VsLXXXII—No u geconil-u*M MltlllAct•<of CoitT W K A A A U n « . IS *s Inured ^ ^ (jjmn^ Mtunima, writ* ltt» OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 86, 1951
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Federation To Borrow $325,000 For Israel U. S. Communities Pledge 70 Million Miami Beach, Flo (JTA)—Sixty-nine Jewish c o m m u n i t i e s throughout the United States have already pledged the sum of $09,850,000 towards a five-year loan of $75,000,000 to retire short-term indebtedness of the State of Israel and stabilize the country's economy. Dr. Joseph J. Schwartz, executive vice-chairman, announced here at the 1954 National Inaugural Conference of the United Jewish Appeal. ' The conference, attended by 900 community leaders from alt parts of the country, was told by the UJA leader that the loan—first such project ever undertaken by an American philanthropic agency—was in addition to the $119,921,150 goal of the United Jewish Appeal ior'WM. VJA leaden hope to complete the campaign for the loan within the next six weeks to avoid Interference with the regular UJA drive. Mass Influx The extraordinary loan project was proposed by the UJA last December 10 In.New York at a meeting of representative Amerl•can Jewish leaders. They were told that the Jewish Agency had incurred a critical indebtedness arising out of the n u n influx of .750,000 immgrants in tie period -from May 14,1948, when the State was founded, to May, 1053, Taking action on this report, the New York meeting endorsed • proposal to seek a $75,000,000 loan from tho country's Jewish communities to bo amortized over a five-year period at a rate of 20 percent per annum to bo guaranteed out of the receipts of the United Jcwi»h Appeal's fundraising campaigns. The meeting also named a 99-msn organizing committee headed by William Rosenwald, national chairman of the UJA, who led n move to present this plan to local Jewish welfare funds. Belire DebU Dr. Schwartz pointed out that the loan would have the effect of making it possible for the Government of Israel to retire some $75,000,000 In short term debts which now Impose a staggering burden on the new State's economy, , It'was explained that, to make up for the shortage of funds required to carry on its philanthropic work, the Jewish Agency wa» forced to borrow heavily from' the Government of Israel, .and that the Government, in Its turn, incurred sizable debts of a shortterm nature to meet the emergency growing out of the mass lrnmlgratlon. The funds which the Jewish Agency will receive will come to it from the United Israel Appeal, the major constituent agency of the UJA.
Arrangements Completed For Local Bank Loan Arrangements for a $325,000 loan were completed by thft Jewish Philanthropies with a local bank, J. Harry Kulakofsky, President of the Jewish Federation, announced this week. This amount, Mr. Kulakofsky said, represents Omaha Jewish Community'B share toward the nation-wide $75,000,000 loan project for Israel which was undertaken by the United Jewish Appeal. (Sec story at left). Formal Bequest .The formal request for this amount was presented to the Federation at the meeting of its Board of Qovernors held Fcbfruary 3. "Arthur Llveran, mem-
Egypt Threatens UN on Suez Issue
Drinn and Shumaeher
Tarband-Labor Zionist Order WUl Present 'The World Laughs' Tuesday at Center The Farband-Labor Zionist Order will p r e s e n t "Tho World Laughs," a concert program In Yiddish, Hebrew a n d English, Tuesday, March 2, In the Jewish Community Ci-.iter Auditorium, Joseph RadinOwskl, chairman of the Yiddish Cultural Committee, announced. ' The "Farband C a r a v a n " headed by Dzlgan and Shumaeher, renowned artists and humorists, with the famous acting-singing team of Minna Bern and Ben Bonus. Dzlgan and Shumaeher, bom and raised in Poland, have been ranked among tho finest comedians in Europe. They have
'Torment* Film At Center San. The third in the series of foreign films will bo presented at the Center, 8:15 p. m., Sunday. Critics have hailed "Torment" as one of the finest foreign importations In many years, a first rate psychological drama with the fine acting, untempercd suspense and the technique to produce a new experience; "Torment" pretents the realistic study of a young student persecuted by a sadistic teacher and his entanglement in an unusual love affair -with a shop girl. ' • .: The San Francisco New said this film "Is a. new high In cinematic coercion. Never before has it been achieved with such great artistry or such prolonged intensity." • "Torment" won Le Grand Prix Cue Cinema, at the Cannes International Film Festival In
played on the stages of England, Belgium, .France, Israel and Latin A m e r i c a ' .
• „ - . ... '•••:.,...., ...
. : ' : . . \ . •••
The Jerusalem Post says of the pair; "Dzlgan and Shumacher's performances, in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv were a riot of comedy. The brilliant pair had the key to success. They establish Immediate contact with their audience. Their art Is In "wit" derived from the well of Jewish humor." • The program will Include comedy acts, musical selections and a monologue. Sam Blumsteln, the fifth member of the troupe, will be the piano accompanist. Concert tickets are 75 cents and can be purchased at the Center. SAUDI ARABIA THREATENS London (JTA)—Saudi Arabia has threatened to shoot down any planes crossing its territory which previously had landed at an Israel airfield, it was reported here from Cairo. . The report cited a statement by the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Cairo to tho effect that Saudi Arabia had banned flights over her territory by planes which touch down in Israel. Such planes will be forced down by "all means at our disposal" Including shooting the embassy said. The planes would be liable to confiscation and "other penalties" when forced down, the statement added.
Ralph Nogg Tells Women's Groups About Philanthropies Partnership
Explaining how the success or failure of the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign affects overSeries tickets may be purchased seas, national and local agencies at the' Center for $2.00. Individ- in which Omaha women's organual admissions sell for 50c. izations are deeply interested, Ralph .Nogg, Initial Gifts Chairman of the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign, told the story of our partnership In the annual drive of "A Room For Tho Night," written by Bobort Concdclla, the Jewish Philanthropies to a will be presented on the Eternal Light radio program Sunday, meeting of presidents of women's from 11:30 n. m. to 12 noon over WOW-Radlo as part of the organizations, held February 22, national observance of Brotherhood Week, it hat been anat the home of Mrs. Mike Freenounced by the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. man. "A Room For The Night," portrays an event which took placo in Aaronsburg, Pa.—a community which devotes most of "The fact that we did not reach our quota last year," Mr. Nogg its activities to upholding the principles of Brotherhood and said, "resulted in reductions to inter-group understanding. It is tiic story of a citizen of agencies, all fo which are doing Aaronsburg who was put to the test—instead of just talking xtremcly important work. The abstractly about Brotherhood, she was forced to apply theso women of Omaha, who are Interprinciples to a situation in her daily life. ested in the more than 200 causes anil appeals, for which the Jewish "Message of Israel" will be broadcast over KOIl. this SunPhilanthropies makes its annual day morning from 10 to 10:30 o'clock. Rabbi Alexander Segel campaign in the spring, can turn of Congregation of the Honolulu Jewish Community, Hawaii, tho tide. will speak. Broadcasts during tho month of February and "Through their own suppleMarch will originate from cities outside Me continental U. S,, mentary gifts, and by Influencing beginning with visits to Canada and Hawaii. their, husband's Giving, they can malco it possible to rc'vc more "Look Up and Livo" program will be presented Sundayfunds to the cause and institutions n which they arc interested. over KMTV from 0:30 to 10 a. m. The Union of American Women of Omaha have alwayB Hebrew Congregations Is In charge of February programming. been in the forefront of camA variety show beamed .primarily at teenagers, the propaigns, and in 1994 they can help gram is designed to convey a spiritual message weekly. The to increase the campaign funds." Union rotates in the presentation of the series with the NaDisplaying a chart on which tional Council of Churches of Christ and the National Conferwere listed agencies supported by ence of Catholic Men. . . . . . . . . . . the Philanthropies, Mr, Nogg 1947.
On Radio and TV
United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— Egypt's threat to call a meeting of the'signatory powers of the international pact governing administration of the Suez Canal, If the United Nations Security Council rules Egypt's anti-Israel blockade Illegal, was described this week In UN circles as sheer, blackmail, and ineffective at that. (In Washington, Israel Ambassador Abba Ebon called on Assistant Secretary for United Nations Affairs David Key to discus? with him various UN matters including future procedures in cenncction with a discussion in the Security Council of its resolution of September 1, 1B51, concerning the Suez Canal blockade.) The United States was not on< of the signatories of the Constantinople Convention of 1888 which governs administration of the waterway. Czarist Russia was a signatory, but whether the Soviet Union would be invited to such r meeting is questionable. Other signatories to the pact were tho Ottoman Empire, Britain, Germany Austria, Spain, Italy, France, Luxemburg and The Netherlands. In any event, observers here point out, convocation of such r meeting could only take place If three of the signatories joined in calling for it. It is not believed here that Egypt could get any other country to go along with it In such a move. The Egyptian threa' was hinted at by Dr. Mahmouud Azml. Egypt's representative to the : <JN '
demonstrated how every women's* group is benefited from the campaign which makes funds available for their overseas, national or local projects. Present at the meeting were the following representatives: Mrs. Izadore Elcwitz, Beth Israel Sisterhood; Mrs. Phil Kutler, B'nal B'rith Nebraska Chapter No, 346; Mrs. Aaron Epstein, B'nal B'rith Monsky Chapter No. 470; Mrs. Hyman Ferer, Brandcls University; Mrs. Morris M. Franklin, Mrs. Jacob J. Friedman, Mrs. Meyer Rubin and Miss Evelyn Levy, Hadassah-Omaha Chapter; Mrs. Ezra Beldner, Jewish "War Veterans Auxiliary; Mrs. William Epstein, Mizrachi Women; Mrs. Harry A. Stoler, National Council of Jewish Women; Mrs. Jacob Feldman, Pioneer Women; Mrs. Julius Schreiber, Plonccr-Kadimah Chapter; Mrs. Morton Hiller, Temple Israel Sisterhood and Mrs. Harold P. Farbcr, Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs. The personnel of tho Women's Division of the Philanthropies Campaign also present, were: Mrs. Aaron Rips, chairman; Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, Mrs. Max Greenbcrg and Mrs. Harry Huvitz, co-chairmen; Mrs. Mike Freeman, organization chairman; Mrs. Richard Hiller, follow-up chairman; Mrs. Edward E. Brodkey, National UJA Board, and Kalah Franklin, Women's Division Secretary.
ber of the Israel Delegation, to the United Nations, Kalman Goldenberg, member of the United Jewish Appeal Cabinet, and Edward Vajda, Assistant Field Director of the VJA, explained the project and presented s u p p o r t ing evidence for the urgency of this loan. The meeting, at which a large attendance of members was present, voted unanimously to authorize the loan to the amount of $329,000, toward the national project. Subsequently, a special committee consisting of David Blacker, chairman, Harry B. Cohen. Alfred .Mayer, Nathan/ L. Nogg, Harry Sidman, Harry Trustin, and J, Harry Kulakofsky, Jack W. Marcr, nnd Robert H. Kooper, exofficio, was appointed by the president to work out the details, and make arrangements for the loan. The committee reported i t » finding and Its successful negotiations for the loan, which is to be repayable over a period of five years by the United Jewish Appeal, at the meeting of the Tcderation Executive Committee held February 18. The Executive Committee unanimously approved the arrangements and authorized the Committee to comnletc the loan. Support Urged "The grant of thin bank loan to the J e w i s h Philanthropies of Omaha indicates confidence In the Jewish community of Omaha and recognition of Its efforts in restoring peace and economic stability in the State of Israel," J. Harry Kulakofsky said. "One and a half million Jcwi found a haven and a refuse In Israel. During its almost six years Of statehood, Israel has won the admiration of the world for its economic, social, educational and political achievements. Despite threats and efforts to Impede its normal development, Israel has been making tangible and deflnWe progress toward economic independence from year to year. "Every Jew In Omaha has had a share In this historic miracle of the ages, Through the support of the United Jewish Appeal. Omaha Jewry has clayed Its part In making It possible for more than 800,'000 Jews to enter Israel and find a final home there, and helD them to become absorbed In the land. "We are now on the eve of the 1954 Campaign for the United Jewish Aopeal. It is crystal clear that Omnha Jewry must respond with an outpourlne of unprecedented and sacrificial generosity, and give maximum support to the campaign, which will be directed bv Robert H, Kooper as. General Chairman of the Philanthropies Drive," Mr. K u l a k o f s V y coiw eluded.
Orthodox Leaders Acquited in Budapest London (JTA)—Abraham Korv nltzer, leader of Hungarian Orthodox Jewry, has been cleared by a Hungarian court of charges of having committed crimes against the state in relation t» Zionist activity, the World Jewish Congress reported here. Earlier, it had been reported that Dr. Bela Denes and Hcnrili Galos, two Hungarian Zionist leaders, had also been acquitted by a Hungarian State Tribunal ot the same charges. The WJCarti nouncement confirmed this re* port. The trial of the three Jew. ish leaders was secret. ' , ,\,'.' w ,
f reft*
Friday. February 26, 1854
by the Omsk* Jewish FedenHasi •M, Ntteuk*. o*« mtunal Hank a, ISTv HtSnSSuBk lit*.
By David Schwartz Everybody Is in favor of brotherhood. The Democrats are for it and the Republicans are for it. It seems to be something like spinHARRY HALPEBT.. ach. Everybody toys its good, but -Society BdMor MBS. LOUIS PAUL. few want to taste i t Brotherhood would solve tho problem of capital and labor. }t would end war and crime. The great p r e a c h e r , Henry Ward Oar Orthodox extremists who bare been carrying on a camUeecher, was once asked why he paign of vilification against Iiratl because it rejected tbefr always began bis sermons with position on the admittedly debatable issue of conscripting reBrethren" and ignored the sisters. Beechcr replied that the ligions women are rendering • service neither to themselvesbrethren embraced the sisters. nor to the honor of the Jewish community of America by tbeir Brotherhood embraces everyundignified, raucous and riotous conduct. thing, but lacks It sometimes. The The Tight to disagree with Israeli policy is inalienable, as most sanguinary war in American history was not World War 1 or is the right to criticize end even to chastize. Bat where vilifiWorld War II, but the war of cation and slander and abuse become a substitute for critical brothers—the war between two expression, its propoents cannot expect to be met on the level sections of the same country. Cain of respectful debate., slew his brother AbeL Jacob fled from his brother Esau. Joseph was Infallibility is not a Jewish concept, nor is the thesis that sold into slavery by his brethren the end justifies the menus. We do not profess to know what and later all the children of Israel were sold into Egyptian slavery. the "din" is with regard to the problems raised by me Israeli All troubles appear to come from national service law as it affects women. But we do know that the lack of brotherhood—even many prominent and learned rabbis here and abroad whose among brothers. piety is unqucsionablc have taken ft more rational position. It makes a pretty pessimistic picture. If brothers can't behave Those gentlemen claim to be lovers of Zion, bat their acas brothers—what hope can you tions betray their confessions. have for the human race? And yet, I do not believe, the picture is quite as dark as it looks. Consider the Jacob and Esau episode. Jacob flees before Esau and later when he knows be has to MOTHERHOOD WEEK VJA. NATIONAL PARLEY meefhim, he thinks that Esau will JI-21 ^ Miami Beach (JTA)—The sum Jerusalem (JTA)—The Israeli murder him. But what Actually S»M*w«i by Uw No* •"•nci of CnnMom n o of' $12,900,000 was pledged here Cabinet, by a majority decision, .happens? Tbe Bible tells us that for the United Jewish Appeal In has approved proposed budgets for Esau embraced him with the deepcontributions from more than 600 19S4-S9 submitted by Finance est' affection. And the same thing top Jewish community leaden at Minister Levl Eshkol providing happened in the case of Joseph Orthodox Women the doting session of. the three- for 370,000,000 pounds of ordinary and his brethren. When his brothday UJA national conference e x p e n d i t u r e and 200,000.000 ers come to Egypt, Joseph is the Service May Be Eased man of power—the which marked the official open- pounds for development purposes. Prime Mining of tho UJA campaign (or The approval was limited to the Jerusalem (JTA)—Premier ister. And the strong man, Joseph, 19S4. Many of Uus contributions total amounts and details contain- A return engagement of the Al- Moshe Sharett is prepared to air whom they had sold into slavery* represented substantial Increaies ed in the proposal* may be sub- beneri Trio, who played here for levlato conditions ot service for breaks, down and weeps, ever gilts made a year ago at a ject to considerable revision at a Tuesday Musical audience in Orthodox women drafted for nonIf somehow Abel, whom Cain similar campaign launching. national duty, he indicatmeetings of the cabinet commit April, IMS, will mark the final military in a letter to Chief Rabbi Isaac had slain, could have come to life tee on finance and economics and concert of the series this year ed Herzog, which was made public a few years later. It Is very probCAPITAL PUNISHMENT by the next full meeting of the Tuesday, March 2, at 8:30 p. m here this week. He made similar able that the two would have cmJerusalem (JTA)—Tho Israel cabinet at Central High School Auditor- statements in a conference with raced each other. For the fundaParliament abolished the death The budget is expected to meet ium. The Trio is truly internationfact Is that bate is largely penalty for the crime of murder. with strong opposition, particu- al, combining, ns it docs the talents Rabbi I. M. Levin, Agudas Israel mental leader and member of the Knesset jealousy and that is a form of adThe vote wan 61 to 3J, with two larly from the General Zionists of Eric Itor Kahn, pianist, born in or love.-'Certainly, tho The regulations governing Im- miration abstention*. who are pressing. for reductions. Germany, the Italian violinist Gitorn of hate has a component of , Toe bill does not affect capital The General Zionists, second orgio Ciompl, and the Russian- plementation of the national serv- somewhat similar molecular strucice law for Orthodox women wore punishment for crimes cotnxnil- largest party in the Government bom cellist, Bcnar Hcifctz. * ready last week, both were held ture to the atom of love. tee by the Nazis or in complicity coalition, want an overall IS per The trouble was that Adam up by a request from the Premier with the Nazis. The death pencent. cut in Government expen- Prof. Samuels to Speak for rvconsl'lerutinn. According didn't rake Cain right Somehow alty for certain crimes under mili- dltures. to tho letter to Chief Rabbi Hcr- Cain was jealous of Abel. He pretary law and lot crimes against zog, the Orthodox young women sented a sacrifice and Abel prethe state will remain In effect ' The Progressives, who arc also To Pre-School Parents will not be required to stay away sented a sacrifice and the sacrifice until separate measures are adopt- members of the coalition, are culled to do away with capital pun- ing for "qualified" cuts in t h e Professor Julius Samuels of the from home ever night In the ot Abel was esteemed the better. budget They Insist that the ap- Graduate School ot Social Work case of women who chose service Probably before that time Adam ishment in these specific .cases. propriations for health and edu- at the University of Nebraska will in agricultural settlements, they had shown bis preference and cation be left untouched but say lead n discussion with parents of will be assigned to religious set- greater approval for Abe). Long AKAB ACCOUNTS that a reduction In the develop- pre-school children entitled "Dad- tlements. Requests for exemp- before Freud, a sage ot the TalUnited Nations, K. V. (JTA)— Are An Asset Too," Mrs. Paul tions from service on conscienti- mud pointing to the similar story Member* of the United Nations ment budget cannot be avoided. dies The Progressives also urge desig- Grossman head of the Center's ous grounds will be "Interpreted of Jacob and Joseph said that Conciliation C o m m i s a Ion for Pre-Schopl Committee announced liberally" the letter said. parents must not snow special nation of a permanent investigatPalestine met with Mordecal Xidmeeting will be the fourth In A spokesman for the Agudas favoritism for one child and: atron, deputy representative of ing body to maintain efficiency of This a series of monthly programs put tributed the. enslavement of the all government branches. Israel aid that the Orthodox parIsrael to the VH, to discuss the ty would not appeal to the United people of Israel to the favoritism release of all Arab refugees ac- The draft budgets do not pro- on by the Parents Committee. which Jacob showed for Joseph. Prof, Samuel* will discuss the Nations on this dispute. The counts frozen in Israel regard vide for new salary increases. Mr. EsXhol declared that the 20 point relationship between the pre- spokesman said Out the dispute The approach to the problem of less of the size of the account Child and his of her father. would be settled among the Jews increasing the spirit ot brotherLast year, following agreement increase in the cost 6f living over schoolquestion has come up many and no appeal will be made to hood roust largely. It would seem. between Israel and the Concilia- Me past year, comparing to i t for This times previously under different the outside world. the previous year, did not conHe in.tbe domain of psychology. tion Commission Israel unilatergrounds for' further in- topics and has therefore been sinSpeeches urging more brotherhood, ally released refugee accounts up stitute creases. gled out by the group far closer I am afraid, wilt accomplish litUa; to a .certain figure. For this sum The discussion will be held I found, early In my career as a the amount of 1,000,000 pounds The Government was also re- study. at the Center Wednesday, March cub reporter, that I could gain the sterling was set aside, but some- ported planning to tighten up tax 3, at 8:15 p. m. Fathers are parHoward Goldstein of the Cen- brotherhood of man by borromtng what less than that figure has collections by increasing punishter's Swim Team, traveled to money from him. It was on a keen paid out up to now. Pay- ment for convicted tax-dodgers to ticularly urged to attend. Refreshments will be served. Lincoln last Saturday afternoon Texas dally. I had just gotten the ment is made upon certification five years In prison and a 5,000 to compete in the State High job and was financially cmbarof appUctions by owners of the pound fine. School Swimming Meet Howard rased, The editor of the paper, Iroxen accounts. 'iano Pupils to Hold entered the breasKtroko and team when he hired me, had pointed medley event for Omaha Central out a certain member of the staff Recital at Center SCULPTOR KNIGHTED High School. Howard, a sopho- to me as an arrant anti-Semite London <JTA)-^Jaeob Epstein, The piano recital by pupils of more, failed to place in the breast- and had warned me that It would American-bom British sculptor 'rofessor Hans Baer. director of stroke event, however, his team be best to steer clear of him. Bewaa knighted by Queen Mother the Center Piano Studio, will take placed in the medley reiny. Among ing of an experimental nature, I Elizabeth in a ceremony at Buckingham Halt Sir Jacob was Jerusalem (JTA)—The Israel ilnce Sunday, March 7 at 3:15 Howard's swimming accomplish- thought I would try him for a named by Queen Elizabeth II on Government filed three new com- p. m. in the Jewish Community ments this tcason are winning touch." Sure enough, ho lent m» her New Year's Day honor list plaints with the Jordan-Israel Center Auditorium. The follow- two events in the Youth Council the money ond we became the Mixed A r m i s t i c e Commission ing pupils will perform: Benja- Swim Meet and aiding his team warmest friends. The psychology this yeas. charging crimes committed on min Abrnmson, Rene Asch, Paula on to the championship by swim- of It was entirely sound. We only Israel soil by Arab infiltrees from Block, Carolyn Dolgoff, Betty ming the brcaststroke lap in the try to borrow money from friends Jordan. Erman, Frances Erman, Gaylc team relay. Howard is to be ca- and by approaching bim for a In one case, Arab maraudeir Feldman, Karen Torbes, Hclenc tered this coming month in the loan, I showed him In the most Franklin, Arliss Goodman, Donna AA.U Midwestern Open Cham- emphatic way that I regarded him crossed the frontier and ambushed Vienna (JTA)—The AuUriar and killed the watchman of a Jew- Kalman, Marilyn Kaplan, Saul pionships to be held at Boy3 an such. Government, through mediators ish village near Jerusalem. The Kripke, Nancy Marshall, Shirley Town. At this meet champions has indiccrtly approached world slain man was the father of eight Schiff, David Switf, and Teresa will gather from sections of the It doesn't, however, always Jewish organl?.ations with pro- children. A, United Nations truce Tinmpo. nation, with the men's and wom- work. Recently I borrowed money posals aimed at re-openinj! nego- officer was summoned to investifrom a bank and the president of •n's diving champions on hand The public is invited. tiations for settlement of Jewish gate the incident. o show their form. Other team the bank has not yet invited me claims agninst Austria, it was members of the Center Swim to his home. In another incident in the same Betfi Israel Schools learned here. Tho nesotialloa' rca, Squad will be entered. Israeli patrols repelled an were broken off last autumn when invading POST (IIP)—The Iu-atU MinisArab band which fled the Au-strian Government took the back across the Jordanian frontier To Hold Open House Keva Shykcn, who less than two ter of Posts, Ynscf Burg, on» Sam Kaplan, President of the month* ago didn't know how to nounced position that it could not mnkc carrying its wounded iwth it. several improvements in Beth Israel P-TA onounced that any payment for Iitirlt^a Jewish passed his beginners and in- the country's poj.tal services which In tho South, infiltrees from the the Annual Open House meeting float, property. lermediatc tests this week. Keva are to be put into effect early this Egyptian-held Gaza stirp, raided take place Tuesday, March shows great promise of dcvelop- year. The delivery ot parcels to The government is now reported in tho vicinity of the Israeli vil- will at 7 p. m. ng Into a fine and fast swimmer, omes and the installation of au> to be ready to offer a payment on lage of Dorot and stole 300 heat1 4 The meeting will be held in lis form is excellent and his ubiliomatic machines for the Bale of account of this hclrlcrs Jewish il sheep. The shepherd was tied the Social Hall. The work of ty improving with each lesson. stamps nre among the many new property. If the Austrian offer jp and held prisoner in a cave for children of the Religious Keva is now looking forward to services to be Introduced in nddlprovides a basis /or discussion, in- several hours but later was re- the school and youth groups will be the day that he will be able to to the planned expansion of formed sources here ace no im- leased unhurt. on display. Talmud Torah and lass hi3 lifesaving test Among tlon the telephone network. Tho young pediment to the rc-openlng of U n i t e d Nations investigatorr school teachers will be on leva's other accomplishments are s telecommunication* a r e negotiations. The Jewish organiza- raced the thieves to the demarca- Sunday hand to discuss the. progress of being able to swim underwater for state ust one of the of essential tions have asked Austria for pay- Jon line and Israel has filed a the children with the parents. long distances and the passing of lubllc services dozens whose expansion ment of $11,500,000 for helrlesf lemand for the return of the live- The meeting will be over at aphis" first class scout swimming Jewish property. : being helped by Israel Bond inlock. proximately 8:30 p. m. lest. vestment*.
Campaign of Vilification
Global Report
Israeli Cabinet Approves Budgets
Aiberneri Trio at Central Tuesday
Jay Swim Stars
Border Incidents Continue in Israel
Austria May Reopen Reparation Talks
Fitter, February M. 1»81
JNF Director Visits Omaha
150 BB Members At Planning Meet
Face Three
Community Calendar
;; jJWV Will Elect Officers March 18
Friday, Feb. l» Pre-School—9:00 a. m.—Center. Over 150 D'nai B'rith workers Saturday, Feb. 27 Commander Nate Marcus of the attended the organizational meetA. Z. A. No. 1 I«o N. Levi Fund-raising affair—8:00 p. m— Epstein - Morgan P o s t No. 260, Dr. Zcev Kogun, executive direc- Ing last Sunday making plans for Center. JiTV, has received a commendator of the Uidwc.it Region of the the JJ'nai B'rltli Centennial JamBundsy. Feb. 2S tion from Seymour S. Welsman, Jewish National Fund, is visiting boree. Children's Program—2:00 p. m.—Center. National Director of Program and Omaha on behalf of the Fund. Dr. Chairman Sol Dulgoff, distribForeign Films Series—8:00 p. m.—Center. Administration of JWV of USA, Kogun, a native of Israel, pointed uted tickets fur the uffair to be for Purlm Gifts for Israel; doYoung Adult Lounge Night—8:00 p. m.—Center. to the need for funds in Israel. held March 14 in the Jewish Comnated by the local post and ladies Monday, March 1 This is his second trip to the VS. munity Center. auxiliary. The g i f t s will be Pre-Scbool—9:00 a. m.—Center. Me has studied at Yale and ColumMrs. Ezra IWldncr, chairwoman Temple Sisterhood Luncheon—1:00 p. m.-^Highland Town Club. shipped to Israel d u r i n g this bia and In addition to his work for of the food committee, requested month. the Jewish National Fund is doing that home-made foods such as Workmen's Loan—7:30 p. m.—Center, Zd Beldner, nominating chairgraduate work at an university. pickles. Jellies, homentashen, struFolk Dance Group—6:30 p. m.—Center. man, p r e s e n t e d the following Tuesday, March 2 Dr. Kogan said that he will dcl, t a g 1 a c h, fudge, candies, named men to lead Epstein-Mor(peak Monday, March 1, at 8 p. m. cookies und cake, be made for Beth Israel Sisterhood Luncheon and Book Review—1:00 p. m. gan Post No. 260 for the next at the home of Mrs. M. F. Levin- :;alc at the food booth. They are —Beth Israel. year: Abe S. Miller, Commander; ion, 4819 Farnam St., urrjnj; that to be turned in at the food booth Junior Hada&sah Purlm Meeting—7:30 p. in—Center. William Abrahams, Sr. Vice-Comfunds be raised for vital Israel nt the Center on the morning of Yiddish Cultural Series—8:00 p. m—Center. mander; Marvin Kaplan, Jr. Viceprojects. This help, he continued, March 14. For further information Pioneer Women—8:00 p. m.—Center. Commander; Paul Crounse, Judge is not to support the old estab- contact Mrs. Bcldner at GL 7202, Planning Trip to Europe—8:00 p. m.—Center, Advocate; and Dr. Morris Roitlished population, but to help the or co-chalrwomen, Mrs. H a r r y •tein, Post Surgeon. Tuesday Musical—8:30 p. m.—Central High School. support the influx of immigrants. Kidman, AT 3033 or JA 1018: or Additional nominations from the Wednesday, March I Dr. Kogan stated that a minimum Mrs. Max Sacks, AT 0602. i- floor will be accepted at the Pre-School—9.00 a. m.—Center. of $3,000 is required to make a Mrs. neldner asked that any March meeting. The election of Oil Painting Class—1:00 p. m Center. refugee self-supporting;. The bur- members who keep Kosher kitchofficers will take place ImmediBeth El Sisterhood Board—1:00 p. m.—Beth JD. den of helping the refunds has ens and have an electric roaster ately after the nominations are Ceramics—1:00 p. m.—Center. been thrown on the government of or plate that could be used Sunclosed at the meeting to be held IsracL Israel has reduced her dny, March 14, to please' contact Evening Ceramics Class—7:30 p. m.—Center. Thursday, March 18, at 8 p. m. la standard of living to meet the her. Any n'nai B'rith members Highland Men's Stag—7:00 p. m.—Highland Town Club, Jewish Community Center. need* of the new immigrant.';, he that would like to assist through Beth Israel Board Meeting—8:00 p. nu—Beth Israel, Erjstcln-Margan Post No. M0, reported. Capital that wns to lie the means of supplying such items Jewish War Veterans and Auxiliary Board Meetings—8:00 p. m JWV, will participate in Preused for bunding the nation had as mustard, bun3, kosher meats, —Homes, Purim Friday night services at to be invested for food and care paper plates, etc., please contact Thursday, March 4 Beth I s r a e l Synagogue, Friday of the refugees. Dr. Kogan went one of the Fo<id Chairwomen. Bridge Class—8:00 p. in.—Center.' evening, March 12. The Ladles on to say. Mrs. Sam Polluk, chairwoman Beth Israel PTA Meeting—8:30 p. m.—Beth IsracL Auxiliary will serve refreshments There are just two centers of of the ticket committee, said that in the social hall after the servJewry left, he stated, and they amonu the several door prizes to The public Is cordially in* Elmer Bice: "It takes dozens of ices. are the west and Israel. Israel be offered nt the B'nal B'rith Cenvlted. pages to write a historical play, will always stand as refuge for tennial Jamboree March 14, will Unwanted Jew. Dr. Kogan rcitcr- be a five day vacation for two at but only two sheet* to make a Max Shulman: "Some HollyOakton Manor Resort at Pewsu•led. wood parties are formal; at other* Dr. Victor Levlnc addressed the bedroom farce."—(JTA) Addressing himself to specific Jcee, Wls. This priic is being made monthly meeting of the Beth you wear your own clothes. — project! of JNF, he mentioned the possible through the generosity of Israel Mens Club, Thursday, Feb. (JTA) Patronize. Our Advertisers. draining of the Huleb swamps. the Shlnderman management The 18. His talk dealt with the peoThis project If now entering Its lucky winner will receive five fun ple o{ the north, and the history second phase—running pipelines filled days of sports, entertain- of the development of the arctic from the marshes draining off ment, relaxation and food. regions, their effect on the last the excess waters/The first phnse Mrs. Sol Dolgotf and Mr. Nate war and the possible importances wai diverting the Jordan River Turner, co-chairmen of the Ad- of the area In any future war. SO that it would not drain into book Committee, urged all those The next regularly scheduled the swamp* The cost is esti- holding ads to turn them in at meeting will be held March 23 mated at «8.000,00. About 12,500 once. The Souvenir Booklet for and will have as guest speaker acres will be reclaimed and an the Jamboree, will go to press Detective Inspector Green of the additional 50,000 acres will be Monday. March 1, and all ads and Omaha Police Force. The annual irrigated by the water drained material must be turned In by election of officers will also be from the marshes. The reclaimed that time. held at the March meeting. land will be used for food production. Peat has been discov- Understanding Asked ered under the marches which BB Member Runs in food-short Israel can be used for he.it and fertil- For Common Effort fill their Seder plate izers. New York <JTA)—A "clear un- For Hastings Office Max D. Prostok of Hnsttngs, Another project of JNF, Dr. derstanding" between Zionists and with the food we take for granted Kogan stated, is buying land in non-Zionists whereby they work Nebr., Is a candidate for city . . . send Gift Scrip for Israel. Land is bought from the together as a single body In all1 counicl in Hastings in the elecgovernment, who. Dr. Kojr.in said, areas of agreement but respec tions to be held there April 0. $IO.$l5,*2O,$25and$5O cannot afford to j'.lve the land each other's work and opinion ir This la Prostok's first attempt nt ... or Parcel Certificates away. Land is also purchased areas of dissent, was urged horr public office. He Is a native of from Arab refugee?! and land own- by Dr. Nahum Goldmann, chair- Sioux City, In., and came to Hast$11.50, $15.50, $20.50, $25.50 ing institutions in Israel, he con- man of the Jewish Agency execu- ings in 10,48. He was graduated Strictly Kosher tinued, tive. He Epoke at a "brunch" ar- from Tecli High In Omaha and Other JNF developments in- ranged In his honor by the Man- the University of Nebraska. He Is a member of B'nni B'rith's clude frontier agricultural settle- hattan Zionist Region of the ZionCentral Nebraska Lodge No. 1815 ment*, irrigation and reforesta- ist Organization of America. tion. Since the formation of the "In the common framework and is a past president of the State, 330 new scUcmcnts have Zionists are obligated to provide lodge. Mr. Prostok is third vicebeen formed. Dr. Kogan stated, the inspiration and leadership by president of Southwest Regional and 25 milllo ntrcca have been manifesting vigor and dynamism Council of B'nal D'rlth. He is acplanted by JNF. thus achieving respect," Dr. Gold- tive in local civic affairs. JNF has adopted a budget of mann said. "Zionism is a world21 tt million, of which 17 ft mil- wide movement for the preservalion will be raised in VS., he tion of the Jews. It must guard f o w total Strvfc* tor foratf Agency; Amsterdam (JTA)—The City of stressed. Dr. Kogan a "sabra," against any future alienation of is a lawyer in Israel, and plans Israelis from Jews abroad and Amsterdam has purchased an 18th to return after completing his alienation of Jews abroad from century synagogue from the Ashkenarl Jewish community here for studies here.. Israel." the equivalent of $21,000. The Mrs. M. F. Levlnson is president building is located in the former of Jewish National Fund Council ghetto district If the city, will be AT 0340 of Omaha and Mrs. J. II. Kulakof- ist Council, has cooperated with 1307 toward St. used as a museum. slgr, president of the Omaha ZIon- the group in their projects.
BI Men's Club To Meet March 25
Synagogue Museum
Beth Israel 'Hard Times Dance* Your last chance
for a P R I I 10% bonus
As a gesture of sincere thanks for your loysl patronage, SCRIP T O ISRAEL IS OFFERING A ffREE 1 0 % BONUS on all foods purchased by your recipients in Israel through Scrip to Israel Gift certificates. Send a Scrip to Israel certificate for *5, $10, 815, $20 or $25 today. Your recipicnls will enjoy sumptuous Passover
meals and also get 10% more of the finest GLAT KOSHER FOR P A S S O V E R FOODS F R E E . r « H 1 0 % BONUS SCRIPS can be purchased NOW at our main office or at any of our official agencies bearing the Scrip to Israel Seal $£ located throughout the world. -jr
uo wtn snh nun NfW YOtK, N. V. C0 54MQ • J U M W f
Mr. and Mr». Milton Belzer are shown modeling their costumes , thej will wear at the Beth Israel Men's Club "Hard Times Dance" la-be held March 12 at the Beth Israel Social Ihll. This will be the tint in a series of three dances sponsored br the club. Tickets may be obtained at the synafqgne of (lee or by calling 8Un Diamond, V?A S855.
Local Agent — Jewish Community Center 1Q1 N. 20th St. — Call JA I860
February M. 1(54
Women's Clubs Mrs. Al Oruch Named Prexy In RedCross Drive Mrs. Alfred Sophir and Mrs. Manuel Krupinsky, chairman and co-chairman respectively, met with tiie captains of Ward 9 of the a n n u a l Red Cross drive through the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs Thursday, In the home of Mrs, Sophir. The captains received their instructions and materials for the drive which will begin March 1. Those serving as Red Cross volunteer workers and captains include: Mrs. Julius Abrahamson, captain; Mmes. Louis Canar, Sam Cohen, Dan .Llntzman, Max Moskovitz, Abe Roffman, Sam Rothenberg and Albert Wohlner. Mrs. Abe Bear, captain; Mmes. David Brodkey, Max Canar, Dave Epstein, Robert Fcinberg, Bruce Greenberg, Sidney Hollis, Meyer Rubin, Win. Sokoloff, and Leo W e l t * - .
Pictured mbore are Bin. Albert Gaer and Bin. Max Matt, Ship a Box Co-chairmen for the Omaha Section. National Council wt Jewbh Women.
Local Council Women Send 'Ship a Box* Parcels Abroad Council women purchase, pack and ship nursery supplies and toys to Israel for distribution among nurseries aided by the National Council of Jewish Women. Nurseries aided are as distant ax Africa and Asia. Members of the local group also contribute clothing and articles of their own to be used In the Ship. A Box project Following is an exerpt of a letter that expressed gratitude showta to our own Omaha Section for one box recently received In Israel: ". . . When I began my work here, half a year ago, I got ar empty room in an old deserted Arabic cottage and had no materials for my work . . . Friendf helped me to fabricate self-made toys . , . With your rich present for our children you have mode happy not only all the beloved children but also me, the nurse for them." •
To furnish monies for this project and others of equal worth, the Omaha Section it planning their annual fund raising supper dance to be held tomorrow night at the Blackstone Hotel. Mai Sunn'* orchestra will play from 9:30 to 12 JO p. m.'The following women and men have been named as aider to arrangements chairmen, Mrs Richard Hlller and Mrs. Richard Seltncr. They include: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Z. Rosen, Mlllard Rosenberg, Louis Katz, Stanley Fisk, Seymour Katz, Alfred S Mayer, Isadore Weincr, Edward E Brodkey, Harold Chcrniock, Stanley Slosburg, Alfred Fiedler Leonard Kulakofsky, Dr. and Mrs Morris Pepper and Mmes. LJoyt' Bank, Jerold Rosen, David Beber and Edward Lcvlnson. Mrs. I. M Libcrman Is in charge of publicity.
Hadassah to Mark Diabetes Group Youth Anniversary To Meet Tuesday New York (JTA)— rladasiah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America, •will open a six-week nationwide celebration February 19 to mark the 20th anniversary of Youth Aliyah, the worldwide child rescue and rehabilitation service which has brought 62,000 homeless Jewish children to Israel from Europe, North Africa and the Middle East since 1034. The celebration will opeiron The same date on which the first 43 children from Germany arrived in Palestine in 1934, and will close on April 4, which has been, proclaimed World Jewish Child's Day. The evening of Friday, February 10, and the morning of Saturday, Fcbruay 20, have been proclaimed
. ' . •
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Mis* Fannie Grodinsky, captain*. Mmes. Sam Ban, Joe Bernstein, Fred Brodkey. Harry Ferensteln, Sam Green, Ben Newman, Maurice Newman, M. H. Pessen and Nathan Turner, Mrs. Leonard Kranse and Mrs. William Kalman, captains; Mmes. Milton Abrahams, Harry Altsuler, Edward D. Brodkey, Morris Fellman; Stanley Fisk, Wm. Fogel J. M. Horwich, Lazier JCavlch, Jules Shapiro, George Spttzer, Bcrnhardt Wolf and SamZacharla. Mrs. Max Pirch, captain; Mmes. Louis Albert, Ezra Beldner, Milton Margolin, Nate Marcus, Abe Miller, Wm. Raduziner, Jack Saylan, Ed Simon, Julius Stem and Abe Veneer. Mrs. Charles Scudder, captain; Mmes, David Bieicher, Oscar Diamond, Irvine Forbes, D. Gross, Yale Hnlperin, Sam Kohn, Nathan Kraft, N. Marcus, Albert Oruch and Leo Taub. Mrs. Charles Stern, captain; Mmes. Aaron Epstein, Betty Fisher, Max Frank', Julia Jacobs. Max Krizelman, Carl Lagman, Harry Schulman, Harry Smith, Sidney Znelmer und Miss Evelyn Levy. Mrs. William Wolfson, captain; Mmes. Sam Eerman, Ralph Binlamow, Harold Bloom, I. Elewitz, Sidney Feldman, Nathan Gitnlck, Sidney Goldberg, Dan Gordrnan, Barney Gray, -Max Greenfield, Julius Hornsteln, Sam Kalman, Nathan Kaplan, I.. J. Kraft, Ben Lcfitz, -.-<Arthur Parilman, Mclvin Tcpper, Dan Wine and Sam Swel-
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Stoler announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Stuart, this Friday evening and Saturday morning in the Beth Israel Synagogue. All members of the family and friends are Invited to attend. Receptions will be held in the social hail after both cervices.
;To Start Third Session
Registration for the third .BCSMr. and Mrs. William J. Pcirr, are leaving for Norfolk, Nubr., | • mn of "Sundays at the Center" 1 where Mr. ReKs will complete his internship in Psychology. viH be held during the week on Mr..-fid's w.is the director of M i n e t.t the Jewish Community March 1, ending 1 p. m. Sunday, Center and Temple Israel. \ March 7. The first meeting is , 'ichduled for 2 p, m. Sunday, Lieutenant Jack Katz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Katz, will March 7. If a child was not in leave this week to serve with the United States Air Force. attendance during the fJrut or second session he must be accompanied by a parent in order t6 register. ' H o m e o n furlough is Lieutenant Ed. Belgrade, s o n of Mr. and Ed Wynri: "Girls nowadays put Mrs.- M a x Belgrade. Lieutenant Belgrade w a s stationed i n C h e y up a good front or bust,"—(JTA) enne, W y o . ••"• v'-' ".'•'••'' • " ••" • • • ' ' . • • : '
• ;•
G a m e '
• • •
West Rogers Park, Chicago 1,022 North Shore, Chicago .......... 1,005 Henry Monsky "Diamonds" Omaha „... 997 CLASS "A" Scratch Series Sylvia Ablin, Chicago 505 Rose Oruch, Omaha .............. 487 Handicap Series Sclma Saffron, Chicago 621 Sue Greenberg, Omaha 017 Jean Patchanlk, Chicago .... 017
Mrs. Albert Orich Scratch Game Shirley Roberts, Chicago .... 200 Sylvia Arbit, Chicago 193 Handicap Game Carole Lcvlnc, Chicago 244 Bcbc Epstein, Chicago 244 father Goldblatt, Chicago .... 230 Scratch All-EvenU Rac Wintroub, Omaha 847 Jean Pltoway, Chicago 092 Handicap AU-EvenU Elaiiie Kaylan, Chicago 1,255 Lfbby Sachs, Omaha 1,225 CLASS "B" Scratch Scries Ida Sacks, Omaha 434 Marge Scruff, Chicago 414 IfeBdlcap Series . Lee Gorellck, Omaha 611 Esther Strizak, Omaha 611 Scratch Game Mickey Katzman, Omaha ..,. 173 Ann Belson, Chicago 165 A check was presented to the Omaha B'nai B'rith Women Bowlers by the members and friends of the "Highland Park Suburban . B'nal B'rith Women's Bowling League" of Chicago, whose President is Sidna Rothschild. This cheek was designated to be used at- Boys Town and was Riven in return for the gracious hospitality shown by the Omaha Bowlers.
Bar Mifzvalr
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Goodman announce the birth of a son, Michael Richard, born February 21 in a local hospital. The couple have another son, Bruce Wayne. Maternal grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Earl Slescl and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Goodman. Maternal greatgrandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nystrom and paternal greatLawrence Joel Hobcrman, r,on grandpaients arc Mr. and Mrs. Jake Kaplan and Mr. Jake Singer. of Mr. and Mrs. David Hoberman, Mrs. Goodman is the former Dolores Sicgcl. will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah this and Saturday morning at A son, Michael Howard, was born February 15 to Lieutenant evening Beth El Synagogue. Friends and and Mrs. Jerry Jtoutman of Birmingham, Ala. relatives are Invited to attend the Maternnl grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brick, formerly ceremonies. ef Omaha and now of Birmingham, and paternal grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Julius Routman of Birmingham. ; 'Sundays at the Center' Mrs. Routman us the former Rita Joy Brick oi Omr,ha.
An eventful wec-k-i'nd of Hit Sixth Annual District No. 0 B'na; B'rith Bowling Tournament was climaxed with a banquet where Mrs. Al Qruch of Omaha was installed as president of the District Bowling Association by the outgoing president Sylvia Ablin of Chicago. Other officers installed includedFreda Strauss, vice-president of Chicago; Florence Karabenek, recording secretary of Detroit; Rosalyn Schloffman, corrcspondinr secretary of Milwaukee, and Rac Davis, treasurer of St. Paul. Phyllis Dworsky led-in the .'.inning of The Star Spangled Banner and was accompanied by Liberty Falcr. The Invocation and Benediction was given by Bess Pnllak Of Omaha, who Is a member of general committee of Women'i District Grand Lodge No. fl. GertieZevltz, president of the Omaha Bowling Association, greeted the assembly and presented Ida Sacks tournament chairman witli a beautiful wrist watch. The "District Traveling Trophy" was presented by Helen Schaps of Chicago, whe is the District No. 0 Bowling choirman. Ann Epstein of Omaha and president of the Henry Monsky Chapter, was also in attendance Trophies were presented by LaRelne LeVine and door prizcr, were awarded by Evelyn Hobcrman. Ida Sacks, general tournament chairman, presided. TOURNAMENT RESULTS ! Series Jackson Park, Chicago ........ 2,91? West Rogers Park, Chicago 2,890 Albany park, Chicago 2,883
The Greater Omaha Lay Section of the West Central Diabetes Association cordially i n v i t e s all mothers of diabetic children to meet at the North Side Branch Library, 29th and Ames,, at 1:19 p. m., Tuesday, March 2. The purpose will be to discuss plans in forming an organization b a c k . • • : - ; > ; : . ' * - ;•• : • / • ' . . •.-.• • : Additional names will appear which will deal with problems relative to care and training of at a later date.diabetics. Further Information may be had by calling either Mrs. Kuno, KB 4277, of Mrs. Kenneth Peters, WA 3521. ; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Blatt of1 Columbus, Neb., announces that their Youth Aliyah Sabbath by the ton, Lee Harvey will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah Saturday morning Synagogue Council of America. March 6 at -Beth-El Synagogue. A reception will follow the service. Friends and relatives arc invited to attend the ceremony.
I "Talk of Many Things" Births
Mrs. Jack Bramson, captain; Mmes. Julius Baron, Reuben Bordy, Jack Luttbeg, Alex Plotkin, Barney Stark, Julius Stein and Leo Waxenberg. Mrs. ; Albert Fox and Mrs. L. Gordon Gross, captains; Mmes. David Bebcr, Philip Blumberg, Robert Cohn, Homer Farber, Albert Gaer, Edward Green, Sanford Kaiser, Charles Klmmel, Harold Perelmm, Morris Raznlck, Edward Z. Rosen, and Jerald Ro>
Of BB District Bowling Unit
Seymour II. Kaplan, A. I). I,, director, is shown explalninr B'nal B'rith Women's new "Dolls for Democracy" project to Mrs. William Stone, Corresponding Secretary of Nebraska Chapter, Mrs. Sidney Sneldcr, Adult Education Chairman of Henry Monsky Chapter, and Mrs. Arthur Goldstein.
B'nai B'rith Women Launch 'Dolls for Democracy1 Project "Dolls for Democracy" a new project of B'nai B'rith Women, Htrnry Monsky Chapter No. 470 and Nebraska' Chapter No. 34(1. was launched at their Citizenship Award Lunchcdn. This unique human relatlorfr project features the Etory of per. Konallics who have made outstanding contributions of service to their fellowman. A story-teller presents the dolls and tells the story of the person and contributions to society, emphasizing that though they differ in race, religion and creed, their common attributes of service are the same. Featured in the local doll collection Jo date are: Abraham Lincoln, George Washington Carver Chaim Welzmann, and Henry Monsky. Additional dolls ordered are
Saint Martin DePorrc3 and Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt. Saint Martin Dcporrcs given to the collection by Father John Killoren of St. Benedict's Church. Non-Jewish groups may join in the project by presenting dolls representing their group and by providing Btory-tcllcrc. The dolls arc hand made and ore exact replicas of the men and women they represent. They cost from $10 to $15 each. Mrs. Arthur Goldstein presented the dolls at Jean Sullivan's KMTV program a "Women's View." Schools, churches, girl scout and campfire girls and many other children and adult groups arc taking advantage of this program. Dates may "be scheduled b / calling Seymour H. Kaplan, Antl-DcfarnaUon-Leaguc Director at JA 4735.
Friday, Febnurjr U, H54
Organizations CB Hadassah
Face Fire
Youth Council members sign up now with Barb Joffe, Johr Ooldner or Murray Newman for the YC Mixed Doubter Bowling Tournament to be hold next month. Get a partner and gel in the tourney.
BI Sisterhood
Rabbi Benjamin Groncr will reA night club typo skit entitled "Hadassah Donor Dayclub" view the book, "Cowboy On a was Vie program of the annual Wooden Horse,'* by Url S'uhl, at Hadassah donor luncheon held the Beth Israel Sisterhood meet1 Thursday, Feb. 18 at 1 p . m . Ining Tuesday, March 2, at 1 p, m. in tho synagogue social hall. the Jewish Community Center, Rabbi Groner, spiritual leader Acting as mistresses of cereIda Sacks, chairman of the 1054 monies of the program were Mrs. of Beth Israel Synagogue, was orB'noi B'rlthDistrict 6 Bowling Lee Marcus, general chairman of dained In 1038 at the Hebrew TheTournament, wishes to thank all ological College in Chicago. He the event and M n . Ben Telpncr, those who were instrumental In author of the skit. Co-chairman was the Presiding Judge of tho Religious Tribunal of the Chicago mpklng the Omaha tournament with Mrs. Marcus was Mrs. Rudolf one of the finest ever staged in Bclo. Mr. Joe Katlcman was in Hnbblnlcnl Council. He holds the Bachelor of Laws degree con.District 6; especially the memcharge of decorations. ferred on him by Dc Paul Univerbers of the B'nal B'rlth Women'r Included In the skit were Miss sity In 1037 and Is a member of Bowling Association; B'nai B'rith Peggy Lane, Mrs. Wld Tolletson, the Illinois Bar. Rabbi Groncr Is Men's Bowling Association; AZA vocalists, and Miss Joan Lcavitt, the author of the monograph, Miss Barbara Fink Mother Chapter 1; I-Go Van & dancer. Harry Langdon, teacher "Rnmbam, Sage of Gcrona." Miss Bull/ Solomon Storage Co., and Dave Fogel of at A. L. High School, presented Reservations for the book reseveral readings. Mrs. Hal Bcr- view can be made with the coRogers Jewelery Co. ner and M n . Don Lash accom- rhnlrmcn of the nffnlr, Mrs. I. panied several of the presenta- Forbes or Mr«. A. Parllman. Also Mrs. Joseph Tretiak and famtions. ily wishes to thank all of their handling reservations arc Mrs. M. ' Luncheon chairmen were Mrs. Ruderman and Mrs. S. Mann. kind: friends •• and, neighbors for J. J. Brwon and Mrs. Gelia BraunMr. and Mrs. Bernard Fink In charge of the luncheon Is Mr. and Mrs, John A. Solomon their many acts of kindness, messteln. Their assistants were Mmes. Mrs. Henry Appel and Mrs. Sol have announced the engagement sages ot sympathy, contribution? announce the coming marriage o t Leon Trankel," Marucle Alper and Ash will take care of the table of their daughter, Miss Sally Lou, to all the synagogues and trees for their daughte, Barbara Jean, to Charles Saltzman. Waitresses for decorations. and Emanuel Dworkln, son of Mr. the Jewish National Fund given In E. Robert Newman, son of Mr. the occasion were Mmes. Seymour Baby sitter service will be avail- and Mrs. Morris E. Dworkln of memory ot the late Mr. Joseph and Mrs. J. M. Newman. I*e, Harold Flnkle, Leonard able. Tretiak. Merrick, N. Y. Miss Fink attended the UniverFinkle, Milton Katelman, SherMiss Solomon attended the Uni- We especially appreciate the 10C sity of Illinois where she was • man Sperling, Lloyd Krasne, VicTree-Fund Forestatlon of Israel. member of Alpha Epsilon Phi versity of Nebraska and the U n i tor Mashbcln H. E. Perils, Sam sorority. She is attending Creigh* versity of Omaha. She is a memMeycrson, Ed Teppcrman, Albert t h e Beth El Sisterhood board on. University at the present. Kranse, Oscar Grecnberg and will meet for luncheon Wednes- ber of Sigma Delta Tau sorority. affiliated with Sigma Alpha Mu Her fiance attended the Julliai*. fraternity. Mr. Newman is a graduate o t Louis Blwteln. day/March 3 at 12:30 p. m. In the1 School of Music, New York City, Private Dworkln is now sta- Stanford University where h e was Contributions made at the social hall of the synagogue. and i s a graduate of the Univer- tioned with the Army at Rt. Hlley, a member of Tau Beta PI, honorluncheon were for the Hadassah Hostesses will be Mmes. T. J sity of Kebr&ska, where he was Kans. ary Engineering fraternity, Medical Fund. Sanford,Leonard Segal/Max ShaChapter president Is Mrs. Her-piro, Maurice Sacks, Irving Schpelderman, . Dave Sherman, Robert man Marowltz. Sliver, Abe Slusky, Ben Slutzky, Sidney Snclder, Joseph Sochnik and Dave Stein. The Workmen's Circle Dramatic Club-will celebrate the birthdays of Mr. L. Wltkln, dramatic dlrec< Temple Israel Sisterhood will lor, Mrs. Milton Neorenberg and Mrs. Goldie Forman with a din- meet Monday, March 1, at 1 p. m., in the Highland Town Club. ner Sunday, Feb. 28, at 5:30 p. m. It will be preceded by a board in the Labor Lyceum. at 11:30 a. m. The program will include songs meeting Mrs. Joseph Horwich will offer by Mrs. Nearenborg and Mrs. the opening prayer. Jack Sandier Jennie Illfkin. They will be accompanied by the dramatic club will be guest speaker telling of his South American trips. choir. Mr, Ben Mlroff is In charge Program chairwoman Is Mrs of tho event. Hcrmnn Friedman and Mmes. Leo FJiicnstatl and Herman Goldman arc In ch.irije of ihc luncheon arrangement;.. The Ladles Aaxlliary of the Epstein-Morgan Post Jewish W a r Veterans, presented nn American Flag Fob. 21 to the Beth £1 Sunday School assembly. Mrs. Wm. Friday, Feb. 2« Abrahams represented the Americanization committee of the Aux- Cclia Dinklcs, Lorry Hoberman, nichard Alan Jncobson, Robert iliary. Alan Llpton, and Barbara Susan The members of t h e Ladles Wolfe. Auxiliary will participate In the Saturday, Feb. 27 local Red Cross Drive March 1. Bcnnet Gene Horristcln. Beth Mrs. Max Plrsch, chairman, has Anne Maklcsky, and Howard Lew announced that Mmes. Louis Al- Wclnbcrg. berts nnd Julula Stein will be co* Sunday, Feb. 28 chairmen, Workers will be: Mmes. David Jonathan Bittner, Edward Note Marcus. Abe Miller, Ezra Allen Golemba. and Donald Gary Bcldner, Meyer Kaplan, Wm. Ra- Solotorosky. duzincr, Abe Vengcr, Ed Simon, Monday, Msreh 1 Jack Saylan, and Milton Margolin. Lesley Marsha Cohen, Laurie Sue Davis, Richard Kaslow, HarThe annual Bake Sale of the Auxiliary will b e held March 4 at old Levey, and Fayc Rita SamuelBrandcis Store, Mrs. Jack Say- son, Tuesday, March- 2 lan and Mrs. Frank Cohen head the sale. Anyone wishing to have Kathleen Adler, Jeffrey Stuart baked «ood» picked up please con- Bernstein, Steven A l l e n Falk, Octopus outlets are dangerous—steal effieleney from tact them, N a n c y Katz, and Mark Fred appliances. Don't use them to expand outdated wiring! The Epstein-Morgan Poit a n d Schoenbnum. Wednesdsjr.'March S Auxiliary will hold Friday night Linda Gelfand, A l e x a n d e r services,at the Beth Israel Synagogue. March 12 at 8 p. m. Re- (Alec) Grossman, Barbara Udcs, If yours it one of the 9 out of 10 homes today freshment* will be served after Sidney Wassef. and Darlene Kay Welncr. the services by tho Auxiliary. with an,outdated wiriag lyitem designed £>r Thursday, Msreh 4 "Marilyn Jean Mann, Howard the needs of ten, twenty 'or thirty yean ago— David Fachman, Perry Nathan MODERNIZE Ratner and Mary Paula Yager. Here's Good News! The Pioneer Women's Organizations will hold their monthly YOUR HOME Oneg Shabbat Saturday, Feb. 27, flt the home bf Mrs. Abe Cohen, Your Electrical Contractor now can offcV you WIRING A leadership training course 807 N. 28th Ave., at 1 p. m. a plan which provides the wiring improvements The program will Include n will be offered at tho Jewish On Easy reading by Mrs. II. Richlin. News Community Center for hleh school your'home needs—a modern, up-to-date elecfrom Israel will be given by Mrs. seniors nnd juniors. This nine Monthly Payment! Frank Rubenstcln and cones will cession program tins as its purtrical system which you can pay for on easy be presented by Mrs. M i l t o n poo the training of.future leaders : : '"••••'. v;,':f .;.".,.'sC. monthly terms. Payments can be arranged for for community worR; David Fogcl, NeorenbcrK. All members and friends o r e Director of Center Activities ai' little as $5 a month, with up to 36 month* stated. urged to attend. The firnt course will be geared to pay. You can include modern lighting fixUp to 36 months to the needs of those wishing to tures with the wiring. work with children's groups. Certo pay ' The next regular meeting of tificates of achievement will bo Payments as low Junior Hpdasjnh will be Tuesday, awarded to those who hnvo satisM your Electrical Conlnctor (bout thh March 4, at 7:30 p. m. In the can- factorily completed the course. Six outstanding high schoolers as $5 a month teen of the J. C. C. "Wiring E*iy hymtnt Plan" and for 1 F n • Tickets ore now on sale for the will be invited to attend Camp. EiHmatt of t h . Wiring Your Ham* N t t f e first Sprlnc Dance to be held Jay C-C, at no cost for Your', April 4. The dnrtce Is open to the wcclts, where they will icccivtii supervised experience in group community, and tickets may be purchased from any member of work. There will be a $1 tuition fee the club or by contacting Clara to cover ndminlntratlvc costs. Kntz, Ticket Chairman. 1104 WOW ILDO., OMAHA High Individual game and high Registration will begin March 4, MEMIER OF THE NATIONAL ADEQUATE WIRING BUREAU individual series In bowllnx goes in room 23 of the Center. David to Marilyn Meyer with 151 nnd Fogcl will conduct the course 400. respectively. Illijh team this Tho class will meet Thursday aft,-,i;-iiU!.-.i.-:-; week lc Hi-Bulls with 1.254 pin*. ernoon at 3:43 p. m., in room 25.
Thank You
Miss S. Solomon Will Be Wed
Newman-Fink Engagement Told '
BE Sisterhood
Workmen's Circle
TI Sisterhood
Happy Birthday
Don't do this! NOW YOU CAN
Pioneer Women
Leadership Training
No money down
Junior Hadassah.
! >•<• Six
Council Doings A. 3E. A. NO. 1 Zh* "Baskets tor Brotherhood basketball game held with Hl-Y last Saturday was an overwhelming success. Mother Chapter won the game, taking in $50.00 from a gym lull of enthusiastic spectators. All proceeds go to the National A. Z. A. charity, Congratulations go to A l e p b Mike Meyer Judged by the offl«»H of A. Z. A. No. 1 to be Best of Use Month. Mike is a Also, congrats to Steve Brookstain member of the second place team at the Midland Debate Tournament Steve attends Benson High. Stan Fellman, member of the Central Debate team, represented his school on a television discussion of the controversial "Brickcr Amendment." A. Z. A. NO. 1M This month Century Chapter has been very active In community service. Marty Sophlr and Mark Schlmmel, co-chairmen of the community.service committee, have done a great Job in organizing projects for the club. The chapter has sent valentines to a local children's w s r d , donated flowers to the Dr. P. Sher Jewish Home for the Aged, and is planning to assist the Council of Jewish Women in decorating for a dinner to be held this week-end. Now that the basketball season is drawing to a dose, A. Z. A. 100 players are high In the list of future prospects in both leagues. Although the Centurymen have failed to win a game in the A League, they have Rained much experience and will be very dangerous next year. Kenny Freed, Bob Epstein, and Howard Kaslow are a few of the outstanding performers. For the Junior Centurymen it has been Marty Sophir, who has proven to be a dangerous opponent on the court and will rank among the league leaders In years to come. COTJNCELETTES > Councflettes will each bring a non-Jewish girl to services at Beth El Synagogue tonight. They are doing this In honor of Broth-. erhood week. The girls will hold a roller skating party at the Roller Bbwl at 8:00 p. m. Sunday. DEBKA DEBS May 22, at the Fontcnelle, Debs are holding their dinner dance. Phil Knelfl's combo has been selected to play. At a recent meeting. Judy Rosen and "Fyl" Rublnow were elected general chairmen of stage night for Debs. On the athletic side, sometime in March, the Skis will sponsor a badminton tournament for all the Youth Council girl's dubs.
Youth Council Letter By Joan Krssne AZA KVENTS Congratulations to the boys of AZA No. 1 for holding such successful events last weekend. On Saturday night, the fellas held e basketball game with Hl-Y. A mixer followed with entertainment by the Raylm Traveling Troop. Proceeds went to* the Leo N. Lev! Hospital.* . No. I's held a Brotherhood discussion Sunday afternoon. APPLICATIONS Applications may now be obtained for the Youth Council Philanthropies, Conclave, and Thin' Seder committees. No special qualifications are needed, X, A..TOURNEY Tikvas Ami £ sponsoring a girls' ping pong tournament which will begin March 8. Entries must be made by March 1. Anyone interested should contact Laurel Oruch BADMINTON SCHEDULED Debkij Debs have scheduled th'ir Bandminton tournament to begin March 8, Players must rcj.;i:;t<M with Donna Steinberg on or before March 1. COOKING CLASSES Tccn-;i(rei:> in'trc.tH in J( wi 1cooking ci is i \ should cwit let Phi1 ROESen. Tentative d.ilc for the class is Thursday. Y. C. MEETING When should clubs becin pkd;;ing? This is one of the subjectr which will be dincu.'.wfl ;it the Youth Council meeting to be hek' March 3. STAGENIGIIT By way of the grapevine, wo hear that work has be;;un on Stagenight. Let's remember that regular club program comes before "the big night." Don't let Stagenight interfere with club functions!
KAYIM A meeting was held last Sunday at the home of Steve Cohen. At the meeting members received their new Rayim pins and were shown movies on Canada by Jack Baker. Rayim has an, evening stag planned next Saturday as a kickoff for the Y. C. Wrestling Tournament Sunday morning. The club has received an invitation from Sioux City Chapter A* Z. A. No. 11 inviting them to their Sweetheart Dance In April. A number of boys are planning to attend.
Religious News 5:45 p. m. Cindltlltlillnt time BETH ISRAEL Rabbi Benjamin Groncr, Cantor Eli Kagan, and the Beth Israc. Synagogue choir will conduct late Friday evening services. Sabbath morning services will be at 8:30 a. m. Jr. Congregation services at 9:30 a. m. Rabbi Groncr will conduct the Saturday Talmud Class at 6:30 p. m. and Saturday Mincba wil start at 8 p. m. which will be followed by Sboloshe S'eudos and Maariv. Daily morning services begin at 7 a. m. Daily afternoon services begin at S p. m. Sunday morning breakfast mlnyan meets at 8:45 a. m. and is followed by Rabbi Groner's Bible discussion class. The youngsters of OHrTaHs and Teffilta Club begin their services at 8 JO a. ra. Breakfast is served at the conclusion of their services.
TDXVAg AMI Tonight, T. A.'« will attend services at Beth El Synagogue. A discussion will follow the services. Saturday night, the girls will bold a hen party. A meeting will be held Sunday at the home of Rose and Dena Lagtnan. Following the meeting, will be a birthday party for all members celebrating birthdays in January and February. A skating parry is being planned TEMFLE ISRAEL for March 6. ft will be held at At the regular Sabbath Services Roller B o w l Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Rev. John w . Cyrus, pastor of the First Unitarian Church of Omaha, will discuss "One Religion." Mervln Lemmerman, Director of EducaARTS AND CRAFTS tion at Temple Israel, will read The Beth Israel Boys Arts and the service; Mrs. Hairy Altsuler Crafts club will meet Saturday will recite the blessing over the evening, Feb. 27 from 8:45 to 8:15 Sabbath lights; Bernard Ruben o'clock in the Arts and Crafts wiU recite the Kiddush and Mr. room of the Talmud Torah, Club Leslie Davis and Mr. Howard members will discuss plans for Kaplan will assist with the Torah. carnival booths. Everyone is welcome. Regular Shabbos Morning ServCLVBTABYAO ices will be held Saturday at 11:40 A special joint meeting of club a. m. Mr. Lemmerman will conTaryag and the girls arts and duct the service, assisted by the crafts club will take place in the students of the Hebrew DepartSocial Hall of the synagogue Sun- ment of the Religious School. day evening, Feb. 28 between 6 Kiddush for all present will foland 7 JO p. m. There will be a re- low the services. hearsal pf the Purim play and plans for the carnival will be dis- BETH EL cussed. Services will be held this evening at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. CARNIVAL Krlpke will deliver the sermon. All Beth Israel youth groups are Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the now working and planning for n choir will present the musical porchildren's carnival to be held in tions of the service. the Social Hall of the synagogue Sabbath morning services will Sunday afternoon, March 28 begin at 8:15 o'clock. M l n c h a Adults will be admitted to the Maariv services will start at 5:45 carnival only if accompanied by pt- m. a child. Dally services arc held each week at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. The P-TA COMMITTEES Sunday morning service Is at 9 Rabbi Matthew M. Pollakoff, a. m. chairman of the P-TA theater project announced that the following have been appointed to the "Enchanted Forest" movie committee; Mrs. Ell Kagan, in charge of advertising makeup; Irving Stern, publicity; Samuel Stone, distribuSunday, February 21, the Countion of tickets to Talmud Torah children; Joe Rolhkop, popcorn cil-Little* ' entertained the Resiof the Dr. Philip Sher Jewconcession; Mrs. Morris E. Kutler dents ish Home For Aged with a procharge of concessions; Morris E cram of Israeli songs and dances. Kutler, procurement of prizes; Sol Those participating in the proMann and Sam Kaplan, ticket dram were: Miss Madalyn Mlroff, booth; Dave Friedman, charge of President; Miss Maxine Jabcnls, ushers from youth groups, Abe Miss Florence Shrago, Mils Judy Klpppcr, poster distribution; Sid- Stevens. Miss Judy Freed. Miss ney Epstein, technical advisor; Sam Lenora Falk. Miss Marlene FrccdEpstein, technical advisor; Sam man. Miss Judy Lazer, Miss Susan Stone, Irving Stern and Nate Berg, Baron. Miss Carole Comber, and projection committee. Miss Berdlnc Green. 'Enchanted Forest," nnd selected Advisors were: Miss Shirley short subjects will be shown on Noodell, Miss Deannc Markovibt, the giant screen in the Beth Israel Miss Pat Greenfield and Miss SanSocial Hall Saturday and Sunday dra Krizclman. evening, March 20 and 21. There Refreshments were provided by will be two complete shows each he Council-Littles and served to evening. Tickets are available ai be Residents at cupper-time. the synagogue office and may also be purchased from children of Fi.owF.ns Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stern sent Talmud Torah. Admir.r.ion price is c v e r n l bouquets of beautiful $1 for adults and 50c for children lowers honor of the wedding Proceeds will i;o to the Tnlmuii if their Indaughter, Betty Lou to Torah Building Fund. Norman Hflv Enirman. NEW RESIDENTS Harry Hichman: "After fortyMri>. Fnnnic Jacobs. five a man begins to have thought? CE CREAM TREAT about women; before that he har An ice cream treat was donated feeling;;."—(JTA) o the Home by Mr. Mike Kelly
Beth Israel News
With the Folks At Home
"Perfect results the first time I baked!" 4 MIMUS fROK PACKAGE TO PAN
Friday, February M, 1»M
Gems ot the
Mrs. Dora Riekes Services were held Thursday Feb. 25 for Mrs. Dora IUekes witr interment at Fishers Farm Cemetery. Mrs. Itiekes, 77, widow of Samuel Riekes, founder of S Itickes and Sons Company, diet Tuesday, Feb. 23, at her home. Mrs. Riekes was a resident o' Omaha for 45 years and was f leader in communal affairs. Shr was born In Itussia. Surviving arc two sons. Max ant* Henry, both of Omaha, and fiv< daughters, Mrs. Sam Beber, Mrs Morton A. Richards, Mrs. Bernard Fink, all of Omaha, Mrs. Phttlr M. Klutznick of Park Forest, 111. and Mrs. Leo Filch of Westward Calif.
Morris Feldman Services were held Thursday Feb. 25 at San Diego, Calif., for Morris Feldman. Mr. Feldman, a former long-time resident of Omaha, died Tuesday, Feb. 23, at his home in San Diego. He is survived by his wife, Celia a daughter, Mrs. Bernard Lewis of Los Angeles; a brother, Abe of Omaha; four sUtcrs, Mrs. Wll' Bloom of Omaha, Mrs. J. D. Krasl of Los Angeles, Mrs, Ben Lcvine of Newark, N. J., and Mrs. Ben Stein of El Paso, Texas.
Temple Youth Group The last meeting of the Temple Youth Group was held February 14, at which time an interesting discussion on "Is There A Future for the Jew In America'*, was presented by Owen Stolcr and Jerry Marer, with Mervin Lemmerman the group's advisor, as moderator This Sunday, at 7 3 0 o'clock in the evening, the members win meet at the home of Joan Abrahams and from there will leave for a scavenger hunt.
Bible and Talmud a? on. riiiLir SIIEH
BIBLK Wisdom is unattainable to a tool as corals; he openeth not h i s mouth in the gate. He ktsseth the lips who glveth the right answer. Prepare thy work without and make it ready for thee in the field; and afterwards build thy bouse.
V TALMUD : Our Rabbis taught—Those who are being humiliated by others but do not humiliate others, in return; who listen to their, reproaches without even answering them; who perform their duties because of love for their social service work; and rejoice in spite' of all their pain (because of the reproach), concerning them the Scriptures say: "They will shine as the rising of the sun in his might" The older the scholars get the more wisdom they acquire; but the older the ignorant men get the more foolish they become. Silence is the cure for everything. When Rabbi Dim! came from the land of Israel he r e porte<l that there the saying runs: "A word is worth a sela (a dollar) and silence two." ; Rabbi Samuel ben Maria said: "The study of tho Torah Is more. Important than the building of the Temple." (It Is nearly nineteen centuries since the destruction of the Temple and the Jews not only survived but also increased In large numbers, so that there are now almost sixteen million Jews In tho world. But if the Jews would cease studying the Torah, they would disappear before very l
. • : . • •
• :
• • • • ; . • • •
Jascha Hcifctz: "In prosperity our friends know us; in adversity we know our friends."—(JTA)
United Youth
The last meeting of USY wa* held February 21. The editor of Irving Berlin: "Fun is like life the USY paper Is Diannc Fcllman Insurance: the older you get, the Two movies on Brotherhood Week more it costs."—(JTA) were shown at this meeting. The next meeting of USY wll? be held March 7. Dave Fogel will speak at this meeting on Synagogue—Center Relations. of the HardinR Cream Company. AT DOCTORS HOSPITAL Mr. Joseph Llpscy, Mrs, Pearl Faltz.
I. Your Horn.1 - Laying - Repairing I O N BERNSTEIN HA 3554
Want Ads R a n AT H3O to tnnrt Ton W«m M i TIM JewUb PnMM. Currcsl iul» U M etsU rof m l ) taMr; DO. . Tb« Preflfl rewnrM Uw right l» 1UB4 lUt on satfa •OTtrUMmeot.
BAR and Has Mitzvah congratulations; also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand. 1502 Dodge.
Omaha's Favorite
Way to Dine on Sunday
Sunday Branch
Served Buffet Stylet All You Care to Eat Noon to 3 p. m.
COST OF LIVING GOT YOU DOWN? SAVE MONEY ON THESE BARGAINS . \ • • 78 weeks Life, $7.87 78 weeks Time, $0,87 30 mos. Good Housekeeping, $5.98 22 mos. House Beautiful, $5.98 16 mos. Harper's Bazaar, $5.80 22 mos. Town & Country, $8-50 20 mos. Ladies Home Journal, $4.00 18 mos. Woman's Home Companion, $3.00 18 mos. Look, $3.00 8 mos. Readers Digest, $1,00 Mrs. S. J. Ilorwlch, WA 3957. SEWING DONE ALL kinds of alterations made on men's and women's clothing. RE 4370. 3221 Lincoln Blvd. ROOM FOR RENT FURNISHED and newly decorated, In west Omaha, with private bath. GL 555G. HOSIEflY FOR SALE EXCELLENT values in women's nylon hosiery and men'3 and children's cox—to your o r d e r call Mrs. Joseph Wolfson, HA 5857, or stop In at 3515 Howard Street. CHAIRS RECOVERED Dining room chairs recovered ot reasonable prices. Call Morrie Rudcrman at HA H009
,- . .y-,
• ' ' '.y ,« ;^4_- „ _;_. _t -- . .. * * , '
They build for freedom...
THEY MUST NOT STAND ALONE... These are the faces of a free people — the people of Israel, A dream like our own American dream umpires these men an3 women: freedom, opportunity for work and betterment, peace.. As Americans did, they fought for and won independence, Like Americans they know that "democracy" and "freedom* are just words unless you keep doing something about them. With your help through the United Jewish Appeal — in less than six years of statehood — They opened their gates to 723,0OQ refugees, reclaimed 600,000 wasteland acres, doubled agricultural output, put uo 186,000 housing units, built 325 new settlements, Israel's people have forged halfway to their goal of 3 Belf-sufficient, modern-minded state. ' "• But today, their great democratic achievement! are threatened.
They are menaced by trade barriers, boycott, the blockade of shipping, political harassment and the unceasing activity of border marauders. The right of Israel's men and women to build a land -t with a free press, just courts, free education, opportunity for labor and business, freedom of worship — is being challenged. In the face of today's hostility can IaraeVs people reach their goal of a permanently rooted democracy in the Middle East? The answer dependi - In great part - on you.
In Omaha
UNITED JEWISH APPEAL Receives Its Support From the
Jewish Philanthropies
Your continued help through UJA can hasten their achlevemenl of economic independence. It can also spell continued aid to hundreds of thousands in need in Europe and North Africa and to newcomers here. In today's world it goes without saying that thoM who stand for freedom must not stand alone. Give to the United Jewish Appeal more than ever before.
Give more In 1954...
UNITED JEWISH APPEAL must meal great needs totalling $119,921,150 '• Joint Dlrtribntton Coimntttw - United Service foj Hsw AmerfeMi l ^ W ^ t 46th Street. H«nrX9?k 86. N e v y « i . ,
*u* dew
B'nai BVith Bowling ADlrbten
W. 19 18
Beunont Jewelry Greenberg Ins Agency . Pepsi Cola Bottling _ . ie Morris Paint Co —. 18 Nebr. Furn. Mart ....-...« Crosstown TV ..„...._.„ 14 13 Grace-Mayer Ins. ........... 12 Lym Florist . _ — 10 H-Worth GrIU 10" OereUck Motor Co. HInky-Dinky Store* _....., a Milder Oil Co _... i HUb Gamea and Series Sam Diamond 327; Jack Belmont 209; Jack Shrager 200; Sam Kohn 511; Sid Snelder 501; Dave Hoberman 202: Bae Epstein 516; Sick Splegal $07: Sandy Kaiser 203-503; Harold Wolfsoh 524; Ben Baduziner 207; Jerry Katz 502; Max Rosenblott 200-520; Al R«min 205. There are eight more weeks 01 bowling left.
By Llndy l*aul
Rayim vs. Independents in YC Basketball Title Contest Tuesday night, the, battling Rayim Roughriders will take on the league leading tough Independent basketball team in an attempt to tie them lor the V. C title. It Is do or die for Rayim «F • loss drops them from the rankr and gives the Independent - lads the basketball championship. Last Tuesday night the Rayim friuad broke away from AZA1 in the final 30 seconds to hand them; a 80-34 loss. The game was extremely close throughout the entire game with each team displaying terrific shooting aggressiveness. It was a real team effort for Rayim. Ray Somberg finished with 22 points bat he had a supporting cast Senior Dick Frank played hif best game to date. He played a tine floor game and added six points. Sophomore Milt Moskovltz also had his best night at he finished up with 15 points before foullnf
zone defense and the reboundln of Tiny Rosen and Bernle Turke! It ought to be a close affair all th way. STAB OF THE WEEK Eay Somberg SUn WUunan These two athletes, Ray Son* berg of Rayim and Stan widmai USA 1 displayed their talent* of AZA " ' last Tuesday night Both were their team leaden and both scored ovei 20 points. In tact, in last week'; Vanity tilt* of which they are teammates on Star Auto, Somberr made 23 while Widman had 16 Both lads have rapidly gained strides in their play and many Jay veterans of the Varsity league are quick to appraise tbelr efforts. For their performances in leading thel: teams Ray Somberg and Stan Wld man are selected as Stars of Un Week. League Btandlnga W, 10 Independents Rayim ,..„ 9 AZA 1 ...„ 7 AZA 100 . 0
Parkway W. Ranks Army 19 Borshelm Jewelry ..... 19 out. 15 Wolfson Gerber ,. Sol Lewis Co .... _ 14 Gene Kohn, John Goldner arid National Tire 14 Mike Solzman played extremely • Richman Gordman ... 13 hard, while Al Corey did a comLiberty Gas ..... 13 mendable Job in rebounding and Phllco Brandels _. 12 passing to Somberg. He finished Prucka Trans, . 11 with 11 points. For Mother chapRltewav ;. 8 ter, Stan Widman was never better. He hit for 24 points and war Rosen Novak 8 a bulwark under the boards. JerRich Games and Series Bud B e a r 204-533. and M ry Simon played his finest game and pitched in with 16. Metches 202. The league leading IndependKellfy's "B" Division ents had to rush In their first team in the second half as AZA 100 wai W. trailing by two.points at the half. Bennett Furniture 19 Robinson Iron & Metal ....17 10 However, every member of t i e Mid Plains Insurance 16 11 Independents got into the scoring Watson Bros. Van l i n e s ....15 12 column and rode to B 46-28 victory. Tiny Rosen led the scoring Maei-Color Paint (Braridels) _...15 12 with 14 points. Jerry Rosen scored nine for AZA 100. South Omaha Sun .,,..14 13 Next week, the Independent Louis Market „ 13 14 H. A. "Wolf Insurance 11 IS will attempt to sew up the league Slosburg Realty 9 18 title. .They will bank on a tight Simons Jewelry „ 6 21 Evening Dichi H T S H . A. Wolf Insurance ....2,121 HTG Magi-Color Paint 755 HIS Bob Malashock 499 HIG Max Sacks 204 Lurry Schwartz will seek his Other Hlriu fourth straight wrestling title a S. Ban. 156—450; N. Seglln. 168 the Council Wrestling Mee This Sunday, at 9:30 a. m., the to beYouth —468; Max Sacks. 204—485; C. held this Sunday in the Jay Slutzky. 154—438; E. Givant. 167 Youth Council lads will square off Gym at 9:30 a. m. He has won —423; H. Abrahamson. 159—441; in the annual wrestling meet fo laurels as a high school freshman, and team honors. Then M. Meycrson. 161—438: P. Rlfkin. individual are three lads from last year whi sophomore and junior and is now 175; I. Sabes,' 167—424; B. Fried. will be returning in an attempt to after his fourth YC wrestling 164—433; A. Altaian. 188—484; annex another title. Leading the G. Osheroff, 181—445: M. Lon, >arade will be Larry Schwartz, 170—453- B. Malashock. 178-169- vho is seeking his fourth straight 183—498: N. Denenberg, 162— hampfonship Jn the meet Lost 459; J. Cohen, 174; J. Belmont. 176 year Larry won the 130 pound —477: S. Gendler, 177; I. Davis, crown and will be favored in the Mike Platt was best man In las' 167-172—436: L. Alexander, J67 136 pound doss. Larry •Epstein, —462, and B. Paster, 158—424. winner of the 118 pound title, wil Sunday's competition at the Music Box. This 120 average keglcr commove into a heavier weight, while ie third and final champion is posed games of 163 and 166 for Women's Division larlan Rosen, selected as the out- an enviable 329' series. He also W. L. picked up the 6-7-10 and the 3-10 ' Wolf Brothers 45% 29'V standing competitor ..., last y e a r splits. . . ' 11-Worth 41 34 1 1 W t h Grill Gill when he won three matches.to Dave Wintroub tossed the high (Team Game 809) grab the crown, in the heavy- game of the day, a 174. National Tire 41 34' weight division. Many runnerPhilips D o t Store 40 35 ps will also attempt to snare Florence Shrago was high in the Lyn's Florists _..J9 38 girls' division with a 270 series Itles. They include Dave Widman Omaha Jobbing .38 37 118), Marsh Denenborg (130), Florence, who has a- modest averAngles Beauty Shop ....38 37 age of 96, tired games of 149 and n dmfln <1M). Ed Belier B & S Shoes 31 38 - w v ™ 145). Bob Kully (J55), M i l t -Douglas Jewelry ...37 38. Joskovltz (165), and Bernle Tur- 'Roger Smith has been goinr Colony CJub ..„ 3« 39 cl (Hvwt). A record number of great guns the past few weeks Hamilton Pharmacy ',...36 '39 entries is expected and once again This lad has proven that he doer Smith Pontlac „ 35 40 A. Z. A. 1 or Rayim Is favored to not 'intend to match his physlca' Country Club Grocery .35 40 win with Independents j»lven a size with his 80 average. A beautosh Furs ..._ 34'* 40 Ml trong chance to uoset. The ref- tiful 123 opener was climaxed with Mystic Beauty Shop 34 41 eree will be Jerry WolDa. former a 109 for a nice 232 series. Shukert 33 42 state champ from North High and Stuart Kutler . converted the Individual Men Strict i two year varsity winner at the Sue Greenbcrg, 505; Iluth Soko- niversllv of Nebraska. Weigh in 5-8-10 split. Standings lof, .494; Hac Wintroub, 470; Ime Is 9:30 a. m. W. L. Kitty Asbvll. 468: Phyllis Dwor11 O. P Skaggi 29 sky, 467; Helen Shukert, 400, and 15 Neb. Fur. Mart „........; 25 Rose Wczelman, 403. 16 Maypcrs *.._......„. 24 Individual Illith Game W. L, Wolfson-Gcrber Auto.... 2214 17V4 Kitty Asbyll • J86 Jowllnu Buiru! , 14 Playland Park _ 19 21 Spills Alley Sluggers 13 3 Ind. Chemical Co 19 21 Rose Wc7i.-lm.-in 3-10-7, and Strikes & Spores \ 12 4 amblc-Roblnson Fruit 18^4 2lVi Lucille Itosen, 6-8-10. Alley Hats jn 6 Amer. Lmbr. & Sup. 15!) 22V4 Beer Framers 10 6 11-Worth Grill 14 25 TOURII Turkeys 10 0 Morris Paint lOVj 29'/J Lucky Ladies 10 0 High Games and Series Gutter Boys a 7 9 Mike Platt J06-IO3—32C Lucky Duckys 7 The Crntcr'3 Swim Team still Nifty Hitters 5 11 D.ivc Winlroub 174-119—293 9 Stuart Kutler welcomes new members. If you Hlijh Hitters 7 142-130—27P II can swiiu at all, it Is possible to Cutter Getrics Florence Shrago H9-121—270 5 develop into a fine competitive Hei> Cats 143-119—20? 5 11 John Rlekes swimmer. It is not necessary thai Bowlinu Dabcs 132-12B—25P 4 12 Edlo Singer you swim well ut present. Work Eager Beavers nora Falk 139-118—257 4 12 outs after school will toon develop Bowling Dolls 120-111—240 0 16 Maureen Zevllz your strokes into fine form, and Muriel Rosenblatt.... 132-107—23? 100" Garnrs your general physical condition Mike Platt, 100; Chuck Wise, loward Wrlnborg .... 120-113—239 and endurance will be greatly im- 140; Bill Katzman, 129; Martin Vlckl Collck 132-10.1—237 proved. Lower classmen in high Sneidcr. 120; Jolin Riekes, I2B- CJark Swartz 125-112—237 school arc especially welcome. We Larry Gilinsky, 120; Tom Platt, Bcrnle Grossman .... 131-105—23f know that there arc many within 122; Jerry Schwartz, 120; Judy Bill Katzman 139- 97—23P this age range that can swim, and Brookstcin, 118; Clark Swartz, 113; Mickey Sacks „ 131-101—232 the fellows on the team would be Mike Markovitz, 113; Stu Kutlcr, Roger Smith _.. 123-109—23? more than happy to have y o u a i 107; Doug Platt, 105; Phil Gore- "ackLleb 122-109—23' a team member., Arnold Ban 118-102—22C lick, 101 and Steve Bloch,100.
3 Down 1 to Go
YC Wrestling Meet Sunday
Jr. B. B. Bowling
Jr. Snorts
Swim News
Friday, February Zt, 1»5<
Pacific Fish and Grillers to Clash in Showdown Game This Sunday at 2:30 p. m. tl league leading 11-Worth Gri team will tun^le with their chi tiva\s Pacific Fish In a battle th might decide the chnmpioiiiliii Holding a one-game lead over tt 'Fishers" they will be facin 'Dangerous" Dan Hollis, hi;; scoring captain who didn't pla the last timo the teams met. f ought to be the hardest fougl game of the season. An 11-Wort: Win will just about sew it up fo them. Danny Hollis hit the hiij total in the fifth, sixth grade seor ing this season as he notched 2 points in leading his team to 25-11 win over Mogcn-David Wine Many of Dan's Ehots were from far court as he exhibited a shooting eye to be envied. For M-D i was Joel Davis with five points. Justin Ban warmed up for th< big battle Sunday as 11-Worti kept their winning ways with 22-13 victory over S. itlekes. H led the way with 10 points whil center Lorry Kohn added six Bruce Goldstein scored six polntr for Rlekes. League-league I-Go Van scorod an Important win as they took with a close 2I-1T win over chief rivals Burkhard-Gerelick. With the score knotted at 17-17 and on minutes to play, little Stan Green field dropped in a field goal from the side and Tom Kully converted two free throws to cinch the win and give I-Go a two-game lead Tom Kully, hitting a record 4-5 free throws led the way with 12 pouits and got six-point support from Ed Schneider. Nels Gordman played a terrific rebound garni for I-Go Van. Jeff Swartz made ;even for B-G. Hires Root Beer poured it on Sample Fur as they hit the highest core of the season by inflicting f 38-25 loss on the Furriers. Stuart Kutler led the scoring attack with 16 points but the sharp hooting eighth grader had some ensational assists from Irv Bel:er who scooped up the reboundf ronsisUntly was able to throw f! passes to Kutler giving him many set-ups. Iielzer and Alan Cutler contributed eight points and Mike Plait, improving with every game notched .six. Justin Havltz
Rayim B Takes B League Crown
and Mike Persell made len and ille points respectively for Sample Fur. STAR OF THE WEEK Ban Hollis Tom Kully Irv IJelier Hittm;: the highest individual scoring this season gives Dan Hol» lis his second Star of the Week award. The spunky sixth grader put on a tine exhibition of shooting and led his team to a 25-11 win.. Shifting Tom Kully to forward was a factor that gave I-Go Van an important win. He scored IS points nnd netted 4-5 free throws. His last two were made with sec-omls to play and took the pressure off his team. Center Irv Belzer netted eight .points for Hires in their 38-25 upset of Sample Fur but the long passing to teammate Stuart Kut« ler gave his team many baskets and accounted for Hires winning the game. For their contribution to their team victories, Dan Holbs, Tom Kully and Irv Belzer are (elected as Stars of the Week. Learue BUndlnrs 11-Worth Grill « Pacific Fish •,;. ,-m Mogcn-David ...-..._-..—X.» S. niekes ...,. „.„...:....„., I-Go Van Burkhard-Gerelick Sample Fur .4. Hires Root Beer
8 7 2 1
1 8 7 8
7 -..—. 8 4 2
S i S 7
Collegians Trim Lusty's Lead to 1 Arlcy Bondarln with Lieutenant Ed Belgrade, on furlough from the Air Force, led the Collegians basketball team to a 44-30 win over Lustys as they scored 15 and 14 points respectively. The win placed the Collegians and Star Auto each one game out of first place in the highly contested league. Steve Lustyarten was high for his squad with'11 points. Star Auto Parts, paced by their scoring trio liay Sombcrg, Al Clayman and Sinn Widman clobbered Kutlcr3 Klowns, 09-47. Somberg played his finest game. The high school Ecnlor was brilliant under the boards and his driving shots were indicative of the improvement of his play this season. Stan Widman, the AZA 1 Junior, also sparkled as did the veteran d a y man as their height kept their imaller opponents from getting the rebounds, Somberg finished with 23, dayman got 20 and Widman 10. For Kutlers, Irv Yaffe netted 15 points. SUndhurs W. L. .ustys „ 8 4 Star Auto , S 5 Collegians ..._,.__....„_.„ „ 8 5 Kutlers „.„«„...„ 4 8
Undefeated In 10 straight rcfiular season games, the Rayim B team clinched the YC 13 league title by defeating AZA 111, 30-17 Scoring honors go to Art Novak the hard-driving sophomore will10 points and chief os.iisUmce came from Dan Denenberg and Howard Goldstein with six points. For Mother chapter it was Dave Widman with six points. In the second game Rayim C unloaded CO points on AZA 100B as they trounced them, 0O-8. Mike Ban bitting a high percentage of his shots dropped In 27 points for the highest individual scoring effort ir the B league. Learue SUndlncs Hadassah Bowling W. ilaylm B 10 ftaylm C 7 Nogg Bros \ZA IB 2 Brandels Easy Washer \ZA 100B 1 3randei» Klcerchrome ........ Edwards Jewelry
Y C . Girls Bowling
W. L. illlcroma 23ft 12'4 Job Nebs 22 14 illck Chicks _ 20 18 Starlets 20 16 Three Strikes Sc Sparc 20 10 Scoreless Fourlcss 20 16 La Fa Ma Ri ...._ 19 17 Alley cats 19 17 iuttcr Gal, _._..18<4 17*4 ,ucky Strikes 17 19 ill Strikes 15 21 ..ueky Losers . .;....t5 21 jinc Lassies 15 21 kjwling Belles 0 28 Hlcti Four Scrim hyllls Rosen, Debs Nebs ...298 oby Okrcnt. Starlets 291 arrlet Soskin 3 Strikes A a Spare 287 arbara Joffe. Starlets 280 High Five Game*. hyllis Ilor.cn, Debs Nebs 100 oby Okrcnt, Starlets 154 arrlet Soskin, 3 Strikes & a Spare 153 lalne Janger, Slick Chicks ....152 •aurle Oruch. La Fa Ma RI ....150 Men Five Averages 'hyllls Ilosen, Debs Nebs 144 'cvec Bernstein, 3 Strikes & a Spare .....131 Sarbara Joffe, Starlets 133 .aurle Oruch, La Fa Ma Hi ....130 I'oby Okrcut, Starlets 1,»....,124
w. v.
31 28 28 27 Millie Wine „ . . „ 27 imllh Pontlac .................... 27
23 26 26 27 27 27
Metz Beer „ , 2 4 30 RCA Victor 24 30 Hlfh Series Liberty Faicr, 460; Harriet Slng, 443; Idclln Gacr, 420; Kitty Asbyll. 418; Evelyn Hoberman, 410; Min Frank, 408; Evie Rice, 408; Ruth Sokolof, 407; Rose Welfc, 407 and Pearl Gross, 402. Split* Idella Gaer, 4-7-10 and Kitty Vsbyll, 5-10.
Midget Scoring (High 5) 9 Games ustin Ban (11-Worth) )an Hollis CPacific) a Koncky (Riekes) ...; 'oward Stoler (M-D) Iruce Goldstein (Rickes) . iluart Kutler (Hires) ustin Ravltz (Sample) . !d Schneider (PCS) eff Swartz (B-G) loward Wclnberg (B-G)
Fts. _. 00 86 0B 33 32 89 00 09 50 51
George S. Kaurman: "The stage reported to be in a critical conlltion; foul play is suspected."— JTA)