July 23, 1954

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kr • v w n »r la COUrM «1_ DMOM-UItu U«tl« II foilVOL XXXII—HO. 48 emu, u n d i , Mtbruu. UD0U Act 01 1171).

Administration's Mid East Policy Called Anti-Israel Washington (WNS)—The He Publican Administration's Near East policy was sharply assailed by the Democratic National Committee as anti-Israel and as a complete (allure. '• H i e criticism was levelled In the ."•Democratic Digest," official orpan of the Democratic P a r t y , ' which charged that Republican - policy had not only failed to win friends for America in the Near East but has undermined ArabIsrael peace prospects. I t assailed the Igtftnling of arms to" Iraq, pointing out that "there U no evidence, that the United States has obtained any assurances that the arms will not be used against the Israelis." In addition the Demo* { crat* charged that the'granting of «uch arms "may be taken by the extreme nationalists as a tad

Truce Commission Avoids Decision • Jerusalem (WNS>—With U. N. truce commission chief Major Gen eral Vagn Bennike, casting a de dslve vote, the Israel-Jordan Mixed Armistice Commission con eluded a scries of meetings on tho recent Jerusalem flarcup without reaching a decision on resimnsl blllty for the shooting affray oi ' tome two weeks ago. General Dcnniku look the i*>sltlon that there was nu evidence to support the conclusion that cither Jordan or Israel started the frny and that It would therefore servo no purpose to adopt resolution: blaming one side or another. He •aid the evidence was full of contradictions and that there wan no proof of planning of the attack by Cither side. He referred to these "lamentable hostilities" as "j re- latlvely spontaneous outbreak" and a "case of Inadequate military discipline." He said since tho shooting was an unexpected outburst "then resolutions of condemnation have no preventive value." "' The Commission's failure to act was at once denounced by an 1 Israeli spokesman who s said the Israeli! Government was deeply concerned over "the pernicious effects of the refusal to establish responsibility" for the Incident.

blessing on their turning their guns against Israel." Charging t h a t - Secretary of State John Foster Dullos's "Impartiality" speech of June 1, 1953, "fitted in with the thinking of Arab leaden who have always accused America^ of preferring Israel," the article obncluded: "Until the beginning of the new Administration, American policy actively advocated direct negotiations, in an effort to work out a peace treaty between Israel and the Arab states which are now technically at war. But under Mr. Dulles, our Department of State changed its position. Today, we have a limited objective in the Near E a s t It Is'to reduce tension. But tension refuses to bo reduced. On the contrary, tension has steadily risen. Is so-called lm partiality an adequate substitute for friendship? Is a slogan hiding a disruptive change in U. S. policy?"

British Exodus To Leave Vacuum

Uumtl Halt < oouu* UlngM Oop?


Largest Gift Chicago (WNS)—Dr. Maxwell Abbcll, one of the outstanding Jewish leaders of this city, has made a gift of $110,000 to the Jewish National Fund, the largest single contribution ever received from an individual by the JNF. Negotiations for tho project, which Is to bear tho name of Dr. and Mrs. Abbcll, were conducted by Mendel Fisher, executive director of the JNF, It was disclosed In New York by JNF president Dr. Harris J. Levlne. A deeply religious J e w with a profound interest In current Jewish problems, the donor was recently honored by the Jewish Theological Seminary of America with an honorary 4cgre of Doctor of Law.

ir East Peace

"Washington (JTA)t-Reauniption of the Arab-Israel war "would bo ao inimical to American interests that the prevention of it must be one o£ the major points of United States policy," it was urged in a report on pending Mutual Security legislation issued by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The committee reaffirmed its support of the tripartite dec* laration of May 25, 1950, in which opposition was exressed to ••the use of force by any country in the East. The h Near N E h Department D t t

Global Report

WOMAN ELECTED London (JTA)—The Honorable Lily Montago has been . elected president of the World Union of Progressive Judaism by the Union's governing'' body, The first woman to hold the post, she succeeds Rabbi Leo Baeck, who was named honorary president The board also decided to call the Union's next international conference in Paris in July" 1955. Also discussed at the meeting were plans for the. Union's' future activities in Israel and the need for spiritual leadership of synagogues Washington (JTA)—The Republican Administration's policy of In various parts of the world. supporting Arab dictators was criticized here In a statement on HEDICAL CENTER Jerusalem (JTA)—Actual conthe U. S. Foreign Aid program Issued by Senator William Langcr, struction work on the new 510,. 000,000 Hadassah-Hebrew "Univerchairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, who is himself an out- sity Medical' Center began this week as bulldozers started clearstanding Republican leader. ing a site for the erection of a Declaring that Secretary of nurses school, the first building to State John Foster Dulles "woos go up. The construction work was dictators," Sen. Langersaid: "con- held up for the past seven months sider the wholly ill-advised Jaunt by a dispute between medical cenof Secretary Dulles, symbolized by ter officials nnd' farmers from the his presentation of a nickel-plated nearby village of Katra who used revolver to the Egyptian strong- part of the site for the growing of man, General Nanulb, In the nnme grapes. of the American President, Dwight Elsenhower. Has not the world seen the pictures of this umall l'KNTAGON VISIT Washington (JTA)—Major Gen time dictator brandishing this ahcral Moshe Dayan, Chief of Staff surd weapon?" of tho Israel Army, who is now on Pointing out that Egypt did not a visit to this country, paid an oflift a hand In its defense when ficial visit to the Pentagon where Rommel threw his legions at Cairo he was received by Gen. Matthew and Alexandria and that Egypt B. Ilidgway, Chief of Staff of the "was thrown back on Its heels by U. S. Army, and was a guest at a the untrained regiments of poorly luncheon tendered by Gen. Charles armed little Israel during the lat- L. Bolte, Vice-Chief of Staff. ter's war for independence," Sen ator Langcr asked: "can anyone DR. QOLDMANN GREETED find in these Ill-considered, childBonn (JTA)—The two top polilike actions any justification for tical figures in W o t Germany, faith in Mr. Dulles and, In the fu Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and turc?" Erich Ollenhauer, loader of the, major opposition party, the Social Democratic Party, sent their .conBEIILIN MEDAL Washington . (JTA)—President gratulations to Dr, Nahum GoldElsenhower this weekend signed mann this week-end an. the octhe Congressional bill awarding a casion of his 60th birthday. In his gold medal to iong writer Irving message, Herr Ollenhauer pledged Berlin In recognition of his serv- his party's continued support of ices in composing many popular adequate indemnification by the songs, Including "God Bless Amer- West German Government id the victims of the Nazi regime, ica." •••;.: '•'• ; V.. ...' The President Invited Mr. Berlin and his wjfe to visit the Whlto Rome (WNS) — A n editorial House to witness the ceremony of counselling "complete internationsigning the bill. alization" of Jerusalem and Its surroundings "as the only solution guaranteeing preservation of Jerusalem and the Holy Places," appeared this week on the front page of Obscrvatore Romano, official Vatican paper. The editorial appeared simultaneously with a visit to Rome of King Hussein of Jordan, who was received In private audience by 'ope Pius XII. Tho Pope was reported to have voiced hopo for a peaceful nnd equitable solution of the Arab-Israel situation.

Sen; Longer Hits "Wooing' of Arabs

New York (JTA)—Impending liritlsh withdrawal from the Suez Canal will not only create another vacuum in the Middle East, al ready dl'itinnulshcd for lla lack of power, but may breed even more hostile action against Israel by Arab countries, Hanson W. Baldwin, military expert of the New York Times, warned in an article analyzing the projected British evacuation of its Suez military bases. "With Egyptians In sole control at Suez, undeterred by the moderating presence of British troops, the Israel-Arab friction, already at fever point, may even burst the bounds of the past," Mr. Baldwin writes, "The thin red line of Empire may have outlived Its day, but It will not be replaced In Suez without a long period of Middle Eastern instability and convulsions," he points out, (In London, Major Amin Shaker, top aide to tho Egypt Ion Premier, Col. Nasser, today attempted to,minimize the fear expressed In some British circles that the Egyptian Government would Interfere with international traffic through the Suez Canal in tho event that she gets full sovereignty over the area. Such fear Is unfounded," Shaker said in a . Istanbul (JTA)—The Turkish statement to the press.) . Government is of the opinion that Israel is a reality and that tho Arabs must accept the fact that Israel has come to stay, it was Indicated here following a week-long conference of Turkish diplomatic representatives in Middle Eastern countries. ' The conference, which WHS attended by President Djelal Bayar Of Turkey, ns well ns by Premier Adnan Menderes, heard reports from Turkish envoys in the Arab countries and in Israel, nnd camo to tho conclusion that thero should foe no deviation from tho . policy of neutrality between Israel nnd the Arab lands which has been followed by Turkey s|nco soon nfter the recognition of tho Jewish state. I At the same lime, the conference recommended that Turkish diplomats should make new efforts to bring Arab countries to closer collaboration with the West. The possibilities of developing tho Turkish-Pakistani pact with a view to Including some of the Arab countries was also one of tho major subjects discussed at tho Earning dollars to hasten Israel's economic independence. conference.

Israel a Reality Turkey Points Out

IMlMUMd nrarr firtdw. 101 H. Mtb. OauUu, N e t w l a , (few* JA UMi


Vatican Paper

Shoes that Help Israel Walk

Jewish Centers New York (JTA) — The comilned expenditures of all Jewish community c e n t e r s and YMYWIIA's reached a total of moro than 514,000,000 In 1953, tho national Jewish Welfare Board rewrtcd hero recently. The JWB jlso reported that almost half of ho 550,000 membership of tho :ontors and "Y's" Is composed of joys and girls of 17 or below and that the membership of girls and •omen is higher, thnn.it.has ever wen.





of State was prevailed on' by the committee "to stress the fundamental determination of the United States to take appropriate action to prevent the resumption of warfare by any of the nations involved." Although "marked gains" were-noted In some other parts of the Near East, they were "largely off- _ set by the Increased tension between Israel and the Arab states," the report said. The committee stressed that- "there have been more border Incidents" between Israel and Jordan, and the inci-, dents have been more serious, \ "The Soviet Union has increased its activities in the' Arab states and is blocking constructive action in the United Nations Security Council for alleviation of tensions in the area," t h e report stated. It was stated by the committee that "there is nothing gained by minimizing the difficulties In the way of a permanent settlement of the Arab-Israel conflict." Popular passions are -Ugh on both sides, and the armistice is plainly beginning to deteriorate, the committee reported.' It warned "there |s a danger that a border Incident, either by accident or design, may Ignite the resumption of open war* fare."

Vets Will Stage I Centennial Show "The Jewish War Veteran in Peace and War" will be presented at the theme center stage-Wednesday evening,, July 28, by the Epstein-Morgan Post No. 260 of JWV. This centennial salute will be a dramatization df the American Jew's activities in the growth of our country. , Sherman Llpsteln rewrote the script furnished by the Jewish War Veterans Posts of St. Louis, Mo., who will also direct the program. The Vets,will demonstrate some of their programs in action in the community. A variety show' put on by the post in both the Lincoln and Omaha Veterans Hospital Will highlight the program. Max Kanner is chairman of the Centennial committee for the Vets.

Sunday Radio Rabbi Edward E. Klein, spiritual leader of Stephen S. Wise Free Synagogue In New York City will discuss "Your Vacation Plans" on Message of Israel program heard over KOIL from 10 to 10:30 a. m. Tho programs are produced under the auspices of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations and United Jewish Layman's Committee. "Words We Live By," a summer series of the Eternal Light program will fcaturo Informal conversations between Maurice Samuels and Mark Van Doren. The fourth program' will broadcast over WOW-Radlo from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon. Tho discussions entitled "The Supporting Cast of the Bible" will emphasize Interesting aspects and Interpretations of lesser known Biblical characters.


Fate Tw»

Omaha, Nebraska, July 23, 1854

Warsaw Revolt Lasting Memorial

%)lt Friday by the the FedentloD Feder for Jewtab Service

MM itepBO-tt—t MtaXU Ltcr at UnuiiLMcbnuxA, unatr uw . ftct o l AUrct) 9, 16TB. Mint t% MUlwatlpkloOt M-Olfc AdwUfUc n i t u on AppUfi&ttoo. iunssTifti n)fi»W "•'ii'ii fw. JQU MUMCOnafttUsa l*ftbr.. Ji>rtVfuiI I H Alot ttUB AtfsWsV^^MS 8ft UUl H i n t



Zionist Analysis of Near East Policy This is a reprint of excerpts from a statement on "The American Zionist Conunittee for Public Attain" .prepared far submission to tbe convention of the Zionist Organization of America that was held June 27. It was put together by L L. Kenen, Executive director, American Zionist "Committee for Public Affairs. These* are comments on t h e Washington scene and deal with the issues which have brought about tbe formation of the American Zionist Committee for Public Affairs. In his analysis, Mr. Kenen points out that Israel la in dancer. He says: "There is a power vacuum in the Middle East resulting from the decline of the Ottoman,' British and French empires. T w o forces are trying to fill it—communism and democracy. In anticipation of the Soviet conspiracy, our own country is determined to expand and strengthen Western Influence in this crucial and vital area. We do not quarrel with this fundamental objective in American policy. We challenge the methods that are used to attain it, for we shall not succeed if, through a failure to assess an the factors and forces In tbe Middle East, we are maneuvered Into permitting tbe Kremlin to select the place, the time and the weapons to tbe struggle. ' It is against that background that we must evaluate American policy vis-a-vis Israel and the Arab states. The Department of State is determined to win the support of existing Arab governments. I t would be Inaccurate to attack the Administration as anti-Israel on that account, or to. attribute recent policies .in the Middle East to some animus against Israel, or the Zioninst movement Nevertheless, we must recognize that this Administration i s officially committed to the propodtionn that 'the, United States should seek to allay the deep resentment against it that has resulted from the creation of Israel.' The words are not mine. They are the words / of the Secretary of State. The words are clear and then* interpretation, in Cairo, Damascus and Baghdad, has been all too clear and most unfortunate. The Arab League has come to believe mat Arab resentment is the litmus test of Near East policy. The more they would resent, the more we would do to allay their resentment . . . When they are challenged to explain this policy, officials of tbe Stater Department are led inevitably to associate themselves with the Arab position on many of the items in dispute. They become the protagonists of spurious Arab claims on water, refugees, border clashes; boundary disputes and many other, Issues. . . . . The facts are dut of focus, the reality Is blurred and distorted, the responsibility is being shifted. The American people are being told by officials of our government that it is up to Israel t o make concessions to the Arab slates in order to buy off their hostility. This unmoraT preachment, which fortifies Arab resistance'to negotiation, has official blessing. You will find it repeated in testimony before the House Foreign Affairs Committee. . . . In the light of that fact, and the naturt? of the testimony that was submitted to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, •submit to you that the Near East apparatus of the State Department is being fully utilized to alienate our friends in Congress in the hope that the President and Mr. Dulles may ultimately be persuaded that the new look commands the support of the majority of the American people. . . . This Is a crucial year and important decisions are in the making. T h e trends we fear ami criticize today may harden and crystallize Into policies fixed and difficult to challenge and revise. Such policies may impinge on Israel's security and survival. It is time that we exercised our right and discharged our duly as Jews, as Zionists, and as Americans to challenge a program which, we fear, does not' faithfully serve American Interests and which clash discordantly with the integrity and Idealism of traditional American

With the Folks Af Home

Religious News 1M P. M. OaadleUsjfetlnC

Beth Israel Friday evening* services begin at 7 p. ro. Sabbath morning services begin at 8:30 a. m. Junior congregation starts at 10 a. m. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Talmud class at 7 p. m.; Saturday Mlncha wiU sUrt at 7:30 p. m.. followed by Sholoshc S'eudos and Maariv. Daily morning services begin at 7 a. m.; dally afternoon services begin at 7:43 p. m. Sunday morning services begin at 8:45 a. m. and Is followed by Rabbi Groner's Bible Discussion class. The youngsters of the Talis and Tcffilln club begin their Rervices at 8:30 a. m. Breakfast is served at the conclusion of their services. The Talmud Discussion group, currently studying the tractate Sabbath meets e v e r y Tuesday evening at 8:15 p. m. under the direction of tlw Rabbi at BHH Synagogue, 19th and Burt.


Sabbath Services this evchlng start promptly at 7:30 o'clock and policy." '•" .•'. •- • The American Zionist Committee for Public Affairs was estab- will be held in the chapel of the new Temple Israel at 70th and lished in March of 1954. Can Streets. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks will conduct the services.

Austrian Claims PrantifurtU.Prexy Beth El Frankfurt (JTA)—For the third time in succession, Frankfurt UniSabbath Eve Services Talks Delayed versity has bestowed the highest held tonight at 7 p. m.

..Vienna (JTA)—Austrian Chancellor Julius Raab in a statement to tbe Jewish Telegraphic Agency this week said that the two bade reasons for interruption of the Austro-Jewish negotiations for restitution .and indemnification . claims of Jewish victims of the Nazi regime hi Austria were that tbe Jews are disunited and that tbe Jewish Conunittee for Claims on Austria demanded too high a settlement. He insisted that the Jewish negotiators must bring their demands down to "a real and tearable level." He noted that the first Jewish demand had come to some $80,000,000 and said that the Austrian Government is willing to assume certain economic burdens to settle the Jewish claims, hut only if the government can bear them in the current economic situation. In the Fall, Chancellor Itaab said, the Austrian government will give the Jewish groups its final offer. At that time, he continued, it will be up to the Jews to decide whether it will accept i t Elaborating on the question of disunity, the Chancellor revealed that he had received a cable today from a Jewish organization which insisted that the claims committee did not represent it in this! matter. '

office at its disposal, the rectorship, upon a Jewish-born scholar who returned to Germany after a scientific career interrupted by the Nazi regime, but continued in exile. Elected by his faculty colleagues to the rectorslilp, or presidency, of the University for the forthcoming academic year was Dr. Fritz Neumark, a professor of economics who has specialized in financial problems and belongs to the Advisory Councils of the Bonn Ministries of Economics and of Finance. Born at Hanover 54 years ago the son of a Jewish businessman, he was named an assistant in the Department of Economics here in 192Ii. He had risen to Associate Professor when, shortly after the reign of Nazism bcg.'in, he received a call to the Chair of Economics at the University of Istanbul. In Turkey he taught until 3950, then returned to Frankfurt first as a guest lecturer and later an a full professor.

B. I. Metis Club Fall Programs The Beth Israel Mens Club will hold a Fall series of dances, it was announced last week. Dan Gordrnan, president of the Mcns Club made the announcement and named Stanley Diamond as general chairman for the scries. Dates and committees will be announced shortly.


New York (JTA)—The Warsaw Ghetto.revolt will remain a permanent national memorial day for Jews throughout the world, the World Jewish Congress announced here, emphasizing (hat Jews in 39 countries; this year commemorated the Warsaw u p r i s i n g against the German Army during the NnrJ * occupation of Poland. A survey to determine how enduring is tlie memory of that heroic Jewish .saga was undertaken by the WJC under the direction of Dr. Issac Schwarzbart, head of Its organization department. The survey established that^ the heroism of the ghetto fighters was honored this year by more than 9,000,000 Jews. "This year's anniversary was widely observed in the United •' States and Israel, two of the world's three largest Jewish com-munition," the WJC report says. "No detailed information was available from the world's third largest Jewish community, that in Soviet Russia and In the Satellite nation*, except one eye-witness report from Warsaw. The observer reported that a great demonstration was held, the main purpose Residents attended a feature of which was to show that the Refilm, downtown at the Omaha volt was arranged tind carried Theater. Thank .you, Messrs. Ted through only by Communists. Emerson and Iz Welner for this extra treat "Of all the ceremonies hcldj PASTRIES RECEIVED! Mr. throughout the world, the excrand Mrs. Isadore Elewltz sent dses In Argentina, where 420,000 some fancy pastries to the Home Jews constitute the largest Jewish in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of communily in La(in America, wer* considered to be singularly imprestheir son, Larry. Elevator Dedicated: The eleva- sive. Jewish stores were closed in tor, which was made possible Buenos Aires; special lectures) through the efforts of the Bikur were delivered In the Jewish Cholim Society was dedicated last schools; and appropriate exercises: Sunday, and in spite of the record were held in every Jewish comheat that day, a huge crowd at- munity throughout the Argentina tended the dedication service. Mr. provinces," the report states. Max Fish spoke for the Residents of the Home. IN MKMOIUAHt New York (JTA)—For the first Eva Epstein—July 3, 1954, 3 time since the establishment of Tammuz 5714. Louis Liebowitz—July 19, 1954. the Jewish State, the number of visitors to Israel from the Ameri18 Tammuz 5714. Flora Holiner—July 20, 1954, can continent exceeded those from Europe In 1953, It was reported 19 Tammuz 5714. here by the Israel National TourYAIHIZKIT: Speclnl Memorial ist Center. More than a third of Services will be held in the Home all tourists In Israel lnst year Synagogue for the following: came from the United States. Mr. Sam Josephson, 27 Tammuz A record number of 13,213 tour—July 28, 1954. Mrs. Morris Turner, 1 Al)—July ists, 19 per cent more than during the same period last year, visited 31, 1954. Mrs. Fannie Steinberg, 4 Ab— Israel In the first quarter of 1954. Almost a third of Die visitors August 3. 1954. came in 80 organized groups, the Tourist Center reported. From January 1 to April 30, 1954, tourits exchanged $1,309,000 in Israeli banks, almost double the amount exchanged during the first quarter The annual Beth Israel picnic of 1953. These figures do not inwill be held August IS at 2 p. m. clude currency exchanged for the in the north picnic grove of Peony purchase of gifts and for transPark. The picnic will be under portation aboard Israeli ships and the direction of, the Men's Club. airplanes. Children's games will begin about 4 p. m. Soft drinks will be served. Harry Siref la general chairman of the Men's Club committee hanBonn (JTA)—Israel and West dling the affair. The picnic committee includes: Sam K a p l a n , Germany agreed to name Prof. "Jeorges Sauscn-Hall, well known Manny Simon," I. J, Kraft, Gene Braun, Dave Dworltln, Leo Kraft, Iwiss expert on intcrnatioal I»|w, Irv Landow, Barney Drevich, Dan chairman of a three-man arbitraGordman, N o r m a n Roscnzwcig, tion commission to which they Stanley Diamond, Max Greenfield would refer any serious disputes Involved In the Implementation of and Milton Bel/.er. the reparations pact signed at Luxemburg two years ago. The pact provides that questions irising out of the interpretation r application of the agreement The Workmens Circle Branches shall lie handled by a mixed Gerand Auxiliary will give a testi- man-Israel commission and, If that monial dinner for Mrs. L. Witkin body fails to settle the disputes, in recognition of her .10 years of they will be referred to n commisactive and devoted work Sunday, iion, one of whose members was July 2f> at fi:30 p. m. in the Labor o be named by each party and the chairman or umpire by agreeLyceum building. Representatives from the Mid- ment between the two. AH threo men are to serve for five-year west district will bo on hand to participate in the program. Vis- terms. So far there has been no itors will arrive from Denver, Dcs call for the services of the commission. Moine.',, Sioux City nnd Lincoln. Louis Gitlln Is chairman for the evening and Max Crounse Is chair- Hollywood (JTA)—On the basis man of the arrangement commitearly returns from the fifth retee and will serve as toastmaster. lease of "Gone With tlio Wind," MGM Is predicting a JIO.000,000 Kirk Douglas: "The little boy gross for the David O. Selznlck who hides behind 'his mother's •reduction for this time out alone. skirt nowadays has to get into his The total take, domestic and forign, for the film in the four prehigh chair to do it"—(JTA) vious releases totaled a phenomOscar Levant: "Most bachelors nal $62,700,000. In Paris alone, have lots of chances to get mar- the picture is running for the ried but they are not taking any ourth consecutive year on first' run! chances."—(JTA)

will be

Sabbath morning services will begin at 8:45 o'clock^ Mlncba services will begin at 7:30 p. m. Daily services during the week arc held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m.

Happy Birthday Friday, July 23 Marsha Coren, Hichard Philip rank, Diane Sue Kulask'y and Bonnie Enid Venger. Saturday, July 24 Larry Alan Brookstein, Michael Lynn Harris, Russell Lee Kaplan nd Maynard Barry Rosenberg. Sunday, July 25 Mnynard David Hclzer, Ronald icoil Blumkin, Mark William iloasberg, Linda Frank, Richard 5henvin Mann und Florence rnco. .Monday, 8uly 20 Barbara Ann Barren, Terry Coester, Pamela Fay TYrelman. diaries Victor Robinson, Harry adofsky and Shirley Eta Swift. Tuesday, July 27 Mark Edward Bclmont, Stephen David Grcenherg, Henry Janovsky nd Peter Bruce Newman. Wednesday, July 28 Nancy Claire Aronson, Robert Gary Aronson, Judy Ban, Robert Eric Gummers, Harriet Manneimer, Gerald Blake Simons, Harlan Martin Susman and Julie Elen Taren. ThDrtdny, July Z9 Stephen Ronald White.


Beth Israel Plans Annual Picnic

Arbitration Head

Worhmens Circle To Fete Mrs. Within



\ Omaha, Nebraska, July 28,105*

Recipes of The Week


Omaha Sketches

rUESBUKK COOKKIt MKTIIOD FOK UKMLTK FISH Dr. and Mrs. J. Milton Margolir Mm. Nathan GKnlck were honored on their 25lb wed' ding anniversary at a, family din' 4 lbs. chopped Carp or Buffalo ner In the Fireside Restauran 4 onions Saturday night. 1 cup of diced celery stalks Out-of-town guests Included 2 carrots (sliced) Mrs, Aaron Feinblatt and daugh4 cgg» : ter, Marliynn of Inglewood, Calif.; 3 slices of white bread or chnllal: Louis Margolin of Hollywood, 2 tablespoons of salt Calif,; Mrs. Spl Bernstein and Mrs. 1 teaspoon of pepper A. Winer of Los Angeles, Calif.; 2 cups of water Mr. and Mrs. Engman of Des Have the head and bones of fish Molnes, -la., and Miss Marilynn wrapped separately, Wash them Breslow of Lincoln, Nebr, under running water. Lay the head • • • and bones in bottom of pressure Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barson o! • cooker. Grate two onions into chopped fish and slice the othci Omaha have recently returned Onions into the pot among the from Ames, la., where their ion bones. Add celery and carrots. Adc Norman received a degree of Doc* the eggs to the fish, and the bread tor of Philosophy in Chemical Ensoaked and- squeezed fairly dry. gineering at Iowa. State UniverSeason with salt and pepper. Form sity. He has accepted a position In balls of the mixture and lay them the East with a major oil comin the pot. Add cold water, cover pany. • • • and adjust gauge to ten poun pressure. Bring to the required • Corporal Joseph Levy, ton of Amount of pressure ovtr moderate Mr. and. Mrs. Leopold Levy has heat, turn down heat and cook for arrived'home on leave from tho ten minutes per pound of fish. Army News Center at Kansas Cool under running water then City, Mo. Corporal Levy wOl reremove cover, Let the fish cool In port back to Ft. Leavenworth for the pot before removing to separation August S. platter. ~ • • «* Mrs. Lee White and her three children have arrived from WashBOCB CIUDAM DRESSING ington, D. C , to visit with parents, : Mr. I. M. Welner Mash with fork 114 ounces Bleu Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cohn and Mr, cheese. Add salt, pepper, a little and Mrs. Herman White. Mr. dry mustard and 1 Tbsp of mayon- White will join his family In a naise. Mix well. Add 3 heaping couple of weeks. The Whites are H u p of sour cream. Other herbs both former Omahans. Mrs. White may be added to taste. Mix well. is the former Dorothy Cohn. Mr. White is an legislative assistant to Serve over green salads. Senator John Kennedy of Massachusetts. ,

B.B. District Prexy Coutse To Help Form Unit Leadership The second session of the Ha-


Campers for Tel Yehudah

Miss C. Fellman Weds L. Gorlicki

Miss Celia Toby Fellman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fellman, end Leon Gorlicki, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. David Goj-Iicki, were married Sunday, July 11, at B'nal Israel Synagogue. Rabbi Benjamin Groner, assist* ed by Cantor H i Kagen, officiated at the 2 p. m. ceremony. The bride's waltz-length gown of white silk taffeta featured a scolloped skirt worn over an accordlon-p 1 e a t e d petticoat. Her shoulder-length veil fell from a Juliet cap outlined in rhlnestone. She carried white roses and stephonotis. Attendants were the Misses Anita and Sandra Fellman, both sisters of the bride and Mrs. B. G. Aronoff of Denver, Colo. Alvln The five girls pictured above will Icuvo Sunday, July 25, for a Fellman, brother of the bride was month's stay at Ciunp Tel Yrhuiluli ut lSurrjvllIe, N. Y. They are: best mari, and Gilbert Aronoff and (top row—left to right) Marilyn Bice, Sari Shukcrt and Laura Stanley Fellman ushered. Franklin. Bottom row—Kose Logman and Konnle Ilaykln. The After a reception in the synagirls will also stay on for the National Convention of Senior Young gogue social hall, the couple left Judaea which will be held at the close of the camping session. for a Southern wedding trip. Mr. and Mrs. Gorlicki will liv« Hollywood (JTA)—Danny Kaye In Ortiaha. is deservedly proud of his big SucMike Todd; "A man never get* cess, "Knock On Wood," which Is his' first Independent' production. into trouble chasing a woman; it's only after the is caught that the Omaha Chapter Hadassah's Wa- "You're okay," commented Eddie trouble begins."—(JTA) ter Festival, Style Show and Card Cantor, "but remember that Sir Party will be held at the Highland Laurence Olivier Is pretty good, Molra Shearer: "A woman detoo." "Yeah," said Danny, "but tests flattery, especially when It is West Club Wednesday, July 28. he's got Shakespeare writing for directed toward other women."— Mrs. Sidney Schwartz, over-all (JTA) Chairman of the affair announces him . . . I ad-libl" that Norma Ellsworth of the Highland Club Pool Is directing the Water Show. Her co-chairman, Mrs. Harold Coopermon is in charge of decorations. Mrs. NorRUG & UPHOLSTERY man Pencnbcrg is table setting chairman; Mrs. Yale Golsdlner is CLEANERS cake chairman and Mrs. Harold RUGS — CARPETING Slosburg -is in charge of the style LAMP SHADES show.

Hadassoh's Water Show Wednesday


Get your tickets and make your Cleaned in Your Home I . reservations with Mrs. Alfred •iwiliig • Laying . Repairing dassah Leadership course will be Frank or her co-chairmen. ProDPN BERNSTEIN HA 2554 held 9:30 a. m., Monday, July 28 ceeds will go for Hadassah projin an air conditioned room of the CCtB. Blackctonc Hotel. Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky wlU dlrecl the session. The program wHl include the procedure of conducting A RURtSMNG SUMMW PRINK meetings and duties of officers. Board members ore asked to a t A NOURISHING FOOD... tend the session.

Miss Eleanor (Dunny) Epstein, President of District No. 6 B'nal B'rith Girls, will be In Omnha to assist in orcunizlni; a sister chap* tcr to AZA. Miss Epstein who will be the speaker at a "Hush Ten," for all ' Incoming freshmen and interested girls, will explain the BUG Program and activities. While in Omaha, Miss Epstein will be the guest of AZA 1 and 100, Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470, and Nebraska Chapter No. The Annual Picnic of the Ep246. Date and place of tea will bo stein-Morgan Post and Auxiliary announced. will bo held at Rlvcrvicw Park, Sunday, August 1. The Pavilion is reserved in case of rain. CoSocial Grade Stranger—What Is the standing chairmen Meyer Kaplan and Ben of the Spcndmore family in this Flnkelstcln have promised, free soft drinks and Ice cream. Bring townT Native—Well, I should say they your entire family and above all is sort of bctwlx and between. bring your lunches. There will be They ain't exactly nobody and yet games and prizes for the children. The time Is from 1 to 6 p. m. they hain't really anybody.


JWV to Hold Picnic


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T ttlE

I Pace Fear

Softball Teams to Scrap for Crown Sunday at Elmwood



of the

Bible and Talmud

Bj DR. I'lULir HHED Victory. AZA IB behind the chucki ; By Llndy Paul .This Sunday at Elmwood Park Ing ot Morrte Shrago took a 12-8 unbeaten Rayim A will be after win from Rayim B and kept Rayim IJIble f their first Youth Council Softball B in the cellar. Woe unto them that call evil championship when they tangle •This Sunday Is the big one for good, and good evil; that changi with once beaten AZA 1A, last Rayim and AZA 1A. Ed Belzer darkness Into light and light into year's defending champs. The onewill book up with Terry Bern- <]arkness; that change bitter into Mother chapter loss was admin- stein to decide the Y. C title. sweet and sweet into bitter. istered soundly by the Rayim team Woe unto them that arc wise in T. O. Standings and If the AZA ladi can win, W. L. their own eyes, and prudent In playoff game will be held the foltheir own sight Rayim A , 9 0 lowing Sunday. xAZA 1A 7 1 The people that walked in darkIn the encounters last week Independents have seen a great light; they 3 4 ness AZA 1A outlasted third place Inthat dwelt in the land of the shad3 5 ow dependents to save their title XAZA100 of death, upon them hath the AZA IB 2 7 light stoned. w hopes with a 12-9 win. Rayim Rayim B -. 0 9 got the biggest scare ot the sea- xThese Talmud teams have makeup Rabbi Hammuna son as the scrappy lads of AZA game. said: "Cod doth 100 held a 7-0 lead and knocked not punish a man until his measout pitcher Ed Bclzer after four ure of Iniquities is full." Innings, before Art Novak quieted Rabbi Aklba expounded—As a the Centurymen bats and Rayim reward for the righteous-women found their hitting eyes. In the last TKVAS ABU who In that generation was Innings to come off with an 18-7 At their meeting July IS, the Israellived redeemed from Egypt T. A/s elected Matlee Katleman Rabbi Eleazar said: "Wealth is Senior Club Delegate to all Sen- as dear to the righteous as their Brandeis All-Stars ior Young Judaea Regional meet- own body. (The righteous work ings.' " In City PlayrOffs hard to acquire wealth, and only Sunday, July 25, Rose Lagman, in an honest way,)" will leave for Barryvtlle, N. Y., * ' By Walter WIsa Rabbi Abbahu said: "At first where she wilt attend a month Brandeis AJl-Stars have earned session at Camp Tel Yehudah fol- used to think that I was a humble the right to play in the city-wide lowed by the National Senior man; but since meeting Rabbi .tournament of the American Le- Young Judaea'Convention also at Abba, I have altered that view. gion Midget hardball league. Mos the Tel Yehudah camp site. This Rabbi Abba would explain to his the boys on the team have taken camp is the Senior Young Judaea students certain ideas in one way, part in the Junior Sports program Camp. Laura Franklin, Marilyn while his interpreter would exat the Jewish Community Center. Rice, Sari Shukert, and Bonnie pound them in another way, yet Some were on the All-Star Midget Haykin from Deb's will also at- Rabbi Abba would not become.angry. I said to myself; 'I am not a basketball team last season. tend these sessions. modest man (in comparison, with - Walter Wise, and Justin.Ban are Rabbi Abba)/" captains of the Brandeis All-Stars. Pinky Lee: "A cautious man Is Other team members are Bill Horwich, Roy Katskec, Dan HoUls. one who hasn't let a woman pin Mike Sabes. Mike Murkovttz. Al anything on him since he was a Patronize Our Advertisers ' Konecky, Bruce Goldstein. Gabby baby."—(JTA) Berg, Bob. Ginsberg. Larry Kohn, Don Forman, Don Fiedler. Jeff Wohlner. Joel Davis and Al Newberg.

Youth Council

Omaha, Ni-braska, July M, l»'M

K. Bennett Runs For School Post •


A week or so after tm nci\va two-year-old and UOQ pounds of s-md me placed together in a KIIndbox, no one knowa what beKeith N. Bennett, of 4215 Dodge comes of the .sand.—Detroit News, Street, Omaha, la a candidate for I'oIltiniY Ad vert Ise moot County Superintendent of Schools in Douglas County. Mr. Bennett, a native Nebraskan, received his elementary education in a rural school, and attended public high school. lie was valedictorian of his graduating class, and was awarded a scholarship to Nebraska State'Teachers College at Kearney. He completed the four-year teacher training course at Kearney, with a high average. He now holds a Nebraska Administrative and Supervisory School CertifiRIPUBLICAN ~ cate. After serving in World War n FOR with the 3rd Infantry Division in Europe, he accepted a teaching position .In Omaha, at the BoylesVan Sant Business College In April, 1950. In addition -M his teaching duties, he acts as veterans' counselor and assists as registrar and. placement director. He has been VOTE Chief Monitor of the Nebraska State Merit system Examinations for the past three* years In the Omaha District Mrs. Bennett is a teacher In the Nebraska Schdbl for the Deaf. POUTICAL ADVErtTlSKMENT POUTICAL ADVERTISEMENT




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