July 9, 1954

Page 1

vVOL ^i v v r v u * j MM JV.VAII—NO. **


4eeuna-(Jiu» tuuei «t foilNel»a»u anan »cl 01 Kid-

Elevator To Be Dedicated Sunday at Home for Aged The formal presentation of the elevator which was recently in •tailed at the Dr. Philip Slier Home for. Aged will take place Sunday, July 11, at 3 p. m, on the grounds of the Home, 4801 No. •52nd Street. illkur Cholini The elevator was built with funds provided by the Bikur Chollm Society, as one of Its projects. It represents an Important contribution to the welfare of the residents at the Home, and it enables the Home to have fuller occupancy by utilizing the second floor for additional residents. Residents are •Up able to visit the recreational rooms which are on the ground floor, Mrs. Louis Neveleff, chairman of tlie Presentation Committee', said. Speakers ^ Presiding at the ceremony will be David E. Beber, Chairman of the Home Committee; presents-

Ike Advisor for ' Blockade Stop Washington: (JTA)—Dr. Arthur Burns, economic advisor to President Eisenhower, was quoted here this week as declaring that t h e Western Powers know they cannot consider the Arabs as a serious factor in the struggle between East and West nnd that the Western Powers must take a stronger stand to Influence the Arabs to halt their blockade of Israel. The appraisal of the situation ascribed to Dr. Burns, whicb conflicts with State Department jwlIcy in arming Iran, as a bulwark against Communist aggression, appeared in an interview with Dr. Bums by Bclncsh Epstein, of the Republican National Committee, circulated to the Jewish press by the committee. "Dr. Burns, believes," the Interview asserted, "that America and our democratic allies must take a stronger stand to Influence t h e Arabs to cease their blockade'of Israel. He also hopes (hat this will happen very toon. "The" Western Powers, he remarked; know that they cannot depend upon the Arabs as an earnest factor In the.struggle between the East nnd West at a time when they have full assurance that Israel will fight effectively for her Independence and for democratic freedom and security In the Middle East. He is, therefore, convinced t h a t the Western Powers will ultimately, in their own interests, take steps against the Arab blockade of the State of Israel," the Interviewer reported. *

Gagne to Wrestle Wed. at Stadium The United States wrestling champion, Verne Gogne and Rocca t!ie Argentine challenger will be the feature attraction at the Centennial Wrestling program to start 8:30 p. in., Wednesday, July 14 at Municipal Stadium. Three preliminary matches will also be held. Tickets are on sale at Russets Sporting Goods store, 1810 Farnam St,

Netv Scrip Stores Scrip To Israel, Inc., announced the opening of three new stores In Israel. The new stores will stock a full line of strictly kosher foods In addition to Scrip's three other stores in Tel Aviv, Haifa. and Jerusalem. Scrip certificates enn be purchased nt the Jewish Community Confer. M i l l and Dodge Sts.

tlon of the elevator will be mail'! by Mrs. Lewis Nevcleff^ with the participation of Mesdumcs Allen Zalkin, Harry Sidman, and Jake Wine. J. Harry Kulakofsky, Jewish Federation president, will accept tlie elevator on behalf of the Federation, and Max Fish of the Home resldqnt family will speak for the residents. Memlx>rs of the community are invited to attend, the ceremony. Refreshments will be served af the end of the program.

U.N. Hears of Jerusalem Incidents United Nations, N . Y . (JTA)— Israel and Jordan, in communications to the president of the United Nations Security Council, traded c h a r g e s and countercharges as to who precipitated the three-day "small war" In Jerusalem. However, neither of them asked* for a meeting of the Security Council. Thoir communications will merely be distributed among the Council members. Mordecal R. Kldron, Deputy P e r m a n e n t Representative of Israel at the United Nations, charged in his communication that the Arab Legion of Jordan started the fighting by opening fire from Its positions in the Old City of Jerusalem on the Israeli section of the city. "There wus not tho slightest provocation for this deliberate attack," ho stated. "It was obviously planned In advance and centrally directed."' Issa Bandak, Acting Foreign Minister of Jordan, in a cable to the United Nations, said that "armed forces of the Israeli Army have showered the Arab section of Jerusalem with bullets and shells of their automatic guns." Mr. Kldron emphasized in his communication that the Israeli forces were under orders not to return the fire when tho'Arab Legion started to lob mortar shells into the Israel part of Jerusalem." No fire was returned for two hours," he stressed. "Eventually, however, as tho Arab firing continued to gain in Intensity and striking power, it became necessary for Israel forces to react," he pointed out. "These latest attacks," Mr. Kldron said In his communication, "constitute a new deliberate act of repudiation by the Jordan Government of Its obligations under the Armistice Agreement. It would seem that the absence of any international reaction to Jordan's flouting of the Armistice Agreement in the past has served to encourage the Government of Jordan to commit this outrageous disturbance of tho peace of Jerusalem, which constitutes an offense against the entire civilized world, ho less than against Israel."

Rumania Releases Zionist Leaders Jerusalem (JTA) — The Rumanian authorities have released ,ix Imprisoned Zionist leaders and have upset the conviction by a military court of two others, it was learned" here. The two will be retried by civilian courts. The six Jews who were released were named as: Dr. Aharon Cahane, Ephraim Guttman, Dr. M. Zalman, I. Badi, a lawyer,' Mrs. Bluma Lupu and Yank Mnkrlat. Tlie two whose trials were upset were Mrs. Suzanne Benvcnlstl, wife of World Jewish Congress leader MLsir Cenvenlsti, who had received n ten-year sentence, and attorney Jean Llttman, who had been sentenced to 15 years' Imprisonment.


Pettis Awarded BB Citation

difiilihed evtrj M t u , 101 M. 20UL Onuba. Ncbruka, Fboiu JA 1»M

R*U • Oo« 10

Philanthropies $404 507

Edward F. Pettis, membe-' •IC13N '6 U the board of J. L. Hrandels ,„,,,„,„ * io Sola, was awarded the An W l*<ll a)U)S canism Citation of li'nai B'rlth's Henry Monsky Lodge, No. 354 at a luncheon Wednesday in the Paxton Hotel. Tlie award was presented by Morris Jacobs, last year's recipient, in recognition of outstanding service to the community. Mr. The sum of $404,507.45 is ths Initial Gifts .......$320,360.00 latest campaign figure reported • Jacobs paid tribute to the civic General Men 18.S91.S0 contributions made by Mr. Pettis Wednesday noon by Robert H. . Womcns . . 5 8 , 6 4 2 . 2 5 Kooper; General Chairman of th» over the period of years. Mr. PetChildren . . . . . . . . . . 1,913.95 1954 Philanthropies drive. / This •, tls's work for Ak-Sar-Ben, the ColHigh School . . . . . . . 729.75 amount was contributed by 3,402 . lege World Scries and the downOrganizations . . . . . 2,735,00 subscribers. town parking project were some National Firms . . . . 410.00 of the many civic endeavors menPointing out that another $25,* tioned. Non-Jewish , 1,125.00 000 is still outstanding in the un- ' solicited cards Mr. Kooper urged Mayor John Rosenblatt was one Total $404,507.45 all workers to complete the con* * of the many guests attending the tacting of all outstanding pros* . award iuncheon. pects without delay. ' Mr. Pettis stated that alert men and Women are working together Crltcal Problem to build a greater Omaha, with a "Our 1954 Campaign is one of . fine dvic cooperative spirit He extreme urgency in every direcmentioned that we have an active tion," Mr. Kooper said, "The most and aggressive Chamber of Comcritical 'problem at the moment ' merce furthering the city's growth. is that of Israel and its lnVmlOmaha is on i t s wayy Mr. Pettis New York (JTA)—A national granta, who depend upon our funds emphasized. He b o r r o w e d a during a difficult political .and fl- ' thought of Mr. Jacobs, in which religious proclamation, setting nanclal crisis. he stated that the rent we pay aside the • American Jewish Ter"National agencies and local in- for the apace we occupy in this centenary — from September 12, stltutlons serving Omaha depend world should be paid for by public 1954, through May 29, 1955—as a upon our contributions to .carry service. period of "thanksgiving and re- on their Important services, he . continued. . < Dr. Abo Greenbofg, member of joicing" to be marked in synatho board of the Supreme Xodgo Await Outcome of B'nal B'rith presided at the af- gogues throughout the Country, "Health and welfare institutions,' fair. He told of how B'na.1 B'rith, was Issued here from the steps of including national Hospitals which the oldest Jewish fraternal organ-, Congregation Shcarith Israel, old- serve Omaha residents, arc awaitization, is now celebrating its ing anxiously the outcome of our 110th yenr of fostering better un- est In the United States. The con- campaign. derstanding between Jews and gregation was* established by the "Every card that is .still outnon-Jews. first group of 23 Jews In New Am- standing represents a missing link which hurts the agencies we supMarvin Treller, president of the sterdam in SeptcmlKT, 1654. port. I appeal to every Jew in Monsky Lodge, o u t l i n e d the Prepared in three languages, Omaha to cooperate by majclng group's locnl programs with tho English, Hebrew and Yiddish, the mission to promote the highest proclamation bears the signatures their contributions when called upon by our campaign workers," Ideals of humanity. of Rabbi Simon G. Kramer, chairMyron Milder, chairman of man of tho Tercentenary Commit- Mr. Kooper concluded. Americanism committee, gave the tee on Religious and Educational closing prayer. Participation; and the presidents of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, tho Union of OrthTel Aviv (JTA) — The Welz- odox Jewish Congregations of Milwaukee (JTA) — A call to \ mann Institute of Science will America, the United Synagogue of Americans to fight a gain's'%'. ' shortly begin producing "heavy America, the Rabbinical Council "hatred and terror that Fascism water," «n essential element of of Amerlca-the Rabbinical Assem- and Communism have let loose in atomic energy production, the aft. bly of America, the Central Con- the world," was voiced • here by* ernoon newspaper Hadpr reported. ference of American Rabbis, and Philip M. Klutznlck, International • The report added that Israel's sci- tne Synagogue Council of Amer- president of B'nal B'rith, address-, * ' Ing the 86th, annual convention of entists luuF developed ati evapora- ica. the organization's '•District Grand , tion process for obtaining "heavy, "In some lands across the seas, Lodge Six at the Hotel Schroeder, . water" without the Use of large our brethren have been pressed to quantities of electric power. • Pointing out that the virus of give up their religious beliefs and As a preliminary to planning practices and to. disappear in a hate was being used to destroy and building the proposed Instipeople and nations, -Mr. Klutznlck wall of namelessness," the proclatute of Physics at the Weizmann mation says. "But within the donounced the persecution of Jews ' Institute, Dr, Amos de Shalit, actin Communist Rumania as "an *. home of America we have suc- outburst of anti-Semitism and a ing head of - the nuclear: physics ceeded In preserving the unique diabolically clover design of the , group at the Institute, left Israel identity of_the Jewish religion, Soviet Union to court the favor of By air on a visit to various capiworshipping In keeping with our the Arab States by this demontals in Northern and Western Euhistoric tradition; and we have stration of u n f r i e n d l i n e s s to " rope- / :: .:-:.'.:.-': ' ; ' .:• : . / • • ' / : ' • / • preserved our ancient teachings, Jews," He cited the recent report OUT ethics, and our religious loy- on Germany by the Anti-Defamaalty is strong." tion League of B'nal B'rith to Between now and September show that the hatred sown by the "Message of Israel's Faith" 12th, when the celebration of the Nazis against Jews still exists. will bo discussed by Rabbi 300th anniversary of Jewish set"The virus of hate," he said, "Is. Abraham J. Feldman of Con- tlement in tho United States is of- being spread In Austria, where gregation Beth - Israel in Hart-: ficially launched, this proclama- restitution was recently authorford, Conn. This program is tion will be re-issued in hundreds ized for Nazis while their victims ' part of the "Message of Israel" of cities and towns throughout the still waited for the return of their scries heard over KOIL from country. stolen property; in South Africa, 10 to 10:30 a. m. where the race conflict Is' so InThe programs are produced tense that the Jewish community .under the auspices of the Unthere lives in great fear; and in ' ion of American Hebrew Conthe Middle East, where Arab and gregations and the United JewNew York (JTA)—There Is a Jew live in fear and violence."; ish Layman's Committee. In a reference to the rise of possibility of settling the dispute between Israel and Jordan over demagogues in this country, Mr. « "Words We Live By," a sum- the development of tho Jordan Klutznlck said: "The intrusion of mer series of the Eternal Light Iliver Valley, Ambassador Eric this particular virus of hate into program will feature informal Johnston, President Elsenhower's our national life Is perhaps approconversations between Maur- personal envoy, declared here priately discussed on this platform ice Samuels and Mark Van upon his return from a trip to the in this state without the mention Doren. Near East during which he con- of mimes and without reference to The second program will ferred with Israeli and Aral) load- Individuals. It seems difficult to broadcast over WOW-Hadio ers on American and other plans understand what the end will be when I hoar-people—some of them from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon. for the development program. people of great Intelligence—say, The discussions entitled "Tho Mr. Johnston refused to discuss Supporting Cast of the Bible" his mission further until after ho 'I do not like the methods but I i will emphasize interesting as- had had an opportunity of report- agree with the objectives and, therefore, It Is all right with me.' pects and Interpretations of ing to Mr. Eisenhower. He did relesser known Blblcal charac- veal that he expects to return to They have forgotten that democracy and freedom are a method as ters. the Near East in two to throe well as an objective." months.

Campaign Score Box

Kooper Stresses Critical Need

Tercentenary Proclamation

Klufznick Calls for Fight on Hatred

'Heavy Water'

Sunday Radio

Water Agreement Foreseen by Envoy



Jfetoisi) free* «•*

Omaha Sketches


M d a j bj the Federation for Jewfak Service Anoutt auucncuoo, M.VU us u U I U L mrniu, aaaa i t m m limb >, u n . •damai untt lin wo. ' frutm* in bliwt, <£•»!». !!«*£, Klxluoo UM. B A B B I HALPEET...

Mr. Rnd Mrs. Ralph Cooper announce the birth of a son Ian David, Sunday, July 4 at a local hospital. Mrs. Cooper is the former Miss Rita Swurtr. The couple has another child named Silly Jo. Maternal grandparents are Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Swartz and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cooper. Maternal great-grandmothers arc Mrs. Radial Swartz and M n , David Cooper.. :


Is Religious Feeling Increasing?

' Eeceutly the Now York Times published the results of a (omprehebsive survey by its correspondents in various part* of the world on the present status of religion in this and other countries. According to the Times headline, the survey reveals that the horrors of war in the last few decades, the discoveries of science and the ideological political conflicts of our time have not undermined man'B faith in God and in religion as an expression of that faith. We are told that the various-faiths have retained their vigor, particularly in the United States where Catholicism, Protestantism and Judaism aro thriving in a religions climate Mr. and Mrs. Max Chasen of that has never been more favorable. This conclusion is reached Fremont, Nebr, celebrated their on the basis of a greatly increased choreh add Bynngogne mem25th wedding anniversary recently at the Pathfinder Hotel Guests Inbership. cluded their daughter and son-inHowever, we cannot help asking whether an Increase in law, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fcldraan* church and synagogue membership and attendance at religious of Minneapolis, Minn. The- Fcldworship is a proper gauge of an increased feeling for religious mans also visited at the home of values. Church-synagogue membership and attendance may Mr. Feldman's parents, Mr. and often be merely an expression of sociability, of a desire to "beMrs. Joke Feldman of our city. long," It may also be an expression of some deeper feeling within the individual, a feeling which may properly be called Mr. and B i n . Leon B. Poaster religions. But we cannot be certain, we have DO statistics on of Bollywood, Fl*., announce the birth of a son, Robert Daniel, such a delicate matter. Monday, June 2L The couple has We welcome, of course, the news 'that synagogue -membertwo other children, a daughter, ship and ^attendance at Jewish religions services hag increased Friday, July a Deborah Sue and a son, Jeffrey in the United States in recent years. We' do hope that this is Robert C Jacobson, Linda Faye A retired merchant from Sao Lloyd. Mrs. Poaster is the former also an indication that American Jews are' showing a greater Joffe, Stephanie Morris and Ar-Paulo, Brazil, was reunited with Miss Mildred Chemist. appreciation than in past years of the eternal truths that are to Maternal grandparents are Mr. his three sisters and brother here be found in the ages-old faith of Judaism, that they ere willing lene Jane Teppcr. and Mrs Leonard Chcrnlss 'of in Omaha (or the first time folSaturday, July 10 to be guided by Judaism's teachings on man's relations to his Omaha and paternal grandparnts Karen S u e Brodkey, Richard lowing their separation in Lithu- are Mr. and Mrs. M. Poaster of God and his fellow-man. ' Barry Conn, Stephen Rusoell ania when they were children. Mr. Hollywood, Fla., formerly of LinFeuer. Lawrence Marshall Gross- Peisach Levin and his wife ar- coln, Nebr. man, Robert Gregory Hahn, Randy rived here oo their first-visit Or * • • • Gail Kaiser and Donna Rae Wolfthe United States. Mrs. Sam Sy- Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Hirscb son. cowski and her husband traveled will leave tomorrow for a twoSands?, July 11 from Los Angeles to be on hand week visit to Mexico City, to see cousins there. They also plnn to Ernest Foster Shwidelson. to greet her brother who she has stop off In Oklahoma and Houston, Monday, July 1Z not seen in 30 years. Texas. Marion Evelyn Dimant, Gary Gay luughter marked the family • • • Lee Green, Sharon Eve Kraft, reunion which was attended by 40 Mrs. Clarence II. Krislcin, t h e ' Sarah Milder, Howard Shrier and friend3 and relatives, Tuesday former Miss Sara Jacohson, has Mark Wolfson. evening, at the home of Hymnn Tuesday, July 13 Lcvine, brother of Peisach l>?vln. been elected to Kappa Delta PI, a national education honor soMidi i d Finkle, Jimmy I/rcpold Mr. Levin'.'; sisters are Mrs. Meyer Fried. Jnmcs Joseph GUM, Sara Meyerson of Council ISIuff:;, Mrs. ciety. Gail Katzman, Howard Alan Abe Cohen of Omaha and Mrs. Sy- Mrs. Kristein. who lives Ul Silver Springs, Md., with her husI>ewis, Judith Elaine Siref and cow.'.ki of Los Anj;elrs. band and 12-year-old (Intighlcr, Susan Doris Waldbaum. Mr. and Mrs. I-cvin will .stay In Leo Meredith, In on elementary Omaha until the end of July when teacher in the District of ColumWednesday, July 14 Jerome Melvin Faler. liobcrt II. they will leave for New York City bia. Ginsburg, Marshall Michael Kap- enroute for Israel. They are trying A graduate of Technical High lan, Steven Kate, Karen Magza- to contact cousins in Philadelphia School, she was active In musical min. David Charles Swift and whoso names they found in a Phil- circles here. adelphia telephone* directory. Pamela Sue Weiss. ' • • • The Levins will visit with their Thursday, July 15 Suzette and Suzan ^Estrada, eon in Israel, who Is an engineer Harriet Bea Corey, Frada Elsa with an Israeli airline. Mr. Levin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. D«yid Goldenbcrg and Michael Robert staled that he would like to settle Estrada, are spending the summer Smautl Meyerson Mrs. Ren Genbnn at Webster, Wis., as counselors at Sherman. V. In Israel. . I s n c r s slxtb anniversary was celebrated by pnrrhsnn of *1S,Sao Paulo has a Jewish popula- Camp- Herzl. Phil Silvers explains politics this tion of about 20,000 In an overall 000 in Israel Development Honda at a ellnnrr In Ilir Jewish Community Center of Council niuffs June 30. Citation* Here presented way: "Politicians shouldn't be- so population of 1,600,000. There is to Mrs. Ben J. Orslmn, ILuIussah Itond Chairman »lnrc 1951, and haughty . . . after all, today's one newspaper printed In Yiddish it Samuel Mcyerson, community Bond Chairman for the past three President is tomorrow's three cenl that is published weekly. The 7**f*. Louis Bernstein was chairman of the celebration at which stamp."—(JTA) community has youth center, a Hngn McDonald, veteran Ilajjanah flRfit^r and brilliant young talmud torah, a high school and Plans arc being completed for economist, »-as the principal spealter. Mrs. Tepi>erman headed the this year a Ycshlva was opened. the Omaha Chapter Hndassah Mid- ' , reservations committee. Rabbi David Korb spoke the Invocation. Mr. Levin said Uiat there are four .Summer Water Festival, Style synagogues there and all ore or-Show and Annual Card Party to thodox. l>e held at the Highland West Club By Mrs. Morris Spcckter '' The Jewish community raises Wednesday, July 28. Mrs. Sidney Schwart7, general Loneliness comes easily funds for Israel, and he felt the New York UTA)—Ellis Island, By day and by night amounts raised were proportion- chairman announced her co-chairgateway for millions of immiLondon UTA) —The pro-Zionist grants to the United States, may Even though I've many friends ately higher than here In tiie U. S. men are Mrs. Harold Ooopcrman, position enunciated by B r i t i s h shortly be. abandoned, it was inAnd children who fill me Mrs. Levin who migrated to Mrs. Yale Gotsdiner and Mrs. NorPrime Minister Sir W i n s t o n dicated by the Immigration and Brazil with her husband said that man Dcncnbcrg. Mrs. Alfred with pride. Churchill last week in Washington Naturalization Service here. they have "holla" and bacel" Kranlc. over-all ticket chairman But the friends live far away has the following* women working has come under violent attack in there. The service is considering Riving And the children live their the press ami radio of the Arab. She related that they have a with her: From the S/old group, up the station on Ellis Island lives; League states. women's Zionist organization and Mrs. Jack Levey and Mrs. J. M l t So I lie and watch the trees In on English-language broad- which has processed millions of youngsters are trained for life in ton Mnrgolin; from the Wcizmann sway cast beamed to Europe, the Da-immigrants since It became the Israeli The community supports a Group, Mm. Howard Milder, Mrs. most Important immigrant enIn the monotonous wind orphan's and old age home, she A. A. Steinberg nnd Mrs. Jules mascus Radio said: "What is surShapiro; from the Herzl Croup, trance or departure station in outside. prising and irrcconxilable is that added. the two statements, the one call- 38!)2. In its hey-day, the Ellis IsThe Interview was c a r r i e d Mrs. Homer Farber nnd Mrs. SeyI still want to enjoy this-wonIng to peace in tlic Middle East land station processeed up to 5,000 on in broken Yiddish which mour Katz. Mrs. Harold Stosbcrg drous world of ours, and the other expressing support immigrants daily. Now it rarely brought gales of laughter from the is chairman for the Style S.how. Eut I miss the old friends houses more than a few hundred tor Israel and Zionism, fhould apwhose values were so amused guests. pear in the same speech a n d persons at a time. As a result, the Mr. I-cvin said that he thought real. should be'Uttered by such n rca-authorities are looking for a centl>e cost of living was cheaper in I miss the lakes, the woods, leader o f the Western ter which would \K more economim gonable Sau Paulo. When asked whether Omaha Chapter Hadassah will where we spent such " Bloc of nations as Sir Winston cal to maintain. they have television there, he re- hold it's first summer chapter happy hours. Churchill. A picnic area In Colonial times, plied that programs are televised board meeting, Wednesday, July for four hours during tin? day. A 14, nt the University of Omaha, ''It is to be hoped," the broad- the island passed into the hands of Sick at soul and body growing set costs about 5350 In our money fitpm 1 0 a . m. to i p. m. A no-host cast continued, "that Sir Wins- Samuel Ellis, from wliom i t took old, he estimated ton's recent utterances in support its name, and was later acquired I open m y door to call a luncheon will Ix served at noon. of aggressive Israel will be duly by the State of New York. In 3808, A reception by the Cohens, Lc- Mrs. Morris M. Franklin, Omaha friend. the state ceded It to the Federal noted by the responsible loaders of People hurry by, their looks so vlncs and Meyersons honoring Mr. Chapter Hadassah president will the Arab World. It would also be Government for nn arsenal and and Mrs. Peisack Levin will be preside. The calendar for the comcold, Interesting to note the change in the island has since served In that held from 3 to 6 p. m., Sunday, ing year will bo completed, th« I close the door, and again the attitude of Churchill's friends capacity, as immigrant processing July -31 In the social hall of Beth budget will be adopted, new chapalone I s t a n i center and base for Coast Guard in the Arab countries now that he Israel Synagogue. ter project chairmen for the ownStill, I thank God for this has reiterated his full support for port security forces. ing year will be announced. Zionist alms, which include, as blessed land we live in, Mel Blanc: "It's hard for a rich we an know, the total destruction And, grateful, am comfort- man to enter the kingdom of Harry Illchman: "The behavior Clifton Fadlman: "The advantOf the Arab p e o p l e s and the of smart children often indicates ed, even at peace with heaven, but it's easy for him toage of a dictaphone Is that It never wholesale distribution or their that they don't smart in the right the wind. get on the synagogue board of takes a man's mind off hlfi work land" ..-, . trustees."—(JTA) places."—(JTA) by crossing Its knees."—t JTA) :



• »

Happy Birthday Family Reunited After 40 Years

Israel Bond Leaders Honored

Hadassah Plans Water Festival


Churchill's Views Ellis Island Attacked by Arabs


FrfcUj, JFuljr »/ ISM

Klopper, Schwartz Marriage

Mn. fiburice Schwartz Bridal pink gladioli and patrician carnations flnnkcd by pink tapera decorated Beth I s r a e l Synagogue Sunday for the wedding of Miss Phyllis Klopper to Maurice Brandt Schwartz. Rabbi Benjamin Groner and Cantor Elii Kagan officiated at the candlelight ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. S. Abraham Klopper arc parents of the bride and the bridegroom is son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Schwartz. The bride won; a fiown of Imported lace and nylon tulle over satin. The fitted bodice featured a scalloped off-shoulder neckline with French illusion yoke. The floor length bouffant skirt had a tiered front panel with a full court


A pearl and rhlnestone tiara held the bride's veil of imported French illusion fabric. She carried a white orchid on a white Dlblo. A cousin of the bride, Mrs. Sylvan Singer of St. Louis, Mo, was matron of honor. She wore a Waltz length gown of blush pink nylon net over taffeta with a matching tiara, trimmed in seed pearls and carried a colonial bouquet of blue feathered carnations. ' The Misses Edith Frank and Margie GendJer were bridesmaids. They wore identical gowns of blue nylon net over taffeta with matching tlams. Mis* Taml Klopper of Kansas City, Mo., a cousin of the bride. Was the junior bridesmaid. Dr. Martin Neiimorth of Pittsburgh, Pa., was best man for his cousin. Ralph and Leon Klopper of Kansas City. Mo., David Hear and Marcel Kahn ushered. Sid. ney Klopper, brother of the bride, and Gerald Kloppcr of Kansas City, Mo., were candlellghtcrs. For her daughter's w e d d i n g Mrs.Klopper chose a floor length gown of champagne colored lace. Mrs. Schwartz wore a gown of mauve silk lace. After a reception in the social hall, the couple left on a honeymoon trip to Colorado. For traveling the bride chose a champagne linen dressmaker suit with matching accessories. . Mr. and Mrs. Schwartz will live in Omaha. Guests from Knnsan City, Mo., included the following; Mrs. Meyer Klopper, Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Klopper, Mr. Harold Kioppcr, Mr. Gerald Klopper, Mr. Hymnn Ilnyless, Mr. and Mrs. William Klopper, Mr. Charles Klopper, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Agron, Mr. and Mrn. Herbert Berlin, Mr. and Mrs.- Oscar Klopper, Mr. Ralph Klopper, Miss Taml Klopper, Miss Marlene Somber!,", Mrs. Abraham Bcitchman, Mrs. Esther Beltchmnn, Mm. Cyril. Klopper, Mr.' Jack Klopper, Mr. Leon Klopper, Mrs. flyman Irvine, Mr. Ame Lcvine and Mr. Steve Price. ' Others from St. Louis,' Mb., worr> Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rosen-


Miss" Bertie J. Simon Weds Beber-Abramson Wedding Jerome Grossman in Lincoln fit Beth El Synagogue Sun. Mi&s Bettie June Simon of Lincoln and Jerome P. Grossman wire married Sunday, June 20 at the Cornhusker Hotel in Lincoln. JUbbi Abba Fincberg of Smith Street Temple in Lincoln officiated. The liriile Is the daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Sam .Simon of Linciln; parents of the bridegruum lire Mr and Mrs. Philip Grossman. The ice blue chapcl-leni;lh bridal f;own featured a ptt.ilsbnped skirt npplicuicd with bow, of imported svviss orf;;iruly over nylon tulle, llowhnots of orjrnndy finished tlie roiled petal neckline of tlic Ixxiicc. A Khell Cap held tiio bride's ice blue fingertip veil add she carried a ImiifjUft of fenthfred carnations. Matron of honor was Mrs. llobert J. Cohen of Lincoln, sister of tho briile. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Paul Marx of Lincoln nnd Miss Eleanor Green of Omaha. Attendants wore (;ow»s. of forget-me-not blue dotted nylon styled with double-tiered ikirts, strapless bodices and jackets. Shell caps of matching nylon tulle and colonial bouquets of pink swccUicnrt roses completed their ensembles. Robert Cohn of Indlanola, Miss., was best man. Ushers were Dr. Stanley Goldman, Kansas City, Mo., Mr. Cohen, Sam Bettner, Leslie Schneider-man, Abe Baum and Dr, Marvin Simon. Mr. and Mrs. Grossman will make their home In Omaha.

Omahan to Wed Israeli in August Mr. and Mrs, Max London announce the engagement of their daughter, Sylvia, to Dov Sonnenschein, of Kititzat Geva, Israel. Miss L o n d o n recently Epcnt eight months In Israel ns a member of work - study p r o g r a m ponsored by Habonim. She will return to Israel nt the end of July. Her fiancee, an electrician and radio technician, In n member of the Kvutzi> where he lives. The couple plan n late August wedding at Gcva. T h e y will llvo in the kvutza.

Miss Jane Beber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Beber, and Floyd Howard Abramson, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Abramson, were married Sunday in a 5:30 p. m. ceremony In Beth El Synagogue, IUibbi Myer Kripke officiated beneath a bell-shaped canopy decorated with daisies, smilax, ferns and greenery. The bridal gown of imported Calais lace over taffeta was styled with empire bodice accented by narrow taffeta bands and bows at waistline and midriff. The low oval neckline and tiny cap sleeves were also outlined with taffeta; the bouffant skirt ended In a cathedral train. A satin-edged Regency enlot of matching lace held the bride's fingertip' veil of imported illusion nnd she carried a c/escent bouquet of stcphnnotls and miniature ivy. Miss Joan Beber was maid of honor for her twin sister. Bridesmaids were Mmes. Robert Newman and Richard Goldman, the Misses Ilene Sachs, BrenOa Katzman, Suzanne Richards and Bettylu Klutznlck, the latter of Park Forest, III. Mrs. Jerome P. Groscmui Attendants wore white IrrldwMrs. Floyd lL Abrahuon cent taffeta gowns styled with empire bodices and bouffant skirts room of the FonteneDe Hotel, the with impressed hlpline p l e a t s . couple left oi) a wedding trip to Wisconsin Dells, Wls. Recent appointments to . the Back bows •. ending In hemline Mr. and Mrs.-Abramson will live Board of B'nai B'rith Monsky streamers "finished the cuffed mi<J- in Cambridge, Mass. driffs, • • ' ? • • • •,-,• Chapter No. <70 include the folOut-of-town guests Included Mr, Small white calota with three lowing: Mesdames George Spltzer, and M n . Henry Levin, Mr. and Sam Glefman, Robert Swartz, Abe tiers of matching flowers and bou- Mrs. Milton Falcoff and Mr. and quets of red carnations with caGinsberg, Julius Newman, Joe mellia foliage completed the Mrs. M. Rice, all of Chicago. Guss, George Shapiro, Charles bridesmaid's ensembles. The honStern, Milton .Mintz, David Shu- or attendant wore a red calot and Ben Hecht: "In order not to kert, Sol Dolgoff, Harry Wise, carried red carnations. show anything brutal "on the Harry Lewis, Maurice Sachs, Alec screen,, most movie* end Just ag Robert Abramson was his brothAylat and Arthur Goldstein. Ad- er's best man. Ushers Were Har- the couples are about to get marditional appointments will be an- Icy Beber, brother of the bride; ried."—(JTA) nounced at a later date, as win Bernard Bebpr, William Abramplans for a summer board meeting. son, Dean Frankel,'Arnold Stern Abe Burrows: "You must always and Michael Beber, the latter of explain things frankly, and simply Los Angeles, Car. to your lawyer; It is'for him to Patronize Our Advertisers After a reception in the ball- confuse them afterwards."—(JTA)

Monsky Chapter



Thank You Miss Frankie Gross wishes to express her thanks for the Uniongrams which | ^ e received ~«t the time of her confirmation. blum. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan Singer and Miss Linda Rosenblum. Those f r o m Pittsburgh, Pa., were Dr. and Mrs. Martin Neuworth, son Bobby; frgm San Francisco, Calif-, were Mr. and Mrs. Maurice BoJtchman.

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Obituary Mrs. Eva Epstein

Beth El Sabbath evening services will be held tonight at 7 pjn. Sabbath morning services will begin at 8:45 o'clock. The Mlncba -Service will begin at 7:45 p. m. Daily service* during the week are held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. The Sunday morning service ii held at Tim.

Beth Israel < Friday evening services begin at 7 p. m. Sabbath morning services begin at 8:30 a. m. Junior congregation starts at 10 a. m. Rabbi Groner will conduct Hie Talmud class at 7:15 p. m.; Saturday Mlncha wiU start at 7:45 p. m.. followed by Sholoshe S'euodos and Maariv. Daily morning services begin at 7 a. m.; daily afternoon services begin at 7:55 p. m. Sunday morning services begin at 8:45 a, m. and Is fallowed by Rabbi Croner's Bible Discussion chuu. The youngsters of the Tails and TeffUln club begin their services at 8:30 a. m. Breakfast is seryed at the conclusion of their services. The-Talmud Discussion group, currently studyin&the tractate Sabbath meets every Tuesday evening at 8:15 p. m. under the direction of the Rabbi at BHH Synagogue. 19th and Burt.

Temple Israel Sabbath Services this evening start promptly at 7:30 o'clock and will be held in the chapel of the new Temple Israel at 70th and Can Streats. Rabbi Sidney II. 'Brooks will conduct the services

Recipes of The Week

Service* were held Monday, July 5 for Mrs. Eva Epstein with Interment at Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel Cemetery. Mrs. Epstein, 89, died Saturday, July 3, at the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged, Mrs, Epstein, a native of Russia, came to Omaha 33 yean ago. Her husband, Solomon, operated a .butcher* shop in Omaha for many years. She it survived by three sons, Ruben, Morris and Sam, all of Omaha; ten grandchildren and twelve great-grandcblldren.

Mrs. Anna Kotzman Services wen held Monday for Mrs. Anna Katzman with interment at the Golden Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Katzman, 79, whose husband is the founder and president of Mastercraft Furniture Corporation, died Saturday, July 3,.in a local hospital after a short Illness. Survivors Include: her husband, Meiadi; six sons, Meier, David. Julius, Sam and Maurice, an • of Omaha, and Philip of San Francisco; a- daughter, Mrs. Allen Wohlner of Omaha; two sisters, Mrs. A. CantiiTof Chicago and Mrs. S. Sokol of Coral Gables, Fla.j a brother, J. Lehman of Chicago; 17 grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren.

Solomon KtttlGinon Services were held Sunday, July for Solomon Katleman with in erment at' the Golden Hill Cemetery, Mr.' Katlcman, 78, died Thursday, July 1. He is survived by his wife, Leah; two daughters, .Mrs.- Frank :. Freid of Houston, Texas, find Mrs. Frank Sekar of Omaha:, four sons, Meivin of Lo» Angeles, Harild of Had Tollz. Germany, Oscar and Sidney of Omaha.

Mrs. Sarah Saltzman

S?rviees were held Sunday for Mrs. Sarah Saltzman with Interment at the Oak Hill Cemetery In Council Bluffs, la. Mrs. Saltzman. MOTHER TftKULKR'S SPINACH 69. died Friday, July 2. in a local Mrs. Marvin Trailer lospital. 1 package frozen ohopped spinShe is survived by: two daughach era, Mrs. Dorothy Teltz and Mrsf 2 slices stale bread (remove Jennie Conn; a son, Harry Saltz' crust), man: seven grandchildren and five 2 T chicken fat 'jreat-grandchildren.

tt onion diced fine Salt and pepper to taste Boll 'i cup water in saucepan and place' in It the frozen spinach. Cook until completely thawed. Drain well. Slightly dampen bread and crumble Into spinach, chop to; gethcr to blend. Heat chicken fai in sauce pan. add onions and cook until tender, th?n addjplnach and, mix together. Season to taste and cook.until well blended (stir occasionally to avoid burning). Co\* j ,er and let *H several bourn before ; ; servine. Heat for sertfng by1 placi Irtg In 350 decree oven' for abou< \80mlmr-ij'

EADB AND MUSHROOMS * Mrs. n-njnmln Orontr Parboil 1 Ib. of sweetbreads. Cut in cubes and roll in browned bread crumbs. Saute 'i Ib. of mushroom!!. 1 cup of diced onions. >4 tsp. paprika, salt and nenper to taste in .2 Tbl. chicken fat. Add sweetbreads to mushrooms and saute 30 minutes longer. P a u I e 11 e Goddard: "Tight clothes stop circulation, but the tighter a woman's clothes, the more she Li in circulation."— ,<JTA> Judy .Holliday: "A clever Rirl Is one who knows how to refuse a kiss without being deprived of Jt."—(JTA)

Want Ads Jtunt JA ijoa to insert your want An it fh« Jtwiit frevs. Current rate it 60 cenu for rnch mwrmaa. Tbt t*r*«* reserve* the rlcljt to limit •lit on Mcb advertisement. .

BAR and Bas ,Mitzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge.

Friday, July 9, 1951


Gems Bible and Talmud Bj DIC. I'UIUP SIIEIl

Youth Council Doings TIKVAS AMI Plans are now underway for a joint picnic for incoming freshmen girls to be held by T. A. and Debka Debs. Time, place, and dale for the picnic have not yet been announced. Some of T. A.'a recent activities of the summer in elude mass attendance of a com muniy sing at T u r n e r Park's Theme Center and a tea held Jointly with Deb's for all Junior Young Judeans. ^ Meetings are being held once a month during the summer months.

Harpo Marx Recently, when Harpo visited New York, representatives of a dozen worthy Jewish charities doncended upon him to request his appearance nt !x?nefits. One lady was particularly persistent and, after 12 telephone conversations In two days. Har|M> finally agreed to apiK'ar for her. She called for him to escort him personally to the proper place in order to make sure that he wouldn't elude her. Just as they were closing the door of the suite, his phone began ring' ing. "Don't you want to go back and answer It?" she asked. Harps sighed gently and said. "Why bother? It's undoubtedly .you. again."—(JTA) ._

nible THou shalt not utter a false report; put not thy hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness. Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou bear'witness It s cause to turn •side after a multitude to pervert Justice. It thou meet thine enemy's ox or his donkey going astray, thou A. Z. A. NO. 1 shalt surely bring it back to him. The A. Z. A. No, 1 1954 SweetOne of our best known producers fired his new ghost.writer last heart Dance will be held on SepTalmud .

* OUr Rabbis were taught—If one has no means and refuses to be supported by charity, he is to be supported in the way of a loan, which Is thereafter to be considered a gift Near Mar Ukba lived a poor man, and dally: the former would place four zuzlm under the tetter's door. One day the poor man said: '1 will watch who it is who Is helping me so much." That day Mar Ukba was detained at the academy until very late, whereupon his wife accompanied him to the house of the poor man. As soon as the poor man noticed that they stooped downward, as if to shove something under the door, he rushed to, meet them.' Mar Ukba and his wife hurried away from him, rushing into a furnace from which the fire had fortunately been put out Why did they so anxiously run away? Because said Rabbi JocluEhan: "A man should rather throw himself Into a ftary furnace than to -publicly put his neighbor to shame."

tember 11 at the Blackstonc Hotel with music by Skippy Anderson. Dance chairmen Stan Widman and Jack Oruch have appointed the following dance chairmen: printing, Dave Widman; ad solicitations, J c r o \ Fercr, Mike Larer; gifts, Bcrnle Ostrovlcli; flowers, Norm Garrop; g r a n d march, Morris Shrago; stickers and tickets, Lee Martin; pictures, Mike Mogil; treasurer, Gary Gitnick; secretary, Mike Meyer; and publicity Stan Kaiman. Aleph Mike Meyer lias recently been elected to the U. S. Y. Camp Council. •••'•:

Lauren Bacal): ' "Keep your schoolgirl complexion and your schoolgirl complexion will keep you."—'JTA)

week because, the producer explained, "He doesn't understand my style of writing as well as the last fellow I had."—{JTA)

Benny Goodman: "The musician who plays by ear is quite deft."—



Cleaned In Year H M M I t)*dU 9 • Uyl»a . R*f«Mi>t DON IMNSTEIH HA MM

_ George Jesscl: "Co-education was once a race for supremacy between the sexes, but now it's neck to neck."—(JTA) Jerry, Lewis: "A comedian Is usually a man with hair on his Jest."—(JTA>

ktiffppefsfnk O H M at}, WfKomln — en Lok* TomlMov 75 mlnutw fro* Chltoo*

An independent movie producer as seeking to Interest a dress manufacturer in backing a motion picture. He took him to a rehearsal on a sound stage, One leggy girl after another appeared in a cant rehearsal costume. The merchant gaped intently.' but all. he said was an occasional "phooey." The , producer, annoyed, finally ild, "Here I show you some of he most beautiful girls In the vnrld, and all you do is sit and say hooey."" ' "I wasn't thinking of the girls." tildthe garment tycoon sadly. "I ty thinking of my wife."—<JTA)

r o t SUMMtl IEST AND REtllATION • Air CwulMmtMl DMitfl fexxa and U»n«* • Two M o g n l f l c . n l U k « i , H o o l l n j J w l a a i l K S FOW > A I I I w a i r Sportf — P r l . o i . H h o U Oolf CovrM • Hofi.bock (lillna • Nightly Dancing, E l l


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