Nevsky Film At Center Sun. The last in a scries of six outStanding foreign films will bo presented ut 8:15 p. tn., Sunday, May 2 in tlin Jewish Community Center Auditorium, Jack Sandier chairman of the series program announced. Tlio film, "Alexander Nevsky" produced In thn Soviet Union and directed l>y Kergi Kisenstein has been hailed as one ot tlio greatest motion pictures. Sergei Prokofiey's ccore has been recorded as tlie "Alexander Ncvsky Cantata." The story deals with the attempted invasion by G e r m a n knights disguised nr, "eru:;adeni" who met with strong united resistance by the Uu.wian people in the thirteenth century. The film Is of cple proportions with battle scenes considered among the greatest in cinema history. Tickets may be purchased nt tlio door on the evenini; of May 2.
Mrs. E. E. Brodkey Appointed Israel Objects Contributions To Arming Iraq Increased 6% To National Board of UJA Washington (JTA)—I s r a e l's
Mrs. Edward E. lirudkey, Omaha civic leader, has been appointed to the National Board of the United Jewish Appeal's Women's Division. As a member of the board, Mr:;, lirodkey will help organize women's group activities throughout the state for UJA. In accepting her new post, Mrs. lirodky Bald that the l'JSl campaign will require a supreme effort on the part of all. "It is more vital than ever that Israel not .stand alone," she .said, "and that the thousands in many lands who look to us for help receive It in full measure. We must do our utmost to make the UJA campaign a huge success." Mm, lirodkey has been active in community affairs for a number of years. She I:; first viceMrs. Edward E. IJrodlccy president of the Omaha Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs and was Chairwoman of the Women's Division Philanthropies CampMfin UN Truce Group In 1031 and lOr.li. May Be Strengthened lymdon f JTA)--The situation She is also a member of the United Nations, N. Y. OTA)nloni; the Israel-Syrian border Hoard of Hadassah. Hrandels Uni- United Nations Secretary Genhas seriously deteriorated, the versity mid Itoth-EI Sisterhood. eral Ilammarskjold announced at Times of I^indon reported here a press conference that he was in a dispatch from Beirut. giving "active consideration" to Two Syrian soldiers died In a strengthening the observer pitched battle between Israeli and group In Palestine under Mnj. Syrian units inside Israel terGen. Vagn Bcnnikc. He said he ritory In the northern I.ake Kindid not understand Danish reCantor Ell Ktigan and the Beth ports that the Danish Governneret firea. The Syrian soldiers crossed the Israel frontier wlfti Israel Synagogue choir have been ment would ask Gen. Vann Bcna party of Arab workmen who invited to participate In the all- nlke to resign, and Indicated that came to harvest crops on land city Church choir festival at the he had full confidence in the Geninside Israel. When nn Israeli University of Omaha Sunday aft- eral. patrol approached, the Srylan sol- ernoon, May 2 at 4:30 p. m. The The Inter-departmental comdiers fired on them. The Israelis festival which Is sponsored by the mittee set up by the United Nareturned the firo and the Syrians University of Omaha and the Na- tions to survey the question of retreated, leaving their two dead tional Federation of Music Clubs the use of Jordan River waters behind, Israel immediately pro- will take place In the Field house. lias wound up Its work, it was Twenty-one choirs will offer retected the incident to the Israelannounced here. Syrian Mixed Armistice Commis- ligious musical selections. Cantor Mr. Ilammarskjold announced Kagan announced that one of the sion. selections to be offered by the this week that Israel had compiled with the Iraqi terms for Tel Aviv (\VNS)_A series of Heth Israel choir will be Haskl- release of three Israeli citizens new clashes between Israeli, venu. Admission to the festival Is free imprisoned in Bagdad when their Egyptian and Jordanian forces plane was forced down. were rejwrtcd here by an Army and all are Invited to attend. spokesman who said on Egyptian soldier was killed in n skirmish when Egyptian units crossed the Gaza strip nrea to protect Arabs r who were harvesting grain crops on Israeli territory. Five different Egyptian attacks on Israeli Anny movements were reported, thus bringing to sixteen the number of attacks since April 6. At the same time a Jordanian unit was reported to have opened heavy firo near Beit Jlbrix.
Border Situation Is Deteriorating
m Choir to Take Part in Festival
AZA 100 King Candidates
Sunday Radio, TV The Ktcrnal Light program under the auspices ot the Jewish Theological Seminary of America will be presented over WOW-llndlo from 11:30 a. in. to 12 noon. Aspects ot Jewish faith and culture will be telecast over WOW-TV from 11:30 Q. m. to 12 noon, In the "Frontiers of Faith" Eerie.1 under the auspices of the Jewish Theoloftlcal Seminary of America. The first program will bo "Waldomar Haffkine" the story of the scientist's discovery of an anti-cholera vaccine. "Message of Israel" will be broadcast over KOIL from 10 to 10:30 a. m. Rabbi Samuel Glasner of the Board of Jewish Education In Baltimore, Md., will speak.
Kenny Freed
Art Schwartz
AZA 100 will crown tlielr king at tlio Ninth Annual King Dance to bo held Saturday, May 15, nt tlio I'axton Hotel. Cnndldntrs Include Kenny Freed, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Freed; and Art Schwartz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dilllp 1). Schwartz. Ken Freed, a Past Alopli Oodol of tlio Century chapter, IH chaplain of the club, HB IS n memlwr of tlio Central High .School Concert and Dance Band. On tho athletic Bide, Kenny plays guard on Century baalcctball team and catcher on the. bnscbnll squad. Art Schwartz acnes a* Aleph Godol of AZA No. 1 and han hetd the post* of vice-president of the Twcnlletli Annual Sweetheart Dance and head of the Mother Chapter's Thirtieth Anniversary program. Art Schwartz Is one of the Youth Council's top bowlers and finished the seaton with a ISO average. Name* of the other candidates will appear In the next edition of The Pre»«.
objections to the decision of the United States Government to give free American munitions to Iraq under the Mutual Security program were presented today by Ambassador Abba Khan to Henry A. Byrondo, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs. The understanding reached Iwtwcen Iraq and the United States was announced officially tills morning by the State Department. Diplomatic sources here noted that Iraq is still technically at war with Israel, not having concluded an armistice agreement such os the ones signed by the other Arab countries. Iraq is the first Arab League member state to receive military aid from the United States Government. It was Indicated here today that other Arab states may soon receive similar grants in lino with President Elsenhower's desire to create "situations of strength." No responsible official would say whether Israel would bn included among the recipients of military aid grants although Israel applied for such aid long before Iraq. Unofficial government sources said that a group of American military officers is preparing to l(*ave for Baghdad to work out final details for sending to Iraq, various types of artillery, tanks and military aircraft. The Israel Kmbassy today revealed tho contents of a note handed to Secretary of State John Foster Dulle3 by Ambassador I-Jban several weeks ago in which the Government of Israel informed the State Department that it considers the provision of arms to Iraq as inconsistent with the Tripartite Declaration of May 25, 1950, and that it docs not believe any "assurances" would deter the use of such arms against Israel.
B'nai B'rith Forest Memorial in Israel Washington (JTA)—B'nal B'rith the world's oldest Jewish service organization, will plant the largest memorial forest in Israel as part of the Forest of Martyrs now going up on Jewish National Fund soil in the mountains ot Judoa in the vicinity ot Jerusalem, according to an announcement by Philip Klutznick, president of B'nal B'rith. An agreement signed by Mr. Klutznick and Maurice Bisgayer, secretary for B'nal B'rith, and Dr. Harris J. Levlne, president, mid Mendel N. Fisher, executive director for Jewish National Fund of America: The 300,000 trees will be planted for the 300,000 members of B'nal B'rith in the United States. It is expected that an additional 200,000 trees planted for B'nai B'rith members In other countries of the world will result In n forest of 500,000. A snnctuary cut out of solid nick will be constructed in the B'nai U'rlth Forest forming a section of the Martyrs' Forest. Among the names listed in this sanctuary will be those members of B'nai B'rith who perished In Nazi Europe or who died during the war In the service of their country and In whose memory trees have been planterl In the B'nai B'rith Foreign. Members of B'na! B'rith who visit Israel will be able to use the sanctuary as n pla"ce of mediation anil prayer for their loved oner
The sum ot $303,035.75 was raised so far in the current'campaign of the Jewish Philanthropies, Robert 11. Kooper, General Campaign Chairman, reported at the meeting o£ the Executive Committee of the Jewish Federation, held Tuesday, April 27. The sum was contributed by some 2,185 subscribers. Outstanding Cardu 'Tliis amount represents an increase of about 6% on the same curd.-;, as compared with last year," Mr. Kooper said. "There,, are still many outstanding cards, which amount to about $130,000. These cards have all been distributed among campaign workers who are cleaning them up." Urgency . • •. Mr. Kooper stressed the urgency of covering the cards, while the campaign mood and spirit are still high. : : . • • ';':-•' "The Philanthropies Drive Is i; the most' Important community activity on our agenda," Mr. Koper emphasized, "and It is our hope that this all-Important community job will be completed w'ithin the next two weeks. It can ' only be done so if every worker will clean up his or her cards a t once." - .
Fund Shortage Hinders Resettlement Program New York (WNS)—United Israel Appeal national chairman Rudolf G. Sonneborn, in a report to the organization's board of directors, cautioned that the resetlement and upbuilding program in Israel was facing dangerous obstacles as a result ot the "serious lag in expenditure* due to the shortage of funds." Mr. Sonneborn reported that a total sum of !517,00O,O0O, with the major portion provided by American Jews, was spent during tho first third of this year by the United Israel Appeal and Its constituent agencies for the rehabilitation and resettlement of needy immigrants. He noted, however,' th.it the actual expenditures had fallen about 43 per cent short of the budgetary schedule for the period. The UIA, mainly financed through the UJA campaign, ^ was set at $01,620,000 for the year including. $30,000,000 for the first four months of 195-1.. At tho same time tlio UIA president disclosed that more than half of the expenditures for the first months of this- year, a tptul ol about 510,000,000, was spent for agricultural development.
First Spanish Synagogue Madrid (JTA) - - The first synagogue to he built in Spain since the expulsion of the Jews nearly five centuries ngo, is nenrlng completion at Barcelona. The building will house two congregations under one roof. there being separate worship halls for the Ashkenazi and Scphardlc communities. The four-storied structure will also serve as a community center for Barcelona's 2,500 Jewish inhabitants and will provide facilities for a Jewish school for children.
Face Two
Friday, April 30, 1054
Our U.N. Newsletter
Soviets and Israel Dispute
l*ublit»hc<l Kvcry Friday hy the I.'*t-<JiT:ttloij fur J r n k h Service
Kttttrca u •rcond-L-luirs ru&lur al I):, LI^JI. i,*Lri..-i R. uvui iLt. rxt i f Vutj ^. Jfc7tj JUJouai Mulacrlptlon, J4.WJ. Advtrlltllii: IUa<a en AJ.[ !]r.•!!.• ;. KdltorMJ umc«—1(11 Nu. 20th HlrtM, u."lnl:a, NiSr , JAU'r.rm U*",C m a t Bbop Addrtu—tuns Bo. iMh Ktnrt.
Hy AltTlll'It I.KWIS
Ldi to;
Join the Cancer Fight! By Cecil B. dcMille Editor's Note: Cecil 1!. UcMille, famous motion ]iirlurv pro duccr and director — crcutor of some of tlie HCIUCU'K most out standing films — is an active campaigner ajjainbt cancer. II< is president of the Los Angeles Unit of the California .Division American Cancer Society. Everyone hates cancer. ' Bui that i s not enough. Hatred, without action against the bated thing, U only i: futile and wasteful emotion. Someone has said that the best way to deal witli an <-iifmy m is to find bis strongest point and hit him hardest there. Cancer'* strongest weapon is ignorance. We do not yet know all we need to know about cancer's causa and oure. Many, if not most, of cancer's vidttms are victims of no knowing how to detect cancer early enough. The American Cancer Society is attacking this deadly enemy -on both fronts — through its programs of research and education. It is helping doctors speed the work of finding canccr'a cause and cure. It is helping people — all of us — know the nigns of cancer soon enough to take action against i t Capital Spotlight That is why I have enlisted in the American Cancer Society for the duration — the duration of the fight on cancer or the duration of my life, whichever ends first I have felt cancer strike some who were very near and dear By Milton Friedman to me. Most Americans have had the same experience, for most Several years ago a druggist in of us known and loved some one of the "one oat of five." this community found on his store I have watched them suffer and waste away. I have stood 'indow a sign which crudely alby their open graves. I have felt helpless — and I do not like leged that Jews are all Commuto feel helpless. Neither does any one of the millions ivho have nists. He quietly removed 1h< sign. It was dismissed ns a childshared this experience with me. The American Cancer Society says to us all, "You need not sh prank by those who bothered feel helpless. Krom those pitiful sufferers, from those open to mention the incident at nil. Tlie Jews of Grecnbelt, like graves, yon can take the inspiration to fight the tiling that caused that Buffering and filled those graven too soon — tin- in their neiphtwrs, are government Rpiration and the dedication to fight it intelligently und effec- workers in nearby Washington tively, with tlie threefold attack of llosearrli, Education mid In 1052 they decided to erect n ilaee of worship which would Service." serve, as a Jewish community That, at least, is what I have heard the Amr-iic-.-ui Caneer center. Because of their modest Society saying to me. financial resources, they did tlie I hope you will hear it too. construction work themselves 'Xights On" campaign to be held Tuesday, May 4, will Greeiiljelt';; Jews could be seen spark Omaha's Cancer Drive, Fred D. Brodkey, Douglas County venings nnd on weekend:; in ivork clothes, mixing mortar and chairman, announced. laying brick. A sign was erected: "Jewish Community Center." lJut someone altered It to read: Jewish Communist Center." 1-ikc the Tile Hebrew University, currently entering the thirtieth year of me at the drugstore, this smear service to the Jewish people and the world at large, has written an A'as quietly removed. .Subrief]uent inspiring and heroic chapter in Israel's history, particularly since that imearR, however, have proved tragic day in April of 1018 when the university began its period of more difficult to erase—like the "exile" from its home on Mount Scopus as a result of the convoy >nos lodged by unnamed accusers massacre in which 77 of it/; j,l;iff members lost their lives on the ronci igainst Abraham Chasanow and from Jerusalem. jther Grecnbclt Jews who have ^rawing on almost unbelievable reserves of ingenuity and dedica- seen removed from their governtion] the University's faculty members and students continued work ment joljs ns "security risks." in a makeshift quarters in forty-six separate buildings scattered throughout Jerusalem, yet reaching highest standards on every field .Model Community of science and learning. The world has learned to appreciate the Greenbclt was built by the gov Hebrew Universeity not only as Israel's source of trained scientists •rnment as a model community. and scholars, not only as a great institution of higher learning, but The Chasanow family moved here also as a symbol of the will and determination to exist which char- In 1939. Chasanow became a diacterizes the people of Israel today. rector and counsel of the GrecnIt is heartening to realize that the beginning of the end of tlie >clt Veterans Housing CorporaUniversity's "exile" is at least in sight. Tlie Israel Government has ion which bought Greenbclt from set aside for the University n tract of approximately 125 acres of he government in 1932 to cnland In the greater P.ehavia area of Jerusalem, near the site of the lble residents to purchase the projected government buildings, mid architectural plans are being lomes in which they lived. Mean TUShod through for new latxjratories, libraries and other facilities. vhile, Chasanow was considered With the launching of world-wide efforts for the necessary funds, jy tome as "too reactionary" be there is hope the "exile" will return to home and hearth sooner than rause he led the fight for ndopexpected. We are sure the American Jewish community, through the lon of a mandatory loyalty oath American Friends of the Hebrry University, will do more than Its >>' home owners. In the Maryland share In rehabilitating the great institution of learning. •lection of 1950, Chasanow supported McCarthy-backed John M. Sutler for the Senate scat of Legislators Landed Hillary Tydings. Washington (WNS)—Seven ReThe former president of the publican Senators and Represent- Grccnbelt Veterans Housing Corwere commended last week jioration is Michael Salzman. Tel Aviv (WNS-- Z a 1 m a natives by national Jewish religious bodies Aranne, minister without port- and a large number of national Chasanow nnd Salzman belonged folio, declared that the United and local Jewish community rela- o one faction in a housing conroversy, a faction which might States seemingly is bent on forc- tions organizations for Introducing ipponents. Both men were cm ing Israel to make vital conces- legislation to revise the present e said to advocate a more "rightgoverning immigration nnd sions to the Arab states as a prc law ing" approach than it's opnaturalization. nents. Both men were employed requisite to peace. In identical letters to the legisthe Navy Ilydroirraphlc Office, Reacting to the recent address lators, and in a letter at the same Suddenly, they were both fired ns by the American Assistant Sec- time to President Eisenhower, the 'security risks." Under Jthc new retary of State for Near Eastern Jewish groups, expressing disap- ecurity program of the KisenAffairs Henry A. Byroadc, Mr. pointment over some shortcom- lowcr Administration anyone ncings on the measures, urged Im- uscd mast bo suspended lmAranne told a Mapai Party mcct- mediate hearings on the bills and ncdintclyv Chasanow wns dumb• ing at Rehovoth that he was of ther pending immigration legis- ounded. Salzman broke Into tears. the opinion Mr. Byroade spoke lation in this session of Congress. Rallied to Support "upon direct orders" of the State Grccnbelt leaders, Jews and Department when he demanded that Israel docs not react to bor- One of every seven deaths last Christians alike, rallied to supder incidents. He predicted fail- year was caused by cancer. Help, port the men they knew so well parly was held at the bousure for the efforts to effect a reduce this death rate by giving to ; corporation tor Salzman, its breach betwen Israel and world the American Cancer Society Crusade. resident as a gesture of confl• Jewry.
United Nations UTA) •- Just what arc the .Soviet?; up to in the Palestine dispute.1? The v e t o e s which Andrei Visliinsky has cast would seem to !,how that they have 1 become the allies of t h e Aral). , against the Jews, hut, in the >!»iniun of experienced ob.-.erverK here, what they are doing is not ns .simple as that. Tiie.se exerts believe that the Russians are demontitrating to the world at large, and the Americans in particular, that nothing can bo done in the Middle K;ist without their participation. Soviet Involvement Soviet involvement in the ArabIsraeli conflict has been of very recent vintage. Prior to last winter when Mr. Vishinsky cast, the first veto, the KusMans had taken no part in the Palestine debates. They had sat glumly by in the Security Council, keeping their own counsel, and abstaining when it came to a vote. What lias brought about this sudden change? It is surely too much to believe that tlie Soviets have discovered what sturdy people the Arabs are, or that they have decided to become the protectors of Isram? This big switch, diplomats here believe, is In line with the policy of participation in uVuee. But certain elements did world affairs, which has b e e n not join in the spirit of this com :reatly emphasized e v e r since munity undertaking. I n s t e n d Stalin's death. It is reflected in thry sat in,the Grecnbelt Amer the demands for Ilig Four and Dig lean Legion Post, drinking liecr. •"he meetings, in the insistence Ther.o patriots then decided to hat thry be consulted about cv* "raid" the "Communist" party erytlung. honoring Salzman. They stag- Mr. Vishinsky, who cuuld never gered into car:; although other e accused of being a shrinking legionnaires [sought in vain to iolet, has complained at length on dissuade them. At the "Commu- many occasions recently that his nist" party they were greeted by delegation has not been taken into one of those who had come tc confidence on tiiis or that rc&oluhonor Salzman and Chasanow— i'on before it was presented to the the Greenbelt chief of police. Ilir iecurity Council or the Disarmapresence prevented violence. Hut ment Commission. He has ehided t h e Legionnaires nevertheler;: he Western Delegations about shouted that they were out to get his and has done his best to make hem change their ways. * all "(iirly Jew Communist;;." [ntrrnallonalM Chasanow is a member of B'nai B'ritli. President Eisenhower re- The Soviets are no longer in cently said in an address before uvor of splendid isolation, if they the U'nai li'rith Anti-Defamation ver were; they are certainly not league that every' American has now under the new Malenkov reft right to confront his accuser. gime which is much more Internain outlook. They don't Chasanow is an American. Yet ionalist .'ant to be included ouC to use the government haii r e f u s e d the immortal expression of SamChasanow permission to confront Goldwyn, they want to be inaccusers and ha.s even denied him uel luded In—and in everything. the right to know their identity. Hy means of the veto, thry liave Tho Hungrr hown that they can block any setThe danger seen by Greenbelt tlement in the Middle Kast and, in ' Jewry is not that a few cranks the opinion of these qualified obin their community are active servers, they intend to continue to anti-Semites. W h a t concerns se tlie veto until they get a hand them more deeply is that the gov- n such a r.ettlemen. Even though ernment is apparently willing to t the lime there was not such ivn accept and act on even the flim- •mphasls on participation in the siest allegation regardless of its Kremlin, the Soviets werv exsource. The government docs not tremely annoyed when they were say that Chasanow la a Commu- xcluded from any say in Hie survlsion of the truce. nist or even a pro-Communist— just tliat lie is a "risk." ' Participation There arc but five members Of course, the Americans realize vhat the Ilussians fire up to, and of the Jewish faith who are or were Greenbelt residents nnd em- hey are determined to prevent hem from having n part in a setployees of the Navy Hydrograph- tlement, and thus getting a hold ic Office. There ore at least eight in tlie Middle East. Hut what can Gentiles who are both residents Ihey do? of Grccnbelt and employes of the If they move the Palestine disHydrographlc Office. All five of the Jews have been charged as iutc to the General Assembly, as security risks. All the Gentiles hey intend to do, this will not remained undisturbed. In the ab- irevent the Arabs from bringing sence of a statement of reasons he case to the Security Council. for the government's a c t i o n , They can do it even If they nrc not Chasanow feels "it may well be members of the Council. It seems ,os one diplomat here believed that the proceedings aid sadly, that we cannot have a which led to that decision were cttlement in the Middle East tainted by anti-Semitism." vithout Soviet participation, and Chasnnow** Loyalty it the same time we cannot have a Affidavit1; supporting Chasa- etUcmen with Soviet partidpanow's loyalty have been submit- ion. Tlie new emphasis on inted by Grcenbelt's mayor, city •olvement in international affairs, manager, city clerk, .Catholic nnd *lch the vetoes in the Palestine Protestant leaders, o f o r m e r putc have brought out, fits in American Legion commander, ilcely with the old Communist poland the director of public safety cy of causing as much trouble as who Is a graduate of the F. B. I. possible everywhere in the world. school. Affidavits have also come from 24 present or former Navy associates as high as rear ad- the eyes of visiting Russian offimiral. In World War H, Chasa- cers and in 1950 prevented naunow*s recommendations on how tical charts from getting Into tha to keep Navy charts out of enemy hands of shipmaster* from Comhands were accepted by the Chief munist countries. of Naval Operations. Chasanow during World War It took steps The American Cancer Society to keep classified material from Crusade goal this year b< $20,000,-
The Chasanow Firing
End of Exile
Israel Official Hits Byrecide Viev/
Psf« Three
VrMay, April SO, U U
Congressional Group Favors Sending Arms to Arab States
Ad Libbing By Si-ymour II. Kaplan, Regional Director Anti-Defamation league
Naval Rehearing On Security Firing
Washington (JTA)—The Navy Department agreed to give AbraWashington (JTA) ~A .special mission which was .sent to Pakisham Chasanovv a new hearing to subcommittee of the House Armed tan following President EisenhowRev. Robert 11. Duffy, Editor of present "reasons for reconsiderServices Committee lias <mictly er';! announcement ihal Pakistan the "True Voice," official publi- ing the decision" to dismiss him visited Egypt and Lebnnun and cation of the Archdiocese of Oma- from Navy Department employmade recommendation;! to Con- was eligible for free munitions. ha has written a stirring editorial ment as a security ris. The Mutual Security Act this gress especially concerning the denouncing the group called Conneed (or new equipment by the year provided $30,000,000 for Ne.r Mr. Chasanow, distribution congress of Freedom. This editorial Kgyptian ground force;;. 'Hie sub- Eastern onus but only $5,000,000 appeared In the April 25 edition trol officer of the Hydrographic committee wa;t under tin- chair- was spent, mostly for Ethiopia. Office and a Navy employee for of the "True Voice." The so-called 23 years, manship of Hep. I*eroy Johnson, Thin left $25,000,000 to be carried was dismissed on securCongress of Freedom met In OmaCalifornia Republican. Into the new fiscal year of 1935 ity grounds although a naval ha April 22, 23 and 21. The first security board bad unanimously Reporting on an lri.';i>ection of while an additional appropriation meeting of this same group was rejected the charges against him. the Egyptian nrmored and arlil- of $50,000,000 has just been reheld in Omaha last April. They In asking reconsideration, Mr. lery schools on the outskirts of quested. This would make $75,000,claim to be a national representa- Chasanow raised the question'of Cairo nml the infantry school ut 000 available in nrms for the area tive group. anti-Semilism as a factor in the AInioza. the subcommittee said as noon as the legislation now becase. that while "Egyptian ground fore Congre:,;; is enacted. Paki;l.'<ii Prominent among the guest forces must be ranked hi|;h in will i;et n considerable portion, but Tin; Navy aclion camo after s p e a It c r s were some who are morale" they "are lacking in authorities here have definite known for their long record of ac- the American Jewish Congress equipment." It noted the need for plans to use significant sums to tivity in bigotry. The one whom has called on the. Secretary of new weapons, Btathif! that Kgyp- arm Arab I.eai;ue states in line the "True Voice" singled out for the Navy to determine whether tian forces were equipped "with witli the new policy. particular denunciation was one anli- Semitism was involved in Old and obsolescent materiel, Dr. Carl Melntyre, head of a the case. The Anti-Defamation meetly of British origin." group which calls ilself the In- League ot B'nal B'rilh this week. • In Beirut the subcommittee was asked the Navy for informaternational Council of Christian also on briefed on the Israel situation by the case. Mr. Chasanow Id Dr. Abba Ilillel Silver, rabbi of Churches and member of another ationmember United States military attache.-, of B'nai B'rith. the. largest Literal Jewish Congre- group which calls itself the Amerand American Embassy officials. Assistant Secretary of the gation in the United States, The ican Council of Churches. The subcommittee reported that The Jewi.'ib Community Center Temple in Cleveland, will be one Calling Dr. Mclntyre "an evil- Navy J. II. Smith, in making the it was much Impressed by the the distinguished r e l i g i o u s minded swivel-tongued bigot with- announcement said the Navy does American University of Ilelrat, Day Cnmp will again lie held this of at the Centennial Relig- out peer." the editorial went on to not intend to say any more at Which Is a center of anti-Israel year at Peony Park. Plans are speakers ious Forum May 12 at Ak-.Sar-Hen quote from ADL's report on In- this time because of the possiunder way for t\n exciting four propaganda. week session, from June 28 to Coliseum. tolerance which has been pub- bility of prejudicing the outcome. Simultaneously, it was learned July 23. Campers will be picked In a petition asking the Navy Silver is regarded a1; one of lished in book form under the here today that n U. S. military up by chartered bus from three theDr.foremost spokesmen of Zion- title of "The Troublemakers." It to reconsider the case, Mr. Chasasurvey mission, headed by Brig. synagogues and taken to the ism in the United States and is is in that book that Mclntyre's now made known that "lose ,' Gen. Harry Myers, has returned campsite every weekday morn- one of the leaders who aided in the record in bigotry, especially the charges" and anti-Semitic reto Washington from the Near Ing. Luncheons will 1)0 served establishment of the State of Is- anti-Catholic brand. Is made avail- marks were made by "disgruntled East with recommendation.') urg- each day of Camp M o n d n y rael. Ife served as chairman of able for the public record. persons among his neighbors at Ing the urrnlng of Iraq. The report through Friday. the American Section of the Jew- Hut, the Congress of Freedom nearby Greenbelt, Maryland. The and recommendations will be ish Agency for Israel, chairman of petition asking reconsideration treated confidentially by the .Sec- A full program of activities in- the American Zionist Emergency leaders were apparently not only said: retaries of Defense and State on cluding emphasis on swimming Council nnd President of the Zion- satisfied to have on their platform "There are but five members those who are well known for their Whose behalf the trip was made. and camping skills is being ist Organization of America. planned by the Day Camp Staff. bigotry. They also Included printed of the Jewish faith who are or Tin- survey mission secretly vis- -Some were both Greenbelt residents of the counselors for the materials from well known groups He was recently honored in Life ited Baghdad where it consulted children are: Manilla Wnxenbcrg, as one of t h e twelve promoting bigotry, with the litera- and employes of the HydrographWith Irani authorities with a view Barbara Paul, Judy Milder, Adele magazine leading preachers in the United ture distributed at their recent ic Office. All five of the Jews to extension of free American Chn.innov, Nanry llarron, Matlee States. Silver has authored meet. One particularly anti- have bad security difficulties . . . military aid under the Mutual .Se- ICatlemnn, Enid I-evey, Murray volumes Dr. on history and religion, Semitic diatribe made the claim all the Gentiles remain undiscurity program. This Is the name IMm.'in, Gerald Marer, and Ber- notably his work on "Religion in that the Community Chest was turbed. In the absence of a statea changing world" ond "The World developed In order that Jews ment of reasons for the adverso nie Feldman. Fees for Day Camp will be Crisis and Jewish Survival." His might "finance their.organized re- decision of the Assistant Secre510.00 per week or $10,000 for latest book, "Vision and Victory," lief efforts in aid of their brethren tary (of the Navy), it may well the entire- season. Parents of chil- is n collection of his major ad- In war-torn countries, nnd to ad- be believed that the proceedings dren G to 12 years of nge will dresses during the crucial years vance their plan for the establish- which led to the decision were prior to the establishment of the ment of their Jewish Home in tallied by anti-Semitism." Tlur Workmen's Circle Club will r e c e i v e registration material State of Israel. Palestine." Other lies about Jews celebrate the birthdays of Mr. and through the mail in the next few Dr. Sliver is a graduate of the were advanced in this, and other Mrs. Dave Sussman, Morris Good- weeks. Hebrew Union College nnd was literature made available at the man, Milton Nearenberg, Ben Mirordained in 1915. He has served literature table. off, Harry Itcsnlck and Mr. ami as President of the Central Con- We can only agree with the conMrs. .Sam Mngil nt a fi p. m. dinference of American Kahbfs. ner Sunday, Mny 2, at the Labor clusion drawn in the "True Voice" Barbara Lawrence, Chairman of Lyceum. Science or religious tickets In editorial; "the Congress of FreeThe program Includes greeting:; the Centennial ticket book may be dom participants—whatever they the International Women's Groups, and an outstanding lecturer and by Louis Wilki.i, dramatie direc- A program commemorating the used for admission to the forum advocate and whomever they claim tor, and Bongs by Mrs. Milton heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto and additional tickets can be ob- to represent—will pardon us If we philanthropic leader, who has travNcflrenb^rH with piano accompan- Revolt will highlight the meeting tained nt Russell's Sporting Goods take a long, cold and calculating eled widely In Israel, North Africa Moslem nations, will speak at ist Mrs. Jennie Rlfkln nnd the dra- of Farbnnd Labor Zionist Branch store, 1810 Famam st. look at their entire proceedings." and the Annual meeting of the Council 51 Sunday, May 2 at 7:15 p. m. matic club choir. Bluffs Jewish Welfare Federation, A send off will be tendered Mr In the Jewish Community Center. TKACH CANCEK FACTS HELP LEUKEMIA PATIENTS Jewish Community Center, 224 So. The musical portion of the pro- If cancer Is detected while limand Mrs. I.011I.1 Witkln who are with leukemia, a form 18th St., May C, nt 7 p. m. buffet leaving for a visit with their chil- gram will Include Frances Fisher, ited to a single area, the patient of Children blood cancer, are being helped dinner, In behalf of the United sinning negro spirituals and Her- usually can be saved, the Ameridren in I ho east. temporarily by a number of com- Jewish Appeal campaign. All nvmben; are asked to at- man Mirowitz will offer Yiddish can Cancer Society points out. The pounds developed by American During one of her Inspection folk nones. Mrs. Philip Crandell ACS education program teaches tend. will give n reading from Sholem essential facts nbout cancer. Sup- C a n c e r Society sponsored re- tours, she was an observer of "Opsearchers. You can help further eration Magic Carpet," a project Alelchem. port this work by giving to the research by Riving to the ACS in which the United Jewish ApU.S. Grants Special Guest speaker will be Itabbi 1951 Crusade. I Crusade. peal chartered planes to evacuate Economic Aid to Israel Henjamin Gronrr of > Belli Israel more than 50,000 Jews—the entire .Synagogue. Jewish population—of Yemen to Washington (JTA)—The ForMrs. Hose Cohen who Is in Israel. eign Operatioas Administration charge of dinner arrangements Mrs. Lawrence was formerly a announced that 513,123,000 in said that dinner will be served at Friday, April SO publicity director and advertising Special economic nld lias been Pro-School—9:00 a. in.—Center. stylist for two of America's largallotted to Israel for the fourth 7:15 p. m. Call JA 3891 for reser* Snturday, Muy I est department stores. She Is a quarter of the fiscal year, bring- vation:;. Cor'nhuskor B'nai Il'rith Ham Dance. •aaduate of Smith College, Is maring the total for the year to Centennial Barber Shop .Sing. tied and has two children. 552,500,000. Factional Isolation Informal Opening of Highland West Country Club. For the first three quarters n Sunilny, May 2 New York (WNSI —The "walls total or $39,375,000 had been Children's Program—2:00 p. m.—Center. made available to Israel under of Scphafdic Isolation arc crumKadimali Pioneer Family Party—2:00 p. m.—Center. the program to provide that na- bling and both the Ashkenazim Beth Kl Supper Club nt Beth El—8:00 p. m. tion \vllh essential nupplies, en- and Sephardim have embarked Foreign Film Series—8:15 p, m.—Center. courage export earnings nnd bol- upon the great enterprise of The Beth Israel Mens' Club will Youth Adult Lounge Night—8:00 p. m.—Center. , «ter local production by assist- working in common for nlll IsBelli Israel Men's Club Dance of the Month Club Smorgasbord— hold their final Dance of the ing In development of the- econ- rael," it was disclosed here by Month Club dance at the social 8:30 p. m.—Beth Israel. omy. An additional $1,487,000 is Dr. Isaac L. Schwartzbart, direchall, 8:30 p. m., Sunday, May 2. Monday, May .'i being devoted to the technical tor of the World Jewish ConThe final dance will be a semiPrc-School—9:00 a. m.—Center. gress' Organization Department, cooperation program. Temple Israel Sisterhood Luncheon—1:00 p. m.—Highland Town formal dinner dance. Arrange.Since the first year of United in a report published on the eve ments have been made for an Club. •Stateii aid to Israel, when the of the Second World Sepbardic smorgasborg dinner. The music Workman's Loan—7:30 p. m.—Center. assistance was directed princip- Conference slated to open in Jerwill be supplied by a group of Tuesday, May 4 ally toward relief, the emphasis usalem May 9. Beth Israel Sisterhood Luncheon Meeting—1.00 p.m.—Beth Israel, Omaha musicians. has shifted toward development. The report reveals that "subArt Gould, chairmnn of the Temple Israel Sisterhood Book Review—1:00 p. m.—Home. The program today Includes stantial progress ha.i Iwen made Dance of the Month Club has anPioneer Women—8:00 p. m.—Center. building, new industry, vital rec- toward the full amalgamation of nounced that nil reservations have Wednesday, May (5 lamation and irrigation projects, the Sephardim and Ashkenazim been made and no additional resPrc-School—9:00 a. m.—Center. and expansion of food supply. in the four year;; since the last ervations will bo accepted. Beth El Sisterhood Board Meeting—1:00 p. m.—Beth El. Extensive- work is also under way Scphardic Conference "hut that I-adies Free I.oan Society—2:00 p. m.—Center. . In the fields of education, trans- their Integration Into the oneJewish Wnr Veterans and Ladles Auxiliary Board Meeting—8:00 TRAIN CANCER SPECIALISTS portation, public health nnd sani- ness of our people has not yet During the last six years, the p. rn.—Homes. tation ns part of the technical co- reached the level that would American C a n c e r Society has Center Orchestra—8:00 p. m.—Center. meet the needs of our times in operation program. helped finance the training of 538 Landscape Painting Classes—1:00 p. m.—Center. our struggle for survival." Of young doctors as cancer specialThursday, May 0 1 the estimated 11,763,491 Jews In ists. The 1954 ACS Crusade will Leadership Training Institute for Teenagers—3:45 p. rn.—Center. About 23,000,000 American ; will Beth Israel Sisterhood Mother and Daughter Banquet—6:00 p. m, provide funds for continued prosome day die of cancer, if present the world today, nbout 1,741,883, or fifteen per cent, are Sephargrams of research, education and —Both Israel. rates 'prevail. .Support the Ameriservice. Bridge Class—8:00 p. m.—Center. can C'niic.T Society's 1051 Crusade. dim.
Dr. Silver to SpeaEc
Par Wev/ Sessions
Workmen's Circle Drcsrj-fjftc Club
Barbara Lawrence. To Speak in C.B.
to Hear i B. Grower
Community Calendar
Bl Men's Club Will Hold Dance
Friday, April 30, 1054
Fife F«W
The Beth Israel Sisterhood again sponsoring their annual ^Know Your Neighbor" Sabbath Which will be held Friday evening at 8 p. m. May 7 at Beth Israel Synagogue. Honored guests at this Sabbath will be the Omaha Council of C h u r c h Women. In previous years, hundreds of women attended these affairs and the spirit of good fellowship and comradeship that prevailed did much to advance the unity that is goucht by all, the chairwomen stated. \ Rabbi Benjamin Gronor will speak and Cantor Eli Kagan will direct the Beth Israel Choir in teveral Psalms. Immediately following Rabbi Groncr's •crmon there will be a question and answer period during which time our guests will have on opportunity to direct questions to Rabbi Groner. At the close of services, a reception will be held in the Beth Israel Social Hall. • ••. Mrs.: Lewis Nevcless and Mrs. Harry Sldman, chairmen of this Sabbath are expecting a capacity* crowd.
'Pygmalion'at tech High May 8 The Ancient Order of Hibernians Will sponsor the world-renowned Abbey Flayers from Dublin, Ireland, in the famous George Bernard Shaw play, "Pygmalion." The proceeds from the performance Will be donated to Mount Saint Michael Seminary. The Players will a p p e a r at Technical Hi^h School Saturday evening May 8, at .6:15 p. m. Tickets are now available at $3.00, $2.40, and $1.80. For information, write the Hibernians, 2605 Dodge Street, or call WK 6340.
Betty Ann Poska Is Junior Hadassah Prexy Betty Ann Poska was elected president of Junior Hadassah. Other newly named officers are: Betty Isack, first vice-president; Jean Kate, second vice-president; Marilyn Meyers, third vice-president; Edilh Frank, recording .secretary, and Clara Katz, treasurer. The installation of officers will t » held soon. Plans are being made for delegates to attend the regional conference to be held May 8 in Kansas City. Cancer has risen from eighth place as a cause of death in 1900 to second place in 1954. Help combat this disease by supporting Hi" American Cancer Society's I'J3i Crusade.
Bl Sisterhood's Annual Banquet
Omahan Marries In Richland, Wash.
Bl Sisterhood Neighbor Fete
Miss L«ta U'clniT
Miss Lefa Werner To Wed in Auegus$ Mr. and Mrs. I. II. Welner announce the engagement of their daughter, Leta to First Lieutenant Joseph Charles Lcvinger, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Harold \V. Levingcr, Yankton, S. D. Miss Welner nttended the University of Wisconsin for her freshman year and will graduate in June from the University of Nebraska, She is a member of Sigma Delta Tau sorority nnd Alpha Kappa Delta and PI Lambda Theta, honorary societies. Lieutenant Levinger attended Nebraska University and Colorado University and was a member of Zeta Iieta Tail fraternity. He is jet instructor pilot stationed at Luke Air Force Base, Glendale, Ariz. The couple plans nn August wedding.
Hadassah to Fete Israel's 6£h Year An One;; Shabbat In honor of the Sixth Anniversary of the State of Israel will bo held 2 p. m., May 8, at the home of Mr:;. Aaron Itips at S22 S. 38th Avenue. All Hadassah members and their friends are cordially invited to attend. Hostesses for the celebration are chairwomen of Zionist Public Relations, Education, American Affairs and Haddassah presidents. They are Mesilames J. II. Kulakofky, Albert Fox, Max Grossman, xwl.'i Yager, Paul Veret, Arthur Greene. Sidney Hollis, Joseph Soshnik, A. D. Frank, Morris Fellmnn, Seymour Kaplan, Norman Whitman, Morris Franklin, J. J. Friedman, Maurice Newman nnd Meyer Rubin.
Virginia Zelma Litofe, daughter of Mrs. Abe l.itofe, and Manfred Sieglir, tun of Mr. and Mrs. liernard .Slej-ler of Omaha, were married March 2H in the Hose Howl room of Ihe Mullnumah Hotel in Ridiland, Wa'-h. iialilji Jo';hua .Ktampfcr officiated. The bride wore a uhite ellanlilly lace gown with a cap of lace udorned wilh seed pearls holding her veil. She carried a Hible with a i;pray of white orchids. J. C. Weinstcin cave his niece in marriage. Mrs, Milton Carl was matron of honor. Judith Ann Siegler and Judith Ann Jncohson were junior bridesmaids and Mrs. Jerome C'aplan, Mrs. Alan Weinstein, Miss Donna .Silver, Miss Jackie Paul and Miss liarabara Sussman cre attendants.
•'I ft;•& /H1'"
All "Mom's, Mamma's, and Mother's" will be honored at lieth Israel Sisterhood's annual MotherDaughti-r lianquct which will take place Thursday evening, May G, at C:.'i0 p. m. in the synagogue's social hall. Co-chairmen Mine'.. H e n r y Oreenberg, Sydney Goldberg, and Henry Appel, with the assistance of their committee members, Mmcs. Izridore Elcwit/, Arthur I'arilman, and Stanley Diamond, are in charge of arrangements. Representing the great-grandmothers will bo Mrs. Sophie Grcylieh; speaking for all grandmothers will be Mrs. Will Bloom; Mrs. Norman Halm will give the mother's point of view; Miss Judy Wohlner will a n s w e r for the daughters, and Miss Sandra Parllinan will give the granddaughter's opinions. The evening's program will Include a "Puppet Toy-Shop" by Mrs. Hazel Herring and Mrs. Fred Pearson. An entertaining skit by Mrs. Robert Gerellck and Mm. Morris Shapiro, entitled "Then and Now," includes a cast of the following sisterhood m e m b e r * : i;tta Epstein, Mnrllyn liraun, Best liergman, Rose Babendir, Yetta Goldberg, Ellen Zellnsky. Betty Rubin and Sylvia Turkel. Mrs. Jack Levey will be In charge of tables; Mrs, Eugene Uraun, decorations; Mrs. Sydney Taren, printed programs; Mri. Sam H e r m a n , correspondence! Mrs. Morris Rudcrman, phone rencrvatlons. The Beth Israel Men's Club will serve.
r u - Mrs. Raymond ' lihlMlil! Cor«*y
Kadimah fo Hold Mothers" Day Tea
.Sylvan Slegler was best man and Alan Weinstein. Milton Carl, Melvin Weinstein, Jcerome C'aplan, Ken Adlcr, Alan Klein and Mrs. Raymond Corey was named Bernard Shorr served as ushers. chairwoman of the annual MothThe couple will make their ers' Day Tea to lie civen by the Kadimah Chapter of Pioneer home in Richland, Wash. Women, 2 p. m., Sunday, May 2 in the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Corey will be assisted by Mmcs. .Sidney Sneider, Hen KapMade with the s a m e choice lan, Malvin Tepper, Doris Sherkosher home-kitchen Ingredients man, Nathan Kaplan and Dave that mother used In her baking, Wine. A interesting program I:; Dromedary Cake Mixes are meas- beim: planned by program chairured, eifted and blended with n woman, Mr.'t. Sidney Sneider. degree of accuracy that no home- For tickets call Airs. Dave Wine. kitchen could ever achieve, to as- WA 2RS7, or contact any Kndimah nre the same perfect results time member. after time. Dromedary YellowCake Mix produces light, fluffy, Strike back at cancer which finn-texturcd cakes. Dromedary lakes a life every two nnd oneDevil's Food Mix Is the basis for a third minutes. Support the Amer•ariety of rich, dark, chocolately cakes, and with Dromedary Com The annual M o t h e r-Children ican Cancer Society Crusade, Muffin Mix, you can turn out unchcon of the Temple Israel Sisbatch after batch of fragrant gold- terhood will be held Saturday, n corn muffins In time for break- May 8, at the American I/C|;Ion fast—or as n fihort-notice snack Club at 12:30 p. m. Mrs. Gcori;c for-unexpected guests. Spitzer and Mrs. Joe J. I^evey are RUG & UPHOLSTERY Produced by the packers of fam- In charge of all luncheon arrange•itis Dromedary Dates under con- ments and Mrs. Marvin Treller Is CLEANERS stant supervision of the Union of taking reservations. Edward TrelRUGS — CARPETING Orthodox Congregations of Amer- ler will present a puppet show and LAMP SHADES ica, Dromedary Cake Mixes imd Buddy Wolf will show movies. nil other Dromedary products bear FURNITURE the (U) seal of kashruth and arc Cancer eventually will strike one Cleaned In Your Homel featured at all leading food stores. of every five Americans according Bladlng • Laying - Icpalrlag to present rates. Strike back by HA 2554 supporting the American Cancer DON BERNSTEIN Tl Sisterhood Society.
Cake Mixes
Temple Israel Mother Children Luncheon
To Hold Book Review The next Book Review of the Temple Israel Sisterhood Series will be held Tuesday, May 4, at the home of Mrs. Hubert Monsky. Mrs, A. Clark Murdoch will review 'Truth Is My Weapon," by Kdward Barrett. One o'clock cofce get together will precede the review. Members of Mrs. Leo Eicenstatfs and Mrs. Herman Goldstein's Circle are in charge Individual tickets are available.
"No mom driving for me f
. . . there's nothing like a
Seo Your Electilc Appliance Doaler —this month he'f featuring Freozen In a Spring Fojtival of Real Values.
In I ,"i f jhling traffic II |u>t doein'l pay, Whewl Al •( Jr eUke a do? to end from Ihe office, . i n '• nd nhy I ever pvl up with traffic rong*iti«n# (• ji t-it king trouble. •i -u. !,Ui ti !u break away from Ihe old driving hobit. But once I made the change 1 wouldn't fighl lhal traffic end worry about parking ogaln. What a difference. "WHY DON'T YOU TRY IT?"
Face Five
Friday, April SO, 1054
'Lox and Yox' Beth El Players
n 11 in i ni HiBniiiiuiiiiMfflffliimm i
Orgooizotions iniiiilnillliil IIIINUII
An\. The Miiy Hoard im-i-tin;.^ of the Kpstcin-Mon:an 1'ost Nu. 2(10 Auxiliary, Jewish War Veterans will ho held Wednesday, -May fi, at the home of Mrs. Max Uelr.radc, Mir,J Lineolii Itlvd. Mrs. Nate Martus, president, aslis all board inemliiTS to please utteiid this mietini;. Imiwrtant plan:; will bt? discussed. Mrs. Meyer Kaplan, senior vicepresident and fund-raisiiif; chairwoman, has announced thut the annual Flai; Day Sale will he held Juno 14. All member:) who can lire asked to please participate in this very important project. Contact Mrs. Kaplan, WA C202 If you wish to help.
BE Sisterhood 'Die regular board nicetlni; of Both El Sisterhood will be held Wednesday, May 5, at 12:30 p. m. Hostesses for the luncheon will be: Mmes. Julius Stein, Sam Stcinbon:, Sum H. Stern, T. A. Tully, Nathan Turner, Harry Welnberi;, Kmest Wintroul), Samuel Wolf, I. I). Ziei:man, J. J. Krieden, J. J. Grcenhfic and Mnx Creenherc.
Tl Sisterhood The jti-it regular monthly mcctlnc of the Sisterhood year will be held this coming Monday, May 3, lit the Highland Town Club with luncheon at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Harold Ilrodkey and Mrs. Edward. Rosen nrc the luncheon chairwomen. Mrs. David I1. Fcder will civo the openinj; prayer. Mrs. Morton Hiller, president, will present the annual report on Sisterhood activities of the past year and National Sisterhood nwards will be made by Mrs. Carl Furth, Mrs. Milton Mayper and Mrs. Isldor Ziefilcr. The election and Installation of officers for the cominj; year will take place nt this meeting. The new officers will be Installed by IlabbI Brooks.
B&P Hadassah The members of the Business nnd Professional Women of Hadyissnh held their election of officers Tuesday evening In the Jewish Community Center. Miss Evelyn Levy, president of the group presided. Mrs, Morris Franklin installed the followlnR officers: Mrs. Phil
Sthu ut/ pn nil nt Mis lis Ho s, lust MLC (in idi n Mi*.:; Dorothy Itoscnthal, second vice-piesidcnt; Mrs. Alice IIeaj;er, 'indini; s e c r e t a r y ; Miss Myrtle l'Yeeman, recording secretary; Miss lloselle Handler, t.easurer; Miss l-ottie l!o;;rad, historian; Miss Jska Hotholtz. filancial secretary, and Mrs. Fan Lacman, parliamentarian. Directors elected are Miss Kliztbeth Hart, Eve Konecky and Lillian Uernsteln. On Sunday afternoon, May 2, Eve L. Konecky, will appear as narrator in an original skit which he wrote for the Hadassah LuncJieon and Hat Style Show to be held at the recional convention in Lincoln. Plans were formulated for the conilni; Inter-croup meeting to be held May 27.
ZBT Mothers' Club The Zela Beta Tau Mothers' Club will meet 1 p. m., Teusday, May 4 at the home of Mrs. Sum Steinberg, 122 S. 50th Avenue. Mrs. Sam Steinberg and Mrs. Mix OiKiibut' will n'lvc as ho I. i American C a n c e r Society research grants operate in 3G statef anil the District of Columbia.
...there's no better way to bake kosher cake!
Bl Sisterhood Members of IScth Israel Sisterhood will elect new officers for the coming year at their meeting to be held 1 p. m., Tuesday, May \ in the synagogue's social hall. The slate will be presented to the meinhers-at-Iari:e by the nomniitlng committee Mrs. Sydney loldbcrc, chairwoman, and Mines. Jack Joseph, Arthur Goldstein, Ixnvls Ashyll and Arthur Gould. A dessert luncheon will precede the election. Keservn'tlons can he made by contacting Mrs. Sol Mann or Mrs. Morris Ruderman. Baby sitter service will lie available.
Omaha Sketches Mr. and Mra. David Glazer of jalesburg, III., announce the birth if a ton, Michael Barry, liorn April 15. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mra. I. Parilman of Omaha nnd paternal grandmother Is Mrs. Michael Glazcr of Des Molncs, In. The couple also has n, daughter, Marlene, aged three. Mrs. Glazer is the former Dorothy Parllmnn of Omaha.
A ton, Jonathan Russell, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wells of New York City April 15. Maternal grandparents are Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Rubinstein of Omaha. Mrs. Wells is the former Jnne Rubenstcin.
The ISeth-Kl Supper Club I'liiyers are whipping Ihelr .ictn into fihnpo for the riilllclilnir, frolicking presentation of "I.IIV and Vox" nt tho Siipix-r Club meeting Sunday, .May 2, at 7 p. ni., in Ileth El Social Hall. Entertainment committee chairmen and tyro theatrical producers, Ynln nnd Irenn (iotsdlmr, promise an outhtuiuling performance. Members of the entertainment committee are: Mr. and Sirs. Sol I'arsovv, Norman Denenlierg, Morlry Zlpiirtiky and Have Klese. Members of the cant Include: Kvle. Klcc, Jeanne I.lpsi-y, Stun Llpsey, Orvcl Milder, Ethel fioldston, Seymour (iulilston, Norton Caron, Eunleo Denenliorg, Al I'lidlrr, Jerry Itoscn, Irv Kaiman, Sol Farsow, I'hll Vox, Ijiya FAgar, riorenci; Iilumentlinl and Dr. Stun Moldaunliy.
Mowloy Stora Hoars: 10 A. M. to 1:30 T. M.
A Spring Classic!
Our Sweater Dress
Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry LIbermnn announce the birth of n son, Brian Alan, April 2G in a local hospital. The couple has a daughter, Marsha Elaine. Maternal great-grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Steinberg. Maternal grandmother is Mrs. Clover Leaf Pattern "Camp Jay C-C campers will Sally Berlint and patemnl grandhave many of last year's staff mother Is Mrs. Abraham LlberSweater to Match back this summer," Dave Fofjel, Camp Director stated. Mr, FORCI announced that Llndy Paul, CenA son, Marc William, was born The classic sweater dress, ter Athletic Director, nnd Sher- April 23 in a local hospital to Mr. a wonderful costume for man Pnskn, will be out to aid in and Mrs. Paul Crouse. They have Spring and summor . . • the program. Other staff mem- mother eon James Frederic. bers are Arley Uondarln, Marty Maternal grandparents nrc Mr. bright clovor loaf pattern Jilackcr, Sonny Uelman, Arnie mil Mrs. K. H. Morris and pater- on a white background; Kaiman and Marshall "Happy" nal grandmother in Mrs. Snm Rif- dross has peter pan collar, Frank. kin. Maternal great-grandmother b u t t o n s to tho waist. Feme Kntlcman, Adele Chnsn- Is Mrs. H. Snmsalig. Brushed cotton knit sweatnov nnd Shirley Silvcrmnn will Mr. and Mrs. Sol Abrahamson er to match. Siios 12 to return to serve In the Girls' Vilof Shreveport, Ln., spent the holi- 20. Aqua - brown, gold • la ge. • Hack as assistant counselors are days with their parents, Mr. nnd Nancy liarron, Mntlcc Katlcman, Mrs. S. Temin. Mrs. Abraham-son blue, blue - roso. Jerry Marer and Dernlo Feldman. Is the former Mamie Temin. Several new couselora have been Daytime Dresses selected. Anita Daniels, Helene Mr. and Mrs. Irving B. Epstein Third Floor Sherman and Gerl Cohen will help announce the birth of n daughter, to round out the staff while Bar- I.es!lc Ann, April 21 In a local bara Kalln Is an addition to the hospital. Assistant Counselor's rank.t. Maternal grandparents are Mr. 1. I . IlKANKKIK £ KONS OMAHA. NKIIKASKA Addle Seals and her entire and Mrs. Harry Marks nnd Mr. rlrnHu Bfnil me thp follow* kitchen crew will be back. Tills is and Mrs. Sol Epstein nre paternal Addie's 14th year as head chef at grandparents. Maternnl g r e a t • tin. | Co lur | Size 1 l"rlr«* camp. Dave liclzer is returning an grandfather is Abraham Goldstein 1 1 I head of the K. V. crew, consisting nt New York City. 1 1 1 of the old regulars Marshall anil 1 1 1 I _ Mike Dcneribcrg and Frank Berg. Howard Kooper Is a new addition | State 2ml Color Clmlcc to the K. P. unit. Mrs. Morris Grossman will serve | Nainn Mr. Foj;el commenled that a as hostess at the 12 noon meeting few position:) are still open and of tho Cousins' Club to be hell Stn!«those, interested in securing posl- Wednesday, May 5, nt the IV I Clljr. I ) t'.O.U. ( ) tions at camp can contact the ac Worth Grill. Check ( ) livilles office In (he Jewish Com- • Those who do not wish lo attcm munity Center. please call WK 1010.
Staff Returns For Camp Jay C-C
Cousins' Club
Reach for the DROMEDARY package with the kosher
Youth Council Doings , NO. 1 S t u b b o r n determination and bowline skill paid big dividends for the AZA No. 1 Clams, as they won the National League Bowling Championship and placed second la the League play-offs. George Sacks, Mori Shrago, Art Schwartz, Stan Widman and Larry Schwartz comprised toe Mother Chapter honor team.
The 30th anniversary of the first chapter in the Aleph Zadik Aleph National Organbation has not gone unnoticed by the rest of the country. Congratulatory letters and telegram* have .poured in from all parts Of the USA. The celebration will consist of a party, Saturday. Hay 8. and the annual Parents-Day- Banquet, May 9. Reservations will be received by Art Schwartz and Jack Qruch. Aleph Stan FeOman won 9 superior ratios to oratory at the Nebraska Fine Arts Festival held April 2*-23 at Lincoln. He delivered a taBc oo World Federalism, which aba earned him the second place ribbon at the State Forensic League contest held , earlier this month. Larry Schwartz, Central Dance Band Leader, was one of five high school raosSdaas playing with the Notre Dame Concert Bond at Boy* Tom) last Sunday.
. •
Last Sunday, the Alephs held baseball practice at Hmwood Park. The practice was under the direction of Harold Friedman, team captain; and Dave Belzer, one of the advisors. The squad is progressing nicely, and the Centuryraen will b e ' dangerous opponents in the Youth Council League. Plans are nearly completed for 100's ninth Annual "King'Dance" to be held May 15 at the Paxton Hotel. Jerry Rosen and Kenny Freed are chairmen of Ihe dance. Murray Mayer, cultural chairman, has planned an interesting program for the meeting entitled "Juvenile Delinquency in America." Omaha's juvenile probation officer will address the group. COUNCILETTES Councilettes held their election meeting at the Jay April 2.i, at L New o f f i c e r s are: president. Deanne Markovitz; first vicepresident, Carole Frank: correaponding secretary, Sandra Krizelman; treasurer, Elaine Janj'.er; financial secretary, Joyce Can.ir; . sorKennt-at-arms, Eileen Epstein and Dianne Singer; youth council representative, Kay Markovitz; alternate. Shirley Raznick; historian, Sandra Fellman. and reporter Ina Margolin. The Mother's Day Installation Tea will be held May 1G. Plans for the annual Dates and Don't are still being completed. DEI1KA DEBS Marilyn Rice way elected president of Debka Debs at a meetin ; held April 2G at the Jay. Sari Shukert was elected first vicepresident: .lu.'inie Abrnms. rnmnd Vice-pre-ident; Bonnie H a y I: i n. secretary; Shelly Grecnber^ nnd Lora Fianklin, treasurers. . Others are Nancy Friedlartdvr and Sh"lly Green, serjeant-atarms: o irn Pepper, reporter: Jani-:* Brodkey. historian: Ilene Sachs, youth c nineil representative, and Bunn.e Ravitz, alternate. Committee ciiaimacn will lie selected by the n w Deb Council in the coming week. A formil installation for the new administration wlil be hrlii this Sunday evenin;; at 7 p. m. at the home of past president Suzie Richards. 1UV.LS AMI Fridny ni^ht. April 30, T. A. will attend the Bar Mitzvah of Billy Katzman brother of Rita. Saturdiy ni.iht, T. A. membra ' Will hold a Ilavdullah Service at Elmwood. Plans are in the making for the annual Mother-D a u g h t e r Tea which will be held May 23 for all T. A. members and their mothers. The name of the semi-annual Installation dance to be held May 29 has been announced as "Dancing in the Dark." t l win be held at the Fontenelle Hotel itAYT.W Last Sunday Rayim held an out-
door meeting at the home ol Jack Baker. Highlights of the meeting were a religious report by Dick Raskin, entitled, "The Universities of Israel," and an interesting pro-con diicusiion on T h e U. S. in Indochina," led by Jack Baker. A collection was taken and the proceed; were donated to the Cerebral Palsy Drive in behalf of Rayiin. Followin;; the meeting baseball practice was held at Klmwood Park at which th" boys sharpened up for the comin;: srason. Phil Schrap/'r has been selected as a candidate for Philanthropy King at the Philanthropy Fling to be held this Saturday nifiht at Beth EL Rayim members will observe the Sabbath tonight by attending services at Beth El Syna;*oj;ue.
With fhe Folks At Home PASSOVER 5714: This was a gay and happy period at The Dr. Philip Shcr Jewish Home For The Aged. Preparations started long before the holiday, as every nook and corner of the Home was cleaned of Chometz and prepared for the Holiday. The tables for the Sedorim were set in a Banquet V and the flower decoratiuns were furnished by the Bikur Cholkn Society. Although each and every Resident had the makings of tlie Seder set before him or her, the First Seder was directed by Mr. Sain Poster with Mr. Samuel Sommer asking the four questions and for the Second Seder, Mr. Morris Ackerman was in charge with Mr. Sam Colnlc asking the Questions. The Mizrachi Women's Passover Party was held Tuesday evenliiL'. April 20, and d:K> to the large turnout of Mizrachi member;; and their husbands, (his was one of the most successful affairs of the season. Kntcrtaimm-nt was by members of Shrier Dramatic School and Uie performers were especially appreciated thi.s evening. NEW PIQUES ADDKD TO .irEMOEIAJ, TAHLRTS: Mr. Meyer Brookstcin—14 Shevat 5714. Mrs. Miriam Wissman Donzls— 2 Shevat 5714. Mrs. Dorothy Milder—1 Elul 5713. Mr. Max Verct—23 Toveth 5714. Mr. Sam Josephson—27 Tumrnuz 5713. Special Memorial Services will be held in the Home Synagogue on the occasion of Yahrzsit for the following: Mr. Harry Steinberg—I Iyar— May 4. -Mr. Meyer Potashnik—8 lyar— May II. Mr. Joseph Kosowsky—10 Iyar —May U.
Friday, April SO, 1*U
Religious News 7:01 I". M. Candlclighting
PhilanthropiesPhling A t Beth El Saturday
BKTU ISRAEL. Rabbi Benjamin'Groner, Cantur Careers Conference Eli ICagan, and tlif Beth Israel Joan Kra'jio and Bob AbraraSynagogue choir will conduct late Friday evening cervices at 8 p. in. son have been chosen to head this year's CA1CEERS C0NrThe second annual ruilantliroSabbath morning services begin at FlJItKKCE committee. Because |ilc» rhliiif,' will be held this SatB;30 a. m. Junior congregation of the crowded Y. C. calendar, urday evening at tlie Beth EJ tervic.es start at 9:30 a. m, Uabbi Groner will conduct the tlie date for tlie conference has Synai;oi;ue at eight o'clock. A new feature has l>een added this Saturday Talmud class at 6:4J been set for June 21. year, in the selection by nil those p. m.; Saturday Minciia will start who atend, of n Philanthropies at 7:15 p. m... followed by Eholoshe King und Queen. The seven canS'eudos ar.d Maariv. didates, one representing each of Daily morning services hi:,'M\ at 7 a. m.; daily afternoon services David VVintroub, son of Mr. and the Youth Council Clubs, are: Counciletes, Dianne Markovitz; begin at 7:15 p. m. Sunday mornin;; service:; begin Mrs. Louis Wintroub will celebrate Debka Debs, Jonnlo Abrahams; at 8.15 a. m. and is followed by his Bar Mitzvah at Beth "El Sy- Tikvas Ami, Shirley Goodman; Rabbi Groner's Bible Discussion nagogue Friday evening, April 30, AZA No. I, Stan Widman. AZA class. The youngsters of the Talis :ind Saturday morning, May 1. No. 1CK), Jerry Rosen; Rnylm, and TeffUin Club begin their Ecrv- Friends mid relatives nre invited Phil Schrnger: and Unaffiliated Boys. Bernie Feldman. icc;i at 8:.'iO a. m. Breakfast b served at tlie conclusion of their to attend the services and the reA short, but entertaining proservices. The Talmud Discussion ceptions which will follow. . gram will also be presented Ingroup, currently studying the eluding a skit composed of tractate Sabbath, meets every Mr. and Mrs. Louis Singer an- USYers nnd NFTYites; and select Tuesday evening, 8 p. m. under nounce that their daughter, Edcle, conns by Central's Junior Boys the direction of the rabbi, at IJHI1 will celebrate her Bus Mitzvah at Quartette featuring Stan WidSynagogue, 19th and Burt. Beth El Synagogue Friday eve- man, Phil Schrager, Mike Solining, May 7 mid Saturday morn- man, nnd Jerry Ziegmnn. TEMPLE ISBAKL ing. May 8. Friends and relatives The dance chairmen arc Nancy At the regular Sliabboi services ure. Invited to attend the cervices Barren from USY and Jerry Friday evening nt 8 o'clock nnd and the receptions which will fol- Marer from NFTY; und the comSaturday morning at 11:40 o'clock, low. mittee, Includes Jane Brodkey, Barbara Ann Brodky, daughter of Silvia Green, John Goldner, Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Brodkey, will celebrate her Bas Mitrvnh. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Katzman an- Shelly Krantz, nnd Rita Pellz. As usual, the admission will Ilabbl Brooks will Jireach. In Bar- nounce that their Eon, William bara's honor her parents will re- Mayer, will celebrate his Bar be fifty cents, nnd all monry colMitzvah Friday evening, April 30 lected at the door nnd for tlie ceive the congregation after both nnd Saturday morning. May 1, in refreshment.1? will be given la services at an Oneg Shabbot. Beth Israel Synagogue. total to the 1054 Omnlm PhilanRcf^ilar ShablxM Morning ServFriends and relatives nre invit- Ihroplr* Drivr. ices will be held Saturday morning at 11:40 o'clock. Barbara Brod- ed to attend both ceremonies nnd key will assist Rabbi Broolcs in the receptions which follow. service. Kiddeh will be recited at the end of the service for all presFriday evening, April .'10 nnd Friday, Apr. 30 ent. Saturday morning, May 1. BarMichael Abraim, Ruizcll Frances. bara Ann Brodkey, daughter of Alperin, Scott David Baker, MirKKTII IX Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brodkcy. iam Brooks, Marc F.rving Novak Jjcrvicca will be held this eve- will celebrate her 13a:; Mitzvah nt and l/'on Ko.v;. ning nt 8:15 p. m. Habbi Myer S. Temple Israel services In the JewSaturday, May 1 Kripke will deliver tlie sermon. ish Community Center. In her M i c k e y (Michael) Feldman, Cantor Aaron X. Edgar and the honor her parents will receive aft- Karen Sue Gould, Marvin .Alleu Beth El Synagogue Choir will ren- er both services. Kirke, Sheldon Krizelman, Thomder the musical portion of the as Neal Irvine, Sol Stephen Marservice. cus, Fradelle Fny Stone, Jeffrey Sabbath morning services will Reservations for Irwin Swnrtz and David Wintroub. begin at 9:13 a. m. Minelta-Maariv AZA Anniversary Sunday ,Muy 2 services will start at 7 p. m. Daily Kllen Joyce Canar, Leslie Epservices nre held each week day The (leadline for reservations spteln, Richard Garr, Justin Eric at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. The Sunday for Mother Chapter AZA's 30lh Mulnlck and RefHtah Shormnn. morning service is at 9 a. m. Anniversary Parents' Day BanMonday, May 3 * quet is May L The banquet will Matthew Yale F.ner, Susan Linbe held May 9. Reservations may coln, Gerry I-ohrrnnn, John KenIK? made with Art Schwartz. neth Sutin and John David WhitAleph Godol, or Jack Oruch, man. reservations chairman. Tursiiay, .May t Bible and Talmud Tlie Alephs of AZA No. 1 will Jonathan Bank and Jnynle Sue lie host to their "brothers from Smeerin. \V< (incMlay, May ft By DIt. rilllJP SIIEIl Omaha, Kansas City, Lincoln. Bruce Goldstein and Tommy RuSioux.City and De3 Moines. All charter members nnd post ben. Illhlc Thursday, May 8 The integrity of the upright shall Aleph Godnl.s are invited to Uelene Rencc Wclnbcrg a n d guide them; but the por\crseness attend. Cynthia Lee Wolpa. • of the faithless Klmll destroy them. Tlie memory of the righteous Youth Council to Open shrill be a blessing; but the name of Hie wicked iiliall iK'ii.slu Philanthropies Drive He who turneth aw;iy his ear Miss Jessie Krueger from hearing the law, even his Tlie annual Youth Council Services vvpre held Tuesday, Philanthropies Drive will begin prayer is an abomination. at When the righteous exult there April 20 for Miss Jessie Krueger n kick-off dinner Tuesday, May 4, is great glory; but when the wiclt- with Interment at Golden Hill ut G p. m. In the Jewish CommuCemetery. Miss Krticger, G7, died nity Center. ed rise, men hide themselves. Sunday, April, 18. Co-chairman of the event are She is survived by ;i sister, Mrs. Marilyn Rice and Deanne MarkoTalmud Rabbi Chiyya was often vexed Blanche I.evine of IJ>S Angeles, vitz. Those on the committee aro by his wife. Nevertheless, when Calif. Ramon Somberg, tabulator and. he found anything suitable for her, the club chairmen Sheldon Krantz, he would buy it and bring it to Mrs. Anna Grossman Rayim; Phyllis Frcedman, Counher. When Rab cajd to him: "Becillettcs; Nancy Barron, Tikvaj) hold, she Is annoying the master, Service were held in Brooklyn, Ami; Sylvia Greene. Debka Deb; and why yet bring her pre.ient.s7" N. V., for Mrs. Anna Grossman. Jerry Ferer, AZA 1, and Marty "It is sufficient they make a home Mrs. Grossman, a former resident Sopher, AZA 100; Henry Pollack, for us, raise our children, and keep of Omnha, died there April 22. Independents. Suzanne Estrada Is us on the straight path.'' Survivers include her son, Har- representing Independent Girls. Our (Rabbis were taught—He ry of lying Island, N. Y.; two EL1;- All Youth Council members are who loves bis wife ns himself, and tcrs, Mrs. Henry Vonn of Omaha asked to attetid this event. honor; her even more tlian him- and Mrs. Philip Grecnsteln of Los self, and he who raises his cons Angeles, Calif.; three brothers, nnd daughters nnd leads them on Michael Colton of Omaha, Gabriel the right path, und tries to marry Ctolton of Los Angeles, Calif., nnd April 25 was the dale of the them off while they arc young, Mar Colton of San Francisco, U. S. Y. Post Passover Party at concerning him the passage reads: Calif., and nine,grandchildren. Bc,th El. A social hour and Israel "And thou Shalt know that there dancing were the highlights of tho is peace in thy tent." Monument Dedication e\'enlng. Saturday night the second anICRSKAUCH FIGHTS G'AXCEB The family of Mrs. J o s e p h nual phllanthrophies-phUnf! will be The American Cancer Society is fighting cancer with a national re Margolin and Mr. Gall Margolin held. It Is being sponsored by U. search program that helps finance will dedicate monument.", in their S. Y. and Nfty, the Temple youth 90O investigators In 140 instltu memories 2 p. m. Sunday at Beth group. Tlie admission la 50 cents, and tions. Help carry on this vital El Cemetery. Rabbi Mycr S. Kripke and Can1 nil proceeds will go to phllanwork by giving to tho ACS Crutor Aaron Edgur will officiate. trophics. sade.
and Queen Will Be blamed
Happy Birthday
G e m s of the
You We wish to man!; our* friends and relatives for their comforting expressions of sympathy in bereavement of our beloved Bert Canfield. Michael Canfield and family.
Refugee Tact Geneva (JTA)—Tlie international convention on the status of refugees ciime into force in six countries, assuring new rights to refugees admitted Into those countries and establishing a new travel document for them. The six countries are Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Germany, Luxemburg and Australia. In tlie United Kingdom, the convention will enter into force June 9. United Nations CJTA) — The United States did not ratify the convention relating to the status of refugees because rights of refugees In the U. S. "go far beyond" the rights accorded under that convention. W a l t e r Kotschnig, member of the American delegation at the United Nations, declared here. The American Cancer Society is sponsoring 283 grants-ln-ald for cancer research this year.
United Youth
Apr* M, UM
face Sera
Your Single Contribution tothe
Jewish Phila
les Campaign
Supports these Agencies and Institutions UNITED JEWISH APPEAL '
United Itrael Appeal
Jewish National Fund ' Joint Distribution Committee Mizrachi Israel Fund
Hebrew Theological College
American Jewish Committee
Hebrew Union College
American Jewish Congress
United Services for New Americans
. ,•
< Anti-Defamation League, B'nal B'riMi
Jewish Theological Seminary General Zionist Fund
Miiradii Education Committee
Jewish Labor Committee
Torah Umesorah
Jewish War Veterans
Union of American Hebrew Congregation*
United Synagogue of America World Union for Progressive Judaism Yeshivah University
Amorican Fund for 51 Israel Institutions American Ort Federation
Yeibivah—Chofefa Chaim
Evas Torah Fund
Federated Council of 144 Israel Instifutlont Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society Hebrew University in Jerusalem
Bellefaire Jewish Children's Home, . Cleveland
Yeshirah—Chachmey Lublin
City of Hope, Lot Angeles •« Ex-Patients Tubercular Home, Denver
Jewish Consumptive Relief Society, Denver
Yeiiiivah—Rabbi Israel Meyer Hacohen
Leo N . Lev! Memorial Hospital, Hot Springs
YesKvak—Shearith Haplet.h
National Homo for Jewish Children, Denver
National Jewish Hospital, Denver
Institute of Technology in Haifa National Committee for Labor Israel National Council of Jewish Women Pioneer Women'* Organization Wcizmann Institute of Science
Armed Services Activities Bureau of Jewish Education Beth-El Talmud Torah and Sunday School
American Zionist Fund
Youth Atiyah. Hadassah
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation!
Beth Israel Talmud Torah and Sunday School
B'naJ B'rith Vocational Service Bureau ' -
Shaare Zion Talmud Torah Temple Israel Religious School
B'oai B'rith Youth Organizations
'• Jewish Community Library
Oroptie College Histadruth Ivrith
Jewish Chautauqua Society ,
Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for A g e d .
Jewish Teachers Seminary
Jewish Medical end Welfare) Services
National Jewish Welfare Board
National Agricultural College
Synagogue Council of America
Yiddish Scientific Institute
Refugee Aid in Omaha
Amorican Association for Jewish Education
Religious InstituHons and Traditional Welfare Agencies in Israel receive support tftroagh your contributions to Hi* Jewish Philanthropies. A complete list of the beneficiaries is available at the Jewish Philanthropies office.
Jewish Philanthropies 101 No. 20th Street
Omaha 2. Nebr.
FrUUy. April-10, U < |
By Ltaily rauJ
BB Bowlers Start Drive
Tilcvas Ami's Mileroma Unit Wins YC Girls1 Bowling Title
The li'ii.-ii B'ritii Men and Women liowlers of Omaha IKIW IM.H-11 engaged in a drive for Israel the pan few welts. Under the able supervision of Arthu Cohen, the bowlers hope to sen the work of liarbara Joffe, who alxmt 300 Ixiwlim; shirts am was the league secretary and did blouses Tlic men fin a magnificent job in handling tin remindedtotoIsrael. bring their shirts I* league plus the two mixc-d tour- to the Banquet this Tuesday— naments with the Boys league. May 4-• Highland West Club. Th' FINAL STANDINGS women are urged to bring thei XV. L. blouses to their banquet tin Mileroma .1-1 !i 17'i Tuesday, which will l<e held ;i Debs Nebs 31 21 the H Worth Grill. Both Ban Gutter Gals ffl'i 22 "i quets arc scheduled to begin a Alley Cats 29*i 22'.i I>. m. Starlets 2S'i 23>i Three; Strikes & a Spare 2H 21 La Fa Ma Ri 27 25 Scoreless Fourlcss . . . . 20 20
Campus News Sigma Delta Tan The S. D. T.'s entertained several of their legacies last weekend. They are lluthie Chudacoff, Uliirley Noodell, and Sandra Shcrnan. Our Sunday dinner j;uejt was I lava Bernstein, a Unculn Hlf;h .School senior. Janet Gordon was awarded the out.standinf,' activities tro[ihy; Fran I^cke won the outstanding service award, and Itenee Hohtei1 received the outstanding pledge trophy. These presentations were all awarded at the initiation banquet. Last Monday night Edy Nauen announced her plnnini; to Sammy, Earl Marcus and I,eta Weiner announced her encasement to ZLJT Chuck Levincer. Sunday nii;ht three (;irls attended a Ited Cross picnic. They were Shirley Rosenberg, Gloria Shapiro and Fran Incite. The annual Ivy Day celebration will IK- held May 8. Four (;irls in our house have been chosen to march in the ivy and daisy chains. They are I.ela Weiner, Ilclene Sherman, Shirlev Hosenberj; and Phyllis Kaplan. Phyllis Kaplan was nlso elected to become a meml>er of Tassels, a women's i»ep and service organization. IAIII Gittelman is our entry In the A1/, Campus pie rating contest.
will be rounded off by picnic Sunday at Pioneer's Park. Sunday, May 10, is annual Parents Day. This past weekend 20 members Journeyed to Kansas City, Mo., to meet and hold a stag for seniors In that city.
The T. A. Bowling team Miler«ma are the 1954 Y. C. Girls Bowling league champion. Members of Zeta Beta Tan that team are Leona Hrown, Whoopee Dazo co-chairmen Nicl Mickey Freed, Rose Lagman and Miller from Kansas City, Mo., and Marsha Feldman. They defeated Jerry Kruplnsky of Omaha have last year's runners-up Debs Nob:; announced that ZBTs annual by 3te gumes. Members of the spring weekend honoring high Debs Nebs team are Phyllis Rosschool seniors will bo held May, en, Barbara Ruback, Judy Cohn 11, 15, 1G, instead of the dates and Suzie Richards, High indipreviously announced May 7, 8, 9. vidual honors go to Phyllis Rosen Whoopee Daze has been changed Who finished with the highest to this date In order not to conbowling average in league play, &.n flict with AZA No. l's 30th An^enviable 145. Phyllis was runnerniversary Weekend in Omaha. This Up last year to Tevee Bernstein will nlve Omaha's high school sen* With a 127. Tliis year Tevee was Slick Chicks 25 2G iors a chance to be able to attend runner-up to Phyllis with a high Lucky Strikes 20 2G A junior track meet for grade botli weekends. 135. This has been the top season Aicky Losers 23 2'J school boys from the f>th-8th .for Y. C. Rirls bowling. There were All Strikes Whoopee Daze 1954, to all in22 30 i;rade will IK- held at the Tecl J4 teams entered representing T. Line Lassies licatlr.ns will be bigger nnd bet« 20 32 IliKh track thi^ Sunday .starting A., Debs Councilettes. There were Bowling Belles ter than ever. Any high school 13 39 at 1:^/0 p. m. All boys are invited approximately 70 girls participatsenior who has not received an High Vive Averages to attend the meet and particiing, almost one-half of the girls in Phyllis Rosen, Debs Nebs . . . 115 pate. Events for the 5-Gth i;radInvltutlon or desires additional inthe Youth Council. The athletic Tevee Bernstein, 3 Strikes & formation, please contact Jerry t'rs are: '10 yd. da.sh, broad jurni department wishes to acknowledge Krupinsky, c/o ZliT House, 1345 a Spare 135 10 yd. dnsli, soflball throw-and R Street, Lincoln, Nebr. liarbara Joffe, Starlets 131 football kick. For the 7-8lb Laurie Oruch, La Fa Ma Ri .. 127 graders: 50 yd. d.ii,h, broad jump, Nlel Miller, sophomore in Business Administration College, has Toby Okrent, Starlets 123 soflball throw, 220 yd. run and recently been Initiated into Corn football kick will Iv/held. All enHigh Flv« (same* Cobs, university pep club. ZDTs Phyllis Rosen, Debs Nebs . . . 109 trants should wear e,ym dhoes Sigma Alpha Mn other actives In Corn Cobs are and l>e at the track by 1 p. m. The Youth Council track hope- Maine KranU, 3 Strikes & a 153 to warm up. There will he nvd- Last week .Marshall ileckcr nnd Dornn Jacobs of Deadwood, S. D., fuls will engage In their annual Spare US ols awarded to the winners of tl Norman Veit/er continued their and Mike Grcenberg of Omaha. track and field meet at the Tech Toby Okrent, Starlets No entrant 1can enter tournament travels as members of Kosmel's Klub's musical comedy High track Sunday May 9 Sev- Carole Frank, Starlets . . . . . . H7 events. the varsity tennis team. They show "Finlan's Rainbow" will bo eral track records will be threat- Leona Brown, Mileroma . . . . lifi more than three cent !. ilayed matches with the Univer- •icld May 1, 2, 3. ZBT's In Kosmet IIIRII Five Brrint ened, particularly in the field sity of Kansas in Lincoln, and with Klub are Marv Steinberg and . events. The shot put record held Phyllis Rosen, Delw Nebs . . . 312 Crei|;hton University of Omaha. Howard Vann, who nre In charge Tevee Bernstein. 3 Strikes & a by Ed Ilandl.-man of A.Z..A. 100 Also in the athletic vein, the Sanl- if publicity for the show, nnd , 278 In 1951 of 35' 7". will IK- threat- Spare .'. ny Nine started off the soflball MinrOi Kushner who Is secretary ened by ll.'irlnn. Rosen, liernie I-eona Brown, Mileroma . . . . 275 2C1 Tel Aviv (JTA >--Israel will ex- .e.ison with an 1S-8 victory- over if ihe Klub. Turkel, while Stan W i d m a n Joyce C'lmnr, Alley Cats Delta Phi fraternity. In the The brothers of 55vtn ISela Tau, seems a Rood bet to break I he Maine Krantz, 3 Strikes & a . port some 7,000.000 cases of citrus c u r r eSii:ma n t intra-mur.-d badminton last weekend, welcomed home 259 ruit this season and will net about football throw record of IS.'rnie Spare competition, Sinma Alpha Mu has three of their alumni from serv530,000,000 from th.- sales of this .. Bogdonoff of TIG feet. Other rult, it was stated here by Itzhak ?ir;ht participants and two teams ice in Korea. The three brothers V.C. records are GO yd. dash Hadassah Bowling Rokach and I. Chourin, directors .vii'i are nlrr-ady in the finals of were Justin Ilorwleh and Norm CJ.*rry Bernstein. 6.5). 100 yd. Iheir brackets. Ruback from Omaha, nnd Vcrn . dash (Jerry Bernstein 10.Hi. H80 W. L. :>f the Citrus Mnrkeiin:; Do.ird. These figures compare with the Two pinnln;;s recently hii:hlii:ht Davidson from Lincoln. yd. ran (Sol Wcinben; 2:'ifi5i. No,-; Urns. • I" 31 :he social activity. Karl Marcus On the athletic side of college Broad jump 'Jerry liernstein 18' Ilranfl'-i.i Kleerchrome ...'15 3.'i 517.000.000 to S18,MX).ciOO netted md Ntjrnian Krivosha were pinned 10 38 from last season's crop. In view n the p.'tst weeks to Edie. Nauen life ZBT s planning n practice 11"), and the '110 yd. relay Ed-.v.inh Jewelry of Israel's excellent crop, the counSoftball game with the inmates M .TJ .'i'J (LorRls. Woinlx'rg, Siegol and Millie Wine and Helene .Sherman respectively. Nebraska State Prison. InlraSmith Punti.ic 33 3'J try can increase its exports by 33 Bandlcman. 1:0.3.0. Norman Vcitzer was recently | M .T cent over l' . C>3 and double its The 100 yd. dash will be sub- Brandi-is E.xsy Washer ..?•" 11 1952 total. Due to the shortage lecled to Corncobs, the Nebraska mural competition will start this week. P,C> 4 2 stituted this year for the 220 RCA Victor oranges in Kurope, resulting >ep organization for men. Norman 23 •!!> of yd. run. Returning champs from* Mctz Beer from the destruction of the major Krivosha has one of the leadini; High Serl.H last year are: Colcman Groenberg share of the Spanish crop by cold dance roles in the Kor;met Klub (60 yd.): Harlan Rosen (shot Ilosf.- Garojvl.'W; Ann Sehiil- weather, the price of Israeli citrus iprinfi show, "Finion's lUiinlww." put), and Start Widman in the man. -1.1S; Dina Woom, .121: Lib-fruit is hiiiber than last year. Some N'onn Shyken Is head of the comfootball throw. It promises to be erty Filler, 123; Diane Itubin, 21 countries are buying Israeli fnittee for traffic co-ordination for • dose batle with Rayim ami •1M; .Min Frank, 112, and Addle fruit. It was stated. mechanical engineering d u r i n g A.Z.A. • 1, with Independent., a Sneider, -ill. The citrus marketing officials 'Engineer Week." It was anchance in the field events. Splits lounced that Marv Gilmas was Ann Scliulm.in, 5-7; Marian expressed the hope that some 100,- he recepient of the "Minute Man" Sloler, 300, and Charlotte Bluin- 000 cases of the G50.000 cases or- award as one of the thirty outdered by the Soviet Union could be .berg, 5-10. delivered before* the season ended. tandinc freshman ROTC students. Also, there arc big plans for tiie It was pointed out that lx?cause of the undue severity of the weather lext few weekends. The weekend Table Tennis Meet' the Odessa area, which spoiled if April 30, will find high school Klalnr Kantz To Be Held May 14-15 in the fruit before it could be unload- ;eniors from all over Nebraska Elaine Is one of the veteran,"* ed, shipments 'to HIP USSR were ind other states gathered at the In the GirLs Y. C. bowling league. Park and Hecreation Commisfor a month. They also SAM house for an outstanding r,o••" This has been her best season. Hhe sion will sjionsor a state tennis suspended that there are fjo<*d pros- lal weekend. The night of the . ' is a senior and a member of the tournament May 11 and lo at the revealed for sif-nin^ agreements for !0ih there will be a "Safari '.'. CtWncUettcs Alley Cits tcnni. In Kcllom Community Center, 21th pects fruit sales to Rumania and jTlun- •itomp" at a .nearby Jodge house. . ..'March, she bowled series of 287, and I'aul sts. «ary. Saturday night the Italian Village 277.'284 mvl 225. This holpod lift There w-ill be mi'ti's and womis host to a dinner for the boys " h e r average to 121. .She finished en's, junior boys and girl--;, men's j ind their dates. After the dinner I..unft cancer, which is increasing hear the top five in hij/li imJivid- doubles, mixed doubles and junior! Uai average. Fur hor interest nnd doubles divisions. The entries will) faster than cancer ot any other veryone will gather back at thetook 22,000 lives last year. Sigma Alpha Mil house for the improvement List month, Klainc be made up of classes "A" and jsite, Ilt-lp combat this menace by Riv- •Stardust nail" which Is to be ''wfll receive the Howler of the inc to the American Cancer So- !ield on a special dance floor in The winners will receives troMonth Award fnr March. font of the house. The weekend phles and the nmners-up awards. ciety Crusade. Entry blanks can he obtained at the Park and Hecreation Commission office. GO.j City II.ill, nnd ICelJom ,'ind Florence Cornnmnity ccnMembers of the Junior B'nai lers. E'rith Bowling League are making plans for their last (;et- The GIJ2 cancer clinics in the U. .• together'of the season. Trophies S. are double the number existing and awards will bo given at the ten years ago but many more arc Served Buffet Stylo! banquet 1 p. m. Sun'lay, May 2 needed. Help fight cancel by supporting the American Cancer SoAll You Care to Eat at the 11 Worth Grill. The bnnrpiet is free to League ciety Crusade. members. Subs are also cordially invited to attend. The price for NOON TO 3 P. M. »iibs is $1-25. Any subs who would like to attend, should make their JA 3 263 10 imert your Want Ad reservations immediately by call- Vrh'mt 'flie Jewish J'reaj. food certificate) $5, $10, $15, $20, $25 or Current ril« If yi cenu titr tscti latering Beverly Bloom, WA 7807 or tlonfl Tlie l'rrai rfifrvM th* rlgtit to llralt Ida Sacks, AT 0G62. Stuart Kut- tlee on eicU advertisement. prepared packages from $9,80 Jer, president of the group, wljl «ct as MC. Other officers of the BAR and Bas Mifzvah congratulations; also for all Jewish holileague invlude: Mickey Sacks, vice-president; Tom Platt, treas- days and special occasions• r - *• *• Urere; Beverly Bloom, secretary; Meyers News Stand. 1502 Dodge £ - . CO 51800 • JtiU t i l l and Maureen Zevitz, sergeant-atTWO BEDROOMS Btnlm H.Vu BMibn bdwft ttt, • 21 CUM tL • M «41N HOTEL BLACKSTONE «rms. Furnished or unfurnished — with Counselor tare Harold Bloom, kitchen privileges—Women preLOCAL AttlMT — MWKI1 COMMUMITT CIHTtt Ida Sacks and Harry Collck. ferred. WE 4698, 101 N. Mlk IT. JA1IM
Grade Schoolers Track Meet Sun.
YC Track Meet Sunday, May 9
Israel Increases Citrus Fruit Export
YC Girl Bowler for March
Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on Sunday
Jr. B3 Bowling '.Banrus? Sunday
Sunday Brunch
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