May 7, 1954

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VOL X X X I I — J f o . 35 e n « « « •» acamt-Vlui Wallej II l-o.l- O M A H A , N E B H A S K A , F R I D A Y , M A V 7, 1 9 5 i 'w *^«»«» - 1 U < " " ortlco, Onutfia, Nebraska, undir Acl of 1&71*. ' '

1'ubllnlied ever, Friday, 101 K. 20111, nrnnii*, Netmiska, vutint JA 130«

B1UEU COPT 10 AJUIU&I f u u « J

UJA Youth Division 30% Increase "Jewish Youth of Omiilm has a vitaUtake in the outcome of the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign," Harry Sldman, guest speaker at the Youth Philanthropies Cam palgn dinner, sold in urging come 200 members of the Jewish Youth Council to make their contributions match the needs of the 1951 Campaign. Larry Schwartz, President of the Youth Council, presented Mr. Sidman who is chairman of the Men's Division of the Campaign. "Our youth of today Is the leadership of tomorrow. It is important that we understand our obligations and responsibilities," Mr. Schwartz said. The rally was planned and dl rected by Deanne Murkovitz and Marilyn Rice, Co-Chairmen of the Youth Division, assisted by Rnmon SomlxTg, who is In charge of tabulations. "We are happy to report that the response of Omaha's Jewish Youth will bo most encouraging to aur adult community. Both In turn-out and in results this is considered to be n most successfu youth campaign function," the Co-chairmen said. Himion Sombcrg, tabulator, reported that cards ran aiM>ut 30 percent Increase. "This will bo a banner year for our Youth C o u n c i 1," Larry Schwarz, Youlh Council president emphasized, "l>ecause we are determined that every high schrxjl ttudent parllcipate hi this canv palim. Our goal Is 100 percent response, ,-ind under the splendid leadership of our chairmen and their co-chairmen, we confidently expect this." Hobby Meyers delivered the in1 vocation, and Sheldon Hips Kave the Ix.Tiediction. A movie "Three Lives" was shown at the conclusion ot the program. Mr.;. Aaron Hips, chairwoman ot the Women's Division, wan a curst of the Youth Division.

Byroade's Speech Brings Protest Jerusalem (J'i'A) — The Israel Government protested formally to the United .States against Interference In matters which concern Israel alone ami warned that Assistant .Secretary of State Henry A. Byro.ide's suggestion last Sattirady night that Israel should limit inmifi;ral!op Into the country ns a means of reassuring tin? Arabs might "impose n severe strain on Israel-American friendship." The protest was made by Dr. Walter Kytan, director general of file Israel Foreign Ministry, who summoned American Charge 'dAffnlres Francis Russell on instructions' from Premier nnd Foreign Minister Minister Moshe Siiarett nnd conveyed to him the sentiments of the Israel Cabinet. Dr. Kytan declared (hat the Israel Government regards the passage in Mr. IJyroade's speech— made before the nntl-Zlonlst American Council for Judaism—n.s "unjustified Interference in matters which are purely Israel's own concern, subject entirely to her own sovereign judgment." Dr. Kytan pointed out that the right of every Jew to immigrate to Israel Is a fundamental principle of Israel's policy and legislation. "The Israel Government deeply regrets the attempt made by a United States official spokesman, despite that principle, which [s liable to Impose n severe strain on Israel-American friendship," he stated.

Nation-Wide Loan Project


OMAIU I. uat

to tii» Pmalte Nariwtol floitlt ir#

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Women Plan Follow-Up Drive An Intensive one-weelc drive, designed to follow-up all women's cards still outstanding began Thursday, May G, under the chairmanship of Mrs. Richard Iiiller, follow-up chairman of th<» Women's Division. "With the splendid work done so far by the Women's Division of the Philanthropies Drive, we have only about 500 cards to solicit in the time of one week," Mrs. Hlllcr said. "We are fortunate to have a special volunteer corp3 of about 50 women who have pledged themselves to complete the women's drive within one week's period." Stressing that this week will mark the sixth anniversary of the State of Israel, Mrs. Anton Hips, General Chairwoman of the Women's Division, urged all prospects to make their gifts in the followup drive. In addition to the United Jewish Appeal, which Is the major beneficiary of the drive, some 200 overseas, national and local agencies depend tipon the Philanthropies campaign. Mm. Alfred Fiedler Is assisting in the follow-up effort. The women who volunteered RO far to help In the follow-up phase of the women's division are: Mesdames: Abe Bear, Robert nernsteln, Paul Dlolcky, Jack (Continued on Page <J.)

Dr. Silver Dr. Abba Hlller Sliver, rabbi or the Temple In Cleveland, will be one of the distinguished religious speakers at the Centennial Religious Forum Wednesday, May 12, at Ak-Sar-Iien Coliseum. Dr. Silver Is regarded as a foremost spokesmen of Zionism in the United States and is one of the leaders who aided in the establishment of the State of Israel. He served as chairman of the American Section of the Jewish Agency for Israel, chairman of the American Zionist Kmergency Council and President of the Zionist Organization of America. He was recently honored in Life magazine ns one of the twelve leading preachers in the United States. Dr. Silver has authored volumes on history and religion, notably his work on "Religion in u changing world" and "The World Crisis and Jewish Survival." His latest book, "Vision and Victory," is a collection of his major addresses during the crucial years prior to the establishment of the State of Israel. Dr. Silver Is a graduate of the Hebrew Union College and was ordained In 1915. He has served as President of the Central Con-

30th Anniversary of AZA


•• 111!J Si






ICobrrt Cronby, Onvrrnor of Nelirusiui, (left), presents Art HrlnvurU, (right), Alrpli Oinlol of AZA No. 1, tvltli a proclamation (lecl.irlnK Aleph ZnjlIU Aleph Dny In NVIiraslm. The Mother Chapter will celebrate Itn 30tli anniversary Hunday, May 0, at itn annual AnnlviTKury-PurrnU Hay Ilanqimt. The affair will Iw held at 6 p. m. In tho nlaclmtonc Hotel Ballroom. Twenty new Alrphs will bo Initiated Into AZA No. 1. Tho advisor** cliolco of the outstanding Aleph and athlete will be nuulc at the banquet, (iuent sppnlcr will be B«n Kaalow, prominent attorney and charter member of the group. Mr. Kanlow was a national AZA debate champion In 1927. < , ., ,

Dr. Abba Ilillel Sliver ference of American Rabbis. Science or religious tickets in the Centennial ticket book may be used for admission to the forum and additional tickets can be obtained at Russell's Sporting Goods store, J81G Farnam st.

Israelis Released Jerusalem (JTA)—The three Israelis who were imprisoned by the Iraqi authorities for months when the plane on which they were traveling was forced down at Baghdad have l>oen released and are already In Teheran, Iran, it was announced here. Cancer cures are being effected by surgery and radiation today that were not possible by treatment methods of ten years ago, the American Cancer Society says. Support the ACS Crusade.

Sunday Radio, TV The Eternal Light program .under the auspices of the Jewish Theological Seminary will present a broadcast celebrating the sixth anniversary of the independence of Israel, over WOW-Radio from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon. It is entitled "The Smallest Ship in tho World" and is dedicated to the Israeli Navy. Greetings from Ambassador Abba Khan will follow. 'Frontiers of Faith" will offer the dramatic presentation "The Camel and I" featuring Sam Levene over WOW-TV from 11:30 to 12 noon. It Is a gently humrous story about a new settler in Isrial. "Message of Israel" will be presented over KOII. from 10 to 10:30 a. m. Rabbi Felix Levy, of Congregation Emanuel In Chicago, III., will speak.

The Omaha Jewish Federation lias this week forwarded a check for $325,000 to the United Jewish Appeal, us its share toward a Tiatlon-vvlde $75,000,000 loan project for Israel, J. Harry KulakoN sky, Federation president, announced today. The purpose of the $75,000,000, loan project, Mr. Kulakofsky exr plained, is to help Israel solve Its most pressing financial problem,' namely, that of refinancing Its short term obligations coming due in 1054. It will result in an actual saving to Israel of $8,000,000 In interest charges in the next five years. It will also effect tremendous savings in commodity purchases, because of Israel's improved cash position. Largest Loan "The amount of $325,000 was loaned to the Jewish Federation by tho Omaha National Bank, to be repaid over a period of five years," Mr. Kulakofsky said, i'and. represents the largest sum loaned, to the Jewish community. It is an experience that every Jewish person in our community shares with pride and dignity. "Tills loan is concrete evidence < of faith in the Jewish community of Omaha, and in its annual Jewish Philanthropies c a m p a i g n , through which Omaha Jews bring aid and reconstruction to (ellowJews everywhere. It also shows confidence that the Omaha Jewish community will repay this loan, as it did Its loans In former years." Stressing that this loan is an affirmation of deep faith in Israel's . future, Robert II. Kooper, General chairman of the Jewish Philanthropies Drive, observed: "In many parts of the world, enemies of Israel arc anxiously predicting Israel's economic collapse. They hope that Jewry will soon tire, and will cease Its interest and brotherly concern for the welfare of fellow-Jews in Israel. "Humanitarian Work" 'But their hopes are in vain. Jews of Omaha, along with Jews all over America, are determined that the United Jewish Appeal shall continue its humanitarian work, and safeguard the achievements of the State of Israel and its 1,050,000 Jews to whom Israel Is the only refuge. "I am confident that this loan, extended to our community for United Jewish Appeal needs in Israel, will accelerate our own efforts in Omaha, .and" bring the Philanthropies drive to a speedy conclusion. I urge all campaign workers to clean up'their cards, and every Jew in Omaha to respond to our appeal by making a most generous contribution toward the causes embraced in the Philanthropies Compaign." .. Mr. Kulakofsky reported that arrangements with the local bank were made by David Blacker and Harry li. Cohen, and clearance with the state banking authorities by Jack W. Mnror.

Dr. Slier Receives B'nai B'rith Award Dr. Philip Slier, pioneer leader in communal affairs, was presented with a citation for humanitarian service by B'nai B'rith. Dr. Slier has been a member of B'nai Ii'rith for fifty years. Dr. Sher has also received recognition for his book, "From the Diary of Dr. Sher." The Nebraska State Historical Society has requested a copy for their collection.


Friday, Hay 7,

U. N. Newsletter


United Nation Personality

Published Every Friday by the Federation for Jewish Service

4B«r«> U MCO&d-cuuu muter u Omana, Netrailca. (inner tlie fcet of March 3, H7». AMnUi MutMcnpUon, >4 (Ml Advertising Hatca on Application. Wm-trtW utttm mi ho. xuti) Btnn, Oro*lia, Ncfcr., JAclutoa 1250. M M (bop AHmu—IBOS bo. 201H Mrtet.

I5y Arthur Ix-win United Notions «JTA) —Next to Benjamin Cohen, the Assistant Secretary General in charge of the Department of Public Information here, Colonel Alfred G. Israel this Sunday marks her Iuiiopemli'iice Day mul Jit Kntzln Is probably the most prom•ixth anniversary. It WQH in May of 1 !JIS, that a small group o inent Jewish personality in the men and women, acting under the aepriH of tl)« United Nation United Nations .Secretariat. For iwd in fulfillment of an ancient promise, announut-d tlic ctab Borne time, he lias had the title lisbment of the "Jewish States in Palestine, to be called tli of special consultant and has been State of Israel," used ns a kind of "trouble shootTbia little land, ignored and neglected for 2,000 years, hit er," but it is common knowledge been literally clasped by loving hands to the bosom of a jieop! tliat lie is to become director of personnel in this international or•which has known trugedy and isolation for many centuries. I'o ganization. two millenia this land, barren and harsh in appearance, n-mot His appointment Is part of tho and forbidding in its geographical location was forgotten, sav reorganization of the Secretariat only in the prayers of its dispersed people. which the .Secretary General, Doe Now, aa if in penance as well aa in justice, this .small frag HummarsJijold, is i n s t i t u t i n g . neat of the earth's surface has had lavished upon it an extra There is talk here that Mr. Cohen, ordinary care-and attention. The efforts of it« people to re who halls from Chile, will switch build, to restore its ancient fertility, and to rehabilitate nearly jobs and become head of the Dea million newcomers, have been without parallel in our history Capital Spotlight partment of Trusteeship Affairs. Where but a generation ago were desert and sand dune, thereby releasing Dr. R a l p h there are today prosperous, bustling cities. Where once i,heej Bunche, the ninn who brought about the Palestine armistice, for grated and nomads wandered, truck farms flourish. Where be. roving assignment which itf. once pestilence was so overwhelming that no man wan safe from Hammankjold wants him to have. malaria, there are now hundreds of settlements, villages, town and industrial enterprises. English Birth mission of Dr. J. Robert OppcnBy Milton Frlrdinan The Zionist dream of a Jewish slate has been realized. Although he was born in Englieimer, the Baghdad radio wrl This small nation, on her sixth anniversary, i.tands as a Washington (JTA)—Iraq has this as evidence that tin and, Colonel Katzln Is yet antestament to the indomitable spirit of man, a renffirmation of :mbarkcd on a propaganda cam- corned United States considers Jews as other of the distinguished Jews his faith in himself and his unlimited potentialities. jalgn urging the United States likely security risks. Baghdad rom South Africa. Ambassador Government to adopt domestic said: "This new r.canilnl exploded Abba Eban, the permanent rep[intl-Jcwish policies. This emerged like a bombshell in the United resentative of Israel here, was ' colncidcntally with Ihc State De- Stoles, nnd Its results will bccomi originally a South African, and partment's annoucement of Iraq's apparent in the near future. A o was Mordecai Kldron, the new status as the first Arab any rate, the rcsullr, will not be leputy representative of Israel. It is doubtful if any other ofNew York (JTA)-Dr. Nnhum . Washington (JTA)— Dr. Lincoln League nation to receive Ameri- gratifying to the Jews of Arrier icial here- has had a wide and lea." Goldmann, president of the Con- B. Hale, 54, president of Evaa-.- can arms aid. .aried nn experience of United Iraqi Ambassador Moussa AlDrfrnsf* ference on Jewish Material Claims ville (Indiana) College, has been •"Jatioris affairs as Colonel Katin an addrcs.5 before Against Germany, welcomed an- officially named director of the Shabandar, A few days after the Iraq zin, but this is not the only rca.S. operations missions in Israel, \meric-in officials at Washing' nouncement by the Joint Distribu- U. which is receiving $32,500,000 in :on's Slioreham Hotel, sought broadcast the Israeli Home Serv- .on why ho is being put in cliargc tion Committee of a combined re- •pedal economic aid for the cur- publicly to engender suspicions ice went on the air from Jem if this organization's 4,000 intcrsettlement and integration pro- rent fiscal year. regarding the loyalty of Ameri- fialcm with a defence of Dr. Op- ' civil servants. As an gram, at a cost of more than Ucsidcs the special economic aid can Jewry. A similar speech pre- penheimer. The Israeli commen- ldvisor to the Secretary General, Si,3GO,000 on behalf of Jews in pro;p"am. Dr. Hale will direct the loudly came from Charge D'Af- tator's %'iew wns that "if hence- ic has already had to deal with the principle is introduced everal tricky personnel probthe last remaining Jewish DP extensive work under the techni- 'alros Abdullah Ibrahim lialtr of fcrth that a person making a mistake camp in Germany, Cnnip Foohren- cal cooperation program, which flf- he Iraqi Embassy. The Halts in judgment, as it may tranr;pire cms and be is a member of the fects virtually all elements of the iddrejs, however, w;ts not de- a few years hence, ir, a traitor, •evicvv Imard for the Secretariat. wald. Mthmjgh he li not very well The plnn, under which JDC will economy, U. S. technicians arc livered personally but wns read saboteur, or the like, all corts of inown. nil he does in the spend $650,000 granted to it by contributing toward the develop- « the Iraqi's Ixjhalf at tho Stat- scientists and experts will become c-at."S ofKiting the mighty up on the the CJMCAG nnd the West Ger- ment of Israel's transportation ler Hotel by Edwin M. Wright, fear-ridden . . . A very enlightman Government will i;ive an ad-, agricultural. Indus- S t a t e Department officer In ened imagination Is not needed hirty-elghth floor here, ho. h;is n -cputatlon for l>eing very fair In ditional ?714,000 provides: 1. Cash trial, public health and sanitation charge of Turkish affairs. to realize the political conse- he handling of the staff. Internal Affair* grants, including sizeable sum:-, for systems. During the current fiscal quences . . . While all sorts of basis subststancc for one year, to year Sl.'IST.OOO has been allotcd fund liaising: Publicity has been p.ivcn demagogues are being given a free families emigrating to Snulli for this purpose. Washington to an April 15 radio bund to exploit the life struggle Shortly jitter he joined the American and other areas; nnd 2 Dr. Hale was bom in Anxonia iroadcast over the Iraqi Home of Jnitcri Nations in 1U48, Colonel democracy with false aceusa Ftwds to provide* furniture and Conn., in August, 1899. He was originating in Baghdad. tiom;, defamation, nnd persecution vatzln.was put hi charge of fundother household items for thoso awarded degrees at Yale* and Vin- lervicc inf, for UNICKF. the United of Iraqi Gov- of innocent persons, in an atempt remaining In Germany. The Ger- cennes Universities. From 1927 to n this broadcast views, it was indicated to stir up intentional hysteria, nt Nations International Children'* man Government has also agreed 1930, Dr. Hale was assistant di 'mment Emergency Fund, nnd he organto find employment opportunities rector of the Thessaloniki Agri hat Iraq is placing its trust in this very moment there h the ized the highly successful United and apartments for those who do cultural and Industrial Iastitute In ion. Joseph IV. McCarthy because danger that democracy is adopt- >*ations Appeal for Children or McCarthy is distinguished by his ing the very methods It sef out to not emigrate and to aid them in Greece. He is ,in ordained minister JNAC as it was called. In thli integration in the local economy. of the Congregational Church and intense aversion to Communists fight" , he got to know most of tho md Zionists." The broadcast said served as field representative of •Some in Wasliinf.;ton seem to Additional funds will also be lelegatcr, here. the latest scandal which McCnrforget the tragic participation in provided for institutional care for the Yale Divinity School. by hns been able to uncover Is Ho has been sent on many misthe "so-called "hard core" cases he attitude of Oppenheimer, tlie the pro-Nazi revolt In Baghdad Ions, the nx>st imixjrtant of which among the Foehnmwald croup- handicapped individual1;—by the ew . . . "In this manner Iraq had during World War II. There arc 'as probably his visit to Korea. aged, chronically ill or physically JDC, Dr. Goldmann noted. injected Itself into the Internal Iraqis who were actually trained le was sent there as the personal affairs of the United States. The in propaganda methods in Gerprescntative of the Secretory tatc Department's only reaction many as guests of Dr. Joseph >neral, who at that time was lias been to express pleasure that Gocbbcls. In 1949 and 1950 the Prygve Lie, to report on the raq sees lit to accept free Amerl- Iraqis carred out Nazi-like pog ituation at a critical stage of the Friday, May 7 :an munitions for "the defense roms which resulted In the mass •ar. Another of his Jobs was to flight of Iraq'fl Jews to Israel. ake charge of the "Uniting For Pre-School—9:00 a. m.—Center. if . , . the free world." Israel Li the only Arab League > c e Group" which serviced the Saturday, May 8 Expressing the view that antlTemlpe Israel Mother's Day Luncheon—1:00 p. m.—American ewish elements ore now at work member which refused to con- .'ollectlve Menmrra Committee, clude an armistice with Israel at Legion. aehlnd the scenes In Washington, the conclusion of the Palestine moribund body which never took ISRAEL INDEPENDENCE DAY. he Iraqi broadcast cold "the re- War and today it is the loudest ny mensuros nnd !.i now more or . Sunday, May 9 cent months have witnessed a Arab voice for renewed hostilities. ess extinct. This was hardly" MOTHER'S DAY. angiblc change in the policy of Yet Iraq has been selected by the Colonel Kntzln's fault nnd he and Children's Program—2:00 p. m—Center. Js staff were praised for the A. Z. A. No. 1 Parent's Day Banquet—C:30 p. m.— Blackstone he United States toward the United States ns the first Arab ork they did In devising a blue .llddle East, with less attention League recipient of free Amerl Hotel. Tint to prevent ngeression. icing paid to the interests of can munitions. Young Adult Lounge Night—8:00 p. m— Center. At the end of the war. Colonel Brad." It added that "the Arabs Monday, May 10 atzin who had a great rcputaavo welcomed this change which Pre-School—9:00 a. m.—Center. Edward G. Ilobineon tells about ion oa a supply officer both wllb lemonstrates that America has BlkurCholim Luncheon—1:00 p. m.—Center. x?gun to sec the truth in this part the Russian general, an expert on he South African Army and the Workman'.1; Loan—7:."S0 p. m.—Center. concentration camps, who was in- Iritish forces, became deputy diif the world." B'nal B'rith Monsky Chapter No. 470—8:00 p. m.—Center. specting a camp in Russia. Being ector general of UNIUIA. He TUB of War Ralph Flanagan and Orchestra—Ak-Sar-Ben. in- a good mood, he patted one of the executive head.of the or"President E i s c n hower," the the Jewish prisoners on the back ;tmlzatlon Tuesday, May 11 as the director general raqi said, "steers a middle-of- and said: "I shall give you a as the Into Pioneer Women—1:00 p.m.—Center. FJorcllo LaGuardia. he-road course between tho two chance to be free. I have one glass When UNRJIA Pcrotz-IIirshbcin Meeting—1:00 p. m.—Home. folded up, a of his party . , . Eisenhower eye. If you can tell me which one "olonel Katzin wa3 Council Study Group—1:00 p. m.—Home. did not worry i, however, more inclined to Mc- it Is I shall let you out." Ralph Flanagan and Orchestra—Ak-Sar-Bcn. what ho was going to, do 'arthy than to Dcwey. This Is "It's the left one," said the bout Wednesday, May 12 ext; he took his car and drove natural corollary of the stand prisoner, without a moment's hes- iround Pre-School—9:00 a. m.—Center. United States "just to aken by the Jews of New York. tatlon. The general admitted that ;e whattho Beth El Sisterhood Luncheon Meeting—1:00 p. m.—Beth EL this country tick." . . In tiiis manner, all these tang- tvas correct but asked how the A tall makes Landscape Painting Class—1:00 p. m.—Center. handsome man in his ile contradictions in the trends prisoner had guessed it. Zionist Council—8:00 p. m.-—Center. liddlc forties, Colonel Katzln Center Orchestra—8:00 p. m.—Center. f VS. policy, now for the Arabs, "That was easy," answered tho peaks English In a clipped miliBB Monsky Chapter No. 470-Adult Education—8:00 p. m.—Homes* ow for Israel, become apparent, Jew. "It looked at me so kindly." tary manner with a Blight South n fact. It is a violent and secret Workman Circle Ladies Auxiliary—8:30 p. m.—Labor Lyceum. frican accent. Although he U ug of war between tho Jewish —(JTA) Centennial Lecture on Three Faiths. a "good mixer," he knows how md anti-Jewish forces in Amer- In the U. S. today about 160,000 lot get , Thursday, May 13 along with people to the Leadership Traininc Institute for Teenagers— 3:45 p. m.—Center. ica. Tho mere emergence of this rhildrcn under IS years of age arc xtcnt that he cent one newspaper ug of war should fill the Arabs athcrless and 175,000 are mother- eporter who was prepared to Council Women's Board Meeting—Homes. 4th optimism and faith." Bridge Class—8:00 p. m.—Center, less due to parents' cancer deaths, iathe him away all smiles and B'nal B'rith—Cornhuskcr Lodge—8:00 p. m.—Cetiter. , t . , Concentrating on the suspen- the American Cancer Society re- \x\\ of his praise. Beth Israel PTA Meeting—8:30 p. m.—Beth Israe' on by the Atomic Energy Com- ports HARRY HALPERT.


Israel's Sixth Anniversary

Iraq Launches Propaganda In U.S. for Anti-Jewish Stand

Resettlement Plan New U.S. Director For DP's Lauded Named to Israel

Community Calendar

Friday. May 7, UM



Face Three


U. S. Policy Brings "Feeling Of Isolation in Israel" Neil York (JTA)—Israel's lioper for nn early peace with the Arab Btute.s have? been "shattered" by the "intrasi^eant attitude of the Arali v.orld, t!ie inuuntiiii; tensions along IJIT border and the overt pro-Arab (Kjlicy of the Soviet Union mid the Soviet satellites," Pr Nahum Coldmann, chairman of the Jewish Acency, Btiid this weelt addressing the annual dinner sponsored by the American Jewish Congrov; on l>ehalf of the United Jewish Appeal at the Hotel Pierre. Although Israelis me careful not to roach nny hasty conclusions In interpreting America's policy In the Middle East, he said, "the Vague mid often vacillating policy Of the United States" contributes to "11 feeling of isolation" In Israel. The major I>ortion of Dr. Goldmjinn's speech was devoted to Statements wlUch Assistant Secretary of State Byroade had made In Dayton, Ohio, nddrcss. Dr. Goldrnann praised Mr, liyroade's Statements as nn honest effort to Itrike n balance between Israel ond the Arab states, nlthou(;h de elisions fiuch tts arming tho Arab States bafflo Israel and are the cause of anxiety. He replied lhar|>ly to Mr. Hyroadc'i; advice to the Israelis that they should "come to tnily look upon yourselves as a Middle Eastern state rat hen thnn as n headquarters— or nucleus to speak—of worldwide groupings of peoples of a religious faith." C'harglnii that Mr. Iiyroado has ncci-ptcd on this issue, unwittingly perhaps, the "theories and concepts of the American Council for Judaism which represents a tiny minority of American Jews," Mr. Goldiii.-imi Buld:

"Ji is to the function not the btriiM'Ks of the .State Department, noi any of ila spokesmen, to advise Jewish communities on their relation:! to Israel. The American Jewish community must reject any attempt, from whatever quarter tind whatever source, to

Israel Accuses Jordan in U.N.

Federation to Stage Pageant

interfere in such problems. The relationship lictween the Jevvisl people* mid Israel has the profoundest religious, moral and intellectual and spiritual significance. American democracy has always- been characterized by great reverence fur relationship;; of this nature between the diverse component;; of its citi/.enry and hirtorie group::."

BB to Meet In Sioux City Larry Hchwurtz Marshall Dellenbcrg lyx'al 13'nai B'ritli leaders will convene in Sioux City, la., for the Annual Southwest llegkma AZA 100's King Dance May 15 Convention, the week end of May 15. Max Kroloff, National The two final candidates for King of Omaha A. Z. A. to be selectMembership and IVogram direc- ed at A. Z. A. 100's Ninth Annual King Dance, May 15, hail from tor, will be featured speaker at Mother Chapter No. 1. The others are Kenny Freed and Art Schwartz. the convention. Marshall Detienberg, the son of Mrs. F. Denenberg, is well known Delegates to the convention will throughout the Youth Council for his A. '/,. A. and athletic accomplishment';. elect new officers for the coining He ha.'i served as plcdgcmaster, is at present secretary, and was year. A bowling tournament will also IK? held. The convention will editor of Mother Chapter's paper, "The Kibitzer," which won the Reopen with u supper-dance nt the gional Best Paper award. Marsh is a top handball and ping-pong player. He participates In Hotel Warrior, in Sioux City; and will close with a banquet in the volley ball and is a star swimmer.- Scooping up grounders at third base and service as guard on "l's" hoop team round out his athletic Sioux City Itoom, of that hotel, Larry Schwartz, regional President of A. Z. A., is the fourth Sunday afternoon. candidate for King. He has been president of Mother Chapter and Mr.'Kroloff Is a native Sioux held the offices of secretary and plcdgemaster. Last year, after havCilUin. He was one of the pio- ing participated in nearly all Youtli Council athletics, lie was awarded neer leaders in AZA, having A. Z. A. l's Best Athlete of the Year award. Larry also Is completserved as one of its first national ing a term as Youth Council President. presidents. He has been promiOn the Central High scene Larry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam nent In U'nal IJ'rith'.'S Anti-De- Schwartz, holds a first lieutenant's commission in the R. O. T. C. He lamation League; before assuming is a member of the Commissioned Officers Club, and the National his present position as national Forensic League. Larry's main campus accomplishments have come director of B'nal B'rith member- in the musical field—he serve;! an concertmastcr of the Concert Band ship and programming. He Is a d leader of the Central High Dance Band in which he plays a real talented speaker, and has gained hot clarinet and saxophone. fame for his lecture: "The South is Moving Faster Than We Think." Sidney Baumsten and Iludy Beth Israel P-TA Schindlcr, of Sioux City, are co- To Hear Mrs. KripUe chairmen for the convention. Mr. Mrs. David Friedman, program T. George Gallmlty, Is registration and reservation chairman. chairman of the Betli Israel P-TA A cleanup membership camReservations should bo sent to announced that Mrs. Myer Krlplte paign is planned for May, Marvin him, care of Davidson Building, will address the Beth Israel P-TA Kaplan, SVC and membership Simix City, la. Convention head- 8:30 p. m., Thursday, May 13. Mrs. chairman for the EPSTEINquarters will be at the Warrior Krlpke will speak on the religious MORGAN POST NO. 260, J. W. Hotel. Bob Lipschuts Is chairman training of our children. Rabbi M. V. announced this week. "We are of tho supper-dunce; Mat Dvork- M. Pollakoff, chairman of the close to last year's membership Ing, bowling; Morey Lefko and P-TA theater project will report total and we hope to join the many Harry Hich, banquet. on the success of the "Enchanted Lodges to be represented at the Forest" movie. Mr. Max Green- other JWV Posts throughout the convention are: Henry Monsky, field, chairman of the Lag B'Omer country who are exceeding last Nebraska, and Cornhusker of outing committee will report on years membership total, Mr. Kaplan reported. Anyone eligible to Omalia; Irving Cohen Lodge of Council Bluffs; Jack Greenberg the activities of tho committee. • Join the Jewish War Veterans Is Lodge of Sioux City; Lincoln City Refreshments will be served at asked to contact Marvin KapLodge of Lincoln, Ncbr.; Fremont the conclusion of the meeting. lan, GL 8499. Lodge of Fremont; Sioux Lodge Commander Abe S. Miller anof Sioux Falls, S. D., nnd Central opportunity to direct questions at nounced the following committee Nebraska Lodge of Hastings and Rabbi Groner. chairmen for the next year: Eu~rand Island. A tea will be held in the Social gene Rich, publicity and Yale HalHall following the services. All pering, last year's service officer visitors are cordially Invited to at- to continue in the same post for tend. this year.

JWV Will Hold Membership Drive

United Nations, N. Y. (JTA) — Israel charged the Government of Jordan with wilful deception of the United Nations In an attempt to discredit the Jewish State In the UN nnd In the eyes of the world. The charge was made In a memorandum submitted by Israel represenatlve nt the UN, Abba Eban to the president of the Security Council. Referring specifically to two c h a w s earlier, the allej;ed Israeli attack on the Jordan village of Husan and the alleged destruction The annual "Know Your Neighof the tomb of Sheik Sulimnn el bor" Sabbath services will take Farisi at Kelt Nuba, Mr. Eban said place this Friday evening, May 7, that these allegations were "de- at 8 p. m. In the Beth Israel Syvoid of truth." nagogue, 52nd and Charles Streets. The memorandum cited a num- The Beth Israel Sisterhood have ber of other cases over tho past invited members of the Omaha two years in which Jordan was Council of Church Women and responsible for hoaxes a n d in their husbands to he their guests which the UN truce observation nt the regular Friday evening Staff hail discovered the lie. De- services, Mrs. Harry Sidman and spite assurances that such inci- Mrs. I/nvis Nevflefl, chairmen dents would be halted, the mem- announced. orandum pointed out, "falsification Rabbi Benjamin Groncr will ond deceit continued." speak and Cantor Eli Kagan will Meanwhile, the Security Council lead the Beth Israel choir in sevfailed in its fourth try to agree on eral psalms. Mrs. Karl ,1, Smiley, an agenda, The issue is whether to President of the Omaha Council of consider Israeli n n d Jordanian Church Women will address the charges separately or review the assemblage. Following Rabbi GroPalestine situation as a whole. Sir ncr'n sermon there will be a qucsPlerson Dlxon, British representa- tlon and answer period during tive, suggested that a new Item IK? which time guests will have an added to the agenda urging "compliance with and enforcement of the general armistice agreement between Israel and Jordan." Hut Lebanese delegate Charles The May meeting of the Malik who speaks for the Arab stales In the Security Council, In- Omaha Zionist Council has sisted that his complaint against been moved ahead to ThursIsrael over the Incident at the Jor- day, May 13 to duo the Cendanian village of Nahnlln should tennial Religious Forum to be be treated by the Council as "n held Wednesday, May 12. The case which Is In a class by Itself." meeting will be held In the lie emphasized that unless this 1:1 Jewish Community Center at done, he would "find It difficult" 8 p. m. Dr. Abba Hillel Silver to accept the British suggestion will Ix1 one of the forum which Is apparently being support- speakers. ed by the Western Powers.

Neighbor Sabbath At Beth Israel



In honor of the Omaha Ccnniui celebration. The Federation for Jewish Services will produce a pageant to be given June 13 at the Omaha Centennial Theme Center Stage. Tho first meeting of the Fed* oration Centennial Pageant Com* mittee was held April 29 at the O m a h a Community Playhouse. Mrs. Samuel Wolf, general chairman, and Mrs. Harry Trustln, project chairman were in chargs of the meeting. The following chairman have been appointed to serve on tho Centennial committee which will produce the original production written by Dorothy K. Krlpke: casting, Mrs. Leon Marx; costumes, Mrs. David Fertil; transportation, Mrs. Paul Goldstein; research, Mrs. Herman Auerbach; publicity, Mrs. Edward Levinson; make-up, Mrs. Leon Schmldman; finance, Mrs. Samuel Wolf; music,. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar; phoning, Mrs. Ixmia Lipp; narrators, Mrs. Norman Whitman, Mrs. Sydney Hollis, Mrs. Seymour Goldston; properties, Mrs. Lloyd Bank, Mr. Herbert Weil; cast party, Mrs. Milton Mayper, assistant managers, Don Schonenbaum, Elaine Jabenis, Miriam Shrier. •' The costing committee will meet May 17 at the Jewish Community Center.

Jordan Cabinet Resigns Suddenly London (JTA)—King Hussein of Jordan summoned former Premier Tewfik Abdul Huda and asked. him to form a new government following the sudden resignation of the entire Jordanian Cabinet as a result of a note delivered on Saturday by British Charge d 'Affaires John Richmond advising Jordan to accept the United Nations invitation for direct talks with Israel on the border situation. It was confirmed here that such a note was presented to the Amman government, but the belief was expressed in official British circles that the note was not responsible for the fall of the Jordanian Cabinet. The note was prepared by the Embassy staff in Amman and was designed to make clear the United Kingdom's position as the Security Council pre» pared to resume discussion of the problem, it was stated here. It is believed here that a British note has also been handed the Israel Government. This one, it is understood, suggested that Israel return to participation in the Israel-J o r d a n Mixed Armistice Commission. Patronize Our Advertisers rOUTICAL ADVEIITISEMENT



Meeting Change

Ho Is An Officer of Iho Following Business Firms * * * * * *

President—Donovan Bros. Farnaco Co. President—Farnten Wholesale* Furnaco & Supply Co. Vlco-Prosldont—Ancient Order of Hibernians President—Omoiio Gas Furnac* Co, Proildcnt—American Roofers Past Presides!—Omaha Sheet Metal Fabricators Association * Past President and Manager-—Ancient Ordor of Hibernians Club

HE IS ACTIVE Ho Holds Membership in the Following Organizations • Member—Associated Retailers • Member—Omaha Better Basinets Bgreaa • Member—South Sldo "Baseball" Stxn


• Member—Knights el Columbus • Member—Ancient Order of Hibernians Division a * Club • Member—Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben

• Mernbor—Omaha Builders Exchange • Member—Omaha Sheet Metal Fabricators



Hadassah Official UN Judaism Study London (JTA)—Judaism as Visits in Omaha way of life Is the subject of

Mrs H. Lippett Wins to Israel' Award Mrs. Harry Lippett received the Hadassah Mountain Plains Regional "Trip To Israel" award during the Eighth Annual Conference held In Lincoln. Nebr., last week end. Second-place winner was Mrs. Louis Finkelstein of Lincoln, Nebr, third place was Mrs. Samuel Cohen. The winner must take advantage of award or It passes in •uccesslon to the other two winner*. Over fifty Omaha women attended the conference In which many took u> active part Mrs. Alfred Frank/vice-president of the region, M n . J. Harry Kulakofsky, National, Service Member, M n . My«r Kripke, regional program and education chairman, and Msr. • Morris M. Franklin, presided during leveral seaaioni of the conference. '•••••."••..•••..•. Omaha Speaker* M n . David Brodkey, ipoke on "Donor Affair* for Fund Raising," H l n Eve Konecky narrated and wrote the «erlpt of the "Ifada*sah Hati," M n . M. M- Jabcni* led the discussion on "How National Material is Adapted to Omaha'* Need*," Mrs. A; D; Frank «erved on the "Award Committee," Mr*. M. F. Levenson spoke on "Youth Activities." and M n . Leo Woltz served on the "Bowling Commit: tee." ••: ";•'::••:•' • ' . ' • "The Second Beginning" a dramatic presentation was given by the Omaha delegates. This was presented under the direction of Mrs. M. M. Jabenis with the following cast: Mmes. Harold Cooperman, Leonard Gould, Joe Guss, Arthur Goldstein, Sidney Hollis, Owen L. Meycrson, Sidney Novak. Elmer Novak, Robert Silvcrman and Leon Schmldmann. Participants Others who attended the conference are Mrs. Sidney Katlemaii, Mrs. Albert Fox, Mrs. Morris Stahnastcr, Mrs. Maurice Newman, Mrs. J. J. Friedman. Mrs. Meyer Rubin, Mrs. Dave Sherman, Mrs. Sally Meyers. Mrs. Carl Logman, Mrs. Charles Ross, Mrs. Ilka Rothholz, Mrs. Sarah Dansky, Mrs. Philip Schwartz, Mrs. Eve Konecky, Mrs. Julius Stein, Mrs. Dave Rosenbaum and Miss Myrtle Freeman. Those who attended the ProConference EovvlinR League Tournament nre Mmes. Lou Asybl, Abo Baker, Harold Block, William Bloom, Ralph Biniamow, Phil Blumberg, Harold Cooperman, Lymaii Cohn, Sam Garrop, Albert Gaer, Barney Hoberman. Joseph Llpton, Milton Ross, Rubin Marcus, Julian Nathrm. Meyer N. Hu-

Hadassah to Mart. Israel's Freedom The sixth anniversary of thr; Independence of the Stalo of Israel Will be observed nt an One;; Shabbat Saturday, May 8, at 2 p. rn. in the home of Mrs. Aaron lisps, 322 S. 38th Avenue. Chairwomen of Zionist public relations, education, American affairs, and presidents of all Hadassoh groups will present the program nnd be hostesses at the tea following. AU Hadassah members anil their friends nre invited to attend.

Follow-Up Drive (Continued from P;u;n 1) Bramson. Max C.inar, Harold Cheminck, Seymour Colin, Sam Davis, Hyrn.-in Ferer, Stanley Fisk, William Fo;;el, Dave Forrnan. Stewart Gilinsky, I.eoiinrd Goldstein, Saul Grnetz, Lucille Gross, Manning Hnndler, Sidney Hollis, Ben E. Kanlow, Lazier K.ivich, Charles Kimmcl, Robert H. Kooper, Aaron Levitt, I. M. Libermnn, Stanley Malashock, Alfred S. Mayer and Orvel Mildrrr. Others arc: Mmes. Ernest A. Nog?, Stanley Perimeter. Harold Pollack, Donald Rice, Morton Richards, Henry Rlekes, Edward Z. Rosen, Jerald Rosen, Meyer Rubin, Richard Seitner, Max Shapiro, Dave Shukert, Abe Slusky, Norman Smeerin, Alfred Sophir, Paul Veret, Irvine Zlccman and Miss Beatrice Sommer.

Friday, May 7, IBM


face Fo«*

bin, William Raduziner, 1'hil Sokolof, Layier .Sinrer. Harry Schulman, .Sidney .Sneider and Leo Weitz. Tlie "Faith in Freedom Panel" presented for one of the Melons had Slmcha Pratt, Israel Consul, Rabbi Harold Stern of Lincoln, Professor A. T. Anderson of the University of Nebraska, iind Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofcky on the panel. Miss Hurt Eleitid New officers elected for the coming year are Mrs. Harry Goodman of Pueblo, Colo., president; Mrs. Nathan Bernstein of Lincoln, vice-president; Mrs. Ralph P. Goldberg, of Albuquerque, N. M., vice-president; Miss Kiizabeth Hart, of Omaha, Nebr., vice-presKene Margaret Rundell ident; Mrs. Julius Mecr of Denver, Colo., vice-president; Mrs. Morris Wcincr, Sioux City, la., treasurer; Mrs. Tracy Stella of Puebla, Colo., secretary; Miss Mlrian Foreman of Denver, Colo., director; Mrs. E. A. Kahn, Cheyenne, Wyo., director; Mrs. Rolf Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rundell Landjhoff, Los Aalamos. N. M., director; Mrs. Isldor Lcvlnson, di- have announced the engagement rector, Mrs. Hy Silver, Colorado of their daughter. Miss Kene MarSprings, Colo., director. garet and Donald Jerome Jacobs of Petersburg, Va. Miss Rundell attended the University of Omaha. Mr. Jacobs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Jacob* The Annual Mother-Daughter of Petersburg, Vs., 1* an graduate party of the Beth El Sisterhood of the University of Richmond at will take place Wednesday, May Richmond, Va. 12, at 1 p. m. in the Social Hall The couple plans an August of the Synagogue. This will be the concluding luncheon meeting of wedding. this season. Mrs. M. H. Brodkey, president, Non-Aggression Clause will give the Annual Report of the year's activities. Officers for the Dropped From Aid Bill cominjj term will be elected and Washington (JTA)— A- "noninstalled. agcresslon" clause which might The program, under the direc- restrain Iraq from using Its new tion of Mrs. Sidney Schwartz and arms to attack Israel has been Mrs. Sidney Hollis, Co-Chnirmcn eliminated from the newest draft of the Day, will carry out the of Mutual Security legislation Mother-Daughter theme, adapted pertaining to arms aid for the from a script entitled, 'The Magic Near East, it was learned here. Necklaes," The new draft repeals Section The cast will include Mmes. Arthur Cohn, A. Frank, Keith Saun- 202A of the Mutual Security law ders, Jake Bernstein, Dave Bern- dealing specifically with guaranstein, Robert Bernstein, Leon tees that no equipment is to be Alexander, Robert Wagner, Stuart provided unless the recipient reMuskln, Morris Grossman, Joe frains from committing aggresGuss, David R o s e n b a u m , Sol sion against any other nation. Grnetz, Leon Graetz, Morris Sachs, Thls pertained directly to counA. Abrahams, Stanford Llpsey, Da- tries of the Near East. Acting vid Blacker, and Miss Susan San- upon advice of the State Departt ford, Dr. Muriel Frank Steinberg, ment, Congress hns "recodified" with Mrs. Sidney Hollis ns narra- the Mutual Security law. In this tor, and Mrs. A. C. Fellman, ac- recodiflcatlon the onti-afjfiresslon companiest. guarantee was repealed. Mrs. Morton Richards, Mrs. DaA large part of the arms which vid Krantz and their circle will be America will supply free to Iraq in charge of the luncheon. Tele- In line with the U.S.-Irnqi agreephone committee chairwomen nre; ment will l>e purchased from BritMmes. Michael Krasne. Ernest ain it was reported here this Wintroub and Norman B a t t week. Such purchases, it was noted, would be part of the United States offshore procurement program designed to spread AmeriNew York (WNS)—The New can military contracts among York Times, in a comprcheaslve allied countries abroad to help survey of religion as the world them build up their military promarches to the atomic age, re- duction potential and their econveals that the horrors of war in omies. Britain has been chosen the last two decades, the dis- for supplying Iraq because the coveries of science and the ideo- Iraqi forces nre already equipped logical political conflicts of our with British weapons. (In Lontime have not undermined man's don, Foreign Office sources said faith in God and in religion as an they could not confirm this inforexpression of that faith. mation.) The survey shows that the various falth3 have retained their About 1,800 scientists arc workvigor despite wars and new Ideologies, particularly In the United ing on some aspect of cancer. States where Catholicism, Protes- Much of their work is supported tantism and Judaism are thriving by the American Cancer Society. in a religious climate that ha3 Lend your help by giving to the never been more favorable. ACS Crusade.

Miss Kene Rundell To Wed in August

Mother-Daughter Party at Beth El

Miss Julliet Benjamin, chairwoman of National Speaker,-; I! of Hadassah, Elated that one jf Hadassah's latest projects in it-s American Affairs program is the underwriting of ii book delineating the modern concept of Judaism in the United States. Mhs Benjamin stopped off in Omaha on her way to attend the regional conference of Hnduscah in Lincoln. Some of our greatest scholars will compile their research to etch out the scene of Jewish life in U. S., Miss Benjamin declared. The American Affairs program Is worltinf; toward making women aware of Issues In American life, she added. Membership in Hadnnsah has steadily increased, Miss Benjamin continued. The bulk of I Indnssah's program for Israel Is In the areas of health, medical care, Youth Aliyah nnd vocational schools, sheemphnsi7.ed. Hadncsah Is divided Into 28 regions and has 1,148 member chapters.

It a study published by the United Nations KdiH-athma), Social and Cultural Organization as part of its series on (he race question nnd modern thought. The pamphlet, "Jewish Thought cs n Factor In Civiliz.'Uion," by Leon Roth, was Issued in Knglish, French and Spanish. 'Hie manuscript of the pamphlet was obtained from the culture department of the World Jewish Congress. Dr. Roth Is a professor of philosophy and was once rector of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He Is the author of a number of works In Knglish nnd Hebrew on education and philosophy.

DUTCH QUKEN The Hague (WNS)—Queen Juliana and Princess Wilhelminn loaned objects of their private art collection to an exhibit of Jewish religious ornaments In the city of Deventcr, It was disclosed here. The Amsterdam Museum similarly cooperated with a number of paintings by outstanding Jewish artists.

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Frioty, May 7, IBM

Beth Israel Men's Club Dinner Dance

Organizations Monsky Chapter B'nnl B'rith H e n r y Monsky Chapter No. 470 will hold its regu lar monthly board meeting nt H m. Monday, M;iy 30, at the Jiwisl Community Center. Mrs. Auron Epstein, president ask* nil hoard members to pleas attend this last board meeting be fore election of officers. Mrs. Gene Osherof f, donor chairman, announces the donor affair, which Is open io all pair] up donors Will be a luncheon to be held May 24, nt 11-Worth Grill. Following the luncheon, Mrs. M o r r i s M. Franklin will review an excltini: new book. Committee members Htiown iwrvlnr* from left to right are Mrs. Stanlny Diamond, are Mmes. Harry Smith, co-ehalr- Mrs. Jordan Legman nnd Mrs. Norman UofM-nzwt'lff. Tim Ileth I*rue! mfln; Max Krizelman, Sidney S5nel Men's Club Dinner Dance was held M»y 2 In tlie synagogue's social mer, Seymour Knplnn, H a r r y h»H. Friedman, and Auron Epstein.

Pioneer Women The Pioneer Women's Organization will hold lt» regular monthly luncheon meeting 1 p. m., Tuesday, May 11 nt the Jewish Conv jnunlty Center. The group's annual Israel show*r will be held 1:30 p. m., Tuesday May 25 at the Labor Lyceum, 30th (Mid Cumlng Streets. The affair will be a dessert luncheon and members and friends nrc nuked to bring a Rift for a newcomer to Israel. Articles of clothing that nrc needed are: linens, bnby clothes, Chlldrens' shoes, underwear, wash dresses, jeans and hosiery. Mm. S. H. Binder is In charge of clothing committee, call RE 5391. For Information call Mrs. Sam JJovnk, CL 2K5G.

Council Women The monthly board meeting o[ the Omaha Section of the Nation al Council of Jewish Women will be held 1 p. m. Thursday, Mny 13, at the home of Mre. Harold Fnrber, 8120 Pacific S t Mrs. Louis Kntz will act as co-hostess. Plans for the forthcoming spring luncheon to be held at the High land West Club will be discussed.

BiUur Cholim The members of the Blkur Chollm Society will elect new officers for the coming ymr ttt * n c l r reK" ular monthly luncheon meeting to be held Monday, May 10 at the Jewish Community Center at 1 p. m. All members nrc urged to attend this important meeting. Plans for the June fund raising luncheon and card party will be completed at this time. Mrs. Allan Zalltln, president announced the next birthday party at the Home for tho Aged wlllb c held Monday, Mny 17 nt 7:30 p. m.

Immigrants Needed Paris (JTA)—Israel needs a "reawakening of the spirit of immigration" If it is to survive and flourish, S. Z. Shragal, head of the Immigration department of the Jewish Agency, told a press conference here. Ho said his current European trip wns an endeavor to "awaken" the "dormant will" of Jews everywhere to migrate to Ijsrnel and to study the reasons for their "hesitation." Mr. Shragal said that last year 10,000 Jcwn hnd come to Israel, but 8,000 had emigrated. He said that despite the enormous difficulties involved, the Jewish Hcgency wanted to liquidate the entire Jewish community of North Africa and bring 50,000 to G0.OO0 Jews from there to Israel. The Agency leader also revealed that the Israel Government was planning to offer housing tnx exemptions nnd guaranteed Incomes to professionals to attract them ns immigrants. This. nnd every other move to attract Immigrants wns made nt "high cost to our Roddy," Mr. Shazar noted.

nnd won three out of four bowling games from Theta Xi. Maury Marshal Kushner of Llncoli Upton advanced to the finals in was elected In an all-university Ills bracket in badminton, which coed election ns "Most Eligible helped to place the Sammies In Bachelor of 1954-51." Marsh, a their league lending position. In senior in nrts and science college track Lon Rosen reseived two majoring in journalism, Is very third placed In a recent tournaactive in campus activities. He ment. Is (secretary of Kosmct Klub, Last week nlso saw Sigma Alpha treasurer of N. U.'B Young Demo- Mu put on Its annual High School crat Club, a member of Sigma Weekend. There was an informal Delta Chi, national Journalism party tho first night nt the Iznnk fraternity, a member of N. U.'B Walton Lodge, followed by a late Board of Publications, former stag at the fraternity. The next cheerleader, former house hlstor- evening started off with n dinner Inn, nnd former sports editor of at the Italian Village nnd n dance at the fraternity house. Because The Pally Ncbraskan. of the rainy weather, the picnic Dornn Jacobs, junior from for Sunday also had to be held Deadwod, So. Dak., wns elected at the S. A. House. treasurer of Corn Cobs, men's pep Tho highlight of the weekend club. Dornn is also assistant business manager of the Dally occurred at the Saturday evening dinner. It was there that Sol Neijraskan nnd is president of the house for the coming year. Stiss, the Prior of Sigma Alpha Mu, announced the pinning of our On the scholastic side of college Aunt Eta Rosen to the entire fralife Mike Greenborg was formally ternity. Initiated Into Phi Beta Kappa last Sunday. Mike also is a member of Corn Cobs and was recent ly admitted lno N. U.'s Medical An attrnctlvo Dromednry recipe School. To top off a great week ns far booklet, containing a select variety of enslly prepared kosher na honors bestowed on Zntcs is concerned, it was announced that recipes for cakes, cookies, muffins, Dick Fcllman, freshman from ennckn and frostlngs, has been preOmaha, wns elected to Student pared by the Hills Brothers ComCouncil In an all university elec- pany, makers of kosher Drometion. Dick Is also Copy Editor dary Cake Mixes nnd may be obtained free of charge by writing of the Dnlly Nebrnskan. to: Dromedary, P. O., Box 1113, Whoopee Daze plans are ia full New York 38, N. Y. swing and ZBT's annual Spring Weekend honoring high school senior boys looks as Is it will be An estimated 700,000 Americans a terrific ns ever. Senior boys will be under treatment for cancer Irom a four-state radius are ex- during 1954, according to t h e pected for the gala event to be American Cancer Society. Strike back at cancer by giving to the liolil Mny 14, 15 nnd 16. 1954 ACS Crusade. '*«| Frirlay, May 14, there will bo a semi-formal dinner dance nt Cotner Terrace. Saturday night the Zote will be the scene of an "Esquire" party. A picnic will be held nt Llnoma '3e;ich Sunday to end the week?nd. Any high school senior toy •vlio has not received an Invltaion or desires additional Information about Whoopee Daze please write to Jeny Kruplnsky, c/o ZBT house, 1345 R St., Lincoln, Neb.

Zeta Beta Taxi

Free Recipe Booklet


Rumania Trials 'Brutal Assault*

| Omaha Sketches j

New York (WNSI—Tin" cur- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lee Cherrent wave ol .secret trials of Jews niss of Covina, Calif., announce in Itumariia on alleged charges of the birth of a son, David' Alan, illegal activity is a "bruta April 24. assault on (ho spiritual integrity Mr. Chcrniss is the eon of Mr. of the community" and an "at- and Mrs, Leonard Cherniss of tempt to obliterate the last v Omaha. , tiK'.\s of ;;pirilual autonomy in the Maternal grandparents are Mr. Jewish community and to cut off all contact between the Jews of and Mrs, Samuel Kamlnsky of Rumania, and their fellow-Jews in Covina, Calif. other lands," Dr. Nahum Goldniann, president of tho World Miss Eve Runbell is spending Jewish Congress, declared here two weeks with her parents, Mr. in a statement condemning the and Mrs. Jacob Runbell. MUl secret trials of 300 Jewish leaders Runboll is an occupational therapin Rumania, twenty-five of whom ist in a Los Angeles hospital. have been sentenced to long prison terms, including life imprison' • Harry Mendelson, son of Mr. ment. and Mrs. J. Mendelson of Omaha, Asserting that the claim of the has been delegated by Very Rev. Carl M. Reincrt, S. J., president Rumanian Government to have brought emancipation and relig- of Creighton University, to repious freedom to the Jews now resent the university at the 200th stood "exposed in all its hollow- anniversary celebration of Colunv • ness," Dr. Goldmann declared: bla University In New York City. "This is not a situation which Mr. Mendelson will join the acathe Jews of the world will be pre- demic procession at the Bl-Centenpared to accept. We are confi- nial Convocation June 1. dent that public opinion in every free country will join with us In condemning an act of state which seeks Its only justification in the loyalty with which these men and The Business and Professional women have served an ancient group of Hadassah won first priza tradition nnd sought to maintain in the hat parade at the regional an honorable plnce in a fellow- Hadassah Convention held in Linship consecrated by centuries of coln. Jewish suffering nnd aspiration. The winning hat was worn by It is in the power of the Rumanian Mrs. Philip Schwartz Incoming Government to reverse a policy B&P president Of Omaha, and was which must be condemned by the styled by Mrs. Eve L. Konecky. civilized world. We earnestly call upon them to halt the trials now in process nnd to restore to free- Mothers' Club to Meet dom the men and women who The Sigma Alpha Mu Mothers' have nlrcady languished in prison." Club will hold its regular monthly meeting 1 p. m., Tuesday, May 11 nt the homo of Mrs. Nathan Veitzer, 352 N. 35th Avenue. Mrs. Charles Fellmnn will serve as COchalrwoman. A special meeting of the Greater Omaha B'nai B'rith Association, will be held 8 p. m., Tuesday, May 11, nt the Jewish Community Cener. Ralph Nogg, president urges all members of the association and all chairman that served on the Centennial Jamboree to please attend.

Hat Parade Winner ,

B@ Association To Meet Tuesday

ONK-FOUIITH SAVED About one-fourth of those who have cancer are saved by surgery or radiation treatment Contributions to the American Cancer Society campaign will help save more live*.

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Sigma Alpha Mu

Danny Fogcl is the 1934 Yell King nt the University of Nebrns:n. Danny, who Is a three-year etter mnn in gymnastics and n member of the Student Council, was given the position of Yell King after having served a year n» assistant Yell Kong. Assisting Danny next year will be Norm Veltzcr, nlso a member of Slgmn Alphn Mu. Veitzer wns recently initialed into the Corn Cobi, the men's pep qund; and he nnd Marshall Becker were elected to the N Club, Ahlch is the orgnnlzatlon for men ho have earned athletic letters. In the recent Kosmet Klub proluction of "Finlan's Rnlnbow," Norman Krivosha had a dnnclng Larry Adler: "Man was made load. before woman to give him time to In athletics last week Sigma think of an answer to her first Alpha Mu won their Softball M'icstlon."— IJTA) gnmc against Delta Sigma PI 12-7

Sunday Branch


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fate Us


Council Doings Ing year were installed in a candle light service at the home of SuXIKVAB AMI zanne Richards .Sunday, May X Friday night April 30, the T. A.'« attended Sabbath services at They nre Marilyn Kiev, pn/sident; Sari Shukert, vice-president; Joan the Beth Israel Synagogue. Saturday, the girls paid a visit Abrahams, second vice-president; to the Creche Home where they Bonnie Haykin, recording secreprovided the children with May tary; Lora Franklin, financial secretary; Shelley Greenberg, treasDay nutcups and entertainment Tikvas Ami Is very proud of urer; and Nancy Friedlander and their bowling team, MILEROMA, Shelley Green, sergcanti-at-arm.'j. which placed first in the Youth The following committee chairCouncil Girls' bowling league. men were also installed: Fyll'; Members of the team are: Leona Rubinow, Israel projects; Midge Brown, Marsha Felhnan, Mickey G r e e n be.rg, notification; Judy Freed, and Rose Lagman. Bonnie Krantz, social; Jane Fellman, reSplcgal was alternate. ligious-cultural; Joan Mayer, comTikvas Ami win hold a meeting munity projects; Harcla Zalkin, this Sunday at the Jay. The regu- courtesy, and Rocky Colin and lar meeting will be at 1 p. m., Judy Greenberg, athletics. Other While the board will meet at 12:30 executives who were installed arc Dene Sachs, Youth Council reprep. m. '••

By Joan Krssn



Religious News

Friday, May 7, UM

Background of Camp Jay-C-C


of the

Bible and Talmud

This U the first in a series o articles directed to parents havlnj By I)H. I'lULD? SIIEB children of camp uge. Throughou essive articles the prograrr administration, o b j e c t i v e s an I1KTII 1'X lilblo Services will be held this eve- operations of Camp Jay-C-C wil Ointment and perfume rejoice) ning at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Mycr S. IK* explained. the heart; to doth the sweetness of Kripke will deliver the; sermon. Camp Jay-C-C In 1U; 17th yea a man's friend by hearty counsel. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the of oneriitluna Is a division of th Thine own friend and they faHeth Kl Synagogue Choir will ren- Federation for Jewish Service ol ther's friend forsake not. der the musical portion of the Omaha and serves the genera A man shall be commended acservice. community of Omaha and al cording to his Intelligence; but ha Sabbath morning services will areas In the states of Iowa, Soutl who is of a distorted understandbegin at 8:45 a. m. Mincha-Mauriv Dakota and Missouri and Kunsn. ing Khali be despised. services will be held at 7 p. m. where Jewish communities do no 'Hie lip of truth shall be ostabJunior Congregation services will have camps that are oriented to- llshed forever; but a lying tongue) be held at 10:15 a. m. Daily serv- ward Jewish identification. It h a is but for a moment. ices are held each week day at 7 non-profit camp. a. m. and 7 p. m. The camp is located ten miles Talmud The Sunday morning service is southeast of Omaha, on the outIlab took leave of Rabbi Chlyya. at 9 a. m. skirts of Bellevue, Nebr. The cab The latter said to him: "May the sentative; Bunnle Ravitz, Y o u t h Ins nre rustic and have electricity Merciful save thec from the thing* Council alternate; Jane Brodkey, KAVIM and bunk beds. Toilet facilities are hat arc worse than death." ("If Topping the list of Rayim's com- historian, and Sara Pepper, re- BETII ISRAEL centralized with nn ample supply here then a thing that is worse ,. Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor ing events is the inter-club- Bowl- porter.- '••".•••• Kagan, and the Beth Israel of hot water, The camp consists of than death?" Rab asked himself), ing Tournament Saturday night, Friday, April 30, Debs attended EU 75 acres of land and has'22cabins choir will conduct late lie proceeded to look Into the to be held at B p. ra. at the Music services at the three synagogues. Synagogue Adjoining the camp Kite is the vast matter until he found the passage Friday evening services at 8 p. in. Box. The tournament will be on natural forest wonderland of 1,700 Sabbath morning services begin at In Kcclcsiastcs: "And I find a» a handicap basis, with a prize for 8:30 a. m. Junior congregation acres, Funtcnelle Forest. more bitter than death the bad the bowler soaring the highest toservices start at 10 a. m. woman," Ilab was often annoyed The enmp serves boys and glrla tal. Following the bowling, a stag ; Rabbi Groner will conduct.the from the ages of 7 to 14 years of by his wife, so that when he asked featuring a Good and Welfare dis- ':'.:- :.:; Friday, May t /.' ' ; ; Talmud class at 6:45 p. age. Under special circumstances her to prepare lentils for him, she cussion will be held at the home Edward Allen KalskL Hbwell A. Saturday would prepare small peas instead, Richards and Bruce Irwin Wlgod- m.; Saturday Mlncha will start nt children who do not come witliin and Of Art Novak. when ho asked for peas, she 7:15 p. nv, < followed by Sholoshc this age range may be considered The Community Service Com- sky. S'eudos and Maartv. for registration at the discretion would prepare lentils. Saturday, Mar 8 mittee, headed by Hike Ban, has morning services begin at of the camp committee and camp When his son, Chlyya, grew up, been very active the past weeks. Nancy Lyn Conn, Janls Lynn 7 Dally a. m.; dally afternoon services director. tis father would send his request The work done by the committee Friedman, Judith Lynn Hahn, Beth begin at 7:25 p. m. The campers are grouped ac- or meals through his Eon. The includes helping at the Blood Bank Susan Malashock, Rivka Maurer Sunday morning services begin cording to sex and age, with abil- son, aware of his mother's ways, and assisting at the Philanthropies and Paula Gay ZJegman. at 8:45 a. m. and is followed by ity and maturity taken into con- used to reverse the orders, and Sunday, May 8 dinner. Several boys also assisted Rabbi Groner's Bible Discussion sideration. For the purpose of thus the result was just what Rab Daniel Blake Boasberg, Harvey at the Home Show last Tuesday. Class. The youngsters of the Tolls wanted. "Thy mother improved Rayim is living up to their high Lee Josin, Deborah Llpp, Ina Lou and Teffilin Club begin their serv- group living and creating n camp ;en;clf," Ilab once remarked to his community, the camp la divided scholastic rating at Central High. Raznlck and Ronald Simons. ices at 8:30 a. m. Breakfast Is Into four units. Each unit has a on. To which the son replied: "I Monday, Mny 10 A total of 41 percent of the memWallis Chernlack, Cheryl Fried- served at the conclusion of their unit leader as well as cabin coun- :.iur>cd It, because I had ravened bers ma~de honor roll services. The Talmud Discussion who live with und direct he orders." Whereupon Rab said Congratulations to Jerry Zeig- man, Marcy Lauren Koiser, Le- group, currently studying the trac- selorscampers. In addition to tills to him: "This is what people say. man who has been chosen to rep- anne Kraft and Stephanie Lincoln. tate Sabbath, meets every Tuesday the there arc specialists in swimming, Thine own descendants will teach Tumday, May 11 resent Central at Boys State in sense.' However, thou shalt John Walter Hol>erman and evening at 8 p. m. under the direc- horseback riding, arts and crafts, Ihee Lincoln. Bob Wintroub is alterlot do so any more, because it U tion of the; Rabbi nt B. H. H. riflery and camp craft. Gary Allen Mulnick. nate. aid (Jer. 9:4), 'They have taught Synagogue, 19th nnd Burl. Wednesday, May 12 heir tongue to speak falsehood, Billy Howard (William) Kir.ihCOUNCUJETTES :hpy weary themselves to commit Couneilettes Mother-Daughter enbaum and Sally Beth Simon. TKMPLB ISKAEL nlqulty.'" Thursday, May 13 Installation Tea will be May 23. At the regular Sabbath .services AltTS AND CHAIT8 "Dates and Don'U" will be held Albert Dwoskin, Rennp Sue Ep- Friday evening at 8 o'clock, the <HItLS May 14 at 330 p. m. at the Jay. stein and Donald William Swartz. sixth anniversary of the indepen- The Beth Israel Gills Arts nnd dence of Israel will be observed. Crafts club will meet Sunday eveEveryone is Invited to attend. Tlie theme of the service will be ing, Mny 9, from C to 7:30 p. m. Services will be held May 21 at "Jewish Creativity in America and in the Arts and Crafts room of Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks has the Beth Israel Synagogue with a Israel," Members of the Temple the Talmud Torah. Plans for cele- mounrcd that this year Templo bouse party following. Edele Singer, daughter of Mr. Youtli Group will assist Rabbi brating Lat; B'omer will be dis- srael will observe Shavuos with and Mrs. Louis Singer, will cele- Brooks in the service. Gwen Stolcr cussed und refreshments will be he Service of Confirmation oa A. Z. A. No. 100 brate her Bas Mitzvah at Beth El served nt the close of the meeting. the eve of the Festival, Sunday The Centurymcn have been hard Synagogue Friday evening, May and Silvia .Greene will give the a i ' B TAKYAO evening, Juno G. •t work doing their shnre to make 7 and at the 10:45 a. m. sen-ice sermonettes and other participants The members of the 1954 Conthe AZA Cornbclt Regional Sum- Saturday morning. May 8. Friends will be Joan Abrahams, Nancy Club Taryag will meet Sunday Illotcky, Marcia Krupinsky, John evening, May 9, from C to 7:30 firmation Class are: mer Convention a huge success. nnd relatives are invited to attend Goldner, Susan Llpp and Murray p. m. The club will discuss plans Howie Kooper and Marvin FreedJane Brodkey, daughter of Mr. man head the publicity committee. the services and the receptions Newman. James Samuelson will for the Lag B'Omer outing and nnd Mo. Harold B, Brodkey. which will follow. recite the Kiddush. party. The meeting will take placeWhich is in forming the Alephs nil Li.ibcth Chernlack, daughter ot the recreation room of the Tal- Mr. nnd Mrs. Jay Chernlack. Over the region of the Convention. After the service the y o u t l i in Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wintroub an- croup mud Torah. Refreshments will be Jerry Rosen of 100 and Mother will receive the congrega- served at the close of the meeting. Richard Einstein, son of Mr. Chapter's Mike Mogil nre housing nounce that their son, Edward, tion at nn Oneg Shabbot. President Stanley Greenfield urges and Mrs. R. K. Einstein. Chairmen. Howard Kaslow from will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah at Regular Shabbos morning servSandra Fiedler, daughter of Mr. C e n t u r y chapter and L a r r y Beth El Synagogue Friday eve- ices will be held at 11:40 a. m. all members to attend this meet- und Mrs. A. A. Fiedler. Schwartz and Larry Epstein of ning, May 14 and Saturday morn- Saturday. Rabbi Brooks will con- ing. Franklc Gross, daughter of Mr. AZA 1 are general co-chairmen of ing, May 15. the service assisted by stu- PHOTOGRAPHY CLUK and Mrs. Gordon Gross. Friends and relatives are In- duct the entire convention. Beth Israel Photography club dents of the Hebrew department Susan Llpp, daughter or Mr. vited to attend both ceremonies of the Religious school. Kiddush will meet In the Photography Dark and the receptions which will fol- for all present will follow the serv- room of the Tnlmud Torah from nnd Mrs. Louis E. Lipp. A. Z. A. No. 1 Murray Newman, son of Mr. low. C to 7:30 p. m., Sunday, May 9. ices. Motlicr Chapter's baseball team and Mrs. J. M. Newman. Mr. Dubin, Club Director is going has a champion assortment of talMichael Yudelson, Bon of Mr.Jean Dolgoff, daughto arrange an outdoor photography ent this year. Testifying to this terMadelyn and Mrs. Milton H. Yudelson. of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Dolgoff, IHIIAEL HOUSING outing. are the names of the Alephs who London (WNS)—Housing proj- Jit. CONGREGATION made the squad. They are: Larry will celebrate her Bar Mitzvah at ects Israel represent a Govern- Irene Wciner is the chairman of IMMIGRATION DKCUN'E Schwartz, Jerry Simon, Mike Den- Beth Israel Synagogue Friday mentininvestment London (WNS)—Kiahu Dobkin, of some 20,000,- the Betl) Israel Jr. Congregation enberK. Marsh Denenberg, Frank evening. May 14. Friends and rela- 000 pountls, it was here for the month of May. Assisting member of the Jewish Agency exBerg, Terry Bemstein. Cubby Pas- tives are Invited to attend service with the publicationdisclosed of Barclay Irene will be Marvin Uuback, ecutive, declnred here that the deser, Tom Bromber, Dave Belzer, and reception. Bank's monthly review of foreign Frank Goldberg, Marslmll Kaplan cline In Immigration was a "much Ernie Salzman, Dave Wldman, graver" threat to Israel thnn Its trade. Friday evening. May 14, and and Bill Kutler. jjcrry Margolin and Larry Epstein. political and economic difficulties. Saturday morning. May 15, MAKC Part of the Israel Government's SPICING I KOI.IO Stan Widmaii, No. 1 veep, is do-, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. investment will be returned when Addressing the 53rd annual conBeth Ihracl Club Tovlm, consisting an unusually good job as first James Samuclson, will celebrate the new owners move in and make ference of the British Zionist FedString Hii;h right fielder. his Bar Mitzvah at Temple Israel. substantial down payments. Tlie ing of Kth and Dili graders, will eratlon, Mr. Dobkin Bald Israel's) He Is nlso making a n;im<? for him- In his honor Mr. and Mr«, Samuel- average cost of a housing unit, ac- have their outdoor weiner roast consolidation "depends on the reself on the social .side, with nomi- son will receive after both services cording to the Barclay survey, i.s and Spring Frolic at Fontenelle newal of immigration," nations as king candidate for the to be held in the Jewish Commu- about r>,230 pounds, purchasable Park Pavilion this Saturday evening from 8 to 10:30o'clock. ChairComing AZA No. 300 ilancc and nity Center. through a fifteen-year mortgage men in charge of the affnlr, Judy candidate at the Philanthropies of about 2,350 pounds and the rest Kutler, Harriot Epstein and Bob Phling. in cash. Shapiro salil that 7th graders are Appearing in tin" National AZA invited to attend. For reservations ISy Mrs. Morris Hpecktar paper the 'The Shofar" is a piccall one of the chairmen: Judy, GL ture of and a letU.r by Aleph Go6361; Harriet, GL 2701; Dob, WA Leonard L. Klein Chaver Haylm Greenberg, an dol Art Schwartz. He- commented Careers Conference 7967. idealist, a thinker. On publishing practices of that Services were held Sunday, April Wandered and dreamed of a Joan Krasne and Bob Abramnewspaper. 23 in Des Moines, la., for Leonard ton, 193-1 Careers Conference better world, a "homo", L. Klein. Mr. Klein u former resi- chairmen, have announced the Wrote and spoke and urged DEfJKA DEBS dent of Omaha died Wednesday. committee chairmen for the* Holds Israel Fete upon us all Debka Deb officers for the com- April 21 at Lafayette, Ind. That without our own land, big events. They are: luncheon. Survivors include his wife, Rose Lagman, and Elaine JnnChildren of Belli El Talmud we'd forever be alone. Frances of Des Molncs; a daugh- l;er; publicity, Matlco Katie- Torah celebrated Jsracl'B Indeter, Losly Klein, nnd a sister, Mrs. man; programs, Eileen Sachs; pendence Day In two assemblies, With courage and with strength he helped to build Israel, Jack Green of Cleveland, Ohio. display, Stan Kalmnn, and reg- one Wednesday, May 5 and the Always with on ever ready other Thursday, May 6. Youth Council members can istration. Bob Meyer. hand. DELAY IS FATAL The program Included presenattend the Centennial Religious Careers Conference will be One-third of the 227,000 cancer hold June 22, at the Jay. The tation of flags, blowing of the Sho- And In 1949 his dream was Forum at a special discount realized . . . rate. These special discount deaths last year was due mainly to evening will provide a supper, far, selections by the Talmud The actual sight of Ms tickets at 25 cents can be se- delay In detection nnd treatment and speakers who will be Oma- Torah Choir and Beth El Junior "promised land." the American Cancer Society says. ha professional men from all Choir assembly singing and the cured at the Youth Activities Support the ACS educational and walks of life. showing of the Israeli movie office. Honor his memory. 'und-ralsing Crusade. 'Tent City." : 7:08 1". 31. Candlrllghtuig

Happy Birthday

ieth Israel Mews

Temple Confirmation WillBeHeldJunc6

Bar & Bas Mifavali

In Memoriom


BE Talmud Torah

Special Tickets


Friday, M»y 7, IK*


Your Single Contribution to the

Jewish Philanthropies Campaign Supports these Agencies and Institutions UNITED JEWISH APPEAL United l t * e l Appeal Jewish Netional Fund




Joint Distribution Committee Mlxrachl lirael Fund General Zionist Fund United Services for New Americans

Hebrew Theological College

American Jewish Committee

Hebrew Union College

American Jewish Congress

Jewish Theological Seminary

Antl-Defematlon League, B'nal B'rith

Mlxrachl Education Committee

Jewish Labor Committee

Torah Umesorah


Jewish War Veterans

Union of American Hebrew Congregations



United Synagogue of America World Union for Progressive Judaism Yeshivah University ,

Amiricin Fund for 61 Israel Institutions

Yeshivah—Chachmey Lublin

Bellefeire Jewish Children's Home, Cleveland

American Ort Federation

Yeshlvah—Chofefz Chalm

City of Hope, Los Angeles


Ex-Patients Tubercular Home, Denver


Jewish Consumptive Relief Society, Denver

Yeshlvah—Rabbi Israel Meyer Hacohen

Leo N. Lev! Momorial Hospital, Hot Springs

Yeshlvah—Shearith Hapletah

National Home for Jewish Children, Denver.


National Jewish Hospital, Denver

Eirai Torah Fund


Federated Council of 144 lirael Institution! Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society Hebrew University in Jerusalem Imtituto of Technology In Haifa National Committee for Labor Israel National Council of Jewish Women Pioneer Women's Organization Weiunann Institute of Science Youth Aliyah, Hadatiah



Armed Servicos Activities Bureau of Jewish Education

American Zionist Fund

Beth-El Talmud Torah and Sunday School

B'nel B'rith Hillel Foundations

Beth Israel Talmud Torah and Sunday School Shaare Zion Talmud Torah

B'nal B'rith Vocational Service BureaV

FOR NATIONAL SERVICE AGENCIES American Association for Jewish Education National Jewish Welfare Beard Synagogue Council of Aa»e*I«a


. B'nal B'rith Youth Organization* Histadruth Ivrlth

Camp Jay-C-C


Jewish Chautauqua Society Jewish Teachers Seminary

Temple Israel Religious School Jewish Community Library

Dropsfe College •


Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for Aged Jewish Medical and Welfare Services ~

National Agricultural College


Yiddish Scientific Institute

Refugee Aid in Omaha

letgfom hstftntfoM mid Traditional Welfare Agencies in Israel receive sapport throagh your contribatiom to the Jewish Philanthropief. A complete Rst of the beneficiaries is available at the Jewish Philanthropies office.


Jewish Philanthropies 101 No. 20th Street

Omaha 2, Nebr.



Friday, Max 7, IBJ*



UJA Reports Refugee Aid New York (WNS)—Many antl-

American Jewish Committee Survey

Sports Spotlight

By Uadj Paul

Rayim's MSG Squad Wins Again YC Bowling Crown

By Bill Wolf (Copyright, 1051.) What happens to athletes win once made headlines on the sport I pages across the nation? liayim's Mesi Sew Grezl Ijowl- who defeated AZA 1 lioosers, 2 Remember Andy Cohen? Sports rig squad captured first place ii IjaiiH-.s to none. Here are the final fans who have memories da ting tho touch Youth Council I'^wlin; Iea;;ue standings. back to the big leagues around league for the second year in a American Lengno 1928 certainly will recall the one- row as they downed tht AZA_ 1 W. L. time second baseman for the New Clams fro ti the NaV.mai iea;fue Rayim MSG 61 120 York Giants. The younger se Rayim X'a 51 >,i 29 VJ may only have heard about Andy two r;jme.-; to jione. Ind EDG 51 27 Members of the chatnpionshii AZA 1 Zorches Cohen through the stories that 41 40 team are Fred Simon, Jerry Zici;- AZA 100 nutter Gangs 40',i 401 a have traveled during the years. man, Hob Meyer and Ed Iielzer AZA 300A 40 41 Andy Cohen made his mark a: The leagues top bowlers were Fred the second Jewish baseball pbyer Simon and Jerry Ziegman who fin- AZA 1 Gutter Goons .. 38>i '12',i 3G 45 to m a k e - good in the m a j o r ished with averages of 3CG. BobRnyim IC 22 50 leagues. Johnny Kline, a catcher, Meyer had n 151 while Ed Beker Rayim M Jabs AZA 1 We Goofed 20!i C0',i broke into the game with the Chi- had a 352. The third place playoff cago Cubs many years before Co- winners were the Independents, National League hen came into the picture. HoseW. L. ball was not a sport which Jct4sh AZA1 Glams S8',-i 22'/.. players could crack. Finally, Andy AZA1 IJooser-i 05 20 nude his debut with the New York Rayim SOS 40- .32 Giants, after which he was hot AZA1 Bluffers 40 32 copy for the s p o r t s edl'ors Rayim H 45 3G throughout his diamond exploit'-. 44 37 Tech High's track will be a bee- Rayim S a P's Andy never blossomed lntt a hive of activity this Sunday as AZA 100 Centurymen 43',-i 37'i great player. He started with two the Youth Council track hopefuls Ind. Sleepers . . . . . . . . . 41 40 strikes against him because he re- gather for their annual meet. AZA 1 No Names . . . . 17 G4 placed Rogers Hornsby at second Favored to win this year's ses- Rayim Screwballs . . . . 5 70 base In 1928. Any guy following sion will be Rayim, who will dePlayoff* Hornsby had big shoes to fill. fend their last year's crown. ReRayim MSG defeated AZA 1 turning to lead the Rayim assault Glams, 2-0, for first place. Where is Andy now? sprinter Colernan GreenEBG defeated AZA 1 BoosHe has' just started his fourth will be last year's winner of tho 100 crs, Ind. 2-0, for third place. season as manager of the Colorado berg, yard dash and co-winner of the Bean in the Western League. 60 yard. Other Rayim point getters Andy has done very well for himRay Somberfj, 300 yard run- Hadassah Bowling self in his present spot Two of are ner-up, Kd lielzer. third in the his teams finished second, and one board jump and Dave Hcrzog, W. L. captured the league championship. third in the football throw. The Kg Bros 49 32 He has earned a reputation for other returning winners are Stan Urandeis Kleerchrome . . . 47 34 himself as a go-getter and Is said Widman of AZA 1 in the football to instill in the players he tutors throw -find llarlan Rosen, winner Edwards Jewelry . . . . . . . . 42 39 the same kind of spark that char of the shot put. Rosen and Wid- Millie Wine 40 41 acterized his active days on the man are definite threats to Y. C. Smith Pontlac . . . . . . . . . . . 40 41 diamond. . • _ records of 357" in the shot put Brandeis Easy Washer ...38 43 38 43 Andy is married and has two and 136' for the football throw. A RCA Victor 30 51 daughters, lie docs a lot of pub- record turnout of entrants are ex- Metz Beer High Scrim lic speaking, and is a popular lec- pected with teams representing AZA 100, AZA 3, Rayim and tho turer among sports fans. Addie Sneider, 460, nnd Rose Garrop, -111. Baseball, baseball, and m o r e Independent lx>ys.' Spill* baseball . . . that's Andy Conn's Myrna I.oss, 5-30; Liberty Fcier, story. The game has been a cen- There will lie a new Youth Council record in the 2120 yard tral theme in his life ever since he 5-7, and Lucille Epstein. 2-7-8. left the University of Alabama to run as this event will 1m subgo with the Waco Club in the Tex- stituted for the 300 yard dash. Motor vehicle accidents in tho as League. He was quickly snatch- The meet will start at 2 p. m. United States killed 38.000 persons ed up by the New York Giants. In 1952 while cancer killed 220,000. The price paid for him war. 523,persons, the American Cancer So000, a figure that was tremendous ciety reports. for those days and indicated what the Giants thought were his poLou Hultz: '"Hie appendix may tentialities. He didn't go right Grade school girls in the G, 7 be useless to man, but think what into action with the Giants, but and 8th grnden will get an opporplayed on the Buffalo farm club, tunity to learn how to play tennis. it has done for the medical proon which he set an all-time field- The JCC Is going to hold a clinic fession."—(JTA) ing record for second baseman in ind registration in the center I'OMTH'A I. AllVKflTISKMKNT the International League. gymnasium Sunday afternoon at His career in the major* wus •JSQ p. m. All girls are invited to relatively short-lived. Andy was attend Meanwhile tennis courts sent to Newark In" 1931, then to arc in the process of being rcnled Minneapolis. He launched a ca- for those interested to learn the reer as a club manager, took time gam", A film, featuring Bill Tilout to serve with the armed forces den, former world champion will In the second World War, then re- be shown. turned to his coaching duties

Rayim Favored in YC Meet Sunday

Tennis Clinic for Giris This Sunday

Semitea have "abandoned their former brash and obvious tactics and nre (timing instead "to win the support of respectable elements rather than the lunatic fringe "they so highly prized and wooed in Christian Front days." the American Jewish Committee cautioned In a brochure made public by its president Irving M. Enf;le. The- document, titled "AntlScmitle Activity in the United States; A Report and Appraisal," stressed that it was now "more than ever necessary to guard a g a i n s t malicious movements strivinc to foment racial and religiou-i discord" because "many of these movements have now abandoned their former overt appeals to bigotry In favor of more subtle tactics to which the public must be alerted." Pointing out that today's antiSemites have learned "how to salt public debate with hate propaganda," the AJC report saya that 'ultra-nationalists" groups offer convenient platforms for this strategy. Extreme isolationism, opposition to foreign aid, unreasoning hostility to the United Nations, condemnation of both major political parties nnd agitation for 'a realignment of political forces," are among the themes falsely stressed by the ultra-nationalists, the report discloses, adding that ultra-nationalists made l i t t l e headway with the average American "unltl the cold war brought about the present tense atmosphere of our national life."

Israel Investments

New York (WNS)—The United Jewish Appeal in the six-year period ijlnce Israel's establlslunent on May 14, 1918 has raised more than S5G9,O0O,0O0 for the conduct of refugee aid programs throughout the world and esiwclatly for the financing of long-ranco settlement, welfare and ucricultural development programs 111 bflbalf of Israel's new comer*', Kdward M. M. Warburg, General Chairman of the UJA, ri'imrted here in connection with observances this week of the new Stutu's sixth anniversary. Mr. Warburg iwinted out that, of the total raised, $.1D2,000,000 was allocated for immigrant aid programs in Israel alone nnd termed this outlay "n remarkable American contribution to the cause of freedom." "The great f^nd> made available by Americans to the United Jewish Appeal have helped Israel's people transform both their ancient landscape and their own lives," lie declared. Mr. Warburg noted that tho six-year fund-ralslnu total doe* not include sums now being raised through the Appeal's unique project for flotation of a five-year loan of $75,000,000. Ho pointed out that some $50,000,000 has already been raised on this special project, which Is In addition to the UJA's regular 1054 nationwide campaign for close to $120,000,000. ItOOSKVKLT COIJ.KCTION New York «TA>—A 500-voN lino library devolod to tho impact f the late President Franklin D. Roosevelt on the world and on hl> •jeneraUon was presented to the Hebrew University by Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rosenthal of New York, on the ninth anniversary of the death of the President. The collection will be incorporated in the University's new Department )f American History nnd Culture md will be augmented by new acquisitions for which Mr. Rosenthal has established a special fund.

Tel Aviv (JTA)-A call to South African Jewish professional;! and middle class elements to come to 'srael was voiced here the first national convention of the Federation of South African Jews in [.srael. It was reported to the conference that South African Jews had invested ?120,000,000 in Israel since the state was established. The 1,000 former South Africans now living In Israel who attended For Flue Tailoring he convention also voted to esablish an office to assist new ImNorman Marsh migrants from South Africa to Member Master Tailors nnd ind employment in Israel and to Cutters Association, organize an information service to London, England inform prospective investors and Ciiitom Tailor to f«idlr» ii Men Af/mCATIONH immigrants in South Africa of op210 So. ZOIb JA ZKZ wrtunities in this country. I'OIJTICAI. AIIVKHTIHKMK.N'T

Keep Up the Good Work

Tennis player Dick Savilt,. is making a try at a comeback, and from recent results It looks as If he might bo successful. Savilt recently was' riding high in the tennis world, holding two of the world's three lop championships. But then his fortunes dipped and he remained out of action for a year. Dick ha-> stepped back into the limelight by »inning the River Oaks Invitation Tournament held at Houston, Tcxhs. Dlek went Into the tournament- unseeded. This mark-d the first time In the history of the tourney that an unseeded player managed to rmcise victorious. Die.': dirln'l win by rnerrly I;>-atlng u few unknowns. !!'• downed som" <>'1 V;v: top.nam";; in tennis. He too : the quarter final'- v.iih a straight-set triumph o v r Gardnar Muilroy, v.iio was defemiin;: champion. In tho semi-finals, he defeated Vic .Soixfls, who is r.'ited second In the nation. Then he went on to defeat Hamilton Richardson in four sets. Dick, now 27 jv.iru old, has had a stormy tennis career. H e r e were chorees that he was1 discriminated against in national ranking and with respect to Davis Oup play. His performance in Text s sbowedthat he may yet regain his position as one of America's leading champions.

Hebrew L7. Aivards Jerusalem (JTA)—A total of 482 -Bachelors and Masters degrees were awarded at a special ceremony of the Hebrew University. Of the total number of .'undcraduate nnd graduate students honored, 141 were women. Among the student'; avarded Mn'ters degrees were a numl>er of senior jovernment officials and members )f the ,1'niversily teaching staff In addition. 39 Doctorates in Philosophy were conferred.



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