July 30, 1954

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OMAHA, NEBRASKA, JULY SO, Goldman Says . . .

Must Find Own Record. Enrollment Way to Zionism For Gamp Jay C-C Opening Session Starts Monday

Soviet Campaign Against Religion

A record enrollment of 132 campers will mark the opening of Camp Jay C-C this Monday at Bellevue, Nebr., Lindy Paul, camp director stated. The first session will be from August 2 to 16, and the second period, from August 16to30. \ ' Full Program , "A full program of activities have been.planned, the camp director : said. It• will include swimming, camp crafts, archery, tennis, dramatics, Israeli and folk dancing, boating, horseback riding and overnight Wkei. < A College trained staff has been : selected to carry out all phases of tHa program) and supervise cabin groups, tho camp director pointed '•:'"•:


BUff Return.


Many of last year's counselors are returning to camp this season. T h e y are Marty Blacker, Sonny Bclman, Happy Frank, Bernle Feldmah, Jerry Marcr, Feme Katleman, Barbara Paul, Shirley Silverman, Shirley Noodell, Adele Chasanov, Matlcc Katleman, and Nancy Barron. New staff mcmliers Include: Al HOusman, Samuel Weingart, Ithoda Nusanuin, all from Des Moincs, la'.; Leonard Shaw from Kansas City, Mo.; Gerry Cohen from Fond dU Lac, Wis.; Norman Krlvosha and Helene Sherman from Lincoln; Peter Well, Sam Shukert, Ston Widman, James Shapiro, Enid Levey, Diane Cooper, Deanno Markovltz and Janie Fcllman, all of Omaha. Addle Seals, who has been camp cook since the holding of Camp Jay.. C-C at Brews ter will begin her ninth year as camp cook.

Special Status for Jewish Agency •





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Jerusalem (JTA)—An agrccment establishing a, special status for the Jewish Agency in its activitles in Israel was formally Signed today between the Israel Government and the Jewish Agency. In the presence of members of the Cabinet and of the Agency's executive. The ceremony took pla.ee In the chamber where the Israel Cabinet usually holds Its meetings. Signing for the Israel Government was Moshc Sharett, while Dr. Nahum Gpldmann and Bc.-l Locker, co-chairmen of the Jewish Agency executive, signed for thn Agency, The agreement became effective immediately. A letter attached to the agreement provides that the chairman of the Jewish Agency shall hold the rank of Minister. Other members of the Agency executive will have the same rank as members of the Israel Parliament. Under the provisions of the Bgrcemcnt, the Jewish Agency is entitled to carry on Immigration, absorption and colonisation work, as well as to establish new industrial enterprises in Israel and to enlarge old ones. It can also net to attract private Investment from abroad to Israel. The government will provide the Agency with certain facilities, which are yet to bo worked out, as part of the agreement. Both the Israel Government and the Jewish Agency will have equal representation on n coordinating board which will deal with immigration and absorption problems.

London (JTA)—Reports from Moscow received here during the week-end indicate that the Soviet Government has embarked on a new and intensified campaign against religion, in an effort to discourage people throughout the USSR from attending churches and synagogues. Copies of Pravda, official" organ of the Communist Party, and of The Literary Gazette, a leading newspaper in Moscow, received here recently, carried articles calling for an "unyielding campaign" against religious activities. In a front-page editorial, Pravda requests Communist propagandists to "show by scientific a n d atheistic" counter-attack. Of particular concern to Pravda is the fact that more and more Soviet children "seem to be "infected" with religious ideas.

Global Report SEEK ENTRY Jerusalem (WNS) — Approximately 50,000 Jews will seek to enter Israel during the coming year, S. Z. Shragal, head of the Jewish Agency's immigration department, declared here in report to the Zionist Actions Committee which said that to at least twentyfive thousand of those Jews "Immigration to Israel is a matter of (Ufe or. death." The. report described some Jewish communities as "living like on isolated islands, surrounded by a hostile, sometimes blood-thirsty population." " The dangers, real and immlnant, faced by Jews In certain countries was also stressed by Dr. G. Josephtal, treasurer of the Jewish' Agency, who asserted that rescue of those Jews must not be postponed despite the fact.that there arc about 20.000 unemployed peo-" pie in Israel and that 20.0W. Immigrants nro still In transition camps. FUNDS FOR FOREST London (JTA)—Intensification of fund-raising anjong Jews In Yugoslavia in behalf of the plantIng of trees In the Martyrs Forest In Israel was reported here in a communication from the Federation of Jewish Communities of Yugolavia. The report said that some 3,000,000 dinars had been raised throughout Yugoslavia for the planting of 10,000 trees. Tills repRents one-half of the pledge of Yugoslavian Jews. Funds for 40.000 more trees will be raised by Jews of Yugoslav origin now living In the United States and Is. rael. The report stressed that In one town where only 17 Jews still live, 450,000 dinars was raised for this purpose, some 30,000 from non-Jews. The J e w i s h communities of Yugoslavia plan to send a special message and gift to the Jews of the United States to mark tho tercentenary of Jewish settlement In the U. S.


Jerusalem (JTA) — American Jews must be allowed to find their own way to acceptance of the full Zionist program, Dr. Nahum Goldmann told the Zionist Actions Committee. Prompting will not help to speed up the process, he stated. He pointed out that American Jewry is entirely different in Its outlook, form of life and communal structure from the Jews of Europe. Berl Locker, chairman of the Jewish Agency executive In Jerusalem, maintained that It is a Zionist duty to push American Jewry along the road of accepting the Zionist program, no:matter, how unpopular s u c h a course might be. Judith Epstein, Hadas«ah leader, said Zionism could become a profound instrument not only for Israel but also for American; Jewry, were it/glVen .a new meaning. The United States, she said, is a great melting pot and the present American way of life does hot admit cultural pluralities. Mrs. Epstein. told the, 'Actions Committee that the fight for Israel Is now being carried on lit the United States by all elements.of American J e w r y, except t h e American Council for Judaism. Israel, she declared, has given American. Jews a now sense of dignity Which was heretofore unknown to them. '.'.'. . Mortimer May, president of the Zionist Organization of America, said the existence of Israel is of Importance to all of world Jewry. If the Jewish State were to fall, world Jewry would fall, he stated. Rabbi M. Kirshblum, American Mlzrachl leader, u r g e d Isrnell leaders to adopt a more positive attludc toward Jewish communities outside of Israel by recognizing the advances they have made in Jewish life Instead of constant-. ly criticizing them.

YOUTH MOVEMENT Tel Aviv (JTA)—Former Premier David Ben Gurlon called this week for tho formation of a new youth movement In Israel to establish, on a non-polltlcal basis, settlements in the Negev and In the border areas. Speaking at a youth rally In Beershoba, Mr. Ben Gurlon also.urged the establishment of laboratories and other, technical facilities In the Ncgcv and other developing areas. T h e ex-Premier asked that the new settlements be established.by young men and women between 20 and 30 years of age, composed of 20 per cent of Israel - born youths and 80 per cent of recent Immigrants. An eleven - member committee was named at the rnlly to Initiate the movement, which Mr. Ben Gurlon called "Israel's Young Guard." . . •

Sunday Radio Rabbi Judah Cahn, of Tenfple Israel in Lawrence, Long Island, N. Y., will discuss "The Materials of Which You are Made" on Message of Israel program heard over KOIL from 10 to 10:30 a. m. The programs are produced under the auspices of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations and United Jewish Layman's Committee. "Words We Live By," a summer series of the Eternal Light program will fenturo informal conversations between Maurice Samuels nnd Mark Van Doren, The fifth p r o g r a m will broadcast over WOW-Radlo from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon. The discussions entitled "The Supporting Cast of the Bible" will emphasize interesting aspects and interpretations of lesser known Biblical characters.

uo.utua nerr rndmr, 101 n. M U L

Anoau B t u <

Evacuate Troops rrurn oufcz LanaI Zone London (JTA) — The British Government is considering' reaffirming, its adherence.to the tripartite declaration guaranteeing the borders of Israel and the Arab States,* in connection with the current Anglo-Egyptian negotiations for evacuation of. the Suez Canal zone and recent threats by'Egyp^ tian officials to resume the war against Israel once the British are out of Suez.

withdrawal of the British troops from the Suez area provides foe ' Egypt a .splendidly equipped military base there, which, together with the present Intentions on the part of the United States Government to give military aid to Egypt, will radically change the military situation and place Israel in great* er danger of Arab aggression. ,The British departure. It was explained, will bring a greatly strengthened Egypt .up from her own lines on-the other side of Sinai and of the Suez Canal, and right against Israel's southern border from Elath, on the gulf of Aquaba, to Askalon, which Is about one hour's run from Tel Aviv. The present defensible border -will then become a border requiring exceptional defense measures on the part of Israel.

This statement was made in the House of Commons by Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Selwyn Lloyd, in reply to a number of question on the relationship between Israel and the Anglo-Egyptian talks, Mr. Lloyd told the House that although no forma] British-Israel talks had taken place on the Suez situation, Israel had generally been informed of developments In the Anglo-EgypThis, In addition to the Amertian negotiations, along with other ican rearmament of Iraq and pos- . Interested governments. slbly Syria, has created a situation • of gravity and urgency for Israel, Border* Guaranteed Mr. Lloyd stressed that the tri- it was stressed. Israelis claim that partite declaration—by the United the British rcafflrma'tion of the States, Britain and France—would 1950 Tripartite Declaration shows be implemented, if the need arose, only that Britain understands Israel's apprehensions, but does regardless of the status of the not by any means reassure Israel Suez area. Ho added that Britain or redress regional equilibrium. sought to maintain good relations with all the states of the Mlddlo East and said that the British Government was attempting to "alleviate" the situation In that region, although he differentiated between what he called active and public attempts to achieve peace. The Impression he gave was that the British Government was try- HKANDKIS DEANS Waltham (JTA)— Brandels Uniing to promote the cause of peace, although not in a public manner. versity announced the appointment of two deans, the first such apEgyptian Frenilem pointments in the University's sixThe debate in Commons had year history. hardly died down when Egyptian Clarence Q. Bergcr of Newton Premier Col. Gnmal Abdul Nasser, In a speech marking the second Highlands, Mass., was named Dean anniversary of the arniy revolt of Administration and Shepherd against King Farouk, threatened Brooks of Cambridge, Mass., Dean of University Development. Both an "explosion" against Israel. We would like to declare that appointments were necessitated by if these (Israeli) aggressions do the "broadening of the base of the not cease and if Israel continues University's curriculum and ac; to fall to comply with repeated tivitlcs," according to Dr. Abram decisions of the United Nations. L. Sacliar, Brandcis University the situation In the Near East may president. explode," Colonel Nasser said. "Such an explosion would be. for AID CUT Washington (JTA)—The House less costly to the Arab world than to the patrons of Israel who aro Appropriations Committee yesterresponsible for keeping her alive." day reported out the Foreign Aid bill, with the amount of aid/for In Jerusalem apprehension was the Near Eastern area reduced' felt at the prospect (H the British from the Administration's request Government has announced its In- of $130,000,000 to 9115,000,000. tention of reaffirming tho 1950 The House bill now goes to* tha British-American-French declaration which guarantees the present floor. The reduction in Near Eastern funds corresponds with the auArab-Israel frontiers. thorization bill reported out by the Military Aid I t - w a s pointed out that the Senate Foreign Relations Committee which made an identical reduction. The $115,000,000 would cover sums for Israel, the Arab League states and other Near Eastern countries as well as Africa. The The 1954 Community Chest goal State Department has made known that the Arab League has been set for $1,291;5<I8. This represents an eight per cent In- states will receive a larger share than Israel. The sum for Israel crease over last year, it was anwill be reduced below the $52,500,nounced, 000 given during the last fiscal Leonard O. Arstad, UCS presi- year. The sum for the Arabs Is to dent, reported that due to higher be increased. costs the budget committee found It is estimated that Israel will that the increased goal Is needed just to maintain agency services receive $40,000,000 or less during at their present level. There is no the coming year. The State De* allowance for program expansions. partment maintains that, because of German reparations payments Campaign Chairman Larry Sho- and an improved financial situamaker said of the campaign goal: tion, Israel's needs have been're* "In behalf of the citizens of duced. ••'•..• ••.-•., Omaha I accept tho challenge of this increase I" Ho said he knows the "need Is JUSTICE ArrOINTED Washington (JTA)—Sneaker of there" from watching the careful manner In which tho budget com- tho House Joseph W, Martin announced this week-end the rcslg* mittee screened agency requests. "Omaha Is (^ rapidly growing nation of a Jewish congressman city," he noted. "Keeping pace Louis B. Heller, New York Demo* with such growth, is an increasing crat. Rep. Heller has been sworn need for the many vital services in as Associate Justice of tha provided by all the agencies of Court of Special Sessions In New York by Mayor Robert F. Wagner. your Community Chest."

Around The Nation

Community Chest Goal Announced

' JFa*e Two


Friday, July 3(1, 10M

Herzl Year Celebrated

gettisl) flrrs* PuMklMd BMiy fauna II muni n i

tta Federation tor Jewish Service C Mk if a c t « U»rct I, UT*.

aasursssa K w s {•riot Hupp AOstt tsftl So. stth HARRY HALPERT




B'nai B'ritfi and Israel Bonds

'• . The poet, Robert Browning, once wrote; "Grow old along with me, the best u yet to be," This observation appears to be particularly applicable to B'nal B'rith, which last year celebrated ita 110th anniversary and which in recent week* has embarked on a bold, new program to.aid the economic development of Israel through, an intensified effort in behalf of State of Israel Bonds. Sparked by the leadership of ito dynamic President, Philip It. EInlsnick, the Order has added to its manifold philanthropic and fraternal activities, the vital task of promoting the sale o $7,500,000 worth of the new Israel Development Bonds in 1954. Top leaden of B'nai B'rith in the TJ. S. and Canada pledged complete rapport of the Israel Bond program at a national convention in Chicago last month and this has been followed by similar vows of fnll cooperation by individual lodges and chapters at the district conventions. It is a program of which every B'nai B'rith member might well be proud. , The B'nai B'rith leadership i i to be congratulated for its vision and courage in acting to secure and strengthen Israel's economic base. * '

- Obituary Mrs. Lon Mortson Service* were held Friday, July 23 In Los Angela, Calif, for Mrs. ton Mortson. Mrs. Mortson, a lit"*ISM resident of Omaha, died Thursday, July 22 at tne age of 60 In a Los Angeles hospital tallowing a long Uincss, She was the "former Sheila Leaf, daughter o( the Uie Charles B. Leaf, a Omaha pfoneer. Survivors include: tw:> broltem, Morry and Benjamin Leaf of Los Angeles; two sisten. M i l Ellas Heinert of New York City end Mrs. Harry Du Boll of Omaha and a daughter Charlott .• MorUon of Kansas City, Mo.

Monde! Forbes

BlUe Hearken unto Me, y e stouthearted, that are far from righteousness. . I will bring near My righteousness; it shall not be far off. Who art thou, that thou art afraid of man that dies and of the son of man, that wilhereth as grass, and hast forgotten the Lord thy Maker? The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib; but Israel doth not know, my people do not consider. Talmud Rabbi Amram, the pious, whenever the servants of the Exilarch annoyed him, would, the next day, become 111 with chills. They would then say to him: "What would the Master have brought to him?" He thought to himself—Whatever I will order of them, my wishes will be reversed. He, therefore, said to them: "Bring me lean meat and wine diluted with water." Thereupon, they brought him fat meat and pure strong wine.

Services were held Tuesday, July 27 for Mandel Forbes with interment at Fisher Farm Cemetery. Mr. Forbes, 86. died Monday. July 26, at the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged. He is survived by, a daughter, Mrs. M. D. Cotton; five sons, Is8dore and Irving, both of Omaha, Morris and Jack of San Antonio, Tex., and Paul of Philadelphia, Pa.; 18 grandchildren and 18 When Yfalsa, the wife of Rabbi great-grandchildren. Nachman and the daughter of the Exilarch, was Informed that Rabbi Amram became ill she ordered the servants to give him a very hot bath, thus bringing on perspiration Services were held Friday, July and ridding him of his chills. 23 for Mrs. Flora Holiner with InRabbi Joseph w h e n e v e r he terment at the Fisher Farm Cemetery. Mrs. Hplinor, 85, died Tues- caught cold would work with a hand mill to bring on perspiration day, July 20. and affect a cure. She is survived by, two tons, Rabbi Sheshct when he caught William and Benjamin Boasbcrg of Omaha; a daughter, Mrs. Louis cold would occupy himself carryGrodnik of Minneapolis, Minn.; a Ins logs. He rtmnrked: "Great b ' brother, Sol Kirschbaum of Los work that It warms its performer, Angeles, Calif.: four grandchildren and produces perspiration causing the cold to subside," and nine great-Eraridchlldren.

Mrs. Flora Hdiner

Louis Lebowitx

Happy Birthday

Services were held Tuesday. July 20 for Louts Lebowilz with Friday, July 30 interment -at Council Bluffs. Mr. Jackie Lou Lovinc and Kobcrt Lebowitz, 61. n resident of the Dr. Arnold Schwartz. Philip Slier Jewish Home for the Haturdny, July 31 Aged, died Monday, July 19. Jeanne Minda Cohen, Shirley There is no immediate family Ann Fcldman, William David Kulsurviving. ly, Steven M. Luttbci;, Donna Beth Raskin, Linda Itoscnbaum and Alert JI. Sabcs. Sunday, Atj(^ 1 Doralee Kaplan, Bernard Polikov, Stephen Harry Prlesman, Stanley Diamond, general chair- Robert Shapiro, Michael Shrier, man, of the fall series of the Beth Ronald David Wicsman, Aldon Israel Mcns Club Dance of the Jerome Zorinsky. Month Club has nnnounced the Monday, Aug. 2 chairmen of the three dances to Sidney Harold Friedman and be held this fall. Martin Lee Roseasteln. The first dance will be held OcTuesday, Aug. 8 tober 9 with Milton Belzcr as Ardeen nonnelle Forbes, RonChairman. Dave Ecbcr will handle ald Grey, James Michael Krasne, the second dance, November 27. Jay Shukert and Judy Stevens. The final dinner diuice win be unWednesday, Aug. 4 ifier the chairmanship of Stanley John Michael Farbcr. Diamond. Proceeds from the foil Thursday, Aug. 9 aeries win go to the Talmud Torah Edward Cohen, Julie Ann Frank i feuOSng fund. and Neil Stuart Simon.

B.I. Metis Club Plan Fall Dances

Between You and Me By Boris Smolar (Copyright, 1954, JTA, Inc.)

American Scene If you want a picture of a Jewish community in a small American town, take Lorain, Ohio, as an example . . . There are now about 280 Jewish families in Lorain,. . . AH the Jewish women in town belong to the Hadassah . . . About 96 percent of the men belong to B'nal B'rith . . . All Jewish children in town belong to one youth group or another . . . For several years the community has consistently raised about 983,000 for its Jewish Welfare Fund . . . Of this sum, 175,000 is allocated to the United Jewish Appeal. . . Campaign expenses amounted to about $05 lost year . . . The annual dinner In behalf of the Welfare Fund Is regarded as a town meeting . . . Enthusiasm and pride n their communal life runs very high among the Jews of Lorain

Religious News 7iM P. M. CmndlellghUag

Beth El Sabbath Eve Services will be held tonight at 7 p. m. Sabbath morning services will begin at 8:45 o'clock. Mlncha services will begin at 7:19 p. m. Daily services during the week are held at 7 a. m, and 7 p. m.

Temple Israel

Jerusalem (JTA)—Ceremonies. in J(.'\vi:".h communities in all parts of the world /narked the inauguration of Her/1 Year, the Zionist movement's tribute to Dr. Theodor Herzl, founder of modem Zionism, on thr occasion of tho fiftieth anniversary of his death. In Jerusalem, the year of com* memora^on was ushered in with a solemn ceremony before Herzl tomb. Present at the ceremony were the President and Premier of Israel, members of the government and Parliament and a host of others including two lone survivors among the band of pioneers who organized the first Zionist Congress with Dr. Herzl in Basle in 1897. The two surviving colleagues of Dr. Herzl nre Prof. Jo« seph Klausner and Meyer Ebner. The short ceremony included prayers for the dead, the reading Of selected psalms and selections from Dr. Herbl's diary and representative addresses. Afterwards, the President of Israel, Itzhak Ben Zvl, led a processional past the tomb. He was followed by members of the Cabinet, deputies of Parliament and members of the Jewish Agency and of the Zionist Actions Committee. Platoons representing various arms of the Israel defense forces presented arms as the national and Zionist flags were hoisted over the tomb. The grave site •was c o w ered with a veritnblc forest of Zionist flogs carried by representatives of youth organizations and youth groups played band selections and choirs snng throughout an hour-long musical program.

'Peace and War* At Theme Center

Sabbath Services this'evening start promptly at 7:30 o'clock and will be held in the chapel of the new Temple Israel at 70th and The EPSTEIN-MORGAN POST Cass 'Streets. Rabbi Sidney H. No. 2C0, Jewish War Veterans preBrooks win conduct the services. sented the Centennial production of "The Jewish War Veteran in War nnd Peace" at the Theme Center Stage Wednesday evening; . . Multiply Lorain by several dozens, and you get a picture of Friday evening cervices begin nt July 28. Jewish community life in many of 7 p. m. Sabbath morning services Sherman Llpstcln was the dismall towns . . . A survey con- begin at 8:30 a. m. Junior congre- rector and author of the play. The ducted sometime aco by the B'nal gation starts at 10 a. m. narrator was Jim Harkcr. The folB'rith in 166 American and 53 Rabbi Groner will conduct the owing men had parts in the play: Canadian small towns gave the Talmud class at 7 p. m.; Saturday Joel Melcher, Morrlc Landsman, following thumbnail sketch of the Mlncha will start at 7:30 p. m., Paul Crounse, Marvin Kaplan, Val typical small town Jewish adult followed by Sholoshe S'eudos and Kuffcl, Max Kanncr, Abe Miller nnd Aaron Shafer. . . He was born in the United Maariv. States, and was brought up In the Color guards were Ed Dolgoff Dally morning services begin at state where he now resides . . . nnd Max Belgrade; Malvln Tcpper He has lived in the same town for 7 a. m.; dally afternoon services was promptor; Ed Bcldncr was in about 20 years, this town being begin at 7:45 p. m. choree of microphones; William Sunday morning services begin "Bill" Abrahams, Nate Marcus located within 50 miles of a big city . . . During his youth he at- at 8:45 a .m. and Is followed by and Marvin Bernstein were In tended college, and he is now Rabbi Groncr's Bible Discussion charge of the spotlights, nnd Milabout 42 years of age . . . As own- class. The youngsters of the Tails on Goldberg was in charge of er of an npparcl store, he earns find Teffilin club begin their serv- iropcrty. about $6,700 a year . . . He be- ices at 8:30 a. m. Breakfast is Tho Benson High School Drill longs to a synagogue, preferring served at the conclusic of their the Conservative brand of Ju- services. The Talmud Discussion Team opened the show. Al Lamm daism . . . He is also a member of group, currently- studying the ind his Theme Center-Band prolinai B'rith . . . He likes life in tractate Sabbath meets e v e r y •Ided the music The Air Force his small town, but is less en- Tuesday evening at 8:15 j>. m. un- Band provided music for the finthusiastic about the opporunities der the direction of the Rabbi at ale. 'or satisfying his intellectual in- BHH Synagogue, 19th and Burt. The Army, Navy, Marines, Coast terests . . . He thinks a Jew has uard nnd Air Force were reprei r.ood chance of feeling comfortented on the program by their nble as a Jew in his little comcolor guards. The following Vetmunity and a Rood chance of atrans organizations joined JWV In Seymour H. Kaplan, director of making this program an outstandtaining a position of prestige in :own . . . He is not satisfied with the Anti-Dcfarnation League reg- ng success. Veterans of Foreign the Quality of Jewish education, ional office located in Omalia, has Wars, United Spanish-American Liut faith range, he believes, from been invited to be one of the facul- War Veterans, American Legion, fair to poor . . . If he had to start ty members of jui institute taking Disabled American Veterans and 11 over again, he would remain In place at the National College or he Marine Corp League. iis small town and would not (jo Christian Workers, in Kansas City. A variety show, similar to the •Lsowherc . . , Tills thumbnail The Institute will be held during sketch is, according to the B'nal the month of August* Directors of ypo of show JWV presents at the B'rith survey, a composite picture Christian Education, In Protestant Lincoln nnd Omaha Veterans Hosof about 200,000 Jews living in Churches throughout the entire itals was the highlight of the eveVmcrican and Canadian commu- midowstern area will be In at- ilngs program. litics with fewer than a thousand tendance. Performers Included: Miss Mary Tews in e.'ich , . . Since the survey \nn LcMan, tap dancer; Miss Judy Mr. Kaplan will demonstrate Tones, acrobatic dancer; Don van completed, many more thoulands of Jews .have moved from many of the ADL resources de- tock, magician, and Miss Lyn he larnor cities Into the Email signed to create an increased un- wanson, baton t w i r i e r and derstanding of democratic values lancer. owns . . . and will assist the student body In Max Knnnpr, Centennial Chalrdeveloping programs designed to ;ian was In charge of the combring about increased interrelini- ic te program. 1EIIMN 1'ItOFESSOB ous amity among church members. Berlin (JTA)—Professor Ernst He will also conduct question and Hirsch, 52, who holds the chair of answer periods on the Jewish reCivil and Commercial Law at the ligion. Free University here, has been reThomas L. . Thomas, distinjected to the Rectorship or prcslguished concert baritone, will be lency, of that institution for a bank, received an appointment as guest soloist with the Omaha Symsecond one-year term, by secret lecturer at Frankfurt University. phony and Pop Concert Orchestra He fled from Hitler first to Hol- it the Century of Great American rallot of the faculty members. His father was a storekeeper In land, then to Turkey, where he ilusic Centennial program August the ancient Jewish community of taught law and the philosophy of in Crelghton Stadium. Friedberg, near Frankfurt He law at the universities of Istanbul Musical offerings have been seand Ankara. Be returned to Gerhimself, after serving as legal lected to span the century from counsel for the Frankfurt private many five years ago. tephan Foster to Irving Berlin.

Beth Israel

ADL Director

Centennial Program



Friday, July 30, I'J.11

Pate Tbret

Hollywood (JTA)—Cary Grant confides that marriage Is the process of finding out what sort of fellow your wife would have preB'nai B'rith Monsky Chapter ferred. No, 470 and B'nai B'rith Nebraska Chapter No. 340 are participating in the Veterans recreation program at Omaha's Veteran's Hospital this summer. Mrs. Charles Stern is Chairman for these events. The chapters sponsored a booth at the hospital summer carnival and have planned a party for early In August.

B.B. Chapters Help, Veteran Programs

Bound for Camp Herd

Omaha Sketches Mi1, and Mrs. llarl Weits announce the birth of a daughter, Shcrri illen, Sunday, July 25 at a local hospital. Mrs. Vivian Weiss Is paternal grandmother and maternal grandparents arc Mr. and Mr*. Paul Bernstein. I

• ; • • • • • •


A daughter, Nancy Dinnc was torn Monday, July 19 at a local .. hospital to-Mr. and Mrs. Orvel A. .Milder, Paternal grandparents nru Mr, and Mrs. Hymle Milder and maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Rice. Mrs. Jacob Milder is paternal (treat-grandmother and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Green of Chicago are maternal great-grandparents. •


Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on Sunday

Mr. and Mrs. Tllehnrd I^ewis Wlntroub announce the birth of a daughter, Lori Kllcn, Tliuradny. Mf-15. This is their first child. Paternal grandparentu are Mr. and Mrs. Phlneas Wlntroub and niatemal grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Nate It. Kurtman. Pat o r n nl grcat-ijrnndparentii are Eamucl Corenman of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Max Wlntroub of lot Angeles, Calif. Maternal j;rent-

grandparcnts arc Mrs. Ida Kartman of Chicago, 111., and Sam Geraon of Santa Monica, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Kahn are now making their home at 2737 Bauman Street. They have junt returned from i< honeymoon trip to Colorado. They wore married July 11 at Beth El Synagogue. Mrs. Kahn Is the former Marlenc Dloo-


Hadassah Course The third session of Hadassah's

Leadership Course will be held Monday, August 2, at 9:30 a. m. in the Blackstone Hotel. Programming, publicity, publications and duties of chairmen Tfie four (;lrl» pictured above, (from I. to r.): I-uirlc Orurli of will be discussed. Mrs. J. I t KulaTlkvns Ami, Murtlu Zulliln und Shelley Green of IMihn Vein nnd kofsky will be i ncharge of the Dona I>agman, of TIIiviis Ami, will lean- Augimt 8 for Hcrzl Cnmp session. at Webster, Wla. l'jirtlnl t><-AwUirtthipn Imvo been presented io throe of these girl* liy tlie Omaha Ziontat Youth OoninilKKlon. Tlie Omalm Zionist Youth C'onimlaslon In «pon»«rod Jointly by Mrs. Meyer Meyerson of CounIlodaitsali unil tlie Zionist Organization of AmerUtA. Kadi year the; present scholarships to the Senior Young Judaea glrlH* grou]H» which cil Bluffs' will be hostess at the Cousins' dub meeting to be held tlioy sponsor, to enable them to attend thcfM Zionist camps. 12:30 p. m., Wednesday, Aug. 4 at

the Regis Hotel. Those who are fiot able to«attend are asked to contact Mrs. Meyerson, Council Mr. and Mrs. Mosc Buck of Bluffs 3-0445 or Mr». Frank, R E announce the en- 0713, There Is still time to register Houston, Texas, of their daughter, Bctfor Gimp Szold, that Is to be held gagement for boys and glrXa 14 years through tiruth, to Adolph Otis, ion of Ben 17 years of age, from August 9 Susholtz. Miss Buck hi the grandMr. and Mrs. Stuart Kahn wish through 16, located at Camp Han- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Weiss to thank their friends and relaof Omaha. An early Fall wedding tesn, Uoone, Iowa. The fee is $35 tives ; for expressions of kindness for the week's sessions. Camp is planned. preceding then- 'wedding. .Szold in sponsored by the Missouri Valley Region of Hadassah and the Southwest Region of Senior Young Judaea. A RimSHINS SUMMtR MHK Get in touch with Mrs. Isadora A NOURISHING MOD... Ol>erman, GL 3354, Omaha Chapter Hadassah Youth Commission Chairman to register for Camp Szold.

Registration for Camp Szold Open



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Maynard Tatlcman, a recent graduate of the University of Omaha, will leave Sunday for Lackland Air Force base to start Hollywood (JTA)—According to his flight training. He Is a former Abe Burrows, "Money can't get president of Phi Epsllon Pi fra- you friends, but it can get you a ternity at University of Omaha. better class of enemies."

Jan. Only 12tt" Wgh. 2 ipecdi

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YOUR Party Is MY iysiness Maybe we've met before. If not, my name Is Mr. Ernest. It's been my pleasure to have served you for many years at one of Omaha's best known hotels. It is now my pleasure to offer you my services at the New Fireside Restaurant. We specialize in all types of parties . . . wedding receptions, prc-nuptlal dinners, anniversaries, birthdays, Bar and Bas Mitzvahs, luncheons and banquets for all occasions. The FIRESIDE Is the perfect place — and you'll be the perfect host. I'll be looking forward to a call from you.

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The FIRESIDE features complete luncheon and dinner menust Everything from soup to nuts. Choose from a wide assortment of itarferi. expertly prepared meals, seafood or fowl, flavorful toupi, rreih salads, vege-

fables, relishes, condiments, appefixert and homemade bread and rolls, Dolicious froieh deiserri, horn* batted cakei, pies and pastries round out this complete menu. We Invite you to inspect our brand new, 4ll*electr!c stainless steel kitchen and bakery. The FIRESIDE Is completely air-conditioned and well equipped with every sanitary device known for proper preparation and handling of food. All diihct and glassware ar« hygienically washed and sterilized electrically. Call Mr. Ernest, our Maitre De, to make arrangements for your next gathering.


38th &








Howe wore i —


IFemnty 11-WMfk «tM)

Omaha, Nebraska, July 13, 1854


Fate tar

JVVV llEAIKiUAKTEKS (J'l'A)—Tlie JiwL; Goldner's Home Run in 6th Veterans' Picnic WarWashlncton Veterans of the United .State. Sun. at Riverview completed moving its rmtiona to this city, occupyGives Rayim Softball Crown Epstein-Morgan l'cwl No. 260 of headquarters in[; the newly-acfjuircd .Shrine foi



the Jewish Win- Veterans of America and the Ladies Auxiliary will hold their family picnic this Sunday nt Itiverview Park, from 1 to 6 p. in. Games and contests for Uu; children have been planned and a baby picture contest of adults will be featured. Mmeinbcrs are nslicd to bring baby pictures of themselves and their children. Activities will include a baseball game and cards. Pop and ice cream will be furnished by the Post. Members are asked to bring London (NTA) — The Foreign lunches: •••:.• Office announced that following British Government protest Spal Hollywood (JTA)—Georgie Jeshas banned the export of arms to Egypt Reports from Spain recent- sel tells us: "It's better to have ly told of large arms contracts In- loved and lost than to have to do cluding orden for machlneguns, homework for six kids." best season and Norm Reitze whose Youth Council career was brief but he performed well. Pitcher Terry Bernstein was tin key player in the Motlicr chaptc championship teams. However h lost a tough game. We wish a the gradautcs success in their co lege careers,

By Llndy Paul

John Goldner, a substitute first baieman belted one of Terry Benutein's pitches over the right fielder's head In the sixth Inning to give Rayim a 6-5 win and their first Youth Council Softball title. Goldner g o t * starting assignment when Mike Solzman, Rayim regular first baseman went on vacation and John will never get a more timely hit. , The lads from Mother chapter played a fine game and were after their third Straight Softball title. Both pitchers, Ed Belzer of Rayim i and Terry Bernstein of AZA No. 1 were at their best and some fine defensive plays aided their causes. Larry Schwartz was the big hitter for Mother chapter. He belted a home run with the mortars and shells, having been bases loaded to give his team a placed In Spain by the Egyptian government. short Hyed lead. - For1 Rayim, it was a fine team The announcement by the-Foreffort Ray Somber* was brilliant eign Office reads; "The Spanish RUG & UPHOLSTERY at shortstop as was Manager Dick Government has given assurance Frank at third base. Catcher Jer- that in view of prevailing InternaCLEANERS ry Marer was instrumental In the tional conditions, expdrt of arms IUSS — CAIPCTINO win with some fine defensive play to countries outside the North LAMP SHADES and he threw out two runners at- A t l a n t i c •preaty Organization FUIWTUH tempting to steal. Other Rayim ( N A T O ) will be prohibited," players who stood out were Shelly Egypt is not a member of NATO. CkxiMdia Your Home! Krantz, Phil Schrager and Tanny (Earlier, the State Department fladtef • Uyl»9 • Ktpalrtef Honvich, the Rayim outfield who had made official inquiries of the DON KRHSTOM HA 2SS4 caught everything hit their way. Spanish Government about the reported exports of arms by Spain Many seniors played their last to Egypt and hast expressed its In Youth Council, competition. concern that these exports mlgh From Rayim they were Ray Som- be contrary to the provisions of berg. one of the Youth Council's the American-Spanish military aid best all around athletes in recent agreement. The report said that years, and that could be said of the State Department did not ask Larry Schwartz of AZA 1. Other Spain to discontinue the exports, seniors include Dick Frank who 'but drew Spain's attention to' the did an exceptional job as Rayim fact that the American-Spanish manager, and pitcher Ed Belzer pact states that arms supplied to FOR who In his quiet modest way was, Spain should, be used exclusively the real leader of the team. He' or the defense of Spain.) was tough in the clutch and did his Job remarkably well. For ON THE Mother chapter Marsh and Mike Monument Dedication Denenberg always were touch The family of Isnrlorc Swartz competitors as was Larry Epstein. gave sparkling performances at will dedicate a monument in his memory this Sunday at 11 a. m shortstop tot Mother chapter. at the Beth El Cemetery. Rabbi Catcher Jerry Margolin had his Sidney H. Brooks will officiate.

the Jewish War Dead here. Addressing a meetini; of tin JWV national executive commit tee in the new headquarters today POLITICAL





Spain Bans Export Of Arms to Egypt


National Commander Harry T. Madison, of l)t?troit, called tho Shrine "a permanent livini; memorial to tho thousands of Jews who paid the supreme sacrifice for American ideals of freedom anil democracy."





f Th» grtotvtt lotk of o«f Uod«fi _ U t» klip thli country •vt «f war. v

CommuAlit oggr«ulon anrf I«(M* irotlon or« i h t grtQtttr ihr«t«f« l» our way of life.

^ r V/hat Ii good lor At«*rl«# thould b« our only guldt In foreign affairs. 4jr Taatl ond iponding bf Ihp tti* •rol Govt'nmtnt mvit b t «vt. <Af "Onljf \k P*oc« Can Our PfOpIt

VQTE. '•;;!§

AUGUST 10 tef;oriij;,vS.

•mitts liHrin


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BAR and*Bas Mitzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions, Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge)

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FOR SUMMER RIST AND RECREATION • Ut CondlllonnJ Olnlrtg Ioo« « d tovufl* •Two Magnlllonl takes, Hoollnfl (wlrnailiip Fool •All &»•«.« Sporli — Mro»« l»h»). Goll Connm •Ho<i.bock aiding •Nightly Dancing, CnlwialfraMl.

Housekeeper Wanted Couple wanted to keep house for elderly m a n ' Call GL 5505.


A businessman For


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Let's Elect

I t MONTHS TO PAT • HO DOWH PAYMEBT CWf for IlUt Inttallotloit or tenvtikm

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-fa Active Businessman in Ansley, Nebr. •fc Stock Buyer


^ Rancher



VOTE FOR . . .


COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Because— —ho it a QUALIFIED, arftbitious young man. —ho i i in a position to recognize the educational noodi of our children. —he underttandt a toachor't problems, tinco ho ! i a clatiroom teachor himsolf.


County Attorney Formerly Judge of Municipal Court

—ho hat iho character and morals fitting for this post-

lion of leadership. —ho Is a loyal citizen, having faithfully served his country in World War I I . Let's Support Keirh N . Bennett, Our Young, A g gressive, and Enthusiastic Educator for County Superintendent, August 10 and November 2 , 1 9 5 4

•fc Teaching Expwrlwuf ^Understands Nebra«« leans and Their Problems


1RIST0L Republican Candidate for Goyernor

mm • •».*..? -

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