entered u ttecond-CIku Malta
at **o«-
Vol. XXXIX—No. 48 of tic*, umifam. NibrwM. uodtt Act of UTg.
16 Perish In Israel's Worst Air Disaster Tel Aviv (JTA)—Sixteen persons arc known to be dead and more than a score injured, several Injured that they are not expected t o survive, In the aftermath to Israel's worst aerial disaster last week-end. , The tragedy occurred when a •Ingle-ongino plane crashed Into a building crowded with pcoplo and burst into flames. The'plane was participating in a ceremony at Kibbutz Maagan, near Dcuanla, in tho Lake Klnnerct vicinity. More than 2,000 persons had gathered for the unveiling of a monument to Jewish parachutist who had (dropped behind the Nazi lines in Europe during the war In attempt* to save sections of European Jewry. P r e m i e r Moshe Sharctt and members of his Cabinet who were present narrowly escaped injury. The plane hit somo 30 feet from Where tho Premier and his party •tood. Mr. Sharelt participated in "the rescue of 'the pilot of the doomed piano. Afterwards, the .Premier visited the injured In Tiberias Hospital where they had been taken. Residents of Tiberias
Floating Drydock For Israel Tested Luclx'ck, G e r m a n y (JTA)— Iaracl's first floating drydock, the most modern built In Europe in the past few years, was lowered Into the waters of the Baltic Sea this week as representatives of the Israel Purchasing Mission and German ship builders watched. The drydock, part of Germany's reparations payments to Israel, Is 530 fert long, 100 feet wide and has a lifting capacity of 7,500 tons. I t is the first maritime vessel to be completed In Germany under the terms of the reparations pact. After being subjected t o deep •ea tests and tryouU in this vicinity for several weeks, the dock will be towed to Haifa by two putch tugs. The voyage Is expected to take until the Fall. The drydock will be accompanied by three Israeli technicians who have spent tho past several months studying drydock operations in Germany. • With the aid of this sen-going installation Israel will effect n considerable mvlng of foreign currency by being able to repair her own and other vessels in a home port. Some 300 workers are expected to be employed in such repair activities at Haifa. Meanwhile, the first freighter to be delivered as reparations is noarlng completion in Hambun;. The 7,500-ton vessel which will have cabins for 12 passennors as well as cargo holds, will be launched within a month.
Byroadc Says . . .
and of all villages and settlement! in the area flocked to the hospital to contribute blood for the victims. The pilot said his plane plunged out of control when It hit an air pocket just above the building where the crowd was gathered. He was attempting to lower a message from President Ben Zvi to the meeting at the time of the crash. An official investigating committee, h e a d e d by Knesset deputy Ishar Harari.'has been appointed by Mr. Sharctt.
Philanthropic Groups Cited by Committee
"Global Report HATE SHEETS Washington (WNS)—Postal authorities a n virtually powerless to bar postal facilltles-to hate propaganda sheets and other instruments of incitement against race or religion. Post Master General Arthur E. Summerfleld has informed Representative Jacob K. Javits, author of a special resolution of inquiry into the matter, Congressman Javits said the. dissemination of hate propaganda through tho mall Is matter reqturlng the concern of Congress. • • • GIFTS JNGREA8E : New York (WNS)—A sharp rise In the total of charity gifts in ten large urban areas of the country during the first six months of this year was reported here by the John Price Jones Company, fundraising and public relations consultants. . . . FRENCH FREMIEU Tunisia (WNS)-French Premler Mendes-Francc was given a warm reception by the representatives of .Tunisia's 100,000 Jews on his visit to this country. Of the 100,000 some 70,000 are in Tunis proper. • • * ZOA PRESIDENT Tel Aviv (WNS) — Mortimer May, president of the Zionist Organization of America, declared hero at a gathering arranged in his honor by tho General Zionists that America's policy ought to be geared to bringing in Israel within the Middle East Defense command.
Washington (JTA)—A special subcommittee on foreign economic policy of the House Foreign Affairs, Committee yesterday cited J e w i s h philanthropic organization's for their work in Israel. The subcommittee report said: "A significant contribution by American voluntary organizations has been made to the efforts of the State of Israel to raise Its economic and social standards." The Jewish organizations listed were tho United Jewish Appeal, the Joint Distribution Committee, Hadassah, OUT, the American OSE, and others. Israel, said the report, has "become a croat experience In human rehabilitation, and much of the process that has been made Is owed not only to American governmental technical assistance and economic old, and to programs of the United Nations Specialized Agencies, but also to the initiative Tel Aviv (JTA)—Israeli Jet of private American capital and planes this week participated in private American foundations and Air Force maneuvers for the first voluntary organizations." time. The Jet planes Joined other bombers In air-to-ground bombing exercises and were scored very high for precision bombing by the military experts and civilian leaders who witnessed the operations. New York (WNS).'— A $1,000 The air show marked the seventh fund, collected In honor of Arch- anniversary of the formation of bishop R. J. dishing of Boston by the Israel Air Force. American participating In the The Air Force has made "great "Marian Pilgrimage" to the Holy progress" in the past year both Land 'last year, has been turned from an organizational and qualover to Hadassah, tho Women's itative-quantitative point pf view. Zionist Organization of America, Brig. Gen. Dan Tulkovsky, Its for special youth resale and re- commander-ln-chlef, declared. Gen. habilitation projects in Israel, it Tulkovsky, who stressed the progwas announced here by Mrs. Rc- ress made by Israeli airmen In the becca Shulman, national president handling of jets, revealed'that the of Madassah. Israel Air Force was constantly The $1,000 check was formally replacing older, obsolete plane presented to Boston officers of models with newer units. Ho spoke Hadassnh by Mayor John Hynes of the need for further recruiting of that city, acting in behalf of of air personnel and praised the Archbishop Cashing. Archbishop high level of achievement of'gradGushing, who has never been to uates of Air Force schools. Jerusalem, had suggested that Mayor Hynes, who visited the Holy Land last year, make the final decision as to the disposition of the $1,000 raised by the pilgrims in the church leader's honor. Rabbi Philip D. Bookstabor of the Congregation Ohev Sholom In Harrlsburg, 'Pa., will discuss "Shadow and Bubstance" on the Message of Israel program broadcast over KOIL from 10 to 10:30 a. m. The programs arc produced under the auspices of the Union of American Hebrew Coning that he use his good offices gregations and United Jewish to obtain permission for a Jewish Layman's Committee. pilgrimage to the Wailing Wall. The letter was referred to the "Words We Live By," a sumState Department for consideramer series of the Eternal Light tion. program will feature Informal In his reply to Rabbi Silver, Mr. conversations between Maurice Byroade wrote: Samuels and Mark Van Doren. "The Department deeply symThe sixth p r o g r a m will pathizes with the desire of the broadcast over WOW-Radlo American Rabbla, who will attend from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon. a World Conclave of Orthodox Jewish Laymen and Rabbis at Jer- Tho discussions entitled "The Supporting Cast of tho Bible" usalem, to make the traditional will emphasize Interesting aspilgrimage to the Walling Wall, pects and Interpretations of and has carefully inquired into lesser known Biblical characthis matter. ters. "As you know, your Govcrn(Continued on Page 4.)
Israel Displays Jets for First Time
Hadassah Receives Archbishop's Fund '
U.S. for Free Access to Holy Places for Religious Faiths Washington (WNS)—The Government of the United States "has consistently supported free access to the Holy Places for peoples of all religious faiths" and i t will continue its efforts to the end that Jews have the right to visit the Walling Wall In Jordanheld territory, Assistant Secretary Of State Henry A. Byroade informed the Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the United States and Canada in a letter to the organization's president, Rabbi Eliezer SUvcr. Prior to his departure to the ;f9pejH Orthodox,conclave In Jeru"ialem; Jbbbi'Sliver'penned a letter to President Elsenhower urg-
Sunday Radio
Balance of 'Power to Shift With Britain's Evacuation of Suez Washington (WNS)—New safeguards to mitigate the threats to Israel's security reultwg from Britain's evacuation of the Suez area were proposed to tho State Department by Israel at a conference here between Israeli Ambassador Abba S. Eban and Assistant Secretary of State Henry A. Byroade. > Ambassador Eban pointed out that thd Suez pact, coupled with U. S. grants of military assistance
Move Made To Improve Borders
Jerusalem ( W N S ) — T h r e e of eleven Big Three proposals dealing with Israel-Jordan border security have been accepted by Israel, it was revealed here when the Foreign Ministry disclosed that an official reply had been made to the recent proposals suggested by France, Britain and the United States In a move designed to Improve the border tension. In identical notes to the Big Three, the Government of Israel said it would agree to demarcate its borders, to erect physical barriers at frontier points and to discuss an arrangement with respect to permitting Arab refugees to pass from the Egypt-held Gaza strip into Jordan via Israel. The note simultaneously asserted that while Israel welcomes the Big Three move to reduce the border tension, it "believes that d i r e c t Arab-Jewish talks hold the key to solving the problem. Among the proposals rejected by Israel was one that would have invested the U. N. truce body with greater power and Independent authority.
Roy Cohn Called Symbol of New Era
to Egypt, would* upset the balance of power in the Middle East and encourage^Egypt into aggression against Israel. To meet the situation, Mr. Eban suggested (1) that the U. S. grant at once Is- reel's application, pending since 1952, for military" aid; (2) that t h e . Tripartite Declaration of 1950 guaranteeing' the status quo be bolstered through a formal agreement that would bring, military force Into operation in the event of aggression, and (3) that the U. S. and the rest of the Western Powers utilize the occasion to influence Egypt to change her attitude toward Israel and to renounce the Suez Canal blockade against Israel. State Department officials Were reported to have taken the position that U. S. military aid to Egypt would not upset the balance of power. At the same time they Intimated it would tak? some time before Israel's application for military aid is granted. They were also averse to the idea that this was a propitious moment for'use of pressure on Egypt to come to terms with Israel.
Juvenile Delinquents Desecrate Synagogue Los Angeles (WNS)—Police officials Investigating the desecration here of a Jewish house of worship Jast w e e k - b y vagdaU seemingly—bent on destruction rather than on theft were report-. cd to be of the opinion that the perpetrators of the crime were j u v e n i l e delinquents and not avowed anti-Semites. The police Intensified Its hunt" for the vandals as Indignation over the sacrilege mounted in the Jew* lsh community. City Councilman ' Everett Burkhalter, who. ascribed tho vandalism to juvenile delinquents, declared he would be in constant touch with the police in its efforts to apprehend the perpetrators. Target of the act of desecration was the Sun Valley Jewish Community Center. The vandals had apparently broken Into the building under the cover of night, smashing windows', defacing pulpit, burning prayer books and dostroying a Holy Scroll.
New York (WNS)—Roy M. Cohn, chief counsel to the Senate investigating sub-committee and most controversial figure In the Army-McCarthy feud, was honored here at a dinner at the Hotel Astor where he was described both as a symbol of a new American era and an American Dreyfus cose. The twenty-elght-year-old Jewish lawyer who gained national fame In the protracted Army-McCarthy bearings was cheered to the rafters by the 2,000 guests when Rabbi Benjamin Schultz, of the American * Jewish League Against Communism, proclaimed the occasion as ''the beginning of the Roy Cohn era," the "McCarthy era, and the people's era." Cohn, the Rabbi asserted as he presented him with a plaque on behalf of the several organizations sponsoring the dinner, "today is APPOINTMENT SLATED the symbol of the people's revolt" Washington (WNS)—Henry A. against the "soft" treatment of Byroadc, Assistant Secretary of communists by politicians, profesState for Near Eastern Affairs, sors and writers. is slated for appointment by President Elsenhower as our new Ambassador to Egypt. Mr. Byroade fire for expressing views conThomas L. Thomas, distin- sidered inimical to Israel's interguished concert baritone, will be ests. guest soloist with the Omaha Sym* • • phony and Pop Concert Orchestra at the Century of Great American TO STRENGTHEN TIES Washington (WNS) — Pinchai Music Centennial program August Saphlr, director general of ths 7 in Crelghton Stadium. Musical offerings have been se- Israeli Ministry of Finance, delected to span the century from clared that the' Israel Government was seeking to strengthen Stephan Foster to Irving Berlin. its f i n a n c i a l and economic tics with the United States now ISRAELI JUSTICE Jerusalem (WNS) — President that the Jewish State has been Itzhak Bcn-Zvl has named Isaac admitted to the International 1 Olshon as Israeli Chief Justice as Monetary Fund and the Interns.-' ' •\<i >*,> '" successor to Dr. M.' Zmoira who tlonal Bank for Reconstruction ' and Development. resigned,
Centennial Program
Tutt Twr
Friday, August 0, 1051
of the
Bible and Talmud
Mrs. Ida Soref
Hadassah to Convene '• In New York City l<
New York (WNS)—More than Services were held Monday, Au- 4,000 dek'cales and guests frooV gust 2, for Mrs, Ida Sorcf with every section of the United States, Bj DR. PHILIP SIIER Interment nt Golden Hill Ceme- representing the organization's , rxoi »aop HHTIM r m In. ttui WUmL tery. Mrs. Sorcf, 71, a former 300,000 members In 1,100 chapters HARRY HALPERT ..» .. Editor - B l e s s e d be every one that Omahan, died Friday, July 30 in bleiseth thee, and cursed by every- Los Angeles. She was the widow iji eaeli of the 48 States as well as one that curscth thce. of David Soref, former Omnhn in Puerto Iiico and Alaska, Will the 40th annual convention Happy Birthday Ye shall not respect persons In coal merchant nnd had moved to attend of Iliid.ifi.s.ih, the Women's Zionist judgment; ye shall iear the small Los ^Angeles five years ayo. Religious Frid»y, An*. 6 and the great alike; yc shall not Survivors include: five daugh- Organization of America, at the be afraid of the face of any man. ter*,'Mrs. William Wintroub of ElWaldorf-Astoria In New York City Jo Ann Cohn, Carol ^acobjwn News Kaufee June Kaplan, Sharon El Ye shall dp no unrighteousness; Paso, Tex.; Mrs. Granum Kaplan from AIIR. 22-25, it was announced 7:17 P. M. CmdleUgbUne len Kraft, Steven Gary Ferelman, In judgment thou sbalt not favor of Los Angeles, Calif.; Mrs. Ed-here by Mrs. Mortimer Jacobson, ward Falk of Sioux City; Mrs, Convention Chairman. Sandra Rothkop, Joel Isaac Snel- the person of the .poor, nor favor Philip Turek and Mrs. Marian the person of the mighty; but in The convention, to be addressed der and Mark Steven Tnutiri. righteousness slialt.thou Judge thy Yawitz, both of Omaha. by prominent American and Israeli Beth Israel Saturday, Aug. 7 neighbor. leaders, will have the responsibility Friday evening services begin at Brenda (Braindl) Brandstetter, Thou shalt not go up and down Mrs.ldaGiti.ick of blueprinting Hadassah's $9,000> 7 p. m. Sabbath morning service* Allen Stuart Cohn, Sandra Eileen as a talebearer among thy people. 000 program of medical, social begin at 8:30 a. m. Junior conServices were held Sunday, Auwelfare, child rescue and rehablll* Talmud Davis, Joel Richard Epstein, Shirgregation starts at 10 a. m. gust 1, for Mrs. Ma Gltnlck with tation, vocational education and Rabbi Simeon said: "If the eldSaturday Mincha will start at leyJanovsky, Stephen Howard ers tell you to destroy, and theinterment at Mt. Sinai Cemetery. land redemption in Israel, and of 7:15 p. m. followed by Sholoshe Lewis, Esther Maurcr and Allen young tell you to build, rather de- Mrs. Gltnlck* 71, a resident of thefostering a creative Jewish life) S'euodos and Maariv. Noddle. stroy according to the advice of Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for in the United States through Jew* Dally morning services begin at Ish education. the ciders, and do not build, be- the Aged, died Friday, July 30. Sunday, Aug. 3 7 a. m.; daily afternoon services cause the experience of the ciders Mrs. Gltnlck is survived by: two Gena Brunnengraber and Nasons, Nathan of Omaha and Edbegin at 7:30 p. m. even in counseling destruction than Wolder Llntzman. equals building of-tbe other*."* ward of S t Louis, Mo., and six Sunday morning services begin Tuesday, Aug. 10 at 8:45 a. m. The Talmud Discus- Karen Fellman, Robert Louis Abbayc said: "We have a tradi- grandchildren. Omaha's sion group meets every Tuesday Frank, Richard Friedman, Myrn tion that no one may be called evening, 8:15 p. m. at BHH Syna- Lipp, poor except one who is poor in POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT Marvin Folikov and Robert Favorite Way gogue, 19th and Burt knowledge." Earl Stein. Saturday night, August 7, a-speIn the land of Israel they used Wednesday, Aug. 11. to Dine on cial Tlsba B'Av Service will be Jeffrey Mark Cohn, Marc Fell- to say: "Whoever has this (knowlheld immediately following Maariv. man, Barbara Pitalls and Philip edge) has everything, but whoSunday Sunday, August 8 the service Sokolof. ever has not this (knowledge) will begin at 8:45 a. m. what has he? Whoever buys Thursday, Auf. 12 knowledge, what eke is he In need Tisha B'Av Is a fast day comof7 BUt he who does not.buy memorating the destruction of the Solomon Jacob Mclaned. knowledge, what avails him other Temple. Sunday 00 purchases? Egypt's Premier Rabbi Chama said; "Moses beBeth El Branch Cairo (WNS) — Egypt's strong came rich of nothing else but from Premier Gamal Abdcl Nas- the chips of the tablets." Sabbath Eve Services will be man, ser, told a cheering crowd celeheld tonight at 7 p. m. the second anniversary of POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT Sabbath morning services will brating Served Buffet Stylet the court revolution that if "Israebegin at 8:45 o'clock. Mincha serv- li aggressions do not cease" there All You Care to Eat ices will begin at 7:15 p. m, Daily might be an "explosion" which services during the week arc held "would be far less costly to the at 7 a. in, and 7 p.m. Arab world than to the patrons of NOON TO 3 P. M. Israel who arc responsible for keeping her alive." Temple Israel
umini 11— M M i i g w ^ l i y i a i . aoMr a»cat«Hua)a, wra.
Sabbath Services this evening POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT •tart promptly at 7 JO o'clock and will be held in the chapel of the new Temple- Israel a( 70th and Cass Streets. Rabbi Sidney H. VOTE FOR Brooks will enduct the services.
Loan Project New York (WNS)—In the first three weeks of July checks totaling well over one million dollars from six Jewish communities throughout the country have put the total cash funds received by the United Jewish Appeal through Its special Five-Year-Loan Project at more than $58,000,000. The largest contribution was the sum of $529,000 from the Minneapolis ' Federation of Jewish Service. ' -R»tronl2e Our Advertisers
Entire Stock of Jewish Books and
Attorney Veteran Parent
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BAR and Bas Mltzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge.
u p
Couple wanted to keep house for elderly man. CalJGL:S505.
COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Because— —he is a QUALIFIED, ambitious young man. —he Is in e position to recognize the educational noods of our children, —he understands a teacher's problems, since ho is a classroom teacher himself. —ho has the character and morals fitting for Ihis position of loadorship. —ho is a loyal citizen, having faithfully served his country in World War I I . Let's Support Keith N. Bennett. Our Young, Aggressive, and Enthusiastic Educator for County SitperloteDdent, August 10 and November 2, 1954
tMippersink Canoo Cly, Wiicontln — on toko Tombtou 73 mlnutn from Chicago
FOR SUMMER REST AND RECREATION' * Air Conditioned Dining Room and lovng* * Two MognlfUonf tak*i f Floating Swimming Pool •All Summ»r Sporff — Prlvot* 18-hoU CoM Court* * Honcbock Riding • Nlgnfly Dancing, EnlMialnmtriL
Fa*e .Tbree
Friday, August 0, 1054
Bikur diolim to Hold Special Luncheon The Hikur Chollni Society will hold a special Summer Luncheon 1 p. m., Wednesday, Ann, 11 In the alr-conditionwl ballroom of the Paxton Hotel. Proceeds from the lunohron will bo used to purchase nn nir-conditionor for the auditorium in the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for Past projects of the society Include the furnishing of An oxygen tent nnd elevator for the Home. The luncheon Is sponsored by members of the board and hostesses whose names will bo announced at a later date. A social program will fallow the luncheon. Members are asked to invite guests and the affair is open to the public : The Bikur Cholim Society Is dedicated to helping In the care of the sick and aged.
Course New York Girl Workmens Circle Hadassah Omaha Chapter Hadassah (vM \0maha Sketches | Fetes Birthdays hold the fourth session of its Mad- Engagement Told crshlp course, Monday, August 9, Miss Barbara Frankcl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Krankel, was awarded a national scholarship to IJrandeis Camp Institute of the West at Santa Susana, Calif. Mis:; Krankel left last week for Los Angeles, where she visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Frankcl, former Omahans, prior to attending c a m p . Miss Frankcl will return in September to start her sophomore year at State University of Iowa. . * • •
t>r. and Mrs. Sheldon E. Wnxenlwrg, former Omahans, have recently returned from a two and a half month tour of Europe. Dr. Waxcnberg has just received a doctorate in clinical psychology from the Teachers' College of Columbia University. Dr. Wnxonbcrg was graduated from Central Ilich School and Crci(;hton University. Dr. and Mrs. W.ixenberi; plan to visit in Omaha with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I.eo Waxenberg. • • . Mrs. Seymour Kaplan, President of B'nal B'rlth Henry Monsky Mr. and Mrs. Sol Mann have Chapter No. 470, has announced returned from a three week tour the appointment of the following of the Southwest where they visboard members and chairmen of ited Mr. Mann's parents, Mr. and committees: Mrs. Charles Mann, and a brother, Metdames George Spitzcr, Sam Henry I. Mann. Mr. and Mrs. Gelfman, Robert Swartz, Abe Gins- Charles Mann, former Omahans, berg, Julius Newman, Joseph Guss, arc residents of L o n g B e a c h , George Shapiro, Milton Mlntz, Calif. Henry L Mann, brother of Dave1 Shukert, Harry Wise, Harry Sol Mann, Is also a former Oma' "; '• • . • . • • ' : •'•• Lewis, Joseph Isaacs, Alee Aylat, hon. Arthur Goldstein, M. H. Pcssen, Dan Gordman, Harold Zclinsky, Miss Annette Ostrowskl, forNorman Hahn, David Rosenbaum, MUton Margolin, Harry Schulman, merly of Omaha, now a-resident of New York City will arrive in Julius Stein, Simon Rife; Richard Omaha August 10 to visit her famSpiegel, A. A. Steinberg, Stanley ily and friends. Miss Oetrowski Shapiro, George Cohen, Charles Is now In Alice, Tex.,"where she Stern, Sol Dolgoff, Sam Pollak, stopped off to sec her sister, Mrs. Arthur Parilman, Harry Rasnik Marvin Spector, formerly of Omaand Morris Kutler. Additional ap- ha. • pointments will be announced at a •. • . '. later date. Mrs. Paul Ncrenberg, formerly of our city, now residing in MonWISE AWAItn Jerusalem <WNS>—The Stephen tibcllo, Calif., has arrived in OmaS. Wise Award for 1053, a prize hn to attend the wedding ot her with a cash value ot $1,000, was niece, Miss Marilyn Nercnbcrg, to presented here this week by Dr. I^eroy Kntz August 15. Mrs. NcrIsrael Goldstein, president of the enlierg Is staying with her son American Jewish Congress, to the nnd daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Nerenberg, Youth Aliyah movement.
Monsky Chapter
. • ' . • • • - . . '
Foreign Aid Cuts Washington (WNS)—Owing to cuts by the House Appropriation Committee in the Administration's Foreign Aid bill requests, It is estimated Israel will cct $12,000,000 less than it received lost year, or about $40,000,000.
• • '
KIDNAl'I'BItS 'FOILED Vienna (WNS)—American soldiers this week foiled an attempt by Soviet kidnappers to carry off to the red sector an Israeli citizen named Josef S i l v e r b e r g . The would-be kidnappers were brought to the headquarters of the fourpower occupation authority.
Five members celebrated their birthdays ut a recent1 meeting of the Workmens Circle Dramatic Club at the Labor Lyceum. The c e l e b r a n t s were Mrs. Sarah Schwartz, Mrs. Sam Ituderman, Mrs. Yetta Hornstein, Max Katz and Sam Novak. A surprise farewell party was also held at that time for members, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Novak, who are leaving August 35 on a trip to Europe and Israel. They were presented gifts by Sam Sussmnn, president of the club. Mr. and Mrsf Novak will stop In Paris, France, to attend the Bar Mitzvah of Henry Tepper, adopted son of the Workmen's Circle Families. The dramatic club 'nembcrs Rave a gift in honor of the lx>y's liar Mltzvnh and for the 'Ln Cdlonle School" for Jewish children in Paris, France. The next regular meeting of the i;roup will IK; held 9 p. m., Saturday, August 14 in the Labor Ly:eum. Mrs. Sarah Schwartz wW serve in honor of her new granddaughter. All members and friends arc invited to attend .
from 9:30 to 11:30 a. m. at the Iilackstone Hotel. This session will be conducted by Mrs. Paul Vjfret and will cover education, Zioiaist public relations, American affairs and Zionist youth activities. All Hadassah chairmen arc urged to attend.
SAM Mothers Sigma Alpha Mu Mothers' Club extends an invitation to mothers whose sons graduated this June to attend a tea to be held at the home of Mrs. George Spitzcr, 91144 Franklin St., Wednesday, Aug. 11 at 1 p. m.
mtzmnm OASOROIL Install that MEW
U W D I r U t l SIUS KOZ AIRES D » , Kicniifcill; daljned hating dancM uMitt greater confon. tuUy ioaulaud cabioel pcmou ht« Ion . . . loom/ud Itlfc W« can now nppl; y<m «Mi tllhtf gal of oil titi KO-Z-AIRE Fanucn, comflatlj bv Hailed u reasonable rattf.
ARAB LEAGUE Bonn (WNS)—Reports reaching here from Cairo say that the Arab League is planning another protest to the West German Government against the shipment of reparations goods to Israel likely to augment the Jewish state's industrial and military potential.
MILDER OIL CO. 26th and DORCAS JAckaon
A RtmswHG sut/im Bum A NOURISHING
Mr. and Mrs. David Karlin of Boston, Mass., announce the engagement of their daughter Sylvia • to Airman first Class Jerome J. Kalman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rob*' ert Kaiman of Glenwood, la. Hiss Karlin Is a graduate of the College of Practical Arts and Letters of Boston University. She also attended the Hebrew Teachers • College of Boston. She is a member, of Lambda Kappa Sorority.' A/1C Kaiman is stationed at McChprd Air.Force Base, Wash., and is home on furlough. No wedding date has been announced.
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Friday, Auffiut fl, IBS*
Melvin Bekins hag been named Says . . . Ncu> Industry Group chairman Registration Open Byroade ot the New Industry (Continued from Page 1) Committee. Other members inment has consistently supported J. M. Harding, president of the clude William Kunold, first viceFor Jr. BB Bowlers free access to the Holy Places for Omaha Public Power District, an-
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and Frank McDcvitt, ( Xbe Junior B'nai B'rlth Bowling people* of all religious > faiths. In nounced Ihe formation of a New president, second vice-president of the OPPD League.has been reorganized this view of the present division of Industry Committee of the Dis-Board. year with the new season starting Jerusalem and the unfortunate trict's Board of Directors. 12:30 p. m. Sunday, Sept 12, at tension betwen Israel and Jordan, The new committee will work Patronize Our Advertisers the Music Box,'It was announced however, it is evident that practi closely with the Omaha Industrial cal arrangements c a n n o t be Foundation and the Chamber of by Mrs. Max Sacks, B'nal B'rlth worked out for the pilgrimage to For Fine Tailoring to attract and' secure bowline counselor! Registration Is toe Wailing Wall until auch time Commerce new industry for Omaha and the Norman Marsh now open for all youngsters be- aa there Is an improvement in the surrounding area. The committee Member Master Tailors and tween the ages of 11 and 14 who relations of these two nations also will be responsible for coCutters Association, London, England are In sixth to eighth grades. For •1 sincerely hope that in .dueordinating all of the District's fuCustom Tailor to Ladlrn & Men ture plans for supplying adequate Information and registration call course persons of all religious may AlVTEltATIONS power to attract new businesses, any of the three counselors: Mrs. be able to gather freely at their 210 Bo. 20lh JA 2422 Mr. Harding said. Max Sacks, AT 0862; Harry Col- places of worship without fear of lck, OR 1544. and Harold Bloom, their safety. I can assure you that your Government continues to AT 3742. support efforts to brine this The league was formed three about" yean ago by Mrs. Sacks and Mr. Colick for youngsters too young Patronize Our Advertisers for membership in Youth Coundl clubs. The league is sponsored by the Greater Omaha B'nal B'rlth Association. ~* Instruction will be Offered to those who wish to learn to bowl and those who wish to improve RUG * UPHOLSTERY their game. Early registrants will CLEANERS be considered first, as the number ot b o w l i n g alleys are limited. •ties — Tournaments will be held during LAMP SHADCS the season. Team sponsors will niuimiu Mtlvln ••U>» ttmk A supply uniforms for the youngyew Home! sters. A banquet will be held at the close of the season and tro• Yei, there ore important industries and things of culture, BUT in this modern age, Uyia« • bt«Mat phies will be awarded to outstand- DON UKHSTtlM HA M M ELECTRICITY is ALL Important. It deeps you cool—it lights your house—it runs ing players. • your appliances, and a host of other things, and all for rates that arc unbelievably VIST
' '
low. That i because of good builnets monogtmenl.
It is Important that we have on the Board of Directors of th« Omaha Public Power District, men who have the business know-how to provide the finest (trvfc* at the lowest poiiible coil—men who ore progressive enough to provide power for Omaha today and for new industries tomorrow. That's on* good reason why you should reeled your present competent Directors.
YOUR Party Is MY Business Maybe we've met before. If not, my name is Mr. Ernest. It's been my pleasure to have served you for many years at one of.Omaha's best known hotels. It is now my pleasure to offer you my services at the New Fireside Restaurant. We.specialize In all type* of parties . . . weddjng receptions, pre-nuptlal dinners, anniversaries, birthdays, Bar and Bas Mltzvaht, luncheons and banquets for all occasions. The FIRESIDE Is the perfect place — and you'll be the perfect host I'll be looking forward to a call from you.
Mr. Ernosf
•Clorenee R. Brislo.
NOMINATE A BUSINESSMAN FOR GOVERNOR •k Active Businessman in Ansley, Nebr. * Stock Buyer -k Rancher •k Teaching Experience He Understands Nebraskans and Their Problems
BE THE PERFECT HOST IN THE BEAUTIFUL CAMEO ROOM H e r . U • vltw of 1 U FIRESIDE'S beautiful » • * CAMEO ROOM. Sliding w*IU divide the ptu.h CAMEO ROOM Into 3 separate, dining roomi; or for large parilei, the w«lfi can be opened to form o"t l«rg< dln'tnq fifltl which can accommodata U P *° 200 gutiti, R«i«rv«(iont may b* m*t}0 (or •iiri»r larg* or imalt groupi.
t*bt«t, r»lUS»», condim«nU( *pp*^U»Tt »nri Vi&mkmad* braad *nd rofli, Dalicioui frozen dvfiarri, horn* bakaef calcci, plat and paiiriti round out thfs compttt* manu.
Wa Invlfa you fo fniptct our brtnol n«wt *U-«Uc<Uc tralnUit ittat Wfchan and balcary. Th* FIRESIDE !< completely alr-condltlonad and wall «quipp*d with •vary fanlUry device known tot proper preparation , Tfia FIRESIDE f«a/ur«i eomplafft tuflchaon and d'tnntr and handling of food. AM dtthei Jnd gtaitware «r» hyglenictUy wnh»d and lUrilized' •tecfrlcally. Call mffiui! Evarylrtin^ from soup to Ruff. Chooi« from 4 Mr. Erne it, our Meitre D#, to male* irrengemenlt for w\i» aiforfmant of itari«n. •vpsrily preparod maati, your next gathering. •••food or fowl, flavorful loupi, frath taladf. vsga-
38th &
Republican Candidate for Governor
JA 4862