March 5, 1954

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Vol XXXII—No 2G tenured an 6ctoMl-Clait« Matter «t i'ont, v . » , ^ u . *w. *v o(flcCi oaiatm, Netiraakft. under Acl ol 187IT


Rabbi Irving Miller Elected Head of U.S. Ziofiist Council

jqr>N •([ U J O D U H

err Frldar. 101 M. ZOth. Btncli Copy 10 Onlt Sriuka, Phone AT i « Animal R a u < DoUan

Ben-Gurion Confers on Effect QI Arab Unrest

New York (JTA)—Rabbi Irving Mizrachi Organization <>f America, Miller, president of Ihc Zionist Labor Zionist Organization of Organization of America, was America-Poale /-ion, Zionists-ReTel Aviv (WNS)—The unrest sweeping over the Arab countries, elected chairman of the American visionist.1; of America, Progressive particularly Egypt and Syria, and Its possible effect on Israel's security . Zionist Council nt a meeting of the Zionist Lcajiue (Hashomer Hatbrought former Premier David Ben Gurlon from his retreat In Sdeh plenum—the governing body—of zalr) and United Zionist Labor Boker for a conference'here with Defense Minister Pinhas Lavon. the Council nt the Aiilnr Hotel. He P a r l v (Achdut Avodah-I'oale succeeds to tho post vacated by Zlon). This was the first time since his retirement to the Negv settleLouis Lipsky, who .served as chairment that the Bhepherd of Sdeh Boker has left his home. The conferman of the Council since 1040. Mr. The meeting elected Dr. Abba h>nce was held against the back-. Lipsky announced uomo months Hillel Silver and Mr. Lipsky honground of assurances to the Isfigo ills intention to withdraw orary chairmen. Other officers raeli people by Mr. Lavon and irom the chairmanship at the end elected w e r e : vice-chairmen— Habbl James G. Heller, president Army C h i e f of Staff General of his term of office. of the Labor Zionist Organization Moshe Dayan that the Army was The plenary meeting was at- of America, and Rabbi Murdccai Tel Aviv (JTA)—One Israeli prepared-lo meet any eventuality. tended by representatives of the Klr:;hblum, president of the Mlzsoldier was killed, two Arab in- Mr. Lavon stated here was a posCouncil's eight constituent organ- rachi Organization of America; filtrees were killed and nine sibility that Arab leaders might be izations with a total membership treasurer—Charles Hick, former others captured last week in the persuaded by adventurous eleof 750,000. These organizations are: president of Hapoel Hamizrachi aza strip area, an Israeli military ments to attack Israel. Zionist Organization of America, and incumbent treasurer of the spokesman revealed hers, stressSimilar sentiments were voiced Dr. Reuben G. Rusttvson Hadassah, Hapoel Hamizrachi, American Zionist Council; secreIng that the Egyptians have by General Moshe Dayan, who retary—Paul Goldman, general secstepped up their aggressions In the called that the present Egyptian retary ofthe United Zionist Labor section. The Israelis have protested Party. a number of recent raids by in- Premier, Colonel Nasser, variousHabi Miller's election coincides filtrees from Egyptian territory ly asserted his purpose was to dewith plans to enlarge the scope to the Israel-Egyptian Mixed Arm- stroy Israel. of activities of the American Zionistice Commission. At the same time the Foreign ist Council. These plans were apTwo Israeli B e d o u i n were Office declared in an official The atom, which has so revoluproved at a meeting of the first wounded and one kidnapped In the statement that events in Syria American Zionist Assembly held tionized the thinking of our mod- last few days as Egyptian Bedouin POSTPONEMENT In Nc wYork City early in Decem- ern world, will be discussed by ex- crossed the demilitarized zone line "compel Israel to observe an atWashington (JTA)—A dlscus- ber, 1D53. Tlie S6ope of the Coun- perts and translated Into terms near El Auja and attempted to titude of watchwul alertness" over a neighboring state which "has sion of the question of farms aid cil's new program includes the steal camels owned by the Israeli for Arab nations which would fostering of Jewish culture and that all of us can understand, San- Bedouin. A group of SO armed always shown Implacable hostility have been held In executive ses- Hebrew language in American ford B. Cousins, Chairman of the Egyptian Arabs drove a large herd to Israel." The fact that Ben Gurion consion this afternoon was postponed Jewish life, the intensification of Centennial Science and Engineer- of catle into Israel territory this M a result of the armed attack Zionist youth work and greater ing committee, announced. Coming week-end in the area between sidered It necessary to come to which occurred In the chamber of Zionist participation in American to Omaha for the Centennial Beersheba and El Auja. They were Tel Aviv is considered an IndicaJewish communal affairs. intercepted by Israeli units, and the House of Representatives. Forum of the Future, Tomorrow after a four-hour clash, retreated tion that the former Premier beUnder Secretary of State Waland Science, are two men both ex- to the Gaza strip leaving their lieves the situation to be- sufficiently serious to warrant special. ter Bedell-Smith was slated to catle behind. perts on the Atom. security measures. The confermeet with leading members of the Meanwhile, a flock of sheep once was held at Mr. Ben Gurion's Dr. Mervin J. Kelly, President of Senate and House to discuss comnumbering 10 bead, have been home here. It Is believed the the Bell Telephone Laboratories, plaints received by the State Defound inside the Egyptian lines Inc., will have for his topic, Atomic where they were taken last week Army Chief of Staff was among partment with respect to proposNew York (JTA)—Plans for the als for United States military aid first international conference to Energy. Dr. Kelly will be primarily by marauders who drove them off the participants. to certain Arab countries. When provide economic aid for Israel concerned with the peacetime ap- from Israel territory. The Egypword came that n number of Con- were drawn up tills week at a plication of the atom. Cousins said. tians refuse to return the sheep until tlie "conclusion of a police gressmen were shot, tho meeting meeting of the executive commitDr. Guy Suits, Vice-President WU postponed until n later date. tee of the State of Israel Bond and Director of Research of Gen- investigation." The new date ha.t not yet been Organization. eral Electric, whose topic will be The conference, at which Amer- Applied Science, is also an atomic Judge Sobeloff Sworn determined. Washington (JTA)—Sen. Lehican Jewish leaders will meet with expert. man has written Secretary of State delegations from Canada, Western Dr. Edward J. McCormlck, In as Solicitor General John Foster Dulles to use the KKSTIIICTIONS I. Europe and Latin America, will President of the American Medical Washington (JTA) — J u d g e held at the Mayflower Hotel in Association, will speak on Medi- Simon Sobeloff of Baltimore was United States ovemment's diploTei Aviv (JTA) — Israel lifted be matic resources to the fullest e x Washington, from Friday, March m o r e restriction;! Imposed on 20th, through Sunday, March 28th. cine, and Dr, Hcuben G. Gustav- sworn in this week as Solicitor tent in bringing about the freedom son. President of the Ford Founda- general of the United States in a of three Israelis whom the Iraq Arabs living In Israel In the northexecutive committee made tion's Resources of the Future, Inc., White House ceremony witnessed Government has kept in prison e m border areas. This Is the sec- itsThe decision on the basis of an ond step In recent weeks toward agreement reached between Prime will have as his topic, Agriculture. by President Elsenhower and held since early last month. the lifting of all restrictions Im- Minister Moshc Sharct of Israel All participants will answer ques- In his office. -Judge Sobeloff sucThe New York Senator said the from the audience. Tlie Very ceeds Philip Pcrlman, who re- detention of three individuals who posed on Israeli Arabs In sensitive and Henry Montor, chief execu- tions Rev. Carl M. Rcincrt, S.J., Presi- signed more than a year ago. inadvertently found themselves OK" areas of the country since tlie tive officer of the Israel Bond Or- dent of Crclghton University, will The oath of office was adminis- Iraqi soil when a British plane War of Liberation. The recent ganization, who tho Prime Minister serve as moderator. tered by United States Chief Jus- on a flight from Cyprus to Iran liberation m o v e s have centered Invited to Jerusalem for discusThe Centennial Science Forum, tice Earl Warren. President Eisena forced landing at Bagdad. •bout the movement of Arabs in sions on the future of Israel Bond one of the events in the Centennial hower shook hands with Judge made was a mater of deep and proper tile areas under military control. campaigns In the United States and ticket book, will be held March 10 Sobeloff and said, "it is my privi- concern to the United States and • An Israeli civilian plane spray- other parts of the world. at the Municipal Auditorium at lege to hand you this commission governments which abide by Mr. Montor declared that the 0:30 p. m. The coupon In the Cen- and to welcome you aboard." Gov- all ing Insecticides over fields in traditional standards of decency northern Israel was today fired three-day Washington conference tennial ticket book is full admis- ernor Theodore R. McKeldin of with respect to the treatment of mark the international in- sion. Additional tickets arc on sale Maryland and U. S. Senators John travelers encountering adverse upon by Syrian troops' stationed would auguration of the new Israel Denear Hatzbanl. Israel immediate- velopment Bond Issue which will for $1.50 at Russell Sporting Goods, Marshall Butler and Glenn Beall conditions whether on the high. were also present. seas or in the air. ly protested the Incident to the Is- seek to raise $75,000,000 in 1954 lfllO Farnam Street. rael-Jordan Mixed Armistice Com-, as part of a total of $350,000,000 rnlMlon. floated in Israel Bonds in the next few years for industrial and agricultural expansion. JtKTUKNKEB -Munich (JTA)—The 450 '•Illegal" returnees from Israel and Washington (JTA)—Congress was told that because of "rrianjr elsewhere who have been living at Washington (JTA)—The Amer- of the world's present-day democ- obstacles," it was impossible to the Jewish DP camp at Forchrcnica-Israel Society, formed last racies. "Yohoash" will be presented «vo)d since last August under an "Our two countries ere bound foretell how many refugees could oh tlie Eternal Light radio promonth by leaders In all walks of agreement whereby they were retogether by a, similar historic ex- be admitted into this country ungram from 11:30 a. m. to 12 quired to emigrate from Germany noon over WOW-Iladlo, as the American life to further cultural perience and by a common devo- der the Administration's program relations arid goodwill between tion to democracy. Both nations to aid refugees and meet the Euwithin lix months, were granted a first of two programs based on the people of the United States uphold three great and basic prin- ropean over-population problem. few for months in which to the lives of famous Jewish This warning was contained in and Israel, opened It* national ciples—Individual morltly, social leave or make nrrangement.i for poets, It has been announced a report by R. W. Scott McLcod, by tho Jewish Theological headquarters In tho Motel Willard justice ojid universal peace. emigration. "We hope that the Society will Administrator of tho Bureau of here. The Society, of which Gov' The new agreement wan worked Seminary of America. Security and Consular Affairs of Ychoash SoIomolV Dloomgar- ernor Theodore n . McKeldin of help Americans to a fuller appre- tho State Department, who has out at a meeting between repreciation of the culture of Israel, den, Yiddish poet, made many Maryland is president, plans .to and encourage tho people of that responsibility for the refugee prosentatives of the Joint Distribuimportant contributions to the open local chapters in New York, tion Committee, I HAS and Israel nation to a better undersandlng of gram. His report, dated January literature of the Jewish people purchasing mls.'lon, on one olde, For years, working under the Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago and American and its way of life. The 30, -was made public by the House Society will seek to interpret the Judiciary Committee. and representatives of v a r i o u s shadow of a fatal Illness, he other cities. Bonn Government departments, Among tho projects eventually spiritual tradition and democratic was able to find time and strength to build a sanitarium to be undertaken by the Society heritage that bind tho two nations on the other. for consumptive.'!. HIH major will be exchange fellowships and together to give added meaning to Orlglnal|y, s o m e 700 "illegal" work was a translation of the professorships for scholars, teach- the unity of purpose that characreturnees registered with the Ger- Jlible into Yiddish. He con- ers and scientists as well as artists. terizes freedom-loving peoples. man authorities last S u m m e r . tinued to write poetry through"Friendship between the peoples In a formal statement marking the Since then about 250 have manout his life and it became, In Members of the community are opening of the headquarters here, of the t w o countries is firmly aged to find new countries of perspite of all obstacles, an Im- F. Joseph Donohuc, chairman of based in their common tradtions, invited to attend the piano recital manent settlement and have left. mortal tribute to the spirit and the Society's board of directors, pioneering experience and demo- Sunday, at 3:15 p. m. at the Jewfaith-of this courageous man. cratic aspirations. Now that Israel ish Community Auditorium to b€ The remainder include 2G0 who declared. have already made arrangements "The America-Israel Society has Is firmly established and is en- given by pupils of Prof Ham gaged in molding its democratic Baer, director of the Center Plan* for leaving and were granted unbeen brought Into being by a group "Message of Israel" will be way of life, it is more important til . July, at the German-Jewish broadcast over KOIL from 10 of American leaders of all faiths than ever to promote Increased Studio. Students of all grades will b« conference. T h e remaining 190 to 10:30 a. m. Chaplains Joshua and in many lines of endeavor who understanding and cultural exmust either leave by March 15 or Goldl>er|[, U. S. Navy and Hen- believe that there Is need for a change on a permanent basis. For presented and among the combe able to show that they have an ry Tavel, U. S. Army will non-sectarian, non-political,, all- Americans there will be a reward- positions to be performed kit speak. Programs this month inclusive American organization to ing experience in reviving the roots works by Bach, B e e t h o v e n nrrangement for leaving for anwill originate from outside the work for tho fullest Interchange of of an ancient culture in which our Brahms, Tchaikovsky, C h o p i n other c o u n t r y within a few Rachmaninoff, Grieg and BortkieIdeas and cultural materials be- civilization is founded." continental U. S. months. •» wicz. tween the oldest and the youngest

Egyptian-Israel Border Incidents

Global Report

Centennial Forum On Science Wed.

Israel Aid Parley Planned in U.S.

Israelis in Iraq Release Asked

Sunday Radio

America-Israel Group Opens Obstacles Hinder Refugee Relief Headquartersin Washington

Student Recital Sunday at Center

Friday. M « r b 5, 1954




Capital Spotlight

Our U. N. Newsletter

Johnston Report Rivalry for On Jordan Plan Arab Favors

ISy Seymour Kophin Anti-Defamation Lraruc B'nai B'rith women, of Omaha, did ( h e m s G 1 v c s proud rcrcntly when they p r <•: e n t e d Mr;. Ily Il.irold Eldlln liy A1UHUE LEWIS William L. Frederick with their HABBT BALFEBT. United Nations (JTA)—An un.Society Editor Citizenship Citation. This was the Waihinglrm (JTA)—The Stulc seemly rivalry for Arab favors MB& LOUIS PAUL. first of a series of awards to be Department has turned the spot- is developing here between the given outstanding v.ojmn1 of our light of publicity on the U, S.- Russians the Americans as a community, nnd from tin way it spon:.ored Jordan Hiver Valley De- result of and the fact that the Paleslooks to me, vthc I3'nai IJ'rith velopment project. tine dispute has now become i n women fiot off to a magnificent way of an advance build-up volved in the Cold War. For a (Beprbited from the American National and Bed Cross news- start and created a high order of forHynext month's impending Visit long time, this issue was someprecedent for themselves. paper.) lo the Middle East by Eric John- how able to escape the Great Mrs. Frederick, "Mary," ar. the don, President Elsenhower's per- Power struggle, but the veto cast Every day we hear of the distress, need, or adversity of one is known to all her friends, richly sonal envoy, for a second round of by Andrei Vkhinsky, the Soviet of oar fellow citizens. Sometimes the need is close at home, deserves the recognition given tier. Ui\kr, with government leaders of delegate, in the Security Council's is probably best known lo the Israel, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon, debate on the Jordan River hydrosometimes it ia at a far distant point. No matter where, each of She women for her effective and iis has an impulse to help—an impnlrse as old as the human understanding teaching method:; the department has Just reprinted electric scheme, waa truly a sinisbooklet form Mr. Johnston's ter foreshadow of things to come. during the years that phe in heart report on his original mission last Off Balance in the Adult Home Making Dcpart- October. But as individuals we frequently ean do little. No one of us'rnent of the Ornaha Schools. She Is Once again, the Western Powers can afford to make a sizable contribution to every person whose also well remembered for her Added Emphasis were caught off balance although trouble or plight appeals to tu. All o fas banded together, how- courses in Child Psychology. But, Although it denies any "partic- they had .sufficient warning to sc what was going to happen* ever, each giving what he can afford, will save lives, restore to me she is the devoted chairman ular significance" to the reprintof the Omaha Council for Equal ing of lite Johnston report, which In order to make up for what they health, or bring comfort and happiness to many in distress. Job Opportunities. Her dedication was published originally last De- evidently considered the damage Through the American Bed Cross each of us may make hi« to the highest order of democratic cember in the weekly State De- done to their prestige in the Mideontribntion easily and efficiently. tradition, her consecration to the partment "Bulcllin," the added dle East, there was such a scram-" By joining the Bed-Crow we art there to restore the shat- highest standard of Americanism emphasis now given to the highly hie when the Security Council met reflected in the selfless way in next to take up the Israeli comtered home of a disaster -victim; to give emergency help to the is which she has carried out the literate piece Is bound to have an plaint about the Egyptian blockfamily of a serviceman; to provide lifesayving and health restor- many arduous tasks which this impact on thinking both at home ade of their goods passing through abroad. Aside from the offi- the Suez Canal, that they fell over ing blood for the ill and injured; to brighten the weary hours of chairmanship has imposed upon and her. The Equal Job Opportunities cial explanation that the report each other. Instead of accepting a hospital patient; to help save and revive a drowning child. Ordinance, prepared under her was selected for reprinting, as are the veto, nnd announcing that they Chartered by Congress and charged with important and spe- chairmanship has created discus- other articles that appear from had done their best to solve the cific responsibilities, the Red Cross has been meeting the needs sion throughout the community, time to time in the "Bulletin," be- problem of the power project, and of thousands of stricken or trembled men and women and chil- and for the first time Omahans cause it is "timely, interesting and that in any case their proposal are beginning to seriously survey important," its appearance at thi? hnd the backing of the majority, dren each day for more than 70 yean. their standards for offering e m - time coincides with Johnston's the State Department officials apOnly the participation of all of us makes that neighborly ployment This alone, is bound to proposed second visit to the Mid- parently sat up late at nights bitservice possible. Answer the call of your Red Cross—joint and improve the moral tone of our dle East, tentatively scheduled for ing their nniln. community and raise the economic mid-March. serve your fellow men. The Soviets could have been level as welL For one thing,, the report can exposed for what they are doing o o w be read by countless num—muddying the waters of PalesIt should be said that the honor bestowed upon Mar> by the B'nai bers of persons, including officials tine which, in the case of the Jorin Our own State Department dan River hydroelectric scheme B'rith women, is not the only one she has received recently. Last members of the U. S. foreign has more truth than poetry, but service arid members of Congrcsr these worried officials could think summer she was offered a scholar1 Jerusalem (IIP)—Israel's In- Editor ship to attend he Merrill-Palmer whose attention may not have been of nothing b u t appeasing t h e Arabs. So Henry Cabot Lodge School Seminar in Human Rela- attracted to It when It appeared dustrial exports rote by 91 per Jewish Press tions, at Detroit, Mich. This schol- in the "Bulletin." That list also came down from Washington with Omaha, Nebr. cent in 1953 over the previous year. arship was the only one offered Includes members of hundreds of their plan in his pocket—only he Dear Editor: forcot to Inform his Allies. This year a further rise of 100 It was with a great deal of sur- by the American Association of local and national organizations The Egyptians hnd submitted a per cent is expected, revealed Mr. prise and some dismay that I read University Women who picked interested In developments in the from all the candidates Middle East Special reprints of counter-complaint to the Israeli Y. Zarcbio, Director of the Eport last week's editorial taking our Mary tliis type go to a selected mailing throughout the country. This six complaint, on the night before the orthodox brethren to tack for their Department of the Ministry of- demonstration before the N. Y. week's experience had a profound list, n spokesman for the State Security Council met: it was a effect on Mary, and we are going stale trumped un charge that I s Department's Division of PublicaCommerce and Industry this week Israeli Embassy. The cause for to let you in on a secret; don't be tions explained. rael had violalcd the armistice General exports in 1953 rose by dls may was the fact that at Dav- surprised if one of these days you apreementi in the El Auja de52 per cent from S36.OO0.O00' (o enport, Iowa, we experienced un read an incisive Report Appeals article on human militarized zone. When the meet$56,000,000. Of this figure, 38 per Infamous scries of events during relations over tile The report itself is an appeal ing opened, Sir Gladwyn Jebb of signature of Ilrothrchood Week which was rccent were Industrial exports. This for the adoption of the Jordan the United Kingdom opposed putMary Frederick. 38 per cent represents a sum of miniccnt of Hitler's Germany. Valley project. Its principal argu- ting this complaint on the nRcn122,000.000 netted by exports lo Windows of Jewish owned store-; ment ir, that the program "hold? da: he said that it harl not been were marked with vile nnti-scmfnumerous countries including Tur- tlc out real promise to all parties con- received in time, which it had slogans, placards nppearcd piok e y / w h o received 36.5 per eenf claiming it to be "Anti-Scmetic cerned"—to the Arabs "It offers a not. of be total shipments; Finland Week" and to date there arc no way to meet their peoples' growProtector The. mcinbei;;hip campaign of ing demands for progress and n 18.8 per cent; Great Britain, 14.5 prosecutions. Mr. Vishinskv, in his self apthe Beth Israel Men's Club i;; better life"—and to the Israelis it per cent; United Stales, 6.4 per When two incident', like the pointed role of nrotector of the gaining momentum rapidly. It was cent. The remainder was distribabove take place and only enough reported by Mr. Barney Drcvich, "furthers the possibilities to forge Arabs leapt to their defense: he uted between 64 different coun- •pace ahead with ambitious and urgent insisted on Iks Inclusion. Rather 1 for one editorial is availchairman of the membership cam- plans to wrest every possible benetries. able it seems to mo that it beat the regular monthly fit from the meager resources on belatedly, Mr. I,odge then formalThe tremendous jump In Israel'?. hooves n Jewish oriented Press to paign, ly proposed that the Egyptian item which Israel must depend." exports is the result of the Gov-attack the latter for what it is board meeting. be included on the agenda. The new members are: Dave ernment's export program which rather than to vilffy*pcop'c motiSir Gladwyn f o u n d himself The latter reference Is so much is designed to spur local produc- vated by religious conviction even Bebcr, Lcroy Canficld, Kay Corey, window-dressing. Israel's leaders, hangine In mid-air: he landed SS tion tor foreign markets in an though we think them extreme. Milton Cackin, Manny Drcvich, of course, have expressed a de- gracefully as he could but he was Dave Dubin, Aaron Epstein, S. K all-opt effort to stabilize the coun- Not a word appeared about the embarrassed. However, Freed, Joe Flshel, Sidney Feldman. Eire to go forward with the proj- obviously try's 'economy- Many faeloricr Davenport incident. the French delegate, M. Henri Henry. Ginsberg, Frank Hollander, ect. The major stumbling block Hoppcnot. have been enabled to expand David Fogel, hnd supported him Cecil IzcnMat, Henry Krasnc, Ben to acceptance Is Arab opposition. in opposingwho their production programs through Activities Director the Egvntian move, Kaplan, Nathan Kaplan, Leo KamRemarks such as was carried in special facilities granted by. the did not seem, to realize that the isar. Dr. Victor E. Lcvine, Meyer recent Cairo radio broadcast Americans were Intent on appeasGovernment, In part made possibl* Meyerson, Herman Mcrowitz, lien advising Mr. Johnston "to remain ing the Arabs, and became more by appropriations from State of Reitzcr, Irving Stern, 1. J. Soskin, In his country and spare himself and more forceful in his opposiIsrael Sond investments, a major David Silver and Sam Stone. the trouble of the trip," do not tion. He was left rather red faced foreign currency source in the The Men's Club lias an aeilvi bode well for the Johnston mis- when the Council accepted the country's Foreign E x c h a n g e program for the coming month.*; sion. As to that, the President's American motion without a vote. Budget. This month there will be the Dane special envoy speaks in his report Of course, neither the British nor The Ministry of Commerce and ' We the members of a locally of the Month March 13, the Men'. of a'"realistic hope" that he can the French representatives had Industry has been investigating established Jewish GI Congrega- Club Sabbath March 10 and the gain acceptance of his proposal, been informed of what the Amerthe problem of finding new mar-tion in Pusan, Korea, Beth No regular monthly dinner meetinn despite the fact that a slate of icans intended to do, and they kets for the ever-growing list of VNod (House of the Wanderer), March 25. For membership con- war still exist1! between Israel and were rightlv nnnoyed at the disproducts, as well as boosting tbp are anxious of increasing our tact Barney Drevich, GL 1005 or the Arab countries, provided both array In which they found themestablishment of new plants and measure of contribution by soli- the synagogue, office, RE G288. sides accept thr principle of n selves. the expansion of existing ones. citing the help of our relatives United Nations-administered projUnder the circumstances, with Special arrangements have been and friends back home in the ect. this unholy rivalry going on, it Is made to enable export firms to C o n r , r e l a t i o n s "Operation Kosher Meat Prices Realist or not, Johnston just re- dlf/lcult to forecast what the S e New York (JTA)—Wholesale utilize their foreign currency ac- Shalom." This goodwill operation rc-emphasized his confi- curitv Council will do about the counts for purposes of obtaining hns as its aim the collection of prices of kosher meat teldom e x - cently dence that his proposal would Egyptian blockade. If ever Israel raw materials. The Ministry also c l o t h i n g , medicinal supplies, ceed the wholesale prices of non- eventually gain acceptance. ' h a nn open and shut ease, K Is maintains close ties with com- household goods and other per- kosher meat by more than one or One more thing the Johnston thin one: and everyone admits this mercial attaches abroad. The For- sonal effects for distribution to two cents a pound, and the differCTitial in cost to the consumer report tries to do is "to correct n here. Not only have the Egyptian* .Trade Council, which coin- the local populace. a Security Council order to representatives of all Min- The project, with its proximity is therefore not due to the e x - general impression" that he went defied stop the blockade but thev have : involved in planning nnd to Passover, comes at a very pense of ritual slaughter and rab- to the Middle East last year with s h o w n their contempt for the executing exports, Is also an im- appropriate time. This year as binic supervision, according to an o "plan." What I had in my brief- United- Nations bv actually e x portant factor in the growth of the the Jewish GIs in Korea make interim report of the kashruth case was a proposal," he says. sub-commission on kosher meat And that ia the difference, he tending it to Include foodstuffs country's commerce. ready for the Passover Seder they prices of the Rabbinical Council thinks. Instead of a rigid plan nnd bevond the Suez Canal In the will be doing so with the knowl- of America. of Afcnba. However, even If which demanded a "yes" or "no," Gulf edge in mind that even in this the Security Council does nothing Rabbi Em.muel llackman, of For he presented both sides with a because remote outpost of civilization of lhi> power polities over they have put the all important Rockaway, N. Y., reported that "concept, a concept which en- this Issue, the Court of World Jerusalem (JTA)—Policies gov- Passover theme into practice. come reduction in price would visioned coordinated development Public Onlnion will issue o judgerning t h e selection of immigrant."- "Kol dicfin, yasai vcyaichal"— seem possible if consumers were of the Jordan River watershed." ment In favor of Israel. Just last week a spokesman for to Israel will be relaxed, it war "Let all who suffer the panes of educated to vary their demand r,o Indicated here after a meeting be- hunger join us In our festivities" that it would not be concentrated Mr. Johnston reported that his upon only a Email part of the DRAINAGE (IIP) — A special tween representatives of the Jew- . . . Freedom, if It is to be enjoyed total meat available for sale, and "concept" was still under study. committee has been established by ish Agency and the Israel Gov- by one group must be the realiza- if butchers would reduce overhead Israel's Ministry of Agriculture to ernment held In the Premier's of- tion of all croups. costs by making fuller use of store draft plnns for a countrywide fice. Flcaie address your package to: facilities and labor. drainage system which will be Among other matters, it war, de- Operation Shalom Jerusalem (JTA) — Some 750 dovetailed into the Irrigation blueThe subcommittee, Rabbi Rackcided that persons who left Israc* Office of the Jewish Chaplain man reported, "feels that the mer- professionals and skilled tech- print. The drainage plan is not and now would like to return wil' Hq, Pusan Military Post chandising structure of the retail nicians including 200 from the only to include schema; of swampy bo given another -opportunity tc APO59 c/o PM San Francisco, kosher meat industry warrants United States, have arrived in nnd marshy areas, but will deal settle in Israel provided they Dgrcr Cal. study to the end that great econ- Israel from English-speaking coun- with the utilization of surplus wato live and work in an agricultural YOUTE very sincerely, omies be achieved." tries since the organization of ter accumulated during irrigation settlement. The top age limit for Nathan Kstcrsohn PATWA, the movement for im- to avoid waste. An appronrlation the acceptance of skilled immiThe Red Cross gave emergency migration of professionals to Israel, of over $18,000,000 from State of grants bas been extended to 50 One of every 4 persons in the and rehabilitation aid to sufferers Eliahu Dobkin, immigration de- Israel Bond investments is backinstead! of the 45 which was the United States is a lied Cross m an average of 6 disaster relief partment head of the Jewish Ing the Irrigation projects of the top previously. young stale. ' member. operations a week last year. Agency, announced here.

n H W w l ftnrj rrtta; bf Ike Omaha Jewish redersUssi

n * « mom « > • B U M M omtu, Neoroiu, >ria « * • * « « lUnk «. Itn MI •UMCflcOCB. MM. AOvotuiniluu* on ApjrtleaEMk. m l MflM-101 H& »U> SUM. OssUa. Hebr, ATtutle IIML » Ska* «•«»« I Id sou ssi* suwi

You Are There

Israel's Exports To Rise in 1954

Your . . . Sounding Board

Mens Club

Letters From Servicemen

Immigrant Policy


•TV. r

Friday, March 5, 1M4


Lehrmati Reports Omaha Zionist Council Tuesday Musicale Farband Will Have Foreign F8m at Guest Speaker Sun. Joslyn Memorial The regular meeting of the On Israel Progress Omaha Zionist Council will be Elegant Finale Farband will celebrate the

The Italian film masterpiece held Wednesday, March 10 at 8 By Hans Baer The face of Israel is constantly p. in. in the Jewish Community 3,000th anniversary of Jerusalem "Open City" will be presented in changing, Hal Lehrman, author, Center. All members of the Countlie fourth of a series of foreign The final concert of the Tuesday 7 p, m., Sunday, at the Jewish reporter and lecturer, told his au- cil are urged to be present. Musical Club which was given by Community Center. Mr. M. Brand- films sponsored by the Jewish dience last week at o meeting of the Albeneri-Trlo was a dignified wein, secretary of the labor de- Community Center Sunday, March the Henry Monsky LO<1EC held in 14, at 8:15 p. m. at Recital Hall, ending of the season 1053-1954. conjunction with the Center LecEric Itor Kahn, pianist, Giorgio partment of the Jewish National Joslyn Memorial Museum. ture and Concert Scries In the Fund will be guest speaker. Mr. Ciompi, violinist and Bcnar HeifIt tells the personalized story of Jewish Community Center. ctz, cellist, arc musicians of great Brandweln is a native of Israel. the people of Italy during the Nazi Mr. Lehrman has returned reA film on Israel will be shown. occupation, with a leader of the caliber. Each of them has a woncently from his third visit to Israel. derful tone on his Instrument, par- Mrs. M. Neurenberg will ising. resistance as the central character Announcement was made by ticular ease and elegance in his Supper will be served at 7:30 and a Catholic priest as his imOn his first trip just after the armistice was signed, he felt Ju- Art Green of the publicity com- technique and a remarkable under- p. m., for reservations call Mrs. mediate aide. The great spirit of bilation und over confidence mittee of the B'nai B'rith Centen- standing for the style of chamber J. Feldman—RE 0938. humanity which arises in all crises marked the attitude of the Israelis. nial Jamboree, that several well- music. of mankind, is illuminated as the In their first heady moments of known television programs will conflict reveals those who side Though the. whole program»was .freedom they were adverse to plug the Jamboree. Included will Interpreted with superiority, those with freedom and those who fall. criticism, Mr. Lehrman remarked. be the Jean Sullivan show, the movements, however, were espe"Open City" was acclaimed by Some of their early problems in- Martha BohUen show, Elaine Ja- cially attractive which ask for the press as one of the great films cl'jded a lack of trained adminis- bcnls Scrap-Boole and I-Go Bowl- subtle tenderness and a kind of of our time. It received First Prize trators and coping with the mass ing Show. Numerous announce-, mysticism which emerges from the, A gala dance, the "Droodlc at the Rome film festival, and the influx of immigration, ho pointed nents on the Omaha radio sta- fog, impressing the listener with Drag," will launch a program Zurich competition. It also won 1 tions will also bring the message an enchanting mood. These quailout Prix du Cinema at the the Jamboree to the public In ties were heard in the D major aimed at organizing a Hillel Foun- Grand This contrasted sharply with his of dation in Omaha it was announced. Cannes International Film Festit h i s area.' •.'..•"•;.'• • : " : : ••..;•, '.•.'.''•'••.•• trio op. 70 by Beethoven, in the second visit in 1051, when he felt The dance will be held 8:30 p. m., val as well as one at Venice. Other plans for the Jamboree trio in A by Ravel and In the trio Sunday, March 21, in the Jewish "Open City" was awarded a spe• black cloud of disillusionment cial prize as the "Best Film of the bad fallen over the people. Food arc moving along at a fast pace C major op, 87 by Brahms. Community Center auditorium. w u scarce and the land wait according to chairman Sol Dolgoff. \Tho Tuesday Musical Club has The Omaha B'nai B'rith Hillel Year" by the New York- Film crowded with Immigrants and. the The affair to be held Sunday, had In the past five concerts a joint committee has been meeting Critics and won Special Mention Israelis thought they were facing March 14 from 1 p. m. to 1 a, m. very successful season 1953-1954. with a committee of students of by the National Board of Review. we are looking forward to theOmaha colleges to discuss the pos• bleak future, he added. It was at the Jewish Community Center. The film will begin at 8:18 p. m. • low point in Israeli morale, Mr. A small army of workers has been season 1954-1055 which will have sibilities of initiating a Hillel pro- In Recital Hall, Joslyn Memorial, e n l i s t e d t o m a k e t h e a f f a i r a s u c on the roster such excellent artists gram. Lehrman stressed. '••' .'•:.' : /•, :•'••. • •.•• 24th Street, at Dodge. Tickets mar • • •.•. ••;• ;-••'••• •;,; .• •• •••' as Robert Shaw Chorale, with orCollege students and their be obtained at the Jewish Com. On his third trip from which he c e s s . ' v The combination recipe and ad chestra, Irmgard Seefried, soprano, friends are Invited to attend. raunlty Center. has just returned, once again the book went to press tills week. The Claudlo Arrau, pianist, I Muild, picture haj changed, he said, now cook book section has been greatlj chamber orchctra, and Gold and there is a steady sober acceptance Flrdale, .duo pianists. of reality. Food Is available at expanded, with over fifty reelp reasonable prices and the black furnished by B'nai B'rith men and women. Each recipe submitted 'market is gone, he stated. The people are waiting hopefully for was screened by a specially setomorrow with a dogged deter- lected committee and in co-operamination, Mr. Lehrman (aid. Tho tion with the co-chairmen of the Israelis are growing up, be pointed recipes—Mrs. David Blcicher and Mrs. Seymour Kaplan. out. - Cantor Aaron I. Edgar will preAll B'nai B'rith members a n He quoted Bruce McDaniel, receiving by mail, tickets to thesent the Junior Choir and tho TalAmerican administrator ot Techni- gala affair. Meanwhile an energc mud Torah Choir, in an evening cal Cooperation Administration tic committee is selling tickets of Jewish song, this evening, at funds in Israel, who said the Is- throughout the community, It was Beth El Synagogue. The Talmud Torah Choir will render the musraeli economy Is dynamic and Is announced. ical portions of the service, which steadily growing. He added the The food committee held n nation has known what to do with meeting Sunday, Feb. 28 at thebegins at 8:15 p. m. Following the service, both tho Talmud Torah U.S. aid. Jewish Community Center and and the Junior Choir mill This Lehrman contrasted with Mrs. Ezra Beldncr, chairman, Choir the Arab situation where U. 8. aid stated that tho committee has offer programs of Jewish song. Members of the Junior Choir was not welcomed, l i e pointed to made final plans for serving dethe Arab refugees living on thelicious home cooked foods through- arc: Phyllis Belzer, Leslie Epstein, Karen Fcllman, Nancy Fcllman, border on a U. N. dole and re- out the entire Jamboree. Many ported no effort Is being made by names of women were listed who Diane Fogel, Ardccn Forbes, Richard Fried, Judy Gendler, Ronna the Arain to Improve their condi- are contributing such articles as tions. home made cakes, canned foods, Halpcrin, Stuart Hurwlch, Marilyn Katzman, Donna Kaiman, MiTurning to relations between ciindic.i and many other goodies. chael Markowllz, Honnl Meyer Israel and tho Arab states, Mr. Anyone wishing to contribute llosalyn Nogg, Louis Rich, Rcnee Lchrman emphasized that there is cukes for the booth, or any other Rimmerman, Naomi Rnthcnbcrg no point of contact between Israel home made food;;, please call Mrs. Diane Itubinow, Susan Sachs and and her Arab neighbors. Provi- Beldncr, GL 7202 and she will Gall Shrier. sional armistice commissions arc make arrangements to pickup your acquiring an air of permanence offering. Food items will be ac- Members of the Talmud Torah due the Arab refusal to negotiate. cepted at the center before noon. Choir are: Barbara Bcrcutt, Carhe reiterated. The commission? Sunday, March 14, at the food olyn Dolfioff, Betty Ermann, Franhave been unable to stop border booth in the auditorium of theces Ermann, Eleanor Falkenstcln Robert Feliman, Lynnettc Forbes raids, he added. Appeasement of Jewish Community Center. Barbara Grcenberg, Richard Kasthe Arabs is not effective, Mr. low, Janice Katleman, Michael Lehrman concluded. Katz, Phyllis Katzman, Madeline Krlpkc, Jack Licb, Pamela PerelTe\ Aviv (JTA)—An ancient man. Tommy Platt, John Rlekes stone on which seven of the Ten Estelle Schulman, Ann Welntraub Commandments were engraved in and Arnold Weintnub. Samaritan letters, has been found near Kfar Yavne In' Southern One of every 10 servicemen •Three Hundred Jewish Years Israel, during excavation for a received Bed Cross help each in America" will be presented by sewage canal. month last year at a camp or According to specialist*, the the Workmen's Circlo Tour group hospital. 8 3 0 p. m , Tuesday, March 16, in stone was carved in the seventh the Jewish Community Center century during tho Arab conquest Three of every 5 elementary of the country. It was transferred Auditorium, Joseph Radlnowski chairman ot the Yiddish Cultural to the Archaeological Department and secondary school students are volunteer members of the of the Hebrew University in JeSeries announced. , Junior Red Cross, rusalem. . .,i •.."'• The program will offer Jewish humor, songs, drama and music with famous artists of the Jewish Stage. Tho featured artists are the renowned character actor and di' : .' .- '.'•••'••"/•••>r:'-'irHS»ff M a r c h S rector, Israel Wcllchansky; unique Pro-School—9 a, m.—Center. Interpreter of Yiddish and Hebrew •/•".••••' Saturday, March 6 songs, Masha Bcnya; accomplished . "Whafa Your Gripe,"—Highland Party—7 p. nt—Highland Town ' actress, Charlotte Cooper, and outstanding pianist, Pol a Kadlson. Club,-...; Sunday, March 7 Tickets may be obtained at the Children's Program—2 p. m.—Center. Jewish Community Center. Single .admissions are 75 cents. Prof. Baer's Piano Recital—3 p. m.—Center. Young Adult Lounge Night—8 p. m.—Center. Monday, March 8 UtRARL CABINET DIBCTJ8SES Pre-School— 9 a .m.—Center. Jerusalem (JTA) — The Israel Blkur Cholln Luncheon—1 p. m.—Center. Cabinet held a meeting on the Temple Israel Bible Study—1 JO p. m,—Home. political events, of the past few Senior Council Board Meeting—Home. s days in Egypt and Syria. Premier Workmen's Loan—7:30 p. m.—Center. and -Foreign Minister Moshe ShaB'nai B'rith Monsky Chapter No. 470—6 p. nt—•Center, • rett reported to the Ministers. Tuesday, March • _ There was no official comment Senior Council Workshop—10 a. m.-^-Ccnter. Nest to the comfort of your own firesMej available on the views of the CabPioneer Women—1 p. m.—Center. inet in this matter. A Foreign Ofthere's nothing better than a pair of stout Temple Israel Book Review—1 p. m.—Home. fice spokesman merely Bald that Pcrctz Hirshhoin—1 p. m.—Center. Florsheim Shoes for raw, wet Winter the "profound upheavals in Syria Council Study Group—1 p. m.—Home, cannot but cause the Israel Govd a y * . . . and, as erery wearer Wednesday, March 19 ernment grave concern and cause Pre-School—9 n. m.—Center. know*, they're good for the nation to be on guard." Afternoon Ceramics Class—1 p. m.—Center. A great deal of satisfaction Is More than ooe Winter's wear.' Beth El Sisterhood Luncheon—1 p. m.—Both EL being derived by oil Israelis from Evening Ceramics Class—7:30 p. m.—Center. the statement by Army Chief of Zionist Council—8 p. m.—Center. Staff Gen. Moshe Dayan that if B'nai B'rith Monsky Chapter No. 470 Adult Education—8 necessary, tho army can mobilize Home. a force of 250,000 military perOTHOtS 17.W to Workman's Circle Ladies Auxiliary—8:30 p. m.—Labor Lyceum. sonnel. Wlillc this figure Is beCentennial Lecture. lieved to include civilian militia Thursday, March 11 and women's units, It Is seen as Leadership Training Institute for Teenagers—3,45 p. m.—Center, reassuring evidence that Israel Evening BridgeClaes-rS p. m.—Center. has a largo and modem defense Cornhusker B'nai B'rith—8 p. ra.—Center . . , . , , • , 1, •'•-• ;'-;M force- to protect the country.

TV Shows to Plug BB Jamboree

Dance to Highlight Plans for Hille!

Beth El Will Hold Song Fete Tonight


Warm, dry comfort in

all kinds of weatherl

Ancient Stone

Workmen's Circle Program March 16

Community Calendar



Weather-Sealed Shoes


Friday, Mirth



"Talk of Many Things"

5, 1954

Frances Carter Will Address Local Pioneer Organization


Miss FranceK Carter, Fi'jld Representative for Pioneer Wmui n Mr. and Mrs. Alan Bramson announce the birth of a daughter, will be the guest of the Kadiniiih Barbara Ellen, bom February 28 in Katonah, N. Y. Chapter, Pioneer Women ;tn<i Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sommer and pa- Chapter No. i Pioneer Women at a membership party March 11 in ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bramson. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Mrs. Bramson is the former Berenice Sommer. Bear, 4115 S. 42nd Street at 0 p. m., Mrs. Chas. Cuss, membership, chairman of Kadimah announced today. Chapter No. 1 PioOzzlc Katz, daughter o f Rev. and Mrs. Alexander Katz, has been neer Women will entertain Mks cast as the romantic lead in the Brandels University annual musical Carter at a luncheon the same djy production "Hi Charlie," Ho be preaented^Iarch 14. Frances Carter has been n memMiss Katz Is a freshman in the University. ber of Pioneer Women for 20 As a senior in Central High school. Miss Katz had a lead in the years. She organized the Junior Pioneers In Providence, and w.n school's operetta, "The Red MUL" the first chairman of the group In the 33rd annual Council Bluffs Mardi Gras, Miss Harriet Katel- She also served as chairman of Pioneer Women in Providence foi man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Katelman, was a Countess to the Queen. Miss Katelman, sophomore l U o w a University, was escorted five years. Miss Carter assisted in Mas Marilyn Leroer organizing the first Roxuury, by David Bear, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bear of Omaha. Mass., English-speaking club and Also In the coronation was Natalie Marcus, daughter of Mr. and was its first chairman. France, Mrs. I c e Marcus. Miss Marcus was a maid to the Queen. Carter was president of Rhode Islands League of Jewish Women's Organizations for two years, served on the board of United Jewish Appeal in Providence and is on the Mr. and Mrs. William Lerner ol board of Planned Parenthood of Hock Island, 111., announce the Rhode Island. She studied with engagement of their daughter, Richard Boicslowsky und Marie Marilyn Phyllis, to Justin ManBette Ann Foska, Fund Raising One of the world's gretest col- Ouspenskayn at the Laboratory vitz, son of Mr. and Mrs. David chairman of.Junior Hftdauah, a n Theatre and also attended Smith Manvitz. nounced that the fund raising lection of dolls created by BerMiss Carter has been the Miss Lerner Is a senior at the event of the rear for the club will nard Ravca, the great French doll- College. Miss Frances Carter guest speaker Pioneer Women University of Iowa in Iowa City be "The First Annual Spring maker, is currently on exhibition groups throughof New England anc. childrcns' homes, day nurseries, where she is affiliated with Sig- Dance" Sunday, April 4, 8:30 p. m. is also on the speaker's bureau o rehabilitation centers for immima Delta Tail; Her' fiance is e at the JCC Auditorium. Music will on the eighth floor at Brandels the United Jewish Appeal. Sh< be provided by Ernie Priesman Store. graduate of Omaha University. women and girls, vocational has just completed a tour of Eu grant and trade schools, egricutlural The couple plan a July 4 wed- and his orchestra. Tickets can be The display may be seen on rope and Israel purchased from any member o. shopping days until March 13, durschools for teen-agers and other ding. Pioneer Women, the Women's social services throughout Israel. the club or from Clara KaU, tick- ing Tegular business hours. The et chairman. public i s invited t o sec the exhibit Labor Zionist Organization of America, establishes' and 'mainHadassah seeks to build a strong free of oharge. tains through Its sister organizaZionist youth movement In AmerThe display/of over 3,000 dolls ica. The American Zionist Youth includes French peasant types, ac- tion, the MocUct Hapoalot (CounCommission stimulates, guides and tors from Hollywood and Board- cilFor Working Women in Israel), Mr. and Mrs. Simon Shykcn of directs, the development of the way, great personages from AmerCouncil Bluffs, la., celebrated General Zionist youth groups, ican, French and English history. Did you know that wire tapping their golden wedding anniversary Young Judaea, Junior Hadassah Presidents of the United States, was begun by New York City P o Sunday, Feb. 28 at a dinner at.the and the campus groups. With the the : Royal Family, scenes from lice Dcpartmont as early as 1865? Friday, March 5 Council Bluffs Jewish Community establishment of the state of Israel, opera and ballets, personalities Lawrence Joseph Kavich, Jbsef- Did you know that in addition to Center. The dinner was given by Hadassah'g Chili) Welfare prograrr from today's headlines and Amerbecame even more important thai their children, Mr. and Mrs. Richican regional characters. This Pinkus Landsman, Judith Plntt- suspected criminals, other citizens ard Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Charles in former years. Therefore, th famous display has won Mr. tlav- ner, and Jcanncr Sliver. have their phone conversations Fellman, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shy- Omaha Junior Hadassah Chaptet ca 39 medals and prizes in five Saturday, March 6 tapped too? These and other quesis presenting this dance of which ken and Dr. and Mrs. David C. different countries. David Lincoln, Laurie Beth tions will be the subjects under Plait. There were four generation.* all proceeds will go to the chilThe most characteristic thing LuttbeK, Shelly Helcne Mark«, discussion Sunday evening, March dren's village in Israel. present to honor the couple. the exhibit, according to the Sura Mini Polanskl, Ira Robert 7, after the Center's Young Adult The dance is open to the com' about Out-of-town guests included Mrs creator, is the fact that nil the Wolfson, and S t e v e n Michael Club views the film "Do We Need Robert Lubin and children, Craig munity. . dolls look real, lifelike, have WolfsOn. and TJebra of Minneapolis, Minn.' New Wiretapping Laws?" character, movement, expression Sunday, March 7 Marcia Gordon, student at Iown and motion like people. No two of Tho 20-mlnutc reel Includes a Barbara Aron, Sharon Kay Ber- debate between Senator Wayne University; Gerry Fellman and the 3,000 characters ore alike. Norman Shykcn, students at the Mr. Ravca has displayed his col- man, Gall Louise Brodkey, Doro- Morse (Ore., Ind.) and Rep, KenUniversity of Nebraska; Herbert lection at many World Fairs, arm thy Ann Corey, Nancy Ann Kap- neth B. Keating (N. Y.-Rcp.). Spector of Rock Island, 111., and has exhibited In nearly all the lan, and Bonnie Lcc Tarnoff. Following the film the group will Mr, and Mrs. Herman Katz of The Sisterhood of the Bth El large cities in the United States Monday, March 8 discuss the subject. The program Lincoln, Nebr. Synagogue will present as the next and in many foreign countries. Susan Hope Sachs, Lou Beth begins at 8:30 p. m. at the Jewish event in their Silver Jubilee Scries Shwidelson, Rozanne Siporin, and Community Center. This Is the a concert by Cantor Aaron Edgar fifth in a series entitled the AmerHadassah Bowling Mark Edward Trachtenbarg. and the Beth El Choir, with Mrs. BB Tourney Scorers ican Film ForumTuesday, March B Slocum as guest artist The W. L. Cecil Lawrence Joel Bloom and Ian concert will be given at the S y - These scores were omitted from Nogg Bros. , . . . 3 3 24 nagogue Sunday evening, March last week's article of the B'nai Herzog. *• Brandels Kloerchrome . . . 30 27 28, at 8 p. m., and will be followed B'rith District Women's Bowling Wednesday, March 10 Smith Pontlac 30 27 by a reception in the social hall. Tournament. Bernard Daniel Bcldner and . Nahariya (IIP)—Since the e s - Brandels Easy Washer . . 29 28 nandleap Game tablishment of the State, Israel has. Mrs, Sam Newman is chairman Robert Norman Gould. exported more, than $55,000,000 Edwards Jewelry 28 29 for this event and Mrs. Julius Sylvia Persky,-Chicago ........ 233 Thursday, March U worth of diamonds, it w a s re231 Milllie Wine 28 29 Stein and Mrs. George Conn with Sylvia Lcfitz, Omaha Paula Gall K r s i n e , Judith vealed here. • Scratch All-Events RCA. Victor . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 31 their' Circle 3 will be In charge of Elaine Lincoln, Susan Lynn MalFaye Isaacson, Chicago 845 In 1953 exports totaled $12,000,refreshments. Tickets for this eve. Met* Beer .'. . . . . . 2 4 33 1 nove, Judith Ann Nogg, M a r k 811 000 of whih $10,000/100 ent t o the ning arc in the Silver Jubilee book Rita Fine, Chicago IIIGH SERIES Plattncr, Judith Ann Schlcrn, Jo- United States. Israel to the world's Handicap All-Events Ann Schulman 478, Mickey Mal- or may be purchased from the members of Circle 3 or the syna- Dorothy Hyman, Chicago .._ 1,241 Ann Sherman and Arclcne Sheila second largest diamond exporting •'ashock 434, Either Marcus 434, gogue office. country, Belgium is first Bobette Silver, Omaha 1,1» Trachtenbarg. Adeline Sneider 410, and Charlotte Blumberg 404. '


Manvitz-Lerner Befrothal Told

Junior Hadassah Will Hold Dance

Doll Collection On Exhibition

Shykens Celebrate 50th AnnEversary

Young Adult Club Will Hold Forum

Happy Birthday

Beth El Sisterhood To Hold Concert

Diamond Exports

New Bridge Classes To Start March 18

S.A.M. Mothers'

The Sigma Alpha Mu Mothers' Club will meet Tuesday, March 9 at 1 p. m. at the home of Mrs. J. A new series of Bridge Classcr E. Kuklin, 5131 Maple St., for will begin March 18 at the Jewish their monthly meeting. Mrs. I. • Community Center, under the in- Stiss will be the co-hostess. struction of David Sheffer. This third ten-Week series of classes is One of every 94 persons In the designed for the beginner anil in- United States is an active Red termediate brldce player. Crots volunteer. The classes will meet.Thursday evenings at 7:30 and S:'M o'clock respectively. The course fee for 10 classes Is $5. Cill JA KiOC, Ext 32 to resistor.

Bar & Bas Mitzvah Mr. nmi Mr:;. Sam Matt of Columbus, Neb., announces that their Son, Lee Harvey will celebrate liir Bar Mitzvnh Saturday morning a' Beth-El Synagogue. A rcccptior will follow the service. Friend; and relatives are invited to attem' the ceremony. llr. and Mrn. Morris Koom announce that their.daughter, Joycr Rita, will celebrate her Ban MitzVah at Belli El Synagogue Friday evening, March 12 and Saturday morning, March 3 3. Friends anr' relatives arc invited to attend the receptions following both services One of every 75 persons in the United States received instruction in a Red Cross training course tost v w r

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meals and also get 1 0 % more of the finest GLAT KOSHER FOR P A S S O V E R FOODS FREE. FREE 1 0 % BONUS SCRIPS can be purchased NOW at our main office or at any of our official agencies bearing the Scrip to Israel Seal J^J located throughout the world. -£• . 150 WEST S7lh fflOl NtW YOKK, N. V.

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Friday, Mirth 5, 19S4


Organizations UIIIIIIIII»II|!|II , .:;, iiii

iN.umiiniiiiinnniuiJiiuiiuniniiiiiiii .iiniiaimiiiiiiuniii'iir

Epstciii'Morgan. The members of tho Ladles Auxiliary of K|)sl<:in-M'>rBuii Post Jewish Wiir Veterans nri: making plans lor the fotliciiiiiliii; visit of the Natlunnl J'rcskliTit, Mrs. Dainco B. Habcrmnn of New York. A lunchcon March 18, will honor Mrs. Htibcrman. More information on her visit will be announced later. The regular board meeting of the Auxiliary will be held March 3, at fl p. m. at the home of Mra Ezra Beldncr. The Auxiliary will hold their election and Installation of officers at their meeting March 18 at 8:30 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Habcrmnn will be installing officer. An open meeting for guests of the Auxiliary will be held at 0 p. m. Purim refreshments and social hour will follow. Mrs. J. Milton Margolin, nomination chairman, presented (he following slate to head the Auxiliary for the next year. It rend*: President, Mrs. Nate Marcus; First Vicc-Prcsidcnt, Mrs. Meyer Kaplan; Second Vloc-T'restdent, Mrs. Dorothy PlotkJn; Treasurer, Mrs. Dan Goodman; Chaplain, Mrs, Ezra Beldncr; Conductoress, Mrs. Aaron Epstein; Trustees, Mrs. Herman Silverman, Mrs. Max Plrsch, Mrs. Frank Cohen; Guard, Mrs. Stan Kaplan; Patriotic Instructor, Mrs. Dclmar Klein and Historian, Mrs. Cole Bush. Members of the nomnlatlng committee are Mmes: Milton Margolin, chairman, Sara Feltman, Nate Fcllman, Max Rosen, Ed Simon, Jack Saylan and Mlko Nlskcr.

Henry Monsky T h e ' regular monthly board meeting of the B'nal B'rith Henry .Monsky Chapter 470 will be held Monday, March 8 in the Jewish Community Center at 8 p. m. All board members are asked to attend. The March Adult Education Group meeting will be held Wednesday, March 10 at the home of Mrs. Sam Hahn, 5104 Decatur St., at 8:30 p. m. L t Col. A. L. Tuttle, Chief of Operations, Omaha Civil Defense Agency will be Kuost speaker. His subject will be "Woman's Hole in Civil Defense." Mrs. Sidney L. Sneldcr is Adult Education Group Chairman.

Bikur Cholim Monday, March 8 Is the 'date for the Bikur Cholim Society annual Purim Scholachmonus Tea. this afafir will be held at 2 p. m. in. the Jewish Community Center auditorium. Mrs. Allan ZaUin, President of Bikur Cholim, has appointed Mrs. Elnar Abram: son and Mrs. Phil Smith chair-* men. All proceeds of this tea will be turned over to the Medical . Fund: sponsored by the organization. Tables will be set up for card* following the tea.

BI Sisterhood . The annual Sisterhood Snbbath Of tho Beth,Israel Synagogue will tako place Friday, March 5, at the late evening services, Mrs. Sydney Goldberg, chairman of the event, announces that the following : members of the sisterhood will take part in the program: Mmes. Sol' Mann, Sam Shykcn, Stanley Diamond, Sam Bcrman, Eugene Braun and Harold Bloom. Mrs. Isadorc ElewiU, president, will deliver a sermonette entitled "Woman,.Through the AKCS."

Membership chairman, Mrs. Norman Hahn, conveys a welcome from the Blstcrhood to the following list of new members: Rimes. Sandor Bernstein, Ezra Beldner, Nate Berg, Sheldon Corcn, Stanley Diamond, William Diamond, Irving Dubln, Max Frank, Edward Fredericks, Jacob Friedman, Sam Frank, S. K. Freed, Sam Givcnter, Abe Grcenbcrj;, Barney Grey, Edward Gerbcr, Abe Gombcrg, Dan Gordman, Sam Hahn, Abe Hermanson and Morris Jacobs. Also joining the sisterhood ore: Mmes. I. J. Kraft, Phil Kutlcr, Louis D. Klein, Leo Kraft, Bernard Kaufman, Ed Lincoln, Walter Lcvi, Joseph Lltt, Leo Lefitz, N. Levinson, Betty Milder, Phil Mulnlck, Nathan Marcus, Arnold Miller, M. Mlttlemnn, Sam nosenbaum, Norman RorenzwelK, Maurice Hoelnsky, S. Rundell and S id no y Tarcn. Others ore Mmes, Sam Shyken, Sam Shi/f, Mandcl Simon, Harry Smith, Joke Simon, Nathan Steln-

berg, Jacob Shapiro, Izzle Sllss, Henry Tutzer, Harry Wohlner, Ilernurd Weiss, Harold Zellnsky and Hymie Zorlnsky.

Council Women

Page Flv»

Recipe of The Week

Copy Deadline All news copy for the JEWISH PRESS must be in oui hands by 5 p. m., Tuesday ti be included in the Friday edi tlon. Copy must be typewritten and double spaced on unlined paper.

'Soshannas Yakov Tzhahc&a Usmecha' (The Roses of Jacob Are Happy and Joyous.) By Mrs. Morris Speckier Purim Is a holiday when Joy Is everything, Thank God for the miracle of Ahaseurus no longer king.

A soled Dimmer of these recipes have been incorporated into a Dromedry HQcIpe Booklet which you may obtain free of charge by Though Hamans still exist towriting to; Dromedary, P. O. Box day, 11)3, New York 8, N. Y. We have high hopes and pray Date Nut Boll that they 1 tin Dromedary Date Nut Like Haman In the days gone Roll past \i package cream cheese Will lose their might and 1 tsp. butter never last. 2 tblsp. crushed pineapple (drained) Thank God we have Mordecals Cut a thin slice off each end of and Esthers aplenty the Dromedary Date Nut Roll. UsWho work with courage and ing a sharp knife, carefully holstrength for our land low out tho center of the roll So we shall not have to look Cream the butter and cream always to others cheese, add half the crumbs from For a helping hand. the center of the roll and mix well Nor may we forget the miracle with the pineapple. Press the fillOf six years ago—our State, ing Into the center of the roll, reBut .work as always for Israel, place the end pieces and fasten To keep our people great. with toothpicks. Wrap in wax p a ' per, chill at least an hour before slicing and serving. ' (%. cup whipped cream may be One person in every 164 famisubstituted for chese.) lies received' Red Cross home nursing Instruction last year; the ideal is one person in every family.

Cutler-Hixon Nuptials Revealed

Monday, March 8 and Tuesday, March 0, MUl . Sylvia Snydcr, North Central Regional Field Representative for the National CounMr. and Mrs. Charles Hlxon of cil of Jewish Women, will meet Los Angeles, Calif., announce the with board members and help iron marriage of their daughter, Dorout local organization problems and to bring services ol the Na- othy Diane, to Harold Cutler, son tional office in New York directly of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cutler into the Omaha Section. formerly of Omaha and now of The Monday meeting will begin Los Angeles, Calif. The couple at 10 a. m. for executive officers was married November 7. » at the Highland Town Club. A Mrs. Cutler is a graduate of luncheon for all board members Santamonlca City College and Mr. will follow, as will a workshop. Tuesday, the executive board Cutler graduated from Loyola Coland those interested in conferring lege in Los Angeles. Both are atwith Miss Snyder will meet at the tending Law. School at UCLA. Jewish Community Center along with Mr. Paul Verct and Mr. David Fogol of the Center Staff. Sending a field representative directly into the community Is a new service Instituted by the National Council of Jewish Women. It enables the national office to be The Federation of Jewish Wominformed of each section's needs Last year 20,800,000 persons and problems. en's Clubs have started work on Jerusalem (JTA)—Five major contributed $1 or more to make It was announced by uie Oma- the a n n u a l Red Cross drive. tasks confronting the government Red Cross services available. ha Section's President, Mrs. Harry Mmes. Alfred Sophlrand Manuel of Israel were outlined here by A. Stoler, that the annual Council Kruplnsky are the co-chairman of Premier Moshe Sharett at a public Dinner Dance held last Saturday the drive. meeting/ at the Blackstone was a financial Additional volunteers Include: The first task, he stressed, was and social success, and lhanks are offered to all those who volun- Mmes. Dave Wine, Malvin Tepper, to remain militarily and politically on the alert as long as the Arab Bernard Kaufman, Julius Schretteered their services selling tickets ber, Ray Corey, Chas. Guss, Irvin states continue their "cold war" and arranging the affair. Sherman, David Blalac, Hyman against Israel. The second task he Feror, Joe Zwelback, Stuart Si- listed as the development of the country and the establishment of mon and Joe Lltt. a balanced economy, with the help of world Jewry and other force; Mrs. Morton Hlllcr, president, Enchanted Forest' abroad. The third task is public and Mrs. Bcrnhardt Wolf, one of education in Israel with the stress tho vice-presidents, will address Sponsored by BI P-TA on loyalty and good citizenship, the congregation at the annual Sisterhood Sabbath. Friday night, Prizes will be awarded to chilThe renewal of mass immigraMarch 12 at the Jewish Commu- dren of Beth Israel selling the tion into Israel is the fourth Job nity Center. They will speak on most tickets to "Enchanted For- before the government and the "Your Sisterhood, Its Present and est" an outstanding movie being fifth is the maintenance and imFuture." sponsored by the P-TA. provement of close relations with Others partaking In the cervThe first prize Is a clock-radio world Jewry. Demanding more ices are Mmes. Milton Abrahams, The second prize Is a miniature Zionist activities among Jews in Edward Gilbert, Maurice Pepper, portable radio and carrying case. the world, Premier Sharett said: James Samuelson, Paul Veret and There are many other prizes such "We shall call on every Jew U Harry Wolfson. as roller skates, games, banks, comu or help Israel or visit her or at least learn Hebrew, which If An OncK Shabbot will follow baseball came, medals and pins. the services. Over 250 tickets have been sold the basis for the nation's unity." The next Ecsslon of the sister- by Talmud Torah students so far. Dealing with the Arab threat hood Bible Study Course will be Tickets are $1 for adults and 50 Mr. Sharett sold that tho Isrge) held Monday, March 8 at the home cents for children. "Enchanted army is, and will remain wcl' of Mrs, Lazar Kaplan at 1:30 p. m. Forest" will be shown In the Sy- prepared to meet any aggressive Rabbi Brooks will conduct the nagogue Social Hall on Marcl thrust by the Arab states. He sugsession on "The Book of Ruth." 20 and 21. gested that politically Israel should Co-hostesses for the affair will be Tickets may be purchased frotti be ready to take the initiative in Mmcs. Millard Speicr and Maurice any Talmud Torah student or their tho conflict with the Arabs. Ir Frank. parents. Proceeds will go to the some Instances, ho told his listeners, the armistice agreements with Rabbi Brooks will review "Thir- Talmud Torah Building Fund, tho Arab states have become sufteen Americans—Their Spiritual focating ties and Israel would fight Biographies" at the second review In the sisterhood scries sponsored Day. The program will open with to free herself of them. a prayer by Mrs. Richard Wlnby tho members of Mrs. Herman Goldstein and Mrs. Leo Elsenstatts troub; Mrs. David Chudakoff will circle. The 1 p. m. coffee and re- be in charge of the Table of Inview will be held Tuesday, March terest; Mrs. Floyd Perimeter will 9 at the homo of Mrs. Alfred speak on Current Events. Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Rabbi Mayer. . •; . . . _ ' . • : '••;, . of Beth Israel Synagogue, will be Rug & Upholstery the guest speaker. His subject will Cleaners be "Purim as a Milestone In Jewish Humor." Rabbi Groner came -RCG8—CARPETING The Pioneer Women's Organiza- to Omaha from the Hyde Park HeLAMP SHADES tions will hold their r e g u l a r brew Center, Chicago, 111. Mrs. Morton Richards, Mrs. Da- FCBNTTUItE monthly luncheon meeting Tuesday, March S at 1 p. m. at the vid Manvitz and Circle No. 1 will Cleaned in VOW Home! Jewish Community Center. At. be in charge of the luncheon. this time Mrs. H. Wohlner will 'Telephone committee Chairmen Binding -Laying -Repairing give her report on the donor tea are Mrs. Michael Krasne, WA 0987; W N BERNSTEIN HA 5854 which'was held at the home of Mrs. Ernest Wlntroub, RE 3459 and Mrs. Norman Batt, WA S854. Mrs. Frank RubcnstJeln. The annual donor dinner will be held Sunday, March 28 at 6 p. m. • NEWARK HADASSAH In the Jewish Community Center. they'll need more than mitzoh In charge of the luncheon meetto make their Seder, • NEWARK B'NAI B'RITH Ing Is Mrs. H. RichUn and Mrs. R l more then the ration allows... Sam Novak. '• . • NEWARK ORT tee that your Israel friends '

Volunteers For Red Cross Drive Shareft Outlines * 5 Major Tasks

TI Sisterhood


Pioneer Women

symbolic... but they can't live on It

CB Sisterhood


The tinnual Sisterhood dinner will be held at the B'nai Israel Synagogue in Council Bluffs Sunday cveninfi, March 14. Mmes. Ben Schneider, Morris Alper and Ben Passer are in charge of the dinner. Please call Mrs. Leon Frankel, 3-0325 for reservations. Mra, I. Slernhill is president of the Sisterhood. There will be .entertainment following the dinner hour.


C a n Do It!

The rcfiulnr Beth El Sisterhood March meeting will be held,Wednenday, March 10, at 1 p. m., In the social hall of the synagogue. Mrs. A. C. Fcllman, program chairman, announced tho theme of the program will be "Milestones In Jewish Humor." Mrs. Stuart Muikin will be Chairman of the

Your Chapter Con Too!

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Peter Travel Bureau • - . 11307 Howard AT 0340

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. Muck 8, 1M4

Youth Council Doings

Religious News

With the Folks At Home

Gems of

Hans are underway for a special Bible and Talmud party March 13. B'nal U'rith Henry Monsky Alephs take notice: Be sure to Chapter No. 470 entertained the Last Friday, Mr*iees w e n held cone 8:01 P.M. CandlrilghUng 0} OR. miLir SH£B to tbe meeting thia Sunresidents of the Dr. Philip Sher •t the Btth B SynafogK in Convention and other matters Jewish Home For The Aged with honor of Brotherhood Week. day. of importance will be on the a party Thursday Evening, Feb. Babbi Kripte headed a dtocuaBETH EL Bible Mrs. Sydney Sneider tf aian after servkea In which the agenda. Services will be held this eve- 25. renditions of modern Yiddish A wise man is strong, yea, n Boa-Jewish girl* could ask quegning at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. readings from L'Chayim and A. Z. A. N*. 1H of knowledge lncrcascth Kripkc will deliver the sermon. Royte by Iminanuel tnun strc-ngtli. Sunday, a Roller Skating party A big party is being planned Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Obvangor. were very well for tomorrow night Pete Brodkey, Talmud Torah Choir will pre- received byThese m i held at the Boiler Bowl If thou fnlnt in a day of adverlarge audience of There w « also a meeting last who is in charge of the event, sent the musical portions of the rsidents andHie (heir friends. Ite- sity, thy strength is small indeed. promises a really tremendous sur- service. frcshments were served in the He who walketh in his Integrity prise. DEBKA DEBS Sabbath mortilng services w... main dining room by the follow- as a just man, happy are his chilLast Friday night, the Alephs ing chapter members: Mrs. Aaron begin at »:45 o'clock. Junior ConFebruary 28 climaxed six services at the Beth Israel gregation services at 10:30 a. m. Epstein, My. Charles Stern, Mrs. dren after him. months of pledge duties tor 19 attended Synagogue; then they held a stag w i l l Harry Friedman, Mrs, Julius Bread of falsehood is sweet to a new Deb members. Saturday the home of Howard Kooper. Mincha-Uaariv services Newman, Mrs. Harry Smith nnd man, but afterwards his mouth night an informal Initiation was at Kenny start at ( p. m. Freed has been appointed shall be filled with crave]. held, Sunday at the home of to bead the chapter's Stage Night Dally services are held ench Mrs. Sydney Encider. Marsha Waxenberg, the girls activities. The Alephs are already week at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. The Other visitors Included: Mrs. Talmud were formally initiated into Debt submitting skits, for the event Sunday morning service is at 9 Abe Soinberg, Mrs. Lipp N a c h u in Gam-zu Lc-Tovah During a «»twiuiigtii ceremony, a. m. and Mr. and Mrs. M. Spcctor. ("this Ls nlso for the best") was from their big listen. All the BAtnc FLOWERS: Flowers and Plants blind on both eyes, crippled in members then adjourned into the BETH ISRAEL were donated this week by Mrs. The Bayim Fraternity extends both hands, with both of his legs traditional Deb 1-9-5-4 circle to Benjamin Groncr, Can- Lewis NevcloU and Mr. and Mrs.crushed and his whole body covsing Deb songs. Befreshments were their congratulations to 1U wrest- torRabbi Eli Kagan, and the Beth Jay Stoler. ling team for their One showing in ered with sores. Once he was •erred and the paper, the Deb the Y. C tournament last Sun- Israel Synagogue choir will con- ftUDDVSII: Mr. and Mrs. Allen lying in a toltcrinK house. When Doodler, was banded out duct late Friday evening services. Zalkin gave a special Kiddush his disciples wanted to remove his day. Athletic co-chairmen Art Novak Sabbath morning services will be Saturday, in honor of the birth bed first and then hta furniture, TIKVAS A W and, Tanny Harwich are doing a at 8:30 a. m. Junior Congrega- of their granddaughter, Jody he said: "My children, first take Saturday afternoon, Feb. XI, the fine Job in directing all the Bayim tion services arc at 10 a, m. L y n n . • , •/ . \ . •/ . ••. • T. A. girls spent a very enjoyable teams. Rabbi Groner will conduct the MEW KESmENT: Mrs. Pesha out everything this house contains, ana then remove my bed; afternoon entertaining the children Rayim held a very successful Saturday Talmud Class at 5:10 C o h e n . . . . •'•. • . V . - v ' ', •-.-.. ..* at the Creche Home. The same stag last Saturday night at the p. m. and Saturday Mlncha will Returned From Hospital: Mr. for ye can rest assured that as evening, the girls gathered at the home of Phil Schrager. Social start at 6 p. m. which will be Joseph. Llpscy and Mrs. Pearl long as I am In this house It will home of Matlee-KflUeman for a chairman Fred Simon -showed followed bySholoshc S'cudos and F u l t i . '.. • .•••• • • • ; . • •• ' • ' • ' • not fan." They did so, nnd after ben party. Maadv. YAUBZETT: Special Memorial hit bed had been removed, the movies on iootbalL A meeting held Sunday, Feb. U, Bayim has planner! a fund-rais- Dally morning services begin Services will be held for the house caved in. Ills disciples then was followed by a bi-monthly ing party March 17 at the Center. at 7 a. mi. Daily afternoon serv- following:.'.'.-. :.~: :. said: "Rabbi, since thou art such party honoring girls who have The Bayim Traveling Troupe will ices begin at 6:U p. m. lira. Base Frloden— 1 Adar a perfectly righteous man, why Sunday morning b r e a k t a s l birthdays in January and Feb-perform. Sheni—March « h , V art thou so terribly afflicted T" ruary. The club wishes a speedy re- minyan meets at 8:45 a. m. and Mrs. Fannie Licbovlct—5 Adar *lty children," ho replied, "I myia followed by Habbi Groner's Tonight, T. A. will act as hosts •jent—Usrch 10th. covery to its president. Ray Sora1 self am the cause of it. I was at along with A. Z. A. No. 1 to a berg, who hat contacted the Bible discussion daw. T h e March Social tBvetUs; Dates to one time on my way to the house youngsters of the Tails and Tef- be : anwHTK^vH later* Baptist Youth Group. After serv- mumps. of my father-in-law, and had with filin d u b begin their service* at March Birthday Party. ices at Beth Israel Synagogue, and 840 a, m. Breakfast it served Purlm Party by Btoi B'rith mo three assc.i, one laden with a tour through the building, the at the conclusion of their, serv- Nebraska Chapter No. 3M. , food, another with drinks, and the boys and girl* will hold a mixer. ices. The Talmud discussion Tomorrow night, the members Center Music Club Muslcale. third with delicacies. In the course group, currently studying the of my Journey a poor man npwOl spend the evening at a roller tractate Sabbath, meets every proached me nnd said: "Rabbi, skating party at the Boiler Bowl By Sberm PedU Tuesday evening at 0 p. m., under give me some food. I am hungry.' Swimming parties are becoming the direction of Rani Oroner, at A.Z.A.No.1 And I answered: 'Walt until I will American Division In Conjunction with Brother- increasingly popular with mem- B.H.H. Synagogue, 19th and Burt unload my donkeys.' But before hood Week, the members f No. 1 bers coming from all parts of the W. L. I had done so the man expired; so and Tifcvas Ami are taking the city to participate in group spon- TEMPLE ISRAEL Ind. EBG 45 15 I fell on his face and said; "My teen agers of the Baptist Youth sored "Sunday Night Swims," MSG „. 42 18 eyes, which hnd no mercy for thy At Uic regular Sabbath Serv- Rayim Group to Shabbas services. A party Sherman Poska, center swim diRayim X's 37 23 eyes, may they become blind. My rector stated. Extension groups at ices Friday evening at 8 o'clock, AZA 100 A will follow. 32 28 hands, which had no consideration Congratulations to Alcplis Stan the center, scout moups and unl- Reverend Theodore Yardley, rec- AZA 1 Gutter Goons .... 31 29 Kaiman and Mike Meyer. Doth ver:.ity organizations are takinf tor of St. Barnabas Episcopal AZA 1 Zorchcs 29Vi 30Vi for thy hands, may they become Church, will discuss '"A NEW crippledMy feet, which had no part in this program. Arrangeboys won coveted "Bet Alcuh" AZA 100 Gutter Gan«s 21) 32 pity upon thy feet, may they be certificates for the month of Feb- ments can be made by calling the UNrVERSALISM." M e r v l n N. Rayim K ._ 23 37 Lemmerman will read the servathletic department of Jewish ruary. Rayim M Jabs 1814 41J4crushed.' And I could not find Community Center. Photic JA 1366 ice. Mrs. I, M. Liberman will re- AZA 1 We Goofed ...._ 14 10 any satisfaction until I had said: cite the blessing over the Sabbath 'May my whole body become covHigh Games and Series lights. L M. Liberman will recite Fred Simon. 1B0—515; Bob Ep- ered with sores!" Said his disthe KJddur,h and Louis Sombcre 202—605; Jerry Zlcijman, ciples: "Woe unto us that we must Jay Swimmers and Harold Chcmiack will assist stein, 179—488; Norm Wine, 158—458 see thce In such a condition." And CLUBTAKYAQ Billy Ginbcrg. a small but with the Torah. and Bob Meyer, 153—449. he replied: "Woe would It have The next regular mectini; of mighty eight-year-old, swimmer Regular Shabbos morning servNstional .Division been unto me had ye not seen me Club Taryag will take place Sun- in the Sundays At The Center ices will be held Saturday at W. L. day evening, between 6 and 7:30 Swimming Class, has become an 11:40 a. m. Mr. Lemmcrman will In such a condition." „ 43 14 o'clock in the recreation room of excellent deep water swimmer. conduct the service, assisted by AZAI Boosers 40V4 16ft the Talmud Torah. Club member; Among his best strokes are the the students of the Hebrew De- AZAi Clams „ 30 23 will prepare carnival posters and elementary back stroke, tbe Amer- partment of the Religious School. Rayim SOS ican Crawl, tbe back crawl ond Kiddush for all present will fol- AZA 100 Centurymen 37tt 22'/, work on the carnival booths. Jerusalem (JTA)—Israeli citrus AZAI BluHera the breast stroke. Swimming un- low the services. GDUS AST8 AND CRAFTS exports are expected to establish Raylra H „.-... an all-time high this season as a Tbe girls arts and craft-, club derwater is Billy's delight At the Rayim S a F*S .. result of the weather condition* will meet in the Arts and Crafts last timing Billy stayed underwaInd. Sleepers that destroyed a large part of the room of the Talmud Torah Sun- ter for 43 seconds. This is quite a AZA 1 No Names . Spanish citrus crop and opened a day evening. The girls of the club fete for a boy of his age. Rayim Screwballs •„._ new outlet for Israeli growers. win work on the Purlm play and Services were held here WedHlfh Games and Series signs and posters for the Youth Estimates earlier in the season Sammy Shukcrt set somewhat of nesday for Leon Mendelson wit). Ray Kirke, 189—518; George Carnival. Interment at Mt Sinai Cemetery Sachs, 176—500; Marty Greene, that Israel citrus exports would a record in the Center Pool MonFnOTOGRAPn CLUB Mr. Mendelson, 52, a former res; 201—481 and John Goldner, 100— run about $20,000,000 were being day afternoon. Sammy, a swim revised upward this week. IndusThe Photography dub will mee" member, was playing around dent of Omaha died Monday at 472. try sources (aid that Israel would in the darkroom at 0 p. m., Sunday team Des Moines, la. nnd decided to see how long he export 7,000,000 cases, netting evening, Mr. Dubln, club director could hold his breath. Two min- He was a salesman for Columbia about $30,000,000. said that all Talmud Torah stu- utes and eleven seconds later Sam- Pictures Corporation and formerly For lino Tailoring dents interested in photography my's head popped up above the worked at the Omaha office of the Norman Marsh are, invited to Jain. water. He said, "1 thought I war Warner Brothers Picture Distribn!1 CONGREGATION Member Master Tailors nnd only about a minute—I uting Corporation. Martin Meyers has been chosen down Cutters Association, Surviving are his wife, Annecould have stayed down longer." a* this month's Beth Israel Junior England Omaha's Favorite of this date we don't knou.- two daughters, Mrs. Jerry Meyer CustomLondon, Tailor to I^idlea & Men Congregation president; assisting of As of Chicago, 111., and Mrs. Jack any other person in Omaha who ALTERATIONS Martin are Keva Shyken, Edwin has remained underwater longer. Kucfaer of Grand Island, Ncbr.; r Way to Dine on :iG Bo. 20th JA tit* Sidman, Marvin Ruback and Gail This Friday, the Center's poo' brother, Harry Mendelson, and n Sunday Pollakoff. J u n i o r congregation sister. Mrs. A. B. Gendler, both of tneeta every Saturday at 10 a. ra will be the scene of the gruelinr Omaha. Junior congregation meets at 9:30 mile marathon. Center swim team a. "ml on Saturdays when a Bar members and other Interested swimmers will line up at the far One of every 2 volunteer hours Brand New Bookcase* Mitzvah is celebrated. end of the pool and splash their Riven last year by Bed Cross Only ways to the distance of one milr Service Groups members was (88 lenKt!« of the pool). All par- spent in providing services to ticipants that compute tlie race servicemen, veterans, and their will receive handsome embossed families. W. ._: (MiUait Certificates of Athletic AchieveBowling Bums . 14 ment. Alley Sluggers ._ . 14 Strikes & Spares. . 13 Lucky ladies 11 MfVM tyet Alley Hats . 10 1 rtuCM AT HUt to tnatrt | t w Waot *. All Yoe Cor. to Eat Beer Framers a Th» Icwia Prto. 10 C u t M i u m to note tot «««1> u r Tough Turkeys . 10 Joa. -TIM IYCM r w m i uu rictrt 10 Haul Gutter Boys . 10 ma eadi X U t 3 P B ,. Lucky Duckys 8 JBC's (Eeleblh Grade Boys) High Hitters .... 8 Sunday, March 7 at 7-8:45 p. m.. OAR and Baa Mitrvan congratuNifty Hitters lations; also for an Jewish holiat the home of Howie Weinberg, Hep Cats days and special occasions. 2026 N. 53rd Street. Gutter Gertie* (Efehih Grade Girls) Meyers News Stand. 1502 Dodge Bowling Babes Sunday, March 7 at 7-8:45 p. m., Eager Be at the home of Wally Chernlack, HOSIERY FOR SALE Bowling Dolla. 215 N. Fairacres Road. EXCELLENT values in. women's "1M Games nylon hosiery and men's and Judy Brookstein, 131; Howard children's sox—to your orders— Weinberg, 131; Tom Platt, 130; call Mrs. Joseph Wolbon, HA Bill Katzman, 122; Mike Platt, 117; S8S7, or stop in at 3513 Howard Street. Phil GoreUcr, US; Stuart Kutler, The next regular meeting of HOTEL 0LACKSTON! 111; Steve Blocfa. 106; Eden Cohen, U. S. Y. will be held March 7 at ROOM FOR R£NT 107;- Doug Platt, 108; Larry Gllin- Beth El at 7 p., m. David FofaL eky, 105; Mike Sorter, 103; Martin will be guest speaker. Israel danc- Furnished — nice' location — for Sneider, 103 and Carol Gomberg, ing will be taught and a social either middle aged woman or SOITILAII 1 0 9 1 CO. . 1 0 0 . •_• : .. ; i . ,... jour will follow. ' young girt. WA4545. tII7 NOift ST., SMIAS, i n t :

Swim News

YC Boy's Bowling

Beth Israel News


Fielory Clearance Sale! $ 9

Jr. Sports Bowling

5 i!

Extension Club Schedule

United Youth

Sariay Brwiel


Want Ads


PMter. Muck (. MM




and Serve




Would You Turn Her Away? Of course not. •i


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Open your door to him, too. He speaks for the homeless and hungry disaster victim; for the 9rav«ly \H who need blood; for the injured who need first aid; and for the serviceman who needs a friendly hand. He is their voice—he believes in helping people. You do, too. So when your Red Cross volunteer knocks at your door, welcome him. Join your Red Cross. Join . T. generously.



1608 Harney St. AT 8270

1818 Leavenworrfi WE 4237




720 LeavonwortK HA 6333

'26th and Dorcas JA 2111 .

2311 Douglas JA 1614

twttcrri-Oaralkk. I M .

4719 N. 30th St.

KE 0830

SOL LEWIS CO. - 2020 Farnam AT 4485

COLONY CLUB 1914 Farnam WE 7474 -

VsC* Eight


B'nai B'rith Bowling A Division

W. L. Belmont Jewelry Store ...... 21 9 Morris Point Store 20 10 Greenberg Ina. Agency ...... 19 11 JPepsl Cola Bottling Co. 18 12 Crourtown TV 19 19 Nebr. Furn. Mart - IS Grace Mayer Ins. 14 16 Lyng florist .~ ......... 14 16 ll-Worth Orill 18 17 Gerelick Motor Co. -... 12 18 Htaky Dinky Stores ., 10 20 Milder Oil Co. .-. B 21 High Games and Series Howard Kaplan, - 539; Herb Metches, S35; Sam Diamond, 201 —500, and Stan Sherman,. 543. Parkway Dlv. W. Banks Army 22 Borsneim Jewelry 20 Wplfson-Gerber 18 National Tire -..,— 16 Liberty Gas & Oil 16 Playland Park IS Sol Lewis — . IS Richman-Gordman „..._.. 14 Phllco Brandeis IS Prucka Transportation .— 11 Hlteway TV Service ..... 11 Rosen-Novak 8 Dick Games and Series lewis Asbyll, 242—596; Leo Kamisar, 231 and M. Halplrin, 199 High Team—Borshelm, 870. Keller's "B" DIT. W. U 10 Bennett Furniture 20 11 Bobinson Iron It Metal 19 13 Mid-Plains Ins 18 13 Magi-Color Brandeis .... 17 14 Watson Bros. Van 16 South Omaha Sun IS 15 16 Louis Market 14 ft A. Wolf Ins. . ,.-. 12% nVt Slosburg Realty 11 19 Slmoni Jewelry ..._ 714 22>, Evening Hlgbs: HIG, Milt Los 191; HIS, Irv Sabes, 493; H" Louis Market, 7S2 and UTS Robinson I & M.-2.149. Other Hiffas: Al Altman, 166; B. Fried, 173; D. Wintroub, 168; J. Upton, 174; I. Sabes, 181-172—493; N. Denenberg. 175-174—487; L. Alberts, 185-182—469; L. Alexander, 179—458; B. Passer, 170; N. Kraft, 182-160—476; S Rosenblatt, 117—455 and S. Gender, 1S2—467 Ladies DIT. Wolf Brothers National Tire -. 11-Worth Grill Omaha Jobbing Phillips Dept Store .... R It S Shoes l y n s Florists Colony Club .-. ..-... Angles _ Douglas -.„ Hamilton Pharmacy .... Smith Pontlac

W. 474 44 42 41 40. 40 39 38 38 38 37 37

L. 304 34 38 37 38 38 39 40 40 40 41 41

Grillersand I-Go Clinch Ties For Midget League Crowns Alvin Newberg and Justin Ban Just about sewed up first place for their division in Midget league play as tlicy led their 11-Worth Grill team to a close 23-23 win over Pacific Fish. The "Grillers" were trailing by two points with 15 seconds to play when Al New berg was fouled. The spunky sixth grader cooly dropped In both free throw attempts to tie the scor-j. The 11-Worth lads were able to get the ball when star forward Justin Ban was f o u l e d . He dropped in both of his free throws to cinch the win for his team. Justin and Dan Holils of Pacific shared scoring honors with 13 points each. Alan Konecky led his S. Aickcs team to a close 14-13 victory over Mogen-Davtd Wine as he notched eight of bis team's points. The peppery guard was all over the f l o o r playing his usual h a r d fought game, Bruce Goldstein pitched in with five. Joel Davis scored seven for M-D. I-Go Van, with Nelson Gordman performing at his best clinched a tie for the title by slapping a 21-9 loss, on a cold Hires Root Beer team. Nelson was the floor leader, chief rebounder and added seven points to the score. Tom Kully got seven while Mike Can.-ir added six. Stu Kutlcr was hlcli (or Hires with six. Gerelick Motors remained in the league fight by squeezing past Sample Fur 30-28. Howard Welnberg and Jeff Swartz were the big guns as they scored 13 awl 12 points respectively. Justin Ravitz made 13 for Sample Fur. STAB OF TIIE WEEK Alrta Newbrrg Justin Ban Nelson fiordman Al Newberg made the starting lineup for the first time and showed Coach Sam Han he was Justified in the choice, a» his two free throws in the final seconds tied the game which later lrd to 11Worth win. Justin Ban wins his thinl honor as Star of The Week. All season he has been his team's leader and he proved in the clutch he could lead his squad. Ills two free throws in the remaining second.*: won the game for his te;un. Nelson Gordman makes his appearance as a Star of the Week. His ball hawking tactic* and floor play have been instrument il in his team's success. For his fin? play against Hires, be in selected as Star of the Week. League Standing* 11-Worth Grill 9 1 Pacific Fish 7 3

Y. C. Girls Bowling

w: Councilettc No. \ .-, 21 TA 21 Deb No. 1 ' 13 Counrllette No. 3 Deb No. 4 _9 8 Deb No. 3 ..; 8 Counclle'te No. 2 5 - Coundlelfe No. 1 defeated. Deb No, 4 In the first game Friday, 2 - 2 . Bnnnic Haykln did her best for the D?b tenm but with Toby Orkenl's fine pl.iyintf, the C No. 1 team wns hard to boat. Even though Itorky Culm ;ind Judy Cohn tried thoir hardest they were unable <o defeat Deb No 3 D e b No. 3 won 15-11 niitl 15-6. Judv I«»i< nnd Diane Oidrrt «Ii« D No. 3 tr;arn. W"' thr- h. Ip a! Time r K.-ihn and N-wicv llnrrnn TA'.r defeated Coiind'"!'"- No. 3. IH-r. and 15-12. Carole Frank. J"yc<: Cr.nir, played well. Deb No. 1 v.-;is defeated bv TA. 15-6 and 15-11. while Dob No. 3 split a Ramp with Counciletie No. 3, 15-11 nnd 6-14 nnd CouncileUe HO. 2 forfeited to Councilette No. , 2-119 in the games ployed Friday. On a weekly average, more than 485 families suffering injuries or losses from disaster were given Red Cross rchabllita-

and emergency "aid last'year.

Independents Capture YC Basketball Championship

By Llncly Paul

Ktoh Furs 384 4 m Country Club 36 42 Mystic Beauty Shop 35 43 ShukerU Mkt 35 43 maiTidual HUh Series '.Rae Wintroub, 52S: Ann Schulman, 514; Dora Welnberg. 498Helen Shukert. 476: Audry Kirnh-1 enbaum, 473; Rose Oruch, 467 anr Pauline Hobcrman, 453. IflfUviduaJ Hlrh Game Ruth Sokolof. 203: Ann Schulman, 191 and Betty Prelman, 182 Mileroma


Friday, M»rrh 5, 1851




Mogen-Davld Wine S. lliekes

2 2

8 8

I-Go Von 8 2 Gerelick Motors 6 4 Sample Fur 4 G Hires Root Beer 2 8 ATTKNTION . .All league Riuncft ficliedulec] for Sunday, March 14, will be cancelled.. The eighth grade all star team will travel to Sioux Cits' March 21. Thr fifth nnd glitli league game* will be playi'il on that date. . • '

Jr. B. B. Bowling The bowling lanerat the Music Box last Sunday were ojjlow with excitement; there was u definite tension in the air as SO youngsters dashed around looking for their "special balls" and getting Into their bowling shoes. Yes, it was the regular day for bowling for the Jr. B'nai B'rith Members and yet there was something a lot more rneanlnctul In the eyes of the kids as the racks of pins were lowered for the first frame—It wn.-i the "big day," the long awaited 'Tournament." Today's bowlin;! woiiJd mean trophiC3 for the Rlrl and boy bowling the best and most pins over averanc Throughout the two games of competition voices could be heard of the excited youngsters as they compared their scores frame by frame, each rooting for the other. Many parents turned out to watch thulr offsprings in action and were x'roud of the sportsmanship displayed by these young keglers. When it war all over, though all could not be "winners," the handshaking to the winners and the pats on the backs proved that 'It's not that you win or lose—but how you play the game." Diane I.lntimin. won the trophy In the clrls' division with a 24D terles. Diane, who carries nn 82 avcrafie, went 85 pins over her average. She composed games of 122 and 127 for her victory. Howard Welnberf, won the trophy in the boys* division with n 316 series. Howard, a 118 kegler bowled 80 pins over his averagewith Ramos of 109 and 147. gUndlnt* W. L. O. P. Skaggs 30 12 Neb. Fur. Mart 20 10 Maypers ...25 17 Wolfson-Gcrber Auto.... 22W 19% Playland Park 20 22 Industrial Chemical Co. 20 22 Gamble-Robinson Fruit 19W 22 M Amcr. Lmbr. & Sup 1714 24 li 11-Worth GrlU 17 25 Morris Point 1214 29V, Split* Howard Slusky, 3-10 and Chuck Wise, 3-6-10. W i n Game* and Series Mike Plait 159-158—317 Howard Wcinberg .... 169-147—31C David Wintroub 144-121—265 More Samuelson 138-119—257 Bob Shapiro 133-124—237 Jock U e b ...„..., 160- 90-250 Diane Linteman ........ 127-122—24D Howard Slusky 150-99—249 Edic Singer .............. 125-119—24-' Bemle Grossman .... 127-117—24^ Vickl Colick .„... 129-114-^-243 Chuck Wise .: 131-106—237 Sharon Frank,....; 131-103—23J Maureen Zcvltz 127M05—232 Larry Hoberman ...... 120-103—23? Mike Shrier .122-107—22P Judy Cohen 114-113—227 Susan Wolfson 114-113—227 1?lnn Greenfield 115-109-22' Florence Shrago 113-111—22' Sluart Kutler 110-107—2:!3 Mickey Sacks 113-103—221' Ann Blumbcrg 127- 93—22''

, . 24>,4 13% Debs Nebs 24 14 Three Strikes and a ••. Spare r 22 10 Scoreless Fourless . . . 22 . 16 Gutter Gals 2 0 S 17<4 Slick Chicks 20 IS Starlets 20 18 La Fa Ma Ri 20 18 Alley Cats . . . . . . . . . . 20 18 Lucky Strikes . . . . . . . 18 20 Lucky Losers . . . . . . . 16 22 Lhnc Lassies . . . . . . . . 16 22 AH Strikes 15 23 Bowling Helles .. 8 30 High Five Gnmes Phyllis Rosen, DCIM Nobs . . . . 193 Tevec Bernstein, 3 Strikes and a -Spare 192 •liyllls Rosen, Debs Nebs . . . 13fi Hollywood (JTA)—At a <linn<-; Klorino Kokolof, Lane Lassies 153 Wcki Oilick. Klick Oiicks . . 150 party the other evening the very beautiful Paulctlc Gc—.lard w.i> wearing, around her neck, a thin Phyllis Iio-.f-n, ndv; NVhs . . . ,-tf'J chain from which hum: a tiny Tcvee Kern'itfin, .1 Strikes golden nirplane. Harpo Mary and a Spare D2G ;tared at it so that Paillette finally Elaine Krantz, 3 Strikes i.skod him: "Do you like my llttlr nnd a Spam .' 287 ilrplanc?" "As a matter of fact," Harpi Viriii Colick, Slick Chicks . . . 273 replied, "I wasn't looking at it Judy Greenbcry, Lucky Losers 205 I was really admiring the landing field." IIlRh Five Avrrngcs Phyllis Rosen, Debs Nebs . . . 145 Approximately 40 cents * of Tevee Bernstein, 3 Strikes every dollar of Ited Cross naand a Spare 136 tional expenditures last year proBarbara Joffc, Starlets 133 vided services to the armed forces LaUrie Oruch, La Fa Mn 1U.. 120 and to veterans.

Coach Danny Epstein may have a few more fjray hairs, but he brought his iruU.-iH-ndcmt basketball team to great heights us they defeated Rayim to annex the Y. C. title. It was ttiictly n tram win as the Independent.'; boa^t of no one or two |>]nyors to carry their load. All season they j.haicd scoring honors and their senior players, namely llarlan Kost-n, Len Gaer, Tom Bernstein, Uernie Turkcl and Bob Kully all came through at different Rnmcs to carry their team through. Their opponents namely A.Z.A. 1 and Kayim jvere playing with the scoring load on Stan Wldman and Ray Somberg, and it just goes, to prove that it takes five players on the floor to win giimcs. It could always be said that it might have been a different game if Ray Somberg bad playcdj bu-rahJr,££CQncUgue3SWwilI -nlways*nave that to discuss. . ' . . . : '' Rayim held the champs. 13-13 hnlftimc tie. However, Ko;,en, Bcrnle Turkel, Speedy Zwciback and Bab Kully delivered 22 points in the second half to sew up the game. Tiny Hoscn finished high with 13 points white sophomore John Goldner scored nine for Kaylm. The scrappy lads from A.Z.A. 100 held Stan WJdman to 13 points but fell before the Mother chapter attack 47-32. Widman was content to pass off to his teammates and many boys were able to score. Jerry Rosen wns best for the Centurymen with eight points. Next week is an important gome fur Itayirn and A.Z.A. 1. If the Ilayim Inds can upset Independents, they will have second place. However a Rayim loss and A.Z.A. 1 win will give them n share of the- runner-up spot. KTAU OF TIIE WEEK It would be difficult to single out iny one Independent player

Air Rifle Club Expert mnrkffmanship has been demonstrated by tho following boys In iD't Sunday's session: Gordon Holils, Frank Kingston, Saul Kaiman, John Spltzer, Howard Halin, Don Noodcll, Justin MulnJck, Marshall Widman, Jerry Slusky, Marvin Ruback and Stuart Hurwich. Bullseyes were made by Stuart Huwlch, Don Noodcll, John Spltzer, Justin Mulnick, Frank Kingston and Saul Kaiman. Tho highest individual target score was made by Frank Kingston with n 40 out of a possible 50 with five shots, all of which were in tho bulls eye area. A tournament will be held startIng March 14. All boys, 9-11 years old are invited to attend the chss under the direction of Maynard Tatelman. The class will not meet this Sunday due to a handball clinic. Sessions will resume Sunday, March 14 at 1:30 p. m.

Brown Scores for Lustys Hoopsters With lens than live seconds to play, Al Drown, hl/jh scoring fqrward on the Lusty basketball team dropped In two free throws to break a 37-37 tie and give his team a 39-37 win over Star Auto The Kiimc was close and the win puts Lu.stys one game on top Brown olso was high for his te^ain with 15 points while Al Ciaymun scored 14 for Star Auto. Ed Ik'lgrade, showing brilliant form, led his Collep.Ian'3 team to G1-4C victory over Kutlcrs Klown.T by scoring 27 points. His rcboundIU and shooting were nev<;r better and Leroy ICatz, celebrating hir. recent engagement pitched In with 12. Irv Yaffe v.-as torrid for tho IClowns as be finished with 2) points. League Standings W. L. ;.u::tys 7 4 Collegians 0 5 Star Auto 5 6 Kutlcrs i 7 KOGS (IIP)—Since the beginning of the season more than 1,50n,00O eggs have been sent to Italy from Israel. The exrrort of eggs by Israeli poultry farmers has been boosted during the past several months by the Government's agricultural b l u e p r i n t which is receiving financial aid through State of Israel Bond investments.

for outstanding performance, 50 we congratulate the entire team, in particular its graduating seniors and their coach "Deacon" Dan Epstein for their all around team play which gave them the Y.C, title. Y.C. Lfarue Standings W. L. Independents 11 3 Raylm 9 5 A.Z.A. 1 , 8 6 A,Z.A. 100 ' 0 14

Rayim Grapplers Win YC Tourney Entering a team of 19 wrestling hopefuls, tho Rayim Roughrldcrs walked away with tho Annual Youth Council Wrestling championship with a total of 47 points. In second place was last year's champs A. Z. A. 1 with 28 points while Independents finished third with 22 points. RayinYs strength was shown in the fine performances of their four champions and four runnersup. The champs were George Bla« lac (98 lb.). Bob Meyer (141 lb.), James Shapiro (147 lb.), Milton Moskovltz (168 lb:). Their second place point getters were Marv Lincoln (ISO lb.), Art Novak (136 lb), Abe Itundell (137 lb.), and Gene Kohn (168 lb.). Outstanding performances wera made by Harlan Rosen of the Independents, who defended hVs heavyweight title, Stan Widman, of A. Z. A. 1 who won the 158 lb. title In pinning his three oppon* ents, and Larry Schwartz, who won his fourth straight wrestling title. A total of 37 boys representing Itaylm, A. Z. A. 1, Independents and A. Z. A. 100 entered the meet A speclal*vote of thanks to Lieutenant Jerry Wolrwi, who conducted the Y. C. class and who is now In New York serving with the U. S. Air Forte. Also included in the acknowledgement l.i Alan Hoscn, who served as referee and helped coach the Ilayim team. The Central high athlete was a big help In making the affair a success. CHAMPS AND BIJNNKRS-UP 98 lb. Chimp — Ueorge Dtalae (It). Ituancr-Up — Allan Krtw-Im»n (A. Z. A. I). 130 lb. Champ—Marshall Deaenberg (A. Z. A. 1). Kuanor-tJp— Marvin Lincoln (B). 134 lh. Champ—l*rry Srhwarta (A. Z. A. 1). nunarr-I.'p—Art Novak (B). l«0 lb. Champ—Bob Meyer (B). Runner-L'p—Tony Wolp» (Ind). 147 lb. Champ—James Hh»pJro (II). Kunner-Vp—Bob Kully (lad) 157 lb. thump—SUn Wldnua (A. Z. A. 1). UuniH-r-I'p — Abe Rundell (It). 168 lb. Champ—Milt Mnkovlts (B). Itunner-tJp—(Jcne Kohn (B). Hwt. Champ — llmrlnn ROM>D (Ind). llunnrr-Ip—llcrnli- Turkel (Ind).

Rayim B Tops Y C B League Race Rayim's D team, with a 32-21 win'over AZA 100 B are tho Y. C, B LieaRue Champions, Paced by their scoring leaders, Art Novak and Howard Goldstein, they have yet to taste defeat. Next week, the Haylm C team will get an opportunity to attempt to upset their friendly rivals. It was a good league for (ireparlni; the undorclrtssrnan for next season's A lc:ii;ue. The 13 squad was led throughout tile season by Art Novak, Howard Goldstein and James Shnpiro. These three lads are all craduates o( the first Midget league and the eighth grade playlnc experience has proven to be Invaluable. In last week's games Art Novak scored 12 points whlhi Howard Gold.stcln notched 9. Itay Kirke made 11 for the Centurymen. AZA II! threw a acare into the Haylm C team but fell by the close score of 32-20. Once again Mike Dun, was the sharpshooter. He dropped In 17. points while Dave Widman scored nine- for AZA IB. I * a w e - Standings W. h. Ilayim B , U 0 Haylm C 9 2 AZA IB 2 0 AZA 100B ..,:, ,1 to

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