w w r r %r i f *M«»0 M meatna L'uut MftCltl ftl fuel w n u i a u t mnivn&v n v / i v u t t v n i n IQKJ n . r . . , . 11 ,(rUit, umabi. NrmiiH* arw»i Ad « |trv OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, DEOEJttBEB 10, 1954 Vo il XXXIII—No.
ftu>.lBhto ever? ttlOMf, 1(11 A. 8UIA,
Omaha to Mark Tercentena Sunday Radio
Julius Meyer—Omaha Pioneer
Omnha Chapter Hadassali will present the Hadossah Story over KBON from 10:30 to 10:45 a. m. This will be the fifth in a series. Dr. Ferdinand Inserman, spiritual leader of Temple Israel tn S t Louis, Mo., will discuss "What AU Rcllfclons Iluve In Common" over KOIL from 10:05 to 10:30 a. m.
AoouaJ Mtl
# UoUttl
Combined With, Federation Annual Meeting at Center Attention This week's Press includes an Israel Bond Supplement telling about Omaha's programs for the development Issue and how bonds are helping to build Israel's economy.
Maurice Samuel | Guest Speaker
Omaha Jewry will officially observe the American Jewish Tercentenary, m a r k i n g 300 yean of Jewish settlement in the United States, at 8 p. m. Sunday evening, Deo. 12, at the Jewish Community Center. This event will be held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Jewish Federation. Maurice Samuel, noted author The EPSTEIN-MORGAN. Post and novelist, recognized as one of No. 2G0, JWV will dedicate the America's most dynamic speakers,
The Eternal Light program will toe broadcast over WOWRadio from 1:30 a. m. to 12 noon.
JWY Will Honor 10-Year Members
Mrs. Sacks Heads R. C. Gallon Club
December meeting, the lust of thewill deliver the Tercentenary adTenth Anniversary year, to those dress. "Mr. Samuel is a most efwho have been continuously paid fective Interpreter of Jewish values up members from 1944 to 1954. to the American public," Rabbi The following members will re- Myer S. Kripke, Omaha Tercenceive Ton Year Continuous Merrt- tenary Committee chairman, pointU-rshlp pins at the meeting; Dr. cd out, "and his address should be Abe Grecnberg, William Milder, most stimulating for our commu" Joseph Kadinowski, Morris Levin, nity." Herman Silvorman, Cecil izenstat, RnbhlH to Tukn I'nrt Max Rosen and Ed Morris. " Participating in the TercentenFinal plans for the Christmas ary program will be Rabbi Sidney Among: those who have con3 party to be given at the Omaha H. Brooks, Rabbi Nathan Feldman, tributcd eight pints of blood or Veterans Hospital Thursday eve- Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Rabbi , more are the following; Sam Ban, Irv Bercovld, Isadora Dogdanoff, Mycr S. Kripke, Mayor John RosJullii* Mcynr, pioneer of tlin Wmt, who at Hie *gr of 18, settled ning, Dec. 23, will be discussed. Max Breslow, Arthur Cohn, JerCommander Abe Miller an- enblatt will extend Omaha's greetome J. Cohn, Harry Collck, Lor- In the then frontier town of Omaha, has contributed to the American nounces the appointment of Dave ings to its Jewish citizens. Mr. and raine Walk Cartier, David Dvor- Tercentenary story. II« wan adopted by the Fawner Tribe, and In Dubin as religious chairman for Mrs. .Harry DuBoff will particikin, Jack Q, Epstein, Robert thin picture Is shown with one of the Indian chiefs. pate, the Post. . "* Election* tn lie Hrld Another variety show was preJ. Harry Kulakofsky, retiring sented a t the Lincoln Veterans Hospital, Sunday, Dec. 5. The Cen- president, will summarize his two tral High Players Traveling Troupe years of office at this meeting. presented an hour Jong variety Elections of new officers of the show. Those' participating were Federation will take place. Present officers are: J. Harry Sandy Dungan, ventriloquist; Janle Kellman, pantomime; Paul Fester- Kulakofsky, President; Jack W. Marcr. First Vice-Presldent; Dr. man, piccolo solos; Billy Berkley, vocalist; Richard Speier, magician Ate Greenberg, Second Vlcfi-Presiand Phyllis Freedman who MC'd dent; Robert H. Kooper, Treasur-. Stressing that the month of De- cleff which depend on their alloca- the show. MUs Sandra Fcllman is er; Harry Trustln, Secretary, and chairman of this troupe and Mrs. Dr. Philip Shor, Honorary Presicember Is the time of the year tion from Omaha. Amy Sutton of the English De- dent. "The payment of pledges to thepartment of Central High School when Individuals and firms plun Isadore Chapman, chnlrman of to clear up their Philanthropies Jewish Philanthropies lit merely n is the leader. Milton Goldberg, the Nominations Committee, will commitments, David Fcder, Phil- fulfillment of a treat moral and VAVS Representative to the Lin- submit the recommendation for ofanthropies P l e d g e Redemption- financial obligation. Every one coln Hospital and Commander Abe ficers tp be elected at this meeting, Miller accompanied the troupe. This year's A n n u a l Meeting chairman, today urged subscribers must realliUi that payment of the Lee Barron and his Orchestra, marks the completion of 51 years to give immediate attention to pay- Philanthropies pledge, witli onii through the courtesy of Musicians of. Omaha Federation activity, Mr. Ing up their Philanthropies pledges check, mean* actually donations Local No. 70, Musicians Union, Kulakofsky pointed put. This fact plus the observance of the 300 Anto some 260 ngenele* In Omalm. provided a program of music. during December. niversary of American Jewry Is an United State*, overscan and In "Your Jewish Philanthropic* Airs. Max Barks Important occasion f o r Omaha pledge Is deductible from Income Israel." AUSTRIAN CLAIMS Jewry, he said, urging members of Fromkln, Marvin Gllinsky, Max Tax Iletunu," Mr. Fcder mill, Vienna (JTA)—Austrian Gov- the community to attend the meet"Xn additional amount of 120,Clvot, Arthur Goldstein, Kuth "however, the pledge con be. de-000 has come In since the last rn- ernment circles and Jewish lead- big. Grecnberg, Yale Halpcrln, Joe ducted only If paid before Decem- port," Fcdor said. "That means ers here expressed surprise over Xfornsteln, Lou Jess, Moe Kngan, ber S U t " that about f80,000 In cash must the announcement In New York by Abe Kloppcr, Walter Lev), Rabbi So far the flow of cash has been come In within the next two weeks. Chancellor Julius Raab that; the Meyer S. Kripke, Richard Levin- continuous, Mr. Fcder stated. How- If the agencies are to begin. re- government will make new proThe Tuesday Musical Club will iky, Howard Milder, 'Sam Mlnkln, ever, '$100,000 In cosh must be ceiving their moneys." posals for settlement of Jewish Al- Oruch, Edward Rosen, Meyer collected before the end of De- Individual follow-up Is being helrlcss property claims within two present Claudio Array, pianist, In Rubin, Rose Sacks, Harry Spiegal, cember to enable the Federation planned to accelerate the cash weeks of his return here from hU a prograrn- ot clnsslcal music at S:30 p. m., Monday, Dec. 1.1 in ths Bernard Slcgler, William Somer, to Issue funds to some 200 agen- collection program. American visit. Central High auditorium. Max Welner, Herbert Well, Dr. Earl WJgodiky, Harry Winer, Jack Wolpa and Sam Zwelback. Mrs. Sacks stated: "My one aim Ttxt by DANIEL ELAZAR Illustratloni by MAURICE del BOURGQ as-president of the Gallon Club Is Coprrlxht. IM«. to Anurlt.n J.wlH Pnm to 'bring home to the members of the community the Importance of THi nscoNOile«T or tttart the life-saving blood program. The BY fORTUiJAL MtAHT Ti4B blood we give has saved the lives EXPULSION or -rH( Jews, HIV TWriR DBPARTUR& , of many of our friends hero In our POR MMW LAMPS INCl.U»own city." |M<5 W H M IC NOW THO UHlTtP STAfe«(i6*4; fiBANDKIS V, Waltham, Moss. (JTA)—Ground j was broken hero for the Hoyden Science Building a t Brandcls Unlvanity. The four-story building Will cost, when completed. $1,000.000. Funds for the new building, to THB Jewi«H COWMUMCTV be the largest teaching facility on \H VMCIft., WV» "tut FIRST the campus, were provided by the T O onSAMzB A cousmSHIOH IMTVM NIWVMORLS, Charles Hayden Foundation. Refill MARAtuJOS (G*C**r J*WS> ol> TH» INVAWLR4, RIV«I»T«(> TO * ! i search and instruction will be proU t l BBV«UY | M . Vidctl on graduate and undergraduate level: Mrs. Max' Sncks was elected President of the Rod Cross Gallon Club a t the annual meeting held •Wednesday evening, Dec, 1. The meeting wn« Incorporated with a Recognition Party and was sponsored by the Hinky-Dinky Stores. / T h e Gallon Club is composed of individuals who have given 8 pints of blood or more. To date, there aie over 1,500'members.
Urgent Reminder...
'Pay Philanthropy Pledges in December'
Tuesday Musical
5. Marranos in Recife, Bratil
, U, UM
Beth • Chamikafi U.O.C. Director, Dinner-Dance Will Visit Here The Beth El Chanukah Dinner
Religious News
Beth Israel to Hold Chanuhah Dinner
••nee will be held In the synagogue social hall Saturday, Dec. 18 under the direction of the sisterhood. The dinner will be prepared by a food committee headed by Mrs. Sam Ban and assisted by Mrs. Harry Ferenstein, Ruoben Bordy, Jacob Bernstein, David Manvitz and George Conn. Mrs. Arthur Cohn will be in charge of table settings. Decorations will follow Chanukah theme with Mrs. Harold Cooperman in charge of the project Dancing will be to the music of Sal Castrow and his fine band. Soft drinks will be served, and a valuable door prize will be awarded. Harry Smith win record by photograph the festivities. Mrs. Meyer Rubin is general chairman of the dinner dance with Mrs. Morton Friedlaoder a* cochairman. Mrs. William Radudner, heads the ticket committee and is In charge of reservations. One ticket for admission is available In the Beth El Sisterhood Highlight Events Boqk. Additional admissions are S3 per person.
Rabbi Hcniy Siegman, National Director of the Community A& tlvttle* Division of Tb* Union of Orthodox Congregations, Is coming to Omaha Sunday, Dec. 19, to take part in directing and planning the Synagogue Youth Organ Izatkm on Mid-West Convention. Rabbi Siegman recently returned from Korea, where he was awarded the Bronze Star and an outstanding commendation from the commanding general of the Fifth Army. Also In attendance at the Beth Israel Convention, will be Harold Boxer, National chairman, Conference of Synagogua Youth, of the Union of Orthodox:
Junior By Feme Kstlensn WINTER VACATION Big plans are in store for all grade school children during tbe school vacation. Six programs are on schedule for juniors which Include: Monday, Dee. 20 — Chanukah party and Maccabbiad, Wednesday, Dee. 22—Activity Day; rlflery. arts and crafut, story and game hour, and cooking classes. Friday, Dec. 24—Camp Jay C-C Reunion for .1954 campers only. Monday, Dec 27—Indian Festival. Wednesday, Dec. 29 — Splash Party for fourth through eighth gradars and Trip Time for firrt through third graders. Friday, Dec 31—Movie Day. FUNLAND A movie, "The Toymaker," is on the schedule for the next Funland meeting^ Dec 12, The movie deals with a puppet maker and Is In turn with the program as the "Fun Club," the junior boys, are now busy with the project of making their own puppets for a play they ore planning to glv«.
Mora than one hundred young' tters of the Beth Itrael Ttlnjud Torah and Sunday-school will take part In the Annual Chanukah Dinner to be held In the synagogue Temple Israel sodal hall at 5:30 p. m., Sunday, Sabbath Services will be held at Temple Israel at 8 o'clock Friday Dec, 19, The announcement was evening. RabW Sidney H. Bfooki made by RabW M. M. PoUakoff. will discuss "Sdentiit or Plumber" chairman of the Talmud Torah The Values of Life. « response to committee. Albert Einstein's recent comment. Richard Stern will celebrate hl» Mrs. Jake Wine, chairman of Bar Mitzvah. Following the serv- the arrangement* committee, and Mrs. HcBTy Stowf ices, Dr. and Mrs. Harold L. Stem Norman Rotenzweig, chairman of will honor their son at a reception the hospitality dinner committee, Services were held Sunday, Dec stated that the program promises In the sodal hall. S for Mrs. Harry Stoter with in Adult and Religious School Serv- to be an outstanding one. terment at Pleasant HIU Cemetery. ice in the morning at 11:30 o'clock. The children will present a proMrs. Staler, 45, died Friday, Dec. Richard Stern will assist Rabbi gram of songs, skits and recita3. She was a native Nebraskan. tions. They will also give a report Brooks with the services, and his Mrs. Stoler was president of tbe parents will nealn receive the con- on the operation of their ChanuOmaha Section, National Coundl gregation after the services at an kah Post Office system. oi Jewish Women, and was a memOnes Shabbot In Richard's honor. Harry SIdman, president of the ber of Hadassah, B'nti B'rith, the The Temple Religious School Choir congregation, pointed out that the Urban League and the Parentsunder the direction of Miss Ida 1954 Chanukah Dinner Is being teachers Association. Gitlln will sing the musical parts dedicated to the furtherance of The December Birthday Party She Is survived by her husband, of the service. the new Beth Israel Talmud Torah will be held at The Dr. Philip Sher Harry; a daughter, Gwcn; two Plans for the 1955 American building program. ~ Jewish Home For The Aged, 4801 sons, Howard and Chester; her Red Cross fund and membership Beth El ' N. 52nd at, Tuesday, Dec. 14 at mother, Mrs, Hanna Orloff,' all of campaign will be discussed at a Services this c-cning will begin 7 JO p. m. Color films of previous Omaha, and two brothers, Mon- meeting to be held in Omaha toat 815 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke parties will be shown. ford Orloff of BcUlngham, Wash., day, It was announced by Aaron will deliver the sermon on "Osser The following residents, who and Louis Orloff of Lincoln, Nebr. L. Levitt, National Fund CamLevy—Pioneer of Liberty," the Friday. Dec 10 birthdays In December, will paign Vice-Chairman for Nebraska. first in a series of sermons Kenneth Alvin Freshman, Sheryl have be honored at this time: Mrs. Lena Purpose of the meeting, Mr, sketches of great American Jews. Etta Minkin, Nancy Silverman and Boraky, Abe Hoffman Mrs. Fannie Jacobs, Mrs, Levitt said, Is to "give representaThis series is In recognition of the Beth Joy Wlntroub. Rcva Krasno and Mr. Herman Tercentenary of American Jewish Services were held Tuesday, Nov. tives, from various sections of the Nichols. Saturday, Dec. 11 settlement Cantor Aaron I. Ed30 for Abe Roffman with Inter- state an opportunity to exchange Barbara Rae Belzcr, Sanford Lee The Blkur Chollm Society, spon- ment at Beth E3 Cemetery. Mr. ideas and coordinate efforts for gar and the Beth El SynagoKW Choir will render the musical por- Friedman, Janet Lynn Handelman. sors .of "all our birthday parties, Roffman, 58, a South Omaha mer- tho coming campaign so that thoy Linda Gay Schmldman and Ed- invites the entire community to chant for 20 yean, died Monday, might better Interpret the Red tions of the service. Join them on this gay occasion. win Morris Silver. Cross program to their commuNov. 29. Sabbath morning services will 1 The beautiful carnation center- He was a member of B'nai B'rith nity." Sunday, Dec 11 be at 8:45 a. m. Junior Congregapiece and gladioli bowpjets, seen ' The local and national Red Cross tion services are at 10:45 a. m. Frances Sue Chunovic and Mar- at the Home this week-end, were and the Grocers' Association. Mincha-Haariv Services will, be at ilyn Jean Rosenberg. Surviving are his wife. Rose; a drive for $85,000,000 and 30,000,presented by Joseph Ltpscy in 4:30 p. m. Daily services are at 7 Monday, DM-. U of the Bar Ml tvan and Bas son,' Sehvyn; two daughters, Mrs. 000 members wit start March X. a, m. and 7 p. m. Sunday morning Sandra Gall Greenberg, Gary A. honorMitzvah of his grandchildren. Phil Ratner and Mlsa Barbara, service is at 9 a. m. Mlncha-Maarlv Haykin, Golda Kaszub, Joel Mark Steve Greenberg, son of Mr. and Roffman; three brothers, Roy, service at 4:30 p. m. Lewis, Jeffrey Bruce Perimeter, Mrs. Elmer Greenberg-and Caro- Izzy, all of Omaha and Sam of Lynn Deborah Saundcrs, Arnold line Stern, daughter of Mr, and Coundl Bluffs; a sitter, Mrs. Sam Beth Israel Taub and,Sharon Ziegman. Sachs of Council Bluffs, and five Mrs. Sam Stern. Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Tuesday, Dec; 14 Spedal Memorial Services will grandchildren. Yehuda Levine of Chicago will Eli Kagan, the Beth Israel SynaMerry Carole Cooper, Marda bo the guest speaker at the Degogue choir, and members of club Ann Forman, Sheldon Perclman, be held In The Home Synagogue for the following: Mrs. Harry Oberman cember meeting of the Omaha Tovim, Jr, will conduct late Fri- Chenia Lee Schraglr, Michael Zionist Council to be held at tht day evening services at 8 p. m. Leonard Sherman and Karen Dee Mr. Harry Dworsky, Kislev 19^Services were held Monday, Dec. Jewish Community Center, TuesDecembcr 14. Rabbi Groner will speak on "Jleb Mr. Harry L. Cohcn-Kislcv 29— 6 In Dalian, Tex., for Mrs. Harry day evening. Dec 14, at 8 o'clock. Chaim"—o tribute to the late Tepper. Oberman. Mrs. Oberman,' 71. a Wednesday, Dn>. IS December 24. Mr. Lcviiie, director of the MidPresident of the State of Israel. Mnrk Jeffrey Brodkey, Barry The Chanukah Party, date to be long-time resident of Omaha, died west Office of Professional Sc TechTraditional Friday evening servin Dallas Sunday, Dec 5. nical Workers 'Aliyah (PATWA), ices (Kabbolas Shabbos) begin at Gordon Kalman, Judy Ann Sher- announced, will be sponsored by She Is survived by n son, I. F. will speak on "Professional Op4:30 p. m. Sabbath morning serv- man, Edwin SIdman and Richard the Temple Israel Sisterhood. Oberman of Omaha; a daughter, Uarrett Wcfner. portunities in Israel." Mr. Levine, ices begin at 8:30 a. m.; Jr. ConMrs. Samuel Wdnberg of Dallas, an American, has recently arrived Thursday, Ore 16 gregation, at 10 a. m. Rabbi GronT.I. Sisterhood Host Texas, and three grandchildren. from Israel where he was the AsHoward Allen Katzman, Jerome er will conduct the Talmud Class sociate Director of the "Section at 4 p. m., followed by Sboloshc Robert Waldbaum and Ronald To Area Groups Waldbaum and Ronald Bruce for Newcomers from Anglo-Saxon S'eudos and Maariv. Dolly momThe Temple Iiracl Sisterhood Morris Rosensrein . Countrlesr" a.spedal department Ing services begin at 7 a. m. After- Wolpa. . will be hosts to Beth Israel Beth noon services at 4:40 p. m. Sunday Services were held Wednesday, of The Jewish Agency set up to El, Council Bluffs and Lincoln Sismorning services begin at 8:45 terhoods, December 14, at a l;30 Dec 8 for Morris Rosenstein with assist professionals and other* a, m., followed by breakfast and p. m. tea in the Temple social hall. interment at Fishers Farm Ceme- with regard to employment, housRabbi's class in Bible. Sunday A piano quartet consulting of tery. Mr, Rosenstein, 73, a retired ing, Hebrew language courses and morning Junior Minyan, followed Barbara Sue Adlcr. daughter of Mines. Harry Roscnfeld, Harry grocer, died Tuesday, Dec 7 at a personal counseling. by breakfast, starts at 8:30 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Adler, will Trustln, Harry Duboff. Abe Fell- local hospital following a lingering A Midwest office of PATWA has illness. been opened in Chicago to help The Talmud Discussion group celebrate her Has Mitzvah this man, will play. Mrs. Sam JosephMr. Rosensteln, who made his trained young Americans who are meets every Tuesday evening at evening and Saturday morning at son Is program chairman for this 7 p. m. at the 19th andx Burt street Both El Synagogue. Friends and tea. Mrs, Maynard Greenberg and home at 5419 Western St., was a Interested In obtaining professional relatives are invited to attend the Mrs. Harold Farbcr arc tea chair- board member of Beth Israel Sy- positions In Israel, PATWA, which Synagogue. nagogue. during the ten years of its exist, services and receptions which will men. Ho Is survived by his wife; Lau- ence, has provided the country Mrs. Bemhardt Wolf, president follow both services,. of Temple Israel Sisterhood, will ra; three daughters, Mrs. A. H, with some of its top-experts, inMarkovHz, Mrs, M. Freeman and vestigates job openings and conMr. and Mrs. Sidney Bloch an- preside. nounce the Bar Mitzvah or their Mist Jessie Lewis of Los ~An- Mrs. H. Garber, all of Omaha; two tacts potential employers while apsons, Sam of Omaha and Harry plicants are Still in the United Jerry Ziegman, a member of son. Emit Bloch and Mr. and Mrs. geles, Calif., will give a whistling of Highland Park, HI.; a brother States. Kaylm Club in the Jewish Youth Morris .Okun announce the Bar solo. I. Rosensteln of Chicago, III., 'and Mr. Levine has some interest* Council, has been elected prcsi- Mitzvah of their son, John Okun. 11 grandchildren. ing facts as well as human in.dent of the 1955 Central High at a Joint service Friday evening, Debate Team Wins Dec 17 and Saturday morning, terest stories about American proSchool Senior Class. Dee. 18, at Beth El Synagogue. Lincoln Tourney fessionals who have .made tbeir An excellent bowler, he was on B.I. Synagogue Clubs Friends and relatives are invited mark in Israel. The talk will bs the winning Raylm kegler team Central . High School Debate , for the past two .years in the to attend the service* and recep- team led by Stan Fetlman, Bob Tile Boys Arts and Crafts Club illustrated with color slides. Mrs. tions whioh will follow both servYouth Coundl Bowling League. Wlntroub, Gene Kohn and Gary will meet Sunday, Dec. 12, from A J. H. Kulakofsky will preside. ' . Mr. Ziegman Is a four-year mem- ice*. Gltnlck captured the Debate sec- to 5 JO p. m. in the Talmud Torah. ber of Student Coundl and a section of the Lincoln Northeast Norman Rosenzwelg, club leader, ond lieutenant in the ROTC. He Richard Stertf son of Dr. and Tournament last Friday and Sat- announced that the club is now B'nai Israel to Mark has been a member of Junior Hon- Mrs. Harold L. Stem, will cele- urday. Fcllman and Wintroub, making crafts suitable for Chanu- 50th Anniversary or Society for three years and In brate his Bar Hltzvah at services Central's top team, took a trophy kah gifts. B'nai Israel Synagogue will hold Taryag will meet from 6 to 7:30 Its Jubilee Baqquet January 18. his sophomore year received the this evening and Saturday morning as' one of the two superior teams outstanding award for scholastic at Temple Israel, In his honor, at the contest. They went through p. m., Sunday, Dec 12, In the Tal- Dave Gollner, general banquet " achievement from the Exchange his parents will receive the Con- undefeated while Mr. Gitnick and mud Torah. chairman, has named Sam Sacks Club of Omaha. •'..". gregation after both services. Mr. Kohn lost one of four debates. Club Tovlm will meet Sunday ond Simon Shykon chairmen Of This record won Central the trophy evening. Instead of Saturday eve- the ticket committee, Tho Bar Mitzvah of g as tho best debating; school In the nine- The meeting will start at 7 Distinguished guests have been M0N17MENT MEDICATION The Sam Jacobow family will Dandy, son of Mrs. Joe Dandy, will competition. Second place in the o'clock, In the meeting room of invited to attend the celebration dedicate a monument L. memory take place Thursday morning, extemporaneous spealtlng part of the synagogue. Delegates to the of the synagogue's flfleth anniverof the late Mrs. Sarah Konterwltz Dec. 16, at th*-Bcth Israel Syn- the meet was earned by Gene convention will be chosen at this sary. A guest speaker will be anat Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Sunday, gogue, 52nd and Charles St. Serv- Kohn. Mike Ban received an ex- meeting. Applications for member- nounced toon. Dec. 12 at 2 p. m. Rabbi Benjamin ces Thursday morning begin at cellent rating In radio newscast- ship In Club Tovlm. will be con- Reservations for members of th« a. m. All friends and relatives Ing, Central Is now undefeated lri sidered. Refreshments will be Council Bluffs community will b* Groner and Rabbi Nathan Feldare invited to attend. Nebraska competition. terved at the dose of the meeting. accepted until January 1. maii will conduct the service. 4:S3 P. H. CudleUgotlaf
With the Folks At Home
Red Cross Plans Drive March 1
Happy Birthday
Council to Hear Agency Director
Ziegman Elected Senior Class Prexy
ft*t (knw )
Omaha Readies Lind Bros. Will Star For B. I. G. Day In 'Night in Israel'
A large corps of volunteers drawn from all the city's organization* wit participate in Bond* of the Israel Government Day this Sunday. Dividing the neighborhoods into sections, B.I.G. Day teams will go from door to door WUli less thut a week to go, brlmjiiiR information on tho new the Blaclutone Hotel ballroom Is Israel Development Bond Issue. already reserved almost to caEvery Jewish family approached pacity for the much talked-about will be asked to buy ono of the nppcaranre of the nationally fanew band* and to attend the Luid« mous Lind Brothers trio. Their Brother* rally Wednesday evening "Night in brae!" show logins at at the Blackstono Motel. ._ 8 p. m. Wednesday evening on beAlthough a major portion of the lialf of the State of Israel Decommunity will be covered, It velopment Bond Issue.- Sponsored would not be possible to see evby B'sal B'rith, and with ths full eryone, Dr. Aba Grccnbcrg, Chalrcooperation of all Oman* organjnan of the Omaha Israel Bond Board of Governors said. He called izations. It Is expected to go down upon thoso persons not visited to as one of the unique event* of the send checks directly to hint for 1*34 season. Or. Abe dreenberj, their Israel Bond purchases. general chairman, said. Dr. Abe Oiwenberg Dr. Greenberg noted that Israel Oeaenl Chairman Bonds appeal to different persons Murray, Phil and Dale Unit lor different reasons. her internal and external prob- have thrilled theater and night 1. Israel Bonds arc a *onnd in- lems, she must have our invest- club audiences from coast to coast vestment, paying a good rate of ment help now so that she can with their original interpretations Interest, They are backed by the full faith and credit of tho State build her commerce and Industry. of contemporary-melodies. During 5. Israel Bonds a n on example World War II they Were well' of Israel which has never defaulted ' on principal or interest of any ob- to the free world of how free peo- known In the South Pacific Tho ligation. ple use their savings dollar* to aidnter of Operations. The toll talcs 2. Israel Bonds arc the central democratic d e v e l o p m e n t and and numerous anecdotes they told Tlie Und Ilrotlicn (L to r.) Murray, OifMand 1'hlL •ource of American investment growth without trying to dictate then are still remembered by thou Capital for Israel. They make posof ex-GXa. sible the development of industry, how another nation should, use sands Returning home, and donning the modernization of farms, the those dollars. Israel has complete civilian again, the Lind creation of an Irrigation network, control over the dollars which we Brothers clothes were besieged by theatthe construction of roads, harbors, loon her for the development of rical offers of all kinds, and catarailways and power lines, and the her resources. pulted into show business fame alexploitation of many natural reovernight They were fea 6. Israel Bonds arc a link be- most sources such as copper, iron ore, in such outstanding enter tween our children and Israel's turcd phosphates, potash and peat talnment spots as the Chicago --By Mri. Morris Orossman, J2.500 worth of fully paid-up Is. 3. All of Jewry's 3,000 years of new generation. Just as the youth Theatre,' the Strand Theatre in rael Bonds. For each additional Chairman of "Chen" history stands behind Israel's ef- of Israel will benefit from our New York and Copa City In Miami sale ot $2,500, "Chen" workers fort to establish itself as a fully continuing investment .in Israel Beach. Since that time, in addi"Chen" Is the new, meaningful independent nation. The Israel Bonds, so our own children will tion to playing the night club cir- way to serve Israel through the will eam an additional "'Charm". Bond issue, Dr. Greenberg said, is have a beter understanding of cuits, they have been seen on the sole of Israel Development Bonds. Already a number of women in an expression of Jewish faith and their Jewish heritage and of our screen and on • number of top "Chen" comes in response to thou- Omaha have earned their first courage. great traditions, television shows. sands of devoted workers in the "Charms"; some have earned two, "I am confident," Dr. Green' Reservations for Wednesday may B o n d Organization around the and a few three and four, Mrs. 4. Israel Bonds ate an investment dictated by pretest consid- berg declared, "that tho men and be made by calling ATlantic 1177 country, seeking closer Identifica- J. Harry Kulakofsky, Honorary erations. Today more than ever women of Omaha will make B.I.G. or ATlahtic 4198. Admission is tion with Israel's economic up- Chairman of the Women's Diviwe have to help Israel consolidate Day an Impressive demonstration $100 a couple and refreshments building. "Chen" Is open to any sion, ranks among the top "Chen" the gains of her first six years of of their friendship for Israel, and will bo served In a traditional woman who'Undertakes to sell or Jndepedcnce. If Israel is to solve their Interest in her future." night club atmosphere. buy 12,500 In Bonds. Through this In the country having only one or undertaking she becomes an In-two more "Charms" to earn far tegral participant in I s r a e l ' s the entire series of twelve—a total of $30,000 worth of Bond sales. growth. By selling Israel Bonds to your "Chen" Is the n a m e of the friends, to sour family and to courageous Women's Army of Is- your tradesmen, you con make rael. Their glorious record during every person you know an Israel tho War of Liberation and their Development Bondholder, Help Isservice in tho defense of the young rael become economically sell-suf • State of Israel is one with which flcient, strong and secure, by jointhe women of America will be ing the ranks of "Chen'' today. proud to associate themselves. You may call me at ATlantic 1177 "Chen" is also the tamlliar He- lo obtain your "Chen" kit and brew word for "Charm," and n identification card, Enroll today beautiful solid gold "Chen Charm,'.' and join with other "Chen" volspecially designed, will bo award- unteers this Sunday for Omaha's ed to each woman who brings In B.I.G. Day.
Wednesday At Blackstone
Chen - A New Way To Work for Israel
Bonds Build Nation's Economy
Neu> Development Bonds Are Better
Incruud with Uw U U 0 . 1 SUm.T OF MILK tut itln tntfwU i n titaI Jlurply A ' •M«pMUM •» ttt Tawi Dairy In rri *•<». Thi fim pljnt. Milt Mil *foi d r i l l Bond hinds, ' M m i l tally. \ — mm preDucM aort tta" 2*o^os «ufto o<
TDttilEl will In mimfactwtd Wi n i r « l u i i l Buodi H K I tnmlnt mrlM « 4 atactuMs «l • (•<«• «i» n o at I n r Tnla.
TECHNICIAN ADJUSTS • trraformtr Mi U » niw M i l tiniloil llftf, conil/uctld with liratl Bono vttxnti. ftwn Til Ml» to hnrultra.
COUNT HPOSTS •>• rliltf i t . i d l l , Uirourt l i r u l Bond flnaficlnf « pniucUm »l U» Niihfi plint and »t K o atmr nmr f t r t w l n .
(a) Tboy offer 4 per cent instead of 3V% per cent interest u year. Fifteen year Coupon Bonds paying interest Bcmf-annuaUy arc issued in denominations ot $500, $1,000, $2,500 up to $100,000. (b) Savings Bonds pay V/s times the issue amount in 10 yearn instead ot 12. A $1,000 Bond will pay $1,5W> at .maturity. Savings Bonds arc sold in denominations of $100, *250, *500, "$1,000, $2,G00, *5,000and $10,000. (c) You can borrow up to 75 V « c c n t of tUc anw\mt of your BoncUj without any other collateral, at the Omalm National Bank ,in tbe manner provided in the 'prospectus. (d) Institutions having tax-exempt status can invest their building funds with the assurance that their Bonds will be cashed at any time the funds arc needed for building purposes. In Omaha, Beth El Sisterhood, Beth Israel Talmud Tor ah, 'Wise Metnoruv\ HoispHW Association and the Jewish Philanthropies have iavestcd Building 'Fund monies in Israel Bonds. (e) The Bonds becomo immediately redeemable m dollars on the death of the registered owner. (f) The Bonds can be converted in Israel for tourist expenses, for investments in approved business enterprises in Israel and for contribution to • recognized, charitable institution.
r rvciw
«rtd»j, December It, 1»54
See the Lind Brothers! Hake Sure You Have a Call ATUntlo 1177 or ATUntlc 4108
KCENT REACTIVATION of (fit Dead Sea M a r t WorU witk Israel Bond funds hat re»ult«d in larte polish «iportl farfir away at Jepaa. fey the jrooni republic to countrMi ss
AMERICAN CQUIPtlEtfT pwchistd with lutcl Bond «epJUl btinf iniUlled at fertiliiers and Chemical! plant ( M Increased chemical production (of local U M and export
PRODUCTION M I M C U t i U i place dally «J Uw rock phojprulu mined in the hurt of Israel** Netey tr« brought by trucb (roo tht phosphate Setts la Uw proceutaf plant established with Israel Bond funds near Xumub.
MINING OPERATIONS financed by Israel Bond proceeds are transforming Israel's latent natural resources into dollar-producing exports. The drilling rig snow) here l i of the type used In the discovery ol copper near Elatti. Other minerals Include Iron, manganese, ball clay, glass sand, peal, feldspar, gypsum, sulphur and bituminous limestone. Israel Bond funds are also being used In the expansioq of Industries and agriculture, power development, and eonslruction of factories and homes.
STONES OF IRON-HILLS OF COPPER By Dr. Dov Jimrj>h Israel Minister of Development The people of Israel are a stubborn people. In the Bible »(< are described as "stiff-necked." But this dogged persistence, this stubswer, combined with our firm belief in the factual accuracy of the Bible, has been responsible for the discovery of substantial mineral Wealth during the past six years. The Bible speaks "of Israel as a "land whose stones are of iron find from whose hills you will quarry copper." Although the British •ruled Palestine for more than 25 ' years, they found no natural re• sources there, except in the Dead Sea where they could be seen by anyone. They did find some 15,000 tons of sulphur, but that was all. Since the establishment of the ' State, we have carried on geologl' cal surveys and explorations in the Negev and other parts of the country, with the aid of the resources from the Independence Issue of Israel Bonds, As a result, we have proved conclusively thnt Israel is not devoid of mineral wealth. In fact, we have already found minerals which will supply the raw materials for our industry and fertilizers for our agriculture and will help lis become economically self-sufficient. During the past six years, we have discovered substantial quan.. titieVof phosphates, iron and cop' per ore, manganese, glass ,sond, •' kaolin, -gypsum, feldspar, quartz, - granite and marble. . ' Oil Prospects - We hope we may also discover 'I other resources. For example, the geologists a r e quite optimistic •bout the prospects of fjndbig oil. A number of experienced Ail operators in the United Stales have already invested several millions of
B.I.G. Day HL-ij Home tor B.I.ti. Day! Tills Sunday,'December 12
dollars in the search for oil in Israel. Drilling has'actually begun in several places. In all, there are some seven groups which huvc been granted oil licenses. Let me tell you of the recent discovery of iron in Galilee. Some geologist to como to Israel to help Us in otor surveys,' We had previously discovered three deposits of Iron ore in the Negev. The ore was not of a very good quality, sinrc it contained only 25 per cent Iron. Our geological expert from Sweden came to me one day and asked why we were looking for Iron only in the Negcv, ''Vou know," he said, "you have geological strata in Galilee which are identical with the strata In the Negev, where you have already found iron. I believe youTbught to take a look In Galilee as well." When he left, I promptly called In our geoogUts and asked them to go to Callilec. They were a little skeptical, but I Insisted, and a few days later, one of them" walked into my room and put a piece of rock on my desk. One look at it and I could sec that it was iron, and he had found it in Galilee. Iron Deposits We immediately sent a team of men into the area and we found a deposit of iron ore in Galilee which promises to. be of a ,very substantial quantity. The first reports from the analysts indicate that the quality of the iron.Is adequate. If our expectations are realized/this will represent a very Important development, because this deposit is located less than 60 miles from our main seaport of Haifa-, on a principal road with plenty of water available and plenty of labor to work a mine at normal labor costs. Last month, I went to Galileo to Inspect our operations there. I was brought to a short tunnel that we had dug In the mountainside in order to rench the vein'of iron. Among the workers I found n sturdy old man with white hair and n very tiny white beard, He took put of his pocket two pieces of paper. One was the map
shall be of iron and copper. As your days, so may be y o u r strength." And here Was the Iron which Moses spoke of when he blessed the tribe of Asher. Copper Ore We have located a deposit of copper some 35 kilometers north of Kllat sufficient in size to yield 100,000 tons of metallic copper. Our experts estimate thnt the extension of the area will give us an additional supply, of some 300,000 tons. It will be difficult to exploit this copper because It docs not contain sulphur. But we arc now carrying out experiments on a pilot plant basis as to the beat method of extracting the copper from this particular type of ore. In any event, we shall be able to accomplish It by adding sulphuric acid. Plans arc being drawn up for the project to exploit the copper. The equipment and the machinery will be acquired with German reparations funds. We anticipate that within two years' time we shall be processing; 1,000 tons of copper per day, producing from 4,500 to 6,000 tons of metallic copper per year. With copper selling at about $650 per ton, we shall be able to earn and save some $2,000,000 a year from our copper, and a similar amount from our iron and steel. We shall be in a position to satisfy at least a third, If not half, of all the iron and steel requirements of Israel. of ancient Israel, showing the division of the land among the twelve tribes, and he said to me: "We are standing here," pointing to a spot on the map, "within the boundaries of the tribe of Ashcr." And he was right. Then he gave me the secondjifecc of paper. It was a page thnt had been torn out of the Bible nnd in it I read the bk'SiitiK which Mode's conferred upon the twelve tribes of Israel prior to his death. In blessing Ash?r, Moses said, "Let Ashcr be blcswd with children. Let them be acceptable to his brethren. Let him dip his foot In oil." Then came these words: 'Tour bars
I*bmphates Our phosphates arc far greater In extent than pur Iron end copper. We have already found twelve fields of phosphate rock in Israel. We have completed piano, after successful pilot plant tests, for a calcination plant that will enable us to Improve the quality of our phosphates. We can enrich them BO that they will contain 34 per cent pure phosphate, which will bo ns good as any produced in North Africa, which supplies most of the world's phosphate. We' hope to bo able to produce some 600,000 tons of calcined phosphate A year in our new plant Wh
gypsum in the Negev, which are being exploited now by the fellow settlers of former Prune Minister David Bcn-Gurion at Sdeh Boker, south of Bocrshcba. We arc already taking out of the Negev all of the 21,000 tons of glass sand which are required tor the glass Industry of Israel. Some special mention must be made of the limitless wealth of the Dead Sea. There we have 20,000,000,000 tons of magnesium chloride, 12,000,000,000 tons of sodium chloride, 6,000.000,000 torn of caldum, and 500,000,000 tons of magnesium bromide. We are not neglecting; the exploitation of this great wealth. Potash Works The potash works resumed production almost a year ago. We) have now Increased output to 135,. 000 tons of potaah per year. In 1955 we shall reach 180,000 tons per year, and together with th« bromides which we shall manufacture, the Dead Sea will' provide the State of Israel, aided by Israel Bond Investments, with $5,. 000,000 of hard currency a year, or tbo equivalent'of,eight per cent, of the total exports of Israel jn 1353, In addition, we have the Fertilizers nnd Chemicals Compnny In Haifa, which the government has also helped with Israel Bond proceeds by providing It with Inans and guarantees to the extent of 15,000.000 Israel pounds. By 1055 this plant will be producing various chemicals which will make available to the State of Israel some $5,000,000 a year. Furthermore, on the basis of our gypsum and pyrites, of our salt* from the Dead Sea and our pnosphatcs, we have planned nnd have received the approval of two of the largest chcmlcnl engineering concerns in the world, the Chemical Construction Corporation In the United States and Powell Duf- fcrin in the United Kingdom, for the construction of a very large chemical works in the south iif the country. With an Investment of $35,000,000. this enterprise will earn and nave for the State nf Israel some 513,000,000 per ye.ir.' flreat Opportunity* The grmt new opportunities for economic development which hnve been opened up as a reKuIt of the discovery of these natural resources could not hnve been possible without the funds of the Israel Bonds, which financed tbo geological surveys and the first itagcs of exploitation. It is my conviction that by 1957 or 1958, nt the latest, these various development projects will earn and save for the State of Israel approximately 130,000,000 ,a year. This is an impressive, figure in the light of the fact th%»our total exports last year. Including citrus Yults. amounted to 159,600.000. By 1958 the exploitation of our natural resources alone will Incrcnse our exports by fifty, per cent. In addition, we shall double our nKricultural output and greatly increase o u r orange plantations within the next six to tevin years. This nUi of progmsai amply «<"motMtratar the ability of the SUto of Isra«l to jnmke good Its pledge* •ad to pay If* obligations on UJpj Bands snd on Its other undertakings. If we had any doubts In the post as to the capacity of Israel to make good .economically, those doubts no longer exist in the minds of those who are acquainted wjth the fads. We see our problems, but we also envisage their solution. We know thit during BIX years of effort w6 have doubled our agricultural output, we have doubled the area under cultivation,' we have Increased by 25 per cent our nren under irrigation, we have) doubled our industrial output, we have incrensed our working power from 300,000 workers to 590,000 workers. On the basis of whnt we have achieved, we may well look to the future with confidence nnd with every. cxpccUitJop i
Friday, December 10, ISM
J)r. Abo Crcrnberg General Chairman
Mra. J. Harry KuUkofiUy Women's Hon. Chairman
Mm. Albert Fox ion Chairman
Mm. Harry Bldmnn Registration Co-Chairman
Coffee Plantations Planned for Israel An eight-year-old hunch, backed up by as many y e a n of persistent experimentation — tome of it in tiWMmposed secrecy, snd iirMhc face of widespread skepticism — hat paid off for a quiet and Intense Israel (dentist with the succcsiful growth of coffee plants in this young republic. It has also paid off for Israel arid foremost agricultural experts now agree with Dr. Israel Gindcl that coffee can be crown successfully in Israel. In the coming months, Israel is expected to put the eight years' experimentation by Dr. Ginilcll to profitable and extensive w>c by encouraging tho establishment of plantations of this crop — never before Brown in Israel. _ Pr. Gimlel, who arrived in Palestine In 1934 from Poland, where he had studied forestry engineering, U one of n corps of scientists who operate the agricultural experimental stations established with the nld of funds derived from the purchase of Israer Bonds In the United States and Canada. Arabs Unsuccessful After producing a number of new plants in the climate of Palestine during the Hate 1930's and early 40's—among them such fruitas avocados and mangos—Dr. Gindel become convinced that the coffee plant, too, could be raised tn the Middle East climate. At that time, he inquired of .scientists and planter* In neighboring Arab countries, only to learn that they had .met with little success In attempt- ing to grow the coffee bean In the area. Dr. Gindcl, an ardent
Bond Leaders In Omaha 1954
drinker, proceeded to set aside a half-acre near his home, whero he carried on his experiments despite the fact that the first three years of testing were not productive. Realizing that the methods used by growers In tropical countries famous for coffee, countries like Brazil, Guatemala, Costa Rica and East Africa, were not directly adaptable to the Middle East, Dr. Gindcl evolved his own methods slowly and pnlnstakingly. By 1950, ho had established a small plantation based on his own methods and there was a harvest of the first fruits by the end of 1951. Planting the beans from that harvest, he expanded his operations and at the beginning of 1953 had a crop which stood up to the tests of a dozen specialists in the field of coffee plant growing. Final experiments during 1953 served to perfect the results of eight years of trial and error.
Far-rcnchlng experiments like Dr. Gindcl's interested Israel's agricultural planners, for the successful growth of coffee will result in a sizable saving In currency presently required for Import of the beans from abroad. Even a partial reduction In coffee imports will be significant since a cup of coffee enjoys the same everyday popularity here as in the United States. . Utilizing Israel Bond Investments, which constitute the cornerstone of the agricultural and Industrial development of tho country, Israel will now add coffee to a list of valuable crop innovations, which already, include • sisal, bananas, sugar beet, peanuts, cotton coffee and others.
STATE OF ISRAEL BONOS Y « w« ««t • flttsvctn '«* bvy r"" *—*' •* liwtlcaii rtnonllol •»"* DmtoSMri CwptroIlM It tumtt
10U OK? K*tl, l u k Did*
F»«e Hve
Mra, N&than L. Nogg Women's Chairman
Mra. Isodor I^evlnson Women's Co-Chalrman
Mra. Morris Grossman "Chen" Chairman
Ocne Rich Publicity Cliairman
The Lind Brothers Exciting Hilarious Entertainment in
"A NIGHT IN ISRAEL" '8 P.M., Wednesday, Dec. 15 • at
Blackstone Hotel v
$1,100 Per Couple
For Reservations Call
Atlantic 1177 or
ATlantic 4198
( rag*
aiTtdajr, D e c e m b e r W , 1854
See the hind Brothers! Make S u n Yon Have a Place! Call Atlantic 1177 or ATIontlo 4198
ICCENT REACTIVATION of thf Oeid S u rotas* Worts wltk Israel Bond fund) h i t resulted in tilt potash tiportt fcy the younj republic to countries M far awsjr a» Japan.
AMERICAN EOUIPMENT purchased with Israel Bond capital bein| installed at rfrtiliiert and Chemicals plant for increased chemical production for local use and eiport
PRODUCTION MIRACLE take* plaea dally at the rock phosphates mined in the heart of Israel's Htm are brought by truck* from the phosphate Reids to the processing plant established with Israel Bond lunds new Kurnub.
MINING OPERATIONS financed by Israel Bond proceeds are transforming Israel's talent natural resources into dollar producing eiporti. The drilling rig shown here is of the type used in the discovery of copper near Cljlh. Other minerals Include Iron, manginese. ball clay, glass sand, peat, feldspar, gypium, sulphur and bituminous limestone. Israel Bond funds are alto being used In the etpansloo of industries and agriculture, power development, and consl/uction sf factories and homes.
STONES OF IRON-HILLS OF COPPER By Dr. Dov Jo»ci>li Israel Minister of Development The people of Israel arc a stubborn people. In the Bible we nre described as "stiff-necked." But this dogged persistence, thin stubborn refusal to take no for an answer, combined with otlf firm belief in the'factual accuracy of the Bible, has been responsible for the discovery of substantial mineral wealth during the past six years. The Bible speaks "of Israel as a "land whose stones arc of iron and from whose hills you will quarry copper." Although the British •ruled Palestine for more than: 25 ' years, they found no natural re~ sources there, except in the Dead - Sea where they could be seen by anyone. They did find some 15,000 tons of sulphur, but that was all. Since the establishment of the ' State, we have carried on geologl' cat surveys and explorations in the Ncgev and other parts of the country, with the aid of the resouitrs from the Independence Issue of Israel Bonds, As a result, w e have proved conclusively that Israel is not devoid of mineral wealth. In fact, we have already found minerals which will supply the raw materials for our industry and fertilizers for our agriculture and will help us become cconomlc. ally self-sufficient. \ During the past six years, we ' have discovered substantial quan' tities'of phosphate*. Iron and copper ore, manganese, glass .sand, "kaolin, -gypsum, feldspar, quartz, granite and marble. . ' Oil I'rosprcts We hope we may also discover Other rcsourcei. For example, the geologists a r c quite optimistic •bout the prospects of finding oil A number of experif need t>il operators In the United .Stairs have alrcady invested seier.il millions of
B.I.G. Day Stay Home for 15.1.(1. D a j ! This Sunday, Herrmbrr 12
dollars in the senrch for oil In Israel. Drilling hos'actually begun In several places. In all, there are some seven croups which have been granted oil licenses. Let me tell you of the recent discovery of iron in Galilee. Some months ago, I invited a well-known Swedish geologist to come to Israel to help us in our survey*. We had previously discovered three deposits of iron ore in the Ncgev. The ore was not of a very good quality, since it contained only 25 per cent iron Our geological expert from Sweden came to me one day and asked why we were looking for Iron only in the Negcv. "you know," he said, "you have geological strata In Galilee which are identical with the strata in the Negev, where you have already found Iron. 1 believe yoiTbught to take a look in Galilee at well." When he left, I promptly called in our geoogist* and asked them to go to Gallilee. They were a little skeptical, but I Insisted, and a few days biter, one qf_thcm walked into my room and put a piece of rock on my desk. One look at it and I could see that it was iron, and he had found it In Galilee. Iron VeposlU We immedlateVsent a team of men Into the areaWid we found a deposit of iron dte in Galilee which promises to b \ of • .very substantial quantity. The first reports from the analyst* indicate that the quality of the irftn.is adequate. If our expectations arc realized,-this will represent a very of ancient Israel, showing the diviimportant development, because sion of the land among the twelve this depoilt is located less than CO tribes, and ho said to me: "We arc miles from our main seaport of standing here," pointing to a spot Haifa, on a principal ronrl v>lth on the map, "within the bounplenty of water available and daries of the tribe of Ashcr." And plenty of'labor to work a mine at ! he was right. Then he gave me the second,picci? of paper. It was normal labor costs. Lfl.st month, I went to Galilee to [ a pa;;e that had been torn out of Inspect our operations there. I , the Uible, and in It I read the s brought to a short tunnel that ble sing which M I M S conferred we had dun In the mountainside In upon the twelve tribes of Israel order to reach the vein of Iron prior to his death. In blessing AshAmong the workers I found n i-r, Moses said, "Let Ashcr be sturdy old in.in with while luir hit '.Ked with children. Let them ly acceptable to his brethren. Let and n very tiny while beard. him dip his foot.In oil." Then lie took out of his pocltut two came these words: "Your bars pieces of paper. One was the rnnp
shall be of Iron and copper. As your days, so may bo y o u r strength." And here Was the Iron which Moses sjwke of when he blessed the tribe of Asher. Copper Ore We have located a deposit of copper some 35 kilometers north of Ellat sufficient In size to yield 100,000 tons of metallic copper. Our experts estimate that the extension of the area will give us an additional supply of some 300,000 tons. It will be difficult to exploit this copper because It docs not contain sulphur. But we arc now carrying out experiments on a pilot plant basis as to the best method of extracting the copper from this particular type of ore. In any event, we shalj be able to accomplish it by adding sulphuric acid. Plans arc being drawn up for the project to exploit the copper. The equipment and the machinery will be acquired with German reparations funds. We anticipate that within two years' time we shall be processing 1,000 tons of copper per day, producing from 4,500 to 6,000 tons of metallic copper per year. With copper selling at about *65fr per ton, we ahall be able to earn and save some $2,000,000 a year from our copper, and a similar amount from our iron and steel. We shall be in a position to satisfy at least a third, if not hair, of all the Iron and steel requirements of Israel. Phosphates Our phosphates are far greater in extent than our iron and copper. We have already found twelve fields of phosphate rock In Israel. We have; completed plans, after successful pilot plant tests, for a calcination plant that will enable us to improve the quality of our phosphates. We can enrich them so that they will contain 34 per cent pure phosphate, which will IK.1 ns good as any produced In North Africa, which supplies most of the world's phosphate. We ho|>c to be able to produce wine 000,000 tons of calcined phosphate i year In our new plant. We have, unlimited quantities of
gypsum in the Ncgev, which are being exploited now by the fellow settlers of former Prime Minister David Bcn-Gurlon at Sdch Boker, south of Bcersheha. We are already taking out of the Ncgev all of the 21,000 tons of glass sand which are required for the glass Industry of Israel. Some special mention must be made of, the limitless wealth of the Dead Sea, There we have 20,QOO> 000,000 tons of magnesium chloride, 12,000,000,000 tons of sodium chloride, 6,000,000,000 tons of caldum, and 500,000,000 tons of magnesium bromide. We are not neglecting the exploitation of thi* great wealth, Potash Work* The potash works resumed production almost a year ago. We have now Increased output to 135,000 tons of potash per year. In 1955 we shall reach 180,000 tons per year, and together with the bromides which we shall manufacture, the Dead Sea will' provide the State of Israel, nided by Israel Bond investments, with $5,000,000 of hard currency a year, or the equivalent of eight per cent of the total exports of Israel jn 1953. In addition, we have the Fertlllrers and Chemicals Company in Haifa, which the government has also helped with Israel Bond proceeds by providing it with loans and guarantees to the extent of 15.000.000 Israel pounds. By 1955 this plant will be producing various chemicals which will make available to the Stntc of Israel some $5,000,000 a year. Furthermore, on the basis of our gypsum and pyrites,, of our salts from the Dead Sea and our phosphates, we have planned and have received the approval of two of the largest chemical engineering concerns in the world, the Chemical Construction Corporation In the United States and Powell Duf- ' ferln in the United Kingdom, for the construction of a very large chemical works tn the south of the country. With an Investment of $35,000,000, this enterprise will earn and save for the Stale of Israel some $13,000,000 per year. (lrm»t Opportunltlm The great new opportunities for eonomlc development which have been opened up as a result of the discovery of these natural' resources could not have been possible without the funds of tho Inrael Bonds, which financed tho geological surveys nnd the first stages of exploitation. It Is my conviction that by 1957 or 1958, at the latest, these various development projects will earn and save for the State of Israel approximately $30,000,000 ji yrur. , This Is an impressive figure In the light of the fact that our total exports last year. Including citrus fruits, amounted to 959,1100.000. B y 1958 the exploitation of our natural resources alone will Increase our exports by fifty.per c e n t In addition, we shall double our agricultural output and greatly increase o u r orange plantations within the next six to seven years. This n t e of progreas amply denttratai the ability erf the State of Israel to.make good 1U plrdgc* and to pay Its oMIgstloos) on Us Bonds and on it* other underiauV In**. If we had any doubts in the past i to the capacity of Israel l a make good .economically, those doubts no longer exist in the minds f those who arc acquainted wjth the facts. We sec our problems, but we also envisage their solution. We know that during six «>ars of effort we" hrivq doubled mr agricultural output, we have doubled the area under cultivation, e have Increased by 25 per cent iur area under Irrigation, we have loubled our industrial output, w e lave increased our working power rom 300,000 workers to 530,000 workers. On the basis of whnt we have achieved, we may well look o the future with confidence and with every expectation of (success, * s
Friday, December 10, 1851
Dr. Abe Circrnberg (Icncral Cliulrman
Mrs. 1. Harry Kulakofsky Women's Hon. Chairman
Mm. Albert Fox -Kldtratlon Chairman
Mm. Harry Sldtnsn Registration Co-Chairman
Coffee Plantations Planned for Israel An eleht-year-old hunch, backed up by as many y e a n of persistent experimentation—tome of it In shlf-imposcd secrecy, and l i M h o .face of widespread skepticism — has paid off for a quiet and Intense Israel scientist with the successful growth of coffee T>lanU in this young republic. I t has also paid off for Israel and foremost agricultural experts now agree with Dr. Israel Glndcl that coffee can be grown successfully In Israel. In the coming months, Israel is expected to put the eight years' experimentation by Dr. Glndell to profitable and extensive use by encouraging the establishment of plantations of this crop — never before grown in Israel. Dr. Clndel. who arrived In Palestine In 1934 from Poland, where he had studied forestry engineering, U one of it corps of scientists who operate the agricultural experimental stations established with the aid of funds derived from the purchase of Inner Bonds in the United States and Canada. Arabs Unsuccessful After producing a number of new plants in the climate of Palestine during the Hate 1930's and early 40'*—among them such fruit' as avocados and mingos—Dr. Gln' del become convinced that the coffee plant, too, could be raised In the Middle East climate. At that .time, ho inquired of .scientists and , planters in neighboring Arab countries, only to learn that they had . met with little success in attempt' ing to grow the coffee bean in the 'area. Dr. Glndcl, an' ardent coffee
drinker, proceeded to set aside a half-acre near his home, where he carried on his experiments despite the fact that the first three y e a n of testing were not productive. Realizing that the methods used by growers In tropical countries famous for coffee, countries like Brazil, Guatemala, Costa Rica and East Africa, were not directly adaptable to the Middle East, Dr. Glndcl evolved his own methods slowly and painstakingly. By 1950, he had established a small plantation based on his own methods and there was a harvest of the first fruits by the end of 1951. Planting the beans from that harvest, he expanded his operations and at the beginning of 1953 had a crop which stood up to the tests of a dozen specialists in the field of coffee plant growing. Final experiments during 1953 served to perfect the results of eight years of trial and error. Far-reaching experiments like Dr. Glndcl's Interested Israel's agricultural planners, for the successful growth of coffee will result in a sizable saving In currency presently required for Import of the beans from abroad. Even a partial reduction In coffee imports will be significant since a cup of coffee enjoys the same cvery-day popularity here as in the United States. . Utilizing Israel' Bond investments, which constitute the •cornerstone of the agricultural and Industrial development of the country, Israel will now add coffee to a list of valuable crop Innovations, which already. Include • sisal, ha*, narias, sugar beet, peanuts, cotton and others.
STATE OF ISRAEL BONDS Y M tan «•! « rroiptdvi and kvy I W lend 1 *! A B M I C M flncmclol and Dantepmwil Cofp«oil»n I K I K M I 1*11 (My Null. Bank D i d * '
Bond Leaders In Omaha 1954
Fate Five
Mrs. Nutlian I>. Hogg Women's Chairman
Mrs. Isador Levlnson Women'* Co-Chairman
Mrs. Morris Grossman "Chen" Chairman
Clone Itlch Publicity Chairman
The Lind Brothers Exciting ' • Hilarious Entertainment in
"A NIGHT IN ISRAEL" '8 P.M., Wednesday, Dec 15
Blackstone Hotel x
$1,100 Per Couple
For Reservations Can
ATlantic 1177 or
ATlantic 4198
December U, 1WM
Do You Sleep Well A t Night? Most of us do not take our worries to bed. We sleep the quiet sleep that is' free of fret and fear' ' But in Israel there are men and women who do not sleep well.
The inhabitants of the border settlements do not sleep well. • Would you sleep well if you were faced with night raids, shootings, the killing of innocent people seeking to make a home for themselves? How can you sleep well when a new policy has been adopted to give arms to the Arab states which insist that they are still in a state of war with the small young democracy of Israel? How can you sleep well when a new treaty has been signed with Egypt giving her complete control of the Suez Canal, the same Egypt which refuses to permit any ships of trade to use the canal in going to or from the State of Israel? In Israel people in leadership do not sleep well. They worry about what is happening to the long, warm friendship between the U n i t e d States and Israel. You will sleep well if you help remove the fears and anxieties of tjie people of Israel. The time and crisis call for action—action to reaffirm our devotion to Israel and its aspirations for freedom and peace—to strengthen its security by strengthening its economic defenses. Omaha has gone part of the way toward strengthening Israel's security. A G'wrdians of Israel dinner last month resulted in the sale of $100,000 worth of Bonds. But there are many Omahans who have not yet had the opportunity to purchase the new Development Bonds. Omaha will be fortunate in having as its special guests at a rally on Wednesday, December 15, at the Blackstone Hotel,'three men who have devoted their talents in the past three years to fighting for Israel's future and strength—the Lind Brothers. Make your plans now to a t t e n d this event. Call me at ATlantic 1177. : . > You will sleep a lot better if you recognize your responsibility to preserve and strengthen Israel and do justice to the spirit of democracy. '<*''
• ' # * *, ^
A. Greenberg, M.D., Chairman
/(Mar, DMMabcr, It, 1»M
Organizations Monsky Chapter B'nal B'rlth Dolls for Democracy ' will be featured in the program at the Omaha Inter-club Counci meeting December 14 at 12 noon in the Rome Hotel. Mrs. Arthur G o l d s t e i n , doll chairman for Monsky chapter, will present the dolls urn! tell the story. Mrs, Goldstein will also give n presentation nt the December 21 meeting of Hadassah In Lincoln. The doll profiram may be booked by calling Mru. Goldstein or the B'nal B'rith Antl-DcfamatIon League office. There Is no chargo for this unique program which is n project of the B'nal B'rith Henry Monsky Chapter.
Hadassah Plans for the annual card party of B & P Hadassah are underway. It has been entitled "Hadassah Round-Up" and will be held at the Hlackstone Hotel January 19- Mrs. Charles Koss and Miss Dorothy Rosenthal are fund-raising chairmen.
Peretz Hirshbein
The regular meeting of the PereU Hirshbein Reading Group was held at the home of Mrs. Sum Binder. Guests were Mrs. Ell Bittner, Mrs. Rubenstcln and Mrs. Conner. Hostess for this meeting was Mrs. J. Kaplan. Donations were given to several charitable organizations. The next meeting will be held at Mfcrochi Women the home of Mrs. J. Cohen, 1124 The regular meeting of Mlz- N. 40th St., at a date to be anrachl Women will bo held at 2 nounced later. All are invited to p. m., Wednesday, Dec. IS in the attend. Jewish Community Center. A des sert luncheon at 1 p. m. will precede the business meeting. The program will include a'style show with some of the chapter members as models. Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Sommer announce the engagement of their Council Women daughter Charlotte to Albert M. The regular board meeting of Katz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest the Omaha Section, N a t i o n a l KaU of Albany, N. Y. Council of Jewish Women, will bo Miss Sommer attended the Uniheld at 1 p. m, Thursday, Dec. 16 versity of Iowa at Iowa Clty.where at the borne of Mr*. Uoyd Fried- che was a member of Sigma Delta man, 616 S. ,37th s t Tau Sorority. Mr. KaU was gradMrs. Albert Gaer, social welfare uated from Armstrong' College, vice-president, will be co-hostess. Berkeley, Calif. Mist Sommer and Mr. Katz are both of Oakland, Calif. JWV Auxiliary An early spring wedding to The December meeting of the planned. Epstein-Morgan Ladies Auxiliary No. 260, Jewish War Veterans will be held Thursday, Dec. 16, at 8 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. A Joint program will be held with the Tost at which time awardi for membership will bo given. Saturday, Dec. 11 On December 2, the monthly Youth Council Night and Canparly was held at the Omaha Vet- teen Party, 9 p. m.—Center. erans Hospital. Those from the Central High Opera, "HMS Pinauxiliary who attended w e r e afore," 8 p. m.—Central High Mmes. Aaron Epstein, hospital School. chairman, Frank Cohen and Abe Sunday, Dec 11 Kaplan. The Annual Christmas "Big Day" — BONDS FOB Party will be held at the Hospital ISRAEL. Deccmlier 20. Children's Activities, J p . n i , All members are asked to bring Ccntcr. stuffed toys to the December meet- Club Tovim, 7 p. m.—Beth Israel ing to bo distributed to the chil- Synagogue. dren's homes in this area. FEDERATION FOR JEWISH SERVICE, Annual Meeting, 8 p. tru—Center. Pioneer Women Monday, Dec. IS The Pioneer Women's Organiza- Hadassah Chapter Board, 11 a. m.—Homo. tion will hold their monthly Oncg Shabat at 1 p. m.. Saturday, Dee. Blkur Chollm, 1 p. m.—Center. 11 ac the home of Mrs. Frank Ru- -. Workmen's Loan,. 7:30 p. m.— benstein, 5101 Evans St. Call PL Center, Tuesday Musical, 8:30 p. m.— 8386. • A report of the regional confer- Joslyn Memorial. ence will be given by Mrs. Jake Tuesday, Dee, 14 Fcldman, president of the group, First Joint All Sisterhood Meetwho attended the conference as ing, 1:30 p. m.—Temple Israel. delegate. Center Bridge Class, 7 rMrs. Jake Kaplan will present Center. a reading and folk songs will be Art Class, 7 p. m.—Center, offered by Mrs. Sam Rlchman. Lcathercraft Class, 7:30 p. Mrs. Jake Kaplan U chairman for Center. — the affair and urges all members Zionist Council, 8 p. m.—Center. to attend. Wednesday, Dec. Iff Hadassah Group Boards, 12:30 O.B» Sisterhood p. m.—Homes, • " • The Chevra Ylsrocl Sisterhood Mizrachi Women, 1 p. m.—Cenof Council Bluffs hod a display of ter. Dolls for Democracy at their re- B'nal B'rith Monsky Chapter cent meeting. Mrs. Arthur H. Gold- Adult Education, 8 p. m.—Homes. stein showed the dolls. Different Major Bond Event. groups donated the dolls to fur- Center Orchestra, 8 p. m.—Centher the teaching of Democracy In ter. Thursday, Dec IS Action. Mrs. Harold Flnkcl, who was in Art Class, 1 p. m.—Center. Senior Council Board, 1 p. m.— charge of the luncheon and program, was assisted by the follow- Home. Dcbka Deb Bake Sale, 3:30 p. m. ing: Mmes. Harry Chernifs, Harold Epstein, Toby Katlcman Cas- Center. tle, Leonard Finkel and Sidney Temple Study Group, 1 p. m,— Temple IsracL Cohen. The next rcRuiar meeting will bo Jewish War Veterans & Auxiliary, 8 p. m.—Center. held January 25. B & P Hadassah, 8 p. m.—Home.
Miss C. Sommer Engagement Told
Memorial Scholarships
Omaha Sketches
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Livingstone of Los Angeles, Calif., announce the birth qf a son Keith Alexander December 5. Mrs. Livingstone is the former Phyllis Studna of Omaha. This is the couple's first child. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Friedman of Omaha and paternal grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Livingstone of Atlantic City, N. J. Mrs. David Blumcnthal of Omaha Is maternal great-grandmother and Mrs. A. Livingstone of Atlantic City, N. J., is paternal great-grandmother. Mrs. Friedman will visit with her daughter and son-in-law and also Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Studna. Miss Margot Stein and Dr. Sam- her son and daughter-in-law. uel Z. F«ler, both of Fort Smith, William L. Bromberg, formerly Ark., were married Sunday morn- from Council Bluffs, was appointIng at the home of Dr. Falcr*! ed law clerk to U. S. District brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Judge Jean S. Breltenstein in Denver, Colo. Mr. Bromberg Is the son Mrs.. W. aosenblatt. of Mr. and. Mis. Harry Bromberg Rabbi Myer S. Kripke per- of Council Bluffs. He was gradformed the ceremony at 11 o'clock uated from the Denver Law School before the immediate family. Dr. and is an Army veteran. Faler Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam F a i e r . . . . Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. AbramOut-of-town guests at the wed- son, formerly of Omaha, announce ding were Mr. and Mrs. Jennings the birth of a daughter Tuesday, J. Stein of Fort Smith, and the Dec. 7 at Brentwood, Mo. This is bridegroom's sister, Miss Esther their first child. Faier of Son--Francisco, Cat Paternal grandparents are1 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Abramson of OmaPatronize Our Advertisers ha and maternal grandparents are The Omaha section. National Council of Jewish Women, has established in memory of their late president, Mrs. Harry Stoler, a Marion Stoler scholarship fund. From tills fund needy, worthy students will be given financial aid. Mrs. Abe Veneer, scholarship fund chairman, will be in charge of this memorial.
Miss Stein Weds Dr. Samuel Faier
Mr. and Mrs." Max Fenchtman St Louis, Mo. Mrs. Jacob Abramson of Omaha Is paternal greatgrandmother.
Chanukah Party By Bikur Cholim The Bikur Cholim Sodety will hold their annual Chanukah cord party and luncheon at 1 p, nx, Monday, Dec. 13 at the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Joke Wine, president, has appointed Mrs. Harry Sidmari and Mrs. Myer Linda, ticket sales chairmen. Luncheon arrangements win be handled by Mrs. Jake Wine and her committee. A bazaar table of hand mada articles such as aprons, pot-holders, and dollies,' etc. as well as cakes, Jellies, cookies, and boms made goodies will be on sale for the early Chanukah shopper. Guests are asked 'to make up their own tables and bring their own cards and Mai. Jongg sets. Proceeds of this luncheon will be used for the Medical Fund of the Bikur Chollm Sodety, Tickets at $1 each for -the luncheon will be available at the door, A door prize will also be awarded at the conclusion of the program.
Community Calendar
Hadassah The Education Council of Omahn Chnpter Hadassah will hold its monthly Once Shabot 1 p. m., Saturday, Dec. 11, at the home of Mrs. Maurice Newman, 5151 Decntur St. This Oneg Sliabot Is for Hadassah presidents, chaimen of education, Zionist public relations and American afafirs chairmen. Mm. Paul Vcret Is chapter education chairman.
B'nai Abraham Lodge Lou Fcllman was elected president of B'nal Abraham Lodge at a recent meeting. Other newly elected officers arc: Harry Whitcman, vice-president; Ben Martin, treasurer, and Max A. Ortman, secretary. .They.win be installed at the January 2 meeting,
Make Your Eltetrleal Appltanct Dtaltr or Departmtnt Store Chrlitmat Gift Htadqiiarttrt, Glv* an Electric Gift—Beautiful—Uieful—Wa«H4|
Friday, DrcniKr,
Jay Basketball
B.B. Bowling
Hadassah Bowling
Fireside IWuur.mt ...26to 914 The "Meadow Gold Dairy" squad Mctz Ucer 25 11 took high team series from the Kdwards Jewelry 23 13 ZETA BETA TAU Paul Friday evening Alpha Theta "Midwest Water Heaters Team." Cooper Construction . . . .22 14 its traditional formal dinner With the assistance of Mike Platt, Sllco Products ...21-15 paints while Jeff Wohlner of Fire- held MIDCIET LEAGUE preceding the Military Ball which Meadow Gold fired a 1.212 series. Playland Park .19 17 Ray Katskee and Steve Guss side also had 13. officially" opens the social season Mike shot games of 165 and' 1G1 Multicolor Paints 18'.i 17*4 ' Pacific Fish, with Dick Zacharia at the University. for a hefty 326 series. were heroes last Sunday In Midget Brodkey Jewelry . . . . . . 1 8 18 The "Maypers" squad, well Silk Shop league play as their overtime bas- hitting for 12 points dropped CowDoran Jacobs and Howard Vann, 18 W kets gave their teams victories. In boys 20-14. Karl Luetschuctz had senior cadets in the Army ROTC backed by Eddie Wintroub's 177 Superette Food Market .17 IS the senior loop. Katskee's basket •be points to help the winners while program, marched In the Ball. game, took high team game away Benson Hardware . . . . . . 1 6 ' - i 19H With 20 seconds to play gave Gere- Mike Sadofsky scored nine forOver the weekend, ZBT was glad from the "Morris Paint" kcglcrS United Auto Supply 16 20 , lick Motors a 26-34 win over I-Go Cowboys. to have Mike Ban, Stan Fellman. with a 619. Nogg Bros. Paper Co. ..15 21 Van. Walt VWallet" Wise led the V. O. "A" L&AGVB Gene Kohn and Bob Wlntroub AS Nancy Venger was high In theWatson Bros. Transp. Co.13 23 attack for the winners with .11 Unbeaten Rayim A continued tp guests in the house. girls' division with games of 136 Youngstown Kitchens ..HVi 24 tt points, while Justin Ban and Steve roll on the victory parade as they and 119 for a nifty 255 series. RCA Victor 6 30 The four boys were in Lincoln at Scglin scored eight for the losers. took a 40-28 win from Improving Bonnie Tarnoff, a modest 67 a high school debate tournament Hires Root Beer broke in theAZA 100. Steve Rosenblatt, hard- which they went on to win. Allaverage kegler, found the ''groove" You* Council Night winning column with a 26-19 windriving junior led the well bal- high school fellas are always wel- with games of 121 and 88 for a Janie Fellman, chairman of the commendable 209 scries. over S. Rlekes & Sons. Dan Hollls anced scoring attack with 11 come at the Chapter House. Youth Council Canteen Commitpoints. Speedy Zwelback had the with 13 points led the way. tee, announced the plans for Youth Monday the bowling team won same for the Centurymen. Council Night to bo held this SatIn tho Junior division Steve four games. Coke Friedman was Chanukah Film In the second encounter, AZA urday evening from 9 to 12 p. m.\ Cuss, center for Rlchman-Gordhigh man with 503 for a threeA basketball game between two man dropped in 'a basket in the'I tuned up for their big do-or-die game series. Last week, the Intra- Festival at B.I. game with Rayim next Tuesday by sudden death period to lead his mural ••: basketball team won its A special Chanukah film festi- surprise teams will be followed by a dance. Admission for the evening; team to A 23-21 win over Fireside. defeating Rayim B 52-34. Once first game, 27-25. val has been arranged for all the will be 35' cents with the proceeds again Stan Wldman, high scoring Steve led the scoring with 13 center led the assault with 21 Alums Joel Milder and Sol Ros- children of the Beth Israel Re- going t o improve the Y. C. Canlnsky came to Lincoln for the Mil- ligious Schools. Talmud Torah points, while Larry Lincoln had itary teen. Ball dinner. children will come at 10 a. m. SunII for Rayim. " t All Youth Councllers are urged This weekend Dick Fellman Is day School children should come Standings going to Wlnfleld. Kans., with the the regular times, Talmud Tor- to attend this evening of fun and "W. L. varsity debatj team, to participate at festivity. ' ' | children will meet In tho social AZA No. I Rayim A . . . 6 0 in1 a debate tournament He will ah hall. Sunday School children will Saturday, Dec. 4, AZA No. 1 bad AZA 1A 4 enter debate, and contests In ora- go to their regular classes and a bowling party at the Music Box Rayim B 1 5 tory and discussion. will be'taken to the program by SEE Bowling Lanes. This party, planned AZA100A 1 5 their teachers. by Jerry Fercr and his social com- YC B LEAGUE SIGMA AXFIIA MIT The Sunday morning Junior mittee, was followed by a house Nathan Levinson Rayim C, with Larry Zacharia, party at Jim Spltzer's home. Stan Jack Lieb and Chuck Wise hitting Election of officers was recently breakfast Minyan will meet ""at Wldman and Carole Frank won for 12, eight and six points" re- held at the chapter house. Sol 8:30 a. m. as usual. for the trophies for the highest comStiss, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. StUs bined scries. Al Krizelman was spectively beat AZA 100C 30-16. of Omaha was re-elected president Murray Mayer was high for the Religious Articles awarded, the "Best Aleph of the Alan Hcegcr, the son of Mrs. Alice Month" certificate fur tbc month Centurymen with eight points. Hccger, was elected treasurer Unbeaten AZA IB led by Bernle and Gift Food of November. while Marvin Brcslow, son of Mr. Ostrovich slapped a 16-9 loss on December 5. after the first meet- AZA 100B. Bcrnie had six points and Mrs. H. Breslow of Lincoln is Certificates to Israel ing of the new administration, the while Jack Oruch made four. Tom now filling the capacity of secretary. Marvin Gllmah/ son of Mr. chapter held a ping pong tingles Kully (-cored six for the losers. and Mrs. I Gllman of Omaha, was Chanukah tournament to choose representaStandings also Initiated into the ranks of tives to the Cornbelt Regional Menorahs Sigma Alpha Mu. W. Convention; the doubles tournaAZA IB 3 and Candles ' Tho Sammy bowling team has ment will be held December 12. A Z A 10013 2 cinched tint place In their leaguo from Israel AZA No. 100 Rayim B 2 and after Christmas vacation will The new officers for the next six AZA100C 0 bowl the winners of' the other 3014 Webster AT 4252 months are; p r e s i d e n t , Marv fraternity leagues for the chamFrcedman; vice-president. Jerry pionship. J Rosen; • secretary, Bob Shapiro; Jr. Y.C. Bowling The annual exchange dinner treasurer, Howard Koopcr; reporters, Bruce Bloom and Marty SoW, I . with the Sigma Delta Tau Sorority will be held the evening of De. phir; sergeant-at-arms, H a r o l d cember 15 at the fraternity house. 17 Friedman and Al Forman; chap- Lucky Leaguers Skits will be given by pledge Hokcy Pokes 14 H lain, Howard Kaslow, and- chief 8 14 AND STAY SLIM WITH SPARKLING board writer, Bennett Homstein. Blue Eagles 9 clascss of both houses. Rayim Jrs. 13 10 The next social event will be a BAYlAl NEW SUGAR-FREE 12 12 New Year's Eve party in Omaha. Last Saturday Raylm's Travel- The Curves Ing Troupe .nade its third per- Cozy Farmers . . . . . . . . . 1 0 13 9 13 B Patronize Our Advertisers formance of tho season at the JCC Fancy _ „ Pants 814 dance, Mood Indigo. 1 4 Belles Bums 7 13 16 In the Junior Class1 County Gov-f 7 t h *7* *?"„* " 6 High Gamni and Serlrs emment Elections, four of the eleJohn Rickes, 132, 124; Frank ven officers elected were Rayim \'@?/ members. They are: James Sha- Goldberg 152. and Gerry Pi tails. 114, 122. piro, Dick Einstein. Doug Colin RUG & UPHOLSTERY • GINGER A L E • ROOT BEER and Murray Newman. CLEANERS HBO • COIA • VINEYARD SODA auos.- CAimiMo The B'nal B'rith Girls Held their Y.C. Boys Bowling LAMP SHADES annual elcotion meeting December CLICQUOT CLUB BOTTLING C O . National Division HJKNITUM 5 at the Jay. The officers to be inW. L. stalled at the next meeting arc: WE 3043 911 N. 24A CleaMd in Your Hoim! 16 11 president, Sandra Krizelman; vice- Rayim SOS 16 11 tM\mq . Uyfst . l*t«Irls« president, Rita Peltz; recording AZA 100 WFS HA 2 » 4 secretary, Phyllis Frcedman; cor- Rayim Knfotch as . . . . 15M %V.i 0OH, MrtNSTEIN responding secretary, Joyce Cnnar; AZA 100 Jolly Joes . . . 15 12 AZA Argonauts 14 13 treasurer, Carole Frank; sergeantat-arms, Elaine Falken and Elaine Rayim Pins tc Points . . 14 13 fe^a Janger; Y. C. representatives, Di- Rayim Rubby Rubs . . . 13 14 13 14 ane Singer arid Shirley Shift; his- AZA lXXXs AZA lOOKnokon Wood 914 12tf Omaha's torian, Sandra Fellman, and rcAZA 1 Misses 9 IS - porter. Toby Reznick. 'High 6*rlet Favorite Way The BBC's have started preparations for their Chanukah Party. • Mike Yudclson. 467; Tom Platt, 451; Rob Brodkey, 445 and Mike to Dine on The date set for this event will be Cannr, 444. December 20. Sunday Convention Plans In the offing for the Omaha 1 BBY/O Chapters is tlie'"-C8i'n belt Regional Convention to be hekl at r"!Woi <IA idpt la uuen fQUl ftiol AO Sioux City December 26, 27 and in* j.Ki.fiViw, , Sunday current n u if flu eenu tot eaca nucr* 28. Highlights Will be athletic AOU. f t * I f rt» reserve* Lh« rlebi u> Uirtll FOR CHANUKAH events and educational seminars. iff OL t&rn tovtrtittrnffiL CHANIJKAH CAICDH -. . Branch Plans for a g.-ila pre-convention tn Israel, BAR and Bas Mitzvah congraturally are now under-wny. lations also for all Jewish holiCrntral Opcni kindle a new light days and special occasions. Jewish Youth Council rncmb<>rs Served Buffet Stylo! in their eyes with a welcome gift holding leads in the oncoming Meyers News Stand. 1502 Dodge. Central High Opera II.MS. PinaAll You Care to Eat of food . . . send them Gift Scrip for\ IF YOU really want to please and fore are Nancy Bnrnwi, Phil Schrastill choose your gifts with >.-ase, $10, $15, $20, $25 and $50, ger, Sylvia Greene, Stan Wiilrmm, Jerry Simon ami Frml Simon. The just pick up your phone and say, for their choice of kosher foods in our NOON TO 3 P.'M. opera will bo presenter! in Ihe O n - "Kl-sie, send out a magazine Israel gift shops ...or Parcel Certificates for subscription today." tral High auditorium tonight and MAGAZINES for Bar Mitzvahs, your choice of six ready-packed assortments tomorrow night at 8. C'hanukfih, all occasions. Gifts Mystery Duller $10.50, $l/,.5O, $19.50, $22.50 and $20.50 cards furnished free. Mrs. S. J. B.isltetfoail . . . R.iyim Traveling Norwich, VVA 3957. Troupe . . . Food . . . Dancing . . . Come to the "Mystery Dance" MAKE exlr-i money. Address, Saturdny nifiht, December 11 from mail postcards .spare time every 9 to 12 p. m. The dance is being week. BICO, 143 Bclmont, Delpresented by the Youtl) Council, tnont, Mass. and all proceeds will go to the authorized aacneit* redecorating of the canteen. Ad- A BASEMENT room for sleeping HOTEL BLACKSTONE mission Is thirty-five cents. Be sure for man or -woman, $5.00 per to attend this affair at tho Jewish •week. Hilda Sojbel, 908 N. 52nd PETER TRAVEL BUREAU, 1307 HOWARD. AT 0340 Community Center.,..'. . •
Y.C. Doings
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Clicquot non-fattening