November 5, 1954

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Bond Leader Will Be Guesf At 'Guardians1 Dfhher Nov. 14 Final preparations for t h e "Guardlani of Iarael" dinner to be held Sunday, Nov. 14 at the Blackatone Motel in conjunction with Omaha's. Israel Development Bond Issue Drive, are underway, Dr. Abe Greenberg, general chairman ' said this week. He announced thai in addition to Reuvcn Shlloach Israel's minister plenipotentiary to the U 3., Melvin Dublnsky of S t Louis, chairman of the Community Leadership Division of the State of Israel Bond Organization win be a guest of honor. Mr. Dublnsky Is a member of the board of governors of the American Financial and Development Corporation for Iarael, un derwriter of the Israel Develop' ment Bond Issue. A frequent visitor to Israel, Mr. Dublnsky Is Intimately familiar with the economic and Industrial development t)f the country, as well as the problem of training immigrants to become self-sufficient Individuals. During a recent stay in the Jew. tsb State, Mr. Dublnsky conferred with leaders of the government and the Jewish Agency on the opportunities for foreign Investment in Industrial and agricultural enterprises of the rapidly-growing state. He has been a key leader In Jewish communal affairs In St. Louis for many years. He was U. 3. A. Regional chairman for Missouri and Illinois in 1949, and also served, in 1948, as campaign chairman for the St. Louis Jewish We! faro Fund. He has been a leader In a variety of communal causes in St. Louis. Reservations for the dinner, at $3.00 per person, may bo made NOW by calling the reservation's chairman, Mrs. Albert Fox, AT 8479; or reservation's co-chairman, Mrs. Harry Sldman, JA 1918 or AT 3033

Global Report RESTITUTION United Nation*, N. Y. (JTA)— The Cabinet of the West German Republic, at Its first meeting fol. lowing conclusion of the NinePower Treaty in Paris, adopted a resolution to carry out all the state's obligations and commitments for restitution to victims of Nazi persecution. Dr. Walter Hallsteln, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, disclosed here.

Rabbis Wife Named Woman of the Year'

New York (WNS)—Mrs. David de Sola Pool, former national president of Hadassah, was named this week the "Jewish Woman of Achievement for 1954," by the Women's International Exposition. The citation which accompanied the Women's International Exposition's Medallion of Honor cited Mrs. Fool, a veteran Zionist and Hadassah leader, since_ 1921, for FRENCH PREMIER her "untiring efforts on behalf of Paris (JTA)—Premier Pierre humanity." The presentation was Mcndes-France paid tribute to the made at a special ceremony at the work of the Jdint Distribution 71st Regiment Armory in New Committee and noted that It was York City. . Mrs. Adele Scott, particularly well fitted to make President of the Women's Intera contribution to the cause of innational Exposition, made the preternational solidarity. sentation. Melvin Dublnsky Dr. Pool Is spiritual leader of ISRAEL'S CONCEPTS the oldest Jewish congregation in New York (WNS)—Israel's conthe United States—the Spanish cepts of social Justice are idenand Portuguese Synagogue of New tical with those prevailing in the Mi*. David de Sola Pool York City, founded in 1654 and United States, declared Supreme now celebrating its tercentenary. Court Justice William O. Douglas Dr. and Mrs. Pool are co-authors at a dinner of the American Red of "An Old Faith in the New Mogen David for Israel. DescribWorld'" published by the ColumLondon (WNS>—Categorical re- ing a session of the Israel Subia University Press and dealing jection of President Elsenhower's preme Court which he had attendSpecial Dedication Services will with the 300-year history of the appeal for peace with Israel, as ed while visiting the country in first American synagogue. suggested In his recent address In which the civil liberties of an be conducted Sunday, Nov. 7, at 2 p. m.. In Beth Israel Synagogue, Arab were unanimously upheld, New York before the American Justice Douglas said that this de- to mark the formal acceptance of Jewish Tercentenary dinner, was cision demonstrated the country's all the plaques In the synagogue voiced by the Egyptian Govern belief In equal justice before the reserved In connection with the historical Inaugural Breakfast, and ment In a broadcast by the Arab law, regardless of race or color. at subsequent occasions. Voice of Cairo, official radio broad, London (JTA)—A top British The plaques will be consecrated EGYPT CONDEMNED casting company. Jerusalem (JTA) —The Israel- at an ceremony, In which the syna- Foreign Office official has left for The broadcast left no shadow of Egyptian Mixed Armistice Com- gogue membership will participate the Middle East to seek a basis doubt of Arab determination not mission condemned Egypt this Rabbi Benjamin Groncr will de- for a settlement of Arab-Israel differences, the Jewish Telegraphic even to consider peace talks with week for the blasting of a vital liver the dedicatory sermon; Can. Agency learned this Week front tor Ell Kogan and choir will pre Israel. President Eisenhower made water line serving villages and sent Foreign Office sources; thq appropriate liturgical sesettlements In the Negev. This was no direct appeal for peace In his the third time that infiltrators lections. Evelyn. Shuckbrugh, Assistant Undersecretary for Middle Eastern address. He said at the time that from Egypt had cut the line and Bernard White, chairman of the Affairs at the Foreign Office, hog the United States was equally the third time that the MAC con- dedication program, In extending 3 friendly to Israel and the Arab demned Egypt for falling to pre- cordial invitation to all members left <tn a six-week tour of tho Arab and Israel. It will, seek of the community to participate in states states and that It was American vent such actions. this service, said: "Our plaque a solution along the lines, recently policy In tr.e Middle East to seek dedication exercises: will serve a suggested by Foreign Secretary Sir achievement of peace between SPECIAL AWARD Eden: preliminary agreeYork (JTA)—Dr. Sclman two-fold purpose. We shall pay Anthony ments to relieve tension leading to Israel and the Arab countries. The A.New Waksman, Nobel Prize winner tribute to the memory of tho loyal wider agreements, with Britain ofCairo radio, however, assumed and director of the Institute of supporters of Beth Israel, and we that the President made such an Microbiology at Rutgers Univer- shall also express our gratitude to fering her good offices as mediator. The Times of London voted this appeal and by proceeding to reject sity, will get a special award from all the generous people who were week that "a settlement of Arabin the building program the plea, calling the Idea of peace a the American Jewish Congress for associated Israel difficulties and related probhis services to mankind, it was of Beth Israel." travscty. lems will be much under considAt the same time the Egyptian announced by Dr. Israel Goldstein, eration in the coming months." AJC president The award to the press was reported to have IntenMr. Schuckburgh is xpected to call "Soviet Policies and Coexist- slfjfd its campaign of vilification discoverer of streptomycin will be a meeting of all British envoys in ence" will bo discussed at the clos- against Israel and against Egyp- made at a dinner to be held at the Middle East for December 2 4 ing program In the current scries tian Zionists, who have been the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel here in Beirut or the Institute on World Affairs, charged by the press not only an November 10. "Mood Indigo," a dance being 8:15 p. m., Wednesday, Nov. 10 at security riRk's but as traitors. One presented by the Young Adults of the Omaha University Auditorium. Cairo newspaper called for "anOmaha, will be held s Saturday, David Dallin, interpreter qf Sat- nihilating Israel from the map of Dec. 4, from 9 p. m. until 1 a. m. viet policies and author of six the world." The recent arrcstx at the Jewish Community Center. books on Russia, will be guest of "Zionist espionage agents," the 1 A feature of the dance will be a Speaker. ' newspaper said, should serve as a contest to find a name for the new "The Paradox of Coexistence" reminder to the world and the Sunday, Nov. 7 Bill Abrahams, general chair- Club belnb organized. A valuable is the theme for this year's in- western powers that "the artificial prize will be awarded to the win- Children's Activities, Funland, , stitute. The Federation for 'Jew- state of Israel must forever be man of the Annual Veterans Day ner. Dance of the Epstein-Morgan Post 1:30 p. m.—Center. f ish Service Is one of the seven wiped off the map of the world I' General chairmen of the dance Both Israel D e d i c a t i o n of community organizations co-spon- the Eastern and Western nation* No. 260, Jewish War Veterans of Omaha announced that John are Laura Handler and Millie Plaques, 3 p. m.—Beth JsraeL soring the Institute. are to survive." Rosenblatt will be bn hand to Radlnowskl. Decoration's chair- B. B. Monsky Chapter's U. N. celebrate the Post's tenth anni- man is Betty Isack. Her commit- Foreign Student Party, 3:30 p. m. versary. The Annual Veterans Day tee members arc Lou Goldberg, —Home. dance will be held Saturday eve- Bob Katlcman, Lucille NearenMonday, Nov. 8 ning Nov. 13, at the Blackstonc berg, Flora Schrier and Pauline Blkur Chollm, 1 P. m.—Center; Winer. Publicity chairman is MarHotel. . A special broadcast of the ground breaking ceremonies for Workmen's Loan, 7:30 p. m.— The Mayor will cut the official ilyn Meyer. The, committee mem- Center. the B'nal B'rlth Home in Washington, D. C, will be heard over anniversary cake and tflere will bers are-Joanne Simon and Lou Tuesday, Nov. 0 KBON from 11 to 11:30 P m. Featured on the program will be be dancing to the music of Tony Goldberg. Refreshment chairman Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren and Philip Klutznick, B'nal Joan Wiseman. The committee Beth El Sisterhood, 1 p. m.-* Bradley and his orchestra. B'rlth national president Tho Post presented another In members are, Beverly Bernstein Beth El. ' The B'nal B'rlth Home in Washington, D. C, is being built its scries of hospital entertain- and Clara Katz. Program chair- Beth Israel Sisterhood, 1 p. m. under the auspices of the Henry Monsky Foundation. Dr. Abe ments at the Vetcrana Hospital man is Ida Rundcll. Her commit- —Both Israel. Temple Israel, 1 p. m.—Temple Greenberg Is a member of the national board of the Henry here In Omaha last Thursday. En- tee members are Jean Katz and Monsky Foundation. tertainment was furnished on a Joan Wiseman. More details and Israel. Art Class, 7 p. m.—Center. .volunteer basis by the Lee Barren Information will be available at a 'Tho Cow That Coughed" will be presented on the Eternal Trio and. Included among the acts later date. Wednesday, Nov. 10 iJght radio program over WOW-Radlo from 11:30 a. m. to 12 was a pantomime by Janle FellHadassah Program, 1 p. m*-i noon, as the ninth program In a series devoted to the American man, BRAZIL PARLIAMENT Center. Jewish Tercentenary, marking the 300th anniversary of the Rio De Janeiro (WNS)—Dr. Omaha Zionist Council, Bp. a , settlement of Jews In the United States. Horaclo Lafer, former Finance —Center. "The Cow That Coughed," Is the story of Nathan Strauss, Thursday, Nov. I t Jerusalem CWNSJ—The "extra- Minister of Brazil, and Dr. Molses a department store owner who was responsible for laws requirSr. Council Board, 1 p. nv-> ordinary development" of Israel In Stclhbruch are the two Jews who ing the pasteurization of milk and inspection of cows for tuberuwere elected to Brazil's ParliaHome. the short space of six years Is duo losis. Pioneer Women Board, 1:30 to the deep devotion and love of ment in the recent elections,' One Jew, Dr. Isaac Isaacson p. rn.^—Center. country by the Israeli people, The Message of Israel will be broadcast' over KOIL from Mayor David Lawrence of Pitts- who is a member of tho Poale Zion Bridge Class, 7 p. m.—Center. 10:05 to 10:30 a. m. burgh declared he as he completed movement, was elected to the Rio Kadimah Meeting, 8:30 p. m.— Home. - . i. dc Janeiro municipal council. a tour of the country. e

Cairo Radio Rejects Peace

Beth Israel to Dedicate Plaques

British Envoy to Seek Peace Basis

Soviet Policies to Be Aired at O.U.

Young Adults Will Hold Name Dance

Mayor Rosenblatt Will Attend JWV Yets Day Dance

Sunday Radio


Community Calendar


Zionist Council to Hove Israel Guest OH Federation tor J « * K Bcnrte*

There are still a number of Raanan Silver, Director-General of the Office of the President of openings in all classes of Beth COM the State of Israel, will be a speb r u t School of Adult Jewish cial guest at the November meetHARRY HALPERT., '.'.'. Eflite* W a spokesman stated. All ing of th eOmaha' Zionist Council those Interested may still register at 8 p. m. Wednesday, Nov. 10 in at Beth Israel. The first classes the Jewish Community Center. Mr. Silver is also president of were held Monday, Nov. L the Jerusalem Rotary Club. H« The following courses are being is on on extended speaking tour in offered: this country and will spend one By Hans Bear L Beginners Hebrew—Members week in the Omaha area. Mr. Silver of this class will be instructed to The Omaha Symphony Orcheswill address non-Jewish and Jewish 4:55 P. M. CaiidleUchUnc tra started the concert season read and; write Hebrew within a groups in Fremont, Lincoln, Counwith a program which ceded the short period of time. This d a n is cil Bluffs and Omaha. lion's share to the soloist, pianist also recommended as a refresher Oh November 10, the .Zionist Aleander Brallowsky. Mr. Brailow- course in Hebrew reading and Coundl will be host to members of writing. Beginner's Hebrew will be the boards of all groups comprisEabbi Benjamin Groner, Can- sky who for decades has the repu- taught by Samuel Stone of the ing the council. An informal retor £31 Kagan and the Beth Israel tation of being one of the great- Talmud Torah Staff. You Sumac, pictured shore, sad ception will be held at the close est virtuosos of our day proved Synagogue choir will conduct late 2. Intermediate Hebrew—Tills her tompuy of Incut dancer* sad of the meeting. Friday evening services this eve- his fame in two piano concertos musldaas win present their exotic ning at 8 o'clock. Traditional Fri- by Chopin and Saint-Saens. BraO- doss is recommended for those show at 1:14 p. DL, Saturday, Nov. day evening services (Kabbolas owsky, who at a musidan has a who know the basic elements of 8 at the paramount Theater. Native Omahans Make Shabbos) begin at 4:45 p. m. Sab- very interesting personality gave reading Hebrew. A greater fluency bath morning services at 8:30 to the piano concerto No. 2 in F In reading and a better underTheir Home Here Minor by Chopin, the superiority standing of the praycrbook is the a. m. Junior Congregation at 9:30 Two native Omahans, Mr. nnd a m. Rabbi Groner will conduct of bis capacities. He gave to this objective. Irving Stern of the TalMrs. Leo Sherman, with their chilthe Tnlmud Class at 4:15 p. m. concerto, which Is one of the most mud Torah will leach Intermediate dren Micheal and Carol Jean havt Saturday Mincha will start at 4:45 beautiful compositions by Chopin, Hebrew. returned to our city and arc mak3. Tcnach—The fasdnatlng story p. m., followed by SholoshC the. fascinating glamour of his Rabbis of Omaha and Council ing their home at 1009 N. 69th St. technique, the heroism of his inter- of the Hebrew Scriptures will give S'eudos and Maariv. pretation and the grandeur which the parti- .pant a deeper apprecia- Bluffs took part in the 25th anniMr. Sherman has recently purDaily morning services at 5 lives in Chopin's music, tion of the precious jewels of versary celebration of Beth El chased the Craftsman Blind and p. m. Synagogue. They.wcre Rabbi Da. Shade Company, which is now at Israel's spiritual treasury. Rabbi However, he did not give to it Sunday morning ' services at vld Korb, Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks its new quarters at 2326 Vinton S t 8:45 a. m., followed by Rabbi's the lyrical and sentimental ex- Matthew M. Foliakoff will teadu and Rabbi Benjamin Groner. Mr. Sherman was a member of class In Bible study and breakfast. pression and the dreamy mood this course. Greetings w e r e extended by Sunday morning Junior" Minyan, which arc substantial parts of 4. Our Jewish Heritage—The Mayor. John Rosenblatt, member the Jewish Youth Coundl, B'nal followed by breakfast, starts at Chopin's lyric. customs and traditions of the Jew- of the congregation; Arthur Conn B'rith and was active in Center 8;30 a, m. The touch of the artist is of ish people will be explained in this and Mrs. A/ D. Frank, co-chair- sports. He Is a past Alcph Godol of AZA No. 1 and'also served as Next Friday evening, Beth Israel most extreme clarity and signi- course. A generous portion of the men of the Silver Jubilee Dinner; advisor to the group. will be host to AZA. Boys who will ficance but it reproduces.more the period will be allowed for a round Ben E. Kaslov and Mrs; M. II. Mr. Sherman saw service in join in the National celebration of sound of the composition than the table discussion and a question Brodkey, presidents of the syna- World War II hi the European theAZA. Sabbath, by conducting the melancholy, the still pain and the and answer period. Rabbi Bengogue and sisterhood, respectively; ater of operations with the 04th services. The public is cordially In- yearning for which Chopin became jamin Groner, Beth Israel's spirRabbi Hyman R. Rabinowitz of vited. one of the greatest and most at- itual leader, will teach "Our Jew- Sioux City; Barton Greenberg of Infantry Division. Mrs. Sherman Is the former The Talmud discussion group tractive masters of the nineteenth ish Heritage." the Supper Club; Robert Meyer of Louise Saylan, daughter of Mr. meets every Tuesday evening at 7 century, attributes for which our Courses numbered one through United Synagogue Youth. Anne- and Mrs. Jack Saylan of Omaha. o'clock at BHH Synagogue, 19th generation worships and loves him. three will meet from 8:30 to 9:30 belle Gractz and Jeffrey Noddle She Is a former AZA Sweetheart and Burt Streets. In his second program number, p. m. Course No. 4 will be taught presented the synagogue with a and graduate of Central High the piano concerto N. 4 In C Minor from 9:30 to 10 p. m. certificate noting the Inscription of School. by Saint-Sacns, Mr. Brailowsky There will be no charge* nor Beth El in the Golden Book of the glittered again in the last move- fees for regif -ation and no tuition. Jewish National Fund. Services will be held in Temple ment with his impeccable tech- The cost of I he text books, if deA highlight of the evening's proIsrael at 8 o'clock tonight. The nique and through his convincing sired, will be the only expense in- gram was a dramatic presentation. Temple Youth Croup will assist and Intensive style of interpreta- volved for partldpants in the In- T h e House Our Fathers Built,' Mrs. Harry Smith, chairman of Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks with the tion. written especially for the Jubilee the B'nai B'rith Henry Montky stitute. service*. Joan Abrahams will bless celebration by Mrs. M y e r S, Chapter No. 470 bake sale wishes The orchestra under the often the Sabbath candles; Gwen Staler sure direction of Dr. Duncan acKripke. The scrfpt centered about to thank the committee member* will deliver the opening prayer; companied. The preludes to act the theme that the synagogues we who made the bake sale such an Marda Krupinsky will give the I and III of Wagner's "Lohengrincherish are contemporary expres* outstanding success. Serving on sions of the Jewish spirit, as It de- the committee were Mrs. Harry dosing prayer. Nancy Blotcky and got a tint performance ending with Frances Davidson will read parts Lohengrin's warning "Nle so^tst Members of the faculty of the veloped through 4,000 years of Raznick, co-chairman and Metof the Service; Sara Pepper and Du mlch befragen" (you must University of Nebraska's College Jewish history and tradition. dames Aaron Epstein, Stanley Larry Zacharia will recite the never ask me). It also was a good of Medicine will discuss "Widening Cantor Aaron L Edgar present- Shapiro, Sol Dolgoff, Morton KhTorah Blessings. Murray Newman idea to put on the program three Horizons in Diabetes" at the an- ed the speaker of the evening. renrcich, Nate Kaplan, Abe Kapwill recite the Kiddusb, and Susie excerpts from "Damnation of nual fall meeting of the West Cen- Rabbi David A. Goldstein. He lan, Sol Sherman,' Max Cohen, Lipp and Marty Greene win de- Faust" by Berlioz and to present tral Diabetes Association starting urged members of the synagogue George Conn, Max ,Krizelmon, liver the scrmonettes. The service the lovely waltz from this series, at 7:30 p. m. Thursday evening, to maintain the high level of devo- Henry Tutzcr, Charles Fisher, Ed will include the installation of which would have been more im- Nov. 1 at the Medical Arts Audi tion to synagogue life and activi- Frcderichs, Sam Kaiman, Meyer new officers by Rabbi Brooks. The pressive by a somewhat slower tnrium ties within the synagogue, for Kaplan, Milton Mintz, Harry president-elect is Sara Pepper; tempo. Presentations will be mode in whlchj he said, Beth El Is noted. Greenberg. Sidney Zncimcr, Simon vice-prendent, Susie lipp; sccre. non-medical terms and a question Ho counselled more Intensive per- Foldmnn, Sol Mlroff, Dan GordThis concert of the current sea- and question period will follow sonal commitments to the basic man and Harry Friedman. tary, Janle Brodlcy, and treasurer, Marty Greene. The sisterhood will son showed again the valuable The meeting is open to the public observances of traditional Jewish sponsor the Oneg Shabbot follow- worK the Omaha Symphony is do- and an exhibit of simple tests for life. , ing. Therefore it can not be overing the service. diabetes for self testing will be Sabbnth Morning Services will emphasized that Dr. Duncan in his shewn. There is no charge for be held at 11:30 o'clock, with Rab- article "Infiltration" In the pro- admission, bi Brooks officiating find preach- gram booklet writes: "it Is truly Bible and Talmud ing the sermon. The Religious your Omaha Symphony OrchesSchool Choir, under the direction tra." By ORPnUXP SHEB In addition to those women who of Miss Ida Gitlin, will sing the Professor Hans Baer, director contributed previously to the Neemusical portions at the services of the Center Piano Studio, bos dlework Guild Drive, the followA special blessing will be invoked Bible been invited by the Nebraska ing contributions are reported. by the Rabbi upon children of the Come near, ye nations, to hear, State Music Teachers Association All those who have not respondSchool celebrating their birthdays. and attend, ye peoples. Let the as a forum speaker. The Music 'Klddush for the entire congregaThis week the Director of the Teachers' Convention will be held ed as yet are urged to send In earth hear, and the fulness theretheir donations this week. Mrs. Al- of; the world, and all things that tion will be held immediately fol- Opera at Central High School anin Lincoln at the Congress Hotel bert B. Newman chairman, hopes lowing the service In the Social nounced the cast for their current come forth of i t November 8 and 9. . that it will not be necessary to Hall. Keep silence before Me, O isproduction the "UMS. Pinafore,' have another follow-up. lands, and let the peoples renew written by Gilbert and Sullivan. Mmcs: Milton Abrahams, Morris their strength. Let them draw Youth Council teen-agers took Abramson, Arnold Baron, Jacob near, then let them speak. Let w many of the lead roles. Nancy Bernstein, Reuben I. Bordy, Wm. come near together to judgment. Services this evening begin at Barren and Sylvia Greene arc J. Bradbury, Harry Burns teln. Everyone helped his neighbor, 8:1S o'clock. Rabbi Mycr S. Krip- double cast for the same role. Miss Bertha Newman Max Canar, Ben Chait, Louis and everyone said to hi* brother: ke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Phil Shrager, Fred" Simon and Services were held Wednesday, Chcmiack, F. S. Cohen, Meyer 'Be of good courage.1' Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Jerry Simon arc others in leading Nov. 3 for Miss Bertha Newman Cohen, Lyman'Cohn, Harold CoopXalntoa Synagogue Choir will render the positions. with interment at Pleasant Hill erman, Robert G. Faler, Abraham Abba of Blra says: "A. roan musical portions of'the service. This opera will be presented De- Cemetery. Miss Newman, 78, Friedman, Ed Frcdricks, Ben should not train his son to be a Sabbath morning services at cember 9, 10 and IX Tickets can died Monday, Nov. L Garellck, Hyrale Gendler, Barton driver, a shepherd, or a store9:45 a. m. Junior Congregation be purchased shortly from memShe'is survived by her brother K, Greenberg, Paul Grossman, Jukeeper, because it is bard for such, Services at 10:30 a. m. Mlncha- bers of the opera cast , Julius of Omaha. lius Hornstefh, Max Horowitz, Sam people to make a Jiving in an honItaariv services at 5 p. m. Daily J. Horwlch, Jack Hyman, Jean est way. The best doctors are goservices at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. Swv Kaplan, Maurice Kofct, J. J. Kauf- lnglng to Gehtnam (there appears day morning service at 9 a. m. Laurence Finkel man, Arthur Kulakofsky, Fred to be A great demand for good ' Services were held Sunday, Oct. Kurtzman, Max Kurtzman, Irvln doctors there). The best butcher 31, for Laurence Finkel with in- C. Levin, Edward Lincoln, Jack A. if a partner to Amalek." Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Epstein ot terment at the Beth Ohom Cane-, Luttbeg, Max Magld, Morris MarBaba questioned Rabbah: "What Seymour Kaplan, regional di- Omaha announce the engagement tery in Los Angeles, Calif. golin, Nathan Martin and William Is the origin of the following folk rector of B'nai B'rith's Anti-De- of their daughter Betty to Leonard Milder. • Mr. Finkel, 48, a former OmasayingT — "Poverty follows the famation League will present high- Rosenblatt, son of Mr, and Mrs. han, died Wednesday, Oct. 27, in Mmes.: Harry Nystrom, Harry poor; the poor man Is always unlights ot ADL cases at the next Morris'Rosenblatt of San Fran- Riverside, Calif, Ravitz, Joo Roznlck, Eugene D. der disadvantage.'" He answered; meeting of< Cornhuskcr Lodge of Cisco, Calif. Survivors include his wife, Mta- Rich, N. Julian Rips, Maurice "In the following Mishnah: Th* B'nalB'rith. - Miss Epstein, now a resident or nette; a daughter, Miss Phyllis Sachs, Max Simon, Louis Singer, rich bring the first fruit in golden The meeting will be held at the San Francisco, attended the Uni- Finkel i his mother, Mrs. -Anna Barney L, Stark, Sam Swartz, or silver baskets and tekp the bay^Center, 8 p> m., Thursday, Nov. U versity of Omaha. Mr. Rosenblatt Finkel of S t Lotus, Mo.; and two Isadora M, Tretiak, Jake Turck kets back,' while the poor bring it , sutd free parking will be available was graduated from Stanford Uni- sister*, Mrs. Jack Bloom .of Long and Xeo Wcltz. in willow baskets'and the baskets In. the new parking lot on the east versity's School of Engineering. Beach, Calif., and Mrs. Winner? remain, jwith.tbe fruit ..for, tb* No wedding date (has been set* • J d & f the bulldinjr. • ' , . , * . « f t o l t t ( M d < i j C ^ &&**$? ' Mta

Religious News

ibt mm tt Han* I. t m .

Symphony Soloist Brilliant Virtuoso

Beth Israel

Rabbis Take Part In Beth El Fete

Temple Israel

Thank You

Diabetes Group to Meet November 21

Baer to Speak

Youth Councilors In Central Play

Beth El

Miss Betty Epstein Engagement Told Cornhttskers to Meet


Needlework Guild Gems of the Contributions


Bond tXnner Committee'Heads


Attention*,: .; '<• Hadassah Members Have you a yearning to take part in a theatrical production? If you like to' act, make costumes or write a play keep Wednesday, Nov. 17 in mind for Hadassah players. More details next week.

Pioneer Women The Pioneer Women'* Organization will hold their Annual Flower Day, Sunday, Nov. 7. All proceed* will go to the Children's Rescue Fund in Israel. s We are now collecting clothes for Israel and anyone wishing to donate clothes of any kind call Mr*. Sam Rifkln, Harney 4030, Mrs, S. Binder, Regent 5394, or Mn. L. Pinkovitz, Jackson M02. * Mrs. Jake Feldman, president of Proaha Pioneer Women, who has recently returned from the NorthWestern Pioneer Regional Conference held in South Bend, Ind. will give her report at the next regular meeting. The Pioneer Women will meet Tuesday, Nov. 23 • in the Jewish Community Center.

Reception in C.B. For Newlyweds

Miss Dorothy 11. Krieger, daughThese women lire doing yeoman service for the "Guardian* of Israel" dinner to be held Sunday night, Nov. 14, at the.Wackstope ter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel KriegHotel. They »r», I?ft to right, seated! Sirs, liiidor Levtngon, co- er of Atlanta, Ga., and Marvin J. chairman; Mrs. Morris Grossman, "Chen" chairman; Mm. I. Uarry Suvalsky, son of Mr. and Mrs. Saul KuUbofshy, honorary chaimuui; Mrs. Nathan Nogg, chairman; Suvalsky, of Council Bluffs, were sbindlngi Mr*. Harry Sldman, reservations co-chairman; Mrs. Ernest married Sunday, Oct. 24 in the Rabbi Abraham Karp A. Nogg, hospitality chairman; Mrs. Abe Qreenberg, reception chair- Progressive Club in Atlanta. man; and Mrs. Albert Vox, reservations chairman. The bride wore a white nylon tulle and Chantilly lace gown with molded bodice topped with a lace Kansas City Rabbi Jacket. A veil of tiered illusion BikurCholim was fastened to a half-bonnet of To Speak at B.E. The Blkur Chollm Society will tulle. She curried a bouquet of - hold Its regular luncheon meeting four white orchids over her prayer The Beth El Sisterhood will 1 p. m., Monday, Nov. S in the Mr. and Mrs. Bernard'Osheroff Family Life." book. old its regular luncheon meeting Jewish Community Center. A pro- announce the birth of a son Ran- The society sends rabbis to disHer sister, Mra. Shjrley Smirln gram has been planned and all dolph Marc born October 29 at a seminate authentic Information of Atlanta Vas her nttendent. She Tuesday, Nov. 9, at 12:30 p. m. in members are urged .to attend. local hospital. This Is their first about Judaism in colleges and is wore a blue chiffon gown and car- the social hall of the synagogue. The monthly party fit the Dr. child. Maternal grandparents arc a beneficiary of the Jewish Phil- ried pink Cornelias. Mrs. Nathan Nogg and Mrs. Philip Shcr Jewlsfi Home for the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Marks and anthropies Campaign. Sclwlh Suvalsky of Council Samuel Wolf, chairmen of the Aged will be held Wednesday, Nov. paternal grandparents are Mr. Torah Fund announce the guest Bluffs was his brother's best man. 10. Friends and relatives arc In- and Mrs. Isadora Osheroff. MaThe bridegroom's parents who speaker will bo Itabbi Abraham J. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wlcsman vited to attend. ternal great-grandfather is Abo announce the birth of a son, Rich- attended the wedding in Atlanta Karp, of Kansas City, Mo. Rabbi Goldstein of New York City. ard Marc born October 7, at a will hold a reception for the cou- Karp Is a graduate of the Yeshiva local hospital. Tho couple also has ple November 14 In the Council University In New York City, and Monsky Chapter wgs ordained at the Jewish TheoB'nai B'rilh H e n r y Monsky Ben E. Kaalow, president of another son Ronald David. Pa- Bluffs Jewish Community Center. logical Seminary of America. RabChapter No. 470 will honor the Beth £1 Synagogue, was elected ternal grandparents are Mr. and No invitations have been Issued bi Karp Is co-rabbi of Congregaforeign students attending the col to the executive committee of the Mrs. Philip Wlcsman.' Maternal and friends and relatives are in- tion Beth Shalom In Kansas City. leges and universities In Omaha Midwest Region of tho United Sy- grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. vited to meet the bride and her Mrs. Samuel Wolf will present the with a United Nations Buffet Sup- nagogue of America at B recent John Brodkey from Sioux City, la. family. Following their wedding trip speaker. per November 7 at the home of conference held in Dcs Moines, Cantor and Mrs. Aaron Edgar through the south, Colorado and la. This group is the association Mrs. Joe Guts. A son Stuart Randall was born offer musical selections acJames Harker, Radio's Mr. of conservative congregations in to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Nercnberg Nevada, the couple will make their will companied by Mrs. A. C. Fellman. home In Council Bluffs. Music, will entertain the guests the United States. October 26 at a local hospital. Abe Slusky and Mrs. Morwith piano selections. This Is the couple's first child. Pa- Out-of-town guests attending risMrs. Koom and their circle will be Assisting Mrs. Guss are Mroes, Mr. and Mrs. Frank FIshberg ternal grandparents are Mr. and the wedding included Mr. and Mrs. charge of the luncheon. TeleHarold Katln, Arthur Goldstein, left November 1 for New York Mrs. Paul Nerenberg, formerly of Selvin Suvalsky and daughter in phone are Mmcs: Ben Sam Kaiman, Seymour Kaplan, City enroute to Buenos Aires, Ar- Omaha and now of Montebello, Ronda Lee of Council Bluffs and Kaslow,chairmen Joseph Hornstetn, Morris Alee Aytat, Sidney Sneider, George gentina and San Paulo, Brazil, Calif. Maternal grandparents are Mrs, Lena Grossman of Omaha. Roitstein. Spitzer, Julia Jacobs, Sam Pollafc, where they will Visit members of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chudacoff of Baby sitter service will be pro* Stanley Shapiro and Harry Wise. the family. Omaha. Maternal great-grand- Temple Youth vided. mother is Mrs. Zadel Katleman. The Temple Youth Group will The Adult Education Series will Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks of TemB.I. Sisterhood hold a social meeting 5 p. m., Sun- start Saturday, Nov. 6, 8:30 p. m. ple Israel will lecture at Luther Mr. and Mrs. Harold Novak an- day, Nov. 6 at the. new Temple. in the home of Dr. and Mrs. M. H. The November 9 luncheon-meet- Junior College and Academy in nounce the birth of a daughter Members of the group will partici- Brodkey. Rabbi Mycr S. Kripke ing of the Beth Israel Sisterhood Wahoo Tuesday, Nov. 18 at 9:45 Amy Sue bom October* 21, at a pate in this evening's services at will speak and the theme for this which will be held In the Synagogue p. Rabbi Brooks will represent local hospital. This is the couple's the Temple. year will be "Jewish Concepts social hall at 1 o'clock in the aft- them.Jewish Chautauqua Sodety first child. Maternal grandparents and Beliefs.' For further Informaernoon will commemorate the Ter- and will discuss "Jewish Ideals of are Mr. and Mrs. Abe Krantz of Omaha. Paternal grandparents are tion, or to register for these series, centenary of the Jewish people in Mr. and Mrs. Sam Novak of Oma- please call Mrs. Sidney Sneldcr, or the United States. ha. Maternal great-grandfather is Beth El Synagogue. A coffee hour A mOyle, "Of These Our People,' will follow. Israel Krantz of Omaha. - will, present a survey of the outstanding social, cultural, and industrial contributions made by the Jewish peoplo In America from 1054 to recent times. Reservations for this event arc being taken by Mrs. Ben LcflUt, WAlnut 0082, and Mrs. Stanley Diamond, WAlnut 0935. Baby-sitter service service will be provided. ANNOUNCES

Omaha Sketches ,


Council Women Omaha Section, National Council of . Jewish iWomcn will hold their board meeting 1 p. m. Thursday, Nov. 11 at the home'of Mrs Harry Welnbcrc, 2300 Country Club blvd '


the Purchase of




WE 3043

T.I. Sisterhood , Temple Israel Sisterhood will be hosts to the Omaha: Council of Church Women at their regular luncheon meeting 1 p. m. Tuesday, Nov. 9 in the social halt A board meeting at 11 a. m. will tareccde the regular meeting. Mrs. Berhhardt Wolf, sisterhood president, will preside.

Formerly at 9Z4 N. 16th St.

Wedding, Bar and Bos Mitzvah, and Birthday Calces

Dramatic Club • The regular meeting of tho Workmen's Circle Dramatic Club will bo held Saturday' evening. Nov. 6 at the Labor Lyceum. Louis Gltlin will serve in honor of his son's engagement to Miss Dorlenne Zlppcrstcin of South. Haven, Mich. Hollywood (JTA) — Producer Samuel Goldwyn recently asked Ben Hccht: "Will you give me your word of honor that you will work for me when you flnUh writIng your present pictured , "I can't" Hecht replied. "Well, then," GoMwyn demanded, "if you can't gN» me your word of honor, wUi you give nw






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B'iiaiBVith Midget Hoopsteh ScrimmageBetti Israel Clubs Bowling For Prs-Season Tilt Nov. 27

«, UM

Happy Birthday

TOVM Friday, NOT. 8 The Tovim Junior will meet Hugh Ira Abrahamson, Stuart Saturday, Nov, 6 at 7 p. m. In the Jay Fogel, Susan Lee Gillnsky, After five weeks of basketball B1U Horwieh. Mike Plait, Miki recreation room of the Talmud Terry Goldenberg, Barbara Ann Parkway practice the 1954-55 Midget BasMarkovitz, Keva Shyken, Bob Torah. Talmud Torah Seniors and Greenberg and Donald Noodcll. W. L. ketball hopsters will start practice Nogg and Al Newberg- Team, 3— eighth graders a n invited to atCanadian Ace ,16 8 Saturday, -Nov. 6 scrimmages for the preseason Bob, Fellman, Justin Ban, Don tend. Plan* for the club's next soGrace-Mayer Ins 15 • Barry Elliott Belmont, Morris opener November 27. ¥ " ••"> Jun- Forman, Steven Scglin, Jerry freshments will be served at the HobernuU) Plbg .14 10 ior division, for 5-6th grauv (he Schwartz, Howard Stoler, Junloi dal will be discussed- and re- Irvln Brodkey, Sanford Michael Rlchman-Gordman . . . . . 1 4 10 Ctpinko, Betty Bea Ermann, MarPepper and Gerry GoldstrOm. close of the meeting. Wolfson-Cerbcr 13%' 10' teams are as follows: sha Ann Fellman, Carolyn Sue Team 4—Bruce Goldstein, Clark OIBL8 ARTS * CRAFTS Team 1—Mike Sadofsky, How Ranks T.13 11 Kraft, PatH Jo Novak, Monica ard Chudacoff. Mike Green, How- Swartz, Howard Martin, Marv RuForbes Bakery 12 12 Mrs. Phillip Blara, leader of tho Susan Parker and Joseph Edward ard Feldman, Steve Gould, Scott back, Dan Hollls, Stan Greenfield, girl's Aria and Crafts Club, an- Reiss. GereUck Motors 11 13 Martin Meyer* and Bob Gtnsburg. Riteway TV 10H 13H Haykin and Alan Ross. Team 2— nounce* the first chrt meeting of Sunday, Ndv. 7 Harold Forbes, Dick Zacharia. Sol Lewis Co 9 15 the season will take place this Martin Bercovlcl, Howard David Karl Luefscnuctz, Steve Kutlcr Milder Oil 8 16 Sunday from 4 to 5:30 p. m. In Borden, Sandy J. Marks, Malka Gerry Ileeger, Gary Mulnlck, Joel Harvey Chicken . . . . . . . 6 16 the Talmud Torah. Girls in the Maurer, Catherine Jane Rips, AlSnelder, Staurt Hurwitz and Marsh secondary and Intermediate grades len Ostravlch and Edward Alan Kaplan. Team 3—Don Fiedler B League of the Talmud Torah and other Zclinsky. Terry Goldenberg, Jeff Wohlner W. girls Interested In handiwork are Bob Singer, Dick Fried, Howard By Feme Kutltman Monday, Nov. & All Makes 16 8 Invited to attend. Mulnlck and Alan Cohen. Team 4 Meyer Coren, Carolyn Dolgoff, Metz 16 8 CLUB DAR-D-KAV —Steve Guss, Jim Kagan, Dick PRE-TEEN GIRLS Paul Alan Epstein, Michael HowMorris Paint 14 10 Kaslow, Joel Finkle, Gordy Hollls A new club for boys and girls In ard Green and Bruc Wlntroub. Calling ail sixth and seventh Greenberg Ins 13 11 Justin Mulnlck, Dick Zevitz and grade girls interested In joining the Primary grades of Talmud Tuesday, Nov. 9 Liberty Gas 13 11 Jim Krasne. Center Pre-Teen club! If you are Torah and Third grade of Sunday 12 David Michael Forbes, Renee Phlleo 12 School has been organized. The In sixth or seventh grade am 14 Marcia Franklin, Roger * Dale Louis Mkt 10 In the senior unit for 7-8th gradclub will be led by Miss Shirley 14 Hlnky Dinky 10 es, team 1—Gabby Berg, Joel would like a year full of fun and Noodcll and will meet every other Friedman, Zorinne Kay Friedman H. A. WoUCo 9 15 Davis, Walt Wise, Roy Katskee. friends, you'll want to join one of and Jay Robert Goldberg. 1 Sunday from 4 to 5:30 p. m. in the 18 R & S Shoes 6 Louis Rich, Gehe Dandy, Arnold the Jewish Community Center ! recreation room of the Talmud Wednesday, Nov. 10 new Pre-Tecn clubs for girls. Altsuler and Larry Kohn. Team 2 Jeffrey Altsuler. Torah. The first meeting will be These groups are getting started -Al Konecky, Frank Goldberg, Thursday, Nov. 11 right away; the first meeting for held this Sunday, Nov. 7. Marilyn Diana Braun, Jo Fransixth graders will be on an Oncg CAMERA CLUB David Dubln, Camera Club In- ces Cohn, Michael Fritzschali, w. Shabat Saturday, Nov. 6, at 2:30 Isaac Mark Klein, Neil Miller Blue Envies 10 p. m. in the Center and the seventh structor announced that the CaLynno Louise Nogg, Brian Lea Lucky Leaguers 9 grade club will be have an Oncg mera Club will begin it's activiPoster and Steven Sokolof. Hokcy Pokes 8 4 Shabat,' Saturday. Nov. 13, at ties this Sunday, Nov. 7 from 6 to Rayim Jr*. 6 6 By Llndy P»ul 2:30 p. m. in the "J." All you 7:30 p. m. in the darkroom on the Patronize Our Advertisers Bowling Bums 6 6 have to do to Join a club Is come main floor of the Talmud Torah. The Youth Coundl league open down to the first meeting and help All children who would like to The Curves 6 6 For Hae Tailoring 4 Belles 5 7 :n had their thrills as well as aur organize your group. There will Join the Camera Club are asked to Fancy Pants 4 8 prises as a scrappy, sharp Rayim be a -program and refreshments at be present at the first meeting. 7th Heaven 3 9 team outscored and outplayed both meetings. Member Master tailors and Cozy Farmers 3 9 AZA 1 38-27. It was a real team FUNLAND Cutters - Association. Thirty minutes a month (or 12 Steve Guss bowled a 153 game win as Milt Moscowitz, Al Corey, London. England months is a "fair share" Red to take top honors fn-lpague com- > n e Kohn, John Goldncr and Last Sunday the "Ftinlanders' Feather gift for hourly-paid em- Custom Tailor to Ladle* * Men tevc Rosenblatt put the skids unALTERATIONS petition this season. ler Mother chapter. Moscowitz had their second meeting at the ployees, Higher salaried people tie so. tot* f A tut as a bulwark on the backboard* Jewish Community Center, and all ihould give proportionately more. as he held last year's scoring the enthusiasm and excitement of champ Stan Widman to three the opening session was still very Eddie Wlntroub fired the high points. Corey was the scoring much In evidence. Some of the projects the groups worked on game of the day, a 17], to cop the itar. His speed and shooting abll- were: pipe-cleaner craft, name ty accounted for 13 points, while high series In the day's competi- jioldner, the team captain was pins, glass plaques and paintings. RUG & UPHOLSTERY tion, a 289. their floor leader. Gene Kohn has The Rose Club had a wonderfully CLEANERS Improved remarkably. He added wet time In the swimming pool. Eddie Singer was high In the MIOS — C A i m i N « Members of "Funland" Include: girls' division with games of 131 six points and rebounded well Chub Passer and Jerry. Simons led Shelley Adler,"EHcn Bank, Paula LAMP SHADIS and 118 for a hefty 249 scries. Mother chapter with eight points Bcrcutt, Lynnc Beldncr, Susan Roe Brookstcin, Linda Ciplnko. ach, Judy Davidson, Nikki Epstein Cleaned fa Your Homtl W. AZA 100, wlnloss all last ycai Shirley Fcldman, Cheryl Friedman, No. 8 8 sMIag • lovbg • IU|Mlri«a >roke Into the win column against Leslie Forbes, Linda Gclfand, Nebraska Furniture Mart.. 8 HA 2514 layim B with a 35-21 win. The Sandra Gllinsky, Dcble Gordman, DON lEtNSTEIN . Wolfson-Gerbor Auto Sales. 7 taylm B team trailed at the hejf Lois Greenberg, Gladys Groncr, Meadow Gold Dairy 6 >y n score of 13-11. Three fresh- Nancy Jabenis, Penny Krasne-, Omaha Jobbing 6 an performed well, for the B Barbara Kutler, Marcia Miller Wolfson Sales 5 iqund. They were Larry Herman, Sharon Miller, Lynn Saundcra O. P. Skaggs 5 lave Goldstein and Justin Ravitz Judy Sherman, Linda Siref, Jaynln Fireside Restaurant 4 lavitz, lost year's Greenbere Smeerin, Manioc Sokolof, Susan Playland Park 4 Iward winner in the Midget league Stevens. Elene Sue Stoler, Ro Maypers 3 was the smallest man on the floor chelle Swift and Shirley Swift. Morris Paint 2 yet his will to win is as big ax Robert Batt, Larry Blumenthal i Roberts Dairy 2 could be. The Centurymen were Ronald Blumkln, Lawrence Grosspaced by Speedy Zweiback and man, Gary Guss, Mclvin Katskee Howard Kaslow, each With elgh' Larry- Landman, Paul Landow points. Larry Lincoln topped the Mark Plattner, Robert Milder Rayim B team with five points. Joel Rich. Carl Riekes. Leon Ross. L. w. For a league opener there were Mark Saunders, Jcrold Schneider Fireside Restaurant . . . .17 5 signs of raggedness, However, It Don Solotorovsky, Donald Swart7 Metz Beer 14 7 appears to be a three-way fight Dale Wclnstein and Robert WclnEdwards Jewelry . . . . . . 1 4 7 for championship honors. steln. Silco Products ,13 8 Next week's schedule: Tuesday, Brodkey Jewelry 12 9 Nov. 9 Cooper Const 12 9 7 p. m. AZA 1 vs. AZA 100. MagiColor ,,.11V 9'4 8 p. m. Rayim A vs. Rayim B. Playland Park 10 11 Benson Hdwc <10 11 This Sunday is tournament United Auto Supply . . . 9 12 time for the Youth Council ,Nogg Bros. . . . . . . 9 12 Boy's Bowling League. It is 12 Silk Shop 9 Justin Greenberg, son of Mr. and doubles play with a handicap Superette Food Mkt. . . . 8 11 Mrs. Henry Greenberg, will celeMike Yudclson and Willard Ifoungstown Kitchen . . . TA 13• brate his Bar Mitzvah, and BarPlotkln, league secretaries arr bara Greenberg, daughter of Mr. Watson Bros 7 14 In charge of the tourney which 16 and Mrs. Samuel Greenberg, will will be held at the Music Box RCA Victor 5 celebrate her Bas Mitzvah at a a t 10:30 a. m. Sunday, Nov. 7 joint "celebration Friday evening, Nov. 5, and Saturday morning, Nov." 6, at Beth £1 Synagogue, Tuesday night, the Women's Friends and relatives arc invited a wonderful gift of excellent B'nai B'rith Bowling League held to attend the services and recepa special tournament. The follow- tions which will follow both servKosher food at lowest price*. MO* *A 4«*C U> IBMTt VW W U 1 JM) ing were the winners: ices. Certainly the best value for r» J.«nt fnm. "A" Division Current nit u tv «ou tat tun nu«< your dollar. In denominations of joe m m i RMtm u> nni u IIWI Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brodkey rin pa murti .idvttUimM. High Team Series—Mystic «•; HO, * I 5 , $20, $25. announce the Bar Mitzvah of their BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratuBeauty Shopr-2800 " High Team Game—Fireside Res- son, Morris Brodkey, Friday evelations also for all Jewish holining, Nov. 12, and Saturday mom,taurant-952 days and spedaJ occasions 1 High Individual Scries—Helen ing, Nov. 13, at Beth El Syna- Meyers News Stand, 1902 Dodge gogue. Friends and relatives arc Could—615 HOUSEWORK wanted. 85 cents an High Individual Gamer-Ruth Invited to, attend the services and hour and carfare. Cal JA 7707. receptions which will follow. Bokolof—236 FOR SALE—A combination late "B" Division The Bar Mitzvah of Steven Segmodel Phlico radio and phonoHigh Team Scries—K o r n e y lin, son of Mr. and Mrs, Nathan ' graph, also Jewish records—reaLOCAL AGENT Paint Co.—2756 Seglin will take place Friday eve- „ sonable. 3109 Burt St. CoU WE High Team Game—Smith Von- ning and Saturday morning, Nov. 5807 evenings or Sunday. . . 5 and 6. at Beth Israel Synagogue. tiac—960 . ~ High Individual Series—Lottie All .friends and relatives' are in- WANTED—Full stzc violin. Call vited, to attend the services and Bloch—596 JA 1366 from.9 a. m. to 9 p. m JA1364 After 5 p. m.1 and Sunday call High Individual Game—Rose the receptions following the services. HA 1204. Sacks—230

Junior Spotlight

Jr. Y.C. Bowling

Rayim A Defeats Mother Chapter

Norman Marsh

Jr. H.B. Rowling


Hadassoh Bowling

Bowling Tourney

Bar & Rns Mifzvah

B.B. Ladies Bowling

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