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puwumd n o r ffrbur, 101 je. Mtk. tiuM Omaout, Ncbruka, rbou AT 14MI iiumtj H4U 1 DoUtfl •"IBM '0 U[05UJ')
Eisenhower Reports Israel, Arab Tensions Are Unabated Washington (JTA) —President Elsenhower transmitted to Congress a report on the operation of the Mutual Security program which said ''the tensions between Arab and Israeli have not abated, and only a precarious truce is maintained." Tho President's report, which was for the six months ended December 31,1953, said: "Boycott of Israeli goods and firms has been extended; the Arab refugee problem remains as a tragic barrier to regional harmony," It noted that "dispute over the Jordan waters has stirred hatred and bitterness and has aggravated nationalism to a degree which threatens the possibility of co-operative development of this vital resource." The report recommended military aid to the Near East, stressing the importance of the countries possessing oil. : The report did not list any particular Arab League State nor did It list Israel os a suggested recipient of such aid. The Arab refugee problem, in-
300 Years in U. S. By Circle Group 'Three Hundred Jewish Years In America" will be presented by •'i' Workmen's Clrclo Tour group, :•-"> p. m., Tuesday, March 16, in
volving what was said to be 850,000 Palestinian • Arab refugees, was described in the Presidential report In great detail. "These refugees," said the report, "constitute a serious problem which is woven inextricably Into the economic, social and political frictions that afflict the Near East." It said this problem "remains as one of the principal unresolved issues between Israel .and the Arabs." President Elsenhower considered "the most significant development" during the period covered by the report to be "the preparation of a plan for unified development of the Jordan Valley." It said that Mr. Elsenhower has now asked Eric Johnston to return to the area "for further discussion as soon as the governments complete their review." It was estimated In the report "that 240,000 acres of land, now idle and unproductive, can be put into production if tho proposed development plan is accepted. Most of this land would yield three crops a year. In addition, more than 65,000 kilowatts of power could be made available to aid the Industrial development of the nrea." Tho report told of how "Israel Is helped to stabilize its economy" through special U.S. economic aid. Of the $26,000,000 made available in November, 1053, the report said that 720.500,000 worth of procurement authoriza tlons were issued within two months. There was no indication as to whether or hot Congress will be asked for economic assistance allocations for Israel for the next fiscal year. *
'Open City1 At Joslyn Sun.
Israel Wellcliansky the Jewish Community Center Auditorium, Joseph Hadlnowakl, Chairman of the Yiddish Cultural Scries, announced. The program will offer Jewish humor, songs, drama and music with famous artists of the Jewish stage, The featured artists are the renowned character actor and director, Israel Wclichansky; unique Interpreter of Yiddish and Hebrew songs, Masha Benya; accomplished actress, Charlotte Cooper, and outstanding pianist, Pola Kadlson, Ticket! may be obtained at the Jewish Community Center. Single admissions are 75 cents.
The Italian film masterpiece "Open City" will be presented In the fourth of a series of foreign films sponsored by tho Jewish Community Center Sunday, March 14. at 8:15 p. m. at Recital Mall, Joslyn Memorial Museum. It tells the personalized story of the people of Italy during -the Nazi occupation, with a leader of the resistance as the central character and a Catholic priest as his immediate aide. The great spirit of humanity which arises In all crises of mankind, Is illuminated as the conflict reveals those who side with freedom and those who f a l l .
• ,
"Open City", was acclaimed by the press as one of the great films of our time. It received First Prize at tho Home film festival, and the Zurich competition, It also won Grand Prix du Cinema at the Cannes International Film Festival as well as one at Venice. "Open City" was awarded a special prize as the "Best Film of the Year" by the New York Film and won Special Mention Pre-School Program Critics by the National Board of Review. To Start 3rd Term The film will begin at 8:15 p. m. in: Recital Hall, Joslyn Memorial, Tho Jewish Community Center 24th street, at Dodge. Tickets may Pro-School program will start its be obtained at the Jewish Com.third semester Monday, March 15, munity Center. at the center. Children who will reach the age of five by September 1, are eligible for enrollment. . The program was initiated in September of 1953 for youngsters "too young for grade school and too old for the nursery." Tlio emA new Berics of Bridge Classes phasis of the entire proKrnm Us for adults will begin at the Center geared toward the five-year-old. Thursday, March 18. There will School sessions will bo held lio a class for beginners at 7:30 Monday, Wednesday and Friday p. m. and one for Intermediates at from 9 a. m. to 12 noon and trans- 8:30 p. m. David Sheffcr, well portation by cab Is Included In the known bridge expert, will instruct $4.00 weekly tuition fee. the classes. The fee for a scries Call David Fogel, Center Activi- of ten classes will be $5.00. ties Director, for further InformaCall JA 1360, Ext. 32, for furthtion nt JA 1.160. cr information,
Bridge Classes Will Start Thurs.
Philanfhropi4rz-.rn* Replaces Over 200 Campaigns in Omaha Omaha Opportunity Center
—Hioto Courtfur of KMTV
B'nai B'rith Centennial Jamboree at Center Sunday A gala Centennial Jamboree by the Greater Omaha B'nai B'rith Association will be held this Sunday, starting at 1 p. m., In the Jewish Community Center. Proceeds will go to the Omaha Opportunity Center, B'nai B'rith projects and AZA work. Some of the other projects that will benefit are the National Jewish Hospital, the Bcllfalrc Orphans' Home, the Leo N. Lcvl Memorial Hospital and the B'nai B'rith Children's Home in Israel, A bazaar will be set up in the Center auditorium with food booths, displays and games. The gym will be converted Into a game room for children with tops, pop-corn, candy, hot-dogs and pop foralL Events Included in the all-afternoon and evening affair will be a teenage coke dance.In the afternoon, an Indian war dance by the Scout Council and square dancing in the evening. A souvenir ad book will be available for those: attending. The book contains recipes supplied by men and women of B'nai B'rith. The mode of dreti is to be sym-
Sunday Radio ' "The Days of My Life," will be presented on the Eternal Light radio program from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon over yroWr Radio as the second of two programs; based on the lives pt famous Jewish poets, it hu been announced by the JcwUh Theological Seminary of Ameri c a . •••• ••: •;. • •:"-.. : -: ••••;••• •
"The Days of My: Life," U the story of a renowned woman poet of the 19th century. Pent-, nah Molse. Afflicted for many yean with complete blindness she was nevertheless able tc create gentle and beautiful poetry and hymns devoted tc the praise' of God and her belief in the beauty of existence "Message of Israel" will be broadcast over KOIL from K to 10:30 a. m. Dr. Moses Weller Chief Minister of United Jewish Reform Congregation, Johannesburg, South Africa, wlU deliver the address. Tho March programs will honor tho Hebrew Union Collego—Jewish Institute of Religion, tho training school for reform rabbis.
bollc of the Centennial. Explaining the function of the Greater Omaha B'nai B'rith Association, president Ralph Nogg stated in the BB Brevities: . . . "It is actually a clearing house for concerted endeavor of the various lodges and chapters in the city . . . therefore the Omaha B'nai B'rith activities combined In their fund raising through the same channel—the B'nai B'rith Centennial Jamboree is that fund raising activity for the year . . ." Sol Dolgof f is the general chairman for the affair, Participat ing are the Nebraska Lodge and Chapter, Henry Monsky Lodge and Chapter, the Cornhusker Lodge, AZA No. 1 and AZA No. 100.
Syrian Premier Attacks Israel New York (JTA)—Premier Sabry el-Assaly of the less-than-aweek old Syrian Government bitterly attacked he United States and Israel In his first Interview since his coming to power, the New York Times reports from Damascus. "I am hot revealing a secret," the Prelmer said, "If I say that flooding Israel with American aid will not be viewed with satisfaction either by the governments or Arab peoples. Furthermore, the conscience' of the Arab world at least Is convinced that In the Judgment of history and civilized nations the United States bears the major responsibility for the Palestine catastrophe and Its consequences." Referring to a United States proposal for a "Tennessee Valley Authority" project in the SyrlaJordan-Israel area, he stated: "I do not believe it can be discussed separately because it constitutes only a secondary part in a total human disaster. The policy of the Syrian governments toward Israel has never changed because it has been inspired by bitter realities. Israel was established on the dead bodies and disasters to Palestine Arab people. All Arab governments and peoples still consider that injustices inflicted upon them as a result of this catastrophe should be removed sooner or later."
Kooper Stresses Intensified Effort Stressing the fact that tho Jewish Philanthropies drive represent* a united Jewish welfare campaign, from which more than 200 agencies and Institutions benefit, Robert-H. Kooper, Chairman of the 1954 Philanthropies urged Intensified support of the drive In speaking to the Beth El Sisterhood last Wednesday. "In the minds of many people," he said, "this campaign is just another drive in the community, but actually, it is a combination of more than two hundred fundraising appeals, rolled into one." Building Israel Included in the campaign are agencies whose work is of supreme importance in the building of Israel, and securing' the future of Its citizens, of whom 1,600,000 are Jews, he said, In addition, clvicprotoctivo agencies, religious agoncles, and several national Jewish hospitals, which give care to Omahans, depend upon the Philanthropies drive. "If we did not huve the all-inone campaign, and 200 agencies and their campaigners and solicitors ran separate campaigns In Omaha, we would have the great- • est chaos in community life, and' all the agencies would suffer greatly. Campaign expenses would rise, and members of the community would be forever soliciting funds.' liaise Standard "However," Mr. Kooper emphasized, "adequate funds must be raised by the Jewish Philanthropies to provide for these agencies. Considering the many agencies whic^ merge their campaigns, not quite enough yet being raised. To provide the agencies with their minimum needs, we must raise our standard of giving." Mr. Kooper also discussed the local agencies which receive support, including the Dr. Philip Sher Home for Aged, Welfare Services, and all religious schools in the community. "The campaign calls for a great outpouring of i;cneroslty. This can be done only if every contributor, man or woman, will think In terms of giving to 200 campaigns instead of just to one. There Is ample reason and need for increased giving this year," Mr. Kooper concluded.
Eisenhower Cool to FEPC Legislation Washington (JTA) — President Elsenhower indicated this week at his press conference that he does not support the Ives-HumPhrejr FEPC bill and does not share the views of Secretary of Labor James P. -Mitchell-who favors the bill. The President was asked if he backed the, expression of Mr. Mitchell .supporting the FEPC measure. Mr. Elsenhower replied that he had made known many tunes that he is certain the FEPC question is best handled on a voluntary basis without a compulsory law. While Secretary Mitchell'* views were respected Mr. Elsenhower-made known that these views differed from his own approach. The Ives-Humphrey Bill is supported by major organizations devoted to civil rights. It has loaf been the position of these organizations that an FEPC bill without enforcement powers Is of little value. The bill Is designed to protect employees from discrimina* tlon on racial or religious grounds.
Israel Studies Arab Revolts
b» the Omshk Jewtsk r e d e n U n M m l w at OuaiU., M«onaU. iadn >np t >UMij a. urn jfa&iuu. «od« Uw uin um. MnRMaslutai on Asviieatm. Ma. mil K I M T I U M , M«br™ *T1uUt MM.
im go. m
Friday, Harcli It, IBM
-Edito.Society Editor
By Arthur Lewis United Nations (JTA)—If Washington could learn, then It would take to heart the lesson of the recent upheavals in the Middle East. How can the State Department base its policies, its concepts of strategic-defense In the area, un the quaking quagmires of the Arab States? That is a question that It being asked here not only by the Israeli diplomats but by many other Western diplomats as well. Never has there been such an object lesson as the "double troublo" of the end of February, Hero were the strong men, the really stable elements In the area, Major General Mohammed Nagulb of Egypt and Colonel (or did he promote himself to General before he was kicked out?) Adlb Sblshekiy of Syria—and both had feet of cloy. Druse Uprising Once the storm struck, and the cloud no bigger than a man's hand was an uprising of the Druse, they collapsed. Their governments, the Syrian and Egyptian Governments, the most important governments of the Arab world which the State Department had been eyeing so longingly, broke Into bits. The comparison between the revolts and riots in Syria and Egypt and the prevailing calm in Israel is almost too obvious to make. Despite popular pleadings to stay on, Prime Minister Ben Gurlon Insist* on retiring, and Prime Minister Moshc Sharott quietly takes hfs place. AU kinds of political parties exist in Israel, including extremist parties, but there arc no revolutions, no disorders, no camarillas, no groups of officers overthrowing governments, making presidents and then breaking them and making them again. Israel Stable
and re-established the anden Jewish state. The miracle of the Return to Zlon for which Jews ha ~ By I. M. Green prayed nearly two thousand years since the destruction of the It happened thousands of yean ever Second Temple In Jerusalem ha ago, this victory of the Jews, led finally taken place. The terrible by Mardecal and Esther, over the defeat in Europe was at least in anti-Semitic Uaman in the Persia part re-dressed by the splendid of those days. Yet we still cele- victory In Palestine. survival brate this victory and will go on of a Jewish nation onThe the anden celebrating It as long as there Jewish soil was guaranteed by the will be Jews In the world. establishment of the State of Today we take note of this de- Israel. feat of anti-Semitism in anden' Anti-Semitic Force* times, even though we have re Guaranteed as far as we can ccntly suffered in Europe a ter foresee from our present vantage rible defeat at the hands of Ger point. However, we must not deman Nazism—the slaughter of the lude ourselves into thinking that six millions, the virtual extermina- the Humans have been obliterated, tion of East and Central European even though the victory the Jewry, the loss of a third U our democracies in World War of n and people, But though from the point the establishment of the State of of view of the numbers who were Israel meant a defeat for them. annihilated this might be called They arc still alive, greatly the greatest tragedy in Jewish histo be sure by their retory, we had suffered other de- weakened cent defeats but biding their time, feats at the hands of nnU-Semites waiting for an opportunity to rethroughout our long existence as a gain strength By BlalM Clark tons or more. some future date. people and yet managed to survive. The forces ofatanti-Semitism are This article Appeared In the Today the area is a miners' When this last terrible butchery lying low, quietly harboring their March issue of Header's Digest sad camp where jeeps and. trucks of Jews in Europe occurred It resentments against democratic Is reprinted, with their permission, swarm in clouds of yellow dust, seemed for a while that Jewry society and hatching their plans —editor's note. and bearded, sunburned men swing wouldn't recover from the blow to destroy democracy as well as Parti their picks and shovels. "Wherand that Its future existence as a To the Israelis the Bible Is not ever we find the richest outcropdistinct people was under a sha- Jewry. only a source of Inspiration but a pings," said Chief Mining Engineer Future Flight dow. guide to the forgotten wealth of Abraham Dor, "we come upon the Retard to Zlon Thus the future fight, against their country. slag and furnaces of Solomon's But then there occurred a mir- anti-Semitism will engage all the "The Book has lived In the miners. We often get the feeling acle, u great if not greater than liberal elements in the democratic hearts of Jews for centuries," says that someone has just left" the one that took place in the an- countries who wish to preserve David Ben-Gurlon, prime builder of cient Persia of Ahashucrus thou- their democratic liberties, their modern Israel. Today the Bible is On the wall of the camp's woodsands of years ago. The remnant democratic ideals of tolerance and more than ever Important to the en shack office Is framed the pasof European Jewry, the survivors Justice. It will not be a fight pri- Israelis—but In a somewhat dlf- sage hi Deuteronomy 8: 7-9: "For of the concentration and exter- marily waged by Jews. All who 'erent sense. For, relying on Its his- the Lord thy God brtngeth thee mination camps, returned to their refuse to bow to Fascist and Com' torical accuracy, they are using it Into a good land; a land whose ancient homeland where, at war munlst ideologies, to brutal to- to rediscover their land's forgotten Stones arc iron; and out of whose hills Uiou mayest dig copper." with a world of enemies,* they talitarian ideas of government; of wealth. were victorious over anti-Semitism individual conformity and enslave- For example, it was once as- What of the other promise In ment to a dictatorial state, will be sumed that the new country of this passage, the promise of iron? in this war, of which the. fight Israel had no metal Rabbi Nelson A few miles from Beershcba, Dr. It Is Israel which Is the only against anti-Semitism will only be Glueck, a Biblical archeologUt Ben Tor saw Immense cliffs shot stable, country in the whole region a part through with red-black ore. After and that fact seems to be dear and president of Hebrew Union Jewry today, in Israel, in Amer- College in Cincinnati, thought dif analyzing hundreds of samples, enough to everyone except the beica and elsewhere, in still strug- 'erently. Glueck was fascinated by technicians estimated resources of mused Arab experts of the State New York (JTA>—The Aus- gling for Its survival. But so is the account in I Kings, chapter 7, 15 million tons of low-grade Iron Department In their offices In trian Government was urged to democracy, with which the destiny venes 45-46, of King Solomon's ore, much of which, in cose of "Foggy Bottom," Washington. honor the "just claims" of Aus- of Jewry is Inextricably involved. 'oundry: "All these vessels which higher world prices, could be profThe Israelis probably know Cotrian Jewish victims of Nazism We arc living in a warring age in Hiram made to King Solomon for itably dug.- Recently engineers lonial Carnal Abdcl Nasser,- the and "not to seek to enrich itself" which democracy must give bat- the house of the Lord were of found a mile-long outcropping of ex-Egyptian premier, better than at the expense of these victims. tle to totalitarian ideals that have bright brass. In the plain, of Jor- excellent ore, 60 to 65 percent pure any foreigners; they once had him The call to the Austrian Gov- spread among masses of impover- dan did the king cast them, in the iron, eminently practical to mine. In their hands. They surrounded ernment was issued at a memorial ished people In various parts of clay ground." The word "brass," They are now testing to sec how him and his brigade during the meeting here marking the 16th the world. And not only among the ilueck knew, was a mistranslation deep it Is, 'alestino War in what was known year Blnce the Nazis marched into Impoverished. For faced with the or "copper." If the mines from Hard-driving Xlcl Federman, a as the Faluja Pocket Austria. Principal speakers at the Communism of the poor, many which King Solomon got this cop- literal-minded businessman, start- The Israelis got to know him gathering included Senator Alex- among the wealthier dosses, are per bad ever existed, they had dls< ed looking for oil by prospecting 'airly well because it was Colonel ander Wiley, chairman of the Sen- struck with fear and embrace the ppearcd from the memory of men the Bible. His first soundings were Nasser, then the Brigade major, ate Foreign Relations Committee; wretched "ideology" of Fascism. tor almost 3,000 years. But Glueck taken in Genesis, chapter 19, who negotiated with them and obDr. Nahum Goldnuuin, chairman Democracy Is thus forced to fight believed they had been there. And verses. 24 and 28, where he found tained the batUefront agreement of the Jewish Agency and presi- on two fronts. "" to find them he has spent more the description of the .destruction under which the Egyptians were dent of the Committee for Jewish than 20 years In Palestine, follow- of'Sodom and Gomorrah: "Then allowed to retire with their weapStand Together Claims on Austria; Congressman wonder therefore that lead' ing the Bible's directions up and the Lord rained upon Sodom and ons and. their flags flying. They Jacob Javits and Dr. Gustav Jelli- bigNoJewish in this down the simmering Jordan Val Gomorrah brimstone and fire from 'ound that he was a realist despite nek, vice-president of the Amcri country whoorganizations the Lord out. of heaven; lo, the the fact that he was an extreme many years have ley and across the hot Negev. can Federation of Jews; from been fighting for anti-Semitism all by One blistering day in 1934, ex- smoke of the country went up as nationalist; they noted too that he Austria, which arranged the meet- hemselvcs have.of late been co- ploring a few miles south of the the smoke of a furnace." was very bitter over the .defeat ing. operating docsly with leading non- Dead Sea, Glueck came upon a To Federman, these rising flames, which the Egyptians had Buffered By honoring the claims of sur- Jewish organizations In the fight ruined sits which local Arabs said meant natural gas. Natural gas In the Palestine War, and the corviving Austrian Jewry, "our friend for the survival of democratic liv- their ancestors had colled "Copper Indicates oiL Federman organized ruption In Cairo. Austria can play an expanded role ing, of mutual tolerance and re- Ruin." Ho excavated. Crumbled a company which sent geologists Of course, It was Colonel Nasin the family of nations," Sen. spect and confidence among vari- walls and with to the area. They found geological ser who led the officers' conspiracy, Wiley said. "The stoke Is not ous groups. Jews, and Christians heap* of copper slag proved it to evidence that oil was almost cer- which overthrew the Egyptian Just the right of the victims. At now realize that they mutt stand a once great copper smelter. tainly Uiere, Drilling of Israel's Government, deposed King Far* •take is Austria's own prestige in together and work together for Farther south, Gleuck found seven first well started on November 3, ouk, and put Genera] Naguib in the family of nations. As a sov- the sdrvival of humanitarian similar centers. Pottery In all of 1953. power. It was he and his dique ereign nation, Austria's responsi- values—of common sense, com- them was from the time of Solowho ousted General Naguib and bilities as well as obligations must mon honesty, common decency—in mon. Here, at last, were King Solo- The conclusion of "How the then had to bring him back be* Bible Is Building brad" wui apbe fulfilled. Time is an impor- a world which has become unbal- mon's famous mines. cause of the popular demand. All tant factor. The days pass Into anced by rapid technological prog- Four summon later the per- pear la the next edition ot the the confusion in Cairo, the claims months, and the months into years. ress and which threatens to be- sistent prober excavated a phc- Jewish Press. that Communist officers were re"Already there bos been delay come even more unbalanced in the liomenal processing site near the sponsible for what happened, unfortunately," Sen. Wiley con- hear future unless intelligent and ulf of Aqabo. Located In the cen- PREDICTION would be amusing if they were tinued. 'The United States Gov- courageous people will take pains ter of a geological rift, furnaces Chicago <JTA) — Trygve Lie, not a reflection of the Instability ernment, through the Department to set it right again. took advantage of the strong wind former Secretary General of the if the whole area. Of State in Washington as well as Mordccai versus Hainan. From (lowing down this nnturol cor- United Nations, said here that he return of General Naguib through our Ambassadors in Aus- now on this will not symbolize ridor to fan the flames refining feels there will tic no new war be- Is The taken as a sign here of the • tria, has again and again firmly primarily the age-old struggle be- the ore. This had been Ezlon- tween the Arab states and Israel weakness of Colonel Nasser an* indicated that surely the victims tween Jew and , . . anti-Semite. icber, the Plttsburch of Palestine. because the Arabs realize they Is ruling clique of officers. It has of Nazism could and should re- On the side of Mordccai will be To find it, I literally followed the have nothing to gain. given rise to a prediction on the ceive consideration prior to con- not only Jews but also all decent Bible's description," nald Glueck. Mr. Lie predicted that border lart of observers that the sideration shown to those who en- Christians who believe that the 'Ezlon-ijeber la beside Kloth on the friction and political dissension irescnt government here of Egypt doe* gaged in Nazi Activities. would continue for a long time. survival of the human spirit, of of the Red Sea In the land lot liavo lone to live and that He Bald that another reason why there will be yet another up"Our delegation, headed by Sec- Individual self-expression, Is more if Edom." (I ICinrrs 9:2G). retary of State John Foster Dulles, Important than the acquisition of In 1949 one of Israel's leading he didn't think war would develop lcaval In the Middle East. did everything it could In further- new material gains, that material [eijolofjists, Dr. Ben Tor, took was because Icrael has control of ance of Austria's full sovereignty. security for the masses bought at technicians with him to study nnd "hot-headed extrcmlBU" who faNow it is only fair to point out, he price of their enslavement as evaluate these onclcnt copper vor aggression. institute Budget in turn, that Austria, in the exern beings Is not worth striving mines. They proved the existence cise of its sovereignty, should 'or, is indeed an ideal to be fought if enough ore to yield 100,000 tores Jerry Lewis said: "I've read so New York (JTA)—A budget of honor just claims upon it," the with all the power that one pos- if metallic copper. And extensions much about the bad effects of $450,000 for the activities of the iddlsh Scientific Institute CY1VO) chairman of the Senate Foreign «&*»• of the same deposit, it Is esti- smoking that I have decided to 'or 1954 was adopted here at a Relations Committee stated. mated, will yield another 200,000 give up, reading."—(JTA) IX Seven Art* Feature.) meeting of the board f di*
Purim Thoughts
How the Bible Is Building Israel
Austrians Urged To Honor Claims
Friday, Man* It, 1IH
Off the Record
'Night in Israel At Center Mar. 24
Diabetic Association WM Give Instruction
JWV to Take Part In Bl Services
'Hard Times Dance' At Bl Saturday
By Nathan Zlprln The Hard Times Dance, the first The lay section of the West Cen'A Night in Israel" is the fourth A SEES AT SEVENTY-FIVE Max Kanner, Past Commander in a series of three dances to be Mid-Hard) marks the scventy- and closing program In the cur- tral Diabetic Association will give of EPSTEIN-MORGAN POST No. held by the Beth Israel Men* Club flfth birthday of Professor Albert rent Center Lecture and Concert a course of instruction for all dia- 260, Jewish War Veterans and will be held this Saturday night, Einstein, one of the world's Im- Series, Mrs. Samuel N. Wolf, se- betic* In two classes. The first now National Deputy Chief of March 13 at the Beth Israel Social mortals who has been privileged ries chairman, announced. This half of the course will be presented Staff will speak at the Pro Purlm Hall. Reservations for the dances to achieve in his lifetime the sa- trio of talented Israeli and Ameri- Thursday, March 18 and the sec- Friday evening service tonight at will be limited. Tickets for the cred grandeur of the elect few who can artists will present the melothe Beth Israel Synagogue. three dances are on sale for six during the centuries have been the dies and dances of Israel, Wednes- ond on Thursday, March 25, both Other members of the Post par- dollars. This includes the final pillars of the world. Like those day evening, March 24, at 8:30 at 7:30 p. m, at the Jewish Com- ticipating with Rabbi Groner in dinner dance. Reservations can immortals before him, Einstein o'clock in the auditorium; of the munity Center. the Friday evening services will be made by calling Stanley Diaevolved about about his person Jewish Community Center. be Past Commanders and now Sr, mond, WE 4953, or the synagogue that aura which is associated al- The trio is mode up of Lea Os- The material used for instruc- Vice Commander of the Iowa-Ne- office. ways with those who seemed to trojuukl, violinist; Henoch Green- tion is prepared by the American braska District, JWV, Ed Beldner; Milton Belzer, chairman for the have pierced, both in soul Mid in field, pianist; and Dina Nazab- Diabetes Association. Commander Nate Marcus, Post first dance announced that final mind, the boundary of what the Tzelet, interpretative dancer. A dietitian and nurse will be in Commander,. Dr. Milton Margolin, preparations have been completed Contemplative! of our own faith Miss Ostrojlnski, a native Is- attendence to answer any ques- William Abrahams, Abe MUler, for a real old fashioned hard times have called the "permissible depth." raeli, began her musical career hi tions. Marvin Kaplan, Stanley Kaplan, party. Refreshments will. be Those who enter It emerge ng Israel. She was a soloist with Is- There is no charge for this In- Mai Tepper and Art Salkin. Ben available and surprises galore. So children, wonder-laden Innocent* raeli orchestras and gave numer- struction and further information Flnkelsteln will make "Kiddush." get your party together and make 'to whom ever afterward all things ous concerts for soldiers and Kib- may be had by calling either Mrs. The'Ladles Auxiliary will serve your reservations now. appear suffused with a quality of butzim all over Israel. Miss Os- Ethel Huntzinger, JA 5980 or Mrs. refreshments in the Social Han awe and mystery, compassion and trojinski is studlng at the Julllard Joe H. Roberts, Jr., KE 0190. after the services. Everyone is iivholiness. School of Music in New York New diabetics and their fam- vited. Music Club to Meet City. The late Serge Koussevitsky ilies axe especially welcome to Recognition At Home for Aged said about her: "She Is a young It is the recognition of this income and take advantage of this ward awe that chiefly shapes the violinist of extraordinary talent opportunity of learning how to Shaw Chorale to Open The next meeting of the Music figure of Dr. Einstein In the minds and rare gift" Next Season's Program at Home Dub will take place live with diabetes. Tuesday, March 23, at 8 p. m. at of men—a figure that is always Miss Navoh-Tzclet, a winner of The Robert Shaw Choraje will the Dr. Sher Jewish Home for the Identical whether conjured up in the first Israeli National Dance open next year's Tuesday Musical Aged, 4801 No. 52nd st. A mu' the Intuition* of the simplest, who Competition, has made guest ap- 'Droodle Drag' Dance Concert Series. The Chorale in- sical program will be presentee, in know Einstein only as the creator pearance b e f o r e British and cludes thirty singers and its own which five young pianists will take of an abstruse mathematical the- American audiences. A London To Be Held at Center orchestra of twenty-six, under the part They are: Marilyn Kaplan, ory, or observed familiarly by those Times reviewer said of her dancCollege students of the Omaha most closely intimate with It and ing it has ". . , freshness . . . colleges and their friends will bold direction of Dr. Robert Shaw. Fea- Saul Kripke, Rene Asch, P a u l a , in dally contact spontanity, polish and technique." a gala dance, The Droodle Drag, tured in the series of five concerts Block and Gayle Feldman. Now that figure has become the The third member of the trio is Sunday evening, March 21 at 8:30 will be the Chilean pianist Claudlo Cantor Ell Kagaii of Beth Isworld's own. It is as if It no longer H a n o c h Greenfield, a pianist p. m., In the Jewish Community Arrau, the Metropolitan Opera's rael Synagogue will sing. belongs to the man In whose body studying at the Julllard School of Center Auditorium. The dance sensational new soprano, Irmgard David Orkow will speak. ProSeefrled, Gold and Flzdale, duo- fessor Hans Baer Is in charge of it is contained. It is our possession, Music will launch a program aimed at changeless 'and unique,, which Single admissions arc one dol- the organization of a Hlliel Foun- planlsts, and I Music), a group of the program. There will be no twelve Italian instrumentalists. admission charge. Refreshments neither all the conflagrations of lar. dation in Omaha. Tickets can be purchased for $6 will be served. The members of the future nor the inevitable reA committee of students includ- for the season from any music the community are invited. versions of man's thinking 'shall ing Barbara Cohen, Betty Ann store, or by mailing a check to the ever be able to alter. He is ours. Poska, Mike Feldman, Al Fellman, ticket treasurer. Miss Sarah Lee And to Dr. Eiutcln, one presumes and Gordon Elewltz are planning Balrd, 680 N. 55th Street. No sinno thought could bo more gratifor the dance, with tho assistance gle admissions are sold. fying. His immortality is his final of the Omaha joint Hillel commitgift to its, the lust of many, for tee of B'nai B'rith. Members of the world's sake. Washington (WNS)—A statethe B'nal B'rith Committee are Bl Mens Club Perhaps of alt great men in our nCFABATIONS ment revealing that they h a d David Blclchcr, Mrs. Julia Jacobs, To Conduct Services own land able to evoke by mere voiced grave concern over current mention of name such an equa- Bonn (JTA)—The German-Is- Mervin N. Lemmerman, and Sydincipient developments In our The Beth Israel Mens Club will and nimity of mood Is Abraham Lin- rael mixed reparations commis- ney Sneldcr. [overnment's p r o g r a m for the conduct the regular late Sabbath Near coln. In this quality they both sion announced completion of an at their recent meeting agreement under which Germany service Friday, March 19. The with East share equally. Secretary of State will provide Israel with a variety Beth Israel to Show services will begin at 8 o'clock. WalterUnder Bedell Smith and AssistIndefinable Quality of goods and services totalling 'Enchanted Forest' Dan Gordman, president of the ant Secretary of State for Near What is the source of this In- about $59,500,000 during the fiscal Mens Club, will be chairman of the Eastern Affairs Henry A, Byroade definable quality? It might well year beginning April 1, 1954. Final plans were being made this event The sermon will be dereleased here by the membe the reward of some Incompre- The equivalent of about $18,' week to spur the sale of tickets to livered by Gene Braun. Others was of Congress who met last hensible spirit In the world, a re- 000,000 of the total will go for "Enchanted Forest" which is be- participating in the service will be bers week with the State Department ward for those who have ap- payment for oil products pur- ing sponsored by the Beth Israel Sam Kaplan, Stanley Diamond, officials. proached that spirit with utmost chased by Israel from sterling bloc Synagogue and P-TA. The picture Max Greenfield, I. J. Kraft Dave humility and abandon and who countries and paid for by Ger- will bo shown Saturday and Sun- Dworkin, Norman Roscnzwclg and The statement, in port, said: "We expressed our concern over have permitted their minds to be many from sterling credits It day, March 20 and 31 at Beth Harry Slref. always permeated by the demand owns in those countries. The re- Israel Synagogue Social Hall. The members of the community published reports that our Government is proposing to use tho it makes. That there arc few who maining $41,500,000 covers a largo There will be two shows each eve- are cordially invited to join with military aid appropriated for the arc willing to undertake It, we variety of raw materials, agricul- ning. • ,' the Mens Club for services and Near East under the Mutual Seknow. The fear that we might tural products and Industrial Rabbi M. M. Pollakoff, chairman refreshments following services In curity Act in part to give arms conclude In emptiness always for- goods and Insurance and adminisand other military aid to individual of the theater project announced the social hall. bids. Others, however, risk It. trative costs. Arab states. We expressed,the the awarding of prizes to the chll' It Is this admixture of spiritual This is the first such agreement dren of the Hebrew and Sunday Hollywood (JTA)—the toast- fear that such proposals may unand intellectual abandon to an to be worked out by the mixed schools will begin this week. Pro- master introduced Danny Kayc dermine rather than strengthen illimitable cosmos with which the commission, the previous'arrange- ceeds of the event are going to the at a dinner the other night with our defenses in this area. Furtherin the face of Dr. Einstein that ex- ments having been worked out by Talmud Torah Building Fund great fervor, stressing his years of more, we pointed out the Arab Creator plays no dice that limns the negotiators at The Hague who Tickets are one dollar for adults faithful service to show business states show no desire to make pression of almost sacred vastness concluded the overall. pact Is- and 50 cents for children. Tickets and eulogizing his, ability and peace with Israel, and there is evand quiet and sorrow that is not of rael submitted he list of goods it may be obtained from members of talent Somewhat overwhelmed ery reason to fear, in view of agony but or contained patience wanted : for the 1954 fiscal year the P-TA, students of the Talmud Danny faced the audience. "After mounting tension In the Middle and abiding. It is on expression so some five months ago and from Torah- and Sunday School and at such an introduction," he said dis- East recently that our arms may armlngly, "I can hardly wait to be used not to defend the Middle • easily understood by all of us last January 0 until the agree- the Synagogue office. hear what I'm going to say." becauso once, in childhood, when ment was concluded late today East against communism, but for a renewal of warfare against Isthe world was a vessel of an awe- German and Israeli negotiators rael and even against some of our some god, we too shared it That worked on the list. NATO allies who have interests in the feeling that this carries with this region. The guns we give to It has been the basis of all the INVESTMENT SUIIVKV Friday, March 1* the Arabs may be used not to adman's work can be seen from his New York (JTA)—A commisPrc-School—9:00 a. m.—Center. vance the security of the area, not profound observation that he to sion of leading American Jewish Saturday, March IS to promote peace and security, but whom the experience of the mywill leave to conduct Hadassah Oneg Shabbat-ZPR American Education Chairman— to attack our own cssenial Interstical Is unfamiliar and "who can abusinessmen two-month survey of opportuni12:30 p. m.—Homes. ests. At this time there Is no deno longer wonder and stand rapt ties for private enterprise in IsBeth Israel Men's Club Dance of the Month Club—8:30 p. m.— pendable assurance to the conin awe, is as good as dead." rael, in order to advise on the Beth Israel. trary." The world stands "rapt In: awe" acceleration of Israel's economic Sunday, March 14 at the great figure that la Einstein progress, It Wax announced by the Children's Program—2:00 p. m.—Center. not alone becauso he has been able Palestine Economic Corporation. B'nai B'rith Centennial Jubilee Jamboree—All Day—Center. to pierce the great mystery but The commission, which was In17. S. Mission Signs Young Adult Lounge Night—8:00 p. m.—Center. pramorlly because In so doing he vited by the Israel Government Foreign Films Scries—8:1Sp. m.—Center. Development Pact created an' eternal equation be- comprises; Boris Margolin, Joseph Monday, March IS Tel Aviv (—TA)—The United tween the real and the moraL Pre-Schooi—9:00 a. m. M. Mazer, Albert Schlff, Ernest States Technical Co-operation AdOnly a son of the Prophets could Nathan, and Robert Szold. All Workman's Loan—7 JO p. m.—Center. ministration mission in Israel and have conferred such richness upon five are directors of the Palestine Folk Dance Group—8:30 p. m,—Center. the Israel Government concluded the world. ' . Omaha Symphony—8:30 p. m.—Joslyn Memorial. Economic Corporation. an agreement under which Israel Tuesday, March 16 A group of 22 national Hadaswill supply some 2,289,000 pounds Natlonql Council of Jewish Women—1:00 p. m.—Center. sah leaders, headed by Mrs. Mortifrom counterpart funds for 11 Omaha Sympony Orchestra—8:30 p. m.—Joslyn Memorial. mer Jacobson, of New York left new development projects. for Israel for a three-week study Wednesday, March 17 Howard Goldstein won the mile The projects include foresting; economic social and political Pre-School^-9:00 a. m,—Center. swim last Friday in the center of certain hilly region, c a r r y i n g conditions In that country. These Mlzrachi Women—1:00 p. m.—Center. , , pool in the time of 37 minutes and leaders will embark on individual through irrigation projects in 'Afternoon Ceramics—1:00 p. m.—Center. 14.7 seconds. Muyrmrd Rosen was speaking northern and southern areas of t o u r s to Hadassah's Evening Ceramics—7:30 p. m.—Center. runner-up in the program held for membership the country, reclamation of abanupon their return. B'nal B'rith Monsky Chapter No. 470—8:00 p. m.—Center. swim team members. doned plantations and the conCenter Orchestra—8:00 p. m.—Center. Tkfarshall penenberg has beaten struction of new railway spurs. Thursday, March 18 Jascha Hclfetz overheard a Tel Sammy Shukert's record for stayLeadership Training Institute for Teenagers—3:45 p. m.—Center. The counterpart funds ore suping under water by lasting 2 min- Aviv citizen, tired of shortages, plied by Israel to match AmeriTemple Israel Purlm Services—7:30 p. m.—Center. rationing, and austerity in general, utes and 19 seconds. can technical assistance grants. Beth Israel Men's Club Duiner-—7:00 p. m.—Beth Israel. & complalng: "When the British Jewish War Veterans and Ladies Auxiliary Meetuigs-^iOO p. m. Tho exchange relationship beOne of every 1,140 persons last finally decided to give US a countween' the Israeli pound and the Center. , : year volunteered to serve as In- try that didn't belong to them, dollar for those projects U set liKadlmah Board Meeting—8:30 p. m.—Home, ' ' why didn't they glvo uj Switzerstructor* in Red Cross training the TCA agreement FAST OF ESTHER. . ,. , ... land?"—(JTA) courses. -
Global Report
Congressmen Ask About Arab Arms
Community Calendar
Swim News
raw* i*»
rrioay, March U, ISM
"TalkofManyThings" Babies A daughter, Jodi-Lynn, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Goldberg in a local hospital. The couple have another daughter, Deborah Renee. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Allan S. Zalkin and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Marx V. Goldberg. Maternal great-grandmother is Mrs. Ltbby Zalktn. Mrs. Goldberg is the former Retha Zalkin. Mr. and Mrs. Max Klrshenbaum announce the birth of a daughter, Debra Ellen, born in a local hospital. The couple have another daughter, Jaynie Marlene. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. W. Pcrlmutter of Council Bluffs and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Abe Klrshenbaum, Mrs. Klrshenbaum Is the former Shirley Perlmuttcr of Council Bluffs. Miss Barbara Bln<lft
A son, Yeakov, vyas born to Mr. and Mrs. Irving Stern, The couple have another child, Arleen. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J. Wallerstein and paternal grandmother is Mrs Jacob Stern, both of New York.
Barbara R. Ringle . To Wed Texan
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Forman announce the birth of a son, Michael Joseph,.bom February 27. Maternal grandparents are Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Ringle anand Mrs. H. Guss and paternal grandmother is Mrs. M. Forman of nounce the engagement of their Pictured above a n Mrs. Sam Newman, gratral chairman of the New York a t y , daughter, Barbara Rae, to Paul Beth El Synagogue Concert; Mrs* George Oohn and Mm. Jolhu Edwin Black, son of Mr. and Mrm. SMn, head of Circle Three. Jake Black of Dallas, Tex. Miss Ringle Is attending the Arlene Meyer, student at the University of Minnesota, will spend spring vacatioon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Meyer, University of Oklahoma where the Is affiliated with Sigma Delta Tim sorority. Her fiance Is also attending the University and is a member of PI Lambda Phi. The annual dinner meeting of The couple' plans an August Mrs. Sam Newman Is general Synagogue music, there will be the Z.B.T. Mothers' Club will be wedding. Washington (WNS) — Formal chairman of .the Beth El Syna- a group of Yiddish folk songs, held Sunday, March 14 at 6:30 gogue's eighteenth Annual Con- Negro spirituals by composers of papers showing that b o t h the cert, of Jewish Music to be held Jewis descent who have contribut- United States and Israel had fully p. m. in the Highland Town Club. Sunday, March 28, at 8 p. m. in ed to world music and songs of ratified the ten-year treaty of It is o meeting for parents of acfriendship, commerce and naviga- tive members and parents of the Synagogue. I t will be pre- modern Israel. sented by Cantor Aaron I. Edgar The ticket in the Sisterhood tion signed here August 23, 1951, alumni, Rug & Upholstery For. reservations call were exchanged here this week fceand the Beth El Choir, t i n . Julius Highlight Book will admit two Mrs. Sam Steinberg, WA 9754. Cleaners Stein and Mrs. George Cohn and adults and children over eight twecn Acting Secretary of State their Circle three are in charge of. Additional single adult tickets General Walter Bedell Smith and BOOS—OAItPETINO "A university professor," conthe reception following the con- will IK? available at the door or Israeli Ambassador Abba S. Ebon. LAMP BIIADES cert. Everyone is invited to at- may be purchased from the fol- The ratification formalities were fides Georgle Jcsscl, "has derived FURNITURE tend the reception which will lowing ticket committee: Miss Ida held at the State Department The the word 'Idiot' from a Greek term Cleaned in Yaw Home) honor the Cantor, Choir, the guest Spring, Mmcs. Harry Wclnberg, treaty, which U to go Into effect meaning "men who never held pubartist and the accompanists. Phlncas Wlntroub, Sam Horwich, on April 3, has as Its general ob- lic office.' How tunes have Binding • Laying • Repairing jective the regulation of economic changed!"—(JTA) Mrs. Cecil W. Slocum, well Ben Sherman, Phil Rosenblatt, relations between the two coun ION BRRNSTEtN : HA 7554 known : in musical circles as a Morris Brodkey, Morris FeUman, tries and the strengthening of Patronize Our Advertisers. teacher of voice, will be guest Joe Guss, Morris Erman, Julius their traditional bonds of friendartist, and Mrs. George Eisen- Stein, Sam Davis, Arthur Fried- ship. The treaty provides for perberg and Mrs, A. C. Fcllman will man, J. J. Friedman, Max Mosko- sonal freedoms, property rlchts, vity, Sam Stern and J. J. Grecnbe the accompanists. investment and business activities, Cantor Edgar has prepared a bcrg. taxation, exchange regulations, comprehensive program of sacred import and export policies, shipand secular music. Along with ping and other matters relative to the status end activities of the citizens of the two countries. This Passover the B. Manischcnos Hadassah Bowling wltz Company has added a new In- The Israel Government ratified w. u novntion in the packaging of Its the treaty on January 6, 1952. NORB Bros 36 24 matzos, The 5-lb. package of PassMeanwhile there were reports Brandcis Klcerchrome . . . . 33 27 over matzos now have a third pro- that the State Department orientective wrap—the "Flavor-Seal" Edwards Jewelry 30 30 tation with regard to supplying Smith Pontiac 30 30 inner wrup ( that divides the mat- American munitions to the Arab Brandeis Easy Washer . . . . 29 31 zos into separately scaled sections. states has remained unchanged RCAVictor 29 31 This permits you to open one sec- despite the recent political upin Honor of Passover Millie Wine 28 32 tion at a time keeping the rest of heavcls in that area of the world, Mctz Beer 25 35 your Passover matzos at peak which were generally interpreted as grave signs of instability and freshness. High Scries and Oomri which, It was believed, would have Ann Schulman, 552—201; Liberty Faler, 472—2J2; Dina Bloom, Sholcm Asch told us recently the effect of at least temporarily checking the State Department's 448; Kitty Asbyll, 420: Audrey that an exhibition in Russia on ex- policy In that direction. MATZOS • WINE • 1 6 6 MATZOS • SEMIE fISH • BORSCH! • SP0M6C CAKE MIX Kirshcnbnum. 409; Pearl Gross, hibit was a particular success . . . 406 and Bess Raznick, 402, a painting of a loaf of, bread and gpliU two sausages. Everyone wanted to Myra'Goldman, 6-7-10 and Idclla know the artist's name and ad dress.—(JTA) Caer, 5-8-10.
Returning Home
Mrs. S. Newman Chairman Of Beth El Annual Concert
Friendship Treaty Z.B.T. Mothers Papers Ratified
Exclusive! Manischewitz Inner Wrap keeps your matzos oven-crisp
Passover Matzos
Council Names Delegates To Attend Biennial Meet . As delegates to the North Con- ual state legislation problems, lo. tral Regional Conference of the cal National and International National Council of Jewish Wom- citizen action and community welen,-, Mrs. Edward Levinson, Re- fare. A discussion on how to gional Auditor; Mrs. Harry Stol- educate the membership and betler, Section president; Mrs. Lloyd ter the community will be of Friedman, Ways and Means Vlce- prime importance. - President, and Mrs. Ray Simon, The National Council of Jewish _ Corresponding Secretary, will at- Women carries on a three-fold ' tend the biennial convention to program of Community Service, be hold at the Mariano Hotel in Overseas Service, and Education Highland. Park, III, March 15-18. and social action. Through its These women are members "of. the overseas service, Council offers Omaha Section which U one of scholarships to qualified students 26 sections comprising the North of social work and related activCentral Region of eight states. ity from Jewish communities in With (he keynote "Open the many parts of the world. The orDoor in Fifly Four," it is hoped ganization also supports the School that the workshop discussions ond of Education of Hebrew UniverintcrchanRO of ideas on program sity In Jerusalem. and technique will stimulate and Presiding over the Regional improve membership in the or- Conference will be Mrs. Maxwell ganization. Finebcrg of St. Louis, president Dr. Archibald rarey, VS. Al- of the Region. Mrs. Milton Sussternate to the United Nations, man of Pitsburgh will present the will be featured as guest speaker conference theme. Mrs. Mel Dahlat a banquet Tuesday. March IB. man of the Evanston-Wllm Sec• Among questions to be discussed tion will.act,as toastmlittess for «t ^ U ^ ! j # $ 4h« bajifluej;., , , , ; „ : . . , , „ , .,, f I
• I I food for the price of * 1 O HgJJ this Passover!
As • gesture of sincere thsnlcs for your loyal patronage, SCRIP TO ISRAEL IS OFFERING A FREE 1 0 % BONUS on all foods purchased by your recipients in Israel through Scrip to Israel Gift certificates. Send a Scrip to Israel certificate for S3, S10, $15, 620 or S25 today. Your recipients will enjoy sumptuous Passover
meals and also get 10% more of the finest ' C L A T K O S H E R FOR P A S S O V E R FOODS FREE. FREE 1 0 % BONUS SCRIPS can be purchased NOW at our main office or at any of our official agencies bearing the Scrip to Israel Seal 'iMg located throughout the world. 1M WUT S7fti STUtT XIW VOWC N. V. CO M t M • SUiTI l»t»
Local Agent —J«wlih Community Crattr 101 N. 20th Bt — Call M ISM
Friday, March II, IBM
Pate rive
Pioneer Women. It will take place at the home of Mrs. Raymond ' The meeting will start with a Corey, 5019 Davenport Street at ' dessert luncheon at 1 p. m., Wed' 1 p. m., Wednesday, March 17. nesday, March 17, at the Jewish Community Center. Tho meeting 'will be devoted to the Jewish Na< tlonal Fund box collections. Mrs. The next regular meeting of Joseph Batt and her committee Omaha Section, National Council will be in charge. M n . Batt re- of Jewish Women will be held at quests that no one forget to bring 1 p. m.r March 16 In the Craft her box in order to facilitate the Room of the Joslyn Museum, 2218 collections. Dodge Street, Dodge Street enM n . M. M. Pollakoff is ar- trance. A dessert luncheon will be served. Highlighting the meeting ranging a musical program. Cantor Ell Kagan will be accompanied by will be Stephen Polchcrt, who will present a talk and demonstration Prof, Hans Boer. ' Trees for planting In Israel were on Ceramics. Mrs. Harold Garber purchased by the following: Rnbbi will introduce Mr. Polchert Mr. Polchert's demonstration and Mrs: Benjamin T Groncr, honoring Mrs. Lewis Nevelcff; The will be on a Potter's Wheel that he chapter, honoring Mrs. Julius has designed and constructed himSherman on her birthday; In mem- self. He Is an Instructor in the ory of Dora IUekes, by Rabbi and College of Adult Education of Mrs. M. M. Foliakoff. Mr. and Mrs. Omaha University and, In this caBen Cholt, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lust- pacity, he also teaches classes at gartcn and the chapter; Harriet tho Joslyn. HIS work has been MendeUon, In memory of Max represented all over the country Vcret of Philadelphia; Mr. and and he has had one-man shows Jh Mrs. Sam Faior, In memory of Omaha, Lincoln, and Flint, Mich, Mrs. Harrlotto Wilson of Fort Mr. Polchert is a native of MilSmith, Ark. waukee, Wisconsin, and studied at the Layton Art School there. He Mrs. George Kaplan has joined tho Donor Luncheon Circle by en- also attended Cranbrook Academy tertaining at a luncheon last of Art, Bloomfleld Hills, Michigan, Thursday at her home. Mmes. II. and while there he won a scholarDclrogh, S. Klcwit/., Rose Fogcl, ship enabling him to receive his H. Frnnkiln, nnd Wm. Weincr have Master's Degree in June, 1953. Mr. Polchcrt specializes In porjoined the Circle. They will entertain at a 1 p. m. luncheon Wed- celain with a copper red glnze and nesday, March 24 at the Jewish has turned out 98 pieces in this mediunffor his Master Thesis. In Community Center. 1953 he won a prize in the field of color at the International Ceramic Show in Syracuse, New York. , Both Mr. Polchert's work and Bette Ann Poskn, Fund Raising his students' work will be on disChairman for the Junior Hadas- play. There will also be on opsah First Annual Spring Dance portunity to vlow the work of Joshas announced the following chair- lyn students In other arts and man for the danco: program and crafts fields. decorations co-chairman, Felicia There will be no baby-sitter Abnmson and Barbara Cohen; re- service available at Joslyn. freshments, Joanne Wiseman; publicity, Jean Kate and tickets, Clara Kate. . The event will be held April 4 One of a series of regular Ones In the JOC Auditorium. There will Shabbats for the chairmen ot the be a door prize and prizes given American Affairs, Education, Zionfor the oldest grnndparents, young- ist Public Relations and Program est grandparents and newest mar- committees and all group presiried couple. Tickets which arc now dents of Hadassah will be held at on snle arc sponsored by Leaven- the homo of Mrs. Paul Vcret, 120 worth GrIU. S. 51st Avenue, Saturday, March At the lnst meeting of Junior 20. Coffee hour will be at 12:30 Hadassah, Gwcn Shapiro was an- p. m. • nounced as chairman of the calling committee. The group will attend Purlm services March 19 at tho Beth El.
Mizrachi Women
Council Women
Junior Hadassah
mpstein.'M.organ T h e members of the Ladles Auxiliary of Epstein Morgan Post Jewish War Veterans, will participate in pro-Purim evening services at the Beth Israel Synagogue Friday; March 12. Refreshments will bo served by the Auxiliary after the services. Mrs. Max Plrech, chairman of tho Red Cross drive wishes to thank the following members who volunteered their services and nude the drive so successful. Mmcs: Abe Miller, Ezra Bcldner, Nate Marcus, Milton Margolin, Meyer Kaplan, Wm. Raduzlncr, Ed. Simon, Jack Soylnn, Julius Stein, Louis Alberts and Abo Vcnger. Members of the Auxiliary held their annual bake sale March 4, at Brandels Store. Mrs. Jack SayJan, chairman, wishes to thank her co-chairman, Mrs. Frank Cohen and all the women who baked and donated for tho sale. A special thanks to Mrs. Ccle Bush who gave her time to deliver the baked goods,' A Bingo Party was held March 4 at the Omaha Veterans Hospital by members of the Ladies Auxiliary. Canteen Books were given as prizes and a patient received a long distance telephone coll. Hostesses were Mmes: Meyer Kaplan, hospital chairman, Aaron Epstein and Milton Margolin.
Kadimah Women There will be s> special committee and board meeting to discuss plant for the annual Mother's Day Tea given by Kadimah chapter ot
Campus News Sigma Alpha. Mu
Zeta Beta Tau
The Dean of Student Affairs announced Sigma Omlcron chapter of Sigma Alpha Mu farternity as first Place scholastlcally for the first semester 1953-54. Thirty-seven per cent of the members in the house were placed on the Deans Honor list. Recognition on the list Indicates ranKIng ot an individual In the upper 15 per cent of his class. Last year the Sammy Chapter was third place among the other 21 fraternities on tho campus. In basketball, the Sammy squad won seven of the • final nine con' tests. In the final game of the season the fraternity lost to Phi Delta Thcta, first ranking Intramural baliclub, .42-39. Marshal Becker and Norman Phillips kept the team, strong rebounding and scoring from in close. Becker led with 16 points. It was announced that. Ira Epstein and Alan Garfinkle have been named associate editors of the University Law Review. Dave Major and Norm Krlvoshia received parts in "Flnlan's Rainbow," a musical comedy to be presented by Kosmct Klub, the University Mens Dramatic society. Norm will be one of the six male dancers. Dave has not been cast as yet. Four members of the house arc Involved In Varsity athletics. Lcn Rosen has just completed competing with the Indoor track rfjuad in the shotput. Ills best throw was better than 46 feet against Minnesota. Len is waiting for the outdoor season to begin. Dan Fogel has earned enough points for his third successive gymnastics letter. Dan has placed first on the high bar in the lost four Nebraska meets. His two latest truimphs were the All-College Championships held in Lincoln and the Northwestern Gymnastic Society Invitational held last week on the Minnesota University campus. Norm Veltzer and Marshall Becker are bidding for positions on the Varsity tennis .team, while Forry Poska Is working out with the freshman, Social chairman, Stan Magld announced that a party will be held this month.
Zeta Beta Tau had a party last Saturday night at the house. "Gambler's Palr-A-Dlce" was enjoyed by 15Q couples. The basketball, team ended the season with an 8 win 4 losses. The cagers were beaten in the first playoff game after ending up in third place during the regular season. Ben Belmont spent • last week' end at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, taking a scries of tests for West Point. Marshall Kushnef Is up for Most Eligible Bachelor from ZBT. Results will be reaveld at the Kosmct Klub Spring Show in April. Marshall, Marv Steinberg and Howard Vann helped to cast the spring show last week. Marshall is also In charge of a KK party being held tomorrow night at the Italian Village In Lincoln. Doran Jacobs Is on a Student Council Committee to look Into the usefulness of class officers at the university. Dick Fcllman will be in Wisconsin this week debating with the university speakers. Bruce Hollander has a part in a* university radio presentation of 'A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court." Lcn Singer; Ron Minkin and Mike Greenberg 'gave blood to the Red Cross. Mike Is in charge of the blood donors committee at Nebraska. Nell Miller is in charge of tho AUFpoll of university students to see which charity students want their AUF money to go to for next year's drive.
Ladies' Gym Class Meets Every Wed. Every Wednesday evening a t 7:30 p. m. a gym class for women Is being held. Included In the activities are calisthenics, gomes, badminton and volleyball. It is relaxing, invigorating and proving to be loads of fun. Members of the class are: Mmes: Fritz Cassman, Dick Goldman, Steve, Lustgarten, Sandy Kaiser, Joe Burstein, Louis Paul and Sol Crandall. We welcome more members to Join In the fun.
Evaluation of the French Community The French Jewish Community, the largest in free Europe, is findIng it difficult to maintain its Jewish consciousness, according to Dr. Simon R. Schwarzfuchs in an article, "French Jewry—A Study in Contrast," appearing in the artlclo issue of The Jewish Horizon, published by Hapoel Hamlzrachi of America, In a country where freedom, political equality were thrust upon them suddenly, the Jews found themselves substituting French culture in place of their own.
One ot every 7 persons last year participated In Red Cross activities through a contribution of $1 or more to its support.
for youtJBassover ible
JWV Ladies Will Hear D. Haberman
Mrs. Dalsee Haberman, National President of the Jewish War Veterans Auxiliary, will visit the March 18 at 8:30 p. m. at the JewEpstein-Morgan Post 260 March ish'Community Center. Mrs. Ha18. She la on a national tour of berman will install the officers elected. the United States. Mrs. Haberman is a member of Klngsbrldge Auxiliary 101 of New York having served as its President. She was instrumental in having water therapy adopted for use by veterans at the Four Chaplains Memorial Hydrothcrapy Center at the Bronx Veteran's Hospital in 1946 and that form of therapy Is now used by veterans hospitals natlnoally. She has been coordinator of Veterans Affairs for the Eastern New York Chapter o f the Association for Physical and Mental Rehabilitation. Mrs, Haberman will appear on television over KMTV on Jean Enfoy Modern/ Up-to-Date Wiring Sullivan's program at 3 p. m. March 18. The local president, No Money Down—Easy Monthly Terms Mrs. Ezra Bcldner, will appear with her on the program. ThursUP TO 36 MONTHS TQPAYI day, March 18, she will visit the Omaha Veterans Hospital. Mrs. Meyer K a p I a n , hospltaiization chairman, will accompany her. Your Electrical Contractor now Mrs. Haberman will present three yJ< s Phone or write 'has a plan which provides the wiring electric shavers as a gift of the Epstein-Morgan Post Auxiliary. improvements your home h e e d s She will be entertained nt a gives you a modern, up-to-date home luncheon March 18, at 12:30 at electrical system which you can pay the American I/Cglon Club. Memfor on cosy monthly terms. The job bers of the auxiliary will serve as hostesses. can include new lighting fixtures as The public l.i Invited to attend well as the circuits, outlets, and an open meeting of the Auxiliary switches year home needs. to be held March 18, at 9 p. m. in the Jewish Community Center. Purlm refreshments will be served. M O M 01 WUTf-NIIRASKA-IOWA ILtCTMCAL COUNCIL The Ladies Auxiliary will bold I1M WOW I M f . Om*U. HA Kit their election"at their 'rowtUtgI •IEMMR NATIONAL ADZOUATft WIRIN* •URBAb
Rid Your Home of THIS
\ explaining this i New Home Wiring Program!
| | I M I >
nuc tmmum ruta»
Youth Council Doings
Bar & Bos Mifzvah Rita Joyce Koom, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Koom, will celebrate her Bas Mltzvah this evening and Saturday morning a Beth £1 Synagogue. A reception wm follow the service. Friends and) relatives are Invited to attend the ceremonies.
SiU*T, Man* U, ISM
Happy Birthday Chairmen Named Friday, Maica It For Stage Night Lois Ann DvorUn, Donald Fox,
By ley Raznick, posters; Diane Singer, AZA NO. 1 Ina Margolin and Barb Bernstein, Michael Maurice LJeber, Janice Barbara Joffc and Larry EpTM« week, the Urn N. Levl M< publicity. Claire Meyerson, Cheryl Lee Plot stein, co-chairman of the 21st anaerial Hospital In Hot Springs. The club will meet thta Sunday kin, Walter (Wulf) Richtman and nual Stage Nlfiht, have announced the committee chairman f r o m Ark, received • ISO dollar check at 2 p. m. in the Jewish CommuSharon Simon. each club and the stage crew. (ran Mother Chapter. Hie south nity Center, Saturday, March IS era Institution l« dedgniated Helen Joan Katz, Paul Kutler, Stage Night will be held April 14 spring party has been planned the national AZA charity, and hat forAMay Diane Rublnow, Harley Dean at 8 p. m. in the Jewish CommuL : nity Center Auditorium. been the beneHdary of many fund Mr. and Mrs. Abe Slinky an Schrager and Laveme Rochelle The chairmen arc Harriet Sosraiting eventi. nounce that their son, Howard, Wolfson. kia, Coundlettcs; Judy Rosen, • Tomorrow night, Alephs an Sunday, Man* 14 •' will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah Debka Debs; Nancy Barren, TBttheir date* will croc* the river Friday evening, March 19 and Sat- Susan Renee Katz and Linda Sue vas Ami; Jack Oruch, A. B. A. No. Council Bluffs where a nighty Beth Israel Purlm Festivities urday morning, March 30, at Beth Magzamlo. 1; Kenny Freed, A. Z. A. No. 100; original party it scheduled. Sodal will begin at 8:30 Thursday eve- El Synagogue, Friends and rel* Monday, Mardi lft chairmen, Hike Meyer and Tom ning, March 18. At the conclusion tives are invited to attend the re- David Lester Davis, Bruce I n Jerry Merer, Rayim; and Dick Bromberg promise an enjoyable of the reading of the MegUlah the ceptions following both services. Friedlander, Sunn Barbara Fried- Gillnsky, Independents. man, Abraham Kinstllnger, Terry Jerry Magolin, production manevening: to all. new King and Queen of Beth Israel] Plans are now being made for will be crowned by Judy Kutler; Lynn Nogg, and Ann Vivian Bog- ager, wID he assisted by Henry Pollack, Mike Denenberg a n d the 30th Anniversary Banquet gen. and; Nelson Gordman, last year*i Bennett Kutler. Publicity chairbe held In the spring. A special In King and Queen, Tuesday, Man* 16 Titation has been extended Stanley Abbott Greenfield, Mar- man i» Elaine Krantx. The new Sunday School King Stage night is an annual.affair Kansas City AZA No. 3. and Queen will be crowned by Ar- The Center's Swim Team win ilyn Kay Hoberman and Jeffrey produced by the Youth Council ia Aleph Steve Brooksteln of Ben- nold Taub and Sharon Herman last participate In the Jewish Welfare Elaine Itkln. which member dubs vie for boo* son and Stan Fellman of Central year's King and Queen. Wednesday, March 17 Board's fourth Annual Airmail ors by presenting original stag* were members of their respective Son Bernard Kaplan, Sharon Swimming Meet This'meet win The skits are Judged first and second place debate A masquerade and costume con- be held from April 28 to May 3, Renee Lintzman, Arthur Michael productions. on the basis of originality and teams at the Missouri Valley Tour- test will follow the coronation. according to Leon M. Ginsberg, Sacks, Denlse Snverman and Rob- quality of production. Prizes will be awarded to children nament held here hi Omaha. Baltimore, MdV chairman of the ert Slutzky. having the best costumes. AZA NO lM Xanrsaay, Hatch 18 Swimming Meet Committee. The t Goldstein Scholarship Last Saturday night, the ceo' Awards win be given to children This meet has events for both Frimet Wcinroth. turymen held a party at the home having perfect Sabbath Services boys and girls of grade school and of Nell Steinberg. The party fe attendance. Sholach Mono* gifts high school age. Events are also B e * E! to Hold National Dlvialoa hired a fabulous dancing e*hlbJ- will be given to all the children. staged for adult men and women. W. I» Purim Celebrations Pete Brodlcey was party The tunes are r e c o r d e d and AZA 1 Boosers 45 15 The following children were mailed into the national commit- The Beth El Synagogue Talmud AZA 1 Glama chairman. 42H 17tf At the party, editor, Ray Kirke nominated by their classes at the tee. The national committee re- Torah children will observe the Rayim SOS 39 24 hand out his first edition or the Beth Israel Talmud Torah for cords and types up all results and Purim service at 7 p. m., Thurs- AZAlOOCcnturymen . . 37Vi 2314 dub's paper, THE CENTURY Purlm honors: awards medals to the six best con- day. March 18, when the Megfllah R a y l m S a F s . . . 3 3 30 SPOTLIGHT. For Queen: Marlene Friedman, tesants in each divisional event will be read. Following the serv- Rayim H 33 30 At the last meeting. Allen Selgel Maureen Eptteln, Dora Gerber, Everyone entering the meet will ice, the; children will proceed to AZA 1 Bluffers ; 32 31 and Mlko Blatt, religious chair- Irene Winer, Avivs Steams, Judy receive a handsome certificate the Sodal Hall for the traditional Ind. Sleepers 29 34 men showed a film on Brother- Wohlner, Arlenc Epstein, Karen presented by the National Jewish coronation ceremony for a King AZA 1 No Names , . . . 16 47 hood. Forbes and Sally Freeman. Welfare Board. and Queen. Children of the Tal- Rayira Screwballs . . . . 5 58 This week, Alephs are assisting For King: Stanley Greenfield, mud Torah arc invited to come inj . High Game* and Series B'nal B'rith with their carnival at Marvin Ruback, Gary Lewis, Ron- HEBBEW U. HDULEL costume for the Grand March. John Goldncr, 176-488; Stan the Jay, Howard Kaslow and Pete ald Kaiman, Justin Mulnlck, Stew- Washington (JTA)—The open- Prizes will be awarded for the best Widman, 189—484 and Georgo Brodkey arc In charge of this art Kutler, Howard Shrler and ins; of the B'nal B'rith Hillel costumes. Greggom will be Jit- Sachs, 201—178. project. Meyer Coren and Bernard Pollkov. Foundation building at the He- trjbuted and Purim refreshments Abrricaa Division DRBKA DEBS For Mordecoir Paysic Shyken, brew University in .Jerusalem, en will be served by the Talmud W, Richard Gaer, Sol Marcus, Dennis Urging the opportunities for cul- Torah Committee of the Sister- Ind EBG 47 16 Programs for the months tural and spiritual exchange beLewis, Artie Raznick, Allan Kohood. Rayim MSG 44 19 March and April were discussed necky, Joel Davis, Dan Abramson tween the students of Israel and There will be no Talmud Torah Rayim X*s . . . . . . . . . . . 40 23 at a recent meeting. < the United States, was announced and Bob Shapiro. classes Thursday, March 18. AZA 100A 33% 29% April first, Debs will sponsor Children of the Beth El Sunday AZA 1 Gutter Goons . . 3 2 .31 their annual style show at Bran- For Hamen: Fred Falk, Larry here at B'nal B'rith headquarters. del* Store. Modeling will be done Elewltz, Harry Friedman, Howard Acquired In 1931, the former School will celebrate Purim Sun- AZA 1 Zorchcs 30% 324 by girls from several of the high Hahn, Edwin Sldman, BiU Katz Swiss Consulate building In Jeru- day morning, March 21. Each child AZA 100 Gutter Gangs 29H 33H salem has been remodeled and man, Howard Fcldman, and Marty is asked to bring a small gift (not Rayim K schools. Everyone Is cordially In24 39 decorated for use as a student to exceed 25 cents), which will be Rayim M Jabs . . . . . . . 18% iVi vited; tickets may be obtained Meyers. Sunday School elections arc be- center. An informal "Open House" exchanged as "Slinlach Monos' AZA 1 We Goofed ."-..: 16 47 from any Deb member. inch Qune* and Series . Janie Fellman is chairman for ing held'this week. The children marked the occasion with Rabbi with another child in his class. of the Religious School will vote Maurice B. Pcknrsky, B'nal B'rith Children will go to their regular Fred Simon, 213—547; Bob Epthe shew this year. ilillel director at the Hebrew Unl Tor one Queen, King, Mordecal and classes at the usual time. There 200—527 and Hartan Rosen, The following girls were recentversrty, welcoming university offi- will be Individual class parties, stein. ly Initiated as Deb members: Carol Hainan this Week. The election will cials students to the lounges, with a traditional Purlm treat. 182—499. Minkin, Nancy Blotcky, Donna take place in a specially construct tudyand halls, discussion and music Canar, Frances Davidson, Sandra ed voting booth in the Tulmud rooms which were created through Each doss will select a prince and Sundays at the Center* Children will then be diFelhnanj Nancy Friedlander. Diane Torah recreation room. the supper of B'nal B'rith mem- princess. rected to the Sodal Hall for an Registration to Close Fellman, Shelley Green. Brcnda The new King and Queen will bers in both countries. be crowned in the synagogue Assembly and Purim program. This Katxntan and Judy Lewis. Thursday evening, March 18. The will include reading of a portion Registration is still open for TIKVAS AMI The T. A.'* were hostesses to a coronation ceremonies will follow America is not only well past rom the McgiUah, songs and the third session of "Sundays at Baptist Youth Group last Friday the reading of the MegUlah be- the 27,000,000 television set mark dance numbers. The advanced the Center." The fee for the sucbut Is pushing the next million. As class of the Sunday School, under week session is f&OO. night The teen-agers first at ginning at 6:30 p. m. of January 1 the volume stood at the direction of Mrs. Norman If a child was .not in atteodance tended services at Beth Israel 27,660,000 by virtue of December Whitman, will present > Purim during the first or second session Synagogue and then,: a party at purchases amounting to 693,000 playlet he must be accompanied by a parthe home of Bonnie SpeigaL receivers bringing (he year's figure ent in order to register. On Saturday night, the girls to 6,432,000. According to NBC Edward C. BoMnson: "When r held, a roller skating party at "AZA Nite" will be featured at Research directors, there are now woman says she can't be flattered Tony Martin: "The man who Roller BowL the B'nal B'rith Henry Moraky 12,000,000 non-TV families' la agree with her; this will flatter, wants to marry a fortune should * The girls of Tikvas Ami Were Chapter No. 470 meeting, Wedher."—(JTA) is covered by television/—' go' widow-shopping."—(JTA) hostesses to Debka Debs at a proevening, March 17, at 8 [JTA) . . •;-•••. : . . v , 1 : : gram on Teen-age Driving. Movies icsday . ra-attheJCC were shown, and a discussion was A playlet "My Tomorrow" will led by members of the Omaha Po- x; dramatized by members of AZA lice Department Chapters No. 1 and No. 100, The next T. A. meeting will be Omoho't Favorite Art Schwartz and Howard Kasheld Sunday, March 14/ at 1 p. m. low are In charge of the program. at the home of Mrs. Julia Jacobs, Way to Djne on advisor. BAYIM "ouncil-LUtles , Rayim has scheduled a meeting at 1:30 p, m. this Sunday at the Ths CouncU-UtUes will meet at Center. The cultural committee has the Jewish Community Center this planned a talk on bowling which unday. A bowling' party win folwill be delivered by Fred Simon, low the meeting. The girls are also In food-«hort Israel top Rayim bowler. Slated to give tanning a slumber party to be fill their Seder plate held at the home of Morlene Fried. a report on Purim Is religious man. with the food we take for granted chairman Dick Raskin. . The Rayim Fraternity has two . . . send Gift Scrip for ' outstanding social f u n c t i o n s $10, $15, $20, J35 and $50 planned for the future. The first Btifref Style t . . . or Parcel Certificate* • will be a fund raising party open ftlOM Al 1460 1C UMrf IWU * • « ! » All Y m Cart ro Eot to all teen-agers, which will be $11.50. $15.50, $30.50, $25.50 Tti* Jnrua r m . Corrral nt« la fto ecnu foi «*ca Huff held March 17 at the Center. June otL Tb» Vt*u rtttrvM UM tixfcf I* Hmr Strictly Kosher 19 has been set as the date for the KM oo cacb AdvtrtiMBMat. Noaato 3 p. sn. Fourth Annual Rnyim Formal. The duh sends its bet wishes AR and Das Mllzvao congratulations; also for all Jewish holito Vice-President, Jerry Marcr who is convalescing after a short days and special occasions rteyers News Stand 1S02 Dod£e hospital stay. COUNCM.ETTES HOSIKRY FOR SALE Cbuncilcttes will hold an Onrg :XCEM,ENT values in women's Shabbat March 20 at Belli El Sy- nylun hosiery and men's and nagogue and it will be open to all children's cox—to your order— Youth Council girls. Chairmen nre call Mrs. Joseph Wolfcon. HA yovr local Strv/ce for Itraet Agtntyt Eileen Epstein and Judi Gimplc. 5057, or atop In at 3515 Howard Street. Committee members Include Sully HOTEL BLACKSTONE Markovltz and Phyllis Friedman ROOM FOR RENT program: Shirley Noodcll, Carole urnished — nice location — for Frank and Joyce Cnbar, refresh- cither middle aged woman or 1307 Howard St. ments: Sandi Krizellmnn and Shir- young girl. Y\TA 4515.
Beth Israel News
Center Swim. Team To Enter 3WB Meet
YC Boy's Bowling
AZAWite'atMonsky Chapter Meeting
Sinday Brunch
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• . • » ; * • /
Friday, March U, U H
Religions News ».-0» F. M. CaadleBtbUag
Beth El Saturday Night Study Group The March meeting of the Beth El Saturday night Study Group Is scheduled for Saturday, March 13, at the home of Mrs. Ethel Levenlon, 4819 Farnam Street. The course is called "Giant* of the Spirit" and Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will devote the March session to Malmonides, the great 12th Century philosopher and codifler of Jewish law. Interested individuals or couples may Join the group by calling Mrs. Sidney Sncider, WA 6518.
TEMPLE ISRAEL At the regular Sabbath Service* Friday evening at 8 o'clock, the Temple Sisterhood will assist wit service*. Mrs. Maurice J. Frank win recite the blessing over the Sabbath lights; Mrs. Maurice L. Pepper wOl recite the Ktdduah; Mesdames Paul Veret and Milton Abraham will assist Rabbi Brooks With the Torah and parts of the service will be read by Mesdamcs James SamueJson and H a r r y Wolfson. "Your Sisterhood—It» Present and Future" will be disBible and Talmud cussed by Mn. Morton Hiller, sisterhood president and Mn, BcrnBj DR. PHILIP SlIEfl hardt Wolf, first vice-president of the sisterhood. Mn. Alfred S. Mayer, hospitality chairman, is In By Dr. Philip Shcr charge of the Oneg Shabbot which . Bible will follow the services. The way of a man is forward Regular Shabbos morning serv- and strange; but as for the pure, ices will eb held Saturday at 11:40 his work is right. a. m. Rabbi Brooks will conduc The soul of the wicked desircth the service, assisted by the stu- evil; his neighbor flndcth no favor dents of the Hebrew Pcpartmenf in his eyes. «t the Religious School. Klddush Whoso stoppeth his ears at the for all presnt will follow the serv- cry of the poor, he also shall cry ices. himself, but shall not be anTDttUI KVK SEHVICX8 Talmud Thursday evening services for the Eve of Purim wlU be held at Once Rabbi Melr, Rabbi Judah BOO o'clock. Rabbi Brooks will and Rabbi Jose were travelnlg on read the Megillah and Purim re- the road. Rabbi Melr paid attcn freshmenU will be served the con- Uon to the manner of the inngregation Immediately following keepers, but the other two failed the hour service. to do so. When they arrived at an inn, they asked the host: "What BETH ISRAEL Is thy name?" "KIdor," he replied. Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor "I infer from his name that he is HI Kagan and the Beth Israel a wicked man," said Rabbi Melr. 8ynagogue choir will conduct late Rabbi Judah and Rabbi Jose enTriday evening services. Sabbath trusted the innkeeper with their morning services win be at 8:30 purses for safekeeping over the a. m. Jr. Congregation services at Sabbath. Rabbi Melr did not. On Sunday when Rabbi Judah and 8:30 a. m. Rabbi Jose asked the Innkeeper Rabbi Groner will conduct the for their purses, he answered: Saturday Talmud class at 5:45 "You never gave them to me." p. m. and Saturday Mlncha will Rabbi Meir then said to them: start at 6:15 p. m. which will be "Why did you not take note of bis jfollowcd by Sholoshe S'eodos and name?" "Why has the master not Maariv. told us about It?" they replied. Daily morning services begin at Said he: "I only remarked, that T a . n i . Dally afternoon services such a man ought to be suspected begin at 6:15 p. m. but' I could not say with cerSunday morning services begin tainty." at 8:45 a. m. and to followed by Noticing that Kidor had lentils Rabbi donor's Bible Discussion on his mustache, they took him to class. The youngsters of the Tails a store and intoxicated him with and TeffflJn Club begin their serv- wines. Then they went to his wife ices at 8:30 a. m. Breakfast is and told her that her husband hod served at the conclusion of their instructed her to give them their services. The Talmud discussion money, and to prove their stategroup, currently studying the ment they her that on that tractate Sabbath, meets every very day shetold and her husband ate Tuesday evening at 8 p. m. under lentils. She gave them their purses. the direction of Rabbi Groner, at B. It. H. Synagogue, 19th and Thereafter, all of them began to pay strict attention to the name Surt of a person. Later, when they arPurim services will begin with rived at an Inn whose keepers' the'reading: of the Megillah on name was Bala.thcy refused to Thursday evening', March 18 at •top there. 6:30 p. m. Services Friday mornIng, March 19 will begin at 6:45
Gems o* the
a, m.
BETH IX Services will be bold this evtnlng at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver the- sermon. Cantor Aaron L Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue Choir will sender tho musical portion of the service. Sabbath morning services will fcegln at 8:45 o'clock. Junior Con' gregatlon services will be at 10:45 a. m. Mlncha-Maariv services wDl •tart at 0 p. m. Thursday evening; March 18, Moglllah. reading at 9:45 p. m. Children's service at 7 p. m . Frl-> day morning service at 7 a. m. Dally services are held each week day at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. The Sunday morning service is at So, m.
Obituary Henry Cohen
Tl Religious School Purim Services
Students of the Temple Israel Religious School will participate In Purim Services Thursday evening, March 18 at 5:30 p. m. in the Jewish' Community Center Auditorium. The Junior and Senior School Choirs, under tbe i direction of Miss Ida Gltlin, will assist Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks in cnductlng the service. Rabbi Brooks will read the Megillah, the Book of Esther. A Purim party will follow the service, with rereshments provided and served r tho Templo Sisterhood. On Sunday afternoon, March 21 from 2:30 to 4:30 o'clock all classes of the Religious School will Join together in the annual school Purim Carnival, in the Jewish Community Center Auditorium. The program will include exciting games of skill, prizes, crogcrs, refreshment*, song and dances. Students will come In ostumes, depleting characters of tho Purim story, and will take art in a masquerade grand march. There will be no regular sesion of the Sunday Division Sunday morning, March 21.
Services were held Thursday, March 4, for Marry Cohen with Interment at Forest Lawn Cemetery. Mr. Cohen, 60, died Monday, March 1. Survivors Include his s i s t e r , Mrs. Sarah Hawkins of Tobias, Grade Allen: "Doctors say exerNobr,; and two nephews, James Lse will kill germs, but how is Cohen of Omaha and Herman ono to get the germs to exerclseT" Roscncalc oft Culver City, Calif. -(JTA)
JWV Will Meet At Center Thurs. To give members an opportunity of attending Purim services with their families, the regular meeting of the Epstein-Morgan Post No. 260, JWV will not start until 8:30 p. m., Thursday, March 18 at Jewish Community Center. Regular business session of the meeting will be omitted in order to complete the election of officers for 1954-55. The nominating committee headed by Past Commander Ed Beldner made the following recommendations at the February meetIng: For Commander, Abo S. Miller; Sr. Vice-Commander, William Abrahams; Jr. Vlee-Commandor, Marvin Kaplan; Judge Advocate, Paul Crounse and Post Surgeon, Dr. Morris RolUtein. Addtllonal nominations will be made from the
Tempi* Youth Group Sunday, Feb. 38, the Temple Youth Group held a regular meeting at the home of Joan Abrahams. Included in the program were a scavenger hunt, refreshments, and a friendship circle. Tbe group is planning a Purim surprise for the meeting this Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the home of Susie Lipp, 663 North 64th Avenue. March 26, the members will ,conduct the entire Sabbath eve service in honor of Isaac Mayer Wise. floor, preceding the election. The members of the Post will then adjourn and Join with the Ladies Auxiliary at their open meeting honoring the visit of the National President Dalsee Haberman. Installation of tho new Officers will be held at.the April meeting of the Post.
Purim Carnival for Grade Schoolers The gala Purim Carnival for fifth through eighth graders is well into the planning stages. There are 16 booths under construction. This program jointly sponsored by the Zionist Youth Commission and the Jewish Community Center will see hundreds take part in singing, dramatics and carnival activities on the evening of March 20, from 7:15 to 9:30 o'clock in the Center's Auditorium. There will be a 25c admission Charge which buys 15 chances for carnival games and refreshments. A parent's committee is being organized to help out. The Youth Council Club Rayim will assist in booth construction and decorations. Patronize Our Advertisers.
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Friday, Man* U . 1KS4
B'hai BVith •. Bowling Major OUssto W. Union Frelghtway 20 Plooeer Uniform ..20 Kainuui Insur. 18 Hogg Bros 17 Franklin Distr. 16 Wardrobe , 16 Impco 16 I-Go Van 9 Minor Clasile Smith Pontlae 22 Best Appliances . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 Veneer & Son .19 Paramount Mkt. 17 Forbes Bakery ....15 Clicquot Club 14 Wayne Auto ....14 H. Z. Vending 10
Greenberg Award To Grade Schooler By Llndjr Paul
L, 13 13 15 IS IT 17 17 24 11 12 14 16 18 19 19 23
A Division W. I,, Greenben; Ins Agency . . . 23 10 Belmont Jewelry 21 12 Pepsi Cola Bottling . . . . . . 21 12 Morris Paint Store 20 13 CrosslowTi TV 18 15 Nebr. Ftirn. Mart 17 16 Grace Mayer Ins 16 17 11-Worth Grill 15 IS Lyns Florint 14 19 Gerelick Motor Co 13 20 Hlnky Dinky Stores 10 23 Milder Oil Co. 10 23 High Score* Dan Cohen, 512; Herb Mclchcs, 204—539; Dick Spicgal, 514; Sam Diamond. 515; Al Tcmln, 4-10; Harry Paskowitz, 5-7 and Bill Rubin, 2-7-10. Many of the B'nal B'rith Bowle n arranged to Rive blood on the 25th of March during the B'nal B'rith niood Donor Day. If you wish to be a donor and did not sign a card, call Bill Rubin or Earl Siegal.
11 Worth Grill and I-Go Van Are Midget League Champs Once beaten 11-Worth Grill won the Junior Division of the Midget basketball league as they easily downed Mogcn-Davld Wine 25-14. Once again the fine shooting of Justin Ban sparked the "Grill" attack. He finished with 15 points while Frank Goldberg added six. Walter Wise and Joel Davis led the M-D's with 8 and 6 points, respectively. • Second place Pacific Fish had their hands full with Rickes before squeezing to a close 14-12 win. Dan Hollis led his team with seven points and BUI Horwich was a bulwark on defense for his team. He added three points. Al Konccky and Roy Katskee scored six and four points for Rickes. I-Go Van owes a vote of thanks to Hires Root Beer for their senior division title. The Hires lads knocked off Gerelick Motors and Sample Fur dropped I-Go enabling the "Movers" to slip in the back door. . Stuart Kutlcr was at his sharpshootlng best. The cool-headed eighth grader 22 points to lead the upset win over the Forders, Al Cutler pitched In with eight points. Howie Wclnberg and Jeff Swartz led their team with 16 and 12 points.
The champions I-Go Van looked far from a champion team as they took it on the chin for the third time from Sample Fur. Their cold shooting plus the ten point production by Mike-Persell and Justin Ravitz led to their loss. However, with one game remaining to be played, the I-Go squad retained a two game lead over the Ford I'arkway Dlv. W. L. squad which gives them the title. Ranks Army 24 9 The Midget league will have a two Borshelm 21 12 week rest before resuming play Wolfson-Gorbor 18 15 for their final game of the season. Sol Lewis Co 18 15 The B'nai B'rith Jamboree will be held next week and the following National Tire 17 16 week the eighth grade, all-star liberty Gas 17 16 squad will head for Sioux City. Playland Park 17 16 STABS OF THE WEEK PhUeo-Brandeis 16 17 Larry Kohn Rlcbman-Gordman H 19 Mike Pencil . Prucka Tramp 13 30 Stuart Kutlcr Riteway TV 12 21 Now that 11-Worth Grill has •Ro*en-Novak 11 22 captured the J u n 1 o r division High Games A. Bear. 229; Bill Wolfson, 209; championship, It is readily known I S. Diamond, 202 and Harold Aron of the scoring prowess of Justin "202. High Scries BUI Wolfson, 559; Stan Mayper 521 and Abe I>ir, 515. Krlley'» W
Dlv. W. L. Bennett Furniture ...... 22 11 Mid" Plains Insurance. 21 12 . Robinson Iron & Metal ,....20 13 Magi-Color Paint (Branded) . . . . . . . . 20 13 Watson Bros. Van Lines 17 16 South Omaha Sun . . . 15 18 H^ A- Wolf Insurance. 1414 1814 SlOsburg Realty 14 19 Eouls Market 14 19 Simons Jewelry 7'.i 25H Creates; Hl«ha: HIG J. Belmpnt HIS J. Belmont 510; HTG Watson Bros. 789;' and HTS Bennett f u r niture 2.217. . • . Other High Sconti H. Freshman 186, H. Abrahamson 177, K. Hirschinger 161-164-483, P. Rlfkln 161-16B-473. B. Fried 162-194-486. H. Slosburg 180, M. Meyerson 169, E. JSlvant 167-465. Y. Halperin 163, M. Sacks 178-167-466, H. Abranlson 173, J. Cohen 187, N. Denenberg 170, D, Chudacoff 163, I. Davin 185, L. Alexander 178-470, L. Alberts 381, B. Mnlshock 178, a n d N . Kraft 169. Ladies Division W Wolf Brothers . . . . . . . . 4 8 M Tire 45H 11-Worth Grill 45 ft & S Shoes 43 Phillips Dept. Store ...42'.4 Omaha Jobbing 41 Colony Club 40 Lyns Florists 40 Hamilton Pharmacy . .40 Smith Pontiac 39 Angles Beauty Shop ..39 Country Club Grocery .39 Douglas Jewelry 38 Kfcsh Furs 3CV4
L. 324 35H 36 38 38V4 40 41 41 41 42 42 42 43 44Vi
Unbeaten Rayim B Sweeps League
A scrappy squad of sophomores and freshmen' comprising the Rayim B team have won an honor this season no team in basketball competition can claim in any league at the Jay. They have come through the entire season unbeaten. They Whipped their chief rivals Rayim C soundly by the score of 45-22. Sheldon Krantz, back In action after his leg Injury, led the assault with 12 points while Howard Goldstein pitched in with 1L Ben Rubin and Mike Ban made nine each for Rayim C. A. Z. A. IB paced by the fine shooting; of Stan Kaiman took a close 21-21 win from A. Z. A. 100 B. The Mother chapter played without the services of their high scorer Dave Widman, who is ill with the mumps. Kaiman dropped in 16 points to lead the attack. Ray Kirke scored nine for the Junior Centurymen. Final Standings W Rayim B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Rayim C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 A. Z.-.-.A, IB . \ . . . . . . . . . . . 3 AVZ. A. 100 B ,K........ 1
L 6 3 9 11
ShukerU Market . . . . .36 45 Mystic Beauty Shop •••33 46 Individual High Scries Esther Ross, 488; Evelyn Hoberman, 481; Dora Welnberg, 478; Ruth Kraft, 475; Ethel Cohen, 473; Sue Greenbcrg, 468; Marge Fromkln, 466; Esther Stollcr, 459; Hose Oruch, 458, and La Heine LaVinc, 450. IndMdaul High flame Libby Sacks, 197; Esther Ross, 185; Evelyn Hoberman, 181, and Ethel Cohen, 184,
Ban. However, we feel that recognition is due to the top rebounder and defensive star of the team Larry Kohn. Larry is the tall man for the grillers and two weeks ago after receiving a bloody nose, he came back for more action, For his fine play throughout the year Larry is a w a r d e d Star of the Week. Sample Fur's center Mike Persell played his best game. The lanky eighth grader was terrific on rebounds off both boards and managed to lead his team with 10 polnU. Even though Hires finished in last place, they can claim the league's top scorer in Stuart Kutlcr. The s c r a p p y youngstor dropped In 22 points against the Gerelick squad from all over the floor and walked away with scoring honors hitting well over 100 pouits for the season. For their fine play in leading their teams to upset victories, Mike Persell and Stuart Kutlcr arc selected as Stars of the Week. LEAGUE STANDINGS Junior Division W. L. 11-Worth Grill 10 1 Pacific Fish . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3 Mogcn-Davld 2 9 Rlckcs's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 9 Senior Division W. L. I-Go Van 8 3 Gerelick 6 5 Snmple Fur 5 6 Hires Root Beer 3 8
Schwartz to Guard Handball Crown Larry Schwartz, A. Z. A. l's allaround athlete, will defend his Youth Council singles handball championship starting this week at the Jay. A record number of entries of 37 hopefuls representing A. Z. A. 1, Independents, Rayim and A. Z. A. 100 will square away for handball honors. Schwartz is the pre-tourney favorite but may find stiff opposition from .fellows like Ed Belzcr, Stan Widman, last year's runner-up, the Denenberg twins and Tiny Rosen. Raylm's entry list topped the field with 20 players.
The family of J. J. GrccnberR will make a special award to the most Improved fifth or sixth grader in Midget league play. The award will be bnscd on sportsmanship, attendance and improvement. It will be presented at the second Annual Father-Son Athletic program to be held Sunday, April 1, at the center auditorium. This is the second trophy to be awarded to a Midget athlete. On Award night In May, the J. J. Greenberg Memorial t r o p h y Will be presented to the most valuable player in the Midget League for outstanding ability and sportsmanship.
With a few seconds remaining to piny, Al IJrown took a shot front the far court and made it good to defeat Kutlers 43-41 and keep Lusty's on top of the Varsity league by one came. The game was extremely close and Lusty's was able to pull the game through In the final seconds. Doug Cohn, making his varsity debut, led the Klowns with 13 points. Eddie Belgrade kept his Collegians In contention for the title by leading them to a close 56-54 win over Star Auto as he collected 20 points. The Collegian victory kept them a single game behind Lusty*.. Al dayman led all scorer* at be hit for a total or 29 points. The Star Auto team was playing without the services of Ray Sombcrg and Ed Belzer. League Standings W. U Lustys 8 4 Collegians 7 9 Al Corey and John Goldncr, a Star Auto 5 7 couple of sharpshootlng sopho4 8 mores knocked off the Youth Kutlern Council league champions, Independents to gain runner-up spot in the final games of the season. If the Independents had won, Rayim and AZA 1 would have Jack LJeb fired the high series finished In a two way tic for sec- in last Sundays' competition, a 298. ond place. Corey led the attack He had games of 159 and 139. Vickl Colick was high in the with 17 points while Goldncr added 12. Tiny Rosen led the Inde- girls' division with games of 155 and 104 for a 259 series. pendents with seven. AZA 1 won their final game The "Bloom" family were In with AZA' 100 by the score of there pitching to gain honorable 53-25. Top scorer was center Stan mention: Beverly, a modest 88 Widman with 15 points. Mike average bowler, very beautifully Donenberg had his best day as he combined games of 133 and 123 for scored 10. Art Schwartz, for a 256 scries; her brother Bruce, a many years n member of the B 92 kcgler, hod games of 132 and league made his A league debut 113 for a 243 series. Harriet and hit two baskets for four Schloff, another little gal who points. Jerry Rosen led the Cen- bears watching, with her 80 averutrymeh with 8 points on four age composed games of 119 and 105 for a 224 scries. Chuck Wise field goals, converted the 8-10 spilt; EriMo • Star of the Week * Wintroub the 4-3 split. Al Corey John Goldner W. K. The way these two lads de- O. p. Sknggs 32 12 livered for Rayim in their final Neb. Fur. Mart 28 16 Victory Is indicative of 'the team Maypers 27 17 Rayim will havo next year. Al Wolfson-Gerber Auto . . 22<6 21H Corey and John Goldner were hit- Playland Park . . . . . . . . 22 22 ting with a fine degree of ac- Indus. Chemical Co. . . 2 0 24 curacy as they led their team to Gamble-Robinson Fruit 19H 24Ua 35-20 upset over Independents. 11-Worth Grill 19 25 For their fine play they share Amer. Lmbr. & Sup. Co. 17W 26% the Star of the Week Award. Morris Paint 12H 31V4 LEAGUE STANDINGS High Game* and Series Jack Llcb 159-139—298 Final* 154-139-293' W. L Mike Platt Howard Welnberg . . 154-131—285 Independents 11 4 145-119—264 Rayim . . . . . 1 0 5 Stuart KuUer AZA 1 9 6 Jerry Sherman . . . . 133-131—264 AZA 100 0 15 Billy Katzman . . . . 150-110—260
Rayim Gains 2nd Place Win, 35-20
Jr. B. B. Bowling
Last Sunday the Youth Council boys were treated to a handball clinic by Pat Rooney, Midwestern AAU handball singles champion The Bowling Bums and Alley and Sam Ban, veteran Jay player. Approximately 20 boys watched Sluggers remain tied for the league Pat and Sam demonstrate the fin- lead with 15-3 records. There arc seven more weeks of bowling reer points of the game. maining; and the Strikes & Spares team is one game out of first place. It ought to be a photo finish. Standing* Youth Council Boys . W. I» Marty Greeno Bowling Bums 15 3 This high school freshman has Alley Sluggers 15 3 shown steady improvement in his Strikes & Spares 14 4 Youth Council bowling. He has Lucky Ladies 12 6 raised his average from 98 to the Alley RaU 11 7 present 123. In February he threw Gutter Boys 11 7 a nifty 201-503 scries. For his Beer Framen . . . . . . . . . . . 10 8 constant improvement M a r t y Tough Turkeys 10 8 Greene Is selected as Bowler of Jflgh Hitters » 9 the Month. Lucky Ducky* 8 10 Nifty Hitter* 6 12 YOUTH COUNCIL GIRLS Hep Cats 6 12 Last year Barb Joffc finished Cutter Gerties 5 13 third In the high Individual rat- Eager Beavers . . . . . . . . . . 5 13 ings with a 124. Now she is car- Rowling Babes 4 14 rying an Improved 133 but still BowllngDolU 0 18 retains t h i r d place. Barb has John Rickes broke the Individual bowled games of 173, 165 and 145, high scoring game of the season to Improve her game. She i.s the with a nifty 166. Congratulations competent secretory of the girls' to John. league and is helping to organize "100" Gomes the Mixed Doubles tourney. For Howard Welnberg, 156; Tom her fine bowling achievements she will receive the February Bowler Platt, 147; Clark Swartz, 129; Mike Markovitz, 122; Susan Baron, of the Month award. 122; Phil Gorellck; 120; Wnlt Wise, 119; Larry Hoberman, 117; JeanJUNIOR HPOKTS ne Silver, 115; Judy Brooksteln, For the month of February Har- 113; Stu Kutler, 113; Steve niock, old Fortes wins the selection. The 110; Mike Slirior, 108; Joyce Koom, hard working fifth grader brought 108; Mike Plutt, IOC; Jerry his.average from 52 to 68 and is Schwartz, IOC; Doug Platt, 10C; improving with every game. In Larry Glllnsky, 100 and Bill Katzfact he has been keeping his High man, 100. Hitter team fired up when the Platt boys had bad days. For his Gertrude Berg ":Modcrn flctlor Intense Interest and bowling improvement Harold Forbes gets the runs too much to love, and modern love runs too much to fiction." medal for Bowler of the Month. —(JTA)
Jr. Sports Bowlinq
February Bowlers
Brown's Shooting Defeats Lustys
Vickl Colick Florence" Shrago . . . Beverly Bloom Bruce Bloom Bernie Grossman . , Stanley Greenfield.. Ann Blumbers Eddie Wintroub . . . Howard Slusky . . . . Mare Samuelson . . . John Rlekes Larry Hoberman . . . Tom Platt Sharon Frank Harriet Schloff . . . .
155-104—259 150-107—257, 133-123—256 132-113—245 166- 79—345 128-117—345 134-109—213 127-112—239 128-109-237 119-116—235 131-102—233 121-109—230 117-112-229 115-112—227 119-105—224
Swim Schedule Boys and Girls Beginners: T u e s d a y s and Thursdays, 4:15-5:15 p. m. Boys and Girls Advanced and Llfesaving: •'•..> W e d n e s d a y and Fridays, 4:15-5:15 p. m. Business Women's Class: Monday, through Thursdays, 5:15-6:30 p. m. Center Women's Class: Monday and Friday, 10 a. m.12 noon. Boys Scout Classes: Monday or Tuesday, 6:307:30 p. m. Girl Scouts: Wednesday, 6:30-7:30; 7:308:30 p. m. Mixed Swims: T u e s d a y s and Thursdays, 7:30-9 p. m. Children's Fun Swim: Sunday, 3:30r4;30 p, m. Center Sunday Program: Sunday, 2-3:30 p. m. Post polio Class: Thursday, 10-11 a. m. "Choose your day—OH Ira at the J»y."