June 4, 1954

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Ol XXX11—Pip, 3 9 ^ftict. Oman*, NcbUilkA mifltf Acl 01 1K7U.


PubiUhnl «v«iy FrtlJ.jr, 101 N. MIS, Om«li«, Nebrxki, Phon. 1A MM

SLn«l« uopj 10 O u t ! Annual tteu t 0OUV*

Shomaker to Head Pageant Red Feather Drive 1st Sabl ;r:,s5ervices w Players In New Temple Israel

Kendrlck Wilson, director of the Federation (or .Jewish Service Pageant "Root and Blossom—A Century Story" has announced the principal players of the cast. This dramatic production written by 'Mrs. Mycr S. Kripke highlighting Jewish- lifo in Omaha and the United States will be .presented JBunday, June 13 at the Centennial Theme Center In Turner Park, 30th and Douglas Streets. ' To background the pageant »t«ry the Jewish Fresa received permission to reprint "Frontiersmen in tbf History of Nebraska," written by Mrs. Herman Anerbach for the American Hebrew Magazine. The Mstory of our early settlers ap pears on an inside page. ' Cast principals are: ' Asser Levy—Morey Landman . ' Haylm Salomonr-Al Llpsey ' George Washington—Lawrence David . "

•*' Thomas K e n n e d y —Norman Paasch Henry Monsky—Ephralm Marks Peter Styvesant—Arthur Buhl Laya Edgar will be the Interpretive dancerEvelyn Levy the child. Others In the cast arc: Mike Ban, Lou Kntz, Milton Guldlwrg, John McCoy, Phil Ostravlch, Nathan Turner, Morris Miilkln, Ronnie VanrI, Nate Kraft, Val Kuffel, Nate Mantel, .T. I,. Rosenthul, Royal Kckert, Richard Olson, Harry Richman, Florence Bank, Lenore Paasch, Leon Marx, Elaine Jabenls, Herbert Weil, Kd v Rosen, Ray Corey, Don Schoenbaum, Joey Margolin. Betty 7JMTwlll. Ida Zoorwill, Sarita, Joan Marx. Jon Jabcnls and Marlln Well. Maxine Jnbenls, Nancy Fellman, Esther Gordman, Ethel Goldston. Jean Stone. Arlene Chrlstlnsan, Ellen Hegarty, Anne Grossman, Xlbby Sachs, Norma Silvcrman, Rose Gross, Ruth Kraft, Sue Fcrer, Sol Logman, Dave Dvorkln, H. S. Alncrson, Herman Mlrowitz, Irving Kaiman, Herman Mlrowitz, Manny Drcvich, Robert Hosntan, Father Sdiad, Rev. King, Rev. Solomon Jooob and Habbi Myer S. Kripke. The Ahomo Society will perform Indian dances. The Beth El Synagogue Choir under the direction of Cantor Edgar will sine. Dress rehearsal Is called for .June 10.

W. Lawrence Shomaker, n prominent Omaha executive, will lead Omaha's 32nd Annual Red Feather Campaign this October, Leonard O. Arstad, president of United Community Services, announced here. The now chairman headed the Initial.gifts division last year. In announcing the appointment, Mr. Arstad said; "I am very happy and proud that we have such an outstanding citizen and campaign leader for our chairman this year..." • In a statement to the Jewish Press Mr. Shomaker stated: "It Is a privilege and pleasure to h;ye the opportunity to serve the people of Omaha through the Community Chest. The needs for the Red Feather Campaign must be met. The unselfish a n d cooperative spirit of the people of Omaha has always been most cnheartcnlng. I am sure that this rapidly growing

Temple Israel, the oldest Jewish congregation in Omaha, will hold its first Sabbath services tonight in the new Temple, including a special ritual of placing the Toralis in the jticw Ark. Alfred 8. Mayer, Milton 8. Livingston, Richard H. Killer and Morris Levey, officers of the congregation, will assist llabbi Sidney H. Brooks, spiritual leader of the Temple, in the ceremony.' The Temple Choir, under the direction of Miss Ida Gftlin, has prepared liturgical music for this historic event. First Temple The first Temple building at Twenty-fourth and Harney Streets was dedicated in 1883 and was a small frame structure which cost $4,400. The president of the congregation at that time was Mr. E. Simon, who first kept permanent > Boston (WNS)--The convention United Nations, N. Y.'(WNS)— records of the new institution. In of District Lodge No, 1 of B'nal The Government of Jordan In- this first small edifice pews were

McCarthyism Arabs Refuse Is Attacked UN Pledge

B'rlth, which embraces 430 chapters in New York State, New England and Eastern Canada, this week heard a sharp denunciation of "hate-mongers," "fear-mongers," "super-patriots" and "McCarthyism" In a report by District President Samuel Markle.

ShoinnkrT industrial center will fully recognize Its civic responsibility by gettini; behind the United Community Services and all its agencies to meet the needs that arc so essential to its people. It Is the civic responsibility, therefore, of all the people of Omaha to offer their combined efforts toward making this campaign a success."

Locomotives Tel Aviv (JTA)—Israel has ordered five dlesel driven locomtlvcs worth 5800,000 from a United States manufacturer, It was reported here. Israel will use U. S. crant-ln-ald funds to pay for the locomotives, the report added.

While emphasizing that Communist aggression was "the principal menace to the free nations, Mr. Markle held that the tactics of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, Wisconsin Republican, "even under the guise of fighting Communism, are bound to hurt this country In the event'of war with the Communistdominated countries of the world." "Even much of the disunity among our Allies Is to a f;reat extent caused by these events in our country," he added. Philip M. Klutznick, International president of B'nal B'rlth, in addressing the convention voiced regret that a "certain amount of uneasiness" existed between Israel and the United States. Mr. Klutznick emphasized that with the exception of Turkey, Israel was tho only state in the Middle East that could be counted on as a democratic ally.

formed the United Nations that It is withdrawing from the U. N. Security Council Its representative who had been invited to participate on Israel-Arab clashes. Thus the Jordanian Government officially made it known that It refuses to pledge Itself, to abide by any decision the Security Council might render In the future with regard to disputes between Israel and Jordan. Such a pledge Is required of all governments which are not, as in the case of Jordan, members of the United Nations, but which appeal to the U.N. for mediation of a dispute.

assigned to each member and his family, and rental was paid Xor these pews. v \

This Is the flrat time in the history of the United Nations that a country refuses to sign such a pledge after appealing for Security Council mediation. It Is also in violation of the mutual security agreement between Great Britain and Jordan, according to which Britain Is required to come to Jordan's aid when the latter is Involved In war, but only after Jordan has made every effort to avoid war through mediation.

In 1904 the Temple Sisterhood was1 organized by Mrs. Abram SJ-%i mon, wife of the rabbi at that time. ' IUbbl Cohn Under the leadership of Rabid Frederick Cohn, who served the congregation for thirty-six years 'until his death in 1940, the.beautlful Temple at Park Avenue and Jackson Street was dedicated in 1908. Just one year ago .this building was delivered over to the present owners, the St. John's Greek Orthodox Church, and the Congregation of Temple Israel has been housed temporarily at Wie Jewish Community Center. ,~ Milton S. Livingston is chairman of the Building Committee rcspon- . siblc for the new edifice. Actual construction at the site on Seventieth and Cass Streets started early In February of 195J and dedication of the cornerstone . took .place October 18, 1953. New Structure The now/ $500,000 structure Is contemporary in design and is comprised of three major sections^ The sanctuary will scat 300 pcr-~ sons and opens Into the Social Hall with seating accommodations for an additional 350 persons. The school wing of the building Is on (Continued on Page 3.)

M. Jacobs Named Creighton Regent Morris E. Jacobs, president of a leading advertising company, was named a regent of Creighton UnlVerslty. Tho new regents were officially Introduced by the Very Reverend Carl M. Reinert, S. J., president of the university, at commencement exercises held Thursday, June 3.

Careers Conference Will Be Held by YC The Jewish Youth Council will hold Its fourth annual Careers Conference Thursday e v e n i n g , June 22, in the Jewish Community Center. •' Chairmen for the affair are Joan Krasno and Bob Abrarraon. Their committee consists of n representative from each YC club. Supper will bo served at 6 p. inGuest speakers will discuss their professions' highlighting the requirements' demanded, qualified schools, education needed, Job possibilities and general background. Everyone Is Invited to attend the conference and a fee, of,50 cents will be charged, V '.'

From left to right Jack Murer, installing IIIHCITJ Mrs. K, K. llrodlioy, president; MM. Mike Freeman, dcronil vlce-presldrnt; Mrn. I.loyd Friedman, secretary; Mrs. Loiil» Katr, parliamentarian; not shown I* Mrs. Henry A. Newman, Unit Vice-president. . «

Federation Women's Clubs Officers Installed Mrs. Edward E. Brodkoy was In.italled as president of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs, no o r g a n l z . i t ion encompassing 17 women's croups in Omaha, Thursday, May 27, in the Jewish Community Center. Other newly installed officers arc; Mrs. Henry A. Newman, first vice-president; Mrs. Mike Freeman, 'second vice-president; Mr*t

Lloyd Friedman, secretary, and Mrs. Louia Katz, parliamentarian. Jack W. Marer, first vice-president of the Federation for Jewish Service, was the Installing officer. Mr. Marer saluted the group and briefly reviewed their history telling of their role In bettering community life. Mr. Marer then presented past' presidents oB the organliation with

certificates "In appreciation and recognition of devoted communal services and distinguished leadership." Recipients of the awards were. Mrs. Ifarold P. Farber vvhu served from 3952 to '51; Mrs. Ernest Nogg, 1950-52; Mrs Ijwh Kiilakofsky, 1918-50; and Mrs. Morris Venger, 1916-W, ' ' ''


Six years later, in 1889, Rabbi William Roscnau was named leader of the Congregation. He was the first American trained rabbi of the Congregation, a graduate of the Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati. He served the congregation until 1B89, when he became head . of Oheb Shaloin Congregation of Baltimore, Maryland. It was at this same time that Temple Israel affiliated itself with the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, the national body of American Reform or Liberal Judaism. The . ' congregation is still an active «f-. filiatc of the group.

Sunday Radio The Etet-nal Llgh't program under the auspices of the Jewish Theological Seminary will present "Ruth Comes Home" a drama by Joseph Mlndel based on tho Book of Ruth, from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon over WOW-Radio. "Message of Israel" will1 be broadcast over KOIL from 10 to 10:30 a. m. Rabbi Joseph Buchler of Temple Bethel in .Chicago will speak. ,. ..

F»f e Two


Friday, June I.

| Our U.N. Newsletter

Israel Issue Legal Points

fnbUsked Every FtkUjr by t h e Federation for JewishService - - - - - - tt> «ct •< Hwdi a. i m . Pnm SM» tddrm mm 80. IHt strait. HARRY H A L P E R T . . . . . . .



Shavuoth's Meaning Today The great Mge, Haimonides, likened the counting of "Sephira" .between the day* of Passover to Shavuoth to the young man and woman counting expectantly the day* before their marriage. Sbavnoth is » joyous holiday. The synagogue is bedecked with green. The good Jewish housewife in the dayB of old was ' certain to have the table amply supplied with "blintzes" and other "milchigs" for the holiday repast. "Milchigs" especially in the combination of milk and honey, symbolized to the Jew traditionally the best of everything. The land of Israel was described as a land of milk and honey and the Torah itself wan also said to provide spiritual nourishment in those terms. • The decking of the synagogues in green was reminiscent of the harvest. Sbavnoth became identified as the festival of the Giving of the Law, hut earlier it was essentially a harvest festival. For this reason, too, the reading of the Book of Ruth, with its pictures of harvest time in ancient Israel became a synagogue ritual. It is this harvest aspect of Shavuoth which is again being reemphasized in the new Israel. The Jews have returned to the land of Israel in a very real sense there. Not merely to the land in a political or geographic sense—but to the land aa tillers and redeemers of the soil. This is perhaps the greatest achievement of the new Israel—and it is an achievement which has a special meaning for till Jews today. The Jew, his foes conceded, conld be a storekeeper. Later, it was conceded, he might be a worker in industries—a tailor, a garment maker. It was further grudgingly conceded that lie might be an artist, a scientist. But a Jew as a farmer—that was impossible, 'the anti-Semites said. And even Jews themselves conld only fondly hope in that regard. Emma Lazarus, the American poetess, hoping that in a revived political state the Jews again might work the noil, could bolster her hope only with some few exampjes of successful Jewish farmers she had from hearsay. • Yet the picture- after these years i» radically changed in this respect. So country in the past few yearn has matched the agricultural strides of Israel. The area under cultivation bug risen from 400,000 acres to nearly a million. More than 350 new agricultural settlements have been founded in the same period sod the number of Jewish farmers lias more than doubled. This Shavuoth time this festival of the harvest, is n K'XKI time to rpincmbpr that Israel hns forever Kilenced the old canard -that the Jew ennnot be a farmer. In Israel, he is » darn good .one.







United Nations (JTA)—An a result of Jordan's refusal to behave like a normal civilized state, the Security Council, if it lias not already broken down, Is on the point of collapse in the Palestine dispute. It is more than possible that this issue like so many others will have to be taken up outside tho silk pannelled chamber here w here the Damocletlnn sword of the veto cannot fall. In a most Important letter to the president of the Security Council which received very little at- ... tcntion at the time. Ambassador Abba Eban of Israel has pointed out that the debate so far is illegal because Jordan has not complied with the conditions laid down by Article 35 paragraph 2 of the Charter of the United Nations — . those are the conditions of "padHe settlement." In fact, he charges that the agenda Over which the Coundl argued for to long i« also i l l e g a l / ; . . ' - ' " . . '' • '.; • • ' , ' . - V . v - \ v ••>;-, '•'•• .;.'•• S i x M e e t i n g . / : -./,

As you will recall, it took-ilx meetings for the Coundl to reach the decision, over the objections of Lebanon and the Soviet Union, to discuss both the Arab and Jewish complaints together. In this . • By MUton Frledmui .: dependent, told the Senate he had letter, Mr. Eban says that the Seno doubt that all telephones In curity Council hits not yet been Washington, (JTA)—The. think Russia are tapped. He said that regularly "seized" with the Arab v ing of Louis D . Brandeis, late "in Nazi Germany the people be- complaint because Jordan would Justice of the Supreme Court, has came so fearful of the telephone not agree to abide by the Charter**, reinforced defenders of idyll liber- as an instrument that 'many Gar- of the United Nations. ties who are battling ah Admlnls, many families wrapped their teleThe Israel note points out that tration attempt t o legalize telcr phones in blankets because they phone wiretapping by Federal po- were fearful that even when the I^ebanon submitted this complaint ''on behalf of the government. of lice. receiver was down the Gestapo the Hashemifc Kingdom of the The words of Brandels were could tap their conversations. Jordan." It argues that "since a quoted on the Senate floor afte: Such things happen when fear complaint could hardly be brought President Eisenhower and Attor- takes over people." on behalf of a sovereign state ney General Herbert Browncll, Jr. Wiretapping without the authority and consent recommended laws authorizing na The Senator said "the FBI and of that state, that particular comtloi>wide wiretapping In the in the intelligence agencies, working plaint on nur agenda is ,i comvestigation of activities broadly within the framework of our Con- plaint by Jordan." defined as interfering with na stitution and not outside it, arc Conijilaiilt tional security. lirownell nl; doing an excellent job of discoverMr. Kban uses the words of the urged changes in statutes whicl ing and destroying enemy activity, Jordanian representative himself now prohibit introduction in Fed a better Job than could l)f done by to prove his case. In the letter, he eral courts of evidence obtained aping the methods of the Com- quotes Abdcl Moncm Rifal as havby wiretapping. bunists." He said he opposed wire- ing spoken of "our complaint* BrandrU Views tapping because he wished to when he made his statement beBrnndeis' view wns expressed avoid "feedinf; the fear thnt is al- fore tho .Security Council. Again many years ago but it is considered more than any other work of by many to be even more timely ready becoming a type of thought he quotes the Jordanian as saying ::- •'; ;• ,': By 1. • JL Orwn control in America." "my government hns submitted its Scripture, it conveyed this spir-'Shayuoth bore quite another as- itual atmosphere in which his an- today. "The evil incident to inInterception of telephone con- complaint against Israel" and oddpect in andent Israel than that cestors dwelt and in which his vasion of privacy of the tele vprsntlons from or to the home is ing that he. expects special conO W c h J t later developed in Jewish faith was conceived. And i t be- phone," said Brandels, "is far an Intrusion into the home, sideration for "our complaint." life. The horny-handed son of toil came traditional on Shavuoth also greater than that involved with whether or not the home Itself Is From the foregoing, it is little in Judea looked forward to i t with to bedeck the synagogue with the tampering with the malls. When physically entered; its purpose and wonder that the Israeli representaever a telephone line Is tapped, relief and not only with a sense of green of the fields. • effect is to snoop into what goes tive draws the conclusion that the the privacy of the persons at both spiritual exaltation. It meant that In the revived Israel of today •nds of the line is invaded and nl on In the home. This, in the opin- Arab complaint cannot legally be the hard work of the season was ion of Morse, flagrantly violates on the ni;enda of the Security over, the digging and trieunlng Shavuoth is again reemphasizing conversations between them upon traditional American freedom. Council as long as Jordan refuses Its original harvest aspect The any subject, although proper, conand planting and sowing—and now Hebrew scriptures reveal n num- to agree to the conditions of "nadh e could think of his reward—the children make a special point of fidential, and privileged, may be ber of instances illustrative of a Ilc cettlement" in the? charter. It is harvest At Shavuoth time, the the ceremonies of bringing the overheard. Moreover, the tapping strong respect for the home as a obvious too. that Jordan's speech farmer in Judea was thinking of first fruits. Shavuoth is the time of one man's telephone line in- place not subject to arbitrary vis- should bo struck from the record of the year when Haifa stages its volves the tapping of the telephone •/.hli. crops. itation, even on the part of offi- IL'I there was no legal basis for •'. of every other person whom he great annual flower show. cial authority. In the story con- Jordan's participation at the time . : . Ancient Israel was so agriculmay call or who may call him." Iteturn to Hull cerning Achan, Joshua did not it was made. " tural that Josephus found It necesJewish organizations are closeIt Is this letter which h a s , s a r y almost to apologize for it. ^n This return of the Jew to the ly observing developments, mind- send his messengers lo search for soil is as miraculous as the rcand seize the prohibited articles brought about the Security Court-. the famous reply of Josephus to ful of the fact that threats to the the Alexandrian a n t i - S e m11 i t ee.. cstablishment of the state. "How dignity of the individual often n Achan's tent, even ufter detec- ell's latest lmpat.se. What astonAplon. Josephus seemingly with i v o u ! '" n n : 1 k T » lh<™ <lrj-v» " n t h c place Jews In greater Jeopardy !ion, until Achan had first con- ishes observers here is why Jorfessed both his deed nnd the place dan should refuse to ngrec to.tho great-rchictancf admits that com- I''"1" a f t c r l l l c y h l n e w -' <n P a r I s ? than others. Many other Amerimcrcc is not one of the •,,„„,,, [That v.x, a song which tho-.e with cans, including a considerable where the articles were con- conditions laid down by Article 35 •'.' • points of Bis countrymen, that memories back to the f.-rst World number of members of Congress, cealed. By Biblical law a creditor paragraph 2. By so doing, it has they arc men of simple husbandry.' W : i r w i U remember. After contact are shocked by the very idea of was forbidden to enter his debtor's put it.ielf in the untenable position ;\vith urbanization liouse and had to wait outside. A of being threatening and warlike urbanization can can one one remain remain ...... . . . . . tapping private conversations. |;\vith a I ) | 0 U ( ! h m a n r I t , s m easy chal. bailiff of the court was similarly while bringing a complaint to this Sen. Wayne Morse, Oregon .In The Bible itself offers over- !i,, n ,. P . I n the case of the Jew with restrained because of respect for organization; and even the Jor.whelming evidence of I he same j 5 0 ] , j n g a divorce from the soil, it he privacy of the home. danians seem to realize this Judg- , f a c t Always the U-nchcrs ol Israel. | w a s infinitely more difficult. Cut development of Israel's agriculIng from a recent news dispatch 1'olice, State Method a s recorded by,-.Scriptures speak ! i s r a c l has met the challenge. ture. "Wiretapping," said Morse, "is from Amman. Certainly, it makes i n t h e language of the op,-,}, field, j N o t a I , ,„ I s r a c , ( Q ^ ^ The Jew is bringing inteligcncc a police state method." He char- their demand that the United NaWhen Jeremiah describes • tho | i; o n G U ri or ,, w l , l i n ( , t o r 0 b a c k t o to tho cultivation of the soil. Ho acterized the practice as part of tions resolutions on Palestine be ^ _ c d . _ ° L . h l . s . c!:',y' h o compares!, h ( ; very bareness of the desert has Introduced plants which havi he "standard equipment of the carried out seem ludicrous when them to the who set' itself, feeling that only in the des-[never grown there before and re- officer with the persecution com- they themselves refuse to abide by their traps . . . for birds." Thejort, where everything, must be Introduced others known In Bibli- plex whoso zeal for conviction ex- the Charter of the United Nations. book of Proverbs bs seeking to im-!brought and made, is mnn really a cal days, but which since have ceeds his respect for rights." The crazy position In which the * part the lesson:s of homely wis- j partner in God's work of ceratlon. disappeared. Flax culture has been Morse and other Senators, prin- Security finds itself with an Illegal ^ dom points to the- ants "U'hich pro- Not all can meet such a test. And reintroduced. Pecan nut trees, in- cipally Democrats, feel that it agenda has revived talk here that and yet the collective answer of the digenously American, are being In- would be impossible to authorize the Palestine dispute must be takVide their food in summe to the spiders, which while weak Jcxv in Israel lias shown that the creasingly planted and do well. wiretapping and at tho same tirne en outside, the chamber where t h e . "manage to enter the places of Jew can be a farmer—can bo a Virginia tobacco is being raised Soviets cannot cause trouble with kings." And so it goes, almost good farmer—and that in fact he nnd Israel farm experts have rovlde safeguards consistent with he spirit and purpose of tho Con- their veto. If this Issue Is taken every page of the Bible shows * one. shown that coffee and cotton do Ututlon. He suggested that Pres- away to negotiations in London or now closely ancient Israel watched New Settlements well there. Israel is making nn- cient Eisenhower, who asked for Washington, it will mean that the and was attuned lo Nature. PerIn the few years since the es- |other significant contribution in haps the reason the Book of tablishment of the state, the area the exploitation of its phosphates viretapping, "refresh his memory Security Council will have little or ibout the fight to protect the nothing to do for the Palestine disBooks is so great a work is that it is so much drawn from the Book under cultivation has more than for fertilizers. The Fertilizers and irivacy of American c i t i z e n s pute has kept it alive for the past doubled. Hundreds of new settleChemicals Plants at Haifa, fihroughout the Constitutional his- six months. • tt Npture. ments have been created . . . Much nanced by Israel bonds, will not ory of this great Republic" In the centuries of Jewish dis- is due to American aid. Irrigation, only save Israel the tidy sum of In his arguments in the Virginia persion, it became difficult to financed by Israel bonds, has been $5 million for Imported.fertilizers, Convention, Patrick Henry dwelt houses and most secret recesses, think in such terms. The Jew was of Inestimable value. Leon Key- but will shortly begin to earn for on possible oppressions by public will the people bear It? If you no longer the man of crops. But serling, the noted economist, es- Israel many millions through ex- jffldals and said: "When these think eo, you differ from me." Thtisly, said Morse, "Patrick Henhp made it a point on Shavuoth to timates that Israel Bonds have port sales. ' harpies arc aided by excise men, ry answered Browncll decades read the Book of Ruth because provided about JGO.OOO.POQ M, the . , (Seven Art* F*»tar») :• who may search, at any time, your WO." . ,

Shavuoth and the Return to the Soil

Capital Spotlight


I'riday, June I, 1951

Our Foreign Newsletter

Frontiersmen in the History of Nebraska

Review of I Year's Progress Of German-Israel Reparation Ky Hum Miller

been provided for in an escape clause, so as to give Germany some leeway in case she ran Into hard times. Future Prospects Itosewater hud dune more than In the light of her breath-taking any dozen other men to build up economic boom—incredible as it the community and state In which may seem, the German Treasury at this moment holds a whooping he lived. His memory Is perpetcash balance of 11,000,000,000 uated In the laws which he placed Cologne (JTA) — Reparations deuUchemarks, or $2,600,000,000. on the statutes; the school system goods paid to Israel account for This curtailment of Germany's apand public library he helped to little more than one percent of propriation is distress. It means. _, create; the Bohemian agricultural Germany's exports, but a market that, assuming Germany sticks to Duvld K. UrecnbiTB settlement which he encouraged that absorbs 40 million dollars the present rate of payments, .the worth of German products a year duration of the Reparations Agreein this slate until today (1927) is, nonetheless, a most attractive ment will be extended until the the Bohemian population in Neone for businessmen and indus- middle of 1966. braska outnumbers that in any trialists. In the. submission offers The head of the Israel Purchasother state In the Union; the twoand the filling of orders, the Israel ing Mission, Dr. Felix Shlnnar, recent postage rate between England Purchasing Mission has encoun- cently expressed the hope that David E. Greenberg will be Inand the United States, which he tered lltle recalcitrance—rather fostered at an International postal stalled as president of the Henry the contrary. It Is true that some Germany will m future years make the higher amount available, in Monsky Lodge No. 354 of B'nai conference; and in a dozen other B'rith Tuesday, June 8, at the few firms with a heavy stake in line with the proviso of the pact the Arab market have declared that the West German Federal woys. Highland West Club. that they will not furnish goods Other newly elected officers to to Israel, but then they hadnever Republic shall endeavor to disHis brother Andrew, who has charge its reparations obligations been mentioned; another brother. be installed are: Harry Wolnberg, been asked to. within the shortest possible period. Dr. Charles Rosewater and Ed- first vice-president; Sam Pollack, No special complaints on the ward's sons, Victor and Charles second vice-president; Sol Dolgoff, Whether his hope will be reC, who succeeded him on The Bee third vice-president; Moe Kagan, score of prices, quality and meet- alized it Is Impossible to say at complete the roster of an import- financial secretary; Reuben Lip- Ing of specifications have come to this stage. Just as no man dan ant family in Nebraska history- pett, corresponding secretary; Lou light, perhaps because it Is known predict whether Germany will live Victor succeeded his father in Re- Asbyll, treasurer; Max Kadis, war- that the mission is an exacting up to the minimum obligations she publican politics, serving as na- den! Myron Milder, guardian; Mar- customer and keeps a close check.. has assumed. In a country which The working-out of purchasing; has undergone such astounding . tional commitleeman from Ne- vin Treller, chaplain; and new schedules, the placement and ap- changes in six years, and whose braska and chairman of the Chi- trustee, Earl Slegal. Following the Installation cere- proval of orders, .the payment of future remains a question mark, cago convention of 1912. invoices, the shipment of g o o d s After Edward Rosewatcr came monies will bo a social program In- all these require the sanction and 1966 seems a very long time away. • Survey Reveals the four Meyer brothers. Max cluding dancing to the music of participation of certain sectors of Meyer founded tho Board of Trade, Ernie Pricsman and his orchestra. the German governmental apparaPublic opinion surveys reveal Dinner will be served at 6:30 p. m. the first savings bank and the tus. On the whole, contacts have that the German man Jn the street first Academy of Music. Julius, a For reservations call Moe Kagan taken place In a businesslike at- opposes the paying of reparations ' colorful figure as an Indian trader nt AT 3210. to Israel. Nor should it be forgotmosphere. and government Interpreter since ten that more than half the parCooperation Smooth he spoke at least five Indian liamentary deputies of Chancellor tongues, was adopted Into the Cooperation was particularly Adenauer's own governmental coPawnee tribe as chief, with the smooth with Dr. Mueller-Graaf of alition did not vote for ratification appelotion "I)ax-ka-rc-sha-hashthe Mlnlstery of Economics, an of the Luxembourg Agreement a te-ka" (curly-halrcd white chief Epstein-Morgan Post No. 260, erudite anti-Nazi official who year ago. Support, which does not with one tongue—one meaning JWV of USA, will be host at the headed the German delegation of run very deep oven among the "straight.") Alexander Pollock, Annual meeting of tho Iowa-Ne- the Mixed German-Israel Commis- minority who.ore In favor, is, in Morris Klgutlor, Ahram Brown, braska District JWV at the Cham- sion. He was recently transferred many cases, promoted by utiliBernard Gladstone, Samuel Jacobs ber of Commerce, Elks Club BIdg., to Vienna. His successor as head tarian rather than ethical motives. and Max Abrahams arrived short- 18th and Dodge Sts., at 1 p. m. of the Israel desk is Baron von In the Initial twelve months, v . ly after. Sunday, June 13. Posts and aux- Malls. Germany has, delivered reparaDr. Alexander Hear, who came iliaries from Des Moines and Sioux To the German Minister of Eco- tions goods on schedule and lived f,o Norfolk; Nebraska, from Vir- City will send representatives to nomics, and to German industry, up to the terms of the Agreement ginia in the late '60's'or early this meeting. Election of officers reparations are a welcome flow No difficulties are expected in the 70'.i, nnd who practiced medicine will be the feature of the meeting. of suppelmcntary orders which 1954-55 fiscal year, It is an enthere nnd wns elected mayor and Arthur Kagln of the Des Moines can, moreover, bo channeled in courageing sign that, for the first a member of the state legislature; Post Is the present Iowa-Nebraska good part to economically des- time, it will now be posslblo to nnd Samuel N. Wolhach who set- Department Commander. The La- tressed areas such as West Ber- place orders for goods that are to tled in Grand Island and too was dles Auxiliary of the Epstein-Mor- lin. To the German Minister of be delivered a year later. elected to the state legislature, be- gan Post No. 260, will serve re- Finance, on the other hand, repCompared to the outlook £ year long also to this period. The town freshments. arations appear as a costly and ago, a better long-range prospect of Wolbach, Nebraska, was named unnecessary obligation assumed now exists that as long as Gerfor the latter, who still lives against his bitter-end protest. This many's economic prosperity is sus(1927) In Grand Island. B. Newmay be one explanation for the tained, she will honor her underman and Sam Coldsteln freighted disturbing fact that West Ger- takings toward Israel. with bull trains across the IndianThe name of Philip Baily was many has set the amount it will Infested prairies between Omaha, make available for the coming omitted from the list of those Sidney nnd the Black Hills, where to be graduated from Beth El, year not at the $73,800,000 stiputhe gold rush was on. Newman 8:15 p. m., Sunday, June 6. He lated in the Luxembourgh AgreeGrove, Nebraska, is said to be is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Nor- ment as Germany's normal annual (Continued from P«ge 1.) named for this Newman. allocation, but a t the rock-bottom man A, Bally. (Concluded Next Week) minimum of $59,500,000 which had two levels, with seven classrooms on the sanctuary level and a kindergarten, nursery, dubroom and four additional classrooms on the grade level at the rear of the structure. The nursery features a kitchenette wing and is in direct access to the play courtyard to the south of the building. The Temple Nursery School which will open in September will use these facilities. In addition to the sanctuary and social hall, there is a parlor or chapel to the east, the administrative offices, kitchens, s t o r a g e rooms, stage and dressing rooms, and check rooms on the front grade level. Tho Chapel and offices arc air-conditioned. Architects for the building arc ' Braverman and Halperin of Cleveland, O., Alex Welnstein, of Stcele, Sandham ami Stecle, is the local supervising architect. The overall height of the building is twenty-seven feet with a pylon displaying a carved menorah ~ which will rise atop the structure and will be illuminated at night. Three sculptured panels symbolizing the Torah, Peace, and Truth form a part of the curved front wall of the Temple: Mrs. Esther S a m o l n r , prominent sculptress, created the panels. Another feature of the structure is an open court, reminiscent of the Temple In the time of King Solomon. Plans arc not yet completed for: Irrigation projcrtu are vital in turning arid land In Israel Into fertile productive IOIL Shown above the formal dedication services to lx> held In the fall of this year. ore InrartLi tending thrlr life llnri for a morr self, intlk-lfnt Israel.

Sturdy Early Settlers, Whose Heroism Is Here Recorded, Helped Build Commonwealth On the Platte By KUa Fleishman Aurrbacb ' (Keprlated from December 23, 1927 e d i t i o n of tiio American Hebrew Bbgailne.)

Fart I The history of the Jewish settlement in Nebraska must be considered concurrently with the his tory of the state, so closely IK the thread of Jewish participation woven Into the warp and woof of the whole story. Dating back to 1855, one year after Congress authorired the new territory, Jewish pioneers cast their lot with the virgin country In steadily Increasing numbers. Their total today K1927) Is estimated at 10,000. These wandering children of Israel endured all the hardships of early days, along'with other courageous frontiersmen. One, an Indian trader, Harris L. Lcvl by iwunc, was massacred by the In- dians near Cedar Creek, in 1869. He was with General Buck's surveying party, no o n 0 of whom lived to tell the tale. Two brothers, Jacob and Leopold J. Ungar, homesteaders in Madison county, seat of a brave little Jewish farm settlement of a dozen or more families, were frozen to death In • prairie blizzard, another hazard of the pioneer period, on January 19,1871. Working side by side with the sturdy first settlers, the vanguard of today's Jewish citizenry helped people the budding townships and build up their commercial enterprise; helped shape the laws nnd the destiny of the commonwealth which Is now Nebraska; In srrmllcr numbers, helped brenk the soli for its agricultural supremacy today; and In tho late wnr, their descendants, augmented by newer arrivals, did their part too, for tho common cause. Edward Rosewntrr founded The Omaha Bee, perhnrn the most powerful Influence In the development of this state; hi.i brother Andrew helped build the Union Pacific and branching railroads, a potent factor In the progress of the whole Western empire, and laid out the street plan and sewerage system of Omaha. Dr. Carl Ernest Louis Goldini;, n young German, was one of tho earliest phyiician.i In the territory, practicing medicine together with Indian trading at Plattsmouth, as early as 185G; Meyer IMIman nnd Aaron Cahn built up the largest mercantile establishment of territorial days, a claim to which the Brondels Stores today succeed. A Jewish youth, Harry B. Ziman, was mayor' of the metropolis, Omaha, -while still In his twenties. And today the Jewish group numbers business and professional men and women, philanthropists nnd . social workers, students and those in civic and political Jifc make a distinct contribution to the state in which they live. Earliest Jewish settlers who came to seek their fortunes In the new territory were chiefly of German, Austrian or Bohemian origin, refugees from the European conditions of tho late (1800) '40's and '50's, who were lured westward by the boom due to the building of thn Union Pacific Railroad, and the Homestead Law. The vanguard Included Lewis and Henry Wessel who came up the Missouri Kiver from S t Louis in 1855 and settled in Nebraska City; Dr. Goldlng of Platlsmouth, In 1856, and September 7, the same year, the first family group, including- Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Kahn idaler Cnhn) and their sniall son, and Mrs. Calm's brother, Meyer Hellman, v/ho settled in Omaha. For seven years, this little group constituted the only family of Jews in Omaha. In 18C3 they were Joined by that dynamic little i;entlem.in, Edward Tlosewatcr, who played n distinguished role in Republican politics and the development, nf Nebraska. When he died in VM>, bitter foes of his political career acknowledged that Edward

F*fe Three

Kdltor'H Note: This Is the second and final article, of a series by JTA'M correspondent In Germany analyzing tho Iuruel-Gcrman reparations pact a year after it went Into effect. I D this article, Mr. Miller reviews German performance to date anil the prospects for tho future.

Greenberg Heads Monsky Lodge

Regional Meet Of JWVJunel3


New Temple

Pipelines and Productivity


Hoberman-Cooper Wedding At Beth E! Synagogue Sun. Miss Audrey Jean Ilobcrman, daughter of Mr.- and Mrs. David • Hobermaji, and Harvey Lee Cooper, son of Mrs. Sarah Cooper were married Sunday evening in Beth £1 Synagogue. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke and Cantor Aaron I. Edgar officiated at the 6 p , m. ceremony. The bride wjire a Mindelle origi nal of slik faille. Applique trimmed the illusion yoke which was embroidered with sequins and pearls. The side-draped skirt fell into ah aisle-wide train. A pearlized half-hat trimmed with sequins held the bride's illusion veil and she carried orchids and streamers of stephanotis. The bridegroom's sister, Miss Diane Cooper, was maid of honor. She wore a ballerina-length gown of mauve cryitallette and tulle With pink Jeweled tiara. Bridesmaids, the Misses Josephine Margolin, Dorothy Geffen, Judy Grcenberg and Phyllis Potash, were gowned in pink. Attendants carried baskets of snapdragons and sweetpean. Best man was Gerald Hoberman, brother of the bride. Ushers Mn. Harvey Lee Cooper were Harold Grossman of Grand Island, Neb.; Norman Rubadc, Donald Hoberman and Lawrence Hoberman, the latter a brother of the bride. >. The bride's mother wore a ftu-| dolph gown of Pacific blue and the bridegroom's mother chose a gown At the last Omaha Chapter Haof silk taffeta in a rose-bclgo shade. dassah meeting,'a certificate was After a dinner and reception .at presented to Mrs. Boris Korney in the Blackstonc Hotel, the couple behalf of (he family of the late left for a trip to Minnesota. Mrs. Anna Segal Olonder. It was made possible by the bequest of Mrs. Olander to Omaha Chapter Hadassah, and her name will be permanently inscribed on The Wall of Healing In the new The regular June meeting of Ep- Hadassah Medical Center nqw bestein-Morgan Post No. 260 of JWV ing buUt outside the City of Jerhas been changed to Tuesday, June usalem in Israel. Mrs. J. Harry - 15. This meeting wiil honor Coun- Kulakofsky made the presentation. cil Bluffs members of the Post and Mrs. Olander was the sister of all eligible Council Bluffs men ore Mrs. Korny and the aunt of Mrs. invjted to this meeting. AssignLeo Waxenberg and Mrs. Albert » " ment of 'parts and final plans for , " JWVs Centennial Program will be Steinberg, Also at this meeting Mrs. Mormade. ^ ris M. Franklin, President of OmaCommander Abe Miller has been ha Chapter Hadassah, presented elected Delegate to the fifth rc- past presidents pins to Miss "glonal meeting to be held at St. Evelyn Levy, outgoing: president of Paul, Minn., July 2, 3, and 4. Max i the Business and Professional ' Xanner was elected Alternate, I Women of Omaha Chapter, Ha' Epstein-Morgan Post No. 260, JWV of USA,' paid tribute to its dassah and to Mrs. Meyer N. Rubdeparted comrade* in an impres- in outgoing president of the Theosive Memorial Day Service at the. dor Herzl Group of Omaha Chap-' ' graveside of the Posfs First Com- ter Hadassah. -jnanderTDr. Jacob Erman. OD -Paul Crounse was in charge of the , program and the Commander's Charge was read by Commander Abe S. MiUer and ND Chief of Staff Max Kanner. Rabbi Bsnja^Vienna (JTA)—The question of :-. jiilriGroiier of.Beth, Israel Syna- overhauling Austrian individual :.; gogue led the prayer services and restitution legislation to remove gave the principal address. Roll discriminatory provisions injurious call of.the departed comrades was to victims of the Nazis will bo the : toy Past Commanders Ed Beldncr first point discussed here when.thc .-'andiNate Warciis. Dr. J, Milton Austro-Jewish talks on the Jew• ••Margolin:decorated the grave. The 'Memorial Prayer was chanted by ish 'demands for restitution got :'•; Cantor\ Eli Kagan of Beth Israel under way after a deadlock which .Synagogue. Kaddish was said by began early last Summer. After this point, the Austrian /Aaron Shafef,a Charter member y of thr» Post^ Tho color guard In- Government representative!! nnd v eluded Milton Goldberg, Dave Du- negotiators for the Jewish Claims bin, Max Belgrade and Marvin Committee will discuss legislative •JJerristein; The firing squad con- measures dcsirncd to compensate sisted of Marvin Kaplan, William individual Jews for destroyed Abrahams, Art Salkinnnd Meyer ipartments, home; and furniture •; Kaplan. David ICavitch sounded und for confiscation of savings, ind to compensate communities . Taps. for destruction or "iei/ine of (,>na-..•,• Membcrn of tiie Epstein-Morgan l'(",':u(s, temf trrif s nnd other com-Post helped the Am?ricari Lecion , mun.'il property. The final point in its grave decoration program. j will be tin? negotiation of a lump ' Commander Al>? .Miller aided Ijy | wim seltlcment of claims for heir• Max Kannsr, William Abrahams, | I c . J< it.sh property, the mo-,t Paul Crcun.w, Nate Eil Bcldner I (iiffimlt <.ini;Ic problr m b'fore tlie participated in placin;; of flafrs and I nryoti.itors. . markers on the craves of the Jew- Ish veterans in Golden Mill, Pleas-ant Hill, ^lount Sinai and Fisiicr Farm Ccmoleries. Krif York- (JTA) — Thirteen Jewisii cadets will be in the fjrarjualinj: class of C31 at the United ' Washington (JTA)-The For- Slates Military Academy at West .#ign Operations Adminisfralion an- I'oint this yc'ir. There are nine . nounced authorization of $1,800,- Jewish middies in the graduating 000 worth of crude oil for Israel. class of R56 at the United States The oil will be shipped to Israel Naval Academy nt Annapolis. from the United States nnd its Rabbi Abraham J. Feldman, of possessions, Latin America, Aruba, Hartford, will deliver the bac' Curacao, and Trinidad. The FOA calaureate address for the Jewish . alsoannouced authorizations toral- graduating cadets at the Old Metrig $1200,000 toe commodities for morial Oinpel at West Point Juno 6. jin irrigation project in Israel.

Bequest Left To Hadassah

JWV Meeting Moved to June 15

Austria Resumes Restitution Talks

West Point Cadets •

Crude Oil

Friday, June 4, )OM


Page F e w

Recipes of The Week KAISIN CAKK Mrs. Dave Kpotrln 1 package riii-sms 2 c. water 2 c. sugar 1 small can crushed pineapple I c. nuts 1 Toil 1 t soda 2 t baking powder 4 c. flour 2 eggs Cook raisins in water and sugar and allow to boll for 20 minutes. Add a pinch of soda and allow to Mrs. Seymour Kaplan cool. Sift all dry ingredients and add to cooled mixture. Add pineapple juice then oil and beaten eggs. Add the rest of the; ingredients. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Bake in greased pan 8x12 for 20 minutes, turn oven down to 300 and bake Ihfrs. Seymour Kaplan was Infor 60 minutes. If glass pan is stalled as president of B'nai B'rith Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470, used line part with paper. at a luncheon meeting last Thursday in the Hlghgland West Club. POTATO iPCFFB . Mrs. Lester Carmel of Chicago, Hi*. Harold Zeilaalry 2 cups mashed potatoes (cold) treasurer of the Women's District Grand Lodge No. 6 of B'nai B'rith 1 -'egg beaten '. •• •:',•.• •..' was the installing officer. Other officers who were in' i teaspoon pepper .: H cup grated American cheese stalled/ are: Sidney Sneider, first This is a deep frying* method, vice-president; Harry Friedman, primarily for French Fryer. Com- second vice-president; Harry Sidbine all ingredients. Beat until man, third vice-president; Max well blended. Drop from table- Krizelman, treasurer; S i d n e y spoon into pre-heated shortening. Znelmer, financial secretary; Sam Fry. until brown.Drain puffs on Kalman, dues secretary; Rubin absorbent paper. ' '•:'...'•• Ratner, recording secretary; Bernard Goldstrom. corresponding secretary; Nathan Gitnick, sentinel; Charles Stern, historian; Charles Fisher, guardian; George Conn, trustee; Harry Smith, trustee and Ben Blalt, trustee. Mrs. David Wine was elected president of Kaclimah Chapter of Pioneer Women nt the final meeting of the year held Thursday, May 27, at the home of Mrs. Bon Wine. Opening program of Omaha's Other officers elected are: Mrs. Ray Corey, first vice-president, Contennifil Theme Outer in TurnMoctzct Hnpoalot; Mrs. Abe Hear, er Park, Saturday evening. June 5, second vice-president, membership will feature the 60-voice Woodmen chairman; Mrs. Ben Kaplan, third of the World Life Insurance Sovice-president, program chairman; ciety's Chorus on the eve of -the Mrs. Bernard Kaufman, recording society's 64th anniversary. The program also will feature secretary; Mrs. Alvin GorodeUer, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Dan the Kernels Quartet and Karhl Wayne, violinist and versatile enGordman, financial secretary; Mrs, Richard- Splegnl, treasurer; Mrs. tertainer. LyleDcMoss, of teleMoc Kagan, historian and Mrs. vision station WOW-TV, will be master of ceremonies. Elizabeth Doris Sherman, publicity. Installation of officers, Member- Wcsterfield and June Smith are ship, and Donor luncheon will be piano accompanists for the chorus. held June IS. Time and place will Farrar NeWbcrry, president of the Woodmen of the World, will conbe announced later. gratulate Omahir- on its JOOth birthday. . ; ' • • •

Mrs. Kaplan Heads Monsky Chapter

• . . M

- t . - j s j a i t : - : : - ,


. - • • • - • • ; , ; • . • - • • ; . . • • : • .

Omaha Sketches Mrs. Al« Kntskee recently rclunif.'d from a two-week visit in Kansas City, Mo., where she attended the installation of her daughter, Mm. John Mason at Executive Vicc-PrcsWcnt of Ha* dafisah Group 2. She also attended the installation of her granddaughter, Miss Lea Mason who was* uv (tailed ai the Regional President of the Junior Hadasjah Southwest ncslon. Her other granddaughter, Miss Rosellc Mann, was Installed a» President of the. Kansas City Unit of Junior Hadassah. Mr. and Mm. Alex Meirovltz of Minneapolis, Minn., were weekend guests at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Coopkr. Mrs. Meirovltz it the former Sarah Cooper. __ ' • : Mrs. Jules Wall, the formerMarion Katleman, is returning home to Lot Angeles, Calif., after visiting with her family here. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Blumbcrg of Philadelphia are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bear, They arc also visiting their daughter and son-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. David Bear. Hedy Lamarr w r i t e s front Texas: "The better a woman looks . . . the longer a man does."— (JTA) i

Mrs. David Wine Kadimah Prexy

Opening Program At Theme Center

ADL Director

Seymour H. Kaplan, director of the Anti-Defamation League regional office located in Omaha, spent the week at Camp Blde-AWee, near Wichita, Kan. The camp is operated by the Kamasa District YWCA. Rural youth from every sector of the stnte of Kansas were in attendance. Mr. Kaplan taught classes in "Cultural Pluralism In America" and in "Propaganda Techniques." He also conducted discussion groups in "The Nature of Prejudice "


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•3,^,^— ,.«y, £ J *


Friday, June 4, i

minim oHiflniiit'iriiii'ni •,',,

f a n Five

Federation Women Past Presidents Honored

Organizations i.iiu'i:nini[ii!!iiiiii,,in

The meeting date for the June meeting of the Epstein-Morgan Ladies Auxiliary No. 260, Jewish War Veterans has been changed from June 17 to Tuesday, June 13, in the Jewish Community Center < at 8 p. m. Mrs. Meyer Kaplan, Flag Day chalrmanr asks all members who are able to help with the Flag Day Sale to please contact her at WA 6202 or to report to the headquarters at the Fontenelle Hotel any time "on' June M. Anyone may .-work at -any hourvconvenient to herself.-". . The Auxiliary held Memorial Day Services at the graveside of the law Mrs. Lena.Shafor, a charter member, at the Golden Hill . Cemetery Sunday, May 30.

Pioneer Women '. The Pioneer Womeifs Organization will hold its last meeting of the season 1 p. m., Wednesday, . June 9 In the Jewish Community Center. , Mrs. Sam Novak, chairman of , Israel shower committee, will give her report at the luncheon meet.



JWV Auxiliary


Elections of officers will be held and all members are urged to at-'


. Mn. H. Richlin and Mrs. Sam. .Novak are in charge of arrangement*. , )

Council Women . A-meeting of newly elected officers and directors of the Omaha .Section, National Council of Jcw.Ish-Women, was held At the home of Mrs. Harry Stoler. president, June 2, at 1 p. m. Among those present were: Mrs. Albert Gaer, social welfare vice-president, and Mrs. Harry Welnberg, correspondtag secretary,. Other officers are

vice-presidents, Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, ways and means; Mrs, Ed Gilbert, education; Mrs. Jerold Rosen, public relations; Mrs. Leonard Kulakofsky, membership; due secretaries, Mrs. Samuel Zacharia and Mrs. Edward D. Brodkey; recording secretary, Mrs. Harry Haykin; treasurer, Mrs. Abe Bear; budget secretary, Mrs. Norman Hahn; parliamentarian, Mrs. Ernest A. Nogg; auditor, Mrs. I. H. Welner; directors, Mrs. Louis Katz, Mrs. Edward Levinson, Mrs. Harold Farbcr and Mrs. Sidney Brooks. Plans were for the coming year. The summer board meeting will be held later this month,

Chesed Shel Ernes The annual meeting of the Chesed Shcl Ernes Society will be held Monday, June 7, at 2 p. m, in the Chesed Shel Ernes Building, ^912 Cumlng Street I t is important that all members attend. -,

Bikur ChoUm The annual luncheon and "card party of the Bikur Chollm Society will be held Monday, June 14 at 1 p. m. In the Jewish Community Center. All members and friends are urged to attend and support this worthy cause.

Buried Rings Munich (JTA)—Wlulc playing In a forest n e a r Rottalmuonstcr, some youngsters dug up a rusty iron strong box filled to the brim with wedding bands, diamond Tines, gold watches and other valuables. Since all engravings arc In Hungarian, it Is believed that a concentration camp guard who had been In charge of Hungarian Jews hid his booty in this isolated spot


Jack W. Marer (left), first vice-president of the Federation for Jewish Service, present* certificates of appreciation to past president* of Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs. (Second from left) Mrs. Harold P. Farbcr, Mrs. Morris Vcnger and Mrs.'Ernest Nogg. Be« story on page 1.

Lemmerman Heads Beldner Elected Group Workers Unit Nebr. Lodge Head

Mcrvin N. Lemmerman, Director of Education and Youth Activities of Temple Israel, was elected president of the Omaha Chapter of the American Association of Group Workers at the Annual Meeting of the group last week. _ •, The association Is the professional organization of social workers in the group work field, and Includes workers in various agencies such as YMCA's, YWCA's, settlement houses, neighborhood centers, Jewish Community Centers, churches and synagogues. Recently Mr. L e m m e r m a n served as chairman of the group's Group Work Institute, at which Professor Gladys Ryland of Tulone University wax the guest speaker.

Ed Beldner will be installed as •president of B'nal B'rlth Nebraska Lodge No. 1445 June 24 at Congregation of Israe) Synagogue, 25th and J Streets. Other newly elected officers arc: Marvin Kaplan, first vicepresident; Wllheim Stone, second vice-president; Al Hoffman, treasurer; Phi^ Kutlcr, financial socretaxy; Abe Knslow, recording secretary, and David Blelchcr, chaplain. Trustees are Sol Martin, Harold Slegel and Abe Bear. The Nebraska Lodge was presented its charter in 1940 by the late Henry Monsky and Philip Klutznick then president of disEd Wynn commented to us: trict No. 6. The lodge is entering "Women have cleaner minds than its 15th year of service. men probably because they change Patronize Our Advertisers them more often."—-(JTAJ

Climaxing a year of outstanding achievement scholastically and sjO« dully Sigma Alpha Mu'gave reo ognltion to exceptional, individuals at the annual Senior-Council Stag, Sol Stlss, representing the Court* cil, awarded the Rosenberg Scholarship Trophy for the 'highest' average to Marv Friedman of Lincoln, who had an 8,5 average in :the College of Arts and Sciences. Mnrv, who is a member of the Innocents Society, also received the trophy for campus activities. Tho Best Speaker Trophy was given; to Marvin Breslow of Lincoln. There were three freshman, awards given. Alan Hceger of Omaha received the Pledge Scholarship Trophy for the highest average in the pledge class. Norman Krivosha of Lincoln was presented with the Freshman Activities Trophy for his ^participation In extra-curricular activities, and Gerald Colnic of Omaha was awarded the Best Pledge Trophy, by his predecessor, Norm Shyken. In a somewhat lighter vein Jerry Spitzer, the past Prior, also gave proper recognition to members. The Spitzer-SUverman Bull Thrower Trophy was easily won by Nell linger of Chicago, and the Silverman-Spitzer Best D r i v e r Trophy was given to Morse Weisgurt of Lincoln. Since he is graduating this year, Jerry Spitzer gave the trophies to the house to be perpetuated and awarded by future councils.

'Swiss Communities , B e r n e , Switzerland (JTA) — Plans for the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Federation of Swiss Jewish Communities were announced here. The federation includes all com* munitles in the country? Both On thodox and Liberal. The federa« tion was first established to fight a law forbidding schechita, Jewish ritual slaughter.

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Youtti Council Doings

Bar andBas Mitzvah

Bl Graduates . Will Be Honored

Friday, June 4, 1951

Happy Birthday Bob Meyer Named Youth Group Head r~rlday, June 4

Ellen Jo Bemian, Miriam Joy The annual Beth Israel Schoo At the last V. S. Y. meeting the Frank, Raiidcll Susan Kagan, following officers were chosen: System graduation ceremonies wl Donald Kohn, Lloyd Eliot Roit- Hob Meyer, president; Shel KranU, - AZA WO. 1M On Friday evening. June 4, take place this Sunday afternoon stelir, June Kay Siegcl, Renee Lisa Sunday, the Centurymen will Beth Israel Synagogue, a Croup vice-president;- Bunny Ravitz, reJune 6, at 2:30 p. m. in the Bet Sloan, and June Zneimer. cording secretary; Dianno Fellhold their last tegular meeting of Bas Mitzvah will be celebrated. I s r a e l Synagogue, 52nd a n SuturUity, Juno 5 man, corresponding s e c r e t a r y ; ' t h e year at the home of Howard The young girls taking part Lyne Marcia Beldner. Charles Sts. Rabbi Matthew M event are: Murray Rose, treasurer; Fyllls Ru' Kaslow. At the meeting, Important this Sunday, June G Beverly .Sharon Bloom, dnughte; Polakoff, Talmud Torah chairman blnow. reporter; Dcanne Marko. convention detail* will be dta- f Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bloom. Itonl Aylat, ltobert Alan Batt, vib:, historian; and sgts.-at-arms, will open the graduation cere- France- Lee Krmann, Stephen eussed. Marvin Freedman and his Karen Renee Forbes, daughter Markovitz and Bradley Nichmonies. Mrs. Morris E. Kutli'r, Fisk, Lawrence Steven Hornstcin Kay ols. cultural committee have arranged of Mr. and Mrs. Irving J. Forbes. chairman of arrangement's, and Stewart Hurwitz. U. S. Yers who won scholarships a panel discussion for the affair. Marlene Dvora Friedman .daughMonday, Jiinn 7 welcome the parents and Mrs. Da to U. S, Y. camp in Minnesota are: The topic wilt deal with admitting ter of Mr. and Mrs. David Fried Murk M. Cohen, Doris Marie vid Friedman, president of Beth Bob Meyer, Gene Kohn, S h e l non-Jewish boys and girls Into the Colin nnd Linda Ann Orkow. Krantz, Lorraine Roltstcln, Bunny Israel P. T. A., will bring greet Tuesday, Juno 8 Youth. Council under unusual cir- Carole Sue Gomberg. daughtci and Dlanne Fellman. ings to the graduates. Joel Davis, Gordon Philip Katz Ravitz, cumstance*. Panel members win of Mr. and Mrs.' Abe Gomberg. Plans arc being made for a box nnd Kny Jeanlnc Konecky, Harriet Patricia Scfaloff, daught Beverly Goldberg, daughter ol lunch to be held for next year's be Pete Brodkey, Al Fortnan, Bob Wednesday, June 9 ter of Mr. and H n . Abe W. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Goldberg, Incoming Freshmen. Epstein and Kenny Freed. Schloff. class historian, will report on the Frances Adelle Cooperman, JoThe entire chapter Is very proud Judith Lee Wohlner, daughtei history of the graduating class and seph Jay Mlntz, Sonla Lee Rotho f their baseball team which last of Mr. and Mrs. Allen S. Wohlner. Judy Kutlcr will talk about the ac- kop and Yvonne Weinstock. Hebrew U. BuHding week won its first game, beating Thursday, Juno 10 complishments of the youth clubs. The parents of the participants Jerusalem (WNS)—The buildRayton B 14 to 5. The whole team Justin Charles Ravltz, son of Mr. Bonnie Boa Berger, Helena Faccontributed to the victory with extend a cordial invitation to all and Mrs. Harry Tlavitz, has been tor, John Arthur Laser, Judith lng of the new Hebrew University outstanding fielding and hitting. friendi and relatives to attend the elected class valondictorian and Lazer, Alvin Kewberg, Jeffrey campus in the Judcan HlUs in the service and the reception which western outskirts of Jerusalem will deliver the valedictory ad- Alan Osheroff and Thomas Ed- was begun following dedication will follow. dress. Sally Mae Freeman, daugh- ward Rosen. TIKVA8 AMI ceremonies. Six faculty buildings, ter of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freeman, Saturday night. May 29, T. A. hostels, a refectory for 600 stuStephen Flsk, son 'of Mr, and will present the clasa gift and Sara Youth Council letter held their installation d a n c e , Mrs. Stanley Flsk. will celebrate dents and a university library will DANCING m THE DARK, at the hi* Bar MItxvah Friday evening, Kaplan will accept the gift on berise on a boulder-strewn hllslde By Joan Knuiiie Fontenelto Hotel After a cokeUU June 4, in the new Temple Israel, half of the Beth Israel Talmud between the Rchavla and Bet Haparty at the home of Fayna Man- and Saturday morning, June 5, |n Torah. Feleda Friedman, daugh- CONCLAVE PLANNED kercn suburbs during the next few vitz. everyone gathered in the ball' the Auditorium of the Jewish ter of Mr. and Mrs. David Fried- Jean Cutler and • Judy Cohen years at a cost of $30,000,000. The have really done a terrific Job of man, chairman of the Junior Phiroom for the installation of the Community Center. . In his honor first year's work is expected to new TA officers. Those installed his parents will receive the con- lanthropic! committee, will make: planning this year's CONCLAVE. cost $1,500,000. The dance will reveal the King and her report. . were: Joan Krasne, president; gregation after both service*. About 2,000 students, the larg« Shirley Goodman, vice-president; Jerry Freedmany son of'Mr. and Queen of Merit, and the recipients cst enrollment in the Hebrew UniRosalie Cohen, secretary; Annette James Sophlr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hershal Freedman, will re- of the Covod Keys. It will be held versity's 29-yenr-old history, art Kosowsky, treasurer; Rita Katz- Mrs. Alfred Sophlr, will celebrate ceive one of the highest scouting June 10 at the Blackstone Hotel. now studying In over-crowded mon, sergeant-at-arms; Rose Lag- his Bar Mitzvah Friday evening, honors possible for a Jewish scout CABEEIt CONFERENCE dasaroom.1 In the four-story Franman, reporter: Leona Brown, his- June 1L and Saturday morning, He will receive the Ner Tamld Don't forget to attend the CA- dscan Terra Sancta College on torian; Ma tlee Katleman, youth June 12, In the new Temple Israel. scouting award. This ii the first REERS CONFERENCE June 22 King George Ave. By the end of In his honor his parent!will re- time that the Her Tamld award at 6 p. m. Admission is 50 cents. council representative, and Laurel the summer 500 men, It Is expect* Oruch. alternate. Dancing fol- ceive -the congregation after both has been earned by a Beth Israe NEW OFFICERS ed, will be employed in work on Scout. Dan Gordman, president of Congratulations to Joan Krasne, the new campus. The first build. lowed the installation. The dance services. the Beth Israel Men's Club and Shirley Goodman, Rosalie Cohen, ing to be erected will be the botawas planned by Rosalie Cohen and long acive in scouting, will make Annette Kosowsky, Ulta Katzman, ny Fayna Manvitz with the help of department's large auditorium, the presentation. IWso Lagman. LeOna Brown Mat- to be known as Canada Hall, their social program committees lee Katleman, and Laurel Oruch, respectively. T h e L Goldstein Scholarship which was sponsored by the CaFoundation Awards to the gradu new TA officers. nadian HndaK.';ah organization. Sunday night. May 30, the girls THANK YOU! atcs will be presented by Isadore held a slumber party at the home May I tnke this opportunity to AZA 1 and AZA 100 will play Goldstein who originated the schol of Rita Katzman. thank all of the club reporters who Israeli Lawyers Matlee Katleman, 16, daughter host to the Cornlielt Regional Con- arship foundation eight years nw have helped me so much during Jerusalem (WNS)—For the first vention June 13,14, and 15 here In and has continued to sponsor the of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Katleman, the past year. Being reporter of a imp nince the State of Israel was awards annually. was presented the Barbara 'Wise Omaha. club Is a pretty thankless job al121 Israeli lawyers wcro Highlighting the Omaha ConRabbi Benjamin Cironer will ad- though it sometimes takes hours of organized Paul Award for her outstanding clave will be some outstanding dress the graduates. His message your time. They have l>een: Jerry graduated here at a special cerecontribution to the club. vents. Golf and tennis will be Is entitled, "The Value of Torah.' 1'Vrer, Stan Fellman, Kenny Freed, mony at the Hebrew University. Justice Minister Dr. Pinchas Rosen played at the Highland green and Harry Sldman, president of the Marvin Freedman, Murray New- addressed t h c gathering. Prof. DKBKA DEBS Benson courts respectively. Beth Israel Congregation, will dis- man, Marty Green, Sandra Krizel- Benjamin Mn7.er, president of the Junior Xoung Judcans will be the guests of l*bka Deb and Tik- Softball at Carter Lake will be tribute the diplomas. Mrs. Isadore man, Ina Margolin, Sora Pepper, University, presided at the exercises. vas Ami at a tea June 20. Chair- played under tHfc lights of Boyd Elewitz, president of the Beth Is- Ilcno Sachs and Rose Lagman. man for the event from Debs is 'ark's fine diamonds. Finals will rael Sisterhood, will offer the ben cdiction. Janle Fcllman. A part of the pro- be matched at Hmwood park. gram will be a skit written by AZA tracksters will use Omaha A reception by the parents of Bonnie Haykin. At the tea Schol- University's track, which will also the graduates will be held in the the cite of the Mid-wcat AAU synagogue social hall immediately arships to Camps Tel Yehudahj-and following the graduation cereHerzl «nd to the National Young meet only a few days earlier. Judea' Convention will be an- Besides the usual convention ac- monies. All are cordially Invited, nounced, , .;• ;••-'. ••••»!•••. tivities, seminars with topics vital to attend. Suzanne Richards, past-presi- to teenagers will be held. These dent of Debs, has been* honored will be led by prominent Omahans. Startime' Conclave by being chosen to speak before The' traditional opening night Q**»a City, WlM»l»«ln-on lak* Tembiau 75 mlnulM from Chlcaa* Sixty-five graduating seniors at the mixer has chosen for its site at the Will Be Held June 10 fOR SUMMER BIST AND IICREATION Jewish Federation Baccalaureate beautiful Milter Park where a The 1954 Conclave, "Startlme," unique evening will be provided. • Ht Conditkxwd Dining Room and loung* services. will be held at the Blackstone One of the major attractions of • Two Magnificent lokei, floating Swimming Pool RAYIM Hotel, June 10, dance chairman • AS SWMMT Sport.-Priratt lBholt Golf Court* he year will top off the ConvenOn June 13, twenty Raylm (udy Conn nnd Jean Cutler an• Horwback Riding • Niflhil/ Donclng, Entertoinmirt. members will take part in the tion as each person attending the lounccd. The dance, beginning at Jewish Federation Pageant at the convention will also attend the ine and ending at twelve o'clock Centennial Theme Center. The College World Series. On Tuesday the continuance of losts $150 per couple or stag. play, "Roof and Blossom—A CenMembers of the three committury Story," will depict the history he new type convention will be ecs are: publicity—Muriel Green, •bserved with a stajj banquet of Omaha's Jewish pioneers. ilarahall Dcncnbcrg, Jerry Rosen The election of Dream Girl anil vhere a distinguished speaker will and Shirley Goodman; decorations new officers for the summer nnd e hoard. Hut girls don't worry—for after —Matlee Katleman, Lora Frankfall will take place June 16 and n, Rita Peltz, Sari Shultert and 17. Results of the two-day elec- he banquet, Alcphs and their >Iilie Meyer; program — Pamlc tion will be nnnounced Juno 19 at [ates will attend the colorful senillHTg, Larry Kpstein, Howard ormai dance. Rayim's Spring Formal. Also during the convention all Ka.slow, Peter Brodkey, Stan Prospects look good for a very e privileges afforded by Oina- IVidman nnd Gene Kohn. succMbful season for Rayim's A The King and Queen of Merit team. At present ilio team is in la's Centennial celebration will be vill be announced, and also next first place with an undefeated irovided. Learn to Relax at war's Youth Council . Officers All Oniahans who wish to re£l3record in tho Y. C. S o f t b a l l ?r for the Convention will have Cvcryonc Is invited to attend. League. ue opportunity to doso at a Prc'onvention rally next Wednesday Beth Israel to Hold Beth El Graduation iyht at the Center. ESTES, PARK, COLORADO Shavvoth Tuntime of the Community are X Modem Gueat Retort , . . small and personalized . . . Invited to attend Die Graduation The lieth Israel Youth Activities combining Western Hospitality and mountain Infonniillty. Services of Beth El Talmud Torah _ommitU.'e spokesman announces and the Beth El High School of hat a special fun time program We Feature . . . Jewish Studies to Iw held Shavuoth vill be hold for the children of the Gooid Food, Good Beds, Good Progrom, Good Company Eve, Sunday, Juno fi at 8:15 p, m. At their annual meeting May 21 Junior Congregation Monday and Seven students will he graduated he Omaha Workmens Loan As- Tuesday mornings, June 7 and 8 Fun-filled days await you at beautiful Peaceful Pines from the Talmud Torali and one ociatlon re-elected the following immediately following the Jr. Con- Sun-flUcd, nestled in vlrcln Rocky Mountain forest nnd only minutes from from the High School of Jewish fficcrs: Isadore Abramson, presl- gregation services nnd the lunchtown. lent; H. Cuss, vice-president; on program. Studies. ACCOMMODATIONS—Limited to only 24 pucsts fits into our Samuel Nahson, Director of rlaycr Frank, treasurer, and Har- Prizes will be awarded to the philosophy of 1'ersoiullud Attention to each Individual. ry Staenberg, secretary. Education, will present the classes, inncrs of the earno* and contests. KATES—$10 ond $12.50 per day . , . Family, special rates for v. and diplomas will be awarded by The following were elected to An. Max Greenfield, chairman ot children under 8 and 13. Dr. Morris Margolin, chairman of the Board of Directors: Ben Lln- he children's luncheon committee, the Bureau of Jewish Education. denbaum, Nathan Rcsnick, Harry innounced that a special Shavuoth For ReMrratloM Writ* or Fbo» Dr. A. G. Rlmmerman, chairman Rlchlin, Jacob Kaplan, Sol Dolgoff, ich will be served to the chilOf the Beth El School Board, will Ben Miroff, Max Frank and Abe Iren Monday nnd Tuesday. FesIA. H. Soglow—Peaceful Pines Resort present gifts to the graduates..A, Colin. vltics will start with the Jr. ESTKB PABK, COLORADO reception by parents of the H No mectin gwill be held June 7, ervicra at 10 o. m., Monday and uati-s will followe the service. due to the olwrvrmcr of .Shavuoth. l By J O M KnMH

Aza Chapters Regional Hosts



Workmen's Loon Re-Eiect Officers



• )


Friday, Juue 4, 10M

Religious News

With the Folks At Home

Gems °*


Beth El to Dedicate Memorial Plaques

Temple Israel to Hold Congregational Fete

I 1

The eighty-fourth annual meet* Bible and Talmud Contribution!! to llie Home Memorial Plaques will be dedi- ing of tho Congregation of Temple The Dr. Philip Sher Jowls) 7:34 1'. M. Cnn cated nt Beth El'Synagogue at Israel will be held In the new Tern* By DIt. FIHLir SIIER Home for the A|;«] gratefully ucShavuoth Yizkor Services, Tues- pie Tuesday evening, June 8, at 7, knowlcd/ies contributions received day, June 8. BETH ISRAEL o'clock. Louis E. Llpp, immediate during the months of April and »y Dr. I'lilllp Slier • Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cnilor May, from the following: Tho plaques were affixed to past president, is master of cere* Bible EU Kagnn, and the Ik-th Israc bronze memorial tablets during monies and Lloyd H. Bank, chaim Memorial Contributions A tranquil heart is the life of the past six months in commem- man of the Supper Club; is general Synagogue choir wili conduct la It The Barnes Bowline Team and the flesh; but envy is the rottenFriday evening cervices nt H p. ID sponsor in memory of Nathan Pitoration by their families. chairman for the dinner. Alfred ness of the Irenes. Sabbath morning services Ix'gin nt tell. The names of those whose me- S. Mayer, outgoing president of 8:30 a. m. Junior concrcRatfon The thoughtless come into pos Mrs. Janet Blank in memory of mory is honored arc: the Congregation, will be hoa* services stnrt at 10 a. m. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Gi- session of folly; but the prudenl Jacob Abramson, Louis Adler, ored, as will Mrs. Morton Hiller, are crowned with knowledge. Rabbi Groncr will conduct the linsky. The evil bow before the good, Vickl Leo Cohn, Harry Frankel, outgoing president of the Sister, Talmud class at 7 p. m.; Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Reuben II. Brown Ellas B. Friedman, Philip H. Gelmlncha will start at 7:30 p, m. in memory of Mendel Blank, Jere- and the wicked at the gates of fand, Leon Mendelson, Toby Mer- hood. Election of officers for the followed by Sholoshc S'euods and miah Spellman and A. B. Alpirin. the righteous. rlam, Rucbcn W. Natelson, Hilda coming year and of four Directors Maariv. Talmud Mr. and Mrs? Jay Cherniack in Elsenbcrg, Ohlln, Chaim David for a term of three years will take Rabbi Chlyyn said: "The Torah Plotkln, Rachel Goldlo Plotkln, place, Daily morning services begin at memory of Mrs. Charles Mock. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Crounsc In Itself is a trusted witness to testi- Geta Racusin Mnzlc, Herman 7 a. m.; daily afternoon services fy on behalf of Its students as to Racusin, Esther Rimmerman, Harmemory of Mendel Blank. begin at 7:45 p. m. «> Mrs. Maurice Gllinsky, Mliwnu who practices what he studies, and ry Rimmerman, Max Scllcow, BenSunday morning services begin jamin Shafton, Rcva Shafton, at 8:45 a. m. and is followed by kee, Wisconsin, In memory of who does not." Buenos Aires (JTA)—The for* Snid Raba: 'This Is what peo- Reva Shafton, Jeanne Louise Rabbi Groner's Bible Discussion Mother, Mrs. Morris Frelden tin mer Inauguration of the Chair foe Mother's Day. ple soy: A'zuz'for pleasure Is not Sherman, Arthur Smith and Clara Hebrew Language and Literature Class. The Youngsters of the Tails The Grodlnskys in memory of to be obtained, but a zuz for trou- B. Wolf. ' and Teffilin Club begin their servat Bueonos Aires University took ices at 8:30 a. m. Breakfast is Mendel Blank and A. B. Alpirin. ble can be cosily found." Families and friends of the de- place at ceremonies at the UniverMrs. Ben HandWr In'memory of Our Rabbis were taught that served at the conclusion of their for the following three persons parted memorialized at this serv- sity. Rabbi Amraro Blum, Chief _ •crvlecs. The Talmud Discussion Mendel Blank. Rabbi of this city was installed as Jewish Federation Staff in mem- the Holy One, praised be He, la- ice arc invited to attend. group, currenly studying the tracments dally—For him who has the Mrs. Morris Katleman Is chair- the first Professor of the chair. tate Sabbath meets every Tuesday ory of Mendel Blank. Mr. and Mrs.' Ben Kaslow In opportunity to .study the Torah man of the memorials committee, ~ At the ceremonies, Dr. Blum de» evening, 8:00 p. m., undpr the dillvercd a formal lecture on the Bi« every, day and does not; for him rection of the Rabbi and B. II. If. memory of Sam Rose. ble, He also took occasion to ao» Medical and Dental Advisory whose circumstances do not allow Synagogue, 19th and Burt, knowledge with thanks, that the. Committee of Federation for Jew- him to study but who, neverthechair was Created during the re* ish Services, in memory of Dr. less, does study; and for a chief Mrs. Sidney Snclder was elected SHAVUOTH SERVICES! Manuel Grodinsky. . ' of a - congregation who conducts president of Beth El Parents* glme of President Juan Peron. Dr. Blum recently visited the United Sunday night—7:30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs/Albert B. Newman himself haughtily towards; his, con- Teachers Association at a meeting States to tour American universiMonday—8:30 a. m., Mlncha at In memory of A. B. Alpirin. gregation. /'• • held in the synagogue social hall ties where chairs of Jewish and] Mr. and Mrs. David Orkow In Rabbi and Rabbi Chlyya upon Wednesday, May 26. . 7!30"p. m . ' • ' • ' • • '•' ' • Hebrew studies were in existence, coming to a city asked if there '/•••' Tuesday—8:30 a. m> and Mlncha memory Of Mrs. Charles Mock. Other newly elected officers are: Mr. and Mrs. David Rosenstock was a scholar there whom they Harold Perelman, vice-president; , 7 ; « 5 , p . m . ••••• • ' • ' - . , .•.-.• For Fine Tailoring Rabbi Benjamin Groncr will give in memory of Mrs. Charles Mock. could visit. They were told there Mrs. Irving Chudacoff, secretary, Employees of Fred Rosenstock was a scholar, but that he was and Eugene Rich, treasurer. the sermon and Cantor Ell Kagan Norman Marsh Company. In memory of M r s . blind. Said Chlyya to Rabbi: "you The nominations committee was will lead the prayers. Junior conMember Master Tailors and as dean remain here, so as not to made up of Mrs. Erwin Simon, gregation will meet at 10:00 a. m. Charles Mock. Cutters Association, Mr. and M H . Fred Rosenstock lower your dignity, and I will sec chairman, and Mrs. Joseph Guss In the Goldstein Memorial chapel London, England In memory of Sam Friedman, St. him." Rabbi, however, insisted and and Mrs. Maurice Sachs. on Monday and Tuesday. Custom Tailor to Ladles ft Men Louis, Mo.; A. B. Alpirin; Albert went with him. When they were ALTERATIONS Kohn, Shelbyville, Ind.; nnd Mrs. departing, the blind scholar said: 210 So. 20th JA 2422 TEMI'I.K ISKAKL Patronize Our Advertisers • Tcssyc Schoenfarben, Columbus, 'You have come to sec a counThe service this Sabbath eve- Ohio. tenance that can be seen, but canning will be, the first held In the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Z. Roscnfcld not sec. Therefore (my wish Is new Temple Israel at 70th nnd in memory of Mrs. Charles Mock. that), yc deserve to sec the counCass Streets. Services will start Dr. Philip Sher in memory of A. tenance which sees all but cannot promptly at 8 o'clock, nnd will be B. Alpirin nnd Mrs. Harry Dolgoff. be Been." Rabbi then said to Rabbi marked by placing the Torahs In Mr. and Mrs. Simon Shykcn In Chiyya: "I Ind I listened to you the Ark. Tlie officers of the Tern memory of Ynhrzcit for Mrs. Shy- not to visit him I would not have plc^vill assist Rabbi Ilrooks In this Iten's mother. received this blessing." ceremony. Also at thin service Blanche and I. B. Zimman in Stephen Fisk will celebrate his Bar memory of Mrs. Charles Mock. Mltzvnh and his parents will reHonor Contributions ceive tho congregation after the Mr. Louis J. Margolin in honor service. of 77th Birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Margolin The Student Council of the TemRegular Shabbos Mornlni; ServJceg will be held Saturday at 11:30 In honor of I*ouis Margolin's Birth- ple Israel Religious School this week passed on allocations of their o'clock in the auditorium of the ilay. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Newman in Keren Ami fund for the year. The J e w i s h Community C e n t e r . Stephen Fisk will assist Itabbl honor of Mrs. Louis Chcrnlack's Keren Ami (Fund of My People) Is the religious school's charity Brooks with the service. Mr. und 80th Birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vcret in hon- fund, which the students conMrs. Stanley Fisk will receive the congregation at an Once Shnbbat or of a speedy recovery of Mrs. tribute to each week. Jules M. Newman and Mr. Edward ' In tWIr son's honor. Susie Llpp, president of the Council and Confirmation Class Sunday evening at 8 o'clock the E. Brodkey. tirncral Contribution* student, nnnouneed that the CounFestival of Shavuoth will be obMrs. Louis Cherniack. cil adopted the formula of giving served by the Service of ConfirmaDr. Sam Welnsteln. 70 percent of its funds to the Jewtion. Rabbi Brooks will confirm ish Philanthropies of Omaha, since eight young people of the Congrethis Is the one united campaign of gation. In honor of the confirADMISSION: Adults, $1.75; Children, $1.00 the Jewish community. Twenty lnand«, their parents will receive per cent will go to other Jewish the congregation In the Social Hall agencies, and the remaining 10 immediately following the service*). percent to non-sectarlon agencies. . •.'SbAvouUi Service Registration of new pupils for In accord with this plan, a check Monday, May 7 at 11 a. m. in Beth El Talmud Torah for the fall for $350 will be turned over to the new Temple. term Is now underway. Children Philanthropies, nnd the balance AIR-CONDITIONING S EXCITING. LOCAL who will attend first grade in the will be distributed among 8 other BETH El. grade schools are invited to en- Jewish agencies, and 11 non-secServices will be held this eve- roll In class Aleph, which meets ning at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Mycr S. Sunday mornings and one after- tarian agencies. Earlier in tho year, students of Kripke will deliver the sermon. noon n week. Second graders are Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and "the asked to enroll in class Bet, which the school provided for the planting of 992 trees fii Israel through Beth El Synagogue Oiolr will ren- has the same schedule. Both of der the musical portion of the these pro-Talmud Torah classes the Jewish National Fund, as service. are conducted as a play school, part of their Tu B'Shvat observSabbath morning services will and give the children a running ance. The children also contributed begin at 8:45 a. m. Junior Con- ;tart for Talmud Torah. , o the Jewish Braille Institute of America nt Chanuko time, to help KKFSAUYOUDO... gregation services at 10:45 a, m. Children eight years old and Mincha-Manrlv cervices will start older will be registered In the reg- bring the light of Judaism into the at 7:30 p. m. Dally services are ular Talmud Torah, which meets dark world in which their sifjhtlcsa young Jewish brothers and sisters held each week day at 7 a. m. and in three sessions each week. live. 7 P- m. The Sunday morning servParents are urged to register Other projects of the Student ice is at 9 a. m. their children now so that they • A FREE VACATION for Shavuoth Eve services will be may bo advised of their schedule Council this year were the Junior l h Chanuko Party, assistance held Sunday, June G, at 8:15 p. m., of classes before school opens in two In Cool Brtezewith the .school's Purim Carnival, at which time the Talmud Torah September. Swept San Francisco and High School of Jewish Studies Registration may IK? made by and a new School Newspaper Graduation Services will abio be mall, or by calling GLendale 3221, called "HA-SEFER." held. Shavuoth cervices will be the Synagogue office, or to Sam- Other officers of the Council bcheld Monday, June 7, and Tuesday! uel Nahshon, Director of Educa- Ides Miss Lipp are Marcla Fogel, • A Room Atr-Conditlonor vice-president, and Tonl Kaplan, June 8, at 0 a. m. Memorial serv- lon. secretary. David Fogel, member of ices will be recited Tuesday mornInttallad tn Your Hem* the, faculty of the Religious ing. — or ono of utony wowkrfvt School, is student council advisor. Memorial Plaques, which have Monument Dedication additional prfioif been affixed to our Memorial TabMembers of the student council The family of the late Hurry and. lets since Shcmini Atzcreth, will Esther Rimmerman will dedicate are: Mnrcia Fogel and Ellen Gold•nd foil why you'd IIU bo dedicated at the Shavuoth Serv- monument/i In their momeroy 2 stein, Grade 5; Judy Friedman and I . ha»« • ( • • • AlrNo Obligation-Nothing to B*y~ Cona'lllomr. ices, Tuesday morning, June 8. p. m., Sunday, Juno 6, at Beth El Walter Wise, Grade 6; Judy Lazcr Entry Blanks art FREE and Dale Kasln, Grado 7; Martin Cemetery, 84th and L Streets. Milton Bcrle remarked over Rabbi Myer 3 . Kripke and Cantor Well and Tonl Kaplan, Grade 8; ' Gi;l Your Contest Enlry 6lonV a n d Dutnilt f r o m A n y coffee: T o learn about women, oron I. Edgar will officiate. Rcla- Judy Lewis and George BJalac, NEBRASKA-IOWA ELECTRICAL COUNCIL APPLIANCE DEAi-R ask the man who to owned by tvies and friends are Invited to at- Grade 9, and Susie Lipp and Sandra Fiedler, Grade 10. >: - * one."—(JTA) i . ) 4 tend. . • < • ? •/ •• '•

Hebrew Chair


Beth El P-TA ,

Religious School Of Temple Israel

FATHERS BRING YOUR HEIRS to Beth Israel Social H d l 1P.M.« SUNDAY, JUNE 13


\ A Pleasant Afternoon Promised to AU by Beth Israel Men's Club

Beth El Advance Registration





it's going to be this

4th of JULY


Friday, June 4, 1»M


Br Undy Pan)

Sports Spotlight

Expert Reports Israel Manpower Problem

Ily Illil Wolf (Copyright, 1054, JTA, Inc.)

New York (JTA)—Israel has a Ing new Immigrants Into the econgreat need to develop a long-range omy more effectively. He pointed out that it was "a serious error in There are certain things that manpower policy directed at im policy" to concentrate solely on don't make sense—like the glad proving the utilization of manpow- expanding natural resources while er in agriculture, industry and hand Hitler's one-time top boxer, other areas of the country's econ- devoting only a .small amount of Max Schmeling, is getting In the omy. It was emphasized today in attention "to Improving the qualUnited States. a report by Dr. Ell Ginzbcrg, re- ity of the human potential", Rayim A, with no regard for a showed' improvement with every It's a sure bet that many Jewish search director of the National "Israel's economic planning must game and will no doubt cause the sports fans throughout the coun- Manpower Council, who completed be focusscd on the achievement of previous unbeaten Independent top teams some "trouble before "team went on the rampage and long. Ken Freed, Centurymen try choked a bit as they swallowed a survey in Israel sponsored by viability, which implies the reducr ilapped a 27-9 defeat on their catcher led the batters with 3-4. the bitter pill of seeing Schmeling the V. S, Technical Cooperation tlon and eventual elimination of getting the man-about-town treat- Administration In cooperation with her large deficit of- foreign e x rivals. The Rayim hitter* were AZA 1A won from their B team the Israel Government., only able to mutter 11 hits off by the score ot 21-13. The B squad ment on his U. S. tour change," ha said, "The intelligent Some may say sports arc sports. pitcher Bob Kully but collected gave their dose rivals a close batand constructive use of her man15 walks and were safe on many- tie in the early Innings but were But that's not the way the Ger- Dr. Ginzbcrg, who is a profes- power resources is a necessary •at Columbia •rrora. Ed Belzer pitched a ten unable t o hit and field with the A man fighter and his boss looked sor of economics of Business, condition for the accomplishment School of Oils major economic objective. hitter* for the winners with good team. Meanwhile the Mother chap- at it back in their "good old days." Graduate warned In his findings that "only But it Is more. For Israel's future When Schmeling fought Joe control and was tough In the ter lads presented their popular through improvement In its effecpinches. Belzer aided his cause Coach Pave Belzer with a birth- Louis, it wasn't just battle In the tive human resources can Israel depends on her people." ring. .Schmeling was out to prove / 'with a grand slam home run In day appreciation gift Hitler's racial theories, and this ever hope t o solve Its pressing ecoNext week, AZA 1A will ge was no secret t o the sports-going nomic problems and provide a the 7th Inning. Tiny Rosen and 'their first serious test as they '. Speedy Zwelback hit for the dispublic. Number one rooter for sound base for a stable society." Tel Aviv (JTA) — The Jewish tackle t h e ' Independents, while Max was a man named Adolph, tance for the Independents. Dr. Glnzbcrs/s report offers a Agency is discussing implementa' AZA 100 won their first game Rayim A will take on the improv- And when Louis made quick work program for improving manpower tion of plans for the Immigration of the season by beating the Rayim ing AZA 1O0A and the Rayim B of the German fighter, there were UUUzaUon in the fields of agrlcul- Jo Israel of 330,000 Jews front B squad, 13-4, behind southpaw and AZA I B teams will tangle in widespread cheers in this country, ture, industry, government and North Africa annually, S. Z. ShraRay Kirke. Joe Llp^n'i lads have a fight for the cellar. and the cheers were for more the' military with emphasis on gal, head of the Agencyyimmlgra: greater development of managerial Upn department, announced a t a than a ring knockout. But that didn't end the story. skills, improved civil, service con- meeting of the organization's ImSchmeling went back to Germany ditions and a more realistic agri- migration council. He reported that during his reand became one of Hitler's para- cultural settlement program. Its troopers. There were also charges specific recommendations In ma- cent visit t o various European jor areas are highlighted by these countries he had learned that there that he was connected with a Gersuggestions: are about 3,000 middle class Jews man concentration camp, This past year has found many Rosenblatt Rayim sophomore let- .Now we see him over here as 1. Agriculture — A recognition in a number of these countries .Youth Council boys participating tered as an inffelder and has two an hoonred guest and '.'bygones are that new immigrants cannot be who are ready to leave immediateJy for Israel If they are granted In sports at Central High school. years of competition left. WIdman, bygones," Mayors pump his hand ibsorbed in established agricul- certain' special conditions, Mr, a junior and Rosenblatt -will play and sports columnists write "good tural cooperatives but could be On top of the list Is Alan Rosen, a in Legion ball this summer. old days" stories about him. used as agricultural day laborers Shragi also criticized the suggessenior from Rayim and winner of Arc there any readers who lost which would enable them to live tion made recently by Assistant In track Milt Moskowitz, a the Pop Schmidt Trophy as the Rayim sophomore ran the 220 and relatives In the war? It would bo Jn larger communities and relieve, Secretary of State Henry Byroade outstanding track performer ot 440 yd. dashes white Howard Kas- interesting to hear what you think them of the burdens ot individual that Israel limit Its Immigration of a method of reassuring the Arab the year. Alan was also given hon- low, freshman from AZA KXhper- on the subject . . , farm management. states that Israel has -no expanorable mention on the inter-city, formed In freshman competition. 2. Industry—An awareness that sionist aims against them. The deadlines of a weekly sports adequate raw materials and other football team as a regular center. Central High's golf.' team finBernie Turkel, a member of the ished in second place losing to column arc too far apart to keep assistance must be provided for inup with the exploits of Cleveland Vouih Council basketball champs Benson lost week in inter-dty tar Al Rosen. Al has been run- lustriM with an export potential Jerusalem (WNS) —Israel's Inwas a fine tackle this past year on golf. Youth Council performers in ning away with himself. He hit to enable them t o utilize their manpower as efficiently as poseluded Dick Frank, captain of the the football team and was select- team, John Coldner, Speedy Zwel- eight home runs in eight days, he sible; greater emphasis on de- dustrial exports for the month of January, 1954, increased 70 per ed by the Lincoln Star paper as back and Bob Epstein. Frank. hit in some 1<1 consecutive games, veloping managerial nnil technical cent over similar exports for Jana member of their all-state team. Zweibnck and Kiwtein competed in and he Is once again top man in irowess not only in industry but u.iry, ]T>'i, it u.is reported. Totnl he American league. Al stood in Government also; a foremanBernie was -also given honorable the state meet which found Ccn r exports of nil kinds of good* (his tral finishing In 6th place in state second in batting with ..'i. >7, he led ihip of recruiting kfy technical Jjnu.iry cum- t-> $17.00U.0U0. Ismention in inter-city football. in runs batted In with .IS, and he competition. ml piofcisional foreign rtoivjnw'l rael's chief customer for industrial In basketball, Doug C o l i n , led In homers with II. By the time 3. Gmcrnment - M O P 1 continuity goods, exclusive of diamonds, durRayim sophomore was a first ,-ou read this, much more may n office for senior .idmini.stratorri ing tliis perio-J WHS Turkey, which string performer on the second ve hapiKMH'd . . . -vithin each Ministry antl cn-iitf.T bought -l.Vper cent of the total. team before illness forced him to In other baseball news, Sid Gor- wrdinntlon among them; greater Mn New York Israel Consul Ycquit for the season but Done rlon, now with Pittsburgh, finally •>e of lcMdmj; pm.ite citi/'-n-, o n , hud I I^vit s nd that Israel's exShould be a top performer on next loosened up one afternoon. He hit •).ut-tlmo commission find commit-1 |K>I-t in 1T>| w.,ik the highest since year's varsity. Freshman basketThis Sunday at 2 p. m. the (;irls two, more runs, one in each game >e asii|;nm»iits nnd wirier utlll/.i- the e.tiiblisliment of the Jewish ball players were Howard Vlpton and Jerry Rosen, who will be in the 6, 7 and 8th grades will )f a double header. Sid, who suf- tion of ipi'cial rtjnsiilt,nits from Stiti- in 1'IIS. Dhinonds, cut and battling for second team berths continue with their tennis Instruc- Tered an Injury, hasn't l>een seeing among people of competence out- polished, nre still Israel's highest luch acllon this season . . . side the Government; stricter con- expoit item to the United States, next year. Incidentally,' Conn, tions at Dewey Park under the diHurler Hcrsh Freeman U doing trol and selection of visitlnt; ex- he rlcclan-d Artistic, custom-built Rosen and Llpton are all all star rection of Beverly Peterson and performers in the Jay's midget Kay Talty, popular tennis instruc- well, with LouisviHe, In the Amer- perts; higher cull service silatl furniture is now being exported tors. All girls, interested arc in- can Aassoclation. The Boston Red league. 4. Military—Krplor.itlon of pov! from Isi.iel to this country for the vited and lessons are free. They Sox have an option on him. If he Elbillties of intci;r,itini: military j fir>t time, according to Mr. Lcvit.) . The two top Youth Coundl ath- are requested to bring tennis shoes continues a t his present stride, he " letes Ray Somberg and Stan Wid- and a racket. The lessons will con- may be brought up to the majors and civilian services and opera- ] tlons as a man[>owcr and equipman were stars of the Central high tinue until the end of school on gain . . . ment economy device; a rewew of baseball team. Both lads'were top June 13. Saul Rogovln, once a top pitcher the reserve system to avoid wasteUtters with Somberg at shortm the American League, Is now stop and WIdman left field. Steve AK-SAR-BEN n the International League with ful call-ups of skilled people; reconsideration of compulsory milthe Havana club . , . itary service for women "<it home point In the future" when "It Ls No decision is expected for sev- no loncer nccessury to maintain Cologne (JTA) — Assurances ral, weeks (although there is al- such a Inch lei el of defense readithat the Federal Indemnification ways room for surprises in) the New York (JTA)—"I nm con-Ifiw for individual victims of the ase of Nat Holmnn. Nat has ap- ness." Dr. Gln/beru also outlined a fldent that the friendship between Nazi regimes which have been ealed to the New York State our government and the State of stalled for nearly a year, would be Board of Education to reinstate series of sjwcific rcrumincnd,itinns Israel will continue uninterrupted- implemented within the next few im in his coaching post at the dealini; with the educational probly," Dr. Abba Hillol Silver told a months were given by Finance ity College .of-New York. The lems of tr-ilning piofessloiml Dnd United Jewish Appeal dinner here. Minister Dr. Krltz Schacffer In xiarrl heart! arguments by IIol- scientific manpower arid inteftr.it"There are people in the lower Uonn to Dr. Nahum Ooldmann, ian's ntlornoy and by attorney echelons of our .State Depart- chairman of the Conference on •r the Uo.ird of Higher Kducament," he said, "who are interest- Jewish Matr-rinl Claim-, Against I ion, which reversed tlie finding ed, if not in liquidating the State Germany, n" its trial committee ami fired 'lolman. of Israel, then in Isolating it, in Dr. Gnldmnnn said here he was . limiting it as to population, in con MEET ENDS Tim charges against Holman struetin^' it still further as to ter- satisfied with the results of the rew out of the basketball scanritory, and In weakening it in re- conferences to be held In Bonn als, but lie was absolved. Howwith Dr. Sehnoffcr and Prof. Ludlation to its Aral) neighbors by wig Chard the West German Min- ver, In an unusual nction, the giving arms to the latter. The ister for Economic Affairs. Dr dinfts were thrown out. No Racing on rash of recent speeches which Goidmnnn left for Berlin to con- Meanwhile, support continues to Sundays or Mondays emanated from some of these fer with the Mayor of West Beriotmt for Ifolman with more (f.ctpl Metdori, Mar I I & latySI quarters are indicative of this at- lin Dr. Walter Schreibcr, on a rominent persons making statetitude," he said. ents In his behalf. "built setlcment" of claims filed i$ good enough (or your Insisting that such a campaign by the Jewish Restitution Succesdear ones in Israel. Irving Berlin, back from Europe. would not succeed, Dr. Silver de- sor Organization for the recovery ctrtiticites Iron $3.03 clared that the anti-Israel forces of unclaimed or communal Jew- sited us: "Did "you hear about le composer of a Broadway show p i e t y : * trim J9JSQ !n the State Department have ish property in West Berlin. (Including Suit «»d Federal Ta>) •II food glat Kosher •ho wrote all his music In bed been encouraged not only by the LADIES'DAYS Such settlements have been con. It was sheet music!"—(JTA) Arab lobby in Washington, but TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS "by the oil lobby, the Friends of cluded with four states in the (Admbilon (or Ladles SSc) the Middle East and their Jewish American zone and with the cityauxiliary—the American Council state of Hamburg in the British NO CHILDREN ADMITTED zone. But In Berlin, negotiations for Judaism—and other pressure DON'T MISS T i l l Phonr 1A 1:4)6 to uutrt rour Want Ad groups." These, he noted, were the for a "bulk settlement" have been J10.000-ADDED AK-SAX-IEN The JrwUb I'rej*. HANDICAP JULY 5TH same forces which had opposed the hanging fire since 1951, Currrat rait u 60 crnli for each tnseran. Tr,« Treat reserve* (.&« right to Umlt ZM war in» IT, H. r. ti.». r. establishment of Israel, refused to >D e&cfi adverllKraeat. eo HMO • sum m i Ava" Gardner has her own philreconcile themselves t o Its existence and are now "doing their ut- osophy about women. Says Ava: An and Bas Mltzvah congratuLocal Agtirt "The best combination for a wommost to embarrass the State of lations; olso for all Jewish holiJIWISH COMMUNITY CEHTU Israel, to cripple it and, if possible, an, is an old head, a.young heart days and special occasions, and baby f«e."— (JTA) 101 H. 2 0 * St. JA 1 » t cycrt New* Stand, 1502 Dodge to destroy ..It,"

Rayim A Romps Past Independent Rivals

North Africans

Y. C. Boys Represented on Central High Athletic Teams

Exports Increase

Girls Tennis Clinic At Dewey Park

th. Silver Certain Of V. S. Friendship

Indemnification Law Assured


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