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Center Cinema Club Films to be at Joslyn in
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the IVews
JUDGE 8OBBLOFF New York (WNS)—Judge Simon E. Sobcloff of Baltimore, now U. S. Solicitor General, declared here as he received Yeshiva Uni verslty's a n n u a l Charter Day Award that the future of Ameri can Jewry rested on the interes' that it will display In Jewish education and In preserving tho heritage of a great faith. Discussing science and faith against the background of modern civilization, Judge Sobcloff said there was no Inconsistency be twecn religion and science, "we are not driven to a choice between irrcllglon on the one hand and psoudo-rellglous obscurantism on the other" but that the "truly religious and enlightened modern man perceives an essential liar mony between faith and knowl edge.!'
fuD.i»o»a n e u n u m . IUI h. UJU. Oituut. Nebniki. Pboi» JA 13U
cop; ui unit
Israel Guardians Dinner Sunday
Six outstanding films, chosen through a community-wide prcf erence survey, w)ll be presented by the Center Cinema Club in 1U 1954-55 Film Series at the Joslyn Memorial Museum, Mrs. Edward Zortnsky and Jack Sandier, coThe Tercentenary Story of chairmen of the series announced the beginnings and growth of this week. All six films will be American Jewry will be graphiOmaha's "Guardians of Israel" shown In the Recital Hall of the cally illustrated starting this museum, which is especially week In the Jewish Press. Fol- chapter will have its inception this equipped for Ihc projection of low the history of our people Sunday night at the Blackstone (Urns. to the land of religious and Hotel, at a dinner beginning at political freedom where oppor- 6:30 o'clock. The Honorable ReuThe first film to be shown Sun tunity abounds for the building ven Shiloaeh, Israel's minister day evening, Nov. 28, at 8 p. m., of a rich Jewish cultural life. will be Uie " R O O S E V E L T plenipotentiary to tho U n i t e d STORY." An official film biograStates, will be the principal speakphy of the late President of the er at tho dinner. United States, ltis an authentic film story of his life and times, Mayor Itosonblatt covering over forty years of the Omaha's Mayor John Rosenblatt most critical period of our nawill be among those present at the tion's history. This film received dinner and will present Minister first prize In the 1947 World Film JUSTICE WAMIEN The 13th Annual Youth Thanks- Shiloaeh with the symbolic "keys Festival. Washington (WNS)—Chief Jus- giving S e r v i c e will be held to the city." The minister's apThe second film, "PAISAN" Is tice Earl Warren of the U. S. Su- Wednesday evening, Nov. 24, at 8 pearance here Is being looked foran Italian masterpiece that won preme Court, addressing the din- p. m., In Temple Israel, Stan Fell- ward to by Israel Bond committee first prize at the Cannes, Venice ner session marking the conclusion man, Religious Chairman of tho members. Dr. Abe Grcenberg, genand Brussels Film Festivals will of the three-day annual meeting Jewish Youth Council announced. eral chairman of the Bond drive in be shown Sunday evening, Jan. 16. of the Board of Governors of B'nal The Youth Thanksgiving Service Omaha, stated. The third film, "IT HAPPENED Rnanan Silver, director-general B'rlth, asserted that freedom of Is sponsored annually by the JewHorn! Chairman ONE NIGdn- will be shown Febr. of the Office of the President of mind was an Imperative in a de- ish Youth Council as a part of its 6. This U one of the greatest ro- the State of Israel, will address mocracy and that "American pa- religious and cultural program. Another speaker will be Melvin mantic film comedies and it won civic groups during his stay In trotlsm requires political allegiDubinsky, of St. Louis, chairman Tho American Jewish Tercen- of the Community Leadership Difive academy awards In 1934 for Omaha, Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky, ance but not uhlformlty in faith, tenary will serve as the leading best production, best nctor, host president of the Omaha Zlonlsi In culture or in sentiment." vision of the State of Israel Bond theme of the Service, with prayers Organization, nnd one of Ameractress, best director ond best Council announced. und talks planned about this im- ica's outstanding civic and com•creenplay. Mr. Silver is on tour in the KI.UTZNICK portant anniversary of American "SPECTOR OF THE ROSE," United States. l i e will speak at a Washington (WNS)—Philip M. Jewry. Speaking on Jewish con- munal lenders. starring Judith Anderson and Mi- meeting of the Committee on For- Klutznick, p r e s i d e n t of B'nal tributions to America will be Reservations may stiL be made chael Chekhov, will be featured eign Affairs, Tuesday evening, B'rilh, declared here at a meeting Howard Kaslow, A.Z.A. 100; Joan by calling reservations chairman, Sunday, Mar. G. An unusuarstory Nov. 16 and will address tho Oma- of the organization's board of gov. Krasnc, T. A.; Jerry Marer, Mrs. Albert Fox at AT 8479, or arid outstanding choreography ha Rotary Club at a luncheon crnprs that the decision of Secre- Raylm; Marilyn Rice, Debs; and the co-chairman Mrs. Harry Sidhighlight this film. Wednesday noon, Nov. 17. Mr, Sil- tary of State John Foster Dulles Stan Wldman, A.Z.A. 1. Sari Shu- man, at JA 1918 or AT 3033. DinAlfred Hitchcock's most famous ver, Is president of the Jerusalem to have the new American Ambas- kert will speak for the Jewish ner Is $3.00 per person. •ilbtlc mystery, "THE LADY VAN- Rotary Club. sador to Israel present his ere Youth Council and Stan Fellman Those who have purchased $1> ISHES',1 is booked for Sunday. Tills afternoon, he spoke at a dentlals at Jerusalem Instead of will preside at the services. 000 or more of the new Israel De-v April 3, This film ts cbnsldorod to liincheoh meeting of the Board of Tel Aviv was "a bellweather act" velopmcnt Bonds may become A Youth Council Choir compris be a classic In this field. Governors of the Federation for which, he hoped, would lead to U. ing A.Z.A. and Kayim members, members of the "Guardians of IsThe series will be concluded Jewish Service. N. recognition of Jerusalem "as organized by Bob Goldstein and rael," arid, as such, wm receive Sunday, May 1 with the brilliant Born and educated in Jerusalem, the real capital of Israel." Stan Widman, will make its ini- their "Guardians of Israel" lapel French comedy "G1GI," which Mr. Silver attended Cambridge pins personally from Minister Shitial appearance at the service. drew capacity audiences wherever College in England. During World Following the services there will loaeh at the dinner. Several memIt was shown. War II, he was a captain in the be refreshments and a social hour bers of "Chen," of which Mrs. MorIn addition, especially selected British Army, serving In the Near In the Temple Social Hall, which ris Grossman is chairman, will reand unusual shorts will be shown East. Is planned by a committee headed ceive recognition ut the dinner. at each performance by Janic Fellman. Jack and Laurie "Chen" members are those women Tickets for the entire scries are membere of the Bond committee, The Federation of Jewish Wom- Oj-uch are handling the printing. who purchase, or sell, $1,000 or {2.50. Individual admissions, If en's Clubs under the direction of Marv Frcedman is in charge of more denomination bonds. For seats are available will be 75 cents. publicity. Mrs. M. A. Vender and Mrs. Jacob each bond they sell they receive a It is expected, however, that the aron are busy preparing Chacharm, representing one of the entire series will be sold out since London (JTA)—Foreign SecreATOM SCIENTIST naukah packages for Omaha servoriginal tribes of Israel, for a the capacity of the Recital Hall is tary Sir Anthony Eden told the New York (WNS) — Dr. John 300. House of Commons that" there are icemen. About 50 packages had al- Von Neumann, who was recently charm bracelet. Reservations for tickets arc be- encouraging developments in re- ready been mailed to reach serv- ppolnted by President EisenhowMrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky Is ing accepted now at the Activities lation to lessening tension between icemen overseas in time for Cha- er to the atomic commission In re- honorary women's division chairnukah. Office of the Jewish Community Israel and Jordan. man; Mrs. Nathan L. Nogg, womplacement of ProfesRor OppenThe packages contain a greetHe said that Gen. E. L. M. Center, JAckson 1366. heimer, is of Jewish descent, ac- en's division chairman; Mrs. Isador Burns, Chief of Staff of the Unit- ing from the Omaha Jewish com- cording to a feature article In the Levinson, co-chairman; Mrs. Erned Nations Truce Supervision Or- munity with cigarettes, nuts, tof- Jewish Day, Yiddish daily, which est A. Nogg, hospitality chairman; anlzatlon, was continuing his ef- ee, paper tissues and a ball point says the scientist was born in Mrs. A b e Greenberg, reception forts to bring about an agreement pen. chairman; and Gene Rich, pubIf you have n serviceman who lungary to Jewish parents, Max icity chairman. for direct contact between the md Margaret Von Neummann. local Israel and Jordan command- you would like to have rememThe climax of the Epstein-Mor- ers In the Jerusalem area. bered contact Mrs. M. A. Venger, gan Post and Ladles Auxiliary L 3038; Mrs. Jacob Garon, GL Several MP's asked Sir Anthony celebration of Its ten years of whether he would consult with the 1062 or Miss Kalah Franklin, JA progress In the Jewish Commu- UN Secretary General as to the 1366. nity will bo the Veterans' Day advisability of Gen. Burns expandOmaha Chapter Hadassah will present the first program of Dance to be held at the Black- ing his proposal to cover direct Its "Hadassah Story" series over KBON at 10:30 a. m. The itone Hotel, Saturday evening, contact between local commandseries will extend for 13 consecutive weeks. The program is Nov. 13. Music will be furnished ers on all Israel-Jordan frontiers. produced locally and is written by Elaine Jabenis, TV and Radio by Tony Bradley and his orches- Sir Anthony replied that the mat- Jerusalem (JTA)— The 35-man chairman for Omaha Chapter Hadassah. tra. Admission is 91.25 and tick- ter was under consideration and study mission of the United Jewet* will be sold at the door. that he would make a written re- ish Appeal now In Israel as part Rabbi Philip S. Bernstein, author of the best-seller "What of Its tour of assessment of needs William Abrahams, Sr.. Vice ply to the MP's. The Jews Believe" nnd spiritual leader of Temple B'rith Kodesh In various part1! of the world, visCommander in charge .of the In Roshestcr, N. Y., will discuss "Has Religion a Message for ited former Prime Minister David Dance, announced that a huge Today?" Tho program, part of the "Message of Israel" scries, Ben Gurion at Sdeh Bokcr. birthday cake will be cut and will be broadcast over KOIL from 10:05 to 10:30 a. m. The. group started a four-dny served to the dancers. Mayor John Jerusalem (JTA)—Edward B. Rosenblatt will start the cake cut- Lnwson, tho new American Am- tour of Israel to Investigate tho The Jewish Theological Seminary will present four dramatic ting. Nebraska-Iowa Department bassador to Israel, presented a latest developments in all phases television programs on the Frontiers of Faith series over WOWCommander Max Kanner will In- copy of his credentials to Premier of the country's growth. TV from 12:15 to 12:45 p. m. Five basic tasks outlined were: troduce the Mayor. lftoshc Sharctt. The telecasts will honor the American Jewish Tercentenary Proceeds of the dance go for the Ambassador Lawson is to pre- J. To give settlements equipment, Celebration, The first show presented this Sunday will bo "The hospital program at the Lincoln sent his credentials to President water, capital and security; 2. To Pugnacious Sailing Master," the Story Of Commodore Uriah Levy and Omaha Veterans Hospital. An Ben Zvi at the President's office enlarge educational facilities for and his stubborn fight to abolish the cat-a-nlnc tails in the U. S. thousands of immigrant youth; 3. announcement of a'new contribu- here today. Navy. tion by the Epstein-Morgan Post British Ambassador John W. To eradicate some 75 transition and Ladies Auxiliary to the Vot- Nlcholls presented his documents villages that still mar the Israel The Eternal Light program will present over WOW-Radlo erans Hospital and the community to Mr. Sharott here last week. landscape; 4. To provide homet> for from 11:30 a. m. to 2 noon, the "Education of a Labor Leader," will be made at the dance. This Is the first time that the en-,the helpless and aged among newa portrait of Samuel Gompers. This Is the tenth in a scries Sherman Llpstein Is program voys of the United States and' comers; 5. To hasten the Integradedicated to the 300th Anniversary of Jewish Settlement in chairman for the dance, Abe Mill- Britain have coma to Jerusalem to tion of new immigrants from America. Jacob Potosky, associate tercentenary chairman, will er Is Commnnder of the Post and make the presentations. In tho North Africa, who have been dcsneak at the close of the program. Mrs. Nat« Marcus is president of pastt (he. same formalities Vjere. Jjrjyed,l.of educational and economic opportunities for centuries. the 'auxiliary, [one through In Tel Aviv.
Minister Will I Give Address
Thanksgiving Youth Service
Israeli to Speak To Civic Groups
Eden Reports on Border Situation
Women's Clubs Send Servicemen Chanukah Gifts
Vets Day Dance to Mark Anniversary
Sunday Radio and TV
UJA Study Mission Outlines Tasks
U, S. Ambassador
fate .Two
Happy Birthday
Friday, Nevrniber It. 10M
Omaha Sketches
Friday, Nov. It Harry Isaac Friedman, Barbara Ann Katskee, Bctiy Lou Kafskee, Aiioeh nimmerman and John Marshall Robinson. Haturtlny, Nov. IS Students from twenty nations HARRY HALPER1. Irvin Gary Blumkin, Gary Alvln attended the B'nai B'rith Henry The Omaha Chapter of Mizrachi Colick, Anne Friedman, Donald Monsky Chapter No. 470 buffet Women will meet al the Jewish Goldstein, Mark Alan Mcichcs, .upper given November 7 at th< Community Center Wednesday, Michele Rone Rothkop, John Her- home of Mrs.- Joe Guss. Mr. James Nov. 17. A 1 o'clock dessert lunch? bert Ruben and Beverly Welsborg Harkcr, KBON's Mr. Music, served eon will precede the business meetSunday, Nov. 14 as master of ceremonies for a ing at 2 o'clock. Sharon Lee Bernstein and Rob- spontaneous program featuring The Center Extension Club ProjIn commemoration of the 50th ect for Pre-T«ens began last wee ert Martin Kutler. folk music and dances. Students YnHr Zeit of Dr. Herzl, a movie, with a program which promises Mdnday, Nov. 15 4:47 P. M. from Iran, Formosa, Vietnam* In "The Life of Dr. Theodore Herzl," many worthwhile activities fo Carole Ann Adler, Helen Ehren- dia, Arinadad, Puerto Rico, Cuba pre-high school graders, Arthur H reich, Stewart Allan Gltlor, Ml< Poland, Germany and Hawaii par- will be shown. Mrs. Joe Bait asks that those Goldstein, Center chairman an- chael Steven Kaplan, Mayta Es ticipated. who have not yet turned In their nounced. ther Landsman and Bonnie Louise * • • Services this evening will begin J N F blue boxes, please bring them The program alms to provide Trustin. Dr. and Mrs. Edward M. Mala to this meeting. nt S;15 o'clock. Rabbi Myer S. Tuesday, Nov. 16 (hock announce the birth,of a Krlpke vrtll deliver the sermon pre-teens with a variety of InDavid Nell Bcrman and Marc daughter, Janice Lynn, born NoCantor Aaron L Edgar and the teresting activities which will de- Golds ton. vember 3 at a local hospital. They Beth El Synagogue Choir will ren-> velop and enrich their personal!Wednesday, Nov. IT have two other children, Marc and <ler the musical portluns of th ties, engage them in activities of Mrs. Meyer N. Hubin has been Maureen Epstein. Jewish content, furnish an opporJimmy. service. named general chairman of the Tburadnjr, Nov. 18 tunity for planned social programs Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Beth El Sisterhood fourth annual Sabbath morning services will and service to others. Included in Susan Ellen FVItbschall, Leanno Jay Malashock and Mr. J. A be held at 9 45 a. m. Junior Con- the program dinner dance, to be held Saturday, are special units o and William David Rif- Gross, all of Omaha. gregation Serviced at 10:30 a. m» activity Involving preparation to Goldberg De«. 18 at the Beth El Social HalL • • • Minch-Maariv services Bt 4:45 High School, some vocatlona kin. Mrs. Rubin will be assisted by Mrs. p. m. Dally services at 7 a. m. and guidance, and an appreciation ol Mrs. Jack Root and son Jlmmlc Wiyinm Raduzner, Mrs. Morion 7 p. m. Sunday morning service at tiie problems of pree-teeners. of North Hollywood, Calif., visited riedlander, Mrs. Harold Cooper9 a. m her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam man, as co-chairmen. An important feature of this Gcisman of Omaha. Additional committee member* project will be consultation and Patrick E. Corrlgan, newly • • . nclude the following circle chairconferences with the parents of elected Douglas County Sheriff. Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor club members. men: Mines. George Colin, David Lester Friedman, son of Mr. and will be the guest speaker at the Eli JCat;an, the IJcth Israel Syna The Eighth Grade Boys have al< Beth Israel Men's Club dinner Mrs. David A. Friedman, has com- rlanvllz, Harry Fcremtein, Sam Kogue choir and members of AZA. ready organized and elected Bob meeting, to be held at the soda pleted his studies at the Coast ion, Reuben Bordy, mill Jacob will conduct lnli? Friday evening Fellmati, president; Lorry Hober- hall November 18. Guard Radio Mechanics School. Bernstein. servtoes at 8 o'clock. man, vice-president; Mike Platt, Ticket book holders will be enMr. Corrlgan Is a native of Mr. Friedman, wh has served In Traditional Friday evening serv secretary; and Clark Swartz, a graduate of Crcighton the U. S. Coast Guard for one itied to ono admission to th» Ices IKabbolns Shahbos) begin at treasurer. Present at Uie election Omaha, ance, and one of the features of Prep and t h e Creighton Law year, will be assigned to aviation 4 45 p. m. Sabbath morning serv- meeting wre Steve Bloch, Bob School. He was formerly a special electronics w o r k at Elizabeth, he dance will be the awarding of ice*. 8:30 a. m. Junior congrega- Kellman, Sieve Flsk, Stuart Fogcl agent with the F.B.I. and served N. C. door prize. tan Greenfield, Tarry Hoberman. with the rank of Captain in the tion at 10 a. m. Rabbi Groner wll * • • conduct the Talmud class at 4:15 Larry Hornstrin, BUI Katzmnn U. S. Marine Corp. Dr. Nathan Crounse, non of Mr. Kooper, Epstein Share p. m. Saturday Mi.icHa at 4:45 Kd Levey, Mike Platt, Art Raznlck. Dan Gordman, president of the and Mrs. Max Crounse, has been p m., followed by Shuloshc Si-u- Al Schulman, Howard Slusky, Y.C. Bowling Honors Clark Swartz, and Kd Wintroub. Men's Club, requested all members named chairman of the Cincinnati dus and Maariv. Two AZA 100 (sophomores, Bob The club visited the Municipal and guesU planning to attend to Section of the American Chemical make their reservations by send- Society. Dr. and Mrs. Crounse Epstein and Howard Kooper are Rifle Range. ing In their card or calling the with their three children reside in the winners of the Youth Council The Sixth Grade Girls held on Beth Israel office. Doubles Bowling Tournament held Cincinnati, Ohio. Services will be held nt Temple Onep Shabbat and discussed plans last Sunday at the Music Box. EpIsrael at 8 o'clock this evening the year. Ron) Meyer was stein shot tt terrific Sfi7 scratch Rabbi Brooks will disaiss "The chosen temporary president and title teammate Kooper had an enPoor and Healthy." Nancy Rlekes temporary secreviable 509. Second place honor* The Temple Israel Religious AduK and Religious School tary. The election of permanent went to Larry Kahn and Jerry Service in the morning at 11 -,30 officers will be at the next meeting School Student Council has been Gordman of AZA 1. The winner* reorganized for the new school o'clock. Rabbi Brooks will con- o be held at the home of Deanrie Servicei were held in Los An- were r e c i p i e n t s of bowling year. New officers elected are: duct the service. Shnplro, 5136 Decatur. Sixth grad<» Joan Mayer, Confirmation Class gelej, Calif,, for Louis Baum, Sun- rophles. girls are invited to'join'at this Susan.Spcler, Grade 6 day, Oct. 31, Mr. Baum, a former meeting and are asked to contact President; Dramatic Club Will yice-prenident, and Judy Fried- resident of Omaha for 30 years, Miss Shapiro, GL 4969. died thtre Thursday. Oct. 29. nian, Grade 7 secretary. Celebrate 23rd Year grade Girls are planning The Student Council takes reSurvivors include his wife, The Omaha Choir Dramatic inEighth Interesting One>£ Shabbat No- sponsibility for allocation of Keren Blooma; • daughter, Airs. S e n Club will celebrate its 23rd anni •ember Morris Brodkcy, son of Mr. and 13, at the Jewish Comvehsary, Saturday,: Nov. 13, a( munity Center, at 1 p. m., and the Ami funds, plans holiday pro* Wascow of Los Angeles, Calif.; a rfr*. Edward E. Brodkey will ecle6:30 p. m. in the Fireside Restaur- Seventh Grade Girls will hold one grams for the Saturday Division, brother. Dave of Los Angeles; a irate his Bar Mltzvfllrat Beth T3 sponsors the school newspaper sister, Mrs. Isadorc Savor of Kan- iynagogue Friday evening, Nov. 12 ant, 38th & Leavenworth St. at 2:30 p. m., on the same day. "Ha-Safer," and assiaut In other sas City, Mo.; three grandchildren and Saturday morning, Nov. 13. The program will Include lehoo) projects. and two gnat-grandchildren. report of activities n r those years Friends and relatives are Invited Class representatives to the will be read by secretary Ben to attend the services and recepcouncil arc Allan Horwleh and Martin. lons which will follow. hcldon Krizelmnn, Grade 5; Mar- Monument Dedication Hebrew and Folk songs by Mrs da Fogel and Richard Zacharia, Nercmbers and Mr. Mcrovitz will Mr. and Mrs, Robert SwnrO: anThe family of the late Anna irade 6; Howard Stolcr and Judy be presented. •ollaek, Grade 7; Marc Samuel- Flcsch will dedicate a monument louncc the Bar Mltzvnh of their President, Joe Radinowgkl is her memory 2 p. m., Sunday, on, Clark, Friday cvcnini». Nov. and Steven Flsk, Grade 8; toast ntaster, and Herman McroThe Federation of Jewish Wom- ion Mnda Kavlch and Nancy Lewis, Mov. 14 at Pleasant Hill Cemetery, 9 and Saturday morning, Nov. 20, vitz is chairman of this affair. n's Clubs had one of the top "Irade 9; Lcc Jahr and Joan ftabbi Benjamin Groner and Can- it Beth Kl Synagogue. Friends and Messrs. Nathan Martin and Abo money making booths at the sixth olatlves are Invited to attend tho :or Ell Kasan will officiate. Schneider, are on the arrange- nnual Children's Memorial Hos- Mayer, Grade 10. crvlces nnd receptions which will ment Committee. ital Bazaar held at the Hotel ollow. All members arc urgently re- •"ontenelle Monday. quested to attend. Mrs. Richard Hiller, chairman, The November meeting of the Hadassah Players Group will nd her co-chairman, Mr*, p. A CPSTE1N-MORGAN Post will be g, expressed appreciation and icld at the JCC Thursday evening. meet from 1 to 3 p. m. in the ratitudc to all their many work- Nov. 18. Sherman Ijpsteln, pro- Lodge Room of the Jewish ComMrs. Dave Friedman, president rs who mnde this success possible. gram, chairman, announced that munity Center, Wednesday, Nov. if Both Israel P-TA, announced This Is the first year the Fed- Ifrcd Sugamuui, Assistant Pro- 17, under the direction of Mrs. he appointment of Mrs. Max xation of Jewish Women's Clubs fepsor of Speech a t University of Leon Schmidtnan. reenflcld and Mrs. Malvln Topper Casting and selecting of crew lave had a booth at this -project. Omaha will review Rabbi Stephen co-cnalrmen of a Latke-Card Saturday, Nov. U ' for properties, stage and lighting •arty to be held Saturday, Dec. Mrs. Jay Cherniack was general Wtoe's "A Voice for Justice." Jewish XVnr Veterans Armiswill take place. at 8:30 p. m.'tn Beth Israel S y tice P a y Dance, 9 p. m<->-Black- hairman of the bazaar. Mrs. Hen- Marvin Kaplan, Jr., Vice Comry Newman, a vice-president of mander In charge of membership Join, tho Hadassah Players for agogue. Ticket* are seventy-five stonc Hotel. the Federation of Jewish Wom»n creative outlet for your talent announces the Post is approaching cant* and may be purchased from Sunday, Nov. 14 Children's Activities, 1:30 p. m. en's Clubs, was in charge of the the half way mark In 1955 mem- Learn the many aspect* of pro- ny Beth Israel P-TA member o r project. Mrs. Edward A. Rosen ob- bership In comparison with last duction, acting, costuming and de- y colling Mrs. Greenfield at K B —Center. tained worken for the booth. ilgnlng. rear. 175 or Mr*. Topper at PH 0539. Israel Bond Drive Dinner— Monday, Nov. 18 Hadassah War Veterans Ladle* Auxiliary, 12:30 p. m.—Center. Workmen's Loan, 7:30 p. m.— ILAZA* ltk«tn>tl«ra by MAlffilCS d«i BOURGO T«xt ky Center. Tnewtoy, Nor. 16 National Council of Jewish Women, 1 p. m.—Center. , Art Class, 7 p. m.—Center, , WedBesdsy, NOT. 17 PnHlikaO ICvwy (Fridayuj tbe Vederatiuu ior JcwUb Service (IWM U M W - u a O U I •< U U U , Mcr-Ml UOo*l UM 1CI 01 MlXcb a. 18711, AJUM^ ttvMcrtnuo Huu Aavcnt rti ao Apitcaiior . IIIC*-i«J ;». tlU'HIM. •"»•»» (IHil rtuu -TOE apm—*««• Ba w - strset
Religious News
Mizrachi Women
Extension Club Plans Program
Beth El
B.E. Sisterhood
Sheriff-Elect Will Address Men's Club
Beth Israel
Temple Israel
T.I. Student Council
.oiiis Bcrnm
Fed. Women's Booth at Bazaar Very Sucessful
JWV Will Meet
Hadassah Players
Beth Israel P-TA To Hold Laike Party
Community Calendar
I. Columbus and the Jews
MtaracW Women, 1 p. m^-Cen-
B'naJ B'rith Henry Monsky •Oiapter Adult Education, 8 p, m. wHome. . I Ttandajr, Nor. 18 h Group Board*, 11 a, m. ltanple £tndy Group, 1 p.
M O w , X p. vir-OttAt.
MAnMMoif.flr.Mr MM* THIM *Airx ju o*Mr* n » # -
B r f d C, p» 7 C t
War V M M H Port NO. BL—Center
* jg
UN* M fMUM.ttM . MTMmcrmwM VMC rw«rT#
rnwr voV*M.
iw «matrn. tin*.
Friday, Novonber K, IBM
Riflcin-Appel Wedding Held Sunday Night at Beth Israel Mis* Phyllis Eileen Rifkin and Lyncll Lee Appcl, tlic latter of Los Angeles. Calif., were married 7 p. m., Sunday, Nov. 7 at Beth Israel Synagogue. Rabbi lienjamin Groner and Ell Kapiin offl dated at the ceremony. A reception was held In the social hall after the ceremony. The bride Is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Morris Rifkin, the bridegroom, the son of Mr. and Mrs Morris Appcl of Los Angeles. The bride designed and madr her floor-length gown of rosepoint lace, nylon tulle, and Skinner bridal satin, with seed pearl and iridescent swjuln trim. The bouffant tuiie skirt was trimmed with appliqucd roses nnd Imported pearls. A Juliet cap trimmed with irrldescent sequins and seed pearls held the bride's circular fingertip veil of imported French Illusion She carried a white Bible with a white orchid ami pink roses. , The matron of honor wns Mrs. Jade Kalman. She wore a ballerina length gown of mauve lace over rose-orchid taffeta with a yellow rose corsage. The junior bridesmaids was Marilyn Appcl, lister of the bridegroom. She wore a floor length bown of blue lace over taffeta. She carried a bouquet of roses. The flower girl was Susan Appcl, another sister of the bridegroom. She wore a pink dress of lace over tafieta. She carried a pom pom filled basket. Joseph A. Orchosky, of Miami Beach, Fla., was best
man. A Jfrey wool suit with block accessories made up the bride's goinu-away costume. The couple will live in Los Angeles, Calif.
Monsky Chapter The Adult Education group of B'nai B'rith Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470 will!meet Wednesday, Nov. 17, at S p. m., In the homo of Mrs. Julia Jacobs, 116 N. 35th Ave. Phil Allen will review the book "White Collar" by C. Wright Mill*.
. : • • ' . - . .
. : . • • : •
•• • • • •
Council Women
JWV Auxiliary
Joseph Barker, chairman of the Municipal Auditorium Commission will discuss "What the New Auditorium Means to Mr. and Mn. Omaha" at the regular luncheon meeting of the Omaha Section, National Council of Jewish Women. The meeting will be held 12:30 p. m., Tuesday, Nov. 16 in the Jewish Community Ccnlea Myron Cohen, concertmastcr of the Omaha Symphony Orchestra will present a violin solo as part of the program. Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, vlce-presIdcnt of Ways and Means, wishes to thank all those who helped make the rummage sale a success. A board meeting will be held 1 p. m., Thursday, Nov. 11, following n dessert luncheon at the home of Mrs. Harry Weinbcrg, 2300 Country Club Blvd.
Epstein-Morgan Ladies Auxiliary No. 260, Jewish Wur Veterans will meet Thursday, Nov. 18, at 8 p. m. in the Jewish Community Center. Final plans have been made for the Card Party to be held by tho Auxiliary Monday, Nov. 15, at 1 p. m. In the Center. Dessert luncheon will be served. Tickets are 75 cents and may be purchased from any member of the Auxiliary. Free sitter service will be provided. Mrs. Meyer Kaplan, senior vicepresident and fund raising chairman, will be assisted by Mrs. Nate Marcus, president, Mrs. Edward. S l r n o n , refreshment chairman, Mrs. Dclmar Klein and Mrs. William S. Abrahams. Mrs. J. Milton Margolin, Overseas Package Chairman, sent 19 packages to Jewish servicemen who are overseas. She was assisted by Dr. J. Milton Margolin, Ezra Doldiier and Mmcs. Isadore Lewis nnd Nathan Fellman. There is still lime to send packages for Chanu» kah so if you know of any serviceman who is overseas, please call Mrs. Margolin at GL 4GG8.
Mrs. I.ynrll I* Appel
Mrs, Paul Verct, Omaha Chapter Hadassah Education Chairman, announces that the Hadassah Education Council will hold Its regular Oneg Shabat, 1 p. m., Saturday, Nov. 13, at the home of Mrs. Alee Aylat, 5026 Burt Street. Mrs. Max R. Grossman will be co-hostess. MS. The Omaha Chapter Hadossnh Board will meet, Monday, Nov. 15, at the home of Mrs. Leo Wcitz, 317 No. 52nd St. at a 12:30 dessert luncheon. The Group Board meetings will u 5'/4 be held Thursday, Nov. 18, at 12:30 p. m. 8 8 9 The Pioneer Women's Organiza10 tion wil hold the monthly Oneg 10 Shabat, Saturday, Nov. 13, at 1 11 p. m. in Mrs. H. Burnsteln's homo, 114t 4344 Scward Street. The program 12Vt will Include a reading by Mrs. 14 Spector and folk songs by Mrs. 14V4 Noremberg, IS Guest Speaker will be Joe Rdd15 lnowski. 15 Mrs. Jake Kaplan Is chairman 15 of this affair, and all members arc 19 urged to attend.
Hadassah Bowling w. Fireside Restaurant . . . 18',4 Edwards Jewelry . . . . Mctz Beer Cooper Construction . . Brodkcy Jewelry Sllco Products . , . i t . . Playlaml Park . . . ? . . . Mflglcolor Benson Hardware . . . . Silk Shop Youngstown K United Auto Sup. . . . . Superette Food Nogg Bros. . . . . . . . . . . WaUon Bros. RCA Victor . . . . , , . . .
16 16 15 14 14 13 12% 11V4 10 9'.i 9 9 9 9 5
Pioneer Women
Wedding, Bar and Bas Mitzvah, and Birthday Cakes
Cleaned in Your Home) tflrtlig • layfaf • Impairing DON IERNSTEIN HA 25S4
Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on Sunday
Mrs. Marvin J. Suvalsky
Newlyweds to Be Feted in Bluffs
Invited to attend. Out-of-town guests will include: Mr. and Mrs. Sam KrlctscT, parents of the bride, from Atlanta, Ga., Mrs. Ida Goldberg. Ben Goldberg, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Goldfinger, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Shapln and son, all of Chicago; Mr. nnd Mrs. Edwnrd Brooks and Mrs. Al Brooks of Minneapolis, Minn.j Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goldberg and daughter of Denver, Colo., Tlnd Miss Roslyn Nodvin of Atlanta, Ga. The couple will make their home in Council Bluffs.
A reception honoring Mr. and Mrs. Marvin J. Suvalsky, who have Just returned from their honeymoon in Las Vegan and Colorado, will be given by parents of the bridegroom, Mr. and Mrs, Saul Suvalsky. It will be held from 2:30 to 5:30 p. m., Sunday, Nov. 14 In the Jewish Community Center, 22-1 S. 8th Street, In Council Bluffs. No invitations have been issued and all friends and relatives are
Mrs. Arthur Parllman and Mrs. . Julia Jacobs are Adult Education chairmen for the Chapter.
Sunday Branch
Face TbrM
Bakery and Delicatessen
Epstein-Morgan Post No. 260 Jewish War Veterans of Omaha
WE 3043
Craftsman Gives You
for Your Old Window SHADE ROLLER
On the Purchase OF A NEW
Effective Till Nov. 25 * Free Delivery & Installation
* Free Estimates
Delivery and cu«torn Installationare Included In your p u r o b l i e price. No eilr« charrea.
or obligation for eatlraatea f r o m CraftKnytn. Phone ATtantlc 4544 for your free etttl. mate today.
Tenth Birthday Celebration TOMORROW NITE
8 P.M., Saturday, Nov. 13
Therms no charge
(Formerly Armlirlce Day Dance)
Served Buffet Style! All You Care to Eat
! Tnntmnd • "KtHK-O"
Blackstone Hotel Ballroom Music by TONY BRADLEY and His Fine Orchestra COME ONE —COME ALL Partake of Our Birthday Cake $1.25 PER PERSON
CUSTOM MADE "TO FIT YOUR WINDOWS" Don't 'on't mitt this M>d«y offer to beautify your hoi ilh real quality window ihadti. Thay're firapro . waihibla, and coma In a large color lelecllon. Call AT 4S44 and1 let Craftsman cuifonvmoature your windowi.
: * * * • »»•»•
New Judea Club
B'narB'rifh Bowling KoUey'i "B" TV. 19 16 16 16 14 13 12 10 9 9
All Makes Metz Morris Paint Liberty Gas Greenberg Insur. Hlnky Dinky PhUco Louis Mkt. R & S Shoes H A. Wolf
U 1 11 11 13 1 15 1 18 18
Parkway "B" Canadian Ace Ranks Wolfson-Gerber Richman-Gordman Grace-Mayer Hoberman Plbg Forbes Bakery Ritcway TV MUderOll Gerelick Motors Sol LcwU Co Harvey Chicken
17 16 15 tt 15 15 15 14 12% 11 11 11 9
10 11 1114 12 12 12 13 14H 16 16 16 18
Womra'i "A" Dlv. W. Fireside Restaurant . . . 1 6 Midwest Water Heaters 15 Mystic Beauty Shop . .12 Omaha Jobbing 12 Meyers News 12 Wolf Brothers 11 Philips Dept. Store 10 Shukerts 8
L. 8 9 12 12 12 13 14 16
Women's "B" Ulv. W. Angle's Beauty Salon ..15'.4 Smith Pontiac 15 Kish Furs 14',i Lyn's Florist 12 Hamilton Pharmacy . . . 1 2 Colony Club 11 Moyjen David Wine 8 Koroey's Paint Co. . . . 8
L. 8',4 9 9H 12 12 13 16 16
Haganah Ha Koton or "The Littie Israeli Army" is the name of the first boys' Young Judea group in the State of Nebraska and one of the youngest Judea groups ir the United States. Led by Sta Fcllman, this sixth-seventh grad< club has already held two organ izational meetings. Chapter members are: John Sutton, Dick Zacharla, Richard Frecdman, Arnie Follman, John Bank, Kelt Leiberman, Buddy Herzog Bot Wolf. Dick Kaslaw, Jim Kagen, Howard Chudacoff, Ken Rosen, Harold Forbes and Mike Green. The boys elected the following officers: President, Keith Leiberman; Vice-President, Dick Zacharia; Secretary, Richard Freed man, and Treasurer, Arnle Fellman. Haganah Ha Koton meets at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoons In the Beth El Social Haii. Activities arc in the fields of sports, social and Israeli projects. All sixth and seventh grade boys arc invited to a t tend.
Y.C. Girls Bowling Lucky Strikes Screwballs Debs Nebs I'ma Saoklt The Hobos The Cutles Four Gutter Gals Three of Us Knock On Wood The Turkeys Hi Guys Lucky
6 6 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 1'4 1 V4
0 0 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4% 5 5!4
Friday. November U , U H
AZA No. 1 Smashes Centurymen 54'28
Jr. Y.C. Bowling
High honors were shared by Stan .Widman hit his point getJuhn Rickes and Kcva Shyken in last Sundays league play.' John ting stride as a scrappy Mother made a 258 series with a high of chapter smashed the hopes of 141, while Kcva, a 62 average A Z A . 100 squad 54-28. He dropped bowler, rolled games of 89 and 123.
Jr. B.B. Bowling
W. IM Hokey Pokes 10 4 Blue Eagles .10 4 Mike Platt fired the high game Lucky Leaguers . . . . . . : . . . 1 0 4 and series in Sunday's competiRayim Jrs 8 6 tion to cop the limelight. His open4 Belles 7 7 er, a modest 130 was climaxed The Curves 7 7 with a hefty 175 for a 305 scries. Bowling Bums 6 8 In the girls' division, Joyce Fancy Pants 5 9 Kooro and Nancy Richards were Cozy Farmers 4 10 tops. Joyce rolled a sparkling 165 7th Heaven 3 11 and 113 for a beautiful 278 series: Nancy, only a few pins behind fired games of 157 and 113 for a 5-6th Graders Elect ~ 270 series. . W.' L. Captains in Midget Play Nebraska Furn Mart 10 2 With two weeks of team prac- Midwest Water Heaters . . . 8 4 tice remaining before the opening Meadow Gold Dairy .8 4 of the pre-scason league the fifth- O. P. Skaggs 7 5 7 5 ilxth graders held their elections Omaha Jobbing 5 for captains. Team 1 chose Mlko Wolfson-Gcrber Auto . . . . . 7 6 6 Sadofsky, Team 2, Dick Zacharta; Fireside Restaurant 5 7 Team 3, Jeff Wohlncr, and Team 4, Wolfson Sales Co 5 7 Steve Guss. Team players were Playland Park 4 8 announced in last week's Press Maypers Roberts Dairy 3 9 and new players Include Bob Gross Morris Paint 2 10 on Team 2, Ulll Ginsburg on Team Election of officers will, take 3 and Allan Cohen on Team 1. place next Sunday. Plans are beThe Senior division final team ing made to hold a tournament selections will be made next Sun- sometime in December. More Inday when team captains will be formation about this will apear in the Jewish Press. 'lected.
In 26 points and received support from Tom Bromberg, who added 16. Ray Kirke played a fine ball handling game while Stan Kalman and Dave Wldman played alert basketball to boost the tally, ken Fried and Howard Kaslow scored 6 points each for the Centurymen. rUyim A, leading the lead with a 2-4 record slapped a 50-20 defeat to their B team. Paced by Stev* Rosenblat, Gene Kohn and Al Corey the Raylra Boys were never In danger. Rosenblatt finished with 19 points while Kohn and Corey added 10 each. Larry Herman and Larry Lincoln scored 6 points for the B team. League Standing* W. L. Raylm A 2 0 A.Z.A. 1 1 1 A.Z.A. 100 1 1 Raylm B 0 2 Patronize Our Advertiser*
SPEECH IS IMPORTANT Increase Your Word Power Defects and Accents Corrected
Thank You
Individual Instruction
Junior Spotlight
MRS. RENA MURTAGH 80J N. 49th A Y . .
WA 7 ( 7 0
By Ferae Katlrmnn "Back to nature" seemed to be the theme of last Sunday's Funiarid: program as Funlandcrs visited Fontenello Forest and Elmwood Park. The hikers included the older boys led by Ernie Saltzman and the Fun Cluh who's leader is Bernle Feldmnn. Swimming, clay modeling, games in the outof-doors and story-U'IJinE wort? some of the other activities participated in by the youngsters. THANKSGIVING I'KOGKAM Plans are now being made for a big Thanksgiving Festival for all grade school children during the holiday vacation. A "splash party" and movies are on the ajjonda for the Friday afternoon program. Details will appear In this column. I
Want Ads CAICDS BAR and BOB Milzvnh congratulations also Tor aU Jewish nolldim and special occasions plcyers News Stand. 1502 Dodge WANTED—Full size violin. Call JA 1366 from 9 a m. to 5 p. m After 5 p. m. and Sunday call HA 1204. •'OUK-FtOOM npariment wanted —near Beth El Synagogue, 49th ant) Farnam Sts.. for member of Beth El staff, Call GL 3221.
The Fine Car of Its Field
'55 FORD
We are extremely grateful for the vote of confidence on the part of our fellow dtizens» indicated by the vote on the All-Bur Franchise. With this new franchise, it will be possible for us to obtain the necessary financing to make our mass transportation system a complete bus operation. We are taking steps immediately to negotiate for the 35 new buses. Widi the elimination of the street cars, the modernization program for Omaha's traffic can be continued and the one-way street system completed.
4 New High-Fashion Lines . . . Including NEW FAIRLANE SERIES
In behalf of the employees, officers and directors of the company, I want to thank you all for your wonderful support.
JAMES P. LEE, Pretideni 4719 N. 30th St.
Home of Convenient Insured Payment Plan • ! . .
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