tnurae w MoDndCtM* Maii irrtc* om*JM N»bra»k» oaoat
rtio UDBI « i r » imaar. u» A aim. Onilfc* Nabrukl. I'boOf i « UW
Philanthropies Cash Joint Tercentenary Drive Set for Dec. Annual F i r ! « i o n
The annual cash collection drive of the Jewish Philanthropic! will be held during the month of December, Dave Feder, Pledge Redemption chairman, announced todny. The object of the drive is to raise enough cash on 1954 pledges to the Jewish Philanthropies campaign to enable the Federation to meet Its commitments to the agencies included In the annual campaign. "Some 200 agencies and institutions arc dependent upon tt|p cash that we will raise In this December drive. It is an urgent matter which will be brought to the attention of all subscribers of the Philanthropies campaign," Mr. Fcdcr said. ••' "Evpom all sides—from the United Jewish Appeal, from the Joint Defense Appeal, the B'nai B'rilh Institutions, national hospitals and religious Institutions, wo are besieged with pleas to provide the cash Which they need for their Important activities." Mi\ Fedcr stressed that because of the $325,000 loan from the bank* for the United Jewish Appeal Five Year Refunding Loan Project made earlier in the year, the Federation cannot borrow additional funds to meet the most urgent needs of its many: agencies. "We, therefore, must depend Upon accelerated incomo from our subscribers to obtain the cash so badly needed by our beneficiaries," Mr. Fcder emphasized, .Special mail appeals and billines are going out to all subscribers; an Immediate response will make it unnecessary to have a follow-up effort. \ •
Lind Brothers at Bond Rally Dec. 15 The internationally famous Llnd Brothers will headline Omaha's B'nai B'rith all-out rally for Israel Development Bonds to be held Wednesday evening, Dec. 15 at tho Bluckstonc Hotel. Dr. Abe Grecnbcrg, general chairman of the Bond campaign, announced the "Night in Israel" program. The brothers will offer their inimitable comedy style, popular and boogie woogle songs. Since tho start of the Israel Bond Drive three years ago, the lAni* have devoted a major part of . their t'mo to the campaign. During World War II. the brothen; served as privates first class in the South Pacific, where they performed In GI review* near the fronts. They have appeared In top night spots, on radio and television and In several motion pictures, Admission will be one dollar per couple.
Sunday Radio and TV Omaha Chapter Hadassah will present the "Hadassah Story" over KBON at 10:30 a. nri. This week's program will be the third in the series. Rabbi Philip S. Bernstein, author of the best-seller "What the Jews Believe* and spiritual leader of Temple B'rith Kodesh In Rochester, N. Y., Will discuss "What the Jews Believe About Jesus" over KOIL from 10:03 to 10:30 a. m. "Trapdoor," a fictional Interpretation of why a secret tunnel was built under the Touro Synagogue In Newport, R. I., will be telecast over \VOW-TV from 12:15 to 12:45 p, n). This is the third In the Frontiers of Faith series presented by the Jewish Theological Seminary honoring the American Jewish Tercentenary.
David Feder
Community Calendar Saturday, Nov. 27 Temple Israel Supper Club, 7 p. m.—Temple Israel. Beth Israel Men's Club Dance, 8:30 p. m.—Beth Israel, .Homecoming College Dance, 9 p. m.—Center. Sunday, Nov. 28 Children's Activities, 1:30 p. m. —Center, International Film Festival, Josly Memorial—8 p. m. B'nnl B'rith Chapters Fund raising—Blackstonc Hotel. Monday, Nov. 20 .Golden Age Club, 1 p. m.—Center. Workmen's Loan, 7 p. m.—Center. Omaha Symphony Orchestra, 8:30 p. m.—Joslyn, Memorial. Tuesday, Nov. SO Hadassah. Hcrzl Group, 12:30 P, m.—Center. Hadnssah, Wclzmunn g r o u p , 12:30 p. m.—YMCA. Hadnqsah, Szold group, 12:30 p, m.—YWCA. Art Class, 7 p. m.—Center. Omaha Symphony, 8:30 p. m.— Joslyn Memorial. Wednesday, Dec 1 B'nai B'rith Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470 Luncheon Meeting, 1 P. m.—Center. Center Orchestra, 9 p. m.—Center. Tliurmlny, Dec 2 Center Art Class, 1 p. m.—Center. Temple Study Group, 1 p. m.— Temple. Bridge Class, 7 p. m.—Center. Beth Israel P-TA Meeting, 8:30 p. m.—Beth Israel.
"The Lie," the 12th In the series marking the Tercentenary will be heard on the Eternal Light program over WOW-Hadlo from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon. It tells the story of the initial experiences of a 14-yoar-old Immigrant boy In the sixth grade of a lower east side school In Now York City. The tfhlld's love of education Inspires him to be as truthful as his hero George Washington. Philip Kluznlck, president of B'nai B'rith and associate chairman for tho Tercentenary Celebration, will speak at the close of the program.
Center Cinema Club Series Start Sunday The "Roosevelt Story," an official film, biography of the late President Roosevelt will open the new Center Cinema Club scries. This will be the first of six outstanding films to be shown in the Recital Hall of the Joslyn Memorial Art Museum starting at 8 p. m. this Sunday. It U an authentic screen story of the life and times of the late president of the United States, covering Over forty of the most
critical years in our nation's history. A gcnulno documentary fllni. It was edited from actual pictures taken from real life from 1903 to 1945. It contains many historical scenes never before shown publicly. It Is the story of « great American and a living record of an historic era. Selected1 short subjects will be Included in the program. Series tickets are $250 and individual admissions are 75 cents/ Reservations may. be had at the activities office in tfio Jewish Community Center. Call JA 1366. Other films to be shown at Joslyn as part of the current series are "Palsan," "It Happened One The next meeting of the Golden Night," "Specter of the Rose," Age Club will be held at the Jew- "Tho Lady Vnnlshes" and "Gigl." ish Community Center Monday, Nov. 29 at 1 p. m. The table decorations will be in keeping with CHARGE KE.IECTED the Thanksgiving holiday. . Jerusalem (JTA)—Tho IsraeliYiddish records from the Cen- Egyptian Mixed Armistice Cornter's collection will be played. mission rejected Egypt's charges Some of Uie recording artists in- about an alleged "attack" on clude: Jan Peerce, Menasha Skul- Egyptian fishing boats by the Isnlk, Moisho Oysher, Molly Picon, raeli freighter, "S. S. Bat Gallm," George Jcssol, Sldor Bllarsky, which Egypt seized September 28 Mickey Katz and the Mnlavsky Rejection of the Egyptian accusation is virtually an order against Family Choir. The program will include folk the Egyptian government for the songs,dance s and comedy. All immediate release of the vessel Golden Agerjs are Invited to attend. and its ten-man crew. The capThe Golden Age Club Is jointly tain and crow of the "Bat Gallm" sponsored by the Omaha Section. have been In a Cairo prison since Council of Jewish Women and the the Egyptians seized the freighter In the S,uc7. Canal. Jewish Community Center.
Yiddish Music for Golden Age Club
3. Louis de Carvajal
THE TERCENTENARY STORY Coprrlitit. lew. bj Antrim J.wUh Prut
Illustrations by MAURICE dal BOURGfl
Halt 4 Uopi Ul
Fete Meet
Sunday Night Dec. 12 at Jay The American Jewish Tercentenary will be observed in Omaha by the entire Jewish Community In conjunction with the Commu> nity Annual Meeting of the Jewish Federation Sunday evening, Dec. 12, at the Jewish Community Center, J. Harry Kulakofsky, Federation President, and Rabbi Myer S. Kripkc, chairman of the Omaha Tercentenary Committee announced. This j o i n t program was an»proved by the Executive Committee of the Jewish Federation at its last meeting. Rabbi Kripke is in charge of the Tcreccntenary phase, while Mike Freeman was designated as chairman of tho Nominating Committee. Rabbi Kripke announced that an outstanding speaker Is being chosen to deliver the main address of tho evening, which will deal with the Tercentenary theme. "We urge every member of the community to plan to attend this Important community . assembly," Mr. Kulakofsky s-ild. "This will be the only clty-wldc observance of the significant anniversary of the 300 years of : Jewish settlement in -America to be held In Omaha. We hope that the calendar will 'be completely cleared and free to enable every member of the community to bo present."
Global Report KMPLOVMKNT BIAS Chicago (JTA)—One thousand out of 3,700 business firms here investigated by the Chicago Bu-. reau on Jewish Employment Problems were found to have uarrvd Jews from employment on' joborders placed with employment agencies during the past year. Thl3 was the major finding revealed In the Bureau's 1954 report of cctlvltlcs. BOOK MONTI* New York (JTA)—Thirty-eight Jewish authors were honored at a reception marking the Inaugura' tlon of Jewish Book Month, which this year is being observed from November 19 through December 18. The reception was held at Temple Emanu-El, here, In observance of the American Jewish Tercentenary. The month Is coordinated by tho Jewish Book Council of America, which In turn Is sponsored by tho National Jewish Welfare Board. The authors were given citations! for works which hnvc made Important contributions to American Jewish history. ISRAEL URANIUM Jerusalem (JTA) — The revelation that Israel had made "considerable progress" in the extraction of uranium from low grado phosphates found In the Negev and that refining methods had been woarked out which made it possible to extract uranium from these and other typos of ores at a commercially feasible cost, wag made here this week-end by Dr. David Bergman, head ot Israel's ' atomic energy commission.
Adult Dance
Religious News
rnbastod Kmrj Friday by ttu Federation tor Jewish Servlcs
4:3* I". M. HAHRS HALPERT....
Between You and Me By Boris 8molsr (Copyright, IBM, JTA, Inc.)
Rabbi Benjamin, Groner, Qwtor Eli Kagan, the Beth Israel Synagogue and members of Club Tar Yag will conduct late Friday evening services this evening at 8 o'clock. Traditional Friday evening services (Kabbolas Slialjbos) begin at 4:30 o'clock. Sabbath morning services begin at 8:30 o'clock and Junior Congregation at 10 a. m. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Talmud class at 4 p. in. Sabbath Mincha at 4:30 p. m. followed by ShohoUhe S'eudos and Maariv. Daily morning services at 7 o'clock and afternoon services at 4:40 o'clock. Sunday morning services at 8:45 o'clock followed by Bible study and breakfast. Sunday morning Junior Minyan at 8:30 o'clock. The Talmud Discussion group* meet every Tuesday at 7 p. m. at Synagogue, 19th and Burl Ms.
difficult for them to eke out livelihood . . . I n fact, they complain that they earn less than worker whose income average! about five dollars a day . . . Nevertheless, despite such complaints, no merchant in Israel'—whether big or small—goes into bankruptcy, and this too is one of the signs that Israel's present economy is healthy . . . The government Is restricting bank credits, thereby preventing possible bankruptcies and checking Inflation.
MISSION TO ISRAEL: Israe is well on the road to economic In dependence; however, the, will de pend (or another 10 yean on the financial aid she is receiving frail American Jewry through the Uni ed Jewish Appeal . . . This is th opinion expressed to me by Offl elals of the American Embassy Ir Israel with whom I discussed Israel's present situation as "Mood Indigo," the opening duce for Young AdulU win be member of the UJA Study Mispresented at tbe Jewish Community Center Saturday, Dec. 4, at 0 sion which visited the Jewish State p. m. Dan Burns and his orchartnt will provide the ramie Tne this month to assess its need* . . danco will feature a floor show anu a "Name the Club" contest. A The views of the American Emprize, donated by Bontheun'i Jewelers, will be awarded for the winbassy in this respect are not far from the views of the Israel Gov- The sum of five hundred dollars ning name. Refreshmentswill be served- Shown above.from left ernment •. • Members of the Israel was raised by the members of the to rifbt are: Ida Bundell, program chairman; HUUe Kadlnotnkl, Cabinet, with whom I had an op- B'nal Jacob Adas Yeshurun Sy- general co-chairman; anil Marllya Meyer, publicity chairman. Not portunity to discuss the matter, nagogue for children's rescue oper- anown a n : Laura Handler, reaitrafco-fjuinnan; Betty back, decowere all of the opinion that while ations and activities; and rushed rations chairman; and Joan Wiseman, refreshments chairman. AoV Israel is certainly showing eco to the Joint Distribution Commit- miMlon will bit 60 cents, plus tax. Toe dance it open to all young . ' . . • ' ": • • • • . • •: ' . . ; nomic progress. American Jewis tee and the United Israel Appeal •dolts. ' aid will remain an essential part It will be used in their special chil• The Sabbath evenlrtB service is of the country's needs. . . . Com- dren's rescue and rehabilitation at 8 o'clock this evening. RnbW paring my present visit to Israel programs, Joe Adler, President of Sidney H. Brooks will discuss with that made only about nine the Synagogue announced this "Generations of Books" In recognk months ago—not to speak of prev- week. Uon of Jewish Book Month A disious visits—it was easy for me to "The membership of our synaplay of Jewish literature will be •ee the remarkable progress In gogue has always been interested Elaine Jabenls, radio and televt of Minneapolis, Minn.; Mr, slon chairman for-Omaha Chapiter on view at the Temple. Mrs. Mier Chazcn and Dr. Sheldon Israel's economy . . . This prog- in aiding the important activities ress finds Its expression not only of the Unltetf Jewish Appeal agen- Hadassah will be the guest speak- Kcovah of Mason City, la.; Messrs. Adult and Religious School In the fact that the country n cies especially in the field of child er for Minneapolis Business and and Mines, j , Duitch. Max Duitch, service in the morning at J lt30 longer suffers from i. shortage ol saving activities in many lands,' Professional Women of Hadassah, Louis Gdlinsky and M. J. Bloom, o'clock. Tbe Religious School Chair December 1. She will appear In food, but that it has also suc- Mr* Adler said. under the direction of Miui Ida Mrs: Sidney Holll*. president of Gltlln win sing portions of the ceeded in increasing substantially The Board of Commissioners Is the leading role of the play,, "The its exports . . . At present tile gap composed of: Abe Kirshcnbaum, Second Beginning," for St. Paul'i the Theodor Herzl Group of Ha- service. RabW Brooks will deliver Annual fund-raising Donor event dassah has bcei between Israel's imports and exj a scrmonctte and officers and Joe Adler, president December 2, and In Superior, Wis,, ticipatc in the Hadassah Donor ports is only about $200,000,000 a chairman; p members of the religious school Izzic Carsick, vice-president; EU December 4. She will appear with Affair year . . . And this gap is almost Bittner. secretary; Joseph Kir- the local cast at Lincoln, Nebraska, Nostudent council will assist with the each dry. She vember 28th. covered by the reparations from shenbaum, treasurer, and Ben Lin- leaves Omaha in Tuesday. Nov. 30. service. Germany, the American grant-In- denbaum, Sam Levin, and S, II. for this tour. Kiddush will be held In the soaid to Israel, and the funds which cial hall at Die conclusion of th« • « • Israel receives from American Binder, trustees. service. Jewry through the UJA and the Rabbi Nathan Fcldmnn Is iplr- Dr. and Mrs. Philip II. Starr of L, Louis, Mo., and their two tons, Nancy Vcnger, daughter of Mr. sale of Israel bonds . . . Thus, the tunl leader of the congregation. Eric and Craig, arc visiting Oma- and Mrs. Abe Verger, will celecountry is almost in a position to ha. Mrs. Starr is the former Harbalance its budget . . . However, riet Rothkop of Omaha.. Dr. Starr brate her Bas Mitzvah Friday eveServices this evening will begin the question is: how long will a former resident of Toronto, ning, Nov. 26 and Saturday mom- at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Mycr S. Krlpthese funds from abroad be avail ing, Nov. 27, at Beth El SynaCanada. kc will deliver the sermon. Cantor able? . ... If they come for ahoul gogue. Friends and relatives arc Aaron L Edgar and the Beth El JO more years, Israel will by that Invited to attend the services and Mrs. Jake Folk, formerly o Synagogue Choir will render th« time be solidly on Its own feet . Omaha, now a resident of Lbs An receptions which will follow both musical portions of the service. Exports certainly will increase services. By Mm. Rcgtaa FrhcbwasMr gelcs, Calif., is visiting her son during these years, since Israel is Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) Sabbath morning service* will and dnughtcr-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. successfully developing a cotton Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Greenberg be at 8:45 a. m. Junior Congrega• • * ~>mnrd Folk of our city. crop to take care not only of her announce the Bar Mitzvah of their tion services are at 10:45 a. m. POTATO PlE • • • own needs—and thus save millions cup flour Mincha-Maariv Services will be at Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Ruston son, Steven Greenberg' and Mr. and 4:45 p. m. Daily services arc at 7 of dollars in imports—but also to 1 well beaten egg Mrs. Samuel Stem announce the and their sons, Robert and Charles, •ell cotton aboard . . . Exports of 2 tablespoons oil a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday morning of Denver, Colo., arc house guests Bas Mitzvah of their daughter. peanuts nave suddenly become tablespoon sugar of Mrs. Huston's sister and broth Carolyn Stem, at a Joint service service is at 9 a. m. source of substantial income for 1 cup boiled mashed potatoes cr-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Martin D. Friday evening, Dec. 3 and SaturIsrael.,. Not to tj-eak of the'sale cups hot milk day morning. Dec, 4 at Beth El Haykln. of citrus fruit which they year egg yollts They will attend the Sunday Synagogue. Friends nnd relatives yielded a visible amount of foreign egg whites are Invited:to attend the services redding of Mrs. Ruston's other currency. cup sugar sister, Miss Jean Levinson, to Jack and receptions which will follow lemon Edward Duitch of Chicago. Mr. both services. • • • tablespoons powered sugar Duitch arrived Tuesday and was Omaha Section, Nationul CounKnead a,soft dough from 1 cup U N E M P L O Y M E N T AND joined by his parents, Mr. and Mrs cil of Jewish Women gave their flour, muUd with 1 well beaten TAXES: Israel's cotton' plantaMelvin Duitch of Spokane, Wash, Thanksgiving Party at The 1 annual tions, the export of peanuts and egg, oil, l; tablespoon sugar and a on Thursday. The bride-elect !< Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Homo For yie increased sale of citrus fruit little water. Roll out a thin sheet the daughter of Mrs. Mathlas F. The Aged Sunday afternoon, Nov. abroad also helped substantially and place Intp.a greased pie plate. Levinson. 2L The entertainment begun with this year to solve the uncntploy. Mix the boUed and mashed pota- Other out-of-town guests ex- To highlight the Thanksgiving a play, "The Big Day" with the toes with hot milk, 3 well beaten vacation, a gala festival has been men:' problems, from which the following members of the Miriam to attend the wedding arc: yolk*'niigar, the juice and pected country suffered only six1 .months egg Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Firestone and planned for all grade school chil- Shrlcr Dramatic School: Misses grated rind of l lemon. Pour the Bfiss dren. The Thanksgiving Festival Leslie Epstein, Nancy Fellmun, a g o . . , Work in thcte three field* mixture Charlotte Morton of Kansas the pie plate and bale* will be held this afternoon from 2 has provided employment for many in a hotInto oven one hour. Mix the City, Mo.; Mrs. Charles Walrmky ti 4 p. m. at the Jewish Commu- Diane Fogcl, Ardeen Forbes nnd thousands of unemployed, and al stiffly beaten egg whites with 3 Dcanne Shapiro. This was folnity Center. though this --mployment may be tablespoons powdered sugar and lowed by Impersonations by Miss The program includes a variety Nancy Fellmnn. Mrs. Sam Horof a seasonal nature, it neverthe- pour over the pie. Return to the show, complete with magician, pre- wich gave her Impressions of sevless had its effect on the mood In oven to brown. sented by the Rayim Travelling eral dialect stories in Ylddinh. Th« the country . . . It has shown that • • • the country Is potentially able to The Temple Israel Supper Club Troupe and a "Splash Party" In. floral centerpiece and the fruit STUFFED LEMON CUPS cope with unemployment both tem- large rfll.mect'at 7 p. m,, Saturday, the Center pool. Children who basket was also donated by th* lemons porarily and on a permanent basis can chopped sardine* Nov. 27 in the Temple sodal hall. would like to swim ore aftked to council women. Mrs. Max Scbcucr. . . It must be emphasized that a Merrill Workhoven, WOW broad- bring a swimming stilt, towel and man was In charge of the pro* chopped hard boiled eggs good deaf of unemployment, which caster, will moderate a panel dis- the glrli, a bathing cap. gram. minced onion Is at the present moment almost cussion on "Education In Omaha." Admission for the program is tablespoon mayonnaise dressing Mrs. Samuel Halprln la a (en cents. non-existent. Is created by the fact Members of tbe panel will be tablespoons lemon juice resident " that in many families both the stuffed Milton Abrahams, Mrs. William olives . YAHOZEIT-Speeial husbands and the wives work . . . lettuce leaves Feller and Simon A. Simon, City Services will be held in .' Ilomo This .li especially the case in fam- Cut Commissioner. • the lemons In halves and Synagogue, 4S01 No. I st., for ilies where the income of the hus- cut a dice from the bottom of each Mr. and Mm, Arthur KuUko&ky the following: band docs not suffice to maintain half so the cups will stand level. it in charge of the program with The Tenth Annual Membership Kiilev 1, Nov. 26-. an acceptable standard of living Squeeze out the Juice and remove *r*. Dora Feder assisting. Joseph of the Jewish Labor Com- Kosowsky. . . . And there are many families the flcsb of the fruit and the seeds. For reservations, contact the Dinner mittee of Omaha will be held 6 Klslev 10, In Israel today who must work Combine sardines, onion, eggs, 'cmple office, RE 6636. 5-Mrs. Meyer p. to., Sunday, Dec 19, at the La- PotashnDc. hard to make ends m e e t . . . When mayonnaise dressing and lemon bor Lyceum, 3024 Cutting Street, >ou talk to some of them, their lulce. Fill the lemon cups and chilL 14—Mr. Harry Max Crounte, chairman of the cry is that the government's is Im- irrange: Individual nests of lettuce Jewish Labor Committee anposing extremely high taxes upon rod garnish with stuffed olives. Dee. 34—Mr. Harry The family of the late Mr*. Her- nounced. .ttem . . . This is also the cry of Serve this as an appetizer. L. Cohen. man Mlrovitz win dedicate a mon- Louis Wltkin wfll be the small merchant in. Israel . . . Coming Events Include: afterument In her memory at 3:30 Taxes at present arc between 25 Hollywood (JTA)—Danny Kaye p. m., Sunday, Nov. 28 at Beth B dpal speaker. The Wi noon tea and movie, November 29; and 30 percent of income, and >ld us: ."An actor I know It the Cemetery. Rabbi Myer S. Krlpfce de Dramatic dub morning musicaJe, December 14 at some of the small merchants com- •orld'i worst bore. He bores me ind Cantor Aaron Edgar wjtt <tV 10 a. m. by Monroe ~P-TA, and plain that such high taxes thaka It vtn whea btitaOa about ro*> ' ! ' fldMe. rv ;>' ,s~< call hirtbday party, December. 14 at 7 •^"• J p. m.
B'nai Jacobs-Adas Yeshurun Raise Funds
Temple Israel
Omaha Sketches
Bar & Bas Mitzvah
Beth a
Recipes of The Week
With the Folks At Home
Thanksgiving Fete For Children at M
Education Panel At Supper Club
Labor Committee Annual Meet Dec. 19
Monument Dedication
Hadassah's Medical-V.L Donor Fete
Omahans Elected To National Board
B.B. Women's Bazaar Sun. >
Harry Ooktetrom, WA 4673 and Delegates from Beth El SisterMrs. Henry Appei, GL 6638. HostDr. John A. Aita, dmaha psy esses are the following HMO & hood who have Just returned from The B'nai B'rlth Henry Monsky. the Biennial Convention of the Chapter No. 470 and Nebraska' chialrist, will discuss the "Erno- VE captains; Mmes. David ErodHadassah members who com- tbnal Needs of Children" at th. kcy, Max Canar, Alfred Fiedler, National Women's League of the Chapter No. 346 will bold their plete or go over their donor will December 1 meeting of tonal B'ritt Meyer Rubin, Leo Weftx, Isadora United Synagogue of America, held Annual Card Party Bazaar this be the zuests at Omaha's Twen- Henry- Monaky Chapter at 1 p. m, Abramsao, Louis Albert, Jack Ban, In Cleveland, Ohio, November % Sunday evening at 8 p. m. in the ty-fourth Annual Hadassah Medi- in the Jewish Community: Center Lloyd Bonk, Reuben Bordy,, David to 18, include the Mmes. M. H. Biackstone HoteL cal Organization and Vocational Dessert luncheon will preced Blacker,' Samuel Pa vis, Homer Brodkey, Myer S. Kripke, Joseph Mmes. Ezra Beldner and Harry Education Donor Affair to be held the meeting. The meeting will t> Farber, Sam Epstein, Barney Fink, Guss and David B. Cohen. Mrs. A. fund raising co-chairSunday, Dec. S at 2 p. m. in the devoted to a Chanukah project Philip Fox, Jacob I. Fox. Melvin D. Frank, President of the Mid- Friedman, man, invite the community to atfor the Bellefalrc Children's Home Freeman, Herman Friedman, Ar- west Branch, also attended. Paxton Hotel Ballroom. tend. This will be the place to do Omaha Chapter Hadassah this in Cleveland, O. Mrs. Joseph thur, Goldstein, Robert Fromkin, Over a thousand women, rep- your "Chanukah Shopping Early." year has been ear-marked for the Isack, Bellefaire chairman, asks Elmer Gross, Seymour Katz, Ju- resenting six hundred and seven The B'nai B'rlth Women have maintenance of the Opthamoiogy members to tiring Chanukah gifts lius Katzman, Wm. Levey, Adolf conservative Sisterhoods with Mayer, Harry Mencjflson, Max membership of a hundred and made it possible to have an unDepartment (eye-care) in an out- for the home. Novak, Harry Raviti, Carl Rlekes, sixty-seven thousand members, at- limited assortment of home mado Members arc asked to Invite patient department in Jerusalem. 1 delicacies such as canned foods, Our Omaha quota for HMO it VE friends to the open meeting. Bell* ' Selwyn Roffman, Millard Rosen- tended the convention. preserves, jellies, pickles, cakes, Keynote speakers of national cookies etc. . is 521,000. Our money will ex- fairc was recently selected by tin berg, Lou Sogolow, Samuel Steinamine, cure and keep healthy the Children's Welfare League of berg, Isndore Tretiak, I*adore prominence who addressed the B'nai B'rith Girls will have a eyes of thousands of our fellow America as one of the top ten Weincr, Sam Wclnstein, Norman sessions included Dr. Robert Gor- booth at the bazaar. There will bo - Jews, Only with your response can child's care institutions ia tba Wohlncr and Abe Bear. Chairmen dls, Associate Professor of Bible, handmade articles of all kinds such of HMO & VE for the Herzl Group Jewish Theological Seminary of we be "The Eyes of Israel" for country. arc Mmes. Morton ftlchards, Sam- America, and Dr. Louis; Finkel- as hot pot holders, dofleys, aprons, 1964-1955, Just to dte some of tho doll clothes, etc. uel Rotlicnberg and Albert Wohl- steln, Chancellor of the Jewish statistics of Kadaanah's medical Hadassah ncr. A special room for "Men Only" theological Seminary. work in Israel: Hadassah carries on 52 percent of all the clinical Hadassah c r o u p s will meet Chalm Welzman Group meeting Mrs. Mycr S. Kripke of Omaha will be in readiness for cards. Work' in the country—maintains 11 Tuesday, Nov. 30 at 12:30 p. ra. will be held at the YMCA, 17th and Mrs. Hyman Rabinowitz of Door prizes will be awarded percent of aO general hospital luncheon meetings and programs and Hamcy. The film, ."Josef* win Sioux City wore elected to the Na- every hour beginning at 9 p. m. beds and 12 percent of the TB will spotlight Hadassah Medical be shown and an panel discussion tional Board of the National Wom- The special door prize of the evebeds—provide* 50 percent of all Organization and Vocational Edu- will be held. Reservations are be- en's League of the United Syna- ning, a weekend for two at Oak* ing taken by Mrs. Charles Fred- gogue of America, Mrs. A. D. ton Manor Resort, Pewaukee, Wte., nriothcr-ond-child care service*—50 cation work; -. • percent of all school-health exHenrietta Szold Group will mee kin, HA 1193 and Hilda Hoffman, Frank of Omaha serves on the will be awarded. This vacaatlon amination*—25 percent of all com- at the YWCA.S06B. 17th St. Far RE 2948. Hostesses for the meet- national board as President of the gift is being made possible by the munity health work. For the last reservations call Mmes. H. D. ns win be the HMO 4 VE Chair- Midwest Branch. Shinderment Management of Chi42 yvar* Hadassah has established Marks, KE 1595; Uadore Sherman, men, Mmes. T. A. Tully, Joe Bcrncago, HI. Each guest will receive and maintained health service out- WA 0766 or Abe Roffman, WA tcln, and Fred Brodkcy and tho co-hostess. copy of the new recipe year book . following captains: Mm«s. .Wm. pouts in every part of the coun- 2430. The program will include the Mrs. Aaron Epstein, hospital hlch features favorite recipes of try—hoisting figuratively, "The showIhB of the film "Break of Alberts,' Sam Ban, Hyman Bel- chairman, announced that the reg- B'nai B'rlth women. American Flag throughout tho Day." Also, a surprise panel "Per- man, Wm. Boasberg, Harold Cher- ular monthly party at the Omaha Tickets at »1 each will include land," son to Person Calling.". Hostesses nlak, Arthur Cohn, Stanley Fisk, Veterans Hospital will be held refreshments and Will be available A unusual and outstanding pro- for the meeting will bo the follow- Lloyd Friedman, Leon Graetz, Thursday, Dec. 2. ,t the door. gram has been arranged by the ing HMO & VE Captains: Mmes. Louis Hurwitz, Lazar Kaplaa, Ben Child welfare chairman, Mrs. 1IMO & VE chairmen, Mmcs. AI- Robert Bernstein, Harold Btoefa, Kaslow, David Katzman, Jack Bernard Plotkin, asks all members fcrd Fiedlsf, Morris Katlcnuui and H. B. Brodkcy, Louis Canar, Har- Kaufman, Morris Koom, David to make'stuffed toys and bring Mothers'Club Max Canar. Ro.ilyn Zlmmett of old Cooperman, Max Falk, Ben Krantz, Michael Knune, Arthur them to the December meeting. The Omaha Sigma Alpha Mu Chicago, an outstanding radio and Fisher, Alfred Frank. D. W. Frank, Kulakofsky, J. H. Kulakofsky, 1st- These toys will.be given to a chil- Mothers'! Club has invited the television personality, who has 3, J. Frieden, Arthur Friedman, J, dor Levinson, Me* IJnsman, Ben dren's home in this area. Lincoln Mothers' Club to a lunchmade many club appearance* and J. Friedman, Sam Glefman, Phil Pcrclmnn, M. H. Pesscn, Harold ion meeting to be held at the appeared in summer stock, will GcreBck, Jock Green, Max Gross- Pollack, Joe Rice, J... W. RosenHardening of the arteries—artome of Mrs. George Spitzer, 5144 give a dramatic presentation en- man, Joe Hornstein, Sam Horwlch, blatt, David Shukert, Abe Slusky, teriosclerosis—Is most common "ranklin St., Tuesday, Nov. 30, at titled "Partners In Heaven." Ap- Morris Katlcman, Sam Katzman, Morris Stalmastcr, Dave Stein, after SO reports Nebraska Heart 12:30 p. m. Mrs. Albert Gaer. pearing on the program will be Al Robert Kooper, Irvin Levin, Isa- 'ullus Stein, Samuel H. Stern, Abe Association specialists. resident of the club, will preside, Morgan, pianist, known, at the dor Levinson, Jerome Milder, Al- enjger, Ben Waldman and Sam;, - "Virtuoso of the Flying Hands," a bert Newman, Robert Noddle, Na- jel Wolf. Others aro the Mmes. Harold Mercury recorder and radio and than Nogg, Aaron Rips, Abe Rofftelevision personality. Mr. Morgan man, Wm. Raduzioer, Irtin Rub- Bloch, Harry Elsenstatt, Sam Epis currently at Don Hammond's Inow, Dave Sherman. Julius Stein. stein, Elmer Gross, Sam Epstein, "1 Seas" and is appearing for Ha- Phil Turck and I. B. Ztegnun. Sidney Katleman, Wm. Radudner, m S W SLIM WITH SPARKLING daman through the courtesy of the Group chairmen of IIMO * VE are Irvin Rubinow, David Sherman, American Federation of Musicians. Mmes. Arthur Grossman, Sidney Lotn* Sogolow, Ben Soshnlk and NEW SUGAR-FREE PhlHp Turek. Local No. 70. Katlcman and Max Greenberg, Invitation* nrc now being Issued ' Theodor Herri Group will meet to the HMO & VE DONOR. at the Jewish Community Center. JWV Auxiliary The film 'Tent City" will be The December Board meeting of shown. Taking part in the novel ARAB AIIM8 AUantlo p l y (JTA) — Resolu- program under chairman Mrs. Os- the Epstein-Morgan Ladies AuxhtommtW • "KUOC-O" tions opposing supply of arms to car Carp will be Mmes. Samuel iliary No. 260, Jewish War Vetwill be held Wednesday, Dec. (he Arab states and calling on the Rothonbcrg, Al Swartz, Albert President and Congress to develop Wohlncr, Stanley Sllverman. Mor- at 8 p. m. in the home of Mrs. -.--• GINGER ALE • ROOT BEER new Immigration legislation to ton Richards and Morcy Landman. Edward Simon, 3809 Davenport eliminate the discriminatory pro- Accepting reservations are Mrs. beet, Mrs. Frank Cohen will be • COLA • VINEYARD SODA visions of the McCarran-Walter Immigration and Nationality Act CLICQUOT CLUB BOTTLING CO. were adopted here at the closing session of the 23rd annual General WE 3043 911 M.Z4HI Assembly of the Council of Jewish Federations and W e l f a r e RUG & UPHOLSTERY Funds.
Monsky Chapter
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in Israel, kindle a new light in their eyes with a welcome gift of food . . . send them Gift Scrip for $10, $15, $t0, $tS and $50, for their choice of kosher foods in our Israel gift shop* ...or Parcel Certificate* for your choice of tix ready-packed assortments $10JO, $U£0, $19JO, tit JO and $£6.50
Bakwrand DdlcatctMM
Auto Drops | Jr. B.B. Bowling Happy Birthday Star Yaffee Printing 57*»3 Jeanne Silver, a first year bowlFriday, Nov. 29 Richard Mark Abramson, ESIei Sue Gottlieb. Charles David Pio kin and. Fryda Szmerlck, Saturday, Nov. 17 Faga Brandstetter, Malinda Rin Cooper, James Michael Kirshen ttaum, Michael Thomas Hoscnbaum and Stuart Stoler. guaday. Nov. 18 ^Alan Lewis Cohen. Kathy Ann .Goldstein and Llane Taussig. Monday, Nov. t» Mark Alan Grcenberg, Ronali James Greene, Sandra Freedman, Jani* Claire Meiches and Alex Frank Orkow. Tuesday. Nov. SO Dan R. Bleicher. ' Wednesday, Dec. 1 Michael Hornstcln. Thursday, Dec. t Frances Jean Grossman ani Rita tynn Paskowitz.
y.C. B League Jack Oruci. ana Wiilard Plotkin, h couple of veterans in B league play won their second straight game with a 33-23 win over Rayim C. Oruch scored 12 points while Plotkin contributed 8. Larry Zacharla made 6 points for Rayim, In the feature game, a couple ol Centurymcn teams battled it ou with the AZA100 B winning, 27-24. Stuart Kutler led the winners with 10 points. Tom Platt scored the same for the losers. League Standing* W. U AZA IB 2 0 AZA 10OB 1 Rayim C 1 AZA ]0O C 0
AZA No. 100 The Centurymen are planning the Annual Formal Initiation Banquet. It will be held December 13, at that time 25 pledges will become official members or AZA No. 300. In charge of the nffntr are Bob Epstein, Marty Sophir and Mike Canar.
Nathan Levinson for
Religious Articles and Gift Food Certificates to Israel Specializing in Tfillin-Talesim Mexuzas and Skull Caps 3014 Webstar
AT 4252
The Star Auto Parts basketball squad in the Varsity league remains' unbeaten alter two weeks of play. They pulled away from the Yaffee printing team to gain a 57-43 victory. Al Corey, Leroy Katz and Al dayman were the scoring leaders with 14, 13 and 11 points respectively. Irv Yaffee had 14 to top his squad's scoring. Epstein's Enterprisers, led by coach Danny Epstein hung a 39-30 loss on Lusty's. It'll the second loss in a row for the defending champs. Epstein had 9 points while Stan Widman and "Scooter" Poska made 8 points each. Bobby Epstein led Lusty* with 11 points. League Standings W. I ~ Star Auto Parts .....2 0 Yaffee Printing 1 1 Epstein's Enterprisers . . . . 1 1 Lusty's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 2
United Youth United Synagogue Youth will hold Its third annual regional convention this year in Minneapolis, Minn. Omahans attending will be Mike Erman, Dlanne Follman, Fred Marcus. DcAnn Markovitz, Kay Markovitz, Kaye Turner. Bob Meyer. Sheldon Rips, Abe Rundell. Sandy Fiedler, Berdlne Green and advisor Al Friecich.
er, set an all time record in the league's third year run for any girl bowler. With a modest 119 opener, she climaxed her series with a powerful 187 for a 306 series. Mike Platt wok high In the boys division with game* of 172 and 120 for a 298 series. W. L. Meadow Gold Dairy 12. 4 Nebr. Fur. Mart . . . . . . . . . 1 1 5 Omaha Jobbing . . . . . . . . . , 1 0 6 Midwest Water Heater* . . . 8 7 O. P. Skaggs 9 .7 Fireside Restaurant . . . . . . 8 8 Maypers . .•» 7 9 Wolfson-Gerbcr Auto 7 9 Playland Park 7 9 Morris Paint 6 10 Wolfson Sales 5 11 Robert* Dairy 5 11
Beth Israel Clubs Club Tar Yag will hold a dance this Sunday evening from 6 to 8 p. m. All sixth and seventh graders arc Invited to attend. Admission is 15 cents and refreshments will bo served. The Boys Arts and Crafts Club will meet Sunday afternoon from 4 to 5:30 o'clock. Club Tovlm will meet Saturday at 7 p. m. In the Talmud Torah. Patronize Our Advertisers.
Wednesday, November « , IBM
Teit Driving
Gems ot the Bible and Talmud By PR PHILIP 8UEB Dy Dr. Plilllp Bber ' Bible Me who walkcth uprightly shall be saved; but he_who is pct-vcrse In his*ways shall fall at once. He Who tllleth his ground shall have plenty of bread; but he who followeth after vain things shall have poverty enough. He who hath an evil eye hasteneth after riches, and knowcth not that want shall come upon him. Talmud It it written In the book of Ben Sira; "Do hot worry about tomorrow's troubles, for thou kiiowest not what the day may bring forth; perhaps, when the morrow comes thou wilt not be in existence any onger, and thus wouldst have worried about a world whlehwas not thine'. Keep many from thy house, for not every one shalt thou bring nto thy house. Many may wish you peace, however, reveal thy secrets only to one in a thousand." Rabbi Elcaznr said: "Just as It Is meritorious for a man to say a thing (of reproach) when - It Is heeded/ so Is it meritorious for a man not to say a thing which will not be heeded."
Test-driving, once considered a job for daredevils and speed demons, is recognized today as an Important branch of automotive engineering with no room for the thrills-and-splls type of driver. According to Al Esper, assistant chief vehicles testing engineer for Ford Motor Company's Engineering Staff, a test driver may have his thrilling moments; but the Job mainly is one of careful adherence to instructions and observation of results. "Sure, we put cars through high speed tests around our Dearborn, Mich., test track," Espcr says, but that's done on a scientifically-designed road bed with perfect transition curves — which mean! we've reduced the danger element."
Leathercraft Class At Center Tuesday A new leathercraft clasa will be held lit the Ceramics Room of the Jewish'Community Center Tuesday evenings at 7;30 p. m. The instructor for thk course is Mrs, Theodore Peterson, an expert in the field. Fee for the course will be $6 for ten lesions or 75c for •ach lesson. Eddie Cantor commented: "Silence Is resourceful. II couldn't pry open the Pullman windows, so It air-conditioned the train."
GIFT SHOP The Beth Israel Gift Shop has Chanukah gifts and decorations. t is o pen dally At 10 a. m. to 3:30 p. m. and until Chanukah from 0:30 a. m. till 12 noon on Sunday.
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Nebraska-Iowa Hecfrical Council MAM YOU! fUCriUC * m , A H « DIALIIf VOttl^