep continuity from the Weimar Republic to the Third Reich . . . ns Uie Krupps and tho generals knew, perhaps better lhar anyone else." Gen. Taylor called the Wchrmacht the "pillar of the Third Reich" and reported "the officers' corps was notably arrogant and exclusive In Its attitude toward the Jews." War Criminals Members of Congress have been receiving letters from Bad Godesberg, Germany, urging the immediate release of war criminalr and hinting that those who would deny clemency are serving the Kremlin. Warning against a "hate group" which it said lias "successfully prevented an overall solution," President -August Fischer of he VAssodation of Returnees, POYV's and Family-Members of Mining Germans," urged Congress to "Open the Lamktocrg 5'risor :atcs." Other German spokesmen openly demanded the freeing of Nazi extremists ns tho price for Gcrmar cooperation in the EDC. Mr. Dulles, through creation of a new clemency, board to include German participation, halt given In to pressure. Meanwhile, there is an attempt on the part of Nazi sympaUiizerr to equate 1954 anti-Nazism with Communism. This makes it difficult for individuals to oppose German remilitarization without risking identification with Communism because the Soviet Union oppores the remilitarization of We:;t Germany. The Russians have nleady remilitarized East Germany md re-armed, many former Nazir JORDAN WIIA RESIST Washington (JTA)—The Arab press and radio Indicated thnt Jordan will resist moves by tho United Nation.1! nnd Western democracies to bring about direct IeraelJordan talks. A Damascus broadcast said: "The persistent efforts of the Western powers to bring about direct negotiations between the Tel Aviv authorities nnd tho Arab state's reflect the mistaken belief that cuch negotiations will lead to eace and tranquillty in the Middle East. We, however, do not Ehare this belief. We are fully convinced that the only way to c:Lablbh peace is to stop favoring Israel, to make her accept prin.Iplcs of justice, and to implement lecitloas of the United Nations elating to the Palestine question."

United Nations (JTA)—The Soviets are often a puzzle. What did Prime Minister Churchill say if them—";i mystery wrapped ia an enigma?" Well, that just about describes their policy os far as Palestine i.1; concerned here at the United Nation:-. After refusing to go along with the Western Powers in censuring Israel for the Kiblya incident; they nbstnincd on the condemnatory resolution, th« Soviets did tho opposite on the ques- . tion of the li'not Jacov Canal nnd the Jordan Hivcr Hydro-electric icheme and sided with the Arabs. For wcrks, for months, Androi Vkhin.sky rcit silent in the Security Council. During the whole of the Kibiya debate, he sold nothing •xcept on such a purely proced-iral matter an when the next meeting was going to be held. During most of the hydroelectric icheme debate, which ran concurrently with the Kibiya debate, he kept his counsel, listening politely to the others speak, and only writing his letters and reading his Pravda during the consecutive translations, for Mr. Vishinsky is J stickler for diplomatic etiquette and expects others to listen to him when they may not be particularly Interested, and, indeed, will call them to order if they appear to b« dozing off or even looking vacant. Then, when the Western PowTS had submitted their resolution and the debate was thought to be nearly over, Mr. Vishinsky suddenly intervened. He agreed with the criticisms of the resolution previously made by the Pakistani and Lebanese delegates, and condemned the eleventh paragraph of the resolution, the operative paragraph, which he said was so unsatisfactory that It could not be amended. To put it plainly, whnt he was doing was backing up the Arab stand that the work In the demilitarized zone could not be rc.iumr-d without the agreement of both sides. In fact, he said so; he aid that there mutt be Syrian ronstnt. As such consent would ot be forthcoming, Mr. Vishinsky was really opposing the building of the canal and the hydro-electric iroject. Why did he do this? Why did ~ic suddenly switch from bencvoent neutrality as far as Israel was concerned to hostility — nnd wer the construction of a cannl? This was n o t Mr. Vishinsky's whim; Soviet delegates seldom if ever act on their own, nnd, In his instance, Mr. Vishlnky made it clear that he was carrying out he instructions of his govcniient. Furthermore, he repeated is objections to the resolution in cecond intervention during the •bate. ScveraJ reasons nre put forward >y ob£CTven! here. It may be a iuld pro qou. The Arabs arc part sf a group which has taken a neutral stand In the Cold War, and 3f all the Arabs, the Syrians have been the most friendly disposed toward the Soviets. So, Mr. VI;hinsky'o action m.-iy be payment i kind. Another view is that the So'icta nre opposed to any great onstruction project in the Middle Ea;,t. They are known to be worried about the so-called TVA lydro-clectric echeme for the reJion, and they may be ofrald that Ihc B'not Jacov Canal may b e :ome part of a large over-all powr project serving not only Israel )ut other Arab states. There ia n tendency to look for leep motives ns fnr ns the Soviet* re concerned, and one explanaIon of their opposition to the csolutlon Is that they arc afraid that it would set a precedent for lctlon In o t h e r demilitarized rcnes, particularly the Korean denllitarizcd zone. They would be ipposcd to nny work being conlucted In tho latter without the :onscnt of both sides. Perhaps, thnt is going too far, but no one :ounts it out for no one ii sure ibout the Soviets.



(IIP) — Tho cornerstone of the :ret of six vocational training nters to be located in Israel'* >ajor towns has been laid In lecrsheba, tho desert capital of tie young state, by Mrs. Golda lyerson, Minister of Labor.

FrMay, Jauary «. JW4


face; Three'

Choir Musical for Yiddish Program Mizraehi Director to Jan. 26 Equal Job Council Postponed The third program of the cur- Will Speak at B. I.

B. B. District No. 6 To Hear Klutznick

Chicago, HI.—Philip M. Klutz A choir musical exlravajianz. nick, Park Fore.;t, III., l'repidcn will lie presented at St. John' Of B'nai B'ritli, Amem-iTs larce: AMK Church, 22nd and Willis Bnd oldest Jcwi.'.h friilernul am this evening at 8 o'clock. This out service organization, will spea standing musical event in whicl On 'The Years Ahead," ;it the mi Ecu I c a d I n }', near northsid' nual meeting of the Oiwral Com churches will participate will ben mltti-c of District Giand I-odi;. (•fit the Omaha Council for Erjua No. 6 at Ann Arbor, Midi., Junu Job Opportunities. ary !> Tickets may \xt secured froi Since his clceliun ti> the l'iv:, member.1? of OCK.JO or by callin ldeney, Mr. Klutmick has vi;;it Mary Frederick, HA 0K0. They ed with and spoken to D'nai Il'rith will al.so be ;;o!d at tho door. and community lender:; in inur Tho Omaha Council for Erjua than 25 states and plan:; to con Job Opportunities Is a firoup o ilnuc these visits to every section volunteers who are :;o interested Of the United State:; and Cnnada. in the problem of providing emJack Wiseman, Alton, 111., Presployment on the basis of personal ident of District 0. stated that tin training and Individual qualificamembers of the General Commit tions regardless of race, creed, Frank Kaplan tee arc comlnc from the elj;h color or national origin that they mldwestern states and four Canaare sponsoring an ordinance to be dian provinces and represent over presented very shortly to the 48,000 members In ll)!l lodges. Omaha city council: The meeting in Ann Arbor will observe the 30th nnnlvcrsary o the founding of. Uie B'nairf.'rit Hlllcl Foundation movernSt, a program designed to serve the religious, cultural and social needs The J. C. C. Young Adult Club Of ever 150,000 Jewish students viewed the American Film Forum On 207 University campuses in (he United States, Canada and Is- Washington, D. C.T—Formal in- Program on Arab-Israel Problems stallation of Frank R. S. Kaplan, at their last meeting.. Members rael. of Pittsburgh, as chairman of the picked up the discussion where Board of Trustees of the B'nal Robert B. Nathan and James M. B'rfth Henry Monaky Foundation Ansara, the debaters on film, left was announced this week by Philip off. Sol Suwalski, a member of M. Klutznick, president of B'nal the young adults, led the discussion. The next program in this B'rith. New York (JTA>—Throe JewThe Foundation was'established series will be held February 7 fch chaplains have been decorated and will feature Senator Mike In 1947 by B'nai Brith to honor for excellent service and out- the memory of Henry Monsky, its Mansfield (Dem., Montana) and standing performance of duty in late president. Its purpose is to Fred G. Aandall, Assistant SecreKorea. They are: Chaplain Nor- consider and carry out projects tary of Interior, In a debate titled man T. Goldberg, now on active devoted to religious, charitable and "Who Should Control Our N a duty with the Air Force In Ko- educational alms, Including B'nal tional Resources." rea; Chaplain Maurice S. Kleln- n'rith projects. One of tho curborg, now on duty nt Wnlter Heed rent projects Is the new B'nal Army Medical Center In Wash- Il'rilh Henry Monsky building ington, O. C , and former Chap- which Is to be erected at Rhode lain Murray I. Hothmnn, who has Island Avenue and 17lh Street here returned from active wrvlce In nr, the B'nal B'rith headquarters. Korea with the First Marine Di- A second project, for which an Washington (JTA)—Anli-Semvision. Encampment Committee is bclnf! Itlsm in the Soviet satellite states Nin<! new Jewish chaplains re- :i(rt up, I:; the new rummer camp like anti-Semitism in the Soviet cently entered the U. S. Armed near S t a r l i g h t , Pennsylvania, Union itself—Is not based on antiForces, it was nnnomii i-d hy Hab- which the Foundation purchased Zionlnm or Russian nationalism for the- use of the D'nai B'rith but on tho fundamental incombl Joi.eph II. Look::tmn chairman Youth Organization and H'nal patibility between Communism of the National Jt-v.il] Welfare H'rlth Ilillel Foundation program::. ind Judaism, according to an nrBoard's Coinmls.iiun on Jewish Klutznick praised the new chair- ticle In the January issue of The Chaplaincy. The chaplains received their ecclesiastical endorse- man of the Foundation for his dis- National Jewish Monthly, pubment from tho Commission, which tinguished contributions to civic lished by B'nai B'rith, written by repicscnts the three mnjor rob- and philanthropic endeavors us Morce Harvey, Chief of tho U. S. well as to the business world. State Department's Division of Re blnlcal bodies fn the U. S. Frank R. S. Kaplan Is president •enrch for the USSR and Eastern and director of Coppcrweld Steel Europe. Company, of Pittsburgh, und has Communist hostility to Zionism been active In B'nal B'rith for the traditional Husslficatlon many years. He 13 a past presi- and policy toward domestic minorities dent Of B'nai 13'rith District Urnnd have been given as the causes of Lodfic Three, n member of the anti-Semitism, but they urr The following Needlework Guild National Commission of the Antl- Soviet excuse, not the cause," accontributions have been received Dcfamatlon League of Bnai B'rith 'the ordlng to Mr. Harvey. alncr the last list appeared In the and the National Committee of the Jewish Press: Mmcs. Sam Alper- Joint Defence Appeal. The JDA re- "To fall into such an error in an son, A. B.AIptrln, Morris Arkln, cently honored him with a cita- attempt to evaluate a phenomenon 8am Berman, Max Breslow, Max tion plaque for distinguished sorv- like the Soviet-satellite anti-JewCanor, Julius Chasanov, Ed Fred- ce in behalf of democratic rights. ish program," he writes in his arIclc, "is to fail to appreciate the ricks, Meyer L Halprln, Howard Other officers of the B'nal B'rith Kaplan, Stanford Upscy, Max & Henry Monsky Foundation and very essence of that program. The Platt, Jerold Rosen, Marvin Snbes, members of the Board of Trustees key point here Is that there Is comMarvin Sadofsky, Harold Slos- include: Dr. Abe Grccnbcrg of plete Incompatibility between Soburg. George Spitzer, and Miss Omaha, Sam Bcbcr of Park For- vlctism and any manifestation of such religious, social, or cultural Elizabeth Hart est, 111., and Philip Klutznick of characteristics as mark the Jewish ~>ark Forest, III. community or any similar group. "Unless Soviet-type Communism Is to risk Its own destruction It must, because of its very nature treat as a mortal enemy any force The Journal of Educational SoZionist Council will bold be it a religion, adherence to ciology will publish an article by its Omaha regular meeting 8 p. mV Wed- tradition, or a mere Idea—that David Fogel, Activities Director at nesday, Jan. 13, in the Jewish stands between it and complete the Jewish Community Center. Community Center. AH members mastery over the minds and wills The article Is entitled "Democratic arc requested to attend. of It? subjects. It Is no historical G r o u p ScU-Detcmilnatlon." It iccldent that the Kremlin and it": Will appear Irt the journal's JanNow that there has been a Jol- puppets have taken on the exteruary edition. This is Mr. Fogel's ion and a Cantor story, It ought to mination of Jewry; It Is not bc» Second published since hlfl arrival >c followed with a Sarnoff story. cause the Czars happened to have in Omaha. Jarnoff climbed up from the East set a pattern for persecution of Side too, starting as an offico boy Jews, or because Slavs were train the Jewish Forward; later, ho litlonally hostile to the Jews livwas the r a d i o operator who ing among them. The historical >roui;ht the news of the sinking iccldent Is the fact that the old if the Titanic, tho first great news •eglmes had similar programs," the NEW YORK, Tuesday — The ?vcnt reported by wireless. — irtlcle points out. purchase of a fourth Constellation, JTA) type CIO, by El Al Israel airlines Beverly Hills Haberdasher Sid •was announced In New York City. Georfle Jessel: "Getting married Colburn says, "Many of us are This purchase brines to four El t his ni',a is like arriving at the living in tho Metallic Ago . . . APs fleet of trans-Atlantic Con- anquet afU'r everything is over {old In our teeth, silver In our stellation airliners iair . . . and lead in our pants." ut the r,|K?cche:!."— (JTA)

Kaplan Heads B. B. Monslcy Foundation

Young Adults to Hear U.S. Resources Forum

Chaplain's Decorated for Korean Service

Official Analyzes Red Anti-Semitism

rent Yiddish Cultural S c r i e s scheduled for January 19 has been postponed until Tuesday, Jan. 20 Dr. Israel Knox well-known author, scholar and lecturer, due to his leaching duties will be unable to appear until January 20, Joseph Radlnow:,ki, chairman of the s e ries, announced. The subject of his lecture which will be in Yiddish Is "Toward a Philosophy of J e w i s h Life in America." Tickets to the remaining four programs of the series arc on cale ul the Center. Call JA KJCO for further information.

American western films are jary popular in Israel. Maybe the fact that Israeli life in the Negeb and on the border parallels t i e They gave after their ability old frontier days of America e z - unto the treasure of the workv— ilalns the liking.—(JTA) Ezra 2:09.)

New Models



Needlework Guild Contributions

Sociology Journal 'Article by Dave Fogel Zidnist Council To Meet Jan. 13

Israel Airline Buys New Overseas Plane


New Body Styles

° Mew Ball Joint Suspension

° New I-Block Mileage Hake ® New Interiors

• Hew Power Assists

Rabbi Israel Friedman, executive director of the Mizraehi Organization of America will.visit Omaha the weekend of January IS, it was announced by William Weiner, president of the Mizraehi group here. Rabbi Friedman will speak on 'The Cabinet Crisis in Israel" Friday .evening, Jan. 16, at Betb Israel Synagogue, Saturday evening he will be guest of honor at a Melaveh Molkah. to which members of the community are invited to attend. Rabbi Friedman'is an outstanding speaker who in addition to hta work for Mizraehi has been active in -United Jewish Appeal campaigning.

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Goldman-Arbamson Rite Solemnized at Fontenelle Miss Myra Joy Abrarason became the bride ot Richard Lee Goldman, in a six o'clock ceremony Sunday evening at the Hotel Fontenelle. The bride is the daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Abramson, the bridegroom the son of Mr. and Mrs. David Goldman. Rabi Meyer Krlpke and Rabbi Sidney Brooks assisted y Cantor Aaron Edgar officiated before a canopy ot white poms and mums flanked by arches ot poms and baskets of woodwardla, white mums andstevia. Mr. David Goldman was his son's best man. Alvin Abramsgn brother ofthe bride, Robert Newman, Allen TuUy, Donald Vann*. Orvil Milder and Mr. Bernard Busman of St. .Louis, ushered. The brides' gown was fashioned of gardenia white imported roseDolnt lace over satin. The basque bodice was styled with a bateau neckline embroidered with sequins and seed pearl motifs. The bouffant skirt of accordion pleated French tulle ended in an aislewide train. A- crown of roscpolnt bee held the finger tip illusion Yell. Mrs. Bernard Susman was her sister's matron of honor. Miss Kaye Goldman, sister of the groom, was Mrs. Mchard Goldman maid of honor. Bridesmaids were the Misses Marflynn Mann of Mrs. Abramson, mdber of the Chicago, Geraldlne Pollack of Milwaukeeand Jane and Joan Beber. bride wore • floor-length gown of mauve peau de sole. Mrs. GoldGowned In Ts/feto The attendants were gowned man's choice was a floor-length •like in floor-length gowns of aqua chiffon gown. Both won orclaret taffeta. The strapless bodices chid corsages., ' were lopped by stoles attached by A reception and dinner were shoulder bows. The bouffant skirts held in the ballroom after the featured impressed pleats and hip. ceremony. line pouff*. For traveling the bride chose a Boquets ot white rubrum lilies navy blue suit, white bat and navy and matching headpieces com- accessories. pleted the attire. • The couple left for a wedding


rrlday, January t, 1>SI

| "Talk of Many Things" Births

Dr. and Mrs. 1'hillip H. Starr of St. Louis, Mo., announcp the birth of a ton, Croin Franklin, born December 23. The couple have one other son, Eric. Paternal grancljKircnts are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Starr of Toronto, Canada, and the maternal grandfather Li Mr. Harry Itotlikop. Mrs, Starr is the former Harriet llothkop. M.irv Lu IJ tin1 n.imr chosen fur the daughter born to Dr. and Mrs. Myron E. Itulinitz of Chicago. Mary Lu was born January 1 in o Chicago hospital. Maternal grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Block of Chicago and the paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Rubnitz. Mrs. Rubnitz is the former Susan Block. A son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Lee C. White of Knoxvllle, Tenn They have named the baby Murry Lewis. The couple have two other children, Bruce David and Roslyn Adelle. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs,. Ben Cohn. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Herman White. Mrs. White is tlir former Dorothy Cohn. "Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bursteio announce the birth of a son. They have a daughter, Nancy Carole. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cohn and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jake Buntein- Mrs. Bunteln ii the former Geraldlne Cohn.

Mits Ferry Brombert

Miss Bromberg Engagement Told

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bromberg of Council Blutts, announced the engagement ot their daughter, Peggy, to David Bernstein of Mrs. El» Yudelaon of Lot Angeles, Calif., U visiting with her Seattle,' Wash. Mr. Bernstein is son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Milton H. Yudeuon. Mrs. the ion ot Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bernstein of Omaha. Yvdelaon Is formerly of Council Bluffs. Plans for a June wedding ore being made,'


SJUA. Mothers' Club Israefettes Chose The Sigma Alpha Mu Mothers' club will hold its regular meeting New CbmmiHees

,1 project which will be weaving pot holders. At this meeting the following committees were appointed. MemIsraeletet, a Junior Young Ju- bers of the project committee are Adler, Gayle Fcldman, daea group, met December to at Barbara Nancy Venger, Joyce Koom and the home of Chenu Schrager. The Judy Brookseln. On the program girls have received wool from committee are Toni Kaplan, Dale Kat1assaht their mother organiza- Kasin, Chcma Schrager, Tont tion, eifl^are knitting sweaters Fellman and Dorothy Corey. The social committee Is composed of, for Israel. Barbara Grecnberg, Judy Laser, They are also starting another Judy Plainer and Sandra Freeman.

at the borne of Mrs. Max Rosen, S008 Burt, Tuesday, Jan. 12, Mrs, Louis Abramson will be co-hostess trip to Florida, Nassau and New Orleans. After the trip the couple will Be at home in the Blrchwood apartments.

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' _/





, January *. MS*

BB Will Celebrate Leo N. Levi Month

Organizations [limiiiii > 11 irii iiiiim > inn 'mi i! 11 11 ii II> ii i i n^. in > i in u i I I

Council Stud/ Group Mrs. Harry Wi3e, chairman of the Council Study Group, un.nounccd that the next desert luncheon meeting of the jaoup will be Tuesday, Jon. 12 at 1 p. m. in the home of Mrs. Harry Sloler, 825 S. Hnppy Hollow. Mrs. Hannah Orloff will serve as co-hostess. The group will present Snt. Ashford Hound who Is now attached to the HOTC unit at the University of Omaha. Sgt. Round has returned from » complete tour of duty In the Middle East with the Air Force. He will show slides of how he «aw this area. A question Mid discussion period will follow the program. For reservations call Mrs. M Kaplan, GL 8499 or Mrs. H. Kasln GL 4371.


V v e Five

II I Illl Ill 1 1

B E Sisterhood Beth El Sisterhood v/ill hold the regular monthly luncheon meet ing Wednesday, Jan. 13, 1 p. m. in the social hall of the SynaGo/iuc. Mrs. A. C. Fellman, Program Chairman, announced the program hns Ijccn planned in observance of Jewish Music Month Mrs. Ed Dolfioff will open th program with a rcadinj; from a Hatsidfc lci'.cnd about Dual Shcm Mrs. Irvin/f Friedman wiii arrange the Tablet of Interest. This will be in the spirit of Tu Bishvat, the Jewish Arbor Day, known as the New Year of the Trees, which will Mrs. Belle It. Safer be observed Jan. 10. Mrs. Sidney Sneidcr will speak on current events. Mrs. Morris Hoitstein, Chairman of the Day, will present Cantor and Mrs. Aaron I. Edgar in a recital of Jewish folk music. Mrs. George Elscnbcrg will be accompanist. The Pioneer Women will hold Mrs. David E. Greenbcrg and their annual dinner for the Child Mrs. Jack Gelfand and Circle No. Rescue Fund Sunday, Jan. 10 at 7 will be in charge of the lunch- 6:30 p . m . i n t h e J e w i s h C o m m u n eon./.. •• ,::•%•'•.. • .

Pidneer Women To Hear Speaker

The January meeting of D'na: B'riUi Henry Monsky Chapter 470, will be devoted to the annua Leo N. Levi Hospital coin shower. Each year the chapters throughout District 6 collect coins in lieu of linens for the purpose Of replacing linens needed at the hospital. Many letters from crippled men and women, who have b e e n helped at the L«o N. Levi Memorial Hospital at Hot Springs, Ark., are received daily by the president of the hospital, Gladys M. Harrison. One such letter reads: "This is the first chance I have had to write to you since I returned to Chicago. I feel that I must tell you in my own words Just what my being at Levi has been to me. I have no words to express my thinks for the treatment I received. I feel so much better and hope I can get back to work soon. . Everyone at Levi was so helpful to me that I will never forget it and hope that God will be good and keep Levi open for years so that they can help others as they have helped me. ; I can't remember the names of all tho people that were so kind to me, but may God be good to you and everoyne connected with the hospital.^ • Sincerely, Norma, „ • • Chicago, 111. Mrs. Barney Hoberman, Leo N. Levi, chairman.' and , Mrs., Ben wiatroub, co-chairman, are in charge of arrangements for the January meeting.

The Bikur Cholim Society will hold its regular monthly dessert luncheon 1 p. m. Monday, Jan, II, in the Jewish Community Center. Movies of birthday parties held • t the Dr. Sher Home for the ity'Center. •'•"..'••-•:' •' '••..' The Telephone C o m m i t t e e Aged will be shown. A door prize of honor and speaker will Chairmen are Mmes. M i c h a e l beGuest will be awarded. Mrs. Belle R. Safer of MilRrasne, WA 0087; Norman Bolt, waukee. Mrs. Safer has been active WA S854, and Ernest WIntroub, in the Pioneer Women's organizaB&PHddassah RE8489. "••'. " . " •••••••• tion since 1938 and is still an ardent worker. i Mn. Charles Ross, fund raising chairman for the annual Business Council of A musical program lias been and Professional cord party and arranged which will include Can-! baxaar, encourages the community Jewish Women „ tor Ell Kagan of Beth Israel Synato attend the affair as it is the The Omaha Section. National gogue.' Cantor Kager will be aconly fund raising event this or- Council of Jewish Women board companied by Prof. Hans Baer. ganization has. The affair, Coun- meeting will bo held at the home Mrs. Milton Near/nberg will pretry Fair, Is Wednesday evening, of Mrs. Abe Bear, 2115 8. 42 St., sent several selections of Jewish Jan. 13, at the Dlackstone Hotel. Thursday, Jan. 14, at I p. m. Des- songs. There will be tnnny novel and sert luncheon will be served. Mrs. , In charge of arrangements are; Interesting features at the bazaar Lloyd Friedman will bo co-host- Mmes. J. Kaplan, Mrs. H. Rlchlin, Ijfew York (JTA) — American »uch as a book nook, RFD corner css. S. Canar and J. Saylan. Table set- Jewish support for the plan to ting and serving are: Mmes. Sam erect i world memorial in Paris and a country store. Mr. David Fogel, Activities Di- Rlchmon, Sam Rifkin, Abe Schnei- to the 6,000,000 Jewish victims of The members of the I) & P arc stimulated to tell ticket'! as n trip rector, Jewish Community Cen- der, H Bernstein, Bayla Hcsnick, Nazi persecution was urged here ter, will be our guest. I. Forbes, Rose Cohen, H. Crandel at a meeting by Mrs. Eleanor to Israel is belnf! offered to those and M. Ncarcnbcrg. Mrs. Sarah Roosevelt, Brig. Gen. Telford selling the greatest number of Okun and Mrs. H. Wohlner are in Taylor, who served as American tickers. Jr. Hadassah charge of admission. Taking care prosecutor ol the Nuremberg trials Mrs. noss and her committees of decorations is Mrs. Dave Fried- of the Nazi war criminals; Dr. Belle Ann Poska, Fund Raising •re meeting Sunday nflernoon Israel Goldstein, president of the Jan. 10,. at B325 Glenwood Iload. chairman, has chosen her commit- man. Mrs. H. Bondarin will introduce American Jewish Congress; Isidore tees for the Junior ^Indassah fund raising affair to be held in April. tho guest speaker. Mrs. J. Fcld- LlpscHufz, Jewish industrialist; Henry Monsky 470 The club has four bowling man is the chairman of the affair. French Consul General Jean dc For reservations call Mmes J. Lagarde, and Isaac Schneersehon, The monthly board meeting of teams that meet every Sunday at Fcldman, RE 0038; J. Kaplan, WE president of the world executive the B'nal B'rlth Henry Monsky the 40-Bow?. Ida Rundcll Is chair- 5454; II. Itichlin, WE 1562. committee for the World Memorial Chapter No. 470 will be held Jan. man of Bowling and Marilyn for the Unknown Jewish Martyr. II, 1954, at 8 p. m. In the Jewish Meyer Is secretary. High Team of Mrs. Roosevelt who presided at Community Center. All Board the week was Miss Its, with n total of 1,202 pins. H/ch Individtho meeting, emphasized tho need members ore asked to attend. 1 to perpetuate the memory of the ual game nnd high individual seThe A d u l t Education croup Jews annihilated by the Nazis. Tho meeting for this month will be ries goes to Marilyn Meyer with memorial, for which the cornerheld Jan. 13, 1054, at 8:30 p. m. scores of 150 and 424 respectively. Tikvas Ami, n Senior Young stone was laid in Paris last May, al to* home of Mrs. Max Kadis, The Team "HJ-Bnils" consisting 81(12 JfKkson. Mrs. Samuel Nflh- of Edith Frank, Jean Katz, Ida Judaea club. Is having their an- will consist of a four-story marble shon, who Is on the staff of Beth Rundcll, and Doris Wclnberg is In nual fund raising event Saturday, building which will house thr El Synagogue Talmah Torah, will first place with 17'wins. Clara Jan. 9, at 8 p. m. This is the only world's most extensive collection documentary material on Hit- speak on Jewish Education, Mrs. Katz and Gwcn Shapiro arc sub- fund raising affair the club has of ler's persecution of Jews, largely during the year. Sidney U Sncidcr Is Adult Edu- stitutes. assembled by Jewish underground This program is going to bo a cation Croup Chairman. "This Is Your LUC production during the Nazi occupation of Euand will feature a personality of rope and the Middle East. The building will cost $1,000,000 of be Omaha Jewish community. Following the program there which $400,000 is to be raised in The Pioneer Women will hold the United States. will be a sox dance.. their monthly luncheon meeting Tickets are 35 cents and may be An Omaha woman will bo hon- obtained from any member of Tuesday, Jan. 12, at 1 p. m. in the What meanest thou, O deeper? ored by a national publication next Tikvas Ami or purchased at the Jewish Community Center. arise, call upon thy God.—Jonah Mrs. J. Kaplan and ,Mrs. H. week for helping Omaha's re- door the night of the program. lB) Wohlner ; are in charge of t h e tarded children. Jean Sullivan, well known Omaluncheon meetings. All members arc urged to at* ha radio and television personality, will receive the third annual "Mike tend this meeting. NATION'S HEALTH NEEDS DISCUSSED AT CONFERENCE Award" at n luncheon at the Blackstone Hotel, Saturday. (JanFOR ALBERT EINSTEIN COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Workmen's Circle uary 0/) Miss Sullivan, through , The Workmen's Circle Dramatic one of her programs, called attenclub will hold their regular meet- tion to the atempt by eight Omamothers to establish a special ing Saturday, Jan. 9, at 0 p. m. in ha school, tho Opportunity Center, the Labor Lyceum. for their mentally handicapped At this time plans will bo form- children and others like them. She ulated for the annual bazaar. Pro- later sparked the drive put on by ceeds of the bazaar will i;o toward all radio and television stations the upkeep of a Jewish child In in Omaha and Council Biuffs to Paris, Fronce. raise funds for permanent headThe birthdays of Mr. Sam Sucs- quarters. Ruui, Mrs. Max Crounse find Mrs. Through combined efforts, the Jennie Rifkin will be celebrated Opportunity Center wan able to at this meeting. Greetings will be purchase headquarters at 5010 given by Mr. L. Witkln, dramatic California Street In Omaha and director. to increase both teaching staff In charge of the program is Mr. nnd enrollment of handicapped Ben Miroff. > children. Mr. Frank Hogan, manager of public relations for McCall's, will come to Omaha to make the Kadlmah Chapter of pioneer award. Women will hold n l p. m. brunch One of the interesting things Sunday, Jan. 10, at fhc homo of Mrs. Charles Gusa, B703 Homey. about Israel i<< the high regard The brunch will honor Mrs. Belle they have there for archaeologists. I t Safer, chairmen of the Mld- Tho former Cliief of the Army, Participant! In s recent conference in Miami iponsorctl by the Albert Yadln, is an archaeologist, the wcst-North Region. Elntteln College of Medicine of Yeshiva University on trie nation'* health A board meeting was held ot Vice Governor of Jerusalem is an rieeda were (left to rlgjiijr Fuller Warren, former Covcrnor of Hvufa; the home of Mro. Irving Forbes irchaeologist and t h o recently Benjamin Felnherg, former New York Smto Senator and cliairman ot the Monday, Jan. 4. Plans wore com- •hoscn new President of the HePul.lie Service Cammisiiion of lite State; New York Stale Attorney General pleted for Kadlmah chapter's, 2nd brew University is an archaeolNathaniel L. Goldstein, national campaign chairman for the Albert Einstein annual dessert luncheon to be Feb. ogist. And yet Jews think it a College of Medicine; Col. J«col> Arvey of Chicago; and ]amet L. CuHrnarfin, 11 at 1 p. m. In the Brandcls au- curse to say "Gch In drerd." — United Statea Attorney for South Florida. The College, AmeriiVi firil medical •chool under Jewish ampirei, it now umler construction in New York Cily. ditorium. ;JTA>

Plan for Memorial

T.A. Will Produce This Is Your Life

Pioneer Women

Kadimah Chapter

Jean Sullivan Gets 'Mike Award*

MusicNotes By Mrs. Buth Beiss, Center Music Director The J. C. C. Little Symphony is resuming its regular rehearsals Wednesday evenings at 8 p. m. Anyone who plays an instrument and enjoys playing in an lnstru- mental group is eligible to join. Wc'ro not professionals but we do have a good time. Miulo At Home Club The next Music at Home Club meeting Is being held January 19, 1854, at the home ot Prof, and Mrs, Hans Baer, 1145 Park Avenue. The program will leatuie Josy Illttcrhausen-Whaley, Paula Block, Gayle Feldman, and Teresa Tlampo. The concert will consist ot vocal and piano selections, The program will also feature three • songs by Prof. Baer and will be sung by Miss Josy Ritterhausen- ' Whsley. Phone the Center, JA 1368 or Prof. Baer, WE 86B1 if you plan to attend. There will be no ' admission charge. Refreshments will be served. Folk Dance Group The Folk Dance Class, under the . leadership of Carl Edler, ot City Park and Recreation, will start . Monday, Jan. 18, at 8:30. This w the only Polk Dance Group In Omaha. If you are interested and are looking for a good time, call the Center, JA I3«ff, Ext. SO.

Ancient Settlement Discovered in TSfegev New York (JTA)—A settlement that existed 1,000 or 2,000 years near Becrsheba before Abraham made t h e famous water-rights contract with Abimelech there, Is now being! uncovered, the New York Times reported from .Beer* sheba. The discoverer of the ancient community is a young French archaeologist, Jean Perrot, who if directing the exploration for th« French National Center of Scientific Research with the assistance of Israel's Department of AnUquitles and the municipality of Beersheba. Mr. Perrot says that the settlement is older by a ocupfe ot thow sand years than any other found in Palestine, and that it Indicates a pattern of life at the "dawn of, civilization" fn (hfs area. One hundred or so apparently lived in the hill in little round houses connected with each other by tun» neis. ifr. PerroCs diggers have cut into ten of these houses and laid bare the pattern, which ha* been preserved in wind - blown

soil that eventually covered the

whole settlement. Below the floors of the houses are silos in which were found grains ot wheat end barley, grape seeds and beans. One of the houses had been Used for the smelting of copper. M. Perrot hat located a few povnJi ot copper in this refinery and has found copper tools and ornaments throughout the o l d apartment house. Chemical test* suggest that the copper ore came from a rich deposit in the Jordanian hills.

Italian Communities To Preserve Treasures Tlomc (JTA)—The Council ol the Union of Italian Jewish Communities has taken measures intended to save tho cultural, ritual nnd artistic patrimony of Italian Jewry in the face of a rapftffy deteriorating situation, especially in the smaller Italian citlss whtre Jewish communities arc fast disappearing. The Council set up a five-member commission, including Chief Rabbi Ello Toaff, to undertake a survey ot artistic treasures and rellcloua objects now In the possession of nil Italian Jewish communities and in the hands of private individuals and organizations. The commission, which will act as liaison agent between the Union and individuals and private organizations, will seek to prevent further dispersion and safes of Jewish religious objects of value. The Council also decided to put all communities on formal notice to protect their art objects and historical material. Jewish community leaders will be warned fiinst actions which might tend to rob the community of its his« torlcal treasures. Such material it often lost to Italian Jewry because of the inability ot individual small communities to pay the cost ot maintaining them. Paulette Goddard: "Man says * woman may not bo trusted toofar; a woman says a man cannot bo trusted too near," ;

Friday, January I, 1MI

fin nwisBruu

VWA Council Doings

American Friends of Hebrew

Scout Troop 82 Receives Badges


chapter AZA 3. The lads from the By Jean Krune capital city will come to Omahr By Dick Wintroub AZANO. 1 Mother Chapter compiled a Friday, and will bowl and play a Ten members of Boy Scout highly successful record at the re- b a s k e t b a l l came against the Tioup (!2 received their f i r s t cent Dee Moines -Winter Conven- Rayim teams on Sunday. The highaward in tcoulini; — the Tendertion, winning first place trophic* light of the affair will be a party foot badge—at the annual Family in the bowline and debate lections with the visitors. The date lor the Banquet held by Hie troop last of the convention. The chapter clso .Sunday. The buy:;, who received wan the Best Paper contest, be- weekend has not been decided. their awards by the Ucht of an side* placing a man on the all The n e w committee beads of electric campfire, wore Martin region Basketball team. Rayim will be announced at the Sncider, Ujui.; Kith. Matt Falcr, Doing the honors for the AZAnext meeting this Sunday. Mile- Saber, Waller Wise, Douglas No. 1 Chapter in the bowling tour- T i k v u A m l Platt, Frank Goldberg, Bob Ginsnament were; Art Schwartz, Mori The gM* of Tikvas Ami will be bori!, Keva Shyken, and Maurice Ehrago, Stan Widman, Wilkttd hftttwmr to a "This Is Your Life" I'ippcr. Each new Tenderfoot Piotkin and George Sachs. program January 9, in tho Jewish promised to live up to the Scout Comprising the chapter's cham- Community Center. The program Oath and Law, and received the pionship debate team were Steve will begin at 8 p. m. A miser wiU badge prvn-ntcd'to him by his faBaookstein and Stan Felbnan. follow at » o'clock. Tickets are on Dr. George S. Wise (seated, center) wai rcclectcd President of ther, The boys were then forMarsh Dencnberg edited the sale (or 35 cents. They may be the American Friends of the Hebrew University recently at the mally accepted Into the troop by club'a prhc newspaper, "The K i - obtained from any T. A. organlzstlon's AnnusI Meeting. Named to serve with him arc, left their Patrol Leaders, who are: bitizer." The girl* will bold their Instal- to right, seated: Mrs. Alexander Salman, Secretary j l'rofeuor Paul Shyknn, Steve Silver, Chuck Tom Bromberg, in his tine conof officers at a date party Benjamin Muar, Frenldent of the University; Dr. Wise; James Wise, and David. Wintroub. rention showing, captured a cov- lation eted berth on the basketball team. January 23. Marshall, former President of (he New York City Hoard of EducaAwards for further advanceAZA NO. 100 tion, who was elected Chairman of the American Friends Board of ment in scouting were presented At the cornbelt region winter Directors; and Dr. Julius Jarcho. Standing: Dr. Julius M. Itojoff, to Dan Hollls and Jerry Goldconvention, century chapter took vice president; Max Orost; Leo Gnilk; Mrs. Mathilda BrsUlove; strom, who received their second many honors in athletic events. Jr. Tenth Ctab Daniel G. Ross, vice president; Mrs. Ilil Home, vice president; class badges, and to Paul Shyken, Jack Sllss won first place i n ping Tb* Beth Israel Junior youin Irving Warshaw, treasurer; Professor Oscar I. Janowsky, chairman who received his first class badge. pong singles and his brother, Sol club wiU meet this Sunday evening of the Aeadesfile Council; Soodel Donifer; and Benjamin Alrue. Chuck Wise received Merit Badges and Howie Hooper took the dou- Jan. 10, from 8 to 7 3 0 p. m. in for specialized work in swimming ble* tournament The bowling the recreation room of the Talmud and coin collecting, and Steve team placed a close second place Torah. The photography project Silver received Merit Badges tot in the bowling contest Bob Ep-win be continued and plan* for a forestry and firemanshlp. stein captured individual honors skating party will be discussed. with a high 207 game and 526Refreshments will be served at Philip Barron, son of Mr. and Harry Silver was honored for Friday, Jan. I his recent appointment at art Eagle series. The basketball team dime the conclusion to the meeting. Caren Lee Chorney, Serena Mrs. Julius Barron, will celebrate ^^—•ht.l - A l t - . 1— l _ L * t _ A — j=J?S" I**. • C A A I I t M in second after fonr previous wins Ob-Is AH* * Crafts Clnb - Dwoskta, Carol Elizabeth Heller, his Bar Mltzvah this evening, and ing. Awards were presented by in as many years. Jack and Sol The Beth Israel Girls Arts It Sheila Fay Rudermao, and Phyllis Saturday morning, at Beth 13 S y Stiss, Jerry Colnlc, and Don Dan- Crafts club will meet this Sun- Kay Shapiro. nagogue. Friends and relatives arr Bernard Goldstrom, chairman of . . dy made the convention's all-star day Invited to attend the receptions the troop committee, Dr. David C. evening from 8 to 7 3 0 p. m., ; Safarftsy.Jan. » Platt, advancement chairman, and basketball team. in the Arts $t Crafts room of the Stephen Guss, Michael David following both services. No invi- Dick Wintroub, Scoutmaster, Century chapter took back the Talmud Torah. Mrs. Blum, club Katzman and Ellen Deborah Segal; tations have been Issued. The banquet also marked ,the attendance* trophy. All those who leader said that a new project Sunday, J u . I t attended- were 1very much .im- would be started at this meeting. This evening and Saturday end of a two month Inter-patrol Marshall Allan Abrahams, Mi activity contest. David Wlntroub'a pressed by the fine AZA spirit The club Is open to girls in the morning the Bar Mitzvah of 8ydwhich prevailed throughout the Primary and Secondary grades of chael Altaian, Arlene Ruth Broun, ney Pessen, son of Mr. and Mrs"Hawk Patrol" .walked off with Metvin Ira Epstein, Lenora Falk, convention. , the Talmud Torah and to girls at Lawrence Bruco Josephson, Ger- M. H. Pcsscn, will be celebrated at top honors, followed closely by Cvonelletiet the third grade Sunday School. ald Herbert Novak, and Robert the Beth Israel Synagogue. All Chuck Wise's "Cobra Patrol." Jr. Congrtaratlon .~ Allen Rifkln. friends and relatives arc Invited to Other members of the winning A meeting was held last' SunMadclyn Dolgoff has been chosen attend. A reception following thr patrol ore Mike Feldman, assistant day. Jan. 3, at the Jay. After the Monday, Jan. 11 meeting there was a discussion as this month's chairman of the Steven Jay Feldmun, Susan Ei- services will be held in the Social patrol leader, Matt Faler, Marty Sneldcr, Dan Hollls, and Louis about Hannah G. Solomon and Junior Congregation. Assisting leen Katzman and Michael Lynn Hall. Rich. Madelyn, will be Gall Pollakoff, Miller. how Councilettes got its name. Edwin Sldman, Marvin .Ruback. The annual formal this year will Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Fellman anTuesday, Jan. 12 be held at the Legion Club on and Bruce Goldstein. Gabal TUshnn Robert Gerhson Feliman, Mar- nounce that their son, Robert, will H. S. Seniors, College January 30. Flans and arrange- for the month Is Gary Parilmon. cia Lynn Fogel, Allen Mark Mor- celebrate his Bur Mitzvah in Beth The Jr. Congregation meets Satments arc being made. El .Synagogue Friday, Jnn. 15 HIKI Freshmen Discussion ris and Stephen Jny Simons. Favors were made during vaca- urday mornings at 10 a. m. when S a t u r d a y morning, Jan. 10 Wednesday, Jan. 13 An Informal discussion between tion and given to hospitals, and there 1» no Bar Mitzvah, and nt Esther Eiiich, Bonnie Jean Kap- Friends and relative.1*, arc invited also the freshmen will go to thr 8:30 a. m. when a Bar Mitzvah Is lan nnd Linda Platt. to attend the receptions following hij:h school rrniors and college celebrated. freshman was held December 25 blood'bank. both services. No invitations have Thursday, Jan, 14 .'. at tho Jny. The purpose of the Tonight there will be services at Safety Patrol Madelyn Jean Dolgoff, Rosalln been Issued. affair was to acquaint the seniors The Beth Israel School System the Beth El Synagogue and a Susan Guss, Barbara Hclene Jess, with some of the problems of colhouse party will be held following Safety Patrol Is now in operation. Gerald Pitalis, ami Harry Jrvln Next Friday and Saturday, Jan. lege. A full compliment of patrolmen the services. 15 and 10, the Bar Milzvah of under the leadership • of Captain Silver. A movie, "College: Your ChalBenny Abramson, son of Mr. andlenge," Paysie Shyken and Lieutenant was shown and then quesMrs. Einer Abramson, will be held tions concrrnirn: At the January 3 meeting, Mil- Bernard Polikov arc ready and such things as in the Beth Israel Synagogue. A studies, responsibilities, fraternities ton Lewis, industrial secretary of trained to guide the children across USY Will Meet reception in honor of the Bar the Urbnn League, spoke to the and sororities were dr.cus.scd. busy intersections before and after Sunday at Beth El Mitzvah celebrant will be held In club on "Equal Job Opportunities.1 classes. The panel members, who repreThe last meeting of United tho Social hall following the Tonight/the club will attend The patrol was organized with sented various universities were services at U. O. C Later this the assistance of Sgt. Mike Loftis Synagogue Youth was held Wed- Services. Bennett Albcrs, Omaha; Dick Fellmonth, there will be a "beni par- and officers Marches!, and Kelly nesday, Dec. 30. After the meetman, Nebraska; Avrum Grccnberg, ty" at Dewey Park and a trip to of the Traffic.Safely Division of ing, Israeli films were shown and A California cotton grower is Oklahoma; Doris Rnduzlner, Branthose who were interested In roll- responsible for experiments in ded, and Harry Vcrct, Princeton. the Nebraska Children's Home the Omaha Police Department Debt will also help with the March Beth Israel students attended er skating went to the Holler Bowl cotton growing which have been of Dimes. an assembly to view the "Be Safe" for an evening of fun. successful in IsracL The new tex- Harry Hcrshflcld: "He's a great Kayta The next meeting of U. S. Y. tile factory set up with the aid of success. Ho worked his way films and to hear Set. Loftls speak will be held Sunday night at' 7 Israel Bonds may help develop through college as a dishwasher The Rayim fraternity is p)on- on "Safety First." nfai to hold a weekend session Beth Israel Patrol joins the o'clock at Betli El. Program chair- Israel as a garment center. — . , . now he's a dishwasher."— with Ihe members of the Lincoln thousands of similar groups man for this meeting will be Janlc <JTA> (JTA) ... _ throughout the country and is an Fellman. The theme of this proofficial member of the Omaha gram will be Tu B'sbcvat It will Metropolitan Police Department include Binning, dancing, and a A Tree Grows skit. A -social hour will follow. Last Call for Registration School Safety Patrol.

Beth Israel News''

Happy Birthday Bar & Bas Mitzvah

in Israel By Naaey Ekharts, A<c U Oh, it's great to plant a tree l a Israel, a country that is free My little tree will grow and And

pretty soon before you know

My tree will be so tall It will protect the ground a n d offer shade to all My tree will be planted on barren ground Perhaps with others a city to surround Or up from a forest it will reacli toward the sky A living symbol that Israel will never die tree That ii nlantcd In Israel by you or me.

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Rids?, January t, 1H4

Religious News

XBB rnnsa Ben-Gurions Settle in Negev


Dance Committee Named by B.I. Men

Gems of Bible and Talmud

4:35 p. m. Candle-lightlnc (lute.

Dan Gordman, president of the Beth Israel Men's Club has announced the appointment of Art Gould as chairman of the 1854 Men's Club Dance of the. Month Bible Club. Co-chairman for the series The light of the eyes rejolcett of dances are: Dave Dvorldn, bar the heart; and good tidings maketr committee; Milton Belzer, pubo person fat. licity; Dick Speigel, band; Barney Set me as a seal upon thy heart! Drevlch, food committee; Stanley as a seal upon thine arm; for love Diamond, tickets; Gene Braun, tais strong as death, Jealousy it cruel ble committee; Dan Gordman, as the grave. parking, and Sam Kaplan, checkMany waters cannot quench tag. love, neither can the floods drowr : The Dance of the Month Club it. If a man would give all th will present a series of three substance of his house for love, he dances including a dinner dance. would bo utterly condemned. The series of dances are being Talmud repeated this rear by popular demand. Tickets will be placed on' The following . seven precepts did Rabbi Akiba command his son, sale soon by the committee. Rabbi Joshua, to observe—When studying not to take a scat in the most populated part of the city JNF Saplings (the noise will Interfere with Jerusalem (JTA)—The Jewish studying). Not to dwell In a city National Fund's nurseries in Iirael whose leaders are scholars (they are ready to begin the planting of will devote their time to study end some 4,500,000 saplings In the will neglect to look after the needs 195* afforestation .program, the of the town). To try to Join the JNF announced. Tho JNF will man on whom fortune smiles. To concentrate on fivo types of plantmake the Sabbath (meals) as ings, the announcement said, They plain as on a week-day rather than are: 1. Afforestation of the bJU to depend on charity. To rise early lopes; 2. Planting of trees in in the summer and eat before it avenues lining the country's highgets very hot, and in the •winter ways; 3. Planting of a "green belt" to eat breakfast before going out to protect newly developed agriIn the cold. Not to enter suddenly culture areas in the Negev; t. even one's own house. Wear com- Planting of trees along river ben ortable-shoes, '-,''"• in an effort to improve the soil's (The precept, "Not to dwell In1 water-holding ability; and, B. a city whose leaders are scholars,' Planting of sisal trees to provide is outmoded in most communities raw material for cordage manuoday.) facture. Raba, before starting his learned lectures, would preface bis remarks with something humorous, Be not hasty In thy spirit to be auslng the scholars to be in good angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools.—(Eccl. 7:9.) humor. ' . \ Rabbi Jochanan said: "The chief jf a congregation should not be appointed unless a heap of reptiles HOME hang on his back (whose ancestry is blemished) so that when he becomes overbearing we can say, to FOR SALE him: 'Look behind thee.'" By DR. PBUJF 8HER

TEMPLE IBKAEI, At the regular Sabbath Services Friday evening nt 8 o'clock, IU.bbi Sidney II. Brocks will di&cusa o "Lesson in Freedom." Mrs. IScrnhardt L. Wolf will udle tho blessing over the Sabbath llj;lit!;; Allen I. Tully will recite the Kiddush. Edward Mnklcsky nntl Edward Brodkcy will assist Habbi Brooks With tlie Toruh Service. Regular Shabbos morning strvice» will be held Saturday at 11:40 o'clock. Rabbi Urooks will officiate with students of Die Hebrew Department of the Religious School. Kiddush for all present Tiitftc guarda Hind watch aftaintt the po"ibilily of Arab raidi in the liolitcd Will follow the services. •res of Sdr lloker, (lie Iiraeli border villlgr in wliirh former IVime Minuter

'David Ben-Curion and llil wife, Paula, now live. The Dcn-Gurionl' new three, BETU £L ' room home ii ihe Lulldina pictured at llie rifhl. Forgoing lh« comfort of Services this eveninj! will begin two modern residences In Tel Aviv and Jcruialein for the difficult life of the at 8:19 o'clock. Habbt Myer S. untamed Necev dcHrt, they live (he tame existence •> the rugged pioneere of Xripke will deliver the sermon. Sde lloker, which, with the auitttnee of fundi derived from the Slate of Iirael Cantor Aaron I. Edgar find the Bond Iiiue, ii heina developed Into a tbeep and rattle raiting center. Itraelll Beth El Choir will render the »ee in the former Prime Minister*, dramatic decision lo return 10 the land a new and inspiring chapter in the hlttory of a dynamic leader. 'musical portions of the service. Sabbath morning cervices will begin at 8:45 o'clock. Junior Congregation services arc at 10:30 Tunis Ghetto Gets a. m. Mincha-Maariv services will Israel's Trade begin at 4:45 p. m. Medical Checkup • Daily Minyan" b held on each Balance Better week day at 7 a. m. and 7 p. in. New York WTA)—The J o i n Sunday morning scrvlco is at 9 Tel Aviv (JTA)—Israel moved Distribution Committee has com a.m. pleted medical examination of somewhat nearer to a favorable more than 5,000 residents of the balance of trade during the firsi Tunis ghetto, it was disclosed here BCTHI8KAEL 11 months of 1053, it was indiMoses A. Levitt, JDC execu Babbl Benjamin Groner, Cantor cated hero with the release of e by live vice-chairman. The mass ex Ell Kagan, and the Belli Israel Synminatlon was part of a contlnu nagogue Choir will conduct late temporary trade balance for the ing JDC campaign to.reduce thi Friday evening cervices tonight at January-November, 1553, period high incidence of tuberculosis, 8 p. m. Sabbath morning services Imports dropped by some 25,000,- trachoma and other d i s e a s e will be at Beth Israel at 8:30 a. in. 000 pounds over the same period among Tunisia's Jews. and > I. m. It 19th and Burt Sto. of 1952 while exports rose from The entire medical project, Mr. Junior services at 9:30 a. m. 14,600,000 pounds In the first 11 explained, wan a "logical Rabbi Groner will conduct the months of: 1052 to 19,000,000 Lcavitt development" of JDC'n medico Saturday Talmud clas3 at 4:30 activities in Tunisia during th p. m. und Saturday Mincha will pounds for the same months of last part five years. Reviewing th start at 5 p. m., which will be fol- year. "remarkable results'' already ob lowed by Sholosh S'eudos and The cabinet this wcok-end ex- talned as n result of JDC's ined Maariv. tended the 80 percent premium for ical activities, ho reported a sharp yp Dally momlnc services begin at capital transfers in {lie form of reduction of the mortality rate 7 a. m. at lieth Israel. hard currency from firms man- among Jewish babies from 34 pe (IIP)—Sde Boker, the Negev Dally afternoon icrvlres bej;hi ufacturing industrial products for thousand in 1048 to 23 per thou settlement to which Mr. B e n Gurlon, Israel's first Prime Minat S p. m. and Friday afternoon at export to other sectors of the sand In 1052. Israeli economy. In effect, thl 6 p. vn. Ho also announced that can iter hits retired, is to begin the Sunday morning breakfast min- will extend the rate of 1.8 Israel teens, providing mcal.i for 5,000 luarrying of gypsum which will yan meets at 8:45 a, m. and is fol- pounds for each dollar earned tr youngsters, have been set up in 4e sent to the Shlmshon Cement lowed by Rabbi Groner's Dible the citrus, air trarKport find chip- Tunisia. Another 1,500 children factory. The unearthing of mindiscussion class. The yougstcrs of ping industries. Tho transfer of arc given milk as a health sup- erals in the Negev is being underthe Talii and TcffUin Club begin funds by institutions, however, plement. He added that medical taken through the financial backtheir services at 8:30 a. m. Break- will continue to be made without treatment, once restricted to a sin- ing of State of Israel Bond investgle OSE clinic in Tunis, has nowments. fast Is served at the conclusion of premiums. been made available to many large their services. The extension of tliis rate to and s m a l l Jewish communities Next week Rabbi Iirael Fried- wider sectors of the economy was throughout the country. man, will be guest rabbi. seen hero as another move In the direction of the establishment of a single excxhanjjc rate of 1.1) Haifa Technion pounds to the dollar. It was also Wool Yarn (IIP)—Exports of Israel wool Interpreted to mean a reduction in Awards this year expect to register the ..- heavy ivy ..government subsidies yarn Haifa (JTA)—The Haifa Tech- to essential imports which were a 100 per cent Increase over lost nical Institute—Technion 00 provided by the assignment of the year. More than $1,200,000 worth of yarn will have left Israel by Opened its academic year with the preferred exchange rate. a ward of diplomas to 182 architects Citrus producers hailed the the year's end. Increased yarn and engineers at exercises attend- move as one which will make It production Is being made possible ed by members of the Israel Gov- possible for them to compete fa- through a large growth in sheep ernment, the Jewish Agency, for- vorably with Spanish orange breeding undertaken by farmers eign diplomats and leaders in vari- growers, who have provided se- with the air of Slate of Israel ous fields In Israel. vere competition In world markets. Bond investments. President Yancov Dorl, review- Tho citrus Industry will not reing progress made nt the Institute/ ceive an Immediate benefit from (aid that registration In the tech- the new exchange rate because nical school was now nearly 1,400. the citrus board owes the governHe reported that 373 freshmen ment some 3,000,000 pounds which Omaha's Favorite Rug & Upholstery had been accepted for the new will bo repaid from dtrui dollar year and 200 more fully qualficd earnings. Wa,y to Dine on Cleaners applicants had been turned away • Sunday because of a lack of facilities. Hu Plastics R0G8—CARTETING revealed that two new departLAMP SHADES ments wero being opened this (IIP)—With the great expanyear, industrial and management sion in Israel's plastics industry, engineering, and agricultural en- on end-of-the-ycar exhibition by Cleaned In Your Home) gineering. The latter department twenty leading plastic manufacBinding - Laying - Repairing to headed by Prof. Walter C. Low- turer!! has been arranged in Tel HA M54 dcrmilk, noted American soil con- Aviv. More than 50 per cent of ION BERNSTEIN servationist. output is exported.


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Caravan of Midget All-Stars Win Two at Fremont YMCA

By I.lndy I'uul

Pacific Fish and I-Go Van Unbeaten in Midget League

Two midget all-star teams made up of cixth and eighth graders displayed their winning ways at F r e m o n t ' s YMCA Wednesday nil-lit, Dec. 30. The sixtli «rade youngsters came from behlmi and defeated their opponents, 25-20. Leading the attack was Dan H<;1lis with eight points. The fine passing of Walter Wise was a real feature of the team's attack und he also added four pnlnts. Other scorers were Larry Kulin, olid L Bruce Goldstein with four points. Al Konccky added three while Justin Ban scored two. Other lads who saw action were Hob Ginsburg, Dick Zacharla, Frank Goldberg and Howard Stoler. L. The eighth graders thowed I.1IC around strength by easily defeating their opponents, 30-17. Fremont's squad was made up mostly of seventh graders which cave

the Omaha lads the edge, but the Jay stars v/ere not to be denied. They recovered well and led a K'orinj; attack that included eij;ht of their 12 players. Topping the KLorinu list, was (juard JUGtiu Ravitz with four ffcld goals and eifjht points. Tom Kully and Ed Schneider added seven, while center Howard Weinberg, Irv Belzer made four. Stuart Kutler, Al Noddle and Nelson Gordman each added a field goal. Other boys who performed were Jeff SworU, Arnold Dan, Chuck Wise ond Tom I'latt. Fremont will play n return Karne Saturday niEht, Jan. 16 at the Jay gymnasium with three squads to challenge the Oinahana. The boys had an enjoyable time and vote a thanks to Harry Halpert, Dave Fogel and Harry ltavitz for providing the transirortation.

After one round of regular sea- Howard Weinbfr;: are selected son play, two squads remain un- Stars of the Week. beaten In the Midget Leagues. In the Junior division, mighty Pacific Fish rolled past S. Riekcs Junior Section Smith Pontlac .... by the score of 28-20. Five players W. Veneer & Sons were In the scoring column for the Pacific Fish 3 Parmount Mkt winners as they were paced by the 11-Worth Grill 2 Wayne Auto. fine shooting of Dan Hollis who HZ Vending.. S. niekes Sons 1 made 13 points. He was aided by Mogen-David Wine Best Appliance 0 Bob Ginsburg with five points Clicquot Club ... Senior Section Dick Zachatia three, Bill Horwich Forbes Bakery > „, W. Parkway three and Lauren Wassermar I-Go Van 3 added one. Alan Konccky topped Burkhard-Gerellck .............. 2 Bichman-Gordman the Rlekes scoring with eight Sample Fur 1 • Prucka Transp... points, making four out of nine Hires Root Beer 0 Wolison-Gerber free throws. Bandar, Jan. I t Liberty Gas & Oil 2 p. m., S. Riekes & Sons vs Captain Justin Ban of 11-Worth Sol Lewis Co „, Grill was the clutch player as he Il-Worth Grill. Borsheim Jewelry 2:30 p. m., Mogen-David vs. Paled his team to a hard fought Playland Park ......... W. 20-16 win over Mogen-David. cific Fish. Rank* Army Goods , 18 3 p. m., I-Go Van vs. Burkhard- Debs Nebs With the score tied at 16-16, and Riteway TV Service Mileroma lest than a minute to play, Justin GereUck. National Tire 14' 10 3:30 p. m., Sample Fur vs. Hires Starlets sank a field goal and two .free Rosen-Novak ..... 10 Slick Chicks 14 throws to give his team the win. Root Beer. * Phuco-Brandels ..._ 10 Scoreless Fourlcss ........ 14 He scored, nine .points which was Kelley B 11 3 Strikes and a Sparc 13 high for his team, and Larry Gutter Gab) UV nVz Kohn, Grill center added seven. Watson Bros .*.'. ..... 4 All Strikes „. 12 12 Simons Jewelry _., A ', For Mogen-David it was Don ForAlley Cats ................... 11 13 raan with seven points. National Division Louis Mkt ................._.._....„. 4 : Fa Ma Rl 11 13 W. I-Go Van continued its winning Robinson Iron It Metal, .4 : Lucky Losers 10 14 . 29 10 Mid Plains Ins, 3 ; ways for the third time. Sherm AZA 1 Boosers ...... Lane Lassies ., 9 IS 28H 10*4 Bowling Belles ........... 1 Bennett Furniture 3 : Poska's scrappy outfit edged Sam- AZA 1 Glaros 21 25 14 S. Omaha Sun 2 * ple Fur, 17-12. Both squads were Raylm SOS ... Bleb 4 Games Slosburg Realty -. 2 • ragged and cold in their shooting. AZA 100 Centurymcn 22tt 1BV4 Tovee Bernstein, 3 Strikes U a 18 ..... 21 Magi-Color Paint.. ...... 2 « However, with Ed Schneider, Mike Rayim* S aP's Spare, 185; Laurlo Oruch, La Fa 20 10 H. A. Wolf Ins ... 2 ' Canar and Nelson Gordman con- AZA 1 Bluffers ...» Mi Hi, 175; Dody Shapiro, Al troling the rebounds the "Movers" Raylm H 18 21 A Division Strikes, 166 and VickL Colick, Slick 18 21 W. t moved into first place. Mike Canar Ind. Sleepers .„ Chicles, 184. 8 31 Morris Paint . 5 : and Ed Schneider made six point; AZA 1 No Names 34 HUh 4 Series S Pepsi-Cola „..„ . 4 : to lead the way. Sample Fur's Rayim Screwballs Tcvce Bernstein, 3 Strikes & a High Games and Series Crosstown TV 4 ! Bemie Bloom and Arnold Ban Sparc,330; Laurie Oruch, La Fo scored four each. Dave Widman, 225—548; HowGreenberg Ins. ...... 4 i Burkhard-Gerellck remained in ard Koopcr, 223—531; Stan Wid- Ma itl, 319, Dody Shapiro, All Belmont Jewelry ._ 4 2 Strikes, 312 and Barbara Joffc IJprnlc TurkiJ Grace-Mayer Ins 3 5 second place by beating a stub- man, 183-^487; George Sachs, 1B0 Lyn'a Florist 3 ! born Hires Root Beer team, 26-20 —476 and Maynard Rosen, 177— Starlets, 262. Hinky-Dinky 3 ! Center Howard Weinberg topped 433. 18RAEL SOLDIER KILLED Milder Oil ... 2 4 his team in scoring with 13 points, American Division j?ebr. Furniture • - ........... 2 4 while Al Noddle and Jeff Swartz W. U Tel Aviv (JTA)—An emergency 29 10 Burkhard-Gerellck 1 i made six and five points respec- Rayim MSG iccting of the Israel-Jordan Arm29 10 11-Worth Grill 1 E tively, Stuart Kutler led the Hires Ind. EUG •itice Commission wa3 rcqeusted squad with eight points, and Mike Rayim X's 25 14 Ladles League this week by the Israel Govern AZA 100A 23 16 W. L. Platt added five. nent following the killing of an AZA 1 Gutter Goons .... 19 20 Israeli soldier by Jordanians al By Kay Sombtrg National Tire 31 23 AZA 100 Gutter Gangs 18 21 he armistice border near Klbya Youth Council members are takPhlpils Dept. 30 24 AZA 1 Zorches 1414 24*4 The soldier wa3 killed while es- ing an active participation in their Wolfs 29^ 24'0 Rayim M Jabs 14W 24W :orting Israeli surveyors atttempt- ili!h school athletic program. Il-Worth Grill .._...: 29 25 AZA 1 We Goofed 12 27 ng to demarcate the armistice Seniors Alan Rosen and Bernlo X'&'S Shoes 29 25 Inc. Justin Dan Turkel played center and tackle Rayim K 11 28 Colony Club ... ...... 28 26 Howard Weinberg respectively on the Central varsity Kish Furs __ ;... 27% 26W High Games and Series The Jordanian authorities had Justin Ban is the first player tc Hamilton . „ 27 27 Fred Simon, 210—585; Bob Ep- >een informed through the Mixed football team. Bernle, offensive win the star of the week award. stein, 208—530; Ed Bclzcr, 180— \rmistice Commission that Israel nnd' defensive standout, received Lyn's Florists ............... 26 28 The speedy sixth grader canv 463 and Bob Meyer, 179—449. Shukerts ........... 26 28 iurveyors would start work in the honorable mention on the Allthrough In the clutch last Sunday Smith Pontiac 26 28 3udrus-Kibya area on December intercity team. Two first-stringers and one reand proved.to be 11-Worth Grill'r Douglas 26 28 A large number of the immi- 11. When no answer was received, serve make up the Youth Coun"Money player," He poured In 29 Omaha Jobbing ............ 25 Israel assumed there were no obfour points with a minute to play grant Jews from Russia and Po-. jections and the work party war cil's contribution to Central's 29 Angles Beauty „. ...... 25 land who settled in the small wrestling. Varsity matmen Include to break a 16-16 tie and win the 29 Country 25 y Club American towns carried on a lit- sent out. 133-pounder Mike Dcncnbcrg and game for hl> team. M t i Beauty B t . Mystic 22 32 tle domestic farming too. I reAn Israeli soldier was wounded Al Rosen, 155 pounder who is also Center Howard Wclnborg tossed welnht man during tha track five field' goals and two frer member we always had a cow and in the Negev by fire from the Jorthrows as Burkhard-Gerellck tool' chickens. Thor invariable name danlan side of the border, when s e a s o n . Dan Dcnenbcrg, 189 for our cow—we had'a number an Israeli patrol attempted to pounds, Is one of Central's reserved a 26-20 win from Hires Root Beer Miki Plait waif high with hlr Using hi? height to good advan- In succession—was Jennie. Later, drive off Arab cattle from Israeli grnpplore. I loved a girl. Her name was Jen- fields. A complaint was lodged by Two second team basketball * aeries of 288. Lenora Falk firct' tage, Howard was a bulwark unthe high game in the league with der both boards as he sparked hi1- nie too." I don't know Tf there the Israel authorities with the players ore Doug Colin and Steve. Mixed.Armistice Commission. Rosenblat. Playing reserve baskether 1S2. Vicki Colick was high ir team's victory. For their perfor- was any connection.—(JTA) ball at Abe Lincoln in Council the glr{s' division with her serler mance last Sunday Justin Ban and Not by might nor by power, but Bluffs Is Tom Brornbcrg. Jerry Say not thou, What Is the cause 'of 279.that the former days were better by my spirit, saith the Lord of Uosen and Howard Upton . are S tan ding* than these? for thou dost not en- hosts. Who art thou, O great ow engaged as freshman cagcri W. L . . . Thou shalt become 'or the Eagles, O. P. SScaggs 20 6 Basketball Scoring | quire wisely concerning this.— amountain? Looking into the future, Dick plain.—(Zech. 4:6.7.) (Eccl. 7:10.) Kebr. Fur. Mart........... 18 8 'rank will captain this year's golf Varsity League (3 games) . Maypers 15 111 team. Atempting to place themPis. • Wolfson-Gerbcr Auto.... MH II .' selves on the top squad arc Doug Irv Yaffcc (KUTLERS) ..., 47 Ind, Chemical Co 14 12 Conn, John Goldncr and Speedy ..47 Gamble-Robinson Fruit I1H 14 Vi Jack Stiss (Collegians) "wclback. Al Clayman (Star Auto) ........ 45 Il-Worth Grill 10 16 Central's spring baseball hopes Ray Somberg (Star Auto) 20 • Playland Park 10 IB will be given a boost by Hay . Steve Lustgarten (Lusty S) ....2G Amer. Lbr. & Sup. Co. 9 17 Somberg and Stan Widman. Ray Midget Basketball League Morris Paint 8 18 (3 games) Bornie Turkel made one of bounding kept his team in the will be back at Ills first base posillifh Games and Strict tion and Stan, after playing Amcrl.'fime. Junior Section the most important baskets of Mike Plait 149-137—286 High flying Raylm remained one can Legion ball, will make a bid his career last Tuesday night as Vlckl Colick 142-137—27P varsity outfielder. 28 his league leading Independent 1','iine behind the Independents Billy Ka'zrnan 144-129—273 Justin Ban (11 Worth) 25 team nipped a r.allant Mother with a 02-35 win over A.Z.A. 100. Howard Wclnberg.... 145-110—20" Al Konecky (S. niekes) 25 chapter squad 38-38. With less than The lads from 100 played their Lconara F.itk 152-108—2(ir Dan Hollis (Pacific Fish) Jerry Sherman 131-122—25C Howard Stoler (Mo|;en-David)..10 a minute to play, the score was best offensive (fame but their (IIP)—The first shipment or Dick Zacluiria (Pacific Fish) ....14 knotted a 30-30, when Speedy opponents had too much height. Jack Lieb 12r>-121 Ray Somber;: was hiKh with 23 rael citrus to Eritrea left durTom PlaH 139-107—2« Bruce Goldstein (S. niekes) ....14 Zwclbnck • was fouled. The Inde- points, while Al Corey pitched in Senior Section ing December, This Is the first pendents floor leader missed his Walt Wi.ie 133-110—245 first attemp and also his second. with 14. Gene Kohn and Mike time that Israel fruit has been Maureen Z'-vltz 130-113—213 Howard WclnberiJ (Eurk-Gcr.)PLs. 28 The lads from A.Z.A. I were trail- Solzman were the big men for sent to that country. Exporters Bob Slnoiru' 123-118—241 Krt Schneider (KJo Van) ..../. 27 ing throughout the whole game Hayim In i.e rebound department. have been enabled to look further Herbic Kiini.in 111- 99—240 Stuart Kutler (Hires) 20 and caur.ht fire in the last quarter Keny Fried played a fine game afield for markets through the inBcrnie Grossman .... 130-108—230 Justin Ilavitz (Sample Fur) 22 to /;ain a two-point lead, but were for the Centurymen. He dravc hard creased citrus yields resulting Bcrnie Polikiv 13'i-lOl — 237 Tom Kully (I Go Van) 10 unable to hold their opponents. and finished high with 13 points, from a program to expand cltrlStuart F./;;,l 133-100—23.r Y. C. B League (3 games) The Independents made it a real while Howard Kaslow, nhowlnR culturc which is being backed by David Wintruub .... 137- 97—23-1 Fls. team victory as six of their players much improvement scored nine State of Israel Bond investments. Btuart Kutler 131-103—234 Art Novak (Raylm B) ..28 v/erc in the scoring column. Speedy points. Dennis Schulman .... 137- 00—231' James Shapiro (RAYIM B) Star of the Week 25 Zweiback hit for nine points folMike Shrler 130- »2—222 Howard Goldstein (Kayim B) ....24 lowed by Rosen's eight, Turkel To deliver In the clutch is goal Bernard Bloom 120-102—22? David Widman (A.Z.A. IB) ....23 added ceven^Lonny Gaer and Bob of all athletes. Turkel, IndeMike Ban (Rayim C) 18 Kully delivered five points and pendent center did Just that. Held EISENHOWER 16 ASK Ben Rubin (Rayim C) 18 Tom Bernstein mode four/- For to eicht points against A.Z.A. 1, All bowling news should be ' Washington (JTA—The ElsenY. C. A League (6 games) A.Z.A. 1, it W03 Stan Widman he lilt the big one. His last typewritten and double spaced hower Administration is prepared Tls. once again. The lanky junior minute basket broke a lie game on ap unlincd sheet of paper. to ask Congress for $190,000,000, in Ray Somberg (Raylm) 112 played his finest game to date. that may decide the Y. C. title If no typewriter is available economic aid for the Middle East Stan Widman (A.Z.A. 1) 87 He hit eight field goals and three For his clutch contribution in print the scores plainly and in i n the next fiscal year, it was re- Harlan Rosen (Ind) 63 free throws for 19 points to lead keeping hln team on top in the Y. the order in which they are to ported here this week-end. .The Al Corey (Rayim) C. league, Bernle Turkel is se- appear in the paper. 67 M b 1 -(TAP* Yi&uina .Tulv t , • «» Passer (A.Z-A. J) Al his squad's scoring, and his re- lected a Star of the Week.

Midget Standings

Y.C.Girls Bowling

Y.C. Boys Bowling

Y. C. Athletes In H. S. Sports

Stars of the Week in Midget League

Jr. B. B. Bowling

ndependents Nip AZA I A; Turkel Sinks Crucial Basket


Bowling News

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