October 22, 1954

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Vol. XXXIII—No. *- "rSTl«JiiIIii«*SS2lfMl!r»iSlfl"«t*li isii'"

Needlework Guild Drive Contributions Requested Mr*. Albert B. Newman,, chairman of the Jewish Federation Agencies Section of the Needlework Guild Drive, issued an urgent request this week to all worn •n to send in their contributions

bcrt Steinberg, Jay Stolcr, - Ira Trachtenbarg, Sam Tretlak, Reuben Vann/Isadorc H. Welnor, Sam Weinsteln, Joe White, Benjumin Wine, Harry A. Wise, Nathan S Yaffe, Hymio Zorinsky and Sam n<w. ^ Zwejback. Misses Tena Feltntan, Isabelle In addition to those previously listed/ the following have con- Gerber, Sara Glluuky, Belle Horwlch, Bella Siegel and Sarah Slotributed through Monday: Mmes, Sam Alpenon, Abe Bak- bodlsky. er,.)!, A. Bercovld, Paul Blotcky, Ben Boasberg, Max Breslow, Abe H. Brodkey, Harold B. Brodkey, Frank Brooksteln, Jacob Brookstein, Harold Cherniack, Sam S. Cohen, Dave Conn, Max E. Cohn The Beth Israel Sisterhood sent Sarah Cohn, Aaron L Edgar, Leo Elserutatt, Morris' Epstein, John cake, candy and fruit to the «*!• rater, Max Falk, Robert Felnberg, dents of the Dr. Philip Sher Jew Morris C. Fellman, David H.-Fcr- Ish Home for the Aged for the Ul, Alfred Fiedler, Morris Fire- celebration of Succos, The, party stone, Jack Fox, Alfred Frank, scheduled was canceled due to the Herman Franklin, Yethia E. Freft- death of a former resident of the ger, William Frelden, Stuart E. Home. The Omaha Choir and Dramatic Fried, Harold Farber, Sam E. GlUnsky,, David .Goldman, Jacob Club entertained at the Home Sunday, Oct. 17. Club members who Ooodblnder; Henry L. Greenberg, Gerald S. Gross, Isadora Gross- took part included Joe Radlnowman, Charles Guu, J. Habler, Dan ski, Abe Schneider, Ben Martin, Kermanson, Morton HlUer and Joe Mrs. Mary Brown, Mrs, Ray Tarrioff, Mr. and Mrs, J. Brown, Mr. B. Homstein. Mmes. Sam Josephson, Jake and Mrs, N. Martin and Mrs. Ben Kaplan, Dave Katz, Phil Katzman, Martin. Bikur Cholim Society enterAbe Klotz. Louis Kohll, Nathan Kort, H a r r y Krantz, Michael tained at the Home on Slmchath Krasne, Max Krlzelman, Sol Lewis, Torah, Wednesday, Oct. 20. Per. Louis E. Llpp, Stanford LIpscy, formers from Girl Scouts Troup Philip Lubman, Leonard M. Lujt- 120 were Sandra Bloom, Susan beg, Ben Mniyamin, Alfred S. Davidson, Sharon Karr, - Dlnnc Mayer, Max M. Moskowitz, Ben Morcy, Joyce Peterson and RozNewman. Robert Noddle, Nnthun annc Ziparln, Sol Handler's birthL. NORR, Albert A. Onich, Louis day was also celebrated. Donations of fruit were given by Raduzlncr, Jack Rnznlck, Nathan Resnlck. Donnld A. Rice, Max the Bikur Cholltn Society, NOBS Rlekps. Pnul Rip*, A bra hum Hoff- Fruit Co., Louis Market and Temman, Den L. Itoscn, Kilwnrd 55. ple Israel school children,. Mmcs. Rosen, Philip Itosenblntt, Morris Paul Katzman Jake Wine and AlRosenstcln, Jacob Itoscnthnl, Mey- lan Zalkui helfted decorate the er L. Ruhack, Snmucl G. Saltzman, Snccfth. National Council of JewCharlcn S c h n e i d e r , Isaac D. Ish Women, Omaha Chapter, sent Schwartz, Edward Shnflon, Benjn flowers last week and this week's mln Shnplro, Iryln Sherma.i Iso flowers were given by the Bikur dore Sherman 'and Julius iihor- Cholln Society. New residents arc Mrs, Bessie tnnn. Mines. Sam Shykcn, Stuart E. Frlcdcn. Mrs. Bessie Tesslcr and Simon, Harold Slosburg, Morris Ephralm Weinberg. A special gift to the Home SynaStalmastor, A. A. Steinberg, Algogue of two hand-mads Torah tle-bnndj were donated by Mrs. Rebecca Temln In memory of .the late Mr. Zaldcl Katelman.

With the Folks . At Home

Coexistence Topic At O.U. Institute

"The Realities of Coexistence' wilt be discussed Wednesday, Oct. 27 at 8:15.p. m. at the 1954 In stltule on World Affairs in the Omalia University Auditorium. This third program of the current •erics will have Nonrfan Cousins as the guest speaker. Mr. Cousins U editor of the Saturday Review of Literature and president of the United World Federalists. He has authored three books, "Modern Man is Obsolete," "Don't Resign From the Human Race" and his latest "Who Speaks for Man?" The theme-of this year's institute Is "The Paradox of Coexistence." The Federation for Jewish Service Is one of the seven community organizations co-sponsoring the institute.

Beth El Will Mark 25th Anniversary An anniversary service and Jubilee banquet will highlight the celebration of Beth El Synagogue's Sliver Anniversary, Sunday, Oct. 31. The service will be at 6 p. m., with the banquet followinB nt 0:M p. m. in the social hnll. Rabbi Dnvid A. Goldstein, former spiritual leader of the congregation, and now rabbi at Hor Zlon Temple in Philadelphia will be guest speaker. Rnbbl Myer S. Krlpke will serve as master of ceremonies. ± Arthur'Culm and"" Mm. A. D, Fninli nri* general chairmen for tlH< qlfalr. '. .

muuata mty may, 101 «. sou,


Sunday Radio Emma Lazarus, whose poem la engraved on the base of the Statue of Liberty, will be the subject of a dramatization on the Eternal Light program heard over WOW-Iladlo from ll:30'B. m. to 12 noon. This will be the seventh in a series of Tercentenary stories highlighting 300 years of Jewish Settlement In America, Irving Kane, associate chairman of the Tercentenary committee will be guest speaker, Dr. Jonah B. Wlse,*Rabbl of Central Synagogue In New York City, will discuss "Memory and Love" on the Message of Israel program broadcast over KOIL from 10 to 10:30 a. m.

Oman*. tKbnuka. PboM JA 1IM

Center Activities . . .

l!fen's Tun land' 4




This Sunday

Religious News S:l» P. H. CandleUghtiag

Beth El

Friday evening service this evening at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. Krlpke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue Choir will render the musical portion of the service. Sabbath morning services at 8:45 a. m. Junior Congregation Services at 10:30 a. m. MinchaTryve Lie, the first Secretary- Maarlv services at 5:15 p. m. Daily General of the United Nations will services at 7 a. m. and 7 P- m. speak at the Centennial Folk Fes- Sunday morning service at 9 a, m. tival Sunday, Oct. 24 at 8:30 p, m. in the Ak-Sar-Ben Coliseum. This will be tho lost official event of the year-lone Contennlal CelebraFriday evening services at 5:15 tion. Mr. Lie has received many hon- p. m. Sabbath morning services at 8:30 a. m. Junior congregation at orary degrees for his efforts on behalf of world peace and recently 10 a. m. Talmud class at 4:45 p. m.; Satwas awarded the World Veterans Federation's annual peace citation urday Mincha at 5:1% p. m., 'followed by Sholoshe S'eudos and as the man who "has done the most in the past year to promote Maariv.w Dally morning services at 7 the cause of international peace and uphold the Charter of the a, m.; daily afternoon services at 5:15 p. m. , United Nntlons." • ,. Sunday (nomine services at 8:45 Thirteen nationality groups will a. m, followed by Bible class. Sunbe represented by 750 dancers and day morning Junior Minyan at 250 singers. "It is a fitting climax to a suc- 8:30 a. m.' ' Talmud Discussion group meets cessful Centennial year," Morris Jacobs, Centennial general chair- every Tuesday at 8:15 p. m. In BHH synagogue, 19th and Burt. man said, "It will prove that the The first late Friday evening idea of a Centennial bringing the people closer t o g e t h e r really service of the season will be held Friday, Oct. 29 at 8 p. m. works," he added.

First U.N. Head at Centennial Show

Beth Israel

Bar & Bqs Mitzvah Temple Israel

Justin Harloy Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Lewis, will celebrate his Bar .Mitzvah Friday evening, Oct. 22 and Saturday morning, Oct. 23 at Beth El Synagogue. Friends and relatives are invited to attend the services and receptions which will follow No inviA showing of the water colors tations have been issued. and -lithographs of William S. Schwartz, noted Chicago painter Mr, and Mrs. Morton Richards and former Omahan, is on exhibit In the Print room of tho Joslyn announce the Has Mitzvah of their daughter, Nancy Beth Richards, Memorial Art Museum. It will exFriday evening, Oct. 29 and Sattend until November 16, Six lithographs on exhibit will urday morning, Oct. 30 at Beth El be donated to the museum to be Synagogue. Friends and, relatives kept as Dart of their permanent arc invited to attend the services collection as a memorial to tho and receptions which will follow. late Max Schwartz. ' The exhibit may be seen during 'Judy Lazcr, daughter of Mr. the week, Tuesday through Satur- and Mrs. Joseph Lazcr, will celeday from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. and brate her Baa Mitzvah, Friday evening and Saturday morning, Sunday from 2 to 6 p. m. Oct. 22 and 23 at Temple Israel. Her parents will give a reception EOYIT OEffflUItEII Tel Aviv (WNS)—Grave con- in her honor following the evening cern over "the deterioration dur- and morning services. ing tho Inst rnonth of tho already The Bar Mitzvah of Robert Epserious situation prevailing along tho demarcation line as a result stein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney of repeated aggressive nets by Epstein, will bo celebrated Friday gypt against Israel" wa« voiced evening and Saturday morning, by the Isrnel-Ercyptlan Mixed Ar- Oct. 29 and 30 at Beth Israel Symistice Commission following o nagogue. All friends and relatives series of meetings on border Inci- are invited to attend the services and the receptions following the dents In recent weeks. services. Tho Commission called on Egypt It) end "finally nnd immediately all such actn of ncijrcssion nnd hostility against Israel nnd The Golden ARC Club will hold to fully respect nnd Implement ts first meeting of tho fall season the Rcneral armistice agreement" 1 p. m., Monday, Nov. 1 in the of 1949. Jewish Community Center, Mrs. Nathan Simons Is chairman of About $50,000 of the Commu- the croup announced. nity Cheat goal Is needed for cmerThe club Is sponsored by the cency repairs to keep certain Red Omaha Section, National Council Feather acency buildings from of Jewish Women nnd the Jewish liavinc to close duwn, ••••.'• Community-Center.

Schwartz Exhibit

Golden Age Club

Utu * oot* u

Funland, a program for children in the first to fifth grades will start its first session 2 p. m. this Sunday at the Jewish/Community Center, Mrs. Mike Freeman, chairman of the Childrens' Activities announced. A full scale schedule of creative activities, has been planned. Mis* Feme Katleman, Childrens' Activities Director stated. It will include arts and crafts, painting; clay modeling, woodwork, metal and leather crafts, sports,, dramatics, trips, splash parties in' the Center pool, and camping trips will make up part of the program. Duo to the Center being closed for the holidays,' registration has been extended, until 2 p. m., Sunday before the first session of the group. "Funland" will be divided into two sessions, each lasting twelve weeks. The first session will staj-t Sunday, Oct. 24 and extend to January 30 and the second period is to begin February 6 and will run to May 1. < The fee is six dollars for one twelve-week session and ten dollars for both periods. Further information arid registration may be had by contacting the activities department at the Center. Call JA 1366, ext. 30. AET CLASSES Art classes, under the direction of Mrs. Meyer Beber, arc in progress each Thursday from 1:30 to 3:30 p, m. The fee is ten dollars for tho course. LITTLE SYMPHONY The JCC Little Symphony Orchestra will hold its first rehearsal 8 p. m., Wednesday, Nov. 3, Under the baton of Robert Malec, Theer is no fee for this activity. Contact the activities office or appear at rehearsal.

Community Calendar

Services this e v e n i n g at 8 O'clock. Rabbi Brooks will preach on "To What Purpose?" Services Saturday morning at 11:30 a. m. Judy Lazcr will assist Sunday, Oct. 21 Rabbi. Brooks with the:services Beth Israel Sisterhood Fundand her parents will again receive the congregation after the serv- raising—Beth Israel., ices at an Oneg Shabbot In Judy's Monday! Oct. 25 honor, . -, • • •• Tuesday Musical, 8:30 p. m.— Joslyn. Tuesday, Oct. 26 Pioneer Women, 1 p. m,—Center. Senior Council Study Group.l p. m,—Home. Brandeis University, 1 p. m. More than $20,000 In Israel DeBoth Israel P-TA Board, 8 p.m. velopment Bonds have been pur^ chased since the opening of the —Homo, Wednesday, Oct. 27 campaign two weeks ago. Half of Hadassah Chapter.. (All Groups) the total was raised at a Sponsor's Tea held last Friday by Mrs. Luncheon, 12:30 p. m.—Center. B'nal B'rith Monsky Lodge, 8 J. Harry Kulakofsky, honorary chairman of the women's division. p. m.—Center. Beth I s r a e l Talmud Torah Israel Knesset member, Halm Board, 8 p. m.—Beth Israel. Ariav was guest of honor. Thursday, Oct, 28 A special section of tho. women's division is headed by Mrs, Mlzrachl Women Dessert LunchNathan L. Nogg with Mrs. Isador eon, 1 p. m.—Center. Levlnson as co-chairman. Mrs. B'nal B'rith Monsky Chapter Morris Grossman, chairman of Ne>. 470 Board Mooting, 1 p. m.— "Chen" (Hebrew for charm) is or- Home. ganizing a women's sales force. Each woman to sell $2,500 worth SHIP SEIZURE of bonds will receive a solid gold Washington ( W N S ) — I s r a e l i charm symbolizing one of the Ambassador Abba Eban, following twelve trilx'S of Israel. Guardians of Israel Dinner will a conference with Deputy Under be held nt the Blnckstonc hotel Secretary of State Robert D. Murphy on Egypt's seizure of an November 14. Israeli ship In the Suez Canal, In keeping with B'nal B'rilh's disclosed that the State Departnational rjoal of $7,500,000 of bonds ment official hnd promised to give to be bought in 1954, members are full consideration to the Israeli asked to fulfill the slogan: "Every case. B'nal B'rith member an Israel The Israeli merchant ship. Bat Bondholder." Mrs. Ernest A. Nogg is hospi- Callm, was seized by Egyptian tality chairman and Mrs. Albert forces September 28 at the southFox, reservations: chairman with ern entrance to the canal and its Mrs. Harry Sldman as co-chair- crow was accused of shooting at man. ' '.-•.. •••••.•'•;•: Egyptians.

Sponsors Spark Israel Bond Drive


. *

<tv> JIWI.U

Friday, October it, IBM

Youth Council

B.L Adult Studies

The B'nai B*rith Girls will hold Claise* areinjnv toeing,organized' for the Beth'ttraei School' at a Barn dance at the Jewish Com- Adult Jewish Studies scheduled to IOUUUULIWUU We* IKUII «UR* (, Uli munity Center, Saturday, Oct. 30. open Monday, Nov. 1 at 8:15 p. AZA No. 100 will hold a stag m. Beginners Hebrew, Advanced next weekend at which committee Hebrew, Jewish History and the .Editor HARRY BALPERT. Philosophy ot Judaism are some duties will be discussed. Rayim's pledge* will assist In the of .the course* that will be offered. Monument Dedication Tuberculosis Association's drive Member* of the Adult school's include Rabbi Matthew M. which will be held from October •taff The family of Mrs. Roy Roffman Poliakoff, Rabbi Benjamin Gronwill dedicate a monument In herMrs. Son Poster 30 to November 13. er, Samuel Stone and Irving memory 11 a.ra.Tuesday, Oct 39, Members of Debka Debs enter- Stem. A schedule will appear In Services were" held Thursday, at Beth El Cemetery. tained at the Nebraska Children's next week's Jewish Press. <5ct 14, for Mrs. Sam Foster with Home. You can be sure when you give interment at M t Sinai Cemetery. Tikvas Ami win hold a "Fenny the Red Feather way. Every dol- Mrs. Foster, 80, a resident* of the Auction" Saturday evening, Nolar is carefully audited, strictly Dr. Philip Sner Home for the vember 20 at the Center. Ticket* budgeted, and given a public ac- Aged, died Wednesday, Oct. 13, In may be purchased from member*. Mr*. B. M. MinkJn wa* elected president of the Zeta B«ta Tau counting. Youth Council basketball start* Mothers' aub. Other newly electa Hastings, Nebr., hospital. She November 2 with AZA No. 1,ed officers are; Mr*. M. Kruplnwa* a long t i m e resident of Mrs. MOMS P. Ep-tein STATEMENT KEOUIKED BY THE A, Raylm and AZA No. 100 in thesky, vice-president; Mrs. Leon IXDL Omaha. , 1M league opening pmes. / or »uourr a, iiu, AS AHIXD FeOman, secretary and Mrs. ReuUNT BY T8E ACTS OF MARCH S, 1 Survivors Include: her husband, N XX AND JU1.T 1, 1HI (TITLE M. ben Vsjui, treaiurer. Sam;.four son*, Joe and William ED STATES CODE. SECTION X X the Center. AOIMEHT, THC ANDOWNERSHIP, CIOULATi HAMThe next meeting will be held at SHOWING PRESS publlaM weOF of Omaha, Meyer of Chicago and TUB JEWISHAND P AOIMEHT, CIKOULATiOM Mr*. Alfred Fiedler, Mrs. Max the .ZBT house In Lincoln Octomt t Omaha. O JEWISH h N Netn t k October ISM. Mandel of San Diego; three daughTUB b l l<U Mtk* l The 4PRESS Canar, Mrs. David Brodkey and and aaarame of tkat ber 26. ter*, Mrs. Howard Golden of ChilUber, editor, managing editor, aid I Mrs. Moses P> Epstein Of NewMrs, Morris Katleman are in mourner, Jewlan Federation, of Omaaa. cago, Mrs. David Becker and Mrs. charge of the HMO and VE Pre101 N. Mtk at, Omaha. Norman Korney, both of Omaha; York, National American Affair* donor Pofifttar «*J CbNtcei luncheon. y.-.gf-tf Editor, aoae. Chairman of Hadassah, will speak and nine grandchildren. , Editor, ftanr IlUptrt, 101 K. XXa . PtaM IsstrMCtrMi For reservations call Mrs. SamOmaha. at the Hadassah Medical OrganizaBntlniee Uanafrr, Faol Veret, 101 H tion and Vocational Education uel N. Wolf, Mrs. Harry Marks, Iota e t , Omaha. HELEN L MACKIN The owner.: (If owned b|r a eorpara- Mrs. Jacob Goldwart Pre-Donor Luncheon to be held at RE 1595; Mrs. Isadoro Sherman; tlon. Ill pame and addreea nuet be etaled STUDIO WE 0766; Mrs. Harry Goldstrom, and aleo Immediately Uniaajulii tai name, the Jewish Community Center, Services were held Thursday, and ailllriaeee «f etackhoUara owalas or Ml LlMbtc. HA itt* holding one per cent 1or nore of Total Oct. M, for Mr*. Jacob Goldware 12:30 p. m., Wednesday, Oct. 27. WA 4673; Mr*. Henry Appel, GL amount of etoek. H not owned by 5638; Mrs. Ben Waldman, KB corporation, the namee and addreaeee with interment at Pleasant Hill Mrs. Epstein, a former national 5877, Mrs. Hilda Hoffman, RE the individual owaera mint be given, owned by a partaerahtft or other Bnlneor* Cemetery. Mrs. Goldware, 66, died president of Hadassah, has recent- 2948, and Mr*. Milton Mintz, RE porated firm. Ita naaie and addreae. a> Wednesday, Oct 13. ly returned from a visit to Israel. 2916. wet' a* chat of each Individual mutt be given. 1 She la survived by two daugh- An well-known leader in Zionist Name—Addreea ters, Mrs. Leonard Gould of Omawork, she has taken an outstandJrwlah Community Center * Welfare ha and Miss Linda Goldware of ing role In furthering the program Federation, 101 N. 20(b et., Omaha. J. Harry Kolakofaky. prMdont. 101 N.New York City;, and four grand- of Hadassah. JOtb e l . Ocsaha. Jack w. Martr. nret vKt-pneMeat. 101 children. Mrs. Epstein will also address N. 4nh et., Oaiaha. < the meeting of the B & P HadatDr Abe Qnaoberff. aecoad *ke.prealdenL 101 N. JOIh •(.. Omaha. Patronize Our Advertisers «ah that evening at 8 o'clock In Robert II. Xooper, tfeaasrer. 101 r>. SOth et., Omaha. H«ny Tnuun. aecnUry, 101 « . POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT Friday by the mdenttoo for Jewfc* fervlce


ZBT Mothers' Club

Hadassah Leader At Pre-Donor Fete

Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on Sunday

at-. Omaha. Tie known bondboldrre, mertrarea, and other eeenrlty boiitrt owning or boldlni onr p4r cent or more of total arattnt of -tonaa. mortmea. or other aeearUlea a n : <If there ara noner atau ao.) None. The average number of eoplee of each lama of thle pnbllcaUaa eold or dutrlorled. fhrouth the nulU or otberwlae. to paid aaberrlbera durlnc the txtva aontna pv*eedlne the date ebown above waa: (ThJa information U required from dally. w«ek> U. aeealweekly. and trlwaekly Meciapaueia

Candidate for

Sworn to and aubecrlbed before me Uila alevaMk day of October, i n t . SLVIA PARILMAK. dl> eommlaakm CTplrea Aurlel *. l»0».)




Nebraska Education VOTE FOR

Morris E.

Jacobs FOR


BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratulatlons also for aD Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers' News Stand. 1502 Dodee.


Served Buffet Style! All You Care t o Eat

SAFE-WAY RUG & UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS mas — puwinUu Cko*Md la roar Hatne! SlwIUej . UybfJ - IwSwMatj




The undersigned who are associated with various organizations that arc active in Jewish communal life unqualifiedly recommend to you Roman Hruska as a candidate for the United States Senate from the state of Nebraska. Mr. Hruika is a life-long resident of Nebraska. He is a very capable individual and has an' excellent education. He has had considerable experience in govHOTEL BLACKSTONE ernment. He has proven himself as a competent, efficient and honset public servant In his first term as a Congressman from this district, his ability quickly caught the eyes of the leadership in government, industry and labor. His thinking is thoroughly American in the broadest sense/ He will continue to represent all of the citizens of Nebraska at all times. We urge all of our POUT1CAL ADVERTISEMENTS friends to vote for Roman Hruska as a United States' Senator from Nebraska, on November 2nd. Mrs, Lewis (Sophlf) Nevtleff Mr. Mirron Uviagstmi Mr. Hairf B. Coke* Mr. David Grttaberg Mr. Bea Katlow '

Mr. Harry Sidman Dr. A. Greenbcrg Mrs. Edward E (Bemicel Brodkey. Mr. Jack W. Marer Mr. W n . Grodindcy

"Meet Us at Harry's" . . . an Invitation from diicerntng ptriont . . . M meant Good Food isrved in a friendly atmotphere.


"Let me fight to eliminate the controls they did nof promise... but yet yougotr SEND

Morris E. Jacobs i> endorsed by t h t teaching profession through the Omaha Education Assn.

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State Board of Education

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for U.S. SENATOR • For two yeofi in fht Cong rt 11 el Ih* U. S., torn on Hruifco, hoi thown by hli record hit devotion to f«w«r Ian In



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October,**, U H ,

Organizations ^wnwnyaiHumimnM:aiiitMjatmmwittu miituii ttutongmun^

Council Women Council of Jewish Women's first Study Group of the season will be held Tuesday. Oct. 26, at the home . of Mrs. Alfred Sophlr, 6729 Davenport st. A dessert luncheon win be served at 1 p. m. Oo-hojtesses arc Mrs. Samuel Zacharla and Mrs. Louis Kate. Mrs. Marvin Kaplan announced that Dr. J. B, McGregor, Dean of Student Personnel at the University of Omaha, win be.the guest speaker. Mrs. Edward Levinson will lead the discussion.

T.I. Sisterhood The Annual Supper Dance and Card Party of the Temple Israel Sisterhood will be held 7:30 p. m., Saturday, Oct. 30 In the-Temple social hall. Mrs. Ed Gilbert and .Mr*. Lazier Kaplan are charge of the affair. Reservations may1 be made by contacting any sisterhood member.

Kadimah Chapter Kadlmah Chapter of Pioneer Women will sponsor a rummage sale beginning October 25. Mrs. Malvin Tepper and Mrs. Henry Tutzer are chairmen. Members who have clothing to be picked up call Mrs. Tepper, PR 0539 or Mis. •Ray Corey, RE 3988.

Brandeis Women John Savage, professor of English at Brandels University, will be guest speaker at tho semi-annual meeting of the Omaha Chapter, National Women's Committee of Brandeis University. Non-members are invited to attend this luncheon meeting to be held 12:30 p. m., November 1 in the Blackstone Hotel. Mr. Savage is tho author of three books, the latest being "A Bargain with God." It* contemporary setting is the "wrong side of Beacon Hill" and the book has been selected by Readers Digest for condensation. Mrs, Robert Kooper, s e c o n d vice-president of the chapter, Is book fund chairman. These funds support the Brandeis University library. Membership in the Omaha Chapter now stands at 326.

Hadassah Mrs. Paul Verct, chapter education chairman for Omaha Chapter Hadassah, announces' an Open Oncg Shabat for all Hadaisah. Saturday, Oct. 30 tot 2 p. m. in the home of Mrs. I. B. Zlegmnn, 651 No. 56th St. Mrs. Phil Gcrcllck is in charco of arrangements.

Monsky Chapter .

B'nal B'rlth Henry Monsky Chapter No, 470 Board will meet Thursday, Oct. 28, at 1 p. in. at the home of Mrs. George Spitzer, 5144 Franklin. Mmcs. Aaron Epstein, Harry Friedman, and Ben Blatt are co-hostess for tho desfert luncheon which will precede the meeting.

B.B. Nebr. Chapter . .Nebraska Chapter of B'nal B'rlth No. 316 will hold Its regular meeting Thursday, Oct 28. at 8:30 p.' m. in the Synagogue at 25th and J Streets. After the meeting a movie will be shown and a social hour will follow. Plans are under way for the Annual Fund raising which will culminate in a Bazaar at the Blackstone Hotel November 28.

G.B. Sisterhood "The first meeting of the season of Creyra B'nal Israel Sisterhood of Council Bluffs will be held Tuesday, Oct. 26 at 1 p. m. In the G B. Synagogue. Dr. Richard B. Lcander "will speak on child behavior. Mrs. David Gallncr is luncheon chairman. BETH ISRAEL P-TA The Beth Israel P-TA board will meet Tuesday, Oct. 24 at 8:30 p, m., In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kaplan, 5431 Lafayette St,

High School ' Happy Birthday B.E. Classes in Beth El High School

face ton* (W; Hebrew); AmWcaji Jewish History, and cantlllation and synagogue Skills. . -;' • i .' Rabbi Myer S. Kripke, Samuel Nahshon, Albert Freireich, and Rev. Alexander Katz are on the faculty of the High School. Classes in the High School lead to Confirmation and high school Graduation.

Friday, Oct. n Gary Ganaros, Diana Schreiber of Jewish Studies, postponed during the Holiday Season, will open and Ronald Wolfcon. Monday. Oct. 25. The courses' ofSaturday, Oct 28 fered are Jewish Concepts and BeNorman Fischel, Jeffrey Bruce lief;1' selections from the Phophett Mayper, Sharon Lynn Monsky, Louis Allen Rich, Esther Teplitsky and Pamela Zlegman. Sunday, Oct. 24 Myer S. Kripke will speak Scott Tucker tinkle, Karl Luef- Mr*. a meeting of the Farband Laschltz, Hedy Helena Nathan and at bor Zionist, Branch 54, Poaie-Zfon Michael Rosenblatt, which will be held 7:30 p. m., SunHood*?, o c t vs day, Oet. 24 In the Jewish Com- Henry Monsky Lodge No, 354 of B'nal B'rith will feature "BBYO Ronald Frank, Maurecrf Allyn munity Center. Givont, Gail JoyceHurwioh. Shar- She will discuss the commem- Nito" at their meeting to be held on Kay Miller, Deborah Kay MM- oration of Herd Anhlverslty Year. 8:15 p. m., Wednesday, Oct 27, at the Blackstone Hotel. ker and Bstelle Sdralmon. A delegate will be chosen to The program will include a jklt ' TkMeday, Oct. zfl attend the district, conference to Arnold ,<Jimmle) Ban, Barbara by the members of the newly orLyno Fox, Mark Samuel Singer be held in Denver, Colo., Novem- ganized chapter of B'nal B'rlth ber 6 and 7. and Diane tides. 1 girls.- Speakers will oe £ tar.ley Supper will be served at 7:45 Wldman of AZA No. 1, Howard Wednesday, Oet 27 Michael Alan Conn and Saun- p. m. Mrs. J. Feldman and Mrs. Kaslow of AZA No. 100, and EdAbe Cohen are in charge of ar- ward Rosen, chairman of the dcrs-Jay Kosin. rangements. For reservations call Greater Omaha BBYO Advisory Thursday, Oct 28 Committee. EUen Gail Batt, Phyllis Ann Bel- Mrs, Abe Cohen at JA 2946. zer, Steven Joseph Edward GottNew members and visitors are lieb, Barbara Gaye Herzoff. Unda Susan Lynn Hips, Lee Aaron'Wolf- Invited to attend the open meetSuo'Kavlch, Sharon Lee Llppett, son and Cynthia Zlegman. Ing. '

Farband to Meet

Monsky Lodge




\Omaha Sketches | Mr. and Mrs, Philip Kluznlck and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Beber of Park Imprest, IU., will arrive in Omaha, to attend the Bag Mltzvah of Nancy Beth Richards to be held October 29 and 30 at Beth El Synagogue. Other out-of-town visitors will include Mr. and Mrs) Aaron Richards, ! Al Weill of New York City spent the weekend visiting his uncle Jbe Adler. Mr. Weill is the manager of the heavyweight prize fighter Rocky Mardano. Mrs. Weill is a former Omahan. Jay Asbytt. son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Asbyll, has recently returned home after four yean of service in the Marine Corps. He spent 16 months in' Korea as a hospital corpsman in the First Marine Division. After a threeweek visit here, Mr. Asbyll will take up his studies at the University of California where he will major in speech correction. LEGAL NOTICE*

TEXT OF PROPOSED CONSTI- all tangible property and Iran' purposes, when such property la' chises, except that the Legisla- not owned or used for financial TUTIONAL AMENDMENT Be it enacted by the people of (he ture may provide for a different gain or profit to either the owner method of taxing motor vehicles; or user. Household goods and State of Nebraska, , " that such tax proceeds personal effects, as defined by Section 1. That at Uie general Provided, motor vehicles taxed in each law, may be exempted from taxaelection in November, 1954, there from county shall allocated to the tion in whole or ia part, as may shall be submitted to the electors state, counties,betownships, dties, be provided by general law. and of the State of Nebraska, for ap- villages, and school districts of the Legislature may prescribe a proval, the following amendment such county in the same proporfor the determination of to Article IV, section I, of the tion that the levy of each bears formula value of household goods and per-* Constitution of Nebraska, wbtch to the total levy of said county on sonol effects. The Legislature by' is hereby proposed by the Legis- personal tangible property. The general law may provide tUat the lature: Legislature may prescribe stand' increased value of land by reason "Seel. The executive officers eras and methods for the deter of shade or ornamental trees CotutUuilonil amendment to of tho state shall be the Gover- ruination ot the value of real ot planted along the highway shall n a m i the provision restricting nor, Lieutenant Governor, Secre- other tangible property at uni- not be taken into account in the change of nlarUi oi certain offi- tary of State, Auditor of Public form and proportionate values, assessment of such land, No prop-< cers not more than one* in eight Accounts, Treasurer, Attorney Taxes uniform as to class may be erty shall be exempt from taxa-( General, a n * .tho heads of such levied by valuation upon all other tlon except as provided in the years. other executive departments as property. Taxes, other than prop- Constitution." 300 D For J set forth herein or as may be es- erty taxes, may be authorized by 301 a Against tablished by law. The Legisla- law. Existing revenue laws shall Constitutional amendment to TEXT OF PROPOSED CONSTI- ture may provide for the placing continue in effect until changed provide that when a general sales of the above named officers a. by the Legislature." TUTIONAL AMENDMENT tax, or an Income lex, or a com-1 over such departments o Be It enacted by the people of th heads binotion of' a general sales lax government as it may by law cs State of Nebraska, Constitutional amendment 1 and income tax. is adopted bf tablish. The Governor, Licutcn Section I. That at the general ant Governor, Attorney General, permit th* Legislature to provide lh» Legislature as a maihod of election in November, 1954, there Secretary of State, Auditor of for appointment of county asses- raising revenue, the state shall be shall be submitted to the electors Public Accounts, and tho Treasur- sors and boards of equalisation prohibited from levying a prop*) ' of the State of Nebraska, for ap- er shall be chosen at tho genera and asstssnunt for counties or erxy tax for stale purposes. proval, the following amendment election held In November, 1954, tor other taxing districts. /" 312 • For to Article IV, section 29, of the and in each even-numbered year 308 • For 313 O Against Constitution of Nebraika, which thereafter, and their tcrrh of of- 309 D Against. li hereby proposed by the Legis- fice shall be two years and until TEXT OF PROPOSED CONST!., lature: their successors shall bo elected TEXT OF PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT \ TUTIONAL AMENDMENT Be it enacted by the people of the "Sec. 25. The officers provided and qualified. Tho records, books, for in thjs article shall receive and papers of all executive offi- 0« it enacted by the people of (he State of Nebraska, J such salaries ai n a y be provided cers shall be kept at the scat of State of Nebraska, Section 1. That at the general; by law. Such officers or such government, and such officers, ex- Section l.V That at the general election in November, 1954, there other officers as may be provided cepting tho Lieutenant Governor election in November, 1954, there shall be submitted to the electors for by law, shall not receive for and members of boards and com- shall submitted to the electors of the State of Nebraska, for ap-i; their own uie any fees, costs, or. missions when the board or com- if thebeState of Nebraska, for ap- proval, an amendment to Article Interest upon public money in mission is the head of an execu- proval, the following VIII of the Constitution of Ne-^ their hands, All fees that may tive department, shall reside there o Article IX, sectionamendment 4, of the braska, by adding a new section hereafter be payable by law tor during their respective terms of Constitution of Nebraska, which is hereby proposed by the which services' performed, or received office. Officers in the executive 'I hereby proposed by the Legis- iglslature: by an officer provided for In this department of the state shall per- lature: "Sec. A. When a general article, by virtue of his office form such duties as may be pro- "Sec. 4. The Legislature shall sales tax,1 or an income tax, or a shall be paid forthwith into the vided by law. The heads of all provide by law for the election of combination of a general sales executive departments established state treasury." by law, other than those to be such county and township officers tax and Income tax, is adopted may be necessary; except that by the Legislature as a method ot Constitutional amendment to elected as provided herein, shall as the Legislature may provide that •alslng revenue, the state shall be authorise the Legislature to pro- be appointed by the Governor, the office of county assessor may prohibited from levying a proper-; vide method of appointing num- with the consent of a majority of be appointive, J and it may provide .y tax for state purposes." bers of Board of Educational all members elected to the Legis- for the appointment' of boards ot lature, but officers so appointed Lands and Funds. Constitutional amendment to equalization and assessment for may be removed'by the Gover302 D for nor. Subject to the provisions of counties or for other taxing dis- permit the Legislature to provide or the appointment of a Tax 303 D Against this Constitution, the heads of the tricts." Commissioner or Tax Commis<) various executive or civil departTEXT OF PROPOSED CONST!- ments shall have power to ap- Constitutional amendment to slon, and defining their juiisdie-, ,TUT1ONAL AMENDMENT point and remove all subordinate irmlt the exemption of bouse- tlon and powers., Be it enacted by the people of the employees la their respective de- lold goods and personal effects, 314 D For in whole ot in pert from taxa- 815 O Agalnsj State o/ Nebraika, partments.". tion, and to .permit the LegislaSection' 1. That at the general to prescribe • formula for TEXT OF PROPOSED CONST! election in November 1954, there Constitutional amendment to ture th» determination of valu* of TUTIONAL AMENDMENT shall be submitted to the electors permit the Legislature to pre- household goods and personal »f- 3« it enacted by the people of the o j the State of Nebraska for apsiatuiuds and methods tat proval the following amendment scribe itate of Nebraska, the determination ol the value oi S10 D For to Article VII, section 1, of the real Section 1. That at the general or olhei tangible property at 311 • Against Conititutiorf of Nebraska, which uniform u d proportional* rahus. 'lection in November, 1954, there is hereby proposed by the Legisbo submitted to the electors 306 • For TEXT OF PROPOSED CONSTI- ifhell lature: the State of Nebraska, for apTUTIONAL AMENDMENT iroval, the following amendment "Sec. 1. Tho general manage- 307 Q Against Be it enacted by the people of the o Article IV, section 28, of the ment of all lands and funds set Constitution of Nebraska, which' apart for educational purposes, TEXT OF PROPOSED CONSTI- State of Nebraska, TUTIONAL AMENDMENT and for the investment of school hereby proposed by the LegisSection 1: That at the general funds, shall be vested, under the Be it enacted by the people o/ the jlcctlon IB November, 1954, there iture: direction of tho Legislature, In a tale o/ Nebraska, shall be submitted to the electors "Sec. 28. The Legislature may board of flvo members to - be Section 1. That st the general of the State of Nebraska, for ap- irovlde for the appointment of a known as the Board of Educa- •lection In November, 1054, there roval, the following amendment ?ax Commissioner or a Tax Comtional Lands and Funds. Tho ihall be submitted to the electors o Article VIII, section 2, of tho nission, which commissioner or members shall be appointed by )f the State of Nebraska, for op- Constitution of Nebraska, which ommjision shall have such juristhe Governor with such qualifica- jroval, the following amendment Is hereby proposed by the Legis- liction over the administration ot tions and for cuch terms and com- to Article VIII, section 1, of tho lature: he revenue laws of the state,*and pensation as tho Legislature may Constitution of Nebraska, which "See. 2. Tho property of tho ihall possess such powers to reprovide." Is hereby proposed by tho Legis- tote and Its governmental sub- ricw and equalize assessments of lature: divisions shall be exempt from iropcrty for taxation, as may be / '" Constitutional amendment to "Sec. 1. Tho necessary revenue taxation. The Legislature by irovided by law." change lhe provisions requiring if the state and its governmental eneral law may exempt property certain «x*cutiv« officers to re subdivisions shall be raised by iwned by and used exclusively \ Respectfully submitted,' sid* at the s*st ol g o T b I FRANK MARSH \ taxation In such manner as the or agricultural and horticultural societies, and property owned and Secreiarr of Siste . Legislature may direct. Taxes 804 D »or shall be levied by valuation unl- used exclusively for educational, (Published Three Times, During , M5 Q Against ormly and proportionately upon H l charitable, or cemetery the Weeks of October 11, 18, 28)


friday, October » , MM


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YOU HAVE A STAKE INTHE NEW ALL-BUS FRANCHISE Tbie progress •ncl'growtti of any city is directly related to the operation of the city's mass transportation system.

to make sure we have good mass trans* portation service here.

Our dty has been getting along fine. A strong sense of dvic loyalty and pride has been developed. We must main* tain and intensify this united dvic interest, if our dty is to grow and prosper and keep abreast with other American dries.

In order to fully put into effect ouc new and modern traffic system, it is necessary for the Street Railway Conv pany to make a substantial loan tot financing the purchase of new buses for one-way traffic, eliminating the antiquated street cars.

With Omaha's present growing tempo and industrial expansion program, it is more important than ever

To accomplish this, the Street Rail' way Company must have a new, all-bus franchise.





* , . .. v


AS A MEMBER OF THE COMMUNITY—you have a stake in the welfare of Omaha. The growth and development of Omaha is important to you and your children.





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AS A TRANSPORTATION USER—automobile driyer or bus rider—you benefit because traffic moves faster . . . you get "to your destination faster. AS A HOME OWNER OR BUSINESSMAN—you hardly need to be reminded a modern traffic system protects real estate values . . . helps encourage bu*i»< ness, and sustain payrolls.

' . "~

. .

The ROW, all-fais franchise will play a prominent pariji Omaha's Mire progress a i l development, aid the improvement of Omaha's traffic problems. >,

The all-his franchise is not a political question. It is a very importaat civic issw* Then; fora, ft shoild receive your wholehearted sapporl. ' MODERNIZE OMAHA'S TRAFFIC



HARRY FARNHAM, •Iipi't - , '


»», ;

j'-'^ f '>.«

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