June 25, 1954

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•IIttnitrM •VOL / . • AAA11—«o. v v v n v 49 IS office, U

Mecond-UlOJift Mattel t t t'osta, Meuruno, uucltr Act ol lU'lV.



Published every Krlday, 101 H, 20tit, Omaliii, Nebranka, Phone JA 1866


A4t4 4

OMMUNITY Louis Paul to Direct Camps

Pre-School Day Camp

Louis Paul, Director of Health and Physical Education Department of tile Jewish Community Center, will be Director of the Center pay Camp and Camp Jay- • C-C, the resident cartip. Sherman Poska, Aquatic DirecDr. Ralph Ilunchc, 1950 Nobel tor and Acting Youth Advisor of Peace I'ri/o winner and a top tho Jewish Community Cepter; ranking member of the United will be assistant director in both Nations Secretariat, will keynotecamps. * tho Centennial Inter-Faith Day Camping Experience program t o be held at Omaha Sta Louis Paul, Physical Education dlum at 8:30 p. m. Saturday, Jyji Director of the Center for -the 26. Also featured in the saititc to past three years, received his- B. A, The program of the Pre-SchoolUlter-faith harmony will bo the in Education degree at Illinois cr's Camp will Include garnet, dra"Mariners" quartet of the Arthur State Teachers College, and his matics, recreation, nature study, •Godfrey show. Masters in School Administration arts and crafts, singing*and w a d Largest Chprui from the University of ^Nebraska. ing. '•.•..., ..; : . • • . •• :• • More than 750 voices of the Mr. Paul has had five years of Mrs. Norton Garon, a graduate three major faith* will be blended camping experience, and several of the University of Michigan, a together t o represent the largest years- In outdoor rocrebUori, specialist In Nursing and KinderInter-falth chorus ever to ting in Mr. Poska has directed the garten Education, will be Director tills area. swimming program at the Center of the Pre-School Day Camp. Choirs from Beth El, Beth Isfor the past three years, and did Registration will bo accepted rael and Temple Israel will rcprerecreation work for the past fiva OR. RALPH for either a two week period for MOt the Jewish faith. Cantor years. Mr. Poska's skill In proAaron h Edgar of Beth El will di $12.50, or four week period for gramming resulted I n many new rect tho combined Jewish chore $25.00. Thta fee Includes transactivities for children at the Cengroup* In religious selections prior Defense Dept. Will portation, materials, and a light ter. v to the forming of the massed snack in the mid-morning. ChilCamping to Begin Cooperate in chorus. dren will be returned home In Day Camp will begin Monday, time for lunch. Tercentenary Fete Lighted Candles June 28, and will be held at Peony Each member of the audience The children will be picked up Park daily from .Monday through Washington (JTA) — The De- at 8:45 a. m., at the following will be given a candle to be lightFriday, for a period of four weeks; ed as a symbol of inter-falth co- fense Department will cooperate In points: Beth El Synagogue, Beth ending July 23. plans for the 300th anniversary Israel Synagogue, Temple Israel, operation. C a m p Jay-C-C, the resident Frank Kogarty, president of the celebration of Jewish settlement In and the Jewish Community Cencamp, will begin August 2, and this country, Lt. Col. Thomas CorOmaha Chamber of Commerce, will be held at Camp Brewster at ter. They will be returned to their will serve ni master of ceremo- rlgan, spcakinc for the Office of respective homes at noon. Bcllevue, also for a. period of four nies, Dr. Ilichanl Duncan, director the Secretary of Defense, declared weeks, ending August 30. Registration Is now 'being acof the Onwilm Symphony, will di- here at n conference of the Ter- cepted and enrollment will be lim"With registration almost comcentenary Committee on Military rect the massed chorus. plete In both camps," Mr. Paul, ited. Participation. The guest speaker, Dr. Ralph Camp director, said, "We are now Supervising this project are Bunche, won the Nobel prize for Tercentenary committees on milSherman Ponka planning a program that will be of his efforts In obtaining an armis- itary participation will be organ- Mrs. Mike Freeman, chairman of benefit to our youngsters In both tice In the war between Israel and i z e * in communities across Jhc Children's Activities,: and Mrs. camps. We have a competent and Lloyd Friedman, chairman of the country, and the national committhe Arab states. He has served an devoted staff, and an excellent chairman of the Department of tee wil) prepare a program with Pre-School Day Camp. * program that will appeal to all Political Science at Howard Unl specific suggestions on how local campers." verxlty In Washington, D. C , nndcommittees can participate In lo- Israel Exports Registration for Day Camp a r e ' later became assistant to the pres- cal celebrations. The committee Another season of day camping now on a waiting list basis Only. ident at the university. London (JTA)—Israel.exported s considering the preparation of a Several openings are still availgets underway Monday morning During. 'World War II, he wasspecial military exhibit, nnd will to Britain more than twice as as some 90 boys and girls will able at Camp Jay-C-C. Parents principal research analyst for Of- call upon historical societies for much as she bought from that gather at Peony Park. Registra- who want to be assured of regisfice of Stragctlc Services. Dr. mementos, letters, citations, med- country during the first f o u r tions are so numerous that a wait- tration -for their youngsters are Bundle has been awarded honor- als and military paintings and pho- months of 1953, Barclays Bank ing list has been set up to handle urged to contact the camp office ary degrees from 37 universities tographs relating to Jewish par- Overseas Review reported this additional youngsters. The boys without delay, Mr. Paul said. atound the world. He Is now serv- ticipation in the country's military week. It said that Israel ImportAlfred Sophir4 is chairman of ing as governor^at-largo for thrhistory. Historical records "will ed from Britain goods worth 2,- and girls will be picked up at the Camp Jay-C-C and Mrs. Stanley Center, Temple Israel, Beth-El Board of Governors of the Ameri- also be reviewed for names of Jews 742,719 pounds while It exported Maypor chairman of Day Camp. can National Red Cross and 1*who took part in outstanding mili- to Britain goods valued at 6,542,- and Beth Israel at 9 a. m. An excellent program has been also director of the Fund for tlir tary events. 540 pounds. planned Including swimming, arts Advancement of Education In and crafts, nature study, games, N e w York City, . • * - . dramatics; group singing and trip-Tho _"Marlners" who have won outs to various points of Interest. fame with Arthur Godfrey started Many counselors will be back to The EPSTEIN-MORGAN POST singing together white serving in guide the campers^ through their NO. 260, Jewish War Veterans will the U. S. Coast Guard during fun packed experiences. Th6y are present a narrative play in comWorld War JX > Moynard Tatelman, Barbara Paul, memoration of Omaha's CentenAbout 118 Rnyim members, their Jerry Marer, Marsha Waxenberg, nial Celebration at the Centennial dates, parents and guests saw Miss Nancy Barren, Bernle.'• Feldman, Theme Center Stage Wednesday Judy Krantz named Rnylm "Dream Danny Epstein, Sonny Belman, evening, July 28, Max (Conner, •Jerusalem (JTA) — Israel and lirl" at the club's fourth annual Shirley Noodell. Recent additions Centennial chairman has anthe Soviet Union have agreed to Formal held Saturday at the Highto* the staff include Enid Levey, nounced. The play taken from the land West Club. raise the rank of their envoys to Lois Shapiro, Allan Crounse and American Jewish Hour, a preseneach other's governments from Diane, Cooper; : , New officers for tho coming year tation of the St. Louis, Mo., Jewminister to ambassador, it was were announced^ Jerry Marer will The youngsters will be picked ish War Veterans Is being rewritannounced hero this week. up at the designated spots and ten by Sherman Llpstcln. A can head the club as president. Other brought out to Peony Park to newly elected officers are: Hob for JWV members for thewariou* spend the day. A hot lunch will parts will be made In the next IsG o l d s t e i n , vice-president; Hob be sefved at noon with a rest hour sue of the Jewish Press. Wintroub, secretary; Gene Kohn, Sunday Radio to follow. The youngsters will be^ treasurer; Dick Raskin, sergeantreturned to their pick-up places at* Sunday, August 1 has been set at-arms; Shelly Krantz, Youth "Message of Israel" under aside for the Epstein-Morgan Post 4 p.m. Council Representative, and Murthe auspices of tho Union of All parents interested in send- and Auxiliary picnic. Co-chairman. ray Newman, alternate. American Hebrew Congregaing their youngsters for tho sec- Meyer Kaplan announces that the Gifts of appreciation were pretions will be broadcast over ond two week session are asked to picnic will be held at the Riverview sented to Ray Sombcrg, past presKO1L from 10 to 10:30 a. m. make reservations for their chil- Park Pavilion from 1 to 5 p. m. V V ilent; Larry Alberts, club advisor, Rabbi Leo Bergman of Touro dren by calling the Day Camp of- Further information will be Issued and Suzl Richards, last year's ip the near future. Synagogue in New Orleans will fice at JA 13G6. dream girl. speak. Commander Abe S. Miller and For service In the fraternity In Iowa-Nebraska Department ComJordan Aid • "For Those Who Dream," a the last year, Marty Greene remander Max Kanner plan to atdrama commemorating the 57th ceived the Most Outstanding Judy Krsnti Washington (JTA)—The State tend the Fifth Regional Jewish Anniversary of the founding of Freshman Trophy Jind Dick Ras- Sombcrg. Department announced this week War Veterans Conference to ba Zionism by TheoJoro Herzl will kin and Art Novak were recipients The historian's report was given extension of economic aid to Jor- held in St. Paul, Minn., July 2, », bo presented over WOW-Radio of the Most Outstanding Sopho- by Dave Her/og and Dick Frank, dan. The new agreement with and 4.' from 11:30 a. m. <o 12 noon. more nwards. The Jewish War Veterans will past vice-president announced the Jordan provides for a tentative alThese Eternal Light programs Llndy Paul, director of Health new officers- Ed Belzer served as location of $8,000,000 and enters have a booth at the Carnival to b» are under the nutplcea of the and Athletic Department of the master of ceremonies. into operation immediately. The held on tho grounds of the Omaha f Jewish Theological Seminary of Jewish Community Center, preFollowing the dance, an nllmietto first project Includes the shipment Veterans Hospital Saturday, Juhr America. sented the Athlete of the Year was held on the eighteenth fair- of supplies for water and Irriga- 10, VAVS Alternate Mai Tepper Trophy foe the first time to Ray way. tion project*desired by Jordan. < announced, • • • • .

Mariners Quartet In Centennial Fete

A Prc-School Day Camp, Dmlied to children who are at least four years old, find not yet in kindergarten, will be conducted for four weeks, beginning July 7 and ending August 3. The camp Is sponsored by the Jewish Commu nlty Center. The Pre-School Day Camp will be especially geared to the needs of children of pre-school age.

JCC Day Camp Opens Monday

Judy Krantz Named Dream Girl at Rayim Annual Formal

JWV Narrative At Theme Center

Envoys' Rank











, Jnne IS, 1954

Gems of the Bible and Talmud

PobUsbed Every Friday by the Federation for Jewish Service


famautm I UI Iuuunuuu u u «t«tbrb reak*. DB)» I M W l l Kvcft 1, int. tm UUI U ea iu iimiim



JUible The Lord rewarded me accordirii; to my righteousness; according to the cleanness of my hands liaUi lie recompensed me. And the afflicted people ThoU dost save; but Thine eyes are upon the haughty that Thou mayest humble them. Thou hast delivered me Irpm the contentions of my people. TboU hast kept me to be the head of the'. nations, a people whom.I have not known serve me.

Rumanian Persecutions The four-hundred thousand Jews who live in Rumania today, the second largest Jewuh community in Europe, are afraid to remain Jews. Not beeaoae they are extreme assuniliationista who are really anxious to abed their Jewishnus and to past as Gentiles, trarbecause they are living under a tyrannical Comnranist regime which insists that any sort of Jewish communal adherence is a crime against the state. Several .hundred Romanian Zionist and Jewish leaders have daring; the past few year* been arrested and imprisoned. Why Only because they were Active in Zionism or in local Jewish eommnnal activities, only tecante they s t o r e to maintain some Jewish community life. This becomes trident from the White Paper which was recently issued by the World Jewish Congress through its president, Dr. Mahunt Ooldmann. No wonder Jews in the free democracies are protesting loudly against this attempt by Communist regime to •Illiterate all traces of Jewish communal life in a country where Jews for eenturiea had maintained a -rigorous Jewish life. Dr. Ooldmann it urging the civilized world to speak np "until Rumania recants for its calloused treatment of the leaden of Romanian Jewry and restores to these leaders their freedom and opportunity to work in the interests'of their fellow-Jews." We can only hope that these protests will have some effect on the Rumanian Government which as part of the Communist bloc of'countries is said to he very sensitive to pnblie opinion in the free democracies. During the Nazi regime in Rumania the Jewish population of that •ountry was redneed by about onehalf. Now the remaining Jews there are living inconstant fear • f arnst by the Communist authorities.- The conscience of civilised mankind now says: I f s time to call a halt to, the cruel persecution* inflicted on Rumanian Jews during the past fifteen years. Rumanian Jews should now be allowed to live in peace.

On account of the shaft of a W-ter the great dty of Bethar was destroyed. For it was a custom In Bethar that when a chad WM born the parents would plant a young cedar tree for a boy and • pine tree for a girl When the** children's wedding; day approached the parents would cut down tb* tree to make a canopy out of the

Personalities in the News

While the daughter of the fin— pcror was ridjng one day through combat forces, later serving in the the dty, the shaft of her litter broke down and her attendants cot detiaulle government down a young cedar tree to repair i t The man who bad planted tt» AIHBK O F l M O i m tree attacked the servants and N«V York <JTA)-Dr. Edward beat (hem severely. Whereupon the Teller, 46-year-old Hungarian refu latter came and informed the finperor, saying the Jews bad regee of Jewish parentage, was de- belled against him. He tmme*. scribed this week as the "father atriy dispatched a great army, and of the H-bomb* in the release of the army destroyed the dty. testimony in the case involving Dr. J. Robert Oppenhelmer, head of the United States atomic program during World War II. Mr. ond Mrs. Izadore Hewitt Dr. Teller who was bom in Bu announce the Rar Mitzvah of their dapest, obtained his higher educa- son, IJirry, will be held Saturday tion in Germany receiving a Doc morning, June 26, at Beth Israel torate of Philosophy from Leipzig Synagogue. University In 1930 when he wns 22 years of ai;e. Within a year he was A reception will be held Sunday,. TEMPLX E8OAIX Involved in important research June 27 from 2 to 6 p. m. in honor. Sabbath Service* Ihls cyoninr work at Ooettlni;en but In 193." of the liar Mitzvnh celebrant. start promptly at 7*.3O o'clock and )«; wns forced to flee the Nazis Friends ami relatives are invited win be held In the chapel of Iho Coins first to Denmark then lo to attend the services and the re- "* new Temple Israel at 70th and ception. London. Can Streets. Arnold Knirnnn. a Dr. Teller entoral the Uni^ student rabbi at Hebrew Union States in 1935 and accepted a post CoIleE* In Cincinnati, O., will read as Professor of Physics at George the service. Washington University. He received Ms citizenship paj)ers In BETH IX 1941. From 1933 on. Dr. Teller w The statements by Henry A, BySabbath evening service! will involved in all important atomic roade, Assistant Secretary of held tonight at 7 p. m. Sabbath research undertaken by the U. S. State, that Israel look upon Itself rooming services will begin at 8.45 Government and In 1052 he head is o Near East state "rather than o'clock. The. Mlncha Service win Bea K. Kaalow cd the project at which the hydro- as a headquarters of world-wide begin at 7:45 p. m. gen bomb was developed. He also upinRs of a particular religious ;I>a0y tenices during the week worked on the project at Los Ala- faith," challenge the basic concept are held at 7 a. m. and 7 a m . The mos, New Mexico, where the origi- of Zionism, Marvin LowenUial reSunday doming service b held at nal atom bomb was developed. ported at the Mid-Year Conference 7 a.m. of the Central State* Region of Ben E, Kaslow was elected CHIEF the Zionist Organization of AmerBETH ISRAEL President of Belli El Synagogue at New York (JTA) — Alfred E. ica held recently in Kansas.City, PREMIER - Friday evening service* begin at a recent board meeting. Other FRENCH Paris (JTA) — A 47-year-old Perlman, 51-ycar-old railroader, Missouri. 7 p. m. Sabbath morning services newly elected officers ore: Harry French Jew, who many of his assumed the position this week of begin at 8:30 a. m. Junior con- DuBoff, first vice-president; Scy countrymen Mr. Lowenthal, editor of the believe represents a president and chief executive offigregation starts at 10 a. m. mow Kate, second vice-president; new era io French political life, cer of the New York Central, the 'American Zionist" and distinRabbi Groner will conduct the Ted Sanford, treasurer, and Saul took office recently as head of the country's second largest railway guished author and world traveler was critical of Mr. Byroade's views Talmud d a n at 7:15 p. m; Sator- raetz, secretary. "rench Government, the twentietli system. - day Mineha win start at 7:45 Mr. Kaslow has been active in remier to hold office since the The Mlnnesotan Is believed to that Israel allay Arab fears by from their minds the p. m., followed by Shotoshe S*euo- synagogue affairs. He has been a Liberation of France. hold the highest post ever attained removing spector" of unlimited immigration dos and Maariv. representative from Beth EU to the Mendes-France, a Radl- by a Jew in the history of Ameri into Israel. The ingathering of exDaily morning services begin at Synagogue Council, a memlier of ;alPierre Socialist (party somewhat left can railroading. Until some years iles Is the "ralson d 'etre" of the 7 a: m.; dally afternon services the board of the Bureau of Jewish it Center) received a vote of con- ago, the New York Central had a begin at 8 p. m. Education and nn active partici- Idcncc from the National Assem- Jewish vice president but he ivas Jewish State and the doors of the - Sunday morning services begin pant on the Beth El School Board. ily 419-47—a clear majority even concerned with the le|;a! and ad- tate of Israel must remain open at 8:45 R. fn. ond is followed by vilhout the 1O0 Communist votes ministration aspects of the system o admit all those who must or Rabbi Groner's Bible Discussion Ray Iioli;or: "A doctor says he registered wish to Beck refufje there, Mr. him. Mr, Mcndes- rather than the operational. dass. The younRsters of the Talis doesn't know if kisses spread "rance had for made it clear he would Mr. Perlman Is n railwayman nil Lowcntha] said. and Teffilin club be(»in their serv- germs. But they do lower resist- lot accept the A resolution calling upon th« office unless he had the way back. He started his railices at 8:30 a. m. nrealcfnst is ance."— (JTA) clear majority without Commu- road career by washing cars In the United States Government to reserved at the conclusion of their examlno its position in the Near St. Paul yards when he was 10 and ilst support. sendees. The Talmud Discussion The new premier promised I'ar- returned to the operational end of East and "take such measures as group, currently studying the traciament that he would resign un- railroading freight after his gradu- will avert impending dangers and tate Sabbath meets every Tuesess he achieved a cease-fire in ation from Massachusetts Institute brinf; lasting peace nnd strength day evening at 8:15 p. m. under ndo-Oiiai within 30 days and re- of Technology and the Harvard to Israel and the entire Near East" the direction or the Rubhi at m i l l •ision of llie EDC plan by mid- School of Business Administra- was adopted. e. 19(li and Hurt. tion. Hyman Osoff, president of the ummer. Fterrc " Menrtes-France Is des- Among railroadmen, he soon as- Omaha District of ZOA attended The Annual Beth Israel TalADL Director 'ndeel on his father's cide from an f(Uired a reputation as a doctor for he conference. mud Torah and Sunday School Seymour II. Kaplan, director of picnic will take place Sunday ild Bordeaux Sephardic family. His illling lines and was retained by the Anti-Defamation Lcaf.-uo re- morning, June 27 at 10 a. m. in nothcr's family came from Alsace, many lines to effc-ct reorganization Bl Mens Club lis wife is a member of the Cir- of their operations. He visited Isgional office in Om.iha, r,-c nliy Benson Park. The park pavilion attended tlic ConsretfaLkuial Youth lias been reserved for line in urel family of Cairo, one of the rael some years ago U> advise the Some 100 members and friends Rally, held in Niotjr.-ira State I'nrk, case of rain. There will be wealthiest and best-known families ;ovornment on reorganization of of the Both Israel Mcns Club at* the Israel railroads. 1 Ecynt. tended the first eummcr outing Niobrara, Nebr. Youni npnun- names for tlic children and ilcndcs-Franee was the youngest For the past 18 yearn Mr. Perl- held last Saturday in Elmwood tatlvcs of connre;,'atjfjnal churches prizes will be awarded to winlawyer in France at the time of his man has been with the Denver and Park. Milt Bclzer and Jordan Lag* 'from many parts of the state were ners of the contests. present Dave Friedman is chairman ulmission to Uie bar and theItlo Grande and resigned his 532,- man were co-chairmen of the Mr. Kaplan deliverer! n par>er on of tile picnic committee with •oun(;oit deputy in Parliament. At 00 post as executive vice presi- eteak fry. the Jewish religion. He also con- Max Greenfield, co-chairman. 0, ho was Under-Secretnry of dent tliere to take over the new llate for Finance in Leon Blum's Job with the New York Central. ducted classes on "How to-Create They will be assisted by Messrs. Jerry Lewis confided this about 'opular Front cabinet He taw Friendlier Communities." Feat- Morris Kutler, HenryoCorne, >ne of our best known film stanu •rvlcc In World War U In the Air Sam Levenson: "Many on old 'He's been married 20 years and ured at the Youth Rally, was a Sam Shykcn, Irving Stem and 'orcc, w a s imprisoned by the hen makes a goose of herself by still in lave with the same wornShowing of ADL's film, "Your and Sam Stone. r ichy regime but escaped and trying to look like a chicken."— an. If his wifo finds out, shell kill Neighbor Celebrates the Jewish lined Gen. deGaullc'e Free French JTA). Holidays." him."— (JTA)

Kaslow Elected Beth EJ President

Beth Israel Picnic Sunday

PBOF. WAK8HAN New Brunswick, N. J. (JTA)— A new $3,500,000 ImHtute of McroHoJogy was opened at-Rutgers University recently for research purposes with funds obtained from royalties from the sale cf streptomycin, one of the new "wonder drugs." The center, also known as the Waksman Institute, was set up and will be supported by a foundation established by Prof. Sebnan Walesman, director of the Institute and 1952 Nobel Prize winner for discovery of steptamydn. Eighty-two and one-half per cent of the royalty income from an estimated $100,000,000 in annual sales in the United States alone of streptomycin has been turned over to the foundation by Prof. Waksman. He keeps five l>er cent, five per cent ;ocs to another microbiological research foundation and seven and one-half per cent of the total has been assigned lo assistants and former students who worked on the escarch nfojects with the Jewish scientist. Sixty-six years of age. Dr. Waksman was born in Prihiki, The Ukraine, and became a naturalized American citizen in 1916. In 1038 he visited Palestine to help work on medical projects in connection with the development of the Hulch region. In 1952 he went to Israel to help establish an antl-blotics institute there to produce the new drugs.

Bar Mitzvah *

Policy Challenges Basic Zionism

. Jame Uy MM


Abramson-Alberts Wedding Miss Wiesberg OmahaSketches\ Wed at Beth El Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Tejpner, At Beth Israel Synagogue

Recipes of The Week

Miss Niki WeisberE. daughter of former residents of Omaha, anFelicia Anne Abramson Mr. and Mrs. Henry Welsberft be- nounce the birth of a daughter, and Philip S. Alberts were wed came the bride of Leonard Rosen, Wendy IU1U1 at t Winnipeg hosruns Sunday at o 7 p. m. ceremony In son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Rosen, pital. The couple has two other * Beth Israel Synr,EOEue. Rabbi Mrs. Meyer Krlake . Sunday, June 20, nt 2 p. m. in a children, Terry Lee and Ronnie Benjamin Groncr. Rabbi Myer S. spread lamily ceremony at lleth El Martin. Mr. tuid Mrs. Tdpner are 1 5 oz. Jar sharp cheese l Krtpke and Cantor Eli Kac'in of1 *A CMP butter .. | Chape'- Rabin Meyer S. Kripke end ficiated. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar officiated residents of Winnipeg, Canada. Pa% teaspoon salt . U'rnal grandparents are Mr. and the bride is the dauf;bter of at the double ring ceremony. Mrs. Ben Telpner of Council Bluffs, % cup flour Hn. Ettlier Abramson. the brideMrs. Marvin Homstein, of North la., and maternal grandfather is Thoroughly cream cheese and groom the aon ot Mr. and Mrs. Hollywood, Calif., sister of ll»e butter. Add sifted dry insredienti WUiam Alberts. groom, was matron of honor. Mtos Jack Shudkctt of Winnipeg. and mix well. Form 1 Inch balls,, "•The bride's gown of Oiantilly Madelyn Miroff, cousin of the place on greased baking sheet. lace and nylon tulle over taffeta bride, was the bridesmaid, and Mr. nnd Mrs. Norman ScIIz, for- Chin about 2 hours then bake In a had a wide V-neckline trimmed Mks Paula Weiftberg, f.isier of themer Omahans, now of Los Angeles, hot oven (400 decrees) for 10 min. With sequins and a bouffant tulle bride, was the junior bridesmaid. Calif., anngunce the birth of a son, FDKFUC JTKIXO MOLD ' skirt m m over stiffened petti Alan Rosen, was the best man forBarry Stuart, born June 19 in a nirs. S^rmour Ka]nati •. i 'coats and mnde with n cathedral his brother. Michael Weisberg, Los Angeles hospital. The couple 2 packages raspberry JeUo train. brother rjf the bride, served as anha« one other son Michael Scott. 1 No. 2 can blue berries attendent. Mrs. Sell/, is the former ibUeen Af half-cap trimmed with se1 No. 2 can crushed pineapple < quinn held the bride's fingertip A reception followed the cere- Gotsdiner of Council Bluttd. Pa- Mi pt. sour creom. veil of French "illusion and she mony in the Heth El Social Hall. ternal grandparents are Mr, and 1 Pour 2 cups hot water over Jello. carried a bouquet of white orchids Mr. and Mrs. Rosen will reside Mrs. Emanucl Sent of Los Angeles Add 2 cups blue betries and pineand stephanoUs. in I/incoln, where the bridegroom and maternal grandfather ii Joeapple Jutoe combined. Fold hi sour is attending the University of We- GoMKner of Council Bluffs. Mn. cream, Add blueberries .and crushMaid of honor was Miss Felicia Pearl LHarmd of Omaha Is mabraska. ; Friedman of Aichlson, Knns., and I ed pineapple and pour into mold Out-of-town guests 1ndu*di ternal groat-€randmother. bridesmaids were Misses Carolyn and refrigerate Mrs. Marvin Hotmtein, Mn. HenKutler, Fdda Friedman and del Ronen, grandmother of the Mr. and Mrs. Irwin White with I Judith Alberts, the latter of Cingroom, of St. Joseph, Mo.; Mr. and their children, Stephen and Paula,! Thank You . , cinnati. O. Mrs. Wilttmm Salwln, Mr. sntfMai. an) Mrs. Whites 'mother, Mn. The honor attendant wore a Mollie Rtvlti. ere leaving Omaha Mr. and Mrs. Ferry London of Joe Rosen, ' and Mn. Monte Sown of orchid tulle and taffeta Schwartz, all of Kansas City, Mo., Jaly 1 to make their home in l a !New York a t y extend their slnMn. Philip Alberts made with' a strapless bodice, a . i cerest thanks to all toose whose Mr. and Mn. Thomas Iwener and Angeles, CaBt •tote and a taffeta midriff. She children, Mark and Sheila, of They will visit In Ottumwa, t a jtelegraphed congratulations at tho canted a cascade bouquet of «jua time of their wedding; and Chicaso betoce leaving for tfael Sioux City, la.; Mr. and Mrs. daisies. , | Charles MJtrous and son, Earl, of west tout. The bridesmaldj wave aqus Ashtond, Nebr.; Mr. and Mrs. Patronise Our Advertisers dresses and carried orchid-colored Leonard Bush, and Mr. Joe Lavine, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Siref anbouijuets. AH wore picture hats to nil of Lincoln, Nebr., and Miss nounce (he Wrfh of a son, Richard match their cowns. Edith Knoen of Sioux Falls, S. D. Paul, June 12, at a local hosnitaL By Ben AferatBuon and Best man was Bennett Alberts, Ttie ample has two other children PayHo Sbyken brother of the bridegroom. UshLinda Diane and Judy Elaine. Mr. ers were Donald Silvcnrinn, Nor Five at us—Martin Meyers, JWV Auxiliary and Mrs. 1 Goldstein of Omaha man Goldenberg, Allen AbramSon, Mnrvtn Ruback and the two co- Mrs. Meyer Kaplan, senior Vice- arc maternal grandparents and Benjamin Ateamson and Morton president and Flag Day chairman, paternal grandparents arc Mr. and authors of this report, and Rabbi wishes to thank all the members Zerftz. Mrs. Max Sircf of Clenwood, la. Mrs. Abramson Tvore n «aRe Groner—arrived In Chicago Mon- of Epstein-Morgnn Ladies Auxilday evening, June 14, and imiary No. 260, Jewish War Veterans green lace drcss for her doughter"s wedding; Mrs. AThcrt'B chose mediately left the stalon to no toof the United States who particitridescent blue taffeta. " the Hebrew Theological Collojjc pated in the Flag Day Sale and After a reception nnd dnnec in where we were greeted by Dr. Ba- also all who purchased flags in or1h synnRnKue social hall the cou-bad, Dean of students, who headed der to malte the mnjor fund-raisinp; ple left on a trip to Colorado nnd a d e l e g a t i o n of boys who affair a success. Mrs. Jack Saylan will be the the West Coast. greeted us. • rummage sale chairman. Anyone Mr. and Mrs. Alberts will live In Omaha where Mr. Alberts will The following morning we nt-having articles to contribute -toenter the .University of Nebraska tended services at the Yeshlvn ward the sale may leave them at Synagogue. After we finished Dan- the Saylan residence, 134 North College of Medicine. • Omaha's venlng, and after breakfait, we 34th Street. went on a visit of all the class The nnnual JWV and JWVA Favorite W a y rooms of the Yeshiva, Including picnic will be held August 1 at the sessions of the graduating iUvcrview park. More details will THE PERFECT CRACKER to Dine on class. Habbi Fasmnn, President of be announced at a later date. the Yeshiva. Introduced us to some Friday, June U ; Sunday of the faculty members. Later, we Bcttc Elaine Zporwiil, visited the Chicago Jewish AcaPLAN VOUR NEXT, DINNER PARTY IN OUR '" Saturday, June 16 Jerry Wayne Katskee and Mark demy, where the principal, Rabbi BEAUTIFUL NEW CAMEO ROOM Rapaport, escorted us on a very .Edward Wolpa,' COUPLER DINNER MENU AND M l SEKVICe enlightening tour. Snndsy, June *T Sunday Phyllis Am Abrahams, G a i l During our stay In Chicago we Where Good friends Enjoy Fin* Food Eileen Diamond. Gladys Groner visited quite a number of plasm BriMh and David Stephen Rlfkin. of interest, among them being XowUy, Jane 28 RosCTiblom's Jewish Book Stnrr. Miw^l; Burt Epstein. Steven Ronald Ep- Sinai Kosher Sausage factory, the stein, Crate Martin Fisher, Ellen Xavin Smelling Works where we Served Buffet Style! Kay Kaplan and Naomi Aim Roth- also enjoyed a lunch In their koshRESTAURANT All You Care to Eat . enberg. er kitchen, the Roscnwnld MuAND COCKTAIL LOUNGf Tiiewlay, .Innr 19 seum of Science of Industry where toman it-worn mil wowwrni Shrfa Sandra BasWn, Michael we were fascinated by their minPrivate <linioj rooms fot large poups Darwin Giventer, Hnrlnn William iature coal mine, the Illllel FounNOON TO 3 P.M. Luncbcom—Dinners—Lite Evening Snick* Fricsmitn, Ellsse Ttcglna Stern and dation of Northwestern UniverShcldccn Strauss. Served from 1J a.m. lo 2 a.m.—Open Every sity in ISvanston, III., and the Wedacadnyi Jane 50 Phone JA. 4882 tor JlcKrvariom—Free Patting Erookfield Zoo, In Brookficld, 111. David Archie Bloch, Freddie Fallt, Our visit to the Yeshlvn was a Itonna Mac Ualpcrin, Phyllis Carol KnUman, Alan Koneclty, Danita very exciting iind Inspiring exCheryl Schwartz. Vicki Marlcnc perience that will remain a landtnuun • CNXXIN • IAUIOUE Schwartz and Frances line Stein. mark with us for many yearn to KA.roon • out OWN IUOD MSTIIB come. Tbnndsy, July 4 • urn Lrnn Oalr Bernstein, Joan Unda GoMttf In, Arlene Claire Gross- Comedian Joe E. Lewis explains 38TH AND LEAVEN WORTH" man, Gloria Ostrow, Richard Alan it this way; "Some men don't HOTEL BLACKSTONE realize uhat happiness is until Itofftnan and Barry Zoob. PHONE JA 4882 FOR KSEKVATIONS they get married . . . and then it's too late."—(JTA)

B. L Students Visit Chicago

Happy Birthday





Summer Diet

ManlEchewltz Borsclit proves Its special value In a balanced summer diet. IUdi In minerals and Jow in calories, this popular yearround favorite is~partlcularly welcome ciurinfj the high-mercury dnys ahead, both ns a nourirfiinn summer food and n:i a cooling, thirst-quenching drink. Mode exclusively with fresh-picked, freshcooked, tender young garden beets find the purest of home-kitchen •eniioninRK, Manlschewitz Uoitcht ha/i u fine, full-l>odied flavor and wholesome, refreshing quality that Is completely in keeping with the !Mnnlschcwitz reputation na the greatest name in kosher foods. Artie Shaw: "Women who mar»y for money often spend the rest Of their life looking for change." —(JTA)

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H i t f , A m M, UM<

AZA w Convention By Marvin Freedman

Turkey Wishes to Join Big Three For N.E. Peace

Sport Car Racing July 4 at Offutt

National Sport Car Races wlll! be held at Offutt Air Force Base Sunday, July 4. Sport car drivers from all over the nation will New York (JTA) — T u r k e wishes to be associated with tl i;ather to participate in this tierlcs United States, Britain and Krana of races, funds from which will benefit the Knlistod Airmen's Imin any new guarantee against a provement Fund and Children's Rrcssion in the near East, the Ne York Times reported from Ankart Memorial Hospital. Knees start at U:.'!0 a. in. and extend through The newspaper dispatch that Washington, London am to 5 p. in. Tickets are two dollars and are Paris are studying the idea of in available at Ilussi'lls Sporting eluding Turkey in a strengthene version' of the tripartite declare Goods at Mth and Farnnm sts. Intlon of May 25, 3950, which guar- cluded in the admission price is anteed tho territorial status <ju admittance to the Sports Car Hop in tlie Middle East. They ai;rc to be held in lloyal Grove Ballthiit Ankara slioulil take part ii room at Peony Park. new assurances to lx>th the Arab and Israelis against aKcrrssion, tli paper said, but are split on tl)e use fulness 6f such a declaration.

13 to 15 Omaha Chapter AZA No. 1 and No. 100 were hos to 130 boys from Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota at the AZ Combeit Region's .Summer Con vention. Wolfe, Harold Zabln, Jack Zevitz, Many athletic events were liel Jonathan Bank, Gabriel Berg, Joduring the three days. In seph.Bordy,' Barry Fredkin, James BUI Bleda, Jack Bernstein, Alan Oninha No. 100s Bob Epstein rai Cohen, Tommy Fellman, Jerry GUM, Gordqn Hollls, Daniel Hollls. away with the tournament shoo Alan Kdnecky, Karl Luefschuetz, Ffrensteln, Donald Fiedler, Frank Ing a sparkling 38. The eompetitlo Goldberg, Bobby Gran, Billy Hur- James Nash, Terry Passman. Don- was held at the Highland Countrj WrfU, Stuart gurwitt. Larry Kap- ald Rifas, Leonard Rlfas, Gary Club. Century Chapter also mad lafl Philip- Kaplan, Steven Kate, Shrago, Jimmy Sherman, Matthew a fine showing at the track meel Willy Kosberg, James Krasne, Faler, Arnold Fellman, Marc Fell- which was held at Omaha UniverDavid Lltwaek, panny Levitdty, man, Mike Green, Stephen GUM, sity. Howard Kaslow did especla Charles Mayer, Lawrence Mayer, Howard Hahn, Larry Candmnn, ly well, M'innliiR the 440-yard ru Howard Razrilck, James Rocklln, Howard Mulnlck, Philip Sherman. «nd placing high In all events thai he entered. From Mother Chapter, Richard Selo, Stanley Shrago, Jef- Payid Sothnlk, Ritchie Swartz Stan Widman and Larry Schwart: "An Important croup in th frey Simon, Michael Simon, Jerry and Richard Zacharia. did a fine job. Max Lettween an State Department," thtf di.spatcr OJrto Shaky, Robert, Welnsteln. Louii Jerry Pearlman from Des Molnes added, "[relieves a new pletlg Nina £>leda, Sharon Bernstein, Inrludes Wath* Cleaning, should etfmmlt the signatories tf Dale>Brodkey> Barbara Ellis, Joyo carried the team to victory. WnxiJig—Interior and Chrome halt military and economic "Sid t Felnberg, Alice Fellman, Judy Marv Bcrensteln from Chapte Friedman, Barbara Glvot, Judy No. 4 took the tennis singles tro- an aggressor and to use othe R&R POLISHING Goldner, Anabel Graetz, Linda phy after a close game with Art means, Including armed force, to SERVICE Graett, Linda Herzoff, Patty ,Her- Schwartz of Mother Chapter. In restore the territorial status quo." 'The tremendous Influx of new zoff, Judy Katz, Nancy Katz, SusSuch a pledge, the dispatch « l 4327 student* I n t o the Beth Israel an Katxman, Barbara Kline, Janet doubles Larry Epstein and Terry said, "would help to allay Arab School System in the past year has Lefkow, Linda Lapidet, Gall, Le- Bernstein played, an outstanding fears of Israeli aggression as well Dick Fr«mc '' Dick OUinskjr game and took the title. Sioux compelled us to launch an Immedi- vlteh, Myra Upp, Sarah MUder. as answering Israel's protests ate, campaign for a new Tktrnud Beverly Miller,. Judy Pollack, City Chapter No. 12 copped the Softball crown after beating:'two against United States arms aid to Torah building that win accommodate all our classes," said Harry Elaine Raskin, Linda Rubin, Ethel strong teams from Century and Iraq and other Arab states, acSidman. President of Beth Isr-.el, Sabes, Deanrie Shapiro, Susan Seg- Mother Chapters. The Sioux City cording to the views of this group.' lln, Brenda UncU, Judith Veret, boys barely^ managed to defeat Assistant Secretary of State a t a recent gathering. Bette Welncr, Sharon Wolberg, the CentUrymen by the very close Henry A. Byroade Is now discussRabbi Benjamin Groner, Admin- Shirley Wolberg, Karene Copeland, score of 7 to 6. The Motlfer Chap- ing the problem with the foreign istrator of the Beth Israel School Doris Selo, Elaine Selo, Judy Sleg- -ter boys put up a strong battle bjit affairs committees of both Houses System, pointed out that the school ler, Phyllis Blnsteln, Eden Cohffi staff, headed by Messrs. Irving Karen Fellman, Arlenc Grossman. also lost 11 to 4. Many Omaha of bohgress, the dispatch said, Stern* and Sam Stone, predicted a Barbara Levinson, Judy Lovlnson. Alephs were recognized for their seeking Congressional approval betwenty per cent increase In enroll- Rochelle Relss, Ronee Rlmmerman, fine play-and were placed on,the fore a definitive step Is token. ment for the 1954-55 school year, Naomi Rothenberg," Diane Rush- Convention Softball all-star team. Shelley Winters: "A man Is less and that the curve of attendance ton. Ann M. Safersteln and Cyn- They were Larry Epstein, Terry Bernstein, Stan Widman, Ray likely to pop the question to a will very definitely be in the as- thia Swartz. " Klrke, Kenny Freed. For his fine cendancy for the next four'or five girl who knows all the answers." participation in the-«portlng events —(JTA) years. Max Lettween of Des Molnes was The provisional committee in awarded the convention's Best chargfe of the campaign includes at Athlete Trophy. present a number of the outstanding members of the community. Tuesday night was the sensa The full complement of the comAtlantic City (WNS)—The Na- tional climax. First was the novel mittee will be announced shortly. tional Community Relations Ad- stag banquet at the- Beth Israel RUG & UPHOLSTERY visory Council, coordinating body Synagogue. The AZA boys were CLEANERS of six notional nml thirty-two lo- very honored to have as the main RUGS — CARrETING speaker the Governor of Nebraska", cal Jewish groups active in the LAMP SHADES fight against nntl-Semitism and in the Honorable Robert Crosby. He FURNITURE the protection of civil rights, con- awarded Larry Schwartz, past president of Youth Council and the Cleaned in Your Home! A new bowling l e a g u e was cluded its four-day convention here Cornbelt Region with an appointtindlag • layltg • Repairing farmed June 18 by a group of 8th with the adoption of a series of ment as an Admiral in the Royal Uc«l grade girls. The following officers resolutions, among them one de- Navy of Nebraska. The banquet DON IHMJTEIN HA 25S4 JIWIJH COMMUNITY CIHTU were chosen: Dale Kasin, presi- nouncing the persecution of Jewisb was followed by a tournament 101 M. 1 M St. MUM dent; Helen Katz, vice-president: leaders in Rumania, dance at the Music Box. At the Tonl Fellman, secretary; Susie At the same time the conference dance, the softbaQ all-star team Wolfson, treasurer; Betty Erman adopted a resolution voicing "un- was announced; athletic awards and Beverly Bloom, reporters. nlterable opposition to communism were given; and the new officers Bowling will take place at the as' a totalitarian conspiracy which of the region were announced. Music Box exery Friday at 1:30 denies the dignity of the IndiviSual The new officers for Cornbelt p. m. through the two months of and opposes those freedoms of religion, the press, and assembly, Region are Paul Kalman. Aleph June and July,' which-are indispenslble atributes Godol; Jack Oruch. Aleph S'gtin: The league members are: BarHoward Kaslow, Aleph Mozklr; bara Bercutt, Beverly Bloom, Bet- of democracy." ty Erman, Lenora Falk, Ton! FellIn another resolution, the parley Mark Levensky, Aleph Glzbor; Ctnoa City, WI««mJr» — on lak* Tonrimw 7S minutos in* CMcafl* man, Marlene Friedman, Barbara urged President Eisenhower to as- Stan Widman. Aleph Shotare Go^ Greenberg, D a l e Kasln, Helen sert his leadership to the, end of do); Boyd Breslow, Aleph Shotare rORSUMMEl REST AND IECIIATION Kotone; Chuck Hurwltz, Aleph 'Katz, Joyce Koom, Judy Lazer. revising the McCarran-Walter im•Air Coxtfllfoflttf Dlnlnj taom mi Uvng* " Judy Plftttoer. . N a n c y , Richards, migration law. and to -convene a Sopher and Larry Schwartz, Aleph ' *T«.o Mognlllcinl l a i n , floating Swlamlng ra»l Jeanne Silver, Carlyn Stern and meeting of the state governors to Koheh GodoL New officers were # AII Sm»m.r Sporli _ Mrot. 1lho4, Ooll Com* Susie Wolfson. consider action "to eliminate those cited for their fine work and every'HorwlMcl Wing • NlgMly one expressed faith In the newly In the first week's bowling the forms of dlscrlmlnatlon*~that con- elected leaders. following girls have'bowled over tinue to mar our society," 100: The conference also declared deGroucho Marx swears It. hapSusie Wolfson—110, 116; Judy termination to continue to explore pened the other day, He was sitLazer—100, 107; Beverly Bloom— qll possible efforts of expanding ting In his insurance agent's office U)0,104; Joyce Koom—106; Jeanne the area of common planning and when a women telephoned the Silver-405; Dale Kasin—102; and cooperative action until NCEIAC agent and aald: "Is tills the FiTon! Fellman—100. embraces nil responsible Jewish delity Insurance! Company?" When organizations encaged in commu- she was told yes, the woman denity relations actlvitie. clared: "Well, } want my husBernard H. Tragcr was re-elect- band's fidelity Insured."—(JTA) ed president, with Isaac Pacht, 675 N. Michigan Av«.,ChieoBo 11, III. •• MOhowk 4.64.10 Sidney 'Hollander and Lewis H. Patronize Our Advertisers David Finkle •Weinsteln as vice-chairmen, Julian Services were held' Monday aft- A. Kaisen, secretary, and David L ernoon for David A. Finkle with Ullman, treasurer Interment at Beth El Cemetery. As the little girl, a "child prodMr. Finkle, 51, died Sunday. igy" in the eyes of her parents, June 20. • finished her selection on the piano, He is survived by his wife. Jane; her proud papa asked Oscar Lctwo sons, William and Mnynard vent, "What do you think of her and three Krandchildren. execution?" • "What date Is it set for?" asked Mrs. Louis Epstein Oscar.—(JTA)

".Camp Jay C-C


T8 9 5 .

B. I. Launches New TT School Drive

NCRAC Deplores Rumanian Trials


Girls' Bowling League Formed


Enjog Its

Services were held Friday, June 18 for Mrs. Louis Epstein with interment at the Golden Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Epstein, 66, died Thurs- fbonc JA l.iO to Insert rour Want Ad i rhf Jtwuh I'm*. day, June 17 at her home. Current r a n t» 6'J epnu lor each M*r' Tl.» m i l r t » « v « the rlctil lo Umll She was the widow of Louis lion. ilr» OD farh advrrtlflement. Epstein, suburban theater owner. Survivors include: a son, Sidney; BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratutwo daughters, Mrs. Ben. Simons lations also for all Jewish holland Mrs. Henry L. Greenberg, — days and special occasions. -, ' a, all of Omaha • ••••'• •>,-•• I Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge.

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