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Sunday Radio &TV Warburg States Eternal Utflit program will not be broadcast this Sunday.
Now York <WN.S> — Israel "noeds the help of free men as never before" to survive as a land of refuge and liberty for the hundreds of thousands who have come to it "In a modern exodus from lands of oppression," Edward M. M, Warburg, General Chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, declared In a Passover message to American Jews. Mr. Warburg's message, addressed to campaign volunteers nnd contributors In the more than 5,000 communities taking part in the UJA's 1951 nationwide drive, called attention to Passover as a "festival of Freedom" and stressed Munich (JTA)—The Joint Dis- that "at this moment tho freedoms which Israel's people won tribution Committee announced hew that It would close the Foeh- so dearly and prize so much are renwald camp, last remaining under greater attack and in more Jewish DP camp in Germany, a* serious jeopardy than at any time BpotUght on well as its camps in Austria and since the new State's establishItaly. The JDC also revealed that ment in 1948." It has allocated 1650,000 to help He urged American Jews to the DP's emigrate to countries of mark the Passover holiday with their choice or, in the event they 'greater contributions than ever cannot do that, resettle them on before for the United Jewish Apa permanent basis In the countries peal," asserting that "this aid la where they now find themselves. crucial If Israel is to continue to The funds will come from monies strengthen its free way of life and assigned to the agency by the to survive as a 20th century IMMIGRATION XAW Conference on Jewish Material democracy In an area of hostile Washington <JTA>—Sen. HuClaims Against Germany. 'Die feudal and military dictatorships. bert H. Humphrey charged In a conference received the funds as Senate speech that the State Dereparations payment* by West partment la exploiting a fear of Germany to World Jewish organforeigners to the degree that virtnc izations, In recognition ° ' tually all prospective Immigrants, harm done the Jewish people by seeking admittance under the 1953 the Nnzl regime. The West Gerr Emergency Refugee Act are benvin Government will also match New York (WNS)—In Wash- ing barred. He referred to the 1h»'$650,000'to be spent by the ington Henry A. Dyroade, Assist- Act which provides authority for Jl)'- with 5714,000 of its own. ant Secretary of State for Near the admission in excess of usual The Fochrenwald camp Etill Knstcrn Affairs, charged boforc quotas of 2£!),000 persons and • I-.MWS some 1,300 Jews, while the the House Foreign Affairs Com- 5,000 orphans. The Senator deJDC centers nt Afiten and I I.-illoin mittee that tin; Russians have scribed the administration of the in Austrln, hnve approximately taken the side of the Arabs in act to bar rather than admit ImCOO. and the Italian assembly cen- tile U. N. He assured the commit- migrants as n "tragedy." ters have another 150 among tee that the State Department will tlicin. Tills remalniiic "hard core" require guarantees from Arab na- HUNT CONTINUED The Hague (WNS)—Tho hunt is all that Is left of some 2.10,000 tions receiving military assistance n'livivors of the Nazi holocaust from this country that such arms for Anncke Beekman, Dutch-Jewish orphan spirited out of Holland V'IO were collected In DP camps will not be used against Israel. nflT the collapse of Hitler's reU. N. Secretary Hammarskjold into Belgium by her Catholic fosKiM^. ..•.•'.' told the National Press Club In ter-mother, Is being continued by )<i n statment by Moses W. Washington he was optimistic both the Belgian and Netherlands IJocUHman, JDCs European di- with regard to a settlement of the police, tho Netherlands 'Minister of Justice declared. rector, it was noted that, thanks Israel-Arab dispute. t'i funds provided by the Claims The United States this week ; The Belgians were rendering all Conference, It Is possible to "Rive pledged $27,000,000 for tho relief assistance In the matter, said the flint consideration" to the camp of refugees of the Palestine war Minister in denying reports In the inmates.* "Their tragic lot makes and urged other members of the Catholic press here that the Bel, It Imperative to speed their ro- United Nations to be more open- gian authorities had refused to cor>"]>!lltation by moving them into handed In their own contributions. operate further with the Dutch police In searching for the eirLivi.nlnl 'communities away from While the Communists won 44 tit.1? demoralizing camp atmoshcrc of all votes cost In the PROPERTY RELEASE itiiy have breathed for far too percent first municipal election In NazaWashington (WNS)—Congress long." Mr. Bcckelmun declared. reth, all-Arab city In Israel, lead- was asked by the American Jewers of the Jordan Government ac- ish Committee and the American clalmed Soviet delegate VlshlnCongress to approve legissky for his defense of the Arab Jewish case In tho U, N. Security Council. lation permitting Jewish; charitable/ organizations in the United United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)States to use $3,000,000 in cash, Dr. Italph Bunehe, who as UN Germany To Provide formorly the property of persons mediator, brought about the Arabkilled by the Na^is. Israel armistice agreement") in Telephone Equipment Prof. Herman A. Gray, appear10'iO. may plan an nctlve rolo in Cologne (JTA)—A contract for ing in .behalf of t the American the comlnB months in seeking setJewish.Committee, told, a sub-comtlement of the Middle East situa- S.1.T>00.000 worth of telephone and mittee of the Senate Judiciary tion. It wns reported here this teletype equipment was signed In Committee, headed by Son. Everett the orflccs of Dr. F. K. Shlnnar, w •.::. Dlrksen, that the money would bo "'he Nobel Prize winner was bend of the Israel purchasing mis- used for relief and rehabilitation sli.ted for promotion from direc- sion in Germany. The contract of the victims of Nazi persecution torship of the UN Trusteeship 1)1- obligntes German manufacturers who have survived. Abraham S. vifilon to the post of Under Secre- to supply a variety of equipment, Hyntnn testified for the American tary of the UN, In this Job, his as- including electronic devices, as Jewish Congress. signment would be that of UN reparations goods to Israel. trouble shooter nnd one of the The materinls will bo used to In- INDEMNIFICATION first Questions that would come stall automatic interurban teleBonn (JTA)—Bureaucratic obhis way would be that of solution phone exchanges in Israel's cen- structionism nnd legalistic hairtral iiector, ns well as to tic in the of the Arab-Israel Impasse. splitting, which reflect 111 will J>r. Bunche has already been most far-flung of Israel's settle- and deep-seated toward put nut on the Job of coordinating ments with the main centers of Nazi victims, arehostility thwarting inan approach towards settlement population and defense by a radio- demnification for individual claimthrough economic development of telephone network. The initial au- ants throughout West Germany tomatic exchanges will be set up th." area. and West Berlin, it Is charged with Oilier chances in the organiza- In tho area between Tel Aviv nnd bitterness by the ortional setup of the United Nations Aero, including the Haifa Indus- Increasing ganizations and experts most conwould nee Benjamin A. Cohen, of trial nnd port zone. Chile, transferred from the InThe teletyiw machine;; will on- cerned with tho complex problem. The F e d e r a l Indemnification formntlon department to the As- able business firms in Tel Aviv, sistant Secretaryship for Trustee- Jaffa, Jerusalem, Uecrsheba and Law, adopted by Parliament nine months ago, still remains n dead ship Affairs; Col. Alfred G. Kat- Tiberias to conduct business trans2ln, of South Africa, In charge of actions over the wires, for the letter because not one of the nethe personnel department, nnd first time In Israel. The machines cessary Iinplcinantatlon regulaHubert Marjolln, of France, to lie will be owned by tho Post Office, tions has l>con Issued. Actual paychief of the department of eco- which will rent them to individual ments hnve dropped substantially below the level of last year. nomic and social affairs. users on a monthly fee basis.
European Refugee Camps to Close
Global Report
Russians Charged With Arab Position
Bundle May Get New Post in U.N.
jopy Id Asntwl Mat* 4 DsDUi
Plan East Peace
Israel Endangered
"Message of Israel" will be presented over KOIL. from 10 to 10:30 a. m. Rabbi Abraham Show of Oheb Shalon Congregation In Baltimore will .speak. "Message of Israel" Is under the joint auspices of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations and the United Jewish Layman's Committee.
Frldlr, 101 N. MUl, Ska, Pbont IK MM
23, IB."
New York (JTA)—Warning of Imminent c h a o s in the Middle East, from which, only Russia stands to gain, 19 distinguished American leaders made public a . scries of proposals submitted to President Eisenhower as the basis of a new United States policy, to be carried out with United Nations assistance, and designed to pacify the explosive situation. A copy of the 171-page memorandum entitled "Security and the Middle East" was sent to Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold, with a request that it be brought to the consideration of the appropriate organs of the United Nations, as well as to United Nations Middle Kant delegates. Oppose Anns The signatories oppose arms offers or grants now either by the United States or our Allies to the Arab governments on the score Washington (JTA)-The State that such arms would be used Department announced its stand either "against their own people, on the current developments in should rebellion against starvation the Arab-Israel situation in a lead to violence," or "against Isstatement in which It was em- rael to divert the Arab people phasized that the United States from the real source of their anGovernment will seek to strength- guish—their Incredible poverty." en the armistice control machinery Instead of the present concenof the United Nations. tration on arms and military alThe full text of the statement liances, the signatories urge a firm offer to the Arab world of largeroad as follows: "All of our efforts arc directed scale assistance, beginning with a to the ultimate goal of a peaceful $350,000,000 United States pledge adjustment of relations between to a $500,000,000 United Nations to develop the resources of the Arab states and Israel. Bo- fund tho Middle East. This offer should fore the goal Is reached both Israel bo made conditional on the acand the Arab states will have to ceptance of two prior agreements: modify their present attitudes. 1. Settlement of the Palestine war. "The first step forward should 2. Permanent resettlement of Arab be the renunciation of force as means to attain political objectives refugees in Arab countries. Arab Refugees and tho substitution of cooperation by the parties among themselves "In advance of the 1954 session and with the United Nations truce of the General Assembly, the Unitsupervision organization in the ed States should make known to context of their armistice obliga- the United Nations and to the tions, Arab states Its view that "the only "Our objective touring the cur- feasible and fruitful, solution of rent Security Council discussion Is the Arab refugee p r o b l e m ! * limited to bringing about such co- through resettlement In A r a b operation and to discovering c o u n t r i e s , ! ' the memorandum means to strengthen. the armls< urged. Further, that the United tlce control machinery of the States, which has thus far supplied United Nations. We believe the. more than one-half the funds for interests of all concerned will be the welfare of Arab refugees, shall served best by such a forward state its readiness to continue such support, stipulating that funds so The statement was Issued to the given be ear-marked for a permapress "by Henry Suydam, press of- nent resettlement program under the U. N, at a cost of $300,000,000. ficer of the State Department. Resettlement Fund Both the Arab countries and Israel should be asked to participate In this program, Israel through a fair contribution to the $300,000,000 resettlement fund by way of The first report meeting by tho compensation for abandoned Arab members of the Men's Division of land In Israel. The Arab countries the Phllantroplns Campaign will through the assignment of tracts be held Thursday, April 29, at 8 of land in their territories now unp. m. In the Jewish Community populated or under-populatod but capable of being developed to supCenter. Harry Sidman, chairman of the port a substantial population. Men's Division reports considerThe resettlement program, as able headway has been made. envisaged, would be conducted by Plans for speeding up our job will a United Nations resettlement be discussed, he stated. agency, whose function would be both to arrange for the orderly transfer of the refugees and their Tercentenary Exhibitretraining as necessary. New Work (WNS)—The Jewish Museum of the Jewish Theological The signatories include: Dr. Seminary of America inaugurated Henry A. Atkinson, general secreits observance of the 300th year of tary, Tho Church Peace Union; Jewish life In this country with an Frank W. Buxton, former member, exhibit, which opened on April Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry; Dr. Donald B. Cloward, ex20th, entitled "Biblical Themes in ecutive secretary, Council of ChrisAmerican Folk Art." This collec- tian Social of the Amerition of 28 pieces, assembled with can BaptistProgress Convention; Dr. Fredthe cooperation of Edith G. Hal- erick May Eliot, president, Ameriperl of the Downtown Gallery, will can Unitarian Association; the Rt. bo on public exhibit through June Rev, Charles K. Gilbert, Retired 15, nnd with the continuing ex- Episcopal Bishop of New York; hibit of American Jewish Minia- the Rt. Rev. Henry W. Hobsoq, tures and the children's exhibit, Episcopal B i s h o p of Southern "Sweet land of liberty—300 years," Ohio; tho Very Rev. Ivan tee will inaugurate a series of special Holt, Methodist Bishop of Misevents marking the tercentenary souri, who is president of the celebration. World Methodist Council.
State Dept. Stand On Middle East
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Men's Div. to Hold Report Meeting
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Red Sea Is Blue
J(je leftist)
By D. Kchochcr The story of the crossing of tlio Red Sea by the Israelites is the high mark of the JCxodus episode, which Passover commemorates. Oddly enough, the Kcd Sea Is not red. The waters are rather bluish. Perhaps bluish green would best describe them. There has been much theorizing by scholars how .the sea acquired its name. It is true there are specks of reddishness in the waters but hardly in sufficient accents to justify the name. Some attribute the name to the mountains nearby which in phases of the sunset take on a reddish hue. Others think the name comes from red or copper skinned peoples who once dwelt on the adjacent peninsula. Song of Mosea
Published Every Friday by the Federation for Jewish Service Jtsuna u Hcao<t-du< DUlur al OnuJJU N<brukL under tin l i t of Hutu 3. IM'J, - • rtulDKiUtai km. M.00. AdvcrtulDic *Ule» oa Application, Sanuai SutacrtpUoo, m i fro. •annul oruc»—luL . . . ZOUi street, Omaha, Hebr , JAcktoo 136ft. M M Stop U l n a - t m s so. 26th BUM. .Editor HARRY HALPEBT.
Toward Israel-Arab Peace Peace between Israel and the Arab nations is vital in .strengthening the free world defense in the Near East Arab hostility to Israel is mounting on all fronts. Intense pressure is being brought to bear against Israel. The economic boycott, the obstruction of shipping through the Suez Canal, the continuous border harassment and the squabbling In the United Nations all point to the concerted efforts by the Arab states to avoid a peace settlement The Zionist Committee for Public Affairs of the Zionist Organization of America stress the following points for • strong and decisive policy by our government to bring about a reconciliation. . L The UN Armistice Agreement must be restored and strengthened. This can be done only if the Arab states agree to meet with Israel a t t h e conference table. This is the first step towards peace. Accordingly, our government should make It dear that tt does not condone aggression and blockade, and It should insist that the Arab states and; Israel/enter into direct negotiations to restore the armistice system. 2. In the meantime, it would be reckless and provocative for our government to supply military assistance to any Arab.country. The Department of State should suspend the arms program for Arab countries now under contemplation: 3. The people of the Middle East, both Israelis and Arabs, need our economic assistance for more than they need weapons. America can best express Its friendship for all the peoples of the region by continuing economic aid programs to maintain and raise living standards. / 4. Finally, it should be pointed out that the Soviet Union Is now obviously seeking to win the favor of the Arab states by Its vetoes in the Security Council, a policy which has paralyzed that body in its consideration of Arab-Israel relations. The Soviet purpose is disunity and chaos. "Hie Zionist Council of Omaha appeals for action. Write to members of Congress and to the State Department urging that action be taken to bring about a peace settlement in the Near East.
Anniversary of Warsaw Ghetto Revolt April 19 marked the eleventh anniversary of the revolt of the hounded Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto against their Nazi oppressors. They were the last remaining Jews of the great community that had been living in the Polish capital, the largest Jewish community of Europe. Perhaps fifty thousand in number, perhaps less, the remaining Jews of Warsaw had seen their fellow-Jews being decimated by the Germans, killed off wholesale, for more than a year. They knew that they too were doomed. So they decided that if death was to bo 1 licir Jot, this time they would make the Germans pay n heavy price for it. The ancient cry of Samson. "Let my soul perish with the Philistines," was what animated their revolt. And a heavy price the Germans did pay. Though with their vastly superior numbers and equipment the Germans managed to raze the Ghetto to the ground and kill off nearly all of its remaining inhabitants, the Jews did manage to inflict on the Germans a couple of thousand casualties in dead and wounded. Here where the Jews gave battle, where they would not suffer themselves to be slaughtered like cattle, the Nazis had to earn their savage victory with their own blood. Ae we continue to remember this heroic uprising, and the murder of the six million Jews of Europe which thls'revolt dramatizes for us, let us strive to remain faithful to that legacy of Idealism which East European Jewry bequeathed to us before it perished. Ths moral courage of the' heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto should be an inspiration for ail future generations of Jews everywhere.
The Philanthropies Campaign
Friday, April 23,1054
Capital Spotlight
Catholic Sociologist Cautions About Growing Anti-Semitism By MUtoa Friednua
even more "was that the jokes were greeted by the audience, especially the non-lay members of it, with loud guffaws." Reflecting subsequently, he said, "I was disturbed to recall how frequently I had heard similar stories told to all-Catholic audiences by speakers intent on currying favor with their hearers by makingf fair game of the absent stranger, the undefended butt of ingroup ridicule. I began to ask myself whether these jokes were In port responsible for the high Incidence of anti-Semitism in the Catholic minority, nt least those caught in the dragnet of social surveys in California, Ohio, Massachusetts and elsewhere I have come to the conclusion that anti-Semitic humor is a problem In Catholic circles." No Joke Father Foley feels that "antiSemitism is no joke." He said that "Across the pages of history, religious, military, and political anti-Semitism is n Bad record of tragedy. Under Hitler it has Cainmarked the 20th century with the worst gcnocidal pogrom of history. Behind the barbed wire of Hitler's concentration camps, nn estimated 60 percent of all Europe's Jews were exterminated by gas chambers, firing squads, crematoria, and systematic starvation. Tracing the action of recent Popes evoked by iintJ-Semltlsm, Father Foley quoted at length from directives and sermons of the Holy Fathers. He pointed out the danger in what he considers the widespread use in this country of epithets like "kike" and ".Jewboy," saying that such crude antipathies "deface nnd vilify, without chnnce of redress, a whole segment of our people." He told of attempts to characterize Jews as "un-Americanlztd" and recalled the role of Jewry in the American Revolution. "They were Americanized enough to bear arms in that historic struggle," according .Shocked Shocked by the extent of recent to Father Foley, "even though the anti-Jewish manifestations which DAK still refuse to give cognizcame to his attention. Father Fo- ance to this fact." ley said "for the last time I have Unkind unprotestingly listened in silence to anti-Jewish jokes as they are It is "singularly unkind for one bandied about in Catholic circles." immigrant group like the Catholic He told of attending a large for- minority, with all its foreignmal banquet of a Catholic organ- sounding sub-groups, to hold up to ization concerned with advancing derision the linguistic difficulties human relations. "The organiza- of recent arrivals from Jewish tion," he said, "had just given an ghettoes of Eastern Europe. These award to a very prominent Cath- language difficulties nre no differolic for his work In the field of ent from those of Catholic newbetter relations between croups of comers like the Polish-Ameridivergent nationalities . . . I was cans," he said. thoroughly dismayed, ns was a Finally, Fatlier Foley raised the leading national intcrgrc/up rela- question of "cultivating a sounder tions official sitting across from me, when In the course of the (ac- theology" to combat anti-Semitceptance) talk he offhandedly ism. '"ITJC emotionally freighted gave voice to some typical stereo- and anti-Semitic interpretation type anti-Semitic jokes, complete sometimes given to scenes from with fcrogatory gestures and Christ's passion is one of the salient reasons for the almost unphony foreign accents." conscious transmission of the outs What chagrined Father Fciley group antagonism from genera-
Washington (JTA)—A leading Catholic sociologist has cautioned against g r o w i n g anti-Semitic tendencies with a warning that "fears of real and imagined; infiltration of Communist spies send the gullible off Into tirades against the perennial scapegoats for many of the West's frustrations." The sociologist is Father Albert S. Foley, S. J. He is noted for experience in intergroup relations. Shocked by what he considers a disturbing rise of anti-Semitism, Father Foley has set forth his views in "Integrity," a Catholic periodical. His conclusion is that "nnti-.Semltism i.s on (lie upsurge" and he enlls on men of goodwill to rally against it. Meanwhile, the Most Rev. Bernard Sheil, Auxiliary Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Chicago, directed attention to the dangers of "McCarthyism." Adolf Hitler, Bishop Sheil pointed out, was one of the nol-ilest anti-Communists of recent hUtory, but Hitler failed because he tried to fight Communist. tyranny with Fascist tyranny. Father Folcy recalled that the Nuremberg trials "revealed the extent of the Incredible campaign of extermination carried out In Dachau, Bclsen, Erin, Monthnusen, Auschwitz, Birkenau, Maldcnek, and' Chmclno." These, he said, "evoked a sorrowing response from the hearts of ail deep Christians. But times chance. People forget. Old ways are resumed. The vast wave of sympathy recedes. The flinty rocks of anti-Semitic activity emerge again. Jew-baiters ami dr-mngofpies fill the air with the cacophony of anti-Jewish propaganda . . . The absurd nnd oft-discredited Protocols of the Ix-nrned Elders of Zion arc reprinted and surreptitiously circulated . . . "
When the Israelites succeeded in crossing safely over the sea. It Is written, "then Moses snng." And today in Israel, the high feature of the celebration of Passover outside of the synagogue and the Seder is the "Shirat Yam." The young people go to the beaches and sing again the song which Moses sang after the crossing Of the sea. We can easily understand the exultation of the great leader of the Exodus. The Israelites are in flight. Behind them ore the pursuing Egyptians in their chariots and all Die paraphernalia of military power. In front of them are the turbulent waters of the Red Sea. It is the alternative of death or re-enslavement from behind or death by drowning hi front It seems an utterly hopeless situation. But a strong east wind, says the Bible, arose and drove the waters back, making walls on both sides, through which the Israelites passed through In safety. Such a strong east wind would not be unusual. The Red Sea is noted for its storms and the power of a strong wind to reduce the level of water lias been frequently noted even in the United States. Separates Continent* The Red Sea lias more than historic interest. It is the waterway which separates two continents— A.sln nnd Africa. Some believe that tens of thousands years ago, Asia and Africa were one continent and that the Red Sea was then continuous with the Mediterranean. The Red Sea is about 1,400 miles long nnd little more than 200 miles wide. It Is peculiar In the fact that no rivers run in It and yet It Is not much saltier than oceans generally. Exotic Fhh Another thing of note is the abundance of life, vegetable and nnlmal, with which it abounds. It teems with exotic fish. The fierce shark is fond of Its waters. Already the sharks are being fc ploltcd economically. Ills skin makes good handbags and the internal organs of the shark are rich In vitamins. Six years ngo, when the Jewish State was first established, EJath, the Red Sea port city was a city of one building, made of sunburned brick. Today, Elath might be taken for a small but growing American western town. Beside the fisheries, it draws strength from the exploitation of Israel's copper nnd iron resources, which arc being financed with Israel bonds. Ancient City Nearby is the ancient city of Etzlon-Gever, where, according to the Bible, the Queen of Sheba carno to sec King Solomon and where King Solomon first began building a marine fleet, which brought gold and peacocks and many other oddities from a far away land, which tome have speculated to be India, It Is not unthinkable that in the not distant future, ship;; again will take off from this Red Sea port on GUCII world round Journeys. tion to generation." He raid this came home to him while telling of the life of Christ "Before that," ho sold, "I hardly realized how loaded with anti-Jewish feeling was the version I had imbibed in parochial cchool and in the seminary." Reminding that "Whatsoever you do to one of these least of my brethren, you do It unto Me," Father Foley concluded his heartfelt plea on behalf of Jewry.
r n JEWUB row*
Friday, April M, IMt
Warburg Tells Jacobs Candidate For Education Post Credo at Meet Huzell Morris K. Jacobs, president of and Jacobs, Inc., has filed
Edward M. M. Warburg, fjonenif chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, vividly enunciated1 his credo with two coupled titorl' ?; relivjn;', his experiences dealing with th11 rehabilitation of Inmates from Nazi concentration camps. Mr. Wurburg spoke at the Initial Gilt;, dinner of the I'hllcmthrupkv; Campaign. He told of World War II when the Allies liberated the concentration camiN of i:uri)|ie and of (IK: hopelessness of the released inmates. In the word-; of Mr. Warburg, there were unsaid word:; from mute mouths — a R.mntlct thrown to tho civilized world by walking skeletons. It was then that men stepped forward aiid ;;ald we will take care of you, Mr. Warburg related. All that was hoped for, he continued, was that these people could live out their days Unhcckclcd and unbothered. Last year in a Cafe In Tel Aviv, Mr. Warburjj was asked don't you remember me? He searched his memory for a recollection of the face before him. Yes, he recalled, here healthy and full of life was one of the walking skeletons. The man was the head of a Hadassah hospital doing creative work to become a defender of Israel. This Mr. Warburg emphasized, Is why I am working for the UJA. Not only because of his Jewishness, does he believe Israel must be supported, b u t democracy wherever It is must be strengthened and kept clean. Israel, he went on to say,' is a beachhead of democracy on the crossroads of Europe, Asia and Africa. It is the showcase of the West and what happens there costs-its spotlight on tho world. A magnificent chapter in human engineering Is taking place In Israel, Mr. Warburg said, for those who nought haven nre being absorbed into the economy. We must reallM" what we ore doing. It Is possible to mold the future by the concerted action of faith, lie concluded. '
Israel Through An Artist's Eyes
Al Sophlr, Camp Jay C-C Committee Chairman, announced this week that registrations are now being accepted at the camp'3 office. Mr. Sophir stated that a staff of counselors has been selected, and a well rounded program utilizing the latest group work techniques has been'planned. This season camp runs from August 2, through to August 30. Children 7 through 14 years of age may be registered for the entire season or fpr cither of the twoweek periods. The fee for the entire season is UO0. The first two weeks (Aug. 2-16) has a fee of *65. To encourage registrations for the last two weeks the fee is 155. Mr. Sophlr noted that a substantial saving is to be had by registering for the entire month. Ha said that Omaha parent's would be contacted via phone during the next few weeks by his' committee to discuss Camp Jay C-C with them.
;is a candidate for membership on the new Stnto Hoard of Education from tlie Second Judicial District. Mr. Jacih:; said: "I have agreed to be n randidate even though I have followed a nil" throughout my lifetime of not accepting any ider.-ted office. I ;jin making the exception at this time because of my desire to he of service In helpini; to launch tills new important division of our .State Government . . . There will bo new paths to be blazed; there will Iw the opportunity afforded for setting out guidepost;; which should prove of great value in maintaining rind Improv; tin; oducation.il standards of our .State." 'Die SUitc Hoard of Education was established by a Constitutional Amendment voted by the people. At the coming election, membore of this board will be chosen for the first time.
Jack Marer Attends St. Joseph Meeting
Jack W. Marer, first vice-president of the Federation for Jewish Service, and Edward N, Rubin, National Field Representative of United Jewish Appeal, attended the pace letter* meeting of Federation of Jewish Charities held recently In St. Joseph, Md. Mr. Rubin reported an Increase of 7.4 per cent In gifts to the annual drive,
Probe Sought In Naval Firing
New York (JTA)—Secretary of the Navy Robert B, Anderson was urged by Dr. Israel Goldstein, president of the American Jewish Congress, to Investigate the charge made by Abraham Chasanow that anti-Semitism lay behind his dismissal as a security risk by the Navy Department, despite his 23 years of service. "Such charr.ca because of their serious Impact on the morale of those in the armed force;;, anil the population generally, should promptly and thoroughly InSpring Art Classes Iw vestigated," Dr. Goldstein said In his telerirnm to Secretary AnderWill Begin May 5 son. "If the charges ore found to be spurious and without substance, A new Spring scries of art classes will begin Wednesday, May they should be countered before 5, under the direction of the Cen- they gain any credence nnd reter's art teacher, Mrs. Sylvia Cur- pudiated by responsible bodies. tlu. It will offer a landscape art "If, however, there is any subcourse for students at any, level of stance to the charges, tho addevelopment. The class will meet ministration of the navy's security outdoors in good weather and at program clearly requires investhe . Center studio in inclement tigation." weather. Chasanow was dismissed by the Students may use a variety of Nnvy on April 7 although a naval media such as oil, pastel, or wa- security board had unanimously ter colors. The class win be held cleared him of charges that he to ten students to insure the max- had associated with Communists imum of Individual Instruction. in the suburb of Crcenbclt, Md., The class which will begin Wed- where he lives. He had been disnesday, May 5, will continue for tribution control officer of the dine consecutive Wednesdays. Stu- Navy Hydrographlc Office. Three dents will meet at the Jewish other Jews employed in the same Community Center, for the first office and also living In Grecnbelt '. Session. Tho course fee will be $10 have already been dismissed, nnd a fourth has been charged with for the nine sessions. Interested persons may call In being a security risk. Charges their reservations to JA 1366, Ex- agnlnst Mr. Chasanow and, presumably his four Jewish neightension 32. bors, originated among; certain of neighbors In Grecnbelt where Since IMS the American Cancer his anti-Semitism Is a matter of pubSociety has devoted about $29,- lic record. 800,000 to cancer research.
Community Calendar Friday, April a Prc-School Nursery—9:00 a. m.—Center Hnturday, April 24 SEVENTH DAY OF PASSOVEIt Sunday, April 15 EIGHTH DAY OF PASSOVER—CENTER CLOSED Monday, April 28 Pre-School—9:00 a. m.—Center Hadassah Chapter—12:30 p. m.—Homes Temple Israel Bible Study—1:30 p. m.—Hornet Tuesday, April 27 Council Study Group—1:00 p. m.—Home Beth Israel Sisterhood Board Group—Beth Israel B A P Hadassah—7:30 p. m. Wednesday, April 28 Pre-School—9:00 a. m.—Center Hadassah—Herzl Group—12:30 p. m.—Center Hadassah—Wclzmann Group—12:30 p. m.—Y. M. C A. Hadsssah—Szold Group—12:30 p. m.—Y. W . C A , Temple Supper Club—7:00 p. m.—Blackstone Hotel B'nal B'rith Monsky Lodge—-8:00 p. m.—Center Center Orchestra—8:00 p. m.—Center Thursday, April 2> Leadership Training Institute for Teenagers—3:45 p. m.—Center
Staff Selected for Camp Jay C-C
This Oriental be&uty was lnstrumrntal in enabling the artist to paint Yemenite types In Israel. Until lie had met this young woman, he could not break tun resistance.of those types to poling for brush. She set the example and others followed. Koslowsky calls her bla best press agent in Israel. Fainted in Israel by Nota Koslowsliy, a leading; American artist, duiiaa; Us one year visit to the Jewish state.
Off the Record By Nathan Zlprln JEWISII PROFESSIONS . . . B'nal B'rith president Philip IClutznlck, in a recent and still unpublished interview I had with him remarked that Jewish organizational vastneu In the United States had reached a point where executive ability has become one of tho most important essentials of Jewish leadership. And vast it Is indeed. It Is estimated that alxiut 40,000 Jews are employed in one capacity or another by Jewish religious, cultural and social institutions in the United States with many of them doing much better than their counterparts in comparable positions elsewhere. Tho most lucrative profession Is tho rabbi's, who is likely to earn anywhere from ten to twenty thousand dollars a year apart from BUCII "extras" ns weddings, divorces, funerals, unvcilings, barmitzvahs nnd Abrahamlc rites. His chief money-making competitor is the chazan, whose cantorial talent cannot generally be secured for less than fifteen or twenty thousand dollars per annum. Even the once lowly mohel has risen to high financial class. If he makes a good Impression,, has friends among doctors nnd gains reputation for skill of hand he Li more than likely to reach the ten or fifteen thousand dollar bracket if he has a goodly-sized community. A compartively new but highly lucrative profession is fund-raising, where even a novice docs not sell hla services for less than ten thousand dollars a year. Jewish parents might well ponder these nuggets if their children are still displaying indecision in the selection of professions. In any event, these statistical gems were garnered from Walter Duckat's Opportunities: in Jewish Religious Professions. ON THE ANTI-SEMITIC FRONT Unless current campus sentiment flops as a barometer Southern Methodist University of Dallas, Texas, may gain the distinction of becoming the first Institution of higher learning to oust a faculty member on charges of anti-Semitism. T h e "educator" facing this dubious distinction Is Professor John Owen Beatty, head of the university's English Department, whose authorship of ontlScmltlc tracts has aroused a storm of protests and indignation among students and faculty alike. His latest pamphlet containing the fantastic charge that powerful non Christian elements—B'nal B'rith, Muscovites and friends of Israel— Were seeking to seize the university was denounced at » faculty
meeting by a vote of 114 to 2. Beatty has long been mouthing the Hitlerite anti-Semitic thesis, but always claiming he was no Jew-hater but merely an objective reporter of facts. His Infamous book, "The Iron Curtain Over America" received the accolade from racist Gerald L. K. Smith as the finest of Its kind. If the Southern Methodist University board considers sentiment, in and outside of campus. It can reach but one conclusion—ouster. When Professor Harry Shulman dons the deanship toga of the Yale Law School this July it will mark the second time that a Jew has held the post of dean at Yale University. The first one was Dr. Charles Wlnternitz of Baltimore who was dean of Yale's Medical School from 1920 to 1925 . . . A movement Is afoot at Brandeis University, w i t h some faculty backing, for the introduction of Yiddish courses. Spearheading the drive is the Yiddish Club whose petition for such courses Is now in the hands of the university administration . . . Of the estimated four and one-half billion philanthropic dollars raised in the United States in 1953, Jews contributed about 400 million dollars, or nine per cent of the total. Since Jews constitute only about three per cent of the general population it is quite apparent that Jewish giving is governed by heart more than by capacity . . . Tho Italian publishing house Arnaldo Mondadori of Milan has invited an American Yiddish poet and essayist, N. B. Mlnkoff, to serve as advisor on Jewish literature In connection with its planned publication of a lexicon of modern European literature . . • Do you remember the Jewish GI Leizer Zirkin who was almost court-martialed some two years ago when he refused to obey an army order to shave off his beard and peoth? Well, Leizer is back In Brooklyn now with tallth and tfllllm he took along to Korea and with beard peoth too. Service in the army, Leizer says has only reinforced his faith In God and ancient tradition. RFXIGION IN ATOMIC AGK... Explosion of the H-bomb, newspaper headlines blast, has ushered In the atomic ago both with its frightening portents and potential for good. Yet the bigger story of the moment may perhaps In the long run turn out to be last week's New York Times survey showing that neither the discoveries of modern science nor the quest for new political orientations and the ensuing Ideological conflicts have
Alexander Nevsky Film of Center The last in a series of six outstanding foreign films will be presented at 8:15 p. m., Sunday, May 2 in the Jewish Community Center Auditorium, Jack Sandier chairman of the scries program announced. The film, "Alexander Nevsky" produced in the Soviet Union and directed by Sergi Elsenstein hag been hailed as one of the greatest motion pictures. Sergei Prokofiev's score has been recorded as the "Alexander Nevsky Cantata." The story deals with the attempted invasion by German knights disguised as "crusaders" who met with strong united resistance by the Russian people In the thirteenth century. The film Is of epic proportions with battle scenes considered among the greatest In cinema history. Tickets may bo purchased at tho door on the evening of May 2.
Music at Home Club To Present Recital The Music at Home Club, sponsored by the Jewish Community Center, will hold its April meeting Tuesday, April 27, at 8 p. m, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Feldman, 323 South Happy Hollow Boulevard, A piano recital by Hans Baer will be presented with compositions by Bach, Schubert, Chopin, Liszt and Hans Baer. Gayle Feldman, a pupil at Prof, Baer, win play the A major Polonaise by Chopin. For reservations either call Miss Besse Blank, JA 1366, at the Jewish Community Center or Prof. Hans Baer, WE 8681. There win be no admission charge, The- members of the community are Invited.
Senior Citizens To Hold Exhibit Senior Citizens' Handicraft Exhibit will be held May 4 to 9 at Ak-Sar-Ben Coliseum. Applications have been received for exhibits of needlework, embroidery, crocheting, quilting, rug making, handmade dolls, Jewelry, gem cutting, ceramics, reed baskets, textiles and oil painting. Applications will be accepted until Wednesday, April 28, at the Omaha Senior Citizens' office, 605 City Hall. Call AT 8122, extension 99. diverted man from the path to God and from religion as an expression of his faith. There is no defense against the deadly wrath of the newest weapons of destruction except faith in man's sanity, faith in the world's future and salvation and faith that that wWeh has been wrought by the hand ct God will not be undone. Faith rodlscovcrcd and reinvlgorated may be the only antidote to the madness and the ominous clouds. , y
1 JKW18B PEE88
Miss Jeanette Blumberg Weds Aaron Bear in East
Friday, April IS, 195*
Golden Age Club To Meet Monday
Tho (ioldi'ii Ar.i1 Club will hold . 'I :, ,',,i Its monthly meeting at the Jewish ' Mr, end Mrs. Leon Blumberg of Rosenbaum, Mrs. Charles Fisher, Community Center, Monday, April Philadelphia, Pa., announce the Pioneer Mrs. Sam Hahn nnd Mrs. Harry 20 at 1 p. in. 'I'll'.1 group will commarriage of their daughter, JeaPioneer Women'* Oiganlzation Raznlck The nominating commit- plete Its handicraft work for disnette, to Mr. Aaron David Bear, withhold an Onen Passover at 1:30 tee will present its slate and play at the Midwest Home Show son of Mr. and Hn. Abe Bear, of p. in. .Saturday, April 24, at the nominations from the floor will lie at Ak-Sar-I!en, May 4. Omaha, Nebraska, on Sunday, home of Mrs, A. Epstein, 1529 at the May meeting nnd election April 4, at Congregation Rodeph Also scheduled for this meeting Grant st. of officers for the coming year will will be a discussion of the group's Shalom in Philadelphia. Rabbi The pruKram will Include a Pass- take place. Installation will be summer David H. WIce officiated. outdoor program. over talk Ijy Joseph Rudlnowski held June 3. The Golden Age Club is Jointly The bride wore a nylon tulle songs \>y Mrs. Milton Nearnenberg sponsored by the Omaha Section gown over which was a satin a reading by Mrs. Philip Crandel of the National Council of Jewish redingote, embroidered in iced nnd a review of current events by ISOTOPES FIGHT CANCER pearls and iridescent sequins, with Mrs, II. Wohlner. Radioactive isotopes — by-prod- Women and the Jewish Comfitted bodice and cathedral train. Mrs. Sam Novak is cultural ucts of atomic energy—are being munity Center. Her illusion veil was held by a chairwoman. The group is plan Used in treating certain cancers, satin Juliet cap edged in seed niiig a tiharoer for Israel to be held the American Cancer Society an- The betatron, producing 26,000,pearls. She carried white orchids nounced. Cancers previously unac- 000 volts of radiation, Is used in In May. on a Bible. Friends and members are invit- cessible are being reached by ra- cancer treatment/the American ed to attend the Oncg Passover dioactive substances. Cancer Society says. The bride was attended by her program. sister, Mrs. Emanuel Tigal, as matron of honor. Mrs. Tigal wore a gown of gray nylon tulle with a Bl Sisterhood fitted bodice, ending in a ballerina skirt All "Mom's, Mamma's, a n d Mother's" will be honored at Beth Mrs. Sydney Kane, Miss Cecilie S— . . . Htar . . . The Complete Scientific Israel Sisterhood's annual MotherRosenbluth and Miss Claire Neff, Story of H K Atom Bomb... and Whot Daughter Banquet which will take aU of Philadelphia, and Miss Harplace Thursday evening, May 6, at riet Katelman, of Council Bluffs, to Do About It. 6:30 p. m. in the synagogue's soIowa, a cousin of the groom were cial hall. bridesmaids. The bridesmaids were dressed alike in ballerina gowns Co-chairmen Mmes. H e n r y of pale blue nylon chiffon with Grecnbcrg, Sydney Goldberg, and scooped necklines of lace emHenry Appcl, with the assistance Mr*. Aaron David Bear broidered in pearls, and carried of t h e i r committee members, colonial bouquets of pink tearoses. Mines. Izadore Bewltz, Arthur Parilman, and Stanley Diamond, Max Bear, brother of the groom are In charge of arrangements. was best man, and the ushers were Herman Blumberg, Emanuel Tigal, Representing the great-grandRobert Silver, Sydney Kane, Namothers will be Mrs. Sophie GreyMr. and Mrs. Sidney Abraham llch; speaking for all grandmoththan Rosner, all of Philadelphia, and Morton Rachofsky, of Dallas, announce the birth of a daughter, ers will be Mrs. Will Bloom; Mrs. A On IWw Dn Texas. Stephanie Jo, born April 13 at a Norman Hahn will give the mothf For her daughter's wedding, local hospital. Paternal grand- er's point of view; Miss J u d y m* CSSMSIH IW Wnrfcn Mrs. Blumberg chose a full length parents are Mr. and Mrs. John Wohlner will a n s w e r for the gown of honey beige. The bodice Abraham of Mapleton, la., and daughters; and Miss Sandra Parilwas fashioned In chantilly lace maternal grandparents are Mr. man will give the granddaughter's Th* wonders of atomic power, 1U and was made with a square neck- and Mrs. Nathan Learner of Rock opinions. dangw* and polenllalltlM, will b* line and short sleeves and fell Into Island. 111. Mrs. Abraham is the The evening's program will inMi. chtilM J. C O T * •xhlbltod and d«monstratad at a flared skirt of silk organza, former Marilyn Learner of Rock clude a "Puppet Toy-Shop" by •f Now Y*rt BRAKDE1S. Mrs. Bear, mother of the groom, Island, Hi. This is the couple's Mrs. Hazel Herring and Mrs. Fred first child. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Pearson. An entertaining skit by chose a princess style gown of nylon tulle In teal blue, trimmed in 'Abraham are newcomers to Mrs. Robert Gcrclick and Mrs. Morris Shapiro, entitled "Then silver sequins. Both mothers wore Omaha. ANIL 2«rk H MAY l i t INCLUSIVE and Now," includes a cast of the orchid corsages. following sisterhood m e m b e r s : After a honeymoon at Kiamesha SpacM Evmrts Cewtr—Bghtfi Floor A son, Michael Allen, was bom Lake, New York, Mr. and Mrs.to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Burstein Etta Epstein, Marilyn Braun, Bess Bear will reside in Omaha, Ncbr. of Marshalltown, la., April 13. Bergman, Rose Babcndir, Yctta Goldberg, Ellen Zelinsky, Betty Amcmg MM Many Wonders The couple also has a daughter Rubin, and Sylvia Turkcl. Dcna Ray. Paternal grandparents Mrs. Jack Levey wil be in Ben Gurion Predicts Yew WM S M I arc Mr. and Mrs. Jay Burstein of tables; Mrs. Eugene Atomic Enegry Use of Omaha. Maternal grandpar- charge . • " T W Attnlc Cocktail" Braun, decorations; Mrs. Sydney nts are Mr. and Mrs. L. Burstein Taren, printed programs; MrsSdeh Bokor, Israel (JTA)—The of Marshalltown, la. Sam German, correspondence; • M * M «f Hydro** Afest use of atomic energy to convert Mrs. Morris Rudermnn, phone ressea water into fresh water for irM ervations. The Beth Israel Men's rigation of huge areas of the • l a d * AcriraOliM First Lieutenant Norman E. RuNegev was predicted by former back, son of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Club will serve. • Vraalsa Premier David Ben Gurion in an L. Ruback has returned home aftInterview he granted newsmen er a 11-month tour of duty in Kadimah Chapter here. Pusan, Korea. Mrs. Sidney Snclder, program The use of such water: plus the chairwoman for the Kadimah's piping of excess water stores from Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Pollock and annual Mother's Day Tea anthe north and the conservation of rain water In the Negev gullies family of S t Louis, Mo., spent the nounces the following program to first day of the Passover holiday be held Sunday, May 2 at the and wadis, presents the possibility of extending fruitful agriculture with their aunt and uncle Mr. andJewish Community Center. Mrs. Moe Kagan will speak for to many more thousands of acres Mrs. Sam Gelfman of Omaha. the mothers. Leni Wine for the of what is now wasteland, Mr. Ben daughters and Jerome Gordman Gurion said. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Alloy an• Considering other aspects of de- nounce the birth of a daughter, for the sons. An original skit writvelopment of Israel's southern Roxanne, April 19, in a local hos- ten by Mrs. Ben Kaplan will be land reserve,, the former Premier pital. They have two sons, David presented by Toni Fcllman, Stepointed out that the possible dis- Marshall and William Ronald. Ma- phan Kaplan, Gary Lewis, Doreen covery of oil supplies, mining and ternal grandparents are Mr. and.Vino and Mrs. Sam Kaplan. cheap transportation hold hope for Mrs. Sam Wlesman and paternal The program will also Include fulelst development of the Ncsev. grandparents are Mr. and Mrs,a skit by Elaine and Leon Raskin He asserted that there was a need Morris AbrahamSon, all of Omaha. entitled "It's TouRh on Mother." for "hundreds of pioneers to pave For tickets call Mrs. Dave Wine the way for many thousands to the at WA 2f>«7. Negev1," Women's College . Returning to discussion of one B<S?P Hadassah of his favorite subjects. Mr. Ben New York (WNS)—Acquisition Gurion suggested that the Zionist >y Yeshiva University of the five- The members of the Bulness & Organization with its present itory Packard J u n i o r College Professional Women of Hadassah functions should become an "Israel uildins on the northeast corner will hold their regular meeting Friends League," adding that the •I Lexington Avenue and 35th St. Tuesday evening, April 27, nt 7:30 Zionist movement has more im- lo house I Li new Stem College p. m. in the Jewish Community portant tasks than mere support lor Women was announced by Dr.Center. The nominating committee, with of Israel. The. movement, he con- Samuel Bclkin, president. Mrs. Julia Jacobs as chairman, tinued, should consist of Jews who The University will take posnd her committee, Misses Lillian ,glve their children a Hohrew and pioneering education, which Is ession of the building July 1 and Bernstein, Elizabeth Hart and more Important today than ever .tart classes In the Fall for the Dorothy Roscnlhal submitted the 'lation's first women's Collide of 19:34-55 slate. Before. \rls and Sciences under Jewish The five delegates appointed to luspict-s, which Is foeinK estab- (•present the B & P group at the Young Lawyer Elected ished through an Initial gift of •egional conference in Lincoln are: 500.000 for Max Stern, promi- Mrs. Philip Schwartz, Mrs. Charles • Fargo, N. D. fJTA)—A 34-year- icnt Now York City communal loss, Myrtle Freeman, Eve KoOld J e w i s h attorney, Herschel eader. ecky, Mrs. Julia Jacobs. Lashkowitz, won election as mayor Of this city in a three-way' conG'ANC'EU KNOWS NO AGE Monshy Chapter test call AT 5 7 6 0 ' The young bachelor is the son Cancer is a disease that menaces B'nnl B'rith Henry Monsky Of Harry Lashkowitz who resigned mankind from the cradle to old Chapter No. 470 President, Mrs. recently as United States Attorney age, the American Cancer Society Aaron Epstein has appointed the for heating permit for North Dakota after 20 years wlnts out. It kills more children 'ollowing to serve on the nomiIn the office. The mayor-elect Is from 3 to 15 than any other dis- nating committee: Mrs. Stanley president of the local B'nai B'rlth lase and yet half of its victims are Shapiro, Chairman. Mrs. Sam Poliver 65 years of age. Chapter, lak, Mrs; George Spltzcr, Mrs. D,
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Vtiimy, April tt, 1964
Campus News Sigma Alpha Mu
Meted scientist. Dr. Albert Seluti, co-discoverer of streptomycin, pones with his family, at his home. On his lap Is Diane, *tt 4, while Mrs. Schals. the former Vivian Kosenfeld of Pastale, holds their other daughter,
I.lnda, 2. The young brilliant Jewish scientist was honored In Seattle, Wash., as one of the 10 outstandlnf y o u n g Americans \>Y the U. S. Junior Chamber of Commerce.
Seriate, Research Scientist, To Receive National Acclaim By MOERI8 J. JANOFF Dr. Albert Schatz, 33-year-old brilliant scientist of Falrvlow, N. J,, was honored In Seattle, Wash., by the U. S. Junior Chamber of Commerce, as one of the 10 outstanding young Americans of 1953. Now professor of microbiology a n d director of the research laboratories at t h e National Agricultural College In Pennsylvania. Dr. Schatz was co-dlscovercr with Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Selman Woksman of the wonder druK. streptomycin. An alumnus of UutRcrB University, Dr. - Schatz was dolnR graduate work at the college In 1943 when he nnd Dr. Wnksman discovered slrrptomycln, which was born out of soil ro:;earch. Won Dae Kecoenltlon Dr. Schatz, however, had to start legal action before he reoelvcd the reconnitlon due him. Three years ai»o, an out-of-court settlement was reached between Dr. Schatz and Dr. Wnksman in which Dr. Schatr. was officially acknowlcdccd ns (lie co-dlscoverer of the wonder drug and rightfully entitled to share the royalties which Is estimated will amount to about $025,000. When the announcement was made that Dr. Waksman was to receive the Nobel Prize, a move w a s started to have the noted Rutgers University; scientist, Dr. Wakitman. share the award with Dr. Schatz. It was pointed out that In IMS, the Nobel Award . was shared by Sir Alexander FTcmtne. Dr. Ernest Boris Chain and Sir, Howard Walter, Florey »* the lolnt discoverers of penicillin. However, no further action was ever taken 'by the Caroline Institute ot the University of Stockholm. Sweden, w h i c h makes the awards,Spent Youth In Panalo Dr. Schatz was- born In Norwich, Conn. His parents moved to Fassaic when he was two years old. He attended Pamalc public schools, was given a religious training.and was bar mltzvahcd at the Adas Israel Synagogue In Pansaic. The Schati family resides In a newly developed section of Fair Lawn ot 15-02 — 11th St. Dr. Schatz Is married to the former Vivian Hoscnfcld, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph noccnfcld, of Passale. Mrs. Schatz Is active In Hadossah. Her fnther is principal of a Clifton Grammar school. Dr. Schatz' parents, Mr.
Austria Claims London (WNS)— Charging that the Austrian Government was attempting to side-step the entire matter of restitution for Jewish Nazi victims, Barnett Janner, chairman of the foreign affairs committee of tho British Jewish Board of Deputies, stated that the Austrlans were maltim; offers of payment which he described ns ••derisive." Declaring that the situation In reference to the world Jewish demands for restitution from the Austrian Government is "still ex tremely serious."
and Mrs. Jules Schatz, also reside in Fair Lawn. The elder Schatz is i nt h e construction b u s i n e s s . '•. . ' ••-.'• •'•.'. . '•• '••• • ' \ Plans To Visit Israel Dr. Schatz U vitally Interested in Uic problems confronting our people. He has a keen interest in Isllrel and hopes to visit tho country next year. In his position at the National Agricultural College. Dr. Schatz is now working on projects dealing with attempts to understand cancer formation and new ways to: control plant diseases. He In the author and co-author of; more than 50 ecicntlfic publications, Including a recent text on microbiology. jLast fall he was appointed one of six vice-presidents at the Sixth International Congress for Microbiology held in Rome, Italy. He is one of the youngest men ever to receive such a h i g h honor. After leaving Rutgers In 1040, Dr. Schatz was associated with tlie New York State Health Department In Albany n» a biochemist, Sloan - Kettering Institute In New York, the Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University In College. He Joined the stuff of the Pennsylvania Farm College In 1052. Dr. Schatz continues to devote his life to combatting major dlsenscs suffered by humans and plant life so that mankind can enjoy a healthier and longer life, more economic production of food, and the better control Of natural resources.
Archaelogical Survey Of Negev to Be Made New York (JTA)—Dr. Nelson Glucck, archacologi.it and president of the Hebrew Union CollegoJttwish Institute of Religion, whose pfellminary explorations of Israel'r N^pgev desert have disclosed hundreds of ancient settlements which ofice made the desert bloom, will make the first complete squnrerrjilo by square-mile archaeological Btirvey of this area from Bcorsheba to the Gulf of Aqaba. This was announced here by Louis M. Rabinowltz, philanthropist and bibliophile and founder o( the Louis M. Jlablnowitz Foundation which, with tho CollegeInstitute, sponsored Dr. Glucck'r expeditions into the Negcv during the summers of 1952 and 1053. Dr Glucck will return to the Negev Cijirly in June and will continue at work on the project under the slime sponsorship for several suminers until tho complete Ncgev triangle has been intensively e x plored, Mr. Rablnowitz said. • || The discoverer of King Solomon's copper mines, which arc producing ore today for tho State of Israel, Dr. Glueck said that his ricw discoveries show that modem Israelis, If they will learn from the ancients, can transform- ths tyegev wasteland Into a thriving ijnd populous part of their country. "Nabataean settlements, Roman roads and Byzantine cities dot the co-called 'desert' of th? Negev in southern Israel," be said.
The members of Sigma Alpha Mu elected Sol Stiss ns president >f the fraternity. Sol Is in the "ollege of Business Adrnlnislrnlon. Pre-mcd student Stun Maijiil vas scleted as treasurer, while form Vcitzer, pre-lnw. took over he office of secretary, all from )maha. Other house officers are \rlln Kuklln, historian; Norm '.hyken, housemanager; and Len "osen, hush chairman. Norm Veitzer and Marshall iecker toured the Southwest with ho Nebraska track team cuinix'tng against such teams as S.M.U., Oklahoma, and Tulsa. lioth are looking forward to I)lf; Seven competition which begins this week against Kansas University. I^cn Rosen, university track man, traveled to Kansas to compete 111 the Kansas Relays, throwing the discus and shot put. Last week the Sammies held a stag at the home of Gerry Gner. Approximately thirty-five people attended this afternoon affair and heard Edward Rosen and Dave Bernstein talk on university and fraternity life. The members of Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity also held a party In Kansas City, Mo., honoring tho Kansas City high school graduates. On April 30, May 1, and May 2, the annual Sammy Weekend will be held In Lincoln. During the three days, the fraternity will be host to seniors from Nebraska, Missouri and Iowa. The weekend will be highlighted by the Star Dust Ball, to be held Saturday evening on the Sammy Lawn.
PhiEpsilonPi The chapter recently met with Grand Council Phil Sherman, and National executive Secretary Hank Greenstone at a banquet meeting. During tho recent Greek Week banquet Frater Maynard Tattleman was presented a special award for outstanding service and
participation in all phases of school and Inter-fraternity activities (lurii)i; his four years on campus. During Greek Week Mnynar<l was chairman of Help Week activities In which, all the fraternities and sororities helped in renovating the Omaha City Mission. M.'iynanl al.so directed the U|<ly Man Contest which was a huge success in collecting money for the Community Chesty Lcroy Katz, Martin Lehr, and Gordon ICIcwitz were new pledges for the second semester. Fraternity members are plannine their first rush smoker. May 14, for all graduating high school seniors. April .'10 the chapter will participate in a Greek mixer with Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity, and Phi Beta Chi, Chi Omega, nnd Alpha I3i Delta sororities. The mixer will be held at Itlvcrvicw pavilion. At tho University Honors Convocation Harry Wise was admitted to the Deans Honor Roll, and Dave Blezcr was recipient of the Associated Retailers Scholarship, Recently promoted In the Air Force, ROTC were Melvin Weise to Cadet Captain and permanent Squadron Commanding Officer, and Harry Wise to Cadet Lieutenant Colonel and Operations Officer of the cadet wing. Maynard Tattlcmah was reservation chairman for the International Arnold Air Society Conclave held In Omaha last week.
pa, Sigma Xi, and former secretary of the house was admitted to Nebraska University M e d i c a l School. Mike also was the recipient of ZBT's scholarship trophy for the first semester. Marsh Kushner has been elected treasurer of the Nebraska Unlvedsity's Young Democrat Club, Marsh also was appointed chairman of a Young Democrat Banquet to be held April 23. ZBT, along with Phi Gamma Delta, Alpha Tau Omega, Beta Theta P i and Phi Delta theta, 1 will be hosts a t an "R" street party April 24 Marsh Kushner U chairman of this event. Sol Roslnsky has been selected as ZBT's entrant In Maggee Cloth-, ing Store's Mr. Formal Contest.' Len Singer was a finalist In this contest last year. Athletic Chairman Len Singer has been holding Softball practices regularly. Intramural competition will start next week. |15 MILLION FOB RESEARCH Not more than $1,000,000 annually was available for cancer research prior to 1941. Today the figure exceeds 119,000,000, more than a fourth of which is provided by the American Cancer Society.
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The newly elected executive committee of Zeta Beta Tau has selected new committee heads for tho forthcoming year. Those selected to head the various committees ore: housemanager, Bruce Hollander; steward, Dick Fellman; social. Niel Miller; scholarship, Mike Greenberg, and Howard Vnnn, pledge training. Mike Greenberg, Phi Beta Kan-
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Friday, April tl. U H
Israel Through An Artist's Eyes
By Jean Ccasae
Happy Birthday Friday, April S3 Mark Steven Bernstein, Barbara Jen Fishbain, Rosalind Morris, Elizabeth Idcil Novak, Ethel Harriet SalK'S and Sandra Wiseman. Saturday, April 2i Robert Melvin Bernstein, Hally Sue Gerolick, Stephen Marc Hobcrman. Scott Haykin, Carolyn Jill Kagan. Alan Saul Kulakofsky, I^ois Suzanne Siegel. Suzanne (Su/y) Sulin, Krancine Rcnee Weiner and Bcmhardt L. Wolf, Jr. Sunilay, April SB Kenneth Richard Aron, Karen Sue Gotsdiner. Channah - Sabtae Newman. Sandra Joy Richards and Michael Jerome Sand. Monday, April M Daniel Hollis and Rosalind Lou Nogg. Tuesday, April 17 Joan Hence Abranuon, Gabriel (Nusek) Amster. Amy Catherine Brodkey, Billy Katzmon and liar* vin Louis Ruback. Wednesday, April CT James Michael Bresd. Stephen ASen Neesman, Steven Polikov, Nancy Ann Riekes, Paysle Shyken and, Jeffrey Lee Sllverman. Ilianday, April » Howard Allen Feldman, Raphael Groner, Charfcs Kurtonsn, Stewart Ira Perimeter, Rochclle Stein* berg and leanne Trost
6:54 P. 3L ClUuUeligtittoff T. *_1s beM a dumber party after Stage Night, APrfUS. at the TKMI'LK ISRAEL tone of tan. Spiegat At tlic regular Sabbath SenMooeed* rfram Ibefr xtoeat ices Friday evening at 8 o'clock Passover Candy Sate ate being Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks wil •eat to fend to kdp the Tsoflm, preach on the theme "Behold Thi< national Young Judaea project. Bread" in observance of Hie eve One dub baa ab» rated money of the last day of the Passover {ran a bake sate. Fart of thta Mrs. Clarence Bergman will recite •aoaey win pi to buy t n e i in the blessing over the Sabljatli Israel. Lights and Edward D. Brodkey T. A."» Israea Daaoe Croup has will recite the Kiddush. null Irl the - ^ * r of skirts. The croup meets every WednesShabboj Morning Services at day. 11:40 o'clock Saturday morning The girls are BOW busy with will include the recitation of Speplan* tor their spring dance «M p cial Yizkor Prayers as part of the ffl b b t May M 38 at the Fonwffl be beta last day of the Passover. teneUe HateL Cfcatanua of the dance is Rosalie Cohen. BETH EL BAYIM Services will be held this eveLast Thursday. Rayhn took the ning at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer But place toopny at the T. C S. Krtpke wlfl deUra- the sens Stage Might. The many practices Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and. the enabled the boys to present a Beth El Synagogue Choir. win musical skit enttUed Tamanww render the musical portion of the Tbday." Chairman of the writing service. comniWre was Jerry Mater whQe The Passover and S a b b a t h Hike Sobman took care of promorning aerriees wW begin at 9 duction. Xeau-oUe svbra I* • ravishing bout;. When the A n t e a, m. Wncha-Maarhr Services The boys held a party at Hil war mm brad, sine enlisted In the Hscanah. Amidst the caa- will Start at 6:45 p. m. H a v e n , immediately following chaos *t war at* organised, on her own loKUtlre, a hone The Sunday morning Passover Stage Night. The Spook Party cMUran beats* the front lines. She is now director «f service is at 9 a, m., with Yizkor included a skit produced by Gene a. dhndran* a n a aaal«fata«a la Bamath Oaa by the Pioaeer Women b e i n g r e d t e d . ,,.:;:;-/';•'• .••.. -; : ; " / DuBoff. •fAmeekn. Week-day services will be at 7 In the athletic field, Hayim Meat Mated aa brad by M*U KMdowHqr. a leading American artist; in. and T. p. m. . -,1..; • * Bar & Bas Mifzvdh Sew Grezl captured tint place in M* ane year *Ms «• tn» Jewish state. the American BowBnr; League. Mr. and Mr*. Louis Wintronk BETB ; rred Simon and Jerry Ztegman Friday, April 23, 6:49 p. m. announce that their son, David, Councilettes, Rayhn received high average trophies. win celebrate his Bar Mitzvah at Servloes. Baseball practices are beginning. El Synagogue Friday eveStage Night Victors Saturday, April 34. 6 3D a. m. Beth A Rajim means; is scheduled for ning, April 30 and Saturday momJr. Service 10*0 a. m. next Sunday at which will be held ins, May 1. Friends and relatives A capacity audience watched Bible end Talmud Evening Services 6:45 p. m. are invited to attend the service* adHcu—taioa 'The United States Rayim and CbuncDettei earner top Sunday, April 25, 8 JO a. m. In Indo-Chtoa." Jack Baker has ind the receptions following. honors at the 21st annual perBy OB. nuur Bun Jr. Service 10KX) a. m. planned .the discussion. formance of Stage Night last 10:15 a. en. Yiskor Manorial DEBKA DEBS Thursday evening at the JCC Mr. and Mrs. Sam Katzman an« Service. nouncc that their son, WILLIAM The members of Dels will atIt was one of the most closely Evening Service 6:15 p. m. MAVKR, will celebrate his Bar tend services in the near future Go from the presence of a fool- contested shows held as it took Mitzvah Friday evening, April 30 at one of the three synagogues. ish man, for thou wilt not perceive extra balloting by the judges aftand Saturday morning. May 1, h) Debs held a ping-pong tourna the lips of knowledge. er a deadlock vote to decide the The desire accomplished is sweet Beth Israel .Synagogue. anent in which the winner was winners in both boys' and girl's Donna Steinberg, and Marcia to the soul; but it is an abumuia divisions. Second place awards Friends and relatives are invitKruplnsky was runner-up. Debs tion to fools to de-part from eviL went to Dcbka Debs and AZA A. B. Alpirn •d to attend both ceremonies and Funeral services were hold receptions which follow. took place at the Senior Young He who is slow to anger Is of No. 1. great understanding: but he who Thursday, April 15, for A. B. AlJudaea in Kansas City. is hasty of spirit racaltelh folly. The winning skits were "'Not- pirn with interment at Beth El COVNCILETTEg Friday evening, April 30 and Talmud able Notes" by Councilettes, n i-metery. Mr. Alpirn, 87, died Saturday morning. May first. CbuncUctle* skit entitled "Not- Rabbi Jonathan said: "Woe to presentation on the value of mu- Tuesday, April 13 at his home. able Notes" won first place in the the scholars who study the law, sic and "Tomorrow, Today," He founded the Western Smelt- (IAIMIAUA ANN B ROD K E F , Ctrl* section of Stage Night. Har- and have no faith in Cod." Rayim's picture of what will hap- ing and Refining Company here in dautfitcr of Mr. and Mrs. Edward riet Sosktn was chairman of the A scholar whose inside docs not pen In the year 1931 1832. Mr. Alpirn was cited in 1952 D. Brodkey will celebrate her Bas •kit. annonize with his outside (who The judges were John Dickson by the Chamber of Commerce for Mitzvah, at Temple Israel. In Coundlettes held a slumber par- is not sincere) Li called a corrupt of KBON, George Dunlevy of laving been in business here for 57 her honor her parent* will receiva after both services. ty following Stage Night at the scholar. KOWH, and Mrs. George Robert- years. During World War I he was home of Diane Singer. Our Rabbis have been taught— son, past president of the city- a member of the War Industry The Annual D A T E S AND A Weh priest on leaving the Tern wide Parent-Teachers Association. Board in this nrea. bONTS will be held May 2 at pie was accompanied by the entire About 250 members of Youth Mr. Alpirn was one of the found- Yiskor Services the Jay. Chairmen, Rita Peltz and populace. The people, observing ers of the Jewish Community CenToby Ofcrent are working on ar- the two great scholars Shemaiah Council dubs participated in the ter and was the oldest member of At Beth Israel rangements. Everyone is urged and Abtalion, left the high priest staging, writing and presentation the Omaha B'nol B'rlth. He was Yiskor Memorial Service* will alone and accompanied tlie two of the original skits. to attend. member of Beth El Synagogue. Co-chairmen Larry Epstein and He is survived by his wife; n son, be recited at 10:15 a. m. SunThe Mother's Day Tea and In- Rabbis. Later, when the Rabbis day, April 25, at Beth Israel to take leave of the high Barbara Joffe extend a vote of stallation of officers wHl be held came and a daughter, Mrs. Eva Synagogue. Rabbi Benjamin priest, he said to them: "May the thanks to the club advisors, the Morton, In May. 3tein, all of Omaha. Groner win speak on "Living children of the heathens (because stage ond lighting crew, the pubAZA NO. M* Memories." Cantor Eli Kagan Shemaiah and Abtalion were des- licity committee, the individual • .Century Chapter has elected cendants Moss Hart: "An'alibi Is legal will offer a special memorial of King Sennacherib of the •delegate and alternates who Assyrial go in peace." They re club chairman and all those who iroof that a person wasn't where prayer on behalf of the martyrs trill attend the district AZA con illed: "The children of the heath- helped make the 21st Annual he was, and therefore couldn't do of Israel. vention. They are Howard Kas- ns may go in peace, because they Stage Night a success. what he did."—(JTA) low, delegate, and Kenny Freed lo what Aaron the High Priest ad Al Seigal, alternates. lid, love peace; but the children of This Friday night, the Alcphs aron may not have peace because hey do not want to do what will attend services at the Beth (Varon did." brae! Synagogue. The 100 boys have done a tor Your last chance rifle Job in the Y. C. Bowline iRANDEIS U. GIFT League. All of the chapter's teams Waltham, Mass. (JTA)—Branwere on top during the season. leis University has received a The Centurymen are now or- $100,000 gift from Harry Pearlganizing their baseball team, liar man, New York paper manufacold Friedman will be captain while turer. Brandeis, now in its sixth one of the 'chapter's advisors, Jo- icademic year, has an undcrgradseph Llpton will bo the team's te student body of 867. coach. AZA NO. 1 meals and also get 10% nor* of dtt naasYI As a gesture of sincere flunk* for four Freshman Arnie Winer was apGLAT KOSHER FOR PASSOVER' pointed chapter Anti-Defamation loyal patronage, SCRIP TO tSftAEL IS JA 11;6« lo Iturit your Want Ad League Chairman by the officers Plionf FOODS FREE. 'rbe Jewlah rreaa. OFFERING A fREE 1 0 % BONUS of AZA No. 1. He lias distinguished Current j-ftte IM &o u&U for each tajurfSEE 10% BONUS SOUPS can be s<_ . un. Thp f>r«*a ntserrvt the fic&t ta Unit on all (bods purcaased by jroor recipients himself as an exceptional first Ize an evil BdvrrUsesamt chased NOW at our main office or at any year Aleph. in Israel through Scrip to Israel Gift certifiof oar official agencies bearing the Scrip MOce Denenberg and Mike Lazer AH and Baj Mitzvah congratucates. Send a Scrip to Israel certificate for lations: also for all Jewish holiwere honored at a recent party to Israel Seal $4 located througtoct ths 85, $10, S15, $20 or 825 tods/. Your rewith Best Aleph of the Month days and special occasions, world. X cipients will enjoy sumptuous Passover rleyers News Stand. 1502 Dodge Certificates. Alephs are urged to make their HOUSEWIVES—Addres3 adverlisreservations for the 30th Annit» WEIT CM mm ing postcards. Must have good versary Banquet as soon as pos• wiw rosn H. y. i handwriting. LINDO 904. Wasible. Jack O r u c h and Art tertown. Mass. Schwartz are in charge of reservations. WANiiJJ—A violin for 12-year>, Local Agent—Jewish Commsnlfy Center old boy. Please call JA 1366 Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. Every day 620 Americans die of Ul N. Win 8 t — Csll «A UM to 5 p. m. or evening and Sun•sneer, American Cancer Society Statistics show. day, HA i a n i
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this Passoverl
irnifersfooif the
people of Israel H
E, TOO, WAS an immigrant—or the mm of immigrants—in a new land. He, too—or his forebears—fled persecution to find freedom and build a better life. But freedom came hard. His unalienable rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness were challenged. He was set upon, his fields were burned, h » home fired, his soul tried. But he stood \m ground and won. Yes, the Yankee Minute Man would have understood Israel's settlers and pioneers-^ like himself, men with afierceand unquenchable devotion to liberty, with a dream of peace, work and freedom for all. To sustain men like him, to help them achieve their democratic aims by winning economic independence—give generously —to the UNITED JEWISH APPEAL.
In Omaha United Jewish Appeaf Receives fts Support from Philanthropies Campaign "They Mutt Not Stand Alone..."
UNITED JEWISH APPEAL for $119,921,150 f: United Israel Appeal* Joint DittarftxrticaCommittee* United 8«rviceferNc^ Americana* 185W^lWU^NXIl , t . f
' • • '
B'nai B'rith Bowling
By Lind> I'aul
Platt and Silver Tops in Jr. Sports
Friday, April t>, IMi
Pioneering Spirit Exists in Work Villages in Galilee
Major Classic B j Alcph Sherman tobacco crops. Here at least the people are beginning to settle down Union Ffeightway led by Sam (Copyright, 1353, JTA) and adjust themselves to this new Katzman with games of 203-198Israel acquired the Western life. 215-616 beat the Wardrobe team Galilee during the War of IndeTh'j settlement is valuable from On Sunday, May 2, at 1:30 p. pendence, when her armed forces to win the Major Classic chamHigh individual honors in the pionship. Individual scores were Spring Junior Sports Bowline in. the grade school boys and defeated and chased out the self- the security point of view as well. Villagers are exempted from orMickey Kruplnsky 544, Bob Swartz tournament went to Jeanne Silver t;irls will compete in a track styled liberator of Palestine, Faw- dinary army and military reserve moot at the Tech High track. zl Knwakji, and his marauders. 215-535, Phil Kutler 513 and Art service, but have to serve training in the girls' division and Mike There are events for the 5-6th The conquest received dc facto and guard, duties in their own vilAdler 500. Scoring for Wardrobe were Platt in the boys' group. Jeanne graders and for the 7-8th grad- recognition, since it is clear from la/;?.', where there is a resident a glance at the map that if this Myron tarhoff with 219—531, l i r e threw games of 118-119 and with ers. All boys and girls are eli- region were in Arab hands the army instructor. As time (joes on, chief Oreenberg 541, Lou Singer a 52-pin handicap made a 325 gible to compete. Gym shoes whole Israel-settled regions in the they are learning the lay of the must be worn to run on the Huleh and Eastern Galilee would land by day-to-day experience, 527. series. This is the second tourney and as they come to regard it as Tournament results were not she won. Mike Platt fired games track. For further information be precarious, to say the least. their home, they will produce a call Llndy Paul at the center, available for Minor Classic league. Even now, there are some 80,000 local guard who are the match for of 166, and 144 and with a 60-pin JA 1366. Smith Pontiac won the roll off any Arab infiltrators. In a generaArabs in this region and only a followed by Best Appliance. Smith handicap finished with a 370. The few thousand Jews, so for security tion or EO, a new peasantry will •cores were—Hy Kraft 574, Paul league had a blazing finish as the reasons, as well as economic ones, grow up In the Galilean h i l l s . Wolk 511, for Best—Ben Zevltz Strikes & Spares nosed out the the area must be settled. So far. which once nourished the Macamost of those settlers who have becs. 21S-578, Ed Beldner 227—555. Bowling Bums by one game to their homes in the region, One of the most hopeful sides W. I ~ built win the title. Members of the chiefly along the frontier with tho "A" Division Mlleroma 33tt 16% Lebanon,; are kibbutzim, mainly of the whole development is the team are Clark Swartz, Howard quality of the madrichlm (the orExcitement ran high the two Debs Nebs 30 20 of pioneering youth. There are not contenders for the Championship Welnberg, Walter Wise and Louis Cutter Gals 28J4 21K enough young people however to ganizers of these villages). Some them live permanently among Trophy split the first two games. R i c h . . . : .''•• ,-•.-.•• v •••: ' r / r •••••• Starlets 27*4 22% settle Israel's empty spaces, so the of the new settlers, while others visit The third game see-sawed back Alley Cats 27*4 22H main burden will have to rest on them day In and day out teaching Standings and forth, first favoring one team new Immigrants. Scoreless Fourless . . . . 26 24 W. them to work and to live together and then the other, finally. In Strikes & Spares •, 26 24 20 •"?•:• La Fa Ma Rl Methods of settlement are being in a democratic community, tasks the last two or three frames, the Bowling Bums . . . . • . • 19 Three Strikes ft a Spare 26 24 which require infinite patience. worked out by trial and error, 6 SUck Chicks Gerclick Ford Motor Co. team Alley Sluggers . . . . . . . 18 25 25 from the social as well as the agri- Most of these madrlchim arc cither came through to victory over the High Hitters . . . . . . . . . 15H 7 veteran settlers who have left Lucky Strikes 24 26 cultural point of view. In flat reMorris Paint Company. This team Beer Framers 23 27 »% Lucky Losers gions liko the coastal plain, the their own comfortable farms for 15 the often ungrateful task of teachis composed of Captain Gene Lucky Ladies . . . . . . . . 14 alley of Jezreel or the Negev, the 21 29 10 All Strikes problem was one of water supply, ing newcomers, or young people Cooper, Bud Falk, Stan LIpsey, Tough Turkeys . . . . . . . 14 : 11 Lane Lassies . . . 2 0 30 and the training of settlers. In the brought up in the countryside who A! Terain, Jack Saferstein and Alley Rats . . . . . . . . . . . 14 11 Bowling BeUes 12 38 hilly regions of the Galilee, on the have graduated from agricultural Sponsor Phil Gerelick. Gutter Boys . . . . . . . . . . 1314 11 IDgti Five Average* other hand, We still have to work schools. In both cases they have Individal high scores were: Paul Lucky Ptickys . . . . . . . 11 11« Phyllis Rosen, Debs Nebs . . . 145 out a form of agriculture suitable given up their hard-won comforts Goldstein 224-515; Stan Upsey Hep Cats . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 14 Teveo Bernstein, 3 Strikes Se to the area and callable of main- —electricity, lumbing, and com212; Jack Saferstein 501; Jerry Nifty Hitters . . . . . . . . 9 16 a Spare 135 taining a high standard of living. munity life. This is the best guar16 that the pioneering spirit Is Gutter Gertie* . . . . . . . 8 Conn 203—501; Bae Epstein 504; Barbara Joffe, Starlets 134 In most cases the land to be antee far from being dead here, as the Darwin Marcus 502; Lou Murwitz Eager Beavers . . . . . . . 7 Laurie Oruch, La Fa Ma Rl . . 127 farmed must first be cleared of pessimists often fear. 18 rocks and stones, and often ter203—549; Jerry Milder 515; Jack Bowling Babes . . . . . . . 7 18 Toby Okrent, Starlets 123 raced against soil erosion, since Bowling DolU . . . . . . . . 4 Belmont 538. 21 High Five flames much of the good land is in the Barbara Joffe, Starlets . .162, 151 hands of Arabs. Parkway Division Phyllis Rosen. Debs Nebs . . . . 1 5 1 Wolfson-Gerber took two games The organlaillonal m c l h o i 1 Pat Mogil, Alley Cats 149 adopted was the "work village;" to win the championship at the Florine Sokolof, Lane Lassies 149 its subsequent vicissitudes epitoParkway Bowl from Borsheim New York (JTA)—High Soviet Phyllis Rosen, Debs Nebs . . . 149 mize the ups and downs of the authorities have ordered a special Jewelry. Scores were for WolfJR. SPORTS LEAGUE Stale's economic processes. The son-Gerber, 772-754-824 and for High Five Series .survey to establish how many Judy Broolut«In underlying the "work vilBorsheim Jewelry 799-697-814. Barbara Joffe, Starlets 313 idea lage" was that the imrniyrant:' Jews in the USSR are interested This young lady started out in Phyllis Rosen. Debs Nebs . . . . 300 were to be settled In the area to be in Israel and how many of them the high 40's as a bowler and has Pat Mogil, Alley Cats 281 Ladles League cleared, in small cottages, and set are inclined to emigrate to Israel, steadily improved. She is now W. L. over 80 nnd has been near the Florine Sokolof, Lane Lassies 274 to work on land-clearing, and according to a report in the JewWolf Brothers 5 9 4 39'4 100 mark in her recent games. Elaine Krnntz, 3 Strikes & a sometimes afforestation. D u r i n g ish Dally Forward from its MosSpare 264 this period they are to be paid cow correspondent. The report National Tire 57!4 4H4 Judy has a near perfect attendwages for clearing the land, and says the following method is being Phillips Dept Store . . 53K 43Vi ance and tries real hard to imloaned money to plant fruit trees applied: Omaha Jobbing 52 47 prove. For her constant efforts and catch-crops. Angles Beauty Shop . . 5 1 48 1. A check is being made on the and improvement. Judy is named The Idea was sound enough, but number of letters arriving from: 11-Worth Grill 50 49 Bowler of the Month. weaknesses in its execution led to Israel in the USSR and the numHamilton Pharmacy . . 50 49 R& S Shoes 49 50 YOUTH COUNCIL BOYS The Youth Council second An- a scries of crises, which resulted ber of letters sent from there to Lyn's Florists . . . . . . . . 49 50 Tanay Horwlch nual Mixed team bowling tourna- in the loss of most of the settlers, I s r a e l . • • '•'•'-.. the villages were finally reCountry Club Grocery. 48 51 Tanny is one of the most Im- ment was won by Tcvce Bernstein, until 1. A check Is also being made organized this June. In the first Mystic Beauty Shop . . 47 • 52 proved bowlers in the Y. C. Boys Tom Bernstein, Dody Shapiro and p l a c e there were too many on the number of Jews attending Douglas Jewelry . . . . . 46 53 league this year. In the early ses- Jerry Ziegman. Their total of 1,- "bosses," both the Jewish Agency synagogues on the Sabbath and Kiih Furs 4514 53V4 sions he was a 115-120 bowler and 382 pins with handicap gave them and the Jewish National Fund had Jewish holidays in various Soviet at the present is up to 130 and a close 8-pin victory over Toby a share in the responsibility, and c i t i e s . ' . . : • • • . : ' " • Colony Club 45 54 • • , • • ; •••.'• still showing signs of improve- Okrent, Art Schwartz, Joyce Can- the various welfare agencies also Smith Pontiac : 45 54 3. The large libraries are being ment His team, the Raylm X's ar and Ray Kirke. intervened. Settlers were given too checked to establish how many ShukcrU Market . . . : . 42 57 holds third place In the tough much from one side or another, ladirMoal tOgh Game Whining team scores were: Jews request books In Yiddish or '• t Bess Weinberg, 205: Marge American league. For hla con- Tevee Bernstein . . . . . . 124 159 and were demoralized by learning i n H e b r e w . • •;• •''/'••' • • > ' - ••'. ' v.,'' that they could get as much by Fromkin. 205; Phyllis Dworsky, stant improvement Tanny is se- Tommy Bernstein . . . . . 201 155 4. Figures are being compiled demanding things, as by working 194; Esther Host, 190, 184; Mer-lected as March Bowler of the Dody Shapiro .125 116 hard. on Jews who during the last 20 riam Cooperman, 186 and Ruth Month Jerry Ziegman . . . . . . . . 181 157 years have been marked by the The next unsettling influence Sokolof. 182. irotrrn COUNCIL GIRLS was the influx of political agita- Soviet political police as Zionists ' Indliidnat tUfh Series 631 587 tors during the 1051 elections. Rep- and nationalists,. Barbara Joffe Either Rocs, 518; Marge FromBarbara is one of the finest girl 5. An Investigation: Is bolnit resentatives of parties told these kin, 503; Phyllis JJworsky. 494; bowlers in the Y. C. league this primitive peoples that they were made on the number of Jews still Rose Oruch. 489; Ruth Sokoioff, season. She has a perfect attendnot well enough treated and thai held In slave labor camps arid In 487; Rae Wintroub. 474; Rose ance record and Is carrying a 133 if only this or that party were Soviet iaILi, and special attention Wezelmftn.-471: Merrlam'Coooer- average. Last year Rarb was third elected they would have all kind* Is paid to how many of them'were tnan, 473 nn-1 Ethel Cohen. 465. of privilege:!. One of the religious arrested as Zionists or pro-Zionhighest with a 121. so she has Kansas City (WNS)—Univer- parties allegedly went as fas as to ists. really Improved. She handles the :'.•'•• '••'' .: • .' . • ' brine ice boxes to the villages and sity of Kansas basketball coach KeJhV* "B" TMvWon secretarial duties for the gals The report says that the Soviet f-.nrtt SO, 1954 ei For her sincere Interest Forrest (Phog) Allen, In n letter promising them to all voters. Thosr authorities hope that on the basis and improvement Harb Joffe pets apologizing for' anti-Semitic re- who took them later found that of this study It will be possible to F*ml Stanrilnx* the m?dal for March as Howler of mark he was aliened to have made they had to pay for them. Thl? estimate the approximate number L. some weeks ago in an address he sudden influx of politics caused Bennett Furniture the Month. 57 39 delivered before the Lions Club at serious quarrels among illiterate of Jews In the USSR who can bo Marl-Color Paint Boulder, Colorado, declared that villagers, and after the elections considered candidates for immiBran?) . . . . S3 43 pickup was easily one of the eve- if some of his language v/a.s "mis- they began to leave, convinced gration to Israel. Closbur; R n l t y . , , that elsewhere they would be 50 46 nln<r'i sensational pickup's Interpreted as casting a reflection Louis Marlct 50 46 If the season had not ended of- upon a religious croup" it cer- "iliven" better conditions. MM JPIii'ns Influranee . 49 W 46'.5 ficially April 13, last night would tainly was not my intention and This June the Jewish National Watson BrM. Ven Lines 49 47 Tel Aviv (WNS)—Within two have seen some of the season's I regret that these misinterpre- Fund took over the villages, and H. A. Wolf Insurance'. 4G',i 49',i records RO by the l»ard. Mid tations may have caused discom- began to reorganize them, Betting days last week three ships arrid of those who were not preSouth Omiha Sun . . . 43 53 rived in Israel bringing nbout Plains came through with an fort or anxiety to anyone." p.'ircd to settle down and build 1,500 tourists for the Passover Simon*' Jewelry .29'4 06'4 877—2,271, Aaron Feldman with themselves a homestead. SomeAllen was reported to have Smuon'« nigh*: UTS Bennett n 572 series, Al Altman with n times they also had to take whole holidays. One day 500 arrived Furniture, 2.235: IITG Jicnnctt 509 series. Dave Fredericks with charged that the Madison Square groups of people away. The JNF and the next day 1,000, n record Furniture, 82C; HIS K. Jlirschin- a 459 and Kill Fried's 207—159 basketball scandals were attrib- now has 200 families there, and is hiph for a single day. ger, 562. ,-ni ING Irv Snbes, 227. looked very good as did Pace Rif- utable to Jews who, he saw al- trying to recruit another 400 from During the week 21 Syrian It was n'p and tuck all the way kln's 200- -47.':. Irv Sabes finished leged to have said, "worship a dif- ma'aharoth and the poor sections Jews, bearing Iranian passports y ferent God than the rest of us." fcetw i Relt t w e n Pi-isljiirR dD towns. If unemployment con- arrived In Israel from Turkey. R Realty and Den- the season with the highest aver- In his letter of apology, addressed of tinues to be serious they will gel Other groups of Syrian Jews are nett Furniture ffor the g age of 15G and a nice 197—490 to the Kansas City Jewish Com- their recruits. expected to travel through southchamp'on hip of U'nai B'rith Kel- series. Little Sam Rosenblatt's munity Relations Council and the That we can succeed even with ern Turkey en route to Israel this ley's "11" Division and both teams 186—437 certainly deserves a com- Anti-Defamation League of B'nai this difficult material is shown by spring. ment too. Joe Bclmont came up knew full well when the last ball B'rith, Allen asserted that what was rolled (hat they had worked with the highest increase In the he said was that "as long ns ath- the village of Elipelet, peopled with immigrants from Libya. Here for every pin and mark. Led by number of pins over last year's letes of the Jewish, Protestant or the sixty or so families each have HKItMAN' JEWS Cologne (WNS) — The populaEarl Glvant's sparkling 512 series average. It looks like an Inter- Catholic faiths act in accordance already cleared a garden of on Bennett Furniture came from be- esting Tuesday, April 27th, at with the teachings of their re- acre or so round their cotlage, tion in West Germany Is 25,000 Parkway when some of the Keland the total Jewish population in hind to win the first and third ligion, they will not engage in un- which, with sprinkler irrigation, if games of the scries and of course, ley's Teams will bowl against the ethical or immoral behaviour." At yielding a heavy all-year-round both East and West Germany is the same time he noted that "to crop of vegetables. They ore now 20,500, it was estimated here by the championship for 1951. Pass- best Parkway has to offer. planting apple and plum orchards thi Israeli Mission to this country. e r and Alexander paced the losers Don't forget the annual banquet castigate a group for the evil acts (also irrigated) which will begin Before the Nazi rise, Germany with a 466 and 481 series respect- at West Highland 6:30 p. m. Tues- of one member Is practice Amer- to bear fruit In another five years had an estimated population of icans should avoid and expose." ively. Dave Cudacoff's 6-7-10 day, May 4th. . This region, too. gives excellent more than 000,000 Jews.
Junior Track Meet Sunday, May 2
Y.C. Girls Bowling
Moscow Survey For Emigration
Bowlers of Month for March
YC Mixed Bowling Tourney Results
Basketball Coach Clears Charges
Passover Tourists