April 2, 1954

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wsMolMt «JSi"!L,*i. »l Po vot XXXII-NO, 30 *gjg"o'Z*gSSi2P SS'


KMinuka. inW An M urn.


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Biit i Dolua

Mrs. Douglas Will Speak Wednesday Israel-Jordan Talks Put Off

Attention The telephone number of the Jewish PTOM ha*1 been changed to 1\ ISM.

Soviets Veto Blockade Issue

At Philanthropies Women's Luncheon

United Nations, N.Y; (JTA)— • United Nations, N. Y. <JTA)The Soviet Government Tuesday used its veto righto In the United tinltcd Nations Secretary General Nations to veto a resolution In the Dag Hammarskjold Indicated that " Helen Galmgan Douglas, one of. UN Security Council calling upon he does not consider the projected America's best known women Egypt to abandon Its anti-Israel Israel-Jordan direct talks in Jerublockade of the Suez Canal, and loaders, will be guest of honor at salem on armistice problems as authorizing the Israel-Egyptian the city-wide women's dessert Washington (JTA) — A diplo- Mixed Armistice Commission to cancelled. luncheon of the Jewish Philanmatic delegation representing the 1 Mr. Hammarskjold Issued a seven Arab League nations served deal with Egypt's interference thropies on Wednesday, April 7, with shipping proceeding to thi statement emphasizing that he notice on Secretary of State John Israeli port of Elath on the Gulf at 12:30 p, m. at tho Beth Israel considers that Article XII of the Foster Dulles t h a t the Arab of Akaba. Synagogue, 52nd and Charles Israel-Jordan armistice agreement League was prepared "automatThe resolution, which was introStreets. and instantly" to wage war duced —according to which a party to ically by New Zealand, was backed against Israel should Israel take Actress and Statcstvoman the agreement may call upon htm any "expansionist or aggressive by the United States, Britain and "We will be privileged to have France and received eight of the fa convoke a conference—is man- action." as our guest a truly outstanding 11 votes at Tuesday's voting. datory upon him. The statement The Ambassador of Iraq, Jor- The Soviet vote cast by Andrei and magnlfieant woman," Mrs. dan, Lebanon and Syria, Saudi explained that Mr. Hammarskkilled the resolution reAaron Rips, Chalrmari of tho Womaccompanied by the Egyp- Vlshinsky iold's decision not to pursue the Arabia, gardless of the number of votes tian and Yemenite Charges d'Af- cast en's Division, said; "Mrs. Douglas in favor. matter for the present "has only falrcs spent over an hour with was named as 'one of the twelve In addition to Mr. Vlshinsky, a the immediate significance that Secretary Dulles, Assistant Secremost brilliant women in'.the world' ho has found present circum- tary Henry A. Byroade, and other vote against the resolution was cast by Dr. Charles Malik of LebHelen Gahagan Douglas in n recent poll of newspaper edistance* would not warrant his fix- leading State Department offi- anon. Those who voted In favor of cials. tors. She has achieved widespread ing a date for the conference to the resolution included: New ZeaWhen the Arata delegation recognition tor tier statesmanship which he has already Invited Is- emerged from Mr. DuUcs's office, land, U n i t e d States, Britain, Dr. Levine Re-Elected and her dramatic art." rael and Jordan." Lebanese Ambassador Charles Ma- France, Denmark, Brazil, Colom- President of JNF bia and Turkoy. The representaHelen Gnhagan Douglas, wife of lik Identified h i m s e l f , as the New York (JTA)—Dr. Harris J. This decision, the statement tive of Nationalist China abstained. Levine, president ot the Jewish MeWyrv D6«g\ns, a noVen actress stressed, does not bar a follow-up spokesman designated by t h e Explaining his opposition to the has starred in such plays as "Mary, National Fund of America, was Oh the part of the UN Secretary group. He said Mr. Dulles was General of previous contracts, if Informed that "If the mounting resolution, Mr. Vlshinsky said that elected to his fifth consecutive Queen of Scotland," "The Cat and he should consider that a change tension In the Near East, which his government advocates an ap- term. The annual meeting of tho The Fiddle," "Tonight or Never," of the situation would warrant is caused by Iaraol, should lead peal to Israel and Egypt to settle JNF who elected a board of direc- and others. Shu served as a memsuch a step. ' The statement was Israel to any expansionist or ag- the matter "by direct1 negotia- tors consisting of prominent Zion- ber of the United States Congress issued to counteract a report from gressive action concerning any of tions." He criticized the countries ist leaders. It was supplemented for three terms, representating Jordan to the effect that the stand their countries, the other coun- which announced their support of by 12 mcmbers-nt-lnrgo represent- California. taken by Mr. Hammarskjold on tries, being all bound together by the resolution and said that It is ing a cross-section of Jewish comKey Event the proposed Israel-Jordan confer- the Arab collective security pact, the view of the Soviet Govern- munity life in Amorlcor Every Jewish woman in Omaha ence in Jerusalem Implies that he would regnrd such an action as be- ment that the resolution will not Mendel N, Fisher, executive diconsiders the attitude adopted by ing upon them all and would auto- help in the Israel-Arab situation rector, announced that the sum of has been Invited to attend this key t h e Jordanian Government as matically and Instantly come to since no decision can be "imposed" $200,000,000 has been raised in the event In the Jewish community, the support of the attacked coun- upon any nation against her will. United States by the Fund since and is urged to attend. Mrs. Mil"correct." try with nil tho means at their "The veto saves the Security Its inception 53 years ago. Much ton R. Abrahams is designing speMr. Hammarskjold makes it dlsposnl." Council" and did not lower its of the money ,he said, was con- cial theme decorations foe this ocdear in his statement that his deprestige, Mr. Vlshinsky said. The tributed in dollar bills, quarters casion, Mrs. Rips said. cision not to pursue the mutter New Zealand resolution demon- and even d i m e s and nickels Associated with Mrs. Rips, who for the present "in no way reflects strated only that the Security through popular collections and is general women's chairman, are; concurrence with the reason* givCouncil was considered "impotent" through the blue-white JNF box Mesdamei Mike Frceraasv, U&yd en by the Jordanian Government" and it repeated "old moth-eaten which has been distributed to half Friedman, Hyman Greenberg, Max in rejecting the UN Invitation to a million homes throughout the Greenberg, Richard Ililler, and attend tho planned talks in JeruWashington (JTA) — Members resolutions pulled out of the files," United States. Harry Ravitz. salem. of both the Itepubllcan and Demo- he declared. cratic parties have Joined to take the- Administration to task beInternational Parley cause only six persons have been admitted to this country under the Calls for Israel Aid Emergency Refugee Act of 1953. W a s h i n g t o n (JTA) — Jews Proposed by President Eisen throughout the free world were howcr and enacted last August, asked hero to help Israel meet the program was designed to ad"the gravest challenge" which the mit 209,000 refugees In t h r o e Jewish State has faced "since its years, R, W. Scott McLcod, State War of Liberation" by fulfilling Department security chief who adtheir obligations to mobilize the ministers ,tho program, has blamed maximum response to I s r a e l the lag'< on unforeseen red tape Bonds "as a channel of financial problem*.' But RepJjJ. Vaughan assistance that has already bo- Gray, Virginia Democrat, said that coma the most vital Instrument In some 1672,000 has already been the growth of every phoso of the s p e n t and sugges^d Congress country's industrial and agricul- should repeal the Act if .the Adtural life." ministration cannot {implement It.

Envoys Threaten Israel With War

Congressmen Hit Refugee Program

B&P Philanthropies Women

Sunday Radio and TV ">] "Children Of Liberty/ 'written by Marc Sicgcl, will be prcwntcd on the Eternal Light radio program over WpW-Rndio from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon. In observance of world Jewish Child's Day and tho twentieth anniversary of the founding of Youth Allyah, It has been announced by the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. "Children Of Liberty," Is the story of Youth Allyah, an organization founded twenty years ago with the purpose of aiding 'displaced and homeless children all over the world to find a hew home and a new life in Israel. Young viotlnu of war and disaster are rehabilitated, and learn to find their places as tomorrow*^ leaders. "Message of Israel" will bo broadcast over KOIL from 10 to 10:30 a. m. Dr. Nelson Glueck, president of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion and well-known archaelogist will speak. This program was originally (scheduled for last week, but has been moved up for broadcast this week. "Investment In Tomorrow" will be shown over WOW-TV from 10:30 to 10:45 a. m. This film mode in Norwny shows how a group of Norwegian Christians rehabilitate Jewish children from North Africa preparing them for living In n Youth Aliyah settlement In Israel. This program is being held In conjunction with the observance of World Jewish Child's Pay and tho twentieth anniversary of the founding of youth Allyah.

Pictured above—Back row, left to right: Itcna Gross, Joanne Simon, Julia Zuker, Ida Spring, Re* becca Bercovlcl, Mrs, Hurry ICnvitz (co-clmlmian), and Mrs. Mnx.Groonberg (co-clioirRan. Front row, row, left to right: Sirs. Jcnnlo Itoacnblatt, Mrs. I. Itaiuky, t i n . Maurice Bernstein, Kalah Franklin, Evelyn Levy. Mrs. Hyman Orecnbcrg, Myrtlo Freeman and Ahuvah Gcrshntor. Not shown: Mrailnmc< Herman Uomlnrln, Alvln tiorodetzer, David Grccnbcrfr, Eva Konecky, I>e* ter Meyers, Fannlfi Shormnn, 1'hllllp I). Schwartz, Misses Faye (lercllrk, Roscllo Handler, Elizabeth Ilarat, Sally Neivmnn, Sylvia Purllman and Dorothy Itoscntlinl.

Mrs. Lawrence Will Return to Address B&P Women A special feature of the meeting Barbara Lawrence, prominent civic leader and lecturer, is re- will be the presentation of awards turning to Omaha to bo guest to the twelve women, who served speaker at the Cocktail Supper of as chairmen of this division since tho Business and Professional 1940. women are: Mines. Maurwomen's unit, at their annual iceThese Alperin, Maurice Bernstein, Philanthropies function Wednes- Frank Brooksteln, Morris C. Fellday, April 7, at 5:30 p. rh.. In tho man, Sam Fields ot Los Xngeles, Jewish Community Center Audi- Julia Jacobs, Morris Katloman, torium, Mrs. Hyman Grecnberg, Philip Klutznick of Park Forest, division chairman, announced. III., Edward Shotton, David Shu

kert and Misses Itebecca Bercovid and Dorothy Hospnthal. " T h i s will be an outstanding event for Omaha's business and professional women. Ewtyoite vrStt want to participate in paying tribute to our past leaders," Mm Greenberg said. "We are glad to welcome back Mii. Lawrence .who delivered an inspired address here on Monday," Mrs. Greenberg conclude' . .

..s.- C'. T--.-TK5


Friday, April t, 185*


Our UN Newsletter PubUakedXrery mum —

Negev Massacre Judgment in UN

by tka Federmtkni for JTetri* Service il N f c k u u» wt of KMb 31«T»

Ily Arthur Lewi* United Nations (JTA)—There 1» no doubt that most of the diplomats here were shocked at;the latest example of Arab frightfulness, the ambush of the bus In the Negev desert and the slaughter of 11 men, women and children who were its passenger*. However, This Sunday, World Jewish Uve life in Israel. About 38 per those who are describing it as • Child's Day will be celebrated cent of these youngsters are of "Kiblya-lri-rcvcrse," and that is throughout the globe. This annual European or Israeli origin. the popular term here, arc ignoring event is observed by Jews and nonNew Problems' the cause not only of the massacre Jews alike. Sec. page 1 for ralio Today, about half of Youth In Scorpion Pass, but also the reand TV programs. This year World Aliyah wards are of oriental origin Jewish Child's Day has added sig- which poses many new problems prisal raid on the Jordan village! nificance as 1954 marks the twen- of education and absorption, the that la the refusal of the Arab* tieth anniversary of the founding report stated. Special efforts are to negotiate n peace settlement in of Youth Aliyah. being made to accept larger numPalestine. Youth Aliyah programs arc dedi- ber of children from' Ma'abara rinring Blame cated to the rescue, rehabilitation transient camps for refugees. Although somewhat tardily, the and introducing of children to There due to overcrowding, lack United States has Joined the othagricultural pursuits In Israel. It of upper-grade school facilities ers in expressing its official regret was Initiated as a Hadassah project and enforced idleness a disquieting and In extending "its sympathy to in 1934 by Henrietta Szold. The rise in juvenile delinquency has the families of the victims of this first Youth Aliyah group was set- occurred. A special program offerattack. However, the Americans ing evening courses and social actled in Kibbutz Kin Hnrod. and the British too are bring tivities for teen-agers in the 20 Yean of Service much more cautious than they In these 20 years, Youth Aliyah ma'abarot has been arranged. were in the case of the Kibiya Inhas cared for and educated 62,000 In the early days. Youth Aliyah cident in blaming anyone; they children from 72 countries in 240 graduates were a vital factor in have become sticklers for proper settlements and training centers. the agricultural development of procedure and will not pass any Within the last five years 31,000 the country. Since the new immijudgement* until they have been youngsters have been trained, this gration from oriental countries, Mrs. Barbara Lawrence, chair pends on our contributions to the officially apprised of all the facto, represents half of the total Youth there has been a serious deteriora- woman of the International Worn' drive. He stated that Jewish re- and' so on. AUyth registration to date, ac- tion of interest in life and work on en's Groups, launched the women's ligious education funds are supcording to information from the the land. To combat' prejudice section of the 1954 Philanthropies plemented by the campaign. Near- No one but an incurable optimist here believes that these guardians Department of Hadassah in New against agricultural pursuits and Campaign Monday at the Jewish ly 1,000 children attend religious of Western morality will excoriate schools in Omaha and the funds encourage a "back to the land" Community Center. Israel Is York City. the Arabs for the Negev Incident This year 13500 children will be movement, Hadassah Vocational Island In a enemy Arab sea she told raised for this purpose may be as they did the Israelis for the trained to lead a full and produc- Education Services In partnership members of the women's division. considered as a voluntary tax, he Kibiya raid, although they are canwith Youth Allyan, has instituted There are three over-all projects added. Other services Include the ing it a "Klblya-in-reverse.-'Tbey a vocational training program de- which nave to be completed, Mrs. Dr. Philip Sher Home for the are making out a ease of the pot voted to rural education; Lawrence emphasized. The first I* Aged, youth program and looking and kettle being black, but Major Force the closing of displaced persons after transients and the sick, Mr. they the will not treat them the same, Kooper said. He pointed out that camps in Europe. The camps that Youth Allyah, the report conthey cannot see the reason contain the so called hard we have no teen-age delinquency. and they Bible and Talmud tinues, has become a major force remain arc black, although it la cases, she pointed out The Turning to national scene, Paul why in Israel.. It prepares communal core under their very noses. Malben program has given the Veret said that our rights and By OB. PHILIP BHEB groups for rural life, promotes the aged and lnfimud a new lease on If any further proof Is needed liberties arc protected by such that development of agriculture through life the Arabs will not meet with in Israel, Mrs. Lawrence added. agendes such as the Anti Deeducation and training and helps Many older folk have been made the Jews under any circumstances. By Dr. Philip Slier to Integrate young newcomers, and self-sufficient by this program and famation League of B'nal B'rilh, It is provided In Jordan's reply to American Jewish Committee and through them their families, into Bible mentioned the self-supporting Jewish War Veterans of America, the message from the Secretary Say not: "I will do so to him the cultural and dynamic life of she Dag Hommarskjold, convillages for the blind and aged. who receive support from the General, a* he hath done to me. I will rend- Israel. voking a conference with Israel. Philanthropies Drive. We also supThe second major project is the c to the man according to Ms These newcomers whose lives answered in the negative; port National Jewish Hospitals, he Jordan work.' it refuses to attend. The anhave been rebuilt are in turn rescue of Jews from countries nouncement of this was made a The tongue of the wise useth helping to rebuild the state. Youth where they are considered second added. Mrs. Lawrence the guest speak- day or so after the Arabs had enknowledge aright; but the mouth AHyah graduates are filling posts class citizens, Mrs. Lawrence of the fool* poureth out foolishness. In every important aspect of Ufe in stressed. In North Africa much re- er and fourth member of the panel tered the bus and mowed down the mains to be done, she stated. In spoke on Israel and overseas needs. passengers in cold blood. In other fie who desplseth his neighbor, Israel. Thousands of acres of barwords, the cause is given for the sinneth; but he who is gracious ren land have been reclaimed and Casablanca, 20,000 Jews Uve practically without water, she violence that has occurred. unto the humble, happy is he. made green and fertile. They have pointed out, for they must buy it Tstnrad pushed back the wilderness, plant- from a pedler by the dirty ladlefuL British sources say that the The charity collectors would hide ed forests, restored the soil and United Kingdom government urged themselves when they saw Eleazar, are building homes for thousands It would be difficult for us to the Jordan government to attend conceive of the filth and dirt in the man of Blrtha, because they of other newcomers. the conference called by Mr. Hnmthe Jewish ghetto there, Mrs. Lawknew he would give away everyHowever, they add, and Special Talents rence said. The odor of unwashed London (JTA)—The Jordan Gov- marskjold. thing he had. One day he went it may be Just as wen to quote into the market to buy the outfit Special talents are not over- bodies and sight of little children ernment met in emergency session them in this instance; Jordan's for his daughter's wedding. The looked. This year three scholar- looking among refuse for food is today following an alleged attack refusal to attend was made after collectors observed him, and hid ships were awarded to gifted one of the unpleasant impressions by Israelis on the Jordan village consultation with other Arab themselves. However, he pursued graduates for advanced study la she brought away with her from or Nahalin—three miles inside Jor- League States which were against dan, near Bethlehem, in which 10 swiftly and said: "You must swear music and education. Many Youth her visit there. that might be Interpreted Aliyah graduates become madV And thirdly, we must maintain Arabs were said to have been anything to me that you will 'tell me for a* a step toward peace negotia1 richlm (leaders and teachers). killed and 16 wounded, it is report- tions with Israel." This Is yet anwhat purpose you are collecting: the gains made in Israel. This may And they answered: "We are col- About one-tihrd of Youth Aliyah sound easy, but Mrs. Lawrence ed here from Amman. other example of how satellites lecting money tor the wedding madrkhun are graduates of the said it is the most difficult Peo- The report says that United No- are getting out of hand these day*. outfit* of two orphans who are Youth Allyah General Seminary ple are being rescued from lands tion* truce supervision chief Gen. Obviously,, he who pays the piper about to be married." He said: "I for Madrichim In Jerusalem. In where they never had a chance Vagn Bcnnlko sent four UN ob- no longer calls the tune, because vow that they have preference the eight yean of its existence and they wait In Ma'abara camps servers to the scene of the in- it can be taken for granted that over ray daughter." And he gave this seminary has graduated over to become a part of a community, cident According to the report, (he British are still remitting that them everything he had, leaving 300 qualified teachers. With tht she stated. Their rehabilitation is Jordan alleges that an Israel task annual subsidy to the Hashemlte one-zuz, for which be proceeded help of Hadassah larger quarterr Vital, she added. force tried to plant mines and ex- Kingdom. to buy some wheat, and deposited are being built at the Villa Rose- In conclusion, Mrs. Lawrence plosives in Arab houses, .but the Jordan Refuse* it in Ms storehouse. When the marie in Jerusalem. she believed is more than our Jordanian National Guard, forti- Of course, Jordan's refusal to mother came, she naked her The annual coat for maintaining said fied by Arab Legion forces, forced duty—it is our heritage to see that attend the conference is a direct daughter: ''What did father bring each Youth Aliyah child is $600. stays a cultural center and the Israelis to withdraw under violation of the armistice agreeyouT" And the daughter replied: In the United States, Hadassah Israel heavy fire. The battle lasted for ments, for it was under Article democracy In the near cast "All that he brought he deposited is the official representative and 90 minutes, the report from Am- XII of these agreements that the in the storehouse." She then went cooperating with Hadassah are the The luncheon meeting was pre- man says. ' sided over by Mrs. Aaron Rips, conference was called. However, to the storehouse and tried to open Pioneer and Mizrachi Women. (In Washington, the State De- Its significance lies in the fact the door. She noticed that the Youth Allynh Is a bureau of the chairwoman of the Women's Dirtment announced officially that that this is the most flagrant exwheat was piled high and that the Jewish Agency. In the United vision. J. II. Kulukofsky, President storehouse was so full that the States, the Jewish Agency receives of the Federation for Jewish Serv- it "deeply regrets the loss of life" ample of how the Arabs reject any wheat forced Its way through the funds from the United Jewish Ap- ice, welcomed the ladles and said in the reported Israel attack on kind of a settlement Peace—If* a cracks in the walls so she could peal, which in Omaha is supported on behalf of the federation that Nahalin and la waiting for further dirty word with them. TMs reply sot open the door. When her hus- by the Philanthropies Campaign. the work being done was highly information before making further is an incriminating document beband returned from the house of Remember when you contribute lo appreciated as u service to the comment A State Department cause It show* their responsibility learning, she said to him: "Come the Philanthropies Campaign you community. A panel composed of spokesman said that reports re- for the mounting tension In Palesand see what the Creator did for help children get a new start in Mrs. Max Greenberif, co-chalr- ceived in Washington on this new tine which has caused such outwoman; Mrs. Barbara Lawrence; incident arc not yet complete rages as the massacre In Scorpion thee." Arriving at the storehouse Israel. Robert Kooper, General Chairman nough to make further comment Pass, and will cause others unless Eleazar said: "I vow that all this of the l'JM Philanthropies Oim- lie said reports have been re- something Is done about It wheat be devoted to the poor and Israel Beer palgn, and Paul Verct, executive ceived from the', American EmIt b much better to do somethou hast but a share in it equal director, outlined the areas where bassies In Amman and Tel Aviv thini; about it, to strike at the to the other poor." New York (JTA)—Beer brewed the Philanthropies money is spent but no action will be taken pend- real roots of the trouble In PalesRabbi Amml said: "The prayer in Israel will soon be marketed in Mrs. Greonberg told of the wom- ing a report on the findings of the tine, rather than merely to concenof a man is not answered unless he the United States under the brand- en's role In the drive pointing out Slixed Armistice Commission.) trate on a single incident. During puts his whole soul Into it" name of Ablr (Hebrew for Knight). that over 200 agencies benefit. the Kibiya debate In the Security Rabbi Jochanan said: "Rain is The National Brewery of Nathan- Women's giving Is plug giving, she Artie Shaw: "Executive ability Council lost year, Israel insisted not withheld except for such men ya will make first shipments to stressed. to the art of convincing your wife that a peace settlement was the as promise publicly to give charity, this country in April. Metropolis Mr. Kooper spoke on local that you hired your pretty stenog- only cure: its is even more true and then do not fulfill their prom- Brewery of New York win be the needs telling that the welfare and rapher on account of her experi- now with this massacre In Scori importer and main distributor.. well-being of our community de- ence."—(JTA) pion Pass. HARRY HALPERT.


Youth Aliyah Celebrates Its Twentieth Anniversary

tm my & M ourvi GAME

Women's Division Opens Philanthropies Campaign

Gems of the

Jordan Village Attack Reported


Friday, April t, M5»



Beth H Concert Very Enjoyable'

Community Calendar

By Ilans Baer Cantor Aaron X. Edgar of Belli El Synagogue presented his eighteenth annual concert of Jewish music with the synagogue choir. -It was a very enjoyable evening which again demonstrated the fine mnai/-»i qualities of the conductor and bis ability to educate a choir. This fact should be especially •tressed as cantor Edgar has only Spa professional singers In his group. From this point of view the renditions were particularly well done and the soft effects which the choir offered could not be better^ performed by any other and bigger Chorus. We wish Cantor Edgar and his singers further "fruitful Boa Marital, Tala Balperla musical work. Outgoing President Incoming President Soloists were Mrs. Muskin, Hiss Zucker, Mrs. Edgar, Miss Barren, Mr. puboff, Or. Tatelman and Mr. Independent Workmen* Loan Banquet Bodin. Cantor Edgar himself, together The Independent Workmen's perin, president; Ben Gorellck, with Mr. Bodin presented and to- Loan Association will hold a ban- vice-president; Ben Martin, treasproislvejy sung .Jewish song "A quet for its stockholder* Sunday, urer, and David Bleicher, secretary. Sin Toire mlt Gott"—a plea to April 4 at 6 p. m, in the social ball Tho trustees are Sol Martin, M of Congregation of Israel, 25th and Wolfson, Sam Kutler, Ben KanGod, arranged by Srwin Jospe. The choice of the program was J Streets. Thirty years of service Ian and Sam AdJer. will be the theme. Banquet chair- Cantor Ell Kasjan of Beth Israel Interesting with compositions like "Adonoy Z'chonmu" by Joshua man, Ben Martin/ outgoing pres- will offer a musical program and he wtQ be ^M^ni'ffffilp^ by pianist, WeJsser, the very fine "Vkorev ident will serve as toastmasbsr. iPWenu," by Tishlcowiky-Gold- Installation of new officers will Hans Baer of the Center Piano rnan and works by Ernest Bloch, also be held. They are Yale Hal- Studio. Julius Chaje*. Paul Discount, Jewish songs, t k t npwn Moses" (Ne- Gordmon Elected Head Welfare Linked to gro Spiritual) and "Haggadab," by Of Beth Israel Men Zavel ZUberts. Maimonides Code - Mildred Slocum, soprano, was the guest soloist Her sympathetic, The Beth Israel Men's Club held Cleveland CJTA)—The .welfare light vote and her charming per- their annual: election of officers program of the Eisenhower Adsonality won the audience which March 25. The officers elected for ministration follows the philosophy honored her with very great ap- the coming year are: Dan Gord- of Motes Maimonldei, outstanding Jewish philosopher of the 12th plause, compelllngher toslng an encode. Qhe interpreted woiks by man, president; L J. Kraft, first century, it was emphasized here vice-president; Milton Belxer, secby Secretary of Health, Education Mendelssohn, V Maurice Goldman and Saint Saens. As her last num- ond vice-president: Stanley Dia- and Welfare, Mrs. Oveta Culp ber she performed together with mond, recording secretary; Nor- Hobby. the choir "Give Mo Your Tired, man Rosenzwcig, corresponding Speaking at the Congregation Your Poor", from "Miss Liberty,' secretary; and Max Greenfield, Tifercth Israel, Secretary Hobby quoted from Maimonides' "Charby Irving Berlin which, though ' ity's Eight Degrees," the following: music In Broadwny style impressed treasurer. the listeners very much even In Prior to the business portion of "Anticipate charity by preventing the meeting, the Men's Club heard poverty; assist the reduced fellowa Synagogue concert. by teaching him a trade, or Berlin like Ricliard Honors and from Inspector Ilarry Green of man the Omaha Polico Department. In- by way of putting him in the way in some works also Humbert; be spector of a business, so that ho may earn Green showed color slides long to that group of composers of which is an innovation in police an honest livelihood, not be the "lighter muse whose music is, work and has proven an invalu- forced to the dreadful and without the question, on a higher able aid in the apprehension of of holding out bis handalternative for charartistic standard and hns to be check forgers and pick pockets ity. taken seriously. preying on local merchants. SevMrs. Hobby then went on to deProgram comments were given eral unusual cases were explained that "Many of the programs by Rabbi Kripke. Betty Fellmnn by Inspector Green Including the clare and services of the Department of at the piano was a musical and famous Omaha Cheese Bite Case Health, Education and Welfare responsible accompanist, Florence which U on exhibit at the F. B, L which seek to cushion the shock of Elscnbcrg served as a good helper In Washington. personal disaster are based on the sit the organ. What about thisT came concept of practical prevenCould for the next time perhaps a Tho April meeting will be held tive sodsl action applied to the hotter sounding piano be provided! April 15 and will feature an ad- human needs of the twentieth cenby Street Commissioner It would be nicer for public and dress tury." . John Rosenblatt. pianist. POIJTIOAI. ADVEUTIBBMBNT


JWV Will Meet Thursday in CB - installation of officers of the Jewish War Veterans, EpsteinMorgan post No. 260, will be held next Thursday night, April 8, at ftie Jewish Community Center in Council Bluffs, 224 S. 8th Street. The meeting will get underway at 8••; o'clock. Newly-elected commander of the post is Abe Miller. The Women's Auxiliary of the post win serve refreshments. The meeting is being moved up front the. usual third Thursday of the month due to the Passover holidays.

5th Foreign Film At Center April 11 The fifth in a scries of six outstanding foreign films will bo presented at the J. C. C Sunday, April 1L "Crime and Punishment" KThc French Version) is based on the Dostoevski novel and Is brilliantly portrayed on the screen. Superb performances of the Police Inspector and Roskolnlkov, and an excellent musical score, highlights this world-famous story of a young student attempting to perpetrate the perfect crime. The film begins at 8:15 p. m. Eddie Cantor: "The seven ages of woman arc: infancy, childhood, adolescence, junior miss, young woman, young woman and young woman."— (JTA)




Triday, April; Pre-School—9.-00 a. HL—Center. ' SatanUy, Aprils Beta Israel Ken's d u b Dance of the Month dub—8:30 p. Beth Israel Sunday, April 4 Children'a Program—2:00 p. m.—Center. Junior Kadassah Spring Dance—5:00 p. m.—Center. Young Adult dub—8:00 p. m.—Center. Monday, April 5 Pre-School—9:00 a. nv—Center. Bikur Chollm Luncheon—1:00 p. m.—Center. Temple Israel Sisterhood luncheon—1:00 p, m—Highland Town Club. Youth Council Stage Night Rehearsals—3:30 p. m.—Center. Workman's Loan Association—7:30 p. m.—-Center. Xoeaday, April S Beth Israel Sisterhood Luncheon—1:00 p. nv—Beth Israel. Pioneer Women—8.-00 p. m.—Center. Wednesday, April 7 Pre-School Nursery—9 M> a. m.—Center. PHILANTHROPIES KICKOFF— WOMEN'S DIVISION—12^0 p. m.—Beth Israel. B, ft V, PHILANiraidPIES COCKTAIL SUPPER^-5:30 p. m, —Center. Jcwiih War Veterans Post and Ladies Auxiliary Board Meetings —8:00 p. m.—Homes. Beth Israel Board Meeting—S:00 p. ra.—Beth Israel. Thursday, April 8 Leadership Training Institute for Teenagers—3:45 p. m.—Center.

Omaha Sketches I

Kcenan Wynn: "Any man who agrees with his wife can have his way."—(JTA)

Harry Herahfleld: "Old ago Is the period In life when We go back wards.as we advance."—(JTA) Pic Wayne Siegel of 299 Held Artillery BatUUon has left for overseas dnty in the Far East For fins Tailoring

In Service

Lt Bernard E. Greenberg is now stationed in Korea.

At School Avrom Greenberg was Initiated Into membership in Pi Lamba Phi fraternity at the University of Oklahoma.

Births Mr. and Mrs. Stanley B. Kahn announce the birth of a son, Dennis, Monday, March 29 at a local hospital. Mrs. Kahn Is the former Esther Wolk. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Sam Papier of Denver, Colo. Mrs. Papier Is In Omaha visiting her daughter. Mr. Papier will arrive in the hear future to join them. The paternal grandparent is Jack Kahn of KanCity. Mo.

Norman Marsh

Member Master Tailors and Cutters Association, London, England Custom Tailor to Ladles ft Men ALTERATIONS » 6 So. 20th JA 24M


Cleaned in You- Homel IMIsg • Laylag - R*paUs« PON IERNSTEIN HA 2SM

Award Jerry Friedman, son of Mr, and Mrs. H. Friedman will be awarded the Eagle Scout Badge, Thursday, April 8 at the Walnut Hill School. Jerry is thirteen years old and will bo graduated this June from the Walnut Hill School He Is a member of Troop 99. A ceremony honoring all new Eagle Scouts will be held April 24 in the Boys Town Auditorium. Patronize Your Advertisers FOUTICAl. APVXBTISKMENT



City Commissioner Native of Omaha. Enrolled Webster School 1894. Creighton High 1902. Accountant and. Auditor for 28 years. Formerly employed by U. S. Government ana e l e c t r i c a l corporations. Tbomtn J. Croala S e r v e d in U. S. Cavalry In World War I. Relative, killed in actfen: WW I—Johnny Morinoy, John Oweni. WW 2—Thomai W. Cronln, Joseph P. Cromn, 5 Sullivan brothtn. Korea—John A. Cronin and Maynard P. Cronin,


borscht H* vniu WMUI in It tfwu'l nr turn t> ••»• thilr H < itncht! Mnluknlti mku It w rlcta ind tillclan dr m. «lt» rnas, UnUr, (arftfrlrtik Mats mt cMic* MMMhsi MM U tlinllcdtwIU lUKrtl •I partly ut kiifcnui. tu»#i U M M It'i Bu Itatil biridt !•••?• mt UitMl

OtUt n i l ITI

i ft rwi MMMIM m tnieritr uwisn *n m m m u m

Ham £ m


Your cm A t a member of the City Commission for the past three yean, Bill Hinchey has distinguished himself as a commissioner, and as an administrator. He has been the outstanding advocate of the Radial Highways including a north-south arterial. His department has been in charge o f the street resurfacing program and he has set o record for new street construction. He has carried out sewer construction on schedule. Bill Hinchey deserves the support of citizens who want to see Omaha go forward. •"&&&•

Friday, April 1, 1IM


Miss C. FeUimui Engagement Told

Yeshfva U. Gets Gift For Women's College

Philanthropies Women Map Luncheon Plans

The announcement of the engagement of their daughter, Cella, to Leon Gorllckl, of Omaha, was made by Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fellman at their Silver Wedding anniversary supper. Mr. Gorllckl, formerly of Poland, is the nephew of Mr. and Mr* Joe Gorlitsky of Brooklyn, New York. The couple U planning an early summer wedding.

Passover Recipes This U another recipe from "Passover Parade of Recipes" by Mrs. Benjamin Groncr. The booklet is on sale for $1 and may be obtained by calling Rabbi Groncr at the synagogue office, RE 6288. KNADLACII ' 2 eggs Vt cup u n t o meal 2 tbsp. cold water Salt and 2 tbsp. fat Beat eggs well with salt; beat In fat and water, then mix meal In with fork. Refrigerate for three hours. Form Into balls and drop In boiling water or soup. Cook covorwl for -I") minutes. MATZO CKIMSEL By Mm. I>. M. Newman matzos cup seeded raisins tablespoons Tat efUis separated *i cup sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon Vt to 1 cup mntzo meal *i or 1 teaspoon suit li cup blanched almonds cut fine 2 apples thai have been pealed and cut in small pieces Soak m^tzos in water, press out, cream fat and sugar together, add W t e n yolks, raisins, almonds and JUjples chopped or cut in small pieces and the cinnamon, add matzo and meal and the whites of the eggs beaten stiff. Form in small oblong cakes dip in beaten CKB and fry in deep hot fat until brown nnd done or bake at 375 degrees in oven for 45 minutes. For topping beat white of 1 egg and 1 cup of tart jelly together until it stands in peaks, pour over crimse) SPONOK CAKK Mrs. Max flacks 9 eggs (separated) l l i cups sugar % cup cake meal 1 lemon (Juice and rind) Beat whites stiff but not dry. Beat- in sugar gradually. In n separate bowl, beat yolks until light and lemon color. Add to egg white -mixture and blend. Add starch and meal gradually And blend thoroughly. Add juice and rind of lemon. Turn into an ungreased tube pan and bake for 1 hour In a 325 degree oven. Invert .pan over pop bottle until com pletely cold.

Shown above a n the campaign personnel of the Women's Division nuking final plans for the ritywlde Women's Luncheon, Wednesday, April 7, at 12:30 p. m. at the Beth Israel Synagogue SOTUI IUU, Stnd and Charles 8 t s , at which Helen Gahagan Douglas will be guest speaker. From"left to right: Mesdsmes Mike Freeman, Harry Bavltr, Lloyd Friedman, Aaron Kips, Klchard Illller, Max Oreenberg, and Miss Kalah Franklin.

Junior Hadassah Spring Dance

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fellman celebrated their Silver Wedding Anniversary with a supper party given in their honor at the B'nal Abraham synagogue by their children. Out of town guests attending the celebration were Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Aronoff of Denver, Colo., and their daughter, Michelle.

»Tn cu X tin if perfect rtttlli 1*17 tiai (IU ttalutailtf ritmcr tpMtt we mil let iM tti «U« rvtell . . . tam i stir frisk tat in l** •| fir t»l» ciiil

CONCERT MASTER OMAHA SYMPHONY' VIOUN STUDIO Violin students, twglnncrs and advanced, need the careful attention of private instruction.

For Information Call

OR 0435

.Hhown working on tlic Junior llnilassah ITmt Annual Spring Dance arc: (tup row, left to right) lYIkln Abrnimon and Barbara Cohen, program ami ilcromtlon ro-rlialnnnn; (Ituttom row, left to right) Bctt« Ann I'mUa, fund raining cluilnnun, Clara Katz, ticket chairman, and Joan W'lirrnan, refreshment chairman. Not pictured UJean Katz, publicity chairman. The dance will be held Sumlny, April 4, 8:30 p. m. In Die J. O. C. auditorium. Tickets are (2.20 per couple and may be purchased at the door. Krnlc I'rleunnn and his orchestra will provide the music Door prize, and prizes for the oldest grandparents, youngest grand: parents and newest married couple will be given.

Hadassah Bowling W. L. Nogg Bros. 40 29 Brnndcis Klccrchrome . . . . 39 30 Edwards Jewelry 36 33 BrandcisEasy Washer . . . . 34 35 Smith Pontlac 34 35 Millie Wine 33 36 RCA Victor ..„ 33- 36 Mete Beer 27 42 ' High Series and Oama Liberty Falcr 474, Pearl Marcus 471—229, Addle Snelder 431, Charlotte Blumbers 418, Evelyn Hobcrman 412 and Rose Garrop 401.

Patronize Your Advertisers



for your-Bassover ible

George Burns: "A bachelor is a SplIU selfish, callous, undeserving man Idella Caer, 4-7-10; Ida Greenwho has cheated some worthy woman out of a divorce."—(JTA) berg, 5-8-10 and Mih Frank, 6-7.



New York (JTA)—An Initial gift of (500,000 by Max Stern of New York to establish a College for Women at Ycthlva University was announced by Dr. Samuel Bclkln, president. The gift by Mr, Stem, vice-chairman of the University's Board of Trustee, represents the largest single contribution to the situation In its 58-year history. It is also believed, to be the'largest gift of its kind to Jewish educational institution, Dr. Bclkln declared. Dr. Bclkln reported that the Collose will open this foil and will be called the Stem College for Women of Ycshlva University. He added that the acquisition of a new building would be announced short)y, The. new Women's College will be patterned after the. University's present College of Arts and Science, now entering Its 26th year.

Omaha Choir Club To Entertain at Home The Omaha Choir and Dramatic Club will entertain the residents of theDr. PhUlp Sher Home for the Aged, Sunday, April 4, at 1 p.m. The program will include songs In Yiddish sung by Mrs. Herman Mlrowltz and Mrs. Milton Ncaren berg. Humorous readings will be given by Mrs. Philip CrandcU. Mrs. Sam Canar, Mrs. J.J. Brown,,Mrs, Ben Martin and Abe Schneider arc in charge of the affair. - ' Joseph Radinowski will preside. Ray Bolger: "Believe everything you hear about the world; nothing is too Impossibly bad."—(JTA)


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JA 0736


Friday, April t, 19M

Beth El Silver Jubilee Luncheon

Face rive

Brussels (JTA)—Belgian police officials have still not been able to trace the whereabouts of Anneke Bcckman, teenage Jewish war orphan, who was whisked away from a Catholic school near Llcge March 12 when Dutch and Belgian police officials approached the school to claim her. The child, placed in th'e care of ti Catholic foster mother during the Nazi occupation of Holland, was baptized by the foster mother who has refused to return her to the Jewish community, despite the decision of the Netherlands authorities. The case has caught the lmmaglnatlon of the Belgian press, which has considered the problem of war orphans in general in a number of Pictured above are Itcth El Sisterhood fhalrliulles In charge of articles. The Catholic "La Libre the Silver Jubilee Luncheon Card Party to bo held In tho Social Belglque," commenting speclflclalHall, Wednesday, April 14, at 1 p. m. (From left to right) Mr*. ly on the Beekman case, wrote ' Louis IlurwlU, Mm. Reuben Bordy and Mr*. Charles Kunmell. Not that the affection of the foster shown U chalrlady Mrs, Ben Slutzky. Baby sitter service will be mother was far bettor for the girl available. than the caro she could obtain in an orphanage or from a committee in whose care she might be UlltllMCI.I placed.

Organizations Illliuthtl.

it.^llSl'lillitllilllllitlUllilllIliliHllijUllliiltlllllllllllUllltUlUilllllltflllllllUUlllllUllJIIIIIIIlIti minium,

illlllllllllllllltill iiiiiuuiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Billy Rose; "Some people are so argumentative, they won't even eat food that agrees with them."— (JTA)

tlons can be made with Mrs. Sol Mann and Mrs. Morris Ruderman. The regular luncheon meeting Baby sitter service will be proOX the Bikur Cholim Society wlU vided. be held Monday, April S, at 1 p. m. in the Jewish Community Center. A program has been arranged Epstein-Morgan Aux. by program chairmen, Mrs. J. J. A combined open board and Brown and Mrs. M. Siporln. Mrs, P. Crandaty will give humorous regular meeting for tho Epsteinreadings and Mrs. M. Ncrcnbcrg Morgan Post No. 260 Auxiliary of will render several musical selec- the Jewish War Veterans of the United States will be held Wedtions. nesday, April 7, at 8 p. m. at the All members and friends arc home of Mr*. Nate Marcus, 1504 cordially Invited. S. 58th Street. All chairmen arc asked to please Council Women attend this very important meetThe first meeting of tho Golden Ing'. Discussion on the coming Flag Age Survey Committee of the Day Sale plans will be held. Omaha section, National Council Because of Passover this will be .of Jewish Women, w u held Thurs- the only meeting of tho Auxiliary day, April 1, at 1 p. m. at the home during April. of Mrs. Edward Lcvlnson. David Fogel, activities director of the Jewish Community Center ex Brandeis Women Mrs. Philip Feldman and Mrs, plained the duties and function of thia new committee. Preliminary Wm. J. Fogel, program chairman plans call for a survey to be taken for the spring luncheon meeting of .the need for a "Day Camp" this of the Omaha Chapter, have ansummer for the Senior citizens nounced that rehearsals are. in group of this community. Mrs. Da- progress for the skit they are previd Bebcr, vice-president of social senting. welfare of the Council and Mrs. . The cast of the skit, "Let's Join Howard Milder co-chairman of the the Ladles," Includes Mmes. Lloyd Golden Age Group was In charge Bank, Lester Marcus, Hubert Monof this committee meeting. The sky, Leo Nogg, Larry Plattncr, Golden Age Club is co-sponsored and Harold Slosburg; with Mrs. by the Omaha section of the Na- Harry DuBoff accompanying, and tional Council of Jewish Women Mrs. Wm. J. Fogel directing. Mrs. and the Federation for Jewish Alfred Mayer and Mrs. Lazier KaServiced The committee for the vich are in charge of staging. Golden Age Survey arc: MesThe meeting will be held at the dames: Samuel H. Stern, Nate B l a c k a t o n e " Hotel Teusday, Kartman, nose Rcltet, Lou Sogo- April 13. low, Philip Rlngle, David Katzman, Fred Brodkey,' Jay Bercovld, A. H. Brodkey, Reuben Kulakofsky, Robert Silver, I. M. Trotlak. Harry Wclnberg, Jacob Bernstein,, Julius Katzman, William Boasberg, A. S. Wohlner, Louis Sigma Delta Tau Katz, Harold Farber, David Beber, At an after hours spread Friday Howard Milder and Mrs. David night, several trophies w e r e awarded;' The Kviitch award was Chudacof f. ,,; presented to Trudy, Broristein. Thl» aWard is for outstanding service to the house and to presented TI Sisterhood [' by tho junior class each year." A The next Temple Israel Sister- pledge trophy was given to Leah hood luncheon will be held Mon- Glttelman for outstanding work day, April 5. at 1 p. m. in the for pur house. Highland Town Club, Program Beth Fincbcrg was recently inchairladiei for the day are Mrs.itiated into Alpha Lambda Delta. Edward Milder and Mrs. Irving Thia Is a scholastic honorary soMalashock. Luncheon chalrladlos ciety for freshman girls with an are Mrs. t Libermand and Mrs.average above a 7.5. Harry AlUuler. The opening pray- Several parents visited us this er will be given by Mrs. Mervln week-end. Mr. and Mrs. N. Roh. Lemmerman. tcr from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, A board meeting at 11:30 a. m. and Mr. and Mrs. A. Wolf from will prccedo the luncheon. Kansas City, Missouri.

Bikur Cholim


' BI Sisterhood


joy and reverence, the same sense of anticipation as we do'. Then, as now, sweets were a special treat for the children and lical days—and if we watch our an Important-part of traditional songsters as they celebrate a holi- celebration; and then, as now, the day, Join In the Seder night and luscious, golden-brown dates grown Passover festivities, enjoy the tra- in the Biblical regions were the ditional Passover treats, it is not traditional sweet at Passover. These are the dates Dromedary too difficult to project into the brings you as the ideal sweet for past and picture children (and for your holiday table; Today,.with a that matter, adults) of two or five-thousand-year pedigree, Dromthree thousand years ago greeting edary Dates have a delicate taste the holiday with much this same and firm, meaty texture,^

Teenage Orphan Passover Treats In many basic respects, the Still Not Returned world has changed little since Bib-

Exclusive! Manischewitz Inner Wrap keeps your matzos oven-crisp

in Honor of Passover


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Mothers' Club

"April Showers Bring Mny Flowers"—and the April meeting The Sigma Alpha Mu Mothers' ' of the Beth Israel Sisterhood will Club will hold Its monthly meeting bring May Fnahlons. Tuesday, 1 p. m., Tuesday, April 6 at the April 6, at 1 p. m. In the synagogue home of Mrs. Harry Wclnberg, • social hall, Ml«s Jennie Feldman of 2300 Country Club Blvd. Mrs. J. L. Brandeis, will have the mem- Meyer Colnic will serve as cobers and guests of the sisterhood hostess. oh-h-hlng and ah-h-hlng at all the Hcdy Lamarr: "Woman's chief lovely spring styles. . --; Mrs, M. Shapiro is program asset is man's imagination."— ',*<.'• < chairman of the event. Reserve OTA) . '

_ ENCLOSE CHECK OR MONEY ORDER Address: JEWISH PRESS 101 N. 20th St.. Omaha. Nebr.

Friday, April t, MM

Council Doings



Beth Israel News

& Bas Mifzvahs Happy Birthday Bar DENNIS BCUUIMAN, son of

CLUB BANNERS Friday, April* chairmen Fred Simon, Ben Rubin, Beth Israel Pennants and Ban- Sharon Lynee Bernstein, Jeffrey , By and Marty Greene, who arranged ners for Club Tovim were received Blank. Yale Flnkle, Maynard AlAZA HO. 1 this truly groat event. at Beth Israel this week. The On bud (or Mother Chapter at The date of Rayta'a next social large Beth Israel banner is being lan Forbes, Marilyn Kay Kaplan, Ronald Stephen Malashock and the Regional AZA meeting function has been set tor April 15. •old for .SO (filly cents) to Beth Art Schwartz, Jack .Oruch, Stan The party will be held at Hill Israel children, d u b Tovim em- Linda Lou Simons. Saturday, April S Wldnun and Gary Gltnlck. The House. blems and Beth Israel youth emboys found regional activities in TEKVAS AMI blems were put on sale for twenty- Barbara Ann Bercutt, Ann Marlene Blumberg, Kenneth Kinstler, top shape. Friday evening, March 26, TA's five cents (25c). Additional emA delegation will represent No, attended services at the Beth El blems, for the Arts and Crafts Larry Michael Kraft, Sarah Perel1 at the Sioux Oty Sweetheart Synagogue. After the services, the clubs -and club Tar yag will be man and Joan Simon. Dance slated for April 10. Sunday, April 4 girls got together at the home, of available soon. Dave Belzer is AZA l'l first Matlee Katleman. Lynne Chemlack, John Sherman P-TA CANDY SALS string baseball coach this year. In A regular meeting, held Sunday, The Beth Israel P-TA la selling Gimple, Stephen Robert Kaplan, part seasons, young Better haa March 28, was followed by a pre- candy for Passover. The candy Is Samuel Gary RIekes, Gerald Roscoached many successful chapter view of the Senior Young Judaea being shipped in from the Passover enblatt and Richard Ian Stern. teams. Convention which twelve TA's will departments of the Bartons and Monday, April S The Central Dance Band, Jed by attend. The convention will be Barradnnl candy factories In New Nancy Carol Burtteln, Harvey Larry Schwartz, was cited for ex- held In Kansas City, April 9, 10 York. There are special holiday Cohen, Lynne Alison Feitman, cellent Road Show performance by and 1L assortments' for children, all that Judy Goldner, Harlene Sandra columnist, Al Friable. The club's Israeli Dance group are interested are asked to call Klein, RocbeJUe Aim Lazerson and Aleph Stan Fellman won one of have completed the making of Mrs. Norman Bosenzweig, GL 5182, the two superior ratings in discus- skirts. The group has been asked this week In order to allow suf- Thomas Harry SteinbergTuesday, April • sion, which was given at the Dis- to lead Israeli dance* at SYJ Con- ficient time for delivery before Bruce Edward Bernstein and trict Declamation Tournament The vention. Passover. Anny Weintraub. competition was held at Greighton CLUBTABYAG April 7 University. The next regular meeting of club SusanWednesday, Rae Brookstcln, Richard Congratulations to Stan Widmaa AZA No. 100 to Hold Taryag will take place on Sunday, arid Larry Epstein for —airinj the Annual King Dance April 4 from 6 to 7:30 p. m. In the Wallace Diamond, Rochelle Kay Youth Council All Star Basketball Recreation room of the Talmud Lipp and Allen Raymond Susman, team. Thursday, April 8 Committees have been appoint- Torah. AZA NO. 100 Beth Renee Herzoff, Allan Hared and plans are being formulated HOYS ABT8 AND OBAIXB This week, the Centurymen have for the Ninth Annual A. Z, A. The Boys Arts and Crafts dub wich, Sandra Rae Matters, Steven been very busy preparing for the KING DANCE to be presented by will meet this Sunday afternoon, Lee Nogg, and Jay Leonard Novak, Ug AZA weekend. The Alephs A. Z. A, 1O0. This gala social event April 4 from 4 to 5:30 p. m. In the from Lincoln Chapter, AZA No. 3 will be held May 15 in the Paxton Arts and Crafts Room of the Talhave been invited to attend. A Hotel ballroom at S p. m. Music mud Torah. Beth El WM Hold party is being planned by Bob Ep- will be furnished by the outstand- GIBLS ABTS AND CRAFTS stein and Al Forman. This will ing Kldd-Irwln bond. The public The girls Arts and Crafts dub Talmud Torah Seder open the weekend. Sunday, the Is cordially invited to attend. in the Arts and Crafts The Beth El Talmud Torah will two chapters will test their skill General cb—chairmen for the will meet of the Talmud Torah from hold Its annual Model Seder at a in sports. The general chairmen of KING DANCE are Jerry Rosen 6room to 7 3 0 p. m. At this meeting a Pre-Passover Dinner, to be held in the weekend will be Jerry Rosen. and Kenny Freed. Their commit- special the Synagogue Social Hall Sunday OOUNCILETTE8 tee chairmen are Howard Kooper, started. Passover project will be evening, April 11 at 6 p. m. MemA meeting was held at the Beth Howard Kaslow, Harold Friedman, CAMERA CLUB bers of the Beth El Supper Club El Synagogue lost Sunday at 1 Bob Epstein, and Ray Kirke. The Beth Israel Camera dub will cater the dinner. Parents of Candidates for King of Omaha win p. m. meet in the darkroom of the the children are asked to attend At the meeting, the Cette spring A. Z. A. are Ken Freed from Cen- Talmud Torah from 6 to 7:30 p. m, with their children. party was changed to June 26. The tury Chapter and Marshall Denen- Sunday, April 4. The Model Seder will Include kind of party has not been decided berg, Art Schwartz, and Larry CONTEST WINNERS all of the traditional observances upon. Elaine Krantz and Deanne Schwartz from Mother Chapter Prizes were awarded to the fol- of the Seder table. The children No. 1. The King wUl be selected Harkovitz are chairmen. lowing children for outstanding en- themselves will conduct the Seder The annual Dates and Don'ts will by members of Omaha A. Z. A. tries in the Beth Israel picture and each class h»« been assigned be held May 2. Chairmen are: contest: Marlene Friedman, Jerry a portion of the service and will Toby Okrent and Ritz Peltz. Temple Youth Group Stone, Judy Stevens, Arnold Bres- act as leaders for their respective On the Community service side low, Payste Shyken, Marvin Ru- portions. of things—Coundlettes are telling The Temple Youth Group held back, Stanley Greenfield and MarReservations for the dinner may its lost meeting at the home of shall Kaplan. lilies for Lily Day. bo made by calling the Synagogue The girls will attend services Susie Lipp. The theme of the PASSOVER RECIFE BOOK meeting was "A Night in Italy" Copies of Mrs. Benjamin Gron- or Talmud Torah office, or directApril 9 at Beth El Synagogue. ly in the classes. and a pizza dinner was served. . DKBKA DEBS er*s Passover recipe book may be Many weeks of planning were Ellen Grecnberg and Susie Lipp purchased at the Synagogue office climaxed yesterday as Debka Debs were in charge of the program, for one dollar ($1,00) per copy' presented their second annual style which featured a novel "Truth or Proceeds of the book shall go to show, "Vanity Fair." The clothes Consequences" show, the Talmud Torah Building Fund. modeled were those of new spring An executive meeting was held fashions from Brandets store; the March 26 at the Jewish Commodels being girls from the various munity Center. The program for Ugh schools and the Youth Coun- the coming month was planned. cil girls' dubs. After the show, refreshments were served. All proUnited Youth ceeds will go to charity. JBCs (8th Grade Boys) at the Included in the program for The next meeting of V. S. Y. JCC—"Sports Night," S u n d a y , April will be sendees, community will be held Sunday at Beth El at April 4,705 p.m. projects, and Stagenlght 7 p. m. A Passover program will 7th Grade (Boys)—Home of BilBAYIM ly Katzman, 540 N. 72nd Ave., Sunbo presented. Raylm Is proud to announce that Anyone interested hi attending day, April 4,7:15 p. m. It* mixer, "The Ace of Chita" was U. S. Y. Camp contact Sheldon 8th Grade (Girls)—Home of Barbara Wolfe, 6620 Underwood a smashing success. The basketball Rips. Avenue, Sunday, April 4,7:15 p. m. game, which was won by Student Council 39-36, provided many Joe E. Lewis: "You often hear of thrills. Highlighting the dance was a man in advance of his age, but Shelley Winters: "Absence conthe performance of Rayim's Trav- never of a woman in that condi- quers love, but not when money eling Troupe. Many thanks to tion."—(JTA) U the thing that* absent"—(JTA)

Extension Schedule

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schulman, will celebrate his Bar Mltzvah this evening and Saturday morning at Beth El Synagogue. Friends and relatives ore invited to attend the services and the recepUoons following both services. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Silver announce that their d a u g h t e r , JEANNE, will celebrate her Bas Mitzvah Friday evening and Saturday morning, April 9 and 10, at Beth El Synagogue. Friends and relatives are Invited to attend the services and receptions which will follow.

Stage Night Notes The people who will perform between the skits al the 31st annual Stage Night presentation have been announced this week by the co-chairmen. They are; Barbara Joffe and Harriet Sosldn; Ruthle Chudacoff and Larry Epstein;; Janle Fellman; and "The Four of Us" including Jerry Ziegman, Stan Widwan, Phil Schrager and Mike Sobman. The Youth Council members are urged to purchase tickets from their dub. chairman as soon as possible. Ticket* are 25 cents for all Youth Coundl members and 50 cents for an adults and non-Youth Council members.

Summer Institute The Israel Summer Institute, now in its sixth year of operation, offers young Americans an. opportunity to visit Israel. The tour Includes seven weeks in Israel with visits to all parts of the country. On the program is study groups, lectures, soda] and cultural events, meetings with leaders In science, arts and government and a period at an agricultural settlement If you have any specific professional or vocational Interests, a feature of the 1954 program is thd division of the group into various sections, coordinated with the general program but laying emphasis on such fields as social service, teaching, administration, medicine, engineering, music, and art. The Institute will be held during the months of July and August


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Friday, April I, ISM

Religious News



Beta Ifxad Men

To Hold Spring Donee

The Omaha Choir and Dramatic memory of Rote Rosenberg and Mn. Rose Cutler Tm J. ItrafV chairman of tho Club will entertain the residents of Leon Mendelsbn. Mrs. Rose Cutler, 72, died Weddance committee of the the Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Messrs. Fred arid Charles Rosen- nesday, March 24, in Los Angeles, spring Beth Men* Dance of the P. M. CawUcllghtuig Aged Sunday afternoon, April 4 at stock in memory of Mrs. Jorgen- Calif.,.at the home of her<son, MonthIsrael Club, has announced final 1 o'clock. Nathan, 6517 Colgate Avenue. sen, Joseph McXee. Max Wolff and plans have been made for the Mrs. Cutler was a former resi- Spring Dance to be held at the TEMFLB I8BAEL Blkur Chollm held their regular H. G. Kiddoo. dent of Omaha for 40 years. monthly Birthday Party at the Mrs. Carrie Salsbury in memory Beth Israel social hall, Saturday, At the regular Sabbath Services She is survived by two sons, April 3, at 8:30 p. m. Every atFriday evening at 8 o'clock. Rabbi Home Thursday, March 25. Those of Meyer Brookstein. Sidney H. Brooki will discuss especially honored were: David Dr. Philip Sher in memory of Nathan of Los Angeles and Louis tempt will be made to reflect the "Was Jesus a Jewish Prophet?" Gomberg, Joe Llpsey, Jenny Lev- Dr. Clifford H. Hansen's Mother, A. of Omaha; two daughters, Mn. coming of spring despite what the Mrs. Paul Blotcky wlU redte the enson, Llbby SSalkln, Solomon SU- Hilda Ohlin, Minnie Goldenberg, Alt Lapin and Mrs, Irving Feld- temperature may be outdoors. Music will be provided by an outblessing over the Sabbath lights; vcrman, Lit Mock and Sam Poster. Don Riekes and Yahrzeit of Harry stein, and eight grandchildren. standing combo. There will bo Paul Blotcky and Jack B..Cohen A gay time was had by all and B. Zimman. flowers for the ladies and door will assist Rabbi Brooks with the movies were taken of the offair to Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Sommer prizes. In memory of Meyer Brookstein, Torah and Siegfried F. Sander of be shown at a later date. Services were held Sunday, Springfield, Ohio, will recite the A special Kiddush was given by Minnie Goldenberg and Dora The Spring Dance will be the March 28, for Mendal Blank with second, of a series of three dances Kiddush. An Qneg Shabbat and an Mr. and Mrs. Joe' Gotsdclner in Riekes. informal discussion of the sermon honor of the birth of a grandson. Mr. Louis Sommer and Beatrice interment at Golden Hill Cemetery. to be climaxed by a dinner dance Mrs. Pearl Harmel, one of our in memory of Minnie Goldenberg Mr. Blank, 88, died Saturday, in May. Art Gould, chairman of theme will follow the services. March 27 at his home. the Dance of the Month Club, has Regular Shabbos Morning Serv< residents, Is the proud great grand- and Hilda Ohltn. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Steinberg He was born in Russia and Uvod announced reservations are stm lees will be held Saturday at U-.40 mother. in Omaha for more than 60 yearsSPECIAL DONATIONS in memory of Max Wolff, Albion, available and may be had by cona. m. Rabbt Brooks' will conduct Surviving arc: three daughters, tacting either the synagogue ofthe service, assisted by the stu- Two Torah belts donated by Mrs. Nebr. dents of the Hebrew Department Rebecca Temln in honor of her Mr. and Mrs. Donoll Tempcriy in Miss Bcsse and Mrs. Lou Sogolow fice or Stanley Diamond, ticket of Omaha, and Mrs. Louisa Adler chairman, WE 4959. memory of Dora Riekes. of the Religious School. Klddujh birthday. Coral Gables, Fin.; four grandfor an present will follow the Sedorim were donated by Miss Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Tcmper- of children and four (jreat-Brnndchllservices. George S. Kaufman: "From lisSylvia Parilnian and Mrs. Isadoro ly, Sr., In memory of Dora Riekes. dren, Staff and Directors of the V. S. tening to some-prudes you'd think Lewis. National Bank of Omaha In memthey blindfold themselves before Mr. and Mrs. Abe Pollnkoff have BETH ISRAEL ory of Dora Rlekcv. taking a bath."—(JTA) Anna Mendelson Rabbi Benjamin Groncr, Cantor donated Machzorun in honor of Mr. Tom Veractic In memory Kagan and the Beth Israel Syna- the Bar Mltzvah of their son, Ber- of Meyer Brookstein. Services were held Friday, nard. gogue choir will conduct late FriMr. and Mrs. Paul Vcret in March 26 In Los Angeles, Calif., FLOWERS: Sent by Mr. and day evening services, at 8 p. m. for Mrs. Anna Mendelson. Mrs. memory of Minnie Goldenberg. Barry Friedman will recite the Mrs. Harry Shukert, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Milton H. Yudel- Mendelson, widow of Chemach kiddush. Sabbath morning services the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Mi- son in memory of Dora Riekes. Mendelson, died Friday, March 26 begin at 8:30 a. m. Junior congre- chael. hi a Los Angeles hospital. She was I. B. and Blanche Zimman in Contributions to the Home gation services start at 9:30 a. m. a former long-time resident of The Dr. Philip Sher Jewish memory of Dr. Clifford H. Han- Omaha. Rabbi Groner will conduct tho sen's mother, Mrs. Hanson; Hilda Home for the Aged gratefully acSaturday Talmud class at 6 p. m.; Survivors include: a daughter, Ohlin, Dora Riekes, father of Lois Saturday Mlncho will start at 6:30 knowledges contributions received Ferrin, and Yahrzclt of Mrs. J. C Miis Harriet Mendelson of Los p. m., followed by Shoioshe S'eudoa during the months of February Pepper's mother. Angeles, and a son, Philip, also of and March, from the following: and Maartv. Los Angeles. Honor Contribution* Memorial Contribution* Daily morning services begin at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rosenstock in Mr. Bill Agruso in memory of 7 a. m.; dally afternoon services Gertrude Berg: "To love and win honor of wedding anniversaries of Meyer Brookstein. begin at 6:45 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Moe Venger and Mr. is the best thing; to love and lose, Sunday morning breakfast mln- Mr. and Mrs. Reuben H. Brown and Mrs, Julius Rosenfeld. the next best."—(JTA) yan meels at 8;4S a. m. and Is fol- in memory of Hilda Ohlin, Dora Mr. and Mrs. Simon Shyken In lowed by Rabbi Groncfs Bible Riekes and Minnie Goldenberg. Dr. Max Fleishman in memory honor of their 50th wedding anDiscussion class. The youngsters of niversary. the Tails and Teffilin Club begin of Minnie Goldenberg. I. B. and Blanche Zimman In their services at 8:30 a. m. Break- The Grodlnskys in memory of honor Served Buffet Styfe! of speedy recovery of Mr. fast Is served at the conclusion of Dora Riekes. Mrs. Ben Handler in memory of Louis Kulakofsky. Al! You Care to Eat . their services. The Talmud DisOeneral Contributions cussion group, currently studying Dora Riekes. Estate of Sol L. Degen. Mr. Wendell Johnson in memory the. tractate Sabbath, meets every Mr. and Mrs. Maurice B. HejcTuesday evening at 8 p. m. umter of Meyer Brookstein. NOON TO 3 P. M. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kuemlie in ter of New York. the direction of the Rabbi, at SOUTH DAKOTA B,H,H. Synagogue, 19th andBurt memory of Dora Riekes. and Mr. Al Lamb in memory of MINNESOTA LAKE Meyer Brookstein. BETHEL Tel Aviv (JTA)—The United Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lustgarten FISH Services will be held this eveStates has made available to Israel ning at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. In memory of Dora Riekes. DRESSED WHILE Mr. Ray McNeil in memory of in grants, loan* and technical asKrlpko wOl deliver the sermon. sistance, the total of 9348,000,000 YOU WAIT Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Meyer Brookstein. Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Newman since the state was organized, it Both El Synagogue Choir will was reported by Bruce McDanicl, in memory of Hilda Ohlin, Minnie render the musical portion of the American director In Israel of the Goldenberg, and Dora Riekes. service. TED'S TAVERN Technical Cooperation HOTEL BLACKSTONE Mr. Anton Novotny In memory American Sabbath morning services win Administration. 9202 N. 30lli Sr. begin at 9:45 a. m. Junior Con- of Meyer Brookstein. Mr. McDardel's report also noted PL 4433 gregation services will be at 10:30 Mr, and Mrs. Aaron E. Perils in that Israel has matched American a m . Mincha-Maariv services will memory of Dora Riekes. aid with 123,000,000 poundsMr. George Pfeiffcr In memory rOUTlCAI. ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVEBTT8EKKIIT start at 6:30 p. m. worth $344,400,000 under the curDally services are held each week of Meyer Brookstcln, rency arrangement contained in day at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. The Mr. and Mrs. Max Riekes in the TCA agreement. He disclosed Sunday morning service is at 9 that thus far tho United States a. m. ferenccs on the work of their chil- has supplied Israel with 99 technidren In Religious School. Mervln cal experts, each of whom trains a Lemmcrmon, Temple director of "counterpart technician In his speTemple Parents Meet N. education, led the discussion period. ciality" before departing. A parent's meeting on the theme of "Passover in the Home" was held Tuesday evening for parents of children in the Primary.Divislon of the Temple Israel Religious School. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks discussed the holiday of Passover with the parents, and Miss Ida Gitlln, Temple music director, taught Passover Seder songs. David Blclcher, chairman of parents programming for the Religious School,'presided at the meeting. Mrs. Stanley Flsk prepared a demonstration Passover Seder table. Following the meeting, tenchcrs met with parents for Informal con-

Mendel Blank

Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on Sunday


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Albert L Tuttle



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not lust o "bonus" of leftovers, but is much i s i n t third off until Apr. 30 only, on tto tttit wanted Kilter Passover folds In our stores— over and above- list November's cut by all scrip companies . . . also up to 1 Ib. more food In every Kosher Passover parcel I gift SCRIP for $10, $15, $20, $25 and $50 PARCEL certificates (or $1150, $15.50. $2050 and and $2550 o r d e r t h r u y o u r local Sorvrco for Israel



AT 0340

COL. ALBERT L. TUTTLE has been Chief of Operations for Omaha's Civil Defense since 1950. A vote for Col. Tuttle will bring Omaha city government a man of broad business and executive experience. CoL Tuttle won national recognition for his part in coordinating and directing Omaha's Flood Fight in 1952. His business and civic responsibilities in Omaha nave made him thoroughly familiar with the operation of Omaha's .City; Council and municipal government. Col. Albert L. Tuttle, • retired Army officer, has been a tax paying resident of Omaha for the past 10 years.

Will Devote Full time to the City


B'nai B'rith Bowling

B j Undj Paul

Friday, April I, IBM

Grillers and I-Go Van Win Midget League Crowns

The kings of the Midget Basket- second place was their reward. ball league are 11-Worth Grill and Justin Razttz, Mike PerseU and W. L. I-Go Van. The spirited GriUers, Dave Goldstein led the assault HoneerUnlfonn 25 17 coached by Sam Ban are Justin with seven, six and five points reOnion Freightways . . . . 24 18 Ban, captain, Frank Goldberg, spectively. Howard Welnterg led Kabnan Insurance . . . . 22 20 Don Fiedler, Howard Chudacoff, Ford squad with eight points. NoggBros 22 20 Ed Sidman, Al Newberg, Miko 8TAES OE.THE WEEK Wardrobe 22 20 Lustys arc 19S4 Vanity league 43-28, Clayman scored 17 while Sadofsky, Garry Kohn, Martin BUI Harwich A b a Cutler Impco . . . . . . . . < 18 24 Snclder, Mike MarkoviU, Gene champions. Every member of their Wldman added 16. Sonny Marlco The center of the Pacific Fish Franklin DIstr. 17 Mi 22*4 Dandy. In the 7-8th grade league seven-man squad contributed to and Norm Zevitz made six for the I-Go Van 14% 2214 the I-Go Van squad, coached by team BUI Horwich played the finthe scoring as they defeated their Klowni. Sherman Poska, w o r e champs. est game of his young career. He dose rivals Collegians. 31-25. Fln»l Standings led his team to a win over the CUssfo Minor Scoring honors went to their seaW. L. Members of that team were Tom champs 11-Worth Grill by scoring W. L. son's top scorer Al Brown, who Lustys 11 4 KuDy, captain, Mike Canar, Clark eight paints and rebounding from Smith Pontiac 27 15 made 12 points. Ira Trachtcnbcrg Collegians . . . : . . . 10 S Swarlz, Sid Pessen, Ronald Si- both backboards. B a t Appliance 24 18 and Keevee Kirshonbaum added Star Auto 7 8 mons, Nekon G o r d m a n , Ed Schneider and Stan Greenfield. Paramount Mkt 23 19 five, while Steve Lustgartcn scored Kutlere 4 11 Venger&Sons 23 19 three. Dan Epstein, Joe Belmont Alan Cutler was Instrumental in In last week's final session, both Hires Root Beer win over the Leagus High Scorera CUquot Club 20 23 and Moc Handloman each scored champs went down' to defeat. Al Clayman (Star Auto) . . . . 270 Forbes Bakery 19 23 a field goal champs I-Go Van. He fired in five Jack Stiss (Collegians) 211 Tough Pacific Fish dropped 11- field goals on some nifty one-hand Wayne Auto 18 24 The success of the Lusty victory Lcroy Katz (Collegians) . . . 167 Worth 22-13. Dan-HaiUs and Bill push shots from all over. The H. Z, Vending . . . . . . . . . . . 14 28 was chiefly due to a stubborn, Irv Yoffe (Kutlers) 155 Horwich did the most damage George Shapiro had 10 straight sticking zone defense which kept Stan Widman (Star Auto) . . 136 with eight points each. Horwich Movers team were watching Stu Kutler and Irv Belzer when Al strikes for 224, 288-688. the usually sharp Collegian* oft A) Brown (Lusty*) . . 126 played a fine game for the wintheir stride. Their shots were hur- Ed Belgrade (Collegians) . . . 122 ners. His rebounding and shoot- Cutler played his best game, For A Dlvblon ried and the Lusty rebounders Kcvce Kirshenbaum (Coll.) ..••99 ing uparked his team. Justin Ban their sparkling performances in made nine for 11-Worth. leading their teams to upset win The lust night of bowling will be namely Ira Trachtonberg, Keevee Al Konecky and Roy Katskee, Bill Horwich and Alan Cutler are April 20. The banquet will be held Kirshenbaum and Steve LustgarS. Riekes one-two punch won selected as Stars of the Week. Key 4 at the West Highland Club. tcn controlled the backboards. It Oruch and Horwich LEAGUE STANDINGS third place by slapping a 24-18 Captains, please check your teams was apparent that the Collegians Top Mixed Keglers FINALS loss on Mogen-Davld Wine. Koneso you have a full W]uad during missed their center Ed Belgrade. W. L. Ed carried a 20-point average In these last few weeks. The new chomps of the V. C. cky scored nine points while Kats11-Worth Grill 10 2 kec contributed eight. Howard the six games he played in. His W. h. Mixed tournament are Laurie Pacific Fish . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 9 3 Stolcr topped the Winers with height and shooting ability were Belmont Jewelry . . . . . . . . . 26 16 Oruch and Tanny Horwich. Laurie 9 S. Riekes 3 Grcenbcrg Ins. Agency . . . . 26 16 surely missed. Both squads were carries a 127 average In the girls' seven points. 2 10 I-Go Van ran Into a tough trio Mogcn-David Wine Morris Paint Store 23 17 cold In their shooting but the league and came through with Pepsi Cola Bottling 24 18 Lusty defense was the main fac- games of 150 and 140. Tonny is a of Hires Root Beer players and W, L. Crosstown TV .' 24 18 tor in their win. Top scorers for 131 bowler In the Y. C. Boy's were sloped 31.277. Stu Kutler, I-Go Van 8 4 the losers were Jack Stlss and Al Cutler and Irv Bclzer scored Nebraska Furn Mart . . . . 22 20 League. He fired games of 179 and Sample Fur 6 6 Grace Mayer Ins. Co 10 23 Leroy Katz with eight and seven 146. They finished with a 813 total. 12, 10 and nine points respective- Gercllck «... 6 6 In second place was Joyce Canar ly to cinch the win for Hires. Tom Hires Root Beer Gcrcllck Motor Co 18 24 points respectively. 4 8 Kully and Mike Canar scored 11 and Ray Klrke. Joyce is a 112 Milder Oil Co. 18 24 Star Auto Parts with Al ClayLyns Florist 16 26 man anil Stan Wldman providing bowler and rolled games of 152 and nine points for the Movers. Sample Fur squeezed by Gerc- Y. C. Girls Bowling Hlnky Dinky Stores . . . . . 15 24 the one-two punch dropped Kutlcr. and 145. Ray carries a 145 average In league play and threw games of llck Motors 22-21 and a share of Sandy Kaiser broke the season's L. 120 and 147. There were 28 partw. high individual game by rollhiR a Mileroma 29V4 16K 243. He had 7 strikes in a row. The Jr. Sports Bowling ners entered and the boys and girls Debs Nebs 29 - 17 are now looking forward for the YC Boy's Bowling previous high was held by Dick Gutter Gals 26K Spiegal with 239. The three top teams in the mixed team tourney. Slick Chicks 25 21 American Division High series for the evening was league won lost week's games and 21 W. L. Scoreless Fourless . . . 25 Sam Diamond with 573. Other with three weeks remaining to Starlet* 24K 2 1 H , Rayim MSG 52 20 highs: Bud Falk, 208-502; Jack bowl, the Spring tournament will 3 Strikes and a Spare. 24 22 IndEBO 50 22 ' Saferetcin, 516; Jack Belmont, 210; be the deciding factor. It will be La Fa Ma RI 24 22 Rayim X's 46 26 Sandy Kaiser, 536; Stan Sherman, held Friday morning, April 16 durAlley Cats 23'i 22ti AZA100A 38 .34 With only two more weeks re511; Sid Snclder, 500, and Jake ing spring vacation. 22 24 maining of this bowling season, AZA 100 Gutter Gangs 35tt 36H Lucky Strikes Adlcr, 516. HtundlflC* 20 26 35K.36M Lane Lassies the OP Skaggs squsd strengthened AZA.1 Zorches W. L. their lead for first place by a total AZA 1 Gutter Coons . . 34 38 All Strikes 19 27 Alley Sluggers 17 4 Lucky Losers 19 27 Parkway 28 44 of four games. Gamble Robinson Rayim K Bowling Bums 17 4. Fruit Co., took the lead from nayimMJabs Bowling Belles' 11 35 W. L. 22 50 Strikes & Spares 17 4 Wolfsori-Gerber Auto Sales for AZA 1 We Goofed Ranks Army G o o d s ; . . . 29 13 Illgh Five Average* 19 53 Lucky Ladies 12 9 Borshelm Jewelry . . . . 28 14 Phyllis Rosen, Debs Nebs . . . . 145 High Oames and Series team series with a 1550. 12 9 Wolfson-Cerbor 23'4 18*, Alley Rats Jerry Zlegman, 198—520; Tom Tevee Bernstein, 3 Strikes Allan Noodle was high in the Beer Franicrs 12 9 and a Sparc 136 Liberty Gas 23*i IBS Bernstein, 184—524; Bob Epstein, High Hitters 1VA 9>,i league with his 274 Uriel. Barbara Joffe, Starlets 133 Sol Lewis 22 20 Mike Canar fired the high game 169-480 ahd Matty Sophlr, 1 5 8 - Laurie Oruch, La Fa Ma Ri Gutter Boys . . . . . . . . . . 11«i 9 ',4 128 Playland Park 21 21 456. of the day, a 165. Tough Turkeys 11 10 Toby Okrent, Starlets . . . . 123 NaUonalTire 20 22 National Division Judy Cohen led in the girls' diLucky Duckys . . . . . . . 10 11 Richman-Gordman . . . . 19 - 1 W. I* High Five Oame* vision with games of 153 and 110 Hep Oitx . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 13 PhUcO-Brandeis 19 23 AZA lBoosers . . . . . . . 50 19 Laurie Oruch, La Fa Ma Ri 195 for a 263 serial. Nifty Hitters . . . . . . . . 8 13 Prucka Tramp. 17 23 AZAlQIams 49H 19V4 Barbara Joffc. Starlets . . . 169 Standing! Gutter Gerties . . . . . . . 6 15 Rlteway TV LI 27 Raylm SOS 43 29 Vlckl Colick, Slick Chicks . 156 Kuger Beavers . . . . . . . . 5 16 W. L. AZAlOOCcnturymen . . 40 W 31'A Elaine Jangcr, Slick Chicks 159 Rosen-Novak 15 27 Bowling Babes 5 16 O. P. SkaK« 35 15 Tcvee Bernstein, 3 Strikes Rayim S a P 40 32 lllKh Oanu* Bowling Dolls 2 19 Neb. Fur. Mart 31 19 and a Spare 155 Rayim H 39 33 Barney Hoberman 199, Harold Maypcrs . . . . . 30 20 "100Oames AZA 1 Bluffers 39 33 Bloom 197 and By Raznlck 186. nigta Five Series Wolf son-Gerbcr Auto . . 27 ',4 22 ',i Ind. Sleepers . , John Rli-kes, 167: Stuart Kutler, 34 38 High Serkw Laurie Oruch, La Ma Ri 303 26 24 148; Clark Swartz, 135; Larry FlaylandPork AZA I No Names 16 56 Vicki Collck, Slick Chicks 293 B. Hoberman 564 and II. Blown Cillmky, 132; Larry Hoberman. 11-Worth <3rUl 2 4 ' 26 Rayim Screwballs 5 67 292 Phyltys Rosen, Debs Nebs 409. 130; Howard Wclnberg, 128; Mar-Gamblo-Roblnson Fruit 2114 28»4 High Oamr* and Series 291 Barbara Joffe, Starlets . . tin Snclder, 121; Mike Shricr, 118; Industrial Chemical Co. 21 29 John Goldner, 209—534; Steve Tcvee Bernstein, 3 Strikes Ki-llcy» "B" »lv. Howard Slusky, 116; Jim Giifcs. Amer. Lrnbr. * Supply 18',4 31H Brooksteln, 179—496; G e o r g e and a Spare 279 W. L. 1LS; Doug Plait, 109; Mike Sabes, Morris Paint 15',4 34 H Sachs, 166—479 and Howard GoldMid Plalnj Insurance 28 14 108;.Judy Brooksteln. 105; Jeanne Spill* stein, 163—459 Magi-Color faint Silver, 104; Tom Platt, 103; Steve Vfcki Collck, 2-7; Susan WolfYC Girls Volleyball <Ern>ldels> 28 14 nioeh, 103 and Steve Cuss, 101. son, 24-7; Bob Shapiro, 5-7: Stuart Bennett Furniture . . . 27 15 In the Youth Council Girls Vol-' Fogel, 5-9/ and Stuart Kutler, 6-7, Robinson Iron and leyball Double Elimination tourna-, Attention Midget High (lamr* and Sfrif« Metal . . . . 24 18 Color who grabbed two from the ment, the Tikvas Ami dropped tho Slosburg boys. Watxun Bros. Von • Aallan Noodle 160-114—274 Basketball Players Coundllctte No. 3 team, 15-8,15-2.. Lines 22 20 Steve Rlckcs 155-117—272 Don't forget the Father-Son Theresa Kahn spurred tho TA at- . Louis Market 20 22 Eddie Wintroub . . . . 144-127—271 tack with her sparkling serves and • Slosbure Realty 19 23 W. L. Howard Welnbcrg . . 145.125—270 program at the Jny Auditorium. floor play. The TA girls will be • H, A. Wolf Insurance. 17', 24H, Wolf Bros. 53(4 34*4 Stuart Kutler 136-132—268 Sunday, April 11 a t 2 p, m Make sure your dad has sent In after the tournament trophy, s y m - , South Omaha Sun . . . 16 26 National Tire and Bob Shapiro . . . . . . . 151/112—266 bolic of Y. C. championship. The his reservation. Simons Jewelry . . • - . 8'4 33'^ Supply 51'4 38(4 Judy Cohen 153-110—263 Debs are the defending champs. Evening Highs: HIG P, Rifkln. Philips Dept. Store . . 4914 4014 Mike Canar 165- 93—258 187; HIS ! \ Fifkln, 497; HTG Mid 11-Worth Grill 48 42 Jack Ucb 147-109—256 Plains. 799,'HTS Mid Plains. 2209. R & S Shoes 48 42 Stuart Fogel 138-117—255 Other High Scores: J. Upton Omaha Jobbing 45 45 Bernic Grossman . . . 127-126—253 3rd to 8th Grade 186. I. Sflbes 170-1-78-483, W. Angles Beauty Salon. 45 45 John Rickcx 133-118—251 Grocnburj; 174, M. Meyerson 172, Lyn's Florist 44 46 Mike Platt 135-108—243 Boys and Girls Al Altmnn 172-163, J. Chasm 161- Country Club Grocery 44 46 Billy Katzman 123-117-240 43 47 453, G. O<heroff 172. M. Grrber Colony Club Vlckl CoUck 129-108—237 166,'M. Loss 158-517-4G:t, S. Gnntl- Hamilton Pharmacy.. 43 47 Tom Platt 126-110—236 ler 178-161. N. Seglin 1K0-469. H. Kish Kurs 41 !4 48! i Roger Smith 118.110-228 Abrnhnmson IH5, A. Fcldmiili, 1W- Mystic Beauty Shop . 41 40 Edlc Singer . . . . . . . 133- 95—228 454, K. Hir.ihcinser 173-]7i-48D, K. Shuk.'rt.s 41 49 Jim Supliir 129-04—223 Dewnh'-ri! 163-MJJ). I! Warner, Smith 1'onlL-ic 41 49 Chuck Wise 141- 82—223 163, J. Freeman 1C5, I,. Alexander UIIKI.-IS Jewelry . . . . 40 50 Beverly Bloom 116.105—221 184^78, 15. Malashock 1C1-1WJIIIRII Scrim APRIL 12-16 Gumblc-Roblnson Fruit Co., and 462, and J. Belmont 101. lino Winliuub, !523; I'-stlier Rosi, Bennett Furniture fell f r o m •10H; Sue GreeiilierR, 481; Annette O. P. Skaggs roll-off highs: Maureen Zevitz—265 scries. • Swimming •Softball grace but stopped at thin) [liner*1 Fi.ink, 171); Hel»n Shuker, 472; Jerry Sherman, 2C3 scries. when they lost two to H. A. Wolf •'.iv Ijle], •10!), and Uev Swart/, Insurance even though Al A It man 462. Roger Smith—250 series. • Fishing Trips • Track Meet threw his lfi'.f ball between Ms Stuart Kutler—248 series. legs and into the gutter. By virtu*? • Film Festival • Camp Reunion Edle Singer—220 series. Helen Shiikert. 222; Ami'tte of taking nil three from .South Frank. 211; fine Wintrouh, 11)9. Nancy Lewis, with an 85 avcrWATCH FOR ANNOUNCEMENT IN MAIL Omaha Sun, Mid Plains Insurance Sue Greenlx-rr:, 190; Fay Wei, 183, fi, fired games cf 123 and 108 Is nou' tied for first with Ma|;i- and Ruth Gclfnnd. 180. for a 2.'ll series. Clank Major

Lusty's Stubborn Defense Nabs Varsity League Title

Jr. B. B. Bowling

Spend Your Spring Vacation at the Jay

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