January 29, 1954

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Cnlfrcd • * Beeond-Claiia Matter st Poil f Omaha. Netirnskn. under Act of 197W


Plans Take Shape for B'nai B'rith's Centennial Jamboree Sol Dolgoff, general chairman of the Greater Omaha B'nnl B'rlth Fund ral affair for the year, the Centennial Jamboree, announced this week that final plans are being worked out (o n u k e the occasion one of the most elaborate in Omaha D'nal B'rith history. • The date of the Centennial Jamboree has been set for Sunday, March 14 beginning at I p. rn. and lasting until????? The complete facilities of the Jewish Community Center will be used. ' The Centennial Jamboree will have the "Ola West" motif, with .beard* and hoop-skirts being very- much In evidence. There will be square dances, food concessions, swinging door "pop" stands, old time general stores, vaudeville of the Gay-Nihetles variety and many other features 'At this all out fund raising affair. .. Proceeds of the Jamboree and - the ad book, will go to the varloujTB'nai B'rlth activities, such s s the National Jewish Hospital, Leon N. Lev Memorial Hospital, Bellfalre and also to local institutions of the non-sectarian type, ' Mrs. Sol Dolgoff and Nate Turner, .assisted by tho fund raising chairman of each one of the Lodges and Chapters ore now* tunning their ad campaign for the Jamboreo Souvenir Edition. < Centennial Jamboree committee chairman arc: Sol Dolgoff, . g e n e r a l chairman; Moe Kagan and Dave Blelchcr, finance; Mrs. ^5ol Dolgoff and Nate Turner, nd book; Yale Ginsberg and Nort Garon, Jnmborco; Mrs. Sam Pollak and Mrs. Geortfe Cohen, nrrangements anil tickets; Mrs. l i r a Bcldncr, food; Mrs. Harold Coopcrman and Gene liraun, decrotlons' Art Green- nnd Ralph , Nogg, publicity; Al Oruch nnd

Shareft Presents 4-Party Coalition ' . } ' Jerusalem (JTA) — P r e m i e r Worhe Sharctt presented his new four-party, slxtecn-man Cabinet to Parliament Monday and asked for Its confirmation. Parliament was expected to provide this conflrmotion Tuesday, after debate, without any difficulty since the irties represented In the coallon command 80 of the 120 votc3 l a t h e Knesset. . The Cabinet Includes nine members of Mr. Shnrctt'fl Mnpai Party, four General Zionists and two Labor Mlzrachl. Vhc Ministry of Justice is reserved for a representative of tho Progressive Party Which was a member of the former coalition but has not yet •greed to join the new govcrn-


, ment

. Tno only now figure In the Cabinet Is Zalman Arannc, Mapnl, who Is Minister without Portfolio. i Pinhas Lavon has formally as,. awned tho Ministry of Defense post formerly held by David Ben • Gurion and Mr, Sharctt combines • : the Premiership with the Foreign Ministry. The new Government does not .propose a new program, Mr. Bharett said, since it regards itself as » continuation of the former administration. Ho expressed regret that the Progressive Party ' s bad not entered the reconstructed coalition and said all parties to the coalition hope the Progressives will decide to join the new cabinet. Ho said the Government did not rest content with the support of those backing it but appealed to all groups outside the coalition to aid It In executing the heavy taskn that lie ahead. :

SOLITARY EXPERT London (JTA)—Israel will have to support a population of two million by 1000, Lieut. Gen. H. G. Martin, military correspondent of tho London Dally .Telegraph, sold In a dispatch to that paper. Gen. Martin, who is touring the Middle East, warned that unless Israel can plough more acres, It will have to Import 80 per cent of its food in 1900 to support its two million population.

Lou Kntz, printing nnd format; Mra. Seymour Kaplan nnd Mrs. Dave Dlclchcr, recipes; Dr. Abe GrecnberK, Marvin Treller, Mrs. Al Oriicli, Mrs. Aaron K|>stcin, Dave1 UIck'hf.T, Milton Caekin nnd Ed Rosen, advisors; unit Mrs. Max Krizclrnaii uud Mis. Il.irzy Ittiznlck, Jewel page.




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Philanthrope ^../e Council

Will Be Formed For Campaign Incidents on Jordan Border

American-Israel Society Founded Annapolis, Md. (JTA)—Formation of the America-Israel Society, a non-sectarian national organization founded by lenders of various faiths nnd all walks of American life,.was announced here at a dinner given by Governor Theodore R. McKcldln of Maryland. Governors Christian Herter of Massachusetts and Robert B. Meyner of New Jersey were among those present at tho founders' dinner, held In the Governor's mansion. Others who accepted invitations to the dinner include Senators Homer Ferguson and Irving M. Ives; Ralph Damon, president of Trans World Airlines; F. Joseph Donohue, former U. S. Commissioner of the District of Columbia r Georgo T. Newell, vice-president of tho • Manufacturers Trust Co., Now York; Dr. Howard M. LoSourd of Boston University; Dr. Allan Ncvlns of Columbia University; Dr. Louis Flnkclsteln, president of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America; Dr. Abba Hillcl Silver, of Cleveland; Dr. Howard Mumford Jones of Harvard University, nnd Oscar Chapman, former Secretary of Interior Unique Organization In addition to those attending Ihe dinner, founders of tho new society include other leaders In tho fields of politics, religion, education, literature nnd art, business and labor. Members pointed out that the new orfiimizatlon is unique in that It Is the only croup devoted to America-Israel friendship which is intcr-falth and representative of all sections of the country and all fields of endeavor II is expected that Gov. McKcldln will be elected president of the new society and former U. S. Coipmissloner Donahue will be chairman of the board of directors. The society will leek to promote cultural relations and goodwill between the United States nnd Israel. It plans to establish local chapters throughout the country. The program Includes various forms of interchange of Ideas' and creative art, assistance in the exchange of professors, studcnli, writers, lecturers, and development of a library of cultural materials relating to AmericaIsrael relations. Improve Undentandlnr Tho Society also plans to publish a bulletin devoted to improvement of understanding between the Israel and American peoples, and to promote "hospitality tours'' in each of the countries by citizens of the oilier. It will seek to supplement, not duplicate, the work of other organizations, and will cooperate with all who nre concerned with furthering close IsraelAmerican relations. Gov. McKcldln announced that the founders, in addition to those at the dinner, also Include Gov. G. Mcnncn Williams of Michigan, Senators Paul Douglas, Herbert Lehman, Hubert Humphrey, Este.*i Kefauver, Bishop Bernard J. Shell of Chicago, Bishop G. Bromley Oxnam of Washington, Louie Hromfiold, Dr. Henry Steelo Commogcr, John Cowlcs «f tho Cowle.i Publication, Justice Felix Frankfurter, Fanny Hur3t, Archibald McLelsh, George Meany, Charles Munch, Dr. Norman Vincent Pcale, Dr. Daniel Poling, Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, Robert Sherwood, Herbert Dayard Swope, Chancellor William P. ToIIey and Dr. W. LindBay Young of Los Auiiclcs. Ambassador Abba Eban, In his remarks at the dinner, said that present difficulties of Israel arc similar to those overcome by the founding fathers of the United States. Ho hailed the formation of the society and described it os a 'hearloning" milestone.


Israeli (rain wrecked by Arabs

Jordan Border Raids Reported Tel Aviv (JTA)—A new scries of border incidents was reported as the Israeli demand for a faceto-face meeting with Jordan to iron out armistice problems continued unheeded. Arabs concealed Just behind the Israel-Jordan demarcation line ambushed an Israel railway train traveling from Haifa to Lydda, in central Palestine. A Dlmilar attack was mado on another train between Hmlcra and Pctach Tlkvah. Four Israel policemen, on routine patrol near Irgun Simchn, in central Palestine, were captured and forced across the border into Jordan territory by a large, armed band, Israel lodged a complaint with tho Israel-Jordan Mixed Armistice Commission over this Incident, demanding a UN Investigation, tho release of the four men and the return of their arms. In another incident, three Arab shepherds were, kidnapped from Israel territory nnd taken into Jordan along with 28 camels.

License Plates Deadline Feb. 14 License plates for 1954 must be displayed on all motor vehicles by midnight, February 14, announced Owen J. Boyles, Assistant Director of the Nebraska Motor Vehicle Division. All vehicles, Mr. Boyles stated, manufactured on and after January 1, and sold in Nebraska mu.it be equipped with automatic turn signals.

On Radio and TV "The Builder," written by David Davidson, will be presented on the Eternal Light radio program Sunday, from 11:30 a. m. to noon over WQWRadlo. 'The Builder" Is the story of Adolph Sutro who, coming to America In 1850, used hir energies and creative powers as an engineer to help this country open Its frontiers, build up tho west and develop Industry and natural resources, Sutro truly earned the title, "Tho Builder." Music for this program IK composed by Morris Mamoraky nnd conducted by Joseph Gollichlo. "Message of Israel" will be broadcasted over KO1L this Sunday morning from 10 to 10:30 o'clock. Dr. Jonah B. Wise, Rabbi at the Central Synagogue in New York City, will speak on "The People of the Bodk"—the topic for the month of January.

Global Report RETURNEES x Munich (JTA)—Five "returnees" from'Israel who had'been among a group of 16 seized in o police swoop on a wlndowless air raid shelter here, have been sentenced In magistartc's court to two weoks' imprisonment for illegally entering Germany. The new police raids appear to be motivated by a feeling In that the DP's were not pushing their emigration plaas with sufficient vigor. Obviously prompted by similar considerations, the German administration of Foehmwald, last Jewish DP camp on German soil, has conducted another census of "Illegals," /with special emphasis on ascertaining the stage of emigration preparations. The Germans are going to great lengths to impress upon the more than 800 "legalized illegala" in Focfirenwald that the six-month period of grace accorded them last August ends in mid-February. EGYFTTANS RELEASE Tel Aviv (JTA)—The Egyptians have decided to release tho cargq.of kosher beef destined for Israel which they removed from the Italian freighter Franca Maria at oPrt Said several months ago, It was learned here. The -vessel, which put into Helfa with another cargo of meat, will turn about and proceed to Port Sold, on the Mediterranean end of the Suez Canal, to pick up tho confiscated shipment. The Eeyptinn extension of the blockade of the Suez to Israel-bound food'products evoked a number of Israeli protests' and aroused discussion among the maritime natlon-V ARGENTINA ADMITS Hundred Jewish families from the Foohrenwald camp will be ndmltcd Into the Argentine for permanent setlement during the next three months by decision of President Juan D. Pcron. Gen. Peron told n Jewish deiefatlon which Included Dr. Henry Shoskes, representing. HIAS, and Dr. Kzcciulcl Zabotlnsky, head of the Jewish Peronlst organization, thnt he was "happy to contribute to the ending of the shameful nnd tragic epoch of the enmps in Germany. ISRAEL LOAN~ ' Jerusalem (JTA) — Israel has obtained a r.hort-tcrm loan from the Rank of America to cover a number of other nhort-tcrm obligations which fall due this year, Pinchas Saphlr, director general of. the- Israel Finance Ministry, revealed here upon his return from a visit .to the United States. Mr. Saplr refused to reveal. any datnlls of the loan.

Past Chairmen To Participate A Campaign Council consisting of past General chairmen of Jewish Philanthropies Campaigns, Initial Gifts and Men's Division Chairmen .will be formed to) help plan and conduct the 1954 Jewish Philanthropies Campaign for the United Jewish Appeal, overseas, national and local needs, Robert H. Kooper, General Campaign Chairman, announced today. Glcantlc Task "The raising of the funds necessary to support our agencies in 1034 is a tremendous responsibility, and a gigantic task. It requires the combined wisdom and experience of campaign leadership of past years, as well as the co-operation of all those who led campaigns and divisions In the past," Mr. Kooper said. "It Is our plan, therefore,"to reactivate all the strength we can possibly tnarohall «o that the campaign will have the necessary support of the entire community. The Philanthropies drive includes 219 agencies in Israel and Europe, 43 agencies in the United States, and 12 agencies in Omaha proper. One gift from every Omahan is asked to take care bf all these agencies. This is, therefore,- an onc-in-all campaign, where a person contributes just once for a total of 270 agencies." Combined Drive The Importance of educating the Omaha Jewish community to the need of proper giving was stressed by Mr. Kooper. He e x plained that some 270 campaigns arc eliminated from Omaha, because of this combined annual drive. "We will spend much time on carrying this idea into every Jewish home, and we will do eon- ' slderable advance studying of prospects, so that a fair share may be contributed by every Jew in Omaha." Mr. Kooper indicated that the campaign has begun and considerable progress is being made.

Sobeloff Nominated Solicitor-General Simon E. Sobeloff, Chief Judge of the Maryland Court ol A p peals, was nominated by President Elsenhower as Solicitor General of the United States, the chief legal officer of the United States. Judge Sobeloff, who visited the White House this week, said after announcement of his appointment that he .would take office as soon as tho Senate confirms his nomination and he can wind up his legal duties, Atorncy G e n e r a l Herbert Brownell, Jr., welcomed Judge Sobeloff s appointment and d e scribed the Baltimore Jewish jurist as "one of the outstanding lawyers and judges of the country." The . 61-year-old jurist was born in Baltimore and graduated from the University of Maryland Law School. He was United States Attorney from 1931 to 1934 and was appointed to his state's top judicial post last year. A prominent figure In the Jewish communal life of Baltimore, Judge Sobeloff has been active in the American Jewish Congress and in activities In behalf of Israel which he visited last year with Gov. Theodore E. McKcldln. TROF. EINSTEIN Chicago (WNS—Professor Albert Einstein, tho world's leading by the Decalogue Society as the winner of the orgalzation's annual Award of Merit for distinguished service to humanity In 1953. The society, an organtraten consisting of 1,500 Jewish, lawyers and jurists, will present the award to the distinguished scientist at a dinner here, Fcbniiry 40.



Friday, January 29, ISSf

Our U. N. Newsletter

Israel Joins Money Fund

FaMlshed Every Friday by Uw Omalis Jewish Federation

Csura* M Meood-clui rcalm at Omuim, N«or«jk», BBd«f I M U 1 « ( M*wto i. If n u s u a l BuDaciliiUaa. M (W. A d v e n J i l m l i m on ApplleftUes. Edllomj Oinot—101 No. ZOia a u n t . OndU, Nlbr., ATluttt ltML F n u ajx* Addm>-48os so. »u> s i m t .



, Editor Society Editor

By Arthur Lewis

United Nations (JTA) —It almost goes without saying that the advantage of belonging to the International Bank for Beconstruotion and Development (Israel is The projected sending of American arms to tbe Arab slates Joining both it and the International Monetary Fund) is a loan. in the Middle East reflects not only bud policy bnt questionWhat is to be gained from the able morals as well. Barely the gentlemen responsible far that fund cannot be so simply dated; decision could have formulated it only on the strange thesis the fund's purposes are to stabitizc currency and make foreign that it is neittier dangerous nor against tbe public interest to exchange easier to obtain and place a gun in the pnlms of a man who publicly threatens to '.hus encourage'foreign trade. slay his neighbor. A record of the loans made by Israel's Ambassador to Washington, Abba S. Eban, recentthe World Bank — and It has ly declared that this was "tbe most inopportune moment" to made almost $2,000,000,000 worth since its establishment — shows strengthen the Arab states. "We appreciate the diplomat's unthat the largest amount, some derstandable restraint in the use of words, bat we, as' American $500,00,000 worth, has been spent citizens, can afford stronger language. m reconstruction, mainly In the countries of Europe which BufThe Arab rulers have repeatedly been talking of driving fered war damage, but almost as the Israelis into tbe sea at any cost, and the King of Saudi much as this has been used for electric power projects similar to Arabia has even gone so far as to call npon the Arabs to stand the one which Israel is building ready to sacrifice if necessary 10,000,000 lives in order to deon the Jordan River, more than stroy Israel. Where is the decency, morality and diplomacy $300,000,000 on road and railroad construction and the improvement of a policy that would enable Israel's foes to embark npon their of transportation, and some $200,' criminal purpose with American arms! 000,000 on industrial develop* ment As a member of the International Monetary Fund, Israel cannot devalue its currency without By Boris SmoUr that the work of the Welfare Minthe fund's permission. Furtheristry among the Arab population more, a member is not supposed Information Please be encouraged and strengthened to have multitude exchange rates, In connection with the launching . . . It will especially urge the Capital Spotlight,; but this rule will be waived In of tbe United Jewish Appeal drive Israel Government to undertake a the case of Israel as it has been for IBM In Miami Beach, I re. unified program of licrnnlng and Tor several other nations. ceived a number of letters asking regular inspection to help private Great Help for detail* at the UJA structure and public institutions meet acThere Is no doubt that the . . . Tbe answer is that the UJA fs cepted standards for care . . . At orld Bank has been a great help registered as a corporation in New the same time, tbe report will sugu n d e r - developed countries, York . . . The corporation consists gest that the Israel Welfare MinBy Milton Friedman I the veins of Palestine Arabs . . . !ow are the loans put to work? of 14 members, divided equally istry reduce personnel at its headWashington (JTA)—The Amerrefugees today from the barbarity 'ske Ethiopia as an example. It between representatives of the icon Legion is distributing to Conill great agricultural potentially Joint Distribution Committee and quarters by assigning members of gressmen a "master list" of anti- of non-Semitic 'Khazars.'" the present operating staff to wellles, but the food from the farmf Beaty writes t h a t "in 1948, the United Israel Appeal. . . Each Communist literature which inTear, representatives of the JOC defined but flexible units, pending cludes two books well known to strong with Soviet armor and ould not reach the mnrkcu beand VIA designate campaign of- the creation of a complete system J e w i s h organizations concerned basking in the sunshine of Soviet ause of thn lack of roods. Jn sympathy, Israel troops mostl 1950, the World Bank lent Ethificers and a campaign cabinet to of local authorities'. . . The Min- with combating anti-Semitism. born jn Soviet-held lands, killer opia $5,000,000 to improve transThey also istry of Welfare will also be urged lead the Appeal One recommended book is John many Arabs and drove out torn A highway authority elect an executive of 54 members to reconsider its present" policy of Beaty's "Iron Curtain Over Amer- 880,000 others, Christian and Mo: portation. was established to carry out a payment of lump sums as subsidies and an adminitrative committee of lem." ica," which has been described as program of road construction and 18 members, one-third of whom to voluntary agencies and arrange flagrantly anti-Semitic by t h e The Beaty book alleges that 6 maintenance. Altogether five loans are nominated by local commu- for a gradual withdrawal of di- Anti-Defamation L e a g u e . The to 70 per cent of U. S. Jcwfi hav have been made to India, and tha nities . . . All decisions about the rect grants. other is "Rise America" by Peter relatives in Poland and the Sovit cast of India is a good cxnmnlo distribution of funds are reached Xavicr who is called "a true Union. A complaint is made b of the different ways in which through annual negotiations be- Comrannlty Development! Christian nationalist" by Gerald Bcity that "newcomer aliens u these loans an? put to work. The tween JDC and UIA . . . Income The staff of the Israel Bond L. K. Smith, fuhrcr of the onti- too frequently slip into jobs tha first one of $34,000,000 WHS for received by JDC or constituent campaign S (he United States is e m i t i c "Christian Nationalist might have been held by tho: the purpose of railway rolling agencies of the UIA from other going to beindrastically Xavler participated in •who died In Korea." Dock; the second of $10,000,000 reduced in Crusade."agitation sources—such as foreign countries, New convention in for heavy duty tractors; the third and in other major Smith's Defends Nails intergovernmental agencies, etc.— cities .York St. Louis in 1849. He is pictured and fourth totalling $38,000,000 . The organization budget as an active Smith henchman in it not applicable toward UJA in- will be. streamlined Beaty defends the Nazis, speak were to finance the electric ixiwor In other re- the November, 1949. issue of "The against the Nuremberg trials, an development, flood control and come . . . The JDC grants more spects as well. . . Particularly for Cross and Flag.' calls the war against Hitler "th Irrigation in the Damodar Volley, than (1,000,000 each year to the the new Bond Issue which is exunnecessary war," In what pur India's most heavily industrialized World ORT Union for its vocation- expected Marked B I M to be launched sometime T ports to be his exposure of a area just west of Calcutta: the al training program in Western e Legion's selection of books "Iron after April 1 This docs C u r t a i n over America fifth of $31,500,000 was to a nrlp p ^ u ^ g . Europe and North Africa . . . The to teael and 21onlsm f h d any expected decrease includes only works with a mark- Beaty HoLi such personalities t. vate company, the Indian Iron UIA makes allocations from its in- foreshadow in income On the contrary, Sen. Herbert Lehman, Mrs. Anni and Steel Comnanv. to aid Its e x come—on instructions of the Jewed anti-Zionist bias by Alfred ish Agency—to various Zionist leaders of the Bond drive antici- LilienUul and Rabbi Elmer Ber- Rosenberg, H e n r y Morgenthau pansion ami raise its output. groups, on condition that none of pate that considerably more will Ker of the anti-Zionist American Jr., Justice F e l i x Frankfurter 56th Member * these groups 'conduct separate be raised in 1954 than in the prev- Council for Judaism. Rabbi Ber- Frank L. Weil, and others. A clcan-up of the govcrnmen campaigns for funds in the United ious year . . . This feeling of op- ger's "Jewish Dilemma" and LlllThe members o t the World timism is based on the fact that States . . . Last year, the UIA alenthal's "What Price Israel" are is demanded. Beaty hints that th Bank (Israel becomes the 56th located $150,000 to the World Con- the hew Bond Issue will contain endorsed, although no books arc would involve the ousting of Jew member) ore its stockholders but hey do not put up all the money federation of General Zionist*, new provisions offering substan- recommended w h i c h present a whom he seeks to link with Com munism. lie mentions J c w i s I 'or its loons. The bank derives $750,000 to the Mizrachl Palestine tial advantages to bondholders.. . pro-Zionist point of view. Congressmen unfavorably but hab part of its funds from the sale o t Fund, $181,875 to the Agudah La- The nature of these advantages is, This list of recommended books bor Party, $166,000 to the Agudath for the time being, a secret and includes many reputable works. kind words for ex-Congressman Its own securities on the general will not be announced before the John Ranlcin of Mississippi, market and a ,^100,000,000 Uwje . Israel and $80,000 to the. United It originated, with the AmericanThus, in a 208-page book dis- was in such demand recently that Zioniil-Eevlsionlst Party'. . . I n sale of the bonds is started .".. In Ism Committee of the Hutchlnnm deciding to cut the staff and ad- County. Texas. Post of < the Amer- guised as a scholarly examination it sold at a premium. Israel's 1953, the Jewish National* Fund, ministrative budget for 1054, the contribution to each of these axrnalthough not a beneficiary in the leaders of the Bond drive took into ican Legion and is being national- of Communist subversion, Beaty :Ics (K is the 56th member of the by Legionnaires ami borrows heavily from the ideas of UIA structure, continued to be a consideration the following devel- ly distributed 1 nlcrnallonal Monetary Fund as Streiehcr and Goebbcls. Since the beneficiary of the United Jewish opments . . . 1. The first Bond Is- other. !. The list Is described by once opposed Nazism with well) Is $4,500,000. of which 25 Appeal, since it received an allo- sue had to have a major promo- the 'legion ns a compilation of Legion per cent must be turned over to much of the vigor it now displayi cation from the Jewish Agency in tional campaign because it hrid to titles "opposing Communism, So- against Communism, the Leglon'i the fund in gold or dollars, but Israel . . . Each UJA agreement establish u completely new ldcn c i a 1 i s in, and internationalism support of pro-Nazi literature is inly 2 per cent to the bank. Loans since 1944 has included a provision in Jewish community support of while at the rame time sutiport- puzzling come Legionnaires who o a country arc not based on the ing our Constitution and Western setting a ceiling on the traditional Israel . . . 2. Having' told more civilization." There is no ques- ure as anti-Nazi as they arc anti- imount of Its contributions but on collections of the JNFin the Unll- than 000,000 bonds, the Israel Bond tion that these vhcther they arc sound financial, books o p p o s e Communist. nvestments: members, by t h e ed'States Last year's agree- Drive already has a largci na- "Cornunism, Socialism, and Intervay, after they have made their ment provided that any income tionwide clientele which can be nationalism," although some doubt nitlal contributions do not pay received by the JNF from Jewish stimulated to buy new bonds on exists if the Beaty and Xavicr inylhing more — the bank'more welfare funds in the U. S. is to be the basis of the economic progress book.i support "our Constitution nan pays its way. considered income for UJA . . . In in Israel and without elaborate and Western civilization." the event that the JNF, through propaganda . . . The leaders of'the John Ueaty, of Dallas, Texas, in The International Bank /or JleUnited Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— traditional collections, raises more Uond campaign also believe that than $1,800,000 net, after deduc- their drive will receive a good a nrofesr-or w i t h a listing In United Nations Secretary General obstruction and Development is "Who'r. Who" longer than the enhe only agency In which each Dag Hammarskjold served notice tion of expenses not to exceed deal of support this year from the try for Albert Einstein. Beaty $300,000, the amount equivalent to more than 100 Icndini; American was chief of the historical section that unless Jordan replies to his nembcr state does not have an qual vote. Money counts, and a second message asking for a defisuch excess shall be turned over Jews who participated in the Jeru- of the War Department In 1942 ember's voting power depends to the UJA by the UIA, the 1953 salem Economic Conference last and served in Military Intelli- nite agreement to meet with Israel iopn the amount ot its contrlbuunder Article XII of the Jordanagreement stipulated'. . . It is, of Canadian Jewish gence. He attained the rank of Isracl armistice, ho will convoke !on. For instance: the United course, too early to give figures October Colonel. Bcaty'o articles have aptaten has 32,000 votes, almost on, the exact amount raised by the lenders, too, are expected to sup- peared in the "American Legion such a conference regardless. He hrec times as many as the next not set a deadline for Jordan's JNF in the U. S. throufih its tra- port the sale of new bonds . . . Magazine" and the official publi- did urgent voter, the United Kingreply, but indicated he would not Some of them have vi;;lted New ditional collection durini; 1953. om, nnd a hundred times as York and conferred with the of- cation of "Veterans of Foreign wait too long before acting, ficers of the Israel Bond Drive on wars." Mr. Hommarokjold, addressing nany as most of the small undcrV. N. Views Beaty Book the floating of a Second bond issue a press conference last Friday, !cvclopcd countries. Lebanon's The United Nations will soon in Canada. The Beaty book, which Legion- pointed out that under Article XII intrlbutlon is the same as Isnaires apparently want the nation "the Secretary General la under icl's and Lebanon has 295 voles. issue a report on Israel's welfare to read, includes on allegation a legal obligation to convoke a activities . . . The report, the re- ISRAEL TAPER that "the blood of Abraham. Isaac conference when he is called upon sult of a long study, will contain a Jerusalem (JTA)—As a result nnd Jacob" docs not flow in the (o ( l o t o under the circumstances •HAYEK IN SCHOOLS number of recommendations for of domestic supplies of paper prothe consideration of the Israel duced by Israels new American- j^eins of American Jews of East- set out in the article." He added: Boston (JTA)—The J e w i s h ern European origin. The ma- "Personally I feel that the conGovernment Among other financed paper industry, Israel's Community Council of Greater" suggestions, the report will urge newsprint requirements from Fin- jority of American Jews arc de- ference would eerve a useful pur- Joston has voted to oppose a prothe integration of functions of land will be reduced about 40 per- scended item an ancient semi- pose If it in set up within the >osal to enforce the recitation of various groups within and outside cent, it was disclosed us negotia- Mongolian tribe,- known as the framework of the armistice agreprescribed prayer daily in all "Kharzors," which embraced Ju- ment and if its scope Is limited the Irrael Ministry of Social Wel- tions for renewal of the Finnish- dism, according to Beaty. He al- strictly to questions deriving from Jassachusctts public school classfare dealing with international as- Israel trade agreement opened leges that "the blood of Old Test- implementation of that agree- ooms. The proposal is contained sistance . . . It will also recommend here. -> a bill now before the Massaament Jews flows principally in ment." lUsetts Legislature.

Bad Policy, Bad Morals

Between You And Me

American Legion Master List Includes Anti-Semitic Books

Israel-Jordan Parley Scheduled

Friday. Jaatsry I», 1(51


let's Talk About God'-by Dorothy Kriplce Cod and rellcion aic subjects that require a deep understanding and a humbleness of mind Mrs. Mycr S. Krlpko lias shown both in ample measure in her book, "Let's Tnlk About God," which she wrote to fill the need Of giving a Jewish concept of God on a level understandable to children. In speaking before: many different groups, on a variety of topics, Mrs. Kripke noticed how Often, during the question period, young mothers would ask this question: How do I answer my child's questions about God? Objective Her objective in this book, won to provide for these mothers lilmplc answers to simple questions. A t the same time it was necessary that the concept presented bo a true and mature one, which the child would not later outgrow and discard. * ' "What we don't know about Ood.-'Mrs. Kripke said, "is not so Important as what we do know: We know how God wonts us to ' live — In brotherhood and love." Traditional Sources The book Is based on concepts from accepted traditional Jewish sources, Mrs. Kripke staled, which (he translated" Into terms simple enough for the young child. The most difficult task was to reduce profound ideas to simple language and to relate them to the child's own experience, Mrs. Kriplce stated. ' •"'! -...: ' •', .'••.:• Mrs. Kripke was educated at Hunter,College, where shir.majored in English and received her Bachclor'ickgree. At Columbia University ahe won her Master of Arts degree Jn English. She also holds the degree of Bachelor of Hebrew Literature from the SemInarv College of Jewish Studies Of the- Jewish Theological ScmU nary, and has taught--both English and Hebrew. Abraham H. Trnnzblau. Dean of Hebrew Union College, says about the book . . . not only l» It well written "but sound psychologicall y ar.'l theologically. What Is ineludcvl i« wall handled, and what Is omillnl l.i clearly postponed for a Inter age—and wisely so. Mrs Kripke has ncorcd a major triumn>. in a field where we hnve had lii'lc but sanctimonious bungling wlshy-washlncss. She docsnt play '-Ule and seek With the child* questions. She offers sincere and cerlf-inly heartfelt nnd plausible answers . . . " Vividness Dr. Morris Margolin, chairman of the Bureau, of Jewish Education of Omaha, comments . . • •The sublcct Is extremely well handled: the concept* are presented so dearly as to reach the understanding, and with such vividness as to grasp the Imagination, of voune children. The fatherhood of Gni Is stressed and the brotherhood of man Is I m p l i e d . Throw "hout the book, the goodness of God, His presence everywhc<-; In all things, and His constant nrotecUvenesB. leave the child with a sense of comfort and security, There Is no possibility here, of psychic: trauma to the scnulffvi* child, nor Is there conflict wllh established precepts of adorer which might lead to later disillusionment." Meaningful Donald Emery. Dean of Adult Education at University of Omaha, slated . . . "I /eel this book b a decided contribution to religious literature for children. It I* one of the truly meaningful materials I have used with my own six-year-old son." Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks, of Temple Israel, savs about the book — "To my mind It Is theologically sound, firmly truthful about what we know and what we don't know about God. It hns a fine rcliElous spirit that cannot fail to insolre »he elders as well as HIP children." . Bchrman House, the publisher, reports that the book bm been in unusual demand ami after three monlln a In its second printing. Mrs. Kripke Is 1r»r author of two other books. "Ithyrn™ to Pray" Is a book of Rimnle rhvmed prayer* for daily and festival use "Rhvmes lo Plnv" helns the child enjoy the holidayn bv tenchlm? him. through the Illustrations, to act on' rhymes he can easily learn to recite.


Boston Pops Orchestra

by . . .

Br Adeline Speckler Snelder It Is always a warming experience to find oneself in pleasant company a heartening one to find pleasantness combined with stimulation and a splendid adventure to discover in one short book not only these virtues, but a necessary contribution to the education of parents and children. For a mother who has been confronted by giant-sized questions about God from peanutsized people, this book must be considered a real treasure. We have all perhaps thought these same thoughts, but It remained for Dorothy Kripke, in "Let's Talk About. God," to express them in a deceptively simple treatment of n far from simple subject. : Mm. Myer H. Kripke

Extension Program For Youngsters The Center's new extension prognfen for eight grade girls, seventh and eighth grade boys got off to a flying start last Sunday. The idea aa planned by a group of interested parents and the Center staff brings the Jewish Community Center: program to the homes of our upper grade school classes,. ./. . • ... : :- ::- y> "• ' Bobby Brodkey, Son of Mr. and Mrs. David Brodkey, placed host for the eighth, grade boys. Charlotte Brodkey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hrodkey, was hostess to the eighth grade girls. Jimmy Sophlr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al Sophlr, was host to the seventh grade toys. •; The groups meet every other Sunday evening from 7 p. m. to 8:45 p. m. In different homes with adult supervision provided by the Center. Martin Blacker leads thj s e v e n t h grade boys, Joseph Schwartz leads the eighth grade boys nnd Miss Mnrcla Morris leads the eighth grade fiirls. The original parents planning committee for tills program included Mrs. Fred Brodkey, Mrs. Gerald Gross, Mns. Henry Rickcs and Mrs. Al Sophlr. The three newly formed groups saw a good representation of Omnha youngsters. Tho eighth gradu boys had 27 attending.

Farbond Chooses Officers for Year Abe Cohen was named chairman at the meeting of the Farband Labor Zionist Order Branch 54, Poali-Zlon. Other officers .installed are: L. Friedman, treasurer; Joe Radlnowsfci, financial secretary; Ben Kahnan, vice-chairman; Sam Rlfkin, recording secretary; Harry Rlfkln, secretary for Foali-Zlon; Jacob Fcldman, hospitaller, and Sam Richman, National Fund chairman. Named to the executive board are: Mrs. .Jacob Fcldman, Mrs. Abo Cohen, Mrs. Sarah Okun, Mrs. Mariam Boridarin, Karl Rosenberg, Herman MirowltZ, Isidore Forbes and Dave Silver. • . Mrs. M. Bondarin was elected delegate to the Poali-Zlon convention to be held the last week of February in Philadelphia. Members of the meeting eommltlcc are: Mrs, Abe Cohen and Mrs, Jacob Feldman. Mr. Rclsbaum gave a reading from a story by E. L. Peretz.

Trip Planning' Course at Center

The Jewish Community Center will offer a five session adult course entitled "Planning n Trip to Europe and Israel" beginning Tuesday at 8 p. m. nnd alternate Tuesday evenings thereafter. This class is designed for people planning to travel abroad this summer. The staff of the Travel and Transport Agency will cooperate with the center staff in presenting the course. Wallace Lawson, L n u r e n c c Youngman, George Dinsdalc, J. W. Sharpe. a n d Miss Vcrdella Elkjcr of Travel and Transport, Inc., will Danny Kayo: "A highbrow is n lead the discussions nnd show man who has found something slides. more interesting than women." Groucho Marx: "The man who Jmk nenny: "The American givct in when he is wrong is wise, hotv<- if as sound as ever, thanks but he who given in when he is right is married." to the television set" .

Although children .of almost any age can road' this book, and understand it, the author has avoided simpering or "writing down" to .the youngsters. The charming verses which mark the beginning of each chapter aro certainly Understandable and appealing to any child, and in addition, each makes an Important point. No one child or adult, can read this book without* being touched by a deep sense of the eternal goodness of, God. The goodness of God is told in many different ways, rail of them applieable to the everyday life of a child. The frequent use of the words "give" and "gifts" are sweet to a child, and 1 think there is no beter way to describe the magnificent' granting of the senses, forgiveness, parents' loving care, and life itself, than by the "gifts" of our Heavenly Father. Mrs. Kripke explains seemingly difficult subjects, for instance, monotheism, moral law, the omnipotence of God, with beautiful clarity anS with genuine understanding of the young minds she is writing for. When she writes that "God loves us all, no matter who we aro or how we look," what child can then doubt the implicitness of the brotherhood of man? And GO many of the things that C.nd wants us to do nre fun, like learning, resting on tho Sabbath, nnd even enjoying tho television sets that man invented with God's help! "Let's Talk About God" la in my opinion a must, for library, religious school, parent, and child. The Omaha Jewish Community can be very proud that one of its outstanding women has performed a very outstanding service for evoryone who reads the English language.

Folk Dance Group Will Meet Monday The Center Folk Dance Group will meet Monday, Feb. 1, at 8:30 P. m. Mr, Karl Edler of the Omaha Parks and Recreation Dcpt. supervises this group. There is a $1.00 registration fee. The group meets on alternate Mondays and studies dances of many lands. Call JA 1368 for further information.

Arthur Fiedler will conduct the Iloston Pops Tour Orchestra, Monday, Feb. IS, In the Tech High Auditorium. The program wil| start at 8:15 p. m. The Fops concerts, which began In 1885, w e n originated In Boston, when a series of summer concerts was announced to be "made up largely of light music of the, beat class," The concerts were modeled after the European Bike concerts which combined music with refreshments. Originally called "Promenade Concerts," they were named after the ace-old Promenade Concerts of London, th«j "Proms," where the hearers strolled about the cleared floor.

BI Club to Hold Hard Times Dance Art Gould, chairman of t h e Deth Israel Dance of the Month Club, has announced the first of the scries of three, dances to be held by the club will be a hard times dance. The first dance will be under the direction of Milt Belzer and I. J. Kraft. The decor Will be In keeping with the theme of the affair including doughnuts and elder. Prizes will be awarded for the seediest attire. Two excellent bands have been engaged for the dance series. The second dance of the series will be a Spring Dance and details will be announced later. The third dance will be a semi-formal dinner dance with the most lavish spreads in the history of the series. Tickets are now on sale for six dollars for the three events and may be purchased from any mem-* ber of the Beth Israel Men's Club or by contacting either: the synagogue office, RE 6288, or Stanley Diamond, ticket chairman, at WA 6935.

Community Calendar

MOROCCAN JEWRY New York (JTA)—Improvement in the situation of Moroccan Jewry was forecast here by Jules Braunschvig, vice-president of die Alliance Israelite Universelle, addressing the annual meeting*of the American Friends of the Alliance. Sen.-Herbert H. Lehman was re-elected honorary president co, president and Alan M. Strook, of the organization. Marcel Franchairman of the board of directors: Mr. Braunschvig hailed the rato the school of special legal stucent ndmlssfon of the first Jews dies in French Morocco, which will ultimately lead to their appointment as judges. He expressed the opinion that reforms recently introducad'in Morocco would gradually improve tho legal condition of the country's Jewish populalon.

Red Veto Stalls Power Project United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— The Soviet veto in the Security Council of the three-power draft resolution for settlement of the Syrian-Israeli dispute has left tha American and British delegations without plans tor future procedure and spokesmen for both delegations said that it might take ten days or two weeks before a new line:of.action could be adopted. While opinion waa divided here as to whether Israel now had a free hand to resume work on the Bnot Yaakov power project, the general expectation was that the Israel Government would first seek agreement of Gen. Vagn Bennike, United Nations truce chief. It was believed that Premier Moshe Sharctt would have informal talks with Gen. Bennike aimed at overcoming his objections, to the project and working out guaranties of the water and land rights of Arab landowners in the demilitarized zone before ordering resumption of work on the project. It was pointed out, though, that an aroused public opinion in1 Israel could compel the government to order work' resumption forthwith. A British spokesman said the only course open appeared to be adoption of a resolution like the second Lebanese resolution which simply referred the case to Gen. Bennike for reconciliation efforts and would have work on the project stayed until he reported bade to the Security Council, The British, the spokesman said, did not like one paragraph of this* resolution which implied that Syria* consent would be necessary.

FrUsr, Jan. 29 Pre-Schcol—8:00 a. m-—Center Saturday, Jan. SO Women's B'nal B'rith' District 6 Bowling Tournament Sunday, Jan. 31 Children's-Program—2:00 p. m.—Center v B Ic P Hadassah—2:00 p. m.—Center Women's B'nal B'rith District 6 Bowling Tournament Young Adult Lounge Night—American Film Forum—8:00 p. m.— Center Monday, Feb. 1 ~~ Pre-School—9:00 a. m.—Center • Temple Israel Sisterhood Luncheon Meeting—1:00 p. m.—Highland Town Club Workmen's Loon—7:30 p. m.—Center Folk Dance Group-^8:30 p; m,—Center Beth Israel Adult Institute—0:00 p. m.—Beth Israel Synagogue Tuesday, Feb. t Afternoon Bridge Class—1:00 p. m.—Center Beth Israel Sisterhood Luncheon Meeting—1:00 p. m.—Beth Israel Junior Hadassah Monthly Meeting—7:30 p, m.—Center Pioneer Women—8:00 p, m.—Center Wednesday, Feb. 3 ' Prc-School—9:00 a. m.—Center. Oil Painting Class—1:00 p. m.—Center Ceramics—1:00 p. m.—Center Beth El Sisterhood Uoard Meeting—1:00 p. m.—Beth El Evening Ceramics—7:30 p. m.~Center Jewish Cookery Class—8:00 p. m.—Center Both Israel Board Meeting—8:00 p. m.—Beth Israel Jewish War Veterans Post and Ladies Auxiliary Board Meetings —8:00 p. m.—Homes Thsrsdar, Feb. 4 Youth Council Ballroom Dancing Class—-3:4S p. m.—Center Ben Hecht: "Money talks, but Evening Bridge Class—8:00 p. m^—Center nobody notices what grammar' (t Beth Israel P-TA Meeting—8:30 p. id.—Beth Israel uses."

Page Four



Friday, Janasry 29, IDS*


Beth El Mystery Thriller

American Trained Personnel Needed for Israel Programs

MUs Elizabeth Jahr

Plans to Wed Are Revealed

New York—There is a widespread desire in official circles In Israel for more American-trained personnel in fields of welfare, health and education, It was reported by a representative of the National Council of Jewish Women who has Just returned from a seven-week survey tour of Europe and the Middle East Mrs. Hortense V. Goldslone, bead of the Council's division of overseas services, presented the findings of her trip at a specially convened meeting of lay and professional leaders of - the organization at its national beadquarters, in New York City. She left the United States November 1st and returned December 22nd, Mrs. Goldstone revealed that Israeli welfare workers and educators who were trained at American universities under the Council's overseas scholarship program are now filling key training and administrative positons throughout Israel, Their performance in adapting American techniques : to indigenous conditions has been extraordinary, she stated, a. factor which accounts in large measure for the eagerness of hard-pressed government ministries and social work schools in Israel to have more similarlytrained workers.

Dr. and Mr*. Herman M. Jahr announced the engagement of their daughter, Elizabeth, io Harry Hal. pert, ton o! Miv and H a Max Halpert of Philadelphia, Fa. Mis* Jahr attended the University of Omaha. Mr. Halpert if a graduate of Temple University In Philadelphia. Mrs. Coldstone also, said that A May wedding Is being planned in the Jewish ghettos of Morocco, where she vlsied, health and welfare workers who studied under Council scholarships In the United States are working in programs to combat widespread disease and the effects of dire poverty. The 30 Israeli specialists now Washington, D. C—A new program, called "Better Living For- working In fields of welfare and education r e c e i v e d graduate ums for Women," wai launched nationally here at the close of a training under Council scholarships, Mrs. Goldstone reported. -two-day meeting of the B'nal B'rith Women's District Grand Mrs. Goldstone, who devoted Lodge Vocational Service Chair- part of her visit to a review of the men- The program will provide educational scene in Israel as it guidance and referral service on is affected by Council-supported vocational arid recreational needs programs, revealed that a vital of the woman past forty. United States Bureau of Census figures disclose that there are 27 million women in this ca'egory.

Program Launched By BB Women

role In the development of the newly-integrated state school system was played by the School of Education of Hebrew University. The school demonstrated In advance of passage of Israel's new education law that nonpartisan training of'tenchers was possible, and has developed teaching materials for use in the reorganized schools, the said. • Conditions in immigrant centers still are heartrending, she said, and the need for children's school and play materials sent by 19S Council Section in shlp-abox packages has increased rather than diminished. Though life In these centers is primitive and extremely difficult, it is in striking contrast to the hopelessness In the squalid Jewish ghettos of Morocco and Tunisia. In these North African ghettos, Mrs. Goldstone said, with trachoma, ringworm and tuberculosis rampant, all welfare and educational programs include health work. The major efforts of DSE and the Alliance Israelite Unlversclle, both subverted by A Dracset-trpe mystery thrUlrr Is in ttore for the audienee JDC, are bent on giving children the physical help and educational attending the Beth El Synaiofue Sliver Revue and Card Party, opportunities they need to move Saturday, Feb. 0, at 8:30 i. m. Co-authors of the Berne are Mr. out of the disease-ridden ghettos. 'and Mrs. Seymour Goldslon, and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Snelder. In •funlsU and Morocco, Mrs General chairman ts Mrs. Harry Weraberg. She Is being", assisted Goldstone declared, more help by Mates. Irvin White and Max Rosen. Pictured, left <o ticbt, are from the govermcnU is needed to Mrs. Sidney Sneider, Seymour Goldston and Irv g«i«««novercome overwhelming : problems In housing, employment and health. With (ho current political situation, these things grind slowly.

Talk o/Many Things" I

Cousin's Club Will Meet February 3 Birt/w. Mr. and

Mrs. Ralph Nogg announce the birth of a daughter, The next meeting ot the Cous- Sally Claire. Sally was born January 14 at a local hospital. in's Club will be at the Hill . The Noggs have three other daughters, Rosalind Judith and Hotel Wednesday, Jan. 8 at 12:30 Laruie. . ./ p. m. Mrs. Jack Luttbcg will be the hostess. ' If you cannot attend call Mrs. Luttbcg, GL SMS. Mrs. Alick Altman has returned from a vacation in California. While In Los Angeles she visited with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Upsman, who are former Omahans .


First Kiood Look at Daughter

Plans to initiate the program in more than 850 communities •throuehout the country where the 130.000 members of the B'nal B'rith Women's chapters live were discussed at briefing tensions led ' by experts. The program, IM ou'lincd at the briefing sessions, will o p e r a t e alone two major lines. A questionnaire will be sent to members of local B'nal B'rith choDters to f'nil out the Droblerns^most In need of exnert nt'enflon. After this mn'erial I* fat*0*™)! and rollatod. n'rwi B'rith Women'* Vocatlnruil Service •ph».*rm»n will organlm forums for th"lr rharrtcrs bawd m the nwd* of their m r a bers. The«e n<-e >fxnf^cA *<* fait into fl«'o hroa'* < it»<'iirl°s: Men'oi and Fmotlonii Pf)W"m«. l Lite. J i b O«wwtunlti»«. Finances lrr an* T.*l«irp T » A-Mvltl P da"r*« In t h e * f<«i«U, investment rniin""»'nrj. c r o u p WOrW»<-«. i«vphi"M»t«. and vocatlnrtnl rwMprc*e *»n«»rl«. will be tal'ed nnon in *-M»^«« th»se fnrurns on-1 loort t>**>i*4<nn. The term* " w ' U w»'l fle for the B'nal Wrt". Voni"*^ rhn^ter Vr>catfon»i £•«"»'<'*•• /»^*»lr»"<?n. who •re arf l'o'ntH *•!••»' ''V'Bl romsn'i«!••» r*""jri'"<. tn re'"" wo"i»n to the nrfWer (mxn"'"* for Resistance in to'vlrt** }y>* i

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terested in the refugees as a source ot propaganda than as a cause tor pity and alleviation," he concluded.

London (JTA)—"The sooner the Arab states realize that their economic boycott of Israel Is a blunt weapon, the better it will be for the people of the Middle East," Aneurin Bevan, leftwing Labor MP, declared in an article in the Daily Herald recounting his e x periences and reporting his conclusions on his recent trip through the Middle East, including Israel,

Israel Must Have Skilled Manpower

Writing on the refugee problem1 the refugees coming into brae as well as the Arab refugees from Palestine—Mr.: Bevan said there is no comparison* in the manner in which they aro greeted, "In Israel they are welcome and hectic efforts are made to assimilate them into the life of the country," he pointed out. "In the Arab states," be continued, "they are resented except by the merchants and shopkeepers who profit from the funds sent in by the United Nations and private agencies." Mr, Bevan.underscored the fact that the refugee problem is a source of political unrest and an obstacle to the resumption of friendly relations between Israe' and its neighbors. However, he reported that Israel is ready to make a contribution' to solving the problem, but the Arabs refuse to meet with the Israelis. "It ts difficult to escape the conclusion that the Arab states are more in-

Paulette Goddard; "God made women without a sense ot humor , * > they could love men Instead of /laughing" at them.''


Bevan Comments On Arab Boycott

New York, Jf, Y. — Economic survival of Israel depends principally upon the speedy development of a reservoir of technical manpower, J. W. Wunsch, president of the American Technion Society, said recently. "Addressing representative leaders from chapters throughout the country. Mr. Wunsch said that "first things must come first" in Israel's struggle for financial s e curity. "Plain common sense dictates," Mr. Wunsch said, "that before Israel can enjoy a healthy economy she must build her industrial a n d agricultural programs. How can this be done unless there is a sufficient supply of graduate engineers, practical scientists and skilled technicians? Conscoucntly, the need for thlt technological manpower Is t h a core of Israel's most pressing problem." Mr. Wunsch said the answer lies In a new, enlarged T e c h n i o n . Technion is the Israel Institute of Tcchnolo/ry in Haifa, and the only • engineering school In the State. The existing school, Mr. Wunsch said, is badly overcrowded and too inadequately equipped to meet Israel's urgent demand for engineers.

Shalaeh Monos

Here', how Mrs. Margaret Turner, ZB-year-old bulb«r polio patient at Springfield, Mo. not ths rirct good look at her new baby daughter, Patricia Irene. Mrs. Turner had been confined to * respirator before the baby was born. After delivery, (he child w » not permitted In the polio ward «o presi photographers tolved Mr«. Turner's problem this way. March of Dimes aid for polio patienti starts at the onset of the disease. Moro than 60,000 patients from former years will need continued assistance In 19M In addition to caies strlck«n this y«»r.

Rug & Upholstery Cleaners HUGS—CARPETING LAMP SHADES FUKNITDKE Cleaned in Your Home) Blnilinj, • Laying • H<|mlrlnR "•ON BERNSTEIN HA^'iM

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Local Agrnt JEWISH COSKIUNITY CENTER 101 N. 20th St.

JA 1800




Women Plan UJA Drive New York (JTA)—Plans for a 1951 activity for the United Jewish Appeal were mapped at a two-day meeting of the national board of UJA Women's Division stimulated the raising ot more than $103,000,000 since Its establishment as a campaign unit in 1018. Edward M. M. Warburg, gen,TU1 chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, told the parley that Israel's rise in the past five and a half years to a position of "democratic pre-eminence" in its part of the world" represents a heartening victory for the cause of freedom, which since the end of World War II has suffered too many setbacks and defeats in the advance of dictatorship and totalitarian







• • • . -












" • ' • ' ' .

- ran Five

Organizations nBitttuuiiii 11 tM:>> i. .>• n it uitit if tiM m ni ttii tituti itiiitntnnttHtiiiiii i tirmi iniHiiiiifluiiiiuiuutriitttuuiituiMiiiitrHit|ii (i;: r.tuiUiuitiiutfianinniitnta. -

Junior Hadassah High Individual game of th. week on the Junior Hadassah bowling team went to Betty Isack with a. score of 179. FJorenc Izcnstate had a high Individual series of 408. High Team Series went to "Miss Its" with 1,27 pins. There will be a board meeting Sunday Jan. 31 at the borne < Norma Goodrich at 1:30. The; regular Junior Hadassau meeting will be Tuesday, Feb. 2, at 7:30 p. m. in the canteen at the J. C. C.

about through Hebraic law and' aircur/istonce. The discussion is entiled "Because Bubi (Grandma) Sold, So." \ "A luncheon and a short business meetmg will precced the discussion. Reservations can be made by calling Mrs. Sol Mann or Mrs, Morris Ruderman. A baby sitting service has been arranged.

Kadimoh Women

Plans are being completed for the Second Annual Dessert Luncheon and card party of Kadimah Chapter of Pioneer Women to be power" •••;•• The Pioneer Women's Organizaheld In Brandels- auditorium, Mr. Warburg declared that "all tion will bold their monthly Oneg who value the free way of life Shabatt at the home of Mrs. I«a< Thursday, Feb. II, at 1 ptrn. must resolve not to let Israel dore Forbes, 1702 N. 81, The af- Mrs. Floyd Perimeter, Chairman, stand alone as she presses forward fair will take place Saturday, Jan. has announced that Mrs, Henry Tutzer and Mrs. Simon Green will to consolidate her free institution* 30, at 1:30 p. m. which are without parallel In the Mr. J. Radinowskl will apeak assist her. A style Bhow will feature Kadientire. Middle East." He called Pictured above are: (left to rlfht) Ida Sacks (standing). Gen' on David Ben-Gurion. Mr. Sammah members in denim attire. Ann e n ! ehalrarnij Reva Sinter, Toarnamenl treanireri Beverly Swarti, special attention "to Israel's re- Riffcln will open the program with Travers, Stylist, will narrate. cent passing of the half-mark to Jewish songs and Mrs. M. Spectoi Tabalatlon chairman; BOM Orucb, Scoring chairman. Proceeds of the affair will go to economic stability and independ- will read an original poem abou ence," and emphasized that "only Chamlshah Ajar B'Shevat. Mrs the Moetzet Hapoalet. The Moatzet Hapoalet maintains those dedicated to peace, and Bagla Besnlck will alto give i a network of children's homes, reworking for peace, in Israel and reading. habilitation and educational terv- . in the United States, could have Mrs. Sam' Novak is chairman o ices, agricultural training farms, achieved such dramatic progress, tho Oneg Shabatt vocational trade schools and social In so short a time against so many service -Institutions throughout dangerous obstacles." Israel. The UJA g e n e r a l chairman Final arrangements for the An Gel/and, Eve Wintroub, Phyllis urged the women leaders to press There will be doortprizes, cards, Dual District No. 0 Tournamcn Turek, Diane Rubin, Flora Bloom; tor "increased giving and increased Board meeting of Beth El Sis- scrabble and.mahjongg. are marine corhlpetlon by th' Sonla Schragcr, Sara Zalkin, Julia voluntary efforts" to help the terhood will be held in the Beth Tickets may be procured from Omaha B'nal B'rllh Women Bowl Shapiro, Helen Shukcrt, Mary United Jewish Appeal attain its El Social Hall 12:30 p. m., Wed- any Kadimah member or by callert, 01 the eventful week-end c Shukert, Lottie Bloch. Dorothy 1»54 goal of close to $120,000,000. nesday, Fob. 3. ing Mrs. Floyd Perimeter, WE February 12 - 1 3 - 14 approaches Fcltman and Rose Rosen. S860. jle asserted that "only if we make "Baponsc to our Tournament haa Others are: Rose Sacks, Helen the supremo effort which the been Very (ratifying," stated Ida Tamoff, Fay Edcl, Ruth Sokoloff, leeds of freedom and historic T. I. Sisterhood Sacks, General Chairman. A to- Eudlcc Conor, Dora Wclnbertf, -•vents now dictate as necessary, An afternoon meeting of tho tal of 82 teams (410 bowlers) havi Phyllis Frank, Sarah Schrclbcr, will Israel bo able to strengthen Beth Monday, Feb. 1, Is the date Israel Sisterhood will be Mht In entries for this, the flrsi Charlotte Blumbcrg, Doris Koom, Its free way ol life despito the Tuesday, Feb. 2 at 1 p. m. in the scheduled for -'or the next Temple District Tournament to be spon Ann Kalman, Audrey Kirshen- tensions- and dangers that hem it synagogue social hall. Rabbi Israel Sisterhood meeting, at the sored by the B'naf B'rlth Womci baum, Ellabelic Schloff. R u t h In on every Hide." . Benjamin Groner will discuss Highland Town Club. The board Klein, Maxlnc Sloan, Lucille EpBowler* ol Omaha. customs and traditions. He will meeting is set for 11:30 a. m. Dr. Joseph Schwartz, executive Due to the unexpected numboi etcln, Lll Ban, Sylvia Fricdlondcr 'ice-chairman of the UJA,- called explain how many practices came and will be,followed by the reguOt out-of-town teams which havi and Madlyn Bernstein. lar luncheon meeting at 1 p. m, jpon the women leaders to help been entered, the local bowlcn the United Jewish Appeal "moke Louia H. Bean, Washington econMrs. Harold Kasln will give the Will "roll-off" nhcad of schedule ipenlng prayer. Mrs. Stanley Perl1054 a year of strengthening for and veteran government meter is program chairman for Team event will be bowled tomor the close to 500,000 distressed and omist row night at Kclleyn nl 8 p. m lie day and has arranged for Mrs. rcfuijce men, women and children analyst, told tho board, and singles event will be bowlec who depend on UB in a total of 21 Mrs. Avraham Harman, mem- IVm, L. Frederick, chairman of • t the 40-Dowl Sunday at 12:3 ber of the Israel mission to the Omaha Council for Equal Job OpJoan Krasne has been installed countries throughout tho • free p. m. as the president of Tikvas Ami. world." He pointed ou'. that a United Nations told the confer- portunities, to speak on "BrotherSocrekecpcro will be provldoc Other officers arc: Vice-president total of 475,000 persons require ence that Israel's success in pass- tood Begins i n . the Pay Enve; by the Omnho B'nal B'rlth Men' Matlcc Katlcman; secretary, An- direct assistance, and that of this ing the mid-way mark to economic lope." Members of Mrs. George SpitB o w l i n g Association nml (h nette Kosowsky; treasurer, Shirley lumber, 335,000 are in Israel, independence has been heavily Women's International Bowlin Goodman; scrgeanl-at-arms, Nan- 130,000 ore in European and Mos- "influenced and assisted" by help :or and Mrs. Joe Levey's circle Con frrcss. cy Barron; reporter, Rose Lag-• .cm lands, and 10,000 are cither rendered through the United Jew- ire in charge of luncheon arranger ish Appeal. ''The greatness and nents. Check Rooms will be tended b; man, and historian, Rita Katz already in, or due soon, in the genius of the United Jewish ApUnited States as refugee newthe A. Z. A. Mother Chapter 1 man. peal," sha declared, "lies In the Harpo Marx: "The first thing the The officers were Installed at a comers, Tournament Co-chairmen an fact that its dedicated workers Mrs, Hal Home, newly named have identified themselves with ,'pical American asks When he Beverlv Swarti, Rose Oruch an candlelight ceremony Saturday, jets to heaven, Is the amount of Jan. 23, In the Beth Israel Talchairman of the Women's Division, Rovn Singer. the forces of human freedom." the down payment on a harp." reported that in 1953 the women's Other chairmen Include: Tro- mud Torah. drive reached into 200 American phies, LaRclne LeVInc: Program, communities and that a prime obLlbbv Snrln: HnwitnJl'y. Gertie jective this year is to expand the 7«vi<z; Koffea Klotrh, Pauline number of local units participating Hoberman; Continental Dinner, in the nationwide drive, Jean Ahrttmson; Ttanciuct Decora Widely held fears of One month tion*, Mcrrlam Cooncrman: Bon- The Workmen's Circle Family ouet Sonla Forbes; Card Pnrty, will hold their annual bataar, buf- ago that ,1984 would witness a Dorothy Isark; Souvenir Pro- fet dinner and card party Sunday general recession In the American trnm*. Fonnic Tji<rman: Door Feb. 7, In the Labor Lyceum a< economy are not being fulfilled, Pi-lies. Evelvn Hnbennnn: Souve- 9 p, m, There will be a fifty cent and "today a more optimistic view appears i to be warranted," Dr. nirs,-Rose narron; Tickets. Eve- admission charge, lvn Tcmlnt Tran*nortat'on. Helen Proceeds go for the upkeep of P""'n<kv: Bnvs Town Tour, P"«i a child in France. Welnbern: CherV Roomsi Flo BrookjrtHn: I?««lstratlon, R o s e Omen. Rcva Singer Bnd Beverly Swirtz. Comml'teo nMci ar*: S c Omaha's Favorite l*wH, Favc Smith. Hie Wlntroub. Bettv Onreilck. Either Po«», Way to Dine on with special features so amazingly helpful to young fe«t Ro«o l>vln. S»'ma Trv>H»k. Kittv Sunday AshvlL Helrn Pnk*r. Ad needing extra arch and onkle support. steln, W?*n '••nfimnn, T.ncll'e •en. Ph»H(j Dwonskv, S"" P r eroHToeArei bertf, IMher K^'man. FMiel CnTOM hovt roc*»toffow itrolgk Ji»n. Llbortv FM»r. F"»h P)»». Shlrtev Davi«. Ruth Kr»f». T,ll tleb. Ann fWiii'man. Ruth F<v» Annette Frank, Dlna Blnom. Ruth.

Pioneer Women

Ida Sacks Named Chairman Of BB Bowling Tournament

B E Sisterhood

B I Sisterhood

Tikvas Ami Elects J. Krasne Prexy

Workmen's Circle Family

tt tikes only niutes to prepare this kesber cake!

Music Notes Folk Dance Fnns! The next dance session will meet Monriny evening at 8:30 p. m. in t h e Center. Anvone who enjoys gouarc dancing will also enjoy this tvno of dance. Saunrc dnncinn will also be lnchirlcl an part of the American Folk Dance pro«rnm. The Iftuslc At Home Club Is planning an Interesting program in commemoration of Jewish Music Month. Watch for further details In this column next week. Jazz Muslcalc To all Jnzz enthusiasts! Don't forget. Saturday, Feb. fl in the dato for the Jazz muslcale here nt the Center. The program will consist of films and recorded music, followed by a dance. All Youth Council members are invited to attend.

Sunday Branch



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Youth Council Doings The Raylm Fraternity li making plans for the AZA No. 3 Rayim weekend. On Friday night, Feb. 13, approximately 12 of the X4ncolnltcs will arrive. The boys will b« boused individually by the club members. The highlight! of the weekend will be the Valentine Party Saturday night and the Sport* events Sunday morning. Rayim'* religious program was strengthened wbon the boys attended aervice* en masse Friday, Jan. 22, at Beth El Synagogue. A regular meeting has becu called for 1 p. m. Sunday at the home of Jerry Kohll. Jack Baker, Iiayitn cultural chairman, will give a report and show movies on his recent trip to Canada. A. Z. A. NO. l x Art Schwartz has been selected ns Mother Chapter's 30th anniversary wqefcend chairman. Last Friday, A Z. A. No. 1 held a mass attendance at Beth El; a stag followed. Members of the chapter arc on a degree team which is formally Initiating the A Z. A No. 100 pledges at their banquet this Sundav A. Z. A. 100 Century Chapter held a party 'Thursday night at the homo of Jerry Rosen. The program tras highlighted by the showing of a full-length feature film. Al Forman and his social committee did a (treat Job of planning the party, and all the aleohj and their dates hail a wonderful time. The Formal Initiation Banouet, under the chairmanshln of Howard Kooner, will be held this coming Sunday. At that time all new members will be officially Initiated into A. Z. A by a decree team made up of members of A. Z. A 1. Sam Berek. a prominent Fremont businessman who is. active In B'nai B'mh. will be the main speaker. COUNCILETTE8 The annual Coundlettc formal will be held tomorrow night at tbe Legion Club. Preceding the party will be a cokctall party at the home of Shirley Raznlck. Chairmen for the dance arc Pat MoKil and Carole Frank. The meeting of Counciiettes will

be held Monday night after schoo' at tbe Jay. Scrapbook* are in the process of being made. Jokes, f u n n y stories, and etc. were collected from the members of the dub. XIKVA8 AMI Saturday, Jan. 23, was the dale of T. A's Installation and Informal Initiation which was held at a dance, WINTER WONDERLAND. The affair was held at Beth Israel Synagogue Talmud Torah and was a huge success. Chairman of the dance was Matlee Katlernon. The new officers are: president Joan Krasne, vice-president: Matlee Katleman, secretary: Annette Kosowsky, t r e a s u r e r : Shirley Goodman, tgt, at a r m s : ' N a n c y Barron, reporter: Rose Logman, and historian: Rita Katzman. New actives as of Saturday are: Laurie Oruch, Dena L o g m a n , Paula Block, B o n n i e Spiegal, Marsha Feldman and Helen Bleda. Committee chairman of the next semester we're also announced. Preceding the d a n c e was a Coketatl party at the home of Joan Krasne.

Senator Lehman And Israel Consul General To Address IIIAS 69th Annual Meeting January 31st

Murray I. Gurfeln San, Herbert H, Lehman

Annual Dinner ' The Citation Award lo the build* crs and leaders of Beth Israel will be the feature of the Fifteenth Annual Dinner meeting of the Beth Israel Synagogue, to be held Sunday evening, February 14, In the Social Hall of the Synagogue, it was announced by Maurice Katzman, co-chairman of the affair. ; As a special highlight of the evening's program, Elaine Jabcnis will present a script dramatizing the dynamic growth of Beth Israel. Reservations for this outstanding affair of the season can be arranged by calling tho office of the Synagogue, RE C288.

Dance Committee Opea Applications are still being accepted for the chairmanship of tbe Y*. C. mixer-dances. They may be Obtained from the Youth Council office. Careers Conference Heretofore, the; Jewish Youth Council has sponsored a "Careers Conference" each year. This conference would include a luncheon, and then speakers from many protensions. It Is now being debated whether or not we should continue this eevnt this year. Opinions should be expressed at your Individual, meetings.

' • • . „ •

Sam Ilerek

Berek Will Speak At AZA Banquet

"Wlnterlude" Best ~ of luck to the girls of Coundlettes for a very successful Samuel I. Bcrck, regional chairdance tomorrow night P l a n s man on Americanism for B'na. At the last meeting of the Bound terrific! B'rith and general commlttecmar. Couicilittcs the girls decided of District No. 8 of B'nai B'rith, they would go to Beth Israel News Deadline will address the combined Silver Typewriters will soon begin Anniversary Banquet and InitiaSynagogue Friday night .for servicei. A house-party will follow rounding for the next edition of tion of Pledges of AZA No. 100 at the home of Judy Freed, 5134 the* Youth Council News. Dead- this Sunday at 0 p. m. In the line for the paper is February 26. Decatur. RegisHotel. The girls will give a skit at ; : The banquet marking the 25 Ih •. .-•--• / •;"'-".1; the old.peoples home February O f f i c e r s '' ':--. ' '• Tonight will jnaric the promo- year of AZA No. 100 will have in21. Plans for a valentine party will be held February 13 a n now tion of some seventeen Y o u t h itiation ceremonies for one of the Council senior boys, tot tonlpht Is biggest pledge classes since the being made. **the nl«ht of Central .Hlvh'i Mili- formation of the club. The pledges tary Ball. Boys who will become will be initiated by a degree team commissioner R. O. T. C. officer* from AZA No. 1. are: Bob Abramson, Ed Bclzcr, Mr. B e r e k is a well-known United Synagogue Youth will Ronnie Brodkey, Larry Epstein, speaker in our area having spokparticipate in Sabbath services at Dick Frank. Dick Gilnisky, Jerry en before many civic, service and Beth El Synagogue, February 19. Hoberman. Bob Krasne. Bob Kul- fraternal groups. He was recently M a t l e e Katleman Is program ly. Jerry Margolin, Harlan Noodle, appointed by Governor Robert Hank P o l l a c k , Al Rosen, Art chairman. Crosby to the newly created HuThe next regular meeting of Schwartz, Larry Schwartz, Ray man Rights Commission of NeTJSY will be held Sunday at Beth Somberg, and Bcrnle Turkcl. ' braska. El: Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will Marsha Waxenbcrfe is among Harvey A; Lorberbaum, director lead a panel discussion on T h e the candidates for Honorary Lt. if Cornbclt Region of AZA, wil. (Synagogue Is the Center of Jewish Colonel. ' ' be guest at the affair. Life." Bob Wintroub is program chairman. Howard K o o p e r is program Hosier Distributed Hats off to Marsha Waxcnberg chairman. 'or doing such a wonderful Job on Hcdy Latnarr: "A low-cut gown he Y. C. roslerl shows that a woman's heart is In .The Temple Youth Group will 8U»enlfht Dsfe ' he right place." hold its annual "Bun Roast" SunGrease paint will again adorn day at 4:30 p. m., at the home of he J. C. C. as the date for StageJoo E. Lewis: "If there isn't any jBUen Creenberg. A regular meet- night approaches. Final dale has hell, where has all the business Ing will follow. ;onc to?" been set for April 14.


Synagogue Youth

Temple Youth

Club Tovlm The next meeting of Club Tovim will be held Saturday night, from 7:30 lo D p. m. in the recreation room ot the Talmud Torah. Planr for a Purlin celebration will be di.scuKr.ed. Bowline Tourney Club . Tovlm doubles tourney was held last Saturday night. Stuart Kutlcr and Bcrnic Grossman placed first, Bernard and Bruce Bloom placed second, Bcrnio Polikov and Mike Blatt placed third in a holly contested tournament. Trophies will be presented to the winners at the next meeting of Club Tovlm. Boys ArU and Crafts The Beth Israel Arts and Crafts club will meet this Saturday from 6:30 to 8 p. m. Boys in the Primary and Secondary grades of the Talmud Torah and boys In the third grade of the Sunday school are Invited to attend. The meeting takes place In the Arts and Crafts room of the Talmud Torah. Refreshments arc served at the close of the meeting. Fhotofrapby Contest" Dave Dubin, club leader of the Beth Israel Camera Club announced that the Youth Activities committee is sponsoring a picture contest entitled "Beth Israel Youth At Work and At Play." All children in the Beth Israel School System and Club Program ore invited lo submit entries. The committee is primarily interested in picture of the children at work in the classrooms and at play in the clubs. All pictures taken with standard size cameras will be accepted. Mr. Du-

POLIO'S SIX FATEFUL YEARS 1948-1953 Moxe «•-<•

POUO caused more domago in the last »!x years t h a n i n any previous period in his-

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er ANY or»en

tory. During that «ame


timt, however, tho National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis modo more ro(•orch progress against tho d i t t o * »hor. h o d b o c n ° C ' (ompliihed in the preceding century. H«r« ore the debit. end credihM


Hon. Avraham Harman Edward M. Benloit

Beth Israel News

By Joan Krasne

A m i .


U. 8. Senator Herbert H . Lehman, of New York, will deliver the prlncipal'addreis at the Annual Meeting of HIAS, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, to be held at the Hotel Aitor, New York, on January 31st, It was announced by Edward M. Benton, Chairman of the Annual Meeting Committee. Senator Lehman, nationally-known leader In the fight for liberal immigration lawt, will (peak on the Imperative need for Changes ' " tht U. 8. Immigration policy. The aisemblage which will be attended by members of HIAS, tfcltgsttl from several thomand labor, fraternal, and religloui organization!, and migration u p e r t s from atvtral parts of t N world, will alto hear a talk by t k t Honorable Avraham Harman, Consul General of larael I N Now York, who will give a comprehensive report on conditions In Israel at tha present time. The prln. tlpal report on tht Society's program will be presented by Ben Toutttr, HIAS President and there will b* addretsea and messages by prominent personalities In tht fields covered by the global migration agency's work, Tht Chairman of t h t meeting will be Murray I. Gurfeln. HIA8 Vlee-Prnldfnt.

Youth Council Letter

T. A Elects Officers Congratulations to Joan Krasne, Malice Katleman. Annette Kosowsky, Shirley Goodman, Nancy natron. Rose Laotian, and Rita Katzmnn, new officers of Tikvas

Friday, January M, 1M4

JEWUB pwcss

Happy Birthday Friday, Jan. 29 Marilyn Rae Cohen, Charles Morris Glnsburg and Thomas Aroo Kirshcnbaum. Saturday, Jan. 10 Sally Call Fox, Leon Raskin and J e n y Sherman. Bandar. Jan. U Leslie Babendlr,' Renco Marian Flschel, Robert Freeman and Robert Edward Yager. Monday, Feb. 1 Mariyne Joy Frcedman, Susan Louise Speler, and Susan Ann Stevens. Tuesdajr, Feb. t Helcnc Sue Corcn, Marilyn Goylc Epstein, Donald Fiedler. Margo Ann Neesman, Jimmy Novak and Maurice Pepper, Jr, Wednesday, Feb. S Tcrrill Greenstone, S t e p h e n Charles Slporin, Leslie Smith, and Judith Lee Wohlner.

Bar & Bas Mitzvah Mr. and Mrs. Horry A. Wise announce that their son, Chart** Richard (Chuck), will celebrate bis Bar Mitzvah at Temple Israel Friday evening, Feb. S and Saturday • morning, Feb. 6. In honor of the Bar Mttivah celebrant, Mr. and Mrs. Wise will receive friends and relatives' after both services. No Invitations have been issued. PUBLIC UTILITIES Jerusalem (JTA)—The Israel Cabinet gave its final approval to a plan under which it will purchase approximately 01 percent interest in tbe Palestine Electric Corporation, one of Israel's largest public utilities. In effect, this means nationalization of the corporation. However, the government Is not particularly anxious to own stock in the company and bas offered to sell its shares at the same rate It is purchasing them. The govern* ment has already loaned tho company some 20,000,000 pounds which It obtained partly from the Export-Import Bank loan and partly from German reparations' payments. bin said that he will be on hand Sunday morning, from 10 a. m. to 12 p. m. to assist those desiring to lake pictures at that time.

*,;„ tho March of

, Jtanny it, its*


With the Folks At Home

Budget Includes Aid for Israel

Palestine Refugees, However, nq figures' are provided for '3m Arabs. ' Mrs. Minnfe Gofdenberg Meanwhile, the Foreign OperaServices were held Wednesday, Contributions to the Home Washington (JTA) —President tions Administration announced The Dr. Philip Slier Jewish Jan. 27, for Mrs. Minnie Golden- Eisenhower revealed the contents authorizations totalling $280,000 8:M p. m. CanUlc-llslilIng time Home for the Aged gratefully nc berg with Interment at the Beth of the United States budget for the for Israel. This sum includes knowJcdRes contribution received fiscal year of 1955 announcing during tlie mo»tli3 of December El Cemetery. Mrs. Goldenberg that "with respect to the Near equipment and supplies for a TEMPLE ISRAEL and Januury, from the following died Sunday, Jan. 24, to Los An- East, the budget provides for help- health project costing $200,000. At the regular Sabbath Services The Foreign Operations Admin* Memorial Contributions geles, Calif. ing relieve the plight of Arab refFriday evening at 8 o'clock Kabbi istratlon announced extension of Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. BrodSurviving arc three daughters, ugees through contributions to the $930,000 in authorizations to IsraeL Sidney H. Brooks will discuss "ftuUgion of Law or Faitii of Love," key in memory of Ben Shafton, Mrs. Leo Wnxenberg, Mrs. Albert United Nations Refugee Agency, Included is 1165,000 worth ot a comment on characterization of Jacob Abrarnson, Judith Mirowltz Steinberg of Omaha, and Mrs.and for technical assistance and natural crude rubber from In* supplementary economic developJudaism and Christianity. Mm. and Max Vcrct. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben H. Brown Louis Commlns of Los Angeles; a ment in the Arab states, Israel and ddnesia, Malaya, - Thailand, IndoMelvin A. Burns will recite the china and Liberia. A major item blessing over the Sabbath lights in memory of Jacob A b r a m s ! sister, Mrs, B. Koraey of Omaha; Iran," in the new authorization is $250,Harry A. Wise will recite the Kid- Ben Shnfton and Sarah Konter- five grandchildren and two grcat000 worth of cotton and nylon This definite commitment to dush, and 'William J. Foj;cl and wltz. technical and economic assistance yam. Other items include sulphur The Cousins' Club In memory grandchildren. Melvin A. Burns will assist Rabb chemicals, chemical preparations, to Israel was not supplemented in of Ben Shafton. Brooks with the Toruh Service. either the Presidents message or and veterinary drugs. Mr. Morton h, Degen in me-NEW AECHIVsS Regular Shabbos Morning ServLondon (WNS)—Important arbudget itself in any way ices will be held Saturday at 11:40 mory .of father, Sol Degen and chives which are expectedtocon- the which would indicate the amount KGSIUWICEAT PKICE B. m. riabbl Brooks will official sister, Florence Degen. tribute greater knowledge about of such assistance Israel might exMrs. H. Franklin and Kalah in Minneapolis (JTA)—Moves to with students of the, Hebrew Detho fate of Lodz Jewry have re- pect The budget i s more definite set up a permanent consumers, partment of the Heligious School. memory of Louis Adler. cently been discovered under the with regard to the Arab refugees group with power delegated by Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Friedman Kiddush for all present will follow ruins of the Lodz Jewish ghetto, and states that additional approp- the community to keep kosher in memory of Ben Shafton. the services. Tho Grodinskys* in memory of according to a radio broadcast riations will be required for U. S. meat prices in line and,to deal from Warsaw by the Pewish His- contributions to the United Na- with other problems relating t» Meyer Brookstejn. BETHEL ' Mrs. Ben Handler In memory of torical Institute. tions Relief and works Agency for kashrutli are under way here. Services this evening will begin Bella Ncfsky and Minnie Goldenat 8:15 o'clock. Rabbi Mycr S. 'Kripke will deliver the sermon. berg. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Newman Beth El Choir will render the in memory of Jacob Abramson. Mr. and Mrs. David Orkow in musical portions of the service. Sabbath morning services will memory of Julius Newman, Anna begin at 8:45 o'clock. Junior con- Orkow and Max Veret. Mr. and Mrs. Max Rickes In gregation services will be held at 10:43 a. m. Mlncha-Maariv cerv- memory of Ben Shafton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rosenitock ices will begin at 6:1S p. m. Dally Mlnyan Is held on each In memory of LUlie Steinberg. week day at 7 a.-m. and 7 p. m. Dr. Philip Sher in memory of Sunday morning service U at 9 Jacob Abramson. Mr. and Mrs, Harry L. Sommer a. m. n memory of Mollle Sampson, Nathan Cohn, Harry Marcr, Joe JIKTH ISRAEL he year 1964 is a momentous year in the life of the new State of Leah Wine, Jacob AbramRabbi Benjamin Groncr, Can-Tretiak, son, Harry and Bather Rlmmcrman Israel. Only five and a half yean old, Israel hag already passed the tor Ell Kagun, and the Beth Israel and Ben Shafton. Synagogue choir will conduct the half-way mark to economic Independence. However, to withstand the Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sommer and late Friday evening services. Sabeconomic preuure* brought to bear hy hottlle neighbor* and the fn~ bath morning services' will be at Beatrice in memory of Ben Shaf(toil ami danger on U* every frontier, Israel must accelerate Ike pace 6:30 a. m. Junior services at 10 ton, Louis Adlcr, Julius Newman and Max Veret. a. m. of Mi monk toward* *«lf-*ujflclency. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stern in meRabbi Groncr will conduct the of Ben Shafton. Saturday Talmud Class at 4:45mory The key to thU accompliihmenl I* the ahiorpllon of recent Immiand Mrs. Leo Wnxenberg p. m. and Saturday Mlnchfl will n Mr. grants, with all the far-flung operation* that it require*. Only if Itraet* memory ot Julius Newman, start at 5:15 p. m. which will be Louis Adler and Max Vcrct. people receive Iks reiaurcetjhey need, at the time they need them, followed by Sholoshe S'eudos and Blanche and I. B. Zimman In • Maariv. can they put under cultivation every available parcel of land, surmount memory of lien Shafton and Ru Daily morning services beirin at ben Natclson. the obstacle* of iwilure, and continue to welcome every homeless Jew 7 a. m. Dally afternoon 6erviecs Honor Contribution* who comet to them from land* of oppreiiion and danger. begin at 5:30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Necsman in Sunday morning breakfast mlnof recovery of Patrick DenAlthough the Israelis are celebrated for their imagination, enduryan meets ot 8:45 a. m. find i> fol- honor Powell, son of Mr. and Mr*. lowed by ilabbl Groncr'a Bible nis ance and will-power, they cannot achieve these goals without the Keith Powell. discussion class. The youngsters and Mrs. Albert B. Newman continued vigorous support of the American people. The United of tho Talin and Teffilin Club bc- in Mr. honor of 50lh Wedding AnniSjin their services nt 8:30 a. m. versary Jewish Appeal has been the instrumentality through which Americans Mr. and Mrs. Phil Saks Breakfast in served at the con-and 30tho!Wodding Anniversary of in the past have supported tho progressive advance of Israel's people. clusion of their services. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rice. In 1954 the people of America are urged to intensify their support Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Sommer in of the UJA's life-saving and freedom-serving campaign. honor of 50th Wcddlne Anniversary of Mr, and Mrs. Phil Sake. General Contributions Warranted and Unwarranted Campaigns Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Schwartzman, Lincoln, Ncbr. In this crucial period it Is more important than ever that the United Bible and Talmud Hymie Milder. Jewish Appeal have priority in timing over all other philanthropic Milton H. Yudclson. efforts In behalf of Israel. In addition to the United Jewish Appeal, By OR. PHILIP 8HES - there are other authorized organisations with established records of constructive work in Israel that can claim public support in the A man's pride shall bring him United States. low; but he that Is of a humble spirit shall attain to honor. The Jewish Agency for Palestine, with the support of the Israel New York (JTA)—Unqualified The Ups of the wtae disseminate opposition to American plans to Government, and in response to requests from the organized Jewish knowledge; but the heart of the ship arms to Arab states in the community in the United States, set up in 1949 a CouWTTfeBON foolish i f hot steadfast Middle East in the absence of A man hath joy in the answer of CONTROL AND AUTHORIZATION OF CAMPAIGNS. This Committee passes' c a c e between the Aritbt and his mouth; and a word in season, Israel has been expressed by a on the validity and general usefulness of all proposed campaigns for how good.is ill irowlng number of American Institutions and projects in Israel. Jewish organizations. Rabbi Jochanan said: "A rightMeeting here the American On occasion, new campaigns tor limited purposes have been launched eous man docs not depart from Jewish Congress national execu(be world until another righteous tive and administrative commit• by individuals and organizations. Some of these have put forth claim* ees insisted that attempts to build man like him is born." not always warranted by facts, and have requested support oat of Rsbbl Chanina said: "As soon as defenses against Communism in proportion to their Importance. - , a man is appointed chief of n the Middle East by shipping arms community he becomes rich, for at to Saudi Arabia and Iraq would Whan In D o u b t ' first (when King Saul took a cen- prove n "boomerang" and would sus of Israel) it is written he increase tension and instability in The Committee on Control and Authorization of Campaigns will counted with fragments of pottery. the orea. The AJC units, in n resshortly publish its 1954 list of authorized campaigns. Until suchftMet and afterwards he counted them olution, attacked the political immaturity and economic Instability is published, whenever you are in doubt, write to the JEWISH with sheep." the Arab states and accused It was written In the memoran- of AGENCY FOR PALESTINE, Committee on Control and Authorira-' them of "eanjrslcrlBm on an interdum of Rofibi Joshua ben Levl: ational scale" in their relations tion of Campaigns, 16 East 66th Street, New York City. "He who was born on the first dny with Israel. The AJC warned that of the week will be cither entirely ny arms cent to the Arabs would However, nothing mrpauei the Importance of the UNITED JEWISH good or grossly bad (depending iot be used to defend the Middle APPEAL for the future of hraeFi people. Their ability to preserve on the environment), because lifiht East but to make war on Israel. and darkness were created on the past achievement* and move forward to ttlf-tullicicncy depend* on Philip Klutznick, president of first day. He who was born on the an Intensified VNITED JEWISH APPEAL A contribution to the VJA , second day of the week will be o B'nal B'rith, told a D'nai B'rith ling here that Israel Is con111 vote of confidence In J,600,000 men and women who are *trugquarrelsome man, for on the sec- 'ronted 1 what may be another ond day of tho week the division ound ofwith fling (9 build and strengthen their country «« a tlrongfcoW of freedom war and that the United of water took place (which shows States Government is "ill-advised" and a haven for the oppretied. disagreement). In "consldcrlnfl the possibility of "I" Ho who was born on the third providing arms to two of the adFor these reasons, the Jewish Agency for Paleitine urge* even greater day of the week will be rich and rcruaries of Israel, at n moment support of the UNITED JEWISH APPEAL in 1954. of a voluptuous disposition, be- In tho history of the Mltldlo East cause all grass came forth on the when a bloody King Sand would third day (which arc abundant in estroy the Jews of Israel and the number but without distinction. Itcpubllc of Israel." He who was born on tho fourth The Poale Ajjudas Israel Issued call to all national Orthodox orday of the week will be scholarly and brilliant, because on this day ganizations and all congregations the luminaries were hung up in o proclaim the Jewish month of Heaven. Ho who was born on the ,dar, which starts Saturday, as a fifth day of the week will be n month of protest against plans to charitable man, because on this end arms to the Arab states. day fish and the fowl were created (fish bite any bait). He who Moss Hart: "Tho young man was born on tho sixth day will be who worked so hard to graduate, zealous In the execution of ro- later wonders what the hurry was." lll.'ious duties. He who was born on the Sabbath will be a great and Sid Cacsor: "It's better to have pious man." lalltosls thtm no breath at nil."

Religious News


For the information of contributors to Israel causes in 1954


Gems of

• • • : • • "














Groups Oppose Arms Aid to Arabs


In O m a h a

The UNITED JEWISH APPEAL is suDoorted by Philanthropies C a m p a i g n

-•- <

P*ge Eight

B'nai B'nth Bowling

rriday, January 59, 1954


By Llndy Paul

Y.C. Boys Bowling Semi-Finals Set in In the National Division of the Badminton Meet Y. C. Boys Bowling League, the

AZA 1 BooGers remain 'a game AtVir Unit Kiunils of comivellahead of the AZA 1 Glams, while tion in the Y. C. Boy3 Badminton the American Division, the close tournament, only 11 remain in battle between Independents EBG contention for the title. The numVardrobe .... . and Rayim Mesl Sow Grezi Is stl bct one cuiucudci li Jolin CJoldncr, TJnlon, Freight apparent with the Independents the defendltig champ and a sophKaijnan Insur, retaining a close two game lead omore at Central high. Last year Hogg Bna. ~ ~ National Division as a freshman, John won the sinJustin Bavitz and David Gold tmpco », Mldiet League Standings W. L. gles title nnd shared the doubles stein led Sample Fur squad to Senior Division Pioneer Uniform title with Doug Cohn. In bracket AZA 1 Boosers 34 14 stunning 18-18 overtlmo'wln ov • W. Franklin Dlstr. .... AZA 1 Glams 33hi UVi one, there arc four hopefuls repreviously unbeaten I-Go Van.: I-Go Van ._. 4 m a I n 111 g. Term Ucrsleln meets I-Go Van Rayim EOS 32 16 sliced the "Mover" squad lead to Sample Fur Larry Schwartz, and James Sha«... - 3 . ., Mdtor Classic AZA 100 Centurymon 28V4 10 one game. The Sample Fur lads Burkhard-GereUck piro inceta Doug Cohn. In bracket ,_ 3 Rayim S ond P „ 2* 2* were trailing 17-14 when Justin two, Iicrtiic Turkcl meets Stan Hires Root Beer ..... 0 Paramount Mkt. AZA 1 Bluffers ..... 24 24 Widman, while Larry Epstein Ravitz hit a field goal and a free Smith PontUc Ind. Sleepers 24 24 Junior Division meets Dave Widman. In the third throw to send the game into an Venger & S o u Rayim H 23 25 W. bracket defending champ Goldncr extra -session. Dave Goldstein Beat ApnlUncts AZA 1 No Names 12 36 Pacific Fish . i. 5 will meet the winner of the Hpwpromptly hit a field goal and Tom 11-Worth Grill Forbes Bakery Rayim Screwbowls 5" 43 4 ard G o l d s t e i n , Marv Lincoln Kully. I-Go Van guard, made i S. Riekes ...Wayne Auto .... . 1 High Games and Series match. There were 43 entrants free throw to account for the over, Mogen-David H. Z. Vending 0 George Sachs, 210—513; John representing AZA 1, AZA 10, Intime scoring. Ravitz led his t Clicquot Goldncr, 188—511; Stan Widman, dependents and Rayim. Bandar, Juv, SI with ten points while Ed Schnei < Tsrkway 196—484; Mike Yudelson, 185— 2 p. m., Mogen-David vs. PaWrestling Meet der and Mike Canar made ' 474, and Wlllard Plotkin, 183—464. cific Fish. each for I-Go. Borsheims Jewelry 10 - American Division The most competitive event in p. m., 11-Worth Grill vs Hires Boot Beer threw a scan S. 2:30 Prucka Trsnsn. the athletic program for the Youth Riekes: into Burkhard-Gerellck but cou! Council Boys is wrestling. The WoMBon-Gerber ind. EBG .... .37 11 3 p. m., Hires Root Beer v; not beat them and feU to a 28-2 Sample Fur. boys will square away FebruaryPlayland Park Rayim MSG 35 13 score in a tight game. Al Noodle 27 in the Jay gymnasium. On Ranks Amur . 3:45 p. m., I-Go Van vs. Burk AZA 100 A ...................... 29 19 Jeff Swartx and Howard Wctnberg Thursday after school, g wrestling Sol Lewis Co Rayim JCs 28 20 were the scoring aces tor the hard-Gercllck. class is bolng held under the diNational Tire AZA 1 Gutter Goons .... 24 24 "Ford" lads. Noddle scored elgm rection of Jerry Wolpsf who is RIcnman-Gordman AZA 100 Gutter Gangs 1 26 points while SwarU and Weinberg Liberty Gas AZA 1 Zorches .„...,. 20% 26% readying some 20 boys for the each made seven. For the Hires Philco-Brandels Rayim M-Jabs ...„....,.; 17H 30* meet A record turnout is exteam, it was Irv Belter and Stuart pected. The defending champ is Rltewav TV 9 Rayim K . . . . . „ , . . . ... 15 33 AZA 1* Kutler with 14 and 10 points re Rosen-Novak 4 AZA 1 We Goofed ...... 12 36 epeetively. KHIeys "B" High Games and Series It was a dramatic "Frank MerIn the Junior section Pacific Fish W. Bob E p s t e i n ; 208—507; Fred and 11-Worth Grill continued on r i l l " , finish for sophomore Milt Simon, 221—50.4, and Ed Belzer, Louis Market 10 their winning ways. Dan Hollli Moskbvltz as he scored the most 204—803, Robinson Iron & Metal .... 9 and Bob Gtnjburg scored eight timely point in his young career Watson'Bros. Van Lines .... 9 and five points respectively as they It gave his Rayim A team a 24*23 Mid Plains Insurance ....... 9 Nogg Bros „... 25--13 beat a cold S. Riekes team, 18-6. win over Independent* aqd a share Bennett Furniture _ 8 Smith Pontlac •.: : 24 18 In another close and low scoring in first place. The game was exMaltf-Color Paint 8 Brandeis Easy Washer 23 19 game, Justin Ban hit for six points tremely close1 as both teams were So. Omaha Sun 7 Millie Wine 22 20 The Bowling Bums are now en as his 11-Worth Grill team beat cold in their shooting. The Inde- Joying a two-game lead over theli Edwards Jewelry H. A. Wolf Insurance 8 20 22 Slosburg Realty 4 11 Mogen-David, 11-8. Walt Wise ac- pendents held a 11-9 halftlme lead closest rivals the Alley Sluggers. Brandeis KJeerchrome 19 23 counted for half his team's points and led throughout most of the in*h» McU Beer 19 23 game. In the final quarter the nifty , HIC—Norman DenenberR 213. with four points. RCA Victor 16 20 shooting of Al Corey Jcept Rayim Bowling Bums ,...;....„...„.,.„. u Star of the Week HIS—Norman- Denrobcrg 521 High Series In the game. He hit four field goalr Mley Bluutn.............. J..... 0 I Justin RaviU HTG—Mid Plains Ins. 745. Audrey Kirshcnbaum, 475; Es8 in the clutch which with a mlnuv Alley RatsDsvtd Goldstein HTS-^H. A. Wolf Ins. 2,114 to play gave Rayim 8 one point Strikes tk Spares :.....,.,...,„... 8 > ther Marcus, 437; Ruth Sokolof, Here are two repeaters to the 420; Ann Schulman, 414; Rose Beer Frame™ ..............;„.„.„, 8 •;•' • > A Division of thc-Wcek award. These tw lead, However, little Bob Kully utter Boys : a,,.^M 7 ! Garrop, 407; Flora Bloom, 408 and W. L. Star was fouled and made one of his lads engineered the first loss ol 7 ! Cece Zorinsky, 400. Belmont Jewelry 12 3 I-Go Van in an overtime session two free throws to tic the score. Lucky Ladies Tough Turkeys 7 I Pepsi Cola 10 Ravitz made three points In th Rayim controlled the ball and as .... 8 ' Morris Paint Co 10 S final minutes of the game to scn< the buzzer sounded Milt Mosko- Nifty Hitters ;....._. 6 ', Grace-Mayer Ins _ 9 8 it in an overtime and Dave Gold- vltz was fouled in a rebounding Gutter Gerties 4 f Crosstown TV 8 scrap. He had two free throws Bowling Babes stein hit the Important basket tha High Hitters ...„ „... 4 t Greeflberg Ins 8 clinched it. For their important coming, one of which was suf- Eager Beavers „ „... 2 10 Nebr. Furn. Mart 7 and timely scoring Justin RaviU ficient to win the game. He missed Howling Dolls 0 12 11-Worth Grill 6 Frankfurt (JTA)—German exhis first attempt but calmly came Lyn» Florist ~ 5 10 and Dave Goldstein arc selected ar through with the second attempt. "100" Games perts consider the Nazi prohibi1 Burkhard-Gerellck 5 10 Star of the Wetk. Howard Wclnbcrg, 156;- nil tion on kosher slaughtering still It was a spirited win for Rayim Hihky-Dinky Stores 5 10 and a tough loss for the Independ- Kntzman, 128; Tom Platt, 120 legally valid and only temporarMilder 01! Co 5 10 'ohn Riekes, 120; Phil Gorellck ily in abeyance, it was learned ents. ... Hleh Games and Serin AZA 1A scored an eary 64-24 13; Stuart Kutler, 113; Joyce here In the wake of a call for the Dan Cohen 504. Al Oruch 534 win over AZA 100 A, at an earlier Koom, 111; Jeanne Silver, 109 lutlnwing of Shechltah issued at Al Tmein 510, Dave Hoberman :ajnc with Stan Widman hitting Bud Wolf, 108; Judy Brookstcln the annual convention of the 827, Morry Epstein 510, Darwin 105; Judy Plattner, 103 and Larry icrmnn Animal Protection or 23 points. Marcus 209-540, Sam Herman Hoberman, 100. eaguc. J28-511, Yale Richards 204-515, , A well balanced scoring attack STAB OF THE WEEK The convention, meeting here Sid Hollls 215-536, Ben Rad- carried the unbeaten Rayim B MUtMoskovits under the chairmanship of Mayor uziner 20-506, Max Rosenblatt team to a 29-18 win over theii The lanky sophomore has to be Walter Kolb, of Frankfurt, adoptclose rivals Rayim C. Six lads 201-502 and Al Fox 2-5-10. termed a hero. His free throw gave ed a formal resolution assailing dented the scoring column as Art The Men's B'nai B'rith groups Novak made* seven points, James Rayim a 24-23 win and a shore Shchitah and urging the compeStuart Kutler was high in the wish the Ladles B'nai B'rith Shapiro and Dan Dcnenberg scored ol the league lead. For his clutch league again this week with a 281 tent governmental authorities to Bowling Ass'n. good luck in Uieir six, Larry Lincoln, Howard Gold- point, Milt is Y. C. Star of the series. His games consisted of 150 suppress it by cancelling "the ' and 131. forthcoming regional tournament. stein and Maynard Rosen added Week. exceptions heretofore permitted." V, C. BASKETBALL STANDINGS Judy Ban was high in the girls' fhis astounding formulation was three poinhts. The score was tied . • .. W. division. An 85 average kcgler. >ased on the contention that the 1-11 at the bait Bill Cooper and ndependents „ 6 YC Girls VoHtyball Judy, in beautiful form, fired killing of animals according to Ben Rubin led Rayim C with five Rayim A .........._ , ( games of 136 and 122 for a spark- Jewish ritual was possible only points each. AZA 1A -.> . . ;.._.._... 4 ling 258 series. • „ because of a l«w. The German Coundlette No. 1 .„ 17 "AZA IB, with David Widman AZA100A ZA .,...„.._„....... 0 8 Roger Smith and Sandra Lin- authorities shared this jmlnl of TA _;J.... .;...,.. 18 continuing as their scoring leader i convention coln also were In the limelight; view, stressed .„.... 9 Deb No. 1 „ „ . . . _ scored an easy 33-15 win over Roger, a 72 average bowler, rolled speaker, but were afraid of stir.._.. 7 11 AZA 1MB. Widman hit for 13 Deb No. 4 „„„..„ games of 114 and 105. Sandra, a ring up so politically delicate an ...„-, 7 7 points, getting scoring aslssts from Couneilette No. 3 7 average keglcr. composed games 4 Coundlette No. 2 . lack Oruch-with six points while . T h e chairman of the Rabbinical if. 112 and .104. D No. 3 ~,.^~.ZZlZ.Z^.. S 11 Steve Frahkel made five. Marty Deb Association of Germany, Dr. ZW 5ophir led the Junior Ccnturymcn SUodlncs Debs No. 1 split a victory with Two top-notch performers of i. Levy, Chief Rabbi of Hesse, ith five points, Couneilette No. 2, Friday, Jan. 15. . ". • •• W. L. thereupon he Ccntcrt swimming team took sought clarification of YODU> Council B League With the aid of Muriel Green, the ™...... 23 « rst and second places in the O. P. Skagga the legal status of Shechltah. W. Debs won the first game, 15-7, and 22 10 •Ildwest A.A.U. Diving Cham- Neb. Fur. Mart which Is practiced in half a dozen fl Couocilette No.'2 came back to layim B ilonshlps held at the Omaha Ath- Wolfson-Gcrber Auto.... 19ii 12% *erman cities, from the Federal 4 take the second game, 15-10, with tayim C ,18 14 etlc Club last Sunday afternoon, Maypcrs ....:........„.... Jlnlstry of Fowl nnd Agriculture. 1 the help of Diane Singer and Rita \ZA 100 B 17 15 lpcting in the boy's division, ndus. Chemical Co To his consternation the two speZA IB I Peltr. 14 18 Man Corey won the prize first •loyland Park .„ cialists of the Ministry, a legal >lace trophy while Maynard \mcr. Lmbr. St Sup Co. 13 19 Bonnie Haykin paced Dobs No ;xpert and a veterinarian, told tosen, his team mate, took the Gamble-Robinson Co..... 12'/4 19% ilm that, even though the InI to defeat Debs No. 4, 15-7 ant1 ccond place award medal. This 1-Worth Grill 11% 20% IWldual states rr>l ht be pcrmlt15-3. Shelly Green and Judy Lcwir R 9% 22% sparked Debs No. 4. as the first championship com- Jorris Paint ng kosher slaughtering in pracpetition for either boy3. Splits Couneilette No. 1 went down to Ice, the Nazi antl- Shechltah Other members of the Center defeat before Tlkvas Ami, 15-12 Dennis Schulman, 5-7; Howard Jccree of April, 1D33 had, In wimmini; team arc shaping up and 15-11. Laura Oruch spurred Kutlor Klowns took a close 34-30 ind getting In condition for fu- ;iusky, 4-5; Howard Weinbtra Iheir view, not been rescinded the TA squad and Jean Cutler and amc against a cold shooting Lus:-0; Mickey Sacks, 4-5 and Judy and was still on the books. It Toby Okrtnt stood out for Coun- y basketball team. The win en- ure competition. Howard Gold- ian, 4-5-7. was, they argued after rehashtein has been clocked in outeilette No. 1. IliEli Games and Series ing all thea zdiscredited arguments bled the Kutlt-r squad to lead the tanding time for the CO yard l 150-131—281 cv. t h c "R'tators against Councilclte No. 2 forfeited the arsity league by a full game. Irv reast stroke event, while little tuart Kutler "om Plait 150-124—274 Mieenitnh, a humane and not an first game that was scheduled Fri- Yaffe scored 11 IKjints while Dave erry Schwartz has been craclt- r ack Ucb 140-132—272 inti-Jewish measure. day, Jan. 22. Fogel added seven to lead their ig records in the sprints. .like Feldman 151-113—204 , The Central Council of the Jean Cutler and Teveo Bern- team. Al Brown was high scorer Al Corey, a versatile performIn Germany Is endeavoring stein supplied the push needed tc for the Lusty squad with 10 points. :r, has also been turning in good )ennls Schulman .... 145-110—204 oewsobtain from higher officials Mickey Sacks 151-110—201 Star Auto Farts, holding a 27-22 give Couneilette No. 1 two vicjerformances for the freestyle Jddlc Wlntroub 135-124—258 m authoritative Interpretation, tories over Dcb3 No. 1, 15-10 and halflime lead were completely :vcnts. Other team members n a n c udy Ban 130-122—25B f \, N'\ ". l o a r t h a t l h e repeal 15-13. Judy Cohn, Suzle Itlchardr overpowered by a second half Col- working out are Marshall and 141-111—252 ?J , 'eolation also applies and Rocky Colin backed the Josinr legian uprising and fell to u 52-4G .lichael Denenbcrg, Mike Lazar, :huck Wise d o Hitler's April 1933 decree and defeat. Jock Stiss and Leroy Katz, "urvin Lincoln. A new addition mfw chr cmfw cm vb Debs squad. Jernie Grossman .... 143-100—240 with 21 and 20 points respectively, hat the Jewish mode of stauxtithe swim team is George With Sally K. Marvitz, Joyce led the Collegians while Stnn Widtoward Weinberg .... 128-117—245 ft1?8 'lj > r,° t e . c , l c d . b * virtue of ialac. Canar nnd Carol Frank, Coun- man and Al Clayman were high teve Friedman 151- 00—241 ™?n , , l sofeKuard. The Youth Council Swimming eilettc No. 3 downed Debs No. 4, for Star Auto with 21 and 18 udy Cohen 123-110—239 gainst religious dlsctlmlnotlon, 15-10 and 15-3. Bonnie Haykin points. The Collegian win gives rlect Is coming up February 12, Silly Katzman -. 138- 09—237 lot merely by the presence of the Bunny Itavitz ond Shelly Green them a tie for second place wit" nd team entry forms have been *oora Falk 122-104—225 iccupatlon power. Meanwhile, Irculatcd. All those who arc to were the Debs most valuable play- Lustys. Fleischer," the GerItuart Fogcl 122-103—225 Deutsche an bu t her3 mpete can work out In the pool trs of the day. , f ' trade 124- 97—221 r VARSITY LEAGUE " ny afternoon from 3:15 p. m. to usan Wolfson W. L. :15 p. m. iddie Cantor: "All that the Con- Kutlers Klowns 4 2 Ava Gardner: "A girl may love stitution guarantees is the pursuit Collegians 3 3 Henry Youngman: "In spite of ou from the bottom of her heart, Ceorge JesscI: "Men no longer of happiness; you have to catch Lustys 3 3 ritlciEm, nudists always grin and there'fi always room for som? Site behind women's skirls; neither • ' p w i t h I ty o u r s e l f " • • • • • • Star Auto 2 4 are it." her fellow at the top." o women." • Major Classle

Sample Fur Drops I-Go Van From Unbeaten Junior Ranks

• ; • . ; ' •



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Moskovitz's Shot Clip Independents

Hadassah Bowling :


w, u

Jr. Sports Bowling

Nazi Decree Still Stands in Germany

Rayim B Clobbers C Team, 28-19

Jr. B. B. Bowling

Center Swimmers Win AAU Crowns

Klowns Lower Boom on Lustys











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