April 9, 1954

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Vnl XO Knttwd fti Mcond-UlMi„„,,„ AlMttcf • ! jnu. lJu«t> Vol. M ATUl f- _HNOn , XL 31 Bf(|0#i c|11MUlfc N t t r u w M OT


uioouniiintta ntrj rrnui, 101 M. Mtu, sutu uop» to iCjapog Om"bA- Nebrukm. PKou AT MMI Annual fUU 4

Ocota DOUtn

Warburg To Speak Wednesday $

Banks Lend New York UJA 20,000,000 for Work in Israel

National Chairman Will Address Initial Gifts Div. Recipient of UJA Award

Crisis In Middle East United Nations, N. Y, (JTA)— Hectic diplomatic activity here nnd in the capitals of the Western world aimed at preventing (in explosion In the Middle East was uncrscorcd by further Incidents along Israel's tension-packed border. These were the major developments of the critical period:

Kdwnnl M. M. Warburg (left), Kcncrul rhulrmnn of tlifl natlontvlde United Jnvvlnh Appeal, rccelvra from Ilia VIA New York'* treasurer, Samuel D. l>ld<»idorf' (rl|(ht) and executive vice-president Henry C. Bernstein check* for $20,000,000, proceed* of a loan to New York UJA by seven banks. Dollar credits thus nude available will enable Inrael to rwiolvc short-term Indebtedness that faa> been a staggering burden on Its economy.

Men's Philanthropies Div. Off to Encouraging Start Mindful of the fact that some 1,200 prospects have to be covered by the Men's Division of the Philanthropies, Harry Sldmnn, division chairman, toddy reported that advnnce solicitation activity hai already started, and is show< ing encouraging results. Current Need* A special meeting of workers, held last Thursday night, discussed current needs In Israel, America and in Omaha. A thorough discussion of methods to be used In reaching the prospects resulted In many excellent suggestions, Mr. Sidman said. . As a result of the discussion, the worken decided to start an "advance" solicitation of selected prospects, and a number of cards were distributed Need 100 Worken "We will need at least 100 worken t o cover our cards adequately," Mr. Sidman said, "and we hope to recruit them from all men's organizations In tho community. The Jewish Philanthropies drive touches the interests of every Jewish organization and is of direct concern.to alL ."The card that we do not get is the card that we fail to contact," Mr. Sidman emphasized, "It h, therefore, of utmost importance that wo have enough manpower to reach every Jew In the community." AV8TBIAN PROTEST Vienna (JTA)—The board of the Austrian Jewish Communities protested to Chancellor Julius Kaab, Vice Chancellor Adolf Schaerf and leaders of the two parties comprising Austria's coalition government, against a draft measure submitted to Parliament by the government which would deprive a number of Austrian Jews who emigrated from Austria of social security benefits. <

So far about sixty workers have enrolled, and a special effort is being made to obtain forty more workers for this division. A special meeting of the entire Workers' Corps will be held very shortly, at which time there will be a complete distribution of all assignments. "All of us arc anxious to do our Job without delay, and before the warm weather sets in. Important, to, Is the fact that the need Is most urgent now, and our response must be immediate, and adequate," Sldmnn concluded.

The British-officered and financed Arab Legion moved units in full battledrcss into the Old City of Jerusalem and they began digging themselves In. The failure of the American chairman of the Israel - Jordan Mixed Armistice Commission to vote to censure Jordan for the Scorpion Pass massacre so emboldened the Arabs that the rate of incidents on the frontier was doubled. The .Israeli-Jordan Mixed Armistice Commission—without the participation of Iraell d e l e g a t e s voted coruure of Israel "in the strongest terms" for a raid on the village of Nahalln in which nine Arabs were killed and more than a dozen Injured. Armed with this decision and encouraged by the fact that Andrei Y. Vlshlnsky, Soviet delegate and new "protector" of the Arab world Is' this month's Security Council chairman, Lebanon this week formally called for Security Council action against Israel. on the Nahalln Incident.

Edward M. M. Warburg

President Names Envoy to Israel Washington (WNS)—President Eisenhower has named Edward B. Lawson, a career diplomat, American Ambassador to Israel as successor to the late Monnet B. Davis, who died in Israel. Mr. Lawson, now Minister to Iceland, has been recalled to take over the new post. The nomination of Mr. Ijiwson, who has been in the Foreign Service since 1939, is subject to Senate confirmation.

Attention Stage Night has been moved up to 7:15 p. m., Thursday, April 15.

Sunday Radio, TV Beth El Synagogue will present its Talmud Torah Choir and students In a "Model Seder" program over KMTV from 10 to 10:30 a. m. Cantor Aaron Edgar will direct the choir and rtabbl Mycr S. Kripke wilt offer a commentary on Seder ritual and customs. It will include a demonstration of ceremonial objects and special foods. "City of the Dream'.' will be presented on the Eternal Light radio program over WOW from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon, it was announced by the Theological Seminary of America. "City of the Drenrn" Is the story of Leon Jolson, who In five years became a citizen and established a sewing machine business. On the Passover holiday, he realises that lie can now be considered n citizen and u Jew. "Message of Israel" will be broadcast over KOIL from 10 to 10:30 a. m. Rabbi Abraham Shustcrman of liar Sinai Congregation in Baltimore, Md,, will speak,

Larry Kpstein

Barbara Joffe

Stage Night to Be Presented Thursday in Jay Auditorium Nearly 300 Youth Council mem bera will participate In. the 21st Annual Stage Night to be held 7:15 p. m. Thursday, April 15 in tho Jewish Community Center Auditorium. Note the date has been advanced from Wednesday evening. Stage Night Is an annual affair produced by the members of Youth Council In which clubs compete for honors by presenting original stage productions. The kits are kept secret until tho

time of presentation. The clubs have anounced the skit titles. Coundlettes will offer "Notable Notes;" Tlkvas Ami, "Curtain Going Up;" Debka Debs, "Oh Boy!" AZA No. 1, "The Battle of the Bassoons or Who Blew that Horn?" AZA No. 100, "The Red Pony" and Raylm, "Tomorrow, Today." Co-chairman arc Barbara Joffc nnd Larry Kpsteln nnd tho stage crew i* under tlje direction of Jerry Margolin.

Edward M. M. Warburg, National Chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, and one of the country's most distinguished humanitarian personalities, will bo the guest speaker at the Initial Gifts Dinner of the Jewish Philanthropies, Wednesday evening, April 14, at the Highland West Club, F. Ralph Nogg. Initial Gifts' Chairman announced. Volunteer Service He is the son of the late Felix M. Warburg, America's foremost philanthropist who founded the Joint Distribution Committee and was its first chairman. Edward Warburg has made volunteer service his life's career, in the effort to help and resettle Jewish survivors of Nazi persecution, and refuges from oppression in Eastern Europe and the Arab world. Mr. Warburg recently received the highest award given by the United Jewish Appeal of New York City in recognition of his. historic role over the past 15 years, In helping • to save more than 2,300,000 Jewish victims of war and oppression, and for a brilliant career of service and devotion to the homeless and oppressed. In addition to his post as National Chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, Mr. Warburg has served as National Chairman of the Joint Distribution Committee, since 1945. Mass Airlift An energetic and restless man when confronted with human emergencies, Mr. Warburg in 1949 personally organized and directed the mass airlitt transfer to Israel of virtually the entire Jewish community of Yemen, 45,000 In all, to escape Arab persecutions. In 1947 and 1948, Mr. Warburg personally toured displaced persons centers In Central Europe, and organized the PDC's famed "Port of Embarkation for Israel" in Marseilles, France, which sent tens of thousands of Jewish DP's to Israel. "The meeting of our division Wednesday night will give Omaha Jewry's answer to the threats and intimidations of the Arab potentates and autocrats," Mr. Nogg said. "Our brethern in Israel are facing the crucial 6th anniversary of the young state of Israel. The present crisis can be averted only through our united and generous response."

5th Foreign Film Sunday at Center The fifth in a series of six outstanding foreign films will be presented at the J. C C. Sunday, April 11. "Crime and Punishment" : (The French Version) is based on the Dostoevski novel and Is brilliantly portrayed on the screen,: Superb performances of the Police Inspector and Roskolnikov, and an excellent musical score, highlights this worid-f nmous story of a young student attempting to perpetrate the perfect crime. The film begins rit 8:15 p. m.




fswisn PRESS

Friday, April 9, 1934

Our U.N. Newsletter

Soviet Stand in Security Council

Published Bverjr Fridi by the Federation for Jewish Sentee Nibruka. un«r ibtttttf Matdi 3. Ittn. Maura u Mconq cim u u r at ' 10= API u i u n u jjtS—loi No. iota •tmt.'olni ITIM amp *«OMM l»l)t «o. »U> SUM.

By Arthur Lewk United Nations (JTA)—A reappraisal, whether agonizing or not, of the usefulness of the Security Council In the Palestine dispute must be made now that The recent Washington gathering of the First Internationa) Plan' the Soviet Union has cast Its secnlng Conference (or Israel, inaugurating the second Israel Bond issue, ond veto in a matter of months was not timed to coincide with any crisis in the Jewish state. That it was in fact held against the background of mounting wrath and against Israel. Such has been Intension in Arab-Israel relations only points to a situation whose cure dicated by Ambassador Abba S. perhaps depends more on economics than on either politics or weapons. Eban who has given notice that Israel must forge ahead economically if It is to thwart the Arab the veto-less General Assembly effort to bleed It economically white. The launching in Washington will be the organ of the United of the tccond Development Bond issue was the surest evidence that Nations to which his government Israel is doing just that. The second Issue was launched on the basis of the beneflcient results of the works of the first Bond Issue. These Is likely to turn in the future. results arc quite apparent from the basic fact that the import deficit In commenting on the second last year was diminished by forty million dollars. Also, .thanks to IsSoviet veto, the Israeli represent' rael bond dollars, new mineral resources including copper. Iron, phosatlve remarked on the extraordphates, kaolin, granite and marble have been uncovered. And, In adinary situation in the Council dition, the prospects ror the finding of oil seem good enough—as the where Arab objections "must preIsraeli Minister of Development Dr. Dov Joseph told the conference— vail, irrespective of their merits to have induced a number of American companies to invest millions of or the majority view," and no resdollars In drilling. olution recognizing Israeli rights The number of agricultural settlements has more than doubled in could be adopted. Mr. Eban went the last few years. Israel is now self sufficient In such foods as milk, on to say that it seemed to htm «Kgs. vegetables. The railroad system is being revamped and extendBy Seymour II. Kaplan, that the"basic conditions of Jued, a host of new factories established, the beginnings of a great TU* U copy of a letter by a dicial equity" were no longer presRegional Director of chemical and fertilizer industry has been laid In all of these matters, clergyman giving his point of view ent in this body and that this Anti-Defamation League the Israel bond dollar has been of invaluable assistance. on the relationship of American question would be bound to rise One of the most noticeable things about the Washington confer- The New Jersey Society of the Jews to the State of IsraeL—Edi- when his government considered ence was its sanguine mood There Were no longer the grave doubts DAK has disavowed the anti- tor's note. bringing matters to Its attention. that greeted the launching of the first bond issue. There was an ap- Semitic statements made by a Mr. Gerald Blank Soviet Veto preciation of course of the hard work ahead and a definite feeling that speaker at its annual meeting In American Council for Judaism The second Soviet. veto, of the case for Bonds had been proved, that the Jews would not only T r e n t o n , the Anti-Defamation course, was cost against the New give for Israel but would invest In the future of Israel. League reported this week. The 201 East 57 Street Zealand resolution which simply speaker, Mrs. Henry D. Strack of New York 22, N. Y. re-affirmed a previous Security Locust, N. J., has been known to Dear Mr. Blank: Council order to Egypt to stop Its ADL over the last few years as an anti-Semitic propagandist In her t have received your letter to- blockade of shipping bound for address, given In the Assembly of gether vith various pamphlets and Israel through the Suez Canal. The • premature, but those who have had the State Legislature where the statements explaining the position vote was eight in favor to two By Nathan Zlprin the opportunity to observe the la- DAR met, Mrs. Strack complained and work of the American Council against (Lebanon and the 1Soviet Union) and one abstention ' (NaARAB-ISRAEL KKIATIOXH . . . bor of love have no doubt about that "clandestine" kosher mark- for Judaism. The alacrity with which the the impact the book is counted on ings on household products sym- I am a Christian who has been tionalist China). Mixed Armistice Commission con making on the American scene. bolize "how a bold minority can an outspoken friend and support- Mr. Eban expressed satisfaction demned Israel in connection with Edited by Irving Howe, assistant impose its will and even Its re-er of the Zionist movement I re- that the resolution had been supported by the majority in the the Nahalln incident when com- professor of English at Brandcis observances upon an apa-joice with Israel, the International Coundl and therefore the concept pared with its inaction on the University, and Eliezer Qreenbcrg, ligious community of faith, at the esthetic majority . . . I leave it to of belligerency put forward by Scorpion Pass masacrc by Jordan Yiddish poet and essayist whose our ministers to decide if they tablishment of Israel, the political leads to speculation whether the latest volume of verse "Night Dia- want their vestments, altar cloths State. I do not believe that the Egypt as an argument for tho had been rejected by the truce machinery has not broken logue" was widely praised by the loyalty of a Jew is com- blockade ame majority. The Israeli repdown to a point beyond mere fu- literary critics, the book will have and communion service washed American by the existence of the rcsen,tatlve added that he felt sura tility . . . If the recent refusal by a seventy-page introduction Illum- with a soap upon which another promised of IsraeL nor do I believe that this concept of belligerency the American head of the mixed inating rather than recording the religion has already performed a State that It destroys the universality ritual without their knowledge.'' would bo rejected by a strong macommission to pin guilt on Jordan comparatively brief but brilliant of the faith he professes. I reallzo, jority Jn the General Assembly against the background of Am- history of Yiddish literature, a meMrs. Thomas E. Reeves, State man's impudent claim that the dium whose Intcrterritorial char- Regent of the New Jersey DAR, with most of my Jewish friends, "as one day may become apparhideous crime had in fact been acter is one of its most illuminat- expressed the Society's "regret that it is not always easy to make ent" clear the distinction between Juperpetrated by Israel did not re- ing aspect . . . General Assembly and shock" at Mrs. Strnck's "ti- daism as a universal faith, and flect the State Department's newin a letter1 to the chairman Israel as a political state.' But It In turning from the Security look policy of pampering the The Hebrew Day School, which rade" Council to the General Assembly, -Arabs, he must stand convicted of seems to be making rapid strides of ADL's New Jersey advisory is impossible for me to conclude Israel would be only following in <, an incompetence justifying re- on our educational scene, dates board. "I would say that at no therefrom that either one or the he footsteps of the United States moval . . . With Moscow placat- back to the Colonial Period. The time has this Mrs. Strack been other is illegitimate. As a Protes- ind the Western Powers who did' ing the Arabs and playing their first such school wns established our official spokesman . . . The tant Christian, and an American, he same thing some time ago. game at the international table, it in New York City in 1730. By 1854 views of Mrs. Strack on that sub- I stand for a pluralistic approach There was the Uniting for Peace Is questionable whether the Se- there were seven Hebrew Day ject were not known to us, nor did to American life and culture. I Resolution or Achcson Plan as it curity Council caruscrve as avenue Schools, but the spurt seemed to anyone know she Intended speak- fear any encroachment toward a was called after Its proponent, tho for casing the tension . . . Mos- have stopped until the twenties, or ing on such a subject." However, monolithic cultural structure in former Secretary of State, Dean cow's veto of two resolutions more properly until 1942. Today the record shows that Mrs. Strack A m e r i c a n society. Jews and Acheson, which was adopted more deemed even remotely favorable there arc 157 Day Schools in has in the past carelessly attacked Catholics bring to our common han thrco years ago because of to Israel may as much stem from America distributed.over 65 Jew- as "communistic" the CIO, YMCA, scene patterns of life: and culture the Soviet mis-use of the veto. a deal with the Arabs as from the ish communities in 23 states, of National Council of Churches and inspired by a religious tradition The Security Council is by-passed Kremlin's fishing expedition tac- which forty-three, outside of New League of Women Voters, as well and heritage which con be en- by this resolution and the General tics and its evident design to throw York, ore affiliated with Torah as outstanding human relations riching for all of us, and help to Assembly becomes the chief organ the Middle East into confusion and Umesorah , . . Total enrollment films, and other materials used in ensure variety and freedom. The f the United Nations. in the Day Schools is 30,000 as many schools and churches. She relation between faith and culture Of course, theer Is a difference turmoil . . . against 123,000 in the Talmud distributes the literature of the is always open to a variety of in- etween a resolution adopted by Signs where the wind might be T o r a h a and 176,000 in Sunday professional anti-Semites such as terpretations, but I can see Uttlo the General Assembly, which is blowing for the Arabs in the Se-Schools. The annual cost of Day Hart, Kamp and Williams. point to a faith which does not merely a recommendation, and one curity Council is seen in Lebanon's School operation is estimated at It is good to sec that the Newexert some very emphatic and dis- dopted by the Security Council, which is supposed to be an order. request to Vlshfhsky, this month's J10.750.O0O as compared with $10,- Jcrseyc DAR would respond so tinctive cultural influences, However, an Assembly resolution Council president, for U. N. con-800,000 for Talmud Torohs and quickly In denying any tie-In with $4,000,000 for Sunday Schools. Indemnation of Israel arising from I would view with dismay any would seem to be just as good for student costs per year in the untl-Scmltism of one of its attempt the Nahalin incident . . . A dividual to assimilate Judaism so it is not much of an order when i t speakers, but we especially like a the Day School ranges between disobeyed with impunity as friendly chairman even at an in-(360 and $450 as compared with remark made by New Jersey As- readily to a secular American patternational meeting can bo of good between $75 and $110 in Talmud semblyman William V. Musto, tern of life that could no longer Egypt has done in the case of tho service . . . In fact there is spec- Torahs and $35 in Sunday School. sponsor of a resolution to create exercise a critical cultural in- Council demand that it stop Its blockade. ulation whether the Western powa New Jersey State Subversive fluence. er*, favoring consideration now of Activities C o n t r o l Commission. I am not at all persuaded that If there was ever a mis-use of the entire Middle Kast situation Mrs. Strack had offered him heryour council is rendering cither he veto-on a classical scale, it rather than pinpointing on individ- Italian Union to Get support and in rejecting it, As- Judaism or America a positive was the second one cast by the ual Incidents, ought not press their Looted Nazi Property icmblyman Musto stated that he service. I rather fear that you arc Soviets in the Palestine dispute. point of view before the Security Rome (JTA) — The Union of ijectwl her support and the sup- an embarrassment to Judaism that The New Zealand resolution waa Council this month since Vishln- Italian Jewish Communities Is ex- port of the New Jersey DAIt ns comes at an unpropitious time. I dmitted to be a milk and water sky'would be in a most strategic pected to obtain about 1,000,000 well. Ho further suggested that am also afraid lest you "sell short" affair even by Its friends. Asido position to kill their plans . . . Ira from a hidden treasure of the commission he proposes "might and fail to appreciate as you from playing politics in the Middle With a Council eternally mired in valuables : taken from Jews who nell" investigate Mrs. Stack. should, the great civilizing and East, and very dirty politics too, was no meaning to the Sovetoes it might be more advisable were deported by the Nazis to critical function which Is the his-there iet action. All it did was to reject .perhaps to turn instead to the concentration camps it wns learntoric mission and heritage of the reafflrmation of a previous ed here. General Assembly except for the Water Sources Israel. rder; it did not reject the order. snag that the Assembly meet only Some weeks ago a store of JewCordially yours, As Mr. Eban quite rightly sold: Tel Aviv (JTA)—Two new waonce a year . . . .If the current elry and other valuables estimated J. Cocrt Rylaarsdam "The law of the United Nations" futility persists in international to be worth about one billion lira cr sources of considerable lmIs mill the "valid and unrepealed" Note: Dr. J. Cocrt Rylaarsdam wrtance have been found in Lowcouncils there appears to lie only was unearthed in a branch of the one cure for the situation — o Bank of Italy. A search wns un- :r Galilee, ut Kfar Hittln nnd near is a member of the Dutch Reform esolution of the Security Coundl Church. He studied at the New dopted on September 1, 1951, forthright nrid just American pol- dertaken for the owners of these ho Kndourt Agricultural School. The combined flow of the two Brunswick Theological Seminary •hlch denied to Israel and Its icy that would drier the Arab pol- Items mid the Union's assistance lelghbor, Egypt, tho rights of bcl* iticians from bcjievini; thdt they was enlisted by the covemment to elk is estimated at 300 cubic where ho later was Professor of Inorcncy, that of visit, could engage In playing with fire find the owners or their heirs. As nctres an hour. Despite the fact Old Testament He received his icarch nndIncluding seizure, nnd called for a result, some of tho property has hat water was not found until PH. D. in Old Testament Theology without beinc burned . . . he termination of the ON THE CULTl'KAI- FItONT... been returned to its rif;l)tful own- lie wells had been driven about at the Divinity School of tho Uni- n shipping through restrictions the Suez 1,000 feet—tho deepest in Israel, versity of Chicago and has been Prediction that a compilation of ers, or their heirs. Canal. Yiddish fiction in English, to be Only a small portion of the oth- Prof. M. Pjcard of the Hebrew Associate Professor of Old Testapublished this Fall by Viking Press er property will come to the Union University believes that the ex- ment Theology at the Federated under the probable title of "Treas- under the law which gives heirless istence of these water pockets are Theological Faculty of the Uni-an Instructor at tho American ury of Yiddish Fiction," will lilt Jewish property of Nazi victims to signs of extensive water resources versity of Chicago since 1945. He School for Boys in Basra, Iraq was a Near East Missionary and from 1931to1935. In Gallic. the best seller list mny be a bit the community. Krtir.r,



The Washington Conference


Off the Record

Clergyman's View On II. S. and Israel


Friday, AprU 0, l f v .

Jewish Position Worsened In Middle East Arab States

-tit* Three.

Global Report

Bond Office Moved As an economy measure the office of Bonds for Israel has been moved to smaller quarters. The office formerly at 713 City National Bank building is now at 1014 in the some* building.

New York (JTA)—Deteriora- 4. Of a p p r o x i m a t e l y 80,CHALLENGE ' tion or the position of tho Jews 000 Jews who lived in Egypt in The Hague (JTA)-*-Thc boards iti the Arab countries of the Mid- 1948, only 45,000 remain. Despite of the Dutch Ashkehozl and dle East as a result of "ultra- recent signs of amity toward Jews Sephardlc commmunities of HolnaUonallam and. xenophobia on land took Issue with a statement the part of the Arab nations" wax displayed by General Naguib, the by Archbishop Alfrink ranking Eban Offers Arab Jews of Egypt, the study "arc reported In a special study. Catholic official in this country, advising the Jews to call off their States Assurances A summary of the study, p apprehensive of their future in a search for Anrieke Beekman, Jewpared by the Institute of Jewish country dedicated to fighting forish girl who has been spirited New York (JTA)—Arab counAffairs of the World Jewish Con- eigners, foreign powers and Isaway by her Catholic fosfcrmoth- tries were assured by Israel of gress, gave the situation of therael." er, and to renounce their claims "complete reciprocation" if they Jews in the Middle East, country The Jewries of Irak, Syria and to the child. stop their border raids and their by country, as follows: Libya, the report continued, The Archbishop, responding to economic and diplomatic offensive 1. Only about 6,000 Jews now"have apparently no prospects an earlier appeal by the Jewish against the Jewish State. This asremain In Syria, out of a total for survival, even on a mo«'~it community, issued a statement in surance was givon by Israel AmJewish population in 1943 of 30/ scale. In Iraq and Syria, the which he hadvised the Jews to bassador Abba Eban in the course 000. Persecution, which 'began in process of spoliation and volunJohn Itowmblatt give up the campaign to'find the of an address at the inaugural din1945, accounts for the exodus. tary liquidation is still going on, child, who had been placed In thener of the United Jewish Appeal Those Jews who (till remain in and it is reasonable to expect care of a Catholic woman during of Greater New York at which Syria are there mainly because that the bulk of the existing rem- Rosenblatt toSpeak the Nazi occupation to keep her $2,000,000 were pledged by 600 of the official prohibition of Jew- niints of, these Jewish communiout of the hands of the Germans. guests. lah emigration. By and large, ties will leave, if pcrmltcd to doTo BI Mem Club He said that the community "If the Arab governments are these people ore destitute and so." City Commissioner John Rosen- should not ask the Catholic wom- not ready for a positive and concompletely dependent upon relief an, who baptized the child seven structive relationship of peace it blatt will be guest speaker at the years ago, to surrender her is their minimal duty atleast to from abroad and local charity for the necessities of life. Magician to Perform Beth Israel Mens Club monthly against the child's free will. leave us alone," he said. "Let them dinner meeting at the Beth Israel stop raiding our frontiers and killt. The Jewish community of At Camp Reunion ing our people. Let them stop insocial hall, 7 p. m., Thursday, SHECTITAH BAN Iraq, which numbered about 130,Frankfurt (JTA)—Even though terfering with our navigation and 000 before the Arab-Israel war, Howard Huntlngton, master April 15. has now dwindled to some 5,000 magician will be presented for Mr. Rosenblatt has been com- only a few thousand Jews In all commerce. Let them stop uttering the entertainment o f youngsters missioner since 1948. He is also of Germany purchase kosher meat, threats against our itegrity and persons, their parents at Camp Joy our stadium director and was in-agitation for a revival of Hitler's security. Let them stop obstruct8. Libya's Jewish population in and prohibition of kosher slaughtering ing our traffic. Let them stop tell1937 was 30,000, today it num- C-Cs reunion to be held at thestrumental in the inception and has grown to disturbing dimen- Ing other sovereign countries how bers below 3,000. The population Center, Thursday, April 15, at building of the stadium. Mr. Ros- sions In recent weeks. they should regulate their rela•hlft came about, the report de- 2:00 p. m., Al Sophir, chairman enblatt is chairman of the Cen- The current issue of one of tions with Israel. Let them stop clared, from emigration moti- of the c a m p committee an- tennial Sports Committee, a vice- Germany's largest news maga- refusing the meetings and convated by persecution and appre-nounced. Old campers and pros-chairman on the board of National zines, which exerts great influence tacts which our agreements make hension over Libya's establish- pective new campers are cordially Conference of Christians and Jews. public life, devotes five col- mandatory upon us. ment as an Independent Arab Invited tq atend this afternoon of He has been active in raising funds on they will do all these things fun. Many of this year's camp for the Nebraska Crippled Chil- umns to tho "problem," quoting as 'If state. their minimal International duty staff will be on hand to meet with dren's Society, and American Can- copiously from an inflammatory they can be assured of complete two-page illustrated spread that children and parents. Full camp cer Society. in a butchers' trade reciprocation on our part; and our Information for the 1954 season Reservations for the Beth I«rael appeared region will have a precious respite Hebrew U.30thYear will magazine last January. be available on that after- Mens Club Dance of the Month are from hostility even if a peace setCelebrated in US, noon and the camp director will closed. No tickets will be on sale tlement is not soon attained," Mr. HEBREW CHAIR be glad to meet with Interested for the dinner danco to be held Eban stated. Governor Dewey, New York (WNS)—The bcfiln- parents. Philadelphia (JTA)—EstablishMay 2, or will any admissions be nlng or the 30th year of the Hement of the Ellis Chair of He- speaking at the dinner, charged Tho program includes Howard sold at the door except to those brew and Semitic Languages and that the Soviet Union is utilizing brew University of Jerusalem, now holding rcservatloiu. Israel's only university, was cele- Huntlngton In a baffling performLiteratures at the University of "every dishonorable device at its brated by chapters of the Amer- ance of magic, films of previous Pennsylvania was announced by command to fish in the troubled ican Friends of the Hebrew Uni- camp season and refreshments. Iraq Ready to Release president Gaylord P. Harnwell. A waters of the Arab world." gift from A. M. Ellis, Philadelphia versity throughout the country, Tho program begins at 2 p. m. philanthropist, has enabled the Jordan Reported according to an hnouneement by sharp in the Jewish Community Israelis Captives University to Inaugurate the new Dr. George S. Wise, national Center Auditorium. United Nations, N. V. (JTA)— chair. . president of the organization. Massing Troops Tho Iraqi Government is preThe announcement was made at The Hebrew University was in- Zionist Council Meet pared to release three Israeli citia luncheon in Mr. Ellis' honor. Ataugurated on April 1. 1925 by Tel Aviv (4VNS)—Deterioration zens removed at Bagdad from a tending were civic leaders, rep- in conditions all along the JordanLord Arthur Balfour, whose Tuesday at Center British plane forced down by anresentatives of the University Israel frontier, coupled with a repolicy statement on behalf of the British government had formed The April meeting of tho Oma- emergency, Awnl Khalldy, Iraq's trustees, administration and fac-port that Jordan was massing ha Zionist Council will bo held chief delegate at the UN, anulty, and members of the Ellis troops in the Jerusalem area unthe basis for Jewish Palestine. April 13 at 8 p. m. In nounced .this week end. family. Mr. .Ellis' gift to the Uni- der its control, could lead to grave The University, with a student Tuesday, the Jewish Community Center. Mr. Khalldy said his govern- versity was motivated by a life- consequences If Jordan does not body of 3,120 and a faculty of Tho meeting originally scheduled ment would release the three Is- long interest in Biblical studies. take stringent measures to pre450, largest in its history, offers to bo held Wednesday, AprU 14 raelis—one man: and two women Dr. Ephralm A. Spelscr, interna- vent repeated aggressive activities research and Instruction pro- was moved ahead due to a meet- —on condition that Israel release tionally known archaeologist, lin- against Israel, it was declared by grams in science, medicine, lnw,ing of Philanthropies group. seven Iraqi soldiers the Iraqi guist and chairman of the Univer- an Israeli military spokesman who agriculture, liberal arts, educacharge Israel has held since 1948. sity's Department of Oriental simultaneously noted that incition, social science, dentistry and In addition to the regular meet- Taking note of Israel's, repeated Studies, has been appointed to the dents along, the frontier had douPharmacy. Since April 13, 1948,ing, reports will bo presented on Insistence bled In number since the U. N. that It docs not hold Ellis Professorship. it has been isolated from its home the Zionist Organization of Amer- the chairman of the Mixed Armistice men, Mr. Khalldy said buildings on Mount Scopus and ica conference held last week In his seven Commission had abstained from government is willing to re-TOMBSTONE SENT has carried on Its operations In- Chicago. Tel Aviv (JTA)—A special voting on a resolution pinning lease the three Israeli civilians stend In improvised laboratories Hyman Osoff, president of the on tombstone with a marble plate to guilt on Jordan for the Scorpion Israel guarantee .and classrooms in 46 buildings Zionist District of Omaha and that condition bo placed over the grave of the Pass massacre of eleven Israelis the soldiers will be released scattered throughout Jerusalem. Rabbi MycrS. Kripke will give tho "whenever they find them." American Jewish poetess Emma when the Jordanian members of

••_ /

ZOA convention report

Cadet Training 1


The President of an Air Force Aviation Cadet Selection Team disclosed that the "«nal hurdlo" into the supersonic jet age is being -overcome by the Air Force with "marked success." Captain Mclvin E. Dlngham, currently Interviewing prospective aviation cadets In this area, at Ofiutt Air Force Bnse, Nebraska, indicated that theTlnal hurdle is the -mental' adjustment" of pilot trainees to fly the propellcrlcss, /aster-than-sound aircraft of the modern age. For further information call BEUevue 2100, ext C3144 or visit tho Cadet team at Offutt.

. Kaplan Speaks Seymour H. Kaplan, Director of the' Anti-Defamation League regional office In Omaha, participated In the recent conference of tho Nebraska Slate English Teachers Association. Tho conference was held on the campus of tho University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Together with Dr. Charles H. Patterson, head of tho Department of Philosophy of the University of Nebraska, Kaplan conducted a panel presentation on "Propafinnda." He gave a talk to the teachers on the Bubject, "How Do You Talk About People?" Teachers from Omaha high school* were in attendance.

Community Calendar Friday, April 8 Pre-School Nursery—9:00 a. m.—Center Sunday, April 11 Children's Program—2:00 p. m.—Center Futhcr and Son Basketball Banquet—2:00 p. m,—Center Foreign Film Scries—8:00 p. m.—Center Youth Adult Lounge Night—8:00 p. m.—Center Raylm Party—Hill Haven—9:00 p. m. * Monday, .April 12 Pre-School—9:00 a: m.—Center Temple Israel Bible Study—1:30 p. m.—Homo Brandels University Board—Home Workman's Loan Association—7:30 p. m.—Center B'nal B'rith Henty Monsky Chapter No. 470—8:00 p. m.—Center Folk Dance Group—8:30 p. m.—Center MEN'S PHILANTHROPIES Tuesday, AprU IS Pioneer Women—1:00 p. m.—Center Brandels University Luncheon Meeting—1:00 p. m. Porei-Hirshboln—1:00 p. m.—Homes Council Study Group—1:00 p. m.—Home B. & P. Hadassah Board Group—7:30 p. m.—Center " Wednesday, April 14 Pre-School Uursory—9;00 a. ro.—Center Beth El Sisterhood Luncheon Meeting—1:00 p. m.—Beth El Ladies Day at Highland Card Party— Zionist Council—8:00 p. m.—Center Center Orchestra—8:00 p. m.—Center BB Henry Monsky Chapter No. 47O.Adult Educatloon—8;00 p. m, —Homes Workman's Circle Ladies Auxiliary—8:30 p. m.—Labor Lyceum MEN'S PHILANTHROPIES—West Highland Club Thursday, AprU 15 Council Women Board Meeting—1:00 p. m.—Homo leadership Training Institute for Teenagers—3:45 p, m.—Center Ileth Israel Men's Club Dinner—7:00 p. m.—Both Israel Jewish War Veterans and Ladies Auxiliary Meeting—8:00 p. m.— Center •- ,

Lazarus was shipped to New York by the Foreign Ministry. A portion of one of Miss Lazarus' poems Is inscribed on the base of the Statue of Liberty In New York harbor.

the commission claimed the hideous crime had been perpetrated by. Israel, itself. Calling.the attack on the Jordanian Village of Nahalin "tho most flagrant breach of the armistice agreement," the Mixed Armistice Commission voted to condemn Israel "In the strongest terms for the latest aggression "and to call Washington (JTA) — President on Israel authorities "to take the Eisenhower called on Israel and most effective measures to prethe Arab states to restrain thoir vent such and other aggressions partisans and extremists an'd to against Jordan in the future and use what he described as a little apprehend and punish those rebit of reason andtodepend upon iponslble."

Eisenhower Calls For Restraint

the'judgments of outside people. The President said there was so much emotionalism In the IsraelArab situation that one can't tell from day to day how it will come out. Mr, Elsenhower declined to comment when asked if he favored bringing the Israel-Arab dispute before the United Nations Security Council. He said he thought If he commented at this moment he would be speaking a little recklessly. - The United States, he sold, has a definite program which has been supported by thoroughly approving the idea that Is Implicit in the United Nations plan that through some economic unity a better psychological and political unity would be achieved. Therefore, he said, tho United States has been supporting : the plan of development, Including water development and sharing, that this nation hoped woiifd he effective.


>re, Ijronaod iiroelbi aro engaged today with the aid of • II*S,18fi,»lB l o u from Israel Bond* in unearthing copper and other vnla&Me hidden mineral trcMuren. Nature Isn't the only enemy. Armed guards remain on round-theeloek duty to protect .-ike miners from sneak attacks bymarauders.




I Omaha Sketches Miu Evelyn Pink, formerly of Omaha, will arrive here for a twowelc visit today. Her parents are Mr, and Mr». Leon Pinkpwitz. She will also visit with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Plnkowitz. Miss Pink lives In Los Angels, Calif., and works at the Wllshlre Boulevard Temple there.. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cain of Atlanta, Ga,, will make their home in Omaha. They plan to arrive May 1 Mrs. Cain is the sister of Mrs. Irvine Herzog of Omaha. The newcomers announce the birth of a daughter Karen Wendy born March 3L They have two other children Stuart, aged 3 and Jackie who Is 6. A daughter, Jane Esther, was bom to Dr. and Mrs. Albert Hlmrnerman April 1 In a local hospital. They have two other children Renee 10 and AUecn 7. Maternal grandparents are Mr. arid Mrs, David Lemson of Des Molnes, la. Jane Esther is the grandchild of the late Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rlmmerman. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Epstein announce the birth of a daughter Sunni Ann Sunday, April 4 at a local hospital. They have another daughter Nikkl aged 5.

Passover Recipes

Reflections at Passover

This is another recipe from "Passover Parade of Recipes" by Mrs. Benjamin Groncr. The booklet is on sale for $1 and may ' e obtained by calling Rabbi Groner at the synagogue office, RE 6288. CBISP COOKIES 2 eggs H cup oil 2 tbsp. potato flour % cup sugar H cup chopped nuts 1 cup cake meal Rind of orange and lemon Beat eggs with sugar; add oil, nuts, rind and meal which has been sifted with potato flour. Chill In refrigerator for several hours. Form small balls, roll in crushed nuts. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. MATZO BALLS By Mrs. D. M. Newman Beat the yolks of live eggs light, add 4 tablespoons chicken fat, salt to taste, M cup: cold water. Add enough meal to make a soft dough and whites of eggs beaten stiff. Make in small balls, and put in refrigerator 3 or 4 hours. Cook in salted boiling water 20 minutes or in the soup with out covering the kettle. APPLE CAKE Mrs. Max Ssclu. 8 eggs (separated) \ cup sugar 1 cup cake meal K teaspoon salt

lly Mrs. Morris Hperktrr Dur big holiday Passover Is almost hero And with it come the f o u r queries, l!ut when wo leaf through the Hagadnh We find those questions and more, an endless series. The answer we well know— We were in Egypt enslaved. Now come and be Joyous, thank our Creator, For our Blessed Land of democracy, Jews have always craved. Mist Miriam FUcher

Fischer-Fogel Engagement Told Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Fischer of Chicago, 111., have announced the engagement of their daughter Miss Miriam Fischer to S/1C Laurence Mi Fogel, son of Mr. and Mrs. David C. Fogel. Miss FUcher attended the Unl-verslty of Miami. Mr. Fogel attended Baboon's School of Finance in Eureka, Kan,, and the University of Omaha. He Is now stationed in Chicago serving with Naval intelligence. An early fall wedding Is planned.

8 apples (sliced) Dr, Daniel M. Miller left Thursday for Atlantic City, N. J., where 1 teaspoon cinnamon 34 cup chopped nuts the a n n u a l conference of the American Association for Cancer 1 tablespoon orange Juice Beat egg white* stiff. Add sugar Research will be held from April and salt Beat well. Add beaten S to 12. yolks and blend. Add remaining ingredients. B a k e in : greased square pan for about 30 to 45 Washington (WNS)—The Amerminutes in 350 degree oven. ican Jewish Committee, in a message to Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, urged prompt and SPONGE CAKE vigorous U. S. action to compel Mrs. Max Sacks Jerusalem (WNS)—A complaint compliance of the Arab-Israel ar9 eggs, separated charging Jordan with acts of conmistice. Such action, the message 114 cups sugar tinued border Incidents and violasaid, '•would prevent further blood' tton of the armistice pact by re\ cup potato starch shed and would make it possible to fusing to accept a U. N. invitation !4 cup cake meal fashion an enduring peace." for a conference with Israel on 1 lemon (Juice and rind) armistice problem is to be filed Beat whites stiff but not dry. Pointing out that the "mounting this week with the U. N. Security Beat In sugar gradually. In a sep- tension In the Middle East has now Council by Israel's representatives arate bowl, beat yolk* until thick reached the grave stage where to the international body. It was and lemon colored. Gradually add guerilla warfare virtually exists disclosed here by a spokesman for to whites mixture. Blend. Add between the Arab states and Isthe Israeli Foreign Office. starch and cake meal gradually rael," the message aid U. S. acThis move came after formal and blend. Fold In lemon and tion was needed in view of: the juice. Turn into ungrensod tube bogging down of the U. N. marequest by Lebanon that the Security Council eive earnest con- pan and bake for 1 hour in a 323 chinery established by the 1949 arsideration to Jordan's charge with degree oven. Invert pan over the mistice agreements and the imregard to last week's attack on neck of a pop bottle until com- potence to which the V. N. Security Council has been reduced "by the Jordanian village of Nahalin pletely cooled. by Israeli forces. Lebanon's move This la the corrected recipe for the Soviet Union's.deliberate use was at once denounced by Israeli Sponge Cake that was In but of its veto power to block constructive action." sources as a shocking travesty de- week's Pies*. signed to cover Jordanian guilt for the Scorpion Pass massacre "by asking the Security Council to devote its attention to wte of the isolated consequences of Jordanian aggression without examining this aggression in its general terms."

AJC Asks For Action by U.S,

Israel Complaint Against Jordan

The Beauty of Your Seder Table

' Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on Sunday



FLOWERS From LYN's By Matter Designer Ken Hild

Centerpieces From $3.00

Served Buffet Sfyle! All You Care to Eat NOON TO 3 P. M.


Our Sedcrlm can be occasions of beauty— We can help, with courage, our "Motes" of nowadays. So the Pharoahs will nevermore rule the Jews, And Israel will be free for the rest of her days. Rome (JTA)—Thc Rome Jewish weekly, Voice of the Jewish Community, published a report on the situation of the 3,000 Jews now in Libya. The report pointed out that some 27,000 Jews had left the Arab League state—a creation of the United Nations—since the end of the war because of program*, racial laws and other forms of discrimination.

Program Planning Institute to Be Held The Graduate School of Social Work nt the University of Nebraska nml the Omaha Chapter of the American Association of Group Workers are co-sponsoring a special institute enUtlcd^ "Program Planning with Large and Small Groups." The program will be presented by Miss Gladys Ryland, Associate Professor of Group Work at Tui lane University. She has had many years of teaching experience, formally having been ossodated with the faculty at the University or Pittsburgh. Mlsi Ryland is a co-author With Gertrude \VJlson of the comprehensive, classic study, entitled "Social Group Work Practice," The workshop will concern itself with the framework of pro* gram activities, the value of activities, and the relationship that exists between small and large groups, as well as the differences In methods of program planning. The values of both activity groups and social groups will be discussed. The institute will begin 9:15 a. m. today and close at 4 p. m. Saturday sessions will run from 9:15 a. m. to 12 noon. The YMCA will play host to the institute. Patronize Our Advertisers.



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Lyn's Florists 2323 Dodge

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JA 0736


Friday, AprU B, 1054

Btte Fire

birthday of the late Stephen Wise, '< are granted annually for outstand- Passover Matzos ing contribution In four major This year, Manlschewitz Pass* fields of activity to which Dr. over Matzos, will reach the holiThe Beth El Synagogue SisterNew York (JTA)—Dr. Waller Wise had dedicated his life — theday table fresher and crisper than hood will hold its Silver Jubllci Clay Lowdermllk, noted soil con- growth nnd development of Is- ever, with all their delightful Luncheon and Cnrtl Party 1 p. m. servationist and agricultural ex- rael; the extension of civil rights oven-fresh quality sealed In by the Wednesday, April 14, in the syna and civil liberties In the United gogue's Social Hall. Mrs. Uen The regular monthly Board pert; Senator Herbert Lehman; States; the advancement of Jew- exclusive new Manlschewitz "Flaw Slutzky and Mrs. Louis Hurwitz meeting of the B'nal B'rlth Henry tho Y o u t h Aliyah, world-wide or-Seal" Inner wrap. arc general chairladies for this Monsky Chapter No. 470 will be youth rescue and rehabilitation ish education and culture, and the This new feature, found only in welfare of Jews throughout the held Monday, April 32, in the Jewspring party, nnd Mrs. Charle: Manlschewitz Matzos, is an extra movement; and the Jewish Publi- world. Kimmcl nnd Mrs. Reuben Bordy ish Community Center at 8 p. m. inner protective wrap that divides with Circle No. 4 will bo In chnrgi All Board members are asked to cation Society of America have the Malschewitz 5-lb. package into been named winners of the Ste- Samuel Goldwyn: "The advan- individually please attend, of the luncheon. sealed sections. Each phen Wise Awards for 1053, it was tage of being bald Is that, when "Flavor-Seal" section is opened Mrs. Irving Schnelderman and announced by Dr. Israel Goldstein, you expect callers, all you have to separately, as needed; the balance her committee are designing and creating the novel decorations and The members of the. Board of president of the American Jewish do ts straighten your necktie."— of the matzos stay crackling crisp and delicious till they are served. Mrs. M. M. Kruplnsky and Mrs Directors of the Business and Pro- Congress, which makes the annual OTA) Leonard Segal will head a special fessional Womens of Hadassah will awards. table setting committee. meet, S u n d a y afternoon, at 3 Dr. Lowdermllk received t h e A brief muilcal skit will be pre- o'clock, April 11, at the home of award for his pioneering and cresented by a talented Sisterhood Fan Sacks Sherman, 4855 South ative contributions to the developcast, directed by Mrs. Norman 14th S t Plans for the conference, ment of Israel; Senator Lehman Whitman. The cast'Includes Mes- to bo held In Lincoln will be form- for his defense of civil liberties in dames Norman Bordy, Morely ulated. AH arc asked to attend. the United States; the Youth AliZipursky, Edward Rosen, Lee yah for its record of 20 years in Sloan, Morris Koom, Phil Katzma rescuing and bringing to Israel and AI Swartt. Mrs, Harry DuBoff 5,000 Jewish children from 72 The Omaha Section, National will be the piano accompanist Council of Jewish Women, board countries; and the Jewish PubliA baby sitter will be available. meeting cation for its work In the will be held at the home field ofSociety The ticket in the Highlights book Jewish culture. of Mrs. Harry Stok., 325 South will admit one, and additional The recipients were chosen by a tickets may be purchased' at the Happy Hollow Blvd., Thursday, committee consisting of leaders in April 19, at 1 p. m. Dessert will door. American intellectual, business be served. National Council of Jewish and public affairs, headed by In Honor of Pauover Women Current Events Study James N. Rosenberg, prominent Croup will meet at the home,of attorney and communal, leader. award bears a cash value ot Mrs. A. H. Wise, 4915 California Each Street, Tuesday. April 13. A des- $1,000. The Stephen Wise Awards, esLast week-end five girls were sert luncheon will be served at 1 tablished by the American Jewish Initiated into Sigma Delta Tau. p. m, Congress in 1949 to mark the 75th "ftUTZOS.*. WINE • ECS kMTZOS • C H U T E FISH • BORSCHT • SPONGE CAKE M M Reports on Interviews with the The new initiates are: Beth Fineberg, Lincoln; Phyllis Kaplan, candidates who were recently Omaha: Rcnee Rohtcr, Milwaukee, nominated In the city elections Wise.; G l o r i a Shapiro, Kansas will be given by members of the City, Ma; and Phyllis Turchln, group. Th»se interviews were based on a questionable formuSioux Falls, So. Dakota. lated by the group at the last Last weekend several alums meeting. visited us. They are Adellc Chasanov/and Rosanna Locke who are both teaching school In Kansas C«y, Mo. The Omaha Chapter of the Na Theta Chapter recently cele- tlonal Woman's Committee of brated IU twenty-ninth anniver- Brandeis University will hold their sary since It was founded on the luncheon meeting' at the BlackNebraska University campus. stone Hotel, Tuesday, April 13. A akit directed by Mrs. William 'ogel will be presented. Mrs. Harry DuBoff will be the piano acNew officers were elected to companist. lend Alpha Thcta chapter of ZBT Members of the cast arc Mmes. for the 1954-55 school year. Doran William' Fogd, Larry Plattner, Jacobs, Deadwood, S. D., was Leo Nogg, Lester Marcus, Hubert elected president, Howard Vann, Monsky, Stanley Slosburg and Omaha, was elected vice-president. Lloyd Bank. Ron Minkin, Omaha, was elected treasurer, Marv Steinberg, Oma2 Patterns in SHverplat* ha, Omaha, was elected secretary, and Sol Rosinsky of Omaha, hisand 1 In Stainless Steel torian. These men will form the new executive committee. New York (JTA)—The DepartEach Set Gift Boxed Three new members joined last of State was urged to underSunday. Dick Fcllman, Omaha, ment toko a searching review of Its Maynard Small, Kansas City, Mo., "faltering" policy In the Mjddle and Ted SUenberg, Sioux Falls, because the security situaS. D,, were initiated; arid then East tion in that crucial area Is "crumhonored at ah afternoon dinner. bling" and "unless there is an Dick Fellman received the Rid)-' early and decisive change in polard Goldman Memorial Award at icy, the Arab states and Israel SET the dinner. ; may drift Into open warfare. NO TAX The bowling team moved up into The call was Issued by the Amerthird placo lost week winning four ican Zionist Committee for Public gomes from the SAM fraternity. Affairs, newly-established spokesA. Sllverplate —Jewel ROM Members of the bowling team arc man for all Zionist bodies in Marv Steinberg, Jerry Kruplnsky, America. Its executive committee, Made by the world's largest sllvenmlthif Arnle Stern, Ted Steinberg and 'leaded by Louis Llpsky, approved a design of sfately beauty, with a tingle "Coke" Friedman. md published a statement on rerote at the point of the handle, and a Sol Rosinsky attended the Re- :ent developments In the Middle gional Convention at Western Re- Sast, following a meeting at its delicate roie motif. ^ew York office. serve University in Cleveland last "Our Government should rcweekend. B. SlKerplote —Cornelia Marsh Kushner was nnmed xnnilne its policy in the Middle chairman of the Ivy Day Frater- East without further delay," the A simple design with • lovely cemelia nity Sing sponsored by the Kosmet Mmmittce urijed, "It should use motif and tquared off endi for a modern ts Influence and prestige to forKjub. look. Ben Bclmont has been selected Ify the Armistice Agreements. It as Flight Commander of the Uni- hould make It clear to the Arab League that it will not tolerate versity AFROTC Drill Team. C . Stainless Steel kodp!!. boycotts, threats and Bresslon. It should suspend eonA beautiful simple pattern that will haromplatcd arms shipments. It monize with every table setting — and seek to help all peoples of New York (JTA)—Four Nobel hould stainless steel will never ruit, corrode, or he Middle East raise their living Prize winners are among ten in- landards. Tiro so-called new nptarnith. ternationally known scicntlsl.1 who >roach should bo replaced by a have just accepted nomination to •eally new nppronch—a just deal Coma In, Phone, or Vie This Handy Coapon to Order by Hall the Board of Governors of the n which poacc In the Middle East I. U BUANDEIB * SONS, Welzmann Institute of Science at iball be the cornerstone of AmcrOmaha, Nebnuka Each Set Contains: Rehoboth. Pleaae tend me Ike following Mli of flatware at can policy." S.Stjwr ••»>_ They are Professor Felix Bloch, The committee warned that the Quantity Btyle • Pattern of Stanford University, California; rah states bad boon emboldened • 6 SOUPSPOONS Prof. Niels H. D. Bohr, of the In- >y the pursuit of their favor and stitute for Theoretical Physics, hat as a result the entire armlsCopcnhacen; Prof. Ernst B. Chain, ico system was crumbling. Fur• 6 KNIVES of the Institute Superioro dl San- hennore, the recent Soviet veto Ita, Rome, and Prof. Sir Robert m the Suez Canal resolution had . Name... Robinson, of Oxford University. mpnricd the nbllity of tho Se• 6 FORKS The first two nnmed scientists won curity Council to enforce the arAddress. their awards in physics; Prof. mistice agreements. City State, Chain's award was in physiology • 6 TEASPOONS ...Check . and medicine os co-dlscovcrer of . Charge . C.O.D. Ed Wynn: "Many a wife who pendllln, and Prof. Robinson re- •ares nothing for her husband, ceived the prize for chemistry. lives on his account."—(JTA)

Beth El Sisterhood Will Hold Jubilee


Recipients Named For Wise Awards

Monsky Chapter

B&P Hadassah

Exclusive! Manischewitz Inner Wrap keeps your matzos oven-crisp

Council Women

Campus News


Sigma Delta Tau


Brandeis Women

For Your Passover Needs 24 Piece Service for 6

Stainless Steel or Silverplate Flatware

Zeta Beta Tau

ZOA Asks for Change in Policy


Nobel Prize Winners





Council Doings

Friday, April t, ISM


Beth El News

T. V. 8EDEK placed high in an inter-school Locally televised Model Seder • By Joan Krasae tournament last week. will be shown Sunday, April 11th BAYIM from 10 to 10:30 a. m. over KMTV. Sunday, April i, * meeting was AZA NO. t Participants will be pupils of Beth Mother Chapter elected Jack held at the home of Art Novak. El ' Talmud Torah, the Talmud Dick Raskin presented an inter* Oruch voting delegate to District Torah Choir, Cantor Aaron I. Edesting religious report entitled Convention in Wisconsin. Also gar, who will direct the choir and "Communism in Israel." Following chosen to attend the summer event Rabbi Myer S. Kripke, who will the meeting was a stage-nlte prac- were Stan Wldman and Gary Git- explain the procedure of the Seder nick. tice. service. Jack Ucb will be the Steve Brookstein and Stan "Father" and Betty Erman the Rayim's next social affair, a Fellman their trip to District 'Mother" at the Seder Table. Ghost Party, is scheduled to be early thiswon year, when they capheld at Hill Haven April 15. after the Debate Championship of The Seder will include) a demonatage-nlte. Chairman Shelly Krantz tured stration of the ceremonial objects Belt Region. insures a great time loaded with Corn special foods of the Seder The Alephs will attend services and surprises for all who attend. table and a brief rendering of too Beth El this Friday evening. Raylm's Community S e r v i c e atMany more parts of the Seder the members arc Jour- serviceImportant committee, headed by Mike Ban, neying toofSioux and its ritual City for AZA No, has been very active the past few 12*s Sweetheart dance. weeks. Last month, the boys vis* BCNDAt* SCHOOL lted the Blood Bank, and Tuesday STAMP CLOT! TO MEET several members assisted the Phil- Jerry Gordnun has announced Beth a Sunday School will hold anthropies Drive at Beth Israel. that the newly organized Stamp Its annual Model Seder Sunday April U. Children will Raylm's top bowling team, Mesi Club win meet every Thursday in morning. gather in their regular class-rooms Sew GrezI, recently captured first Room 21 at the Jay, at 10 a. m. and proceed together place in the American League. At to the Social Hall for the "Seder/ present they hold a comfortable four (jamo margin over IndependTALMUD TOBAH ent EBG. TIKVAS AMI CLOTBTOVIH Beth El Talmud Torah will have Eleven T. A-'s wUl leave this The Beth Israel Club Tovlm will its annual Model Seder at a "Freafternoon for the Regional Senior meet this Saturday evening, April Passovcr Seder" Dinner Sunday Young Judaea Convention in Kan- 10 at 8 p. m. in the recreation evening, April 11, at 8 p. m. in the sas City. Debating for T. A. will room of the Talmud Torah. Plans Social Hall of the Synagogue. Parbe Matlee Katieman and Fayna for a spring dance will be discussed ents and families of the Talmud Manvitz. Therese Kahn and Matlee and refreshments wDl be served Torah children have been Invited to attend the "Seder" dinner. Each Katieman will play in the ping- at the close of the meeting. class will participate In the service pong contest The girls will send ABTS AMD CBAFTS of the Seder. The Beth El Supper their champion volleyball team. BOV8 A special meeting of the Boyi T. A.'t held a convention rally Arts and Crafts club has been Club will cater the dinner. Mrs. Barton Greenberg is In charge. yesterday. called for this Sunday afternoon, DEHKADEBS April 11 from 4 to 9:30 p. m. in the April 9, 10 and 11 In Kansas Arts and Crafts room of the Tal- "SIYTOM" City, twenty-two Debs will attend mud Torah. Mr. Roscnzwdg, dub The annual "Siyium" celebrathe annual Senior Judaea Conven- leader, said that the current proj- tion will be held Thursday morntion. During the convention Shelly ects would be completed at this ing, April 15, following the SachGreehberg and Lorn Frcnklin will meeting. aris service, which begins at 7 a. debate for Debs; and in ping-pong CHILDOEN-S MODEL SEDOIUM m. Participation in this Siyium the players will be Susie Richards Model Sedorim will be held by celebration releases "B'chorim" end Marda Krupinsky. The mem- children of the Talmud Torah be- (first born) from the religious obbers of volleyball team will be tween April 11 and 16, Each class ligation; to fast this day. Shelly Greenberg, Muriel-Green, or the Talmud Torah will have if s Susie Richards, Marda Krupinsky, seder. The Sunday School will BTCDV GROUP Sandra Zalkin, Susie Simons, own have sedorim Sunday, April 11. The regular monthly meeting of Helen Vann, Sady Feldman, and JUNIOR CONGREGATION the Saturday Night Study Group Gwen stolen be held April 10 at 8:30 p. m. The girls have offered their Kcva Shyken has been chosen willthe home of Dr. nnd Mrx. M. H. services to the Red Cross, and in as President of the Jr. Congrega- at Brodkoy', CG3 J. E. George Blvd. tion for this month. Assisting Kcva the near future, a visit is planned to the Nebraska Children's Home. arc Frank - Goldberg, Marvin Ru- For this session, of the course in - Plans are under way for the Deb back. Edwin Sidman, Martin "Giants of the Spirit," tlio discussion will be devoted to the "Baal affair May 22. Phil Kndffel's Com- Meyers and Gall Pollakoff. Shem — Mysticism and Saintllbo has been selected to play. jxnnoa AWARDS ,MJ," Couples and individuals who AZA NO. 100 Awards for attendance at Jun- wish Join the group are asked Last Saturday, the 100 boyi ior Congregation services were to callto Mrs. Sidney Snclder, WA held a party at the home of Marty presented to the children of the 6518. Sophlr. The Alephs and their Beth Israel Religious School Sysdates really enjoyed two great tem at a special assembly Sunday, films and an evening of dancing. April 4. The awards were pre- United Youth AJ Forman and Bob Epstein were sented through the L Goldstein In charge of the event Scholarship fund. Isadore Gold- The last meeting of U. S. Y. Allen Selgel and Mike Blatt, stein made the presentations to was held Sunday April 4. U. S. Y. religious co-chairmen showed a the children. Camp was discussed. Anyone film on racial prejudice at the "ENCHANTED FOBEST" wishing to attend should contact meeting Sunday. AWARDS Sheldon Rips. This weekend a group of Cen- The following children received A Philanthrophies Dance is turymen arc going to Sioux City prizes In the Enchanted F o r e s t being planned. The date for the for AZA 12* Sweetheart Dance. ticket selling contest: Edwin Sid- next meeting has not yet been During the past few weeks three man, 1st place; Gail Pollakoff, 2nd set. century freshmen have been doing place; Diane Graner, 3rd place; a swell job in debate at Central Howard Hahn, Dora Gerber, Keva High. Howard Kaslow and Marvin Shyken, Susan Katsnan, Beverly Israelettes Freedman won an intcr-mural Bloom, Paul Kutler, Frank Goldtournament and Howard Kooper berg, Marlene Friedman, Bruce The Israelettes arc planning a was a member of ono of the top Goldstein, Allan Konecky and Ar- party to be announced soon. The scraMinal teams. Both teams also cne and Burton Epstein. iroup held their carnival March 13.

Beth Israel News

Bar & Bas Mitevah

Vacation Program

Monday, April tt Jeanne Silver, daughter of Mr. 1:30 p. m^-Track Meet—Boys and Mrs. Robert Silver, wQl cele- and Girls at Elmwood Park. brate her Bag Mitzvah flits evening Tuesday, April 10 and Saturday morning at Beth El Synagogue. Friends and relatives Fishing Party—Girls and Boys —7th and 8th grade. arc invited to attend the services and tho receptions following both Boys' Softball Game—5th and 6th' grades—at Elmwood Park. services. 4:15 p. m.—Swimming. Wednesday, April 14 Bl Spring Vacation 1 p. BLr—Fishing Party—Boys and Girls—5th and 6th grades. The following schedule will apSoftball game—7th and ply to all Talmud Torah classes 8thBoys grades—at Elmwood Park. from April 12 through April IS: 4:15 p. m-—Swimming. PRIMARY A: Monday and Wed- Thursday, April 15. nesday 10:15 a, m. to 12:30 p. m. 1 p.ra.—CampJay C-C reunion PRIMARY B: Tuesday and at Center. Thursday 10:45 a. m. to 12:30 p. m. 4:15 p. m,—Swimming, PRIMARY C: Tuesday and Friday, April 16 Thursday 10:45 a. m. to 12 JO p. ra. 10 a. m^-Junlor Bowling TourSECONDARY: T u e s d a y and ament Thursday 10:45 a. m. to 12:30 p. m. 2:30 p. m.—Movie Festival at INTERMEDIATE A AND B: Center. Monday and Wednesday, 10:45 to 4:15 p. m.—Swimming. 12:30p.m. JUNIOR: Monday and Wednesday, 9:00 a. m, to 10:45 a. m. SENIOR: Monday, Tuesday and Friday, April» Wednesday, 9:00 to 10:45 a. m. JUNIOR HIGH: Tuesday and Susan Merrily Bioch, Joseph Flatowicz, Lawrence Scott Gold* Thursday, 9:00 to 10:45 a. m. P O S T - GRADUATE: Tuesday Strom,, Geraldino Elaine Greenand Thursday, 9:00 to 10:45 a. m. field, Mardee Sokolof and Rosalie Talmud Torah classes will not Steam. Saturday, April 10 meet Sunday and Monday, April 18 and 19, and Sunday, April 25. Leopold Brandstctter, Barbara Joy Glvot, Charles Stevens Mayer Tho Sunday School will not meet and Abram Wlshnla. April 18 and 25. Monday, April M "Watch it from your living room James Frederic Crounse, Ronna and everybody's a critic," says Mae Fisher, Leslie Forbes, Diane Jack Benny. "The public demands Sue Halperln and Marlene Ann a lot more from free television Schrelber. entertainment, and "that's why Tuesday, April IS there's an increased strain on* TV Susan Rachel Gerber, Andrew performers. There are millions of Kay Liborman, Diane Llntzman, critics In the living rooms of Anne Rose Rosenberg, Linda Siref America today, In TV if you're on and Kenneth Ray Trctlak. every week it's tough, because noWednesday, April 14 body can be good every week, and William David Glllnsky, Bernard if one show isn't as good as the Grossman and Harold Lee Schneilast, the viewer than compares It der. unfavorably. If-^ou're on every Thursday, April IS three weeks, an I am, It gets to be Jane Sharon Diamond, Judith quite an event and the public ex- Ayne Gerber, Marilyn Zoe Lewis, pects n lot. They don't know about and Karen Lcn Wolfson. Uic time I spend on my radio show; they just think I've had all that time to work on the TV show, so it better be a good one. Even so, I come on with a good show, and the living room critics may say it wasn't as good as the last one."—•. (JTA)

Happy Birthday




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AT 0340

Religious News

Fife Seven


Friday, April 0, 105*


Gems of the

Rabbi A. M. Ashinsky

P i t t s b u r g h (JTA)—Uabbl Aaron M. Ashinsky, n founder of 6:30 P. M. <!u.iiilIi-llRlitlii|,', the American und Canadian Mizrachi organizations and fipiritua lender of the Chofclz Chain' BKTII EL Services will be hold this eve- Synagogue here, died this weekend at the a(.;e of 87. nine ut 8:15 p. m. I'.ablji Mycr Krlpke will deliver the sermon, Born in 1'ohtnd, Itabhi AshinCantor Aaron I. Kdgur nnd th( sky came to this country In 1887 Beth Kl Synagogue Choir will ron and served as Rabbi of congregader the musical portion of the tions in various cities nnd as service. chapluin to Jewish prisoners in Sabbath inoriiini; services will Montreal. Besides helping to set begin at 8:45 n. m. Junior Con up Zionist groups in this country gregation services will be at 10:45 and Canada, Rabbi Ashinsky was a. ni. Mincha-Maariv Services wii active in organizing various Jewstart at 6:30 p, m. ish communal groups in PittsDally services are held each burgh. One of his daughters, Mrs. week day at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. Nachmnn H. Ebln, is national The Sunday morning service is vice-presidant of the Mlzrachl 9 a. m. Women's Organization of America, and a son-in-law,.Rabbi IrvTEMPLE ISRAEL ing Miller, is president of the At the regular Sabbath Service* Zionist Organization of America. Friday evening at 8 o'clock, Rabb Sidney H. Brooks will preach on "THE ELDCm OF LIFE." Mrs. Norman Slcgel will blesa tho Sabbath candlei; Norman Slegol will recite the Klddush. Morris Levey and Milton J. Lchr will assist RabThe Omaha Cnoir and Dramatic bi Brooks with the Torah. Club entertained the Residents ot Regular Shabbos Morning Serv- the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home ices will be held Saturday at 11:40 For The Aged Sunday afternoon, a. m. Rabbi Brooks will conduct April 4. The program consisted of the service, assisted by the stu- cantorial renditions by Herman dents of the Hebrew Department Meyerowitz; readings in Yiddish of the Religious School. Kidduah by Mrs, PhUlp Crandall and songs for all present will follow the Bcrv- by Mrs. Margie Nerenberg. Joe Radjnowskl, president of Club was J ; • master of ceremonies. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Mary BETII 1SKAEI< Rabbi Jenjamin Groner, Cantor Brown, Mrs. Edith Schneider, Mrs. Ell Kagan, and the-Beth Israel Max Canar and Mrs. Sam Canar. Synagogue choir will conduct late Also present were Philip Crandall, Friday evening services at 8 p. m. Max Canar, Abe Schneider, as wet Sabbath morning services begin als many relatives and friends of at 8:30 a. m. Junior congregation the Residents. services start at 10 a. m. The Mlzrachl Women's Passover Rabbi Groner will conduct the Party will be held Tuesday eveSaturday Talmud class at 6 p. m.; ning, April 20, at 7:30 p. m. All Saturday MIndia will start at G:30 relatives and friends of the Resip. m., followed by Sholoshe S'eu- dents nre Invited to attend. dos and Manrlv. Flowers were donated to the Dally morning services begin at Home by the children of Mrs. 7 a. m.: daily afternoon services ls Chernlack, on the occasion bei;in at 6:45 p, m. of the celebration of her 80th birthday. Sunday morning breakfast minyan meets at 8:45 a. in. und is fol- Yahrzclt: Special Memorial Servlowed by Ilnbb! Groner's Bible Dis- ces were held in the Home Synacussion class. The Youngsters of Kogue Sunday, April 4—Nlsan 1, the Tails and Tcffilln Club begin in memory of Mrs. Esther Somtheir services at 8:30 a. m. Break- mer, wife of Mr. Samuel Sommcr, fast is served at the conclusion of one of our Residents. Members of their services. The Talmud Dis- he Somner family attended the cussion group, currently studying service. the tractate Sabbath, meets every Memorial Services will be held Tuesday evening at 8 p. m. under the direction of the Rabbi, at B. For the following: Mr. Morris Gross—Nisan 18, H. H. Synagogue, 19th and Burt. April 21. Mr. Morris Nogg—Nlsan 17, April 20. New York (WNS) — A simple prescription for longevity was offered here by Mr, and Mrs. Henry Morilz as they celebrated 66 years Of wedded life. The couple, with a combined age Of 177, offered two cures to long living. The master- of the household prescribed a doily spoon of whisky and a plate full of soup. The young housewife, and she is a mere 87, suggested a dally plate of soup but without whisky. This is the basic prescription of the couple, but Mr. Moritz has a few more ideas on the subject, such OS long .hours of sleep during the night and cold showers in the morning followed by a liRht luncheon. In fact he admits to taking more than one drink a day and to smoking a pipe, cigar and cigarettes.

With the Folks At Home

Rabbi Brooks Named Tl Parents to Meet Tuesday at Center To HUC Council

Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks, spiritual leader of Temple Israel has By UK. I'MILIP SUED been appointed to the National Rabbinical Council of the 1954 Combined Campaign of the Union Iillilc An estate may be gotten hastily of American Hebrew Congrega^ at the beginning; but the end tlons and the Hebrew Union Col' thereof shall not be blessed. lege—Jewish Institute of Religion, The glory of young men Is their it was announced by Rabbi Julian strength, and the beauty of old B. Felbelman, of New Orleans, men is the hoary head. The violence of the wicked shal National Chairman of the Council. drag them away, because they reThe Combined Campaign profuse to do justly. vides the annual maintenance Talmud funds of the national religious inRabbi Abba ben Kahuna said stitutions of American Reform Usually nn Ignorant man is the Judaism. Composed of alumni of first to come forward with his the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, the National opinion." Rabbi Eleazar said: "When the Rabbinical Council stimulates inHoly One, praised be He, decrees terest in this fund-raising effort greatness for a man, it is for him among the 475 Liberal Jewish conand his descendants to the end of gregations throughout the United all generations." (Rabbi Eleazar States and Canada. was a great believer in heredity) The Union of American Hebrew Raba said: "Longevity, fertility Congregations Is the national servand wealth do not depend on-vir- ice agency of the Liberal Jewish tue, but rather on luck. This is congregations, with a total comillustrated by the case of Rabba bined membership of more than and Rabbi Chlsda, both of whom 525,000. The Hebrew Union Colwere great and righteous men. lege-Jewish Institute of Rellgiou, Still, Rabbi Chlsda died at the age the oldest Jewish theological colof ninety-two, while Rabba died lege in the United States, trains at the age of forty. I n the house and develops Reform Rabbis. of Rabbi Chlsda there were sixty Harpo Marz: "In Biblical days it weddings, while in the house of Rabba there were sixty deaths. In was considered a miracle for an the House of Rabbi Chlsda there ass to speak; now it would be a was fine white bread and a variety miracle if one kept quiet"—(JTA) of food JO that even the dogs would not e a t some of it, while in the house of Rabba there was not sufficient barley for the family." Raba said: "Three things I prayed to heaven to grant me. RUG & UPHOLSTERY Two were granted, the third was CLEANERS not I prayed for the wisdom of Rabbi Huna, and the riches of RUGS — CARPETING Rabbi Chisda, and these were LAMP SHADES granted to me, but the modesty of FURNITURE Rabbi Huna was denied me," Cleaned in Your Home!

Bible and Talmud


Jack Benny: "Time was when to get on the stage all a girl had to show was ability."—(JTA)

•tadla? - Laying • Repairing DON BERNSTEIN HA 2554

"Passover in the Home" will be the theme of a meeting for Parents of students In the Saturday Division of the Temple Israel Religious School, this Tuesday evening at 8 p. m. In the Jewish Community Center. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks will address the parents. Miss Ida Gltlin, Temple Music Directr, will teach songs for the Passover Seder. Mrs. Stanley Fisk: is in charge of the preparation for a demonstration of a Pesach Seder table, and David Blelcher, chairman of PTA for the Religious School, will preside. Following the meeting parents of children In grades 5 through 10 in the Religious School will have an pportunity to meet informally with the teachers.

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Friday, April 9, 1854



Cobra Patrol Cops Y.C. Girls Bowling W. L. Basketball Crown Milcroma 3114 1614

By l.lml> 1'aiil

Father-Son Program Sunday To Honor Midget Athletes

The Cobra Patrol, led by I'atro Leader Chuck Wise, became Scou Troop 82 champions by winning the basketball tournament final.* last Monday niRht at the Juwisl Community Center. Members ol the winning team are Torn Plntt Chuck Wise, DOUR Pln.it, Bill Hw wlch, Justin Ban, Mike Sabes Walt Wise, and Dick Kaslow. Tom Platt sparked the squad with 13 points for high score of the game Players on the runner-up Panther Patrol team were Captain Steve Friedman, Jerry Goldstrom, Stuart Fogel, Don Fiedler, Maurice Pepper and John Reikcs. In an exhibition game the same evening David Wlntroub's Hawk Patrol pounded out a victory over Paul Shyken's Iroquols P a t r o l . Winners were Mike Feldman, Louis Rich, Dan Hollls, Martin Snelder, Steve Gould, Maynard Welnberg, Harold Forbes and Da vld Wlntroub. Mike Feldman walked off with top honors by scoring a total of 14 points in tile game. Putting up stiff resistance for the Iroquols Patrol were Bob Glnsburg, Keva Shyken, Steve GUM, Mike Markovitz, Frank Goldberg nnd Arnold Fellman. The basketball tournament was part of the troop's program of having a sport or game night the first meeting of each month. Future plans include swimming meets, relays and baseball games in addition to the regular troop hikes and overnight camping trips. Boys 11 years or older who arc Interested in Joining the troop can call Dick Wlntroub at RE C322.

L. 18 18 21 21H This Sunday at 2 p. m. the Midg dofsky, Gene Dandy, Martin Snei22 et Basketball league will sponsor der, Mike Markovltz, Don Fiedler, 23 Its second annual Father-Son pro Howard Chudacof f and Edwin Sld27 man. The I-Co Van team members 19 H gram honoring the outstandin are Tom Kully, Ed Schneider, players In the league. Heading the Mike Canar, Nelson Gordman, list of honors is the J. J. Green- Clark Swain.' Sid Pessen, Ronald Minor Clastic berg Award which will be given Simons and Stan Greenfield. W. h. to the fifth-sixth grader that has Smith Pontiac 28 17 A souvenir program will be disBest Appliances . . . . . 25 20 shown the most improvement dur- tributed for the players and there will be refreshments served at the Paramount Mkt . . . . 25 20 ing the season. The award will be Venger&Son 24 21 given by Bucky Greenberg, a mem- end of the program. Clocquot Club 22 23 ber of the Health and Physical Forbes Bakery 20 25 Education committee and son of Wayne Auto 20 25 the late J. J. Greenberg. Also to E Z . Vending 15 30 be honored are the league champions plus the all-star team selecA Division Junior Division -All B'nal B'rith bowlers are re- tions, Hox Platt, the chairman o quested to bring their old bowling the Midget Basketball League will Justin Ban 127 shirts to the bowling alley next serve as master of ceremonial. Dan Hollls 114 'week. Many of the bowlers have The guest speaker will be Bill A] Konecky 91 six or more shirt* and have been Bergesch, General Manager of the Walt Wise 44 heard to remark that they don't Omaha Cardinals. Mr. Bergesch Howard Stolcr 43 know what to do with them. Now will bring the films of the 1953 Bruce Goldstein . . . . . . . . . . . 40 r is your chance to dispose of the World Series. All boys that played Bill Horwich 37 shirts and help a good cause also. in the league are urged to have 35 Bring them to your alley for dis- their dads send in their reserva Larry Kohn Joel Davis 34 tribution to the Aid to Israel pro* tions. Frank Goldberg 29 gram. The championship teams to reSenior Division W. I* ceive awards are the 11-Worth Stuart Kutlor 129 Morris Paint Store 28 17 Grill and I-Go Van squads. Mem- Justin Ravitz 99 Creenberg Ins Agency . . . . 27 18 bers.of the 11-Worth team arc: Howard Welnbcrg . . . . . Belmont Jewelry 27 18 Justin Ban, Al Newberg, Frank Jeff Swartz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Crosstown TV . . . . . . . . . . . 26 19 Goldberg. Larry Kohn, Mike Sa Ed Schneider 75 mgb Game* aad Series Tom Kully 70 Jack Saferstein, 218-228—590; rv Bolzer .~ 63 Irv Malashock, 220—580; Morrie Mike Canar 54 Adler, 221;; Sam Stem,, 200;; Jack Mike Pencil : 53 E t i 534 Sam S G 515 Epstein, 534; Greenberg. 515, Al Doddle 47 John Rlckes bowled the highest and Norm Abrahamson, 546. Dave Goldstein 43 game of the season last week. It Captains, please check your It was .a prosperous tournament was a sparkling 176. Meanwhile teams so that you roll a full squad. in handball for the lads of AZA as Strikes & Spares and Bowling There ore only two more nights Mike Dencbcrg defeated his twin Bums remain tied for first plnce. of bowling. brother Marshall, 21-16,' 21-15 to Next Friday will be the final week. annex the Y. C. handball singles title. Mike proved his championAll boys and girls in the fifth- There will be a tournament Friday Parkway Dlr. W. JU ship was well deserved as he up- •iKhth grade will gel on oppor- mominrc at 10 a. m. Two games set the pre-tourney favorite and unlty to participate in a track will be bowled. Borsheim Jewelry . . . . 31 14 Standing last year's drfendim; champ Larry neet at Elmwood Park this MonRanks 29 16 W. U Wolfson-Gerbcr. 24H 20!i Schwartz. Mike worked hard this lay at 1 p. m. There will be a dlvl18 4 past season to develop his game. ion for the fifth and sixth graders MV.cn & Spares Sol Lewis 24 21 Bowling Bums 18 4 Almost every day he practiced and md one for the seventh and eighth Playland Park 24 21 17 5 Liberty Gas 23'i 21'i came through with sensational traders All entrants should wear Alley Sluggers 13 9 games at;«lnst Schwartz. Trailing ;;ym shoes and dress according to Beer Framers Phllco Brandcis 20 25 13 9 in the first came, 20-11, he came the wenther. There are five events Lucky Ladies Rlchman Gordman . . . . 20 25 High Hitters 1214 9',i back with an unbeaten spirit and planned and each entrant can enPrucka Trans 17 28 12<,i 9 4 defeated Schwartz, 21-20. In the ter only three of the five events. Gutter Boys Rosen-Novak 17 28 Tough Turkeys 12 10 second game he continued his hot Kvrnta (2th-6th Grade) . RltewayTV 17 28 Alley Rats 12 10 streak nnd won 21-13. —40-yard dash High Game Lucky Duckys . . . . . . . 10 12 Last Tuesday, Mike completed ^-Running broad jump Stan Maper, 204 and J. SchrelHep C a t s . . . . . 8 14 his outstanding play by tackling }—12" Softball throw . , . . faer, 198. Nifty Hitters . . 8 14 100-yard run his brother Marshall. It was difHigh Series Gutter Gerties . . . . . . . . 6 18 ficult In attempting to establish >- -Football kick Ike Freldman, 507. Eager Beavers . . . . . . . 5 17 a favorite as both boys were con7th and 8th Grade Bowling Babes . . . . . . . 5 17 sidered equal. However, Mike was —50-yard dash Kelteys "B" Olv. Bowling Dolls . . . . . . . . 3 19 not to be denied. His terrific shots 2—Running broad jump W. L. "100" Bowlers nnd well developed left hand were 3—12" sVtball throw Mid Plains Ins. . . . . 31 14 John Rlekes 176, Mike Platt 126. working and his play as well as 4—Distance run Bennett Furniture . 30 15 ludy Brooksteln 122, Tom Platt Marshall's was almost faultless. -football kick Magi-Color Paint 14, Howard Welnberg 112, Nancy This tournament was one of the (Brandela) 28 17 Richards 111, Bill Kntzman 110, finest ever played. There were Robinson Iron & Metal 25 20 oward Slusky 105, Stuart Kutler more participants and the calibre Watson Bros. Van 104, Frank ^Goldberg 102, I/>uls of play U definitely improved. The Lines 23 22 The "Three terrific lefties" In Weh 101 and Doug Plntt 100. Youth Council salutes the fine and , Slosburg Realty Co... 21 24 spirited play of Mike Denenbnrc. he American Division namely JerLouis Market 20 25 •y Zlegmnn, Fred Simon and Bob H . A . Wolf Ins 19H 25*. the new Youth Council handball Spstein are carrying a sensational champion, who gained his title South'Omaha Sun . . . 19 26 1G7 in league play. One of these with practice, determination and Simons Jewelry . . . . . . 814 36'i [ads will be the recipient of the "nnver-say-die spirit." Evening Highs: H. I. G. Bill average trophy at the end of Home (JTA)—A treasure of Fried 182, H. I. S. K. Hirschlnger old, currency, stocks and bonds One of our best known motion he season. 493, H. T. G. Mid Plains Insurind other valuables estimated at Amrrlnin Division ance 703, H, T. S. South Omaha picture producers In Hollywood is ,000,000,000 lira, most of it BtolW. a confirmed bachelor, although he from Jews nurinft the Fascist Sun 2,084. 20 tayim MSG :ra, has recently been discovered Is always seen escorting America's Other High Scores: H. Fresh24 51 nd EBG the Vicenza Branch of the most beautiful women. When I man 162, A. Schloff 161, Jnck Co47 28 Rayim X's . . . . Finnk of Italy. hen 168-177-489, K. HlrschlnRcr asked him why lie never married, ZA 100A 40 35 The trcasore consists of floods 175-161. Yale Hulperin 165-1G>469, he Rave me the following cxplana 38 37 1 Zorohes [alien from Jews and other ItalA. Tuily 1G8, J. Lipton 1G5, P. Rif- tlon: "When I was a young man, VZA 100 Gutter ;s 37 li 3714 ians ordered deported from Italy ng! I decided not to not married until kin 170-451. and J. Freeman 173. VZA 1 Gutter G 341i 401i the Nazis between 1043 and South Omaha Sun took all three I had found the Ideal woman. Than *ayim K . . . . 945. The valuables were taken 31 41 frm Simons Jewelry as did Mid I found her. Regretfully, she was ^ayim M Jabs y the Italian police, but no re22 53 eipts were ever issued to the virPlains from I-ouls Market to re- looking for the ideal man!"— VZA 1 We Goofed 19 5G llms tno there was no way for main on top of the heap one game (JTA) High Camcs and Series hem or their heirs to uncover ahead of Bennett Furniture who Jerry Zlecman, 192—502; Bob ho stolen valuables. When the blanked Magi-Color to knock them Lyns Florists 44 49 Epstein, 190—500; Ed Bclzer, 170 rcasurc was discovered It was out of a first place tic with Mid Country Club Grocery 44 49 —497; Tom Bernstein, 180-^189 'ound that a list of the former Plains. Kelley's and Parkway "B" Mystic Beauty Shop . . 4 3 and Fred Simon, 184—487. 50 iwners and what had been taken Yeagues are trying to cook a tour- Colony Club rom them was with the loot. National Division 43 50 nament between the two leagues Smith Pontiac W. I* 43 50 The discovery, nine years after for April 27. The boys at Kelley's Kish Furs VZA 1 Glams 5014 2114 421i 50 l i he final theft, resulted from the are hot for the idea; but at the Douglas Jewelry VZA 1 Boosora 50 22 42 51 ictlvities of a diligent Italian last count, Parkway hasn't shown Shukcrts Market agistrate who was investigat45 30 41 52 , \ayim SOS too much enthusiasm. ing the origin of some stolen propTayim H 42 33 Individual High Games rty which feutured in a case 42 33 Helen Tarnoff, 196; Diane Ru- VZA 1 Bluffers >efore him. He traced the propLadles League taylm Sa P's 42 33 bin, 188 nnd Esther Ross. 188. erty back to the hidden treasure VZA 100 Ccnturymen.. 41'i 3314 :rovc and brought it to public W. U Individual High Series Wolf Brothers 57',4 34 & 37 38 Helen Tamoff, 503: Esther Ross, nd. Sleepers ension. National Tire 52'4 40 "i 497; Diane Rubin, 480; Iluth Kraft, VZA 1 No Names . . . . 16 59 It Is not known why the Bank aylm Screwballs 5 70 )f Italy had not informed the Phillips Dcpt. Store . . . 52</3 <S0',i 463 and Ethel Cohen, 451. High Games and Seriefl Spilt* R S Shoes 49 44 wrsons on the list nor their heirs John Goldner. 192—489; Morrie f the existence of the store of Lorraine Rciss, 5-10; Ethel Co11-Worth Grill 48 45 ien, 2-5-7; Dorothy back, 3-7-1; ihrago, 171-472; Stan Widman, •ealth. More information Is exOmaha Jobbing 48 45 Gert "Zevltz, 4-10 and Sara Zal- .73—469 and Howard Goldstein, pected to bo made public no an Angles Beauty Shop . . 48 45 nvestlfjation into the matter L68—463. kin, 9-7. Hamilton Pharmacy - . 4 6 47

Top 10 MidgetsScoring Record


Mike Denenberg Is Handball Champ

Jr. Sports Bowling

Grade School Track Meet Set for Monday

YC Boy's Bowling

Fascist Plunder Recovered in Italy

Dcba Nebs ,'50 18 Gutter Gals 2611 2114 Scoreless Fourlrss . . . . 26 22 La Fa Ma Hi 26 22 .Starlets 2514 2214 Alley Cats 25Vi 2214 Slide Chicks 25 23 3 Stiicks & a Sparc . . 25 23 Lucky Strikes 24 24 Lucky Losers 21 27 Lane Lassies 20 28 All Strikes .19 29 Bowling Belles ..11 37 High Vive Averages Phyllis Rosen, Debs Nebs . . . . 145 Tcvcc Bernstein, 3 Strikes & a Spore 136 Barbara Joffe, Starlets 133 Laurie Oruch, La Fa Ma Rl . . 128 Toby Okrcnt, Starlets 123 High Five (lunea Phyllis Rosen, Debs Nebs . . . 161 Barbara Joffe, Starlets 155 Suzle Richards, Debs Nebs \ . 148 Tevee Bernstein, 3 Strikes & j Spare 140 Judy Lewis, Lucky Strikes . . 148 Judy Greenberg, Lucky Losers 146 High Five Scries Phyllis Rosen, Debs Nebs . . . 292 Suzle Richards, Debs Nebi . . 288 Barbara Joffe, Starlets . . . . 282 Judy Lewis, Lucky Strikes . . 278 Tevee Bernstein, 3 Strikes & a Spare 268

Jr. B. B. Bowling Stuart Kutler was high in the competition last Sunday with hit 323 scries. His games consisted of 165 and 158. Maureen Zevltz was high in the girls' division with her gorgeous 291 series. She fired a beautiful 164 and finished with a 127. W. L. O. P. Sknges 37 15 Neb. Fur. Mart 3114 2014 Mnypcrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 21 Wolfson-Gerbcr Auto . . 2814 23ft Playland Park . . . . . . . . 26 26 11-Worth Grill ..24 28 amble-Robinson Fruit 23 29 ndustrial Chemical Co. 22 29 Amer. Lmbr. & Sup. Co. 1914 32ti Morris Paint 1614 3514 Split* Harold Knlman, 5-10; Vickl Co. ick, 5-7; Nancy WcinbcrK. 2-7; Jack Lieb, 5-6; Maureen Zevltz, he "illegal" 1-7. High GnrafB and Serlen Stuart Kutler 165-158—323 ,!iko Platt 158-155-313 Maureen Zevltz 164-127—291 BlUKatzman 157-120-277 oward Welnberg , . 139-124—263 Ann Blumberg 132-125—257 nek Lleb 148-107—255 David Wlntroub . . . . 156- 92—248 Tom Platt 137-108—245 Uogcr Smith 153- 90—243 Florence Shargo . . 135-106—241 Bob Shapiro 136-103—239 tuprt FORCI 128-110—238 Larry Hobermnn . . . 133-104—237 udy Cohen 120-114—234 Mickey Sacks 121-111—232 Edlc. Singer 119-113—232 muck Wise 118-111—229 Mike Rhrler 123-106-229 /icki Collck 115-108—223 oyce Koom 114-10G—220 This Sunday will conclude the owling season for this league. The league will nRain, be re-or» nnlzed next Fall. A banquet will be hold for mem>or.i of the IxmKue Sunday, May , at the 11-Worth Grill at 1 p. m. Trophies and other prizes will bo warded at that time. For any In'ormation concerning the Banquet, lease call Ida Sacks at AT 0602.

Hadassah Bowlingg

N B Brou 43 29 Brnndels Klccrchrome . . . 42 30 Edwards Jewelry 37 35 Smith Pontiac 36 36 Brnndels Easy Washer . . 3 5 37 Millie Wine 35 37 RCA Victor 33 39 Metz Beer 27 45 Rose Garrop, 481—180; Evelyn {obcrmnn, 456; Ruth Sokolof, 455; 'earl Marcus, 450; Audrey Kirhenbaum, 439; Flora Bloom, 430; Kitty Asbyll, 429; Addle Snelder, 415; DIna Bloom, 413; Charlotte Blumberg, 412; Rose Weitz, .408 and MIn Frank (Dog), 403. progresses. The Council of the Union of t a 11 a n Jewish Communities, meanwhile, has launched an inquiry into the affair and hopes to accumulate Information useful in recovering the stolen articles for the owners or their heirs.

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