July 16, 1954

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•r • v w * « mr 11 Intend M S«aMd-Glajl MAlUf M PMtVOL XXA11—Ho. IB stlic*. Oman*. N e t m u . ondw Act of 1ST*.


Personalities Modem Meiwrahs of Vigil/me: In The News Israels Macabeeson the Alert I GENERAL ADLEIl Watertown, N. Y. (JTA)—At a OOlorful formal review, the Seven'ty-Soventh Infantry— "Statue of liberty"—Division of the V. S, Army Reserves saluted its commanding general, Major General Julius Och» Adler, In farewell. Gen. Adler who, In civilian life, is ytce-presldent and general manager of the New York Times, announced that he will retire from the Army Reserve next December When he has reached the mandatory retirement age of 82. The famous 77th has just completed its two-week reserve tour-of-duty at Camp Drum near this city. Gen. Adler has been heading the division Since 1946, when it was reactivated as part of the.. Army's Organized Reserve. He entered training as a citizen-soldier in "MMiorths" that FrotMt Lives: a Coastal Border Lookout 1919, was commissioner April 6, VottttXIath 1917—the day the United States entered World War I—and has risen steadily to his present rank. He Is the holder of many high military decorations. An outstanding advocate of Universal Military Training, he was appointed in 1953 ATOMIC FARLEY praised the Israel labor federation, by President Klsenhower to the London (JTA) — Israeli scient- asserting that without the vision chairmanship of the National Seists will be among the 700 scient- and Initiative of the Histadrut curity Training Commission. ists from all parts of the world leadership and the creative spirit who will attend a conference on of the labor federation tho State peaceful uses of atomic energy to of Israel would not have existed. CHICAGO SCIENTIST He called unfounded charges that . S e a t t l e ' (JTA) — Dr. Mnrccl be held at Oxford University, from tho Histadrut interferes with forSchcln, a cosmic ray scientist at July 19-22, It was announced here. eign capital investment In Israel. Israel Is one of the 42 nations the University of Chicago, an flounced the discovery of a new which have received radioactive atomic particle with fantastic en- Isotopes from the atomic energy BANK PLANNED ergy and the ability to turn mat research establishment at HarNew York (WNS)—Planned estcr into energy and then turn that well, which Is sponsoring the con- tablishment of a bank in Israel , energy Into another type of mat gress. and extension of a $7,500,000 loan tcr. Dr. Scheln, who made his to the Israeli Government by the discovery while working on a U. AMPAL-Amerlcan Israel CorporaS, Naval research project, made NEW sinra tion, an American corporation doTel Aviv (JTA)—Seven more ing business In Israel, was an, bjs announcement to the Amerl ships will bo. added to the Israeli nounced here by AMPAL presican Physical Society here. merchant marine by Zim-Israel dent A. Dlckstcln. Navigation Company, Ltd., which Returning from a four-week announced that it will order the vessels from German shipyards to business tour of Israel, Mr. Dlckbe paid for out of West'.German steln said that the planned bank reparations. The ships will include would be established In Tel Aviv under the name of American IsUnited Nations, N. Y. (JTA)—A one passenger liner, one passen- rael Development Bank and that ger-freight ship, two fruit carriers, complaint against Jordan's desc- two freighters, and an oil tanker. it would fiil the need for longcratlon of the ancient Jewish term financing in development fields now not provided for by any . cemetery on the Mount of Olives, banking Institution In Israel. with photographs proving van- MONETARY FUND Washington (JTA)—Israel fordalism and the stripping of an Commenting on Israel's econdent 'gravestones, was formally mally became a member of the omy in general, Mr. Dlckstein said International Bank for Recon- that It has "turned the corner and presented to the United Nations struction and Development and of here on behalf of the Israel Gov- tho International Monetary Fund. Is on Its way towards a healthy development. Hope, determination ernment by Mordecal Kiclron, depThe articles of agreement were and a buoyant confidence in her uty chief of the Israel delegation. signed at a State Department cer- ability to solve her economic probMr. Kldron filed hl.i complaint emrtny by Israel Ambassador Abba lems have taken the place of Imwith Secretary-General Dag Ham- Elian in the presence of officials pending economic crisis so prevamarskjoid, furnishing tha latter of United States and Israel Gov- lent during the first years of with a set of six photographs of ernments. Samuel Waugh, Assist- statehood," he concluded, • the old cemetery site. The pic ant Secretary of State for Ecotures had been taken by tele- nomic Affaire, represented t h e scopic lenses from towers on the United States. The State DepartIsraeli side of the Jordan fron ment acts as repository for the tier. The photos show overturned Bank and will keep the document gravestones, burial plots plowed signed recently. "Answer to Evil" will be disup, and other burial plots with Israel's quota In the Interna- cussed by Rabbi Joseph R. Na•tones removed. tional Monetary Fund is $4,500,000 rot of Temple Israel in Miami, According to the Israeli com- and its subscription to the capital Fla., on the "Message of Israel" plaint, the vandalism and desecra- stock of the Bank Is 45 shares series broadcast over KOIL tions have been going on for some with a total par value of $4,500,- from 10 to 10:30 a. m. The programs are produced time, Jordan has l>oon In control 000. Israel became the fiftyof the Mount of Olives area since seventh nation to hold memfoer- under the auspices of the Union of American Hebrew Con1947, but the desecrations, Israel ship In tho Fund and Bank. Adlaid, have been going on since mission of Israel brought the total gregations and United Jewish •1949. Some of the stones taken of members' quotas in the Fund to Layman's Committee. from the ancient cemetery—one $8,852,000,000. T h e total subOf tho oldest In tho Western scribed capital of the Bank h now - "Words We Live By," a sumCOrM—were used In tho building $9,152,000,000. mer series of the Eternal Light pf a motion picture theatre in Jcrprogram will feature informal fcho, other stones were used for conversations between Maurice Construction of other buildings, AMERICAN OFFICIAL Samuels and Mark Van Doren. The third program w i l l Tel Aviv (JTA) — Bruce Mc"Tho dSsecratlons," said the complaint, "is a crime against tho Danlcl, returning head of t h e broadcast over WOW-It a d I o from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon. American aid program In Israel, memory of tho dead, and nn offense against all humane feelings." pledged that upon his return to The discussions entitled "The Mr. Kidron furnished the Secre- the United States ho would de- Supporting Cast of the Bible" tary-General with GO sets of the vote himself to projects designed will emphasize Interesting aspects nnd interpretations of photographs, asking that copies of to building Israel's development. Ho made this promise nt a lesser known Biblical characthe complaint and the accompany. Ing pictures be distributed to the meeting of the HIstndrut execu-" ters. delegations of nil member states. live which he nddre.ised. Ho also

On The Israel Scene

Desecration of Cemetery Noted

Sunday Radio

ubilibad mrr **M»r. **M 101 N. Omb, Mtlndu,

< IBoJ,LNo3i^Neg'otiations, W i t h Austria Snarled New Envoy Washington (WNS) — The i m p o r t a n c e of maintaining friendly relations with Israel was stressed here by Secretary of State John Foster Dulles at a swearing in ceremony of Edward B. Dawson as new American Ambassador to Israel. Voicing confidence in Ambassador Lawson's ability to discharge his duties, the Secretary of State asserted that a "very special relationship" existed with Israel but that It was "extremely important to maintain friendly understanding^ with the Jewish state. Mr. LaWBon replied that he appreciated the confidence reposed In him by Mr. Dulles and that he had no Illusions about the difficulty of bis assignment.

Israel's Chief Of Staff in US Washington (JTA)—Major General Moshe Dayan, Chief of Staff of the Israel Army, arrived here by plane for a one-month visit to the United States ns guest of tho U. S. Government. He was accompanied by Col. Itzhak Rabin and Lt. Col. Matltyahu Peled of the Israel defense forces, In a statement made upon his arrival, Gen. Dayan said he came to this country to visit military installations as a guest of the Department of the Army whose hospitality he "warmly appreciates." He .welcomed the opportunity of seeing some of America's modern m i l i t a r y equipment, advanced techniques and Improved methods of military training. Emphasizing that Israel hopes that final peace and security may come to the Middle East, Gen. Dayan declared: "Our friendship with .tho U. S. ii rooted in the common dedication to the values and"asplra.tlons 'of a free democracy." I shall be happy Indeed if during my present visit—the first official visit to the O. S. of a Chief of Staff of Israel's Defense Army—I shall be able to make my humble contribution to sustain and advance this noble cause."

Near East Tension Danger Reported Washington (JTA)—Henry A. Byroade, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that Arab-Israel tension represents the greatest j j gcr In the Near East because "tha security council of the United Nations, much as we deplore the fact, will bo more and more ineffective on helping on this problem." This was revealed when the Senate committee published hearings on the Foreign Aid Bill for the new fiscal year. Mr. Byroade said the one place in tho Near East where he could not report progress was the Arab-Israel region. He reported on increasing Soviet activities in the region In what he said was a Red campaign to win {he friendship of the Arabs. Complete confidence was expressed by Mr. Byroade in Iraqi assurances that U. S. munitions grants will never bo used against Israel. He also said that counter suggestions advanced to Ambassador Eric Johnston's Jordan development scheme are "not acceptable by any means" to the United Slates. • '

Vienna (WNS)—A serious snarl has developed in the Jewish claims negotiations with the Austrian Government and unless the Austrian negotiators are prepared to retreat from settlement terms which had previously been reject-' ed as unacceptable by the Jewish delegation the talks are destined for collapse, it was reported here following disclosure that Finance Minister Reinhardt Kamiti had Withdrawn his offer of 120,000,000 schillings in lump sum settlement of helrless Jewish property, offerIng Instead a maximum of 50,000,000 schillings. In addition, the Finance Minister presented other terms which were sharply at variance with earlier often he made. As shocking as the curtailment in the lump sum offer, was tho Finance Minister's offer to restore pensions only to Jewish government employees who had been shorn of those rights by the Nazis, while, specifically excluding d o c t o r s , , lawyers and private, employees from such pension rights. This proposal was viewed by the Jewish delegation as ah act of discrimination against Jewish victims of nazism. Impediment There was some hope that Chancellor Julius Raab would be in a position to act on his earlier promise that he would attempt to have a new offer before the Jewish delegation left the country. The Chancellor said the chief impediment was the fact that Parliament was in recess for the cummer and, that no new offer could be made without Parliamentary approval. Moses Beckelman, head of the Jewish team, replied that if tho Chancellor would offer more acceptable terms, the details 6f the' offer could be postponed to'the Fall, when Parliament reconvenes. Chancellor Raab intimated ha might have a revised offer. Instead he wrote to the Jewish delegation that the matter was too complex for handling without Par-: llament. In reply, Mr. Beckelman Wrote to Dr. Raab that the Jew-, ish delegation was deeply dlsap-v pointed over the development, •-- * Following this exchange of letters, the Austrian -Government is-,. sued a communique explaining its position. The communique said the talks had raised issues whose settlement Is solely within the province of Parliament and it asserted, moreover, that It was Impossible to fix Austria's liability from the documents presented by the Jewish negotiators alone. It also pledged the Government's adherence to the principle of no discrimination In restitution and indemnification matters between Nazi victims now living in Austria and those living aboard.

Chief Rabbi Asks Peace Covenant Tel Aviv (WNS)—Chief Rabbi Isaac H. Herzog, eulogizing Rabbi Moshe Goldberg from France who was a victim of recent shooting in Jerusalem, appealed to the Moslem religious leaders In the Arab states to "Join forces to make our; Arab cousins abandon the warpath' and make a covenant of peace with Israel." •:"•.' " '• Declaring that it was Arab Legion soldiers who opened fire flrsV tho Chief Rabbi urged "the reiiglous leaders of the world not to be misled by^a smear campaign of lies and slundcrs, designed- to make It appear that Israel's soldiers deliberately fired at holy' places or that there Is an Israeli plan for1 tho conquest of the City' of Jerusalem." Rabbi' Goldberg came to Israel as a delegate from France to the Agudas Israel' World Congress. *t


Friday, *aly, IS, ISM

Israel Letter Tells of Food

ftHhkcd *very Friday by the IMenllM for tartan Service ioJ,«ttnika.>aMrtM Met Mucus, ISIS. ftitM oo /—"—"— HARM HALPEKT


Editor's Note: These cxicrpta »re from a letter received by MM. J. 11. KuUkotsky, June IS, 1054, written by Mm. Gcrshon Agroo of Jerusalem. Mr. Agroa I* publisher of the JertuftJeai Pott. I The food situation generally is very good—all kinds of wondcrfol vegetables and summer fruits-* apricots, plums, grapes and now. cantaloupes, are available. Vegs*. tables are fairly reasonable, but f r u i t s fantastically cxpcnslvsw Sweet nnd sour cream have BJH ' pearcd on the market for the first time in 12 or 13 years, due to Urn surplus American butter and cheese. And the butter is wonder* ' fu!, after so many years of mar* garine, which is very good1, by flkf way, tat still on rations. The main shortages ate still coffee, tea and sugar—a ration of 2 lbs. a month doesn't go far with home taking—and meat—the lat> tcr about 3 oz. every once to st while! AH the script staff is BOW sold openly in the groceries— translated at the rate of IL 1.800 to the dollar pin* a little profit, But people haw been short so long that the stuff finds a ready snap, kct I still find It impossible to ft myself to buy it—H, 4.250 for • Ib. of coffee, for Instance about *2-35.1 pay about J2 alb. for meat at Scrip stores, and it's not steak or roast beef, but at least i t s net


The Calendar Issue

In Geneva the United Nations Social and Economic Council i t grappling with a calendar reform whose adoption ean only aerre the caose of confusion. The word reform generally eonnotet progrest, but we fear the advocates of the* calendar change are overlooking on« ea' aential thing—conformity in a field where diversity m imperative if the various religions group and denominations are not to lose track of religions essentials, From the Jewish point of yitw, as well as from the vantage point of the Seventh Day AdTentut, adoption of a calendar that wonld create what ha* been called a "wandering Sabbath" eould only ereate erafnaion in practices and add to the difficulties of minority adjustments. UNESCO has other and more important tasks than reforming the calendar. Frankly speaking we prefer our loach to the suggested new calendar.

Appeal to Moslem World Eulogizing the French Babbi whose life was extinguished by Arab bnlleU in the recent Jerusalem fighting, Chief Babbi Isaac H. Herzog of Israel appealed to the religious leaders of the Moslem world to wield their influence and prestige in the Arab states to the end of making "our eonsins abandon the warpath" and entering instead into "a covenant of peace with IsraM." These are wine words, and coming from a spiritual leader of the xtuture'of Babbi Herzog they deserve heeding from those to whom they were addressed. Unfortunately the voice of reason is lacking in the Arab states and our cousins have seemingly sacrificed an old relationship for what may well in the cod prove transitory friends. There is no peace now in the area of the world whence the word of God and peace came forth. The religions leaden of the Moslem world could yet save the Arab states from the red heresy which is threatening to engulf them if they but listen to this latest word from Jerusalem.

Bromberg. Bernstein Marriage

At a 7 p. m. ceremouy Sunday, June 27, Miss Margaret Arm Eromberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Biuinbeig of Council Bluffs, Ia^ and David Bernstein, son of Mr, and Mm. Samuel 3. Bernstein of Omaha, were married at the Chevra B'nal YlsrocI Synagogue in Council Bluffs, la. Rabbi David Kort and Cantpr Alan Steam of Council Bluffs officiated. The bride's gown was fashioned of lace, and satin with a scalloped neckline; the bouffant skirt ended Miss Jean Wolf In a. cathedral train. A pearl tiara held her veil and she carried a Mr. and l l a Harold Mooer of. bouquet of red and white roses. Portland, Ore., announce the birth of a son, David Myer, born July Miss Beverly Ann Bernstein, 11. Mr. Mozcr is formerly of Omasister of the bridegroom, was, maid Bible and Talmud ha. Maternal grandmother Is Mrs. Flam are now completed for a of honor. She wore a ballerinaA. E. Rubens of Portland and palent'th gown of blue lace and net; Counselor-In-Trainlng program to Bj OR P i m j F BHE8 the matching lace Jacket was Ut. and Mrs. Louis H. Wolf of ternal grandmother Is Mrs. Abe be held at Camp Jay C-C, Llndy styled with cap sleeves and point- Mason City, la., announce the en- Mozcr. Great-grandmother Is Mrs. Paul, camp director announced. ed collar. The misses Bren&i Sttl- gagement of their daughter, Jean, David Cooper of Omaha. The lUUIe The program will be given (or to Jerry A. Passer, son of Mr. and a two-week period starting August For they that lead this people ler of Denver, Colo., Jean Katz Mrs.'Ben Passer of Council Bluffs, couple has one other child named Anne Elizabeth. IS and ending August 30. It pro- cause them to err, and they that and Mrs. Sandor Bernstein were Iowa. bridesmaid*. They wore Identical • • • vide* the opportunity {or young are led by them arc destroyed. The bride-elect attended the pink gowns to that of the honor Woe unto them that decree unJ. Blank, son of Mr. and high school boys and girls to work ttendant. The attendants carried University of Iowa and her fiance Mrs,Murray Maurice A. Blank, was ona on a camp staff while participating righteous decrees, and to the writ- blue daisies while the honor at- was graduated from the Univer- of the five Omahans e n that write iniquity. awarded' la regular camp activities. sity of Iowa In June. tendant carried pink daisies. ' 'A reduced i e e of J35 haj been To turn aside the needy from Miss Wolf is a member of Sigma scholarships to the University of Judgment, and to take away the set up by the camp committee for Sutle S teller of Denver, Colo., Delta Tau Sorority and Mr. Pas-Omaha by the Associated Retailtbe two-week session, the balance right of the poor of my people, i'as flower girl and Marc Sorkin ser Is a member of Phi Epsilon Pi ers of Omaha. He win study la the College of Business Admtafcof the camp fee of $30 being de- woe unto them. /as ring bearer. Fraternity. ducted 'or work done while a t Louis Bernstein of Seattle. The wedding date has been set tratlon. Talmud Murray came to Central Hath Rabbi Menachem expounded the Wash., was his brother's best man. for August 29. School for bis senior year in S«JN, -'• Mr. Paul stated thst the train- following—-For me commandment Ushers were Bill Bromberg and tember of 1953, from Akron, Ohio.' ing program provides an excellent Is a lamp, and the law is light. Tom Brornberjr, brothers of the His father, a resident of Omaha, \»' -opportunity to learn and develop The passage compares meritorious bride, and Ervin Col ton. president of a Ralston, Hefer7 cot* Mrs. Bromberg wore a street commandments to a lamp and the new skin*. ' porauon. To sign up for'this program Torah to light to as to teach us length dress of beige lace; the bridegroom's mother wore a street Omaha C h a p t e r Hadassah's teen-ager* entering high school that just us a lamp furnishes lffi dress of lavcndar lace. They Mid-summer Water Festival, Style Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Osheroff, ' are inviting to bring their applica- only for a certain period, so also iMifrth ?,ich wore orchid corsages. Show and Card Party to be held have moved' Into their new horn* ' tion* directly to the camp office in does a commandment protect only Following a reception in the so- at the Highland West Club, Wed- at 1115 MayfieM St., RE 3M7. for a certain period, and just as "the Jewish Community Center. light endures forever, to also dors da! hnll of the synagogue, a din- nesday, July 28, will take the the protection of the Torah endure er for the immediate family was place of the Annual Fall Cord Mr. and Mrs. Louis Desman an-1 nounce the birth of a son. Mare leld at the Blackstone Hotel. TWV Regional Meet to eteiTiity. Party and Style Show. After a wedding trip to Colo- , Make your reservations and get Bennett, bom June 24 at a Weal < Hillel and Shebna were brothResolution* denouncing commurado, the couple win make their your tickets from tlie following hospital. nism and supporting President era. Hjllcl devoted his time to the home in Seattle, Wash. women: Szold Group: Mrs. Jack Maternal grandparents are Mr. Eisenhower's recent action defend- 6tudy of the Tornh, while his Levey—RE 121G, or Mrs. J. Milton and Mrs. Louis Laager of Kama* devoted his time to busiing the separation of powers of brother Margolin — GL 0475. Welzmann City, Mo., and paternal grandness. At one time they said to the executive and l e g i s l a t i v e each other: "Come, let us be partGroup: Mrs. Howard Milder—WA mother is Mrs. Abraham Delmaa branches~of our government were 5875, Mrs. A, A. Steinberg—WE of New York. 4 » • passed by the 5th Ileglon.-il Con- ners, and Ehare both worlds." 3244, or Mrs. Jules Shapiro — WA ference of the Jewish War Vet- King Alexander Jannaeus said 0930. Herzl Group: Mrs. Homer A daughter, Pamela, wss bora to his wife: "Do not be afraid of Camp Szold, sponsored by the Farber—WA 6798, or Mrs. Sey- a Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pox Jury eraiu of the United States In St. Paul, Minn., accordlnt; to Omaha the Pharisees, nor of those that Missouri Valley Region of Hadas- mour Kat*—GL 7238. Mrs. Alfred In a local hospital. Maternal are known not to be Pharisees; delegates who returned recently. but tnke heed of those that arc sah and Southwest Region of Sen- Frank—RE 4644, is over-all ticket grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, ior Young Judaea, will be held chairman. They are Max Kanner, who is hypocrites, who make others beSam Ban and paternal grandpar* from August 9 to 16 for boys and commander of the Department of that they arc Pharisees, but girls from 14 to 18 years of age. The boys of Raylm, under the nts are Mr. and Mrs. Leo F o e ~ Kebroaka and Iowa, and Abo Mil-lieve in reality commit acts like those direction of Jerry Marer, will be Mrs. Joseph Ban U m a t e r n a l ler,- commander of Epstein-Mor- of Zlmmlr, and demand rewards The camp Is located at Camp In enarce of parking at the High- great-grandmother. The c o u p ) * lantcsa, Boone, la., near Des land West Club, the day of the also has a con named Jeffrey. gan Post No. 260, Omaha. like that of Fhinchas." Moines. Rabbi Walter J. PTaut is Hadassah Water Festival. Delegates from 15 mid western the camp director and a fee of $35 •tales heard from their national UDflE BIFHINO 'ill be charged. commander, Harry T. Madison, on B'naiB'rith Project New York (WNS) — Former conditions In Korea, from which Washington (WNS) — Six past Camp Szold is the first regional Safety Council 'ederal Judge Simon a Rifklad, fie recently returned, and from president* of the B'nal B'rith camp in our area and features Omaha Safety Coundl is asking note! Jewish leader and Zionist; Ambassador Dr. Pyo Wook Han Women's Supreme Council have programs of Jewish cultural inter- all Omaha driven! to be especially was appointed by Mayor Wagner been appointed to make a special est Modern facilities are offered careful . . . or 'Sau-bc' (saw-bay) to the Board ct Higher Edncation, Of th« Republic of South Korea. study of the needs of the Roose- the campers Including the wooded as Chief Omaha Eay3. And with governing body ot the four rao velt Four Freedoms Memorial l i - Ledges State Pork near Luther, the help of all of yon, while driv- nldpal college* brary which will be boused in tbe la, a swimming pool and camp ing or walking, Omaha can set a In 19-15, Judge Rifkhld took a B'nal B'rith Building to be erected. canteen. new record of safe days. leave ot absence from the bench ' Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brown In Washington, D. C. This build- Dietary laws will be observed at "Ornate now Is the nation's to become General Eisenhower^ wish to thank all those who re-ing is expected to become the cul-all times. safest d t y of its size," said Harry advisor on Jewish Affairs in th» •seiuUitd them on the occasion tural (brine of American Jewry. Campers do not have to be Hatcher, Manager of the Omaha \merienn occupation zone m E » tt their wedding. The Library win be available to members of a Senior Young Ju- Safety CoimdL "And there is no rope, l i e resigned his judgnnip students and scholars of all faiths ica group. reason why we can't complete the tome four years agn> for private* ' Croucho Mans "Peopk drink' for study and research, and a ma- For further information con- year without another death." practice. Mr. nifklnd is currentlr •eektaOs because they don't lilea jor source of Jewish information tact, Mrs. Isadore Obenr.an, GL Omaha is now ahead of Okla- chairman of tha Administrativ* w> eat on an empty stomach."—r and reference in the nation's cap!* 3354, Omaha Chapter Hadassah homa a t y and Honolulu in the Committee of the American J«w» Youth Commission chairman. traffic safety field. t * * . v . I-..;...;:»' . • • • • • h Committee, "

Omaha Sketches

Counselor Training At Camp Jay C-C Gems of

Mason City Girl Engagement Told

Wafer Festival To Be a t Highland

Camp Szofd to Open in August


Thank You










Solomon-Dworkin Wedding Held at Temlpe Israel Sunday Mlsa Sally Lou Solomon, daughter of Mr. and Mm. John A. Solomon, and Pfc. Emanuel Dworkin of Merrlck, N. Y., son of Mr. and Mr*. Morris E. Dworkin, Mcrrlclc. were married Sunday, July 11. Whtie candelabra, palms and bouqueu of white eladioli and chrysanthemums decorated Temple Israel for the 7 p. m. ceremony performed by Itabbl Sidney II Brooki. The bridal gown of blush pink Italian silk taffeta was styled with off shoulder neckline appllqued with Imported points of <!e Lyon lace and lrrldescent pearl pall lettes. The fitted bodice featured ihort draped sleeves and the bouffant skirt ended In a cathedral train. A bonnet of matching lace and paillettes held the bride's silk illusion veil and she carried a white orchid and lilies of the valley on a Bible. Mrs. Siegfried Shattil of Chicago was her sister's matron of - honor. She wore a gown of pleated Bilk organdy in a mauve shade. The gown was designed with a •coop neckline and bouffant skirt. A tiara of lace and pearls nnd Sin. Emanuel Dworkin bouquet of pink chrysanthemums completed her ensemble. Paul Dworkin of Merrlck was Other attendants were MISs his brother's best man_ Ushers Joan Sokolof, maid of honor; Mrs. were Carl Marcus of Ashland, Jack Solomon, Jr., of Chicago, sis- Ncbr.; Norman Krivosha of Linter-in-law of the bride; Miss San- coln; Jerry Spltzer and Barton dra Kcan, of Denver, Colo, and Rochman. Miss Josephine Margolin. They After a reception at the TemWore princess-style crystalctte ple the couple left on a wedding gowns in a lighter mauve shade trip to Glenwood Springs, Colo. and carried bouquets like that of Private and Mrs. Dworkin will live the honor attendant. ; In Fort Wley, Kans.

Organizations EpstelnMorgati Aux* MonsEy, Chapter On July 10 the Auxiliary and the Epstein-Morgan Post No. 260 of JWV participated In the annual carnival at tho Veterans Hospital grounds for patients of tho hospital. Mrs. Abe Miller represented tho Omaha auxiliary at the fifth Reulonal Convention which was held in St. Paul, Minnesota, on July 2, 3 and 4. Tho annual picnic will bo held August 1 at IUvcrvlcw Park. All members nre invited to attend and bring their families. Ice cream and pop will be distributed at the supper hour. Mrs. Jack Snylun, rummage sale chairman, announces the sale dates of October 18 and 19. Bring an articles—clothing, furniture, dishes, etc. to 134 N. 34th Street or call Mrs. Saylan at WE 2071 and arrangements will be made to pick up your items.

Monsky Chapter No. 470 of D'nai Brith will hold its summer board meeting Tuesday, July 20, at 1 p. m. at the home of Mrs. George Spitzer, 5144 Franklin Ave. A dessert luncheon will precede the meeting. Co-hostcsses with Mr*. Spltzer are Mesdames Seymour Kaplan, Arthur Goldstein and Sam Pollak. . Plans for the coming year will be mode at .this meeting.


Hollii, president U Qte croup will preside. Henrietta Szold Group will meet at the home of Mrs. Morris M. Franklin, 1025 No. 32nd S t Mrf. i. jr. Friedman, president of tts group will preside. All croups win meet at 12:30L Wednesday, July 31.

Kadimah The Kadimah annual summer affair win be held at Peony Park, Wednesday, July 2L Dancing will begin at 9 p. m. A box supper win be held at the home of Mrs. Ben Wine, 6025 Pacific St., after U» dance. All members and their friends are Invited. For reservations call chairman, Mrs. Harry Lewis, GL 6668 or oo-<*ainnan, Mrs. Nate Kaplan, GL~3360. They are assisted by: Mrs. Ben Wine, Mrs. H. WJntroub, Mrs. Dam Wine, Mrs. I. Forbes and KM. Henry AppeL

Groups of the Omaha Chapter Hadassah will hold their summer board meetings, Wednesday, July 21 at a 12:30 Dessert Luncheon at the following places: Chalra Welzmonn Group will meet at the home of Mrs. Wm. Frelden, 5101 Blondo Street, with Mm. Ben Perelman as co-hostess. Mrs. Maurice Newman, president of, the group will preside, Milton Berle: "In the movies, Theodor Herd Group win meet censorship Is Just a case of stop, at the home of Mrs. Arthur GoldMervyn LeRoy; "Time is money, look and less sin."—(JTA) stein, 6481 Cuming S t Mrs. Sidney but Just try to deposit if— UTAH

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Miss Marilyn Lerner Weds * Justin Manvi+z in Davenport Miss Marilyn Phyllis Lerner . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Lerner, of Rock Island, 111., d Justin Lee Mnnvitz, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Manvitz, were married 6 p. m., Sunday, July 4, in the ballroom of the Blackhawk hotel at Davenport, la. The dou ble-ring ceremony took place under a canopy decorated with white pompons, gladioli and asters, towered on either side with two spiral 15-branch candelabra and two baskets of white gladioli and chrysanthemums. Ferns and schcfcller»- furnished background of .greenery. The bride wore a gown of slipper satin designed with a wide bertha. The skirt had a draped bustle effect, and ended in a train. . Her illusion veil was attached to a Juliet cap covered with seed pearls. The bride carried a cascade of lilies of the valley and Amazon - lillies centered with a white orchids. Identical waltz-length princess style gowns of pale pink cryStalette were worn by the matron of honor, Mrs. Bernard Sax of Rock Island, the bride's cousin, and the Misses Rogcne and Helen Mm. Justin L. Munvitz • Manvi(z, sisters of the bridegroom and Francene - Glatstcin of Muscattoe, la. Tha attendants wore head- The executive board of the local met at the home of the dresses of pink aster petals. Mrs. chapter president, Mrs. William Epstein, Sax carried a cascade arrange- last Chairmen of the ment of pink asters shading from a r Wednesday. I o n s committees were aplight to dark, and white pompons. pointed. Two of the attendants' flowers Tho opening meeting of the year were dark pink asters with white will be at one o'clock Wednesday, pompons In cascade bouquet, and September 15. The Donor Lunchtwo were of light pink asters and con will be held Thursday, Septhe White pompons. tember 9. Mrs. Ruth Ackerman Dr. Bernard Magid, Omnhn, was was appointed one of the co-chairbest man. Messrs. Bernard Sax, men of the fund raising commitHoward Llpsmon, and Stuart Lcf- tee. One of her duties is to take •teln of Rock Island and Morton reservations for the Donor LunchZubcr of Hastings, Nebr., ushered. con. A complete list of officers The dinner and dance following nnd committee chairmen will aptho ceremony was held In the ball- pear tn the Rosh Hashanah edition )f the Jewish Press. room, of the Blackhawk Hotel. The bride's mother wore n beige lace dress over taffeta and the groom's mother chose an ice blue Omaha Chapter Hadassah will lace dress over taffeta with match- told an open house, honoring Juning accessories. Both mothers wore or Hadassah, Tuesday evening, white orchid corsages. July 20. at the borne of Mrs. Leon For her going away costume the Fcllman, 301 So. 53rd S t Senior bride chose a gray silk shantung advisors from Omaha Chapter dress with matching coat and pink Hadassah to Jr. TTnfinwf nh are Airs* accessories. Henry L. Stern and Mrs. Max BlttAfter a wedding trip to Wiscon- nor. Miss Betty Ann Posko Is sin, tho couple will live in Omaha. President of Junior Hadastah,


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Religious - News

Rayim Tops Y.C. Softball League

Happy Birthday

MA1MON1DES AITOIVEBSAIIY •^Leadership Course ) Dusseldorf (WNS)—Ceremonies commemorating the 750th anniver- Harfassuh Leadership Training sary of the death of Moses Mnl- Couriie begins Monday, July 19, at monldes, noted Jewish philosopher 3:30 a. m. hi the Biackstone Hotel of the Middle Ages, were held here Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky will giv« recently in tho Ijreat parliamen- the Introduction to tho course tary chamber of the State Legl3lature with the participation of which is for Hadassah board memPresident Theodor Hcuss and oth- bers. er distinguished of/lckib of the Ezra Stone: "Desire Is often West German Government. The high point of the evening hipped In the budget."—(JTA) was the principal address by Dr. Leo Bacck, former spiritual head of Liberal Judaism in Germany, who flew here especially for this meeting from London. Dr. Baeck, who is 81, spent the war years in the Theresienstadt concentration camp. He stressed in his address the role of Malmonides as tho philosophical "bridge builder" between Orient" nnd Occident, tracing Malmonides' influence upon modern thinking rli;ht down to the rise of the German labor movement in the mid-Nineteenth Century.

Friday, July 10 Mlchele Heth Ilulprin, Ellen Unbeaten in their first seven Kay Ilurwick, Cheryl Sue Kraft games, the Rayim Softball squad Sits on top of the Y. C league. and Judith Vcret, 7:S« P. K. CaadlellchUag , Saturday, July IT Paced by their fine pitcher Ed BolEllen Ann Bank, Maureen Linda ter plus hard, hitting vets Ray Somberg, Dick Frank, Jerry Bonieta and Jerrold Louis Stone. Marer and Phil Schragcr tho Sunday, July 18 •Temple Israel " Rayim squad have one tough hurElleno Gay Halprin, Linda Sue Sabbath Services this evening dle remaining. That Is their final Priesman, Jerold Steven Sadofsky •tart promptly at 7:30 o'clock and meeting with AZA 1A, who have and Jeffrey Wohlncr. will be held in the chapel of the absorbed a single loss and that Monday, July II new. Temple Israel at 70th and was to Rayim. Kathy Ann Greenbcrg, Michael Can Streets. Rabbi Sidney H. LEAGUE STANDINGS Sidney Jacobs, Sandra Lou Lipp Brooks will conduct the services. W. l» and Paula Gall Segal. Rayim A 7 0 Tuesday, July 10 AZA 1A 6 0 Deborah Hope. Feucr, Suian Beth El Independents 4 3 Anita Heisler, Sandra Lincoln, ,. 2 4 Robert Sterling Nogg, Morris PoSabbath evening services uHl be AZA 100 1 6 held tonight at 7 p. m. Sabbath AZA IB 0 7 lanskl and Bette Weirier. morning services will begin at 8:45 Rayim B, Wednesday, July JL o'clock. The Mincha Service will Ronald Steven Epstein and begin at 7:30 p, m. Gayle Susan Milder. Dally services during the week Tbursday( July tt TIKVASAMI .. •re held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday, July 18, the members David Lawrence Bercutt, Joan of T. A. and DebkaXtebs will hold Sari Faier, Robert Barry Guss, Beth Israel a rush picnic for all Incoming Helen (Chasla) Rodldd, Allan freshmen girls. The picnic will be Blchacl Soshnik and Howard StaFriday evening services begin held at Elmwood Park and will ler, Fboot JA ixte to !*>»en your Wont Ad at 7 p. m. Sabbath morning serv- begin at 8 a. m. All girls are asked D I M JnrUb Pra*. Oumnt imu u fio etnu tot each lnwrices begin at 8:30 a. m. Junior to' meet at the white pavilion. CBCDE OIL d a . Ttu Hrt« r n m n tt» rltbt to limit RUG & UPHOLSTERY congregation starts at 10 a. m. will be, furnished for thosa Washington (JTA) — The For- •tu oo Meb KdvcrU*emcnt. CLEANERS Rabbi Groner will conduct the Rides transportation, eign Operations Administration BAR and Bas Mltzvah congratuTalmud class at 7 p. m.; Saturday Without RUBS — CA»riTIH» Yesterday a regular business lations also for all Jewish holiMincha will start at 7:30 p. m., meeting was held to the T, A.'s at announced authorization from preLAMP SHADB viously allocated funds of-»2,400,days and special occasions. followed by Sholoshe S'eudos and the JOC 000 in crude oil for Israel. The Meyer* News Stand, 1502 Dodge. ruiNiruu Maariv. oil will be shipped from Aruba, Dally morning services begin at CltcMtd la Yow Homi Trip Trinidad, and C u r a c a o . The 7 a. m.; daily afternoon services New Youth Chapter tfarfta* - Uyta, • bpdftsf amount authorized Is part of the Leaving for San Francisco, July begin at 7:45 p. m. HA » M Plans are being made for the •52,500,000 granted in the current 22. WIU take 1 person. Share driv- DON IUNSTUN Sunday morning services begin ing. CaUGL661t : ' at 8:45 a. m. and Is followed by fdrmatlonVf a B'nal B'rith Girls fiscal year, Habbl Groner's Bible Discussion chapter in Omaha. Miss Bunny f lass. The youngsters of the Tails Epstein, President of District 6 and Teffilin club begin their serv- B'nal B'rith Girls, will asststin ices at 8:30 a. m. Breakfast is organizing the chapter. The exact served, at the conclusion of their time, place, and further plans will services. .The Talifiud Discussion be announced later. ' group, currently studying the . •.'•'on •Uctrtc rang* cooler tractate Sabbath meets e v e r y Tuesday evening at 8:15 p. m. under the direction of the Rabbi at BJUL Synagogue, 19th and Burt. • Omaha's

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