January 22, 1954

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V*l. XXXII—No. 20

Dr. Israel Knox Will Lecture Eban Protests At Yiddish Program Tuesday Arab Arms Plan Dr. Israel Knox, professor of philosophy at New York Univercity, will speak at the third program of the current Yiddish Cultural Series, Tuesday, Jan. 20 If the auditorium of the Jewish Community Center, Joseph Radlnowski, chairman of the scries committee announced. The subject of his lecture which Will be in Yiddish is "Toward r Philosophy of J e w i s h Llfo In America." Tickets to the remain Sag feu' programs of the scries arr on sale at the Center. Call JA 1365 for further information. a Dr. Knox was- educated at the College of the City of New York and at Columbia University where he received his Ph.D. in philosophy in 1635. He is author of "The Aesthetic Theories of Kant, Hegel am' Schppenhauser." Along with his early studies, Dr. Knox maintained from his early youth an interest In Jewish culture. He hot lectured on aspect' of Jewish culture (especially literature) and on philosophical topics before many groups. He bar contributed essays and reviews to Tho Mcnorah Journal, T>u> Reconstructions, Commentary, Jewish Social Studies, The Journal 6' Philosophy and the Zukunlt. 'He was assistant professor of philosophy at Ohio University and Is now teaching philosophy at New York University.

Dr. Israel Knox

2nd 'Foreign' Film At Center Sunday

"Tight Little Island" tho second In the Community Center's Foreign Film Series will be shown Sunday, Jail. 24, at 8:15 p. m. in the auditorium. The movie made in England Is a hilarious film satire about a little Scottish island and the agitated activities of Its Inhabitants when a shortage of Scotch whiskey develops and a freighter laden with the stuff runs aground just off shore. Selected short subject." will also be shown. JERUSALEM STRIKE ENDS Scries tickets are two dullcirr Jerusalem (JTA)—The 25-dny- and iiulivl(l|inl tickets are 50 cents old strike of Jerusalem's city For reservations call the Jewish workers ended Sunday when the Community Center, JA 1306. municipality undertook to pay salaries regularly. The municipal council also decided to ask the Israel Government to "end" It a financial expert to help the city raise addiM e m b e r s of all lodges and tional income and balance Its budget The strike broke out over chapters of B'nai B'rith In Omaha non-payment of wage*, in some will meet Wednesday evening, cases going back to last October. Jan. 27, in the Jewish Community Center to distribute polio posters in the business districts. This proSYRIAN STAND gram will follow t h e regular United Nations. N. Y. (JTA)— monthly meeting of the Henry The Syrian Government is not In- Monaky Lodge to be held that clined to change its attitude on the evening In .the center at 8 p.* m. complaint it lodged with the Unit- The meeting is open to both'men ed Nations against Israel's hydro- and women and guests are invited ; electric project on the Jordan to attend. River, it was indicated here by A social: hour1 will follow the Dr. Farld Zcineddlne, Syrian rep- business meeting at which a film resentative, upon his return from of the presentation of the 1053 consultations In Damascus. "America's Democratic Legacy" Dr. Zeineddlno was said to have award' to President Dwiiht D. assured friends here that Syria Eisenhower by Henry E. Schultz, would oppoe the Big Three reso- national Anti-Defamation League lution on tho Israel-Syrian dls- chairman, will be shown. The film utc and would make no conces- Is a reproduction of the ADL sions. At tho United Nations his award program that was televised return Is taken to mean that there nationally. can no longer be any excuse for further delay of Security Council meeting on this matter. Tho Lebanese delegate Dr. Charles Malik, who is chairman of the Sey curity Council tht.i month, called a meeting for January 14 and then postponed It until January 31 because of what he said was a Washington (JTA) — President Vfestern request for further time Elsenhower said this week that to bring about agreement. there was nothing significant about tho omission from his State of the EGYPTIAN BLOCKADE Union message of any reference to W a s h i n g t o n (JTA)—Ilcp. need, for amendment of the McEmonuel Ccller urged the U. S. Carran-Waltcr Immigration and delegation to the United Nations Naturalization Act and Indicated and the State Department to take that this question was still underaction against Egypt's arbitrary study. blockade, of Israeli-bound shipTho question was raided at the ments through the Suez Canal. Rep. Ccller pointed out in a White House pres3 conference by statement that Egypt's action vio- Milton Friedman, head of the JTA lates a U. N, Security Council Washington Bureau, who asked resolution enacted September 1. the President whether "you still 1951. He noted that tho United favor revision of the McCirranStates has a stako in Israel aris- Walter Immigration Act and ing from Export-Import Bank whether there was anything ulf!loans and other forms of tech- nlficunt in your omission of thlr nological und economic aid. He Item from your State of the Unpointed to American participa- ion ryessage?" tion In a treaty of 1880 euaranThe President replied that there tccinii freo usage of the Suez was nothing significant In itr Canal to ships of all nations. omission and said that as a matter Mr. Ccllcr also cited recent of fact, there had been many, • manifestations af Saudi Arabian, many things omitted, and hr Jordanian, and Syrian hostility thought lie had stated that some against Israel. , of theso things that had betn

Global Report •

B'nai Brith Aids Polio Campaign

io omta « Poumn

Ralph Nogg Named Head of Initial Gifts1

Washington (WNS) — Israeli Ambassador Abba S. Eban, at a conference here with Secretary of Slate John Foster Dulles on the propected American plan to grant arms to Iraq and Saudi Arabia, protested against the contemplated move on the ground that granting of arms to those countries would give old and assistance to two states technically still at war with Israel. At the same time Mr. Eban noted that King Saud of Saudi Arabia had only recently called Israel "a cancer on the body of the Arab world" while appealing to the Arab world to sacrifice 10,000,000 people, if necessary, in order to decimate Israel. Mr. Eban was reported to have told Mr, Dulles that this was "a most inopportune moment for any action designed to strengthen the military equipment of any members of the Arab League "since such arms as may be given to Iraq and Saudi Arabia could, and most likely will, be made available to all the Arab League states F. Ralph Not? under a security pact signed by all Arab, countries. In addition, the Israeli Ambassador pointed to the fact that such a move would violate the tripartite declaration of May, 1850, in which the United State, Great Britain and France pledged themselves to preventing Washington, U. C. — Leading an arms race between Israel and American Jewish scholars, wrltcrr the ^Vrab countries. , and educators will plan and takr part in the new adult Jewish education program undertaken by Plan Offered to Break B'nai B'rith, the world's oldes' UN Deadlock on Rights and largest Jewish service organUnited Nations N. Y. <JTA) ization. Dr. Nelson Gliicck, pres—A plan aimed at breaking the ident of Hebrew Union College deadlock which threatens accept-4 Rabbi Mordccai Kaplan, founder ance of the international covennn of the Society for the Advanceon human rights Is outlined in a ment of Judaism and leader of memorandum submitted by the the Reconstruction^ MovementWorld Jewish Congress to the Dr. Abraham A. Neuman, presiUnited Nations Secretary Genera' dent of the Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognato Learninghere. Dr. Abram L. Sachar, president of The WJC proposal suggests tha' Brandcls University, and Ratob' the most effective way to achieve Leo Jung, of Ycshiva University speedier international action or have accepted appointments to the human rights would be for thr B'nai B'rith Advisory Committee." U. N.'s Commission on Humar on the Institutes of Judaism, Philip nights to select a specific right M. Kliilznick, President of B'nn1 draft It In a covenant form, and B'rith, announced. present it to the nations of thr world for approval and ImplemenTho first meeting of the executation. Once the first has beer tive group of the Advisory Comadopted, a second document deal- mittee will be held In New York ing with another right could be Sunday, Jan. ,24. Plans will be prepared. prepared at this meeting for thr "Covenants dealing each with ? Institute of Judaism program for single basic human right, recog- 1854 nized by practically all civilized nations as part of their own bill of rights, have much better chance- Eisenhower Opposes to be widely accepted than ar Bricker Amendment over- all Instrument," the memNew York l(JTA)—Major naorandum declares. The principal significance of ar tional and local Jewish organizainternational covenant, the pro- tions today commended President posal" continues, "lies in its Inter- Elsenhower on his reiteration at national implementation. How- a press conference of his opposiever, the more comprehensive such tion to the Bricker amendment and a document is, the less its imple- pledged their "continuing support" mentation on this level Is likely of his stand on "this grave issue." to be accepted by a largo number The proposed amendment would in effect prevent the United Stater of states." from entering Into any treaty affecting human rights and would doom such efforts as the Genocide Convention and the proposed Covenant on Human Rights. The American Jewish Congress, Jewish Labor Commitcc, Jewish War Veterans, Union of American omitted would be the subject of Hebrew Congregations, Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of later comment. The President added that it hap- America, United Synngoguo of pened that this year, up until thlr America, and 30 regional state and time, the details of any studies local Jewish councils affiliated made on the McCarran Act by the with the National Community Reresponsible departments had not lations Advisory Council wrote to been submitted to him. And there- the President to that effect. fore, ho sold, whether he was going to recommend immediate revision, lie could not Bay for certain. Tho President's stand on thr "Message of Israel" will be question was In sharp contrast to broadcasted over KOIL this the stand he had publicly taken Sunday morning from 10 to during the 1052 presidential cam10:30 o'clock. Dr. Junali B. 1 paljm. Ills statement ! here thlr Wise, Rabbi at the Cunlial week was interpreted to mean tha' Synagogue, In New York City, the President was not sure that will speak on "The People of the legislation hod to be revised the Book" — tho topic for the and that his decision would largely depend on recommendatlonr month of January. made tp him by the "responsible The Eternal Light piogrum departments." will be presented over WOWDuring tho election campaign Radio, this Sunday from 11:30 Gen. Eisenhower had called for a. m. to noon, it wus nnrevision of the McCarrnn-Waltcr nounced by the Jewish Theolegislation which he denounced ar logical Seminary of America. a "blasphemy against democracy."

B'nai B'rith Plans Judaism Institute

Ike Reports McCarran Acf Revision Is Still Under Study

On Radio and TV

F, Ralph Nogg, active Jewish communal and civic workery has accepted the call to serve as Chairman of the Initial Gifts Division of tlic 1954 Jewish PhilanthropiesUnited Jewish Appeal Campaign, Robert H, Kooper, General Campaign Chairman announced today, » "Ralps Nogg's reputation of fti experienced campaigner and an excellent and thorough organizer coupled with his devotion to the causes aided by the Jewish Philanthropies campaign, makes him a* qualified leader for the Initial Gifts Division in the crucial 1954 Philanthropies Drive for Israel, national and local needs," Mr. Kooper said. "We feel confident that under his leadership, the Initial Gifts Division will perform an outstanding job of both effective and speedy solicitation as well as reaching the quota that will bo set for the division." Active Participant Mr. Nogg directed the General Men's Division in 1S50, and has participated actively in past campaigns. He is a member of the Jewsh Federaton Board, and presently serves as chairman of the Jewish Press Committee. A past president of the B'nai B'rith Henry Monsky Lodgo and of the Southwest Region of B'nai B'rith, he is currently the President of the Greater Omaha B'nai B'rith Association. He is active in the Chamber, of Commerce, Omaha Safety Council, Heart Association and is a leader in the trucking industry, both in the region and nationally. Important Test "An Important test and a great task are ahead of us," Mr. Nogg stated in accepting the appointment, "for the Initial Gifts Group is the first unit to start solicitation of gifts. The beneficiaries of the Philanthropies C a m p a i g n , some two hundred Israel, national, and local agoncies look to our united campaign with much hope to help meet their urgent needs in 1954. "Israel, which is our major beneficiary, Is definitely on the road to economic self-support. However, at this juncture of its life, the infant state still requires our financial help to help her meet the accumulated . severe strains. National and local agencies, too, am greatly in need of Increased support to carry on even their minimum programs, which benefit American and Omaha Jewry. I feel confident that all prospect* . In our division will make the effort and sacrifice which will b« needed.to put our campagn over in 1954."

Factions Dicker On Cabinet Setup Tel Aviv (JTA)—The negotiations for a new coalition Cabinet took a turn for the wrosc as the three small parties In the present Cabinet stuck to their demands and Acting Premier Moshe Sharctt Insisted on an early decision. The Progressive Party Council last night reiterated its opposition to entering any Cabinet on a program which called for an election law change limiting Knesset representation to a party which received at least 4.2 percent of the total vote cist in a national election. The Progressive insist on the scrapping of the election law change, to which the Mapal and tho General Zionists agreed when they recently concluded their coalition pact. The Progressives acted after Dr. Pinclia.'i Knsen rcoprtcd that he had failed to obtain agreement from the Gcncnil Zionists to scrap the election l.ivv amendment and civc up the !>o.-.t of Deputy Minister of Education, which was grant- , ed in the pact with the Mapal. The religious parties noyr hav« • that post and refuse to eurrcn-. tier it. . '



Our Israel Newsletter


Histadrut Sick Fund Snags

Ctflunu oum-in Me. *M suMVOulw.IMa^'ATIUM UK. "

Friday, January 22. 1»5«

i ska* tMitm lies so. W > M I M

By Alcph Sherman Tel Aviv ( J T A ) — E v e r y o n e knows that the problem of "temporary arrangements" is that by 1 the time they are replaced by something permanent they have Creation of healthy economic pattern* in Jewish life, by teach developed into something like • Ing industrial skijlj with which Jews can take their place in the vested Interest, and someone almodem industrial process, has been the special work of OUT, the ways clamours to keep them as Organization for Behabllitatfcm through Training. they arc. i For 73 years OUT has served as a kind of Jewish Point Four. The most recent example of this In recent years it has become a far-flung operation, with trade schools in Israel is the tussle between the in nineteen countries, including Israel, North'Africa and Iran, WestMinister of Health, Joseph Berlin, ern Europe, South* America, and elsewhere. It has grown into the and the Kupath Holim, the sick largest international voluntary vocational program in the world and fund of the Hisadrut now that the has been accorded recognition by various United Nations bodies, the Minister Is planning to set up a International Labor Office, the Ford Foundation, the U. B., French v o l u n t a r y contributory health Italian, Swiss and a. half dozen other governments. scheme for government employees, The ORT schools in Israel, with their 3,200 students each year, The Kupath Holim was set tip in are making vital contributions to the productive Integration of the the "heroic days" after the first world war, when the pioneers were immigrants. Hundreds of young men and women enrolled in OUT'S living In a primitive country with full time vocational high schools are acquiring the skills that are few doctors and less hospitals. essential in the country's growing manufacturing plants and mechThe Histadruth started its own anized agriculture. Israel counts on OHT to help create a vitally contributory sick fund, at thc_beneeded skilled labor force. glnning with a few hundred memAt the same time, in the Moslem lands, ORT schools are beams bers ,and its first hospital was in of light on an otherwise bleak landscape. Vocational training, espea wooden sack. As time went on cially for the youth, is a powerful social weapon attacking; ancient its membership grew and Its servghetto conditions nnd raising the status at the whole community. ices expanded. There can be no American Jewry has had a decisive part in supporting the ORT doubt that without it Israel's health work. A new financial agreement has Just been announced by which situation would Have been far leas United Jewish Appeal funds will be allocated to ORT by the Joint satisfactory than It is, and many Distribution Committee for the eighth consecutife year. More than of the doctors who were given e m 60,000 persons are affiliated with the American ORT Federation, in- Capita! Spotlight ployment by it would have had to cluding Women's American ORT, and are by this means making work as laborers on the roads, as many did in any case. Its mem* important material and moral contributions to ORT. • bership has now reached the milThe job of economic reconstruction undertaken by ORT Is long lion mark. range- For Jews as for other people, economic health is a basic factor in community survival and growth. Our investment In ORT Some Satisfied has already paid large dividends, and with continuing aid and underSome of its members are quite standing can yield a rich harvest in more secure and productive lives. satisfied with the organization as By Milton Friedman Gcrman-American Bund served it Is; others are not.: In the first Washington (JTA)—The Jewish German Nazism were the products place, to belong to Kuptah Holim War Veterans organization, whose of Communist propaganda in this one has to belong to the Histadrut, members participated in defeating country. But the JWV replied that and some people dp not wish to b e Nazis on the battlefields of Eu- "it the Bund's servitude to Nazism long to a political organization in Yiddish Cultural Series—«:15 the Friday. Jan. » rope, has prevented a former is Communist propaganda, then order to belong to a sick fund. In ** Pre School—8:00 a. m.—Center. p. m.—Center. Nazi from regaining his American the Communists have been able to the second place Histadrut sub-" Centennial Hockey Classic—Ak- citizenship at a time when some dupe every attorney general who Saturday, Jan. 23 gcriptions amount sometimes to Temple Israel Supper Club Sar-Ben Coliseum. consider it "unfashionable" to op- has held office since subversive over five percent of the member's Wednesday. Jan. 27 Danee-^-7:00 p. m . — H i g h l a n d pose ex-Hitlerites and the remili- listings were first initiated, includ- salary, and of this contribution Pre School—8:00 a. nv—Center. tarization of Germany. The JWV ing the Republican incumbent, Town. only some 40 percent goes to KuCeramics—1:00 p. nv—Center. Sunday, Jan. Z4 registered such a strong objection Herbert Drowncll. These gullibles Hadassab Medical Center Chap- to a Senate bill which would have would also include the House Un- path Holim. The other 60 pcrcMlt Children's Program—2:00 p. m. ter Luncheon—1:00 p. m.—Center. restored citizenship to Alfred American Activities Committee of goes for various other purposes— •—Center, administration nnd organization of OH Painting Class—1:00 p. m Beth El Supper Club—Beth El. Theodor Ex that the bill, other- the 82nd Congress, which lists the the Histadruth, political and iwinl Center. Young Adult League Night—8:00 wise destined for passage, has Bund in its Guide to Subversive activities, and a number of other Jewish C o o k e r y Class—«:0O now been pigeon-holed. Organizations, and whose member- actvltlcs with which some Israelis p. m.—Center. Foreign Film Series—8:15 p. m. p. m.—Center. Mr. Ex served from 1029 in the ship included Hep. Harold H. Vcldc, do agree and some do not argce. Ceramics—7:30 p. nv—Center. —Center. Friends of New Germany and later chairman of the present House Again, the skilled worker or the Center Orchestra—«:00 p. nv— in Monday, J a n . « the "Amerika Oeutscher Volks- Committee on Un-American Ac- office worker docs not Rot full tivities." The JWV said that if Pre School—B:0O a. m.—Center. bund"—the Nazi Bund of Fritz B'nai B'rilb Monsky Lodge—«.00 Kuhn. He held the rank of "Wcr- Mr. Dix's charges were correct value for his money from the KuGolden Age Club—1:00 p. m.— path Holim. This was officially p. m.—Center. Center. bclclter" until 1937 when he went then, "among the innumerable pa- explained recently by the head of Tbarsday, Jaa. t t triotic and civic organizations Workmen's Loan—8:00 p. m.— to Germany and assumed German the service; Dr. 1. Kcncv. one of Federation of Jewish Women's citizenship. In 1946 he was found which reached 'Communist-lnCenter. the pioneers of Isrial's social servBeth Israel Adult Institute—9:00 Clubs Luncheon—1:00 p. nv—Cen- guilty of making false statements ducrd' judgments on the Bund ice. . . . Kupath Holim has opened ter. p. m.—Beth Israel. to a U S . vice-consul in Berlin would be the American Legion . out-patient clinics and given hosGreat Books Course—7 JO p. m. about Tuesday, Jut. U Dubious Authority his past Nazi affiliations. Mr. pital treatment for hundreds of —Center. Beth Iirad Sisterhood Board own reason for Joining the Mr. Dix tried to tell the JWV thousands of new immigrants who Bridge Class—8:00 p. m^-Cen- Ex's Mcsting—Beth Israel. Bund was that it gave him "a that Mr. Ex "had some Jewish an- have paid little or nothing in the Council Study Group—1:00 p. m. tcr chance to attend dosed meetings Kadimah Regular Meeting—830 in which the race question, in cestors, and for that reason alone way of subscriptions. Without the •—Home. could not under the Nazi regime contributions from the medium InTemple Israel Book Review— p. m.—CeiVer. which I was very interested, was be naturalized as a Gorman." Mr. come bracket*, the regular wage B'nal B'rith Nebraska Cha 1:00 p.m.—Home. discussed." Dix's authority for his statement or salary earners, Dr. Kanev e x Bridge? Class—1:15 p. m.—Cen- No. 346 and Lodge No. 1 about Mr. EX'B genealogy was "an plained, the Kupath Holim could Aftee to Delay p; m.—25th and J Sts. ter. attorney in Germany who was In not have afforded to give this servIn 1033, Sen. William Longer. chairman of the Senate Judiciary charge of these matters during the ice. Nazi regime." The JWV felt that Complaints Committee, saw fit to introduce a special bill to restore citizenship "'an attorney in Germany who Some members complain that to Mr. Ex. The Jewish Telegraphic was in charge of these matters dur- they have to wait so King for a docBy Boris Snolar these' experts suggest that aid to Agency reported this development. ing the Nazi regime' Is a dubious tor that In the end they pay to t e e (Copyright, IBM, JTA) Israel would be given in the form The JWV lost no time In going authority, to say the least, as to a private doctor. Others complain of, improving existing enterpriser Into action. Former national com- Ex's qualifications for rc-admls- that in the Kiujnth Holim the doctors have less say than the offirather than in establishing new landers Jesse Moss and Julius ;,lon to the United States." Klein got In touch with members of The reason Mr. Ex gave for per- cials, who arc veteran Hlttadrut Economic experts in Washing- Industries of the United States he House after the Senate passed men. In general complaints of In-" Ion experts in Washington whr variety . . . T h e y arc of the opin- he Langcr bill. Rep. Louis E. juring himself before a VS. vice- efficiency, bureaucracy, and f a and for going to Hitler Gerhave been helping the Stale De- ion that most, if not all, future in- "raham, chairman of the House consul voritism arc widespread. Whether many in 1937 was "hunger." Howpartment in keeping an eye on vestments should be in those immigration subcommittee, agreed ever, the JWV asked: "What did they are right or wrong would take Israel's economic problems, have which rely on highly skilled la- io delay the measure in the House Nazi Germany have that could not much more than n short article to mtil JWV leaden; could state their be infinitely surpassed by free discuss. The important thing is come to a number of conclusion.' on what American Jewish con- bor . . . These they consider anti- ibjcctions. America, even In a period of eco- that quite a few people believe tributions can do to hasten Israel'r biotics, fine china and glassware Mr. Ex's American attorney, nomic depression? Ex and a hand- them and would prefer a straighteconomic progress . , . I n their delicate machine tools and instru- Jcorjjc C. Dix, then realized that ful like him .ire unique among the forward non-political contributor* liealth scheme. Opinion such contributions should ments. e would have to persuade the thousands upon t h o u B a n d s of_ be used more than they have in IWV to with objections before he Americans of German birth who Histadrut spokesmen arc comthe past to finance additional agriould get his client into the United chose to place their birth in the plaining that the new government cultural research and agriculture" States with restored citizenship. American system and to give this scheme is an attack on the Histadextension w o r k . . . Also, to help in Knowing the JWV's outstanding country their wholehearted loyalty ut nnd the labor movement, since rehabilitating the existing olivr Mr. Scriin, the Minister of Health, anti-Communist record, Mr. Dix in peace and war." groves and in the planting of new charged that allegations that the While Mr. Ex':; application re- is a me mber of the General Zionist *\irty, which is not Identified with olive and corob groves rather than mained blocked in the House, anLondon (JTA)—The Egyptiar to carry on with past types of af- Official Gazette, which has pub- South and East Africa is increas- ithcr German called on'Prcsidcnt rganized labor. Supporters of the Elsenhower. He was Jakob Alt- scheme answer that their aim is forestation Also, to provide lished a decree proclaiming Icrae' ing. malcr, the first German legislative to give Uio citizen a free choice'as • draft animals instead of new trac- food shipments contraband and The memorandum also notes tha official of the Jewish faith to visit to whether he wants to belong to a subject to seizure in Egyptian wators . . . Important, in their opinmodern wars are characterized by Washington since 1933. Mr. Alt- tate scheme or to Kupath Holim, ion, is the financing of the im- ters, puolishcd an "Explanatory total economic mobilization so tha' maier is a ranking member of the which In any case receives a subportation of sheep to Israel . . . Memorandum" alongside the de- it has become difficult to dis- foreign relations committee of the idy from the state but is demandThey also recommend the expan- cree, it was reported here in ; tinguish between lighting force.' Bundestag and played a leading ng a larger one. sion of the production of ric<" in dispatch from Cairo. and civilian populations and be- role in the German-Israel reparaIn addition to the Kupath Holim Israel as a substitute for v/heut The "explanation" reveals tha' tween supplies for one or the oth- ions treaty negotiations. there arc other Emallcr political • • . They believe that I.'Tacl need:- the Arab stales boycott comrniftcc er. Therefore, it continues, it haf The remilitarization of Ger- medical plans Including one run a shjft in agricultural |;roauctinn ha:; asked the Egyptian Govern become customary to regard al' many, as sought by the United from meat products to vcr.i.-tabl;r mtnt to pass legislation designci1 Imports of a "belligerent state ar "talcs through the EDC treaty. Is by the Hcruth as well as a com- " . . . And they stru:u;ly ur;;e <-n- to tighten the anti-Israel blocl:ad< war contraband" and consequent- opposed by Mr. Allmaler. He feels letely non-political one, nnd parcouragement of Israel in its efforts in Egyptian waters by confiscatinr ly "Egypt has to "take tternei that former Nazi officers would In- la! Ecrvlefcs by Hadascah nnd the to expand irrigation . . . All in all. food shipments and the vessels ir measures to attain the desired evitably regain power. Mr. Alt- overnment. It has been estimated their views coincide with the re- which they are being transporter1 end." maler expressed fear that Ger- that there is considerable wruto cent shifts of policy made by the to Israel, just as is done by other many's new democratic govern- nd overlapping. So It rccma likement would be jeopardized by a y that public opinion will force Israel Government . . . They em- Arab states. At the same lime, th' The new Hebrew Encyclopedia restoration of militarism. He point- through some measure of reform phasize that their suggestions car- "Explanatory M e m o r a n d u m " being published in Israel has ared out that officers of the 12 pro- nd that just as the political trends ry, with them a claim for continued points out, the director of lh.by 29 Nobel prize winners, posed German devisions would in- in education were finally abolished, large-scale • support for Israel Coastal Guard Department has in. ticles which American Jewry is expected formed the government that Israe' each writing on his speciality. The rlude n number with SS»and SA so will tho .trends in health scrvces bo ironed olitin favor-of seme . . . . O n the industry side, economic activity in relation to article on cartooning-Is done by backgrounds. Walt Disney.—(JTA) ore rational scheme. • • >' • J5dlto» JSoclety Editoi


Jewish 'Technical Assistance

Jewish War Vets Objections Cause Pigeonholing of Bill

Community Calendar

Between You And Me

Washington Moods

Egypf "Explains* Israel Blockade

FrMajr, Janary Zt, MM


Personalities In the News

Bar Ilan U. to Open in Israel

Profeuor Shulman New Haven, Conn. (JTA) — A Russian - Jewish immigrant who Worked his way throuRh college by selling newspapers on a ProvlOmcc, K. I., street comer this WMk was named to one of the most distinguished positions in the American legal profession. A. Whitney Griswold. president of Yale University, announced the . appointment of Harry Shulman, Sterling Professor of Law. a* dean of the Yale Law School. Prof. Shulman. one of the most soughtafter l a b o r arbitrators In the country, has been 'Sterling Professor since 1940 when he succeeded Associate Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas In that chair. ffrof. Shulman was brought to America by his family when be 'was nine yean old. Soon after the family settled in Providence, his fnthcr died and young Shulman had to work to help support his family. He sold newspapers while attending Brown, which he completed in three years and then received his law degree at Harvard In three years. He later served as secretary to the late Associate Justice Louis D. Brandcls-of the Supreme Court

Milton Kal* T '


Boston, Mass. (JTA) —Milton Kate, former administrator of the Marshall Plan in Europe, and more recently associate director of the 7ord Foundation, has been appointed director of International legal studies and Professor of Law at Harvard University. Mr. Katz, a graduate of Harvard and Harvard Law School. previously filled the chnir of Byrne Professor of Administrative Law at Harvard. He will remain as program counsellor to the Ford Foundation. fttith Cohen London (JTA)—Miss rtuth Co hen. noted Dri'lali economist, became the first Jewish woman ever to hea»l a college nt one of the grctt English universities when she wnt named prlnclnal of Ncwham College at Cambridge Uni•versllv. Mis* Cohen Is the sister of Sir Anriroiv Cohen who lnst year was appointed'Governor of the British African colony of Uganda. Leo Prledlander New York (JTA)—Leo Frledliimler, noted American, Jewish sculptor, has been elected president of the National Sculptor 80detr. The OS-year-old Sculptor Is best known for bis four large sculptor Crouns in Rockefeller Center here, and for his statue of Bacchante In the Metropolitan Museum of Art. His 'irst major work was the aculntiire of the* Valley Forge Wai>K<!«(on Memorial Arch, tho com^'lnn for which he won In 1012. Tie has won the Prix de Horn" the Bamett Prize and other award*. Vt. ItudoU K»t«Boin (JTA)—Dr. Rudolf Katz, a J*"w who spent the war years in the United States, has become Aclin* President of (he Sunreme Con'tl'utlonal Court tn Knrlmihe, West Oermany's highest tribunal, follo<"'n« the death of Ch!»f .Tustl«» I'Tmann Hooker-Aschoff, • UnHl a now Chief Justice Is chosen bv Hie German Parliament—nnd that may not be for tome time—Dr. Katz will be the top jurist of a court whirh has been invested with more authority than any other in the history of O v Dr. Katr, who Is 59. was born at FuUtcnberg, Pomeranln. In n famllv which Rave n numli'T of rabbi"! to German Jewry. .Since his r"lurn to Gcrmnnr six years ago. however, he h n taken no interest <n Jewish off Mrs nnd has riot I'ffiliatcri himself with t h e JewI'li community. In w e - HUWT Germany. Dr. Kn'r was a Social I>"inon-:it|p leader nnd fled when the Nnzl<j came to power. In the Unl'ctl Stat'1-;. whore he lived frri"i lD3.r> to 19*0. Dr. Kntz was c'Hor of t h e German -lanRurifo So^tnlls* now»'i'ii)cr "Ncun Folk'zfllun"." He returned to OernT'nv in 1917 to l'i""r<i(! Minister of .Justice In Sch]e*-i-'-HoK'ein ami In 1050 was MoctP'l vice-president of Hie Suprriv Court.

Page Three


The annual, nationwide Jewish Music Festival, marked for the past ten yean by lane numbers of Jewlib Groups and an Increas' Ing number of non-Jewish organizations opened January U , the Sabbath of Sonic. Tho Festival baa crown in scope and Influence thanks to the efforts of the National Jewish Music Council and its sponsor, the National Jewish Welfare Boird (JWD). In the Festival, as In Its year-round musical efforts, the Council has striven to enrich Jewish culture by giving high visibility to oar rich musical heritage. Wherever the Festival U held, it leaves Its mark on the Jewish community, leaving; It richer and more aware of Its great magical heritage.

N. W. Bell Telephone Sea Pushed Bock Asks Rate Raise A t Haifa Port

Citing higher co^ls of furnishing service, Northwestern Dell Telephone Company asked the- State Railway Commission to approve nn Increase in Nebraska local service rates. General Manajjer Leonard O. Arstad gave two .main reasons for this request. 'First," ho said, "inflation has greatly Increased the day-to-day costs o( doing business, including equipment, roatcraita and labor. "In addition, we have had to Invest many millions of dollars in new facilities to maintain, improve and expand the telephone system in Nebraska." "These two factors, working together, arc seriously affecting the company's rate of earnings," the general manager said. " T h e company's job," Arstad said, "is to keep pace with the growing telephone needs of the people of Nebraska. To do that during 1954 we must spend nearly VIVi million for more and better telephone service, This Is in addition to over $43 million spent since 1940 for new buildings, poles, wire and other kinds of equipment required to provide service."

Haifa (WNS)—The waters or the Mediterranean along the shore of Haifa have been "pushed back" to reclaim eleven acres of sandy soil on which workmen ore now erecting piers and terminals. In the past, largo liners tied up at breakwater and their passenger! were brought ashore by launch When tho piers are (completed passengers will ladd on tho second floor of a luxurious terminal, board their cars and, on crossing an elevated bridge, will find themselves In the center of town in 8 matter of seconds. In charge of the operation which Is being financed with the proceeds from Israel bonds, is the New York engineering firm of Knappen, Tlnpclz and Abbet. Suction dredgers were brought from Holland, a country with long experience tn snatching land from the Zuider Zee. The beginning; were slow. It took a month of hard labor before a sandy strip was visible in the waters. To save transportation costs in the ercctlor of quays, a plant making concrete pillars was set up on the spot.

Beth Israel Dance Of the Month Club

'Returnees' to Leave For Latin America

Have you some seedy clothes" around the house? Don't throw them out Save them for the first of three dances being sponsored by the Beth Israel Dance of the Month'Club. The dances will-bo held In March, April and May. Tickets ore now on sale for six dollars for the three affairs. This Includes a dinner at the third dance. Tickets con be purchased from mens club board members. Extensive plans are under way :or the first dance which will be a iard times dance. H will be tome. thine very different and husbands ill bo .spared the expense of a w i\tc-js.

B. I. Men's Club Opens Membership Drive

Barney Drevich, newly appointed membership chairman of the Beth Israel Mom; Club tins announced the opening of thin year's membership campaign. The membership dues for the year are two dollars per year. The club holds monthly dinner and social meetioRs throughout the year as well as various social activities. Men desiring to join arc cordiF.-v'-nd Labor Zionist Tlrani-h ally Invted to attend any of the 1 84 v" bold' Installntinn of offi- monthly dinner meetings held cer* •'••« Sundflv at It n. m. In the every third Thursday of the month. Jewish Community Center;

Munich (JTA)—One ot the most pathetic chapters of the postwar history of the Jews in Germany was drawing to a close as 110 bedraggled "Illegal returnees" evacuated the Mochl Stra'sse Synagogue, where they had been livlnr under tho most wretched physical conditions, and left for Hamburg From that port they will leave for Latin American countries. In Hamburc they will live In r German emigrants' hostel untP they leave for Latin America. Their expenses during the remainder o' their stay in Germany will be me' by the Joint Distribution Committee and the central Welfure Agency of the Jews ot Germany. The cost of the emigration prograrr will be borne by the Hebrew Iminlcnint Aid Society. Tim 110 "returnees"—last of tome 150 men, women and children—all came here from Israel Half of them had gone to Israe' from Germany while the rcmalnd* cr had emigrated directly from various East European countries Finding economic or weather conditions unsuitable In Israel, they "infiltrated" Germany vlo Austrlr and France this Spring, hoping tr use Germany as a springboard for immigration to tho 'Western Hemisphere. Without valid German entrance or residence permits, tht "returnees" had hoped to tint*

Princeton Prof, at Federations Meet

Professor Gardner Patterson, The Bar Ilan University, spon director of the International Fisored by Mizmclii. will be the sec- nance Section of Princeton Uniond university to offer instruc- versity, will address the West Cention in tho new state of Israel, tral Regional conference of the stated Rabbi Israel Friedman, ex- Council of Jewish Federations and ecutive assistant to the president Welfare Funds to be held in St. of Mizrachi. Rabbi Friedman is Louis from January 22 to 24, it touring midweatern communities was announced by Harold A. Goldon behalf of the university giving man of Des Moines, president of informational highlights about the the region. Professor Gardner, who has new university which will open made several surveys of Israel, this September. About one million dollars has will report on the economic acbeen raised and another million Is complishments and problems of needed to build facilities, the rabbi Israel and analyze the value of declared. The new university will American philanthropic aid to the be situated on the outskirts of Tel new state. Aviv and three.of the projected The Council .of Jewish Federafive buildings are completed, he tions and Welfare Funds is the said. They will house dormitories, national membership organization a dining hall, a synagogue; lec- -of Jewish federations, welfare ture and science rooms and- ad- funds and community councils ministrative offices. The addi- throughout the United States and tional buildings will be finished Canada. The West Central Region by. September in time for fresh- includes the states of Colorado, Ilman class estimated to niimber linois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, one hundred students. , Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, About a thousand students are North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisnow pursuing their education out- consin and Central Canada. side of Israel because of the limOmaha's members on the reited facilities there, the rabbi gion's executive committee are J. pointed out. Curiculi will •• be of-Harry Kulakbfsky, President of fered leading to a dfejrcee of bach- the Omaha Federation for Jewish elor of arts and will meet the Service, and Paul Veret, Executive standards set by U. S. universities, Director of the federation. Morris he added. An exchange program E. Jacobs Is a pi~t n-crdent of the will also be instituted for both region v s t u d e n t s and teachers. The school's objective, he emphasized, will be to give the students a secular training in a religious environment. William Weiner, president ot the local Mizrachi, reported that The regular monthly meeting of a scholarship fund may be estab- the Nebraska Chapter No. 348 and lished so that a Omaha student Men's Lodge No. 1445 will be held can study at Bar Ilan University. at the Congregation of I s r a e l The Mizrachi Is a religious Synagogue, 25th and M" Streets, Zionist organization which has as Thursday, Jan.' 28, at 8:30 p. m. one of its objectives to help build Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Beldner, proIsrael in accordance with tradi- gram chairmen for both groups, tional Jewish principles, Rabbi have arranged to have Samuel I. Friedman stressed. Over 80,000 Berek, general commlttecman of school children In Israel are be- the Southwest Region of B'nal Ini; aided by the organization, the B'rith, address the members Of rabbi stated. They include those both groups following their busin elementary grades and extend ness meeting. . : to hich school students, he reitThis meeting will be dedicated erated. to "Leo N. Levi Hospital," as the Since the passage In the Knes- month of January has teen desigset of the new school law, the nated as "Leo N. Levi Hospital school system is now divided into Month." This hospital, in Hot secular and religious divisions, the Springs, Ark., is the only hospital rabbi rented out. The Mizrachi in the United States which speextends Its suoport to the religious cializes in the treatment of arthridivision, he declared. Only ele- tis and related diseases. This inmentary schooling is compulsory stitution was founded in 1914 and In Israel, he continued, and hlrti has cared for some 200,000 . paschools receive no aid from the tients, regardless of race or creed. government. Rabbi Friedman said Mrs, Louli Wohlner Is in charge that he felt the religious schools of arrangements for this portion do not take away from secular of the meeting. teaching and help acmiaint the Members are asked to bring child with his own faith, their friends. A social hour of Or. Flncus Churgln. Dean of cards and refreshments will folTeshlva University ,has b e e n low. named president of Bar Ilan University. On the American scene, Mizrachi fosters all day Hebrew day school) and Intensified Talmud Torah education throuah its naBeth Israel's Second Annual Citional education committee. The tation Dinner will pay tribute to p-oup publishes textbooks, runs a the elders and leaders of the syrilacement service for teachers and nagogue, Mrs. Lewis Neveleff, has a training prop-am at Yeshiva chairman of the arrangements University for kindergarten teach- committee announced. The dinner ers. will be held Sunday, Feb. 14 at 8:30 p. m. in the Beth Israel Soshelter at Foehrcnwald, last re- cial Hall. maining Jewish DP camp in GerThe citation theme was inaugumany. rated at last year's dinner, where However, the German authori- Dr. Reuben G. Gustafson, former ties, who now administer thr Chancellor of the University of camp, had effectively barred thl- Nebraska was honored with the move this past summer when the; first Beth Israel Citation Award. carried out a census of the "Il"Tho citation," Mrs, Neveleff legal" DP's In Germany, giving r said, "will do honor to the leaders semi-legal status to the nearly 80C and workers of Beth Israel whose who registered at that time. Thr unflagging devotion through the newcomers, penniless and unwel- years brought the synagogue to iti come—wherecver thoy turned ir peak of community service." this new situation—in the erir* Reservations eon be made by sought sanctuary in the , Moehl calling the synagogue office, RE Strasse Synagogue. 6288.

Nebr. BB Groups Will Meet Jan. 28

Beth Israel Plans Citation Dinner

Second Presentation of . . .

Foreign Film Series


JCC AUDITORIUM For Reservations — J A 1366 Series —$2.00

Single — 50 Cents

H a Myron R. Hmrka

Miss H. Nepomnick Married Sunday MUs Harriet Nepomnick, daughter of Mrs. Llbby Nepomnick and Myron H. Marko of Minneapolis Minn., ion of Mr. and Mra. Irvinf Marko of Minneapolis, were married Sunday in a 7 p. m. candlelight ceremony in the Beth E1 Synagogue. Rabbi Myer Kripke and Cantor. Aaron Edgar offlcated The bride's gown of Cbantilly lace over satin was styled with an illusion yoke trimmed in sequins as was the peter pan collar The bouffant skirt formed a cathedral train. A tiara of sequins and rhinostones held the bride's French Illusion veil. She carried a white orchid and stephanotia on a Bible Mrs. Jack Wolpa, matron o' honor for her sister, wore a gown of iridescent raspberry taffeta. Th' bouffant skirt was styled with t sheered insert of the same material. A ihrug: jacket was worr over a tightly fitted bodice. Shr carried a cascade of pink carnations. Betty Epstein, Kene Hundell am1 Barbara GUIs Of Alahambra, Cal. were bridesmaids. They wore Iridescent emerald green gownr They carried yellow carnations All the attendants wore matchinhead bands with nose length veils For her daughter's, wedding Mrs. Nepomnick wore a powdei blue crepe dress * l l b a lace bodice. The groom's mother wore: r slate grey dress with a grey and pink jacket Both wore pink roses - Junior bridesmaid was ItonnLyn Nepomnick and junior usher was Ronald Bruce Wolpa. Dianr Nepomnick was flower girl. Jerome Marko of Minneapolis was best man. Ushers were Albcr1 Nepomnick, Max Ru'man ant Jerome Rudolph. Harold Nepomnick and Sam Shragowitz wcr' candleligntcrs. A reception and dance was help" In the synagogue social hall. Af;c a.brief wedding trip, the coup!' will live in Omaha. Out-of-town guests were: Mr and Mrs. Max Rutman, Mrs. Bessie Rutman, Mr, and Mrs. Harr; Markowttz, Mr. Jerome Rudolnh Mr. Sam Shragowltz, all of Minneapolis," Mrs. Al Slavskjr, Los Angeles, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Frcr' Gifis and their children, Barbar.' and Melvln of Alahambra, Calif. Mrs. Betty Hlnden?ardo, Lincoln Nebr.; Mrs. Sam Wlnsky and sonMelvln and Robert, Dcs Molnes, la

Berlin Hospital Receives City Aid Berlin (JTA)—The only Jewish hospital in Germany will con'inuc to exist for the time being thank' to the city government's temporary assumption of the annual $100,00" deficit incurred by the Berlin Jew ish Hospital. The hosni'al has 400 beds am1 a staff of 250. In recent years thr Berlin Jewish Community ha' modernized the hospital plant n' considerable expense and, undci the medical direction of Dr. O."ca> Rosenberg, has carried on the 1wor! of nursing the ;:lck as a Jewis ) re sponsibility, even though only .small fraction of die pa'ionts an now Jews. The heavy deficit, however, drained the resources of thr shrunken communi'y lo.the poin' where it had to announce, aftc: long negotiations, that it could nlonger carry the burden after Jan Uary. At this Juncture the We.->' Berlin municipal administrator stepped in, bridging the financla' gap until the beginning of the nex fiscal year.

Friday, January 22, 1831



Beth El Revue To Be February 6

Karl Edler Leads Folk Dance Group

The sisterhood of Beth El Synagogue, under the direction of Mrs Albert Rlmmerman and Mrs. Joe Guss, is planning a Stiver Revue and Card Party to be held in the synagogue social hall, Saturday night, Feb>«. Mrs. Harry Wcinberg Is chairman of the affair, with Mrs. Irvin White ai Co Chairman and Mmes. Max Rosen Harry Levlnson, William Alberts program c o m m i t t e e ; Irlvlnr Schnlederman, decorations; Dave Conn, Jack Cohn, Jack Ban, May Shapiro, Bob Silver, reservations and T. Haykln and Henry Baskln tickets. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Sncider anc* Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Goldstar ore writing the script The cast includes Messrs. Sidney Snelder Robert Kooper, Phlneas Wintroub Ted Sanford, Ernest Nogg, Irvlnr Kaiman, Eddy Rosen, Stanley Sllvermann, Sam Alloy, Morley Zipursky, Sidney Novak, Selwyr Roffinan, Irving Schniederman Herbert Forbes, Seymour Goldston, and Mmes. Morley Zlpursky, Sidney Novak, Selwyn Roffman, Sam Horwieb. and Leonarc" Gould. Special music will be furnished by • quartet made up of Jerry Ziegman,£hil Shrager, Mikr Saltzman and Stanley Wldman Mrs. George Eisenberg will be thr accompanist for the sbqw. After the program tables will br sci up for cards and man jongg, midnight supper will be served under the direction of Mmes. Mor Venger, Harry Rochman and Irving Forbes and their circles. A door prize, donated by Mrs. Meyet Rubin, will be awarded. The Ucke' In the Beth El Silver Jubilee Highlights Book will admit, two. Additional tickets may be secured a' the Synagogue office or fron Mmes David • R. Cohen, J. Bercovtci, Sam Coheri, Phil Gerclick Yale Glnsburg, Paul Verct, Harr: Bush, Isadora Abramson, £L A Rife, M. Roitsteln, Dave Shukert Sidney Novak, Julius Falkenstcin Meyer Bcber, Phil Blumberg, Harold Coopcrman, Harry Zscnstad' Gil Friedcn, Sam Kaplan, Dar Llnsman, Morris Singer, Ros Sabes, Harry DIoogoff, Hymar Cohn, Ben Miller, Donald Schoen baum, Sidney Hollis, Mortoi Friodlander and Norman Wohlncr

The Folk Dance class under th leadership of Karl Edlrr, of Cit>1 Parks and Hecreation, had its fir. ' session Monday evening, Jan. IB Among the dances in which thr members participated were Serbia Kolos, line dances and Itr.icl' foil; dances cuch as Mayim, Ilnr.i and Tchcrkessia. Some of the dances that are planned for future classes are various English, French Slav, Greek and American folk dances. Each dance is taught by Mr. Ed ler so that beginners may leani the steps to each dance and the advanced folk dancer can refresh his memory. The next session will be Monday evening, Feb. 1 at 8:30 p. m If you are interested in this group call JA 1368.

Dr. Joseph Soilinlk

Youth Commission Elects Officers

The Omaha Zionist Youth Commission has elected the following officers: Dr. Joseph Soshnlk Chairman; Mrs. H. A. Wise, VlceChairman; Mrs. Carl Lagman, Recording Secretary; Mrs. Benne<1 Cohn, Corresponding Secretary Mrs. I. F. Oberman,>Telephone Secretary and Mr. Morris Stallmaster, Treasurer. The Zionist Youth Commlssior Is composed of representatives of The Zionist Organization of America and Hadassah, the WomenV Zionist Organization of America Their work is to foster Zionism among the youth of America. Tm> group sponsors the Young Judaer groups in Omaha. They also gran' partial scholarships to members o ' Young Judaea clubs for Zionis' camps and Senior Young Judaer conventions. The Commission advises one" services the General Zionist Youth groups in the United States, namely Junior Hadassah and Young Judaea. Study units and other literature and material arc prepared scientifically for the use of these groups. Field workers are furnished who in co-operation with the local and regional commissionr strengthen and assist the youth Tickets may also be purchaser' groups. from. Mmes. David E. BfMkey Ben Cohn, Harry Silverman Meyer Stem, Leo Waxenbcrg, Mai Grcenberg, Lester Meyer, Mauric Sachs, Lester Meyer, Simon Gerclick, Louis Alberts, Hyman Bel By Mrs. Rntb Relss man, Norman Dcnenbcrg, Phi' Center Music Director Fox, Jack Green, Charles Ller The Music At Home Club met Louis Whltobook, Robert Pcrel Tuesday evening, Jan. 19 at the man, David Feblowltz, Kober home of Prof, and Mrs. Hans Bacr. Wancr, Sam' Alloy, Charles For- Some of the selections heard were man, Meyer Rubin, Joe Hornstcln a Spanish Dance, "La Linda GitJ. Slcln and Harry Smith. ana," arranged by Bossi, and played, by Miss Paula Block. "Wedding Day at TroldhauRen" by Grieg, was played by Miss Gaylc Feldman. <Mi*g Teresa Tlatnpo played three preludes by Chopin and together with Prof. Bacr, presented two piano duets. Mrs. Josy Rlttenshauscn-Whalcy, a one time solo soprano with the Berlin Opera House, beautifully sang three Schubert tongs and four songs composed by Prof. 1A$ht-as-a-Festher Honey Cake Bear, These were so well received 1 lb. honey. that they were followed by two 2 cups sugar. encores. Prof. Boer ended the 6 eggs. program by playing "RIgolcto Beat until light and creamy the honey, sugar and eggs, Do not Fantasy" by Liszt. It was a lovely and entertaining undcrbcatl porgram and very much enjoyed 3'A cups all purpose flour. by all who attended. '/4 teaspoon allspice. Folk Dance Group I tablespoon cinnamon. The Folk Dance Group will meet 1 teaspoon baking soda. February I, at 8:30 p. m., in the 1 teaspoon baking powder. Center. At that time the croup Sift these dry ingredients and will review the dances taught at add to the egg mixture alternately the prevloui session and will learn with new ones. Even If you have never Vt cup Mazola or Wesson Oil. narticipcted in folk dancing be1 cup cold prepared coffee. fore, and If you are Interested in 1 cup chopped nuts. joining this group, call the CenBeat thoroughly. The more beat- ter, JA 13C6. ing the better! Pour into prepared Jazz Muslcale pan and bake for about one hour The date has been set for the or until a toothplc'c Inserted comes Jazz Musicale to be held at the out dry, in a 325-denrcc oven. Center. The big day is February Note: Additional spices may be 6, at 8 p. m. in the auditorium. user.! to suit your tas'e. For va- I'llms on the development of Jazz riety, try using 'a wine and '.i coffee (instead of the one cup o ' coffee.) If a square baking pan is used ifjhtly grease and flour it. If a tube pan is UTcd, DO NOT 3 It E A S E IT. When cake ha: ikini, invert pan and allow lh^ cake to cool on the ncc.1: of a pop bottle.

Music Notes

Recipe of The Week

Sometimes I think Ben Gurion who wan'.G to see a lot of American Jews immigrate to Israel, would get further if he slressori Zionism less and merely appealed, "Come to Israel and be a cowboy."—(JTA)

Zeta Beta Tau Dick Fellman was appointed' a* copy editor of the Nebraskan last week at the Publications Board interviews. This is an unusual poil tlon for a Freshman to attain. Heappolntcd to serve on the buslncsr staff as assistant business man ager was Doran Jacobs. Howard Vnnn and Arnold. Stern will continue to write columns on the paper's sport and editorial pages respectively. Marshall Kushner, who har been on the PUB board for four semesters, has been elected -the board's representative to the student council. Doran Jacobs is reprcsentating the Com Cobs on the Council. ZBT will hold a cocktail party before the IFC dance February 13 This will open the social season for the second semester. Other social functions planned for second semester are Whoopee Daze, r house party, and many* informa' gatherings. The bowling team Is in first place with one match remaining The ZBT's, led by Marv StlenbcrgV 509 scries, trampled TKF to overtake the Sigma Nus. Slg Nu and ZBT vie this week for the league championship. The ZBT cagcrs continued Ir their second place slot In theij seven team league. The hook shot' of "Dude" Dandy, who tank If points, led the ZUT's to a 4D-1P victory over Acadia. Tiic samr week, ZBT 'beat Cbrnhuskcr CO-OP, 37-25, wilh Doran Jacobnotching' 22 points.1 Arley Bondarin, team captain, hit a total of 27 points In both encounters. Len Singer has won four handball matches in a row to advanc to the all-university winnerV bracket of the handball single championship, Len is the university defending champion. Alumni that visited the housr last weekend were Levinger, Jerry (Clcl) Cohn, Dick Kohan and several ZBT's stationed at F t Riiey from ZBT chapters In the midwest

Miss Felicia Abramsoa

Abramson-Alberts' Engagement told Mrs. Esther Abramson has announced the engagement of her daughter, Felicia, to Phillip Albert*, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Alberts. Miss Abramson la a sophomore at the University of Omaha. Her fiance Is a graduate of the Uni« versity of Nebraska where he was affiliated with • Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity. At the present, Mr. Alberts is studying at the University of Omaha. A June wedding Is planned.

Kutler'Citinko Family Club The Kutler-Clpinko Family club held their January meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Kutler. The following officers were elected: Pres.. Marion ClnLnko; Vlco Pros.. Cherle Kutlcr: Secretary, rtoncllc Ltbowskl, and Trcas., Phil Kutlcr. The third annual anniversary dinner and Installation of new officers will be he'd Sunday, Jan. 3t. in the H-Wo>ih O i l ! at 7 p.m. Mr. nnrl Mni. W. Perlmutter Of Council Bluffs were guests at the meeting.

WF Council Reactivated

The recontly reactivated Jewish National Fund Council of Omaha has held an election of officers',. Mrs. M. F, Lcvenson. president of the groun. announced. Mrs. Lcvenson. who has returned from a visit fo T-rpel. (Hated that she was ' Impressed hv the work the JNF we* n"com"t<<hlng' there. ; Olhc,r o'"-e'* e l e c t e d are: Abrnh"") N. Cohen, vlcc-nrcslrfent: Mn. Simm-l s . Stcinbew, /•nlm-lnl smr^orv: Miss Kalih Frdhkl'n. recording and corrcISRAEL'S POPULATION soondln<r secretary; and Abraham Jerusalem (WNS) — A reppr' '. showing that Israel's total popu- B. Gendler, treasurer. lation now is 1,661,703, amonr Surelv God will not hear vanthem 184,750 non-Jews, Was released here by the Statistical Bu- ity, neither will the Almighty regard It—(Job XXXV, 13.) reau of the Government The survey discloses that, o v c the past ten months, there wcrr 43,600 births and 8,950 deaths ir the country. The report also reOmaha's Favorite vealed a drop In the infant mortality rate. The figures on marWov to Dine on riages and divorces showed 10,41f weddings and 1,652 divorces during the first eight months of tb' year 1953.


will be shown and recordings from "Jazz at the Philharmonic" will be heard. A dance will follow. All Youth Council members are Invited to attend.

Sinday Branch


Thick... Rich... Satisfying...

Served Buffet Style I All You Cera to f o t

and to deliciovsly smooth!

Moon to 3 p. m.

Alia Try Miobchetiu Kishi Sou?. HaniicbewiU ChlcktJ




m mnranm

Frlaay. J U B U ? M, 1854

Dr. Muriel Frank Will Speak Af The Second Beginning1 1

The regular Hadassah Chapter luncheon meeting will be Wednesday, Jan. 27, at 12:30 p. m. in the Jewish Community Center Mrs. Jake Wine Is luncheon chalr-



Kadimah Chnptcr of Pioneer Women will hold its second annual dessert luncheon nnd card party Thursday, Feb. 11, ut 1 P m. in Brandeis Auditoriintj. Mrs. Floyd Perimeter, chairman, announced thut there will bo door prizes, cards and Mnh Jontfg A "Fashions In Fabrics" Btylo show will highlight the luncheon program. Tickets may be obtained from any Kadimah member or by callIng Mrs. Floyd Perimeter, WE 8860.

This meeting will highlight the Medical Center in Israel. A special recorded and stage produced, • T h e Second Beginning," with Ray Claris, director of news and spcd H events on WOW-TV; Hownrc" HalL writer and announcer on the •tan of WOW and Kay Olson, program director of WOW will bi presented. The show is under the direction of Mr. Olson and Misr Elaine Jubenls, radio and TV personality, is directing the dramatization. It is written by Morton1 Wishingrad, writer of the Etcrna Light series on NBC. Participant! are Hadassah members. Dr. Muriel Frank will speak on a "doctor's viewpoint of the Hadassah Medical Center." Dr. Frank Is a graduate of The Nebraska University Medical School. She Interned at the City Hospital of St Louis, Mo., was a resident of the Bellvuo Hospital In New York and is a diplomat On The Board •f The Society of Ancsthcoslologist Dr. Frank will be presented by her mother. The Hebrew tfnlvenlty-Hadai, lah Medical School Is the only medical school in Israel. It will have three major units: a 430-bed hospital, teaching and living facilities for 150 nurses and new buildings for the Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School that now has an enrollment of over 200 students. The Hebrew University Medical Center, will train a new generation of doctors and nurscr and will give the medical profession in Israel a medical center. It

BIRTHS Mr. and Mm. Arnold Hoblnsor of Norfolk, Ncbr., nnnounccd thr birth of a son, Richard Alan borr January 12. The couple have two other children, Gwcn Susan and Barbarc JCIlcn. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs. Jacob Rumbell and paternal grandparent! arc Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson of Norfolk.

Organizations Kadimah Women

Fwe l i n

recent progress on .the developments in tho field of work with Omaha's senior citizens. Discussion and refreshments will follow.

Workmen's Family

The Workmen's Circle Family will hold their annual bazaar, buffet supper and card party Sunday, Feb. 7 at 4 p . m. in the Labor Lyceum. Proceeds of the affair will go for the upkeep of a Jewish child in France. The Circle adopted the child six years ago. The group also help* to maintain a Jewish 1011001, Admission will be fifty cents B. I. Sisterhood Mrs. Sam Novak and Mr*. L. The members of the Board of Witkln are the co-chairmen of the Ee'h Israel Sisterhood wll< the affair. meet Tuesday, Jan. 26. at 12:45 p. m. in the club room of the Synagogue. Extensive plans for Fed. of Jewish spring activities will be discussed.

Bits trpm imrael M . — B B l H G ALOHO A SPEAHI KLATH (IIP) — i I 7 on .Ian • »rlp to Is ael's H HI t b ernmos outpost, a »I ij EUtfa, i i a spew along for fishing sport in tho clear blue watern of the Bay of Ablba. Young Israeli ftahermen who prefer more modern equipment in seeking. the finned folk for dinner table,, Uroughout the austerity-observant country, arj being taught new and l » provd • methods of [Uhlng thriugh a program enabled w'th Iirael Bond Inv^tments which also help finance two fishing experimental stations.

Women's Clubs

Dr. Muriel Frank will set and m a i n t a i n new standards of healing, teaching anc" research. Mrs. Julius Stein' Is chaptct chairman of the Medical Center with Mrs. David Brodkey, chairman of the Theodor Hcrzl Group Mrs. Ben Pcrelman, chairman of the Chaim Welsmonn Group and Mrs. Max Fromkln, chairman for the Henrietta Szold Group. Reservations aro being taken by Mmes. Harry Goldstrom, WA 4673Henry Appel, GL 5038; Ben Kahn RE 6035; Sidney Taran, HE 0748Wm. Flnkle, PL 5830; J. B. Kuklln, RE 2448; Marvin Sadofsky RE 3626 and Milton Mlntz, OR 0878. A baby sitting service will br furnished for mothers wishing to bring their children. ISRAELI WINE New York (WNS)—There wlP be no dearth of Israeli wine ir this country during the forthcom Ing Passover holiday. This w the good news disclosed by Robert Szold, president of the Pales tine Economic Corporation, wher he reported at a news conference that 70,000 cases of Israel wine vnlued at $250,000, had already been sold in the U. S. and tha' more was on the way. Mr. Szold made the disclosure on the even of bis'departure for Israel, where he Is to inspect thr site of tho projected $1,000,000 Industrial center bearing his.name.

borhood social hours January 28 at the home of Mrs. Edward D . Brodkey. Dessert luncheon will be served. Personnel file chairnut, Mrs. Maurice Blank and c o chairman. Mrs. Raymond Corey, will be in charge of completing the new personnel files to.be set up at this group meeting.. Group meetings in other parts of the city will be held at a later Jewish Women date. C. B. Sisterhood Hostesses for this social hour The Omaha Section, National Mrs. Myer S. Krloke will be the Council of Jewish Women, • will will bo Mrs. Edward Levinson pucst speaker of the B'nal Israel hold the first of a series of neigh- and Mrs-. Harry Btoler. SvnaKoirue sisterhood meeting in Council B l u f f s . The luncheon meeting will be Tuesday,'Jan. 26, at 1 p . m, in the synagogue. Mrs. Lou Binsteln and Mrs. M. Goodman are chairmen of the affair. T h e y will be assisted bv Saturday Hours: 9:30A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Mmes, A. Llebowltz. R. Selo, S. Cohen, L. Marcus, M. Alper. H. Krause and D. Korb. _ The regular luncheon mcetinr of the Federation of Jewish WomThe Workmen's Circle Dramatic en's Clubs will be held at the JewClub will hold their regular meet- ish Community Center Thursday ing Saturday, Jan. 23, at 0 p. m. Jan. 28, at 1 p, m. In the Labor Lyceum. The board meeting Is scheduled Mr. L. Wi'kin, dramatic direc- for 11:45 p. m. the same date, tor, will greet the group. Mr. Ben Witkln is in charge of the m u sical program. Council of

Workmen's Circle


B'nai Jacob Sisterhood The B'nal Jacob, Adas .YeshurIn, Sisterhood will hoM Its regular meeting Jan. 26 at 1:30 p. m. in the social hall of the synagogue 3028 Cumlng St. A business meeting will be held and refreshments will be served.

Junior Hadassah Junior Hadassah will hold their board meeting Sunday, Jan. 31 sjt 1:15 p. m. In the home of Norms Goodrich. Bowling will be at 3 p. m. in the 40 Bowl.

Richard Mark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard J . Scltncr, was borr January 15. Golden Age Club Maternal grandparents arc Mr, The Golden Age Club, sponand Mrs. Walter Harkort and paTurn to the Lord; say unto Him: ternal grandparents are Mr. ant* take away all Iniquity, and re- sored by the Omaha Chapter, NaMrs, Nate Scltncr of Toledo, Ohio ceive us graciously.—(Hos. 14:2.) tional Council of Jewish Women will hold Its monthly program meeting Monday, Jan. 28, at 12:3C p. m. in the Jewish Community Center. Mr. Karl Edlcr, Director of the Omaha Senior Citizens Project wll 1 be guest speaker. He will discuss

kosher fruitcake In only 4 mliwtet from packigt to p»n! From Our New Collecrion of Cottons . . •

' Members of toe committee for production of "There Is Nothing Like the Game." From left to rlcht: Lottie Block, choreographer; Liberty Faier, musical director; Llbby Stcbi, program chairman; aad Maxlne Sloan, director.

B'nai B'rith Women's Bowling Association Set for Tourney The Omaha B'nal B'rith Women's Bowling Association Is preparing for the Annual District No. 6 Bowling Tournament to be held In Omnha tho week end of February 12-13-14. One of the outstanding events durini; tho tournament will bo ihe presentation of a "skit," written and enacted by Hie Omaha women bowlers. Thip gay and comical musical is titled "There is Nothing Like The Game." The cast Includes: Llbby Sachs,

Ruth Klein, Lottie Bloch, Eudlcc Canur, Rao Wlntroub, Doris Koom Ellubclla Schloff, Evelyn Hobcrman, Sonla Forbes, Ethel Cohen, Audrey Klrchcnbaum and Maxlnc Sloan. Authors of the production are Libby Sachs, Maxlne Sloan, Ruth Klein and Pearl Hcrzog. In charge of properties are Sue Grccnbcri! Helen Shukcrt and Ann Schulman Merrlnm Coopcrman Is In charge of scenery. Stage. Manngcr is Dorothy Isack.

Hero's what you buy(cost is so small!) and you get it complete ...fruits, pan and all!

Dromedary t FRUIT CAKE MIX Reach for thsDROMEDUlY/'||i packagt with tht kotbtr \ w j

"Sweater Girl" For Now and Later From our completely now, completely lovely collection of cottons . . . 'Sweater Girl" . . . a flower p r i n t eofton dreu with zephyr wool sweater. Whit* with navy print and navy sweater; white with black print ana black sweater. Sixes 10 to 18.

14 .95

Brandeii has many, many other cottons for resort and summer wear ...choose from piques, ginghams, linens, pimai and broad' cloths . . . a glamorous array of sparkling ,; dresses, for warm weather w e a r . . . to keep '.'••. you feeling c o o l . . . looking chic! Make your selections early! From 12.95 to 29.95! '

' Mail and Phone Order* Welcome r • •; : ; VjA; 'v>;^CV''Towii!Slie|»--S«eoBdHoor -:-+r-[iff{


Youth Council Doings



Friday, January 22, 1954

Off The Record

By Nathan Zlprln Omaha during June. He will work with the representatives from A. The painful division in Orthodox Z. A. L ranks over the methods employed A meeting was held last Sunda. A . Z . A . 1 by some of the rabbinate combatat the J a y , , After the meeting, National acclaim came to Past ing Israel's national service act, program was given. Aleph Godol Larry Epstein this undex wliich religious women exThe Couneilettea are now mak- week. Larry numbered among empted from military service must ing scrapbooks for the Veterans' the seven winners of the Interperform civilian chores, came to Hospital. They are also going to national A. Z. A. Sermon Writing fore in all its Intensity last week the Blood'Bank. Contest Epstein's remarks called in New York City at a special conPat Mogfl and Carole Frank are for more parent effort towards ference called by the Union of Orthodox Rabbis of America. When working hard on the last'minute interesting Jewish children in the decision was made to call the plan* for the Annual Councllette their religion. parley, it was envisaged that the Formal to be held January 30 at Work has already started on the conference would be attended by t b e Tipjgjf>*i Club. Regional A. Z. A Convention to representatives of all Orthodox Desk* Debs be held in Omaha this summer. rabbinical bodies. Debka Debs held their last Larry Schwartz. Larry Epstein, However, the National Commit. meeting January 17. At this meet- and Howard Kaslow are the overair-tchairmen of the event tec for Torah Judaism, a MizracbiIng, Miss Betty Marx presented i Stan. Fellman, chapter publicity itc group, turned down the invitahumorous r e a d i n g , and Lori tion, presumably because.it feared Franklin gave a report on Tu chairman, won a gold medal for there was no way of stemming the Beshvat Tbe girls are now bus his high debate ratings at the reconference from adopting a wrath, buying trees to plant in Israel. cent Nebraska Wyslean Tournaful resolution. Instead, it suggestTonight. Debs will attend tbe ment In Lincoln. A. Z. A. memed postponement of the proposed Central Basketball game en masse. bers from Sioux City and Sioux Falls a l s o represented t h e i r parley and later convocation of a Tlkvas Ami united general conference of the * T. A.'s will reveal their new of- schools at the competition. rabbinate with a view to approachficers tomorrow night at a date ing the issue from a positive and party to be held in tbe Beth Isconstructive vantage point The rael Talmud Torah. The theme meeting at which this decision was of the party Is WINTER WONreached, I learn, was attended by Friday, Jan. U DERLAND. It has been planned a delegation of the Rabbinical Irvin Belzer and Michael Dean by Mstlee Xatleman and her soCouncil. ; PUtt Saturday, Jan. U Despite this deviation, the Union Preceding the p a r t y , Joan Steven Altsuler, Arnold Charles proceeded with Its plans—but not Krasne will be noatest to a eofce- .Fellman, Larry Can-op, Keith without behlnd-the-gcenc efforts tail party-at her home. SSI North Libcrman. Joan Ann Lieber and to resolve and reconcile the differ36th Street The cctetail party Carolyn Loss. ences. When .the meeting opened, will be from 8 to B p. m. Sunday. Jan. M most of the 890 rabbis were rather A. Z. A- I N Donna Canar, Sandra Nearensurprised at finding National ComKing Dance co-chairmen Kenny berg and Sheila Sadofsky. mittee delegates in their midst Freed and Jerry Rosen have anMaadsy.Jaa.tt What they did not know at the nounced that the •dance win be Joe Brunnengraber, Barry Kricstime was that three days prior to held May IS Plans are now un fcld and Samuel Poster. the parley there was an important Jerusalem , (IIP)—Without oil refined oU poured into the world der way to make it one of the bigTuesday, Jasw M three-hour conference with Mizmany of the world's major indus- market from Palestine. gest events of the year. Linda Sheryi Cohen, Howard rachi rabbis at the home of Rabbi The Formal Initiation Banquet, Jeffrey Friedman, Diarme Jacob- tries would come to a standstill. But with the discovery of new Israel Rosenberg, President of the Oil is used both for power and as under the chairroamrdp of How- son, Stephen Shane Lubman, Kena raw material A country rich in oil fields in various parts of the Union of Orthodox Rabbis. After ard Kooper. will take place Jan: neth Rosen and Barry Sadofsky. oil can live upon its revenues from world, especially in America and much debate, most of which it 81, at the Regis Hotel. At that Wednesday. Jan. IT exports without exploiting its oth- Canada, geologists began to change said to havo centered around the time, the new Alephs wUl be of• Sarouel Fidler, Judy Freed, Bon- er resources. The would mus chillul-has-hcm and the Ill-effects their opinions about the type o! ficlally initiated as members o nie Mae Ercshman and Irene Sabes. have oU and us prepared to pay a rock formation which Indicated ol a strongly-worded resolution might A, Z. A Thnrsday, Jan. M have on Israel's Interests at home high price for It Israel with un prospects. The tectonic moveHoward Kaslow has been, apBarry Fredkin, Tonl Kaplan, and aboard, particularly in the pointed a co-chairman of t h e Netta Ellen Kripke. Marsha Elaine nnnnni - consumption of 7,000,000 ments which had covered Israel United States, it Was stipulated CornbcH Region's Summer Con- Liberman, Alan Gale Mayper, Judy barrels uses oil as her main source that tho National Committee for vention, which will be held in JtocheUe Ratncr, THeodore J. -(Ted- of power and fuel. Her homes and with a thick layer of sedimentary Torah Judaism would participate dy) Sanford, and Ellen Ruth Zclin- her Industries are dependent on rock may have imprisoned oil be in the Union's conference, held 3 a d e q u a t e supplies, and their neath it and aa the search has be- days later, on the condition that sky. growth upon Increasing that sup- gun again—a March which if suc- a) no protest resolutions will be ply. cessful may prove a turning point idopted against the Government "Club Taryac In the country's economical de- if Israel, that (b) the conference During the time of the mandate Beth Israel club Taryag wIP velopment, the beginning of a new will adopt a resolution calling on meet in the recreation room of the Mr. and Mrs. Max Platt an- geological surveys gave little hope ll Jews and the American Government to give polltica anld fiTalmud Torah Sunday evening nounce that their son, Michael of finding oil within the country era for its struggling industries. Recently, after months of inGeologists pointed out that Israel's will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah ir lancial aid to Israel and (C) that Jan. 24 from 6 to 7:30 p. m. The 'club will discuss social events for Beth El Synagogue this evening rock formation was considerably tensive geological surveys and lest ny resolution on the national the coming month. Taryag is the and Saturday morning. Fricndr younger than that of oil-bearing borings, on a small escarpment service bill will be only In the new name for the Beth Israel Jun- and relatives are invited to attend countries and it was, therefore, overlooking the.Dead Sea and the orm of an appeal to the Govthe receptions following both serv- most unlikely that oil would be Dead Sea Works the first oil drill- irnmcnt of Israel not to enforce ior Youth Club. ices. No invitations have been located here. The search was given ings began. The drillings are lo- >r implement the national service Camera Project issued. up, and for years it was thought cated just a few yards from the ict r.n as to avert and eliminate Members of the Beth Israel that Israel was the ugly duckling "Road of Rock" to Sdom, one of ontroversy and dlvisivcncss. Youth chibs participating in the Mr. and Mrs. Einer Abramson among her oil-rich neighbors. A the young ctate'3 most outstandcamera project will meet in the The Rabbinical Council particling feats in modern engineering Photography room at Pp. DL, Sun- announce tjje Bar Mitzvah of their ough break but she made the best Aided by State of Israel Bond In- latcd neither in this parley nor in day, Jan. 24. Dave Dubin, photog- son, Benjamin this evening and of it. If she could not find oil vestments, this road, completed he ensuing conference. Thi» dcraphy Instructor win demonstrate Saturday at the Beth Israel Syna- within her borders at least she about nine months ago, has en- elopmcnt, I am informed, was due gogue. All friends and relatives arc could import it in its crude state printing techniques. the fact that It has been the nvited to attend. A reception in Hid refine herself, so the famous abled the resumption of opera- oixed Arts and Craft* policy of the Rabbinical honor of the Bar Mitzvah celebrant Haifa refineries began to belch tions ot the Dead Sea Works Council to look for guidance to the The Beth Israel Girls' Arts ant- will be held in the Social Hall folwhich are also being helped by smoke over the blue Mediter- Bond investments. A spearhead for Chief Rabbi with reference to reCrafts Club will meet in the Art- lowing the services. ranean while a steady stream of gious matters in Israel. The Coun. tho development of Negcv reand Crafts room of tbe Talmud sources, it ha3 already begun to il considers the Chief Rabbi's auTorah Sunday evening, Jan. U pay its way and is proving the iiority as binding and, presumBetween 6 and 7:30 p. m. Mrs foresight of the Israel Govern- lbly, it did not attend the conferPhilip Blum, club leader, anment and Bond investments as it ncc because the Chief Rabbi did nounced that all girls in the Pribecomes a jumping board for lot join in. the call. Moreover, I mary and Secondary grade of thr ndcrstand, the Council felt tbe thrusts Into the desert. Talmud Torah and girls of the larlcy should have had a wider third grade of Sunday School are lasc and should have been conBetween 10.000 to 20.000 feet of Jnvitcd, solid rock may have to be bored 'ened only after completion of a through before the answer ir horough study of religion In Israel, A number of prominent rabbis found whether Israel has or has hose names I cannot divulge odnot oil benea'h her rocks, and sed me that one of the expected even after the tremendous efforts exerted In a drilling the answer esults of the New York conference New York (JTA) — Baroness as lessening in what they called is not conclusive as It may well the a Germaine de Rothschild arrived in unfortunate, though not intcnbe that a well is located only a foncd, . New York with an extraordinary anti-Israel, outbursts of few miles further away. The ele- abbi.i who in really arc as great gift for" tier 'son-in-law, world ment of luck cannot be discounted overs of Zlon as of Torah." No famous cellisf Grcpor Piatigorsky and the owners of this first drill- >no attending he meeting could —a Stradivarius cello which was ing have no intention of getting lave failed to discern the feeling looted by the Nazis from her home on the wrong side of Lady Luck >f relief among the rabbis when in Paris In 1942. for they have called it "Maze! hey sensed the atmosphere of The Instrument, which has a I," or "First Luck." label atcsting to its manufacture in 'casonalcncss that pervaded. Vie 1712. was bought and presented to There are six companies at lathering place. And this despite Mr* Platigorsky in 1027 by a croup present prospecting for oil In he eruption of a small but noisy Of music lovers in Berlin. He left 'srael—all of them backed with :roup of extremists who, forgetIt'in "Paris' with the Rothschild :orne Americjn or Canadian cap- ing the admonition aiiainst ralsfamily when he came to the United ital. If oil should be found it can ng hand, nttempted to assault my States hi 1939. be exploitetl immediately. Of all ormor yeshlva classmate Rnbbl The Instrument w;:s purchased In Middle Ka.'it countries this younji 3urac!c, whose scholarship and Aachen, Germany, by a violin state has already the best means lety his detractors will' never dealer named Mathlas Niesscn. He oft ran;iport, know-how and fa- chicve. The butter being collected for cutting and packing. " paid the sum of $200 for i t After cilities for refining oil. With n There is no challenging the wissatisfying himself that Mr. Pi.-iligood market at home, her export oiu about a layman remaining TEL AVIV, Israel (IIP). — a small but wolcomo pat finds gorsky, who no longer had the services for dealing with vast After long years of margarine oof from disputation mnong rabits way into lho shopping documents proving ownership, had quantities of oil hnve for years Is, yet the urge is strong to recall fresh butter is again appear- basket of Mrs. Israel when she actually been the owner, Mrs. Nicsicen working—on foreign fuel. fie admonition, "Sages, guard jour ing on the tables of Israoli collects the family groceries. sen turned the cello over to the rords." The enemies of Israel are homes. Al the r.zw I.raol With the aid of Slato of Barones, as Mr. Piatrigorslty's Let those who arc dedicated Itrool Bond investments a Eci.J-aided Tnuva dal.'y in agent, for hie $200 he had paid plir Cotton grov/ing stems originally lert. preservation of Israel not Tel Aviv thousands of lilros groally expanded catlfo raisa few dollars for the repairs lie had from the oriental countries. The pvethe them a "pischon pch." ing program has enabled a of milk and tons of buiier made on the instrument.' word "cotton" for the fibre in deare each day processed and steady flow of dairy produce Mr. Piatigorsky, who has recent•ived from Arabic. The name, 1SHOP SHEEN HONORED io Israel's aver Increasing distributed to the growing ly been playing on another Stradi'Cotton" however, as in Cotton New York (JTA)—A gold ocpopulation of the young re- towns and soltUmenti. Plans varius cello, was extremely happy Mather, the famous Puritan Di- icvement award for his national public's expanding industrial for lhs establishment of other io recover the first one. He Indirine, is supposed to be derived major dairy plants aided by levision program "Life is Worth cated, however, that he may pre- dry. 'rent Hebrew. It means small or Living" was presented to Bishop Stale of Iirael Bond investWhit* formerly butler rasent it to a talented young artist. Junior. Thus, Cotton Mather, the Fulton J. Sheen In absentia by the) tions w*i* preserved only for ments art presently being The value of the recovered cello son of Increase Mather, was simp- 'ederation of Jewish Philanthrois estimated at $50,000. ehftdrtn and for the-tick, now drawn up. ly Mather Junior.—(JTA) . cs of New York.

By Jean I m u

Happy Birthday

Israel Surveys Oil Prospects

Beth Israel News

Bar & Bos Mitzvah

Churning Butter the Israel Way

Piatiijorsky Recovers Stradivarius Cello

Friday, January 22, 1954

Religious News 5:11 p, m. Candle-lighting time BETHEL Services this evening will begin nt 8:15 o'clock. Sabbath morning services will begin at BtiS o'clock, Junior Congregation services are at 10:30 a. m. Mlncha-Maariv services will begin at 9 p. m. Daily MJnyan It held on each week day at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday morning. service Is at D a. in.

vena ISRAEL! Rabbi Benjamin Groner. Cantor Eli Kagan, and the Beth Israel Synagogue choir will conduct the late Friday evening services. Sabbath zrkrnlng' service* will be at 830 a. in. Junior service* at 9:30 a.m. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Saturday Talmud Claw .at 4:30 p. m, and Saturday- Mtnch* will start at 5 p. in. which will be followed by-ShoJojhe ffcudos and Maarlv. Dally morning services begin at 7 a. m. Dally afternoon services betrin at 9:19 p. m. Sunday morning breakfast mlnyan meets: nlfl:45 a. m. And is followed by Rabbi Owner's Bible discussion class. The youngsters of the Tails and TcMllln Club befrln their services at 8:30 a. m. Breakfast Is served at the conciution of "their services, TEMPLE ISRAEL At the regular Sabbath Services Friday evening at 8 o'clock Mrs. Julia M. Jacobs will recite the bleulna over thft Sabbath llehts. David Orkow will recite the Kl(Jdush and Louis Bcmsteln and Howard Kaolan will assist Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks with the Torah Service. Rabbi Brooks will divuss "GodV.Word or, Ours?" or "How Con Moderns Understand ncvelaUonT" An Informnl discussion of the sermon tonic will follow the service nt »n Ones Shobbat Regular Sh»Hbo< Momlnc Services -will lw> held Saturday nt 11:40 a. m. Rabbi Brooks will officiate . with students of the Heb'rrw Dcnartment of the HCIIKIOUJ School. KIrfduih for all present will follow the services.

A* Ps<f* Fowr M e e t Cologne (JTA)— Israel'* Interests at the Four 1'owcr Conference on a German peace trcnty, which will open In Berlin Monday, will be watched by Dr. Chain) Yahil, deputy head of the Israel purchasing mission In Germany, it was learned h«rc. Israel h i s requested of the Big four that they admit to various commission meetings at the parley on Israeli representative who will act as on observer. The Israelis hive pointed out that although Israel was not a nation during the world war, Israel has. moral ; claims to representation both bccause Jews were victims of the Nazis and because Jews fought vrtlb, every Allied army on every front against Germany. When Israel raijscd the question of reparations from Germany it apportioned the claims as $1,000,000,000 gainst West Germany and $500,000,000 against East Germany, While tlic claims against the former have been settled, the latter has proven hostile to every Israeli approach and the Israeli claim remains unsatisfied. Israeli envoys In Washington, Moscow, London and Paris are reminding the governments to which they ore accredited of Israel's claim against East Germany. (In Washington It was Indicated today that no such reminder hnd yet

been received.)

Israeli circles here expect that world Jewish claims against Austria will be one of the points considered by the Bltf Four. This keuc, as well as continued payment of reparations agreed to in. the Luxemburg agreement in the event Germany is unified, will bo the subject of two memoranda from world Jewish organizations to the Bitf Four.


Obituary Meyer Brookstein Mi j " lli'idk'Uin, 80, J ciMirelir worktr In iomniiin.il ..tf.ili", dkd Monday, J.in 1U Jt the I)i blur Home fur Hi..- Arf.d. .Services were held Tuesday, Jun. 19, with Interment al the Bi-th liamcdrash iiagodol Cemetery. Mr. Brookstcin came to Omaha from Kiev, Russia, in 1898. He operated a tailor shop fnun 1003 until his retirement in 1015. Mr. Brookstein was chairman for many years of the ritual committee at Beth Israel Synagouge and was an active member of the congregation. Survivors Include five sons, Aaron, Frank, Irving, Jack and Harry, all of Omaha; and a daughter, Mrs. Sara Ritter of Chicago.

Joseph E. Marks Services were held Sunday, Jan. 17, for Joseph E. Marks, 80, with interment at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. He died Friday, Jan. IS, Mr. Marks is survived by bis wife, Sarah; a daughter, Elizabeth Nevelcff; four sons, David of Detroit, Mich., Harry of Omaha, Joseph of North Ridge, Calif,, and Ephriam of Omaha; six grandchildren and four-grandchildren.

Vicki Cohen Services were held Friday. Jan. Id for Vickl Cohen, 8, with Interment at Beth El Cemetery, She died Thursday, Jan. 14 in a local hospital. Survivors Include her mother, Mrs. Leo Kamisir: her father, Theodore Cohen; maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Vann of Omaha; paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cohen of Los Angeles; and greatgrandparent, Mrs. Sarah Vann of Omaha.

Oscar Straus Vienna (JTA)—Oscar Straus, noted'waltz composer who wrote tho world famed operatta "The Chocolae Soldier," died at Bad Ischl recently at the age of 83. Tho Jewish composer, who fled the Nazis in Vienna In 1938 when they took over Austria and later left Paris for the United Slates when Franco fell, was a serious student of classical music before turning to writing and conducting liflhtcr music. In the United States, which he left for Bad Ischl after the war. he wrote music for Hollywood films.

Arab Ambassadors Talks With Dulles Washington (JTA) — Secretary of State John Foster Dulles met for three-quarters of an hour with two Arab ambassadors who, according to authoritative diplomatic sources, sought to prevail on the United States Government to change its stand on the Big Three draft resolution on the Israel-Syrian dispute submitted at the United Nations on December 10. The Arab- bloc Is seeking to bring about revision of the resolution to provide Syria with veto power over Israel projects In the demilitarized zone. After talking to Mr. Dulles, Syrian Ambassador Farid Zclneddlne nnd Lebanese Ambassador Charles Malik told newspapermen that they enjoyed "a very delightful talk." The Ambassadors declined to discuss details of the talk and refused even to say whether United Nations matters were discussed. Diplomatic officials Informed on Near Eastern matters viewed the meetings as a last-minute Arab attempt to get H e n r y Cabot Lodge, Chief American delegate at the United Nations, to favorably consider Arab proposals for modifying the three-power draft. The resolution In question arises from the Syrian-Israel dispute over the Bnot Yancov hydroelectric project which lias been the subject of controversy for come time.

Zionist District to Meet

The executive b o a r d of the Zionist District of Omaha will meet at 8:30 p. m., Tuesday, Jan. WORLD HANK Jerusalem <JTA)—Israel has 20, at 2011,N. 55th St. been admitted a.<i a member of the Dorothy Sanioff, the famous World Bonk for Hccorutruction and Development and tho Inter- f<in(*or, was introduced nt a recent national Monetary Fund, it was Israel Bond function as .-> relative officially announced here. The of David* Sarnoff, the radio tyannouncement revealed that Israel coon. When asked why she did applied for membership In Sep- not deny the relationship—since tember, 1053, and that it was oq- she wai not his kin—she replied, :optcd In a mail ballot carried out "I never repudiate any asset."— intone the member' of tho bank. (JTA).. _-

Pace 8even


Gems of the Bible and Talmud By UK. 1'IIILEP 8IDSB Bible The thoughtless belleveth every word; hut the prudent man looketh well to his going. In all'labor there Is profit; but the talk of the lips tendeth only to destitution, lib that refuseth correction dcspiscth his own soul, but he that hearkeneth to reproof getteth understanding, Talmud Rabbi Jocbanan said: "Whoever is accustomed to share a part of his profits with a scholar (enabling the scholar to study) will be awarded the privilege of sitting in the Heavenly academy." • Rabbi Jochonan said: "Woe to (royal) authority, for it buries its possessors, as there was not one. prophet who did not outlive four kings." ' • M The following three are loved by the Lord-*-rIe who is never excited, he who Is never drunk, end he who docs not Insist on retaliation.

Women Inspectors New York. (JTA)—A national inspector, -two deputies and six regional inspectors, all women, will be appointed by the Israel Government to implement tho national conscription law for sonmilitary service, for women, it was indicated Jn a statement lamed here by the Iirael Office of Information. These Inspectors, the statement said, will regulate the employment of girls eligible for service in coordination with the respective governmental and private institutions. Tho girls will be employed ir relief services, teaching, health services and agriculture. Among the first to be drafted will be those girls with a high school education and graduates of teacher* colleges. These will greatly contribute to the educational and social welfare services in the Immierant settlements. Regulations will require Inspectors to assign girls to service wherever possibleIn accordance with their personal preferences. "In this connection," the statement pointed out, "it should be remembered that religious fiifls whose traditional wny of life is Inconsistent with any employment outside their home environment will be completely exempt from any kind of national service."

Diabetes Class Meets at Center The West Central Diabetes Association is presenting its monthly course of instruction. The next meeting of the class will be held Thursday, Jan. 28 at 7:30 p. m. in the Jewish Community Center. The material used for Instruction is prepared by the American Diabetes Association. A dietitton and nurse will be in attendance to answer questions. There Is nc charge for instruction and further information may be had by calling either Mrs. Ethel Huntzlngcr al JA 6080 or Mm. Betty Hoberts, KE 0190. New diabetes and their fnmilier arc especially welcome to attend and learn how to live with diabetes.

Austrian Embassy Presents Statement on Property Claims New York (JTA)—A statement admitting that the question of Jewish claims for helrlcss property in Austria "is still awaiting final settlement" was issued this week by the Austrian Embassy through its consulate here. The statement said that "according to the records at the Austrian Government not more than $1,000,000 to $1,500,000 worth of heirless property would now be available." It claimed that tho rest of the helrlesi Jewish property was "destroyed during the war or la still being administered as socaJJed 'German assets' by the Soviet occupation authorities." "The Jewish organizations,"' the statement declared, "have on their part submitted claims upwards to $40,000,000 .based on a rough estimate not of the present value of

English Deputies Meet for 1st Time Manchester (JTA)T— For the first time in l u almost 200-year existence, the Board of Deputies of BriUih Jews today held a meeting outside London. It met here on the invitation of Manchester Mayor Abraham Moss, on active member of the Board-for 30 year.' and one of its two vice-presidents ' Last night, Mayor Moss gave a reception at City Hall to mark the Board's first meeting In this city and some 600 representatives of Jewlnh organizations, the Board and of synagogues, attended. Speaking at the meeting, Barnett Janncr, M. P., and representative of the Board to the Jewish Claims Conference, reported on thr Austrian Government's stubborn resistance to a compromise solution on Jewish claims against Austria. He asserted that it was "deplorable" that Austria which ir seeking its own political freedonshould foil to give consideration to the "rightful demands" of world Jewish groups. He expressed the liope Uiot when Austrian Chancellor Julius Ilaab Visits Londor coon, It will be brought to his attention that his government's attitude toward Jewish cUiims is not consistent with its own claim for independence. In reply to questions, Dr. Abraham Cohen, president of the Board explained that the Board had not asked the British Government tc protest to Egypt over the nrrcs< and trial of eight Egyptian Jcwr on charges ot carrying on Zionist and Communiiit activities. He said because of the present poor relations between the British anr" Egyptian Governments, the Boarc" felt a protest through the British Government might be more harmful than helpful. He added tha' the Board would ask other'Jewish communities to,ask their governments to appeal to the Egyptian; In behalf cf the Zionists.

ARCHIVES Munich (JTA)—All Jewish archives recovered in the state of Bavaria since the end of the war will be handed over to the Government of Israel, it visa announced here by the Association of Jewish Communities of Bavaria The first archives to be transferred to Israel will be those covering the period up to 1850. Later records, dealing with the more recent history of the Jewish comI will strengthen them in the munities In Bavaria, will be reLord; and they shall walk up and tained by the Association for thr down in His name.—(Zcch. 10:12.) time being, but will eventually be sent to Israel.

such heirless property but on the general losses suffered by Austrian Jews under German occupation in the years of 1S38 to IMS. "The Austrian Government,".the' statement continued, "baa stated repeatedly. that Austria does not want to enrich herself with Nazi loot and Is therefore ready to provide for tho use,of the still available helrtess property lor the Nazi victims. The Austrian Government declines, however, most categorically to pay compensation over dnd above these values lor wrongs it did not commit and that it could not prevent because it was itself (he victim of the circumstances." The statement claimed VhaV "&« bulk of Jewish property had already been returned to ihe totmer owners or their legal he(re" under tho existing resUtuUovi Ytvwt,. "An obstacle to a speedy disposition of tho heirless property which the Jewish organisations apparently overlooked, but which Is very much In the mind pf the Austria authorities is that under Article 44 of the present Austrian Treaty Draft such property, rights and interests have to 'remain heirless or unclaimed for six months after the coming into force of the present Treaty* before they arc to be handed over 'to appropriate agencies or organizations to be designated by the Four Heads of MisslonJn Vienna in agreement with the Austrian Government.1 "Naturally, the Austrian Government would be reluctant to dispose of property for which claims may under the Treaty will be put forward at some later dato. Also the Austrian Government has.no desire to make a settlement which under the above mentioned article may be contested by the. Four Powers at any future time. Pending the conclusion of the Treaty, adequate action would Vneretorp have to be taken by or in conjunction with the four occupation powers, permitting the Austrian Government to ccmslder VieVtltss any property that remains unclaimed at a specified date and consenting to Its disposal according to the wishes of the Jewish organizations." * The statement voiced objection to comparison ol Austria v/Hb Germany declaring that "Germany has accepted responsibility for the wrongs done to Jews not only in Germany, but also in countries under German occupation and has therefore agreed, to compensate the victims or their heirs and survivors. Austria, which was one of the countries occupied by Germany, has no sucb delegation and the Israeli Government has never approached the Austrian Government in that respect Austria has, however, the obligation ana the desire to return stolen property, ried out this obligation to the genrights and interests and it has car* era! satisfaction ot «A cooctroeA, only the question of heirless property still awaiting final settlements."


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Friday. January It. 1954



B'nal B'rith Bowling

By Undy I'aul

Major Chuck) W. .Wardrobe .... «.«... Union Freight : Xaunazf Insurance ••••..... Nogf Bros.. Impco. Pioneer Uniform Franklin Distr. .. I-Go Van » Minor CUssle Paramount Market _.... Smltr Pontiac Venger It Son ... Best Appliance Wayne Auto .... Forbes Bakery _..«...™ H. Z. Vending .,, -.. Clicquot Club .~~A PivMon Belmont Jewelry , -.10 Pepsi Cola . _ „, " Morris Paint Co. Grace-Mayer Insurance , Crosstown TV Greenberg Ins. Agency ... Nebr. Fum. Mart Lynn Florist Hinky-Dlnky Stores Burknard Gerelic Uck 11-Worth GriU . 4 8 Milder Gil Co. 2 10 lilfb Games and Series Sam Mlnken 501; Irv Malashock 512; Bud Falk 517; Al Tcmln S36; Morrie Epstein 537; Jack Epstein 205-563: Sandy Kaiser 508, and Sam Diamond 511. Parkway Division W. L. Wolfson-Gcrber _ 9 3 Borsheim Jewelry 8 4 Playland Park ..... 8" 4 Prucka Transp ,. 7 5 National Tire 7 5 Richman-Gordman •• 8 8 Liberty Gas „ 6 6 Sol Lewis . . . . . . . . ...... A...... 6 6 Ranks Army Goods -... 5 7 Ritewoy TV 4 8 Philco-Brandcis 3 9 Rosen-Novak 2 10 Keller "B" Watson Bros 8 4 Mid Plains Ins _ _. 8 4 Louis Market ^..-.8 4 Robinson Iron 6 8 Bennett Fum. , 8 6 Magi Color 6 6 South Omaha Sun 5 7 H. A. Wolf ..._ 5 7 Simons Jewelry __.. 5 7 Stbeburg Realty 3 9 i


Jr. B. B. Bowling Stuart Kutler was high in the league with his 287 scries. A beautiful 177 opener was climaxed with • 110. "Idle Singer led in the girls' division with games of 146 and 137 for a 283 series. This little gal stirred up a little excitement wher she converted the 1-7 pins. Though this difficult conversion is no' considered a "legitimate split,*' 1* is more often left by our more experienced keglers than mastered. Florence Shrago, a 91 average kegler, combined games of 14C and 123 for a 2BS series. Standing*


Jewish Life in Argentina Impressions of a Visit


Op P. Skaggs 22 8 Neb. Fur. Mart ........... 20 10 Wolfson-Gerber Auto.... 18U l i f t Maypers 17 13 lad. Chemical Co 18 14 Gamble-Robinson Fruit 12 54 17 W Playland Park 12' 18 Amer. Lmbr. & Sup. 12 18 11-Worth Grill _... 1014 19K Morris Paint ........... »tt 20% Ilith Games and Series Stuart KuUer. 177-110—287 Howard Wcinbcrg .... 148-138—28f Edie Singer 148-137—28? Stuart Fogel 146-128—27? Jerry Sherman 149-122—271 Florence Shrago 140-125—26f Vlcki Collck ..„ .138-115—253 Howard Slu-iky 149- 98—24.'. Ann Blumberg 133-109—247 David Wintroub 128-108—23f Mike Shrler 120-108—23' John Rieke* 123-105—22P Tom PIntt 120-103—22? Howard Meyers 12(3- 95—22!

Hadassah Bowling W. L. NOBB Bros 23 10 Smith Pontiac 22 17 Millie Wino 21 18 Brandcis Easy Washer 21 18 Edwards Jewelry 19 20 Brandeis Klccrchromc 18 21 Metz IScer 17 22 RCA Victor 15 24 High Games, Series and fiplils Audrey Kirshrnbaum, 400-104; Addle Sncider. 473, 5-B-10: Ann Sneldcr, 473, 5-8-10; Ann Schulman, 470; Liberty Kaler, 408; Charlotte Blumberg, 443-203; Hose Weltz, 442; Flora Bloom, 429; Diane Rubin, 422; Evelyn Hoberman, 415; . Myrna Loss, 413, and Dina Bloom, 412.

Herzog Spurs Rayim C Win; Rayim B Clips Jr. Centurymen Center Dave Herzog dropped In five important field goals as he led his Rayim C team to a close 27.22 win over the AZA IB team. The game was extremely close as Jack Baker added six points and Marv Lincoln five points to the Rayim cause. For Mother chapter It was Dave Widman with 12 pointr while Stan Kalman made seven. Mother chapter has been'unable to come up with a winning coach as Art Schwartz, Frank Berg and Stan Widman have resigned that coaching hot spot Prominent alumni from AZA 1 are seeking the services of either Dave Belzer, cue-

cessful softball coach or Shcrm Poska, whose I-Go Van Midgcl (cam is unbeaten. Rayim B, the only unbeaten team In the Center leagues won a 40-7 game from AZA 100 B. After a slow start the Rayim lads, paced by Howard Goldstein and Larry Lincoln found themselves and handily defeated the junior Centurymen. Goldstein scored 14 points while Lincoln added eight.

Kutlers,Lustys Share Top Spot

Omaha, Sioux City Split Twin Bill

Ity I.ouls Segal Immediately upon meeting will Argentine Jewry one is aware of the warmth of the Jewish atmosphere prevailing in that country. Tills community has none through an interesting process ol development. The groundwork was laid many years ago, by Jewish colonists, who, with the uld of Baron HIrsch founded colonies and villages. Unfortunately, the Baron H i r s c h dream of Jewish Mass Colonization was not sufficiently rooted to survive permanently. In recent years the number of Jewish farmers has rapidly decreased and many of them have migrated to the cities and made adjustments to city life. The Jewish environment which was prevalent in the colonies, has left a deep impression which permeates the atmosphere of Jewish life in Argentina. This Influence is felt more keenly by those Jews and

Sieve Lustgarten, the playing sponsor%f the Lusty team In the varsity league won a tough game against Star Auto Parts by scoring three points in ah overtime session Sioux City'* Shaare Zion bas- to win 46-43. Lusty'* had a 43-41 ketball team, displaying some fine lead when Ray Somljerg tied it up shooting and fast b r e a k i n g as the buzzer sounded TO keep the dropped the Omaha Midget All- Star Auto squad in the game. How. The JCC Midget Basketball Stars, 47-34. Pflced by their two eVer, Steve Luatgartcn broke away league will resume its regular tall players. Bud Kantor and Al to score a layup shot and added a league ploy Sunday starting at KUen, with 11 points each, the free throw to give his• team the 2 p, m. Last week's scheduled Sioux Cltyans outplayed the Oma- win, Joe Belmont topped the games Will be played at the end ha lads for three quarters. The Lusty squad with fine, shooting. of the season, ;, : ; Omaha lads put on a last minute Joe hit from far out and also some . ..;''-. Sunday. Jan. 24 spurt, but it was not enough. For drive In shots to score 14 points. 2 p. m.—Mogcn-David Wine Omaha the outstanding player Al Brown and - Kecvcc Klnhenvs. U-Worth GrilL was Justin Ravltz. The spunky baum added ten each to the cause. 2:30 p. m.—S. Rlckes & Sons eighth grader hit four long field For Star Auto It was center Al vs. Pacific Fish.? ; goals and three free throws for dayman with 20 points,- while 3 p. mv—Hires Root Beer Vs the total of 11 points. Ed Schnei- Harold "Cookie" Nepomnidc, home Burkhard-GereUck. der added nine. on a furlough added 11 points. 3:30 p. m.—Sample Fur vs In the high school game, a tall Kutlers Klowns, awaiting the reI-Go Van. .;•.-.•: ,:. / v > - v \ .. and scrappy Youth Council All- turn of captain Ben Kutler to basStar learn won an easy 58-32 game ketball action won a hard fought from Sioux Citv A. Z, A. The fine 45-37 game from the Collegians. rebounding of Harlan Rosen, Stan Ben Kutler has been-resting an inWidman, Ray Sombcrg and Al jured arm and Is expected back Corey sparked (he Y. C. lads. shortly, Irv Yaffe led a second However, every 'player scared for half assault as he scored 19 points Ihe Omaha team. Top man was to top the Kutler scoring, while Al A hot (hooting team from AZA Tlnv Rosen with 14 points, while Corey made nine. For the Colleg- 1 smashed out a 04-24 win over Widman added 13. Other members ians it was Jack . Stiss with 17 AZA 100 lo bring them four win; of the winning round were Speedy points. and four losses. Paced by thcii Zwelback, Ed Bclzcr. nob Epstein, center and scoring leader, Star Ken Freed and Larry Epstein. The Widman, the lads from Mother Omaha Mldpet team nlayem. In chapter were never threatened addition to Ravltz nnd Schneider Widman finished with 23 points werx Jeff Swartz, Al Noddle, Stuwhile Jerry Margolin added 15 art-K"tler. Mlttc Perse]!. Arnold Larry Schwartz 12 and Larry EpThe Annual Youth Council Boyr Pan, N«>l«on Gordman. C h u c k Swimming Meet will be held Feb- stein made 11. For the CenturyW'IW. Tom Kullv and Irv Bclzcr. 12, It was announced by the men Jerry Rosen scored seven The lads arc cagorlv lookin? for ruary Youth Council Athletic Committee while Ituy Klrkc added six. the return match at Sioux City at Nine competitive events will be a later date. featured. Last year's championship Rayim team will be back stronger thor W. L. ever with the addition of Al Corey Debs Nebs It , B crack drvcr, and crawl strokcr Mileroma 18*4 8V4 pther Rayim swimmers who will Slick Chicks ............... 17 11 'make the competition tough arc 3x's tc a Spare .;.. ^... 17 II All B'nal B'rith Classic Bowl- Howard Goldstein, Maynard Ros- Starlets „,..;....,..;.....„;.;., 15' 18 V ers tako heed. Bob Epstein, a 14 en and Mike Solzman. AZA No. ; Scorolew Four ........... 15 13 year old freshman, just broke tho will threaten with triple champion Gutter Galls ..„„.„„.... 14W 13U Y. C. Boys Bowling series record Larry Schwartz, Mike and Marsl All Strikes ...,.„....»^. 14 14 with a sensational 599 series and Dencnbcrg, and Stan .Widman La Fa Ma Bi .;i...™.™-. 14 14 a 249 game. Once again. Bob Is Howie Kooper nnd Howard Kas- Alley Cats ..„..„,...-....... 14 14'' carrying a sparkling 170 average low are standouts for the Century- Lucky Losers ,. ;.;.„„ 12 16 to lead b o t h divisions of the Lucky Strikes .......,...:. 11 17 league. Tho high individual game Events will Include the 40-yarc" Lane Lassies ........:,„ 11 17 Is held by Fred Simon. free style, 40-yard sidestrokc, 601 Bowling Belles,....^ ;...., 4 24 American Division ."'-'---'-lllgh l O u n M yard individual medley, 40-ynrr W. L. T e v c o Bernstein, 3x'i and a breaststroke, 40-yard backcrawl Ind EBG 34 11 80-yard team relay and a under Sparc, !64; Ruthle Chudacoff, 3 x's Rayim MSG 32 13 water swim for distance and r ic a Sparc, 158; Judy Corn, Dobs Nebs, 155; Elaine Krantz, 3 x's if A. Z. A. 100A 27 18 - - diving contest. Rayim X's 27 18 Team points will be given for a Spare, 152, and Joyce Canar, A. Z. A. 1 Gutter placing in the finals. All placr Alley Cats, 150. Hlrh S Scries Goofs 23 22 winners will receive award ribRuthle Chudacoff, 3 x's & a A. Z. A. 100 Gutter bons. Those who will participate Gangs 22 23 acn practice and workout, an: Spare, 300; Tevee Bernstein, 3 x's A. Z. A. 1 Zorches 18"4 20 W weekday afternoon in the ccntc & a Sparc, 298; Florlnc Sokolof, Lane Lassies, 271; Nlta Green, Rayim M-Jnbs 17t4 27V4 pool from 3:15 to 4:15 p. m. Bowling Hellcs, 269, and Elaine A. Z. A. 1 We Goofed.. 12 33 Krantz, 3 x's & a Spare, 287 Rayim K '. 12 33 Mrb 5 Averages Wen Games and BerlM Phyllis nosen. Debs Nebs, 145; nob Kostcln 245-309. Tom BernW. Tcvec Bernstein, 3 x's & a Sparc, st"in 189-550. and Ed Belzer 198Bowline Hums 10 ! 134; Barbara Joffe, Starlets, 132; 510. Alley Sluggers ..._„ ' 0 ? Laurie Onich, La Fa Ma Hi, 131, BCCT Framers 8 ? and Matlec Katleman, La Fa Ma National Division Tough Turkeys 7 4 HI, 124. W. L. Strikes & Spares 7 ' A 7. A. 1 Roowrs 34 11 AllL-y Hats 7 4 A 7. A. 1 Glams 31''- 13"4 Lucky Duckyo ..._ 6 f Ravim SOS 31 14 Gutter Boys C E Midgefs to Perform A. 7 A. 100 0 f Crnturymen Zfi'i lB'/4 Lucky Ladies At Omaha U. Game Gutter Gerties 5 f n.ivim S and P 23 22 BowlinB Babes 4 7 Invlm H XI 24 When Washburn University HlKh Hitters 4 7 ml. S'conrrs 21 24 tangles with Omaha UniverNifty Hittcru 4 7 A 7 A. 1 niu'fTs 21 24 sity this Saturday night, some Hep Cats 1 IT A 7. A. 1 No Nimcs.. 11 34 14 midget sixth grade all-atur: Kaner Beavers 1 1J Ravi"! S-rpwbnll'! 5 40 will (jet an opportunity to perBowline Dolls 0 12 form before the crowd. The IIIKII Game* anil Serin "100" Gamttt Oorre Sirli-i 185-510. and Stan JCC boys will play as the halfWldmnn 209-504. Frank Goldberg, M2; Howard limo performers and will no Slu^ky, 130; Larry Gllinsky, 130doubt give their best. The playI hoard the delegate from Pak- Martin Snelder, 129; Chuck Wise ers r-olectcd are: Squad (1)— ^tnn at the United Nations attnrk 123; Stuart Kutler, 124; John Dun llollls, Dick Zacharla Iirael during tho debntc. Later Rlekes, 123; Larry Hobcrman, 117Walter Wl«e, rVimk Coldbert!1 Mary Kny Hobcrman, 109; PhD at the came region, I Raw him Huwurd Stoler, liob No^g, ant chuckling with the Israeli dele- Gorellck, 105; Clark Swartz, 10? Larry Kohn; Squad (2)—JusBate. Abba Eban. Israel Is for- and Gall Trctlak, 101. tin Ban, Hruce Goldstein, Joe! Davto, Bob Gincburg, Don Fortunate In hayirj" Eban to reprePatrick Henry's Immortal, "Give man, Dill liorwicli and Alar sent her. His English "tfeht vie n Konecky. vasser" nnd make* a tremendous me liberty or doaUi," comes from the old Testament—(JTA) impression.—(JTA)

Midget League

AZA 1 Trounces AZA 100, 64-24

Swimming Meet At Center Feb. 12

Y. C. Girls Bowling

Epstein Shatters Bowling Record





• - . " > • •

•••. •



Jr. Sports Bowling

their children who remained in the colonies for a time, and have adhered to the highest aspirations of ••Ylddishkelt." Esrlr Immigrant* The early Jewish immigrants to Argentina can relate experiences akin to thoso early Immigrants to the United States, Canada, Mexico, or any other part of the North American continent In most cases there was much hardship, arising from the difficulties of earning a livelihood, hardships due to tho foreign language, and the entire* ly strange mode of life. The Jewish immigrants in Argentina were successful in bring-ing into the community new industries, new methods of trad*, and other valuable contributions which have benefited not only the Jews themselves, but the pop* ulatioa of the entire country. The Jew* of Argentina (in Buenos Aires as well as In other cities) showed a remarkable apptltude for collective enterprises. The peddlers, who went from door to door and village to village with packs on their backs, organized various financial cooperative Institutions to give them a greater m e a s u r e of economic security. T h e s e cooperative institution* made tremendous strides over the yean and have developed into credit and loan organizations and large banks .which arc today an Important part of the economic life of that community. Cooperatives The Jewish cooperatives, from which grew the network of consupicr's organizations, loan and banking institutions, nurtured and maintained a spirit of Jewish National Integrity. These financial institutions ore helping In every way to further Jewish cultural life; and play an Important part In all Jewish endeavors for the Stale of Israel. The Zionist Federation of Argentina representing all Zionist groups, embraces in.its activities, all matters pertaining to ZIon'sm and the Stale of Israel. Through the United Jewish Appeal, Arfientlnc Jewry has demonstrated the (act that moral persuasion in at times more farreaching than forceful methods as long as the atmosphere which prc» vails makes it possible for people, to recognize their responsibilities. The United Jewish Appeal is a voluntary responsibility met by all Jews in Argentina, Education JcWIsh education Is an Integral part of Jewish life in Argentina. You will find in Buenos Aires and in other cities, many shules for Jewish children. The course of study is designed to stimulate the children's interest In Jewish culture and •tradition, Jewish and Hebrew literature and language, and all the developments taking place in Hedlnot Israel. It b i n deed an impressive sight to aee thousands of children attending these schools. Most of the Jewish families of Argentina cluster around these schools, as they are he center from which Jewish culture U kept alive. T h e r e are two outstanding achievements of the community hat are worthy of special attention. The first of these i< the Jewish Publishing House which was organized by the Farband of Polish Jewry after World War II, ond has already produced more than 100 books of the b a t of Jewish literature. The two men who merit individual recognition tor this great achievement are Marc Turkov and A. Mlttlcman. Tho second of these Is the "110braica" whldi Is located in the most beautiful neighborhood in Bueno3 Aires and nerves the social and cultural needs of Jewish voulh. Although rnmt of the activities In tills liii.tltution arc conducted In Spanish, the languages used ot "Heuraica" am Spanish, Hebrew and Yiddish. The State of Israel has evoked great pride mnong the youth of Argentina. Onn jinda a desire among many of (hem to be actively participating in the building of Medinot Israel. In many communities Jewish youth has organized Itself Into Chalutzim groups. These croups nre especially nourished and led by the Labor Zionist movement. Many Jewish families in Argentina plan their futures in Isiacl, as they liavc a deep desire to (;o there to serve and help In the building of Medinot Israel

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