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u <• Calm* «• SMOM-CUM MmtlW M ftMYpL XXXII—No. iS OUIM, osuiu. Mauuka. u u u a l un.
Published i t w tfaUr. 1M M. SOU, Omaht, Habiuka, A m JA IMtT
SlntU Uow 10 Xuuu Rau 1
131 Youngsters Registered Churchill < ^ : s > r Strong To Date for Camp Jay C-CAmerican Support of Israel Opening Set For August 2 ! A total of 131 youngstcn have been registered for Camp Jay C-C, scheduled to open August 2 for a four-week encampment period at Camp Brcwstev in Beltevue, Al Bophlr, chairman, reported at the meeting of Camp Jay C-C Oom..Mlttee laat Tueiday evening. There are just a few vacanHes left and , It Is e^pejed that beyond this jreek i»gwm.tlon w<U be on a waiting list basis. Plans have been implemented for Improvement of facilities at camp, Mr. Sophlr added. | Hodlcal Supervision Thorough medical supervision irill.be given campers through the Cooperation of members of. the Medical Advisory Board of 1ho Federation for Jewish Service, be pointed out A doctor wIU visit camp dally and excellent nursing Supervision will be provided. The committee also approved the continuation of the Leadership and Counsclof-ln-Tralning units for incoming boy and girl high school freshmen. The enrollment In these units will be limited and will be open during the second camping period, from Augu.it 16 to 30. Especially qualified counselors will trnin these groups. Trrccnt^nnry Thrmo The American Jewish Tercentenary theme will keynote Jewish content programming nt camp. Each cnbirl will be named after outstanding American Jewish personalities und historic events in American Jewish history will servo as motifs for dramatics, pageantry and campflrcs. This will be in addition to Sabbath.Servlccs, Oncg Shabbat and other aspects of positive Jewish living to which the camp adheres. Louis Paul, camp director and Sherm Poska, assistant .director,
Austria Will Not Pay Reparations Washington (JTA)—The Austrian Government has sent diplomatic memoranda to Arab League States confidentially advising the Arabs that Austria has no intention of paying restitution to Israel, It was learned here. The Syrian Embassy has con' firmed that Syria has received such official advise from Austria. The Austrians told U\p Arabs they Considered Austria to have been an innocent victim, of the Nazis Owing World War II and therefore in no way obligated to Israel for claims arising from the N.azl persecution of Jews. Austria said It would pay minor turns taken from helrless sources to relieve the condition of Austrian Jews who can prove they suffered Under Nazism, but that the Austrian Government has decided that It will not negotiate an agreement with Israel like the one effected between Israel and West Germany. The Austrian communication •aid that Austria desires the friendliest relations with tho nations of the Arab League. The Austrian Cabinet decided to send its position on Jewish claims to tho Arabs through diplomatic channels after the Arabs protested to Austria ngainst the position of the Jewish claims committee which , is now. negotiating with the Aui-
report that the caliber of the conn selor staff is unusually high this year with an excellent record of camping experience. Pre-c-o m p training sessions for the staff will be held to familiarize them with our camp. "We are satisfied that the best trlan Government in Vienna, possible plans were mapped out for this summer's camp," Mr. Sophlr said. . . An innovation added this year will be a meeting of the camp committee and counselors to be held shortly before camp opens. The object of this get together, Mr. Sophlr explained, Is to give the counselors and members of the camp committee the opportunity of discussing camp problems from the viewpoints of both parents and staff members.
brad's Modern Monster firGood Declares He Is a Zionist
AZA1 Members Win Debate Title Stan Fellman and Steve Brookstoln of AZA Chapter No, 1 were declared Debate Champs of AZA Regional District 6 at tho convention at Elkart lake, Wis., this week. Over 200 B'nal B'rlth Youth organization members from Illinois, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Iowa, North and South Dakota and Canada attended the conclave. The Omaha boys defeated a team from St. Pnul, Minn., In tho finals winning the championship of the combe!t region. The two boys captured their debating crown for arguments favoring the Introduction of a survey course in the public schools teaching the three mnjor faiths of the western world. Stan Fcllmnn will be It senior In high school next year. He Is a member of the Central Varsity Debate Team and will also play a lead In the Fall play. Steve* Brooksteln will enter Northwestern University as a freshman this Fall. As a graduate of Benson High School,, he was named to the National Honor Society. He was a major in; the school's HOTC and. a member of the debate team that won the Missouri Valley Forensic Tournament.
New Elevator at Old Folks Home Formal presentation of the new elevator at the Dr. Philip Shcr Jewish Home for the Aged will be made at an outdoor ceremony at the home 3 p. m., Sunday, July 11, Mrs. Lewis Nevcleff, chairman of the presentation committee announced. * The elevator was constructed with funds underwritten by the Bikur Cholim Society. Announcement of the complete program will appear In the next issue of the Press.
Omaha to Take Part In Tercentenary Fete Plans for Omaha's participation In the celebration of 300 years of Jewish settlement In America were discussed at a recent meeting where representatives of Omaha organizations met with Rabbi Myer S. Krlpkc and Henry Schappcr. Rabbi Kripkc heads the Omaha Committee of tho American'Jewish Tercentenary and Mr. Schappcr la Director of Community Relations of tho American Jewish Tercentenary Committee. Local plans nnd cooperation were gone over and programs will be coordinated through the Federation for Jewish Service, Observances marking tho tercentenary will bce'n September, 1954, and end in Mny, 1053,
One of many new big machines speeding Israel's potash.
Washington (JT/T)—Prime Minister Winston Churchill, speaking before more than 1,000 member*" of the press corps here, went out of his way to register strong Blip* port of Israel and called Ameri« cans to "help forward the legltlmate Zionist aspirations.." He em« phaslzcd that he considers him* self a Zionist Tho. British P r i m e Minister made his statement In reply ton question put to him by Milton Friedman, J e w i s h Telegraphic Agency correspondent. This was one of about six written questions on vital world problems which he chose to answer from a great number of other questions sub* mltted to him on many issues, , Expressions Refuted ; '
Mortimer May Named Head Sir Winston inferentlally refutrecent anti-Israel expressions O f U. S. Zionist Organization byed Henry A, Byroade, Assistant New York (WNS)—The Zionist Organization of America concluded Its 57th annual convention with tho unanimous election of Mortimer May of Nashville, Tennessee, to the presidency and with the adoption of a series of resolutions, among them one urging the government of the United States "to reconsider the contemplated arms shipments to the Arab s t a t e s which could prove disastrous to Middle East stabllHy." A n o t h e r resolution demanded that "Rumania immediately halt Its persecutions of Zionists and Jewish community leaders, release these innocent people and permit their emigration to Israel." The Resolution on American policy toward Israel and the Middle East expressed the Convention's grave concern over "recent actions by our State Department and certain of its officials which Jeopardize our country's traditional policy of friendship for Israel, as well as America's vital interest In promoting peace and stability in the Middle East." It maintained1 that.?the-'Rtat«£ Departme'nt's' intention of ..supplying arms to Iraq "which openly proclaims that it Is In a state of war against Israel" has served to
create the very tensions and unrest which our Government wishes to avert." It criticized the Near East Division of the State .Department for "translating the Administration's announced policy of Impartiality Into one of appeasing the Arab states at Israel's expense," and added that "far from modifying the unreasonable attitude of the Arabs, the Stato Department's policies (have o n l y encouraged greater Jntranslgeancc on their part." Mr, M a y m his acceptance speech, set as-"the foremost responsibility" of-thji ZOA, ah expanded program In the field of public relations and tljg "creation, maintenance and improvement of the favorable climate of public opinion bulltup over a great period of time/and which now requires even greater emphasis in view of tho tense situation in the Middle East."
Pre-School Day Camp—July 7
The Pre-School Day Camp limited to children who are at least four years old, will open Wednesday, July 7, at Peony Park, under the supervision of Mrs. Norton Sunday Radio Garon, a specialist In Nursery and Kindergarten) Education. The Pre"Living In.God's Sight" will Camp will be held dally be discussed by Rabbi Nathan- schoolers' t h r o u g h Friday, iel Share on the "Message of from Monday 9 a. m. until noon, Mrs. Israel" program over KOIL from from 10 to 10:30 a, m. Rabbi Lloyd Friedman, chairman of the Share is spiritual leader of the Pre-School Committee, said. For the first two week period, Congregation Gates of Prayer July 7 through July 20, registraIn New Orleans. Is being taken on a waiting The series Is produced under tion basis. the auspices of the Union of listRegistration still be made American Hebrew Congregn- for the second may week period, tlons and the United Jewish which will begintwo July 21 and run Layman's Committee. to August 5. The following have already reg"Words We Live Dy," a sum- 'istered for the Pre-School • Day mer series of the Eternal Light Camp: program will feature Informal' Gary Colick, Audrey Sue Dolconversations between Maur- goff, oward Irvin Ellis, Janie Fox, ice Samuels and Mark Van Scott Friedman, Ricky Gilinsky, Doren. Carleen Goodwin, Robert Lynn The first program will broad- Goodman, Karen S.. Gotsdlnor, cast over WOW-Kadio from Kathy Ann Greenberg, Robert L. 11:30 n. m. to 12 noon. The dis- Hiller, Gary Kaplan, Mark Klein, cussions entitled "The Sup- Jackie Landman, Linda Susan porting Cast of tho Bible" will Nogg, Lynno Louise Nog& Jeffrey emphasize interesting aspects Bruce Perimeter, Susan Rips, Bil and interpretations of lesser ly Rosen, Steven Simons, Denise , knpwn .Qiblcq) cnarof tepi., . . , , •SHvetrora^mpw^Viln S H ^ V i r o u b , Robert I. BeUer and Larry Wlntroub.
Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs. Mr. Byroade expressed concern over alleged Arab "fears" of over-population of Israel, but Sir Winston said that the < populutlon In .Palestine was far greater 2,000 fears ago than it is today. He also expressed optimism, on eventual Arab-Israel peace. ' Secretary of State John Foster Dulles listened intently at the head table as Sir Winston spoke before television cameras and a world radio hook-up. Sir Churchill appeared in response to a luncheon invitation extended to hint and Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden by a Joint committee of press, radio and TV correspond dents. Zionist \ "I am a Zionist," the British Prime Minister said, "let me make that clear. I was one of the original ones after the Balfour Declaration, ana I have worked faithfully for it. I think it is a most wonderful thing that this community should have established itself, so effectively turning the desert into fertile gardens and thriving townships, and should have afford-" ed a refuge to the millions of their cc-religlonlsts who had suffered so fearfully under the Hitler, and not only under the Hitler persecution. I think it. is a wonderful thing. 'I also have a great liking for the Arabs. I was the man who appointed Abdullah to be King 6t Trans-Jordan; I presented to the cabinet that idea, and they put it Into force. Alas, he has been murdered, but I have the greatest regard for the Arabs, too. Really, I think we ought to be able, somehow or other, to use our influence. from every quarter to make them work out.a P'an together. "It is so easy to reduce what little there Is of that part Of the world to tho desert, to the level ' of the desert, and that is all that can be done by their quarrels; whereas, by agreements, and so forth, we may be able to greatly increase the population who can live in that area. There were far more 2,000 years ago than there are now in Palestine; and we not only can greatly increase the population in tho area, but we can bring a harmony there which will be a security and not an element of anxiety in the Middle East. Let us be tolerant and let us be friendly, nnd let us support Arab tights and help forward the legitimate Zionist aspirations." j
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Friday, July 2, IBM
Dr. Bunchc Says
Peace Hinges on Refugee Problem
Fubusaed Every Prldi r by Ike Federation for Jewtab Service .Nturuiu.tuavUH>ct of tum> J, me. SMttohU SBBfifl / rm»M» HABRY HALPERT .,,.. Editor
The primary obstacle to Near East peace is the continuation of the Arab refugee problem. Dr. Ralph Bunchc stated here Saturday afternoon. Dr. Bunche visited Omaha and spoke at the Centennial Intcrfaith program held at Omaha Stadium Saturday evening, • Presents Block •' Dr. Bunche, principal director of' the Department of Trusteeship and Non-Self Governing Territories of the United Nations, pointed out that the refugee problem presents a psychological block to permanent peace. These refugees number from 750.000 to 000,000 according to various estimates, ha * added. The deterioration at the Israel-Jordan border by daily raids since the armistice is an emotional exploitation which keeps the atmosphere clouded, Dr. Bunche emphasized
Flanders on McCarthy
Senator Ralph E. Flanders, Vermont Republican, hit the nail on the head when in a speech on the Senate floor he ac-, cased the junior Senator irom Wisconsin of spreading "division and confusion wherever he goes" and of canting foreboding among American Jews" in spite of the fact that his {McCarthy's) two closest associates are Hebrews." Mr. Flanders, we believe; was also eorrect in guying'that it wasn't Jews alone 1 who have reason to be concerned over McCarthy's tactics, that Protestants and Catholics, too, were troubled over his statements and actions. "I have been led to remember the part which the Senator played in the investigation pf the Malmedy massacre and the "Strange tenderness which he displayed for the' Nazi ruffians involved," said Mr. Flanders. "Perhaps this would not have been enough to perpetuate foreboding, but his anti-Communism so completely parallel) that of Adolf Hitler as to strike fear into the heart of any defenseless minority." And then the Vermont Senator advised Americana never to forget "that Comma.' nism and Nazism and other dictatorships resemble each other Difference* far more closely than any of them resembles the free world into Actually the difference between which we were born and in which we hope oar children and the Arabs and the Israelis are not grandchildren will live." many, he related. Some of the -r In reply to Senator Flanders, Senator McCarthy pointed to major points include the demilithe fact that Koy Colin, chief counsel of, McCarthy's investigattarized zones, compensation far, Arab land and the Suez Canal ing sub-committee, is Jewish. But Mr. Flanders had already Although the stars overhead blockade. Dr. ^Bunche said that taken care of .that argument when in bis speech he declared were hidden from view by an overIn the case of compensation, the that foreboding among Jews over McCarthy's tactics was well cast, Miss Lude Skinner, soprano principle of payment of war claims nigh universal "in spite of the fact that his two closest assoBy Or. PhUts* Sbcr has been accepted. vocalist sparkled in song in the ciates are Hebrews." Another point of disagreement , Neither Senator Flanders nor responsible American Jews opening programs* the; 1954 Starconcerns the Mixed Armistice are.accusing Senator McCarthy of down-right, overt anti-Semi- light "Fop" Concert Series Tues- He who trusteth in his ownCommissions, Dr. Bunche stressed, heart Is a fool; but whoso for the Israelis feel that the comtism. . But they do accuse him of attempting to create a climate day evening at Peony Park. The largest audience yet saw walketh wisely, he shall escape. of fear, suspicion, divisiveness and confusion among Americans missions are not on a high enough He who givcth unto the poor level for making political settleof various creeds, a climate in which anti-Semitism,and similar Richard E. Duncan conduct the shall not lack; but be who hideth noxious weeds would have a better chance to flourish than in a Omaha Symphony O r c h e s t r a his eyes shall have many a curse. ments nnd the Arabs* want to the seventh year of work through the commissions. purer and less hysterical atmosphere. This is the sin of Mc- marking A faithful man shall abound "Pops" concerts here. Meeting Together Carthyism for which all Americans who bold dear the American "Viennese Night" was selected with blessing*; but he who makcth Arabs and Israelis have been tradition of liberty, good-will and mutual confidence are nowas.the theme for the first per- haste to be rich ahull not be un- meeting together in the mixed calling the junior Senator from Wisconsin to account. formance of the season. The pro- punishedarmistice commissions, Dr. Bundle Talmud gram included: Suppe's Golattua replied in answer to the question Rabbi Elcazar said: "It is per- of whether or not the two factions Overture, ballet music from "Rosemunde" by Schubert and Waldteu- mitted for a man to modify a re would sit down at the conference fcl's Le« Patincurs (Skater's port In the interest of peace." table. Concerning the structure of Wall*). The Jews may bo recognized by the commissions, the Nobel Prize Miss Skinner by poouiar request three characteristic f e a t u r e »— winner said, the commissions were sang selections from the "King and They are merciful, chaste and not conceived as lasting councils Tel Aviv (JTA) — f r c m i e r plan for such purposes as being I" by Rodgers and Hammersteln charitable. W h o e v e r possesses and that a review of operations and her closing numbers were not these characteristics, It is not and amendments to the organizaMoshe Sharett told Israel and the exaggerated. tions arc being considered. He said that Israel had not yet from "Kiss Me Kate" by the same appropriate to associate with. '-world what he and Eric Johnston, composing team. Rabbi Ishmacl in the name of Dr. Bunche stated he has no President Eisenhower1! personal received any direct Information The expected rain did not ma. his father said: "He who prays crystal ball with which to foretell concerning a preliminary underenvoy, had discussed in relation to standing between Mr. Johnston terialize and a drop in .empera- should fix his eyes downward and another war, but since 1919 if the American'and Israeli plans for and the Arab states. Israel's at- ture added to the pleasantness of his heart upwards." there had not been an United Nadevelopment of the Jordan River titude on any plan which finally the evening which it seemed was When Rabbi entered the acad- tions with machinery to deal with emy those who were slight of sta- them, many conflict situations . Valley. At a press conference he emerges will depend entirely on overall too soon. ture rushed quickly and occupied would have been unresolved. outlined points of agreement and whether It will assure that the their seats. Rabbi Ishmacl, howdisagreement between the Amer- proposed distribution of water se- Farband'to Meet ever, being stout, moved to his Israel's rights and provides ican and Israeli negotiators. He cures for Israel's vital needs In theThe Farband Labor Zionist Or- seat slowly. Whereupon, Abdcn, explained th« United States at- period immediately ahead as well a disciple of Rabbi, remarked: titude toward the entire problem, as In the more distant future, be der will hold It* last meeting of' "Who Is he that forces his way the season 8:30 p. m., Saturday, over the heads of the holy peoas it bad been outlined for Mm. declared. July 3 at the Jewish Community ple?" "This Is I, ishmacl, the son Five Nebraska drivers have been Mr. Sharett said that the pur of Rabbi Jose who came to study among the* early entries for the ' Center. Sports Car Races ot Ofpose of the talks last week^was to Zionist Council from Rabbi," wag theNational Joe Radinowski, delegate to the the Torah futt AFB Sunday, July i. : . ; -.•.' • ..;• . ' '/.•"•; . • clarify the possibility of coordin- Re'dects Officers national convention that Was held reply; More than 25 entries have alating various plans to use the JorIn Montreal, Canada, in May will ready been received for the race*, Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky was re- give his report dan and Yannuk Rivera.for Irriga- elected UN Survey Reports and upwards 'of 100 can are expresident, of the Omaha Mrs. J. Feldman and Mrs. Abe pected to compete. tion and hydroelectric power pur- Zionist Council at their last meetIsrael Progress Two, Omahans ore already enpope* lor all countries having, ing of the season held June 23. Cohen are in chargo of arrangement*. Refreshments wiU be rights to these rivers. The im-Other officers re-elected are: Joe served. United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— tered•'.Loyal Katskec, sports.car Members are requested to While "substantial progress" has dealer of 2702 N, 93rd Street, will mediate object of the talks, he Rodinowiki, vice-president; and arrive on time. been achieved in agricultural pro- be-racing a Jaguar XK-120 in stated, was to arrive at'an initial Joe - Guss, treasurer. Mrs. Max Grossman it the newly elected duction and exports In Israel, "It three of the races. Joe Mayer of arrangement for a division of the secretary. cahnot yet be ascertained to what 1502 N, 59th Street will be in two Morocco Schools water, so that work could be startextent the basic difficulties facing of the four races with on MG-TD. ed without delay on specific projNew York (JTA)—A total of thtf economy of Israel have been General Motors newest and hot30,137 Jewish children are pres- s'61ved,"a United Nations report on test experimental car the "Fireects.. He stressed that Israel op- Ethiopia Recognizes bird" will be on display. The sleek, ently attending schools operated position had been expressed on the economy of Israel declared. Jerusalem (JTA)—Ethiopia will white, 370-horsepower single seatthe! following points: The study, a "Summary of Re- er shortly grant Israel de jure rec- by. the Alliance Israelite Unlverwas constructed by CM to study 1. Israel was unable to accept ognition and will establish dlpltf-' tellc in Morocco, It was reported cent Economic Progress in the Ambassador Johnston's principle matic relation.1) with the Jewish here by the American Friends of Middle East." listed as the "most the possibilities W gas turbines for automotive use. the Alliance. Tho report empha- acute" of these problems the Inthat only Jordan Valley lands State, It was learned here. should be Irrigated with water It is understood that the move sized that Oils represents a 50 flationary pressure, the deficit In from these projects. Israel de- Is being made over the strenuous percent increase over the attend- the balance of payment.'!, and theHerod's Palace manded that the water be used to objections of the Arab Btates. ance five years ago. requirements for development In Irrigate much wider ttreas. As a Ethiopia and Israel have developed At the same time, it was an-agriculture and Industry. The re- Tel Aviv (JTA)—The discovery result of this argument at cross- a lively trade In recent years, and nounced port also noted that there was an of the remains of the ancient palthat additional classes purposes, the Premier notod, no tho Kthioplun Government own* Improvement In tho balance of ace of King Herod in Massadn, a agreement. was reached on this considerable real property In the were orwncd recently by the Al-trade but the situation In this re- water system in that nrea and a liance for girls, who now number point. number of ancient Corynthlan new city of Jerusalem. 49 percent of tho total enrollment spect 'remained serious." 2. Israel refused to accept any obelisks was announced here by in the Alliance schools. This is There was an casing of the pow- Shmarya Gulmnn, an amateur form of international .supervision considered particularly significant erful inflationary pressures which archeologlst who lives at Kibbutz of these water resources, despite New Settlements, since previously girls had been de- made themselves felt in 1951 andNaan. Mr. Johnston's explanation that he Tel Aviv (JTA)—Fifteen new nied any education In the Moslem at the beginning of 1952, the re- The Hebrew University and tho had in mind a neutral body whose function would be merely to super- settlements will be established this areas. The number of students In port found. Prlce/s, however, con- Israel Government Department of vise the allocation of specific year, Dr. Rnanan Weitz, head of he Alliance schools In the entire tinued to increase, though more Archaeology have announced a quantities of water which had the Jewish Agency's settlement de. Mediterranean a r e a , Including slowly, nnd the exchange value of plan for an excavation plan In the been agreed to by each country, partment, announced here. the Israeli pound was again re- area to be undertaken Jointly by Israel, Is today over 00,000. from a common water resource. duced in 1953. Dr. Weitz also reported that n all youth movements on a volunThe Premier underlined the fact vast expansion In 'Israel's cultivat- When we asked comedian Red teer basis. Work will be started that Israel had taken a favorable ed area is expected, Including the Buitons "Has your,wife changed A producer In talking about this winter l>y a permanent scienview of tho settlement of a cer- addltlono of 90,000 dunams (22,500 very much since you married Georgle Jessel remarked: "Georglc tific force stationed In the Mastain number of Arab refugees in acres) of irrigated fields, 14,000 tier?" the Jewish star of television must real.'y bo crazy about his new sada area, and the youth groups the Jordan Volley, but had stated dunams of citrus groves and 12,000 answered: "Yes . . . my friends, girl friend. He loved Jier t i n will furnish n new crew of volunthat It considered the quantities dunams of fruit plantations other my clothes, my hours, and myblonde, a brunette and a redhead." teers every two weeks to assist •f water set aside In the Johnston than citrus- . . . . .. ..'...,•, habltA,"—(JTA> —(JTA) the scientists.
'Pops' Concert Series Opens
Premier Sharett and Johnson Discuss -Water Development
Sport Car Races At Offutt Sunday
L Friday, Jory % K M
Recipes of The Week
Omaha Sketches
CHOCOLATE MINT CHIFFON PIC Bin. George Cohn Hi cups chocolate wafer crumbs % c. melted butter Roll out about 18 large chocolate wafers (fine). Add melted butter and mix well. Place In 9-Jnch pie plate and set In refrigerator and cool
Mr. and Mrs. Max London have returned home from New York City, where they attended tho wedding of Jheir con, Perry Vandon, and Miss Vivian Jacobson of New York City. Mr. nnd Mrs. Perry London aro making their home there. • « • Mrs. David Friedman nnd son, Harry, arc accompanying Mr. and Mrs. Mnx Goldstein who' are returning home to Van Nuys, Calif., after attending the wedding of their niece. Miss Felicia Anne Abramson, to Philip S. Alberts, Mr* Friedman will visit with the former Omahans, Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Cutler entertained nt a cocktail party, June 20, for their son, Ensign Edward M. Cutler, and his bride, the former Miss Rcnce Kippen of Pasadena, Calif. Ensign Kutler was commissioned June 12 at the University of Southern California. The wedding was held June 12 in Pasadena, Calif. Ensign and Mrs. Cutler aro en route to Pcn» sacoln, Fin., where he will be stationed for flight training. Miss Helen S. Cutler, daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Cutler, now a resident of Los Angeles, was also present at the affair.
2 squares chocolate or 6 T cocoa 1 envelope gelatlno 8 eggs, 1 cup sugar Pinch of salt 1 t. vanilla % c cold water Few drops of peppermint flavoring Soften gelatin in M cup cold water and let stand. Mix cocoa or chocolate with % cup water over low beat until dissolved. Then add H cup sugar, salt and 3 egg yolks ((beaten). Cook until It forms a custard. Add gelatin to hot mixture and stir until dissolved. Add vanilla and cool in refrigerator. When mixture begins to thicken take out. Beat 3 egg whites until very stiff with % nip of sugar. fold in chocolate mixture and add peppermint flavoring, 'to taste. Pour in pie shell crust and store in refrigerator for a few hours. Serve with whipped crenm topping or lhaved nuts. RICE PUDDING Mis. MorrU Epstein Rinse and cook two cups of rice for ten minutes. Rinse again then add 1 cup of milk, salt and butter. Cook another 10 minutes. Then add % cup cherry Jelly, V4 c. raisins, Vt cup sugar, 3 cue yolks beaten and 1 L lemon juice. Lastly fold in beaten CRR whites and put In greased casserole. Top with cinnamon and sugar and bake for 45 minutes.
Haifa Port
Onrahan to Wed Brooklyn Girl Mrs. Anne Julien and Mr. Alan M. Julien of Mew York City announce tho engagement of their daughter, Leonore, to Emanuel David Drcvlch, son of Mr, and Mrs. Barney Drcvich of Omaha. They plan to marry September 19 in New York City with the immediate family in attendence. Following the wedding, the couple will make their home in Omaha.
Water Festival
Miss Marcla Gordon
Miss M. Gordon Engagement Told
Mr. and Mrs; Richard Gordon of Council Bluffs, la., announce the engagement of their daughter Marda, to Herbert M. Spector, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spector of Rock Island, HI. Miss Gordon was graduated from the State University of Iowa this June, where she was a member of Sigma Delta. Tail, a sodal sorority. Her fiance attended University o( Illinois and University of Miami, where he received a degree as Bachelor of Arts. He will be graduated In August from the Univer• • • sity of Iowa's College of Low. Mr. Mrs. Donald Ruben with her Spector is a member of Phi Epchildren, Jlmrnic and Gail, arc vis- sllon PI, a social fraternity and iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phi Delta Phi, a legal fraternity. Joe Passer of Council Bluffs, la Dr. Ruben plans to Join his family here Inter. Dr. Ruben is the son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Ruben of Cnmp Szold, a Zionist Youth Omaha. -Camp for boys and girls sponsored by the Missouri Valley Region of Hadassnh nnd the Southwest ReJerusalem (WNS)—A memorial Clon of Senior Young Judaea will open August 9. forest for Americans who died In The camp jp located near Des the Israel War of Liberation was planted In the Judcan Hills, over- Molncs and youngsters from 14 to looking the Jcruxalcm-Tel Aviv 18 years of age are eligible. The road. Mrs. Golda Myerson, Min- camping period will extend from ister of Labor, and Ivan D. White, August 9 to 16. For further Information contact American Chnrge 'Affaires, planted the first saplings In the forest. Mrs. Isadora Oberman, GL 3354, Mrs. Myerson, speaking nt the Omaha Chapter Hadassan Youth ceremony, recalled the enthusiasm Commission chairman. nnd devotion with which American Jewry sent "Its best sons" to fight for Israel's Independence. Aluf Dan Tolkovsky, Commander of tho Israel Air Force, told the gathering that American volunteers made possible the creation of the Israel Air Force. Funds for the forest were raised In the United States by the American Veterans of Israel,
Zionist Youth Camp_
Memorial Forest
Haifa (JTA) — The t w o - y e a r project to enlarce the Haifa port facilities will be completed coon. according to officials involved in the project. The work was done by the Israel constructive cooperative Solel Boneh in collaboration with a Dutch firm of harbor engineers. Two new docks have been constructed, each over 1,500 feet long, and each built of concrete. The harbor has been dredged alongside the piers to a depth of 37 feet, permitting the larger ocean liners to tie up alongside. One of the docks Is (or passenger vessels, the second for cargo ships. In (he dredging operation, over 11- acres of marsh land was filled In snd will be used for a new railroad terminal in the port aren, A total of 120,000 man-days of labor New York (JTA)—Two enlisted ,haii been put Into tho project,'Solel men, members of the United States Bonch.oCfidals estimated. forces at the U. S. air base at Tliule. Greenland, have formed a congregation at the Arctic base, it was reported by Ansel E. Talbcrt New York (WNS% — Shake- who has just returned from a tour speare's Sonnets, translated into of U. S. bases In the Arctic which Yiddish by the late B. Lapln, re- he undertook for the New York nowned Yiddish pact, has Just Herald Tribune. come off the press, Bearing the Congregation B'nal Thulc, the imprint of Dloch Publishing Co., report says, was established by New York, the 9G-paKe volume. Airman 2nd Class William J. Gorthe first of itrktnd In Yiddish, en- don of Trenton, N. J., a graduate compasses all of Shakespeare's 151 of Yrahlva University who plans to Bonnets. Appearing alongside each continue his studies and Keck a translation Is the English text. commission as a chaplain In the Lnpln, Russlnn-born, who passed Air Force, and Army Pfc. Maurice away nt the ace of 63, on Novem- Bctman of Detroit Services have ber 23, 1952, Jnbored for eight attracted as many as 28 persons years on tho sonnet translations. Including members of the base unit The new book U being widely ac- nnd visiting personnel and civilclaimed as an "enduring, vital ians. contribution to Yiddish literary endeavor." Jan Peerco: "The best way to be contented with your lot Is to build Pntronlzc Our Advertisers n house on It."—(JTA)
Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on.
Arctic Congregation
Sunday Brunch
• " ' " * ' r-
fOOD... - ...
Mark July 28 on your calendar now for the Omaha Chapter Hadassnh Mid-Summer Water Festival and Card Party to be held at the Highland West Club. Mrs. Sidney Schwartz is general chairman of this affair and Mrs. Alfred Frank is over-all ticket chairman.
Organizations Hadassah (Jmaha Chapter Hadassah announces that there will be a Summer Chapter Board Meeting, Wednesday, July 14. All Chapter Chairmen please note and keep that date open. Further details will be given in the Press next week,
Monsky Chapter
Plans for the coming d u b season were made for B'nal B'rith Henry Monsky Chapter. No. 470 at a recent meeting of the execu-, tlve officers held at the borne of Mrs. Seymour Kaplan, president. Delegates to the B'nal B'rith District Convention held last week in Milwaukee, Wls., from the chapter Included Mesdames Sam Pollak, Aaron Epstein, George Cohen, Mr*. Max Sachs will appear on Max Krizelman, Charles' Stern and Betty Holson's TV-Home show 9 Harry Flerdman." a. m., Tuesday, July 6 over KMTV. In answer to many requests, she A motion picture star who had will demonstrate the preparation reached her thirties without marof favorite Jewish recipes. Mrs. riage was asked by a reporter Sacht said that she has selected what she looked for most in a for 'the- show the making of a husband . . . brains, wealth or aphoney cake, a carrot mold and a pearance. She snapped back: "Apchopped liver dish. These recipes j*arance, and the sooner the betappeared In the 1954 Annual Year terl"— (JTA) Book of the Greater Omaha B'nal B'rith Association. Patronize Our Advertisers 1
Mrs. Sachs to Appear On TV Cooking Show
Saturday Start Horn: 9:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Commemorating Omaha's 100th Birthday
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Silverware — Mob Noor
' Biiy
V ; "'.-;• ';•;•: r
Friday, July I,
Youth Council Doings
Happy Birthday
Friday, July t A. Z. A. NO. 1 in the rain - soaked final game The Omaha chapters of A. Z. / Alcphs Stan Widman, Larry Ep Jack Lieb, Frances Lynn Udei, were host to five nclghborin stein, and Terry Bernstein wer and Martin WeU. chapters at the Summer Kcgiom named to the Regional All Star Saturday, July I Convention in Omaha. Moth Softball Team. Regional elections Steven Robert Abrahamson, BarChapter received the Outstandlr. w e r e held, and the followin bara Jean Chudacoff, Nancy Fell> Paper Award for the chapter pi Alcphs were elected to office man, Thomas Harry (Tommy)] per, The Kibitzer. Editor Jen Jack Oruch, vice-president; Star Fellman, Charles Stuart Kaplan, REGISTERED CAKPEBS Glris Ferer accepted the award. In ot Widman, sorgeant-at-anns, Netania Eileen Lubman ftnd Boy* Kathy Adler, Nina Bleda, Shar- er fields, the A. Z. A. No. 1 sof tarry Schwartz, chaplain. Jackie (Chlckle) Stcinman. Jonathan Bank, Gabriel Berg, on Bernstein, Dale Deborah Brod- ball team lost to Sioux City 11 I^arry Epstein and Terry BernSunday, July 4 Jack Bernstein, BUI Bieda, Joseph key, Gail Brodkey, Nancy BrodBtcln won the doubles tennis tour Michael Gary Canar, Eden Cohn, L Borfly, Alan Lewis Cohen, Jo- key, Eden Conn, Karene Copeland, nament. Stan Widman won the Karen Jean Ross and Jane RM •• ' teph A. Erman, Matthew Faler, Barbara Elaine Ellis, Betty Ersoftball throw In the track meet Shrier. Arnold Fellman, Marc Fellman, man, Frances Erman, Joye FeinJack Oruch and Stan Widmar Monday, July S Tommy Fellman, Robert Fellman, berg, Alice Ann Fellman, Karen have been announced as 1 9 5 4 Jerry Ferenstem, Donald Fiedler. Sue Fellman, Lorie Freeman, Judy Marvin Braun, Julie Ann Frank, S w e e t h e a r t Dance Chairmen Friedman, Janet Gerson, Barbara The Council Bluffs Chapter o Barry Fredkln, Richard Friedman, Robert Lynn Goodman, Richard Frank Nonnan Goldberg, David Joy Glvot, Judy Frances Goldner, Hadassah entertained at the Dr Committee chairmen have been Louis Hitter, Arnold KimmeL GoUte, Mike Green, Bobby Grou, Anabel Graetz, Linda Ruth Graetz, Philip Slier Jewish Home for tl: chosen but not yet announced. Jerry Lehr and Muriel Rosenblatt. {fames Gum, Stephen GUM, How- Arlens Claire Grossman, Patty Aged on Father's Day. The mu Tuesday, July 4 ard Hahn. Daniel Hollis, Gordon Herzoff, Judy Mae Katz, Nancy leal portion of the program was RAyiM Lawrence David Kirke and Jay* Katz and Susan Eileen presented in the auditorium am Raylm has recently captured Hollif, BUly Hurwitz, Stuart Hur- Paula nee Lou Novak. the Yiddish readings In the aii first place in the Youth CourlfcU witz, Larry Joe Kaplan and Philip Katzman* Wednesday, July T Softball League. Sunday morning, conditioned Home Synagogue. Kaplan. .•>•.;.. ' "... ' . . \ . Others are: Beverly Sue Goldberg, Betl June 27, the Rayim squad defeated Mrs. Morris Grossman served as Barbara Ann Kline, Joyce Rita •'•': O t h e r * a r e : • ' ..'•'• Jacobs and Shari LJtt Steven Katz, Alan R. Konecky, Koom, Sharon Kay Koom, Linda master of ceremonlos and enter- the Mother Chapter team In a deThursday, July S ' Wally Kosberg, Donald Hani* Lee Lapides, Janet Lefkow, Bar- tainers Included Mrs. Ben Telph- cisive battle. The fiord fought conFrancine Beth Magzamln, Rob* test ended with the Blue and YelKraft, Jamet* Krone, Larry Lee bara Levinson, Judy Levinson, ner. Miss Elaine Falken and Miss ert Taren and Robert Lynn WclnLandman, Karl Lueftchuetz, Dan- Gall Ann Leviteh, Myra Llpp, Sar- Barbara FrankeL Other Council low ahead by sixteen to twelve. ftein. ny Levitzky. David Michael Llt- ah Milder, Beverly Lynn Miller, Bluffs visitors were Rabbi Korb wack, Michael Markovitz, Charles Lynne Renee Minkin, Judy Platt- and his family, Mrs. Braunsteln, COtTNCILETTES As in past years, Councllettes Dutch Synagogue < S. Mayer, Lawrence Mayer, Adrian ner, Judy Pollack, Elaine Raskin, Mrs. Abe Llebowitz, Mrs. Herman Monroe Minkin, Howard D. Mul- Rochelle Rein, Renee Rlmmer- Myerson and Mrs. Morris Wohiner. has challenged A. Z. A. No. 1 to Amsterdam (JTA)—The Netha softball game. hlckv James Lee Nash, Terry Fan- man, Naomi Ann Rothenberg, LinFreezer Donated This year's Councllette's steak- erlands Government will contrib. v man, Mark Plattner, Howard Rar- da J. Rubin, Diane Marie Rublnow, A new 25 cubic foot freezer was fry was held June 26, at Fair- uto the equivalent of $112,000 and nlck, Donald Charles Rifas, Leon- Ethel Sabes, M..Ann Safersteln, donated to the home by the folmont P a r k in Council Bluffs. the city of Amsterdam about *32,« ard Rifas. Martin C. Ricks, James Susan Gail Seglin, Doris Jean lowing merchants: Twenty-five couples attended the 000 toward the cost of rehabllltat* Rocklin, Richard A. Selo, Jimmy Selo, Elaine Ruth Selo, Deanne AdlerV Bakery. event at which the club paper, Ing the famed Sephardlc Syria* Sherman, Philip Sherman, Stuart Shapiro, Joanne Shrier, Judy Ann Forbes Bakery. TIM Coundletter.waa given out. gogue here. Sherman, Gary Shrago, Stanley Slegler, Joan Evelyn Stlefel, SuzOmaha Kosher Market . Preparations for the tea honor- The building which was conseShrago, Jeffrey Simon, Michael Si- anne SutiHi Cynthia Pat Swartz, Pacific Fish. ing freshmen girls are now being crated in 1675 and Is believed to be mon, Jerry M. Slusky, David Slus- Brenda Unell Judith Vcret, Bette Diamond Kosher Market. made under the direction of Phyl- the oldest synagogue still standing ky, David Soshnik, John Henry Wciner, Sharon Wolberg and ShirJoe Kirshenbaum. lis Frecdman. in West Europe Is classified as a Spitzcr, Ritchie Lynne Swartz, ley Wolberg. Shukert's Kosher Market Robert Harvey Weinateln, Robert Netherlands national monument. Weinstcln's Fish and Poultry DEBKA DEBS Lynn Wetnstcln, Louis Bennet Market Wolfe, Harold M.Zabln, Richard Patronize Our Advertisers Debs and Tlkvas Ami Jointly Special Klddosh are planning a picnic in July and .G. Zacharia, and Dick Zevitz. A special Klddush was held at a tea in August, both for incomthe home in honor of the Bar Mitz- ing freshmen. For Fine Tailoring vah of Marshall Bernstein, son of Debs are p r o u d of recent Survey Shows Move Norman Marsh Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bernstein. Mrs. achievements of some Of their Lena Borsky, resident of the home, members. Judy Krantz was an- • Member Master Tailors and Toward Equality 7:42 . 7U. Candlellghtutf Cutters Association, is the celebrant's grandmother. New York (JTA)—The United nounced Raylm Dream Girl nt the England States continued to move slowly Mrs. Esther Abramson donated Rayim Formal Juno 19. At the CustomLondon, Tailor to I.adlwt & Meo but perceptibly during 1953 toward cakes'and cookies to the home in summer Conclave of the Missouri ALTERATIONS greater equality for all Americans, Beth Israel honor of the wedding of her daugh- V a l l e y Federation of Temple 210 So. 20th JA Ult regardless of race, creed or origin, ter, Felicia to Philip Ajberts. Y o u t h , Joanle Abrahams was Friday evening services begin at according to a survey released by You are invited to attend musi- elected Western vice - president the American Jewish Congress and 7 p. m. Sabbath morning services cal programs given at 8 a. m. near- and Sara Pepper was appointed the National Association for the begin at 8:30/ a. m. Junior con- ly every morning In the home au- regional editor. Marsha Waxengregation, starts at 10 a. m. Advancement of Colored People berg, '54, won an nltcrnatc NcRabbi Groner will conduct the ditorium. In a statement issued with the The final affair of .'the year will )raska Regents Scholarship. Talmud class at 7:15 p. m.; Sat-, report, the organizations stated be the Fourth of July Party to be that the progress made in 1953 urday Mincha will'start' at 7:45 given under the auspices of the A. Z. A..NO. 100 p. m., followed by Sholoshe S'euoand earlier showed that the Howard Kaslow, president, has Workmena Circle Auxiliary, American people were - ready to dos and Maariv, been named to the executive counDaily morning services begin at give full effect, to the Supreme cil of District 6 of A. Z. A. HowCourt decision of May 17. 3954. 7 a, m.; daily '..jkfternbon services Jewish Orphans ard will function as Cultural Comoutlawing racial segregation In begin at 7:55 p. in. Stockholm (WNS) — "For Is- mittee Chairman. His Job Includes Sunday morning services begin 1 the public schools and would "conrael's Children,' anon-Jewish or- Jurisdiction over Eight midwestform their'practice to established at 8:45 a. m. and Is followed by ganization which aims to raise em regions of the order of Aleph , public la«g and policy, whatever Rabbi Groner's Bible Discussion enough funds to settle 40,000 Jew- Zaddik Alcph. their personal at'itudes may be/' class. The youngsters of the Tails ish orphans in Israel, opened an The. report Is devoted to an and TeffiUn club begin their serv- exhibition here. The money realanalysis of developments during ices at 8:30 a. m. Breakfast is ized at the exhibition will be used the past year- In 14-major areas of served at the conclusion of their for the purchase of pre-fabricatcd national life in which civil rights services. The Talmud Discussion houses for children's villages in Isare an important issue, including group, currently studying the trac- rael. employment, housing, 'suffrage, tate Sabbath meets every TuesThe organization was created by RUG & UPHOLSTERY education, the Armed Forces, mob day evening at 8:15 p. m. under leading Swedish women engaged In CLEANERS violence, group defamation and tin* the direction of the Rabbi at BHH humanitarian work, including the Synagogue, 19th and Burt. nation's capital. wife of Archbishop Brillloth. The We make grateful acknowledge- exhibition was officially opened by LAMP SHAPES The 189-page survey, in coverIng development'! during President ment to Mrs. Rebecca Temln for Countess Estellc Bcrnadotte, widFUINITUM Elsenhower's first year In office, Torah Bands presented to the ow of Count Folkc Bernadottc who Cleaned la Yotar HOOMI notes that the newly-elected na- Beth Harnedrosh Hagadol Syna- w a s asslsslnated in Palestine. tional administration "did not per- gogue In honor of her grandchil- Members oi the royal family, who lent art objects, also visited the DON lUNSTfIN HA IIM mit any retreat from gains dren. THE PERFECT CRACKER exhibition. achieved during previous years pressed several Important reforms Temple Israel toward conclusion" and took some Sabbath Services this evening Steps "not previously attempted." but "ventured no bold innova- start promptly at 7:30 o'clock and 7 will be held in the chapel of the tions.' In a statement issued with the new Temple Israel at 70th and report, Dr. David PeteKorsky, ex Cass Streets. Rabbi Sidney H. ecutivc director of the AJC, and Brooks will conduct the services. Walter White, executive secretary Of the NAACP, said: -The'Su- Beth El preme Court decision of May 17, Sabbath evening services will be 1954. condemning racial segrcgaGwwo dry, Wifeoniin — on Uka Tombtcu 73 mlnults Inm CMcoft tlon in public schools is a stirring held tonight at 7 p. m. Sabbath rOR SUMIgEI IIST AND RICIIATIOI^ reaffirmation of the fundamental morning services will begin at 8:45 is good enough for your • Air Condlllomd Dining Btwia on'd g* American principle of equality.and o'clock. The Mincha Service will dear ones in Israel. begin at 7:45 p. m. •Two Magnlllctnl U k t i , floollng Swlaialng f o » | proof th.it our democratic system •All (uniur Sport! — Prlrsl* II hoi. Ooll Cam*' Daily services during the week certificates hen $5.00 can correct its own defects through • Hon.botk Jldlng •Nightly Oanclng, ^ are held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. The packijej from $M0 Orderly legal processes." Sunday morning service is held at an food ElJt Kosher 7 a. m.
\CampJdyC-O I
With the Folks At Home
Religious News
only the best
Paris (JTA)—There are still tome 800 Jews in China for whom the Joint Distribution Committee Is trying to find permanent homes In other countries, it was learned here this week. After negotiations iritis intergovernmental bodies, the JDC has succeeded in bringing five aged Jews from China and having them placed in a rest home In Switzeiland.
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BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratulations also for nil Jewish holidays and special occaniom. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge.
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