VoL XXXII-No. SO ,*?£"*„&. USSSST"**?*5 " lim"
over/ Friday. 101 N. arth, NeLruki, Ilirjue M 1300
_ _ .
Annual 1UU 4 OoUam
Camp Registration Filling Up {Rapidly
Tho May 16 Sunday edition of the New York Times will Registration for Camp Jny-C-C contain a sixteen page supplela proceeding rapidly, and from all ment on Israel. Marking the indications capacity will be reached Sixth Anniversary of the JewWithin the next two or three ish Homeland, it will include weeks, Alfred Soj;Jiir, Chairman of articles by Israel nnd Amerithe Camp Jay-C-C committee nncan lenders nnd pictures of life nounccd. in the new state. "Wo have space only for some 100 children nt camp, and parents are urged to send in their camp application without further delay," Mr. Soplilr said. "We will operate on a first come—first served basis, and accept application'; In order Of their receipt." The congregation of Beth El SyCamp will open August 2 mid nagogue will honor Uev. Alexwill continue until August 30. ander Katz nt a dinner, 6 p. m., Campers may register for two Sunday, May 23, in the social hall Weeks, or for four weeks, of tho synagogue, on the tenth "The rates this year nre nt tracanniversary of his service to the Mrs. Myer 8. Krlplcn tive, and will make it possible for Congregation. campers to spend a full month nt Harry DuBoff nnd Mrs. AlexCamp. Fees are as follows: $75 for ander D. Frank are In charge of the first two-weelt period, from arrangements for the program and August 2 to August 1G; SC5 for the dinner. •ocond full week period, from August 3G to August 30. Fees for the The Annual Meeting of the Conentire month ure $120," Mr. Sophlr Tryouts for the Jewish Federa- gregation will take place precedconcluded. tion Centennial Pageant "Hoot and ng the program, with Nathan L. Blossom —"h Century Story" will Ire Nogg, president, presiding. Eight Directors will be elected to held Monday, May 17, at 8:30 p. m. new tiie executive board. In the Jewish Community Center. The program will Include n draThe pageant with a cast of M0 matic skit, under the direction of will bo presented June 13 nt the Mrs, Phlncas Wintroub, and speJerusalem (JTT> — I s r a e l ' i ; Omaha Centennial Theme Center Prime Minister Moshe Slmrett Stnijc, publicly rejected the "jielvlcc" nlvcn to Israel by Assistant Secretary Kendrick Wilson, director of the of State Henry A. Byroade not to Omaha Community Playhouse, will consider the Jewish .State n center direct and Mrs. Leon II. Marx is of world Jewry and to limit Immi- casting director. Tryouts will be gration to Israel as a reassurance held for casting of seventeen womto the Arabs. Speaklnt; before Parliament, the en, seven children nnd fifty men. Israel Premier chared that Ey"Hoot nnd Blossom—a Century ronde's recent speeches cun I* Story," was written by Mrs. Myer taken n% indication that the Unit- S. Krlpke for the Federation for ed States is ntterrtptlnj; to compete Jewish Service's presentation in With the Soviet Union "In showing the Centennlnl celebration. Mrs. greater leniency towards the Arab Krlpke is author of tho popular •tales wliile turning n stern face children's book, "Let's Talk About toward Israel." God." The line ndopfed by the .Soviet Mrs. Samuel Wolf is general representative ot the United Na- chairman and Mrs. Harry Trustln tions Security Council to veto any is project chairmnn. Mrs. Herproposal detrimental to the Arabs man Auerbach Is in charge of reand endorse at every stage the at- search. titude taken by the Arab side raises serious problem;; nnd may Those interested In participating lead to far-reaching results, Mr. may report for casting nt 8:30 p. Itev. Alexander Katz Shared warned. This Soviet stand, m. Monday, May 17, at the Jewish clnl songs composed for tho occahe said, threatens either to para- Community Center. sion. Harry DuBoff will be toastlyze the Security Council an a formaster. um where problems concerning the Middle Knst nnd Jsrnel-Arab relaMrs. Aaron Rips, Mrs. Samuel, tion* can bo considered and decidII. Stern, Mrs. Irving Herzog, Mrs, ed, or to turn the Council Into n Harry Hnykln nnd their Circles one-sided Instrument capable only 6 and No. 11 will be in charge Chicago (JTA)~A detailed pro- No. Ot action against Israel. the preparation of the dinner. gram for the sale of $7,500,000 of will supervise worth of Israel Development lionds Mrs. II. A. Veneer Ted Snnford and by the D'nai B'rith wan adopted decorations. Ducky Greenherg will supervise here at a two-day bond planning table service. conference of mnro than 100 B'nal B'rith leaders. The parley adopted Unused dinner tickets from the as the organization's slogan for Sisterhood Highlights Book may • Washington (JTA)~.Speaker of selling Israel bonds: "Kvery B'nal he used for one dinner reservation. the House Joseph W. Martin, Jr., B'rith member an Israel Bond issued n statement this week dif- owner," and recommended that evfering with the views of the Amer- ery district be responsible for the ican Council for Judaism. He said sale of a share of the national goal Sunday Radio, TV that n greeting he sent the Coun- n proportion to its numerical The Kternal Light program cil's recent Philadelphia conven- strength, under the auspices of the Jewtion "in no vvny implies any chance ish Theological Seminary will of attitude on my part toward the Philip Klutznlck, president of State of Israel." the organization, told the leaders present "One Tree in the De•Rep. Martin said his record fa- that "American Jewry will have sert" over WOW-Rndio from voring "tho Jewish National State no pence of mind until the prob- 11:30 n. in. to 12 noon. It Is a la clear and should be convincing." lem of Israel Is properly resolved." dramatization of the legendary He recalled that he has been a The most effective method of aid- story of Abraham who was member of Congress for 30 years ing Israel, lie added. Is to strcngth- thrown Into n furnace and was 'if en it economically through the sale miraculously saved. and for nil this period ha3 been "S vigorous supporter of the Jewish of bond;!. National Homeland." The comA dramatic reading by Sylvia munication Bent tho Council for Berger will be telivlsed over Judaism, ho explained, was n form Israel Frontier WOW-TV from 11:30 a. m. Ejecting intended only n.i n cour- Of Democracy' to 12 noon. Tills "Frontiers tesy to n group asnemblcd for a of Faith" program under the convention. Chicago (WNS)—Governor John auspices of the Jewish Theo' "I have consistently supported S. Fine of Pennsylvania, nddress- logical Seminary is based on Ing the Inaugural meeting of the the "Sayings of the Fathers" measures for the advancement of Israel as a cause In which I con- 1054 Combined Jewish Appeal, de- and nn episode commemoratscientiously believe," Bald Rep. clared that "Israel is a present- ing tho anniversary of the Martin. Ho added that on a re- day frontier of our form of demo- Warsaw Ghetto Revolt cent visit to Israel ho was "hoppy cracy" in the Middle East nnd that to observe the excellent progress it merits the strongest support "Message of Israel" will be of this new nation and to obtain from tho American people. broadcast over KOIL from 10 first hand knowlcdflo of the fact "In Israel," the Governor finld, to 10:30 a. m. Rabbi Edgar that my faith In Israel as a free "thero Is a strong bridgehead of a and Independent, land has. been pattern of life convarablo with the Siskin, of Congregation Enianucl In Chicago, 111., will speak. •mply justified." American venture." ; ,
Beth El to Honor Rev. Alex ICcstz
Centennial Tryout Monday af Center
Sharett Rejects Byroade's Views
B'nai B'rith vo Sell Bonds for Israel
Speaker Martin States Views
Morris E. Jacob*
Jacobs Feted At Highland Morris E. Jacobs, who arose from a paper boy to president of a leadIng advertising agency, was honored at a ceremony last Saturday in the Highland West Club. Friends and associates were on hand to relive memories and past achievements. General Curtis LeMay, commanding general of the Strategic Air Command, told of Mr. Jacobs efforts during the war years of World War II. Bob Considlne, news service commentator, sent a recording chiding Mr. Jacobs for leaving the ranks of the working press for the "cushy" field Of advertising. Former city editors sent greetings reminding him of his days as a reporter in Omaha and Des Molnes. Longtime advertising associates paid tribute to Mr. Jacobs, and his secretary'related how she first came to work for him In pigtails. Others told of how Mr. Jacobs responded In tlmo of need. His teacher Ida Blackmore turned back tho pages of time to his school days. Frank Fogarty, on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce, presented a resolution praising Mr. Jacobs'.* efforts in civic activities. The Boys Town Choir offered choral selections and Mr. Jacobs work for the group was recounted.
New Incidents on Israel's Frontier Tel Aviv (WNS)—Three members of the Israel armed forces nnd two policemen were killed by Arab raiders in two separate Infiltration incidents, it was reported hero by a military spokesman. Tho two policemen were slain in the Wadi Fuklen area when superior Jordanian forces-opened fire on an Israel police detachment which was forced to leave two of its wounded men as it retreated under heavy firing. Returning to the scene with new reinforcements, the detachment found the two men sluln after being dragged, across the border. Tho other three were killed In sporadic clashes. O n e Israeli watchman was killed near Castol, and another near Mcggido when ho came upon Jordanian Infiltrees Illegally harvesting crops 300 yards within Israeli fields.
A total of $13,879 from some 553 subscribers has been reported to date by the General Men'* DIvision, Harry Sidman, division chairman, announced. This amount represents an increase of 9 percent over last year, in the same cards. Largest Part 'I cannot overemphasize the importance of our division In the Philanthropies drive," Mr. Sidman said. "Through our division the largest part of the community is given the opportunity to participate in the most Important campaign of the whole Jewish community. Community Effort "The J e w i s h Philanthropies drive is everybody's business. It Is a Joint community effort, and every member of tho community has a responsibility toward it." Mr. Sidman stated that there are some 500 cards still outstanding in the division, and that plans are being mapped for a one-day clean-up campaign. He praised hli division workers for their efforts in cleaning up the outstanding cards.
Jordan Will Not Change Policy London (JTA)—"Jordan's policy with regard to the Jews will never change. We shall never enter Into negotiations leading to peace with them," Abdul Huda Pasha, nevr Jordan Premier, told the Times of London In an interview published here today. The Premier, who was brought to power following the resignation of the ol-Mulki government over a British note advising Jordan to confer with Israel over the armistice agreement, said that his government would not give any consideration "to pressure from an/ foreign power." He said that Jordan would act In accordance with the views of the Arab states in relation to Israel.
State Dept. Backs Byroade Speech Washington (WNS)—Assistant Secretary of State Henry A. Byroadc, whose recent pronouncements on Arnb-Israel relations and Israel's Immigration policy has sharply been criticized in Israel and by the overwhelming majority of Jewish leadership in the United States, was defended by the Department of State in an unusual statement issued following a conversation between Israeli Ambassador Abba Eban and Mr. Byroade in which the Israeli diplomat was reported to have protested in the name of his government against the Assistant Secretary's recent nddress before the American Council for Judaism In Philadelphia. Intimation that the Israeli position would be rejected came earlier in the week through informed sources who disclosed not only that the State Department, would give full support to By-^ roade's views but that his remarks represented administration policy. Referring to Mr. Eban's objections, the State Department communique Bald that Byroade "'explained to the ambassador that he had felt impelled to speak frankly on what seemed to be some of the underlying- causes of the ArabIsrael dlspu(e because it, seemed to be increasingly affecting the security of the Middle East—and, hence, that of the United States."
Paie Twe
Friday, May U, 1954
Our UN Newsletter
%\}t getoislj
U.S. Pressure On Israel
Published Every Friday by the Federation for Jewish Service U Meood-Cltus mattet At Omar.a, K<Cir&*ka. utiotr the &u uf iitjtii 3, 2679. Aanuh subscription, M.OO. .. BttltorUU Jltic«—101 No. 20U1 Htrerl, Or-ial-a, tube.. JAcltson Print gbop Arlarcu—4S08 Bo. isih iitrtct.
lij Arthur Xcui*
Challenge fo Leadership Although the front papes of our daily uewi-uiincrs are being taken over by reporto of the diplomatic defeat suffered by the United States at Geneva aud the tragi-comedy of the McCarthy hearings in Washington, we must not overlook tlio fact that within the last three weeks the Assistant Secretary of State, Henry A. Byroade, has delivered two ninjor addresses on United States poliey in the Middle East. These address™ reveal what Philip M. Klutmiek has described as the "most devasting confession of the failure of this policy." The reaction of the president of B'nai B'rith was made clear during the address he delivered in Pittsburgh twenty-four hours after Mr. Byroade's speech in Philadelphia. In his analysis Klntznick properly pointed out that one can no longer deny that the policy of impartial friendship for the Arab conntries and Israel has Buccecded only in earning ua the enmity of both. The spirit of defeatism which Rccma to pervade Mr. Byroade's statement of policy is especially disheartening. To say that peace in our time is impossible in the Middle Kast can be regarded by the Arab leaders only as an invitation to continue theirpolicy of violence. , JUutznicVs position is that of any American who believes that oar government is sincere in its desire for peace between -Arab and Israeli. The United States cannot afford at this time to admit that its leadership in the search for peace anywhere in the world is hopeless. It should recognize, the feet that the straggle in the Middle East is primarily a battle between the old and the new rather than a straggle over a narrow strip of coastal land which, together with a desert, constitutes the State of Israel. : ; _ Facts and balanced judgments am important in the determination of any policy. It is reitrftable that in arriving at his fundamental Points Mr. Byroade is too often guilty of errors in fact or over-simplification of fads. Because America is as strong as the hope which keeps generating in the IHN-UIK of men, it most continue, even against all odds, in an effort to bring the Arab states to the peace table. Only in that way enn we demonstrate that we arc'indeed the true friends of all the states in the Middle East.
Capital Spotlight
High Administration Official Supports Anti-Zionist Stand By Milton Friedman
Washington (JTA) — Altliough 'resident Eisenhower cave assurances that a grunt of U. S. munitions to Iraq represented no threat k> Israel, a "non-aggression" clause has been eliminated from the newest draft of propor.od legislation authorizing such aid. Meanwhile, high Administration officials indicated support for a program to split Israel from American Jewry and to blame srael for the ttb:;cnce of Near Eastern peace. Henry A. Byroade, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, took Israel to task in an address before an anti-Zionist convention of the American CounNew York (JTA)--Thc Ameri- ^pooches in which he has urf cil for Judaism at Philadelphia. can Zionist Committee for Public Israel to change its immigration Shortly thereafter, Vice-President Affairs, official spokesman for all policy and to m;i)io other drastic Itichard M. Nixon told Byroade: Zionist bodies in the United States, concessions — all without any in- "Henry, I am not an expert on charged that the Department of timation that the AralK are pre that area but I think you made a State has adopted a now and "ob- pared to consider the Elightest step very good speech." Israel Foreign viously partisan" policy in the toward negotiations f o r peace. .Minister Moshc Sharctt, who does Middle Kast by "exerting pres- Tims, the Department of .State is consider himself something of an sure on Israel to offer concessions now exerting pressure on Israel to expert on the area in question, to the Arab states on the assump- offer concessions in adavnee to the did not thing an highly of the Bytion that peace may be purchased," Arab states on the assumption that roade speech. and without any intimation that peace may he purchased. Close Doors the Arabs are prepared to consider "The proposal that Israel limit Using the anti-Zionist forum the slightest step toward ncgo- it1; immigration to set Arab fears provided by the ACJ, Byroade sugtions for peace. at rest strikes at the heart of Is- gested Uiat Israel close the doors Following a mectinj: of repre- rael's existence. Israel was creat- of the Jewish National Home to sentatives of all national Zionist er to provide a homeland and satisfy the Arab League. He hintorganizations, the committee is- sanctuary for Jews. \V<? deeply i*- ed at an analogy between Israel's sued a statement in which it took gret that an official of our great treatment of the Arabs and the fharp exception to two speeches on country with its own proud record Nazi extermination of Jews. He Arab-Israel relations made by As- of sanctuary should admonish the assured the Arabs that "if Israel sistant Secretary of State Henry new-born Israel to abandon its herself should decide upon exA, Byroade in Dayton, Ohio, on fundamentad purpose. pansive aggression" the United April. 9, and in Philadelphia on States would fulfill Its obligations May 1. The statement reads: .SUBSIDY (HP)—The Ministry to maintain order under the Tri"A new line of policy in the of Agriculture in Israel has estab- partite Declaration of 19IJ0. Tills Middle East has been expressed by lished a IL 2,700.000 fund to subsi- would be done, he said, although Assistant Secretary of State Hen- dies vegetable growing in new set- the Arabs might wonder "if the Ijr A. Byroads in two significant tlements. domestic political aspects of fruch a problem in the United States . . . might not make it impossible for us to live up to our stated intentions." Byroade reported to the anti-Zionists that Israelis were "to Friday, May 14 a certain extent emotionally exPre-School—9:00 a. m.—Center. citable." Saturday, May 15 Hartdatsah-Oneg Shabbat—12:30 p. m.—Homes. Byroade apparently sees himself A. Z. A. No. 1 King Dance—Paxton Hotel—9:00 p. m. at a sort of international psychiatrist. He prescribed what Sunday, Slay 10 Israel should do to allay the Children's Program—2:00 p. m.—Center. "fears" which beset the Arab Young Adult Lounge Night—8:00 p. m.—Center. League and "remove this spectre Monday, Hay 17 .... . —which does not teem to be based Pre-School— 9:00 a. m.—Center. upon reality—from minds in the Hadassah Chapter Jioard—12:30 p. m.—Homes. Middle East." While admitting Workman's Loan—7JO p.m.—Center. that the Arab apprehension does Tuesday, May 18 National Council of Jewish Women—1:00 p. m.—Highland Coun- not seem "based upon reality," Byroade nevertheless apparently felt try Club. that Israel could remove these Wednesday, Slay 19 hallucinations and phantoms from Pro-School—9:00 a. m.—Center. Arab imagination by taking the Mizrachi Women—1:00 p. m.—Center. steps recommended by the Bid: Landscape Painting Class—1.-00 p. m.—Center. Arab minds. B'nai B'rith Monsky Chapter No. 470—8:00 p. m,—Center. Center Orchestra—8:00 p. m.—Center, Analysis Uberoce—8:15 p. m.—Ak-Sar-Bcn. In Byroade's analysis, Jews arc Thursday, May 20 too "emotionally excitable." It is Leadership Training Institute for Teenagers—3:45 p. m,—Center. true that some people of that faith Hadassah Group Boards—12 JO p. m.—Homes. question the wisdom of Byroade's Beth Israel Men's Club Dinner—7:00 p. m.—Beth Israel. judgment on such matters as the Jewish War Veterans Post and Ladies Auxiliary Meeting—8:00 promotion of Arab-Israel peace by providing the Arabs with tree p. m^—Center. grants of heavy munitions. This, Bridge Class—6:00 p. m.—Center. apparently, puts them Into the Kadimah Board Meeting—8:30 p. nv—Homes.
Zionis+s Charge State Dept. Is Using Pressure on Israel
Community Calendar
United Hatlnni (JTA)—If the Security Council is unable to sct« Us the Palestine dispute, the. Western Powers would seem ta be determined to do something atxiut it, no matter how wrong headed their action may be. A couple of recent development* would Indicate that the United States and the United Kingdom arc attempting to treat Israel and Jordan like n couple of fractious children and nre not sparing th« rod of pressure. Concessions Of course, they have not always been impartial, und, it is only ro» cently that they have done anyx tiling about Jordan. Before that they were always after Israel, de* manding concessions. At the lost General Assembly, they were In* sistlng that the Jewish State taka back some of the Arab refugee*, w)u) would immediately becom* Fifth Columnists, and more ro« cenOy, there is this American «*• serlion that Jewish Immigration mast be stopped in order to op* pease the Arabs. Just about the time that the A n sistant Secretary of State, Henry, Byroade, made this statement, the British sent a note to Amman urg« l Jordan to negotiate with! Israel. This was enough to bring about the fall of Prime Ministe* •'awzl El Mulkl's government and Us replacement by the government ot Prime Minister Tcwfik Abdul Huda—after all the British1 Are the paymasters of Jordan ond they showed in this Instance that they, could call the tune when they wanted t/>.
"excitable" category. Strategy to undermine proZionist sentiment In the U n i t e d States has been under discussion for some time by Byroade and the ACJ. The climax of months of planning took place when Byroade addressed the ACJ convention at Philadelphia. This event was visualized at a secret meeting which occurred in Washington last December 3 behind the closed doors of the South lounge of the Carlton Hotel. A similar conference was held in San Francisco about It is surely an Ironical reversal a month previously when Byroade of roles that the British should be met with an ACJ group in that j the ones applying the pressure on city. the Arabs while \hf Americans nro Old Frli-nclK j using I his rod on the backs of tho The room which •wa?; the seeni* Jews. of iho Washington meeting was Kractlon reserved in the name of a "Mr. The .sharp nnd angry reaction Roland." Among those In attendthat there has been to Mr. Byance were Leasing J. Ilononwald, roade's insidious proposal might president of the ACJ, and Rabbi have been expected for this deF-lmcr Berger, its executive direc- mand that immigration be cut olt tor. Interviewed af; he emerged strikes at the very foundations of from tile meeting. Byroade smiled Israel. Tiio Law of rtclurn, which nervously. "I merely met with grants every Jew the right to go some old friends whom I have to Israel and make his home there known for a number of years," he no matter where he may live or said, adding that it was "nothing what his circumstances be, was to be reported in the press." one of the first law passed Home Iloscnwald was invited to one of six years ago; not only that but the first dinner parties tendered it i.i one of the basic principles.of at lITe White House by President the elate. Elsenhower. He subsequently visIt is little wonder then that the ited the President to convey what he represented to be the anti- Israeli Government should protest in the strongest possible language Zionist views of a largo section of ovc-r this remark of tho Assistant American Jewry. Secretary of State and s»y that Rt'spomlble In September, 1953, the While it was "liable to impose a severe strain on Israel-American friend* House announced the appointment of Morris Wolf, of Philadelphia, as ship," Wliat Mr. Byroade is de« mandlng is that Israel should dU General Counsel of the Foreign vest itself of its special character Operations Administration. Wolf which Is tho reason for its befog is a member of the executive com- and Just another utote In the Midmittee of the ACJ. A covemment dle East. announcement said Wolf would be "resiwnsible, among other things, Whether the Western Powers, for Interpreting legislation per- represented by the United King* taining to foreign operations, and dom and the United States, are go« for assistance In developing for- in/; to be successful In this heavy mal agreements with participating handed way of using pressure id countries." force a settlement In the PalesThe FOA is directly concerned tine dispute remains to be seen. with conducting the foreign aid One thing Is certain though and program pffecting Israel ond the that la that Israel cannnot be Arab states yet its general .coun- treated in the same way as Jordan. sel in private life is a member of the executive committee of an organization devoted to opposing the existence of Israel. Wolf is listed on t h e . 1952 ACJ letterhead ns ^Ncw York (JTA)—The candi*. secretary of the organization, ficy of Mortimer May of Nashvnio listed side-by-slde with Roscnwald for the presidency of the Zionist and the treasurer a s one of the Organization of America was anfl nounced following a meeting ot three leading officers. There are elements In the State sixty Icadera of the organization, Department which resent and op- who gathered here to cxchangS pose Zionism. They claim Zionism viows on the forthcoming 57th an* Interferes with the pursuit of Arab nual national convention and ths friendship. Anxious to implement future program of the ZOA. Mr. on openly anti-Israeli policy, these May's candidacy was unanimous!* elements use the ACJ as a "front" endorsed by the meeting. In whlcn to give the impression that there ZOA regional and district leader! ore no anti-Jewish Implications t o participated. Mr, May formerly served as the actions they would liko to take ngainst Israel. But those who chairman of the national executive committee of the ZOA and as iU raise questions about this development do so at the peril of being vice-president He is also a mempsychoanalyzed a* "emotionally ber or the Actions Committee of be World Zionist Organization. cxictablc."
ZOA Candidate
Friday, HMJ U. MM
Israel Celebrates Its Sixth Anniversary Jerusalem (WK.Si--Tlii.Te was boundless rejoicing in Jsraol a;; the country celebrated the sixth a n n i v e r s a r y of independence «mi<I.st confidence in the ft lire anil lioiii' fnr peace with Ihi-' Arab neii:hl>or.s. Despite the strain'-d political situation and ominous sword dangling by the Arab .state;:, the obECrYnnee iv;is marked by an intensity reminiscent of the early days uf elation. There was awareness uf course of the gravity of the wurtd .situation, but there was also faith that, given peace, the seventh year of Israel's founding would witness upsurge and enrichment and strengthening and stability on all levels of national concern. Interestingly, it wa*i not Tel Aviv nor Jerusalem that was tlio center of the official independence day celebration, 1ml Hie small village of Ilamleti, symbol of Israel's struggle for independence and of its striving toward economic attainment. The humble rooftops of the village house:) were dwarfed by cannon and tank and plane from above, but not even the Imposing demonstration of military power could compare witli the inner strength and determination of the tens of thousands who came to rejoice and to promise. They were proud, the celebrants, of their Army, and of the smartly marching columns of infantry, of the paratroopers, of the youth anrl women's' units and of the Jet and fighter planes stunting above and of the Camel Corp:; bringing a touch of antiquity to the atomic age.
Pledging Israel's determinajion never to "turn its bad: on (iny Jew knocking ut its door," I'remier, obviously referring American State Department iey in the Middle East, declni '•'Hie great power; compete \ each other to aojuire the fiii ship of the Arab peoples by In. urine Israel. Tliey (,tren::then flic enmity u£ Israel on the onch [ml and d.'inmge the prospects |' of peace on the other. The realities that we have ereated and cpn:;olidated and that we regardjias the immutable basis of tjtir lifelias u state and our international status are attacked from time;; to time from unexpected quarters! in the international urenn. !
rare Three
Bond Sales Near Vi Million Retiring Chairman Reports
Tryouts Tryouts for Federation for J e w i s h Service's Centennial Pageant "liool nnd Blossom—a Century .Story" will be.'held. Nj;i:ni:i> 17 women 7 < hllilren
By Alex Ay Lit Nebraaka-Iowa Director for 8Ute of Israel Bond*
50 mill
Report Monday, May 17, at H:'M p. rn. in the Jewish Community Outer.
Anniversary Fete T© Be Held May 16
Almost half a million dollars worth of Israel Bonds were puiv chased for cash in Omaha during the three years of the Independence Bond Issue, Morton Richards, r e t i r i n g chairman, announced. Richards praised the tireless devotion of the community leaden who had made this result possible. He cited David Blacker, first Bond chairman nnd Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, Women's Division chairman, for her unceasing efforts during • the entire Independence Issue.
Lazar Shupakcvit./, Director of the Israel llistadnit Campaign In the Midwest will be guest, speaker nt the Fnrband I'oalo Zion, Pioneer Women and Kadimah celebration NfiW IflHUfl of the Sixth Anniversary of Israel Richards also announced that to be held at 8:30 p. in. .Saturday, the first $1,000 Bond In Omaha of May 15, in the Jewish Community the new Development Issue had Center. already been purchased. Mr. Shupakevitz, a outstanding Among the many events which leader of Labor Zionists in Europe, have taken place since 1951, IJIchis a member of the Central comards recalled the first inaugural .Morton IClchards mltee of the Labor Zionist Organidinner which was addressed by zation In America. He has been Harry Seeve; the gala dinner the National Secretary of t h e whore Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., Ponle Zion in Poland and has viswas the guest of honor; the threo ited Israel many times. Women's Division affairs; theMIscha Elman concert, and the last The program will include Israeli campaign in December, 1953, when songs by Cantor Eli Kagan of Beth The West Central Diabetes AsGinsburg nnd Hazel Scott Israel Synagogue with piano ac- sociation will hold classes of in- Julius were the guests of honor. companist, llan:i Baer. struction for diabetics, Thursday, Improvements ' The committee in charge of re- May 20 and 27, at the Jewish Comfreshments Is headed by Mrs. Abe munity Center, 20th and Dodge Three years of financing through Streets, at 7:30 p. m. This will be Independence Bonds have resulted Cohen and Mrs. Jake Feldman. last series of classes held until In clear-cut improvements in Rabbi Benjamin Groner of Beth the Israel's foreign trade position, Israel will deliver the Invocation. fall. Richards continued. He noted that Ephralm Marks, prominent attor- All diabetics, their friends and from 1951 to 1953 Israel's trade ney, will read the Israel Declara- families are invited to nttend to deficit fell from $29C,500,000 to tion of Independence. learn how to live successfully with $227,100,000. Imports d e c l i n e d Reservations will be accepted diabetes. from $343,300,000 to $286,700,000 until 6 p. m. Friday. May 14. Call A dietitian and nurse will be In while exports Increased from attendance to answer questions $•16,800,000 to $59,600,000. Mrs. Abe Cohen at JA 291G, or Sharing the reviewing stand after tlie showing of film strips "Israel," Richards declared, "has Mrs. Jake Feldman, RE 0938. were President Hzhak lien Zvl, by tlie American Diabetes already become the most highly Joseph Radinowski, secretary of prepared Premier Moslie Sharett, Army Association. F a r b a n d Labor Zionist Order, There is no charge for this in- industrialized nation In the Middlo Chief Staff of lloshc Dayan, DeEast and is moving toward WestBranch, 54, will preside. fense Minister Pinchas Lavon anil struction nnd further information ern standard-; in this respect. other high government officials. may be had by calling either Mrs. Mineral Kosonrces , Former Premier David Ken Gurion Ethel HunUinger, JA 5980, or Mrs. was not on the stand. Kitting In"Another decisive area of Israel Joe Roberts, Jr., KE 0190. stead in a flection of the reviewing Bond Investment has been the disstand set aside for crippled and covery and exploitation of mineral disabled war veterans, many of resources—Including phosphates, them on wheel chairs. Dead Sea potash, copper, iron, clay Harvey, the whimsical rabbit, New York (JTA)—Labeling the and glass sand. The progress in Later, in a broadcast to the na- may have been a successful Broad- recent ratification by the Soviet just a few years has been nothing tion. Premier Moshe Sharett paid way star, but Dugs Uunny t h e Union of the United Nations Genotribute to the Jews of the world Square Dancer has put his carrjit cide Convention a "cynical step Ithaca, N. Y. (JTA)—Ambassa- short of miraculous," he declared. and the United States for their stamp of npproval on the Omaha taken for the purpose of cm- dor Eric Johnston said in an ad- He noted that Israel Bond funds assistance to Israel since Its found- Centennial Square Dance of tlio harassing the United States and dress at Cornell University that he are making possible a series of ing nix years ago, HO asserted that Century. deluding world public opinion," lias just received Arab and Israel dams and pipelines which wlU the tnlcnsiflcatlon of the Btronj; Chuck Jones of Hollywood, crea- major national Jewish religious reports on a proposed Jordan Val- bring water to parched areas bomb between the Jewish people tor of Bugs llunny, will be mast<ir bodies nnd 'civic organizations, to- ley Authority and will return to throughout the country. The fuleverywhere and Israel was the of ceremonic3 for the Centennial gether with a large number "of the Near East toward the end of fillment of this irrigation program, principle aim of Israel's policy, Square Dance of the Century, Jewish c o m m u n i t y council.? this month for further discussions Richards said, would make it unadding that the common destiny of Owen Cotton, Centennial Square throughout the country today sent regarding the cooperative use of necessary for Israel to Import most food products and will leave a conthe Jewish people of the entire Dance Chairman, announced. a telegram to President Eisen- tlie Jordan River waters. world b a decisive fact of our hower urging him to use his "good Despite Arab-Israel tension, Mr. siderable surplus of certain foods for export. times and that "anyone who Ig- The Centennial dance will be offices In behalf of Senate ratifi- Johnston said, "the Arab nations nores It cannot adequately under- held for two nights at Ak-Sar-Befo cation of the Convention." Expansion and Israel have shown marked and coliseum, May 21 and 22. An af t<jr stand the course of Jewish life." The transportation and commutiie dance party Is being planned Continued United States failure unmistakable interest" although nications systems of Israel hava at the Livestock Exchange botfi to ratify the Genocide Convention, none have yet accepted the pro- been expanded with the help of nights for visiting and local squarfe the message said, "expose.1 us not posal. He said Arab reactions and Bond dollars, he continued. He only to Communist propaganda suggestions have been received and dancers. noted in particular that Haifa to the legitimate doubts of our "their report represents serious Saturday, Mny 22, tltere will I* but Harbor was now handling four throughout the world who and constructive effort." Israel, he a Square Dance Clinic to bo at- frinds to us for affirmative moral added, has so far been receptive In times as much tonnage as in 1951. tended by participants. The Omo- look The regular mcelini; of the Ep- ha leadership." Tlio Genocide Con- principle and non-committal in de- Many new roads and railway lines Square Dance Council ha|s vention, already In effect, binds tail. "The U. S. Embassy at Tel have been built and others are un. «tcin-Morgan Post No. 2G0, JWV,planned two sessions, morning an I construction. Israel shipping will be held ot the Jewish Com- afternoon, one for round dancing the forty-three signatory nations Aviv," he reported, "lias just ob- der firms now own 33 ships nnd El Al munity Center, Thursday evening, and one for square and cuntrtt to a treaty barring the mass de- tained Israel's comments and reac- —the national airline—covers four struction of any racial or religious tions and they (ire now on the way May 20 ot 8:15 p. m. final plans dancing. to Washington, where we will continents. group. for the Memorial Day Services L "Basic to all these achievewill be formulated. Delegates to The Dance of the Century Is omr The telegram was cent on be- study them carefully." the Fifth Regional meeting at St. of the official events in the-Cent half of the American Jewish Con- Mr. Johnston said it was dear ments," Richards concluded, "to tennlal ticket book. The coupol) the fact that Israel is proving Its Paul, Minn., will be elected nnd gress, Jewish Labor Committee, that the political situation is sucli plans for the Post's participation 1 sfull spectator admission. Adilif Jewish War Veterans of the Unit- tluit the proposed system of water- ability to maintain its independIn the Centennial celebration will tlonnl tickets, at 51.50, nre availj ed States, central Jewish religious works hi the valley would require ence, to bolster its security and able at Russell Sporting G d bodies and the Jewish community nternational administration and to provide a better life for Its new be drawn up. Officer of the Day, Paul 181G Farnam. councils affiliated witli the Na- supervision. Eventually, if a total immigrants. The new Israel Detional Community Relations Ad- valley program became reality, velopment Bond Issue will be a Cretins© announced that Memorial visory Council, joint planning body some kind of valley authority, decisive source of the financial Services this year will be at the possibly under the United Nations, strength needed for the fulfillment for all the organizations. grave of the late Dr. Jacob M. would have to be created," he of this historic program." Erman, first Commander of the stated. Epstein-Morgan Post. Bl Men's Club "It is fitting that during the 'Unless a mutually acceptable Centennial year celebration and can be found for dividing Washington (WNS)— PresiBeth Israel Men's Club will formula the Epstein-Morgan Post's tenth dent Elsenhower, in a message the water of the Jordan fairly, any year anniversary, we shall honor to Israeli President Itzhak Ben- hold a smoker Thursday, May 20 nttempt by one country to harness the man who wa9 our first leader," Zvl on the occasion of his coun- at Beth Israel Social Hall. Reser- the stream for its own use will be The A n n u a l Card Party of vations close May 19. This will an explosive provocation to the Workmen's Circle Branch 258 will Mr. Crounsc stated. try's celebration of Its sixth be held at 6 p. m. Sunday, May 16, The Memorial Sendees will bo anniversary of Independence, be the final meeting of the sea- others," he stressed. at the Labor Lyceum, 31th and held at 11 a. m., Sunday, May 30, hailed the new state in his own son. Cuming sts. Memorial Day, nt the graveside name and the people of the Milton Nearenbcrg Is chairman o m (IIP)—The new Rabbi fCripke to Attend of Hie late Dr. Jacob M. Erman United States. of the arrangements committee. ot the Pleasant Hill Cemetery. In a White House cable to water reservoir in Rohovot, Is- Rabbinical Assembly Oher committee members are Max Additional Information will be President Ben-Zvi, Mr. Eisen- rael's c e n t e r of scientific rehas been tested and 13 ex- Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will at- Belgrade, Sam Tarnoff, Joe Feedannounced later. hower Bald: "The people of the search, man, Ben Gorelick, Sam Kaplan, Plans are In the making to put United States Join me in Bend- pected to come Into operation In tend the Rabbinical Assembly of on several shows during the com- ing congratulations and sincere time to accumulate water for the America Convention at Union- Morris Goodman and Louis P»ing year at the Lincoln's Veterans good wishes to Your Excellency summer. The country's Irrigation town, Pa., from May 17 to May 20. perny. Tickets arc 50 cents per person Hospital Max Kanner, VAVS rep- nnd to the people of Israel on blueprint Is being aided through resentative and Mai Tepper, VAVS this anniversary of Israel's Jn- on appropriation from State of Is- Jeff Chandler: "I am the first and the public Is invited to attend. rael Bond Investments which to- man she ever loved. AU tlie others A buffet supper will be served at alternate are In, charge of this dcpcncc." additional cost. tals more than $18,000,000. were fraternity boys."—(JTA) program.
Diabetes Group To Meet at Center
Centennial Genocide Pact Dance May 21-22 Passage Asked
Johnston Tells of Jordan ¥a9ley Flan
MemoriccS Services Planned by JW¥
President Greets Israel
Workmen's Circle To Hold Card Part
Face Fom
Friday, May 14. 185t
Miss Jane Beber Council's Spring Luncheon Recipes of Engagement Told To Be Held Tuesday, May 18 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Beber an- The Week
B. Swarfz Elected BB Bowling Prexy
IJnui Brith Women's bowling season was elimaxed with their nounce the enj;a^ement of their The Omaha Section, National fifth annual tranquct held at the daughter, J;uie, to Floyd II Tliese are some of the recipes Council of Jewish Women will Abramson, son of Mr. and Mrssubmitted for the li'nal B'ritii L e a v e n w o r t h Grill, Tuesday, have its annual spring luncheon May 4. Loo A. Abrnjnson. for all members and friend;; TuesMLss Beber attended Stanford Year Hook. They were made avail- Trophies were Presented to the day, May 18, at the Highland able by Mrs. Max Sacks. The JcwUniversity, Palo Alto, Calif., for first place team, Wolf Brothers. Country Club, 126th and Pacific two years and is now n student lih Press will publish them In Team members nre Ann Schulman, »t Luncheon will l>e served at 1 at .Sarah Lawrence College, series. We welcome any additional captain; Dora Welnberg, Dorothy p. m., followed by a presentation Isack, Audrey Klrshenbaum, Lil of ceramic plates to those memBronxville, N. Y. recipes sent In by our readers. Lleb end KIlie Hchloff. National bers who have qualified for the Mr. Abramsnn craduatcd from CHOCOLATE CIIII* Tire nnd Supply placed .second. Council Plate Club. The plates Yale University, New Haven, COCONUT COOKIKS The following were presented were designed especially for the Conn., and Is now attending Hartrophies: Ituth Klein, 221 for high Omaha Section by Mrs. Nathan Ity Mrs. Albert Gaer vard Law School, Cambridge, Simon. Reservations for the lunchCream, Vi cup shortening, brown individual came; Rao Wintroub, Mass. 548, hlj;h individual aerie*. Rao eon are being taken before May 17 A summer wedding is planned. sugar and granulated f:ugar. Kcat also for finished with the high averby Mr*. A. V. Vcnger and Mrs. 1 egg, add to above. Sift 1\L cups MM Wolfson. flour, U teaspoon salt, >,4 ten-age for the season, 149. High team si>oon baking powder. Add to mix- scries went to Angle's Beauty SaAn entertaining program in the ture and mix well. Add 1 package lon with 2,130. H-Worth Grill form of a short skit entitled came through with the high team semi-sweet chocolate chips nnd "Heavenly Daze," explaining the cup moist coconut. Drop by ',it game of b'O'J. . origin of the organization, will be directed by Mrs. Hy Shrier. MemMr. and Mrs. H. V. Weiner, on greased cookie sheet and hake Officers elected for the coming bers of the cast are Mrs. A. V. formerly of Omaha, now living In 10-12 minutes at 375 degree.';. year are Beverly Swartz, presiVenger, Peter Greenberg, Stanley Ixra Angeles, Calif., announce the dent; Annette Frank, first viceSOverman, Robert Newman, Herpresident; Reva Singer, second birth of a son, Eric I.ynn, born FltlCSH VEOIOTAHLK IMF Mrs. Hy Shrier bert Kotzen, Richard Goldman, vice-president; Rose Oruch, gen* May 5. This is the couple's first Mra. George KpHfcer Maurice Blank, Edward Milder, oral secretary; Lottie Bloch, re« child. Mrs. Weiner Is the former 1 cup mayonnaise Louis KaU, and Max Rosen. Mrs. cording (secretary; Diana llnhn, Lorraine Robinson. M a t e r n a l Vi teaspoon garlic salt Herbert Kotzen is in charge of sergeant-nt-arms, and D o r o t h y grandmother Is Mra. Ida Robin U teaspoon onion juice costumes and props, and Mrs. RusFeltjnan, publicity. son. 1 teaspoon Worcestershire nauce sell Blumenthal will accompany Mix and serve will! fresh cauli- Following the election and inthe musical numbers. A gift shop Waltham, Mass. — Construction flower, flowerets, carrot strips, stallation of officers, and tha A daughter, Hollie Ann, was and bazaar will also be featured. of a unique interfaith project, conCards and social hour will follow sisting of separate Ca'nolic, Prot- born to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel V. radishes and cucumber dices. Vary awarding of the trophies, a pro* the program. No baby sitter serv- estant, and Jewish chapels, will Cooper May 2 In a local hospital. with garlic nnd onion Juice to gram was presented. Those par* tlclpatlng were Libby Sachs, Helen ice will be provided Tuesday. For begin on the campus of Brandeis Paternal grandparents nre Mr.taste. Tarnoff, Evelyn Hoberman, Fay reservations, cancellations a n d University, it was announced here. and Mra. Martin Cooper of Omamenu information call Mrs. Max It will mark the first time on nny ha. Belle Baker: "Twenty years ngo ICdel, Phyllis Dworsky, Lottla WolfsoM, GL0979. the girls never thought of doing Bloch, Marcla Llpsman, Merriara university campus that this religlCooncrmnn ""d Liberty Faier, up* ous grouping of individual strucMr. and Mrs. Edward Zornlsky the thlng.1 they do nowadays. der the able direction of Ruth tures has been undertaken. are parents of a con, Harry Jay, That's probably why they didn't Klein. Israel YouHi Are With this chapel concept the six born October 8, l'jy.i. Mrs. Zorln- ilo them."—(JTA) Sonya Forbes was the banquet year old liberal arts university, sky Is the former Cccile RotUnan 'Deficit Generation' chairman. She was assisted by only Jewish-founded nonsectarinn of Denver, Colo. Maternal grandMerrlim Coopcrmnn, decoration* New York'(JTA)—The adoles- institution of higher learning In parents are Mr. and Mrs. David chairman. cent population of the State of the United States, makes a sharp Rottman of Denver, Colo. PaterIsrael presents a "problem of departure from customary chapel nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ity Mm. Morris Sjwelitcr grave proportions" because the practice at denominationally spon- Hymie Zorinsky of Omaha. 0i LESS THAN 4 MINUTES shortage of funds prevents about sored colleges. It's hard to forget my father's, fROM PACKAGE TO PAH 43,000 of them from attending Traditionally the chipels con"olav hasholom" table, A son, Jeffrey Lee, was born school or finding employment, ac- structed at eollege.i ami univerIlls devoted Kiddush, to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dreyer April cording to Ellis Radinsky, execu- cities fctemrning from a religious And my mother's "ola hastive of the United Israel Appeal. faith nre built ar; a chapel of that 21 in Los'Angeles, Calif. They holom,"— fragrant fish. He spoke to 500 women at a Hotel faith. Hospitality to ime the fa-have one son, Michael Alan. MaAstor brunch, sponsored hy thecility H extended to students of ternal grandparents are Mr. and My father, with his Hassldim, nnd also a guest brought Women's American OUT in behalf j itlier faith-:, but the chajH-I re- Mrs. Morris Dolgoff of Omaha. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and from Shnl, Of the 1951 rnmpalgn of the Unit- jmahr: an edifice in the imnge of Mrs. Joseph Dreyer of IMS AnWould sing Oie Zinlrus with the ho:.t j;ri-up. ed Jewish Appeal. gcles, Calif. Mra, Dreyer is the joy, Mr. Radinsky referred to the "Jt is our feeling that worship former Shirley Ann Dolgoff. And joy in our home was the young people of Israel as the "def- is very much a matter of mood rule. icit generation" because they are and spiritual climate and is not Lester Friedman serving with My father sat deep in study "among the unfortunate victims limited to the words that are of Israel's current economic dis- spoken or the ceremonies per- the U. S. Coast Guard at Portover a Sefer, location, which is responsible for formed. Protestants who worship land, Me., visited his parents Mr. Late after supper when their idleness and the resulting in a Catholic Chapel or Jews who and Mrs. David Friedman. everyone was gone, cases of juvenile delinquency." The worship In n Christian Chapel, And the house, albeit no palace, incidence of juvenile delinquency while grafeful for the hospitality, Mrs. Sam Rosensweig from St Like a rare jewel shone. Rcacb(orthoDROMEDARY III1 in Israel is rising although the are never rcnlly completely nl Clair, Pa., is visiting her son Norpackage with tfiff kosher * J general crime rate is falling, he 'home and the religious mood that Every day from Beth llaracn Rosensweig. they secK is never really properly (aid. dresh Father came, and not alone, Secondary education for young evoked," Dr, Abram L. Sachar, Mr. nnd Mrs. William M. CoopNever for Father or Mother people in Israel presents a prob- Brandeis president, declared. er of Chicago arrive today to visit was a guest a chore. lem because parents must contri- University officials made It clear bute to its Cost Of a total adoles- that the presence of the chapels heir family, Miss Elizabeth J. A - Rabbi, his nephew, or a cent > population of 93,000 only would not alter the Institution's lart and Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin stranger in the town, 15,000 are attending high school. policy of non-denoniinntlon.il nc- Boas berg. Each meal for us children AK-SAR-BEN However, with elementary educa- tivites. No official chaplain will brought delight forevertion compulsory and free, the num- be named by the University, nor Maynard Suylan is visiting his more. ber of pupils has almost trebled will'any chape] cervices be made parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack SayIan. A former Omahan, he now reto 215,000 since Israel attained compulsory. sides in Los Angeles, Calif. Statehood, Mr. Radinsky pointed out MILK (III')—Marketing of pasThe Jewish Agency provides one teurized milk in bottles may soon become a reality in Israel under a hot meal a day —more than half their: nutritional intake, in most project sponsored by I'N'ICKF. Is- Zeta Beta Tau Mother's Club cases —Tor thousands of recently rael's largest dairies in Haifa and will hold its annual luncheon for arrived children whose parents' in- Tel-Aviv are now engaged, with wives and mothers of alumni Wedcomes are very Kinall, he reported. the help of ];irge appropriations nesday, June 2 at 1 p. m. in the At present, 1,000 immigrant youths from State of Israel Bond invest- Highland Wrat Club. of high school :u;e are going to ments in working out the details school on .scholarships provided hy of the blueprint. Patronize Our Advertisers the Jewish Agency. There are 3.300 Btudcnts in 1!) or OP.T vocational Schools in Israel.
I Omaha Sketches
Brandeis Build?. 3 Faith Chapels
ZBT Mothers'Club
Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on Sunday
Sunday Brunch
Served Buffet Stylo! All You Care to Eat
No Racing on Sundays or Mondays lEiupl MomJoyi, M « 31 O lair 5)
Tin: appropriate time to send
ADMISSION 75c (IricluJ.ua Stale and Ftderil T»»)
lied by lariu'li crew* — .-ait in a nuMiel! in H'i> maritime blueprint for H'is y°""s republic. With thn aid of loans from Ifcrorl Bond», private shipping countries hero tiavc brcn nl>le to '»• •tease tbe number of cargo and pa«iens;cr liners, especially freighter!! which traiuport p growing «rport# «' I " 1 " rit"
food certificates S3, $10, 315, S20, $25 or jircpaicd packages from S9.80
iCD for Ladle* Q5c) NO CHILDREN ADMITTED 250 W. 571(1 St., M. Y., B. t . CO 53600 • Sells 1919 0iwntc»n H. Y.: Dewntexn Exctianje inc. • 21 C«ei S t • OR 4-5150 LOCAL AGENT — JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER 101 N. 20tk ST. J A 1366
FrkUy, M«y 14, 1954
Organizations TI Sisterhood Temple Israel Sisterhood Installed now oflicers at their final meeting of the year which was held at Highland Town Club May 3. Mrs. Hcrnhardt L. Wolf will serve as president for n two-year term. Other officers installed are: first vice-president, Mrs. Edward Gilbert; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. I.o?.;ir Kaplan; recording secretary, Mrs. Herman Friedman; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Edwin Brodkey; dues secretary, Mrs. Ilichard Miller; treasurer, Mrs. Alfred Sophir; parlimentarian, Mrs. Joseph Levey; auditor, Mrs. David • Goldman. Other elected officers arc: historian, Mm. Stanley Kntclman, publicity, Mrs. Edward Lcvinson; religion extension, Mrs. Morris Lipp; peace ond world relations, Mrs. Seymour Kaplan; house nnd floral, Mrs. Leo Nogg; Inter-club council, Mrs. William Kalmon. Rnbbi Sydney n . Brooks , was Installing chairman. Mrs. Izudor Zelgler presented pins to Mrs. Ilattle Mantel, Mrs. Ben Silvers nnd Mrs. Milton Maypcr in honor of their service as post district presidents.
Monsfcy Chapter The May meeting of B'nal B'rith Henry Monslty Chapter No. 470 will be held Wednesday, May 19, nt 8 p. m. In the Jewish Community Center. After election of officers, the Aid to Israel prize will be awarded nnd Mrs. Arthur Goldstein will present a showing of the unique B'nal U'rith "Polls for Democracy.'1 Since the Citizenship Award Luncheon, there have been many requests for Mrs. Goldstein to present her program nt n regular meeting BO now is your chance to hear nnd we this wonderful presentation. The donor luncheon will be hold • May 21, at the 11-Worth Grill. Mrs. Morris M. Franklin will review "The Pliopliet of San Nicandro" by Phlnn LaPide and cards nnd Mah Jong will follow. Anyone wishing to pay their donor should contact Mrs. Gone Osheroff, chairman, at WE 8M0.
Epstein-Morgan Aux. The regular monthly meeting for May of the Epstein-Morgan 'Ladies Auxiliary No. 200, Jewish War Veterans will be held May 20, at 8 p. m. In the Jewish Community Center. An Interesting program has been planned. On May C, Mrs. Anron Epstein, Mrs. Jack Saylan and Mrs. Abe Kaplan attended the monthly party sponsored by the Auxiliary at the Omaha Veterans Administration Hospital to entertain the patients. Israeli Day was celebrated'May 13, at an annual party at the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged. Mrs. Herman Silvorman and Mrs. 3. Milton Margolin were cochairmen for the affulr. Mrs. Frank Cohen, religious chairman, Mrs. Ezra Bcldner, and Mrs. Max Belgrade served as hostesses.
B&P Hadassah '
Mrs. Phil D. Schwartz, President of the Business and Professional Women of Hadassah, has an nounccd that an open IJoard meetIng wiil be held Tuesday evening, May 18, at 7:30 p. m. In the Jewish Community Center. The delegates to the Regional Conference held recently in Lincoln, Mrs. Charle.i HOBS, Eve L. Konecky and Miss Myrtle Freeman will report on the Conference. The winning hat will bo displayed. Plans are being formulated for the May Intergroup Meeting. All members are invited to attend.
Pioneer Women The Pioneer Women's Organization will hold its Fourth Annua Shower for Israel 1 p. m., Tuesday. May 25 nt the Lajjor Lyceum, 31u end Cumlng sis. There Is a great need for new children's clothing, baby layettes, work dresses, linens, rain coats,
rubbers, blankets nnd jeans, a spokesman stated. Everyone Is asked to attend and lend a helping hand, Mrs. Sam Novak Is general chairman of the program. Assisting arc Mrs. A. Epstein, Mrs. J, Kaplan, Mrs. 11. Klcklin. Mrs. Morris Sternbcrg, Mm. Philip Crundell, Mrs. L. Goreliclt, and Mrs. S. Illfkln.
BJ Sisterhood The B'nal Jacob Adas Yeshurin Sisterhood will hold its regular monthly meeting 1 p. m., Tuesday, May 18 in the social hall of the synagogue at 3028 Cumlng st. All members are asked to attend.
BB Nebr. Chapter A regular meeting of Nebraska Chapter No. 3<1G of B'nal B'rith will bo held 8:30 JJ. m. Thursday, May 27, at the Congregation of Israel Synagogue on 25th and J Sis. Election of officers for next year will take place. There will be nomination.', from the floor for those who desire to do so. Mrs. Sol Martin, a past President of the Chapter, has been appointed by the president, Mrs. Albert Oruch, to serve ns chairman of the nominating committee. Othr members of that Committee nrc: Mrs. Alw Kazloksy, Mrs. David Dlelclier, Mrs. Abe Bear and Mrs. Max Sacks, all past Presidents of the Chapter, and Mrs. Bernard Zcvitz, Mrs. Wm. Stone, Mrs. Chas. jcuddcr and Mrs. Louis Wohlncr. Refreshments will be served following the business meeting.
Campus News Sigma Delta Taxi Ivy Day, which was held May 8, brought many honors to the girls >f Sigma Delta Tau. The top honor :amc to Fran Locke who was one if twenty-one outstanding Junior ;lrls chosen to become a member Mortar Hoard. Fran is.Presl:lent of S. D. T. and vice-president jf the lied Cross College Unit. Mortar Board la a women's honirary for junior girls outstanding .n scholarship and activities. Other receiplents of Ivy Day awards were Janet Gordon and all Kntskcc who were chosen to IB sophomore attendants to the •lay Queen. These girls wore also ;elected for their outstanding activities and scholarship. Phyllis Kaplan, Shirley Rosenberg, Helenc Sherman and Letu Weiner were iur freshman, sophomore, junior nnd senior members in the daisy and Ivy chains. Shirley Rosenberg was recently iledged to Thetn Sigma Phi, women's honorary a n d professional lournallsm fraternity. Renee Rohter was elected r.ecrcary-treasurer of Alpha Kappa Delta, sociology honorary society. The S. D. T.'a had several guests his -last week-end to help celebrate Ivy Day. Aunt Jean Israel, iur former house - mother f r o m Kansas City, Mo., Mrs. Mary Yarbroff Locke, mother of Fran Locke nd a founder of our local S. D. T.
state radius at it's annual Whoopee Daze Weelcend. Last Sunday the annual Parent's Day Luncheon was held at the chapter house. 'Hie boys in the house presented a gift to the ZBT housemother, Mrs. Sophie Monsky, in honor of Mother's Day. ZBT started off their intramural Softball league games by beating Tlieta Chi Fraternity 5-0. "Coke" Friedman pitched a brilliant onehit ball game and Marsh Kushner hit a home run in the third inning with one man on base. The Zebes Zeta Beta Tau Zeta Beta Tau observed Nebras- also won their second gome with Acacia Fraternity by forfeit for ka University's 52nd Annual Ivy a total of two wins and no losses Day in grand fashion last Satur- so far in the league. day. chapter, Rosanna Locke, Dcena Locke, Adelle Chasanov, Cherie Nerenberg, and Mrs. Solomon and Sally Solomon. Preparations are underway now by the Mothers' Club and the members of S. D. T. for their annual Parents' Day which will be held May 10. A dinner will be held at the Cornhusker Hotel and many parents are expected to attend from outstate.
Dornn Jacobs was tapped into Innocents Society, senior men's honorary society. Every year thirteen men are picked by the preceding year's Innocents from among men in the junior class. They are picked on the basis of campus activities and scholarship. ZBT has had eight Innocents in the last nine years. Doran, a Junior from Deadwood, So. Dak., is treasurer of Corn Cobs; assistant business manager of the Daily Nebraskan; a member of AUF; Student Council; vice-president of YMCA, and is president of Zeta Beta Tau. This weekend ZBT will be hosts to high school seniors from a four-
Junior Hadassah Anita Fellman of Junior Hadassah was named regional vice-president of the group at the regional convention held in Kansas City, Mo. Edle Frank was chosen regional treasurer at the meet. Other Junior Hadassah members attending the conclave were Betty Ann Poska, Jean Katz and Pauline Wclner. Mrs. Oscar Rose of Kansas City, past president of Missouri Valley Region, was one of the principal speakers. Patronize Our Advertisers
Monday Store Hours: 10:00 A.M. »o 8:30 P.M.
peas in a
No Iron Seersucker
Mizrachi The meeting of the Omaha Chapter of Mlzrachi Women May 10th will be preceded by a dessert incheon at one o'clock, at the Jewish Community Center. May Is the linen shower month. The chapter docs not wont linens, cash contributions will bo taken. Mrs. Benjamin T. Groner will give a humorous reading. There wiil also be display of millinery with some of the members modeling.
Hadassah Omulm Chapter Hadassah will hold the final Chapter Board meeting of the working year at the home of Mrs. Isidore Levinson, 5820 Webster st., Monday, May 17, at a 12:30 p. m. dessert lunchcon. Co-hostess with Mrs. Levinson are Mmes. Alfred Frank, Maurice Kutclimin, and Phil Gerelicit. Mrs Dave Stein will (five the final re|K>rt on the Jewish National Fund drive. There will l>e a report on the regional con ference which took place in Lincoln May 2-4, and a year-end report of all committees. Mrs. Maurice M. Franklin, chapter president, will preside. Hadassah Group presidents will entertain the members of their board at their homes nt the final group board meetings of the year. The Theodor Herzl Group Board meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, Meyer Rubin, president of the Herzl Board, nt a 12:30 p. m. dessert luncheon Thursday, May 20. Tills will, be the final report of all committee chairmen. The Henrietta Szold Group Board will meet at the home of Mrs. J. J. Friedman, 4907 Farnnm St., at a 12:30 p. m. dessert luncheon Friday, May 21. Final report by all committee chairman, nnd a report of the regional Hadassah conference will be heard Mrs. Maurice Newman will entertain members of the Cliulm Wclzmnnn board at her home 5151 Dccatur st., Thursday, May 20, nt a 12:30 p. rn. luncheon conference report with a final report of all committees. Kirk Douglas: "She's an unusual girl. She doesn't want a man who can satisfy her smallest wish . she wants ono who can attend to the larger ones."—(JTA)
Just-alike dresses for Mother, daughter and little litter, too . . . trimly tailored by Basil* to flatter girls of all sizes, shapes and ages. Classic styling In dewy-fresh, ihadow-cool seersucker . . . with notch neckline and easy skirt . . . all shined, up with a thin plastie belt. White grounds, traced In black with red or green lanterns. -
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BarandBas Mitzvah.
ra* innsa run Israel Through An Artist's Eyes
May 14, ls*i
Youth Council Doings
the alepto attended a party given By Saaa' Krasne by Mother Chapter. Sunday, they AZA NO. 1M took part in the anniversary banPromptly at i o'clock on the quet Ccntuty Chapter sincerely ' Edward Wintroub, ton of Mr. wishes t congratulate AZA. No. \ night of May IS, the Centurymen and H n Ben Wintroub will celewUl present one of the biggest on Its 30th anniversary. brate Mi Bar Mitevah Friday eveevents at the year, the ninth an- At the Youth Council trade ning. May 14 and Saturday mornnual "King Dance." Candidates meet Sunday, AZA No. 100 mada ing, May 15, at Beth 13 Synatut the AZA King ares Larry a terrific «hovring wWc* was led gogue. Friends and relative* are Schwartz, Kenny Freed, Larry by Howard Kaslow, who set a Invited to attend the services and Schwartz, and Art Schwartz new record in the broad jump of the receptions which will follow. Marshall Denenberg is also an 19 feet 2 Inches. Although they able candidate for the position- tacked experience this year, it U Mrs. Simon GorcUck announces The affair will be held at. the easy to se that they win bo a thai her son, Philip, will celebrate Paxton Hotel. Admission to IL75. dangerous opponent in future fate Bar Mttevah Friday evening. Stags will be chsrgcd extra at years. < May 21 and Saturday morning, the door. Kenny Freed, ad Jerry COlWdUETrXS May 22, at Beth El Synagogue. Rosen, chairmen of the dance, Councjiettes will attend Friday Friends and relative* are invited have done a treat Job of m a U g services at the Beth Israel to attend the sen-ices and the resure that all will enjoy the eve' night Uay 2.1. k VrfAao patceptions which will follow. nlng. Centurymen urge all. to Synagogue ty will follow the services. , attend the gala event The Mother-Daughter InstallaThe Bar Mlizvah of Lorry The 100 boys Joined with their tion Tea will be held the afterHornstcin, son of Mr. and Mrs. brother chapter AZA Mo. 1 to noon ot May 23. Installation ot . Julius Ilornsfein will be celebrated celebrato the 30th Anniversary new officers will highlight this Friday evening. May 21 at 8 p. m. of AZA. Last Saturday night, event and Saturday morning. May 22 at BAHM 8:30 a. m., at the Beth Israel Synagogue. All friends and relatives Top bowler of Royim's InterYouth Council Utter are invited to attend. There will dub Bowling Tournament held / bo a reception after the services. Jjut Saturday at the Musix Box By Joaa Krasne was Mart ferenstetn. MBTV carDATES AMD DONTS ried off the honors with a comMadrlyn Jean Dolgoff, daughter Councilcttc* held their annual bined handicap total ot 628, wbije of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Dolgoff. will TMs Biblical figure, a patriarch from Knrdbtan, with stfff Is DATES AND DONTS today after Jerry Marer and Dick Raskin capcelebrate her Bas Mitzvah at Beth Israel Synagogue Friday evening. haad, WM among the early settlers la new Israel His portrait m school at the Jay. There was one tured the booby prizes with low May 14 Friends and relatives are painted la Israel by NoU Koilowoky, one of the leading American, member participating from each totals. A stag at the home of club. Tho affair was headed by Art Novak followed the bowling, Invited to attend service and re- ftrtM* daring Ms »n* ye«r visit to the Jewish sUte. Toby Okrent and Rita PdU. l and featured a constructive Good ception. and Welfare Discussion. Tanny CAUSERS eoNrauotc* Friday evening. May 14, and June 23 is the date ot the annual Harwich was general chairman Saturday morning. May IS, Marc Careers Conference. Tbe confer- of the event Friday, May 14 Phillip, son of Mr. "and Mrs. James ence is to be held at the JCC. Rayim won another victory to E&nor Faticensteln. Sontuekon, win celebrate Ms Bar OOMCLAVB the athletic field as they swept By Stan Frllnun ' ' Saturday, Hay IA Mitzvah at Teniple Israel, In his the YC Track meet 29-30. Star Andria . Rochelle Frodg, Jane As In every VC year, the big of the day was president Ray honor Mr. and Mrs. Samuelson Over 2Q0 akphs and their guest* Zerlina event of the yeat the conclave will Hillcr, Robert Lawrence will receive after both services to saw Somberg, Larry Schwartz named Best Lincoln, John Samuel Pepper, Ina take place June 10, at the Blaekbe: held In the Jewish Community Alephof TIKVA8 AMI the Year at the 30th. An- Sue Raskin and Gall Elaine stoneHoteL Center. nhrersary Banquet of the first Tretlak. The dance will be highlighted by The TA social committee, unchapter In the Alcj* Zadlk AJepfa the announcement ot the YC ctll- der the chairmanship of Rosalia Sunday, Hay 10 Mr. and Mrs. Lester J. Gold- Youth Organization. The celebraocrs lor the next year, the presen- Cohen, to busily planning their roan of Lincoln, Nebc, formerly tion, held at the Blackstone Hotel . Renee Susan Frank, Roberta tation of Kovod Keys, and the pre- two big coming events, the annual of Omaha, announce the Bar Sunday, climaxed the 'week-end Ann Frank, Dale Cwcn Garber, sentation ot the King and Queen of Mother Daughter tea and the anMitzveh of their son. William Al- party of the Initial club in an'bi- Julie Ann Goldsmith, Sandra nual installation dance. The to* len Goldman, Friday evening and t e rtia t ional brotherhood. Mr. Gross, Michael PerSeU and Aviva. Merit AZA HO. 1 BAHqUR will be held May 23 for oil TA's Saturday morning, Kay 21 and 22 Schwartz to president of the Oma- Steam. nnd their mothers. The dance, Congratulation* to the AZA No. at Congregation Ttteteth Israel in ha Jewish Youth Council, presiMonday, M»y 17 Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Goldman dent of Corn Belt Region AZ9, Mclvln Cohen, Isabel Hurwitz, 1 boys for putting on sucli success- 'Dancing In the Dark," will be fill anniversary events. They held hold May 29 at the Fontcnctts will receive 1B his honor after both past president of AZA No. 1.Ronald Gordon Kalman and Cathy a. terrific birthday party, and a Hotel, A ho helping on these afcervices and cordially Invite all and Jo Wigodsky. He received the coveted award on very beautiful banquet on Sunday fairs is Fnyna ManviU and her their Omaha friend* and relatives. the basis of .consistent and fruitTtaeaisy, May 1* night HAPPY BIRTHDAV AZA.• Program committee. The Goldman's have lived in ful leadership contributions to HoDy Roe Joseph. STHGBADEBa Lincoln eight month*. Mother Chapter. Also spotlightWednesday, May 19 All eighth graders are cordially ed at the big event were Larry David Lee Denonberg, Larry GU- invited to attend the next regular Epstein and Stanley WIdman, who Insky, PhUip Gail Itkin, Milton Al- meeting of the Youth Council. It New York IWNS1—DtWVftg shared Best Athlete honors, len Katskee, Terryfl Lea Kwiatek, May 19, at7:30 p.m. with a purpose, that Is tho motto A new group of sixth grade Gerald Irwin Haznlck, Marsha Sue of Adam Paul Solkind. a thirrygirls has been recently formed. Aleph Godol Art Schwartz Rosenblatt and Ronald Lawrence KINO DANCE The annual "KING DANCE," flve-year-oJd Jewish motonaan on They are the Junior Debs, with loastmastered the activities, and Busman. which is sponsored by AZA No.the IKT subway, » crfoo he Btheir leader being Marlene DIoc*- prominent Omaha lawyer Ben Tharsftay, May M 100, will be held tomorrow night [lustntcd this week when be was off. President of the group to Kastow delivered the keynote Kenneth 8 , Hoberman and at the Paxton Hotel. The boys elected, to'Phi Beta' Kappa, naJudy Friedman; vice-president to speech. Chaplain Larry Epstein Connie SpiegoL have all put a lot of work into tnfa tional scnotsstic honorary fratcrMyra Lipp; secretary is Judy Pol- led the formal initiation of 18 new dance. LeCs attend. inlty. On being aavhwd of tblf lack, and treasurer ia Enid Venger. member*. Harry Trustin, mem1 AWARD MIOBT ber of the first supreme, governachievement, Salkind remarked' he Sarah Milder to reporter and Sanfelt though he had been driven aling .body of AZA, five a brief The annual, AWARD NIGHT dra Turek to sergeant-at-arms. and chapter advtoor, Bonn (JTA)—Dr. Leo Baeck, will be held May 25. This is where ways to meet the deadline, ' * Project* of the group hat includ- greeting, Epstein with Y. C Athletic onetime Chief Rabbi of Berlin and ail athletic awards and trophies To get Ids sheepskin from New ed making ccrapbooks" for various Sam Ltody Paul presented the a prisoner of the Nazis, received will bejpasaed out York University. Salkfnd, who wa* children's homes and hospitals and Director award*. The gala event alao an award from World Brotherhood, bom ur'Ehgland, studied tn fratoee they will start making stuffed served as a Mother*' Day fesan organization springing from the, 'and later moved with hit (emUsr animals, also for various children'! tivity. National Conference ot Christiana to Palestine, divided his time behomes and hospitals. tween motormaimlng and cranv and Jews, in recognition of his Cleveland fWNS)—Morale and The groupt'along with another The night before the chapter courage and his leadership of Germin«\ Salkind joined the Air Fore* Young Judaea group, is planning a boys and their date* celebrated man Jewry. He came here from recreational services rendered by 'and was shot down during <ta last the National -Jewish Welfare 30th birthday with trip by chartered bus to Lincoln, to ABA No. r« 1 : Board to Jews tn the armed forces'war tea mission over Rumania. visit the University of Nebraska dancing and merrymaking at the London to accept the citation. were greater in 1353 than In any Be was picked up by Russian campus. Also, coming up in the Miller Park Pavilion. Social Chair- .Similar awards were presented 'year since World War U. It was units and later returned to tte. near future, Is a field day at Elm man MOce Meyer planned the out- to Chancellor Konrad Adenauer reported here at the organiza- American forces.. He would perstadia* party, which eventually and West German President Dr. wood Park, May 30. . •• haps best or all prefeued* to be a tion's national convention. Thcodor Heuss. The citations were adjourned to the home of Lee The lost planned event: of the singer but he claims lacking agyear will be elections, to be held Martin. There the hungry AZA'n presented by Dr. Everett Ciinchy, At the same time it was dis-grculon that careers requires, Hi* gobbled up a huge, three layer president of both World Brother- closed that Jewish Community t next ambition to Ounbriago UnlMay 36th. hood and the NCCJ, ana Prof. Ar- Centers, which begun to celebrate 'vcrtity, wlicro he hopes to inajeir birthd»y cake. the 100th anniversary of the Jew- In physicxa anil maUu Chairmen of the week-end ac- thur Compton, Nobel PrUc win- ish Center movement this year, tivity were Jack O u c h and Art ner. had in 1853 combined operating Schwartz. expenditure* nnproachlnR $14,000,000. The centers lost year had agUHH from imrmml gregate attendance totaling 12,United Nations, N. Y. fJTA) — Sehrager, Abrahams Members of Kansas City VSY 000.000. TIM" $57,000,000 Invested The United Nations Security Coun- Crowned alt Pfilirig ISRAEL DRINKS UP — will I* Hie guests of Omaha's USY In center buildings was augmented cil, after wranRlini-; for over a L'CHAIMl this weekend. A complete proftram in 1953 by now construction projmonth to determine the procedure Phil Sehrager and Joan Abra- for the weekend has been planned. ects In 22 communities at a cost of 1LMVA, IVMI (Ili'J — W, in considering cross-comflnlnu be- hams were cro*ned the first king There cebbraliOB time In e will be services at Beth El J13J00.IXK) white country and day tween Israel and Jordan, finally and queen of tho Philanthropic throutVut the GalUe, an Ones Shabbat this eve- camps sponsored by centers nnd succeeded In adopting fin fliienda Philng. About 150 teen-ngcrs at- and paropinf «Ulion« iuut The group will attend ser- other agencies nerved by JWB over the opposition of Soviet dele- tended lrprev-Titms; every club In ningUonni «uptomorrow. In the afternoon, totaled 320. gate Andrei VIshinsky and Dr. the Youth Council is well as the vices Piles of WBttr will be nn Onejj Shabb.it "ml Delegates nt tho convention also Charles Afalik of Lebanon, who independent boys and girta. Tiioy «there are providA farewell program heard a report that the 3f>0 Jewspeaks for all the Aral) state* nt were joined by USY and NfrTY Is discussion. ing- l«oljtt«i planned for Sunday. ish Community Centers and Yfilthe Council. sxttlrnicnla groups to raise funds tot Hie PiillYWHA's throughout the country •Kiuitdl (n The agenda, bawd on a joint antliropk'1 Giinpaluii. affiliated with and served by the Brozilian-Colomulnn proposal, proJewish Wellnro Board "reached T7ie dnnco was held ot Beth K' with tiwir 'myi vides for a Ecnernl discussion at nut KP»Iar ' Water the Security Council In which ref- Synagogue Social Hull. Entertain- The Beth Israel Boys Art and goals never Iwfore attained W1953 in promoting the well-being: of running <op. erence may be made to either the ment during Intermission was pro- Crafts club will meet Sunday aftplf of Ute-«lvlnc w»V*l. Israel complaints fpainst Jordan's vided by instrumentalists from ernoon. May 16, from "1 to 5:30 p. morn than 600,000 civilians ot all Thn eotonltm are being tonyim's Traveling Troupe and the ra. in the Arts nnd Crafts room of aces through effective leisureviolations of the armistice agreeBteWI t» new rf*l»n»J inter ment or the Lebanese complaint Junior Quartet from Central High the T/'lmud Torah. Norman Ros- time procrams." theme* B i 6 pewfU* wltli Oft behalf of Jordan against Israel's School. enzwefff. club leader, announced a more tfcia f^MQjM» VMW raid on the village of Naltalin, or Jerry Marer and Nancy Barroo that plans for the Lag B'Omer Cary Grant; "A bachelor Is a I n n rM«t« «f Umt fi—4 lavasfnMnta, to both. Israel w»3 known lo fa- were co-chairmen for the gala af- outing will be discussed ot this feljow who failed to embrace his fair. opportunities."—(JTA) vor the proposal. meeting.
Larry Schwartz Honored by AZA
Happy Birthday
A Motorman's God
New Youth Group
JWB Services
Security Council Adopts Agenda
United Youth
Beth Israel Club
' ' • ' '
Friday, May 14, 1824
Temple Dedicates Service to School
With the Folks At Home
Religious News
WJC Survey Reports Anti-Semitism Status
Sabbath KVP servin-s n( Tnvvl A gala Birthday Party will be ' Israel next Frldny nifjlit, Mny 21, held Monday evening, May 17, a 7:10 I". M. CaodleUgbMng will be dedicated to the Tempi 7 p. m. The Color Films of forNew York (JTA)-AnU-Semlt- international under the guise of m Religious School. Students of the mer parties will be shown and picupper grades will assist Rabbi TiSMFLE 1UHAXJL, tures will be taken of the eurren ism throughout the world has al- fascist movement," In evaluating the strength of Brooks in conducting the service, At the regular Sabbath Services affair. The May Party will hon tered Its character, but it still preand the combined School Choir, Friday evening at 8 o'clock Marc or the following residents: Mrs. sents a constant threat, the World anti-Semitism abroad, the study under the direction of Miss Ida Phillip Samueteon, son of Mr. and Mina Krestul, Mrs- Molly Perliss, Jewish Congress reported on the comments: "Despite the ideologic Gitlin will chant the service. Mrs. James Samuclson,' will cele- Mrs. Bessie Seglin, Mrs. Eva Dav- basis of a survey conducted by its cal poverty of this variety of antl'Following the service there win brate his Bar Mitzvas, Mrs. James idson, Mr. Max Lcrner and Mrs. Institute of Jewish Affairs. The Semltismyand despite the fact that it is still based on a repetition of be an Oneg Shabbot, given by Ssxnuclson will recite the blessing Julius Nachman. the Temple Sisterhood. Arts «nd over, the Sabbath Candles. Rabbi The Blkur Chollm Society who survey also established that "the the same old vicious absurdities, secret trials of Jewish leaders in we can by no means consider ancrafts projects developed by Brooks, will preach oo "The Inbeen sponsoring all our the Soviet satellite countries are ti-Semitism as a dying movement. classes of the School throughout s c r i p t l o n on a Bell," some have birthday parties take this opporthis school year will be exhibited. thoughts on the 300th anniversary tunity to invite all relatives and motivated by the desire to deter There is no .doubt that now, more than at any time since the end of Members of the Combined at Jewish Suttlement in America. friends of our residents to Join Jewish emigration to Israel." 1 the war, the Ideas of Nazism are School Chain who will sing are In Marc's hi/nor, Mr. and Mrs. in In analyzing the character of this the best party of alive in certain circles." ; Gail Brodkejr, Lynne Chernlaek, Samuelson will receive the con- themaking anti-Semitism on a world-wide season. '•'-. Regarding the secret trials of Bobby Hsssoibalch, Nancy Makie- gregation aft«r (be services. the survey points out that LAO B' OMEB:The Kadbnan scale, Jewish leaders which have been «ky, Allen Wolfson, Susan Malke'political anti-Semitism now domRegular Shabbd Morning ServPioneer Women Will entertain in Rumania, Hungary, sky, Tenrl Nogg, Lenore Wolfson, will be held Saturday at 11:40 Thursday,' May 20, at 7 p. m. inates all other types of Judo- proceeding Czechoslovakia, the study Neena Beber, Karen Brodkey, ices o'clock. Marc Samuetoon will as- Games will be played and refresh- phobutm." Anti-Semitic leaders in and says: "They are an Indication of Ellen Conor, Susan Gilinsky, Shel- sist such countries as France, Western Brooks in the services ments served.: ' ley: Sommer, Judy Veret, all of and Kabbi Germany, England and Sweden, a renewed determination on the will again be honored by his the Sunday Division Junior School parents at on Aneg Shabbot im- The Mother's Day Party was have sought to participate in na- part of the Communist regimes to national Jewish tendencies. Choir; and Norman Bleicher, Sus- mediately following the service, held Sunday, May S, at 2 p. m. tionalistic movements and to prop- combat an Brodkey, Bonnie FUk, Mardn under the auspices of the B. A P. agate their ideas under the com- They have been.arranged to co> ' indde with what Communist prop* Pogel, Jerry Frank, Ellen GoldHadassah Group, Miss Elizabeth mon banner of a People's Party, •. ;.'• '•'••. ••.-• . . .;. stein. Nancy Harding, Susan B E T H . E X •'•• Hart, chairman. The: program National Union, or Imperial Par- aganda now calls the need, to 'reorganize' Jewish life and Jewish Speler, John Sutin, Gabble Berg, Services will be held this eve- consisted, of: •'. . /'•" .. v - . ty, it reports. Sam. Bleicher, Nancy Brodkey, ning at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer a Master E d w a r d Trelier— Anti-Semitic occurrences, the communities—a move whose obJudy Friedman, Beth Aim Mafke- Krlpke will deliver the sermon. study further shows, "have lost ject is to weaken those communiaky, Howard Stoler, Lee Anne Cantor Aaron 1 Edgar and the Marionette Theater. much of their purely domestic ties still further." Troort, Walter Wise, and Char- Beth El Synagogue Choir will Mitt Julia Zucker — Yiddish character and have dearly translotte Brodkey, an of the Satur- render the musical portion of the Song*. Accompanist—Mrs. Ben cended the boundaries of single Judy Holiday: "The average girl ' : , - • • • •;.,-. . . • day Division Senior School Choir. s e r v i c e . ' ' • : •• . . •. '.•'"•• : v . •••'•"' B o a s b e r g . countries." PresenUday anti-Se- would rather have beauty than Charlotte Brodkey also serves as Sabbath morning services will Miss Gail Brodkey—Interpreta- mitism, the report declares, "tends brains, because she knows the student organist. begin at 9:45 a. m. Mlhcha-Maariv tive - Recitations. •. . ••.,: - ••::.; .: • to unite the various anti-Semitic average man can see better-than services win start at 7:15 p. nx Refreshments consisting of petit movements Into one anti-Semitic he can think."— (JTA) Dally services are held each week fours, cookies, candy and teat were day at 7 a. m. and T p. m. The served by Mrs. Marvin Theller, Sunday morning service is at 9 Mrs. "Philip Schwartz, Mrs. Ben a . n t ..;•'••''• v •;:::•'•;• • . • • • " ' : ; ' : . Boasberg, Mrs. Lillian Bemitem Miss Evelyn Levy, Miss EUrabeth Hart, Mrs. Jenny Rosenblatt, Miss B K T B I S R A E L ^-•-.''.••••' •••'..'•'•'• Bible and Talmud IT'S SIMPLE —IT'S EASYJulia Zucker and Mrs. Julius NewRabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor EU Kagan, and the Beth Israel SyTHC EXCITING NEW 8 j OK. PHHJT 8HEB nagogue choir will conduct late The beautiful floral arrangeFriday evening services at 8 p.m. ment was by Mrs. Philip Schwartz. Bible Sabbathmorning services begin There were several hundred visit He who cauieth his transgres- at 8:30 a. m. Junior congregation o n during Mother's Day. sions shall not prosper; but whoso services start at 10 a. m. ISRAELI DAY PABTV: This . confeueth a n d /onakcth (hem Rabbi Groner will conduct the affair which celebrated the Sixth shall obtain mercy, Saturday Talmud class at 6:45 Anniversary of the State of Israel • My. son, be wise, and make my p. m.; Saturday Mlncha will start was sponsored by the Jewish War heart glad, that I may answer him at 7:15 p. m., followed by Sholoshc Veterans Auxiliary and was held S'cudog and Maariv. Thursday evening, May 13. Films who .taunteth me. Dally morning services begin of Israel were shown and the The wicked flee when no man State of Israel was discussed. The at 7 a. nx; daily afternoon servpunueth; but the righteous arc table decoration was lovely with ices begin at 7:25 p. m. secure as a young lion; Sunday morning services begin a cake centerpiece In the form of at 8:45 a. m. and is followed by the Ftog of Israel. • Xalmud Groner's Bible Discussion Jlabbi Eleaiar said; "In the fu- Kabbi The youngsters of the Tails Patronize Our Advertisers ture all professional men will be- Class. and Tcffllin Club begin their servcome farmers. ices at 8:30 a. m. Breakfast Is When Rob entered a path (be- served at the conclusion of their tween fields) and aaw the earn services. The Talmud Discussion waving, he used to say: "Toss group, currently studying the tracyourselves (be aa proud as you tate Sabbath, meets every TuesRUG & UPHOLSTERY will), trading in business yields day at 8 p. m. under the direction more profits than you do." CLEANERS of the Rabbi at B. H. II. SynaRabbi Pappa said: Traduce your gogue, 19th and Burt. nue's — cAimuie own provisions and do not buy LAMPSHADES them even though they may coat FURMITUU tlie.aaine prioe; hfcaute you can rujurora EQUIPMENT ha**- them on your table while New York (JTA) — The first fa Yew Home! they am fresh. But household units of a $2,100,000 purchase of Uyta« . B«f«Ms« goods, .buy ready made; and do heavy-duty water pumping equip- DON lEIRRTEIN HA M M ment manufactured In this country aotspta." for use In a major irrigation projI — coBtpbts mis itapb ttitemem la 23 words oc Urn Rabbi Pappa said: "Always be ect in Israel will be shipped from ready to buy land, but be careful New York City. The Jewish Agen" I WANT A ROOM AIRwith your matrimonial affairs. Go cy which financed the purchase CONDITIONER BECAUSE—-" down a step when you choose a which consists of nine centrifugal wife." pumps and nine dlcscl engines Elijah said to Rabbi Elcazar: which, together with their gears "God searched all the meritorious and auxiliary equipment. The mahabits which would be adaptable chinery is consigned to the Mekoto Israel, and He could find noth- rot Water Company. ing more fitting nan modesty." The equipment will be Installed n three pumping stations In Israel to carry water from the Yarkon Soldiers Adopt River, n e a r the Mediterranean New York (JTA)—One hundred coast, southward to the Negev, a and fifty Filipino youngsters distance of some 43 miles. It will whose families had been driven supply water for Irrigation and PLUS from their homes by the "Hultu," ther purposes to existing agriculthe pro-communist guerrillas wntr- tural settlements and will make ing underground war on the Phil- possible the establishment of many ippine government, have been new ficttlemen.1 in the arid Negev adopted by the Jewish servicemen, region. Irrigation of the Kcgev, a Plwnt JA 1H66 lo losen your Vfutt AA of the Israel the National Jewish Welfare top priority project will increase t h e Ourrrnt rate is WJ ceora for tmeb tnarr* Board reported here. The new wel- Government, Ttie I'ttt* rtmineM UM tiffbt to limit arable land area by 35 oa. — o f any on* of many additional prlzesl za on cacli advert]vcrneiit. fare project called "Operation country's cent and will aid In the absorpBrotherhood," which is headed try per tion of many thousands of new Im- BAR and tsas Mitzvab congratuChaplain Milton Mate In Manila, migrant families. lations; also for oil Jewish holiIs providing the children with days and special occasions. — ANYONE CAN ENTER — food, clothing and medical cervMeyers News Stand. 1562 Dodge COriiLATION IN I.SRAKl, ices. G«t Your Free Contest Entry Blank Jerusalem (WNS) — Mcdlnath An assessement of one dollar on TWO BEDROOMS and Detailt from any Nebraska-Iowa each Jewish soldier monthly ha.-; Israel has a population of 1,G76,- Furnished or unfurnished — with made possible the inauguration of 000, accordinR to statistics revealkitchen privileges. Couple deBectrical Council Appliance Dealer Weekly "protein parties," where Ed in connection with the celebrasired. WE 4693. the bill of fare features red meat, tion of the country's sixth annl3 MOS. Harpers Bazaar . . . . .$£50 fish and eggs, the report said. ifcrsary of Independence. No OtllgsHon—Nottmg to Bmf—BHrj "The GI parties ore literally lifeWhen Israel was proclaimed 0 mos. Ladies Home JournaLCSLOO BUnks m* FREEContat Clout]** 19, .97.87 savers, for Uie children, who have there were only 700,000 Jews in 78 weeks Life 19H—Su Your Applbmc* Vidtr Sotnl been /breed to subsist on rice the country. Of the 1,076,000 about 78 weeks Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . J 6 . 8 7 alone, gathered In the fields of 1,488,000 arc Jews, 170,000 Mo- 12 mos. Esquire . . . . . . . . . * A 0 0 Mrs, Horwich, WA 3957* their parents," the JWU stated. fiamedans nml 18,000 Christians. v
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Sports Spotlight
Somberg, Widman, Kaslow Share Honors at YC Meet
Three records were broken and won CO >d. d,isli in GO seconds, a a brand new one was established tenth of n second off the Y. C. at the Annual Youth Council Track iccord, h" a ho won the football throw with n tu >', of 131 feet and The season is still far too young and Field meet held last Sunday at in .v. axnl to liny Somberg In to appraise Al Rosen's baseball j Tech High. Top honors went to the V2\) >d. run losing by twoachievements during the current Ray Sombcrg Raylm's nifty all- tenths of a second. Somberg aecampaign. There's a long pull) around athlete. Ray is an example ruuntod for 11 points, while Wldahead before the final statistics of a well conditioned athlete. He m.m contributed 13. A spokesman for the Jewish will be tallied. Community Center Health and broke the three year Y. C. record Not to be outdone was A. Z. A. However, it Is interesting to hot* in the 880 Yd. run by nine second1., lOO'i Howard Kaslow, the 15-yean> physical Education committee anthat Al jumped off to an imprest With a sensational 2:27.4. He tolso old freshman with a 19'2" leap in nounces that Norman Zevitz, for she start In the batting average many years active In center sport the broad Jump which broke Jerry department. At press time, Al Was took a blue ribbon in the 220 yd. Bernstein's 4-year-old record of programs, will serve as Master of batting .345, which placed him in dash with a terrific 21 BVCUIUIS, 1811". Howard also ran second Ceremonies at Sx Annual Athletic the top group -of .bitten, .lo the setting a new Y. C. mark. Award night Program Tuesday, in the 680 yd. run to «how his ver. American League. He was holding May 25. Mr. Zevitz has served as He wasn't content with that as satillty. Raylm successfully de-. down the number eight position. advisor and coach to several Youth he took third glace in the broad fended their track crown by •corCouncil boys clubs and was also an Last season Al missed Winning jump and finished the afternoon ing 29 points, A. Z. A. 1 was •eoinstructor in the Grade school softthe American .League batting running the anchor ler; for the ond with 20, A. Z. A. 100 third ball program Jast .year. l i e still is crown by a slender margin, al- Raylm relay team tmd they ertab- with eight, while Independent* active in softbali, handball and though he took about every other lisbed a new Youth Council rec- scored five. basketball and is well known by award there was.. The meet attracted 38 partick ord with a 53.3 time. Stan Wldthe youngsters and adults in the Al's start In the runs batted in wan, Mother's chapter all around pants and was one of the finest community. division has been much slower. athlete, contributed two firsts and held in yean. Much thank* for it* > The same holds true (or borne a second place. The swift Junior success go to Ben Nachman, Dan ' As in the past, grade school, runs.; However, this means very high school and adult athletes will Epstein, Lefty Lefkowltz and Dave little as far as the total picture is be honored with awards for abilBelzer, who acted as judges, startconcerned. The greatest number of ity, sportsmanship and participae n and timers. runs batted in "by any American tion during the past year. The top RESULTS League-player stood at eight at Awards will be the presentation of 60 Xi. Bash the last count the J. J. Grcenberg Memorial troWinner—Stan Widman (A. Z. A. phy to the outstanding midget In periods when Al is slamming Dlanne Fellman and Suzanne 1) 6.6. Noi-msn Zerlts basketball player, the Harry Trusthem out, eight runs are a drop Estrada starred as the Debka 2nd—Norm Reitzer (A. Z. A. tin Award to the outstanding high In the bucket. The top number of Debs won their second straight 1) IX school athlete and the Leslie Burhomers, stood at four, which is also Y. C title by defeating CouncQ3rd — Coleman Greenberg (R) kenroad Trophy to the outstanding not a great figure to overtake . . . ettes, Independent* and Tikvas 7.3; Jack Baker (R). senior athlete. Award night is open Ami. They scored a total of 31 UO Yd. Dash to the public. All award winners Hank Greenberg, one' of base- points, while the Indcpenedents Winner—Ray Somberg (R) 24.0, will be notified to attend and reball's greatest players and .themade 10*4, Coundlettes scored 7tt (Y. C. Record), ceive their award. current general manager of the and T. A. made 3. Dlanne Fellman 2nd—Stan Widman (A. Z. A. 1) Coach Dave *Bclzer, the Casey C l e v e l a n d Indians, always is T h e r e will be refreshments 212. was a triple winner. The Deb, served at the end of toe program. Stengel of Youth Council Softball, searching for promising material. freshman won the 20 yard free 3rd — Coleman Greenberg (R) will ,be after his third straight Hank, who knows a good ballplaystyle, 40 yard free style and div- 2S.1. Youttt Council spftball champion- er when he sees one, keeps tabs ing. Suzanne Estrada took firsts 880 Yd. Ron ship when the six teams open their on the up-and-coming athletes in in the 20 yard side stroke and unWinner — R a y Somberg; (R) two round schedule this Sunday the hope of adding to the strength derwater swim. Roberta Grossman 2.27.4. (Y. C. Record). at Qmwood Park. Belzer has an of his Cleveland club. of the Coundlettes (cored the oth- 3rd—Al Levlne (It) 2:50.7. A very successful bowling season all veteran lineup returning with For example, Hank recently er first with a victory in the 20 Shot Put Was climaxed with .the Annual these all-star players: pitcher, Terwatched with great Interest the yard backstroke. Winner — Harlan Rosen (Ind) Bowling Banquet of the Junior 33T\ RE8ULT8 B'nal B'rith Bowling League Sun> ry Bernstein; catcher, Jerry Mar- performance of a young pitcher, 2nd-Dave Hcraog (R) 31'6". day, May 2, at the Fireside Res- golin: inflelden, Larry -Epstein Paul Glel, < the Minnesota AH- rO Yard Free Style and Larry Schwartz; plus the American. Hank saw Glel fan 14 1st—Dlanne Fellman (Debs); 3rd—Jack Baker (R) 27'8". taurant. Broad / a m p Members of the O. P. Skaggs Dcnenberg twins, Jerry Simon, in one contest and gave the play- 13.6. er a boost by making a favorable Ed Smith, Alan Passer, Tom Winner—Howard Kaslow (A, Z. 2nd—Muriel Green (Debs). Champion Team each received trocomment on his ability , . , Bromberg and Dave Widman. A. 100) 19'2". (Y. C. Record). 3rd—Diane Singer (Cou). phies as did the sponsor. Team 2nd-Alan Corey (R) 1T1". 20 Fsrd Back Stroke members arc: Edele Singer, Chuck Their main threats will come from Abe Sapcrstcin, who is famous Wise, Billy Katzman, Harriet Sch- the Raylm A team, last years run1st—Roberta Grossman (Cou); 3rd-Ray Somberg (R) 16'9". FootbaU Throw for his Harlem Globetrotters bas- 162. loff, and Stuart Kutier, chaptafn. ner-up and the Independents. ketball team, has just completed Winner-Stan Widman (A. Z. A. Sunday, May 16 2nd—Dona Lagman (T. A.). Second Place Team Trophies a major achievement in connection 1) 131'2". 40 Yard Free Style East Diamond Were won by the Nebraska Furniwith his baseball version of the 1st—Dlanne Fellman (Debs); 2nd—Ed Belzer (R) 12C3". ture Mart Team whose members Rayim A vs. AZA IB. Globetrotters. 3rd—Norm Reitzer (A. Z. A. 1) 20.8. are; Sandra Lincoln, Bruce Bloom, Center Diamond Sapersteln has signed "Satchel" 2nd—Fran Davidson (Debs). Steve Rlekes, Senile Grossman, AZA 1A vs. Rayim B. Page, one of the great pitchers of 440 rd. BeUy and Mike Platt, captain. 3rd—Judy Conn . (Debs). all time, to manage and hurl for 20 Yard Side Stroke West Dlmraond Winner—Raylm (Baker, Corey, High Team Game Trophies were the Globetrotters. Page will come Ind. vs. AZA 100. 1st—Suzanne Estrada (Ind); Levlne, Somberg) 533. (Y. C .Recawarded the O. P. Skaggs team out of retirement to take on the 18.3. ord). Game time is 10 a. m. •who were high in the League with assignment 2nd—A, Z. A. 1 (Reitzer, Denen2nd-Judy Lewis (Debs). a 691. The exact amount of money that berg, Schwartz, Widman) 533. 3rd—Roberta Grossman (Cou). High Team Scries went to the Sapersteln will part with for his Diving Gamble Robinson Fruit Co. learn 1st—Dlanne Fellman (Debs)... FISH BREEDING for their 1,280, Members of that - The Hadassah Bowling League services has not been disclosed, United Nations, N. Y., May 3 2nd—Judy Cohn (Debs). t e a m Include: Jerry Sherman, wound tip it's season with NOgg but it is expected to be somewhere in the 125,000 to 930,000 bracket. (JTA)—Israel has had good sucUnderwater Swim Nancy Lewis, Roger Smith. Mike Bros, coming In first They took ,. A movie was made of the Globecess in supplementing the protein Feldmnn, and Maureen Zevitz, cap- two games from runners-up, 1st—Suzanne Estrada (Ind); trotters basketball tixay. Perhaps diet or its population In recent tain. Brandcis Kleechromc, Dlna Bloom, another will be in the offing from 103'. 2nd—Judy Cohn (Debs); 90*. yean through the technique ot Indididunl Trophies were won captain, bowled a 425 to help cinch the baseball point of view . . . by: 3rd—Roberta Grossman (Cou); pond culture—the raising of fish, the championship. The best of 1 mostly carp—the UN Food and 54 . Hlgfi H<-rle»—IJoys the winning team are, Kitty AsAgriculture Organization announcThe Board of Higher Education 1st Place—Mike Plat I—339. byil. Helen Baker, Esther Marcus of City College of New York is I yard Relay 1st—Debt (Judy Lewis, Dlanne ed here yesterday. The area under 2nd Place—Tom- Platt- -XSS. and Edith Noddle. carp cultivation increased from 15 still determined to keep Nat Hol- Fellman. Fran Davidson). High Gamp and Serfr*—tiirla hectares in 1930 to 3,400 hectares IdelU Gner bowled a 415 for man off its staff. In fact, the 1st Place -Maureen Zevitz—16-1at the end of last year. Ponds irBoard Is apparently more deter, Edwards .-who took two games 291. rigation reservoir! and lakes are 2nd Pliire—Kdele Singer-162- from Smith Pontiae. Rita Blnla- mined than ever. The Board Is used to breed the rapidly multiply-, mow picked up the Los Vegas vigorously opposing Nat's appeal 283. Ing carp. to the State Board of Education. winnig split the 5-7, High (junta—Boj» 1st Place—Billy KaUman- 181. The bowling luncheon will be Nat contends that the result was 2nd Place—Howard WY>inl>crg— held at the Lcavenworth Grill, at unfair and'that the board had no It's Mattloe Katleman of Tikvas right to reverse an earlier decision Ami against Jean Cutler of Coun180. 1 p. m. Friday, May 2L exonerating him. dlettes for the Y. C. girls ping Bit// from Israel A bowlini bull was awarded Standing* However, Corporation Counsel pong championship. Jean is last Roger Smith for hnvlnj; raited his A HOSPITAL FOR W. L. year's defending chomp and Mattfor tije City of New York filed average the mwst during the league SICK PLANES Nogg Bros , 51 33 papers defending the Board of Ice is one of the top players. season. L O O Brandcis Klecrchrome . . , 4 8 36 Higher Education. Some44 girls r e p r e s e n t i n g A trophy lent awarded Barbara (IIP) 44 40 Many arc o f the opinion that In Councilettes, Debs and T. A. are Bercutt for having raised her aver- Edwards Jewelry . : Alrplanei age the mmt during the bowling Brandeis Easy Washer , . . 4 2 44 view of the widespread opposition battling for the Y. C. girls badf*( sick Millie Wine .'41 43 to the Holman ouster, the City minton title. LAst year's title holdseason* In the girls' division. like anyer, Phyllis Rosen of Debs is back Smith Pontiae . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 43 Collego officials would ho wiser to A,'trophy was given to Bevprly one else. 39 45 revnjwo the flrini; and bow out of to defend her crown. Bloom for her excellent Job done RCA Vletot Stiai. Afler school in the Jay gym Metz Beer . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 52 the picture. It Is pointed out that time; Illu la humans, it's • as the Iea«*uc secretary. Barnes arc In progress and at this public sentiment Is"ovcrwhclminr•low, unsuspected Uiaaw that "Stuart Kutier. the league presiwritinij 14 girls remain In contenly aijaiast the decision, can" be detected only bf e*Bdent,'acted ns MC for the affair. tion. They arc Shelly Green, Fran sUnt check. Oft-lunes W* He presented, in behalf of the Davidson. Janey Wiener, Phyllis tudJeo, requlrlof Instant atleague members, gifts to the league CITRUS (IIP)—A pioneer cittention. In an alr-mlade4 councclors: H a r r y Colick, Ida rus crower in Ra'anana, Israel, Rosen, Muriel Green, It o n n I e Splefial, Toby Okrcnt, Sari Shuworld, lintel ha) set abosrt :» A newly formed B'nai B'rith golf Sacks and Harold Bloom. has d o u b l e d ' h i s citrus crop-) kert, Klulne Jnngcr, Kay and cure the mechanical Ills H its Other officers of the f-roup are: league will convene Sunday morn- through an intensive cultivation of Dcanno Markovitz, Nancy Farber. plunes and those of other uvVice-president, Mickey Sacks; sec- ins at Elmwood Park. It will be the soil around trees and by the Judy Colin and Diannc Fellman. tlona with a s/Iant repair msvuse of organic fertilizers. Ills trees retary, Beverly Bloom; treasurer. an IS hole handicap affair. UT under construction on tbs> Newly elected officers are Ben yielded an average harvest of 001 Tom Platt, and sst. at arms, Maufrlnro of Lrdda Airport. Tb* Colin, president; Ben Wintrouh, cases of fruit per acre, the usual . teen'Zevitz. aerial "«lck fund," assnnel figure Is between 280 to 320 cases. vice-president; Si Hife, treasurer, The Junior B'nai B'rith Bowling to enable quick receireriM s4 League, sponsored by the B'nai and Sam Ban, secretary. Teams Higher productivity and expansion n larfe savins; la "doctor's B'rith Men and Women of Omaha, and captains are Midwest (Lou of citrus growing throughout the bills" previously expended All hoys In the 5, C, 7 and 8th Will resume in the fall. Boys and Fofiel), City Sanitation (Sid Abra- country Is being boosted by State grade are Invited to attend softabroad, received a significant IKl,000,000 from Israel Bend girls of the sixth, seventh and ham), Handy Man (L. D. Klein), of Israel Bond investments. ball practices every Friday at 4 Investments In order to bttfld eighth grades are eligible and cor- Koreny's (Bob Conn), Fogels p. m, in Elmwood Park. All you the "Hospital for Hanee," dially invited to participate next (Dave Chudacoff and Dells (BUI Bud Abbott:, "A widow and her need Is a glovo. Fried). season. money are soon married."—(JTA)
Norman Zevitz to MC Award Night May 25
Ry BUI Wolf (Copyright, 1954. JTA)
Debs Win 2nd Swimming Title
YC Softball Starts Sunday
Jr. BB Bowling Banquet Awards
Hadassah Bowling
YC Girls Compete For Sports Titles
B'nai B'rith to Hold Golf League