February 19, 1954

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Vol. XXXH—No 24 CDur*d *J set-ond-cim* Mattir ai P«t- OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY J»* *« * ' * " i/fic* Omaft*, NeljrMltA, undtr Act ot Wi*. uu

r, i n M. Mu.masu oon u a m ik*.



400 Workers Needed for VfGmen's Division Call Issued to Volunteers

Attention Subscribers pleuse mall your remittance! for the Jewish Press as the paper la in sore need of funds. Added billings increase our cost*. Your prompt action in paying for subscriptions will be (appreciated.

Council to Hold Annual Dance '. Omaha section of the National Council of Jewish Women will hold its Tenth Annual Supper Donco Saturday, Feb. 27 in the Black•tone Hotel. Proceeds will bo used lor council projects which Includes support ot the Golden Age group here. The Golden Age Group Is composed of senior citizens of Omaha who are Interested In meeting others of their own age group. Meetings-aro held at the Jewish Community Center and programs and entertainment aro provided. From 33 to 50 members now attend these monthly meetings which •re sponsored by the Omaha section of the National Council of Jewish Women. Future piano call for a day camp for the Golden Agcrs to bo held In June at Peony Park. Tho project Is sponsored by the Omaha section and the Center Activities Committee. Supper will be served from 9:30 until 11:30 p. m., with dancing to Mai Dunn's orchestra starting at JO p. m. Tickets ore $5.25 per person and may be purchased from any board or ticket committee member. Reservations arc to be made in advance to facilitate planning and ticket;) will also be avail. able at the door.

Johnston Tells of Jordan, Project Wushlngton (JTA)—Revealing that tlie plan he submitted for u Jordan Valley Authority was unsatlsfatcary to Israel, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, Ambassador Eric Johnston, President Elsenhower's special envoy to the Near East, today announced that he would return to these countries next month to obtain suggestions for our making another plan acceptable to the four countries. "Our Jordan River plan is not the plan but a plan," he said. He added that it could be modified, but warned that if Israel and Jordan go their separate ways and undertake public works within their boundaries unilntcrnlly, there will again bo conflict. The nation which would suffer most from the other's diversion of water would probably sabotage the project, thero would be reprisals and "at the worst" renewed military con. fllct, he sold. He spoke at the conference of tho American Christian Committee for Palestine now takIng place here.

Jordan Reply on Parley Not Final United Nations, N..V. (JTA)— Jordan has neither accepted nor rejected a second bid to meet with Israel under tho Jewish Stato'c invocation of Article XII ot the armistice. Dag Hammarskjold, Secretary General of tho United Nations, said this week. He told a press conference that Jordan, in its reply received hero Monday, had not taken a definite stand either way but had raised the question of why such a conference was necessary and what could bo accomplished in a meeting under Ariclo Article XII Which could not be accomplished in a meeting of the Israel-Jordan Mixed Armistice Commission. • Mr. Hammarskjold said however that "once the initiative has been taken by Israel for a conference with Jordan, then It Is harmful not to follow this up/

The first meeting of the 1051 Women's Division Philanthropies Steering- Committee held recently broutht together tlie above women: standing, left to right: Mmes. Morris Katleman, Mike Freeman, Blchsrd Hlller; sitting, left to right: Miss Kalah Franklin, Mmes. Lloyd Friedman, Max Greenberc Aaron Rips, Harry IUvllz, Dave Colin, Edward E. Brodkey, Henry A. Newman and Hubert Sommer. Not shown are Mmes. David Greenberf, Hjrman Greenberc, Joe J. Greenbenr, J. Harry Knlakofsky, Louis Kulakofskjr, Lewis Nevelefr, Albert B. Newman, Jules M. Newman, Ernest A. Noff, David Sherman and Ilarry Trustln.

Hal Lehrman Guest Speaker At Brotherhood Week Affair The Henry Monsky Lodge of B'nui D'rlth and tho Jewish Community Center's Concert and Lecture Committee will present Hal Lehrman, notccfouthor and lecturer, in a program dedicated to Brotherhood Week. Mr. Lehrman will report on the progress of brotherhood obroad at the third program in the current Center Lecture nml Concert Serie3 to be held at 8:30 p. m., Wednesday, Feb. 21, In tho Center auditorium. Mr, Lehrmnn has Just returned from a six-month trip during which ho visited Israel, North Africa and Near East countries. He will also discuss current Israel problems and tho situation of Jews in Europe. Mr. Lehrman returns ngain to tho lecture series having spoken hero last January on ospecs of tho development of Israel. He Is a well-known foreign correspondent and author of "Israel —the Beginning and Tomorrow" and "Russia's Europe." Mr. Lehrman has reported for tho New York Post, Commentary and Fortune magazines and has contributed articles to Life, Harpers, Readers Digest, Now York

Red Cross Goal Set for Campaign The goal for the 1954 Douglas County Ited Cross Fund Campaign has been set at $200,205.00 and 71,000 members. The drlvo will officially bcRln March 1st, William W. Overton, Jr., National Chairman foi the 1054 Red Cross Campaign for membership and funds, will speak at a klckoff meeting to be held at tho Rome Hotel February 24. Mr. Overton, a financier and Industrialist of Dalles, Texas, was a national vice chairman of the 1953 campaign, and has been a member of the Board of Governors since asl June. He has long been promnent In the Red Cross and other civic activities in Dallas. Wlille tho goal for funds Li slightly less than last year's. Red Cror.s cervices to the community are nctually on the Increase, a Red Cros3 news release reported. The over all plan for increased service, of course, will depend upon the eucccr.s of the drive for both funds and members. The "Answer the Call — Join and Serve" nlogan means Red Cross Is asking for the public's time, energy and money. Anyone donating $1.00 or more becomes a member of Red Cross. A blood donor, campaign worker and anyone who volunteers his or her services In any of tho Red Cross programs is a member of Red Cross,

Senate Confirms Judge S. Sobeloff

Washington (JTA)—By a voice vote, the U. S. Senate unanimously confirmed President Elsenhower's nomination ot Maryland's Chief Judge, Simon E, Sobeloff, to the post of Solicitor General of the United States. In that post, he will be counsel to the U. S. Government and its representative in all litigation before the Supreme Court. Judge Sobeloff rose from law clerk to Federal District Attorney In Baltimore and later to adviser to several Baltimore mayors and Maryland governors. His career has paralleled for many years the career of Maryland's present governor, Theodore R. McKcldln. Judge Sobeloff has been very active In Jewish affairs since his eorly_ youth, He has been president of the Baltimore Board of Jewish Education, a member of the board and counsel to the Associated Jewish Charities of Baltimore, and an active worker on behalf of Israel as well as for Bat I/chnnaa local philanthropies. He accompanied Gov. McKcldln on a visit Times, Bed Book, Saturday Re- to Israel in 1952. view of Literature and others. He was awarded the Guggenheim Fellowship In 1851 and 1952 Reparation Talks Vienna (JTA)—The executive for writings on Israel. Mr. Lehrof the Jewish Communities man has taught history at Cornell board of Austria indicated cautious apUniversity, headed the OWI Inproval of Chancellor Julius Raab's wartime Turkey and spent two statement to a Peoples Party meetyears behind the Iron Curtain. ing that the Austrian Government The co-sponsoring chairmen are was prepared to re-open negotiaMrs. Samuel N. W. Wolf, of the tions with the Committee on JewCenter Concert and Lecture Series ish Claims Against Austria for a and Dave Greenberg, of the Hen- lump sum settlcmoh of claims for heirlcss Jewish property. ry Monsky Lodge.

On Radio and TV "Gandhi," written by Morton Wlshengrad, will be presented on the Eternal Light radio program Sunday, from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon over WOW-Radio to mark i h e observance of Brotherhood Week, February 21-27, and will originate from the NBC studios in Chicago. "Gandhi," the most popular Brotherhood Week Btogram presented during ihe 10 years of Eternal Light broadcasts, is the story of India's greatest spiritual leader of this century. It Is the portrayal of his dedication to the principles of Truth and Love and his belief that they would dissolve hatred and prejudice. His liberation of India's Untouchables stands as a monumental act of Brotherhood in our time. "Message of Israel" will bo broadcast over KOIL this Sunday morning from 10 to 10:30 o'clock. Rabbi Bernard Baskln of Temple Anshc Sholom in Hamilton, Toronto, Canada, will speak. Broadcasts during the month of February will originate from cities outside the continental U. S., beginning with visits to Canada and Hawaii. Eddie Fisher, popular singer, will appear on "Look Up and Live" program this Sunday over KMTV from 9:30 to 10 a. m. Rabbi Maurlco N. Eisendrath, president of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, will also take part In the prograra. A variety show beamed primarily at teenagers ,the program designed to convey a spiritual message weekly, The Union rotates In the presentation of the program with tlie National Council ot Churches ot Christ and the National Conference of Catholic Men.

An urgent plea for volunteers in the Women's Division of the Philanthropies Drive was issued this week by Mrs. Aaron Rips, chairman, calling upon Omaha Jewish women to volunteer as workers in the forthcoming drive / for the United Jewish Appeal, overseas, national and Omaha' heeds, Urgency A minimum of 400 women will be needed to cover the women's phase of the campaign, Mrs. Rips stated. The urgency of economic Independence of Israel, the housing of newcomers, creation of em. ployment opportunities there make it most imperative that the campalgn be organized speedily, In order to rush rescue without delay. "In our 1993 campaign, a year ago," Mrs. Rips said, the Women's Division obtalneS over 2,400 subscriptions from womeq. The total sum raised by our women was the sum of $65,116.00. Main Support "Tr»c "Record of service of the Jewish Philanthropies to the Jewish people Is unmatched. It is the main Omaha support for Israel, and the main support for local agencies upon which depends a complete program of Jewish services. In health, welfare, aged, and Jewish education. "The Jewish Philanthropies is also the main support for Jewish need and Jewish causes, whether in the field of. national Jewish hospitals, or in youth and educational Institutions, or protection of Jewish rights in America. "Foremost in the campaign Is the United Jewish Appeal which supports Jews of Israel in their heroic struggle to build a safe homeland for themselves, and helps stricken Jewry throughout the world," Mrs. Rips concluded. Women are urged to contact the office of the Jewish Philanthropies, JAckson 1368, to offer their services as workers in the 1B34 campaign, or any of the-chairmen: Mrs. Aaron Rips, JAckson 8247; Mrs. Mike Freeman, GLendale 443S; Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, JAckson 0087; Mrs. Max Greenberg, WAlnut 8712; Mrs. Richard HiUer, GLendale 3135; Mrs. Harry Ravitz, WAlnut 0144; or Mrs. Hyman Greenberg, HArney 3243 for the Business and Professional Unit,

Yiddish Film At Jay Sun. '" The fourth in a series of six Yiddish Cultural Programs win take place Sunday", Feb. 21, at 8:30 p. m. In the Center. Joe RadlnowskI, chairman of the Yiddish C u l t u r a l Committee, announced a film performance of the Shalon Alelchem masterpiece, "Laughter Through Tears," It was originally produced in Russia In 1933 by G. Gritcher with Yiddish dialogue. The tragic comedy by the "Jewish Mark Twain" was adapted Into a film of astonishing authenticity, with and humanity. ShlmmenEyle, the tailor, Bruche hia ambitious daughter, Tsippc Bevlo, his wife, Elye, the lover, Motella, the orphan, Mclamcd, the teacher, come to life in what has been called "one of the best evocations of a whole village that the foreign film has offered us." The New York Times review stated "Laughter dominates the story." Individual admission tickets art now on sale for the March eoncerts. Both the Farband and t t e Workmen's Circle road .companies will perform Jn Omaha on March 2 and 10, respectively. Tickets sire 75 cents. '' ' •

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Council Hears Egyptian View

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Friday, February 19, 1854

..Society Editor

A Rule for Brotherhood Week B r Oveta CWp Hobby Secretary of Health, Situation and Wtlfara

United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— Egypt Intuited at the United Nations Security Council Out it has the right to search Israel-bound ships passing through the Sun Canal and the Gulf of Ellath, and charged t h « Israel camplalnt against tne Egyptian restrictions lacked "seriousness." Major . General Abdel Hamld Ghaleb, member of the Egyptian delegation, told the Security Council that stthooih Israel and JEfypt have signed art. tumfctlra afr«*» rocnt, a state at * » San exists between the two countries. "A state of war fives btMsrrcnt* certain rights," he said. "Tortmost among them h the istcaotcatabla right of visit and search «f ship* in territorial water*, in ports, to mldH>ca*B and Is enemy waters, with a view to ccoOpcaUng what is legally considered war contraband," he argued. Emphasizing that he bases bk argument on "rules of international law," the Egyptian representative claimed that "nowhere in the U. N. Charter could a provision be found to modify these rules." He emphasized that Egypt will continue its practice of scarchinc ships bound for Israel fhroogh th» Suez Canal "nntil a state of peacs1* established and a* l a w as our very .estaenee Is tntmtnicd by ogprwsivr and hostile Zionism."

The one drawback to annual ofcaervaneeft * f a*jr M * t k that ant of baUtnde, \re tend to beeom* pknacwaken wfc* BO longer listen-to our own pat phrase*1 In aU the editorials and speeches whkfc will be nude "before thin week is done, the word "brotherhood* rolls 0 0 again and again until Ha founds easy. Bat brotherhood doesn't eonie in a pariragf, U ia not a commodity to be taken down from the thelf -w«k one'kaml— it is an serompJmnmcnt of notit-warening, prayer snef perseverance. Brotherhood taken self-aware practice. The rule of thumb i* a gimple <me: Begird eaeb man and woman ax an individual. Not as a Catholic ft ProteWant or a Jew. Kot as a. Negro, Anglo-Saxon or Asiatic. Look at thp persoa—at the character and "personality of this humiii being. Like or dislike tkat'peraon forhaTowu- mtrunk qualities, anil refuse to tinge that judgment by the ir< relevant fact that be belongs to a different race or religion from your own. The apouUneou* feeling of brotherhood is x mark of. human maturity. Many illiterate people hate itn imrtrnttnre rwognitMHX of brotherhood which i» a thing of the spirit. The American Indian*, jvhen they found a white n a n worthy, could take POST him into the tribe as a blood brother. The child, left ire* to appreciate kindness and generosity, set* no artificial boundaries Washington (JTA)—A mutual defense pact for tte Wear East on his love foe people. patterned after the NATO treaty Othenn-niore highly edncatcd, more, aware of self—find was proposed1 al the* American Christian Palesbw Committee nathe concept of brotherhood ns an intellectual process. Kabbl L Usher Kinhblum, vice. tional conference by s prominent Unfortunate are those who, in their limitations, can never Protestant church authority on president of ln« Zionist Organizasense the brotherhood, of man. B» Rtes Bae* tion of America, stressed the need foreign affairs. Dr. Walter Van Brotherhood Teahied ia the ultimate objective of democfor a vigorous membership drive Kirk. He fs executive director of Last Monday, crowds, of at an open meeting of the Zion- the National Council of Churches' racy—a free, fsat and hannVmion* eiriltzatioir. • reamed hrtoth* Tech High District of Omaha Tuesday e v e - department "of International JusAuditorium to hear the B o s t o n ist ning; Pointing to * dwindling tice and goodwill. A>pa Oitnestra, scrcttty-i membership, h e urged that a r e The V. S. should "persist in its Jdans who at I p. m. had Just ar- newed effort be made to build efforts to achieve" such a. pact rived in Omaha. up the district. guaranteeing Jews and Arab* By Bernard K . Barnca rut i What Is sorely needed today In against attack by either and both At 8:15 p. m. the hall was the Zionist organiafa tii>n is numer- against Soviet aggression, he told Toe forte* of organized bigotry are bring routed In Amer- darkened and the conductor Arical strength, he emphasized. I s - the 30O participants in the conferica.* Steadily aad, rarely, in education, enrplsynsent, boosing thur Fiedler appeared marching rael is suffering on the diplomatic ence. He warned, ngnlnst the e x with snappy steps like an army front because we have Iojit our tension of firms eld to either (ld< and fat alt-hnmaR relations, discrimination u warning. Mnch general, The full house welcomed numbers, the rabbi added. The by America. remains to be done, to-b/e wire, and Brotherhood Week ia a re- him wit with crackling applause. He Arab League has developed a very Prc-sident Eisenhower's policy is mindec ti> nt that the task » still incomplete. and the orchestra arc no i t r a n g m favorable propaganda program one of sympathetic and friendly To discriminate against a man because of race, color, creed to the Omaha audience. Radio and here In the United States, he attitude toward these countries, he tcteviiion has made the Boston pointed out, and we need n strong lcd. Our aid policy should or national origin is antithetical to democracy and dangerous Pups K> popular that'everyone 1* Zionist organization to support therefore be economic, technical to Amenta. In Ibis time of democracy's totting, we nnut pro- familiar with the conductor and Israel. and diplomatic and profcrred as claim onr faith in it and tire eloorly by its principled. In these Zionists are losing members be- much as possible under the aegis Arthur Fiedler lifted bis baton. cause the leaders are tiring, the of he United Nation*, hp rccmrrdays of danger to America we can permit aofiung to irailtrrnended. This would tw ui harcutting off the applause and rabbi said. We have not completed mony mine the nnity. which n to eaumtial to oar safety. Nothing m with Eisenhower's anstarted the program. We heard the no destrnetive ot unity than the hate; crheord, suspicion aud excellently trained orchestra in our work of seeing Israel secure, nounced policy, he said. he continued. Our r o l e is to The United States and the Unitwhich the strings were singing strengthen Israel economically and bitterness which prejudice breed*. - *• extreme clarity and the brass politically before we look for new ed Nation*, backed by the ChrisThere can be no second ctm» citizen* in-AmeririL As w« with tian community can do something heard impec- vigat, the rabbi pointed out. instruments expect each man, Maek and white, Jew and Christian, natire cably In their parts. Th« . to relieve tensions in the Middle Arab "propaganda i,i going un- East, he said. "There Is not enough and foreign bora t o bear tb* reuponsibiltira of eixiieuahip, so. b opened with "Entrance of the answered, Rabbi Kirshblum said, money fn our national treasury to Guests,"* from Tmnhmzser," by we demand ths;t each share in its rights and privilege* and we and the Arabs arc becoming buy security in the Middle Cast," Wagner a n d fbUowtd b y Car) seek (hat aU shaO lite in mutual respect, understanding and Maria von Weber's always fas- brazen. We must counteract this he added, but economic old should with a strong Zionist organization, be allocated on a regional basis friendsfcip. cinating "Oberon Overture." he went on to say. In relation ; to established The time will eonie, am) soon I hope, when Brotherhood The overplayed "Largo" by Han- This visit to Omaha brings back and needs. The 17. S. should strive to •flfeekr win be a reminder, not of the presence of discrimination del ia the excellent reproduction precious memories of a previous set up In the Middle East a healthy by the Bostoniaas was filled with visit here in November of 1347and viable economy that wilt e n in our midst, but of its eradication. Until that time, we BUBS, new life, presented beautiful violin each of us, work to break, down its barriers, fight bigotry tones of the concert master Fritz when the rabbi first heard that the rich the lives of all wihout r e partition plan for Palbstine had gard to national boundaries. SleguL wherever we find it and cleanse our own hearts of Mind anibeen approved. He regretted the fact that JeruA ballet suite, compiled from mosity against our fellows. H»bbl Kirshblum Is the spiritual salem Is "a city divided by barbed rorks by Jacques Offenbach was leader at the Jewish Center In wire." His organization's position played with such sparkling fire, Long- Island, rf. y . Jje was Intro- on the status of that dry, he said, captivating tempo and seduclnfl ducrrf by Rabbi Myer S. Kripke is the same as that expressed b y melodic strains which again make of Beth El, who related that Rabbi Secretary of State John Footer for a sore success with the pub- Klrshblum in nddition to his duties Dunes: "Some form of political The Music Al Home Club win 'ic. The composer Offenbach was as an active member of the arrangement respecting Jerusalem meet Tuesday. Feb. 23, at 8 p. m. born in 1819 in Cologne, on-IUilnc, rabbinate has found time to tour hould be set up, giving precedence •»«= first Family Sabbath Senr- at the home of Eugene Dlazcr, Germany, the ion of the Jewish the country on.behalf of Zionist o the claims of the world religious 5 < J B«D!B5 c ! EEEII * ? * w nn _ ._ 5J0I Davenport t._ The program, Cantor Levy. He changed every- ornanizalion. J community to the city over the pc— ' 20 • « j5J0I Davenport 55 t. of The program, thing, his name, home, raiment and nctt Saturday morninjt, Feb. commemoration Jewish MuThe meeting was presided over n litic.il claims of any particular n»eb 20 »j j Month will ifeature f JCantor i h M s t 19M o'clock. It will be cjrdivtEli religion, went to France, dressed by district president Hyman Osoff. : l " c • rf by former Bnos Mitzvah of the Kagon, of Eeth Israel Synsr-ogue. himself in the elegant costume of ccsjgregation, and will include tin j na selection selcctiQfl of of sonfis sonfis 'which will a dandy and became a Frenchman. Louis B. Mayer: "You ore bound Mines. Donald Rice, M.irtin Stein- trace the development of music His music is like champagne, Ir- to get the worst of the bargain berg, Orrcl Milder. Darwin Mar- from Biblical to modern times. resistible to the listener. when you exchange ideas with a Part H cos. Barton Greenhorn. Martir I Arnone the «on(j3 that Cantor fool."—(JTA) Harktn, S'anford Lrpsey and II " " sirj£ • are, Eli —•Zion. — Kol — Kacan will After the first Intermission a H. Brodkcy. Members snti friend: INldre. E i Eli. Oifn Pripitchok, Tel Aviv (JTA)—Armistice. are cordially Invited to ntfend. agreements have been Ignored by i Razinkcn rnit Mandlc-n, Hnva N a - younK I.'idy, Miss Ruth Slenczyn- opinions. Part i n the Arab states, "and the world ieila, and oiliers. C.intor Kagan ska, appeared at the piano, masThe last selections of the pro- lias put no restraint e o their perwill IJC accompanied <.n the piano tering the E Flat major piano conam came from "Kks Me Kate," verse activities which have actualby Prof. Hanj Bacr. There is no certo by Liszt. Accompanied by the Boston Pops orchestra she Interby Cole Porter and from composi- ly developed into a permanent d i i ---.. ...... r ,-,. ..................,. Refreshments j t y f ^ f n I } I f f \-**OTtt-^-?* i— t^ preted this composition with bril- tion* by Jacob Code and Edward war" against Israel, Defense I C n wi -"^Ulic Mari-us. dauchtcr of Mr i " be Rcrved ' " " w i n e the pro- liance, splendid technique, temElgar. The Joy of tho audience Liter FInclius Lavon, declared her*. and Mrs. Lee Marcus of Counci! warn. Pl-ase call the CciiUr. JA perament and fine musical ity in rose from number to number, end Mr. Lavon speaking at c o m Bluifs. b. won first prbx- in an ex- ! 3 C ( '' a y o i J •P l a n t o a t o n J the lyrical . rectlons. She lias a the music became happier and mencement exercises for cadet ini; contest «• < OH. (IIP)—Two cjont percus- true pianistic talent. temporancous p happier, embellished with most officers, charged that the Arab Abraham Lincoln High School sion drill.-; are bcintf Mixmbled in The composer Lbzt has been at- refined orchestra effects. itatcs were taking advantage of H w r y Langdon^ debate coach an- Elecrshfbn, Israel's dwert capital tacked for his sometimes superEncores were given from "Mou- the Western powers "who, busy nounced. Miss Marcus will repre- by the Lnnidot Oil Prospecting ficial and cheap effects. However, lin liouge," and amid shouts of with the cold war, would suffer sent the school in the district final.; Company. The drills will bo u-icj! one point ia co often forgotten, his jy, joy, the cong "Be Sharp, Look any provocation in order to a p to b e held Saturday, Feb. 20. The at. new sites near Sdom and ran piano music gives something to Sharp, pease the Arabs'.".Mr. Lavon cited Shap- ~ • "GlowPaul• "• Linckc's district winner will go to the stale reach a depth of 10,000 feet. Mean- that part of audiences who oreworm," as a parody, nnd "Stars recent incidents on virtually every . finals in Iowa City. while output at the Dead Sea not interested in pure classical border of Israel to bear out hU S, conclusions. Works fa riling as Slate of fsraet music. And let us confess alra, and Stripes Forever." It was an evening crowned with Jerry Lewis: "Many a girl is the Bond investments are helping musicians can find musical utthundering applause, exaltation picture of her father and the boost a greatly expanded produc- terances in L t e t which they like Dorothy „ Parker: "Familiarity tion p ogram. talkie of her mother."— (JTA) and even love. It i s time t o review and a brilliant KUCCCJS for the ireeds attempt."—(JTA) Omaha manager Dick Walter.


Defense Pact For Nficnr

Pops Concert Zionist Official Brillfant Show Urges Action

* An Unfinished Job

Music Club WiH Hear Cantor Eft Kagan

Family Sabbath Beth 0 Services J* J 5 5


Arabs in 'Permanent War* Againit Israel

"Natalie Marcus Wins

», in*

Plaque Dedicated at Beth Israel 2nd Annual Dinner

Temple Judaism Institute Opens

Brotherhood Week Marks' Growth of a U.S. Institution

Temple Israel is sponsoring today Its sixteenth Institute on Juda- Editor's note: Brotherhood Week joined by Roger W. Straus, elected ism for the ministers of Omaha will be observed from February first Jewish national co-chairman, More thin S00 people waiessri and vicinity. Tlie sessions at 1030 21 to ZI, a post he has held without inthe dedication of a plaque honora. m. ond 1:20 p. m. as well as In the year 1934, some 300 com- terruption for 25 years, and Dr. ing the builderg and founders of the luncheon at 12:15 p. m., will munities Everett R. CUnchy, president of in the United States shook Beth Israel SjrnaEOfiue. which keybe held in the Jewish Community off the doldrums of the then cur- the organization since its found•Oted its second annual Citation Center. Itabbi Sidney H. Brooks rent long enough to ob- ing. In addition to Mr. Straus, the Dinner held last Sunday night, invited Dr. Lou II. Silberman to servedepression something called Brother- other current co-chairman is Sir. Under the eo-chairmnnslnp ol Mn conduct this Institute and the rehood Day. The observance caused Benson Ford. President Dwigbt D. Lewi» Nevcleff ana Maurice KaUtjxjnse from the ministers has been only a ripple of response In tbe Eisenhower is the honorary naman. most honrtenlnc. Dr. Silberman participating communities and it tional Chairman for Brotherhood Heading the scroll of Humes incomes to Omaha from Vanderbilt Week. received no national Kribed an the plaque is Isadore Univeriity in Nashville, Term., But to a group of menrecognition. and womProrram Goldstein, chairman of the Huildwhere he occupies the chair in en banded together in an organ- The founders adopted a program tng Committee and the rnovin;; Jewish Literature and Thought. ization known as the National Con- that has guided the organization spirit behind tho project which The luncheon committee of the ferenre of Christians and Jews, throughout its history and is • culminated in the construction of Sisterhood ift made up of Mmes. that day in April, IBM, was ex- part what is recognized as one of the of its by-laws: **To promote Steffan Diamant. E. W. Groenberg, citing and inspirational. And. in fustioe, most beautiful Houses of Wor^lilp amity, t»p<i»'ftafv^niT «r^< Max M. Joffe. Harold Kasin, Jer- Denver, Colorado, a Catholic priest, cooperation in America. among Protestant*, ome Kalz, Joe J. Levey, Adolf Monsigoor Hugh McMffnumln v / x Moving and Insplriiu; Mayer, Charles Stem, Adolph seeing tbe fulfillment of an idea Catholics and Jews, and to analyze, "In the consensus of all who Tiost, Harry A. Wise, Herbert L. he had almost casually proposed moderate and finally eliminate inattended, this was one of the nio.st Weil and Julia M. Jacobs, chair- to the .National Conference, two tergroup prejudices which disfigure and distort religious, busimoving and inspiring events in man. years previously. ness, social and political relations, the life of Beth Israel Synagogue." Those who worked to promote, with a view to the establishment Harry Sidman, president, said first Brotherhood Pay saw it of « social order in which the "Conceived and planned by Mil Israel Chief Rabbi - that become a full week's observance religious Ideals of brotherhood and Lewis Neveleff and Maurice KatzCondemns Extremists In 1940, and lour years later, more Justice shall become the standards man, co-chairmen of the program, Isadore Goldstein than 2400 communities, among of human relationships." this occasion marked the firm ceJerusalem (JTA)—Chief Rabbi which, tot d i e : first Uuue €vecy While the National Conference jnentinf and lasting union of three Isaac Herzog of Israel called on' state was included, celebrated does much of its work through generations, linked In an unbrokAmerican rabbinical bodies to Brotherhood Week. Today, the anen chain of tradition of Beth Is- B'nai Israel Holds take every possible measure to nual observance has taken on all religious groups, it is not itseU • rael Synagogue, -which had Its Brotherhood Services prevent future demonstrations by the character of an American in- religious organization, rather, It is beginnings in the lECO'n. Both against the Israel Gov- stitution with move than 10,000 a.group of religiously motivated Mr*. Ncvcletf and Mr. This evening Reverend Gerald extremists ernment on the issue of national communities participating. Since men and women whose purpose it have outdone themselves In plan- E. nisbce, pastor of the Broadway ncrvlce for women. The Chief U10, the Brotherhood Week dates if to eradicate prehidie* and bigoning a program that will long M e t h o d i s t Church of Council said that these demonstra- have always been the lull week try through educational programs linger in the memory of Beth Is- Bluffs, will deliver a sermon on o Tlabbi of good will. Brotherhood Week tions constituted a defamation of rael as the Night of Nifthts." brotherhood theme at tho B'nal the State of Israel and bore omin- that includes Washington's Birth- is, of course, an important facet Mr. Sidman, as SynaRojue pres- Israel Synagogue in Council Bluffs ous portents. The statement reads: day; this year, February 21-28. of their educational program, yet Lttle I s m Spenser ident, presented the plaauc on be- Habbl David Korb, spiritual it Is only a small part of the year half of its board. Dr. Abe Qrecn- leader of B'nal Israel, last Friday "I was shocked at reports thst Although Brotherhood Week 1» around work. preparations are being made to berg, member of the Building tbe pulpit of thu Broad- continue the demonstrations and now a definite part of the AmerThe National Conference does Committee, in aceeptine It spoke mounted way Methodist Church and adthnt a plan is afoot for a demon- ican scene, it is a'paradox that not seek a merger of religious at the tone hlstorv and tradition tho church congregation. stration in front of the United comparatively little is known oumt bodies, nor does IT seek to weaken of eBth larael. He, praised the dressed its sponsor, the National Conferthe loyalties or modify the disenerey and determination of the This projrara is being held in con- Nations buildings. I urge you to ence of Christians and Jews. building committee under tbe In- Junction with Brotherhood Week resort to all possible means of en- The National Conference of tinctive beliefs of any creed. It spiring leadership of I s a d o r e which will be observed during tbe lightenment and to bring your in- Christians and Jews with a pro- does seek to demonstrate.that an week of February 21. fluence to bear towards the terGoldstein. staff of experts in tbe creeds can work together to achieve Leon Frankel, president of the mination of this campaign of fessional of human relations is a non- the goals of brotherhood, and that Tribute to Goldstein B'nal Israel Congregation also defamation against the State of field all men and women of whatever Later, commenting on the cere- participated in last week's service? Israel which Implies desecration profit organization, entirely sup- religion, race or national origin can mony. Mr. Sidman paid tribute to at the church, reading u passage of the honor of the Jewish people ported by voluntary contributions work together and live together in As an organization, it keeps, wel) before the nations of the world Mr. Goldstein saying, "We were of the Scriptures. for the very difand is bound to bring Irreparable in the background performing it: mutual respect fortunate that Tsadorn Goldstein that make them indidamage. This is certainly not the ta.sk of fighting prejudice and ferences led i>* toward this wonderful goal. with each giving to the way in which to strengthen and bigotry through a vast network of viduals, Many doubted that it could be community organizations, rcliglour other the rights and dignities that done. But Mr. GoM»t«'in'» supre"1' Dr. Silberman to Speak fortify our cacred faith." one claims for himself. Kroup'i, educational institutions devotion, unbounded zenl nnd At Tl Supper Club Haovcd Hnzioni, tho religious labor-management Inventory croups, and all constant falfh Insnlml ur. nil toworkers movement affiliated with ward 1hi> fulfillment of t h i n At present, the National ConDr. Lou II. Silberman, former Uin Hiitadrut, I.ILI nlcht Mronyly forms of mass media of communidream. For he was the nractlcal Rabbi of Temple Israel, will ad- condemned cation. In each of these categorier the demonstration in of American life, the Nationa' ference is engaged In a nationdreamer who throuch years of dieis the SuppeT Club of the Temwide inventory of our moral and toil, sweat, and f r u s t r a t i o n , ple at its February meeting, to- front of the Israel coniulatc in Conference enlists the active and spiritual resources for brotherhood. flteerM us toward a glorious re- morrow evening ut 7 o'clock. Tills New York last week in protest voluntary support of lay leaderr It Is expected that the results of against the conscription of women in both i u program and consulta- this survey will be made into a ality.dinner mccticg will be held at tbe in the Jewish SUtc. The Haovcd Iancribed on the nlnaue, wliich Live Stock Exchanne dining rooms, Hazloni statement asserted that tion services. And therein lies ltr report to be given to tbe President and effectiveness as tie of the United States. It is also ex- , was unveiled by Harry Collck. at 23th and O Streets. the in New York strength policies and the direct application; pected that the report will form Normnn Hahn, Iz Soflkln and Dr. Alfred SoplUr, chairman of the coulddemonstration only hurt Its organizers. of its work are In the hands of the basis for new and vigorous e t 8»m TurkeL are the following evening, will preside. its lay leadership. names: Isadore Goldstein, Chair- Dr. Silberman, comes to Omaha forts In putting the Brotherhood man of the Building Committee, from his borne in UatbvUle, Term., 'Sundays at Hie Center' Founding of the National Con- tenets into action. Ma* Arbitman, Sam Bloom, Mor- to ference grew out of the presiden- In speaking of the. moral and conduct tbe Annual Institute on ris Burstein, Joseph Dienstfrey, Judaism tial campaign of 1928, which war spiritual resources program, Dr. for the Chrisian Clergy To Start Third Session izadW Elewttz. Jnck G. Eoctein, of Omaha marred by a violent .brand of CUnchy said, "We look forward and vicinity, which liouif ISosteln, Sam Fns<ein. Hy- Temple Israel has sponsored for Registration for the third ses- bigotry directed against Al Smith with hope and confidence,* but we man Fercr. Alfred Trunk, Max sixteen yean. sion of "Sunday At The Center" and the Roman Catholic Church cannot assume, in the face of the XromVln, Dr. Abraham Greenberit, be held at 1 p. m., Sunday, Taking a lending role as founder: evidence around us, that the threat Mrs. fiUberraan pUns to accom- will Dr. 1*. H. Greenbera, MrJIwh Karch 7. The first meeting is were former Chief Justice Charier of dictatorship and all its evil ImKatonvn,' Nathan Levinsnn, Wil- pany the rabbi to Omaha. scheduled tor Z p. ro. of the same Evans Hughes, former Secretary of plications is no longer with us. liam Wilder. Mrs. Lewi' Nereletf, day. If a child was not In attend* Newton D. Baker and S Communism is an ever-present Morr's Ro«en*t<Hn. Hnrrv Kidman Jerry Lesion "Many « mar ancc during the tint or second War, Codman, past President «f threat Men of ill will still roam and wiMlam W»lner. lose* hii best Mend by marrying session tie must be accompanied Pu-kes the Federal Council of Cbunher the face of the earth. Our Job is by s parent in order to register. of Christ In America. They were monumental." A Molly Rs*hamln Prayer, jne- her."—(JTA) rn6ri»>irfnc Morrh M u n t c i n , Louis lEosteln. and Frai Xmrtein, Sophie Tucker: T h e giii with Milton Berle "Lore is Wind; w»n w«ld by Cantor Kll Xnogn. a future avoids the man with a thafs why lovers depend so much " Be»««nln Ahr»m«on. Judy Ktit- put."—(JTA) on their aenM of feeUng."—(JTA) Jer. Charles•.'Ravitx and' Pnrde ShyVeo, reontentini; the children of Uw> eonfrevatton. In turn re'eeired fee plume, with a moving tjhan>» itrren bv F»*M Penjamln turning upside down the idea* Friday, Feb. U By Baas Baer Qrone*. about the beauty of music who Pre-School—940 a. m.—Center. Dftunatie Skit Tbe special'features of French has been and still is a champion SatartUy, Feb. U A HramaUc- sfcM. "Beth Israel music and French musicians are for the acknowledgment of : tha Templo Supper Club—7:00 p . m^-Highland Town Club. Marctef On." written bv Elihie elegance, delicacy, artistic a n d atonaUsm, a revolution against the SBBistvFcrb. 21 Jahenli, noted Omohn radio and tonal harmonization, is presenting technical ease and often the sultry Children'! Program—2;00 p . m.—Center. TV. pmonalltT. pnair'ed br hersound, In t h e reproduction of himself in this piece as a repre•elf and H«bW Grorwr. depicted Yiddish Movie—8:00 p. nL—Center. sentative of old classical forms.' moods. Mr. and Mrs. Both T«rael. Sol Young Adult lounge Night—8:00 p. m,—Center. The Trench cellist Pierre Four- Some of these forms he has filled •Doigoff and hit dau"htn-, M*<feBBOTUEBHOOD WEEK-FEBRUARY 41-W, nier who last Thursday was heard with the musical spirit of the 17th lyn, rendered duet winclirins. The Monday, Feb. 22 in the fourth concert of tho Tues- and 18th century, Idioms which Svnn«oeue Choir, under rUreriion Pre-School—-9:00 a. tn.—Center, day Musical Club possesses all arc particularly demonstrated in Of Cantor Wl TCfi'in. ftirnl'hed Golden Age Club—12:30 p. m.—Center, these characteristics and merits. the introduction and the serenata several mu«Jcal oelectioru. ProIn young years he suffered an at- of the suite. Another piece, howTemple Israel Bible Study—1:30 p. m.—Home. ienorH.ins Baer was o* <he nlnno. tack of polio. The tidiness, how- ever, the "Tarantella," is written Workmen's Loan—7:30 p. tn.—Center. Grmtmes wwn hrou"l)t by Horever, left' him fortunately with in the whirling rhythm of. this Beth Israel Adult Institute—9:00 p. m.—Beth Israel* Tv SMman, He*h Israel complete manual mastery of his Italian dance as a genuine Stra• ••-.,. Tuesday, Feb. t | Mrs. Izadora EWItr. Instrument and he h a s to be vinsky creation without any harAfternoon Bridge Class—1:19 p, m. president: Dan OorHnnsn, W counted as one of the few (treat monic problem. This fact makes Beth Israel Sisterhood Board-Meeting—1:00 p. m—Borne. Cluh nresldent: Sim V<w'«n. PTA cellists of our day. His technique the composition pleasant to hear president: and TIM>1>I Brnlamln Council Study Group—1:00 p. in.—Home. has that Gallic lightness and his also for an audience which does G who stressed t he Tirartlcal Wednesday. Ten. 24 tone, without being big is filled not incline too much to the sowith that colorful beauty which called "Modern Music" and Its f s i at BMiiwaHMn which In Pre-School—0:00 a. m.—Center. deformities. delights again and again. ch»raH«" lstlr of Ho'h TBTDPI. Hadassah—Herd Group—12:80 p. ru.—Center. • P»ul Veret, fxpniiw* nlrwrtor Hadassah—Wcizmonn Group—12:30 p. xa,—Y, M. C,- A. Besides the magnlfic sonata No. The last program number. "VaOf tlw Omaha Jewl'h Federation, Hndassah—Srold Croup—1^:30 p. m.—Y. W. C,'A, 3 in G minor for cello and piano riations on One String" by Pagawas toasunanler of the evening. by Bach, the "Sonata ArpcfiKione" ninl Rave Mr. Fournier another Oil Painting Claw;—1:00 p. m.—Center. was on the program. What Schu- chance of showing his immense Afternoon Ceramics Class—1:00 p. ra—Center. bert, master of the melody, creat- mnstery of the cello, also In flagEvening Ceramics Clars—7:30 p. m.—Center, Piano Pupil's Annual ed in his composition is one of eolets which were played with Center Orchestra—$-.00 p. m,—Center. his most attractive -works. No- striking clarity and exactness. Recitd at Center Jewish Cookery Class—0:00 p. m/—Center. body can deny tills captivating At the piano was Arthur BalB'nai B'rith Monsky Lodge—«:00 p. m.—Center. simplicity, freshness and loveli- sam whom last year we heard a l The Center Piano Studio under Center Forum—Hal Lcbrnum—B:30 p. m,—Center. ness of the melodic lino. Also the the accompanist of the eminent the direction of Professor Hans Tbnnday, Feb. 25 sonata in F major op. 99 by violinist Nathan MUstcln. Mr. Baer will hold its annual pupil's Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs—I'M p. m.—Center, Brahms was most Impressively Balsam again was an ideal collabrecital Sunday. March 7 at 3:15 performed. Evening Bridge Class—8:00 p. m.—Center. orator and helper whose great m. in the Center Auditorium, Kadimah Regular Meeting—8^0 p. m.—Home. fc ghtcen pupils will present a Particularly interesting was the musicallty, technique and spiritual 1 sense for chamber music were a t B'nsi B'rith Nebr, Chapter Wo. «46 and Lodge Me, 1445-430 "Suite Itallenne' by Stravinsky. 'program. The members of t i e p. ni.^~J5th and J Sts. Stravinsky who has. helped fa tractive attributes. .:...:.'. community are invited to attend.

Community Calendar

French Cellist, P. Fournier Displays Gallic Lightness

race Few

Torment* Drama At Center, Feb. 28

K b * L o b Ami Greenberg

Plans to Wed Are Revealed The engagement of Miss Loii Ann Greenberg and Mr. Manfred Kreitstcln was announced at • family dinner last week. Mitt Grecnberg is the daughter of Mrs. David Grecnberg and the late David Greenberg. Mr. Kreltsteln attended the University of Omaha before serving With Anqed Forces in Korea. An early fall wedding is being planned.

The third in the series of foreign films will be presented at the Center, at 8:15 p. m. Critics have hailed 'Torment" as one of the finest foreign importations in many years, a first rate psychological drama with the fine acting, untempered suspense and the technique to produce a hew experience. "Torment" presents the realistic study of a young student persecuted by a sadistic teacher and his entanglement in an unusual love affair with a shop girl. The San Francisco News said this film "is a new high in cinematic coercion. Never before bar it been achieved with such great artistry -or such prolonged intensity." "Torment*' won Le Grand Prix Du Cinema, at the Cannes International Film Festival in 1947 Series ticket! may be purchased at the Center lor 12.00. Individual admissions sell for SOe,

Golden Age Club To Meet Feb. 22

The monthly meeting of the Golden Age Club will be held Monday, Feb. 22, at t p. m. in the Jewish Community Center Auditorium. The program will include a showing of Sholem'Alelchem's masterpiece "Laughter Through Tears' with Yiddish dialogue; This group is sponsored by the Omaha George Burns: "Women take to Section, National C o u n c i l of generous men; also form."—(JTA) Jewish Women.

Engman-Stern Ceremony Held at Beth El Synagogue

Miss Jeuette BInmberc

Engagement Is Announced Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bluinberg of Philadelphia, Pa., have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Jeanette, and Aaron David Bear, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bear. ' •• . .":. , ' V Miss Blumberg is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania College for Women, Grata College, both, at Philadelphia. , Mr. Bear is a graduate of South High School and Iowa State College in Ames. He served in Korea a s a n engineer w i t h t h e 40th d i vision.' •.:•'-••'. •.'• •• :..'• • He is the grandsoif of the. late Mr. and Mrs. Julius Katelman of Council Bluffs, Iowa.

"Talk of Many Things" BB Women Plan For Jamboree


Harry Wise, senior student at Omaha University, has been proA special meeting of all women moted to the position of Major in the Air Force ROTC program. He of Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470 is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Wise. and Nebraska Chapter No. 840, working on the B'nal B'rith Centennial Jamboree, will be held Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Raduziner announce the birth of a son Sunday Feb. 21 2 p. m., In the Mark Jay, bom February II. The couple have another child, Carol Beth Israel Social Hall. Serving on the Food Committee Jean. Mrnes. Ezra Beldncr, chairMaternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, Hymie Richards and arc: man. Fan Sherman, Max. Sacks, paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. L. Raduziner. Nathan Mnrcus, Sol Martin, Harry Epstein, Sam Cohen, Hy Lewis, Michael Howard, son of Janette and Arthur Salkin, was bom Philip Fox, Harry Smith, Ruben February 13 in a local hospital Ratner, David Rosenbaum, Max Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Julius Chassanov and Krizelman, Abe Kaplan, Wm. paternal grandmother is Mrs. Florence Salkin of St. Paul, Minn. Abrahams, Harrya SIdman, Sidney Mrs. Salkin is the former Janette Chasanov. Znelmer, Nate Gitnick, Louis Fellman, Lou Asbyl, Arnold Miller, ' -' A daughter, Marcia Lou, was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gere- Harry Friedman, Cel-Bush, Dave lick. Marcia was bom February 8. The couple have two other chil- Shukcrt, Harry Rcsnick, Dan Gordman, Sam Kalrnan, Nate Kapdren, Howard Michael and Gerald Allen, Maternal grandparents are Mr. and MV*. Sidney Goldberg and lan and Miss Rose Sacks. Those on the Bazaar Committee paternal grandfather is, Mr. Isadora Gerelick. are Mmes. Sam Levlne, Stanley Shapiro, : Gene Rich, Jack Lazar. - Mr. and Mrs Paul Ruback have announced the birth of a son, Larry Joseph, bom February 2 in Denison, la. The couple have two George Shapiro, Carl Logman, Sol Mlrpff, Sam LlebowlU, Sam Frank other' children, Allan and Annette. and M. J. Franklin. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Morris Fisher and paTicket Committee, Mmes. Sam ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ruback of Denison. Pollak, Ceo. Cohen and Wm, Stone, Mrs. Richards is the former Frances Fisher of Omaha. Chairmen' Marvin Trcllcr, Harold ZcUnsky, Gco. • Spltzcr, Norman Hahn, Ruben Llppctt, Ben Blalt, -Council of Jewish Women's Annual Supper Dance Ben Wintroub, Ed Rosen, Joe Guss, Harry Wolnbcrg, Sam Manvitz. Marvin Kaplan, Sam Rife, Al Oruch and Aaron Epstein. Rcctlpe chairman Is Mrs. Seymour Kaplan and co-chairmen arc Mmes. Carl Lagman, David Blclchcr nnd Philip Kutler. Mrs. Sol Dolgoff Is over all ad book chairman and Mrs. Goodman Cohen Is Nebraska Chapter Fund Raising C h a i r m a n . Committee members nrc: Mmes. Chas. Scudder, David Epstein, Joe Epstein, Bernard Goldstrom, Charles Fisher and Max Sachs. Definite plan for the Centennial Jamboree will be outlined at this meeting. All members rervinR on the various committees are urged to attend.



Friday, February U , 195*



re'Schoolers to Visit Airport Today The Jewish Community Center':: 're-Schoolers will visit and tour he Omaha Municipal Airport tolay. Accompanied hy parents and he Pre-School staff, the child™, planned their visit to in-jludu the weather bureau, control lower, n hangar, and a plane. When they etuni to elans they will take up projects in their play uruund the .home of nir travel and transport. Shown above are: (left to right) Mrs. Harry Staler, president ef Omaha section. National Council of Jewish Women, Mrs. Nathan Simon, co-chairman of the Council's Golden Age Group, and Mm. David Beber, social service vice-president o f the Council. Missing from the picture is Mrs. Joseph Tretlak, co-chairman of the Council's Golden Age Group. The Council will hold its annual supper • dance February 27. See story on pace I.

Phi Ep Mothers The Phi Epsilon Pi Mother's -lub v/ill meet for a l p . in. uncheon Monday. Feb. 22, in the arty room of Hurry's Cafe. 10th nd Farnam.

In a canrilelljjht ceremony, Sund;/y, Fib. 14, at the Beth El Synagogue, Miss Betty Lou Stern became the bride of Norman Ray Engman, of Des Moincs, la. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. urn! Mrs. Samuel L. Stern. The bridegroom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Engman, of Dos Moines, Iowa. Rabbi Myer Krlpke and Cantor Aaron Edgar officiated at 7 o'clock under satin covered canopy decorated with snapdragons nnd Bmllax. The bride wore a gown of satin and chantilly lace with sequin and pearl embroidery accenting the portrait neckline and the bodice Her fingertip veil was caught witlia coronet of rhinestones and pearls and she carried u white orchid on a lace Bible. Miss'Carulyn Rae Stern, maid of honor tor her clster, wore a ballet pink gown of taffeta etylcd with a fitted bodice and a bustle back. She wore a matching coronet of lace and carried her flowers on a muff of ballet blue. The bridesmaids were Idcnically gowned to blue and carried muffs of pink Attendant* The attendants were the Misses Eleanor Green, Arlene Moskowitz, Joie Greenberg, Joey Margolin and Sandra Rice, the latter of Des Moines. 'MiM Wendy Ann Engman, niece of the bridegroom, was the flower girl and Arnold Engman, nephew, was the rlngbearer. Stanley Engman, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. Usher* were the bridegroom's brothers, Milton, Gerald and Larry Engman. Other* were Norman Matulet and Edward Givont, both of Dej Moines. Don! Greenberg and




•*• Tim

Mrs. Norman Batman Coleman Greenberg were candle* lighters. A reception followed the ceremony in the synagogue social hall. Wedding Trip The' bride chose a charcoal suit of Imported Damask and Monotone Tweed with black patented accessories for the wedding trip to Las Vegas, Nev, Mr. and Mrs. Engman will live in Des Moines, Iowa.

Campus News Phi Epsilon Pi Alpha Chi chapter will hold a rush stag tonight for all unaffiliatcd Jewish men attending Omaha University. The stag will be held at 4915 California St. Pact Superior, Martin Ncarenbcrg, reported this week to Lackland Air Force Base for military Ecrvicc. Marty received the commission of Second Lieutenant i7hen he Rradualcd from OU last June. Harry Wise. Superior, has been promoted to Cadet Major In the Air Force ROTC. He Is now serving as the Cadet Wing Public Information Officer and Group Commander. Cadet Second Lieutenant Fred Kolm is the Assistant P. I. O. Officer. Maynard Tatelman, vice-president of Alpha Phi Omega, Honorary Scouting Service Fraternity, has ben appointed chairman of the Campus Chest Drive and the Ugly Man contest

Alpha Mu p

dt Two more students representing two different states, have pledged Sigma Alpha Mu. They arc Nell Ungqr from Chicago and Dave Brustcln from Brooklyn, N. Y. There are nine different states represented In Sigma Alpha Mu. Allan Kenyon from South Dakota, a sophomore at the UnlverBity. has been elected to the board of ilfrcc'ors of University Radio. The Sammies have had many Bcmi-formal and Informal parties throughout the school year. The pledge,-: are havln<; their party next week. A campun combo will plov for the dance. Dave Mntor has been appointed the nojitlon of chairman of tile Jvy Dav ting. Dave nteo docs vocal wnr!( on the enmpuis radio ta'ion. KNIJS. A "Greek Week" was held in which dlvcus^ion.i took plncc at all the fraternities concftrnlne various n)i:iso.T of fraternity life. The Sammies took nn nctive part in tho "Grfnif Week" activities. A'>n O-ounce. .Icrrv Gaer, Jer1 Sln-ic'cr. Jf>rrv Snltzcr, and Mnrm 1'liilins nre the members of !he S->"irnv bciwlln;: team. The timfctition becjins next week. TT> bn^e'linll the Sammies have idd/."l another win. This mnknc h" foil"-!)] win In a row. They rief'-nted Farm Jloufp Fraternity. d ^^B. P^r] Mnrnis, forward, and m Pliillo.';. center, nlaycd very -iood brill. Norm had fifteen point;; o his rrccYit to «altn high honors. Mel Hurwlch Is tho basketball oarh. AI Crouncc nnd So! Stlss won n (ho n'm: ponf* doublfs and have 'Ivnnrci to the rcml-flnalr;. while Moe Lypton and Jerry Weinberg placed Eicon;! in the all Univer-

sity bridge tourney. Gerry Fellman and Ira Epstein of Omaha, have been elected to membership in Phi Delta Phi. legal fraternity,

Zeta Beta Tau Dick Fellman took a trip with the Nebraska debate team last week to Denver, Colo. There wcr« no winners or losers declared at Denver but the team that Dick debated on won five and lost one. Their one loss came at the hands of the only undefeated team in the 40 team, competition. Bruce Hollander and Howard Vann will open the second iemes> ter programming of KNUS. the student: radio station in Lincoln, next Monday with their' show, "East Versus West." Len Singer hn« advanced to the singles finals of the all-university handball tournament Len is the defending champion. He won hla «cml - final m a t c h easily, 21-3, The basketball team cinched a place in the university play-off* bv -winning againit Norrls House, 34-33. Doran Jacobs paced the cagers with 14 points, twelve of the points coming in the second half. The team record Is" now five wins against three tosses. Arnie Stern and Milt Maisd entered the revnt bridge tournament held at Nebraska. The results wilt be revealed later. Guests last week- at the house Included Frank Jacobs, past member of the house and of the Innocents SoHetv, Ed Kantor, past president of the house, Joel Milder, alum from Omaha, and Larry Albert from Omaha.

Sivma Delta Tau With exams over, and grade* received, and the second semester underway, Thc'a chapter of Sigma Delta Tau Is off to a booming start onaln this semester. Monday night dinner marked the Installation of the new officers. Thcv arc Fran Locke, president: Zne Swartz, first vice-president; Heleno Sherman, second vice-prudent; Call Kntskec. secretary: Shirley Rosenberg, treasurer; houre mnnaRcr is Mickey Tlobiner: nr'ivltie.s chairman U Connie Gordon, and con ((lender is Mnna Srnllh. Fran I/irke has 'Just brought another honor to herself and to SDT. She wm recently elected to the noslf'on of first vice-president of Herl Cro.'-i unit. Ano'her Imnortant position hi-ld in Her! Cron'; in that of Shirley Rosenberr; w)in v/ai recently elect<••] to the Tied Cross Board of Chnlrmnni In charge of mi publicity for the orgnnizatlon.

M U r , February It. MM


Organizations Council Study Group The Council Study Group will meet Tuesday, Feb. 23, at the home of Mrs. Charles Schneider. 8523 Davenport St. Mr. Charles A. Peters, head of the new Board of Neighborhood Conservation of Omaha, will present a movie on "Omaha's Neighborhood Rehabilitation Plan." Mr. Ernest Thompson will assist him.

B & P Hadassah The members of the Business And Professional Hadassah group Will Commemorate their loth anniversary by devoting their meeting to reminiscing about the "good old days." The program, which has been planned by Julia Jacobs Program Chairman, will honor all past presidents of the organization at a special "President's Table." The meeting will be held February 24, In the Jewish Community Center at 7:15 p. m. """"Featured on the program will be a silt, "Album of Memories," Writen by Eve L. Konecky and having the following partiipants: Ahuvah Gershater, Dorothy Rosenthai, Rosclle Handler, Sylvia Parilman, Rena Gross, ran S. Sherman, Minnie Freeman and Myrtle Freeman. Refreshments will be served and all former members and interested friend* are invited to attend.

° Kadimah Chapter The regular meeting of Kadimah Chapter of Pioneer Women wJIt be held Thursday, Feb. 25, at the home of Mrs. Morris Kutlcr, 1718 N. 88th Street, at 8:30 p. m. Cobostesses for the evening will be Mrs. Abraham Kloppcr and Mrs Samuel S. Kaplan. Rabbi Benjamin Groncr, spir- itual leader of Beth Israel, will be guest speaker, liabbl Groncr tint chosen "The Bible and Modern Israel" as His topic. He is the author of the monograph, "Rambam Sage of Gcrona" and has been recently appointed visiting lecturer In Jewith Education at the Hebrew Theological College of Chicago, 111. Mrs. Floyd Perimeter, chairman of Kadjmah's February II Dessert Luncheon will present a financial report on the affair. Mrs. Charles GUM, Membership chairman, Invites all prospective members to attend this meeting. Anyone desiring further information may call her at CL 8340. -Refreshments and social hour will follow the meeting.

Epstein-Morgan The annual Bake Sale of the Auxiliary of the Epstein-Morgan Post, Jewish ,War Veteran* has been postponed. It.will be" held March 4, t\ the Brandeis Store . Chairman for the sale is Mrs. Jack Saylan and co-chairman I* Mrs Frank Cohen.

Hadassah The Omaha Chapter'of Hsdassah will hold its group luncheon meetings Thursday, Feb. 24. at 1 p. m< ' ! Because February, ii designated as the month In which Americans ,are urged to meet with and know their neighbors, Hadasiah women are asked to bring their friends and neighbors as their cucsts. Special programs have b e e n planned by the American Affairs Committee with emphasis placed on the United Nations, what it means to us and the world. The Chaim Welzmann Group will meet nt the YMCA. The Speaker will be Mr. James Hart, Attorney with the law firm of Hart and Burke. He is head of the Department of Economics at Crclghton University. Mr. Hart Was a 1052 Democratic Candidate /or Coneress. The Theodor Herzl Group will meet nt the Jewish Community Center. Dr. J. Leo Wcslrate. Professor of Political Sclenrc nt the University of Omnhn, will be the sneaker. Ano'her guest, Mrs. Wllllnm Frederick!), Chairman of the Omnhn Council of Equal Job Opportunities, which the O m a h a Chapter of Hadnsnah In ' a member, will trlve a report. Tho YWCA will bo the mcctini! place for the Henrietta Swild Croup. MM. Arthur L. Smith. Sr.,

of Lincoln, Nebr., will be t h e speaker. Mr*. Smith Is a graduate of the University of Nebraska and received her Master's Degree in European History' there. She is State P r e s i d e n t for both the American Association of University Women and The League of Voters. Mrs. Smith has journeyed four times to Europe and once around the world. She has made six trips to the United Nations. She U presently the vice-chairman of the City Library Trustees of Lincoln.

Fed. Women

The regular luncheon meeting of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs will be held in the Jewish Community Center Thursday, Feb. 25. at 1 p. m. The board meeting is scheduled for 11:45 a. m. '

Pioneer Women

The Pioneer Women's Organization will hold their annual donor tea Tuesday, Feb. 23 at 1:30 p. m. in the home of Mr*. Frank Rubenstein, 8140 Blondo. Proceeds of the tea and the yearly donor ad book will go for the Matzot Hapolat. Mr. Joe Radlnowskl will speak on the subject at this time. Miss Barbara Estrada, who has recently returned from Israel, will speak on life in the Klbutx. Mrs. Milton Nearenbcrg will sthg Israeli and other sonsg. Chairman for the Matzot Hapolat is Mrs. H. Wohlner and cochairman is Mrs. Sarah Okun.

Psre Wye


Omahan Wed In Las Vegas

Attention Ladies" For your health and relaxation, a swimming class is now underway at the Jay pool every Monday and Friday at 10 a. m. Instruction and recreational swimming under the direction of Mrs. Mary Volcek, a well known instructor. Prepare now for your summer vacations by learning to swim and then be able to teach your youngsters. For further information call JA 1366.

Miss Pauline Noodell, daughter of Mrs. Mollle Noodell, was married February 1 to Phil Zebker, son of Mrs. Harry Zebker. The marriage was performed in Las Vegas, Nev., by Rabbi Herman Kinnory. They arc now living in Sherman Oaks, Calif.

Music Notes by Mrs. Roth Relss Center Music Director The next meeting of The Music, At Home Club will take place Tuesday evening, Feb. 23, at 8 p. m. at the home of Mr. Eugene Blazer, 5101 Davenport St. Cantor Ell Kaftan, of Beth Israel Synagogue, accompanied by Prof. Hans Baer, will depict, by means of song, the development of Jewish Music. Many familiar liturgical, Yiddish folk, and modern Israeli songs will bo heard. All-adults and young adults arc invited, There is no admission charge. Please call the Center, JA 1386 If you plan to attend. The Center also offers other musical activities for those interested. The orchestra, comprised solely of amateur musicians, play various classic and semi-classic selections and meet every Wednesday evening from 8 to 10 p. m.

Miss Singer BetrothalTold The engagement of Miss Donna Lee Singer to Don Hallwerck of Sacramento, Calif., has been announced. Miss Singer is the daughter of Mm. Max Berlin and the late Harry Singer. Mr. Hallwerck is the son of Mrs. Paul Hallwerck of Los Angeles, Calif. They plan to be married April Mr. and Mrs. Milton Nearen- 11 in Los Angeles, Calif. berg announce the engagement of their daughter, Marilyn Ann, to the Navy for two years. Leroy Arthur Katz, son of Mr. and The couple is planning a late summer wedding. Mrs. David Katz. Both Miss Nearenberg and her fiance- are attending the Univer- Ida Gptterman: "God cures, but sity of Omaha, Mr. Katz served in the doctor takes the fee."—(JTA) Miss Marilyn Nearenberr

O.U. Students Will Be Wed


Bl Sisterhood The members of the board of the Beth Israel sisterhood will meet in the synagogue club room Tuesday, Feb. 23, at 12:49 p. m.

Girl Scouts Ask For More Workers A three-year campaign to recruit 4,000 women for professional positions in Girl Scouting will get underway this month, it wan announced by Miss Dorothy C. Stratton, national executive director, Girl Scouts of the VS.\. The campaign, to be carried on throughout the nation, wll) be directed to women who have had administrative experience, as well as to college students and recent college graduates. Four members of the national Girl Scout staff and one person in each of the 12 National Branch Offices have been especially assigned to ^the campaign to carry on the work of making Jo bopportunitles in Girl Scouting known, Ml»s Stratton explained. This concentrated action on the part of the organization has been made necessary by two factors, according' to Miss Strntton, One Is the rapid growth and spread of Girl Scouting, which how has a membcrshlD of more than 2,000,000, and the other Is the population forecast which predicts that the number of girls of Scout age will increase 40 per cent during the next ten years. The campaign han been devised both to help fill existing professional jobs and to Drcparc for the number of openIngs the organization anticipates ns tho movement continues to Crow. Currently m o r e than 1,800 women hold professional Jobs in the Girl Scout organization, Miss .Stratton poincd out. They constitute less than one half of one per cent total number of adults active In the movement. At the present moment, there ore more than 200 openings to be filled by women whose qualifications Include executive ability and experience, .skills In human relationships, belief In the Importance and value of n youth movement such ns Girl Scouting, plus cducatlonnl emphasis on social studies n« well as experience In camping nnrl firoup leadership. Professional work in Girl ScoutIng includes training volunteer workers, working with other community agencies Riving, guidance to Girl Scout councils m the development nntl maintenance of the Girl Scout program for an ever Increnging number of girls, Miss Stratton explained. Tho Personnel Dcpormcnt at Girl Scout National Headquarters In New York City is In charge of the campaign.

Tailortown Sweater Dresses Smart Ginghams and Chambrays Tallortown's .rich ginghams and chambrays . . « famous; for their quality and fit . . . smart and tlsavsleit for summer, iporting a 10054 xephyr wool sweater for spring . . . a dashing duo designed'to " tee you through many months of wear . . • both sweater and drest are washablel A . Sleeveless Stripe Coat Dress with wing collar, matching bolero with itripe trim. In blue, lima, roie< Sixes 12-20. B. .Sleeveless Check Coat Dress with covered buttons, full skirt, matching sweater. In royal, rose* gold. Sizes 12-20.

Mall and Phone Orders Welcome Daytime Draw**—Third Hoof




Youth Council Doings

tmxr. February it, MM


Happy Birthday

Extension Club Schedule

Mx. and Mrs. Max Greenfield FrUay, Fet. 1> party was Eddie Bercovid and his announce that their son, Staaley Bruce Brodkey, Irene Fellman, A. Z. A. Me. 1 Rayim combo. A skit was also A., will cekbrae his Bar Mitzvah Bruce Arnold Lewis and Richard . A. Z. A, No. 1 will spooaor a February 11—7 to MS p. m. this Friday evening and Saturday- Speler. Tooth Coundl Brotherhood Dis- presented by Bob Wmtroub. Eighth Grade boys at th« cussion February X2 at the Center. Sunday, the dubs participated morning at the Beth Israel SynaSatanUy, Feb. 26 home of Mike Canar, 5305 The entit will be put on in co- in the sports events. In basket- gogue. Justin Ban, Larry Alan Cackln, Izard St. operation with the Omaha Youth ball, t h e visitors were soundly A reception will follow both Albert Lustgarten, Jr., and MariEighth Grade girl* at tbt Brotherhood Coundl. an inter- beaten, 63-Z1. However, the AZA services. Friends and relatives are ljn Bell Rajzbaum. home of Linda Kavich, 654 N, faith organization. Dave Teppet- men retaliated by downing Bay- invited to attend the mrmontrs Sunday, Feb. 21 54th rt. man will take part on the pan*! fan's bowling team two games out Elaine Claire Blniamow, Paul February 2S—7 to S:4I p. a*. leading the talk. This i t a "must" of three. Stasrt Eugeac SMer, son of Mr Bleicher, Larry Stephen Cohn Seventh Grade boys at tttf activity for anyone with an in- A Biyim meeting baa been and Mrs. Jay- Staler, will celebrat Daniel Michael Rubin and David home of Justin Lewis, 4S0* terest in his community and hi*Planned for SundayTreb. 21, Cul- his Bar Mitzvah Friday evenioi Soshnik. Popplcfam. country. tural chairman Jack Baker is and Saturday morning, Feb. 26 and Moodtr, F«b. It Gary Gltnick, chapter sgt-at- scheduled to show hit movies on 27, at the Beth Israel-Synagogue. arms, was awarded the chairman, Canada. A reception will follow both serv- Joan' Brookstelo, Linda Sue Farber, Sally Anne Ltpsey and ship of A. Z. A. Corn Belt Region's ices tad friends and relatives art Antl Defamation Leaque Commitinvited to attend. No Invitations Dennis Victor Passer. tee This is an outstanding honor Yoafti Council Utttr T»e*dsr, Feb. 2» have been issued, for any Midwest Aleph, especially Gary Allen Epstein, Bruce CLUB TAB*AO The next meeting of Club TarBy Jaui Kraut so for Aleph Gitnick who is only Mitchell Forbes. John Louis Hor- yag bawreaee J«tl Beberataa, BOO win take place Sunday evea sophomore. wich and Paul ynim» i T of Mr. and Mrs. David Hoberman, ning, Feb. 21, from 0 to 7:30 p. m. Victor of the club's Free Throw COOKMO CLASSES Wedneadar, Feo. U will celebrate bis Bar Mitzvan All teen-agers interested in Jewin the recreation room of the TalContest is Mike Denenberg. Runevening and Saturday Carol Ann Altauler, Barbara mud Tonh. Flans for the chilning a close second was Larry ish Style cooking classes can con- Friday Hogg, Qail EUen Kuderman, Elmorning, Feb. M and 87, at Beth Schwarti- All proceeds of the event tact Phil Roggen. A class is in the El Synagogue. Friend* and rela- liot Stuart Sloan and Charles Wise. dren's carnival will be discussed and the various carnival commitgo to the National A. Z. A. charity. process of being act up. Fee fortive* are invited to attend the the eight classes will be three dottees wfll be appointed at this Ttarsday, Feb. M A. Z. A. Ne. 1H ceremonies. Ian. meeting. After the meeting dub Stuart Howard B a b e n d u r e , At a stag last Saturday night Al 8TAGENIOBT ACTS members will be shown how to do James Philip Oinsburg and MariForman received the Best Aleph the various Israeli dances and relyn Lois Wasscrmin. of the Month award for bis fine Anyone interested in doing a freshments will be served. work in organising the last party between act skit in Stage Night, GIRLS ARTS AKD CRAFTS and stag. The award, which was April 14, should contact Barbara presented at the stag for the first Joffe or Larry Epstein within the The girl* arts and craft* dub time in the chapter's history, will next two weeks. will meet in the Art* and Crafts Saturday, reb. 30," launching be given to the Aleph who ha* AZA NO. 1MIXKB room of the Talmud Torah Sundone the most to better the club AZA boys will be hast* to a Brotherhood Week. Mother Chapday evening, Feb. 21, front • to during the month, tlffthftit func sod jnlxw to* ter AZA Ho. 1 wffl play HUYta This year's Youth Council bas- 730 p. m. The girls of the dub OOUNdLETTES marrow sight at the JCC. Thean exhibition basketball gam* at will continue rehearsing for the -, A meeting was held last Sunday game will begin at 8 p. n . The the Jewish Community Center. ketball leagu*' will go down u play and will begin preparing postat the, Jay. At the meeting there mixer wOi feature iho Rayim Sponsored by AZA Ho. 1, there one of the moat highly contested ers for the carnival. Girl* In the will: be a sox dance and talent league* in it* history. The three Primary and secondary grades of were speakers from the Council of Traveling Troop. (bow following the game. Admis- top squads namely Independents, Talmud Torah and girls in the Jewish Women who spoke on BBOTBECBOOO DISCVMIOH sion is 33 cents and proceeds will Rayim and AXA. have had bat-third grade of Sunday school arc Council, and Ship-a-Box. AZA. Wo. VB will sponsor • Brotherhood services will be held BrotHerhood discussion 5i» Sun- go to the Leo N. Lev! Hospital tles compared to the Army-Navy Invited to attend. Refreshment* new thcraputlc clinic in Hot be served at the dose of the February 26 at the Beth El Syna- day at 3 p. m. at the Jay. football series. The Independent will Springs, Ark. meeting. gogue. The chairman for the affair JAZZ CLUB are Eileen Epstein and Judl Clm- All hepcaU interested la joining Suport of the Levl Hospital ii boys took a dose 38-13 decision CAMERA CLUB pl. the jazz dub should contact Phil the 1854 National AZA project from AZA. 1 to remain on top The camera ciub will meet in The game will feature Harlem of league. Led by Speedy Zwel- the darkroom under the super- . T h e Counefl-LUUe division Rouen. Globe Troter tactics with an an- back and Bemie Turkel with 12 vision of Dave Dubin. Mr. DuWn sponsored by Coundlettes Js going BENSON OrriCMMM nouncer relating merits of the to present a program tor the Old H e a r t i e s t congratulations to players and nine points respectively, the will explain the use of flash atPeople's Home mis Sunday. The Sieve BrookaWn and Harry SO- court as they file out onto the Independents are now in a top tachments on camera* and using CouncUette* leaders are also going vers who became commissioned floodlights In night photography. participants includo spot to cop the title. to participate In the program. Mr. Dubin said that the current officers at Benson High's Military The stellar Jensen, Giff Tompklns, There are three games remain- picture contest will close March On the athletic side their Volley- Ball February 12. Steve became Ejner Doane. Dick Herre, Mor- ing and they have two with Rayim 1. All contestants should have their a major while Harry will seive Charlie ball team is m first place. gan Holmes, Frank Moberg, Bob and one with wtnlcss A.Z.A. 100. entries in before that time as a lieutenant DEBKADEBS Kessler, Gary Salman, and RayMother chapter has one name with Last Friday night Debs attended Kelly of the Hi-Y. The AZA squad Ilnylm and two with AZA. 100 so services at Temple en masse. !s comprised of Stan Wldman, the league title may have to wall Purim Carnival Planned Plans are now under way for Larry Schwartz. Marshall Denen- until the final 0ame. Stan Wldman completing an afghan which when For Grade Schoolers borg, Mike Denenberg, Jerry accounted for 17 of his tcurn's U. S. Y. will have its annual finished will be sent to a home. Simon. Jerry Margolin, and Larry points. service this Friday night at BethKansas City, April 9. 10, and The Jewish Community Center Epstein. Ray Sombrrj; nnrt Al Corey led El. Participating intna services 11, win be the scene of the annual and the Zionist Youth Commission The public Is cordially invited to their Rayim squad to a CD-28 win are: Nancy Uarron, Murray Rose, Senior Judaea convention. Many will co-sponsor a gala Purim Car- attend. Game time is 8 p. m. Mike over A.Z. 100. In tuning up forJunic i'l'llman. Bunny Ravitz, of the girls are planning to attend. nival for children from fifth to Meyer and Stan Kalman are in their important game next week Fred Marcus, Gene Kohn, Rita The next Deb meeting will be eighth grade Saturday evening charge of the affair. against A.Z.A. 1, the Rayim lads Fcltz, Malice Katlcman, Bob Meyheld at 1 p. m. this Sunday at the March 20. SUiff members of both realize In order to Etoy In the er, Sheldon Rips, and Marilyn groups met this week to betfin Jay. rare, they must win every f.nmr. Dice. Matlco Katlcman it chairplanning. Martin Blacker and Mrs. TIKVAS AMI They have a tough remaining man of this event T. A.'* held a meeting last Sun- Irving Shapiro will head he arschedule by facInK A.Z.A. 1 next The next meeting of U. 6. Y. day afternoon at the Jay. At this rangements committee for the week and meeting Independents in will be Sunday evening at 7 p. in. American Division meeting, plans were made for their slaff-^Tentative plans Include a W. fc. two straight gnmes. at Beth-El. The Brotherhood annual spring dance to be held masquerade carnival, a community Ind. EBG _• 43 14 Star of Week Council and the Youth Council May M at the Fontenelle Hotel. sing, Israeli dancing and a debate. Rayim MSG 3» 18 Speedy Zwelback earns the are cordially invited to attend. A Rosalie Cohen is chairman of the Participating groups include the Rayim X's ._, 38 21 award for his fine- play In leading skit will bo presented following dance. Alpha Beta's, Council-Littles, AZA 100A . 32 25 bis Independent team to a 38-83 the meeting. The newly organized Israeli JBC*s, a Jewish Community Cen- AZA 1 Zorches 28% 30% win over A.Z.A. 1. His three field dance group : is practicing their ter Extension Group of eighth AZA 1 Gutter Goons „ 31 26 goals and six free throws were Marvyn LeRoy: "With some peodance* which wffi be taught at the grade girls, seventh grade boys AZA Cutter Gangs 28 31 all decisive and it is the second ple you spend an evening; with Young JTodaea Convention in Kan- Israelettes, Jutcenies and Junior Rayim K time that Speedy won this award. others you Invest It."—(JTA) » SO 37 sas City. Debs. Rayim M Jabs 17*4 10H BAYng 1 We Goofed ........ 14 13 Rayim is proud to annouce that Oscar Levant: "Some cause hap- AZAHlib Game* and Series the weekend (pent with Lincoln piness wherever they go; others Fred ..Simon, ..121—813; ..Harry AZA 3 was a smashing success. whenever they go."—(JTA) Silver, 207—477; Tom Bernstein, We certainly enjoyed having the Luicotaite* visit us, and Rayim is Harry M. Warner: "Experience 162—463. looking forward to another such is the name men give to their misKirk Douglas: "Eskimos are occasion. takes."— (JTA) God's frozen people."—(JTA) The twelve boys from the Capitol dty arrived Saturday morning, Feb. 13, and after finding fheir temporary homes settled down to rest for the coming event;;. Saturday ninht they were I'lven blind dates and attended he Rayim ValRug & Upholstery entine Party. Highlighting the

Beth Israel News

AZA 1 Sponsors Exhibition Gome

Independents Top YC League Race

United Youth

Y.C. Boys Bowling

the only REAL answer to the


SAFE-WAY Cleaners

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Ag«at J*«lsa Ceamsslty Ctattr I l l M. *«rt.«• — if 1»A<

Ctrmnliot payments M y»«r | n bill


Friday, February 19,

Religious News


Obituary Miss Hilda Ohlin


Fate 8eveav


Gems of

The Council-Littles will enter- New Plaques Added . Bible and Talmud tain the residents of The Dr. Philip Miss Hilda Ohlin, 45, concert Plaques for the following were Sher Jewish Home For Aged— added to the Memorial Tablets a t ' singer and sister of Mrs. J. Harry By OK. PHOJP 8ID5I1 (:4S p. in. CandlellghUnc lime Kulakofsky of Omaha, died Thurs4801 N. 62nd Street. They will The Home: day in a New York hospital after present an all Israeli program. The Mr. Julius Newman; a lon/J lllncvs. Funeral rervices party will start at 3:30 p. m. Sun- Mr. Morris Grossman; TEMPLE ISKAEL By Or. Philip Shawere held in Denver, her former day, Feb. 21. Mrs. Hannah Sollf. At the rcgulnr Sabbath Services home, Monday. Yahrzelt Blkur C'hollm mble Friday evening at 8 o'clock, Kabul Miss Ohlin sang with the ChiMemorial Services will be h e l l The February Birthday Party, Sidney H. Brooks will slu.ru the cago Opera company after winIt is as sport to a fool to do ilebrating the birthdays of eight in The Home Synagogue for the pillpit With Ilobbi Lou If. Silber- ning tho Atwatcr-Kent and Sher- wlcknecs; and so Is wisdom to a following: of pur residents was very success' man, former rubbi of Temple win Williams national audition man of discernment. Mr. Morris Splvak—Adar 22— Israel, whoso sermon topic will be contests, nntl appeared in local A gracious woman obtaincth ful due to the large turnout of February 25th. "Encounter." Jnck W. Marcr will concerts on rx'veral occasions. She honor; and strops; men Obtain friends and relatives of the celeMrs. Ruth Shamls—Adar .2S— brants. The films of former parr s d U the Kiddush and Mrs. Ar-was nlso soloist In New York r i c h e s . ' • • • ' . •'•'." •'. •-'••. ' : • • • ' • February 28th. thur 8. Kulakotsky will bless the temple choirs. . The thoughts of the righteous ties were showed and the crowd Coining Events "• filled the auditorium to watch trie Sabblth Candles. After services Other survivors are two sisters arc right; but the counsels of the program. Pictures of the current The B'nal B'rith Henry Monsky Rabbi and Mrs. Silberman will be Mrs. Harry Rothschild and' Mrsj wicked are deceit. '.'••' party were also taken and will be Lodge Sisterhood Party—Thursday honored by the Temple Sisterhood George evening, February 25th at 7 Hclmllch, both of Los An. IMHI*: . shown at our next birthday affair. at an Oneg Shabbot. geles. Our Rabbis were taught—A man Refreshments, consisting of cake o'clock. . Regular Shabbos morning sicrvmust at all times be yielding like and ice cream, coffee and hot lc*» Will be held at 11:40 a. in. a reed and not unbending like a chocolate were served in the main Beth El Marks United Rabbi Brooks will officiate with Mrs. J. M. Baker eedar tree. It bnco happened that dining room. Gifts were presented student* of the Hebrew DepartServices were held Wednesday, the celebrants. Synagogue Birthday ment Of the Religious School. Kid- Feb. 17 In Denver, Colo., for Mrs. Rabbi Elcazar ben Simeon went to from Gedor where his teacher Radio-Record Player duih' for all present will follow J. M. Baker. Mrs, Baker-died lived, and as ha was leisurely ridMembers of Beth El Synagogus A radio and record player was the services. Tuesday, Feb. IB In Denvter. ing he greatly rejoiced and felt to the Home by Mr. and will celebrate the forty-first birthShe was a former resident of proud because of the knowledge donated day of the United Synagogue of Robert H. Kooper. BETHEL Omaha and moved to Denver he had learned (from his master). Mrs. America, of which they are an afMlnistore Circus Services will be held thin eve- about IS years ago. On .the way be met a man who A group of our Residents visited filiate, at a Sabbath Dinner Friday, ning «t 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. Mrs. Baker is survived by her was horribly ugly. "Peace unto Feb. 18, at 6 p. m. in the Social Kripke will deliver the sermon. husband, Jacob of Denver: two thce, my teacher," said the. latter the eighth floor of the Brandels Members of United Synagogue cons, Philip of Arcadia, Calif., and to nabbl Eleazar, to which Rabbi Department Store last week to Hall of the Synagogue. Mrs. Sam Ban Is general chairYouth will participate in the serv- Albert of Denver; a daughter, Mrs; Elcazar did not respond but mere- inspect the Miniature Circus which lc«. Sheldon llips, president of the William Franklin of New York ly rejoined: "Good for nothing, was on display there. Other similar man of the dinner. She will be group, will explain the USY pro-City; a brother, Sara Novak of are all the people of the town as trips of Interest are planned for assisted by Mrs. Robert Hlmmerthe near future, weather permit- roan, Mrs. Harry Ferenstelo, Mrs. gram. Cantor Aaron I, Edgar and Omaha, and six grandchildren. homely as thou art?" "That I ting. • , Julius Stein, Mrs. George Cohn, th« choir will present the musical, know not," replied the man, "but Jewish Film Shown and Circles No. 3 and 8 of the Sis'• portions of the service. it would be well that thou should terhood. A sneak preview of the Yiddish The Beth El Family Sabbath David Gerber go to the Artisan who formed me Film "Laughter Through Tears" Sabbath services in .the synaDinner will take place- at S p. m. Services were held Sunday, Feb. and say to Him: "How ugly is this was shown at tho Home Tuesday, gogue at 8:15, will follow the dinthe same cvrtilng In the soda) 14, for David Gerber with inter- vessel Thou bast fashioned.'" ner. Members of Beth El's United Feb. 10 at 3 p. n v T h e residents hall. ment at the Pleasant Hill CemeRealizing that he had sinned Sabbath morning services will tery. Mr. Gerber, a longtime resi- against the man, Rabbi Elcazar enjoyed the picture so much that Synagogue Youth Croup will parbegin a t 8:15 o'clock. A Family dent of Omaha, died at his home, dismounted and prostrating him- they asked" for » second showing. ticipate In the service. Sabbath Service at 10:45 a. m Saturday, Feb. 13. self, said: "I have sinner against will be conducted by former Bnos Ho is survived by his wife, thee, foreglvc me, I pray thce." Mitzvah of the congregation. Mia-' Sarah; four sons, Edward, Arthur, But the man refused, saying: "I cha Maarlv services will (tart at Stanley and Eurle, all of Omaha; shall not forgive thee until thou 5:49 p. m. two daughters, Mrs. Jack. Levey shalt go to the Artisan w h o reDally services are htld each and Miss Isabclle Ocrbcr, and ated me and say to Him: 'How week at 7 a. mL and- 7 p. m. The seven grandchildren. ugly Is this vessel Thou hast fash' Sunday morning service Is a 8 ioned.'" a. m. Rabbi Eleazar, however, would Mrs. Tillie Armstrong not leave the man, following him rani ISRAEL • Mrs. Tillie Armstrong, 89, a on foot until they reached the city Rabbi Benjamin Cronr, Cantor resident of Omaha for 72-ycara, where nabbl Eleazar dwelt. Tho inEU Kagan, and the Beth Israel died Saturday night, Feb. 13, in a habitants of the city (being inSynagogue choir will conduct late local hospital. formed of Habbl Eleazar"s arrival) Friday evening services. Sabbath Mrs. Armstrong, born In Ba- came out to greet him saying: morning sendees will be at B:30 varia, was a cosmetics buyer here "Peace be unto thee, our nabbi a. m. Jr. Congregation services at for more than-25 years. and teacher." The ufily man who 9:30 a. m. preceded the Rabbi asked them Rabbi Croncr will conduct tho whom they were addressing an Saturday Talmud class at 5:15 Beth. Israel to Show "Rabbi and teacher." They told p. m. and Saturday Mlnchn will 'Enchanted Forest' him, and he said: "If he Li a Rabbi start at 3:43 p. m.. which will be then may there not bo many like followed by Sholoshe S'cudos and Rabbi Matthew M. Poliaknff, him in Israel." "Why not?" they Maarlv. chairman of the Beth Israel P-TA questioned. He told them of the Dally morning service.", begin at Theater Committee, announced Incident. "Still, forgive him," the 7 a. m. Daily afternoon services that the committee has chosen the community pleaded with the man begin at S p. m. film, "The Eenchanted Forest," to "for he is a great man in the Sunday morning breakfast min- be shown March 20 and 21. "En- study of the Torah." And he said: yan meets at 8:45 a. m. and Is chanted Forest" la recommended "Only for your sake will I forgive followed by Rabbi Grohcr'f Bible to all who appreciate a beautiful him, and on the condition that he jUscussion class. The youngsters of phantasy. The film Is In beautiful shall not act this way again." the Tails and Tcffilin Club begin color, starring, Edmond Lowe and Immediately following this Intheir services at 8:30 a. m. Break- Brcnda Joyce. Included in the cident, Rabbi Elcazar went forth fast is served at the conclusion of cast are animals of the forest in- and preached, "A man should be their services. ' cluding Blacklc the crow, Bruno yielding like a reed, and not unthe dog, Tippy the fox, Mr. Green bending like a cedar tree." the frog and Snoopy the squirrel. It Is an intensely human drama of GBAPES <DP)—Manufacture in mother love, of man's faith and Israel of a new non-alcoholic understanding and the influence of The first meeting of the newly grape drink during the coming formed Jazz Club will take place nature on the life of • child. summer is expected to save the Sunday afternoon March 7, 3:30 In addition to "Enchanted For- country several thousands of dolo'claek in the Center. est" selected short subject!) will lars in foreign currency presently Different styles of jazz and be shown to round out the pro-being expended on the Import of swing will be ntudJod through the gram. Tickets arc Jl.OU for adults sugar and syrups for soft drinks. use of discussions and demonstra- and SO cents for children. "Entions. Films, recordings, and live chanted Forest" will be presented Iou couldn't blame Sergeant Byrd for being excited. music will also be used in these in the social hall of the Beth Israel After weeks in an overseas hospital, he'd just arrived ia meetings. at 8 p. m. and 0:30 p. m. Saturday theV.S.Now,he was trying toreach his wife by telephone. All Youth Council members arc evening, March 20 and nt 0:30 Omaha's Favorite invited to attend. p. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday evening. "Can you find a Mrs. James Byrd in West River? She's March 21. Tickets may be obtained Way to Dins on staying with friends... thfateen-aomethinff Oak Street at the synagogue office, members Lincoln Boy Awarded 1 thfak." Sunday of the F-TA, the Slstcrhod, and students of the Talmud Toruh and Eagle Scout Badge Long Dhtance Operator Frances Green listened sympaBilly Goldman, IS, son of Mr Sunday school. Proceeds of the afthetically to the eager voice. "Ill do my belt," the (aid. fair will go to the Talmud Torah and Mrs. Lester Goldman, of LinQuickly, Mrs. Green called West River police, excoln, was awarded the Eagle Scout Building Fund, Badge at the Troop 2 Court of plained the situation. Anxious to help, a squad car of Honor last week. The Goldman's Samuel Goldwyn: "There arc men soon canvassed Oak Street/located Mrs. Byrd in a n former Omohans and Billy was two times In a man's life when he v the second block. While they waited, the young wife bom here and lived here until shouldn't gamble: when he can't two years ago. l i e Is the grandson afford It, and when he can."— rushed to the telephone. Quietly they left, as they beard "of Joseph Haylcin.. (JTA) ' her cry, "Oh, jimmy^you're really back!"

New Ja« Club To Meet March 7

*Cany&u find n y wife V

Sitttfay Brmeb

'Guess who baked birthday cake!

3 00

S*rr«4 Buffet Stytol All Y«w C M * I * Uil Noon to S p. m.


The story above is true, although names have been 'changed to protect the privacy of the people involved. Quick-thinking Operator Green might be working in your' area—for this incident is but one example of the value of telephone service/and the helpfulness of telephone men and women. To attract and hold people like Frances 'Green who will continue to serve you well, your telephone company must be in «ound financial Jiealth. Good telephone serviceboth local and long distance—is important to you and is worth much more than it coats. NarlhwaUrn Bell Telephone Company


•I s

Friday, February It. 1»5«


B'nai B'riih Bowling

By Llody Paul

Sample Fur Upsets I-Go; Cutting Lead to One Game

Rayim Swimmers Sweep Youth Council Aquatic Meet

A trio of Sample Fur player: In two weeks they will meet the led the assault against Icagui league leaders for what might leading I-Go Van and whittle prove to be the title game. Dan also their lead to one game giving the rcored 12 of his teams 18 points. With Burkhard-Gerelick hold"Movers" their second loss, 28-14 Justin Ravitr, Dave Goldstein ani ii>Q a slim 5-4 halftlme lead against Hires Hoot Beer, Jeff Swartz deRarlm's decisive winning of the pool. Dan's brother, Mike, too) Mike Pcrsell ltd the attack. The last event, • the team relay, put second place with 132 feet, whlli scored nine, cljiht and i;even points cided to do something about i t He dropped In 10 points In the secthem four point* out in front o Jerry Margolin and Maynard Uei respectively. Sample Fur has no defeated I-Go Van twire. Huldin; ond half defeating their opponents AZA No. 1 to win thU year'n for third with 120 feet each. 21-13. The Important win, coua 8-5 haifilmc lead, the Sainpli Youth Council Swimming Meet. Howard Goldstein set a nc This last event was a great race Youth Council record for thi Fur trio began to hit as I-Go wa pled with I-Go Van's loss puts the "Ford" lads one game out of t i n t completely outplayed. Ed Schnci all the way. The two teams were Breastroke event when he wa 1 closely matfhed with Al Corey. clocked in the winning firut placi dor made neven for tho "Movers. place. For their contribution to their team's victories, Dan Hollis Hurkhard-CJerelk!;, hot on tin Mike Soltman and Howard Gold- time in the 40-yard breaststrokc stein on the Rayim relay team and event of 29:60. Howard's closes heels of I-Go Van, slapped a 21-11 and Jeff SwarU are selected M Mike and Marshall Denenberg and competition In this event was hi! loss on Hires Hoot I-Jeer and crep "Stars of the Week." Larry Schwartz on the AZA No teammate Al Corey. Jerry Mar to one game behind league leading League Standing* 1 squact. • golln came In third followed b. "Movers." Little Jeff Swartz dli Mfaur Claasics the most damage as he hit for 1 11-Worth Grill ...„ i7 1 Raylm's Gene Kohn. Individual honors go to Larry W. L. points. Howard Welnberg an _...,-...,™H~i 6 3 Schwartz, holder of many Youth Smith Pontiac AZA No. 1 garnered tho firs1 Chuck Wise were the defenslvi Pacific Fish Mogen-David Wine , 2 • Council swimming records, and three places In the 40-yard back stars as they cornered the re. Paramount M k t . _ 1' 7 winner of three events. Other stel- crawl. Larry Schwartz won th bounds. Stuart Kutler scored ter S. Riekes Sons Venger & Son „ lar performers were Howard Gold- event In the fancy time of 28:7 points for Hires. Bert Appliance ... I-Go Van „ -. « J stein, Jerry Margolin, Al Corey, Marshall Denenberg was second Forbes Bakery -...„ S 8 "Dangerous" Dan Hollis and Burkhard-Gerelick Cliquot Club ,„,„ „ .... 9 1!1 Mike Solzman, Maynard Rosen Mike Denenberg filled in the third 4 4 H 7 2 . Vending ™ - 7 I Marshall Denenberg and Eugene place slot while Gene Kohn, swim "Chubby" Al Konecky met in. a Sample Fur _. 1 7 Wayne Auto „ » 8 ll Kohn. mlng in spite of a pulled muscle scoring duel as Pacific Fish tab- Hires Root Beer Wdget testa pictures a n '•• led with S. nickes. The outcome placed fourth. The winner of the 40-yard freeHigh Game* and Series was a Pacific Fish victory as Dan- hand In the Athletic •fflec Ntsl Dave Dvorkin, S2S; Harry Schul- style event was Larry Schwartz Others participating In this meet ny Sunday will be the Uat.dar that Hollis broke it up in sudden man, 813; Ralph Cooper. 500; Pin In the very good tune of 21:78. were Steve Silver, Larry Epstein. these pictures will btfoblalaabto. Wlntroub, 507; Manny Simon, 509; Howard Goldstein was second fol- Mike Later, Larry Lincoln, Gene death period. In the first half, Dan Mac Slegal, 527 and Irv Gendler, lowed by Al Corey and Jerry DuBoff, David Herzogg, Sheldon was off in his shooting but notched seven points in the secMargolin. 538. Rips, Larry Zacharia, Dick Ein ond half and kept his team on The sldecroke event saw Mar- stein, Sammy Sbukrt, Art Novak game behind 11-Worth GrilL Hoi .. A Division shall Denenberg splash his way and Jerry Rosen. is finished with 12 points while High for the evening was Bud to first place over Sheldon Rips, Konecky got 11 for Rlekes. Wolf with 204—580 followed close- Larry Zacharia and Mike Solzman. Stan Kaiman tossed In 20 points League-leading 11-Worth Grill s i he led bis AZA 1 B team to • ly by Jack Safersteln with 202— Tune for this 40-yard event was put the skids on Mogen-pavid 41-19 win over AZA 100B. Tt* 558. Others were Harry Shukert, 312. . Wine and broke then- two-game 100B team's only win was a win 624; Sandy Kaiser, 200—529; Leo In the finals of the diving comwinning streak b y whipping them over AZA IB team the* fint time Abramson, 503 and Jack Jacob- petition two Rayims teammate 21-8. Once again high scoring J u s - they met Marty Sophlr topped the sen, 202. Maynard Rosen and Al Corey tied tin Ban led the assault The sharp W. for first place honors. Both of Omaha's seventh and eighth shooting sixth grader got 14 points 100 scoring with 10 points. . Belmont Jewelry 18 Rayim C fell before the fourth these, boys, members of the Center graders took a close 34-30 win to lead the attack, as the Winers Greenberg Ins. Agency .... 17 quarter attack of their chief rivals Swim Team, recently won high from a smaller scrappy Fremont could muster no defense to stop Morris Paint -16 8 championship diving honors at the team last Saturday night at the Uaylm 8 and dropped a 35-28 de; cision. With Mike Ban and Bon Pepsi Cola Co - . 18 8 AAU Age Group Diving meet held Jay gymnasium. The Fremont lads him. BTAK OF TOE WEfX Rubin leading the-way. It looked Nebr. Fur. Mart 13 11 at the Omaha Athletic Club. Plae- put up a hard battle but the OmaDsa Hollls for awhile as If tho B team would Crosstown TV 12 12 ng next was AZA No. l's Jerry la lads were not to be denied. Jeff SwarU drop their first game, but the C Grace Mayer Ins. „.—._...„ 11 1 Margolin. Nine players shared in the scoring It was Important basket that team, a bit over anxious to get Lyns Florist . ._..__„_...__ 11 13 The underwater swimming event as Howard Welnberg scored six, 11-Worth Grill - 8 16 was most sensational. Dan Denen- Stu Kutlcr and Justin Ravltxmadc Dan Hollis scored for his Pacific the ball committed 25 touts and GereUck Motor Co. 8 18 berg, who had never swam more five, while Jeff Swartz, Mlko Fish squad as they beat Riekcs the B team converted 19 of their Milder Oil Co. — . . .«• 7 17 than 60 feet underwater previous- Platt and Alan Noddle got four 18-14. The win kept his team one points with free throws. Art Nogame behind It-Worth Grill, and vak and Howard Goldstein led the . Hinky Dinky Stores 7 17 ly, pulled himself 137ft feet e a c h . • / -.. : . : • . • ' • / B learn attack with 14 and 12 Omaha is sending twelve teams through the depths of the Center The sixth grade All-Star team points, respectively. Alto Contrito the Kansas City Tournament. didn't fare* so well. The Fremont buting to the win was the terrific Any man not yet notified of where team avenged an earlier loss at rebounding of "Joroer" Shapiro. be is to bowl or at what time, Fremont as they completely domiplease call Norman Bordy. Also A record of 20 youngsters threw- The tall sophomore o p e r a t e d nated the game and beat the games smoothly under both boards, manverify your hotel reservations. of 100 or more in league Omaha lads 27-14. Scoring honors play. Meanwhile both Bowling aged to score eight points. One for Omaha went to Justin Ban and round of play remains. The Rayim Parkway Dan Hollis as they scored six and Bums and Alley Sluggers scored clinched a Uo, W. L. Leading the Varsity Le.iguc 'by four points respectively. However, victories to remain in first and 13 team has actually SUadlngs Banks Army » 18 8 two games, .Lusty'a baskttb,,ll both games had their exciting mo- second place. W. L. Standings Borsbelm Jewelry -IB 8 squad tangles with SLir Auto next ments and the Jay players are 9 0 W. L. Itayim B Playland Park _._„ .„ 14 10 Thursday in attempt to keep their gaming valuable experiences by 6 3 13 2 Rayim C 14 10 streak Intact. Winner of three- playing opponents of their own Bowling Bums Sol Lewis AZA IB 2 7 Alley Sluggers . ... 12 3 Rlchman Gordman ,_ 13 11 straight, they seem headed for the age. „... 1 f Strikes & Spares ........ II 4 AZA 100 B National Tire .... 13 11 league title. They had little trouHigh Scorers <t Games) Alley Rats „...._..„,„. 10 5 Wolfsoo-Gerber .„ 13 11 ble with Kullers Klowns as' they Ms. » Beer Framcrs „ „..._.._.„ 9 6 Liberty Gai „ 11 13 trounced them 41-19. Kccvee 0 Howard Goldstein (Rayim B) 83 Tough Turkeys ... Prucka Transp.. - 11 13 Kirshenbaurn led the attack with Art Novak (Rayim B) , 79 Lucky Ladles.... ,._ 10 14 11 points and played well under : Phllco Brandels. or Mike Ban (Rayim C) 78 Cutter Boys ... Rlteway TV - 1 11 the boards. Aiding the cause was 7 Dald Widman (AZA IB) 73 Lucky Duckyi Hosen-Novak Ira Trachtenbcrg, slowly rounding 8 James Shapiro (Rayim B) , ,_ e isinto his pre-war status. He scored The Center's Swim.Class boasts Nifty Hitters 71 0 g one of the top notch eight-year- High Hitters Mae Trachtenbarg. 232; Stan six points but rebounded bril- old swimmers in the district Jack Gutter Gerties la liantly. Diamond, 210 and Barney Hoberwho attends swimming Bowling Babes _, 9 A l Clayman hit 20 points as he Glmplc, man, 207. classes regularly, has not only Hep Cats ...__._^. 10 led Star Auto Parts to a close completed High Series the American Red Cross Howard Welnberg was high with 50-42 win over the Collegians. Beginners Course, but is well ad- Eager Beavers .. Barney Hoberman, 552. both'game and series in the com* , Stan Widman pithed in with 16 vanced In the intermediate pro- Bowling Dolls petition at the Music Box last 100 Games to aid the cause. The victory-forces gram as well. Among his other 15 Kelleys «B" Dlr. John Rteke*. 194; Mike platt, Sunday. He fired a 18a opener three-way tie for second place. accomplishments. Jack has an eye W, L. and finished wlh a 149 for a 329 140; Larry Gilinsky, 135; Ed WlnStandings Bennett Furniture... . 17 7 on being a member of the Cen- troub, 129; Doug Platt, 124; Bill series. W. L. ter's Swim Team. Robinson Iron Ic Metal — - IS 8 Vicld Colick was high in tho Horwich, 123; Chuck Wise, 11«; , Mid Plains Insurance ...MHH. 15 , 9 Lusty* ^._.«,......_.._......-^.». 6 3 Jack learned to swim at the Larry Hoberman, 118; Dale Kasln, girls' division wllh games of 143 South Omaha Sun . - 13 11 Star Auto _ _ — _ _ ~ u _ ™ 4 5 Center and holds a Center record 115; Tom Platt, 115; Howard Weln- and 127 for a 270 series. 4 8 Watson Bros. Van Lines . . . 13 11 Collegians _ _ „ „ _ . . Harriet Schloff, a'78 average Kutlcrs ..iM^...HHH.MMHTCM..,H.M 4 5 for Ills age for swimming under- berg. 114; Clark SwarU, 113; Judy bowler, Magi-Color Paint Brandels 13 had games of 130 and 98 water and swimming the greatest Brooluteln, 112; Marc SamueUon, Louis Market . ,. 11 far a 228 series. 09; Louis Rich, 108; Bill Katzman, distance using his legs alone. H. A. Wolf Insurance 10 14 - ' Standings 107; Toni Fellman, 100; Jerry Skxburg Realty 8 18 Schwartz, 102; Howard Slusky, '. W. L, Simons Jewelry., 8 18 102-and Joy Frfeden, 100. O. P. Skaggs "i. 27 li ' Evening Highs Neb. Fur. Mart . _ 23 19 The Women's Swim Class is inK G , Meyer Meyerson ..._ 211 Wolfspn-Gerbcr Auto.... 2 2 £ 15K HIS, Inr Sabes 534 creasing in attendance each week Maypers — 22 18 Boys and Girls Beginners: HTG, Bennett Furniture ....... 757 the Center Swim Director anPlayland Park IS IB T u e s d a y s and Thursdays; HTS, Bennett Furniture, 2,235. nounced. This group meets every Indus. Chemical Co. „.. 18 20 4:15-5:15 p. m. Monday and Friday morning from (New season high.) ..;„...,..„„..„.. 22H 1H 11-Worth Grill „ 1814 22H Boys and Girls Advanced and 0 a. m. to 12 noon. The class is Other IUghs 3ebs Nebs ..„.....„..._...... 21 13 Amcr. Lbr. & Sup. Co. 19 23 Lifesaving: J. Belmont, 184—403; S. Gend- inder Uic Instruction of one of Jllck Chicks .................. 2014 Gamble Robinson Fruit 12tt 20tt Wednesday and Fridays; 4:15Jer, 174—453; W. Eltcon, 177; B. >maha's finest Instructors, Mrs tarlets 19 18 Morris Paint ....„ 1014 27K ' 5:15 p. m. . Fried, 184; J. Wolpa, 195—4S4; B. <Iary Volchek. Three Strikes At a Spare 19 15 High Games and Series Business Women's Class: Here's an opportunity for you Rifkin, J62; I. Sabes, 188—534; B. . . 1 9 15 Howard Welnberg .„. 180-149—329 Monday through Thursdays, Scoreless Fourless Malashock, 175—507; B. Passer, o keep that youthful figure by La Fa Ma Ri 18 18 Clark Swartz 141-138—270 5:15^0:30 p. m. 178—478; D. Wintroub, 170; M larlicipatini; in a well planned lley Cats ...;.....-.„.„..... 18 IS Eddie Wlntroub 144-130—274 Center Women's Class: Sack*, 193—489; Y. Halperin, 102; iquatic program designed for your utlcr Gals ........... 1714 18'A Stuart Kutlcr _... 198-118—274 Monday and Friday, 10 a. m.M. Meyercon, 211—498; N. Seglln, un and enjoyment. If you would Strikes 16 18 Billy Kntiman 140-123—271 12 noon. lko to attend, come on down to 170 and M. Loss, 160. Ml Strikes 14 20 VIckl Colick 143-127—270 Boys Sout Classes: he Center any Monday or Friday Lucky Losers 14 20 Mickey Sacks _„ 142-125—267 Monday or Tuesday, 0:30nomine and register at tho front Lane Lassies 14 20 Jerry Sherman 134-117—251 Ladles Division 7:30 p. m. esk. For further information you Bowling Belles 0 28 Dennis Schulman .... 152- 932-24S Girl Scouts: an call the Center Athletic DeW. L. Five Games Tom Plntt 120-118—242 Wednesday, 0:30-7:30; 7:30Wolf Brothers 42'j 23Vi rartment at JA 1300. 'cvee Bernstein, 3 Strikes & a Florence Shrago .... 120-109—238 . 8:30 p. m. Philips Dcpt. Store 40 32 Spare 170 Dave Wlntroub 129-109—238 Mixed Swims: National Tire 39 33 3arbara Joffe, Starlets 173 [ystlc Beauty Shop .... 32 40 Chuck Wise 121-110—237 T u e s d a y s and Thursdays, 11-Worth Grill 38 34 :iukerts 31 41 Jlalne Jnnger, Slick Chicks .... 107 Maureen Zcvitz 133- 99—232 7:30-9 p. m. Lyn's Florists _. 38 34 Individual HUh Series 3arbara Joffe, Scarlets 105 flan-let Schloff ....... 130- DS—228 Children^' Fun Swim: Omaha Joobinc 37 35 'lorlne Sokolof, Lane Lawie3 104 Tack Lleb Bess Lintzman, 474; Helen Shu„. 131DB—227 Sunday, 3:30-4:30 p. m. Angles Beauty Salon .... 37 35 High Fire Series ert, 470; Mcrrlam Cooperman, Tohn lUckcs 123-102—225 Center Sunday Program: Colony Club - 30 3d inrbara Joffe, Starlets 338 56; Fay Edel, 450 and Evelyn itoward Elucky 123-100—228 Sunday, 2-3:30 p. m. B & S Shoes 36 30 emin, 454. 'evec Bernstein, 3 Strikes it a Hare Samuelson 115-105—220 Postpolio Class: Hamilton Pharmacy .... 35 37 Individual Hlth Game Spare ...: 323 Thursday, 10-11 a. m. Douglas Jewelry ..._ 35 37 'lorlne Sokolof, Lane Lassies 317 Sholcm A-ich: "You can never "Choose your day—swim al RUn Furs .......I. 33<A 38% Fay Edel, 191; Merriam Cooperlan, 180; Helen Shukert, 180 and the Jay." tita Pcltz, Slick Chicks 281 !ct ahead of a person by trying Country Club Grocery 33 39 velyn Temln, 180. ..._..„ bine Jangcr, Slick Chicks .... 281 a get even with him."—(JTA)- • Smith Pontiac ... — 33 39 MaJcrClaaale

Union rrelghtways IS Pioneer Uniforms« 14 ir.iir..n insurance 13 vTflurdrobca •wwtwM^w 13 ftuhklln Ditt. i- • 12 12 11 MofgBros. Impco. 11 l: I-GoVan _-____»... • II Hltfc O t o M a s * Series ' Nott Garan, 827; Phil Katiman, U 7 ; Chuck Gendler, 213; Aaroo sfcrteln, 226; Norm Bordy, 100: Tony Cohn, 2 1 8 - 4 9 8 ; Bob Swartz, 264—574 and Sam Katsnao, 200— SSI.

Kaiman Scores 20 Points for AZA IB

Omaha, Fremont Split Twin BUI

Jr. Sports Bowling

Third Straight Win for JLustys

8-Year-Old Stars As Jay Swimmer

u •n

Women's Swim Class At Center Pool

Swim Schedule

'. C.Girls Bowling

Jr. B. B. Bowling

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