May 28, 1954

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Enlcrea &» tjecond'Cl&M Wftltei at ront0 ( / l c , U m a , , n f HcbnWK*. undti Act 01 UJU.

John Rosenblatt, member of a pioneer Omaha Jewish family, war. elected Mayor Tuesday in a council chamber filled with flowers ami excited onlooker:;. Mayor Rosenblatt embraced his Ki-yearOltl mother Mrs. Sarah Rosenblatt Upon hearing the news of hla election. Mrs. Rosenblatt was active In Jewish Philanthropies and re!!j;l0U3 institutions here before she left to make her home on the west coast. Mrs. Rosenblatt with her three daughters arrived here from Los Angeles to greet her son. Also on hand to greet the new mayor Were' his wife and son Stc-vcn. Tho Executive committee of the Federation for Jewish Service passed a resolution extending congratulations to the mayor as the first of our people to be elected to this office In the history of our

city. The late Harry 1!. Ximman served as acting mayor filling the term of office left by the deatli of the mayor at that timo. In n statement to" the Jewish Press Mayor Rosenblatt said: "1 feel greatly honored and extremely humble in being selected as Mayor of Omaha. I will da everything in my power to 1K» the best mayor possible—representing all the p*?ople of our city."

Eric Johnston




10 OenU

Annual Kau « DoUan

reate Service Held Thursday Suzanne Richards and Henry Pollack, graduating seniors at Central High School, will speak on behalf of Omaha's Jewish high school graduates at baccalaureate services nt 8 o'clock Thursday evening June 3 at Temple Israel which holds its services in the Jewish Community Center. Sixty-six Jewish boys and girls will be honored at this annual program sponsored by the Federation for Jewish Service. Rabbi Benjamin Groner of Beth Israel Synagogue will deliver the baccalaureate address. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks of Temple Israel will give the invocation and conduct the service, The closing prayer and benediction will be offered by Rabbi Myer S. Krlpke of Beth El Synagogue. The Temple Choir under the direction of Miss Ida Gltlin will take part in the ceremony, Dr. Philip originator of the annual baccalaureate service, will extend greetings on behalf of the Federation. Larry Schwartz, president of the Jewish Youth Council, wilt also speak. A reception by the Temple Sisterhood will follow the service.

Graduates are: BENSON IIHiH SCHOOL lUiyn Hrookstein, Stephen Lavine, David Michael Silver, Harry L (llrli

John Rosenblatt

Israel Future Tel Aviv (JTA>—Israel should be self-supporting In five years-If grants and reparations proceeds are used carefully, Bruce McDaniel, retiring head of the American technical aid mission to Israel, declared during a tour of various development projects undertaken with United States grant-in-aid or Israel counterpart funds. The tour, In the nature of a final inspection's trip for Mr, McDanlel, who leaves Israel next month.


The key to solving the multiple problems In the Near East Is in working out of a water development program In the area, Krlc Johnston, special ambassador to the Near East on Arab and Israel affairs stated here Monday evening Mr. Johnston flew here to •peak at a Centennial dinner. Economic CUmntn What is hoped for, Mr. Johnston •tressed, is a change in the economic climate. The Near East is one of the most strategic areas In Jhe globe, he continued, for it connects Africa and Asia and lxirdcrs on the Suez Canal. The routes of International airlines cross over the area and It holds the richest Oil.and gas deposits In the world, Wr. Johnston pointed out, The area borders on Russia and communists are active In tho Near East to "fan tho flame," he said. Cairo Conference Mr. Johnston will confer with Arab ministers In Cairo early In June. This is the second round in , discussions pertaining to the "Little TVA" water development program for the Near East. Mission' is to sound out the reactions of the Arab states to the water development program. Ho will then trnvel to Israel for further talks there. Progress Turning to what progress has been made In our technical assistance programs, Mr. Johnston emphasized that tho United States Is new In world leadership. We arc learning slowly and painfully, he added. Americans are the best sellers of things but the worse seller of ideas, he related. We are learning how to Bell Ideas — discovering what appeals to people, Mr. Johnston pointed out. These people have to learn to do things for themselves rather than have us do It for them, he said. For they consider It our program rather than thoirli and arc not interested. It Is slower and some of Uio projects could be completed

i*ubilHlied every Friday, 101 N. 20th. Omaha, Nebraska, 1'bone JA 1300

much quicker by us nltme, but then they do not feel that it Is theirs and we lone by doing so. Foreign I'ollcy Our overall forelnn policy to combat the expansion of aggressive world communism has not changed. Mr. Johnston stated. The United States Interest Is In preservation of peace in highly sensitive areas of the world. Mr. Johnston has travelled about 130,000 miles by nlr and his Impressions of what people think of the U. S. were summed up as follows : They ndmlrc us for what we have done and what we stand for. They respect our word and leadership.

JWV Auxiliary Memorial Rites Epstein-Morgan Ladles Auxiliary No. 2G0, Jewish War Veternns of the United States will hold Its first Memorial services at the graveside of the late Mrs. Lena Shafer, a charter members of the Auxiliary and a past president of the Veteraas of Foreign Wars Auxiliary, at the Golden Hill Cemetery nt 42nd and Urowne Sts. Aaron Shafer, husband of the late Mrs. Shafer will chant the Kaddl'ih. Services will begin at l l a . m. The Auxiliary Services will follow the Memorial Services of the Epstein-Morgan Post No. 2C0 which will be held at 10 a. nt. at Pleasant Hill Cemetery, at the graveside of the late Dr. Jacob M. Erman, the first commander of the Post. Mrs. Nate Marcus, president; Mrs, Ezra ' Bcldner, chaplain and auxiliary officer will participate with Commander Abe Miller of the Post. Included on the roll call of departed sinters who passed away during the past year will bo the Iato Mrs. Bessie White and the late Mrs. Mollle Resnlck.

Feller, Jacqueline Lavine, Judith Joan CKNTKAL IIIUII SCHOOL Boy» Abramson, Robert M. Belzer, Edward G. - « Bernstein, Thomas C. Blank, Murray J. Bodkey, Morris Ronald. Dcnenbcrg, Marshall Donenberg, Michael S ( Epstein, Lawrence Alan Frank, Richard A. Gaer, Leonard J. Glllnsky, Richard J. Hoberman, Jerald A, Krasne, Robert E. Kully, Robert I. Lincoln, Marvin H. Margolin, Jerry A. Nodddle, Harlan J. Pollack, Henry Rosen, Alan M. Rosen, Harlan Rubin, Ben, Jr. Schwartz, Arthur Schwartz, Larry S. Somberg, Ramon S. Turkcl, Bernard J. Zevitz, Morton flirts Bernstein, Tevce Joy lfoster, Phyllis H. Hreslow, Nadlnc E. Chudacoff, Ruthann Colin, Judith Rao Cutler, Jean E. Estrada, Suzanne Farbcr, Nancy E. Fellmnn, Edith Toby Green, Nlta Gayle Joffc, Barbara Jean Joffe, Monica H. Klotz, Theonno Krantz, Elaine Rae Mlcklln, Carol Mogll, Patricia Lee Noodell, Shirley M. Okrent, Toby F. Richards, Suzanne Rosen, Judith Ann Rosen, Phyllis Elalno Ruback, Barbara Jean Sobrln, Barbara Ann Soskln, Harriet Waxenberg, Marsha L, Welner, Janoy Kay Wolfson, Bctte Joy NORTH HIGH SCHOOL Wolpa, Warren rRATT HIGH SCHOOL Levlnson, Daniel Kntleman, Joel TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL. Boyi Bernstein, Terranco Brown, Louis A. Rcitzer, Ronald Lee Smith, Edward L. Girl* Rlfkin, Phyllis E. RAKE IIAfUlADAH New York (WNS)—A rare fifteenth - century illustrated Passover Haggadah that probably survived because Its pages are of durable parchment was presented to the American Fund for Israel Institutions for the Bczalcl Museum in Israel.

Sunday Radio The Eternal Light program under the auspices of tho Jewish Theological Seminary will be presented over WOW-Radlo from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon. "Messages of Israel" will be broadcast over KOIL from 10 to 10:30 a. m. Rabbi David Polish of Beth Emeth-The Free Synagogue In Kvnnston, 111., will speak.

Narrators Named For Centennial

Henry Pollack

Memorial Day Services Sum

Ray Clark, Mrs. Norman Whit/ man and Seymour Goldston have been selected to narrate "Root and Blossom—A Century Story" to be pn ;ented by the Federation for Jewish Service Sunday, June 13 at Centennial Theme Center at Turner Park. The pageant written by M r s . ' Myer S. Kripke will highlight the contributions made to Omaha in the course of its one hundred year history. The theme will also Include a salute to the tercentenary of Jewish settlement in United States being celebrated this year. The play-Is patterend after the ancient Greek dramas where the actions were portrayed by silent players with the narration read behind the scenes. Rehearsals will start Sunday at 8 p, m. in the Jewish Community Center, under the ' direction of Kondridk Wilson of the Community Playhouse.' Mis; Leon Marx Is casting director. Casting is now In progress and • 36 young men ranging from 16 to 36 years of age arc needed to fill the roles of pioneers and Indians. The complete cost will number ." 140 players. Cantor Aaron Edgar of Beth El Synagogue will'direct the Beth El Choir in the rhuslcal portion of he pageant.

Memorial Day Services will be held by the Epstein-Morgan Post No. 260 of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States at the graveside of Dr. Jacob M. Erman at Pleasant. HU1 Cemetery, 42nd' and Rcdlck sts. Commander Abe M i l l e r announced .the services will be held at 10 a. m. Sunday, May 30. Dr. Erman was the first commander of the Epstein-Morgan Post. Paul Crounse, Officer of the Day, Is in charge of the program. National Deputy Chief of Staff, Max Kanner, and Commander Abe Miller will read'the Commander's Charge. Rabbi Benjamin Groner America-Israel Society of the Beth Israel Synagogue will Washington (JTA) — Governor lead the responsive reading and Theodore R. McKcldin of Marypresent the principal address. land announced the formation of Past Commanders Ed Beldner a National Sponsors' Committee nnd Nate Marcus will read the roll for the America-Israel Society call of departed members, and the consisting of leaders of American Memorial Prayer nnd Kaddlsh will art and science, music, literature, be recited by Cantor Ell Kagnn of the theatre and films, religion, Beth Israel Synagogue. A firing education, labor and industry. squad nnd color bearers of JWV The Governor, as president of members will participate. David the America-Israel Society, called Kavitch will sound Taps. attention to the fact that tho Services are" to start promptly iponsors' committee includes perat 10:00 n. m. The public is invited sons of many faiths and origins to attend. In the event 42nd street rom all sections of the United ^ Is still closed due to construction States. work, an alternate route is open "I believe that these distinon north 30th to Curtis, west on guished men and women, in joinCurtis to 42nd and then to the ing together for the advancement cemetery. of cultural Interchange between Commander Abe Miller w a s our country and Israel, to which elected as a delegate to Fifth Re- the Society Is dedicated, are demgional Conference of JWV to be onstrating to the peoples of both held nt St. Paul,, Minn., July 2, 3 countries and to the world that and 4. PC Max Kanner Is the al- Americans practice what we ternate. JVC Marvin Kaplan an- preach In rising above differences nounced : a • cleanup membership to support .worthwhile objectives/' Governor McICeldin said. ••• - ' ; ' drive for'Sunday, Jund 6 ; ' >" •


Pace Tw*


Our UN Newsletter

21)* Jettri«b'- jreiu

UN Council Paralyzed

PnbUibed Every Friday by the Federation (or Jewish Service

jGaUfrM Wwco«a-cttJi matter At u m a u . fltbruka. unaer tilt u t of MATCH 3, LOT. A W « > *">•"<•«*». M.IKI. AdvertumnfUtM oa AppltuUoa. -Ml (ML MU utmt, OiHM, H«br., M a n DM.


Friday, May U , ISM

By Arthur I*wl»


United Nations (JTA) — Ever since the Soviets began using the veto hi the Palestine dispute, creeping paralysis has come to crip the Security Council functfanIng. It Is worth making a Brief recapitulation «t U * ttaf of what the primary organ'** the United ; Nations has done, or has not aaut, about tfte latest Issue to M brought before i t

Supreme Court Decision The unanimous decision by the United States Suprem Court that the maintenance of separate schools for Negroes an< white* in 21 southern states and the District of Columbia is un contitational has been greeted with joy by liberal-minded Amei ieana everywhere. Jt is an epoch-making decision which wi show the rest of the world that the heart of American democ racy is sound, that America means to carry out the principle o equality of opportunity spoil which this Republic was founded. It will give the lie to Communist propaganda abroad whie" maintains that American democracy is a sham. Aa a result of the Supreme Court decision any enforced legal segregation of any group is now declared to be aaginsl the letter ond spirit of the Constitution, on-American and un enforceable as law. Tt does not by any means follow from this decision that discrimination against Negroes and other minority groups in this country will cease forthwith. I'rejudico amonf human beings is too deeply ingrained for any law, even the mos ttringent, to be able to uproot i t Bat it does mean that discrimination will be that much "weakened by depriving it of th sanction of law it formerly had. American Jews share the rejoicing of their Negro fellow Americans over this victory for equality and justice that has just been won through the Supreme Court decision. Now tha" school segregation has been abolished, we are certain that th' National Association for the Advancement of Colored People will also win its fight to abolish other forms of segregation. The implementation of the anti-school-segregation decision, the aboil tion of separate schools, will take time. Ingrained prejudices which have become folkways die hard. But it won't be so long before practice will change under the guidance of the newlyformulated principle of Americanism which the Supreme Court decision has set up.

At the end of March, that great defender of Western civilization, Dr Charles Malik of the Lebanon, deliberately played into the Communist hands by submitting, a complaint about the Nahdjlln bv ddent so that It would come up when Andrei Vlshlnsky was tb» 'chairman of the Security Couor cU. With the encouragement of the Western Powers, Israel filed a counter-complaint not only listing the Jfegev bus massacre but other violations of the armistice [agreement by. Jordan. . •••.': ' . \ < \ " : T W d a s k y , / .'•-,•.., •' : •;

Throughout April, Mr. Vishlnsky's month as chairman, there was a desultory procedural debate during which the Western Powers attempted to get both complaints taken up together so that there Capital Spotlight could be a general review of all the Israel-Jordan troubles. A . Pharisaical role fitted the Soviet delegate; he was the "impartial'* chairman while urging Pr. Malik to attack Israel when Israel could not reply "because a non-member state U not invited t o the table By Milton Friedman to second-class citizens," The until the agenda is adopted. amendment, he said, "would set There was no more than a meet" Washington (JTA>— Extremists the clock back by centuries and By Nathan Zlprln tlnued his rabbinic career when have made only minor inroads at lose for America her coveted role ing a week during April, and theV basic honesty and common decency the Senate In an attempt to force Western delegates did nothing, to COMMENT ON A CONFESSION of civilized Jeadcrship." speed up the protracted procedural Eugenio Zotli, the former Cbiel demanded immedate retreat from the adoption of a Constitutional Sen. Ralph Flanders, Vermont debate despite the fact that their amendment which would declare Republican, introduced S e n a t e Rabbi of Rome who stunned the his pulpit and people. governments had spoken of the world some years ago with the dis- Throughout the volume there Christianity to be the official na- Joint Resolution 87 which would urgency of the situation In Palesional religion of the United States, legalize the "authority of Jesus closure that he had espoused are admissions by the author tha ine where the armistice agrccCatholicism, holds a doctorate in he had been impelled to Chris- jut agitation revealed the injec- Christ." Sen. William 1,'inger, nent/i imd all but broken down. psychology. But in his uutoblo;: tianity throughout his life. In one tion of anti-Semitism in the cube North Dakota Republican, in hit At the beginning of May, when raphlcal reflections recently pub- place he admits to having lived if anti-Communism. capacity as chairman of the .State Advocates of the "Christian Judiciary Committee, o r d e r e d he British representative, Sir lished by Sheed and Ward undo tens of years as a clandestine and 'ierson Dixon, took over the chair, \mendment" stressed Ix-fore a the title "Before the Dawn," the potential Christian, or during the Senate subcommittee that tho | hearings held by a subcommittee. I he .Security Council suddenly .', much-cloistered convert seems U i 1'roponent.s of the resolution apcame to life. There were two have shunned the psychological very years when he ministered in n u t h o r i t y and law of Jesus jiearcd in considerable numbers. meetings in two days, and as a approach as if it were anathema, Trieste and Rome to the religious Christ" should be legally recogJewish Views needs of a community that was In ilzcd because Communism menproceeding instead to juilify both Tlie views of American Jewry result, the Council at last adopted his desertion and new anchor on total darkness about the strayings cos Christianity. A subtle attempt were presented by competent its agenda. By a vote of nine to of its rabbi. He divulges in fact -as made to Bhow that the amendthe basis of mystical appeal. spokesmen. Kabbl Lsadore Brcs- '.wo (Lebanon and the Soviet UnStripped of its verbiage and that bis affinity for Christendom ment was an anti-Communist lau, of Washington, representing on) and one abstention (Nation• phraseology, the book in effect is sprouted In his very early youth measure and that only pro-Corn the Synagogue Council of Ameri- ilist China), it agreed to the at best the confession of a schizo- as the result of the cultivation of munisls would oppose it. The only ca, and Leo Pfeffer, of New York, Western proposal to consider the phrenlac and at its worst ih$ ad- friendship with a fourteen-year- oposition spokesmen in the hear- representing the National Com- whole issue. That was at the Coun] ' .: mission of a deception that musi old classmate who Introduced him ing room at the time were reprc- munity Relations.Advisory Coun cil's sixth meeting. Gripped WIUi Paralyib ntatlves of Jewish organizations. cil, presented a detailed and docuchallenge cleansing by Zolli's ne» to the New Testament and the AI)L Representative However, It was a brief spark waters. By Us own, testimony new light. As the years passed he mented case. David A. Brody, a Washington ZolU stands convicted of success- developed mounting love for the "Jews cannot In good conscience >f life and soon this body was fully posing as teacher and preach faith he finally adopted, particu- •epresentative of the Antl-Defnm- recognize the law and authority of gripped with paralysis again..At °er in Israel when in truth his larly in his student days when he ition League of M'noi B'rith, was Jesus Christ," Rabbi Breslau and that sixth successful meeting, Amheart add eyes were upon the al- was preparing for his rabbinic ca- permitted to testify. He pointed Pfeffer said in n joint statement. bassador Aliba Eban of Israel x i t that prior testimony unfor- They said "every American Jew asked of Jordan had accepted its tars of other gods. reer. unately took the form of n ile- would regard It as an net of re- obligations under Ailicles 32 i b d .' To illustrate how his soul graWhat troubles us is: In what jate between Christians and Jews ligious discrimination to be de- 35 (2) If the United Nations ' vitated toward Christendom, Zolli /hercas actually many Christians relates an incident which occurred testament did ZolII find moral hare the opposition views of ma- prived of the cherished right to Charter—those are the articles . only six months prior to his con justification for embarking on and or Jewish groups. Brody queii- give wholehearted and unqualified •mder which a state agrees to « version—* p e r i o d incidentaly proceeding with o rabbinic career ioned the exploitation and abuse allegiance to every sentence of the •iclfic settlement of any dispute. Now, this would have seemed 'marked by Ms constant wrangling when his heart and miml and soul >f the hearings by the so-called United States Constitution or to with the Jewish community of have always been with Jesus and militant C h r i s t i a n Patriots" be compelled for conscience's sake ike a question which would have Christianity? to m.'ikc the slightest reservation eceived an immediate answer fay Rome over what he insisted was he affirmative—and It would It is claimed the hook is nn au- 'hose testimony sought to align In taking an oatli of allegiance." his right to rabbinic dignity and Christians ngalnst Jews. 'Hie "MilNoting that the Jews of the invc from any normal civilized thentic talc of a Jew who took the . respect.' ant Christian Patriots," earlier It was on Yom Klppur of'that path to Christianity through con- in the hearings, appealed to re- U/iited .State;; will commemorate ;tate. nut. Jordan Is an Arab state year while he was leading the con- viction. The story r/owever .strikes igious prejudice by characterizing this year the UfXJtli anniversary of vhlch is opposed to a peaceful gregation Jn the most holy serv- is as being that of n man who cwish organizations as "anti- Jewish settlement In America, the eltlement under any condition. A weeje later, the Council had a statement of the Jewish organizaices of the Jewish penitential cy- crucified the truth. -liristian." Brody told the subicry short meeting at which the cle. The Day of Atonement was The word "meshumed" has a ommittee that it is preferable to tions declared that the occasion ;xcusc was that the governments reaching Its dose with the con- most unsavory connotation In Jew- ave religion as an active Influ- was one on which all Jews wi-shed gregants reciting the Nchill.ih ish experience and, ordinarily, we nce in the heart-; and minds of proudly nnd enthusiastically to needed more time to study this But Zolli's heart stood still ntvl his would not crnce a "meshumed's" coplc rather than as a legal stip- reaffirm their "full Identity with new procedural Issue. The next "\ tho land through which they ha\C neetlng of the Council, the followtongue, he confesses, could not work even with critical comment. ilntion in the Constitution. been so greatly blessed" and ex- ing week, was canceled because Join the congregants in chanting However, sine? some of our ChrlsThe lunatic fringe has lobbied and final supplication. As if trans- ian friends arc utilizing Zolli's >r many years for Federal leg- pressed hope that the occasion Oie governments wanted more flxed, ho had a vision of Jesu?; In rabhinical title nr, missionary bait, lation proclaiming Christianity would not lw impaired by "the Ime still to persuade the Hosbespectre of the proposal now under nite Kingdom that It should abide White, with the blueness of heaven 't Is perhaps well to remind them part of the law of the land. jy the normal rules of internaon his countenance. of their bad taste. Zolli in truth, Loading Christian croups have consideration by the Judiciary lonal conduct. An hour Inter, while regaling his and by his own confession, has enerally remained aloof from this Committee." It was a somewhat Invidious poHearings have been adjourned. heart after breaking the fast, his really never been a teacher and uestlon. Only the so-called "funThere is no indication as to when Ition for the British chairman of wife confided having had a similar preacher in Israel. amentalists" took an active role or whether they are to be re- be Security Council to be In—to vision. It had seemed to her when MAV MOOD support of the amendment. sumed or what recommendations Live to defer to tills satellite, for her husband m i l Mamlim: oicr the My addiction to May enchantV. S. Tradition the subcommittee will make. In- he British are the paymasters of Holy Ark that the Christ figure ment is unabated even though the 'ordan. Yet there was little else America's tradition of religious gently placed hands in blessing cent of DeecmlxT is already upon reedom was cited to the subcom- formed Congressional opinion con- ic could do not only because the over the synagogue worshipper. my threshold. There is awesome illtec by Glenn L. Archer, exec- cedes little likelihood for the act- '.rate have the support of the S o The visional trinity was completed blucness In May nnd rcnewnl and live director of "Protestants and ual adoption by Congress of tho iets at the present time but beproposed amendment when ZOIII'H daughter, who by this it is a veritable treasure in nbundaitcc the Americans are so afraid thcr Americans United for Septime had been soundly nsleep, sud- mce and restraint. It Is the season ration of Church and State." if offending them. These are the Tony Martin:. "An increasing •easons for the paralysis of tb» denly awoke with the revelation if the sprouting of faith and the Vrcher said the amendment would that Jesus had Just come to her unfolding of a legend whose re- work a revolution in the Amer- number of women are taking up Security Council in the Palestine in dream. Assuming that the vision ward In withering Is October gold ican way of life." He said "jion- the Jaw. The usual number con- dispute. trilogy was not the figment of and white silence. Happily t h e hristiHp.s would be placed under tinue to lay it down."—(JTA) imagination and that the Jesus -•arly June nights too will be with v? stigma of having to be excused Hedy Lamorr: "A clever man Phil Silvers: "After a man finds revelation was in effect a beckon- me as I rest from weariness and Congress from subscribing tells a woman he understands her; >ut that the woman is no angel, be Jng.'sJgJ),' It Is all the more baffling' 'attgue of pen the next four va- holeheartedly to the Constitution a stupid one tries to prove It."— tries to ascertain to what extent Why the prospective apostate con- j cation week*.' ' id would -obviously be reduced (JTA). <be Isn't."—(JTA)

roup Seeks Adoption of Official National Religion VJ

Off the Record


tTi.i±.it._t- 5 J


Friday, M»y U ,

Religious Schools Beth El Seven students of Beth -Kl Talmud und one student of the High School uf Jewish Studies will be graduated on Shavuolh Kve., Simday, June 6. Services will bei;in at 8:15 p. m. Talmud Torah Graduate* Steven Friedman, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. I. H. Friedman. Bcrdine Green, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Green. Jack LIcb, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles IJcb. Steven Riekes, son of Mr. and Mr*. Henry Uiekes. Linda Itoscnbaum, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mayer Rosenbaum. Howard Weinborg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al J. Wclnberg. High School Suzanne Estrada, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Dave Estrada. For the first time, outstanding pupils will be awarded prizes from the recently established Dr. Philip Sher Prizes In Jewish Kducation. Xt la contemplated t h e s e prizes for excellence in Jewish scholarship and Jewish living will be an annunl feature of Beth FJ1 Talmud Torah Graduation. Parents of the graduates will be hosts at a reception In their honor, following the services, In the social hall of the synagogue.

Beth Israel The Annual Beth Israel Talmud Torah graduation ceremonies will be held Sunday afternoon, June 0, a t 2:30 p. m. at the Belh Israel Synagogue. Talmud Torah flrnduatcs Sally Mae Freeman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freeman. Felicia PrlscUla F r i e d m a n , daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. David Friedman. Beverly .Sue Goldl>ern, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Harry GoldlkTi; Judith Marie Kutler, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kutler. Bernard Pulikov, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Pollkov. Justin Charles Havitz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ravitz. Robert Shapiro, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Shapiro. David Goldstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Goldstein. Junior High Hrliool Benjamin Abramxon, son qf Mr. and Mrs. Klncr Abramson. Stuart Wayne Kutler, son of Mr. and Mm. Phil Kutler. Sydney Pesscn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Moe Pesscn. Ronald Simons, son of Mr. and Mrs, Ben Simons. Stuart Stoler, son of Mr. atad Mrs. Jay Stoler. Ervln Taub, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tnub. Bernard Howard Bloom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bloom. Bruce Stephen Bloom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bloom. Jerry Froedman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Frccdman.

Temple Israel The first Service of Confirmation In the new Temple Israel will be held Sunday evening, June 6, nt 8 p. m. at the new Temple, 7023 Cass Street. The theme of Confirmation .will be "Our Heritage nnd Our Hope," based on Interpretations of the sculptured panels adorning the facade of the new Temple Israel. These panels represent the concepts of Ernes—"Truth." Shalom— "Peace," nnd "Torah." The panels are interpretations made by the noted sculptress, Mrs. Esther Samolar. Conflrmandv Jane Gail Brodkcy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Brodkey. Llsb?th Cherniack, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Chcrniack. Richard Keyser Einstein, Jr., son of Mr. and Mm. I t K. Einstein. Saniira Jean Fiedler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Fiedler. Frankle Gross, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. I.. Gordon Gross. Susan Lipp, daughter of Mr. and Mrtf. I<oui;; I.ipp. Murray II. Newman, con of Mr. and Mrs. J, M. Newman. Michael Jay Yudelson, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. H. Yudelson. Each member of the Confirmation' C'ld-.t will deliver an original

Yalta Three

"Made in Israel"' Used Everywhere

address, and participate in the conduct of the festival Service-. Ilabbl .Sidney H. Brooks wilt deliver the charjje to ttie confinniinds. .Susan Lipp will take tin- Turnli from tho Ark, Murray Newman and Itiehard Einstein will read tho Torah Scdrah. Jane Hrodkey and Frnnkin Gross will j;iv<1 thu translation of the Toraii reading, Lisbelh Cliernlack, the llaftarah, and Sandra Fiedler will return the Toraii to the Ark. Michael YudcLson will recite the Festival Kiddush. The confirmands and their parents will receive the Congregation in the Social Hall, following the Service

B'nai Jacob Elaine Falken, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Falken, will celebrate her confirmation at Sabbath eve services at 8:30 p. m. June 4 at B'nal Israel Synagogue, Council Bluffs. Friends and relatives are cordially Invited to attend the service nnd reception which will follow.

Bl Men's Club Plan Annual Fete Beth Israel Mcns Club will hold Its annual Father and Heirs dinner Sunday, June 13 at 1 p. m. in the social hall. Art Gould and I. J. Kraft cochairmen of the dinner have arranged nn unusual program under the direction of Barney Drcvich and 6bl Dolgoff as program chairman. Foremost on the program will bo the honoring of the 1953-5-1 class of Bar Mitzvah and Iins Mitzvah students and graduates. Also on the progriim will be a community sing und entertainment for the children.. Admission Is for ndults $1.75 and children 51.00. Tickets may he had by contacting Yale Halporin, WA GO1G or the Beth Israel Synagogue office.

Zim Line Offices At New Quarters The American-Israeli Shipping Co., Inc., owners' representative in tho western hemisphere of tho Zim-Israel Navigation Co., has moved from its former location on William Street to new quarters at 19 Rector Street, New York C. N. Y. The firm's telephone number, DIgby 4-7G00, remains unchanged. In addition to an extensive schedule of sailings between Israel and major Mediterranean ports, providing regular weekly connections for travelers to and from the Jewish State, the Zlm-Israel Navigation Co. operates the S. S. Jerusalem, Israel's first trans-Atlantic liner, on the only regularly scheduled year-round passenger service between New York and Haifa.

Frohman Heads BB Cornhuskers Warner B. Frohman was elected president of Cornhuskcr Lodge No. 17G0 of B'nal B'rith at a recent meeting. Tin1 three vice-presidents are Waiter J. Grccnberg, Ralph Turkel and Gerald W. Bernstein. Other officers elected are: recording secretary, Jcrold Rosen; corresponding secretary, Willis M. Epstein; financial secretary, David Rice; treasurer, Albert Friedman; chaplain, Milton Cnckln;, warden. Harry Alloy; guardian, Bruce "reonberf; and trustee for a threeyear term, Ed Doljjoff.

Former Omahan Tired Denver businessmen are rediscovering the lost art of relaxation under the tutelage of former Omahan, M. II. Soglow. Mr. SORlow has been lecturing to civic groups there on his method of relaxation, He ulr.o has recently concluded a radio .series entitled "You Can Ilelnx." Mr. Sogloiv Is proprietor of 'Peaceful Pines" in Estcs Park, Colo.

Stove, produced in industrial aren packed for Turkey. JERUSALEM, Israel (IIP). — and an air-conditioning equipA half dozen now compact in- ment plant to a drug produitriei have been established ducing firm. in the Holy City during the ' More than SO separate small past few months as two new industries, including machinindustrial areas created with ery, stove and pencil factories MM assistance of Stats of Is- are housed in these industrial rael Bond loans continue to compounds. Most of their prostimulate the industrial ex- ducts find anxious world markets. pansion of Jerusalem. Meanwhile, a new cold Setting up workshops in on* of two compounds con- storage plant bordering one structed to make available compound is being erected required space and modorn with the aid of appropriations facilities at rcasonablo prices, from the Slate ol Israel Bond were new firms which range Drive. from radio assembly shops

Strong Israel for Near East Peace New York (JTA) — Leading spokesmen for both political parties, Including former Vice-Presldent Alben W. Barklcy and Governor Thomas E. Dewey, urged the United States to help build a "strong Israel" as a major atop in bringing peace to tile Near East. Joining them In stressing the need for American aid to Israel were Senators Herbert H. L e h m a n , Democrat, and Irving M. Ives, Republican. They expressed their views on the current Israel-Arab crisis and on American policy towards Israel to more than 700 Jewish communal leaders attending a dinnermeeting nt the Biltmore Hotel launching tho Greater New York campaign for the Stnte of Israel's new Development Bond Issue. Ira Gullden, chalrmnn of the Board of Directors of the Greater New York Israel Bond Committee, announced thnt nearly $2,000,000 in Israel Development Bonds had been sold for the opening of the Bond campaign last night Tho drive, which Is world-wide, will seek to raise $75,000,000 In 1954. ' Tho dinner, which also heard from Joseph Saphlr, Minister of Communication of tho Israel Government, was featured by a special ceremony formally establishing the "Guardians of Israel," a new national organization of Americans rendering outstanding service to Israel's economy.

Beth El Elects Eight Directors Eight new directors were elected to serve on the executive board of the congregation of Beth El Synagogue at a annual meeting held last Sunday. They nre the Messrs. Ben Kaslow, David Bernstein, Ted Sanford, Philip Gerelick, Seymour Katz, Itnlph Nogg, Dr. Albert G. Itimmerman and Dr. David Platt. Nathan Nogi;. president, presided at the short business meetIng of the congregation, which preceded the program. Reverend Alexander Katz, assistant to the rabbi, was honored on the tenth anniversary of his service. Ilabbl Myer S. Kripkc expressed the appreciation of the synagogue staff. Ben Kaslow spoke for the congregation. Friends in the congregation presented Mr. Katz with a gift. Mrs. A. D. Frank, President of the Midwest Branch of the National Women's League of the United Synagogue of America, presented a gift to Cantor Aaron L Edgar from Beth El Sisterhood. Joe Rice, past-president of Beth El Synagogue, presented a plaque to Nathan Nogg, on the completion of his term of office as president of the congregation. Harry DuBoff and Mrs. A. D. Frank were general chairmen In charge of arrangements. Mr. DuBoff served as toastmastcr.

Community Calendar Friday, May 28 Prc-School—9:00 a. m.—Center, Saturday, May 20 University Division Philanthropies Cocktail Party—7:30 p. m.— Center. Tikvas Ami Formal Dance—9:00 p. m.—Fontenelle Hotel, A. Z. A. No. 1 Prc-Electlon Stag D i n n e r Sunday, Hay 30 CENTER CLOSED—MEMORIAL DAY. Monday, May 31 Pro-School—9:00 n. m.—Center. Workman's Loan—7:30 p. m.—Center. Tuesday, June 1 Beth Israel Sisterhood Luncheon Meeting—1:00 p.m.—Beth Israel. Pioneer Women—8:00 p. m.—Center. Wednesday, June S B'nai B'rlth Women—Monsky and Nebr. Chapters—1:0O p. m.— Center., Landscape Painting Class—1:00 p. m.—Center. Ladles Free Loan Society—2:00 p. m.—Center. ZBT Mothers Luncheon. Young Judaen—4:00 p. m.—Center. Center Orchestra—8:00 p.m.—Center. Jewish War Veterans Post nnd Auxiliary Board Meeting—8:00 p. m.—Homes. Beth Israel Board Meeting—8:00 p. m.—Beth Israel. Thursday, June 3 B'nal B'rith Henry Monsky Chapter Installation Luncheon—12:30 , p. m.r-West Highland Club. , High School Baccalaureate Services -JT Tpmple Israel T-J Center — 8:00




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B e t h I s r a e l P . T , A . , M c q t l n g — « : 3 0 p . m . — B e t h I s r a e l , , . ,,-••

Israel Nuggets ON THE HOME FRONT Israeli hotelmen are dancing the hora over near-record spring trade. They're hoping for giant tourist season to the accompaniment of cautious knocklng-on-wood . . . Stepped-up activities in the pace of oil prospecting in Israel with a trio of U. S. companies hauling more heavy equipment into the country. Minister of Development Dov Joseph (while pointing out impossibility of predicting with certainty whether Israel's chest swells with the golden gooey substance) tells newsmen evidences uncovered In past six months boost prospects of its existence . . . The Tcchniori, Israel's "MIT' and alma mater of outstanding Israeli engineers, in trouble again. Needs $$$ fist if It's to continue and expand its Important role in the State's upbuilding . . • Roughly 3,700 of Israel's present 5,200 convicts are Jews. To the credit of the Israeli police, a report dls-' dosed this week, nearly all serious crimes since the State's recreation have been s o l v e d . . . Eyebrows raised over the accidental discovery this week of a -large stash of medical supplies stolen many yean ago from a hospital on the outskirts of Tel-Aviv. The chance find came when workers dug Into the earth at Bnei Brafc to lay foundations for a house1. The supplies, insiders say, were stolen and safely hidden for "in case" purposes by-an underground group back in the troublesome days which led to Israel's Independence . . . Speaking of independence, the official poster insignia for Israel's big sixth birthday colorfully depleted six bricks, each representing a year of statehood,-with the top block Inscribed "Sixth" . . . Insiders happily doubt whether continuing Israeli-Arab tensions will gain extremist groups like Herut any additional following; so different from pre-State days when most crises prompted some 1mpatlents to join the Irgun, etc. . . . The gruesome suicide pact of an unbalanced patient and a more normal prisoner (the former convinced the sane but despondent nnd shamed mate to end it all) has resulted in twice-weekly visits to Itamle Prison by a Government psychiatrist who will watch over the dozen mentally-ill prisoners confined to Central Prison. (The sane inmate ended his life; the Insane one failed.) . . . Godna, the governmental organization preparing teen-agers In some form of military training before they reach army age, expects to up to 5,000 the numbers of youth in training" during '55. Pre-lnductlon training saves lots of time with preliminaries once the youngsters don uniforms for regular service and allows many to skip over to more advanced instruction almost immediately . . . Finance Minister Eshkol undergoing a physical check-up . . . Religious circles boiling mad over the failure of some labor" elements to postpone celebrations marking tho observance of May Day which fell on a Snabat. The incident served as a rallying point by these groups for an intensified campaign demandIng stricter otecrvance of the Sabbath. A DIFFERENT "A. A." To the handful never quite departed in maturity as in childhood from the "bottle,1.1 the double 'A. A." has been a marvelous Institution for rehabilitation. Alcoholics have been helped In hundreds of communities throughout the~ U. S. through tho efforts of reformed habitual drinkers. Interestingly enough, Israelis with problems arc today being helped by an "A. A." . . . only their problems deal more with the purse than the palate. During the post six months, a new progressive financial organization established with the assistance of the Palestine Economic Corporation and known as "Aleph Alcph" has solved the financial problems of thousands of Israelis by providing interest-free ljmn.s averaging roughly one-month's salary. The loans are good for the purchase of a variety of goods in more than two hundred loading Tel-Aviv shops through a coupon system. Perhaps the two "A. A.'s" aren't so dlffoiv ent.after all. They say financial woes.'drive many to weaning bot«, ties, a t .advanced ages. - •


Our Israel Newsletter

Friday, May 28. 19M

Workmen's Circle Rumanian Zionists Dramatic Club Face New Danger

Israel Adopts Social Security

By Nura Lasky ploycr shoulders nearly two per The Workmen's Circle Dramatic New York (WNS)—Kvery Jew Jerusalem (JTA)—On April 1. cent); and if he is self-employed, Club honored club mothers nt a in Rumania is In danger of arrest the first phase of Israel's social he will contribute 2.'J percent of result security bill came into force, banquet last Sunday In the I^ibor and long imprisonment us a of the cruel prison sentenco,1; given 'when, in all the country's hos- his income. Lyceum. Opposition s c o r e s of leaders of Kumarila . piUls astonished young mothers Mrs. S. II. Binder represented Of course, there arc those who were presented by the state with the grandmothers, for the mothers, Jewry for Zionist and communal 55 pound (about $30) checks as oppose the entire scheme, and Mrs. Sam Sussman and Mrs. Mil- activities, Dr. Nahum (iuldmnnn, maternity' grants-ln-aid. O n l y they include not only vested Inton Nearenberg for the daughters. president of the World Jewish terests, such as the private in those qualified who had delivered Mrs. Sarah Schwartz and Mrs. Congress, warned this week at a surance companies which are their babies op or after midnight N. Lcrman were presented gifts in press conference held in Congress now losing considerable business. of April 1, and from other beds recognition of their outstanding House here, Dr. Goldmann is also • in the wards of women Who had Some call it "Idealistic madness," chairman of the Jewish Agency work and devotion to the club. had the "tough luck" of produc- arguing that a state should not Mothers present were presented for Palestine and the Conference ing their t>ables" "just a bit tooturn itself into a 'welfare state" on Jewish Material Claims Against with corsages and gifts. early," followed the ceremonies. so long as it depends to such a Greetings were offered by Mor- Germany. large extent on outside aid. To These grants-lri-ald, aimed at ris Goodman, secretary of the Midwhich the scheme's protagonists "If the persons coin are making it easier to finance de- counter, "it is Inherent in the west District; Sam Sussman, Pres- (fullty of crimes," tho-WJ (.ujigruss liveries in hospital, and thus Jewish creed to care for those ident of the Labor Lyceum Assoa.. 1 leader emphasized, "every Jew in drawing as many pregnant wom- who cannot care for themselves Mr*. Isadora Elrottz ciation; Louis Gitlin secretary of Rumania who was nt one time ' en as possible to proper delivery and to make sure that nobody Branch 173; Ben Mlroff, musical Identified with either the Zionist rooms rather than giving birth starves." At the other end of the director of the Workmen's Circle movement, the World Jewish Con' at home, together with 12 weeks line, the extreme left wing of the Dramatic Club; and Max Crousc, gress or any other Jewish organichairman of the Jewish Labor zation abroad—and virtually every . of paid maternity vacations for Knesset-M a p a n, left Socialists Committee. 'working women (75 per cent of and Communists—did not take Jew had such connections—must ' total wages) are the first tang- part in the final voting last NoIncluded In the program were live In dally fear of sharing per" lble signs of the new National vember, because In their view the vocal selections by Mrs, Milton sonally the fate of his leaders." . " Insurance. Act which was passed Bill's provisions do not go far "Die implications of the precipiMrs. Isadora Elewitz will be Nearenberg and Mrs. Jennie Rifby the Knesset last November. enough. And then there are those installed as president of the Beth kin. tous arrests of the leaders of Hu» who fear that by forcing emMilton Nearenberg was In charge manian Jewry, the sham, trials and FInt Pensions Israel Sisterhood at .their June Other provisions, including old ployers to pay pregnant women meeting In the synagogue social of the banquet arrangements and cruel sentences which followed, ar« generous maternity leave and to Sam Sussman was chairman for such as to strike terror in the hall 1 p. m. Tuesday, June L Rabage, widows and orphans pensions , a n d workmen's compensation, hold their jobs open, many will bi Benjamin Groner will conduct the evening wllh Mrs. Sam Novak heart of every individual Jew in think twice before filling job vaserving as toastmistress. the ceremony. Rumania and serve to underscore .will for the time being change he sad plight of Rumanian JewOther officers are Mrs. Sam little; the first old age pensions cancies with women; ry," Dr. Goldmann declared. , Berrnan, first vice-president; Mrs. Patronize Our Advertisers will be paid out in 30 months, Preparations will soon begin Norman Hahn, second vice-presi' white, workers who were Injured for the second phase of the Na- dent; Mrs. Morris Shapiro, third during work or contracted occutional Insurance Act, which Is vice-president; Mrs. Leonard BernPLAN YOUR NEXT DINNER PARTY IN OUR pational diseases had hitherto to comprise free medical services stein, recording secrtary; Mrs. been Insured with private firms. BEAUTIFUL NEW CAMEO ROOM ' for all, free care of all Invalids, Robert Gerellck, financial secreIn the latter case, the law simply COMPLETE DINNER MENU AND BAR SERVICE That is more complicated and tary; Mrs. Henry Appel, treasurer; means something like nationaldrafting will take some time, for Mrs. Nathan Kaplan and Mrs. ization of the existing Workmen's in the case of the former; the Sydney Foldman, corresponding Where Good Friends Enjoy Fine Food : • Compensation provisions, with activities of the Workers' Sick secretaries; Mrs. Morris Franklin, slight changes, though. Fund (whose membership counts parliamentarian, and Mrs. Lewis But once the first phase of the well over half the population) Neveleff, honorary president "cradle to grave" insurance sys- have to be Integrated somehow; Mrs. Morris Uuderman and Mrs. tem gets under way, many hard- and in the case of unemployment Sol Mann nro handling the reserships will be alleviated. Old folks insurance, the Hlstadrut must be vations for the luncheon meeting. above the age. of 65 (in the case brought in. Unemployment InsurAND COCKTAIL LOUNGE Baby sitter sr'rvi*."C will \K availof woman, 60) who have paid ance altogether ruas counter to able. fOtMEMY 11-WOtTH GRIU-HO CHANCf IN MAHAGfMtHt their modest contributions for at the conceptions of Israelis who Private dining room* /err Urge group* 'least five years (at the bcf;lnnlnIK. would rather see able-bodied peoLuncheons—Dinners—IJIC livening Snaclci— three years for certain age ple earning their keep—even If Columbus, Nebr. News Served from 11 a.m. to 2 a.m.—Open Every "* groups) will receive monthly al- It is only work projecls created Mrs. Sam IJlatt, of Columbus, Phone )A. 48S2 lor Reservation!—Free Parking lowances for themselves and their for those out of work—than get- Nebr., has been elected President dependents which, according to ting money for nothing. of the Columbus P. T. A. Council. the present cost of living index But anyway, some time will She was a delegate to the State JWDESDEW would amount to nearly 50 have to lapse before the National Convention in Nebraska City April 57IAKJ • OIKKCN • BAIUOM pounds for two persons. That is Insurance I n s t i t u t e operates 28 and 29, and will be a delegate SIA rooo5 • out OWN BAXCD rAsnu not quite enough to live on even smoothly and can venture into to the National P. T. A. Conven• All CONOmONtD • modestly, but It is a handsome further expansion of Its activities. tion In Atlantic City, New Jersey, ^contribution which should conMay 24-2C. She has been appointsiderably ease the plight of thoued to serve on the Education Com38TH AND LEAVENWORTH .sands of oldsters who now have mittee for the Chamber of Comnothing. PHONE JA 4882 FOR RESERVATIONS merce in Columbus for the fiscal Medical Care year April 1,1954, to April 1,1955. . Workers accidentally Injured while at work will, under the new Atlantic City (WNS)—For the law, receive up to six months' medical care, therapy and reha- first time the Workmen's Circle, a bilitation at the state's expense, Jewish fraternal order of 75,000 plus a daily allowance. In case members founded and maintained of total disability, they will get by Yiddish-speaking immigrants to handsome pensions for the rest this country more than half a cenof their lives. Widows of totally tury ago, cho»o as its president an disabled workers will receive a American-born member at its concertain percentage or. their hus- vention held here. He is Jacob T. bands' pensions, plus generous al- Zukerman, a social worker who was born and reared In New York lowances for their children. and who helped found the WorkIsraelis have always been "so- men's Circle's Engllsh-s p e a k i n g cial security conscious." Proof of youth branches 25 years ago. this is the establishment in the While pledging themselves to early twenties of the Hi.-ilndrut continue their work for the supand Kupnt HoIIm (Workers' Sick port of Israel and "to maintain Fund) both of which aim at pro- fraternal bond:; with Israel's labor tecting the worker and his de-movement," the 500 delegates atpendents from uncxected calam- tending the convention expressed ity as regards employment :»ml regret over the fact that "the Govhealth. The idea of a national ernment of Israel continues to look insurance scheme conceived upon the Yiddish language as an even before the state was estab- unwanted stranger." bliihed and drafting began soon afterward while the War of Independence was still on. In February, 1952, the Knesset rccelvci. Hits tram Martial the bill for the first time and WANTED i STURDY unanimously referred it to one BACKSI of its specialized eommitees for H A I V.. further study. • Everybody* darling—dacron, fci ' ^ Then began the era of retrenchment, and many of the a group of wonderful lummer ^fringes" Included in the bill were blouses I They wash and dry in a clipped by the committee, to wink, are blessedly opaque, need bring the whole scheme in line no ironing, pack.with ease and with the existing realities of the never hold a wrinkle. There are .country's acute money shortage. stripes, polka dots, colids, in this But what remained for the Mh Put group, in Iho most luscious of Knesset's second and final readoil the equ*ij....k..i callable summer colors:. Convertible, Peter ings last November 18 was still to workmen at Haifa Port. Pan, or plunge neckline. All in far-reaching enough. That ua» decode* ago. Tosizes 32-38. day sturdy and modern tlmeEvery ftavinff machines load and Every citizen—Jew or Arab— unload valuable c a r g o c'n Mail and Phone Orders Welcomo becomes eligible for membership which flow from Iiiraeli facin the N a t i o n a l Insurance tories and fields to uorld markets. Expanding Hal/i Scheme on his 18th birthday. If Blames—Main Floor Port, is n H.00,000 inventment he i s a wage earner, 3.3 percent from lira. I Bond*. of his salary will t!<> to t h o l n •wanco Fund (of which the cm-

Mrs. I. Elewitz HeadsBIUnit


Cameo ma r.Pi

Workmen's Circle Elects President


Special Purchase

Dacron Blouses

Made to Sell for 3.98 and 5.98 . ;




" / . ; • ,

' ;

FTkUy, May M , 1SS4










Chicagoan Will Install B. B. Chapters Officers



P M « Five

Orrwhan Will Wed Omaha Sketches Glenwood, la. Girl

Former Omahans, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Max Siref of Glow Donald W. Giller announce the wood, la., announce the engager birth of a son, Cole A., Moy 17, ment of their daughter, Mary, t o Maternal grandfather is Robert Jack Snfereteln, son of Mr. and! Ablln of Coral Gables, Fla., and Tlii- Pioneer Women's. Organiza- paternal grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. William Saferstein. Miss Siref tion will meet for their regular Mras. Maurice Giller, formerly of attended Creighton University and] Mr. Saferstein is a graduate of the monthly Once Shabbas, 1:30 p. m., Omaha. Mrs. Donald Giller is the University of Omaha. former Sarah Yuffo. .Saturday, May 29 ut the home of An early summer wedding la Mrs. M. Epstein, 4821 Furnam St. planned. Mrs. Samuel II. Green has been .Sam itlfkln will offer a reading, elected president of the Mothers' nKo included in the program will Club of Sigma Delta Tau of Iowa be an original poem by Abo University in Iowa City. The Sigma Alpha Mu Mothers* Schneider nnd news from Israel, A son, Lawrence Alan, was born Club will hold its annual dinner Mrs, II. Illchlln. to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Denen- party, 6 p. m., Sunday, May 30, in Members are urged to attend bcrg May 10. This Is the couple's the Cameo room in the no* see. and bring a friend. Mrs. Sam No-first child. Mrs. David A. Denen- tion of the Fireside Restaurant, vak is chairman for the affair. berg is paternal grandmother and 3802 Leavenworth Street (former* ..'i i i'Mi M>!i i.Mn iiui" iiu.iiJaiKiLiui :i:;ii'i iMin i u.\\

Mrs. Lester Carmvl of Clilcni;o treasurer of the Women's District Grand Lodge No. 0 of IVnalU'ritl' will Install the r\c\(\y clccicd officers of B'nnl B'rith's Nebraska No 346 and Henry Monsky No. 470 chapters at ceremonies to !«• held here.

Pioneer Women

Mrs. Carmel hns boon a member of B'n«l B'riUi for 17 years She Is a post president of Allmiiy , Park Chapter of Chicago rind l •erved on commlttres In Chicago Metropolitan . C o u n c i l urxl as Trustee and Sentinel of Women's District of Grand Lodge No. C. Mrs. Carmel tenches at Chicago public school and Is legislative chairman of the Illinois Education ' Association.

SAM Mothers'Club |

' maternal grandmother is Mrs. ly Leavenworth Grill). , Ruth Feldman. Paternal great- For reservations call Mrs Al grandmother is Mrs. Benjamin Gaer, GL 8915 or Mrs. Charles FeUman, KB 3410. The summer board luncheon Rothenberg, all of Omaha. Mrs. Norman Denenberg is the meeting of the Temple Israel Sisformer Eunice Feldman. Patronize Our Advertisers terhood will be held Tuesday, June

Tl Sisterhood

She was selected by the Vocational Guidance "jtecutlvo Committee t o represent them ns the Mother of the Year to the Metropolitan Welfare Council of Chi1, 12:30 p. m. at the Highland cago 1953. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Berman of West Club. Mrs. Bernhardt L. IN Olur ' Mrs. Carmel will conduct a Wolf, president and Mmes, Ed- Los Angeles, Calif., announce the .-WORKSHOP" at the Jewish 4 MINUTES birth of a son born May 18. Mrs. ward Gilbert and Lazar Kaplan, Community Center a t 1 p. m first and second vice-presidents, Berman is the former Delores FROM PACKAGE' Wednesday, Juno 2. Members of Cohn,, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. will be hostesses to the board. both the Nebraska Chapter and TO PAN' Joseph Cohn, former; Omahans. Mrs. Wolf has announced the Henry Monsky Chapter arc cor- The Golden Age Club celebrated ' dlally invited to attend.. Its third birthday with an outdoor following officers and board memDr. Ben Kutler Jias returned The newly elected officers of party on the grounds of the Dr. ber* for the year; recording secretary, Mm. Herman Friedman; dues home after a tour of duty with the Nebraska Chapter No. 346 will be installed in an evening ceremony Philip Shcr Home for the Aged. secretary, Mrs. Richard Hlller; Navy, Dr. Kutler was recalled to Wednesday, June 2. in the Social With assistance from its sponsors corresponding secretary, Mrs. Ed-active duty in August of 19S2. He Hall of the Congregation of Israel (The Jewish Community Center win Brodkey; treasurer, Mrs. Alis the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Synagogue, 25th and J Streets, at and the Omaha Section of the Na- Sophlr, parlimantarlan, Mrs. JoeKutler of Council Bluffs. The 8 p. m. Members arc Invited to tional Council of Jewish Women) Levey, auditor, Mrs, David Gold- couple are making their home at man; historian, Mrs, Stanley Ka- S516 Mayberry st. bring their husbands and friends. Mrs.-Ezrn Beldner will servo as the Golden Agcrs had a gigantic telman;' publicity, Mrs. Edward Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Kahn will installation chairman and will be sign wishing itself a happy third Levinson; religious extension, Mrs. Morris Llppr peace and world reassisted by Mmes.: David Blolcher, birthday, two birthday cakes and lations, Mrs. Seymour Kaplan; hold open house Monday evening, Sol Martin, Nate Mnrcus and Max other refreshments, games, sing- house and floral, Mrs. Leo Nogg; May 31 in honor of the graduation of their sons Marcel nnd Guiter Sacks. The following officers will ing and dancing. interclub council, Mrs. William from the University of Omnha. be Installed: Kalman; kitchen, Mrs. MlUard The highlight of the program , Mmes, Phil Kutler, president; Krnsnc. Wm. Stone, 1st vice-president; was a scavenger hunt in which 45 people took part on four different Ezra Beldner, 2nd vice-president; Appointed to the board arc: BAKERY AND Goodman Cohen, corresponding teams. The "red" team won but a Mesdames: H. A. Newman, Jack secretary; Charles Scudder, re- bit of hilarity was added when a E. Cohen, Harold Slosburg, J. M. DELICATESSEN cording secretnry; Marvin Kaplan, member of the "green" team ap- Horwlch, Harold Kasin, Al Glllnfinancial secretary; 3'im Manvitz, proached a Center staff member sky, Stanley Slosburg, Clarence treasurer; n»;n Kaplan, sentinel; complaining that he has been in Bergman, Maynard Greenberg, 50th and Underwood Louis Wohlner, guardian; Harold America for 4.') years and pointing I!en Stcifler, Harold Farbcr, MarSJejjel, trustee; Jew; Levlnsky, to his lapel where his team colors old Poll.ick, Harry Cohen, Edward trustee, and Oscar Diamond, were pinned he said "and I'm still D. Brodkey, Sydney Brooks, Roba 'green'!" trustee. ert Lcvinp, Mervln Lemmerman, Kefreshments will bo served folThis was the last regular meet- Milton Yudelson, Sam Zacharia, lowing the Installation Ceremony. Ing of the Golden Ago Group un- Lloyd Friedman, Morton Hiller, .Members of the Henry Monsky til September. At this meeting it William Feller, Milton Mayper, 220 S. 24th St. Store Will Be Closed Chapter No. 470 will be Installed was announced that Mrs. Goldlc Harry Trustln nnd Jack Mnrer. at a luncheon Thursday, June 3 Cohen's decorated candlesticks Plans for the coming year will at the Highland West Club at won "honorable mention" at the be announced. • See Us for Your Picnic Supplies 12:30 p. m. Reservations should be Midwest Home Show. Mrs, Vcta made by calling Mrs. Stanley Simon's ceramic bowl won third Fresh Buns Potato -Salad Shapiro, Installation chairman at prize! Both pieces were" made by V/A 7067 or either of the two co- the ladles at the Center during The Peretz Hirshbein group will Fresh Sweet Rolls Cole Slaw chairman: Mrs. Sam Pollak, HA the course of the year's program. meet 1 p. m., Tuesday, June 1 a h 1950; Mrs. George Spltzer, WA the home of Mrs. Sam Binder, Fresh Bread Macaroni Salad 811B, or by returning the post 3304 Franklin St. Mrs. Binder will cards which were mailed to all be chairman for the luncheon Henry Monsky Chapter members. meeting. Funds for planting trees Now Available . . . N«w HOH-DOM Koiher plHs New officers to be installed inIn Israel were collected at the May meeting. A rending was given by c u de f Mrs. Jake Cohen and Mrs. Sam Mmes. Seymour Kaplan, presRE 5560-61 FORBES Sussman was guest of honor. ident; Sidney Sncldcr, 1st vicePOTATO DUMPLINGS AND president; Harry Friedman, 2nd H At fit KKAUT vice-president; Harry Sidman, 3rd By Mrs. Morton Ehrcnrelch vice-president; Max Krizelman, 1 medium can snur kraut treasurer; Sidney Zneimer, financial secretary; Sam Kalman, 1 medium onion chopped due secretary; Ruben lUtner, re- 2 grated raw potatoes Salt, pepper to tasto cording secretary; Bernard Gold1 egg yolk strom, corresponding secretnry; Flour to make stiff dough Nathan Gitnick, sentinel; Charles Brown saur kraut and add Stern, historian; Charles Fisher, chopped onion, cook until done. guardian; George Cohn, trustee; Use butter or shortening. Drain Harry Smith, trustee nnd Ben off water from two raw grated Biatt. trustee. potatoes, add salt and pepper to taste, add one egg yolk and enough flour to make dough stiff. Have boiling salted water ready and Mrs. Isadore Elewitz will Install with a tablespoon drop small Beth Israel Parents-Teachers As- pieces into the tolling water. Boll sociation officers a t their regular about 10 minutes. Very good with ' meeting, 8:30 p. m., Thursday, "ish or meat. June 3 in the synagogue social « A FREE VACATION for Served Buffet Style! hall. CAIIKOT MOULD two in Cool BreezeIly Mrs. Itubln Itatncr All You Care to Eat cup brown sugar Swept San Francisco cup shortening Zeta Beta Tau Mother's Club 2 eggs separated NOON TO 3 P. M. will hold its annual luncheon for cup mashed carrpts ennned wives and mothers of alumni Wed- l ' i cup cake flour 0 A Room Air-Conditioner nesday, June 2, nt 1 p. m. in the VJ teaspoon baking powder Installed in Your Horn* Highland West Club. L tsp baking sodn I tsp almond extract — or on* of many wondorM ' additional print) Mix brown sugar with shortenng nnd add yokes. Add 1 cup and till why you'd Ilk* The Cousins' Club will meet for mashed carrots nnd mix well. Sift No Obligation-Nothing to Buy-, f t hav« 0 Room Air* a 12:30 p. m. luncheon at the home lour nnd baking powder and add. Conditioner. Entry Blanks art FREE of Mrs. Jack Llncaln, 432 No. 38 Dissolve 1 tsp baking Soda In 2 .blsp hot water nnd ndd, add alSt., Wednesday, June 2. Go) Your ContoftEntry Blank and Dototli from Any mond extract, bent whites nnd HOTEL BLACKSTONE Edille Cantor: "Hollywood brides fold In last. NEBRASKA-IOWA ELECTRICAL^COUNCIL APPLIANCE DEALER lialee In Jello mold (ilo not now keep the bouquets nnd throw Tease) 1 hour nt 350 degrees. away the grooms."—(JTA)

Golden Age Club Fetes Anniversary


Will Be Open Memorial Day Monday, May 31

Peretz Hirshbein

Recipes of The Week

Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on Sunday

Beth Israel P'TA

Sunday Branch



it's going to be this

ZBT Mothers' Club

Cousins' Club



4th of JULY


Youth Council Doings IN THE DARK" is to be held at the Fontenelle Hotel. HighlightA. Z. A. NO. 1 ing the evening will be the presen- * Stan Wldman is now president tation of a loving cup to the year's ef A- Z. A. No. 1. lUa newly elect [most deserving TA. This will be cd administration includes: Jack followed by the installation of new Orach, vicv-preildent; Mike Mey- officers. Proceeding the dunce, a er, secretary; Gary Gitnick, treas- coketail will be held at the home urer; Mike Xazer and Tom Brom- of Fayna Manvitz. The dance wiU berg, sergeant-at-arms; Mike Mo- begin promptly at 9 p. m. After ""gil. editor: and Art Schwartz, the dance, a house-party will be chaplain. Stan was chapter vcep held at the home of one of the during the last year, and treasurer TA's. before that He has edited the dub -paper, and held most of the chapter committee chairmanships. His DEBKA DEBS election culminates his three full , Debka-Dcb held its first annual years of achievement in AZA ac- spring dinner dance May 22. T h e event w a s held at the Black Mirror tivity. Room of the Fontenelle Hotel. The One more Mother Chapter boy .couples enjoyed an evening of ' has received an alternate scholar- I dancing to the music of Phil Knifle. "»hip to Nebraska University. He The co-chairmen of the affair were ' is Central High Senior Jerry Margolin, who will have completed Nancy Farber and Marsha Waxenberg. After the dinner dance, the school in three years. couples attended an open house at Mark down another "first" for the home of the Deb president, AZA No. 1. Mother Chapter will Marilyn Rice. hold a father-son bowling tournament June 5 at the Music Box, Jerry Gordman, athletic committee chairman, announces t h a t this event will be the first of Its type in the city. By Jaaa Kraanp

BarandBas Mitzvah

RAVIM Rayim members are continuing Stuart FogeL son of Mr. and their active psjrtidpation In high school activities. At the recent Mrs. Lou Fogel, will celebrate his HOTC Retreat, Ray Somberg and Bar Mitzvah Friday evening. May Fred Simon were given special 28 and Saturday morning. May 29 honors and were promoted, as were a t Beth El Synagogue. Friends and Bob Goldstein, Jerry KohlL Al Le- relatives are invited to attend the vine, Shel Rips and Mike Sokman. services and receptions. Ron Brodkey received several medals and trophies In behalf of Cen The Bar Mitzvah of Steven teal's Title Team, Richard Flocb, son of Mr, and Three Rayim seniors Ray Som Mrs. Harold Bloch will be celeberg, Al Rosen, and Dick Frank brated at Beth Israel Synagogue have been key men' in Central'* this Friday evening and Saturday athletic department Ray sparked morning, May 28 and 29. All the baseball team finishing the friends and'relatives arc Invited season with a .421 batting average, I to attend. A reception will take and Al was presented with Best | place in the Social Hall immedlateSenior Track Men award. Dick is 1 ly following both services. captain, of Central's undefeated golf team. On Friday evening, June 4, at Members are continuing to up- Beth Israel Synagogue, a Group hold their fine scholastic rating at Bas Mittvah will be celebrated. Central, -as sixteen Rayim under- The young girls taking part In classmen were recently placed on this event arc: Junior Honor Society. Beverly Sharon Bloom, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dloom. TIKVAS AMI Karen Renec Forbes, daughter A picnic followed by a Hnvdullah of Mr. and Mrs. Irving J. Forbes. Service was held Saturday night, Marlcnc Dvora Friedman, daughMay 22, at Elmwood park, The ter of Mr. and Mrs. David Friedpicnic to which, Councilcttes were man. invited, was enjoyed by all. Carole Sue Gomberg, daughter Sunday, May 23, was a very busy of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Gomberg. day for TA's, At 10:30 in the Harriet Patricia Schloff, daugh' morning, the girls met at the home ter of Mr. and Mrs. Abe W. of their advisor, Mrs. Julia Jacobs, Schloff. for a regular meeting. At 2 p. m. Judith Lee Wohlner, daughter TA's and their mothers assembled of Mr. and M n , Alien S. Wohlner. a t the Lagman's for their annual The parents of the participants ' Mother-Daughter Tea. extend a cordial invitation to all Tomorrow night, "DANCING friends and relatives to attend the service and he reception which will follow.

Happy Birthday

Friday, May 28 Philip Gorelick, Howard Frederick Hahn, Stephen Howard KukUn, Susan Xebcr, Barry Alan Lewis and Nancy Richards. Saturday. M»y 29 Kay Ellen Goldstein. Neal Harhls Mnlashock and John Henry Spltzer. Sunday. May 30 Sharyn Dee Babendure, Robert Irwin Bcbcr, Daniel Louis Cirossman, Martin Robert Upp and Cynthia Elaine Novak. Monday, May 31 William Avmm I-Yrrr, Cyiitlila Lou Meyer, I>>slio Arthur I'.-LSICOwitz, Debrit Lynn Pinkovitz and 'Alexis Norecn Stisrnan. Wednesday, Junn 2 Lawrence Irvln Bntt, Lnv/rencc Irvin, Jeffrey Noddle, and Marshall Widman. Thursday, June 3 Jon Lance Jabenis, Sum Kukawka and Ituth Elaine Sabc-s.

Beth Israel

Schedule Sunday School and Talmud Torah classes at Belli Israel will meet as usual Sunday morning, May 30. Talmud Torah classes will not be held Monday.May 31, in observance of Memorial Day.

Friday, May 28, 1»U


I rice Six

Stephen Fisk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Flsk, will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah Friday evening, June 4, in the new Temple Israel, and Saturday morning. June 5, in the Auditorium of the Jewish Community Center. In his honor his parents will receive the conxcgation after both cervices. Lawrence Klliott Gilinsky, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart H. Gilinsky, will celebrate his Unr Mitzvah Friday cveninj;. May 2H, nnd Saturday morning, May 29, at Temple Israel with .services in the Jewish Community Center Auditorium. In his honor his parents will receive the corifirrcatlon aftr both services.

Beth Israel Picnic A sudden downpour caused those attemlinj; the I l e t h Israel I-aj; li'Om'T picnic at Ucnson I'ark to continue the festivities at the synagogue Tiilmud Torah buililini;. Movies were shown and (lifts distrib' ute<l to the children, j Max Greenfield and his cornmit[ tec v/crc in charge of tlie program.

United Youth

Our Foreign Newsletter

AZA to Convene Here in June

Review of I Year's Progress Convention chairmen Larry EpOf German-Israel Reparation stein, Howie Ka.slow, and Larry Schwartz announced the plans for Itv Sam Miller Editor's Note: Germany bus completed one year of reparations deliveries to Israel. tS Miller, JTA correspondent In Germany, lias analyzed German performance and the effect of thr reparations va brael, as well pnxpecta for tbe future In • scries at two article*.

Pmrt 1 Cologne (JTA)—When Arthur Lourie for Israel and Dr. Hans Rlesser for West Germany mot at United Nations headquarters in Mew York and stiffly exchanged two documents known in the diplomatic trade as Instruments of ratification, the calendar showed the date of March 27, 1953. On that day the Reparations Agreement went into effect, nine days after It* -adoption by the Bundestag, six months after its signing' in Luxemburg by Mosbe Sharett and Konrad Adenauer. "A historical act of state that If without precedent," said an official Israel communique at the time. This first anniversary affords a good opportunity to ask how the part has been working out Initial Keparatlcm In taking a look at the record, it must be remember that operations under the pact have actually been in progress for no more than nine months. At tec begtnlng of May, the Israel Purchasing M i s s i o n In Cologne opened for business. It was June 11 before the German Govern ment issued the detailed proced ural regulations Indispensable for the functioning of the Mission, whereupon the first order* could be placed with German manufacturers a week late. In July, the initial reparations cargoes were moving to Israel from North Sen ports Tn the nine months that have since gone by, 100,000 toa1; of Roods were dispatched from Germany, to the farms and factories of Israel. In addition, the new state has received from non-German countries certain bulk supplies paid for by Germany under the terms of the reparations pact. Delivered to Israel were 45,000 tons of Turkish wheat, 5,000 tons of Turkish oil seeds and 1,800 tons of Malayan ruber, as well as Austrian lumber and South American cattle hides—plus, most important of all, $35,000,000 worth of crude oil and petroleum products from countries of the British Commonwealth. Israel Ships Of the German-produced reparations delivered until now, more than two thirds were shipped from German North Sea ports, a substantial majority being transported In Israel ship?!. The total value of commodities and services delivered in the first year is 40 million dollars. Another 12 million dollars have l>een committed for orders already placed with German manufacturers. As the Hague Agreement obligates Germany to make 595 million available for the period up to March 31, m">1. this leaves nn uncommitted balance of 513 million. Orders for this amount will no out in the course of next month. Staff of Kxprrts All thi.'t ha.s been accomplished by a croup of Lsraeji exports, •me 40 In number, who make up the staff of the Purchasing Mission In downtown Cologne. The Mission, which enjoys quasidiplomatic status, Is working .vith such quiet efficiency that Its uljninistrative costs run well IM>

Want Ads ph'im JA 1Mb to liuert roar Want Ad " JTie Jevlsti frens. Current rate u 60 cent* lor racn marrtnu. Tl,e I'rtt* reserve* tbe rlKht to Unilt itie on rartt advenlBtmrnt.

The next V, S, V. meeting will 1)0 held Monday evening at C p. m. nt Beth El. This meeting will in- BAR and bas Mitzvah congratuclude election for the next year's lations: also tor all Jewish holiofficers. Israeli dancing and a nodays and special occasions d a l hour will follow. Meyers News Stand. 1502 Dodge

low one percent of the purchasing volume. From its inception, the Mission has been headed by ,Stutt(;artborn Dr. Felix 10. Shinar, who used to be nn inflcntial Israel businessman nnd now carries the personal rank of Minister. His deputy In charge of political matters Is Dr. Chaun Yahll, during the first postwar years head of the Jewish Agency office In Munich. German reparations shipments account for about one-fifth of Israel imports, and require hardly any outlay of foreign currency. For the economy of tho Jewish States, plagued as it is by on excess of imports over exports and by the resultant shortage of foreign currency, they are proving of far-reaching benefit. Indeed, reparations goods form an Integral part—one might almost say, the keystone—of Israel's ambitious five-year Development Plan. Stimulus to Economy Thanks to German structural steel and German cement, Israel's bousing construction is expanding. German chemical fertilizer Is boosting the productivity of Israel's agriculture. The scarcity of fats that has been the bane of housewives in the Jewish States Is being eased, thanks to German vegetable oils, which make it possible to Increase the output of Israel margarine. German Pharmaceuticals help Israel doctors, druggists and hospital', to cure the sick. A wide ranee of German raw material/a, chemicals, semi-finished products, machine tools, electronic device;! and the like provide an invaluable added stimulus to Israel industryIn the case of loni;-ranj;e investment bood'i, the manufacturing p r o c e s s is frequently a lengthy one. In the relatively short period under review, shipments may therefore not have arrived In quantity as yet, but the orders have been placed nnd the delivery dates set. In the course of the coming year, $12 million worth of Irrigation pipes will, by trebling the artificially Irrigated area, be instrumental in maklni; the Ncj;ev bloom. Gcneratini; equipment In t h e value of $14 million will he utilized for expanding Israel's* production of electrical power from 130,000 to 370,000 kilowatt. A flonting drydock will for the first time enable Israel to repair ships at Haifa. Citrus transporters, a freighter and a combinedpossenger-frelRht vessel for the Haifa-New York run are beJnfj built for Israel at German shipyards. With German technical equil«ncnt, Israel's telephone network and railroad system are about to bo modernized. From the further mechanization of agriculture to the introduction of a commercial teletype circuit, it would take pages of fine print to enumerate the improvements that will l>e effected, thanks to German reparations deliveries. (Knd of first article of series)

the summer Cornbelt Regional AZA convention nre nearing completion. About L'OO Alcphs will journey to Om;ihn June KJ, 14, 15, for this '51 conclave. Tho following Alcphs of Omnha AZA No. 1 and No. 100 arc now polishing final plans for their comrpittces: Stan W i d m a n , Sieve Urookstein, Tom Brombcrg, Art Schwartz, Gary Gitnick, Jerry Ferer, Bob Epstein, Frank Berg, Mlko Mogil, Jrrry Rosen, Marshal Denenberg, Howie Koopcr, M a r v i n Friedman, Jack Ourch, and Sweetheart Jean Cutler. The convention will include the full fold of AZA which Includes religious, athletic, social, community and cultural service. Seminars will be held and will be led by prominent men In each field. B'nai B'rilh advisors serving on this committee are Earl Slegel, Sam Epstein, Dave Belzer, Ed Rosen, and Dave Bear. ' A complete schedule of the convention will be published later.

Reception Milton Alan Katskce, ion of Mr. and Mrs. David W. Katskee, will be honored at a reception at the home of his parents, 1818 Paul S t , Saturday, May 29, from 7 to 10 p. m. Friends and relatives are Invited to attend the reception celebrating his Bar MlUvah which was held Thursday, May 20 at Beth Israel Synagogue.

Temple Israel Religious School Clotlnff Dates Saturday Division—June 12. .Sunday Division'—June 13. Hebrew Department: Alopli ("lass-June 7 IJnii Class—June 8 Uar and Das Mitzvah C l a s s June 10,


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M. H. Soglow—Peaceful Pines Resort ESTES PAHK, COLORADO*\.

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Friday, May M, 1»M

Religious News

Obituary Herman Goldstein

Gems of the


With the Folks At Home

Rabbinical Assembly Elect New President

Uniontown, Fa. (WNS)'—Rabbi COMING EVENTS Harry Halpern of New York was A Shavuos celebration under elected as president of the Rab7:28 I1. M. auspices of Pioneer Women. The Father's Day Party will bo binical Assembly of America a t given this year by the Council the concluding session ot the 54th TEMPLE ISItAKI. Bluffs Chapter of Hadassah. annual convention of the AssemAt the regular Sabbath 5,ervice The Independence Day Affair by bly. The four-day sessions were Friday evening ut 8 o'clock, LawWorkmen's Circle Auxiliary. rence Elliott Uillnsky, son of Mr. attended by some 300 ConservaMessrs. Max and Morris Cohen and Mrs. Stewart Gilinsky, will donated gifts in honor of Samuel tive rabbis from the United States celebrate his liar Mitzvah. lire. and Canada. Sonuncr, one of our residents. Gilinsky wiU recite the blretln;; Among the resolutions adopted, TOKAII MANTLE DONATED over the Sabbath candles; Il/ibbi Mrs. Goldye Spivak has donated by the Rabbinical Assembly w a s Brooks will preach on "No Man':: one deploring the racist provisions a very beautiful hand-embroidered Land." In Lawrence's honor, Mr. Torah Mantle to the Home Syna- of the McCarran-Walter Immigraand Mrs. Gillnsky will receive the ;ogue In memory of her husband tion Law and calling upon Concongregation after the services. gress to enact the Lehman BUI or Mr. Morris Spivak. Regular Shabbos Morning Servother legislation which "better reYAHKZEIT ice* will be held Saturday nt 31:30 flects our democratic and moral Special Memorial Services will aspirations." In other resolution, o'clock In the Auditorium of tiie be held in the Synagogue of thethe rabbis decried the U, S. failure Jewish Community Center, when Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for to ratify the Genocide Convention Lawrence Gilinsky will assist Rabthe Aged for the following: bi Brooks with the service. Mr. and called upon the AdministraMr. Israel Sadofsky—Sivan 1— tion and the leadership of tho S e n - , and Mrs. Stewart Gilinsky will reJune 2, 1954. ceive thec ongregatlon at an Oncg ate to press for vigorous and Mrs. Dora Chalt—Sivan 1—June prompt action. Other resolutions Shabbat in their son's honor. 2, 1954, dealt with Israel-Arab relations. Kadlmah Chapter of Pioneer B E T H E L . . •• : ' • ; . • . . . '. .,•.'. Dr. Mordecal M. Kaplan, leader Women entertained the residents Services will be held this eveot the necoiwtructlonist Moveof our home with an afternoon ning at 8:15 p. m. nabU Myer S. pound well and dost perform wellment, told the 300 rabbis at the Kripkc will deliver the sermon. Richard Gufstadr Happy art thou, our father Abra- party Thursday, May 20. Games conference that Jews must formuCantor Aaron L Edgar and the ham, from whom hath come forth were played and prizes awarded to late a "new Zionism" to. "revive the winners. Refreshments were the moribund Jewish people," A t Beth El Synagogue Choir will ren- Chicago (WNS) ^- RIchardE. Rabbi Heazar. , der the musical portions of theGutstadt, executive vice chairman The daughter of Acher (who served by the following ladles of the opening session of the. conferservice,"'.*', ".•'• • .. ••. of the Anti-Defamation League of made bad use of his learning) the group; Mmes. Dan Goodman, ence Dr. Ira EJsenstein, retiring Sabbath morning services will B'nal B'rith, died here Saturday came to Rabbi and asked him for Nate K a p l a n , Malvln Topper, president of tho Assembly^' said begin "at 9:45 a.m. Junior Congre- at the age of 66. He was president food. He said to her, " W h o s e Charles Guss," Bernard Kaufman, that the American Jewish comgation services a t 10:30 a. m. Min- of Sinai Congregation In Chicago. daughter art thou?" "I am theHenry Tutzer, Moe Kagan, Jake munity's "failure to clarify to ourcha-Maariv services will start at Mr. Gutstadt was one of thedaughter of Acher," she replied. Ruback, Ben Wine, Harry Kaplan, selves and to'the world our character, structure and status as a 7:30 p. m. Daily services arc held founders of the Anti-Defamation And he said to her: "Are any of Dick Spiegel and Dave Wine. each week day at 7 a. m. and 7 League in 1913. Born in Sun Fran- his children still Uving7" "Rabbi," Also attending were Harry Kap- group" was an obstacle In the efp. m. The Sunday morning service dsco, he became national director she said, "remember his Torah, lan and Misses Karen Deo Tepper fort to plan for most effective community cooperation. is at 9 a. m. of the League In 1931 and served and not his deeds." Thereupon, a and Debbie Jo Goodman. The National Council of Jewish in that capacity until his election fire came down and crept around in 1948 ns evccutlve vice chairman. tho seat of Rabbi; then he wept Women held the third birthday BKTH ISRAEL In addition to his service with and said, "If those- who disgrace party of the Golden Age d u b at Frank Lloyd Wright Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor the Dr. Phili Sher Jewish Home EU Kagan and the Beth Israel B'nnl B'rith Mr. Gutstndt was for- themselves through it (the Torah) for the Aged. The affair was in To Design Synagogue Synagogue choir will conduct late merly secretary of the Pacific nre honored thus, how much more the form of a Garden Party and Philadelphia (WNS) — Frank Friday evening services at 8 p. m.Coast Branch of HIAS, Jewish im- will it honor those who obtain was held on the lawn of the home. migrant society. Ho also .served LJoyd Wright, internationally reSabbath morning services begin at with the Regional Council of thepraise through their use of it." A good turnout and fine weather nowned American architect who 8;30 a. m. Junior congregation Zionist Organization for Northern helped to make the party a huge is regarded as the founder of modservices start nt 9:30 a. m. success. California. Surviving are his widern architecture, will erect a Rabbi Groner will conduct the ow, four children and eleven $750,000 synagogue in PhiladelTnlmud class at 7 p. m,; Saturday grandchildren. the first synagogue ever to Monument Dedication phia, Mincha will start ut 7:30 p. m., be constructed by him. Tho strucfollowed by Kholoshe S'cudw; anil The family of Anton Adler will ture will house Beth Sholom ConNew York (WNS) —Five awards Maariv. gregation and will be located 'at Selig Brodersky carrying cash prizes totaling $800 dedicate a monument in his York Road and Foxcrof t Road, ElDally morning services iwRin at memory 12 noon, Sunday, May 30 for 1053's best works of Jewish in7 a. m.; daiiy aftcrnono service.-. London (WNS)—Selig Drudctnt Fisher Farm Cemetery. Rabbi kins Park. begin nt 7:45 p. m. !il<y, fur ninny years a leader of terest in the fiction nnd juvenile Sunday morning service!; bcRin the world Zionist movement and fields were made at the annual Benjamin Groner and Cantor Ell Patronize Our Advertisers nt 8:45 a. m. and is followed by of British Jewry, died here last meeting of the National Jewish Kagan will officiate. Welfare Board (JWB) - sponsored Rabbi Groncr's Bible Discussion week at the age of GG. class. The younrcstei-s of the Tails Dr. Brodetsky, who was born Jewish Book Cuncil of America, and Tcffilin club begin their serv- In Olvlopol, Ukraine, was brought held at tho N . Y. 92nd S t . XMices at 8:30 a. m. Breakfast Is to Britain by his family when he YWHA. The J250 Harry and Ethel Darbff served nt the conclusion of their was five years old. At Cambridge services. 1t\c Talmud Discusison University he won high honors in Memorial Fiction Award went to group, currently studying the mnlhenmtics and for many years Charles Angoff, New York, for his tractate Sabbath, mceOi every was Professor of Applied Mathe- novel, "In the Morning Light" (Bccehhurst Press). This award, Tuesday evening, 8 p. m., under matics at Leeds Universily. the direction of the Rabbi at m i l l A Zionist from his youth, Prof presented by Joseph A. Daroff, Philadelphia, was given for the 0«n*a City, Wlicantln-on lakt Tomb»ou 75 mlnwtaa horn Chlcag* Synagogue, 19th nml Hurt. Hrodetslty became a member of the World Zionist Executive in best work of fiction of Jewish inrOR SUMMfR REST AND RECREATION Sophie Tucker: "Often the best 3!»28. In 1039 he was named pres- terest written and published in the • Air Conditioned Dining Room ond lowne» • Two Magnificent lakes. Floating Swimming Fool way for a woman to catch a man ident of the Board of Deputies of U. S. in 1953. The J250 Isaac Slegcl Memorial Award for 1953's best • A l l Summer SporM - Private IS-hol« Golf Covrw is to run away from him."— (JTA) British Jews, a position he held for a decade. In 1050 he assumed Jewish juvenile book in English • Hortebock Riding • Nightly Dancing, Entertainment. ^ \ the presidency of the Board of was given to Miss Deborah Pcssln, Governors of the Hebrew Univer- New York, for her history, "The Bits front Israel slly in Jerusalem, but ill health Jewish People" (United Synagogue forced him to relinquish the post Commission on Jewish Education). WHERE BIKES ABE A the following year. The three Harry Kovner Memorial FAMILY AFFAIR TEL AVIV (HI*)— A Mryrlo Awards of $100 each went t o : la mare often a lamlly affair Ephralm E. Llsitzky, New Orleans, la Iara«I than In the U.R or for his book of Hebrew poetry, "In Canada «here the two-wheeler Negro Tents" (Mosad Biallk, JeruIn m e * '-'ra la reserved lor New York (WNS)—In a newsalem) ; Harry H. Fein, Boston, for youngster*. Ketubah, an amended Jewish mar- "English Jewish Poetry," nnd ElieIt la moro { riage contract, which was anlikely to IK;- | nounced by the Joint Law Commit- zer Greenberg, New York, for his volume of Yiddish poetry, "Night come a fom- i 'fy affair In i tee of the Rabbinical Assembly of Dlndogue" (Gczcltn). 'jracl, cspce- [ America nnd the Jewish Theological Seminary ,the bride nnd groom \My In Home will both agree to live in accordmrnl '"nrerui, i'ulbcr where exery ance with the Jewish marriage law member of tlio household throughout their lives ami to take Onda It n*efal In a n v I n a no steps toward disruption of their The Temple Israel Religious t i m e , m o n e y nnd pro- marriage without conimltinj: rabbiSchool will conduct its classes viding exerclne. Israeli grownnical authorities. tarting in the Fall in its building. Bpa with E u r o p e a n ImrkEither the wife or the husband Advanced registration for new stugronnda In particular are lilkn fan* having used the tuo- will be entitled to call the other dents of the school will take place spouse before the rabbinic court, nt the Temple Office, in tho Jewwheelera aa a former mean* and both empower the court to set ish Community Center building, of travel on tho Continent where Uu hiryrle la put to such terms as It may nee fit for101 North 20th Street from May more practical purpooe than failure to obey its summons of. de- 31 to June 11. elsewhere. Once f o r c e d to cisions, according to the new conAdvanced registration is for new completely Import tire* for tract which will be available for students in Kindergarten arid In IU blkea, Israel sow loolu to use at all Jewish marriages before nil grades of the Religious growing flirai like Hnoecn food certificates 95,110, $15, | 2 0 , | 2 S or. the end of the summer. School, in addition to the Hebrew where l a r n e l Bond dollars prepared packages from 19,00 Dr. Saul Lleberman, Professor have enabled tlifl purchase of Department. Students will be acof Talmud at the Seminary, draft- cepted in the Religious School oew eqalnmpnt to enlarge proed the new form which, authorities Kindergarten class ,if they have duction. Two huge DOW man•faetarlng flrmi, 'meanwhile, say, is the first adaptation of thestarted public school. produce giant "footwear" for Ketubah in over 1,000 years. For further information, or t o ;«. H U M S • to* H U tb« "big brothers" of biltea — register, call the Temple office, (tardy tire* for auto» and ATlantic 7733, Mervln N . Lcmtrneka which a n add locally mcrman, Director of Education. and exported abroad where. LOCAL AOIMT — JIWISH COMMUNITY CCNTM tkef earn corely needed hard' Omaha Workmen's Loan Assocurrency for Israel Ed Wynn: "No matter how 1*1 N. 2«fc ST. ' J* ciation will not meet Monday, Mny ~v,'' < 31, due to the observance of Me- dumb, a girl has bride kl«u."— (JTA) morial. Day,

Bible and Talmud

Services wore held Wednesday, May 19, for Herman Goldstein us DR. rmur with interment at Golden Hill Cemetery. Mr. Goldstein, 35, of I1IISLE 0 N. 4f)lli St., died Tuesday, Wrath Is cruel and anger Is May 18 in a local hospital. Survivors include lib; mother, verwhehnin/;; but who is uble to stand Jealousy? Mrs. Helen Goldstein of Omaha; lietter is an OIJCII rebuke than two sisters, Mrs. Steven Lustijarlen of Omaha and Mrs. Nate Man- love that Is hidden. The full soul loatheth a honeydel of Chicago; a brother, David of Chicago, and two grandchildren. comb; but to the hungry EOU! every hitter thing is sweet. As n bird that wandcrcth from Mrs. Harry Dolgoff her nest, so is a man that wanflercth from his place. Services were held Monday, May TALMUD 24 for Mrs. Harry Dolgoff with Rabbi Joclianan arose and kissed interment at Mt. Sinai Cemetery. Mrs. Dolgoff, 71, died Sunday, Rabbi Kleagar upon his head and said: "Blessed be the Lord of May 23. Israel who hath given to our faShe is survived by her husband, ther Abraham a son like Rabbi Harry; three, daughters, Mrs. Da- Elenzar ben Arak, who Is able to vid Potash, Mrs. David Kaplan understand and lecture on the suband Mrs. Sam Rosenblatt, all ofject of the Divine Chariot. There Omaha; two sons, Melvin Dolgoff nre some who perform well, but of Omaha and Jack Dolgoff of do not lecture well, and there are New York City and eight grand- others who lecture well but do not children. perform welL You, however, ex-

Winners Named For Book Awards

Marriage Contract

Temple School Registration




Friday, May ZS. 1951


Outstanding 'Jay' Athletes By Llndjr Paul

Award Might Honors Outstanding Athletes Over 100 Jewish Community Center athletes were honored lit the Annual Athletic Awards night before an audience of 300 people. Nonnan Zuvitz, a member of the center Health nnd Physical Education committee, was the master of ceremonies and introduced the guest speaker, Dave Noble. Mr. Noble's well rounded career could serve as a guide to the young athletes as ills athletic honors and participation were instrumental In


Inr Taffe


Justin Kavllr.

IrvYaffee Wins S. WidmanGets Burkenroad Award Trustin Trophy

Ravitz Receives Greenberg Prize

The J. J. Greenberg Memorial The Leslie Burkenroad award, Stan Widman, a Central high award for the outstanding Midget for 1954 goes to Irvin Yaffe, one of the finest basketball players to Junior and member of AZA 1 is Basketball player in 1954 goes to ever play 'at the Jay. This .young the top Youth Council athlete for 13-year-old Justin "Chuck" Ravitz. (ellow had been playing ball M M 1953-54. At award night last Tues- In presenting the trophy for the 23 years and Is still one of the top day evening Stan received the second time at the Annual Award players In the varsity league. Irv Harry Trustin trophy for his out- night last Tuesday, the Awards has had an illustrious career in standing performances in Youth committee chose Chuck for his both high school and college. He Council sport* during the past fine all around ability and team starred for several seasons at year. He was the top. basketball play. In three years of midget Central high school and latod went performer, finishing first in scor- competition this 8th grader has on to become a varsity player at ing with 263 points, and was se- developed tremendously. He has University of Nebraska for two lected as a member of the Youth one of the best shooting eyes and seasons. Irv finished fourth in the Council all-star team for the sec- his ball handling and dribbling arc scoring column with 155 points ond year in a row. The terrific tops. He finished second in scoring this past season and was always junior was also a top bowler, car- with 99 points and the team he has performed with all three years a threat to score when he had the rying an average 156. has finished in second place. Chuck ball. He is the senior basketball His other accomplishments Inplayer in the Jay league and it clude scoring 13 points in the Y. C. succeeds Bob Oberman, last year's always in excellent condition, For track meet with two firsts and a winner as the second recipient of his Interest in sports at the Jay second, winning in his division of this award. He will receive a . and his fine all-around play year wrestling, playing on the cham- trophy and his name will be enafter year Irv Yaffe is the re- pionship volleyball team, and par- graved on a large trophy kept on display at the center. The Jay cipient, of this award. ticipating in ping pong, handball, staff will be looking forward to badminton and being an outstand- his career in high school and don't TIIliMK AND VAMATIUN ing performer on the Central high During the Arab riois in 1934, j baseball team. Stan also found be surprised If this young fellow a bus traveling from Jerusalem to time to finish high in the varsity receives the Harry TmMin Award Tel Aviv was ambushed and at- league scoring record and was a four years from now. tacked by a sang of Arabs. A pas- co-winner of AZA l's outstanding scnger urged the driver in lie- athlete trophy this year. This has Tel Aviv UTA)—South Ameribrpw "Od gaz," step on the gas, been a winning year for Stan Widwhereupon a woman wrung her man and he has the ability to be- can Zionist investors will build an hands and lamented in Yiddish, come one of the" finest young ath- agricultural-industrial cooperative village on a 5.500 dunam (1.400 "Woe is me. Here we are being at- letes in center history, tacked, bullets are flying and they acre) plot near Beer Tuvla allocatspeak Hebrew" . . . In another ed for the project by the Jewish version of the theme two Yid- passing child and I am sure it will National Fund. dishisU were promenading on a cry out 'Maine' and not 'Ima.'" The project calls for Latin busy Tel Aviv street. "The Zion- As he performed the experiment American Jewish families to immiists." said one of them, "are claim- the child victim turned on him and grate to Israel and settle in the ing that Hebrew is the mother shouted "hamor" (ass)", "I am village over the next four years, tongue of the children. I can prove afraid," nodded the other Yiddish- a/ter which the village is expected by a simple experiment that they Lit, "that there Is some truth In to be completely built up and its •re wrong. I'll box the car of a the Zionist claim."—(WNS) vineyards yielding a crop.

Making City Folks Fanners

Sports Spotlight By BUI Wolf (Copyright, 1954, JTA) Opponents arc finally catching up with Joseph B. Cavallaro, the chairman of New York City's Board of Higher Education which made the astounding ruling against basketball coach Nat Holman. Cavallaro, a key figure in the dismissal of Holman from his duties at City College, was unable to gather enough votes to be reclccted to his post.. Whether or not this was a result of the Holman case is not clear. However, the board has been under heavy fire for its action against Holman. Cavallaro may yet win. He got 10 votes against nine for his opponent, falling one short of the majority of 21 members required for re-election. A Covallaro supporter wai absent. Should this supporter attend the repeat election to take place on June 15, the present chairman may squeeze through. When Holman was dropped by the board despite a lower croup's lecision to clear him of charges growing out of the basketball scandal, the action was likened by one sportwriler to the methods of McCarthyism. It Is Interesting to note Hint Cavallaro has been a defender of McCarthy in the past. In fact, he came in for much criticism when he said "The McCarthy, the Velde and Jcnncr Congressional com mlttees have done a good Job." Cavallaro was rebuked for recommending Congressional investigations into the loyalty of college teachers. The entire manner in which the Board handled the Nat Holman situation was in keeping with the worst type of Congressional committee abuses. Cavallaro even stood in the way of giving Nat Holman the minutes of that eventful meeting . . .

bis success in business. He traced his career from his high school days at Central, through his foothall honors at Nebraska, where h» made several All-American teams In the early '20's. He is now a football official in the Big Ten Conference and Is still a booster Of athletics. Volunteer/swimming a w a r d s were given to Mrs. David Blelcher, Mrs. Herman Friedman, Mrs. Ed* ward B r o d k e y , Mrs. Richard Treakle and Mrs. Frank Volcck. They were p r e s e n t e d by BUI O'Hearn, former Water Safety Director for the Red Cross and now Athletic Director at the Omaha Athletic Club. There were six service awards presented to high school students who helped promote and develop grade and high school sprt programs at the center during the past year. Those hon* orcd were Barbara Joffe, Judy Cohn, Dave Widman, Stan Wldman, Murray Newman and John Goldner. Medals and ribbons were award* cd to c h a m p i o n s In wrestling; track, swimming, badminton, handball, ping-pong, volleyball, basket* ball, bowling and Softball. The highlight of the affair was the presentation of the outstanding athlete trophies. The J, J. Greenborg Memorial trophy was presented by Ducky Greenberg to Justin Uavitz. Harry Trustin presented the trophy bearing his name to Stan Widman, junior award winner, nnd the outstanding senior trophy went to Irv Yaffc and was presented by Les Burkenroad.

Independents to Take on Rayim A Two of tin; three unbeaten softbull tennis in the Youth Council league will headline this week's play at Klmwixxl Park as Independents and Raylrn A out. It will be Bob Kully of tho Independents pitching a g a i n s t Itayim's Kd Belzer. Other games find Kaylm B taking on the AZA 100 team and AZA 1A will tackle their B team. In last Sunday's encounters Independents found the AZA I B team a lltle tough, but managed to subdue them 19-9 behind Bob Kully. llaylm A had little trouble taming their B team as they slapped a 23-2 loss on them. Ed Belzer was the winning hurler, while Dave Herzog and Al Lcvinfl were the B team hurlors. Phil Schrager was the Raylm batting hero with 4-4. The defending champs had s, narrow escape as a tough AZA 100 team Jumped off to a 3-1 lead OB n three-run homer by Centuryman Allan Siegcl. However, the Mother chapter lads fought back and thanks to a bases loaded home run by Larry Epstein, they managed a 12-8 win.

It isn't always the nthlete who makes the sports news. Sometimes it's a fan. Even a little boy. Take the ca;;e of 12-year-old Barry Rosenberg, who attended a Brooklyn Dodgers contest. Gil Hodges hit n long homer straight at Barry. The youngster tried to make Martha Rayc: "Marriage doesn't the catch In the left-field stands, become a paying proposition to but was hit in the nose. There was many women until it's over."-— no serious damage, and Gil made (JTA) up for the blow by Riving Barry nn autographed ball after the game . . .

EBits trant Marmot

The grapes hare been harvested and this youg lady is all smiles. A symbol of Israel's determination to strive forward, as the New Year dawns, she represent* the Increasing desire of Israel's youth to assist In the raising of the young state'* food supply. Through the United Israel Appeal, a coosUtueud arenry of the 17JTA, many city residents are moving to outlying settlements, In a special 'Town to ' t W a n t r y "

p r o g r a m . '

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The baseball news this week is that Al Rosen has finally gotten on the home run track. He started the season excelling in batting averages nnd runs batted in. However, Al didn't start hitting homers. But this condition didn't continue for long. Al started blasting, nclujlni; two in one afternoon, and at last count he was tied for irst place in the American loop with six round-trippers. In batting, he climbed to third position with a .359 average. He led In runs batted in with 33. Al was shifted to first base from his custoniary spot at third . . . Cal Abrams and Sid Gordon of tho Pittsburgh Pirates have not been doing well. Gordon has been sidelined with an injury, and Abrams has not been seeing a great deal of action. Sid was bat.158, and Cal was hitting :188.

MULTIPLY BY TWOI BKBst8HJBHA (DP) — To Ik a Broil-. whuir of ththonaf whitt If yo« antdenly found yotUMtf tt*t with feeding nnd oariag for • more than doubled rarattrr Some problem, haJif That's exactly larders tank todar. But while the population haw doubled—«o has tho irrl—toil tend bnwl.counts om to foe* her enlarged famltj-, U r«M from 62,800 M I D la IMS s* more than Wjm acre* la 1»S» fith the aid of UJ1#»r 000 In appropriations and loaa* from Israel Bonds.

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