VoLXXXlI—No. 22
Entpred a* (Jccond-eiiiM wfric«?. Omrti k. Nebraska,
Uitter at under Act cf
Gov. McKeldin of Maryland Heads America-Israel Group Washington (JTA)—Election of Gov. Theodore It. McICcldin of Maryland as president of the- newly formed America-Israel Society and of F. Joseph Donohuc as chairman o( Its board of governors wni announced. The society was organized at a founder:.' dinner ill the Executive Mansion nt Annapolis. Mr. Donohuc, former President of the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia, will be the active head of the society, Which will have national headquarters in Washington. Election Of the two lenders was by n telegraphic poll of the founders of the soclcty> who include national leaders in fields of religion, politics, education, literature and art and business and labor. At a press conference, Mr, Donohuo said the Society provides for the first time a medium through which Americans of all faiths can give continuous and non-politlcol expression to the friendship which exists between the two countries It will engage, he said, In a variety of activities concerned with cultural and intellectual interchange between the peoples of the United States and Israel. The Society will bfl supported by membership due? and voluntary contributions and "Will not engage in fund-raising for other purposes. The Society, Mr. Donohue added. "has been brought Into being by a group of American leaders of ali faiths ond in many lines of
Progressives Join Sharett Coalition Jerusalem (JTA)—P r c in 1 c r Moshc Sharett informed the Knesset that the Progressive Party had decided to join the government coalition am! the cabinet had voted to invite Dr. Plnhns Hoscn, former Minister of Justice and Progressive leader, to take the Justice portfolio. The Knesset approved this decision after a brief discussion, and Dr. Rosen was sworn In, The adherence of the Progressives brought to five the number of parties In the coalition. Premier Sharelt, in mestage to the Jewish people through the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, is*u«f after he had formally presented his new cabinet to President lUhak B«n Zvi, pledged that Israel will offer "a safe home" to every Jew who may ever need It. '.':• "I am happy to give the Jewish people the news that there l> a government In Zlon commanding the confidence of a large and stable majority In the Knesset," Mr. Sharrett declared. "Our greetings go out at this eolemn moment to all Jews' in •very country nnd In every corner Of the world. May their solidarity and devotion never fail us In the discharge of the supreme task which Israel has undertaken. What we created here, ore still trying to consolidate and are determined to defend, is destined to offer a safe homo to every Jew who may ever be In need of it and to serve as tho focus of the unity and pride of our entire people."
endi:;.vor who bi-li(.!Ve Hint then; is need for a nun-suclurlnn, nonpolitical all-American oninni.'.i'illon to work for the- fullest interchange of ide:is nnd cultural material between tlie oldest aixd yountfc:it of the world1!; present-day democracies. We hope that it will help Americans to a new appreciation of the culture of Israel, nnd en courage tho people of that nation to o better understanding of America and its way of life. The Society will seek to interpret the spiritual tradition and democratic heritage that binds the two nations together and to give added meaning to the unity of purpose that characterizes freedom-loving peoples."
Johnston to Press For Regional Plan Washington (JTA)—Eric Johnston, President Elsenhower's special envoy to the Middle East, called on Israel Ambassador Abba S. Eban here to inform him of his plans for resumption of his mission to explore prospects of a regional water plan for the Middle East. Mr. Johnston has submitted to Israel and tho Arab States a plan for development of the water resources o( the Jordan River propared by experts of the Tennessee Valley Authority. The plan received a negative or lukewarm reception from most of the Arab states affected, but Mr. Johnston Is to return to the Middle East next month to discuss it further. Mr. Eban also conferred this week with Harold Stassen, head of the Foreign Operations Administration, on future phases of the United States grnnt-in-ald program nnd other related economic (juestions. Tho Israel Ambassador told newsmen here that in all recent conversations he has had with the State Department, he has continuously stated Israel's unreserved opposition to the g r a n t i n g of United States military aid to any A r a b L e a g u e member state, whether contiguous to Israel or not, so long as the Arab states failed to make peace with Israel.
Bi-Partisan Move To Halt Arab Arms Washington (JTA)—A bl-partisnn move was launched In Congress for a petition from members of both Houses to the State Department asking it to halt any iroposcd shipment' of arms to iaudl Arabia, it was learned here. The petition is expected to cite the recent demand by King Saud of Saudi Arabia that the Arab states undertake to wipe out Israel, even to the extent of sacrificing 10:000,000 Arab lives. Louis LJpsky, President of the American Zionist Council, conferred with Henry A. Byroadc, Assistant Secretary of State for Middle Eastern Affairs. Mr. Lipsky told newsmen the talks ranged over "the general situation in the Middle East." He was accompanied by I. L. Kenen, Washington reprc5<matlvc of the Council.
Services at Bl Members of all fraternities and sororities at tho University of Omaha will participate in Ueth Israel services tonight, announced Harry Wi:;e, president of I'hl Kpsilou Pi Fraternity, who Initiated the program. Habbi Benjamin Groner, assisted b y Cantor Ell Kiigun nnd the Beth Israel Choir, will conduct the services that will honor Brotherhood Week to be held this month.
BKISAN VALLEY Tel Aviv (JTA)—Settlement posiblllties in the Eeis.in Valley were given a remarkable boost when a spring, Jonj; dry, suddenly resumed its flow of water. The spring hits an output of SO cubic meters of water per hour.
rges Arab League Conspiracy
/. Engel Elected President of AJC New York (JTA)—Irving M. Engel, New York lawyer and civic leader, was unanimously elected president of the American Jewish Committee by more than 500 leaders of American Jewry, attending the final session of the AJC's 47th annual meeting. Mr. Engel succeeds Jacob Blausteln, who had completed a five-year term as president, and who was named honorary president. Speaking at tho committee's dinner at the Hotel Commodore, Henry A. Byroade, Assistant Secretary of Etr.tc for the Near East, declared that "Israel as a state In here to stay—and the United States is here to help insure that existence There Is ns well no change in the feeling of fundamental friendship which we feel for that new state," Mr. Byroado statd. "Where some of us would differ is on questions of tactics—tactic: as to how to reach that state of stability and peace in the Middle East which is essential not only for the existence of Israel Itself but in the interests of every American citizen—as these ore mutterr which vitally affect tho security and interest of our own country." The Assistant Secretary pointed out that It was difficult for American officials11to maintain a "balanced course between Israel and all the nations of tho region in tho current Middle East dispute. But he added: "I do not believe success to be unobtainable in reaching the objectives of peace and security in the Middle East— as some would believe. As we proceed in these matters—and as questions arise in your minds—I ajtk you to Judge each issue as to whether it is a question of method in reaching those desired objectives or a question of fundamentals as to our attitude towards Israel which I have given you in all sincerity as being facts which will not change."
Yiddish Scholarships New York (JTA)—Xhe Columbia University announced that five Atran scholarships for the study of Yiddish language, literature, and culture at the graduate level are being offered for 195455. Each scholarship is worth $000 and covers the bulk of a year's tuition fees at Columbia.
Beersheba Hostel
New York (JTA)—The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), has completed arrangements for construction of a $250,000 hostel In Bcorshcba, hub of the rapidly developing Ncgev, for the use of 40 foreign experts who at present have nowhere to live in the rugged Paria (JTA)—The Joint Distri- desert town. bution Committee aided 3,48? men, women and children in Europe and the Far East to emigrate and start a new life in countries of resettlement in 1053, Moses W. Bcckclman, director of the JDC In Eu"Message of Israel" will be rope, reported here. Over half thi3 broadcast over KOIL this Suntotal went to the United States, he day morning from 10 to 10:30 said. o'clock. Habbi Harry J. Stern Although tho JDC is not priof Temple Emanu El, Montreal, marily an emigration agency, Mr. Canada, will speak. Broadcasts Beckelmnn cnld, since 1015 it has during the month of February assisted 025,000 people to find will originate from cities outnew homes. Ho called this "the side the continental U n i t e d largest number ever moved by a States, beginning with visits to voluntary, non-g o v e r n m e ntal Canada and Hawaii. agency." About 300,000 persons are still Tho Eternal Light program receiving some kind of aid from wlU be heard over WOW-Hathe JDC and there are more than dio, this Sunday from 11:30 30,000 still needing emigration asa. m. to noon. ' sistance, Mr. Beckelman said.
Yiddish Concert JDC Program Delayed to Mar. 16 The Workmcn'6 Circle Yiddish Concert "Three Hundred Jewish Years In America" has been postponed from its scheduled performance T u e s d a y , Feb. 8, to March 16. Tho group, which Includes Israel Wcllcnansky, Maaha Benya and Pola Kndlson, will be unable to come to Omaha until that date. Tickets for tho concert are now on sale at tho Center for 75 cents.
Publlibtd •ranr I W n , 101 M. JOUl. sun* I Oroiw, Ntbnuka, A w AT UMAamuJ
On Radio and TV
Milton IL Abraham
Abrahams Named To School Board
United Nations, M. Y. (JTA) — Declaring that lie could not remember a time when "the hostility and lawlessness of the Arab governments was at so high a pitch over to wide a front," Israel Ambassador Abba S. Eban charged that a whole series ot lawless acts by Arab states were concentrated by the Arab League governments, all of which were responsible for each violation. Mr. Eban charged an Arab conspiracy when he addressed a press conference here i n connection with the submission of Iirael's complaint to the Security Council against Egypt's blockade of Israel-bound shipping. He mentioned the Egyptian blockade, the Jordan refusal to honor Its signature on the armistice agreements, the Syrian refusal to accent the verdict of the majority of the Security Council, the Iraqi arrest* of Innocent air passengers forced down on Iraqi territory and the threats of the King of Saudi Arabia. Total Hostility' A situation exists, he said, of "total hostility" in which "there Is a flight from agreements and obligations along the entire front. AH this takes place," lie added, "with a remarkable lack of alert international counteraction." Mr. Eban declared it "Incoficelvable" fhat at the climax of Arab hostility and lawlessness, military nld should be given to any member of the Arab League whose povernments threaten tho peace. He singled out Iraq which, with Saudi Arabia, has b«cn mentioned as possible recipient of American military aid, as "the most extremist member" as lender In the original aggression.against Israel and as the source of numerous irridentist moves in the Middle East. —• Complaints
Milton R. Abrahams, member of the Executive Committee of the Federation for Jewish Service, was elected to the Omaha School Board. He was named by the board to servo until December 31 filling the unexplred term of a rest^cd member. Mr. Abrahams In a member of the Chamber of Commerce committee on education nnd is a former chairman of the Citizens Advisory Committee on Education. Ho is a native of Omahn and graduated from Central High School and Crciehton University's School of Law. Mr. Abrahams Is chairman of the Advisory Committee of the Antl-Defamatlon League and a In a memorandum submitted past chairman of Jewish Commuearlier to the Security Council exnity Center committee. plaining Israel's complaint against Egypt's extension of the an»i-U-' rael blockade at the Suez Canal and at the mouth of the Gulf of Aquaba, Mr, Eban pointed out that the Anti-Israel Boycott ComNew York (JTA)—Agreement mittee cited In the Efrrotltm le«for merger of the Hebrew Immi- islatlon extending the blockade to grant Aid Society (HIAS) and f o o d : shipments a« requesting the United Service for New Amer- tightening of the blockade Includicana (USNA) into a new organ- ed representatives of all memberization to be known as the United states of the Arab League. HIAS Service, was announced The "memorandum, requesting here. The' new organization will discussion of the comnlalnt at an also take over the overseas migra- earty meeting of the Council, listtion services' ot the Joint Distri- ed the Ejryptlan blockade. of the Canal and the interference with bution Committee. The development, one of the, shlpolng bound for the Israeli port of Math as violations of Mhe Semost significant in American Jewish organizational life in recent curity Council resolution of Sepyears, was announced at a press tember 1, 1951, nnd the Israelconference held at the Council Egypt armistice agreement. It of Jewish Federations and Wel- charged that both actions were fare Funds. Edwin Rosenberg, "equally piratical and illicit." New York communal leaders, who initiated the merger discussions 16 months ago, revealed that the board of directors of HIAS and tho executive committee of USNA had unanimously accepted Joint proposals by conferees of both orGeneva (JTA)—The Israel Govganizations in conjunction with ernment and the Intergovernmenrepresentatives of JDC and the tal Committee' for European MiNational Council of Jewish Wom- gration (ICEM) reached agreeen. ment for the ICEM to extend asActual technical details of the sistance to nationals of Austria, merger remain to be worked out Oermnny, Greece, Itnly and the and Mr. Rosenberg disclosed that Netherlands who wish to settle in the legal aspects of the merger Israel permanently, provided their arc expected to be completed by cmlirratlon Is noproved by their next June. HIAS, 70-year-old ImThe nccord, the thlrtl between migration Eervlce, covers Its pres- Israel nnd the ICEM. nlso provides ent budget of about $2,000,000 by for continuation of ICEM resettlecontributions from its membership ment nld to Etirom-nn Jewish refuand by grants from welfare funds gees who have loft their country throughout the country. The ap- of clH7.enr.hlp and arrived In Westen route to Israel, or proximately $500,00 budget of ern Europe 1 USNA tho mnjor resettlement vhoqt postwar re-establishment in agency In the United States, nnd Eurnoe hns boon found to be imthe estimated $1,500,000 budget posslDle. During the p a s t W of the JDC's migration service months ICEM has assisted orer are covered by allocations from 3,000 refugees to resettle In Israel. the United Jewish Appeal. The new agreement provides 'or For 1055, the new organisation the movement of 2.000 persons to will be expected to develop a uni- Israel this year. The Israeli Govfied plan of fund-raising to cover ernment has appointed the JewIts budget. Meanwhile, the agen- ish Agency to handle all prc-emcies will continue to be financed bnrkation arrangement* lor Jewish resettlcrs. as at present.
Services Merge For Immigrant Aid
Migration Groua To Aid Nationals
"page T w e
rut rewisn PRESS
Friday, February 5,
Red UN Veto Scores Coup
frra* rnbUsaed Every Friday b» Iht Omaoa Jtwish federation taunt a* mum HIM BMUUT at Omana. N«Draak>. aaatt OH « i ol Hull >. u a u anmrmiiw. S4.00. Aavnuatw flat* OD AppOeauoa. StntirOBiaba. Matt. ATlaauc ItM,
• By Arthur Lewis ' Uiiited Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— i Surely, an apt description of the JEdlto' HARRY HALPERT.. , recent Security Council fiaico -..Society Editor JFRS. LOUIS PAUL. •; over the Jordan River canal dls! pute is to say that the Soviets i emerged from it like the proverbial cat which had swallowed the canary. Perhaps, the Western delegates would have claimed that Yeshiva University's ushering in of the 25th Anniversary they came out of it more like the Year of Uie establishment of i t s College of Arts and Science is cat which swallowed the peace an important cultural event in the Jewiah community of Amerdove, and not the Picasso brand cither but theirs would have been ica and a tribnte to the vision of its founder — the late Dr. merely sour grapes. Mr. VishinBernard Revel. sky scored a diplomatic coup and Established despite extensive skeptical predictions of failhe was entitled to the chuckling he did afterwards. ure, harmful oppogition, and in an era that witnessed a gigantic "* 'Never Sure economic depression, it was Dr. Bevel's determination and conrIt was In such a Machiavellian af e that made the College a thriving Reality. Today the eonmanner thBt he went about it that cept that we Jews have a contribution to. make to higher edu the Western delegates could never be sure ttat be was going to tun cation, and that we must establish our facilities toward that veto; they had even discussed objective, is an accepted premise. Hie college today is a going their resolution with him, an uninstitution, ranting high on the roster of American colleges usual procedure in this placet and universities, and more than 1,000 of its graduates are now where East Is East and West is West and never tho twain nwcf, serving country and Jewry with devotion and idealism. and had even made changes In tha Yeshiva College is a pioneering contribution to American wording to meet tho Russian objections. Yet, when they came Jewish history that in, indeed, worthy of the highest accolade., to review the shambles of their plans, they* bad to admit that Mr. VJshlnaky had indicated what ho was going to do. Somehow, they refused to believe their own ears, By Nathan Zlprin strong man has won 150 succesand they were thrown Into conPrediction . . . sive wrestling matches in this fusion when he raised his hand Irving M. Engel will be the next country, a feat, h e claims, entitles in opposition, and by this simple president of the American Jewish him to grappling with the topBy Heary W. Levy seder of the Chief Rabbi of Tel motion, so cheap and effortless, Committee though there is still a notchers T gained the plaudits of the Arab Aviv the year before. President Eisenhower has apmovement afoot to have Jacob press. pointed Simon E. Sobeloff SoliciMilitant far l i c M a Blaustein reconsider his decision A Chancing WerM . , Of course, there were the obtor General of the United States. Militant in his espousal of the The Educational Alliance, whose In this position, he wiU be coun- rights against another term. There has and privileges of the com- vious political and propaganda been strong pressure on Blaustein edifice on East Broadway and Jef- sel of the richest and greatest mon man, purposes of such a move, but both in dvil as well as and there may even be a stampede ferson Street on New York's low- client in the world, the' United Jewish life, Mr. Sobcloffs philos- those who are close to the Soviets to draft him at the forthcoming er East Side was once teeming Slates of America. He will be ophy is hard to define in words. claim that there was another rea47th annual meeting of the com- with colorful Jewish Immigrant the government's representatice A believe* in such basic Republic- son for the veto. These apologists mittee, but he will not be budged. life, is gradually, adjusting Itself in ail litigation before the Su- an tenets as free enterprise, he is say the Russians are opposed to Prior commitments, he was re- and its educational and cultural preme Court nevertheless liberal enough to the Truce Supervision Organixaported to have told committee activities to the ne«ds of jt changas labor counsel to a New Uons, that they, were excluded Judge Sobeloffs public career serve people, will make it Impossible Jor ing population. When the alliance Deal Democratic Mayor. Some from it when it was originally him to serve the organization in was founded some 65 years ago. has been closely interrelated with years before the New Deal was fortned, and that they are going -presidential capacity. Incidental- its objective was to meet and serve that of Maryland's chief execu- bom, he drafted and sponsored a to grant it any additional. power. spiritual, social, educational tive, Governor Theodore Roose- State Unemployment Insurance ly, among the candidates promi- the even the religious needs of velt McKeldln, who thinks of him bill. Sound enough on taxes and If they want to have a say in the nently mentioned as bis successor and Middle East, and, like everyone the Jewish immigrants who came is'a "high minded citizen of great was Judge Simon K. Rifkind. economy to be chief advisor else, the Soviets regard It as a streaming to the new world. To- iblllty—a great lawyer." In their state to a Republican Governor, he has critical area, they must Insist on day the organization has paused younger days, both men were asAbort People . . . distinguished service as keeping matters in the Security to examine its future against the sociated with former Mayor Wil- rendered to what critics would call Council. David Ben Gurion is now background of a changing scrv-. R. Brocning of Baltimore, counsel a Socialist experiment, the City staff member of The Day-Jewish ice area and a population which liam Although these i n f o r m a n t s died only a month or so ago Authority. In the field of would not say that the Russians Journal, New York Yiddish daily. is s<ill however said to count about who —Sobeloff as advisor and later Housing Civil rights—he Is a member of regard Gcoeral Vagn Bcnnike, Under an arrangement reached 90,000 Jews. There is no way of In the City Solicitor's office, and with the former Israeli Premier, determining the course of action McKeldin as secretary to the the board of the Urban League— the chief of staff of the truce orthe newspaper will have exclusive the Alliance will pursue after Mayor. Later, when McKrldln be- his has been a jHiwerful voice ganfration, as a Western stooge, and segrerights* to his weekly writings and completion of the survey it is curMayor and Governor of against indiscrimination a community that has a they did point out that the Kremcomments . . . You may not have rently conducting of the area un- ramc Balitmorc, Judge Sobcloff was gation partial southern heritage. As a lin had no way of influencing known it, but the Arthur Waley der the aeei« of the Center of Hu- his clotcst personal advisor. Federal attorney, he enforced the him. whereas Washington ana who was recently awarded a gold man Relations of New York Unilaw while personally opposed to Whitehall were In direct contact medal bv Queen Elizabeth for his versity's School of Education, but Native of Baltimore with him. The Soviets were not contributions to English litera- it is this comer's guess that the Both the Governor and the new prohibition. going to allow him to have the ture, mainlv through bringing the adjustment will be in the direc- Solicitor General arc native BalChinese, Japanese and English tion of a more secular program timorcans, poor boys whose sucOf this phase of his career, the right to decide on his own hook tongues together through transla- of activities. Most of the remain- cess stories arc so much a part Baltimore "Sun" cditoralizcd: It the question of building the canal, tion, stems from a prominent Jew- ing Jewish residents Of the area was "his distasteful duty to •en- and therefore they vetoed the ish family. His name orirlnally are elderly oeonle with a dimin- of the American pattern. McKel- force the Volstead law, but be resolution which would have giv: was Arthur David Schlass. It was ishing interest in recreational ac- din's father was a cop; Sdbcloffs enforced It In about as cleanly a en him this Tight not to conceal his Jewish Identl'y tivities. This, indeed, is a far an upholsterer. Both were born way as anyone could; so his servStrings Attached that he changed his name b«t only err from th» davs when a barelv in Baltimore, sons of immigrants, ice in the prosecutor's office, even Such ah explanation of the Busbecause his mother was a Wa'ev, Hi«**nible "MnsUansky Yedaber" who have done credit to Amer- under prohibition, did not with- tfon action does fit into a pattern M the nrominent Jewish fami"f» (Marilansfcy will s p e a k ) sign ica's "open-door*.' policy, now, un- draw him from the ranks of de- for the Soviets are opposed to any in England bearing that name, would draw hundreds uoon hun- fortunately threatened. cent men." international bodies outside' the believed -to be a derivative iim dreds of peonle to the Alliance auUnited Nations, and therefor* But after looking back on a Jewish Life l e v y . . . An ira'e ftanahel Haloutside their supervision. For i n dUoritim w h I c h simultaneously legal career that made him one • In Jewish life, he has been on pern has threatened ha*4* ret»«rt as synagogue-and concert of the biggest earners In the pro- the side of democratization—the stance, they have attached strings to Israel if he do»> not 0 get a feafession, as well as one of the widening of community respon- to their allocation of a million dofture wrestlin* billin . Israel's state's most respected barristers, sibility. He has been militant in Jars to technical assistance; they hat!. the Chief Judge of the State's the fight against prejudice, but he have said that the money can only highest court, and now Solicitor has recognized the truth that be used v by the United Nations. General of the United States, Si- miracles couldn't always bo ac- Now, the technical assistance promon Sobcloff may well feel that complished overnight. Generally, gramme is a co-operative effort it was worth the experience. For he favored legislation making of not only the UJf.'a Technical thereafter he entered polit- racial and religious discrimination Assistance Administration but of 1 toon ics as a boy orator. One speech, illegal, but within a range that is I he specialized agencies such as delivered In the 1007 Mayorality workable. UNESCO, the Food and Agriculcampaign was heard by CongressAs advisor for Governors and tural Organization, the World - ; New York (JTAJ—Fund-raising where hundreds of thousands of man John Kronmillcr, who was for Israel in this country is ex- acres produce only one-fourth of so impressed that he gave young Mayors, hU has been an effective Health Organization, and so on. periencing a "serious, drastic de- their potential due to a lack of Simon his first political appoint- voice of liberalism. His good Dr. Hugh Kcenlcytlde, the Cacline," Rudolf G. Sonncborn. na- funds for implementing irrigallor ment, as a page boy in the House sense—which is perhaps hio great- nadian who is head of tho Techest asset—has been combined with nical Administration, went to tional chairman of the United projects in full scale." of Representatives. a literate simplicity that has civ- Moscow recently to try to untie Israel Appeal, cald at the UIA ani. Social problem cases Involvinr Throughout all the years, Simon en ctyle and substance to what- these strings. If they are not unnual meeting here. "tens of thousands of widows ever he has written, speeches, icd, the Russian contribution Sounding a "somtier warning" aged, handicapped, who require di- Sobeloff has been active in Jewish •anuot be accepted, according to to the Jewish people in this coun- rect assistance and the opportu- affairs- lie has been president of briefs or opinion);. In the year that he has been he present rules, which would, try, Mr. Sonncborn, who was re- nity to do some kind of work bul the Baltimore Ik>ard of Jewish Education, president of Uie BaltiClilcf Judge, the new Solicitor f cour.'e, do no one any good. elected Chairman at the meeting who are netting the barest miniThere Is only one thing wrung more Jewish Council, a member General has displayed a judicial declared that we can "no longer mum of cither." Ith the bland argument of these of the Board of the Jewish Eduescape the painful and boldly apEllis Radinsky reporting on thr cational A l l i a n c e , Baltimore's temperament and attitude that, joviet apologists: that is that the along with his Imposing legal rent fact that available fundr activities of UIA agencies in Israel of New York's Madi- qualifications, makes local law- tusjians have never objected in ve been sharply reduced whilr during 1953, announced that a to- counterpart House;- founder and president yers feel that a great judge is be- his way to the Truce Supervision Sit the same time rcip° n£ 'bilitier tal of $85,$85,550 had been spen- son the local American Jewlch Con- ing sacrificed, even though it be Drganlwition before, that they in Israel, particularly in terms of for ihe immigration and resettle- of gress chapter, as well as its na- for a legal position of the high- lave never used the veto in a human m lives and their pproductive ment program. "In Uie hlchly- tional vice-president; a member est national significance that is Palestine dispute. That Js why hbiliti h h tharged atmosphere of political of the board and legal counselor rehabilitation, have more thar. most observers here believe that trebled." Mr. Sonncburn cited tension and border attrition," Mr of the Associated Jewish Chari- the dream nnd aspiration of iminy the Soviet action had a political four major areas In Israel which Radinsky said, the UIA agencier ties; and an active worker on be- of America's finest lawyers. nolive and that It may mark a (JTA) have suffered sharply due to the persisted in recking to meet the half of Israel as well as local urning point in Ruralan policy in drastic fund decline.-: productive needs of the country philanthropies. Ihc Middle East. At least, that Is TECHNION GRANT 1. Transition rump, condition; through a large-seal emphasis on Last year. Judge Sobeloff went Haifa (JTA)—A grant of 20,- what the Arabs are claiming, nnd under which 100,000 Immigrant agricultural development. t may not be wkhful thinking to Israel with Governor McKcI- 000 Israel pounds lias been made live in very difficult straits with For the construction of '13 setThey spent the Passover in by the Edmund do Rothschild n their part. •food supplies low and malnutri- tlements, Jlie development of those din. the new Jewish state, and along Foundation to Uie Haifa Tcchnion tion an ominous specter." already in existence and the ex- with their wives, at Passover were for its newly-established agricul2. Short-term foreign debts to- pansion of irrigation project.':, the guests of th Chlf Rabbi of both tural engineering department. The Philadelphia (JTA)—Tho Unlttaling 1110,000,000 which must be UIA last year spent more than Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. At Uie foundation is sponsored by the reduced by a curtailment of im- $54,500,000, Mr. Radinsky sale). A.' seder service at the Sobcloff home Palestine Jewish Colonization As- d States Government has asports. "This limitation on pur- part of the agricultural program this year, the Governor brought sociation. This was its second igned a grant of $85,000 to the Ubcrl Einstein Medical Center chases aboard is working severe a large-scale emphasis was placed with him, for the afikoman which grant to the Tcchnion. icrc for a five-year study of c n hardships in terms of consumer on increasing the land area under was discovered by the oldest of cymc activity and its relation to goods and necessary staples." irrigation. He pointed out that in the three Sobcloff grandchildren, She'lcy Winters: "Some men are 3. Agricultural development har 1053 an additional 30,000 acrcr a piece of matzoh which he had husbands merely because some ho brain. The grant was mado the Department of Health, . h a d to be limited "to the point were added to the irrigated area. brought back with him from the women disliked being old maids." >y callo and Welfare.
A Pioneer Comes of Age
Off the Record
S. Sobeloff New Appointee For Solcitor General of U. S.
Israel Fund Raising Faces 'Serious and Drastic Decline
dancer Research
Wkttjr, Frtmaiy «. MM
Face Tbrt.
Zionist District Will Hear Rabbi
Viewed Through Eyes of a Child
Fourth Concert Well Balanced PRESS
Rabbi I. Usher Kirshblum, vi Last week's JEWISH By Uans Bser prcsiclcnt of the Zionist Organireview of Mrs. Myer Kxipke's The arrangement of the program zation of America, will be ;;uest latest book, "Let's Talk About of the fourth concert of the Omaspeaker ot an open meeting of God," brought an interesting re- ha Symphony Orchestra gave an the Zionist District of Omaha opportunity of satisfying the difTuesday, Feb. 16, in Die Jewish sponse. wishes of the audience. Community Center. Susan Brodkey, a student in the ferent The first part presented the Rabbi Kirshblum is a graduate fifth grade at the Temple Israel Overture to "Iphigenla in AuUs" of the Jewish Institute of Religion Religious School, "discovered" the by the great master of the "bawhich was founded by Dr. Stephen book a month ago, and excitedly rock," Bluck and the fourth symS. Wise. He w;is the first graduasked if she could write a review phony by Brahms. The second ate to become a member of the of it for the class. Since then part, however, contained composiRabbinical Assembly of America many youngsters' have followed tions which arc free from any and is at present on the memberher example, musical problems. The reproducship committee a n d executive Mrs. Norman Whitman, Instruc- tion of a Brahms symphony is no council. tor of the class, felt that the sin- easy task for the orchestra, HowRabbi Kirshblum i:; f o r m e r cerity of Susan's comments made ever, the performance was well president of the Long Island Rethem worthy of publication. Arthur Fiedler balanced and particularly impresgion of ZOA and former associateSusan.Is the daughter of Mr. sive in the heavy sections of the treasurer of the ZOA. He also work. It is certainly very difficult and Mrs, Edwin E. Brodkcy. was a member of the Finance Committee and recently was electThese are some of Susan's im- for an orchestra which during the winter season plays a few conMaurice KaUman ed as a delegate to the World pressions: certs only and which, consequentZionist Congress to be held in This book Is about God, and ly has not too many rehearsals to Jerusalem. all the creations he made. reproduce the deep and mystic He has served as a member of Arthur Fiedler will conduct the "It also tells you that God U substance of this music in full perthe Board of Directors of the Boston Pops Tour Orchestra, .Mon- inside of you, and it makes you fection. This was sometimes felt United Palestine App»ol and Jew- day, Feb. 15,'In the Tccb High fael free and brave. When I fin- in those parts of the composition ished the book, I felt warm inside. in "which different groups of inish National Fund. It ii a wonderful book. I should The leaders, builders and elders Guests are cordially invited to Auditorium. like to quote the poem on the struments have to produce meanArthur Fiedler was educated at of the Belli Israel family will be attend this open meeting. ingful episodes.. The second half last page. honored nt the Fifteenth Annual the Boston Latin School and -conof the program was a true oasis 'It isn't so Important and Dinner in the Beth Israel Synaof beauty of sound and expression, tinued his musical education at It isn't even odd gogue Social Hall, Sunday, Feb. 14. : "lie Rouet d'Omphale" (spinning' the Royal Academy in Berlin. His we don't know JK> many song) by Salnt-Saens was interAt the annual dinner last year, New York (JTA)—An agree- father and two uncles were mem- That things preted with much finesse and Dr. Reuben G. Gustafson, who ment for the pooling of all TB About the ways of Cod. bers of the Boston Symphony Ordelicacy which made a perfect perwas then Chancellor of the Uni- facilities operated by the Israel versity of Nebraska, was honored Government and the Joint Dis- chestra, and when the young fid- The thing that matters most of all formance of this charming and. entertaining piece possible. Thanks with the first Annual Citation tribution Committee in the Jew- dler returned from Europe he We're very certain of: Award. This year members of ish State was announced by Mor- took his place In the string sec- That God told people how they to Dr, Duncan for putting it on the program.' the congregation will pay tribute ris Laub, JDC Assistant Secretary. tion. .must live to those who have devoted a lifeThe "Capriccio Itallen" by The agreement provides for the In 1828, he founded the free In brotherhood and love.' tuna of work, energy and loyalty pooling ot all TB accommoda- Esplanade Concerts on the banks "The author of this book is Mrs. Tchaikovsky got an extremely colto the advancement of Beth Israel tions operated the Israel Gov- of the Charles River, which he Myer K. Kripke. 1 enjoyed it very orful rendition too, underlining Synagogue. Members and friends ernment (525 by the rustic character of this music. and of the still conducts. much.? are cordially Invited to attend the facilities (825) beds) beds established Although a fine musician who Susan Brodkcy "The Winter's Passed" for oboe ceremonies. Within the past three years by can conduct classical as well at Grade 5 (age 10) and strings by the American comMaurice Katzman is dinner Malbcn, JDC welfare program on lighter selections, Fiedler has this Temple Israel Religious School. poser Wayne Barlow is music filled chairman and Mrs. Lewis Ncvelcff behalf ot aged, ill and handicap- to say: "A Strauss wait* is as with fine moods. Frank Serpan, ped newcomers to the Jewish good a thing of its kind as a Beetco-chairman. oboist and Myron Cohen, concertState. Under the terms of the hoven symphony. It'» nice to eat master brought out the shading of new pact, patients will be placed a good chunk of beef, but you the moods in their solo parts. In institutions best fitted to meet want a slice of light dessert too." It was a very successful concert their particular requirements, with Fiedler's aim Is to dish up the for Dr. Duncan and the orchestra the Israel Ministry of Health and dessert as well o» possible: "I'm and the audience showed its apMalben each remaining financial- very particular about that." The Midwest Section Scholarly responsible for their respective The Pops is one of the oldest ship Committee of the National preciation with rounds of applause. The Center's Young Adult Club Institutions. Jewish Welfare Board will conorchestras in the country. will play host to the Y's Cosmosider applications for scholarship Israel Bond Parley politan club Sunday, Feb. 7. The Of the additional 1,500 beds grants for the 1054-53 school year, fourth In » scries of American provided for TH patients In Israel SOVIET OIL was announced by Slgmund M. Scheduled for March Tel Aviv (JTA)—A second ship- it Kim F o r u m programs will be since 1948, the JDC officer indiCohen of Cincinnati, committee shown. Senator Mike Mansfield cated, the majority have been es- ment of heavy oil from the Soviet chairman. New York (JTA)—A National (Mont-Dem.) will debate with tablished by Malben Itself or with Union for Israel's power plants and Fred G. Aandahl, Assistant Sec- the organization's financial as- refineries arrived here in the The scholarships arc awarded to Planning Conference for Israel to young men and women to enable consider assistance to Israel's proretary of Interior (N.D.-Rcp.) on sistance. In addition, Mr. Laub Italian tanker Giacoma Metauti. the topic "Who Should Control pointed out that Malben has also The tanker, in the future, will them to complete their graduate gram of economic development studies leading to a Masters Dewill be held in Washington March Our Natural Resources?" pioneered in the field of TB re- make the Odessa-Tel Aviv run gree in social work at a recognized 29-28, it was announced by Julian After the twenly-minule film habilitation, including the estab- twice a month. school. The applicants must be B. Venezky, chairman of the exCitrus shipments to the Soviet accepted by the school and their ecutive committee of tho Israel presentation both groups will con- lishment of the first TB rehabiliUnion, with which Israel is pay- qualifications will be reviewed by Bond Organization. tinue the discussion. A social hour tation center in Israel. Ing for the Russian oil, have had both a professional screening com- Jewish community leaders from Will follow. to be halted because of the un- mittee and by members of the all parts of tho United States will CHAMBEH OF COMMERCE usually cold weather at Odessa, scholarship selection committee. attend the Conference, which will York (JTA)—The setting Alleged Accomplices upNew port. Several hundred Complete details as to the qual- be devoted to tho formulation ot of an office of the American- receiving cases of fruit from the last ifications requited of applicants plans for the sale of the DevelopOf Sfcmsky Imprisoned Israel Chamber of,Commerce and shipmentdims were ruined by the se- for the scholarship grants are ment Issue, starting soon after Industry in Israel and plans for vere cold at Odessa, it was re- available at the Activities office April 1. The new Issue Is Intended Vienna (JTA)—Seven alleged the opening of branches of the ported. in the Jewish Community Center. to raise $75,000,000 during 1054, accomplices of the late R u d o l f Chamber throughout the United and Is part of a total issue of S l a n s k y , one-time Communist States were announced here this $390,000,000 to be sold during the Party bead In , Czechoslovakia week-end by Nathan Strauss III, next few years to enable Israel president of the Chamber, at the who waa executed for ".treason" to achieve economic Independence and espionage" Involving alleged first of a series of regular and inthrough th« expansion of its inFrfdsy. Feb. 8 Jewish and Zionist conspirators, formal luncheon m e e t i n g s of dustry, agriculture and commerce, Pre-School—8.00 a. nt—Center. were sentenced to various prison members of the organization. terms ranging from IS years to Jacques Torczyncr, a member of Saturday, Feb. $ 1MNVERTS life, according to reports from the Chamber's board of directors, Jazz Musical—8:00 p. m.—Center, West Olive, Michigan (WNS)— Prague. All but one of the seven reporting on his recent visit to Beth El Silver Jubilee Revue—4:00 p. m Beth £1. James H. Burke,' a former Methwere Jews, and nil were said to srael, forecast liberalization of the Hayim House Party—0:00 p. m—Home. , odist M*nMtT his wife and four have confessed to treason. Israel economy, including steps to Sunday, Feb. 7 , children have embraced Judaism Mikulas Lands, a district Com abolish foreign currency controls. Children's Program—2:00 p. m.—Center. and were brought into their new munlit leader, accused of using He averted that the rc-formatlon Workmen Circle Families Bazaar—All day—Labor Lyceum, faith in the traditional Jewish Zionist connections to enrich him- of the coalition government in Young Adult Lounge Night—American Film Fortm Series—8:00 manner by two rabbis In Prcsno, self under the "pretext of restitu- Israel, with the Mapal and the California. p. m.—Center. tion,' was sentenced to 20 years. General Zionists as major partThis was disclosed here by the Monday. Feb.' I Ervin Folak, described by the ners, was based on a continuation new convert to Judaism when he and stepping-up of the policy Of prosecution as a "Jewish bourPrc-School—0:00 a. m.—Center, ~ arrived from California, where he geois nationalist," r e c e i v e d 18 economic freedom and encourageBlkur Chollm Luncheon—1:00 p. m.—Center. and his four-year-old son underment of private enterprise and years. Temple Israel Bible Study Group—1:30 p. m.—Home. went Abrahamic rites. Mr. Jacob private investment. Brandeis University Board Meeting—Home. H. Burke, as he is how called, Mr. Torczyner called upon Workmen's Loan—7:30 p. m.—Center. , was grade school teacher in a American businessmen to become Gardeners Exchange small town of Oklahoma. After B'nal B'rith Monsky Chapter No. 470—8:00 p. m.—Center. more aware of Israel's economic deciding to adopt the Jewish faith Omaha Symphony—8:30 p. m.—Joslyn Memorial. . Lecture at Joslyn potentialities, and urged the he joined the United Israel World Beth Israel Adult Institute—9:00 p. m.—Beth Israel Synagogue. Union, a proselyting Chamber to take the lead in proJewish group The first Celebrity Lecture of moting investment in and tourism Tuesday, Feb. » which claims to have converted Ihe year of the Gardener's Ex- to Israel. B. Rosen, a member of Pioneer Women—1:00 p. m.—Center. some 4,700 American Christians change is scheduled for Tuesday, the Tel Aviv Chamber of ComPcrctz-Hirshbcin—1:00 p. m.—Home. to Judaism. Burke, whose father Feb. 9, at 2 p. m. at Joslyn Art merce, spoke of Israel's progress Council Study Croup—1:00 p. m.—Home. and brother are Methodist minMuseum. The lecture with illus- in foreien trade and described the isters, said he embarked on the Afternoon Bridge Class—1:15 p. m.—Center. trated slides will be "Our Arab new Haifa port installations. N. new religious path because "I Omaha Symphony—8:30 p. m.—Joslyn Memorial. Neighbors and Gardens of the Lipshltz, president of the Jerusought the truth," The Burke Holy Land." Narrator will be Pro- salem Manufacturers' Association, Wednesday, Feb. 10 family expects to settle permafessor Bethel Stewart Picked, who was a guest at the luncheon. Pre-School—9.00 a. m.—Center. . nently in Michigan, site of a large for many years was head of the Afternoon Ceramics Class—1:00 p. m.—Center. community of former Christians Iowa State College Department of Beth El Sisterhood Luncheon Meeting—1:00 p. m.—Beth EL who adopted Judaism. Horticulture and Forestry. ProfesOil Painting Class—1:00 p. m.—Center. sor Picked accepted an invitation Evening Ceramics Class—7:30 p. m.—Center. . from the Republic of Syria to JORDAN CENSURED Center Orchestra—8.00 p. m.—Center. work as an agricultural advisor Jerusalem (JTA)—The IsraelZionist Council—8:00 p. m.—Center. in the field of horticulture and Tlie newly appointed Camp Jay Jordan Mixed Armistice Commislived in the city of Damascus. Jewish Cookery Class—8:00 p. m.—Center. C-C Committee will meet at the sion sharply censured Jordan for B'nal B'rilh Monsky Chapter No. 470 "Adult Education—8:00 p. m. the murder of an Israeli policeFeb. 9, to bcRin His lecture tells the story of Center Tuesday, the camp administration man in the Jerusalem area The —Home. life in Syria and Jordan and with planning brilliant kodachromc slides pre- it war, announced by Al Sopliir, Workmen's Circle Ladies Auxiliary—8:30 p. m.—Labor Lyceum, policeman was shot and killed chairman, of the Camp Jay-C-C while on patrol duty when an sents wild flowers, a n i m a l s , Centennial Lecture. Arab unit opened fire with subwalled Arab roso gardens and Committee. Requests for inforThursday, Feb. 11 machine guns. yards with fountains. The pub- mation or suggestions may be adKadimah Dessert Luncheon—1:00 p. m.—Brandcls Store. lic is Invited to attend and reser- dressed to Mr. Sophlr at the CenThe mixed armistice commliCouncil Women Board Meeting—1:00 p. m.—Home. vations may be had by phoning ter. sion insisted that Jordan take the Youth Council Ballroom Dancing Class—3:45 p. nv—Center. Gardener's Exchange, AT 1887, or strongest possible measures to preEvening Bridge Class—8:00 p. m.—Center. at the studio, Room 53, Douglas Ethel Merman: "Don't wear vent a recurrence and to, imprest Cbrahusker B'nal B'rith—fl:O0 p. m.—Center. Block,'105 South 16th Street, in gloves when calling on your girl; on its forces respect for the armisOmaha. Tuesday Musical—8:30 p. m.—Central High School, you'll feel better without them." tice lines.
Boston Pops at Tech High. Feb. 15
Beth Israel Plans Annual Dinner
Pool TB Facilities
Scholarships Open For Social Work
Young Adults Play Host to T* Club
Community Calendar
Camp Jay C-C Committee to Meet
, February 5,1054
"Talk of Many Things" Leaving Mr. and Mrs. Bernarr Jonlsch > and daughter, Terr! Ellen, are leaving Omaha to make their home in Dallas, Ter. M n . Jonlsch Is the tenner Sally Mirer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Marer. Mn. Sophie Hothkop left Wednesday morning for Berkeley, Calil M n . nothkop will visit her lifter, M n , Jennie Goodson, apd other relative* and Mend*.
Returning M n . Sam Gelfman has rctumed.from Los'Angeles, CalU., where she visited her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and M n . Jock Root sod children.
Miss Bnsaane Perunsn
Miss S. Perimon To Wed in March Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Ferlman of Chicago, 111., announce the e n gagement of their daughter, Suzanne Ruth, to Dr. Robert J. Yudelson of Los Angeles, Calif., formerl y of- Council Bluffs. la. Mr. Tudelsori Is the son of Mrs. Morris Yudelsoa and the late Mr. Yudelson. Miss Perlman attended Smith College and was graduated from Northwestern University. Dr. Yudlecon was graduated from Creighton University and the University of Southern California Graduate School. A late March wedding is planned in Chicago. OEKMAmr BUDGETS ' Bonn (JTA)—A total of $92.800,000 for Jewish claims In all categories Is included in thr (6,430,000 budget for the 1994„ 55 fiscal year submitted to the Bundestag by West German Finance Minister Fritz Schaef/cr. , The allocations tor the two largest classifications—Israel reparations and individual indemnification—«re well below expectations. A total of *60,OOO,O00 is earmarked for deliveries under the • reparations agreement in .view of the "budgetary position." Dr. Schaeffer told the Bundestag in this connection that the Federal Government had ''availed itself of the contractual possibility of limiting the value of deliveries to 460,000,000 for trie forthcoming year." ON STUDY United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— The Subcommlsslon on Prevention of Discrimination mid Protection of Minorities adopted a three-part resolution this week recommending a study of the present position of minorities throughout the world and also recommending that factr concerning minorities bo included In two separate proposed studlcf on discrimination In the fields of education and employment,
Workmen's Circle Phi Epsilon Pi Phi Epsilon Pi recently elected To Hold Bazaar their new officers, for the second The Workmen*" Circle Family will hold their annual bazaar, card party and buffet supper Sunday Feb. 7 at S p. m. In the Labor Lyceum. Admission will be fifty cents tor adult*. Children will be admitted free of charge. The menu will include GefUte fish, blintzes and homantashen. All can be purchased at a minimum price. Bazaar items can b* purchased for a nominal fee. Proceeds of this affair will go toward the upkeep of a Jewish child in Paris, France. The Workmen's Circle adopted this child Henry Tepper, six years ago. Henry will be 13 years old .and at this time his Bar Mitzvah will be celebrated by the group. The Workmen** Circle Family also supports a school of orphans in Paris consisting of 50 children ranging in ages from five to twenty yean. • Mrs. Sam Novak 1* chairman of the affair and her co-chairman is Mn. L. Witkln. Committee member's include: Mr. L, Wltklr Mr. and Mn. L. Paperny, Mr. L Cltlin, Mrs. Sarah Schwarls, Mr and Mrs. Max Kali, Mr. and M n Max Crounzc, Mr. and M n . M Goodman, Mr. and Mn. Ben Miroff, Mr. and Mrs. N. Lerman, Mr and Mrs. S. Mogil, Mr. and Mrs S. Sussman, Mr. and Mrs. Davr Sussman, Mn. H. Rudorman, Mrf S. Ruderman, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Ncarenbcrg, Mrs. Goldle For-1 nian, Mrs. Jennie Rifkin, Mr. ant Mrs. S. H. Binder, Mr. Sam Novak, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Stein Mr. and Mrs. H. Rcsnick and Mrs Max Sclicow.
Knesset Celebrates
Jerusalem (WNS)—Israel's Parliament, celebrating jut fifth birthday, was entertained at a reception in the Knesset building by Mouse Speaker Josef Sprinzak, who proclaimed the . occasion a festival, Addressing the legislators and other state officials, Mr. Sprinzak disclosed that Knesset's five-year record includes the approval of 387 measures, more than half of which were new laws and •th* h* Walter Winchell: "Gossips are rest amendments to old legislathe spies of life." tion.
On their arrival boms thii neek from • lour of Israel's Injuitrlol tad agrlcallaral project!, Mn. Motet P. Epiteln (left). Honorary National Chairman, and Mr*. t>rad Gold«Irin, Greater New York Chairman, of ibe Women'a Dlvitlen for Slate of Itrarl Bonda. examine I lie fine worltminihip of a liaca tajilccloli Uier obtained ait ibe Kitan Ltd. fertile; plant, wnlrh li imaeed by investment capital derived from tbe £ute of Iirael Bond lime. The lableelolh, one of Itrael'a new comniodiliea, ia made from flax, which, far the tnt line aiaee the Biblical era, it being proceued into linen at feetorie* ettablithed witb Irrael Bond aid. Daring ibeir tour, the women faupeeled many of these pilots and witaeMed the manufacture of the color. faUlr t•werrd elotB. At a remit of larael Bond auittance, Itraeli linen. SJSSIWS caa a«w be farad is) leading department More* tbrouiJb«M lb< U. &
half of the school year. The officers are: Harry Wise, Superior: Fred Kolm, Vice-Superior; Stew-1 art Kahn, Treasurer; Moynarr Tatelman, Recording-Corresponding Secretary and Harvey Cooper Quarterly reporter. Dave Beuer will serve as pledge master for the Spring semester. Installation of the officer* was held at a tea with the Mothers' Club at the home of Mrs. Sarah Cooper. Under the chairmanship of Maynard Tatelman, the chapter will bold Brotherhood services .at Beth Israel Synagogue Friday, Feb. 6 Special guests will be members of the other fraternities and sororities from Omaha University. The public is invited to attend. The Mothers' Club wlU receive the congregation and the guests after the services in the social halt Harry Wise has recently been promoted to the position of Captain in the Air Force ROTC program at Omaha U. Other promotions were Mel Weise and Harvey Cooper, First Lieutenant and Maynard Tatelman and Fred Kolm Second Lieutenant.
Cultured Patterns Studied in Israel The unifying influence of the Jewith State is being challenged by the divergent sociological patterns of the three sections of Israel's population, according to Dr. Aryeh Tartakowcr in an article on "Israel and Her Orientals" appearing in the January issue of The Jewish Horizon, published by Hapoel Hamlzrachi of America. Dr. Tartakowcr, Professor of Sociology of the Jews at Hebrew University, is one of the founder? of the World Jewish Congress, and is currently Chairman of the Israel executive of the World Congress. The Ashkenazlc, Sephardlc and Oriental communities, each with its educational, social, psychological, economical and geographical background continue to thwart efforts toward cultural assimilation. The Oriental Jews with a low cultural level, every fourth man and every .second woman is illiterate, arc aware of their limitations and most of them suffer from inferiority complexes. Both the Scphardic and Oriental Jewr suffer from the tendency to Separatism, concentrating m a i n l y around their own affairs and in many instances split into fragments, each of which is a world in itself. The chance of cultural assimilation arc greater in the case of the Oriental communities than among the Sephardim, according to Dr Turtakowcr. The Sephardim are incomparably more conservative than those of the Oriental communities. The Ecculsivcne^s of the l.-ilter is primarily the result of their new lives in Israel and of their very low cultural standard;with all the 'consequences involved. Once there two handicap.'' will disappear, concluded Dr. Tartakower, the way may be more or less open for fusion with other parts of the population. CZECH MINISTRY Jerusalem (JTA)—The Czechoslovak Foreip.n Ministry turneil down repeated requests by Israel for the release of Morechai Orcn, Mapam leader, nnd Shmuel Orenstein, employe of the Israel Legation In Prague, who nre servinn lonj; prison terms as "espionage" agents, A sole concession has been to permit the Israeli authorities to send money to the. two imprisoned men. Harvey Stone': "A grafter Is one who chisels a career instead of carving it." "'•'•"• i
Council Aid WeU Baby Clinic Many projects of the Omaha Section, National Council of Jewish Women will benefit from proceeds of Council's Annual Dinner Dance which will be at the Blackstone Hotel from 8 p. m. until 1 p. m., Saturday, Feb. 27. The Well Baby Clinic sponsored by the Visiting Nurses Association has been held at the Jewish Community Center for twe y e a n under the supervision of Council volunteers, Mrs. Jullur Goldner and Mrs. Millard Speler pictured above. Other volunteer workers who participate at thr North Side YMCA Well Baby Clinic arc Mmes. Edward Green,
David Bebcr, Raymond Corey, Jerome Katz, Mclvin Dolgoff, Abt Venger, Ernest Wlntrpub, Homer Farber, Charles Kimmel, Lloyd Friedman and Louis Katx. In Community service work 'Council also furnishes volunteers at Children's Hospital, Veterans Hospital, Omaha fund raising drives, Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged, service to foreign born as an aid to the Jewish Federation, sponsors Counclletfes, the high school division of Omaha's Section and offers campshlps to Camp JCC, Campfiro Girls Camp and Girl Scout Camp. Mrs. Harry Stoler Is president of the Omaha Section.
B'nai B'rith Meet February 12 to 14
Pearl Llpton, 907, and Ann Schulman, 597. All-events leaders: Rae Wintroub, 1227; Libby Sachs, 1225; Pearl Lipton, 1185; Ann Schulraan, 1184; Dorothy Isack, 1175, and Flo Brookslcin, 1175. Team leaders: Gardenias, 2,850; Topaz, 2,842; Diamonds, 2,831; Emeralds, 2,827, and Violets, 2,789. Evelyn Temln treated a great deal of excitement with her conversion of the 4-0-7-10 split She hit the 4-7, sliding the four pin across into the 10. The latter fell forward, dropping the six pin.
Ida Sacks, Tournament Chairman, reports that all committees are at work completing final details for the annual B'nnl D'rith Women's District Bowling Tournament to be held February 1213-14. Due to the unexpected number of entries received from Chicago, Detroit, Milwaukee and St. Paul, the 16 local tournament teams rolled-off ahead of schedule last week-end. The 'Team Event" was bowled at Kelley's Saturday night and the "Singles Event" at the 40 Bowl at 12:30 p. m. Sunday. The 66 out-of-town teams will bowl their games in the same manner Saturday night, Feb. 13, and Sunday the 14th. Results of the Lo«al Roll-off High gomes: Sylvia Lefltz, 231; Esther Ross, 223; 'Sue Grcenberg, Z22; Evelyn Temin, 220, and Lucille Epstein, 220. : High series: Ida Sacks, 820; Sue Grcenberg, 617; Rose Oruch, 610;
BRITISH BOOKS London (JTA)—Complaints were voiced In Parliament that Israel was being "flooded" by American., and Russian books and that British books could be o b tained there only with the utmost difficulty. A. D. Dodds-Parkcr, Foreign Undcr-Secretary, r e p l i e d that Britain had eased currency regulations on certain types of book* and had under consideration the use of public funds to facilitate) the entry of British books and publications in Israel.
Mn. Robert f.V/agnwMpt
Mm Robert F. Vainer, aeeond from left, wife of New Vorl'j newly inttalled Mayor, ibown at ahe emended'official eily greeting! to national leaden of the Uniled Jewlih Appeal ai iher met la plan the formal launrhlnn of UJVi I9S4 nationwide drive al Miami Beaeh, Fla., on February 1921. l^fi to ritnti Edwird M. M. Warburg, General Chairman of Ihe UJA; Mn. Wagner; Mrs, Hal Home. Chairman of Ibe Appeal'! National Women') Dlvliion, and Dr. Jowpb J. Schwartz, UJA Executive Vlec-Cbairman. More than 900 Up rnea and women contributor! are ejperted lo Uk« part In launching ibe UJA'a loth annual campaign, whote coal ihii yew la tll9.931.lS0. UJA lamia mak« Miaiotelbe progrjraa • [ UM United hratl Appeal, ioi*t DiMribuioH C*p> ainee, sad Uniled Scniec for New Axeriuna,
•» !•
The next meeting of the Coun. dl Study Group will take place Tuesday, Feb. 6, at Mn. Harold Kasin's home, A dessert luncheon' will be served at 1 p. m. Mn. A Qlnsburg will be co-hostess. ' Mn. Charles Schneider and Mn Seymour Abramt will lead thr discussion on the Brlcker Amendment and Mn. Samuel Zacharis will present a discussion on the ammunition transportation problem.
Hadassoh Mn. Paul Veret,
Hadassah Chapter Education chairman, hai announced that the ' next Oneg Shabatt for Hadassah Education, Zionist Public Relation!, American Affairs, Program chairmen and all Hadassah presidents will be held Saturday, Feb. 13 at 13:30 p. m. in the home of Mra A. D, Frank, 120 S. J4th St.
Tl Sisterhood
A newljr formed activity of the Temple Israel 81*terhood is a Bible Study Group being held on the 2nd and 4th Mondaya of the month at the home of Mra. Laaur Kaplan, 617 Falracrea Bpad, Hab"bi Sidney Brook* conducts the Croup of eight sessions. Mn. Sidney Brooks 1* chairman and wat assisted at the first session by Mn. Stanley Flak and Mn. Morton Hiller and at the second bv Mn. Adolph Mayer and Adolph Trost. Assistant* for the third session are Mr*. MiUard Krosne, Mn. Lloyd Bank and Mrs. Herman Friedman. The afternoon lecture l» preceded by a coffee hour. February 8 is the date of the next 1 p. m. meeting.
Epstein-Morgan Post The Ladles Auxiliary of Epstein Morgan Post Jewish War Veterans, held their regular b o a r d meeting February 3, at the home of Mrs. Frank Cohen. Mrs. Ed Simon was co-hos'esj, At this timo plans were formulated for the March visit of the National President Refreshments were served. '
Kadimah Women
Mask Notes
Organizations Council Study Group
Friday, February t. US*
sraeL If you can be of service to her, please call RE 5494.
Junior Hadassah ' Junior • Hadassah will attend services this evening at Betb Israel Synagogue. A house party at the home of Rita Rosen will follow. High Individual Series in bowlIng this week goes to Marilyn Meyer with 389. High Individual game goes to Florence Izenstat with 146. "Miss Its" is high team scries with 1,232 pins.
Henry Monsky 470 The regular monthly Board meeting of B'nal B'rlth Henry Monsky Chapter 470 will be held Monday, Feb. 8, 1054 at 8 p. m. «t the Jewish Community Center. All Board members are asked to please attend this very important meeting.
The Folk Dance group met for the second time Monday, Feb. 1. Tbe class reviewed the dancer from the previous session and learned many new ones. There I; still time to join this group. Just come to the next dance session Feb. IS at 8:30 p. m. in room 29 or call the Center, JA 1366. Jass Musicale ' •'Jazz at the Jay" will have its first meeting Saturday night, Feb 6, at 8 p. m. The program .consist! of films and recorded music. Program notes will be given by members of the Youth Council. A dance will follow. JMuile at Home Club The Music at Home. Club will meet Tuesday, Feb. 23, to listen tc a program of music In commemoration of Jewish Music Month The program will feature live and recorded music. Details will appear in this column next week.
Bikur Cholim
Mrs. A. C. Fellman, musical director of the forthcoming operetta, "Yom Bpnditin," hat announced a change of timo and place for all those rehearsing with her for the production. The group will meet every Tuesday at 1 p. m. in the home of Mrs. Jack Schraegcr, 848 Fairacres Road, and every Thursday at the home of Mrs. Fellman, 5608 Jackson. All participants are asked to please note the change*.
SAM Mothers' Club Tbe Sigma Alpha Mu Mothers' dub' will hold Its regular monthly meeting Tuesday, Feb. 9, at 1 p. ni at the home of Mrs. Jack Hurwich, 2048 N. SSrd. Mrs. Isadore Giiman will be the co-hostess. Patronize Our Advertisers.
BB Citizenship j Citation, Feb. 17 > B'nai B'rlth Monsky Chapter 470 and Nebraska Chapter 346 are making plans to present their fint Annual Woman's Citizenship Award. The event will take place at a luncheon meeting to be held Wednesday, Feb. 17, at the Highland Town Club. This citation will be presented to.an Omaha woman in recognition of outstanding service in community and civic affairs tor the improvement of human relations ana tbe advancement of citizenship responsibility, < Mn, Joe GUM and Mrs, William Stone are serving as reservation chairmen, Others on the Citizenship A w a r d Committee include Mmes. Sam Pollak, Stanley Shapiro, Seymour Kaplan, Rubin Batner, Harry F r i e d m a n , David Bleicher, W. S. Abrahams, Aaron Epstein and Albert Oruch.
BE Sisterhood The regular luncheon-meeting, 'to be held Wednesday, Feb. 10, at 1 o'clock, in the social hall of the Synagogue, will emphasize the spirit of brotherhood, in observance of National Brotherhood Month. Memben are urged to invite guests—neighbors who are not Sisterhood members, Mrs. A. C. Fellman, Program Chairman, promises an entertaining afternoon. Mrs. Leonard Gould, Chairman of the Day, will be assisted by Mn. Selwyn Roffman, in presenting a playlet called "Spirits of Bunker Hill," by Mn. Cecil B. Ruckay. A cast of Sis. terhood memben will Include Mmes. Bruce Greenberg, Morey Landman and Stanley Silverman. Mrs. Ben Boorwill will open the program with a Bible reading. Mn. Irving White will be in charge of the Table of Interest, which will feature ritual accessories. Mrs. Herbert Forbes will speak on current events. Mrs. Philip Rosenblatt, Mn. Jack Fox and their Circle No. 5 will be in charge of the luncheon. Telephone Commilcc Chairmen ore Mrs. Michael Krasne, WA 09B7; Mrs. Norman Batt, WA 5854, and Mm. Ernest Wintroub, RE 3499.
Rehearsal Change
• U I T
only $22.95
The Bikur Cholim Society will hold their monthly meeting February 8 at 1 p. m. in the Jewish Community Center. Cards will follow the business meeting and members: are requested to make up their own tables • and bring their own cards.
A "Fashions In Fabrics Style .Show". will be featured at the Kadimah Chapter of Pioneer Women's 1 p. m, dessert luncheon and card party. The affair will be held at Brandels auditorium Thursday, Feb. 11. r :• -Ann Traven, Stylist at Brandels, will be narrator, She will present Kadimah Chapter model* exclusively In denim attire. Models include:.. Mmes. Erwln • Landow. Dave Wine, Sidney-Snelattendance is expected der. Nathan Kaplan, Sam Epstein: at Capacity the Beth El Silver Revue jind Joseph LIU, Herbert Wlntroub. Card Party to be held Saturday Max Frank end Sidney Snclder, Feb. Q at 8:30 p. m. in the • Mrs. Floyd Perimeter. Is des- night, Beth El social hall, it was ansert luncheon chairman, She will nounced chairman Mrs. Harry be assisted by Mmes. Henry Tut- Wclnbcrgbyand co-chairman Mn " icr, Simon Green and Raymond Irvln White. Corey. Decorations on the Silver. AnThere will be door prizes, cards, niversary theme have been deScrabble and Mah Jongg. signed by Special Proceeds of the affair will go chairman Mrs. Irving Dccoratlonr Schneiderto the Moctzet Hnpoolot (council man. She was assisted by Mn. of working women) that the PioSistck, a non-member actneer Women are associated with Burton ing an consultant to the committee. In Israel. Max Rosen is in charge of Tickets may be obtained from theMrs. program, a mystery written any }Cadimah Chapter member or and produced by Messrs and Mmcs by calling Mrs. Floyd Perimeter. Seymour Goldston and Sidney WE 8800. Sncldor. In addition to the twenty-five names previously announced, Mm. Elmer Novak and Messrs. Ralph Now,', Jack LuttThere will bo on open Board bi'C and Michael Solzman will apmeeting of the Business and Pro- pear in the enst. .Stage Manager fessional Women of Hadussah at is Harold Fox and Harriett Shatho home of Mrs. Julia Jacobs, piro in supervising! makeup. Sunday afternoon, Feb. 14, at 3 After tho entertainment the p.' m. Reports on the recent Card will feature cards, man Party and Bazaar will be Riven. evening scrabble and a midnight All ticket money Is requested to jonflB, buffet prepared by Mrs. M. A be turned In, Veneer, Mrs. Harry Rochman, Mn Irving Forbes and Circla number ten. Reservations c h a i r m e n are The Ploner Women Organiza- Mmes. Dave Cohn, Jack Conn, tion will hold their regular lunch- Jack Ban, Max Shapiro and Robeon meeting Tuesday, Feb. D at 1 ert Silver. Individual tickets arc p. m. in tho Jewish Community being cold by a committee under Center. Mrs. J. Fcldman will re- the chairmanship of Mmes.. Tom port on the.Child Rescue dinner Haykin and Henry Baskln. Mrs. J. Kaplan and Mrs. II. Woblner are in charge of the George Jean Nathan: "The glani luncheon meeting. Mrs. S. H. Binder Is collecting is the only thing secretive about good used clothing.to be sent to women."
Beth El Review To Be February 6
B & P Hadassah
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Friday. February 5, 1151
Youth Council Doings By Jeaa Knaae AZA N«. 1 . Larry Schwartz, Art Schwartz, Jerry Vsrgolin and Larry Epstein, ftU leaders in the chapter, received promotions at Central's recent Military Ball. Larry, Art and Larry were promoted to the ranks of lieutenant while Jerry, who is going through school in three years, made second lieutenant Jerry Gordman, Bill Nerenberg, Gene Kaplan, Larry Hahn, and - Larry Schwartz played " in the DOTC band which was highlighted at the big event Speaking at the last AZA meet ing was Harvey Lourberbaum, district AZA director. Mr. Lourberbaum told of the district convention to be held in Wisconsin this summer. The first round of the AZA No. 1 freethrbw tournament is over. Those qualifying for the final round are: Mike Lazer; Norman Plotkln, Jerry Simon, Ed Smith, Mike D e n e n b e r g , and Larry Schwartz. The chapter plans to play the Central High Student Council in basketball In the near future. Debka Debs Last week. Debs attended the Central basketball game and services. A hen party followed a Janic Fellman's house. Co-chairman of the party were Sue Simons and Ilene Sachs. Sunday all the girls went to the various Omaha theaters to collect for the March of Dimes. The next regular meeting will be held February 7 at the Center. A program will be presented. During this meeting, the girls will continue to buy trees to plant in Israel. Karl* The .Rayim Fraternity held meeting Sunday, Jan. 31, at the home of Jerry KohlL Presiding wa« Jerry Marer, vice-presiden of Rayim. The h o n o r e d guest was Suzl Richards, vice-president of the Youth Council and Bajrim Dream GlrL Dick Raskin. Rayim religious chairman, showed a movie entitled "Song of
Beth Israel News CLUB TARTAG Club Taryag will meet this Sunday evening, Feb. 7, between 6:00 •and 7:30 p. m. in the recreation room of the Talmud Torah. Flans for u bowling party will be discussed. CAMERA CLUB The Camera Club will meet at 6 p. m. Sunday evening, Feb. 7, in the darkroom of the Talmud Torah. GIRLS AKTS AND CKATT8 The girls arts and crafts club will meet this Sunday evening between ff and 7:30 p. m. in the Arts and Crafts room o f the Talmud Torah. Girls in the Primary and Secondary grades of the Talmud Torah and girls In the third grade of Sunday School arc'invited to attend. Refreshments w i l l be served at the close of the meeting.
Seamen Confirm Soviet Exit Visas Haifa (JTA)—Israel seamen whr spent eight days in Odessa where their ship the S. S. Nnchahon recently delivered the first Israel! citrus fruit shipment of the season, reported that 15 Jews over the age of 60 .with relatives ir Israel have received Soviet cxi' visas to go to Israel. The seamen, who were permitted to travel about in Odesw as they pleased, said that they hat' gained the impression lhat Ihi Jews they met In the Black Ser port city would have liked to comr to Israel. Although they salt' nothing directly about 1this, the; often irrceted the Israeli. ; with thr traditional phrase: "Next Year ir Jerusalem." When the vessel arrived in port Soviet officials spent four hoursearching the vessel, including th( personal belongings of the sailors Thereafter three Soviet soldiers remained on guard on the ship. The seamen v i s i t e d , arnon/; other places, the ballet and the theatre Five aged Jews arrived at Haifa this week from Poland. They traveled via Italy and three others who began the journey with them became ill and were hospitalized in Italy. The five applied for exit visas from Poland four years ago and received then" two months ago.
the Negev," and led a discussion oo planting tree* In Israel. The advisors, Mick Newman and Larry Albert, talced with boys about the role that the adviso* should play in a .fraternity. Fred Simon and his social com' mlttee are preparing for the February Valentine party. Lincoln Chapter AZA No. 3 has been invited for the weekend, which include* the party and sports events. Xlkvas Ami T. A. held a meeting Sunday, Jan. 31 at the Jay at which the new administration presided. After the meeting, another of a aeries of panel discussions' was held on the subject of "Teen-Age Independence." T. A.'s collected for the March of Dimes last Thursday afternoon at a local theater. The girls will attend services a Beth Israel Synagogue tonight This Year's Stagenigbt Chairmen have been annouced. They arc Nancy Barren and Shirley Goodman.
Happy Birthday The Jewish Friday, Feb. 5 Quiz Box
Lana Rey Feltman, Frankie Lcc Harding, Don Harold Hartheimer, Nancy Elinor HerzofJ, Nancy Lynn Jabenis, Ervin Taub and Susan Wolfson. Saturday, Feb. 6 Karen Joy Pachman, Joel Ir win Rich, and Lloyd Wohlner. Sandsy, Feb. 7 Joseph Ermann and Arnold David WeiU. Monday. Feb. • Stephen Charles Gerber, W liam T. Ginsburg and Maro Sam Ul - Tuesday, Feb. f Jonathan Richard Fox, Philip Randolph Rich and Lisa Caro' Shapiro. Wednesday, Feb. I t Marlynd Craig Dolgoff. Marsh* Lee Fox, Diane Graner, Elizabeth Joy Katz and Carl Hlekes. . Thonday. Feb. U Daniel Donn Milder, Sheila Rac Novak and Frederic Alan Wether
Officers Promoted Bar & Bas Mitzvah Mr, and Mrs. Harry A. Wise At Central H. Ball .Richard announce that their son, Charles (Chuck), will celebrate By 8ml Kielurds Richard Gilinsky, 17, son of Mrs. A, E. Gilinsky, was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel of the Central High school ROTC Regiment at the Military Ball last Friday evening. He will be commander of the largest BOTC department In the history of the city. Receiving the rank of Cadet Major were Richard Frank, Robert Kuily and Henry Pollack. Ronald Brodkey, Alan Rosen and Ramon Somberg were commissioned as captains; Larry Epstein, Jerry Hobcnnan, Bob Krtune, Harlan Noddle, Art Schwartz, Larry Schwartz and Bernard Turkel, to first lieutenants. Named as second lieutenants were Bob Abramspn, Ed Belzer and Jerry Margolin. Members of the crack squad who performed at the ball were Gene DuBoff, John Goldncr, Dave Horaog, Alan Lcvinc. Phil Schrager and Eugene Zwciback. The drill team is commanded by Frank and Gilinsky. Performing during the ROTC Band concert were Lowell Baumer Kenny Freed, Jerry Gordman Larry Kahn, Eugene Kaplan, BUI Nerenberg, Murray Newman, Jerry Rosen, James Shapiro and Larry Schwartz, who also played a clarinet solo. Michael Solzman wai announcer for the affair and Marsha Waxenberg was one of the seven candidates for the title of the Colooel'r Lady.
American OUT Adopts Program New York (JTA)—A program to teach industrial skills and pro-i vide high school education for 17,000 Jews overseas, was adopted by the American CfltT Federation nt the annual conference of its national board of directors here. Dr. William Habcr, president of the organization, reported that "an absolute minimum" of $3,250,000 will be required by the World ORT Union during the coming year to implement its program. Thr conference approved a financia' plan by which the -American OUT organization will make available $1,572,000, or about one-half thr sum required to meet the tola!1 budget The United Jewish Appca will provide; the largest portion of '.he American contribution, throufil m agreement with the Joint Disliibution Committee. The Fort1 Foundation will provide $22,000 for a epecilic project for traininr ' n s t r u c t o r s for Israel's -trade ichools at the Central ORT In.ititute nl Anicres, Switzerland Women's American OltT, Inrgcs* affiliate of the American OUT will make up the balance through Us membership activities. Dr. Abram L. Sachar, president 'A Brandeis University, in an address to the conference, urged * 0 •ode of "disciplined responsibility" ipon spokesmen for American .'cwry in view of the "decisive .•ole in world affairs," that the American Jewish c o m m u n i t y lays. "The American Jewish comnunity," he said, "has now bejomo the most important settlement in all Jewish history. Many ;onsequenccs follow from this exIraordlnary role." Patronize Our Advertisers.
,nis Bar Mitzvah at Temple Israel tonight and tomorrow morning. In honor of the Bar Mitzvah celebrant, Mr. and Mrs. Wise will receive friends and relatives after both services. The services will be held in the Jewish Community Center. No invitations have been Issued.
'Jazz at the Jay1 Debut Tomorrow
By Babbl Samuel I . Fax Question: Why is it customary for t h worshippers in the synagogue to turn around towards the door a one point in the Friday evening service? ' Answers It is generally regarded a> a nabol of turning to welcome the bbath as it is ushered Into the life of the people of Israel. The action comes at that point in the service when the Sabbath is greeted liturgically as a bride. Just as all would turn around to see the bride in the bridal procession so all turn around to welcome the Sabbath which is as welcome as a bride, in the sense that both fill the hearts of the community with joy. Some will turn and bow to the right and to the left as a symbol of accepting the Sabbath in both directions as wen as displaying a feeling of being encompassed with the Sabbath Spirit There are some commentaries which say that this custom originated in the g r e e t i n g of the mourners who entered the synagogue at that point. They would normally enter from the rear and would not enter Until the Sabbath v u officially received by the congregation because this would put an end to all outward symbols of mourning, which were not permitted on the Sabbath. The congregation turned to greet them with consolation and sympathy, as is still the custom today. From this, some claim, came the origin of all turning about at this point of the service,
Question; "Jazz at the Jay" is a new proWhy Is the expression "Come gram which will make Its debut oh bride" recited twice at t h i s Saturday night, Feb. 6 at 8 p. m. time? Included In this program will be Answer: two films, one showing the hisIt has been suggested that this tory of Jazz in America, the other featuring the famed Buddy Rich _ done to emulate the Jewish orchestra. In addition, there will ceremony of marriage. It Is to be be recordings from "Jazz at the noted that in the Jewish marriage Philharmonic." Giving the ex- ceremony there are two park— planatory program notre will be ,the "Erusln and the N e t u l n . " Speedy Zwieback and Dick Gil- [Therefore this statement Is repealinsky on the drums, Kenny Freed ed twice uince we wish tho union on the bass, Tevy Bernstein on the of the Sabbath nnd of Israel to piano, Harlan Noddle on the bu complete. Others claim that trumpet. Tommy Bernstein on the the Friday evening spirit represax and others. The next program sents the arrival of the Sabbath will have live musicians and a bride at the altar while the Sabbath Day uplrit represents the real Jam Session. eventual consummation of t h e marriage. It is interesting to note that the Sophardic ritual uses this expression three times. Only in the third time It is Joined with a statement that the Sabbath is a queen. JBCs—«lu Grade Boys 7 p. m. Sunday, Feb. 7, at the h o m e - o f Dave Goldstein, 0481 Question! Cumlng S t Is It true that traditional Juda7th Gride Boy* ism looks down, upon manual la7 p. m. Sunday, Feb. 7, at the bor? (OT—New York City.) ' Jewish Community Center Swim- Answer: ming Pool. No. Quite the contrary. TradiStb Grade Girls 7 p. m. Sunday, Feb. 7, at the tional Judaism has always looked upon labor as a worthy enterhome of Barbara Brodkey, 302 prise. The, Bible speaks with South 51st Ave. careful detail about .the wages paid for labor. The Bible also states, "When you eat of the labor of your hands, happy shall you At the last meeting of U. S. Y. be, and ft-shall be well with plans were discussed for having a you." The Talmud goes so far club paper. The members who i s to say that "He who lives by will serve on the paper commit- the labor of his hands is superior tee will be chosen at the executive to the God-fearing." Many great Talmudlc scholars of note earned meeting Thursday. The next meeting of U. S. Y. their livelihood through manual will be held Sunday evening at labor. If there was any time In 7 o'clock at Beth El. A program Jewish history where a tendency of Israeli dancing and singing will was noted to veer towards mental be presented.. A social hour will skills, it was primarily due lo the iiscrimlnation against Jews In 'ollow. employment which forced them Into Individual enterprises which ire, of course, mainly mental labor I BBUs front Israel ;uch as business and professions.
Extension Program Schedule
Synagogue Youth
WHERE CRUSHING PAYS OFT TKI, AVIV, larurl (IIP). — One of the few cases In point where destruction rates un "A1' for construction Js a new and liugr roclt prodtjc!-* firm a f a r hero w h e r e modem machinery w ' 11. n crmhinjr capacity of 3,000 ton» per day Quarrying in a Hinglo shift makes availoblo nuf flclrnt rorlu f or building [jurpows to inret one Iliird of Israel'* present total consumption! A Government loon of ILJ5O.00O through State of Israrl Bond Investments helped Uunch this Israel quarry eaUbllstttd by American invetton.
Between You and Me By Boris SmoUr
Communal Trends More than a third of the,leaders of the Conservative congregation* in this country cither received no Jewish education at all, or a substandard version of it . . . For two-thirds of those who direct the destinies of these congregations, the process of Jewish education ended with their Bar Mitzvah , . . Only a fraction of tho officers study during the period of formal schooling . . . This as been established by a national survey on synagogue leadership undertaken • by the United Synagogue of America in cooperation with the Bureau of Applied Social Research of the Columbia University . . . The picture is very depressing . , . On the other hand, about 50 percent of the leaders of the Conservative synagogues are college graduates, and another 18 percent received some college education , Half of the board members, of the synagogues aro businessmen and 30 percent are professionals . . . A third of them enjoy an income of over $15,000 a year, and about 23 percent of them have yearly incomes of more .than 110,000. The survey establishes that the synagogue leaders lead their membership in not attending synagogue services . . . Only one-third of them attend the mam Sabbath service . • . Only about one-third of them keep a kosher home in the traditional sense of the term . . . Some of them consider themselves 'not; religious" while others Just lack a deep, religious feeling and are not inclined to live up to what they consider minimum religious standards •:. . Only about 29 percent of them regularly read books or magazines of Jewish interest. Three-quarters of the elite in the Conservative congregations arc not sufficiently concerned with reading about Jewish afafirs beyond the usual newspaper coverage . . , About 20 percent of all board members arc not active in any national Jewish group . . . The others arc active in local Jewish federations and in fundraising for the United Jewish Appeal . . . Twenty-five percent of all the board members declared that tliey are active in Zionist organizations . . , The survey reveals that there is "leadership fatigue" among the congregational leaders . . . Some of them complain that they arc overloaded with neverending Jobs . . . Others claim that the congregational work affects their health or interferes severely with tbclr family life . . . All this points to the fact that synagogue leadership in the Conservative movement must undergo A vigorous change If the movement wants to occupy an important place In American Jewish community life •
Temple Youth The Temple Youth Croup held ts bimonthly meeting at the home of Ellen Greenberg last Sunday evening. The highlights of the meeting were a box lunch auction and a talk by Dr. Julius Goldner, well known local psychiatrist Spacious CoJoalal Horn*
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Friday, February S, 1954
Religious News 5:29 p. 01. Candle-lbjhtlnE time
Pate Seven
With the Folks At Home
Bible and Talmud
Council Iiluffs I'arty will be held Sunday, Feb. 7, at 2 p. m. in uy OR. PIUMP siren the auditorium of The Dr. Philip fiher Jewish Ilomu For Ancd, 4001 N. 52nd Street, Omaha. Bible Uirlhday Party A scorner lovcth not,to be reThe next birthday party will be- proved; he will not go unto the held nt the Home Tuesday, Feb. 9 A soothing tongue is a tree of nt 7:30 p. in. The affair is under the sponsorship of the BIkur CbO- life; but pervcrsencss therein is a lim Society and the following Res- wound to the spirit The heart of him who hath disidents will be honored: Mrs. Sarah Barson, Mr. Sam Colnlc, Mrs cernment sceketh knowledge; but Pearl Harmel, Mrs. Flor Holiner, the mouth of fools fcedcth On • ' Mr. Max Kaspcr, Mrs. Sarah. Min- ' l kln, Mrs. Belle Noodell and Mr. ; :-;;..Talmud ' •"• Max Minkln. Pictures of former Our Rabbli taught—A man birthday parties "Will be shown. should always be as patient as Friends and relatives of the cele- Rabbi Hillel. and not as excitebrants are invited to attend. able as Rabbi Shammol. It hapFloral Donations pened that two men had a wager that whichever :would succeed in AZA 100.
BETH ISRAEL Rabbi Benjamin Grencr, Cantor Ell Kagan, and the Beth Israel Synagogue choir will conduct late Friday evening services. Sabbath morning services will be at 8:30 Q. m. Junior services ot 10 0. m. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Saturday Talmud class nt 5 p. m. and Saturday Mincha will start at 5:30 p. m., which will lie followed by Sholoshe S'cudos and Marrlv. Daily morning services begin nt 7 a. m. Dally afternoon services begin at 7 a. m. Dally afternoon services start at 5:30 p. m. Sunday morning b r e a k f a s t mlnyan meets at 8:45 a. m. and Is followed by Rabbi Groner's . Mr. and Mrs. Moe H. Pessen. Mr. and Mrs. EInar Abramson. Bible discussion class. The young• ( t e n of the Tolls and Teffllin Club Klddusb Donations begin their services at 8:30 a. m. Special klddush donations were "Breakfast is served at the con- made by Mr. and Mrs. Max Cohen clusion of lliclr services.
and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kaplan. New Resident
TEMPLE ISRAEL Mr. Max Kasper, :. At the regular Sabbath Services •: ' this evening nt 8 o'clock, Rabbi In Memory . Sidney H. Brooks will discuss "A Mr. Meyer Brooksteln. Youth and His Rabbi." Memorial Services
Regular Shabbos morning servSpecial Memorial Services will ices wlU be held at 11:40 o'clock. be held In The Home Synagogue Charles Wise,-Bar Mitzvahcela- for the following: ' brant, will assist Rabbi Brooks in M r s . R o s e F r e l d e n , A d a r 1 , F e b the Service. Klddush wjll bo rc- r u a r y 4 . ' ••..-•••• •..•••"•• • ••' dted at the end of the service at Mr, Harry Roltstcln, Adar 1, the Wise reception. • Rebruary 4j Mrs. Fannie Llebovlcl, Adar 5, B E T H E L ••' ' '..-.•:. ••'•• - -•'•.••/.• February 8. • Services this evening will begin it 8:15 o'clock. Rabbi Myer S. Krlpke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Choir will render the musical portions of the service. Sabbath morning services will London (JTA)—A call for a rebegin at 8:45 o'clock. Junior con- versal of the trend toward the gregation services will be held at rearmament of Germany was 10:48 a. m. Minchn-Maariv serv- voiced here by the British Section ices will begin at S:SO p. m. of the World Jewish Congress at Dally services are held each the concluding session of Its - week day at 7 o. m. and 7 p, m. eighth biennial convention. The The Sunday morning service is Congress also condemned the at D a. m, " "glorification" of former Nazi
. ' • • • •
putting Hillel out of patience should receive 'our hundred zuzlm On Friday afternoon when Rabbi Hillel was busy preparing himself lor the Sabbath, one of the men appeared . three times within an hour asking Rabbi Hillel foolish questions. Rabbi Hillel answered them very politely and told him to ask the questions he wanted. "Art Ihou Hillel," he asked, "who is ailed Prince of Israel?" "Yes," answered Hillel "If Ihou ore the one, then I pray there may not be many more in Israel like thee." "Why Is that; my soh7" asked Hillel. "Because," replied the man, "I have lost four hundred zuzlm through thee." "Be cautious with they temper," said Hillel. "Better is it that thou Bhouldest lose four hundred zuzlm than that Hillel should lose his temper."
British WJC Hits Germon Rearming Israel Immigrants Return to Rumania
Tracing Service Brussels (JTA)—An International body wlU be set up to administer the International Tracing Service alArolson, Germany, after the Western Powers withdraw from Germany under the terms of the contemplated peace contract with the Bonn Republic, it was indicated here by flic Belgian Foreign Minister. Replying In Parliament to a question by Deputy Maurice Herman on whether Belgium would be represented on such a body, ' the Foreign Minister said that the United States "seemed appreciative" of .the position of France, Belgium, Holland and other states which demanded International control of the archives. Ho added that Belgium would be represented when such a commission was established. Finally, he said the personnel now working at the ITS included "Germans as well as refugees and: displaced persons."
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BAR and Has Mltzvan congratulations; also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyer* News Stand. 1502 Dodge TAKE NOTE OF THESE TERRIFIC VALUES 1% yr«. Life $7.87, reg. SB.75 for 1 year. 1V, yrs. Time (0.87, rcg. $0.00 for 1 year. 8 mos. Readers Digest $1.00. 2H yrs. Journal $0.00 (0 mos. free). Vh yr«. Woman's Home Comp. $3.00. 40 issues Colliers $3.00. . 1 tt yrs. American $3.00 ($3.50 for I year). Mrs. S. J. Horwlch, WA 3057. XOVELY antique Victoria lovo seat, recently rcupholstcrcd in cherry red antique velvet. Also for sale an antique fainting couch and copper planters. Call PL 3188. SECRETARY WANTED Position open for part-time secretarial help, Monday through Thursday, 2:30 to 7 p. m. Shorthand not essential. Please contact Mr. Nnhjhon, Beth El Synagogue, GLcndalo 3221 for appointment.
Party and military leaders In the press and in films. The WJC appealed to the Governments of Hungary, Rumania and Czechoslovakia to free arrested Jewish leaders and "thereby make a genuine contribution to the cause of peace and international understanding." In the same resolution, the Congress pointed out that the Rumanian Jewish leaders had been Imprisoned for as long as two years without any charges being placed against them. Finally, the meeting expressed
iU concern and resentment at the Arab states' rejection of Israel efforts to make peace, and deplored the "policy and action of those governments which continue to supply weapons to the Arab tt' 1 : ; .;> :;; ' ,' In an address to the conference, Dr. Nahum Goldman, president of the WJC, appealed to British .Jewry to end Its internal "petty squabbles" and said that there was no reason for the Board of Deputies of British Jews to fear that the British section of the Congress would attempt to undermine its authority. At the same time, he said the British section would not cede As right to approach the British Government in chalf ot the World Jewish Congress, i A. L. Eajtcrman, WJC leader, reported on the "grim and perilous situation" of the Jews of North Africa who, he charged, have been .neglected by world Jewry. He expressed the opinion that in North Africa Jewry faces Its gravest problem since Hitler threatened and carried out his threat to destroy European Jewry.
Tel Aviv—(JTA)—Recently the whn'e dlreellon of Israel farming has been turned through a 00degrce angle. The change came only after bitter lighting, quite a few old-timers have been deeply hurt, an old guard of "die-hards" is still fighting on, hut the change had to come, and the sooner It i<; put into effect the sooner people will know where they stand. The "mixed-farming" which came to tho main form of agricultural settlement, whether as a Kibbutz or as one of the more numerous small-holders' settlements, will have to give way to large-scale cultivation of industrial and field Crops, employing hired labor. Jewish agriculture in Palestine was buijt up mainly on the principle of the most intensive use of s c a r c e land, which had to be brought from Arab landlords at Inflated prices. As a result they settled it heavily; some of it going to orange groves, which still provide the country's main export, and the rest to dairying and truck farming. Jewish Market In the production of grain, fodder, vegetables, and cattle, Jewish farms were unable to compete with the Arab peasant, BO Instead they bought then- fodder crops from him, and concentrated on winning tho Jewish market in tho towns with their high-priced quality food products. The Jowleh population In the towns bought their products partly out of patriotism, partly because it was used to European standards of produce and cleanliness which the Arabs did not always reach. After the war of liberation and the Arab blockade, a new situation came about, to which the country's agricultural policy-makers arc now having to adjust. In tho first place, instead of land being scarce it became relatively plentiful, needing only- capital and willing hands, to work it. In the second place, instead of being kept by the Jewish town population, Jewish agriculture now had the task of keeping the population. Policy Criticism Dy now production of food In Israel hns reached the level of tho tame area before tho war, but with Jewish agriculture providing a far larger shore than it did before the war especially in vegetable production. Several major lines of policy have since come in for heavy criticism. Jewish agriculture cannot just go on producing milk, eggs and vegetables, but must provide the country with the basic crops the Arabs used to produce—wheat, sweet potatoes, other food crops, and industrial crops of all kinds in addition, such as cotton, peanuts (for margarine), sugar beets and tobacco. Agriculture,
Tel Aviv (JTA)—A group of 69 men and women, mainly elderly persons, sailed from Haifa aboard the Turkish vessel Akso bound for their native Rumania. A few hundred more immigrants from Rur mania arc.preparing to return to that country. According to some of the group, they had to return because their children were unable to leave Rumania and join them here and they -were unable to support themselves. Many of the returnees had left their homes and families In Rumania in the belief that the Rumanian authorities would permit their children to follow them. Instead, Rumania closed its gates to Jewish emigration. Newspapers report that the Rumanian consular authorities here are doing their utmost to encourage the return of the immigrants and that they have been paying off thousands of pounds in debts owed by the returnees here. The Rumanian consul In Tel Aviv, according to one paper, shifted his in other words, has to change over headquarters to Haifa to direct from "suburban" agriculture, of
the repatriation operation. The Rumanian L e g a t i o n has announced that It would arrange for the repatriation of 200 persons monthly, ; Return of these Immigrants to Rumania, It Is believed here, will be used as a political propaganda weapon by the Communists to discourage other Rumanian Jews from seeking to migrate to the Jewish State. • Walter LIppmann: "If history repeated itself," learning history would be much easier," •:':
the kind devoted to serving a rich community, to field agriculture of a country which has to earn Its own living. Raise Productivity But in order to do this, and to raise productivity, the whole struc-
Omaho't Favorite Way to Dine-on Sunday
For Fine Tailoring
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Israel Agriculture Faced With' Challenge of Feeding Nation
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Sinday Broach
ture of the new settlements (which contain about half tho country's farmers), must change. The main form of settlement since the war has been the mosnav ovldlm—the small-holders' co-operative settle-' menl—with about 8 acres^of lrri« gated land per family. This form has not been as successful as had been hoped. Large numbers of new settlers havo been deserting, and their places have been difficult to fill. They have produced relatively little, at a high cost. ' The reasons are not hard to find. Most of these settlers came from primitive countries' like Iraq, Persia, North Africa, and Yemen. There, they had not only been accustomed to agriculture or to hard work in general, but had been unaccustomed to responsibility.or to an organized social life of any but the most primitive kind. • Kibbnti Idealistic Since it was out of the question to expect people like these to go to the.kibbutz, on idealist's way of life, every effort was made to form them into small-holders' cooperatives, But they found the responsibility of managing the cooperatives-, and of working hard In order to ensure next year's crops, too much for them. Moreover, they had great difficulty in electing their committee, which has to handle financial and organizational questions; in some places every* one wanted to be on the committee, other places no one would run; once a committee was elected the villagers would accuse the members of favoritism and dishonesty;-family feuds and quarrels were common; often a third of a village would leave over such a quarrel. Official opinion is now swinging round to the view that It would be better if they can work aa paid agricultural laborers for A few years, with a garden plot for themselves, before any thought of turning them into farmers can seriously be considered.
Bits trotn Msraei FIVE YEAR 'VACATIOH ENDFD S'DOM (IIP) _ F i v e yetui of I d l e new IraPtutt Htrh posed by rugged terrain and limited financial resource* e n d e d this year with the first fleet of tracks carting valuable phosphates again winding North to procMslnf centres along UM new Bfdom Boad built with the aid of aa ILJUQfiOO Israel Bond appropriation. It' required aa n*MKJ*1 Israel Bond lavestment to help set the «•• •ential Head Sea Works bach oa the road to producing hard enmne: -earning potash.
...there's no better way to bake kosher cake!
Sorvod Buffet Style! All Yog COM to tmt Noon to 3 p.'MI.
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DROMEDARY pickjgi whftthi tosher
Friday, February 5,1951
B'nai B'rith Bowling Major Cluck
.lndy Paul
Winers Upset Pacific Fish; I-Go Van Nips Ford Team
Stan Widman Leads AZA I Past Independents, Rayim
Midget league games couldn looked bad for the Mover team have any more thrills than the when Ed Schneider fouled out, had lost Sunday us upsets an but Nels Goldman. Tom Kully closely contested jamts filled tli uncl Mike Canar perked up the program. The lads from Mofien squad and kept their team ir first David Wine pulled the upset o place. Mother chapter put thcmsclve feated Independents and Raylm the season. They defeated pre Hires Root Beer, wllh Stuart back into the fight for the Youtl and are now one game out ofvious unbeaten Pacific Fish IG-1 Kutler putting on a terrific shootand arc now tied for third placi Council Basketball title by upset first place. DUtr. . ing performance upset Sample ting both Independents and Itaylm I-GoVan. Without the shooting and re-Five lads from the Winos share Kur 32-24. Stu dropped in seven in recent games. I^cd by their bounding of Widman, it wouldn' the scoring wllh Howard Stoic field iioals and three free throw* H a s r Classic high scoring center Stan Widman, have been possible. For his ter- hitting for seven points. Don For- for the top Individual scoring this W. the lads from Mother chapter re- rific play in upset victories over man made four, Walt Wir.o two season. He received some tine Pat. t M k t . — ~ _ ™ . 13 main one game out of first place, the top two teams, Stan Widman Joel Davis two and Gerry Gold- support from center Irv Belxer .Smith Fantiae. . 12 which is being shared by Itaylm Is selected as Star of th« Week Strom added one. Dan Hollis h who added 13 points to the Hire* Venger & S o n . . 12 for six field goals and 12 of hi: cause. The win is the first on* and Independents. for the past two games. Best Applicances . 11 team's 14 points but his effort: for Hires and the lads are look* Learne Standings In Friday morning's actlor ForbesBikery „ _ , B proved futile. Ing ahead to a Ions; win streak. Jan. 29, Widman set a torrid'pace Raylm H. Z. Vending. »...7- 3 a as he notched 18 points in leading Independents Justin Ban led his 11-Wortl Justin Bavltz scored eight point* Wayne Auto ......7- 3 his team to a 38-24 win over the AZA 1 ..................._..........___..6- 4 Grill team to a close 15-11 wi for the "Furriers." CUquot Club cold shooting Independents. Jerry AZA 100 STAR OF THE WEEK 0-1 over S. Rickes and Sons. Hi Farkway Epstein supported with cigh Howard 8leler notched seven points. Al Koneck W. Bernle Turkel and Tiny Rosei Tom KttUr scored six for Riekcs. The 11Bonhelmi Jewelry , scored eight points each. Stuart Holier Worth win puts them In a tie foi Bank* Army Good*. Three m e m b e r s of Midget In the second game, Itaylm rod< first place with Pacific Fish, Wplfson-Gerber _ _ hard on AZA 10 as they trounced Tom Kully, c a p t a i n of thi league play share the "Star of t M Playland Park „-._. them 77-19. Center Milt MotkoWeek" spotlight. Howard Staler league leading I-Go Van tean Liberty Gat & Oil .. 10 vllz led the assault with 23 points. led his Mogen-Davld Wine team . 2Uchman*Gordman 10 Freshman Vickl Colick, a mem dropped In a field goal with 3C 16 a 16-14 upset over Pacific Fish Bob Epstein topped the CenturyPrucka Tramp. .„_ bcr of the Lucky Losers a twoseconds to play to beat a colC by accounting for seven points. men with 13. Burkhard-Gcrcllck team 22-21. I .SolLewUCo. „ . Last Tuesday provided real time trophy winner last year In Captain Tom Kully made hi* -National Tire the Junior Sports Bowling League, thrills as Mother chapter came ofl most Important basket with SO Fhllco-Brandeis threw a nifty 201 game in Tuesthe floor after trailing Rayim for seconds remaining to beat Burk» BltewayTy"... three quarters and slapped a 37-33 day's action. hard-Gerellck 22-21, and Stuart Rosen-Novak . L. W. loss on them. It was a fine comeKutler with a nifty shooting e x 9 A Dtrtslon back and Stan Widman, the high Debs Nebs ...21 hibition from the field led hi* SVi -...JOtt lumping Junior ignited the spark. Mileroma Hires Root Beer team to 32-24 13 -...17 M o r r I e Handlcman, shooting victory over Sample Fur by hitWith his team trailing 18-11 at Slick Chicks Belmont Jewelry 13 halftime, he dropped In 16 points Three X's & a Spare -17 with either hand, scored 17 points ting 17 points. Pepsi-Cola Co..... 17 13 In the second half, to give his team Starlets , In leading Lustys to an Important Morris Paint Co. _. Sunday, Feb. 7 -18 the win. Ray Somberg made 14 La Fa Ma Ri 14 43-37 win over the Collegians. Grace-Mayer Ins. 2:00 p. m., Pacific Fish vs. U ,.18 for Raylm and played a fine drlv Alley Cat* ... 14 The win enabled Lustys to share Worth Greenberg Ins. ... Grill. -.15 H 14 W first place with Kutlcrs Klowns Ing game. Gutter Gals Crosstown TV _ 2:30 p. m., Mogcn-David Wine ;..» i- 15 who were beaten by Star Auto. Nebr. Fur. Mart-...__—._ 8 10 In tKe second game, the Inde- Scoreless Fourless S. Riekes and Sons, All Strikes ...... 14 16 Handlcman scored eight field goals vs.3:00 11-Worth Grill ,-,,", „, ,., ,•„,-, I 10 pendents rolled past AZA 100 p. m., S a m p l e Fur v*. 14 18 and a free throw to lead the as-Burkhard-Gerellcic Milder Oil Co. ^ - ^ . - . . - ^ 7 11 50-30. Tiny Rosen and Bernle Lucky Loser*;. ' 18 sault. Al Brown pitched in wllh U Hinky-Dinky Stores „_.„ 8 12 Turkel with 14 points each led Lucky Strikes 3:30 p. in., Hires Root Beer vs. IB Lane Lassies .._._ -.11 ten. Jack Stiss topped the Col- I-Go Van, the atack. 36 Bowling Belles . . . ...• legian scoring with 17 points. Star Burkhard-Gereiick .!!_.._.„ 8 13 STAR OF THE WEEK LEAGUE BTAKDINQ8 Auto parts scored a 53-47 win HlfhS Danes Greenberg Insurance Agency Stan Widman Junior Section picked a good night to break the A few weeks ago Mother chapVickl Colick, Lucky Losers, over Kutler Klowns. Center AJ ' 'W. L.1 -season's high team game and ter was lodged in third place with 201; Laurie Oruch, La Fa Ma Ri, Claymon, with 18 points, led his Pacific Fish 5 series. They placed also in thea 4-4 record and two tough gomes 183; PhyUis Rosen, Debs Nebs, team's scoring. Sid Abrahams, S S1 City-Wide Team Event for most ahead, but the Mother chapter 153, 155, and Toby Okrcnt, Star- Stan Wldmon and Ray Somberg 11-Worlh Grill Mogcn-David Wine 1 added 10 points each to the cause. pins over average with 345 over. spirit prevailed. Led by Stan Wid- lets, 147. S. Rickes ond Sons 1 9 Lesrae Standings Their high game 662 and series man, the boys from AZA 1 dcHlth 5 Series Senior Section • W. 3,653. " ••• " • - •••• Vickl Colick, Lucky Losers, W. L. 4 1 „ other highs: Dick Spiegal with 316; Phyllis Rosen, Debs Nebs, Kutlcrs I-Go Van 5 Lustys 4 • new season's high individual 308; Laurie Oruch, La Fa Ma RI, Burkhard-Gcrellck ..... .... 3 S Collegians -... 3 4 S Came of 239. J. Saferstein 204— 208; Toby Okrent, Starlets, 279, Fur .' 3 3 4 Sample M l ; Bea Epstein, 224—504; Leo This Sunday, Rayim Mesl Sew and Barbara Joffe, Starlets, 272. Star Auto Hires Root Beer 1 5 Abramson, 528; Sid Hollis, 225— Ureii will challenge the first placr S52; J.Ban, 218—530; Dick Slegal Independents in the battle for first 239—611; Richard Hoberman, 500 place. The Independents hold u Jack Schrager, 511; Sid Snelder three-game lead over their rivals Bernle Grossman paced the 604; Morry Adler, 202—500; Bill In the National division, the eague with his 289 series. A beauRubin, 526, and Jack Epstein AZA 1. Boosers retain a half-game tiful 104 opener was climaxed SIS—504. League lending Itaylm B ran lead over the AZA 1 Glams. Stan W i d m a n , Boye' Youth with o 125. KeUey*s "B National Division Council Chairman, announced this Ann Blumbcrg was high in the away from the A. Z. A. IB team W. week that all plans have been Rlrls" division with games of 120 by the score of 45-20. Howard Goldstclp and James Shapiro led Xtobinson Iron & Metal. ..„ 12 completed for the Boys' Swim- and 114 for a 240 series. AZA 1 Boosers 37 ' 14 Mid-Plains Insurance _.. -. 12 The high game of the day. a their team with 14 points each. AZA 1 Glams ..... 36 V4 14 hi ming Meet to be held Feb. 12. Bennett Furniture .._ 11 Events In the order in which they 100, was fired by Howard Wein- Stan Knlman scored eight point* Raylm SOS ..... ........ 33 IB Watson Bros. Van Lines ~. 11 AZA 100 Centurymcn 30 H 20'.4 are to be run arc 40 yard free- bcrg. The hlr,h game In the girls' for the B team. style, 40 yard sidestroke, diving, ivision, was a 128 by Lenora Rayim C put the steam roller Louis Market —. ™ 10 Rayim S and F .............. 26 25 60 yard individual medley, under- "alk. on the A. Z. A. 100 D team by South Omaa Sun .._.«„««. 9 Raylm H ...... ._ 26 25 water swim for distance, 40 yard (he Scorn of 59-8. Mike Ban, w i t h . Magi Color Paint . 8 Roger Smith, an 84 average AZA 1 Bluffers 25 26 breaststrokc, 40 yard back crawl bowler, created a great deal of 7 points, led the assault, Day* R. A. Wolf Insurance « _ _ 7 Ind. Sleepers „.„„.-„. 24 27 and the 120 yard team relay. Henog odded 10 nolnti. Simons Jewelry „ 6 xcitement with an enviable 162 AZA 1 No Names ........ 12 - 39 L t a n e Standings Club Athletic Chairmen are bus- '.ime. He finished with a 113 Slosburg Realty 4 Raylm Screwballs ...._. 5 46 W. L. ily trying out club members for for a terrific 275 scries. Barbara Erenlnf HJ»hs Hlch Games and Series positions on their teams. Art NoRaylm B 7 0 HIG, Alex Frank—205. H o w a r d Kooper, 212 —- 566 vak Is rounding up all members Bcrcutt, D 75 overage bowler, com- Rayim C „ .„.,._.... 8 3 iled games of 134 and 113 for a HIS, AI Altman—514. George Sachs, 206—557; Stan Wid- while Jerry Gordman h forming 8 A, Z. A. IB 1 HTG, Bennett Furniture—767. man, 190—498 and John Goidner the AZA No." 1 team. Arnold :37 series. - J The 11-Worth drill team lit the A. Z. A. 100B ...„ HTS, Bennett Furiture—2,201. 157—450. "Bevo" Jaffee is forming a potent illeys wjth games of 800 and,633 American Division Other High Scores Century contingent. W. . Harold Abramson, 189—512; P. , Team scoring will be kept for [or an outstanding 1,233 series. Standings 12 the meet with medals being preRifkin, 185—484; Bob Passer, 497: Ind EBG ....._..„...._.„._. 39 L. • • • ' • - w . - . . sented to first place winners at Joe Belmont, 495; N. Denenberg, Raylm MSG ...„..„..„- 36. 15 11 23 the Center's Annual A t h l e t i c O. P. Skaggs 185—492 and Larry Alberts, 463 AZA 100A ,™......_.....™ 31 20 Rip do Janeiro (JTA)—Jewish 11 Ncbr. Furniture Mart 23 Award Night 20 Raylm X's 31 Ladles Leagne r mtnlgrants brought to Braill from Wolfson Gerbcr Auto .21W 12'A Germany d u r i n g the past six W. L. AZA 1 Gutter Goons .... 28 25 16 Mnypcrs ~ .....18 weeks In the liquidation of tn» Wolf Bros „ 37 » 28V4 AZA 100 Gutter Gangs 25 26 16 Industrial Chemical ....18 AZA 1 Zorchcs 20H 30V4 Foehrenwald c a m p "returnees^ Philips Dept. Store ...... 37 29 19 layland Park 15 Raylm M Jabs 17 Vi 33 H iltuatlon, have been demonstratNational Tii-e & Supply 36 30 Amerlron Lumber tc Raylm K 16 35 Howard Weinbcrg has bowled ng in Sao Paulo and demanding 11-Worth Grill ..._ .. 35 31 20 Supply Co •; 14 AZA 1 We Goofed 13 38 wo successive games of 150. IU.i Gamble K & S Shoes 35 31 noblnson Frult.1314 20 It their transfer to Israel. 151 game came after he threw n Hlfh Games and Series Tho "returnees"—DFi released Colony Club .„ 34 32 Grill 13W 20tt Fred Simon, 197—539; Jerry 159 the previous week. The Bowl- 1-WnrthPaint Omaha Jobbing 33 33 10V4 23 V, from Nazi concentration camps 1 :iegman, 191—532; Bob Epstein Ing Bums retain a one game lead dorrls who returned to Germany after Lyns Florist 33 33 Illjrli Games and Series 76—520; Ncdl Steinberg, 176—453 aver the Alley Sluggers. Angles Beauty Salon .... 33 33 Bemlc Grossman ....164-105—289 their t r a n s f e r to Israel, and W. L. Stuart Kutler Klsh Furs _ 32'A 33 'A md Harlan Rosen, 195—152. 144-140—284 jrought here from Germany—now In the recent edition *of the BowllnjjBums 11 2 RoKcr Smith Douglas Jewelry 32 34 102-113—275 Insist nn returning to Israel. merican Junior Bowling ConDr. Moses Knhan, president o< Alley Sluggers 10 3 . Hamilton Pharmacy .... 31 35 Mike Platt 139-135—274 xes.i, Prep Pin Patter booklet, an Alley Rnts he Sao Paulo Jewish federation, 9 4 Mike Cannr Shukerts ,..,. 31 35 103-109—272 irrlvcd here today to discuss the irticle appeared written by Murtrikes & Spares 9 4 Howard Wclnberg ....1B6-105—271 Smith Pantiac 30 3d rituatlon with representatives of ay Newman, secretary of the Beer Frnmers 9 4 Vickl Coliek Mystic Beauty Shop .... 29 37 146-122—208 he Joint Distribution Committee imcrican Division regarding the ,ucky Ladies 8 5 Stuart Fonol 128-123—251 ind the HIAS. Country Club Grocry.... 29 • 37 outh Council Boys Bowling 'ouRh Turkeys 8 5 Steve Friedman 130-110—240 Illjh Games League. iucky Duckys 7_ 6 David Wlntroub 128-119—247 Ruth Klein, 202; Fay Edel, 189iutter Boys „ 7 6 Ann Blumberg 120-114—240 Gert Zcvllz, 180; Millie GreenMifty Hitters 5 8 Barbara Bcrcutt 124-113—237 berg, 184 and LaReine LcVine, 183. utler Gerties.; ,._ 5 8 John Rlekes 119-117—230 High Series Bowling Babes _, 4 9 F-dle SinRer 124-109—233 Fay Edcl, 503; Gert Zevitz, 494: 4 9 Hcrbic Knlman The first session of tho Jay W. L. High Hitters 120-100—220 Ann Schulman, 483; LaReine La- TOBE Bros fep Cats 3 10 Lcnora Falk 27 18 12898—220 Sunday volleyball group met Vine, 488; Addle Snleder, 472 and irandels Easy Washer last week at tiio Jay gym. Somo 20 ID Sager Beavers 2 11 Eddie Wintroub 114-109—223 Jean Abrnhamson, 470. Mile Wine 25 20 iowllng Dolls 0 13 Jack Llcb 122-101—223 10 fellas worked out and the session proved to be stimulatimilh Pontlac 24 21 "100" Games" ing and fun. We welcome more CTVIL SERVANTS Idwards Jewelry „.. 21 24 Howard Welnberg, 151; Dale Ka- AMM8 EXPORTED Jerusalem (JTA)—The Cabinet CA Victor 17 28 ;ln, 12D; Larry GilinrJty, 128; John Tel Aviv (JTA)—The newspap- fellas to the group. Tho class approved a new scale of salaries Irandels Kleerchromc 21 24 iSckcs, 127; Stuart ICutlor, 117; er ILidor asserted that Israeli- will meet every Sunday morntor the higher categories of civil Hi/rh Series frank Goldberg, 112; Bill Katz- manufactured arms and ammuni- ing at 10:30 p. m. We hope to servants, thus ending the threat Diane Rubin, 200—505; Ann ian, 100; Tom Platt, 108; Marc tion to the value of $1,000,000 had put a team in the Inter-City tt a strike of top government em- khulman, 400; Audrey Klrschen- iamuelson, 107; Ed Wlnlroub, 105; been sold to a country In Western Volleyball league a n d need of players. Attending ployes. Salaries in the highest )aum, 403; Liberty Faler, 429: >teve Bloch, 102; Walt Wise, 102: Europe. The first shipment has plenty first tesslon were Jim Fargrades of the service were almost tuth Sokolof, 425; Kitty Asbyll, tlike Shrier, 101; Jerry Schwartz, already been delivered and found the b<r, Al Tully, Chuck Bebcr, doubted and proportionate raises 14; Rose Garrop, 411; Shirley 00 and Chuck Wise, 100. to be satisfactory, the paper uald. Don Slern, Bur Bcber, Sherm were granted in the lower cate- Fisher, 406. Splits—Freda RaduPoska, LIndy Paul, Al Clsyman gories. The increases arc retroner, 5-10; Evic Rice, 5-10; Rose Evelyn Groman; "Money doesn't Phil Silvers: "Heredity is nn and Marty Stacnbcrg. active to last October. , Garrop, 5-7. arc who bat It." evil that ought to be prevented." Union Freight... Wardrobe „ _ . Kalman Iniur. Nogg Bros. Pioneer Uniform.
W. , 12 11
a u n n
Yicki Colick Rolls 201 League Game
Lustys, Star Auto Win Varsity Tilts
Y.C. Boys Bowling
Jr. B. B. Bowling Rayim B-C Roll YC Swim Meet Over A7A Teams To Be Held Feb. 12
Brazil Immigrants Ask Return to Israel
Jr. Sports Bowling
•Htadesssah Bowling
Vollyball News