Assimilation Subject JTA Rejects Bias Charges A t 4th B.B. Institute
PublUhed crerj Frtdaj, 101 H, aoti. Omaha, Nebruka, PSon« JA U H
UDMI But « OoDia Oop» 10, ( M l
Call For Jewish n
New York (JTA)—The Jewi I«?I*>»S!H Telegraphic Agency had rejected Starlight, Pa. (JTA)--The pre- scholars and teachers, that earlier as "completely unsubstantiated,1' New York (JTA)—Jewish parents throughout the United diction that the Jewish commu Jewish communities in various sweeping charges made against it nlty In America will survive "even parts of the world perished be- by .Bernard Katzcn, consultant on States were urged to enroll their children for a Jewish educacause of Ignorance and assimilaIf it doesn't want to," because the Jewish affairs to the Republican tion, and to participate actively in the educational programs of Jewish people will never succuml tion, are based on lack of knowl- National Committee, Louis P. their own communities, in a "Call to Jewiah Parents", issued to asslmllatloon, WHS made here edge or faulty Interpretation of Rocker, president of the JTA, this week by the American Association for Jewish Education. by Dr. Salo Karon, Jewish histor- tho facts, Dr. Baron said. nounced this week. The call was endorsed by the head* ian, addressing the fourth B'nal, Dr. Robert Gordis, professor of of more than 20 of the major na"The Jewish Telegraphic g B'rlth Institute of Judaism. Bible at the Jewish Theological cy has no axe to grind," Mr, Rock' tional Jewish organizations. Dr. Baron, professor of Jewish Seminary of America, felt that the Organizations endorsing tha call history at the University of Co- American Jewish c o m m u n i t y cr told the Republican official. "Its policy since its Inception in Include the American Z i o n i s t lumbia, and author oP "Social and would Increasingly a s s u m e a 1917 has been, and will continue Council, American Jewish ComRcHgotis History of the Jews" and spiritual rather than a secular or Jerusalerri (WNS)—David Bruother works, presented his conclu- community-service character. Its to be , to present the news honest no, a Jewish merchant Who ar- mittee, American Jewish Congress, sions without qualification. "Even major ^identification would be ly and Impartially to the best of rived here recently from "Casa- B'nal B"rtth, Congress for Jewislt . if the Jews did not really desire to with religion. Dr. Israel Chlpkin, its ability, to seek out and report blanca, declared that most Moroc- Culture, Council of Jewish Federasurvive, they would do so despite- vice-president of the Jewish Edu- faithfully and accurately all In can Jews want to leave the coun- tions and Welfare Funds, Zionist themselves," he stated flatly. He cation Committee: "of Now York, formation on current develop- try for Israel as a result of the re- Organization of America, Hadasbelittled any idea that American differed. He thought that the dis- ments of concern to the Jewish cent "anti-Jewish outbreaks in Fez sah, Jewish Labor Committee, Jews were doomed to assimilate, tinguishing characteristic of the community and to provide tho and Pettltjean, where seven Jews Jewish War Veterans of the U. 3" ' pointing ouf'that the prescot vib- future) Jewish community would community with the facts on which were killed and several severely A., M l z r a c h i Organization ot to base judgments and decisions." America, National. Council f o r " rant condition of Jewish life in be its concern with education. mauled by frenzied mobs which In a letter to Dr. George S. pillaged and burned Jewish homes Jewish Education, National CounAmerica has completely disproved cil of Jewish Women, Jewish WelW^se, chairman of the JTA board, and shops. the gloomy prophecies of 30 years fare Board, and others. which he released to the press beago. Tercentenary fore it was delivered! to the JTA, Many Jews in Morocco, particConclusions d r a w n by Rome ularly the well-to-do, Mr. Bruno "Tho beginning of -the school Mr, Katzcn complained of the "obreported, have received threaten' year, this Fall, will coincide V l t h viously partisan nature of tho reports disseminated by your agen- ing letters from Arab terrorists the opening of an historic celebra. ' warning them to leave the country tion—the observance of the 300th ' cy.". He said he was. "aware of tho Members of the Air Force Assowithin ninety days or take the con' anniversary of Jewish settlement • ciation are convening here this duty of news agencies to keep the sequences. "The terror," he de- on these shores," the appeal says. weekend. More than 1,500 dele- public alert as to the doings of the government and of men in public clared, "is not aimed specifically "During the Tercentenary, AmeriStarlight, Pa. (JTA)—The 10th gates arc in attendance. against Jews" but it "has its own can Jews and their fellow-citizens annual seven-day convention of A symposium on "Airpowcr in life," adding that however, when political motivation" and "Jews B'nal B'rlth Girls opened here the Hydrogen Age" with General the picture is always one-sided, are losing their lives," adding that of all faiths will commemorate the' „ Monday with the participation of James II. Doollttle, past president then it ceases to be faithful re- most Moroccan Jews arc anxious arrival of the first Jews as the 150 teen-age girls from all ports of of the AFA, ns moderator Is to be porting and turns into partisan i d leave the country for Israel In- beginning of three centuries of creative Jewish life in this coun- the country. The teen-age dele- presented this morning. General agitation and propaganda." cluding "many who, up to very try. During these years, Jews have gates will analyze the responsibili- Nathan F. Twining, USAF chief of recently, hid no particular desire contributed significantly and genties of the adult Jewish commu- staff, will be the speaker nt the to go to Israel. These have changed erously of their talents, their enernity to Jewish youth, and the mis- AI r p o w e r Symposium luncheon their minds overnight because of gies, and their labors toward the ' slon and functions of li'iiril 13'rith, this noon. He will' discuss the the pogroms. A summer dessert luncheon '»> At the same time It was report- growth and development of this with special emphasis on the roll' responsibilities of the Air Force great land Ol the youth In lITls organization. and the role of Industry In the meeting of the Federation of Jew- ed here that some1 25,000 Jews in Ki-hponsllillltli-it ish Women's Clubs will be held Morocco have registered with the Addressing tho opening session Hydrogen Age. "The accomplishments of t h e Thursday afternoon, Aug. 26, at 1 'X>t the conference, Philip M. KlutzJewish Agency for emigration to Tills afternoon .stnrting at 4:15 nick, B'nal B'rlth president, suld p. m. at Strategic Air Command o'clock, at the home of the sec- Israel and that the agency is un- Jews who settled here ennoble our. lives, but they also charge us with Hart ictwft.-<iC Communism must Headquarters at Offutt Air Base ond vice-president, Mrs. Mike der negotiations with an Israeli responsibilities. In the first place, r be achieved without iui.V.:.T.' m: of Freeman, MI 9 Western Avenue. shipping company to speed their aerial displays by Air Force planes •my basic liberties of our demoo•Officers and committee chair- transportation in the event of an v,c have the obligation to SCO to <i < •/** that the threat spiritual, ethlejgj racy. He cited the part played by will be open to the public. It will men are to gather at 10 a. m. emergency. _ his organization In the fight against Tie-in W.'A. %. demonstration of and cultural traditions whic£fthey, aerial refueling and at 5 p. rr.. \he Plans for the ensuing year will Communism for over two decades, among others, brought .-(o this •bt dkcu.ssed at the mooting. USAF "Thunderbirds," famed preand warned that efforts, dcliber country, will bo•.,JW»JortSlned and Seventeen organizations are repato' or otherwise, to lessen the cision formation flyers, will percTierished. 3fl the second place, we • status of any of the amendments form. Following this, visitors may resented. Mrs. Kdward E. Brodof thli generation have the duty to the Constitution, including the view Air Force planes on exhibit key is president of the Federation to lend meaning and dignity to our at the bast. Fifth Amendment, actually lend to of Jewish Women's Clubs. Leaving this week for New York existence here by forcing new undermine the structure of frecCity to attend the 40th National weapons In behalf of American dedofn set up by the Nation's first Hadassah Convention to be held, mocracy, our own community and leaders. August 22 to 25 at the Waldorf- Jews'In other lands, Including the "Perhaps we are too fnr removed Astoria, arc the following: Mrs. J. State of Israel. In time, pnd by our prosperity, CAM NET B U T Harry Kulakofsky, Honorary Pres"There is an Indispensable meth-> ' Him 1 INTERCEPTED from the depravities of George Jerusalem (JTA) — P r e m i e r Jerusalem (JTA) — 'A Syrian ident of Omaha Chapter Hadassah od by which we can discharge II]» and tyrants in other European Moshc Sharctt's coalition cabinet nrrval vessel today Intercepted and and on) the advisory board of the these responsibilities, now and for countries," Mr.' Klutznick said. faced a crisis when the General held 'up an Israeli fishing boat on national organization; Mrs. Mor- the future. Through a program of "Their Impositions on tho Found- Zionists, the second largest party the high seas outside Syrian ter- ris M. Franklin, President of Oma- effective Jewish education, we can ing Fathers of this country made ritorial waters, while the fishing ha Chapter Hadassah; Mrs. Sidney forgo the links with, the generathe Bill of Rights and certainly in the Israeli Parllnment, threa- boat was on the way home from Hollls, President of the Theodor the Founding Fathers understand tened to vote independently, and Turkey. Israel Immediately pro- Herzel Group, and Mrs. Charles tions that have passed and with the Fifth Amendment," Mr. Klutz- thus bring about a situation un- tested "this act of piracy" to the Ross, VIce-Presldent of the Busi- the communities of Jews In all nick told the delegates. He also di.r which measures proposed by Israel-Syrian .181 x e d Armistice ness & Professional Women's parts of the world. "Jewish Education Month wilt told the convention that, in addi- the Cabinet may not receive tho Commission, demanding that t h e Group. be observed this year from Seption to the great problem-facing necessary parliamentary majority. boat and crow be returned at once. Tin? General Zlonisls and PreMore than 4,000 delegates and tember 12 to October 10. During America in the paralysis of fear According to the Israeli Army guests are expected to attend this this period we must create the induced by the Communist threat- mier Sharctt's parly, the Mupal, to democracy, American Jews m e disagree on the timing for pre- spokesman, tho f i s h i n g boot 40th annual convention, represent- conditions of community interest deeply affected by the uncertainty scntlnf; to Parliament new changes "Nachman," belonging to the ing the organizations 300,000 and participation—In the Fall enover the future of Israel, mid con- in the election laws. Both the Gen- Nachshon Company, was stopped members in 1,100 chapters in each rollment—in a program of Jewish cern over the character of their eral Zionists and the Mapal had nt sea by tho Syrian naval vessel of the 48 states, as Well as Puerto education for youth and adults, already agreed to the changes which forced the captain of the Rico and Alaska. own destiny. girls as well as boys, that will themselves. Under these altera- Israeli boat to board the Syrian guarantee a future In keeping with One of the highlights of this tions, only parlies that* poll a ship. The crew of tho "Nachman" convention will be a Cantata In our past, yet attuned to presentminimum of 4.2 percent of the was then orderedito follow tho honor of the 20tk» Anniversary of day conditions and challenges." total vote will be entitled to seat Syrian ship Into the Syrian port Youth Allyah. Another will be an their members in the Parliament. of Latlaqula. The "Nachman" Israeli Fashion Show, featuring Tile Mapai has now decided to de- crew reported to Israel by radio clothes designed and made by stuRabbi Alvln I. Fine of Conlay introduction of tills change for When tile "Nachman" was still dents of the Alice* Scllgsbcrg gregation Emanu-EI in San at least six months, or until a few seven miles outside Lattaqula. In School In Israel, one of Hadassah's Dr. Morris Margolin, Chairman Francisco, Calf., will discuss months before the next general addition to the captain, the crew projects. of the Bureau of Jewish Education "What is Man" on the Message of the "Nachman" consists o f six elections, due in the summer of and assistant professor of internal of Israel program over KOIL men.. 1933, The General Zionists want medicine at the University of Ne- . from 10 to 10:30 a. m. to the legislationto tho braska's College of Medicine wai "Words We Live By," a sumpresent Parliament now. WATER STATION named^ governor of the American mer scries of the Eternal Light The Introduction of the proJerusalem (JTA)—The Voice of Diabetes Association for Nebraska. prOKram will feature Informal posal, aimed to eliminate the small Israel, government radio, reported He was also re-appointed to th»' conversations between Maurice parties, was one o f the conditions hero that Israeli citizens last night national committee on detection Samuels and Mark Van Doren. which the General Zionists stipublew up a main water-pumping and education for tho association. The eighth program will Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kaplan lated prior to their ngrecing to station on the Egyptian side of the Dr. Klargnlin will supervise broadcast over WOW-Itadlo will observe their golden wedjoin tho present coalition cabinet. Gaza strip, in retaliation for an from 11:30 a. in. to 12 noon. ding anniversary at an open statewide activities for education of diabetics and disease controL The discussions entitled "The They now claim that any post- Egyptian explosion of an Israeli houso In the Labor Lyceum ponement in introducing legislawater main. The Israeli water Supporting Cast of the Bible" • from 7 to 9 p. m., Sunday, Aug. He stated that Diabetes Week will tion to this' effect would be conmain was blown up last Thursday, be belli November 14 to 24 In an will emphasize interesting as22. No invitations have licen effort to discover persons who pects and interpretations . of fiidered by them as a breach by and Israeli Army spokesmen said sent and all friends and relathe Mapai of the agreement unthey had proof that the damage lesser known Biblical charactives) arc cordially Invited to have the ailment but don't knot*der which they entered the Cab- was done by graduates of an It. His dual appointments were anters. • . . • .-, , ... attend. inet. Tho; General. Zionists hold E g y p t i a n commando tra'nlng nounced by tho American Diabetes four scats in the Cabinet, school across the border. Association of New York.
Emigration From Morocco Wanted
B'nal B'rith Girls Helir Klutznick
Thunderbirds to' Perform at Offutt
Fed. Women's Clubs To Meet Thursday
Hadassah Prexies Leave f o r N Y C "
On The Israel Scene
Sunday Radio
Dr. Margolin Heads Nebr. Diabetes Unit
Golden Wedding Anniversary
FsWay, August JO, 1654
reman PRESS
%tft gemisfr tfrr**
Omaha Sketches
B.I. Men's Club Fall Dance Series
Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Merlis o Premnck is the former Uernice The Heth Israel Men's Club will Central l&lip, N. V., IUUIOIU'.OL: th Wintiuub of Ouiuha. hold a fall .series of dances, Stanbirth of a soil LULUVUCO ikirljn, ley Diamond chairman of the 'born AuKiist .1. Tlie couple has two Maternal grandparents "re Mr. Dance of the Monti*1 Club anand' Mrs. Pbineas Wintioub of Editor' other children, Gale Barbara, five Omaha Paternal grandparents are nounced. years old and Michael Harold aged Membership's are helri}; accepttwo. Mrs. Merlis ia the former An- Mr. and Mm. Juliiu Prcmack of ed now. The first danee, "The Musnette Forbes. Maternal grundpar- Aberdeen. Paternal great-t'rand- querade" will he held 9 p. m., SatcnU arc Me. and. Mrs. Isadqre father is Sam Smild of Aberdeen urdiiy, Oct. 0; tlie second in the Forbes of Omaha snd paternal and maternal great-grandparents series will be a real old fnshkuned grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. are Samuel Corenraan of Omaha "Turkey Trot" to be held SaturLeonard Jose* Frank,. Larry Abraham- K- MerJis of Bronx; and Mr. antf Mnt. Max Wintroub day, 'Nov. 27; nnd winding up the Steven Katzman, AmUcam Nah N. Y. M e anrf Mr*. F«rber JMV* Of-Los Angeles, Calif. wrie.s will be a dinner dance, De• • • cember 26. abort, Stawn GayJe Ratrie» and been gtwsUi of (heir daughter and <:<» F. ML CaodMlgtrttq; i f and have aSro vlsMedi Barbara Joy Roseman. Noorran W. Osaerofl visited tills All d;mc<:. will be held ia the reiotivcr m PWlwfeipWo and te week, with Ma parents^ Mr. and Heth Israel social hall arid memNew Jersey. 8oav.«t Mrs. Iaadore Osheraff. Mr. Oslierbership is $10 per couple. Proceeds Barry Daniel AdJec Mareja Gsfl off waa graduated; Cum Laude will go to tlie Talmud Toriih Buikt]THdhy eveninir services begin Cohen, Dorothy Lynn* Gerber, Mrs. Robert GoWitgln, daugh- from Princeton University where ini: Fund. Tickets niiiy be obtained at T p. m. Sabbath morning serv- Stuart Kutler and Gail PoltakolZ. ter-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. he received the Degree of Bache- by cjillini; committee members or Sunday, Aug. M ices begin- at- 8:30 a. m. Junta* Gelditein of Los Angetes, Calif, lor of. Arts i » Economics, He will ticket chnlrin;in N. lluscnxwcig a t congregation starts at 10 a. m. Lois Grecnberg; Stephen Allan visiting relatives hi Omaha. She mev* -to Phlladqlphla in the fall GL 5182. Saturday Mlncha win start at Sherman, SbeHy EUeea 1 Smith, eorqute to Germany to'Joln her where be has taken a position Dance cammittee members aro 7 p.' m. followed- b y Snploshe- Cheryl Jean Stern and Harry husband who is serving in* the with a business machine corporaMilton BeLzer,'•Gene Brann, I. J . (Hcrahel) Wlshnia. S'cudos and Maariv. armed forces there. MrS. R. Gold> tion. Kraft, B. Drevich, A. Gould, Dv Daily morning services begin at Monday, Aug. Z3 mother-in-law, Mrs. Fred" ^ » « • Dworkia, J. Lagman, Dave Beber. 7 a. m.; daily afternoon services Goldlfein is the former Mb» Rose Mary Abrarasoaand Diane Be Sidney Nearenberg, a resi- Leo Kraft, M. Greenfiekl, D . Gordbegin at 7:15 p. m. Miriam RuDacft of Omaha. Eileen Epstein. dent pt^sfctan at King* County man, N. Rwserowei,,- and R. Corey. • •. • ' Sunday morning services begin Hospital fe.NYC.aad 2nd Lt Marat 8:15 a. m. followed by Rabbi's Harlon Stuart! Abrahams, JacMr. and l b s . Gene W. Osfaerott tin Wuneubm of U. S. Air Force Patronize Our Advertisers das* in. Bible study and breakfast. quelbw Sue Landhuur and Jam* announce tht-birtk oi a son Neal stationed1 in Minneapolis, MJmx, . The Talmud. Discussion group Schunmct Antfaoav August 6V at a local ho»- are spending the week bi Omaha. meets every Tuesday evening, 8:15 pltaL Theji have another son Jet' Ther attended the .wedding, last Wednesday, Anf. X9 p ra. at BHH Synagogue. 19th and Fred Amster, Marvin Gene Conn, ft-ey Allen. Maternal gcandparenU Sunday of their sister, the former Burt Leslie Styles Joseph, Alan Pratt- ace Mr. and Mcs. Dave FredWn Miss' Marilyn Nearenberg. Mrs. cis Loewcnstein and Linda Mam- and.paternal grandparents ate Mr.' Paul Nerenberg, from Montlbcllo, and Mrs- Morris Franklin. Great- CaUf, also attended the wedding. heimen are Mrs* Jacoh Of- She will leave for her home Sun- of Jewish Books and Sabbath Servian this evening Mm* Steven Goldstrom, Michael terofXaf Los Angeles, Calif, and day and Witt bt accompanhHl by start promptly at 7:30 o'clock, and. Stephen Heftier and Diana 3eh*tr. Mrs. Katie FrankUn. Religious Articles ~ Mis* Lucille NcarenberK, whs will will be held hi the chaptL of the visit with her. « • • new Temple Israel at 70th and MM. Abe- Bear, past pnaidcnl at of the Lot* . Cass- Street* Rabbi Sidney U. Nebraska Omntar No, 346 of B'aal Hollywood (JTA)— Solomon Z. Brooks, will conduct Uw. services. BMtbi wa» pwarded a citation last. Friedman, the. Certified Public AcSAMUEL KATELMAN SamUy fof 500 hours-of volunteer countant who handles the business, at Veterans, ItosptUt Dr. affairs for tome of the greatest Bible and Tahnud service Clifford. WoodB. general manager names in the motion picture InWill Be Sold by Sabbath. Ex* Service* wOl beof Uwjhoepltai made the presen- dustry took his little daughter OR. fiiujcp grass held toaight at 7 p. m, ition. Susan to temple Friday niglit. Aft• • • " Sabbatic montee service* will rward, the rabbi nslted the little MM* begs* at 8:45-o'eioek. Mincha>aen>Mr. and Mrs. Hrrsciu'l David 'Erl how she enjoyed the service. Thetr shnlt not take vengeance Premnck of Aberdeen, S. D., nn3014 Webster St. Jcer ««r begin, at 7 p. m. Daifc "IV<11." snrl Hnsnn, "I thought • e n t e r during the* week are held. nor bear any grudge against the ouncc th«; birth of a daughter, he singinr 'inc? th^mtwirwas very 1 children of thy people; but thou ^lln Miriam, born Saturday, Atir, irf, hut your commercial was too i t T t n : and 7 p. m. C«li AT 4252 shnlt love thy neighbor a» thyShe It tlieir first child. J i n . lfThou shalt surely tithe all the increase at thy seed that which it irough* forth, in the field year by fear. Air the end of. every sevon yean thwr shalt make a release. And Maybe we've met before. If not, my name Is Mr. Eioest. It's been ny about 1,400 American this is the manner of the releases pleasure to have served you for many years at one of Onu/iak best Known Every creditor shall release that Eatles-now coBeces which be* hath lent unto his neighhotels. It (a now ray pleasure to otfir jaci my services at the Ttnr ITIrniMii dil loe. Hebrew bor, t* shall sot edict it of nb> Rostawaat. We specltUa ui all tjpe* of parlies . . . wedding receptions; die* i n public tS h t a l bthr. a i * only about 60 high, sahoola. la prc-oupa'al dinners, anniversaries, birthdays. Bar and Bar Mitzvahs-, Innch32 American, cities, where Hebrew eoos and banquets for all occasionj. The FIRESIDE is the perfect place— Rabbi Jochanan said: "The Holy is t a u g h t , , . About, a hall of. these Bnd yoirtl be the perfect host I'll be looking forward to a call from yon. are in New York.. . „ The expan- One-, praised be-Be, AanaaOpaMr. Erneit sion, of. fiebceW In the secondary mit tfte-Sneehfna Wrest on aiqone scho&ls* ttBcoutttecs fffr^i^frff cre- unies» he Is strong, wise. rich, an* ated largely by high, school prinHabW was versed in. ttfir tradicipals* who oppose the. introduction! of Hebrew into their schools . . . A , tions m thirteen different ways. number o f principals, confronted sewn-of Which o r taught t o Rabbi by parents who request the intro- Chiyyifc When, in. later years,<Babduction o f Hebrew, refuse to com-, bi btcarae sick, he tor-icot all heply with the request. . . Regrcf- knew. Whereupon Rabbi Chlyya ttibrjf. many of the obstructionist' reminded Mm of the seven forms principals are Jewish men and* wMeh- be- had taueht him. hut the women . . . This- has- been- estab- six remaining forms *ere seemlished by Judah LspjKXT, acting: ingly forgotten. There was, howchairman of the- Hebrew Culture ever, a iaundrjlftuuv who uould u t Service Committee for American and" listen when Rabbi u ^ d to Hhjfr Schools and" Colleges . . . He utody thesfe remaining fonnir by attribute! if fo a- fear of these himself. Rabbi Chiyya then learned principles to be identified with tliese from thta l.>undr>in-in anJ " • their Jewish origin . , . Themselves crunc back nnd remnwU <1 I!abl>i children- of Jewish immi^ranta, Since then whenever I-»libi ^ iw these nrincfpnls nsroclate Hebrew tlic latmdrj'man he would !>i> wftfr the poverty and the "for- "Thou hast made me and Chij>ii." eignness" of their childhood' homes . , . Others according to Mr. t a p it interest and initiative asserted # son arc motivated by the desire' to "be accepted as "lmp;irtlnr American ly the local Jewish communities . Hebrew was first introduced educators" ami fear that the intwo hii;h schixil.s in Nuw Xorlt troduction of Hebrew into their DE THE PERFECT HOST IN THE BEAUTIFUL CAMEO ROOM Schools will b" raken to Imply their City 2^ years a;;o oo iin experiental basis.. . . It is estimated partiullfy . , . There are .ilso those Hera Ii a viow of 4h« FIRESIDES beautiful now fabtoi, ralitfioj, cond!m«nh, aippetixari and hornarrMide xunonf? the p n n n p i h who cun<]<it*r ll»it 6."),000 stuilciitj lla\e since CAMEO ROOM. Slidlnr; wall, JTvIdo lh« pfuifi CAMEO bread and rolli, Doliclou* iroien d»*s«rt*, horn* b«)k«d> anything tint snnckj (if Jcwish- tlien studied Hebrew in hi;;h ROOM Into 3 icparalo d'in'inq rooms; or for largo eakei, ploi and pstfrtet toarA out thti compUfe m«nuu nesi is erth'T cibj»ction ibli- or chool™, mllpiji-^ nnd mmeriitiet pfldfbj, fha wads* can bo opened fa farm on* largo There are tod.-»y alxjiit bO mediocre . .N'<".i'rtl>r la i, ive dining fiall which can accommoda^s up to 200 guttla. W * invif* you fo Impoct air brand new, alNetacfrlc hxis fn,",i;'C(l in tiMclnn:; HeRetsrvdttonf may bo made for either t«rg« or e/nalf •laintets »Usl k.tchan and balrery. Tho FIRESIDE It fcr"'.v in Ammicin iilfth .••chooJ'J, on completely air-conditioned ond woII equipped with groups. learn from Mr Lap'on jhere ev«ry canitary devico fcnoim for propvr prepcrafiOH are amonir the Jewnh in jnfjp.ils a full oi p trt-tune li.isis. and handling of food. All diinet and gUuwars «/« Tho FIRESIDE f«atur«» co/nploto luncheon tnd dinner gome who change their mind hyijIenTcaffy wathod and ohrrflrz*d electrically, C * l l monutl Everything frrfm taup fa nutt. Chooto from a n one important hi;;h school in Holl>v.'ood (JTA)—The holiest Mr. Ernest, our Mat fro D», to mjko arrangtmtutt for wida Jiscrfmont of ifartori, axpertly prepared meat*, N e w Yorlf City It <ook 1<-n yejrs budjjet ia the history of Qiliinllila your nert gathering. uafood or fowl, flavorful ioup;, frcth taladr, vogo* to? introduce Hebrew into the cur- studio, nrounil 51,000,000 haa been rienlum . . Now, two year; later. allocated to the film "Joseph and the school h.ii a IS'brew depart- lus Krctliern." It top* that of Oic FOR 38th & Bwnt with five classes . . . And "Caine Mutiny" by more tliart t h e principal, who in the past cre- Sl.OOO.00a. More than 13.0OT props, RESERVATIONS LEAYErWORTH ated many difficulties, now mani- duplicated from originals in (ho fests pride in the growth".of tlie Cairo Museum: arc being shipped "PHONE ' AMPLE ;". •ubject in his school . . - . The here fnra EjOTt V/hehj director gjamiUi of Hebrew- in tlic public William Dictcrlc recently spent sfx RESTAURANT AND COCKTAIL LOUNGE JA 4882 FREE PARKING high schools- of different cities has weeks filming, technicolor back' (Formally 11 Worth GrUll , been proportionate to the amount grounds. nbUsh«d Bverj Friday *f tte '•dwatton lot Jewish Service n • • • w n n iTim-in f •
Religious News
Happy Birthday
Beiiv Israel
Entire Stock
Temple Israd
Gems ot fft©
Beth El
Nathan Levinson
Befween You and Me
YOUR Party Is MY Business
Friday. August 20. 1034
Nearenberg-Kafz Wedding At Beth Israel Synagogue
Miss M. Gordon Married Sunday
AZA Boys to Attend Conclave August 24
Farband-Pioneer Picnic Sunday
Miss Marilyn Ann Nearenbery uiKl Loroy Arthur Kutj. WITO married Sunday in lletli Israel SynaKogue. Parents of the bride are Iwr und Mrs. Milton Nciironbfri: and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. David Kalz. - The Rev. Alexander Kntz ;IIK1 Cantor Eli Kiican officiated lioneath <T canopy of white- pompons. A reception was hold in the synagogue^ social hull. Lace over satin and tulle was •tyled with scalloped neckline and long fitted sleeves for the bridal gown. A jullet cap, a fingertip veil edged with lace and two white orchids surrounded with Ntrphanotis completed the bride'!, ensemble. •/ Miss Lucille Nearenbem, sister of the bride and "maid of honor, wore a gown of blue over Jaec tulle styled with waltz-lcnf;Ui skirt. A Her attendant was her sister, tulle headband with blue rose:; and Mrs. Robert Lubin of Iowa City, B bouquet of red carnations comla. She wore a waltz-length gown pleted her ensemble. of blush pink silk taffeta and carBridesmaids, Wearing white lace ried a crescent bouquet of Ameriover pink tulle and carrying blue can Beauty Gladiolus. .carnations, were the Misses BarMother of tho bride wore white bara Paperny, Ituthann Chudncoff, organza with irridescent pink emFaye Anne Katz,^ stater of the broidery. The groom's mother Mr». Lcroy A. Katz bridegroom, Mrs. Earl Katz of wore a gown of pink lace with Norfolk, Nebr., and Miss Sandra beaded bodice. Both mothers wore Nearcnbcrg, sister of tho bride. orchil) corsages. Earl Katz was his brother's best Best man was Jerry Spcctor, man, Ushers were ETAN Al Combrother of, the groom. iiar, Corpus ChrisO, Tex.; Dr. SldUshers were Gerry Fellman of ney-K*arenbenj, Brooklyn, N. Y., Temple Israel Nursery School Omaha, cousin p f the bride; and • brother of the bride; another brother, Lieut Martin Neniyn- will hold its first itMion Septem- Allan Epector, : brother of the berg, Minneapolis/Minn., and Mar- ber 13. Children may attend either groom. ' v -'Wedding breakfast was served three or five days a week. The tin Lehr. v •-••• " ' For traveling to Mexico City semester extends for twenty weeks In the House and Garden rooms. and Arizona,'the bride chose a and the fee Is $75 for Temple Tables, were decorated with pink cocoa brown suit with white ae- members and $90 for non-mem- and white gladiolus, asters and c c s s o r l M . '•• : • ••'•< ;. ";.• • . bers. Applications for registration roses, with greena outlining the The couple will return here aft- may be obtained at tho Temple tables. Out-of-town guests Included: Dr. er their three-week trip and make Israel o fflce, call RE 6636. and Mrs. Robert Lubin of Iowa Ihelr home at 3C20 Dodge Street City, la.; Mr. and Mrs. Albert The nursery school will be unField of Dayton, Ohio; Mr. and der the direction of Mrs. Martin Mrs. Charles Delugish,'Mr. and Ilaykin, a graduate of tho Univer- Mrs. Jules Wlss, Morris Delugish, sity of Nebraska and a trained Miss Ida. Blitz, all of Rock Island, nursery school teacher. IIL, and Mr. and Mrs: Samuel A playground, special kitchen, .Specthrie" and daughter, Myra Mrs. Lewis Neveloff, honorary president of Bikur Ciujllm Society lavatory and radiant heated floors from Chicago. nnd chairwoman of the liiltur Cho- have been designed especially for The couple left for a wedding lim Special Summer IJvent Lunch- children of nursery school age. trlrj to Wisconsin. They will make cm1^ »iVlViJ"i to thank the hostesses For added information, parents their home in Rock Island. for their efforts .£? .'.T.tlili.of the may call Mrs. Stanley Katclman, fund raising luncheon.. "* chairwoman of the Nursery School Patronize Our Advertisers More than 400 women attended Commi ttce, at WA 8533. the affair held recency in the Paxton Hotel to rali>e funds for air conditioning unit" for (ho Dr. Philip She.- Jewish Home for the Aged. Air conditioners have been installed in the_home auditorium 4^ -4 and will also bo placed in the home dining, room. Hostesses Were: Mmca. M. K. Krantz, Bcri Handler, Morris Brodkey, Louis Paperny, H". Hdhn, Fred Hflhn, Sum Kraft, S. Cantor, PIUI Smith, H. Delrogh,' E, Meyerton, M. Lincoln; Joe Kahn, Abe Krantz. Philip ZoUotu'ehen, Velt-' zer, Loula Katz, M. Colhlc, E/Zalkln, David'Parker, M. Sokolof and M. Trettak. ' ; > Others tvero: Mmcs. M. S. Cohen, L. Slporlh.W, Epstein, j . Goodblnder,H. Lippett, J. Kniman, W. Linda, B." Wine, L. Nevcleff, J. Wine, JI. Sidmnn, M. Shames, I. Abromson, J. Fnlkensteln, H. Lofkowitz, Charles Roth, A. Sadofsky, S. Goodman, S. Freed, J. Cohen, B. Chalt, Pi tier, S. Epstein,, M. Jacobs, W. Polack, W. Milder, J. J. Frclden, p. Ban, B. Spelijel, M. Fried, G. Gross; H. l'rcisman, D. Rosnlck, J. pharncy, P. Kalzman, M. Arbltmun, A. Llpnian, M. KaU, perin, M. Fogel, C. Izenstatt anil N. Wclmtein. ' .
T.I. Nursery School To Open- Sept..13
Aged Home Gets Air Conditioners
Barry's Angel Treads Are theSoftest Things on 2 Feet! The flipper! you'll wear in ell your leisure time. Gay,new fall styles in bright corduroy — and the elatticized inuggleband gently holds your imtep, so they won't fall off. Blue, red or wine, tizei imall, medium or largo.
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Pioneer Women's Special Project Pioneer Women's Orfjanlzatlon No. 1 are working on their annual special project. Proceeds will ?,o to the Children's Rescue Fund and Working Women of Israel. For additional information contact Mr:. Jack Saylnn at WE 2071.
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BAR and Bas Mltzvati congratulatlonj also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge.
Three members of AJSA No. 1 A Joint picnic of Farband and und MX) will attend the InternaMiss Marcia GmduM, daughter tional AZA Convention to be held Pioneer Women will be held Sunoi Mr. and Mrs. Knh.nd Gordon at Camp B'nal B'rith In Starlight, day, August 22, at Elmwood Park, Festivities will/begin at 2 p. m. of Council liluffs, and Herbert Pa., from August 24 to 31. They Melvin Spector, ton of Mr. andare Howie Koopcr of AZA No. 100; Games and prizes for everybody* Mrs. Walter Spec toi of Ruck Is- Art Schwartz, past Aleph Godol Cold drinks will be served.' Dinner land, 111., were wed Vi noon, .Sun- of the Mother Chapter, and How- Will be from 2 p. m. on until 6 day ut the Iilacluitone Ilotd. ard Knslow, Aleph Godol at No, p. m. All members of both organizaItcv. Alexander Kali and Cantor 100. tions are requested to come on Aaron Kdcar officiated beneath a Highlight of the week long meettime and bring their families for canopy of white ijladiolui, light pink asters and huckleberry. Bas- ings will be the election of Grand a good time. Aleph Godol bnd other Internakets of white gladiolus and pink tional officers. Besides the busiasters were lined on both sides. Patronize Our Advertisers ness that is transacted in the The bride wore a waltz-length daily meetings and the many Harvey Berin gown of white friendships the~Alephs will have French chantilly Jaco hand em- the opportunity to make, they will Housekeeper Wanted broidered with white beads over come away with a better underWMOWM dnlm fcou»lM«p*r blush pink taffeta, lace scalloping standing of AZA and Judaism. far 2 ad«lt»—Attractlm on V-ncckline, sleeves and hemline topped with blush , ink elbow Baruch voices cautious optimism length veil. She carried a white Call GL 1985 Bible centered with a white orchid on world atomic stockpile. nnd stephanotls and streamers,
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Dodge at 5Ofh
107 North 50th St.
<AZA100 Doubles Its Membership
SAM Round-Up
AZA No. 100 has doubled iU membership as on result of an Intensified drive by its members tc build up the club. Although most of the Alephs were ( inexperienced freshmen, through hard work and learning from, their mistakes they set the foundation for a sound, well organized AZA chapter, spokesman for the d u b stated A t a recent meeting, seventeen freshmen asked to lake part In rebuilding the group. Jerry Rosen and Howard Koopcr will serve as pledgemasten for the new group. They are planning a well-rounded , program to acquaint the pledges with all phases of AZA. Chapter pledge/programs will be considered at the National AZA Convention with all groups participating to formulate programs that can be put In effect by mem' ber chapters. An Improvement program for the chapter has been set as their goal with both pledges and active members cooperating In their effort to Improve their club.
HA « M
A vacation treaty tor the
. Wo hhoulrj n i h m s i - pioblcms. Everyone knows how to solve tho All B'nnl B'rith bowlers who other fellow's. have not returned their cards fire requested to do so now ns team? will be made up next week. Anyone who has not received a card hould contact Mort Tracfcnbari;. A stag will be held Tuesday, Aug. 31 at a place to be announced later. All bowlers on record will be notified.
B.B. Bowlers
Hollywood (JTA) — Hollywood continues to be the mccca for visiting dignitaries from nil over the world. Thirty-two countries sent 204 distinguished representatives to visit studios during the first six months of 1954. n addition to eminent statesmen from the 32 countries comprising most of the states of Europe and Asia not behind the Iron Curtain, there came educators, editors, industrialists, artists Ludwig Lcwisohn, author and and business men. All were given educator: '[Utilitarian progressive the opportunity to visit studios and education is making America an talk with leader* of tho motion picture Industry. illiterate nation."
Poor Rookie Crop New problem for Secretary of Agriculture Benson: the Cardinals lost 1700,000 last year—much of It, we understand, on their farms. —The S t Louis Post-Dispatch.
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Favorite Way to Dine on Sunday
Hollywood Mecca
Elans for the Sigma Alpha Mi Alumni Roun/1-Up are rapidly tak ing shape, president Marv Bern stein announced. Events for the reunion include a scml-formai dance to be held Saturday, Aug 28 at the Blackstone Hotel and stag luncheon Sunday, Aug. 29 ii tHe House and Garden room of thi Blackstone. For reservation call Bob Wagner at AT 8978. '
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