October 1, 1954

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UN Investigation Asked Of Soviet Persecution New York (WNSj— Hop. Churle J. Kcrslvn of Wisconsin, chairmnr. of the House Committee Aggression which last week conducted a hearing In New York on nntlJcwlsh persecutions In Communist countries, staled that his committee probably would recommend V Congress Hint the United State Ambassador to the United Nation he requested to move for a U. N Investigation of these persecutions Demands for such nn investigation were made by representatives of lending Jewish organizations Who testified before the committee during the week. It was revealed that of som< 600,000 Jews sent from Poland to Siberia in 1939, only 150,000 hov< been accounted for while tho re malnlng 450,000 "Jmt vanished' by the wor'« end In 1915. The settlement of nirobldjan by Jews was Used by t.ie Communists to mulct million of dollars from Americans In cash, equipment and moclUncry meant for the Jewish region. The Communists wore, charged with reviving anti-Semitism "as an Instrument of government pol Icy;" sabotaging restitution t o Jewish victims of Nazism In satellite countries; destroying all Jewish communal institutions prompting "bloody pogroms" in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary

Israel Bond Dinner Plans Announced Preparations are under way for the Israel Development Bond Issue lMnwr to bo held Novemlyr 14 nl the Hlackstono Hotel, Dr. Abe Urecnberg, chnlmian, snld this week. Selections of committee members will be completed within tho next few days, Dr. Grccnberg added. "It Is the hope of the committee to contact each and every Omaha Jew so that everyone may have a part In tho wonderful dc vclopmcnt of Israel," Or. Greenberg emphasized.

New Hillel Book • The B'nnl B'rith HUlcl Foundations have announced the publication of the first of a series' of Hiljel Ulllo Books. "What Is This Jewish Heritage?" by Ludwlg Lowlnhon. •B'nal B'rith Henry Monsky Chapter JNo. 470 Is presenting copies ot this new boeh to tho Jewish Federation Library, BethEl, Beth Israel and Temple Israel Libraries and the Omaha Public Library. : This first volume will be the fore-runner of a series designed to •tlmulate discussion and further atudy of the Jewish heritage among college s t u d e n t s and thoughtful people of nil ages. Attractively printed and bound, the book Is available in bonk stores, B'nal B'rith and the National 1111Icl Offices. "We bellevo that all those interested in u deepening of Ihclr understanding of Jewish thought and life will want to read anil own B copy of this first Illllel Little Book," stated Rabbi Arthur Lelyveld, National Hillcl Director anil firmer spiritual leader of Temple Israel, Omaha. Mrs. Harold Zclinnky is Illllel Chairman.

Italian Chief of Staff Home (WNSJ — Gen. Giorgio LIu?zl, a member of one of Italy's most distinguished Jewish families, has been mined Clilef of Staff of tho Italian Anny by tlie Cabinet. Gen. Lluzzl has a long record of active service in the resistance bnttlo ncalnst the Nnzls ond f a s cists In Italy and In World War I when he was cited many times for bravery.

Pufj4fi&ea rverj tmclay, 1U1 W. 20th. Omaha. Nebraska, Pboae JA 1366


and Rumania, resulting In the death of hundreds of innocent Jews; Imprisoning without charge hundreds of Jewish leaders who were left to rot without trial for many years In filthy Communls Jails; pauperizing the Jewish population in Russia and the satel llti'.i, and deporting thousands into unsettled areas with no food or moans of shelter. The secret purge trials and sentencing of Jews, they stated, was continuing up to the present time.

460,000 Aided In Year by UJA New York (JTA)—The United, Jewish Appeal made it possible during the Jewish year 5714 for it* constituent agencies to assist 460,000 Jews In 20 countries, 320,000 of thorn in the State of Israel, Ed. ward M. M. Warburg, general chairman of the UJA, reported. Mr.,Warburg emphasized, however, that "great as the results are, many millions of dollars are needed In addition In the first several months of the new year to meet urgent and even critical situations of rjced, both In Israel and In behalf of stricken men, women and children In Kuropo and the MdSlem world." He pointed out that "the United Jewish Appeal now requires, and must raise, $50,000,00 In cash" by December 31.

Religious News 5:S0 r. M. Candlelightlng

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Temple Israel Sabbath Services this evening start promptly at 7 o'clock and wiU be held in the chapel of the new Temple Israel at 70th and Cass Street. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks will conduct the services. YOM KIPFCB ' Wednesday, Oct. 6 Evening Service . . . . . . . . . . . 8 p . m Thursday, Oct. 7 Service ...10:00a.m. Children's Service . . . . . 1:15 p. m

Beth Israel

Omaha's 32nd annual Community Chest campaign pushed off Tuesday with the mounting of a huge Red Feather banner at the Douglas County Courthouse, Goal Bet A goal of $1,291,548 has been set to keep the vital 47 Red Feather agencies operating through 1955. The goal represents an increase of 10 percent over last year and is the minimum amount needed to meet the growing health and welfare needs brought about by Omaha's 15 per cent Increase la population in the past few years, a chest spokesman stated. , Growing Needs W. tawrence Shomaker, cam« paign chairman, in his opening day message reported that contributipns during this same period have increased less than four per cent. He added: "This is the year Omaha's h.cart has to catch-up with its growth, or we will suffer ri severe cutback In agency: services at a time Omaha is growing and needs more services." Another reason for the goal increase, Mr. Shomaker noted, Is the poor condition of agency buildings. Fifty•'•: thousand dollars, he. said, is needed for emergency repairs to keep from shutting down some of tho buildings. ' This year the campaign has been extended until October 28. The Federation for Jewish Sery« ice is an beneficiary of the Community Chest.

Friday evening services begin at 5:4$ p, m. Sabbath morning services begin at 8:30 a. m. Junior congregation starts at 10 a. m. Rabbi Groncr will conduct _the Talmud Class at 5:15 p. m.; Saturday Mincha will start at 5:45 p. m. followed by Sholoshe S'cuodos Tills youngster 1« receiving watchful guidance from a superand Maarlv. visor at an agency of the ComDally morning services begin at munity Client, Give enough so that 7 a, m.; dally afternoon services Msentlnl nervier* In Omaha will begin at 6 p. m. net have to l>o curtailed. Sunday morning services begin at 8:45 a . m . followed by Rabbi's clans In Bible study and breakfast. The Talmud Discussion group meets every Tuesday evening at 8:15 p. m. In B. H. H. Synagogue. 19th and Burt. Omaha Hearing School YOM New York (JTA)—"The annals Wednesday, Oct. 6 pf the American Jewish commuKvery child who wins his Btrug Candle Lighting Ttrno . . 5:18p.m. nity, extending over three ccn 5:45p.m. e with deafness becomes n com Kol Nldre turlcs, and Its striking growth durmunity -asset, Charles Harding II Sermon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:15p.m. ing tho last hundred years, conThursday, Oct. 7 : ; :• pointed out. stitute a cardinal chapter In the Mr. Harding, chairman of the Morning Service . . . . . . . 7:30a.m history of the Jewish people and Chicago (WNS)—The need for Omaha Hearing School fund drive, Sermon . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10:30 a.m. add lustre to the great saga of the "a fighting organization" capable Issued an appeal for fund as the Jr. Cong. Service ......10:30a.m. United States," Israel Prune Min of defending Jews against false Ylskor Memorial drive neared a close. ister Moshc Sharctt declared In a and malicious charges ia "as great Tho school, which teaches chil- Services . . . . . . . . . . . .11:00 a. m. message released here by Ralph today as In any modern time," this) Nc-l-lah 5:00p.m. dren 2 to 5 years to read lips and Samuel, national chairman of the week declared Philip M. Klutznick, B'nal B'rith president, before an control speech, needs ]0" thousand American Jewish Tercentenary, dollars. The money will enable the Beth El "Standing on the threshhold of audience of community leaders non-profit Institution - to operate the fourth century pf Its existence, here attending the opening meetfor another year. The school Sabbath Eve Services will be American Jewry must bo keenly Ing of tho Joint Defense Appeal opened September 27, held tonight at 7 p. m. conscious and deeply proud of the drive. "Every dime, every dollar will Sabbath morning services will great heritage of Jewish tradition The B'nal B'rith president cited help the youngsters to be better begin nt 8:45 o'clock. Mincha serv- and Idealism which has fallen to several examples In recent weeks citizens," Mr. Harding stressed. ices will begin at 5:45 p. m. its, lot. Indeed, Were It not for the to illustrate the situation. Among Send your contribution to Hear- YOM KIPPWl single-minded dedication of t h e these was the recent probe at Fort ing School, Box 857, Omaha. ' masses of American Jews to the Monmouth where 41 out of 45. Wednesday, Oct. 6 Kol Nldre 5:45p.m. cause of their people, Israel would originally suspended as security hardly have arisen, while hundreds risks were Jews and where many, Thursday, Oct. 7 Jewish Life Analyzed Morning Service 8:00 a.m. of thousands of Jews who found have since been reinstated. He Starlight, Pa". :JTA>—"The ma- Ylzkor. Memorial refuge in the land of their fore- pointed out that many Southern chinery of American Jewish life, Service 10:30n.m. fathers could have remained doom- Jews were now. being subjected to active and smooth running as it Is. Children's Service' 1:00 p. m. ed to misery, degradation and con- both "economic and social presIs not turning out Jews armed Mlncha-Nellah Service . 3:45p.m. stant peril, Mr. Sharctt pointed sures" because of tho part that. Jewish organizations haft" played with a knowledge of the meaning out. in ending school segregation in the of their Jcwlshness and inspired to The Prime Minister stated that South. create, to produce or to express Great Books Groups Israel relied "on the fruitful partthemselves as Jews In the terms of nership between It and American The Great Books Discussion Jewry that meaning," Rabbi Arthur* J. to enrich Jewish culture, Lelyvcld. director of the B'nal Groups, sponsored-by the Public deepen Jewish consciousness,' 'af1'rlth Hillel Foundation, declared Library, have begun their, sessions. ford protection to all persecuted here at the ninth annual national One group meets at the Jewish and menaced Jews, serve the cause Illllel Summer Institute. More Community. Center on alternate of free democracy and universal New York (JTA>—Dr. Nahum lian 200 selected student leaders Tuesday evenings, under the direc- pepee and uphold the high moral rom the Hillcl Foundations on tion of David Nlcklln and Naomi principles and social Ideals of Goldmann, chairman of the Jewish Agency, described as a "good campuses in this country, Canada, Nettlcton. Judaism/' omen" tho statement by Selwyn Another group will start their llrllaln, Israel and Iran tire atLloyd, Minister of State of the meetings October 14, from 8 to 10 icndlng the ten-day Institute. British Foreign Office, who had p. m., at Technical High School proposed utilizing the "good ofunder the direction ot Mr. and Mrs. Sunday Radio fices" of Great Britain In mediatEdward Lcvinson. The group will ing the Arab-Israel conflict.' meet on alternate Thursday OVOIsrael Zvlintstcr Dr. Solomon B. Frechof of Pointing out, however, that meCongregation Rodef Shalom In To Give Message Mrs. Jack Marcr and Mrs. Homdiation "is incompatible with arm. Pittsburgh, Pa., will discuss )r Smith will lead a Friday moming Israel's Arab neighbors to the "America and Judaism In MuMrs. Goldn Myfrson, Israel IIK croup nt the YWCA. teeth," Dr. Goldmann called for a tual Influence—Toward a UnitMinister of Labor, will, speak A second year croup will start ed World" on tho Message of reconsideration by Great Britain by long distance telephone from \H sessions on Monday nfternoons Israel program over KOIL from and the United States of their New York City to lenders of present arms policy in the Middle his month at Ahi- University of 10 to 10:30 a. m. Senator Herour Omaha community at 1 Omaha. Mrs. M. II. Urddkcy will East. Ho spoke at a New York bert II. Lehman will deliver a p. m. today. metropolitan area conference ot lie one of tho discussion leaders. special message. Mrs! Myerson will discuss the American Zionist Council. Another second year croup is In present Israel dangers, Dr. Abo lirogrcss at Weslslde High School Rabbi Irving Miller, chairman of Grefnherg, chairman of tho The "Sealed T u n n e l , " the md other croups meet at North .he Zionist Council who presided Omaha Board of Governors for story of a Newport, It. I., synaBranch Library and Dewey Park ilso hailed the'British announceIsrael Bonds, announced that gogue will bo presented on the ment and expressed the hope that 'avilion. Mrs. Myerson's message will For further Information concern- Eternal Llgh.t program over the United States'would associate be heard at today's meeting nt Inn; all groups, contact Miss Sylvia WOW-Radio from 11:30 to 12 Itself with these efforts to bring the Highland Town Club. about lasting peace in tho Middle Cline, group service librarian at noon. East.' i the Omaha Public Library.

Israel Premier Hails U.S. Jewry On Tercentenary

Klutznick States Need for Defense

British Mediation ! Offer Good Sign

van Tw«

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Friday, October 1, 1051

Community Calendar

Sflje leftist) PrUay by the Federation tar Jewbb Service Mi umui, nmruu. mmtm a» mt 1 tuna j , urn. twtiAAc ftaiM on Ape . Ktbr.. JfccUoi ISM.

i utimtt tuas ao. m» HARRY BALPERT.



Off the Record

Come-Union Uy Mndcluiiuf Culm Silver My; Temple, silhouetted 'gainst the nky, Yet crest earth-bound, what contrasts you Imply! Concrete, yea, wood and steel and stone. You symbolize the Spirit's Great Unknown. So new yourself, yet rooted to the past With ties ef memories when sunsets cast A glow of glory, ageless as In .days When patriarchs' voices first sang One-God's praise.

Monday, October 4 Brandcls University Buard—11 a. in., Home. B'nai B'rith Chapter No. <170— 1 p. m., Center. Omaha Workmen's I/MII -7:30 p. m., Center. Tuesday, October 5 Beth El Sisterhood Bonril — 1 p. m., Beth El Synagogue. Beth Israel Sisterhood Board—• 1 p. m , Beth Israel. Temple Israel Sisterhood— Regular meet, 1 p. m., Temple. Wednesday, Ortolwr (I YOM KIPPUR EVE. ThomdAy, October 7 YOM KIPPUR.

Since be was the gentleman who HprUi processed the cases, it Is quite conCOMMENT ON A REPORT . ceivable be was not a thoroughly Unmoveable you stand, while through us surge For reasons of its own the ADI. objective judge of the facts. J Emotions with revitalizing urge is bent on keeping the « 0 of understand that an important To do the things our higher selves would do, secrecy around the report It sub- source of information to the ADL Prove worthy ot the precious title: Jew. mitted to the Army on the ngry was an Informant who was closeAnd from your sacred sacraments enshrined, ly associated with the "key man" facts and rumor* surrounding the New vigor for our sluggish spirits find. dismissal at Fort Monmoulh of and others who arc still in sens! Jewish civilian employes* But it live positions and whose names By Torah, Ark, Ner Tomld, dedication seems to this corner at least tha' therefore cannot be divulged. Since We feel our Inmost souls' recoraecratlon, Felix Rich the need for secrecy has vanished the informants gave the InformaAs we, with pride, recite our age-old creed now that a good deal of the report tion to the ADL in confidence, it In deep humility confess our need. Services were held September has been permitted to leak o u t is felt release of the report would There's truth, you, sOent shrine, must long have known; 19 in St. Joseph, Mo., for Felix The recent disclosure that the be a betrayal of that confidence. . That each of us lacks meaning all alone. ' Rich. Mr. »Rich, 74, died SeptemArmy could find no anti-Semitic However, it seems to this corner ber 17 in St. Joseph. He was a motive behind the suspensions that a way could be found in this Your beauty, newness, grandeur—naught avail resident there for 55 years. should either dose the Incident or particular Instance to cat the cake If through your balls indifferent'void prevail; Survivors include: his wife. compel the AOL to lay its cards and have It .too. While we, Albeit erstwhile before your shrine Rose: a son, Eugene of Omaha; on the table. Evidently the ADL Vicariously strong, oM, grand, divine. two daughters, Mrs. Albert Shania is not overly satisfied wjth the WASHINGTON FOIXIES , Shrink once again to petty earthly mortals. >f St, Joseph and Mrs. Ben Wolfe Mnd of Investigation made 'by-the Denied the Presence, pulsate past your portals. The gentlemen of the State Deof Muskogec, Okla.. and five Army- In fact it would haije the partment are advocating wider grandchildren. May God, Creator of us BlL ensure Army make the tame kind of American military assistance to This synthesis of purpose long endure: thorough-going investigation of the the Arab slates still haven't anWe, by our presence, keep your halls alive, accusers and the accusations as swered this simple question: B o w Mrs. Anna Friedman You, by holy shelter, help us thrive. the Navy did In the Chasanow can a group of countries be conThus, Temple Israel, by this mystic suture. Services were held Thursday, since "it is important to deter- sldered-incapable of sustaining an You of great past shall know a blessed future, S e p t 30, in Chicago for Mrs. Anna mine whether some of the accus- aggressive move against Israel and Friedman. Mrs. Friedman, 79, died ers of those suspended at Fart yet be strong enough t o act a s a Read by Mrs. tsldor McjrUr, Temple Israel Dedication Monday, Sept. 27, in a New York Monmputh were motivated by bulwark against possible commuquet, Sept. 18, US*. lospltal following a long Illness. bigotry, as charged." We do not nist aggression? The answer will profess to know what facts the Iho had been a resident of Omaha since a ADL presented in its report, but never be forthcoming 'or more than 62 years before It is common knowledge that the forthright reply would demolish leaving here last February. Monument Dedication key man who initiated the action the theory behind the incompreSurvivors Include: a son. Dr. Ar> against the accused has a pretty hensible policy. The need of makhur of Omaha; two daughters, The family of the late Anna ing that region, of the world a consistent record of anti-Semitism. Katzman will dedicate a monu- •Irs. Jennie Goldberg of New York bastion against communist peneMrs. 1 lilda Henshel of Los AnBible and Talmud ment in her memory 1 p. m., Sun- and tration Is obvious. But it would day, Oct. 3 at Golden Hill Ceme- (teles, Calif. appear our policymakers are pickBy OR. PHILIP 8IIEB tery, 5024 N. 42nd Street. ing the wrong friends. The Arab Rabbi Benjamin Gronor and William Oogdanoff record Is a woeful one for democCantor Eli ICagan of Beth Israel racy. They toyed with our enemies Bible By Seymour U. KapUn, Regional openly and were ready to receive will officiate. Services were held Thursday, Director, Anti-Defamation Though his hatred be concealed Sept. 23, for William Bosdanoff, Hitler and his troops but for the of B'wU B'ritli with deceit, his wickedness hall be turn of fortune. Their stubborn The family of the late Julius Mr. Bogdanoff, 78, diet! Wednesrevealed before the congregation. Newman will dedicate n monu- lay, Sept. 22, following a lingering In the September 7 Issue of refusal to openly and securely comA lying tongue hatrth those that ment in his memory l:,10 p. m.. LOOK magazine, there appeared mit themselves to a policy of nonHorn In Russia, Mr. Bogdnnoff an article of such excellence thnt uggression against Israel as a con- ire crushed by It, nnd a flatterln;; Sunday, Oct. 3 at Pleasant Hill Cemetery, 42IG Redick av. Rabbi ived in the United States for 50 we recommend It for everyone's dition precedent to the receipt of mouth workcth ruin. reading. If you have already seen Western arms shows where the Sweet lips and n wicked heart Kidney H. Brooks of Temple years, 27 of which were spent in Omaha., the article, It would be worthwhile wind will be blowing when the rircs are like an earthen vessel overlaid Israel will officiate. Survivors include: his wife, Gcrto re-read it, and If you missed are raging. with sliver dross. mde; a daughter, Eva Ferer of the article, we urge you to Ret a Talmud Temple Sisterhood -<K Angcle.t, Calif.; three sons, copy of the magazine so that you Rabbi Jose says: "Whoever says \be of Kansas City, Isadore of may read it thoroughly. that he cares for nothing else ex- To Hold Supper-Dance 3maha, and Paul of Los Angeles. The name of the article, "Is cept to study the Torah will not Fear Destroying'Our Freedom?" A Supper Dance and Card Party rewarded even for the studying was first brought to our attention if it. Because the passage says will be held in the Temple Israel Mrs. Sam Krizelman before the magazine appeared on Deut. 5:1): That ye may learn social hall Saturday, Oct. 30, Mrs. the news-stands, by Mr. S. O. Services were- held Tuesday, -•* .: By Boris Smolar ; '"' them, and that ye may observe Ed Gilbert and Mm. Lnzar KapShapiro, Vlce-PresIdcnt of the (Copyright, 19&, JTA, Inc.) lan, chairmen of the affair, an- ept. 21, for Mrs. Sam Krizelman them.' Whoever observes to do magazine and a member of ADL's them will be rewarded for study- nounced. Supper will be served with Interment nt Pleasant Hill National' Program Committee. It TUE DOMESTIC FRONT from 7:30 to 9:30 p. m. Dancing Cemetery. Mrs. Krizelman, 67, died A survey on anti-Semitic activi- Ing, but whoever docs not observe will follow to the music of Kmest Monday, Sept. 20, at a local hospibears the ominous sub-title, "In these tiroes of hysteria over com- ty In the United Stales conducted to practice them will not be re- Priesman and his band. Thla Is Shc had beep nn Omaha rcslmunism, no one's name is safe— by the AmericanV Jewish Commit- •arded even for studying." A beautiful wife Is her husband's the one large -fund raising event of ~-t for more than 50 ycare. not even yours." Ever think of tee establishes that organized • Krizelman is survived by the sisterhood, the e h a I r rn e <• anti-Semitism reached its lowest cllght and prolongs his days two- stated. it like that? — >ns, Max and Sol, both of 'oid. -Turn away thine eyes from The opening paragraph punches ebb in 1937 and has never since ; a sister and two brothers. Members of the committee art coquette, lest thou be caught In out a most significant sentiment; gone up . . . This docs not mean Mcsdames. Edwin E. Brodky, Herijcr net; and abstain from drinking that anti-Jewish rabble rousers "You are free to read. You are USO la supported through your ine or beer even with her hus- man Friedman, Robert Newman free to think. You arc free tojolk. have gone out of business . . . On Max Wolfson. Louis Llpp, Iz Wien- Red Feather e'fts. About 5,200 You are an American- a citizen the contrary, the AJC lists quite jand, because through the charm- er, Joe Meyer, Hnrold Kasin, Har- Omalmns servinE in the Armed number of them by names and ng appearance of a beautiful worn- old Farber, Maurice Pepper, How- Forces arc usuirc the USO, many ot the noblest political system ever devised. You are free." Mnny ora- even gives thumbnail sketches of n many were destroyed, and nu- ard Kaplan, lien Shapiro, Joe Ja- in for corners of the world. tions have been given on American some of them . . . However, their merous were thus killed through cobs, Jack Cohen nnd Miss Susie freedom. None have said more activities today bear little resem- her. Jacobs. blance to the nouy methods they than this succinct statement. And then the nrlicle documents used several years ago . . . Rather Catholic Bishop events in our great country in than stalling anti-Jewish meetings, which skilled use of the smear picket lines, rallies and other demJerusalem (JTA1—The lit. Rev. New York (JTA)—-A campaign By Mrs. Morrln Hperfcler technique, of the whispering cam- onstrations, they now lay more .Isgr. Allwrlo Gori, Archbishop to raise 551.000.000 In the next paign, of the innuendo and un- emphasis on disseminating nnti- and head of the Roman Catholic four months for Israel's industrial The New Year has come— Jewish literature . . . They have voiced implication, ha\c destroyed, We must hope and deserve or at thor very leaM, d'-tfriornted discovered the usefulness of Gen- 'atriarchate in Jordan, came to and a g r i c u l t u r a l development That our Good Lord forgive us . the quality of Ihis great American eral mailing lists, instead of rely- Israel and attended the consecra- through the sale of Israel Develop- our ment Bond3 was Inaugurated hero ing on the private raters of cracktion of a new road leading to Mt. tradition of freedom. It points out that even such hitherto impervious pot followings in years pone by . . . Tabor, one of Christendom's holiest at the National Leadership Con- All humans let us respect, places as ttic U. .S. Air Force fle- They arc now polluting the Amer- shrines. The Israeli Government ference for Israel Bonds which wa3 With our own folk let us be sorve and the .Supreme Court of ican atmosphere with bigotry constructed the road to facilitate attended by 400 Jewish community friends, the United Suites are not Immune. through more subtle approaches to the travel of Christian pilgrims. leaders from nil parts of this With harmony and singleness of As we rend the ruiicle, we were public opinion by salting public Hie Archbishop expressed his grati- country and Canada. Some $24.aim, reminded of the stirring words of debate on American national is- tude to the Israeli Government 000,000 has thus far been received Our plea to others for help can President Ki*;onhov.er, on the oc- sues with hate propaganda . ,, The 'or its "Solicitude toward its Chris- toward the $75,000,000 sales goal eojj. casion of ADL's "10th Anniversary American Jewish Commitco, the ian citizens and overseas, pil- for 1054. Celebration. Inst year, in Wash- Anti-Defamation League of B'nr.i grims." The building; of this road, The campaign was launched In Our Holy Land must not be forington, D. C. I:i his response of B'ritli and the organizations af- he said, is "a manifestation of the response to pleas—in person and gotten, thanks for the ADI. award bc- filiated with the National Com- Israel Government's respect for the through messages—from Israel's Our help will continue with pa•tou'ed upon him, our President munity Relations Advisory Coun- Holy Places of all faiths." political nnd economic leaders, intience nnd love, ^nld,."Why are we so proud? VV<r cil—all fighting anti-Semitismcluding Premier Moshe Sharett, And our hands will IK strengthi r e proud first of all because from seem to keep an eye on the maFinance Minister Levi Kshkol, Govened the beginnm;; of thp; nation, a man neuvers of these hate-mongers . . . Research made by universities ernor of the Israel State Bank As always, by the Hands of our can walk upright and meet his Thus far, the hate-mongers have lias proven that $1 spent for pre- David Horowitz and Ambassador Father nbove. not boen very successful, the AJC friend or his enemy, and he does vention of juvenile delinquency Abba S. Eban. not fear because that enemy may found . . . However, the support eventually saves you at least ?5 in We pray nfjain to our Merciful and alliances they have gained by - be in a position of great power taxes used for punishment and Father, More than 1G.OO0 volunteers run that he can be suddenly thrown their deceptive tactics neverthe- treatment. Uie 47 Red Feather services. They To bring us all a "guten yor," Into jail to rot there without less constitutes a potential danAnd nlso our Holy City Jerucome from all walks of community charges and Without recourse to salem, And the AJC warns the Semites, especially their injection life, giving freely of their time and Justice." And we must keep it that ger Return to us, ns In days of yore. . way. B e .informed. . • public to study closely the new of racism and prejudice into dis- effort In behalf of better health methods of the professional anti- cussions of legitimate i s s u e s . . . and welfare for Omaha, By Mi


Gems*** the

Ad Libbing

Between You and Me

Israel Bond Drive


Organizations Council Women Mrs. Thomas I. Levitt, of the Mlnm'(i[K)lls Section of National Council of Jewish Women, will be guest speaker ut a Council Oversea* Lurichcon to be held 12:30 p. m., Thursday, Oct. 14 In the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Ix!vitt, n former president of the Kansas City, Mo., section and o national board member^ and representative to the International Council, attended the International Conference which took place (n London, England. Proceeds from the luncheon will go to the Shlp-A-Hox Fund. During the past year, 15 boxes of supplies and clothing have been shipped overseas. Chairmen for the affair are Mtnet. Louis Shricr, Alfred SoPhir and Arthur Adler.

T.I. Sisterhood ' The first regular Temple Israel Sisterhood meeting of the year will be held Tuesday. Oct 5, In the new Temple Soda] Hall. A board meeting at 11 a. m. wfd precede the one o'clock luncheon meeting. Mrs. Bernhardt L. Wolf, president. Will preside. - Luncheon chairmen are Mr*. Alfred Sophir and Mrs. Edward D. Brodkcy. A playlet written by Mrs. Carl Purth and Mrs, Isidor Zlegler, Tomorrow Is Today," will be presented by Mrs. Lawrence Plattncr and Mrs. William Fogel. Mrs. Jack Cohen Is program chairmaa, and Mrs. Isidor Zlegler is chairman for this meeting.

WV Auxiliary The October Board meeting for the Epstein-Morgan Ladles Auxiliary No. 260, Jewish War Veterans will be held 1 p. m., Monday, Oct 11, at the home of Mrs. William S. Abrahams, 130 N. 38th Street. Mrs. Aaron Epstein will be op-hostess. Chance of date is due to the observance of Yom Kippur. Mrs. Nate Marcus, president, has announced the appointment of Mrs. Aaron Kpstcln us VAVS representative at the Omaha Veterans Hospital for u two-year term. The nuxlliiary held its Sci>tembcr party September 2, at the Omaha Veterans Hospital. Those who attended were Mmea. Aaron Epstein. Meyer Kaplan and Frank Conn. The October party will be held Thursday, Oct. 14. Plans arc being made to hold a rummage sale November 1 and 2. A date will be announced for plck' ing up merchandise. Anyone having donations of old clothing, furniture, etc., is asked to please call Mrs. Jack Saylan, chairman at WE 2071.

B.I. Sisterhood Rabbi Benjamin Groncr will be guest speaker at the October 5 '' meeting ot the Beth Israel Sisterhood, He has chosen "Symbolism of the Succah" as his theme. The 1 o'clock luncheon-meeting will lie held on the first Tuesday of the month instead of its usual meeting date which coincides with the festival of Succoth. The Board of the Sisterhood will meet at 11 a. m. on the same day dtw to the rearranged scheduled for October. _ Mrs. Ben Lcflte and Mrs. Stanley Diamond arc in charge of reservations. Baby sitter service will be provided.

Hadassah Omaha Chapter Hadassah will be heard on KDON starting Sunilny, Oct 10, at 10:30 a. m. in a fifteen minute program with local talent Tryouta for the first radio program were held Thursday evening nt the home of Mrs. Meyer Rubin. This program will broadcast on six consecutive Sunday mornings. Interested persona contact MM. Meyer Itubin. Do you like to act? Are you interested In make-up or properties? Join the Hadassah Players by getting In touch with the program chairman of your group. They arc: for the Weizmann Group, Mrs. Ed

fage Tbree


Friday, October 1. 1054

Zorinsky, GI. 7321 or Mrs. Sidney Novak, GL 8954; for the Szold Group, Mrs. Morris Fellman, WA 7257; fqr the Her/1 Group, Mrs. Oscar Carp, WE 5113. and Mrs. Seymour Gold.'jton, Gl. 5779, or chapter program chairman, Mrs. Harry Wise, GL 17H7. A meeting of the planning projjrnm committee will be held 1 p. m., Friday, Oct. 1 at the home of Mrs. Harry Wise. Mrs. I^'on Rchrnidman will be director of the Hadassah Players. Watch next week's Press for dates on casting for the first play and come to the tryouts. The Omaha Chapter Hadassah Education Council will meet at 9:30 a. m., Monday, Oct 4 at the Miss Dorlanno Zlpptrsteln home of Mrs. Paul Vcrct. 120 So. 51st Ave. The Hadassah Year Book will be out the latter part of October. If you want to list your children on the children's page, or make any changes, call Mrs. Ira Whitebook, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Zipperstein GL 7221. , of South Haven, Mich., announce the engagement of their daughter, Dorlanne, to Paul Gltlln, ion of Louis Gltlin of Omaha. Miss ZlppersffIn Is a graduate Colonel Benjamin Stem, retired of the University of Michigan and United States Army officer, with is attending the School of Applied his wife and daughter Louise Hel- Social Sciences at Western Reen have arrived from F t Georgo serve University In Cleveland, comG. Meade, and are m a k i n g pleting her studies for a master's their home in Omaha.-Mis* Stern degree in social work. Before enwill begin her junior year at the rolling at Western Reserve, Miss University of Nebraska in Lincoln. Zipperstein was associated with the Institute for Sodal Research Mr. and Mrs. Herman Barron of the University of Michigan. announce the birth of a son, Leon- Mr. Gltlln was graduated from ard, born September 16 at a local Crelghton University and received hospital. The couple has a 14- his master's degree In social work month-old daughter, Barbara Ann. at Western Reserve University, He" Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Is now a member of the profesMrs. Julius Barron of Omaha and sional staff of the Milwaukee Jewmaternal grandparents arc Mr. ish Community Center. and Mrs. Dan Danser of Brooklyn An early summer wedding is planned. borough in New York City. . . * Patronize Our Advertisers A daughter was bom September 17 at a local hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hart. They nlso have a son Don ae,cd two and half years. Maternal grandmother Is Mrs. EMe Kay. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Irwln A. Gcndlcr announce the birth a daughter Janet Kuth born September 17. Paternal grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Gcndler of Omaha and maternal grandparents are Judge and Mrs. Nathaniel Kaplan of Brooklyn borough in New York City. Mrs. Sarah Gcndlcr is greatgrandmother. • • • Three Omaha girls have left for Northwestern University to enter the freshman class. They arc Misses Marsha Waxcnberg, Judith Served Buffet Style! Rosen and Suzanne Richards.

Miss Zipperstein Betrothal Told

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Mr. and Mrs. Morris Boguchwa] announce the birth of a daughter Janet Lea born September 1 In a local hospital, The couple has two other sons Stephen Francis and Laurence Allan. Mrs. Harry Rudcrman is maternal grandmother, • • *• . A daughter, Hope Eunice was born to Mr. nnd Mrs. Marvin Dienstfrey September 24 in Yonkcrs. New York. They have another daughter Marda Sue. Mr. Dienstfrey Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Dienstfrey. Mrs. Dienstfrey Is the former Ronna Rlmmerman, daughter of the late Harry and Esther Rlmmerman of Omaha.



Atianta, Go. Miss Engagement Told

Miss Greenberg Wed In Beth Israel Chapel The Chapel of the Beth Israel Synagogue was the setting at 6 p. m. Sunday, Sept. 19, for the wedding of Miss Lois Ann Greenberg and Manfred E. Kreitstein. Rabbi Benjamin Groner and Cantor Eli Kagan officiated at the ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. David Greenberg and the late David Greenberg and was given In marriage by her uncle. Dr. Abe Greenberg. Her attendant1 was on aunt, Mrs. Henry Grabois. Jack Shwidelson, uncle of the bride. was best man. The waltz-length gown of Imported Calais lace over taffeta was styled with fitted bodice and featured a scalloped off-shoulder neckline. A half-hat of matching lace and pleated tulle completed the bride's ensemble and she carried a white orchid on a white Bible. After a reception in the social hall of the synagogue, the couple left on a trip to the East Mr. and Mrs. Kreitstein will reside at 4805 Chicago S t Out-of-town guests Included Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Ducoffe, Irving Dueoffe, Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. Femberg, Mr. and Mrs. X E. Fisher, Barney Berman, Mr. and Mrs. A. Sampson, Larry Sampson, all of Sioux City, la., Mr. and Mrs. Max Swedclson of Sioux Falls, S. D , Mrs. Robert Engel of Fort Smith, Ark, and Richard Weiss of Los Angeles, Calif,

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Krieger of Atlanta, Go., announce' the en* gagement of their daughter, Doro* thy, to Marvin J. Suvalsky, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Suvalsky "of Council Bluffs, la. Miss Krieger is a graduate of Henry Grady High School In Atlanta and is affiliated with the" Atlanta Council of Camp Fire Girls, Mr. Suvalsky was graduated f r o m the Wentworth Military Academy in Lexington, Mo., and the University of Nebraska. He is a member of Zeta Beta Tau. Mr. Suvalsky recently'returned from Korea, where he served in the K o r e a n Military Advisory Group. He Is, the recipient of the Bronze Star and a Citation ft Appreciation from the Korean Government*. A wedding date has been set for October 34 and the ceremony will be held in the Progressive Club in Atlanta. 1

Omahcui to Wed I In San Francisco ! Mr. and Mrs. Jack Goodrich announce the engagement of their daughter, Norms Betty, to Fred. Weiss, on of Mr. and Mrs. S. Weiss of Son Francisco, Calif. Miss Goodrich attended the University of Nebraska and Mr. Weiss attend, ed the University of Southern Call? fornla. The wedding date has been set for November 27 in San Francisco.


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Needlework Guild Bar M i t z v a h Opens Ingathering Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Dloogoff anThe Jewish Federation Agencies' Section of the 1954 Omaha Needle work Guild will be directed b Mrs. Albert B. Newman with Mrs Richard Wright as co-chairman, Mrs. Edward £. .Brodkey, president of the Federation of Jewis Women's Clubs announced. , This is an annual event sponsored, by all charitable groups Ir the community to furnish dothin and linen supplies for needy fora ilies.

nounce the Bar Mitzvah of theli son Steven will be celebrated 9:30 a- m., Saturday, Oct. 2 in Beth El Synagogue. Friends and relatives arc invited to attend the ceremony and the reception which will be held Sunday, Oct. 3 from 3 to p. m. In the Beth El social halL

Beth Israel Schools Consecration Service

Friday, October 1, 1051

CAMPUS NEWS Youth Council Zeta Beta Tan Uy DUk I'Vllmuli Alpha Tliata Chapter of JSct Beta Tail initiated l.'i men durin Rush Week at the op<nlni; of tin school year at the University o; Nebraska in Lincoln. Pledged were Jerry Hoberman Bob Krosn?, Joel Katelman, HarIan "Tiny" Rosen, Marian Noddl and Warren "Tony" Wolpa, all ol Omaha; Sherman Nefsky, Lln eolnl Lou Cohen, Scottsbluf/; Bob 5 r , , U 3 5 H n ) ; s ; , , M a x Kreltman Topcka; Al Jacolw, Kansas City, Mo.; Larry Spears, Brooklyn, N. Y., and Mike Segal, Grecly, Colo. Dave Solzman, currently working on his master's degree in geography, transferred to Nebraska from Chicago University and is now affiliated with Alpha Theta Chapter.

Letters were sent out to all The .AnoiwJLRttth, . J s w l .School .of. .QiwUwi . Sy«tem Ttonsecretlon service will ing contributions. All contributions t take place this Sunday, Oct 3 al will be acknowledged in the Jew10:30 a. m. In the Beth Israel Syisfi Press. nagogue, 52nd and Charles Streets. • "The results of the ingatherin Rabbi Groncr will lead the par•re looked forward to by all need. ents and children In prayer and families," Mrs. Newman stated. Cantor Ell Kagan will conduct the T o them it means linens, under- musical portions of the program. wear, towels, and much needed A message of greeting will be declothing. I know that the Jewiiji livered by Harry Sidman, PresiAt the first'Chapter meeting, women of Omaha will do their dent of the Congregation. Isadora share in supporting this worth- Goldstein, vice-president will dis- held Monday, Dick Fellman was elected to the post of historian, while project." cuss the special awards. Rabbi replacing Sol Roslnsky, who is now The following have sent in their Matthew M. PoUakoff, Chairman attending Omaha U. Other chapter contributions as of Monday: of the Beth Israel School System officers are Doran Jacobs, presl Mesdames: Edward Abrahams, will deliver the Consecration ad- dent; Howard Vann, vice-presiBen W. Abrahamson, J, Abraham- dress. Certificates and consecra- dent; Ron Mlnkln, treasurer; Marv son, Henry J. Abrams, badore tion awards will be presented to Steinberg, secretary, and Dick Abramson, Louis Abramson, Jacob the consecrants by I. J. Kraft, Fellman, historian. Adler, Frank Jack Alberts, Sam Mrs. Izadore HewlU and Mrs. Elected as officers in the pledge ruel Altsuler, Herman H. Auer- David Friedman. class were Harlaii Noddle, presibach, Alfred Axclrod, Lloyd Bonks, Talmud Torah students will dent; Jerry Hoberman, vice-presiSam Beber, Jacob Bercovici, Abe meet in the chapel at 10:15 a. m. dent; Bob Krasne, secretaryBear, Harry Bear, Rae Bcesori, and Sunday School students of treasurer, and Al Jacobs, serHarry Belmont, ' Jack Belmont, both sessions will meet their teach- eonf-at-arms. Sam Berman, Max Blotcky, Wil- ers in the social hall at 10:15 a. m. Dick Fellman won an award liam Boasberg, Dave Bolker, Si- All parents and friends are corrom Newsweek magazine during mon Bordy, Eugene Brtfun, David dially invited to attend. ' the summer for an editorial he Brodkey, Edward E. Brodkey, Edwrote in the University paper. The win E. Brodkey, Ethel Brodkey, Ncbraskan announced in its first Louis Canar, David M. Chapman, issue. Fellman placed among the Isadorc Chapman, Isaac ChernJss, top ten college editorial writers in Abe ChlnOvic, A. Louis Cohen, The Ak-Sar-Bcn TV Company the nation, the magazine stated. Abraham N. Cohen, Don Cohen, under the management of Joe PoSam Cohen, Loyal B. Cohen, Sid lonski is now oi>en for business at He was given a $25 savings bond. During the summer the Chapter ney Coren, Philip Crandell, I^esllo 2409 Ames av. House was entirely redecorated. Davis, Samual H. Davis, Harry Mr. Polonski was among the The Mothers Club purchased new Duboff, Harry Dvosln, Richaid K. Irst repairmen to service televiEinstein, Ben Eisenberg, Aaron sion sets In the new industry. His tables and lamps for the living Epstein, Morris Ernian, A. D. experience extends to all makes of room and the sun room. A new water heater was recently InFaier, Sam Faler, Julius Falken- set*. talled, almost doubling the hot steln, Ajon F. Farber, Harold P. Look for the Ak-Sar-Ben TV water capacity of the Houso. Farber, Dave Feblowitz, David Company's ad in the Press. It is Alpha Thela will again hold Its Feder. Nathan Feldman, Phil worth two dollars to clip the ad Feldman and Abe C Fellman. and return it with your order for 'ootball lunches before all home "Others are Mmes. Charles Fell repair service to the Ak-Sar-Ben 'ootball games. Alumnr and parman, Jacob Fellman, Frank Fish- TV Company. All work is fully ents are Invited. ZBT extends a pecial Invitation to all high school berg, Ben Fisher, Henry Fisher, guaranteed. seniors to visit the house during Morton Fisher, David C. Fogel, the football season. Abraham Forman, Leo Fox, Oscar nd Theodore A. Newman. Fox, Abraham Frank, Dave W Mmes. E. Leo Nogg, Sophia SIGMA ALI-UA HU Frank, Maurice J. Frank, Sam Sigma Alpha Mu opened Its Frank, Sam Freed, Hershel Freed- NTOvitsky, Isadora F. Qbcrman, than, Mike Freeman, John J. Frei- lam Olesker, Alex Oppcnhclmer, doors this fall and admitted one S. Orloff, Albert Oruch, David of the ^largest, pledge classes in den, Elizabeth Fried, Morris Fried, SaraueJ Friedman,' Max Fromkin, Oruch, Hynian Osoff, Maurice L. several years. Combined" with Pepper, Da'vid C. Platt, Alex Plotmany returning upper classmen Carl Furth, .Samual Gelfmnn, Irvin, Sam D. Poska, David Pbtash, he fraternity boasts a membering F.Gcndlcr,, Albert Ei R Gilihsky. y Abraham Pradcll, Milton Samftcsship of over forty boy* from the . . ; Goldberg, j . C Goldncr; nick, Joe M. Rice,; Norman M. M c b r a s k a a r e a . ;.•'•'•'••"• Abraham' G. Goldstein, Herman Rice, David : Rlchanls, Samuel ?optcmber 20, the/ class- of '58 Goldstein; Benjamin GoreJIck, Re- Uchmon, Carl Rlckes, Aaron Rips. glna Gottlieb, Henry Grabobi, Gus- Abraham Rlchman, Harry itochV was formally pledged. With traditional ceremony, the following : Selwyri Jloffniain,. David'; W. : ': sle Glraetz, Saul M. Graetz. EdV man, ward•;rB,', Green, Meyer "Green, osen, Jake Roscnbloom, Dave men entered the required period pledge •traJniriB>'Those boys, Abraham Grcenberg, Nathan H. toienstock, Fred Rosenstock.Bcr.;: Greenbefi, Peter,Greenberg/ Sam hold Rosentlial, CharTes S. Ross, newly; pledged from Omaha are: tirry; Schwartz, Larry Epstein, M, Grecnberg, Daniel Greenfield/ am Rubin, M. N. Rubin. Abraham • Benjamin Grpner, Harry Greenej I. Rubnitk; Frances RuUtcin, Wll- Ferry i Margolin, Mike Dencnbcrg, Gary; Gross, Morris Grossman, ani Saf^rstcln, Harry Saltzman, ifarshall Denenberg, Stan Bur'Richard F; Glimmers,;Meyer L. Edward Bchlmmel, Hurry Schul- teln, Bernie Turkel. Alan Rosen, .Halprln, Samual ' Halprin, Ben man, Morris M. Segal, Harry Sc- 5cnnett Alberts and Lenny Gaer. The pledges fr^ra Lincoln are: ••••; Handler, : Manning „£. Handler, gall, L. Scgeltnan, Richard J. ScitElizabeth Hart, Abraham Her- ner, Jacob Shapiro, Max Shapiro." ernie Sax, Bcrrilc Mintz, Herb manson, Mejidfcl Hertiberg, Jrvihg TUifti Sherman. Sam Shlff, Louis Friedman, Richard Kaufman and ;Hera>B, Martin Herzoff, Louis Hil- Shrier, Dave Shukcrt. Harry Sid- am Zelen'. Another man who is . ler.v Irving' Hoberman and Sidney an, Harold Siegel, Harry Silver- )ledt;ing in Octolwr will bring the :lass up to sixtecen future mem;.;.:HpiBs.v,,'•••-... • ' ;• •• •'• ••••' ••:• .< man, Lester Simon, Uay Simon, >cr« of Sigma Alpha Mu. .'."'''Mmes. Morton A. Ives, Walter en H. Simons, Morris Singer and At the first meeting of the year, be Slusky. Jacobson, Max Jotte, Max Kadis, icw committee chairmen were Joe Kahni George Kagen, William Mmes, Sidney Sneidcr, Casper hoscn. They are: scholarship Kalman, Howard Kaplan, Lazar Solson, Abe Sombor^, Bon Sum- halrm.in, Marv Ereslow of LinKaplan, Sani Kaplan, Bun Kasru, Hen Sumbcrf;, Hulwrt Sum- •oln; social chairman, Richard IOw, Oscor Katleman, Sidney Kaer, Morris Sfjecter, Millard ocrns of Lincoln; pIcdRemastcrs: tlemnn. Abraham Katskec, Archie !j>oicr, Davo Stein. Maurice Stcin- ra Epstein of Omaha and Norman Kavich, Lazier Kavich, Churks , Nathan Steinberg, Sam {rivosha of Lincoln, and house Kimmel, Henrietta Kohn, Martin Iteinbcrg, Joseph F. Stern, Oscar n.'inaf;cr, Jerry Colnic of Omaha. Kolm, Joseph Koom, Boris Kon- iutin, Samuel Swartz, Melvin TaScholastically SiRma Alpha Mu ney, J. Hnrry Kulakofsky, I/nils elman, Lee Taub, Sam Temln. anked first on city campus during Kulakofsky, Reuben Kulakofsky, arry Trust in, Yale Trustin, Paul he past school year. First semesSam Kutler, William A. Lovey. erH, Max Wasserman, I^eo WaxAaron Levine, Dave Levine, Dave nbertr, Isadore M. Welncr. I^ouis Levine, Saul Xcvy, Harry Lippett, Vclner, Victor Wolner, Bernartl Abraham Lipsman, Harry Loowen- Velss, Arthur Wcitz, Norman Stein, Joe Lorkis, Harry Mala- Vhitman, H. D. Wigoclsky, Ben um JA 1Mb io insert your Warn Ad nit Jtwub r r « i . shock, Jay M. Malnshock, David Vintroub, Albert Wolilner, Allen Ourffit rote IB SO Cfnt* for racD jnaerManvilz, Sam Manvitz, Jack W. Volilnc'r, Paul Wollenberger, Uich- oa* 'VX.t i'fett renervfj tlic rlRlii to limit t l t i t Marer,' Joseph Marnules, Harry rd Wri<;lit. Eli M. Zalkin, Sam Markel, Abe H. Markovilz, Adolph 'Aolky, Seymour Zoob and Max 3AR and Bas MlUvah congratulations also for i l l Jewish holiMayer, Abe Meyer, Peter Moyprs, Iwcibclman, days and special occasions. Arthur Meyerson, Betty Milder, Misses Charlotte Abrams, Rc.leyers News Stand. 1502 Dodge. Howard Milder, J. Milder, Ben- 'ecca Bercovici, Gertrude Holjamin Miroff, Charles A. Monasee, mder, Sally Newman, Sylvia Par- VANTIiD—Full size violin. Call Charles Mogil, Stuart Muskin, Iman, Rose Hathkop, Beatrice JA 13GG from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Bertha Newman, Fannie Ntfwnian, nfter 5 p. m. or Sunday call HA mor, Rose Steinberg and Jules M. Newman, Julius Newman llanclie Zimman. 1204.

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Trl.luy, Oct. 1 Susan liaron, Louis Chunovitz, Judy Kay Jiilwnis, Toby Janovsky, Patricia Ann Kiminel, Phyllis Lcwin and J(4n Richard Rosenberg. Butilnluy, Oct. 2 Shane Adler, llroderick Morris Epstein, Sandra Kay Gendler, Steven Lane Pitlor and Carrio Jean Raduziner. Sunday, Oct. 3 Gabriel (Gaby) Berg, Phyllis Ann Bcrnxtcin, Barbara Herzog and Ubon Kenneth Pollkov. Mondny. Oct. 4 Constance Nichols, John Peter Slosliurg and Elene Sue Stoler.vTuesday, Oct. S ' Susan Doris 'Brodkey, Marilyn Dvorkln, William Howard Pinkovitz, Justin Plotkln and Robert Singer. Wednesday, Oct. 6 Abraham Harry Brunncngraber, Alice Ann Fellman, Stephen Allan Ktrshenbaum, Gerald Keith Temln and Alan Rickey Sherman. Thursday, Oct. 7 A. Z. A. No. 100 Rosalind Kay Bordy and Mari( Last Sujsflay Aleph Bob Epstein, lyn Jo Katzman. athletic chairman, organized a Omaha has gained about 30,000 pledge-active flag football game. The active* won the game after a people since 1951. about a 14 per*. hard fight After the game, the cent gain. Community Chest givboys met at the home of Marty ing has increased less than 4 per* Sophlr. At the meeting Mervln cent in the lame period. Lemmorman, Director of Education at Temple Israel, gave a talk For Fine Tailoring on 300 Years of Jewish Life In Norman Marsh America. Member Master Tailors and Over the weekend the Alophs Cutters Association, and pledges assisted In the dedicaLondon, England tion of Temple Israel. The project Custom Tailor to l-adlr* It Hen was planned by Pete .: Brodkey, » ALTERATIONS tie SO. 20th JA IVtl community service chairman. ' UKBKA UEUS Debs total membership of 8 Rirla_ makes It the lurgest club in the Youth Council. The officers who will have the huge ta?ik of in tegrating thi.s larj;e number o girls are Marilyn Rice, president Sari Shukcrt, first vice-president Jonas Abrahams, second vice-president (Pledge Mother); Bonnie Haykln, recording secretary; Lora Franklin, financial secretary; Shelley Grcenberg, treasurer; and She! ley Green and Nancy Frledlander, sergcants-at-anns v ^ , The pledge class of twenty-four girls also boasts the largest membership of all Youth Council clubs. Newly-elcctcd pledge officers are Barbara Brodkey, president; Judy Ban, vice-president; Andy Jean Grots, secretary; and B e v e r l y Goldberg and Sally Freeman, sergcants-at-amu. The pledges are now planning community service projects.

Y.C. Boys Basketball National League loward Goldstein . . . . . 176-459 John Goldncr 204—453 Mike Yudelson 184—146 Larry Herman 193—426 Jerry Sherman 140—113 Dave Wldman 146—411 Steve Frankcl 158—404 tcr the Sammy's scored in the number one spot while second Bemestcr they came in a very close second. Combined averages, however, place the fraternity first among the campus fraternities. To start off the soclnl season the Sammy "Kick Off" party has been slated for the evening followng the first Nebraska home footiall gome, the night of October 2.

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