« . wvrr w « K I Ottrea u Becond-Olaat Mattel ftt I'oal. , Vol. AAA11—ISO. DA jifice, omalia. Nebruka. unfit, Act 01 I&7U. -I i '
i ous Schools to 1 Start Foil Classes . Religious schools have an< nounced September opening dates. BETH EJL , • Registration for Beth El Ta'l mud Torah will be held from Sunday,-Aug. 29 to Sept. 3. Classes will >tart Tuesday, Sept. T. Chit dren between the ages of eight and 13 are admitted to regular Talmud Torah classes which will meet three times each week with each •ration being an hour and a half. Six-year-olds arc admitted to Alcph class and seven-year-olds to Bet in the prc-Talmud Torah Department. These classes will meet Sunday mornings and one after noon each week. _ 'New pupils of the Talmud Torah mint register in person. Former •fudents need not re-register. They will receive their schedules by mall. 'Registration for Beth El Sunday School will be held from August 29 to Sept 3, with classes •tartlng Sunday, Sept. 12. All pupils, both new and former stu dents, must register In person accompanied by a parent. Beth-El High School of Jewish Studies will accept registrants September 13 and class schedules Will be announced later. Beth Kl Nursery School rcglstratlon is open now. Registration and information on car pools may be hart by calling Mrs. Sol Parsow, RK 3211. Students may register for Sunday school or Talmud Torah at Beth Kl from 10 a. m. to V p. m. on .Sunday nnd from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m., Monday thorugh Friday. ttMVLK I.SItAKJ., Temple Israel Religious School is now accepting registration for new students In all classes and In the Hebrew Department. Parents
Klutxnick Confers With Dulles on Suez Issue Washington (JTA)—Secretary of State John Foster Dulles was reported this week to appear more hopeful on Near Eastern affairs than in some time. . Philip Klutznlck, president of B'nal P'rith, who conferred with the Secretary of State this week, said that Mr. Dulles saw mor» hope for favorable develop, lonts In the Near East. Mr. Klutznlck called at the State Department to discus* the Arab-Israel situation In the light of the planned British Withdrawal from thi.1. Sun/ Canal zone. •" Mr. Klutznlck said his converttlon with Mr. Dulles gave him confidence that prosre.w would be made. He added that problems involving Israel nre now receiving Mr. Dulles' "pcrsonnl and intimate attention."
may contact Mervin N. Lemmcr man, director of Kducation, at the Temple office—call HE 6636. Religious school classes will begin September 31 and 12. Grades kindergarten through fourth will meet Sunday mornings from 9:45 o'clock to 12:15 p. in. Grades fivo through ten will meet Saturday mornings at 9:30 o'clock to 12:30 p. m. Weekday Hebrew Department classes begin the week of September 20. All classes will meet form 4 to 5:30 p. m. The Alcph class for beginners will meet Wednesday afternoons; Bels class on Tuesday afternoons, and the Gimel. class (for Bar and Bos Mitzvah) on Monday afternoons. BKTH ISRAEL Registration applications for the new semester at Beth Israel Re liglous School arc being accepted at the Talmud Torah and Sunday School. Applications may be obtained at the synagogue office or will be mailed cm request. Talmud Torah sessions will start September 7 nnd Sunday School, September 12. Parents wishing further information may call the school offlee, RE 6288. •
Mother, Daughter Die in Plane Crash Mrs. Llob Wolfson, 63. and her daughter, Mrs. Meyer Hnskin, 39, died In n plane crash Sunday, Aug. 22 near Mason City, la., which took the lives of 11 persons. Mrs. Raskin was accompanying her mother to the Mnyo Clinic In R o c h e s t e r , Minn. They had changed planes at Des Molnes, la. Services were held here Wednesday afternoon with interment at Fisher's Farm' Cemetery. A World-Herald news account stated that tho crash occurred as a thunderstorm swept over the Mason .City nreft where the transport was due to land. 'Hie report added that the airliner dove Into a pasture' four and a half miles south of Swalesdale, In., and about 18 miles south of Mason City. The plane, Brnnlff officials said, was just 10 minutes from Mason City. Government and airline investigators are on hand to determine the cause. It was reported by the Associated Press. Mrs. Wolfuon is survived by: two suns, Max and Joseph, both of Omaha; a daughter, Mrs. Louis Walter of Los Angeles, Calif., and four grandchildren. Surviving Mrs. Raskin-arc: her husband, Meyer; n daughter, Klalnc nnd a son, Leon.
Report MOROCCO BANGKIC Tel Aviv (JTA)—The immediate bringing over to Israel of Jews from French Morocco was urged here by Zalman Shabar, member of the Jewish Agency executive/ upon his return from North Africa. Mr. Shazar reported that there is great danger for the Jews in Morocco, where Moslem religious fanaticism Is reaching dangerous dimensions. At the same time, he indicated that in Tunisia, which is now receiving its internal autonomy from France, the Jews have nothing to fear. EGVIT'B PREMIER London (JTA) — Egypt's Premier Gamal Abdel Nasser, at a public meeting In Cairo, attacked Israel, and charged that the burn ing of the United States Information Service libraries in Cairo and Alexandria had been committed by "a Zionist group acting under Instructions from Israel." This is the second time within threo days that the Egyptian Premier attacked Israel publicly. The same anti-Israel charges wero voiced by him last Thursday, in a press Interview In which he stated that many "Zionist terrorists" have been arrested recently in Egypt under charges of burning the American libraries, and of placing bombs in six Americanowned moving picture houses. FOItKIGN AID Washington (JTA)—The final version of tho Foreign Aid bill approved by Congress may include only about $-10,000,000 In economic and technical assistance for Israel. The previous year's Foreign Aid grant to Israel totaled $52,000,000. The entire Near Eastern region Is to get $115,000,000. Of this amount, the State Department said the Arab.1; will get the larger share. Exact allocations for Individual states have not been specified because the State Departmnnt expressed a desire to keep the program as "flexible" as possible. STKAUS CONFIRMKD W a s h i n g t o n (JTA) — The appointment by President Eisenhower of noger W. Straus as an alternative representative of the United States to the General Assembly of the United Nations, which opens next month, was confirmed by the Senate, prior to Its adjournment. Mr. Straus Is" one of the,out-^ standing leaders of the Interfajth movement, co-chairman of the Conference of Christlans.and Jews.
fubiuhod mrt inrldar, 101 M, Mth. OmiU, Nebruk*. Phoai IK UM
JUU Oopj
I DOOM* It W d
Sen. Monroney Says . . . *»•»'? "JESS
^ Arms Will Upset Balance Hadassah Convention Hears Warning Against Large>Scale U. S. Military New York (WN8)—Senator A. S. Mike Monroney, of Ok'U* homa, addressing the opening session of the 40th annual con* vention of Hadassah, cautioned against large-scale American military aid to the Arab countries. - Declaring "we cannot hope to arm the Arab states, or Israel for that matter, so that any of these states could cope with the '•Red Army" in the event of an invasion, Senator Monroney asserted that "any such quantity and quality of arms that would be useful In withstanding such an invasion would offer only a false hope of security against Invasion while upsetting the tenuous balance of Jerusalem (JTA)—The possibility of avoiding a Cabinet crisis was power that now exists between Isseen here after a visit paid by rael and the states," The OklaPrime Minister Moshe Sharctt to homan said it would be unfair to Israel Rokach, leader of the Gen- blame the Elsenhower Administraeral Zionist Party who Is also a tion for the deterioration in Arabmember of the Cabinet Consulta- Israel relations, but he offered the tions between leaders of the Mapal view that an augmented American and the General Zionists, with a program oif technical and economview to preventing a Cabinet ic aid to Israel and the Arab states crisis, also took place at the home offered the best hope of solving of Mr. Rokach, who is indisposed. the Middle East dilemma. The Arab countries, the Senator It is understood that Prime Minister Sharett is inclined to settle declared, "want no formal peace" _« — the dispute that has arisen be- and "refuse to even sit dowp lo "' tween the Mapai and the General conference to discuss peao»1erms" while seeking "a continuance of Zionists—the two largest groups In the Parliament—by a com- the present program of boycott, promise. Mr. Sharett's proposal is economic nnd military harassment, that the existing agreement be- and other tactics which they think tween the two parties to Introduce will help force Israel out of the legislation aimed at eliminating Middle East." Israel, however, the small political parties should be Senator said "is out to force, if'it confirmed; but the Prime Minister can, a showdown conference with > suggested that the implementation the Arab states for a final peace of this pact be postponed until aft- settlement" since it "would like to er Parliament Is reconvened fol- get on with the real job it has cut lowing Its summer recess. out for itself." Among the messages read at the convention was one from President Eisenhower, hailing Hadassah for. its "energetic and devoted contribution to the good of humanity" and for Its "civic, medl- > London (JTA) — John Walter cal and social welfare programs," . Nlcholls, newly designated British and another, from Israeli Premier Ambassardor to Israel, said that Moshe Sharett "the Arab-Israel issue Is the principal problem of the Middle East," He added that "now that the probOmaha Public Power District dilems of Iran and Egypt arc settled, settlement of Israel-Arab rectors have selected a Chicago tensions head the diplomatic con- engineering company to construct the 100,000 kilowatt addition at cerns of tho Middle East." -•(}• the North Omaha Power Station. Mr. Nlcholls, taken from his The action followed a disclosure post as Under Secretary for For- earlier that power from Missouri eign Affairs to succeed Sir Francis River Basin hydro-electric plants Evans as envoy to Israel, AIII tike would not be available to OPPD, lip his duties there in. October, , The hew addition is scheduled for completion by spring of 1957. The 100,000 kilowatt unit, which wijl be the largest ever Installed In Nebraska, will add 34 per cent more capacity to the District"! system. OPPD's present capacity Is 290,000 kilowatts.
Cabinet Dispute Being Negotiated
New British Envoy Outlines Problem
NewPower Unit
Sanctions By St. Paul United Receives Mixed Reactions Chief Explains
U.N. View on Near East
United Nations •(JTA)-rUnltcd Nations Secretory - General Dag Hommarskjold explained at a press conference here why He had said that "the time Is not yet here for a peace settlement between the Arab stales and Israel." TI1I3 Statement had been included In the annual report-Mr. Hammarskjold published last week, as prepared for submission to the UN General Assembly which starts its session next month. "Realism Is nlways a good thing In politics," the UN SecretaryGeneral told his press conference. He challenged anyone to contest the truth of hlg statement about tho Arab-Israel peace possibilities at the present time. "We should not fool ourselves that we have gotten farther than we have,"'ho emphasized. • >. > •
St. P/111I, Minn. (WNSI-Sharp division of opinion over the decision by the United Jewish Fund and Council here to Impose "ethically sound community sanctions" against persons with positions of leadership whose pledges to the Fund and Council are ileemed Inadequate was reported last week by the American Jewish World, of Minneapolis ami St. Paul. Disclosing that the decision had been received with mixed reactions by people active in local Jewish community life, the American Jewish World reported that while some Jewish leaders termed the new policy "immoral," "dangerous" and "un-democratic," others considered It "wise," "effective" and ns "the best way to raise additional money." The UJFC board resolution, adopted by a vote of 23 to 2, declared that "such (sanctions arc based pn the principle that an In-
dividual's adequate discharge of major community responsibilities must be precedent to his occupying a position of leadership or favor in our community organizations.1' In an editorial commenting on the development, the American Jewish World of Minneapolis and St. Paul said: "It Is,potentially a hazardous policy, and it would be extremely short-sighted not to recognize that bitterness nnd animosities which might result from sanctions could create community disunity nnd factionalism that may take many years to eradicate, "If giving, as we have said many times before, is primarily a product of conscience, goodwill nnd self-appraisal, then we find it difficult to ECO how anyone can adequately and fairly say how much another should give. In the absence of accepted criteria for de-
termining how much a man ought to contribute, the danger Is that injustice will be done some persons who, for reasons known only to themselves, already are giving What they consider they are able to give. "We know of no precedent for the imposition of such sanctions In community life, and we pray tho UJFC board will tread warily on this new path on which it is pioneering, We hope that those who are re-solicited will appreciate from tho very nature of the policy, how extreme is the emergency, and that rc-sollcltatlon will accomplish what is sought without any necessity for sanctions. The experiment will be watched closely by other communities; for they, like St. Paul, may also be driven to such drastic procedures, even though they do so as hesitantly and reluctantly as" St. Paul has done,"
Sunday Radio Rabbi Benjamin Friedman of Temple Society of Concord In Syracuse, N. Y., will discuss "God—The Supreme Reality"' on Message of Israel program over KOIL from 10 (o 10:30 "Words We Live By," a summer scries of the Eternal Light program will feature Informal conversations between Maurice Samuels and Mark Van Dorcn. The n i n t h program will broadcast over WOW-It a d I o from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon. The discussions entitled "The Supporting Cast of the Bible" will emphasizo Interesting aspects and Interpretations of lesser known Biblical, characters.
f hntn
Friday, August %7, 1054
Happy Birthday
Workmen's Circle To Convene Here
Religious News
Fridiiy, Aug. Z7 Andy Jean On™, Frances Estn Tlie annual conference of tho cr Hallwr, 'liuiniris Gene Mulnirk, i UM H I« wne J, ism Workmen's Circle Midwest DisiU»-«. winwmim, winwmim, U.UU., u n r u a i Aaua on onAp Jeffrey Alun rawer and Donald (1:47 1'. M. CumHi-llghting •U»-«. o w m , uoot-uri Ko. apili W M M I HttxZ trict will Ix? hold Sunday and MonCMK ttcv ( M m IHOUfcTlW ttlML Wiseman. day, Sept. 5 and 6, at the I-abor Saturday, Aug. 28 • Lyceum, 31st and Cuming streets. HARRS BALPERT Editor Debra Rence Goldberg, Joseph The first scuslon wjll begin nt 10 David Grconberg, Philip Avrum a. rn. Sunday and the District will Sabbath Eve Services will be celebrate its 25th anniversary with Grccnberg, Larry Herman, David Stuart Lemmerninn and Jill Rose held tonight at 7 p. m. a banquet at G p. m. Branches and Sabbath morning cervices will auxiliaries from Des Molncs. Sioux Slosburi;. begin at 8:45 o'clock. Mincha serv- City, Lincoln, Denver and Omaha Sunday, Aug. tt Dr. Benton Kutlcr has been apices will begin at 0:45 p. m. Dally New York (JTA>—A resolution Robert N. Baumel, Michael Eric services during the week arc held will participate. pointed dental consultant to the calling on th» U. S. State DepartMax Dcrwln, district delegate, faculty of the College of Medicine Berg. Dale Deborah Brodkey, Ce- at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. ment "to undertake a new and who attended the national conferand University Hospital of the cily Gail Elsenberg, S t e w a r t dynamic effort" to end the Arabence at Atlnntlc City, will Rive his University of Nebraska. Dr. Kut-Wayne Forbes, Joy Freidcn, StuIsrael conflict, was unanimously report. ler held the post of instructor in art Mark Frohm, Lawrence Ralph Sabbath Services this evening adopted at the 40th innuaf conMax Crounse, chairman of the dental surgery prior to his recall Mayer, Justin Charles Ravitz, start promptly at 7:30 o'clock and vention of Hadassah. The resoluarrangements committee, Is In to military service two years ago. Stephen Rose, Jerry Schwartz and will be held in the chapel of the tion also urged the State Departcharge of the banquet and Louis He was also dental consultant In Loon Ian Sloan; . new Temple Israel at 70th and Witkin will be toasunastor. saent "to reconsider and suspend" the department of preventive medCass Streets. Rabbi Sidney II. Moods* Aug. M its contemplated program of miliDistrict officers are: Louis Wit— icine and was recently elected to Nathan Ray Beber, Howard Nell Brooks will conduct the services. kin, chairman; Max Crounse, treastary supplies to the Arab States. the honorary scientific society, urer; and Morris Goodmnn, «ecro» "We are convinced," the resolu- Sigma Xi, in recognition of his re- Epstein and Susan Maklesky. tary. tion said, "that the distribution of search in dental science. Tuesday, Aug. SI arms to the Arab States without Friday evening services begin at Daniel Abramson, James Melvin * • • 1 unqualified guarantee* that they Kagan, Barbara Lynn' Klmmal, 6:45 p. m. Sabbath morning servwill make peace with Israel will Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Cooper, Cynthia Tamara Krosnoff and ices begin at 8:30 a. m. Junior conformer Omahans, now of Minneweaken rather than strengthen the gregation starts a t 10 a. ,m. Stuart Smith. Middle East against the menace apolis, Minn., announce the birth Saturday Mincha will start at Wednesday, Sept. 1 of twin daughters, Leslie and of Communism, because it win The B'n'ui B'rith Bowling AssoAmy Sue Blumenthal, Arlcne 6:45 p. m. followed by Sholoshc heighten tension in the area, ob- Monica, born July 16. ciation will hold a pre-season' stag Epstein, Carol JUe Fisher, Sharon S'eudos and Maarlv. * • • : struct regional defense and thereDally morning services begin at at the Blackstonc Hotel Tuesday, A son, Howard Jay, was bomFrank, Michael Edwin Litt, Gary by play into the hands of aggresAug. 31, at 8 p. m. A buffet lunch* August 18 at a local hospital to Michael Rifkin, Alan Ross and 7 a, m.; dally afternoon services will be served.' The stag Is free t o sive Communism." begin a t 6:45 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Katzman. Robert Charles Schwartz. all members of the B'nai BYlth Thursday, Sept. 1 Sunday morning services begin The couple has three other chilJanis Elaine Macks, Jo Anne at 8:43 a. m. followed by Rabbi's Bowling Association and all new dren, Susan, Mitchael and Lorry. class, in Bible study and breakfast bowlers. New teams will be anMaternal grandparents are Mr. Shrier and Judy SiegJer. The Talmud . Discussion group nounced. Bowling will start Sepand Mrs. J. Chenucoff of S t Jomeets every Tuesday evening at tember 7. seph, Mo., and paternal grandfaMLs» Bertha Kushner, formerly ther is Meilaeh K a t z m a n of 8:19 p. m. in B, H. >{. Synagogue, of Council Bluffs, and Daniel Scol- Omaha. Since the addition of 19 pledges 19th and Burt. : nick were married Sunday, Aug. nto the chapter, members have •, • /.* 9 In Reno, Nev. Th» bride is the Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Flnkel of been extremely busy planning a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry well-rounded program for the new Council Bluffs, announce the birth Alephz. Last Sunday at Elmwood Kushner of Council Bluffs. The Omaha Chapter of B.B.G.'s of a son, Ronald Frederic, born Park a baseball game with mem- is planning a Rush Tea, under the The bridegroom is an accountant August 14 in a Coundl Bluffs hosdirection of Phyllis Frecdman. bers and pledges was held. After fa a government department in pital. They have one other son, San Francisco, Calif., where hi* JoeL fflr. and Mrs. Morris Finkel the game Howard Kooper and Chairman of the various commitbride is also employed by an gov- of Council Bluffs are paternal "•erry Rosen, the plcdgematsers, tees ere: invitations, Elaine Janheld the first meeting with the ger and Diane Singer; refreshernment agency. grandparents. Mrs. Leonard Fincouple spent their honey- kel is the former Miss Helen Mln- Pledge Class of 1954. Howard and ments, Shirley Shiff; entertainerry have been also working out ment, Uita Pellz; paper, Ina MarHLlteno and will make their kln. on the activities for the pledges. golin and Pat Greenfield. (In San- Francisco. * * • The Tea will be held September Pete Brodkey, community ncrvMiss Harriet Soskin, a June Ice chairman, also has been work- 5 at the home of Carole Frank. graduate of Central Hlnh .School, Ing hard lining up projects. Muring Mrs. Mary Zalk and Mrs. Idawill leave September C to start he pant week the activc.n and IN the Brown have Joined the Donor hpr freshman year at WashinKton pledRes both worked with the Luncheon Circle. They will enter- University In St. Louis, Mo. She olio Foundation In collecting tain at the home of Mrs. Zalk, 115 is the daughter nf Mrs. Anna Sos- 'undR for the emergency drive. N. 50th S t at a 1 o'clock dessert kin RUG & UPHOLSTERY luncheon Thursday, Sept. 2. t * . * Patronize Our Advertiser* Edition of the CLEANERS The Donor Luncheon will Be A son, Larry Blythc was born held Thursday, Sept. 9. Mrs. Her-Sunday, Aug. IS on his father's RUGS — CARPETING man Franklin is in charge of ar- birthday to Mr. and Mrs. Aaron LAMP SHADES rangements t o r the luncheon. Schmidt of York. Nebr. Mr. FURNITURE Call JA 1366. Ext. 33 To Join the Donor Circle, one Schmidt is formerly of Fremont, gives a dessert luncheon. Those Ncbr. Cleaned in Your Home! JEWISH ' who cannot join the Circle can atSladjig • Laying - Rtpalrfaf * * * tend the Donor luncheon by mak- Mrs. David Bear has Just reCOMMUNITY CENTER DON BERNSTEIN HA 25S4 ing reservations with Mrs. Joseph turned from a two-week visit with B a t t RE 6728 or with Mrs. Ruth her parents in Philadelphia. Adcerman, JA 1926.
PnUtaM Av«7 rrid*y ty tbc ffcfenttoa for Jvwtab Service
Beth El
Hadassah Adopts Peace Resolution
Omaha Sketches
Temple Israel
Beth Israel
B.B. Bowlers to Hold Stag Tues. '
Council Bluffs Girl Married in Reno
B'nai B'rith Girls
Greet Your Relatives and Friends
High Holidays
u Women
. Hollywood (JTA) -
Hcdy La-
marr .told u s . t h e other evening: Foil Style Show "The average girl would rather beauty than brains,-because At Music Box Sept. 5 have the average* male can see better The Modemette Charity C l u b will hold its Fall Style Show Sun- than he can think." day; S e p t 5 from 3'to 6 p. m, at the Music Box. Proceeds will go to Children's Hospital and Hadassah. for i t s hospital in Israel. . Models from J. L. Brandels and Son Will present the latest in fall fashions. Tickets arc ?1.25 and can be purchased at the door. For further information contact Mrs. Bernard Anderson at WE 342G or JA 8228.
A vacation treat. •for the
entire family
Install that HEW
For Next WINTER'S HEATING Comfort]
Omaha's Favorite. Way to Dine on Sunday
JEWISH NKVV YKAK CARDS" BAR and^Cas Mitzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge. MICE room near two bus lines for middle-aged woman or girl. 143 K 33rd S t Call HA 3248.
Sunday Bnncb
|>rrvcflu be»l IOM . . . Jowcn fwl bill*. We nn rxr* % *kh eiihw gjf or oil (>nd KO7.MHI
ctfnflncljr l*v
Served Buffet Stylet All You Care to Eat NOON TO 3 P.M.
Want Ads r M u JA MM i° insert rout .Wnni An m TO* Jivtiij rut*. Cuntal r s u If K» cent* IOT f&cti tn«erDon. TLf Hre*» rtttrvm tbe rlrht to limit pin on earji srtrrftwnKnt.
faceting rkmtirt •wurn gftiief tomfwt. TuUj i
Call for fUt intfattatton or tcmvertlon etilmat+**
Beth Israel P-TA The Beth Israel Parent-Tenchers orjjani/.ation will sponsor an Ice cream social on the grounds Of the synafjoiTUO Sunday aftern o o n and oveninr, September 12 starting at \ o'clock. Mm. Max Greenfield, chairman of the affair announml Hut ticket;, will be on sale shortly at tlio syiiniiofiuc office and liy members of the P-TA. Admission prin1 will bo thirty-five cent.1;
LOwu run »ius KOZ AIRES « * , »
Professor Hcsns Baer
Piano Lessons in Classical and Popular M.usic for Children and Adults
Surfaced Puking Loti Picnic and Camp Gtounds
Nebraska's Biggest Event!
Under tfie Direction of
Will Start Its Sixth Year in September
Education / Entortainmont / Excitement/
SEPT. 5 A™ 10
Enroll by Calling JA 1366 or WE 8681 JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER —101 N. 20th St.
?,7^>^;^yi^,^^,ny;^%^^^v^-^sy^A .w*P.'/i'&:'w. tf4ff:^*w^mmm
Aucust 17, I S M
Sweetheart Candidates
B.E. Sisterhood ' Mrs. Joseph Guss, ways and means chairwoman of the Beth-El Synagogue Sisterhood, hoc announced, the committee for the special events for the year 1954-55. The members of the committee are as follows: Mesdames Max Shapiro and Bert Slutzky, highlight events ticket book; Mmes. Morton Friedlander, Harold Coonerman, William Raduziner, dinner dance; Mmes. Seymour Golds ton and Morley Zipursky, card party; Irving Schneiderman and Norman Denenberg, spring luncheon and card party; Mmes. Sam Newman and Leonard Gould, musicale; Mmes. Albert Rlmmennan, Louis Hurwitz and Meyer Rubin, mother-daughter dinner, and Mrs. Norman Batt, publicity.
Monsky Chapter
Miss Eleanor "Bunny" Epstein, district president of IVnal U'rith Girls, will be guest spenkcr at the opening meeting of U'n'ai B'rith"3 Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470, 1 p. m. Wednesday, Sept. 1, at the Jewish Community Center. Miss Epstein w!l| be Introduced by Dcannc Markovltz, Omaha's BBG president.. A luncheon will precede the meeting. Miss Epstein has recently returned from 'the ' national BBG Convention held at the new Camp B'nal B"rith In Starlight, Pa. Members of BBG will be guests at the meeting and will present several musical numbers. Miss Ina Margolin is in charge of this part of the program. . These are three at tho flvn girls mfcetad an ruitdldatCH from which tho Sweetheart of AZA will bo Luncheon reservations can be chosen at their 2Xst ltnniial riitnco to bo licit! 8epl«inl>or 11 fit tho Hotal HIiMjtMtono. - Thoy are from Epstein-Morgan Aux, ' made by calling Mrs. Abe Gins- left to right—Mftlleo Katlomnii, jl'uyna ManvitK und Theresa Kaiin. Tho two othrr ramltdutcg will be burg, social chairwoman, at GL announced In next week's Vrvm. Mlsn Kutlrmiin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sldnry Kntlcinun, was presThe first board meeting of the 0291. Baby-sitter service will be ident of Tlkviis Ami, a Young Jmla«a leader und counselor at Camp Jay O-O. Mils Munvltz, daughter 1934-55 season for the Epsteinprovided a tho meeting. of Mr. and Mm. 8am Mnnvltz, ling held the offices of secretary, »erc<'ant-at-»rra» and historian In Tik- Morgan Ladies Auxiliary No. 260, Mrs. Sidney Sheider, vice-presi- vas Ami. MU* Kahn, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Edward Kahn, In treasurer and committee chairman of Jewish War Veterans of the Unit-: dent and program chairwoman of TUIVM Ami and also nerved a» pn»t president of Tlkvas Ami. * cd States will be held 8 p. m, Henry Monsky chapter, has apWednesday, September 1, at tho pointed the following committee to nounces that a captain's luncheon will receive their lists and Infor- home of Mrs. Bernard Plotkin, assist with chapter: programming: Hadassah 6434 Glenwood Road.: will be held Thursday, Septem- mation and bil briefed on their Mrs. Nate Marcus, president, Mmes. Max Frank, R. K. Persell, project. Max Rosen, George Shapiro, Hen- Mrs. Alfred Fiedler, Omaha ber 9. asks all standing chairmen to ry Tutor, David Platt, Joseph Chapter Hadassah chairman for At this luncheon the group cap- Watch next week's Press for please attend this meeting, Plans Cuss, Arthur Goldstein and George Madanah . Medical Organization tains of Hadassah Medical Organi- further details as to. where the for the coming year will be djsSpltzer. •::•• -,- ...';..•,.; r . . - . , > and Vocational Education, an- zation and Vocational Education luncheons will be held. cusaed.
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lint JEWI8B PHE88
Weiner-Levinger Wedding At Temple Israel Sunday
Friday, Augu.t 27, IBS*
Camp Jay C-C
Fund Cpuncil Speaker
Cousins' Club
Mrs. M. F. Levenson, president Mrs. Herman Meyerson will be Lords and Ladies Day tomorrow at Camp Jay C-C will climax of the Jewish National Fund Coun- hostess for the Cousins' Club at a this season's activities. A festive cil of Omaha, announces that M, 12:30 p. m. luncheon meeting at Coronation JJall including dancing Zanzibar, chief en|;lneer of the the Regis Hotel Wednesday, Sep. Mlu Leta Welner and Lt, Joand a parly will brine the cumpseph Charter Levinger of YankiiiK period to n close. IJach young- Chleaijo construction company in tcnibcr 1. ton, S. D., were married at 6 p. m. ster will light a candle at the charge of the Ilulch projectjn IsThose unable to attend call Mrs. Sunday, Aug. 22, at Temple Iscamp pool and make a wish at the rael, will speak here. Meyerson at Council Bluffs 8283. rael. evening ceremony, He will address members at a The bride is the daughtet or Mr. Patronize Our Advertisers The ramp was turned Into an dinner meeting September 19. and Mrs. Isadora H. Welner and unusual Indian village last week the bridegroom Is the son of Mr. with each cabin representing a' and Mrs. Harold W. Levlnger of different tribe. The youngsters Yankton, S. D. made their own totem poles and The sanctuary was banked with teepees were built on the athletic woodwardia fern. The ceremony field. Campers delved into mystook place .beneath a canopy of teries of Indian tore and bands of huckleberry greens and l a r g e camp Indians lurked through" Fontem-lle Forest in search or their white chynanthemums, flanked by lost hunting grounds. white candelabra and bouquets of white gladlolas and chrysantheCampers were introduced to the mums. The bridal party walked thrills of water skiing under the through an archway of white flowsupervision of water safety inera. structors at Lake Manawa. Making the trip to the lake were: InRabbi Sidney H. Brooks and structors, Miss Aedle Chasahov, Rabbi Lee J. Leyinger, uncle f Marty Blacker, Marshall Frank the groom, officiated. Harold Levand Sonny Belman; campers and lnger was best man for his brothcounselors-in training were Bill er: Ushers were William LevlnHurwitz, Gabby Berg. Susie Sutin. ger of Yank,ton, brother of the Sally Freeman, Buddy gpsteln. groom; John Fantle of Yankton; Frances Erman, Betty Erman, Jerry Robinson of Des Moinei, la.; Judy Baron. Dick Zacharia, Walt and Sheldon Jacobs j>f Dcadwood. Wise, Al Konecky, Mike Canar, S. D. Karene Copeland, Amle Fellman, The bride wore a bouffant gown sV, it Bob LeVlne and Karen Fellman. of mousell!nc-de-»ole with ImportMrs. Joseph C. Camp director Llndy Paul ed French hand-run alencon lace. wishes to thank Art Novak who The fitted V-shaped bodice had a colored chiffon dress with a green provided the boat and sklis to scalloped sweetheart neckline of orchid corsage. alencon lace and long f i t t e d A wedding dinner and reception make the adventure possible. sleeves trimmed with the lace. The was held at the Blackstone Hotel. front of the bodice and the full, The couple left on a trip to Colo- Hadassah Leadership gathered skirt were trimmed with rado Springs and will live at 1021 Omaha Chapter Hadassah will rosettes of the embroidered lace East Sierra Vista in Phoenix, Ariz. For traveling, the bride chose continue Its Leadership Course, The ikii-t fell Into a graceful, court train. A white finger tip length a dress of navy pure silk barreatha 9:30 a. m. Monday, August 30, at the .Blackstone Hotel. A model veil of imported French illusion and navy accessories. Out-of-town relatives were Mrs. meeting will be conducted at this cascaded from the cap of mouselWilliam J. Fantle of Yankton; Mr. time and techniques shown on how line-de-soie and alencon lace. She carried a prayer book with* and Mrs, A. Q Schimmel and to give a report and how to deliver Carolyn of Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. a talk. Mrs. Meyer Rubin will white orchids and stephanotis. Mald-of-honor for her sister was Karl Fantle and Kay and Elaine preside, under the supervision of Miss Janey Welner and matron-of- of Sioux City, la.; Rabbi Lee J. Mrs. Paul Vcrct, chapter educahonor was Mrs. William LcvJijijer Levinger, Los Altos, Calif.; Mr. tion chairman. of Yankton. They wore ballerina and Mrs. Herman K. Lavin and length gowns of white barba-shan. Sandra of St. Paul, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Weiner of VillisStyled with a snup bodice, bracelet and Mrs. D. T. Becker of Sioux ca, la.; and Mr. nnd Mrs. David length sleeves, and softly draped Falls, S. D.; Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Goldhlrsch of Minneapolis,' Minn. neckline. The skirts were a full Fantle and Joel of Lacrosse, Wis.; circle. Their bouquets 'ere fan- and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Fantle. shaped of dainty chrysanthemums Jr., also of Lacrosse. in shadingB from pale yellow to Other relatives visitinc were Mr. and Mrs. Lcnard Potash of bronze. Bridesmaids were Miss Bette Salina, Kans.; Mr, and Mrs: Frank •Welner. sister of the bride, MUs Kropman, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Maybe we've met before. If not, my name is Mr. Ernest. It's been my Diane Cooper and Mrs. Jerry Ros- Kropman, and Mr. Jake Kropman, pleasure to Ijave served you for many years at one of Omaha's best known lniky. Their gowns and flower* all from Mason City, la. Others hotels. It Is now my pleasure to offer you my services at the New OTr«»lde were identical to the honor attend- were Louis Tokman of Bclmond, Ucitnurant. We specialize In all types of parlies . . . wedding receptions, la.; Mr, and Mrs. Moc Robinson ants. For her daughter's w e d d i n g , and Jerry of Des Molnes, la.; Mr. prc-nuptial dinners, anniversaries, birthdays, Bar and Has Mltzvahs, lunchand Mrs. Sam E. Wolf, Linda and Mrs. Welner chose a chamnagne eons and banquets for all occasions. The FIRESIDE Is the perfect place — colored dress of mouseUlhe-dT-soie Judy of Los Angeles, Calif; Mr. and you'll be the perfect host. I'll be looking forward to a call from you. with a green orchid corsage. The and Mrs. Julius Davis. Steven and Mr. Erneir bridegroom's mother chow a cocoa Larry of Minneapolis, Minn,; Mr.
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