November 19, 1954

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rutuUbw mrr «KUf, ua K. loth, Oath*. Nabruka, Fbost 1A ISM

Aimuti tux atnsv uopj

Marer Elected Federat .: . 'resident

II. Hooper, Second Vice-president

Dr. Abe Grcenher;, First Vice-pri'Hldcnt

Jacobs First 'Press1 Head ' The Jewish Press take note of 34 years of publication this week, for on Thursday, Dec. 16, 1920 its fint edition was published. Fifteen Jewish business men formed a non-profit corporation with the objective of furnishing ; . . "a representative organ fqr the various Jewish organization* in the city and a medium with which to promote Jewish communal activities." ' Morris Jacobs was named manager of the "Jewish Press," who was then a reporter with the Omaha Dally News. Mr. Jacobs, now president of ISozcJI and Jacob*, Inc., said he had stayed up nil night writing his first editorial. In It ho slated: "Conceived in desire to respond to a "communal need" and fnspired by thq Ideal of "Communal Service," the Jewish Press was founded. Writing on the topic of prejudice Mr. Jacobs lashed out against bigotry. He said: "An enlightened public opinion will rebel agnlnxt such propaganda, which at heat Is nothing short of an insult • to Its Intclligcnee.'MallcIous libel and unfounded slanders may cmbarranii for the tune, but they cannot long endure. Yet, there can be no excuse for the Jew to remain passive In UiU crisis. He must combat thews accuiatlons. He need but present to the world the truth •bout himself and hjg, relationship with It . . . "

Attention Tho deadline for news releases will be Sunday at 5 p.m., for next week. Due to the Christmas Holiday the print shop will close early in the week milking it necessary for the edition to be put together sooner than usual. Publicity to appear In Friday, Dec. 31 edition should be in our hands by Monday, Dec. 27 not Inter than 5 p. m.

Dr.-.Philip Slier, Honorary President

Ernest A. Nogs, Secretary

'5 Tales From Israel' A t Dundee Monday

"KhnrnGihla-^Flve Talcs from Israel," a quintet of stoctcs each dramatizing a phase In the life of the young state-will open Monday, Dec. 20 at the Dundee Theater. It will run Monday through Thursday. Whamlahla" la the first Israeli produced English sneaking motion picture made completely jn Israel by-its young film Industry. " The first story of the quintet,is 'Deadline for Danny," which tells what happens when a young boy's favorite cow Is threatened. "Jonathan'and Thalll" relates the experiences of a mother separated Frbfejr. D e c 17 ' Seventh grade girls club meet- from her children by the fortunes of war, "We Chose Life" dramaing, 4 p. m.—Center. tizes the problems faced by the Saturday, Dec. IS : ' Farband,' 7 p. m.- ^-Centcr. ' * Beth El S i s t e r h o o d Dinner Center. Dance, 8 p. m.—Beth El. Synagogue -Youth • Organization Debits Dob Dance, 9 p. m.—Cen- Convention, all day—Beth Israel. Wednrwlay. Vre. It ter. Hadassah Croup Boards and Hunday, Doc. 19 Combined meeting. 12:30 p. m.— First CHANUKAH LIGHT, ; Children's Activities, Funlnml Center. Children's Winter Program, AcChanukah Party, 2 p, m.—Center. . Beth Israel Congregational Cha- tivity Day, 2 p. ni.~-Ci.nter. Syringogiic Yout'i Organization nukah Dinner, 5:30 p. m.—Beth Convention, all day—•Beth Israel. brae). Youth Council Music Group, AZA & BBC Pre-Convcntion "ENCORE," 7:.'W p. in.—Private Rally, 8 p. m.—Center. home. Monday, Drc. 20 Tliurmlay, Dec 23 All-Children's Chanukah Party Hmln.s»uh Youth Commission and Maccablad, 2 p. m.—Center. Workmen's Loan, 7:30 p. in.— Rehearsal, 1 p. in.—Center. B'nni B'ritli Henry Monsky Center. SECOND CHANUKAH LIGHT. Chapter No. 470 Hoard Meeting, 1 p. m.—Home, Tuesday, Dec. 21 Jewish War Veterans Post & National Council of Jewish Women's Luncheon, 1 p. m.—Cen- Ladles Auxiliary Christmas Parly at Veteran* Hospital, 7:30 p. m. ter. . H A P Hadassah Meeting, 8 p. ijv ^Bridge Class, 7 p. nv—Center. • ; ' Art Clas.1,.7 p.',m.r-P<KilQr...-." !, —Center. , '•' Lcathereraft Clasj, 7:30 p. m.— FIFTH CHANUKAH'LIGHT,1'

Community * Calendar

Children's Vacation Program

first settlers of the: pioneer state, An exotic view of Bedouin life Is portrayed In "Son of Sulam," the romance of a Bedouin lad and his Fcilahln sweetheart. "Song of Israel" tells In words and music the love story of a shepherd • and shepherdess.'





New York film critics have given the motion picture an enthusiastic reception. ;Tho New: York Post s ^ l d . . . "A-joyous picture . . . gentle, refreshing . :'...-.. Inspirational, charming." Tho New York WorldTelegram and Sun stated',... "skylarking comedy/., .Israel moviemakers have taken quite a step f o r w a r d ; - . ^ . . " - . . .':"' '


.;' '•••'•. . . , . "

Omaha community leaders re* quested this showing at the Dundee and It Is hoped that Omahans will make a concerted effort to see this warm, intimate view of contemporary life in the reborn land of Israel to insure showing of additional Israel films there.

Art Class Exhibit The Center Art Class will hold an exhlhlt In the Center lobby from Friday, Dec. 17 to January 1. Mrs. Meyer'Bcbcr, instructress of the class, stated the object of the course was to tench the pupils how to paint a picture in ten lessons. The following students will contribute to the exhibit: Mmes. I. W. Rosenblatt, I,eo Waxenberg, Edward Colin, Irving Herzog, Norman Bordy, Henry Riekcs and Louv Shrior. :.'• Members of the, community arc Invited to see the works displayed. In the Center lobby.

A full-scale schedule of activities is in store for alf grade school children during the school vacation. Plans have been made for five big afternoon programs for all youngsters. Monday, Dec. 20, there will be a big Chanukah Party and Maccablad for children of all ages. Refreshments, prizes and awards will be given. This program will be from 2-3:30 p. m. Wednesday, Dee. 22, will be Activity. Day at thp Center, Grade schoolers will fin* their favorite activities which include: First and second graders—Arts and Crafts, singing and story-play time; third and fourth graders — Arts and crafts and rlflery; fifth, sixth, scventhy and eighth- graders—Arts and crafts, cooking and gym time. This program will extend from 2-4 p. m. A real Indian Pow-Wow is on tap for Monday, Dec. 27, from 23:30 p, m. Members of the Boy. Scout Indian Dance Group wilf perform In full costume. The show will be presented In the Center Gym. Wednesday, Dec. 29, the first, second and third graders will be going on a surprise trip to interesting ^places In the city. This "Junior Explorer" group will meet at the Center at 2 p. m. and will be back at the building by 4 p. m. The fee for this is 10 cents. For fourth through eighth graders, there will bo a big "Splash Party" In the Center Pool from 2:30 to 4 p. m. The closing winter vacation program will be "Movie Time," which is open to groups of all ages from 2-3:30 p. m. Vacation time ticket books have been sent to all grade school children for the programs. -There will be no swimming for Funlanders this Sunday and no Funland December 26 and January 2 due t« vacation prpRnrnwi Funland will resume SunduJv Jan. 9, at 2 p. m.

Jack W. Marer was elected president of the Federation for Jewish Service, at its anrfual meeting hold Sunday night, Dec. 12. He succeeds J. Harry Kulakofsky, who had served the two terms allowed by the const'tutlon. The Annual Meeting was held In conjunction with tho local observance of the American Jewish Tercentenary.' Elected as first vice-president was Dr. Abo Creenborg; as second vice-president, Robert H. Koopcr. Harry Trustln was chosen treasurer, and Ernest A. Nogg, secretary. Dr. Philip Shcr was re-elected Honorary President, Mr. Kulakofsky was presented with a presidential plaque by Jos M. Rice, past president, in recognition of his service to Uio community. Mr. Kulakofsky summarized tho activities of the Federation under his administration, and paid tribute to chairmen of the committees, and their active members. He presented a Campaign Leadership Certificate to Robert H. Kooper, General Chairman of the 1954 Philanthropies Campaign. Mr. Koopcr cited members of his campaign personnel, and announced that to date $416,908.95 was raised, from 4,260 subscribers. He stressed that the campaign would continue until the last: of December in order to raise the largest possible amount needed for the work of some 200 agencies. Paul Verc't, Federation Executive Director, outlined briefly the scopo of the Federation program. Dr. Philip Sher, Honorary President, in his remarks*recalled the early development of the Federation and the problems it' encountered. Rabbi Benjamin Groner opened the meeting with a Scripture reading. D(j Grecnbcrg read the minutes of the previous meeting. Isadore Chapman, chairman of the Nomination Committee presented the Nomination Report. Habbi Myer S. Krlpke, Tercentenary chairman, presided over the portion of program marking 300 years of Jewish Settlement in America. He Introduced Maurice Samuel, distinguished author and lecturer, who Bpoke on tho meaning of the Tercentenary. Rabbi Nathan Feldman offered the opening prayer. Greetings from the City of Omaha were extended by Mayoi John Rosenblatt. "God Bless America" was led by Harry » DuBoff (ccompanied by Mrs. Du> Boff. Kalibl Sfdncy H. Brooks, gave the benediction.

Sunday Rad}o "Under the Fig Tree," a documentary program sponsored by Nebraska Clothing Company will be broadcast over K.0IL Wednesday, Dec. 22 from 7 to 7:30 p. m. The dramatization tells the story of the 300th Anniversary of Jewish Settlement In America and also highlights Chanukah, the Festival of Lights. Chic Crabtree of the KOIL staff will bo the narrator. • Dr. Ferdinand M. Isscrman, Rabbi of Temple Israel in St. Louis, Mo., will discuss "What Judaism and Christianity Have In Common" on the Message of Israel program over KOIL from 10:05 to 10:30 a. m. The Eternal Light program will be broadcast over WOWRadio from 11:30 a. m. to 13 noon. Omaha Chapter Hadassah will present the sixth in a aeries of the "Hadassah Story"

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Chanukah Dinner Dance at Beth El

tna*j, December IT, lMt •'

Samuel S a y * . . .

Religious News

Education, Faith Revived

Omaha Sketches


The Beth El Chanukah dinner »4l dance will be held Saturday eveittuanTiuai-ui KoTSott « I M . •>•* 4:39 r. M. Candlellghtlng ning, Dec 18, at the Beth El Sy¥na» «M» mini i w to. ttf abwL Maurice Samuel, outstanding aunagogue social hall. Dinner will be .Editor served from 8 to 10 p. m. HARRY BALPEH1. thor and lecturer, outlined a glowing future for the Jewish commuMrs. Meyer Rubin assisted by Beth Israel nities in United States Sunday Mrs. Sam Ban, Mrs. Morton FriedRabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor night at the Jewish Community lander, and Mrs. Harold Cooper- Eli Kagan, the Beth Israel .Syna Center. The Tercentenary proman, Is in charge of arrangements gogue choir, and the Intermediate gram was held in conjunction with for the affair. Mrs. William Raduwill conduct late Friday the annual meeting of the Federazlner, WA' 6428, is reservations groups evening services at 8 p. m. Rabb chairman and Mrs, Arthur Cohn Groner will speak on "An Exten tion for Jewish Service. Mr. Samuel aligned the moving heads the table-setting committee. slon of Maurice Samuel's Tercen Members of the ticket commit- tcnary Remarks." Traditional Fri forces and active patterns of our present day with the broad per- " tee are as follows Mmes. Albert day evening services (Kabbolas Rimmerman, Irving Herzog, A. Shabbos) begin at 4:30 p. m. Sab- spcctlve of Jewish history. Against Hoffman, Louis Singer, Irvin Sher- bath morning services begin at the gigantic panoramic canvas of man, Seymour Zoob, Robert Koop- 8:30 a. m. Jr. Congregation, at 10 past events, he sketched the trend* Mctured above a n some of the yoimgsten who will take part er, Homer Farber, David Brodkcy, a. m. Rabbi Groner will conduct of Jewish life in our country. SB the program. They are Susan Bennaa, Lawrence Bogackiral, Henry Riekes, M. A. Venger, Ir- the Talmud Class at 4 p. m., fol- The organic cycle of events has foe Broaeagraber, Jay OoUberj, Kathy Goldberg, Karea aad FatU vin Kalmnn, Leonard Levine, Jo- lowed by Sholoshc S'eudos and manifest Itself, Mr. Samuel said, KkmaeL Sura Knkawka, David Blfkia, Ferry Batotr, Etten Boat, seph Hornsteln, Gilbert Frieden, Maariv. Daily morning services be- In a swinging back in our self-conPhillip Fox, Leonard Dutbeg, Dan sciousness as Jews. While moving AUn Sherman and Pamela Weiss. Cohn, Allan Wolfson, Ben Rosen, gin at 7 p. m. Afternoon services along with the stream of Amer-fRobert Fromkln, Phillip Fos, Har- at 4:40 p. m. Sunday morning ican life, we arc asserting our services begin at 8:45 a. m., fol- Identity more and more. American ry Schulman. lowed by breakfast, and Rabbi's Mmes. David Welnbcrg, Morris class In Bible. Sunday morning communities are beginning to disEmil Bloch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Room, Louis Canor, Joe Green- Junior Minyan, followed by break- cover themselves which is taking form in a revival of synagogue Ufa Sidney Bloch, and John Okun, son stone, Sidney Sncidcr, Charles fast, starts at 8:30 a. m. LJeb, Stanley Ross, David Shukert, The Talmud discussion group and a thirst for Jewish education, The Annual Beth Israel Chanu- of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Okun, will Edward Mr. Samuel added. The Jewish Green, Albert Fox, Morkah Dinner wUI be held this Sun- celebrate their Bar Mitzvah at a meets every Tuesday evening at faith Is a part of .the American day at 5:30 p. m. In the social ball. Joint service Friday evening, Dec 7 p. m. at the 19th and Burt Sti scene, he emphasized. Rabbi M. M. Poliakoff, chairman 17 and Saturday morning. Ore U Synagogue. These regenerated forces, a of the Talmud Torah Committee, at Beth El Synagogue. stirring manifestation of the via Friends and relatives are invited announced. tallty of spiritual values Is what tthe services and recepTemplelsrael Member* of the Talmud Torah to attend the world needs today, Mr. Samuel which will follow both scrv Services will be held at Temple pointed out In all communities and Sunday school will take part tions Israel at 8 o'clock Friday evening. more Jewish children are receiving In the program. Hairy Friedman, Ices. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks win dis- a Jewish education. This remade* Alan Konecky and Edwin Sidman Mr, and Mrs. Morris Erman ancuss "When It's Right To Resist able demand, he reflected, Is mad* Will lead the assembled families in nounce that their daughter, Betty Culture." the lighting of the Chanukah can- Bea Erman, will celebrate her .Baa by parents who feel America acdle*. Adult and Religious School cepts and respects Jewish educaMitzvah. Friday evening, Dec. 24 Some of the youngsters who will and Saturday morning, Dec. 25 at Service in the morning at" 11:30 tion.; ••.'•.•• ' -: •;':•. ••• paartieipate are: Marlene Fried- Beth El Synagogue. Friends and o'clock. The Temple Religious As anreporterand observer who man, Paysie Shyken, Jerry Stone, relatives arc Invited to attend the School Choir under the direction has traveled throughout our naFrank Goldberg, Judy Wohlner, services and receptions which will of Miss Ida Gitlin will sing the tion Mr. Samuel has found tb» Diane Groner, Beverly Bloom and follow both services. musical parts of the Service. Rab- deeply encouraging situation in Larry Hewite, who will narrate bi Brooks will deliver a scrmonettc the building of new synagogues. the story of Chanukah. and members of the Bar and Bas These are the facts, he stated. oX Donor Day Mitzvah Class will assist with the Parents and grandparents will B'nal B'rith Blood Donor Day great revolution that lias taken reading of the Torah. Kiddush for place In 80 years. American Jewbe honored at the dinner. held last Wednesday was dedicated all the congregation will be held ry has adapted to their country, Mrs. Jake Wine Is chairman of to the memory of the late Mrs. In the social hall at the conclusion he related. the arrangement committee and Harry Stoler. of the Service. Norman Rosenzweig, chairman of American Jews will not follow Those assisting with the arthe captain's committee. Hie technique of past communities Mrs. Ham Ban rangements were: Jennie Bear, Harry Sidman, president of the Charlotte Beldner, Ann Epstein, which took things from the outcongregation, extends a cordial in- Betty Fisher, Merriam Friedman, rls Rollslcln, Floyd Perimeter, Beth El side world and made them Jewish, Louis Shrier, Arthur Green, Earl vitation to attend the dinner. , Gertrude Kaplan, Marion Kutler, Gerber, Arthur Adlor, M o r r i s Services this evening will begin but will lead u full American life at 8:15 p. m. Raubl Mycr S. Krip- tmd In addition will retain its culThe heart produces enough en- Ann Margolin, Theresa Miller, Brodkey, Harry Fercnstein, Sam ke will deliver the sermon. Cantor ture, faith and values, Mr. Samergy In its lifetime to lift the bat- Rose Oruch, Idu Sacks, Ann Schul- Ban, Norman Batt. L Edgar and the Beth El uel stressed. tleship Missouri 14 feet out of wa- man, Earl Siege], Evelyn Teroin Mmes. George Cohn; Jacob Bern- Aaron Synagogue Choir will render the iJid Ida ZoorwiU. An opulent and generous U . S . ter. • stein, Rueben Bordy, Joe Guss, musical portions of the service. has become the savior oC Benton Kutler, Sol Kutler, A. Ven- Sabbath' morning services will Jewry modern Jews with a self-realizag , Norman Cain, A. H. Marcus, be at 9:45 a. m. Junior Congrega- tion of its with its chair Leon Alexander, James Llpscy, tion services arc at 10:30 a. m. lengos anddestiny problems for the fuSeymour Cohn and Phil Katznun. Mincha-Maariv Services will be at ture, he opined, referring to tb« • 4:30 p. m. Dally services are at 7 establishment of the State of a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday morning Israel Omaha Club Louis Rlfkin was elected presi- service is at 9 a. m. Mincha-Mauiv This is the meaning of the Tercentenary, marking 350 years o( rection, of: Miss Laura Goetz, dent of the Omalu". Club at their service at 4 JO p. m. Bethi Jewish settlement in America, Mr, teacher/ and Mist: Jane Fellman. December meeting. Other newly Samuel asserted. —• Beth El Talmud Torah's tradi- assistant teacher, will give a Cha- elected officers are: Dean Davidtional Chanukah dinner win -be-nukah variety show. Grade 3 led son, first vice-president; Sam held Sunday, Dec 26 at 6 p. Mrs.. Elaine Shapiro will pre- Friedman, second vice-president; tn the Social Hall. sent a skit "Chanuko Play in Three Mrs. Samuel Nerenbcrg, secretary; Reservations for the dinner may A c t s . " : : ; ' . ' .. ••• •. AI Wild, treasurer, and Mrs. J. be made by calling Mrs. Robert Grades five through eight of the Lagman, calling committee chairJake Kaplan Saver, WAlnut 9961; Mrs, YaleSaturday Division will have a par- man. Services were held Sunday, Dee. Gmsburg, WAtaiut 5521, or the Sy- ty and dance Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. Mmes. William Milder and Ber12. for Jake Kaplan with interment nagogae office, GLendale 3221. in the Temple 'social hall. Each tha Fiedler will be in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lewis an- at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Mr. All parents of children in Beth student will bring a guest and the dinner meeting to be held in nounce the birth of a daughter {apian, 79, retired produce merB Sunday School are invited to gifts will be exchanged. The pro- January when the new officers Lisa Sue bom November 28 In a :hant, died Saturday at his home. attend the Chanukah Assembly, gram includes' at candle lighting will be installed. Outgoing presi- local hospital. They have three le had been ill for several years. which will be held Sunday, Dec ceremony, games, and dancing. dent Carl P. Lagman will be hon- other youngsters Joel Mure, Steph- Mr. Kaplan was a resident of Oman Howard and Shelley Ann. ia for 55 years. 19 at U a. m. in the Soda] Hall. Refreshments will be served. A ored. Maternal grandparents are Mr. He is survived by his wife, Lena; Chanukah parties will be held committee of the Student Council and Mrs. Jake Wine and paternal five sons, David of Council Bluffs, In each class from 10 a. m.to11is in charge of the program, and grandmother Is Mrs. Sol Lcwii. a. m. There will be an exchange Judy Pollack of Grade seven is Louis of Los Angeles, Calif., Max pf gifts by the children. Refresh- chairman. of Atlantic, la., and Harry and Joe • • • ments will be served. There will All classes of the Religious Dr. Maurice Sacks has recently of Omaha; two daughters, Mrs. X . Goodman of Omaha and Mrs. M. be no classes In the Sunday School School will be recessed for the By Mrs. Morris 8pcckter returned from New York City December 26 and January 2. winter vacation from December 20 iierc he attended classes and Cohen of Los Angeles; one brother Classes will be resumed Jan- to January 2. Hebrew classes will The miracle of Chanukah clinics sponsored by the NYC Den- of New York City; 16 grandchildren and eight great-grandchilWe celebrate with delight. tal Society. uary 9. be resumed January 3, Saturday dren. For our own horos Maccabees A spcdal schedule of classes for Division classes January 8 and • • • Put our enemies to flight. the Beth El Talmud Torah will bo Sunday Division classes JanMr. and Mrs. Barry Segcil of in. effect during the week begin- uary 0. Shnwncc, Olcla., announce the birth Mrs. Flora Kahn Our heroes of forty-eight ning Monday, Dec. 20 through if a daughter Janet Arlenc born With fortitude did stand Thursday, Dec. 23, Classes which November 29. Mrs. Segell Is the Services were held Sunday, Dec. Awl win a smashing victory Beth Israel Ordinarily meet form 4 to 5:30 p. former Betty Kntzman of Omaha. 12 for Mrs. Flora Kahn with inTo give us back our Holy This m. will be in session from 9:30 to The children of the Beth Israel Is the couple's first child. Pa- terment at Pleasant Hill CemeLand. ternal grandparents arc Mr. and tery. Mrs. Kahn, 82, died SnturU a. m. The 5:30 to 7 p. m. classes School system will operate their .Irs. Charles Segell of Shawnce, lay, Dec. I t will meet from, 11 a. m. to 12:30Chanukah Gift Exchange on a And we ready ourselves to old Surviving are a son, Ralph of p. m. There will be no class ses- regular postal basis. Parcels must Our heroes with generosity Okla., and maternal grandparent* New York City; two sisters, Miss sions from Sunday, Dec 2G through be well wrapped and names dear- So no more sacrifices shall be are Mr. and Mrs. David Katzmon Carrie Anchell and Mrs. Hannah' if Omaha. Sunday, Jan, 2. The Talmud Torah ly written. Jerry Stone is postmade. Kahn, both of Omaha. will resume sessions Monday, master and is assisted by Maxinc • • • But Jews live In felicity. Jabcnls, Bruce Goldstein, Howard Jan. 3. Miss Lillian Bittner, a senior at Feldman, Raphael Groncr, Gary The candles glow ever ' the Eastman College of Music of .ynnc and Sandra Jean. Ep3tein and Harry Friedman. With a lovely sacred light, Maternal grandparents are Mr. the University of Rochester, will Temple Israel A 11 Sunday youth club meet- And dim our constant memory arrive In Omaha Dec. 22 to spend and Mrs. Ben Novak and paternal Chanukah will be celebrated in ing have been canceled because Of our former exiled plight. the holiday vacation with her par- grandparents ore Mr. and Mrs. Jot all divisions of the Temple Israel of the Chanukah dinner. Tovln ents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Elttner. Bernstein. Religious School during the com-Juniors will meet 6 p. m., Satur- Let us hope and pray to God • • • • • • With humility and grace, day. ing week. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon A. Bern- Mrs. Benjamin Rosenberg will The Sunday Division will havo Adult classes will not meet Mon- That Chanukah and other days stein announce the birth of a Inter with her daughter and sonWill naught but peace em- daughter Sue Ellen born December its celebration Sunday morning, day, Dec. 20 due. to the conclave n-low, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Blend brace. from 9:45 a. m. to 12:15 p. m. The and classes will resume Monday, 2 at a local hospital. The couplp jf Dallas, Tex. Mrs. Blend Is the Kindergarten Class under the di-Dec. 27. hn« two other daughters Sharon 'ormer Blanche Rosenberg,

Beth Israel Annual Chanukah Dinner

Bar & Bas Mitzvah

Chanukah Programs A t Religious Schools



* • • • Oft*

Omahan Weds


With the Folks

Arrau Recital Sunday afternoon, Dec. 12, rep- Full of Glamor resentatives of IX'bka Debs surAt Home

Hadassa/t A combined Chapter and Group Board meeting of the Omaha Chapter Hadassah will be held Wednesday, Dec. 22, at 12:30 p. m. In the Jewish 'Community Center. In keeping with the Chanukah seaion a Lotkc Dessert Luncheon will be Served, prepared by Mrs. Joke Wine and her committee. Of epedal Interest to nil board members Will be a dramatization of "A Lady Called Lou," presented by Elaine Jnbenls, Liberty Faier and Libby Sachs. Preceding the board meeting the meeting, the Jewish History Study Group .wfl! meet with Mrs. Maurlee Newman at 11 a. m. at the Joseph Bernstein of Omaha and JCC. All Board Members of Ha- Mrs. Goldie Hamley of Lincoln, dassah Chapter and groups are Nebr., were married Saturday, Urged to attend Pec, 11 in Beth Israel Synagogue. Rabbi Benjamin Groner officiated. A dinner for the immediate B&P Hadassah family followed the ceremony in The Business * Professional the Orleans Room of the BlackCroup of Hadassah wjll meet at stone Hotel. the Jewish Community Center, The couple Will make their home Sunday, Dec. 28. This meeting will In Lincoln. ; . fclghjfght youth activities. In, charge of the program win be Mm. Carl Lagman, Zionist youth Commission chairman of B A P and Mr*. Jean Kaplan, B ft P Youth Allyah chairman. All mem- Mr. and Mrs. Julius Chasanov ben are asked to bring a gift to announce the engagement *of their daughter Adelle Ruth to Robert thla meeting. -•„:.. This in-gathering of gifts, do- Wolf, son of Mr. and Mr*. B&> nated by each member, will be Wolf of Kansas City, Mo. used In the "Surprise Packages" Miss Chasanov was graduated section or the B * P Hadassah from the University of Nebraska Round-up, annual Card-party and where she was affiliated with SigBaazar to be given January 19 at ma Delta Tau Sorority. She Is presently teaching nt Bancroft the Blackstonc Hotel. School In Kansas City. Mr. Wolf received his degree from NorthCouncil Women western University-whero he was a member of Tau Delta Phi FraNational C o u n c i l of Jewish ternity. He Is copy chief for KanWomen, Omaha Section, will hold sas City advertising aeency. their regular luncheon meeting at the Jewish Community Center 1 p. m., Tuesday, Dec. 2L Kemlrlek Wilson, director of the Omalm Community Playhouse, will review a number of Broadway hits. He The Temple Israel Sisterhood will be introduced by Mrs. Hy will entertain at the Dr. Philip Bhrier, proRTam chairman. Mrs, Lloyd Friedman, first vice- Sher Jewish Home for the Aged president of Ways nnd Means, will at 2 p. m., Sunday, Dec. 19. serve as acting president for the Members of the—Temple Youth unfinished term of the late Mrs. Group will adorn the Home with Chanukah decorations and wrap Harry Stolen the gift packages. They will also The "Marion Stoler Scholarship supply the entertainment includFund" has been established to give ing piano selections and pantoworthy students financial aid. Stu- mimes. •••'•.' dents from overseas will be enabled to receive advanced training Each resident of the Home will in IT. S. universities. In Omaha, receive a gift Mrs. Julius Newscholarships are offered to stu- man is In charge of the annual dents in the field of social work. Chanukah party which is given at Mr*. A. V. Vcnger, -scholarship the Home each year. fund chairman, is In charge of the The public is cordially invited project Contributions can be made to attend. by mailing them to her address at 1805 N. 54th st. Kadimah Party All members of Kadimah are Invited to bring their children to a Junior Hadassah Chanukah party at the home of Junior Hadassah celebrated the Mrs. Charles Cuss, 5703 Haxncy, birthdays of Edith Frank, Ida December 19, at 2 p. m. Rundell and Flora Schrlcr at their The children will exchange a 25 p u t meeting. A Ch&nakah party cent gift A n afternoon of movies, and grab bag was also a part or treats nnd a magical performance hy Charles Cuss will highlight the -the program. January 9, a Mother-Daughter afternoon. panel discussion will be held. January 23 Edith Frank nnd Memorial Gift Anita Fellman will journey to A generous contribution was Kansas City to represent Omahix made by the members of the Hain a'Regional IJoard MectinK. dassah Bowling League for the Anita Fcllman is the regional Iron Lung Fund, In memory of vice-president and Edith Frank is one of their bowlera. Mrs. Harry regional trcasurere. Stoler.

Miss A. Chasanov ment Told

prised our Folks with an impromptu program of songs and dances in the modern vein. Miss Nancy Fricdlnnder, MCd the show. Performers were Miss Janie Fcllman, I'anlomlnos; Miss Diane Linlzman, Tap Dance; Miss Janey Brodkcy, songs and Miss Charlotte Brodkey, piano selections. The group was very well received and will return for another engagement in the near future. lilkur Chollm's Birthday Party for December was a huge success, with a large turnout of family and friends of the Residents. Films of former parties were shown and pictures of the current affair were made to add to the other films. The table was set with a lovely floral centerpiece and silverware. The refreshments were served by the ladies of the BIkur Cholim Society. Dancing followed with several of our Folks participating. The annual Chanukah Party will take place at the Dr. PhiUp Sber Jewish Home For The Aged Sunday, Dec. 19 at 2 p. m. This affair is being sponsored by The

The pianist Clauaio Arrau who played tor the Tuesday Musical Club Is now 51 years old. He was Just 15 when he earned In Berlin the first laurels of his career. Berlin at that t/mc vras the Href. European music center and the city where Arrau studied. I remember his concert shortly after World War I in tho greatest Berlin concert hall, the Philharmonic. Last Monday we heard him in Omaha. He is doubtless one of the most outstanding pianists of our day. He uses his technique to bring out the spiritual meaning of the composition and the sublety and grandeur of his touch, these all together are attributes of extraordinary training and talent He

Temple Israel Sisterhood. Mrs. Julius Newman Is In charge of this holiday celebrr.tion. The entire community is welcome. The Rayim Traveling Troupe Is scheduled to perform at the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home For The Aged, 4801N. 52nd st., Wednesday, Dec. 22, at 7 p.m.

gave to4ne often mistreated small fantasy In d minor by Mozart a. new touch. Tho tragic expression' which he added to the slow parts contrasting with the gaity of other selections has rarely been heard in such a manner. He also played the last of Beethoven's sonatas, op.' 111. This work shows the dissolution of the sonata form and It must be considered as Beethoven's confession to the romanticism. It is full of Uie most beautiful ideas and sound* ing cllecls. However, it takes an artist like Arrau to unveil this music in all its fascination. Arrau's interpolation of the sonata and of Brahms' "Variation* and Fugue on a theme of Handel" was masterly. Compositions by Granados and Liszt were played in the second part of the program and ended a concert which was one of the most significant and most glamorous ever igven In Omaha, -

Omahan's Fiance The family of Paul Sacks announces his engagement to Miss Grayce Untriff of Tulsa, Okla. The couple will be married in Tulsa March 6, 1955 and wlU reside in Omaha.



Temple Sisterhood Fete at Home

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December 17, J»M


B'nai B'rith Bowling

Y.C. Doings

Y.C. Boys' Bowling.

DEBKA DEBS National Division "King Neptune's Palace," the nn W« U By Iindy Pmul nual Deb December vice, will be Rayim Strikes & presented for the entire Youth Spares 18 , 12 28 points while Nep hit for 12. Dan A LEAGUE _ Parkway L. Couficll Saturday, Dec. 18, at the A. Z. A. 100 Wlfs . . . . 17 13., A scrappy bunch of .lads from Epstein took scoring honors for his A. Z. A. 1, realizing a due or die team with 12 points. > 15 Center. Candidates for King Nep- A. Z. A. 100 Jolly Joes 17 - 13 ' Ranks 27 situation in Y. C. basketball gave Lust/s team, last year!s defend- Rlchman-Gordman . . . . 2$ IT tune are Bcrnlc Ostrovich of AZA 1, Jack Baker of Rayim, and Rayim Pins & Points.. 17 13 Rayim A their tint loss 37-31 It ing champs, dropped a close 47-40 Forbes Bakery 24 18 No. Harold Friedman of AZA No. 100.Rayim Grubby Grubs .ISM 14 M places the lads from Motber chap- game to Star Auto. Leading most Canadian Ace 24 18 Chairmen of the dance arc Lora ter one game behind their chief of the way on some nifty shooting Milder Oil 23 19 Franklin and Linda Veret. A coke- Rayim Kafetchoa . . . . ISM 14K rivals and they have three more by Moe Handleman, it took a Riteway TV „ . . 22H 1914 toil party for all Debs and their A. Z. A. 1 Argonauts . 14H UK meetings before Jeague play ends. fourth quarter rally led by "dead Hoberman "*lbg. 22 20 dates will be held at Marilyn A. Z. A. lXXXs 14 16 It i* probably a known fact that eye" Jack Stlss to win the game Wolfson-Gerber 20",4 21 % Rice's home before the dance. A. Z. A. 100 Knock the official scorer for the game for Star Auto. Stlss dropped in. Grace-Mayer . . . 20 22 The new advisor of Dcbka Debs on Wood was "scrappy" Steve Rosenblatt, 11 19 23 important field goals in the Sol Lewis is Mrs, Ethel Levcnson. Mrs. Lev. A. Z. A. 1 Misses who with an injured knee is lost six 20 half to pace the attack and Gerellck Motors 10H 19*4 prison, along with the other adto Rayim for the season. I'm sure second 28 ended up with 18 points. Moc Han- Harvey Chicken visors, will help the club In their the A. Z. A. 1 boys don't wish dleman had 12 for Lusty's, Jr. Y. O. Bowline newly organised system. . Steve bad luck but he would have YOUTH COUNCIL B Women* "A" * W. L. made a difference. Stan Widman The community projects comW. L. mittee is now busy making gift Lucky LeagUers and Larry, Meyerson were the Willard Plotkin dropped In 21 18 6 23 1G boxes for hospitals at Christmas Blue Eagles leading scorers with 15 and 10 points as he led his A. Z. A. IB Fireside Restaurant 16 8 Midwest Water Heaters .. 22 17 points respectively while Al Corey squad to 40-25 win over Rayim C. Rayim Jrs 15 9 time. 22 ,17 Willard was hitting from all angles Omaha Jobbing had 13 for Rayim. Hokey Pokes . . . . ; . . . 14H ,9}4 B. B. GIItLS 21 18 The B'nai B'rith Girls held an The Curves and he received fine support from Wolf Brothers 13 11 A, Z. A. 100 escaped the cellar Al Krizelman and MikciMogll. Meyers News 19 20 Installation of new officers Dcccm Fancy Pants 11 13 with a 40-26 win over Rayim B. Jack Lleb had 9 for Rayim. The B Philips Dept Store 18 21 Farmers 10 14 They were led by Speedy Zweiback, team is undefeated In league' play, Mystic Beauty Shop . . . . . 17 22 ber 12 at the home of Judy Glmplc. Cozy A gala Chanukah Party has been Bowling Bums . . . . . . . 8',4 15ti Bob Epsyeln and Ken Eried who Shukcrt's 14 25 4 Belle 8 16 planned for December 23, at the scored 14. 10 and 9 points respec- A. Z. A. 100B, paced by Stuart 7 17 home of Judy Kutlcr. The social 7th Heaven tively. Mike Ban had 10 for Rayim. Kutlcr clobbered the A. Z. A. 100C Womrn'« "B" committee is organizing this event. W, L. team 45-11. Kutler had 14 points, W. I . AZA NO. 1 Rayim A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1 while players shared in the scor- Angle's Beauty Salon . . 22!4 16!i Sunday, Dec. 19, AZA No. 1, A.Z. A.1A 3 2 ing. Smith Pmitlac ' . . . / . . . . 21V4 1714along with AZA No. 100 and B.B. A. Z. A. 100A 2 S Lyn's Florist 21 18 Girls, will hold a pre-convcntlon P)K»« JA U N la Imert four V u l A« Rayim B 1 6 ID TIU Jawtti Prwa. Kish Furs , . 21 18 rally. Currant rau U M tttil) for Mdi (n«r. UOD. Th* P m mtrvM tht right to limit Hamilton Pharmacy . . 1 9 20 Two members of Mother Chap- alH HIDGBTS ol •men »d»«rtl»«nmiU Mogcn David Wine . . . 18 21 ter were on the Central High winMike Sadofsky was the hero for CIIANCKAH CABDS Colony Club , 17 22 ning debate team; they are Stan the Cowboys' tcamin the final pre By Feme Kstleman BAR and Bat Mittvah congratuKorncy's Paint Co. ... 16 23 Feliman and Gary Gltnlck. season encounter as he scored a lations also for ail Jewish holi' • AZA NO. 100 free throw in the overtime session ntE-TEEN CLUBS) Enthusiasm is at its peak ax the days and speda) occasions. to lead his team to a 19-18 win. The Sixth Grade girls' club will Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge. meet this Saturday evening, Dec. Alephs prepare for the semi-anHe also topped his team in scoring with 12 points. Jeff Wohlncr 18, at the home of Leslie Epstein. The Junior B"nal B'rith Bowling nual AZA Cornbclt Region's con- WILL take care of pre-school child had the same for the losing Fire- Ronl Meyer, .club president, will League will continue bowling each clave to be held in Sioux City, la., in own home. Call Mrs. Louis announce committee chairmen at Sunday through the winter vaca- from Dee. 26 to 29. To prepare for side team. Dawlcaf, WA 3202. the meeting and a name for the ion holidays. the eyent a pre-convcntlon rally Pacific Fish, paced by the little club will be decided Upon. A tournament will be held for will be held at the Jewish Com- FURNISHED room for rent, $8 "Ball of Fire" Dlckl* Zacharla, rolled over RIchman-Cordman 33- The Seventh Grade "J. C. Hep-members of the league Sunday, munity Center Sunday, Dec. 19. per week, call Mrs. Ikowlcz, WA 3202. 7. "Zach" finished with 17 points, Cats" will meet today {it 4 p.m. at Jan. 2. Trophies will be awarded Arnold Jo/fe is the chairman of the highest individual effort of the the Center to discuss a Camping to. the highest boy and girl ac- the rally for Century Chapter. trip which will IK? held Monday<uid cording to pins over average. The Hind cjifdi season. . Steve Cuss contributed Tuesday, Dec. 27 and 28 at Cai tournament will be held during artn>'foun five of his team's points;. Brews tor. regular league play. There will be In the. senior division Gcreliclc no additional charge for the tour' W L Motors won their third straight nament. Lucky Strikes . . . . . . . . 11' 3* game with 23-13 win over Hires Debs Nebs 11 3 Nancy Richards was high In tho Will Highlight Root Beer. It was the big three of league with her 303 series. Nancy, I'ma Savklt . . . . . . . . . . 10 4 the Ford team that paced the atTercentenary 10 4 a 108 average keglcr. fired gamcj Tho Cutles :.......'... tack, Roy Katskee, Joel Davis and and Chanukah The Hobos . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5 of 168 and 135^for her victory. Walt Wise with eight, seven and 8 6 OVER KOIL four points respectively, Dan Hol- ' The mutual.winter conclave of Roger Smith was high In the Screwballs' 4 Gutter Gals . . . . . . . . 6 8 Us led Hires with 10 points. the Missouri Valley Federation of boys division with games of 164 Knock-On-Wood . . . . . . 6 8 7 P.M., Wed.. Dec. 22 and" 123 for a 287 series. I-Go Van defeated the S. Rickcs Temple Youth nil I be held Decem5!i 8<i Cindy Kline, a modest 81 aver- The Turkeys & Sons squad by the narrow score ber 26 through the 29 In Omaha at Spouortd by 3',4 1014 of 19-14. "Justy" Ban was high the new Temple Israel. Over one age bowler rolled games of 115 and Lucky Four Nebraska Clothing Co. for the winners with six points hundred delegates and members of 92 for a commendable 207 series. Three of y s * 1 . . . . . . 2 32 while Frank Goldberg had eight Youth Groups from Illinois, Iowa, Hi Guys 2 12 for the losers. Missouri, Kansas. South Dakota, This was the last game of the Oklahoma and Nebraska will atReservations arc now belns acprc-scason schedule. Next week tend. The four-day conference will the boys will open regular season include a program of workshops, cepted for the 1954 Camp Joy-C-C play and it appears to be close all special services, dinner dance and Reunion to bo held at the Jewish' Center Friday. Dec. the way through. RUG & UPHOLSTERY •banquet, -"mixers, roller skating Community from 11 -a. m. to 4 p. m. The VAKSITV party, breakfasts and luncheons. ' 21 CLEANERS Yaffe Printing with Moc Llpton Omaha's general chairman for program for the day Includes cabin meetings, counselor and camper RUG! — CARPETING and Al Ncpomnick leading the way opened the regular season play his conference is Mia» Joanle skits, swimming, camp movies LAM* SHADES with a smashing 64-37 win over Abrahams. She has been assisted made this past summer and camp FURNITURE Epstein's Enterprises. Llpton had by cultural chairman, Miss Sara singing. 'epper und Marty Greene. OmaCleaned In Your Home! Besides Omaha campers, out-ofha co-ordlnator for the -Temple town children and cousclorx have sinrflna • Uylag • Repairing Youth Group is Joany Mayer. been contacted for the affair. DON IfRMSTEIN HA 2SS4 Housing and registration is in charge of chairman Sylvia GreenVMy, Doc, 17 ' Richard Scott Bernstein, Linda Dick "Einstein Is transportation Helen Knhn, Robert Gary Lohr- chairman. Food chairman are -Elman, Stephen Lawrence Mulnick len Grccnbcrg and Fred Simon. Donna Steinberg Is decorations and Michael Sadofsky. , ' Saturday, Iter. 18 » chairman and Janle Brodkey Is Gale Ann Elscnstatt and HiTta Omaha contact chairman. Turner. Sunday, Dtv. 19 Stephen Jay Brown, Ellen Rose Davis, Wendy Harriet Newman and Ldhce Jeffrey Rips. \ Monday, Dfe. {0 ' Edward Altmnn, Abraham Har- The annual Synagogue Youth ry Don, Jerry (Maurice Jerome) Organization will convene at Beth Frank. Michael Alan Givant, Fran- Israel Synagogue Wednesday and ces Shrier. " Judith • Lynn' Sloan. Thursday, Doc. 21 and 22. DeleCarolyn Stern and Lauren Water- gates from six mid-western cities man. are expected to take part in the convention. Tueduy, Dfc 21 Donald Harris Kraft. ••••-. Served Buffet Style! Taking part in the conclave will Wedncxlny, Dec. 23 l» Harold Boxer, prominent New All You Care to Eat Pattl Jano Aronsos, Klcli.ird York attorney and chairman of the Scott Bernstein, Carol Hoscnbaum National Conference of Synagogue and ilc.inor.Roc Winer. Youth of the Union of Orthodox Thursday, Drc. 23 NOON TO 3 P. M. Congregations of America. Rabbi Paul Martin Giventcr, Jolin Wil- Henry .Slcj;man. National Director liam Lohrman and Joe Leonard of the Community Activities DiviSilver. sion of the Union of Orthodox Confirecations, will also be on hand. Midwest rabbis will hold seminar sessions at the conclave. They The Farband Labor Zionist are M. M. Goodman and Branch 54 will.hold.Its Clmnukah N. SRabbis i u l i n a n of Minneapolis, celebration at 8:30 p. m., 'Satur- Minn.;c i Rabbi KaU of St. Paul, day, Dec. 18 In the Jewish Com- Rabbi Nadoff of Des Moincs, Rabmunity Center. bi Korb of Council Bluffs and RabThe committee in charge of ar- 1)1 Grrnicr of Omaha. HOTEL BLACKSTONE . ', •aijr payminit on y«or fatJbill rangements will be Mmcs. J. Feld• man, Aba.Cohen andSam Rlfkin. Patronize Our Advertisers Refreshments will be served.

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Jr. B.B. Bowling

Y.C. Girls' Bowling


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