August 13, 1954

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v • v v v i r xr.. <n cmertO u ueoond-Ulut M*Uu u MatVol. AAA1I—M.«U oinoe. Uiwu. NeUrMlu. gill! Aet M 1STO.


Plans For Guardians Of Israel Announced With the Inauguration this year of the ''Guardians of Israel" a na tional organization of Americans who are rendering outstanding service to the economic develop ment of the State of Israel, an other important step has been taken which will more closely link our great nation with the new democracy in the Near East, judge Louis E. Levlnthal stated, Judgo Lcvinthal, an outstanding Philadelphia jurist, U National Chairman of the "Guardians of Israel."


. T h e Omaha Chapter of the " k j u a r d j a n s of Israel" will be founded at a dinner to bo held November 14 in the Blackstono Hi: tel Dr. Abe Greenberg, Chairman for Israel Bonds in Omaha announced " The name guardians Is derived from Israel's traditional "Shorn* rim" or guards that were brought into being when the first modern

Sen. Morse Charges U. S. Favors Arabs Washington (JTA>—Sen. Wayno Morse, Oregon Independent, took the Senate floor thin week to criticize administration policies in the Near East and chnrgo some U. S. officials apparently arc willing to "trade tho freedom of the people of Israel for Arabian oil." Sen. Morse told tho Senate since Secretary of Slate Dulles visit to the Near E:nt, the administration has lxron "trying to win the friendship of the Arab states At the expense of Israel." The Senator mnde known that the new foreign aid bill contains only a "mere pittance" for Israel. He Raid he has been assured that Israel would get about $-10,000,000 considerably less than in previous y e a n — but even this reduced •mount has not been firmly specl fled. Sen. Morse reminded the Senate that the United States and other free countries, as a result of the Nazi persecution of Jewry, pledged support and safety for Israel as a homeland of the Jewish people. He Indicated that the^ew administration has failed to treat. Israel fairly and Invited.the attention of the Senate to the facts of the current situation. '

Jewish settlements In Palestine were established. In announcing the plans for the formation of the Omaha chapter. Dr. Greenberg said: "I feel sure that we here in Omaha will -take advantage of this opportunity to buttress the economic structure of the Stale of Israel."

Tunisian Jews Get Assurances Paris (JTA)—Jews In Tunisia were assured by the newly-formed all-Moslem Tunisian Government that there would be no anti-Jewish discrimination In the country when It secures its internal sovereignty from the French Government. It Was indicated by members of the Tunisian Cabinet that the Moslem leaders will never forget that Tunisia received its autonomy through the efforts of French Premier Pierre MendcsFrance, who is Jewish. Reports reaching Jewish groups here from Tunisia say that the new Tunisian Premier, Tahnr ben Ammar, told Jewish leaders that they have nothing to fear when the country will cease to be a French Protectorate and will become independent. The Premier emphasized that the rights of all religious minorities in Tunisia will lw respected.

Global Report B'NAI Il'ItlTII HONORED Washington (JTA)—B'nai B'rith Jias been honored by the American Red Cross for Its efforts during tho past year In obtaining thousands of members for that organization, It was announced today by Sidney G. Kusworm, of Dayton* chairman of the B'nal B'rith National Commission on Americanism and Civic Affairs. The American Red Cross certificate of honor was presented to B'noi Br'ith in 'grateful recognition of outstanding public service during tho 1954 campaign for funds and members," At tho same time, Mr. Kusworm disclosed that the all-year, fivepoint program of B'nai B'rith, in finding Jobs for the physicallyhandicapped, drew from Maj. Gen. Mclvln J. Maas a national commendation "in grateful appreciation or service." General Maas is chairman of the President's Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicapped. THX AVIV jJNIVEBSITY Tei.Aviv (JTA)—A new Department of Hebrew Studies, Philosophy and Literature will be opened at Tel Aviv University in October, according to an announcement by Mayor Chaim Lcvanon. The Mayor disclosed that the High School of Law, Economics and Administration will be merged with the university. Mayor Lcvanon made his announcements at ceremonies celebrating the end of Tel Aviv University's first year. He revealed that plans for the construction of a new University City here arc under preparation. The University, lie said, will expand its program— physical as well as intellectual— to serve this area and make it possible for more students to pursue their studies here, without incurring the additional expense of living In Jerusalem, where the Hebrew University is located.

Three members of the new Cabinet arc leaving this week for Paris to ncgoliatc agreements with the French Government, guaranteeing the rights of French residents in Tunisia—among whom there arc about 20,000 Jews. The other 80,000 Jews In Tunisia ore natives, and will fall under tho EGYPTIAN PREMIER general Inws of the country after London (JTA)—Egyptian Preit acquires its internal sovereignty. mier Gamal Abdel Nasser, in a press interview published here is BED CROSS HOI'KFUL reported as having expressed his Geneva (JTA)—Tho possibility belief that the United States could of extending medical relief, work act as mediator between Israel to Jewish organizations in coun- and the Arab state*. tries behind the Iron Curtain were Col. Nassor denied, in the course discussed here this week-end be- of the interview, that the evacuatween H. A, Goodman, European tion of the British troops from the chairman of the Agudat Israel or- Suez Canal would result in Egypganization, and officials of the In- tian aggression against Israel. "We ternational Red Cross. The offi- want peace to cope with our vita] cials expressed hope that the type Internal problems," "he declared. of relief work sought by the Agu- At the same time, he emphasized dah leader might be developed that Egypt would welcome Amersoon in Hungary, Poland and Bul- ican military aid in building garia. stronger Egyptian armed forces.



Camp Jay C-C's Second Session New U.N. Truce Chief Appointed United Nations, N. Y. (JTA) —Major • General E. L. M. Burns of Canada, newly-appointed head of the United Nations truce machinery in Palestine, arrived here on his way to his new post in Jerusalem. He is scheduled to begin his duties In Jerusalem thin week, succeeding Maj. Gen. Van Bennlke. It was learned here that the Arabs are displeased with the appointment of Gen. Burns as chief supervisor of the UN truce team. Arab diplomats indicated they would rather have had a representative from a "neutral" nation take over Gen. Bcnnlke's post.. Because of the recent elevation of tho Canadian and Israeli ministries to the level of embassies, the Arab representatives said they feel that Canada is not neutral in the Israeli-Arab disputes.

Straus Confirmed As U.N. Delegate ' United Nations, N. Y. (AJP) — President Elsenhower has named Roger W. Straus, President of the American Smelting and Refining Company, as a U. S. representative to the U. N. General Assembly opening next month. Israeli circles In New York have expressed great satisfaction over the appointment of a prominent Jew to the ten-member U, S. Delegation headed by Henry' Cabot Lodge, Jr. A member of the Board of Trustees Of Temple Emanu El and long active in the activities of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, Mr. Straus is considered a friend of the State of Is"racl. Reached over the phone by the AJP c o r r e s p o n d e n t , Mr. Straus, obviously pleased at the appointment, stated that he was now waiting for further instructions from. Mr. Lodge as to his exact duties during the General Assembly.

Sunday Radio A day at the Hassan Arufa School in Jaffa, Israel, will bo presented over WOW-liadlo from 9;45 to 10 a. m. The pro. gram is a recording of n day's activities at this State of Israel school for Arab children. The broadcast will be made under the auspices of the Omaha Zionist Council. Rabbi David J.' Seligson of Central Synagogue in New York City will discuss "The Struggle for Freedom" on the Message of Israel program over KOIL from 10 to 10:30

a, m. "Words We Live By," a summer scries of the Eternal Light program will fcaturo informal conversations between Maurice Samuels and Mark Van Dorcn. The seventh program will broadcast over WOW-Radlo from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon. The discussions entitled "The Supporting Cost of the Bible" will emphasize interesting aspects and interpretations of lesser known Biblical characters.

General Glubb of Arab Legion Fears Jordan Attack on Israel New York (JTA)—The fear that the National Guard In Jordan may launch a full-scale series of attacks Inside Israeli territory is entertained by Lt. Gen. John Baggot Glubb, commanding officer of the Arab Legion, who is known as Glubb Pasha, it Is reported from Amman by the co-respondent of the Christian Science Monitor. "If this should happen," the correspondent says, "there is a strong possiblity that England may, of her own accord, step out of her lolo of protector and banker to Jordan. This is exactly the result the Jordanian anti-British bloc wishes to achieve. If England moves out, certainly Gen. Glubb will follow, which will mean the end, at least in the Middle East, of an honorable career. It may well spell the disintegration of tho famed Arab Legion." The Amman correspondent reports that there is much intrigue

against Britain in Jordan, and that both England and Glubb Pasha are encountering h e a v y opposition from an active group within the Jordan Government as a result of a secret agreement signed recently between King Hussein of Jordan and King Ibn Sand Abdul Azzlz of Saudi Arabia. Tho ruler of Saudi Arabia is reported to have obligated himself under this agreement to match tho 11.000,000-pound s t e r l i n g , which Britain is giving to Jordan. Seven and a half million pounds of this total sum goes into maintaining the Arab Legion, the 14,000-man fighting body that General Glubb has built up over a period of two decades. In addition, King Saud agreed to absorb Jordan's surplus wheat and any other agricultural products it may produce. The report also reveals that King Saud suggested ho would be willing to help support the Jordanian National Guard, which patrols tho

wSfM* tSt? 10

long Jordan-Israel border. Tills force is commanded by Lt. Col. Radi Handwai. At the same meeting, IClng Saud reportedly said that such financial support would be withheld if the National Guard was placed under the command of General Glubb. In turn, General Glubb has long insisted that a move toward such a unified command would be in the best Interests of the country. King Saud, going a big step further, said that pcrhaprj above all, he wanted to sec General Glubb removed from his present command. King Hussein I, who is personally very friendly witli Glubb Pasha, apparently had no choice but to agree with the full terms of tho bargain, tho Amman correspondent reports. There is no doubt that the 14,000-man Arab Legion Is confused by this unexpected turn of events, which may result in Glubb being ousted from the post he held so long, tho correspondent states.

The second session of Camp Jay C-C will start Monday, Aug. 16 at Camp Brewster in Bellevue. Fourteen days of fun and activities, are scheduled, LJndy Paul camp dlrector announced. Cabin units are preparing for overnight hikes in Fontenelle For* est and Llnoma Beach, Youngsters will be gathering their bed rolls,' canteens and hiking equipment in preparation for their overnight adventure. Knapsacks will be dis-' trlputed to campers to hold their food and cooking utensils. Parents can stll register their youngsters for the second week' camping session. Call the camp of' flee, JA 1366, at the Jewish Community Center. The rate Is $55 for Omahans and $65 for out-of-towhers. Echoes of Civil War days sounded at Camp Jay C-C this week with the campers competing in a two-day round of sporting events. The Blue and the Gray camper teams engaged in swimming contests, cross country races, air rifle matches, archery, baseball and a four-hour hike. The youngsters elected their own leaders for par-.' tlclpatlng In this festival marking our historical past. Monday evening the camp counselors brought their own version of "Showboat" to camp, and tho youngsters were treated to comedy and dancing. The program for the next two weeks will start with the opening campfire initiating new campers Into the Camp Jay C-C Council. Other events will include Indian Day, Lords and Ladies Night, Western Days, Robin Hood Day and the Annual Swimming Meet;

Time Not Ripe for Peace Settlement —Says U. N. Head United Nations, N. Y. ( Secretary General D a g Hammarskjold, in a report to the General Assembly, declared he felt "if should be recognized that the time is not yet hero for a peace settle-merit between the Arab' states and' Israel." Declaring that the situation in the Middle East has dbtcrloratedduring the past year despite So-' curlty Council efforts to improve the situation, Mr. Hammarskjold said: "I feel that it should be recognized that tho time is not yet here for a peace scttlcmen between the Arab states and Israel. But this should not render Impossible the elimination of many, points of friction which do not raise any\ questions of principle.' In the meanwhile, lt is tho duty of the countries concerned to put an end to actions of reprisal which," ln a sinister scries of attacks and counterattacks, have cost many, innocent lives and have embittered tho relations between the peopled of the region."

Religious Issue Made In Georgia Election

' '

Atlanta, Ga. (JTA)—-A Congres« slonal candidate hero has Intro* duced the religious issue in his campaign to attack a rival candl-, date who is of Jewish faith. In a campaign broadcast, Wy« man C. Lowe described Morris Abrams as n representative of tho 'minority Jewish faith, while I am a representative of the majorlty Protestant faith." Mr. Lowe charged that Mr. Abrams is receiving financial support f r o m New York interests, and is under the domination of outside and foreign organizations,

r Arc


Friday, AuguH ).1, I9S4

Omaha Sketches Mr. and Mi's. Mayiuird Greenberg, of Mount Vernon, N. Y., and formerly of Shenandoah, In., lire in Omaha visiting Mrs. Grrenberg's parents, Mr. and Mrs. llr.n.v G. Mendclson. Mr. Greenberg Is associated with a Manhnttan advertising firm.

7 ffrldaj by tha M e n t i o n for Jewish Senrlee

caMBaassaar--11-**11" HARRT HAIPERT



Vienna Waltz

The current status in the Jewish claims negotiations wjth Austria is apparently one of suspension. Bat if there ia to be an honest resumption the Austrian Government will have to demonstrate that it means business, or else risk the consequence* of en raged public opinion. ' . More than a year has passed since the negotiations have begun, yet agreement appears more distant now than ever before. In fact, it seems as if the Austrian negotiator! hare been instructed to throw monkey-wrenches into the proceedings just when they appear headed for satisfactory conclusion. A year ago the Austrian* brought a sudden halt to the talks with the contention that no agreement was possible before the signing of an Austrian peaee treaty. This dud was quickly exposed. , - Now Vienna has found a new excuse for wrecking the negotiotions. It suddenly discovered that the lump-sum settlement it offered was excessive and beyond the Austrian treasury, a strange thesis' in fact and in justice. Vienna sow claims it cannot conduct government affairs until Parliament reconvenes at the end of the Summer.

Between You and Me By Boria Smolar

Israeli Trends . In order to^attract Immigration from EnglUh-fpeaklng countries, the Jewish Agency has purchased a hotel in Haifa and will convert it Into a hostel for Western newcomers . . , It will be opened next month . . . In addition, 170 flats have been completed for Western immigrants and 80 more are under construction . . . Another 200 are planned, but if there is no demand for them, building will not go beyond 1935 . . . Only 102 flats of the 170 completed have so far been occupied . . , It Is the opinion of Dr. G. Josephthal, treasurer of the Jewish Agency, that if no urge exists among Jews in the United States or Britain to come to Israel, economic privileges will not attract them . . . Immigration from Britain to Israel was 508 in 1950; 300 in 1951; 230 in 1952; 140 last year, and 35 so far this year . . . On the other hand "internal Immigration" was double-the rate from abroad during the past two -years . . . The Jewish birthrate in Israel is about 30,000 a year, whereas only 11,800 immigrants arrived in 1953 and 3,000 arrived Iran January to the end of May,: 1964 , . .Prospects for immigration indicate that 1954 fc unlikely to reach the previous, year's total . . . Hie •immigrants last year came from 60 lands, with all the ' English-speaking countries and Western Europe combined providing only 1,013 persons . . . Emigration from Israel reached its peak In 1952. with 11,128 departures . • . During the post six ,months 226 persons returned to Rumania, but North Africa, the United States and Canada head the list of countries receiving emigrants from Israel . . . A questionnaire drawn up by the Israel Ministry of Interior and presented to applicants for exit visas disclosed that family or other personal reasons prompted the emigration of 56 percent of them . . . Economic causes were mentioned only by 29 percent . . . Housing difficulties rated low~as a reason for IcavInR Israel . . . Nearly half of the applicants knew no Hebrew, and the vnst majority of the rest hod only on elementary knowledge Of it . . .

B.I. Picnic Sunday At Peony Park The annual Beth Israel picnic Will be held Sunday, Aw,;. 15 in the north grove of Peony Pork. The picnic will be conducted by the Beth Israel Men's dub under the Chairmanship of Harry Sircf. It will begin at 2, o'clock in the afternoon. Games for children will •tart at 4 p. m. with prizes included. Soft drinks will be served.

Gems of the Bible and Talmud By OB. FOiUP SHKB Bible Howbelt, there shall be no needy among you. For the poor shall never cease out off the land. Therefore I command tbee, saying: "Thou shalt surely open thy hand unto thy poor and needy brother in thy land." Justice shalt thou pursue, that thou mayest live and inherit the land, which the Lord givcth thec. Talmud We ore taught in a Daraitha that a man should not say: "I will study the Scriptures BO that I may be called a wise man. I will study the Mishnah that I may become a senior scholar occupying a seat in the college." But a man should study because of the love of knowledge, and honor will come in due time. From the land of Israel came the following—Be careful of your persona) hygiene. Associate yourself with others in the study of <he Torah. Be considerate with the children of the poor, for from them will the Torah come forth. '; Rabbi Judah said: "One should always occupy himself with the study of the Torah and the divine commandments, even if It Is done not for the sake of Heaven; for although ' these. studies are not pursued as an ideal, eventually it will be performed for the sake of the Ideal."

Reconstruction Jewish values have been critically affected by the modern tforld and Judaism in the United.States cannot survive unless there Is a total reconstruction of Jewish life, Dr. Mordecal Kaplan, leader of the Rceonstructionist movement warned here in an address delivered at- the B'nai B'rith Institute of Judaism.—(WNS)

Attention Korean Vets Those Korean Veterans who were discharged prior to August 20, 1952, may avoid loss of educational benefits under lUjlic Law 5D0 by entering an aRirovcd school before August 20, 1354. Two schools in Omaha are offering special summer sessions which arc available to veterans. The Pratt School of Individual Instruction Is approved for veterans on a college preparatory high school level. The University of Omaha is open for the college level group.

Former Omahans, Mr. and Mrs. Bcrnarr Jonlsch with their daughter Terri Ellen have arrived here to spend several weeks visiting with their parents and friends; They are making their home in Dallas, Tex. Mrs. Jonlscn is the former Miss Sally Marer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marer.

Sweetheart Candidates Named by AZA No. 1

Eddie Gershater of this city hes designated a device by which truckers can signal auto* drivers when it is safe for them to pass on the highway. The Idea which jelled into the obtaining of a patent-pending notice Was thought up by Mr, Gershater during his sales trips on which he travels about 40 thousand miles a year. Mr. Gershater said that many motorists do not know the truckers' code of signaling with their headlights when it is safe to pass. In his system, two large lights are fastened on the back of the truck with a switch and a buzzer in tha cab. The trucker can signal the 7HM F. M. CandleUgtitlng motorist to wait by switching on the red wait light and when it is safe to pats he can operate the Temple Israel pass light The buzzer operate* Sabbath Services this evening while the pass light is on so U» start promptly at 7:30 o'clock and trucker will not forget to turn it will be held In the chapel of the new Temple Israel at 70th and Cass Streets. Rabbi • Sidney H. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace'M. Elkon Brooks will conduct the services. announce the birth of a daughter, Elizabeth Jo, bom August 2 at a local hospital. The couple has another daughter, Marsha Renee. Sabbath Eve Services will be Mr, and Mrs. Harry Z. Bernstein of Omaha are maternal grandparheld tonight at 7 p. m. : Sabbath morning services will ents and paternal grandmother is begin at 8:45 o'clock. Mincha serv- Mrs. E. E. Elkon of nhinclander, ices will begin at 7 p. m. Doily WIs. services during the week are held at 7 a. m. nnd 7 p. m. '

Religious News^

The members of Mother-Chap-' ter, AZA No. 1,-wiU bold their 21st Annual Sweetheart Dance at the Blackstone Hotel, September 11. Highlighting the affair is the cbocsing of a "Sweetheart" from among the candidates named by club members. Lost year's Sweetheart was Miss Jean Cutler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cutler. This year the candidates are: Miss Deanne Markovitz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Markovitz; Miss Matlec Katlcmon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney IZatelman; Miss Theresa Kahn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kah;i: Miss Fayna Manvitz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Manvitz and Miss Phyllis Rubinow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Kublnow. According to AZA custom, the Sweetheart will be announced and crowned at 11:21 p. m. The time is set according to the number of years of the dance. Beth Israel The dance Is open to the public Friday evening services begin at and tickets may be purchased at 7:15 p. m. Sabbath morning servthe door for $1.75 per couple. ices begin at 8:30 a. m. Junior congregation starts at 10 a. m. Saturday Mincha will start at 7:15 p. m., followed by Sboloshe S'eudos and Maariv. An. R. Rosenboum Doily morning services begin at 7 a. m., dally afternoon services Services were held Sunday, Aug. begin at 7:15 p. m. 8 for Mrs. Rachael Roscnbaum Sunday morning services begin with interment at Mt. Slnal Cemetry. Mrs. Roscnbaum died Friday, at 8A5 a. m. followed by Rabbi's class in Bible Study and breakAug. 6 at a local hospital. fast. •'-.'•••• She is survived by: three sons, The Talmud Discussion group David and Sam of Omaha, and meets every Tuesday evening at Max of El Paso, Tex.; three daugh- 8:15 p. m. In EIUtH Synagogue, i, Mrs. M. Lederman of Wa- 19th and Burt. terloo, la., Mrs, S. Rosen of El Paso, Tex., and Mrs. A. Dochen of Austin, Tex.; 14 grandchildren Bible Aids Tracing and 22 great-grandchildren. Negev Bronze Age

Beth H


Monument Dedication

Tel Aviv (JTA) — Dr. Ne.':;on Glueck, president of Hebrew Union Coliege-Jewjrii Institute of Religion, of Cirfclnnatl, nnd noted archcologlst, has traced to its source in the Negev Desert the trail of destruction left by Chedorlaomcr, a king who battled against the kings of Sodom nnd Gomorrah —os -told In Genesis—until defeated by a force of 318 men led by Abraham, nbout 2,000 years before the Christian era. Dr. Glueck has been continuing this summer his archeologlcal studies in the Nefjev area, which he began several years ago. He has found mined Bronze Age sites which ho lx?Hcve3 to have been destroyed during Chedorlaomer's rapendltions to the area. "The evidence I find in the Nogev now,"- said Dr. Glueck, "is pretty good substantiation of the story told in Chapter XIV of Genesis. It proves the remnrkable memory of the historians who passed on the Biblical stories verbally for at least 1,000 years until the written version of the Bible was set down."

The family of the late Mrs. Meyer Tatelman will dedicate a monument in her memory 10 a. m., Sunday, Aug. 15 at Pleasant Hill Cemetery.

Hollywood (JTA)—According to Paulcttc Goddard, Hollywood is now working on a 3-D film that if you don't go Into the theatre to sec it, it comes out to see you.

Yale Dubnoff Services were held Thursday, Vug. 5 for Yale Dubnoff in Los \ngelcs, Calif. Mr. Bubnoff, 68, a ormer Omahan, died there Wedicsday, Aug. 4. lie was n former iwner of the Arcadia Hotel here ind retired after moving to Los \ngclcs. Survivers include: his wife, nna; a sister, Mrs. Louis Fromliln if Chicago, and two nieces, Mre. foe I/Cvlnsky and Mrs. Edward lubacic, both of Omaha.

ulius Chait Services and interment were held In Detroit for Julius Chait. Mr. Clialt, formerly of Omaha, died there August 5. He Is survived by: his wife, Lib>y; two sons, Henry of Detroit and Jdward of Beverly Hills, Calif.; a laughter, Mrs. Helen Zogut of Los.Angeles, and a brother, Ben Chait of Omaha.

With the Folks At Home

Baskets of flowers were received at the home from a No Hast Party, which was held in honor of Miss Mimi Fisher of Chicago, who is the fiancee of Larry Fogcl of Omaha. Special Prayer*: Special blessings were said at The Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home For the Aged Synagogue for the following: Anne Elizabeth Mazer; born August 4,1952, David Mycr Mbzcr, bom July 11,1954. -V They are the children of Harold and Susan Mozer. and the grandchildren of Mrs. Abe Mozer. Yslineit: Special M e m o r i a l Services wifl be held in The Home Synagogue for the following: Mr. Harry Friedman—Ab 11— August 10. Miss Fanny Ruback—Ab 12Z? August 11. Mr. Harry Adclschtcln—Ab 15— August 14. Mrs. Louis Sommer—Ab 2&— August 22. IN MFMORIDM: Mendel Forbes—July 26 — 25 Tammuz. Ida Gitnlck—July 30—29 Tammuz. Itachel Roscnbaum—August 7— 8 Ab.

Nachmi, Nachtni, Ami Sorrow not, my blessed child; You have won your land,

your dream. Be now stalwart. Stout ofhcarti You still have enemies at largo. Unite and they will fleo from you. They will be gone If you nrc one I Thus we must follow God's own word; His sacred precepts read and speak. And in our Home we will abide • In Joy and pride!

Friday, August 18, 1MM llliMUUIIIIUIIlIIIMBUIIIIIIIIUtUffllllllll




Beth El Nursery School To Open September 13

Reverend and Mrs. • Alex ' M r s . Sol S. Forsow, Beth El Katz announce that Sunday, Nursery School chairman, ansocial affairs advisory, Mrs. Wil Aug. 22, following the wedding nounces that Nursery School sesliam Alberts; Sunday school, of their daughter Ozzlc to Don- sions for the first semester Will Mrs. David Brodkey, FundThe annual summer meeting of Mmes. Joseph Soshnick and I. 13. ruising Co-ordlnator of O m a h a ald Nogg, a reception will be begin Monday, September 13, conthe board of the Beth Israel Sis- Ziegman; supper club, Mrs. Barton Chapter Hadassah will entertain at held at Beth El Social Hall. No tinuing to January 28. There i s terhood was held at the homo of Grecnberg; Council of Synagogues, her home the chairmen of the Hainvitations have been sent and room for a few more enrollments Its president, Mrs. Isadore Klcwitz. Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky; table set- dassah Medical Organization & all friends are welcome to atPlant (or the fall and winter ting, Mmes. Nathan Turner and Vocational Education Projects at tend. The reception will be held at this time. Harry Wlgodsky; special occaTeachers for the coming year season were mode. a breakfast Tuesday, August 17. from 4:30 to 6 p. m. sions, Mines. Arthur Cohn and are Mrs. Norton aron (Myra), a. Tile ways and means chairman, J. J. Friedman. The chairmen who will at*«nd graduate of the University of Mr*. Sam Dcrman awarded tlic the breakfast and plan the activiTalmud Torah, Mmes. Robert Sll ties of this project for the coming Michigan and a specialist in nursfollowing chairmanships: annual ery and kindergarten education book review, Mrs. Arthur I'aril- ver and Yale Ginsberg; telephone, year are chapter ciiaiimen—Mrs. Junior Hadassah Will and Mrs. Alex Katz, for many man and Mrs. Irvine Forbes; an- Mmes. Ben Kaslow, Joseph Horn- Alfred' Fiedler, Mrs. Max Canar stein and Morris Roltstcln; board, nual linen shower, Mrs. Honry yean affiliated with the Beth El and Mrs. Morris Katleman. Theo- Hold Shipwreck Party Greenberg; bake sale, Mrs. Dave Mrs. Sam Cohen; torah scholar- dor Hcrzl Group—Mr. Sam RothNursery, School.1 Junior Hadassah will hold a Frank and Mrs. Julius Hornstein; ship, Mmes. Samuel Wolf and Er- enberg, Mrs. Morton Richards and Tuition for each semester is $75 Chonukah candles, Mrs. I larry Sid- nest Nogg; Veterans Hospital, Mrs. Mrs. Albert Wohlner. Chuim Welz- shipwreck party for paid up mem- for members and $90 for nonman; donor luncheon, Mrs. Hurnld Leo Waxcnbcrg; youth group, Mrs. mann Group—Mrs. T. A. Tully, bers at Benson Park, Saturday, members. For further particulars, Zcllnsky; gift shop, Mrs. Will Samuel Green and Mrs. Maurice Mrs. Fred Brodkey and Mrs. Joe Aug. 28, from 8 to 11 p. m. Dues please call Mrs.-Parsow, "RE 3211, Bloom and Mrs. Sidney Kwaitek; Sachs. Bernstein. Henrietta Szold Group are $4.; For non-members it will I men's club dinners, Mrs. I. J. Kraft Due to the resignation of Mrs. —Mrs. Max Greenberg, Mrs. Ar; be $1.50 per couple. All reservaand Mrs. Edward Gerher; mother- Albert Rlmmerman, Mrs. Joe Guss, thur Grossman, and Mrs. Sidney tions are to be In by August 20. daughter banquet, Mrs. Sidney ways and means chairman has Katleman. For reservations call Miss Clara Goldberg, Mrs. Jack Levey and been appointed temporarily to the The newly formed Omaha Chap* Mrs. Henry Appcl; synagrams, office of first vice-president Katz, HA 7902. Misses Joan Wise- ter of the B'nai B'rith Girls enMrs. Robert Gcrelick and Mrs. So] man and Betty Isack are chairman tered the Youth Council clubs* Following/are the hostesses for Ash; special contributions, Mrs. roster officially with its first Mrs. William Epstein has Joined and co-chairman for the affair. Sam Herman, Mrs. Max Fromkiri the luncheon: Mmcs.: M. H. Brad' meeting July 27. ky, Joseph Guss, A. C. Fellman, the chapter's Donor Luncheon CirAnd Mrs. Julius Hornstein. A good part of success consists David R. Cohen, Sam Ban, S.cle. She will entertain at a dessert The B. B. G's first function was The following standing commit- Graetz, David Katleman,. M. A. luncheon at 1 p. m. at her home of getting along with those people a Rush Picnic held August 5 at Elmwood Park. tees and chairmen were announced Bercoyicl, Lou Sogolow, A. D. Wednesday, August 18. Mrs. Ep- you can't get ahead of. by Mrs. Elewltz: baby sitter serv- Frank, Athur Grossman, Morris stein lives at 315 So. 49th Avenue. ice, Mrs. Robert Smith; Das Mltz- Katleman. M. A. Vcnger, J. H. Anyone wishing to make reservavah c o n s u l t a n t , Mrs. Harold Kulakofsky, David Sherman, Ir- tions, please call GL 6990, Bloom; Know Thy Neighbor Sab- vin C Levin and Phlneas Win-* The donor luncheon will be held Thursday, Sept. 9, at the Jewish bath, Mrs. Lewis Ncveleff; Com- troub. Community Center. Anyone wishmunity Co-operation, Mrs. William Install that NEW Wolfson; Courtesy, Mrs. Sam Hering to join the Donor Circle may OAS OR OIL man; Federation of Jewish Womcall Mrs. Joseph Batt, RE 6726 or en's Clubs, Mrs. William Wolfson FURNACE Mrs. Ruth Ackerman, JA 1926. The Epstein-Morgan Ladles Auxand Mrs. Elewltz; kitchen service For Next WINTER'S HEATING Cwfortl {(food and equipment), Mrs. Henry iliary No. 260, Jewish War VetAppel and Mrs, Harry Lewis; Jun- erans together with the EpstclriThe fifth session of Omaha L O W D I n » L M I S KO-Z-AlRrs new, K i c m ^ i l l / dciigned ior Congregation, Mrs. Max Green- Morgan Post No. 260 held its an- Chapter Hadassah's Leadership faming dement MMtref greater comfort. Fully MMlMcd caouhtt field; membership, Mrs. Norman nual picnic Sunday, August 1, at Course will be held 9:30 a. m. jmvctiu heat IOM . . . lowen fuel bilk. We cm now Mpply y m Hahn; monthly publication, Mrs. Rivcrviow Park. Monday, August 16 at the BlackSidney Fcldman and Mrs. Nathan with t « S « p i or oJ 6>fJ KO-Z-AIKE Furrum, tonplewly i » On August 5, the monthly party Kaplan, and notification of board was held at the Omaha Veterans stone Hotel. This session will be Rilled K reasonable rales. conducted by Mrs. Samuel N. Wolf members, Mrs. Max Sommcr. Administration Hospital. Those and will cover all fund raising a . MONTHS TO MT • HO DOWH fATMINT who attended from the auxiliary Others are: program, Mrs. Mor- were Mmes. Frank Cohn, Abe Kap- projects. All Hadassah chairman CoU If 1*11 liMfaUaMaa w M H V W I I M • ( H I M X M . arc urged to attend. The meeting ris Shapiro; publicity, Mrs. Harold lan and Jack Saylan. will be held In an air-conditioned Bloom; retention, Mrs. Jake Wine; Plans have been made to hold room. Watch the Press for an26th and DORCAS social arrangement!), Mrs. Sidney JAzkion 211 I Goldberg; synagogue board, Mrs. a rummage sale November 1 and nouncement of the final meetings Sam Katzman. Mrs. Leonard 2. Mrs. Jack Saylan, chairman of in this Leadership Course. llie sale, asks all persons who Bernstein, Mrs. Sam Herman, and Mrs. Isadore Elewitz; table dec- have merchandise to donate to orations, Mrs. Sol Ash; table set- please leave them at her home at ting, Mrs. Hen Waldmnn and Mm. 334 N. 34th Street, or coll her at Ben Mlnkin; telephone, Mrs. Ben WE 2071 for pick up of merchanLcfitz and. Mrs. Stanley Diamond; dise. J9 A Saturday Store Hours —9:3 —9:30 A.M. to 5 P.M. ] tercentenary, Mrs. Barney Grey; representative to synagogue membership committee, Mrs. I-eo Kraft and board members without speThe next meeting of the Peretz cific duties, Mrs. Jack Joseph, Mrs. Paul Goldstein, Mm. Ben- Hershbein will be held at the jamin Groner, Mrs. Sam Epstein. home of Mrs. Sam Ruderman, 3221 Mrs. Ben Burstcin and Mrs. Aaron Lincoln Blvd., In September, The date will be announced later. Levlne. Mrs. Sam Belgrade, Mrs. Abe Mrs. Elewltz announced that the Kaplan, Mrs. George Kaplan and Beth Israel Sisterhood, In co-oper- Mrs. Ell Blttner were among the ation with the other sisterhoods. guests who attended the luncheon Will hold its monthly meetings on meeting of the group held recently the second Tuesday of the month at the home of Mrs. Samuel Oresinstead of the first Tuesday as in eteln. Mrs. Sam Sussman was previous years. Members will chairman for the meeting. A readplease note this change. Ing was given by Mrs. Jake Cohen.

. B» I.. Sisterhood


B'nai B'rith Girls



JWV Auxiliary

Leadership -Course




Peretz Hershbein

Exciting, New Floral Jewelry

B.E, Sisterhood Mrs. M. I t Brodkcy, President Of Beth El Sisterhood, announced the following committee chairmen at the board meeting held yesterday, In the Synagogue social hall. Beth El Grams. Mmcs. Al Wohlner and Harold Perclman, Allen Swartz; Book of Remembrance, Mmes. A. D. Frank and David IL Cohen; cemetery, Mrs. Morris Katelman: community cooperation, Mmes. Jack Bramson and Edward Brodkcy; courtesy, Mmes. Jacob Gnron ami Robert Koopcr; cradle roll, Mrs. Horace Rosenblum; decorations, Mmes. Morris Fellman and Jack Jacobson; education, Mrs. Sidney Sncider; gift nnd organ fund, Mrs. Morris Arkin; gift shop, Mmes. David Sherman and Abe Roffman; hospitality, Mmc3. Bennett Cohn and Max Greenberg; housekeeping, Mmes. William PolJack and Max Moskovitz. Membership, Mmc3. A r t h u r Grossman and Irvin C. Levin; music director, Mrs. Sam Newman; nursery school, Mrs. Sol Pursow; program, Mmcs. A. C. Fellman and S o l w y n Roffman; publications, Mmes. Aaron Edgar and J. J. Greenberg; publicity and historian, Mrs. Herbert R. Forbes; purchasing, Mmes. Jack Kaufman and Dave Stein; rentals, Mrs. Dave Cohn; services and flower fund, Mrs. T. A. Tully; sewing, Mmes. Leon Gractz and J. J. Frlcdcn;

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Friday, August 13, IU51

Hollywood (JTA) —Jerry Lewis puts it this way: "Television is wonderful. Years ago It cost twenty-five conls to see a cowlxjy moA "Book of Remembrance," paying tribute to the memory of de- The Junior B'nai B'ritli Bowling vie . . . now you can stay homo parted ones is now being prepared League has been reorganized this and see the same picture for $300. by the Beth I«rael Synagogue. The year with the new season starting brochure will contain the appro- 12:30 p. m., Sunday, Sept. 12, at priate' prayers together with an the Music.Box, it was announced extensive listing of names to be by Mrs. Max Sacks, B'nai B'rlth bowling counselor. Registration Is South with a total score of 68-64. memorialized during the High now open for all youngsters beThou who placed first on theHolidays. The brochure will be North's team were Jim RockUn, used at Ylikor services through- tween the ages of 11 and 14 who Walt Wise, Stuart Hurwitz and out the year. Arrangement* for in- are in sixth to eighth grades. For Jeannie Sliver. Gabby Berg, Hally cluding names in the "Book of Information and registration call Genlick, Bill Hurwitz, Buddy Ep- Remembrance" may be made by any of the threevcounselors: Mrs. stein and Mark Plattner placed calling the Synagogue office, BE Max Sacks, AT 0662; Harry Colfirst for the South. Ick, OR 1544, and Harold Bloom. 6288 no later than August 27. . At the end of the two-week sesAT 3742. sion'Red Cross swimming certi- A man is about as big as the fied will be issued to those com- thing* that make him mad. Patronize Our Advertisers pleting the prescribed test

B. I. to Publish Remembrance Book

Registration Open For Jr. BB Bowlers


. Kick two, three, four is a very familiar sound around the Camp jay C C. swimming pooL Every child has been classified according to skills and progress has been made in each class. Jeffery Mayper, Joe Ennan, Bruce Hobeiman, Nancy Brodkey, Alice Fellman add Nancy Katz can successfully float and are now working on the back stroke, - Ton! Fellman, Judy Sherman, Betty Welner, Lorie Freeman, Sara Milder, John Bank, Buddy Epstein, Donald Kraft, Jimmy Krasne, Mark Plattner and Jerry Slusky have mastered their basic Friday, A D * 14 Strokes and are now working on Alan Lorry Bernstein, Judith perfecting them. . A treat was in store for the Jun- Davidson and Susan Jo Endelman. Saturday, Aug. U ior Life Saving Class this week. Barbara Sue Adler, Laurence Under the direction of water safeHenry Greene, Steven John Rlekes, ty instructors Marty Blacker, Barbara Kalian and Adclle Chasa- Carolyn Rubin Jimmy (James) nov campers Walter Wise, BUly SUverman, Chester Staler and Hurwitz. Judy Plattner, Jeannie Joan Sheila Summer. Sunday, August U Silver, Edie Singer and Betty Erman were taken on a boat trip at Emll Block, Alice Kurz and Neal Lake Mahnawa, in Council Bluffs. Stuart Passman. Hoada^ Aug. M They were given instruction on how to handle the craft, take care Deborah Maxfne Berger, Debby of the .food supply and prepare Jo Canficid, Gaylc Susan Fellman, Sue Ann Herman, Laurie Helen their bed rolls. Myron Sabes and Arleen LUe saving classes were held on Nogg, the beach and each camper had a Stem. . TuewUy, Aug. 17 chance to try his skill In lake water. After spending two days and Stephen Appcl, Sheldon Lynn a night at the lake they came back Lerner, Gloria Ofcrent and Jerry to camp to tell of their experiences Slusky. WMlniadsy, Aug. U to the other campers. The South vs. the North was the James Lloyd Abrams and Bruce E. Muskln. theme for a two-day mock battle. Thunday, Aug. 19 A swimming meet was staged in the pool between the two rivals Carol Kay FlcUher and Sandra with the North edging out theAnn Singer.

Happy Birthday

Sammies Will Hold Round-Up August 28

why should I send SCJUJUSft&EL certificates? — KMt THRN MMOMCl t

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a i o w . f r ST, • HfwroiK, M. y. • co»-3too • s u r n i t i t Local Aattt — Jawlik Coramaalty Caaiar 101 N. 20tk Jr. JA ! U t


This year the Sigma Alpha Mu, RUG & UPHOLSTERY Omaha Alumni Chapter, will reCLEANERS vive the traditional Round - Up. Highlighting the Round-Up will be RUGS — CAUPCTINS a semi-formal dance to lie held LAMP SHADES August 28 at the Blackstonc Ho( FURNITURE tel. Another feature of the reCleaned In Your Home! union will be a stag luncheon at 12:20 p. m. Sunday, AUK. 29, in *M1«9 - Urine • Repair!** the House and Garden room of the DON KINSTEIM HA 2SS4 Blackstonc. All members of Sigma Alpha Mu are invited'to attend, for'further information 'call Bob Wagner — AT 8978.

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BAR and'Bas Mltzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions Meyers News Stand. 1502nursing Dodge. EXPERIENCED practical , under, physician's direction at your home for bedridden or convalescent patients. Day or night duty. Mrs. Betty Hirach, 612 N. 47th St. Call GL 4138, ELDERLY needs small apartment. Preferably near Beth , Israel Synagogue. Call WA 3315.

Mr. Erneif


Will Be Sold by Nathan Levinson 3014 Webster St. Call AT 4252

CENTER PIANO STUDIO 101 N. 20th St. Omaha 2, Nebr. Under the Direction of Professor Hans Baer

BE THE PERFECT HOST IN THE BEAUTIFUL CAMEO ROOM H«r« Is M vl«w of ffi* FIRESIDE'S beautiful n « * CAMEO ROOM. Sliding w«lti d.W<J« 4he pluih CAMEO ROOM Into 3 itparat* dining roomi; or for Urgt parilrt, tha waMi can b« opened fo form one l*rg» dining hall which can accommodate up fo 200 gueiti. Rtitryaflont m«y be mada for «!th«r larga or imall group i .

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38th &







AMPLE (FonMify 11-Wart li Grill)

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