Vol S vol. XXXII—Vo AAJvii—«o.»
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Man "Roof and Bk
"Religion Makes Great...Rabbi Silver
Pubiljll*» mrr frUar, 101 N. *>th, "swat, tOknuk*. PUOM JA l l t t
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Jewish History in U.S. Pageant Theme
* "Religion give* man a senso o insignificant. There is great dan greatness in a world where he ii ger," he warned," in man becomremarkably unalL" The develop- ing a statistic subjugated to the ment of this theme highlighted the state. For man to deny the Image address by Rabbi Abba Hillel SU- of God is \o give himself the mark ver at the Centennial Religious of a robot," Forum last week, Thls."Js * Great Era '. ' Han's Ufe 'Significant' The Cleveland Rabbi noted that • Speaking from a brightly light- "Our* is truly* great age. Science ed rostrum totinaudience of sev< Is continually discovering new eral thousand, Rabbi Silver ex- worlds, thero ate great advances A cos turned, dramatic presentation of the 800-year history plained that "man Is at home in In communication, medicine and the cosmos only if he feels It is so on. More Is being done for imof the Jewish people in America is the central theme of the his Father's house. Sin is a volun- provement of life of the common pageant that the Omaha Jewish Federation will present Sunday, tary abandonment of this status. man now than In any five generJune 13. Man must always act as If his life ations of tho past It is important "Boot and Blossom" will also highlight the life of the Jew* were tremendously significant." that we consider whether major in Omaha and will tie in with the city's hundredth anniversary. - Tho Imposing-looking Lithuanian trends of the age are toward or The pageant will take place in the Centennial Theme Center at is a fifth generation Rabbi and an away from the end of a good soeloquent speaker for the Reformed ciety." Turner Park, 30th and Douglas Sti. Jewish religion. The play, which was written by Despite the trends for the betMrs. Meyer S. Kripke, is styled Attention: Continuing with his speech on terment of man, Rabbi Silver acafter the ancient Greek dramas, the dignity of man, Rabbi Silver knowledged that men are commitAmateur Thespians wherein emphasized that "there is no moral ting shameless acts of immorality a narration is read behind aspect in man as long as ho re-in the name of morality. The lack Pioneers . . . Indians . . . his- the scene and action is portrayed gards himself as unimportant and of universal peace they blame on torical figures . . . fur trap- by silent players on the stage. the "demons from hell." "This pers . . . Kcndrich Wilson of the Commuthought pattern of our age must Fifty men are needed to fill bo reversed." these roles and to make a per- nity Playhouse will direct the prelife Is • Olft of God Aaron Levitt.. . Chairman of fect' presentation of the Jewish sentation. Mrs. Leon Marx is castCentennial Pageant, "Root and ing directorIn conclusion, the Rabbi re- Douglas County Chapter, AmerBlossom," June 13. The pageant traces the landing minded tho Centennial Forum au- ican Bed Crons. Tryouto will be held at the of the first Jews on the eastern dience that "There Is but one moral Jewish Community Center next coast of the U. S. and their cold law for rich or poor," ruler and Monday, May 24, at 8:80 p. m. subject. Life Is good and It Is a reception by Peter Stuyvesant The graveside of Dr. Jacob M. gracious gift of God. The moral No dramatic experience Is through the settling of New AmErman In Pleasant Hill cemetery, evil which exists In the world can required, but your help Is need- sterdam by 23 courageous Jews led 42nd and RcdldcSt, will bo the overcome and In the overcomed in making this Jewish Com- by Asser Levy. Hayim Solomon of site of the Memorial Day services be munity event the success you Philadelphia and his great financial lies the very meaning and esof Epstein-Morgan Post No. 260,ing want it to be. sence of our life. A golden age of contribution to the American cause JWV, Aaron L. Levitt Is the new brotherhood and peace awaits the in the Revolutionary War and the " Commander Abe Miller an- human race, but It can be assured Chairman of the Douglas County efforts of Jews to gain the right nounced that the services would be only by the efforts of the human Chapter, American Red Cross. His to fight in the militia of the United held Sunday, May 30, at 10:00 a race," said the Rabbi. States are emphasized in a draItV Dr. Erman was tho first Com- Following the formal talks by appointment as successor to Robmatic sequence. Ihandcr of the Epstein - Morgan Rabbi Silver and' other panel ert Q, Fraser was announced Tuesday. Post Westward. Movement . members. Rev. Daniel A. Lord, Paul Crounse, Officer of the Then,' In 1854, the first Jews beJ., (Roman Catholic), and Dr. He was Chairman of the 1933 Day, Is in charge of the entire pro- S. gan their westward migration. In P. Ferris (Episcopal), Red Cross Fund Drive' and has 'Kram. National Deputy Chief of Theodore 1856, Aaron Cahn and Meyer Helltrio answered questions from served on the Chapter's Board of Staff, Max Kanner, and Command- the man were the first Jewish plbple the audience. Leonard Nathan, former editor Directors since 1951. er Abe Miller will rend the Com•No' to Religious of the Jewish Press, has just writ- to land in Omaha. They opened mander's Charge. Rabbi Benjamin a thriving little store and became Training In Schools ten a book entitled, "A Wind Like an integral part of the growing Groner of the. Beth Israel SynaSilver was adamant in Hire* Immigration gogue will lead the responsive hisRabbi a Bugle." It is an historical narcommunity. Julius Meyer, in fact; affirmation that the public leading and present the principal schools ration of the passing of the slaves even become an Indian chief. arc no place in which to Services Merge •* address. .. through Kansas and their eman- Little did Jonas L. Brondels formal religious instruction - Past Commander* Ed Beldner give to children. Such a plan would be Paris (WNS)—The Immigration cipation. The time Is the early dream in 1881 that his store at and Nate Marcus will read the roll responsible services of three leading Jewish for "dlvistvencss," he 13th and Howard would grow and 19th century. OBU of departed members, and the added. The Rabbi, in answer to a welfare agendes were merged this grow into the largest department Memorial Prayer and Kaddlsh will query from the audience, week. Henceforth the Hebrew Im- Nathan was born in Omaha in In today's modern city of Omaha. , said that * " be recited by Cantor Eli Kagan of the Jewish people, unlike many migrant Aid Society (HIAS), the 1915. He edited the Jewish Press Jewish Ancestors Portrayed Beth Israel Synagogue. A firing religions have no active mis- United Service for New Ameri- until 1942 and is now the advertisOld-time, well • known Jewish , squad and color bearers of JWV other cans and the American Joint Dissionaries. "It is difficult to be a family ancestors and their early ing director for a Chicago textile Members will participate. David good Jew, and we welcome any- tribution Committee will pool their Kavttch will sound Taps. efforts in behalf of Jews needing company. He spent four years In lives In the mldwestern city on the one who wishes sincerely to em-Tho Memorial Service l> a com- brace our beliefs and be one assistance in Immigration matters. the Army and then worked on Missouri river come into promt-' munity effort and everyone Is of The new service, to be known both Esquire and Coronet maga- nence . . . Mrs. Solomon Altschuus." ler, Caroline Hellman Cahn, Edurged to attend. Just a little over a year ago. i the United Hias Service, will zines. ward and Leah Rosewater. Here, Rabbi Silver offered the prayer begin functioning July 1 from its "A Wind Like a Bugle," is avail- they have initially frightening enof blessing at the Inauguration of headquarters In Paris. The merger able at Matthews Book Store for counters with the Indians and win President Elsenhower. He is also will eliminate duplication of effort $3.50. them for friends. well known as an ardent Zionist and Is expected to carry on~operAnd In 1863 . . . when the teleations with greater economy and and one of tho most fervent sup. Washington (WNS)—American graph keys tapped out to the world efficiency. Jews during the three centuries porters of the state of Israel. President L1 n c o 1 n's declaration they havo lived In this country that the slaves were free, those "were In the forefront of all causes agile tapping fingers belonged-to calling upon America to adhere to Arthur Gould was dted for his Edward Rosewater. From telegthe highest Ideals and traditions," rapher to newspaper editor went work and that of his committees declared Attorney General Herin making the Dance of the Month Rosewater and his Omaha Bee probert Brownell, Jr., In a speech this Club so successful. He was hon- gressed with him from give-away week at the fint national dinner to a leading city dally. Of the America-Israel Society. The 54th annual conference of •AU Jews Not Moving to Israel' ored at the final dinner of the The Community Grows Israel Men's Club at their -With regardyto Israel the At-the Habblnlcnl Assembly of Amer"Israelis and official Zionists Beth Jewish religious schools, synatorney General said that the world ica opened Monday in Unlontown, have cmbrosed the doctrine of social hall on May 20. gogues, a Jewish center . . . all la watching for the Jewish state Pa. Among thefiOOConservative Kibbutz Galuyot and have given The dinner dance was the final "to let an example of true toler- Rnbbl/i lit. attendance was Rabbi the world the Impression that the dance of the scries which included had their birth a n d execution ance and understanding in Its re-Meyer S. Krlpkc of Omaha's Beth Jewish people as a whole intend a Hard Times dance and a Spring through the foresight and determination of civic-minded, loyal men lations with Its neighbors." Israel, Kl SynacoRuo. to emigrate to Israel. The Arabs dance earlier In the season. and women. he stated, is also expected "to Today's I'robliMiu cannot visualize world Jewry fitnuke an increasing contribution A man who knew no bounds of The Assembly will devote dis- ting into the narrow confines of to the free world as a model of cussion to problems confronting race or religion . . . Henry Monpresent-day Israel's boundaries. In 'democracy in action." sky . . . became President of the the American Jewish Community tho face of such fears, ttio AmerInternational B'nai B'rlth a n d oday, including tho relationship government asks Israel to pleaded the cause of oppressed AJtOENTINE . . . of American Jewry to Israel and ican curtail Immigration." The annual shareholder's meet- Jews throughout the world. Buenos Aires (JTA)—Two Jews a rc-cvaluatlon of Zionism and the "Obviously, Israel can do no ing of tlic Omaha Workmen's Loan Famous Jewish songs and-folk were elected to Parliament in thestatus of Jewish education and such thing," continued Habbl El- Association will be held at the dances are featured throughout national election] final tabulations culture among ndu|Us. sensteln. "There is nomcthlng we Jewish Community Center, Monthe pageant, Wo Jews and Zionists are payof the results showned here. Rabbi Silver held separate conBoth men are mombcrs of Presi- Ing a high price for our failure to Jews can do and that Is to declare day, May 24, at 8 p. m. dent Juan Poron's Party. They arc clarify our status. President of the openly that Kibbutz Gnluyot Is a A financial report will be given ferences on American policy la Dr. Pablo MangucI, currently Ar- Assembly, Rnbbl Ira Elsenstcin, limited doctrine, intended to es- ind nomination and election of of- Israel with Vice-President Richgentine Minister to Israel, and declared. He claimed this failure tablish Israel for the persecuted ficers and board members will be ard M. Nixon and Secretary of David Dlskln. Both were elected as the biggest obstacle In our "ef- Jews of all lands and for those held. A social hour with card State John Foster Dulles just—_ from districts In Buenos Aires fort for most effective community who wish to fulfill themselves as games and refreshments will fol- prior to his appearance In Omaha, ow, • . cooperation." May' 12. Province. Jews by living in Israel."
June 13
JWV Honor War Deadat Sunday Rite
Levitt Heads Red Cross
Ex-Editor of Press Writes Best Seller
Browned Lauds American Jews
Rabbis Push "Israel for Persecuted Jews" Policy
Beth Israel Men Cite Art Gould
Workmen's Loan Meet Monday
f l U JEW18I1 PBE88
May 21, 1851
Between You and Me
Publkhed Eveiy Friday by the Federation for Jewlsfc Service a u McoaocwM nuur t u u i k HtewU u tta d « B * I, int. HARRY HALPERT
The Trend in American Jewry Recently we picked up an item in the London Jewish Chronicle giving the substance of an address delivered in London by Cecil Both, noted British-Jewish historian who knows American Jewry well, on the subject, "The Future of American Jewry.' Predictions for the future are valaahlt ;a»ofar u they indicate eertain trends in a community. However, the question always arises whether the assessment of present-day trends in a community is correct According to the Jewish Chronicle. Mr. Both said that "the future of New York Jewry was assured by the mgthetnatieal fact that there were 2,000,000 persons, who formed about a quarter of the city's population. Tbat meant that the great solvent of Jewish life—intermarriage—-could only have a minor validity; there." Further on the news item says; "His picture of the future of American Jewry was that apart from the sociological group, which was certain to maintain its identity in New York, Judaism in a recognizable and organized form was going to continue to exist throughout the country and would evolve its own forms which would shock the founders of Beform Judaism in America and Germany. The new development of American Judaism was going to be a long way removed from the ideal of the original founders of American Reform," On the other hand, Mr. Both thought that the laws of koshrut would be entirely abandoned." 'They were being aban- Capital Spotlight doned," he said, "outside the great centres, as were the tradition* of the Sabbath." Mr. Roth's indication of trends in American Jewry leaves much for discussion both pro and con, a discussion in which we cannot enter here. But it is interesting for us on this side of By MILTON FRIEDMAN the Atlantic to hear what a noted Jewish scholar on the other side of the water thinks of the. direction in which we American Washington (JTA)—The AnilJews are moving. Defamation League of B'nai B'rith has been named among groups acway of identifying the appearance cused by a Congressional Commitof the new moon. tee of promoting subversive indocThe statement itself was a slo- trination of school children. gan of confidence and encourage- Norman Dodd is staff research ment to an oppressed people. The By Bsbbl Smnnel J. Fox Kingdom of David or the House of director of the House of Represent Question: Why b the phrase David was symbolic of the body of tatives Special Committee to In "David, King of Israel liveth and Israel and It was compared to the .'estlgato Tax-Exempt Foundaexlrteth" repeated three times moon, inasmuch'az it would dis- tions. In a published Committee Whenevr a new moon is blessed? appear and reappear. Thus, this report, Dodd alleged that the ADL A n s w e r : Many commentaries phrase was one that spelled hope connect this custom with an In- and faith la a suffering Jewry. For is a part of a small group attemptteresting- incident related in the this reason, to remind us of the ing to control education throughTalmud: that one of the Rabbis perccrverancc of our forefathers out the nation. was sent to camine the appear- in carrying out their traditions we Charges ance of the moon in order to have still Use this statement when we It was charged that the ADL. --the Mnctiflcatlon performed prop- bless the new month, which is along with the Progressive Educaerly. He sent back a message say- usually done on the Saturday night tion, the American Historical Asing: "David, King of Israel, liveth nearest the beginning of the month sociation, the League for Indus and elsteth." The commentaries trial Democracy, and the John try to eplain why it was necessary to send back a reply with that New York (WNS)—There Is far Dewey Society appeared to have managed the promotion of "an edparticular statement by saying that more truth than myth to the Old it took place at a time when Jews Testament, and modern scholar- ucational curriculum designed to were not allowed to bless the new ship and archaeological discoveries Indoctrinate the American student moon according to a decree which give more support to the scholars from matriculation to the consummation of his education." This "Inforbade their following, the Jewrespected the historicity of doctrination," ish traditions. Therefore, in order who said the Committee the Bible than they do to the 19th to keep the traditions, they were and 20th Century skeptics who report, "Contrasts sharply with the obliged to invent special symbols cornerstone of our social structure. and signals. The statement, "Da- dismissed much of Scripture as a The Jewish Telegraphic Agency vid, Xing of Israel, liveth and ex- "myth." Dr. Harry M. Orlinsky. Professor of Bible at the Hebrew reported on May 9,1952, that Jew. •isteth" in Hebrew letters has the Union College-Jewish Institute of ish organizations might be investinumerical equivalent of "Rash Religion in New York, conclude* gated by a House Committee unChodesh" which means "the be- -in A study just pubDsbed by the pointed to pursue a "complete In ginning of the month" or the "new vestieatlon of educational and phi moon," This served as an Ideal Cornell University Press. lanthropic foundations . . . which are exempt from Federal income tax." Subpoena powers were given to the Committee. It was instructed to investigate for evidence of "subversive activities" and to exFriday, May XI pose things It considered "not In LAG B-QMER. the interest or the tradition of the Pre-School—9:00 a. m.—Center. United States." Centennial Square Dance of the Century. Saturday, May B< Warning Centennial Square Dance of the Century. .' / hep. Adam C. Powell, Jr., New Sunday, May 2* York Democrat, warned that the Children's Program—2:00 p. m.—Center. • Committee would be empowered to Tikvas Ami's Mother-Daughter Tea—Center. probe such organizations ns thcBeth H Annual Dinner—6:00 p. m.—Beth EL 3'nal B'rith, National Association Young Adult Lounge Night—8:00 p. m.—Center, ' • . for the Advancement of Colored People, World Council of Churches. Monday, May 21 and other groups which work for Prc-School—9:00 a. m.—Center. ' human rights. Golden Age Club—12:30 p. m.—Center. B'nai B'rith Monsky Chapter Special Luncheon—1:00 p. m.—Home The resolution establishing the Workman's Loan—7;3O p. ni.—Center. Committee was submitted by the Tuesday, May 25 ' late Rep. E. Eugene Cox of GeorBeth Israel Card Parly—l:00.p. m.—Beth Israel gia. Associated with Cox in the Council Study Group—J :00 p. m.—Home. .j campaign to create the Committee Beth Israel Sisterhood Board Meeting—Beth Israel. was John nankin, then a member Athletic Award Night 7.00 p. m - Center. of Congress representing MissisWednesday, May M sippi. Opponents of the measure Prc-School—9:00 a. m.—Center. vainly protested that adequate inHadas&ah Installation Luncheon—12:30 p. m,—Center. vestigative bodies already existed. Landscape Painting Class—1:00 p. m.—Center. But the Cox resolution was passed Highland Country Club Stagcttc Dinner—6:30 p. m.~Highland by a vote of 193 to 158: Country Club. Probr B'nai B'rith MonsJty Lodge—8:00 p. m.—Center. Cox named the "suspect organiCenter Orchestra—8:00 p. m.—Center. zations" to include the Itosenwald, Thursday, May 27 Guggenheim, Rockefeller, Sloan, Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs—1 ;00 p. m.—Center. and Carnegie Foundations. Powell Leadership Training Institute for Teenagers—3:45 p. m^-Cenlcr, asked for assurances that "the miB & P Hadassah Open Meeting—7:30 p. m.—Center. norities will not be trampled upon" Bridge Class—8:00 p. m-—Center. and whether the probe would be Kadimah Meeting—8:30 p. m.—Homes. used to smear Jewish organizaB'nai B'rith Nebraska Chapter No. 346 and Lodge No. 1445-^8:30 tions including the B'nai B'rith. p. m.—25th and J Sis. •-> ' The Committee functioned orig-
House Group Probes ADL Role in Subversive Education
The Jewish Quiz Box
Community Calendar
By Itoris Hmolur WASHINGTON TKKNDSi Assistant Secretary of .State Henry, A. Byroade, vhc-o re rent "nd-_ vice" to Israel provoked a storm " of protest, would be willing to address n Zionist meeting . . . Ho j;ave Indications to this effect to Zionist leaders who visited him in the State Department to protest against his addressing the annual conference of the anti-Zionist American Council for Judaism . . • Some time ago he was Invited by, Hadassah to address a conference, but did not accept the invitation ot that time . . . It docs not look as if any of the Zionist group* would Invite him to speak now. after be publicly made clear his stand on Israel In a way considered offensive to the Jewish State . , . Incidentally, Mr. Byroade Is not Inclined to retain Ms post as Assistant Secretary of State much longer . . . He has been on the list as candidate for the post of V. 3. Ambassador to Egypt, but the present Ambassador there will not be replaced until after the British teach tome understanding with Egypt on the Suez issue . . . And this may take a long time . . . Incidentally, all the Jewish leader* who visited Mr. Byroade at tha State Department to protest hi* speeches, found him personally a very amiable man . . . This moke* It even more obvious that the view* be expressed in his speeches are not so much his own, as they, are the official views of the StaU» Dopartment... It was, of course, a tactical mistake on the part of leaden of various Jewish organizations to rush is> separately to sec Mr. Byroade . . . It would have been much better for the cause they pleaded. If they had first coordinated their visits and Mew* . . And, still better, If they had appeared as a united delegation . . . As It was, Mr. Byroade was in a position to point out to some o{ the Jewish leaders who visited him that their views did not coincide exactly with the views of other Jews who called on him .previously . . . When will our well-meaning Jewish leaders learn to' coordinate their views prior to pre» sentlng them to the BovornrnontT
inally under the.chairmanship of Cox. After Cox* death and the Republican electoral victory of 1952, Rep. B. Carroll Recce, • Tennessee Republican, emerged as chairman. Under Recce's direction, Cox's plans were implemented. While the Committee's current report seeks to brand "the ADL as an organization seeking to Instill a leftist "indoctrination" In youth, it fails to say that the ADL Is working for better Americanism by promoting religious and racial amity. It Is a matter of record that many of Die ADL's pamphlets expose Communism. But the Committee did not bothervto mention this. Troubled One of those who spoke out COMMUNITY IBS HE 81 The against the creation of the Com- greatest single item of expense by mittee was Ilep. Carl Elliott, of Jewish communities large Alabama. Elliott said that philan- cities is medical careIn. the . . Main* thropy and charity were synony- tcnance of Jewish Centers mous "and witli these two terms the next most expensive Item .are .. there arises the concept of man's A number of new developments religion." Elliott was troubled have entered the program of supabout the prospect that the Com- porting hospitals . . . These demittee would investigate religious velopments are being studied by organizations and rule on whether a group of leaders of Jewish fedthe expenditure "of their resources erations and of Jewish hospital* are or are not In the interest of from New York, Baltimore, Bosthe United States." ton, Philadelphia, Hartford, S t A Minnesota Democrat, Rep. Louis and Newark . . . And the Eugene McCarthy, said he under- Council of Jewish Federation* stood the American "tradition" an and Welfare Funds is piannirfg to one "which does not insist on uni- call a special conference In Sepformity or strict conformity, but tember to deal with these probrather as n tradition of political lems . . .,The main question 1st unity which allows for individual who is to pay the bill, and how, and group indifferences." Mc- since the responsibility of local Carthy said he found it "frighten- tate and federal governments for ing to consider the realities of a building and maintaining hospital* political authority setting the pat- is changing . . . With regard to tern and limit of intellectual and the Jewish Centers, a Joint commoral development of its people. mission composed of representaYet this is exactly what the totali- tives of the Council of Jewish Fedtarian state attempts . . ." erations and Welfare Funds and Frightening of the National Jewish Welfare Congressmen of the Jewish faith Board is to be established . . . The anticipated in 1952 that the Com- commission is to survey the relamittee might affect their co-relig- tionship of Jewish community' lonlsts. Rep. Arthur G. Klein, of centers and local federations . . . New York, said the Committee's It will study the practices which proponents were "apparently upset have successfully served the need* by the fnct that Rome foundations of the communities and those are today using their funds to pro- which have not been satisfactory mote better race relations." . . It will then synthesize the rcAnother New Yorker, Rep. Louis ulls of the studies to serve as a rulde to communities In developB. Heller, said the resolution creating the Committee appeared to ing relationships which will best him to have "the properties of a ndvancc communal progress • . . fishing expedition — and loaded The scope and function of the with an ulterior motive.' Rep. commission will be blue printed Emanuel Cellcr predicted that the by a special steering committee of Committee would make allegations representatives of Jewish centers against racial nnd religious minor- and federations . . , The commission will bo advisory In nature nnd ities. Is responsible to both the CJFWF If the ADL is guilty of "Indoctri- and the Jewish Welfare Board. nation," it may have Indoctrinated President Eisenhower, FBI DirecJan Pccrce: "A monologue is tor J. Edgar Hoover, and Attorney General Herbert Brownell who one woman talking; a catalogue I* paid tribute to the ADL last year two women talking."—(JTA) at a banquet here. Since Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy has met with Faulctte Goddard: "Tight clothADL officials perhaps he, too, has Ing never did stop a girl's circulabeen Indoctrinated. tion."—(JTA)
Friday, H*jr 21,1*34
h People Seldom Are Problem Drinkers Jewish people rarely become alcoholic because drinking li part of their religious ritual and because the pressures operating on them as a minority group make far sobriety. This is what Charles R. Snyder, a Yale Sociologist, told a meeting of the Harvard Department of Health. Jewish people begin drinking barly In life in connection with their religious rituals. In addition, their drinking is done in the fam' ily. Thus, through their traditions, jew* are systematically socialized to moderate drinking and sobriety. And as members of a minority group, they tend to guard against behavior, like excessive drinking, that would act to their discredit, he stated. "At participation in Orthodox ceremonies and rituals diminishes, ' Jewish people tend to -react differently to the patterns of tho society in which they live and the pressure for sobriety relaxes. In other word*, as they become less religious, they accept the pattern of drinkin*v intoxication and aK hohollsm found in the wider todety," continued the Sociologist The negligible amount of alcoholism among Jews to significant, according to Snyder, becanso
New Markets Grow as Israel Products Grck thbe
the incidence of neurosis and psychological problems Is quite high among them. This Indicates that alcoholism Is not necessarily a response to neurosis or psychological difficulties.
Facts Forum Under Fire
WuslmiKlon (JTA) — A suggestion to investigate Fuels Forum, a tax-exempt organization which sponsors u weekly radio and television discus<iion program long a subject of controversy, was made here thin week at a public hearing conducted by the House Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations. The recommendation was made by Rep, Wayne L. Hayes of Ohio, a committee member. , H. L. Hunt, Texas oil millionaire and supporter of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, who sponsors Facts Forum, recently denied charge* that it was anti-Semitic, pro-Fascist, anti-Catholic, anti-Negro and anti-labor. He sold the organization was established three years ago "to promote and preserve freedom" and enjoys tax exemption as a non-profit national educational group. Five radio and television programs of news discussions are now sponsored by Facts Forum. The Antl-Defamatlon League of B'nal B'rith has been listed among groups accused of attempting to control education in this country by Norman Dodd, staff research director of the committee. Other groups named arc the Progressive Education Association, the American Historical Association, t h e .Jerusalem (JTA) — "Soothing Btatcnicnts now comint; from the I-eaftue for Industrial Democracy United States cannot dispel Israel's and the John Dewey Society, anxiety In view of the fnct that previous announcements followed a lom: array of Ideas, evaluations and approaches derived from n prolonged and thorough study of problenus confronting us," Premier and Foreign Minister Moshc Sliarctl declared in the Israel Parlia- Most Americans are accusment today. His speech concluded tomed to a weekly pay check. Not the debate on Israel's fvrelgn pol- so In Israel where workers reicy. ceive their salaries on a monthly Parliament,' by a vote of 60 bash. Whereas Sunday is the most against six, expressed confidence in the Government's foreign pol- frequent "marked day" when bachelors capitulate to cupld in icy. 'We Welcome IT. 8. Friendship' America, Tuesday seems a favorite day for Israelis. ThursSharett emphasized In his speech wedding day is a good second choice, with that it could be assumed that Friday running a close third. Sun"wha has so far been presented weddings arc not popular to us docs not present views final- day since that day, part of a long ly crystallized or ultimate deci- weekend in the U, S., marks the sions on the basis of which the busy start of Israel's six-day work position of the United States Gov- week. , ernment would be dtcrmlnM" Americans visiting Israel find "We will welcome every sign of that the country's 22 papers arc return by the United States to the almost totally devoid of comic traditions of friendship and mu- strips. With the exception of an tual understanding from which English-language sheet in Jeruthere has been an nppnrcnt devia- salem, which boasts a single hution. morous strip each a. m. Israeli papers snub expensive and spaceArulas; at Iraq Dangerous "We are faced with practical consuming comic engravings to matters, namely, the arming of highlight humor columns Instead. Iraq—a country hostile to Israel, For cartoon fiends, a half dozen a country which openly plans an weekly humor magazines brighten assault upon the peace and stabil- newstamls in Israel. ity in the Middle East. The Israel Where movies are run contlnaGovernment will, therefore, con- oaily In most U, S. cities. Israeli tinue, its v i g o r o u s opposition cinemas limit week-day showings •gainst arming Iraq or any other to three. Only a pair of theaters Arab country," continued Sharett. In bustling Tel-Aviv operate nonstop. Tickets are purchased for specific seats with prices running Ervin Colton Earns a range depending upon where one prefers to perch the anatomy. PhD in Chemistry A winged deer against a brickErvin Colton, son of Mr. and ground of fleecy clouds Is the offldal insignia of Israel's Post OfMrs. Mike Colton will receive a •degree as Doctor of Philosophy In fice department. Chemistry at graduation cere- All Government offices, as well monies at the University of Il- as most private homes and business firms, have mezzuzahs on the linois on Juno 20. In addition to the doctorate, Dr. doors. Colton holds n Master's Degree from the University of Kansas and EDUCATION SOCIETY a Bachelor's Degree from,jGeorgln New York (WNS)— Formation Tech. He has been elected to Tau of a new national Society for InBeta l'l, Sigma XI, t'hi Lambda alve Jewish Education, to advance Upsllon and Phi Eta Sigma. Ills the welfare of maximum religious doctor's research resulted in two education for Jewish children In publications In the Journal of the the United States, was announced here this week by Municipal Court American Chemical Society, If<" will spend the summer In Justice Daniel Gutman. Omaha with his parents and then niove to Atlanta, Ga., In SeptemHarpo Marx: "Some fellows beber as Professor of Chemistry at lieve In dreams until they marry Georgia Tech. one."—(JTA)
Israel Leery • Of American -Smooth Talk'
Israeli Cupid Prefers Tuesday
-Istvels Stead England U.S.A. Turkey Uruguay Brazil Finland
CilruSj cigarttt*! Winis, ttxtiUt Autos, stovts Pincih Wateh*i Autos
JERUSALEM, (IIP). - Th« gear's end showed an impressive rl«o In the growing list of foreign countries making purchases of Israel'* product* and witnessed the addition of a host of new International customers for Items turned out by the young republic under n vafit expansion program f I nan cod with the nld of the American people through State of Israel fronds. As a result, products mndo in Israel now circle the trade globe. Israel'* "new customers"
Panorama By DAVID SCHWARTZ (Copyright, 1954, JTA) Congressman Celler of New York has been telling the old Disraeli story about McCarthy, Disraeli was once asked the difference between misfortune and calamity. "It's this way," said Plsraell. "If Gladstone (the leader of the Opposition) w e r e to fall in the Thames that would be a misfortune. If someone were to fish him out that would be a calamity." Celler substitutes McCarthy for Gladstone and the Potomac for the Thames. It's interesting to speculate what would happen if McCarthy did fall into the .Potomac. Personally we don't think he would care to be fished out, until he had captured some of the salmon. What were they doing with that pink color, ho would demand. Ben Gurion ardently wants peace with the Arabs but he told the Israelis tho other day that Israel owes a great deal of Its development to Arab opposition. If the Arabs had not stopped the Jews from using the port of Jaffa, tho Jews would not have had to develop their own longshoremen. Jewish agriculture, too, minus Arab opposition, would not have gone so far as It has, if the Mufti had not tried to stop a moderate Jewish immigration, the Jewish State would not have come into being. Certainly not as quickly. And now the Arab opposition Is leading to strengthening Israel In many ways. It Is causing Israel to explore the European and world markets for trade instead of relying solely on neighboring markets, ns would have been the case if the Arabs were peaceful." Secretary Ickes In the first volume of hLi Memoirs just published tells the behind-the-scenes story of tho appointment of Felix Frankfurter to the Supreme Court. He says the rich Jews opposed the ap-
E. Europe Denmark Columbia Italy Australia Ireland
Citrus Candy Pencils Plastics Cement Phosphates
Sweden Cyprus E. Africa Norway Holland Belgium
Autos, ttxfiUt Phosphates Utensils, drugs Citrus Textiles Fruits
fell Into two categories: coun- 20 per cent the amounts d tries like the Republic of Ire- hard currency earned abroad land (the Irish ordered Is- by Israel this put year, orer rael phosphates) which never the previous IS month*, have before appeared on Israel's boen a steady flow of Investtrade ledger* formed one ments from State of Israel group, whlio the other v u Bond* which through direct comprised of countrle* al- appropriation* and loan* enready lit business with Israel abled the expansion and esbut which during tho past tablishment of a corps of year Increased it* imports by factories and formed tho base adding ono or moro new Is- of an agricultural developrael products heretofore not ment program which helped obtained from tho young re- create new citrus plantations. Irrigated tens of thousands publle. of new acres and purcbSSM Fashioning tho export blue- modern fanning equipment print which boosted by a full i An Israel Industrial Prcxs Featun
pointment. The some thing happened when Louis D. Brandels was named by President Wilson. The millionaire Jews are always only Interested—not in personalities or movements—but in pure Judaism. Reminds me of the story of the young rabbi who got a pulpit In Long bland He was warned by the president of the synagogue not to sermonize on Jewish education, Sabbath observance and cognate topics. "What may I speak about?" asked the rabbi. "Just speak on Judaism, Judaism,'* said the president Chlllk Welzmann, the brother of the famous Chalm who is now In America, has been telling people here that "there is now the beginning of a smell of prosperity In Israel." Hope the smell Is as good as that of orange blossom time In Israel. When I was there—a long time ago—riding from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the fragrance of tho blossoms was Intoxicating. The latest wheeze from Israel, they tell me. Is tbe one about the Israeli soldier of the camouflage corn* who complained to his commanding officer. He had been ordered to disguise himself as a tree. "It was all right," he said, "when young men and women sat beside me and whispered sweet nothings. I could take it when they caressed one another. But when they started carving their Initials in my britches . . . "
Israel Exports To U. S. Up in Amount, Kind New York (JTA)—Israel's ex* ports in 1953" were the highest since the establishment of the Jewurn State in 1948, Consul Yehuda Levit, In charge of economic affairs at the Israeli Consulate in New York, declared today at the opening of the Israel section'at the International Import Show here. Diamonds, Furniture Diamonds, cut and polished, are still Israel's highest export item to tbe United States, Levit said. "For the first time in the United States today, exclusive, modern, custom-built furniture from Israel, with artistic individual designs, hand-sculptured , or painted by Israel's foremost artists, have now broadened our range of goods fn this country." Israel's goods in the United States Include brass, bronze, copper manufactures, ceramics, wine and brandy, chocolates, candles, marmalade, citrus by-products, fashions, plywood, glass, scientific instruments, watches, leather 1 ware, musical instruments and other items. Export* Up 70 Percent Jerusalem was reported today that Israel's industrial exports for the month of January, 1954, Increased 70 per cent over slmillar exports for January, 1953. Industrial exports for January of this year were $4,700,000 as compared to $2,800,000 In January, 1953. Total exports of all kinds of goods this January came to $17 million. Israel's chief customer for industrial goods, exclusive of diamonds, during this period was Turkey, which bought 43 per cent of the total.
"Tell it not in Gath, publish it not in Ascalon, says the Bible. But Ascilon today has the blfjgost prestresscd concrete pipe factory in the world, and very much has been published about it. And finally "Tel" in Hebrew means mound or mountain as in Tel Aviv which means spring mountain. The name Is a symbolic translation of Herzl's Old-New Land. What can be younger than Pinky Lee: "Many men think spring or older than a mountain? they are handing a girl a line Maybe the fact that it's spring when they are merely being roped In."—(JTA) will explain this column.
fate Fear
Harry Halpert, Elizabeth Jahr Wed in Sunday Rite Miss -Elizabeth Jahr became the bride of Harry Halpert in an evening service at the Fontenelle Hotel ballroom, Sunday, May 16. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks performed the ceremony. Parents of the newly-weds are Dr. and Mrs. Herman M. Jahr and Mr. and Mrs. Max Halpert of Philadelphia, Penn. The groom Is the editor of the Jewish Press.' For her wedding, the bride chose a ballerina-length gown of nylon tulle over blush pink satin. The empire bodice was trimmed with lace, A lace calot held her illusion veil and she carried a colonial nosegay. Mrs. Sidney Hnlpert of Albuquerque, N. M., was matron of honor and Miss Lee Jahr was maid of honor for her sister. Bridesmaids were Miss Usbeth Chcrniack and Mrs. Laura Snydcr, Philadelphia. Mrs. Halpert wore a blue ballerina-length gown while Mrs. Snyder was dressed in brown. Miss Jahr and Miss Chcrnlack wore sunset rose gowns. The dresses were of nylon tulle with ba«aue bodices and ballerina-length skirts over matching taffeta. The attendants carried colonial nosegays. Sidney- Halpert was best man for his brother. Ushers were Lewis Paul, Milton .Waldbaum, Robert Smith and Sherman Poska. Mrs Jahr wore a gown of navy ChantUly lace over taffeta with Jewel trim. A dinner at the hotel followed the wedding, After a honeymoon to Excelsior Springs, Mo., the couple will live at 3705 Davenport St.
Recipes of The Week J.EMON PIE Mrs. Sidney Brooks Juice of 3 lemons and grated rind , • 1 cup sugar 6 eggs (separated) ~"' Beat yellows until frothy, add sugar gradually, then lemon Juice and rind. 'Cook in double boiler stirring constantly until very thick. Cool. Fold In K of stiffly beaten whites, pour into bake pic shell. Use other U egg whites for tnerangue. . MANDJEL BREAD Mrs. Hike Freeman eggs cup shortening 'cup sugar teaspoon Baking Powder Pinch of salt .• cups flour teaspoon vanilla H cup nuts ' ' Cream shortening with sugar. Add eggs; then combine with other, ingredients. Will make a soft dough. Shape Into throe long rolls, bake on greased cookie sheet until light brown. Slice into 1 ',4 inch slices. Brush both cut sides with Shortening, then sprinkle with cinnamon and sui;ar mixture. Toast in slow oven until brown,
Federation to Vote May 27 The Federation of Jewish Women's Club will hold their regular luncheon meeting on Thursday, May 27, at 1 p, m. at the Jewish Community Center. AU Presidents, representatives, and Chairmen are urged to attend, as there will be election of officers. • The Board will meet at 11:45 a. m. .' •
Mrs. IIui? Halpert
Try Soda Instead If those Chocolate Chip Cocoanut Cookies you made from last week's recipe looked a little puffy and the kids thought they tasted a litlc peculiar, there Was a. reason. The printed recipe called for hi teaspoon of baking powder. That was a mistake. Substitute H teaspoon of baking soda for the baking powder and the cookies will taste much better.
fnttmy, May 11, 1854
CLERGYMEN New York (JTA)—A number of American rabbis inay be admitted for a week's visit to Moscow as part of an lnterfalth goodwill mission arranged by the World Par[llamcnt of Religions, it was announced here. The announcement said that the Soviet Embassy in Washington will Issue visas to 30 American clergyman of all faiths, subject only to the acceptance of Individual passports. The mission will leave New York by air on August 10 and will also visit a number of countries including both the Israeli and Jordanian parts at Jerusalem. George Jessel: "My advice to all men; Don't tell her you are unworthy of her. Let it come later . . as a surprise."—(JTA)
Beth El to Enact Drama
Omaha Sketches |
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Turjicl and family hnve just returned to OmaMrs. Phlncas Wintroub Is di- ha. Dr. Turkel has been in service recting the dramatic presentation at Ft. Rilcy, Kans. He is resumfor the annual dinner meeting of ing his practice in Omaha, and Is Beth El Synagogue on Sunday, located at 703 Omaha Loan Build-, ing. The family is presently living May 23, at 6 p. m., in the Social at 5844 Lake St. ' Hall of the Synagogue. The cast will include Mmes. Nor- Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Gorodetzcr man Whitman, David Brodkey, are the parents of a son, Shelley Harold Garber, Meyer Rubin, El- . Jay, born May 7. Maternal grand-, mer Novak, Samuel N. Wolf and I parents are Mr. and Mrs. Max' Cantor Aaron t Edgar. Mrs.. Lean London of Omaha. Paternal grandSchmldman is the Stage Manager. parents are Mr. and Mrs. Bamett Mrs. Harry DuBoff is the accent- Gorodctzer of Brookllne, Mass. .' panjst The dinner will honor Rev, David Maxwell is the name Of Alexander D. Kate on the tenth the son born to Mr. and Mrs. Seyanniversary of his service to the .mour H. Kaplan at Clarkson Me-' congregation. . • I mortal hospital on May 8. The Harry DuBoff and Mr*. Alex- Bris was held May 15 at the hosander D, Frank are general chair- pital. men of arrangements. Reservations are being accepted in the or- Harry Dalkowitz has been a der received until the capacity Is guest of Mr. and Mrs. Seymour reached. H. Kaplan during the week. He Is the father of Mrs. Kaplan, and DECLINE came to Omaha to attend the New York (WNS)—The New birth of his new-born grandson, York Times, In a dispatch from David. ' Yugoslavia, disclosed that Sara- He is a member of the City jevo, one of the oldest and most Council of Pcarsall, Tex., has also famous Balkan center of Jewish been County Treasurer of Frio population, now has a Jewish County, Tex He is a Past Com* population of 699 as compared mander of the American Legion with Its peak of 10,000. The dty Post there and a past Chef de now has a neglected synagogue, a Guerre of the 40 & a rabbi and a h a n d f u l of worshippers. Sid Caesar:. "A man is never so week, as when a pretty girl U tellPatronize Our Advertisers ing him how strong he is."—(JTA,)'
UKAMU IS U. S. Keds—Kedettes—Summereftes
'Music at Home* Ends Season The firm! meeting of the 1953-54 season of the Music at Home Club vill be held Tuesday, May 25, at 8 ). m. at the home of Eugene Blaz•r, 5101 Davenport St. ' A Grand Concert with records will be presented under the headInc "Gay Musical Mastcrworks, The program will include compositions -by Bach, Haydn, Schubert, S m e t a n a , Lccuona, Prokofiev, Morganstern, and Johahn Strauss. Solo numbers will be performed by the Philharmonic Piano Quartet and Wladimir Horowitz. The program has been chosen with the idea to present gay master works >f classical and modern era. There will * be no admission c h a r g e . Refreshments will be served. The members of the community are invited. -
Omaha's Favorite Way
Summer Shoes for the Whole Family! Wonderful Light Weight Solet, Cool Uppers, Styles You Love! A. Shannon Summcrertet Elasticizcd ankle strap and Inttep for comfortable (it. Blue, rod, turf tan. ^ A C Sizes 41/! to 9 OmWO B. Kedettes Boosferefres Faded blue, blue or red, with wonderful airy light soles and washable uppers. Sizes 4'/> to 9 C. Kedettei EspadrlftV With cork 'n crope soles—and shoestrings you can1 tie so many wsysl Children'* size 9 through women's size 9 . . . .
D. Keds Champion Oxford Springy crepe soles, washable uppers in blue, faded blue, red or brown. Children's lize A'/t through woman's size 9 .,
to Dine on
Mall and n o n e Orders
Welcome Children's Shot* — Third Hear
"Groucho M.irx: "V/him they arrested her she sftld she had shot Him Just for fun . . . the fun he was having with other women."— ,(JTA) JN LESS THAN 4 MINUTES /ROM PACKAGE TO PAN
Sunday Brunch
Served Buffet Style! All You Care to Eat NOON TO 3 P. M.
Get Your Now U. S. Keds
HOTEL BLACKSTONE Ruck for tfu MOMEDAtf f K t o p wftft ftt tester
Handbook! Come In New, White They Lottl
Friday, May SI, 1954
Organizations liamentarian; Mmes. Arthur Grossman, Morris Katleman, M. A. VenAt the regular P-TA meeting on eer. 1054 Directors. Thursday, May 14, the-following Directors for 1055 will be P-TA. officers were olected: Mmes. J. H. Kulnkotsky, David Mrs. Dave Friedman, President; Sherman and Irvin C. Levin. Norman Roscnzweig, Vioc-Prcsldent; Mrs. Nate Kaplan, Recording Secretary; Mrs. II. S. Susman, Corresponding Secretary and Mrs. The annual luncheon meeting of gam Shyken, Treasurer. The new Hadassah will be held \Vednosday, 'officers, wlU be Installed at the May 26, at 12:30 p. m. at the Jewnext P-TA meeting. ish Community Center. Mrs. Morris Mi Franklin, Chapter President, wilUprcslde. Mrs, Jake Wine will be in charge of the luncheon. - The annual Donor luncheon for Reservations hiay he made with B'nai B'rith Henry Monsky Chap- Mrs. Harry Goldatrom, WAInut ter No. 470-wlU be held on Mon- 4673, of the Herzl Group; Mrs. day, May 24, at 12:30 p. m. In the Wm. Fbikcl, PLasant 5830, of the Fireside Room of the Lcavenworth S*old Group or Mrs. Marvin SaGrill. Mra. Morris M. Franklin will dofsky, REgent 3626, or the Weizreview "The Prophet of San Ni- mann Group. eandro," by Phlnn LaPlde. Mrs. Nathan Bernstein of LinReservations may be made with coln, Vice-Presldent of the MounMrs. Gene Osheroff, Donor Chair- tains Plain Region, Will install the man at WEbster 8590. newly-elected officers of the chapter and groups. Those Hadassah members who have read five books or more of Both Israel Sisterhood of Coun- the Hadassah Honors. Course will cil Bluffs will hold a luncheon receive bookplates as their reward. meeting at the Synagogue on There will be a drawing for a Tuesday, May 25, at 1 p. m. prize among the members of the .New officers wlU be Installed group having the most par' following the regular business ticipants. meeting. Mrs. Arthur Goldstein of The Omaha Chapter of HadasOmaha will conduct the installa- sah is presenting to the Public tion and speak on "The Role of Library a new book, entitled Sisterhood in the Jewish Com- Who's Who in World Jewry." munity." This is the first book of Its kind Mrs. Ben Passer Is luncheon in the world. Also, thoy are prechairman and Mrs. Sherman C. senting to B'nni B'rith Chapter Sperling, program chairman, No.: 470, the Henrietta Szold Doll to add to their collection of "Dolls for Democracy."
Marlene Dloogoff, Niki Weisberg Announce Summer Wedding Plans
Beth Israel P-TA.
Monsky Chapter
Co. Bluffs Sisterhood
Bl Sisterhood
The Beth Israel Sisterhood, again, this year, Invites all members and their friends to attend their nnnunl Dessert Luncheon nnd Card Party. The affair will take plare on Tuesday, May 25, nt 1 p. m. In the Synagogue Social Hall. An entertaining and relaxing nftcmoon 1» promised by CoChairmen, Mmes. Arthur Parllman, Snm Herman and William Wolfnon. Tables will be set up for cords, Mah Jongg and bingo. Door prizes will be awarded. Bring your children. A babysitter service will be available Tickets are available through Beth Israel members nnd at the door
. •
Chance of bate Members of the Board of the , Beth Israel Sisterhood will meet on Monday, May 24, nt 12:45p.m. in the meeting room at the sy->. npKogue. All are requested to attend. The change of date is due to the annual curd party to take place on Tuesday, May 25.
Pioneer Women Tuesday, May 25, Is the date for the fourth annual Shower for Israel "sponsored by the Pioneer Women's Organization. The Shower will be held at 1 p. m. at the Labor Lyceum, 31st and Cumlng Streets. •Children's clothes, baby layettes, •raincoats, wash dresses and linens are desperately needed. This must all be new merchandise. Everyone U urged to attend and brine friends. 'TJio program includes classical vocal selections. by Mrs. Marcla Upsman, a Jewish reading by Mrs. Philip Crandel, nnd piano selections by -Mrs. Leonard Plnltovitz. Mra. Sydney Sncldcr will read humorous short Etories by famous Jewish writers. • Mrs. Snm Novak, Shower Chairman, snlil that a dessert luncheon will be served.
Mrs. Sternhill Heads Mercy Hospital Guild Mercy Hospital Guild members started their second year by electing Mrs. Isaac Sternhill ns President. She succeeds Mrs. W. J. Boortz. Guild members contributed 1,722 hours In volunteer service. Profits will go toward the purchase of a milk laboratory.
— Engagements - ^ ,
Itev. Knrl Iliirhr - . . to speak to Iltiftlnens unri l'rufenslonul Women.
'Minister of World1 to Talk May 27 Many requests from non-Jewish friends have prompted the Business and Professional Women of Hadassah to plan for their Annual Inter Group Coffee Hour, May 27. The Coffee Hour will be held at the Jewish Community Center on Thursday at 8 p. m. Rev, Karl Baehr, a leading figure* in religious and social affairs and a courageous Christian minister whose parish encompasses the entire world, isjto be the guest speaker. Invitations have been issued to members of air women's organizations and business and professional groups In the community. A Hospitality Committee will serve refreshments.
At a family dinner, May 15, an nouncement was made of the en-. n w m e n t of Miss Marlene DIoocoff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Inline Dloogoff, to Stewart Kenneth Kahn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Kahn, Miss Dloogoff attends the University of Omaha from which the groom will be graduated this sum' mer. He Js affiliated with Phi Epsilon PI fraternity. The couple plan a July 11 wedding.
Mr, and Mrs. Henry Weisberg announce the approaching marriage of their daughter, NIKI Sara," to Leonard Rosen, son of Mr, and Mrs. Max Rosen. Miss Weisberg attended the University of Nebraska School of Nursing in Omaha. Mr. Rosen attends the University of Nebraska and is affiliated with Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity. The wedding will be solemnized on June 20. • ,"
3rd Birthday for Golden Age Club The Golden Age Club will hold ts May meeting in the form of a birthday party on the grounds'of the Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged. The program will mark'the group's third year of existence. The party will be held on Monday, May 24, at 2;00 p. m. Club members requiring transportation may call JAckson 1366, Extension 32. The Golden Age Club is Jointly sponsored by the Omaha Section of the National Council of Jewish Women and the Jewish Community Center.
COMPTON GIFT Cambridge (WNS)—Two gifts of $1,000 each to Technlon, Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa,' were made here by Dr. and Mrs. Karl T. Compton at a dinner meetIng held at the M. I. T, Faculty Club in Cambridge, Mass. Dr. Compton, chairman of the corporation of the Massachusetts* Institute of Technology, who recently returned with Mrs. Compton from a two-week trip to Israel, . explained that $1,000 was for "unrestricted purposes" of -the Israel Institute, and that the other $1,000 was to go toward the funds needed to build one of the units of Greater Technion that will bear his name.
Tel Aviv (NS)—The Israel Opera House founded here five years ago by the actress Edls de Phllllpe has closed down because of lack of funds. Opera spokesmen said the government's subsidy and income from «alo of tickets was Insufficient to meet the payroll of the troupe's 120 members.
Campus News
SigmapeltaTaii 1
A Parents' Day dinner was held Sunday night At the Cornhuskcr hotel with many parents visiting from Out of town. . Mrs. Goodman, mother of Julio Plnskcr of Tulsa, Okla., was an honored guest in the SWT house for several ,days last week.. At a -. Hlllel dinner, several SDrs" Were recognized for their outstanding services in activities and memberships in honorary societies. They were Beth Fineberg, Alpha Lambda Delta; Connie Gordon, President of Gamma Alpha Chi, Alpha Epsllon Itho; Janet lordon, Alpha Lambda Delta, Managing Editor of the Cornhuskcr, May Queen Attendant; Phyllis Kaplan, Tassels; Zeldn Kamlnsky, Pledge Treasurer, Shuna Alpha Iota; Gall Katskec, Alpha Lambda Delta, Treasurer of YWCA Student Council Alpha Epsllon tho. May Queen attendant; Lucy Laving, Pi Lambda Thcta, Secretary of Sigma Alpha Iota; Fran Locke, Mortar Board, Vice-Presldent of Red Cross, rtenee Ilohter, Treasurer of Alpha ICnppa Delta; Shirley "Rosenberg, Alpha Lambda Delta, Theta Sigma Pi, Gamma Alpha Chi, Tassels; Helcne Sherman, Pi Lambda Theta, Assistant Treasurer of YWCA, President Pan-Hellenic Council, Tassels; Leta Welncr, Pi Lambda Thcta, Alpha Kappa Delta.
Beth El Sisterhood
Gloria Shapiro was chosen Sec•, Belli KI Synagogue Sisterhood tion Head of organizations for next year's "Cornhusker," the Unihn.s chosen its new officers. They ore Mmes. M. H. Brod- versity Annual. Gall Katskec was Jtey, President; A. G. Rimmer- elected Secretary of tho Student nian and A. C. Fellmnn, Vlce- Council. Presldcnts; David R. Cohen, Ilecordlni; Secretary. Others are Mmos. David KntlcSigma Alpha Mu members were mnn nnd Saul Grnetz, Financinl . Secretaries; Mrs. M. A. Bereovlcl, pleased nt the Ivy Day tapping of Treasurer: Mrs. Iyju Sogolow, Marv Friedman of Lincoln to the Auditor; Mrs. A. D. Frank, Par- Innocents Society, which is the
Sigma Alpha Mu
senior men's honorary group; Marv has, been a member of Religious Welfare Council, the All University Fund, Red Cross, Debate, Student C o u n c i l , Inter-Fraternity Council, and President of the Philosophy Club. He Is in the College of Arts and Sciences and had the highest average in the house last semester. Last week also saw the return of Al Crounse and Dick Garter from Columbia, Mo., where they attended the Sigma Alpha Mu Regional Conclave, Four freshmen, pick Pocras, Marv Gllman, Dave Brustcln and Al HccEcr pledged Corn Cobs, the men's pep organization. The house was also proud to elect Norman Phillips to be house manager for the coming year; he succeeds Norm Shyken. Sol Sties, the Prior of S. A. M., and Norm Krlvosha were elected to be delegates to the National Convention. Tho National Convention will be held this summer at Detroit, Mich. In athletics, Sigma Alpha Mu was well represented. Len Rosen won third place in the discus event In a meet with Kansas State. Norm Veitzer and Marshall.Becker won their tennis doubles against Omaha University, nnd Marshall also won In the singles competition. Both Veitzer and Becker leave Wednesday for the University of Colorado at Boulder to participate in the Big Seven tennis tournament. Climaxing n busy week was the annual Parent's Day, May 10. Approximately 100 people., attended. Tho guests heard talks by Dean Hallgreen, the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs; Joe"Glnsburg, a founder of Sigma Omlcron Chapter, and Sol Stiss. The Lincoln Mother's Club provided refreshments. The boys presented
S. A. M. compacts to their mothers.
The phone that came to the accident Driving along Route 12 to Waterville, telephone installer Lon Chappie slowed his truck when he saw the group of c a n stopped up ahead. Then he recognized the grim scene —an accident. Two twisted vehicles blocked the highways men were bending over the victims at the roadside. ^ As Chappie pulled over, a man ran toward him. "Gave 'em all first aid—but the woman and the boy need • doctor fast," he said anxiously. "Will you g o . . . " | "Better yet, I'll call," the telephone man interrupted him. Swiftly, he buckled on his safety belt and "climbers"/ grabbed his lineman's test set and went up a nearby phone pole. Clipping his telephone to the wires, he put through the call. In a surprisingly short time a doctor and «n: ambulance arrived. 4 "Just got here in time," the ambulance driver told Chappie later. "They're lucky that you—and your tele-! phone —came to the accident!" '«• Names have been changed, but this story is true. Lon Chappie, the resourceful installer, might be working in your neighborhood today—for this incident is a typical, example of the value of telephone service and the helpful-, ness of the men and women behind it. To provide valuable telephone service, to pay good wages to workers like Lon Chappie, to train and equip them well, your telephone company must be financially healthy. That way we can continue to maintain and improve telephone service . . . and continue to make your telephone worth more than it costs. "- *•«--. ••*
Northutitern Bell Telephone Company .rif
Friday, M»y Zl, IBM
Youth Council Doings By Jeaa K n t M A. Z. A. NO. 1 Aleph Godol Art Schwartz won an alternate icfaalanbip to Nebraska University, and L a r r Sdmartx e a r n e d aa honorable mention award from the fame tortitutiop. The two eminent AZA boyi iceetved their honors on the basii of a Nebraska Regents test given early in ApriL Mother Chapter again emerged tint place club in the Youth Council Olmypicg competition. She achieved win* in baseball, pingpone, volleyball, and tennis; with second and third place standings in the other sports. Marsh Denenberg's ping-pong championship clinched the tourney. This Sunday, Alephs will go to the polls in quest of a new set of officers. A father-son bowling tournament and stag is scheduled for the 'early part of June. The Executive Committee has taken charge of the event. •
^ _ _
A. Z. A. NO. I N The past week has been a busy one for the boys of Century Chap-' ter. Saturday night. May IS, was the thrilling climax of many months of hard work and planning as the ninth annual King Dance began. Kenny Freed from AZA 100 was crowned AZA King of Omaha. Much praise is due to Kenny Freed and Jerry Rosen, who did a terrific Job as dance chairmen and to all those who helped to make it a huge success. New officers were elected, the following day. Howard Kastow was re-elected President The other officers are: Al Siegel, Vlee-Presl. dent; Marvin Freedman, Secretary; Pete Brodkey and Jimmy F r i e d m a n , Scrgcants-at-Arms; Mark Schimrnel and Ray Kirke, Reporters. Kenny Freed will again act as chaplain. Outdoing officers were cited for their fine work. C0CNCILETTB3 Dates and Don'U held last Friday in the gym was a big success. The topics discussed at the session were: Dating' for the sake of dating, inter-dating, and going steady. The questionnaires given to all the teenagers to be filled out were read by the panel narrator, Llndy Paul. The panel consisted of four Con tral High School pupQs: Sally Berg, Kay Jorgenson, Jane Fellman, 'Everette Richardson, a n d Dick Gilinsky. Refreshments were served. Coundlettes sponsored a girls' swimming meet in the Jay's poo) May 5. ••'.•. '•:,. .- . . •..• Past President, Jean-Cutter, has shown prowess,at the ping-pong and badminton tournaments. She is victor of both. At the May 16 meeting. Rita Peltz, Program Chairman, presented, a movie sponsored by the United Jewish Appeal Mother-Daughter Installation Tea will be May 23 at the home of Jean Cutler. Coundlettes will attend tonight's
Happy Birthday Friday, May 21 Karen Forbes. Ralph Molshe Gelbart, Stephanie I>ee Kutlcr, Marilyn Lee Sherman and Martin Irving Weiss. Saturday. May 22 Aaron Marcus, Adrian Monroe Mlnkln and Mary Jo Slosburg. Sunday, May 23 Benny Abramson, Sandra Jean Bernstein, Wayne Alan Diamond, Joshua Andrew (Josh) Fogel, Robert Victor Hcyman and Jody M. Marcus. Monday, May Zl Linda Clpinko, Sally Mae Freeman and Bruce David Gilinsky. Tuesday, May 25 Rhea Leslye Minlcin and Marie Samuel Saunders. Wednesday, May 26 Arnold Michael Colin, Pamela Ann Greenberg, Edgar Arnold Kulakofjky and Nancy Lynn Lincoln. Thursday, May 27 Jeffrey Bruce Belzer, Slna Gelbart, William Harris • Malnshock and Michael David Scuddcr.
Log Lugging Lifts Israel Industry
services at the Beth Israel Syna gogue. Plans are now underway for the annual spring party, June 26. TJKVAS AMI Saturday evening. May 22, T. A. will bold a picnic at Elmwood Park. They have Invited Coundlettes to tje their guests. Following a picnic dinner, the girls will usher Out the Sabbath by holdin a HavduUab Service.. Sunday, all T. A. members will be hostesses to their mothers at a Mother-Daughter Tea. The affair, which is to be held at the home ol Rose and "Dena Lagman, will be highlighted by a program consisting of a "Mock Meeting." Proceeding the tea, S u n d a y morning, a meeting will be held ai the home of Advisor, Mrs. Julia Jacobs. After the meeting, Mrs. Jacobs will serve a lunch. Wednesday, May 27, at 7 p. m., the club will assemble to elect their new officers. They will be announced at the annual spring
dance. T. A.'s will attend services tonight at Beth El Synagogue. BAYIM Last Sunday afternoon at the JCC, the Rayim fraternity held a meeting devoted to the planning of the Third Annual Rayim Formal. The dinner dance is slated to be held June 19 at the Highland Country Club. Included in the program of the dance will be the installation of officers for the coming year, athletic awards, presenting of best freshman and sophomore trophies and the announcement of the new Rayim Dream Girl Acting as Gen era! Chairmen are Bob Goldstein and Jerry Marer. Raylm's "A" team started the Softball season with a bang as they soundly trounced AZA 1-B. Although the "B" team was beaten, the boys have been practicing regularly and look greatly Improved. Congratulations to members Mike Ban and Marty Crcenc, who placed second in the Missouri Val ley Beginners Debate Tournament to capture a trophy for Central High.
Nursery School Resumes of Temple in Fall The Temple's Nursery School will be resumed next fall making use of the complete and modern facilities, Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks announced. Mrs. Martin Haykin, an experienced nursery school teacher, who a graduate of the University of Nebraska with specialized training in education, has been engaged a> teacher. An Omahan, Mrs. Haykin ! the daughter of Mrs. M. F. Levenson. Temple members will be Riven the first opportunity to enroll their children, according to Rnbbl Brooks, who asks those Interested to call the Temple office and remit a deposit of ten dollars to complete registration in the school. This amount will be credited to he tuition fee of the child. Tuition or each semester will be $75 for members and $90 for non-memers. There will be two sessions durng the year, the first starting Sept. 33 and the second starting r an. 31. Each session will consist if a twenty-week semester. ChilIren who will be three years old >y Oct. 15 of this year through he ago of five, will be eligible to ittend the school.
Youths Near Pledge
BarandBas Mitzvah Lawrence Elliott Gilinsky, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart H. Gilinsky, will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah Friday evening, May 28, and Saturday morning, May 29, at Temple Israel with services In the Jewish Community Center Auditorium. In Ma honor Ills parents will receive the congregation after both services. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bloch announce that tholr son, Steven Itlch-S... ard, will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah Friday evening, May 28, and Saturday morning, May 29, at Beth Israel Synagogue. Friends and relatives arc Invited to attend the ^ services and reception* which will follow.
The first big step in pb'wood production. HATHANYA (IIP). — Israel's growing plywood industry branched out this week with ' a siienble order from England where lhe plywood is to b* used br British shipyards. Supplying lhe shipbuilding order as part of an expanded •xport program is th» plywood plant at Mithmnroth, on* of more than 100 horolofor» s t r i c t l y agricultural settlements whose new industrial development is being enabled with investments from State of Israel Bonds. Mlihmaroih's order from England. the largest tingle plywood consignment jeceired from sbroad by an Israeli firm, is expected io net the Is-
Jordan-Israel Violate Truce
rael Bond-aided settlement S100.000. Equipment purchased by llio colony with lhe aid of Israol Bond dollars combined with Iho skill of Israeli specialists hat made possible lhe production of a high quality plywood capable of fetching a higher price on the world market than most competitors. Thit year's expanded oxport operations at the Mlshmorotli plant, one of seToral plywood production centers in Israel, is expected lo ship more than 11,000,000 worth
of wood lo markets abroad and thus earn for Israel more of the hard currency she so sorely requires to attain economic Independence, ,
Philip Gorcllck, son of Mrs. Simon Gorcllck, will celebrate hta Bar Mitzvah Friday evening, May 21, and Saturday morning, May 22, a( Beth El Synagogue. Friends The Jewish Community Center and relatives arc invited to attend Day Camp will again be held this the services and the receptions year nt Peony Park. Plans are un- which will follow. der way for an exciting four-week Mr. and. Mrs. Lou Fogcl ansession beginning June 28 through July 23. Campers will be picked nounce that their son, Stuart, Will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah Friday up by chartered bus from the three evening, May 28, and Saturday synagogues and taken to the morning, May 29, at Beth El Sycampsite every weekday morning. nagogue. Friends and relatives Luncheons will be served each day are Invited to attend the services of camp Monday through Friday. and the receptions which will folA full program of activities in- low. cluding emphasis on swimming and The Bar Mitzvah of Mr. and camping skills Is being planned by the Day Camp Staff. Some of tho Mrs. Julius Homsteln'a son, Larry, will take place at the Beth Israel counselors selected are: Marsha Waxcnberg, Barbara Paul, Judy Synagogue on Friday evening and Milder, Adele Chauanov, Nancy Saturday morning, May 31 and 22, Baron, Matlec Katlcman, Enid All friends and relative* are InLevey, Murray Belman, Gerald vited to attend. There will be receptions following the services. Marer and Bernle Fcldman. Next Friday evening and SaturFees for Day Camp will be J10 per week or $10 for the entire sea- day morning, May 28 and 29, son. Parents of children six to 12 Steven Richard Bloch will celewill receive registration material brate his Bar Mitzvah at the Beth through the mall in the next few Israel Synagogue/Steven Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bloch. weeks. All friends and relatives are invited to attend the services and the receptions.
Day Camp to Be Held at Peony Park
Jerusalem (WNS)—Violent Incidents and tension on the IsraelJordan borders continued during the week, at the end of which the Jordan-Israeli Mixed Armistice Commission, which the Israelis are boycotting, condemned Israel for two truce violations in which 'our Jordanians were killed. The two resolutions adopted by the Mixed Armistice Commision blamed Israeli forces for opening fire on Jordanian farmers in the vicinity of the villages of Falama and Qualqllya, both In the Tulkarm district north of Jerusalem. The Jerusalem Post this week called for the removal of Commander Hutchinson, chairman of the Armistice Commission, as a preliminary for Israel's return to the Commission. Israeli delegates walked out Mar. 23 when the Commission failed to condemn Jordan for the killing of eleven Israelis in a bus at Scorpion Pass. In the present border tension,Israel charnes that Jordanians arc illegally collecting crops laildc Israel. Illegal harvesting, it is claimed, would rob Israel "border Beth Israel Religious school syssettlements of much of their crops tem will hold its annual Lag [f each field were not firmly de- B'omer picnic at Benson Park Suntended. day, May 23 from 10:30 a. m. to 2 p. m. Max Greenfield, Chairman of the P-TA picnic committee announced that Special prizes would be awarded to contest winners of foot races, shoe scramble, wheelbarrow race, and a bubble gum blowing contest. All children presKenny Freed of Century Chap- ent will get a free gift Ice cold ter was named King of the AZA pop will he served The Sunday 100 dance last Saturday. The ninth morning Tails and Tcphllln servinnual King Dance was held at ices will be held at 8:30 a. m. and tho Paxton hotel with music by will be followed by breakfast. All Dick Brown and his band. other Talmud Torah and Sunday Other King candidates were School classes have been canceled Jnrsh DcnenberK, Larry Schwartz for the day. md Art Schwartz, from AZA 1. Mar Greenfield. P-TA picnic erry Rosen and Kenny Freed chairman, said thnt the picnic 'ere dance chairmen. would be held in the Social hall In case of rain. P-TA members will KACTOKS provide transportation for chilWashington (JTA)—The For- dren who cannot get to the Beneign Operations Administration son Park. They should meet In the has announced authorization of Synagogue parking lot at 10 a. m. $275,000 worth of tractor parts AH parents and children nre Inand used wheel-type tractors for vited to pack a picnic lunch and Join in the fun. Israel."
ItWillBeaPicnic For BI Youngsters
Kenny Freed
Ramon Somberg, tabulator of the Youth Council Philanthropies Drive, nnnounced that there are now CO per cent of the pledges in rom the Youth'Cbuncil members. Marilyn Rice and Deanne Marko•itz, co-chairmen of the drive, dong with Ramon, urge all clubs to get their pledges In and paid Jack Benny: "The chief dlffcraa soon as possible. They are very proud of the fact that AZA No. mce between the movies and real 100 and Tikvas Ami have prac- life Is that In the movies they nre Ically reached 100 per cent on married at the end of their difficulties."—I JTA) ledges.
On Friday evening, June 4, at Beth Israel Synagogue, a Group Bas Mitzvah will be celebrated. The young girls taking part In this event are: Beverly Bharosi Bloom, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bloom. Karen Renee Forbest, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irving J. Forbes. Martens Dvora Friedman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David'Friedman. Carole Sue Gomberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Gombcrg. Harriet Putrid* gcaloff, daughter of Mr. and Mm. Abe W. Schloff. Judith Lee Wohlaer. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen S. Wohlner. The parents of the participants extend a cordial invitation to ail friends and relatives to attend the service and the reception which will follow.
Jerry Lewis: "For my secretary filing is easy. She Just labels all the drawers 'Miscellaneous' . . .
then she can toss the stuff in any place."—(JTA)
Pre-School Parents' To Meet Tuesday Parents of children 4?4 to 8 'ears old will meet Tuesday eveilng, May 25, to discuss plans for i summer outdoor prgram for their 'oungstcrs. A great deal of inter* ?st has been expressed in such a project. The Jewish Community Center lias been called upon to help determine the actual need and to organize the program If warranted. Tentative plans Include a threemornlngs-a-wcek session at Peony "'ark, similar to day camping. Interested parents are Invited to jttend the meeting to be held at tho Jewish Community Center, Room 25, at 8 p, m. next Tuesday.
Young Adult Program The Center's Youth Adult Club will sponsor its final American Film Forum for this season. A twenty-minute film debate with Rep. Richard Boiling (D-Mo.) and Rep. Patrick Hillings (R-Callf.) on the subject "Is Fighting Communism Periling Civil Rights?" will be followed by a group discussion. Tho program will be presented on Sunday, May 24, at 8:30 p. ro., In the Center. '« All arc invited.
Friday, May 21,1654
Israel Nuggets
Religious News
7:22 V. M. CundlrllKlitlng BKTII I X Services will be hold tliis cvening at 8:15 p. m. Knbbi Myor S. Krlpkc will deliver the sermon. Cantor Anron I. Ed|;ar and tlio Beth El Synagogue Choir will render the musical portion of (ho service. Sabbath morning services will befiin nt 9:45 a. m. Junior congregation services ot 10:30 a. m. Mlncha-Manrlv services will start at 7:15 p. m. Daily services ore held each week day at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. The Sunday morning service Is at 9 a. m. BETII IHKAiX luibbl Benjamin Groner, Cantor Ell Kogan, and the Beth Israel Synagogue choir will conduct late Friday evening services at 8 p, m. Sabbath morning services begin at 8:30 a, m. Junior congregation services start at 9:30 a. m. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Talmud claw at 6:45 p. m. Saturday Mlnchs. will stari at 750 p. m., followed by Shojoshe S'eudbt and Maariv. Polly morning services begin at 7 a.m.; afternoon services at 7:30 p ,
• ' . • ' : • • ' ' • ' , . • ' • •
Sunday morning services begio at 8;45 a. m., followed by Rabbi Groncr's Bible Discussion ClaM. The Youngsters of the Tails and Teffilln Club began their service* at 8:30 a. m. Breakfast is served at the conclusion of tb«lr services. The Talmud Discussion group, currently studying the tractate Sabbath, meets every Tuesday evening at 8 p. m. under the di recllon of the Rabbi at BHH Synagogue, 19th and Hurt Streets. TCMPIJ3 IHKAKJ.Religious School Sabbath Service will be held at the Temple Israel tonight at 8 p. m. in the Jewish Community Center Auditorium. Students of the school will assist Rabbi Sidney II. Hrooks in condueling the Service, which the combined School Choir will chant. The Choir is under the direction of Miss Ida Citlin. Following Services, the congregation will have nn Oncj; Shabbot given by the Temple Sisterhood. There will also be nn exhibit of arts and crafts projects developed by the various classes of the Religious School during the current school year. Regular Shabbos Morning Services will be held Saturday at 11:40 a. m. Rabbi Brooks will conduct the service assisted by students of the .Hebrew department of the Religious School. Kiddush for all present Will follow the services.
Gems of the
IJ. « . SI'KAJiK VV: Tlie "Silver Knight," defiant ex-P. M. David Uen-Gurion, braved a bumpy ride by je«p from his new hut home in isolated Silo Bukcr to arrive in Ueor.sheba for a strai^ht-from-the shoulder speech in connection with Reserve Officers' Day. Ii. U. liud lo:>t weight. The same could not. be sniil of his verbal fire. Still as dynamic—even more—than during the years at the helm of Jewish .State, the now bronzed warrior of Israel let loose with several well aimed blasts ut the present system in Knesset elections, "Jewish anti-Semitism" and lazy younemarrieds . . . und in that order. Opposing the present electorlal apparatus whereby Knesset members arc chosen by the proportional system, B. G. udvocated u switch to the method used in America where voters select personal represoptatlvca instead of voting for a complete slate; by voting for o h e choice Israeli citizens must In fact support an entire slate. "Those members," he said in a reference to Knesseter selected under the present proportional system, "represent nobody. The elector choos? a lists—not live men" . . , . On "Jewish auU-Semitism," the erstwhile Prime Muiister was especially firm. Jews from every scattered point have a worthwhile contributloon to make In Israel's development , . . Ben-Gurion had no sooner returned to bis scat on the platform when he sprang up again with this final piece of advice : "and" those who are married, must have children — plenty of
Bible and Talmud Bj OB. riflLXP 8HEB By Dr. Philip 8ucr
Bible so mocks the poor blasphemeth his Maker, and whoso is glad at calamity shall not be un punished. . • A friend Ioveth at all times, and a brother Is born for adversity. Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein, and he that rollcth a stone, it shall return upon him. Talmud Rabbi Joshua was standing before the Emperor when nn infidel, who was near by, Indicated by sign of the hand: "God has turned away His face from your people. Rabbi Joshua gestured in response With his hantR-<G6d's hand la still over us." The Emperor-asked Rabbi Joshua: "Do you know1 what the infidel was indicating with his hand?" He replied: ^Ycs, he showed me God had turned away His face from my peopled "And. what ljave you shown hint Wth your haridr" :"I showed him that God's hand Is still protecting us." The Emperor then asked the infidel: "What have you shown Rabbi Joshua7""I showed him that God has turned away His face from his people." "And what did he show you?" The infidel replied that he did not know. The Emperor thereupon Bald: "Should a man who docs not know what Is shown by a sigh dare to raise his hand In the presence of an Emt h e m i " ; . ,.-.•::.•;.:•.•-..: y . '; y , , : ' peror?" He forthwith ordered the GAJULEE GLIMPSES: Engl- infidel's execution. : ncers-ln-the-know arc c x c i t e d about new sources of underground Rabbi Rcsh takesh said: "Whowater reserves tapped by drills in ever perverts the judgment of a at least three different areas in stranger is considered as if he the Lower Galilee. Sec It as a fu- would pervert the judgment of ture boom to agriculture in the Heaven." water-thirsty sectors . . . More than. 6,000 youths enrolled in Israel's Ycshlvas: tops any btlier ttiin frown single country (naturally). Public A MISSION IN LITE concerts by the orchestra of "Kol Israel," the Government radio staH A I F A tion, may be iixcd in the near fu(IIP)—Supture for lack of $$$. The station ply the chemical ferIs asking the Ministry of Finance tllinn reto extend their budget by roughly quired b y 57,500 to avert the stoppage . . . Isracl'i exLook for the introduction of a new panded agrilaw (now being prepared) deculture plan signed to prevent persons from ftrrve M a oornemlono for changing their names with the young republic's entire rapidity of the seasons. Ministry icnl industry — that'* the of the Interior sources, who back Kiant-xizedeotiny .vhlch&waM* (he new ruling, complain limitless Chemical* and Fertllims, supplies of aspirin required to cope Ltd, near here, apoa Ha Bawl with a situation which finds some completion. Already thskugMt fa/nilles switching their names as •Ingle Industrial enterprise la often as several times a year! . . . all of Israel, IU advancement nan been made powlMe wHh TRADE NOT AID: The agreeloam totalling IL^tfiMflM ment of the Palestine Kconomlc from Israel Bond Investments. Corporation, pioneers in providing the dollars for development of industry in Israel, to loan $1,500,000 to the Fertilizers & Chemicals ductlon of phosphates and other Ltd. will rmike possible a string of essential chemicals. The marketshe new plants, at this, the largest ing of these products follows on single Industrial enterprise in the the heels of the establishment by entire country. F & C's loan Is P. E. C. of two other new export the latest in a series of vital steps firms for Israel; choice Wine and on Lsrnel'u behalf which P. K. C. diamonds, destined for markets in has undertaken* in recent month*. the U. S. The P. E. C. is putting What P. K. C. will now do Is mnr- new punch in the phrase "Trade— ket two-thirds of the plant's pro- Not Aid!"
Pace Stvea
Essential Wafer Planning in Israel Aided by Bond Issue Water, indispensable In all plans for a self-sufficient Israel of the future, seems to be no problem at all at irrigation and power developments financed by investment capital derived from the State of Israel Bond Issue. Israel's greatest task is not where to find water, since the precious liquid can be located hi the northern plains and hills, in Tel Aviv nnd Jerusalem, and even in the Negev, near Beersheba, according to engineers of Mekorotb Ltd., which is distributing water to all parts of the young nation with the assistance of Israel Bond proceed*. What Israel needs, they point out, Is nn effective method of collecting this overabundance of water before it dries up or flows off into unproductive channels. Rain Distribution Actually, there Is more rain on the average in Jerusalem than there Is in most of the major cities of Northern Europe. However, most of it falls in a few months, and all the rest of the year re mains hot, dry and .eunny. Two o t h e r peculiarities of Israel's rain distribution are as follows: A tremendous variation from year to year, so that 300 mil' llmeters (about 11.8 inches) falls one year and 800 millimeters the next, and a wide variation from north to south,, with the average hi the former 800 to 1,000 millimeters and in the latter ISO to 250. : Israel is doing its Utmost to correct the uneven distribution of nature. Local and regional water works will supply about 800,000,000 cubic meters this year, compared with a capacity of 300,000,000 when the State was established i n 1 9 4 8 , " .•'.•."•-.•. ":. •-,'• •. ; :: . ;':. •,-. 175,000 Acres / • •..:
Approximately 175,000 acres will be irrigated this year, compared with 57,500 acres in 1948. Most of these gains have been accomplished by the drilling of -wells and the building of short pipelines and pumping stations with the aid of Israel Bond funds. Larger projects are in the making. One is the Jordan River diversionary canal, which, when completed, will produce hydroelectric power. The plans calls for the utilization of a small valley near the river, which is flanked by hills and almost barren of trees. Lake Huleh, a triangle of water extending a mile or two on each side, lies at the bottom of a ravine, and out of it, to the south, runs the Jordan. Israel recently completed a new concrete water-gate atop the valley that will be used to allow the river waters to run into a great ditch, just about the width of the river, which runs far down the river canyon and shaves off part of a hillside on the way. Enflneerlnr Plan The engineering plan Is simple
The land falls from a height of about 170 feet above sea level to less than 600 feet below sea level at the Sea of Galilee, eight mile* downstream. The plan is to lead the Jordan waters through thil . canal and have them fall Into a powerhouse, then to return thenf to the Sea of Galilee. In the process, Israel hopes to produce 180,000,000 kilowatts of power a year, or one-fifth of its annual needs. Later the plan is to» use this same water for the irrigation of Northern Israel and obtain power from a much larger project, the canalizing of Mediterranean waters across North Israel and dropping them into the Dead Sea' about 1,200 feet below sea level. Hate Tonnel Near the village of Bosh Pinna, a huge tunnel baa been built with Israel Bond funds, The tunnel is used to house a powerful Diesel engine room whose purpose Is to pump water from the Malaha Springs to much of Upper Galilee. The station is situated hi a cave simply because it Is near the borer. Israel learned during the fighting six years ago that protected water supplies were the foundation of security along the frontier, - Down along the road from Tel Aviv to Rehovoth, groves of glistening dark-green trees decked with bright oranges can be seen, as a result of irrigation projects built with Israel Bond proceeds. From Rehovoth to Beersheba. wheat fields similar to those in Nebraska can be found. Concrete Pipes In other sections of Israel, concrete pipes can be seen. These pipes are part of the first stage in the construction of two pipelines that wlU bring the waters of the Yarkon Bivcr, inland from Tel Aviv, down to the dry lands of the Negev. At one of the Arab villages In the Negev, Israel recently completed a large concrete catch-bash) in an artificial river bed that runs through the area. Near this reservoir in the making, Arab farmer* use camels to pull plows, while their families live hi tents. On a hill close-by is a relatively new kibbutz that does its plowing by.tractor. An observer can see that water is equally prized by Arabs and Israelis, by farmers otthc ancient style and the modern. Ava Gardner: "A vulgar and insulting man is one who stares at a girl's figure when she's doing her best to display if—(JTA) Milton Berle: "They have sep. arate wards in insane asylums for men and women. They're not ai crazy as you thing."—(JTA)
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i«*VifcL;~. cos-Sim • fain m i Hwitiw N. TJ Ofwitsws EnkMit Int. • » Esiu It, •. LOCAL AOHHT — JIWISH COMMUNITY CINTM ' '" H I Hi JOUST. ' * tt'ilU ' "
Former All-American Jewish Award Night Guest
May 81, ]»M
A. lAlt
By LIndy l'aul MALK AND FOIALB An unmarried servant i;irl was • Dave, Noble, one of the fines ing, Softball ;iml others. The higl: lx>gimiing to ahow signs of mother• mldwestern football stars, will 1M light of the evening will be. tl hood and she was h'--ing p]e.;;;ed to 1 ' guest speaker at the Jewish Com awarding of the top throe trophic nrmif. the cause of hor downfall. to the outstanding grade schoc Tiie town sajw-s hold counsel with ' munlty Center's Annual Athletii high school and varsity athlete her several times until she broke Mother Chiipler, defending soft pitcher. Morrle Shrago was tagged ' Award Night, Leslie Burkcnron ISucky GreenlK'n; will present th down and blamed the rabbi, a chairman of the Center Health ant J. J. Grecnberg Memorial troph; saintly soul who wouldn't touch u h:i!l champions in Youth Coiine hard to earn the defeat. Belzer, Physical Education Committee, an to the top Midget basketball pla. fly nor look at a female. With the competition, got off !•> a flyin Horwich and Miko Solzmnn hit nounced. HU Illustrious carcei er, while Harry Trustln will prc admonition "respect liim but sus- fctart us pitcher Terry llernstei home runs for the Rayim team to started as a high school track am sent the Trustin trophy to the ou pect him" as a guide, the town- hurled a one-hitter at the Rnyim I; lead the hitting attack. Next week's schedule finds Infootball star at Central high. He Standing Youth Council athlet* people decided to settle the issue team. A. 'A. A. 1A won easily, 18-3 In the fifth and final Inning pendents taking on A. Z. A. IB on continued his athletic endeavors and Les Burkenroad will aware once and for all in the presence ftnyim pitcher Jack Bnkcr was the of the rabbi. The rabbi denied the the cast diamond, while Raylm B at the University of Nebraska the Burkenroad trophy to the lead charge, swearing ho had never jinx. He drove a clean single t tangles with Raylm A on the West * where he won All-American honors ing senior athlete. even seen the woman. "Neither left field (o spoil Hernstein's bid. diamond and A. Z. A. 1A takes on in football In 1923. Mr. Noble have I ever seen you before, rab- Meanwhile, the A. Z. A. ]A bat* A. Z. A. 100 in the center diamond, ' played professional football for bi," admitted the girlr " l ) u t y ° uwere making trouble for the Kayim Cleveland Hn 1924-5-6 and upon have given my mistress blessed juniors as they assaulted hurle completion of his playing career he water for her sterility and I have Baker for a dozen hits including a became one of the'top officials. foolishly drunk some of It." "But home run by catcher Jerry MargoThis year he will start his 15th my dear child there must be the lin. year as a football official In the cooperation of a male," said the Independents Win, 21-10 Big Ten Conference, the top honor rabbi. ''Oh," she replied, "there The Independents got off to an official can attain. Mr. Burare plenty of males In the town." fast start as tiiey took a 21-10 vic. kenroad says of the guest speaker, There is also the story of the "Everyone in our community InSeventeen grade school girls at young man who became engaged tory from the youthful A. Z. A. 100 terested in sports should attend tended the second beginners' ten- to a girl from an adjacent town. team. The winning pitcher was Grade school lads will swim for , this affair as Dave Noble will sure- nis clinic at Dewey Park last Sun- A friend congratulated him andBob Kully, while Ray Klrkc took the defeat for the Ccnturymen, two awards Sunday afternoon a t l y h a v e a message of interest inquired for the Identity of the Itaylm A Over A. Z. A. IB. 1:30 p. m. All boys in the Sth drawn from his experience In the day. The Instruction is given by girl On learning who she was, the Kayim A feasted on the weak A. through 8th grades will have an -many years of his devotion to Misses Beverly Peterson,and Kay friend exclaimed "that girl has a -sports." •-.•; '.'V./:,-. ,.. Talty, former girls' champions. very shady reputation, the whole Z. A, IB team, as they won easily opportunity to qualify for the 28-3.- Ed Belzcr was the winning Amateur Athletic Union SwimThe clinic will bo held again male population has had affairs Approximately 100 Jay athletes ming Award and tho J. C. C. Ath'will be honored this Tuesday night this Sunday. at Dewey Park in with her." Quickly the young man letic Achievement Award for outMay 25 at 7 p. m. Special awards courts 13 and 14. All girls In the ran to the shadchen berating him gathered In the market place to standing performance. -will be given to those who were 6th through 8th grades are invited or the misfortune he brought upon take out the moon and have It ilHoward Goldstein and George ' instrumental in helping develop to attend. Girls are asked to wear him and his family. When the luminate the streets. When they , athletic programs and volunteered tennis shoes and bring their own young man's anger subsided the saw.the moon was missing, they Blalac of the Youth Council will thadchen remarked: "You have became terror-stricken and, ladirect the program for boys learn'their services In the Handicapped been talking nonsense, young man. menting, they sadly chanted:. "The ing the fundamental of swimming. • program. There will be awards in Attending the May 16 clinic How many men are there all told moon has been: stolen. What a Qualifications for five events are basketball, swimming, volleyball. were Marlys Isack, Harriet Schloff, pity, we should have had enough Handball, track, badminton, bowl- Barbara Bercutt, Carolyn Stern, in that one-bone town?''. . . Evil sense to put a night watchman scheduled: days were upon the town and the 50-yard Freestyle Helen Katz, Beverly Bloom, Jody hasslsdim came to the rebbe to over the barrel."—(WNS) 100-yard Freestyle Wohlncr, Lyhette : Forbes, Ernes- beg forgiveness for the transgres50-yard Backstroke tine Barker, Karen Magzamln, Pl- ions that were now collecting 50-yard Breastrokc ane Groner, Eleanor Falkensteln, their. penalties. The rebbe asked NO MATCH 60-yard Individual Medley The rabbi summoned a tailor on Sharon Frank, Bonnie Freshmen, ne what he liked best "A good tn order to qualify, entrants Rosalie Rein, Karen HagedQrn, cigar," was the answer, "Refrain a Sunday and ordered a capote, l i e asked the tailor to make sure he must swim all five events. Sherand Estelle Shulman, from smoking, then, for a whole would have it done before the next man Poska, Swim Director at t i For further Information c a l l year," the rabbi ordained. "And Bonn, Germany (JTA)—A total Undy Paul a t JAckson 1366. Three what do you like best?" the rabbi Sabbath. When the tailor delivered "'enter, JAckson 1368 has furth." of $92300,000 for Jewish claims of more sessions are scheduled: May asked the second hassid. "My the garment a few days late, the nformatlon. all categories is Included in the23, June 6 and 13. Instruction is •ife," was his answer. The rabbi's rabbi admonished him: "See the difference between you and God. 16,430,000,000 West German budg free. sentence was "keep away from He, blessed be Ills name, created HUI.KII DRAINAGE ' et for the 1954-55 fiscal year, Tel Aviv (JTA) —Preparations her for a year." Some four months the whole world in six day. and which the Bundestag has approved ivero started by an American conater the man was sitting In his Danny Kaye: 'The meaning of room when he heard a gentle knock you couldn't make even one gar- struction company for the excavnby a large majority, according to a kiss: To a young girl . . . faith; t the door. When he realized It ment In a week." The tailor re- ion of drainage canals In the castpublished figures. garded the rabbi for a moment and The largest item for Jewish pur- ~Y> a woman . . . hope; To an old •as his wife's voice that replied to then replied: "That is precisely rn part of the Hulch sw/imp unposes is the $C0 million earmarked maid . . . charity."—(JTA) lis "who is there?" he implored my complaint. Gwl created the ler an arrangement with the Jcwfor deliveries under the rcpara ler to go nway reminding her of world in six days nnd look at it, sh National Fund. tlona agreement with Israel. e rabbi's decree. "I know," mur- t Is all Imperfect. I, on the other Officials of the JNF revealed UUH from isravl ured the wife, "but I merely hand, took my time making the hat the second phase of the Hulch In addition to the 195-1-55 allocation for Israel reparations, the COWBOYS OF THE Iralnnge project would be comcapote, nnd see how perfect it budget lists $14 million to cover peted by the end of this year. By HEGEV :ame to tell you that your friend is."— (WNS) certain Israel purchases In the fishat time, the eastern, western nlready smoking a cigar."— ^ IIEEKcal year that ended last Mar. 31, ind northern canals would carry .VNS) SIIADCIIEN'8 ADMONITION and for which no appropriations iff excess water Into the new JorA young man with a low monhad previously been asked. Simi.Vatrhman OV""r the Moon Iiraells taUty was taken for the first time dan River channel just south of larly, JIM millions is intended as ' The wise men of Helm were to visit a prospective bride. The Lake Hulch. * • * • budgetary sanction for pensions, oping with the problem how to shrewd shadchen groomed the already paid in the past fiscal borrowed luminate the streets on dark young man for tho occasion, inyear, to former German rabbis and • P»I« lights preceding the full moon. In structing him to keep quiet at all employees of Jewish communities. from the The same amount is made availf Amerlcu Wnt to he end they decided to convene a times ond not to say a word. "If neeting in the synagogue where you open your mouth," he adable for the current year, together Uancfc UM tint steps of a he town's best minds were to con- monished the groom-lo-bo, "you AK-SAR-BENl eattt* raisin*- industry on the with $120,000 for the victims of ribute to the solution. After a will be found out." At the table | Mia-tmked plains of tbo AraNazi medical experiments. bs, a new front door to tho reek of debate the congregants de- tho young man overheard t , The new budget lists only n palisml a brilliant scheme. When the guests whispering. One Bald the | Titgtv, From tho ponlts tltey try $15,900,000 for payments to loon was full they placed In the boy surely is a philosopher abrMe to the grit and "tcnindividual victims of Nazism, both aarket a barrel full of water and sorbed In meditation. Another KaJlon" halt, the InrtwII cowJews and Germans, under the aptured heavenly lantern. They thought ho might be a day-dreamboy«, whose "panlners" ore • terms of the Federal Indemnifica/ered it with sheets, tied them ing poet. Still another remarked Investors In Israel Bonds tion Law adopted nearly a year round the barrel with strong "that boy is Just n natural-born which advanced tile effort •go, and for which not a single loans of IL.240,000 remain pes and sealed tho knots with fool who Is afraid to open his one of the indispensable implemen"de»d-rin»er»" for tbe Texas lie seal of the rabbi. When the mouth." At this remark the young tation regulations has yet been iscowpilflcliers of a glorious lonth was coming to a close and man arose and said: "Rob shadsued. yesteryear. IO nights became dark, they chen, let's go, I've nlready been found out."--(WNS)
Us Terry Opener
17 Girls Get Free Lessons in Basic Tennis
Young Boys Swim for Two Awards
1.4% of German Budget Allowed For Jewish Claims
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