Nebr&iKA. unoer
30,000 Tunis Ask For Israel Golda Mycrson, Israel's Labor Minister, will be one of the key speakers at the Emergency Na tional Report Conference of tlic United Jewish Appeal, to be held In Cincinnati October -23 and 24. Participating in the conference will be Senator Estes Kefnuver and Ambassador Abba S. Eban who have juit returned from a visit to Israel to observe the pment situation there. • The two-day conference will have before it situations covering humanitarian and financial emergencies now confronting the United Jewish Appeal. These emergencies Involve the Appeal's •cute- present need for $50,000,000 In campaign cash; also the winter settlement, welfare and rehabilitation needs of 320,000 recent immigrants to Israel. . The plight of Jews In tensionHalm Ariav ridden Tunisia and Morocco, where 10,000 Jews have appealed for twift help in migrating to Israel, will be discussed In the light of the outrent persecution of Jews In North Africa. Ambassador Eban and Mrs. Myerson will report on the new refugee problems confronting Israel as a result of in- Ilalm Arluv, a distinguished of Israel's Knesset (Parcreasing Jewish Immigration from member liament), will speak at Beth £1 North Africa Into Israel. Synagogue this evening. The Conference will also Inau- He Is currently chairman of the gurate a cosh collection drive to Knesset Finance Committee. secure the funds necessary to A native of Poland, Mr. Arlav carry out the emergency pro- came to Palestine at the age of 17. After outstanding service in World grams! War I, ho became associated with the Zionist Commission to PalesUnited Nations Week tine, which was a forerunner of the Jewish Agency. To Be Feted Here Mr. Arlav Is a leading figure In Otto Swunson lias been appoint- the Zionist movement today. He ed chairman o f the Omaha Com- Is on a month's tour of the United mittee for U. N. Week by Mayor States on behalf of the State of Israel Bond Drive. John Rosenblatt. Celebration of U. N. Week will start Sunday, Oct. 17 and will extend to Sunday, Oct. 24. The theme of the celebration is the "U, N. Depends on You," and this year will mark the ninth anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. President Eisenhower has pro- NEW AUItlTEM claimed October 24 as United Na- Jerusalem (WNS)—Israel's sevtions Day. en-month boycott of tho IsraelClimaxing the observance will be Jordan Mixed Armistice Commisthe Centennial - Festival of Na- sion will officially come to an end tions to be held Sunday, Oct. 24, October IS when the new truce where Tryvo Lie, first secretary- arbiter, Lieut Col. Charles F. general of the V. N. will be tho Brcwstcr of the Unlled States keynote speaker, takes over the chairmanship of • Tho Federation of Jewish Wom- the commission as successor to tn'f Clubs f* cooperating with the Commander Elmo H. Hutchison of Omaha Committee for U. N. Week, the U. S. Navy. in observing the anniversary of theU. N. ARAB LEAttUB Washington (JTA>—Secretary General Abdel Khalek Hossouna of the Arab League made known On Radio and TV this week-end in nn address before a convention of the Syrian and A panel of University of Ne- Lebanese American Federation braska students will discuss that the Arabs arc planning a "Advantages and disadvantages propaganda campaign In the Unitof tho United Nations to My ed States aimed at'wlnnlng AmerCountry" on the Jean Sullivan ican support of the Aral) Leaguo show over KMTV, Wednesday, against Israel. The Arab leader Oct. 20. The show starts at 3 suid that the half-million Amerp. m. and this part of the pro- icans o t Arabic origin were being gram Is In conjunction with the mobilized. celebration of U.N. Week. Tho panel of four students arc from HKl'AUATIONS Germany, Norway, Boliva and New York (WNS)—Tho conferIndia. , ence on Jewish Material Claims Germany distributed durDr. Jonah B. Wise, Rabbi of ing the year more than $9,000,000 Central Synagogue in New to some 100,000 victims of Nazism Yori^Clty, will speak on "My living In sixteen countries around Home" this Sundny on the the globe, It was disclosed here by Message of Israel program over the organization's board of-diKOIL from 10 to 10:30 a. m. rectors in Its first annual report to the Conference. The Eternal Light will present tho "Pucnacloua Commo- BORDEIl INCIDENTS dore," the story o f Uriah Levy, Jerusalem (WNS)—An Israel USN, over WOW-ltadlo thU army representative reported that Sunday from 11:30 a. m. to 12 during the past two weeks there noon. were 27 border Incidents involving Arab Infiltrators.
Israel Leader At Beth El Tonight
Global Report
Call to All Women If you have not already sent in your contribution to tho Needlework Guild, please do BO now. Additional names of contributors appear In this week's Press.
t*ui}*i»rie<J every Friday, 101 ft. liMU, Omaha. Nvlirasba, I'bonc JA 1366
Women's Division Will Spark Drive •
The fall series of art classes for adults are In session under the direction of Mrs. Meyer Bebcr. The clnss Is held each Thursday afternoon from 1:30 to 3:30 p. m. Both beginners and advance students may register. The fee Is ten dollars for the course.
Little Symphony
Beginner and advanced bridge classes will start 7 p. m. Oct. 21, under the direction of D a v i d Scheffcr, a senior bridge master and one of the ranking players In Nebraska. Beginners w i l l bo taught fundamentals nnd Instruction for ndvanced students will feature "the play of the hand." Tho fee for the course Is five dollars for ten lessons.
Funland Funland, a Sunday program for children, will begin October 24, and Is planned for children in the first to fifth grades. The program will continue until January 30. Registration Is now open and will be In effect until October 18. The fee for the first twelveweek session Is six dollars and ten dollars for both periods. Activities will include: arts and crafts, painting, clay modeling, take-home projects, holiday and vacation p r o g r a m s , dramatics, puppetry, dancing, trips, camping and swimming. . Contact Miss Feme Kotlenjan, Children's Activities director.
A t v,. ^cial Stage
Art Classes
Bridge Classes
4 10
<ompaign K * " 2*" •
'l''lJ0>°'n o,"^Zj
Center Programs
Robert Malec, member of the Omaha Symphony Orchestra, will direct the Center's Little Symphony Orchesra. Rehearsals will start 8 p. m. Wednesday, Nov. 3. There will. be no fee.for this .activity. Interested persons contact the activities office or appear at rehearsal. -. . ". •
JLQDUAi K*U Bingli Oopj
Tryjve Lie
Trygve Lie Will Address Closing Centennial Fete The Centennial Folk Festival will relive the gala spirit of the old world harvest time October 24 at the Ak-Sar-Bcn Coliseum. This last official event of the year-long Centennial Celebration will begin at 8:30 p. m. Trygve Lie, the first SecretaryGeneral of the United Nations, will be guest speaker. Mr. Lie has received many honorary degrees and titles for his efforts on behalf of world peace and recently was awarded the World Veterans Federation annual peace citation as the man who "has done most in the past year to promote the cause of international peace and uphold the Charter of the United Nations." Thirteen nationality groups will be represented by 750 dancers and 250 singers. "It is a fitting climax to a successful Centennial year," Morris E. Jacobs said. "It will prove that the idea of a Centennial bringing the people closer together really works," he added.
Schwartz Exhibit At Joslyn Museum
For further Information about cental* programs Contact the ac- William S. Schwartz, noted Chitivities office—JA lSM,ext. SO. cago painter and formor resident of Omaha, has on exhibit at the Joslyn Memorial Art Museum, a collection of his water colors and Israel Offers Arabs lithographs. v N&n-Aggression Pacts The exhibition opened Tuesday, United Nations, N. Y. (WNS)— Oct. 12 and will extend until NoAs a first move toward bringing vember 16. Self portraits, city peace to the Middle East, Israel scenes and still life are included this week Invited the Arab coun- in the ten. water colors and 25 tries to join her In concluding non- lithographs making up the exagnression treaties. The offer was hibit. Six lithographs on exhibit wiU made by Ambassador Abba S. Kban, head of the Israel delega- be donated to the museum to be tion to the United Nations, In a kept as part of their permanent speech before the U. N. General collection by Mr. and Mrs. Sidney M. Schwartz of Omaha and Dr. Assembly. The Israel Ambassador suggest- and Mrs. Clarence Cohen of Wlned that the United Nations use nctkn, 111., as a memorial to the Its facilities for bringing about late Max Schwartz. face-to-face "bilateral" talks beThe pictures are on view Tuestween Israel and representatives day through Saturday from 10 of the Arab statea, so that the a. m. to 5 p. m. and Sunday from Arab-Israel armistice agreements 2 to 6 p. m., In the print room on might be extended Into peace the ground room of the museum. pacts. Before such peace agree- An early showing of his work ments could be evolved Mr. Eban was exhibited nt the third Youth hoped it would be possible to ar- Conclave at Temple Israel, May 3, range non-aggression t r e a t i e s . 1936. Mr. Schwartz's work has Such treaties should bind both been shown in leading cities and sides to respect each other's ter- hla paintings' have been reviewed ritorial Integrity and political in- In many metropolitan newspapers, dependence and to refrain from Including the Omaha World-Herhostile acts of a military nature. ald.
Door-to-door campaigning get* underway Monday as Omaha's month long Red Feather drive enters Its crucial last ten days, a Community Chest spokesman announced. The general division, made up of 2.600 women volunteers, will cover every Omaha home and small business. The objective Is the division's $80,000 quota, which Is 6.6 per cent of the $1,291,548 campaign goal. Volunteers One of the division sections Is made up of volunteers from the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs. Mrs. David Cohn is section chairman and her co-chairmen are Mrs. Edwin E. Brodkey and Mrs. Herman Friedman. "Whether or not that six per cent Is reached," said compalgn chairman, W. Lawrence Shomaker, 'can mean the difference' between making or not making the campaign goal." Fair Share Mrs. Norman Folda, women's division chairman, appealed to Omaha" housewives. "Remember," she pointed out, "that the volun« teers are your neighbors—busy housewives like yourself. Besides making their own fair share gift', they're giving something extra In time and effort. Invite them in, give them a chance to tell their Red Feather story. They deserve your thank* and your courtesyi" 'And when It comes to giving," Mrs. Folda added, "keep In mind that we need 10 per cent more than last year to meet the added demands for service being made on the 47 Red Feather agencies. Give more than last year go that no one needing service will be left wonting." .
O.U. World Affairs Institute Oct. 20 The 1954 Institute on World Affairs of the University of Omaha will present the Bccond program of Its current scries Wednesday, Oct. 20, at 8:15 p. m, in the university auditorium. David Atlee Phillips, publisher and editor of South Pacific Mail of Chile, will dlscusd "What We Don't Know About South America —But Should." His newspaper is the oldest English-language journal in Latin America. Mr. Phillips returns to the United States with an American's view through South American eyes. The theme of this year's InstN ' tutc Is "The Paradox "of Coexistence." The Federation for Jewish Service Is one of the seven community organizations co-sponsoring the institute.
Fed. Women to Have Booth at Bazaar The Federation of Jewish Wonjen's Clubs will have its own booth at the Children's Memorial Hospital Bazaar Monday, Nov. 8 at the Fontenclle Hotel. If you have not been contacted for a new saleable item, please call Mrs. Ernest A. Nogg, GLendalo 1045, or Mrs. Richard H. Hlller, GLendalo 3135. A list of captains responsible for getting tho merchandise together is in the women's section of the
Friday, Oetebrr 15, ISM
Near East Arms <rj sTrldaj by the Federation Is* JewKO Service
• M m t au ' T — * Mbrtaaa. onoaj u t « M «I S l a m a, i s n . I.W. AdvaruaUM ffataai on Appncauoa.
Succo+h—Our Rustic Past , Sueootfa it characterized in the Torah as "xenuui slmhathemi,' the time of our joy, and also as the feait of ingathering. The Jew was instructed to live in booths, harking back to the nutic life of his forebear*. Compliance with thM was not always easy, with the Jew tending mare and more to find his domicile in thickly populated urban areas. But the lulab, the palm branch, tented htm as a reminiscence of the time When he was closer to nature, Man is of the soil. The city dweller nostalgically has his potted plant on the window ailL In Israel, the Jews have gone beyond the symbols to.the real thing. Back to the land of Israel 4n-a very real. sense means also bade to earth. Four or five yean ago, there-was complaint about this In Israel. The newer immigrants, it seems, were not willing to go onto the land. Mr. Ben Ourion relinquished the pleasant amenities of urban We to became a Negev shepherd—like an andent David of Israel—hoping thu» to be an inspiration to others to leave the towns for life on the soil. That the movement is making headway has been confirmed at the recent Israel Bond conference icTNew York, where it was reported that some 23 per cent of the people of Israel now live on the soil. This is a very significant development ia ponder at a time of (he season when we halt In remembrance of our agricultural past
Off the Record
By Nathan Zlprla NOTES ON A PRESS CONFERENCE . . . I sat in a week ago at an unusual 'press conference at the Voice of America office In New York City, with Josef Swiatlo, the Polish security official who defected to the West, as the center of Interest Since it., was apparent tha Swiatlo had unlimited access to some of the secrets of the Politburo, I sought to engage him on such matter* within his knowledge as might bear on the Jewish otrture. He had been in Prague before and after.the Slansky trial or official business in connection with Moscow's staging of the show Wa« fully familiar with the Jewish angle in the case. The communist Bne had long been anti-Jewish and the "Prague trial as well the case of the Moscow doctors" were but "external forms" of the anti-Semitism which had permeated through the commums • network. In Czechoslovakia tha hostility took form in the removal •f Jews from the Communist Party and the government merely "because they were Jews." lie said it was Moscow which manipulated the strings which later turned into nooses in Czechoslovakia. He quoted the Czech Minister of Propafaada as having said of Jews that 'the last time has come when people with such, noses will rule
over us." • Following the Slansky trial ana the Bbel against the Jewish doctors, the Soviet security apparatus began reaching out for "Jewish spies," a hunt In which Swiatlo himself was to play a role in his JrATZaCKKT BCQUIRED BY THE ACT OF AUGUST M. Ulz. AH A4JW<U> • I I H I ACT* IW eUi.Cil 3. V AMI, JULY 2, 1M» (VII1-: -5. t'.. UD UTATb* CODE, ££CTIU<-4 t . SUOWUiO "i'HK WMiKlUiliW. M*/,AOEUErrr. A N D c n i c u i . A n o » 0 / TBM JEWlKH yllKOU pualialwd nrekjjr M (Imibi, Kcr»ra#ka, OcU/tar I, ll'i«. Tlla nanua aod addrepMj of tiff pubUahtr, •dlur, taana&iia: editor, add bustwuu managers ar«: FuMetter. JnrUb r i d n i l k n of Omaha, 191 H. 20tb at., Omaha. Manactna; KtfitAr, none. Harry lialpen, 101 «. 201b n.. Burtneaa Matuirer, Paul Veret. loi N. MUk I L , omalia. Tba owner a; (If owntd ty B ccnvmtloo. It* name and Kddrtta uuc[ be st^rd ataa alao Immediately tbejtu&d^r th* T -T-*»aa4 addreaiws of atoc-liultjpra fcvMnr. or bnc per ctst or iwre of total _ Of llocJt. If not vaari) by • Ltlon, the namea xni • aAtTii°ir* at ' iadlvMaal MHWI miut tx eiwn. If •wmd by a jjftrtncrchJp or Httur unincur•aiBleat firm, 11a name and juMrcez. an well aa that 01 each l/id!vi'Ju*l mtuib-r. aauat be r' vc n.) Name—Addrua Jevlah Community Ctn:«r 1c v/tif:ir<! Ptderatlon 10. N. 20t!> rt , OIIIUIM / . Harry, oruuunt, 101 l). 30tb at . Omaha. Jafk W. Uarrr. flnt vlcf-Jr-tldcnl, 10] H. 20tl) irf., Onutm'Rjbert II. Kooji'r. IMumr, 111 H. 30th ct. Omoiia. •tt*rrj T-uatin. a«rrctary, 101 N. 2<Jth at.. Oraalia. The Ynovin bin'ihf.Mcrs, mortj;aK*». and oUter arctirlry IMCtri orrnimr cr l*o!'ilne new per <cnt or m;Te t>f ti.tnl aj^oiint nl boodii, nvjrtplf.ra, f«" othrr »eciirll!^8 art: (If uierft are BOD'', rtale BO.) Noil*. The avrrage nuinUr of coplrs or trtcti BttKie of lht« potllratknt rotd or <u»trlt,u(f*l, thrMtsh the nafle or utltrrtrtxr, In puld ttibtejihen durint; tlje tvrflve monllis (rrcedlsr; th# data utr'-wn above was: fT(ii« Ifuimalloa Ja required from tfAilr, weektr, aemfwrrkly, ind trtweetil/ nempapera
Year in
capacity as security official Prague had accused Israel'* envoy. Dr. Alien Kubovy, of espionage and demanded hi* recall. Since Or. Kubovy held! the tame post1 in P l d the h red d rulers l i W Poland, In Warsaw were In a dilemma since Kubovy couldst't. possibly be kosher in Warsaw white being trlef in Prague. To Justify a decision that had already been taken. Kubovy's ouster, the security operatives framed- three employees of the
Polish legation in Warsaw, accusing them of espionage. Swiatlo was ordered to conduct the investigation, but his report showed no evidence of guilt When this document reached the bead of the Security Department It created a commotion as well as consternation. Under no circumstance* must the accused t>e cleared, tho trip security monsters shouted. In the end the files showed two reports —the one by Swiatlo vindicating the accused, and the other proclaiminr; guilt. Later it was claimed the men confessed, but Swiatlo said there was no confession since they were completely tnnocent The men ore still languishing in prison. Swiatlo had read and examined all papers and depositions and the evidence is dear that they "did not commit espionage.** Swiatlo also was involved in the expulsion of the JDC from Poland. The red rulers were looking with displeasure) and distrust at the JDC at all times, particularly with the ri*e of open antiScmitlsm communist official ranks, and they nssfrmed the security apparatus to Investigate the organization They were determined to build up a case of espionage, but the evidence was against them. It was then that they hit upon a brilliant idea. Since tho organization had been gathering data on Jewish activities, it could be deemed guilty of having engaged in espionage. On tliat tliesis. and on hat alone, the decision was reached to expel the JDC, a deci;ion Swiatlo says was reached n Moscow and cxecuticd in Pott nd. Swintlo seemed reluctant to discuss the Jewish situation In Poland in detail. And when I pressed ilm he replied: 'There are many facets to the problem, but I would rather discuss it in, private conference." It was difficult to determine from the atmosphere under which the press conference was conducted to what extent Swiatlo is familiar with the Jewish situa)n in Poland or in the satellite countries, IJut in view ol his suggestion of "private" talks it might be well for Jewish leaders to 'oilow that avenue.
TITO OFFER New York (WNS) —President *ito of Yugoslavia has offered to iclp out in the Israeli-Arab dls)ut and to "do anything to bring relaxation in these problems," It was disclosed hern by the New P A . Baatoeae Manager, ork Times in a report from it* Bvcra to and fubKribed ibd be before,DM Ibla tJarvenUi day of oetot*r. 1»M." correspondent in Yugoslavia, Jack ' SYLVIA P A I Raymond. • • • •• ,. tMy coa>f»]a#k>n eaplrra Aucuat 0
By Harold V. BlbaJuw (Copyright, 1954, JTA, Inc.) Jewish books, unlike other "religious" volumes, are probably purchased and read by Jews and not, in the main, by other Americans. It is. therefore, surprising and encouraging that literally dozens of books of Jewish interest were published during the past year by the - general publishing houses, far more than by the firms who limit themselves to Jewish books. While many of the volumes produced, particularly in the public affairs area, are already dated, a large number will be read for years to come and, on that basis, it may be said that Jewish book production during the past twclvo months was rich. Thoughtful Books on Israel and Zionism, while fewer than In previous years, were more selective and thoughtful. Maurice Samuel's "Level Sunlight," Is liis own most reflective and provocative book of many good ones on Zionism and Israel. It prompted Israel's former IVimo Minister David Ben Gurion, whose own public papers and speeches were issued in book form during the year by Philosophical Library, to debate publicly with Mr. SamueL Molly Lyons Uar-David's "My Promised Land" Is one of the most memorable of the personal experience stories yet produced on the new state of Israel. For that matter, Christopher Sykra' *Two Studies in Virtue," which contains a lenjrthy analysis and history of Zionism, is as valuable a study as anyone has produced in recent years.
ish history. y
H h fine titles .of the other year relate to Israel, in a wax. They are Pnmn E. Lapide's fantastic story about "The Prophet of Sari Nlcandro." the Italian who saw Judaism as the only true religion, converted himself and his entire small town to it, and then led his flock to Israel to settle there'as Jews; "Die Spark and the Exodus," a novel by Benedict and Nancy Frecdman, which Is concerned with the small group of European Jews who went on the second Aliyah to Palestine; and •The Coast* of the Earth," a novel of Israel fighting for survival against the Arabs in the War for Liberation, by Harold E. Livingston, a man who was one of the mitny volunteer fliers for the tiny Israeli Air Force. notion Apart from these two novels on Israel, Jewish fiction has been somewhat disappointing. There have been fewer titles tlian usual and tome of the highly-touted ones, like "The Guilt Makers" by David Weiss, have been poor books. However, there have been ;ome excellent works of fiction. One is 'The Siege," a novel of Jewish life in Hungary in the 19th century, by Illes Kaezer. Another ' Charles Neidcr's "The White Citadel," which deals with Jews in Ber.sarabia during the first World War. Both volumes are written by fine craftsmen who have man(if;ed to recreate long-eonc eras In Jewish history. Oddly enough, the best novel about JewR, or a Jew, was produced l>y a Gentile American novelist, Hurvcy Fcrgusson. In "The Conquest of Don Pedro," a Literary Guild selection, Mr. FcrijusKon has created a tubercular Jewish peddler, Leo Mendes, who is his hero. Mendes typifies the wandering, adventurous Jew who, through industriousness and gentleness, hcli» open the American frontiers and .helps build the nation. Compared with Willa Gather's classic "Death Comes for the Archbishop," Ibis new novel by Hurvey Fergusson Introduces to literally millions of American readers n fine typo of Jew, unforgettable in the pases of fiction and influential in the real American world of history and Industry.
And it must also ix1 stressed that other significant titles, while not entirely on the subject • of Israel, illuminated the problems of the state und of Zionism in particular. The late Haylm Greenl>er[», nn outstanding Zionist leader and theoretician, did not Jive to ncc the publication of his essays, "Tlic Inner Eye," but every Jew, particularly the Zionist, can profit by c the gleaming, philosophic essays by Mr. Greenben: on the Diaspora and on Israel. Dr. Harry Orlinsky's "Ancient Israel," a brief but provocative study on the people who wrote the Bible and the value of recent archaeological Illbllenl Themes discoveries vis-a-vis Jewish hisOf course, there lias been the tory, is also, In pa.':sinf, of parusual dipping Into the Bible for ticular interest lo Zionists. nc- elistlc themes. Popular novelist In Field of Art Frank Slaughter has offered "The Even in tlic field of art, there Story °f Huth," a vulgarization of has been a remarkable book, one one of the most tender and artisof the first titles issued by the new tic stories in the entire Bihle, and Heconstructionist Press. It Is llo- Wilder Penfield, in "No Other ncl ReisV "New Lights and Old Gods," contributes a fairly inlcrShadows." Mr. lUlss, who drew account of the story of Jews and Palestine Jews Abraham, tho Jewish patriarch. in the 1920's, returned to Israel Told in rather melo-dramatic and made drawings and water col- terms, the Abraham ttory is worth ors of the sabrus and the Eu- reading, if not taken too seriously. ropean Jews transplanted to the In the area of Judalca, n handsoil of Israel. His Is an artistic ful of writers and editors have convisual history of the past three tributed some titles which promise decades and is, AS Dr. Cecil Roth to live long beyond the next year suggests, far more than an art or two. Franz Koblcr is to be corobook. It ivfn addition, living Jew- merided for his gargantuan two-
Kdltor's Note: TMs artlrle it reprinted from tlie Netv York Ilrrnlil Trllmnr-. Tsr/iel's concern over United States' nrms shlpmfnt*. to Iran, nnd K"vpt t* roRical find tmderstamlnlile. Both of these nations are still technically in a state of war nr.iinst Israel, a,nd any change in the balance of armnments power I"! bound to produce disturbing effects. Egypt's arms .plant has already been considerably strengthened through its acquisition of military instalUliom. airfields nnd workshops in the Suez Canal zone. American supplies will give it additional power. Washington's position, wlildi also Is lotion! and understandable;) Is that the Middle East needs bolstering against the powriblUty of a Soviet attack. The question is whether a unilateral strengthening of the Arab nations win produce desirable results. Arms sent io Iraq, for instance, could hardly be sufficient in themselves to tip the scales in favor of the Arabs as against the Russians, but they could make a very Krioua difference as between the Arab states and Israel And whatever assurances the Aral* may have given of peaceful Intent toward Israel, they have not been trano tated into any noticeable wi01ns> ness to accept the now itote's existence as a fact of life. Ideally, a military statin quo could be best obtained by tending no arms at all into this troubled and tense part of the work). But if a generally strengthened Middle East Is deemed essential to American policy, Israel ought to be enable to play its part in tha defense chain. Israel's request, for anus aid has been pending in Milncton for three years, and approval now would be n good way for tlic United States to end all doubts about its policy. It might take an even (greater step toward Middle East stability try refusing to f.end any nnm art nil to a nation thnt refusm to sit down at the conference t'lble nnd talk peace. •
volume "A Treasury of Jewish Letters," which contains epistlcsi from Biblical times up to the period of the Emancipation. His notes and translations hplp to make his a cuissic work in Jewish history antl scholarship and any single yenr which sees the publication of such an effort Is In Itself a rich literary year for Jews. Yet there was more. Dr. Nahura Glazcr has presented "Franz notenzweig: His Life and Thouctit" and if ever an American Jew wants to.Unmv nbout the remarkable life of the crippled phllosoplier and the heart of his philosophy, which influenced a generation of German Jews, this is the definitive book. Dr. Glazer is now workIng on the actual writings of Rosenrweig, but even the writings nr» illuminated nnd clarified by the Lite and Thought. Holiday* Dr. Thcodor Caster, o prominent scholar and anthropologist, all of whose work is eminently readable ndn provocative, has written, in "Festivals of the Jewish Year," a scholarly, fascinating and exciting account of the Jewish holidays, narrated from the viewpoint of world civilization antl told by a man who is acquainted with the folklore of other ancient and modern peoples. What makes Dr. Caster's book BO rich, however, is that he always seeks out the Jewish valuta of the festivals even when he insists that the festivals were themselves "borrowed" from others. Bold and imaginative, "Festivals of the Jewish Year" Is highly informative rending. Another attempt at popularization- U Kiibbl Morris Kertzer's "What Is a Jew?" which is a tort of companion volume to the earlier "What the Jews Believe" liy Itabbl Philip Bernstein. Told in question and answer form (n shorter version of which first appeared in Look magazine), Rabbi Kcrtzer'i short book Is a good introtluction to the tenets of Judaism. Another effort at popularizntion in both text antl pictures Is Nathnn Ausubcl's "Pictorial History of tho Jewish People." A Kood nntholo(Conlinued on Page .1)
Friday, OcUber 14,
B'nai B'rifh Bowling W. L 12
Rlchmun-Gordmiui Hobcnnun Plumb Gcrehck .Motors Ranks Army' Slorbes Bakery Grace-Mayer V'oifson-Gerber Rltcway TV Milder OU Harvey Chicken Sol Lewis Co.
11 !) 8 8 7 7 7 G 5 1 5 II 5 11
fact Tare*
Midget Basketball Roster Soars To 68 Members
Tarkway IMvHIon Ace
jrtmsn rin>
Dan Hollis, Bill Horwlch, I-arr> By I.lncly I'uul Kohn, Al Konccky, Koy Katskee, Sixty-two boys attended the la." Mike Markovltz, Martin Meyers, Midget Basketball practice nt tl Al Newberij, Hob Nogjj, Marv Ru>r gymnasium, nnd there are G; back, Kcva Shykcn, Howard Stol hoys registered for tongue plii er, Ijitiren Wcssorman and Wa this criming season. Tliis was tin Wise. Klghth traders: Dan Abrarasecond pructkx1 of t he season am son, Steve Bloch, Bob Fellman, the youngsters are showing defi Steve Flsk, Larry Gilinsky, Justin Mite Mj;ns of improvement whicl Geenberg, Stjin Greenfield, Larrj means thru tills year's league pin; Hoberman, Mike Platt, Marc Samwill IK? very spirited. There \vi uelson, Jerry Schwartz, Steve Seg be three more practice session: lln, Howard Slusky and Clarl before the boys will be dlvidec Swartz. WOMAN'S LEAflUE into teams fur practice. The pro All boys In the 5, 6, 7 and 8tl mason play will start Sunday, grades Interested in joining tht W. L. Nov. 28. The following boys were Midget League should come to thi Midwest Water Heaters ..12 Asher I>evlt»ky in attendance lust Sunday: Jay gymnasium next Sunday t Meyers News 8 Fifth graders: Richard Fried, sign up. Lyle D*Moss, assistant genera Fireside Restaurant 8 manager of Meredith WOW, Inc. Gordon Hollls, Stewart Hurwltz, Mystic Beauty Shoo 8 will address the monthly dinner ol Gary Mulnlelt, Justin Mulnlck 'Omaha Jobbing 8 ! Philip* Dept Store 7 _ the Beth Israel Men's Club, Tlmrs Howard Mulnlck, Alan Ross an Dick Zcvitz. Sixth graders were day evening, Oct. 21. Wolf Brothers 6 9 Asher Levltsky, prominent Is* Howard Chudacoff, Don Fiedler, Shukcrts 3 12 raeli attorney, writer and lecturer, Harold Forbes, Howard Fcldman, . Rae Wlntroub U leading the New York (JTA)—An "extra- will be guest of honor at a. planTerry Goldenberg, Stove Gould, league with a 233 game and a 533 meeting for State of Israel Mike Green, Steve Guss, Gerry ordinary high percentage" of ning 'teries. Merriam Cooperman had a Bond Issue, 8 p, m, Hec-gcr, Jim Kagah, Dick Kaslow, young American scientists come Development Friday, Oct. 8 186—47Q, Reva Singer 453, Cert Thurday, Oct. 21, at Dr. Abe from Jewish homes, a survey conHoward Fred Cohn, Cheryl Kay Steve Kutlcr. Karl Luefschuetz, ZevfU 4*7 and Mllly Greenberg Greenberg's apartment in the Milder, Laura Jean Kutlcr, Julie Mike Sadofsky, Bob Singer, Jcfl ducted by Fortune, one of Amer- Blackstone Hotel. 183—461. Ann Simon, Jeffrey David Swartz Wohlncr and Dick Zacharia. Sev- ica's leading magazines, has esMr. Levitsky is a member of the enth, graders: Arnold Altsuler, tablished. and Barry Jay Zorinsky. Israel Government Law Council Justin Ban, Gabby Berg, Gene The survey, carried out among and Saturday, Oct. 0 W. I* Central Committee of the IsBruce Harian Abrahamson, Ab- Dandy, Joel Davis, Don Forman, 87 outstanding young scientists rael Bar Association, and k vice* Angle's Beauty Salon It who distinguished themselves In Bob Ginsburg, Frank Goldberg, ram Erlich, Helen* Gershatcr and Kish Fur* 6 of the Jerusalem Bar Bruce Goldstein, Gerry Goldstrom, nuclear physics as well as in other president Lyn'» Florist 9 6 Roger Eldon Smith. branches of science, shows that 23 Association. Hamilton Pharmacy 8 7 He received a Bachelor of SclSunday, Oct. 10 percent of them are Jews, S3 perSmith Pontiae .-. 8 7 nce Degree In Economics, at ths Franklin Ray Kalman and Ju< cent are Protestants, 5 percent ' Colony dub ,,...0 dtth Myra Turner. . ore Catholic:), while the remainder University of London and was adMogen David Wloe . . . . . . 9 10 Monday, Oct. 11 come from homes where the par- mitted to the British Bar as a Komey's Paint Co.» 4 11 Carole Cohn, Deborah Susan ents have no religious affiliation Barrister-flt-law after winning an "Shirley Davis 183. Estelle Tur- Gerbcr, Sandra Rose Gtlinsky, honors LL.B. Commander Abe S. Miller and kel 156-168—132, Bcebc Becker RIckl Roxanne Goodman and Todd the Epstein-Morgan Post No. 260or are atheistic. During the difficult years of Jewish scientists also constitute 161—441, Dorothy Feltman 135— Alan Greenstone. >, was awarded a commendation for about 30 percent among twenty of ewlsh resistance to the White .411, LII-Kraft 156-408, Wna Tuesday, Oct. IS 'valuable and truly exemplary the leading young scientists en- Paper and British anti-ImmigraBloom 136, Mary Sbukert 150. Ida Cheryl Rose Fcllman, Robert by Sam Shalkewltz, Commander of gaged he represented the dein Important scientf Uc work tion policy, Sachs 6-7-8-10 split, and Dec FoxFoot, Marlene Friedman, Michael services rendered the fifth region,'" for in Haganah and Irgun court the General Electric Bell Tele- .fense 6-7-10 split. c a s e s . ' -.' • , • ' •..' '. • Lcvlne, Caroline Emllle Mayer and the fifth region, JWV. phone Laboratories, and other Richard Kent Sophir. The post will hold its regular American Industrial enterprises, meeting, 8 p. m., Thursday, Oct. he survey, established. Wednesday, Oct. IS Named among them is Joshua Michael Simon and Susan Renee 21 In the Jewish Community Center. Final plans for the Veteran's Lederberg, 29, the son of a rabbi, Ipiegal. Stuart Fogel fired A 282 ncries Day Dance will be discussed. lenry Hurwltz, 35, Bon of the edito malic him top man in the boys' Thursday, Oct. 14 Dues for 1955 are payable now, or of the Menorah Journal whom division In last Sunday's competiHownnl AInn Jess, Gloria Rnz tion at the Music Box nick, Steven Seglln, Dnrry Stuart ilarvln Krfplnn, Junior Vice-Com- Fortune calls "probably the most (Continued from Page 2) ' mandcr announced. brilliant student of nuclear-reac- gist and Industrious editor, Mr. Edk> Singer and Joycn Koom led "hermnn arul Clark Swartz. tor theory In Industry;" Julian in the girls' .division. lulle had a Ausubel has fallen rather flat in Friday. Oct. IS Schwirigor, son of a dress manu- his latest book, for the text Ic .261 ami Joyce a 260. Nancy Ellen Brodkey. Michnel Beth El to Dedicate fateurer, nnd Richard Feynman, ather skimpy, often Inaccurate Ttesm W. L. Alan Perimeter, Alan Howard SI Memorial Plaques ;on of a sales mnnager, both phy- and too frequently deliberately so. No. 12 4 0 porln and Walter Wise. sicists who were born in New Mr. Ausubel, in particular, glosses No. 2 4 0 Memorial Plaques will be dcdJ Saturday, Oct. IS Ho. 8 . . . . . 3 1 Robert Sol Joseph and James cated at Beth El Synagogue at York. Fortune says Schwinger and ver the faults of the Soviets in Feynman are considered the "top No,5 3 1 Shcmlni Atzcreth Yizkor services, theoreticians of their generation." •elation to the Jews. And the phoNo. 10 3 1 ea Weinatein. ographs are not acarly as good Tuesday, Oct. 19. - Sunday, Oct. IT The survey also established that No. .1 2 2 The plaques were affixed to although the parents of the Jewish as they should be for an audience No. 11 2 2 Saul Zeldln Kalman and Dale bronze raised on Life-Look standards, ' memorial tablets during the scientists gave their religion as , , No. 4 ':\ 1 3 Phyllis Kasln. Outstanding Books past four months In commemoraM.ntoy, Oct. IS Jewish, only nine percent of the No. 7 1 3 There remain two outstanding by their families. young Jewish scientists professed No. 1 1 3 Beverly Bloom, Judy Ruth Gins- tion The names of- those whose the Jewish religion. Among the ewish books of the year, both 0 4 Mirg, Meyer Ezser Landsman, and memory Is honored are: A, B. Al- Protestants only: 23 percent pro- iealing with the history of the, No. 9 0 4 frene Winer.''••:-'./Y. •;• • "". • pim, Harry Bernstein, Dobe Dol- fessed their religion as compared Jewish DFs. The historic, moving ' Hlg-ti Guam and Series Tuesday, Oct 10 goff, David A. Finkle, Grace Hay- with 53 percent of their parents. tory of the entire epic of the Stunrt Fogel 174-108—282 Jerry Clninko, Johnny Frelden, kin, . Samuel S. Anna Among the young Catholic scien- IP's Is told by Leo Schwarz in Edle Singer 142-11^-261 Jeremy HoWs, Larry Lee Land- Katzman, Eudlce Helphand, Esther tists none wanted to profess their The Redeemers," while the more Joyce Koom 148-112—260 man, Michael David M e i c h e » , Doffnianr Harry Mirowitz, limited narrative* of the D F s l n RoiUtein, Ubby religious beliefs. : Larry GHlnsky 130-127—257 Elaine Beth Relss, James Michael floitstein and Rose Rubin. relation' to the Americans is the On the btsis of these figures, asis of Rabbi Judah Nadlch's "ElBill Katzman 144-111—255 Roseman, Edward Ralph Shrago the Fortune survey; comes to the wnhower and the Jew*." The" • Barbara Bercutt . . . 141-108—249 ind Jeffrey Stern.: conclusion that there Is a general looks sometimes overlap and Mr. Hadassah Plans Lenora Folk 142-102—244 Wednesday, Oct. M Larry Hoberman .. 135-100-341 Richard Harris: Chudacoff, Re. Pre>Donor Uuncheon loss of faith among young scien- Schwarz bften refers to the matists in this country regardless of erial of Rabbi Nadlch. To underMike Piatt 118-118—238 lec Lynn Krasnoff, Rdbert Steven Suilc Wolfson . . . . 124-111—235 Xulnkofsky, Larry Siovcri kurz. Hadassah's medical organfza- :helr religious. background. Forty^ itand the complete story, it is best Eddie Wlntroub . . . . 118-117—335 Gaylc Marlene Lerrnan, James tion and vocational education pre- ve percent of the young scien- o read them both. Rabbi Nadlch's and Daniel Stephen Jonor luncheon will be held at the sts declared themselves agnos- book Is especially valuable where ' Dennla Schulmaa . . 128-103—231 Lewis Rice ; • : ;' Jewish Community Center, Wcd- tics, and twenty-two percent said Mickey Sacks 127-104—231 Slosburg. treaU with the attitude of the :hey are religious, but are not of- hen General Elsenhower towards Clark Swartz '. 121-105—226 icsday, Oct 27. Thursday, t)ct.Zl. David Wlntroub . . . . 135- 88—223 Jeffrey Alan Fox, Su«an Jane Members planning the affair Iliated with any religon. : he Jewish DFs and how, gradualThe percentage 6f scientists r, he came to understand that the Beverly Bloom 121- 96—217 ianford and Julie tec Shricr. are: Mrs. David Brodkey, fundNancy Venger 110-101—211 raising co-ordinator; Mrs. Alfred from Jewish families varied con- ews deserved and required dlfHarriet Schloff . . . . 109-102—211 Fiedler, chapter chairman, and her siderably In the several fields of 'erent treatment from the other Marc Samuclson . . . 100-102—208 co-chairmen, Mmes. Max Canar icience, the Fortune report' says, refugees. Call Trctiak . . . . . . . 117- 91—208 and Mrs. Morris Katloman. From n biology and medical research This account does not list all of Gloria Ostrow . . . . 123-78—201 he Hcrzl group are. Mmes. Sam was 52 percent, physlcs-18 per- Jie books of Jewfsh significance Sharon Frank 115- 86—201 C A. Tully, Fred Brodkey and Joe cent, psychology 17 percent; and if the -past year. But one must Judy PUttner 114- 87—201 Jernsteln, and Szold group, Mmes. In astronomy and meteorology icntion. In concluding, the study . • • rfax Greenberg, Arthur Grosuman t c r o , . • • • ' . • "'. • ' . ) . ' ' f Sholcm Asch's work by Chain) Sunday, Oct. 11 To account for these statistics Llcbcrman, in "The Christianity ind Sidney Katloman. Tlkvas Ami's All Girl Mixer—2 me can only hypothesize," For- f Sholem Asch;" the excellent m.—Center. une states, "For example, the lography of Don Isaac Abravanol llsproportlonatcly high percentage y Netanyahu; the equally thorw. u Farband Supper—7 p. m—Cener. f outstanding scientists with Jew- ugh biography of Rabbi Isaac .Lucky Leagers .......... 6, 0 Monday, Oct. 18 )h backgrounds miRht bo ex- Planter by Mcnahcm Glenn and Blue Kaglct 6 0 by the scholarly tradition Conversations with Kafka," by Hokcy Pokes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 Hadassah Chapter and Group Tlie deadline for organiza- rtained requently observed among Jews. ustav Janouch, which highlights Fancy Pants ,. 3 3 Joard/i—11 a. m.—Center. tional news has been set ahead HOSHANA RABBAH — CENhe remarks made by the great 7th Heaven .....3 3 to Monday at 5 p. m. This has TER CLOSED AT Ii p. m, Hollywood (JTA)—Comic-pianiech-Jewish writer on many Bowling Bums . . . 2 4 been done to facilitate the hanTufiHlny, Ort. 19 t Victor Dorgc was working to cwish themes and problems. Cozy Formers 2 4 dling of copy. We realize, of very sanitary audience the other In all, while It has been a year The Curves .' 2 4 Shcmlni Atsereth—Yiskor. course, that there are some WfdncHduy, Oct. 20 ight. The guests didn't touch any- )f comparatively small quantity, Roylm Juniors 2 4 times when this deadline canSimchnth Tornh. hlng with their hands . . . in fact, .he quality has been excellent. 4 Dollcs 1 5 not be met and late copy will k Ha(I;iv,;ih—8:30 p. m.—Center. High Oaose* and Srrles • • • bo accepted Tuesday. We ask vhen he finlslied his act, they ThuriHlay, Ort. 21 lidn't even touch one hand with Bruce Goldstein. 110-111. 227; IlnroUl V. Rlbalow, a long-tims that publicity chairmen cooperho other. The very talented Borge ontrlbutor to the Englbili jewtafe Steve Guss, 113-108, 221; Howard Jewish War Veterans Pout No. ate with us so that your press ood up from his piano, looked tress In tbls country, Is the auShrler. 119; Al Swanson. 109; Ger- GO—8 p. m.—Center. releases will receive the proper Jewish War Veterans Ladies hem over quietly and said, "Is thor of eight books, the most TV ry Pil.ilis, 107; Eden Cohn, 103; attention. •uxlllnry—8 p. m.—Center. there any particular time you Walt Wine, 102; Ethel Sabes, 101 of which to "Whafs Tow Kadlmah-8:30 p. m.—Home. want to be called In the morning?" anil Marsha Coren, 109. I. Q.t";
Israeli Attorney |
Fortune Survey on Will Speak Here Young Scientists
Happy Birthday
JWV Will Meet at At Center Oct. 21
Jr. B.B. Bowling
Ye«ir in I Literature |
Community Calendar
Jr. Y.C. Bowling
f Pate tun
«Tii1njr, OrtolXT 15, 1051
Omaha Sketches j
Mr. iinil Mrs. Jly Trmln of Kaplan, chairmen, announced the Winston Salem, S. C. nnd their' following committee heads and children Michael, 5, and Barbara, The regular meeting for the Ep- members; Mmes. Harry Koscnfeld, 2. spent the High Holidays vlsltstein-Morgan Ladies Auxiliary No. Paul Blotcky, William Feicr, Morini; with their parents Mr. and 260, Jewish War Veterans will be ton Hiiler, Joe Myers, Lazier KaMrs. S. Temln. held Thursday, Oct. 21 at 8 p. m. vich, Julia Jacobs, Charles Stern, . . . . in the Jewish Community Center. Harold Slosburg. Stanley Slosburg, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Myerson October 24 has been set as-the I. M. Libermnn, Milton Abrahams, announce the birth of a son Robert date for rummage sale pick-up*. Ben Lewis, Harry Malachock, J. Yale, October 6, a t a local hospital. Anyone having articles to donate, Malaschock, Louis Llpp, Joe Horwich, Seymour Kaplan, Richard The couple also has a daughter _ please call Mrs. Meyer Kaplan at Amy Jo, aged two years. WA 6202 or. Mrs. Jack Say Ian at Goldman, Joe Kirshenbaum, Jacob Hess and Edward Lcvinson. WE 2071. Maternal grandparent* are Mr. Reservations may be obtained Mrs. J. Milton Margolin, chairMb* Pauline and Mrs. Reuben Vann of Omaha from sisterhood members. man (Or overseas gift servicemen and paternal grandparents Mr; packages has asked that names of and Mrs. Sam Mycrsoh of Council servicemen be given her for Cha. . . t o wed Bluffs. la. Mrs v Henry Vann of nukah packages. Call Mrs. MargoOmaha is the maternal greatLawrence lin at GL 4668 if you know of a The Beth Israel Sisterhood ushgrandmother. serviceman overseas. er in the fall season with.a CabarAlbert. . . • et-Cocktail Supper-Dance a t the Mr. and Mrs. Dave Brown with synagogue social hall Sunday evetheir two sons a n visiting their ning, Oct. 24. parents Mr. and Mrs, Ben Burstien,' For reservations call Mrs. BerMrs, Jacob .Goodbinder enterof Omaha. The couple are making tained the board at a luncheon nard Weiss, GL 1673; Mrs. Sam their home in Los Vegas. Nov. followed by a meeting at her home Berman, GL 5346 or Mrs. Sam Mrs. Brown Is t i e former Mlsi last Monday. Plans were made for Katzman, WA 5439. Helen Burstien. the 1955 Donor Luncheon to be • • • ' held June 30. ^ Mr. and Mrs. fcforris Laufor of • Because of Succos, the regular Newark. N. J., left for tholr home meeting will be held Monday, Oct. this week after spending the past 25, at 1 p. m., at the Jewish ComAnnouncement has been made night in the House and Gardens two weeks In Omaha with relamunity Center. Jewish National tives and friends. They were enter* Mrs. Albert B. Newman, chair- of the engagement of Miss Pauline rooms of the Blackstone Hotel, Fund boxes will be collected. talned by Mr. and Mrs. Julius Miss Katzman attended the Uni- Wolk and son Paul, Mrs. Louis - The members are requested to man of: the Jewish Federation Katzman and Laurence Albert. bring articles to the meeting for Agencies Section'of the Needle- Parents of the couple arc Messrs. versity of Oklahoma, Norman, and Wolk, Mr. and Mm. 1. J. Kraft the bazaar which will be given by work Guild Drive, announces that and Mmcs.(David Katzman and was affiliated with Sigma Delta and family. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Tau Sorority, Her fiance will be Kraft and family, Mr. and Mrs. contributions are coming in daily, the Children's Hospital Friends. graduated in June from the Uni- Nate Kraft and family, William but that a number of donors have Louis Albert. versity of Omahn, The wedding Kraft, Mr. and Mrs. Al Temln The couple's bethrothol was renot as yet responded. It is hoped that all those who have not mailed vealed at a dinner held Saturday date will be announced later. and family, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley •_ In' their donations will do so imB. Kahn and family, Mr. and Mrs. The Kadimah chapter of Pioneer* mediately, she stated. Julius Novak and family, Sgt. and vilz, Henry O. Newman and Julius Women held a Succos party at the The following have mailed In Mrs. C. Cartler and family, and Newman, home of Mrs. Dave Wine, 501 So. heir contributions since the last Mr, and Mrs. Max Sticks and, { 55th St., Thursday evening, Oct. list appeared in the Jewish Press: Mmcs. Julius Newman, Harold family. 14. We wish to remind all KadiPollack. William. Radlzlnor, Carl Mines. Jacob Abromson, Morris mah members of the rummage sale Adlcr, William Alberts, Alick AltCaptains responsible for getting Rlckes, N. Julian Rips, Al Rosen, fo be held later this month. Now man, Sam Appleman, Sam "Bon, merchandise for the booth of the Jcrald Rosen, L W. Rosenblatt, Popular and Classfcol is the time to start.gathering to- Julius Barron, Joe Batt, Hyman Federation , of Jewish Women's Harry Schulman, Ben Sherman, Piano Instruction gether garments for this sale. Fur- Bclman, David E. Bcber, Clarence Clubs for the Children's Memorial Robert Sllvcrman, Nathan Simon, ther details will be announced Bergman, Joseph Bernstein, Her- Hospital Bazaar include: Harold Slosburg, Al Sophlr, Albert HELEN L MACKIN later. Mmes Morris Arkin, Sam Ban Steinberg, Meyer L. Stern, Harry man Bondarln, Bennett L. Conn, STUDIO Michael D. Coltori. David Cooper, Rebecca Bccovici, Clarence Berg- Staler. Abe Vcngcr, I. tL Welhcr, HA 5290 Harry Copporman, Heine Delrogh, man, Robert Bernstein, Sam Her- Carl Weiss, Bernhardt Wolf, Sam- 221 S. lflh St. Ha&assah Lawrence Epstein, Ruben Epstein, man, Dave Bialac, Edw. D. Brod- uel Wolf, Max Woirson, I. B. ZlegOmaha Chapter Hadassah Board William Epstein, A. Feldman, Jac- kcy, Edw. E. Brodkey, Fred Brod- man and Miss Beatrice N. Somwill meet at 12:30 p. m. dessert ob Fcldman, David A. Finklc, Abe kcy, R. M. Canar, Isaaprc Chap- mcr. luncheon, Monday, Oct. 18 at the Fishman, Stanley Flak, Morton man, , Harold Chernlack, Bcnnet home of Mrs. Samuel N. Wolf, 419 Frank, Gilbert Frelden, Herman Cohen, Seymore Cohen, Samuel Patronize .Our Advertisers fto, 68th St. Co-hostesses will be Friedman, I s a d o r e Friedman, Davis, S a m . Diamond, Richard the .Mesdanies Samuel Nerenberg. Adolph Frohman, Robert From- Einstein, Leo Elsenstatt, Hyman Alfred Frank, and Cave Sherman. kln, Jack Gelfand, Arthur Gend- Ferer, Philip Fcldman, Albert Fox, J The Thcodor Hcrzl Group Board ler, Arthur M. Green, Max Green- Maurice Frank, Alfred Fiedler, will meet Thursday, Oct. 21 for berg. Max Greenfield, Jacob S. Stanley' Fisk, Herman Friedman lKjnt jjh sjrtv u uuen yoqi w*ni AO 12:30 p. m.,dessert luncheon at the Hess, Richard Hiiler, Helnrich and Jacob Friedman. un ntti. Current rtft u tu OMrt* for Men inter, home of Mrs. Louis Alberts, 912 Jaul, WilUom Joseph, Edward -too. rtt r?«tt rMcnrtt lot rrfbt te Until Mmes. Harold Garbcr, Jack GIINo. 66th St. Co-hostesses will be Kahn and Jacob Kaplan. ' tin o W M m t l f W P l insky,. Sidney Goldberg, L. GoldMrs. Meyer Rubin and Mrs. TheoMmcs. Seymour Kaplan, Maur- stein, Max Greenberg, Charles BAR and Bas Mltzvan congratudore Sanford. lations also for all Jewish holiice Katelmnn, Morris - Katleman, Guss, J. M. Horwich, Irvin Kaldays and special occasions The Chaim Weizmann Group Joseph Kirshenbaum, Eva L. Ko- man, Seymore Kaplan, Lazier KaBoard meeting will be held at the nccky. Rose Konccky, Abraham vich, Seymour Katz, Jack J. Kauf- Meyers New* Stand. 1502-Dodge. .home of. Mrs. Harry Ferenstein, Krnntz, Carl Logman, George La- man, Chas, Klmmel, Martin Kim, 1011 So. 55th St., with Mrs, Samgois, Morris M. Landman, Morris mcl, S. J. Kraft, Leonard Krasne, ' Ban as co-hostess. They will meet Levey, Isldor Lcvinson, Sarah M. Kruplnsky, Leonard KulakofThursday, Oct. 21,12:30 p. m. des- Levinson, Aaron Levitt, Harry sky, Aaron Levitt, I. M. Llbersert luncheon. Libermnn, Meyer Lipp, Sol Mann, man, M., Llnsman, Frank Llpp, . The Henrietta Szold Group rail Margolin, Samuel Mcichcs, Adolf Mayer, Milton Mayper, Board will also meet Thursday, Hymle Milder, David Miller, Abe Charles JMonasee, Sylvia MockoOct. '21 at 12:30 p, m. dessert Mozer, Albert Nepomnick, Albert luncheon a t the home of Mrs. Wil- B. Newman, Sol Nogg, Harry liam Raduzincr, 5125 Chicago St., Noodell, Keith Peltz, Nathan Prtwith Mrs. Dan Lintzmon as co- lor, William A. Racusin, William hostess; Raduzlner, Pliilip Rlnglc. Isadora . Please note: The Chapter Board W. Rosenblatt, Hubert I. Rosenmeets Monday, Oct. 18. All of the blum, HowaYd Ross, Sam I. Roth• group boards meet Thursday. nbsrg, Emanuel Segcl, Morris Hi. Oct. 21. Shapiro, Ben Sherman, Ben D. Sil•cr, Ervin II. Simon, Milton Simons and Louis Siporin. Mmes. Hen Shitzky, Hnrry L. .Temple Israel Sisterhood will Sommer, Alfred Sophlr, Joseph R. hold its annual Supper Dance and Soshnlk, Paul Suronlty, Ilalph G. Card Party, 7:30 p. m.. October Turltel, 13. Wintroub, Abe 30 in the Temple social hall. Wolf son, Alex Wolpn, J. Lewis • Mrs. Ed Gilbert and Mrs. LaZar Yager nnd Miss Joan Gendlcr.
JWV Auxiliary •
Fiancee of Student
B.I. Sisterhood
"Mizrachi Women
Needlework Guild Contribution)
Kadimah Chapter
Fed. Women in Bazaar Project
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i rat* a*
Campus News
Youth Council Doings
Beth Israel Schools
Beth Israel Talmud 'i'orah and Sundny School children will have This is in line with Raylm's policy B. B, OIKLS honor—that of "Ugliest Man On parties in the new succah Sunday, Sigma Alpha Mu At the first regional meeting to get all the Information It can Oct 17, during regular class time. Campus"—will be gating under held in Sioux City, October 9 and on national affiliation before the Uiroglm und I-uluvlin will be At the Sammy Kick-Aft Party way soon. Each fraternity which 10 sixteen Omaha girls were pros shown and refreshments will be question is voted on. < Norman Krivosha announced his has 100 percent support for AUF, ent' They were: Ina Margolin, engagement to Helene Sherman, In bowline. Kaylm teams arc served to all the children. Patsy Greenfield, Felica FriedThe Beth Israel children's Sim8TJT. The wedding has been set the campus community chest, is man, Sandra Krizelman, Shirley tied for the lead in both leagues. clia* allowed one entrant Doran Jacobs Torah party wlU take plaoe Jknr early in August In the American League, three Raznick, Judl Kutler, Joyce CaDuring the past week the chap- will be ZBT« logical choice for the nar, Carole Frank, Diane Singer, Rayim bowlers Jerry Zeigman, Tuesday evening, Oct 19, at 7 p. m. in the synagogue. Flags will ter was notified that Mel Hurwlch post Shirley Sniff, Elaine Falkcn, Sere- Fred Simon, and Bob Meyer arc mid Sol Stiss were nominated to During the past week, ZBT has na Bwoskin, Harriet JSrcilow, Lois in the high five. In the National be distributed to all the children u associate memberships in t h e begun a plan for having guests for Moskovltz and Judl Glmple. Com- League, four Rayim bowlers, John and refreshments will bo served. American Accounting Association. dinner at the house at least•• once mittee appointed included: Shirley Goldner, Jerry Knoll, Mike Yudle- All children arc invited to attend. Nearly 100 per cent of the house a week. Frank Haligren, assistant Sniff, region; Diane Singer, schol- son and Howard Goldstein are in members arc In university actlvi dean of student affairs, and Dr. arship, and Ina Margolin, program. the high five. ' ties. They Include: Norman Veit- H. I* Weaver, professor of botany, Rayim members Bob Goldstein, xer. Corn Cobc, rally committee, advisor to the Kosmet Klub awl The following regional officers #ack Baker, Fred Simon and Dave The Beth Israel High School yell squad, student council, IFC newly selected Innocent's Society were chosen; Sandra Krizelman, Rerzog who make up one quarter group, Tovim is holding it* representative, fraternity secre- advisor, was guest of the chapter reporter; Carole Frank, agt.-at- of the Central High ROTC Hus- annual Club fall Harvest Dance this arms; and Shirley Raznick, protary. N-Club and be is the house's Wednesday evening. sars will march at the Ak-Sar-Ben Saturday evening, Oct 16 at 8 tern secretary. The representahominec for Kosmet Kiub revue o'clock. In the social hall of Beth tives from our chapter were Elaine Coronation. Norman Shyken, a member of Falken and Phyllis Freedman. Key members of Central High's Israel, 52nd and Charles Sts. ASME. Pie Tau Sigma, Sigma Tau Sigma Delta Tau Joyce Canar and Sandra Krizcl- new, winning Vanity Debate Hamburgers and all the trim* and president of Pi Tau Sigma. squad are Rayim, members Bob mings will be served. Admission is These are engineering honories. Sunday, Oct 31, will be Par' man were alternates. The Annual BJJ.G. Barn Dance Wlntroub, - Jerry Marer, Marv 50c per person and may be purDJck'Pocras is active In Hod Cross, ent's Day at the chapter house. Ferenjteln, Gene Kohn, and Mike chased from club members o f at the new TV station at the univer- Helene Sherman, a senior in will be held October 30 at the Jay. Ban. the door. High ichool students tra sity, and social chairman.' Marv Teachers College, announced her Dan Bum's Quartette wfll provide Invjted to attend. Friedman is just relaxing in his engagement to Norman Krivosha, the music. The chairmen of the capacity of Innocent. Bcrnie Wish- t Law School student'. A summer dance are: Eileen Epstein and Sal- AZA MO. 1M ly Markovltz. The candidates are: Recently The Centurymcn held lads; now is secretary-treasurer of the wedding is planned. sophomore class at law school Leah Gittleman will be chair- AZA X Stan Wldmin; Rayim, -Jer- a party at the home of Aleph Mar- Manny Dcsnet, Combclt Region ry Marer; T. A , Rosalie Cohen; ty Sophir. while Alan Garfinkcl is secretary- man o t tt* SDT homecoming * Director, was in town during the treasurer of the Junior class at play, f&e assistant is Julie Pmsker. Debs, Dene Sacks; B.B.G, Joyce Sunday the Alephs of Century past week. In that time he held C a n a r ; and AZA 100, Harold law school. Gerry Fellman and Sara Lehman was selected as a Chapter and Mother Chapter several meetings with the officers Friedman. The dance win be from played a flag football game at and committee chairmen ot tb» Ira Epstein arc representatives of new Tassel member. the junior law class to the law as- 2elda Kaminsky tad Ruthi* 9-12 p.m. Hmwood Park. The contest was two AZA chapters. Manny gave sociation. Sol Stiss, besides being Chudacoff wfll be University Stagvery even, and at the end of the many valuable suggestions to ImBATI* .. MMidcnt of the fraternity Is an game the score stood 12 to 12. prove the chapters' programs, • TFC representative. Alan Crounse ers Sot the coming year. At the next! meeting Rayim will Howard Kaslow scored both touchb a columnist In the Dally Ne- Zelda is also a team captain for have speakers from Young Judea. downs for the Century Chapter Patronize Our Advertisers braskan. Morse Weisgurt is news the All University Fund drive. director of KNUS, the campus ra- Janet Gordon and Gall Katskee '• dio station, while Alan Kenyan Is were AUF speakers. Sandy Sherman was chosen as program director. The fraternities bowline team a violinist In the University Orwon four from their first opponent, chestra. Theta Chi. The first football game Leah Gittleman and Ruthl* ended with SAM on the long end Chudacoff are the SDT members of a 18-13 score. The muddy field f Hiflel Council. and poor weather did not give the team the chance to display its poTHIS JUMBO SIZE, PLASTIC tential power. The next grime is With Cornhusker Co-op. Gail Elaine Trctiak, daughter of Mr..and Mrs. L M. Tretiak, will Zeta Beta Tau lebrate her Bus Mitzvah at Beth • Synagogue Friday evening, Oct • large Siio — Measurei 20 x 36' By Dick Frllman 15 and Saturday morning, Oct IB. • Hat two separate compartments —• Corn Cobs, the University men's Friends and relatives arc invited pep organization, is especially ac- to attend the services and recepone for while, ono for colored clothes. tive during the fall football -sea- tions which will follow. No invita• Mod* of lough Vinyl Plastic with ' son. Many ZBT* are among its tions have been issued. Rustproof zipper a n d convenient* members and leaders. Doran Jahanging loop. cobs is treasurer of the group, Neil Mr. and Mrs. Lou Lewis anMiller is chairman of the rally committee and Dick Fellman, Ted louhcc'the Bar Mitzvah of their , Steinberg and Alan Rice are son, Justin, at Beth £1 Synagogue Friday evening, Oct. 22 and Satworkers.. urday morning, Oct '23. Friends Cobs can be seen, attired in red and relatives arc invited to attend sweaters, selling "N" flowers, lead- the services-and receptions which ing the card section during the will follow. game and generally keeping the spirits high- among Cornhusker Judy Lazer, daughter of Mr. and fans. During the halftime show, Neil Miller was featured as the Mrs. Joseph Lazer, will celebrate her Bas Mitzvah, Friday evening Nebraska band's drum major. The House is now working on its and Saturday morning, Oct 22 and entry for the Kosmet Klub's Fall 23 at Temple Israel. Her parents QUANTITICS ARE LIMITED — GET YOURS ' "Show. Following the theme of the will give a reception in her honor show—fantastic fables—ZBT is following the evening and morning producing its show, entitled, "The services. While la YottrVMlar's Store, Ask for Your Free Entry Blank— Fable of Freddy the Freshman." Marv Steinberg, secretary of the Kosmet Klub, is directing the •how. Lou Cohen, freshman' from ENTER THE Scottsbiurf, has been given a lead 'RUG & UPHOLSTERY EXCITING NEW in the current University Theater CLEANERS production of the Broadway play, tUCS — CAKtniNG ''Death bf a Salesman." Cohen was Ym may Win Freedom From Washday named the outstanding actor at LAMP SHADES the High School Fine. Arts Festi' FUINITUU Drudgery with O H of these Grand val last spring. deemed m Your Home! Nothing tt Bay—No Boi teat to Friwsl ' At the KK's Fall Show, a Prince alluding • Laying • Repairing Kosmet will be elected. Len Singtend In—Just complete the'last YOU MAY WIN DON IERNSTEIN HA 25S4 er is the candidate from ZBT. lino ef this Jingle: ; Campaigning for the dubious
Club Tovim Vance
Bar & Bos Mitzvah
"let me fight for the Farm Price Supports they promised you... and then forgot!" SEND
KEIT PKMOCRAT * former Gov. oJ
to the
1h*i o«ict W J I * lady turned Cl.l/« , Whoi* wtihd»yt war* flllad wtth rfttp«b% Ttotfgh ilii'd atav* and powipl/*, j Jh» dwdi Kill pllad higher. / Tin I h * poor qlrl v » faarlnf htf kalri
Tkt* Hi* l«dr iiait door ««W *yp»«tk«tl|f, i oo inif watoioj wai IK aswaMavnvaWf "ll'a not at all kactlc "Wfc.n your Uuadry'i llacfrlc, _ "Aad you'll llnlik your waikday, acilatlcallyf* t o «i»a k.r w . i M . b i away. Wllk kar waihar and dryar, wotl'i play* Ska'l rid of liar qwandry— Har Automatic Liwndry .
AN AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC DRYER tkli llaa of Hit »la<*l« |hftei
Vonr Enlrr mail bo on an OfflcUl Entry Blank—These nianks are Fre»-i fount for the Bshinr—Enter Now, Ctntnt Close* November 10, Ittti* ^c» Your Favorite Appllanci Dialer or Departrnmt Start
Frifey, October 15. U H
Religious News 8:21 I*. M.
Beth El The first late Friday evening service will be held this evening at 8:15 o'clock. The Honorable . Hiam Ariav, a member of the Israel Knesset (Parliament) will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue Choir will render the musical portion of the service. Sabbath morning services will begin at 8:45 a. m. Junior Congregation services at 10:45 a. m. MlnCha-Maarlv cervices will start at 5:30 p. m. Dally services will be held each week day at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. The Sunday morning service is at 0 a. m. Simchath Torah .. Monday evening services 1 at 7 p. m. The service win begin Tuesday morning at 9 a. m. Yizkor services will be at 10:30 a. m., at which time dedication of Memorial Plaque*, recently affixed; to Memorial Tablets in the synagogue will take place. The Mincha service will be at 5 JO p. ra. Maariv and the Hakofoa for Slrachath Torah will be at 7 p. m. Wednesday morning the Simchat Torah services will be at 9 a. m. and the Mlncha-Maariv service that afternoon at 5:30 p. m.
Beth Israel Friday evening services being this evening at 5:30 p. m. Sabbath morning services begirt at 8:30 a. m. Junior congregation starts at 10 a. m. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Talmud class at 4:45 Saturday afternoon. Saturday mincha will start at 5:15 p. m. followed by Shloshc S'eudos and Maariv. Sunday morning services begin at 8:45 a. m. and Is followed by the Itabbi's Ulble study class and breakfast. The children's Sunday morning breakfast mlnynn starts at 8:30 a. m. Services Monday morning, Hoshana Rnbba, will begin at C:30 a. m. Monday, Oct. 18, 5:30 p. m. Tuesday, Oct. 19, 8 JO a. m. Ytskor—10 a. m. Children's Service—10 a. m. < Mincha—8:15 p. m. Childrcns Party and Simchas Torah—7 p. m. . Wednesday, Oct. 20, 8:30 a. m. and 5:30 p. m. Services; Thursday and Friday, Oct. 21 and 22, 7 a. m. and 5:30 p. m.
Temple Israel Friday evening services will be conducted by Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks tonight at 8 o'clock. Saturday morning services at 11:30
a. m.
Monday evening, Oct. 18 services at 8 p. m. Hakofos will be observed and Klddush in the Sukka Will follow the service. Festival service Tuesday mornIng, Oct. 19 at 11 a. m.
United Youth The hlghlignts of the annual USY dinner were speeches by "Rabbi Meyer S. Krlpkc and Jerry Zlegman past chapter president and post regional treasurer, Installation of new officers, introduction of new advisor Albert Frelacsh, and dancing to the music of I he Dan Burns Combo. The entire proceedings was under the supervision of chairman Sheldon Krantz. JIThe next USY mectinc will be October 17. There is still lime to Join by paying your dura of $1.50 to treasurer Murray Ko;ic\ Hollywood (JTA)--Jnck Benny was ridlni! In n tnxicnb In Ileveily Ullls and, as the driver mNirird hli destination, he found that t h e brakes wouldn't hold. "Hey," ycllcil Jack. "Why don't you stop?" "I can"t stop!" replied the driver as the lnxl !>[>«1 forward. "I think the brakes am shot!" "Well, for heaven's linko!" shouted Jack. "Can't you nt lent! turn off the meter?'" ''
Children WillTake Part in B.E. Service Special Simchath Torah Services and celebration will be held nt Beth Kl Synagogue Tuesday, Oct. 19 at 7 p. m., in which children o f the Congregation will participate. The youngsters will be provided with Simchath Torah flags and will Join in the Hakofoth (Torah processions).» Members are Invited to come and bring their children of all ages, to join with the children in our schools for this celebration, Hollywood (JTA)—One of our old-time movie stars took out a fire Insurance policy,- and the same day his h o u s e ' burned to the ground. The Insurance company suspected fr.aud, but couldn't prove anything. It had to content Itself .with writing the following letter: "Dear Sir: You took out an Insurance policy at 10 a. m., and youi fire did not break out until 3;3O p. m. WIU you kindly explain Uie delayr" LEflAL NOTICE LEGAL HOTICE OF MEASURES TO BE VOTED UPON NOVEMBER J. 1154. BALLOT TITLES AMD TEXTS OF CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS PROPOSED BY THE 1953 LEGISLATURE AND THE 1 « 4 LEGISLATURE (EXTRAORDINARY SESSION).
Gems of the Bible and Talmud By DR. PlCtLrp SHEIi Bible The Cod who is my rock. In Him I take refuge. My shield, and my salvation, my high tower, and my refuge. In my distress I called upon the Ixird, and out of HIS Temple He heard my voice, and my cry did enter into His ear, He delivered me from my strong enemies, from those who hated me, for they were too mighty for roe. During the great famine which w«» prevailing in Jerusalem, Martha, the daughter of Bclthus, was one of the richest persons in Jerusalem. She 6ont a servant to buy fine flour. Before he reached the market place, the fine flour had been' sold, whereupon he came back and informed her that there was only ordinary flour, left So she said: "Go and buy ordinary flour." When he came to the marMSGAL NOTICE
tag* 9mm ";et place, he found that this also was gone; so he came back and told her that only rye flour was left. She asked him to get that, but before he readied the place this, too, was sold. So he came and informed her that there was no rye flour nny more, but that he could buy barley flour. But again it happened that this, too, was sold before he arrived. When she learned this, she dressed and went out to find something to cat. While walking in the street in search of food, her foot became Infected and blood poison set in, causing her death, Before she died, she took nil her gold and silver and threw it Into the street, saying: "What do I need this for?
Hadassah Bowling
,w. i* Metz Beer 10 2 Fireside Restaurant . . . . . 9 3 Silco Products . . . . . . . . . . 9 3 Edwards Jewelry 8 4 Brodkcy Jewelry . . . . . . 7 5 Silk Shop 7 3 United Auto Supply . . . . 6 6 Cooper Construction Co. 6 6 Maglcolar 5% 8 t f Youngstown Kitchens . . . 5'/i 6M Watson Bros. Tramp. Co. 5 7 Playland Park 5 7 Nogg Bros. Paper Co. 4 8 Superette Food Market 4 8 RCA Victor 3 9 Benson Hardware . . . . . . 2 10 High Series; Esther Ross 492; Beverly Swortz 481: Helen ShuEOTPT DETAILS Jerusalem (WNS) — S i x t y kert 466; Dora Welnbcrj; 450. Egyptian Jews, most of them for- Splits: Ann Schulman, 6-7. mer bank officials and leaders of the Jewish communities in Cairo SYNAGOGUE OrENED and Alexandria, arc being held In Tel Aviv (WNS)^-The fin,t Reconcentration camps in Egypt, ac- form synagogue In Israel came cording to reports reaching here. Into being on nosh Hashonnh - at The detained were said to havp Acre when a Jaffa merchant wso been accused of affiliation with Is a Reform ccantor conducted "Zionist and Communist under- services with a minyan consisting ground movements." of Bulgarian Jews. LEGAL NOTICE
TEXT OF PROPOSED CONST! all tangible property and fran- purposes, when such property is TUTIONAL AMENDMENT chises, except that the Legisla- not owned or used tor financial Be (t enacted by the people of th ture may provide for a different gain or profit to either the owner method of taxing motor vehicles; or user. Household. goodB and State of Nebraska, that such tax proceeds personal effects, as defined by Section 1. That at the general Provided, motor vehicles taxed in each law, may be exempted from taxaelection In November, 1954, there from county shall be allocated to the tion in whole or in part, as may shall be submitted to the electors state, counties, townships, cities be provided by general law, and of the State of Nebraska, for ap- villages, and school districts o: the Legislature may prescribe a proval, the following amendment such county in the same formula for the determination of to Article IV, section 1, of the tion that the levy of eachpropor bean value of household goods bud per-' Constitution of Nebraska, which to the total levy of said county oi effects. The legislature by is hereby proposed by the Legis- personal tangible property. Th< sonal general law may provide that the lature: Legislature may prescribe stand- increased value of land by reason "Sec. ,1. The executive officers ards and methods for the deter- of shade or ornamental trees Constitutional amendment t of the state shall be the Gover- mination of the value of real oi planted along the highway shall remove the provision reilrictin nor, Lieutenant Governor, Secre- other tangible property at un not be taken into account in the changs of salaries of curtain ofil- tary of State, Auditor of Public form and proportionate values, assessment of such land. No prop-' c m not more than once In tight Accounts, Treasurer, Attorney Taxes uniform as to class may be erty shall be exempt from taxa-l General, and tho heads of such levied by valuation upon all othei tion except as provided in the rear*. other executive departments as property. Taxes, other than prop Constitution." 300 • For set forth herein or ns may be es- crty taxes, may be authorized b 301 O Against tablished by law. The Legisla- law. Existing revenue laws aha! Constitutional amendment la TEXT OF PROPOSED CONSTI- ture may provide for the placing continue in effect until change provide that when a general sales of the above named officers as by the Legislature." TUTIONAL AMENDMENT tax, or on income tax, or a com*) fie it enacted by the people of th heads over such departments o; blnation of a general sales lax government as it may by law es State of Nebraska, end income tax. is adopted by Constitutional amendment lc tabllsh. The Governor, LieutenSection 1. That at the genera) ant Governor, Attorney General, permit the Legislature to prorldl ths Legislature as a method of election in November, 1954, there Secretary of State, Auditor ol for appointment of county asiei raising rovenue, the ilnle shall b* shall be submitted to the electors Public Accounts, and the Treasure tors and boards of squallzaiioi prohibited from levying' a prop-j ' of the State of Nebraska, for ap- er shall be chosen at the general and assessment for counties o: erty lax for ilate purpose*. proval, the following amendment election held in November, 1054, for other taxing districts. 312 • For to Article IV, section 25, of the and in each even-numbered yea 300 • For 313 D Against Constitution of Nebraska, which thereafter, and their term of of309 D Against is hereby proposed by tho Legls fice shall be two years and until TEXT OF PROPOSED CON6TI-' Isture: their successors shall be elected TEXT OF PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT \ "Sec. 25. Tho officers provided and qualified. The records, books, TUTIONAL AMENDMENT Be it enacted by the people of th* and papers of all executive offifor in this article (hall receive Be tc enacted by the people of th> State of Nebraska, I such salaries as may bo provided cers shall be kept at the scat of "tate of Nebraska, Section 1. That at the general -by law. Such officers or such government, and such officers, exSection I. That at the general election in November, 1954, there other officers as may be provided cepting the Lieutenant Governor in November, 1954, there shall be submitted io the electors for by law, shall not receive for and members of boards and com- election shall be submitted to the electors if the State of Nebraska, for *p-' missions when tho board or comtheir own use any fees, costs, or of the State of Nebraska, for ap- proval, an amendment to Article interest upon public money in mission is the head of on executhe following amendment VIII of the Constitution of Ne-' their hands. All fees that may tive department, shall reside there proval, section 4, of the iraska, by adding a new section hereafter bo payable by law for during their respective terms of to Article IX, of Nebraska, which which is hereby proposed by the services performed, or received office. Officers In the executive Constitution is hereby proposed by the Legis- Legislature: . ' ! by an officer provided for in this department of the state shall perSec. 1 A. When a general article, by virtue of his office form such duties 03 may be pro- lature: sales tax, or on income tax, or a "Sec. 4. The Legislature shall shall be paid forthwith into the 'ided by law. The heads of all xecutive departments established irovide by law for the election of combination of a general sales state treasury." by law, other than those to be mch county and township officers tax and income tax, is adopted may be necessary; except that ij the Legislature as a method of Constitutional amendment to elected as provided herein, shall is he Legislature may provide that alsing revenue, the state shall be authorise'the Legislature to pro- be appointed by tho Governor, he office of county assessor may prohibited from levying a proper-' vide method oi appointing mem- with the consent of-a majority of )e appointive, I and it may provide ,y tax for state purposes." bers of Boaid oi Educational all members elected to tha Legis- for the appointment of boards of lature, but officers so appointed Lands and Funds. ', Constitutional amendment to equalization and assessment fox may be removed by tho Gover302 D For '' nor. Subject to the provisions of counties or for other taxing dis- irmit the Legislature to provide for the appointment of a Tax 303 D Against his Constitution, the heads of the tricts." Commiiiloner or Tax Commit-> various executivo or civil departTEXT OF PROPOSED CONSTI- ments shall hnvo power to apConstitutional amendment to ion. and defining their jurisdicTUTIONAL AMENDMENT tion and powers. point and remove all subordinate lermlt Hie exemption of house Be it enacted by the people of the :mployccs in their respective dc- told goods and personal effects, 314 D For ' State of Nebraska, n whole o> la part, from taxa- 315 • Against . lortments." ion, sod to permit the LegislaSection 1. That at the general ture to preterite a formula for TEXT OF PROPOSED CONSTI- i election in November 1854, there Constitutional amendment io th* determination of value of TUTIONAL AMENDMENT • I shall be submitted to the electors Mnnlt tho Legislators to preheuMhold goods and person*! ef- 3e it enacted by the people of the of the State of Nebraska for ap- icribo standards and methods for fects. proval tho following amendment the determination of lhe roluo ol ilate of Nebraska,' to Article VII, section 1, of the 310 O For Section 1. That at the general or other ionglblo property at Constitution of Nebraska, which rent 311 D Against ilcction in November, 1954, there is hereby proposed by the Legis- mlform and proportionate values. hall be submitted to the electors 300 Q For lature: TEXT OF PROPOSED CONSTI- of the State of Nebraska, for ap307 Q . Against TUTIONAL AMENDMENT "Sec. 1. The fjcncral manageproval, the following amendment lc it enacted by the people of the to Article IV, section 28, of the ment of all lands and funds set TEXT OF PROPOSED CONSTItate of Nebraska, apart for educational purposes, Constitution of Nebraska, which TUTIONAL AMENDMENT Section 1. That at the general s hereby proposed by the Lcgisand for the investment of school funds, chall be vested, under the e it enacted by the people of the ilection in November, 1954, there ture: direction of the Legislature, in a tate of Nebraska, • "Sec. 28. The Legislature may hall be submitted to the electors board of five members to be Section 1. That at the general if tho State of Nebraska, for op- irovide for the appointment of a . known as the Board of Educa- ilection in November, 1954, there roval, the following amendment Tax Commissioner or a Tax Comtional Lands and Funds. The hall be submitted to tlio electors Article VIII, section 2, of the lission, which commissioner or members shall be appointed by if the State of Nebraska, for ap- onstitution of Nebraska, which ommission shall have such Juris- ' the Governor with such qualifica- jroval, the following amendment i hereby proposed by the Legls- liction over the administration of tion:! and for such terms and com- o Article VIII, section 1, of the turc: he revenue lawn of the Btatc, and pensation 03 tho Legislature" may Constitution of Nebraska, which "Sec. 2. The property of the ihall possess such powers to re-? provide" hereby proposed by the Legis- talc and itfl governmental Bub- riew and equalize assessments of ture: ILvisions shall be exempt from iropcrty for taxation, as may be Constitutional amendment io "Sec. 1. The riccesKiry revenue aiation. The LeE'-'laturo by irovided by law," chango lho provisions requiring if the state and ita governmental jencral law may exempt property certain executive officers to J»- subdivisions shall be raked by wned by and used exclusively -- Respectfully submitted. eido at lhe seal ol government. FBANK MARSH taxation in such manner as the or agricultural and horticultural Secroloiy oi Slate Legislature may direct. Taxes ocicties, and property owned and 304 • For iscd exclusively for educational, •ubllshcd Three Times, During oil be levied by valuation uni305 D Against - • -.•• ormly and proportionately upon Mefbus, charitable, or cemetery ie Weeks of October 11, 18, 26)
FrtiUr. October 18,
WHAT THE NEW ALL-BUS FRANCHISE MEANS TO YOU Many thousands of dollars have been spent here for studies of Omaha's serious traffic problems. After considerable'investigation and review by city officials and civic leaden, the Barton traffic plan Was adopted.
This summery the new one-way street system was installed. Though still incomplete, it has been approved by Omaha civic groups, the Chamber of Commerce, the Mayor and Council and the public. Whether or not Omaha's one-way street plan can be fully completed is now in your hands. This cannot lie done until the antiquated, slow street cars ace abandoned.
In order that the remaining street cat* can be replaced with new, modern buses, tha Street Railway Company must be voted thtt new, all-bus franchise at the election, Novenvt ber 2. Otherwise, it will be impossible for th« Company to get a bank loan to finance the purchase of the new buses and additional' equipment. Omahans have everything to gain and] nothing to lose by granting the Street Rail* way, Company a new, all-bus franchise.
The new franchise will do this for . . » and everybody!
It will enable the Company to purchase $1 million worth off new, modern buses and other equipment to replace the remaining street cars. • i
It will make It possible for Omaha to complete Its one-way street system. It will make it possible to speed bus riders back and forth to work, downtown and other places they wish to go. r 'r
I t wiH allow automobile drivers to get around faster, due to less traffic congestion. — ' '
/ It wltt help the Street Railway Company In Its keep the present fare from Increasing.
ft wiH enable the Company to keep pace with. Omaha's future expansion/
f Omaha is marching forward! To continue doing so it must Have a modern! <nass transportation system. The all-bus franchise is not a political quest lion. It is a very important civic issue. Therefore, it should receive you* wholehearted support. -
r-"-.*1 -j--.
. >
, - f :""Vf'J