January 15, 1954

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VOLXXXU-No. W-£j^ O l -Lj 1 KS3jj- J S F V * %£


-I tverjr fridajr, 101 M. 301b. Btotlt Oopr 10 O « U '0 UJOJUII i. Nebruka, FtiOBt AT MOU Annul JUU 4 DollUt

Kooper Heads Philanthropies urive For'54 Global Report

New US Policy Worries Britain London (JTA)—British Foreign 'Office sources confirmed that the United States Government had concluded on agreement with King Saud of Saudi Arabia for the training and equipment of a substantial Arabian army. The same sources said the British Government had not yet been consulted by the U. S. on a similar arrangement proposed for Iraq. foreign Off Ice sources expressed concern over the new irend In American policy toward the Middle East Separate arrangements to supply arm* and equip troops of the Middle Eastern states wlthout any fixed obligations on the part of these states would—In the British view—lead.ultimately to either on attack on Israel or to a policy of neutrality by these states in the event of a major war. Israel at present receives no American military assistance from the United States, the State Deportment having failed to act on Israel's long-standing request for military aid. Spcaklnj; of the overall foreign Old program. Gen. Eisenhower said that military assistance and technical aid must be continued but that "economic assistance can be reduced." He indicated tlint the economic nid program would be cut except for economic programs In Korea nnd "in a few oilier critical places of thu world."1

Rabbi I. Friedman Is B. I. Speaker nobbl Israel Friedman, executive director of «ic Mlzrachi Organization of America, will spcaV tonight at Beth Israel Synagogue His topic is "Bar Han UniversityCitadel of Learning." At the sabbath morning service he will deliver a sermoncttc to thr young folk's congregation on thr theme "What the Youth of Israo' say to'their Cousins In America." Saturday evening at 8 o'clock liabbl Friedman will be guest o'

Rabbi Israel Friedman honor at a special M'lavah Mnlkah at the B'nal-Jacob Jcshuron Synagogue. The rabbi will discuss the cabinet crisis In Israel at this session. Cantor Ell Kagan will lead the musical portion of the program. Sunday morning at 8:45 o'clock Ilnbbl Friedman will be tho guest Of the Beth Israel Breakfast Mlnyonalrci. In the evening at 7:30 o'clock, fflms depleting tho cornerstone ceremonies of Bar Han University will bo shown at Beth Israel. The public Is cordially Invited to attend the synagogues and hear the rabbi speak, William Wclner president of tho local Mlzrachi nnnounced.

REVISION INDICATED Vienna (JTA)—The Austrian Government was reported to have Indicated some revision of its former position which led to a breakdown of talks between the Austrian Government and Jewish organizations on Jewish restitution claims. This revision, It was reported, may lend to resumption of negotiations on an-altcrcd basis. Dr. Emll Maurer, president of the board of the Union of Austrian Jewish Communities, and Wllhelm Krcll, Its general secretary, Were to leave tor Zurich to mdpt Dr. Nahum Goldmann, head of the Jewish claims agency, for a conference there. Dr. Abe Greenberf

Brandeis Prexy Will Speak Here Dr. Abram U. Sachar, president of Brandeia University, will be guest speaker at n dinner nicotine of community leaders at the ISlackstone Hotel, 7 p. m., Wednesday, Jan. 20. Dr. Sachar will talk on behalf of tl\e university. He Is n former chairman of the Hillel Foundation in tho United Stater, and t a u g h t history for many yrar.i at the University of Illinois. Now in it-i sixth academic year, Brandelrj University numbers n student body of 807 young men anil women from 30 states and 11 forclipi nations. The university was opened in the full of 1048 as the first non::ectarlnn institution of higher learning to be founded by the American Jewish Community. Dr. Sachar recently nnnounced that the Hoard of Trustees of tho Charlis Ilnyden Foundation will make a contribution of one half million dollars to Brandeis University, to match the a m o u n t raised from other sources. Dr. Abe Grcenbcrg Is chairman of the dinner committee and David Blacker, co-chairman. Vice-presidents arc: II y m a n Fcrcr, Morris E. Jacobs, J. H. Kulakofsky, Alfred Mayer, Nathan Nofig, Morton Richards, Harry Sldman, Louis Sombcrg, and JoBeph Zwclback. Dinner committee members Include: Messrs. and Mmos. Milton Abrahams, David Bernstein, A. H Ilrodkey, Kdward K. Brodkcy, Isadoro Chapman, Harry B. Cohon, Harold P. Farber, Barney Fink David Frank, David Goldman, Arthur Goldstein, Herman Goldstein Henry Greenbcrg, Manning Handler, Richard Hlller, Robert H. Kooper, Louln Lipp, Jack Marcr, Henry Newman, Ernest A. NccK. Edward Rosen, Fred Roscnstock, Edward P. Schlmmcl, Jack Schager, Alfred Sophir, Samuel S. Steinberg, Marvin Trcllcr, Harry Trustin, Paul Verct and Samuel N. Wolf. Cocktails will be served at 7 p. m. If you have not received your Invitation call or wrlto Dr. Abe Grcenbcrg for reservations.


REPARATIONS Bonn (JTA)—The West German Government will take advantage of the escape clause In the reparations agreement with Israel which permits the Germans to reduce their payments to the equivalent of $00,000,000 annually beginnlnr with April I, this year, it was learned from well i n f o r m e d sources. Tho agreement provided thai Germany might exercise the option of reducing payments from about $740,000,000 annually after two years, but It was assumed that this would be done only if Germany's trade jiositlon deteriorated In view of Germany's extraor. dinary prosperity in the past year the Israelis had expected that deliveries would continue on the basis originally set. SOVIETS DEPORT Istanbul (JTA)—Some 10,000 Jews living in former Rumanian territory have been deported by the Soviet authorities to Siberia, it was reported here. Meanwhile, the Free Rumanian Committee here reported that six more Zionist leaders arc currently in Rumanian .prisons following their trial and conviction last September. Tho six are: E. Kcnner Pascu Schacchter, Samuel Schittonowitzer, A. Horowitz, Iancu Tabacaru and Jean Ccrnautcanu.

Active Leader In Community-

Robert n . Kooper

New Arabian King Hostile to Israel New York (JTA)—The new King Saud of Saudi Arabia was reported here as having stated yesterday at his royal palace In Riyadh, capital of Saudi Arabia, that the Arab nations should sacrifice up to 10,000,000 of their 50,000,000 people, if necessary, {9 wipe out Israel. Tho report, carried by the Associated Press, quoted the 33-yearold Arab monarch as stating: "Israel to the Arab world, is like a cancer to the human body, and the only way of remedy is to uproot It J11.1t like a cancer." He made his remarks In a speech to a visiting press delegation from Jordan. He declared that tho Arab nations never would hold d i r e c t talks with Israel because they did not recognize Israel as a nation. The Arabs lost Palestino to the Israelis in 1948 because they were not united and "not sincere in their actions and efforts," he added, and continued: "Had we united then (in 1948) Israel would not have come into existence. Israel l i a s e r i o u s wound in the Arab world body, and we can not endure tho pain of this wound forever. We don't have the patience to see Israel remain occupying part of Palestine for long."

Mapai and Zionist Parties Agree to Provide Coalition Jerusalem (JTA)—Representatives of the Mapai and General Zionist Parties signed an agreement providing for the reconstltution of the coalition government. Agreement on the principles involved came late after a fourhour meeting called by Acting Premier Moshc Sharctt and ' attended by four top leaders from

On Radio and TV "How Manny G«t Into tho Seventh Grade," written by Marc Slcgcl, will be presented on the Eternal Light radio program Sunday, from 11:30 n. m. to noon over WOW-Radlo, it hn.i been announced by the Jewish Theological Seminary of America^ "How Manny Got Into the Seventh Grade" is an adaptation of a short story by Emmanuel Winters. It Is a delightfully humorous account of the Intense search of a tcnycar-old.boy, aided by his wise nnd understanding father, for a representative of God, as a sign that lie would bo promoted from the sixth grado Into tho seventh. "Message of Israel" will be broadcasted. over K O I L this Sunday morning from 10 to 10:30 o'clock.

each of the two parties. Immediately after the agreement was signed, Mr. Sharett reopened contact with Progressive Party leaders looking toward that party's return to the government. It is understood that the agreement signed by the laborltes and centrists provides that: both parties shall work for the inclusion of the other three parties now in the coalition—Progressives, Mlzrachi and Poalc Mlzrachi—In the new Cabinet; a Joint office of the Ministry of Trade and the Treasury shall be established to deal with import problems; and the new Cabinet will attempt to do awny with foreign currency controls. Also, that the election law be amended to provide that any party which obtains at least 4.2 per cent of the total vote in a notional election, or is entitled to five scats In the Knesset, shall be represented In-the Knesset — those who receive less shall forfeit their total representation; and that the General Zionists shall name the Deputy Minister of Education. With the newest wording of the proposed clectral law amendment meaning that the small parlies now In the government shall be nble to maintain their Parliamentary status, it is expected that the Progressives will re-Joln the government. Mapai sources hope to see a final agrcccmcnt on a stable

government, reached this. week.

Robert H. Kooper, prominently identified with Jewish community affairs, treasurer of the Jewish Federation, and active in civic affairs in Omaha, will be general chairman of the 1954 Jewish Philanthropies and the United Jewish Appeal Campaign, J. Harry Kulakofsky, Federation president, announced. "I am extremely gratified to announce," Kulakofsky said, "that Bob Kooper has accepted the top leadership of our 1954 Campaign. The early selection of a campaign chairman will enable us to start it without delay. The leadership' of Bob Kooper assures us of a speedy and successful drive, and of support on the part of tho entire community." Active in Community Mr. Kooper has long been active In the Omaha Jewish community. He served .as a member of the Federation board for many' years, and was in, charge of the buildings and properties ot the Federation. He Is a veteran cam-' paigner, having participated . in e v e r y campaign since its first drive in 1930. Kooper is a past president ot the Beth El Synagogue, B'nai B'rith and H i g h l a n d Country Club; past national president of Ivre; past president of the Omaha Building Owners and Managers Association. He was Initial Gifts Chairman in the 1953 Campaign. In accepting the general chairmanship, Mr. Kooper said "that the Jewish community of Omaha must again understand the Important role of the Philanthropies campaign in gathering funds for some two hundred agencies and institutions. Were it not for this single campaign, our community would be beset by n u m e r o u s drives, which would be a burden in terms of man power and actual campaign costs. Drive Benefits Many "Our community Will again havo to remember, that the main support for Israel 'from Omaha Jewry comes through Philanthropies' funds; that a g e n c i e s which work to safeguard Jewish rights in America receive their support from this campaign; national hospitals and welfare Institutions receive their, sole cupport from the Philanthropies; religious institutions and traditional agencies, both in America and in Israel, are assisted through our funds. "And Omaha institutions, too,' depend upon the Philanthropies campaign. All the religious schools receive substantial grants toward their budgets; the Home for Aged and Federation welfare services depend upon our drive." Mr. Kooper announced that the Campaign Steering Council is being formed and that plans are being shaped for a speedy campaign. "I would like to stress," Mr. Kooper emphasized, "that our campaigns have been successful In tho past only because we had an excellent corps of workers and a generous response by members of the community. I am sure that again, we will have devoted workers and a responsive community Join In meeting the needs of tho 1054 campaign." ARCHAEOLOGICAL, EXHIBIT Washington (JTA)—An archaeological exhibit of Biblical lore entitled "The Land of the Bible" was opened at the Smithsonian Institution Sunday by the American Fund for Israel Institutions. Among the exhibits Is a largo menoruh cusl in stone relief and taken from one of the earliest Jewish synagogues, built some 1,700 years ago. The Library of Congress has loaned several of its valuable Bibles, Including the famed Gutenberg Bible, to the exhibit. Israel Ambassador Abba Ebnh tendered a leceptiim at the Israel Embassy today lo mark the opening of the exhibition.




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of a DIME

march of dim** polio car* and cost

Jordan Defies UN Group

• r ArUur JLewb oa (JTA>—*«sn before tho Jordan Government replied and wbile.lt was procraatinatinc stnd thus teeakta* tfce «pWt, of not tbe letter, «*" ttaCJarnscUee aw agreement, IsraaH apakcssBeo hers tUMATM Democratic action in a wonderful and exciting process. Al said that they would bavs to folthough the words have been twisted and attaebed to action* low op any rejection efthetr action 12,500 A m in lnvoktag Article XU, which quite different by cynical communists, they ttill h«ve auin saalccs a meeting between t»tn taJned their brightness in our concept sides mandatory. Obrteosly, 6iey At a recent meeting men and women of goodwill gather* would save to do so, for such a Jordan move would strike at the ' to disco* the problem of equal job opporbmitie*. People of very foundation of tbe Shaky fabdifferent races, religion* and job endeavor* discussed the proa OAMMA ' ric vUeh Js net peace tut is not OIOWUM and cons of implementing.* program that would bring abort war In Palestine. eqoa.1 job opportunities in Omaha, In the opinion of experienced The main point of disaention was whether or not a city abjervers at -the United Nations, there are several courses open to ordinance prohibiting discrimination in employment because the UcaeUt ProbaMy (he first of race, color, religion, ancestry or national origin would be would be to pursue tbe matter the means of implementing the program. Some thought that stiU further with the Secretary discrimination could not be dooe away with by legislation General, Sag HamnierskJoW. According to the amristiee acme. While others contended that legislation was necessary, that it lag This I* hew your etmM and 4»U*rv are f M to « M g a*lte ky y meats, tt is op to the Secretary should be "put on the book*." ttta MaUaW FasnaatlM 1w l«f»*«l« hmlytta. la H H IIke k «b»w «b Ceaerai to summon both sides to will bays even aoaier sawer as a new waat Is «aaaa< la tk* 1*y«ar Tie speakers -were earnest men .and women who gave ou a meeting when Article XII is inbattle against polle wHk a praaraia ef "Wla PraMMttoa, TMe w)U with honest am>wers. A bmiiness man talking quite candidly voked. IX one side refuses to atIndue* gamma atobolin aad trials af «w tast mcetoe. TMs aresnuii tend or makes Ms attendance desaid that be felt such an ordinance would place in his bands alen* vrtU ««st miOOjOOa CUv» Mn«r«Mly «a *ks ttU March •» pendent upon unacceptable condiOlmec threuatieut <ht tattr* maitfi the burden of carrying out the provisions of the ordinance. Be tions, then, presumably, Mr. Hamreflected that perhaps it is part of his business activities to do merskjold would still have to call thk. At this point a print arose and stated that he would not for a regular meeting. High Level consider thin a burden but a privilege. A labor union representative said a point that he Xelt that wag important is that there tinder such circumstances, Jorare eggs and milk in our stores that people cannot afford to dan's refusal to tend high-level Bjr Miltaa MedaBSa but the new book is aimed at a representatives to such a meeting buy because they do not have the opportunity to earn more Washington <JTA)—A defense wider audience. would make Its -viobtkia of the money. of Nad war criminals Is contained Trial of Hitlerites armWlae agreements even clearer Vcale dyffi^ff Hennann Goer. than its carefully worded reply. In A reprcswitutif c of tho itatc legislature told listeners that in a new took mailed to washinfupstate rancher* frit it was it local problem and should be re ton newspapermen from Appleton, Ing as an "antl-Communlrt/' other words, .Che Secretary GenWls., at toe tame time that Wis- praises tbe McCarthy investiga- eral, by an action which be Js solved locally. consin Sen. Joseph McCarthy an- tion of the Malmedy trials, praises legally bound to take, would put So the trend of tliouplit went with viewpoints from many nounced subpoena action against Fi«ld Marshall Albert Keaselrtafc Jordan on the spot sources brought together listened to and discussed. It was said Gen. TeUord Taylor, chief U. S. a convicted war criminal, lor hav- Another course would be to "gallantly defended Italian brine the matter to the atleniion that the meeting was inspired by a desire to better the commu prosecutor at the Nuremberg trails. ing Entitled "Advance to Barbar- soil," and has kind words for Van of the Security Council which Js jiity. A civie endeavor which caused the paths of many to ism,*' Mannstein, XelleJ, SoenHz, Raethe book itiggefU that punthe final arbiter as Iar as the arcrow that might not had done so otherwise. ishment of high-ranking Nazis was der, Petaln, and others. He likens mistice agreements are concerned; the trial of Hitlerites to the ordeal One thought that was particularly impressive was .a quote a Communist concept and thai of Joan of Arc. In keeping with it would be an Ironic reversal of those in the western world -who front John Collier, an outstanding anthropologist "The amount favored be suggests that far- what happened before with. Israel the post-war trials were consistency, mer President Roosevelt was mo- the accuser instead of the defendof human potential is unmeasured. The supreme problem of odrancing to "barbarism." The auant. There is talk here that the man in society is to bring the full potential into flower." thor is an Englishman, F. J. P. tivated by Jewish voles. Israelis hove put up with Jordan Veale. He accuses tbe United Attacking the Morgenlhnu Plan procrastination for so long and Slates of aggression against the throughout the book, Vcale goes have done oothlnf much about it Axis, denounces the Royal Air back to the Old Testament for because they were vailing for Force for bombing Germany, and anti-Semitic material. He cites tbr January and the change In the d e s c r i b e s anil-Nazi resistance Book of Josbua, saying: "There composition of the Security CounVtUMj. it*. 15 movements as "treacherous." He we read that the Hebrews, when cil to one more sympathetically Pre-School—»:O0 s. m—Center. sees Nazis as "gallant," lauds tbe they invaded the land, of Canaan disposed toward them. Vew ZcaCatertUr. Jam, U "heroic" German General H. B slew 'both man and woman, younf Hadassah One*- Shabbat-American Educotion-ZPB-Chalrman — Ramcke who was convicted by tbe and old, and ox and sheep . . .'" land, Brazil and Turkey have replaced Pakistan, Chile and Greece, 12:30 p. tn-—Homes French as a war criminal, and be- This, Veale describes as a -"ghastly and thus one Moslem and proCentennial Jubilee of Music little* testimony by Jewish sur- performance in -which tbe holy Arab member tuts been eliminated. Sunday, Jan. 17 vivors that the Nazis manufac- men of Israel evidently took great pride." He mentions, too, what be Children's Program—2;00 p. m.—Center Tawer riUtic* tured "human, soap." calls tbe "effontery" of Ox Prophet Centennial Jubilee of Music However, the facts, of power AJraae* U Barfearicas Samuel. Beth Iirael Founder's Pageant—6:00 p . nu—Beth Israel remain. Whether or not Victims of me Hath consider the The book contain Justification polities Youth Adult Lounge Night—flrOO p. m>—Center. British, who are the paymasbook HseU to be an "advance to for Nazi actions and Prussian mil- the ters of oonld have inMonday, Jan. II barbarism.'* One of (be two per- itarism. It lauds Germany as a fluenced Jordan, the Jordan Government Fre-Scbool—»*0 a. m.—Center sons to whom it is dedicated Is supposed barrier against Commucomply with the armistice MizraeM Women—1:00 p. nv—Center Edward L. Van Boden, a Pennsyl- nlsm.-A comparison is found be- agreement and meet with Israel, Hsriiwah Chapter Board—MM p. nx—Home vania judge. Van Boden was tween the Soviet counter—offenthey could not -very well agree l a Moaaay, Jso. I I praised by Sen. McCarthy lor al- sive Of 1844-lVi5 and the Invasion Workmen's Loan—740 p . m<—Center egations in 1B49 wbico formed tbe of Europe by barbarian hordes in the censure of ibis government for basis of McCarthy's attack on the thirteenth century. An anti- ru violation of Article X n . The VaUc Pane* Croup—4.-00 p. m^-Centor American Army personnel, includ- American theme also prevails, wiUr Americans, whose "new look" polBMh Israel Adult Institute—«:00 p. m.—Beth Israel ing Jews, with respect to the treat- an allegation that "when the icy in the Middle East is only loo Taesday, Jam 19 of Nazi stortntroopers held Americans entered tbe Harz dis- evident, would not wish to conWagons! Council of Jewish Women's Lundieoo—l:Cv p. i n - ment by. the United States for their role trict, execution wm threatened in demn an Arab State for anything. Center ' > la the massacre of American pris- the ratio of 200 to 1 . .," and will) Of course, a Security Council cenBridge Class—1:15 p. m—Center sure would help to rally moral rs held by the United Suites Yiddish Conosrt Series—Guest, Dr. Israel Knox-«:15 p. m~ for their role in tbe massacre of charges that the Americans tor- support around Israel—but even tured Germans. It Is alto chnrgci] .Center American prisoners of war at Mal- that Germans were put into "cou- if this body judged the issue on its Music at Home Club—8:00 p. m.~Home medy, Belgium, in 1044. A Senate cmtration camps" without cause merits, and nobody believes it will, Seta Israel P-TA Board MeeUnc-^aao p. in—Home subcommittee which investigated by the Allies. In tome instance!, its resolution would not make tbe McCarthy-Van Itodcn chargci the United States is likened to the much difference in the end, There HAWISHA AflAR B'SHEVAT (New Year tit the Trses) rejected them as false and quis- Soviet Union. Great Hritain, tijc la the example of the Security WadOMdar, Jaa. M tioned the motivation behind what natio|i.to which Vcale presumably Council order to stop the blockade FnHBchooi—9A0 a. m.—Center was seen as a concerted attempt owes allecUince, is found more at of Israel in the Suez Canal—Egypt Oil Painting Class—l;0O p. nV-Ccwer to free dangerous Nazis. Van Hodoi fault than Nazi Germany. lias not paid the slightest atten' CeraroJ*~J;00 p. vu~Center and McCarthy not only wanted the tion to it. B"na| VjUh Woman Luncheon—1:00 p. m—Center Nazis freed but urged that AmerCeramics—730 p . m—CenUr ican legal officers be placed on What remains to be done? Then lVORfEN IN HOLLAND /•wish CopJwry Osss-atfO p. m^-Center trial. Amslerdnm (WNS)—A Tigh» arc other courses open such as Center Orchestra—flaw p, m.-Center action, and Israel would Workmen's Circle Ladies Auxiliary—8:30 p. av—Labor Lyceum Van Rodcn, through his capacity which has been denied to Uierr unilateral entitled to declare that, because i a judge, helped Herbert Cun- tince 1010 was restored to the Jew- be lfcsmday, Jan, SI of Jordan's to comply with her Sonthoff, a one-time member ish women t>f Holland as the re- Article XII,refusal Temple Book Review—1:00 p. m—Home the armistice agreeof a "Sturm Abteilung" detach- sult of the signing of a 100-year ment Hadatsah Group 1Boards—KiJo p. m—Homes was null and void. However, ment, become an American citi- concordat civuig them tbe rich' Israel's reputation as SSJ^, ^ i f S ? ^• !L w m DancJlIf Class-3^5 p. m,-Center a law abidto join any synagogue lndcpcnden' zen. This, despite Die fart that Beth Israel Men's CJub Dinner~-7:M p, m~Beth Israel Sonthoff had written, "I do not in- of their husbands' affiliation. Con- ng and peaceful member of the Bridge Clais—8:00 p. m.-Centcr -««> ssraw tend to deny ray adherence to tho versely, husbands arc to be per- community of nations is so great t t cause . . ." Later Van mitted to Join the synagogues of hat nobody believes that it would ^ J f ' Vcterant P o s l 8 n d U d t o » Au*JIiary-«:(» p. m- "lerman <io this. In the end, the final judgioden, endorsed a pro-Nazi, anti- their spouse's choice. tewish book, "Tho Crfihe Of Our Under the old agreement of 18IC ment of tuch an act of open deKadimahBoard Meeting—6:30 p. m/—Home gc" by Ludwlg Fritsch. He wrote; between the Sephardic and Aali- fiance as Jordan's would rest with 'I think II should have a wido (lis- kcnazl Jews In Holland the wife the peoples of the world, and that finer CAUGO 000 tons of oil which Israel will ributlon, npt only to Uio clergy, could not belong to a eynagoguc is why it Is felt here that Israel Tel Aviv (JTA)_The first car. purchase with citrus fruit and likely to bring the matter to the t to nil Americans." A. O, Tilt- other than her husband's, thus isittention go of Russian ojl to bo deliverer1 cash. The Israeli Delek fuel com- nun, of the Security Council, who founded a cuccsasor orcompelling women of Sephardic to Israel under the recent Israel pany has decided to sign another to the Gcrman-Ameri- origin to attend Aihkenazi syna- lot because it expects redress for Soviet trade agreement wai un- agreement for the purchase of ;unizillon this grievance, but to give it as :an Bund, gave the book clmllar and women of Ashkcnaz) much publicity cs loaded at this port from nn Itaiiar 75,000 tons of oil from tho USSR. >ralsc. Anolher endorser was A. gogues possible. irifiln to attend Sephardic synaOriginally, I.Tne! was interestci' tanker. The 10,000-lon carfio waApp who sucegstcd that Prud- MIUCE. destined for tho Palestine Electric in purchasing Soviet crude oil tint' ent Eitenhowcr behanged as a Before the new agreement goer Give therefore thy .servant an refining it at Haifa. However, UIIF iar criminal. Corporation. A reaillng of "Tlic into effect, it must be approved by rnderstandlng heart . . . that 1 The oil, a heavy grade, will br project was abandoned because 1! i e Of Our Age" indicates that nay discern between good and tested by the company to see If i' was found that the cost of retialnf :he writer felt the "crime" was Queen Juliana of Holland. body—I Kings 3:0.) tan be used directly In its opera- the Russian type of oil was toe .hot the Allies won instead of the Seek good, and not evil, that ye tions without further refining. If high. azis. This forerunner of Vcole's may live: and $o the Lord, the God it acn bd Used, the power corporaAdvance'To Barbarism" wan em- of hosts, shall be-with you, tion will take the bulk of the 200,Patronize Our Advertisers. ulated mostly In neo-Nazi circles (Amos 5:14.) BASSY R A U MB& LOOK PAWL....

JMHar -Society Sdttor



Equal Job Opportunity


Capital Spotlight

Community Calendar


New Israel Bond Issue Seeks Third Yiddish t o Raise 75 Million in 1954 Series Jan. 26 Hew York, Jan. 10 (JTA)—A «ew Israel Band Issue to raise frajOMMO In UM for the economic devdeptaent of the State et InracL will be floated Ja tie OWterf State* aeon afterAprU 1st sC tbfai ycwTy it v v smomcatd nt the do«e ol a two-day leadership eaoference heat ot the Israel Bond P r t i The VISJMMW fane wHJ be pert of s lota tame of $3ttJMft0 H b > b e Mit to tbe oast lew Tvsos to enable Israel to achieve •QPMBUC MKMffconextct! fnraafn fee expanska of ttt fmtatfry, ag-

I b e Development lame, -which ft to be registered with the Securities and *»**»" gr Commljilon in Washington, D. C, will eomist of 14-year coupon bonds burin* foot per tern* interest per annum and 10-year saving* bond*, apptedattnc SO per cent et ntatttrfty; The coupon bonds' wffl b« issued in denominations ranging from tBW to fUMMMO. Tbe savings bonds wffl begin at WOO •Ad go up to llO^Oa A $100 •end limed In 1934 wffl entitle fee bolder to a payment at itSO at maturity fax MM. Both principal and interest wfll be payable fat doilarav

Jordan Evades Parley WHh Israel UMted Rattans, M. Y. (JTA)— DWted Hittoaa flspetarj GeneraF PagHammaftHoM consulted this Wdc wHIi tht AflMrtam, British laid other delegations at ths UK in eomtcctiod -wMn a reply ho neeived tntA Oe Jordan Govern ment to tesenr proposal for direct fcrsef-JordM Mgh level talks to review tho armistice agreement. Jordan's reply suggested that Such talks be conducted through the Mixed Armistice Commission Che text of tbe Jordan comnrantcatioii was wfthhcld from publication by tbe UN Secretary General who was understood to feel that it Is not a definitive answer and desired to pumie the matter further with the Jordan Government Mordecal Kldron. member of the Israel delegation, was received, meanwhile, by Mr. 11ammarskjold. It b understood flint Mr. HamhursfcjoFd was strongly advised not to release Jordan's reply without some covering statement from himself as to the future course the UN was to follow in the light of Jfisrdan's position* It was stressed. here by nil quarters familiar with the sitaauba that tbe Jordan repay could not technically be caned » rejection at the Secretary Cenersl'i bid to • parley with. Israel, bat an evasion.

Israel Development Bonds Will be non-transferable for the first five years. However, purchasers of the new bonds, subject to flmttatlons to be stated, will be eligible to obtain loans on. their bonds up to 79 per cent of. their par value at any toe wltUo that period. Religious, charitable or educational organizations which purchase bonds with funds intended for use in building or construction will have the right to the return of these fund* for building: or ctm> stnietlon purposes, at any tune they may be needed prior to maturity.

Group* Deplore Immigration Issue Hew York (JTA)—President B , senhower'* failure to include ir Ms State of the Union message any recommendation for revision of thr WeCafran-WaHerfaimigratfon law drew art expresston of "deep regret and disappointment" from the Rational CUmmiuiltj Relations Advisory Council* The group comprises repretenfstives of the American Jewish Congress. Jewish zjibor Committee, Jewish War Veterans. Union os Ameneao Hebrew CoAgregfttions, Union of Orthodox Jewtafc CbngrecaUons,' and the United Synagogue of America and W local, slate and regional Jewish eocmelli tferoughotrt the country, la a telegram to the President, the NCBAC colled tbe- omfasfcrn especially striking hi the light of atr. Elsenhower's campaign declarations and bis tW3 request to Congress for more bmminj knmlgration legislation. "We earnest* ly hope that hi fartb-eomlng special massage to Congress you will recommend substantial revisionr to the McCarran-Walter Law so that remedial immigration legislation may be enacted in the (3rd Congress," the telegram laid

Cornhuskers Aid Children's Project

Along with his early studies, Dr. Knox maintained from his early youth an interest in Jewish culture. He has lectured on aspects ot Jewish culture (especially literature) and on, philosophical topics before many groups. He has contributed essay* and reviews to The Menerab Journal, The Heconstructtonist, Commentary, Jewish S o c i a l Studies, The Journal of Philosophy *~* the- ^*m«*t He waa assistant professor of philosophy at Ohio University and s now teaching philosophy at New York University.

Joraoit Envoy Rejects Meeting Washington - (JTA)—Jordanian Ambassador Abdul M. Bafai met wlfh Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and later told newsmen that Jordan has no intention of meeting with Israel undar Article X n of the Israel-Jordan armistice pact Mr. Bafai said that Jordan, was 'fuDy prepared to talk with Israel in preparatory talks (not maer Article XU) to discuss the armistice agreement itself and clarify any ambiguity of the articles" of the armistice but is not prepared to go beyond that limit. Asked for comment on the expression by Secretary Dulles at his last press conferenca. in, favor of facc-to-face talks between Israel and Jordan, Mr. Bafai said Jordan woold agree to meet with Israel delegates in the Mixed Armistice Commission in Jerusalem, but would "object to fulfilling their /Israel's) wishes in pulling us toward peace talks or final settlement under the present considerations a* circumstances."

Cornhusker Lodge of B'nai B'rith will cooperate with the Butternut Key Strip Club in this year's project, Milton Caekin, president of the lodge announced. Robert Stone, sates representative for Butternut Coffee Company outlined the dub's program at the Cornhuaker meeting held yesterday, Tbe club contributes to the National Home for Jewish Children in Denver, Colo., Jewish Family and Children Service also in Denver, and tho Oak Park Bom* for Mrs. Sol Parsow, choirsnan.' of Jewish Children In MlnTvp»p"1W Beth El N u r s e r y School, announced that there will be room for four or fivo more children in the school, when the new semester begin* January 25. The term it (or 18 weeks and ends May 29. Staff members include Mrs. Alexander The Beth El Supper Club will Katz, Harl Weiss and Mrs. hold its Mid-winter Dinner nt 7 David Mrs. Bpdln. , m. Sunday, Jan. 24, in the Beth ;l Social HalL Mr. and Mrs. Yale Children from t h r e o to five Gotsdlner, program chairman, an- years of age arc eligible for ennounced that Seymour GoUston rollment. Call Mrs. Parsow, RE will act as master of ceremonies 3211, for more information. for the program. All members of Beth Et are in- They shall march every one on vited to attend and guests will be his. ways . , . Neither shall one welcome, for reservations call trust another; they shall wall< Mrs. Robert Wagner, AT 807& every one In. his path,—(Joel 2:7, 8.) Here me, O Lord, hear me, that this people may know that Thou has turned their heart back again. —(I Kings XX, 37.)

Beth El Nursery School New Term

Franker Elected B'noi Israel Head B.E. Supper Club Leon Frankel was electee! president of B'nai Israol Synagogue, of Council Bluffs at tho annual meeting held January 5. Other newly elected officers are: Dbu Kotelmon, vice-president; Sam CoUde secretory; Abe Katehnan, treasurer, and Ben Schneider, financial secretary. Trustees are Harry Conn, LJo»d Krasne, Harry Kubby, Dr. I SttcahUI, Maynard Telpner an* Kdwanl Teppcrman. Abe XMehnSA.i* the outgoing president Wew by-laws were adopted at the meeting. A men's club was teaed and their first meeting: wilt be hefci Tuesday Jan. 17.

The third program of the eurrent Yiddish Cultural S e r i e s scheduled tor January i» has been postponed until Tucsdar, Jan. 2$. ot. Israel Knox, well-known author, scholar and lecturer, due to his teaching duties will be unable to appear until January 3*> Joseph JUdlnowski, chairman of the series, announced* The subject of his lecture which will be hi Yiddish is "Toward a Philosophy of J e w U h JJtt m America.'' Tickets to the remaining four programs of the series are on sale at the Center. Can JA 13fl5 tor further information. Dr. Knox ww educated at tbe CoUeg* ot the City, of Mew York and at Columbia University where he received his Ph.D. in phllosop in 1939. He is author of The At thetie Theories of Kant, Hegel and

To Hold Dinner

Second Foreign Film at Center

Buoyancy in Third Concert "Tight Little Island" the sec-

ond in the Community Center's foreign Him Series wiU be shown Sunday. Jan. 24, at t:l» p. m. in v9k*B atUssittodmni

The Movie made in England is • hilarious 01m satire about a little gcuttiih island and the agttsrted activities of its Inhabitant* when a shortage of Scotch whiskey develops and a freighter laden with the stuff run* sgrotmd Just off shore. Selected short subjects will also be shown. Series tickets are two dollars sad individual tickets are 80 cent* Tor reservations caQ the Jewish Community Center, JA


Beth El Study Group WiU Meet Tomorrow The next meeting: o* the Beth El Saturday evening? study grovp win b« held this Saturday evenintf at S40 o'clock at the borne oTBabbi and- Mrs. Myer Kripk*. R a b b i K r i p k e win speak on •Seadis and the Age of the Gao-

Couple* or ladtvidaal* interested m Joining tbe group- are seldom p e r f o r m e d . "Slgfneo asked to eaB Mrs. Sidney Sneider, Idyll," being one ot the very WA Kit. few c o m p o s i t i o n * which are directly written for orchestra as a symphonic work. This piece reChaliiiMii NuiHCu veals the magic of the mastert orchestral setting. The first number of the proEntries are continuing to- come gram, the "Hebrids" by •Mendelsin this week for the Annual B'nai sohn was" well played thonghB'rith Women's District No. 8 somellmes the lyrical patterns Bowling Tournament. A total of .could have had more Intensity of about 300 to 400 entrants are ex- mood. Soloist was the pianist Enpected to- participate February gent List presenting the Orieg 12-13-14 including bowlers from >iano concerto. Ho performed this Chicago, Milwaukee, Detroit, St work with brilliant technique, firte touch and sense for the elegiac Pan! and Omaha. Hotel ybntenelle wilt serve as parts of the concerto. headquarters for the week-end, A reception after tho performwith, bowling activities t a k i n g ance at the "Omaha Athletic Club," place at KcUeys and the 40-BowL given by Schmoller and Mueller, Along with tho bowling compe- Omaha, gave to the pianist the optition, the week-end will include: portunity of playing two extra A District Bowling Association solos. Mr. List, who wrecked his meeting, during which time elec- brain what to present, as he put tion, of officers will be held; a it, chose "revolutionary music—of skit, entitled "There T* Nothing 1853," music which was modern IJke the Game," wilt be present- at that time, and so we heard the ed by the Omaha Bowlers; A Kof- tricky, but not too- pretty C major by Anton Rubinstein and fw Kloteh Mixer; a Continental ctudo tho tir»t Chopin piece which Mr. Dinner; a tour of Boy* Town and List learned, the B flat major noccard party. Presentation of tro- turne. He shares this .fact with phies and awards will be made many other pianists at the banquet, which win climax their Chopin studieswho-started with the tbe week-end of activities, Only same composition. "I amcraiy entrants in the tournament are about this piece," he said with an eligible to participate in any of Ironical smile, however, h* played the social functions. H with Chopin finesse, sometimes The following1 chairmen have perhaps too sentimentally. been appointed by Ida Sacks, the t o u r n a m e n t chairman; Ease Orach, scoring; Reva S i n g e r , SCIENTIST AWAED Baltimore (JTA)—The Bochet treasurer; Beverly Swarti, tabulation; LaHeino LeVlne, trophies; Award, one of the highest honors LIbby Sachs, program; Gertie Ze- in mathematics, has been given to vitz, hospitality; Dorothy Isack, Prof. Norman Levmsen ot Harcard party; Merriam Cooperman, vard University for his "contribubanquet decorations; Sonia forbes, tions to the theory of linear, nonbanquet; Jean Abramson, conti- linear, ordinary and partial difnental dinner; Paulina Hobtrroan, ferential equations contained in his koffea klotch; Tsnny Logman, papers of recent years." The presouvenir programs; Evelyn Bob- sentation- was at the sixtieth aneTrnan, door prizes; Rose Garrop, nual meeting of the American souvenirs; Evelyn Temm, tick- Mathematical Society, at John* ets; Helen! Rogbuky, transporta- Hopkins University. tion; Bess Welnbcrg, Boys Town .The Bocher Award Is made tour; Flo Brookstem, check rooms; once every five years in memory nose Oruch, Beverly Swartz, Rcva of Prof. Maxlme Bocher for "notSinger, assignments, able research memoir in analysis. Scorckccpers win be provided Professor Levinson's citation, men- by the Omaha Men's Bowling As- tionlnr his contributions to the theory of differential equations, sociation. said the contributions "Include CvII men understand not judg- studies of asymptomic behavior of ment: but they that seek the Lord solutions, stability questions, exunderstand an throgs^-CProvi-' istence of period solutions and perturbations theory." 28:5.)

For Bowling Tourney

A Change in Darte

Mark It

or You'll M i » The Yiddiih Cultural Program




DR. ISRAEL KNOX • {Auiqor - Scholar - Lecturer)

isjQ Yiddish Lecture...

"Towards a PhHosopky of , Jewish Life in America"


Jewish Coiwmwtfy Center Auditorium. TaHrfay, Jen. 2 *

Under tho Direction of Karl Edler, of Omaha Parks & Recreation Depts.

YTddTth Caftsml Series Ticks* SZ00. Ce*c«fH 79c


CALL JA 13*4

The third concert of the Omaha Symphony Orchestra .was) dedteated to the world famous piano linn Steinwsy and Sea* on their Ceo. tennial Anniversary. Cart Stetaway, a member of the fifth g»neration since the estabUahmetrt of the Company and its vice-president addressed the audience. Several orchestras an over America, he said, have been asked to partfclpato in the celebrations and the Omaha Symphony has been chosen en* of the remarkable orchestra iti The dignified program under the direction of Dr. Richard Duncan was executed 1with buoyancy and musical taste,We heard fine interp r e t a t i o n s of Wagner's "Tannhauser - O v e r ture" and the "Ride of Valkyries." We feel particularly hi-

101 North SOW Street

: 8:15 P.M.


Face Four


Gloria Kohan Becomes Bride Of Donald Vann January 10

Miss Gloria Kohan, daughter o Mr. and Mn. Allen Kohan. an Donald Vann, son of Mr. Morris , Vann and Mn. Joseph Meyer we*e married Sunday evening at • 8 o'clock eeremony in the ballof the Hotel Blackstone. Rabbi Meyer Kripke assisted bj Cantor Aaron Edgar officiated a the ceremony, before a Canopy ol huckleberry and white chrysanthemum pom poms. - The bride wore • gown of imported Chantilly patterned lace in layers of. nylon tulle. , A matching headpiece of lace • and seed pearls held the fingertip ' TeU. She carried a white orchid and white hyacinth on a Bible. Attendants Miss Gwendolyn Shapiro, cou sin of the bride, was maid of honor. Miss Adelle Chasanov and Mrs Richard Wintroujb were bridesmaids. ' Attendants were gowned alike In formal length nylon tulle over taffeta. The strapless bodices featured blue embroidered insertions and the stoles were attached to the gown. The attendants carried fea' thered pink carnations in a creeent design. For her daughter's wedding Mrs Kohan wore a walti length champaign colored gown of pcau dc MM. Donald T u n sole. Mrs. Meyer was gowned in a grey Italian silk lace dress, fashioned with a Bateau neckline. Both wore orahid corsages. Best man was Richard Kohan, By Mrs. Ituth Bels* brother of the bride. Ushers were Center Music Director Owen Meyerson, Gerold Conn, Da' vid Ulce, and Jerome Cohen. The Music At Home Club will After a reception and dinner the couple left on a trip to Las feature Omaha musicians and Vegas, Nev. For traveling, the original songs by Prof. Hans Baer. bride wore a navy blue suit The group will meet Tuesday, Jan trimmed in white with navy ac- 18, at the home of Prof, and Mrs Bacr, 1145 Park Avc, If you plan cessories. to attend this program call the Out-of-town guests were Mr Center, JA 1366, Ext 32 or Mrs and Mrs. Oscar Rosenbloom. Kan- Baer, WA 8081. There is no admissas City, Mo.; Miss Davlda Troch- sion charge tenberg, Anita, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs be served. and refreshments wil Maurie Karpin and Mrs. Harry To all Jazz fiends! A new series, Brown, Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs of programs, "Jazz at the Jay," Nate Karpin, Fremont, Nebr. will be initiated this month or early in February. The first program, prepared by Tom Bernstein will consist of two films. Oni shows the development of Jazz in America and the other the famed Sigma Delta Tau Buddy Rich orchestra. t After an exciting winter vaca- The first meeting of the Folk tion, several girls came back to Dance Group is Monday evening school pinned. The new pinnings at 8:30 p. m. in the Jewish Comthat were announced were Leta munity Center; Welner and Joseph "Chuck" Levinger, Gail Katskec and Bemie Wlshnow, Shirley Rosenberg and Hadassah Dedicates Bart Rochman. Gail Katskeee was recently Jerusalem (JTA)—The Hadaselected treasurer of the YWCA sah dedicated a new site of 11,000 organization on campus. Gail was dunams (2,750 acres) of land in also elected solicitation chairman the Hulch area on which settleof the AUF (All University Fund) will be established in the organization. Fran L o c k e was ments future. elected chairman of all organized fraternity and sorority bouses on The women's Zionist organization collected $UOO,000 over the the AUF board. two years for this specific Five SDT's brought honors to past iroject 'Roads will be p a v e d , Thcta Chapter by being placed in bridges will-be built and canals the upper 15 per cent of their will be dug the area in classes. They arc: Janet Gordon, preparation throughout tor settlement Gail Kotskee, Helene Sherman Zlaine Novicoff Nachman, and Carole Marx. tldpatc in a gymnastic meet this .The combined SDT-SAM vol- Saturday with Kansas State at leyball -team won their bracket and Manhattan. will soon be competing for the final position in tho combined volleyball tournament now underway. The team beat the Phi Delta Theta-Kappa K a p p a Gamma's with a.score of 26-21. The same evening our tram beat the Sigma Phi EpsUon-£lpha Omicron Pi's with a score of 35-19. • Judy Kraft and Carole Marx were awarded the good sportsmanship trophy which was presented at the senior spread January 8. The theme of^he pledge party Was "The Red Hose Ball." At the dance the pledges presented their pledge song.

Music Notes

Campus News





' Sigma ASpha Mu Nebr-i.'.k.VB Sammies have b<en nctivc in :ill phavs of university life. Scmtf of the Sammies will .ittend the Unsv-TSi'ic: Intel-FrMcrrity Ball to be held Feb. 12. A Sammy house party will be held in February. House manager. Norm Shykcn, has reported that-new furniture i.vj being purcharcd for tho-house. In athletic.1!, Norm Phillips and j Eol Stiss are vicing for high honors in handball. The Sammies basketball team lost to Beta Sigma Psi, 43 to 39. Mel Hurwhicli of Omaha is the basketball coach. Danny Fogel participated in a gymnastic exhibition. The performance was held between halves of Oie Nebraika-Oklahoma basketball game. Danny will also par-

, January « .


"Talkof Many Things" Returning Mr. and Mrs. David Sonny Richards and their three children have returned from Washington, D. C, where they visited Mrs. Richards' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lerner. Mr. and Mrs, Lerner are formerly of Omaha.

Births Mr. and Mn. Sam Diamond announce the birth of a son, Arthur Lee, born December 31. The couple have two other children, Dale and Jane. The maternal grandfather is Max Garber. Rev. and Mrs. A. Diamond are the paternal grandparents.

Visitors ^Mrs. Maynard Greenberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mendelson, Is visiting here from New York. She will also spend some time with Mr. Greenbcrg's parents In Cedar Rapids.



Stephen Oreenberg, son oX Mr, and Mrs. Peter Greenberg, a senior at the University of low*, was raised to the rank of captain in the. university's Air Forx* ROTC. •

Panorama "


Ladies With Guns By David Schwarts (Copyright, 1853, JTA) I've lust had a talk with Congressman Rachel Zabari of Israel. They are not called Congressmen In Israel, but she is a member of the Knesset, so I don't know why she souldn't be called that She is one of twelve women members of the I s r a e l Parliament.' The Israeli Parliament has more women members than (he American Congress. In general, women are more "emancipated" In Israel than In most countries. Israel is the only country in the world where women are drafted for military service along with the men. I rather like the idea of women being drafted too. This business of the young men leaving and being mads heroes and the women crying at their departure has been overdone. The* only objection I see to the girls being soldiers is the fear that perhaps the young soldier might take a look at tho girl enemy soldier and decide that she is too cute to be shot. Then the boy and the girl mii;ht go off nd have an Ice cream soda together and leave the war flat! Miss Zabari, a petite little lady one of the founders of Chen, the Women* Division of the Israel Army—is in America to help sell Israel bonds. During tho Israeli war for liberation, she was In charge of the Medical corps. Her girls used to go through the Arab lines disguised as old Arab women. She was herself in many dangerous situations, disguised as an Arab. Her thorough knowledge of Arabic stood her in good stead. Many years ago, as a member of Kibbutz, she Insisted along with the other women of the settlement joining the underground Haga-

na and doing everything the men did. The women were determined to prove their complete equality with the men. •a used to march along with men twice my size, determined to match their every feat and I would come back in the evening so tired I would almost colapse," Miss Zabari said. "Do you know," she said, "that in Tel Aviv, there arc five or six houses built from celler to roof, entirely by women? This was all part o* the same story. We were trying to demonstrate our absolute equality with the men. She looks back at it now with a little of a smile, "Perhaps," she says, "it was a necessary part of our evolution. Of course, women are the equal of men, but that does not mean that there are not some things that men arc better fitted for, m there arc some tilings for which women are better suited." Women Shoot This was rather strange talk, coming from a woman soldier. "I thought," I said, "all younj; women of Israel arc taught to shoot." 'They are," she rctimii'd. "They nre given n ba.'Ic military tialnln/r. Including shooliiif: nnd during the Israeli war, many of them did t.-ike their place at the guns with the men ami were killed, but essentially they »trc trained to serve in the non-fighting sections of the army, but in case of on emergency, they arc prepared for fighting too. "Do you know," she said, "that for every one fighting soldier, there must be 20 non-fighting soldiers, servicing the fighting soldier? There Is the medical corps and behind tho lines there arc the quartermaster ordnance. Even the generals arc behind the lines. So there is plenty of scope for the women soldiers. "Do you expect to have any women generals?" I asked. She smiled. "Remember, the

Levi Coin Shower By Monsky Women The meeting of the B'nai B'rith Henry Monsky chapter 470 will be held January 20 nt 1 p. m. In tho Jewish' Community Center. This will be the Leo N. Lev! Coin Shower nnd will feature a book review given by Mrs. Meyer Krip- V kc. She will review "My Promised Land" by Molly Lyons Bar David, Mrs. Kripke will be Introduced by Mrs. Seymour Kaplan, program chairman. A dessert luncheon will precede tho program nnd a social lour of cards and Mah Jongg will follow. Throughout the afternoon Monsky chapter members and their guests will honor Leo N. Levl Memorial Ho: jiil.il with a coin shower to purchase linens and other / equipment for this unique hospital that Is devoted entirely to the healing'of arthritic patients. It is open to the afflicted regardless of faith or creed. The sustained Interest and cf'orts of IJ'n.-il B'rllh man and wom•n in beh.-ilf of the Leo N. Levl memorial hospital will enable this institution to continue as a ten:er of healing. Mrs. Uarm-y Hobcrrnan, I.eo N. vi chairman has announced the 'ollowinj; committee: Mmes. Harld Block, Ben Wintroub, Maurice Jacks, Sol Mlroff and Sam Polak, District 0, Leo N. Levi chairman. A door prize of a completely auomatic General Electric radiodock will be presented to the lucky winner. Baby sitting service will be available. Bible speaks of a lady named Deborah. "Think of the great number of soldiers," continued Miss Zabari, "who do tholr fighting as K. P.'s— doing tho cooking for the army. Surely this could lie • field for lie women soldiers."

BRANDEIS Seventeen

as advertised in

Tramp along happily IN

• / .

TRAMPEZE .Your favorite lovable, loaf able moc, with the burnished sheen of an old saddle! You'll be on easy feet in this soft, light, flexible casual with concealed supporting shank and "thousand mile quality construction".

f (If *••*«

Meyer Kripke

Girls'Shoes—Third Hoor

.95 CROWN NlOltni flOLU

Othert 6.95 to 7.95


Friday, January U , IB54

Radio and TV Stars In Unique Hadassah Show

Organizations Council of Jewish Women Seymour H, Kaplan, Rcglona1 Director of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nal B'rith, will conduct the next program for the1 Omaha Section, National Counci of Jewish Women. The mectinf will be held1 at the Jewish Com• munity Center T u e s d a y , January ]B. Mr. Kaplan will demonstrate ADL's "Rumor Clinic." He , will be introduced by Mrs. Harr; Wise. ' The "Rumor Clinic" was do veloped by Dr. Gordon All port1 eminent sociologist of Hurvart University, for ADL. It Is a dramatic and effective method of demonstrating the psychology of rumor. The audience participates In. both the "Clinic" and In the discussion which follows. Mrs. Louis Albert and Mrs. Joseph Freeman are luncheon cochairmen with Mrs. Meyer Rubaclc and Mrs. Meyer Stern assisting. There will be a baby sitter In attendance. The telephone commitce chairmen are Mines. Charles Stern, HA 8270; Irving S c h n e l d e r m a n , RE 1406, and Samuel Orloff, WA D144.



' Omaha Hadassah chapter board will meet for a dessert luncheon at the home of Mrs. David Sherman 4804 Dodge, Monday, January 18. Mrs. Morris M. Franklin, chapter president, will preside. Medical Center chairman Mrs. Julius Stein will report on the coming Medical Center meeting and progress being made to•' ward the January Hadassah meeting which will highlight the Medical Center. Mrs. H. D. Wigodsky and Mrs; Dave Stein will serve ar co-hoitcsses for the meeting which will start at 11 a. m. There will . be a session on Education. Group Bosrd Meetings The Hadassah group boards wll' meet Thursday, Jan. 21, for 12:30 dessert luncheon. The Thcodor Herzl Group will mcrt at the home of Mrs. Leon Fcllman, 301 S. 53rd with Mrs. Sam Rolhcnbcrg and Mrs. Isadore Hoberman as co-host c.iscs. Reports on the Medical Center will be given by the chairman. Arrangements for a lunchcon for now members will be presented to the board by the membership chairmen, Mmcs. Theo. Sanford and Ervin Simon. The Chalm Wcizmann, board meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Sidney Goldberg, 5212 Corby with Mrs. J. E. Kuklin as cohostess; Medical center will be highlighted with reports by the chairman Mrs,,Ben Perclnian. Reports on the luncheon for new members will be given, ' The Henrietta Szold group wll' meet at the home of Mrs. A, D, Frank, 120 S. 54th with Mrs, Arthur Grossman, president pro tern presiding. Reports on the medical center will be presented by the chairman^ Mrs. Sam Newman and Mrs. Leonard as co-'hostcsses. Membership Luncheons Invitations have been issued tr a luncheon for new members of the Thcodor Herzl Qpoup of Omaha Chapter Hadassah, to be held at the home of Mrs. David Brodkey, 1121 N. 5fllh, Wednesday Jan. 25. Mrs, Erwln Simon ant' Mrs. Thoo. Sanford, mcmbcrshlr Chairman for the Theodor Ilcrzl group are In charge of arrangemenls. Mrs. Meyer S. Kripkc author of "Let's Talk About God," Wilt . present "The Hole of thf American Woman cm the Hada:.sah Scene." The Chalm Wuizmann Group of Omaha Chapter IIadau;nh, tire making'. plans for an Inli-r.r.ited membership luncheon for in;v. members. It will be hclil ut the home of Mrs. Norman Whitman 217 N. 52nd, Wednesday, Jan. 20 Arrangements for the luncheon arcbeing made by Mr:!. Joe Gu.';:i and Mrs. Wm. Alberts, mcmbcnihlr chairmen.

Epstein-Morgan Post The regular mcctlni: of the Ladles Auxiliary UpMcm - Morji.m Post Jewish Wur Veterans, will be held Jan. 21, at fl p. in. at the Jewish Community Center. A film, "The World;Herald Story," will be shown. A social hour and refreshments will follow. Mr«. Nato Marcus, fund roisini; chairman, announced chairman

for the coming Bake Sale which is to be February 25 at Brandels store. Mrs. Jack Saylan will uct as chairman and Mrs. Frank Cohen, co-chairman. Any member wishing to bake or help .should contact Mrs. Marcus. L a d i e s Auxiliary entertained patients at the Omaha Veteran!. Hospital with a party January 7 Prizes of canteen coupons were presented to the winners. A door prize of a long distance phone call was also presented. Hostesses were Mmcs. Frank Cohen, Lewis Asybil and Ezra Dcldncr. Mrs. William Abrahams, overseas package chairman, announced that Purlm packages will soon be sent to service men overseas. Anyone knowing of a soldier stationed overseas are asked to contact Mrs. Abrahams at GL 1395.,-

Jr. Hadassah


"The S e c o n d Beginning," a delphin and Dr; Ethel Adler of unique show, will be presented San Lcandro, Calif., in memory of by the Omaha Chapter Hadassah Matty Leigh of Flushing, N. Y. at a special luncheon meeting Wednesday, Jon. 27, at 12:30 p. m. ill the Jewish Community Center. Pioneer Women The program, under the fllr The pioneer Women's Organisa- tion of Ehjini! Jubeni:;, radio and TV personality, will feature liny tion Chapter 1 lias started to work on Its annual ad book. Proceed1! Olson,, progi.im dlicctoi of WOW, will |") to the Molzat Honolat. Ray Clark, director of Ncw.s and The annu.il donor dinner in con- special events for WOW-TV, and junction with tint is to be held in Howard Hall, writer and nnouncMaich. ' cr on tho staff of WOW. Miss Chairman ofthls project Is Mrs. Jabenls will also participate in H. Woh.lnt.-r. Mrs. Sarah Okun is the production. Mr. Olson is prothe co-chairman. ducing the recordings of this show, Morton Wishengrad, author of NBC's Eternal Light, wrote the dramatization, Music for this show The Music At Home Club wll' Is from the library of WOW. hold its monthly meeting January The theme of this recorded 19 at the home of Prof, and Mrs drama and stage production cenHans Baer, 1H5 Park Avc. ters around a young Israeli medi. The program will feature the cal student who is taking his recording of The Italian Sym- medical oath. As he recites his phony by Mendelssohn, Josy Rlt- oath, his memory takes him back terhausen-Whalcy, accompanied a' to four incidents that have greatthe piano by Prof. Boer and Paula ly Influenced his life. Block, Gayle Feldman and Teresa Taking part in this dramatizaTlampo. tion are: Mmcs. Robert Sllverman, The agenda includes selection.' Norman Whitman, Edward Zorlnby Schubert, Grieg and Chopir tky, Arthur Goldstein, Leonard and three songs written by Prof. Gould, Keith Saunders and HarHans Baer will sung by Miss JOsy ry Wise. Stage manager is Mrs. Rltterhausen-Wtialcy, Leon S c h m l d m a n , assisted by Helen Jacobson.

Music at Home

At the last meeting of Junior Hadassah Marilyn Nerenberg, JNF Chairman, collected money for trees in Israel. Joan Simons, Religious Chairman, announced that the Chapter will attend services February S at the Beth El Synagogue. Marilyn Meyer la again the high bowler of the week with a high came of 161 and high series of 441. Hl-Balls is still in first place with 20 wins. Workmen's Circle The publicity committee held c meeting last Sunday at the homr The Workmen's Circle Branch of Norma Gpodrlcn. Plans werf 258 wlU celebrate Its 45th annidiscussed for" the fund raising af- versary at a banquet Sunday, fair to be held In April. Jan. 17, at 6 p. rru, In the Labor Lyceum. R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s from Des MizrachI Women Moines, Sioux City, Lincoln, Denver Omaha will participate in The next meeting of the Miz- the ana anniversary celebration. rachI Women will be held MonMilton Nearenbcrg, chairman of day, Jan. 18. Members arc re- the arrangements committee, is quested to please note the change chairman of the affair. Assisting of date. A one p. m. dessert Mr. Ncarcnbcrg arc Mr. and Mrs. luncheon, Including II a m I s h a h Sam Canar, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Asar B'Shcvat dainties, will be Martin, Mr. Ben Garellck, Mr. served. The business meeting will Max Belgrade, Mr. Sam Kaplan follow. and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Papernoy. Mrs. M. M. Pollakoff, program Mrs. Milton Nearcnberg will chairman, announced that Uabbl sing several musical selections. Mr. Morris Goodman will be David Korb of Council Bluffs will loastmastcr for the evening. be the (speaker. Trees to be planted In Israel were purchased by the following: Mrs. Sophie Rnthkop, honorinc Saul Aafron Krlpke on his Bar Mitzvah; Omaha Choir and Dramoatic Club, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Martin on their 43rd Mr. and Mrs. David C. FOKCI wedding anniversary; Norman and D o r 1 n c Wine, honoring their entertained 150 guests at a candle mother; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ep- light dinner in honor of their 25th sfejn, honoring Chalm Epstein; wedding anniversary. The affair Mrs. H. Franklin, Miss Kalah was held at the Highland Club. Out of town guests wcre\Mlss Franklin, Mrs. Ben Handler, Miss Joanne Simon, honoring Mrs. C. Miriam Fischer, Lawrence M. Fogel, Dr. Beatrice Unee, Mrs. Elks D. Mcndclson of Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Colick, in Fogel of Chicago, 111.; Mr. and memory of Jacob Abramson; Mr. Mrs. M. M. Shapiro and Mr. and and Mrs. Ben .Wine, Mrs. Bessie Mrs. Warren Connell of Grand Bchn, in memory of Rcva L e a Island, Ncbr.J Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Wine; Norman and Dorine Wine, Pworsky of Lincoln, and Mrs. A. In memory of their grandmother, C. Blanchard, Mr, and Mrs. Clyde Rcva Lea Wine; Mrs. J. Good- Blanchard and Mr. and Mrs. Donblndcr, Mr. Harry Goodbindcr, ald Harding of Council Bluffs'. Mrs. Tonl Katskce, Mrs. D o r a Perimeter, Mrs. M. Brodkey, in memory of Louis Adlcr; Mrs. Doris Sherman, Mrs. Ben Handler, Qmoha's Favorite In memory of Anna Flcsch; Mrs. H. Franklin, Miss Kalah Franklin, Way to Dine on . in memory of Max Vcrct of Philu-

D. C. Fogels Mark 25th Annie*


Sunday Branch


Miss Elaine J»benls

FIEST OF 100,000 SAPLINGS Jerusalem (JTA)—The first; of 100,000 saplings to be planted at the projected Kaplan WooxTtajr the Hadassah were planted at Eln Karem, n Jerusalem suburb, at a ceremony attended-by top government leaders. Mrs. Devorah Kaplan, widow of Israel's first Minister of Finance, planted the first tree and President Ben Zvi planted the second. All the speakers at the ceremony stressed the many contributions made by Eliezer Kaplan to the' Jerusalem (JTA)—A n e u r I n shaping of the young state. Bevan, British Labor Party -leader, Was told by Egyptian Premier Gen. Mohammed Nagulb that Egypt would not attack Israel, Mr Bcvan told a group of Israeli Parliamentary deputies with whom he met here this week. Mr. Bcvan who visited the By Mrs. Morris Bpeter Knesset building as a guest of Chamisha Asar B'Shvat Speaker Joseph Sprinzak, repeated And also all the year a conversation he had had recently with the Egyptian "strong man." Fruits from Erctz Israel Are to all of us so dear. He said that Gen. Naguib had declared: "I shall not attack Israel But for these blessings to exOnly a crazy man would wjsh tc pand start a war in the Middle East We must not forget our Holy which would almost certiilnly deLand. velop into a world war." It is understood that Mr. Bcvan With all our courage and our expressed the opinion that the means Arab states would not at this time Let us do our most in aid come to an agreement with such And when we're gathered here a "dynamic force" as Israel. The next year, Arab states, particukirly Jordan, With God's great help w e l l feel that any relaxation of their tables strew pressure on Israel would "enWith Israeli fruitu Of every hue. courage" Israel in what they be(Translated firm the Yiddish lieve to bo her expansionist polby Mrs. Sidney Sneider.) icy, Mr. Bcvan told the Israelis.

Egyptian Premier Gives Assurances

Chamisha Asar B'Shvat

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. Janaary 15, US!

remsn nut&a

Youth Council Doings

Happy Birthday

"Jay" Bowlers for December

920'Year-Old Rashi Synagogue in Decline

Friday, Jan. IS. nounced at their dance, WINTER Michael Scott Abrums, Gerald Worms, Germany (JTA)—ReWONDERLAND, J a n u a r y 23 Hecgcr, Shari Lou Hess, Janier HhShBghring this dance win be the Katleman* Howard David Mulnkk Youth Council Boys ports In the Berlin press that the ancient "Hashi Synagogue* here, tn^niiff""" and formal initialior and Deanne Ruth Shapiro. Fred Simon Here is a lad that some B'nai used by the great Biblical comrwffl herald the of the new members and officers BstanbyT Jan. IS The affair will be heH at the Beth team would like to mentator of tlie 11th century, is to Cordon Lazerson, Richard Altec B'rJUi Classic Israel Talmud Torah, Fred Simon is carrying Leraer, Abo Shelley Parsow, and borrow. a torrid 170 average leading; the be reconstructed were established , • to insert an Sweatshirts were recently or Deborah Gay Schwartz. Y. C- Boys' League. He holds tb> to have little basis in tact ad m the BStlsosi AZA paper, an- dered for me members of T. A. Soaday. Hm. 11 bigh game ol 222 with a 389 se- Built in lOSt, the venerable edlnoandmg the e*«M. sanHEittmg The shirts are lettered with the Sam AdJer,' Marshall Irvine ries and1 Is trea&ursr of the Amer- iice flmsrJrnV AZA presidents to at-dub's name. was in constant use as a house ican Division. For his consistent to* Alternate plaa provides for Tbe dub's fund raising affair. Bride. Amy Joy Camman, Judy bowttng; eflorts, Red wflt get the of prayer until Nazi vandals dyletters to be sea* out aecompVsb- THIS IS YOUR EJJRBV was a Friedman and Gary Jay Platt. namited tt during the November December medal as Bowler of the L U ing the same purpose. pogroms at IMS. The t a m e d huge success. The prBscipie. snbw Month. snnw. Gayle FeU"Rashi Chair" was later satwsged Meanwhile, tbe chapter's inter- JCLI pras meajen 10 pe oacnmi . JJmwmM, from tie- wreckage, together wJtt asnral free throw contest got off FOska. A mixer followed the proYoutk CoxiticU Girls ami Chester Stem. some tablets and1 a number of to • bang-up start Thursday. Be- gram. I Tuesday, Jan. 19 ritual objects. They tot now JaaeBnikar tween 40 and SO members signed Friday night services' were atDavid MarshaB'AUsy, Saatord toe the perfect attendance and showpieces of the toeat St. Anup to participate in tbe event. Tbe tended by the group January 8 at Atan Freedman, Lawrence ilich- Improvement. Jane Brodkey gets drew's Museum, where devout entry lee was » cents and the Beth Et Synagogue. nlck, Sharon Marine NogR Marir award as. bewier. of the aiontto in Jews visit tb*m on occasion. The winner will receive spin. The rest Tbe next T. A. meeting will be Victor Rimraerman, Charles Ellir the t C. Girls' League. This inv- centuries-oM a r e n i v e s of the of the money goes to the Leo V held ^ ^ comiog Sunday at 1 p. m Levi Hospital, a national AZA In Lounge B of the JCC. Bosenstock. Jr.- aad Jon Sober! pcovfng sophomore started with a Warmat Community sre also «Mhe n average onoT ia now over 100. Asposa] ol interested scholars. project Sloan. Her hopes axe to improve her hfgh Wednesdsy.Jaa, 21 AZA No. 1 treasurer. Jack game of 1 » and high series of 234. Today, However, two- qW women Orach, was appointed Corn Belt Chairmanship Open Dale Cordonv Dtsmoml, Barrj' are. tbe enttre resident Jewish Region religious chairman, a great Warren Kort, Craiar Miller. ol Worms, oca of the Junior Sports Bowling population, honor for Mother Chapter and President Larry Schwartz, has TJiussday.JsskU three RhlM dtles—Speyer> Worms Arlene Orossmsn annorinnwl that chairmanship of Jack. Howard Chudacoff.'Janice It- This little lady is one of the and Mainni Iranwa and renowned Jack was also pegged, to head the Y. C mixer-dances is kin, and Celia i * most enthusiastic youngsters in in. the fftddle Ages among Jews No. l's Stage Night committee. His Applications may be 1 toe Janier Sports Bowling-League. everywhes* as communities of from the Y. C. office. co-chairman is Dave Widman. She la a member o4 the lfcger wealth and learning, distinguished . January party plans a n as yet Beaver* and Im isaprovina: every by the Hebrew abbrevtatkm et vague. However, it will be a stag week. Sho is 11 years old aad is "SHUM." Newspaper stories to affair. Probably to be held after the effect that the nt"»~"~"' of Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Fellnuui an- cUsoMnc us> s> from, f r m a IS average ave a basketball game. , tiB climUnc liU Oermao Jewry a n anxious ta nounce that their son, Robert, will t» • n andlla stiB. Beys Arts aM Craft* C M have the Synagogue rebuilt are celebrate hi* Bar Mitzrah in Beth The Beth Israel Boy* Arts and El Synagogue this evenfmr and not to be taken seriously, sine* . No. 100 Y. C. Crafts Club win meet Saturday there is no chance that a Jewish between «30 and • p. m. retutlvci are invited to attend Oe congregation will arise again. Tbe Century Chapter has nearly evening, I * to tbe Arts and Crafts room of w. completed a calendar for 1994. tbe Talmud Torah. Norman Bosea- receptions following both sen lues. Cbunriletle No. 13 I Kehillah at Mainz, wbieb encos*. No Invitations have been issued. passes Worms, knows as little Much time has been spent during zwelg, dob leader, stated that TA « , ...„ n 2 about such plans, a* does the. Centhe past executive and regular boys in the primary and saroaaary Deb No."ri'.".."™ » e meetings as establishing a well 1 7 tral Council of the Jews in Gerof the Talmud Torah are Mr. and Mr*. Max Platt an. Deb No. 4 rounded program. All committees grades to ntv—id. The club k? eo- tones that their son, Mirharl, Couocflette No. J 8 7 many; were thoroughly gone over, one welcome, S tt model airplanes. wiE celebrate his Bar Mltxvah ia CotancfleMeNo. J, Shortly after American troops by one. and each received Indi- gaged ia bufldmg . 11 ... oceapied Worms in IMS, the Mili9 will be served at the Beth BL Synagogue Friday. Jan. Deb No. 3 vidual assistance on proper func- Refreshments 33 and Saturday meming, Jan. 2J. Even though Deb No. I lost close of the meeting. tary Governor encouraged the tioning. Friends and relatives are fenvised their first game to Deb No. 3 Custodian of Monuments, to attend the receptions following 10-15, they casne back, with the city's IDert, ta have the entranceCtabTovtan xrth services. No invitations bare help of Rocky Cohn, to win the Dr. Coundiettea way to the synagogue reconstructThe Beth Israel Club Tovim been issued. second game, 15-8T Bunny Bavitz ed with the original stones that and Donna Cnnar ^ftp^i N^ 3 were still littering the area. He Councilettes attended services wfU have a "coketair party this last Iriday night at Beth El Sy- Saturday evening, at 7:30 p. m.In Mr. and Mrs. Bner Abramson win their first game. also had the ancient cemetery put nagogue. After the services, there tbe Social Hall of the synagogue. announce tbe Bar Mitrrah of their Theresa Kahn supplied the push in order. was a bouse party at the home of Eighth and ninth graders are in- Son, Beajaatm Friday evening and needed to spur TA'J and the devited to attend the party. There Saturday, Jan. 22 and 23 at the feated Coundlettc No. 2, 13-2 and The Mayor of Warms Is among Tevee Bernstein. Scrapnooks are now being made will be dancing and refreshments Beth Israel Synagogue. All friends IS-H. Barbara Sobrin did her those who would like to have restored as tourist attraction, this •for the Veteran's hospital. Each The admission is fiftceo cents. and relatives are invited to at- best for the Couneilettes No. Z. member in the dub is supposed to tend. A reception in honor of the Deb No. 4 forfeited to Coun- Imildinj;, which until its destruction was Europe's oldest synabring Jokes, pictures, etc. Bar Mitzvah celebrant will be cilctte No. 1. Ta BUrrat Assembly gogue utill in u:;<\ The total COTt There will be a meeting this Sunday morning at 10 u. m. the held in the Social Hall following DIVOnCK HATE IN ENGLAND b estimated at 200,000 Marks. His Sunday at S p. ra. at the Jay. Beth, Israel Religious School Sys- the services. attempt to secure a good part Of London (\VNS>—Anxiety ovn tem win have its Annual Tu Bishtlie mounlinr; divorce rate amonr the necessary sum from the stale vat Assembly. All students of the Rayim Jews in Iiritaln was voiced here cr federal governments has met Talmud Torah will meet in the USY Meeting by Dr. J. Greenfcld, oldest mem- with little success so far. the Bayfan ftaternity held a social ball of the Synagogue at The last U. S. Y. Meeting waj ber of the London Beth Din, or 10 a. m. instead of going to their meeting Sunday, Jan. 10, at the held January 10 at Beth El Synahome of PhiJ Sdirager. Plans were regular Sunday classes. Sunday Koguc. President Sheldon Rips rabbinic.i! court. Los Angeles (JTA)—Ralph D. As evidence of the increase, Dr Amado. son of Richard) J. Araedo, made tor the weekend invitation School children will meet in their read the letters he received from regular classes at 10 a. m. and will Of Lincoln AZA Mo. J. Tbe Lin. Sam Kaplan, the regional presi- Greenfeld cited the fact that the a leader of the Los Angeles SeeomHe tads will arrive fridoy. be escorted,to the assembly by dent, and from Bobbie Bundt. Beth Din now handles five dlvorcer pnardic cornnrnnlty, has been reb. 12, and will be honored at a their teachers. Bende Pucker from Kansas City a week as against three a montr> awarded a Rhodes SeholarsMp for Special Tu Bbnvat Sims will be is the new Second National Vice- some fifteen years ago. At the study at Oxford University, Ehs> party Saturday night Sunday, they wffl bowl and pUy a basket- shown to the children. Tu Bisnvat President. The meeting was fol- ame time he revealed that kash- land. Young Amado is a senior at ball game against Bayim teams. goodies wDl be distributed to the lowed by Israeli Dancing and a rnth was still a bastion among Stanford University where he Is Rayim's new rntnmrttwi heads children by the Beth Israel Sis- social hour. British Jews, ninety percent Of majoring to physics. He plans to' were announced by the executive terhood. Cantor Kagan will conThe next meeting will be held whom are'registered with kosher do research work. i& coandl at- Sunday's meeting duct the singing of the Tu Bisbvit January 31. boUnen. physics at Oxford. Chairmen are: Jack Baker, cul- songs. tural: Hike Ban, community servCouncil-Littles ice; Fred Simon, social; Art No- r-TA Beard Meetsv vak and Tanny Horwlch, athletic, The monthly meeting of the At the lait meeting of the Counand Dick Raskin, religious. Beth Israel P-TA win be held al cQ-Uttles the girii decided to Saturday, June 19, is the date the: home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman have services at UOC January 29. of the Third Annual Kaylm For- Bosenzwclg, 1322 No. 52nd St., The program that they are going mal. Flans and arrangements ore Tuesday .evening, Jan. 19 at 8:30 to present at the Jewish Old Peobeing made by co-chairmen Bob ple's Borne is coming: along: fine Goldstein and Jerry Ifarer. RHODES SCHOLARSHIP Junior Congregation Winnipeg (JTA)—Norman F. Tikvas Ami The Beth Israel Junior Congregation will meet this Saturday Cantor of this city, a post-graduate At their, meeting, January 3 morning at 930 a. m. in the Gold- tudent at Princeton University T. A. elected their officers for the stein Memorial Chapel. Rabb! las been namml a Rhodes Scholnew term. The new officers and Israel Friedman, executive direc- r for 1054. The selection of the innliK'i; youth, a graduate of the committee ihalimcu will be an tor of Mizrachl will deliver a sermonetlc to tbe children entitled University of Manilobak was dls"A Message from tlie Children of lo'-.cd by Die provincial selection Israel to the children of Omaha." oinmittcc. He expects to receive All children of the Ilcth I&rnpl is Ph. D. ut Princeton before proReligious Schools and their friend' TOtiing to Oxford where he will Ptwo. Ai itM •> tmnt n wui A fcj TJw Jibuti PrMS. are invited to attend tlie services •oiitjnuc lib studies of medieval Currrol ra« u BO crali fsr Men » • « Shabbos luncheon will follow. listory. tiao. Tt» Ptut mMrves i b mm u umi'

AXA.No.. 1

Ltar& Bos Mftzvcn

Beth Israel News

Want Ads

'4uY 00 eacfe «mrtl«txwoL

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Shalach MOIIOS A festive PURII* custom - s t a f i n j food to your friends and relatives — join in by sending Scrip lo lir«el certificate! for S5, $10. {15. J20. J2S or Sciij's valutpacted parcels (ram 59 BO up. Iff a wontafut "Shalacb tonos" Purim gift. 250 W. 57 St., KIW York IV. COIunbut 5-3B00

Local A g e n t J E W I S H COMMUNITY CENTER 101 N. SOth St.

U U «



IS, 1954

Commission Data On Arab Accounts

Religious News

WHfc the Folks At Home

to hear the fine eoUecUon of records. ;••;•.• •••-,•":-:•;''' •:'-:• •-.-. \ Memorial Services Special Memorial Services were held for the following in The Home : New Resident* Synagogue: > We have erteuded a warm a?el' Mrs.fiosalie Alberts Kpsteln, Tecome to our latest residents: Mr. bet 2*, Dec. 28. Sel Handler and Mr. J«sej>h UpMrs. Babetta Ermann, Sbevat 1, •ey. Mrs, Friedmsn Ai Inunanael Mr, Abraham OlasaoMn.Shavat Haapttal 7 . J a n . 1 1 . ; , ' . • ; ; - - • • ; • •-•-:- : ' • Mrs. Anna Madman is recuper Mrs. Bessie Marfolin, Sbevat H, atinc from a maior operatioo per- / a n . W , ••••. . . . . - • • • • . • • • • : • • • • ' , , • • ' • , . . • • ' Mrs. Herman Nichob, Shevat 10, fonaed ten days ago. We ,: .:.. . . . • - . . - . . . , . ' : pleased to hear that Mrs. Sited- J T a n . 1 * . Mr. Jake Zeidenberg, Shevat 11,

Bible and Talmud United N.itiun-, N. Y. (JTA)— The I'dle-jtinn Conciliation ComBJ DO. FinuF s a n m i t ) on, in its 13 Ih progress repoi L to il,e UniU (i Nation.1, becreBETII ISRAEL lary General mlrnitted that it had Babbl Israel Friedman, ratecu- "no tjjjijortunily of expressing ite : The heart of the righteous stud' . live director of the National Miz- Kencnil function vt conciliation* racbL will be guest fpcuker at the during the past year. The Cora- ieth to answer; but the mouth at late HViday evening services to- irni.jun li ;,va]lable to boLh par- the wicked poureih out e * 11 ' night at 8 p. m. Ills topic will be titi to ;t: • iLt tlum in reaching an tilings. "Bar ITan University— Citiidel of agreement. However, it received A good man leavetk an inheiftno specific requctt from either anoe to his «hHdren, auk the Learning." wealth at Uieaumer is laid up lor Itabbi Benjamin Croner, Cantor tide last year for such aid. EH Kagan, and the IlsMli J;;r;icI The main work of the Commis- the righteous. Synagogue Cliolr will conduct thr sion in 11)53 was in connection •A wise s o u feareth and delate Friday evening cervices. Sab- with the release of blocked Arab partelh from evil; bat the tool be- Beeatd Concert Orran tiy Bsadler Next Weekis Tafarsett Berviees bath morning services will be a! refugee accounts. The Govern- **yeth «verbearia*lr sad is conMr. Sol Handler ««ve « concert Mr. David SJeget, Shevat 21, 8 3 0 a. m. Junior services at 9:3C ment of Israel, in a unilateral xident. of some of his private records at a /an. 29 arifl Mrs. r»mUe Adel«. jn. move, agreed to release as a find mittJcato during the past week. schtein, Shevat 26, Jan. 30. . Babbi Groner will conduct the inctallrmmt the sum of 1,000 Many of the residents turned out Tafaaaa Saturday Talmud Clare at 4:30 pounds—at the rate of one pound Mincha and Maarlv Services are Rabbl Cbantaa *aHh ""Why are p. m. end Saturday Mincha will sterling for one pound Israel—for now being held In (he «jp the words of the Torah compared night to keep Us wine In aOvcr' at the Dr. Philip S b e r — start at 5 p. m. which will be these accounts. to water? Just u water runs down and golden vessels." She then toM Home For The Aged at 430 p.: followed by Sholoshc S'eudos and After some lu'tcbcs, which were from a higher place to a tower Maarir. her father, and be ordered that The public is Invited to attend tba overcome, the Commission report: : . morning services begin at ed by (he end of September the one, so the words of the Torah his wine should be kept tn ves- s e r v i c e s . . ;,••.•••: •• ' .>:'-• '•:•'•. 1 a. sn. Dally afternoon, services total number of applications field can only be retained by one who sels of sliver and cold. Consepossesses * h ti m b 1 e mind." begta at S-M p. m. and ft-tdar aft- had readied mure than 3,000 of quently it became sour. When London (JTA) —Arrangements ernoon at 6 p. m. which over half had been o p - (Thinking fit his sbartoDmlnsjg and the king was informed of this he ave been completed for West • Sundsy mamiag breakfast mta- proved for payment. It estimated anxious <D atufiy.) asked his daughter: "Who advised Germany to place at the disposal Rabbi Josbuh ben Chananlah you to do sor" "Babbi Joshua," of Israel a sum equivalent to yan meets at 8:4i a. jn. at»d is fol- that when nil the application; lowed by Rabbi Groner't Bible have been processed the total was a great .scholar, hut h b per- she answered. Thereupon, the nearly $18,000,000 in blocked ster•discussion class. The youngsters of amount of the payments will be sonal Appearance was ungainly. king sent for Rabbi JToshut. "Why ling accounts tor the purchase ot the Tails and TetSlto. Oub begin approximate 750,000 pounds. The daughter of the king once hast thou advised her sor" the oil bjr Israel, according to press todr services at 8:30 a. m. Breaksaid to him: "O, how unbecoming The Conciliation rvm^rniFqinw "X- that ociy vessel -with glorious king asked, and Rabbi Joshua re- reports. fast]! served at the conclusion <rf Tfiis is the second such allocapressed gratification that "a «olu-] wisdom!" Whereupon he said to joined: "This was but an answer t h e i r s e r v i c e s . •••'.••.-.•.. .-.• : • •• to the question of the princess." tion of German funds In Britain tioa of the difficulties encountered her: "My princess, in what does to be used for Israeli oil purchases "But are there not men who are was apparently reached, and that ] TlMFfX IUAEL ' payment on the first mstalimcrrt die fctnc, your father, keep Us bandsome and at the same time from British Commonwealth nations. The first allocation win ex-, wincf" In earthen vessels," Lvery scholarly?* asked the king. A* the regular Sabbath Services of blocked accounts had bffn r e - best wssj her answer, and lie rejoined: $"Believe me," replied the Rabbi, plre in March. The funds thus adTriday evening at 8 o'clock, Rab- sumed.? *Tke iswiioii jpeople keep It in "had they been usjlr, they would vanced are charged against repbi.Sidney B . Brooks will discuss The Commission said it "war -,ratlon» payments doe lanel from *tto Wings of Song" In oteerv- sidcrs that progress to date on the earthen <naw.li, but year lather have been still greater scholars." anoe of Jewish Music Month. Mrs. blocked accounts has been reason* Edward Levinson will recite the ably successful in view of the comblessing over the Sabbath lights; plex and uniQue nature o f *fcf> Edward Lcvinson will recite the operation." It added that i t was KJddunh. Morton Hlller and Ed- "convinced that the final liquidaWlrd E. Milder will assist Rabbi tion of this Question will remove Brooks with the Torah Service. a constant irritant hi the relaThe choir will present a new tions between Israel and the Arab Israeli setting of Ma Tovu and se- states." lections from Lewandowski'E SabAs far as its other main task Is bath Service. concerned, the identification and' Regular Siuibbos Morning Serv- evaluation of Arab property in ices will be held Saturday at 11:40 I.'jrnel, the Commission said it bad a. m. Rabbi Brooks will officiate found that the records were so with students of the Hebrew De- poor that they made the work difpartment of the IlellfiiouE School ficult. The Commission had, thereRiddush for all present will follow fore, appointed a former officer of the services. the M a n d a t o r y administration, Sami Hodnwi, a recognized auJBETIIEL thority on land values in Palestine, Services this evening will begin to make the investigations. Irt 8:15 o'clock. liabbi Mycr S. In connection with the Arab Krtfi.li* will deliver the sermon, protest over Israel's dtposal of speaking on "Two Giants of the refugee property, the Commission Spirit" Cantor Anron I. Edgar and said that it had received two letthe Beth El Choir will render the ters from the Israeli representamusical prtons portions of the the service. tive. Both of (hem said that the Sabbath morning services will action,.which was an internal one, begin at 0:45 o'clock. Junior Con- would not impair any legal claims - grcgallon services are at 10:30 of the Arab refugees and both rea. tn. Mincba-alaariv services will affirmed the Government of! begin«t a p.m. Israel's "policy In regard t o pay-1 Uaily Minywi is held on each merits of compensation for aban-J woclc day at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. doncd Arab land in Israel." 1 Sunday rooming servioe is at S a. m. S:Ot p. m. Candle-llelitinf <imr.


• J * n .












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common complaint

American Fund Building Program

Gorman Reparations \Commisdon Meets

Cologne (JTA)—The West German-Israel Reparations Oonmisslon, which formally held its first meeting here i s expected to fix the total value of West German reparations payments to Israel in the fiscal year beginning April I at the equivalent of $74,000,000. The commission meeting was preceded by three months of preliminary negotiations by a mixed group of technical experts w h o prepared for the final drafting of goods schedules to be laid dewn by the commission. The oommlsuion deliberations ore expected to last for a number of weeks.

Wew York (JTA)—Five mlllkrr dollars will be raised by the American Fund for Israel Institutions during the next five years to construct new bulldlncs for some of the leading cultural institutions it bus supported in l a n d for over a decade, it was announced at the Fund's nnnunl-dinBor-ooneCTt at the Waldorf Astoria A donation of $250,000 by Frederic R. Mann, of Philadelphia, w.-i.i announced at the dinner, which was attended b y more -than 2,000 guests. Mr. Hunn is one of the founders of the Israel Philhar- PARIS MEMORIAL Jeruralcm (JTA)—An agreemonic Orchestra. His gift will fir for'the building in Tel Aviv of n ment has been signed here between Yad Veshem, Israeli instiCultural Center "which -will be n home for Israel's culture, and tution for the establishment of * whose major tenant will be the memorial in Israel in honor of the 0,000,000 Jews annihilated by the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra." Nazis, and the Documentation CenA substantial gift by Samuel ter of Pari.";, which Is erecting a Rubin, patron of the nrlrr, will similar world memorial. make possible the building of thr The agreement provides thafthc first Academy of Music Jn Israel, Yad Vcshcm will give assistance - it was announced. The affair cllraaxed the Fund's 1053 campaign to the construction of the memorial in Paris. It also providesfor for 11,807,540 for the support of agricultural schools, music con- the exchange of either originals or servatories,- institutions for lan- photographic copies of all docuguage and literature, maritime ments pertaining to the destructraining, art and archaeology mu- tion of European Jewry by thr seums, a dance croup, trailitlon.nl Nnzls. Dr. Benzlnn Dinur, Isracl'r Minister of Education, signed thr academies and theatre.';. pact on behalf of Yad Veshem I.';U.TC Sclmt-'crsolin signed it on b e T t W a S I I CAPITAL helf of the Documentation Center Istanbul (WNS)—A census tulc- The ceremony of signing the doccn in this city in 1050 but just ument took place under the ehsirmado public disclosed that the hi of Dr. Nahum Gokhnann Jewish population of Istanbul war 44,000, as against 50,000 in 1B15. Dr. Jack M.-igit explains it this The population drop was taid to way: "Anatomy Is something be due to the migratory wave tc d h bt l l bettor Israel.

•. •


mMm, M r * aad'a -W«aA» » * • - .










An AwfomaitU Electrk ClothM ftrytr dtrlag tbs tanllf *«h wiMsasr* httOm '***.-• Wfar *> k sW • M W w i r f « r «fccB a> vou BMd » * V n <• * • doAis, set A t did, and go aboat ed»f tadof Ae B««fc CfeuWi Dr/ar tsvts hum of Ixis&timiaqc waA , t \ mtaJfy ,.






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Way wattl Ii|oy fr«*doa) km hU watUay wsataer aswl I t * year el««Mcal eaallaace l . anks watMsy « altaiare af yew

Aa ILICTRIC Dryer ssih less U bsy — It eailsr to sperata, Ne Rase, ae flat, M fsawi.

Nebraska-lowa Electrical COUMI 1104 WAW. ILOO.



, January 15, 1954


B'nai B'rith Bowling A Division W. LMorris Paint Co. Pepsi Cola „..,...... Belmont Jewelry Crosstown TV Qreehberg Ini. ., Grace-Mayer Int. — Hinky-Dlnky Stores „, Nebraska Furn. „ ... X*yns Florist ....«••...• Burkhard-Gerellck Milder Oil Co. 11-Worth Grill

Pacific Fish and I-Go Van Go on Their Winning Ways

Uy Mndy Paul

Rayim Saueeses by AZA I; Independents Beat AZA 100

Unbeaten Pacific Fish' won their fourth straight game by rapping out a 20-15 win over. Mogcn-Davld Wine. Faced by Dan Hollis and Bob Glnsburg, the league leaders were never threatened. Hollls finished high with eight points while Glnsburg added seven. Bill Horwlch scored three points and Louis Rich contributed. his first field goal in midget play and acknowledged It by exclaiming "Well, I finally made the scoring column." Don Forman led the Winers with five points.

Star of the Week Dave Goldstein Ed Schneider With the Sample Fur team having a cold afternoon In the shooting department, Dave Goldstein decided to take over. He poured in four valuable points with a minute remaining to break a 14-14 Uo with Hires Root Beer and give bis team a tie for second place. Ed Schneider^ with a 15-polnt production personally kept his unbeaten I-Go Van team In the lead spot The three-year vet of midget play Is one of the top scorers and centers in the league and displayed it last Sunday. For their efforts in contributing to their team's victories, Dave Goldstein and Ed Schneider are selected as Stars of the Week. Jnnlor Section Standings L. Pacific Fish 4 0 11-Worth Grill ~~.. 3 1 S- Riekcs & Sons .................. 1 3 Mogcn-Davld Wine — 1 4 Senior Section Standbies W. L. I-Oo Van 4 0 Burkhard-Gcrclick 2 2 Sample Fur -»•••. 2 Hires Root Beer 0 4

scoring r e c o r d to date as he In a rough contest which saw total of 41 fpulj caUed, the Itayim notched 18 points. Star ef the Week Boughriders edged their close riEven though his team'lost anvals AZA 1 by a 47-44 score. After losing starters Ray Somberg and other close game, the best player Ed Bebser on fouls, Rayim held on the floor last week was Stan on as eight members of their nine Widman. His rebounding and fine man team scored to share a real shooting were outstanding as he team win. Al Corey and Ed Bel- totaled 20 of his team's 44 points ter paced the win with 13 and 12 in losing to Rayim. For his fine Keller's B Dlr. points, respectively' AZA 1 missed play in last week's encounter with W. L 27 free throw attempts while Rayim, Stan Widman is selected Justin Ban, hitting for 13 points kept his team Ti game behind the Louis Market Rayim missed 21. For Mother as Star of the Week. league leaders by aiding 11-Worth Watson Bros. ............ Z 8 chapter It: was Stan Widman with League Standings Grill, beating S. Ribkes tc Sons, Robinson Iron ...-__..-. _ . 5 20 points. The high Jumping JunW, 24-14. Held to four points in the ._ 4 S. Omaha Sun _ ior kept his team in the game con- Independents ^ 6 first half, Justin.broke away for Bennett Fura. .... .... 4 tinually as his mates were unabli Rayim A ........... „ ..„..,„.„ 6 four field goals and a free throw ... 4 Magi-Color to give scoring support. AZA 1 A „ „ _ ....„.„.. 3 In the second half to cinch the Simons Jewelry.............. ™ 4 AZA 100 , .............. 0 H a r l a n "Tiny" Rosen and game. Larry Kohn added five 3 H. A. Wolf points, "Boo" Dandy got four and Speedy Zweiback were exceptionSlosburg Ins. ^..............., 2 "Cowboy" Sadofsky hit for two ally hot as they scored 34 and 22 For the Riekcs squad It was Al points, respectively, against AZA Parkway Konccky with four points. W. L 100, to lead Independents to a 7744 win. Rosen, hitting from close Prucka Transp ^.... 7 Hires Root Beer throw a scare In on layups and rebounds made Wolfson-Gerber ............. ....... 7 into Sample Fur before falling IS field goals while Zweiback back in the last minute of play Playland Park . 6 added 11 on drive in and set Stan Widman, Youth Council 20-14. With one minute to play, Borshelm „ — 6 shots. For the Centurymen it was Athletic director, has announced the score was knotted at 14-14 Richman-Gordman _._ 5 Howard Ksalow with his finest that the annual Y. C. wrestling when Dave Goldstein broke away -. S Liberty Gas •• meet wilt be held Sunday morn- for two quick baskets to clinch the 4 Hanks Army Goods ing, Feb. 28, at 9 a. m. All entrants win for the "Furriers." Five play4 Sol Lewis Co must be at the Jay locker rofcm ers shared in the scoring for Sam....... 4 National Tire ........... to weigh in at 8:45 a. ro. A record ple Fur with Mike Persell getting Ritcway TV ..._.... „„....„_ 3 number of entries is expected. The five, Dave Goldstein, Tom Plait PhilCQ-Brandeis ,.....«,. *... 2 The Bowling Bums still mainY. C. has procured the services of and Arnold Ban made four pointr 1 Rosen-Novak Jerry Wolpa as class instructor. each. For The Hires team Stuart tain a one game lead in the Junior A sharp shooting Rayim C team Jerry is a two-time state champ Kullcr ana Mike Platt scored six Sports Bowling league. They have Women's League unleashed a merciless scoring at- from North high school and was a and four points respectively. maintained that lead since the W. tack on-the AZA 100 B team by member of the University of NeEd Schneider was at* his beat as opening session, The Alley SluftNational Tire & Supply 33 24 beating them 57-4. The C team is braska wrestling team for two gers trail by one game. he led unbeaten I-Go Van to a Phillips Dept Store ... 32 25 sharpening up Its attack for the Classes are being held close 23-17 win over BurkhardW. Wolf Bros. „„., 31 <A 25% tough game with unbeaten Rayim years. Thursday afternoons after school Gerellck. He scored 19 points for Bowling Bums X 9 Colony Club , 30 27 B. The Rayim team was led by at 4 o'clock in the Jay gymnasium B a U-Worth Grill 30 27 Marvin Lincoln and Sam Shukert All boys interested in joining this his top individual effort and Alley Sluggers played exceptionally well under Strikes and Spares 7 ' R & S Shoes .................. 30 27 with 14 points apiece, Mike Ban class be at the gym next Thursboth baskets. The "Ford" lads Beer Framers 7 Hamilton Pharmacy..... 29 28 scored 12 to aid the cause. day at 4 p, m. in sweat clothes. were held to five points at the ,ucky Ladles Omaha Jobbing 28 29 Unbeaten Rayim B had little Last year's champ was AZA 1 half, but little "Jeff Swartz found 29 Gutter Boys Lyns Florist . 28 trouble with unpredictable. AZA They will have two winners back the range with four field goals but Alley Rats Angles Beauty Salon ... 28 28 IB. They walloped them 44-5 Klsh Furs , 27 t i *9V. Scoring honors went to Larry Lin- to defend their crown. They are it just wasn't enough. He topped Tough Turkeys Larry Epstein (118 1b. champ) and his teams scoring with 10 points. Shukerts . 27 30 coln with 16 points. His jump ,ucky Duckys Schwartz (130 lb. champ) Douglas Jewlery 27 30 Gutter Gerties shots were hitting and Larry is r Larry returning winner will be Country Club Grocery 26 31 Bowling Babes very much Improved player. Nr Other Karlan Rosen in the heavyweight Smith Pontiac . 28 31 Hieh Hitters doubt he will be on the Rayim'A class. Mystic Beauty Shop .... 23 34 team next season. Art Novak aided Nifty Hitters 3 with 13 points. Jack Oruch am' ,... 1 W. I, Hep Cots Dave Widman made three and two ;... 0 10 No;:g Bros. 21 #]£ owling Dolls points respectively for Mother .;.. 0 10 Millie Wine 20 IP Eager Beavers chapter, Smith Pontiae 19 17 "iW Games John Coldner and Tom BernMike Platt was high man after Standings Edwards Jewelry 18 IF stein, led their respective leaguer Stuart Kutlcr 137, Walter Wise last Sunday's competition at the 18 IP 132, Larry GUInsky 128, Judy with high series of S7S and SOS Brandeis Klerrchrome Music Box, when he combined Rayim B ....„.„....:_;.......;.;.„:.. 4 18 IP lattner 118, Tom Platt 118, Larrespectively in last week's efforts Brandcls Easy Washer beautiful games of 176 and 121 Rayim C ........ '„_,.,....,„ 3 15 21 ry Hoberman 109, Chuck Wise The Independents and AZA 1 MeUBeer lor an enviable 299 series. AZA 100 B ..... 1 15 21 108, Jerry Schwartz 103, and Doug Boosers still retain their leads in RCA Victor Edie Singer was high in the AZA IB ,._.„... 0 lUfh Series teliir divisions. Platt 102. . girl's division with a terrific 162 Diane Rubin, 480; Ann SchulNational Division - and a 116 for a sparkling 27P man, 462; Esther Marcus, 439' W It •cries. Liberty Faier, 439 and Charlotte Seek ye, the Lordf all ye meek AZA 1 Booters. . 3 2 * 10 Mickey Sacks converted the of the earth, which have wrought AZA 1 Glams 2Btt 12 % Blumbcrg, 412. J-5-7 split this judgment; seek righteousness, Splits Rayim SOS 28 14 t Paul Shyken mastered the 4-5seek meekness.—(Zeph. 2:3.) Diane Rubin, 5-8-10. AZA 100 Centurymen 25H 10M 10 split. This Sunday at Z p. m, the Share Rayim S and P „ 21 21 Beverly Bloom, a modest 82 Zion grade school team of Sioux 1 Bluffers J 20 22 average kegler, indicated that she City wilt tangle with the Omaha AZA Rayim » ...„. ...,„.._. 20 22 intends to Improve that average Midget Ail-Star team In the first Ind. Sleepers 23 sui she fired*games of 118 and 115 game of a double header. The sec- AZA No Names ..... „ 19 10 ' for a 233 series. ond game .will feature the - Youth Rayim Screwballs ...... .5 32 37 Council - All-Star team against Standings American Division Sioux City AZA- All parents, , , , V . 1. friends and basketball fans arc The JCC Varsity basketball fense for the Collcglanx. His fine 32 ' 10 o f p . Skaggs il 7 urged to come and cheer for the Ind. EBG Rayim MSG „, 30 12 ague is as tight as it could be. shooting accounted for 20 poults Neb. Fur. Mart ,...- 19 9 • Omaha boys. ns his team made only 10 point* 28 16 Wolfion-Gerber Auto... 18V4 UV, ' Members of the Omaha team* Rayim X AH four teams arc tied for first In Jhe second half. AZA 100A „ , 24 18 Maypers 16 12 ilace due to last Thursday night are: Midget All-Stars, Irvin BelA powerful Star Auto parts, foaAZA 100 Cutter Gangs 21 21 Ind. Cbem. Co 14 14 ter, Chuck Wise, Alan Noddle AZA 1 Gutter Goons .... 21 __ encounters,. The feature name was turinc experience and youth han21 Gamble-Robinson Fruit 11% 16 V Jeff Swartz, Justin Ravltz, Stuart1 AZA Zorchcrs between the Collegians and Lustys dily lie fen ted Kutlers Klowns, Piayland Park 11 17 10 H 25 W Kutler, Howard Wclnbcrg, Ec Rayim M Jabs Amer. Lbr. & Sup. Co. 11 17 16% 25W An extremely close affair all the 73-54. Al Clayman, Sid Abrahams Nelson Gordman, Totr AZA 1 Wo Goofed .... way until the final two seconds and Shcnn Poska made up the e x 11-Worth Grill 1014 1714 Schneider, ~. 12 30 Kully, Tom Rlatt and Arnold Ban when Steve Lustgartcii hit a li'is- perience while Stan Widman, Ray Morris Paint, 9'A 18H Rayim K« 11 31 The Youth Council All-Star team kct from half court to give hir Somberi: mid Ed Bclzer supplied Hlfh Games and Series e»m a 41-39 win, Seven member;: the youth. Clayman led the scorMike Platt 178-121—299 will have Ray Somberg, Al Corey Tel Aviv (JTA)—Israel will orEdic Singer 102-110—27r and Ed Belzer from Rayim, Tiny der telephone equipment valued at )f Lu.styfi were In the scoring col- ing with 27 points, while AbraRosen arid Speedy Zweiback froir itnn as Moc Hanfilcman led Hit' hams and Somberg made 12 points, $3,500,000 as reparations from Jack Lieb 140-12J—2GP Heroic Kaiman 132-130—2G? Independents, Stan Wldman am! West Germany, A. Ben Mcnahem, icorlng with nine points, while Al Dave "TIio Squintcr" Fogcl led the Larry Epstein from AZA 1, Ker director of the Israel Post Office, rown and Joe Belmont addux' Kullcr team with 21 points. Stuart Kutlcr 135-121— 25f Thursday Schedule Jan. 21 Mike Slider138-112—2-1P Freed and Dob Epstein from AZA revealed. He said the equipment •iglit. Steve Lustcarten scored cix 00. would be used In the setting up of points including' the game winning 7 p. m., Collegians vs. Star Auto. Bob Shapiro 133-115—24P an interurban telephone cxchanKe. >a!;ket. Jack Sti;;s spurred the of8 p. m., Kutlccs va. Lustys. Howard Slusky 123-114—237 Lenora Folk 123-100—235 Beverly Bloom 118-115—233 Billy Katzman 143- 80—23? Paul Shyken 120-111—231 Mickey Sacks 122-105—227 Matlee Katelman, a member of Jerry Sherman 132- 03—225 A. La Fal Ma Ri bowling team Chuck Wise 120-104—22* hrew a 211 game to break the SUNDAY, JAN. 1? AT 2 P.M. C. record for high game. Her Susan •Wolf son 120-103—223 David Wintroub 11(1-105—22? orics of 348 is second best to Florence Shrago .... 134- 07—221 'evee Bernstein, v/ho last year ud a 357 series! Standings W. L. BB Mixed Tourney )cb's Nebs 19 7 •lileroma 10'4 0V, The B'nai B'rith Women's !larlets 15 11 Tournament Committee anat 2:45 P.M. ?llck Chicks 15 11 nounces that the final Mixed scoreless Fourless 15 II Doubles Tourney will be held x and a / 15 11 Saturday, Feb. 10, at 9 p. m. All Stricks 14 12 at the 40-BowI. .Anyone Inter- La Fa Ma Hi 13 13 ested should call any of the Gutter Gals 12% 13t$ Uley Cats 12 14 following committee: Ida Sacks, 11 15 AT 0C62—Rose Oruch. OR 1540 Lucky Sticks .... 11 15 —Reva Singer, GL 7571—Bcv Lame Lassys Lucky Lossens 10 10 Swartz, WA 3008. Jowling Bells 3 23

YC Wrestling Tourney Set

Rayim Squads Drop AZA Lads

Jr. Sports Bowling

Hadassah Bowling

Y.C. Boys Bowling

Jr. B. B. Bowling


; • •






S. C. to Tangle With Jay All-Stars

Lustys Defeat Collegians; Star Auto Trip Up Klowns

Mav!ee Kcsfleman Rolls 211 Game



Jay Gymnasium

Admission FREE

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