Mrs. Douglas Will Open Women's Div. Drive israeli Star Trio to Appear In 'A Night in Israel1 at Jay "A Night in Israel" will feature a trio of Israeli artists presenting melodies and dances of t^wlr native land, Wednesday evening, March 24, at 9:30 o'clock in tho Jewish Community Center Auditorium. i This is the fourth and closing program in tho current Center Lecture and Concert Scries, Mrs. Samuel N. Wolf, series chairwoman announced. ' The trio is made up of Lea Ostrojlnskl, v i o l i n i s t ; Dlnn Nazah-Tzelct, interpretive dancer; and Henoch Grecnfcld, pianist. ' Miss Ostrojinski, who appeared once before this season on the tenter stage, is a native Israeli Lea OatroJInskt who began her musical career there. She was a soloist with Israeli orchestral and gave concerts throughout Israel. Miss Ostrojlnskl Is studying at the JulUard School of Music in New York City. The late Serge Koui; savitsky Mid about her: "She is a young violinist of extraordinary OBBMAN REPARATIONS talent and rare gift" ' Miss Nazah-Tzelct, a winner of Cologne (JTA) —In the strongthe first Israeli National Dance est statement yet made by him, Competition, has mado guest ap- Or. F, E, Shinnar, head of the pearance* before British and Israel purchasing mission in GerAmerican audiences. A London many, voiced regret that the Times reviewer said of her danc- West German Government had ing it has ". . . freshness . . . used an "escape clause" in its spontanity, polish and technique." reparations agreement with IsThe third member of the trio rael to reduce the amount of U the pianist Hnnoch Grecnfcld. Ycpuratlons It will provide the Also a native of Israel, Mr. Jewish State In the year beginGreenfeld made his first iippcar- ning April 1 to the equivalent of ancc at the age of 13 with the 559,500,000. Jerusalem Radio Orchestra. He Dr. Shinnar noted that $73,.has appeared many times with 800,000 had been set in the pact the Israel Philharmonic Orches- as the "normal" annual total of tra and In recitals all over Israel. reparations goods and services. Mr. Greenfeld came to the U. 3., lie also expressed hope that Gerin 1951 to pursue his studies. many would Increase the amount - Single admissions to "A Night it will make available to Israel In Israel" are one dollar. in future years.
Global Report
Former Congresswoman Will Speak At Philanthropies Dessert Luncheon Warburg Calls For UJA Gifts New York (JTA)—With the Festival Of Purim beginning today and separated by only four weeks from the Festival of Passover, the United Jewish Appeal called on American Jews to mark this period of Judaism's freedom holidays with an outpouring of contributions In behalf of the UlA's 1954 "freedom-servlng" campaign, Edward M. Warburg, general chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, pointed out that "the Purim and Passover holidays are among the oldest freedom festivals in the world" and said that "the UJA regards thlii period as uniquely appropriate for a rededlcatlon to the freedom alms represented by the 19M campaign," He stressed in this connection that the UJA's 1954 campaign "is aimed principally at advancing the freedom of the people of Israel, and at rescuing tens of thousands of men, women and children from the tyrannies of ©ppression, poverty, hunger and sickness." Mr. Warburg (tailed special attention to Purini! as marking the beginning of the UJA'n peak campaign period and asked all citizens of the country's Jewish communities "to go on record now with announcement of gifts." He urged at the same time that "every contributor bear in mind the urgent necessity for a swift redemption of pledges In cosh" to speed the flow of assistance to ureas of need.
swore FOND Syrians Open Fire on State Dept. Rejects Tel Aviv (JTA)—The estabIsraeli Fishing Boats Congressmen's Protest lishment by Gerard Swope, for' " Washington (WNSJ—Thc State Department has rejected the recent protest by a group of members of both Houses of Congress against the government's plan to fclve arms and other military aid to individual Arab states. The. basts for the rejection Is Said to have been formulated by Acting Secretary of State Walter Bedell Smith in a letter to the group, with whom he and tho Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, Henry A. Byroade, conferred last week. Following that meeting the Congressional group Issued a statement to the effect that, In view of the mountins tension In the Mlddlo East, there:was "every reason to fear" that our arms Will not be used to defend that area of the world against Communism but for renewal of warfare against Israel f'and even against some of our NATO allies who have Interests in jthis region." Tho "guns we give to the Arabs," the statement cautioned, "may be used not to adVance the security of the area, not to promote peace and security, but to attack our essential Interests." . General Smith, in his reply, reiterated the State Department's contention that tho objective was •to promote regional security and to Strengthen the area against Communism. Last year Red Cross workers at military posts and hospitals helped 117,200 servicemen each month "and $6,736,306 in financial assistance was provided during the year.
mcr president of the General Electric Company in the United States of a. $100,0Op-fund for loans to students of the Haifa Technlon and the Hebrew University was anouneed hero by Dr. Karl Compton of the Massachuscts Institute of Technology. The fund will enable many students to pay their tuition by securing the necessary loans. A large number Of students In the Haifa Technlon and In the Hebrew University find it difficult to raise sufficient 1funds to finance their stulies. Mr, Swope visited Israel several years ago and was greatly I m p r e s s e d with the achievements here*
Tel Aviv (JTA)—Three Israeli policemen were w.oundcd by gunfire, from Syrian territory when Arabs on tho eastern bank of Lake Tiberias opened fire against Israeli fUWng boats on the lake. The fishihg boats were escorted by a po-, lice launch. , This la the second serious attack by Syria on Israeli flsherr men on Lake Tiberias within a week. The lake is In Israel territory together with a narrow strip about: ten metres deep along the north .eastern bank. This arrangement dates back to the AngloFrench agrecmeilit on the SyrianPalestine frontiers reached after World War L The Syrians hl»ve recently startISRAEL BONDS ed to press claims to the eastern New York (JTA)T-The Secur- bank of the lake, and have been ities and Exchange Commission molesting Israelis fishing near the has made effective the registra- eastern shores. tion of the "Development Issue" of State of Israel Bonds, Involving on offer of $350,000,000 of Sunday Radio coupon and capltnl appreciation bonds, with $75,000,000,16 be sold The Light program in 1954, It was annouced here by will beEternal presented over WOWRudolf G. Sonncborn, president of the American Financial and De- Radlo from 11:30 a. m. to 12 velopment Corporation for Israel, noon, it was announced by the which has been named by the Jewish Theological Seminary State of Isrnel as the sole under- of America. writer for the Bonds in countries "Message oil Israel" will be throughout tho world. broadcast over KOIL from 10 Two types of bonds are being to 10:3ff a. m. Dr. Sylvan offered In tho ''Development Is- Schwartzman, Professor ol sue," 1) Interest-bearing bonds, Education, H e b r e w Union denominated 15-year 4% dollar College-Jewish Institute ot coupon bonds, and 2) Capital- Religion, Cincinnati, Ohio, will appreciation bonds, denominated speak. 10-year dollar savings bonds.
Helen Gnhagun Douglas
Sen. Morse Urges More Aid for Israel • New York (JTA)—Democratic Israel assumed a moral obligation for every American, but America has not yet begun to repay the moral debt she owes to Israel, Senator Wayne Morse charged this week at a dinner held here under the auspices of the National Committee for Labor Israel. "Israel is a nation surrounded by the economic system of feudalism of the Middle East, a nation that is practising the personal dignity of man, a nation that recognizes that it is the individual who counts," the Senator said. "Yet there are forces in America that seem to think that this freedom can be traded for Arab oil at a bargain price." "Americans have a stake in the freedom of Israel because it Is a stake also in the freedom of every American/' the Senator pointed out- "Yet whenever a proposed grant-ln-ald to Israel comes up, the movement in the Senate cloakrooms Is to cut down. You must hot give them cause to cut it down or they will eliminate it entirely. And you will give them cause if you fall to keep faith with the principle of supporting Israel to best of your ability,"
Einstein Honored On 75th Birthday Princeton IWJNS)—Professor Albert Einstein celebrated his 75th birthday here, ea world leaders in science, education, government and the arts Joined in tribute to him on the occasion. Prime Minister Mosho Sharett of Israel, Dr. Nahum Goldmann, chairman of the Jewish Agency, and ten Nobel Prize winners, were among 60 distinguished scientists, educators and statesmen who contributed to a birthday Festschrift (testimonial volume) In honor of the world famous scientist. The volume was presented to Prof. Einstein at a quiet ceremony at his home by a delegation rep resenting the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshlva University. The Festschrift was spon sored by the College which was named for Prof. Einstein on his last birthday. Deeply moved by the many birthday messages he received from all parts of the world, Prof. Eln stein expressed his deep appreciation. He also expressed his gratl tudc that Yeshlva University was honoring htm by establishing its new College of Medicine In his name.
Helen Gahagan Douglas, wife of Melvyn Douglas, recognized as one of tho "twelve most brilliant women in the world," former Congresswoman from California, and noted actress, will be guest speaker at the city -wide women's division dessert luncheon of the Jewish Philanthropies Wednesday! April 7, at 12:30 p. m., in the Beth Israel Social Hall, Mrs. Aaron Rips, chairman of the Women's Division, announced.' Israel Observer Mrs. Douglas has recently visited Israel, and observed many aspects of problems there, and has continued to keep in close touch with the new State's social and economic heeds. She continues her personal efforts to help ease Israel's burden as it struggles to absorb the more than 700,000 newcomers that have been brought to Us shores since 1948. Two Careers
Named as one of the "twelve most brilliant w o m e n Of the world" in a recent poll of newspeper editors, Mrs. Douglas has successfully pursued two careers, one on tho stage and one In political affairs. As a member of Congress for three terms, Mrs. Douglas achieved widespread recognition for her statesmanlike approach to the problems on public life. Every Jewish woman in Omaha Is invited to attend this function which Is the main event in the Women's Division drive, said Mrs. Rips. Some 300 workers have volunteered their help to put the Women's Division Drive over. The complete list of workers will be announced in next week's issue of the Jewish Press. Associated with Mrs. Rips in the leadership of the Women's Division arc: Mesdames Mike Freeman, Lloyd Friedman, H y m a n Greenbcrg, Max Greenberg, Richard Hlllcr, and Harry Ravitz, Robert H. Kooper Is General Chairman of the 1954 Philanthropies Campaign.
Future of Zionism Conclave Theme Now York (WNS)—The future role and functions of the Zionist Organization as a decisive force in the building and safeguarding of the State of Israel and as an instrument for cultural survival of the Jewish people everywhere. Were stressed here In major addresses by two top leaders in the Zionist movement, Rabbi Irving Miller, President of the Zionist Organization of American and Chairman of the American Zionist Council, and Dr. Emanuel Neumann, former ZOA President and member of the Jewish Agency Executive. Speaking on the theme "The World Zionist Movement, Its Mission and Destiny," Rabbi Irving Miller maintained that "aseemingly endless debate over definitions of Zionism is today serving no constructive purpose" and that "against the background of present day realities in Israel and the Diaspora, is quite academic.": Both Rabbi Miller and Dr. Neumann alluded to the world wide discussion engendered by the state- J ment addressed by David BenGurion, to tho Jerusalem meeting of the World Zionist Actions Committee, last December, in which the former Israeli Premier defined a Zionist as one who assumes the obligations of "personal emigration" to Israel.
Fridsy, March It, 1051
Our U. N. Newsletter
gttoielj Bnnwi OOM»-UI Ho. Mm aum,
Fn am «d« BARRY
Confusion in Middle-East
Jewish Federation a.! u» «« of > « • *
Published Ever? ilM a*sstt an
.Society Editor
Purim Purim Is ulways a welcome holiday because of its Joy and festivity. Moreover it has a feminine touch not alone because of the delicate hands dedicated to hamantash-making, but also because it if one holiday in which the women more than come into their own. Ancient Jewish practice did not make as many demands on women as on men, but Purim was different It w«s a woman, Esther, who played a major role In the deliverance of the Jews from Haman and It was only right that reading of the Megfllah be mare imperative upon S r ^ S e s . the story of Mordee.1 « d Erther hw offer*d solace to the Jew. This first Purim became in fact a paragon for a multitude of later lesser Purlins. There w o the Purta of Cairo dating back to the sixteenth century, when a cruel pasha's plan to massacre the Jews was frustrated when be was assassinated by one of tab officers. It has been estimated that there are about forty ofthese local Purims Perhaps one of the strangest was the Purfm of Hebron, where an avaricious pasha threatened the Jews with death by fire If a certain sum was not delivered within three days. The poor Jews did not have the money, but they were saved by a miracle when a Jewish watchman found the exact sum near the city's gate Just before the zero hour struck. Later, the pasha claimed that he had placed the money there himself after having had a dream in which the Three Patriarchs, Abraham, Jaflbb and Isaac, appeared and threatened him with vengeance if he went through with his plan against the Jews. Today, the Jews look elsewhere than l o a beauteous queen, a penitent pasha or a fortunate assassin to save him.
How the Bible Is Building Israel By Blake Clark This article appeared in t h e March Issue of Header's Digest and Is reprinted with their permissions—Editor's Mote. Part Z—Conclusion It was long assumed that most of Palestine was wasteland, - irreclaimable for agriculture. Bat archaeologists have now established the presence of more than 70 ancient settlement sites in one 65mlle stretch of the Jordan Valley alone, each with its well for water supply. Lot, then, was not exaggerating when he "lifted up his eyes, and he saw all the plain of Jordan, that it was well watered everywhere, even as the garden of the Lord." - Why is Israel not as fertile today as in ancient times? Because Invasion after invasion razed dtict and dispersed permanent settlers. Fences fell down; goats uprooted the soil-retaining grass; terraces disintegrated and the sands moved in to dog wells. This knowledge encourages the new settlers. Since the present devastation was madmade, man can undo it. When I recently visited the pioneer village ot Sde Boker, one farmer summed it up: I f the ancient Israelites could prosper here, so can we." So far. some 50 new agricultural settlements, from Dan to Beersheba, have risen beside ancient sites reldcntlflcd by Biblical archaeologists. At nearly every one you see a small, cube-shaped concrete pumping station set over an ancient spring or wen. Hager*s well, where Abraham's castoff wife stopped with her son, Ishtnael, now supplies the water for 60 pioneering Rumanian Jewish families settled on a lonely hill station a mile away. The government is currently linking these Biblical wells into a larger system. Dr. Walter Clay Lowdermllk, a leading U. S. authority on crops and soil conservation, has been advising the Israelis for the past few years. "Fortunately," he says, "the Bible tells us what crops will flourish in certain sections. We know the Philistines grew grain, because Samson tied the foxes' tails together, fixed firebrands to them, and turned them loose in the grain fields. They also ran Into olive groves. And when SamIon visited his sweetheart, ho passed through vineyards. All these crops are doing well there BOW."
Genesis tells how Isaac sowed grain between Gaza and Bcersheba and reaped a hundredfold. "Ihat must have been u good year," a Jewish farmer there commented drily. "But we do get better yields here than in most other switions."
Archaeologist R. A. S. Macalister uncovered the ruins of Gezer, the city which Pharaoh gave as dowry to Solomon. (I Kings 9:1516) A stone agricultural calendar turned up there gave the various months in which certain crops were harvested. A m o n g those mentioned was flax, which had not been grown in the area for generations. Today it is a favored crop of prospering cooperative fanners. In the forbidding Negev, south of Beershcba, no settlement had existed for more than 1300 years. But scholar* read In Genesis that Abraham took great bards of sheep and oxen to this region. Where had the water for grazing land come from? The area has less than four inches of rainfall a year. Convinced that the Bible had not deceived them, archaeologists took a close look at the hills. There, in even the smallest gullies, they found the remains of rock dikes, many only two feet high. All were woven Into an intricate drainage system which conserved every drop of rain. Led by tough ex-army scouts who had roamed the Negev in wartime, 18 young men and women set up a tent camp there in May 1952. They reproduced the Biblical ram-conservation system to the best of their ability, building 40 small dikes on 63 acres. Next spring, a gratifyingly lush green grass flourished for their herd of 300 sheep. Reading that Isaac dug cisterns here, the scouts hiked across the desertlike dunes and rocky hills and discovered cisterns hewn out of the limestone. Placed at the bottom of a mound facing a natural runoff, 37 cisterns, holding 20,000 gallons each, now store stock water over a radius of six miles. Gen. Yigacl Yadln told me how, as Israeli Chief of Operations, he had used the Bible to defend his country. Syrians attempted to invade Israel in May 1948. General Yadin k n e w from his Biblical reading a similar invasion had taken place 2800 years before, when the Syrian Ar a m e a n s marched from Damacus. Believing that the terrain would force a similar invasion route on the present enemy, Yadin deployed his men as the ancient kings of Israel had done. As he expected, the Syrians took the same route. Israeli officers became thoroughly familiar with the details of the e a r i e r battle. Before the onslaught they called together fiieir stecl-heimeted men gripping Tommy guns and hand grenades and read them the ancient passages describing the Biblical engagement. Knowing that they were on the same st»t successfully defend-
Off the Record
By Arthur Lewis United Nations (JTA) — Now1 that we have had time to assess, !. the latest upheaval in the Middle.>' East, it Is generally agreed here! that Iraq has emerged from it in a much stronger position than ever before and that the move for a Greater Syria t» now a distinct and lively threat to Israel. This to not the view of the so-called neutral observers acre with a knowledge of the area but also of the Arab correspondents. It is little wonder, therefore, that Premier Mosbe Sharett and other Israeli leaders in the Knesset should draw attention to the danger in this development, for, ofL all the Arab State* that took up arms against the infant Jewish State, Iraq is the only one which has out signed, an armistice. - Its bellicose intransigence could be ignored at the time the armistice agreements were negotiated as Ing does not have a common border with Israel; however, a Greater Syria would put a hostile Iraq on the Israeli frontier. Warning Mr. Sharett has issued a warning that "if there should be any change in the identity of the countries ^tround us through fusion or annexation, such as to be determlntal to pur security, we shall be free to take precautionary measures," The Israeli prime, minister did not mix his words; he could not for the question of peace and war is involved. The former Syrian dictator, Colonel Adlb Shishckly, was adamantly opposed to any kind of federation which would mean the predominance of Iraq: Now, he has tone, and although the new Syrian president who, was president before cannnot be said to be a proponent of the Greater Syrian movement .the forces behind him are in (avor of II Furthermore, the Syrian president. El Atasal, U an old and feeble man compared with the young and vigorous Iraqi premier. Dr. Dadhil El Jamall, who was one of the. most vicious anti-Zionists when he was a delegate here at the United Nations. Leadership
ed by their forefathers gave his By Nathan Zlprln troops a boost in morale which General Y a d l n believes helped Frrss Meet Kates them repeat the earlier victory.. There had been rumors of im In December 1948 the Egyptians pending policy changes with the were harassing Israeli settlements election of Irving M. Engel to the in the Negev. Again Yadln used presidency ot the American Jewish the Bible for strategy. The Book Commit IM and the more than mentioned an ancient road, for- thirty Jewish Journalists who were gotten for centuries, which ran invited to -his • gct-acqualnted almost directly to Muihrafa, the luncheon were eager with expecEgyptians'central garrison. Heavy tation. However, before the sesboulders were pushed aside with sion was over Mr. Enjjel revealed bulldozers, and soldiers in armored himself as an articulate liberal vehicles, Jeeps and supply trucks with deep concern for the crazy sped under c o v e r of darkness pattern now manifesting itself on along the ancient road and sur- the American scene and as a friend prised the Egyptians. Taking this of Israel and its people. lie cm garrison destroyed the Egyptian pbatically stated that there is no defense system and ended the war basts for the rumor that his elec14 days later. tion connoted deviation from tits But it li in the building up of predecessor's position on Israel. Israel that the Bible has proved "Since partition," he observed most valuable, One of the basic "we have given our support to The Egyptians have always been necessities in that arid' country is Israel within the framework of against a Greater S y r i a as it reforestation. Ever since Jews be- American interests" and there far would threaten Egypt's leadership gan returning, ., they have been no intention to abandon that posi- of the Arab League and its posiplanting forests, naming them m tion. He recalled his visit to Israel tion In toe Middle East Howhonor of such leaders and friends with former AJC president Jacob ever, although General Mbham of Israel as C h a i m Weizmann, Blaustoin, noting (hat one of the mod Naguib would seem to have Lord Balfour, George V and scores "effects of Israel has been to erase won the game of p»'"*"»1 chairs, the prestige of the Cairo governof other*; the stereotype of a Jew who is ment Is so low that it Is unlikely The Bible has helped them de- cowardly." At the same time he to be able to-prevent the Iraquls dde what kind of trees to plant revealed,that the recent AJC res- from realising their Ambitions, and where to plant them. Debat- olution against American arms to The Saudi Arabians, who are a ing a few years ago whether a the Arab states was adopted by a somewhat primitive people but certain barren hillside would be a vote ratio of 4 to 1. He denied very anti-Iraq, may take to arms. suitable location for Israel's Im- there* was acrimonious debate at mense "Forest of Martyrs," Is- the dosed session at which the The quarrels among the opposraelis found the answer in Joshua, resolution was voted. Intimating ing Arab factions, the pro-Greater which proved that a forest had ex- that the debate centered mainly on Syria and the anU. the Hasbemltos and their feudal opponents, isted there." "Knowing that trees semantics am) phraseology. have not been, settled, and they grow more easily where trees Xosv-Zlonlsts are Just as likely to break out haw flourished before," explained again and cause another upheaval Professor Zohary of Hebrew UniOn the question of Joining the like the last That is why Preversity, "we rely on the Good Jewish Agency in the event of its mier Sharett has wamcH the UnitBoole" Inclusion of non-Zionists, the new ed States that to arm the Arabs' "The first tree Abraham put in AJC president appeared to be wav- would not only endanger Israel the soil of Beersheba was a tama- ering, or so. at least U seemed to but would stoke up the furnaces risk." said Israel's outstanding au- me. He was aware of the develop- of Arab revolts and vendettas. thority on reforestation. Pr, Jo- ment, but the issue wasn't real "The guns," he told the Knesset seph Weitz. "Following his lead, since the Committee hadn't yet recently, "will always be turned four years ago we put out two been approached. Asked what the Inwards — inside each country M'k>n in the some area. Abra- Committee's attitude might be to- and Inside the region, both against ham was right. The tamarisk is ward the much-talked-about Amer- Israel and to further the lust for one of the few trees we have ican Friends of Israel he made the expansion and domination of one found that thrives in the south brief but significant remark that Arab country against another." where yearly rainfall is less than he favors nn "American Friends of The anarchy and confusion in six inches." Israel for Jews and non-Jews." the Middle East arc all too apparIn the past 45 years Dr. Wcitz IWIrutlon ent to everyone except the behas supervised the placing of more The chief dedication of the mused officials of the State Dethan 20 million trees in Palestine. If the troubles there Much remains to be done before American Jewish Committee, as partment. not prevent them from disthe national goal of 200 million is Mr. Engcl conceives it, "is to bring would tributing arms ammunition so reached. But at present mtes of about recognition of U>e principle liberally, then, and the fact that the planting and growth, using the of (he sanctity and inviolability of new Syrian defense minister, RaBible as a guide, the Israelis hope the individual." Hence he views Khankan, is BO much of a they will witness the fulfillment anti-Semitism not as n Jewish font pro-Communist that he has nubof Ezekiel' prophecy: "And they problem but of all who arc con- icly advocated o mutual shall say, this land that was deso- cerned with the truly democratic pact with the Soviet Union,security should late is become like the Garden of process. He proudly announced make them think twice. Eden." (Ezckiel 30:35). "we no longer subscribe to the theory of the moiling pot," declar- in cases of emergency. fied Crdss services and supplies ing that ho subscribed to the pre- Red Cross staff at Veterans Adcept that "all men are created ministration offices helped 20,000 for members of the aimed forces arc not sold—assistance given equal but they have the right to veterans' families and surviving them is provided for through vol- bo different" He favored "inte- dependents with claims cases each untary contributions from Red gration but not loss of Identity" month; chapter workers assisted (Continued on Page 8.) Cross members. 27,400 veterans' families monthly.
Pace Three
Mdsjr, Hank ll. lilt
Last Concert. A Crescendo
Former Temple Rabbi to Be Cited
Bl Men to Hear Inspector Green
Music Club to Meet At Home for Aged
The next meeting of the Music Rabbi David II. Wlce, former Detective-Inspector Harry Green at Home Club will take. place spiritual leader of Temple Israel, will be geust speaker at the Tuesday, March 23, at 8 p. m. at By HMM Baer is one of five distinguished alumni monthly dinner meeting of the the Dr. Sher Home for the Aged, The program of the lait Omaha of Hebrew Union College who will Beth Israel Mem Club at the so- 4801 No. 52nd S t A musical proSymphony concert was played in receive honorary degrees from cial hall, Thursday, March 25. In- gram will be presented In which a kind of a crescendo, Improving their alma mater for outstanding spector Green will show full length five young pianists will take part the achievement* from number to service to Judaism and America, at slides in color of active and known They are: Marilyn Kaplan, Saul number. The rendition of the C Founders' Day ceremonies to be criminals with a interesting com- Krtpke, Rene Aich, Paula Block major symphony by Bizet which held there, Saturday, March 27. mentary. Inspector Green Is a na- and Gayle Feldman. be wrote at the age of seventeen, Rabbi Wlce, of Congregation tive of Omaha and has been on the Cantor Eli Kagan of Beth Israel ts a very charming-, melodious and Rodeph Sholom In Philadelphia, Is Omaha Police force- for almost Synagogue will sing. gay competition. If had iti first also American director of the twenty-five years. He has been a David Orkow will speak.; Properformance tn Omaha last Moo- World Union for Progreslsvc Jumember of the detective bureau fessor Hani Baer Is In charge of day. It seemed during the first daism, an international organizafor twenty-four years. and has the program. There will be no admovement that Dr. Duncan still tion for the advancement of a libserved as commanding officer tor mission charge. will had to find the inner contact to eral Interpretation of Jewish theeighteen years. He is a graduate be Served. TheRefreshments members of the this 'music. He Interpreted it fli ology. of the FBI. Police Academy and community are Invited. If be was conducting the work of He served as head of Temple the University of Omaha School an old master of the sixteenth or Israel for eight years, from 1933 of Adult education in Law Enseventeenth century, too strict to 1941. forcement and has also served as Mrs. Cecfl W. Slocum and being afraid to put too much Dr. Nelson Glueck, president of instructor in the latter school. The freedom of expression mid romait- Hebrew election Of officers will also be College-Jewish Intf^»i«tn Into this music; which, in stitute ofUnion held. Reservations may be made Religion, win confer tha spite of tho ctasslral style, is in by calling the synagogue office. at exercise* hi the college Los .'.ngeles (WNS)—The pro'fact romantic. The fouowfiig degrees and Rabbi David Polish of fessionally-trained Jewish commovements however, wen ftnj chapel the free Synagogue, Evamton, 111. with that feeling which we had will deliver the principal address The Beth Israel Mens dub will munity worker Is as integral a part missed before, particularly the Mrs. Cecil W. Sloeum win ap- conduct the regular Friday eve- of "the underpinning of modern second movement which received pear as guest artist at the Beth ning service at Beth'Israel, Fri- society" as the doctor, the lawyer a very fine and Inspiring reproB Synagogue's Eighteenth An- day, March 19. Dan Gordman will 'and the best of the other techduction and a nicely sounding nual Concert of Jewish Music, be chairman and the address for nldans," Julius Bisno, former exoboe solo. Sunday, March 28, at 8 p. m. in the evening win be delivered by ecutive secretary of Aleph Zadik synagogue. The concert will Eugene Braun. The Klddlsb wll Aleph, Junior order of B'nal B'rith, Guest soloist was the dramatic The Temple Israel Religious thefallowed by a reception honor- be sung by At Gorodetser. Others declared here. soprano Eileen Farrell, very well- School will bold Its Annual Purim be Bisno, executive director of the Ing Aaron L" Edgar, the participating will be Stanley Dia known la Omaha through the Carnival for all grades of the BethCantor Los Angeles Jewish Community El Choir, the guest artist, media of radio and television. In school this Sunday afternoon from and the accompanists, Mrs. A. C mond, Sam Kaplan, L J. Kraft Coundl, spoke at ceremonies honappearance and voice well fit 2:30 to 4:30 p. m, in the Jewish Fellman and Mrs. George Elsen- Norman Rosenzwelg, Dave Dwor- oring him for winning the 1933 kin and Harry Slret far B r u n h i l d * In Wagner's Community Center Auditorium. berg. A social hour win follow the Sam Beber Distinguished AZA Al"Valkyries," she sang arias and Included in the program will be umnus Award. He was the third songs by Massenet, Bacfaelet, Purim games, groggers, songs, Mrs, Slocum win include In her service. The men's club extends a recipient of the award which Is Gluck and Verdi. She ha* on dances, masquerade grand march program arias from the works of cordial Invitation to Its friends in made annually by AZA to an outunusual voice, a high soprano, and refreshments. Students will Mendelsohn, Saint Saen, and will the community to join with them. standing former member of the sometimes with the character of come in costumes depleting char- Join with the choir In a setting of youth group, a mezzo alto, which b wonderfully acters in the Purim story, and in "Give Me Your Tired," from Irvtrained and flows without any other costumes of festive nature. ing Berlin's musical comedy, "Miss All Red Cross help to disaster Liberty." difficulty. Her high tones ore of Parent's committees under the victims is an outright gift—no remarkable volume and produced direction ot Mrs. Edwin Brodkey, Tickets will be available at the or may be.obtained by call- The Independent Workmen's charge Is ever made for relief supwith case. She masters excellently Mrs. Paul Blotcky and Mr. David door the Beth El Synagogue office, Loan Association will hold a ban^plies or services.. tho transitions from forte to Bleicher, and the school's Student ing quet to commemorato the 30th anpiano and her musieaUty Is very Council are assisting in the car- GL3221; niversary of the founding of the Halpcrln, president; Ben Gorellck, impressive. Miss Farrell and Dr. nival. Labor Lyceum, 3024 Cumlng St., association 6 p.m. Sunday, April vice-president; David B. Blelcher, Duncan under whose able direcLouis Wltkln, chairman of the 4 at the Congregation of Israel secretary, and Ben Martin,' treastion the orchestra accompanied Synagogue. urer. Trustees are Max Wolfson, group announced. her, were very much honored by Luncheon will be served for del- Officers and trustees for 19S4Ben Kaplan, Sam Kutter, Sam Adthe exalted audience. will be Installed. They are: Yale ler and Sol Martin. egates and guests. Tho orchestra presented a very fine performance of a toccata by The children's Purim Carnival Frescobaldl in the arrangc-mont on Saturday nlcht, March 20, will of Hans Kindlcx and a new com- be held In the Jewish Community position "The One Horse Shay" Center Auditorium. There will be by Phillips. Jazz and modern 18 booths operated by the Center's styled harmonies together* make extension clubs and the Young a piece too serious for a bull- J u d c a n croups. Refreshments, rom and too funny for a concert prizes, and entertainment by tho stage. However, it caught ap- dulw arc scheduled. A string of plause and there were those who tickets permitting use of each liked It booth and refreshments will be for 25 cents. Additional tickets Polovetzlan Dances by Borodin, sold cost 5 cents each. Parents are genuine Russian music, rounded will requested to bring their children off the program* about 7:15 p. m. and pick them We have heard and read about up i t 9:30 p. m. , further financial improvements This carnival Is for youngsters of the orchestra's budget. We from fifth through-eighth grades. welcome this enjoyable news which wfll help to make the Omaha Symphony more and more an Indispensable cultural Instrument of this city which, with the opening of the City Auditorium The Midwest District Commitwill still be of wider importance. tee of the Workmen's Circle will hold their semi-annual meeting 10 Patronize Our Advertisers, a. m., Sunday, March 21, at the
J. Bisno Receives "53 Beber Award -
Beth El To Hold Annual Concert
Tl School to Hold Purim Carnival
Loan Group to Mark 30th Anniversary
Purim Carnival for Youngsters at Jay
The pillowed softness underfoot
Workmen's Circle Midwest Meeting
lasts for the life of the shoes
Community Calendar FHd>y, Marrh I t Pre-School—9:00 a. m.—Center. Saturday, March M Hadassah overall Oneg Shabbat—12:30 p. m.—Homes. Beth Israel Purim Movie—Evening—Beth Israel. 'Center Purim Carnival—6th to 8th grades—7:00 p. m.—Center, Sunday, March 21 Children's Program—2:00 p. m.—Center. Temple Israel Purim Cnrntvnl—2:00 p. m.—Center. Debfca Debs Purim Meeting—1:00 p. m.—Center. Beth Israel Purim Movie Party—6:30 p. m.—Beth Israel. Omaha Hilld Purim Dance—8:30 p. m.—Center. Young Adult Lounge Night—8:00 p. m.—Center. Monday, March 22 ' • Prc-School—9:00 a. m.—Center. Golden Age Club--1:00 p. m.—Center. Hadassah Chapter Board—12:30 p. m.—Homes. ' ' Temple Israel Bible Study—1:30 p. m.—Home. Workman's Loan—7:30 p. m.—Center. ' < Tuesday, March 23 • • Beth Israel Sisterhood Board Meeting—Beth Israel. Council Study Group—1:00 p. m.—Home. Wednesday, March X* Prc-School—9:00 n. m.—Center. Mizrachi Card Party—1:00 p. m^-Conter. , . Center Forum—Israeli Trio—8:30 p. m.—Center. Thursday, March 25 Hadassah Group Board—12:30 p. m.—Home. Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs—1:00 p. m.—Center. Leadership Tralnlni; Institute for Teenagers—3:45 p. nv—Center. Kadlmah Regular Meeting—8:30 p. m.—Home. B'nal B'rith Nebraska Chnptcr No. 346 and Lodge Tjlo, 1448-8:90 p. m.—25th nnd J SU. ' ,
, Because this Istes -' cushion uUole is inseamed tight into the shoe, it will not work loose, banco* or lose its buoyant comfort For the softest walk in leather, try it.
Men's Shots —Fourth Floor.
Miss Edith Giflin CAMPUS NEWS Will Wed in April
Friday. Manih M, ISM
Recipe of the Week
Mrs. Benjamin Groner has pre- This is one of the many recipe* pared a selection of unusual rec- found in the booklet: Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gitiin o! ipes for Passover. These include Lemon Fluff Last Sunday tlx men were tat Chicago, Dl., announce the en recipes for Pesachdiga icings far 3 eggs, separated tiated Into Sigma Omicron of Sig- gagement of their daughter, EdlUi Passover cakes, strawberry delight 1% lemons ma Alpha Mu fraternity. The newBarbara, to Yale llunelbloom, son sherbet, turkey stuffing, appto H cup sugar fraters ; entered the chapter by of Mrs. Jacob Cohen of Chicago, fritter pancakes, Passover bllntGrated rind of 1 lemon donning the ebon and gold SAM and the late Ben Himelbloom ol zes, ice box cookies and orange Beat yoke* well; add rind and pin, in a ceremony at the chapter Omaha. tortc. sugar and place In double boiler. house. They are Marvin Breslow, Miss Gitiin attended the UniAdd lemon juice and cook until "Passover Parade of Recipes" Lincoln; Jerry Colnlc, Omaha; versity of Illinois and is a gradThis booklet may be obtained by thick. Beat whites until stiff and Alan Heeger, Omaha; Norm Krl- uate of Roosevelt College. Mr. calling Rabbi Groner at the Beth add to mixture, cooking one minvoshla, Detroit, Michigan; Richard Himelbloom, now serving in the Israel Synagogue office, RE 6288. ute. Blanched almonds may b« Pocras, Lincoln, and Forrest Pos- United States Air Force, attended , , The price Is one dollar per copy added. ka, Lincoln. Indiana University and is a gradand all proceeds will go for the This is excellent as a dessert or Neil Unger has a disc jockey uate of the University of Illinois. Beth Israel Talmud Torah build- filling and keeps well for several show over campus radio station The wedding will take place in ing fund. days if refrigerated In a closed jar. KNUS and Al Kenyon has been Chicago the 11th of April. working aj program director of the University Lab play Dramatic series. It was announced that Marv Friday, M u c h IB Gtlman has been appointed to the Stephen Gould, Anabel Graetz, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Drooz Hiss Bettle Simon Crafts will be the theme of the dance committee of the Studen David Bennett Katz and Mark of Albany, N. Y., annouce the Union. Golden Age Club's monthly meet* Howard Malashodc birth of a son last Saturday. Maing Monday, March 22, at the CenSaturday. March 20 , The Sammy bowling team last ternal grandparents are Mr. and Alan Marc Charney. ter. The group will prepare, it* week scored a three-game victory Mrs. Horace L. Roscnblum Of Sunday, March H over Farm House. Norm Phillips work for the Third Annual Senior Omaha and paternal grandparDonald Steven Fedman, Roberta Citizens Handicraft Exhibit. May led the team and set a league recents are Mr. and Mrs. Sam Drooz Cheryl Meyerson, Mark Miller and ord series and game with a 214— 4, to May 9, at the Midwest Horn* Mr. and Mrs. Sam Simon of Linof Albany. 560. Al Crousc and Sol Stiss, house coln have announced the engage- Harlan Lewis Rips. Show, Ak-Sar-Ben Coliseum. Mr*. Mrs. Horace Roeenblum Is now ment of their daughter, Miss BetMonday, Hsrch 12 entrants in the University pingSylvia Curtiss, the Jewish ComIn Albany visiting her son-in-law Arnold Breslow, Jane Ellen Fox munity Center art Instructor will pong tournament, lost in the finals tie Jane, and Jerome P. Grossman, to Iranian transfer students Ed and daughter. Mrs. Drooz is the •on of Mr. and Mr*. Phillip Gross- and Marcia Joy Komlnsky. help the group prepare its exhibit former Shirley Roscnblum of man. Sarkesian and Mort Sojoe. Tuesday, March M Omaha. The meeting I* scheduled for Gary Martin Kaplan, Marilyn Miss Simon attended art schools in Kansas City, Mo,, and Chicago. Jean Kaplan, Elaine Kutler, Lin 12:30 p. m. The Golden Ago Club da Jane Riekcs, Lawrence Grant I* jointly sponsored by the Omaha Her fiance is a graduate of Roitstcin, Ronald Gary Stein and Chapter or the National Council of Crelghton University and Crcigh- John Adler Zyiman. Jewish Women and the Jewish ton University School of Law.: He Wednesday, March U Community Center. Bible and Talmud received his Master of Laws DeRobert Marc Clpinko, Mark The Nebraska Chapter No. 346gree from New York University Louis Jacobson and William Mar8f OR I'UILIF 8IIED will . entertain at the Dr. Sher and also attended Biarritz Ameri- shall Rosen. Home for the Aged, Sunday, March can University In Biarritz, France. Thursday, March 20 The couple is planning a June 21, at 2 p, m. By Dr. Philip Sher Neil Phillip Gendler, Carol Sue wedding. Tea and Hamentachen will be Gomberg, Larry Joe Kaplan, Diane RUG & UPHOLSTERY Bible served. CLEANERS 1 Elizabeth Klein and Michel* Simon In the house of the riBhteous Is The following will participate in tnuch treasure; but in the revenues the program: Mrs. Irving W. RUGS — CARPETING More than 28,000 chapter volunOf the wicked toruble. Forbes, Mrs. Russell Blumenthal, teers each: month helped with proLAMP SHADES A merry heart makcth a cheer- Edcl Singer, Madeline Dolgoff, grams for the more than 500,000 FURNITURE ful countenance; but by sorrow of Lynettc Forbes, Ardcen Forbes, The Beth Israel Synagogue and patients In VA hospitals last year Cleaned In Your Home! and Mark Kaplan. 'the heart the spirit Is broken. P-TA sponsors of "Enchanted ForRlndlag • Laying • R*palrlag Mrs. Hyman Shrier's dramatic est" announce that there are (till ' ? I t is an honor for a man to keep The Red Cross aided 100,800 HA 2SS4 aloof from strife; but every fool students will do pantomimes and come tickets available. The film domestic and Insular disaster vic- DON IERNSTIIN readings. Those participating are and selected short* will be shown tims last year. Will be quarreling. Helene Franklin, Renee Franklin, in the Beth Israel social hall.SatT&lmud Barbara Grcenberg, Gall Staler, ' Dlpha and Rabbi Jochanan «tu- Sandra Friedman, Donna Kaiman, urday and Sunday evening, March ' died the Torah together. They Sandra Richards and Maureen Bor- 20 and 21. "Enchanted Forest" is a beauUwere in very poor circumstances dcn. ul film fantasy in color. There and were even in wont of food. So The following women will help will be, two showings Saturday they said: "Let us rise and seek serve: Mrs. I. W, Forbes, Mrs. Al some business, thereby maintain bcrt A. Oruch, Mrs. Max Sacks, evening a t 8 and 9:30 p. m. and ing what is written (Dcut. 15:4) Mrs. Sam Lcbowitz, Mrs. Joe Lev Sunday evening there will be a Indeed there should be no needy insky, Mrs. Abe Bear, Mrs. Ed'showing a t 6:30 p. m, and another man amorig you.'" They betook ward Ruback, Mrs. Herman Frank at 8 p. m. Tickets will be available themselves and sot down beneath lin, Mrs. Harry Epstein, Mrs. Louis at the door for Jl for adults and ail unsafe wall and ate their meal. Singer, Mrs. Ben Kaplan and Mrs,50 cents for children. Entire proceeds will go to the Talmud Torah Soon two angels appeared, and Sam Gorcllck. Building Fund. Rabbi Jochanan heard one of them Mrs, Morris J. Franklin is in say to the other: "Lot us throw charge of the program and arthe wall down upon them and de- rangements. stroy them, for they arc about to The next meeting of United SyIn Honor of P»»»ov«r neglect eternal life (study) and The Red Cross docs not grant nagogue Youth will be Sunday evebusy themselves with temporary life (business)." But the other leave to servicemen ^leaves are ning at 7 p. m. at Beth £1 Synaangel replied: "Let them alone, controlled entirely by military au gogue. Chairman of the program for there is one of them whom thorities. The Red Cross enters for this meeting is Bobby Meyer, time will succor, and will shortly the picture only top rovide verified Israeli dancing and a social;hour MATZOS • WINE • EGG MATZOS • GEFIITE fISH • BORSCHT • SPONGE CAKE M B , make great." Rabbi Jochanan information about home conditions will follow. heard this but Ilpha did not, and the former asked; "Did the master hear anything?" "Nay, I heard nothing," was the reply. So Rabbi Omaha's Favorite Jochanan thought. "Because I heard it and Ilpha did not, In all Way to Dine on probamility I am the one whom time will succor." He said to Ilpha: Sunday "I have reconsidered and will return back to study the Torah." Thus Rabbi Jochanan returned to - his studies and Ilpha engaged in business. By the time Ilpha returned (from a business trip) Rabbie Jochanan became the head of the academy. The scholars afterwards s a i d . t o Ilpha: "If thou Enjoy Modern/ Up-to-Date Wiring hadn't stayed with us and had continued to study the Torah, we No Money Down—-Easy Monthly Terms Served Buffet Style I Would have made thce the chief Of the college." To prove lhat he All You Core to Col UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY! was Still a ereat, he hum; himself upon the mast of n ship and said:'-"Let anybody ask me Noon to 3 p. m. any law and if I ilo not expound Your Electrical Contractor now it and show its orlijin. 1 shall drop lias a plan which provides the wiring down from the mast intu llm wriimprovements your home needs— ter." gives you a modem, up-to-date borne Ben Aznl said: "liy tliirn? own electrical system which you can pay name shalt thous he called an'l people will, in thr; end. M.-nt thce for on easy monthly terms. The job In the place which lliou cl.-*cru\st can include new lighting fixtures si Thine thou wilt nlw.-iys receive well oi the circuits, outlets, and for it is the law of the universe •witches your home needs. that one man cannot touch that HOTEL BLACKSTONl which is desinnated for another and one term of office does not fHONE on WRITE-NEBRASKA-IOWA ELECTRICAL COUNCII touch upon its succevsor even by 1104 WOW lld«., Onoha, HA 2172 a hair's breadth." MEMBER NATIONAL ADEQUATE WIRINO BUREAU
Sigma Alpha Mu
Happy Birthday Golden Age Club
To Meet Monday
Simon-Grossman Engagement Told
Gems ot the
Nebraska Chapter Program at Home
'Enchanted Forest Film at Beth El
Exclusive! Manischewitz Inner Wrap keeps your matzos oven-crisp
United Youth
Rid Your Home
Sunday Branch
V • '. Phone or write
New Home W Program!
'ITrMay, Karth 19, 1»M
Our Israel Newsletter
Israel Attracts Tourist Trade Mrs.
'Droodle Drag* ! At Center Sunday Howard Slusky, son of Mr. and
Bar Mitzvahs
Mrs. Abe Slusky, will celebrate his A novel dance and social pro* Bar Mitzvah this evening and Sat- gram, entitled the "Droodle Drag," urday morning at Beth El Syna- will take place Sunday evening a t Heine Pclrogh, GL 3013; gogue. Friends and relatives are 8:30 p. m. in the Jewish CommuSam Elewitz, GL 2890; Mrs. Rose By Ada Oren Invited to attend the service and nity Center Auditorium. This proThe Council Current Events Fogel, WA 4543; Mrs. Herman Tel Aviv (JTA)—Moves hove Study Group will meet Tuesday, Franklin, WE 5245 and Mrs. WU at least been initiated to make the receptions' which will follow. gram is open to all college students March 23 at the home of H n . Ham Weiner, AT 6493. of the area, and their friends, and Israel more attractive to tourists. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shukert is the first of a series of affairs A. A. Steinberg, 1610 S. 35th S t First of all a sensible exchange for a 1 p. m. dessert luncheon. rate has been introduced. Al- announce that their son, Michael, planned aimed at the organization though the innovation came too will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah of a Hlllel Foundation in Omaha. 'They will discuss the forthcoming late to affect the Passover ami and 'Friday evening, March 26 and Satelections and the Issues Involved. Featured in the program will be .The Workmen's Circle Dramatic summer peak traffic, the net gain urday morning, March 27 at Beth club will celebrate the birthdays to the Isarel Treasury for 1953 Is Israel Synagogue. Members of the square dancing, ballroom dancing, entertainment, "drobdles," and reof five of Its members with high. family and friends are Invited to Purlm dinner Sunday, March SI at Then there Is a vast Improve- attend the services and receptions freshments Will be served. There is The Chapter Board meeting of 6 p. m. in the Labor Lyceum. The ment In t h e no admission charge for the eveaccommodations following both services. the Omaha Chapter Hadassah will celebrants are: Mr. Max Crounce, available, with more and more ning. be held at the home of Mrs. Abe Mrs. Ben Mlroff, Mr. and Mrs. S modern and even ultra - modern The students committee planThomas Ross Kully, son of Mrs ning tho evening includes Barbara hotels opening their doors In the Sear, 2115 S, 42nd St., with Mrs. Mogil and Mr. N. Lerman. main cities. As the country'can Herman E. Kully, will celebrate Cohen, Betty 'Ann - Poska, Mike Max Greenberg and Mm. Harry already cater to—thrice as many his Bar Mitzvah this evening and £gltjnia)i.»,A.l Jjajlinan, and Gordon A. Wise a* co-hostesses at a 12:30 visitors as it has this year and Saturday morning at - Tertipifl TEIcwifz:"A Joint adult committee dessert luncheon. while currency reform rendered Israel, with services a t the Jewish representing the various B'nai Mrs. Morris Katleman Hadassah The Pioneer Women's organiza- most good hotels too expensive for Community Center. A reception B'rlth groups in Omaha Is assistpurchasing and supplies chairman tions will hold their annual donor local patrons, some hotel owners, will follow both services. ing In sponsoring this programwill report on the progress being dinner Sunday, March 28 at 6 p. m. particularly in the Tel Aviv area, made for the regular March meet In the Jewish Community Center. are offering their premises to pub- SEARCH FOK GIRL Ing which win be the annual Haic institutions on long-term leases The Hague, Holland (JTA)— Serving on the arrangement Ic Institutions on l o n g - t e r m dassah Linen Shower. committee are Mmes. J, Kaplan, leases. At the same time the sup- The board of Jewish communities Mrs. Alfred Frank Regional S. H. Binder, A. Epstein and Sarah in Holland addressed an appeal Vice-president of the Mountain Okun. Those on the table setting ply situation has vastly imoroved, to the archbishops of Belgium and rising unemDlovmcnt Is makSaturday evening, March 27, Fains Region of Hadassah, will and serving committee Include ing hotel jobs more attractive and of Holland urging their intertalk of the forthcoming regional Mmes. H. Ricklln, Abe Cohen, I. wen to Jewish workers, who tra- vention in search for a Jewish the Temple Israel Supper Club conference to be held In Lincoln Forbes, H. Barson, Abe Schneider, ditionally scorn service trades. girl believed to be hidden by will meet at the Blackstone Hotel Ball Room, for seven o'clock dinMay 2 through the 4, P. Crandell, Milton Nearcnberg, B. Quests also appreciate the fact Roman Catholic authorities. The The nominating committee will Resnick, S. Rlchman, H. Burnstcln, hat tins are not always expected girl, Anheke Beekman, who is 13 ner. It will bo followed by a play directed by Mrs. Leon H. Marx In hotels, and the exlstcnre of sevpresent the Chapter slate of now Sam Rlfkln, I, Goldstein and Sarah years old, was whisked away and with the permission of the officers for the coming year. The Epstein, Those on the decorations eral forelcm-lanntaec dailies. from a Roman Catholic boarding Improvement* , committee Is as follows: Mmes. commltte are Mmes. J. Feldmoh school near Banneux just a few Samuel French Company. Another welcome Innovation of minutes before detectives arThe cast Includes Herbert Weil, Isidor Levenson, chairman, Dave and Sam Novak. the last few months are the acFlorence Bank and Shirley FogeL Sherman, Sidney Katlman, Sam For reservations call Mmes. H. oulnltlon of good touring buses. rived. State properties are being hanSteinberg, Jack Alberts. Ricklln, WE 1562; P. Crandell, WA Tourists.also benefit from t h e Group Board lessened demand for cabs on tho arrange cheaper trips for young dled by Mr. and Mrs, Howard 3666 or J. Kaplan, WE 5454. Kaplan, The group board meetings of Mrs. H. Wohlner is general nart of tho loeal population nnd Olapora Jews whose naturally Omaha Chapter Hadassah will be chairman, and Mrs. Sarah Okun is he rrentlv reduced nurues at In- greater receptivity for the many torurban bus terminals. It rehold Thursday, March 25. AU will the co-chairman. interesting peculiarities of this mains to be seen how far Qio gov- country be 12:30 dessert luncheons. help him disregard ernment Is ready to no In Im- the heat,may which characterizes the The nominating committees of nrovlne annroaches to the abiin- main travelling season in Israel. all groups will present their slates rtnnt historical and religious sites. Younger people are also likely to of officer*, to their respective Most of thwe are as yet sadlv expect less in the way of ameniThe committee chairmen and the nertertcd although thev are esgroups, for the coming year. ties which are still too rare. sential for Inducing visitors to All Hadassah Purchasing and committees for the Junior HadasExperience has taught t h o s e tholr stnv In a countrv ; Supplies chairmen, will report on sah Spring Dance were announced. nrolone noor In entertainment facilities, concerned also the following imthe progress being made by their They Include Barbara Cohen and rho recent acceptance of clerics portant lessons: Jews from abroad committees for the regular Mnrch Felicia Abramson, co-chairman of •or training as offlrlal g u i d e s never fail to be moved by occameeting which, will be the Annual decorations and program, Dorothy *hould eo far to eliminate nsy- sions marked by state pomp, such Friedman, Betty Isack, Marilyn choinirlenl errors In the handling as Independence Day parades and Haddassnh Linen Shower. Maccabia opening and closing cer: v The Theodor Herzl Group Board Ncrcnbcrg, L u c i l l e Ncrcnberg, f Hirlstlan pilgrims. The most Imnortant imDrove- emonies, whose repetitlveness alwill meet at the home of Mrs. Florence Izcnstat and Rita Rosen ready begins to pall on local resiment, however. Is the belated acJulius Katleman, 1G02 N. 54th St., are serving on that committee. rentonce by the tourist outhbrl- dents after nearly six years. with Mrs. Max Shapiro and Mrs. Publicity chairman Is Jean Katz tlcs of the vjsftors' tiolnt of view Wallace Elkon ns co-hostesses. The and Norma Goodrich and Edith 'Cfnrdlnt! local coridltlons. This nominating'committee will make Frank are on the committee. Joan •s the result of a careful analysis their report. Mrs. Albert Wohlner, Wiseman is the chairman of the of th« numbers and types of v M Mm. David Brodkoy, Mrs. Max refreshment committee and Marl ors to Israel In the bast, the ob'ects and means of thosa whom Canar and Mrs. Morton Richards lyn Meyer and Pauling Weiner ore 'he country wishes to attract in are the nominating committee from aiding her on the committee. Clara he future, and; what can bo done the board with Mrs. Leo Wcitz, Katz is tho ticket chairman. »o attract tourists. Tho dance will be held April 4 Mrs. Nate Kort and Mrs. Samuel The analysis has convinced the Kaplan from, the membership, In the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. M. M. Bercovid, Mrs, J. J. All proceeds of the affair will go competent. authorities that t h e •roontaneous wave of visits on the Greenberg and Mrs. Gilbert Fried' to the children's village In Israel. oart of veteran Zionists and rclaen, Hadassah Purchasing and SupTickets may be purchased at the Ives of lociil residents which folplies chairmen, will report on d o o r . - ' . ' ' v / ' . v V '•'•-_"''' .•.•,;.••;• lowed the War of Independence |s over, at least as an Important progress being made by their comfactor, nnd that It was a poor mittee prior to the March Linen Center Pre-Schoolers nroposltlpn nnyway from the point Shower meeting. view of currency income. In Will Hold Purlm Parry of Chalna Welzmann Its backwash It carried unfavorThe Chaim WcUmann Group able reports on facilities for the The Center's Prc-Schoolers are reception of tourists during the Board will meet at tho home of Inviting guests (under six years of now bygone period of austerity Mrs. Louis Lewis, 4309 Poppleton, with Miss Fatinlc Crodlnsky and age) to their" Purlm-Party this even for. those who, could afford Mrs. Milton Mintz as co-hostesscs. morning. The youngsters have been to pay. Cheaper Trips The Nominating committee will preparing all week long. Tho party Recently a start was made to . present their slate of officers for will feature carnival games, a the coming year. Mmes. Sam Wolf, reading of the Mcgillah, songs, and T. A. TuUy, Morris Stallmastcr, refreshment*. Ed Zorlnsky Lazar Kaplan are the Patronize Our Advertlsem. nominating committee. The Hadassah Purchasing and Supplies committee will make their $ report Mrs. Harry Fcrenstcln and Mrs. Chas. Fellman arc chairmen 1 of the committee. The Henrietta Szold group board will meet at the home of Mrs. David Rosenbaum, who with her co-hostesses.'will serve a 12:30 In a s ks a n if ptrfict natti dessert luncheon. The nominating n»7 Us* ii» mnietaiiH - committee, Mmes, Morris Fellman, titmtt imp citi Kin TM Alfred Frank, Sam Gcifman, Sam turn mi nsrull . . . !*• As • gesture of sincere thanks for your meals and also get 10% more of the finest Harwich and J. J. Frelden, will tutt HIT Irnl m i in |**J C L A T K O S H E R FOR P A S S O V E R loyal patronage, SCRIP T O ISRAEL IS present the slate of new officers for ( m i l fsr ltd akil FOODS FREE. the coming year. Mrs. Abe RoffO F F E R I N G A FREE 1 0 % B O N U S man, Milton Margolin and Irving fREE 1 0 % BONUS SCRIPS can be puron all foods purchased by your recipients Brookstcin, Hadnssah Purchasing chased NOW at our main office or at any in Israel through Scrip to* Israel Gift certifiand Supplies chairman will report. of our official agencies bearing the Scrip cates. Send a Scrip to Israel certificate for to Israel Seal kjL located throughout the $S, $10, SIS, 820 or 825 today. Your re-
Council Study Group
Workmen*s Circle
Pioneer Women
TI Supper Club To Meet March 27
Junior Hadassah
• I I food for the price of 1 O v j f $ this Passover!
Mizrachi Women
The Mlzrochl Women's Circle Group will entertain at a benefit luncheon Wednesday, March 21, at 1 p. m. in the Jewish Community Center. Proceeds from the luncheon will aid tho many projects of the Mizrnchl Women's Organization and especially the orphan children In tho Mizrachi villages In Israel. For reservations please call: Mrs.
cipients will enjoy sumptuous Passover
M 0 WEST S7||| STREET NEW YORK, N. V. CO 5-3100 • 1UIT1 1919
Local Agent —Jewish Community Center TUi SpM It Tstr IIMTUM M
nmcroT usHivn
101 N. 20th St — Call t \ 1866
Youth Council Doings
Religious News
Friday, Much 13, 19M
With the Folks At Home
to all teen-agers, both Jewish and Services were held for Mrs. Befle Furlm Party: Sunday, March 21 non-Jewish. Rayun's social comBachman Thursday, March 11 with at 2:30 p. m. In the Home audimittee has set up a teniOe eve• 47 P. M. CandfellgMJs* Hfurabcrc sou hti •octal ning of entertaasnent foe all who interment at Hills of Etermt) torium, under the sponsorship of committee presented Mother Chap- will attend. Cemetery, Colma, Calif. Mrs. Bach- The B'nai B'rlth Nebraska Chapter with a first n t e "gambling" man, a resident of Omaha from ter No. 436. BETH EX party last Saturday. The event HKVASAMI Services will be held this eve- 190T to 1946. died Monday. March Tho Musk at Home Otabt MisBtook place at the Council Wafts ning at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. 8, In a San Mateo California hos- cal* will take place Tuesday, JCC. Understanding Iowa Alephs A regular meeting was held Sun- Kripke will deliver the sermon. pital. March 23 at the Dr. Phllfp Shtr day, March 14. at the borne of road maps for their n n m p Cantor Aaron 1 Edgar and the Survivors Include five daughters, h were un- then- advisor. Mrs. Julia Jacobs. Beth E3 Synagogue Choir will ren- Mrs. Sam Ellis of San Carlos, CaL. Borne for the Aged, 4801 No. 52nd Omaha brethren who St. For further infonnaflon conFollowing the meeting the (Mi famlHar with the location. surprised Mrs. Jacobs by spring: der the musical portion of the Mrs. Joseph Feder and Mrs. How- tact Professor Bans Baer at the Community Service chairman, ing a birthday parly tat her. service. ard Friedman ef Washington Jewish Community Center, JA Dave TVpperman appeared on Tonight the girls win attend Sabbath morning services will V. C, Mrs. Robert Reese of Trona 1366. WCW-TVs Teen Topics hat Sun- evening services at the Beth B begin at 9:45 o'clock. Junior Oon- CaffiV CafflVand Mrs. Arnold Obon of March Birthday Fftrtyr The day. He Was one of a panel thai Synagogue. viees will be at 10:30 Fulton, Calif- and two ton*, Sam birthday party will be. held at tha discussed Prejudice hi Omaha. a. m. Mmeha-Maarir services wffl N. Y., and Maurice Home on either Wednesday, March ~ of Scheneetady, h Beginning Sunday, March 21, Art Schwartz and other AZA T. A. will sponsor a Fassover start at 6:13 p. m. of San Frandsco, CUB., and eight 24 or Tnjusday, March 25. Far officers were featured in a iklt Candy Sale. Anyone wishing to Dally services are held each grandchildren. further information contact Mis. wtltdi was performed for the B*nal place an order for the candy may week, day at 7 a. m. and 7 p. Allen .ZaOda, president of The BVith women Wednesday, contact any member of Tivat And. The Sunday morning service is Biter Cholim Society, sponsor of Mrs. Robert Ndibow The B*nat B*rith Centennial An Israeli Dance Group spon- at 9 a.m. the affair. Jamboree received the support of sored for the entire Youth CounServices w e n held Friday, Mother Chapter last Sunday. Many cil by T. A. wfll be held. The date March 12 for Mrs. Robert (Fanner AJephs attended, and some set op will be aimotneed later this month. NaMbow with Interment at the superintendent, took several of the At the regular Sabbath Services Golden their own booths. Hffl Cemetery- Mrs. Naa- rcsMenta of the Borne on an csThe member* of T. A. are very „» at • ordodc and ' eunfciB b a n Omaha to Kate to proud of position In the g h V vol- Saturday morning at lldOc/dots, ™"-r. «5, dfed Thursday, March 11, Oh AZA NO. If* leyball tourney. They ended up Thomas Kully, son of Mrs, Her- •* * Last weekend, the Centnrymnt with second place. They also hold She is surrired by her husband. er trips are panned far the future. E KuTly, win celebrate hb sTrwersr We wish to thank the assUtcd B'noi B*rith with their the same position In bowling. Bar Mltovah. In his honor his Robert, and as slter, Mrs. Mary following far gifts of flowers to Centennial Jamboree Carnival. The mother win receive the congregathe Home: Alephs were In charge of the cheek tion after both services at Hands and three booths. All the Mr. and Mrs; Morris Kooro. Onrg Shabbot At the T««ple Y o u * Attend proceeds win help finance the Mr. and Mr*. Sam Blatt service Rabbi Sidney H. mer AZA. Convention to be held will discuss "Two Views of Hb>- St. Jesepfi New BealdanU Mrs. Susan RuIn Omaha tary." Sett, costumes, lines—these are Regular Shabboa .Morning Serv- CBen Cteenbcrg, Jane Brodkey back. Tahnalftt Special Mesnorial Serronly a few of the many utuMeins Ices oocNconns tomorrow wffl be held at 11:30 _jd •«" Karen Kriofekl represurtsjd wiU be held in the Home 8yA meeting was held last Sun- which confront the Youth Council o'doefc Thomas KuDy win assist the Tesapto Youth Group of Teav Ices Bagogne for Mr. Loufc» a Braunday, March tk at the home of dubs as they polbh their skits for Rabbi Brooks in the service. KM- ple Israel at a Missouri Valley stein, 21 Adar, March 29. Joyce Canar. The fallowing pledges Stage Night dush w D be redtsd at the'^nd of Federation of Temple Youth conwere informally initiated at the Stage Night was originated 21 the senriee * t the Kully reception. ference In S t Joseph tins past weekend. They w e n accompanied meeting: Barb Bernstein, Roberta years ago and ever since it has by Mcrvkf N. Ltmnserman. Temple MoMinMnf DcdlcaticM Grossman, Serena Dwosidn, Har- been one of the MghUghts of the BETH "nMT*Director at ZoncaUan and youth The famDy of Harry Slutzky wfll year's activity. Each crab riet Brestow, VkU Cottdc. Patsy Greenfield, Ina MargDun, Harriet written an original skit wMch will Tbe Beth Israel Men's Club, Activities, and advisor to the Tem- dedicate a monument in bis memple Youth Group, who was one of ory 2 p. m., Sunday, March 21, at Epstein, Kay Karkovltz. Dtane be kept secret utrffl itfarpresented abbi Benjamin Groner, Singer. Shirley Shiff, Judy Kutler, April 14. The club members are Kagan and the Beth Israel Syna- the guest speakers at the confi pleasant HIH Cemetery. Beanor Retnlcfc and Fettda Fried- doing all of their own work In- gogue choir will conduct late Fri- enco. Myer S. Kripke and Cancluding the designing and build- day evening services. Sabbath The theme of the conference was torRabU Aaron Edgar will conduct servThe formal Initiation of the ing of scenery and the creation of morning seinlces will begin at 8:30 •Three Hundred Years of Judaism ices. Relatives and friends are ina. m. Junior Congregation services in America-What of the Past? vited to attend. pledges will be held March 21 at costumes. the home of Harriet and Nadine There are two divisions which begin at 9:30 a. m. The Present? The Future?" Mr. are Judged separately, a boy's and Rabbi Groner will conduct the Lemmerman spoke on the present Breriow. Saturday Talmud class at 5:43 a girts. A panel of. wen-known day status of Judaism and Jewish Omahans win Judge oh originality, p, m. Saturday Mlneha win start life in America, and participated at 6:15 p. m, followed by Sholoshe quality, and degree of participaSaturday afternoon, the Deb litIn a panel discussion on Ilasidism fls sisters held a luncheon at the tion. The Judges and the names of S'eudos and Maariv. at the Onec Shabbot. HtcMand d o b for aU their big the skits will be announced at fu- Dally morninc services begin at Represented at tills conference 7 a. m. Daily afternoon services ture date. were Temple youth croups from Preparations are being made for Between the skits, entertain- begin at 6:30 p. m. Lincoln, St. Joseph, Mo. ment will be provided by Youth Sunday mornini; breakfast min- Omaha, the Debka Debt style show April Kansas City, Mo., St. Louis, Springyan meets at 8:45 o'clock and is L Tickets will go on sale Monday, Coandl members. field, Ma, and Des Moines, la. CouncQettcs and followed by Rabbi Groncr's Bible Ellen, Jane, and Karen will report March 22. Remember, the date is Last year Rayfen won! the girls' and boys' Discussion class. The youngsters of on the conference at the next April i. The members are planning to trophies respectively, This year, as the Tails and Teffilra Club begin meeting of the Temple Youth unal, the competition will be keen then- services at 6M a. m. Break- Group Sunday, March 28. attend services Man* 29. thesuspense Ugh ontll the fast is served at the conclusion of their services. The Talmud DisBAXsM cussion group, currently studying der the direction of the Rabbi at H » Bayim Fraternity held a the tractate Sabbath, meets every B. H. H. Synagogue, 19th and meeting last Sunday at the home Beth Israel Elects Tuesday evening at S o'clock on- Burl ef Bob Krasne. Ti given; a enltoral talk by Fred Purim King, Queen gknon, and several short stories on Porlra by religious chairman, Dick Marlehc. Friedman and Stanley Greenfield were crowned Kmg and Discussed at the meeting, were Queen of Beth Israel at the •pethe plans for the Mart* 27 dance dal ' Purim Coronation ' Thursday at the Jay. The dance will &e open evening; March 18. The Queen and King of the Sunday School are Bonnie Nepomroek and Ronnie Wotpa. Sunday School pages are Teri Lea Kwiatek and Steven WoHson. OUJBTOVIK BUI Katzman was. chosen at Club Tovim met Wednesday eve- School Hainan and Daniel Abratnning to make plans for the Beth son was chosen as Mordecal. The Israel Youth Carnival Sunday, _ r ntyoHy win reign until next March 2a Club Tovim win oper- Pttrfcn. ate three booths. The nature of the booths will not be revealed until The Department of the Army the day of the carnival. makes an annual audit of national BOYS ARTS AND CBAFTS Cross expenditures for subto fluki their SodCf, Boys Arts and Crafts Club will Red mission to the Congress ot the meet Sunday afternoon, March 2X United States. more than Hit ntioa i B o n . . . In addition, the na from 4 to 5:30 p. m. In the Arts tional organization and many chap^ y and.' Crafts Room of the Talmud i publish annual financial iorah. Club members will com- statements forgmW, to show how Red Cross plete the posters and signs project money is spent. JtrfcBy tosher fcr Puttver... for the Youth Carnival. fltltXS ABTS AND CRAFTS MndaJftScriy The girls Arts and Crafts Club 110, $15, $20,125 or (SO •JI1 meet In room 2 of the Beth MdletBiemUwothemtdni.. Israel Talmud Torah from 4 to mow A ! i«5o it i u m fooi l l u 5:30 p. nv, Sunday, March 21. The Thm Jtwue Pre**. or |iv« your ciwici of CurftDt rat* I* M > etou tot caoQ la* dub will take charge of .-irransc- an. rat P n a nmnm Uv MM u H rjucaua ments for the Purim Play Sunday, xa on eacb >dvtnu<ai«DL S1L50,»15.SO. $20.50 or $OS0 March 28 and win complete work Posover Cards m carnival booths. BAR and Bos Mllzvan congratuCLUB TAYAO Club Taryag will meet in the lations: also for all Jewish holirecreation room of the Talmud days and special occasions SPONSORED BY Torah Sunday afternoon, March 21 Meyers News Stand 1502 Dodge from 4 to 5:30 p. m. The club IOUSEWIVES—Address advertis•embers will complete work on ing postcards. Must have good admission and prize tickets for tho handwriting. LINDO 904, Wa AND Carnival March 28. Final arrange- tcrtown. Mass. ments for the booths will be made. The bowling party will be disTRAINED NURSE 1307 Howard cussed and refreshments will be FOR private duty at home. Call AT 0340 served. RE 2190.
YC Clubs Polish Stage NKjht Skits
Come to • a •
Beth Isrod News
ot the CENTER
for Fifth to Eighth Graders •
symbolic ••• but they can't live on it
Saturday at 7:30 P.M.
Want Ads
Peter Travel Bureau
Fridmy, March IS, 1 I H
100,000 :
• '
• Tee, 100,000 of Israel's immigrants are praying for the day they can move from tin huta into real homes. Only a handful—those who have waited longest-can do so now. Meanwhile, men, women and children on the waiting Kst face spring rains under leaky roofs, summer heat in airless shacks, winter nights with little warmth-because there aren't dollars to move them. The house they pray for isn't your dream house. It's only a room or two per family/ a tiny kitchen in the corner, a bathroom off the hall-but to these newcomers it's Utopia. What a change from life in a drab and dreary transient camp! With help from you, today, the United Jewish Appeal can act promptly to aid those who wait-can make possible more homes, more agricultural settlements, more pipelines to irrigate the land, more implements to cultivate it, more opportunity, decency and hope. You helped to save lives-now help to build them. Give today- more than ever—tot those who wait and hope. Give for life, growth and freedom - t o the UNITED JEWISH APPEAL.
In Omaha
IMTED JEWISH APPEAL Receives Its Support From the
Jewish Philanthropies
*119,921,130 /; :. V^. y^2:^. ^(^i;'^ V'
'idatDbtrtbatitmCoamitU* • United Swrvice for Nnr Anwricaw MR Wwt 46th SttMt, Mtw Y«k it, Nwr Ttak
f • «.-•*
/ . - : •
B'nai BVi+h Bowling A Drrfalon W. Greenberg Ins. Agency ..23 Behnortt Jewelry Store ..23 Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. ..22 Morris Paint Store 22 Croutown TV 18 Nebraska Furn Mart . . . . 1 8 Grace Mayer Ins. Co, . . . . 1 7 U-Worth GrUl 17 Gerellck. Motor Co. 15 Lyns Florist 14 Milder Oil Co 13 Hlnky Dinky Stores 11 OBOM and Series Irv Malashock, 203; Dave Boden, 236-538; Sam Kohn, 504; Jack Belmont, 204-512; Dick Splegul, 234-556; Bud Falk, 534; Sam R o s e n s t e l n , 500; Herb Mciches, 202-540; Dave Hoberman, 525. There arc five more weeks of bowling. The banquet will be held at the West Highland May 4. I'arkway Dlv. W. L. W. L. Ranks Army 25 11 13 Borshelm Jewelry . . . . 2 3 16 Sol Lewis 20 Wolfson Gerbcr 19%. 16 M Liberty Gas 18% 171 Playland Park 18 18 National Tire 17 19 Phllco Brandeis l"7 19 Richman Gordman ..16 20 Prucka Trans 15 21 Riteway TV 15 21 Rosen Novak 12 24 High (lame Sol Dolgoff 210 Harold Bloom 209 Billy Wolfson 207 By Raznlck 205 Ike Friedman 199 High Series Bill Wolfson 546 Hats off to Harold Bloom. He •hot his first 200 gome of his career. Kelley's "B" Dlv. W. JL Bennett Furniture ...24 12 Magi-Color Paint (Brandeis) 23 13 Robinson Iron & Metal 22 14 Mid. Plains Insurance.22 14 Watson Bros. Van Lines 18 18 Louis Market 17 19 South Omaha Sun . . . 1 6 20 Slosburg Realty . . . . . 1 6 20 H. A. Wolf Insurance. 14'i 21 >.i Simons Jewelry 7!i 28 H Evening Highs: H.I.G., Kurt Hlrschinger 215; ILLS,. Kurt Hirschingcr 507; H.TG, Robinson Iron & Metal 816 and H.T5. Robinson Iron & Metal 2,113. Other High Scores: M. I/ws 172, B, Malashock 171, C. Slulzky 194,, N. Kraft 166-163-4G6, Tully 180, Y. Halperln 161. Mcycreon 188, N, Glmple 162, B. Rlfkln 183, I. Sabes 187-139 492 and J. Bclmont 188-156.
Friday. Marrh 1», 1954
Jay Teams to Head For-Sioux City Games By Llndj Paul
Goldner, Frank to Defend Y.C Mixed Bowling Title Next Thursday, after school the Music Box Bowling Alleys will become a beehive of bowling activity as the Youth Council boys and girls engage in their second tournament for the Mixed Doubles title. There are 34 couples entered and it ought to be a fine event. The defending champion* will be back to defend their throne.' ; They are John Goldner and Carole Frank. John carries one of the top averages In the boy's league, a sparkling 152 while Carole is near 120 mark. Lost year, this couple threw a 748 so-
rles for two games to defeat Leonard Gacr and Toby Okront by nine pins. The tournament will be a handicap affair as all of the en trants have established averages In their respective leagues. The. Youth Council bowling pro gram has been extremely successful this season. There are close to 100 boys participating in 20 teams In their Sunday league, while over 65 girls bowl Tuesday afternoons in a 14-tcam league. Credit is due to the bowling secretaries who have done a remarkable Job in stimulating the fine sport of bowling and giving the Youth Council a high calibre of league play. The secretaries are Barbara Joffe for the girls and A new team has fought ltTway Murray "Murph" Newman and to the league lead. The Alley Slug- John Goldner for the boys. Trophies will be awarded to the wingers with Larry Gillnsky, Jerry Schwartz, Mary Ruback and Gabby Berg are on top by one game. W. L. Alley Sluggers 16 13 Bowling Bums 15 14Strikes & Spares 15 4 Lucky Ladies 12 7 A powerful and well balanced Gutter Boys UH IV. Collegian basketball squad rolled Alley Rats 11 8 over the once league leading LusTough Turkeys < 11 8 ty team and slaped a 69-44 loss on Beer Framcrs 10 9 them. Hitting with brilliant acHigh Hitters 10 9 curacy, the Collegians pulled away Lucky Ducky! 9 10 with a second half 41 point attack. Nifty Hitters 7 12 Jack Stlii led the way with 18 Hep Cats 7 12 points, followed by Ed Belgrade's Cutter Gerties 5 14 17 and Leroy Katz's 16. Steve Eager Beavers 5 14 Lustgartcn scored 12 for Lusty**. Bowling Babes 5 14 With two games remaining the Bowling Dolls 0 19 league appears to go to the finish "100" Games as these two teams will meet next Bill Katzmon 156, Larry GiUn- week to decide the championship. sky 145, John Riekes 132, Ed WinStar Auto, with Al dayman troub 130, Dale Kasin 114, Mike hitting for 25 points, gave Kutlers Platt 114. Clark Swartz 113, Doug another loss by a 60-56 score. The Platt 107, Martin Sneider 103, win kept Star Auto hopes up as Howard Welnberg 102, Mike Mar they retain a mathematical chance kovitz 101, Nancy Richards 101 to tie tor the league title. and Marc Samuelson 100. LEAGUE STANDINGS
Jr. Sports Bowling
This .Sunday, the Jay's Mid,;ct and Youth Council All-Stm teams will head for Sioux City to enf:nf;e. the JCC teams in t basketball double-header. LiVil January, Sioux City invadcu Omaiia and the Sioux Citj Shanre Zlon team beat the Omaha juniors while the Y. C All-Stars defeated Sioux Cit> AZA. Some 16 eighth graden have been selected to make the trip. They are: Stuart Kutler Chuck Wise, Justin Ravitz, David Goldstein, Howard Welnbcrg, Irv Bclzcr, Tom Kully. Jeff Swartz, Al Noddle, Mike Canar, Ed Schneider, Arnold Ban, Alan Cutler, Tom Platt. Nelson Gordman and Mike PcrselL The Youth Council All Stars include; Tiny Rosen, Stan Widman, Larry Epstein, But Kully, Al Corey, Speedy Zweiback, Bob Epstein and Ker Fried. There will no game* this Sunday for the Midget League. Final games of the season will be played Sunday, March tS.
B. B. Bowling Collegians Battle Jr. Howard Meyers was high hi the in last Sunday's competiInto Tie for Lead league tion. This young, 93 average keg-
YC Boy's Bowling Anx-rlcan League W.
Lust/s Collegians S r Auto Kutlers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
W. 8 8 6 4
L. 18 v 48 Rayim MSG 47 18 Raylm X's 43 23 AZA 100 A 35% 30% AZA 1 Gutter Goons . . 33 33 AZA 1 Zorches 32 % 32 % The high point getter for the AZA 100 Gutter Gangs 29% 36'/i Youth Council basketball league Rayim K 24 12 this post season is Stan Widman Raylm M Jalw 20% 45V of AZA 1. Although his team finAZA 1 We Goofed . . . . 17 49 ished third in the standings, Stan High damn and Serin accumulated a total of 263 points Jerry Zlegman, 197—542; Bob in 15 games for a 17.5 average per Epstein, 199 -512; Bob Meyer, 178 game. The top ten scorers were; —511; Tmmy Horwich. 172-490 Stan Widman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268 and Ed Belzcr. 157—454. Ray Sombcrg 219 National League Alan-Corey 175 W. L. Harlan Rosen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 AZA 1 Boosers 48 15 Speedy Zweiback 121 AZA 1 Giams 45>,i 17% Larry Schwartz 103 Rayim SOS 40 26 Lndica League Bornle Turkel 96 AZA 100 Centurymcn.. 37>,i 28'4 Jerry Simon 80 W. I, 35 31 Jerry Rosen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Wolf Brothers 51'i 32'.4 Raylm A P's 35 31 Milt Moskowltz .76 National Tire 47'- 36 'A Rnylm H AZA 1 Bluffers 35 31 11-Worth Grill 40 38 Bob Epstein ,76 Ind. Sleepers 30 35 The Y. C. All-Star team will apR & S Shoos, 45 39 16 50 pear In next week's Issue of the Phillips Dcpt. Store ..4414 39'A AZA 1 No Names Rayim Screwballs . . . . 5 61 Press. Colony Club 42 42 High Game* and Series Omaha Jobbing . . , , . . 4 2 42 Stan Widman. 195-583; George Lyns Florists . . . . , ' . . . 4 1 43 Sachs. 214—529; Art Schwartz, Hamilton Pharmacy. .41 43 181—502; John Goldner, 178—500; Angle's .Beauty Shop 41 43 Howard Kooper, 172—493; Tom Country Club Grocery 40 44 Bromberg, 196—478 and Steve Smith Pontlac . . . . . . 3 9 43 Councilettes No. 1 took their Brooksteln. 170—471. Douglas Jewelry . . . 3 9 45 second straight Youth Council Shukerts Market 38 46 Girls Volleyball championship by Klsh Furs 3714 40'4 Hadassah Bowling defeating Tikvas Ami, 8-15, 15-11, Mystic-Beauty Shop..37 47 . W. L. 15-8. Using an all veteran team, Individual High Serifs NOBB Bros 37 26 the champs had to come from beShirley Lewis 518, Annette BrandcU Kleerchromc . . . . 35 28 hind after losing the first name. Franks 483, Rose Oruch 479, Ray Edwards Jewelry . . . . . . . . 33 30 Members of the winning team are Wintroub 458, Ruth Klein 454, RCA Victor 31 32 Tcvec Bernstein, Bette Wolfson, Mcrriam Cbpcnnan 453 and Mary Smith Pontlac 30 33 Ihlrley Noodell, Barbara Joffe, Snukert 450. Brandeis Easy Washer . . . 30 33 Elaine Krantz, Jean Cutler, Tooy Individual Illch (iiunc Millie Wine 30 33 Okrent and Ruthann Chudacoff Shirley Lewis 210 and Teresa Mctz Boer 2G 37 The TA team was very stronc in Miller 182. . High Series Its teamwork while the CouncilSpllU Ann Schulman, 461; Audrey ;ttes were best in serving. The Sylvia Lefitz 5-8-10 and Rose Kirachenbaum, 435; Pearl Gross. PA will get a chance to defeat Garrop 5-7. 434; Addle Snelder, 425; Ruth heir friendly rivals when the gals Sokolof, 406 and Kitty Asbyll, 404 open their'second annual tournaThere arc 3,740 local Red Cross ment this week. The top four chapters with 4,184 branches, There are 100 Red Cross volun- teams will meet in a double elimibringing Red Cross services to teers to every paid Red Cross nation tourney, which was won by every county in the United States. worker. the Debs last year.
Ind. KBG
S. Widman Tops In YC Scoring
Councilettes Nab Volleyball Crown
ler fired games of 140 and.132 for a beautiful 372 series. Maureen Zevitz was high in the girls' division with gomes of 138 and 115 for a 253 series. Diane Lintzman has not lost her touch" since winning the tourna ment a couple of weeks ago. With her modest 85 average, this little gal rolled a couple of 122 games for a 244 scries. Roger Smith, another lad who bears watching, fired a 137 and a 101 for a 238 scries. He is carrying an 81 avor age. Jack Lieb converted the 5-10 split; Arnold H;m picked up the 8-10; and Stuart Kutler the 4-7-9. The Wolfson Gerbcr Auto Sales squad copped the team series from the lonu leading O. P. Skoggs team by 7 pins. They rolled a 1250 scries. Standings W. L. O. P. Skaggs 33 13 Maypera 28 18 Ncbr. Furniture Mart 28 18 Wolfson Gerbcr Auto. 24% 21'4 Playland Park 24 22 1-Worth Grill 21 25 Industrial Chem. Co.. 21 25 amble Robinson Fruit Co 19% 26 Wi American Lumber & Supply Co 18% 27H Morris Paint 12% 33'A High Games and Series tJames Scries Howard Meyers . . . 140-132—272 Stuart Kutler 136-133-269 Mike Platt 142-122—264 Howard Weinbcrg.. 134-126-260 Jerry Sherman . . . . 144-113—257 Eddie Wintroub . . . 148-108—256 John Riekes 130-124—254 Maureen Zovitz . . . . 138-115—253 Ituart Fogel 137-111—248 Mickey Sacks 142-104—246 Vicki Collck 147- 98—245 AnnBIumbcrg 139-105—244 Tom Platt 134-110—244 Diane Lintzman . . . 122-122—244 Roger Smith 137-101—238 BUI Katzman 118-118—236 David Wintroub . . . 134-101—235 Edie Singer 144- 89—233 Bernlc Grossman . . 113-107—220 Last German Camp Munich ( W N S ) — T h e Bavarian State Secretariat for Refugees and Expellees announced that the last remaining camp for Jewish DP's In Germany, camp Fochronwald, will close down on April 1, 1955. In t h e meantime it w a s disclosed by Joint Distribution Committee officials here that visas were beinc soucht for t h e Imml•atlon of about 700 Jcwg from Camp Foehrenwald to Brazil, Argentina and other South Amercan countries. A n agreement is being worked o u t with the West German Government, he said whereby the latter would furnish jobs and housing for t h e others and the J D C would provide cash for immediate needs.
Off The Record (Continued from Page 2.) and he .spoke out "nRiiinst separate enclaves In America." When asked to state his view on tiic question of unifying or consolidating the various defense agencies, ho replied that he did not think there was need for "one umbrella," thus indicating there was nt least no Immediate prospect for a ,rapprochament with the NCRAC. Current Trend Mr. Engcl was quite concerned nbout the current trend of "feek« ing national security through destroying liberty," declaring that the security of the Jew is In jeopardy and imperiled whenever and wherever the anti-democratic spirit prevails. He said the tendency In the country Is toward resisting anti-Semitism but that the organized anti-Semites were changing their tactics and utilizing the Jewish names dragged Into the subversive hearings ta a substitute for frontal attack. He observed that In view of the Intensity with which the hate mongers have been attacking Jew* "it Is a tribute to the American people that they have not been swept off their feet." Interestingly enough, it was the world's most vicious hate .monger who brought Enge! to active JewIan life and public affair*. 'It was Hitler," he revealed, "who/made me an active and Intense Jew." His parents, Eastern European Jews, settled in a small town In Alabama, later moving to Birmingham. Living In a primitive community, young Engel was once caught in a lynching periphery, an experience which developed In him a profound feeling for the underp r i v i l e g e d and subsequently brought him to the New Deal and Fair Deal ranks. When he decided In 1920 to settle in New York, the Klan sent an emissary to him urging against the move "because you arc not the kind of Jew we are after." It was not until 1944 that En gel bCK'in IIIH path toward Jewish leadership. That year tho American Legion, of which he was a member, adopted a resolution calllm; for the deportation a t the war's end of nil refugees, and was Envoi's masterful mustering of 'orccs against that resolution, subsequently rescinded, that brought him to the attention of the American Jewish Committee and ultimately to Its presidency.
Austrian Reparations Payments Unresolved New York (WNS)—Dr. Nahum Goldman, commenting on the recent statement by Austrian Chancellor Julius Raab that his government had offered to the Committee for Jewish Claims on Austria some $1,200,000 as an advance payment toward Jewish restitution and hclriess property claims, declared the Committee had received no such offer. Declaring that the Committee for Jewish Claims on Austria "hoi received ho offer from the Austrian Government." Dr. Goldmann went on to say: "Nine years have lapsed since the termination of the war, and a settlement of tho claims of Hitler's victims is long overdue. Much of the hclrless property has become Integrated in the Austrian economy. This property belongs to Hitler's victims. It they who should be its benetlciarics. "Our demands are simple. We arc requesting only a fraction of the actual amount of our losses under Nazi rule. An Insignificant token amount, however, would neither help the victims nor cancel the moral obligation. Present Austrian legislation for Nazi victims is Inadequate. We con settle for nothing less than reasonable advance payment for helrlcss >roperty to hard core cases. TKIlltTE TO EIIRMCH Frankfurt (JTA) — President Thcodor Heuss of West Germany •resided at the opening of the three-day celebration here marking the 100th anniversary of ths) birth of Prof. Paul Khrllch, famed German Jewish medical and chemical researcher, who was the discoverer of salvanan and recipient of a Nobel Prize.