V.I. XXXm-No. 5
tuu «
Morris E. Jacobs Reigns As King of Ak-Sar-Beri Morrlf E. Jacob), a Jewish leader, active in communal affairs for more than a quarter of a century, was crowned the sixtieth King of 'Quivers, the mythical realm of .Ak-Sar-Ben last Friday evening at the dazzling coronation held at Ak-Sar-Ben Coliseum, ' A native-born Omahan, a son of pioneering parents, Mr, Jacobs stated that he was keenly aware of what America stands for where * man can advance in life aceording to his ability and become the recipient of an honor such as the one Just awarded to him. • His roots are deeply imbedded In Judaism and he has served to further Jewish education and participate in the work of the Federation for Jewish Service. He is a past president of tho Federation and served as general chairman of the Philantroples Campaign. Mr. Jacobs activities have extended to all phases of Philanthropies work and he Is a cx-bfficb member of Federation's Board of Governors. Much of his efforts have been devoted to religion! activates and he has been trustee, vice-president and president of Temple Israel. He was chairman of the building fund campaign for the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged. Last year ho reedved tho Americanism citation for meritorious service from the Henry Moiuky Lodge of B'naJ B'rfth. Mr. Jacobs' activities have encompassed many spheres of com—CUudt Conitlb!* Iiwto. munity life. He Was president of MorrU K. Jacob* the Omaha Community Chest in KlnfTAk-Sur-llcn I.X 1646 and sparked the Red Feather Drive in 1950 as Its general chair' -man,* ' He is a committee member of the Covered Wagon Council, Boy Scouts of America, a member of The 1954 Institute on World Afthe board of directors of Chll of the University of Omaha drens Memorial Hospital, a direc- fairs will-present the fourth program in tor of the Omaha Symphony Or- its current scries p. m chestra Association and Is on the Wednesday, Nov. 3atIn 8:15 the univeradvisory committee of the YMCA. sity auditorium. Mr. Jacobs is general chairman William Smyser, lecturer in pocr the Centennial Celebration. He itlcal science at the University of Is thd man who gave Boys Town Pennsylvania's Wharton School Its famous name. of Finance, will discuss "AidTrade; A Realistic Policy." Mr. Smyser served for 18 years in the OBLIGATIONS ' United States Foreign Service In London (JTA)—Western Ger- Europe Asia before his retiremany's obligations as regards ment in and 1951. Jewish material claims and other "The Paradox of Coexistence" Is matters of Jewish concern will be embodied in the new accord be- the theme for this year's institute, tween the Western allies and the The Federation for Jewish Service Gorman Federal Republic, accord- Is one of the seven community oring to assurances given the World ganizations co-sponsoring tho In"*> Jewish Congress by both tho stitute. British and French governments. An announcement to this effect was made here today by the European executive of tho WJC, CITIZENSHIP New York (JTA)—After five which expressed satisfaction with years of-litigation instituted by the the assurances. American Jewish Congress, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Vcstored full citizenship•: rights to Sunday Radio Morris Mendelsohn, a naturalized •Tb« Mark ot Cain," will be American who had becri involunpresented on the Eternal Light tarily stranded in Israel from 1936 program over WOW radio from to 1953, It was announced here. The action by the American 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon, as tne eighth program in a series de- Jewish Congress ' sought to test tho constitutionality of a section voted to tho American Jewish Tercentenary, m n r k 1 n g the of the Nationality Act of 1940 300th anniversary of the settle- that deprives a naturalized U. S. ment of Jews in the United citizen ot his nationality if he resides abroml continuously for more States. nan five yenrs. "Tho Mark of Cain." Is the story of Sophie Irene Locb, a newspaper woman who devoted NKW JKKSKY FAItMEItS Vineland, N. J. (WNS)—Over herself to humanitarian work on behalf of underprivileged >00 Jewish farmers in tho VineInnd area of southern New Jersey, widows and orphnns. naif of the Jewish farming comRabbi Julian B. relbelmnn of munity hero, were hit BO severely Temple Sinnl in New Orleans, by Hurricane Hazel last week as La., will discuss "Man, Uncon- to shako tho very existence of querable Spirit" on tho Message this Jewish chicken-raising devclof Israel program over KOIL ipment. Tlio Vlnelnnd fnrm colony from 10 to 10;30 a. m. Is tho most Important Jewish agricultural area in tills country.
Aid-Trade Policy at Omaha Institute
Global Report
UJA Conclave Spars Drive Cincinnati (WNS)—Plans to accelerate the U. J. A. drive to raise $50,000,000 in cash before the year is over were adopted here at the two-day National. Report Conference of the United Jewish Appeal after a series--of reports on Jewish rehabilitation needs throughout the world. In a special report made public on the eve of the parley's opening by Samuel H. Daroff, chairman of the UJA national campaign cabinet, it was disclosed that some 460,000 Jews were In urgent needs of succor in several areas of the world, particularly in Tunisia and Morocco. With the presentation by delegates of some $5,000,000 towards the current special cash drive, the $50,000,000 objective reached the $40,000,000 point, thus leaving the goal short of some $10,000,000. To meet the goal, the conference adopted a resolution urging the Jewish communities to continue to press vigorous local cash collection efforts to help meet the mounting needs faced by the UJA.
'a |OOIJO|S!IJ ojcis
to Mark nniversary
ItabM David A. Goldstein
Leaders Request No Arab Arms Washington
of State John Foster Dulles met Golden Age Club with a delegation of Jewish leadrepresenting major American Will Meet Monday ers Jewish organizations who took The Golden Age Club, now in its fourth year, will hold iu> first meeting of the year at 1 p. m., Monday, Nov. 1 in the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Nathan Simons, Golden Ace Club chairman, announced the film "Such a Busy Day Tomorrow" featuring Walter Hnmpden will be shown. Leonard Gurvltz, new program director of the Jewish Community Center, will discuss plans for the year's program and interview club members for the new Golden Age newspaper. The club Is open to all men and women over sixty years of ago. There are no charges or dues for membership. The Golden Age Club is sponsored by the Jewish Community Center and the Omaha Section, National Council of; Jewish Women. Mrs. David Bebor is Council reproesntative to the Golden Age Club. Mrs. Charles Rosenhelm and Mrs. Edward Lovinson will assist at the meeting. A motor corps from the Omaha Section will bring guests from tho Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Hoipe for the Aged to attend the meeting.
note of recent assurances but requested that the "government refrain from arming the Arab states In the absence of positive guarantees leading to peace." Philip M. Klutznlck, national president of B'nal B'rith, acted as spokesman for tho delegation when it emerged from Mr. Dulles' office. The delegation submitted a memorandum to Mr. Dulles which asked that the government abandon its policy of arming the Arabs under present conditions; "that our government do nothing to impair the prevailing . balance of .strength in the Middle East; that it extend to Israel the same agreements already offered the Arab states, and that it invite Israel to join in regional defenso planning." "We appreciate President Elsenhower's recent affirmation of firm friendship towards Israel and all other nations In the area, an objective to which you, Mr. Secretary, have also given warm expression. But we respectfully submit that actions under the present policy do not serve the attainment of that purpose," the memorandum stated.
U. S. Will Seek Jewish-Arab Peace Eisenhower Declares New York (WNS)—The United States will continue to seek a just peace between Jews and Arabs and will see to'It that arms supplied to Near Eastern countries should not be used for aggressive purposes, President Dwight D. Elsenhower declared hero this week store 2,000 members of the. American Jewish community who attended the Jewish Tercentenary dinner at the Astor-Sheraton Hotel here. "In the Near East/' said the President, "we are all regretfully aware that the major differences between Israel and tho Arab states remain unresolved. Our goal there, as elsewhere, Is a just peace. Dy firm friendship toward Israel we shall continue to contribute to peaceful relations'among: these peoples. And In helping to strengthen the security of the entire Near East, we shall make sure that any a.*ms we provido are de•oled to that pUrpDjjBtlriot to ere. ting local Imbalances which could
be used for intimidation of or aggression against any neighboring nations. In every such arrangement we make with any nation, there Is ample assurance that this distortion of purpose cannot occur." Quoting the prophecy of Isaiah, "And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance forever," tho President reiterated America's pacific intentions and desire for peace throughout the world. Turning to the history ot the Jews in the United States, Mr. Elsenhower told his audience; "We have come together in memory of an Inspiring moment in history—that moment, 300 years ago, when a small band of Jewish people arrived on the ship, St. Charles, In what was then the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam, tt was an event meaningful. not only to the Jews of America but to all Americans—of all falthi, of all national origins.
Rabbi David A. Goldstein, for. mer spiritual leader of Beth El Synagogue, will be guest speaker at the Silver Jubilee Banquet this Sunday evening which will high* light the 25th anniversary cclebrax tion. A special service will be held at 6 p. m. In the synagogue preceding the banquet at 6:30 p. m, in the social hall. Ben Koslow, President of Beth El Synagogue, has appointed Arthur Conn and Mrs. A. D. Frank; General Chairmen of the banquet arrangements. • ' Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will bt Master of Ceremonies for the pro* gram to follow the banquet. Spotlighting the evening's program will be a short dramatic presentation entitled "The House Our Father! Built," written by Mr. Myer S« Kripke and produced by Mrs, Phlncas Wintroub and Mrs. Leon Schmldman. Inspired Address The gala affair Sunday evening culminates a year's celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of th« Congregation. In 1928, seventyfive families, inspired by an ad« dress on Conservative Judaism by an earnest young Rabbi, namely David A. Goldstein, formed the nucleus of this congregation. The first services were held at th« Jewish Community Center. By the end of the first year there were 200 members. Rabbi David A. Goldstein assumed the spiritual leadership of Beth El Synagogue In 1930. Th« building fund for the present Synagogue building was begun in' 1935, and a strong Incentive waa provided through the generosity of the Zimman family, who pre* sented the land on which Beth El Synagogue now stands. The cornerstone was laid in June of 1939 and Dedication Services were held in December, 1941. In the rail of 1936 Cantor Aaron I. Edgar became associated with Beth El Synagogue and the Beth El Choir was organized. In 1943 the congregation called to its service the Reverend Alexander Katz, to serve as Assistant to the Rabbi. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke assumed the pulpit of Beth El Synagogue in November, 1946. Steady Growth Tho steady growth of 'the congregation necessitated additional facilities. Ground was broken in 1950 and in December, 1952, a new wing was dedicated, providing an increased capacity of 300 in the Synagogue Annex, nine new classrooms, an ' executive office and Rabbi's Study, Increased social hall capacity and a large new kitchen. Beth El Synagogue now has a congregation of eight hundred families. Rabbi Goldstein is a native of Minneapolis, Mum. He Is a graduate of the Minneapolis Talmud Torah and the University of Mln> ncsota. He was ordained as a Rabbi at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. He served as spiritual leader of Beth El Synagogue In Omaha for sixteen years, until 1946, when he left to assutne his present post at Har Zlon Temple In Philadelphia. While in Omaha he was a member of the facultyy of the U n i v e r s i t y of Omaha. WOMEN SHORTAGE;
Tel Aviv (JTA)—There Is shortage of young women In the collective settlements of Israel, it was reported at Klnnerct at a conference this week of kibbutzim affiliated with the Ma'pal Party. The report said that unless torn* 7,000 unmarried young men in the settlements find marriage partners they may desert kibbutz life.
•\ famTw*
*rlday, October tt, 1W4
Federotio- for Jewisfc Service BtwCutfv* Coniinitt94 HARRY HALPERT.
Lieder Singer At Musicale
Resolution Sent to Pmhltiil Pwtgnt P. Bsenhower and Secretory of State John Foster Duties
WHh ihc Folks At Home
WHEREAS we, citirens of the United States, residing in the O t y o i Omaha, Nebraska, and membera of the Board of Governors of the Omaha Federation for Jewish Service, are firmly convinced that the attainment of peace in the Middle B u t most be a primary objective of American foreign policy, both as an end in itself and as the most vital step in strengthening the defense of the free world in that area, and WEKRBAS we believe that the plans of the Departswat of State to grant arson to the Arab States prior to the attainment of an Arab-Israel peaee mr*. dangerous to iht cause of that peaee which we regard *» Tttal, and WHKBJEAS we farther are convinced that the distribution of arms to the Axab States without unqualified guarantee* that they will make peace with Israel, will weaken rather than strengthen the Middle East against the menace of Communism, heighten tension in that area and thereby play into the hands of aggressive Communism, and ' YVHKHEAS we further believe that the anas ao granted to the Arab States win be nsed not in xasiiltnw to Oornnranurt snbvenrion or aggression or in defense of deinoeraey, t o t rather in a renewal of warfare against Israel, •THBKKPORK, -we, assembled together In our common cause and concern on October SO, 15154, in the City of Omaha, Nebraska, do hereby respectfully nrjge the Department of State to reconsider and suspend its contemplated arm* programs to the Arab States and resolve that a copy of this resolution duly signed by the presidents of each organization within the Board of Governors of the Omaha Federation for Jewish service, which include approximate. ly 4,800 citizen* be meat to the Department of State and to th« President of the V. 8. sy J. H. Kufadcofsky. President, Federation lor Jewish Service. A ft. Bro&ey. VresMent, Highland Country d u b . David E. Greenberg. President. Henry Monsky Lodge B*nal B*rith, Ezra M. Beldner. President. Nebraska Lodge IMS Btoai BVHh. Abe S. Miner.. Ostananaer, Epstein-Morgan Port. Jewish War Veterans. Hymn D. OsoAT. President Zionist Organbanon. S. H. Binder, President, Workmen's Circle AudBary. Abe W. Cohen. Farband Labor Zionist. Mr*. Morris M. Franklin, President. Omaha Chapter Hadassah. Mr*. J. J. Friedman, President. Henrietta Smld of BadassaK Mrs. Phlnp D. Schwartz, President, B. * P. Hadassah. Zena Feldman, President, Pioneer Women's Ore. Mrs. Sidney Houls, President, Theodor Herd Group Hadassah. S. Levhnon, Chairman, Beth Uamedrosh Haeodol. Mn. Dave Wine, President, Kadbnnh Chapter of Pioneer Women. Max Crooroe. Ctrairman, Workmen's Circle. H n . Harry A. StoJor, President, Omaha Section, Natiooal Ooimcfl of Jewish Women. Dr. Morris Marcolin, Oialrman. Bureau of Jewish RdncaHnn. Mn. M. H. Bmdkey. Pittsldeut, Beth P Synagogne Sisterhood/ Mn. Maurice Newman, President, Wetanann Broop, Hadassah. Sadie S. Knlakofsky, President. Omaha Zionist Council. Mrs. Wm. Epstein, President Omaha Chapter, Mbracht Women.' Mn. Nathan Marcus,' President Jewish War Veterans Anxffiary No. 280. Warner Fntanan, Piesideiit, ffnai B'rith Comhusker Lodge No. TTBO. Mn. Lewis NcveleTf. President Chesed She) Ones. Mitton S, LivinEBton, President Tcrapte Israel. Bemlce B. Brodkey, President Omaha Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs. Sara D. Kaplan. President Coal B*rHh Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470. . Mri Iradore Hewitz, President Beth brad Sisterhood. Mn. lake Wine, President Bflrar Cfaolim Society. Mn. map Kotier, President ffnal BMth Tfebraska Chapter No. 3*6. Mrs. Hymn Ferer. President, Omaha. Chapter National Women's Ctaiuidttee, Snmdeis TJnlveislty, Mn. Bexnhardt WoS, President *nmp1e Israel Sisterhood. Hn. Sam Klaver, President, Lades Free Loan Society. Harry Sidman, President, Beth Israel Synagogue. Ben E. Kasknr, President, Beth El Synagogue.
The next birthday party will take place at The Dr. Philip Sber By Haas Baer Jewish Home for the Aned WedThe Tuesday Musical nesday, *ov. 10, at 7 p. m. The ing its last throe season Residents toting honored at Out la each concert-series a German time are: Hr. Harry Braverman. Mrs, nose Kagan and Mr. Israel lieder sinter. This time i t grants. Irmgard Seefried. a memh the Vienna State Opera Orwnnany. The last BOcur Cbattan Party oustotheHgturnMrs. See/ried, star of the Sabbutg Edinburgh g -festivals,, sangg a eat of Mends and pure daadc program wtih lieder by Beethoven, Schubert Schu- Is fentted to attend oar birthday mann and Eiy^—i without makin parties and help make than gay any concession to the modem time even not in the encores. AS songs UXAOO0OB DOK&nOHS: were performed te the Gentian aiVRttnnal donations to The language, except two by the by Purocll and Dwoland which toOowJas: the artist sang in Engush. Mr. and H n . OUe Gomberg. Mcs. Seefried snowed all at- Mr. and M m Fred Haha, tributes of her musical education. particular voice cuitore whose Me. and Mrs. Barry Wmteman. velvet sound hi never rough, also not on dramatic climaafa which Services wm be held m The Borne often mean a certain danger tor Synagogue for the foSowiag: stager*. Her technique of breath- Mrs. Lottie Suvenwonr i|9Tiahing is excellent and expression is of fine and fascinat- Mrs. Sad* F H t - 2 Chesbvaa. ing warmth of feeling. Some par- Oct29. „ ticular high points of the program Mr. Irwin Stalmastar—5 Cbcshwere "Ich liebe Dion" (Move you, van, Nov. 1. by Beethoven, "Auf.oem Wasser Mr. Joseph J, Grecnberg — 5 vi singea" tto sing on the water Cheshvan, Nov. 1. and rSefigfceti" /delight) bySchu Mrs. Sarah Farber—7 Cheshvan, bert, several songs from "Frauen- Nov. 3. liebe und Leben" (woman's love Mr. Herman Krasne—9 Chesnand life) by Schumann ana the Kan.Nor.5. whole group of n«An«« lieder. She Mrs. Morris Gran—13 Cncahvaa, alao interpreted with loveliness Nov. «. one of the three extras, the Ger- Mr. Ben'Handler—15 Cfaeshvaa, aaan folksong IComm Ocbcr Mai No*. 1L und macbe die Baeume wieder Mm. Baila c " M r v y 18 Chesagruea" (come dear J4ay and nuke van, Nov. 14. green the trees again), UTOCHA and MAABIV SERVIrmgard Seefried « ICES are held at SOS p. ax at thr very great success and eertamb Home Synagogue and everybody the annrrriannn -of the out' is welcome to attend. • nubile will go home to Vienna to her four and a half year old daughter Barbara after appear- Afvintlogg Stresses ances with the Chicago. Boston aj '•'nj IHIIIMJIM | | - i and New York symphonies. Paul nsfsa m i %nnrcw*Mi n o n e Uhmowsky was an excellent V eampamst at the piano aad nreued Alviu *^"gft\ chafamaa of fhe feknself an artist with taste. One technique -and sub- osdared last Ttairaday that ttr ordination. construcUan of a new Juvenile detention name on the. Douglas County Hocpttat grouaos would save our taxpayers thousands of The Epstetn-Margan Post No. aottars a year. 360. Jewish War Veterans Mr. rfotg addressed the meeting Omaha, announce their "Annual of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Veterans Day Dance," formerly Post No. K 0 the Annual Armistice Day Sance. Jewish War Veterans of AmerJea to be held at the Biackstone Ho- held In the Jewish Community l d Ballroom. Saturday evening. 9 p. i n . HOT. 13. Admission a $t25 The Rlvervtew Borne, raeaxuy per person, tax Included. Mask Is osnoenmed was described as *^sn by Tony. Bradley and Kb orches- obsolete W-year-old Bra tra. ' Tht new center ^wonM _ Proceeds of this dance are ased Msent children fnxn. those being far the service and 'rehatpffltatioo heM tor trial and would be dose of veterans, nosptta&zed and oth- to facilities for helping erwise; dt every race, creed and yOQnssters. collar. The Port also tarnishes shows far fiie hospitalized patients at both the Lincoln and Omaha Veterans Hospitals, the major ones ntaay. Oet. t» being the annual Christmas parAnn Inda Gomberg and Jane tie* Brodkey. Paul Blotcky. David BlaCarol Rice. This year the Epstein-Morgan iac, Lloyd Bank. Harry Perimeter, Saturday, Oct. S O 'Post and if* Auxiliary are celeMrs. Stewart Gilinsky and Mrs. Norman D. Rips, Wm. Radudner, Gerald Alan CerdicK Gory A1brating their Tenth Anniversary. E. Leo Nogg, Chairmen of the Donald Rice, N. Julian Rips, David Tickets can be purchased at the n Patilman and Sandra Rcnce Council Rummajje Sale wish to Rosenstock, Richard Scltncr, Dardoor, or phone GL 0973. Nat Marthank the following women for win Marcus, Stanley Slcsburg, Sunday. Oct. SI cus, ticket chairman. Co-chairmen their help in making this project Louis Sombcrg, Irvin Sherman, J. at the program committee are Barbara Ann Brodkey, Cheryl such a success, The proceeds from M. Trcliuck, Sam Wclnstcln, Alnn Sherman LIpstein and Ed Beldncr. Edith Cantor, James Cohen, Jef- this sale will be used to help fur- Wollson, E, Robert Newman and Abe Miller is commander of the frey Marks Cooper, Audrey Dol- ther Council's Golden Ape Pro- Stanford Lipsey. goff, Harriet Sue DolRoff, DePost wliich includes plans for a Mmea. Sam Goodman, Mnx borah Fromkin, Sharon Fern Gend- Summer Cnmp for its members. PJatt, Sam Zacliaria, Leonard ler, Lawrence (Larry) JoelGimpIe Telephone Chairman, Mrs. StanKrasne, Mnynard M. Grccnbcrg, Junior Hadassah and Roger Perscli. ley Perimeter. Jnhn Solomon, Harry Altsuler, Monday, Nov. 1 The next regular meeting will Motor Corps. Chairman, .Mrs. William Fo(;el, Jules Shapiro, Loub be a dinner meeting at Harry1* Neena Beber, Donna Ftae Cnn- Herman Goldstein. Hurwitz, Alfred Fiedler, Ilaymond CafC at 5:30 p. m., Wednesday, ield, Eunene Dandy and Douglas Committee Members: Mines. Er- Corey, Al Gaer, Seymour. Cohn, Nov. 3. Lucille NcarenljcrB is cul- 'latL nest J!. Nosrc. Edward Malnsliock, lister Meyer. Louis Katz, Stanley Tuesday, Nov. t tural chairman. Edith Frank, Jean Irvinfi Molishock, Melvln J. Free- Herzoff, Samuel Orloff, Larry Rochelle Ttae Adk-r, Donna DufWiseman and Clara Katzjire the man, Phil J^ificr, M. Krupinsky, Plattncr, Edward Z. llosen, Louis in, Aviva Suzanne FeJdman and Kcvcc calling committee. Kirshenbiium, S e y m o u r Lipp. Max Canar, Sara Steljiberg, A mixer and scavenger hunt is tari Ann JIalkin. Howard Kaplan, Jcrnld Ito- William ICaiman, Jiarry MendelWednesday, Nov. S being planned sometime in Noen, Pnul Grossman, Henry Green- sohn, David Bernstein, Harold vember. Chairman for the affair Elaine Raskin and Charles Alan Yale Gotsdiner, Bruce Grecn- Slosburs, Ilenry Riekcs, Harold Is Jean Wiseman. Jean Kntz and 'rachtenbarg. bere, A. E. Gilinsky, Warner Froh- Farber, Harry Stolcr, L H. Weincr, Edith Frank are In charge of decThursday, Nov. 4 nian, Philjn.Fox, JJomcr Farber. Uoyd Friedman, Ernest Wintroub, orations and Marilyn Meyer Is 111 Sheldon Jay Saflofsky find Karen Leo EisenSttilt, Max Davis, Jack Itorry Welnberg and Edward Levcharge of refre^lftnents. .','.' oliolol. ., ,,-..' Harold vClierniack, ilarold I n s o n . • / • • • • . ••• • . :.-••• n
Veterans DayDance
Happy Birthday
Council Women
Arabs Anns Will Increase Raids A sprlteiy charadng firnndmother arrived in Omaha Tuesday evening to address theanHadassah A^hn] Organization 4 Voca* tional Education Pre-donor luncheon at the Jewish Community Cen-' ter Wednesday. She 1s Mrs. Moses P. Epstein of New York City. National American Affairs ehafaman of Hadassah. Mrs. Epstein has recently returned from her eleventh visit to Israel. She mads her first trip in 1933. The land of the Bible changes from visit to visit with the once barren landscapes fiumR in wHh trees and vines, she recalled. Now cattle can be seen grazing in tha Galilean hills, a result of Operation Cowboy with which- Israel hopes to produce Ha own meat The standard of living M> «OB*Bwhat better with an increase in vegetable tanning but meat h) still very scarce. Mrs. Epstein observed. Newcomers fnan Morocco, who have lied to Israel, were moved o their new honies aeon after their arrival WAlch otten hope that, the transient camas osn be dons away with and immigrants settled in new homes, she doclarwi On the subject of peace in tat Near East Htm, JSpstelri mused, th» a n a is still a noderboa that •parks tram border inridrnU eon* stantiy endanger. 17. & aims ior the Arabs will only nrovoke additional border incidents, she pointed o u t The arming of Israel's rnmiles is very distressing so Israel. Mrs. Epstein added, for tbs Arabs will interpret this as an reward tor their snfllteatton. Summing the pragness Israel has) made, Mrs. Epstein staled the eco» nomie and industrial picture is ' fagpefuL Finaodnc ot deveksraent schemes are M'Pif"u_ she added, and the money is derived from taa•tion. loans, United Jewkh Appeal. Bond Drives and U. S. MotualAid. The morale of the Israel's peo> pie is better, she stneased, with a sober undentandlng of the i o m puD ahead. The obvious growth and development and iaaproved standard of living are tangMv evidence of pmgnss made, H n , Epstein pointed out The pcopb) have accepted the burden of the responsibility to produce wore for (hey have realised that increased productivity te vital to their AiUira welfare, she dedaoed. Turning to Hadassah wark in Israel, Mn. Epstein said plans tat the medical center near Jerusalem arc progressing. She noted other phases of Hadassah prons were underway such as bringing to the United States at Israel doctors and nurses for' training worken In Ma-abarot transient camprinstructed and (h* runl-wjcational trafaung fragrant
Calendar Satefwty.Oet » Temple Israel Sapper Dance, t m^Temple XsmeL HoUdsy Dance Cn*. •naiay, (Ms, U Beth ET% SOver Jobttee Am*, vetssry Dinner, 9 a. at/—Beth Ji Synagoeoe. " ' '. Monday, War, 1 , 1 Brandeis University, 1 p. m.-« Home. Golden Age dub, 1 p. m,—Cen» cr. - .Workmen's Loan, 7 p , m.—Cn» *• '. 5 Omaha Symphony, 8:30 p. m.~« oslyn Mcmori&L i Tnetoay, Nor. I 1 Beth El Sbterbcod Board, 1 p> .—Beth El. ;. Beth Israel Sisterhood Board, 1 m.—Beth Israel. ' 1 Art Class. 7 p. m.—Center, j Omaha Symphony, 8 JO p. n.-^ oslyn Memorial. I TVVanenlny, JTov. S 1 B'nnl E'rllh Monsky ChopUt o. 470.1 p. m.—Center. i Center Orchestra, 8 p. m.—Cen* ' Thursday, Ha*. « 1 Federation of Jewish Womenfli Clubs, 1 p. m^-Center. i BrJdee Class, 7 p. sn.—Center. ' Beth Israel P-TA Reeling, 8 JO m.—Beth Israel. . ,
Oatake* ttt'SMA
Israel Minister Will Speak at Bond Dinner Bnncm ShOaacB, b r a d * Mhv later PieaiiiQfeatiBry to the ttotted States. wJU be fans* of booar «t of I i n d domer r 14, at the
berg, chairman of tha Omaha Board of Governor* for the De-
Member* In the Guardian* of Jbracl Usrnilahle to an purchasers • ( Sf.OOO development issue bondt. Each asember will restive from Mr, , Shiloach, Ma or her Guardian of Israel pin at tha dinner. Reservations for tho iUraicr may be made at the Israel Bond office by cnUlng AT 1177, Mr, Shlloach aecved as tpcdal advisor to In* brael Ministry for Foreign Affair* for five years. He Was a membtr\of the Iirael delegation to" the Rhodes armistice talk* with Egypt and represented Israel at the Lausanne Conference between Israel and the Arab states called by the Palestine Conciliation Commission. In 1948, .Mr. ShUoaeh attended the United Nations Charter Conference in San Francisco as an observer on behalf ot- the Jewish Agency. The State ot Israel Bond Iisue Is the central source of investment eapital for Israel's historic program of economic stability. Proceeds: derived tknogh the sale at Israel Booth are making possible the growth of industry and agzU
Omaha Sketches j Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Maer ot Los Angeles. Calif, aatwtmee the birth of a daughter October1 22. Mrs. fixer it the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hymat* Oaoff of daaha. Mrs. Osoff is virftine with her daughter hi Los Angeles. • « • A son Murray Howard was born to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Friedman. Tuesday, Oct. 19 in • local hospital. The couple has two other children Sidney aad Zortnne. Maternal grandfather la Boruch Kataan and maternal grandittother is Mrs. Sam Friedman. • * • Mr. and Mrs. Mobbe Misdeal who were married here rensstly win leave Nor. 1 for Mew York City enroute to Israel where they will make their home. Mrs. Mtlsheal la the former Barbara Eajtnda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan* Estrada. Mr. Michael h a native of Israel and he first met Msi wife when she visited Israel. • '• • A daughter, Jay Mkhelk> was) born to Dr. and Mrs. Herman Skyken Oct. 4 m S t tools, Mo. Dr. Skyken hi Internals; at the Jewish hospttarm S t Louis. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and M n Herman Kate of Lincoln and paternal grandmother is Mrs. J. Skyken of Omaha. •
• » " •
Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Brown, formerly of Council Bluffs, and now of New York City, iuinnace the birth of a daughter Oct 24, Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. M. Coidtaan of Mow York City and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Brown of The couple also has a sen Charles.
Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Cramfcn announce the birth of a daughter, Barbara Harriett born Oct. 19 tn a local hospital. The couple also baa a daughter Marylee, aged 3. Maternal grandmother la Mrs. Sam Kate of Omaha and paternal grandparent* are Mr. and Mrs. FhiBp CrandeQ of Omaha, • • • Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mlnltut of Denver, Colo, announce the birth of a son Paul Alan, Oct IT at a Denver hospital. They also lswe a daughter Angela. Mrs. Peter (Alice) Heeger of cuMiue, msr sflqmaBOji OB amsnv Omaha, sfstrr of Louhr MMkk* hi tion and deep-well water projects, visiting the Mlnklns In Denver. the construction of roads, harbors, railways and airports, the build- tabllshmest of a huge system of ing of hputftag divelopmenta and communkafions and the exploraagricultural settlements, the in- tion and exploitation of thm mincrease of electric power, the e>- eral-rich Negev desert. rOUTICAL ADVERTISEMENT
Lloyd H.
BX WiH Dedicate Harry Sidman, President Beth Israel Synagogue, that Mrs. Lewhi Nevefctt and Beraard WhUe have been appointed eo-ehainnen of the special Fhsas* sezvice* to be held at the Synagogue Sunday, Mow T» at 2 p.m. In.dkKnsshtg the r*"**
B u s Frattchise ! _\-it Endorsed by Groups OfEhctrMkhrtar* Lyle DeKosr, assistant general The Hmrfsions ft Ost AH-Bns ntssKhiae wen lossamooaty ap- wanastr of Meredith WOW. Inc., proved by the City CbmMfi. It m- brought the magic of eofer TV d o t e rifMs far the Street Ball- before the members of Beth Israel Men's Club last week. Mr. DeMoas a dmmepribibttimc the spoke on the improvements, in
It teemed as though the sciento race, color or reBgtasi: and representation of the pshne interest tists developing color teferrWoa ass the cuninany Board of Dtreo had dipped deetnsne fingers into the color spectrum to come up pointed out that an the mrnihrrs tha with the exciting hues and shades Manyi of the Community arc- wwHlwXix the that added sparkling Bfe to the mvtted to Join hi thaae seniees. A A i m t bntatlons will ha fc«y dated Hetaflers of Omaha, the Color TV now a reality b Just warded, to the fantQIesi who haw Otbxn^ Committee, leaders of the one Kent in the promise of new reserved the ptaaues that wQI be Omaha Real Estate Board, various an) wonderful Inventions' that will organised labor groups, and civic enhance our future. Mr.- DeMoas pvofimn. wtt Iw wsh mentioned electronic tapes, atom in next Friday's edition The atfagen'k Ousnlnittee sup- puweied baterlea, ampB«<atton of of the Jewish Presst porthig the franchise points out Hgnt by transistors and radio* the that the franchise will: enable the aba of « wallet as some of the company to purchase 35 new mod- new; gadget* we may expect Bridge Clowes, ern buses at a cost of a UfiOHflOO to replace the rmnlnlng outdated, their destinations quicker due to Begktners and Advanced bridge asaes wiU continue with theu; slow streetcars; make it posaible faster movement of traffic; make third session Thursday e»euhig. for Omaha to complete its one-way it posslblfi for the) company to There is still room in both classes street system as recommended in build for the future to keep pace for those Interested in instruc- the Barton Plan; help the com- witn the huge industrial expanpany in Us effort to keep the pres- sion and growth of the dry. tion. Beginners Group meets at 7:15 ent fare from increasing; make POLITICAL. ADVl p. m. and is followed by the ad- It prei^Ii* for automobile riders vanced group at »:15 p. m. David as. well as bus riders to reach Scheffer instructs both classes. Vtt hi ISvflO for 10 aanr o r TOOTS Paris (JTA>—For the first time In history, the Bey of Tunis preT»C« Shop sided at a ceremony held at the Now gomg: faito its fifth session Great Synagogue of Tunis, It was the Youth CounciTs Auto Me- reported here.-The Bey was acchanics Workshop hasr proven .to companied by his Premier, Tatar be a popular activity. Enrolled in Ben Anunar, Ftcnch Resident that activity are Dan Denenberg,. General Bayer Latour and other Mike Erman, Bob Snapiro, Ber- Tunisian, and French members of nard and Bruce Btoom. Al Corey^ the government. The cornerstone Dan Denenberg, Ben Cutler, of a Jewish center at the synaGeorge Bialac, Joel Pltlor, Fred gogue was laid at the ceremony. Marcus and Jim Spltzcr. Others Gen. Latour stressed the are Bennet Hornsteln. Norm Plot- common history of Tunisian Jews kin, Bruce Bloom, Marv Joseph, and Moslems, in an address. Some Mike Wdsbere, Jerry Raduzlner. 20,000 Jews massed around the syBud Turkd, Al Cutler and SheV nagogue acclaimed the Bey and his don Cuiiib Tunisian and French associates.
Morris E.
"l$t m fight to elimbiti th$ controls thgiiinotpnmisi. bat yrt SEND
Jacobs Candidate
for State Board KEITH NEVILLE of Education
Morrii E. Jacobs « andorMd t y tfc« tsacalno pnfMSJM thnafli the Omaha Educatioa A M I .
Ikk U raid far by Kalrii NevUI* POIJTICAX. ADVEHTISEMENT
METROPOLITAN UTILITIES DISTRICT SHORT TERM President, Omaha Improvtmint Commit** 6 Ytan
AM O«*eh« otl«rn«r and l o r a M <K«sV* man ot Hi* Dovgtat Co***f Boorri. Hrvtho saadi an anvtobto rtp|^fcilt«*> • I • • • • a b t * of * » • ApfKop^lioflMsV C*«i«iM*« el 1h* I 3 d C - c g m i . HRUSKA'S RICORD S H O W * • That Hrviho will coftilnu. fa « f l U for lax rttfuctlon, Q balanced bvdg«t and a tound lo« program. • Thai Hrvifca will contln** M«ifffort» OQalnit Cemrnvnlit InfUt/alllo* f * goTtr»««nr, •
That HfWlks will w*rk f w iMiWU' • • n i l b l * ItgUiotlon ! • fttlf)|lols* •
p p • Thol Hrviha will ivpp«r1 '»• IritftW entndMiif.
M*Mn MkNit PROCtUSS IN OMAHA con only ba achievtd by an abundant iupply of electricity ot low ratst. Naw hduitry, which means (obi and more DuiIneH tan only ba par* luoded to come lo Oaiatiu if power facililiei are available. Our standard of living—-air conditioning, lights, pow«r for clKlrlcal appliances, all demand an ampb iupply of power at low ralei, k h Important that we have men on the Board of Directors of the 'Omaha Publlt Power District who have r«ol bvstnaii exp«ri«nc*—experience. l » provtd* facilities for lotfay and. tomorrow, , t ' ^-.<.
Brandeis Prof Will Address Women's Unit
i n JKWUB runs Temple Israel Sisterhood Dance
JTridajr, October I t , 1 M
Needlework Guild Brandeis Group Contributions
The following Needlework Guild contributions have been received since the last list appeared in the Jewish Press: Thomas L. Savage, .Assistant Mmes; Paul Bernstein, Dave W. Professor of English at the BranBcrnsUen, Fred Brodkcy, Mclvin dels University will address the Burns*, Jacob Burstcln, Daniel Coluncheon meeting of the Omaha hen, Jack E. Cohen, Max E. CoChapter of the National Women's hen, Seymour Cohn, Hans Dansky, Xtommlttee of Brandeis University Harry Eiscnslatt, Sam ElewiU, David B. Epstein, Sam Epstein, Monday, Nov. 1 at 12:30 p. m. In Benjamin T. Friedman, J. J. Friedthe Blackstone Hotel Ballroom. man, Louis Friedman, Paul M. Mr. Savage is the author of Goldstein, Mnynard M. Groenberg, .three books, the latest being "A Nathan Greenfield, Hyman Guss, Bargain-With God." It's contemHarrfy D. Haykin, Joe M. Horporary setting Is the "wrong side wlch, Harry Kaplan, Sam Kaplan, of Beacon Hill" and the book has Herman Kully, Leopold Levy, I. been selected by Reader's Dlges M. Ubcrman, Ruben Llppett, Sol for condensation. He has lectured Mlroff, Ben Mokofsky, Edward H. at the University of New HampTemple Israel SUterhood will bold their annual Supper Dance Morris, Jack Newberg, Samuel Mrs. Bobert Hooper, (pictured shire Writers' Conference. and Card Party this Saturday, Oct. 80, at the Temple Social UalL Mr. Savage was appointed to the Snpper will be served from 7:30 to 9:30 p. m., dancing to Ernest Newman, Ernest A. Nogg and El- above), book fund chairman of the Omaha Chapter of The National faculty of Brandcls University in Frlcsraui'* orchestra, and card* will follow. This la tho one large mer Novak. Mmcs. M. Polonsky, Sarah W. Women'* Committee of Brandeis the fall of 1949. His teaching as fund raising event of the Sisterhood year, and the first fund raising event of the New Temple. Reservations may be made with any of Potash, Harry Priesman, AI Rosen, University announced gUta to this Morton Richards, Samuel H. Rosthe chairman or sisterhood members. fond may be made In memory or rictured above from left to right are: Mrs. Lazier Kaplan, gen- enberg, Harry Rubenstcin, Morris In honor of friends and family. All era] chairman, Mr*. Julia Jacobs, food chairman, M r * Bernhardt Rubcnsteln, Marvin Sabes, AbraWolf, president of Temple Israel Sisterhood, Not pictured—Mrs. ham Schneider, Leonard Segal, proceeds of this fond are used to Jules Shapiro, Edward L. Simon, purchase additional books for the Ed Gilbert, another chairman. Stanley J. Slosburg, Louis Sokolof, University library. Louis Somberg, Meyer L. Stern, Harry A. Stolcr, Robert Swartz, Myron Tamoff, Joseph Tretlak, Mary Zalk. Misses Edna Cohn, Minnie ElsenNathan Turner, Harry Wolner, The Federation of Jewish WomAbraham Weiss, E. I. Widman, statt, Sally Gendler, Evelyn Levy en's Clubs is collecting Items for Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sher- Louis Wintroub, Max Wolfson and and Helen Sommer. the Children's Memorial Hospital man of Lincoln, Ncbr., announce Bazaar to be held Monday, Nov. the engagement of their daugh8, at the Fontenclle Hotel. Mer- ter Helen, t o Norman Krivosha, ihandlse for the Women's Federa son of Mr. and Mrs. David Krivo(ion booth is being stored and sha of Lincoln, Ncbr. An August marked nt the home of Mrs. AI wedding is planned. Miss Sherman bcrt Steinberg. If you have not is a senior a t the University of Ijoen contacted for a contribution, Nebraska and is n member of Pi lease call Mrs. Richard Hillcr, Lamda Thcta o n j Sigma Delta 1L 3135 or Mrs. Ernest A. Nogg, Tau. II. 1045. Mr. Krivosha Is a freshman In The following, under the direc- the College of Low, and a memThomas L. Savngo tion of Mrs. Edward Z. Rosen, will ber of Sigma Alpha Mu. sell items from the Federation of fignments include Freshman Com- Jewish Women's booth: position and Advanced ComposiMmcs. Edwin Brodkcy, Herman tion. He has been the faculty ad- Friedman, Lloyd. Bank, Harold visor for the Brandeis student Brodkcy, Isadora Chapman, Max magazine The Turret. Cohen, Stewart Cilinsky, J. GoldRUG & UPHOLSTERY Heading the faculty is Dr. Abram ner, Herman Goldstein, Stanley L. Sachar, president of the Uni- Hcrzoff, Lazier Kavich, Maurice CLEANERS versity and former chairman of the Pepper. Sherman .Sperling, Harold I U G S — CARpniNe Hillel Foundation in the United Slosburg, Jerald Rosen, Julia JaLAMP SHAOtS FOR YOUR HAPPY CELEBRATIONS States. He taught history for many cobs. FURNITUII years at the University of Illinois. Misses Beatrice Sommer, RebecBakery and Cleaned in Your Home! A vital factor in the growth of ca Bercovid, Kve Konecky, Molly Delicatessen the University is the National Welner and Alice Heeger. iladlag • Leylaa • ••poMaf Women's Committee which has 0ON IUNSTEIN HA 2554 more than 84 chapters in various 50TH AND UNDERWOOD cities throughout the nation. This The Omaha Sigma Alpha Mu RE 5560 'committee has undertaken to Mothers' Club has been invited to build the University library, which hold a Joint luncheon with the started in 1948'with a few hun-Lincoln Mothers' Club at the fraPOLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT dred obsolete medical volumes Into ternity Jiouse 12 noon, Thursday. a facility of about 100,000 eolumes. Npv, 4. Newly elected officers for the Mrs. Hyman Ferer, Qmaha chapter president urges non-members coming year arc:'Mrs. Albert Gaer, president; Mrs. Max Rosen, viceas .well as members to attend this luncheon to hear the message Mr. >rcsident; Mrs; Charles Fcllman. , Savage brings us about this fine iccrftary, and Mrs. Morris Becker, monument that is being built by rcasurer. those who put their faith In an ideal and made It work.
Childrens Memorial Hospital Bazaar.
Nebraska Students Nuptials Revealed
Wedding, Bar and Bas Mitzvah, and Birthday Cakes CUSTOM BAKED
Mothers' Club to Meet
Candidate for
Cousins' Club "Mrs. Dora Perimeter will entertain tho Cousins' Club, 12:30 p. m. Wednesday. Nov. 3 at the Regis Hotel. 'All those who arc unable to attend call GL 1317.
Want Ads ttat* 4A u«t ic inaen row Wtai AO • m J.wun n m Corrai m r u Mi wow lot n a nuerdon. .rfct rr*M .nicnrft tbt nibs to Unit I1M Ob Mrt) ftovrniafmtnt
BAR and Bas Hltzvah congratulations also for air Jewish holiday* and ipeciaj occasions Meyers News Stand. 1502 Dodge BOUSEWORWwanted. $5 cents an hour aiid carfare. Cal JA 7707.
Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on ^Sunday
Sunday Brunch
Served Buffet Style! All You Care to Eat NOON TO 3 P. M.
Famous for Saturday Night
SMORGASBORD $ 0 0 0 **rvec' ^fom «fc 5-9 P.M. Other Favorites STEAKS • CHOPS CHICKEN
In the Wellington Hotel 1815-19 Farnam For Reservations, JA 5244 FREE 2-Hour Indoor Farting of Loop Parking Co.
"Meet Us ' at Harry's"
1114 Homey — Ac row From Public Library
The undersigned who are associated with various organizations that arc active in Jewish communal life unqualifiedly recommend to you Roman llruska as a candidate for the United States Senate from the state of Nebraska. Mr. llruska is a life-long resident of Nebraska. He is a very capable individual and has an excellent education. He h i s had considerable cxpcrlcnco In government. He has proven himself as a competent, efficient and honest public servant. In his first term as n Congressman from this district, his ability quickly caught the eyes of the leadership in government, industry and labor. His thinking is thoroughly American in the broadest sense. He will continue to represent all or thi' citizens of Nebraska at all times. We urgo all of our friends to vote for Homrin Hruska as a United States Senator from Nebraska, on November 2nd. Mrs. Lewis (Sophie) Ncvcleff Mr. Milton Livingston Mr. Harry B. Cohen Mr. David Greenberg Mr. Ben Kaslow
Mr. Harry Sidman Dr. A . Greenberg M n . Edward E. (Bernlce) Brodkey
Mr. Jack W. Marer Mr. Wm. Grodlntky
(This Ad Paid for by Harry B. Cohen)
Friday, Oeutw* If, WH
ran n>»>
Organizations Street or call WE 2071 for pick-up service. Mrs, Paul Veret, chapter educaMrs. Meyer Kaplan, fund raistion cholrman for Omaha Chapter ing chairman, has announced plans Hadassah, extends an invitation for a card parly to be held Monto all Hadassah members to attend day, Nov. 15, at 1 p. m. in the Jewthe Open Oneg Shabat, to be held ish Community Center. Desserl tomorrow, Saturday, Oct. 20, a luncheon will be served and the 2 p. m. In the home of Mrs. I. B, remainder of the afternoon will Zlcgman, 6S1 Mo. S6lh St. Mrs. be devoted to cards, Mah Jongg, Phi] Gerellck Is in choree of ar- etc. Tickets are 75 cents each and rangements. free sitter service will be provided,
JWV Auxiliary
B.I. Sisterhood'
The November Board meeting Members of the board of Beth of Epstein-Morgan Ladias Aux- Israel Sisterhood will meet 12:45 iliary No. 260, Jewish War Vet- p. m./Tuesday, Nov. 2, In the syerans will be held Wednesday, nagogue •iubrpom. Nov. 3, at 1 p. m. in the home of Mr*. Max Rosen, 5008 Hurt Street. T.I. Sisterhood Mrs. Louis Albert* will be cohostess. After the business meetTuesday, Nov. 9, the Temple ing, the afternoon will bo devoted to making toys for a children's Israel Sisterhood will be hosts to the Omaha Council of Church Pictured above are some.of the members of the planning; committee for the Sliver Jubilee mark* home. AU board members are asked to please attend and lend Women at their regular sisterhood Ing the ZStb anniversary of Beth El Synagogue. Seated left to right are: Mrs. M. A. Verger, Mr», luncheon meeting at the Temple Wm. Alberta, Mrs. Dave Cohn. Standing are Mrs. Harry DuBoff, Mrs. Samuel S. Steinberg and Mrs. assistance. Hall. Arthur Cohn. • •. " "• .'....'.•.'.••:- •','•:•:•• ..',:: i j The Auxiliary will hold lta rum- Social Mrs. Mervin Lcmmerman and General chairmen Arthur Cohn and Mrs, A. D. Frank announced other committee members Includmage tale November 1 and 2. Any- Mr*. Herbert Well, program chairing: Harry VuBott, I. B. Zlegmon, Samuel Steinberg, Balph Nogg, Mrs. tblneu Wlntroub, ten. Georgia one having articles of clothing, of this meeting will present Kagw, Mrs.y. n. KuUkofsky, Mrs. David B. Cohen and Mns. f. V. Oreenberg* : furniture, etc. are asked to deliver man Seymour Kaplan, regional antlOther committee members are: Messrs. Maurice Katz, Edward Rosen, James Upsey, Mines, Botf the contributions to the home of defamatlon director of B'naf ert Kooper, David Sherman, Myer S. Krlpkr, Albert Wohlner, Leon Schmldman, Harry Rochman, BarMm. Jack Saylan, 134 N. 34th B'rith, who will speak on the ry Ifaykln, Samuel Baa, Harry Ferenatein, Julius stela and Irving Hertog. • American Jewish Tercentenary. Mrs. Sam Zacharla and Mrs. Edward Leviruon arc in charge 'of the, sisterhood luncheon arrangements and will be assisted by the following committee: Mmos. Harold Chernlak, John Solomon, Norman 'Siege!; Richard Goldman, E. Loo Nogg. William Wolf, George Spltzcr, Robert Newman, Ronald Conn, A. J. Farbcr, I. Liberman, J. H. Lent, William Fogel, Larry Platlner, Stewart Glllnaky, Lazar Kavlch, Jerome Grossman and Raymond Corey. A board meeting at 11 a. m. will prcccd the regular meeting. Mrs. Bernhnrdt Wolf, president will preside.
Des Moines Girl Engagement Told
Rayon Chalfis Gowns and Robes
Circle Auxiliary The Ladles Auxiliary of the Workmen's Circle will hold their annual benefit card party 6 p. m., Sunday, Nov. 7 at the Labor Inccum, 30th and Cumlng Sts. Admission is fifty cents per person md refreshments are free. The Miss Joanne Ilockenberg' public Is cordially invited to attend." ' Mr. and Mrs. Sam>Hockenbcrg of Des Molncs, la., announce the engagement of their daughter B.E. Sisterhood Joanne to Milton Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Brown of Coun- The regular luncheon board meeting of the Beth El sisterhood cil Bluffs. Miss Hockcnbcrg Is a senior at •111 be held November 2, at 12:30 Northwestern University and Is a p. m. in the social hall of the synamember of Sigma Delta Tau So- gogue. rority. Mr. Brown la a junior at Hostesses will be: Mmcs. Dave tho Slate University of Iowa'a Col- , Cohn, George Conn, Harold lege of Law. Ho Is affiliated with Cooperman, N. Dcncnberg, Aaron Phi Alpha Delta, a law fraternity Kdgar, Homer Farbcr, Morris Felland Delta Sigma Rho, honorary mnn, Harry Ferensteln, Herbert •pooch fatrnity and Phi Epiilon Forbes, Irving Forbes and Jacob Fox.Pi
By Rembranf
Monsky Women to Present Play Short-Shorty Gown Dress Length Squaw Gown Matching Robe
For the chilly nights ahead, you will want these pretty challii night clothes! Such a low price for such luxurtoui warmth. They come In a tmaff print on pinfc, bfue or wni'fe ground, In t i i e i small, medium or larq*. And they make wonderful "Trial By Error," t'.PIay wrlltrn for thn B'ntil IVrlth Henry . Honsky Chapter No. 470, will lie jm-Hcnteil 1 j>. in. IVcdnrndny, Nov. S, at a paid-up liindirun la tin; Jrutoli Community Center. Pictured alKivo from left to Unlit urn ooinn rncmunra of the c u t They urn Mmcs. Lotiln Klrln, Isanurtl lJ-vlnc Hoi Mlroff, Maurice Sachi anil Harold Dlorli. Other mrmhcni nrn Mniei. Ilnrpld Coopemuui, Ilarnt-y llulM-rmun, Ren Wlntroub nnd Mint I)lan« Klein. The play was written liy Mm. Carolyn IU-ynoIils annUtcU by Mn. Oeorgo Shapiro and Mm. Hltlncy Hnridcr. Nrw membrra will bo honored. Mr*. Sara Koinuuf ttd StrV. Harry Skltnau wUl help facilitate due* payment •, ,'\»*. - , ,• ^>vv
j '
* Soft to Touch
•Warm to Wear • Pretty As a Picture wi»
UaU end Phone Orders Welcome Lingerie—Third Floor
Friday. October It, KM
Youth Council Doings Youth Council kivcr etvedtheir 1494-55 in tie mall this week. The dubs • r e a c h divided into d a m * (Seator, Junior, S o p h o m o r e ; pledges).1** rosier chairman M FhyllJi Ruhinaw. 8he was assisted by Bob Meyer, Mike MagD, MOa Meyer, L a * WUakBn, Phyltts Freedman, Rita Peltz aada special 1 thanks to Sherm Poaka, Youth Activities Director. > Every Youth Coundl will be given « roster. Club . dents are to receive a few extra copies for their dub use. •' A l l
TIK>A8 AMI Friday, Oct. 29. the T. A.1* Flan to attend Sabbath Evening ices at the Beth Israel Synagogue. Sunday, Oct. 31. TUtvas Ami will sponsor a program and *«»••—<"» on the United Nations. Guest* at thif discussion will be member* of the Youth Brotherhood Commission orid also each Youth Council Club Is asked to have two representatives present The program Is being planned by Rose Lagman, program chairman. The speaker will be Mr. Taylor, Soda] Studies Instructor at Central High School. B8 Last minute preparations for the Barndancc are being completed by the co-chairmen of the dance com mitce, Eileen Epstein and. Kay Jrfarkovitz, to be held at 9 p. m. in the Jewish Community Center. The entertainment for the eve nine will consist of a special skit written by the B'naJ B'rith Girls. The Dan Burns Quartette will supply the musical touches. The highlights of the dance will be the crowning of the 1954-1955 Farmer and Farmerette. The candidates, representing the six Youth Coundl clubs, are: T. A.'*, Rosalie Cohen; Debs, Ilene Sachs; BBGs. Joyce Canar; Rayim, Jerry Marer AZA No. 1, Stan Widmon; AZA No. 100. Harold Friedman. A Halloween theme will be presented throughout the Barndance The public In attendance will choose the reigning Farmer and Farmerette. Tickets will be sold at the door. AZA NO. 100 Last Sunday, Century Chapter's football team was defeated by the Rayim lads by a score of 30 to 6. Harold Friedman scored the tally for the Centurymen. Recently many Century Chapter members have attained high honors in school activities. Howard Kaslow and Jerry Rosen both appeared in the Fall Play of Centra] High School, "Billy Budd." Jerry' is also the drummer In. the Dance Band. Marvin Freedraan is the only sophomore on the Varsity Debate Team at Central. Nelson Gordman and Irv Bolzer ore two of the leading members on Central's freshman football squad. Speedy Zwieback has been elected Student Council President and also is the sports editor of the school paper. RAVIM At the last Rayim meeting guest speakers Ronnie Biker and Al Mintz discussed Senior Judea and held a question and answer session. Nathan Novak, Royim's new advi&or, attended. It was his first Rayim meeting. , In. basketball, all Rayim teams are practicing hard for the coming season. .This year, Mark O'Neal will coach the Rayim A team. Mr. O'Neal has played basketball in the Varsity league at the Center. 'The Pledges are busy working io fulfill their- plcdgeship. Presently, they are engnging in Intramural activities. They are going to assist the T. B. Association in its drive for funds which will be held from October 30 to November 13. Raylm's Traveling Troupe under the direction of Steve Cohen and Ed Bcrcovicl performed for the first time this Sunday at Beth Israel Synagogue. Several Rayim members are in Central High School's Fall Play, . "Billy Budtt" They nre Dick Raskin, Mike Solzman, S h e l d o n Krsntz, Bill Cooper, Dick Einstein, Gene Duboff, Gene Kohn and George Biajac. .
AZA MO. 1 At the meeting Sunday, Oct IT, Alephs-In-Trainmg Harold Katman, Mike Feldman, Sidney Roses blatt, Hike PeneD and Jen Freedman were voted Into the chapter. Sidney Klopper, Howard Uryers. and Al Cutler have became Alepht-Ita-Tniiilng and will attend a ~Sehool-of-AZA" for nix weeks under the direction ot the Pledgemasters, Stan Kahnan and David Wkhnan. The social committee, under the chairmanship of Jerry Ferer, planned and presented a "Ghost Party" Saturday night, Oct 33, at the Jewish Community Center in Council Bluffs. Aleph Nonnan Gai*» rep received the "Outstanding Aleph Of The Month" award this party. Religion* chairman Arnold Winer is working in co-operation with Kenneth Freed of AZA No. 100 planning the annual AZA Sabbath. Stan PeJlman and Mike Laser performed in the Central High School Fall Play, "Billy Budd." Aleph FeOraan had a leading role. The chapter is entering an "A" and a "B" team hi the Youth Council competition. Congratulations to president Stan-Wkhnan who served as one of the Queen's Hussars at the AkSar-Ben Coronation. DEBKA DEBS Debs' pledge class will adopt a Jewish Immigrant family for Chanukah. During Christmas vacation these girls will help at the Red Cross Blood Bank. They will rend to and entertain veterans a University HospitalBarbara Wolf has been appointed chairman of a committee to plan a program for the next pledge meeting. This program will explain Tsofim, JNF, and Sollelim— all Young Judea projects. The Deb party, "Moulin Rouge.' will be held November 6. Judy Krantz,- social chairman, is in charge.
Cast Rehearsals In Drama at Jay Miss Nancy Fowler, Director of Drama at the Jay, stated this week that two plays are now cast and rehearsals have begun in earnest. The two plays to be presented t a date to be announced are "Red Peppers" and "Suppressed Desires." The leads in "Red Peppers" arc Ina Margolin and Bob Meyers. Other cast members are Arthette Kosowsky, Matlee Katlcman, Stan Kalman, David Tepperman and 'red Marcus. Cast as leads hi "Suppressed Desires" are Madalyn Mlroff and Jerry Ferer. Other players In this comedy are Evelyn Levy, Denna Lagman and Dianne Singer. Rehearsals are held twice weekly at the Jewish Community Center. After the production of these plays, a series of plays will be cast. New members aft always welcome to tryout for this group.
Beth Israel Clubs LUU TOVIM Beth Israel Club Tovim will meet' his Saturday evening, Oct. 30 at o'clock in th recreation room of ha Talmud Torah, Election of ofliccrs will be held and plans will e made for then ext club sodaL AHTS AMD GRAFTS The first meeting of the Beth Israel Boy's Arts and Crafts Club ill take place Sunday afternoon, 3ct 31 from 4 to 5:30 p. m. In the Vrts and Crafts room of the TalTorah. Norman Rosenzweig. club leader announced that the 'jb Is open to boys in the secondary and Intermediate classes of he Talmud Torah and other boys tereslcd in building model planes, ars, trains and other hobby crafts, it. BOY'S CHOIR Cantor Eli Kagan announced hat the newly formed Beth Israel unior Boys Choir will meet Sunday mornings, at 11 o'clock in the ynagogue, starting November 6. Ul boys Interested in joining the holr are invited to attend.-
Junior Spotlight
Bar & Bas Mitxvah
Ton! Kaplan was elected president of the Iiraelettes, the eighth grade Young Judaea Club. Other newly elected officers are: Susie Wotfson, vice-president; Tom Fellman, recording secretary; Nancy Venger, treasurer, Dale Kasto and Marieen Friedman, sergeants-alarms; Laney Raskin, reporter, Judy Cohen, historian, and Lynette Forbes, JNF representative. ' Meetings win be held every other Sunday, The last meeting was held Sunday, Oct 24 at the Jew ish Community Center.
Mr. and Mi*. Morton Richards announce the Bas Mitzvah ot their daughter, Nancy Beth Richards, Friday evening; Oct 29 and Saturday morning, Oct 30 at Beth El Synagogue. Friends and relatives are invited to attend the services and receptions which will follow.
' ' y ITOfLAND The Jewish Community Center was the scene of full-scale activity last Sunday. Oct 34, when the member* of Tunland." the children's program for 1st through 9th graders, had their tint gettogether. Finger-painting, gloss etchings and dub emblems wen some of the projects for the first meeting. The whole third floor of the Center buzzed with excitement and enthusiasm during the entire two and a half hour* of "Funland" as children made new friends, got re-acquainted with old one* and planned, with their lead ers, how to make this a truly (those in 6th, 7th and 8th grades) happy and creative season. the JCC is sponsoring Pre-Teen A major part of the first meet' clubs. The dub prograina will fog was the naming of their Include social, cultural, service groups by the children. "The Rose and camping activities and will Club" was the choice of the 1st offer the girls a chance to meet and 2nd grade girls' group under other Jewish children of their age, the leadership of Mrs. Barbara work -together; in planning and Paul; Nancy Bairon's older girls carrying out group projects, and, named themselves the "Busy for eight graders especially, preBees"; the 1st and 2nd grade boys pare themselves for the big step led by Bernie Fellman. call them- into High School. Clubs will meet selves the "Fan Club" and,the at the member's homes when posoldest boys in Ernie Staltzman's sible; however, the first meetings group have added a bit of suspense will be si the Center. Many girls to the program by keeping their have already registered for the real name a closely guarded secret clubs; so If you have not as yet —they arc running a contest among done so, call Feme Katleman at the other "Funlandcrs* to see who the "J" or mall In the slip* that will be the first to decode their were sent out previously. Spanish title and come up with All girls In the 6th'. grade who THE name. are interested in Joining a PreRegistration will be accepted by Teen club are Invited to attend phone or in person until Sundaj, an Oneg Shabat at the Jewish Oct 31; however this is the last Community Center, S a t u r d a y registration that will be accepted afternoon, Nov. o at 2:30 p. m. for the first session of "Funland." Seventh grade girls are invited The second session will begin to an Oneg Shabat Sat, Nov. 13 Feb. 6. For Information contact at 2:30 p. m. and there will be the Activities Dept., Jewish Com- a Coke Hour for Interested 8th munity Center, JA 1366, Ext 30 grade girls Wed, Nov. 3 from 4 to 5 p. m, at the Center AudirO For the older grade-school girls torium.
The Bar Mitzvah of Robert Epstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Epstein, win be celebrated Friday evening and Saturday morning, Oct. 29 and 30 at Beth Israel Synagogue. AH friends and relative* are invited U> attend the services and the receptions following tot services,. The Bar Mitzvah of Steven Seglin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Seglin will take place Friday evening and Saturday morning,; Nov. 5 and 6 at Beth Israel Synagogue. All friends and relatives are Invited to attend the services and the receptions following the cervices. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Greenberg announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Justin, and Mr. and MrsSamuel Greenberg announce the Bas Mitzvah of their daughter, Barbara, at a Joint celebration on Friday evening, Nov. 5 and Saturday morning, Nov. 6 at Beth El Synagogue. All friends and relatives a n invited to attend the services and the receptions which wilt follow.
HOUSE FOR SALE Met, I bstss, tUm Mb bnMl ft llwrim
GL 2324
Why We Need BUSINESS-MEN Like LEROY WELSH on the University Board of Regents Ibe University of Nebraska is a $25 MrDioti Dollar Investment—Wirii an Annual Expenditure of $9 Million!
I M University of Ntbratlw is a big and complex bustMM—and the Beard of Regents is its- "beard of airecfors. J . LEROY WELSH T I M M six met) ore responsible for the operation of the University — t h e most hupoitonl basiaess fa the stott. They handle oil contracts—bay c*d sen property —maaoge Hist bwHdiagt aad the new build-
. lag program. They enact naV* for governing, the University and all its branches. They serve for sis* years, without salary. J. LEROY WELSH Is a i
• M Nebraska tmsi.
nessman who has been urged to serve ogam on the "Board of Regents," W e need his Business Esperteiice and Bwiaest Leadership. VOTE FOR J. LEROY'WELSH. Novem-
Roy Welsh Is a successful Nebraska Businessman of proven ability. He Is a capable executive In private business and he ha* demonstrated that he is a man of sound Judgment In civic and state affairs. , He I* the president of the Butler-Welsh Grain Company and the Agricul ture Research Foundation. He is a Director of The Omaha National Bank, the Union Stock Yards Company, and the United Benefit Lite Insurance Company, He is a member of the Advisory Board of the Salvation Army and the Child Saving Institute. Roy Welsh has served eight years on the Board of Regents, and during this time the University has made more progress than in any like period In its history. He has been urRed to serve again because tho Hoard of Re(jents nrwli his business expert* encc and leadership.
J. LEROY WELSH University of Nebraska Board of Regents : '
Friday, October **, U64
mnnnm B.E. Adult Study
Hadasscn B0WO119 The family 0/ 'die 'late' jiim
Beth Israel P-TA
The first session c* the Beth El ; "The first Beth Israel P-TA meetSynagogue Adult Study Group will ing of the season will take place be held Saturday evening,'Nov. 6, this Thursday evening, Nov. 4, at at 8:30 o'clock at the home of Dr. 8:30 o'clock. Norman Rotenzweig, and Mrs. M. H. Brodkey, 663 P-TA Program .chairman on* that Dr. Haskell Morris, J. E. George Blvd. Rabbi Myer nouhced prominent Omaha physician will S. Kripke will lead in the first discuss child care. The Talmud of a series of discussions on "Jew- Torah and Sunday School teach* ish Concepts and Beliefs." ers will bo introduced to the parThis Study Group is open to ents and Safety bumper strips wUI interested couples, or individuals. be distributed to those present. Those wishing to attend should Refreshments will: be served a t ' telephone Mrs. Sidney Sneider. the dose of the meeting. WA 651&
Tretiak will dedicate a monument Fireside Restaurant ..15 3 in his memory 11:49 a. m , Sunday, Metz Beer *.13 5 Oct. 31 at the Golden Hill CemeEdwards Jewelry 1 3 . « tery. Rabbi David A.. Goldstein, »:tt P. Stlco Products 12 6 formerly of Omaha, and Rabbi Benjamin Groner of Beth trael Brodkcy Jewelry 10 8 will officiate. Temple Israel Cooper Construction ..10 8 Playland Park 10 8 Service* this evening at The family of the late Harry 9 Camel will dedicate a monument O'clock. Rabbi Sidney H. Brook* United Auto Supply . . 9 «!4 U>4 in his memory 11:30 a. m,, Sunday, will discus* "Survival Value*." Magleolor Silk Shop 8 10 Oct 31 at the Golden Hill CemeAdult and Religious school serv- Superette Food Market 7 11 tery. Rabbi Benjamin Grooer and lee Saturday morning at ll;30 Benson Hardware . . . . . 7 U Cantor Eli Kagan will officiate. O'clock. N o g Bros. Paper C o . . . . 6 12 Next week, the Temple Youth Watson Bros. Trans. . 6 12 one of the three leads. Other Group will take part In the eve-Youngstown Kitchen . 5 H 1 2 % Youth Council members on the all RCA Victor 5 13 male cost were BUI Cooper, Stan ning service. Kaiman, Gene Duboff. Gene Kohn, Mike Saltzman, Sheldon Krantz, Classes are now being organ T.I. Bible Study "Billy Budd," a play based upon Mike Lazer and George Blalac. lzed for the Beth Israel School a Service* thit evening at 8:15 The Temple Israel Bible Study a story wrlten by Herman Mel- Helping In the make-up depart- Adult Jewish Studies, and UM Group will meet 1 p. m. Thursville, was presented to capacity ment were Susie Llpp, Janie Brodschool Is scheduled-to open thii p. m. RabU Myer S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron day, Nov. 4 at the new Temple. audiences at the Central Mgn key, Sharon Korncy, Bunny Ravitz, Monday evening, Nov. 1 at 8:34 X.'Edgar and the Beth El Syna- Mrs. Lloyd Friedman is chairman School Auditorium this Tuesday Rose Logman, Rita Katzman, San- o'clock. There are a number ol dy Krizelmah, Mikey Fried and openings in all classes. AU. who gogue Choir will render the musi with Mrs. Maurice Frank «s co-and Wednesday evenings. chairman. Stan Felbnan, a senior and Harriet Shapiro. are interested in any of the course* cat portion of the service. chairman of the Youth Council's being offered are advised to reg« Sabbat morning services at 8;43 religious committee, was cast as Patronize Our Advertisers lster as soon as possible. Patronize Our Advertisers a. m. Junior Congregation Service* arc at 10:45 a. m. MlnchaLEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Maariv services at 5 p. m. Dally services at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m Sunday morning services n t t t r a . LEGAL NOTICE TEXT Or PROPOSED CON8TI an tangible property and fran purposes, when such property ia This Sunday evening the Maarlv OP MEASURES TUTIONAL AMENDMENT chite*, except that the Legisla- pot owned or used for financial, service will be at 6 p. m. TO BE VOTED UPON Be it enacted by the peoptt of th ture may provide for a different gain or profit to either the owner' NOVEMBER 1, ISM. method of taxing motor vehicles; or user. Household goods and State of Nebraska, BALLOT TTTLES that such tax proceeds personal effects, as defined by Section L That at the general Provided, Beth Israel ' AUD TEXTS or from motor vehicles taxed in each law, may be exempted from tax*-' election m November, 1954, there shall be allocated to the tlon in whole or fa port, as may GOlVBTfTDnONAX* Rabbi Benjamin Groncr, Cantor shall be submitted to the elector* countycounties, townships, cities. be provided by general law, and AfatapflPMEMTfl AfaflPMEMfl £11 Kagan, and the Beth Israel of tha State of Nebraska, for ap- state, Villages, and school districts of the Legislature may prescribe W PROPOSED BT THE Synagogue will conduct late se proval, the following amendment county in the same propor formula for the determination of' IUI LEGISLATURE to ArUcle^rv, section 1, of thesuch Ice* this evening at 8 p. m. AMD THE Constitution of Nebraska, which tion that the levy of each bears value of household goods u&i per-* Traditional Friday evening servMM LEGISLATURE (EXTRA- 1* hereby proposed by the Legis- to the total levy of said county o sonal effects. The Legislature byj personal tangible property. The general law may provide that the! ices (Kabbolas Shabbos) at 5 p, m. ORDDf ABT SESSION). lature: Legislature may prescribe stand- Increased value of land by reason; Sabbath morning services at 8:30 "Sec 1. The executive officers ards and methods for the deter of shade or ornamental trees a. m. Junior congregation at 0:30 of tha state shall be the Gover- minatlon of the value of real oi planted along the highway shall! Rabbi Groncr will conduct the nor, Lieutenant Governor, Secre- other tangible property at uni not be taken into account in ths)] ehaaao of saUrist at cartabi oCB. tary of State, Auditor of Public form and proportionate, values. assessment of such land. No propX Talmud Class at 4 JO p. m.; SatCOTS net men thaa one* Is) tight Accounts, Treasurer, Attorney Taxes uniform as to class may b erty shall be exempt from taxa-l urday Mlncha at 5 p. m. followed General, and th* heads of such levied by valuation upon all other tion except as provided in tb»] TMIS, by Sholoshe S'eudos and Maariv. other executive departments at property. Taxes, other than prop- Constitution.'' 300 D For Dail/ momlng services at 5:13 / set forth herein or as may be es- erty taxes, may be authorized by Ml a Against p. m. tablished by taw. TboLeglalt- law. Existing revenue laws iha: Sunday morning services at 8:45 TEXT OF PROPOSED CONSTI- ture may provide for the placing continue in effect until changed Consittulional amendment io pravtdt that whtn.» gtncral sal** a. m. followed by Rabbi's class of the above named officers as by the Legislature." TUTIONAL AMENDMENT lax, or an income um, or a com-1 In Bible study and breakfast Sunheads over such departments of Bt It enacted by ih* people of fh« hination of a gentral ulat l u t ] government as it may by law esday morning Junior Minyan folStaU of.Nebraska, tablish. The Governor, Lieuten- Consutuilonal am*ndm*ai to and tncom* tax, it adopted byi lowed by breakfast, starts at 8:30 iba Leglslalura as • method of petmil ih* Legislature to provide Section 1, That at the feneral ant Governor, Attorney General, a.m. •lection in November, 1854 then Secretary of State. Auditor of tat appointment of county assts> raising ravmua, th* state shsU be * The Talmud Discussion group shall be submitted to th« electors Public Accounts, and the Treasur- ton and boards of •qudisalion prohibited from ltrying a prop-J ' meet! every Tuesday evening at of tht State of Nebraska, for ap- er shall be chosen at the general and attMsmtnt for couniie* or ttty tax for (tat* pnrpoui. proval, the following amendment election held In November, 1954, for oihtr taxing district*. 8:15 p. m. In B.H.H. Synagogue, 312 D For to Article IV, section 28, of th* and in each even-numbered year 308 O For 19th and Burt SIS a Against Constitatlon of Nebraska, which thereafter, and their term of ofIs hereby proposed by tha Lcgls- fice (hall be two years and until 309 Q Against TEXT or PROPOSED comih laturs: their successors shall be elected TEXT OF PROPOSED CONSTITUTIOlfAL AMENDMENT ^ TUTIONAL AMENDMENT "See. IS. Tba officers provided and qualified. The records, books, Be It enacted by th* peopl* o] tht and papers of all executive offifor in this article shall receive Be it enacted by the people of the State of Nebraska, 4 Phillip Saks such salaries as may be provided cers ahall b* kept at the seat of StaU of Nebraska, Section 1. That at the genersl j government, and such officers, exby law. Such officers or such election in November, 1954, ther*; Services were held Tuesday, other officers at may be provided cepting the Lieutenant Governor Section L That at the general Oct. 26 for Phillip Saks at Beth B for by law, shall not Active tot and members of boards and com- election in November, 1954, there shall be submitted to- the electors ! be submitted to the electors of the State of Nebraska, for »P-C Synagogue with interment at Beth their own tut any fees, costs, or missions when the board or com-shall the State of Nebraska, for ap- provaL an amendment to Articl* HamedroUi Hagodol Cemetery. Interest upon public money In mission is the head of an execu- of proval, the following amendment V m of the Constitution of N*»; tive deportment, shall reside there Mr. Saks, 75, a resident of Council their hands. All fees that may o Article IX, section 4, of thebraska, by adding a new section; hereafter be payable by law forduring their respective terms of Constitution Bluffs for more than 40 years, <Bed of. Nebraska, which which is hereby proposed by the services performed, or received office. Officer* in the executive is hereby proposed Monday, Oct. 25 in a local hospital < by the Legis- Legislature: by an officer provided for in this department of the state shall per- lature:: following a lingering illness. -"Sec. 1 A. When- a general article, by virtue of his office form such duties a* mty be prosales tax, or an income tax, or a "S*c 4. The Legislature shall Mr. Saks was a retired Council shaube paid forthwith into the vided by law. Th* head* of all executive departments establiii ' provide by law for the election of combination of a general sales Bluffs grocery merchant who made state treasury." tax and income tax, is adopted such'county and township officers his home In Omaha in recent years. by law, other than those to beas may be necessary; except that >j- the Legislature as a method of He had been president of Council elected a* provided herein, shall the Legislature may provide that alsing revenue, toe state shall bt Bluffs B'nal B'rlth and had beaded authorise th* Legislate* lo paw-be appointed by the Governor, the office of county assessor may prohibited from levying a propar-' vid* SMlbod of appearing m»m- with the consent of a majority of be appointive, and it may provide iy tax for state purposes." the C. B. grocery association. 1 b t n of Board of Edvcathnwl all members elected to the Legis- or the appointment of boards of Survivors Include his wife. Rose; Land* and roads. lature, but officers so appointed Consiitniional amsndnunt to . iation and assessment for • son, J. Harold of dreatneck. may be removed by the Gover- counties or for other taxing dis- permit the Legislator* to providt 302 • For Long Island, N. Y.; four daughters, nor. Subject to the provisions of tricts.1' for ih* appoinhaent of • Tax 303 D Against. Mrs. Max Grccnberg, Mrs. Harry this Constitution, the heads of the Commissioner, or Tax Cotnmls** Mulnick, Mrs. Joseph SoshnDc and TEXT OF PROPOSED CON8TI- Various executive or civil depart- Constitutional amtndmtnt to tloa, and defining ihtlr Jnritdio<> Mrs. Frank Kolberg, all of Omaha. ments shall have power to aption and powtxs, permit th* exemption of houit TUTIONAL AMENDMENT and remove all subordinate told goods and personal tfftcis, 314 D For Be it enacted by the peoples) tht point employee* in their respective dewholt or In part, from iaxa- 315 D Against StaU of Nebraska, • Mrs. Mary Telpner partment** •: • and lo permit Ih* LtgitlaSection 1. That at tha general to pttscribt a formula for TEXT OF PROPOSED CON8TI-, Services were held Friday, Oct. election in November 1994 then liliffrff amendment io __ dtlMtninaiion of vtlu* oi TUTIONAL AMENDMENT j S3 for Mm. Mary Telpner with in- shall be submitted to the electors pnmix lb* Lcglslatux* to pre-household goods and ptrsonal tfIs it enacted by th« ptopU of tht of the State of Nebraska for ap-scribe standaW* and methods in ftcls. terment at Beth El Cemetery, Mrs. tate of Nebraska, i| the fallowing amendment of lot vain* of Telpner, 82, an Omaha resident for proval Article VH, section 1. of thelb* detoraunaHon Section 1. That at the general cor otntr iangibl* property it 310 • For 59 years, died Thursday, Oct 21 m to Constitution of Nebraska, which nal 311 D Against ilectlon in November, 1954, there a local hospital. is hereby proposed by the Legis- uniform aad proportions* values. hall be submitted to the electors 308 d For TEXT OF PROPOSED CONSTI- if the State of Nebraska, for apShe is survived by, a son, Ben of lature: TUTIONAL AMENDMENT 307 D Against Council Bluffs; a daughter, Mrs. iroval, the following amendment "Sec. 1, Th* general manageI* it enacted by the people of the o Article IV, section 28, of the ment of all lands and funds set Ida Robinson of Omaha; six grandTEXT OF PROPOSED CONSTI'taU of Nebraska, Constitution of Nebraska, which children and five great-grandchil- apart for educational purposes, TUTIONAL AMENDMENT Section 1. That at the general hereby proposed by the Legisand for the investment of school dren. * funds, shall be vested, under the Be it tnaeted by th* peopt* Of th* election in November, 1954, there lature: StaU oj Nebraska, shall be submitted to the electors "Sec. 28. The Legislature may direction of the Legislature, In a Section 1. That at the general of the StaU of Nebraska, for approvide for the appointment of a board of five member* j o be Milton R. Ffohm known as the Board of Educa- 'lection in November, 1964, then proval, the following amendment ax Commissioner or a Tax ComServices were held Sunday, Oct. tional Lands and Funds. The hall be submitted to the electors o Article VIII, section 2, of themission, which commissioner or commission shall have such juris34 for Milton R, Frohm with in- members shaU be appointed by jf the State of Nebraska, for ap- Constitution of Nebraska, which diction over the administration of Governor with such qualifica- proval, the following amendment hereby proposed by the Legisterment at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. the he revenue laws of the'state,'and o Article VIIL section 1, of the tions and for such term* and comlature: Mr. Frohm, 42, a native Omahan, pensation u tha Legislature may Constitution of Nebraska, which "Sec. 2. The property of the ihall possess such powers to redied Friday, Oct. 23, at his borne. provide."' hereby proposed by the Legis- state and its governmental sub- iew and equalize) assessments of He was a partner in the law lature: divisions shall be exempt from iroperty for taxation, as may be tJJ Urm of Donavan, Frohm and Dal- fconsiliutioMl am*ndm*nt lo Sec, 1. Tha necessary revenue taxation. Tha Legislature by irovlded by law." ebang* ih* provision* requiring if the state and it* governmental general law may exempt property ton far about 15 years. A veteran owned by and used exclusively > BtsptctntUv submittta, otrtala txtcunrt offlctr* lo re-subdivisions (hall be raised by Of World War IT, h* was graduated * rHANKMAHflH t taxation in such manner as thefor agricultural and horticultural from Creightoo University's School side at th* Mat of govenuntsi. BtcrstaiT of Stet* Legislature may direct. Taxes societies, and property owned and KM n Tor of l a w . •/ i • used exclusively for educational, (Published Three Times, DurinE shall be levied by valuation unlSurvivors Include: his wife, LuM5 D Against > Weeks of October l i , 18, 3 0 and proportionately upon religious, charitable, or cemetery cille, and two sons. Stuart Mid r .'•.I'.' I V J . «l'l V. . ' 4 1 " fftt Scott, both of Oiiatfit?4/4 ' V- •
Y.C. Teen-Agers in Central High Play
Beth B,
Beth Israel School Of Adult Studies \
t*t* Bcki
:Youth Council Basketball League Opener Tuesday By IJndy Paul . The three Youth Council Boys' dubs will be in the thick of battle starting Tuesday, Nov. 2 ai the league opener gets underway. The league appear* to be a touup a» AZA 1, Rayim or AZA100 all have •qua! chances to come out on top, The breaks of the game win probably 'determine the winner, AZA 1 will have the role as favorite. Returning to lead tbelr squad will be the top athlete in the Youth Council Stan Widman. His supporting players will include Alan Passer and Tom Bromberg from Council Bluffs, Stan Kaiman, .ferry Simons, Jack Oruch, Ray Kirke and Dave Widman. Haylm will present a potenl (quad with Al Corey, Steve Rosenblatt, John Goldner, Howard
Goldstein and Milt Moskovltz to provide the punch. The question mark team will be the Centurymen. In the past years these boys failed to win a game at most of them were freshman. However, they have added Speedy Zwciback to their team. Speedy was «t allstar selection last year. *?tber lads who can cause trail • for their opponents sire Howard Kaalow, Bob Epstein, Ken freed and Jerry Rosen. AZA 1 will be coached by Sam Epstein, while Rayim will have MaK- OWeH to lead them. Last year's championship, team, the Independents will not have a squad this season and Dan Epstein will guide the Opnturymen.
Jr. BJ. Bowling
Midget League
' Eddie Wlntroub had the high series, a 299 last Sunday, David The Midget League is In need Wlntroub fired the high game of of boys in the 5th and 6th the day, a 172. Joyce Xoora was high In the Girl'* grade for league play. All boys division with both game and series. interested should get in touch Joyce combined game* of 144-134 with Lindy Paul or be at the Center Sunday at 2 p. m. for a hefty 278 series. SUadlagi Nebraska Furn. Mart 7 1 No. 8 6 3 Clark Swartz 166-119—285 No. 3 5 3 Wdlfson Sales Co 5 3 Dennis Schulman ...157-126—283 151-130—281 Wotfson Gerbcr Auto Sales..5 3 Mickey Sacks Omaha Jobbing . . . . . . . 4 4 Joyce Koom 144-134—278 O. P. Skags 4 4 Roger Smith 132-124—256 Fireside Restaurant 4 4 Dusty Greenbcrg ....133-114—247 Mayperc 3 5 BUI Katzman 125-120-245 Roberts Dairy .2 6 Douglass Platt 137- 98—235 Playland Park 2 6 Mike Plat 133-101—234 Morris Paint 1 7 Sharon Frank 129-105—234 High dame* and Series Nancy Richards ....117-115—232 Games Series Marc Samuelson ....122-107—229 Eddie Wlntroub ....151-148—299 Stan Greenfield ....118-100-218 David Wintroub ....172-122—294 Jeanne Silver . . . . . . . 1 1 9 - 97—210
Jr. Sports Bowling Jerry PitaUi threw games of 149 and 148 for a two-game MriM of 254 to break tills year's seriea record. Mike Markovltz had a 249 and Frank Goldberg had a 237. W. U Blue Eagles 9 I Lucky Leaguers 7 3 Hokey Pokes 7 3 Rayim Juniors ..5 8 The Curves •••• 5 ' Fancy Pants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 8 Bowling Bums • 4 6 7th Heaven 3 7 4 Belles 3 7 Cory Farmers . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7 Judy Cohen 112-102—214 Martin Snelder . . . .115- 94—209 .11297—209 Lenora Folk .107. 99-208 Justin Lewis •• .119- 86—203 Judy Lazer . . . . .131- 73-20* Harold Forbes . .105- 99-20* Barbara Bercut 109- 93—202 Howard Slusky POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT
Bowling Hen's B Leaguo All Makes 15 6 Wetz 14 7 Morris Paint 12 9 Fhilco 11 10 Liberty Gas .,11 10' Crecnberg Jns 11 10 Louis Mkt 9 12 Hinliy Dinky 9 12 H. A. Wolf . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 13 R&SShoos . S 16 Parkway Canadian Ace . . . . , . ' . . . 1 4 7 Rlchman-Gordman . . . . . 1 3 8 Hoberman PL 13 8 Grace-Mayor . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 9 Ranks ,.11 10 Forbes Bakery 11 10 Wblfson-Gcrbcr -.10% 10V4 Gerelick Motors 9 13 Sol Lewis 9 12 RJteway TV 8H 12% Harvey Chicken ....%.. 8 13 Milder OU 7 14
T, Oetobw t», MM
Y.C. Boys Bowling National Division Howard Goldstein broke the Individual high' series to date with an enviable 528. Raylm SOS broke high team game with a 528 and team series of 1,929. They were led by Goldstein's 528, Mike Yudel con's 508 and a 200 game by fresh man Jerry Sherman and a 517 scries. AZA 1 Argonauts 8 4 AZA 100 Wfas 7 5 AZA 1 XXX . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5 Raylm SOS 5 5 Raylm Kafetchcrs . . . . . . . . 6 6 Raylm Grubby Grubs . . . . . 6 6 Knack On Wood 5 7 AZA 1 Misses 5 7 Rayim Pins and Points . . . . 5 7 AZA 100 Jolly Joes 5 7 American Division Veni Vidi Vld Patricians High Five Strike Kings MesI Sew Grczi 4 B'S Tahcrzollie Duck Pins Neonaveck Raylm . . . .
Final Midget Practice Sunday Some 85 hopeful Midget basketball players will be broken up Into teams after practice this SunBay. They will play as a team for three weeks in practice sessions before starting their one round of pre-season play. After four weeks of practice there are many players showing Improvement. In the 5-6th grade •ection there are Jim Kraine, Alan Kou, Justin, Mulnlck, Steve Gust, 3tat Kagnn, Mike Sadofsky, Mike Green. Dick Zacharia and Jeff .Wohlncr. The senior section shows a" lot €t players with promise. They include centers Bob Fellmun, Boy Katskec nnd Rill Honvlch. Battling for scoring honors will be funncr%p Dan Ilollix. Other boys last year's chnmp Justin Ban and showing good In practices nn Mike Markovltz, Bob Glnsburg,, Walt Wise, Steve SegJln, Larry, Kbhn, Bruce Goldstein and Al Konecky.
p . vi~