VoI.XXXn—No. 23 r. rut rca u
tiecond-OIasi Uatur at jfrice. Omal'4, Nebraska, utidt-t Ad of
Sis Division
Leadership Selected For W A
Beth Israel Will Hold Annual Fete
Mn, flyman E. (Fan) Greenbeff has accepted the post of chairman of the Business and FrofesilonM Sf-ctlon of t h e Women'! Dlvblon, It wtw an' notueed by Mrs. Aaron Rips, General Chairman of the Philanthropic Women's Division. Thin section will cover all cardi of women In Dullness and Professions. Campaign workers are now being recruited.
Regional Plan Unacceptable Washington (JTA)— The Arnr•tales will never accept the American plan for developing the wator resources of the Jordan Illver valley which Erlc'Johiislon President Ei^nhov/or's j;peci;:il envoy has urged upon them, the Kftyptlan Government salil In ;i Cairo broadeast. The broadcast noted report.! that Mr. Johnston Is to leave the United States this month for a second Middle East tour to dlscu.'.s thlr plan, drawn up by TVA experts and secure Arab acceptance. I* declared that "the American Government may believe that thr Arabs will abandon tholr stand toward tills project or that their drafting of another project mean: that they arc prepared to bargain. The United States may also bellcvo that the obstacle:* which Syria's complaint nr:aln.';t Israel is meeting with before the Security Council may force the Arabs to SEree to this American project W»e Arabs, however, have clearly announced tha they will not ficcept this project, which only server Israel's interest at their expense." "Johnston should remain in hi: country," the broadcast oald, "anc! (pare himself the trouble of the trip. His work as president of the Motion Picture Association Is more beneficial to him and his country than his mission as an official envoy of tha American Jordan Valley project.'*
J T ..ooSSSli R& 4° tSSS
Paul Verct, executive director of the Federation for Jewish Service, will serve as master of ceremonies at the Fifteenth Annual Dinner of Beth Israel Synagogue, .Sunday evening, Feb. 14, at 0:30 o'clock. Founders and builders of the synnfioguc will be honored. Jake Brookstcin, Heine Delrogh and Meyer Frank will offer the benedictions. Harry Sldman, president of the congregation, Mrs. Ir.ndore Klcwitz, Dan Gordmon, Sum Kaplan and Kahbl Matthew M. Pollaltoff will bring greetings from the various organizations within Beth Israel. The musical program for the evening will feature selections presented by Cantor Ell Kagan and the choir and Madclyn and
Eban Appeals For Sanctions United Nations (WMS)—An appeal to the United Nations to impose sanctions against Egypt for its piratical blockade of Israelbound shipping was made here by Israeli Ambassador Abba S Eban In a major address before the Security Council dealing -with Israeli's complaint against the Egyptian blockade of the Suez Canal to Israeli and Israel-bounc" shipping. Mr, Eban asserted that immediate action was imperative unless Cairo promised to remove tho restrictions at once.
Israel b e l l e v « s , ' M r . Ebar stressed, that "the continuation of a hostile act, based on the assertion of a state of, war, in prolonged and deliberate defiance of a Security Council resolution, clearly creates the kind of situation to which the enforcement measures laid down in Chaptc VII of the Charter should apply." This chapter authorizes U N. military and economic sanctions where there are threats to the peace and actsoggrcsslon. The Israell'diplomat reminded the Security Council that Egypt not only defied and ignored the September 1, 195J resolution calling on Cairo to stor. the Suez Canal blockade but defiantly cvtended the blockade tc include ship bound for the Israel' port of Elath. He simultaneously cautioned that "if the authority of the Security Council as the final arbiter of armistice disputes "if tho nuthorily of tho Security Council a:i the final arbiter of armistice disputes were to be shattered by Egyptian intransigence Paul Veret a central pillar of the armistice Sol Dolgoff. Professor Hans Bacr system would crumble away at will appear as accompanist. the very moment when that system Elaine Jnbenls has prepared a Is in most need of a stronger supnarration highlighting the history port. of Hetli Israel, In which she and Rabbi Benjamin Groncr will pay homage to the builders and founders of the synagogue. Mrs. Lewis Nevcleff and Maurice Katzman are co-chairmen for the affair. Names of committee heads and members arc on page 3. The Jewish Community Cenluu> ter's new ceramics workshop has an<j (IIP)—Price control on been completely redecorated, and fowl Is being lifted in Israel as an facilities will include a long ;work experiment. At the same time it is bench, dryng shelves, specal room expected that grain fodder crops for the kiln, and some additional will also be decontrolled due to equipment. . :: bumper harvests. Increased agriA comprehensive library on cultural production in Israel hap ceramics has been assembled and been spurred by State of- Israel will be available to the members Bond investments. of the ceramics classes. This activity will be' open to adults, NAVY (IIP)—A naval secondary youths and children under comschool is to open in Acre, in Oc- petent instruction, ; tober. The 15-year-old naval Those interested in ceramics school in Haifa will close down are urged to contact the Activities us soon as the one In Acre begins office of the Center. Classes will to function.' The school will be begin, Wednesday, Feb. 17, from able to accommodate 400 pupils 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. • „ for a 5-year course, which will inCourse fee will be $3.00 plus clude one year of military training. cost of materials used.
Ceramics Shop Will Open Wed.
Philanthropies Drive Plans Move Ahead The leadership of the Women's Division of the 1954 Jewish Philanthropies Campaign was completcd in record time, and plans are being formulated for .Omaha women's share In the most i m portant annual campaign of the Jewish community, Mrs. Aaron Rips, Women's Division Chairman,, announced today. Enconntlac "It has been most encouraging, and I think it augurs well for the campaign, that we have been able to complete our campaign personnel within the space of a-short time," Mrs. Rips said, "I think we have excellent and devoted leadership, who will give our campaign the necessary guidance, direction and labor." The following women have accepted key positions In the Women's Division: Mmes. Lloyd Friedman, Max Grecnberg and Harry Mn. Aaron Rips Ravitz ns co-chairman. Mrs. Richard Hlller will direct the FollowUp Unit; Mike Freeman, in charge of the Organizations Unit and Mrs. Hyman E. Greenberg will head the Business and Professional Unit. The co-chairman of the Women's Division have already held ft preliminary meeting at which the experience of the past few years was reviewed and plans outlined for the 1054 Campaign. New York (JTA)—Rep. EmanParamount uel Ccller charged the Eisenhower "While our united campaign inAdministration with reversing the traditional United States pulley of cludes appeals for some 200 causes friendliness and sympathy with and agencies, all of them dependIsrael. He termed this reversal of ing Upon our support and assistthe Administration a "new look ance, the cause of Israel Js paravis-a-vis Israel," in contradistinc- rnpunt In our campaign. There arc tion to the favorable light in which definite indications that Israel Is the Jewish State had always been on the road to econofnlc stability regarded by American statesmen and self-sufficiency," Mrs. Rips said, "the problem of providing up o this time." for emergency needs of the n e w Mr. Celler made this charge in comers and strengthening the his address to the 30th Anniver- gains achieved in the past five sary Roll-Call Conference of the years Is a most acute one. National Committee for Labor "I know that the women of Israel at the Commodore Hotel Omaha will once again respond /here.,: More than 2,000 delegates with outpouring generosity so that representing American trade un- we may all speed the day of cornIons, Labor Zionist organization? plete rehabilitations of the Immi"and Jewish fraternal groups at- grants in Israel, and strengthen tended t h e gathering and demon- her economic position," Mrs. Rips started their solidarity with the concluded. Israel" Hlstadrut Campaign by donating $760,000 toward its $3,000,000 drive this year. Rep. Celler questioned the wisdom of wooing the Arab states Jerusalem (IIP)—A new barter with arms, knowing their avowed agroemont has been signed with goal was the utter destruction of tho Argentine, it was revealed Israel. He said; "The Admlntstra-. here. tlon knows, every informed citizen The new agreement provides knows; that the Arab nations have for tho shJpment.to Israel of 10,000 declared one country only its tar- tons of com in exchange for get, and that Is Israel. Yet, .the 20,000 tons of cement. A few United "States talks blandly about month* ago an agreement was sending, arms to Iraq and Saudi completed which provided for the Arabia as if none of these: facts sale to Israel of 40,000 tons of existed." : grains.
Republicans ChargedWi+h Policy Switch
Grain for Cement
Philanthropies Women Campaign Heads
Mrs. Lloyd Friedman ,
Mrs. Max Greenberg
Mrs. Harry ttevtti
Mm. Richard Hlller
Mrs. Mike Freeman
fate Tw*
Friday, February 12, 1951
Our U. N. Newsletter
Jordan Project Awaits Settling HARRY MBS. LOUIS PAUL.
By Arthur Lewis United Nations (JTA)—Once a veto has been" cast in the Security Council, thin the Issue dm •> not come up ugain. That has bix n the practice here. Thus, tlje que:.lion of the Jordan River power project, although technically still before the Council, is to all intents and purposes closed now. A study of the records here shows that there has been only one exception to tills rule of thumb: that is the case of the admission of new member*. The applications of some countries! have been vetoed Beveral limes) by the Soviets,' but this exception proves Hie rule, as membership i* not really a substantive issue, a threat to the peace, for which the Security Council was set up to deal, and the veto was sought by the West as a matter of Cold War tactics to embarrass the Soviets.
.Society Editor
Let's Face the Facts The United Jewish Appeal ia today on the threshold of 16th successive nation wide campaign, which will open formally aext weekend February 19, 20; end 21—at a National Inaugural Conference ia Miami Beach, Pla. In many ways, this i* both a. "showdoyrn" Confcreiiee and a "showdown" campaign. For the plain facts are these: 1. The increasing menace to the freedom of the people of Israel clearly dictates the need for sharply increased giving. 2. Unhas the United Jewish Appeal geU more in 19J4. Israel's people may be weakened economically at a moment when everything cries ont for its economic strengthening. 3. If the present downward trend in giving continues, the people of Israel will not be the only mfferer*-for there are tens of thousands of Jewish victims in Europe and the Moslem world whose poverty must be eased, their wounds healed, their hopes uplifted, their rescue effected. The more than 900 communal leaden at the DJA Inaugural Conference will be called on to aet a itandard of giving in line with today's emergency need*. Last year, a similar Conference produced initial gifts totalling in excess of •14,000,000 to Bet aft nil time record for the opening of a UJA campaign. But in 1953, American Jews failed to heed this inspiring call to action, and the trend continued downward. But it was in 1953 that regional hostility to Iarael soared dangerously, and virtually saw the people of Israel stand alone in the face of ambush and' attack. Israel's people must not stand alone, nor must the victim* of war and oppression. An for American Jews, they dare not stand for the continuation of 8 trend that can add to the penis of all who are besieged and beleagurcd. . This year, in this community, let's give more than ever to assure that those who Btand for freedom do not stand alone.
Qppenheimer on Technion Board
Mfi P07£N7WOff the Record
By NaUum Zlprln
Mystery About 5 M M Jews According to the American Jewish Year Book and other authentic cources, Brazil has about 120,000 Jews, most of them concentrated in Rio dc Janeiro and Sao Paulo. But according to the latest Brazilian census only 09,057 residents—among them 36,022 men This would be achieved by crcaUnr and women—identified thcnuclvcr a system of priorities created to r.s Jews. encourage a) reunification of famWhat happened U» the rest of the ilies; b) asylum for the persecuted; c) haven for refugees and 50,000 Jews known to be domiciled in Brazil? The "Ylddishe Prcr.sc" displaced persons; d) preference for "persons with specially needed of UJo de Janeiro recently opined hat Jews were heavily representskills. 4. Elimination of present Insup- ed amonfi the 274,000 Brazilians portable distinctions between na- who told the census takers they tive-born and naturalized citizens. were not affiliated with any reCitizenship acquired by naturali- liRion. This explanation, it seems zation could be revoked only on aises more questions than it anthe grounds of fraud perpetrated swers for it assumes tlie tragic In acquiring It. In the proposed fact that forty percent of the total bill no act which a native-born Jewish population In Brazil har citizen can perform with impunity escaped from Jcwlshncss. Morecan serve at a ground for revoca- over, It simply Is incredible that tion of citizenship of a naturalized the ratio of "godlcssness" nmom/ American. Residence abroad is the Jews should be so monstrously eliminated as o ground for revnk-. disproportionate to the rest of the ing citizenship acquired by na- population. What then is the mystery beturalization. 5. Creation of machinery for ap- hind the "missing" Brazilian Jews? A. Alpcrln of The Day-Jewish peal from the decisions of visa officers abroad. At present neither Journal, who has delved into the the applicant nor his friends • problem, believes he has found ,'i relatives in the United States can partial key to the mystery in the appeal if a consular officer aboard following Item in n recent issue refuses a visa on the basis of un- of "Die Shtirnme," Yiddish newspaper appearing in Mexico City: founded suspicions. "Nut long ago there came to Sen. Humphrey Fays he expects that other immigration proposals Caracas a representative of a certain Jewish organization in New will be introduced in Congress to achieve many of thcr.e reforms York. He visited Venezuela's cap"A b:"Is rethinking of our pr<s- ital so a-i to familiarize himself tjit inflexible and rciti icliw* Im- with its Jewish life, iiut, as a delmigiation jioljcif. i'i necer-'.iry tn •K.ite, he could not resist the combun;; out iinmirji.ilion practice" pulsion to visit the President <J! into accord with our democratic Venezuela before rt-turnlnr; to New York. In the courrc of the nudla*-pi;.ition'," he in'i t . nce, the ddt-natc thanked the •resident for his tolerance toward iw--, nnd he was even so carried away by ecstasy as to remark: 'Scnor President, in the name of the G.00O Jews residing in your licw York (JTA)—Prof. Rob- country, permit me to thank you ert Oppcnhcimcr, top American for your attitude toward them.' atomic scientist and director of the "The President's reply was: 'I Institute for Advanced Study at am amnzed that you are thanking Princeton University, has accept- me in Uic nomc of only 6,000 Jews. ed appointment to the Interna- We estimate that Venezuela today tional hoard of governors of the Haifa Technical Institute, It was has a population of about 12,000 announced this week by Joseph Jews, and although half of them Wunsch, president of the Ameri- came in as Catholics we arc not concerned since in our country can Technion Society. Prof. Ofjpenheimcr's election to there are no religious or racial the board was unanimous. He has problems.' "The worthy delegate turned been a member of the United States*Atomic Energy Commission pale/not knowing what to reply." This may be n cue to what hapand WM director of the Tcchnlon, declared that the American sci- pened in Brazil and other South American countries during the entist's decision to Join the Technion board was an honor for the years of the second world war, T e c h n i o n . "We are genuinely when It was comparatively easy proud deeply honored to be nblo to gain admission with "Catholic to include you among the board documents." But it still does not members of our Institute, and I explain why to many Jews nrc sincerely hope that we may soon concealing their Identity now that have the opportunity to welcome they have become rooted in the you here," Gen. Dori's letter eald. I soil and are Immune from legal
Immigration Law Reforms Needed - Sen. Humphrey New York (JTA)—The "imperative need" tor changes in the present Immigration laws is tinby Sen. Hubert H , / ia an analysis of the inflexible and restrictive immigration policies which was ' published here by the Public Affairs Committee, a non-profit educational organization. Declaring that- "Ul-concelvcci and bigoted Immigration laws have been a blemish on our record of democratic achievement," Senator Humphrey points out that "freedom of movement, both ia emigration and immigration, have lonr been acknowledged as among the most fundamental of human freedom*, it is the hallmark of totalitarianism that it seeks rigidly to limit the free movement of people." Emphasizing that Presidents Truman and Elsenhower both have urged revision of our immigratior policies, the Minnesota Senator says that "such revision represents a challenge to be met by Ihr common action of all the American people, no matter what their parly affiliation. He draws attention t<1 the omnibus immigration an' naturalization bill which is now before Congress and sipjirals foj the support of the following proposals: 1. Creation ol a single independent government• ajjuicy with (ul' responsibility and jurisdiction over immigration , anil naturalization This new agim-y, to be c.illi d 'hi Immigration and Niiluralizatior Commission, would Ix.- 'charged With the application, administration, and enforcement of nation.<> Immigration ami naturrilizatior policies. 2. Issuance of vr,a'i to :ill qual' ifled applicants throughout the world without regard to national origin. Tbis means replacing the Motional Origins Quota System The new plan for the first liim would place all immigration foj permanent residents within the framework of a liberal quota system which WGuld be completely nondiscriminalory. 3. Establishment of an annual Immigration quota of 1/C of 1 percent of our national population as reported by the most recent decennial census. This formula ripplied to the 1050 census would permit annual Immigration of approximately 251,000. A definite quota ceiling would thus be firmly fixed. Immigrants would then be admitted on the basis of ncei' and our own national welfare
fear. Moreover, there Is reason to believe that thousands of the Bra zilian Jews who "officially" concealed their identity arc actively engaged in Jewish communal affairs. Have the rest chosen the self-imposed role of privately clinging to their faith rind, people whllc'publicly and officially denying such affiliation? There are always those who would barter their heritage for Imaginary sccuiity. If the 50,000 Jews In Brazil who concealed their Identity believe the storm will pars them if It ever comes, they arc victims of illusion who hyve apparently learned nothing from the most tragic chapter in Jewish history. In ;my event this is a development which merits wide and serious attention.
Israel, Germany Resume Trading Cologne (JTA)—Israel will sell 300,000 cases of Jaffa oranges to West Germany during the current season in the first straight business transaction between the two countries in 15 years. An agreement fiiined In Bonn by the Girmnn Ministry of Economics and the Irrnel Purchasing Mission for the rhlpmcnt of 12,500 tfljis of fruit by the Israel Marketing Board provides that payment will be half In specified German goods and half In Germany's foreign exchange surpluses with member nations of the European Payments Union. Not since 1030 have coods from Jewish Palestine cone to Germany In commercial quantities, but in ten years preceding World War II, Germany purchased more tluui 500,000 cases of Jaffa nranjje3 yearly and from 19251 to 1035, Germany was Palestine'. ; number two customer. In 1033, a peak season, 1,200,000 cases of fruit were consigned to Germany.
Britain Bans Arab Arms Shipments London (JTA)—The B r i t i s h Government disclosed thnl it had rclmpoted its embargo on war materiel for Egypt because of Egyptian "hostility." The disclosures came midst mounting demands In Parliament that Britain take a tougher eland towards tho Nagulb regime as resentment grew over Egyptian attacks on British civilians and military personnel in Egypt and the Suez Canal nnd over Egyptian Interference with British ships bound for Israeli ports. Former Foreign Secretary Herbert Morrison reminded the Government in the House of Commons that Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden, when a member of the opposition, had demanded that the British Navy be used to es-
I-otlo There Is a good deal of logic to this procedure for once a veto ha* been cast, there Is hardly likely to be any proposal on that subject on which tho unanimity of the five permanent members of tha Council can be found. Despite the fact that the parliamentary situation at the moment is that there are, two Lebanese resolutions on the*canal project still before the body, the Western Powers cannot abandon their stand that Syria must not be given the final spy in construction work which Is, after all, going on in another country, Israel. Both the Lebanese resolutions provide Syria with such an illegal right, either by Implication or directly. '•• Although the Soviets may have an explanation for their veto other than backing the Arab States In • dispute with Israel (their apologists have claimed that their uctloa was due to the fact that they would not countenance granting any power to an organization, such as the Truce Supervision Organization, in which they have no nay), they cannot now fall to support Syria otherwise they would lose politically. There is no point In further discussion ot the Issue, as there is no longer any middle ground left to explore. Value Thus, the question of the Jordan River hyd/o-clcctric project returns to Jerusalem where it should have been all the time. However, despite the seemingly wasted wcks here, some 10 weeks were taken up In desultory debate, the Security Council hearing has not been without value as Prime Minir.ter Moshe Sharett can now discuss with General Vagn Bennike a settlement along the lines of tha Western resolution which, even if vetoed and therefore officially rejected, did have the rapport of the majority and is an expression of its will. The Israeli view is that all Mr. Sharctt has to do now 1$ to assure the chief of staff of the Truce Supervision Organization-' that the property rights of the Arab landowners in the area will bo protected to comply with the resolution. Actually, the Israeli Government, in previous communications, lias offered guarantees that the Irrigation of this farm land, a rnlnisculc amount, by the way, would not be affected by the diversion of the waters of the Jordan River for he power plant. One significant factor Is Hint thn resolution makes no mention of the Syrian contention tlmt the canal is a military work.! giving Israel an advantage, and thus makes negotiation much •aslcr. If Mr. Sharctt can give General Bennike the necessary assurances, and there ia no reason why he should not, then, the Israeli vl«w is that work on the Jordan River hydro-electric project can be resumed almost immediately. cort Israeli-bound British v c i c l s through the Egyptian blockade at the Suez Canal. To Mr. Morrison's query as to .'hat had become of Mr. Eden's idvocacy of this course, Minister >f State Selwyn Lloyd replied that Mr. Morrison himself had n measure of responsibility for dealing with that cugECBtlon. Mr. Lloyd added that the question of the Egyptian blockade was now an international matter, not an Issue on a national level. Mr. Lloyd f u r t h e r told thd louse that Britain had repeatedly Informed Egypt that che did not recognize the Egyptian blacklisting of ships and said that refusal of facilities did not necessarily prevent passage through the Suez Canal by the blacklisted ships.
VrMar. M r w j r 12. UH
Dr. Albert Gordon to Discuss Conservative Judaism Role
JIWUB r u n
On Radio and TV To mark the Columbia University Bicentennial, the Eternal, Light raclin program will present a special broadcast this Sunday, over WOW-Radio from 11:30 a. m. to noon, it has been announced by the Jewi.;h Theological Seminary of America, under whose auspices the program is conducted. The script, "Sweet Singer," Is an historical documentary dealing with the work of an early American Rabbi, both educator and patriot, the early history of Columbia University, and the Revolutionary period In New York City. Based on the life of Gcrchorn Mtndes Seixas, it follows his career as cantor of his congregation Trustee of Columbia University and foremost leader in the struggle to establish democratic freedoms in government and education.
A discussion on the Future of Conservative Judaktn and on the work ot The Jewish Theological Seminary of America will be led in Omaha by Dr. Albert I. Gordon, of Newton Center, Mass., Wednesday, Feb. 17, at 8 p. m. at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. M. A Veneer, it was announced by Den I. Kaslow, vice-president of Belli "Message of Israel" will be broadcast over KOIL this SunEl Synagogue. day morning from 10 to 10:30 o'clock. Rabbi Abraham L. Spiritual leader of Temple Feinberg of Holy Blossom Temple in Toronto, Canada, will president of the New England Respeak. Broadcasts during the month of February will originate Rabbi I. Usher Klrshblum gion of the Rabbinical Assembly from cities outside the continental U. S., beginning with visits, of America, Dr. Gordon is the auto Canada and Hawaii. thor of "Jews in Transition," hailed by critics ns an important Al Capp, creator of "L'il Abner," will appear on "Look Up contribution to the sociological and l i v e " program this Sunday over KMTV, from 0:30 to 10 knowledge of American Jewish a. m. Rabbi Maurice N. Elsndrath, president ot the Union of community life. Active In civic Rabbi I. Usher Kirshblum, viceAmerican Hebrew Congregations, will also take part in tho and Jewish affairs, Dr. Gordon president of the Zionist Organiprogram. • hail a distinguished record as a zation of America, will be guest A variety show. beamed primarily at teenagers, the prospeaker at an open meeting of the labor arbitrator. He was'appointgram is designed to convey a spiritual message weekly. The Zionist District of Omaha, Tuesed D public panel representative day, Feb. 16 at 8:30 p. m. in the series represents the three major faiths and the Union of Amerto the National War Labor Board Jewish Community Center. and to tho Federal Mediation and Dr. Albert I. Gordon ican Hebrew Congregations is in charge of the February proRabbi Kirshblum is a graduate Conciliation Service. gram. ":"-;:. ' • "".•' '':•. .;.'.••• ' • .-• • . if the Jewish Institute of Religion During hi* trip, undertaken on which was founded by Or. Stephen behalf of the Seminary, Dr. GorS. Wise. He was the first graduate don will consult with members of to become a member of the Rabthe Board of Beth El Synagogue binical Assembly of America, and and other lay leaden. Is at present on the membership M s trip throughout tho West Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks has ancommittee and executive council. The following have served as Coast and Canada has been called, nounced that the sixteenth annual Rabbi Kirshblum . I s former The Henry Monsky Lodge ot by Daniel O. Boss, Chairman of Institute on Judaism, sponsored chairmen and members ot the president of the Long Island- Rethe Seminary's Planning Commit- by the Congregation ot Temple various committees preparing for B'nai B'rlth and the Jewish Com- gion of ZOA and former associate tee, "an Important step in further Israel, will be held Friday, Feb. the Fifteenth Annual Dinner of munity Center's Concert and Lec- treasurer of the ZOA. He also was cementing the working relatlon- 19, at the Jewish Community Beth Israel Synagogue to be held ture Committee will present Hal a member of the Finance • ComSunday, Feb. 14, at the Synagogue. Lehrman, noted author and lectur' ihlp between communities and Center. mittee and recently was elected as the Seminary." General Arrangements—Maurico er, In a program dedicated to a delegate to the World Zionist Rabbi Brooks has invited Dr. Dr. Gordon will Interpret the Lou H. Sllberman to conduct the Katzman, Mrs. Lewis Neveleff, Brotherhood Week. Mr. Lehrman Congress to be held i n Jerusalem. work of the Seminary, tho United Institute this year. Dr. Sllber- Mcsdamcs Henry Appel, Jake will report on the progress of He has served as a member of Synagogue of America, and theman, the immediate predecessor Wine, Izadorc Elewltz, Harry Sld- brotherhood abroad at the third the Board of Directors ot the Rabbinical Assembly of America of Rabbi Brooks at Temple Israel, man, Sidney Goldberg, Messrs. program in the current Center United Palestine Appeal and JewLecture and Concert Series to be to the local communities. The Is n o w Associate Professor of Henry Appel, Eugene Braun, Dan ish National Fund. United Synagogue consists of 430Jewish Literature and Thought at Gordman, Max Greenfield, Sam held at 8:30 p. m., Wednesday, Guests are cordially invited to Feb. 24, In the Center auditorium. Kohn, Sam Freed, Ruben Llppett member congregation1!. Vanderbllt University in Nashattend this open meeting. David Friedman and Harry SidMr. Lehrman has Just returned Tho Rabbinical Assembly in- ville, Tenn. from a six-month trip ' during cludes more than 500 rabbis servThe purpose of the Institute, to man. he visited Israel. North Afing throughout the United States. which the clergymen of Omaha Banquet Committee—Mcsdamer which Canada, and an chaplains with and vicinity ore invited each year, Einer Abramson, Henry Appel rica and Near East countries. He will also discuss current Israel the armed forces. IK to present scholarly studies in Iradore Elewltz, Mrs. Sidney Gold- problems and the situation of Jews In addition to tralnln;; students Judaism of value to Christian berg, Benjamin Groncr, Lcwlr in Europe. Mr. Lehrman returns for the rabblnntr. caiilornte, and ministers,. At the morning session Neveleff, Harry Sldman and Jake again to the lecture series having Under the leadership Of Nate Jcwlr.h education, the Seminary Is which will open nt 10:30 a. m. Dr. Wine. spoken here last January on a s -Turner nnd Mrs. Sol Dolgoff, the nationally known for iLi nward- Kllbermnn will discuss "Judaism Jewel Committee — Mcsdumer pects of the development of Is- various lodges and chapters of wimiini; radio program, The Eter- In the New Testament Period in Harry Sidmun, chairman; Benja- rael. B'nai B'rllh moved Into an extennal Llnht, Its FCrles on NBC-TV's the Llnht of Modern Scholarship" min Groner, Sam Katzman, MaurHe is a well-known foreign cor- sive campaign this week' to' clean "Fronlles of Faith," Its Interna- and at the afternoon session at ice Katzman, I. J. Kraft, Henry up the outstanding ads for the , resnondent and author of "Israel tionally noted Llrory, larpest of 1:30 o'clock the subject will be Krasne, Sam Stone, Morris Ruder- —the Beginning and Tomorrow" B'nai B'rith Centennial Jamboree its kind In tho world, and for the "Form and Substance: Some Com- man, A. S. Wohlncr and Wmand "Russia's Europe." Ad Book. Institute for Religious and Social ments on t h e Sermon on the Wolfson. Mr. Lehrman has reported for Assisting the two chairmen are Studio*, a graduate school for Mount (Matthew 5-7).*' Open disAd Book—Messrs. Maurlc Katz- the New York Post. Commentary the individual lodge and chapter Catholic, Jewish and Protestant cussion will follow each presentaand Fortune, magazines, and has man, Sam Adlor, Henry Appel. F u n d Raisin, chairmen. M r s tion. leaden. Eugene Braun, Sam Katzman, Sam contributed articles to Life, Har- Goodman Cohen serves as fund At 12:15 p. mrnll the ministers Bloom, Morton Fisher, Abo Klop- pers, Readers Digest, New York raising chairman for the N e will be guests of the Congrega- por, Harry Levey, Ruben Lippett, Times, Red Book, Saturday Re- braska Chapter; Mrs. Sol Dolgoff, tion »at luncheon, which will be Aaron Levine, Joseph Rothkop view of Literature and others. serves in the samo capacity for served at the Jewish Community Harry Sldman and Wm. Weiner. Ho was awarded the Guggen- tho Henry Monsky Chapter: MarCenter. Mrs. Julia M. Jacobs is Mesdames Elner Abramson and heim Fellowship in 1951 and 1S52 vin Stacnberg, Is the Cornhusker Dr. Victor Lcvlne, Professor of chairman of the committee of Sis- Sam Kaplan. for writings on Israel. Mr. Lehr- Lodge chairman; Moe Kagan Biological Chemistry and Nutri- terhood women who are In charge Patron Ticket chairman, Mrs man has taught history at Cornell serves for the Henry- Monsky of all arrangements for the lunchand Max Sacks for the tion at Creighton University will Lewis Nevcleff; sound technicians University, headed the OWI in Lodge • be the featured speaker at theeon. Harry Levey, Sam Stone, M. M.wartime Turkey and spent two Nebraska Lodge. Dr. Sllberman will share the Jabenls; reservations, Mrs. Ivan years behind the Iron Curtain. Beth Israel Men's Club Monthly The Henry Monsky Lodge Dinner Meeting to he held at thenulnlt 1with Rabbi Brooks at theGralnlk, Mrs. Sam Kaplan; script Bread Breakers Under the leaderBeth Israel Social Hall Thursday, regulni Sabbath evening cervices Mr*. Elalno Jabenls; table arrange- chairman; printing and format, Sol ship of Dave Richards carried on on Friday, February 19, and hl» ments, Max Greenfield, David Yaffe, Maurice Katzman; park- an Intensive one day campaign Feb. 18. at 7 p. m. Dr. Levlno' worked with the sermon topic will be "Encounter." Friedman; decorations, Mrs. Har- ing, Harry Ravitz, and checkroom last Wednesday afternoon, with almost seventyflve members parAssisting Mrs. Jacobs arc Mtnes. ry Sidman; serving, Eugene Braun, Gordon Elewltz. Eskimos doing research on blood ticipating and were successful in pre««ure and effects of the diet. Steffnn Dlamant. E. W. Greenselling many ads for the Sovcnir He Is a Fellow of the American berg, Max M. Joffe. Harold Kasln, Ad Book. Jerome K»tz. Joe;. J. Levey. Adolf 'As.wiation for tho Advancement Further developments on the Of S c i o n c o , American Public Mayer, Charles Kterr), A d o . l p h affair itself, scheduled for March He&Hh Association. He has been a Trn«», Harry A. Wise and Herbert Friday, Feb. 12 14 at the Jewish Community Cen' ' - president of the Nebraska Acad- L. Well. Pre-School—0 a. m.—Center. ter, are that Iz Weiner, of film emy of Science and the American Women's B'nai B'rlth District 0 Bowling Tournament. row fame, has accepted the chairAssociation of Professional BioloSaturday, Feb. IS manship of the Procurement gists.- He even contributed to Hadassah Oneg Shabbot ZPR-Amcrican Affairs Chm. — 12:30 Committee. Mr. and Mrs, Harry John Wx'i "Strange As It Seems." p. m.—Homesv Levlnson, will run the SquareHescrvallons mav be made at Rayim House Party—fl p. m.—Home, Dance portion of the all day Jam. the synagogue office. Members boree. They promise some enterWomen's B'nai B'rlth, District 0 Bowling Tournament.' are reminded of the c i T c n t memThe fourth In a series of six taining and diversified squareSunday, Feb. 14 '• bershln campplmi. All members Yiddish Cultural Programs will dancing at this affair. Children's Program—2 p. m.—Center. are iir"ed to brlnr; a non-member take place Sunday, Feb. 21, at Women's B'nai B'rith District 6 Bowling Tournament. One. of the recipients of this With them. Any new members 0:30 p. m. in tho Center. Joo Beth Israel Annual Congregational Dinner—6 p. m.—Beth Israel. fund-raising affair, will be the who Imve not received notifica- Radinowskl, chairman of the YidOpportunity Center, - O m a h a Young Adult Lounge Night—8 p, nu—Center. tion of the meetint':; should call dish C u l t u r a l Committee, anB'nai B'rlth has undertaken the In their reservations. Monday, Feb. 15 nounced a film performance of the project of completely furnishing Pro-school—9 n. m.—Center. The March 25 meeting will fea- S h a l o m Alelchcm masterpiece, the kitchen of the Institution. This "Laughter Through Tears," Hadassah Chapter Boards—12:30 p. m.—Homes. ture the election of officer:;. Opportunity Center, a non-secWorkmen's Loan—7:30 p. m/—Center, , It wns orii'ln.illy produced In tarian institution for children, sufRu^in in-. 1933 by G. Gritcher Folk Dance Group—8:30 p. m.—Center. fering from Muscular Dystrophy Capt. Murray Howard with Yiddish dialogue'. Beth Israel Adult Institute—9 p. m.—Beth Israel, has recently moved to a new The trade comedy by the "JewDick Walter Celcbratles—Tech High., ' home, and aiding this cause falls Helps Save Cottage ish Mark Twain" wan adiroted Into in line with the B'nai B'rith proTuesday, Feb. 10 n film of nstonlshlni) authenticity, gram of helping others. National Council of Jewish Women—1 p. ra.—Center. Captain Murray Howard of the a n d humanity. ShlmmcnAfternoon* Bridge Class—1:15 p. m.—Center. U. S. Air Force, a former Director wit All monies cleared from the Evlc, the tailor, Bruchc his nmof Athletics at the Jewish Com- bltioui dnuphter. Tsippe Tlevle, his ad book and the Centennial JamWednesday, Feb. 17 boree March 14. will go to assist munity Center, with tho aid of a wife, Klye. the lover. Motella. the Pre-school—0 a. in.—Center. „ In such causes ns the Opportunity fellow officer helped extinguish orphan, Melnmcd, t h o teacher, Mizrachi Women—1 p. m.—Center. Center, the National Jewish. Hosa fire In a English cottage. Cap- come to life In what hns been Afternoon Ceramics Class—1 p. m.—Center. pital, the Leo N. Lev! Memorial ' tain Howard Us stationed at a aircalled "one of the best cvorations Oil Painting Class—1 p. m.—Center. Hospital, Belief alre Orphans' base in England. He was trans- of n whole vlllaae that the foreign B'nai B'rith Monsky Chapter No. 470. Home. ferred recently from Offutt Field film h.vs offer'-d us." Evening Ceramics Class—7:30 p. m.—Center. where he had served an a special Jewish Cookery Class—8 p. m Center. The New Yorlc Times review RADIOS (IIP)—During the beservices officer. stated "Lauchler dominates the ' Center Orchestra—0 p. m.—Center. ginning of the year, Isrucl sent a The clilmncy of the home In the story." Beth El Membership Synagogue Meeting—8 p. m.—Beth El. second transport of radios to Turtiny village of Ampney, St. Peter Individual admission tickets are Kadlmah Board Meeting—8:30 p. m.—Homes, key by freighter plane, The transcaught fire and the off leers spotted now on snlc for the March conThursday, Feb. 18 port was part of a $40,000 order the blnze from their jeep. They certs. Hadassah Group Board—12:30 p. m.—Homes. received by the Kllron firm In raced Into the cottage and kept the Both t h e Farbanrl nnd the Jaffa. The same company Is also, Beth Israel Men's Club Dinner—7 p. m.—Beth Israel. • fire from spreading. Both men re- Workmen's Circle rond comnanies negotiating the export of sets to Evening Bridge Class—8 p. m.—Center. fused of giving their names and It will nerform In Omnha on March Jewish War Veterans Post and Ladies Auxiliary MeeUjig—B concerns In Persia and South took u bit of sleuthing to .deter- ?. nnc! 10. respectively. Tickets are Afrjca. •. .. p. m.—Center. N ','•,. mine who tho officers were. 75 cents.
Zionists to Hear Rabbi Kirshblum
Judaism Institute At Center Feb. 19 Bl Committees For Annual Dinner
Lehrman to Speak On Brotherhood
B. B. Centennial Jamboree Plans
Dr. Levine to Speak At BI Men's Club
Community Calendar
Yiddish Cultural Series Film at Jay
Rosinsky-Ringle Ceremony Held at Beth El Synagogue
"Talk of ManyThings'' Babies
Beth B Synagogue was the suttjng Sunday evening for the wedding of Miss Janice Joy Ringlc, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Philip Single, and Lieut. Jerry Rosinsky son of Mrs. Sam Rosinsky. Babbl Myer Krlpkc officiated at 11). m. before a canopy decorated with white snapdragons und \nim-
/rldsr, February U, 1954
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Eveloff of Council Bluffs, have announced the Ijirlh of a Eon, Greg Ira. The couple have two other children, Mark and Rosalind. Maternal grandfather is Mr. Sam Katelman of Council Bluffs and the paternal grandmother is Mrs. E . Eveloff ot Kansas City, Mo. V i s i t i n g
....-•. ' • • , _ ) . : , , : • • > •;/ : '"..'•:'"-''•••''
Miss Bracha Estrada and her fiance, Moshe Mlsheal, ot Jerusalem, Israel, are visiting in Omaha, The couple will be at home Sunday evening, Feb. 14, to receive friends and relatives. -
* Bridal Gown Tbe bridal gown was fashioned of Chantilly lace over satin. Lace scallops trimmed the V-necklinc ot the fitted bodice and were r e peated on the sleeves, skirt hemline and train. Phyllis Marlon Klopper/daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Abe KlopA lace half-hat trimmed with pcr, has graduated from the University ot Nebraska School of Medipearls held the bride's fingertip cine as a Medical Technologist illusion veil and she Carried a bouquet of white orchids and Mrs. W. L. Frederick stephanotls. • Miss Barbara Ringlc was her sister's maid of honor. Matron of honor was the bridegroom's sister. M n . Phil Sokolof. The Misses The Center's Adult Folk Dance Leta Welner and Diane Cooper Two new men have been pledged Group will meet Monday, Feb. were bridesmaids. by Alpha Theta chapter of Zeta 15, at 8:30 p. m. at the Center. Attendant* Mrs. W. L. Frederick has boea Beta Tau at Lincoln. Sol Friedman Mr. Karl Edler of the Omaha The attendants wore baUcrinaselected as the recipient of tne transferred from the University of Parks and Recreation Department length mauve taffeta gowns styled Indiana and will be a second se- Instructs this g r o u p alternate first annual women's citizenship with * fitted bodices and flared mester freshman. Alan Rice is the Mondays. There is a $1.00 reg- ward, presented by B'nal B'rith skirts with bustle backs. Bouquets second n e w pledge. Alan is a istration fee. Henry Monsky Chapter 470 and of gardlnias and light pink roses transfer student from Cornell and completed their attire. Nebraska Chapter 340. will resume his studies at N U fig Mrs. Jerry Korimky Richard R. Rosinsky, brother of The award win be presented a second semester sophomore: V the bridegroom, was best man. Wednesday, Feb. 17. at a 12:30 . - B e n Belmont has received an Ushers were Edward, Norman and p. m. luncheon In the Highland appointment to the US Military Howard Sellz, all of Los Angeles, Town Club. Mr. Seymour KapAcademy at West Point, N. Y. Calif.; Monte Herman of DavenBcersheba (IIP)—A new survey Plain States Region Director ZBT beld a stag at the home of has begun of the southern Negev lan, _ port, la., Sol Rosinsky and Mr. the Anti-Defamation League o t By Ruth Heiss Jerry Kruplniky last weekend. to locate water it was disclosed of Sokolof. B'nal B'rith will present the citaCenter Murte Director Approximately 25 Omaha and Lin- here. Fpr her daughter's wedding, tion. . Plans have been completed for c o l i nigh school seniors Were the Mrs. Ringle chose a gown In a A preliminary survey has just The award will be'given each champagne shade. Mrs. Rosinsky Ihe next meeting of the Music At g u e s t s . •' ••• •:• • ••'. been completed of the Arava, in A party has oeen scheduled for the central Negev, which has year to an Omaha woman in recwore a blue alik taffeta gown Home Club. It wlU take place ognition ot outstanding service i n the Oth of March, Social chairman Both wore orchid corsages. community and civic affairs for Tuesday evening, Feb. 23 at 8 Marv Steinberg has not released proved satisfactory. A reception was held in the syDevelopment ot Israels desert the Improvement of human relap. m. at the home of Mr. Eugene the theme of tbe party yet. nagogue social halL region is to a large extent depend- tions and the advancement of citiFor a wedding trip to Las Vegas, Blazer, 5101 Davenport St. Can- The ZBT cagers dropped their ent upon the finding of adequate zenship responsibility. The cstob* Nev., the bride wore a suit In tor Eli Kagan, of Beth Israel Syn- last game to the league leading supplies of water. The Negev Is llshmcnt of this award is a part black and brown wool and bara- agogue, will be accompanied by Theta Chi team last week, 53-38. leh only region where large tracts of tho chapter's projects in o b Dorun Jacobs led the attack with of land arc still available for set- servance of Brotherhood Week. In thea silk. Lieutenant and Mrs. Rosinsky Prof, Hani Baer in a program of 10 counters. The ZBT record is tlement, Farming here Is, how-addition to Its many philanthrowill r e s i d e in Omaha after Yiddish, Hebrew, and modem I s - now 4 wins against 3 losses. ever, not possible without irrina- pies, B'nal n'rith is increasing Its The ZBT keglers finished in tlon BO that the Government ha* cffoUi to Btrvngthcn the forces of raeli numbers in celebration of March 1. third place, one-half game out of embarked upon o program, with democracy. Jewish Music Month. This prosecond and only one game out of the aid of State of Israel Boml ingram is open to all" young adults first. Mrs. Frederick Is chairman of vestments, for brincinn 'water to and adults. Call the Center, Ja. Unofficial averanes for last Ibis arid area. Three source:; of the Omaha Council for Equal Job Opportunitlrs, the is active In the semester reveal that Mike Grccn- awter will be utilized: 1300 if you plan to attend. League nf Women Deanery and ROM A I li&j u iwtri r«u ««ot » An Incresting Jazz Musicale bcrg, senior in Arts and Sciences, • Tkr Jnrun P t M 1) . Ground water from the the Urban I/\ii:ue. She won the OOnew fait !•ftOMsti tot eacto (AMI was presented to members of the has taken the ZBT scholarship cup coastal strip on the northern out- National AAUW Scholarship t o UM. Tht Pfiw rMtnru U M ftthx u tutu* Amie Stern, Marv Sticnbcrg skirts of the NcKev which is e x - the International Seminar In HuYouth Council, Saturday evening, • i t o* tat* Feb. fl. The prgoram, co-ordi- Sol Friedman, Doran Jacobs, May- pected to yield about 50 million man Relationn at the Merrill Palmer School in Detroit, Mich. BAR and Bat Mluvan congratu- nated by Tom Bernstein, was well nard Small and "Dude" Dandy cubic meters of water. lations: also for all Jewish holi- received by all who attended. Be- went to Manhattan Saturday to 2) The Yarkon-Negcv pipeline The o p e n i n g prayer at the watch the Nebraska-Kansas State sides he regular recorded Jam days and special occasions. now under construction will divert luncheon will be given by Mrs. gome. sessions, the group plans to have the Yarkon River flow and TCOruch, President of N e Mevers News Stand. 1502 Dodge a program consisting of live muGuests at the house Included claimcd Tel Aviv sewage through Albert braska Chapter 349. Mrs. Aaron Hubie Wlenshenk, past president two 66-inch pipelines to the Negev Epstein, President of Henry MonCOST OF LIVING GOT YOUsicians in the near future. of Beta Alpha chapter of ZBT at The first line is expected to be sky Chapter 470 will deliver th« DOWN? Colorado, now stationed at Ft. put Into operation by next year welcome address and introduce SAVE MONEY ON THESE lUley. Kansas, with the US Army and tho second in 1057. Both to- the guests. BARGAINS and Bart Rosenberg from Kunsar gether will bring over 150 million 78 weeks Life, $7.87 WOW-TV and KMTV will take c i t y . . ,... • • • . . . . • - . . • . • • • • • ; . .78 weeks Time. $6,87" cubic meters of water. , news coverage pictures at tha 30 mos. Good Housekeeping, luncheon for their evening news Underground water along Hollywood (JTA)—The omn. the3) eastern 13.98 Wednesday evenings at the Cenfoothills are expected telecast. 22 mos. House Beautiful, $5418 ter are usually very busy with teaur-mado film, "Little Fugitive," to yield about 25 million cubic 18 mos. Harper's Bazaar. $5.00 meetings, classes and orchestra" re- produced by a trio of amateurs meters per year. 22 mos.' Town It Country. $8.50 hearsals but a recent activity has Ruth and Morrie Engcl and Ray With the completion of the ma20 mos. Ladies Home Journal,. provided a pleasant aroma around Ashley, at a cost of $25,000, is jor projects, a blueprint will be ho building. Mrs. Jake Wine has headed for a box office gross of implemented for the construction $4,00 18 mos. Woman's Home Com- been teaching a group of women $500,000. The picture deals with of extensive regional networks of Jewish Cookery. This course is the adventures of a little boy at Rug & Upholstery - panlon, $3.0O designed to preserve the art of Coney Island. It garnered the blue irrigation pipelines. 18 mo*. Look, S3.00 Cleaners making our traditional meals. In- ribbon award at the recent Inter8 mos. Readers Digest, $1.00 IHRIGATION (HP)—The Mlnterested persons may call JA 1300, national film festival at Venice. Mrs. S, J. Horwich, WA 3857. RUOS—OAnPETTNO stry of Agriculture in Israel used Ext. 32, for additional information. three-quarters of its foreign curLAMP SHADES BREEDING CATTLE Washington (JTA)—Tho For- rency budcet during the second FllnNITUBE eign Operations Administration half of 1003 for the purchase of Cleaned In Yew Homtl authorized shipment of $200,000 Irrigation equipment. Ateo spurworth of breeding cattle to Israel. ring the country's network of irBlndlni, • Laying • Bepalrtdt Under the terms of the arrange- riRatlon is a $18,000,000 allocation The Boston Pops Tour Orchcs- ment, thc^hlpmcnt must be com- from State of Israel Bond invest- DON BERNSTEIN HA MM ra, under the direction of Arthur pleted by July 31, 1054. ments. Fiedler, will present a program of lic.lit classical musie in the Tech Hir.li Auditorium, 8:15 p. m., Moninv. Fib. 15 The Pops concerts began In lBBf and war; called "Promenade Conii'." Tht.» narno Pops was soon i.kri in popular u-,ij:e and app<':iiod on the program'; shortly f
Folk Dance Group CAMPUS NEWS To Meet Monday Mrs. Frederick to Zeta Beta Tat*
Music Notes
Receive BB Award
Desert Water Survey To Augment Pipeline
Want Ads
Jewish Cookery Class Still Open
Boston Pops Program At Tech High Mon.
Be Sure To Attend! BETH ISRAEL
O N PURBffl,
,h Mrxiii.An (Ml we ,„,, Ihr
<Irmui out the n.unc of HAIMN will. Ihe ClMCA """Ty*
play at llic F'urim tl
and srmi .SUAI-AHI MOSO-., ft,iiJ"Eifis t-» our friend's
anil H a l i i M ^ J ^ j ^ . s , , , ] „ Scrip lo Israel trrlifir.itc for SI, SKI, Sl.r), $i!0, $25 or Scrip's value lutkul jurats for $CU!O up. 2J0 V/. 57 51. U.» COIumUiS3eOO
Jmrisk Caamaalry C«attr I M M. Mt» - St. — JA 1M»
Annual Dinner Meeting Sunday, Feb. 14 —6:30 P.M. AT Beth Israel Social Hall 52nd and Charles Sts.
Featuring the Presentation of Citations t o the Founders and Builders of Beth Israel Synagogue For Reservations Call REgent 6288
FiM»T, Feferurr 12,1*94
Organizations Hddassah The Omaha Chapter ot Hadassah will hold its board meeting Monday, Feb. 15,,*t 12:30 p. tn. at. the home of Mrs. S. M. Gractz, 807 S. 52nd St. Dessert will be served. The co-hostesses will be Mrs. Sidney Hollis and Mrs. T. A. Tully. A report on the lladassah Purchasing and Supply Committee Will be given and Mrs. Julius Stein will present a report on the HoilnsKrih Medical Center. Prior to the board mee'lni! the Discussion Group will meet at the home of Mrn/XJractz at 11 p. m Hadassah Group Hoard meetings will be held Thursday, Keb. 18, at 12:30 p. m. All Groups will serve dessert lunch. The Chalm Welzmann Group board will meet ot the home of Mrs. Ben Perclman, 207 S. 70lh Avc.. Co-hostesses will be Mrs. Harry Fercnstcln and Mrs. William Frelden, The captains of the Chalm Welzmann Purrhnslng and Suprty: Committee will be Euests Of the board. Mrs. Morris Franklin, President of the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah, will be the guest speaker. The Henrietta Szold Group will hold its board meetlm; at the home ot Mrs. Joscoh Soshnlk, 308 S. 82nd St. Co-hostess will he Mrs. Max Orecnberg. Plans for the February- Grouo meeting hl»hlhthtin* the United Nations tinder the Hadassah American Affairs Program will be discussed. Captains for the Henrietta Szold Pur: chining and Suooly Committee win be.euest* of the board with Mrs. Abe Hoffman, Chairmnn, •nd her, co-chairman, Mrs. J. Milton Margolin aim serving as cohostesse*. Mrs. Arthur fSrossman, trlee-presldent, will nrcsldo. The Bonrd of the Theodor Herzl Oroun will meet at the home of Mrs. Arthur Ooldslcln, 64H' Cumi n * with Mrs. Albert Wohlner •nd Mrs. Ben P'utzky serving an eo-hiwtes«ea. New members of the Herzl Groun bnvo be<»n Inv i t e us ftic^ts nf the board. Mrs; Sidney Hollis, KrlueaMon Chairman, will present the H o n o r s Course and reports on the Honors Course bonks will be given by women on the board.
B'nai Jacob Sisterhood The B'nai Jacob Adas Yeshurln Sisterhood will hold Its regular monthly meeting February 18 at 1:30 p. m. In the social hall of the synagogue. .;''•'-, £ h l s will bo an election meeting and all members are urged to a
. , "
; • '
• • • . • •
Mizrachi Women '••..'AtV'thft February meeting the members will be given the opportunity to participate in the Mltrvah of Mocs Chltlm which is the fund that provides Passover necessities for the needy In Israel. The meeting will begin with q dessert luncheon at 1 p. m.. Wednesday, Fob. 17, at the Jewish Community Center. The business meeting will begin at 2 n.tn. after Which a movie "Holidays Is Israel," will be shown in Omaha for the first time.. • Mrs. Joe Batt and Mrs. Lewis Ccrellck, co-chairmen of the re.ecnt bake sale, have expressed 'their gratitude to all who took 'Part and helped to make the nflalr a success. Jewish National Fund Trees The following have purchased trees for planting In Israel: Mrs. •Doris Sherman, in memory of Vicki, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. leoKamlsar: Mm. Doris Sherman, fa memory of Joseph Marks; Mrs.
Conscription for Israel Women Set
Jerusalem (JTA) — The registration of Orthodox young wom, en for national non-military servBen Soshnik, in memory of her brother, H a r r y Lehman; Mrs. I ice will begin in ttic near future, Anna Ilerns'.ein, in memory of following tlie Issuance by the Lou A'ller; Mrs. Rose Fieidcn, in Ministry of Labor of regulations memory of Joseph Marks; Mrs. ^overnin^ tiie procedure. Joseph TrHiak, in memory of Max It was learned that the MinisVerct of Philadelphia; Mrs. M. try estimates that the number of Hrodkey, in memory of Minnie women involved in tile program Goldcnlierp: Rabbi and Mrn. M. will not exceed 2,000 and that M. 1'oliakoff, In memory of lieva, many of them will be entirely exthe :.ister Al K<'ssler of Mary- empted from s e r v i c e on the Innd; Onmlia Chapter Mizraciii Grounds that their way of living Women, in honr.r of the recovery conflict;; with compulsory nation'if Mrs. Lewis Nevcleff; Rabbi and al service. Mrn. Davltl Gurewltz, in honor of A Ministry spokesman said this Tamara Lea Coloff of New Jer- week that a chief inspector and :vy and al.-.o in honor of Tamara three regional supervisors, still to .Saphir of Chlrago; Mrs. Hose be appointed, will organize the Freklen, in honor <>l the Dar MHz work program in the various eolvah of lienny Aliramson, and leclive settlements and immigrant nnbbi nnd Mrn. M. M. Pollakoff, camps where the draftees will in honor nf the recovery of Mrs serve. He said that the.-.e offiLewis Nevcleff. cials would all be women, but not ncressartly Orthodox women. The district supervisors will Interview each youni? woman accented for national service and High Individual game and high will attempt to ascertain what type Individual scries goes to Marilyn of work will be most suitable for Meyer with a score of 168 and 475 the Individual. Arrangements will respectively. High Individual team be made for small proups to work scries goes to Gutter Clutters with in Mizrachi Laborite nnd Agudah 1,371 pins. Laborlte settlements. Women who At the last meeting of Junior enrolled as nurses and teachers Hadassah, M a r i l y n Ncrcnberg will probably continue to work at J. N. F. Chairman, collected their professions in immigrant money for trees to be planted in camps. Israel. All the members attended services at Beth Israel last Friday night. Following services, the girls STANDINGS ••,••• attended a house party at the • • " • • ""• ".'"•.. ••••„/'••-• -••••.-,•: ' w / x . home of Rita Rosen. Nogg Bros. Paper Co. ........ 29 10 Brandeis Easy Washer ...... 27 21 Millie Wine .....;,„..„..„.....-. 25 23 Smith Pontluc ;..........,...„„. 25 23 Brandeis Kleerchromc ...... 23 25 Edwards Jewelry ................ 23 25 ,„.....„. ....;.„. 20 28 The monthly Bingo party of the Metz Beer 20 28 Ladles Auxiliary of the' Jewish H. C. A. Victor HIGH 8ERIE8 War Veterans for patients of. the Omaha Veterans Hospital was held Ann Schulman 448; Esther MarFeb. 4. Canteen Coupons were re- cus 442; Rose Garrop 434; Adeceived by patients as prizes. Ciga- line Sneldcr 406; Rose Wcttz 403; rettes were distributed and a door Sail yMalashock 401; Split—Harprize was received by a lucky vet- riet Singer 5-10; Adeline Sneldcr eran. A phone call to any place In 4-10. United Stales wa3 the door prize. AVOCADO (IIP)—Test transHostesses for the party were Mmes: Meyer K a p l a n , Hospltalizatlon ports of the Avocado fruit are bechairman, Abe Miller, Aaron Ep- ing sent by Israel to markets In England, Switzerland and Sweden stein and Jack Saylan. Mrs. William Abrahams, chalr- This is the flnit time that the mnn of the overseas service men young state hag attempted to exgifts, a n n n o u n c c d that Purlm port this fruit, which is growr goodies hove been shipped to all within the framework of the exJewish service men stationed on p a n d cd agricultural blucprin' foreign soil. These packages should which Is being backed by State of reach the men by the time to cele- Israel Bond investments. brate the holiday. Hollywood (JTA)—Actress LauThe Ladles Auxiliary will present an American Flag to Beth E! ren Bacall refused to plant her Synagogue Fcbr. 21. The Amcr- footprints In the cement forecourt Icanlnzatlon Committee will be of Grauman's Chinese Theatre Ir represented by Mrs. Wm. Abra- Hollywood in connection with the hams who will present the Flag. opening of her new film, "How To The program will start at 10 a. m. Marry A Millionaire." "Such honMrs. Harry Smith, a member of ors," she explained, "should be for the Auxiliary has been honored those who arc unforgettable and with a certificate for 100 hours irreplaceable." given to the service of veterans at available a book fund in which the Omaha Hospital. The Auxiliary has shipped a donations In memory or honor box ot clothing and school sup- may be made. - U you are interplies to Israel school children tor ested in this fund, contact Mrs. Robert Koopcr, WA 9761, or Mrs: Purlm. The regular meeting of the Aux- Moe Veneer, GL 3038. iliary will be held at the Jewish Community Center, Febr. 18. A film on Safety will be shown and members ot the Police DepartOmaha's Favorite ment will speak. Refreshments and social hour will follow.
Hadassah Bowling
Epstein-Morgan Post
Brandeis Chapter The Brandela Chapter, Brandeis University, held a board meeting February 8 at the Highland Town Club. At this time It was announced that Mrs. Phil Fcldman and Mrs. Wm. Fogcl, chairman and co-chairman respectively, will be in. charge of the spring meeting. The organization h a s m a d e
"Proud? I'll say! It's tiie.fii.est fruit cake I ever baked!" So rich . . . »o fragnnt — «nd to ««sy «o prcptrel Ttkcs only i minutes from packege lo pan <«nd «he p»o U right in the.
Pure Five
Pictured left to rltht are Mines. Sidney Schwart* and L a n r Kaplan, Ticket chairmen; Richard Illller and Richard Seitner, Arrangement* chairmen. Not pictured Is Mrs. Ernest No»r, Ticket chairman.
Mmes. R. Hiller, R. Seitner Chairman of Council Affair The annual fund raising event of the Omaha Section, National Council of Jewish Women, will be a Cocktail and Supper Donee to be held February 87 in the Blackstone Hotel from 9:80 to 12:30 p. m. Proceeds of the affair will benefit all Council activities. Cocktails and super will. precede dancing. Music will be provided by Mai Dunn and his orchestra. Tickets for the dance are $5.25 per person and must be purchased in advance, as none will be sold at the door. If you have not yet purchased your ticket, you may do so by contacting any board member or the following: Mmes. Wm. Kaiman, Max Wolf-
son, H. B. Cohen, Philip Feldman, Henry Greenbcrg, Seymour KaU, Arthur Greene, Edward Levinson, Sam Zachnria, Harry Stoler, Jack Schragcr, Oscar Grecnberg, Leo Ungar, Philip Blumberg, Leonard Lutbeg, Louis KatS, Phi* lip Fox, Robert Silverman, Stanley Malashok, Charles Schneider and Arthur Kulakofsky. Others are: Mmes. Lloyd Bank, Philip Katzman, Seymour Conn, Hyman Fcrer, Harold Farber, Sam Steinberg, Morton Friedlander, Sam Zweiback, Eugene Cooper, Jacob Garon, Jack Ban, Morris Luisman, Stanley Perimeter, Abe Baker, Robert Baker, Martin Staenberg and David Beber.
Jordan Blamed for Border Situation
"possible f re s h developments which may radically, affect I s rael's security," Ambassador Elath stressed that Israel was determined "to see her interests safeguarded both by the addition of more specific provisions to the existing international guaranties with regard to preservation of peace to the area, and also by strengthening its own physical capacity for self-defense In case the guaranties to be eventually secured fail to prevent surprise attack from a neighboring country which refuses to consider peace with Israel."
London (WNS)—The "main responsibility for continuance of the present unhappy conditions along our borders and for the consequences of this dangerous state of affairs" must rest on Jordan since that country refused to meet "her obligations under' the armistice agreement, I s r a e l i Ambassador Ellahu Elath declared here in an address before the Anglo-Israel Club. Referring to what he called
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Friday. February U .
Council Doings
Israel Scene BENNIKE INSPECTS Jerusalem, (JTA)—Moj. Gen. Vaen Bcnnike, head of the United Nations truce obsurv,.nrc forces In Palestine, personally Inspected the Jordan River canal nt Bnot Yaakov, afialnst width Syiia has protested and hear explanations on the spot from Israeli members of the Israeli-Syrian Mixed Armistice Commission. Gen. Bcnnike. who visited the development while en route to Damascus to confer with Syrian Government, was al&o shown the Arab land holdings on' the cart bank of the river which Would b e affected by the project.
mortal hospital, the national AZ/ charity. The event takes place a the Center gym and a sox dano will fololw.
AZANO. 1M Century Chapter has elected fia Kirks to take over the office o Aleph Sopher. He will be editor in-chief of the club's paper, ttv Century Spotlite. Recently, the candidates for thi AZA King were announced. The. are: Larry Schwartz, Art Schwartz Marih Denenberf, and KenpL Freed. The king wlU be elected ai the ninth annual King Dance, which will be held May 18 at the Pazton Hotel.
AZA NO. 1 This Saturday and Sunday Ni 1 boys will attend the B'nal B'rlt Women's bowling tournament— but they won't be bowling, As small thank you for everythin that organization has done fo AZA, Alcphs will check hats am coats. At the last meeting member: viewed a highly stimulating broth OOCNCILETTES The Annual Formal "Winter erhood film. A brotherhood dis lode" w u held January 29 at toe cuaslon Is planned lor later in thi Legion Club. Before the dance month. there was' a coketatl party at the bom* of Shirley Retnlck. Music Yourii Council Letter was provided by Phil KnenTi By Joan Krasne Combo. After the dance there was a bouse party at the home of Pa' JAZZ SESSION HELD MbgiL The music was fast and furlou: The project for thia month is at the J a n session at the Jay las going to -the Blood Center ' Saturday night. The evening in eluded movies on jazz and discus groups of six every week. During Brotherhood Week each •loos on jazz composers. Dancing member is to bring a non-Jewish followed the program which war girl to services at the Beth-El Sy- planned by Tom Bernstein. Anoth cr "Jazz at the Jay" Will be heii nagogue. The next Councllette meeting in the near future. will be held this Sunday at the Jay. T. C. MEETING ''• /. DEBKADEBS A meeting was held February 7, at the Jay. fat a program, an Interesting discussion was present* ed concerning several of the problems facing the teen-agers today: Points that wet* brought out covered the good and bid points of the question; Should a Jewish girl or boy Join a non-Jewish sorority or fraternity? The subject of the honor systems i n our schools was also discussed. It was decided that sometime in May a dressy dance would be held. Co-chairmen Of the affair are Nancy Farber and Marsha Wazenberg. Tonight, Debt will attend services at Temple Israel.'
BALANCE BUDGET Jerusalem, (JTA)—The Israel Government expects to balance Its budget this fiscal year, Plnchas Saphir, director general of the Financo Ministry annouced. Mr. Saphir said that for the l i n t nine months of the year, Income has come up to the levol of estimates In all categories. Mr. Saphir revealed (hat the government is considering trans* fen-inn its subsidies for foodstuff*, medical supplies and fuel to the regular budget rather tBan to separate agencies. Thus, he stated, the "hidden subsidies" will b e come known and the public will be beter informed of how much the government spends to maintain the cost of living at Its present level.
The next Youth Council meet' ing will be held February 17, a 7:30 p. m. at the Jay. The execu tive commltee will meet at 6:4!
AL CAPT, CREATES OF LI'L ABNER, will appear on television program "Look Up and Live," this Sunday morning from 9:30 to I f a. m., over KMTV. The procram Is being presented doring : . & N E W 8 • • • • ; ' : • ' • • • • • ' " ' • : . ' • ? • • ' • 8UABETT OUTLINES The deadline for the next lasue February by the Union of American Hebrew Congregation. Capp Jerusalem, (JTA)—Political deof the Youth CouncU H e m ia Feb- will exchange Ideas about spiritual values with Dr. Maurice N. fence of Israel, Its economic d e ruary 28. Nothing will be accepted Eisendralh, president of Uie Union. velopment and the strengthening after that date, of Its ties with the Diaspora, were described by Prime Minister ShaAPFUCATI0N8 rett a< he three major tasks facApplications for the mixer-dance ing the new Israel Government. committee are now being acceptFriday, Feb. I t Mr. and Mrs. Max Greenfield He was cheered loudly by the aued. Anyone may qualify. Judith KaU and Edward Allan announce that their son. Stanley dience at a Mapal meeting here Schneider. A , wlU celebrate his Bar Mitzvah when h e declared that the present KINO CANDIDATES Friday evening and S a t u r d a y coalition government Is a vital neSaturday, Feb. IS AZA Centurymen have a n Michael Berger, Dora Edith Ger- morning, Feb. 19 and 20, at Beth cessity for the state. Thin was the first time Mr. Shanounced toe names of the boys ber, Mark Gershater, Richard Israel Synagogue. A reception will who will be candidates for "king1 Frederick Green, Bennett Cory follow both services. Friends and rct addressed a public meeting KAYOU clnce he became head of the govrelatives arc invited to attend the at their 1854 "King Dance." They The klckoff of the Lincoln AZA- are Larry Schwartz, Art Schwartz Greenspan, Lawrence Brian Kauf- ceremonies. ernment. The meting was attendBayim weekend will b e a tettlflc Marsh Denenberg, and Kenny man, Jerri Kay Lincoln, Judith ed by huff crowds and thousands, Valenine party Saturday night. At Freed. The dance will be held Lynn Meycrson and Linda Susan being unablo to enter, remained >Togg. the party, a skit will be presented May 15, at the Paxton Hotel. n tho street and listened to the Sunday, Feb. 14 to honor of the visitors. Fred Sispeech over loud-spenkers. Claudia Susan Colin, Douglas mon and his social committee arc WELCOME TO AZA NO. 3 enc Kagan, Ron! Meyer and doing a great job In preparing for Raylm will entertain twelve itobln Star Sherman. MILITARY RULE the party. Lincoln AZA No. 3 boys over thi: Jerusalem, (JTA)—The Israel Atlantic City (JTA)—The NaMonday, Feb. 15 Sunday, the clubs will cotn|>ctr weukend. Highlighting the week Cabinet approved relaxation of tional Lutheran Council urge! the Robert Lynn Goodblnder, Billy In sports events. Basketball coin •nd will be social and athletic lorwlch, Steven Gerard Lobel, United Nations General Assembly ts military rule In areas In which petition will lake place at the events. about half of the Arab populatlpn Robert (Bobby) Milder, Harriet to take the initiative in re-opening of Israel dwells. Jay at 12 p. m. After the game, Shloff, and Edward Michael Trel- direct peace talks between Israel the bowling teams will start their REPORTERS and the Arab states. The appeal A military spokesman, explalnmatches at the Music Box. was made in a resolution adopted ni{ that the action was due to an A word' of praise goes to the Icr. Tuesday, Feb. 16 The club members have offered "behind the scene" individual club unanimously at a meeting here improvement in the military sltuHenry Alan Davis, Gloria Ep- of the council, which represents itlon in the northern part of the the use of their homes to the Lln- reporters who' have been dolnr colnites. Among the twelve boyr such a great Job of turning in ;tcin, Martin Hyman and Barbara nlno church bodies with a total country, estimated that 76,000 Ann Zoob. expected to arrive arc: Vcrn Lot- their club's news "through all Arab citizens of Israel would benmembership of 4,500,000. Wednesday, Feb. 17 man, Bemie Sax, Harold Novkoff, kinds of weather." They ore: Stan Tile resolution, which will be efit directly from the far-reaching Paul Goldcnbcrg, Sandra Con- presented to the State Depart- relaxations. Only a very small Stan Sax, Ken Pocrass, Steve Levy Fellman, Marvin Friedman Marty Herb Frecdman, Meyer Cohen, Joe Greene, Sandra Krizclman, Eileen nie Jess, David Jeffrey Kaplan, ment, asks the General Assembly atrip of land along the border has; Richard Steven Katelman, Jeffrey to issue a "new appeal" to thebeen exempted from tho easement. Hill, Dick Pocrass, and Stan Shrier Sachs and Hose Lagman. Howard Libowskl, Deborah Ruth Israelis and the Arabs for "direct }n the remainder of the areas Meyerson, Bruce Alan Foster, Mi- conversations" on a peace settle- under' military rule the movement TIKVA8AMI , •hele Diane Rosenzwelg and Jerry ment. The Lutheran statement of Arab citizens will be eased by The T. A.'« have recently com- Arabs Refuse to Sit stresses that "no peace can DCquicker granting of permits, pletely revised their constitution In World HeolHi Group Allan Stevens. . Thursday, Feb. I t ' found apart from such direct con- which arc.now good for at least Valentine favors are being made Ellyn Jane Dorfman, Joanne versations." The council also Urged six month*. Geneva (JTA)—The executive for the Creche Home for Children CnpUn, Alan the parties to meet with the PalesDavid Goldstein joard of the World Health Organ> Passed at the last meeting war Sharon KoyNoodell and Ira Mark tine Cotmclliatlon Commission or a complete budget for the club. II ization has referred back to the AGRICULTURAL some other "specially designated '••...'• assembly of WHO for further Taznick. was completed by the newly InSETTLEMENTS mediator." stalled BUDGET A*ID F1NANCT study procedures permitting the Tel Aviv, total of Eastern Mediterranean Regional The action followed a statement COMMITTEE. ' French Zionists Set Up by the Rev. Dr. Frank A. Schlotz, 309 agricultural(JTA)—A tenements have The next T. A. meeting wilt be Committee to be divided into twe been established in Israel since world misislons secretary of the Sunday, Feb. 14, at the JCC at subcommittees to overcome the re- "erritorial Groups Lutheran organization, who told Iho state was established nearly 1:30 p. m. The executive commit- fusal of the Arab Slates to sit with , Paris (JTA)—A national con- the delegates that the Christian six years ago,: the Agriculture tee will m e e t at 1 p. m, in Israel. The regional director, who had erence of the French Zionist Fcd- church must use every "Jeglti- Ministry reported. Lounge B. Of this total, 203 wcro smallcalled a meeting of the first sub- rution, called to work out slruc- mate' means at • its " disposal to committee, in which Israel doer iral chances dcslRned to unlk help the Arabs and the Israelis holders settlement "for new immiAZA 100 grants and 93 collective settleM o t h e r Chapter's basketball lot sit, has been instructed by the joth members of Zionist politica' find a peaceful way out of their mens. The report added that durteam will be playing for more than llrector general of WHO to post- artics ami non-party Jews in- current impasse. ing the past year 120,000 dunaras points when they tackle a team .Tone the meeting until such timr olved in aidinj! Israel, adopted a (32,250 acres) of land were Irrignun and constitution designed from Hlgh-Y, a Central High as the second sub-committee couje' gated. New settlemens now poso iittract the widest membershlr School organization. Gate receipt: ilso meet. ccss some 20,000 head of cattle, The action followed advice by mong French Jews. will go to the Leo N . Lcvi Hothe report said. Israel to the agency that the comOne provision of the new choriromlse it had attempted to fiide- er sets aside 40 percent of the 10.000 IMMIGRANTS Wathlrigton (WNS)—In a Joint tcp the boycott of the Jewish (.•mbcrship of the KoverninR body Jerusalem, (JTA)—A total of iLato by the Arabs had not worked '. the organization for icprc- bl-pcrtlsan letter to Secretary of iut and that "it would be better to entation of non-party members State John Foster Dulles, 35 law- 10,347 Immigrants arrived in CLUB TOVIM iv.'.iit more propitious limes In l i e conference concluded after makers, among them six Senators Israel in 1S53, including almost Club Tovim will meet in the trdf.T to undertake a re-oxamina:loptinj; the program, which ir and 20 Representatives, protested 5,000 from Morocco, Tunis and recreation room of the Tnlrnu'l ion of this question." hicfly aimed at reaching thr afjainst the projected granting of Libya, the Jewish Agency a n Torah between 7:30 and !):00 n.m. outli and pressing cultural am! U. .S. military assistance to thenounced. Tho number of immi.Saturday night Fob. 13. Plans Arab States and requested an ear- grants from Ailnn countries was Jucational activities. for a youth carnival •will be dismeeting with tho Secretary of 2,783, while nearly 1,000 came The importance of the mcctinp ly cussed and the club will work on with a view to consulting from Eastern Europe and another USiis from 3 a foreninni-r of ctructura) State its photograph project. and diEcu35ing "this vital matter. 747 from 'Western Europe. ian;;cs in other national ZlonLit THE WORLDS TALLE3T BOYS ARTS AND CRAFTS While declaring support of tho ?t-ups fjutside Ir.racl was under* BABYI The Boys Arts'and Crafts club EXPORTS ned by the presence at the open- economic and technical assistance Will mret this Saturday evenlnr, programs for the area, the iilgnTHI. AVIV Jerusalem, (JTA)—Israel's e x ii ce.'-jion Sunday of Jo^eph Feb. 13 nt 6!45 o'clock In the Arts cra of the letter expressed "grave ports In 1053, reached tho total of iprlnzak, Speaker of the Israe' din — and Craft:; room of the Talmud concern" over recent reports that $30,409,000 Deputy Minister of arliament, who came here es- major Thn giant Torali. Mr. Itowmwcif;, cluh leadprograms of military asCommerce or.d Industry Zalniiin pecially for the meeting, Dr. Na- sistance aro planned for what they :>u« Hotel, a er salrl that a new project would um Goldmann, co-chairman of called countries that "continue in Suzaycff reported. Industrial e x .'•ixurlouff »«be discussed at this meeting. ports amounted to nearly $22 000 v n IC Jewish Agency executive one" a technical state of war nnalnst " «t»»y Eoys in the Primary and SecondHoieb aacov Tsur, Israel Minister tc tho neighboring country of Israel, 000 of this total, he said. This Inary grade of Talmud Torah und s t r u c cluded Kaincr-Frarcr cam assemarls. Some 250 delegates from all a most democratic nation and one third grade of Sunday School arc t u r e matching tfae flne»t at the Haifa plant and e x arts of the country and another most strongly committed to thobled Invited to atend. aaynrlure in Urn world, U the ported. They accounted for about ,500 guests attended. JR. CONG. "Big Baby" of Uie expanding cause of freedom." $7,000,000 of the total. family of hotel* being erectThe chairman of the Beth Ised with the aid of U n e i rael Junior Congregation for IS t DEFINITION AND CANT BUY MORE AINT IT 8OT BOB' loan* exceeding H*<month of February is Marvin RuEffrontery is that which, if the Mew York. Is no longer Interested Uniform traffic laws arc excel1JHMI, tkraug* Uw G«venback. Assisting Marvin arc Gall nscrupulous fellows were spcak- In celebrities. Maybe It has given lent The big problem, however, Is nt Dnrelipinmit Budget. Poliakoff, Edwin Sidman and ng for our side, would be a bold ttway'all Its keys to the city.— to get drivers to obey them.—MilMsdclvn Doleoff. tand.—Bcelwbub'n Lexicon. Manchester (N. H.) Union. waukee Sentinel. •
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Happy Birthday Bar Mifzvah
Lutheran Council Asks UN Initiative
Lawmakers Ask For Poliey Change
Befh Israel News
ftidtf. February 12, 1954
Religious News
Page Sevest
not JEWIBB n u n
Contributions Made In Memory of S. Tretiak
Tl Supper Club Beth El Family To Hear Silberman Sabbath Dinner
Beth Israel Forms Talmud Study Group,
Mrs. Sarah Okun, local Jewish A group for the study of'Gertara Nutiunal Fund chiiinniin, anDr. Lou II, Silberman, former Members of Beth El Synagogue has been formed at the 19th and nounced contributions have Itabbi of Temple Israel, will ad- .ind their friendy are cordially Burt Streets Synagogue. The group 8:37 p., tii. Candk'llehtinc time been madethat to Piuneur Women fur invited to attend :i Sabbath Eve meets on Tuesday evenings from planting of trees in Israel in thedress the Supper Club of the dinner, to be held in the Social (I to 9 p. m. Mr. Lcvinson, organTemple at its February meeting, II.iII, Fricljy < veiling, I'eh. IS, izer, of the group, says that all memory of Joseph Tretiak. ConBETH EL include Mrs. Miriam IJon- Lloyd Bank, c li a irma n of Uie,,t li p in those interested are cordially InServices this evening will be- tributors Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rub- group, has announced. The meet- The United Synagogue of Am«r- vited to attend. gin at 8:15 o'clock. Itabbi Myer S dtirion, instein, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schrni'a k now (< U hi .ilin^' its fortyKripke will deliver the sermon. go, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Cohen, Mr ing will be held Saturday eve- fu't anmvd'.uiy, .iiid ;•'. .ill affiliCantor Aaron I. Edgar nnd theBnd Mrs. Sam Novak and thening, Feb. 20, at 7 o'clock, at theate, Beth El Is hiivliif: this family Beth El Choir will render the Jacob-Adas Jcshuron Sister- Live Stock E x c li a n a u dining .Sabbath Dinner in honor of the ] musical portions of the service. B'nal rooms, fit twenty-ninth and Oou.rjon . Sabbnth morning services will hood. Mrs. Sam Uiin i:; cc-ncral chairThe Omaha Choir and Dramatic Streets. Alfred Eophir, chairman man begin at 8:45 o'clock. Junior conof the dinner, Mrs. Harry gregation services will be held at Club have made contributions in of the evening, will preside. Ferensteln, Mrs. Robert Himrner- Beth £1 members will be inter* 10:45 a.m. Mlncha Maarlv services the memory of Mrs. Edith MiroPr. Silberman, Associato Pro- man and their Circle No. a andested to note the first Family fessor in Uie Graduate School of Mrs. Julia Stein, Mrs. CJoorgc Sabbath Service in the synagogue will begin at 5:30 p.m. wltz. Theology at Vandorbllt Univer- Colin and their Circle No. 3 will will be held Saturday morning, Daily services are held each sity in Nashville, Tennessee, comes assist. A complete Sabbath din- Feb. 20, at 10:45 o'clock. Many week day at 7 a. m. and 7 p, m. to Omaha at this time to address ner will be served at ?2 per plate Conservative congregations hold , The Sunday morning service is the clergymen of Omaha, Coun- for adults and $1.25 per plate for such a service regularly each Sabnt 9 a.m. cil Bluffs, and surrounding towns, children. It Is suggested that you bath morning for family .worship, BETH ISRAEL at an Institute on Judaism. bring children old enough to en-parents nnd children together. Rabbi Benjamin Groner, CanJoy the Sabbath services which The service will be conducted tor Eli Kagan, and the Beth Israby former Bnos Mitxvah of Beth will follow the dinner. Hard Times Dance el Synagogue choir will conduct They are Mmes. Don Rlcew The lato Sabbath services on El. late Friday evening services. ARAB ATTACKS Martin Staenberg, Orvel Milder, By Beth Israel Men this evening will be conducted by Sabbath morning services will be Tel Aviv, (JTA)—Israel has Darwin Marcus, Barton Greenof the Beth El Syna- berg, Martin at 8:30 a. m. Junior services will called for an emergency meeting "If you have any old clothes, members H a y k i n , Stanford gogue Youth Group. be at 10 a. m. Llpsey and M. H. Brodkey, of the Israeli-Syrian Mixed Ar- save them for the Beth Israel Rabbi Groner will conduct the mistice .Commission following a Men's Club first dance of the curSaturday Talmud class at 5 p. m.shooting incident in which nn Is-rent Dance of the Month Club 'Giants of the Spirit* and Saturday Mlncha will start raeli border guard was severely teries." That advice came from Bite trmwn tarmml at 8:30 p. m., which will e folI. J. Kraft, co-chairman pf theTopic at BE Session A GIANT-SIZED LOAF lowed by Sholoshe S'eudos and wounded. Hnrd Times Dance. Tickets arc The monthly meeting of the A Syrian-owned flock crossed now on sale for all three affairs J EBVM a r t y . ••':• ' > • ' • > • . . ' > . •••'•• .•. ••.. •. • course "Giants of the Spirit'* tonInto cultivated fields of the Israeli 8 A L I N . Dally rooming services begin at for the sum of six dollars for the by Rabbi Mycv S. Kripke 7 a. nv. Dally afternoon services setlcment of Dardarn. When the scries. This Includes the final ducted (II*) — guards sought to drive the semi-formal dinner dance. Be will meet Saturday night, Feb. 13, OM h a u : begin at 7 a. m. Daily afternoon border at 8:30 o'clock, at the home of Mr. sheep back, heavy fire wan opened nt! Mf torn* to get your ticket from any and Mrs. Isadorc Levlnsoii, 8620 services start at 8:80 p. m. them from behind the frontier. sure member of the Men's Club or call of wheat M • S u n d a y morning: breakfast onIsrael lodged a protest with the the Synagogue office, RE (1288, or Webster Street. Rabbi Kripke will larf dally mlnyan meets at 8:45 a. m, and Is Egyptian-Israel discuss the life arid works of Mixed Armistice Stan Diamond, WA 6935. Reservafollowed by Rabbi Owner's Bible Commission against raUHoc ea"Rashl—Master Interpreter," the attack by tions are limited. discussion class. -The youngsters an armed gang of an pacUr of We SMdasn Tacky* Incomparable Medieval French Arabs from of the Tails and TcffiUn Club beMU1 recently ccUMMMd fctM commentator on the Bible and gin their services at 8:30 a. m.Egyptian territory on Israeli BewHh MM aMManee «f st Talmud. douin.i in the demilitarized zone . Breakfast is served at the con near El Auja. The Egyptians in- Beth El School ttosUaw fcaad from Mat* •< Couples and individuals interelusion of their services. brad ««•«• la the fatal H ested in attending should call Mrs; Board Will Meet vaded the demilitarized zone, Iwuu. Ikt lacfart Md'aew—4 Sidney Snelder, WAlnut «51B. TEMPLE ISRAEL opened fire on the Bedouin herdsflnsr sain hi all of bnst, A meeting of the Beth £3 School At the regular Sabbath Serv- men and then made off with 18 Board UM tacks* D m to Massed win tako place Thursday. WINE (UT)—Shipments of speices Friday evening- at 8 o'clock, camels. In an incident near the Jordan Feb. 18 at 8 p. m. in the Talmud cial wine for Passover have alRabbi Sidney II. Brooks will disTorah Building. Dr. A. G. Rlmmerready left Israel for the United cuss "The Eternal Light." Mrs. frontier, n group of armed maStates. Jay M. Malashock will recite the rauders crossed Into Israel terri- man is School Board Chairman. Ictsing over the Sabbath lights; tory yesterday and drove off a Mr. David Blclcher will recite the flock of C4 sheep. KIddush, nnd Mr. David Binlac and Mr. Lester Simon will assist JOHNSTON DELAYS Rabi Brooks with the Torah Serv- Washington, (JTA)—Eric Johnice. ston, President Eisenhower's perRegular Shnbos Morning Serv- sonal envoy to the Middle East ices will be held Saturday at 11:40 on the American plan for the rea. m. Rabbi Brooks will officiate gional development of the Jordan with students of the'Hebrew De- Itlvcr, has postponed his second partment of the Religious school. trip to the Arab states and Israel KIddush for all prcicnt will follow from this month to March in orthe service.!. der to give the states "more time" -^lih ...•y^.^rr^-*.,.,-.;,-;_;:•••;:';v.;::lvv to consider the plan fully, a spokesman for his office an7 * . . - v - v v - - ; ' - ' .;-/.••.; • > " • ; " ; ^ ^ ' nounced. The spokesman pictured Mr. ;'"-V''V.'-" ':/^'v^v^'••••;-"•';<^'-V;..- .•;.;'••." ';•••'•.•••': Johnson as opUmtatlc over the outcome of his mission. In the Bible and Talmud face of an Egyptian broadcast last week advising Mr. Johnston to stay at home, the spokesman said By on. p m u r SIEEB that Mr. Johnston "has every reason to believe ho will be welcome Bible in all the states he visited before." The ear that hearkeneth to the IIIA8 PRESIDENT reproof of life abldeth among the New York, (JTA)—Ben Tousiie. . . :' .• . .• .• . ; . Wiie Better it U to be of a lowly ter was re-elected to his third spirit with the humble than to term as president of the Hebrew divide the spoil with the proud. Immigrant Aid Society, the orMany wtjl^cntreat the favor of ganization announced. Murray I» the liberal man. and every man aurfein and Mrs. Herman j . Lcfis a friend to Wm that glveth !ert, were re-named vice-presidents and Mrs. Lcffert was regifts. jected president of the HIAS T a l m u d ••••'• ; • • " • : : . Ems Sholarrit the wife of Rabbi Women's Division. -. Eliezcr, and sister of. Rubbl GamEGYPT ARRESTS aliel, encountered in her neighborhood a judge who was a phi- Tel Aviv, (JTA)—Sixteen Jews have been arrested In Alexandria losopher, and had the reputation of not taking bribes. Rabbi Gam- on charges of "Zionist and Comaliel and his sister wanted to putmunist activities," the evening him to test, Accordingly, s h e newspaper Hador reported. brought the Judge a golden lamp ARCTIC CONGREGATION as a present, nnd appeared before Nw York, (JTA)—A Jewish him. "I with to inherit half of my father's wealth," she said to congregation, the "first in the Archtm. Whereupon the judge said: tic, has 'been established at Thulc, "I will order that thou be given the U. S. Air Force base in Grecnhalf of It." "But." she said, "In :ind, Habbl Max •Eichliorn, direcour Torah It Is written that when tor of field operations of the "Na• son Is left, n daughter does not iosal Jewish Welfare Board's Buoyant, resilient foam inherit." The judge r e p l i e d : Commission on Jewish Chaplainrubber, covered with fine "Since you of Israel wero exiled cy, reported. from your land, the low which calfskin, makes every step softer Rabbi fctchhorn, who ,has Just Moses gave you has been revoked, returned from a Defense Departin Florsheim Shoe* with Fleiole. ' and new Inwn given to you in-ment-sponsored tour of the For Permanently unearned into stead. In these new laws It is East, revealed that the morale of stated that daughters 1 n h cr i t Jewish GI'.i stationed in various the shoe—won't bunch, work eqtinlly with sons." parts of the world is high. He loose or lose its coshiooed comfort. made his report nt a luncheon for The next dav Hobbl Gamaliel women held by the New York came and brought him nn nta as a City Council of the JWB. The present nnd told him he did not want to civc his sisler half of the uncheon was also addressed by Inheritance. The Judge answered Nelson A. Rockefeller, Under thus: "After thy clster left I con- Secretary of Health, Education Otfier. 17.95 to 22.95 sulted our law a little further and nnd Welfare. found Hint it says: 'I did not come Hollywood (JTA)—This Is the to abolish or to aild to the Mosaic era of big pictures In the opinion haw.'" of Jack L. Warner, production boss So Ema Shnlara renimoarcd nnd pleaded before (he Judge. Baying: of Warner Bros, studio. He's ad"May God make thy light ns vising the Industry to make fewer brifht ns the lamp (blnling at her films but with higher budgets. bribe)s" Whereupon Rnbbl Gam- Says Jack: "Producers can no aliel remarked to her fin the pres- longer turn out a cheap film and ence of the judge): "An ass enmc expect even a small. profit. The alon« and kicked the lamp, thus public can sec mediocre pictures on television for free." cliKuihmK the light."
Beth El Family Sabbath Service
Global Report
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Gems*** the
: ;
Tliei^a ^ between your feet and the streetl FLORSHEIM
Tt» Elcht
Friday, February it. MM
Independents Drop Rayim To Lead in Youth Council
B'nai B'rith Bowling Major Claasie
Union freight Pioneer ......... Kaiman. Wardrobe Impco ...„.„„. JTogg Bros. _ . _ VrankUn Disr. I.Qo Van Minor Claarie' Smith Fantlac Paramount ...... Vengcr It Sons -~ Sett Appliance—.. Forbes Cllquot Club. H. Z. Vending Wayne Auto
w. 14 13 13 11 10 10 10
Three Midget Teams Push P 9 Into Overtime Period to Win
1C 11 Three of the four midget league 11 basketball games were overtime 11 sessolns which saw the 11-Worth 18 Grill and I-Go Van squads take
L. is 6 14 7 13 8 13 8 14 11 7 14 15
e is
A Division Kesttlla at CMywlde Team Event) Fins Over Average Creenberg Ins. Agency — 349 Phllco (Brandcb)... "* Bennett Furniture... Paramount Market . Banks Army Store... I-Go Van tc Storage Vengcr & Sons Best Appliance . Liberty Gas & Oil . Forbes Bakery -• The Classics won 4th 6th, 7th, 8th and 10th prize. The A Division won first place. Parkway won 2nd, 5th and 9th. Kelleys won 3rd place. 48 teams entered thlf event. Standings after last Tuesday's bowling: W. L. Belmont Jewelry _.„ 15 6 Morris Paint Co 16 8 Greenbefg Ins. Agency .... 14 7 Pepsi Cola Co 13 7 Crositown TV 12 9 Grace-Mayer Ins. Co 11 10 Kebr. Furn. Mart 10 11 Lyns Florist 9 12 11-Worth Grill ~. 8 13 Milder Oil Co. ^ 7 14 Hinky Dinky Stores — 0 IS Gerelick Motor Co « 19 High Games and Series Jack Belmont, 529; Dave Bodin, 209; Paul Goldstein, 202—914: Morry Epstein. 200—540; Earl Slegel, 305; Jack Epstein, 523. Bill Bubln. 4-10 spUt. To all bowlers who had been asked to,keep score for the Ladies Tournament!.If you are not called, do not wonV. The response for storekeepers has been so terrific that the girls cannot possibly use everyone. You are welcome to come on down and be a spectator. Park w a r ' b i v .
over first place in their respective leagues. Once beaten I-Go Van remained two comes in front of their closest r i v a l s , Burkhard - Gerelick, thanks to the free throw shooting of Center Ed Schneider. In the sudden death period, Schneider converted two free t h r o w s to break a 19-19 tie with Hires Root Beer. The game was close all the way with exciting momenta in every shot. The Interesting tmi;lc of the game was that Ed Schneider had missed four straight previous attempts but he came through in the "clutch." Tom Kully led his team with eight twin's while A) Cutler made six for Hires.
Howard Weinberg, BurkhardGerelick center, was the "clutch" hero for his team- Howard was having an off afternoon In his shooting but in the sudden death session, he took a rebound off the backboard 'and dumped It In to beat a stubborn Sample. Fur team 19-17. It was a real thriller. With five seconds to play and Sample Fur leading by one point. Chuck Wise dropped In a field goal to give B-G a one point lead. However, Justin RavlU was fouled and •cored one of hU two free throws to lie the came and send It in overtime, after which' Wctabcrg's hritkei was the clincher. Chuck Wiw celebrated his Bar Mitzvah by leading hi* loom's scoring with nine mints while Justin Ravltr, who. nlavcd a fine floor game for S m n l c Fur, .scored elfrbt... 11-Worth Grill with an easy 21-8 win over Pacific Fish Is the isle ruler of the league. Justin Ban caupht fire In tbo second half snd lrd his team with 14 points whll« Bill Horwlch made four for Pacific. In another overtime Mission and the battle for third place. MogenDavld Wine s a u c c z c d bv S. Mekei Soni 26-12. Martin Mayers of Rlekes made the tie basket with five seconds to nlfw. but in Ihp overtime Walt Wise nnd Howsud Staler scored the Rome win-
Jr. B. B. Bowling Paul Shyken was high in the league with a 267 series. His gamer
W. L. were consistent with 135 and 132. , 14 7 Borahcim Jewelry Mickey Sacks fired the high 14 7 gamc of the day, a 166. ' Ranks Army ...... 13 8 Playland' Park - - „ .... Barbara Bcrcutt, an BO averWoUson-Gerber - . - .....12 9 age kegler, rolled games of 132 ,...12 9 and/ 101 for a nifty 233 scries Richman-Gordman 12 9 Linda Rosenbaum with a 73 averSol Lewis Co _ .....11 10 age had games of 120 and 111 for National Tire 9 12 a 231 series. Liberty Gas .: ' • -
Bnicka Transp. . „ _ - . . - . . . ..... 9 12 Bruce Bloom converted the 2-9 Philco-Brandels ..•— • _....9 12 and the 5-7 splits. i ' 6 15" Biteway TV , » . _ . C . — . . -Standing* . •'• "':..: " : -:Rosen-Novak — _ 4 17 O. P Skagga ;.....>.;_._ 25 , II Keller's "B" Neb. Fur. Mart .:..;..„..... 23 13 W. Wolfson-Gerber Auto... 2Z« I3V4 Robinson Iron 8c Metal — . IS Haypcrs , 20 16 Bennett Furniture — 14. Ind. Chemical Co. ..-. 18 18 Mid Plains Insurance . — 14 Playland Park 17 19 Watson Bros. Van Lines 12 Gamble-Robinson Fruit 15'A 20',i South' Omaha Sun 11 10 Magi-Color Paint U 10 Arocr. Lbr. & Sup. Co. 15 21 13% 22Mt Louis Market — 10 11 11-Worth Grill 10% 25'.i H. A. Wolf Insurance 8 13 Morris Paint Illeh Games and Series Simons Jewelry < 6 15 Paul Shyken 135-132—207 Slosburg Realty 4 17 Bc'mie Gioisman .... 103-103—200 Evening Wens Stuart Kutler 134-130—20* .HIG. B Ritkln, 210. Eddie Wlnlniub 137-124—20! IHIS. Irv Sebcs, 527. 138-123—20' HTG, Robinson Iron & Metal John Rlcke.s Mi<key S.ick;, ICO- 91—2G0 785. 138-117—253 • HTS, Robinson Iron & Metal Vicki Collck Bill Kiitzman 139-105—2-1-" '2,228. <New HTS for season.) Howard Wclnberg .... 122-120—24? Other Hllb Sores 130-110—240 H. Abramson. 501; B. Hilkln, ."502 Hcibic K:nnian, Edle Singer 120-1 IB—230 and 1. Cohen, 5 6 8 ^ Arnold Han .'. 121-117—23P Jack Llcb 142- 95—237 Ladles League 120-110—230 W. L. Howard Slusky Barb.ir.i Borcutt 132-101—23? Fhllips'Depl. Store 40 29 Linda Iinr.cnbnum ... 120-111—231 Wolf Bros 39'A 23>k IJ.ue Wintroub 116-114—23C National Tin; Ik Supply 38 31 Allan Noddle 130- 93—22S Omaha Jobbing 30 33 Jerry Sherman 115-109—22'! Il-Worth Grill 30 33, A "Tournament" |j being arAngles Beauty Salon .... 36 33 ranged for the Junior B'nai B'ritb Lyn's Florist 35 34 Boivllnj; League members Sunday R & S Shoes 35 34 Feb. 28. Trophies will be awarded Colony Club 34 35 the High and Illeh Girl acKish Furs 33',i 35U cording toBoy avenge. Smith Fontiac 33 3G Douglas Jewelry 33 30 Hamilton Pharmacy .... 32 37 Icy Lewis, 502 and Gert Zevilz Country Club Grocery 31 30 431. Shukerts 31 38 High Game Mystic Beauty Shop .... 39 40 Ann Schulman, 201; Annette Illjb Series Frank, 109; Rose Oruchi 109,' EiAnn Schulman, 533; Annette ther Kaiman, 103r Evelyn Tcmin Frank,-5J2; Rp^e.Ofuh, 511; Shir- 190 and Shirley Lewis, 180. •.
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• • • : • • • ' • • • • • ' - . \ 9 .
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L . . ;
nine baskets that put the MojjenDnvid lads in third place und on a two i;ame win ctreak. Walter Wise led his team with clfiht points while Alan Konccky delivered 13. 8TAK OF THE WEEK There were many younnsters who deitrve recognition for their prrforniatices but special attention mu^t be given to those who ro;;e to peak performances In time1 ly situations. There are four winners this week. Walter Wise Alan Konecky Ed Schneider Howard Welnbcrg, Walt Wise captained his MoKi-n-Davkl Wine team to a hard fought' win o v e r Rlekes. He topped his team's scoring with eight points and scored an important basket in the overtime period. Alan Konccky gave his best performance to dote. The peppery 6th grader played a fine gamo even though his team was defeated. His dribbling, passing and Bhooting was terrific, as he hit'for 13 points. Ed Schneider's two free throws In the sudden death session gave I-Go Van a 21-19 win. The hard playing center came through to keep hii squad in first place by two gomes. \ Howard Welnberg m a d e bis most Important basket in a sudden death session to defeat SamDie Fur19-17. The win enabled his team to remain ta the running for the league title, LEAGUE STANDINGS •
; : . • • . : • • ; ' .
Go Van ..„..,.... .„._ Burkhard-Ccrcllck Sample Fur ..................'........., Hires Hoot Beer
6. 4 3 1
1 3 4 6
11-Worth Grill Pacific" Fish MoPen-David Wine S. niekes Sons ;
6 5 2 1
1 2 5 6
Jay Bowlers for January -VOTJTII COUNCIL GIHI.S Tevee Bernstein Here Is one of the best bowlers in the Y. C. gdls league. This Central hijjh senior Is carrying a nifty 133 uvernpe. Last year she was a winner of this same award nnd also walked owav with the high average troohy of 134. Tevcc also took the high average trophy as a sophomore with a 127. Durlh« January she rolled games of 185. 154 and 145. Her ambition is to take her third straight average fronhv nnd Imnrove her same. .TtOVtn COUNCIL BOV8 It was just a matter of time before this voung southpaw would gain this honor. For January it was George Sachs. The freshman Ot South high had thrown four ttraiKht 500 series or better and has boosted his nvcrnge to a reKoectnb!r> 155. He Is B member of the A. Z. A. 1 Glams who arc now In fecoml place and close on the hpel? of the 'leajrue leadpr«. Tf the O 1.1 m 5 win the league. orirc will have plnyoil a major JR. SPORTS BOWLING One of the best ami most constent vonn" men, in the Junior Sriorts T'owlini; Icnoie Ir. n pixth rt\(]i>r bv Iho name of J o h n 'cW's. When- vou watch J o h n T>nwl, vou rev he h serious nnd kes hi1? pame like n classic bowler. H" hns boosted liis aver: t" 114 from below 100 nnd hi* t f,vW effort-; have been 120. 123, 127 and 121.
YC Bowlers Vie, Center Staff Once again, the Staff of the J. C. C. -will try to pit their skill In trying to out bowl the Y. C. boys' bowling all-stars of the National division. The pin splltlni: action will take place at 3:45 p. m. Friday. Feb. 10, at the Music Box lanes. The staff will have as its participents, "Strikin" Sheim Pn'ska, "Flinr;in" Phil RoRpien, '.'Lucky" Lou Paul, "Dandy" Dave Focel. and "Joltin" Joe Schwartz. The Y. C. all stars will have Hdwle Kooi(er. George Sachs, Stan Wldman, John CJoldner, (ind Art Schwartz.
Once again the Imk'iK'nii Ind3, with a smooth pri;;.slntf attack and a tounh zone defonie urc in sole possession of firi;t place due to their 31-27 win over Kayiin. Hayirn jumped out to an early lead thanks to the jump allots of Ray Sombern, but Ilia balanced scorlnj: attack by ho Independents countered us Bob Kuliy led the attack win. nine points, followed by Berttle. Turkel'o seven. Speedy Zwlbnck with :;ix anrl Tiny UoEen's five. Hay Somberi; nnd Al Corey accounted for the brunt of the itayim scoring by notching 10 and 14 points respectively. The win places Independents one full game in first place. Sharing tecond plnce ore ISayim and A. Z. A. 1 and in the cellar urc the improving but winless A.Z.A.100 team. The scrappy younj; Onturymen held A.Z.A.1 to a 21-18 haKtime lead but their defense collapsed and they fell before the Mother chapter onslaught by the score of 60-25. Once ugain, Stan Widinun led the atack as lie hit 25 points. Kenny Freed led the 100 boys with inc. STAK O F Tin: \VI:I:K Two new players gain the award for last week's games. An important Independent win over Rayim puts that Miuud in n key spot to annex the crown. Sharing the spotlight In the win were Bob Kully and Tom Bernstein. Kully's clutch shooting in the second half kept his team out in front as he hit for three one haiulem from far court. Bernstein's defensive piny
Mike Ban Paces Rayim C to Win
.•itood out. He blocked many Rayim !;hots mid lib passing to his front men set up many baskets. For their performance in last \veck3 important win over Itayim, Bob Kully and Tom Bernstein are selected as Star of the Week. Y. C. Standings W. L. Independents ..., .-8 S A.Z.A.1 —-? * rtaylm ~ -.7 4 A.Z.A.100 :—.'...0 11
Lustys Take Varsity Lead A well balanced scoring attack put Lustys basketball team on top of the varsity league as they rolled past Star Auto Parts 47-28. Al Brown a n d Kccvo Klrchbauni led the attack w i t h 10 points each, while Steve Lustgarten added nine nnd Dan Epstein got seven. Hitting a good por» ecntacc of their shots and re» bounding off both boards accountcd for the Lusty victory. Al Simon and Jack Stlss paced] the Collegian team to a 40-41 victory over Kutlers Klowns to shar» the runner-up spot with them. Kutlers mado a gallant comeback after trailing 31-19 at halftlme but could not outscore their opponents. League Standings W. L. Lustys , 5 S Collegians 4 • Kuliers .': 4 4 Star Auto ..'. 3 5
Y.C. Boys Bowling
Center Mike nan tossed in 13 points as he led his Itayim C team to a 38-27 win over AZA IB. The fine shooting sophomore hitting on short one-hand push sholr broke the 10-16 tic at haKtime nr hs kept his team rolling. Mother chapter started Out strong with Jack Oruch and Dave Widman bitting regularly but Kayim's Ben Rubin, Marv Lincoln, Hill Cooper and Dave Hcrzog were in the Ban Bupportinfi cast as tliey took the win. For AZA I Dave WMinan led with 10 point';. Unbeaten Itayim I), tinder par in the shooting department had little trouble with AZA 10OU ar they trounced them 37-0. The Rayim boys shared the scoring load as Howard Goldstein led with 11, while James Shapiro added 0 DanTJenenberg and Larry Lincoln added six. Martin Sophlr made four points for the junior Centurymen. Lescue Stsndlnrs W. L Rayim B _.,. 8 0 Rayim C ., . , 6 ' ? AZA IB 1 7 AZA 100B I 7
Jr. Sports Bowling W. L. Bowling Bums 12 2 Alley Sluggers 11 3 Strikes It Spares 10 4 Alley Rats „.. S S Beer Kramers — „ 8 8 Tough Turkeys 9 S Lucky Ladies _ _, 8 8 Lucky Duckyi „„ 7 "7 Gutter Boys 7 7 Nifty Hitters S 8 Gutter Gerties ...„ 5 0 Bowling Babes .................... 4 0 High Hitters ... .„... ..,..„ 6 S Hep Cats 4 10 Encer Beavers _...J, 3 11 Bowling Dolls „. 0 11 "100". Games Mike Platt, 148; Clark Swarti,
American Division W. L. Ind EBG 40 14 Rayim MSG 38 ]S u Rayim X's -. 34 20 AZA 100 A 32 22 AZA 1 Gutter Goons .... 20 25 AZA 100 Gutter Gangs 25 29 AZA 1 Zorches 23'A 30Vi Rayim M Jabs 17 W 3614 AZA 1 We Goofed 13 41 Hlfh Games and Series Jerry Ziefman, 175—508; Lenny Oaer, 205—495; Bob Mfycr, 178— 102; Fred Simon, 102—479; Tom Bernstein, 175—472 and Mlko Ban, 171—-HO, National Division W^ L. AZA 1 Booscrs 40 14 AZA 1 Glams 38H ISft liaylm SOS 36 18 AZA 100 Ccnturymcn 32tt 21£' Rayim S a P's 27 17 Faylra H „; 27 27 AZA 1 Bluffers .. 27 27 Ind. Sleepers 25 29 AZA 1 No Name* „ 12 43 ' Rayim Screwballs S 4B High Games and SeriesGeorge Sachs, 198—403; S U n Wldman, 185—491; Art Schwartz, 200—486 and John Goldner, SOI— 463.
YC Girls Volleyball W. L.
Councllctte No. 1 ._.,., ...... 19
9 f IS 7 .— 4 IS ...-. 8 IS
Dcb'No.'TZZZ.Zr IZ 11 Deb No. 4 L.~ Counciletta No. 3 . . „ _ . Z! 9 Councllctte No. 2 . Deb No. 3
147; Stuart Kutler, 140; Mlk* Shricr, 132; Howard Wclnberg, 132; Jphn lllekcs, 121; Buddy Marcos, 112; Larry Gllinsky, 111; Frank Goldberg, 110) Doug Platt, 109; Bill Kotzman, 104; Phil Gorclldc, 101; Susan Baron, 100; Jim Gusa, 100 and Judy Plattncr, 107.'