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State Dept. Pamphlet Regional Affirms Israel Status Washington (JTA)-Thc State Department has published a pamphlet on Israel tracing the history of the Jewish State and the development ot American policy toward Israel. The pamphlet emphasized , -that the United States considers Israel today a "political reality" and stressed the "impartlnl friendship" of the American Government to all countries In the Middle East ' "Our policy toward oil countries in this vast region Is substantially the same," the State Department publication said. It pointed out that the aim of the United States is to "promote the political and economic stability of th entire .region, wjth a course of action based neither on favoritism nor on prejudice, but on the principle of safeguarding the best Interests of the United States and the free world." Declaring that Soviet attention k being shifted to the Middle East the. pamphlet said: "The unfortunate part is that both Arab and Israeli are more afraid of what tnc other might do than they arc of Communism. It is not so plain to them as it Is to us that a Communist take over would not only rob both Arab and Israeli of further chance of economic self-development, but would also wipe out the rich hcrltoRe which they hold In common with the rest of the non ' Communist world." The pamphlet asserted tha.t there arc a number of Indication* that Soviet intentions are being focused to a new degree on the Middle East "In the continued -tension between Israel and the Arab s t * t e s , the USSR,ha* a TOadymade situation -which serves its end on at least three counts." it declared. "First, the present unrest can be exploited to keep the non-Communist world or provocatucrs. There Is enough tension on both sides of the borders to fan the political fires.
Golden Age Club Chcmukah Party The Golden ARC Club will hold its annual' Chanukah party at 1 p, m. Monday, Dec. 27, In the Jewish Community Center. Members or the club will participate in the program. Mrs. A. Wohlncr will read from S ho I em Alclchcm's "Nachcs Fun Klnerj" piano selections will be by Mrs. Leonard Pinkovitz; and "Sher Dancing" will be led by Mrs, Rose Glozman. Community singing Is also planned for the party. Those who will attend arc asked to' bring a 25 cent gift to exchange with other members of the club. ' Mrs. Nathan Simon, of the National Council of Jewish Women, Omaha, Section, is in charge of luncheon arrangements. The Golden Age Club Is co-sponfbred by the Jewish Community Center and National Council of Jewish Women, Omaha Section.
"Secondly, a continuation of the economic difficulties and backwardness in the area—they could be partially overcome through a policy of cooperation—will prolong the very conditions of poverty and unrest which invite Com munlst exploitation. "Lastly, the. constant IsraelArab fear of each other can overshadow the threat of danger to the area as a whole, thus preventing' coordinated efforts for Joint defense.". Recalling t h a t Secretary of State John Foster Dulles spoke of the Arab's fear of Israel territorial expansion, and of Israel's fear that ultmately tho Arabs-may try to push her Into the sen, the pam phlet said. "Our role In this sit uatlon is ally the fears of both groups, being careful to avoid assisting one group at the expense of the other. Our main objective is the security of the region ns a whole. To this end we have asked that: ' <• "1. The Arab nations accept tnc State of Israel as a member of the Middle East community. 2. Israel look upon herself In that context, mapping her future progress within the framework of the Middle East community."
Friday, Dec M Camp ' Jay C-C Bcunlon-1954 Campers only, 11 a. m., Center. Saturday, D M . H SEVENTH CHANUKAH LIGHT Hdnoay, D*c M B. IL P. Hadatsah, 2 p. m.*-Centor. Children's Activities, 2 p. m<— Center. Beth El Talmud Torah Chanukah Dinner, 6 p. m.—Beth EL Missouri Valley Federation of Temple Youth, Dec. 26 to 29—Temple Israel. AZA and BBQ Regional Convention, Dec. 26 to 28, Sioux City. Monday, Dec. 27 Golden Ago Club, 1 p. m.—Center. Children's Activities Program, 2 p. m Center. Workmen's Loan, 7:30 p. m.— Center. Tuesday, Dec 28 Pioneer Women, 1 p. m.—Center. Senior Council Study Group, 1. p. m.—Home. Loathcrcraft Class, 7:30 p. m.— Center. Art Class, 7 p. m,—Center.
Club Tovlm Skating Party. Beth Israel P-TA Board Meeting, 8 p, m.—Home. Wednesday, Dec. 20 Hadnisah Chapter Youth Commission Tea, 1:30 p. m.—Center. Children's Center Program, 2 p. m.—Center. B'nal B'rlth Henry Monsky Lodge, 8 p. m.—Center. Thursday, Dee. 30 Youth Council Panel Discussion, 1:30 p. m.—Center. '
, Aaauu K t u * Pallan Burnt Oopj in utnu
Bank Officials Receive Bond "Plaque
Dr. Abe (Ircenbrrp, general rJmlrmun of the Omaha Israel Bond Committee, Is shown presenting to \V. II. Mlllurd, Jr., president, and G. F. Kroegrr, vlce-prrsldent. and trust officer of the Omaha National Bank, a plaque of appreciation from the local bond group for the hank's efforts In aiding In the lusuanen of Israel Ilonils during the last two. years. Tho presentation wan made In tho office* of the bank recently, as Morton Richards (right), chairman of the commlttoe last year, looked on. Also In attendance, but not In tho picture was Mrs. f, Harry Kulakofsky, honorary women's chairman of the bond committee.
Global Report NAZIS IN EGYPT Tel Aviv (JTA)—Persecution of the Jews in Egypt is being directed by Nazi war criminals who have found shelter In that country and who were asked by the Egyptian Government to establish a special "Jewish Department" along Nazi lines, the newspaper Davar reported Here on the basis of information it received from a foreign diplomat who came hero from Egypt after the current trial of 13 Egyptian Jews on charges of espionage began before a Cairo military court. The same diplomat stated that some 300 Egyptian Jews have already been arrested by the German heads of the Jewish Department. He warned that the situation will worsen unless some action is taken to provide safety for Egyptian Jews.
the progress that Israel has made since 1951 as "strongly comparable" to the advances made in the United States" between the depression years of 1932 and the recovery of 1937-38.
COMPOSER ELECTED New York (JTA)—Aaron Copland, noted American Jewish composer, was one of four new members elected by the American Academy of Arts and Letters. Membership, which is for life, is restricted to 50. Mr. Copland was born in Brooklyn In 1900. He organized and presented the Copland-Sessions concerts with Roger Sessions between 1928 and 1931. In 1932 he founded the American Music Festivals at Yaftdo. For several years he has ikeen assistant director of the Berkshire Music Festival at Tanglewood. He was Charles Eliot FOUR YEAR ItEl'Oltf Nortan, professor of music at HarNow York (JTA)—Rudolf G. vard University In 1951 nnd 1952. Sonneborn, who is completing this year four years as chairman of SKLF-SUFFICIKNCY TLAN Boston (JTA)—The State of the United Israel Appeal, reported that UIA agencies spent a total of Israel has set itself a goal of eco$254,563,000 for their program of nomic self-sufficiency within the relief; rehabilitation and resettle- next ten years, Lovi Eshkol, ment since the time he took office Israel's Minister of Finance, told the audience at a Chanukah Fesin January, 1951. In submitting a report to the tival held at the Boston Garden. board of directors, Mr. Sonneborn More than $1,000,000 In Israel Deannounced that he would not be a velopment Bonds was bought by candidate for re-election at the Bostonlans In order to attend the annual meeting on January 23 in fe»tlval,..ndml&lon to which was New York. The report described by purchase of Israel Bonds.
At Blaclcstone January 28-30 The Omaha Jewish community will be host to the 20th Annual Conference of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds of the West Central Region, Jack W; Merer, Federation president, announced this week. The conference dates are Junuary 28-30, and it will include Jewish communities In tho following states: Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, North Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, South Dakota and Wisconsin. Leaders from some forty communities will spend three, days in Omaha discussing urgent and imminent problems which confront Jewish communities today,* Mr. Marer said. Among the subjects to be discussed are thc overseas situation, problems of campaigning in 195S, programming for thc aged, Jewish education, capital needs, and the participation of women in community service. In addition, thc region will take cognizance of the 50 years of existence of the Omaha Jewish Federation, and of the 25 years of Jewish Philanthropies campaigning. Thc first president of thc West Central Region, organized some 20 years ago, was Philip M. Klutz- nick, then a member of tho Omaha Federation Board, and now President of B'nai B'rlth. Morris E. Jacobs, a past president of the Omaha Federation also served as President of thc Region. "Our community leadership is being alerted to this extremely important conference" Mr. Marer said, "because of its tremendous significance to all Jewish communities In our region, including Omaha. At this conference, community experiences will be exchanged, and plans for betterment of community services will be examined and discussed." The conference will be held at thc Blackstono Motel. Local Committee to help in planning this conference, ns well as the hospitality phase, are now being set up, which will involve the participation of local leadership. CHANUKAH IN ISRAEL. Jerusalem (JTA)—The observance of Chanukah was begun in Israel with thc lighting of a torch at.Modln, birthplace of thc Maccabees, where the revolt against the Gracco-Syrians began some 2,100 years ago. The torch wot carried to Jerusalem by a relay of runners, thc last of whom handed the torch to President Itzhak Ben Zvl at his residence here.
6. The First Jewish Settler T««l by DANIEL ELAZAR
O w r t f c l . ISM, tar A m t n e u J«wUH et—
uraiM. NtDruk*. Phone JA u t s
Illuitratlons by MAURICE d«l BOURGC OH€ Of THS-M, JACOB CAU«t> «YB JEW P0C
Sunday Radio Omaha C h a p t e r Hada.tsah will present the seventh in a series of thc "Hadassah Story" over KBON from 10:30 to 10:45 a. m. The Eternal Light program will be broadcast over VVOWRadio from 11:30 a. m. to 12 noon.
THC riiwr jiwifM semen IM
Dr. Ferdinand M. Issorrhan, Rabbi of Temple Israel in St. Louis, Mo., will discuss "The Jewishness of Jesus" on the Message of Israel program over KOTX from 10:05 to 10:30 a. m.
National Officers at Youth Conclave
M, lfM
Global Report
blned to deprive Syria of a larga VS. OTUEMMHIs* The Winter Conclave of the Mis- Tel Aviv OVNS)—US. Ambai- part of her historic territory in souri Valley Federation of Temple sador B. I^wson declared^ here Palestine. Youth to be held December 26-29 that "Uiere-Js no justification for Temple Israel will have many fears that Waihtngtan to reserving .Editor at HaVRKT OaJLHXX. TBBEAT TO SCBV1TAI. national officers among the guests Its nnfiAb^r^il^n' ^OF ©thwf attending. • The president of the larger countries" as he assured New York (WNS>—Barriers and tensions between nations, the drive National Federation of Temple Israel of tbe "full friendship" for conformity and Msimllftlon Youth, Robert Seltzer, of S t Loots, the United States. have p o s e d extremely grava will .be among the faculty of the Mr. Lawson made the statement conclave. Mis* Eleanor Schwartz, at a dinner tendered here at the threats to the lurvival Of the Jewof New York, national association ZQA House by the brad-Ameri- ish, people, two noted Jewish leade n . Or. Nabum Goldman and Dr. director of Temple Youth, will can MeudsMp league., Ho Joachim Prinz, warned' here at tv •peak at the opening mixer SunVS. was fully aware of Israel': two-day conference sponsored by day, Dec 26, at the Temple Israel the great desire for peace with the Irving Levttas of Kansas City, Mo., Arab states and that it was part the American Jewish Congress. regional advisor, will also dlreci of Ms mission to Israel to assure Dr. Goldman noted that "exagactivities at this conclave. its people of the VS. Government's gerated optimism" p r e v a i l e d among the Jewish people since the Among the events scheduled are "earnest desire" to see Israel deworkshops, services at JUvervIew velop as a partner of the free Allied victory in World War U Park, roller skating party, mixers, world. He was c o n f i d e n t Israel and tbe establishment of the State . luncheons and breakfasts. The con- would play an Important rote on of Israel. Asserting that larga clave win be climaxed with a ban- the world scene, addtag that "Is- segments of our people were ot quet and dinner dance. Dur Burns rael it not an isolated state, but a the opinion that the "major Jewish Combo will play for this affair. member of tbe free world commu- problems have been solved and Local registrations may be made nity*' whose position if given con- the future of tbe Jewish people with Was Joanie Abrahams, gen- sideration "when American for- secure." Dr. Goldman said Out such an appraisal was "too supereral chairman of the Omaha Tem- eign policy it formulated." ficial" and that "as a nutter ot ple group. fact the survival of the Jewish Over one hundred members of people to in greater peril now than, Temple Youth-Groups are expected SRTLSKZNT BY WOUCM perhaps, at any time in the last to attend, coming from Iowa, MisLondon OTA)—There canfeeno souri, Oklahoma, Kansas, Illinois, settlement of the Palestine ques- several centuries." South Dakota a n d Nebraska. tion except by fane, Syrian PremAmong the registrants will be sev- ier el Khoury declared in an favPABXZT ON BIOOIBT . eral guest rabbis. terview with a correspondent of Atlantic Oty (JTA)—Both law the Times a! London. and educational activities are necTbe Premier added that another essary to promote equality of PJJ» Ahfcmi Branch round of warfare In Palestine rights and opportunities for alL flute* be inevitable before thr regarless of race, religion, naA brunch honoring Omaha active might psoblem was settled. He felt either tional origin or ancestry, it was esmembers of Pi Lambda Phi Fra-the Western Powers, the United ternity wOl be held at the Black- Nations or the Arabs wouldhavc tablished at a special three-day; •tone Hotel Sunday, Dec. 26 at II to use force to bring Israel to a conference of 75 social scientists, The Temple Israel Bible Group s. m. lawyers and Jewish community will meet at 1 p. in. January 6 and The Omaha FT Lambda Phi 'state of reasonableness." Hr leaders held here under the auscharted that the West had comJanuary 20 at Temple Israel Tbe Alumni Association will be host .to pices of tbe National Community evening discussion group will meet active members who are in atRelations" Advisory. Council, orat 8 p. m. Wednesday, January 12, tendance at universities throughdinatlng body of. a number of Jew* 4:39 P. M. CudkBghtlaf at the Temple. Rabbi Sidney out the country. Ish groups in the field of combatBrooks is discussion leader (or aU All actives and alumni have been ing anti-Semitism. groups. Irving Kane, NCRAC leader toM notified by Invitation. New York <JTA)—The annua the session that "at one timi. • Plans for the brunch were made national conference of the United course to law was contrasted <-. .i during a recent- dinner meeting Services Friday evenlns will beat the Bladutone, At that time, Jewish Appeal, attended by more education as an Instrument c. fathan 1.200 Jewish community gin at 8:15 p. m. A E«up of college cial change. It to now gen?.al y the alumni association selected its ofifeers for the new year. They leaders from all parts of tbe coun- recognized that they are not comstudents will occupy tbe pulpit try, concluded herewith the adoppatible, but actually are complearo: Al dayman, (Crclghton U,) Bible and Talmud speaking on "Roligion'i Role in president; Leon Alexander, (Okla- tion of a goal of $99,521,275 for mentary approaches. A concrete Man/s Spiritual Crisis." Those parthe 1955 campaign. proposal for a legislative change homa U.) vice-president, and HowBj DR P t n U P SHCB ticipating will be J. Martin Gractz In setting this goal as against or a specific court action, provides ard Raskin (Oklahoma U.) secrethe almost $120,000,000 needed by an effective focus for public educaa student at MXT.; Richard Fclltary-treasurer. . Bible the three constituent agencies of tion and Interpretation. Laws once man. University ot Nebraska; Enid the UJA—the United Israel Ap- enacted, or a, decision rendered, The way of the Just is straight Levey, University of Nebraska Thou that art upright makeit peal, Joint Distribution Commit- become educational in itself." Ronald Grossman, University of . Iain the path of the just. tee and New York Association for Chicago, and Allen Newman, Uni New Americans—the delegates With my soul have I desired AUTUOB8 took Into account that some $20, HISSING vcrsity of Pennsylvania. Thee in the night, yes, with my New York (JTA)—The Jewish 000,000 will be forthcoming from Labor spirit within me, have I sought Committee cabled a request Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and tbe Services were held Tuesday, the reparations funds now accru Beth El Choir will render the Thee earnestly. Dec. 14 for Harry Levey with in- ing to the Conference on Jewish to a convention of the Soviet WritLet favor be" shown to the wick' ers Association being held in Mosterment at Golden HIM Cemetery. Material Claims Against Germany. ' musical portions of the service. cd, yet will he not learn right ancow, asking the convention to esSabbath morning services wil swers; in the land of uprighteous- Mr. Levey, 50, a resident of Omar William Rosenwold, long prom' tablish the fate of Yiddish writers ha for 34 years died Monday, be at 8:45 a. in. Junior Congrega- ness will he deal wrongfully. inent as a top leader In Jewish in the Soviet Union who have "disDec 13. tion services are at 10:45 a. m. philanthropic activities, was electappeared,"-and to Inform the JewHe was a tobacco salesman for ed to the newly-created post of Mlncha-Maariv Services will be at ish world whether these writersRabbis were taught—Since 27 yean. 4:30 p. m. Daily services arc at 7 theOurdestruction UJA president, thereby continuing are still alive. of the Temple, Survivors include tut wife. Bera. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday morning learned men began fed tha; a ton, Edward, both of Oma- as a key figure in the organizaPointing out that nothing in service to at 9 a. m. Mlncha ashamed, and aristocratic to families ha; hit mother, Sarah of S t tion. Dr. Joseph J, Schwartz « iddish h u been published in the Maartv service at 4 JO p. m. bent their heads, men of action Louis, Mo.; four brothers, Meyer drafted tor a fifth term as the UJA USSR for the last five years, the were diminished, and physieauy And Sol of S t Louis and Jack and executive vice-chairman. He win Jewish Labor Committee said in strong men began to rule; also, Louis of Omaha, and a sister, Mrs. be fucceeeded In 1996 by Rotbi its cable: "According to reports, Herbert A. Friedman of MUwau- all leading Yiddish writers, poets talebearers ruled over tbe right- Nate Zarkowiky. eous. There is no one to .argue a and criticts have been annihilated. At the regular Sabbath Services cause with, no one to plead or ask We request that you raise your Friday evening at 8 o'clock, the for the existence of Israel. Updo libs EvaJtartj voice against thto annihilation. We homecoming College Youth of our whom shall we rely? Only upon also reqeuft that you Investigate Congregation will be honored. our Heavenly Father. Service* were held Friday, Dee. and establish, the details and fatRabbi Sidney K. Brooks will de- Rabbi Marl said:, "He who if 17 for Mia Eva Here with inter- A formal presentation of a port- form tbe Jewish world about their liver a message of special interest boastful—people will like him, In ment at Fishers Farm Cemetery. able chest respirator purchased by whereabout* and their fate, if they to college students. An Oneg Snab- the beginning, not knowing- Us Mtes Berg died Thursday, Dec 16. he Epstein-Morgan Post No. 360are still alive." bot sponsored by the Temple Sis- exact nature, but at the end he to She is survived by her mother, of the Jewish War Veterans win terhood, in their honor will follow despised, not only by strangers, Dora Berg, and two brothers, Jake e made Sunday, Jan. 16, at tbe BABBI HONORED tbe service. Students of the Re-but even by bis own household." and Dave of Son Francisco, Calif. Veterans Hospital. The Post has also given a 929 New York (JTA)—Dr. Jonah B, ligious School will kindle the Cha- Our Rabbis were taught—Algift to be used to send a Care Wise, spiritual leader of the Cennnkah lights. ways: let the left hand repel those SCMC Roffuwn package to Israel. American sur- tral Synagogue here, was honored who deserve to be repelled, and let ilus food stocks have been made recently upon his completion of 90 had done with Gechazi in reject- Services were held Tuesday, ivailablo to Care to be used for years of service as a rabbi. The . he right hand invite; pot as EUshn Dec. 14 for Isaac Roffman with :1ft packages to be sent abroad 73-year-old rabbi, son of Isaac M, Wise, founder of Reform Judaism Rabbi Benjamin Groiur, Cantor ing with both hands—and Hisho interment at Beth El Cemetery. luring the holiday season. this country. Indicated In a serEli Kagan. the. Beth Israel Syna- was punished by God for that" Mr. Roffman, 74, n resident of Commander Abe S. Miller urges In Omaha for 51 years died Monday, WV and auxiliary members and mon to the congregation that ho gogue choir, and the Talmud Torhas no Intention of retiring at this ah Alumni will conduct late Fri- T.I. Refigfous School 3ee.13. )maha organizations to send Chaday evening services at 8 p. m. Temple Israel Religious School He Is survived by a sister, Mrs. ultah C'irc parcels to Israel. Con- Ime. Traditional Friday evening serv- classes will be recessed for the lam Sacks or Council Bluffs'. In., rilnitions c.-in be sent to Com- During the ceremony honoring ices (Kabbolas Shabbos) begin at winter vacation during the follow- nd two brothers, Sum of Council rtfT Miller, 292") N. 40th st, orhim, he was presented with a spe4:30 p. m. Sabbath morning serv- ing iluffj and Roy of Omaha. o Cure, GCO First Av., New York cial citation by Hebrew Union Coldates: ices begin at 8:30 a. m. Jr. Confi, N. Y. The packages will be lece-Jewlsh Institute of Religion, gregation, at 10 a. m. Rabbi Gron- Saturday Division — December stributcd by the Israel Govcrn- vhich was founded by his father, Mrs. Cecil Bletcher' er will conduct the Talmud Class 25 and Jauanry t. ind where he himself was orlent to needy families. at i p. m., followed by Sholoshc Sunday Division—December 2G Services were held Monday, Dec. The Post's Annual Christmns lained In 1904. Besides holding S'eudos and Maarlv. Dally morn- and January 2. 0, for Mrs. Cecil Blelchcr.with Inwas held at the Veterans •abbinical posts In Chattanooga, ing services begin at 7 p. m. After- Hebrew Department Classes— erment at Pleasant Mill Ceme- arty lospital Thursday, Dec 23. Head- >nn., Portland, Oregon, and here, noon services nt 4:40 p. m. Sunday December 20 to January 2. M-y. Mrs. Bleichcr died Monday, u the show were Tony Bradley )r. Wise was active in helping save morning services begin at 8:45 a. Hebrew Classes will be resumed ice 20, at a local hospital. his orchestra with Sam Salz- l remnant of German Jewry and m., followed by breakfast, and anuary 3, Saturday Division Sun-Ivors include her son. Dr. nd In organizing and leading the an as roaster of ceremonies. Rabbi's class In Bible. Sunday classes January 8 and Sunday Di- crome Bleicher; three Bisters, Melvln Tepper, Milfoil Goldberg Inlted Jewish Appeal. morning Junior Minyan, followed vision classes January 9. fra. Morris Rubcnstein, Mrs. Har- ind Sherman Llpstcln were In by breakfast, starts at 8:30 a. m. Nebraska Heart Association spe- •y Rubcnstein and Mrs. Max Wez- targe of the program. The Boy Scouts of America was The Talmud discussion group cialists say people with heart con- lman of Chicago, 111.; four broth- Dave Dubln, religious chairman, lunched by YMCA youth experts Willlam Castelman of Chlca- innounccs the Post will sponsor a nd the first national headquarters can work, and on the avcrmeets every Tuesday evening at ditions 7 p. m. at the 19th and Burl Ste.; K* ; haye:a better Job record than ;o, Joe,. Nat and.Morris of Los WV Friday night services at ' the Scouts was housed in the Vrigeles, Calif,; and six grandsons. 'cmple Iarnel, January 14. ' . '; Synagogue. ',.,' ither .workers. ITMCA.
T.I. Bible Group
- Religious News
Rosenwcdd Named UJA Chairman
Beth El
oi the
Obituary Harry Levey ^
Temple Israel
JWV Bulletin
Beth Israel
rrtf«r, Deecniber M, MM
Hadassah to Fete Young Judaea
Omaha Chapter Hadassah "Salutes Young Judaea" «t their meetPioneer Women ing Wednesday, Dee, 29, at the Community Center. A 12:30 The monthly luncheon meeting Jewish dessert luncheon will be of the Pioneer Women's Organiza- o'clock served by tion Will be held at 1 p. m. Tues- committee.Mr*. Jake Wine and her day, Dec 28, In the Jewish ComThe program will highlight Omamunity Center. All members are urged to at- ha Zionist Youth Activities. Mrs, Isadora Oberman is chapter youth tend. activities chairman. Taking part in the program, unB&P Hadassah der the direction of Mn. Mervin Lemm e r m a n , coordinator for The Business and Professional Young J u d a e a , and Mn. Leon Group of Hadattah meeting Sun- Schmldman, in charge of staging day, Dec 26. at 3 p. m. in the and production for this meeting, -Jewish Community Center, will be will be the following Senior and supervised by Mr». Carl Logman, Junior Judaea Groups, who are Zionist Youth Commission Chair- sponsored by the Omaha Zionist nun for B & P, and Mr*. Jean Youth Commission. Kaplan, Youth Aliyah chairman. —DooaU JMk RMS> Senior Judaea Girls will take The group* are Pcbka, Debs part its the program. Refreshments Senior Judaea Group, Mrs. Ethel Hit, Frank Black Levenson and Mr*. Mervin Lemwill be served. mcrman, advisors; Tikvas And, Preceding the meeting, the board Senior Judaea Group, Mn. Julia will meet at 2 p. m. at the J. C. C. Jacobs and Mrs. Llndy Paul, advisers; Israelettes, Eighth Grade, Junior Judaea Group, MaHee Mothers' Club Katleman and Rose Lagman, leadThe regular monthly meeting of ers; Junior Debs, Seventh Grade the Sigma Alpna Mu Mother*' Junior Judaea Group, Marilyn Rice QubwUl be held Tuesday, Dee. 28 and Lore Franklin, leaden; Juda- Miss Betty Lincoln, daughter of at 1 p. m. at the home of Mrs. rales, Sixth and Seventh Grade Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lincoln, and Junior Judaea Group, Elaine Sha< Frank Black of Dallas, Tex., were Charles Fellman, 2885 Read i t A dessert lunch will be served jrfro and Bonnie Haykln, leaden; married Sunday In Beth El Synaand a spdal hour will follow the Fifth Grade Junior Judaea Group, Sari Shukert, leader; Haganah Ha gogue. Mr. Black is the son of business meeting. Katon, Sixth grade Boys Junior Mr. and Mr*. J. M. Black of PalJ u d a e a Group, Stan Fellman, las. leader. Following the wedding, a reYoung Judaea was founded In 1909 and was the first, and now ception was held at the. Blackthe largest youth organization in stone Hotel. the United States. It is under the Mn. James Llpsey was her sisauspices of the American Zionist ter's matron of honor and David Youth Commission, joint agency of Black of Dallas was best man for Albert L. Feldman has become Hadassah, and the Zionist Organi- his brother. zation of America. There are 800 After a wedding trip to tho an associate of the law firm of White, Llpp and Simon. Mr. Feld- clubs t h r o u g h o u t the United South, the couple will make their min Is a graduate of Central High States. home In College Station, Tex. School and tho University of OmaYoung Judaea's four-point prohr. gram stresses Youth Activities, Ac received his law degree from Zionism and Israel, Jewish living Exhibit Concludes the University of Michigan Law and, American affairs, through the School in 1953, and practiced law following activities—projects in Is- Center Art Class In Kansas City, Mo., before his as- rael such as Tsoflm (the Scouting , sodtlon with the firm. He Is a movement in Israel), Hava, the The first ten week art class con' member bf the Nebraska, and Mis-, youth training center; Jewish Na- ducted at the Jewish Community tional Fund, and the Summer-m- Center'by Mn. Meyer Bebor has sourl Bar Associations. concluded with an exhibit of Mr. Feldman ywas City Director Israel program for Senior Leaders been the students' work in the Center of the 8'nal B'rith Youth Organi- to enable young Judaeons to get lobby. Tho pictures will be on diszation while In Kansas City. In firsthand experience of life in Is- play until January 1. 1946 he was President of the Oma- rael. Chairman of the Omaha Zionist Mrs. Bebcr will begin the second ha Youth Council, session of ten lessons Thursday, Youth Commission Is Dr, Joseph • * <« Jan. 20, at 1:30 p. m. The fee for Dr. and Mrs. Ed HIrschUck-of Soshnlk. the ten week course is ten dollars. Granada Hills, Calif., announce the Those interested in registering can birth of a daughter December 8. Campers Reunion call the Activities office at JA They have two other children. Mrs. Hlnchtick Is the former The 1954 Camp Jay C-C Reun- 1366. Beverly Babcndlr. Grandparents ion will be held at the Jewish .are Mrs. Kate Klrschenbaum of Community Center Friday, Dec. B«th El T.T. Dinner , Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. W. Hlr- 24 from 11 a. m. to 4 p. m. schtlck or Chicago. Great-grand' The program includes cabin Beth El Talmud Torah's annual parent* are Mr. and Mrs. Max meetings, counselor and camper Chanukah dinner will be held SunMlnkin of Omaha. skits, swimming, movies and sing- day, Dec. 26, at 6 p. m. In the social hall. The dinner committee • • • ing. Out-of-town counselors h a v e is headed by Mn. Robert Silver Lee Jahr, daughter of Dr. and and Mrs. Yale Glniburg. Mil. Herman M. Jahr, will spend been Invited to attend. her winter holiday visiting relatives In New York City. She will return January L
Miss Lincoln Weds Texan
Omaha Sketches
Homecoming Dance Tuesday at Center
A Homeuunung Dance for college students on their Winter vacation will bo held at tbe Jewish Community Center Tuesday evening, Dec. 28 from 9 to 12 p. m. The dance is sponsored by the Jewish Community Center and there Is no charge for admission. Student* are asked to bring their friends. Hank Winder's band will play for dancing. Music for this occasion is provided by local 70 American Federation of Musicians, through a grant from the Music Performance Trust Fund of the recording industritcs, The trust fund Is an extension of public icrvlce from the recording and transcription fund of the American Federation of Musicians, James C. Petrillo, President
OperaTheater's First Offering By Haas Bacr
A group of young Omahans has worked for more than one year to make possible the presentation of an opera. The main initiaton ere the singer Tom J. Thompson who also is the musical director and hi* collaborator, the dancer Elfi Hosman. Last Friday and Saturday the tint show* of the newly established Omaha Opera Theater took place at the concert hall of the Jbslyn Art Museum after long rehearsals at the Jewish Comma nlty Center. The first part of the program opened with a ballet prologue created by Elfl Hosman. Hope, despair, maiden* of light and of shadow* were the theme of the group— and solo dances. A* the maidens in light and dark blue costume* glided over the: stage it was evident that Elfl Hosman, choreographer and art dancer has learned a Tot from (he greats of the German dance, from Laband, Wigraan and others. She herself appeared as a soloist with tbe talented dancer Bob Roberts and presented her remarkable gift of gracefulness, suppleness, acrobatic abilities and artistic sense. The ballet was followed by the opera, "Amahl and the Night Visiton" by Gian Carlo Menottl which was a good choice for a small ensemble, Menotti created a great •Or as an opera composer and he also proved In this (mall work, which Was commissioned for television, his own particular stylo which frees the opera from exaggerated theatrical effects and makes tho action, natural and fluent. The mother's part was played with convincing, understanding emotion by Suzanne Fisher Menz, with her fine soprano voice, a former member of the Metropolitan Opera Company. Amahl, a role written for a boy, was performed by Ronnie Lclchte, a 14-year-lad showed musical and theatrical talent, Other singers were Ed Kohout, Ray Krager, Earl Johnson and Tom J. Thompson. It Cannot be expected from an opera group, consisting of professionals and non-professionals, to present star singers. The decisive point was that the performance had artistic standard that was demonstrated by the stage management (William Johnson, Jr.), the well trained choir, the opera ballet. The costumes, and stage decoration was also handled with taste. We congratulate the young opera company and believe In its further musical development. Tho duo piano opera score was In the reliable hands of Robert Johnson and Ruth Phillips, who gave valuable support to the singers.
College Panel "So you* are going to College," a panel discussion sponsored by the Jewish Youth Council will be held at 1:30 p. m, Thursday, Dec. 30 at the Jewish Community Center. High school seniors and their parents are invited to attend. College students home on Vacation will discuss the various aspects of life at school and a question and answer period will follow.
Stevenson Urges Border Guarantees New York (JTA)—The govern* menu of the United States, Britain and France were asked this week by Adlal Stvenson to "allay rising apprehension*" in the Middle East by reaffirming their policy, declared in 1950, of preventing possible aggression on the ArabIsrael borders, "One cannot, in good faith, take issue with the striving of our officials and other Western nations to Improve relations, co-operation and confidence In the Arab world,'' Mr. Stevenson (aid. "This would be a major goal of any administration in Washington. But one can inquire whether tensions are lessened or accommodations advanced by sending, military equipment to Arab state* if there Is any ambiguity about the purpose of such assistance—which is defense, not offense, peace, not war. "Perhaps it would help to allay rising apprehensions for Britain, France and the United States to reaffirm their policy, declared In 1950, of preventing aggression In the Middle East and to strengthen It with guarantees. And certainly any general security system In the Middle East must take into account the military potential and the democratic vitality and reliability of Israel," Mr. Stevenson emphasized. -
Beth El T.T> Vacation There will be no Class sessions at Beth El Talmud Torah from Sunday, Dec. 2G, through Sunday, Jant 2. Classes will be resumed Monday, Jan, 3.
Bond Rally Nets $50,000 Approximately J50.000 in Israel Development Bonds were sold last Wednesday at the "Night in Israel" show starring the Lind Brother*. Dr. Abe Greenberg, chairman of the Omaha Israel Bond Board of Governors, announced.
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Best wishes for a happy holiday season from the men and women of your telephone company Telephone men and women will be on duty Christinas Eve and Christmas Day, helping you share holiday happiness with friends and family. Everyone likes to be home for Christmas—but telephone people say there is deep satisfaction in furnishing a service that brings a big measure of happiness to so many people. The telephone building radiates the Christmas spirit as much as any place we know. Northwestern Bell Telephone Company
Bar and Bas Mitzvnh BETTY BEA ERMAN, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Morltz Erman, will celebrate her Bos Mitzvas this evening and Saturday morning nt Beth El Synagogue. Friends and rclntlven ore invited to attend flip services and receptions which will follow both services.
To help speed your holiday calls please give the long distance operator the number of the outof-town telephone you're calling—if you know it. That way your call will normally go through much faster—often twice as fast.
Long distance lines will be busiest on Christmas Eye and Christmas Day. Placing your calls Ufen and afta these "rush periods'! will help you avoid delay. Lower rates will apply from 6:00 p.m. Christmas Eve through Sunday evening.
Jay Basketball By Ltady Paul
Ban Defends Scoring Title Hastings College won the Mineral Bowl football game because of the all around play of their "Thin Man," named Chuck Stickels. The Midget league of the JCC can acclaim their own "Thin Man,' namely Justin Ban. Just ma weigh around 90 pounds but he looks closer to 75. Yet this scrappy seventh grader, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ban is really the pride of the Midget league, Man) of the players in the league will argue that there are better players, but none will doubt the willingness and modesty of this year old. It's a remarkable fact that In his first year of Midget competition, Just scored only one point as he was content to sit on the bench and watch the older boys play the game. However, the next year he was the ton scorer in the fifth-sixth league with 127 points, an average of 10 points a game. What makes this lad click? Well, in case the other Midget players arc reading this Its just a matte of loving the game. Justin nevci criticizes his teammates or opponents. In fact he Is tho first to commend good playing. He never doubts a call of an official and Is a real team player. Steve Lustgartcn, the top basketball official in the Youth Coun ell and Midget leagues h d this to say, "Many boys blame the official* when they aren't doing too well on the floor, yet all of the players can look to 'Just' because he really sets an example of proper behavior on as well as off the floor." We are confident that this young man has a real future in basketball and his spirit and gen tiemanly behavior are something that many of our young boys could copy. Justin has that combination of ability and sportsmanship. Those are the traits of a champion. Keep up the good work Just. MIDGET LEAGUE In league openers last Sunday Pacific Fish paced by Dick Zacharia's 12 points took a 22-14 win over I-Go Van. Karl Lcufschuctz added two baskets to the winners' scoring while Jeff .Wohlner had seven for the losers. Rlchman-Gordman, with center Steve GUM g e t t i n g 12 points dropped the .Cowboy's squad 19-12. Arnio Fellman and Gonl> HoIUs pitched In with four and three respectively, while Mike Sadofsky hit for six to lead his team. Mike Green added four points. 'Hires Root Beer got off to a winning start with a 28-18 win over Fireside Rcstuarant. Dan Hoills with 13 points paced the winner attack and his support came from Bob Glnsburg with five. Mike Platt and Bill Katzman added four. Justin Ban led the Fireside team with 10 points. Including six straight free throws, a Midget league record. Gerelick Motors raced to the highest tcore In Midget play as .they sped past S. Riekes & Sons. 41-21. The losers were playing without their captain center BUI Hom'ich. who was i l l ' Roy Katskee end Larry Kohn did the big damage with 14 and 12 points respectively. Frank Goldberg, with tome nif(y one hand push shots topped his teams scoring with 13 point*. JUNIORS W. Pacific Fish 1 Rlchman-Gordman 1 {-Go Van 0 Cowboys 0 SENIORS W. Gerelick 1 Hires Root Beer 1 Fireside Rest 0 S. Riekes & Sons 0 VARSITY LEAOUE Irv Yaffe, a basketball vcternn of many seasons led his Ynffe Printing tenm (o a close 54-52 win over Star Auto Parts. He accauntK * ---id for 23 points and was aided by
Justin Ban Moc.Llpton's 11. The game was a close affair with Yaffc's squad en joying their biggest margin at halftlme, 37-29. Jock Stlss led the losers with 16 points. Steve Lustgnrtcn pulled out one of his long set shots from half court with 3 seconds remaining to give his team a 39-37 win over Epstein's Enterprisers, Steve couldn't hit throughout the whole game and his lone bosket was the blK one. Ralph Cooper and Bob Epstein contributed 7 points to tho cause. Stan Widmnn had 16 points for the lowers. Standings W. L. Yaffe Printing 2 0 Lusty's 1 1 StarAuU} 1 1 Epstein's 0 : YOUTH COUNCIL B LEAUUE AZA 100 B with Mike Canar, Jeff Swartz and Stuart Kutler leading the attack dropped Rayim C 30-23. Canar had 10 points while Swartz and Kutler scored 6 points each to lead the way. Howard Wcinberg led tho scoring for Rayim with 9 points. AZA IB, ktlli unbeaten had a tough time with the AZA 100 C team but managed a 23-17 win. A) Krizelmun scored 8 points to lead he way while Jerry Simons had 8 for the losers. Standings W. I* AZA IB 3 0 AZA 100B 2 1 Rnyim C 1 2 AZA 100 C 0 3
Second Week of. Vacation Program . A real Indian Pow-Wow will itart the second week of winter vacation program Monday, Dec, 27, from 2-3:30 p. m. Members of the Boy Scout Indian Dancing Group will perform in full costunic. The know will be presented in the Center Gym and admission Is 10 cents. Wednesday, Dec. 29, the.flrsl, second and third graders will go on a surprise trip in the city. This 'Junior Explorer" group will meet at the Center at 2 p. m. and will be back at the building by 4 p. m. For fourth through eighth graders there will be a big "Splash Party" in the Center Poo) from 2:30 to 4 p. m, The last vacation-time program will be Movie Time Friday, Dec 31, from 2-3:30 p. m. All vacation-time programs arc under the direction of Feme Katieman, director of Children's activities at the Jewish Community Center. Admission lor all programs IK L0 cents.
Want Ads PIMMM JA 1346 to Inwrt your Want Ad Tin Jtwlsh I'm*Current r*te tg HO cent* tor mch trurrlon. ' Th« Prcn« reserve the rftlil to limit 1st Of earh sdvertt'emrnt.
AR and Bas Mitzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions, •foyers News Stand, 1502 Dodfjc. Apartment for Itrnt IIX-ROOM duplex, 3 bedrooms, oil heat, close to school and bus. 5100 per month. Call IIA 6903.
Friday, December 24, 195*
Jr. B.B. Bowling
Campus News
Mike Plott was high with his 341 scries. Mike fired games of 198 and 143. Mis 198 game creates a tic for individual high game. Billy Knizman rplled a 198 earlier In the league Reason. •«• Nancy Rlchardi was high In the Klrls' division With games of 131 and 126 for a 257 series. The "Meadow G o l d Dairy" squad nosed out the league, leading "M.iypers" team who had been lilsh with (heir 619 game. Meadow Cold fired, u hefty 627 game, I-Jdele Singer picked up the 5-10 split, High Game* and Srrie* Uirry GilinRky 178-149-327 Jiiily Katzmnn 152-137—289 Stan Greenfield . . . . 167-116-283 Clark Swartz 145-136—281 Stove Block 138-125—263 Jeanne Silver 135-103—238 David Winlroub . . . . 130-105-235 More Samuelson . . . 120-114—234 Stuart Fogel 121-108-229 Lenora Falk 128- 94-227 Dennis Sehulman . . 129- 98—227 Gail Trctiak . . . . . . . 128-97—225 Dusly GreonborB . . 114-110-224 Lnrry Hobcrman . . . 122- 98-220 Sharon Frank 112-105-217 Gloria Ostrow I l l - 99-210 Judy Lazer 112- 95-207 Marlys Isack 108- 99-207 Jim Sophir . . . . . . . . 119-87-207 Judy Brookstcin . . . 127- 78—205
SIGMA DELTA TAIT Sigma Delta Tau's President Fran Locke, has accepted a graft uate BisistanUhlp at the University of Michigan. The assistanushlp is in the University's adult division speech and hearing clinic. Fran will begin her work a Michigan February 7. She will graduate from the University of Nebraska prior to that date. Phyllis TUrchln, a sophomore, announced her pinning to Sol Rosinsky. Sol is a junior at Omaha University and a member of Zeta Beta Tau. Zclda Kaminsky, also a sophomore, posscd^candy In honor of her pinning to Gordon Friodnash, Cordon U a senior at the University of Denver and a member of Tau Epsllon Phi. Parties and pranks were the order of the day when the Slg Delts' freshman class took its plcdgcskip, The pledges scurried off with several members of the active chapter. After celebrating this successful kidnapping, the freshmen held a festival at the home of Sondra Sherman, a Lincoln pledge. ZETA BETA TAU Monday evening, Zeta Beta Tau held its annual "Going Home" and Chanukah dinner. After the meal, the Chapter gave Mrs. Sophie Monsky, the housekeeper, a gift, and Aunt Sophie, in her own inimitable way, presented a gift to the men of Alpha Thcta. Gifts were also given to Mrs. Thomas, cook and inspiration for this year's dinner, and Mrs Ludwig, housekeeper. After the meal, the Pledge Class gave their weekly skit, a satire In poetry, of representative actives and gave a gift to Howard Vann, pledgcmastcr. Last weekend, Dick Fellman won second prize in ah oratorical contest against the University Varsity Debate Team in southern Kansas. , i NcU Miller has been selected to lead the University Band during the half-time show at- the Orange Bowl on New Year's Day. Hgward Vann, as iports editor of The Nebnukan. toe student daily, was given a free trip to the football classic.
Hadassah Bowling w. i* Fireside Restaurant . . . Edwards' Jewelry . . . . . Mctz Beer . . . . . . . . . . . Cooper Construction Co Silco Products Brddkey Jewelry . . . . . . Playland Park MaBicolor Paints . . . . . Benson Hardware . . . . .
28"i 25 25 24 21 20 20 19?4 19'/4
10% 14 14 15 18 19 19 • 19',4 19V4
Silk Shop 19 Superette Food Market 18 Ngg-Bros, Paper Co. 17 United Auto Supply . . 1 7 Watson Bras. Tranjp. 16 Youngntown Kitchens 13 «i RCO-Victor 8
20 21 22 22 23 25W 31
Consecration Service For B.E. Tahnucf Torah The pupils of Class Glmel will be consecrated to the study of Torah at the service Friday evening, Dec. 31. They will take part in the service and In the ceremony which will follow. The Talmud Torah Choir and the Girls Glee Club will lead in the^mtislcal service, which will start at 7:30 p. m. The pupils of the Glme) classes are: Glmel 3: Shnryn Babendure, Dale Brodkey, Larry Cohn, Sheryn Colin, Stewart Forbes, Dorothy Gerber, Laura Kutler, Leanne Goldberg, Howard Raznlck, Irene Sabes, Harold Schneider, Ernest Schwldclson, Laura Segal, Robert Welnntcln, Marshall Widman, Paula Zicgman, Paul Rosenberg and Sheila Rosenberg. Glmel 4: Laurence Batt, Sherman Brodkey, Lauh Chunovic, Joe Erman, Thomas' Fellman, Paul Goldcnbcrg, Robert Gould, Neil Miller, Jcrald Novak, S h e l d o n Perelman and Arnold Weitz. Cimet 7: Jimmy Abrams, Sanford Friedman,- Billy Glnsburg, Douglas Kagan, Danny KnUkec, Arnold Kuiuncl, Parry Lewis, Jerry Lohrman, Joe Rciss, Steven Rote, Jane Shricr, Jeffrey Silverman, Neil Simon, Sharon Simon and Kenneth Trctiak.
8HUMA ALPHA MU Alan Hceger received an annual award from the nuthcmctlcs fraternity at the university for being the outstanding freshman math itudent last year. The New Year's Party In Omaha will highlight the social scene during Christmas vacation. A dinner, followed by a show and a house party will comprise the evening's activities, In honor of the Founders of the Sigma Alpha Mu chapter at the University of Nebraska, the house
held their annual Founder't Day banquet last Sunday. -"Mcrribcrs'of the fraternity have entered the ping-pong tournament Marshall Dencnbcrg, Ira Epstein and Gerry Fellman will partlck. pate. The exchange dinner with Sigma Delta Tau Sorority has been postponed until January 21. Plcdgo classes of both houses will give skits at this event.
Happy Birthday Friday, Dec. 24 Howard Bruce Dolgoff, Phyllis Ann Fedman, Ronna Lynn Ncpom- nick, Renee Carol Illmmcrman, Sheila Sadofsky, Loren Stuart Wine and Elliott Craig Wohlner. Saturday, Dec, 25 Frank Donald Brodkey, ifara Bennett Ka[ilan and Marilyn Novak, Sunday, Dee. 20 Gail Barbara Goldstein and Sheldon Joy; Turkcl. Monday, Drr, 27 Shnron Renee Cohn, Paul Erie Gilinsky, Howard Neal Gould, Bruce Howard Scnnelder and Jeffrey Lynn White.
Tuesday, Dn. i& Arthur Samuel Raznlck. Wednesday, Dec. 20 Paula Jane Bcrcutt, Judith Ra« Dalgolt, Judith Lee Grossman, Ellen Sue Kaufman, Stephen Joshua Milder, Matthew David Schloft and Edward Roy Singer. Thursday, Dec. SO Patricia Ann Chomcy, Linda Sua Elscnstatt, Martinc Flatowicz, Frederick Maurice Guss, Peggy Anno Perimeter, Joseph SchUt, Mary Barbara Schwartz and Byron David Wagner, Every year at least 152,000,000 man-days arc lost as a result of heart and circulatory diseases according to the Nebraska Heart Association.
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