September 17, 1954

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Vot. xvxir—No. 27^JMUm"i)»!K£^r;<;i!£' „"£}*« * * wl'


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Temple Israel Dedication _*«.is Tonight President Sends Tercentenary Greetings to Israel

Community Service-Friday, Sept. 24

Past Rabbis To Take Part

The new Temple Israel, at 70thi Tel Aviv (JTA)—President Eland Cans Sts., will be formally senhower called on the people of dedicated at services beginning to* Israel to join the American people night at 8 o'clock. Three former In defending the freedoms and rabbis of the temple will particivalues held Jointly by both peoples pate in the ceremonies. Rabbi David Wise, now spiritual leader against all forces which'contemof the congregation of renfple plate the destruction of these Rodeph Shalom in Philadelphia, value*. will give the dedication sermon toThe coll was contained in a me* night. Rabbi Arthur Lelyvcld, nacage from the President to a cole tional director of the Hlllel Foun< bratlon at ZOA House here markdatlon in New York City, will 1 ing the opening of the American dedicate the Ark. Rabbi Lou SI1* Jewish Tercentenary. The mesberman, a member of the faculty tage, read by Francis Russell. of Vanderbilt College In Nashville, American Charge d'Affaircs, deTenn/, will deliver the sermon at Clarcdi. the community dedication service to bo held Friday, Sept. 24. [ "My confident hope is.that the Banquet Tomorrow celebration, stressing as It doe): the themo of man's opportunities and The Dedication Banquet will be Rabbi Lou BUbemuw Rabbi Arthur talyvitld Babhl David Wlce - responsibilities under freedom, will held tomorrow evening in the fe-cmphaslzc those historic values Survey Shows . . . Temple Social Hall at 7 p. m. Rabbi to, which both our countries are Mycr S. Kripke of Beth £1 Synadedicated: Our responsibility as gogue will give the invocation and members of the community of free Rabbi Benjamin Groner of Beth SANCTIONS PROTEST JORDAN TROOrS nations, to defend these value* St. Paul (JTA)—Protests are Jerusalem (JTA)—Jordan troops Israel will offer the benediction. against all who would destroy coming into the offices of the statlonedtni the walls of the Old Rabbi Lelyvcld will deliver an" them, our opportunity In this tur- United Nations, N. Y. <JTA) dedication address. Mrs. Bernhard board of directors of the United bulent world to build upon them Thirteen states and 30 cities in the Jewish Fund and Council here, City of Jerusalem in the Mt. Zion Wolf will speak on behalf of the' anew u a: foundation for peace United States now have fair em- which recently announced a pol-sector fired into Jewish Jerusa- Temple Sisterhood and Alfred. throughout the world." icy of "sanctions against mem- lem Monday. The shooting began Mayer, Immediate past president, .' :. • The several thousand persons ployment laws, according to a de- bers of the Jewish community who for the past presidents. early in the morning and contailed report, entitled "Racial gathered at the celebration In ZOA do not contribute enough money At tomorrow ^morning services House also heard a message from Equality and the Law," published to the UJFC's fund drive for lo-tinued intermittently until noon. at. 10:30 o'clock, Rabbi Lelyveld Despite provlcatlon, the Israeli will dedicate the Temple Religious President pen Zvl of Israel de- here Jointly by the United Nations cal, national and oVerseas philantroops on guard in the area held School. clare that American Jewry con Educational, Scientific and Cultur- thropies. be proud of its " nnd Community Dedication' ' The UJFC board of directors, their fire. United Nations truce obal Organization and the American brilliant achievements." Noting however, approved a statement Is- servers were alerted to the situa- The Community Dedication Servtion early. that Israel still faces difficulties Jewish Committee. sued last week by the president ice will be held Friday, Sept. 24 . the President said that American In Tel Aviv, an Israel military at the new Temple and state,; loIn the field "touching the rela of the Council, Leonard Heller, Jewry's assistance In the nbsorp- tlonshlp of person to person and explaining the "sanctions" proposal spokesman reported that the Jor- cal and religious dignitaries will be tion of new Immigrants In Israel to have all Jewish officers and dan shots had caused no casual- guests of honor. Rabbi Sllberman. is the "greatest historic task re- group to group, the United States board members of the organiza- ties among the Israelis. He noted will deliver the sermon, maining for American Jewry." He Is pointing the way to planned, dis- tions removed from their posts if that tension had been mounting in sermon. .underlined-Israel's dependence on ciplined progress," the report de- their contributions are deemed in- the area as a result of a scries of The community Is Invited to atthe support of the American Jcw- clared. According to the report, adequate. The Council has sent stone-throwing Incidents involving tend an "Open House" Sunday, copies of Mr. Heller's statement Arab Legionnaires who have ap- Sept. 26 from 3 to 5 p. m.whcn . Jsh community. New York Is the first state in this to its 3,800 contributors in this parently been attempting to prothe building will be open for Incountry to adopt legal measures city. voke the Israeli troops. spection. to end ob discrimination because Mrs. M. Beber to Direct Temple Israel, organized In of race or religion. 1871, Is the oldest Jewish congreCenter Art Classes gation in Nebraska, Before the' . Prof, Monroe Berger, who wrote new temple was built, the congre':"'.''.'.'Hie fail series of art classes for the report for UNESCO and the gation attended the old Temple at adults opened Thursday, Sept. 18. AJC,1 noted In the document that Park Avenue qnd Jackson S t , £nd will continue for nine consecu- law and legal; technique* are not which was dedicated in 1908, vc Thursday afternoons from the only, or always the best, means The new $500,000 Temple is con•30 to 3:30Vclock. of reducing discrimination in emtemporary in design with the sanc: w * The classes which are under the ployment. However, ho pointed tuary, social hall, a school wing, • -direction of Mni, MeycF; Bober, out, these ore among the most efchapel, kitchens and administrawell-known local artist,, are held fective "ways of combatting the tive offices incorporated In the 'it the Jqwlsh Community Center.; p r o b l e m / - ; . ::•',. ,:•-;'• ••'.-••.• :•"• • ' building. -"'""Student* may use \a variety: of Temple officers are: Milton Livmedia such an oil, pastel, or water ingston, president; Abe Brodkey, color. Both beginner and advance vice-president; H a r o l d Farbor, "students may register; but the treasurer, and Richard HHler; secclasses will be limited in size to retary. ^"permit satisfactory progress. W o s h l n g t o n (JTA)—Israel Arrangements for the dedication ; The fee for the classes Is $10.00 Prime Minister Moshe Sharett sold observance are under the direction for nine sessions. In ah exclusive interview published of a committee headed by Harry here that Israel Is "at n loss to Z. Rosenfeld with Mr. Isldor Zlegunderstand how the U.S. can relor and Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks, concile" hef policy of arming the spiritual leader of Temple Israel. "* Arab states "with her declared polThe Eternal Light programs' icy an3 concern to see Israel prosunder the auspices of the Jewish perous and secure." Theological Seminary are proMr, Shnrelt's views were pubducing a special series marking lished In the U.S. News and World 300 years of Jewish Settlement Report. The Prime Minister said Ernest A. Nogg, a member of In America. This week's broadhat Israel watched "with profound the executive committee of the cast over WOW-nndio, from dismay and mounting anxiety the New terraces will be hullt here against tlip background of, cen- Federation for Jewish Service, will 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon is en- policy of tlio American Government turies-old prelected terraces with fund* from the Jewish National cad the commercial division of titled 'Valley Forgcf' to arm the Arab states." He.fore- Fund. the 1954 Community Chest drive. Next Sunday's program Is snw "a state of very grave peril The appointment was announced called "As a Wind That Blows" for our security if this goes on.'' The work of reclamation going To that end, one of the men who by W. Laurence Shomnkcr, cam* —a portrayal of the nigh Holy The arms, he said, enhance the on In Israel will bo explained this knows most about this work, Jacob palgn chairman. Days., .. Arabs' "capacity for mischief." He Sunday night, September 19, atIt, Senslbar, engineer In charge of Mr. Nogg Is a partner of the stressed "this Is certainly not a the annual Jewish National Fund the Huleh drainage In Israel, will Nogg Brothers Paper Company. Dr. Solomon B. Freehof of step in the direction of peace. It Council of Omaha dinner at thebe' the guest speaker. Also attend- He has served In many of the Congregation Rodef Shalom in Is a step awny from peace." Jewish Community Center. The ing the dinner will be Mendel N. Chest campaign divisions. Mr. Pittsburgh^ Fa., will discuss He warned that the danger to dinner will get under way at 6:30 Fisher, executive director of the Nogg was last year's initial gifts "America and Judaslni in Mu- Israel and Middle Eastern peace o'clock nnd Is open to the nubile. Jewish National Fund of America. leader. tual Influence—Toward Unily" would become even greater if the Sheldon Harris, general chair- The dinner will be served by A lifelong Omaha resident, Mr. on the Message or Israel pro- Suez agreement is followed, by an man, of the affair again empha- Young Judaea girls. A program Nogg said: "I feel it a privilege to gram over KOIL from 10 to American policy of supplying arms sized this week that "there will be of music Li planned, in addition to assume an obligation for helping 10:30 a.m. ' :o Egypt. Asked if the danger no solicitation or fund raising ef- the speakers, Mr. Harris said. provide for the vital services renNext Sunday, Rabbi Freehof to Israel could be offset by a corol- forts whatsoever at the dinner. All Last minute reservations will dered by the 47 Red Feather agenwin • speak on "America and ary program of arms aid forwe want to do is explain to Oma- Btlll be taken by Mrs, Jack Kauf- cies. Judiosm in Mutual Influence— Israel, Mr. Shnrett replied that hans what a gigantic reclamation man, HA 0962, or Mrs. Dave Stein. The Federation for Jewish ServTowards Justice." the question is whether it would project the J. N, F. funds arc do- RE 0870., Reservations are $2.50 ice Is one of the Red Fes tlier agening in Israel," he added. per person. be corollary." cies. •-

US Points Way for Better Relations

Global Report

JNF Dinner Sunday at Center


y Inconsistency SttessedJbySharett

Sunday Radio

Ernest A. Nogg Heads Chest Unit


Jiwian FUSS

WHh the Folks At Home ..BOtot

Not Enough Abraham Cbaaaiww, the Jewish young .man who was cleared by «K Havy Department after narrowing months of living under a cloud ~a( avapkinn, has every reason to consider his vindication as a personal triumph. But in* res] significance of his clearance will be blunted if It does nnt mult in a revaluation and eHminstksi of the procedures ander wok* a iltvoiei servant of the government can be pflloried by iirMponaibk accusations. Whan the Ch&sanow dismissal first bit the front pages of the newspapers there was understanable reluctance on the part of Jewish leadership to lake a serious view of the Intimation that tbe young maa was not only a victim of false witnesses but of disgruntled and anti-Semitic, neighbors. The fact that an of Creenbelfs five Jews serving in the Navy Department's map room In Washington had been dtsmiased while the hand of security remained distant from eight nonJews similarly situated, gave rise to speeulatfcin that here was a ease where prejudice may have influenced certain people Into giving false information about their Jewish neighbors. The clearance order makes no Issue of that development, but we befieve it FirHfr—t that the authors of the clearance statement found it necessary to point out that, upon re-Interrogation, the informers "who had nritiaDy given derogatory information against Mr.. Chasanow either tailed to corroborate their original testimony or were unable to produce tr*<*'ft~ of earlier allegations." Since there was absence of corroboration at all times, one wonders what basis of final Judgment was employed at the earlier hearings or proceedings. Was it that the word of a man of one faith wai given greater credence than the won) of one of another faith? The Navy's action merits applause, but we are wholly in agreement with the American Jewish Congress that there Is still ft possibility that the proceedings against Chasonow had been prompted in part perhaps by hostility towards Jews, and that the duty devolved upon the proper authorities not only to reconsider present loyalty procedures but also to determine through investigative means whether anti-Semitism was the motive behind the false accusations against Cbasanow.

Religious News tat P. M.

Beth Israel Friday evening services begin at 6:15 p.m. Sabbath morning services begin at 8:30 a. m. Junior congregation starts at 10 a. m. KabW Groner win conduct the Talmud class at 5:45 p. m.; Saturday Mincha will start at 6:15 a. m. followed by Sholosne S*euodos and Maariv. Daily morning services begin at ? a. m.; daily afternoon services begin at 6:20 p. ra. Sunday morning .services begin at 8:45 a. m. followed by Rani's class hi Bible'study and breakfast The Talmud Discussion group Meets' every Tuesday evening at •:H p. m. In B. H. H. Synngogue. 09th and Burt

Beth EL

Religioiis Schools TEMFLK ISRAEL There will be no regular »esslons of the Religious School of Temle Israel this Saturday and Sunday mornings, in celebration of the formal dedication of the new Temple. The Religious School will be dedicated at special Sabbath Services tomorrow morning at 10:30 a. m. Rabbi Arthur J. Lelyveld will preach the dedication sermon. Rabbis David I t Wlce and Sidney H. Brooks will conduct the service. Mervln N. Lommerman. director of education, and Joan Abrahams, president of the Temple Youth Group, will bring Erecting* from the Religious School children and the youth of the Temple A special Kiddush will follow the service in the Temple Social Hall Regular classes of the Religious School wiH be resumed Saturday and Sunday, September 25 and 2S. Weekday Hebrew classes win begin September 20. Aleph Class meets on Wednesday: Bals Class an Tuesday; and the Gimel Class (Bar ft Bas Mltzvah) meets on Monday. AH classes will meet from 4 to 5.30 p. m.

Sabbath Eve Services will be held tonight at 7 p. m. •flu*!**"1 morning services will begin a t 8 . « o'clock. Mincha servlees win begin at 6:15 p. m. Daily BETII ISRAEL a u i t a i daring the w eek are hold Due to the unusually larne registration, the Beth Israel Sunday at 7 a . m. and 7 P- m. School regretfully announces that Services wiU be held at Hr-th Kl additional applications for enrollSynagogue Saturday night, Sept. ment in the Sunday School cannot 18 at midnight. The be accepted at the present time. Sehbhoth Service is in the- mood «f the High Holy Days and Is a BETHEL, spiritual preparation for the re- Registration for all students in ligious motifs of the High Holy the Beth El High School of Jewish Studies will take place TuesDay period. Sept. 21, at 4 p. m. Courses The service will be opened with day. the High School will be offered a brief explanatory sermonette by in Jewish Concepts and Beliefs, Rabi Myer S. Kripke, and will be In the letter Prophets, conversationconducted by Cantor Aaron I. al Hebrew, American Jewish HisEdgar and the Beth El Synagogue tory and Cantillation. Cbolr. Staff members of the High School will be Mr. Albert Freireicb, Rev, Akx Katz, Mr. Samuel Temple Israel Tonight's services will mark the Nahshon and Rabbi Myer S. opening of dedication ceremonies Kripke. at Temple Israel. Services will Mart at 8 p. m. Rabbi David Wiee Hollywood UTA)—Tony Mar•f Philadelphia, a former spiritual tin attended a banquet the other Irader of the congregation will night for a motion picture pro• give the dedication sermon. Rabbi ducer who retired after 25 years Arthur Lelyveld, another former at MGM studio. "So they gave him Temple rabbi, win dedicate the a gold ulcer," added Tony. Ark, A reception by the sisterhood fh the social hall will follow the cate the Temple Religious School services. at Saturday morning eervices beHabbl Leylveld will also oVdi- ginning at 10:30 o'clock.

ROSH 11AKIIANAII KKRVICKS Alex Sand, who has been Cantor for several years at Tlic Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home Fur The A|;ed, will once n^nin officiat'- ar Cantor for The High Holy Days. The first affair of the atason, under the itpomorsliip of The Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs of Omaha, will lw a Rush Hashanah Parly by The Ueth El Synagogue Sisterhood and will be hold at 7 p. m. Thursday, Sept. .'10. -eONGBATULATIONS To Mr. Samuel Sommor on the birth of a Ereat-f?randchild. The proud parents are Mr. and Mrs. Avery Stone of Chicago, III. To Mr. Samuel Poster, who has Just returned from Chicago, IH, where he visited his daughter. Ton! and son-in-law, 11. T. Goldu, who were also recent parents Max Fish Is leaving on a trip to Cleveland, O, to visit relatives and friends, whom he has not seen for many years. The beautiful crysanthemums and gladioli that yon have seen at The Home during the last week were sent by Mrs. XJbby Ektwttz Getfen ID honor of the wedding of her daughter. Dorothy to Herbert White. IN MKMORIAJf 1 Mrs. Sarah Lewi*. VAHZEITl Special Memorial Services wiU be held in Tbe Home Synagogue for the following: Mrs. Yehudas Skgd, IS Xhu, September 17.' Mrs. Rebecca Qsjsman Epstein, 23 Elul, September 21. Mr. Sam Epstein, 3 Tishri. September 30. Mrs. Rebecca 2weiback, 5 Tishri, October 2. SFWdAL. QJFIi A very old Ilavdakh Plate was donated to The Home Synagogue by Mr. and Mrs. May Scheverman.

Omaha Sketches Miss Joan Lefko of Sioux City, la., has returned home after a week's visit in Omaha. Miss Letkow is President of the Combelt Region of H'rmi. 13'rith Girls. While in Omaha she assisted at a tea .given by the local chapter of H'nal 15'rilh Girls. Miss Dcanne Markowitz is local president of the chapter. • * • Mr. and Mrs. Abner Krasne of Fremont, Nebr. announce the birth of a daughter, Terri Lynn August 3a The couple also has a eon Ira Marc Grandparents are Mrs. Pauline Krasne and Harry Merriam. • • • Mrs. Max Kikes of Sarasota, Ha., visited her niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Rich, this week. Mrs. Elkcs is president of the Sarasota chapter of Hadajsah. • • • Mcrvin N. Lemmcrman. Director of the Temple Israel School, will Instruct courses in social work starting this semester at the University of Omaha. The subjects will be in case and croup work. • . • Mr. and Mrs. Rubin Llppett announce the birth of a son Marc Allen, born September 3 at a local hospital. They olio have a daughter Sharon Lee, Paternal grandparents arc Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Lippett and maternal (jrandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Wintroub, all of Omaha. Morris Wintroub Is creat-crandfatber.

Opportunity Center Registrations at the Omaha Opportunity Center are continuing through this week, according to Mrs. Dorothy Cheyne, president. The Opportunity Center, located at 5016 California street, was founded to give mentally handicapped youngsters, not eliglhle for public schoob, a chance to eork and pliiy together. Tbe Center, which is supported by tuition, public contributions and the Nebraska Society for Crippled Chfldren, opened September 7 with an enrollment of 40. ..'(.. ..

Friday, gtpUmhtt 17, 1054

Theodore HenJ. In Memon'am II) Mrs. Morris hiptrkUr Theodore Herd, Idealist and dreamer Spoke and wrote till the end of his time In order we have a home, a haven In Eretz Ylsroel—his hope sublime.

Thanks to God and Herat's dream, We have our land now, a Jcw- -Ish state, But he who worked so hard for this Was not privileged to see his

dream—it came too late. Though this makes us sick at heart. We must not question the work of God's Hand. Our leader Moses was also denied The sight of his goal, the Holy

Memorial Services The annual Memorinl Services at Beth El Cemetery will be held Sunday, Sept. 26 at 2:30 p. m. Beth El Cemetery is at 84th nnd L Street. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke and Cantor Aaron I. Ku"i-'ar will conduct the Alemorial Service. The B'nai Jacob Adas Yesuron synagogue will have m e m o r i a l services at the Pleasant Hill and Mt. Sinai cemeteries conducted by the Reverend Wolfson S u n d a y , Monday and Tuesday of each week during the month of Elul (Sept, 1 to Oct. 5). Those wishing to attend please call Mr. Wolfson at WE 4020. The family of the late Jacob Abromson will dedicate' a monument hi his memory 11 a. m., Sunday, Sept 19 at the Pleasant Hill Cemetery.

Obituary Mra.SaMNftB

In Honor of his Memory.

Miss Betty Lincoln Engagement Told Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lincoln announce the engagement1 of tfaefr daughter, Betty, to Frank Black, son of Mr.'and Mrs. 1. Black of Dallas, Texas. Miss Lincoln attended the University of Southern California. Mr. Brack is attending Texas AJM. University's School of Veterinary Medidne. The wedding will be held in Omaha, December 19.

Monsky Lodge to Meet At Center Sept. 23

Services for Mrs. 8am Nltt war* held September 8 with Interment in Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. NU*. formerly of Omaha, died September 0. She is survived by: twodaugh. ten, HoUie Brookstein andCella PouMwck, both of Los Angeles; two brothers, Sam Mager of Phttadelpbla and Nathan Mager at . Brooklyn, N. Y.; and nine grandchildren. /

Mrs. Abraham Lewis Sen-ices were held Sunday, Sept. 5 for Mrs. Abraham Lewist with interment at Golden H1U Cemetery. Mrs. Lewis died Friday, Sept. 3 at the Dr. Philip Sber Jewish Home for the Aged. Survivors include: her husband, ' Abraham; three sons. Louis, Harry and Isadore, all of Omaha; five daughters, Mrs. J. Milton Margolin of Omaha, Mrs. A. Feinblatt of Inglcwood, Calif., Mrs. J. Berge* of Waterloo, la., Mrs. L. I-a Rue of Pico, Calif., and Mrs. A. Eaton of Monterey Park, Calif., and 19 grandchildren.

The Henry Monsky Lodge No. 354 of B'nal U'rith will hold Its opening meeting of the fall seaton 8 p. m. Thursday, Sept. 23, at the Jewish Community Center. The meeting will be devoted to the work of the Antl - Defamation League of B'nal B'rith. Seymour Kaplan, Plains States Regional Di- Monument Dedication rector, will be on hand to answer The family of the late Harry questions on human relations. Lehman wiU dedicate a monumentin his memory 11:30 a. m., Sunday, Sept. 19 at the Golden IflH Cemetery. Itobbl Benjamin Groner of Beth Israel Synagogue will oftV cate.


Gems of the

Bible and Talmud By DS. PHILIP 8REB Bible And when ye spread forth your hands, I will bide mine eyes from you. Yea, when ye make many prayers I will not hear, because your hands arc full of blood. Wash yourself, make yourficlf clean, put away the evil of your doings; from before mine eyes cease to do evil. How is the faithful city become a harlot, she that was full of Justice; righteousness lodged in her; but now murderers. Talmud Rabbi Judah said: "Forty days before the birth of a child, a Heav; enly voice proclaims, "The daughter of so and ro shall marry the son of so and so/ " Rabbi Pappa said: "Anger in a home is like a worm In a beautiful plant." Rabbi Chlsda said: "In the very beginning, before Israel had committed sins, the Shechlna would dwell with each and every one; but as 'soon as Israel committed sin, the Shechina departed from them." CASH LOAN New York (JTA)—Total cash funds received by the United Jewish Appeal through its spedal fiveyear loan project launched last January have soared to {62,752,500 as the result of action taken by 18 Jewish communities daring August in arranging loans and t r a n s m i t t i n g funds to UJA amounting to 14,643.000, It was reported by Dr. Joseph 3. Schwartz, executive vice-chairman of the UJA.

B.I. Men's Club The Beth Israel's Men's dub, at • its monthly-board meeting, undertook a study of the safety problem In connection with the traffic in the synagogue parking lot during the hours that the Hebrew school is In session. Dave Dworkln was named chairman and Abe Klopper was named co-chairman of the cludy group. N o r m a n Roscrau eig, ticket chairman for t h e forthcoming Dance of the Month dub series _announced that almost one hundred reservations have been mod* for the dance series. Since reservations .will be closed at ISO, aH members were urged to get th# _ reservations In early.

U. S. Y. Will Hold Dinner Dance United Synagogue Youth wiH hold it's annual dinner dance Sep» tcmbec 25, at Beth El Synagogo*, The dinner win begin at 6:30 p. l% In the Beth El social ban, followed by dancing to the music of tha Dan Burns Quintette. No dates are needed and the affair is ope* to the Youjh Council. Admbssioa price Is $1.23 per person. Ticket* may be purchased from any USX members.

Thank You


The family of the late Mendel Forbes wishes to thank an thrtl friends for their kind expression! of sympathy. ,. The family of the late Mrn, Abraham Lewis wish to thaatt their friends and relatives for thcur kind expressions of sympathy CB their r«tent bereavement. .


Friday, Septonfcer 17,1»M



Organizations Hadassah Hadnssah paid-up members will be guests "f their groups at free luncheons Wednesday, Kept. 22 at 12:30 p, m. All members are urged to pay their flue:; immediately or on the date of the luncheons. New members will be honored at this free paid-up luncheon. The program theme to be carried out at each group will feature an unusual Hnt Style Shuw, entitled "On You It's Becoming." A free door prize of a new High Holiday Hut will be given at each group. A report on the recent National lladiiaauU Convention will hu henrd.


Leonard L. FrlrdVl

Omahan Marries Kansas City Girl Miss Phyllis Joy Kern of Kansas City, Mo., and Leonard L. Frledcl Of Omaha were married Sunday, Aug. 22, at the Bcllerlve Hotel in Kansas City, Mo. ThcJ>rJde Is the daughter of Mrs. Dorothy Kern of Kansas City and the bridegroom Is the ion of the late Mr. nnd Mrs. Meyer Friedel. Itabbl Louis J. Cashdon of Kansas City officiated. The bride, Riven in mnrrlacc by her brother, Norman E. Kern of JU>» Angeles, Calif., wore a Rovvn of white organdy with Insets of appliqucd lace, studded with sequins, which accented the portrait neckline and the flowing skirt. The •nug fitting, basque bodice fipered to a point at the waist line and was fastened down the back with tiny covered buttons. Her waist length veil of silk illusion fell from Q small organdy headpiece, shaped in petals and scattered with sequins. She carried a cascade bouquet of chrysanthemums and pompons of lavender and yellow. Mrs. Joseph Sonken, Jr., of Kanu s City, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. She wore a petal pink ballerina lenRth gown studded with tiny seed pearls cascading down one side of her gown, and carried a bouquet of chrysanthemums. Robert SUvcrman of Omaha served as best man. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Kern chose a sheath dress of cocoa colored lace over blue taffeta covered with Iridescent sequins. Her corsage was made up of talisman roses and yellow pompons. Out-of-town guests Included Mr. and Mrs, Benn Brodkey of Sioux CJty, la.; and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Zukin of LAS Angeles, Calif. Mrs. Brodkey and Mrs. Zukin arc slaters of the bride. For traveling, the bride chose a white linen sheath dress with matching accessories and an orchid corsage. The couple will make their home • t 4702 Cass St., in Omaha.


Omnha Chapter Hadnssah Membership Chairmen are Mrs. Aaron Itips nnd Mrs. Irvin C. Levin. They have met with their group chairmen to plan an outstanding event for the group luncheons to be held at the following places. . Henrietta Szold Group luncheon and meeting will be held at the YWCA. Membership chairmen for the Szold group are.Mrs. Phillip Ilosenb)att and Mrs. Arthur V. Friedman. Prqgriim chairman is Mrs. Morris Fcllmart. For reservations call Mrs. II. D. Marks, RE 1595; Mrs. Benjamin Kahn, KE C035, or Mrs. Isadore Sherman, WE 076G. Tiieodor Hcrzl Group luncheon will be held at the Jewish Community Center. Membership chairmen for the Herzl group are Mrs. Ervin Simon and Mii. Irvin Sherman. Program chairmen are Mrs. Oscar Cnrp and Mrs Seymour Goldston. For reservations call Mrs. Harry Goldstrom, WA 4073, or Mrs. Henry Appel, GL 5G38. Chaim Weizmann Group Paidup Luncheon and meeting will be held at the YMCA, 17th and Harney. Membership chairmen for the Weizmann croup are Mrs. Wn>. Alberts nnd Mrs. Hymle Gendler. Program chairmen are Mrs. Edward Zorinsky nnd Mrs. "Sidney Novnlc. Call the itiAowing for reservations: Mrs. Ben WnWman, KE 5877; Mrs. Hilds Hoiimnn, RE 2948, or Mrs. Charles Fredkln, HA 1193. All luncheons will be held at 12:30 p. m. at the various meeting places designated.

Kadimah Chapter The Kadimah Chapter of Pioneer Women will hold a bake sale September 20 on the main floor of the Brandels store. The home bnked goods will be donated by the members of Kadimah. Mrs. Raymond Corey Is the chairman of this sale nnd she will be assisted by Mrs. Dave Wine, Mrs. Harry Lewis, Mrs. Floyd Perimeter, nnd Mm. Dan Gordman.

Brandeis Women

attended. A social hour will foV low. Mrs. Phil Kutler, president of the chapter, announces the follow* ing commitees for the year: Mrs. William Stone, membership; Mrs. Ezra Beldner, fund-raising; Mri. Goodman Cohen, A.O.L. Mrs. I * Wohlner, National Jewish Hospital; Mrs. Joe Levinsky, Sunshine chairman; Mrs. David B. Blelchen Publicity; Mrs. Al Oruch, Retention chairman; Mrs. Max Sacks, Bulletin; Mrs. Abe Bear, Leo N. Levi,,Hospital; Mrs. Phil.Mulnick, Veterans; Mrs. Max Sacks, Blood Bank; Mrs. Ben ZevJtz, B.B.y,O-j Mrs. M. J. Franklin, Program: Mrs. Lou Singer, Henry Monsky Foundation; Mrs. Al Oruch, Bowling; Mrs. Abe Kaztowsky, Budget, and Mrs. Nate Kraft, Federation Representative and Cofnmunlty At*. fairs.

Delegates, representing 44,000 members from 84 chapters from all sections of the country, to the sixth annual conference of the National Women's Committee of Brundeis University, learned that over $1,000,000 has been given to the University in its short history. The conference concluded with the annual election of officers and board members. Delegate representing Omaha Chapter was Mr* Hyman Ferer, president of the Omaha Chapter. The formal dedication of the beautiful, three-story glass walled library took place. This addition was made poslble by funds contributed by members of the National Women's Committee which is the largest, strongest "Friends of a library" movement in the world. "Education In a Free Society" The board ot B'nal B'rith Henry was the challenging subject of a Mrs. Donald t. Jacobs symposium held at the final ban- Monsky Chapter No. 470 will meet Thursday, September 23, at 1 p. m. quet with President Abram L. Sachar acting as the moderator. at the home of Mrs, George SpitOutstanding educators and Bran- zer, 5144 Franklin Ave. Co-hostess with Mrs. Spltzer for dels faculty members, Dr. Max Lerner, Dr. Leo Szilard, Dr. James the dessert luncheon which will precede the meeting are Mrfles. Miss Kenc Margaret RundeU V. Cunningham and Mr. Arthur George Cohen, Simon Rife, and and Donald Jerome Jacobs, tho Bcrger were the panelists. Charles Stern. latter of Petersburg, Va., were married at 6 p. m. Sunday, Aug. 29, in tho Black Mirror Room of The Nebraska Chapter B'nal the Fontenelle Hotel. 'Rabbi Myer S. Kripke and Cantor Aaron Edgar B'rlth Women N o , 346 will hold The first luncheon meeting of its first meeting of the season Sep- the season of the Pioneer Womofficiated at the ceremony. Parents of (he bride and bride- tember 23, at the South Omaha en's Organization will be held 1 room are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Synagogue, 25th and J Sts., at 8:30 p. m. September 23, at the Jewish Rundell anil Mr. and Mrs. Abe p. m. Mrs. Al Oruch will give a Community Center. All members arc urged to -attend* Jacobs, the latter couple of Peters- report on the convention which she burg. The bride wore a gown of white tulle and Chantilly lace styled with fitted bodice, Victorian neckline, long tapered sleeves and a bouffant skirt with double nylon tulle tiers. A small lace and JewGAS OR OIL eled calot held her fingertip veil FURNACE and she carried a white Bible with a white orchid and stephanotis. Fw Next WINTER'S HEATING Comfort! Miss Ida Rundell, sister of the t O W n n m . HUS KO-Z-AHUTS mm, KKiiufcally rfaigncd bride, was maid Of honor. She fencing d a m a n a gnaw (Won. Full; j«iij««l obisn wore a strapless gown of nquamarino crystalette and shrug Jackprcftna he* IOM . . . towtft fuel bilk. We CM now fffif J«« et and carried yellow carnations. •Ml ticbn t"ttc»tni XOZ-AIRE IWaKM, mmfttuly i * Similarly dressed in sunset coral M «i»a«blc ma. gowns were the Misses Judy JacM MONTHS TO M » M BONN MYMINT obs, Petersburg, sister of the bridegroom; Karen Kricsfcld, Kay DiaUK to NUT I M M M I M mond of Lincoln, and Mrs. Myron Marko, bridesmaids. They carried blue carnations. Philip Silverman of Petersburg was best man. Ushers were Abe Rundell, brother of the bride; Edward Diamond of Lincoln and Edward Steinberg of Denver, Colo. A dinner and dance were held nt the hotel. After,a short wedding trip to Kansas City, Mo., Mr.' and Mrs. Jacobs will live in Chapel Hill, N. C. 4920 Underwood — 2 2 0 S. 24th St.

Monsky Chapter

Miss RundeH Wed At Fontenelle

B.B.Nebr. Chapter


Pioneer Women


CaU RE 5540 or AT 1226

Jewish New Year Cards Newest and Most Complete Line Cards for Friends and Every Member of tho Family


1502 Dodge


Honey, Sponge and Coffee Cakes lor the High Holidays PLACE YOUR ORDERS EARLY

Council Women National Council of Jewish Women, Omaha Section, will hold their first luncheon meeting of the /all season 1 p. m. Tuesday, S e p t 21 i t the Jewish Community Center. Mre.-Hy'ShrJer, program director, announced that candidates for Congress will be guest speakers. They are James A. Hart and Jackion Z. Chase, who are candidates for seats in the House of Representatives, and James F. Green nnd Roman Hruska, candidates for the Senate. Mrs. Ben Shricr will introduce the speakers and act as moderator. Hollywood (JTA)—A conceited film star was bragging to Harpo M a n : "I'm giving • dinner tonight for nil m y friends." Harpo queried, "Dining tionc, eh?"


Both Stores Will Be Open Monday, Sept. 27, Until 4 P.M.

Under the Direction of

We Will Reopen 8 A.M.

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Enroll by Calling JA 1366 or WE 8681 JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER— 101 N. 20th St.

Cookies, Cakes, Brownies, or

Let FORBES Bake the Fancy Any Speciality You May Want


Y.C. Bowling Youth Council Underway

A. Z. A. No. 109 For the coming weekend. Century Chapter has a busy program ahead. Bob Epstein, athletic chairman, has lined up another interchapter football game. Also on Sunday, the club will hold a regular meeting. At this time Arnold Joffe, cultural committee chairman, has lined up a program dealing wlh a current'topic.

B'nai B'rith Bowling

Friday, Srpttmlwr 17,1031

Happy Birthday

Hearing School Needs Funds

Friday, Sejil. 17 Mr. Hardinr; Is rlminnan of the Robert Doufilus Iiordy, IVgi; LobeJ and Paula Fay Mni;iamin. current Omaha Hearing School Saturday, Kcjit. 18 fund drive. He said that to help Boys and girls In the sixth .and ..WOMKN'S LEAGUE Deborah Sue Baker, Sieve the very yuan;; deaf children— seventh grades will have an op"A" LKAtil'K Michael Friedman, Cheryl Itai jjortunlty to learn bowling from W. Welts and Marsha Ann Kueihack some barely 2 years olil—to read tb» Youth Council top bowlers as Wolf Brothers 5 lips and control their speech, the Sunday, Si-fit. 19 they start their league play 12:30 Midwest Water Heaters . . . 5 Bradley Gene Epstein, school must rely on public support. k m. thU Sunday at the .Music Meyer's News 4 Fogcl, Mlchnel Kalz .intl Box. Tanny Horwich, one of Philips Dept. Store 3 Since the Nebraska School for Gail Smcerin. Rayim'i fine bowlen will be in Fireside Restaurant . . . . . . . 2 the Deaf cannot accept pupils unMonday, Sept. 20 charge of the league and he will Mystic Beauty Shop 2 Julie Ann Bernstein, Gordon der five the Omaha Hcarlnc School get assistance from the top bowlOmaha Jobbing . . . . ~ ? t . . . , 2 is the only institution In the area TIKVASAOT Hollls and Cheryl Welnlx-rc ers I n the Youth Council. Here Shukerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 where a child can receive skilled The T. A-'s will hold a regular Tuesday, Sept. 21 are the teams and tho alleys they meeting at the Jay Sunday. The High Games and Series: Libby Helene Rae Frniiklln, Alan Mi guidance during the crucial prewill bowl on this Sunday. meeting will bo the first of the Sachs 195, Reva Singer 182, Libby chad Gcndler, Dcbrn Lynnc Jacob- school years. Team 1 year, and all new freshman girls Hoberman 486, Rose Garrop 483, son, Michael Howard Murkovilz, Mr. Harding Bah! the school, ' Marshall Bernstein, Jerry Clptn- are cordially invited to attend. Gert Zevitz 197-479, Rae Wlntroub Paul Rosen and Steven Sloan. which Is not supported by taxes, Jto, Karl Luefschuetz and Arnold Following the meeting a report 470, Flora Bloom 177-466, Rose needs ten thousand dollars to Wednesday, Srpt. 22 Altsuler. will be given by Miss Rose Lag- Oruch 465, Ruth Sokolof 5-6-10 Steven Dolgoff, Nathan Alan carry on. Contributions may be Tram t man on the National Young Judaea split. sent to Hearing School, Box 857, Feldman and Nancy Makicsky. Bruce Goldstein, Walt Wise, Convention in New York from Omaha. ThDisday, Sept. tS Frank Goldberg and Bud Hcrzog. which she recently returned. "B" LEAGUE Linda Joy Feldman, Janinc Ma Team S The T. A-'s are very proud of W. rise Landow, Martin Knrl Snclder man, Howard Jay Halpcrin, Sara Gabby Berg, Dick Kaslow, Louis member Theresa Kahn who was Angle's Beauty Salon 5 and Sharon Arlene Tcmln. Beth Katzman, Norman KrizelRich and Bud Marcus. crowned the twenty-first AZA Hamilton Pharmacy • 4 Friday. Sept. 24 man, John Okun, Betty Barbara Team 4 Colony Club 4Sweetheart. Joyce Ellen Ferer, Richard Hen- Rosenzwclg and Rosandra Turkel. Lyn's Florist 4 Gerald Rosenblatt, Marty Borry Slosbure, Michael Abbott Kai' Wednesday, Hept. 2» Mogcn David Wine 3 covid. Howard Shrlcr and Mike BAYIM man and Carl TcpllUVy. Ronald Hugh Kwlntck and Elise 2 Rosenblatt Saturday, Sept 15 At the last meeting In a solemn Smith Pontiac Ann Llpton. 2 Team 5 Steven B e r n s t e i n , Merrylec ceremony, 17 freshmen -were for- KtshFurs Thursday, Sept SO 0 • Jerry Pitalls, J i m Guss, Steve mally inducted into the plcdgeshlp Korney's Paint Co Crandell, Marc Goodman, James Mary Steinman. High Games and Scries: Phyllis Alan Malashock, Joan Rae Mary,1 Guss and Stuart Babcndurc. of the Rayim fraternity. Two other prominent features of tho meet- Frank 159-169-453, Lucille Epstein Stuart Kenneth Nichols and MarTeam 6 David Swift, Marv Polikov, Kcva ing were a talk by Murray Rose, 150-151-448. M a d j y n Bernstein ilyn Welnbere. religious chairman, on what is a 41C Rose Sachs 409, Betty PerelShyken and Larry Iloltstcin. Sunday, Sept. M Jew; and a talk by Marty Gceene, man 161-409, Julia Shapiro 405, Team 7 Susan Mclinda Be.rmiut, Richard Albert Swanson, Pete Evangcl- cultural chairman, about what will Kitty Asby) 155-404, Lucille Rosen Jay Bernstein, Mark Jonathan isti, John Sutin and Don Fiedler. happen during the rest of the 161-404, Mary Shukcrt 164-401, Fetljnan, Floyd John Frclden, Centennial celebration. Kitty Asbyl and Mickey Shafer Pamela Uncoln and Michael Irvin Team 8 Schwartz. Sharon Bernstein, Ethel Sabes, Recently, Rayim President, Jerry 5-10 split Enid Vcnger -and Sarah Milder Mdrcr was honored by the WorldMonday, Sept. Zl Herald when they named him Team S Parkway Robert Myron. Brodkcy, Eric . Arlene Grossman. Lubcth Shwi- "Teen of the Week." ' W. L. J e f f r e y Fried, Frank Norman delson, Eden Cohn and Sheilah Last Sunday Rayim held a Fa- Hoberman Elumblng 5 1 Goldberg, Ruth Ann Goldsmith, Janet Beth' Roscnstcin, Ellen Novak. ther and Son baseball game and a Canadian Beer 5 Lynnc Ross and Jeffrey Simon. picnic. About 150 members and Grace-Mayer Ins. ..'. Team 10 4 Dlanno Rublnow, Bcttc Wiener, parents attended the picnic. Tuesday, Sept. 28 Gercllck Motors . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Berdlne Green, Lora Rae Free Karen Fcllman and Judy Stevens. Ranks 4 Team 11 Calling all actresses and actors! Riteway TV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Marilyn Kaplan, Marsha Corcn, Something new has been added to Wolfson-Gcrber 3 the Youth Council's schedule of Richamn-Gordman Maureen Epstein and Bonnie 3 Buy a Nationally activities. Monday, Sept. 20, a Forbes Bakery . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Freshman. dramatic program, "Drama at the Harvey Chicken Team It 1 Advertised TV Marlys Isack, Linda Llob. Judy Jay," will !>ci;in under the direc- Milder Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 tion of Nancy Fowler, graduate of Picture Tube Goldner and Julie Goldsmith. Sol Lewis 1 the Carnegie Institute. An experiSubstitute* at Frances Cooperman, Carolyn enced actress of summer stock. From South Dakota Hollywood (JTA), — Groucho Miss Fowler will hold tryouts for Marx says he owns what is withDolgoff and Junior Pepper her coming production in the au- out a doubt the laziest rooster in and Minnesota Ak-Sar-Bcn TV Co. ditorium. the world. "He's so lazy," explains DRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT INSTALLATION FREE All Interested should attend the Groucho, "that he's never crowed The first day of the 195-1-55 first meeting at 7 o'clock. Monday. in his life. He just waits for anWe Service All 'bowling season got off to a treother rooster to crow . . . and Makes of Television mendous start last Sunday at the Last Sunday, September 13. a then he nods hU head." Rear of Music Box at 12:30 p. m. Bowling coketail party was held for the WOIK FULLY GUAIANTEID will continue hereafter each Sun- incoming freshman girls. The club DAY AND NIGHT S M V I C I _ day at the same time — same presidents and Bub Meyer, Youth place through the first part of Council president served as hosts' Ak-Sor-Ben TV Co. April. and hostesso*. Facts about the 2902 N. 30rh St. More than 70 boys and girls various clubs and the YoutluCoun240f ASMS Call M 4404 RUG & UPHOLSTERY turned out Some were old timers cU a* a whole were discussed. Call PL 4433 Kottmkl at the game, others participating CLEANERS for the first time. All agreed that KISS - CARPETING they had a wonderful time.. Bowl- Hadassah BowfMg LAMP IHADES ing ability Is not necessary — for L. vrUKHITUIt there has to be a first time for all. Mete Beer 0 3 There were some youngsters ab- Fireside Restaurant . . . 3 Cleaned in Your Home! 0 sent who are Interested. These Silk Shop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0 JMfs? . Uyf*g • Rcpalrl*? young people aw invited to come Brodkcy Jewelry . . . . . . 3 -" 0 DON BERNSTEIN HA K M next Sunday. It in the desire of No. 11 0 3 B'nal B'rith that all youngsters Mnglcolor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2tt 'A wanting to bowl, be allowed to do Cooper Construction . . . 2 1 FORMULA 23 so. If necessary, teams will be Watson-Bros 2 1 composed of six children with "low Playlond Park 1 2 •man" "out each week. Teams will NogK Bros 1 2 be set up after several weeks of No. 10 tt 2U continuous bowling, thereby en- United Auto v" 0 3 abling each child to establish a Kdwards Jewelry •• 03true average. Each team will have Millic Wine 0 3 a' sponsor. Each child .will receive No. 1C 0 3 "DUAL-FUEL" Formula 23, with his/her own bowling shirt. No. 12 0 3 its amazing miracle additive, out* . ' Lca^u«> C o u n c c l o r s Harold High Srrln and damn) told >ll oilier fuel oili in Onuh* 'Bloom. Harry Collck and Ida Sacks during llic 1953-54 licaliiiR jcason. Over 7.000 fuel uKfl pfe-; Cert Zevltz, 191, 483; Ruth fefred Milder, Hcrc'fc proof of quality «n<i Service. * are grateful to the mnny parent"; Klein, 474; Ann Schulman, 441; who have shown such an active in- Julia Shapiro. 429; Valva Feld"DUAI^FUEL" I'ormula 11, ctcluiivc to Milder cuttomert, comterest. They especially want to man, 42J; Liberty Faier, 421; Rova bine! the belt qualities of No. 2 and No. 3 fuel oil I, PLUS a miracle additive which flivci "DUAL-FUEL" * cleaner, hotter thank Mcrrium Coopcrmnn, Hetty Singer, 422; Kitly Asbyil, 418; flame per gallon of fuel uicd. Perelmjn and JMen TarnoffWho Marge Fromklh. 417; BPSS Hnzassisted with scarckeeping and nick, 412; Addie Snelder, 409; Kthcl Ojlicn, 407; Pearl Gross. aided -with instruction. FORMULA 23 ADDITIVE PREVENTS CLOCGINGI •lOfi; Kilalx-lle Schloff, 406; Iluth T'll-i Week'* High* Oil mult How trcth ihfQUch noizle openines to injure Fox, 405; Esther P^)ss, 401; KxServed Buffet Style! maximum hen efficiency. DtML-FUHL'* mincle B<J> Games Series ditivt helps keep time important opening* clean. Mickcv Sacks 150-ftG 2% teile Turkel, 401 and Ruth Kraft, All You Care to Eat Contract now for MiMer'i DUAL FUEL tad be aiiurcd Mike PL-ilt 147-135 2K2 401. of "dean-flow" trouble free protection. Billy Katzman 117-123 270 Roger Smith 131-110 211 NOON TO 3 P. M. GUARANTEED UNINTERRUPTED SERVICE David Wintroub 120-118 236 We guarantee uninterrupted fuel oil he*t by Mnir*' Eddie Wlntroub 120-115 2.Vi in« availability of burner aervice 24 hours • daf, JA i^ot (o insert your Wont A« Lcnorn Falk 130- 97 227 I rtiani nit J±v*im I'reai. Sundayk and HotiJari. Recorded meter dellvcfk* Larry Hoberman . . . 130- 97 227 Current rn:t n 6u c*r,t« loi eacn inrrrguarantee full meafure. Your authorization of oar .lau. TU ITf« reiervrt Ujc rlgJjt to iimlt "KEEP-Fl/LL" pUn piar»Qteei automatic dclircrtn Susie Wolf son 122- 94 21C me OD ««/•!> aovcriiifenicRt. _ of fuel oil throughout the heating acaioo. Larry Garrop 133- 81 214 "JEWISH NEW YEAR CARDS 211 Joyce Koom 12!>- 8G BAH and Bas Mitzvah congratuContract HOW for "Keep-Full" Strvlcl Justin Lewis 112- 99 211 lations also for all Jewish holiHoward Slusky . . . . 123- R"> 208 days and special occasions. Jeanne Silver 107-100 207 Meyers News Stand. 1502 Dodge. Douglas Platt 12A- 82 206 Marc Snmuelson . . . 118- 88 206 PLKASANT room for rent. KxHOTEL BLACKSTONE cellent for business vvoman, Judy Cohen 126- 78 204 26th and DORCAS... ; . JAckson 2111 teacher, nursoNjr student. 302G Clnrlt Swartz 1O.T-10O 203 Lincoln Blvd. Call HA 7423. Edle Singer 118- 83 201


Jr. B.B. Bowling


Ted's Tavern

Milder's NEW


Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine 6n Sunday

Sunday Brunch




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