June 11, 1954

Page 1

vol. KAAII—Mo. W jifm, Omuia. Neoruk.. undci

Pubdibed «v«7 FrldAT, 101 N. Join, Omah«, Nebtuk*. fUoM )A 138«


UICCII copj 10 Ajinui/ K.U I Dollir»


'Root and Blossom—A* Si^iijii^^j§ip Seniors Named Day Camp Opens . To Honor Society Registration Eight Jewish seniors at Central x


• ' ' '

• H i g h School were among those named to the National Honor Society. They are: Suznnnc Richards, pait president of Debka Debs; Henry Pollack; Ben Rubin, member of Raylm; Ramon Somberg, president of Raylm; R i c h a r d F r a n k , past vice - president, of Raylm; Riehard Gllinsky, Lieutenant Colonel in Central's llOTC; Larry Schwartz, past president of AZA 1; and Larry Epstein, past -president of AZA 1. The Idea for the national honor Society was originated by the late J, G. Masters, former principal at ' Central. There are now over two / thousand chapters throughout the United States. , Choices are based on scholarship, cltLzenshlp a n d leadership and ape made by member* of the faculty,

Day camp announcements were mailed to parents this week. To avoid disappointment, please return registration card at once. Camp Season—4 weeks, June 28 through July 23. Days—Monday through Friday, 9 a. m. tq 4 p. m. Campsite—Peony Park. Fees—$10 per week: minimum registration is (or two* weck- period. Transportation — Chartered buses will pick up children at. these points: Beth El, 49th and Farnam. Beth Israel, 53rd and Charles. JCC, 20th and Dodge Streets. The fee includes a dally hot lunch; snack, transportation and insurance.

AZA Cornbelt Regional Conclave Opens Sunday Governor Rol>ert K. Crosby will address memlwrs attending the AZA Cornbclt Regional Convention here. Tho conclave sponsored by AZA Chapters one and 100 will open Sunlluy. Tin! three day gettogether will climax nearly"" three months of preparation nnd about 150 alephs ure expected to register, according to the roci.stratlon chairman, ""Beside the governor who will •peak at the banquet, other i;uest speakers nt st'iiu'iurs <ylll Include Milton .Ijiwls of the Urban I-ranue, Seymour Knplnn of the Anti-Defamation League, Mcrvin Lomniorman, Director of Temple Israel Religious Schools, Dr. I-oiila Yager a staff member of the Veterans.Hospital, nnd Dr. Harold Silver man. Dr. Silvcnnan will speak at . , a noon luncheon meeting on Tuesday. His topic Is "Opportunities for Youth In the Atomic Age." He will also conduct a seminar at 2 p. m., Tuesday on "How to Choose a Future." . • pr. Sllvcrman Is veteran of World War II, having served on active duty for three years with the Air,Forces as a psychologist. He Is a graduate of the Adjutant General's School. He holds nr. A. B. degree from Queens College and a Doctor of'Education decree from Washington University. For the past six years he hai directed B'nal B'rith's Group Vocational ' Program In St. Louis. Convention co-chairmen, Howard Kaslow, Larry Schwartz and Larry Epstein announced the convention will formally begin at 9 " o'clock Sunday morning and end Tuesday at 3:30 p. m. Ateph* and their escorts will arrive from Sioux City, Des Molnes. Port Dodge, Marshalltown and neighboring Iowa cities. AZA members from Lincoln, Sioux Falls and Huron will also be In attendance. , ' Highlighting the conclave will be tho governor's speech! attendeneo at the final College World Series at Municipal Stadium Monday night; a dance to be held at ' the Music Box; seminars with outstanding speakers; election of the tew regional A'eph Godol and othVe officers for the coming year; presentation of nwerds of the best ail-convention athlete, the beat Chapter, the best newspaper and the All Star team. Committee members from AZA No. 1 and 100 who helped in tho preparations for the conclave arc: Frank Berg, athletic; Dob Epstein,

Costumed Pageant to Be Shown Sunday at Centennial Center "JRootand Blossom—A Century Story" a costumed pageant of Jew* ish life in Omaha and in the Unit* * ed States will be presented by tho Federation of Jewish Service, 8:39 p. m., Sunday, June 13, jit tho Centennial Theme Center in -Turn* cr Park, 30th and Douglas Streets. Mayor John Rosenblatt will be on hand to greet members of the clergy. The pageant, written by. M n , Myer S. Krlpkc, has democracy lii action as its theme. The opening scenes portray the struggle for tha rights of citizenship by early Jewish settlers in Nert Amsterdam nfter they left the old world In search for freedom. The -story shifts to the heart of our continent telling of establishment of the first Jewish home here, and the building of the frontier town.. The action flows to the establishment of the Jewish communal projects when the needs for re* Ilgious education, social Institutions and houses of worship were realized. Two direct descendants of Omaha pioneers will play the roles of , their relatives. Note Mantel jylU Member* of tins cast of "Itoot and UloHsom"—A Century Story." portray his great uncle the late Julius Meyer, who was an Indian Seated at tlio piano In MISH Arlcne Clirintenson; standing from left to right nr"—Morr-y I,nmlntnn who plays tho part of Assor Levy, trader and Interpreter. J. L. Rosenthal will play the part of his Mrrt. Maurice Suclm and MI-H. Hryin<>ur <»<d(lntnn, ploiirfr uonu'ii. great uncle, tho late Edward Rosewater, founder of the Omaha Bco nnd early pioneer. Other descendants bf early Nebraska settlers In* elude: Mrs. Morris Jacobs, Mrs. Harry Cohen, Mrs. Juy Cherniack, Lcsom Baer, Milton Abrahams, Mrs. Rita Gilbert, Miss Lena Ronfold, Mrs. Hattic Mantel,' Mrs. Dr. Abe Grtenberg, prominent Milton Livingston, Mrs. Leo Ros* communal leader, has nccepted the enthul and son Jay t Mrs. I. Rosen* ' chairmanship for 1954-55 of the thalf Mrs. Stanley Rosewator, EdOmaha Committee for State of Is ward Abrahams nnd Leo Ungar of racl Bonds, it was announced this Council Bluffs. week by Morton Richards, retiring A cast of 140 persons will parchairman. Dr. Greenberg will aiticipate. A running background of —. rcct the campaign for (Israel's secmusic will be supplied by the Cenond Bond Issue—the Development Issue, tennial orchestra and Beth El Choir. Director of the pageant U New Issue Kendrick Wilson, of the Omaha The new/ ISBUC is expected to Community/Playhouse. provide a total of $75,000,000 in Centennial committee choirmert 1954 for the development and exInclude: casting, Mrs. Leon Marx; pansion of Israel's agriculture, incostumes, Mrs. David Fertll; tram* dustry and commerce. Omaha's portntion, Mrs. Paul Goldstein: reshare is 1200,000. Israel Developsearch, Mrs. Herman Auerbach; ment Bond campaigns arc being publicity, Mrs, Edward Levlnson; conducted in the United States, make-up, Mrs. Leon Schmldman; Canada, Latin America and Westfinance, Mrs. Samuel Wolf: music; ern Europe. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar; phoning," Dr. Greenberg is a member of Mrs. Louis Llpp; narrators, Mrs. the Supreme Lodge of B'nai IJ'rlth. Norman Whitman, Mrs. Sydney At last month's top echelon B'nal Hollis, Mrs. Seymour Goldston; B'rith conference I n - C h i c a g o , properties, Mrs. Lloyd Bank, Mr. which he attended, Philip KlutzHerbert Weil; cast party, Mi*. nick, national president, announced Milton Mayper, • assistant manthat B'nal B'rith had pledged itagers, Don Schoncnbaum, Elaine self to purchase seven and one-half Jabenls, Miriam Shrier. million dollars of Israel Bonds this No admission will be charged year. Sam Shalkewitz, National Vice and in case of rain the pageant Active In Community Commander of 5th Region, Jewish will be held Monday evening. Active for many years In com- War Veterans of the USA will atmunity endeavors. Dr. Greenlwrg tend the Iowa-Nebraska Departwas Philanthropies c a m p a i g n ment Meeting of Jewish War Vethalrman in 1951. He is second erans. The Epstein-Morgan Post vice-president of the Federation and Auxiliary of Omaha will be Contributions to the Red Feather or Jewish Service nnd is n man- host to the delegates of Sioux City ier of the Board of Beth Israel. nnd Des Moines, Iowa Post and campaign were converted into He was recently elected Chief of their Auxiliaries at tho meeting health, welfare and youth services to be held l'p. m., Sunday, June 13 for 65,000 people In the past year, Staff of the Lutheran Hospital, itresslng the success of the- first in the Omaha Chamber of Com- it was reported this week by Unit* Israel Independence I5ond Issue, ns merce club rooms, 2nd floor, Elks ed Community Services. Services were rendered by the evidenced "by more than 600,000 Club building, 18th and Dodgo 40 Red Feather agencies with help Americans who h a v e purchased Streets. Reports of posts nnd auxiliaries of $1,081,574 supplied by UCS, tliese Bonds," Mr. Richards assert...I.I_I. s t n g e , , thi> Community ed the need to maintain a stable nnd election of officers for the which ml democratic nation which will coming yenr will highlight this Chest drive. Federation for Jewish Service continue to strengthen the inter- meeting. All members of Epsteinests of tlie free world in the Mid- Morgan Post and the Auxiliary are received $54,050 of its $142,853 dle East." He stated under the Invited to attend. Arthur Kagin budget from the Chest. Funds "competent and devoted leadership of Des Molnes is the Department wcrp used by Jewish Family Servof Dr. Greonberg, rapid progress Commander of the Iowa-Nebras- ice in serving 117 families and 211 will be made in establishing the ka department. Abe S. Miller Li transients, and by the Center fit Israel Development Bond drive as Commander of EPSTEIN-MOR- a program used by 1,023 boys and girl*. •• •'••' GAN POST No. 2C0. (Continued on Page 4.)

Israel Bond Group

D*. Harold Hllverman awards; Art Schwartz, banquet; Steve Brookstcln and Tom Bromberg, mixer; Gary Gitnlck, lunch' cons; Jerry Ferer, party; Stan Wldmnn, dance; Mike Mogil and Jerry Kbseft, housing; Jack Orach, transportation; Howie Koopcr, and Marv Friedman, publicity: Marsh Donenly»rg, registration and Jean Cut'cr, dating and homing Convention advisors are Dave Belzer, Dave'Bear, Sam Epstein end Earl Siege).

Sunday Radio The Eternal Light under the auspices of the Jewish Theological Seminary will present "Bridge for Sarah" over WOWRadlo from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon. It is a dramatic version of the story of Dr. Max Goldstein, father of the St. Louis Institute for the deaf. The program Is based on the forthcoming book "Fruits of Freedom" written by Oscar Leonard. Ilabbl Aaron M. Wise, spiritual leader of the Valley Jewish Community Center and Temple in North Hollywood, will deliver a message. "Message of Israel" will be broadcast over KOIL fron) 10:05 to 10:30 a. m. Rabbi Julian Fclhelmnn of the Temple Sihal In New Orleans, La., will speak, '

JWVRegional\ Meet Sunday

Red Feather *' Contributions '



Friday, JUIIP 11, 1051

Livingston Elected Costume Search 11 President Many attics art; lieini;

^OmahaSketches J

runHcrlxMt Dt'iicnlKTC was |;rad.sacked till:? week for the l-\ derra a« MeoBd-cttn muter *l UDIUI, Mibrart*. uoacr tlic SCI «f Mareb 3. IBW. At the eighty-fourth aiinu. ft•uMenpllan, M.OO. AdverU*lDR i u t n oo Appucalkm. ation for Jewi.'h .Si-rvirf- I'aj;- uati'd finit in his class nt the (i.lrd meeting ut the Congregation I'd H I W H Jilut—loi ha. xom mitn, Opium, Hebr., jAcUon IMi. riw sbop xmrfn i nun BO. zsm slnn. eant "Hoot nnd lilo:^om — n anmiiil coinint.nctmcnt exercises Tuesday evening In the social ha Century Story" to be piv.scntcd ni Crci|;lnon University. Mr. DenHARRY HALPERT ..Editor of the new Temple. Milton S. Uv Sunday, June 13, at the 'Ilicnie t:nb<.'ii=r icceivetl a hacljelor of law Ings tun was elected president, A. Center .SUi(;e. Mrs. lien Silvers detrtc and tl>o senior prize, an cnH. Brodkey, vice-president; Rich furnished u n u m her of her gravciJ plu<iue, for the highest triennial average In law. He also ard if. lliller, secretary, nnd Har Kiandmijlher'b ilifsc;, anil li Us old P. Farber, treasurer. Electee 'Iliu well dressed jiionccr lady of was awarded a fellowship to Duke University's Graduate School of a century njjo won; whale boned to the Board of Directors for term of three years were: Lloyi: silks, Katins, taffetas, brociiilrs Law. and hand-made laeiu. llatihat] E. Bonk, Edwin E. Brodkey, Stew plenty of pluinniate and color. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cohn of Los art II. Gllinsky, *Louls E. Upp, Sturdy Early Settlers, Whose Heorism, Is Here Harry Perimeter and Lester SI Ani;cles, Calif., are visiting here with their children^ Mrs. Edward Recorded, Helped Build Commonwealth mon. Levinson, Mrs. Arthur Sherman This was a dinner meeting boo on the PlaUe ' ' and Ted.Cohn. " oring tha outgoing president, Al good* — a growing, tense of dvii fred 6. Mayer. ! By,B Miss AJyee L. Begman will b»* and communal responsibility mani Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks has an Friday, June 11 (Heprinted from December 23, tested itself. Two things took nounccd that the Temple offices honored Saturday at a dinner to Marshall Bernstein, Sherman be given by her parents, Mr. and MR efltfa* of t h e American place. How able to. do so, the early will be moved into their new quarBrodkey, Jerry Frecdman. Ellen Mrs. Dan W. .Begman at the Hebrew Magazine.) settlers bestirred themselves for ters soon. Marsha Fried, Robert Alan Gross. Blackstone Hotel. Miss Begman those Jess fortunate than them f' Larry Newman and Holly Marilyn wlU.be'graduated from the-Uru-. selves, The Associated J e w i s h Segal. versity of Nebraska's College of Most of the Jewish Immigrants Charities, a Jewish hospital and a free loan society were organised. • Saturday. Jus* I* Medicine. She served as secretary* engaged chirfly in merchandising Secondly, steps were .taken to preDlanne Denenbcrg. J a n i c e treasurer of the graduating close at tint, with packs on their tacks, Muriel Janger, 'Charles David Site plans to intern a t Cincinnati traversing hundreds of miles in all serve for their children the heritkinds of weather, on foot, or with age of Jewish culture by the or- At the Beth 13 Graduation Serv Katzman, Karen.Susan Rice. Lau- General Hospital. of the Omaha Hebrew ices'held Shavubth Eve,-Sunday, ra Suzanne Segal and .Stanley broken-down teams. Epics could ganization Institute, Young Men and Young Jilne 6, for the first time, out- Wczelman. ' ^ , be. written of the'hardship* they 'ftebrew Aivlif S. Milder, son of Mr. and Women's Associations, H e standing pupils were awarded flBBdsy, *«o» U endured because of their inability brew schools Mrs.' Leo Milder, is « member of and finally, the presprizes from the recently, estabto speak English, their strange ent-fine 1500,000 Community CenSte\«n Richard Bfoch. Bruce the graduating class of .United surroundings, poor roads, loneli- ter. Other group needs, such as lished Dr. Philip Sher Prizes in Wayne Goodman, Arnold Manvitz. State* Military Academy at Mftat '" ness and poverty, and the restrie- an Old People's- Home, a Labor Jewish Education. , Nancy Aim Stern and Linda Bar-Point He is a graduate of Central -' Awards were given to Miss Suz- bara Zalkln. High School. _ ' < > tkns of their religion in the mat- Ionjeum forum of the working anne Estrada, and Howard Wetaler Jf kosher food. In the«aseof man, a Jewish funeral home, MmiMf. «nae 14 berg, graduates of the Talmud single mm, away from homo ties newspaper,-Zionist dub and many Richard Fcllman, son of Dr. and Steven Bruce'Goodman, Elaine it resulted in many cases of inter- other social and benevolent ao- Torah; Sheldon , Rips and(Betty Sue Hess, Dorene Joyce Kraft, Mrs. Leon Felunnn, a freshman hi Ennsn. A prize' foriBest Attendmarriage with non-Jewtah gtris Wlic* came into being. ance In the Graduating Class, was Charlotte Luefschltz, Bruce Allan the College of Arts and Science* daughters of the farmers at whose MiUor, Philip Lee Jlaznick. Jimmy at the University of Nebraska was homesteads the peddlers put up First religious services date back awarded Steven Friedman. runner-up In tho Newsweek Spphlr and Marilyn Faye White, frizes were •warded by Mr. during bad weather, or daughters to 1868, as soon as "minyan" could Summer Working Awards Contest Tuesday, /une U •f small town merchants with be formed) but definite organiza- Samuel Nahshon. Director of EduHe received a sayings bond. Sharon' Lynn Cohen, Abrara tion did not take place until 1871 cation; Diplomas were presented whom they dealt. Mr. Fcllman sulmillted his ediwhen the Sons of Israel engaged by Dr. Morris Margolin, Chairman Factor, Robert Max Lipsey, Madc- torial thnt hnd been published in Many peddlers later set up smalt Rabbi Alexander Itosenspitx to of the Bureau (Of Jewish Educa- lyn Mlroff, Cory Richards. Shelly tho Nebmskan—the university's businesses in the towns where they confirm a class of seven children, tion. Somroer and Arnold Norman student paper. After starting as a were known prospered and made The "burying ground" society was Gifts to the Graduate* by, the Wointraub. reporter In the first semester of their influence felt in their com- organized in 1872. Two Orthodox Beth El Synagogue were presentWednesday, June 16 his freshman year, he is now copy munities, even though their names synagogues were organized in 1884 ed by Dr. A. G. Rimmerman, Allen Epstein, Deborah (Dcbby) editor of the publication. weve foreign and their speech not and 18S6 (though Orthodox serv- Chairman of the Beth El School Lee Kagan, Howard Nathan KapHis other school activities In* always flawless. They were elect- ices were held as early as 1881) Board. lan, Justin Harlcy Lewis and Kcvo elude: the university debate team, ed to town boards, ns mayors and and the B'nai B'rith lodge, in 1884 Shyken. a membership in ttudrrit council even members of the legislature. There are today (1927) a temple Thnrsday, JOMI IT nnd Zt-ta licln Tail fraternity. Among those who served in the nnd five synagogues in Omaha and Beth Ei School Gives 1 Darbara Rochelle Kutler an<l He t$i<K# the trial of Colonel State legislature in addition to temple and synanojiue in Lincoln. 'Krst Fruit to Home Louis Irving Wolfsoa Srhwahle the Marine flyer who Aaron Cahn (18G3); Edward Reneivas brain-washed by the comwater (1870-1 and later(; Dr. Hear And finally, tlie record would be The ancient ceremony of offermiini.sts ns his editorial subject <1875-9); Samuel N. Woibach incomplete without o tribute to ing the First Fruits (IJikkurim) he pioneer Jewish women like !r. FHhn.'in's editorial Judcmcnt (1885), mentioned nhove, w e r e was revived last Sunday (Shavuoth Bennett Goldsmith of West Point Mrs. Cahn an<l plrs. Rosewatcr, Eve) In the Beth El Sunday Friday, evening, June 11, and *'as upheld by the Naval court(1892); Martin Sugnrman and Ed- nto whose windows fierce-vixaged School. The Bikkurim were re- Saturday morning, June 12, Jnmes martial board who reinstated tho ward Simon of Omaha (1912-13) redskins pecked, as they rocked ceived by David Beber In behalf Sophlr, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Alfred coloneL f and Jacob Klein of Lincoln, in the their babes to sleep at night; and of the Dr. Philip Shcr Jewish Sophir, will celebrate his Bar Mitrsame year. Israel Gluck of Colum- Mrs. Solomon Altschuler, of the Home-for. the; Aged. A decorated Mr. and Mra. Paul Nerenberg, • bus was influential in state politics ill-fated Madison county farm set- altar was erected on the stage to ,'ah at the new Temple Israel". In ormerly of Omnlia, cilcbrated and credited with authorship of tlement, who drove an ox team 35 which class r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s Iris honor Mr. and Mrs. Sophir will Iheir Silver Wedding Anniversary the first occupation tax ordinance. miles to Columbus, a three-day brought decorated baskets of receive after both services. May 30 at their home in MontiMayors, beside Harry B. Zimman journey, to buy flour. When there fruits. Miss Jante Feilman opened bcllo, Calif. Many former Omnof Omaha, were Dr. Bear in Nor- was no flour, she used a coffee mill with the reading of Parashat Hahans were present -folk, Karl Kramer of Columbus to grind up the corn for the family Bikkurtn (Doit 26, M l ) , and Mr. and Mrs. Ncrenberg's son (he was also postmaster and presi- use. They were brave, uncomplain- MJss Nancy Buron led in ShaLee and his wife Pbyllss'llvc here. dent of the school board for more ing, aelf-effadng daughters of Is- vuoth and; Bikkurim songs, dam Their other son, Barry, resides In * than 40 years); Frederick Sonnen- rael, who broke borne ties antffol- 2A, under the direction of Philip Starting Monday, June 14 and MonUbello. ' • schein and Bennett Goldsmith in lowed their men to a new country, Alberts, presented a 'pantominc continuing through Thursday, June West Point; Joseph Sarbach in to suffer poverty, privation and play showjng the GIvuTg of the 24, the following schedule will be Fairbury; Joseph Einstein in Arnp- hard labor that this generation Toran, and. Mrs.' Brodkcys 3rd ;n effect: Roberta Resnlck, daughter of ahoe: Charles Loewcnthal inChad- and future generations of their Krade recited a'poem "UtUc ML Mr. and Mrs. Milton Resnlck, was Monday :ronj and R. Brody and H. D. Hor- descendants might; inherit their Slnal." The-signi/icancc of Shavfccted to t h e sophomore honor 9 to 10:45 a. m., Junior and Sen- society. witt in Winnebapo. near the Oma- portion of glorious America, "the uoth was explained by Rabbi KripShl-AI, a t the University . ha Indian reservation. Judges Rob- land of the free and the home of kc and Mr. Nahshon. Two films ors. of Illinois. Miss Rrsnlck w a s 10:45 to 12:30, Intermediate A graduated from Central High ert and Joseph Oberfcldcr of Sid- the brave.' ilealin« with human relations were nnd B, and Primary A. " ney were active in political life in School in 1953. She will return -. ihovin: "The Toymaker" and Tnetday the western part of the state. Robhome during the latter port of 'Skipper Learns a Lesson." 9 to 10:45 a. m.. Junior High he month. ert was U; S. Commissioner. •>,» School. Seniors and Gemora. Emanuei Stcinau of Hnstlnfts was Morton Ilesnlck recently visited "* ' 10:45 to 12:30, Primary B and county treasurer prior to 1882. s parents here. He ivpracucinji Beth Israel School ', and Secondary. law In Chicago. Mr. Resnick w a s Wednesday Advance, Registration The second wave' of Jewish imExecutive Board members of the from North« f cst«;m Unl9 to 10:45 a. m.. Junior and Sen- graduated migration, cmbrr.cini; Russians es- !pst«ln - Morgan Post No. 2C0, 'erslty's School of Law. ors. Applications for registrations caping from pogroms In eastern VVV of USA, launched the Vcter10:45 to 12:30 a. m.. Primary 13 Europe, started in 1881, after the ns Mnrch for Korea Thursday, for the school year beginning SepFoi-mer Omnhan, Thelma Ga«Kieff masr.ncro. These came in une1 3. Contributions may be tember, 195-1, nre ixrinE accepted and C and Secondary. ier Beach appenred ns violin sokv Tbareitay. large numbers1 and their letters n.'idt to nny memlxT of the execu- it the Beth Israel ReJI/jiou.1 t with the Los AnReles Philhar» School. There are classes from Pre9 to 10:-15 n. m.. Junior High home to Dim;* , rxtollinc the free- ;ive board or by calling William ionic Orchestra. She has been a dom, safely ond opportunities in \bnihams, AT MIR, or Abe S. Mil- ^Inflpr^artcn through the Hij^h School and Gemora cla-VJ. School level. Four-year-olds are 10:45 to 12:30, Primary B and member of the orchestra for a the new land, resulted in brin^inR - PI. 7!I71. umber of years. H e r parents, Mr, invited to join one of the pr<v C and Secondary. over countless kin during that deTlie regular meeting of the Eptnd Mrs. Georce Gasper who reHnder<;nrlf"n croups; nnd children cade nnd the next, and during the tein-Mnrunn EJo'jt will be held Friday cently moved to Los AnReles were .•vcn years of n^e may Join one early years of the present century- Tuesday, June 15, lit the Jewish 9 to 10 a. m.. Juniors, Seniors, More than i.000 Immigrants were Community Center at 8:15 p. m. if the Talmud Torah Primary unlor lll|;h School and Comora. >n hand to hear her perform. settled in Nebraska through the The change In the regular meeting :roups. The Beth Israel milk nnd She was nn outstanding stu10 to 11 o. m., Intermediate A program will bo available .nd B, Secondary. Industrial Removal and Immigrant ,te is made to honor Council :ookle lent and dnncer while nt Technical r Aid Society of New York, which ! Jluffs members of the local Post. or youni;';lers of the Talmud High School. She received a mas11 to 12 a. m., Primary A, B, functioned nf ter the Romanian The Jewish War Veterans salute Porah so that they can come di- nd C. ter's decree in music at the Rochatrocities of the late '90's. In an ef- i Omaha on its Centennial will rectly to their Hebrew classes The Sunday Morning Tails and ester School of Music. fort to relieve the congestion in ake place July 13 at the Theme from school. "effllin Minyan and Breakfast the port city. For further information call the Club will continue to meet at - 'trifp. Centennial Chairman BI Men's Outing The Jewish Agriculture Society, Max ICanncr announced. Sherman rtelij;lnus School office. ItE 628S. :30 a. m. too, made Jin effort to colonize in Lipslcin is in chnrtjc of writing the The Beth Israel Menu Club will Cherry County,.in 1908, Bending script for the program, and will be Osoff to Attend .old its first summer outing of Beth El Luncheon cut thirteen families, totaling 48 assisted by Paul Crounse- and Ed the season Saturday night nt 8 Hyman Osoff, president of the persons, but after n precarious ex- IJeldncr. All Beth El Talmud Tornh pupils '"dock at Elmwood Park. The afistence for several years, they disBen Finkclsteln has been ap- >maha Zionist District, will attend are requests] to come to Services alr will be a steak fry for oil posed of their land and moved to pointed picnic chairman. Date and leadership conference of the Cen- Saturday morning at 10:45 n. m. members of.the Mcns Club and the city. place of the picnic will be an- tral States of the Zionist Organi- and arc Invited to attend the their friends. There will be no adzation of America to be held Sun- uncheon which will follow. With the advent of the present nounced soon. mission charge and dessert and recentury, and a second generation JVC Marvin Kaplan, member- Iny, June 13, in Kansas City, Mo. Prizes will be awarded to the freshments will be served by the •f Jews, descendants of the thrifty ship chairman, reports that clean- Guest speaker will be Marvin Talmud Torah and Junior Choirs. dens Club. Jordan Logman and •pioneers who had by this time ac- up drive for members will surpass Lowenthal, eminent scholar, his- Awards will be given for regu- illlton Bclzcr are co-chnlrmcn for cumulated a little of the world's last year's total of ISO. i torian and foreign correspondent. larity of attendance. / :ho event. Pabasaea Every Friday by the Federation (or Jews* Service

Frontiersmen in the of Nebraska

Happy Birthday

Graduation at Betti El Schools

Bar Mifzvah

Beth IsraelTT Summer Schedule

JWV Launches Drive for Koreans


Friday, June 11, 1954


Mrs. Ferer Off to Brandeis Conclave

Tttt Three

the (raters heading for borne. y Marv Friedman of Lincoln received the Henry Monsky scholarMrs, David H. Fertil, chairman ship.- The award Is presented each of costumes for the Federation's spring to the outstanding, student Centennial P a g e a n t, wishes W Five Sammies reetlved degrees leader in relicioui uctivities at the thank the members of her commit* from the University of Nebraska university. tee. They are: Mines. Ben Kaain Lincoln Monday, They ore Joe Among,those who received com- low, Arthur H. Goldstein, Harry Kalm of Omaha, Ilaclielor of Sci- missions us second lieutenants in Itoionfeld, Leo Waxenberg, I. W. ence in Agriculture; Jerry Spltzcr tlK' United States Army weie Juc Kosenblatt, Maynard Greenberg, of Omaha, Bachelor of Science; Knhn and Jerry Spltzcr. lien Silver and Herman Auerbach. I-cirl M ircu'. of A' hland, }lv hclor of Science in lousiness Administration; Gerry Fellrnan of Omaha, PLAN YOUR NEXT DINNER PARTY IN OUR Bachelor of Science in Law; and' BEAUTIFUL NEW CAMEO ROOM Alan CJarfinklo of Leavenworth, Kanf!,, Uachelor of Science in Law COMPLETE DINNER MENU AND BAR SERVICE The end of final exams found

Thank You



Mrs. Ilyman I'erer, President of the Omaha Chapter of the National Wompn's Committee of Hrandela University, will leave Omnha Chapter Mizrachi Worn- Saturday, June 32 for Wallham, • en will hold their regular nicotine Muss., to attend the graduation "-. 8 t the Jewish Community Confer exercises and the Cth Annual ConWednesday, June ]G, which will be ference to IK1 held at the BrandcLs preceded by a dessert luncheon tit University campus. one o'clock. Delegates from H\ chapters, Election of officers will take representing approximately 41,000 place. Mrs, Max Arhitninn, chair- womnn throughout the nation will man of the nominating committee, nttend this eonfi-rencc, tho hij;hwill present the slate. li[;ht of which will bo a Symposium The program will begin nt 2:30 Tiu'f;day evening, June 15, on p, m. Helene and Roneo Franklin, "Education .in a F r c Society," Mr, P Ilirhaid , M i , Louis S.ibdaughters of Mr. and Mrs. Morris moderated by Dr. Abraham Su- rin, Mr:;. Harry Sidman, Mrs. J. Franklin, will prerent n panto- char, pr(';;idnnt of the university I^wis Siponn, Mrs Phil Smith. mime act. Movies will be rhown. Participants will loaturo tho fol- Mrs, Joe Sokolof, Mrs. M. Temin, lowing renowned cducitors: Dr Mrs. Jake' Wine, Mrs. Nate WelnThe following have purchased Max Lorner, Dr. Louis . Szilard. ntein, and Mrs. Allan Zalkln. trees to be planted in Israel: Arthur Berber and Dr, James All members and friends a r e Mrs. Lewis Gerelick and M i « Cunningham.. urged to attend this luncheon. ^ Fayc Gcrcllck, in honor of the 35th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Another feature of the confer. *Trn. Pave Fercr ol Los Angeles. ence will be the honorary degreed to be conferred on notables InTHE NAME Cnilf. cluding Mrs. Elennor Roosevelt Mrs. M. Brodkey, in honor of the and Senator Herbert Lehman. . IS MAGIC! . recovery of her son, Edward E. Brodkey, , I • • • MEET • • • f Mr. and Mr*. .William Welner, In memory of A. B .Alplm. • Mrs. Sol Nogg, in memory of Oscar Slutzky. „ . " Mrs. Jake Wine will be installed Messrs. and Weadame* Joel' T. AND DRIVE A fitewart, J. Aleck, D. L. Barber; as President of the Bikur Cholim . I* D. Dougherty, M. C. Flacki Art Society.'at their annual luncheon Grossman) O, H. Jensen; E. A. and card parly which will be held Nielsen; and C. E. Sergeant, in at 1 p . m . Monday, June 14, a t the Jewish Community Center. Other memory of Mrs. Harry Dolfioff. Mrs. Lewis Gcrcltck and Mrs. B. newly elected officers to he InGrossman have Joined the Donor stalled are: Mrs. Hurry Slrlmun, first vice - president; Mrs. Myer Luncheon Circle. They entertained Linda, second vice-president; Mrs. at then4 homes Thursday, June 3. Harry Llppctt, third vice-president; Mrs. Charles Ross, treasurer; Mrs. Wm. Epstein, flnanoclal secretary; Mrs. Jack Kalman, reThe Epstein-Morgan Ladles Aux- cording secretary, and Mrs. Louis iliary No. 260 of Jewish Wax Vet- Slporin, corresponding secretary, erans of U. S. will assist the Post Mrs. Lewis Nevcleff la Honorary No, 260 at the Iowa-Nebraska De- President. J. Harry Kulakofsky, partment1 meeting to'be held Sun- President of the Federation for day, June 13, at the Elks Club In Jewish Service, will Install the ofthe Chamber of Commerce Room ficers. at 1 p. m. Buffet supper will be One of the major projects of nerved followinr; the meeting. fiikur Cholim has been providing Tnc regular meelini: will be held of funds for Medical expenses a t June 15, at the Jewish Community tho Jewish Home for the Aged. Center at 8 p. m.. This will l>e the This luncheon under the co-chairlast reculnr mectlnc until Septem- manship of Mrs. Jake Wine and ber. A report of the Flaj: Day to Mrs. Harry Sidman is being, held be held June 11 will Iw Riven and primarily for the raising of funds plans for the summer picnic and for this project. Hostesses for this regional convention will be dis- luncheon are: Mrs. Klnar Abramcussed. Refreshments will be r»on, Mrs. J. Brown, Mrs. Abe Cohn, served, Mrs. M. G. Cohn. Mrs. Heine DelA party for the patients at the rogh, Mrs. Wm. Epstein, Mrs. Sam Veteran* Administration Hospital Freed, Mrs. Molllc Franklin, Mrs. was held Thursday, June 3. It was Ilose Frieden, Mrs. Ben Garrop, attended by Chairman Mrs. Meyer Mrs. Paul Goldberg. Mrs. J. GoodKaplan, Mrs. Abe Miller and Mrs,binder, Mrs. Sam Goodman, Mrs. Frank Cohn. BenJ. Groncr, Mrs. Jack Kalman, Them In need for volunteers to Mrs. C. Izenstatt, Mrs. Paul Katzhelp with the Flair Dny Sale. Any- man, Mrs. Ann Lehman, Mrs. Abe wise may uitiit for n« lone its film Krnntz. Mrs. Harry Llppcljv Mrs. wishes i»t any lime of the day. Myer Linda. Mrs. Dave Uiicoln. •:•' Contact Mm. Meyer Kaplan, rhnlr- Mrs. Lewis Neveleff, Mrs. Dave . man'at WA CZ02 nr report to the Parker, Mrs. Dave Itesnlck, Mrs. hearlmiartan nt the Fnntrnelle Chas. J^oss, Mrs. Max Shames, Hater June 14. Thin Is the major fund-ntitlni; event of the year— * ; ,'I«t'«make It a bit; mircew! Tren- JMtf ra are nuked to anhtt aba.

, Mizrachi

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'KcuUmah The membeshlp, donor, nnd installation of officers luncheon of Kadlmah chapter of Pioneer Women will be held at 1 p. m. Tuesday, June 35, at the Heel* Hotel. Pioneer women, Chapter I and Kndlmnh members arc cordially Invited to attend. Phone reservations to Mrs. Charles Guss, GL 8340, or Mrs, Bernard Kaufman, PL 72C5, at $1.50 per plate. Patronize Our Advertisers.



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I Fart Two


Ed Belzer's No Hitter Defeats AZA 100

ITridnv l u u 11 1 « i



Religious News

Friday, June 11, 1051 reach its target of $200,000, Dr, GrccnberB declared that it was critically important for the iK'ople (Continued from Page 1.) of Israel to IK; b;iclu-d up \iy inn ix'rmanent nnd into[;r;t! p.ut of vestment dollars, if th*iy were to the Omaha Jewish community." continue their program for ecoNriv Trend nomic growth, "iiy creating new "During tho period (if my chair- agricultural, industrial and com', manship of the Israel Hond Com- nuTcial projects, they have proved miltce," Richards ilecluri'd, "I have that economic strength is the most . been gratified to observe the foe- effective ansu er to threats, blockginning of a new economic trend ades nnd boycotts. ^ in Israel, with the now nation increasing its exports and cutting its I i w r t s . Tliis more favorable haliinco of trade is the result of the investment capital obtained from Israel Bonds. -Dunne the past 12 months, with Israel Ikind aid, Israel incre'ased the number and size of its industrial plants, which are producing more soft and hard goods than ever before; expanded its agricultural projects, which are greatly Improving food supplies, and accelerated the pace of its mineral'exploration and development."

Dr. Greenberg

7:38 I\ M. Ed Bclzer threw a nifty no Wt- There will be no Softball games tto run game against AZA 100 as next Sunday due to the AZA con BETH IHKAKL Itayim overpowered the Century- ventlon. Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor League Standings jnen 27-0. Belzer allowed three walks and some fine fielding by W. U Ell Kagan, and the Beth Israel Synagogue choir will conduct late .' 4 0 bis teammates helped out, es- AZA 1A 4 0 Friday evening services at 8 p. m. pecially a terrific glove hand catch Rayim A 2 2 Sabbath morning services begin at by first sacker Mike Solzman. Independent* .1 3 8:30 a. m. Junior congregation Rayim power hitters included Solz- AZA 100 1 3 services start at 10 a. m. " man. who had a perfect day with AZA IB Rabbi Groner will conduct the 0 4 (our slnglerand a three-run hom- tRayim B ' . . . ' . Talmud class at 7:15 p. m.; Saturer, Phil Schrager with three sinday Mincha will start at 7:45 p. m., gles and Tanny Horwtch with a followed by Sholoshe S'cuods and single and home run. Maariv. . AZA LA and Independents booked up in'a, slugfest and the 0LUB TABYAG Daily morning services begin at The next regular meeting of unbeaten lads from Mother chap7 a. in.; dally afternoon services Club Taryag will be held Sunday ter came through with a 24-17 evening, June 13th, from 6 to 7:30' begin at 7 5 0 p-tn. win. "Chub" Passer pitched for p. m. The annual Beth Israel Sunday morning services begin AZA 1 while Bob Kully and Har- Youth d u b Banquet to be held on at 8:45 a. m. and is followed by lan Noddle were on the mound for Wednesday, June 23, wilLbe dis- Rabbi Groner's Bible Discussion -"Unique Privilege" the Independents. Tiny Rosen of cussed at this meeting. Class* The youngsters of the Tolls > the losing team hit two tremendStating that he considered it a and Teffllin club begin their servous home runs. " ices at 8:30 a. m. Breakfast is "unique privilege" to be invited to BOYS CL0B served at the conclusion of their head the Israel Bond Committee, AZA IB with a 14-11 win over The Boy* Arts and Crafts dub services. The Talmud Discussion Dr. Greenberg paid tribute to Mr. Itayim B nwved into fourth place will be held In the Arts and Crafts tic with AZA 100. Paced by $ room Sunday, June 13, from 4 to group, currently studying the if&C- Richards, who has been responsible .RUG & UPHOLSTERY tate Sabbath meets every Tuesday "for the steady growth of Interest fielding of Bernle Ostravlch, and 5:30 p. nx evening at 8:15 p. m. under tire di- on the part of our community in the hitting of Jack Orach, Jerry CLEANERS Israel's historic effort, to stand on rection of the Rabbi at B. H. H. Simon and Willard Plotkln, who its own feet as a self-sustaining RUGS — CARrtTINS Synagogue, 19th and Burt. hit important home runs. Mprrif GIBL8 CLUB democracy." He pledged that he The Beth Israel Girls Arts and LAMP SHADES Shrago was the winning hurler would bend every effort to "carry FUIMITUII while Al Levine was the loser. CrafU dub will meet from 6 to TEMPLE ISBAJEL on the important task of obtaining 7:30 p. m. in the Talmud Torah Jamie Shapiro hit a home run for At the regular Sabbath Services local investment in Israel DevelopCleaned la Your Home! Building Sunday, June 13. Rayim. Friday evening at 8 o'clock in the ment Bonds," new Temple Israel, James,.son of HA 2SH SUNDAY SCHOOL Emphasizing the role that B'nai DON UIHSTIIM Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sophir, wUl The final session of the Beth Is- celebrate hi* Bar Mitzvah. Mrs. B'rith can play in helping Omaha rael Sunday School for the year Sophir will recite the blessing over will be held Sunday, June 13, at 10 the Sabbath lights. Rabbi Brooks a. m. All Sunday School'students will preach. Following the servLarry Schwartz and Suzanne will report to their regular class ice, Mr. and Mrs. Sophir will rerooms at' 10 a. m. At 11 a. m. ceive the congregation In honor of Richards were crowned King and Queen of Merit Thursday at the there will be an assembly during the.Blr Mitzvah. which time certificates of honor Regular Shabbos Morning ServYouth Council's Annual Conclave. will be presented and promotion ices-will be held Saturday at 11:30 Warner Frohman, president - of exercises will be held. o'clock in the Temple. ' James Cornhusker Lodge of B'nai B'rilh Sophir will assit Rabbi Brooks and a former king of merit, made with the .service. Mr. and Mrs. the presentation to Mr. Schwartz. Sophir will receive the congregaMrs. E. Jabenls, former queen of tion after services. merit, crowned Miss Richards. AZA NO. 1 Throughout the summer months . Larry Schwartz, son of Mr. and Alephs \Stah Widman and Jack Mrs. Sam Schwartz, Is outgoing Druch have been announced as co- Rabbi Brooks will conduct SabYouth Council president. He U a chairmen of the 1954 Sweetheart bath service* at 7:30 o'clock OD Friday evcnlngm In the chapel of 'past president or AZA No. 1 and Dance, Hlo new Temple. Aleph Godol of Cornbelt. Region. Mother Chapter congratulates Suzanne Richards, .daughter of all its graduating seniors. Seniors . Mr. and Mrs. Morton Richards, is Larry Schwartz and Larry Epstein BETH EL Sabbath evening services will be past president of Dcb'ca. D?bs nnd were named to the National Honoutgoing Youtll Council vlee-presi- or Society at a recent Central as- held tonight at 7 p. m.. Sabbath sembly. Marsh Dcnenbcrg was one mornlnir services will begin at •dcrit. Other.-Kovod K e y recipient-1! of the three Ccntralltes to earn a 8:45^o'clock. The Mlncha-Maariv were Ramon Sombsrg, Larry Ep- full tuition scholarship to Omnhn service will begin at 7:30 p. m. Daily services'during the week stein, Art, Schwartz, Ruthanri Cliu- University. are held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. A. Z. A. 100 dacoff,' Jean Cutler, Judy Cutler. The Suhday morning service Is The past week has been a busy Judy Coty. Shirley Noodell nnd Barbara Joffc. The keys arc one in Century Chapter. Pete held at 9 a. m. awarded annually for putstintlin^ Urodkey, community service chairman, has lined tip two very imservice in the Youth Council. The co-chairmen of the conclave portant projects. The Alephs are Monument Dedication s • were Jean Cutler and Judy Cohen. Going to take part in the Multiple The family of the late Sol Smith This year's theme was "Startimc." Sclerosis drive. They will also assbt young polio victims in swim- will dedicate a monument in his ming. ' > memory 12*ioon, Sunday, June 13 at the Golden Hill Cemetery, 5024 N. 42nd Street. Rabbi Benjamin Groner of Beth ' The May meeting of the Kutler- Israel Synagogue will officiate. The Men's Club of Both Israel Ciplnko Family Club was held at The family of the late Mrs. HywM hold its Fathers and Heirs the home of Mr. and Mm. Snm Dinner. Sunday, June 13. at the dayman. Molly Glicken and Sarah mantJGeN>er will dedicate a monuBeth Israel Social Hall. Turltz from Los Angeles- were ment In her memory 12:15 p. m., Sumlny, June 13, at Golden Hill It will be the final affair of the guests at the meeting. season. Funds will go to Talmud Dr. and Mrs. Ben Kutler were Cemetery, 5024 N. 42nd Street Rahbl Benjnmln Groner of Beth Torah building fund. Religious welcomed home following his reIsrael Synagogue will officiate. school graduates Bar and Bas turn from the service. Mitzvah celebrants will be hon' ored. - Tickets may be secured by callitHM — complttt this sinpU tuument in 25 words M iMft' ' ' Ing Yale Halperin.'WA 60 !6. President Dan CorJman wishes "I WANT A ROOM AIR. to express his deepest gratitude to CONDITIONER BECAUSE—" the committee and board members who helped make these affairs a success, and to the many friends and patrons v.ho attended the programs.

Beth Israel News


YC Officers Reign at Conclave

Not much time leftIs Your Entry In?

Youth Council


Predict how it's going to be in OMAHA on July 4th—,,

Father-Heir Fete At Beth Israel Sun. Family Club

Mppersink pp

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