VoL XXXIH—No. 2 ' ? ' " % Z
Dr. Goldmann Calls for
Creative Partnership In Renascence of Culture New York (JTA)—Dr. Nil hum Goldmann, chairman of the Jewish A;;ency, told an audience of lead ers of all the Zionist coups in this country that the "major and crucial objectives facing the Zionist movement today are the establishment of sound reciprocal relations between the Jews of Israel and Jewish communities throughout the world ns well as the Integration of Israel in the Near East setting." ,. Dr. Goldmann told the audience that "the relationship between Isreal and world-Jewry Implies more t h a n financial and moral support; It Implies creative partnership in a renascence of Hebrew culture centered In Israel, manifold spiritual Involvement, reciprocity .mutual respect and readiness, on the part •f Zionists, to participate person ally and directly in the model society which we seek to establish In Israel,"-;
]• ..;••••- / V V : . . . : , / , . >
Speaking about t h e need of bringing about the integration of Israel in tho Near East setting, Dr. Goldmann said j "Our roots began there, Israel's latest peace .offers accompanied by such practical measures as the unfreezing of Attb refugees ftinds in Israel banks are further evidence of her determination to obtain complete Integration. She will not be dis-
Beautiful Painting In Ten Lessons The technique of creating a beautiful painting In ten easy lessons Is tx-lni! taught by Mrs. Meyer Bcbcr at the foil series of art Classes for adult* at the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Beber. well-known local artist. Instructs the class each Thursday afternoon from 1:30 to 3:30 o'clock. The next session will be held Thursday, Oct. 14 at 1:30 p. m. Both beginner and advance students may register. For further Information call the Activities office fit tho Center, JA 1366. The fee Is ten dollars for the course. '• ..' ; . •. .'
Einstein Points to Israel's Horizon Princeton, N. J. <JTA)~"Israel is the only place on earth wherp Jews have the possibility to shape public life according to their traditional Ideals," Prof. Albert Einstein declared' here, addressing 200, delegates • at the concluding session, of a two-day conference of-tho American Fricndj of the 'Hebrew University. /*Wc arp all greatly concerned that its final shape will be worthy and gratifying. To what extent this goal will be reached will depond significantly on the growth and development of tho Hebrew University," Porf. Einstein aald. Prof. Klaitcln 'defined Jewish traditions ns something embracing a wider field than religious ritual. "In our traditions it is neither the ruler no^ the politician, neither the soldier nor the merchant who represents the Ideal. Tho Ideal," Prof. Einstein declared, "is represented by tho teacher, that Is to Bay, the person who is able through his work and his effort to enrich the Intellectual, moral and artistic life of lib people. Tills implies a definite repudiation of what Is commonly called materialising "The Idea Is," Dr. Kinsteln continued, "that human beings can , ottiiiti a worthy and harmonious life only if they arc ablo to rid themselves, within tho limits of human nature, of the striving for the wish fulfillments of a material kind.
couraged or deterred by tensions, provocations and psychological difficulties, none of them of Israel's creation. v "In t h i s determination to achieve acceptance, integration and good neighborly relations Israel will have the loyal ooopera tion of Zionists everywhere," Dr, Goldmann continued. "Once we will have achieved this dual aim of establishing manifold creative reciprocity between Jewries everywhere and Israel society and integrating Israel in the Near East we will have consummated the true purposes of Zionism, we will have assured Jewish physical and spiritual survival and again slgnlf< lcantly contributed to mankind at large and to the Near East's wel fare in particular."
Berek Heads Committee For U.N. Day Samuel I. Berck, District Com mitteeman for the Southwest Region of B'nai B'rith, has been appointed State Chairman for the United States Committee for United Nations Day by Governor Robert Crosby. Commenting on his appoint ment, Mr. Bcrek said, "I am deeply concerned with the fullest possible Implementation of the sacred cause of the United Nations and Its fullest promotion on October 24. . . . I further urge thnt all Jewish organizations in tho city of Omaha give full cooperation to clty-wldc programs In observance of United Nations Day. Also that these name organizations carry out some definite observance of their own. . . . The cause of United Nations Is the cause of all humanity!" Mr, Berek, a resident of Fremont, Is the.district.vice-chairman of thc«Amcrlcanlsm Committee of B'nai B'rith. He has been the recipient of a citation from the Department or Justice for his efforts on behalf of Americanism; a certificate of merit from the Freedoms Foundation for advancing the- American way of life; and a brotherhood award from the National Council of Christians and Jews. Mr. Berek Is a member of tho board of trustees of the Fremont Synagogue.
Sunday Radio "Freedom Needs Exercise" will bo dramatized over WOWIladlo from 1:45 to 2 p. m. The broadcast Is n feature of "Council Day" which will mark the founding Of the National Council of Jewish Women in 1893. ( Dr. Jonah B.. Wise of Central Synagogue In New York City will discuss "The Open Door to Faith" on the Message of Israel program over KOIL from 10 to 10:30 a. m. I^cwis L. Strauss, chairman of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, will speak on the American Jewish Tercentenary In the light of Jewish religious Ideals. This year Message of Israel Is celebrating Its 20th nnniversary with the American Broadcasting Company.
The Eternnl Light will present "Jacobs n nd the Indians"
a. tale of pioneering over WOW-£adlo from 1:30 n. m. to 12 noon.
Giving Chest Urged
Attention The deadline fororgnnizational news has been set nhoail to Monday at 5 p. m. This lias been done to facilitate the handling of copy. We realize, of course, that there are come times when this deadline cannot be met and late copy will be accepted Tuesday. We*ask that publicity chairmen cooperate with us so that your press releases will receive the proper attention.
Chairmen Chosen For Bond Drive Dr. Abe Gtcenberg, general chairman of Omaha's Israel Bond Drive, thjs week announced the appointment of Mrs, J. Harry Kulakofsky as honorary chairman of the women'! division for the campaign.: Mrs. Nathan L. Nogg was named chairman of the women's division with her co-chairman, Mrs. Isador Levenson. . Mrs. kulakofsky: will act a* advisor to the women's group. Mrs. Nogg was co-chairman of Hadassah's HMO for the past two years and secretary before that. She has served as fund-raising cordinator for Hadassah and a member of the board of Beth El Synagogue. "The.State of Israel Bond Issue will provide the investment capital for Israel's economic development," Mrs. Nogg said. "Funds derived through the sale of Israel bonds arc making possible the growth of industry and agriculture, the expansion of Irrigation, construction of roads, harbors and railways, and theMncrcase of electric power, she added. Mrs. Levenson is n past prcsl dent of Hadassah, a member of the board and was on the board of Beth El Synagogue.
Little Symphony To Start Rehearsals Jewish Community Center Little Symphony Orchestra will hold Its first rehearsal at the Center at 8 p, m. Wednesday, Nov. 3. Robert Malec, member of the Omaha Symphony Orchestra, will direct the J. C. C. orchestra. Mr; Malec, who has been a member of the Omaha orchestra for five seasons, teaches music in an Omaha grado school. Interested persons may contact tho activities office at the center or appear at the rehearsal. There will be no fee for this activity.
J. Harry Kulakofsky, President of the Federation for Jew« ish .Servivi', urged the membership thia week to support and give generously to the Red Feather campaign in Omaha. In a letter issued by Mr. ICulukofsky, he declared: • "The membership of the Federation Is very much concerned in seeing to it that the Community Chest campaign this year Is a complete success. The Red Feather drive Is the annual fund-raising effort This year's Sunday programs of the entire community/in which for children at the Jewish Com- all faiths and groups merge their, munity Center will start October efforts for the good and welfare of 24. It will be geared to the leisure ay Omahans O time needs of youngsters in the Beneficiary first to fifth grades. "The Federation f o r Jewish "Funland" activities will in- Service is a beneficiary of the clude: arts and crafts, painting, Community Chest and received day modeling, woodwork, metal $55,000 toward Its operating funds and l e a t h e r crafts, take-home in 1994, through the Red Feather projects, sports, holiday and vaca- drive. The Chest has also helped us tion programs, dramatics, stories, to maintain' our building. by - pro: pantomlnes, play production, pup- viding capita] funds. poetry, dancing, trips, music, "Although the Campaign goat camping and swimming,: was met last year, this only sucThe Center program has been ceeded in making up the jf45,000 developed to give youngsters "ev- failure of the year before. The. ery; opportunity for creative ex- goal was the same both years. This pression and leisure time activ- means that Chest giving has; Inities," (Mrs. Mike Freeman, 'chair-' creased less than 4 per cent in man of the Center Children's Ac- three years. • • . • ' . . . " < ' V:-V•••••'•tivities Committee, announced this "In the meantime the cost of operating our many services, like the Sessions starting Sunday, Oct. costs in business, have Increased 24, will continue to Sunday, Jan. considerably, while the demand for 30. Registration begins this week the many services ol the Federaand will continue until October tion have likewise Increased. ; 18. Enrollment will be limited and F a e e Crist* ' '.'. ; ' ; ' v •'.•" parents are asked to register their Emphasizing that agencies will youngsters now. Tho fee for the face a real crisis in 1955, Mr. Kul- . first twelve-week session Is six akofsky said: dollars and ten dollars for both This means that our Federation, sessions. along with the other 46 Red Feathj For further Information, call cr Services, is struggling to meet Miss Feme Katleman, Children's the constantly increasing demands Activities Director, at JA 1366. for our services in 1955 with slightly more than the same budget we had In 1951. This situation, if continued, will hurt all' of the agencies. It can be corrected through Increased gifts In the curDavid SchoHcr, a senior bridge rent Chest drive. master and one of the ranking "Therefore, we appeal earnestly players In Nebraska, will instruct to every member of the community both beginners and advanced play- to make Increased contributions to ers In the Center's new series of the Community Chest campaign, contract bridge Instruction. upon whose success the welfare of Sessions start Thursday, Oct. our Federation depends. We urge 21, at 7 p.m. in the Jewish Com- everyone to spread the Important munity Center. Beginners will be message of the Red Feather cam-, taught fundamentals of bidding palgn throughout the city, and: and playing. Instruction for ad- work toward the-successful comvanced registrants will feature pletion of this greatest humanitar'the play of the hand." ' ian challenge - which the' Omaha > The fee for the course Is five community faces now," Mr. Kuladollars for ten lessons. For added kofsky concluded. :;". • ; information contact the Center's Mr. Kulakofsky also reported activities office, JA 1366. that many members of the Federatlon boards are active In the ranks, : of campaign workers.
Children's Funland Program Oct. 24
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Bridge Classes To Start at Jay
Uneasy Over Omahan Named Its Suez Withdrawl To Treasury Post London OTA)—The"possibility that Israel may bo attacked '-j^ Egypt following the agrced-upon withdrawal of British armed forces rom the Suez Canal zone was Indicated here in a broadcast by the British Broadcasting Corporation in which it was emphasized that 'Israel has good reason to look out anxiously over her borders," The broadcast, which reflects public opinion In England, camo simultaneously with an* announcement thnt Selwyn Lloyd, Minister of State at the British Foreign Oflce, will meet with the diplomatic representatives of the eight Arab countries to convey to them the view of the British Government on their demands with regard to Israel. These demands were advanced last Friday when they vls» ted the Foreign Office In a body and presented an aide memolrc In which they asked the Western powers to take "Immediate steps" against Israel. , _
The aide memoiro charged that Israel had aggressive designs on the Arab states and appears to be attempting to provoke a major clash allegedly to further territorial aims. It also expressed a "warning" against "the false clamor of Israel for peace," asserting that if Israel were sincere It would have attempted to create a "propitious atmosphere by respecting dnd executing resolutions of the United Natkms" in respect to Palestine. ' • A spokesman for the Israel Embassy here, commenting on the Arab demarche, pointed out that the present "unhappy situation" in the Middle East was tho aftermath of a war launched by the Arab states aglnst Israel In an attempt to annul thn UN decision to set up a Jewish State. He stressed that since that war Israel has on Inumcrable occasions expressed Its willingness to conclude a just peace with the Arab states who, however, have refused to discuss It,
Harvey A. Roffman, n a t i v e Omahan, has been named general deputy in the United States Treasury Department Savings Bonds Division In Nebraska. Glenn Cunningham, state d i r o c t o r , announced the oppolntment; Mr. Roffman will handle special assignments In the state office, ncluding promotion of the payroll swings plan with business and ndustrial firms In the state. Mr. Roffman, 29, has been in the retail food business here since 19-18. He Is a member of Beth El ynngoguc. Mr. Roffman has been active in civic and fraternal groups' ncluding the Cornhuskor Lodge of B'nai B'rith, the Jewish War V e t e r a n s , ' Elks, Tonstmasters Club and Junior Chamber of Comnerce. An overseas veteran of World War II, he Is a member of Omaha Post No. 1 of the America* Legion. He Is an alumnus of Wentworth Military Academy and the Universities of Omaha and WIchUta,
With the Folks At Home FnbUsfcad Bvefj n t d a j by Ike Federation lor Jewfcn Scrvic«
Friday, Octob«r t,
Religious News
Needlework Guild Contributions
A larj;e re.sixjii.se to the annual The first affair of the Fcdera Needlework Guild Roll Call was tion of Women's Club of Omnh 5:30 I'. M. Candlrllglitlni; • * " * * • 'o« — rejtorted by Mrs. Albert li. Newtook place Thursday, .Sept. .'JO at man, chairman of the Jevvhli Ked. Editor p. m., under the sponsorship of tin HARRY HALPER1. eratlon Agencies Section, ii projBoth El Symicoijue Sisterhood. I c ect of the Kedoratian of .'('wish cream, cookies, hot chocolate nn Women's CIUIJH. coffee, were served hi the mai Friday evening services begin at dining room of the Dr. Philip She 5:30 p. m. K.'ibbnth mornini; servThe follow in;; have teal in their Jewish Homo for the Af:ed by tin ices lx'f;in at H:'lO a. in. Junio contributions since the last issue sisterhood group in attendance, eoii|;rc-i;ation .starts nt 10 a. m. of the Jewish Press: Mines. Ruth Services were held Sunday, Oct Amonfc thoso present were: Mrs Habbi Groner will conduct tlv Ackerinnn, Max Arbitmnn, David 3 for Mrs. Max Levine, Mrs. Le Jack Bramson, chairman Of thi Bernstein, Robert Bernstein, Danvim, 65, died Saturday morning, Kroup, and Mr. Bramson; Mr. am Talnui<l class at H p. m.; Saturda, iel Dezinan, Max I. Uittner, David Oct 2. Mrs. Ruben Bordy; Mrs. Emm Mincha will start at 5:30 p. m Blacker, Jerome BlL-iclier, I-ouls One hundred and (arty-four new Survivors include: her husband, Erman; Mrs. Ixvm Graetz; Jac] followed by .Sholosho S'cudos nn Blotcky, Louia Bluinkin, "M. H. students were welcomed into the Max; two daughters, Mrs. Col Luttbcg; Mr. and Mrs. Abe Mar- Muariv. Urodkey, Reuben II. Urown. Sam Beth Israel School System a t the Bush and Mrs. Sara Oslravich cus; Mrs. Phil Rosenblatt; Mrs Dally morning services begin o Canar, David Charney, Jacob CoAnnual -Consecration S e r v i c e both of Omaha; two sisters Julius Stein, and Mrs. Harry Wig. 7 a. m.; daily afternoon services hen, Morris G. Cohen, Ben Colin, Sulday. Oct 3. begin at 5*45 p. m. Brooklyn, N. Y., and five grand- odsky. Isadora Dansky, Abraham DiaRabbi Benjamin Croner presid- children. ocnot&n KVENTS: Sunday morning services bcgii mond, Morton Ehrenreich, Sam ed and led the assemblage in at 8:45 a. m. followed by Rabbi'i Epstein , John A. Farbcr, SlevB 1. October 14, nt 7 p. nv. Sueprayer. Cantor Eli Kagan led the coth Party under the sponsorthl] class in Bible study and breakfast Feldmnn, Leon E. Fcllman, Harry liturgual portion of the service. of the Beth Israel Sisterhood. The Talmud Discussion grou Ferenstein, Hyman Ferer, Donald Harry Sidman, president of the Service* were held Thursday aft 2. First Sunday party of season meets every Tuesday evening a Fischer, Isadorc Forbes, Albert congregation brought greetings to ernoon. Sept 30, for Arthur BernSunday, Oct. 17, at 2 p. m., by thi 8:15 p. m. In BHI1 Synagogue, Fox, Morris J. Franklin, Jacob 1 the consearants. ard Anchel with interment at Beth Omaha Choir and Dramatic Club. 19th and Burt Fregger, May Fried, Lloyd D« L Goldstein, vice-president of HGemetery. Mr. Anchel, 57, died Friedman, Charles S. Gendler, Ed3. Slmchath Torah Party: Wed SDCCOS Services Beth Israel and donor of the I. Suddenly Monday, Sept 27, in ncsday, Oct. 20, at 7 p. m. undei ward Gilbert, Nathan Glmplo, HarMonday, O c t 11, 5:45 p. m. DesMolnes,Ia. He was the fathei Goldstein Scholarship awards adsponsorship of the Bikur Chollm Candle Lighting Time, 5:30 p. m. ry Goldberg, Sidney Goldberg, Ar-" dressed the assemblage. Mr. Gold- Of Mrs. David Beber. thur H. Goldstein, Isadorc GoldSociety. Tuesday, Oct 12, 8:30 a. m.; stein" said, "The future of the JewFLOWKKS: Tuesday, Oct. 12, Morning' Serv- stein, Leonard Goldstein, Samuel ish community is tied up with'the Goldware, Morris Gordon, Yale The beautiful flowers at the ices, 8:30 a.'m. education of our boys and girls. Golsdlner, Walter E. Gottlieb and We are anxious to have all our Services were held September 16 Home during the Rosh Hashonah , Candle Lighting Time, 5:20p. rn Arthur M. Green. ' . '. Evening Services, 5:45 p. m. youngsters get a very fine Jewish for Bernard Schmidman with in- Holidays were sent by Temple IsMmcs. > Jack M. Green, David Junior Congregation, 10 a. m. training In order that they should terment in Brooklyn, N . Y. Mr. rael of Omaha. Wednesday, Oct 13, Morning Greenberg, Edward W. Greenberg, understand and be proud of their Schmidman, 65, died September'IS NEW RESIDENT Elmer Greenberg, Phil GuggenServices, 8:30 a. m. glorious heritage." to New Yorit City. Mrs. Sara Gendler. heim, Fred Hahn, Leonard P . HerEvening Services, 3:45 p. m. Survivors include: his .wife, Pau- YAJIRZEITl Rabbi Matthew M. Poliakoff, man, Louis Hlmmelsteln, David Junior Congregation, 10 a. m. c h a i r m a n of the Beth Israel line; a son, Leon of Omaha; two Memorial Services will be held Hobcrman, X Hurwltz, Harry Jandaughters, Mrs. William FriedSchool Board, stressed the im in the Home Synagogue for: ger, Irvin C. Kalman, Abe Kaplnn, portance of the home training that lander and Mrs. Max Noble, both Mr. David Cooper—Tlshri tl— Samuel Kaplan, HaroM Kasln, 1 Frank Katz, Frank Keiberg, Meyer is so vital In order to anchor the of Brooklyn, N. Y.; and n i n e Octbcr8, Sabbath Services this evening a Mr, Barney Markovitz —Tlshri 8 o'clock. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks Kirshenbaum, Benjamin Klalman, academic instruction Into the grandchildren. 14—October 1L child's pattern of daily living. will read the service and deliver Tevll KloU, Robert H. Kopper, MEMORIAL SERVICES I. J. Kraft. Mrs. Izadore EleDavid L. Krantz, Leonard Krasne, the sermon. witz and Mrs. David Friedman Special Holiday Memorial ServIn observance of the Festival of Mlllard H. Krasne, Myer S. Krippresented the special consecration ices will be held for all those for Succos there will be a congrega- ke, Manuel Kruplnsky, Sam Leboawards to the children. Lylc DeMoss will be guest speak- whom we have been saying Kad tional dinner Monday, Oct 11, at wStz, Milton 3. Lehr, Morris Leier at the regular dinner meeting dish, in addition to those who arc 6:30 p. m. in the Social Hall of ben, Charles S. Licb, Morris LinsBeth Israel Talmud T o r a h Of the Beth Israel-Men* Club. The inscribed on our Memorial Tablets the Temple. The Festival service man, Max London, Robert I. children will have parties in the first meeting of the fall season at the Home Synagogue. These will stnrt promptly nt 7:45 p. m, Marer, J. Milton! Margolin, Bennew succa during the week of will be held in the social call of services will be held on Yom Klp- nnd will Include the Consecration jamin Martin, Richard M. Mortln, Succos. Party schedules will be Beth Israel Thursday, Oct. 21. pur and on Shemini Atscrcth. of children entering the Religious Milton Mayper, Jacob Mendelson, announced during the week. SunSchool for the first time. Maurice D. Micklin, Jerome J, Mr. DeMoss Is the assistant gen- SYNAGOGUE DONATIONS: day School children's parties will Special donations were made to Tuesday morning, Oct. 12, nt 11 Milder, Leo L. Milder, Orvel.A.. be held Sunday, Oct. 17, during eral manager of Meredith WOW, Inc., operators of WOW and the Dr. Phil Shcr Jewish Home for a. m. Is the Festival Service for Milder, Samuel D. Neronberg, the regular class lime. Uizabcth N c v e l e f f, Calvin M. WOW-TV. He has been a pioneer he A(jed Synn^oftUf* Fund for he first day of Succos. Newman and Henry A. Ncwmnn, In both mediums, Blurting his ra- lf>sh Hashonaij by the following Mines. Maurice Newman, F. Abe liorsky. dio career 30 years m;o at an ex Ralph NIIKS, Harold Novak. Julius pericntnl station in Anthony, Mr. and Mrs. I.. I. lUirkenrnnil. Sabbath Eve Services will bo I. Novak, Sidney Novak, Hyman, ivan. His voice is perhaps one of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Gendler. Orach, Leo Ostravich, Hnrry Periheld tonight nt 7 p. m. Mr. nnd Mrs. P. Gillnsky. Miss Harriet Soskin, freshman the best known to midwestern lisSabbath morning services will meter, Maurice H. Pessen, Somuel Mr. and Mrs. J. Gotsdcinerji a t ' Washington University has teners. Mr. DeMoss has become begin at 8:45 o'clock, Mincha serv- i'lalt, Isadore J. Plolkin, Melvin Sol Handler. pledged to the Sigma Delta Tau .veil known throughout the area S. Plolkin, Morton Plotkln, Samices will begin at 5:45 p. m. through his countless roles as Mr. and Mrs. N. Hurwltz. Sorority. uel A. Rice, Henry Rlekt-s, Albert Buccon Service* peakcr and emcee as well as his Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Kazlowskl. • • • Rlmmerman, Robert ltirnmcrMonday, Oct. 11—8:15 p. m. work on the Chamber of Com Mr. and Mrs. H. Kranlz. Dr. and Mrs. Irwln Sunshine of mercc good will trips. man, David Riseman, Stella HobTuesday, Oct. 12 Mrs. Joe Lipsey. Denver, Colo., announce the birth nson, Jennie Rosenblatt. John Morning—9 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lerner. of a daughter Jo Ann September Rosenblatt, Harry Z. Ruscnfeld, Evening—5:30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. H. NoodcU. 37. They have three other children Jack J. Schrngcr, Sam Schwartz, Mrs. Molly Perils. ' Wednesday, Oct. 13 Grandparent* arc Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Scglin, David Sherman, Morning—9 a. m. • Mr. and Mrs. Alex Plotkln. First Fall Dance Harry Kolnlck of Omaha. iary Sherman, Abraham ShragO, Evening—5:30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. M. Rubadc The Beth Israel Men's Club will * • • A reception in the Succa honor- Max ShniKo, Jacob Shyken, BerMr. and Mrs. M. KoBnsky. hold the first dance of the (all Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Bear spent Mr. and Mrs. L, E. Schwartz- ing Dr. Samuel Rosenblum, Albert nard Siegler, Nathan Simon, Jacob the Rosh Hashonah holiday with' series of the Dance of the Month man. Friereich and Dr. Lou Yager will Josburg, Rubin Smecrin, Harry . '..' • ' . • • • .'•.'•' • their • parents, Mr. and Mrs. AbeClub Saturday, O c t 9 a t the Beth be held Monday evening. Beth El A. Smith, Robert A. Smith, Man Mrs. Irvln Sherman. Bear. They are making their home Israel social hall. Milton Beber, Sisterhood is In charge of the re- Sommer, Ben Soshnik, Julius A. _ M r .and Mrs. Allen Zalkln. chairman for this dance, has anin Ames, l a , while David Bear It ception honoring the new teachers. tcln, Sam Tarnoff, Joseph TVeMr. and Mrs. P. Zollotucben. nounced that the first dance will attending Iowa State College of iak, Philip Turck, Nnthnn VcitMrs. Zlppa Zorinsky. be a Masquerade dance. Prizes Engineering. ter, F. Wakschlag, Sam Werthelwill be awarded for the best and mer and Hnrry Wlllnsky. most unusual costumes. Music will Mmes. David Wine, llnrry Wohlbe provided by Sol Castro and his ler, Paul Wohlncr, I^ouls Wolibicr, Nifty invites all members of the archestra. Stanley Diamond is "nmuel N. Wolf, Florence LnIJosCommunity leaders lost Friday Youth Cqtmdl to attend the first fienernl chairman for the scries of Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Tretlak anyouth RKWP gathering of the new hrec dances which will include a lounce that their daugtiter, Gail icard Mrs. Golda Myerson, Israel's Wn Wolff. Isidor Zier.ler. , 1 . B. year. It;*wlll be held Sunday, Oct. turkey trot' and a dinner dance. Elaine, will celebrate her Bas minister of Labor in a telephone Zicsman, Ben A. Zoorwill. MLsses Fannie Gro<iinsky, Helen 10, a t thei-new Temple Israel at 4itzvah Friday evening* and Sat- iddrcss to meetings held simul- Crodinsky, Rose Gf6dln.sky, Rose 4:30 p. m.?Anyone needing a ride irday morning, Oct. 15 nnd 16 at iineously in 77 cities In the Unit- Ft.. Sacks, Maurinc Sherman, Jocan cali^ara Pepper, ItK 1242. An' Jeth El SynaKOKue. Friends nnd ed States and Canada. Israel would welcome "a race' nne Simon nnd Sarita Zoorwill, all-star cast will perform in the relatives are Invited to attend both Nifty Presentation "Stifled By rvlces and receptions which will vitli her Arab neighbors In the Jack Sandier has been appointjulldlng of hospitals and schools Stuyvesant." J o n a s Abrahams, ollow. ind in the development of social Susie IJpp. and Junie Fell in: in will ed sales manager of ICOWII, Vircil iharpe, station manager anand economic progress, but we do "Your Child's 300th Birthdny" ] be In charge. lot wish to be driven Into a new .'ill be discussed by Rabbi Myer S. Approximately twenty youth TOiinced. Mr. Sandier has been urmament race with the Arab irlpke at the first meeting of the : groupers have sont in applications n Omaha radio for 15 years. He ;ervcd with the Army Air Corps Club Tovim. Both Israel's high tales," she told j her listeners. all season of Beth H's Talmud fov the Western Council Conclnvettc in Kansas City. Interested or four years and joined the chool club, will hold a Harvest Stressing Israel's " eagerness for 'orah Parents-Teachers Associapersons should send in his re|;i::- •COWII staff as sports director in tance Saturday ni^ht, Oct. 16, at [x?ace. Mrs. Mycrson expressed ion to bo held 8 p. m. Wedncs9-IC. o'clock in the IJeth Lsrael So- lope that Israel and the Arab lay, O c t 13 in the social hall. tration blank now. A progress report on the Both lal hall. •ountries would meet across the The Youth Group already has Novelty dances, fun and sur- onfercnee table and work out a 31 School system will be Riven by; earned three points in its coal of amuel Nahshon, director of edu- ; rises will be part of the enterirmula for a friendly settlement attaining a Nifty Mitzvnh certication, who will also present tho i InmenF. Hamburgers with all the f all their differences, ficate. Youth troupers are assistew staff members, Dr. Samuel; ing in the Temple office are Sun- Applications nre. now beinft ac- rimmincs will bo served. Admix"Losenhlum, Alljert Frcireich and j day school teachers. The regional eptcd for group lcadrr positions on is fifty cents per person, Zionist Council to Meet r. Lou Yacer. J (MoFTY) Conclave this Decem- n the Jewish Community Center's ickets can be purchased from Mrs. Sidney Sncdier, P-TA p ber will add another point. unday children's activities pro- ny member of club Tovim or at Omaha Zionist Council will hold dent will preside. A Bocinl hour, lie door. All high Bchoolers ore Youth Group officers for the ;ram, "Funland." Is regular monthly meeting 8 p. •ill follow the meeting. Coming year arc Sara I'epper, Contact Miss Feme Katleman, ordially Invited to attend. n. Wednesday, Oet 13, In the Jcw- The following were appointed b j president; Susie Lipp, vice-presi- hildren's activities director nt the ;h Community Center. ho P-TA president to serve aaj| dent: Janie Brodkey, secretary. nter. Call JA 13GG. The pro- Monument Dedication A special report will be given on t » m mothern for the current^ and Marty Greene, treasurer. ;ram will begin Sunday. Oct. 24. he mid-area conference of AmerThe family of the late Joseph E. •ear: Mmcs. AHhur Abrams, Mor»§ !nrlts will dedicate a monument ican Zionist Council which will be Ermnn, Bernard Goldslrora,; B.B. Regional Meet t B'nai Abraham Lodge, 25th and i his memory 2 p. m. Sunday, Oct. held In Chicago, Sunday, O c t 10. >conard Gould, Sam Greenbcrg,| Sts. Luncheon will be served at 0. at the Pleasant Hill Cemetery, ?nul Veret, executive director of "ol Martin, Max Novak, Marviaj The fall meeting of the southwest region of B'nai B'rlth will 2:30 p. m., and seminars will be 1210 Itedick nv. Rabbi Myer S. :he Federation, will attend as the lobes, Stanley SI Herman, and Jo >naha delegate. srtart 10:30 .-.. m. Sunday, Oct. 10 dd until 4 p. m. riplte of Beth El will officiate. ph Soshnik. r«M M w m i i • • • —r"— •» ' f " * . MtbruAlA. imiti U H K t o l Huco V. 161W. *lll«n« iuc*-^ra fco. i n (Iran, t w i n . K«b».. JACUoc IM4.
Consecration Services at 6.1. Schools
Beth Israel
Obituary Mrs. Max Levine
Arthur B. Anchel
Bernard Schmidman
Temple Israel
B.I. Men's Club to Hear Lyle DeMoss
Beth El
j Omaha Sketches
B.I. Men to Hold
Temple Youth
Bas Mitzvah
Israel's Desire For Peace Told
Sandier Appointed Sales Manager
Beth El P-TA
-lub Tovim Dance
Group Leader Positions Open
Friday, Ortolx-r 8, ISM
Drevich-Julien Wedding in East
Organizations Pioneer Women
Bernard Weiss, GL Ml?,, and Mrs, Sam Katzman. WA M39.
Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel D. Drevich arc making their home at 3100 Dodge st. The couple wereThe Pioneer Women's Oinanizam a r r i e d September 19 at the tlon will liold Uielr first Oncj; YonWashington Hotel, Belle Harbor, tef of the season .Saturday, Oct N. Y. Mrs. Drevich Is the daughter 36 at the home of Mrs.JJaly lluzThe October Hoard meeting for of Mrs. Anne Julien and Alan M, nlck, 5128 Grant Street. the Kpstrin-Mon;an Indies AuxilJulien, both of Brooklyn, N. Y. iary No. 2G0, Jewish War Veteran.1The program will Include rending by Mrs. Wolmer and folk will be hold Monday, Oct. 11, at 1 Mr. Drevich is the son of Mr. songs by Mrs. Nerenberg. Joseph p. m. in the home of Mrs, William and Mrs. Barney Drevich. Rabbi Radinowski will be guest speaker. S. Abrahams, KM) North 38th Arthur Ncwlander a n d . Cantor Mm. Juke Kaplan is chairman [or Street. Co-llostcr.s will be Mrs Solomon Sadowsky officiated. the affair. All members aru urged Aaron Epstein. The bride was attended by Miss to attend. The October party at the Omaha Barbara Hirshman, Brooklyn, maid Veterans Hospital will be held of honor. Bridesmaids were the October 14. Misses Dolores Podd and Rita ForPlans are being completed for man, Brooklyn; Miss Phyllis EssSale to be held Noncr, Kcw Garden Hills, N. Y., and The Beth Israel Sisterhood will the Itummagc Rn Mrs. Sclma Goldberg, sister of the ' usher In the social season with a vember X. <l 2. Anyone having Cabaret-Cocktail Supper Dance donations of old clothing, furnl Committee chairmen for Omaha Section, National Council of bridegroom. Sidney Foit Carteret, ture, etc., is asked to please call Which will be held In the syna Jewlxli Women's Over was Luncheon ares (from left to right) Mr*. N. J., was best man. Ushers were ogue soda] hall Sunday evening. Mrs. Jack Saylnn, Chairman, at Louis Shrlrr, Mrs. Arthur Adler and Mrs. Alfred Sophir. Mrs. Lloyd Jerry Gllckman, Brooklyn^ Fred WE 2071. Oct. 24. Friedman, not Khown, vice-president of «»y» and means, made the Glassman and Seymour tflassman, both of Abfiigton, Pa., and Samuel Mm. Bernard Weiss and Mrs. announcement. * Hinchnuui, Brooklyn. 8am Katzman, co-chairmen of this Mr. and Mrs. Drevich spent their outstanding event, promise a wonThe Educational Council of the wedding trip In Miami Beach, Fla. - dcrful evening for all attending. Cocktails will precede dinner pre- Omaha Chapter Hadassah will hold The Visiting Nurse Association pared by Mrs. Henry Appel, Mrs. an Oneg Shabbat, Saturday, Oct. Is being deprived of making 2200 Sydney Goldberg and their com- 16 at the home of Mrs. Morris Fellman, 5508. Howard St. calls because of lack of funds. You / mlttec. The council is composed of the can help remedy this situation An orchestra, for your dancing Omaha Section, National Coun- Sam Stern .Lazar Kaplan, Larry pleasure, and other surprise; en- following committees—education, cil of Jewish Women will hold their Plattner, Maurice Pepper, Itabert with a "fair share" Community American affairs, Zionist public reChest gift tertainment has been planned, for lations and program and president Overseas Luncheon 12:30 p. m. Levine, Leo Eisenstatt, Richard the evening.; • Thursday, Oct. 14, at the Jewish Goldman, Peter Gxccnberg, Wilof the chapter. Reservations are being token by liam Raduzlner, Julius Bernstein, Mrs. Paul Veret is chapter edu- Community Center. Mrs. Sam Herman, GL 5346, overMrs. Thomas I. Levitt of the Leonard Krasne and Philip Katzall chairman of this event; Mrs. cation chairman. Minneapolis Section will be the man. . "The Hadassah Story," a radio program originally scheduled to principal speaker. She will report -Luncheon preparation committee start, October. 10 over KBON, has on the international conference members are I Mmes. Henry Green' been postponed. Announcement which was recently held in Lon- berg, George Spltzer, Al Weinberg, will be made when date is def- don, England, and also on her trip William Kalman, Ben Lewis and • . • • > : • • ' . '••'• ''.";:• Walter Jacobson. inite. ••;:••:' . •'••-. ' •;••-"..:• '••••••t o I s r a e l . The Important contribution oil Assisting with the sale of tickBaby sitting service will be proThe Hadassah Players Group is citizens can make towards free- still In need of actors, property ets are Mmes. Oscar Sutin, I. Trc- vided. dom Is to be dramatized In a radio and stage crew or anyone inter- tlak, Joe Hornstein, Louis Hurwitz, program by the National Council ested in play, acting. Contact your Morris Koon, Ted Newman, Harry Only 2.8 percent of ffie total of Jewish Women over the na- group program chairman or chap- Colick, Sol Yaffe, Harold Block, raised In the Community Chest tionwide network of the National ter program chairman, Mrs. Har-Robert Kooper, Edward Green, Campaign goes for Campaign exBroadcasting Company, Sunday, ry Wise. Phlncas Wlntroub, Sheldon Harris, pense. Oct. 10, 1:45-2 p. m. Mrs. Moses P. Epstein; National The show, "Freedom Needs Ex- Hadassah Chairman of American ercise," stars June Walker, noted Affairs and past President of NaBroadway actresKTwlio is current- tional Hadassah, will be the guest ly appearing In the leading role peakcr at Omnha Chapter HaServed Buffet Style) of the new Broadway hit show, dnssnh's Pre-Donor HMO nnd VE All You Car* to Eat "All Summer Lom;." unchoon. - T h e prOKram will be broadcast # over station WOW, It was announced by Mm. Harry Slolrr, NOON TO 3 P. M. president of the Oinnha Seel Inn of The Dikur Cholim Society will tho National Council of Jewish hold Its annual Suecos Tea 2 p. m. Women. October 14 at the Jewish ComThe broadcast Is a feature of munity Center Lodge Room. ''Council Day," which each year Enjoy all the tinder at this time is observed by the or- Mrs. Kinar Abramson and Mrs. ganization's more than 100,000 Phil Smith arc chairmen for the TRADITIONAL members to mark the anniversary tea. All friends and members of of its founding in October of 1893. Dikur Cholim Society are cordialFOR THE HOLIDAYS ly invited. This year the Council rounds out In the New Year's edition of the perfectiMl sixty-one years of community HOTEL BLACKSTONE service and educational activity Press, Mrs. Cecil Siscnstafs name throughout America and welfare was omitted by error. She to comAnlbUrltWI I C..."the greatest name in kosher foods' „ development in many other coun- chairman with Mrs. Dave Lincoln tries. A significant port of its edu- of fund raising luncheons. cation and social action program for the past 'Ufree y e a n has been a Campaign for Freedom, in which Council Sections initiate communlty-wkJ« efforts to Increase popular appreciation of the requirements of liberty.
JWV Auxiliary
B.I. Sisterhood
Council Women Will Hold Overseas Luncheon Oct. 14
Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on Sunday
Council Women To Mark Founding
Sunday Branch
Bikur Cholim
gelilte fish
Monsky 'Chapter Will Celebrate Tercentenary B'nal B'rith Henry M o n s k y Chapter No. 470 will mark the American Jewish Tercentenary at anOneg Yom Tov at Beth-El Syn : agogue 1 p. m., Wednesday, Oct. 13.. The program will feature Mrs, Norman Whltmnn, speaking on " T e r c e n t e n n r y Thanksgiving." Mrs. Henry Wise will report. ori "America's' Democra tic Legacy and Responsibilities." M u s i c a l numbers will be presented by Mrs. Dan Cohen and Mrs. Hymnn Bellman, accompanied by Mrs. George Elsenberg. Mrs. Else;ibcrg will also play several piano .selections. There will be community singing and refreshment*. Mrs. Max Iloscn in program chairman for the day. "Man's Opportunities and Responsibilities Under Freedom" is the theme of the American Jewish Tercentenary (1654-1954) celebration, commemorating the 300th anniversary of the permanent settlement of Jews In America. This theme will be featured at this Suecos Tercentenary observance. Baby sitter service will be provided
Diane Young Dacron Blouses • BEAUTIFULLY DETAILED • NEVER NEED IRONING • ALWAYS STAYS FRESH and CRISP It's miracle Dacron, ifylod by Diane Young in two blouiei to dreii up your fall ward' robej Theia laugh at tudi, never need prttling, always keep their new look! Sixes 32-38, both with thort tleev«>.
A. Jtwtl aeck with gay navy aad red H M , in white only B. P»»tr Pan colalr and frost pon«l etabroldery. white, pink-or bin*
MoH and Phone Orders Welcome •louse*—Main Roor
Face f W
B'nai B'rith Bowling
Friday, October 8, IBS*
Midget Basketball Practice Underway in Center Gym
Campus News
members have scholarships. Jerry WcinberE, Alan Hecner, Norm Parkway By IJndy l>aul conditioning is the important-fac- Sigma Omicron chapter of Sic- Snyken, IA Epstein, Jerry MarW. L. tor in e a r l y practice sessions. ma Alplia Mu began the social sea- L'olin, Mnrv Mreslow, Sol Stiss, Canadian Ace •.*••••«••• 9 3 Flans arc now underway for Fifth and sixth grade hopefuls son with one of the first house Hichman-Gordmah •#••••• 8 the fourth season of the Center's wore Gary Parilm'ui, ?*larshall on campus the nisht of Oc- Alan Garfinkel, Nonnant Veltzer Hoberman Plumb. . . . . . . . 8 Midget Basketball League. Prac- Kaplan, Karl Liicf.schiietz, Hob parties tober 2. The "KIclt-Off Party" was and Forrest Poska all possess Rank's First 8 4 tice was held last Sunday at theSinger; Mike Green, Howard Feld- In celebration of the Cornhusker scholarships of $80 or more. Biteway TV . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6 Jay gymnasium with 53 boys at- man, Dick Zncharla, Don Fied- victory over Iowa State that aftMilder Oil S 7 tending the first Kession. Instruc- ler, Dick Kaslow, Howard Cliu- ernoon. The next major coda! All alumni arc wclcomo Into the Wolfson-Gerber . . . . . . . . . S 7 tors were Lindy Paul, Jay ath-dacoff, Gordon Ilnllis, Alan Ross. event will be a Homecoming Par- chapter house for lunch before all football games and for the snack Gerelick Motor* 5 7 letic director; Dan Epstein nnd Joel Sneider, Jim Krasne, Stuart ty In November. Forbes : Bakery . . . . . . . . . . S 7 A) Brown, two varsity league star Hurwitz, Dick Fried, Terry Gol- Members have become active in which is served after the game. Grace-Mayer Ins. 5 7 players. Exorcises and fundamen denberg, Harold Forbes, Steve many lnlermural sports. The foot- The alumni turnout at the last Harvey CMc Supr. 4 8 tals were primarily stressed as Gould, Jim Kagom, Howard Mul- ball team promises to be one of Came was very large. nick. Sol Lewis Co. 4 8 the finest in the league. This year Seventh and eighth graders In- we have a good chance of retainKelly cluded Bob Fellman, Bill HorW. U ing the tennis title with Stan wich, Don Forman, Justin Ban,Magid, Richard Kaufman, Jerry Mete Brewery . . , 9 3 NO. 1 Martin S n e i d e r , Gene Dandy, Margolin and Ira Epstein. The Mords Paint 9 3 AZA School of AZA has begun Howard Stoler, Roy Katskec, ArAll Make Type. 7 5 forA the Alephs-ln-Tratning. The nold^Altiuler, Mike Markovitz. bowling team will roll off its first The residents of the Dr. Philip Grecnberg^iiis. fl ••/•••••«.7 classes have held under the Lauren Washerman, Jerry Gold- game Tuesday.' The members of Sher Home for the Agctf will t» Louis Mkt 6 6 leadership pi been the team are: Dick Pocras, Alan pledgemaster David •trom, Dan Hollls, Frank Goldguests of the Beth Israel SisterLiberty Gai 9 7 Widman. The following officer* Bob Glnsburg, Joel Davis, Crounse, Forrest Poska, Dernle hood at a Suceoth Party which Pbilco-Brandeli 5 7 nave been elected to lead' the berg, Sax and Mel Ilurwlch. Gabby Berg, Larry GUinsky, Steve Huiky-Dtoky 5 7 pledge d a n : president; Jerry Btoch, Martin Meters, Larry Ho- The student pep organization. will be held at the Home ThursR * S Shoes 4 8 Freedman; vice-president, Sid berman, Stan Greenfield, Mike Corn Cobs, have pledged two day evening, Oct. 14. at 7 JO H. A. WoU Co. 2 10 Rosenblatt; secretary, Harold Kal< Platt, Clark Swartz, Howard Slus- sophomores from the fraternity. o'clock. Mn. Sydney Goldberg, in charg* WOMEN'S LEAGUES man; treasurer, Mike Feldman; ky, Steve S e g l i n , Walt Wise. Marv Giltnan and Stan Bursteln of the event, has arranged for en"A" Leacoa sergeant-at-arms, Mike Periell Bruce Goldstein, Al Konecky and are the new workers. # tertainment including movies, aft* W. L. and Al Cutler. Marvin Ruback. Alan Hecger has pledged In the er which refreshments will b« Midwest Water Heaters ...11 1 The jodaX committee, under Kosmel Klub. Phil Alberts Ii ats erved.- • • • ' •" '• Meyen New* 7 9 the chatrmanshlp of Jerry Ferer, Practice will be held e v e r y tending med school in Omaha • A cordial invlUUon is extended until the league opener Fireside Restaurant 6 6 Is planning a ghost party for the Sunday December. The fifth-sixth grad- while Norm Krlvosha, Norm Vclt- to the families and friends ot resMystic Beauty Shop 6 6 month of October. The religious in will work out from 2-3 p. m.,rer and Marshall Becker have be- idents of the Dr. Sher Home to Wolf Brothers 6 6 committee is beginning prepar* ers whilo the seventh-eighth graders gun their four year studies in Law attend. Philips Dcpt Store 9 7 Uons for toe annual AZA Sab-will practice front 3-4 p. m. AllCollege. Omaha Jobbing 9 7 bath. Each year the Alephs of boys interested in J o i n i n g the Patronize Our Advertisers Shukert's 2 10 the chapter lead a service at oneleague can show up at the prac- Over one-fourth of the house "B" Lefttna of the Omaha Synagogues. Third tice sessions and will be placed Angle's Beauty Salon 8 4 project is being planned by re-,on a team afterwards, Kish Furs 7 5 llgious committee chairman, Jerry Hamilton . Pharmacy . . . . . . 7 5 Gordman. ••.•..'.••. , AZA Sweetheart Dance. The Lynn Florist 7 9 The ' athletic program began last RUG ft UPHOLSTERY Smith Pontiac 6 6 with the first basketball practice date has been set for October 17. Colony Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 of the yean- President, Stan WldCLEANERS, '•' Mogcn David Wine 4 8 man was elected captain. : AZA D E B K A D E B S ': •':'--'.:'-- :'• HUBS — CARKTINS Korncy's Paint Co. . . . . . . . . 4 8 No. 1 is well represented In the Sunday. Oct. 10, Debs will hold LAMPSHADES a baseball game in Elmwood park Youth Council Bowling which be- at 11 a. m. A picnic lunch will folFUIHITUM gan Sunday. October 3. low. October 16, Debs will hold on Cleaned in Your Home! Manny Dcaict, Regional AZA Oneg Shabot at Beth El Synaw. u Director, will visit Omaha Sun- gogue. "Seven Golden Buttons," a Lucky Leaguers 4 0 day and will sneak to both AZA cantata will be presented. That DON KINSTEIN HA 2554 Blue Eagles 4 0 No 1 and AZA No. 100. evening Debs, T. A. and Rayim Hokey Pokes 3 1 will have a party at Sari Shukcrt's 7th Heaven. ..f. 3 1 BAYIM lake house. This party will be In Bowling Bums . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 Rayim has renched a crossroad honor of Young Judeans Ronnie Hep Cats ! 2 2 where national affiliation Is con- Bilzcr of Kansas City and Al Mintz Fancy Pants . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 cerned. In connection with this of Chicago. A Deb party, "The 4 Belle* 1 3 we had guest speakers from AZA Moulin Rouge," will be held NoThe Curves , 0' 4 and B'nai U'rlth at the last meet- vember 6. Rayim Jrs. : . . . O ' 4 ing, and next meeting we will Debs have chosen "little sisters" American Drrisjon have guest speakers from Young for the coming year. The pledge W. L Judea. Then some time in No-class, under Joanle Abrahams, Rayim Grubby Grubs . . . . 3 0 vember, jthc question will be de-pledje mother and Barbara BrodCall Now for ^Enrollment Rayim" SOS ,-. 2 1 bated and* voted on. key, pledge president, is now busy AZA 1 XXX 2 1 On the athletic scene, Rayim with their projects. Rayim Kafetchers 2 1 has nine teams in bowling league; 5821 Lafayette GL 3223 AZA 100 Knock on Wood. 2 1 and has two teams in each bas- More than 67,463 people—about AZA 1 Misses 1 2 ketball 'league. Recently the one of every four in Omaha—beneAZA 100 WIFS 1 2 Rayim pledges defeated the AZAfited from a Red Feather service AZA 100 Jolly Joes 1 1 100's pledgee 12 to 6 in a game in the put year. rOMTICAl. ADVEBTWEMCNT rOUTICAL AOVKBTtSKBOCNT Rayim Plus and Points . . . 1 2 of tag-football. AZA 1 Argonauts . . . . . . . . 0 3 This Saturday Rayim will hold Popular and Classical a bonfire party under the chairPiano Instruction manship of Doit Greenberg.
Sigma Alpha Mu
Youth Council
B.I. Sisterhood to Entertain at Home
Jr. Y.C. Bowling
Jr. B.8. Bowling
HELEN L MACKIN Clark Swart? was high in theBB GIRLS league in last Sunday's competiSTUDIO October 9 will sec 36 BBG's tion at the Music Box. lie fired a boarding a bus for Sioux .City 221 S. 19th St. ,,beautiful 198 .opener and finlislied and the first Cornbclt Region with a nicer ft tor a'hefty 327 meeting. A well planned program will keep the girls occupied. Saturday afternoon the girls arc invited to attejid a luncheon which will acquaint the girls with other BBGs In the Region. For the evening program a picnic has been This Ad Is Worth $2.00 1< r U scheduled. .Sunday afternoon a No. 2 on Any TV Service Call! i 2~ regional meeting will be held to No. 3 ..i..il 2 All Work Fully Guaranteed discuss the oncoming convention. No. 4 JJ 0 Three girls from the Omaha No. 5 2 chapter were given regional No. 6' 0 clwirmen.'ihip:;. They arc: Diane No. 7 0 Singer, scholarship; Shirley Shlff, No. 8 ......i 2 religious; and program chairman. 2409 Ames Ave. Nb. 9 0 Ina Margolin. No. 10 2 The next social event will be No. 11 0 2 0 the annual i'.arn dunce headed Mo. 12 by Kilotn Kpstvin. A farmer and farmerette will bo elected by the yA i*o« ic msen you* * a m AD public in attendance. A represent- mom tin J.WUO rrtas. rat* t* tAi crnta iw t-acn tnxtrw. r,. ative from each of the six Youth • Cumin Metz Beer 8 1 Council chilis will I>e candidates. The Dan Burns Quartette will BAJt and Bas Mltzvah congratuSiico Products 8 1 Play. Fireside Restaurant 7 2 lations also for all Jewish holiThe date for tills open vice is days and s|>eclal occasions Edwards Jewelry C 3 Oclolwr 30. Brodkey Jewelry 0 3 Meyers News Stand. 1502 Dodqc United Auto Sup 4 v.5 WANTKD—Full Bize violin. Call TIKVAS AMI Silk Shop 5 4 1360 from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Magi Color 4'i i'.b Tlkvas Ami's Israeli Dance JA after 5 p. m. or Sunday call HA Br. YouiiRston K. 4!i V/z Group is now underway with 12&1. Theresa Kahn as its leader. They Cooper Const 4 5 will meet every Wednesday after EXPERIENCED practical nursing Watson Bros 3 6 school. Plans are in the making under physician's direction at Superette Food Mkt 3 6 for T.A.'s annual all girl mixer. your home for bedridden or conPlayland Park 3 6 This year's theme will be a tele- valescent patients. Day or nlRht Nogg Bro3 2 7 vision matinee. Movie will be duty. Mrs. Betty Hirsch, G42 N. RCA Victor 2 7 shown including a film on the 47th St. Call GL 4138. Benson Hardware 1 8
$200 j y $2<>o SERVICE GALLS
Ak-Sar-Ben TV Co. KE4404
Hodassah Bowling
Want Ads
"Let me fight for the • Parity they promisedus... and then forgot! Wf.lml •.rlillit m i U N..4t41lf.*
KEITH NEVILLE DEMOCRAT /7/f\^\ A former Oev. of NcbraitrWidjl!^
CENTER PIANO STUDIO Under the Direction of
Professor Hans Baer Will Start Its Sixth Year in September
Piano Lessons in Classical and Popular Music ' for Children and Adults Enroll by Calling JA T366 or WE 8681 JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER — 101 N20th St.