Enured u ueconddaju Mattel >t POM- vain-iut, OMAIIA. c o d dunder a u Acl Mattel >t ol vn». o num l J ^ HebnuKa, HebnuKa, under Acl ol vn».
0(rlM] onmlJ^
Women's Crosby Proclaims May 3 AZA Day • Governor Robert R. Crosby of Nebraska has proclaimed May 3, the date of the founding of the Mother Chapter of AZA thirty y e a n ego In Omaha, as Alcph Zadlk Aleph Day. The governor Cited the organlza tlon for making "valuable contri • buttons to the welfare of the State und lti people." He also stated •that the creed o r AZA, which in• chides patriotism, Judaism, filial love, charity, good conduct, high .morality, a n d fraternity-Ideals tend toward better citizenship In a better state. . Art Schwartz, President a n d 30th Anniversary Chairman, has sent letters to each of the five hundred active chapters in the United States, Canada, and Mexico announcing the Mother Chapter's celebration, which will be the club's Annual Anniversary - Parent's Day Banquet to be held Sun day, May 8. The Outstanding <Aleph and Athlete Award will be presented. Alephs from Kansas City No. 2, Lincoln No. 3, Des Molnes No. 4, Sioux City No. 12, Omaha No. 100 and Sioux Falls No. 810 have made reservations to attend, and many more are expected. The Alephs, their dates, and guests will hold a party Saturday night preceding the banquet. The Chapter has Invited the charter members, first Supreme Advisory Council, and many other National AZA and B'nai Ii'rith dignitaries. Any past Alcph Godol or interested B'nal B'rlth members who wish to attend ore asked to contact Art Schwartz, Aleph Go ' dol, GL 5539, or Jack Oruch, reservation Chairman, OR 1540.
Economic Aid to Israel May Be Cut Washington (JTA) — State Department sources unofficially confirmed reports that Israel's economic and technical assistance allocations this year will be substantially reduced. They refused to : comment on specific reports that aid to Israel will be drastically cut from about 70 million dollars approved last year to somewhere between 45 and 50 millions • this year. ' According to an Associated Press report, the total for the Middle East for the new year will be ' about $165,000,000, of which Iran will receive $74,000,000. The remainder would be divided equally between Israel a n d the Arab States, according to recommendations of the State Department and the Foreign Operations Administration. The recommendations were presumably made last week in a secret session by Executive Branch officials to Congressional experts on foreign affairs. The experts were said to have replied to criticism of the "Imbalance" in aid given Israel on the one hand and ' the Arab States on the other by saying it could not be avoided because Israel was prompt in stating its needs and the Arab states showed indecision on the help they wonted. GANGER STILL INCREASING The annual death rate from cancer in tho U. S. uince 1900 has Increased from 64 to 145 per hundred thousand population. The American Cancer Society attributes this increase mostly to a longer potential life span which results in larger population in the older age bracket where cancer is most prevalent. ; i
FBI.1 •K '«
Published every Friday, 101 K. 20th, Omaha, Nebraaka, Pbono JA 13M
Oopj 10 OKttM BUgU • _**_
ses naif way Mark
Byroade Raps Israel, Arabs Dayton (WNS) — Henry Byroade, Assistant Secretary of State for Middle Kast Affairs, declared here in an address before the Dayton World Affairs Council that Israel's "attitude of conqueror" must be dropped and that the Arab countries were deliberately promoting dangerous imbalance in that area of the world. In what was considered a suggestion to Israel to give up the idea that it was the center of world Jewry, Mr. Byroade said the Israelis must look upon themselves as n Middle Eastern sttae and see their "own future In that context rather than as a headquarters or nucleus so to speak of world-wide groupings of peoples of particular religious faith who must have special rights within and obligations to the State of Israel." Reminding the Arabs they mast accept Israel as an accomplished fact, Mr. Byroade said America was neither pro-Israel nor proArab but only pro-American. He noted it wns inevitable for group pressures to be exerted on the government In the present situation, adding "we must weigh these special Interests carefully, but we must also shape our policy and so conduct our dally acts as to represent the majority of our people where vital Issues affecting our own security are concerned."
in Attendance at Opening Philanthropies Campaign Israel's City of the Aged
Part of the day nt Nevo Avoth la devoted to reading and to learning Hebrew. Hero, Rome of this renter's 2,750 aged men and women take a clans In the language of their new homoland. Neve Avoth, "Tho Homo of the Parents" at the Pardes ilnnnu Transit Camp Just ffouth of Half a la maintained with funds raised for the United Jewish Appeal In this and other communities. The need now U for better housing to give these aged Immigrants the better life they deserve In their sunset years.
Israel Heads for Economic Independence Despite Arabs
New York (JTA)—Despite Arab 'Solo Seders' for border attacks and the pressure of economic boycott which have creArctic Servicemen ated a serious drain on Israel's New York (WNS)—Parachute dropping of Passover food and religious supplies to Iw flown by helicopter to a handful of American Jewish GI's on U. S. pst T-3, the floating Iceberg island some three hundred miles from the North Pole, will typify the Passover "solo seder" arrangements In remote areas of the world carried out this year by the National Jewish Welfare Board, It was disclosed hero this week by the JWB. The "solo seders" are part of JWB's total Passover preparations, Including mass seders to be conducted by moro than 300 full and part-time Jewish chaplains in the United States and abroad.
economy, the country has managed to make important steps towards "economic independence" including the reduction of the foreign trade deficit by one-third during the past two years, Dr. Glora Josephthal, Jewish Agency treasurer, said here. The foreign trade deficit was reduced through a regime of austerity and Increased home production from 5342,100,000 in 1951 to a current total of $227,100,000, Dr. Josephthal reported. The Jewish Agency treasurer, who Is currently in this country In connection with the United Jewish Appeal campaign, spoke at a board of director's meeting of tho United'
Israel Appeal. Dr. Josephthal declared that "Israel has become economically Independence-minded and is working diligently and Imaginatively towards achieving the maximum economic independence." He pointed out that some of Israel's present difficulties were derived from the days of mass immigration when multitudes of Immigrants required the establishment of provisional housing and large-scale expenditures for rehabilitation. Rudolf G, Sonneborn, national chairman of the United Israel Appeal, drew special attention to the condition of children in the immigrant transition centers where, he said, "malnutrition has become a dangerous problem of the first magnitude."
Youth Council Plans Campaign
A total of $33,894 was subscribed at the Women's Division Dessert Luncheon by about 700 women who attended the opening function of the Women's Division of the Philanthropies Campaign last Wednesday afternoon at Beth Israel Social Hall. This is nearly 10 per cent ahead of last year, Mrs. Aaron Rips Women's chairwoman announced. Story of Sacrifice Helen Gahagan Douglas, stateswoman and gifted actress, addressed the gathering which filled the social Hall. She told the stirring story of how Israel is sacrificing and working under the intense pressure from hostile Arab states to build a home for the refugees. Tills, she exclaimed, is probably the greatest contribution in the field of human relation in our age. J. H. Kulakofsky, president of the Federation for Jewish Service, • an Ralph Nogg, chairman of the Initial Gifts Division, were on hand to welcome the ladies. Mrs. Mike Freeman, a co-chairman of the Women's Division Introduced Mrs. Douglas. Mrs. Benjamin Groner delivered the invocation. Mrs. Benjamin Groner was in charge of table settings and Mrs. Milton Abrahams supervised the decorations. Urgent l*lea Mrs. Rips and co-chairwomen Mmes. Mike F r e c m a n , Lloyd Friedman, Hyman Greenborg, Max Greenberg, Richard Hiller and Harry Ravitz issued an urgent plea to all workers - to take,, advantage of the spirit generated by the women's meeting and follow up on all cards, within the next few days. Signed cards should be brought in the Jewish Community Center.
Israel to Accept ' Destiny Says Eban New York ( J T A ) - l f it Is Israel's destiny not to have peace in its first decade and its first stages of evolution, the State will accept that fact and will carry through its dual process of constructive growth and battle against hostile forces, Abba Eban, Israel Ambassador to the United States, said here at a dinner sponsored by the United Jewish Appeal of Greater New York. The Ambassador told his listeners that as Israel wards off dangers it is forced to consolidate its strength with increasing speed, "if this be our destiny, then let us accept it," Mr. Eban continued. "It may bo that nothing except the spectacle of Israel's firm and irrevocable strength will bring about those attitudes in the neighboring world which wo passionately long to see and upon which we and they can construct together oiir cotn> mon future."
On Radio & TV Eternal Light program will not be broadcast this Sunday. "It training youth for community leadership In ono of the criteria of Youth Council functions, then I bcllcvo that tho record of Omaha'* tccn agora Is really high," inld Larry Schwartz, Frenldent of tlio Jewish Youth Council, In announcing the campaign personnel of tlio High School Division of tho X'hllanthroplcs. Tho Youth Council Campaign dinner will be held Thursday evening, April 29, nt the Jewish Community Contcr. "Our Division reaches about 05 pnr cent of all Students to obtain their contribution. TliU year, wo hope to have a 100 per cent record/' Larry said. Standing on stage are (left to right) Ramon Sombcrg and Larry Schwartz. Standing (loft to right) Marilyn Itlce, co-chairman, Nancy Bnrron, Robert Koopcr, Dennnc Markowltz, co-chairman, and Martin Sophir; seated »ro Jerry'Ferer, rhylll* Freodman, Sylvia Green and Suzanne Estrada.
"A Visitor From America" will he shown over WOW-TV Monday, April 19 from 11-11:30 p. m. "Message of Israel" will be presented over KOIL this Sunday from' 10 to 10:30 a. m. Rabbi Abbraham Shusterman of Har Sinai Congregation In Baltimore, ,Md., will speak. .
Pace Xw»
Friday, April It, 10M
Israel Through an Artist's Eyes
Published Every Friday by the Federation lor Jmrith Service
nilirad u aMoM-clua nutter «t O n t U . Ncliruk*. under tba Kt of Mutb 3. t a n . AJUIIUU BubwrtpUon. M.OO. Advenlilsg JUtu oo Application. Eailorul uince—lgi Mo. 2om utmt, o.-nibi, Nebr, JACUOB ISM. fnnt Shop Adaraw—<808 So. 21Ui Street.
Passover Services Beth Israel
Satuuljy, April 17, evening service 6:40 p.m. Sunday, April 18, 8:30 a. m. Jr. Service 10:00 a. nv livening Service 6:40 p. m. Monday, April 19—6:30 a. m., Jr. Service 10$0 a.m. Evening Service 6:40 p. m. Friday, April 23, 6:45 p, m. Saturday. April 24, 8:30 a. m. Jr. Service 10:00 a. o v . Evening Service 6:46 p. m. Sunday, April 25,8:30 a. in. Jr. Service 10:00 a. m. 10:15 a. m. Ylskor Memorial ' Service. Evening Service 6:45 p. ra.
Faith and Freedom . . .
An American Passover
to historic Jewish communities In Europe in our times, few alas are the Jewish congregations which can count their age in centuries. Shearith Israel in the City of New York which might well have been regarded a* a scion-of a youthful country, now finds itself among the older survivors iram the past The sorrowful change but heightens the significance of the three bundled year story of Jewish settlement in America. No persecuV » • tion has darkened its path. No Saturday. April 17. P i n t Seder In Jewish homes this Passover ostracism has weakened Its loyalBrief Mincha-Maariv Servioe at the Immemorial words of the Hag- ty. Its freedom grew with the 6*0 p.m. gadah will be repeated: ' B e freedom of all. Saturday, April 17, First Seder brought us forth from bondage to tonight Brief M i n c h a - M a a r i v freedom, from subjection to re- Twelve generations of American Service at 6:00 p. m. demption, from sorrow to Joy, J e m nave followed the little handTU» is a Jrulnh young msn from Kurdistan In liU native n-gullm from mourning to festivity, and ful that came in 1654. Each has Sunday, April IS, Second Seder brought; devotion and strength to of the aristocrat*, lie had Just come from Unghduil wliero he tonight. Morning Service, 9:00 a. from darkness to great light." This coming year will be one of a Ipwed land. Each has served to ttif*t~* law. Though a man of wide Intcroatii, bis ihlcf ambition m. Mincha-Maariv, 6i00 p. m. added remembrance. Three hun- make America grow and to fulfil m i to open a bakery catering to the tastes of tiie Oriental Jews Monday, April 19, Morning Servdreds years ago, our forefathers the dreams of the past and the who are not accustomed to eating the bread of their Eastern Euro- ice, 9:00 a. m. founded on this continent a com- hopes for the future. This Pass- pean brethren. Ilia second ambition was to get a bride of Eastern Friday, April 23, Bleu Candles munity destined to become within over of 1954 should be deeply en- European Jewish storlc Painted in Israel by Nota Koaloivsky during his one year visit at 6:53 p. m. Late Evening Servthree centuries the largest single riched by the union of our ancient ice at 8:19 p. m. . Jewish settlement in all the long Biblical memories with the cele- to toe Jewish state. Saturday, April St. Morning history of the Children of Israel. bration of our three hundred year aid American past Service at 9:00 a. m. MlochaEarly in 1654 Maariv, 7:0X1 p. m. Early in the year 1654, Jewish Sunday, April 25, Morning Servhistory repeated itself. It haphave regained only recently after By Herman Potok ice at 9:00 a. ni. Memorial Serv. pened in Brazil. Jews from Spain twenty centuries of wandering ice, Y1ZKOR, will be recited and Portugal had been among the There is an eternal hunger in through the bleak doorways of a first explorers, colonizers, and setthe breast of mankind, as intrinsic hostile world. Our Ideal, our hone, tlers of that great country. The as the heart that beats and the our prayer has always been the Inordinate distance that separated mind tliat thinks: it Is the hunger them from the Iberian Peninsula United Nations (JTA) — Now for freedom. There has never been achievement of an eternal Fusscave them a. sense of security border Incidents, indicating a con- an age undrenched by blood spilled over, but unable to attain part of At the Jewish Community Ceater from the dangers of the Inquisi certed plan by the Arab States to in the quest for freedom, there our goal—physical freedom—we Saturday Evening, April 17, at Hon. The coming of Dutch rule keep the Middle East pot boiling has never been a time without a maintained nevertheless that part 5:30 o'clock. Service for the Eve added to their sense of well-going and Israel on the defensive along being who personified in his acts, of our goal which sustained us — of the Passover. and the coming of Jews from Hol- every front, were reported as the thoughts and speech his people's spiritual freedom and a certainty Sunday Morning, April 18, at land brought to the Brazilian Jew- ponderous machinery of the Unit- deepest aspirations for freedom, that the Will of God would ulti- 11:00 o'clock, Service for tlw First ish community leadership, scholar- ed Nations, braked by use of par- for somehow man has felt, in- mately triumph in this world. That Day of the Passover. ship, vigor. But the curtain fell liamentary technicalities, moved •tinctivcly, haltingly, yet with Ir- faith is still fundamental to us Saturday Morning, April 24, at upon this happy interlude with the slowly towards an overall study resistable conviction, that to be today. 11:40 o'clock, Service for the l a s t Kortumitr end of Dutch dominion. Jews who of the situation. Day of the Passover with Special 'ree is to be fully human. . could, returned to hospitable little These were the major developHut today we are indeed for- Yizkor Service. So it was and so it shall always tunate. For we live in a land that Holland. ments: At Highland Town Club 1st be with our own people. Deep lias made both physical and spirOf those who left Brazil, bo IIIII Hotel The Security Council began con- within the consciousness of the itual freedom the very essence of tween January and April, 1654, sideration of Jordan and Israel Jew is the certain knowledge that its Sunday Evening, April 18, at existence. Every American solone. storm-tossed group reached complaints and promptly became freedom is a thing Divine, a vivid killed in battle is eternal 6:00 p. m.. Congregational Seder. the harbor of Nieuw Amsterdam, involved in a procedural wrangle expression of the will of God, for dier to this ideal of freedom. early In September of that year. over a major principle—should the it was God who freed us from the testimony We fight and die not only to pre: They were the Founding Fathers Council consider the complaints tyranny of Egypt. It i» this aware- serve our boundaries but also to of Congregation Shearith Israel In piecemeal, In the order in which ness that has made the Passover preserve a heritage which has Its the CSty of New York, and of the they were submitted or should it festival one of tyranny of Egypt. roots firmly planted In the soil of American Jewish community. proceed boldly to overall consider- It is this awareness that has made the Old as well as the New Testa.. Momentous Journey ation of the entire Jordan-Israel the Passover festival one of the ment. It is America which today At we Bather on the Passover question as an entity nnd seek a greatest single human expressions hns tultcn upon itself the responIn freedom and thanksgiving it comprehensive solution? of the yearning for freedom that sibility of proving to the world the Washington (JTA)—Three Rewould not be amiss to recall the Is BO fundamental a part of the true value of physical and spiritual publican Senators and five Repubmomentous Journey of those Jew- The Lebanon s t r o n g l y and aspirations of man. The reclining freedom. lican members of the House Joined ish pilgrims and pioneers. Three lengthily argued for the former position at the Seder table, the to introduce a bill to rewrite the thousand years and six hundred course. The United States, Britain, joyous, informal atmosphere, the It is a significant Passover McCarron-W a l t e r Immigration MDes away from the Red Sea; France and a majority of mem- leisurely chanting of the Hagga- which we celebrate this year. For Act. traversed "under portents In bers of the Council called for the dah, the lengthy meal, are syml»ls it was exactly three hundred years heaven and on earth, blood and latter. of the actions of free people every- ago that the first Jew came to The bill would remove the "infire and pillars of smoke, "anoth- At Tel Aviv, the Israeli military where. The Passover festival is a this country. The American Jew justices" specified by President er crossing took place from a pur- spokesman reported new violations virtual personification of the ideal is this year three hundred years Eisenhower In his April 6, 1953, old nnd will celehrnte his three letter to Sen. Arthur V. Watkins, suer no less fearsome than Phar- of Israel's frontiers by forces from of freedom. hundredth Passover in a land chairman of the Senate Immigraoah with his chariots. On Pass- Jordan, Egypt and Syria. Culmination which has made the Passover tion. Subcommittee. It would end over, 1954, we may read from an The Arabs, with an eye to InYet is is also much more than ideals its life's blood. It is indeed procedural and administrative In. oft-quoted Hebrew chronicler, Da- fluencing the Security Council deequities that have appeared In the vid Franco-Mendes. how one of liberations, made a number of that For the Jew has never be- a deeply satisfying thought the ships that left Brazil was cap- complaints against Israel. They lieved in freedom as an end in it- The Jew, in his eternal search administration of the law and would provide for the pooling of self. A people is truly free not befor freedom, has always set the tured by Spanish pirates on the charged'an attempted Israeli raid it docs not feel the sting of Passover story as the prototype unused quotas. high seas. In force on another Jordan village. cause a tyrant's lash but because it has that freedom. And faith In the One Important measure contain"But God caused a savior to Some of these compaints were be- set for itself a universal goal of ultimate achievement of physical ed in the proposed legislation is a arise unlo them, the captain of a ing "investigated" by the remains which, because it Is a physically and spiritual freedom for all manFrench ship, arrayed for battle, of the Israel-Jordan Mixed Armis- free people, it feels supremely cop- kind is fundamental U> the Pass- revision of the present Uw which now admits Nazis and Fascists to and he rescued them from the tice Commission—Cmdr. E l m o able of achieving. The culminafestival and is the Impreg- the United S t a t e s . Another hands of the outlaws who had Hutchison, USN, and two Jordan tion of the Passover story is not over nable Gibraltar that will help atamendment would eliminate the ifficcrs. done them violence and oppressed the tumultuous confusion of the stigma of "second class citizenthem, and he conducted them un- At Cairo, the Arab League departure from Kgypt but the tain and preserve that freedom. ship" which the McCarran Act til they reached New Holland. And measures to put pressure trembling awe of the Revelation imposed on naturalized citizens. none of thrni was missing, praised itudied at Sinai. The Jewish goal was uni>n the United States to cut ecoSponsors of the bill include: be God." nomic aid to Israel. And in Wash- versal recognition of the one God. Senators Robert C. Hcndrlckson, Founders ington, Foreign Operations Ad- It was the acceptance of this goal New Jersey; Irving M. Ives, New These founders of the Jewish ministrator Harold Stasscn re- that made of the slave people a community of North America vealed plans to reduce the Amer- truly free people. For it is of little Vienna (JTA)—A second gov- York; Levcrett Saltonslall, Massabrought with them a deep faith. ican aid program to Europe and value to be free physically and a ernment amendment to the Social chusetts; a n d Representatives The freedom we enjoy, they se- the Middle East so as to apply a slave spiritually; It is of infinite Insurance Act, providing pension Paul A. Flno and Jacob K. Javlts, cured. They did not find freedom greater proportion of the reduced value to be free physically as well payments to emigrants who were both of New York; Albert W. Crewhen they came. They helped assistance funds to aid programs as spiritually. And spiritual free- compelled to leave Austria for po- tclla and Albert P. Morano, both forge with dignity and strength or the Far East dom implies direction nnd a uni- litical, religious or racial reasons, of Connecticut, nnd Hugh Scott, of the American heritage of liberty. hns been adopted by Parliament Pennsylvania. versal goal. The story of that achievement after the government eliminated Spiritual Freedom must fill us with gratitude for URGE ANNUAL CHECK-DPS We have not tasted much of discriminatory restrictive clauses Only the League of Independents, the past and courage for the fuBecause early diagnosis a n d physical freedom during our his- from the draft bill. with 16 scats, and a former, pnrtyture. It is a story that can be read proper treatment are essential In tory as a people. There Is not n The bill originally had excluded Icss member of the league, opUninterruptedly in the record of curing cancer, the American Can- being in the world who knows bet- from the benefits of the measure posed the measure. The partyless an individual congregation, which cer Society recommends that ev- ter the full value of physical free- emigrants who had returned to deputy, Fritz Stuebcr, denounced after three hundred years stands ery adult have a physical examina- dom than does the Jew. Our spir- Austria in 1951 nnd 1952 and had the world Jewish organizations, as a symbol of faith and freedom tion at least once a year, women itual freedom—the doing of what remained In Uic country more claiming that their demands for In the United States. over 35 semi-annual check-ups and we felt to be the Will of God—we than 90 days. Tills clause was compensation for Jewish victims men over 45, chest X-rays twice a have maintained at frightening eliminated after strong protest by of Nazism were "excessive" and Freedom Grew cost; our physical freedom we the Vienna Jewish Community. "provocative " After the holocaust which came vear By Dr. David and Timar b e Sola Pool {Copyright, 1954. , Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) (Eater's Note: Dr. David and Itanar de Sola Fool are authors of a book which will be published hy Columbia University Press in connection with the 300 yean of Jewish settlement in the country. The title of the book is "The Past Is Everlasting Portrait of a Synagogue, 1654-1954.)
Passover—Hie Two Freedoms
Middle East Developments
Temple Israel
Republicans Join For Revision of Immigration Act
Austrian Bill for Refugee Pensions
VrUay, April U. 1KM
H. Monsky g JWV Install Hear Orwig New Officers Will The first public address In Om_a_The highlight of the April meeting of tho Kpstein-Mon'.an Post No. 260, JWV held at the Council Bluffs Jewish Community Center was the Installation of officers for the following year. Retiring Commander Nate Marcus gave a report of the events the Post participated in durim; his administration. The following men were installed nfl officers for the year 1951-55. Alie S. Miller. Commander; 'William Abrahams, Sr. Vice Commander; Marvin Kaplan, Jr., Vice Commander; Stanley Kaplan, Adjutant; Arthur It. Salkin, Quartermaster; Paul jCrounse, JuOV.e Advocate; Dr. Morris Roltstcin, Post Surgeon. Past Commnnder Efl Beldner was the Installing officer. Commander Miller outlined the program for the coming year. Memorial Day services will bo held a t the graveside of one of the charter members of Epstoln-Morgan P o s t It is planned to have a closer unity with members of the Post who reside In Council Bluffs. With that In mind I.ou Katt-lmnn and Joe Passer of Council Bluffs wore appointed co-chairman far the JWV picnic which will be held in Fairmont Park In the Bluffs. An Omaha representative will lie appointed to work with the picnic committee. The Jewish War Veterans will participate in Omaha's Centennial celebration by presenting a play on the Centennial Theme In Turner Park. No definite date has been Chosen as yet according to Centennial program chairman Max Knnner. Paul Crounse, Nate Marcus. Ed Beldner, Marvin Kaplan and Mel Tcpper nro working with Mr. Kanner on the Centennial program. BUI Abrahams who was so successful In the promotion of lost year's Armistice Dance has already laid the ground work for this year's rlance. Marvin Kaplan h.is nnnounrcd that we arc close to the total of last years paid up membership with the year half over. Dues Iwcome delinquent April 1, so please help us to stny bis: by paying your dues now.
ha by the University of Nebraska's new athletic director, BUI Orwig, will be made at the monthly meeting of Henry Monsky I,odj;e of IJ'nai B'rith Thursday nisjht, April 22, at the Jewish Community Center. All Ben B'ritta, tlielr wives and friend; ur<; invited to attend. A special invitation lias been issued Ijy President Marvin Tteller to Omaha members of the University of Nebraska "N" Club to bo guests of Henry Monsky lodge at the meeting. Mr. Orwi;: comes to Nebraska from the University of Michigan where he has Ix'en assistant coach since VMH. He was a member of the football and basketball teams of Michigan in 1327-2'J while workimj for his Ilachelor of .Science in Education degree. H e f o r e joining the Michigan coaching staff, Mr. Orwig was head football and basketball coach at the University of Toledo, and prior to that was conch and assistant dean of boys at Ubbey Hiljh School In Toledo, from 193645. He was a member of the West Coast conference officiating staff In both football and basketball in 1938 and 1948 and in 1945 was athletic consultant for tho European Army of Occupation.
OPPD Operations Set 1953 Record
An analysis of the Omaha Public Power District's 1953 Annual Iteport reveals Jhat operation for the past year- set new records. Gross revenues were up 3.2 par cent and net Income amounted to $3.939,G37. Kilowatt hour sales reached a new high of 9-17,109.000, an increase of 4.8 per cent. Tvvo thousand and seven hundred new customers were mlckd. Average annual use of electricity to residential customers increased from 2,400 to 2.K19 kilowatt hours. A record S14.8C2.000 was .spent on construction, the major portion going for the District's new 75,000 kilowatt generating station. A limited supply of tho District's 1933 Annual Report, which Includes tho financial statements of the District, is available upon request by writing Treasurer's OfThe Music at Home Club, spon- (ica, Omaha Power District, 17th sored by the Jewish Community and Hamey streets, Omaha 2, Center, will hold Its April meet- Nebr. ing Tuesday, April 27, at 8 p. m. a t U M home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. .Feldman, 323 South Happy Hollow Boulevard. A piano recital by Haas Baer will be presented with compositions by Bach, Schubert, Chopin, New York (JTA)—The action Liszt and Hans Boer. Gaytc Feld- of Dr. Norman Salit, president of man, a pupil of Prof. Bacr, will the Synagogue Council of Amerplay the A major Polonaise by ica, who voiced criticism of the Chopin. United Nations handling of ArabFor reservations cither call Miss Israeli disputes at a State DepartBesjo Blank, JA 13G6. at the Jew- ment luncheon In Washington last ish Community Center or Prof. week, was sharply criticized In a Hans Bacr, WE 8681. There will statement issued h e r o by the be no admission charge. The mem- American Jewish Committee bers of the community arc invited. The statement called Dr. Sallt's. comments on that occasion, "a. Scientists have discovered more grievous offense against the spirit! than 300 chemicals that will dam- of International amity." The Counage cancer cells, the American cil president, tho AJC declared, Cancer Society disclosed. Further "indulged In bitter, intemperate, tests will be made to loam If any statements" which did not advance of these might be developed as a the cause of peace between Israel and its neighbors. useful cancer treatment.
Music at Home Club To Present Recital
AJC Criticizes Rabbi's Remarks
Israel Through an Artist's Eyes
The last in a series of Foreign Films will be presented at the Jewish Community Center Sunday evening. May 2. The film, "Alexander Nevsky," is a classic Russian production by Sergei Eiscnstcin with music by Sergei Prokofiev. Tickets may be purchased on the evening of tbe performance.
Former Director at Milwaukee Post
lV>rtr*H of a magnificent typo umoug the Yemenite women In Israel. DnMMHl In holiday garb when be posed for the p* 1 "" 1 ^, the young; woman maintained an almost mysterious silence while sadness oozed from her eyes. Not long ago she was tho bead of a. wealthy and prominent household in Aden, and now this aristocratic woman elicit out a bare living as a laundress. At first she was reluctant to raise her eyes for tbe brush, reverting no doubt to the custom of her tribe before settling In Israel. : Painted In Israel by Nota Koulowsky during hi» one; year Visit to the Jewish state. . • Mrs. Douglas Tells . . .
Israel Sacrifices, Labors And Explores for Tomorrow Israel is making one of the greatest contributions in the world today In the area o£ human relations, Helen Gahagan Douglas statcsd at the city-wide dessert luncheon for tho Jewish Philanthropies in Beth Israel Social Hall last Wednesday afternoon. pilot riant The little nation is serving as a pilot plant where peoples from modern advanced civilizations are joined with those from backward land.1, Mrs. Douglas pointed out. There are those who know nothing of human rights and who have lived in degradation and poverty who now have the opportunity to make a new life for themselves, she added. These are the people who are being made in whole human beings and this example of service and love of fellowman by the native Israelis is unparalleled in our history, Mrs. Douglas added. The people of Israel arc showIng a willingness to sacrifice, labor und explore so that the Immigrants will have a plnce to live which Is almost unbelievable, she reflected.
Survival Israel set up a democracy, she continued, while fighting a war for survival and then opened its doors to 750,000 refugees, Mrs. 'Douglas emphasized. It la not a trick.of fate or an accident of history that has caused Israel to win her freedom but an effort of maximum devotion and sacrifice, she went on to say. Israel is important to the U. S. and tho U. N. because she has forged a democracy in the area of the world where Illiteracy, poverty and disease are commonplace, Mrs. Douglas pointed out. The new Friday, April 10 little notion, no bigger than Mrs. Pre-School Nursery—9:00 a. m—Center. Douglas's birthplace, the state of Saturday, ApriM7 Vermont, is a challenge to the FIRST SEDER whole world for in the atmosphere Sunday, April 18 of feudalism a new democracy has SECOND SEDER—FIRST DAY PASSOVEU been founded, she stressed. Monday, April 10 Sharp ContriiHt Center Closed—Second day Passover Mrs. Douglas who visited Israel Tuesday, April 20 in 1962 told of the sharp contrast National Council of Jewish Women—1:00 p. m.—Center. between the new nation and the Wednesday, April 21 surrounding Arab states. She rePro-School—9:00 a. m.—Center lated how different tho conditions Mlzrnchl Women—-1:00 p, m.—Center were in schooling, public health Center Orchestra—8:00 p. m.—Center and housing. She spoke of the B'nal B'rith Monsky Chapter No. 470—SM p. m.—Center. mud hovels nnd primitive means Tliursilny, April 22 for sanitation she had seen during Hadassah Board Meeting—12:30 p. m.—Centcr visits to some of the Arab counLeadership Training Institute for Teenager*—3:43 p. m.—Center tries. When she arrived in Israel Kadlmah Meeting—8:30 p. m.—Homes B'nal B'rith Nebraska Chapter No. 346 and Lodge No. 1445—8:30 the difference in the mode of living became very apparent. p.m.—25thandJSts. < ' . .','
Community Calendar
Lost Foreign Film May 2 at Center
Israel is finding ways to restore and promote greater productivity of the soil and is giving answers to problems that besot many lands, she stated. All this is being accomplished by a people who arc harassed by hostile countries, for she added the Arabs never accepted Israel. The Arabs continually exert pressure by a economic boycott refusing to trade and boycotting nations who do trade with Israel. Mrs. Douglas said. Israel has had to go half way round the globe to buy products the Arabs have denied her. The Arabs have tried to undermine Israeli courage by a constant harassment of her borders. Israel is isolated with no line of communications through, the Arab states. Mrs. Douglas said she heard the Arabs feel that Israel cannot continue to work, sacrifice and give nnd therefore will break down from within. Women of Courage She mentioned the courage of the women who stand in line every day in order to feed and clothe their families. They constantly give of themselves to help the refugee children find a place for themselves.* Mrs. Douglas told of Youth Allyah village where the spirit and ability of children are being salvaged so that the youth of today may be turned Into productive citizens. The spirit of Israel is permeating the whole area and Israel is curning the respect of the world, she pointed out. Even those who begrudge Israel her place have been inspired by Israel's capacity for service and devotion, Mrs. Douglas concluded. The Women's Division of t h e Philanthropies C a m p a i g n have adopted for its slogan—"Let your heart be the key to your giving."
Former Omahan Wins Hastings Council Seat Max D. Prostok, former Omahan, and Hastings resident since 1948, was elected to the Hastings city council April 6th. Prostok won the council seat over the Incumbent, A. M. Jones, and former Mayor Roy Carter. I'rostok, 34 years old Hastings business man, will serve a two year term on the council. He has been active in local civic and Jewish affairs. He Is past president of Central Nebr. Lodge No. 1815
Harold E. Katz, who was Director of Activities ot the Omaha Jewish Community Center i n 1944 and 1945, was chosen, as Director • of the Jewish Community Center of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, it was announced. Mr. Katz directed Center activities in Omaha, and was also Day Camp and. Camp Jay-C-C Director. Under bis guidance the Youth Council, of which be was director, made remarkable strides. V:: : Y \ ' ' •.'»."•\'• . -; Mr. Katz succeeds Jacob Mirvlss, who had served as Educational Director of the Center. Mr. Mlrviss resigned his position in Milwaukee in order to devote full time to bis girls' Camp Gan Aden, which he and Mrs.: Mlrviss the former Lillian Margolin of Omaha, have been operating In Wisconsin.
Aaron Elected JWB Prexy at Cohclave
, Cleveland OWNS)—The National Jewish Welfare Board concluded its biennial convention hero with the election of Charles Aaron, Chicago, attorney, to the presidency and with the adoption of a 1954 budget of $2,232,155. The 770 delegates approved a resolution calling on the welfare funds throughout the country and the New York United Jewish Appeal, of which JWB Is a beneficiary, to support the full needs of JWB in 1K54. The convention also re-affirmed the "statement of principle of Jewish center purposes" adopted by the 1948 convention and formulated a supplemental credo describing the center as "a striking symbol of our Jewish communal unity," as a "common meeting place for all Jewish groups within the community," as central and unique agency in the Jewish community "eomplementalng the good and necessary services "ot many other Institutions and organizations in Jewish life and as an. tasUtuHon to whose program "Jewish content Is fundamental."
Anti-Semitism Strong In West Germany Bonn (WNS) — Anti-Semitic feeling is stiU strong In West Germany and "the assurances which we have received In some quarters that anti-Semitism, no longer exists In Germany ore not borne out by the evident facto." three officials of the Antl-6efamatk>n League of B'nal B'rith concluded after a thirty-day investigation conducted at the Invitation of the West German Government The report said opinion testing brought evidence of anti-Semitism and that "only among the youth that knew not Hitler does reliable opinion testing show any lessening of anti-Semitic prejudice," adding that while most Germans arc embarrassed by discussion:of Nqzi persecutions it "is too much to expect that a generation subjected to the intensive anti-Semitic indoctrination of the Nazis should so quickly rid Itself of Its deppsented hates. Opinion testing since the war has not revealed a great lessening of anti-Semitism in the group which lived through the Nazi period." NO "HOME" CANCER CURES The American Cancer Society warns that no cancer was ever cured by pills, powders or any "home remedy." Only radiation nnd surgery are the approved methods of curing the disease. of B'nai B'rith, and Is now third Vice President of the Southwest Regional Council of B'nal B'rltb.
fact Its*
TMaj, April 1A<MM
Plotkin-Handleman Wedding Passover Greeting From Hadassah Held Sunday at Beth Israel Miss Renee Lois Plot kin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isadora Plotkin, and Morris Handleman were married Sunday in the Beth Israel Synagogue. Rabbi Benjamin Groner and Cantor £11 Kagan officiated at 5
p. ra. The bride's gown was styled of nylon net and Chantilly lace with a Queen Anne collar. Bands of ' lace decorated the skirt and the cathedral train. A tiara of sequins and pearls held the bride's silk illusion finger" tip veil and she carried a white orchid and Wlles-of-the-valley on a white Bible. Matron of honor was Mrs. Eugene Gwenter, sister of the bride. Bridesmaids were Miss Marilyn Rptkln, a sister of the bride, Miss Nadihe Breslow and Mrs. Ben Nachman. ' A t t e n d a n t s w o r e waltz-length gowns of tissue taffeta In shades of lavender and green. They carried bouquets of sweetheart roses. '•"••• Best man was Ben Nachman, Ushers were Edward Ginsberg of Des Molnea, la., Wayne SiegJe, Howard Dandy, David Cooper, Gary Plotkln and Norman Plotkin, the latter a brother of. the b r i d e .
:;•;- •
'After; the ceremony, the couple left for a wedding trip to the
Hadassoh Bowling "-.
: - \ r - - j :
L .
Nbgg Bros/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 30 Brandeis Kleerchrome . . . 4 4 31 Edwards Jewelry . . . . . . . . 38 3* Millie. Wine* . . . . 3 7 38 Smith Pantiac 37 38 Brandeis Easy Washer . . 36 39 -RCA Victor 35 40 Metz Beer 28 47 High Games and Serin Flora Bloom. 468—182; Addle Sneidcr, 454; Cece Zorinsky, 452; Ruth Sokolof, 450; Rose Garrop, 4485-191; Evelyn Hoborman, 409; Ann Schulman, 409; Audrey Kirshenbaum. 408 anil Hetty Schmidman, 40.'!.
Egypt Condemned
By Armistice Unit Tel Aviv (WNS)— Resolutions accusing Egypt of four violations of the armistice agreement arising from last week's four attacks in which two Israelis were killed and twenty wounded was adopted by the Israel-Egyptian Mixed Armistice Commission. ".'•"::•.': The Egyptian delegation did not attend commission's meeting on orders from Cairo, claiming there was insufficient notice, and not enough time to study the reports. The commission condemned Egypt for "warrlike acts" and "flagrant Violations" of the Egyyptlan-Israell Armistice agreement. It held the attacks had been "carried out by Egyptian military or paramlli" tary forces" and voiced grave concern over the "dangerous situation." The commission called on •Egypt to .put an immediate end to the aggressive acts and punish those responsible for the intolerable situation.
Pre-School Sessions The Center's Prc-School sessions will be resumed Wednesday morning, April 21 after Spring Vacation. Cabs will pick up the children at their regular hour.
Mrs. Morris Handlenuia
Passover Recipes This Is another recipe from "Passover Parade of Recipes" by Mrs, Benjamin Groner. The booklet may be purchased for-Jl 00 by calling Rabbi Groner at the synagogue office, RE 6288. Proceeds will go to the Talmud Torah building fund. EIER-KUCHEN PANCAKES 14 cup matzo meal % cup water 4 eggs, separated < 1 Up. salt Pour water over meal. Beat yolks until light and add to meal. Let stand for five minutes. Beat whites with salt until stiff and fold in the yolk mixture. Drop by spoonfuls onto hot greased frylnc pan, and fry until brown. These pancakes puff up. Serve with sugar or honey and cinnamon. WINE CAKE Mrs. Max Sacks 10 eggs 2 cups sugar 1 cup cake meal : 1 cup finely chopped nuts 14 cup wine. : Beat yolks until light. Add sugar and beat welL Add the cake meal and nuts and wine. Beat whites stiff and. fojd into yolk mixture. Bake for 1 hour In an uncreased tube'panina 325 degree oven. Invert pan over a,pop bottle until completely cold/ MATZO 'I'UDDINO Mrs. D. M. Newman Beat yolks of six CRRS with fiix tablespoons of sugar, ndd grated rind and juice of % lemon, ndd >4 cup raisins, 6 tablespoons of grated apples, 6 tablespoons of matzos meal, whites of eggs-beaten stiff. Bake 30 minutes at 330 degrees, serve with wine sauce. Wine Sauce: I cup powdered sugar, 2 t a b l e s p o o n s butter creamed, 214 teaspoons of wine, beat all together, add benlcd yolks of 2 eggs and M cup cream. Cook in a double boiler until thick, remove from fire, add beaten whiles of the egps and serve hot on pudding. -
This is the time of the year when we Jews celebrate the Passover festival. Throuch the BECS it has always been a happy holiday, coinmemoratinB the escape of the Jews from slavery nntl l&oluni! forward to a fruitful life in a land the Jewish poop!'? could call their own. This year as in the past five years the Jews In Israel have greater cause to celebrate, because they nre back in the land of their heritage. Wo American Jews have also caur^e for a happy celebration, because we have been Instrumental in !jrin;;lnr; this nreat historical event to pasr,. As we sit at our Seders, this Passover anil thank God for our many blessing, let.us also remember that although we have helped brine about the Independence of Isrnt-1, Israel's hard won liberation Is not yet secure. The inhabitants of this tiny land arc still fliThlinc for their richt to be free, their right to security and the right to live in dignity. We as Americans and as Jews, living in a democratic society, should and must continue to help Israel maintain it's statehood. Not because of humanitarian principles alone, but because we are helping to establlshe a democracy, a bulwark against tyranny, another place in the world where human beings may live as men and not as slaves. Hadassah women should be proud of the role they play in this great undertaking, but we cannot rest on our laurels. We must constantly re-dedicate ourselves to fight for democratic principles in America, and help all democratic peoples the world over. With this in mind Hadassah extends the best of Passover Greetings to all our brothers and sisters.
Miss Oxzie Katz
Mrs. Ettn Yudclson of Los Anlcs Is visiting her son and (lauRhler-In-law, Mr. and Mr*. Milton II. Yudelson of Omaha. Mrs. Yudelson Is formerly of Council Bluffs, la.
Mizrachi Program
Engagement Told At Home for Aged Rcverand and Mrs. Alex Katz announce the engagement of their daughter, Ozzte, to Donald NORB, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan L. Nogg. Miss Katz Is a freshman at Brandeis University at Walthnm, Mass. Mr. Nogg is an alumnus of the University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo., where he was a member of Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity. A summer wedding Is planned.
Canada Admits
O m a h a Chapter of Mizrachi Women will present a program at the Dr. Phlli Sher Home for the Aged, 7:30 p. m., Tuesday, April 20. Mrs. Hy Shrlcr's dramatic clas» will entertain with record pantomines and readings. Participating will be Jo Ann Shrier, Laurlo Frecdmon, Cathy Adler, Suzl Sutin, Leslie Epstein, Linda Zalkin, Diane Fogel, Sue Herman, Tonl Follman, Fay Hltn Samuelson and Hclene and Ronec Franklin. Diana Groner will tell a Passover story. Mrs. II. Franklin is chairwoman for the affuir n n d Mrs. M. J. Franklin is in charge of the pro* gram. Tea nnd Passover cookie* will be served. The public Is cordially invited to attend.
Duplex to Let in California Sublet Beautiful 2-Bedroom Furnished Duplex Ideal Location Near Beverly Hill* May and Juno VERY REASONABLE
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Sunday Brunch
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PASSOVER SEASON Wo have Passover butter, sour cream, and milk—Koshor for Passover—under personal supervision of Rabbi Robert N. Fcldman. At Your Door or Favorite Store
Place Your Order Now
5109 N. 42nd St.
Call RE 4444 or Your Grocer
Call Clarence Watts HOME—AT 8737
It His* Ozzle Katz
Junior Hadassah
For Care of Buries! Plots
Due to Lost Records Notification Cannot Be Sent
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown, of Lakewood, Calif., formerly of Omaha, announce the birth of a daughter Diane Susan on April 11. They have two other children Marlcne-Kny nnd Barry-Lee. Mrs. Brown is the former Harriet SayInn. Paternal grandparents are Mr. nml Mrs. Joe Brown of Lo« Angeles, Calif., and maternal crnndparcnts are Mr. end Mrs. Jack Snylan of Omaha.
Montreal (WNS)—There has been a 21 per cent increase in the Jewish population of the Dominion since the end of World War II, most of It due to an influx of 38,200 Jewish immigrants durlnr: the years 1910-53, the Canadian Jewish Congress reported In a population survey. The largest croup of Jewish Immigrants originated in Poland, followed by the U. S. and Iiritaln. Montreal, with a Jewish population of nlwut 92,000, Is the largest ' Junior Hadassah will hold a city in Canuda In that respect. special meeting for election of officers Tuesday, April 20, 7:30 p. m. at the home of Clara nntl Jean Kntz. A program on pros and cons of Junior Hadassah will be discussed. The filrls wish to thank everyone who helped make their Fund liaising Dance a success.
Golden Hill Cemetery
KE 6303
I Omaha Sketches
(Note: These Products Are Limited In Quantity)
Mtey, April M, lto«
Council Women Adopt Budget
Passover Sandwich Puffs
Organizations Pioneer Women The Pioneer Women's Organization will hold Its regular monthly meeting 1 p. m., Tcusday, April 20 In the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. H. Wohlner, Matzot -Hopolat chairlndy, will i;ive her report. Election of officers for the coming year will also be held. All members are nsked to attend this meeting.
•MSnsky Chapter The regular monthly meeting of B'nal B'rith Henry Monslty Chapter No. 470 will be Aid to Israel Night and will be held Wednesday, April 21, at 8:15 p. m. In the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Nate Gltnlck, Aid to Israel Chairman, will be in charge. She will give a short report on Aid to Israel Projects and the Israeli Film, "Tent City," will be shown. This Is a very moving film Involving children and a picture you won't want to miss seelni;. Social hour will follow.
Hadassah Omaha Chapter Hadassah group mid chapter boards will meet at the Jewish Community Center for a Passover D e s s e r t Luncheon Thursday, April 22, at 1 p. m., for a combined board meeting. Mrs. Isidor Levinson, chairman Of the chapter nominating commltce, will present the slate for chapter officers for the coming year. Mrs. Alfred Frank, one of the Mountain Plains Region vicepresidents, will Rive n report of the regional conference to be held in Lincoln, May 2-4. Mrs. Dave Stein will rei>ort on the Jewish National Fund Drive, which has Just been completed. Mrs. Phil Gerellck will report on the Hadassah Medical Organization a n d Youth Commission. Mrs. M. F. Levenson, chairman of the Youth Commission Scholarship.1;, and her committee, Mrs. Meyer Rubin, and Mrs. Harry Wise, will re[>ort preparatory work on the selections made for the camp scholarships. Hostesses for the luncheon are: Mmes. Abe Bear, J. II. Kulakofsky, M. A. Bercovicl, Sam Gelfman, Sidney Goldenberg, Meyer Linda, Maurice Newman, Max Shapiro, Dave Sherman, Philip Rosenblatt and Mrs. Jake Wine.
Sherman, decorations; Mrs. Nate Kaplan, publicity, and Mrs. Dave Wine, ticket chairwoman. For tickets call Mrs. David Wine, WA 2G87.
Council Women The next regular Council meeting will be held Tuesday, April 20, 1 p. m. at tho Jewish Community Center. It will be a Passover Tea. Highlighting the afternoon will be n piano quartet composed of our members: Mrs. Harry Trustin, Mrs. Harry Duboff, Mrs. 1 cup boiling water Harry Hosenfeld, and Mrs. A. C. U cup Manifat Kellman. Mrs. Harry H. Cohen will 2 teaspoons sugar Introduce the quartet and Mrs. '/•i teaspoon salt John Solomon will give the Invo1 cup Manlschewltz cake meal cation for the afternoon. In addi3 eggs tion to the musical selections In a saucepan, cook together there will be reports on the North Regional Conference attended by the boiling water, Manifat, sugar and salt. When the Manifat is Mrs. Edward Levinson, Mrs. Harry Stolcr, nnd Mrs. Lloyd Friedman. melted, stir in cake meal and stir rapidly until well blended. Remove from heat and cool slightly. Beat A regular meeting will be held at two o'clock, Wednesday, April 21, at the Jewish Community Center. Because of Passover, no dessert luncheon will be served. A movie will l>e shown. Anyone who has not yet turned In hcr.JNF box, may bring It to this meeting. Contributions to the JNF box collections, to the Moes Chi Urn fund nnd to fund for linens which will bo held In May have come from California from Mmes, Anton Adler, I. Blacker and E. Wcinberg. The following have purchased trees for planting In Israel: Mrs. M, Brodltcy, In honor of the 93rd birthday of Mrs. Julius Sherman; Mra. A. Katskee, in honor of the 80th birthday of Mrs. Rae Diamond of Lincoln, Nehr.; Mrs. Ben Handler, in honor of the recovery of Martin Grasgreen of Cleveland, Ohio; Rabbi nnd Mra. M. M. Pollakoff, In honor of the recovery of Joe L. Zwclbaclc; Morris and Molllo Franklin, In memory of I/Con Mendelson; Rabbi and Mrs. M. M. Pollakoff, In memory of Clmlm Meyer Klopper of Kansas City, Mo.; Mr. nnd Mrs. Max Wnsserman, in memory of Mrs. Leah Wine; Mrs. II. Franklin and Kalah, in memory of Blanche Kalln of Chicago; Morrie and Mollie Franklin, In memory of Mrs. Blanche Kalln; Mr. nnd Mrs. Jacob Mendelson, in memory of Mrs. Anna Mendelson of Los Angeles; Mrs. Ben Handler and Joanne Simon, in memory of Mrs. Anna Mendelson; Mrs. Adele Rosenberg and mother, In memory of Mrs. Anna Mendelson.
in the eggs, one at a time until the dough is smooth. Drop by tablespoonful onto a well oiled cookie sheet. Bake in a moderate oven (375 degrees F.) about 40 minutes or until golden brown. Yield: 10-12 puffs. A booklet of Passover recipes and menu suggestions may bo obtained free of charge by writing to The B. Manischewitz Company, Box 288, Jersey "City, N. J.
Town to Farm Camp Jay C-C Tel Aviv (JTA)—The Jewish Registration Open Agency and other Institutions are • Camp Jay C-C plans swung into action this week with a gala camper reunion which saw many old as well as new faces. A new descriptive camp brochure has been mailed to all eligible campers in Omaha and registration Is officially open. Al Sophlr, chairman of t h e Camp Jay C-C Committee, announced that the camp season Will be from Monday, August 2, to Monday, August 30, and will again be held at Camp Brewster in Bellevue, Nebr. The fee for the entire camp season will be reduced to $100.00. The fee for the first two weeks will be $65.00 and for the second two weeks $55.00. As usual campers will be accepted In order of their registration. "About 350 Omaha boys and girls attend camp Jay C-C every summer. What they do, what they learn, what they experience at camp has a profound influence upon the future of these children. Our committee is vitally interested in making our camp a most significant experience in the lives of these children, and seeing to it that every child gets the greatest b e n e f i t from camp life," Mr. Sophir said. David Fogcl, Center Activities Director, will be Camp Jay C-C Director. Call JA 1360, Extension 32, for further Information about camp.
Kadlmah's annual Mother's Day Tea will be held Sunday, May 2, which I n week before Mother's Day. Mrs, Ray Corey, chairwoman of the affair, will be assisted by: Mrs. Sam Levenson: "Good advice Is Regular physical examinations Sidney Sneidor, program chairwoman; Mrs. Ben Kaplan, chil- something old men give young men are one of the best' safeguards when they can no longer give them against dying of cancer, the Amerdren's program; Mrs. Malvln Tepican Cancer Society warns. per, refreshments; Mrs. Doris a bad oxample."(JTA)
preparing a plan for the transfer of 10,000 families from towns and cities to agriculture in the current year, Lev! Eshkol, Finance Mlnltcr, reported at 'Towns to Villages" conference held here. Mr. Eshkol said this plan was part of a larger one to divert 50,000 families to Israeli villages in the next four years. He said 5,000 families would this year to resettled In kibbutzim and the remainder would go into smallholders villages and Settlements.
New York (WNS)—The board, of directors of the National Council of Jewish Women, at Its annual spring meeting here, adopted a national budget of $688,750 for the fiscal year 1954-1955. The national budget Is to cover guidance and service to local programs of community welfare, service to the foreign born, and education and social action, as well as a $50,000 grant to support the trainIng of Israeli high school teachers at the School of Education of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and scholarships f o r advanced study in the United States to students with leadership ability in fields of social welfare and education from J e w i s h communities abroad. Keynotlng the opening session of the board meeting, Mrs. Irving M, Engel, Council president, hailed the progress of the freedom campaign which the Council has been conducting with the co-sponsorship of the national Young Women's Christian Association. Mrs. Engel reported that more than 200 sec* tions throughout the country have already translated the freedom campaign into programs of community action. The campaign was launched two years ago "to help create a climate more conducive to free expression." > •* GROW CANCEIl IN MICE Scientists arc now able to transplant some types of human cancer Into small laboratory anlmald, • mice or'guinea pigs, the American Cancer Society says. • That provides an important avenue for cancer experiments to test new chemicals and study how cancer starts.
WONDER TOP stocking*
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BUR-MIL ;, !
$|50 Only I
a polr, two way Jtretchwjlt
15 denier, High Twist, Medium and long1,
ran a*
Youth Count* Doings * By Joan Krasae , COUHGUJETXES Last Friday, April 9, services 'were attended at Beth El Synagogue. The member* of CouncUettes .aold Ulle* far the Crippled Chll-
N.Y. Jurist Named To UN Commission United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— Formal negotiation ot J u s t i c Philip Halpern of Buffalo as member of the Sub-Commtaion oi Prevention of Discrimination end the Protection of Minorities was made In the Commi.^ion on Human Rights. The New Yorl; jurist was nominated by Mrs. Oswald B. Lord, of the American United Nations delegation, who told the commission that Judge Halpern had served a hor alternate at the last session of the sub-commis5ion "and I feel certain that he would continue tc make a distinguished contribution to Its work." Justice Halpern was prlndpo adviser on the U. S. delegation tc the Commission on Human Right at Its'Geneva session last SpringHe has been on the tench since 1948 and is now an Associate Justice of the Appellate Division of tho Supreme Court o( New York.
Religious News e-.U P. SI. C
#rid»y, April U, MM
An Eulogy This eulogy wtts written marking the death of Kirs, Cliarlcs Can field.—editor's note. "None knew her but to love her None named her but to praise her" I've never met one like her Just plain, good, easy jjolng Sympathetic, always remeinhcrin; And doint; for someone, enjuyinj; Life and her family and Oh so much the Krandchildrim "Nanny" to them "Like leaves on the current cast — With never u break in the rapid flow— We watch them as they onward go Into the dreamland of the past" May the beautiful picture of her Splendid personality hang on tho Walls of memory's gallery unti time Empties its urn Into forgetful ness— Oft times at the passing — the parting— We brush away tears and fores a smile When we come to say goodbye— "Goodbye Bert Canfleld." Your loving sister-in-law, Annctta Brown.
Gems of Bible and Talmud uu. riui.ir
BETH ISRAEL Bible Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Canto Tin1 wise in heart will receive Ell Kazan, ami tho Beth Israel Sy commamlnwn-ts; but a prating fool nagogue choir will conduct lati shall fall. Friday evening services at 8 p. in He who wulk€th uprightly walkTh9: CouncUBtte annual Dates .Sabbath morning services begin a eth securely: but he who forsaketh And Dm'ts win te held May 3. Tbe 8:30 a. m. Junior congregatioi reproof errc'th. Chairmen are Rita Peltz and Toby services start at 10 a. m. The tongue of the ritliteous Is Olcrent Rabbi Groner will conduct the as choice silver; tiie heart of the T1KVAS A M Saturday Talmud class at 6:1! wicked is little worth. Twelve T. A.'s Journeyed to the p. m.; Saturday Mincha will star Tttlmtitl Senior Young Judaea Convention at G:15 p. m., followed by ShoAbba the surgeon \v;is accuslast weekend. The convention was loshe S'eudos and Maariv. tomed to receive greetings every • held in Kansas City. Toe girls reDaily morning services begin a day through a Bath Kul from the turned with a much coveted fin 7 a. m.; daily afternoon service: heavenly session. While ltabbl place volleyball trophy. T. A/a begin at 7 p. m. Abbaye received such a greeting alao taught Israeli dancing at the Sunday morning breakfast tnin only each Sabbath eve. Abbayc felt sessions. Tikvas Ami had tbe largyan meets nt 8:45 n. m. and is foldiscouraged because ot tho greater est out-of-town delegation at the lowed by Rabbi Groner's Bible distinction conferred upon Abba convention. Discussion class. The youngsters of the surgeon, and he was told: 'The AIA NO. 100 the Talia and Tcffllin Club begin things that Abba doei thou canst . Tola week, the Centurymen have their services at 8:30 o. m. Breaknot do." What did Abba the surbeen very busy. They have been fast is served at the conclusion or geon <lo that made him so repreparing tor Stageoight Harold their services. The Talmud DIs nowned? He had a box outside of and Jimmy Friedman wrote the cusslon group, currently studying his office where tho fees for treatthe tractate Sabbath, meets every •kit entitled "The Red Pony.' ment were deposited. The one who Tuesday evening, 8 p. m. under the Kenny Freed was chairman of the could afford to pny deposited the direction of the Rabbi, at BHH chapter's Stagenlght activities. fee In tho box, while passing by, Last Friday night, the chapter New York (WNS>—'Hie Ameri- Synagogue. 19th and BurL and those who had no means attended services at the Beth Q can Jewish Committee disclosed would merely come in and sit here that the estimated Jewish Synagogue.down the least cause for Mrs. Charles Canfield shame.without population In the United States •BETH EL If a young scholar hapover 5,000,000 of wbom some Services will be held this eveServices were held Tuesday pened to come to him, Abbn would 2J94.000 are residents of New ning ot 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer 8 April 6, for Mrs. Charles Canfleld not accept money, but he would Kripko win deliver the aetmon. with Interment at Golden Hilt York City. give tho scholar money, saying: Friday, April U The information is based on a Cantor Aaron L Edgar and the Cemetery. Mrs. Canfleld died 'Go home and take good caro of Sari Baron, Arieen Susan Gend- special survey conducted for AJC's Beth El Synagogue Choir will ren- Monday, April 5. Ono day Rabbi Abbayo fcr. Janet G«U Llpaey, Martin 55th annual American Jewish der the musical portion of the Survivors Include: her husband, yourself." sent two of hii disciples to Abba .Meyers and Mark Sherman. Yearbook, 1934, which will be pub service. Charles; a son, LeRoy, both of the surgeon to observe his actloni. Saturday, Aprfl IT Sabbath morning services will Omaha; a daughter, Mrs. Helen liahed soon. In conducting the sur • Lawrence (tarry) Blihnenthal. vey, questionnaires wore complet begin at 8:45 a. m. Junior Con- Rubin of Chicago; a sister, Mrs. Abba entertained them and gave Robert Alan Frank. Scott Martin cd by more than 700 communities gregation sendees will be at 10:45 Nathan Pitlor; and n brother, them to eat and drink and invited Friedman, Nancy Pamela Lewis, throughout the U n i t e d States a. m. Mlncha-Maariv Services will Reuben Drown. hem to stay overnlnht. In the -and ILnda Lee Iieb. where sizeable .numbers of Jews start at 6:30 p. m. morning tho disciple:: folded up the SwMlay, April IS reside. The final result was obDaily services are held each pilluwjj and carried them to the Barbara Ann Bergman, David tained from these questionnaires week day at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. Mrs. Lillie Mock market to sell. There they enAaron Jacobson. John Michael plus a projection for tho remain- The Sunday morning service is at Services were held in Milwau- countered Abba and said to him: Rlekes, Morris Rosenberg, Louis ing communities. 9 a. m. kee for Mrs. Lillie Mock. She died "Let the muster estimate the value David Schlem, Jo Ann Schmldman Comparing the Vi'i'.i estimate Tuesday, April G, In Omaha. Mrs. of the pillows." He told them how and Sally Beth Stmon, and Edelc fur New York with the v.iy.i estimuch lie thought they were worth. Mock ivjs fa. TKMPLE ISKAFX Singer. mate of 2,100,000, the AJC snid At the regular Sabbath Services Survivors Include: two daugh- "Perhaps they are worth more," Monday, April 10 that the difference between the evening ftt 8 o'clock, Rab- ters, Mrs. Mnurlcc Hex tor ot New they replied. And he answered: Stephen Martin Alport, Sheila .wo was probably a result of the Fndny bi .Sidney H. Brooks will preach York City and Mrs. Fred L. Rosen- "I can purchase them for that Kay Lewis and David Newman superior techniques used in the on "When Men Are Free." Mrs. stock of Omaha; a brother, Walter amount." They then said to him: Llpsteln. eurrent survey, rather than an Yale Trustin will reclto tho btcK.1 Gold of Milwaukee, Wis.; two sis- "These pillows are thine; we took Tuesday, April 20 pprcciable increase in the New ters, Mrs. Laurence Oster of Mil- them from tliee. And now we pray Marlys Lynn Isack, Stephen York Jewish population. The Com- g over the Snbbath candles and waukee, WIs., nnd Mrs. Albert thco tell us what didst thou susMichel Lintzman and Susan none mittee pointed out that the same Mr. Lloyd Friedman will recite us of?" "1 thought that perthe Klddurji, <ahn of Shelbyvillc, Ind.; nnd five pect Rubin. haps some prisoners had to be rant u d y showed a considerable Regular Shabbos Morning Serv[randchildren. Wednesday. April n somed and you did not wish to tell growth in Jewish population in Anita Ann Baskin, Sue Fried- Now York City's suburbs, consis- ces will be held Saturday at 11:30 me what amount would be reman, Gail Shrier, Sandra Turek, tent with the general middle clns; n. m. Rabbi Brooks will conduct Mrs. Gussie Meyers quired, so you took the pillows." the service. and David Peter Webutebt. They then said to him, "Now lot trend of migration from New Services were held In Chicago tho master take them back." But Thursday, April it York City proper. Thirty-three out for Mrs. Gussie Meyers, Monday. he answered: "Nay. I haw alSally Jo Cooper, Ira Fox, Gary of thirty-four New York suburbs Junior Theater to Hold April 5. Mr*. Meyers, a former ready made up my mind to donate Andrew Katelman, Elizabeth Ann reported an Increase of Jewish resident of Omaha for 35 years, them to charity, and hence I canKatz, Barbara Ruth Tarnoff and population! almost all the commu- Centennial Play died Friday, April 2. in Chicago. not take them back." Mark Wayne Zalkin. iltles attributed the increase to a wan the widow of the Inte recent influx from New York City. Omaha Junior Theater will pre- She sent its Centennial play, "Grand Morris Meyers. In view of this outward move- mother's Magic Clock," at the Jos- Slie is survived by: four sons, ment, the AJC held, it was unlike- lyn Memorial Museum from April Abe Meytrs of Omaha, Louis of ly that the population of Jews 20 to 29. The author is Val Teal Sun Francisco, Calif., Phillip of wathin the city had increased ap- of Omaha and the ploy'is produced Arcadia, Calif., 6nd Irving of Se- There will be no Beth El Talby the Omaha Junior League. attle, Wash.; two daughters, Mrs. mud Turah classes during the Pittsburgh (JTA>—Israel's de- ireclably. mocracy Is a threat to Arab "dicIncluded in the cast is Evelyn Henry Simons nnd Mrs. J. Brook.i 'assover holliiay. Classes will be tatorship and oppression." U. S Levey, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. f Chicago; two sisters, Mrs. Mol- caumed Monday, April 20. Supreme Court Justice William O. Jack Levey. On a Centennial le Perils and Mrs. Yctta HimelDouglas declared here and for that the play tells the story of a ;teln, both of Omaha; and a brothNew York (JTA)—Israel now theme reason "is a symbol to keep alive," ias great-grandparents and how er, Hyman Rotkovitz of New York the second largest merchant girl's came from the east in a cov- City. Justice Douglas addressed 500 In the New Kast, seconJ they :red wagon. The play highlights leaders of the United Jewish Ap- marine nly to Turkey, it was reported. ;omc of the milestones in Omaha's peal campaign in Pennsylvania, New York (JTA) — Tho first Eastern Ohio and West Virginia The Israeli merchant fleet has 31 listory. :halr of Jewish language and hips—from two to 40 years old—• It will be presented during at an all-day conference here. ^•aching In all of Latin America grossing 1C0.00O tons. The Arab states, s;jid Justice nt 4 p. m. and Saturday will be established at tho UniAt present the Israel Govern- veekdnys Douglas, "are fearful" of Israel bet 2 p. m. There will be no Sun- Dan Gordmun, president of the versity of Buenos Aires, Dr. Amment has four ships under concause the new state "i.s a symbol day performance. Single tickets :!eth Israel Mens Club has an- •am Blum, Chief Rabbi of Argenof democracy in a part of the truction in German shipyards and will go on sale at the Joslyn box iunced the following committee" tina, declared here at a luncheon world that has known mostly dic- las assigned the equivalent of office before each performance. :ppointments to carry on tho ex- given by the World Jewish Coness. tatorship and oppression. If the ;0,000,000 from German rc-paralanding program of the Mens ions for these ships. Theships Dr. Blum underlined the fact ideas that Israel promote are let 'lub: membership, Barney Dreloose In the Middle Knst and Asia," vill be resold to -three Israeli •itch; Conservation, I. J. Kraft; h.-it the university, which Is a institution, will ping companies. More ships arc said the Supreme Court Justice, lance of tho Month Club, Art itatc-s upportcd the chair. Dr. Blum, who "old dynasties will totter and colo- ixnflctcd to \K built from German Tel Aviv (WNS)—The remains Sould; religious, Max Greenfield, Innnce as been named the first profesif Iiaron Edmond de Rothschild, •cparations. nial powers will tremble. For-Is:hairman. Dave Wine, co-chair- sor to occupy tho chair, has come rael represents a political democIsrael's shipping now is the scc- imous in hit lifetime as "Tho man; publicity, Norman Roscn- to this country to study how simiracy, a social democracy, and an md hif.hc-st foreign currency earn- Moted Philanthropist," and of his zweig. chairman, Dave DworWn, ar chairs arc administered in ifo the Baroness Adelaide were co-chairman; program, Milton Bel- American educational institutions. economic democracy." •r, (second only to citrus exports, iroiifjtit eternal rest in grave nt Speaking of tho life of the 450,Mr. Douglas has traveled widely t wa.s the need to conserve for- iichron Yaakov selected by the :er, chairman, Irving Lnndow, co- 100 member Jewish community throughout Asia and has studied :lgn currency, coupled with tho Father of the Ylshuv" in his life- Dhairman; food, Art Could, chair- n Argentina, Dr. Blum stressed man. Dick Spiegal, co-chairman; and written widely about the Mid- solation of the country resulting mo. hat under the government of Good and Welfare, Gene Baum; ""resident dle East. Israel must receive tho rom the Arab blockade, which Juan Pcrnn the Jews The Baron and the Baroness Special Events, co-chairman; llarwide support i;iven it by the UJA, orccd Israel to expand its shipguaranteed absolute freeere reburled in Israel pursuant •y Slrof, Dave Beber and Jordan were dom of faith. He pointed out that the jurist said, because "it is a in(! industry. o Instructions in the will of Baron L a g m a n ; advisory committee incc the destruction of European powerful symbol in action . . . a -.'dmond de Rothschild, who died members; Abe Klopper, Julius Towry by tho NoaJs. the Arfien* symbol to keep alive in a world Schmber, Nate Kaplan. Art Gcr- tine community was the third n Paris in 1934. that is more and more possessed The reburial ceremony, marked er, Morris Kntzman and Harry most Important in tho world, comwith the notion that bombs and ing after the American and Israeli Mman. No religious school classes will > y solemnity, was attended by military might nro a cure for the communities. le held this Saturday and Sunday 'resident Itzhak Bcn-Zvi, Premier world's ills." md classes will meet regularly for Moshe Sharctt, former Premier Dr. Blum estimated thnt more than one-half of Argentina's Jew*, lebrew classes and for Religious David Ben Gurion, high govern—from 250,000 to .100,000 — Hv»l ichool starting Monday, April 19. ent officials and members of the totiischlld family, tho kaddlsh was Beth El Supper Club will meet in Buenos Aires. All Jews In the The girls are planning an overcity were ornanized In the Bucnoi Tony Martin: "The average man ecited by the Baron's 76-year-*)ld >unday. May 2, in the social hall, Alrea night hike May 8 and 9. The community, he reported, exon James Rothschild, The bodies Council-littles held a slumber par- nust bo the lowest form of hu- ere brought from France by an t was announced by Mr. and Mrs. cept (tome 50,000 Sephardlc Jewlj 3ucky Greenberg, presidents of ho were organized In a • ty at the home of Marleno Fried- •nanity because overyl>ody thinks [sraell warship. , . lie club. . he's above him."—(JTA) rnmmiinltv man. April 3.
Population Survey Lists Five Million
Happy Birthday
Arab Slates Fear Israel Democracy
Beth El Classes
Merchant Marine
Jewish Subjects At Buenos Aires U.
BI Men's Club Names Committees
Reburial in Israel
*cmple School
BE Supper Club
Page SevM
nn tsmaa rasss
Friday, April 18, 1M<
a&*lf$"'' Mora >v UNI aOMNIM
No one to ask th ! • • • the Four Quc stfons There fd& lie no ihining-eyed grandchildren at their Puiover table. No youngest grandjon will rise to aik the time-honored Four Questions. They said goodbye to grandchildren—and to family—four years ago. That was the day they left an East European dictator state—for Israel. They left to put behind them harrowing memories of Nazi persecution and the rise of new tyranny. Their children insisted: "Go now. They may let us younger ones leave later." Now ihey—and thousands like them—will Observe another Passover in bitter separation from their loved ones. Bnt there will be thanks in their hearts, too. There will be thanks for the people of Israel who made them welcome—who blessed their tunset yean with citizenship and freedom. Tlerc will be thanks for you-because you
rescued them through your support of the United Jewish Appeal and helped to build pleasant, modern, old-age homes for so many. for to many—but not for all. This Passover, more than 5,000 immigrants 60 years and older, without families, will observe the ancient holiday of exodus in the tin shacks of Israel's transition camps. They will not complain—but their dwelling-place in freedom must not be a forlorn hut Only you can hmlp. Your gift can move thousands of these aged immigrants outof shack towns into bright, clean and decent places. Your gift can also help Israel prepare for the day when their children, too, may be able to join them in freedom. So give today—more than ever—to the
Hare If what your contribution can dot IN IKAIU-help meet Uw Mttlaarat, absorption and velf «ra needs of 885,000 Immigrant*, including- 20,Q00 comlng; thls yaurj Mtabliih 15 new farm tttltmratti extend Irrigation to 40,000 ldlt aerw; build 10,000 permanent housingunits.
IN n t o r a AND MOtUM UNDS— matt the rtlief and rehabilitation Mtds of 180,000 victims of war and opprwdon. IN TW U. i . /L—reedv*. H W I and spMd th* Amcrieanixatton ei 10,000
*Th«y Must Not Stand Alone..."
f o r $119,921,150
, m bthalfoft United Israel Appeal • Joint Distribution Committee • United Service for New Americana • 166 W. 46th Street, New
YC Boys Set for Jr. B. B. Bowling day of this bowling seaSoftball and TracksonThewaslastanything but dull. Auto-
B'nai B'rith Bowling
Parkway Dlv. •,.:'•.•••/
W .
L .
Boraheim Jewelry . . . . 34 14 Ranks Army .29 19 Wolfson-Gerber . . . . . . 27>4 20H Sol Lewis Co. . . . . . . . 26 22 Playland Park . . . . . . 26 22 National Tire . . . . . . i . 24 24 Liberty Gas . . i . . . . . . 23V4 24% Rlchman-Gordman . . . 23 .: 25 Phllco-Brandeis . . . . . . 'BO ' 2 8 Rosen-Novak . . . V . . . . 19 29 P r u c k a T r a n s p . . . . . . . . IS 30' Rlteway TV . . . . . . . . . 18 -30 , High Games aha Series . " B. Wiseman 234, Mush Meisches 222, Stan Hereoff 200, Sam Pollak 496 and Lee Bernstein 491.
graph books nnd cameras wcio plentiful and the familiar phrase "I'll see you next Fall" was heard through most of the piny. Tom Platt came within 5 pins of breaking the record for scries which was established early this season by his cousin Mike Platt. Tom fired a hefty 3.15 series with games of 177 nnd 158. Georj-e Sacks, a sub, rolled games of 179 nnd 167 for a 348 ,cries. Ann DIumberg was high in tha girls' division with consistent names of 139 and 130 for a 269 series. W. L. O. P. Skaggs 38 16 Neb. Fur. Mart 321-4 2 U Maypcrs 31 23 Wolfson-Gcrbcr Auto 29% 24V Playland Park 29 25 Industrial Chemical Co. 25 29 ' 11-Worth Grill 24 30 Gamble-Robinson Fruit 24 30 Amer. Lmbr. & Supply 2O',4 33V Morris Paint 17V4 36V Split* Susan Wolfson, 2-7-8; Jcr Sherman, 4-5. High Games and Series George Sacks . . . . . 179-167Tom Platt . . . . . . . . . 177-1 Darld Wintroub . . . 163-142 National Dlv. Mike Platt 160-129—2 W. L. 555 tuart Kutlor . . . . . 1155-125—2 Stuart AZA No. 1 Glams . . . . 5214 22V4 Eddie Wintroub 158-118 AZA No. 1 Boosers . . 52 23 Ann Blumberg . . 13913O^ Raylm SOS . . . . . . . . . 46 32 John Riekes 167-101-20^ Rayim "H" 45 33 Jerry Sherman . . 130-122-259^ AZA No. 1 Bluffers . . 4 4 34 Sharon Frank 143-100-24S ' Chuck Wise 134-103—23? . AZA No. 100 Century121-116-23T men 43V4 34% Edel Singer Vlckl Collck 119-114-234 Raylm S. a P's . . . . . . 43 35 Steve Friedman . . . 132-100-232 ,, Ind. Sleepers 38 40 Lenora -Falk 132- 97-22fr fa AZA No. 1 No Names. 17 61 Maureen Zevitz . . . . 127-10O-22T -f Raylm Scrcwbowls . . . 5 73 'aul Shykcn 116-111-22T IIUli Scores Mickey Sacks 127-94—221 G e o r g e Sacks 157, Howard Bernlc Grossman . . 131- 89—220} Koopcr 156, Stan Wldmftn 155, John G o 1 d n c r 153, and A r t Of the 100,000 6rplmns in the ,fl Schwartz 149. U. S. today, 2G.OO0 of them lost at rtf NEXT WKEK'8 SCHEDULE least one parent to cancer, the Play-Offs American Cancer Society says. 1st—Mesi Sew Grezl- National Division (and 2nd) Champion. (3rd)—Independent E-B-G-National Division Runner-Up. The Youth Council Athletic committee has set up Its spring and summer sport schedule at a meeting held last wcclc. Stan Wldman, chairman of the Youth Council Athletic committee presided. In attendance wore Bob Epstein from AZA 100, Tanny Horwich from Hayim and Widman from AZA 1. The annual trade meet will be held Sunday afternoon, May 2, at 2 p. in. nt Tech High track. There has been n change in one event. The 100-yard dash has been dropped and substituted with the L'20 yard run. Several records will be threatened in the shot put anil football throw. The softbiill schedule has been drawn up nnd approved. There will be nix teams namely two from AZA 1, two from Raylm, and one each from AZA 100 and Independents. The schedule will run for two rounds with opening day set for May 16. Other Y. C. plans arc Iwing readied for the table tennis meet and for a golf toumey.
A Division The suspense is over until nex TUeaday. Winner of the secon half i* Morris Paint and Wallpa per team. They will be the contender against Gcrelick Ford Motor Co. for the championship of this division. High d u n e s and Series Jack Saferateln, 521; Darwin Marcus, 203; Jack Belmont, 529; 3am Diamond, 500; Bruce Green berg. 200—509. All bowlers In all divisions will participate in a city wide B'nal B'rith Tournament next Tuesday. Winners will be based on a pins over average score. There arc IMrteen cash prizes. Each division will also have their playoffs that same night. Many shirts for Israel were brought in last, week but only a small percentage of the bowlers assisted In this project. Please bring your out of date bowling shirts to the alleys next week. The chairman'of the project is anxious to send them where they can do a lot of good, ' Kell«.y'» "B" Dlv. W. L. Bennett Furniture . . . . 3 2 16 Mid Plains Ins 32 16 Magi-Color Paint (Brandeis) 29 19 Robinson Iron * Metal 25 23 Watson Bros. Van . . . . 25 23 Louis Market . . . . . . . . 23 25 Slosburg Realty . . . . . . 22 26 H. A. Wolf Ins 21H 2 8 4 South Omaha Sun . . . . 20 28 Simons Jewelry 10 H 37 "4 Evening nighs: HIG-Yale Halperin, 189. HIS—Leon Alexander. 490. HTG—Watson Bros., 749 and HTS—Bennett Furniture. 2.103. Other High Scores: B. Fried, 170; N . Denenberg, 163; N. Seglln, 167; K. Hirschinger, 1G9; n Oitrow, 178; S. Gendlcr, 177; A Tully, 163: P. Rlfkiii. 105; B. Malashock, 162-182—4G8; M. Loss, 166—470; M. Kaiz, 163: B. Passer, 163; L. Alexander, 178-177—490, and Yale Halperin. 167-189—181. Bennett Furniture took two from the Slosburg Realty Boys to enter into a two-way tie for first place with Mid Plains Insurance who dropped two to Watson Bros. A roll off between Mid Plains and Bennett, and It promises to be a good one, will be Sunday, April 18. 10*50 a. m. at the Forty Bowl In the basement. Winner of the roil off will be acclaimed second half champs and will howl Slosbun? Realty April 20 for Krlley's B Division championship. Louis Market made it a dean sweep against the gang from down by me tracks, Robinson Iron & Metal.
FiU*r, April 16, I H i
YC Boy's Bowling
World-Herald Photo. Joel Davis, 11, holds the J. i. Greenberg Memorial Trophy he eelved at the Annual Father and Son program at the Jewish Community Center. He U flanked by Bucky Ureenberg (left) and hU father, Irving Davis, (right).
Joel Davis Gets Greenberg Award At the Father-Son Midget bas ketball program held Sunday aft ernoon, sixth grader Joel Davis as given the top award. The scrappy youngster was selected as the Most Improved player in the 'ifth-slxth grade league. He was presented his trophy by Bucky Greenberg. In the first EIX ames of the season Joel managed only 11 points but in the final six weeks he tallied 22 points to double his total. This is Joel's second season and he is looking forward to next year. The program was attended by over 100 fa1 thers and sons. Guest speaker was Bill Ilergo.sch, Business manager of the Omaha Cardinals. He told the boys of the Importance of sports and their benefits. He also
exentded an invitation for all the boys to be the guest of the Cardinals at the ball park this season. Medals were awarded to the league champions, namely I-Go Van and 11-Worth Grill. The seventh-eighth grade All-Star team were given special medals. Selected were Ed Schneider and Nelson Gorman of I-Go Van, Justin Ilavitz of Sample Fur, Stuart Kutler of Hires and Jeff Swartz of Gerellck Motors. The 11-Worth Grill team gave their coach Sam Ban a gift for coaching their team to victory. The World Series films of last year were shown.
Swartz Breaks Jr. Sports Record
The Independent seventh grade boys club held a mixed bowling tournament at the Music Box last week. The boys invited seventh grade girls as their guests and held a handicap affair. There were 10 couples entered and honors went to Judy Cohen and Mike Platt. Judy had games of 101 and 99 while Mike threw games of 167,127 for a total 614. Their team had a 127 pin handicap. Second place went to Edic Singer and Ed Wintroub, while third place honors went to Nancy Richards and Larry Hoberman.
Laurie Oruch's record of 183 was broken last Friday by Clark Swartz in the Jr. Sports Bowling League last week. This Friday the final session and a tournament ffair will be held. Standing* •'•
•• '
W .
Bowling Bums . . . . " . . . 19 4 Alley Sluggers . . . . . * . . 18 5 trikes & Spares 18 5 Lucky Ladies . . . . . . . . 14 9 High Hitters . . . . . . . . . 13'/i 9H Beer Framers . . . . . . . . 13 10 tatter Boys . . * . . . . . . V2M 10!4 'ough Turkeys . . . . . . . 12 11 Alley R a t s - . . ' . . : . . . . . . ' 12 11 Lucky Duckys . . . . . . . . 11 12 Hep Cats ' 8 15 Mifty Hitters 8 15 utter Gerties 6 17 ager Beavers 6 17 Bowling Babes 6 17 Bowling Dolls . . . 4 19 Xadles League "100" Comes W. L. Clark Swartz, 187; John Riekes, Wolf Bnw : . 58!i 37»i National Tire 51 <4 41 ' i 57; Judy Brooksteln, 149; Doug 'latt, 146; Stuart Kutlcr, 136: Philips 5415 MM like Platt, 124; Dale Kasln, 122; Omaha Jobbing 50 46 »'ancy Richards, 120; Chuck Wise, Angles 50 46 19; Joy Frieden, 116; Mike Mnrlc11-Worth Grill <]9 47 •viU. 114; Frank Goldberg, 113; R & S Shoes 4!) 47 arry Gilinsky, 112; Tom BlayHamilton Pharmacy . . 4 8 48 ock, 110; Joyce Koom, 105; HowLyn's Florist 47 49 Slusky. 101; M e n Cohen, 102 Mystic Beauty Shop . . 45 HI dn Harold Forbes, 102. Country Club 45 51 Colony Club 41 52 The number of those saved from Smith Pontine 41 52 ancer could be doubled by early Douglas Jewelry 41 52 Kfah Furs 43<i XtlVi letection and prompt adequate reatment, the American Cancer Shukdrts 42 54 Society says. High flames and Series Esther Ross, 167—163; Reva Singer. 157—457; Gertie Zevitz, 167—433; Fay Edel, 178-433; 169—453; Dora Wcinbcrg. 179— Helen Tarnoff, 159—430; Bess 452; Pauline Hoberman, 157—145; Llntzman, 162—428; Jean AbramEvelyn Temln, 180—441; Marge son, 156—42G; Ruth Kraft. 168— FromkJn. 152—134: Phvllis Turek, 421 and Ruth Klein, 187-420.
Want Ads
Cohen-Platt Win Mixed Tourney
fhan< JA 13QA to lnj«rt your Wan a Tht JawUh I'rem. . Curr«il rait 1« 60 efnlj for rich I Ion. Th« rrtfla rtiervn the rtKfct to lit on each adrmuemcnl.
Faasovcr Cards BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratulations; also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand. 1502 Dodge,
TED'S TAVERN 9202 N. 30th St. PL 4433
HOUSEWIVES—Address ndvertilIng postcards. Must have g o o i handwriting. LINDO 901, W * ^ tertown, Mass. • WANTED—A violin for 12-yoaNi, old boy.- Please call JA 1 3 9 1 Monday through Friday, 9 a. ttuf to 5 p. m. or evening and S u t t \ day, HA 1204. TWO BEDROOMS Furnished or unfurnishedkitchen privileges—Women ferrcd. WE 4698.
- Your last chance this Passover!
for a FREE 1 0 % bonus
As ~i "gesture of sincere thanks for your loyal patronage, SCRIP TO ISRAEL IS OFFERING A FREE 1 0 % BONUS on all foods purchased by your recipients in Israel through Scrip to Israel Gift certificates. Send a Scrip to Israel certificate for 85, $10, S15, $20 or $25 today. Your recipients will enjoy sumptuous Passover
meals and also get 10% more of the fines! i GLAT KOSHER FOR PASSOVER FOODS FREE. FREE 1 0 % BONUS SCRIPS can be pur-; chased NOW at our main oflice or at any of our official agenciss bearing the Scrip to Israel Seal fejjj located throughout tbo .
co 3-ieoo • sum m »
Local Agent — Jewish Community Center 101 N. SOtb St. — Call JA 1800