March 26, 1954

Page 1

, vot xxxn-No. 29 Stsno&


Mrs. Lawrence Will Address Philanthropies Women Group

Attention TIio telephone number ol the Jewish Press has Jbeen changed to JA 1806.

Mrs. Barbara Lawrence, chairman of the International Women's Group*, and outstanding philanthropies loader and lecturer, will apeak at the Workers Dessert 1 Luncheon, 1 p. m, Monday, March 29, at the Jewish Community New York (JTA)—The NationCenter, Mrs. Aaron Rips, Chairal Administrative Council of the man of the Women's Division of Zionist Organization of America, tbe Philanthropies a n n o u n c e d . Some 300 women have already meeting In special session here, enrolled as workers in the camgave its unanimous endorsement to paign, she said. a declaration by Rabbi Irving M1Uer, ZOA president, assailing the Panel Discussion State Department for its policy of Mrs. Lawrence is well known "coddling*' the Arabs at the exto Omahani, because of her previous appearances here. She is pense of Israel and urging It to a daynamlc personality, and a play a "more constructive role" by most Interesting speaker. concentrating on the fundamental A special feature of this mootproblem of peace. ing will be a panel In which the Rabbi Miller's statement referred issues of the 1954 campaign will specifically to the massacre of bo discussed. Participating in the March 17 at Scorpion Pass. He deMrs. Barbara Lawrence panel will be Robert H. Hooper, clared that this massacre "Is the General C a m p a i g n Chairman, latest in a series of murderous Mrs. Max Greenberg, Mrs. Lawacts committed by Arab states rence, and Paul Veret, Executive against Israel" and charged that Harry Sidman Director. The national, local, and "full responsibility for this wanton Israel needs will be presented in killing must be borne by the Govthe panel, as well as the' "wom- New York (JTA)—Jewish re- ernment of Jordan, whose official Israel Housing en's angle" in the campaign. ligious and civic organizations is- denials are obviously designed to Tel Aviv (IIP)—The first stage Plan Douglas Meeting sued a Joint statement, through evade censure by the United Na- of tho Government's Popular HousMrs. Rips' urged full attendance the National Community Rela- tions/; at this meeting indicating that it .Turning to the policy of the ing Project Is nearlng completion, was extremely urgent that every tions Advisory Council, urging State Department, Dr. Miller said: it was announced here. worker be present to participate regulation of Congressional inves- "Wo recall how hastily and ener- During February the first main the Important discussions. tigating committees to prevent ex- getically the State Department jor groups of tenants will move Plans for the City-Wide Wom- cesses. rushed forward to condemn Israel into apartments in Holon, Bnel en's Campaign Dessert Luncheon, The statement advances 10 at the time of tho tragic Klbya Brak and other suburbs of Tel to be held Wednesday, April 7, at principles for the guidance of Incident, which had been provoked Aviv. A further 2,000 units will be 12:30 noon, with Helen Gahagan Congressional investigating com- by a long scries of Jordanian at- ready for occupation by the end Douglas as guest speaker, will be mittees designed "to Insure fair- tacks carried out against Israel's of April In the Tel Aviv area. At completed. Invitations to this ness, to aid the committees in dii- citizens without a word of reproof the same time 300 dwellings in Jerusalem are being constructed. meeting arc being extended to all c o v e r i n g the facts, and to from our government." The first stage of the plan, which women In the community. strengthen and bolster public Leading New York newspapers Is being aided through appropriaNames of campaign workers confidence in legislative investi- this week-end condemned the Arab tions from State of Israel Bond who hnve volunteered their serv- gations." The 10 principles were attack on the Negev bus. investments, calls for the building set forth by the Jewish groups, The New York Times editorial de- Of ices appear on Page 7. 6,300 dwellings. which Include the American Jew- clared that the "only real solution ish Congress, the Jewish Labor is acceptance by the Arabs of the Committed, the Jewish War Vet- reality of an Israeli state and muerans, and central religious organ- tual cooperation and goodwill in a Sunday Radio izations. land sacred to the religions of all The Eternal Light program Affirming tho need for Con-parties concerned." will bo presented over WOWNew York (WNS)—A resolution gressional Investigations and the (The Herald Tribune, for ItsRadio from 11:30 a. m.to12 calling on the Jewish communal "notable contributions" of past part, bluntly blamed tho Arabs for fund-ralalng agencies throughout legislative investigations to tho tho affair and noted "tho plain noon, It was announced by the Jewish Theological Seminary <>f the country to give more adequate enactment of legislation and tho that the "Arab states have .America. and effective support to Jewish "detection of corruption In gov-fact" refused to take any steps that educational Institutions and organ- ernment," the statement of the might contribute to peace and sta"Message of Israel" will De izations was adopted here by the Jewish organizations d c c l a r o s bility." It died the Jordan refusal 1,000 delegates attending the sec- that "the need for Congress to to confer with Israel under UN broadcast over KOIL from 10 ond National Conference on Jewish be informed cannot justify or ex- auspices and the Egyptian block- to 10:30 a. m. Dr. N o l s o n Education. cuse abandoning the fair hearings ado as a "pattern of action" that Glueck, president of Hebrew Another resolution called on the that Americans traditionally have "constitutes more than a threat Union College-Jewish Institute organized Jewish communities of thought Inseparable from any Just to peace—it in a denial that there of Religion, Cincinnati, Ohio, will speak, the country to estnbllsh centers system of laws." Is peace.") " for experimentation In order to improve the quality of Jewish education,"'.and urged the National Annual Beth EI Concert Sunday Advisory Council of the American Association for Jewish Education t<> establish a special group composed of representatives from all ideological and religious groupings to work toward the improvement of quality in Jewish education. The conference also called on the American Association for Jewish Education to form a national association of all Jewish school parentteacher groups as well as a national council on adult education to stimulate, organize and develop programs and materials throughout the country. 'Harry Starr, president of the American Association for Jewish Education, declared at the opening session that Jewish education "has served as a bulwark of Jewish survival through the ages and in our time it must provide the rationale for meaningful survival in a democratic world." To make possible Shown above Is tlift Beth Kl Synagogue Choir, directed by Cantor Aaron I. Edgar, which will prea future Jewish society worthy of sent IN Annual Concert at 8 p. m. Sunday evening, March 28, In tho Beth El Synagogue. The conthe Jewish past, he declared," cert will ho followed by a reception in tho Social Hall. there Is need for distinct and subMembers of tho Choir aro Mcudamcs Dan Colin, Aaron I. Edgar, Darwin Marcus, Stuart Muskln, stantial Improvement In the.qual- Albert Rlmmorman, Max Rouen, Hay Simon, Norman Donenberg, Bert Moskovltz, Arnold Rogcman, ity of education given in all types Edward Rosen, Sidney Schwartz, Norman Whitman, Alan Wolfson; and Misses Nancy Barron, Layn of Jewish schools. Edgar, Dcnno Bfarkowltz, Marilyn Moyor, Marilyn Rice, Shirley Goodman, Sari Shukert, and Julia Zuker; and Messrs. Martin Blacker, David Bodln, Ilarry DuBoff, Michael Erman, Seymour (lold»ton, Approximately 70 cents of overy Robert Meyer, Jack Moakovlbc, Bradley Nichols, Seltvyn Boffknan, ferry Simon, Gerald Zlofrman, and Red Cross disaster relief dollar is Dr. Molvln Tatelman. Mesdamos A. C. Fellman and George Elsenberg are accompanists. •poiit for rci.-'ritation aid In tho Tickets for tbe coneert may be purchased at the door or may be obtained by calling the Synagogue local community. office, OL 3211.

ZOA Hits State Dept. 'Coddling

Regulations Asked For Investigators

Community Aid Education Projects



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Sidman to. Head Division

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Harry Sidman, prominent communal and civic leader, has accepted the post Of Chairman of tho Men's Division of the 1954 Philanthropies compalgn, Robert H. Koopcr, General Campaign Chairman, announced this week. "I believe that we are very fortunate that Harry Sidman agreed to lead our Men's Division," Mr. Kooper said. "Mr. Sidman has earned the reputation.: of an energetic and competent leader, and has a record of getting things done. The Job In the Men's Dlvi« sion calls for good planning and organization, and I know that under his leadership, the Men's DIvisloa will show some excellent results." Beth Israel Proxy Harry Sidman ' is currently President of the Beth Israel Synagogue, and Is a member of the Board of the Jewish Federation, He Is also active In many civic groups. "We have some 1,200 prospect* in our division," Mr, Sidman stated, "and that simply means that an army of workers will have to be recruited to reach these prospects on behalf of the crucial campaign for Israel, national and local needs. These workers.will be needed to reach Omaha Jewry in the swiftest possible time and bring to them: the message of the campaign and its tremendous needs. Keystone "Israel, which is the keystone in our campaign, faces' a supreme challenge In 1954, which must awaken a generous response on the part of every Jew. Needs of our national and local agencies must be met, If they are to continue serving American and Omaha Jewry. "At this moment, I am appealing to members of the community to come forth and join our workers' groups, We face the kind of a job which must be shared by as many people as possible," Mr. Sidman announced that the Steering Committee of the Men's Division is now being organized, and that a recruitment of workers has started.

B'nai B'rith Adopts Program for Israel New York (JTA)—A program of aid to Israel was adopted by the administrative committee of the B'nal B'rith, Interim governing and policy-making body of the organization, at a meeting attended by 50 representatives of B'nal B'rith from all parts of the country. Tho program announced • by Philip M. Klutznick, president, calls for direct voluntary participation of B'nal B'rith members in, the following efforts: 1, Creation of a B'nal B'rith Forest near Jerumlcm; 2. Gift lunch boxes will bo sent to Israeli school children in order to provide them with one supplementary meal a day; 3. Continued cooperation and partlclpa- ' tlon of B'nal B'rith membership iii the Israel Bond drive; 4. Sponsorship by the Women's Supreme,' Council of B'nai B'rith Children'* Home in Israel; 5. Sponsorship of the B'nai B'rith HUlcl Foundation at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. 6. Sponsorship of the B'nal B'rith Veterans Rehabilitation Center in Honor of Chaim Weizmann In Tel Hoshomir, Israel;' 7. Development of a special is*. formation service to keep the B'nal B'rith membership Informed of the progress of these efforts in behalf of Israel.



Friday, March M, ISM

Our U. N. Newsletter FibUsbcd *>eo

West Stalls on Suez Blockade

b> Uw Omaha Jewish federation Ntouika, min a, wi 1 M*n* ». Un

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Squeezing the Orange...

By Arthur Lewis United Nations (JTA)—Although It U in the interest or the Western Big Three, as maritime power*, to insist on the free, passage of the Suez Canal, their representatives in the Security Council appear to be glad of almost any excuse for not dealing with the Israeli complaint about the Egyptian blockade. What Is keeping these powers from enforcing a rule which is of the utmost importance to them? Why are they not sponsoring a resolution re-affirming their own past demand that the interference with shipping ceaseT, Appeasement There is more to it than procrastination, although this has become almost an occupational disease in the Security Council, especially when a Palestine issue is involved. A Soviet veto is hardly likely in this case—no, the cause i> a calculated policy of appeasement of the Arabs, a policy insisted on by the United States government because of Its overwhelming obsession with Middle East defense. The Americans-have got the beginnings of such a defense at least in the alliance between Turkey and Pakistan. Although It would be unfair to describe this pact as building the roof of a bouse first, nevertheless these two countries are far apart, and no Middle East Defense Command would be worth much without the participation of the Arab States. That is why the Americans are so desperately eargcr not to offend the Arabs in any way, and to persuade them to Join the command, even though they mny be the most unreliable allies

Oranges, dieticians say, are among the beat health-giving foods. But a recent story by tha. Moscow correspondent of the New York Times about Israeli oranges offers in addition food for thought. According to the Moscow dispatch, the Soviet government has netted a net profit of approximately 1100,000,000 from a purchase^f 100,000,000 oranges from Israel last November at a cost of 12fiQOfX)0. The New York Times surmised that the reason the Soviet government was able to exact such a high price la the-great scarcity of oranges in Russia in relatlono to the demand—a concession incidentally to the economic law of demand and supply—but whatever the tea son it is a profit which even a capitalist might well envy. We trust the Soviet government Is duly grateful to Israel for having enabled it to make the hundred million dollars. Oranges are not in the category or strategic material and there can therefore be no objection to Israel's exporting them to Russia. In fact, the more oranges In Russia in relation to the demand-* concession Incidentalhaps If the Soviet bought enough orange* to give each of its inhabitants not Just one half of one orange per year but one orange per day instead there would follow a diminution in Russian armament and the much-prayed-for peace between the East and the West would become a reality. ' Recently there was allocated from Israel bonds a larger sum for the extension of citrus plantations. Only a minature fraction of the world's population la getting the orange Juice daily which the health experts say Is needed. Now there is hope for the thirsty and for the profit makers too. When Thomas Jefferson paid some seven and a half minion dollars for the Louisiana territory, experts figured out how big a sum that was if the purchase price was laid out in dollars placed side, by side. Our office boy has come up with a similar calculation about the The wedding of Bracha Estrada 100 million Israeli oranges. Figuring six oranges to the foot, they of Omaha and Moshc Mischael of would cover a space of more than 16 million feet Divide that by Tel Aviv, Sunday, climaxed a ro5,280, the number of feet in a mile, and we have over 3,000 miles, or mance that has the elements pf a from the Atlantic to the Pacific. That, indeed, Is a lot of oranges. storybook tale. Bracha, or better known as Barbara, a graduate of the University of Omaha, went to Israel in the autumn of 1953 because she felt that she would like to live in the new Jewish homeland. She wanted to pioneer and help build the new little democracy In the near We may have underestimated challenge to the entire community east. Washington's obsession over this the capacities of our older folk by to try to open as many avenues Met at Wedding matter would be laughable if it shelving them when they reach a as possible to our senior citizens, Barbara met her husband at an were not for the serious effect certain age, declared Jerome Kap- he stressed. Arab wedding in an Arab village that it could have on Israel. The lan, Group Work Consultant to in Israel. When she first arrived lUvtse Concept* State Department officials must the Hennepln C o u n t y Welfare in Israel she attended Ulpan, for know that they arc trying to make Board, Minneapolis, Minn., at a re- . Touching on camping for these six months, a school where she bricks without straw, or clue they cent meeting in, the Jewish Com- groups, Mr. Kaplan explained that learned the H e b r e w language. we must revise our concepts perknow nothing of a situation with munity Center. Then she worked in a kibbutz, a taining to the capacities of the which thpy arc dealing. They Mr. Kaplan spoke to represencooperative village, w h e r e she older adult We should assume placed their reliance on the Syrian tatives of the Golden Age Club, •pent half of the day studying lieCouncil of Jewish Women. Federa- that they have as much to offer brew and the other working with dictator, Colonel Adlb Shishckly, tion of Jewish Women's Clubs, as we do and, he said, that camp- children. Barbara also taught at Mr. and Mrs. Mtehael only to sec him Ignominously oustIng experience has proven beneBOcur Cholim, Home for the Aged. a Ma-abara, a transient camp for filet of fish is served with vege ed by an army revolt ficial to many. The older adult If Jewish Community Center and Anxious immigrants. There refugees lived table soup, lima beans, an egg, pohe has a disability has learned to in Senior Citizens of Omaha. or in a single room. Her tatoes and black bread, What do They had high hopes of General live with it and it aids him to dis- Jobtents Continue to Learn was to teach Hebrew, cooking, c a t f o r dinner? Well, B a r - Mohammed Nagulb, and then came Our older adults continue to cuss it with other members of the child care and the elements of you bara said, it's t h e s a m e a s break- the palace revolt; they are keeping team and grow and we will under group. Camping has reduced visits sanitation. : their fingers crossed now that he fast •' ...•• •. ••.-••••• • . ; . . cut our programs for them if we to clinics and improved the out Spirited People Scrip certificates are very wel- has been able to get back to where believe that our senior citizens arc look for many, Mr. Kaplan pointed he was before the young officers Barbara thought that she would come In Israel, for with it you can different from ourselves, he point out. ind Israel a desert but Instead buy scarce American foodstuffs. acted. That is why they are so ed out. Discussing retirement, Mr. Mr. Kaplan was a recipient of. found a land of spirited people and The scrip is used for special pur- anxious not to embarrass him and K a p l a n said, that retirement the Survey Award at the Nation- growing cities and villages. The chases in scrip stores where scarce the Egyptian government over the means leaving one sphere of ac- al Conference of Social Work in people are friendly, she stated, babyfoods, U. S. soaps, coffee, Israeli complaint In the Security tivity and entering another and Chicago in 1952, for "imaginative and welcome you to their homes. fresh and canned kosher meats, Council. Now, they are turning not the absence of all activity. He and constructive contribution to The big cities are modern with up- sardines, spices, teas and assorted their eyes on the Iraqi government believes that after a certain age social work." He is also secretary t o - d a t e conveniences Including canned goods are sold. which has emerged from the recent that we are forced by society to to the governor's (Minnesota) night clubs and movies. The couple will live in* Tel Aviv, upheaval as the strongest Arab be a cog which retards the search Commission on Problems of Aging, it was different in the bor- Where Mr. Mishael I* a director of government, simply because It did for status and prestlaRO. a fellow In the Gerontologies] derButkibbutz where you went to Land Transportation for the Min- not fall. The political pundits here, Society and a former B'nai B'rith We must seriously examine the bed with your clothes on and a istry of Defense of Israel. They are saying that Washington Is gonames which are given to older Youth Organization director for gun at your side. Everyone was came to Omaha so that Barbara's Ing to try to bring Iraq and .Egypt groups, Mr. Kaplan stressed. As Minnesota and a member of AZA. taught to shoot and tho men and parents could attend the wedding. Into a Middle East Defense Coman example he said that one group He Is the author of "A Social Pro- young boys patroled the kibbutz . First Visit ; mand, that Is Its main objective he knew of was named the Last gram for Older People," published all night. Trenches were dug for Moishe Mishael was born in Je- now. by the University of Minnesota Mile Club and members were tak defense, she related. She could rusalem. During the War of Ining on the characteristics of the Press. He is a graduate of the look out and see the Arab village dependence he was in charge of Whatever these State Departname and felt that they were on Universlt yof Minnesota and holds on the other side of the border. transportation at the port of Tel ment officials touch in*that area their last mile. It is of prime im- masters' degrees in political sci- She became engaged whllo work- Aviv and was wounded during the seems to fall to pieces. The MosLeague government of Pakisportance to determine what it isence and social work. Ing at a kibbutz and the group air attacks by Egyptian planes. lem that older people want rather than gave them an engagement party. Mr. Mishael was active In under- tan has suffered a severe blow in the elections held In the eastern what we want for older people, ground w o r k since 1936. He brael Pood part of the country, and It must . Mr. Kaplan related, IJc feels that What is the food like? Cooking speaks Arabic, German, Hebrew be clear to them that that governour senior citizens want the same is done on a sterno type cooking and English. This is his first visit ment too Is completely unstable. things we do. Programming should pot with the use of bellows and oil to the United States and he finds Yet, they go on trying; they must be made with this thought in the people polite and well eduNew York (JTA)—The New as fuel. A typical breakfnst menu cated. be given full marks i t least for mind, he added. We lead a more comfortYork Slate Appellate Court ruled includes a cottage type cheese, able life here than do the Israelis, that. Community Center that a Jewish girl may marry a sour cream, fresli tomatoes, green he pointed out. There are more Turning to homes for the aged, non-Jew and continue to receive peppers, cucumbers, black bread, In the end, of course, the West* Mr. Kaplan stated people deterior- an interest in her great-grandfa- margarine, an egg if your lucky, cars here, he observed. In Israel, cm Powers will have to reaffirm Mr. Mishael related, one only ate In a home more than they do ther's estiilo despite n provision coffee and herring. For lunch, a tho Security Council resolution of makes enough salary to buy food, two years ago ordering the Egypin an'outside environment. One in his will that none of his declothing and shelter. America has tians to stop their blockade of of the reasons being that they are scendants who "marries a person lived up to his expectations of Israeli bound shipping. However, away from the environment they not of the Jewish faith and not freedom and independence, he they ore even trying to wiggle out have been used to, he emphasized. of Jewish blood" may receive a said. Mr. Mishael was amazed that this by getting New Zealand to legacy left by him. What slunild present and future people could appear on television sponsor homes for the aged be like? Mr. tho resolution, although Reversing a Surrogate Court's quiz programs ami win thousands Kaplan thinks they should resem- decision, who they think they are fooling Is the Appellate Court said of dollars. ble a community center making it that Miss Jean Hanburn, the great, open for youngsters and sponsors granddaughter of the late AbraLieutenant Edward Belgrade of How does It compare to life in question that Is being asked her*. to visit. Residents, ho continued, ham S. Rosenta], could continue the U. S. Force left here last Sat- Israel? We live in peace and quiet should be encouraged to enter into to receive a $8,500 a year income urday for San Francisco, enroutc whereas as in Israel people are be- In the spring tornadoes last year and participate in community ac- from • $075,000 trust fund, and a for duty in Korea. He Is the son of ing killed every day by Arabs, he the Red Cross gave- emergency tivities. Regular organized activi- $10,000 cash legacy despite the fact Mr. and Mrs. Max Belgrade. stressed. The immigrants, ho em- mass care—food, shelter, first aid ties in the homes should play nn that the will marry Donald MorLieutenant Morton Gloss of the phasized come to Israel with noth- —to 24,900 disaster victims. Important role too In program- rison Kcllcy, Jr., a non-Jew. U. S. Air Force has been called ing and they arc In the process of ming, he added. Our older adults The court's ruling was based to active duty. He is now stationed adjusting to life there, Mr. MiMembership in the lied Croat is should be allowed to continue on the fact that Miss Tanburn at Lackland Air Force base at shael said. In answer to many open to everyone in the United their work in the community, Mr. did not inherit directly from Mr. San Antonio, Texas. He Is the son questioned, he would like to state States, regardless of race, creed, that no one is starving in Israel or color. Kaplan stated. This represents a Hosenthnl but from her father, of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Glass. the late Stephen A. Tanburn.

Omaha Girl Finds Romance In the land of the Bible'

Speaker Says Senior Adults* Capacities Underestimated

NY Court Rules Against Legacy

Omahans In Service

• Friday, Man* M, 1M4

Israel Takes 'Gravest View1 • Of Scorpion Pass Massacre Jerusalem (WNS)—Prime Minister Moshe Sharett, In his talks with U. N. truce chief Genera] Van Bennike, made it clear that Israel was taking the "gravest view" of the slaying In ambush of eleven Israeli* by Jordanian force* and that "no government conscious of its responsibility for the security of its citizens and the preservation of peace would remain passive in the face of such an onslaught." •> Declaring that responsibility for the "wanton and entirely unprovoked act" must be laid at the door of Jordan, Mr. Sharett said al levidence pointed to the fact that "the entire operation was of Jordan make as to planning, organization and recruitment of personnel." At Israel mourned its dead, the neighboring Arab stages were busy putting out vicious propaganda that the crime had been committed by Israelis. Spokesman for this thesis was Yusuf Halkal Jor. dan's chief delegate to the Mixed Armistice Commission, who drew an Israeli retort that his remark demonstrated "once again Jordan's irresponsible and provocative attitude." Reacting to Halkal'f statement, an Israeli Foreign ' M i n i s t r y spokesman declared: This statement of Jordan'* chief delegate, apart from being a sign of guilty conscience, surpasses In its sheer effrontery the customary Jordanian huge propaganda and sinister campaign of hostility conducted In Jordan." At the same time Jordan and

Passover Recipes This recipe Is included In Mrs. Benjamin Gronert booklet "Passover Parade of Recipes." The booklet may be obtained by calling Ritbbi Groncr at the Beth Israel Synagogue office, RE 628a The price is one dollar per copy and all proceeds will go for the Talmud Torah building fund. Chocolate Cake B eggs, separated X% cups of sugar 5 tbsp. Passover cocoa - % cup cake meal 2 tbsp. orange Juice 2 tbsp.' water % cup chopped nuts Vi fcrange, grated' Beat egg whites with salt; gradually add half the amount of sugnr: and beat until stiff. Beat yolks; add remaining sugar; then liquid* and rind. Fold.yolk mixture into whites; then fold in meal; then, add nuts. Bake In tube pan-for one hour at 325 degrees. FA8F1X KUOEL '- By Mrs. Mar Sack* 2 eggs 2 cups Farfel 2 tablespoon* Schmaltz Salt and pepper to taste Cover Farfel with boiling water ror about 10 minutes or until the water has been absorbed. Add remaining ingredients. Bake in greased casserole for about 30 minutes (or until golden brown) in a 350 degree oven.

Bridge Classes There is still room for a few more* students In each section of the Center's Bridge Classes, David Sheffcr, bridge Instructor announced. Beginners meet Thursdays at 7:30 p. m. and intermediates at 8:30 p. m. the some evening. Call tho Activities Office, JA 1366, Ext. 32, in order to register.

Teachers Hear Kaplan

Reparation Funds For Rehabilitation New York (JTA>—Nearly Jl.000,000 from West Germany's first reparations payments to Israel has been allocated for use during 1954 In an unprecedented program of cultural rehabilitation including scholarships and fellowships „ to Nazi victims and for the salvage of the vast cultural treasures destroyed by the Nazis. The allocation was voted by the board of director* of the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany meeting at the Hotel Roosevelt here. This is'part of over $9,000,000 which tho conference assigned today to aid more than 30,000 needy Jewish victims of Nazism who now live in Western Europe, the Americas, Africa, Australia and the Far East. The allocations Include funds providing legal assistance to about 100,000 Individual claimants seeking restitution and indemnification from West Germany. Tho $9,000.000 is tho conference share of the moneys received by Israel to date under tho 5822,000,000 Bonn-Israel Reparations Agreement. The program for cultural rehabilitation Is Intended to help fill the almost irreparable gap left by tho destruction of great Jewish centers of learning, of schools, ty nagogues, libraries, museums and archives and by the loss of countless numbers of Jewish lay and professional leaders which has robbed Jewish- c o m m u n i t i e s throughout'the world of a great cultural potential. The program will and fellowships for Jewish studies; special, projects for Independent research by scholars In the fields of Jewish crealivo arts and sciences; stipends for students in Yeshlvas, rabbinical seminaries transplanted from Eastern Europe; grants-ln-aid to Jewish teachers who were victims of Nazism; the salvage, restoration and preservation of Jewish books, manuscripts, h i s t o r i c a l documents, records, works of art, religious articles and othor cultural treasures which were destroyed or lost during the Nazi regime in Europe.

Beth Israel Metis Club Spring Dance The Beth Israel Menj Club win hold their second of the Dance of the Month scries Saturday, April 3. The theme for the dance will be the spring senson. The decorations nml drew will reflect the' spring atmosphere. The same band that supplied the music for the very successful Hard Times Dance will be on linnii. There will be flowers for the ladles nml door prizes. . I. J. Kraft, chnlrmnn of the sprinj; dnncc, announced that there arc still some tickets left for those who missed the first dance. Reservation!) may be made by calling the synagogue office.

Abe Miller Elected JWV Commander Abe Miller was elected Commander of the Epstein-Morgan Post 260, of the Jewish War Veterans of America. Other newly elected officers are: William Abrahams, senior vice-commander; Marvin Kaplan, junior vicecommander; Paul Krouse, judge advocate; Ezra Beldner and Nate Marcus, trustees. They will be installed at ; the April meeting.

the rest of the neighboring Arab states have set into motion a propaganda drive to the effect that Israeli troops were being concentrated along the borders in preparation for what they call an expansionist move. At the aafne time Arab representatives in the United Nations were reported busy over the week-end seeking to create the Impression that Israel was on, the war path, According to reports from the United Nations In New York, Arab spokesmen were said to have declared following a meeting with U. N. Secretary General D a g Hammarskjold that Israel was moving heavy reinforcements and tha,t if Israel strikes the Arab states would "not remain idle." Reports of Israeli troop movements were denied by the Israeli Army through its spokesmen!

/During the week, Seymour H. Kaplan, Antl-Dcfamatlon League Regional Director, spoke on "Intcrgroup E/iucatlon in Prlmnry Grades" at a meeting of teachers held at Garficld School. Teachers and princlpnls from several of tho grammar schools in Red Cross disaster relief Is given South Omaha were present to hear Kaplan. A question and an- on the basis of need to victims swer period followed the presenta- who cannot finance their own retion: habilitation without hardship.:


Temple Israel Supper Club Players

Annual Luncheon By Bl Sisterhood

Members of the cast of "Finders Keepers" are shown discussing their roles. From left to right) are Mn. William J. Fogel, Herbert Well, Mrs. Lloyd Bank and Sirs. Leon Marx. The Temple Israel Bupper Club will present the play at their meeting1 to be held Saturday, March 21, at the Blackstone Hotel Ballroom. Dinner will be served at 7 p. m. "Finders Keepers" U directed by Mrs. Leon Marx and is produced with toe permission of the Samuel French ComStage properties are being handled by Mr. and Mrs. Howard Call WE 1801 for rescrvatloDos.

Opportunities In Social Work Many fine opportunities /or careers in Social Work are open to graduating college students. The Center Is anxious to see prospective students and can make available to them the newly published pamphlet on "Social Work Fellowships and Scholarships in the United States and Canada" compiled by the Council on Social Work Education. David Fogel, Jewish Community Center, Activities Director, will see interested persons. Call JA 1366, Ext. 30 for an appointment.

Mrs. Sacks to Appear On TV Cooking Show Mrs. Max Sacks has been invited to apear on "YOUR TV HOME," a daily cooking dais show which is televised from staUno KMTV. The Invitation was extended by Betty Tolson who conducts tho program, In connection which tho Recipe-Year Book which was recently released by tho B'nal B'rith men's lodges and women's chapters. The recipes which will be featured on the show wil lincludo those which appear in the B'nal B'rith Year Book and will consist of "Passover Bagel" — "Kreptach" — "Homontachen." All are invited to view the show which will take place next Tuesday, March 30, at 10 a. m. over KMTV,

Industrial Progress Exhibit at Brandeis

"Industrial Progress, USA," a exhibition from the Henry Ford Museum at Dearborn, Mich., will be on display at Brandeis Store Monday, March 29, to Saturday, April 3. Included In the several hundred authentic" original antiques from the famous museum are: Buffalo Bill's solid gold watch, the first whale oil lamp of tho 1700's, Edison's first light bulb, the first sewing machine, a time-piece of 1640, George Washington's p e r s o n a l camp chest and his equipment used during the; Revolutionary War, the first fountain pen, clothIng and jewelry 100 years old and historical typewriters. Tho exhibit also contains origin nal "Bonds for Freedom." Among them arethe 1776 "War for Independence Bonds," the bonds which financed the "Louisiana Purchase," and the "Panama Canal." "Industrial Progress, USA" Is on a 3-year tour of the nation's principal cities. There is no charge for admission and the exhibit will be shown on the eighth floor of Brandeis during regular store hours.

Debka Debs to Hold Annual Style Show

April 1, Debka Debs will be hostesses at their Second Annual Style Show. Girl's from the various high schools will model tho new spring fashions.' Janle Fellman Is the general chairman for this: event Refreshments will be Red Cross services are always served after the show. The event free and Red Cross blood Is made will be held at Brandeis and tickavailable; without charge for the ets.may be obtained from any Deb member* product

Community Calendar Friday, March *6 Pre-School—9:00 a. m.—Center. flatodsqr, March J7 Temple- Israel Supper Club Dinner Meeting—7:00 p. m.—Black stone Hotel, Rayim House Party—9:00 p. m.—Home. , Sunday, March n Children's Program—2:00 p. m.—Center. B & P Hadassah—2:00 p. m.—Center. Hadassah J. N. F. Box Collection—All Day. Beth El Annual Concert—8:00 p. m.—Both EL Pioneer Women'sDonor Dinner—Center/ Young Adult Lounge Night—8:00 p. m.—Center. Monday, March 29 Pre-School—9:00 a. m.—Center. Philanthropies Women Workers—1:00 p. m.—Center, Workman's Loan—7:30 p. m.—Center. Folk Dance Group—8:30 p. m.—Center. Tuesday, March SO Beth Israel Donor Luncheon—1:00 p. m.—Beth Israel. Wednesday, March SI Pre-School—9:00 a. m.—Center. Hadassah Linen Shower Luncheon—12:30 p. m.—Center. B'nal B'rith Monsky Lodge—8:00 p. m.—Center, Thursday, April 1 Leadership Training Institute for Teenagers—3;45 p. m.—Center. Beth Israel PTA Meeting—8:30 p. m.—Beth.Israeli .•.>;<••

The Annual Donor Luncheon of tho Beth Israel Sisterhood will be held in the synagogue social hall Tuesday, March 30 at.l p. m. The chairmen In charge are Mrs. Sam Katzman, Mrs. Max Fromkln, Mrs. David Frank and Mrs.' Sam Berman. This affair is tho sisterhood's main fund raising event of the year. Mrs. Arthur Goldstein, program chairman, will present "The Democracy Dolls." Also taking part in the program, in a musical pantontine, will be Miss Janey Fellman, daughter of Dr. and Mrs.. Leon Fellman. Completing the program will be a presentation of special movies taken at the sisterhood's fall event. This Is Your Life, which honored Mrs. Lewis Neveleff. The table-setting chairman; is Mrs. Aaron Levine; decorations are by Mrs, Sol Ash; the luncheon Is under the direction of Mrs, Jack Levey. The telephone committee consists of the following sisterhood members: Mmes. Al Wohlner, Maurice Katzman, Mort Fisher, Sidney Goldberg, Paul Goldstein, Sam Zweiback, Sol.Ash, Max Greenfield, Max Arbltmah, Julius Hornstein and Harold Bloom. Also on the calling committee arc: Mmes. Iz Kraft; Jake Wine, William Wolfson, Nathan Gimple, Iz Bogdonoff, Dave Epstein, Eugene Braun, Sam TurkeL Dave Silverman, Sam Kalman, Jack Joseph, Julius Schreiber, Bernard Wiess, Sidney Kwiatek, and Irving Babendure. , Baby Sitter service will be provided.

Retraction Made Of Anti-Israel Talk New York (JTA)—A retraction of anti-Jewish statements be made In Los Angeles last month was made to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency last week by S. A. Dodge,' president of Lions International. In a statement to the JTA, Mr. Dodge declared that a JTA dispatch quoting his remarks In Los Angeles "has given the impression that I harbor ill feeling toward people of the Jewish faith" and added: "The statements which you quoted were made by me, under great stress, shortly after I had returned from a trip during which I had witnessed the shocking plight of the Arab refugees and felt that possible Communist inroads in the Middle East could lead to a conflict involving the use of American troops. "Unfortunately, I had only partial knowledge of the reasons for these conditions and did not realize the full implications of my statement. I regret exceedingly that the reporting of my statements seemed to reflect an anti-Semitic attitude on my part because this, of course, is diametrically opposed to my own viewpoint as It is to that of Lions International, I could not condone such thinking either personally to that of Lions International, I could not condone such thinking either personally or as representative of the Association." Mr. Dodge declared that he had since conferred with representatives of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nal B'rith and "information has been made available to me on the problems of Israel,; the origins of the Arab-Israel Conflict, the Arab refugee problem and the American program of aid to the'Arab States as well as to Israel.. • >-..:,


Miss Bracha Estrada Marries Moshe Mishael of Tel Aviv

Friday, March M, IMt


Mrs. E. Levinson Elected Regional Council President

Fink-Newman Wedding Solemnized at Blackstone

Miss Barbara Jean Fink and E. Miss Bracha Estrada and Mosbc Mrs. Edward Levinson has been Robert Newman were married Mishael of'Tel Aviv, Israel, were elected treasurer of the North Sunday in the House and Garden married Sunday, March 21, at 8 Central Region of the National rooms of the Blackstone Hotel. p. m. at the home of Mr. and Mn. Louis A l b e r t s . Rabbi Myer S. Council of Jewish Women. The The bride is the daughter of Mr. .Kripke and Cantor Aaron Edgar conference was held March 15 to and Mrs. Bernard Fink, the brideofficiated. 18 at Highland Park, VI Over one groom the son of Mr. and Mrs. The bride is the daughter of Mr. hundred alternates and delegates —ules M. Newman. and Mrs. Dave Estrada, the briderepresented the" region of Colo- Rabbi Myer Kripke and Rabbi groom the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Brooks officiated at the rado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Min- ceremony* Aaron Mishael of Jerusalem, Isnesota, Missouri, Nebraska and The bride wore a princess-style rael. Wisconsin. Mrs. Harry Stoler, gown of imported Calais Chantilly The bride wore a blush pink sown of pure silk organza, fashpresident of the Omaha section, lace styled with empire bodice and ioned with a scoop neck line, and and Mn. Lloyd Friedman, Ways a cathedral train bordered by a pleated nylon tulle dust ruffle. fitted bodice arid bustle. and Means Vice-President, were The bride's illusion veil was held The shoulder length v e i l of the Omaha delegates accompany- by areproductionoof a lace antimatching nylon tulle was held in ing Mrs. Levinson. macassar. She carried a bouquet place with rose velvet forget-meThe following statement was re- of lilles-of-the-valley. nots. She carried a bouquet of Mrs. Calvin Newman was maleased at the conference: pink roses and lilies of the valley. "We recognize a continued need tron of honor and bridesmaids Miss Suzctte Estrada was her for stronger implementation of were the Misses Jane Beber, Joan bister's maid of honor. She wore the Freedom Campaign inaugurat- Beber, Suzanne Richards and Lois a blue Iridescent taffeta gown ed by, the National Council of Unsman, all of Omaha; Bettylu with tucked bodice and midriff Jewish Women over two years Klutznick, Chicago, and Carole ending in a full ballerina skirt ago. We. recognize a growing cli- Marx, Lincoln. She wore a crown of yellow roses mate of fear in our land and a Attendants wore gowns of white and carried a bouquet to match. growing t h r e a t to freedom of nylon net fashlonocd with boufSuzanne Estrada, her lister's thought and speech. A growing fant skirts and fitted bodices with bridesmaid, wore a silver and blue use of the techniques of 'guilt by square necklines. They also wore silk gown with a square off the association' and the half truth. We small hats of white velvet with shoulder neckline. recognize a mounting disregard In white feathers framing their faces E. Bobert Newman Mrs. Moslu) Mlshae! congressional committee proced- and carried jonquil yellow casRalph Mishael, brother of the and Garden Rooms the couple left ures for our constitutional guarcades. groom, was best man. antee for decency. Justice and L. James Newman was best on a Caribbean cruise. For travelFar h e r daughter's wedding Brandeis Women fair play which have been and arc man for his brother. Ushers were ing the bride chose an off-whiu Mrs. Estrada chose a blue silk taffeta gown with lace inset at the Mrs. Hyman Ferer, president of a part of our American tradition. Murray H. Newman and Calvin wool suit with navy accessories. Women's Committee of Brandeis We welcome any utterance of our Newman, brothers of the bride- The couple will live In Omaha. neck. She wore a corsage of pink U., has announced that plaiu are public officials which also^repudi- groom; Harley Beber, Irv Veltzer roses. Red Cross membership last yea* A reception and dinner were in progress for the spring luncheon ate such procedures. We resolve and Richard Goldman, all of Omameeting of the Omaha Chapter, to to Increase our activities both ha; David Heller, Chicago, and totaled more than 40,000,000 of held after the wedding. alone and in our local and Nationbe held Tuesday, April 13, at the Bruce Rosen and Jerome H. May- which 20,800,000 were senior memOut-of-town g u e B t s included: al communities so that we 'Speak er, both of S t Louis, Mo. bers and 19,600,000 junior memMrs. Paula Llss and Mrs. Dora Blacks tone Hotel. Up,' for the right of dissent and After a reception In the House bers. Handelman of Schenectady, N. Y., Program Chairmen for the meet- disagreement and protest t h e Ralph Mishael of New York City, ing Mrs. Philip Feldman and Mrs. rights of our citizens within the and Mr. and Mrs. Don B. Davis of Win. J. Fogel are planning a framework of our constitutional Sioux City, la. humorous skit entitled "Let's Join guarantees. The couple will make their the Ladles." Assisting on their home in Tel Aviv, Israel. committee are Mrs. Alfred Mayer Twenty-six sections are repreand Mrs. Lazier Kavich, who are sented in this seven state area. in charge of Staging, and Mrs.Featured speaker at the conferHarry DuBoff, accompanist. Mrs.ence was Archibald J. Carey, Jr., Fogel is directing the skit. first alternate delegate of United States Delegation' to 8th General Assembly of the United Nations Mr. and Mrs. I. Korz of SanPassover Fish who urged the continued support Francisco, Calif., have announced of the United Nations by the Unitthe engagement of their daugh- Choice lake-fresh fish—50 per- ed States. ter, Shirley, to Airman Ray Levin cent or more costly whltcfish— Schcrzer of Tel Aviv, Miss Korz is the granddaughter plus farm-fresh whole eggs, give Mrs. Isle who is attending Chicago of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Seigal Manischcwitz Gefilto Fish iU Israel, University on Council ScholarIn Honor of P»*fover and Mr. Ben Balaban and the uniquely delicate flavor and tender ship P r o g r athe m , expressed her late Mrs. Balaban of Council texture; these, as well as the oth- thanks to Council for the wonderer ingredients arc actually finer ful opportunity of studying in the Bluffs la. Airman Levin, assigned to the and fresher than you yourself United States and being able to go Public Information Office of the could buy them. back to Israel and help others. 2349th P e r s o n n e l Processing For example, within minutes aft- Officers of the region for the NATZOS • WINE • IGG kttTZOS • H i l l U FISH • BORSCHT • STOKSE UKE MIX Group at Parks Air Force Base, er the fishing boats come in off coming two year period are: presCalif.) is the son of Mr. and Mrs. the lakes, the fish used in making ident, Mrs. Maxwell Fineberg of Jacob Levin of Camden, N. J. Manischcwitz Gcfilte Fish are In-S t Louis, Mrs. Nathan Berman, spected, selected, cleaned, iced and Minneapolis, and Mrs. Max Bloom, The Red Cross is primarily a on their way to be cooked—and Evanston, El., vice-presidents; voluntary organization directed by long before the average commer- Mrs. Marshall Goldman of. Aurora, volunteers at both the national and cial shipment of fish can reach III., recording secretary, and Alvin -community levels. your neighborhood store. Baer of Kansas City, Mo., auditor.

Exclusive! Manischewitz Inner Wrap keeps your matzos oven-crisp

Former Omahcm To Wed Airman


St. Louis Pioneer President. Will Speak at Donor Dinner The Pioneer Women's Organization will hold its Annual Donor Dinner at 6 p. m. Sunday, March 28, at the Jewish Community Center. An ad book has been printed and the proceeds will go to the Mazot Hopalot, the W o r k i n g Women's Council of Israel. The - group supports vocational schools, homes and centers for all new. comers In Israel. The program will include Jewish and Israeli songs by Cantor - EU Kagan of Beth Israel and he will be accompanied by pianist Hans Baer. Mr*. Milton Nearcnberg will also sing. Mrs. Leon Wool, prominent "St. Louis communnl leader, will IK? '; guest speaker. Mrs. Wool is president of Chapter one of Pioneer Women, Israel Bond chairman for the council, Motzot Hapalot chnirtnan for chapter one, secretary of Sirs. Leon Wool ' the Histradut Campaign and formerly vice-president of Histradut co-chairman. and Jewish Natiunnl Fund. Sin- Tickets an- $2 per plate and reshas been a member of Pioneer orvntions m.'iy ho made by calling Women for 25 years. Mrs. II. Ricklin, WK 15C2, or Mrs. Mrs. Philip Crnndell is presi- J. Kaplan, WI-; D-I51. Mrs. Frank dent of the Omaha chapter. Mrs. liubensteln and Mrs. H. Shrai;o David Friedman will s e r v e as are members of the admission toastmlstress for the evening. Mrs. committee. H. Wohlner , is Matzot Hopalot All members and guests are Inchairman and Mrs. Sarah Okun vited to attend the affair.

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jrriday, March M, ISM

ttft Five

Campus News


Sheldon Green, freshman in Law Last Sunday afternoon the S. school, continued his winning ways) D. T.'s had a Nebraska University in the University's Moot Court Tea for all high school senior girls competition. Shell won his second and their mothers at the home of case in the second round last week. alumna Sally; Solomon. The intramural Softball season This week the S. D. T.'s were busily planning for their annual gets under way in April and In spring formal, "Huaker Holiday," preparation for their first gams w h i c h will be held Saturday, the ZBT team has started their practice, ZBT ended up in first March 27, at the Lincoln HotcL Several honors have come to place in their league last year, but some of the girls. Connie Gordon were defeated in the second round is a finalist for May Queen, Fran of the university play-offs. Locke and Connie Gordon participated in a Red Cross television Bhow. Connie was vice-president The professional schools caught of this campus organization • last year and Fran was elected •> the the house spotlight last week as same honor this year. Several four members, Sol Stlss, Marshall girls are on the honor roll for high Becker, Norm Krivoshla and Norm scholastic averages. They are Gail Veltzer, took the Law School En» Katskee, Beth Fineberg, Shirley trance examination. It was recent* Rosenberg, Helene Sherman, and ly announced that Phil Alberst, Janet Gordon. class of '53, and Maury Llpton, Pledge Zelda Kaminsky recently class of '55, have been accepted to the Nebraska University College pledged Sigma Alpha Iota, National Music Sorority. Zelda was also of Medicine for the year beginelected treasurer of the S. A. I. ning September, 1954. - The mixed volleyball team of pledge class. Sigma Alpha Mu and Sigma Delta Tau last week advanced into the finals of the all-university tour* Campus .News nament Wtih a victory over the Mike. Greenberg, senior In theInterdenominational team. Arts and Science college, has been named to Phi Beta Kappa, Nation- Sol Stlss and Gerald Welnberg al Scholastic Honorary. Mike is are two of the eight university a Pre-Med student and plans to students under consideration for enter Nebraska Medical School the Donald Walters Miller memorial scholarship, Three stipends next fall. The members journeyedtoKan-of $1,000 are given each year in sas City last weekend for a stag Mr. Miller's name for outstanding cocktail party at the home of Neil scholarship. Sol Is one of the two Miller. The Kansas City high finalists from Business Adminisschool seniors were the honored tration School, while Jerry was selected from Arts and Science* guests. The bowling team remained In College. third place after splitting a scries with AIEE In their last match. Patronize Your Advertisers

Sigma Delta Tau

terment in their own communities, in the nation and in the world. A regular meeting of the B & P In this tradition, the Omaha Hadassah will be held Tuesday, at Section of the Council plays an 7:30 p. m., March 30, at the JCC. active port, A Shlp-A-Box project Miss Ida Spring, Chairman of theof toys, clothing and food is sent JNF and Miss Julia Zuker, Chair- to children's groups in Europe, man of the New Medical Center Israel, and North Africa, our chairwill be in charge. men have received letters of apA skit entitled "Birds and Trees" preciation from these nurseries. In will be presented by the following: community service work Council Janle Fellman, Dodo Shapiro and furnishes Volunteers at Children's Bonnie Ravitz. Hospital, Omaha fund raising Miss Jean Lcvenson, who hasdrives, offers campshlps to Camp recently returned from an extend- JCC, Campflre Girls Camp and ed trip to Israel, will address the Girl Scout Camp, In line with the group on her reactions to life in ever changing times Council leads Israel. the way in sponsoring a Golden Hiss Bettylu Klutznlck Hostesses for the occasion are: Age Group, this Is for our Senior Misses Ahuva Gershader, Lillian Citizens, only those past 60 arc Bernstein, Sylvia' Parilman and eligible. Mrs. Sarah Dansky, An added feature will be the These activities arc part of the nationwide program of the Counchoice of a ."lucky chair." cil, whose 245 local sections, with a membership of over 100,000, Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Klutzmaintain over 800 community serv- nick, of Park Forest, m., formerly Mrs, Nate Marcus was elected ice activities in the United States. of Omaha, announce the engagepresident of Epstein-Morgan La- Through its overseas service pro- ment of their daughter, Bettylu, dles Auxiliary No. 260 of the Jew- gram, the organization has proish War Veterans of the United vided 96 scholarships to date to to Harry L. Freeman, son of Mr. States. outstanding students from' Jewish and Mrs. Joseph H. Freeman of Other newly elected officers are: communities abroad for advanced Omaha. Mrs. Meyer Kaplan, senior vice- study In fields of social welfare at Miss Klutznlck, who is secretary president; Mrs. Bernard Plotkln, American universities. The Coun- of the senior class at Rockford junior vice-president; Mrs. Dancil also supports the School of college, will graduate In June. Mr. Goodman, treasurer; Mrs. Ezra Education of Hebrew University in Freeman received his B. A. degree Bcldner, chaplain; Mrs. 'Aaron Ep- Jerusalem. * from the University of Michigan stein, conductorcss; Mrs. Herman The Council was founded In 1893 in 1953 and is now studying law Silbcrman, Mrs. Max Plrsch and to "serve faith and humanity.' at the University of Nebraska. He Mrs. Frank Cohen, trustees; Mrs. Abe Slusky, religious chair- is a member of Zeta Beta Tau, soMax Kanner, guard; Mrs. Delmar Mrs. man, announced the following will cial fraternity, and Beta Alpha Klein, patriotic instructor; hostesses for the evening: Mes- Psl, national honorary accounting Abe Miller, corresponding secre- domes Abe Bear, Max Platt, Irvin fraternity. tary, and Joan Simon, recording White, Jerald Rosen, Gilbert Frel- An August wedding is planned. secretary. den and Harry Altsulcr. The elected officers were inJ. Milton Margolin of the Szold stalled at the meeting March 18 by Group and Mrs. Harry Fcrensteln the National President of the Auxand Mrs. Charles Fcllman of the iliary Mrs. Dalseo Habcrman, who was a guest of the auxiliary at a "I Remember My Mamely" an Wcizmann Group. Close to 100 hand knitted sweatluncheon at the American Legion original comedy pantomime narraand she addressed a joint meeting tion and dramatization by Mrs. ers have been shipped to Israel to Morris M. Franklin, will be theneedy children. Many Hadassah of the Post and the Auxiliary. members and non members who Mrs. Habcrman.visited the Oma- feature of the "Linen Shower" can knit have received hanks of SO EASY, MOTHER IT! ha Veterans Hospital and present- luncheon meeting to be held by the yarn to make Into usable sweaters. ed three electric shavers, a gift Purchasing and Supplies Commit- This activity has been under the ME DO IT MYSELFl" from the Ladies Auxlxliary of the tee of the Omaha Chapter Hadas- direction of Mrs. Hyman Belman sah, this Wednesday, March 31 Epstein-Morgan Post. too — and It 12:30 p. m. In the Jewish Com- assisted by Mrs. George Spitzer takes just and Mrs. I. R. Brooksteln. The munity Center. minutes from The playlet portraying activities Beth El Sewing Group under the package to Members will hold their regular at the turn of the century will be supervision of Mrs. J, J. Frleden pan! Try itl monthly Oneg Shabbas at 1:30 p. In costume. It Is directed by Elaino and Mrs. L. Gractz have been mak' m. Saturday, March 27, at the Jabcnls. Mrs. Leon Schmldman Is ing dresses, skirts,' shirts, kihome of Mrs. Sam Rlfkln, 3511stage manager for the production. monos, etc. Woolworth Ave. Hadassah women in the cast aro The luncheon Is being prepared An interesting program is being Mrs. Sidney Goldberg, Mrs. Rob- by Mrs, Jako Wine and her comarranged which includes songs and ert SUverman, Mrs. Leonard mittee. Table and committee decIsraeli news by Mrs. Milton Near- Gould, Mrs. Sophie Grellck, Mrs. orations are taken care of by Mrs. enberg, a reading by Mrs. J. Kap- Leon Schmldman, Mrs. Joe Guss I. W. Rosenblatt. Reservations arc lan from Sholom Alelchem and an and Mrs. Arthur Goldstein. Chil- being taken care of by Mrs. Irvin original poem by Abe Schneider. C. Levin, Chapter Chairman, GL Mrs. Philip Crandell will recite dren Who will participate In the2515; Hand Group, Mrs. Harry singing and dancing part of the a poem by David Ben Gurlon, Goldstrom, WA 4673 and Mrs. narration are Miss Madeline DolRefreshments will be served by goff. Miss Janice Katleman, Miss Henry Appel, GL 5638; Szold Mrs. Sam Rlfkln and co-hostess, Ronnie Mao Fisher and Miss Betty Group, Mrs. Benjamin Kahn, KE Mrs. Harry Rlfkln. All members ZoorwilL Furniture and props are 6035; Mrs. Sidney Tare, RE 0746; and friends arc invited to attend being furnished by State Furniture Mrs. William Flnkle, PL 5830; the program* and Goodwill. Accompaning at the Wcizmann Group, Mrs. J. E. KukMrs. Sam Novak Is cultural piano will be Mrs. Russell Blumen- lin, RE 2448; Mrs. Marvin Sadofchairman. sky, RE 3626; Mrs. M. Mintz, OR thal. 0878. Baby sitter service Is being Hadassah supplies all its ownprovided for those mothers who Institutions In Israel with linens, Mrs. Sam Cackin, a new mem- uniforms, medicine and other wish to bring their youngsters. ber, was welcomed to the group at Items. The Purchasing arid Sup- Mrs. Max Fromkln will act as a 1 p. m. luncheon meeting held plies Department of Hadaisah also narrator. last Tuesday at the home of Mrs. furnishes supplies to other state Jay Cohen. Mrs. Sam Sussman was Institutions in Israel. Mrs, Morris chairwomen for the afternoon. The Katloman, Chapter Chairman of *um of |32 dollars was donated for Hadassah Purchasing & Supplies project* aided by the group. The is being assisted by Mrs. M. A. next meeting will be held in April. Beredvld, Mrs. Gilbert Frledln and Mrs. J. J. Grcenbcrg of the Hcrz! Group, Mrs. Abo Roffman, Mrs. For an unusual and entertaining evening, members of Kadimah chapter of Pioneer women are asked to bring their husbands to the Falstaff pnrty room 8 p. m., « ™ , « « » » n—n roui Wim «. Tin Jtwlil) P K M ' Wednesday, March 31. Please oCtrntnt rait u M emu few Hcb Inter phone reservations to Llll Guss, ikm. Thf PTMI rtwrvts Ui« rlclit la UmJ< Rop«r "30"! GL 8340 or Rose Kaufman, PL I I M on taeb advirllMmcaL 7265, by Monday, March 29. Pauover Cards OAR and Ba» Mltzvah congratulations; also for all Jewish holiAUTOMATIC days and special occasions. Council Sabbath, the nnnual ob- Meyers News Stand. 1502 Dodce servance In which the National GAS RANGES Council of Jewish Women com-HOUSEWIVES—Address advertismemorates the historic, humani- ing postcards. Must have good tarian role of women, will take handwriting. LINDO 904, WaEnjoy all the tender quality ol choicplace this Friday evening (March tcrtown, Mass. est freshwiter fish . . . cooked t * 26) at Beth El Synagogue. AcMstriet easy payments on your gas bill home mide perfection! cording to Mrs, Harry Stoler, pres- WANTED—A violin for 12-yearident of the Omnha Section of the old boy. Please call JA 1366 Order Early! Council, the holiday has grcnt sig- Monday through Friday, 9 a. m. nificance for women today who to 5 p. m. or evening and SunTilt SjaM It Ywr Astwiiti if am leading efforts for human bet- day, HA 1204.


Sigma Alpha Mu

Bettylu Klufznick Engagement Told

Epstein'Morgan Aux.

Zeta Beta Tau


"Guess who baked my birthday cake!

Pioneer Women

Peret* Hershbein

Kadimah Chapter

Want Ads

*•• the Smntatlonal New 1954

Council Women


gef ilte fish

tunm AH mat ouuini




Fata Ms

Coiihcil Doings

atarcJi M, U M

Happy Birthday Stage Night Notes

Bar & Bas Mifzvah

The Youth Council Clubs have MuTOUAEL SHUKEBT, son or Friday, Much M announced the titles of their Stage the coming Stagenlght He and AZA NO. MO Howard Martin and Laja Saner- Night skits which will be pre-Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shukert, wlU celebrate his Bar Mltzvah this * At the last meetine. two new Us committee have been doing lak. sented In the Jewish Community evening and Saturday morning at committee chairmen were ap- terrific job in preparing for this Saturday. March XI Center Auditorium April 14. Beth Israel Synagogue. All mempointed. They are Bob Epstein, event Frances Rife, Mark Davis Roffwho will head the athletic comLast Monday. March . 23, theman, Herman Weinstcin and Karen The titles are as follows: Coun bers of the family and friends are dlettcs, "Notable Notes."1 Tikvas invited to attend the services and mittee and Kenny Freed, commu- Rayim Traveling Troupe held Helena Wine. And, "Curtain Going Up; ' Debka the receptions following both servnity service chairman. very successful performance at Sudsy, March tt last Tuesday Cnrnbelt Region the Veteran's Hospital. The show, Charles Randy Endetaian, .Ron- Debs, "Ob Boy!"; AZA No. 1. T h e ices. held an all-region free-throw tour- which contained acts put on byald Michael Fellman, Frances Battle of the Bassoons or Who nament Each chapter sent in membsrs of all Y. C dubs, was Lynn Homstein, Joyce Rita Koom, Blew that HornT" and AZA No. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shulman their scores, ad the winner will under direction of Bob Meyer and Gary Wayne Lewis and Harlan 100, "The Red Pony." announce that their son, DKHNIB, receive a trophy. All proceeds Marv Lincoln. The next show is Charles Rlmihennaii. The skit titles for Rayim and rill celebrate bis Bar Mltzvah Friare going to the Leo N. Levi scheduled to be at the ChUdrens Independents will be announced In day evening and Saturday momHoaday, March M Hospital, which is the National Memorial Hospital ing. April 2 and 3, at Beth H the next.article of this series. Gerald ML Goldstrom, Larry Co-chairmen of Stage Night, Synagogue. Friends and relatives AZA community servict project TIKVAS ASCI Kohn, Marshall Ian Lewis, Irvjn art invited to attend the services The weekend, the Cornbelt re- Friday night, March 26. the Barbara Joffe and Larry Epstein, Nathan, Patricia Anne Shafer and have announced that rehearsals are and receptions following the servgional meeting is going to be held In Lincoln. Jerry Rosen and Ken members of T. A. will attend serv- Paula Lynne Wolfson. coming along very well. The stage ices. XMaday, March M ny Freed are representing' Cen ices at the Beth El Synagogue. crew, under the direction of Jerry Following services, the girls will Stephen Francis Boguchwal, El- Margolin, Is alto making excellent tury Chapter. gather at the home of one of the len Marcia Goldstein, Larry Rob- progress. JDEBKADEBS members. ert Koom, Lynn Lozcrson, Dennis Debs will present their second Alan S c b u l m a n and Howard Sunday, March 28, a regular annual style show, Vanity Fair, 250 Youngsters at Thursday, April 1. Tickets are meeting will be held at the Jay, Slusky. Wedataday, March U now on sale and may be par-at 1:30 p. m. The exec, board will Purim Carnival Jeri Lyrm Falk and Jerold Ster chased from any Deb member. All meet at 1 p. m. Over two hundred-fifty youngproceeds will go to charity. Gen- The members of T. A. are now en Schneider. sters attended the Center Purim eral chairman is Janie Felbnan; taking o r d e r s for Passover Tbonday, April 1 SOUTH DAKOTA Carnival last Saturday. Nine cbiidecorations. Sue Simons; public- Candies. Anyone wishing to or- Steven David Chasen, Michael and ity, Lora Franklin; courtesy, Fay- der this candy, please contact any Robert Gendler, Judish Ann Susann Sokolof; refreshments. Bun' member. The candy comes In man, Tauba Rajzbaum and Jac- Jndaea croup* operated eighteen MINNESOTA LAKE aajuiting Mmiiawnent booths. The ny Ravitz; models, Gwen Staler. several varieties and is imported queline Thompson. FISH evening featured games, singing, The club will attend services for Passover from Israel. ProMESSCD WHILE tonight at Beth Israel synagogue, ceeds from the sale go to Israel. cepted for the Cancer's Confer- a dramatic show from each group, and refreshments. The girls of TJkvas Ami are now BalW YOU WAIT Commlttoe. Special fttpufcy go to Mrs. **""» Rayim extends to all teen-agers taking orders for Passover candy. NAMED CusUfUBsUl OK their cordial invitation to attend, The .candy is miported from Israel. "The Ace of Clubs," Saturday Proceeds go to the national Youth Deanne Markovttz and Marilyn Children Gomfnlttee and Mrs. MorTED'S TAVERN night, 8 p. m. at the Center, Social Judaea project, Tsoflm in Israel. Rice wffl head the Philanthropies rU Franklin and Mrs. Sol MlroB. The Zionist Youth Commission and third Seder Committee. Jean chairman Freddy Simon promises D*B SITUS SHOW 9202 N. 30tfc St. * very enjoyable eveningforall Lef* not forget to attend the Cutler and Judy Conn are toand the Jewish Community CenfL-4433 ter co-sponsored this gala affair. who attend. Deb Style show which will be held chare* of Conclave. Hike Solzman has been ap- April X Proceeds will go to BAYIM DANCE pointed production : manager for charity. Rayim has scheduled a mixer dance, "The Ace of Clubs,"tobe held March 27 at the Center. The Beth Israel to Hold dance will be open to all teenagers. Purim Carnival By Joan Krasae Beth Israel Club Tovun, Club Patronize Your Advertisers Tar Yag, Boys, Arts and Crafts The deadline for the next issue and Girls Arts and Craft and of the Youth Council News will Camera Club are sponsoring a be May 15. This will be the deadChildren's Purim Carnival to take line for the last edition of the place this Sunday. March 28 from paper to be' printed this. year. King and Queen of Merit will be 2 to 6 p. m. All children arc Invited to at- announced in this issue. Club retend the carnival. The admission porters are asked to submit a 175 price for children,is ten cents and word summary of their club's oc includes five tickets to the various tivities since last June. booths. Adults will be admitted to THANK YOU! the carnival only if accompanied The editor of the Youth CounSee Hradreds of Original Antiques by a child. Admission for adults cil News wished to acknowledge Exhibited ia is six cents and the admission in- the splendid co-operation which cludes three tickets to the games. was given her on the printing of A Purim show at 2 p. m. will the last paper. •tart the festivities. Many new LETTEB8 ENCOURAGED Famous Traroling Exhibition of the booths win appear at the carnival If you have any complaints, sugtUs year. There will be a bowling gestions, or questions, write a letgame, a voice-recording booth, and ter to Joan Krasne in care of the GrtMfteld Village. Dearborn. Mick. many other games of skill. Pop- Youth Council Doings. Nom-Decorn, hot dogs and pop will be sold. Plumes may be used. Prepared in Co-Operation with 20 Leading Purim King and Queen, Stanley STAQENIOHT BEHEABSAL8 RUG & UPHOLSTERY American Companies Under the Local 'Greenfield and Marlene Friedman Stagenlgbt .chairmen s h o u l d CLEANERS. Will officially open the carnival. check the list of rehearsals careThe Beth Israel P-TA is helping fully. It Is posted In the Y. C •UM — CAtmtMO the children with the CarnML office. 1AMP SHAMS AiMuioabFrMtoAII The entire affair win be run on COMMITTEE OPEN RIKMITUU • a non-profit bash. Applications are still being acSpecial Evears Ceater Bgafa I Cleaned ia YPMT H M M I



YC Utter



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Friday. March tfl, 1954

Religious News 6:24 I*. M. Cnndlflighting BETH ISRAEL Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Ell Kagan. and the Beth toad Synagogue choir will conduct late Friday evening services, at 8 p. in. Sabbath morning services begin at 830 a. m. Junior congregation service* start at 9:30 a. ro. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Saturday Talmud class at 6 p. m.; Saturday Mlneha win start at 6:30 p. m., followed by Sholoshe B'eudos andMaariv. Daily morning service* begin at 7 a. in.: dally afternoon services begin at 6:30 p. m. Sunday morning breakfast nrinyan meets at 8:45 a. m. and is followed by Rabbi Grater's Bible Discussion class. The youngsters of the Tails and TeffUln dub begin their services at 8:80 a. m. Breakfast Is served at the conclusion of • their services. The Talmud Discussion group, currently studying the tractate Sabbath, meets evesy Tuesday evening at 8 p. m. under the direction of the rabbi at BHH Synagogue, 19th and Hurt.


Obituary Oscar Slutifcy Services vilere held Monday, March 22, fall Oscar Slutzky with Interment at Beth El Cemetery. Mr. Slutzky died Monday, March 22. in a loco] hospital. He was a member of the Workmen's Circle and the Henry Monsky Lodge of. B'nai B'rith. Survivors Include his w i f e , Sarah; a son, Dr. Benjamin Slutzky; two daughters, Lillian Slutzky and Mrs. Ralph Nogg; and six grandchildren.

Gems of the Bible and Talmud Bj OIL PHILIP 8UDI By Dr. Philip Slier Bible Most men will proclaim their own goodness; but a fa||hful man who can find? Be not thou envious of evil men, neither desire to be with them. Through wisdom Is a house built and by understanding Is it established. Talmud It happened that a pestilence raged in Sura, but In the neighborhood where Rab resided the pestilence was not prevalent. The townsmen concluded that this was because of the special merits of Rab. In a ilream they were told that this would but in a small way demonstrate Rab's merits, but that this manifestation occurred in con' sideratlon of the merits of a man who lent without compensation his hoe and tools needed for digging graves. In tho city of Darogroth, the residing place of Rabbi Huna, there was a great conflagration but In the neighborhood where Rabbi Huna lived the fire did not reach. It was thought that it was on account of thdl merits of Rabbi Huna that the neighborhood was spared. But they were told in a dream that this would |jc but a small recognition for R^bbi Huna's merits and that it was ifncrcly in consideration of a certain woman who would heat her oVcn and then place It without compensation at the disposal of such as desired to bake their bread,



Philanthropies Women's Honor Roll for 1954 These arc the women who have volunteered this year aa workers in a most crucial and critical campaign for all Jewish needs—in Israel, in America, and in Omaha. They have undertaken to see through the campaign of mercy among the ranks of Omaha women, by carrying the mewuige of the campaign to' some 2,400 women in the community, •

Chairwomen 'Mm. Aaron Rips Chairman; Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, Mrs. Max Greenberc and Mrs, Harry Itavitz, co-chairmenj jMr». Mike Freeman, Organizations; Mrs. Bichard Hiller, Follow-Up; and Mrs. Hymfln Qrcenberg, Business and Professional.

Advisory Council Mrs. Edward B. Brodkey, Mrs. Dave Colin, Mrs. David Oreenberg, Mrs. Joe J, Qreenberg, Mm. Morris Katinman, Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofaky, Mm Ltmis Knlakofsky, Mrs. Lewis Ncveleff, Mrs. Albert B. Newman, Mrs. Henry A. Newman, Mrs. Jules M. Newman, Mrs. Ernest A. Nog:*, Mrs. David 8herman, Mrs. Hubert Sommer, and Mrs. Harry Tnistin.

. Volunteer Workers

Mmea.: Isadore Abramson Arthur Adlcr Louis Albert Winiam Alberts Leon Alexander Maurice Alperin . Harry Altsulcr Sam Appleman Max Arbltman Morris Arkin Herman Auerbach Services will be held this eveRobert Baker ning at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer a Lloyd Bank Krlpke wlU deliver the sermon. Julius' Barren Canter Aaron L Edgar and the Joe Batt Beth Q Synagogue Choir will renDavid E. Belwr der the musical portion of the Ezra Beldner service. Jacob Bercovid Sabbath morning services will M. A. Bercovtd begin at 9:45 o'clock. Junior ConClarence Bergman gregation services) will be at 10:30 Sam Bergman a, m. Mlncha-Moariv services will David Bernstein start at 6:13 p. m. Robert Bernstein Dally services are held each David Blacker week day at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. Paul Blotcky The Sunday morning service Is at Harold Bloom 9 a.m. William Boasberg Herman Bondarin TEMPLE ISRAEL Rueben Bordy At the regular Sabbath Services Abo H. Brodkey Friday evening at 8 o'clock "Isaac David Brodkey Mayer Wise Memorial Sabbath" Edward D. Brodkey will be observed, as it will be In Edward E. Brodkey all Reform congregations. ApproEdwin E. Brodkey priate to this special Sabbath, Fred D. Brodkey Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks will preach Harold B. Brodkey on "What A Liberal Faith Really Louis Conor Means." Mrs. Adolf Mayer will reR. Max Canar cite the blessing over the Sabbath David M. Chapman candles and Mr. Leslie Burkenroad Isadora Chapman will recite the Klddush. , Harold Chernlack Regular Shabbos Morning ServJay Chernlack ices will be held Saturday at 11:40 Isaac Chorniss a. m. Rabbi Brooks will conduct Harry B. Cohen the service, assisted by'the stuFelicia Abramson and Barbara Herman Cohen dents of the Hebrew' Department Conn, program co-chairman, have Max E. Cohen of the Religious School. Klddush announced die! entertainment proSam Cohen for an present will follow the gram for the Junior Hadassah Arthur A. Cohn services. *.;' .• '. • ' ' • ; . ' ' First Annuil Spring Dance. MadeBennett L. Cohn The observance marks the 133th line Dolgoff, daughter of Mr. and Dave Cohn anniversary of the birth of the Mrs. Sol Dolgoff, and Benny Julius M. Cohn founder of the American Reform "Abramson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Cohn i v i o v c i u c n t • • -•" . - . •• \- •• _-. . • E. Abramson, will sing. A panto. Samuel H. Davis mine win lie presented by Marlys Melvin Dolgoff Isack, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry DuBoff J, Isack. .-;: Harry Eiscnstatt Allen Abramson, son of Mrs. Leo Elsenstatt Izadore Elewitz . Mrs. David Diamond of Lincoln E. Abramiion will be master of David B. EpcteJn will be honored on her 80th birth- ceremonies, . Tbe dam* will be Sunday, April WlUiam Epstein day at a Oneg Shabbat at Tifereth Moritz Ermann Israel Synagogue in Lincoln, Fri- 4, 8:30 p. m. at tbe JCC Audi: torium. Tickets which will be Harold P. Farbcr day, April 2 at 9 p. m. $2.20 per couple, may be bought Homer- Farber Serving as hostesses will be Mrs. David P. Feoer Edwin Katzkcc, Mrs. Harry Levin- at the ~ door. Dancing music win Robert Feinberg son, Mrs. Alan Katzkee and a be provided by Ernie Priesnian \ Abe C. FeUman ' grand-daughter. Miss Gall Katz. and his oijchestra. Charles FeUman keei. .. • ."'•' • .. Leon E. FeUman Out-of-town guests will include Morris C. FeUman her daughter, Mrs. William Frank Hyman Fever of Indianapolis, Ind. Friends are The Women's Business and ProAlfred Fiedler Invited to attend. fcnlonal Division workers of the Stanley Flsk Philanthropies Campaign, under Albert .Fox the guidance of Mrs. Hyman E. Philip Fox Greenberg, held a meeting lost Alfred Frank Sunday afternoon and completed Alexander D. Frank Rabbt Benjamin Groner of Beth plans for a supper meeting of the Herman Franklin Israel Synagogue will conduct a unit to bl! held Wednesday eveMorris M. Franklin Passover "Scderama" 8:30 p. m., ning, April 7, at the Jewish ComJohn J. Frelden Thursday, April 1, in the social munity Cqnter. Arthur Friedman The names of the workers in hall Procedures of the seder will Herman Friedman this unit are listed on Page 7. bo described and explained folJacob J. Friedman lowed by a question and answer Max Fromkln period. Tho "Scderama" is sponsored by the Beth Israel P-TA. Tonight (Friday 2G) 10 USXert will nrrlvs from Kansas City to Rebecca Bercovid The Red Cross conducted disas- spend the weekend with Omaha Myrtle Freeman ter relief operations in 45 states, USVT, Far information contact Fayo Gcrellck Alaska, and three Insular posses- Sheldon Rips. Ahuvah Gershatcr AU thdio who plan to go to sions last year. Rena Gross USY Carlip this summer on a RoseUa Handler The President of the Red Cross scholarship contact Sheldon Rips. Elizabeth Hart At the fiext meeting a Passover is a full-time volunteer who reEvelyn Levy program Is planned. ceives ho salary.

Junior Hadossoh Will Hold Donee

80th Birthday Fete For Mrs. p . Diamond

B&P Women Plan Supper Meeting

Rabbi Groner to Hold Passover *Sederama.'

United Youth

Vines.: Albert Gaer Mmes.: Ernest A. Nogg "Jacob Garon E. Leo Nogg Samuel Geifman Nathan L. Nogg Phil Gerenck Sidney Novak Stewart GUinsky Sam OrtaH Albert A. Oruch Sidney Goldbers David Goldman ' Sol Panow Richard Goldhan Ben Perelman Harry Perimeter Arthur H. Goldstein Lawrence Plattner Herman Goldstein Alex Plotkln ' Leonard Goldstein WUttam Polack Paul K-. Goldstein Sam Pollak Jacob Goodblnder Arthur M. Green William Racusin WUttam Raduztner Jack M. Green Jack Raznlck Sam H. Green Bruce E. Greenberg Morton Richards Carl Rlekes Dave E. Greenberg Henry L. Greenberg Henry Rlekes Joe J. Greenberg N. Julian Rips Maynard M. Greenberg Norman D. Rips David Grass Abraham Roffmon Gary O. Gross • Morris Roltstein Gerald S. Gross Miltard Rosenberg S. Elmer Gross Philip Rosenblatt Sam Rothenbexg Max1 Grossman Charles Guss Meyer N. Rubin Joe Guss Max Scheuermarai Leonard Segal Ben Handler Irving Herzog Richard Settner Morton HlDer David Sherman Joe B. Homsteln Irvln Sherman Jack Jacobson Louis Shrier Walter Jacobton Harry Sidman Howard Kaplan. Robert SDverman Lazar Kaplan Ervin Simon . Nathan Kartman Stuart Simon Abe Sklar Ben E. Kaslow 'Sidney Sneider Stanley Katelmon Izadore Sokolof Morris Kattenan Sidney Katleman Louis Sombcrg Louis Katz Hubert Sommer Julius Katzman Alfred Sophir Joseph Soshnlk Charles Kimmel Joseph Kirsbenbaum George Spitzex Robert H. Kooper Morris Stalmastcr Dave Stein David L. Krantt Julius Stein — Manuel Krupinsky Arthur Kulakofsky Abraham1 A. Steinberg J. Barry Kulakofsky Albert, Steinberg Sam S. Steinberg Leonard Kulakofsky . M. F. Lcvenson Charles Stem Joe J, Levey Sam H. Stern Inrln C Levin Harry Stoler Edward Levinson Oscar Sutin Sidney Taren Isldor Levinson Aaron L. Levitt Marvin Treller Isadore M. Tretiak Louis Lewis Harcy Trustin Morris Unsman Louis E. Ltpp AUen Tally Philip Turek Morris Llpp Nathan Turner James L, Lipsey Stanford Lipsey Abe V, Venger Joe Upton Paul Veret Leo Waxenberg Edward Malashock David Monvitz Isadore H. Welner Isadore M, Welner Ruben Marcus Jack W. Marer Leo Weitz Irvin White J. Milton Margolin Alfred S. Mayer Harry D. Wigodsky Ernest Wintroub Owen Meyerson Phlnaes Wintroub Edward E. Milder Albert L. Wohlner Howard Milder AUcn Wohlner Jerome J. Milder • Led" Milder Bernhordt Wolf Samuel N. Wolf Hubert Monsky Harry Mulnlck Max Wolfson Lewis Neveleff J. Lewis Yager Sam Zacharia Jack Newberg Albert B. Newman . Irvine B. Zlegman Edward Zorinsky Ben Newman Misses.: Fannie Grodlsky Henry A. Newman Maurice Newman Rose Grodinsky

Business and Professional Group Sally Newman Sylvia Parilman Dorothy Rosenthal Joanne Simon Ida Spring JnBaZuker lira, Maurice Bernstein Mrs, Herman Bondarin -,

Mrs. LDansky Mrs. Alvin Gorodctzcr Mrs. David Greenberg Mrs. Eve Koneeky Mrs. Peter Meyers Mrs. Jennie Rosenblatt Mrs. Philip D. Schwartz Mrs. Fan Sherman- .

Friday, March 16, 1»M


B'nai B'rith Bowling

YC Boy's Bowling Jerry Zlcgman and Fred Simon led Rayim Sew Grezl to first place in the American division in league play with a 55, 513 series respectively. American Division W L. Rayim MSG 49 20 IND EBG . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 8 21 Rayim X*s 45 24 AZA 100A 37 32 AZA 1 Gutter Goons ..34 35 AZA 1 Zorches 33H 35tt AZA 100 Gutter Gangs.32H 36V4 Rayim K 27 42 Rayim M Jabs . . . 2 2 47 AZA 1 We Goofed 17 52 High Game* and Series Jerry Zlegman, 201—655: Fred Simon, 179—513, and Tanny Horwich. 179—453. National Division

Ad Libbing

Anti-Defamation league Detailed Information from t h e Anti-Dofumatloon League of B'nal B'rith enabled police- in the TrlMajor Classic Cities area (Rock Island and Mo* W. L. line, 111., and Davenport, la.) to Pioneer Uniform . . . , . , . . . 2 3 16 apprehend two young vandals who Union Freight Z....22 17 last month had plastered antiKalman Ins. 21 18 Semitic stickers on more than 50 Nog Bros. 21 18 On Sunday, April 11, at 2 p. m. lection of the 7-Bth grade all-star business establishments in the Wardrobe . . . . 2 1 tt in the center auditorium the J. C. team. area. Impeo 18 31 C Midget Basketball league will Invitations will be sent out to Robert A. Milner, 19, and EdFnnklin Distr. 17 32 hold Its second Annual Father-' the dads. Next week Is the final ward R. Fields, 21, both chiropracSon program. AU tethers and midget league game of the season. 1-Go Van 13 26 sons are Invited to attend. Max tic students, were taken Into cusWe hope all the players will help tody last week after ADL informMinor Classic Platt, chairman for the affair, an- urge their dads to attend Sunday's ed police that they were "logical W L. nounces that Bill Bergesch, newly game and also to send in their resuspects." B o t h confessed, alSmith Pontiac 25 14 appointed General Manager of the turn to attend the honors prothough Fields admitted only to Best Appliance 23 16 Omaha Cardinals, will be the gram Sunday, April I t participating in Rock Island. Ha Paramount Mkt . . . . 2 2 1*~ guest speaker and he will show Refreshments will be served at denied placing any stickers In Venger A Sons 21 18 films or the 1953 World Series. Davenport. Father-Son Midget program. Ofcquot Club 18 21 Highlighting the affair will be Police Magistrate Edmund Car, Wayne Auto 17 22 the awarding of new J. J. Greenroll ordered Mllncr to apologize to Forbes Bakery 17 22 berg trophy to the Most unproved Widman, Somberg 14 Davenport merchants whoso H. Z. Vending 13 26 S-6th grader in league play. This AZAl Bboscrs 49 17 stores he admitted-defacing with new award will be given by Bucky All-Star Repeats AZA 1 Clams 46M 19H the stickers, or face a 30-day Jail Greenberg, a m e m b e r of Jay This year's Youth Council All- AZA Centurymfn ....4054 28tt sentence. No charges were mads A Division W. L. Health and Physical Education Star team has real balance. The Rayim Strikes & Spares 40 29 against Fields. Rock Island auGreenberg Ins Agency . . . . 25 14 committee and son, of the late J. J. five boys selected were unanimous AZA 1 BltkHers 38 31 thorities said they could not Uko Belmont Jewelry 23 16 Greenberg. Also on the program choices by the three coaches, ath Rayim H 37 32 actlono against the pair because Pepsi Cola 23 16 will be the awarding of medals to letlc director -and referee who Rayim Sand P"s 37 32 the offense Is a misdemeanor In ' Morris Paint Store , 23 16 the league champions and the so- made the selection. They are Stan Ind. Sleepers 33 35 Illinois and not extraditable, CrosstownTV 22 17 Widman, Ray Somberg, Harlan AZA 1 No Name* . . . . 1 6 53 Tne crudely printed stickers Nebraska Furn Mart 20 19 Rosen, Speedy Zwelback and Al Rayim Screwballs S 64 bore the legend "This place It Grace Mayer Ins Co. . . . . 19 20 Jr. Sports Bowling Corey. Widman and Somberg were Owned By Jews" and also "AntlHigh Games and Series 11-Worth Grill 18 21 A three way tie stands for first awarded this same honor last year Howard Kooper, 182—519; How. Jewish Week Feb. 21-28." They Gerelick Motor Co 17 22 place between Alley Sluggers, and were easily the outstanding ftrd Goldstein, 200-487, and Ray had been pasted on store windows Lyns Florist 16 23 Strikes and Spares and Bowling players, Widman finished with 263 Klrke, 173—475. owned by both Jews and nonMilder Oil Co 16 23 Bums. Jews. points while Somberg had 219. Hinky Dinky Stores 12 27 Other scores were Rosen (167) League Standings William G. Plwley, a member of High Game* and Series Corey (175) and Zwelback (121). Y. C. Girls Bowling the Anti-Defamation League staff W. L. . Jack Epstein, 209-562; Dave Alley Sluggers:. 16 4 in Chicago, Is credited with supThe league winning Independ Hoberman, 512; Dick Spiegal, 544; Bowling Bums . . . . . . . 16 W L. plying police with the names of 4 cnts had the most team balance. Yale Richards, 200—521; Leo Strikes A Spares . . . . 16 Mileroma ..28% 15Vithe culprits. Routine reports sent 4 Abramson, 523; Dan Cohen, 530; Lucky Ladles 27 17 In by the Regional Offices of the 12 8 Zwciback was their floor leader Debs Nebs Harry Paskowitz, 5-7, 5-10, 517;Gutter Boys . . . . . . . . 11W 8% and scored in their needed mo- Gutter Gal* 25% 18%ADL revealed that Milner and ments, while Rosen did the reMorry Adler, 513; Bud Falk, 509; Tough Turkeys 11 9 Scoreless Fourless . . . . 2 4 20 Fields, now living in Davenport, bounding and finished third In Jack Saferstein, 525, and Herb Alley Rats . . . . . . . . . . 11 9 Chicks 24 20 had formerly cooperated with the scoring. Somberg and Corey were Slick Meiches, 219-504. Beer Framcra . . . . . . . 11 9 3 Strikes & a Spare . . . 2 3 21 National Citizens Protective As* High Hitters . . . . . . . . 1054 9H the offensive leaders for Rayim. Starlets 23 21 sodatlon, an anti-Semitic outfit in Parkway Dlv. Lucky Duckys . . . . . . . 10 10 They played especially well and Alley Cats 23 21' St. Louis operated by John Hamwere their team's top reboundcrs. W. L Hep Cats . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 La Fa Ma Rl 23 21 ilton, a former Gerald L, K. Smith For AZA 1, Stan Widman was Ranks Army Goods . . . 2 8 11 Nifty Hitters . . . . . . . . 7 Leaflets and pamphlets 13 21 23 associate. their best performer. The high Lucky Strikes originating w i t h the Hamilton Borshelm Jewelry , . . . 2 5 14 Gutter Gerties . . . . . . 6 14 All Strikes . . . . . . . . . . . 1 9 25 jumping junior Improved with group, had been mailed anonyWolfson Gerber 22% 16% Eager Beavers ...... 5 IS Lane Lassies . . . . . . . . . 1 9 25 Liberty Gas 21% 17: Bowling Babes 5 15 every game and will be back next Lucky Losers . . . . . . . . . 1 7 27 mously from the Tri-Cltles area to year to harass Mother chapter opi n d i v i d u a l s and organizations Sol Lewis 20 19 Bowling Dolls 1 19 ponents. Widman and Zwciback Bowling Belles . . . . . . . 1 1 33 throughout Iowa. Through' the; Playland Park 19 20 "100" Bowlers High Five Averages local B'nai B'rith group there, National Tire . . . . . . . . . 1 9 20 Howard Wcinberg, 161; John are juniors, while Al Corey, a Phyllis Rosen, Debs Nebs, 145; Richman Gordman . . . . 1 8 21 Rickes, 156; Jeanne Silver, ISO; transfer from New York is only a Tcvee Bernstein, 3 Strikes & a Pinslcy advised police to look for Mllncr and Fields. sophomore. The graduating sen Phllco Brandcis 17 22 Larry Gillnsky, 145; Dale Kasin, Sparc, 136; Barbara Joffe. StarPrucka Trans 16 23 131; Walt Wise. 128; Mike Platt, Ion are Ray Sombcrg and Tiny lets, 132; Laurie Oruch, La Fa A check of ADL files revealed Riteway TV 15 24 127; Doug Platt, 124; Tom Platt, Rosen. Ma Rl, 127; Toby Okrent, Star- Fields' prior activities in Atlanta. Rosen Novak 13 26 118; Judy Plattner, 111; B1U KatzFor their outstanding perform lets, 125; Elaine Krantz, 3 Strikes Ga., where he was active with the man, 110; Clark Swartz, 104, and ances in Youth Council basketball & High Game* a Spare, 122; Florlne Sokolof. now defunct Columbians, a neofascist group dedicated to vioHarold Bloom, 212; A. Bear, Stuart Kutlcr, 103. play this past season, these five Lane Lassies, 122. lence, and the so-called Christian 207; Barney Hoberman, 202; Harboys will be awarded special High Five Games vey Lipman, 192, 187-520. and M. medals at the Annual Award Night Judy Conn, Deba Nebs. 154; Anti-Jewish Party, which malls Hadassoh Bowling large quantities of hate-indtlnK Sacks, 190-177—519. program, May 18. Phyllis Rosen, Debs Nebs, 153; literature throughout the country. W. L. HlgbSerlM Toby Okrent, Starlets, 152; Elaine 39 27 Harold Bloom, 166-163-212— Nogg Bros Krantz, 3 Strikes * a Spare, 147; When apprehended, the pair adthat they had visited Ham541, and Abe Bear, 207-161—524. Brandcis Klcerchrome . . . . 36 30 Phyllis Rosen, Debs Nebs. 139. mitted Edwards Jewelry....... -, 35 31 ilton's group in S t Louis. On their nigh Five Series Brandcis Easy Washer . . . . 32 34 Due to the fact that three memreturn to Davenport, they were Krlleyn "IV Dhv Phyllis Rosen, Debs Nebs, 292; sent anti-Semitic literature and a 32 34 bers of the O. P. Skaggs Team W. I* RCA Victor Elaine Krantz, 3 Strikes & a 32 34 were In Sioux City last Sunday rubber stamp with which they Bennett Furniture , . 2 6 13 Smith Pontiac Millie Wine 31 35 for the "Jay's Midget and Youth Spare, 284; Judy Cohn, Debs prepared the stickers. They told M*gl-Color Paint Nebs, 279; Toby Okrent, Starlets, C o u n c i l All-Star Basketball Mctz Beer 27 39 police that following their van(Brandds) 26 13 Double-Header," the scores of this 261; Dody Shapiro, All Strikes, danlsm, they had contacted the St. High Series and Game* Mid Plains Insurance . . 25 14 Louts hate group to nsk for an atLiberty Faier. 466, 181; Audrey team will be published in the next 260. Robinson Iron & Metal 22 17 of the Jewish Pres* followtorney and bond money in case Watson Bros. Trans. Co. 21 18 Klrshenbaum. 431; Ann Schulman, issue ing their roll-off. Tho scores of they were caught. But the HamSlosburg Realty 18 21 428; Marge Fromkln, 425; Evie their opponents, Gamble Robinson GI Wins Payment ilton group dismissed their re-''' Rice. 424; SalUe Malashock, 419; Louis Market 18 21 Fruit Co., will also be printed at From German Trust quest, telling the pnlr they- were South Omaha Sun . . . 16 23 Ruth Sokolor. 414; Dina Bloom, that time. on their own. . ' ~""H. A. Wolf Insurance . . 15H 23% 409; Addie Snelder, 406; Kitty Mannheim (JTA)—An AmeriSimons Jewelry 7t4 31ft Asbyll, 400 and Charlotte Blum- Mike Platt was h i g h in the can GI who brought a $200,000 suit The vandalism, wWch occurred league with his 295 series. He had against IG-Farbcn for back wager at the start of Brotherhood Week, Evening High*—HIG, Jerry Free- berg. 400. 8pUU games of 148-147. and damages resulting from his aroused the communities In the) man, 195; HIS, Kurt Hlrschlnger, Min Frank, 6-7-10, and Marge The high game of the day was laving worked as a slave laborer area. There were strong denuncia562 (new season high); HTG, Mid Fromkln, 6-7. in an IG-Farbcn factory attached tlonos from local pulpits; in the fired by Jack Lteb, a 172. Plains Insurance, 754 and HTS, Florence Shrago took all the to tho Oswleclm concentrator press and by civic organizations Mid Plains Insurance, 2.213. honors In the girls' division. This camp has reached an out-of-cour* and city officials. Otbrr nigh gMres—A. Tully, little kcgler Indicated that her 99 settlement, it was learned here Magistrate Carroll rebuked an : 171: Al Altaian, 166-462; J. (phaaverage will bo getting better. She Tho terms of the settlement were offer from a representative of the . sed, 166; I. Davis, 191; B. Wagner, kept secret. composed games of 141 and 113 chlroprnctlc school the youths at- . 162: S. Bon, 168-176—481; M. The GI, Rudolph Waxman of to pay any fines Milner might Sacks, 163-460: N. Denenberg, 2:00 p. m. Mogen-David Wine for a beautiful 254 series. Hollywood, brought suit agalns* tend * Howard Meyers converted the the giant German chemical trus' have incurred. IBS—472; H. Abramson. 165; M. vs. S. Riekcs. while he was attached to an AmerHeyerson, 170—461; B. Rlfkta,180; 2:30 p, m. 11-Worth Grill vs. 5-10 split Standings ican Army unit In Germany. He YC Girls Volleyball t Sabes, 163-165—471; HJ Abra Pacific Fish. brbught his suit in an American 3:00 p. m. I-Go Van vs. Hires W L. hamson, 162. and K. Hlrschinger, No. 1 after winning: O. P. Skaggs 33' 13 court which, over the objections of theCouncilcttcs Root Beer. 190-192—180. season play In the .30 18 a high-priced battery of IG-Far-1 V. C.regular 3:30 p. m. Sample Fur vs. Gere- Maypers league for the L Ncbr. Furniture Mart 30 18 bcn lawyers, ruled that it hm second Volleyball lick Motors. . Ladles League straight year have starturisdlctlon over the case because Wolfson Gerber Auto W. L. PFC Waxman was n member of ed the top four team diminution 25 H 22 £ the occupation forces. Wolf Bros 54U 32U Temin. 184—177; Ruth Sokolof, Sales playoffs for the Annual trophy by Playland Park 24 24 National Tire & Supply 4 9 4 37*4 177—176; Flora Bloom, 175-470; 11-Worth Grill . . . . . . 22 26 Since the beginnini; of this year defeating Counclloltc No. 3 15-2, R & S Shoes 47 40 I-aRclno LcVlne, 176—461; Ksther amble Robinson however, American court3 in Ger- 15-7. Jean Cutler led the nttack many have been curtailing their with her fine nil nrouni] play, Philip* Dcpt. Store . . . 4 6 4 40H Ross, 178—461; Eudlce Cannr, Fruit Co 21H 26!4 11-Worth Grill 46 41 158-453; Rac Wintroub, 164— Industrial Chemical . . 21 27 Jurisdiction over civil cases. For while Carole Frank stood out for this imd other reason. Mr. WaxColony Club 43 44 445; Helen Tarnoff, 179-443; American Lumber and man's attorney decided to make the losers. Omaha Jobbing 43 44 Hose Oruch, 441; Diane Rubin, Supply Co In tho second contest, Debs No. 18tt 29'/4 an out-of-court settlement. 156-440; LJbby Sachs, 176—439; Morris Point Hamilton Phnrmncy . . . 4 3 44 1, winner of the trophy lmt yenr 14 54 33'A When a youth, Waxman a memLyn's Florist 42 45 Helen Shukcrt, 160—438; Gertie ber of a Gorman Jewish fumily second seeded T. A. 15-11, High Games and Series Angle's Beauty Shop ..42 45 Zovitz, 437; Betty Pcrleman, Mike Platt 148-147—295 was sent to the conecntrallor J5-7. The Debs were led by Judy Country Club Grocery .41 46 171—136; Phyllis Turek, 43; Dora Jack Lieb 172-119—291 camp nnd assigned to tho IG- Rosen, Phyllis Rosen, Rocky and Shukert's Mkt 40 47 Welnberg, 431; Millie Greenberg, David Wintroub . . . 140-129—269 Fnrben plant at Monowitz, a satel- Judy Cohn and Murt Green. lite camp at Oswleeim. There he Matlee Katlemnn was the T. A. Smith Pontiae . . . . . . . 4 0 47 167—429, and Pauline Hoberman, Jim Sophir 152-107—259 suffered physical Injuries and Douglas Jewelry . . . . . 4 0 47 424. John Riekcs 148-107-555 mental suffering. Ho was liberated star. In the double elimination SpllU Kish Furs 3954 47% Florence Shrago . . . 141-113—254 by the Allies and oflcr the war play, a team must lose two Mystic Beauty Shop ..39 48 Rose Sacks, 4-7-10; Charlotte. Bemlc Grossman . . 126-123—249 went to the V. S. His suit asked matches, which gives the first • High Game* «ad Series 10; Flora Bloom. 24-10, and Bruce Bloom 134-95—229 * 18,000 In back wages and the re- round losers an opportunity to Liberty Faier. 206--486: Evelyn Rose Oruch, 6-7-10. Marc Samuelson . . . 111-110—221 mainder In damages and K'flal fees come back and win. By Llndj Paul

Bergesch of Omaha Cards To Speak at Father-Son Fete

Jr. B. B. Bowling

Midget Schedule For Sunday

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