September 3, 1954

Page 1

Vol. XXXII—No. B8 tKr"oiJSii«!!N?i°«?" uD*d!""ci"» ml'

Phase Army States No Basis Second Of UJA Drive For ADL Bias Charge Wushlmjton (JTA)—An Army spokesman said that there was "no basis" tor charges made by the B'nal B'rlth's Antl-Defamatlon League that anti-Semitism was the motivation for the suspension of 38 civilian employes at Ft. Monmouth, N. J., as security, risks. The Army's statement followed disclosure of the secret memorandum submitted to the Army by the AOL last February reporting tho results of the ADLV private Investigation of the situation at F t Monmouth. The 10,000-word document had asked Secretary of the Army Robert T. Stevens to examine the flics of 600 civilian employes at the installation in order to establish whether the suspension of th« 38 Jewish civilian employes as 'security risks was the result of anti-Semitism. (In New York, the Antl-Defamatlon League vigorously denied Uiht It had mado the secret document

public. Extensive excerpts from the memorandum were quoted Thursday, by a Long Brunch, New Jersey, newspaper. Originally, the only copies of the secret report outside the ADL office were those delivered to the Army.) According to the Army spokesman,' Lewis W. Berry, Deputy Army Counsellor, soon after receipt of the memorandum, the Secretary of the Army "took action to check the reports" of antiSemitism in the F t Monmouth case, but "we fouhd nothing In our investigation" to bear out the charges,

, Global Report

WASHINGTON IIAIL8 Washington (JTA)—The British Government's decision to lift its three-year-old embargo on arms shipments to Egypt was hailed by Zionist I'rexy Says . . . State Department sources here, These sources, which were emphatic on v the need to arm the Arab League states. Indicated that the State Department felt that It New York (WNS) — Mortimer was enough to obtain "assurances" May, president of the Zionist Or- from the Arabs that they would ganization of' America, declared not use such arms aggressively. liere nt n two-day extraordinary Meanwhile, a spokesman for the conference of the ZOA National Egyptian Embassy here predicted Administrative Council that the today that negotiations In Cairo United Slates "holds the key not for the granting of American milonly to Israel's economic develop- itary aid to Egypt would bo comment but to her political and,mill- pleted in about a week. He said tary security as well." that with such now American Asserting that the State De- weapons Egynt might expand its partment's policy of firming the army to 500,000 men within a Arab states "Is unfair to Israel, year. dangerous to peace and stability in the Middle East and harmful to TUNISIAN. FKEMIEK American Interests Iri that part of Tunis (JTA)—Tahar ben Amthe world," Mr. May called on the mar, new Premier of this French American Zionist movement to protectorate, declared that it has "speak out in loud and clear voice" long.been his aim to bring about agnlnst the State Department's so- "rapprochement between Jews and called policy of "impartiality" In Moslems In the Tunisian nation," the Middle East, By their be- and that he would continue In that . . haviour in the last two world wars effort. the Arab states demonstrated Premier ben Ammar declared it "that they arc not friends of the had been his intention to include West" and their performance In a Jew in his cabinet. However, fighting Israel "does not warrant since that had proved Impossible the belief that they of up to now, he added, he has "made value In halting communist ag- certain" that a Jewish Tunisian gression," Mr. May told the 300 would enter his administration "at Zionist leaders who attended the the first opportunity, when a reconference. . shuffle or enlargement of the cabinet takes place." There are about 80,000 native Jews "of the Tunisian natlon"~hcre. In addition to 20,000 French Jews. .

U.S. Holds Key To Israel's Security

Property Bill Signing Lauded

New York (JTA)—The signing by President Eisenhower of the Helrless Property Bill, under which philanthropic organizations may get up to $3,000,000 from confiscated German property In this country, was hailed here by the American Jewish Committee, the American Jewish Congress, nnd the American Joint Distribution Committee, the major Jewish organizations which, since the war, have deeply concerned themselves with the heirless property problem both In the United States and abroad. Tho approval of this bill by the President brines to a successful conclusion "six years of effort to obtain Congressional passage of this measure. The bill provides that property In the United States, seized as enemy property, which was owned by persons persecuted by the wartime enemies of the U. S. for racial, religious or political reasons, shall ire turned over to successor organizations, to be designated by the President, for use in the relief, rehabilitation nnd roscttlcnicnt of the surviving victims of persecution.

t»uD>iAtiea every Fruar, I U I n, SOUL Omaha Nebraika, Pbon« M I1U


nEI'AKATIONS Bonn (JTA)—Israel did ask West Germany for a $70,000,000 loan against reparations payment*, as reported In the German press last week, a spokesman for the Bonn Foreign Office confirmed. The reports revealing that the Israeli request had been made, said that the government had "turned a cold shoulder" to Israel's loan suggestion. The Foreign Office spokesman, confirming the reported loan request, declared, however, that no decision has as yet been made by the government. Informed sources here pointed out today that the Israeli request Is strictly within the terms of tlfc German-Israel Reparations Treaty which pledged Germany to try to Increase reparations installments "insofar as possible," and to pay installments ahead of time "in the event that Germany obtains financial relief from e x t e r n a l sources." The Israeli request, as reported, asked that Germany lend the 570,000,000 to the Jewish State out of its vast accumulation/of negotiable monies In the European Payments Union.


New York <JTA)—The United Jewish Appeal opened the second half of Its 1954 nationwide campaign with all efforts aimed at raising $50,000,000 in cash t y the year's end for the strengthening of refugee settlement programs in Israel, and emigration and welfare programs In Eurqpe and North Africa, it was announced by Edward M. M. Warburg, general chairman of the UJA; Mr. Warburg, in announcing the $50,0000,000 cash goal, termed It a "must raise" figure for completion of "unfinished humanitarian business in Israel, tension-wrecked North Africa; and other parts of the free world." Mr. Warburg stressed that "unfinished business In Israel is the UJA's number one concern." He said, that ("contributors throughout the country will be called on, to redeem their campaign pledges in full, and without delay," for the swift financing of a four-point program in Israel and other lands of the UJA beneficiary organizations. This program includes hastening construction in Israel of 19 new refugee agricultural lettlorrients, improving 40 previously established immigrant settlements, completing 8,000 refugee housing units, -maintaining in transitional camps 100,000 newlyarrived Immigrants, and providing medical aid, edfTcationa] assistance, vocational guidance and custodial care for a total of 19,500 child, aged and infirm newcomers.

In Omaha, J. H. Kulakofsky, president of the Federation for Jewish Service, stated that all efforts will be made here to help reach the cash goal. Omahans, Mr. Kulakofsky added/ have always done their part'in supporting the humanitarian work of the UJA.

Mizrachi Leader Will Speak Here Rabbi Isaac Stollman, national vice-president of the Mizrachi Organization of America, will speak at a special rally 8:30 p. m., Tuesday, Sept. 7, at B'nal Jacob Synagogue, 30th and Cumlng Streets. Rabbi S t o l l m a n , - renowned preacher and author of the classic treatise "Spiritual Dedication," will analyze the Impact of current Near East turmoil In relation to the State of Israel. Committee members In charge of the affair include Joe Adler, Nathan Levlnson and • Mcllach Katzman. Cantor Eli Kagan, of Beth Israel, will offer liturgical selections/ All members of the community arc cordially invited to attend.

Sunday Radio Rabbi Jacob P. Rudln of Temple Beth El In Great Neck, Long Island, N. Y., will discuss "What Good Is Faith" on Message of Israel program over KOIL from 10 to 10:30 a. m. "Words We Live By," a summer series of the Eternal Light program will feature informal conversations between Maurice Samuels and Mark Van Doren. The tenth program will broadcast over WOW-R a d I o from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon. The discussions entitled "Tho Supporting Cast of tho Bible" will emphasize interesting aspects and interpretations of lesser known Biblical characters.


«U < OoUU( U0p> U U M

Isolated in uefense Plan Sharett Tells Knesset Members of "Act of Territorial Ostracism" ' Jerusalem (JTA)—Prime Minister Moshe Sharett of Israel warned the Western powers that their efforts to consolidate a democratic defense system based on regional blocs confronted Israel with "an unprecedented act of territorial ostracism."' < , :-,v-,


*• The Premier, in a 40-mInute review which opened a debate on foreign policy in the Knesset, bitterly assailed completion of- the Suez Canal Zone evacuation agreement "without any vestige of concern for the security of Israel" and denounced the provision of arms to Egypt. Grave Situation "We have been in grave situa> tions before," Mr. Sharett told the Parliament, "and we will be able to endure new trials; but we shall / not exempt from responsibility those who, by their policy, may bring nearer or aggravate these ordea)s. In close contact, and against the background of the world's common destiny, we will warn them against their line of action which upsets the balance of strength In the region." Jucob II. Soimllmr Mr. Sharett, who also holds the post of Foreign Minister, divided his survey of Israel's international position Into two sections — the situation resulting from the AngloEgyptian agreement on the Suez Omaha's annual Jewish Nation- Canal zone, and the current trend . al Fund dinner will be held Sun- of United States policy, "the Inday evening,, Sept. 19, Sheldon J. evitable result of which Is the Harris, general chairman of this widening of the military gap beyear's event, announced this week. tween Egypt and Istael.'.' Arming Egypt There will be no solicitation at the dinner, the chairman said. The American policy of arming The dinner Is being held,to toll Egypt and thus Increasing the odds the story of what Is being accom- against Israel, Mr. Sharett warned, plished in Israel with J. N. F. is making Israel resentful. "Israel funds, Mrs. Ethel Levenson, presi- Itself," he declared, "enjoys Amerdent of the Jewish National Fund ican economic assistance which Council of Omaha, said. "We,want was of tremendous value to our to explain to the people of Omaha development, and I take this ophow the J. N. F. reclaims the land, portunity to thank the United after buying it from its owners States, its people and its governthrough the government, and then ment, for It. But we denounced and we will continue to denouMce resettling it." Jacob R. Senslbar, president of the granting of arms to the Arab a Chicago construction company, States as long as there is no peace who signed a contract With the in the region. Jewish National Fund for the drainage work in the Huleh,. will be the principal speaker at the dinner. He is known as one of the great land reclamation experts in the United States. Specializing in New York (JTA)—There will be excavation and construction, 'he handled some of the biggest con- no lasting peace in the Middle East so long as the Western Powstruction' Jobs in this country, among them the Chicago lake- ers, Including the United States,' front and the New Jersey turn- fall to make Insistence on an ArabIsrael peace the corncrgtohe_:"for, pike. nny program or policy" in that, Tickets for the dinner will be part of the world, Gov, Theodore $2.50. Omaha's share of tho J.N.F. R. McKeldin of Maryland declared' fund drive Is being raised Jhrough at the 40th annual convention off. a committee working on the golden Hadassah. t book subscriptions. C o m m i t t e e Governor McKeldin warned that members arc Hyman Osoff, A. B. Gendler and Joseph Radinofsky. Communism will make political' "This Is J. N. F.'s method of rais- capital by fishing In the "troubled ing funds directly now," Mr. Har- waters" of the Middle East "a*' ris said, "since for the last three long as these countries remain at years, the J. N. F. has received no war, whether It be a declared war" direct funds from the U. J. A. or a tolerated scries of outbrcaktln violation of a truce," drives." Urging the delegates "not to be-; Officers of the Jewish National Fund Council of Omnha, in addi- come discouraged by talk ef a st>tion to Mrs. Levenson, are Abe called new policy of 'Impartiality*. Cohen, vice-president; Mrs. Sam In our State Department," Gov. S t e i n b e r g , financial secretary; McKeldin said: "There may be:; Kalah Franklin, recording secre- some who have been urging thta 1 tary; and A. B. Gendler, treasurer. policy as a cloak for an unfriendly attitude towards Israel and out of sinister and evil motives. I have: The Centennial Surprise Mystery every confidence, however,, that Show which started yesterday and our Secretary of State has the' concludes tonight headlines Cow- highest motives and the interest of boy Rex Allen with Rufe Davis what he conceives to be the securat Ak-Sar-Bon Field. Jimmy Wells ity of our country. Granting that; and his "Dakota Roundup" orches- however, does not deprive anyone/ tra rounds out the cast. Tickets of the right or the duty, as Ameiv arc available nt Russell's Sports at leans, to differ with that policy: $1.50 for adults and 75 cents for and to state his position honestly, clearly nnd effectively." ' • 'Z children.

National Fund Dinner Sept. 19

West Insistence For Peace Asked

Centennial Surprise

rat amiss n :: • 1 1

jnMay^«k<e£Mna£aB for Jewishjtorvlm



HostHity in Morocco The fate of the 250,000 Jews in Morocco may sot be as preearious a* it was first feared when the newa brake abont the •laying of aix Jews in the town of Pettitjean, where an anti French demonstration was transformed into a frenzied pogrom Bat the situation is grave and bean careful watching, for th hostility which has been implanted against Jew* by the Ara' politicians who alone atand to gain from another round wit' Israel is seemingly yielding evil fruit There has been a tendency to complacency toward Israel i. certain circlet The report that twenty-five thousand Moroccan Jew* had registered with the Jewish Agency for emigration to Israel points up anew the true significance of Israel as a hope aad haven for oar dwellers on precipices. Despite all assur antes, it might perhaps be well to think in terns of having tc save this mass of Jews from the wrath of the enemies in whose midst it resides. Another aouree of Jewish concern is Tunisia, where some 100,000 Jews could fall under the mercy of an all-Arab government when that country attains autonomy from French role. Late development* there point that responsible leaders have promised inclusion in the convention to be drawn with France a provision granting equal rights to Jews. This is a salutary sign, but, frankly speaking, we would feel better if the leaden of the liberation movement directly committed themselves to the inclusion of raeh ^provisions in the constitution they plan drawing for free Tunisia.

WITH THE FOLKS AT HOME M i l activities at the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged were launched with a £ala birthday given by the Bikur Cholim Society for residents of the Home. Resident* who celebrated their birthdays were: Samuel Sonuncr, Anna. Nacbsehoen, Sam Cohen, Qsias Wefclman, George Pick-Pat ride, Aaron Roginsky, Pearl Faltz, Pesha Cohen, Goldle Splvak, Morris Ackerman, Max Fish and Su san Ruback. A new resident at the home is Mrs. Sarah Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Isadorc H. Wclner sent bouquets of white chrysanthe mums to the Home in honor of the wedding: of their daughter, Miss Leta Werner, to Lt. Joseph Charles 'Special memorial sendees were )feM In the Home Synagogue for: 'Dorothy M i l d e r — l E l a l — A u gust 30. Morris Grossman—2 Elul — An (UstSL Senrioes to be held Uter in the noMti for: r Hannah Solig—5 Elul—Septembcr3. Mrs. Yehudas SlegH—IS B u i — September 17. Rebecca Glassman Epstein — 23 Elul—September 21. Cmrtrflxrtioiu to the Ilome The Dr. Philip Sber Jewish Home for the Aged gratefully acknowledges contributions received during, the1 month of June. July and August, from the' following:'' . Memorial Coatrlbatloiu , i Mr. and Mrs. Morris Brcltfeld, Ttflia, 'Okla., in memory of mother,! Mollle Turner. Mr. and Mm. Reuben II. Brown , to; rnemory of Anna Katimuh. Flora Hollner, Ida Sorcf a n d Sheila l e a f Mortson. Mrs. Al Ciplnko in memory of : Mendel Forbes. Mr. jmd Mrs. Dave Cohn in SMinuiy of Anna Katzman, Mrs. Irving Davis in memory of Mendel Forbes. Mrs. Sam Epstein In memory of Mendel Forbes. Mr. J. W. Frank in memory of 'Adolph Schmalholz. The Grodlnskys In memorv of flora Holincr. Mrs. Ben Handler in memory of Bade! Katleman. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kaslow in Itemory of Minnie Epstein. Mrs. Phil Kutlcr In memory of • e n d c l Forbes. Mrs. Irving Lnntlow in memory tf Mendel Forbes. J b s . Ben LustKartoi in memory tf Herman Goldstein. tin. A. Miller In memory of • e n d e l Forbes. Mrs. Abe Mozer In memory of lather, Dnvid Cooper. J J . Ben Mulnlck in memory of

Mendel Forbes. Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Mewman In memory of Flora JHoUncr. Messrs. Frank and Lou Novak in memory of Sarah Wolfson and Goldle Raskin. Mr. and Mrs. David Orkow in memory of Anna Katzman and Adolph Schmalholz. Mrs. A. Parilman in memory of Mendel Forbes. Mr. and Mrs. Max lUekes In memory of Louis Freed and Herman Goldstein. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kochman fat memory of Anna Katzman, Ida Sorcf, Sheila Leaf Mortson and Flora HoUner. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rosonstock in memory of Walter Gold. Dr. Philip Sher In memory of Anna Katzman and Flora HoUner. Mrs. Harry Sircf in memory of Mendel Forbes. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sommer and Beatrice In memory of Frank Goetz, Mrs, Charles Mock, and Sheila Leaf. Mortson. Mr. and Mrs. Meyer L. Stern In memory of Anna Katzman and Flora Hollner. Mr, and Mrs. Ben J. Stieflcr In memory of Flora Hollner. Mrs. Jackson J. Wagner, Brooklyn, N. Y., In memory of Anna Katzman. Honor Contributions The Grodlnskys In honor of Fannie Newman's 91st birthday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Dave Cohn In honor of the recovery of Ben Somb

Servicemen?*, Addresses Needed Members of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs need addresses of our servicemen. As part of their project tor servicemen. New Year cards will be sent to members of the armed forces. Contact Mrs. Jacob Garon, GL 1062; Mrs. M. A. yenger, GL 3038 or Miss Kalah Franklin, JA 1366.

Omaha Sketches Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Fcidman announce the birth of a daughter, andra Leslie, born August 2G at a ocal hospital. The couple also •lave a son, Nathan. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. lacob Feldman and Mrs. Nathan {ramer is mnternal grandmother •


Miss Judy Levine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Levine, wus elected by the B'nai B'rith Ilillel Foundation at Wellesly College in Massachusetts to attend the ninth annual Hillcl Summer Institute at Camp B'nai B'rith in Starlight, Pa The institute which opened September 1 Will continue until Sepcmber 10. •


Rabbi Myer S. Kripke donated Ms ninth pint of blood during a wenty-hour telecast on WOW-TV in honor of the station's fifth nnilversary last Friday and Saturlay. I Us was one of the 47G pints f blood collected during the "life,iving" anniversary. During the tw<w3ay operation, rlrs. Ida Snclcs, second viee-prcsilent of the Gallon Club, became a hree-gallon club member. Mrs. .uth Greenberg, a year nround lei Cross Volunteer, became a our-gallon club member. Two other gallon clubbers who Mrs. Ben Mozcr In honor of lonated were Hugo Briza nnd Arurandehildren, Anne Elizabeth Mo- hur Cohn. zer and -David Myer Mozcr, children of Mr. end Mrs. Harold MoOmaha Hearing zer, Portland, Oregon, General Contribution* School Opens Drive Jacob Cohen. The Omaha Hearing School will Mrs. I. Korz, San Francisco. •pen its drive Tuesday for 10 Albert Steinberg. 'nousnnd-dollars to operate durf. the 1954-55 school year. B. I Religious Schools The school, in its third yi;ar, rovidea vital training for preBeth Israel Talmud Torah cliool deaf nnd hard-of-hearing classes will becin Tuesday, Sept. and their parents. With 7 for children who have a Tues- ouncstcrs teachers, the children learn day class scheduled. AH other chil- rtilled speak and recognize Bound, dren will start Wednesday, Sept. 8. hercas without the school, the Sunday School classes will becin hiidren would have to wait until Sunday morning, Sept. 12. arc five and half years old Sunday School ond Talmud hey r training at the Nebraska Tornh have received their exact chool for the Deaf. schedules by mail. Parents havlnc Contributions should be mailed questions regarding the schedule Omaha Hearing School, 340 S. are asked to call the school office. Ui Street, Omaha, Nebr. Classes in the High School department of the Beth Israel School System will meet Tuesday and \ I. Religious School Thursday from 6 to 7:45 p. m. The Religious school classes at Temsubjects of Mishnah nnd Gemara •o Israel will be resumed Sept will be supplemented with clec- 1 and 12. Grades five to ten will tives in History and Tanach. Stu- •port Saturday, Sept. 11 -at 9:30 dents rnny register by calling tho m. Kindergarten to fourth erode School office, IlEnent 0288. •ill Btnrt Sunday, Sept. 12.

Gendler Portrdyed In Packer Article

A biographical sketch of Reverend Arthur Gtndler of Omaha 1B finely drawn in the Cudahy Force, the bi-monthly publication of tho Cudahy packing company. The article in the July-August edition called "Kosher Kill" begins with the uchocbel's prayer and relates how liother slaughtering is done in the plant. > Jewish history is reviewed bo:innini; with a definition of what a Jew is and tracing the history of our people from the fall of Jerusalem Ui the establishment of the State of Israel. The three major divisions of the Jewish faith are also discussed. Basically the story of Arthur Gcndler, l>is early struggles in Russia are revealed. How he arrived in Omaha in 1021, after his flight from the Russian pogroms and the tragedy of being unable to rescue part of his family from the Nazis is also told. Shortly after his arrival' here, he went to work for the packing company. Rev. Gendler's v i e w s are summed up as follows: "Rev.Gendler undoubtedly appreciates the United States marc than most of the people who were born hers, yet he wishes that he hod been a native. He is grateful to the peo* pie of this nation not only for pro* V. M. OaSMUeUghtlng viding a home for families like Us own but also for the political and inancial support that ' made a Beth Israel reality of the 2.000-year-old dream of Israel'. . . But Friday evening services begin at there-establishing part of American life Rev. 6:30 p. m. Sabbath morning serv- Gendler most is freeices begin at 8:30 a. m. Junior con dom— theappreciates freedom to be different" grcgatlon starts at 10 a. m. He Is an active member of B*Nal Rabbi Groner will conduct the aeon-Adas Yeshuron Synagogue. Talmud class at 6 p. m.; Saturday Mincha will start at 6:30 p. m.. followed by Sboloshe S'cuodos and Maariv. Dally morninc services begin at 7 a jn.; daily nfternoon services Frldliy, HrpL S l>c(:in at 6:45 p. m. Marilyn Kay Ktitz and'Juan ElSunday morning services begin n Yaffe. at 8:45 a. m. followed by IUlj Saturday, Bcpt 4 class in Bible study and breakfast The Talmud Discussion group Karen Louise Klmmel. Alan Robert Miiskin and Alan Roginsky. meets every Tuesday evening at Sunday, Sept. B 8:15 p. m. in BHIi .Synagogue, Richard Michael CanfieW, Lazier 19th "and Burt. 'eder and David Allen Katz. Monday, 8ept. 6 Beth El Bonnie Fisk and Mnynard MarSabbath Eve Services will be ian Wcinberg. Tuesday, S»pt. 1 held tonight at 7 p. m. Donald David Slosburg, Janet Sabbath morning services .will begin at 8:45 o'clock. Mincha serv- Ellen Trachtenbari: and Richard ices will begin at 6:30 p. m. Daily Zacharin. Wrdnetdajr, Bcpt. S services during the week are held Laurence Mark Blumberi;, Howat 7 a. m. nnd 7 p. m.

Religious News

Happy Birthday

Temple Israel ' Sabbath Services this evening start promptly at 7:30 o'clock and will be held in the chapel of the new Temple Israel at 70lh and Cass Streets. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks will conduct the Eervices.

Memorial Services

ard Michael Gerelick, Thomas William Levitt, Sydney Alvin Pcssefl and Susan SecUn. Thurnday, Sept. S Judith Ann Cohen, Madeline. • Faith Kripke, Sandra Lipsman, ' tenee Beth Ratner, Kim Rice, [arold Mace Shricr and Richard

^omhusher Lodge

Cornhusker Lodge of B'nai I1KTII ISRAKI, The annual Beth Israel Memor- 1'rilh will hold Its ne*t meeting ial Services will take place Sun- it the year September 9 at tW day, Sept. 12. Services at tho 'axton Hotel. Highlight of th« Golden Hill Cemetery will becin .enlnc will he a bowling demon* at 11 a. m. and services ut the Iration by Ned Day, NBC bowl«." Fisher Farm Cemetery will begin ig champion. Martin Staenberg of Comhurffc . at 2 p. m. Rabbi Benjamin Groner and Cantor Eli Kacan will con- <./ Lodge has been named chair* duct the services at both ceme- man of this year's combined men*. ership drive of the throe Omaha teries.

B'NAI JACOI1 . The B'nai Jacob Adas Yebhuron. synagogue will h a v e memorial Eervices at the Pleasant Hill and Mt Sinai cemeteries conducted by, the Reverend Wolfaon S u n d a y , Monday, and Tuesday of each week during the month of Elul (Sept. 1 to Oct. 5). Those wishing to at-' tend please call Mr. Wolfson at WE 4020.

T. I. "Nursery School Temple Israel Nursery School will open its fall sessions Monday, Sept 13, in tho new nursery school quarters In the Temple at 70th and Cass Streets. Mrs. Martin Haykin la head teacher nnd Mra. Stanley Katelman is chairman of the Nursery School Committee. Rectetration is still open to children from three to five years of one and interested parents can obtain further information at the Temple office. Call RE 6636.

I'nai B'rith Lodges. ' Harold Zclinsky han been np» ijointcd a member of the District [inancial committee for the South* vest Region. Milton Cadtln has .jccn named athletic chairman Um the Southwest Region. t

Zionist Council

' '

The Omaha Zionist Council wlQ ld Its first fall meeting 8 p. m_ ednesday, Sept 8 in Mrs. J. it, Julakofsliys apartment, 713, tit he Blackstonc Hotel. j

L I. Ice Cream Social Mrs. Max GreenfleW, chairman f the Beth Israel P-TA loe crcain l committee, announced that he Ice Cream Social will takq ace Sunday afternoon nnd eve* Ing, Sept 12 (starling at 1 o'clodt tho (synagogue grounds. loo cream and cake will be served. Coffee, pop and popcorn also will '« sold. AH ore Invited to attend. .11 proceeds to the Talmud Torah l d . Fund.



Mi* Oi'iKafi and D J ^ B'^ti El _MiM Ozzie KaU, daucliter of the Reverend and Mrs. Alex KaU und Donald L None, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Nocc, were married Sunday, Aug. 22 in lietli ill Synagogue. The ceremony was pcrfunned by Rabbi Mycr S. Kripke nntl Cantor Aaron Edgar; a reception was held in tho synagogue social hall. The bridu.1 gown of Chantllly lace and tulle wuii fashioned with iiUed lace bodice and pleated, offShoulder neckline witli small •lecves. The bouffnnt sliirt was accented with lace apron and short train. A satin hat trimmed with seed . pearl leaves held the bride's Khoulder-length illusion veil nnd she carried an orchid nnd Etephanotis. Alvln Nogc was his brother's best man. Ushers were u brother «f the bride, LewiB Kntz, Storrs, Conn.; Bernard Badzin, Minneapolis, Minn.; Justin Horwich, Marlon Sombcrg, Alan None, Stanley Perimeter and Robert Singer. Mrs. Alvln Norx, matron of honor, wore a ballerina-length gown of light blue chiffon with cowl neckline tied in back and endIng in a hcm-lcngth panel. A light blue hat trimmed with flowers and bouquet of deep orchid mums completed her ensemble. Bridesmaids, gowned, like the honor attendant, were Mrs. Lewis Katz and the Misses Lois Shapiro and Doris Raduziner. They carried orchid and white mums. For her daughter's wedding Mrs.

Organizations Hadassah

Mrs. Donald J. Hogg Katz chose a blue lace gown; also in blue lace was the bridegroom's mother. Both wore orchid corsages. For traveling to the Canadian Rockies the bride chose a navy blue suit of Jersey and jhantuns and pink accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Nogg will live at 336 S. 37th St.


Omaha Hadassah Medical Organization and Vocation;d Kducation Project clialrmcn will entertain project-captains at 1 o'clock luncheons Thursday, Sept. 9. Hostess to tlie 'Ilieodor Ilerzl Group will be Wrs. Nntlian Horwich, 674 Dillon Drive. HMO & VE chairmen for the Hcrzl Group are the Mesdames Sam Rothenberc, Morton nichards and Albert Wohlner. Hostess to the Chaim Weizmann Group will bo Mrs. Alfred Sophlr, 0729 Davenport St. IIMO & VE Chairmen for tlie Weizmann Group are the Mesdames T. A. Tully, Fred Brodkcy nnd Joe Bernstein. Henrietta Szold Group will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Howard Kaplan, 6444 Prairie St. Chairmen of HMO and VE for the Szold Group arc the Metdames Max Greenberg, Arthur Grossman and Sidney KatJeman. TTie captains will get their Information and lists and be briefed on the work of Hadassah Medical Organization nnd Vocational Education Project. Omaha Chapter Hadassah Chairmen on this project are Mrs. Alfred Fiedler, Mrs. Max Canar and Mrs. Morris Kntleman. Omaha C h a p t e r Hadassah'f Zionist Public .Relations Committee, American Affairs Committee, Education Committee, and the presidents of the groups will hold their first Oneg Shnbot of the season, at the home ct chapter president, Mrs. Morris M. Franklin, 1025 No. 32nd St., Saturday, Sept 11. 'these OPI'B Shabot's are under the auspices of Mrs. Paul Verrt, Chapter Education Chair-

Miss Joanne Jacobs Married Sunday Evening ai Temple Temple Israel war decorated with clusters of woodwardia, white gladiolas and light blue chrysanthemums Sunday evening for the wedding of Miss Joanne Jacobs and Alan C. Kolin. 'Die bride is the daughter of Mrs. Julia M. Jacobs of Omaha nnd the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Kohn of St. Ixmis, Mo. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks officiated at the ceremony. The bridal gown was fashioned of ocean blue nylon tulle and was, styled with a long torso bodice with cap sleeves and a scoop neckline. The full skirt was swept back to form a long train. Her matching blue v#l of silk illusion was held in place with a scalloped shell cape of blue sequins and beads. The bride carried a pinnacle bouquet of white stephanotU and white sweeheart roses. Mrs. Eugene Jacobs, the bride's sister-in-law, was matron of honor and she wore a ballerina length gown of Pervenche blue crystalette, styled with a l o n e «nug bodice, bateau neckline and pushup sleeves. Her straight skirt was gathered into aback draped with a bow a t the U p line. Mrs. Jacobs wore a matching blue nose veil. An identical sown was worn by the bridesmaid Mrs: Harold Bressler, sister of the groom. Both attendents carried crescent shaped bouquets of white glamelias. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Ing X p. m., S e p t 8 in the Jewish Community Center of Council Bluffs. Mrs. Judah Nahshon will ipeak on the observance of Jewish holidays In Israel. Mrs. J. J. Brown is chairman in charge of the luncheon and she is assisted by co-chairman, Mrs. Sam Sacks. Mrs. H. Bromberg is program chairman for this month. •


B. E. Sisterhood

Council Women

The regular luncheon board meeting of the Beth El Sisterhood will be held Tuesday, Sept. 7, at 32:30 p. m. In the social hall of the synagogue. IIostesKCS for the luncheon are Mmex: William Allwrts, Morris Arkin, Norman Batt, Jacob Bernstein, H. I. Bordy, Jack Bramson, Edward Brodkcy, Sam Cohen, Arthur Colin, Bennett Colin and David Cohn. Mrs. M. U. Brodkey, president of the sisterhood, announces the new : circle chairman for the coming year nre--Mmes. Abe Slusky, Morris Koom, Aaron Rips, Samuel H. Stern, David H. Grecnbcrg, Jack Gelfand, Harry Fcrcnstcln, Sam Ban, Reuben Bordy, Jacob Bernstein, Ben Perclman, Arthur Friedman, Philip Rosenblatt, Jack Fox, Charles Klmmell, Homer Farber. Morton Rlchanb, Milton Margolin, David Manvitz, Greoce Cohn, Julius Stein, Irving Hcrzog, Harry Itochman, Harry Haykln, 8am Steinberg, Gary Gross, Irving Forbes and Dave B. Cohn.

The National Council of Jewish Women, Omaha Section, will hold their membership luncheon Wednesday, Sept 15 at 1 p. m. in tho Hadassah of Council Bluffs will Highland West Club. Mrs. Leonard hold their first fall luncheon meetPatronize Our Advertisers Kulakofsky, chairman Is assisted by Mrs. Sam Gcxxlmnn and Mrs. Julius Colin. The council's newest project will be volunteer service with the Omaha Hearing School under the direction of Mrs. Arthur Green and Maybe we've met before. If not, my namo is Mr. Ernest. It's been my Mrs. Edward Z. Rosen. pleasure to have served you for many years at one of Omaha's best known hotels. It is now my pleasure to offer you my services at the New Fireside KcBtaannt. We specialize In all types of parties . . . wedding receptions, The members of the Board of prc-nuptlal dinners, anniversaries, birthdays, Bar and Bas Mltzvahs, lunchthe Beth Israel Sisterhood will eons and banquets for all occasions. The FIRESIDE Is the perfect place — hold their initial meeting of the and you'll be the perfect host I'll be looking forward to a call from you. new season Tuesday, Sept. 7, in the Synagogue Social Ilall meeting room. Mrs, Isadorc Elowitz, president of tho sisterhood, will conduct the 12:45 p. ra. meeting. Board members will note that board meetings arc to be held on the first Tuesday of the month.

C.B. Hadassah

Alan Kohn

Julia Jacobs wore a cocktail .length gown at Peay-de-Sole in romance rose. The mother of the groom chose a ballerina length gown of jade green silk chiffon for her son's wedding. Louis M. Kohn, brother of tho groom, was best-man. Ushers were: Harley Deber of Omaha; Michael Blletsky of SL touls. Mo.; Harold Bresslcr of St. Louis, Mo.; Herbert Denenberg of Omaha, and Sidney Steinberg of S t Louis, Mp. After a reception at the Temple, the couple left for a short honeymoon In Minnesota. For traveling, the bride chose a yellowwool suit with black accessories. They will make their home at 310 MehlvUle Avenue, S t Louis, Mo.

YOUR Party Is MY Business

B. I. Sisterhood

Mr. Ernest

Patronize Our Advertisers

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Tho FIRESIDE feature* compteto luncheon and dinner monuil Everything from soup to nuts. Choose from a wide assortment of starters, expertly prepared meati, seafood or fowl, flavorful soups, froth taladi, vege-


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Friday, Sept«mb«r 3, l M t

rusa AZA Sweetheart

Youtft Counofl



to Meet


Regular monthly mcMlni;s of the " Epstein-Morgan Post No. 200, Rayim has iB pledge* to data lladaswh JWV, will resume with the Kep-,B&P thia year. T i m e new' member* tetnber tncedng to be hajii a t the 'llie Business and Professional bring Rayim'» total m o n b m h l p to JCC. As in the past, reirulur mcotlni;a will be held on the third Women of Hadassah will entertain Pa Tbte Is the highest memberand friends Thursday of each month, with the proiipective mi'inlwrs f •hip in Rayim'i three year history. exception ot holidays on that day. at nn out-of-doors~ 'H;i"H Urnnch" Also this is a new Youth Council ll:.'!0 a. m., Kmuhy, Sept 12, a t The first mooting of the cominj; membership record for one club. year will be 8 p. m., 'i'hurs'lay, tlii? liomi? of Mrs. Al«- Wolfson, The pledge program will swing 1200 S. 72nd St. .Sept. 1C, at the JCC. , Sherman Llpslein, Director (if into action the first week of school MIM. Snr.ih I).tn.'-:ky, nurnbershlp the Play, '•'The Jowisli Wnr Vet-rhalrman and Marian IJundarln under t h e direction of Sheldon eran in Peace ami War" presented with Sally Meyers, liospitality Krantz and his assistant Art N o by the KiKlein-Moruan Post ut chairmen, liavo conil)ined their eN vak. the Centennial Theme Center will foils with Kvelyn L c \ y nnd Fan Last Sunday on WO,W-TV'« have charge of the program for Shvrmnn, program chairman in tills meeting. A recording made of planning an unusual ii.irty for •Teen Topics" show it looked more the play will be heard. Moving pic- their rnoinljers and friends. like Raylm's panel discussion than tures of the play, mnde by Dclmcr Central High's. Three of the four Community sinking will be feaKIi'lii will also be shown. members were Rayim members, tured. Transportation will Ire pro* Marv Ferensteln, Mike Ban, and vided, please call Snlly Meyer*, Gene Kohn. They discussed whethPL 1222; Marian Bonrlnrin, Gl« B.I. Men's Club er or not the western democracies 5170 or Sarah Uamky. GI- C997.' s h o u l d drop trade restrictions The IJcth Israel Men's Club will aimed at the Soviet bloc. Inaugurate their (all series of dinFor Fine Tailoring The first week in September ner meetings by staging a variety Rayim's annual golf tournament Pictured above sre two of the five Rlrln affected as Swcrtlirart show at their (Irst dinner meetNorman Marsh Will be held under the direction of candidates for 1951. They are from lift to right Mis* Deannc Ing. The September meeting will Member Master Tailors and John Goldner. Cutters Association, -~ Markoviti and Aflu I'yllis Kubinow. Mis* Mnrkovllz, daughter of take place at the Beth Israel syLondon, England Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Markovltz, la presljrnt of H'nal n'rltli Glrln and nagogue, Thursday, Sept. 16. ResAZA NO. 100 Is ft past secretary of tlio Youth Council. Miss Itublnow, daughter ervations may be made by calling Custom Tailor t o Ladje* b H e a ALTERATIONS Last night at 7 p. m. the Cen-of Mr. and Mrs. Irvln Itublnow, was lilslorlan tn the Drlika Debs the synngogua office prior to Sep- 216 So. ZOth JA M M tember 14. tury Chapter held Its first regular and a Youth Council chairman. •, The "Sweetheart Dance" by AZA No. 1 will be held at the Hotel meeting with pledges and actives at the home of Pledgemaster Jerry Blaclutone, Saturday, September 11, •fartlojf a t t p. in. Candidates pictured In last wrrk'n I'rWS w e n H I l M Hatlre Rosen. Arnold Joffe and his culEntire Stock tural committee presented a panel Katleman, Fayna Hanvltz and Therena Kata. • discussion on the past three hunOmaha's dred years of Jewish life In Amerof Jewjsh Books and Thank You ica. Also at the meeting Howard Favorite Way Kaslow and Howard Kooper told ReHgioiH Artklts „_ ! , * P M of Mr. and The families of the late Mrs. to Dine on of their experiences at the Nation'£c|rirwfr/t*!ebnrted his al A. Z. A. Convention at Camp Lieb Wolfson and Mrs. Meyer IUi#- Mpi. rti&S&W.Sept 3/ at Sunday B'nal B'rith in Starlight, Pennsyl- kin wish to thank their friends of the Late Israel «jS vania. The two Alephs had just and relatives for their kind e x * ' ,\ B ^ ) *' i returned from the conclave which pressions of sympathy on their reOeraU trttrjson of Mrs: /5arab SAMUEL KATELMAN tasted a week. cent bereavement." I-niir,,wlll a-icbrsie his Hat JTl!rvah Woixtey, Sept. 8, a t iieth IsWill Be Sold by rael S Patronize Our Advertisers Monument Dedication


The family of the lato Mr. and Mrs. Louis Epstein will dedicate a monument In their memory Sunday, Sept. 5 at Golden Hill O m e tery. Rabbi Benjamin Groner of Beth Israel will officiate. The family of the Jute Mrs. Ruth Baron will dedicate a monument in her memory 10:30 a. m., Sunday, Sept, 5 at Golden HID Cemetery. '

Want Ads Am*

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